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KGX Developer Guide

This guide can be considered as a reference for developers keen on contributing to KGX.



The current 1.x.x architecture is a major rewrite from KGX 0.x.x. The main motivation for this rewrite was to,

  • reduce complexity
  • increase flexibility
  • improve readability
  • add ability to stream graphs

The rest of this guide will assume KGX 1.x.x as the canonical architecture.

Design Principles

Following are certain principles to keep in mind when working on the KGX codebase - whether modifying existing implementation or writing new ones.


A Source can be implemented for any file, local, and/or remote store that can contains a graph. A Source is responsible for reading nodes and edges from the graph.

A source must subclass kgx.source.source.Source class and must implement the following methods:

  • parse
  • read_nodes
  • read_edges

parse method

  • Responsible for parsing a graph from a file/store
  • Must return a generator that iterates over list of node and edge records from the graph

read_nodes method

  • Responsible for reading nodes from the file/store
  • Must return a generator that iterates over list of node records
  • Each node record must be a 2-tuple (node_id, node_data) where,
    • node_id is the node CURIE
    • node_data is a dictionary that represents the node properties

read_edges method

  • Responsible for reading edges from the file/store
  • Must return a generator that iterates over list of edge records
  • Each edge record must be a 4-tuple (subject_id, object_id, edge_key, edge_data) where,
    • subject_id is the subject node CURIE
    • object_id is the object node CURIE
    • edge_key is the unique key for the edge
    • edge_data is a dictionary that represents the edge properties


A Sink can be implemented for any file, local, and/or remote store to which a graph can be written to. A Sink is responsible for writing nodes and edges from a graph.

A Sink must subclass kgx.sink.sink.Sink class and must implement the following methods:

  • __init__
  • write_nodes
  • write_edges
  • finalize

__init__ method

The __init__ method is used to instantiate a Sink with configurations required for writing to a store.

  • In the case of files, the __init__ method will take the filename and format as arguments
  • In the case of a graph store like Neo4j, the __init__ method will take the uri, username, and password as arguments.

The __init__ method also has an optional kwargs argument which can be used to supply variable number of arguments to this method, depending on the requirements for the store for which the Sink is being implemented.

write_nodes method

  • Responsible for receiving a node record and writing to a file/store

write_edges method

  • Responsible for receiving an edge record and writing to a file/store

finalize method

Any operation that needs to be performed after writing all the nodes and edges to a file/store must be defined in this method.

For example,

  • kgx.source.tsv_source.TsvSource has a finalize method that closes the file handles and creates an archive, if compression is desired
  • kgx.source.neo_sink.NeoSink has a finalize method that writes any cached node and edge records


The Transformer class is responsible for reading data from an instance of kgx.source.source.Source and writing to an instance of kgx.sink.sink.Sink.

The Transformer supports various scenarios of execution.

Scenario I

Read from a source and write to an intermediate kgx.graph.base_graph.BaseGraph instance.

from kgx.transformer import Transformer

input_args = {'filename': ['graph_nodes.tsv', 'graph_edges.tsv'], 'format': 'tsv'}

t = Transformer()

And then save the graph from the intermediate graph to a desired sink.

output_args = {'filename': 'graph.json', 'format': 'json'}

Scenario II

Read from a source, write to an intermediate kgx.graph.base_graph.BaseGraph instance, and then write to the desired sink.

from kgx.transformer import Transformer

input_args = {'filename': ['graph_nodes.tsv', 'graph_edges.tsv'], 'format': 'tsv'}
output_args = {'filename': 'graph.json', 'format': 'json'}

t = Transformer()
t.transform(input_args=input_args, output_args=output_args)

Scenario III

Stream from a source and write to a desired sink.

from kgx.transformer import Transformer

input_args = {'filename': ['graph_nodes.tsv', 'graph_edges.tsv'], 'format': 'tsv'}
output_args = {'filename': 'graph.json', 'format': 'json'}

t = Transformer(stream=True)
t.transform(input_args=input_args, output_args=output_args)

