- __TEXT.__text: 0x6fd4
- __TEXT.__auth_stubs: 0x280
- __TEXT.__objc_methlist: 0x288
- __TEXT.__const: 0x366f4
- __TEXT.__oslogstring: 0x25c
- __TEXT.__cstring: 0x333
- __TEXT.__unwind_info: 0x140
+ __TEXT.__text: 0x12c6c
+ __TEXT.__auth_stubs: 0x340
+ __TEXT.__objc_methlist: 0x2ac
+ __TEXT.__const: 0x3673c
+ __TEXT.__oslogstring: 0x2b90
+ __TEXT.__cstring: 0xde0
+ __TEXT.__unwind_info: 0x180
__TEXT.__objc_classname: 0x32
- __TEXT.__objc_methname: 0x6c7
- __TEXT.__objc_methtype: 0x19f3
- __TEXT.__objc_stubs: 0x4a0
- __DATA_CONST.__got: 0x48
+ __TEXT.__objc_methname: 0x716
+ __TEXT.__objc_methtype: 0x1a2f
+ __TEXT.__objc_stubs: 0x540
+ __DATA_CONST.__got: 0x50
__DATA_CONST.__const: 0xe8
__DATA_CONST.__objc_classlist: 0x18
__DATA_CONST.__objc_imageinfo: 0x8
- __DATA_CONST.__objc_selrefs: 0x158
+ __DATA_CONST.__objc_selrefs: 0x178
__DATA_CONST.__objc_superrefs: 0x10
- __AUTH_CONST.__auth_got: 0x148
+ __AUTH_CONST.__auth_got: 0x1a8
__AUTH_CONST.__auth_ptr: 0x8
- __AUTH_CONST.__cfstring: 0x140
+ __AUTH_CONST.__cfstring: 0x200
__AUTH_CONST.__objc_const: 0x5e0
__DATA.__objc_ivar: 0x7c
__DATA.__data: 0x1a4a0
- /usr/lib/libMobileGestalt.dylib
- /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
- /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib
- Functions: 99
- Symbols: 692
- CStrings: 154
+ Functions: 123
+ Symbols: 728
+ CStrings: 383
+ _CFPreferencesGetAppIntegerValue
+ ___assert_rtn
+ _objc_release_x22
+ _objc_retain_x2
+ _objc_retain_x20
+ _objc_retain_x22
+ _objc_retain_x23
+ _objc_retain_x24
+ _objc_retain_x25
+ _objc_retain_x26
+ _objc_retain_x27
+ _snprintf
+ " %s: blendConfigV3Hcu:"
+ " %s: ebeConfigV3Hcu:"
+ " %s: ebeConfigV3Hcu: lowPass :"
+ " %s: ebeConfigV3Hcu: weightLut :"
+ " %s: peakingConfigV3Hcu:"
+ " %s: peakingConfigV3Hcu: filt11 :"
+ " %s: peakingConfigV3Hcu: filt13 :"
+ " %s: peakingConfigV3Hcu: filt3 :"
+ " %s: peakingConfigV3Hcu: filt5 :"
+ " %s: peakingConfigV3Hcu: filt7 :"
+ " %s: peakingConfigV3Hcu: filt9 :"
+ " [1.37.0] %s : ERROR: Not supported, _productType = %d\n"
+ " [1.37.0] %s : aseControlUnit->hcuCount %d, aseControlUnit->hcuSize %d, \n"
+ " [1.37.0] %s : aseProcessingType=%d [%s], width=%d, height=%d, strength=%f\n"
+ " [1.37.0] %s : aseProcessingType=%d [%s], width=%d, height=%d, strength=%f, destinationWidth=%d, destinationHeight=%d\n"
+ " [1.37.0] %s: %09llx: %08x %08x %08x %08x\n"
+ " [1.37.0] %s: %09llx: %08x %08x %08x %s\n"
+ " [1.37.0] %s: %09llx: %08x %08x %s %s\n"
+ " [1.37.0] %s: %09llx: %08x %s %s %s\n"
+ " [1.37.0] %s: %09llx: %s %08x %08x %08x\n"
+ " [1.37.0] %s: %09llx: %s %08x %s %s\n"
+ " [1.37.0] %s: %09llx: %s %s %s %08x\n"
+ " [1.37.0] %s: -----------------------------------------------\n"
