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-new integ_tests_alpha_1.IntegTest(app, 'TaskDefinitionContainerUlimits', { - testCases: [stack], -}); -app.synth(); -//# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64,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 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk-testing/framework-integ/test/aws-ssm/test/integ.import-parameter.js.snapshot/Import-SSM-Parameter.assets.json b/packages/@aws-cdk-testing/framework-integ/test/aws-ssm/test/integ.import-parameter.js.snapshot/Import-SSM-Parameter.assets.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..2f05db545aadc --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk-testing/framework-integ/test/aws-ssm/test/integ.import-parameter.js.snapshot/Import-SSM-Parameter.assets.json @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +{ + "version": "32.0.0", + "files": { + "0c9f637062451a2002409e9c30b657f39990631000a05a12bef7fcdb73ec5332": { + "source": { + "path": "Import-SSM-Parameter.template.json", + "packaging": "file" + }, + "destinations": { + "current_account-current_region": { + "bucketName": "cdk-hnb659fds-assets-${AWS::AccountId}-${AWS::Region}", + "objectKey": "0c9f637062451a2002409e9c30b657f39990631000a05a12bef7fcdb73ec5332.json", + "assumeRoleArn": "arn:${AWS::Partition}:iam::${AWS::AccountId}:role/cdk-hnb659fds-file-publishing-role-${AWS::AccountId}-${AWS::Region}" + } + } + } + }, + "dockerImages": {} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk-testing/framework-integ/test/aws-ssm/test/integ.import-parameter.js.snapshot/Import-SSM-Parameter.template.json b/packages/@aws-cdk-testing/framework-integ/test/aws-ssm/test/integ.import-parameter.js.snapshot/Import-SSM-Parameter.template.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..e40c93c965b57 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk-testing/framework-integ/test/aws-ssm/test/integ.import-parameter.js.snapshot/Import-SSM-Parameter.template.json @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +{ + "Resources": { + "StringParameter472EED0E": { + "Type": "AWS::SSM::Parameter", + "Properties": { + "Type": "String", + "Value": "Initial parameter value", + "Name": "import-parameter-test" + } + } + }, + "Parameters": { + "ImportedWithNameParameter": { + "Type": "AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value", + "Default": "/aws/service/ami-amazon-linux-latest/amzn2-ami-hvm-x86_64-ebs" + }, + "BootstrapVersion": { + "Type": "AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value", + "Default": "/cdk-bootstrap/hnb659fds/version", + "Description": "Version of the CDK Bootstrap resources in this environment, automatically retrieved from SSM Parameter Store. [cdk:skip]" + } + }, + "Outputs": { + "ImportedWithNameOutput": { + "Value": { + "Ref": "ImportedWithNameParameter" + } + }, + "ImportedWithIntrinsicOutput": { + "Value": { + "Fn::Join": [ + "", + [ + "{{resolve:ssm:", + { + "Ref": "StringParameter472EED0E" + }, + "}}" + ] + ] + } + }, + "ImportedWithForceFlagOutput": { + "Value": { + "Fn::Join": [ + "", + [ + "{{resolve:ssm:", + { + "Ref": "StringParameter472EED0E" + }, + "}}" + ] + ] + } + } + }, + "Rules": { + "CheckBootstrapVersion": { + "Assertions": [ + { + "Assert": { + "Fn::Not": [ + { + "Fn::Contains": [ + [ + "1", + "2", + "3", + "4", + "5" + ], + { + "Ref": "BootstrapVersion" + } + ] + } + ] + }, + "AssertDescription": "CDK bootstrap stack version 6 required. Please run 'cdk bootstrap' with a recent version of the CDK CLI." + } + ] + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk-testing/framework-integ/test/aws-ssm/test/integ.import-parameter.js.snapshot/cdk.out b/packages/@aws-cdk-testing/framework-integ/test/aws-ssm/test/integ.import-parameter.js.snapshot/cdk.out new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..f0b901e7c06e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk-testing/framework-integ/test/aws-ssm/test/integ.import-parameter.js.snapshot/cdk.out @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +{"version":"32.0.0"} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk-testing/framework-integ/test/aws-ssm/test/integ.import-parameter.js.snapshot/cdkintegimportssmparameterDefaultTestDeployAssert2A3D6843.assets.json b/packages/@aws-cdk-testing/framework-integ/test/aws-ssm/test/integ.import-parameter.js.snapshot/cdkintegimportssmparameterDefaultTestDeployAssert2A3D6843.assets.