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Advanced Guide

OLM deployment

Refining operands

Operand Override

When a kafka instance is being provisioned, fleetshard looks for a configmap named after the requested version of strimzi to provide a source of additional configuration. The configmap must have the label app=strimzi and must have a name starts with the prefix strimzi-cluster-operator. The config map must have a data-item fleetshard_operands.yaml.

If such a configmap exists, it may provide:

  1. alternative operand image.
  2. environment variables (supported by canary and admin operand).
  3. additional kafka broker configuration options (supported by the kafka operand).

For instance, here's an example override the canary operand image, and passing an additional environment variable. It also provides an additional configuration item to the broker.

 fleetshard_operands.yaml: |
      - name: FOO
        value "true"
        kas.policy.topic-config.topic-config-policy-enforced: true

This can be used to override items of configuration.

Logging / Metrics

Configure fleetshard operator and synchronizer logging

If you wish to change the logging behavior of a component at runtime, you should create a configmap with an file in the operator namespace named component_logging_config_override. The file should contain logging properties of the form quarkus.log.category.something.level.

For example, a configmap.yml file to change the logging level of org.bf2 to DEBUG for the operator would look like

apiVersion: v1
data: |
kind: ConfigMap
  name: operator-logging-config-override

You can create the configmap with:

kubectl apply -f configmap.yml -n kas-fleetshard

To restore logging defaults, you can delete the configmap and restart the pod, or you can update the configmap with the appropriate defaults, in this case:

apiVersion: v1
data: |
kind: ConfigMap
  name: operator-logging-config-override

See more on Quarkus logging

Configure canary logging

The canary tool, deployed by the fleetshard operator, provides logging at two different levels:

  • canary application itself
  • Sarama Apache Kafka client, used by the canary to interact with the Apache Kafka cluster

There are two ways to increase logging level, a dynamic method that applies only the newest canary version and static method that requires the canary to be restarted. Both methods are described next.

Control of logging verbosity at runtime from config provided by configmap

Versions of the canary provided by container images greater than support dynamic control of canary and sarama logging level. That is changes are applied at runtime, without the need to restart the canary.

If you wish to change the logging configuration, you should create a ConfigMap named canary-config in the namespace of the Kafka instance where the canary is running. The ConfigMap must contain key canary-config.json containing a stringified JSON object providing the keys verbosityLogLevel and/or saramaLogEnabled. Kubernetes configmap filesystem projection takes about 1 minute, and the canary itself looks for changes every 30 seconds. You may need to wait this long for the changes to be applied.

  • For verbosityLogLevel the integer values allowed are 0 (INFO), 1 (DEBUG) and 2 (TRACE). If not provided the system defaults to 0.
  • For saramaLogEnabled the boolean values allowed are false or true. If not provided the system defaults to false.

The following example command enables both canary logging at trace and sarama logging.

kubectl create configmap -n my-kafka-cluster-namespace canary-config \
                          --from-literal=canary-config.json='{"saramaLogEnabled": true, "verbosityLogLevel": 2}'

To revert logging back to default, simply delete the configmap. You may need to wait again for the changes to be applied.

kubectl delete configmap -n my-kafka-cluster-namespace canary-config

Control of logging verbosity from environment variables provided by configmap (Deprecated)

The canary application has a verbosity logging level configuration using the VERBOSITY_LOG_LEVEL environment variable that defaults to 0 (INFO); other allowed values are 1 (DEBUG) and 2 (TRACE). Warnings and errors are always logged and are not affected by the value of VERBOSITY_LOG_LEVEL.

The Sarama Apache Kafka client only allows logging to be enabled or disabled (default), without any kind of verbosity level support. It is possible to enable it by using the SARAMA_LOG_ENABLED environment variable.

Additionally, Go runtime debug variables can be set via the GODEBUG environment variable. This can be used to log certain actions more verbosely, or can even influence the behaviour of the runtime. Usage instructions for this variable can be found here. To configure the value of the GODEBUG environment variable, set the go.debug field in the "canary-config" ConfigMap below.

If you wish to change the above logging configuration, you should create a ConfigMap named canary-config in the namespace of the Kafka instance where the canary is running. The ConfigMap should contain the corresponding environment variables in the following way.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: canary-config
  sarama.log.enabled: "true"
  verbosity.log.level: "1"

You can create the ConfigMap with:

kubectl apply -f canary-config.yml -n my-kafka-cluster-namespace

Because the configuration is set using environment variables, you need to restart the canary application in order to allow it to get and use the new values; it is enough to scale the corresponding Deployment down because the fleetshard operator will scale it up again during the reconcile.

