Feature: Todo List
Scenario: Adding an item to my todo list
Given my todo list currently looks as follows:
| TaskName | Priority |
| Fix bugs in my code | medium |
| Document my hours | medium |
When I add the following task:
| TaskName | Priority |
| Watch cat videos on YouTube all day | high |
Then I should see the following todo list:
| TaskName | Priority |
| Watch cat videos on YouTube all day | high |
| Sign up for unemployment | high |
const { Before, After, Given, When, Then, Fusion } = require( 'jest-cucumber-fusion' )
const { TodoList } = require( '../../src/todo-list' )
let todoList
Before( () => { todoList = new TodoList(); } )
Given( 'my todo list currently looks as follows:', table => {
table.forEach(row => {
todoList.add( {
name: row.TaskName,
priority: row.Priority
} )
} )
} )
When( 'I add the following task:', table => {
name: table[0].TaskName,
priority: table[0].Priority
Then( 'I should see the following todo list:', table => {
table.forEach((row, index) => {
} )
} )
After( () => {
const emptyTodo = new TodoList()
emptyTodo.add( { name: 'Empty on purpose', priority: 'so low' } )
} )
Fusion( '../features/using-gherkin-tables.feature' )