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..407b910b761ad --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk-testing/framework-integ/test/aws-ssm/test/integ.import-parameter.js.snapshot/cdkintegimportssmparameterDefaultTestDeployAssert2A3D6843.assets.json @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +{ + "version": "32.0.0", + "files": { + "21fbb51d7b23f6a6c262b46a9caee79d744a3ac019fd45422d988b96d44b2a22": { + "source": { + "path": "cdkintegimportssmparameterDefaultTestDeployAssert2A3D6843.template.json", + "packaging": "file" + }, + "destinations": { + "current_account-current_region": { + "bucketName": "cdk-hnb659fds-assets-${AWS::AccountId}-${AWS::Region}", + "objectKey": "21fbb51d7b23f6a6c262b46a9caee79d744a3ac019fd45422d988b96d44b2a22.json", + "assumeRoleArn": "arn:${AWS::Partition}:iam::${AWS::AccountId}:role/cdk-hnb659fds-file-publishing-role-${AWS::AccountId}-${AWS::Region}" + } + } + } + }, + "dockerImages": {} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk-testing/framework-integ/test/aws-ssm/test/integ.import-parameter.js.snapshot/cdkintegimportssmparameterDefaultTestDeployAssert2A3D6843.template.json b/packages/@aws-cdk-testing/framework-integ/test/aws-ssm/test/integ.import-parameter.js.snapshot/cdkintegimportssmparameterDefaultTestDeployAssert2A3D6843.template.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..ad9d0fb73d1dd --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk-testing/framework-integ/test/aws-ssm/test/integ.import-parameter.js.snapshot/cdkintegimportssmparameterDefaultTestDeployAssert2A3D6843.template.json @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +{ + "Parameters": { + "BootstrapVersion": { + "Type": "AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value", + "Default": "/cdk-bootstrap/hnb659fds/version", + "Description": "Version of the CDK Bootstrap resources in this environment, automatically retrieved from SSM Parameter Store. [cdk:skip]" + } + }, + "Rules": { + "CheckBootstrapVersion": { + "Assertions": [ + { + "Assert": { + "Fn::Not": [ + { + "Fn::Contains": [ + [ + "1", + "2", + "3", + "4", + "5" + ], + { + "Ref": "BootstrapVersion" + } + ] + } + ] + }, + "AssertDescription": "CDK bootstrap stack version 6 required. Please run 'cdk bootstrap' with a recent version of the CDK CLI." + } + ] + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk-testing/framework-integ/test/aws-ssm/test/integ.import-parameter.js.snapshot/integ.json b/packages/@aws-cdk-testing/framework-integ/test/aws-ssm/test/integ.import-parameter.js.snapshot/integ.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..e0d4a4a12411a --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk-testing/framework-integ/test/aws-ssm/test/integ.import-parameter.js.snapshot/integ.json @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "version": "32.0.0", + "testCases": { + "cdk-integ-import-ssm-parameter/DefaultTest": { + "stacks": [ + "Import-SSM-Parameter" + ], + "assertionStack": "cdk-integ-import-ssm-parameter/DefaultTest/DeployAssert", + "assertionStackName": "cdkintegimportssmparameterDefaultTestDeployAssert2A3D6843" + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk-testing/framework-integ/test/aws-ssm/test/integ.import-parameter.js.snapshot/manifest.json 