#!/usr/bin/env bash # $Id$ set -o pipefail ## ### Copyright 2011-2013, Boundary ### ### Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ### you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ### You may obtain a copy of the License at ### ### http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ### ### Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ### distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ### WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ### See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ### limitations under the License. ### PLATFORMS=("Ubuntu" "Debian" "CentOS" "Amazon" "RHEL" "SmartOS" "openSUSE" "FreeBSD" "LinuxMint" "Gentoo" "Oracle" "Scientific" "SHMZ" "OSX") # Put additional version numbers here. # These variables take the form ${platform}_VERSIONS, where $platform matches # the tags in $PLATFORMS Ubuntu_VERSIONS=("10.04" "10.10" "11.04" "11.10" "12.04" "12.10" "13.04" "13.10" "14.04" "14.10" "15.04") Debian_VERSIONS=("5" "6" "7") CentOS_VERSIONS=("5" "6" "7") Amazon_VERSIONS=("2012.09" "2013.03") RHEL_VERSIONS=("5" "6" "7") SmartOS_VERSIONS=("1" "12" "13") openSUSE_VERSIONS=("12.1" "12.3" "13.1") FreeBSD_VERSIONS=("9.0-RELEASE 9.1-RELEASE 9.2-RELEASE 10.0-RELEASE") LinuxMint_VERSIONS=("13", "14", "15", "16") Gentoo_VERSIONS=("") Oracle_VERSIONS=("5" "6" "7") Scientific_VERSIONS=("6" "7") SHMZ_VERSIONS=("5" "6") OSX_VERSIONS=("12.0.0" "13.0.0" "14.0.0") # sed strips out obvious things in a version number that can't be used as # a bash variable function map() { eval "$1"`echo $2 | sed 's/[\. -]//g'`='$3' ; } function get() { eval echo '${'"$1`echo $2 | sed 's/[\. -]//g'`"'#hash}' ; } # Map distributions to common strings. map Ubuntu 10.04 lucid map Ubuntu 10.10 maverick map Ubuntu 11.04 natty map Ubuntu 11.10 oneiric map Ubuntu 12.04 precise map Ubuntu 12.10 quantal map Ubuntu 13.04 raring map Ubuntu 13.10 saucy map Ubuntu 14.04 trusty map Ubuntu 14.10 utopic map Ubuntu 15.04 vivid map Debian 5 lenny map Debian 6 squeeze map Debian 7 wheezy map RHEL 5 Tikanga map RHEL 6 Santiago map RHEL 7 Maipo # For version number updates you hopefully don't need to modify below this line # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCRIPTNAME="$(basename ${0})" APICREDS= # API 'enterprise' host and cred/token APIHOST_ENT=${APIHOST_ENT:-"https://api.boundary.com"} APICREDS_ENT= # API 'premium' host and cred/token APIHOST_PRE=${APIHOST_PRE:-"https://premium-api.boundary.com"} APICREDS_PRE= METERTAGS= SUPPORTED_ARCH=0 SUPPORTED_PLATFORM=0 APT="apt.boundary.com" YUM="yum.boundary.com" SMARTOS="smartos.boundary.com" FREEBSD="freebsd.boundary.com" GENTOO="gentoo.boundary.com" OSX="mac.boundary.com" APT_CMD="apt-get -q -y --force-yes" YUM_CMD="yum -d0 -e0 -y" STAGING="false" FEATURES="flow_metrics" DEFEATURES="" trap "exit" INT TERM EXIT function print_supported_platforms() { echo echo "Supported platforms by the installation script are:" for d in ${PLATFORMS[*]} do echo -n " * $d:" foo="\${${d}_VERSIONS[*]}" versions=`eval echo $foo` for v in $versions; do echo -n " $v" done echo "" done } function print_pgp_key() { cat <<-EOF -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux) mQENBE3WllEBCADlEuA7DCcI0B1/1rXJ4SzzQGXcHwmsxLVGnRR9FX4Fu3oCz4sc 18/FkPHb2AwFfClv4xH6gOUBJVCDyub/C6PJeLolkc51SLA2lO3y5e3OpJ7uC8Ln /P5AC96FDhIEPH+vVnBVxgYRFj/1vDlqUcJXUSN3ZnLxzHwnHJ+lATNydbTi3ltL Kr53YOD5FmuKpc2hkNzT+9Lg1/aVEKXpnSjzlNT/1VIrXgJOzv/xyKvpSD2fb5M3 QZMjEkrod5botvclt/y6P8LNWsmlG0eM+JiewnDzwJ3OnhekSzHqoh3kVKQ3YJed i1ZKInNthXQ5sSiHrsxHhJFGuVAQVA0/AmJfABEBAAG0G0JvdW5kYXJ5IDxvcHNA Ym91bmRhcnkuY29tPokBOAQTAQIAIgUCTdaWUQIbAwYLCQgHAwIGFQgCCQoLBBYC AwECHgECF4AACgkQQ4Go5GUyzCAqWggAjuJgzEYO1nTVd4hBhkhuxH1d/9R5eDzN SvxMk9gI2kKd71DsVP7PCVlPPIkzqL/IMv5ffO3me3R0S3bZzquhCOhrUc987GgZ +rPEcb0sDjT4fzcVeAOuaIf3T8oysx9ngB5pE4i3fatD43WvTGbj4LmU9XxiwZ6z AKzIYltGy/+Cq2JJjYgg80O2RmG8FFf8k/FujkbsNgNICQwWnAGKKlpJ4b65M5zu oNNUGFcJopGGufKLxXAiRwJqOx8a+EvD7/MEs5VYQJGeBgoaE6ZgXwufYJYn0Lv3 6fxTtkLlIrD27gvTbV1oF8tj+T+7ayKj75YGnaH03QYBOG8tmbqV/A== =p4gi -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- EOF } EC2_INTERNAL="" EC2_TAGS="instance-type placement/availability-zone" EC2_DESC_TAGS= which euca-describe-tags > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then EC2_DESC_TAGS=euca-describe-tags else which ec2-describe-tags > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then EC2_DESC_TAGS=ec2-describe-tags fi fi function ec2_find_tags() { echo -n "Checking this is an ec2 environment..." EC2=`curl -s --connect-timeout 5 "$EC2_INTERNAL"` exit_code=$? if [ "$exit_code" -eq "0" ]; then # check to see if we *really* are on EC2. # Some Proxies emit false results for non-existent server addresses $CURL -is --connect-timeout 5 "$EC2_INTERNAL" | grep 'Server: EC2ws' > /dev/null exit_code=$? if [ "$exit_code" -ne "0" ]; then echo "no." return 0 fi echo "yes." echo "Auto generating ec2 tags for this meter." else echo "no." return 0 fi EC2METERTAGS=ec2 for tag in $EC2_TAGS; do local AN_TAG local exit_code AN_TAG=`curl -s --connect-timeout 5 "$EC2_INTERNAL/$tag"` exit_code=$? # if the exit code is 7, that means curl couldnt connect so we can bail # since we probably are not on ec2. if [ "$exit_code" -eq "7" ]; then # do nothing return 0 fi # it appears that an exit code of 28 is also a can't connect error if [ "$exit_code" -eq "28" ]; then # do nothing return 0 fi # otherwise, maybe there was as timeout or something, skip that tag. if [ "$exit_code" -ne "0" ]; then continue fi for an_tag in $AN_TAG; do EC2METERTAGS=$EC2METERTAGS,$an_tag done done # extract additional tags if the commands and access variables are set if [ -n "$EC2_DESC_TAGS" -a -n "$EC2_ACCESS_KEY" -a -n "$EC2_SECRET_KEY" -a -n "$EC2_URL" ]; then for an_tag in `${EC2_DESC_TAGS} --filter "resource-id=\`curl -s\`" | grep -v Name | sed 's/[ \t]/ /g' | cut -d " " -f 5-`; do EC2METERTAGS=$EC2METERTAGS,$an_tag done fi echo Discovered ec2 tags: $EC2METERTAGS if [ -n "${METERTAGS}" ]; then METERTAGS=$METERTAGS,$EC2METERTAGS else METERTAGS=$EC2METERTAGS fi } function check_distro_version() { PLATFORM=$1 DISTRO=$2 VERSION=$3 TEMP="\${${DISTRO}_versions[*]}" VERSIONS=`eval echo $TEMP` VERSION_CMP= if [ $DISTRO = "Ubuntu" ]; then MAJOR_VERSION=`echo $VERSION | awk -F. '{print $1}'` MINOR_VERSION=`echo $VERSION | awk -F. '{print $2}'` VERSION_CMP=$MAJOR_VERSION.