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Getting Started

This guide should help you get up and running with Adelphi.


Before getting started, a few tools may be required.

kubectl (required)

To interact with a kubernetes environment, kubectl is a critical tool. If you've worked with kubernetes before, you probably already have kubectl installed, if not, get more information about installing it from the kubernetes documentation.

helm (required)

Helm is a package manager for kubernetes. Adelphi packages a number of helm templates for managing the kubernetes deployment. To learn more about helm and install it, check out the helm documentation.

Argo (recommended)

Adelphi uses Argo to orchestrate the testing workflow within kubernetes. The Argo CLI can be used to get info about the workflow and its progress once started. To learn more about Argo and install the CLI tooling, check out the Argo releases.

Docker (recommended for local deployment)

If you need to install a local Kubernetes cluster using a tool like k3d, as described later in this guide, you'll also need to have Docker running locally. To learn more about Docker and install it, check out the Docker documentation.

Kubernetes Environment

Adelphi is built to run on your existing kubernetes infrastructure, if you don't already have access to a kubernetes environment, running a kubernetes cluster locally is a great way to get started. K3d (discussed below) provides an easy way to run a kubernetes cluster within Docker. K3d runs on top of Docker, so if you go this route, Docker will also be required.


To get started with k3d, check out their documentation.

Once k3d is installed, start by deploying a cluster:

k3d cluster create adelphi --servers 3 --wait

The cluster will startup:

INFO[0000] Created network 'k3d-adelphi'                
INFO[0000] Created volume 'k3d-adelphi-images'          
INFO[0000] Creating initializing server node            
INFO[0000] Creating node 'k3d-adelphi-server-0'         
INFO[0008] Creating node 'k3d-adelphi-server-1'         
INFO[0026] Creating node 'k3d-adelphi-server-2'         
INFO[0038] Creating LoadBalancer 'k3d-adelphi-serverlb' 
INFO[0038] Pulling image '' 
INFO[0042] (Optional) Trying to get IP of the docker host and inject it into the cluster as 'host.k3d.internal' for easy access 
INFO[0045] Successfully added host record to /etc/hosts in 4/4 nodes and to the CoreDNS ConfigMap 
INFO[0045] Cluster 'adelphi' created successfully!      
INFO[0045] You can now use it like this:                
kubectl cluster-info

Depending on your environment, it may be necessary to set your kubectl context to the newly deployed cluster:

kubectl config use-context k3d-adelphi

You can now check the status of the cluster using kubectl:

kubectl get nodes

It should provide the status of the nodes specified in the configuration file:

NAME                   STATUS   ROLES         AGE     VERSION
k3d-adelphi-server-0   Ready    etcd,master   10m     v1.19.3+k3s2
k3d-adelphi-server-1   Ready    etcd,master   10m     v1.19.3+k3s2
k3d-adelphi-server-2   Ready    etcd,master   9m51s   v1.19.3+k3s2

Running Adelphi

With helm installed, a kubernetes cluster deployed, and the kubectl context set appropriately you're now ready to deploy Adelphi.

Download Source

To get started, you'll need a copy of the Adelphi repo to get access to the helm charts and components.

You can clone it from GitHub using git:

git clone

Or download it manually from GitHub and extract the contents of the archive.


As mentioned, Adelphi is deployed using helm. Within the Adelphi repository, you will find the primary Adelphi chart and a series of templates used by that chart in the /helm directory.

To deploy Adelphi with the default configuration navigate to the source directory and run:

helm install adelphi helm/adelphi -n cass-operator

⚠️ The command shown above will install the Adelphi components into the cass-operator namespace. Using this namespace is currently required.

Please see #93 for more information and follow along as we work to better support custom namespace scoped installations.

This will deploy Adelphi with the default values configuration.

To get up and running quickly on Google Kubernetes Engine, a reasonable set of default values have been provided in gke-values.yaml. They can be deplyed by running:

helm install adelphi helm/adelphi -n cass-operator -f helm/adelphi/gke-values.yaml

This will start a 3-node test using the standard storage class.


To control the deployment configuration, many options are made available via the helm charts included with Adelphi.

To learn more about setting values via helm, see their documentation.

In general, with helm, there are two ways to modify the values provided to a deployment:

  • via the command line using --set value.path=value
  • via a yaml file via -f custom.values.yaml

Storage Classes

The default storageClass configured to be used by Adelphi is tailored for deployment via k3d, local-path. This storage class may not be available on all clusters and should be modified as necessary.