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"name": "import-parameter-test" + } + }, + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_ssm.CfnParameter", + "version": "0.0.0" + } + } + }, + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_ssm.StringParameter", + "version": "0.0.0" + } + }, + "ImportedWithName.Parameter": { + "id": "ImportedWithName.Parameter", + "path": "Import-SSM-Parameter/ImportedWithName.Parameter", + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.CfnParameter", + "version": "0.0.0" + } + }, + "ImportedWithName": { + "id": "ImportedWithName", + "path": "Import-SSM-Parameter/ImportedWithName", + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.Resource", + "version": "0.0.0" + } + }, + "ImportedWithIntrinsic": { + "id": "ImportedWithIntrinsic", + "path": "Import-SSM-Parameter/ImportedWithIntrinsic", + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.Resource", + "version": "0.0.0" + } + }, + "ImportedWithForceFlag": { + "id": "ImportedWithForceFlag", + "path": "Import-SSM-Parameter/ImportedWithForceFlag", + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.Resource", + "version": "0.0.0" + } + }, + "ImportedWithNameOutput": { + "id": "ImportedWithNameOutput", + "path": "Import-SSM-Parameter/ImportedWithNameOutput", + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.CfnOutput", + "version": "0.0.0" + } + }, + "ImportedWithIntrinsicOutput": { + "id": "ImportedWithIntrinsicOutput", + "path": "Import-SSM-Parameter/ImportedWithIntrinsicOutput", + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.CfnOutput", + "version": "0.0.0" + } + }, + "ImportedWithForceFlagOutput": { + "id": "ImportedWithForceFlagOutput", + "path": "Import-SSM-Parameter/ImportedWithForceFlagOutput", + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.CfnOutput", + "version": "0.0.0" + } + }, + "BootstrapVersion": { + "id": "BootstrapVersion", + "path": "Import-SSM-Parameter/BootstrapVersion", + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.CfnParameter", + "version": "0.0.0" + } + }, + "CheckBootstrapVersion": { + "id": "CheckBootstrapVersion", + "path": "Import-SSM-Parameter/CheckBootstrapVersion", + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.CfnRule", + "version": "0.0.0" + } + } + }, + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.Stack", + "version": "0.0.0" + } + }, + "cdk-integ-import-ssm-parameter": { + "id": "cdk-integ-import-ssm-parameter", + "path": "cdk-integ-import-ssm-parameter", + "children": { + "DefaultTest": { + "id": "DefaultTest", + "path": "cdk-integ-import-ssm-parameter/DefaultTest", + "children": { + "Default": { + "id": "Default", + "path": "cdk-integ-import-ssm-parameter/DefaultTest/Default", + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.26" + } + }, + "DeployAssert": { + "id": "DeployAssert", + "path": "cdk-integ-import-ssm-parameter/DefaultTest/DeployAssert", + "children": { + "BootstrapVersion": { + "id": "BootstrapVersion", + "path": "cdk-integ-import-ssm-parameter/DefaultTest/DeployAssert/BootstrapVersion", + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.CfnParameter", + "version": "0.0.0" + } + }, + "CheckBootstrapVersion": { + "id": "CheckBootstrapVersion", + "path": "cdk-integ-import-ssm-parameter/DefaultTest/DeployAssert/CheckBootstrapVersion", + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.CfnRule", + "version": "0.0.0" + } + } + }, + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.Stack", + "version": "0.0.0" + } + } + }, + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "@aws-cdk/integ-tests-alpha.IntegTestCase", + "version": "0.0.0" + } + } + }, + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "@aws-cdk/integ-tests-alpha.IntegTest", + "version": "0.0.0" + } + }, + "Tree": { + "id": "Tree", + "path": "Tree", + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.26" + } + } + }, + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.App", + "version": "0.0.0" + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk-testing/framework-integ/test/aws-ssm/test/integ.import-parameter.ts b/packages/@aws-cdk-testing/framework-integ/test/aws-ssm/test/integ.import-parameter.