All of the following examples are executed in the JBboss Fuse client
can be used to show all bundles:
JBossFuse:admin@root> osgi:list
START LEVEL 100 , List Threshold: 50
ID State Blueprint Spring Level Name
[ 294] [Active ] [ ] [Started] [ 80] example (0.0.1.SNAPSHOT)
This is useful for getting the IDs of bundles so that they can be interacted with
These commands can be used to start, stop and restart OSGI bundles respectively:
osgi:start <bundle-id>
osgi:stop <bundle-id>
osgi:restart <bundle-id>
When you have built the project again with Maven, the changes can be applied to the running bundle by updating it:
osgi:update <bundle-id>
Just as bundles can be installed, they may also be uninstalled:
osgi:uninstall <bundle-id>