This transformer prepares ServerSession
subclasses for Typia and adds jsDoc info for the (upcoming) API browser.
Insert these into the { "transform": "restfuncs-transformer", ...}
- debug: Set to true to dump the output of transformed and affected files each into a file named ...after_restfuncs-transformer.tmp
- pretty: Pretty print the output (normally it is squeezed into one line to preserve line numbers and keep source maps intact)
Here is, how the restfuncs-transformer, typia transformer and typescript-rtti work together:
- The
scans for all@remote
methods and, at the bottom of inside their class, it adds the following code (here for):
async myMethod(param1: string, someCallbackFn: (p:number) => Promise<string>);
results in adding this to the class body:
import _rf_typia from "typia";
* Code is generated by the restfuncs-transformer during compile-time
static getRemoteMethodsMeta(): (typeof this.type_remoteMethodsMeta) {
this.__hello_developer__make_sure_your_class_is_a_subclass_of_ServerSession // Attempt to give a friendly error message when this is not the case. Otherwise the previous line would fail and leaves the user wondering.
type CallbackPlaceholder<DECL_INDEX extends number> = string & _rf_typia.tags.TagBase<{kind: "callbackFn", target: "string", value: DECL_INDEX, validate: `onValidateCallbackArg($input, ${DECL_INDEX})`}>; // Create a [custom tag](, that can be used via `CallbackPlaceholder<n>`. During validation, this tag then calls onValidateCallbackArg.
const result= {
transformerVersion: {major: XX, feature: XX },
instanceMethods: {
"myMethod": {
arguments: {
validateEquals: (args: unknown) => _rf_typia.validateEquals<[param1: string, someCallback: (p:number) => Promise<string>]>(args),
validatePrune: ...,
withPlaceholders: {
validateEquals: (args: unknown, onValidateCallbackArg: (placeholderId: string, declarationIndex: number) => boolean) => _rf_typia.validateEquals<[param1: string, someCallback: CallbackPlaceholder<0>]>(args),
result: {
validateEquals: (value: unknown) => _rf_typia.validateEquals<Awaited<ReturnType<typeof this.prototype["myMethod"]>>>(value),
callbacks: [{ // here for the `someCallbackFn: (p:number) => Promise<string>` declaration
arguments: {
validateEquals: (args: unknown) => _rf_typia.validateEquals<[p: number]>(args),
validatePrune: ...
awaitedResult: {
validateEquals: (value: unknown) => _rf_typia.validateEquals<string>(value),
jsDoc: {
comment: "text with <strong>markup</strong>",
params: {a: "text..."},
tags: [{name:"returns", comment: "text..."}]
return result; // Code style note for this line: Why not do `return {...}` directly ? This tiny difference allows for extra properties which ensure backward compatibility with older "restfuncs-server" packages.
- The Typia transformer will then replace all
expressions with the actual validation code body. Typia calls this "ahead of time validation". At runtime this is used to validate evil input and serialize/deserialize from json/protobuf in an ultra fast way (future). - The typescript-rtti transformer adds type-info decorations for all compiled symbols (that's all this
stuff in the .js). At runtime, this allows restfuncs to easily navigate through- and inspect all the type hierarchy. I.e when mapping REST parameter names to the remote methods arguments, for better error diagnosis, or for the upcoming API browser.