Configure admin server logging

The Kafka admin server, deployed by the fleetshard operator, utilizes the Log4J2 logging framework and provides a way to configure an additional configuration properties file at runtime using a ConfigMap. The ConfigMap must reside in the same namespace as the admin server where additional logging will be enabled and the name of the ConfigMap must match the name of the admin server deployment, e.g. my-kafka-cluster-admin-server. The ConfigMap should contain an entry named with any content supported by Log4J2 properties configuration. See more on Log4J2 properties format and options.

Given the following admin-server-config.yml file:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: my-kafka-cluster-admin-server
data: |
    rootLogger.level = DEBUG = org.bf2.admin
    logger.adminserver.level = DEBUG

You can create the ConfigMap with:

kubectl apply -f admin-server-config.yml -n my-kafka-cluster-namespace

The added configuration will be merged with the default logging configuration already present in the admin server. There is no need to restart the application. Configuration properties present in the ConfigMap will override properties with the same key in the default configuration. To reset logging configuration to the defaults, simply delete the ConfigMap.

Configure Strimzi Components logging

To change the Strimzi operator logging, find the namespace in which the Strimzi Operator is installed then edit the config map with name strimzi-cluster-operator.<version> that has the log4j configuration for the operator. The contents of the key needs to be modified to suit the needs.

kubectl edit cm strimzi-cluster-operator.<version> -n <namespace>

Configure Kafka Components logging

The fleetshard operator when it installs Kafka cluster, it configures Kafka cluster with custom logging configuration that be changed by the user at runtime. The logging configuration for brokers, zookeeper, exporter and cruise control are configured individually in separate ConfigMaps in the namespace where the Kafka cluster is installed.

Kafka Broker logging configuration

To change the logging configuration of the Kafka broker component execute the following and the contents of the key needs to be modified to suit the needs.

oc edit cm <kafka-cluster-name>-kafka-logging -n <tenant-kafka-cluster-namespace>

Kafka Zookeeper logging configuration

To change the logging configuration of the Zookeeper component execute the following and the contents of the key needs to be modified to suit the needs.

oc edit cm <kafka-cluster-name>-zookeeper-logging -n <tenant-kafka-cluster-namespace>

Kafka Exporter logging configuration

To change the logging configuration of the Kafka Exporter component execute the following

oc edit cm <kafka-cluster-name>-kafka-exporter-logging -n <tenant-kafka-cluster-namespace>

A sample configmap looks as below, make necessary edits as required

  apiVersion: v1
  kind: ConfigMap
    name: kafka-exporter-logging
  enableSaramaLogging: 'false'
  logLevel: info

supported log levels: [debug, info, warn, error, fatal]

Cruise Control logging configuration

To change the logging configuration of the Cruise Control component execute the following

oc edit cm <kafka-cluster-name>-cruise-control-logging -n <tenant-kafka-cluster-namespace>

A sample configmap looks as below, make necessary edits as required

  apiVersion: v1
  kind: ConfigMap
    name: cluster-cruise-control-logging
  data: >
      rootLogger.level = info

supported log levels: [all, trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal, off]

Querying Kafka JMX Mbeans

It is possible to query Kafka's JMX mbeans from within the kafka pods using the JmxTool utility.

./bin/ --jmx-url service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi:// --object-name kafka.server:type=BrokerTopicMetrics,name=MessagesInPerSec

It is also possible to use JConsole. To do this use a kubectl port-forward <broker-pod> 9999:9999 then connect JConsole to localhost:9999. No authentication is required.

Overriding Kafka/Zookeeper metrics

The kafka/zookeeper metrics configurations (stored in the <kafka-cluster-name>-kafka-metrics and kafka-cluster-name>-zookeeper-metrics configmaps respectively) can be overridden by editing the resource. The operator won't overwrite the changes until the digest of the master configurations (provided by fleetshard) changes and so does not match the org.bf2.operator/digest annotation on the target configmap.

Note that after overridding the metric configuration it is currently necessary to roll the kafka or zookeeper pods to have the changes picked up.