A toolkit for performing set operations - union, intersection and complement - on k-mer lists.
Copyright (C) University of Tartu 2015-2016.
Please cite: Kaplinski L, Lepamets M, Remm M. (2015). GenomeTester4: a toolkit for performing basic set operations – union, intersection and complement on k-mer lists. GigaScience, 4:58
Building GenomeTester4 binaries:
Change into subdirectory 'src' and type:
make clean
An alignment-free genotype caller.
Copyright (C) University of Tartu 2015-2017
Please cite: Pajuste F-D, Kalpinski L, Möls M, Puurand T, Lepamets M, Remm M. (2017). FastGT: an alignment-free method for calling common SNVs directly from raw sequencing reads. Scientific Reports, 7:2537
FastGT is implemented as a sub-project of GenomeTester4, sharing some source files.
Source files are inside the GenomeTester4 distribution.
FastGT has two binaries - gmer_counter and gmer_caller.
Building FastGT binaries:
Change into subdirectory 'src' and type:
make gmer_counter
make gmer_caller
- k-mer lists and user manual for FastGT are available from http://bioinfo.ut.ee/FastGT/