+ " [1.37.0] %s: ERROR: Unsupported HCU! hcuType = 0x%x ('%c%c%c%c')\n"
+ " [1.37.0] %s: _enabledHcus = 0x%x, hideHcu = 0x%x (%d)\n"
+ " [1.37.0] %s: angleDetectV3Hcu: signChangeThreshold = %u, hfeqThresh2 = %u\n"
+ " [1.37.0] %s: blendConfigV3Hcu: BlendLogicSkinToneProtection: toneThresh = %u, toneEdgeThresh = %u, toneMaxThresh = %d, toneFactor = %d\n"
+ " [1.37.0] %s: blendConfigV3Hcu: blendCurve[kASEBlendCurveEbeFactor]:\n"
+ " [1.37.0] %s: blendConfigV3Hcu: blendCurve[kASEBlendCurveLuma]:\n"
+ " [1.37.0] %s: blendConfigV3Hcu: blendCurve[kASEBlendCurveW_EBE]:\n"
+ " [1.37.0] %s: blendConfigV3Hcu: blendCurve[kASEBlendCurveW_Peaking]:\n"
+ " [1.37.0] %s: ebeConfigV3Hcu: EBECurve[kASEEBECurveEbeV3]:\n"
+ " [1.37.0] %s: ebeConfigV3Hcu: EBECurve[kASEEBECurveHf1NegV3]:\n"
+ " [1.37.0] %s: ebeConfigV3Hcu: EBECurve[kASEEBECurveHf1PosV3]:\n"
+ " [1.37.0] %s: ebeConfigV3Hcu: EBECurve[kASEEBECurveHf2V3]:\n"
+ " [1.37.0] %s: ebeConfigV3Hcu: EBECurve[kASEEBECurveHf3V3]:\n"
+ " [1.37.0] %s: ebeConfigV3Hcu: ebeParams: { sdaPenalty1 = %d, sdaPenalty2 = %d, dFfactor = %d }\n"
+ " [1.37.0] %s: entryHeader[%d]: hcuSize = %d, hcuType = 0x%x ('%c%c%c%c')\n"
+ " [1.37.0] %s: hcuHeader: hcuCount = %d, hcuSize = %d\n"
+ " [1.37.0] %s: noiseMeterV3Hcu: NoiseMeter: NoiseMeterConfig: sizeX = %u, sizeY = %u\n"
+ " [1.37.0] %s: noiseMeterV3Hcu: NoiseMeter: NoiseMeterGainControl: lut0Gain = %u, lut1Gain = %u, lut2Gain = %u\n"
+ " [1.37.0] %s: peakingConfigV3Hcu: coreGainCurve:\n"
+ " [1.37.0] %s: peakingConfigV3Hcu: gainForce = %d\n"
+ " [1.37.0] %s: peakingConfigV3Hcu: lowAdaptGainCurve:\n"
+ " [1.37.0] %s: peakingConfigV3Hcu: mediumAdaptGainCurve:\n"
+ " [1.37.0] %s: peakingConfigV3Hcu: peakingGain: adaptive = %u, gain5_3 = %u, gain7_5 = %u, gain11_9 = %u, gain13_11 = %u,\n"
+ " [1.37.0] %s: scalingConfigV3Hcu: DDAInitX = %u, DDAInitY = %u, DDAStepX = 0x%x, DDAStepY = 0x%x, DDAInvStepX = 0x%x, DDAInvStepY = 0x%x\n"
+ " [1.37.0] applying the fix to all HH02012023\n"
+ " [1.37.0] %s\n"
+ " [1.37.0] %s #%d: { %f, %f, %f }\n"
+ " [1.37.0] %s : Unknown device! deviceNameRef: %p, %@, chipID = 0x%llx\n"
+ " [1.37.0] %s : aseMeasurementOutput=%p, aseFrameProcessingControl=%p\n"
+ " [1.37.0] %s : xScaler = %f, yScaler = %f\n"
+ " [1.37.0] %s: Failed to query kMGQDeviceName\n"
+ " [1.37.0] %s: T1 Simulation enabled!\n"
+ " [1.37.0] %s: productType=%d, deviceName = %@, chipID = 0x%llx\n"
+ " [1.37.0] ++ %s : ERROR: Async API Not supported!\n"
+ " [1.37.0] ++ %s : aseControlUnit=%p\n"
+ " [1.37.0] ++ %s : aseControlUnit=%p, strength=%f\n"
+ " [1.37.0] ++ %s : aseMeasurementOutput=%p, aseControlUnit=%p\n"
+ " [1.37.0] ++ %s : aseMeasurementOutput=%p, aseFrameProcessingControl=%p\n"
+ " [1.37.0] ++ %s : aseMeasurementOutput=%p, completionCallback=%p\n"
