A small javascript url router (only around 650 bytes minified and gzipped) designed for single page apps.
Support for:
- named vars
- regexp support
- url generation
- automatic variable escaping/encoding
No other dependencies required.
Inspired by flask/werkzeug routes.
Miniroute is not tied directly to hash change events to be more flexible. Here's an excerpt from demo.html:
Create a new miniroute object:
var r = new MiniRoute();
Create a route. The url may contain named parmeters:
r.addRoute('<url>', '<route_name>', function (param) {
// do the processing here
Example for route creation containing the named parameter 'user' of default type 'str':
r.addRoute('/users/<user:str>', 'user_page', function (param) {
// do the processing here
when calling a url #/users/robert?more=information
'param' will contain a dict like the following:
// the url without any query string
"url": "/users/robert",
// named parameters
"params": {
"user": "robert"
// query string append parameters
"qsa": {
"more": "information"
// the unparsed query string
"qsa_str": "more=information"
The router is triggered via the run() method. If you want to trigger it via the hashChanged handler call it like this:
// hash-based routing
function process() {
var hash = location.hash || '#';
if (! r.run(hash.substr(1)))
/* handle errors (unmatched routes) here */
// add to event listener
window.addEventListener('hashchange', process);
Beside the predefined types 'str' and 'num' you may add your own custom types:
r.addType('<type_name>', '<regexp>');
Example for a lower case type:
r.addType('lower_case', '([a-z]+)');
Create a url from a route:
r.url("route_name" [, <named_param_dict] [, <qsa_dict>]);
Example for url() creation (for the url '/users/robert?more=information' used above):
r.url("users", {"user": "robert"}, {"more": "information"});
Convenient wrapper around url() with encoding: urlEncoded(). Use it like this:
document.getElementById('your_id').href = "#" + r.urlEncoded("language", {"language": "lua"}, {"more": "information"});
Please view the demo.html for further examples and more details.
Code and documentation copyright Ulf Bartel. Code is licensed under the new-style BSD license.