Scenario IV

Stream from a source, compute some graph operations - e.g. graph-summary, validate or a custom inspector (see below) - on the input graph and then throw the data away, into a 'null' format Sink.

from typing import List
from kgx.transformer import Transformer
from kgx.utils.kgx_utils import GraphEntityType

input_args = {'filename': ['graph_nodes.tsv', 'graph_edges.tsv'], 'format': 'tsv'}
output_args = {'format': 'null'}

class TestInspector:
    def __init__(self):
        self._node_count = 0
        self._edge_count = 0

    def __call__(self, entity_type: GraphEntityType, rec: List):
        if entity_type == GraphEntityType.EDGE:
            self._edge_count += 1
        elif entity_type == GraphEntityType.NODE:
            self._node_count += 1
            raise RuntimeError("Unexpected GraphEntityType: " + str(entity_type))

    def get_node_count(self):
        return self._node_count

    def get_edge_count(self):
        return self._edge_count

inspector = TestInspector()

t = Transformer(stream=True)



Any method that is used across the codebase must be placed in kgx.utils, unless those methods are bound methods that need to rely on the state of a class.

  • Any method that is generic and can be used across the codebase can be placed in kgx.utils.kgx_utils
  • Any method that has to do with graph traversals can be placed in kgx.utils.graph_utils
  • Any method that has to do with RDF specific functions can be placed in kgx.utils.rdf_utils

Graph Operations

KGX also has a small collection of graph operations that can be applied to an instance of kgx.graph.base_graph.BaseGraph.

Every new graph operation must be implemented as its own separate submodule in kgx.graph_operations.

Every new graph operation must take an instance of kgx.graph.base_graph.BaseGraph as its first argument, followed by other arguments specific for that operation.

For more information, refer to the KGX documentation on Graph Operations.


KGX has a validator which checks whether a given graph is Biolink Model compliant.

For more information, refer to the KGX documentation on Valdiator.


The KGX Command Line Interface is built using the Click library.

The main entrypoint for CLI is kgx.cli:cli.

As a design choice, all CLI operations should be implemented in kgx.cli.cli_utils and exposed as wrappers in kgx.cli.

For more information, refer to the KGX documentation on KGX CLI.


The following section details the various conventions used throughout the codebase.

Code formatting

The code formatting is periodically done using the Black Python library.

black --skip-string-normalization --line-length 100 kgx
black --skip-string-normalization --line-length 100 tests

Docstring guidelines

The KGX codebase makes use of Pandas styled docstring format for documenting classes and methods.

This format is also utilized by Sphinx documentation generator to autogenerate documentation for the codebase.


Types are defined throughout the KGX codebase.

The typecheck is periodically done using the Mypy library.

mypy --strict-optional --ignore-missing-imports kgx/

Continuous Integration

The KGX repository is configured to run tests on every commit and on every PR made to the master branch. These tests are run via GitHub Actions.

The KGX repository is also configured with SonarCloud that provides a wide range of metrics that helps in determining the maintainability of the codebase. SonarCloud scans the repo after every commit and PR to ensure that certain quality metrics are above satisfying limits. These metrics are entirely for the sake of guiding better coding practices and in no way interferes with the ability to merge PRs.

If you are a core-developer of KGX then you should have admin access to the KGX project on SonarCloud.


KGX repository follows Semantic Versioning guidelines for versioning releases.

There are currently two branches of KGX:

  • The master branch is where the latest changes are merged into. All new releases on the 1.x.x will be made off of master branch.
  • The 0.x.x is the legacy implementation of KGX. This branch will be maintained where only bugs are addressed. No new features will be added to this branch.

To make a new release of KGX, refer to Release Instructions.

If you are a core-developer of KGX then you should have push access to KGX on PyPI and KGX on DockerHub.


KGX has several driver projects that guides its development.

It originally started out with addressing the needs of the NCATS Biomedical Data Translator and has since found application in various other projects: