(if an example contains all rules of any of these sets, it will be a test example)
Combination 1
- some_ref -> with_relation_ref
- answer -> boolean
(training examples which contain each of these grammar rules separately)
What is the color of square dog that is playing with round black mouse ?
query_attr [color] (with_relation (filter (square, find (dog)), playing with, filter (round, filter (black, find (mouse)))))
What is the shape of triangle animal that is looking at animal that is chasing gray cat ?
query_attr [shape] (with_relation (filter (triangle, find (animal)), looking at, with_relation (find (animal), chasing, filter (gray, find (cat)))))
Is the number of black square cat that is chasing dog that is looking at dog 3 or 2 ?
choose (count (with_relation (filter (black, filter (square, find (cat))), chasing, with_relation (find (dog), looking at, find (dog)))), 3, 2)
What is the color of cat that is playing with mouse that is chasing gray animal ?
query_attr [color] (with_relation (find (cat), playing with, with_relation (find (mouse), chasing, filter (gray, find (animal)))))
Either there is black triangle dog or the number of black dog is equal to 3
or (exists (filter (black, filter (triangle, find (dog)))), eq (count (filter (black, find (dog))), 3))
Either there is round white cat or the shape of triangle brown animal is equal to round
or (exists (filter (round, filter (white, find (cat)))), eq (query_attr [shape] (filter (triangle, filter (brown, find (animal)))), round))
The number of white black mouse is equal to 2
eq (count (filter (white, filter (black, find (mouse)))), 2)
The shape of cat is equal to the shape of black black mouse
eq (query_attr [shape] (find (cat)), query_attr [shape] (filter (black, filter (black, find (mouse)))))
Either the shape of square animal is equal to square or the number of black cat is less than the number of triangle square cat that is playing with white cat that is playing with mouse
Gold: or (eq (query_attr [shape] (filter (square, find (animal))), square), lt (count (filter (black, find (cat))), count (with_relation (filter (triangle, filter (square, find (cat))), playing with, with_relation (filter (white, find (cat)), playing with, find (mouse))))))
π΄ BART: or (eq (query_attr [shape] (filter (square, find (animal))), square), lt (count (filter (black, find (cat))), count (with_relation (filter (white, filter (square, find (cat))), playing with, find (mouse))))
π΄ BART-L: or (eq (query_attr [shape] (filter (square, find (animal))), square), lt (count (filter (black, find (cat))), count (filter (triangle, filter (square, find (cat)))), playing with, find (mouse))))
π΄ T5: or (eq (query_attr [shape] (filter (square, find (animal))), square), lt (count (filter (black, find (cat))), count (filter (triangle, filter (square, find (cat)))), playing with, filter (white, find (cat)), playing with, find (mouse))
π΄ T5-L: or (eq (query_attr [shape] (filter (square, find (animal))), square), lt (count (filter (black, find (cat))), playing with, with_relation (filter (white, find (cat)), playing with, find (mouse))))
Both some of animal are looking at square mouse and there is animal that is playing with round gray dog
Gold: and (some (find (animal), with_relation (scene (), looking at, filter (square, find (mouse)))), exists (with_relation (find (animal), playing with, filter (round, filter (gray, find (dog))))))
π΄ BART: and (some (find (animal), looking at, filter (square, find (mouse)))), exists (with_relation (find (animal), playing with, filter (round, filter (gray, find (dog))))))
π΄ BART-L: and (some (find (animal), looking at, filter (square, find (mouse)))), exists (find (animal), playing with, filter (round, filter (gray, find (dog))))))
π΄ T5: and (some (find (animal), looking at, filter (square, find (mouse)))), exists (find (animal), playing with, filter (round, filter (gray, find (dog))))))
π΄ T5-L: and (some (find (animal), looking at, filter (square, find (mouse)))), exists (find (animal), playing with, filter (round, filter (gray, find (dog))))))
Both some of dog are looking at brown brown cat that is looking at dog and none of triangle triangle cat are playing with cat that is looking at animal