+ " [1.37.0] ++ %s : aseMeasurementOutput=%p, pixelControl=%p\n"
+ " [1.37.0] ++ %s : pixelControl=%p\n"
+ " [1.37.0] ++ %s : config=%p\n"
+ " [1.37.0] -- %s \n"
+ " [1.37.0] -- %s : _destinationWidth =%d, _destinationHeight=%d\n"
+ " [1.37.0] -- %s : frame=%ld, retVal=%ld\n"
+ " [1.37.0] -- %s: HCU Cache disabled!\n"
+ " [1.37.0] -- %s: HCU Cache enabled!\n"
+ " [1.37.0] -- %s : frame=%ld, retVal=%ld\n"
+ " [1.37.0] -- %s : instance=%p\n"
+ " [1.37.0] -- %s : retVal=%ld\n"
+ " [1.37.0] Apply iPad control setting V2\n"
+ " [1.37.0] Apply iPad control setting V3\n"
+ " [1.37.0] Apply iPhone control setting V1\n"
+ " [1.37.0] Apply iPhone control setting V2\n"
+ " [1.37.0] Apply iPhone control setting V3\n"
+ " [1.37.0] Assertion: \"!(!!((_enabledHcus) & (1U << (ASEConfigurationUnitsV3_NoiseConfig))))\" warned in \"/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/ASEFramework/ASEProcessingT1.m\" at line 1395\n"
+ " [1.37.0] Assertion: \"(!!((_enabledHcus) & (1U << (ASEConfigurationUnitsV3_NoiseConfig))))\" warned in \"/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/ASEFramework/ASEProcessingT1.m\" at line 1403\n"
+ " [1.37.0] Assertion: \"((void *)0) == config\" failed in \"/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/ASEFramework/ASEProcessingT0.m\" at line 64 goto EXIT\n"
+ " [1.37.0] Assertion: \"0\" warned in \"/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/ASEFramework/ASEProcessingCache.m\" at line 44\n"
+ " [1.37.0] Assertion: \"0\" warned in \"/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/ASEFramework/ASEProcessingT0.m\" at line 432\n"
+ " [1.37.0] Assertion: \"0\" warned in \"/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/ASEFramework/ASEProcessingT0.m\" at line 466\n"
+ " [1.37.0] Assertion: \"0\" warned in \"/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/ASEFramework/ASEProcessingT0.m\" at line 578\n"
+ " [1.37.0] Assertion: \"0\" warned in \"/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/ASEFramework/ASEProcessingT0.m\" at line 642\n"
+ " [1.37.0] Assertion: \"0\" warned in \"/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/ASEFramework/ASEProcessingT1.m\" at line 1408\n"
+ " [1.37.0] Assertion: \"0\" warned in \"/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/ASEFramework/ASEProcessingT1.m\" at line 1463\n"
+ " [1.37.0] Assertion: \"_aseProcessingType < kASEProcessingTypeLivePhoto || _aseProcessingType > kASEProcessingTypeEnhanceOnly\" failed in \"/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/ASEFramework/ASEProcessingT0.m\" at line 196 goto EXIT\n"