$MINOR_VERSION elif [ $DISTRO = "CentOS" ] || [ $DISTRO = "RHEL" ] || [ $DISTRO = "Oracle" ] || [ $DISTRO = "Scientific" ] || [ $DISTRO = "SHMZ" ]; then MAJOR_VERSION=`echo $VERSION | awk -F. '{print $1}'` VERSION_CMP=$MAJOR_VERSION elif [ $DISTRO = "Amazon" ]; then VERSION=`echo $PLATFORM | awk '{print $5}'` # Some of these include minor numbers. Trim. VERSION_CMP=${VERSION:0:7} elif [ $DISTRO = "Debian" ]; then MAJOR_VERSION=`echo $VERSION | awk -F. '{print $1}'` VERSION_CMP=$MAJOR_VERSION else VERSION_CMP=$VERSION fi TEMP="\${${DISTRO}_VERSIONS[*]}" VERSIONS=`eval echo $TEMP` for v in $VERSIONS ; do if [ "$VERSION_CMP" = "$v" ]; then return 0 fi done echo "$DISTRO $VERSION is not officially supported yet" return 1 } function print_help() { echo "${SCRIPTNAME} [-s] -i <API token>[,<API token>] \\" i=0; while [ ${i} -le ${#SCRIPTNAME} ]; do echo -n " "; i=$((i + 1)); done echo "[--enable-flow-metrics] [--enable-server-metrics] \\" i=0; while [ ${i} -le ${#SCRIPTNAME} ]; do echo -n " "; i=$((i + 1)); done echo "[--gd-relay-file <file>]" echo echo " Basic options:" echo " -i: Required input for authentication. The API token can be one (or both) of" echo " the following:" echo echo " - Boundary Premium" echo " The API token is api.XXXXXXXXXX-XXXX, which can be found in" echo " 'Settings->Account' as 'Your API token'." echo " - Boundary Enterprise" echo " The API token is ORGID:APIKEY, which can be found in" echo " Account Settings in the Boundary Enterprise WebUI." echo echo " -s: Install the latest testing meter from the staging repositories" echo " -t: comma-separated list of tags to assign this meter" echo echo " Advanced options:" echo " --enable-flow-metrics: Enable reporting network flow metrics (default)" echo " --enable-server-metrics: Enable reporting host level metrics" echo " --disable-metrics: Disable reporting of all metrics" echo " --gd-relay-file <file>: Import relay settings file (e.g. config.json)" exit 0 } function do_install() { # export 'enterprise' and 'premium' tokens to the environment... export INSTALLTOKEN="${APICREDS}" export INSTALLTOKENS="${APICREDS}" export PROVISIONPREMIUMAPIHOST="${APIHOST_PRE}" export PROVISIONENTERPRISEAPIHOST="${APIHOST_ENT}" export PROVISIONTAGS="${METERTAGS}" export PROVISIONFEATURES="${FEATURES}" export PROVISIONDEFEATURES="${DEFEATURES}" export GDRELAYFILE="${GDRELAYFILE}" if [ "$DISTRO" = "Ubuntu" ] || [ $DISTRO = "Debian" ]; then APT_STRING="deb https://${APT}/ubuntu/ `get $DISTRO $MAJOR_VERSION.$MINOR_VERSION` universe" if [ "$DISTRO" = "Debian" ]; then APT_STRING="deb https://${APT}/debian/ `get $DISTRO $MAJOR_VERSION` main" fi echo -n "Adding repository $APT_STRING..." sh -c "echo \"$APT_STRING\" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/boundary.list" print_pgp_key | apt-key add - if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then echo "Error adding Boundary GPG key to list of trusted keys!" exit 1 fi echo "Updating apt repository cache..." $APT_CMD update > /dev/null $APT_CMD install boundary-meter return $? elif [ "$DISTRO" = "openSUSE" ]; then GPG_KEY_LOCATION=/tmp/RPM-GPG-KEY-Boundary