For example, when deploying to a cluster within Google Kubernetes Engine it's necessary to customize the storageClass to be used. An example of doing this is provided in gke-values.yaml where storageClass is set to standard.

This can also be applied via the helm CLI with:

helm install adelphi helm/adelphi --n cass-operator --set storageClass=standard

Observing Workflow Progress

Argo CLI

Once Adelphi has been deployed and the workflow has begun, the Argo CLI can be used to monitor its progress:

argo get -n cass-operator @latest

This will provide a command-line snapshot visualization of the testing workflow's progress and status:

Name:                workflow-adelphi-1
Namespace:           cass-operator
ServiceAccount:      cass-operator
Status:              Running
Created:             Wed Feb 03 09:34:22 -0500 (6 minutes ago)
Started:             Wed Feb 03 09:34:22 -0500 (6 minutes ago)
Duration:            6 minutes 7 seconds

STEP                           TEMPLATE                                            PODNAME                        DURATION  MESSAGE
 ● workflow-adelphi-1          execute                                                                                                                    
 ├─✔ cassandra-source          cassandra-clusters/start-source-cluster             workflow-adelphi-1-1714058278  30s                                     
 ├─● start-registry            registry/registry-template                          workflow-adelphi-1-543986670   29s                                     
 ├─○ build-cassandra           cassandra-image/cassandra-image-template                                                     when 'false' evaluated false  
 ├─○ build-cassandra-mgmt-api  cassandra-mgmt-image/cassandra-mgmt-image-template                                           when 'false' evaluated false  
 ├─✔ cassandra-target          cassandra-clusters/start-target-cluster             workflow-adelphi-1-1333841590  2s                                      
 ├─✔ cassandra-ready           cassandra-status/ready                              workflow-adelphi-1-1071284282  3m                                      
 ├─✔ configure-schema          schema-job/configure-schema                         workflow-adelphi-1-462681126   11s                                     
 ├─✔ nosqlbench-source         nosqlbench-job/nosqlbench-source                    workflow-adelphi-1-1304337547  1m                                      
 ├─✔ nosqlbench-target         nosqlbench-job/nosqlbench-target                    workflow-adelphi-1-2207475351  1m                                      
 └─● run-diff                  spark-job/spark-job-template                        workflow-adelphi-1-2458661793  1m  

You can also use the Argo watch command to continuously monitor progress:

argo watch -n cass-operator @latest

Argo Web Application

Argo also provides a web application that provides a richer experience when used to monitor progress.

Port Forwarding

To access the Argo web application, the argo-server service will need to be exposed from within the cluster. When running locally, this can be done using kubeclt port-forward as shown:

kubectl port-forward service/argo-server -n cass-operator 9191:2746 

In this example, the 9191:2746 will expose port 9191 on the cluster and map it to port 2746 on the pod. If port 9191 is already in use, you can change that to any available port that works best for your environment.

This will enable port forwading on your local machine on an available port:

Forwarding from -> 2746
Forwarding from [::1]:9191 -> 2746

You should now be able to lauch the Argo web application from a browser on your local machine at to visually inspect and monitor the testing workflow.

Workflow Completion

When the testing workflow completes, the Argo CLI or web application should report that the overall Completed condition is True.

% argo get -n cass-operator @latest
Name:                workflow-adelphi-1
Namespace:           cass-operator
ServiceAccount:      cass-operator
Status:              Succeeded
 Completed           True
Created:             Wed Feb 03 09:34:22 -0500 (30 minutes ago)
Started:             Wed Feb 03 09:34:22 -0500 (30 minutes ago)
Finished:            Wed Feb 03 09:46:51 -0500 (17 minutes ago)
Duration:            12 minutes 29 seconds
ResourcesDuration:   22m11s*(1 cpu),22m11s*(100Mi memory)