+ " [1.37.0] Assertion: \"_aseProcessingType < kASEProcessingTypeLivePhoto || _aseProcessingType > kASEProcessingTypeEnhanceOnly\" failed in \"/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/ASEFramework/ASEProcessingT0.m\" at line 248 goto EXIT\n"
+ " [1.37.0] Assertion: \"_aseProcessingType < kASEProcessingTypeLivePhoto || _aseProcessingType > kASEProcessingTypeEnhanceOnly\" failed in \"/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/ASEFramework/ASEProcessingT1.m\" at line 1569 goto EXIT\n"
+ " [1.37.0] Assertion: \"count <= 16\" warned in \"/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/ASEFramework/ASECalculateControlSettingV3.m\" at line 128\n"
+ " [1.37.0] Assertion: \"input && input->type == WDT_TYPE_CONSTANT && input->pointCount <= 16\" warned in \"/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/ASEFramework/ASECalculateControlSettingV3.m\" at line 185\n"
+ " [1.37.0] Assertion: \"input && input->type == WDT_TYPE_INTERPOLATED && input->pointCount <= 16\" warned in \"/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/ASEFramework/ASECalculateControlSettingV3.m\" at line 193\n"
+ " [1.37.0] Assertion: \"input && input->type == WDT_TYPE_INTERPOLATED\" warned in \"/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/ASEFramework/ASECalculateControlSettingV3.m\" at line 247\n"
+ " [1.37.0] Assertion: \"isT1OrNewer(_productType)\" warned in \"/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/ASEFramework/ASEProcessingT1.m\" at line 1584\n"
+ " [1.37.0] Assertion: \"isT1OrNewer(_productType)\" warned in \"/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/ASEFramework/ASEProcessingT1.m\" at line 88\n"
+ " [1.37.0] Assertion: \"isT1OrNewer(productType)\" warned in \"/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/ASEFramework/ASECalculateControlSettingV3.m\" at line 508\n"
+ " [1.37.0] Assertion: \"size == sizeof(ASEHcuCacheNodeValueBlend)\" warned in \"/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/ASEFramework/ASEProcessingCache.m\" at line 40\n"
+ " [1.37.0] Assertion: \"size == sizeof(ASEHcuCacheNodeValueEbe)\" warned in \"/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/ASEFramework/ASEProcessingCache.m\" at line 36\n"
+ " [1.37.0] Assertion: \"size == sizeof(ASEHcuCacheNodeValuePeaking)\" warned in \"/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/ASEFramework/ASEProcessingCache.m\" at line 32\n"
+ " [1.37.0] ERROR: Not supported, _asePlatform = %d\n"
+ " [1.37.0] Film grain level 1\n"
+ " [1.37.0] Film grain level 1 LargeRatio\n"
+ " [1.37.0] Film grain level 2\n"
+ " [1.37.0] Film grain level 2 LargeRatio\n"
+ " [1.37.0] Film grain level 3\n"
+ " [1.37.0] Film grain level 3 LargeRatio\n"
+ " [1.37.0] Film grain level heavy\n"
+ " [1.37.0] Film grain level heavy LargeRatio\n"
+ " [1.37.0] Film grain level light\n"
