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fangjinuo edited this page Sep 23, 2019 · 12 revisions

Use it in MyBatis application


case 1, use it with springboot application:

just import dependencies:


also see sqlhelper-examples module

case 2, other applictaion (without springboot):

1.import dependencies:


2.config mybatis-config.xml

     <databaseIdProvider type="DB_VENDOR">
         <property name="SQL Server" value="sqlserver"/>
         <property name="DB2" value="db2"/>
         <property name="Oracle" value="oracle" />
         <setting name="defaultScriptingLanguage" value="com.github.fangjinuo.sqlhelper.mybatis.plugins.pagination.CustomScriptLanguageDriver" />
    <plugin interceptor="com.github.fangjinuo.sqlhelper.mybatis.plugins.pagination.MybatisPaginationPlugin" />

case 3, in a springboot application, but without spring datasource:

In this scenario, the mybatis-spring-boot-autoconfigure, sqlhelper-mybatis-spring-boot-autoconfigure will be invalid, so the mybatis application will start fail. So you have to consum your SqlSessionFactoryBean . So when you consum you SqlSessionFactoryBean, you should do like this:

case 4, in springboot application + mybatis + mybatis-pageHelper

step 1: remove mybatis-pageHelper dependency
step 2: import sqlhelper's:
  1. sqlhelper-mybatis
  2. sqlhelper-mybatis-spring-boot-autoconfigure
  3. sqlhelper-mybatis-spring-boot-starter
  4. sqlhelper-mybatis-over-pagehelper

How to

you can use it like this:

    public PagingResult list(){
        User queryCondtion = new User();
        PagingRequest request = new PagingRequest()
        List<User> users = userDao.selectByLimit(queryCondtion); // users is the data list        
        return request.getResult(); // result has: total ,pagesize, pageNo, maxPage ...

Migrate from mybatis-pagehelper

just replace mybatis-pagehelper dependencies to sqlhelper-mybatis-over-pagehelper:


use it, your code will not make any changes