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The refspec is a special syntax used by git to map remote branches to the local repository.
+ : Force update of branch tip (fast forward)
src : Source location (remote branch)
dst : Destination location (local branch)
Refspecs are usually found in the .git/config file after cloning or configuration with git remote.
$ git config --local --edit
[remote "origin"]
# Repository link
url = https://github.com/braboj/tutorial-git.git
# Mapping for the fetch command
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
# Mapping for the push command
push = refs/heads/main:refs/heads/main
In the example above the first refspec is fetch and it maps all remote branches from origin to the folder refs/remotes/origin in the local repository. The second refspec will map the main branch from the local repo to the main branch in the remote repo.
Local branches can also be used to create remote branches using git push and refspecs.
git push origin main:refs/heads/test_master
Remote branches can be deleted by leaving source in the refspec empty.
git push origin :refs/heads/feature
- git remote
- git fetch
- git pull
- git push