Gold: and (some (find (dog), with_relation (scene (), looking at, with_relation (filter (brown, filter (brown, find (cat))), looking at, find (dog)))), none (filter (triangle, filter (triangle, find (cat))), with_relation (scene (), playing with, with_relation (find (cat), looking at, find (animal)))))
π΄ BART: and (some (find (dog), looking at, with_relation (filter (brown, filter (brown, find (cat))), looking at, find (dog)))), none (filter (triangle, filter (triangle, find (cat))), playing with, with_relation (find (cat), looking at, find (animal))))
π΄ BART-L: and (some (find (dog), looking at, with_relation (filter (brown, filter (brown, find (cat))), looking at, find (dog)))), none (filter (triangle, filter (triangle, find (cat))), playing with, with_relation (find (cat), looking at, find (animal)))))
π΄ T5: and (some (find (dog), looking at, with_relation (filter (brown, filter (brown, find (cat))), looking at, find (dog)))), none (filter (triangle, filter (triangle, find (cat))), playing with, with_relation (find (cat), looking at, find (animal))))
π΄ T5-L: and (some (find (dog), looking at, with_relation (filter (brown, filter (brown, find (cat))), looking at, find (dog)))), none (filter (triangle, filter (triangle, find (cat))), playing with, with_relation (find (cat), looking at, find (animal))))
Some of round gray mouse that is playing with animal are playing with animal
Gold: some (with_relation (filter (round, filter (gray, find (mouse))), playing with, find (animal)), with_relation (scene (), playing with, find (animal)))
π΄ BART: some (with_relation (filter (round, filter (gray, find (mouse))), playing with, find (animal)), playing with, find (animal))))
π΄ BART-L: some (with_relation (filter (round, filter (gray, find (mouse))), playing with, with_relation (find (animal), playing with, find (animal))))
π΄ T5: some (with_relation (filter (round, filter (gray, find (mouse))), playing with, with_relation (find (animal)), playing with, find (animal)))
π΄ T5-L: some (filter (round, filter (gray, find (mouse))), playing with, with (find (animal), playing with, find (animal))))
Either the color of brown triangle animal is equal to the shape of black black mouse that is chasing cat or the number of animal that is playing with gray cat that is chasing brown cat is less than 4
Gold: or (eq (query_attr [color] (filter (brown, filter (triangle, find (animal)))), query_attr [shape] (with_relation (filter (black, filter (black, find (mouse))), chasing, find (cat)))), lt (count (with_relation (find (animal), playing with, with_relation (filter (gray, find (cat)), chasing, filter (brown, find (cat))))), 4))
π΄ BART: or (eq (query_attr [color] (filter (brown, filter (triangle, find (animal)))), query_attr [shape] (with_relation (filter (black, filter (black, find (mouse))), chasing, find (cat))), lt (count (with_relation (find (animal), chasing, filter (brown, find (cat))), 4))
π΄ BART-L: or (eq (query_attr [color] (filter (brown, filter (triangle, find (animal)))), query_attr [shape] (with_relation (filter (black, filter (black, find (mouse))), chasing, find (cat)))), lt (count (with_relation (find (animal), playing with, with_relation (filter (brown, find (cat))), chasing, filter (brown, find (cat))))), 4))
π΄ T5: or (eq (query_attr [color] (filter (brown, filter (triangle, find (animal)))), query_attr [shape] (with_relation (filter (black, filter (black, find (mouse))), chasing, find (cat)))), lt (count (with_relation (find (animal), playing with
π΄ T5-L: or (eq (query_attr [color] (filter (brown, filter (triangle, find (animal)))), query_attr [shape] (with_relation (filter (black, filter (black, find (mouse))), chasing, find (cat)))), lt (count (with_relation (find (animal), playing with
The number of mouse that is chasing animal that is chasing animal is equal to the number of square gray dog that is playing with dog that is playing with mouse
Gold: eq (count (with_relation (find (mouse), chasing, with_relation (find (animal), chasing, find (animal)))), count (with_relation (filter (square, filter (gray, find (dog))), playing with, with_relation (find (dog), playing with, find (mouse)))))
π΄ BART: eq (count (with_relation (find (mouse), chasing, with_relation (find (animal), chasing, find (animal))), count (with_relation (filter (square, filter (gray, find (dog))), playing with, with_relation (find (dog), playing with, find (mouse))))
