This documentation is a work in progress. Sections marked with a |wrench| are not completed yet.
If you have any questions or suggestins feel free to open an issue and we will be more than happy to help you.
- `Briskhome issue tracker`_
- (questions about the application)
- `Documentation issue tracker`_
- (questions about documentation)
|BRISKHOME| is a work-in-progress house automation and monitoring system for Node.js.
Currently |BRISKHOME| is on a stage of developing core functionality. It can't do much by itself as of right now, but after v0.3.0 release it would be able to do the following:
- It manages your guests and shares your Wi-Fi connection with them.
- It provides a great interface for all yout IoT devices.
- It tracks your sensor readings and pushes notifications to you. — planned in v.0.3.0!
- It helps you control all your smart devices via a single web interface. — planned in v.0.4.0!
Documentation is divided in three documents intended for different auditories:
- Administrator Guide
- This document provides an overview of steps required to install |BRISKHOME| and teaches how to maintain the system. Intended for system administrators or users wishing to install the system.
- :html:`<i class="fa fa-wrench"></i>` Developer Guide
- This document provides descriptions of system's REST API and APIs of core components. Intended for JavaScript developers wishing to create custom components for |BRISKHOME|.
- :html:`<i class="fa fa-wrench"></i>` User Manual
- This document provides an overview of the system web interface, ways of interacting with the system. Intended for aiding end users in their first catious steps with |BRISKHOME|.
Please note that the last two documents are in a work-in-progress state and will be completed some time around 1.0 release.
The development of |BRISKHOME| is ongoing. System development progress, features, enhancements and bugfixes are tracked in a `Briskhome issue tracker`_. Issues connected to the documentation are tracked in a `Documentation issue tracker`_.
.. toctree:: :caption: Administrator Guide :hidden: :maxdepth: 2 :numbered: 2 /admin/index /admin/system-requirements /admin/installing-dependencies /admin/configuring-dependencies /admin/installing-briskhome /admin/configuring-briskhome /admin/maintenance-and-support
.. toctree:: :caption: Developer Guide :hidden: :maxdepth: 2 :numbered: 2 /developer/index /developer/key-concepts /developer/components /developer/api-reference
.. toctree:: :caption: User Manual :hidden: :maxdepth: 2 :numbered: 2 /manual/index /manual/managing-users /manual/managing-devices /manual/managing-services
.. toctree:: :caption: Reference :hidden: :maxdepth: 2 Briskhome on GitHub <>