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1247 lines (949 loc) · 15.5 KB

File metadata and controls

1247 lines (949 loc) · 15.5 KB

Code generation for files

Process files and emit Go code

Standalone expressions

use fmt

fn main() {
    fmt.Printf("hello %v", 4)

Function calls

fn foo(b: bool, x: int) -> bool { b }
fn bar(x: int) -> int { x }
fn baz() {}

fn main() {
    let val = foo(match 1 {
        1 => true
        _ => false
    }, bar(5))

    assertEq(val, true)

Let bindings

fn main() {
    let a = 5 + 5
    assertEq(a, 10)

If statements

fn main() {
    let x = if true { 6 } else { 0 }
    assertEq(x, 6)


enum Foo {
    Bar(int, bool),

fn main() {
    inspect(Foo.Bar(2, false))


struct Bar<T> {
    name: string,
    age: int,
    v: T,

fn main() {
    let x = Bar { name: "yo", age: 99, v: false }

Return statement

fn foo() -> int {
    let x = match 1 {
        1 => return 12
        _ => 5

    if true {
        let _ = x + 40
    } else {
        return 9

    return 4

fn bar() {
    if false {

fn main() {
    assertEq(foo(), 12)

Struct access

struct Foo {
    a: int,
    b: string,
    c: bool,

fn main() {
    let x = Foo { a: 1, b: "hi", c: true }
    assertEq(x.a, 1)
    let y = Foo { a: 5, c: false, ..x }
    assertEq(y.a, 5)
    assertEq(x.a, 1)

Try operator

use errors

fn foo(b: bool) -> Result<int> { bar("a") }

fn bar(s: string) -> Result<int> {

fn baz() -> Result<int> {
    let _ = foo(false)?


fn as_value() -> Result<int> {
    let a = baz()

fn as_param(r: Result<int>) -> bool {

fn main() {
    assertEq(baz(), Err(errors.New("boom")))
    assertEq(as_value().IsOk(), false)
    assertEq(as_param(Ok(1)), true)

Destructure function params

fn foo((_, b): (int, string)) -> string {

fn main() {
    assertEq(foo((1, "yo")), "yo")


fn main() {
    let mut x = [1, 2, 5 + 5]

    assertEq(x.Len(), 3)
    assertEq(x[1], 2)

    x[1] = 8
    assertEq(x[1], 8)

    x = x.Append(9)
    assertEq(x[3], 9)

Impl blocks

struct Foo { a: int }

impl (f: Foo) {
    fn bar(x: int) -> int {
        f.a + x

fn main() {
    let f = Foo { a: 1 }
    assertEq(, 6)

Rebind variables

fn main() {
    let x = 1
    assertEq(x, 1)

    let x = 1 + 1
    assertEq(x, 2)

        let x = x + 5
        assertEq(x, 7)

    assertEq(x, 2)


use sync
use fmt

fn main() {
    let (sender, receiver) =

    fn foo(x: int) {

    spawn (|| { sender.Send(5) })()

    let val = receiver.Recv()
    assertEq(val, 5)

    spawn foo(10)

    let val = receiver.Recv()
    assertEq(val, 10)

        let desired = 5

        let wg: sync.WaitGroup = zeroValue()

        let (done_tx, done_rx) =

        // receiver goroutine
        spawn (|| {
            let mut count = 0

            for n in receiver {
                count = count + n

            assertEq(count, 10)
            fmt.Printf("count: %v", count)


        let mut i = 0

        // start `desired` goroutines
        while (i < desired) {
            spawn (|i| {

          i = i + 1

        sender.Close() // close(sender)
        done_rx.Recv() // <-done

Math with floats

fn main() {
    let x = 5.3 * 1.2
    assertEq(true, x > 6.35 && x <= 6.36)

Early returns in blocks.

fn foo() -> int {
        return 5


fn main() {
    assertEq(foo(), 5)

Recursive functions are supported in files.