π’ BART-L: eq (count (with_relation (find (mouse), chasing, with_relation (find (animal), chasing, find (animal)))), count (with_relation (filter (square, filter (gray, find (dog))), playing with, with_relation (find (dog), playing with, find (mouse)))))
π’ T5: eq (count (with_relation (find (mouse), chasing, with_relation (find (animal), chasing, find (animal)))), count (with_relation (filter (square, filter (gray, find (dog))), playing with, with_relation (find (dog), playing with, find (mouse)))))
π’ T5-L: eq (count (with_relation (find (mouse), chasing, with_relation (find (animal), chasing, find (animal)))), count (with_relation (filter (square, filter (gray, find (dog))), playing with, with_relation (find (dog), playing with, find (mouse)))))
Either there is round dog or there is gray cat that is looking at round white animal
Gold: or (exists (filter (round, find (dog))), exists (with_relation (filter (gray, find (cat)), looking at, filter (round, filter (white, find (animal))))))
π’ BART: or (exists (filter (round, find (dog))), exists (with_relation (filter (gray, find (cat)), looking at, filter (round, filter (white, find (animal))))))
π’ BART-L: or (exists (filter (round, find (dog))), exists (with_relation (filter (gray, find (cat)), looking at, filter (round, filter (white, find (animal))))))
π΄ T5: or (exists (filter (round, find (dog))), exists (filter (gray, find (cat)), looking at, filter (round, filter (white, find (animal))))))
π΄ T5-L: or (exists (filter (round, find (dog))), exists (filter (gray, find (cat)), looking at, filter (round, filter (white, find (animal))))))
Either there is triangle mouse or the color of brown mouse that is playing with brown mouse that is chasing round square animal is equal to triangle
Gold: or (exists (filter (triangle, find (mouse))), eq (query_attr [color] (with_relation (filter (brown, find (mouse)), playing with, with_relation (filter (brown, find (mouse)), chasing, filter (round, filter (square, find (animal)))))), triangle))
π΄ BART: or (exists (filter (triangle, find (mouse))), eq (query_attr [color] (with_relation (filter (brown, find (mouse)), playing with, with_relation (filter (brown, find (mouse)), chasing, filter (round, filter (square, find (animal))))), triangle)
π’ BART-L: or (exists (filter (triangle, find (mouse))), eq (query_attr [color] (with_relation (filter (brown, find (mouse)), playing with, with_relation (filter (brown, find (mouse)), chasing, filter (round, filter (square, find (animal)))))), triangle))
π΄ T5: or (exists (filter (triangle, find (mouse))), eq (query_attr [color] (with_relation (filter (brown, find (mouse)), playing with, with_relation (filter (brown, find (mouse)), chasing, filter (round, filter (square, find (animal))))))), triangle)
π’ T5-L: or (exists (filter (triangle, find (mouse))), eq (query_attr [color] (with_relation (filter (brown, find (mouse)), playing with, with_relation (filter (brown, find (mouse)), chasing, filter (round, filter (square, find (animal)))))), triangle))
Both some of dog are looking at brown brown cat that is looking at dog and none of triangle triangle cat are playing with cat that is looking at animal
Gold: and (some (find (dog), with_relation (scene (), looking at, with_relation (filter (brown, filter (brown, find (cat))), looking at, find (dog)))), none (filter (triangle, filter (triangle, find (cat))), with_relation (scene (), playing with, with_relation (find (cat), looking at, find (animal)))))
π΄ BART: and (some (find (dog), looking at, with_relation (filter (brown, filter (brown, find (cat))), looking at, find (dog)))), none (filter (triangle, filter (triangle, find (cat))), playing with, with_relation (find (cat), looking at, find (animal))))
π΄ BART-L: and (some (find (dog), looking at, with_relation (filter (brown, filter (brown, find (cat))), looking at, find (dog)))), none (filter (triangle, filter (triangle, find (cat))), playing with, with_relation (find (cat), looking at, find (animal)))))
π΄ T5: and (some (find (dog), looking at, with_relation (filter (brown, filter (brown, find (cat))), looking at, find (dog)))), none (filter (triangle, filter (triangle, find (cat))), playing with, with_relation (find (cat), looking at, find (animal))))
