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Docker Madsonic 5.2


Docker image of Madsonic 5.2.5420 build on Debian Jessie using supervisor to bootstrap and run Madsonic.


  • Lightweight Debian based
  • Supervisor process management
  • UTF-8 support
  • Exposes most of the Madsonic configuration options through environmental variables

Building image

$ git clone
$ sudo docker build -t bremme/madsonic

Running container

Just run

$ sudo docker run \
    --volume=/my_music_dir:/var/media/artists \
    --publish=4040:4040 \
    --name madsonic \
    --detach \


Madsonic can be configured through environmental variables. These variables can be pased to the Docker run command using the --env=VARIABLE=value switch or loaded from a file using the --env-file=my_env_file.env switch. Avaliable variables are:

Variables Default Description
MAD_HOST Hostname/ip address
MAD_PORT 4040 HTTP port
MAD_HTTPS_PORT 0 HTTPS port (0 = disabled)
MAD_CONTEXT_PATH / The last part of the madsonic URL
MAD_INIT_MEM 192 Init Java heap size in megabytes
MAD_MAX_MEM 384 Max Java heap size in megabytes
MAD_TIME_ZONE Europe/Amsterdam Timezone
MAD_UID 1000 madsonic UID
MAD_GID 1000 madsonic GID

If you are mounting a music directory from your host machine and you want Madsonic to be able to change album art and tags, MAD_UID and MAD_GID should match the UID and GID of the music directory on the host machine.

So if you music collection is stored at /home/foo/music and the uid of foo is 1020 and the gid 1035 you should start Madsonic with:

$ sudo docker run \
    --env=MAD_UID=1020 \
    --env=MAD_GID=1035 \
    --volume=/home/foo/music:/var/media/artists \
    --publish=4040:4040 \
    --name madsonic \
    --detach \

Recommended use

I like to store application state in a separate data only volume. You can mount volumes from a (data) container using the --volumes-from switch. If you don't want to run a separate container, but want to preserve state. You should either build the image or run the container with a volume /var/madsonic.

docker run \
    --env=MAD_UID=1000 \
    --env=MAD_GID=1000 \
    --volumes-from=data-madsonic \
    --volume=/my_music_dir:/var/media/artists \
    --volume=/etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro \
    --publish=49155:4040 \
    --name madsonic \
    --restart=always \
    --detach=true \


Madsonic will log to three places:

  • stdout goes to: /var/log/supervisor/madsonic.stdout.log
  • stderr goed to: /var/log/supervisor/madsonic.stderr.log
  • madsonic's own log goes to: /var/madsonic/madsonic.log

You can follow the logs for debugging by:

$ sudo docker exec -it madsonic \
    tail -f \
        /var/log/supervisor/madsonic.stdout.log \
        /var/log/supervisor/madsonic.stderr.log  \


During building the Madsonic image I ran into several problems. All of them should be fixed in this image. But perhaps you run into similair problem for whatever reason. Here are some of the things I did to solve the problems I encountered.

No UTF-8 support

Some of the tracks in my music collection contain characters not in the default C.UTF-8 locale (like ä, ö, ü, ..). I search for how to properly fix this, and found numerous solutions, this is what I eventually applied and works.

# fix language
RUN apt-get update && \
    apt-get install locales && \
    echo "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8" >> /etc/locale.gen && \

    LANG=en_US:en \

The ouput of locale -a is now:

$ locale -a

Adding or uncommenting en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8 to/from /etc/locale.gen incombination with locale-gen generates the new locale. You can check if it properly installed by locale -a. Setting the locale environmental variables afterward does not result in any error and your new locale is properly configured.

Properly starting and stopping Madsonic

First, if you are familiar with supervisor this is nothing new. But if not, this is how it works.

  1. The Supervisor deamon reads all config files in /etc/supervisor/conf.d/*
  2. These config files launch a script or binairy (mine are at /usr/local/bin/)
  3. In case of Madsonic this bash script launches Madsonic which is a Java application.

I need the bash script for bootstrapping Madsonic, but I don't want it to spawn another process. The key is using exec. exec replace the shell with a given program (executing it, not as new process) and that's what I needed.

For now I use the default SIGTERM signal to stop Madsonic. I'm not totally sure if this is real gracefull shutdown, but works for now.

Thanks to

Building this image I used to following repro's for inspiration:

binhex/arch-madsonic botez/docker-madsonic sdhibit/docker-madsonic plytro/docker-madsonic


  • Pulseaudio pass through (Madsonic keeps crasing when I change tracks)