- Kyma ✅
- Cloud Foundry ❌
In this part of the tutorial, you will learn how to set up a Custom Domain in your Kyma Cluster using AWS Route 53.
- Custom Domain in SAP BTP Kyma Runtime
This documentation chapter is your guide to seamlessly integrating custom domains into your SAP BTP Kyma Runtime Cluster. By allowing you to use your registered domains for your Kyma cluster, you can provide a more personalized experience to cater to their specific needs and preferences. At this tutorial, we will use the registered domain from Amazon Web Services(AWS) Route 53 as DNS Provider and Let's Encrypt as CA.
- You have an AWS Account and you have access to it via AWS CLI.
- You have a registered or transferred domain in Route 53.
- You have a SAP BTP Kyma Cluster and you also have access to it via kubectl.
- You have a deployed SusaaS Application release running on SAP BTP Kyma Runtime.
Follow the steps below to check if you are eligible to follow this step-by-step guide.
aws route53 list-hosted-zones
Now you should see the output as similar below. Please check if the domain you want to use is there.
"HostedZones": [
"Id": "/hostedzone/Z01685663MPP15I02ZWLP",
"Name": "exampledomain.com.", // your domain value should appear here
"CallerReference": "terraform-20210810114821273300000001",
"Config": {
"Comment": "Managed by Terraform",
"PrivateZone": false
"ResourceRecordSetCount": 16
Run the command below to check if you are able to connect your Kyma Cluster.
kubectl get namespaces
You should see a similar output as below.
default Active 213d
istio-system Active 213d
kube-node-lease Active 213d
kube-public Active 213d
kube-system Active 213d
kyma-integration Active 213d
kyma-system Active 213d
susaas Active 169d
## 3. Overview and Key Components SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) Kyma Runtime provides a cloud-native runtime environment for building, extending, and integrating enterprise applications. One of the key features of Kyma Runtime is the ability to enable custom domain usage. Custom domain enables you to access your Kyma Runtime applications using your own domain name instead of the default system-generated URLs. This enhances the user experience and aligns the application with your organization's branding.
To enable custom domain usage in SAP BTP Kyma Runtime, several key components work together to configure and manage the custom domain setup:
Secret: A Kubernetes Secret is used to securely store sensitive data, such as access credentials for cloud providers. In the context of custom domain usage, a Secret is used to store the AWS access credentials required for managing DNS records.
DNSProvider: The DNSProvider is a Kubernetes custom resource that allows you to manage DNS records in a cloud provider's DNS service. In the case of custom domain usage in Kyma Runtime, the DNSProvider is configured with the AWS Route53 service to handle DNS records for the custom domain.
DNSEntry: The DNSEntry is another Kubernetes custom resource used to define DNS records. It specifies the mapping between a domain name (e.g., *.kyma.example.com) and the target endpoint (e.g., istio-ingressgateway) where traffic should be directed. This object modifies yours Route53 Domain Records. It creates an A record which points to your Istio ingress gateway.
Issuer: An Issuer is a Kubernetes custom resource used to manage SSL/TLS certificates for secure communication over HTTPS. It allows you to automate the issuance and renewal of certificates. In the context of custom domain usage, the Issuer is configured to use Let's Encrypt to automatically obtain SSL/TLS certificates.
Certificate: The Certificate resource is used to configure and manage SSL/TLS certificates for your custom domain. It references the Issuer to automatically obtain and renew certificates for secure communication.
Gateway: In the context of Kyma Runtime and Istio, the Gateway is a Kubernetes custom resource responsible for handling incoming traffic and routing it to the appropriate services based on the specified hosts and ports. It plays a crucial role in enabling external access to your applications using custom domain names.
If you want to jump directly and deploy your custom domain, you can directly use the custom-domain chart chart to deploy on your cluster.
As you can see here, the values.yaml file looks like below.