STEP                           TEMPLATE                                            PODNAME                        DURATION  MESSAGE
 ✔ workflow-adelphi-1          execute                                                                                                                    
 ├─✔ cassandra-source          cassandra-clusters/start-source-cluster             workflow-adelphi-1-1714058278  30s                                     
 ├─✔ start-registry            registry/registry-template                          workflow-adelphi-1-543986670   29s                                     
 ├─○ build-cassandra           cassandra-image/cassandra-image-template                                                     when 'false' evaluated false  
 ├─○ build-cassandra-mgmt-api  cassandra-mgmt-image/cassandra-mgmt-image-template                                           when 'false' evaluated false  
 ├─✔ cassandra-target          cassandra-clusters/start-target-cluster             workflow-adelphi-1-1333841590  2s                                      
 ├─✔ cassandra-ready           cassandra-status/ready                              workflow-adelphi-1-1071284282  3m                                      
 ├─✔ configure-schema          schema-job/configure-schema                         workflow-adelphi-1-462681126   11s                                     
 ├─✔ nosqlbench-source         nosqlbench-job/nosqlbench-source                    workflow-adelphi-1-1304337547  1m                                      
 ├─✔ nosqlbench-target         nosqlbench-job/nosqlbench-target                    workflow-adelphi-1-2207475351  1m                                      
 ├─✔ run-diff                  spark-job/spark-job-template                        workflow-adelphi-1-2458661793  4m                                      
 ├─✔ collect-diff-results      cassandra-diff/collect-results                      workflow-adelphi-1-1334654991  16s                                     
 ├─✔ gemini-oracle-sut         gemini-job/gemini-oracle-sut                        workflow-adelphi-1-3173132751  2m                                      
 └─✔ start-results-server      results/results-server                              workflow-adelphi-1-1122498803  2s  

Note that the build-cassandra and build-cassandra-mgmt-api steps of the workflow may not be executed with all runs of the workflow. These steps of the workflow are only activated when a git_identifier has been specified for the Apache Cassandra version to test.

Remaining Resources

At the completion of the workflow, a few resources are left running within the cluster:

  • Argo Server
  • Results Server
  • Cassandra Source Cluster
  • Cassandra Target Cluster

These resources will remain available for inspection until the deployment is removed.

Retrieving Results

As testing completes within the workflow, results are made available via a webserver running within the cluster.

Port Forwarding

To access the Adelphi results web server, the results-server pod will need to be exposed from within the cluster. For shorter-term exposure, kubeclt port-forward can be used as shown:

kubectl port-forward pod/results-server -n cass-operator 9090:8080 

In this example, the 9090:8080 will expose port 9090 on the cluster and map it to port 8080 on the pod. If port 9090 is already in use, you can change that to any available port that works best for your environment.

This will enable port forwading on your local machine on an available port:

Forwarding from -> 8080
Forwarding from [::1]:9090 -> 8080

You should now be able to lauch the Adelphi results web server from a browser on your local machine at http://localhost:9090/ to download the various results files generated by Adelphi.

It's also possible to use wget to download all available files:

wget -r http://localhost:9090/


After the workflow has completed and any desired results have been retrieved from the results server the resources deployed by Adelphi can be removed by uninstalling Adelphi via helm.

helm uninstall adelphi -n cass-operator

⚠️ After uninstalling via helm, some of the customer resources installed will remain. For more information on removing the remaining resources, and to follow as we work to provide automatic ways to fully remove all resources, see #98.

If you are done with the k3d cluster you can remove it as well. This cluster can be deleted with:

k3d cluster delete adelphi



Argo Server

It's also possible to expose the argo-server using Kubernetes ingress configuration. This approach may be necessary if you're running on an existing cluster that already uses or requires load balancer ingress for access. For more information on Kubernetes ingress configuration, check out the official Kubernetes documentation.

To use ingress to expose an HTTP service, you'll need an ingress controller deployed within the cluster. Depending on the environment, you may already have one available. If not, there are many available as referenced in the Kubernetes ingress controller documentation.

With an ingress controller in place, obtain the access address of the ingress load balancer and apply that value to an environment variable like:


Next, deploy an ingress configuration like below, which will inject the address set in the environment variable:

⚠️ It's important to note that the ingress rule is deployed to the same namespace as Adelphi and the argo-server service.

kind: Ingress
  name: adelphi-ingress
  namespace: cass-operator
  - host: "argo.$(ADELPHI_LB_ADDRESS)"
      - pathType: Prefix
        path: "/"
            name: argo-server
              number: 2746

You should now be able to lauch the Argo web application from a browser at http://argo.{ADELPHI_LB_ADDRESS} to visually inspect and monitor the testing workflow. Be sure to replace {ADELPHI_LB_ADDRESS} with the address of your load balancer in your browser.

This example uses to provide wildcard DNS support. To learn more about, check out their documentation.