Backend : 1st: Deals collection : description, image, price, userName who created it ... lets create initially a basic version of the document. Create 3, 4 documents in the mongoDB, manually. 2st: create Model with mongoose 3nd Route: a) create base URL in our indes b)create router for that collection (dealsRouter). c)inside the router, create endpints : initially create the girst get endpont to retrieve all the documents d) create cotroller function to get all documents from DB using our mongoose model.
-Test endopint in postman . IF it is working...we move on the client.
1st: build a view/page/componet that makes a fetch to the endpoint and stores vaules in a sate variable, and display then in JSX
TO do list :
CLIENT: -Routing system with react router dom -Context : at least an auth context to manage everzthing related with login/register/user status -Once auth context is ready, we should also build a Protected Route
Backend : a) create a get route, with a URL that admits a dynamic field (params) b) create a controller function that gets the id/name of the Deal from the request (usually inside req.params) and does a request to the database to find that document (e.g. model.findById(id)) c) return the found document to the client in the response
Client: a) insert a clickable link (that takes us to a dzynamic URL) in each of the deals in the Home/view with all Deals b) create a component (e.g. dealsDetail) that renders when we navigate to the dynamic url c) grab id/name from the deal from the url (using useParams hook). e) build a fetch function to the backend's endpoint including the id