A less-engine for customize
npm install customize-engine-less
The following example demonstrates how to use this module:
const customize = require('customize')
// Load files from one directory and merge with second
.registerEngine('less', require('customize-engine-less'))
// Add one less file
less: {
main: require.resolve('./main.less')
// Add another less file overriding some variables
less: {
main: require.resolve('./override.less')
This will generate the following output
{ less:
{ 'main.css':
'div{color:red;background-color:green}/*# sourceMappingURL=main.css.map */',
'{"version":3,"sources":["/home/nknappmeier/projects/bootprint/bootprint-monorepo/packages/customize-engine-less/examples/main.less"],"names":[],"mappings":"AAGA,IACE,SAAA,CACA","sourcesContent":["@textcolor: blue;\\n@bgcolor: green;\\n\\ndiv {\\n color: @textcolor;\\n background-color: @bgcolor; \\n}\\n\\n\\n\\n"]}' } }
This package will always support the latest version of NodeJS and as well as the current LTS version. In the future, it will not be considered a breaking change to drop support of a pre-LTS version of NodeJS.
is published under the MIT-license.
See LICENSE.md for details.
For release notes, see CHANGELOG.md