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Releases: bdring/FluidNC


24 Jun 20:26
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v3.5.0-pre Pre-release

Pre Release Build

Bug Fixes

  • Compilation Tweaks vtable workaround for the new toolchain environment.


  • Fluidterm Revision Fluidterm now has a revision. This will help us with support.
  • Fluidterm Clear Screen CTRL+W clears the screen.


21 Jun 12:13
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Bug Fix

WebUI Issue Some JSON parsing issues were in the last release causing errors with the WebUI.


18 Jun 16:21
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New FluidNC Release 3.4.8

Bug Fixes

Fixes to Bluetooth/Telnet/Websockets When commands were being sent via Bluetooth (and also telnet websockets), certain operations like homing would discard sent-ahead GCode commands. Those other channels now behave almost identically with regard to send-ahead. In addition, Bluetooth - but not telnet and websocket - now supports advanced line editing like serial. (#482)


Bad gcode debug message Shows line sent when invalid or unsupported gcode is rejected when $Message/Level=Debug

User settable start message New NVS setting $Start/Message to control the startup message. This can be used if your gcode sender requires a specific message like Grbl 1.1g ['$' for help]. See this wiki section on how to use it. (#480)

Fluidterm edit mode Returns editing mode to the the default (off) when it closes. Furthermore, by sending CTRL-L, a sender can turn off advanced editing mode explicitly.

Refactored control switches They will report and show startup errors a little differently now - the control switch names in the messages are now spelled the same as their configuration items. Also fixes rare ESP32 problem where switches reported incorrectly if read too soon after setup.


02 Jun 12:54
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Bug Fixes

ESP-IDF Issues We fixed a few issues related to the latest version of the framework. The attributes for the cs_pin on Trinamic drivers were not working. There are likely a few other issues. We will fix them as they are identified.

10V spindle The initial state was not set which means it assumed it had to wait for a spin down when the state was set to disabled at turn on. If you had a long delay, this was pretty annoying.

Homing Fixed problems with asymmetric pulloff not working, removes the requirement that motor1 have the larger pulloff, and stops running homing cycles if one fails. Homing pulloff from an initially active switch is now handled better.


TMC2209 now disables the power down pin feature. This is not needed because we have separate run and hold currents. Since the power down pin is the same as the UART, it is recommended to turn off that feature in UART mode.

Homing You can now send a parameter with $H like $H=XY to home X and Y is a single cycle. You can also send cycle numbers from your config like $H=1 to home all axes in cycle 1. You can send $H=12 to do cycle 1 and then cycle 2. The versions without parameters, such as $H, $HX, etc., still work.


24 May 12:07
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Bug Fixes

  • SD Card Fixed an issue caused by Espressif in an update to the ESP32 framework

  • Buffer Flush The communication channel buffers are now flushed after a reset (CTRL+X). This was causing unintended motion after a reset when using gcode senders.


19 May 11:40
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Ctrl+Q is an alternative for Ctrl+] to exit from fluidterm. This helps with keyboards that don't have a ] key

Ctrl+O allows you to send special characters for things like feed/speed overrides and macros. Send Ctrl+O then the 2 key sequence like "fr" for feed override override reset. Ctrl-O xx shows the list of overrides.

PlatformIO and ESP Framework version updates

is now compatible with PlatformIO ver 6

FluidNC is now compatible with ESP32 Framework 4.2.0 (woot!). This will enable a future switch from SPIFFS to LittleFS as the local FLASH filesystem - LittleFS has numerous improvements over SPIFFS. It will also enable future support for newer ESP32 variants.


Improvements to the way limits are handled

Fixed a WebUI bug where you could not put an equal sign in settings

Fixed WebUI Tablet layout problems on small screens like older iPhones.

Fixed a problem with CoreXY feed rates.

Fixed a bug where $MI motors init was causing problems with SPI daisy chained motors and RMT channels.

Solenoid axes with high frequencies were not working correctly.


26 Apr 19:16
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New FluidNC Release 3.4.4**

New Features

  • New $Motor/Init (or $MI) command. This is used to reinitialize motors. It is primarily for SPI and UART types. If you forget to have power on at startup or change a setting like run current. You can send $MI to reinitialize the motors.
  • New HBridge Spindle. This spindle type has separate CW and CCW PWM pins. It is intended to directly control an H Bridge circuit. (details coming to wiki soon)
  • ELF files are now generated with each release. If you have a crash. The backtrace information along with the ELF file can tell you the exact line where the crash occurred. (details coming to wiki soon)
  • Default homing sections. If your config file does not have homing sections, default ones will be created.


  • The solenoid motor type now ignores the idle_ms setting. It will not deactivate with the motors.
  • BESC. The acceptable frequency range has been expanded.

Bug Fixes

  • The card_detect: pin was defined as an output.


01 Apr 19:44
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New FluidNC Release 3.4.3

Bug Fixes

Hard Limits: A hard limit error during motion was often causing a crash. Also cleaned up internal issues with multiple pin instances.

Filename Too Long: A string replace issue was causing filenames that were too long.

PWM Crash: Crashed when output_pin is not defined

Probe Offset Fix: Offset correction was inverted.

H2A Spindle Fix: Fixed some speed issues


Trinamic Refactor: Split all drivers into separate classes. This allows for different config items.


22 Mar 18:05
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Bug Fixes

Fixed error with config file line number in startup message errors


Added more value range checks on config items


New Probing feature to auto apply thickness and zero coordinate system

Added MKS DLC32 and MKS TinyBee example configs.


28 Feb 14:04
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  • Fixed issue where motion could occur in feed hold after clearing an alarm #305
  • Fixed "No SD Card" response after remove/reinsert #313
  • Fixed crash when both Wi-Fi and BT are enabled with custom user compiles. #311
  • Fixed attributes not being properly applied to I2SO pins. #304
  • Fixed CoreXY homing #322
  • Feature. Added shared reset pin for stepstick motors #309
  • Feature Added some constraints on config values. If you specify a value outside of a defined range it will issue a warning and move the value into the range. #309


  • Fixed tablet mode not going to full screen on non-mobile devices. #324
  • Fixed repeating message when probe failed. #320
  • Fixed file listing bug #323


  • Fixed Ensure that fluidterm.exe exits when its parent window dies #307

Release Package

  • Added erase flash and other info to Windows install instructions #307

The WebUI has changed in this release and you should upgrade it.