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Samuel Spencer edited this page Jan 22, 2021 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the SwiftyStoreKit wiki! Additional documentation for new features, implementations, and anything not covered by the README can be found here.


There are a number of ways to install SwiftyStoreKit for your project. Swift Package Manager, CocoaPods, and Carthage integrations are the preferred and recommended approaches.

Regardless, make sure to import the project wherever you may use it:

import SwiftyStoreKit

Swift Package Manager

The Swift Package Manager is a tool for automating the distribution of Swift code and is integrated into Xcode and the Swift compiler. This is the recommended installation method. Updates to SwiftyStoreKit will always be available immediately to projects with SPM. SPM is also integrated directly with Xcode.

If you are using Xcode 11 or later:

  1. Click File
  2. Swift Packages
  3. Add Package Dependency...
  4. Specify the git URL for SwiftyStoreKit.


To integrate SwiftyStoreKit into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile:

github "bizz84/SwiftyStoreKit"

NOTE: Please ensure that you have the latest Carthage installed.


SwiftyStoreKit can be installed as a CocoaPod and builds as a Swift framework. To install, include this in your Podfile.


pod 'SwiftyStoreKit'


  • Super easy-to-use block-based API
  • Support for consumable and non-consumable in-app purchases
  • Support for free, auto-renewable and non-renewing subscriptions
  • Support for in-app purchases started in the App Store (iOS 11)
  • Support for subscription discounts and offers
  • Remote receipt verification
  • Verify purchases, subscriptions, subscription groups
  • Downloading content hosted with Apple
  • iOS, tvOS, watchOS, macOS, and Catalyst compatible


This framework provides a simple block based API with robust error handling on top of the existing StoreKit framework. It does NOT persist in app purchases data locally. It is up to clients to do this with a storage solution of choice (i.e. NSUserDefaults, CoreData, Keychain).