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Single cross service level README template

Brian Murray edited this page Feb 17, 2022 · 17 revisions

[Example](link to example] <-- Delete this sentence from template

[Title, in the gerund form]


High-level description of the real-world use case addressed. <-- Delete this sentence from template

⚠️ Important

  • Running this code might result in charges to your AWS account.
  • Running the tests might result in charges to your AWS account.
  • We recommend that you grant your code least privilege. At most, grant only the minimum permissions required to perform the task. For more information, see Grant least privilege.
  • This code is not tested in every AWS Region. For more information, see AWS Regional Services.


Creating the resources

Writer has choice e.g. CDK, console, SDK - but should be comprehensive and not miss any steps. If using console, images are a good idea <-- Delete this sentence from template

Building the code

Varies by language, and will clearly illustrate the workflow of building the app. Should include descriptions of code not included a code comments in actual examples. <-- Delete this sentence from template

Deleting the resources

[This section should walk the user step-by-step through deleting the resources using the CDK, or if they created them manually, just a reminder to delete them.] <-- Delete this sentence from template

Terminate all of the resources you create while going through this tutorial to ensure that you’re not charged.

If you created your resources through the Amazon Management Console, or modified them by running hte app, you must use the console to delete. If you created your resources using AWS CloudFormation, you can delete them by deleting the stack. For more information, see Deleting a stack on the AWS CloudFormation console.

Note: By running the app you modified the table, and the bucket, so before you can delete the stack, you must delete these resources manually via the console before deleting the Stack.

Next steps

Congratulations! You have [description of what example achieves].

[Describe other potentials uses cases for th skills they've learned.]

Additional resources

  • [Cross-service examples](link to cross-services level README for the language)
  • [Relevent service developer guide(s)](link to developer guide(s))
  • [Relevent service API reference guide(s)](link to developer guide(s))
  • [Relevent SDK API reference guide](link to API reference guide(s))
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