AVL trees
- introduce it into polygon-self intersection detection code so we can identify any missing functions
- how?
- removeEdgeFromList
- processEvent (activeEdges
document any missing stuff for Unbalanced and AVL
red/black trees
exclude removing for RBT for now
how do we approach the failing test case?
- check what needs to be done to repair the tree
- parent and uncle need to be repainted black
- implement this in the code
- check what needs to be done to repair the tree
how to implement repair?
run Europe on LCC
- Could not open SRTM HTG file 'G:\SRTM\N44E048.SRTMGL1.hgt.zip': ZIP file 'G:\SRTM\N44E048.SRTMGL1.hgt.zip' does not have a file entry 'N44E048.hgt'.
report ignored PROJ parameters in the console
add documentation for
- building
- architecture
in what format to save the shaded tile PNG metadata?
- JSON file convering all of the tiles
- contains projection information (PROJ)
- pixel coordinates of the top left corner
- also lon/lat coordinates of the top left corner
- JSON file convering all of the tiles
some other links:
- https://github.com/osm2vectortiles/dem2vectorterrain
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28189107/algorithm-for-smoothing-the-edges-of-a-polygon
- https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/24827/smoothing-polygons-in-contour-map
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31464345/fitting-a-closed-curve-to-a-set-of-points
image tracing:
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image_segmentation
- http://potrace.sourceforge.net/#dual
- An Algorithm for Automatically Fitting Digitized Curves
- http://www.imageprocessingplace.com/downloads_V3/root_downloads/tutorials/contour_tracing_Abeer_George_Ghuneim/alg.html
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boundary_tracing
generate some nice samples for the documentation
- Mount Fuji: 138.637436,35.288563,138.822693,35.434156
- Kilimanjaro: 36.933563,-3.416918,37.721558,-2.825636
- Etna
- add batch script that generates some sample images from these sample DEMs
how to generate code docs?
investigate possible filters
- low pass/high pass filters
- Geospatial Analysis, p. 175
- use Paint.NET as a start
- low pass/high pass filters
hillshading links