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Cuttlefish for Erlang Developers

Joe DeVivo edited this page Aug 15, 2013 · 30 revisions

As an Erlang developer, you're probably used to application:set_env and app.config files. The good news for you is that you can keep on coding that way! The... additional news is that people who are using your application may not understand that syntax so easily. So how can you help? I'm glad you asked!

Write Cuttlefish Schemas!

You have a new job. You get to choose which knobs you expose to customers! You can choose to name these things anything you want, so where you previously might have been confined to including a dependency's application name, you are now not.

You can define datatypes for these settings, and you can explain to cuttlefish how a simple name-value pair becomes part of a complex hierarchy of Erlang terms!

Want to see how?

As the Erlang developer, you are the person responsible for being the ambassador of your setting to the world. Here's how it looks in ASCII art:

┌--------------------┐                                                                      ┌--------------------┐
| <app>.conf         |                                                                      | app.config         |
|--------------------|       {mapping,                       {translation,                  | -------------------|
| my.setting = value | --->   "my.setting",            --->   "<dependency>.setting",  ---> | [{<dependency, [   |
| ...                |        "<dependency>.setting",         fun(Conf) ->                  |    {setting, value}|
|                    |        []}.                              %% erlang fun               |  ]}, ... ].        |
└--------------------┘                                        end}.                         └--------------------┘