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..20e6cc317dce2 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk-testing/framework-integ/test/aws-ssm/test/integ.import-parameter.ts @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +import * as cdk from 'aws-cdk-lib'; +import { IntegTest } from '@aws-cdk/integ-tests-alpha'; +import * as ssm from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-ssm'; + +const app = new cdk.App(); +const stack = new cdk.Stack(app, 'Import-SSM-Parameter'); + +const parameterName = 'import-parameter-test'; + +const param = new ssm.StringParameter(stack, 'StringParameter', { + stringValue: 'Initial parameter value', + parameterName, +}); + +// This will use a CfnParameter. +// We have to use an existing parameter to reference it with a concrete name, so using a parameter managed by EC2. +const importedWithName = ssm.StringParameter.fromStringParameterAttributes(stack, 'ImportedWithName', { + parameterName: '/aws/service/ami-amazon-linux-latest/amzn2-ami-hvm-x86_64-ebs', +}); + +// This will use a dynamic reference (deduced). +const importedWithIntrinsic = ssm.StringParameter.fromStringParameterAttributes(stack, 'ImportedWithIntrinsic', { + simpleName: true, + parameterName: cdk.Fn.ref((param.node.defaultChild as cdk.CfnResource).logicalId), +}); + +// This will use a dynamic reference (forced). +const importedWithForceFlag = ssm.StringParameter.fromStringParameterAttributes(stack, 'ImportedWithForceFlag', { + simpleName: true, + parameterName: param.parameterName, + forceDynamicReference: true, +}); + +new cdk.CfnOutput(stack, 'ImportedWithNameOutput', { + value: importedWithName.stringValue, +}); + +new cdk.CfnOutput(stack, 'ImportedWithIntrinsicOutput', { + value: importedWithIntrinsic.stringValue, +}); + +new cdk.CfnOutput(stack, 'ImportedWithForceFlagOutput', { + value: importedWithForceFlag.stringValue, +}); + +new IntegTest(app, 'cdk-integ-import-ssm-parameter', { + testCases: [stack], +}); diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-amplify-alpha/lib/asset-deployment-handler/handler.ts b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-amplify-alpha/lib/asset-deployment-handler/handler.ts index 9577bb3049986..8a61c3ae3019e 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-amplify-alpha/lib/asset-deployment-handler/handler.ts +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-amplify-alpha/lib/asset-deployment-handler/handler.ts @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -// aws-sdk available at runtime for lambdas -// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies -import { Amplify, S3 } from 'aws-sdk'; +import { Amplify } from '@aws-sdk/client-amplify'; +import { S3, GetObjectCommand } from '@aws-sdk/client-s3'; +import { getSignedUrl } from '@aws-sdk/s3-request-presigner'; import { AmplifyJobId, IsCompleteResponse, ResourceEvent, ResourceHandler } from './common'; export interface AmplifyAssetDeploymentProps { @@ -38,8 +38,7 @@ export class AmplifyAssetDeploymentHandler extends ResourceHandler { appId: this.props.AppId, branchName: this.props.BranchName, maxResults: 1, - }) - .promise(); + }); if ( jobs.jobSummaries && @@ -49,10 +48,11 @@ export class AmplifyAssetDeploymentHandler extends ResourceHandler { } // Create a pre-signed get URL of the asset so Amplify can retrieve it. - const assetUrl = this.s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', { + const command = new GetObjectCommand({ Bucket: this.props.S3BucketName, Key: this.props.S3ObjectKey, }); + const assetUrl = await getSignedUrl(this.s3, command); // Deploy the asset to Amplify. const deployment = await this.amplify @@ -60,11 +60,10 @@ export class AmplifyAssetDeploymentHandler extends ResourceHandler { appId: this.props.AppId, branchName: this.props.BranchName, sourceUrl: assetUrl, - }) - .promise(); + }); return { - AmplifyJobId: deployment.jobSummary.jobId, + AmplifyJobId: deployment.jobSummary?.jobId, }; } @@ -110,10 +109,9 @@ export class AmplifyAssetDeploymentHandler extends ResourceHandler { appId: this.props.AppId, branchName: this.props.BranchName, jobId: jobId, - }) - .promise(); + }); - if (job.job.summary.status === 'SUCCEED') { + if (job.job?.summary?.status === 'SUCCEED') { return { IsComplete: true, Data: { @@ -121,8 +119,8 @@ export class AmplifyAssetDeploymentHandler extends ResourceHandler { Status: job.job.summary.status, }, }; - } if (job.job.summary.status === 'FAILED' || job.job.summary.status === 'CANCELLED') { - throw new Error(`Amplify job failed with status: ${job.job.summary.status}`); + } if (job.job?.summary?.status === 'FAILED' || job.job?.summary?.status === 'CANCELLED') { + throw new Error(`Amplify job failed with status: ${job.job?.summary?.status}`); } else { return { IsComplete: false, diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-amplify-alpha/lib/asset-deployment-handler/index.ts b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-amplify-alpha/lib/asset-deployment-handler/index.ts index 2b19693ce9a8c..08781a082661b 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-amplify-alpha/lib/asset-deployment-handler/index.ts +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-amplify-alpha/lib/asset-deployment-handler/index.ts @@ -1,17 +1,17 @@ // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies import { IsCompleteResponse } from 'aws-cdk-lib/custom-resources/lib/provider-framework/types'; -// aws-sdk available at runtime for lambdas +// @aws-sdk/* modules available at runtime for lambdas >= Node18 // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies -import { Amplify, S3, config } from 'aws-sdk'; +import { Amplify } from '@aws-sdk/client-amplify'; +import { S3 } from '@aws-sdk/client-s3'; import { ResourceEvent } from './common'; import { AmplifyAssetDeploymentHandler } from './handler'; const AMPLIFY_ASSET_DEPLOYMENT_RESOURCE_TYPE = 'Custom::AmplifyAssetDeployment'; -config.logger = console; - -const amplify = new Amplify(); -const s3 = new S3({ signatureVersion: 'v4' }); +const sdkConfig = { logger: console }; +const amplify = new Amplify(sdkConfig); +const s3 = new S3(sdkConfig); export async function onEvent(event: ResourceEvent) { const provider = createResourceHandler(event); diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-amplify-alpha/lib/branch.ts b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-amplify-alpha/lib/branch.ts index 712455dcd980b..7383bc64c84b2 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-amplify-alpha/lib/branch.ts +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-amplify-alpha/lib/branch.ts @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import { CfnBranch } from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-amplify'; import { IApp } from './app'; import { BasicAuth } from './basic-auth'; import { renderEnvironmentVariables } from './utils'; +import { Runtime } from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-lambda'; /** * A branch @@ -248,6 +249,7 @@ class AmplifyAssetDeploymentProvider extends NestedStack { ], }), ], + runtime: Runtime.NODEJS_18_X, }, ); @@ -266,6 +268,7 @@ class AmplifyAssetDeploymentProvider extends NestedStack { actions: ['amplify:GetJob*'], }), ], + runtime: Runtime.NODEJS_18_X, }, ); diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-amplify-alpha/package.json b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-amplify-alpha/package.json index 85ec256ca5452..2bb1fc77a8bf8 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-amplify-alpha/package.json +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-amplify-alpha/package.json @@ -85,10 +85,11 @@ "devDependencies": { "@aws-cdk/cdk-build-tools": "0.0.0", "@aws-cdk/integ-runner": "0.0.0", - "@aws-cdk/cfn2ts": "0.0.0", "@aws-cdk/pkglint": "0.0.0", + "@aws-sdk/client-amplify": "^3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/client-s3": "^3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/s3-request-presigner": "^3.347.0", "@types/jest": "^29.5.1", - "aws-sdk": "^2.1379.0", "aws-cdk-lib": "0.0.0", "constructs": "^10.0.0" }, diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-amplify-alpha/test/asset-deployment-handler/index.test.ts b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-amplify-alpha/test/asset-deployment-handler/index.test.ts index 95e9e6a259940..e2ce18f39d43b 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-amplify-alpha/test/asset-deployment-handler/index.test.ts +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-amplify-alpha/test/asset-deployment-handler/index.test.ts @@ -1,36 +1,30 @@ -const getSignedUrlResponse = jest.fn(); -const mockS3 = { - getSignedUrl: getSignedUrlResponse, -}; -const listJobsResponse = jest.fn(); -const listJobsRequest = jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => { - return { - promise: listJobsResponse, - }; -}); -const startDeploymentResponse = jest.fn(); -const startDeploymentRequest = jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => { - return { - promise: startDeploymentResponse, - }; -}); -const getJobResponse = jest.fn(); -const getJobRequest = jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => { - return { - promise: getJobResponse, - }; -}); +const mockGetSignedUrlResponse = jest.fn(); +const listJobsRequest = jest.fn(); +const startDeploymentRequest = jest.fn(); +const getJobRequest = jest.fn(); const mockAmplify = { listJobs: listJobsRequest, startDeployment: startDeploymentRequest, getJob: getJobRequest, }; +const mockS3 = {}; -jest.mock('aws-sdk', () => { +jest.mock('@aws-sdk/client-s3', () => { return { + GetObjectCommand: jest.fn((input) => input), S3: jest.fn(() => mockS3), + }; +}); + +jest.mock('@aws-sdk/client-amplify', () => { + return { Amplify: jest.fn(() => mockAmplify), - config: { logger: '' }, + }; +}); + +jest.mock('@aws-sdk/s3-request-presigner', () => { + return { + getSignedUrl: mockGetSignedUrlResponse, }; }); @@ -58,15 +52,15 @@ describe('handler', () => { it('onEvent CREATE success', async () => { // GIVEN - listJobsResponse.mockImplementation(() => { + listJobsRequest.mockImplementation(() => { return { jobSummaries: [], }; }); - getSignedUrlResponse.mockImplementation(() => { + mockGetSignedUrlResponse.mockImplementation(() => { return 'signedUrlValue'; }); - startDeploymentResponse.mockImplementation(() => { + startDeploymentRequest.mockImplementation(() => { return { jobSummary: { jobId: 'jobIdValue' }, }; @@ -90,7 +84,6 @@ describe('handler', () => { LogicalResourceId: 'logicalResourceIdValue', }); - // THEN expect(response).toEqual({ AmplifyJobId: 'jobIdValue', }); @@ -100,8 +93,8 @@ describe('handler', () => { branchName: 'branchNameValue', maxResults: 1, }); - expect(listJobsResponse).toBeCalled(); - expect(getSignedUrlResponse).toHaveBeenCalledWith('getObject', { + expect(listJobsRequest).toBeCalled(); + expect(mockGetSignedUrlResponse).toHaveBeenCalledWith(mockS3, { Bucket: 's3BucketNameValue', Key: 's3ObjectKeyValue', }); @@ -110,12 +103,12 @@ describe('handler', () => { branchName: 'branchNameValue', sourceUrl: 'signedUrlValue', }); - expect(startDeploymentResponse).toBeCalled(); + expect(startDeploymentRequest).toBeCalled(); }); it('onEvent CREATE pending job', async () => { // GIVEN - listJobsResponse.mockImplementation(() => { + listJobsRequest.mockImplementation(() => { return { jobSummaries: [{ status: 'PENDING' }], }; @@ -144,15 +137,15 @@ describe('handler', () => { branchName: 'branchNameValue', maxResults: 1, }); - expect(listJobsResponse).toBeCalled(); - expect(getSignedUrlResponse).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); + expect(listJobsRequest).toBeCalled(); + expect(mockGetSignedUrlResponse).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); + expect(startDeploymentRequest).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(startDeploymentRequest).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); - expect(startDeploymentResponse).