file: main.brg

fn foo(n: int) -> int {
    if n != 5 {
        return foo(n + 1)


fn main() {
    assertEq(foo(1), 5)

Mutually recursive functions

file: main.brg

fn abs(n: int) -> int {
    if n < 0 { return -n }

fn even(n: int) -> bool {
    if n == 0 {
        return true

    odd(abs(n) - 1)

fn odd(n: int) -> bool {
    if n == 0 {
        return false

    even(abs(n) - 1)

fn main() {
    assertEq(even(10), true)

Multiple files

file: foo.brg
enum Foo {

file: bar.brg
enum Bar {

fn with_foo(f: Foo, m: int) -> int {
    match f {
        Foo.X(b) => match b {
            Bar.A(n) => n + m

file: main.brg
fn main() {
    let bar = Bar.A(2)
    assertEq(with_foo(Foo.X(bar), 3), 5)

Recursion across files

file: a.brg
fn a(n: int) -> int {
    if n == 100 {
        return n

    b(n + 10)

file: b.brg
fn b(n: int) -> int {
    if n == 200 {
        return n

    a(n + 20)

file: main.brg
fn main() { assertEq(a(40), 100) }

Match on structs

struct Foo { a: int }

fn main() {
    let x = Foo { a: 1 }
    let res = match x {
        Foo { a: 2 } => false
        Foo { a: 1 } => true
        Foo { a: _ } => false

    assertEq(res, true)

Const expressions are global

file: main.brg

const a: int = 1

fn main() { assertEq(a + 5, 6) }

Const expressions are visible from other files

file: foo.brg

fn check() -> bool {
    foo == 2

file: main.brg

const foo: int = 1 + 1
fn main() { assertEq(check(), true) }

Paren expressions

fn main() {
    assertEq((1 + 4), 5)

Recursive types

enum Expr {
    Add(*Expr, *Expr),

impl (e: Expr) {
    fn sum() -> int {
        match e {
            Add(a, b) => a.sum() + b.sum()
            Number(n) => n

struct Foo {
    n: string,
    f: *Option<Foo>,

fn main() {
    let one = Expr.Number(1)
    let two = Expr.Number(2)
    let e = Expr.Add(&one, &two)
    assertEq(e.sum(), 3)

    let f1 = None
    let nope = Foo { n: "a", f: &f1 }
    let f2 = Some(nope)
    let yep = Foo { n: "b", f: &f2 }
    assertEq(yep.n, "b")

Recursive functions should work even when not declared at the top-level.

fn main() {
    fn foo(n: int, acc: int) -> int {
        if n == 0 {
            return acc

        let new_acc = if n % 2 == 0 {
            acc + n
        } else {

        foo(n - 1, new_acc)

    assertEq(foo(10, 0), 30)

Exhaustiveness checking on bools

fn main() {
    let x = match false {
        true => @unreachable()
        false => 2
    assertEq(x, 2)

Primitive types are casted in struct call

struct Foo {
    bar: int,

fn main() {
    let x = 1
    let y = Foo { bar: x }
    assertEq(, 1)

Match on tuples

fn main() {
    let res = match (1, "foo") {
        (3, _) => 5
        (1, "bar") => 6
        (x, "foo") => x
        _ => @unreachable()

    assertEq(res, 1)

    let res = match () {
        () => 2

    assertEq(res, 2)

Enums in tuples

enum Foo { Bar, Baz }

fn main() {
    let res = match (Bar, Baz) {
        (Bar, Bar) => 0
        (Bar, Baz) => 2
        _ => @unreachable()

    assertEq(res, 2)

Let binding same name as function param

fn foo(xs: [int]) -> int {
    // TODO asdf make sure params are put in scope so they can be rebound
    // let xs = xs.Len()
    // xs + 10

    let xxxs = xs.Len()
    xxxs + 10

fn main() {
    assertEq(foo([1,2,3]), 13)

Maps in structs

struct Foo {
    bar: Map<string, int>

fn main() {
    let mut bar =
    let foo = Foo { bar }
    assertEq(, 0)

    bar.Insert("yo", 1)
    assertEq(, 1)

    assertEq(bar.Get("yo"), Some(1))
    assertEq(bar.Get("nope"), None)
    assertEq(bar["yo"], 1)

    bar["yo"] = 3
    assertEq(bar["yo"], 3)

Functions in structs

struct Foo {
    bar: fn (a: int) -> int,

fn main() {
    let foo = Foo { bar: |x: int| x + 2 }
    assertEq(, 3)

Records have stable field order.

struct Foo { x: int, y: string }

fn main() {
    inspect((1, "a", true))
    inspect(Foo { x: 1, y: "b" })

Using for loops.

fn main() {
        let mut sum = 0

        // this should iterate over values
        for x in [1, 2, 3] {
            sum = sum + x

        assertEq(sum, 6)

        let mut sum = 0

        for (i, x) in [1, 2, 3].Enumerate() {
            sum = sum + i + x

        assertEq(sum, 9)

        let str = "asdf"
        let mut check = ""

        for c in str {
            check = check + string(c)

        assertEq(str, check)
        let mut check = ""

        for (index, c) in str.Enumerate() {
            check = check + string(c)

        assertEq(str, check)

    let mut n = 20

    match true {
        true => {
            n = 25
        false => ()

    loop {
        if n > 27 {
        n = n + 1

    n = 0
    while n < 10 {
        n = n + 1

    let m =
    m.Insert("a", 1)

    for (k, v) in m {

Control flow in loops

fn main() {
    let mut n = 0
    let mut check = false

    loop {
        if n <= 5 {
            n = n + 1
            assertEq(check, false)

        check = true

    assertEq(check, true)
    assertEq(n, 6)

    n = 0

    for x in [1,2,3] {
        if x == 2 {
        n = n + 1

    assertEq(n, 2)

Mutating vars

fn foo(a: int) -> int {
    loop {
        if a > 5 { break }
        a = a + 1


fn main() {
    let mut x = 1
    x = x + 3
    assertEq(x, 4)

        let x = 5
        assertEq(x, 5)

    assertEq(foo(0), 6)

    // TODO this doesn't type check :/
    // x = x + 6
    // x.assertEq(10)

Nested if and match maintain context.

fn foo() -> int {
    if 1 > 2 {
    } else if 2 > 3  {
    } else {

fn bar() -> int {
    match 1 {
        1 => match 2 {
            3 => 4
            _ => 5
        _ => 9

fn main() {
    assertEq(foo(), 3)
    assertEq(bar(), 5)

Lambda signature

fn compute(f: fn(a: int, b: int) -> int) -> int {
	f(3, 4)

fn main() {
    assertEq(compute(|a, b| a + b), 7)

Read file

use os
use fmt

fn read() -> Result<()> {
    let f = os.ReadFile("go.mod")?

fn main() {

Native call to result

use os
use fmt

fn main() {
    match os.ReadFile("go.mod") {
        Ok(s) => fmt.Println(string(s))
        Err(_) => @unreachable()

Compile references

use fmt

struct Foo {
    x: int,

fn bar(f: *Foo) -> int {
    f.x + 2

fn baz(i: *int) {
    i.* = 99

fn main() {
    fmt.Printf("%v", bar(&Foo { x: 1 }))

    let mut n = 1
    assertEq(n, 99)

References in structs

use fmt

struct Foo {
    x: int,

struct Bar {
    f: *Foo,

fn update(b: *Bar) {
    b.f.x = 99

fn main() {
    let f = Foo { x: 1 }
    let mut b = Bar { f: &f }
    assertEq(b.f.x, 99)
    fmt.Printf("%+v", b.f)

References in methods

struct Foo {
    x: int,

impl (f: *Foo) {
    fn update(x: int) {
        f.x = x

fn main() {
    let f = Foo { x: 1 }
    assertEq(f.x, 5)


interface Foo {
    fn foo() -> int

struct Bar { x: int }

impl (b: Bar) {
    fn foo() -> int {

fn baz(f: Foo) -> int { + 4

interface Composite {
    impl Foo

fn check_composite(c: Composite) {

fn main() {
    assertEq(baz(&Bar { x: 6 }), 10)

Types implement interfaces

use fmt

struct Foo {}

impl (f: Foo) {
    fn Write(bytes: [byte]) -> Result<int> {

fn main() {
    let n = fmt.Fprintf(&Foo{}, "%d", 1).Unwrap()
    assertEq(n, 3)

Net http

use fmt
use net.http
use net.http.httptest
use io
use sync

struct Counter { m: sync.Mutex, count: int }

impl (c: *Counter) {
    fn ServeHTTP(w: http.ResponseWriter, r: *http.Request) {
        c.count = c.count + 1
        fmt.Fprintf(w, "<h1>count %d</h1>", c.count)

fn main() {
    let c = Counter { m: zeroValue(), count: 0 }

    let ts = httptest.NewServer(&c)
    defer ts.Close()

    let res = http.Get(ts.URL).Unwrap()
    let body = io.ReadAll(res.Body).Unwrap()


Trait bounds without methods are not checked

// Let the Go compiler figure out if a type satisfies a constraint
fn foo<T: comparable>(x: T, y: T) -> bool {
    x == y

interface Foo {
    fn check() -> int

struct Bar {}
impl (b: Bar) {
    fn check() -> int { 3 }

// Check that multiple constraints are correctly emitted
fn bar<T: comparable + Foo>(x: T, y: T) -> int {
    if x == y {
    } else {

fn main() {
    assertEq(foo(1.0, 2.0), false)
    assertEq(foo(1, 1), true)
    assertEq(bar(Bar{}, Bar{}), 3)

Variadic function calls

use fmt

fn foo(a: bool, x: VarArgs<int>) {}

fn main() {
    fmt.Printf("yep %s, %d", "hi", 3)
    foo(false, 1, 2)

Package structs

use os

fn main() {
    let _ = os.Process { Pid: 99 }


use os

fn foo() -> Option<int> {

fn main() {
    let x = foo()
    assertEq(x.IsSome(), true)

    match os.LookupEnv("HOME") {
        Some(_) => ()
        None => @unreachable()

Errors as custom types

fn foo() -> Result<(), FooErr> {

struct FooErr {}

impl (f: FooErr) {
    fn Error() -> string { "b" }

fn bar() -> Result<(), error> {
    let x = foo()?

fn main() {
    let x = foo()
    let y = bar()
    assertEq(x, Ok(()))
    assertEq(y, Ok(()))

Blocks used as expressions

use math

fn main() {
    let block_result = {
        let a = math.Pi
        let b = 2.01
        a + b
    assertEq(block_result > 4.0, true)

Defer statements

use fmt

fn main() {
    defer fmt.Println("defer 1")

    defer (|| { fmt.Println("defer 2") })()

Newline characters

use fmt

fn main() {
    let x = '\n'
    fmt.Printf("a%sb\n", x)

    let y = \\a string
        \\ with " quotes and \ backslashes

Referenced packages are imported

use fmt
use os

fn main() {
    let dir = os.ReadDir(".").Unwrap()
    fmt.Printf("%v", dir[0])

Unwrapped call in loop

use fmt
use os

fn foo() -> Result<()> {
    for f in os.ReadDir(".")? {
        if f.Name() == "go.mod" {


fn main() {

Math with newtypes

use fmt
use time

fn main() {
    time.Sleep(0 * time.Second)
    fmt.Println(2 * time.Second)

Select statement

use fmt

fn main() {
    let (tx, rx) =

    spawn (|| {

    select {
        let foo = rx.Recv() => {
            fmt.Println("foo", foo)

    spawn (|| {
        let bar = rx.Recv()
        fmt.Println("bar", bar)

    select {
        tx.Send(5) => fmt.Println("sending")

    select {
        _ => fmt.Println("default")