Shawn Wang compiles some Wisdom in this blogpost:
I turn 35 today. Here are 35 principles I have accumulated and try to live by […].
Here are the things from that post which resonated with me:
Copied from these Tweets:
Systems > Goals, Discipline > Motivation, Trust > Distrust, Principles > Tactics, Writing > Reading, Vulnerability > Confidence, North Stars > Low Hanging Fruit, Trends > News, Habits > Sprints, Questions > Answers, Problems > Solutions, People > Projects, Listening > Arguing, Empathy > Enmity, Values > Metrics, Actions > Reactions, Health > Wealth, Forgiveness > Revenge, Automation > Decision, Delegation > Control, Growth > Fixed mindset, “Yes, and” > “Well, actually”, Community > Solo effort, Identity > Outcomes, Science > Social Science, Integrity > Capability, Designing > Forecasting, History > Geography, Micro > Macro econ., Resilience > Perfection, Redundancy > Efficiency, Lasting > Winning, Wisdom > Intelligence, Drive > Inspiration, Investing > Spending, Proactive > Reactive, Data Structures > Algorithms, Audiobooks > Podcasts, Movies > TV, Boardgames > Computer games, Wearables > VR, Email > Slack, DM > Subtweet, Textbooks > Google, Courses > YouTube, Threads > Memes, Magazines > Newspapers, Theme songs > Soundtracks, Slogans > Billboards, Wikis > Q&A, Personal Blog > Medium, Reviews > Silence
- Helps to organize thoughts and learn
- Share ideas and knowledge why you sleep
A good plan, violently executed now, is better than a perfect plan next week. — General George Patton
Adding is favoured over subtracting in problem solving
You can’t call yourself a leader by coming into a situation that is by nature uncertain, ambiguous — and create confusion. You have to create clarity where none exists. — Satya Nadella
See also The Importance of Career Laddering.
Optimizing for anything else tends to make systems more fragile. See Optimized for Change.
Exception for companies and people that are actively harming or misleading the vulnerable.
When you ship something big or small, or when someone says nice things about you.
We are the sum total of still-relevant knowledge we still remember, not the total of the volume of content we consume.
You don’t rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems. — James Clear
Don’t let your expenses rise as fast as your income.