In the Next Step Ruby on Rails series, I constantly encourage you to do your own thing. The absolute BEST way for you to learn any new skill is to struggle.
I'm sorry.
Yes, it sucks, no, it's not fun, but the unfortunate reality is that the struggle really does lead to results.
So please, embrace the struggle.
Every so often, you're going to see this goat:
And for that, I apologise (it seemed like a good idea at the time). The point of this goat should be clear. You do your absolute best to complete the task I've set you.
Of course, you could go ahead and read my instructions immediately but you'd only be cheating yourself.
These guides are written for those who've already completed a few tutorials, meaning there'll be much more value in building the application yourself wherever possible. Google for answers before you reveal them here, read the docs, explore and discover! Your learning experience will be that much better for your struggle.
There's one other tip I'll give you...
Rename everything and make it your own.
Where I call my application Photogram, call yours something else (it really doesn't matter what you choose). Where I name each individual posted image a 'Post' (booorrriinnngg), you should call it something else.
You want this app to BELONG to you, don't just follow blindly.
Even if you think the name I use is the absolute best possible name in the universe, go ahead and change it. This is generally bad practice in progamming (naming things well is important) but for the sake of your education, we're going to pooh pooh that rule.
This guide also assumes that you have Rails installed on your computer of choice.
Let's get building!