Error in user YAML: (<unknown>): did not find expected key while parsing a block mapping at line 1 column 1
date: <%"YYYY-MM-DD", 0) %>
type: weekly
tags: "#moc #daily/<%"YYYY") %>/<%"MM") %> #fitness/training "
description: Training log from <%"YYYY-MM-DD", 0)%> to <%"YYYY-MM-DD", 6)%>
[[0_daily/training/<%"YYYY-MM-DD", -7) %>to<%"YYYY-MM-DD", -1) %>|last week]] [[0_daily/training/<%"YYYY-MM-DD", 7) %>to<%"YYYY-MM-DD", 13) %>|next week]]
const tracked = {};
const tagsRegex = /#\S+(?:\s\S+)*/g;
// Define the start and end dates for the desired week
const weekStartDate = dv.current();
const weekEndDate = moment(weekStartDate).add(6, 'days').format('YYYY-MM-DD');
// Gather data
.where(x => x.section.subpath === "Training log").array()
.forEach(x => {
// Find the start/end times for each bullet point
const times = x.text.match(/^(\d{2}:\d{2})-(\d{2}:\d{2})/)
if (times) {
const start = moment(times[1], 'HH:mm');
const end = moment(times[2], 'HH:mm');
const minutes = moment.duration(end.diff(start)).asMinutes();
const date = x.path.match(/(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})/)[1];
// Check if the date falls within the specified week start and end dates
if (moment(date).isBetween(weekStartDate, weekEndDate, null, '[]')) {
const week = `[[${weekStartDate}_to_${weekEndDate}]]`;
// Extract tags from the note
const tags = x.text.match(tagsRegex)?.map(tag => tag.trim()); // Extracts all hashtags from the note
const description = x.text.replace(/^(\d{2}:\d{2}-\d{2}:\d{2}\s)/, ''); // Extracting text after time values
let kilometers = null; // Initialize kilometers as null
// Check if the entry has the tag for running
if (tags && tags.includes("#fitness/training/running")) {
// Extract kilometers from the description
const kmRegex = /(?:\[\[.*?(\d+(\.\d+)?) km.*?\]\]|(\d+(\.\d+)?) km(?:\s*\[\[.*?\]\])?)/; // Regex to match kilometers with or without links
const kmMatch = description.match(kmRegex);
if (kmMatch) {
// Parse kilometers as float from either capture group
kilometers = parseFloat(kmMatch[1] || kmMatch[3]);
if (!tracked[week]) tracked[week] = {};
if (tracked[week][date]) {
path: x.path,
start: start.format('HH:mm'),
end: end.format('HH:mm'),
minutes: minutes,
tags: tags || [],
description: description || '', // Initialize description as an empty string
kilometers: kilometers // Assign kilometers to entry
tracked[week][date].minutes += minutes;
// Append tags to the existing tracked entry
tracked[week][date].tags = [ Set(tracked[week][date].tags.concat(tags || []))];
} else {
tracked[week][date] = {
path: x.path,
entries: [{
path: x.path,
start: start.format('HH:mm'),
end: end.format('HH:mm'),
minutes: minutes,
tags: tags || [],
description: description || '', // Initialize description as an empty string
kilometers: kilometers // Assign kilometers to entry
minutes: minutes,
tags: tags || [],
description: description || '' // Initialize description as an empty string
const table = [];
let totalWeekMinutes = 0;
let totalWeekKilometers = 0; // Initialize total kilometers for the week
// Calculate total minutes and kilometers before iterating through daily entries
Object.keys(tracked).sort((a, b) => b.localeCompare(a))
.forEach(weekDate => {
const weekEntries = tracked[weekDate];
Object.keys(weekEntries).forEach(date => {
totalWeekMinutes += weekEntries[date].minutes;
// Accumulate kilometers for the week
weekEntries[date].entries.forEach(entry => {
if (entry.kilometers !== null) {
totalWeekKilometers += entry.kilometers;
// Push total minutes and kilometers row to the top of the table
'**' + totalWeekMinutes + '**',
'**' + totalWeekKilometers.toFixed(2) + '**', // Display total kilometers with 2 decimal places
// Horizontal line after the total minutes row
// table.push(['----', '----', '----', '']);
// Iterate through tracked entries to fill the table
Object.keys(tracked).sort((a, b) => b.localeCompare(a))
.forEach(weekDate => {
const weekEntries = tracked[weekDate];
// Sort daily values within the week summary in descending order by date
const sortedDates = Object.keys(weekEntries).sort((a, b) => b.localeCompare(a));
sortedDates.forEach(date => {
const dailyEntry = weekEntries[date];
const link = `[[${dailyEntry.path}#Training log|${moment(date).format('dddd D MMMM')}]]`;
// Push daily summary above the entries for each day
table.push(['**' + link + '**', '**' + dailyEntry.minutes + '**', '']);
// Push individual time entries (sorted in descending order)
dailyEntry.entries.sort((a, b) => moment(b.start, 'HH:mm').diff(moment(a.start, 'HH:mm'))).forEach(entry => {
entry.kilometers !== null ? entry.kilometers.toFixed(2) : '', // Remove 'km' and only report the digits
dv.table(['Date', 'Minutes', 'km', 'Description'], table);
<%*tp.file.rename("YYYY-MM-DD", 0)+"to""YYYY-MM-DD", 6));%> <% tp.user.pin_me() %>