+ " [1.37.0] Film grain level light LargeRatio\n"
+ " [1.37.0] Frame %d: Curr_FG_level = %d, Curr_badly_coded_FG_level = %d, No_Bad_coded_FilmGrain_score = %d \n"
+ " [1.37.0] Frame %ld aseMeasurementOutput:\n"
+ " [1.37.0] applying the zoneplate fix to all HH02012023\n"
+ " [1.37.0] aseControlUnit->hcuCount %d, aseControlUnit->hcuSize %d, \n"
+ " [1.37.0] aseFrameProcessingControl->control.size (V1) is %lu\n"
+ " [1.37.0] histOutH1[ 0 - 7] = %010d, %010d, %010d, %010d, %010d, %010d, %010d, %010d\n"
+ " [1.37.0] histOutH2[ 0 - 7] = %010d, %010d, %010d, %010d, %010d, %010d, %010d, %010d\n"
+ " [1.37.0] histOutHV0[0 - 7] = %010d, %010d, %010d, %010d, %010d, %010d, %010d, %010d\n"
+ " [1.37.0] histOutHV0[9 - 15] = %010d, %010d, %010d, %010d, %010d, %010d, %010d, %010d\n"
+ " [1.37.0] histOutHV1[0 - 7] = %010d, %010d, %010d, %010d, %010d, %010d, %010d, %010d\n"
+ " [1.37.0] histOutHV1[7 - 15] = %010d, %010d, %010d, %010d, %010d, %010d, %010d, %010d\n"
+ " [1.37.0] histOutHV2[0 - 7] = %010d, %010d, %010d, %010d, %010d, %010d, %010d, %010d\n"
+ " [1.37.0] histOutHV2[0 - 15] = %010d, %010d, %010d, %010d, %010d, %010d, %010d, %010d\n"
+ " [1.37.0] histOutV1[ 0 - 7] = %010d, %010d, %010d, %010d, %010d, %010d, %010d, %010d\n"
+ " [1.37.0] histOutV2[ 0 - 7] = %010d, %010d, %010d, %010d, %010d, %010d, %010d, %010d\n"
+ " [1.37.0] maxAbsH0 = %010d\n"
+ " [1.37.0] maxAbsH1 = %010d\n"
+ " [1.37.0] maxAbsH2 = %010d\n"
+ " [1.37.0] maxAbsHV0 = %010d\n"
+ " [1.37.0] maxAbsHV1 = %010d\n"
+ " [1.37.0] maxAbsHV2 = %010d\n"
+ " [1.37.0] maxAbsV0 = %010d\n"
+ " [1.37.0] maxAbsV1 = %010d\n"
+ " [1.37.0] maxAbsV2 = %010d\n"
+ " [1.37.0] noDS == 1, set mediumAdaptGain = 0, adjust Hfactor\n"
+ " [1.37.0] noiseMeter = config.{ sizeX=%d, sizeY=%d }, gainControl.{ lut0Gain= %d, lut1Gain= %d, lut2Gain= %d }\n"
+ " [1.37.0] pixelControl->asePixelControl.dsEnable=%d, enhancementConfig.{ebeEnable=%d, peakingEnable=%d, chromaEnhanceEnable=%d}\n"
+ " [1.37.0] pixelControl->blendLogicCurve.point0.slope=%f\n"
+ " [1.37.0] pixelControl->blendLogicCurve.point0.x_position=%f\n"
+ " [1.37.0] pixelControl->blendLogicCurve.point0.y_position=%f\n"
+ " [1.37.0] pixelControl->noiseMeter = config.{ sizeX=%d, sizeY=%d }, gainControl.{ lut0Gain= %d, lut1Gain= %d, lut2Gain= %d }\n"
+ " [1.37.0] pixelControl[%p]=%s\n"
+ " [1.37.0] scene_change_detected = %d, ratio_2D_1D is :%d vs %d; H1 is : %d vs %d, V1 is: %d vs %d;\n"
+ " [1.37.0] sumAbsHV0 = %010d\n"
+ " [1.37.0] sumAbsHV1 = %010d\n"
+ " [1.37.0] sumAbsHV2 = %010d\n"
+ " [1.37.0] totalValid = %010d\n"
+ " [1.37.0] totalValidActivity = %010d\n"
+ " [1.37.0] totalValidValue = %010d\n"
+ "!(!!((_enabledHcus) & (1U << (ASEConfigurationUnitsV3_NoiseConfig))))"
+ "%s { %d"
