- save docker-compose.yml file into path
- call
cd ~/boscdt/
- call
docker-compose up -d
to start the CDT docker - call
docker-compose exec boscdt bash
will enter the docker container - call
cd /data
will go into the host machine mounted path~/boscdt/
- call
to exit the docker contrainer - copy your contract folders into
- call
docker-compose exec boscdt bash
andcd /data/
you will find you contract folders - enjoy to compile the contracts
- modify the Dockerfile and add yourself commands
- call
docker build -t XXXX/boscdt:vx.x.x --build-arg branch=vx.x.x --build-arg symbol=BOS --no-cache .
- maybe you should push your docker image by call
docker push XXXX/boscdt:vx.x.x
- change docker-compose.yml
- follow
Usage: How to use BOSCore CDT Docker image to build contracts
to use yourself docker image