π΄ T5-L: and (some (find (dog), looking at, with_relation (filter (brown, filter (brown, find (cat))), looking at, find (dog)))), none (filter (triangle, filter (triangle, find (cat))), playing with, with_relation (find (cat), looking at, find (animal))))
Most of cat that is looking at mouse are looking at triangle round animal
Gold: most (with_relation (find (cat), looking at, find (mouse)), with_relation (scene (), looking at, filter (triangle, filter (round, find (animal)))))
π΄ BART: most (with_relation (find (cat), looking at, find (mouse)), looking at, filter (triangle, filter (round, find (animal)))))
π΄ BART-L: most (with_relation (find (cat), looking at, with_relation (find (mouse), looking at, filter (triangle, filter (round, find (animal))))))
π΄ T5: most (with_relation (find (cat), looking at, with_relation (find (mouse)), looking at, filter (triangle, filter (round, find (animal)))))
π΄ T5-L: most (with_relation (find (cat), looking at, with_relation (find (mouse), looking at, filter (triangle, filter (round, find (animal))))))
None of animal that is chasing gray brown cat are looking at cat
Gold: none (with_relation (find (animal), chasing, filter (gray, filter (brown, find (cat)))), with_relation (scene (), looking at, find (cat)))
π΄ BART: none (with_relation (find (animal), chasing, filter (gray, filter (brown, find (cat)))), looking at, find (cat)))
π΄ BART-L: none (with_relation (find (animal), chasing, with_relation (filter (gray, filter (brown, find (cat))), looking at, find (cat))))
π΄ T5: none (with_relation (find (animal), chasing, with_relation (filter (gray, filter (brown, find (cat)))), looking at, find (cat)))
π΄ T5-L: none (with_relation (find (animal), chasing, with_relation (filter (gray, filter (brown, find (cat))), looking at, find (cat))))
Either the number of mouse that is playing with cat that is playing with round dog is greater than 4 or the number of dog that is chasing square cat that is playing with dog is equal to the number of gray cat
Gold: or (gt (count (with_relation (find (mouse), playing with, with_relation (find (cat), playing with, filter (round, find (dog))))), 4), eq (count (with_relation (find (dog), chasing, with_relation (filter (square, find (cat)), playing with, find (dog)))), count (filter (gray, find (cat)))))
π΄ BART: or (gt (count (with_relation (find (mouse), playing with, with_relation (find (cat), playing with, filter (round, find (dog))))), 4), eq (count (with_relation (find (dog), chasing, with_relation (filter (square, find (cat)), playing with, find (dog))), count (filter (gray, find (cat))))
π΄ BART-L: or (gt (count (with_relation (find (mouse), playing with, with_relation (find (cat), playing with, filter (round, find (dog))))), 4)
π΄ T5: or (gt (count (with_relation (find (mouse), playing with, with_relation (find (cat), playing with, filter (round, find (dog))))), 4), eq (count (with_relation (find (dog), chasing, with_relation (filter (square, find (cat)), playing with, find (dog
π΄ T5-L: or (gt (count (with_relation (find (mouse), playing with, with_relation (find (cat), playing with, filter (round, find (dog))))), eq (count (find (dog), chasing, with_relation (filter (square, find (cat)), playing with, find (dog)))))
Either the color of cat is equal to the color of dog that is looking at gray cat that is chasing square mouse or all of dog that is playing with gray cat are square
Gold: or (eq (query_attr [color] (find (cat)), query_attr [color] (with_relation (find (dog), looking at, with_relation (filter (gray, find (cat)), chasing, filter (square, find (mouse)))))), all (with_relation (find (dog), playing with, filter (gray, find (cat))), filter (square, scene ())))
π΄ BART: or (eq (query_attr [color] (find (cat)), query_attr [color] (with_relation (find (dog), looking at, with_relation (filter (gray, find (cat)), chasing, filter (square, find (mouse))))), all (find (dog), playing with, filter (gray, find (cat))), filter (square, scene ()))
π΄ BART-L: or (eq (query_attr [color] (find (cat)), query_attr [color] (with_relation (find (dog), looking at, with_relation (filter (gray, find (cat)), chasing, filter (square, find (mouse))))), all (find (dog), playing with, filter (gray, find (cat)))), filter (square, scene ())))
