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Releases: boscore/bos

BOSCore v2.0.2 Release Note

28 Feb 16:13
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This release contains critical security fixes which in eosio v1.6.2 and below.
Please check detail infomation v1.6.2

BOSCore v2.0.1 Release Note

15 Jan 11:24
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This version include follow changes:

  • Add has_contract() and get_contract_code(), you can get example at actiondemo.cpp
  • Fix #25 cleos bidname error
  • Fix #20 greylist-account setting error
  • Fix #35 libkafka tag error
  • Merge EOSIO 1.5.3 and apply security patch

BOSCore v1.0.3 Release Note

17 Dec 05:32
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patch EOSIO 1.5.1 critical security bug fixes.

BOSCore v1.0.2 Release Note

13 Dec 12:19
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This version fix serval issues.

BOSCore v1.0.1 Release Note

29 Nov 13:18
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BOSCore is a great try to make the EOSIO to be more usable and friendly for DApp.
There will be more and more exciting features be realized. Hello BOS.

BOSCore version will start from 1.0.1

EOSIO version start from 1.4.4

Minimum Resource Guarantee

BOSCore adds the MRG to supply basic CPU,NET,RAM resource for every account.
So for most of the users, they can use the function immediately.

P2P Self Discovery

Add p2p-discoverable to enable or disable whether this node connects to new peer automatically.
We suggest every team should set up at least 2 nodes enabled the option to make a more meshed network.

Onchain blacklist,greylist

Add set_name_list() to set the blacklist,greylist configures into the chain by multisig.
The configures in the config.ini will merge with the onchain confgiures.

Global action sequence & BP signed action seed

BOS add a global action sequence which is auto-increment for every action.
So you can distinguish the action or inline action in one transaction.
Base on the GAS, BOSCore supplies bpsig_action_time_seed() to generate the producer's signature for the action.

    bpsig_action_time_seed = sign(BP_Sign_Key, F(block_timestamp, 0.5) + global_action_sequence)

Combine the bpsig_action_time_seed, DApp can find a more security method to create a random seed generator.

Producer schedule by the timezone

The producer schedule in BOS will be ordered by the timezone to reduce the latency between nodes.
regproducer can supply the node's timezone.

Kafka Plugin

Combine the Kafka Plugin, so you can just set up and use the power by Kafka.

Notify Plugin

Send real-time actions on chain to a receive_url, which you can use to do some notifications.
More detail, please check the Readme file in notify_plugin.


The origin get_block function can not return the action trace infomation, get_block_detail will make it.