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CakePHP Environment Awareness Demo App (Cake 3 Edition)

Installation (Vagrant)

A vagrant virtual machine is provided for experimentation with the Cake app.

  1. Download and install Vagrant and VirtualBox
  2. Download Composer or update composer self-update
  3. Run git clone
  4. Run cd CakePHP-EnvAwareness/app-cake3
  5. Run composer install
  6. Run vagrant up


The vagrant VM has an environment variable named APP_ENV set to vagrant by default in the Apache virtual host config and on the command line. Early in Cake's bootstrapping process, the main config file, config/app.php is loaded containing the "master" configs for the app.

In this demo, the APP_ENV environment variable is read and the value is used to look for a matching config file. In this case, config/app-vagrant.php. This file is loaded on top of the master config.

Any values defined in this second config will be merged into the master configs, allowing individual values to be overridden for specific values of APP_ENV.

A third config file named config/app-local.php may be created that will not be tracked by the git repository and can be used to further override values for local testing.

Web Server

  1. Visit http://localhost:8080/.
  2. Follow the instructions in the Environment Experiments section of the app's homepage.

Command Line

  1. Log into the VM: vagrant ssh.
  2. Check that the environment variable is already set by the user's .profile file by running: echo $APP_ENV.
    • What value is displayed?
  3. Move to the web root: cd /var/www/app-cake3
  4. Run: bin/cake config_read.config_read Defaults.longName
    • Which config file contains the output value that was displayed?
  5. Run: APP_ENV=prod bin/cake config_read.config_read Defaults.longName
    • Which config file contains the output value that was displayed this time?
    • Why was that value used?
  6. Create config/app-local.php and define the Defaults.longName key in it with a value of your own choosing.
  7. Run: bin/cake config_read.config_read Defaults.longName again.
  8. Run: APP_ENV=prod bin/cake config_read.config_read Defaults.longName again.
    • Why is the output the same in both cases now?