+ "(!!((_enabledHcus) & (1U << (ASEConfigurationUnitsV3_NoiseConfig))))"
+ ", %d"
+ ", %d }"
+ "-[ASEProcessingT0 dealloc]"
+ "-[ASEProcessingT0 digitalZoomSelectControl_V2:]"
+ "-[ASEProcessingT0 processPixelWithInput:Output:]"
+ "-[ASEProcessingT0 processPixelWithInput:controlUnit:]"
+ "-[ASEProcessingT0 processPixelWithInput_V1:Output:]"
+ "-[ASEProcessingT0 processPixelWithInput_V2:Output:]"
+ "-[ASEProcessingT0 processPixelWithMeasurement_V1:pixelControl:]"
+ "-[ASEProcessingT0 processPixelWithMeasurement_V2:Output:]"
+ "-[ASEProcessingT0 processPixelWithPixelControl_V1:]"
+ "-[ASEProcessingT0 processPixelWithPixelControl_V2:]"
+ "-[ASEProcessingT1 DumpOutputHcus:]"
+ "-[ASEProcessingT1 dealloc]"
+ "-[ASEProcessingT1 initWithConfig:aseProcessing:productType:]"
+ "-[ASEProcessingT1 populateOutputHcus:]"
+ "-[ASEProcessingT1 processFrameWithInput:callback:]"
+ "-[ASEProcessingT1 processPixelWithInput:controlUnitV3:]"
+ "-[ASEProcessingT1 processPixelWithInput_V3:Output:]"
+ "-[ASEProcessingT1 processPixelWithMeasurement_V3:Output:]"
+ "-[ASEProcessingT1 processPixelWithPixelControl_V3:]"
+ "0"
+ "ASECalculateControlSettingV3.m"
+ "ASEProcessingCache.m"
+ "ASEProcessingT0.m"
+ "ASEProcessingT1.m"
+ "ASEproductType getCurrentProductType(void)"
+ "DumpArray:array:count:"
+ "DumpOutputHcus:"
+ "DumpPiecewiseLinearCurveV3:curve:"
+ "FG_dyn_setting"
+ "InitialSettingVideo"
+ "InitialSettingVideo_V2"
+ "Mix_dyn_setting"
+ "SettingVideo_NFG"
+ "SettingVideo_NFG LargeRatio"
+ "SettingVideo_NFG_LargeRatio_V2"
+ "SettingVideo_NFG_V2"
+ "bytes"
+ "calculate_control_setting_V3"
+ "com.apple.aseprocessing"
+ "copyArray"
+ "copyPieceWiseCurves"
+ "count <= 16"
+ "createCacheNode"
+ "disableHcuCache"
+ "dumpOutputHcu"
+ "enableT1Sim"
+ "getCurrentProductType"
+ "hideHcu"
+ "iPhone_SettingVideo_NFG_LargeRatio_V2"
+ "iPhone_SettingVideo_NFG_V2"
+ "input && input->type == WDT_TYPE_CONSTANT && input->pointCount <= 16"
+ "input && input->type == WDT_TYPE_INTERPOLATED"
+ "input && input->type == WDT_TYPE_INTERPOLATED && input->pointCount <= 16"
+ "interpolateArray"
+ "interpolatePieceWiseCurves"
+ "isT1OrNewer(_productType)"
+ "isT1OrNewer(productType)"
+ "logLevel"
+ "peakingConfig_FG"
+ "peakingConfig_InitialSettingVideo_V3"
+ "peakingConfig_Mix"
+ "peakingConfig_Video_NFG_LargeRatio_V3"
+ "peakingConfig_Video_NFG_V3"
+ "peakingConfig_iPhone_Video_NFG_LargeRatio_V3"
+ "peakingConfig_iPhone_Video_NFG_V3"
+ "size == sizeof(ASEHcuCacheNodeValueBlend)"
+ "size == sizeof(ASEHcuCacheNodeValueEbe)"
+ "size == sizeof(ASEHcuCacheNodeValuePeaking)"
+ "v24@0:8@16"
+ "v32@0:8r*16^{?=[32{?=fff}]}24"
+ "v36@0:8r*16^I24I32"
+ "void populateScalingConfig(scalingConfigV3Hcu *, float, float, uint32_t *)"