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BBDATA checker


This little python script is intended to run periodically via a cron job. It will check that:

  • the flink jobs are running: quarters and hours,
  • the api is reachable, and the submit endpoint up,
  • the ingestion process is working.

In case one of the above test fails, a notification will be send to a telegram channel. The script is devoid of any output (except unknown exceptions). Only the exit code and the telegram notification informs you of a failure.

Install and run

Given a config.ini file (see below), this is a straight-forward python app:


# clone
git clone
cd bbchecker

# create and activate virtualenv
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

# install (use 'develop' instead of 'install' for development)
python install


# from bash directly:
bbchecker -c config.ini

# using module
python -m bbchecker -c config.ini

Setup cron

Use crontab -e to launch a cron editor and paste (will run every 15 minutes):

*/15 * * * * /path/to/venv/bin/python -m bbchecker -c /path/to/config.ini

Telegram interface

The bot api key and the chat id of the telegram channel are configured through the .ini file. You can pause/resume the check process whenever you want by sending one of stop, pause, start, resume keyword in the chat.


An example configuration file is provided (see config-sample.ini).

bot section:

  • offset: put 0 the first time, will be updated by the script itself
  • running: current status of the script, i.e. if it should run the tests or not (updated through telegram)
  • key: the bot api key, as returned by the @botfather
  • chat_id: you can find the chat id by 1) adding the bot to the chat, 2) send a message to the chat, 3) consult the url<bot-api-key>/getUpdates, the bot token being XXX:YYY...

bbdata section:

  • url: the base url of the bbdata apis, for example
  • hostname: optional, the host header to set (useful when we need to access a load balancer such as nginx through an ip)
  • verify: optional, whether or not to check ssl certificate
  • bbuser and bbtoken: the authentication used to connect to the output api (see bbdata/output-api)

flink section:

  • script: the path to an executable script that outputs the running flink aggregations. If not present, the flink status test is skipped.

Example script:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

ssh machine-where-flink-task-manager-runs "source ~/.bashrc &&  flink list 2>&1 | grep -E '[0-9a-f]{32}' || true"

input section:

  • object_id: the objectId for posting new measures (must be an object with float or int value)
  • token: the token used to send new measures (should be valid for the specified objectId)
