A step definition can transfer state to a subsequent step definition by storing state in instance variables, as shown below.
import { Given } from "@badeball/cypress-cucumber-preprocessor";
Given("a step asynchronously assigning to World", function() {
cy.then(() => {
this.foo = "bar";
Given("a step accessing said assignment synchronously", function() {
Please note that if you use arrow functions, you won’t be able to share state between steps!
Even though setWorldConstructor
isn't implemented, it's behavior can be closely replicated like shown below.
# cypress/e2e/math.feature
Feature: Replicating setWorldConstructor()
Scenario: easy maths
Given a variable set to 1
When I increment the variable by 1
Then the variable should contain 2
// cypress/support/e2e.ts
beforeEach(function () {
const world = {
variable: 0,
setTo(number) {
this.variable = number;
incrementBy(number) {
this.variable += number;
Object.assign(this, world);
// cypress/support/step_definitions/steps.js
import { Given, When, Then } from "@badeball/cypress-cucumber-preprocessor";
Given("a variable set to {int}", function(number) {
When("I increment the variable by {int}", function(number) {
Then("the variable should contain {int}", function(number) {
If you're using TypeScript, you can get optimum type safety and completion based on your custom world, by setting the type of this
in your step functions:
interface CustomWorld extends Mocha.Context {
eat(count: number): void;
When("I eat {int} cucumbers", function (this: CustomWorld, count: number) {
Alternatively, you can extend the default type Mocha.Context
using a declaration file like shown below.
// declarations.d.ts
interface CustomWorld {
eat(count: number): void;
declare namespace Mocha {
interface Context extends CustomWorld {}
// steps.ts
When("I eat {int} cucumbers", function (count: number) {