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Unattended Installation on Windows

Aleš Erjavec edited this page Jan 25, 2019 · 2 revisions

Unattended Installation on Windows

The Orange installers can be run in silent/unattended mode. The following arguments can be passed to the installer:

  • /S Install in silent mode
  • /CurrentUser Install for the current user. This is the default
  • /AllUsers Install for all users. This must be run with administrator privileges.
  • /D=installation path The destination installation path.

Example: Install Orange for all users at %INSTALLPATH%

Orange3-3.18.0-Miniconda-x86_64.exe /S /AllUsers /D=%INSTALLPATH%

During the installation Miniconda will also be installed if not already present on the system. It will be installed with the same context (all users or current user) to its default installation path, without adding itself to %PATH% and it will not register as a system python.

For better control over Miniconda installation it is advised to install it first.