.. toctree:: :hidden: :caption: Overview :titlesonly: :numbered: 0 Start Here </start/index> Compatible Pinball Machines </machines/index>
.. toctree:: :hidden: :caption: Installation & First Steps :titlesonly: :numbered: 0 Installing MPF </install/index> Running MPF </running/index> Tutorial </tutorial/index>
.. toctree:: :hidden: :caption: MPF User Manual :titlesonly: :numbered: 0 Control Systems / Hardware </hardware/index> Pinball Mechanisms </mechs/index> Game Logic </game_logic/index> Media Controllers & MPF-MC </mc/index> Displays & Graphics</displays/index> Segment Displays</segment_displays/index> Sound</sound/index> Shows </shows/index> Assets </assets/index> Config Players </config_players/index> Machine Management </machine_management/index> Tools </tools/index> Testing Your Machine </testing/index> Finalizing Your Machine </finalization/index> Flowcharts </flowcharts/index> Troubleshooting </troubleshooting/index>
.. toctree:: :hidden: :caption: Examples :titlesonly: :numbered: 0 Example Config Files </examples/index> Example Games </example_games/index> Cookbook </cookbook/index>
.. toctree:: :hidden: :caption: Reference :titlesonly: :numbered: 0 Config File Reference </config/index> Events Reference </events/index> Player Variable Reference </player_vars/index> Machine Variable Reference </machine_vars/index>
.. toctree:: :hidden: :caption: Developer Documentation :titlesonly: :numbered: 0 Overview </developer/index>
.. toctree:: :hidden: :caption: About MPF :titlesonly: :numbered: 0 About this Documentation </about/index> FAQ </faq/index> Glossary </glossary/index> Contributing to MPF</about/contributing_to_mpf> Contributing to MPF docs</about/contributing_to_mpf_docs> MPF Versions </versions/index>
Mission Pinball Framework |version| Documentation
This is the documentation for the Mission Pinball Framework (MPF), version |version|. Click the "Read the Docs" link in the lower left corner for other versions.
You can download PDF, Epub, and HTML versions of these docs. Click the "Read the Docs" link in the lower left corner for the links.
- :doc:`MPF Overview </start/index>`: What MPF is and how it works.
- :doc:`MPF Versions </versions/index>`: Understanding MPF versions & features.
- :doc:`Compatible Pinball Machines </machines/index>`: What types of machines work with MPF?
- :doc:`Supported Hardware </hardware/index>`: What types of pinball control systems work with MPF?
- :doc:`/install/index`: How to download and install MPF.
- :doc:`/tutorial/index`: Step-by-step beginner's guide.
- :doc:`/mechs/index`: switches, coils, lights, troughs, flippers, etc.
- :doc:`/game_logic/index`: modes, scoring, multiballs, ball saves, etc.
- :doc:`/displays/index`: DMDs, LCDs, slides, widgets, animations, text, etc.
- :doc:`/segment_displays/index`: 7-segment displays and other segment displays
- :doc:`/mc/index`: The MPF Media Controller (MPF-MC), the Unity 3D Backbox Server, creating your own MC
- :doc:`/sound/index`: sound tracks, music, volume, sound effects
- :doc:`/shows/index`: sequences of lights, sounds, slides, etc.
- :doc:`/assets/index`: videos, images, animations, sound files
- :doc:`/examples/index`: Huge list of example config files you can learn from.
- :doc:`Example Games </example_games/index>`: List of several example machine projects.
- :doc:`The Cookbook </cookbook/index>` shows you how to implement features of real pinball machines using MPF. This is great for the "How do I build something like X?" questions you might have.
- :doc:`/events/index`: All the standard events MPF has, and how to use them.
- :doc:`/config/index`: Lists every config setting and all the options.
- :doc:`/player_vars/index`: Lists all the built-in player variables and parameters.
- :doc:`/machine_vars/index`: Lists all the standard machine variables.
- :doc:`/about/index`
- :doc:`/about/authors`
- :doc:`/about/contributing_to_mpf`
- :doc:`/about/contributing_to_mpf_docs`
- :doc:`/about/license`
You can access the full table of contents of MPF documentation via the expandable menu on the left (or the hamburger menu icon if you're on a mobile device). There are over 1100 pages of printed documentation and examples to help you build your pinball machine!