ARCH_STR="x86_64/" print_pgp_key > ${GPG_KEY_LOCATION} rpm --import ${GPG_KEY_LOCATION} if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then echo "Error adding Boundary GPG key to list of trusted keys!" exit 1 fi echo "Adding repository http://${YUM}/opensuse/os/$VERSION/$ARCH_STR" zypper addrepo -c -k -f -g http://${YUM}/opensuse/os/$VERSION/$ARCH_STR boundary zypper install -f -y boundary-meter return $? elif [ "$DISTRO" = "CentOS" ] || [ $DISTRO = "Amazon" ] || [ $DISTRO = "RHEL" ] || [ $DISTRO = "Oracle" ] || [ $DISTRO = "Scientific" ] || [ $DISTRO = "SHMZ" ]; then GPG_KEY_LOCATION=/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-Boundary if [ "$MACHINE" = "i686" ]; then ARCH_STR="i386/" elif [ "$MACHINE" = "x86_64" ]; then ARCH_STR="x86_64/" fi # Amazon hack: we know the Amazon Linux AMIs are binary # compatible with CentOS if [ $DISTRO = "Amazon" ]; then MAJOR_VERSION=6 fi echo "Adding repository http://${YUM}/centos/os/$MAJOR_VERSION/$ARCH_STR" sh -c "cat - > /etc/yum.repos.d/boundary.repo <<EOF [boundary] name=boundary baseurl=http://${YUM}/centos/os/$MAJOR_VERSION/$ARCH_STR gpgcheck=1 gpgkey=file://$GPG_KEY_LOCATION enabled=1 EOF" print_pgp_key > ${GPG_KEY_LOCATION} $YUM_CMD install boundary-meter return $? elif [ "$DISTRO" = "SmartOS" ]; then SMARTOS_PKG=$(curl -s http://${SMARTOS}/${MACHINE}/ | sed -n 's/^.*\"\(boundary-meter.*tgz\)\".*$/\1/p' | tail -n 1) pkg_add -f -v http://${SMARTOS}/${MACHINE}/${SMARTOS_PKG} return $? elif [ "$DISTRO" = "FreeBSD" ]; then # Use the way which works for https per OS ver. if [ -n "$(echo ${VERSION} | sed -n '/^1[0-9]\./p')" ]; then curl -s "https://${FREEBSD}/`echo ${VERSION} | awk -F '-' '{print $1}'`/${MACHINE}/boundary-meter-current.txz" > boundary-meter-current.txz else fetch "https://${FREEBSD}/`echo ${VERSION} | awk -F '-' '{print $1}'`/${MACHINE}/boundary-meter-current.txz" fi pkg add boundary-meter-current.txz elif [ "$DISTRO" = "Gentoo" ]; then if [ -e boundary-meter ]; then echo echo "The installation script needs to create a 'boundary-meter' directory in the current" echo "working directory for installation to proceed. Please run this script from" echo "another location or remove the currently-existing 'boundary-meter' file or directory" echo "and try again." echo return 1 fi mkdir boundary-meter (cd boundary-meter; wget "http://${GENTOO}/engineyard/latest" wget "http://${GENTOO}/engineyard/`cat latest`") ebuild --skip-manifest boundary-meter/`cat boundary-meter/latest` merge rm -fr boundary-meter elif [ "$DISTRO" = "OSX" ]; then curl https://$OSX/boundary-meter-current-osx-x86_64.tar.gz > boundary-meter.tar.gz tar xvf boundary-meter.tar.gz cd boundary-meter-* ./start.sh -i ${APICREDS} -a ${APIHOST_PRE} echo "To start the meter again, run './start.sh' in the `boundary-meter-*` directory" fi } function pre_install_sanity() { which curl > /dev/null if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then echo "Installing curl ..." if [ $DISTRO = "Ubuntu" ] || [ $DISTRO = "Debian" ]; then echo "Updating apt repository cache..." $APT_CMD update > /dev/null $APT_CMD install curl elif [ $DISTRO = "CentOS" ] || [ $DISTRO = "Amazon" ] || [ $DISTRO = "RHEL" ] || [ $DISTRO = "Oracle" ] || [ $DISTRO = "Scientific" ] || [ $DISTRO = "SHMZ" ]; then if [ "$MACHINE" = "i686" ]; then $YUM_CMD install curl.i686 elif [ "$MACHINE" = "x86_64" ]; then $YUM_CMD install curl.x86_64 fi elif [ $DISTRO = "FreeBSD" ]; then pkg install -y curl fi fi if [ $DISTRO = "SmartOS" ]; then CURL="`which curl` -k" else CURL="`which curl`" fi if [ $DISTRO = "Ubuntu" ] || [ $DISTRO = "Debian" ]; then test -f /usr/lib/apt/methods/https if [ $? -gt 0 ];then echo "apt-transport-https is not installed to access Boundary's HTTPS based APT repository ..." echo "Updating apt repository cache..." $APT_CMD update > /dev/null echo "Installing apt-transport-https ..." $APT_CMD install apt-transport-https fi fi } function update_api_creds() { for i in `echo $APICREDS|sed 's/,/ /g'`; do if [ -n "`echo $i | sed -n '/^api/p'`" ]; then if [ -z "$APICREDS_PRE" ]; then APICREDS_PRE=`echo $i | sed -n '/^api/p'` fi elif [ -z "$APICREDS_ENT" ]; then APICREDS_ENT=`echo $i | sed -n '/:/p'` fi done } function update_features() { if [ -z "${FEATURES}" ]; then FEATURES="${1}" else FEATURES="${FEATURES},${1}" fi } # Grab some system information if [ -f /etc/redhat-release ] ; then PLATFORM=`cat /etc/redhat-release` DISTRO=`echo $PLATFORM | awk '{print $1}'` if [ "$DISTRO" = "Fedora" ]; then DISTRO="RHEL" VERSION="6" else if [ "$DISTRO" != "CentOS" ]; then if [ "$DISTRO" = "Enterprise" ] || [ -f /etc/oracle-release ]; then # Oracle "Enterprise Linux"/"Linux" DISTRO="Oracle" VERSION=`echo $PLATFORM | awk '{print $7}'` elif [ "$DISTRO" = "Red" ]; then DISTRO="RHEL" VERSION=`echo $PLATFORM | awk '{print $7}'` elif [ "$DISTRO" = "Scientific" ]; then VERSION=`echo $PLATFORM | awk '{print $4}'` elif [ "$DISTRO" = "SHMZ" ]; then VERSION=`echo $PLATFORM | awk '{print $3}'` else DISTRO="unknown" PLATFORM="unknown" VERSION="unknown" fi elif [ "$DISTRO" = "CentOS" ]; then if [ "`echo $PLATFORM | awk '{print $2}'`" = "Linux" ]; then # CentOS 7 now includes "Linux" in the release string... VERSION=`echo $PLATFORM | awk '{print $4}'` else VERSION=`echo $PLATFORM | awk '{print $3}'` fi fi fi MACHINE=`uname -m` elif [ -f /etc/system-release ]; then PLATFORM=`cat /etc/system-release | head -n 1` DISTRO=`echo $PLATFORM | awk '{print $1}'` VERSION=`echo $PLATFORM | awk '{print $5}'` MACHINE=`uname -m` elif [ -f /etc/lsb-release ] ; then #Ubuntu version lsb-release - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckingYourUbuntuVersion . /etc/lsb-release PLATFORM=$DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION DISTRO=$DISTRIB_ID VERSION=$DISTRIB_RELEASE MACHINE=`uname -m` if [ "$DISTRO" = "LinuxMint" ]; then DISTRO="Ubuntu" VERSION="12.04" fi elif [ -f /etc/debian_version ] ; then #Debian Version /etc/debian_version - Source: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-faq/ch-software.en.html#s-isitdebian DISTRO="Debian" VERSION=`cat /etc/debian_version` INFO="$DISTRO $VERSION" PLATFORM=$INFO MACHINE=`uname -m` elif [ -f /etc/os-release ] ; then . /etc/os-release PLATFORM=$PRETTY_NAME DISTRO=$NAME VERSION=$VERSION_ID MACHINE=`uname -m` elif [ -f /etc/gentoo-release ] ; then