Releases: black-sat/black
Releases · black-sat/black
Direct support for past operators, without a preliminary conversion to LTL (which is still available under the --remove-past
New feature release:
- Support for past LTL operators (thanks to Gabriele Venturato)
- Important bug fixes for CNF-based backends
Minor update w.r.t. the previous release:
- Everything's ready for binary RPM and DEB packages
- Black now knows its
First packaged release
This first proper release includes many improvements over the prototype available at the time of submission of the TABLEAUX paper, including:
- multiple backends, supported by an abstraction layer that includes CNF encoding by Tseitin algorithm:
- MiniSAT
- CryptoMiniSAT
- Glucose (turned on as default)
- Z3
- MathSAT
- Better command line interface
- Proper build system, supporting package creation
- Homebrew formula available, Debian and RPM packages coming soon...
- Multiple bug fixes and improvements