π΄ T5: or (eq (query_attr [color] (find (cat)), query_attr [color] (with_relation (find (dog), looking at, with_relation (filter (gray, find (cat)), chasing, filter (square, find (mouse)))))), all (with_relation (find (dog), playing with
π΄ T5-L: or (eq (query_attr [color] (find (cat)), query_attr [color] (with_relation (find (dog), looking at, with_relation (filter (gray, find (cat)), chasing, filter (square, find (mouse))))), all (find (dog), playing with, filter (gray, find
The shape of cat that is looking at dog that is playing with triangle cat is equal to round
Gold: eq (query_attr [shape] (with_relation (find (cat), looking at, with_relation (find (dog), playing with, filter (triangle, find (cat))))), round)
π’ BART: eq (query_attr [shape] (with_relation (find (cat), looking at, with_relation (find (dog), playing with, filter (triangle, find (cat))))), round)
π’ BART-L: eq (query_attr [shape] (with_relation (find (cat), looking at, with_relation (find (dog), playing with, filter (triangle, find (cat))))), round)
π’ T5: eq (query_attr [shape] (with_relation (find (cat), looking at, with_relation (find (dog), playing with, filter (triangle, find (cat))))), round)
π’ T5-L: eq (query_attr [shape] (with_relation (find (cat), looking at, with_relation (find (dog), playing with, filter (triangle, find (cat))))), round)
There is cat that is looking at dog that is looking at gray white dog
Gold: exists (with_relation (find (cat), looking at, with_relation (find (dog), looking at, filter (gray, filter (white, find (dog))))))
π’ BART: exists (with_relation (find (cat), looking at, with_relation (find (dog), looking at, filter (gray, filter (white, find (dog))))))
π’ BART-L: exists (with_relation (find (cat), looking at, with_relation (find (dog), looking at, filter (gray, filter (white, find (dog))))))
π΄ T5: exists (find (cat), looking at, with_relation (find (dog), looking at, filter (gray, filter (white, find (dog))))))
π’ T5-L: exists (with_relation (find (cat), looking at, with_relation (find (dog), looking at, filter (gray, filter (white, find (dog))))))
The number of cat that is playing with black dog is equal to the number of animal
Gold: eq (count (with_relation (find (cat), playing with, filter (black, find (dog)))), count (find (animal)))
π’ BART: eq (count (with_relation (find (cat), playing with, filter (black, find (dog)))), count (find (animal)))
π’ BART-L: eq (count (with_relation (find (cat), playing with, filter (black, find (dog)))), count (find (animal)))
π’ T5: eq (count (with_relation (find (cat), playing with, filter (black, find (dog)))), count (find (animal)))
π’ T5-L: eq (count (with_relation (find (cat), playing with, filter (black, find (dog)))), count (find (animal)))
Either the number of gray round cat is less than 3 or there is round black mouse that is looking at dog
Gold: or (lt (count (filter (gray, filter (round, find (cat)))), 3), exists (with_relation (filter (round, filter (black, find (mouse))), looking at, find (dog))))
π’ BART: or (lt (count (filter (gray, filter (round, find (cat)))), 3), exists (with_relation (filter (round, filter (black, find (mouse))), looking at, find (dog))))
π΄ BART-L: or (lt (count (filter (gray, filter (round, find (cat)))), 3), exists (filter (round, filter (black, find (mouse))), looking at, find (dog))))
π΄ T5: or (lt (count (filter (gray, filter (round, find (cat)))), 3), exists (filter (round, filter (black, find (mouse))), looking at, find (dog))))
π΄ T5-L: or (lt (count (filter (gray, filter (round, find (cat)))), 3), exists (filter (round, filter (black, find (mouse))), looking at, find (dog))))
Either there is white dog that is playing with triangle square cat or the color of square square mouse is equal to triangle
Gold: or (exists (with_relation (filter (white, find (dog)), playing with, filter (triangle, filter (square, find (cat))))), eq (query_attr [color] (filter (square, filter (square, find (mouse)))), triangle))
π΄ BART: or (exists (with_relation (filter (white, find (dog)), playing with, filter (triangle, filter (square, find (cat))))), eq (query_attr [color] (filter (square, filter (square, find (mouse)))), triangle)
π’ BART-L: or (exists (with_relation (filter (white, find (dog)), playing with, filter (triangle, filter (square, find (cat))))), eq (query_attr [color] (filter (square, filter (square, find (mouse)))), triangle))