PLATFORM="Gentoo" DISTRO="Gentoo" VERSION=`cat /etc/gentoo-release | cut -d ' ' -f 5` MACHINE=`uname -m` else PLATFORM=`uname -sv | grep 'SunOS joyent'` > /dev/null if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then PLATFORM="SmartOS" DISTRO="SmartOS" MACHINE="i386" VERSION=13 elif [ "$?" != "0" ]; then uname -sv | grep 'FreeBSD' > /dev/null if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then PLATFORM="FreeBSD" DISTRO="FreeBSD" VERSION=`uname -r` MACHINE=`uname -m` else uname -sv | grep 'Darwin' > /dev/null if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then PLATFORM="Darwin" DISTRO="OSX" VERSION=`uname -r` MACHINE=`uname -m` fi fi fi fi ENABLE_FLOW_METRICS="" ENABLE_SERVER_METRICS="" GDRELAYFILE="" while getopts "hdsi:t:f:-:" opts; do case $opts in h) print_help;; s) STAGING="true";; i) APICREDS="$OPTARG";; t) METERTAGS="$OPTARG";; f) echo "WARNING! You are OVERRIDING this script's OS detection." echo "On unsupported platforms, your mileage may vary!" print_supported_platforms echo "Please contact support@boundary.com to request support for your architecture." # This takes input basically of the form "OS VERSION" for the OS # you're mimicking. # E.g., "CentOS 6.2", "Ubuntu 11.10", etc. PLATFORM="$OPTARG" DISTRO=`echo $PLATFORM | awk '{print $1}'` VERSION=`echo $PLATFORM | awk '{print $2}'` echo "Script will masquerade as \"$PLATFORM\"" ;; -) case ${OPTARG} in enable-flow-metrics) ENABLE_FLOW_METRICS="flow_metrics" ;; enable-server-metrics) ENABLE_SERVER_METRICS="server_metrics" ;; disable-metrics) ENABLE_FLOW_METRICS="" ENABLE_SERVER_METRICS="" FEATURES="" ;; gd-relay-file) GDRELAYFILE="${!OPTIND}" shift if [ -z "${GDRELAYFILE}" ]; then echo "Error: missing config filename for --${OPTARG} arg." exit 1 elif [ ! -f "${GDRELAYFILE}" ]; then echo "Error: could not find file '${GDRELAYFILE}'" exit 1 fi ;; *) echo "Error: unrecognized option '--${OPTARG}'" echo print_help ;; esac ;; [?]) print_help;; esac done update_api_creds if [ -n "${ENABLE_FLOW_METRICS}" -o -n "${ENABLE_SERVER_METRICS}" ]; then FEATURES="" for f in ${ENABLE_FLOW_METRICS} ${ENABLE_SERVER_METRICS}; do if [ -n "${FEATURES}" ]; then FEATURES="${FEATURES},${f}" else FEATURES=${f} fi done fi if [ $STAGING = "true" ]; then APT="apt-staging.boundary.com" YUM="yum-staging.boundary.com" SMARTOS="smartos-staging.boundary.com" FREEBSD="freebsd-staging.boundary.com" GENTOO="gentoo-staging.boundary.com" OSX="mac-staging.boundary.com" fi # If this script is being run by root for some reason, don't use sudo. if [ ${DISTRO} != "OSX" -a "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then SUDO=`which sudo` if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "This script must be executed as the 'root' user or with sudo" echo "in order to install the Boundary meter." echo echo "Please install sudo or run again as the 'root' user." echo "For assistance, support@boundary.com" exit 1 else sudo -E $0 $@ exit 0 fi fi if [ "$MACHINE" = "i686" ] || [ "$MACHINE" = "i586" ] || [ "$MACHINE" = "i386" ] ; then ARCH="32" SUPPORTED_ARCH=1 fi #determine hard vs. soft float using readelf if [[ "$MACHINE" == arm* ]] ; then if [ -x /usr/bin/readelf ] ; then