import mutate from 'deep-mutation';
const cat = {
size: {
weight: 5,
height: 20,
breed: 'siam',
kitten: [
sex: 'w'
return mutate(cat, {
'size.height': 22,
'kitten.[+1]': 'Lukan',
'kitten.[+2]': 'Munya'
import mutate, { deepPatch } from 'deep-mutation';
const todos = [
id: 998941425,
title: 'Add useful somthing',
description: 'I would like to make something interesting and useful'
steps: [
{ id: 1, text: 'idea', isFinished: false },
{ id: 2, text: 'prepare', isFinished: false },
{ id: 3, text: 'make', isFinished: false }
function findTodo(todoId) {
return todos.find(el => == todoId);
function findStep(todo, stepId) {
return todos.find(el => == todoId);
function changeStepState(todoId, stepId, isFinished) {
const todoPos = findTodo(todoId);
const stepPos = findStep(todos[todoPos], stepId);
return mutate(
{ [`[${todoPos}].steps.[${stepPos}].isFinished`]: isFinished }
function changeStepText(todoId, stepId, text) {
const todoPos = findTodo(todoId);
const stepPos = findStep(todos[todoPos], stepId);
return mutate(
{ [`[${todoPos}].steps.[${stepPos}].text`]: text }
function addStep(todoId, text) {
const todoPos = findTodo(todoId);
const newStep = { id: Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000), text, isFinished: false };
return mutate(
{ [`[${todoPos}].steps.[]`]: newStep };
function removeStep(todoId, stepId) {
const todoPos = findTodo(todoId);
const stepPos = findStep(todos[todoPos], stepId);
return mutate(
{ [`[${todoPos}].steps.[${stepPos}].text`]: undefined }