This example walks through setting up an example app deployed in Azure App Service and using the Splunk SignalFx extension.
These steps are based on the instructions found in the following resources:
- MS Azure app walkthrough to host a web app with App Service:
- Splunk Documentation on instrumenting an Azure App Service:
- Create an App Service in Azure
- In Azure, click Create a Resource, select Web and click Create next to Web App. (Search for Web app if you don't find it.)
- Select a subscription
- Select a resource group (or create a new one)
- Publish as code
- Select .Net Core 3.1 (LTS) as the runtime stack
- Select a region (or keep default)
- Click Next
- Keep default linux plan
- Select F1 (Free tier) for the Sku and Size
- NOTE: It is free for an hour/day as of this writing. Be aware of any costs incurred following these instructions
- Click Review + Create
- Once the app is up, click on the URL to confirm it is working
- Create the Bike App
- Open up a cloud shell. This may take some time and require you to allocate storage for the shell.
- Run the following commands in the shell
wget -q -O - | bash -s -- --version 3.1.102 export PATH="~/.dotnet:$PATH" echo "export PATH=~/.dotnet:\$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc
dotnet new mvc --name BestBikeApp
cd BestBikeApp dotnet run
- This should confirm your app is running. Control-C to stop it.
- Deploy the app
- Run the following commands to package up your app and deploy it.
cd ~/BestBikeApp dotnet publish -o pub cd pub zip -r *
az webapp deployment source config-zip \ --src \ --resource-group <your-resource-group> \ --name <your-app-name>
- Test that your app has been updated. You should see BestBikeApp a the top
- In Splunk Observability Cloud, note down your
- Realm (typically us1 in the US)
- Access Token
- In Azure, go to your App Service
- On the left side, under Development Tools, click Extensions
- Click Add and select SignalFx .NET Tracing [PreRelease] and
- Confirm from the extensions page that the extension was deployed successfully
- On the left side, under Settings, click Configuration
- Add the following application settings
- SIGNALFX_ENDPOINT_URL: http://ingest.(Realm)
- NOTE: You can also set this to an OTel Collector if you have one deployed
- Click SAVE, which should restart the application.
- Click around in the app to ensure traces are created
- In Splunk APM you will see this under the "unknown" or "All Environments" environment
- We can set the SIGNALFX_ENV setting to change this, or set this in an OTel Collector