This application is an experimentation for me to understand the NeosVR API. It have the ability to show your contacts status, online, offline, etc. It also show in which session the contact is present. The functionnality are pretty simple for now.
Depreciation notice for this project. It will be archived and will not support Resonite.
Feel free to use or hack.
Add python neos module by mralext20, this code will probably moved in another git repository so the license in the neos folder only apply to the neos folder and subdirectories.
This application should work on Linux and Windows.
Only a windows build is available here:
Otherwise for Linux or other usage you can use this commands:
poetry install
If you still want to build yourself a version of the application use the following commands:
poetry install
python -m PyInstaller .\neosfen.spec
Now you will be able to found the compiled version in dist