- Bumpy to v0.6 [#43]
- Fix crash if NXBrew URL is invalid [#42]
- Use exact versions in pyproject [#32]
- Edit GH actions to run on main [#31]
- Made cache URL agnostic [#30]
- Improve error logging [#29]
- Bypass 1link.club links [#28]
- Bump to v0.5 [#27]
- Add PyPI action to GH actions [#26]
- Bundle GUI script for GitHub version [#26]
- Package for pip [#26]
- Unify link parsing and make more general [#25]
- Fix crash if no suitable releases found [#25]
- Skip weird phantom links [#24]
- Include what types of files are being removed in the clean up [#24]
- Strip extraneous whitespace from titles [#24]
- Bump to v0.4 [#22]
- Allow for generic base game [#21]
- Catch MyJDAPI errors [#20]
- Really fixed ouo de-shortener (please) [#20]
- Add progress bar to GUI [#19]
- Keep games list searchable even when downloads are running [#18]
- If error occurs, don't crash GUI [#17]
- Exclude log folder so pip builds successfully [#16]
- Further fixes for link shortening [#15]
- Bump to v0.3 [#14]
- Make URL de-shortening less flaky [#13]
- Simplified fetching thumbnail URL [#13]
- Fixed cases where links could be missed [#13]
- GUI updates [#12]
- Logging updates [#11]
- Update docs to reflect region preferences [#10]
- Bump to v0.2 [#9]
- Check version is most up-to-date [#8]
- Add configurable region/language preferences [#7]
- Ensure package name is valid for JDownloader [#6]
- Initial release