hxGeomAlgo is based on:
- HaxeFoundation (http://haxe-foundation.org/)
- OpenFL (http://www.openfl.org/)
- Marching Squares (Contour Tracing)
- Ramer-Douglas-Peucker (Polyline Simplification)
- http://karthaus.nl/rdp/ (Marius Karthaus)
- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/849211/shortest-distance-between-a-point-and-a-line-segment (Grumdrig)
- Ear Clipping (Triangulation and Poly Decomposition)
- https://github.com/mapbox/earcut (Vladimir Agafonkin)
- http://www.ewjordan.com/earClip/ (Java - by Eric Jordan)
- Bayazit (Poly Decomposition)
- https://web.archive.org/web/20140701210122/http://mnbayazit.com/406/bayazit (Mark Bayazit)
- http://mnbayazit.com/406/credit
- http://www.dyn4j.org/ (Java - by William Bittle)
- Visibilty Polygon and Homogeneous Coords (2D)
- http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~snoeyink/demos/convdecomp/VPDemo.html (Jack Snoeyink)
- Snoeyink-Keil (Minimum Convex Decomposition)
- http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~snoeyink/demos/convdecomp/MCDDemo.html (Jack Snoeyink & Mark Keil)
- J. Mark Keil, Jack Snoeyink: On the Time Bound for Convex Decomposition of Simple Polygons. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 12(3): 181-192 (2002)
- Connected Components Labeling and Contour Tracing (w/ Holes)
- Fu Chang, Chun-jen Chen, Chi-jen Lu: A linear-time component-labeling algorithm using contour tracing technique (2004)
- Visvalingam-Whyatt (Polyline Simplification)
- Visvalingam M., Whyatt J. D.: Line generalisation by repeated elimination of the smallest area (1992)
- http://bost.ocks.org/mike/simplify/ (Mike Bostock)
- https://github.com/jonasmalacofilho/dheap (Jonas Malaco Filho)
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_heap (Binary (Min)Heap)
- Tess2 (Tesselation to Triangles and Convex Polygons, Poly Boolean Ops)
- GLU Libtess (by Eric Veach, July 1994)
- https://github.com/memononen/tess2.js (Mikko Mononen, Aug 2013)
- IsoContours (Contour Tracing)
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marching_squares
- https://github.com/deltaluca/nape (Luca Deltodesco)
- https://github.com/scikit-image/scikit-image (scikit-image team)
- Hertel-Mehlhorn (Convex Polygons from Arbitrary Triangulation)
- https://github.com/ivanfratric/polypartition (Ivan Fratric)
- https://web.archive.org/web/20140102033642/http://www.philvaz.com/compgeom/ (Phil Porvaznik)
- Chaikin (Recursive Curve Smoothing)
- George Merrill Chaikin: An algorithm for high-speed curve generation (1974)
- https://sighack.com/post/chaikin-curves (Manohar Vanga)
- Wu-Yong-Zhang-Zhang (Multi-step Chaikin Curve Smoothing)
- Ling Wu, Jun-Hai Yong, You-Wei Zhang, and Li Zhang: Multi-step Subdivision Algorithm for Chaikin Curves (2004)
- http://win.doomitalia.it/varie/chaikin.pdf (Fabio Roman, 2009)