id: babel-preset-stage-1
title: @babel/preset-stage-1
sidebar_label: stage-1
As of Babel v7, all the stage presets have been deprecated. Check the blog post for more information.
For upgrade instructions, see the README.
The gist of Stage 1 is:
Stage 1: proposal
What is it? A formal proposal for the feature.
What’s required? A so-called champion must be identified who is responsible for the proposal. Either the champion or a co-champion must be a member of TC39 (source). The problem solved by the proposal must be described in prose. The solution must be described via examples, an API and a discussion of semantics and algorithms. Lastly, potential obstacles for the proposal must be identified, such as interactions with other features and implementation challenges. Implementation-wise, polyfills and demos are needed.
What’s next? By accepting a proposal for stage 1, TC39 declares its willingness to examine, discuss and contribute to the proposal. Going forward, major changes to the proposal are expected
npm install --save-dev @babel/preset-stage-1
"presets": ["@babel/preset-stage-1"]
babel script.js --presets @babel/preset-stage-1
require("@babel/core").transform("code", {
presets: ["@babel/preset-stage-1"]
, defaults to false
Enable "loose" transformations for any plugins in this preset that allow them.
, defaults to false
Will use the native built-in instead of trying to polyfill behavior for any plugins that require one.
, defaults to false
Use the legacy (stage 1) decorators syntax and behavior.
- Chapter "The TC39 process for ECMAScript features" in "Exploring ES2016 and ES2017" by Axel Rauschmayer