This module allows you to access the Jira Service Desk's REST API through Ballerina. The Jira Service Desk is an ITSM solution by Atlassian. With the Jira Service Desk, you can easily receive, track, manage, and resolve requests from your team’s customers. The Jira Service Desk is built on the Jira platform. Therefore, there are some common terms and concepts that can be found across all of the Atlassian’s Jira products. The Jira Service Desk connector can be used to manage your service desks by executing the supported CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations on the issues, projects, customers, and organizations.
The following sections provide you details on how to use the Jira Service Desk connector.
Version | |
Ballerina Language | Swan Lake Preview1 |
Jira Service Desk REST API | 3.6.2 |
Download and install Ballerina.
Execute the below command to pull the Jira Service Desk module from Ballerina Central:
$ ballerina pull ballerinax/jira.servicedesk
Instantiate the connector by giving authentication details and the URL of your Jira instance in the Jira client configuration.
Obtaining Tokens
- Visit Atlassian and sign up to create your account.
- Generate an API token for Jira using your Atlassian Account:
Create the servicedesk:Client
// Add the content of the below config file to create a `servicedesk:Client` configuration .
import ballerinax/jira.servicedesk;
servicedesk:BasicAuthConfiguration basicAuth = {
username: USERNAME,
apiToken: API_TOKEN
servicedesk:Configuration jiraConfig = {
baseUrl: BASE_URL,
authConfig: basicAuth
servicedesk:Client servicedeskClient = new (jiraConfig);
Perform Jira Service Desk operations
import ballerina/io;
import ballerinax/jira.servicedesk;
public function main() {
servicedesk:BasicAuthConfiguration basicAuth = {
username: USERNAME,
apiToken: PASSWORD
servicedesk:Configuration jiraConfig = {
baseUrl: BASE_URL,
authConfig: basicAuth
servicedesk:Client serviceDeskClient = new (jiraConfig);
servicedesk:User userCreated = checkpanic serviceDeskClient->createCustomer("<CUSTOMER_EMAIL>", "<CUSTOMER_NAME>");
string USER_ID = "";
string? userId = userCreated?.accountId;
if (userId is string) {
USER_ID = userId;
// Perform the `Organization`-related actions
servicedesk:Organization organization = checkpanic serviceDeskClient->createOrganization("<ORG_NAME>");
// Add the created user to the organization
checkpanic organization->addUsers([USER_ID]);
// Retrieve all the users in the organization
servicedesk:User[]|error usersInOrganization = organization->getUsers();
// Remove the created user from the organization
checkpanic organization->removeUsers([USER_ID]);
// Perform the `ServiceDesk`-related actions
// Retrieve all the service desks in your Jira instance
servicedesk:ServiceDesk[] servicedesks = checkpanic serviceDeskClient->getServiceDesks();
// Retrieve service desks by the ID
servicedesk:ServiceDesk itHelpDesk = checkpanic serviceDeskClient->getServiceDeskById(1);
servicedesk:ServiceDesk supportHelpDesk = checkpanic serviceDeskClient->getServiceDeskById(2);
// Create an issue
servicedesk:Issue issue = {
summary: "Request JSD help via REST",
issueType: {
id: "10003"
servicedesk:Issue|error result =
itHelpDesk->createIssue(issue, "I have an issue", [USER_ID]);
// Retrieve all the queues in the service desk
servicedesk:Queue[] queues = checkpanic itHelpDesk->getQueues(true);
// Retrieve users in the service desk
servicedesk:User[] usersInServiceDesk = checkpanic itHelpDesk->getCustomers();