HARDFLOAT=`readelf -a /proc/self/exe | grep armhf` if [ -z "$HARDFLOAT" ]; then if [ "$MACHINE" = "armv7l" ] || [ "$MACHINE" = "armv6l" ] || [ "$MACHINE" = "armv5tel" ] || [ "$MACHINE" = "armv5tejl" ] ; then ARCH="32" SUPPORTED_ARCH=1 echo "Detected $MACHINE running armel..." fi else if [ "$MACHINE" = "armv7l" ] ; then ARCH="32" SUPPORTED_ARCH=1 echo "Detected $MACHINE running armhf..." else echo "$MACHINE with armhf ABI is not supported. Try the armel ABI" fi fi else echo "Cannot determine ARM ABI, please install the 'binutils' package" fi fi if [ "$MACHINE" = "x86_64" ] || [ "$MACHINE" = "amd64" ]; then ARCH="64" SUPPORTED_ARCH=1 fi if [ $SUPPORTED_ARCH -eq 0 ]; then echo "Unsupported architecture ($MACHINE) ..." echo "This is an unsupported platform for the Boundary Meter." echo "Please contact support@boundary.com to request support for this architecture." exit 1 fi # Check the distribution for d in ${PLATFORMS[*]} ; do if [ "$DISTRO" = "$d" ]; then SUPPORTED_PLATFORM=1 break fi done if [ $SUPPORTED_PLATFORM -eq 0 ]; then echo "Your platform is not supported by this script at this time." echo "Please check https://app.boundary.com/docs/meter_install for alternate installation instructions." print_supported_platforms exit 1 fi if [ -z "$APICREDS" ]; then print_help fi if [ -n "$APICREDS_ENT" ]; then APIID=`echo $APICREDS_ENT | awk -F: '{print $1}'` APIKEY=`echo $APICREDS_ENT | awk -F: '{print $2}'` if [ "${#APIID}" -lt 10 -o "${#APIKEY}" -lt 10 ]; then echo "Please enter a valid Boundary Enterprise installation token" echo "Expected APIID:APIKEY, got: '${APICREDS_ENT}'" echo print_help fi fi if [ -n "$APICREDS_PRE" ]; then CREDS_INVALID="" if [ "${DISTRO}" = "FreeBSD" -o "${DISTRO}" = "OSX" ]; then if [ -z "`echo ${APICREDS_PRE} | sed -E -n '/api\.[0-9a-fA-F]+-[0-9]+$/p'`" ]; then CREDS_INVALID="yes" fi else if [ -z "`echo ${APICREDS_PRE} | sed -n '/api\.[0-9a-fA-F]\+-[0-9]\+$/p'`" ]; then CREDS_INVALID="yes" fi fi if [ -n "${CREDS_INVALID}" ]; then echo "Please enter a valid Boundary Premium installation token" echo "Expected APITOKEN, got: '${APICREDS_PRE}'" echo print_help fi fi echo "Detected $DISTRO $VERSION..." # Check the version number UNSUPPORTED_RELEASE=0 check_distro_version "$PLATFORM" $DISTRO $VERSION if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then UNSUPPORTED_RELEASE=1 fi # The version number hasn't been found; let's just try and masquerade # (and tell users what we're doing) if [ $UNSUPPORTED_RELEASE -eq 1 ] ; then TEMP="\${${DISTRO}_VERSIONS[*]}" VERSIONS=`eval echo $TEMP` # Assume ordered list; grab latest version VERSION=`echo $VERSIONS | awk '{print $NF}'` MAJOR_VERSION=`echo $VERSION | awk -F. '{print $1}'` MINOR_VERSION=`echo $VERSION | awk -F. '{print $2}'` echo "Continuing; for reference, script is masquerading as: $DISTRO $VERSION" fi # At this point, we think we have a supported OS. pre_install_sanity $d $v ec2_find_tags do_install if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "The meter installation failed." echo "For help, please contact support@boundary.com describing the problem." exit 1 fi echo "" echo "The meter has been installed successfully!" exit 0