# Default values for custom-domain.
# This is a YAML-formatted file.
# Enter here your AWS Access Key ID which you use to connect your AWS account
aws_access_key_id : abc123
# Enter here AWS Secret Access Key which you use to connect your AWS Account
aws_secret_access_key: abc123
# Optional, Enter here AWS Session Token if your AWS Account is requiring this value to connect
aws_session_token: abc123
# Required - the domain you would like to use in your Kyma Cluster
# Example - "kyma.mydomain.com" -> DO NOT GIVE Wildcards, it will be handled automatically for you
domain: kyma.mydomain.com
# Optional, Default is 600s, this is the cache invalidation interval for your DNS Entry
# IP of your Istio Ingress Gateway Service which you can get via following command:
# kubectl get services istio-ingressgateway -n istio-system -o json | jq ".status.loadBalancer.ingress[].hostname"
istioGatewayServiceIP: "<someIP>"
email: a.dedeoglu@sap.com
Let us take a look at the parameters one-by-one.
aws_access_key_id: This is the access key id you use to connect your AWS Account.
aws_secret_access_key: This is secret access key you use to connect your AWS Account
aws_session_token: This value is the session token you use to connect your AWS Account.
customDomain: This is the object you would use to pass your custom domain parameters.
- customDomain.domain: This is the base domain you want to use. For instance if you already own the domain example.com, you could give here kyma.example.com. Then under the hood, this helm chart will create *.kyma.example.com automatically.
- ttl: This is an optional parameter. This is the value for DNS Propogation. Default value is 600 seconds.
- istioGatewayServiceIP: This parameter is required, to map your DNS Entry on your Route53, to your Kyma Cluster. You can get it via the command kubectl get services istio-ingressgateway -n istio-system -o json | jq ".status.loadBalancer.ingress[].hostname
issuer: This is the object we pass the parameters about the certificate issuer.
- issuer.email: This is required by the Lets Encrypt Certificate Authority
Please set your desired values as describe.
To install the Helm chart, follow these steps:
Customize the values.yaml values as shown in previous section.
Use the following command to install the Helm chart from your root directory:
helm install cdomain ./docu/4-expert/-Kyma-/custom-domain/chart -n default --wait
- Check if everything went well with commands below. All the objects should be in ready state.
# To check if DNS Provider is ready
kubectl get dnsproviders cdomain-susaas-dns-provider -n default -o jsonpath="{.metadata.name}{.status.state}"
# To check if DNS Entry is ready
kubectl get dnsentry cdomain-susaas-dns-entry -n default -o jsonpath="{.metadata.name}{.status.state}"
# To check if Issuer is ready
kubectl get issuer cdomain-susaas-cert-issuer -n default -o jsonpath="{.metadata.name}{.status.state}"
# To check if Certificate is ready
kubectl get issuer cdomain-susaas-aws-letsencrypt-certificate -n istio-system -o jsonpath="{.metadata.name}{.status.state}"
# To check if Gateway is ready
kubectl get certificate cdomain-susaas-aws-letsencrypt-certificate -n istio-system -o jsonpath="{.metadata.name}{.status.state}"
If everything is ready, you can go ahead and expose your services via using your cdomain-gateway.
If you want to clean-up all the resources created run the command below.
helm uninstall cdomain -n default
This guide will walk you through the step-by-step process of installing the resources required for enabling custom domain usage in SAP BTP Kyma Runtime.
Before proceeding, ensure that you have the kubectl command-line tool set up and access to the Kubernetes cluster.
Run the command below with replacing the placeholders with your values.
kubectl apply -n default -f - <<EOF
kind: Secret
apiVersion: v1
name: cdomain-susaas-aws-creds
app.kubernetes.io/name: cdomain-susaas-aws-creds
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: <your_access_key_id> #comment
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: <your_access_key_secret>
AWS_SESSION_TOKEN: <your_aws_session_token>
type: Opaque
Run the command below with replacing the placeholders with your values.
The example given below assumes that you are the owner of example.com. So please put the values as shown below, base domain and wildcard domain you want to use.
kubectl apply -n default -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: dns.gardener.cloud/v1alpha1
kind: DNSProvider
dns.gardener.cloud/class: garden
helm.sh/weight: "1"
name: cdomain-susaas-dns-provider
- kyma.example.com
- *.kyma.example.com
name: cdomain-susaas-aws-creds
namespace: susaas
type: aws-route53
In this step, we will create a DNSEntry resource to configure the DNS entry for the wildcard domain.