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('isComplete CREATE success', async () => { // GIVEN - getJobResponse.mockImplementation(() => { + getJobRequest.mockImplementation(() => { return { job: { summary: { status: 'SUCCEED' } }, }; @@ -191,12 +184,12 @@ describe('handler', () => { branchName: 'branchNameValue', jobId: 'amplifyJobIdValue', }); - expect(getJobResponse).toBeCalled(); + expect(getJobRequest).toBeCalled(); }); it('isComplete CREATE pending', async () => { // GIVEN - getJobResponse.mockImplementation(() => { + getJobRequest.mockImplementation(() => { return { job: { summary: { status: 'PENDING' } }, }; @@ -231,12 +224,12 @@ describe('handler', () => { branchName: 'branchNameValue', jobId: 'amplifyJobIdValue', }); - expect(getJobResponse).toBeCalled(); + expect(getJobRequest).toBeCalled(); }); it('isComplete CREATE failed', async () => { // GIVEN - getJobResponse.mockImplementation(() => { + getJobRequest.mockImplementation(() => { return { job: { summary: { status: 'FAILED' } }, }; @@ -266,12 +259,12 @@ describe('handler', () => { branchName: 'branchNameValue', jobId: 'amplifyJobIdValue', }); - expect(getJobResponse).toBeCalled(); + expect(getJobRequest).toBeCalled(); }); it('isComplete CREATE cancelled', async () => { // GIVEN - getJobResponse.mockImplementation(() => { + getJobRequest.mockImplementation(() => { return { job: { summary: { status: 'CANCELLED' } }, }; @@ -302,12 +295,12 @@ describe('handler', () => { branchName: 'branchNameValue', jobId: 'amplifyJobIdValue', }); - expect(getJobResponse).toBeCalled(); + expect(getJobRequest).toBeCalled(); }); it('isComplete CREATE no JobId', async () => { // GIVEN - getJobResponse.mockImplementation(() => { + getJobRequest.mockImplementation(() => { return { job: { summary: { status: 'PENDING' } }, }; @@ -333,20 +326,20 @@ describe('handler', () => { // THEN expect(getJobRequest).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); - expect(getJobResponse).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); + expect(getJobRequest).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('onEvent UPDATE success', async () => { // GIVEN - listJobsResponse.mockImplementation(() => { + listJobsRequest.mockImplementation(() => { return { jobSummaries: [], }; }); - getSignedUrlResponse.mockImplementation(() => { + mockGetSignedUrlResponse.mockImplementation(() => { return 'signedUrlValue'; }); - startDeploymentResponse.mockImplementation(() => { + startDeploymentRequest.mockImplementation(() => { return { jobSummary: { jobId: 'jobIdValue' }, }; @@ -382,8 +375,8 @@ describe('handler', () => { branchName: 'branchNameValue', maxResults: 1, }); - expect(listJobsResponse).toBeCalled(); - expect(getSignedUrlResponse).toHaveBeenCalledWith('getObject', { + expect(listJobsRequest).toBeCalled(); + expect(mockGetSignedUrlResponse).toHaveBeenCalledWith(mockS3, { Bucket: 's3BucketNameValue', Key: 's3ObjectKeyValue', }); @@ -392,12 +385,12 @@ describe('handler', () => { branchName: 'branchNameValue', sourceUrl: 'signedUrlValue', }); - expect(startDeploymentResponse).toBeCalled(); + expect(startDeploymentRequest).toBeCalled(); }); it('onEvent UPDATE pending job', async () => { // GIVEN - listJobsResponse.mockImplementation(() => { + listJobsRequest.mockImplementation(() => { return { jobSummaries: [{ status: 'PENDING' }], }; @@ -429,15 +422,15 @@ describe('handler', () => { branchName: 'branchNameValue', maxResults: 1, }); - expect(listJobsResponse).toBeCalled(); - expect(getSignedUrlResponse).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); + expect(listJobsRequest).toBeCalled(); + expect(mockGetSignedUrlResponse).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); + expect(startDeploymentRequest).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(startDeploymentRequest).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); - expect(startDeploymentResponse).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('isComplete UPDATE success', async () => { // GIVEN - getJobResponse.mockImplementation(() => { + getJobRequest.mockImplementation(() => { return { job: { summary: { status: 'SUCCEED' } }, }; @@ -478,12 +471,12 @@ describe('handler', () => { branchName: 'branchNameValue', jobId: 'amplifyJobIdValue', }); - expect(getJobResponse).toBeCalled(); + expect(getJobRequest).toBeCalled(); }); it('isComplete UPDATE pending', async () => { // GIVEN - getJobResponse.mockImplementation(() => { + getJobRequest.mockImplementation(() => { return { job: { summary: { status: 'PENDING' } }, }; @@ -520,12 +513,12 @@ describe('handler', () => { branchName: 'branchNameValue', jobId: 