- changed the case severities from static to dynamically be populated from the IRIS
- changed returned fields for major operations from a list to string due to the difficulties with proper fields mapping in various versions
- ** Add Case** operation - fixed another issue with case_template_id. Value must be a string
- ** Add Case** operation - case_description must be present
- ** Get Case** operation - fixed return fields. Changed case_name with name
- Add Task operation - task_description now mandatory
- fixed couple of fields so they now depend on the chosen case instead of preloading with default one
- ** Add Case** operation - fixed issue with absent case_template_id
- Update Task operation - now depends on the case Id, istead of preloading with the default one.
- Add Comment operation - mixed up between comment_id and comment_text
- fixed option to return fields for case, note, task, comment resources
- ** Case Module** Added. Supported operations: Call Module and List Module Tasks