π΄ T5: or (exists (filter (white, find (dog)), playing with, filter (triangle, filter (square, find (cat))))), eq (query_attr [color] (filter (square, filter (square, find (mouse)))), triangle))
π’ T5-L: or (exists (with_relation (filter (white, find (dog)), playing with, filter (triangle, filter (square, find (cat))))), eq (query_attr [color] (filter (square, filter (square, find (mouse)))), triangle))
Either there is triangle mouse that is looking at mouse or the shape of brown triangle mouse that is looking at mouse is equal to the color of brown animal that is playing with mouse that is looking at animal
Gold: or (exists (with_relation (filter (triangle, find (mouse)), looking at, find (mouse))), eq (query_attr [shape] (with_relation (filter (brown, filter (triangle, find (mouse))), looking at, find (mouse))), query_attr [color] (with_relation (filter (brown, find (animal)), playing with, with_relation (find (mouse), looking at, find (animal))))))
π΄ BART: or (exists (with_relation (filter (triangle, find (mouse)), looking at, find (mouse))), eq (query_attr [shape] (with_relation (filter (brown, filter (triangle, find (mouse))), looking at, with_relation (find (mouse), playing with, with_relation (find (mouse), looking at, find (animal))))
π΄ BART-L: or (exists (with_relation (filter (triangle, find (mouse)), looking at, find (mouse))), eq (query_attr [shape] (with_relation (filter (brown, filter (triangle, find (mouse))), looking at, with_relation (find (mouse), playing with, find (animal)))))
π΄ T5: or (exists (filter (triangle, find (mouse)), looking at, find (mouse))), eq (query_attr [shape] (with_relation (filter (brown, filter (triangle, find (mouse))), looking at, find (mouse))), query_attr [color] (filter (brown, find (animal)), playing
π΄ T5-L: or (exists (with_relation (filter (triangle, find (mouse)), looking at, find (mouse))), eq (query_attr [shape] (with_relation (filter (brown, filter (triangle, find (mouse))), looking at, find (mouse)))), query_attr [color] (with_relation (filter (brown
Both the color of black round animal that is playing with cat that is looking at mouse is equal to the shape of cat that is chasing cat and the number of brown white animal that is playing with triangle square cat is equal to 3
Gold: and (eq (query_attr [color] (with_relation (filter (black, filter (round, find (animal))), playing with, with_relation (find (cat), looking at, find (mouse)))), query_attr [shape] (with_relation (find (cat), chasing, find (cat)))), eq (count (with_relation (filter (brown, filter (white, find (animal))), playing with, filter (triangle, filter (square, find (cat))))), 3))
π΄ BART: and (eq (query_attr [color] (with_relation (filter (black, filter (round, find (animal))), playing with, with_relation (find (cat), looking at, find (mouse))), chasing, find (cat)))), eq (count (with_relation (filter (brown, filter (white, find (animal)), playing with, filter (triangle, filter (square, find (cat)))), 3)
π΄ BART-L: and (eq (query_attr [color] (with_relation (filter (black, filter (round, find (animal))), playing with, with_relation (find (cat), looking at, find (mouse))), query_attr [shape] (find (cat)), chasing, find (cat)))), 3)
π΄ T5: and (eq (query_attr [color] (with_relation (filter (black, filter (round, find (animal))), playing with, with_relation (find (cat), looking at, find (mouse)))), query_attr [shape] (with_relation (find (cat), chasing, find (cat))))
π΄ T5-L: and (eq (query_attr [color] (with_relation (filter (black, filter (round, find (animal))), playing with, with_relation (find (cat), looking at, find (mouse)))), eq (count (with_relation (filter (brown, filter (white, find (animal))), playing with, filter (
Both there is animal and none of dog that is looking at cat are playing with black round mouse
Gold: and (exists (find (animal)), none (with_relation (find (dog), looking at, find (cat)), with_relation (scene (), playing with, filter (black, filter (round, find (mouse))))))
π΄ BART: and (exists (find (animal)), none (with_relation (find (dog), looking at, find (cat)), playing with, filter (black, filter (round, find (mouse))))))
π΄ BART-L: and (exists (find (animal)), none (with_relation (find (dog), looking at, with_relation (find (cat), playing with, filter (black, filter (round, find (mouse)))))))