Before you run the command below to get your Load Balancer Service IP for your Istio Ingress Gateway, you need to give the value as a target.
kubectl get services istio-ingressgateway -n istio-system -o json | jq ".status.loadBalancer.ingress[].hostname
Before applying the YAML, make sure to replace <"*.kyma.example.com"> with your wildcard domain, and <yourgateway.ip> from the command before.
kubectl apply -n default -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: dns.gardener.cloud/v1alpha1
kind: DNSEntry
dns.gardener.cloud/class: garden
helm.sh/weight: "2"
name: cdomain-susaas-dns-entry
dnsName: <"*.kyma.example.com">
- <yourgateway.ip>
ttl: 600
Hint: After this step, you can check your AWS Account Route 53 Service. You should see new DNS Records in your Hosted Zone.
In this step, we will create an Issuer resource responsible for managing SSL/TLS certificates using Let's Encrypt.
Run command below to create an issuer object on your Kyma Cluster. Replace <"kyma.example.com"> with your base domain and also replace <*.kyma.example.com> with your wildcard domain. Also replace info@example.com with a mail your organization has access to.
kubectl apply -n default -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: cert.gardener.cloud/v1alpha1
kind: Issuer
helm.sh/weight: "3"
name: cdomain-susaas-cert-issuer
namespace: susaas
autoRegistration: true
- <"kyma.example.com">
- <"*.kyma.example.com">
email: <info@example.com>
server: https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory
In this step, we will create a Certificate resource to manage the SSL/TLS certificate for your custom domain.
Before applying the YAML, make sure to replace <kyma.example.com> with your base domain and <*.kyma.example.com> with your wildcard domain. Please notice that you are applying the certificate to the istio-system namespace. That is a known issue from Istio.
kubectl apply -n istio-system -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: cert.gardener.cloud/v1alpha1
kind: Certificate
"helm.sh/hook": post-install,post-upgrade
"helm.sh/hook-weight": "1"
name: cdomain-susaas-aws-letsencrypt-certificate
commonName: <kyma.example.com>
- <"*.kyma.example.com">
name: cdomain-susaas-cert-issuer
namespace: susaas
name: cdomain-susaas-aws-letsencrypt-certificate-secret
namespace: istio-system
In this step, we will create a Gateway resource to handle the incoming traffic and route it to the appropriate services based on the specified hosts. Before applying the YAML, make sure to replace <*.kyma.example.com> with your wildcard domain.
kubectl apply -n istio-system -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1beta1
kind: Gateway
generation: 1
name: cdomain-gateway
"helm.sh/hook": post-install,post-upgrade
"helm.sh/hook-weight": "2"
istio: ingressgateway
- hosts:
- <"*.kyma.example.com">
name: https
number: 443
protocol: HTTPS
credentialName: cdomain-susaas-aws-letsencrypt-certificate-secret
mode: SIMPLE
- hosts:
- <"*.kyma.example.com">
name: http
number: 80
protocol: HTTP
httpsRedirect: true
Go to your sustainable-saas chart values-private.yaml, and modify it as shown below. You need to change the global.gateway value to default/cdomain-gateway. Second thing you need to change is the domain value. You need to set your domain to kyma.example.com as shown below.
imagePullSecret: {}
domain: kyma.example.com
shootName: a1b2c3
gateway: default/cdomain-gateway
Last but not least, also provide a new redirect URL as part of the xsuaa OAuth2 Configuration, which is also part of your existing values-private.yaml file.
# Provide domain here with the wildcard and "https://" prefix as shown
- https://*.kyma.example.com/**
- https://*.a1b2c3.kyma.ondemand.com/**
- http://*.localhost:5000/**
- http://localhost:5000/**
If you have done the changes, last step is upgrading the helm release so that you application uses the new domain and gateway you created.
On your root directory, run the command below:
# Run in root directory #
helm upgrade susaas deploy/kyma/charts/sustainable-saas -f deploy/kyma/charts/sustainable-saas/values-private.yaml -n default
Now you can go ahead and subscribe, you should see that your application is using your new domain.
Hint: If you have already existing tenants and you want to update their URL's with the new ones using which includes your custom domain, you should go to the Subscription Management Dashboard and update your tenants. Please check this official documentation for guidance.