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A platform-independent bot that interacts purely based on string, utilizes python-telegram-bot.


Since PTB (python-telegram-bot) supports listening for webhooks, simply skip the process of actual webhook registration post request, then manually post to the webhook.


The dumbbot has to run in the main-thread (due to the telegram bot uses get_event_loop, which only works in main thread), consider use multiprocessing.

Use dumbbot like a server.

Hint: to expose the processed result to outside, register another awaitable callback and call it inside the handler's callback. E.g.:

def handler_callback(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE):
    result = ...
    await self.registered_outer_callback(result)


  • Added ChainCommandHandler: Allow for multi-level commands like /myapp subcommand <args>. (It also handles single-level, so it can replace CommandHandler)

    • Do not split arg if enclosed with double quotes ".
    • Need to contain / at start explicitly during configuration.
    • Pass callback for a single-level command, pass sub_command_handlers for multi-level commands.
  • Added StringArgConverter: Map list of string args into specific types, use this to deal with context.args. (One can also consider using Pydantic's Model to achieve this, which is more developed.)

    • allow parsing optional args of format key=val
    • allow custom cast function
    • allow default value as a function for positional arg, evaluated at actual parsing time. (useful for generating time)
    • return converted arg list (or first element if only one element).
  • Added UpdateGenerator: Manually push an update to bot.


pip install python-telegram-bot[webhooks]


Mainly used existing handlers are CommandHandler, ConversationHandler, MessageHandler.

Callbacks should be defined with exactly these arguments: (update: Update, context: CallbackContext).

  • To retrieve message text: update.effective_message.text: str
  • To retrieve arg list (CommandHandler/ChainCommandHandler): context.args: list[str]
  • To retrieve regex filtered result: context.match: re.Match, context.matches: list[re.Match]
  • Use context.bot_data / context.user_data / context.chat_data to retrieve data dict, it can be used to communicate with other callbacks. See here.
    • By default stores in memory, use persistence method to store them.
    • Note: call context.application.mark_data_for_update_persistence to ensure the data is stored by persistent. Also, objects need to be copyable by defining deepcopy(self, memo).
  • More details at doc for callbackcontext.

UpdateGenerator: Manually push updates to application, able to push messages of different types:

  • plaintext(): push plaintext message
  • command(): push command message
  • automatic(): automatic push corresponding message type based on message.text starts with / or not.

To save bot's data like bot_data, user_data, chat_data, conversation states, etc to local file, refer to

Application setup

Example bots from telegram, our work keeps the same structure.

Basic app with simple CommandHandler:

  1. setup application that registers a webhook
import logging

from dumbbot import DumbBot, Update, DumbApplication
from dumbbot.ext import ApplicationBuilder, ContextTypes, CommandHandler

    format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s',

async def start(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE):
    print("received", update.effective_message.text)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    builder = ApplicationBuilder()
    builder = builder.application_class(DumbApplication)
    builder =
    application =

    start_handler = CommandHandler('start', start)
  1. Use UpdateGenerator to manually push update via webhook (need to run in a separate thread)
import datetime
from dumbbot import UpdateGenerator, Chat, User, Message

chat = Chat(0, Chat.PRIVATE)
user = User(0, 'dummy', False, username='dummyuser')
msg = Message(0,, chat, from_user=user, text='/start')

generator = UpdateGenerator(port=10888)
succ = generator.command(msg)  # post update to webhook

Note: By default, only the first matched handler is used. To enable multiple handlers, use group in application.add_handler. See doc here.

Use ChainCommandHandler

single-level ChainCommandHandler:

from dumbbot import ChainCommandHandler, Update
from dumbbot.ext import ContextTypes

async def set_gender(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE):
    print(f'You are a {context.args[0]}.')

one_level_handler = ChainCommandHandler('/set-gender', callback=set_gender)

multi-level ChainCommandHandler:

from dumbbot import Update, ChainCommandHandler
from dumbbot.ext import ContextTypes

async def git_help(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE):
    # /git help <args>
    print('function: git_help')
    print('args:', str(context.args))

async def git_add(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE):
    # /git add <args>
    print('function: git_add')
    print('args:', str(context.args))

async def git_remote_help(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE):
    # /git remote help <args>
    print('function: git_remote_help')
    print('args:', str(context.args))

async def git_remote_add(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE):
    # /git remote add <args>
    print('function: git_remote_add')
    print('args:', str(context.args))

multilevel_handler = ChainCommandHandler(
        ChainCommandHandler('add', git_add),
                ChainCommandHandler('add', git_remote_add)

ChainCommandHandler is also compatible with ConversationHandler.


Allows scheduled jobs, require pip install python-telegram-bot[job-queue].

See JobQueue

The persistence for JobQueue is here. Which requires pip install git+


  • Two types of job stores are available: from ptbcontrib.ptb_jobstores import PTBMongoDBJobStore, PTBSQLAlchemyJobStore
  • Pass replace_existing=True and id:str=some_unique_id (default is uuid4().hex) to job_kwargs when scheduling a new job.
  • Pickling is involved in the process, and pickling self.jobcallback inevitably pickles the entire class. So if some properties of your class (e.g. DumpApplication, handlers) or any args in run_* (e.g. data contains Update) is unpickable, this will cause error.
    • Solution: Put the unpickable instances to another class, or put the callback to a pickable class.


Use this to deal with context.args.


import datetime
from dumbbot import StringArgConverter

def cast_ints(value: str) -> tuple[int, ...]:
    """value: single int, or int separated by ','"""
    return tuple(map(int, value.replace(' ', '').split(',')))

def cast_time(value: str) -> datetime.time:
    # format: HHMMSS or HHMM
        # raise ValueError for wrong format
        return datetime.datetime.strptime(value, '%H%M').time()
    except ValueError:
        # raise ValueError for wrong format
        return datetime.datetime.strptime(value, '%H%M%S').time()

usage = StringArgConverter(
            '/sub daily <channel> <program> <ids>'
            '[excludeProgram] [detail] [checkTime] [days] [startTime] - 添加每日定时检查任务',
            # required args
            # required args with custom cast function
            ids=(list[int], cast_ints),
            # positional args (need default value)
            excludeProgram=(str, None),
            detail=(str, '*'),
            # positional args with default value function evaluated at parsing, and custom cast function
            checkTime=(datetime.time, lambda:, cast_time),
            # positional args with default value and custom cast function
                  tuple(range(0, 6+1)),
            startTime=(datetime.time, None, cast_time),
args = ['channel_name', '"program name with space"', '1,2,3', '"optional arg without key"', 'detail="optional arg with key"', 'days=3,4,5']
if not usage.check_arg_len(args):
    # Usage: /sub daily <channel> <program> <ids> [excludeProgram] [detail] [checkTime] [days] [startTime] - 添加每日定时检查任务
        channel, program, ids, \
        excludeProgram, detail, checkTime, days, startTime = usage.parse_args(args)
        # parsed result:
        # channel: channel_name
        # program: program name with space
        # ids: [1,2,3]
        # excludeProgram: optional arg without key
        # detail: optional arg with key
        # checkTime: <datetime.time object>
        # days: [3,4,5]
        # startTime: <datetime.time object>
    except (SyntaxError, TypeError, ValueError) as e: