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File metadata and controls

129 lines (119 loc) · 5.18 KB

UKA på Blindern sitt billettsystem

Data attributes/model

Entity relation


Grouping of events.

  • int id
  • bool is_active (allow modifications)
  • string title
  • string sort_value
  • string paymentsources_data (JSON-data, see issue #87)


The events itself.

  • int id
  • int eventgroup_id (reference to event group)
  • optional string alias (address used in url)
  • bool is_admin_hidden (hide from default view in admin)
  • bool is_published
  • bool is_selling (is the event in sales mode?)
  • datetime time_start
  • optional datetime time_end
  • string title
  • optional string category
  • optional string location
  • optional string ticket_info (short text for tickets link)
  • optional string selling_text (replaces default text if is_selling = 0, formatted with Markdown)
  • int max_each_person (limit number of tickets for each person)
  • int max_sales (limit of total tickets that can be sold)
  • optional int max_normal_sales (limit of normal tickets that can be sold, admin can sell tickets not counting here)
  • optional string description (description, formatted with Markdown)
  • optional string description_short (description for meta tag)
  • optional string ticket_text (plain text on the ticket itself)
  • optional string link (link to related article)
  • optional int age_restriction (lower age restriction)
  • optional blob image (TODO: preferred size)


A reservation or actual order.

  • int id
  • int eventgroup_id
  • string order_text_id (longer unique identificator)
  • bool is_locked (lock if payments are being processed, disallow modifications to ticket collection by guestuser)
  • bool is_valid (if the order has been processed successfully)
  • bool is_admin (if the order is created by admin/ticket office, reservations of this will not expire)
  • datetime time (when the order was created/completed)
  • optional string user_created (user that created reservation/order)
  • optional string ip (ip of the client)
  • optional string browser (browser of the client)
  • optional string name (name of the buyer)
  • optional string email (email of the buyer)
  • optional string phone (phonenumber of the buyer)
  • optional string recruiter (name of person that recruited this order)
  • optional string comment (admin comment)
  • decimal(7,2) balance (difference between payments registered and ticket value, paid - ticketvalue)


Payments that are not on web must belong to a Paymentgroup for accounting purposes.

  • int id
  • int eventgroup_id
  • datetime time_start (the time the payment group was created)
  • optional datetime time_end (the time the payment group was ended, if set refuse more payments)
  • string title (a small description for the group)
  • string user_created
  • optional string user_closed
  • optional string description


  • id
  • paymentgroup_id
  • is_deleted (default = 0)
  • time_created
  • time_deleted
  • user_created
  • user_deleted
  • type (enum: cash, other)
  • title
  • comment
  • amount (start-amount is registered with minus)
  • data (JSON for cash sales)


Link between payment methods and orders.

  • int id
  • int order_id (reference to order)
  • optional int paymentgroup_id (reference to payment group)
  • datetime time (when the payment happened)
  • optional string user_created (user that created payment)
  • bool is_web (if the payment is by card on web page)
  • decimal(7,2) amount (the amount paid, negative will mean a refund)
  • optional string transaction_id (used by web payment)
  • optional string status (used by web payment)
  • optional string data (additional data if applicable in json)


Ticket groups. All tickets belongs to a ticket group, which is also a price group.

  • int id
  • int event_id
  • bool use_office (available to normal use on admin page, default is true)
  • bool use_web (available for guests)
  • bool is_normal (default = true) (should tickets with this group count in max_normal_sales for event?)
  • string title (price group title)
  • optional string ticket_text (additional plain text on the ticket)
  • decimal(7,2) price
  • optional decimal(7,2) fee (ticket fee)
  • optional int limit (max number of tickets for this group, 0 = unlimited)
  • int order (field to order ticketgroups by)


The tickets itself.

  • int id
  • int order_id (reference to order)
  • int event_id (reference to event this ticket belongs)
  • int ticketgroup_id (reference to ticket group)
  • datetime time (when the ticket was created, and then when it was made valid)
  • optional time_revoked (when the ticket was revoked)
  • optional datetime expire (when the ticket will expire if not paid for, e.g. while creating order)
  • bool is_valid (if the ticket is valid, e.g. paid for)
  • bool is_revoked (if the ticket is revoked, e.g. refunded)
  • optional int valid_paymentgroup_id (paymentgroup where it was made valid, if null => web)
  • optional int revoked_paymentgroup_id (paymentgroup where it was revoked, if null => web)
  • optional string user_valid (user that validated ticket)
  • optional string user_revoked (user that revoked ticket)
  • optional datetime used (when the ticket was registered used/checked in)
  • optional string user_used (who marked the ticket as used)
  • string key (the unique special number used to identify the ticket)
  • optional blob pdf (the actual PDF for the ticket)