π΄ T5: and (exists (find (animal)), none (find (dog), looking at, find (cat)), playing with, filter (black, filter (round, find (mouse))))))
π΄ T5-L: and (exists (find (animal)), none (find (dog), looking at, with_relation (find (cat), playing with, filter (black, filter (round, find (mouse))))))
There is cat that is chasing dog that is chasing cat
Gold: exists (with_relation (find (cat), chasing, with_relation (find (dog), chasing, find (cat))))
π’ BART: exists (with_relation (find (cat), chasing, with_relation (find (dog), chasing, find (cat))))
π’ BART-L: exists (with_relation (find (cat), chasing, with_relation (find (dog), chasing, find (cat))))
π΄ T5: exists (find (cat), chasing, with_relation (find (dog), chasing, find (cat))))
π’ T5-L: exists (with_relation (find (cat), chasing, with_relation (find (dog), chasing, find (cat))))
Either the shape of square animal is equal to square or the number of black cat is less than the number of triangle square cat that is playing with white cat that is playing with mouse
Gold: or (eq (query_attr [shape] (filter (square, find (animal))), square), lt (count (filter (black, find (cat))), count (with_relation (filter (triangle, filter (square, find (cat))), playing with, with_relation (filter (white, find (cat)), playing with, find (mouse))))))
π΄ BART: or (eq (query_attr [shape] (filter (square, find (animal))), square), lt (count (filter (black, find (cat))), count (with_relation (filter (white, filter (square, find (cat))), playing with, find (mouse))))
π΄ BART-L: or (eq (query_attr [shape] (filter (square, find (animal))), square), lt (count (filter (black, find (cat))), count (filter (triangle, filter (square, find (cat)))), playing with, find (mouse))))
π΄ T5: or (eq (query_attr [shape] (filter (square, find (animal))), square), lt (count (filter (black, find (cat))), count (filter (triangle, filter (square, find (cat)))), playing with, filter (white, find (cat)), playing with, find (mouse))
π΄ T5-L: or (eq (query_attr [shape] (filter (square, find (animal))), square), lt (count (filter (black, find (cat))), playing with, with_relation (filter (white, find (cat)), playing with, find (mouse))))
Both most of triangle square animal that is playing with square white animal are chasing mouse and there is dog that is playing with dog that is looking at triangle white animal
Gold: and (most (with_relation (filter (triangle, filter (square, find (animal))), playing with, filter (square, filter (white, find (animal)))), with_relation (scene (), chasing, find (mouse))), exists (with_relation (find (dog), playing with, with_relation (find (dog), looking at, filter (triangle, filter (white, find (animal)))))))
π΄ BART: and (with_relation (filter (triangle, filter (square, find (animal))), playing with, filter (square, filter (white, find (animal))), chasing, find (mouse)))), exists (find (dog), playing with, with_relation (find (dog), looking at, filter (triangle, filter (white, find (animal)))))
π΄ BART-L: and (most (with_relation (filter (triangle, filter (square, find (animal))), playing with, with_relation (filter (square, filter (white, find (animal))), chasing, find (mouse)))), exists (find (dog), playing with, with_relation (find (dog), looking at, filter (triangle, filter (white, find (animal)))))))
π΄ T5: and (most (filter (triangle, filter (square, find (animal))), playing with, filter (square, filter (white, find (animal)))), chasing, find (mouse))), exists (with_relation (find (dog), playing with, with_relation (find (dog), looking at, filter (triangle, filter (white, find (
π΄ T5-L: and (most (with_relation (filter (triangle, filter (square, find (animal))), playing with, with_relation (filter (square, filter (white, find (animal))), chasing, find (mouse)))), exists (find (dog), playing with, with_relation (find (dog), looking at, filter (triangle, filter (
There is gray gray cat that is chasing mouse
Gold: exists (with_relation (filter (gray, filter (gray, find (cat))), chasing, find (mouse)))
π’ BART: exists (with_relation (filter (gray, filter (gray, find (cat))), chasing, find (mouse)))
π’ BART-L: exists (with_relation (filter (gray, filter (gray, find (cat))), chasing, find (mouse)))
π΄ T5: exists (filter (gray, filter (gray, find (cat))), chasing, find (mouse)))
π΄ T5-L: exists (filter (gray, filter (gray, find (cat))), chasing, find (mouse)))