'amplifyJobIdValue', }); - expect(getJobResponse).toBeCalled(); + expect(getJobRequest).toBeCalled(); }); it('isComplete UPDATE failed', async () => { // GIVEN - getJobResponse.mockImplementation(() => { + getJobRequest.mockImplementation(() => { return { job: { summary: { status: 'FAILED' } }, }; @@ -557,12 +550,12 @@ describe('handler', () => { branchName: 'branchNameValue', jobId: 'amplifyJobIdValue', }); - expect(getJobResponse).toBeCalled(); + expect(getJobRequest).toBeCalled(); }); it('isComplete UPDATE cancelled', async () => { // GIVEN - getJobResponse.mockImplementation(() => { + getJobRequest.mockImplementation(() => { return { job: { summary: { status: 'CANCELLED' } }, }; @@ -595,12 +588,12 @@ describe('handler', () => { branchName: 'branchNameValue', jobId: 'amplifyJobIdValue', }); - expect(getJobResponse).toBeCalled(); + expect(getJobRequest).toBeCalled(); }); it('isComplete UPDATE no JobId', async () => { // GIVEN - getJobResponse.mockImplementation(() => { + getJobRequest.mockImplementation(() => { return { job: { summary: { status: 'PENDING' } }, }; @@ -628,14 +621,14 @@ describe('handler', () => { // THEN expect(getJobRequest).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); - expect(getJobResponse).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); + expect(getJobRequest).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('onEvent DELETE success', async () => { // GIVEN // WHEN - await expect(() => onEvent({ + expect(() => onEvent({ ServiceToken: 'serviceTokenValue', RequestType: 'Delete', ResourceType: 'Custom::AmplifyAssetDeployment', @@ -707,7 +700,7 @@ describe('handler', () => { // THEN expect(getJobRequest).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); - expect(getJobResponse).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); + expect(getJobRequest).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('isComplete unsupported resource type', async () => { @@ -735,6 +728,6 @@ describe('handler', () => { // THEN expect(getJobRequest).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); - expect(getJobResponse).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); + expect(getJobRequest).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); -}); \ No newline at end of file +}); diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-apigatewayv2-alpha/package.json b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-apigatewayv2-alpha/package.json index 1488cc33f6e33..89b9fe89e2d55 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-apigatewayv2-alpha/package.json +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-apigatewayv2-alpha/package.json @@ -88,7 +88,6 @@ "devDependencies": { "@aws-cdk/cdk-build-tools": "0.0.0", "@aws-cdk/integ-runner": "0.0.0", - "@aws-cdk/cfn2ts": "0.0.0", "@aws-cdk/pkglint": "0.0.0", "@types/jest": "^29.5.1", "aws-cdk-lib": "0.0.0", diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-apprunner-alpha/package.json b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-apprunner-alpha/package.json index 6cae0398f2370..4d769473b9b59 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-apprunner-alpha/package.json +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-apprunner-alpha/package.json @@ -85,7 +85,6 @@ "license": "Apache-2.0", "devDependencies": { "@aws-cdk/cdk-build-tools": "0.0.0", - "@aws-cdk/cfn2ts": "0.0.0", "aws-cdk-lib": "0.0.0", "@aws-cdk/integ-runner": "0.0.0", "@aws-cdk/pkglint": "0.0.0", diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-batch-alpha/package.json b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-batch-alpha/package.json index c6d2d3f68094c..a0e3503aad95a 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-batch-alpha/package.json +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-batch-alpha/package.json @@ -83,7 +83,6 @@ "devDependencies": { "@aws-cdk/cdk-build-tools": "0.0.0", "@aws-cdk/integ-runner": "0.0.0", - "@aws-cdk/cfn2ts": "0.0.0", "@aws-cdk/pkglint": "0.0.0", "@types/jest": "^29.5.1", "jest": "^29.5.0", diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-cloud9-alpha/package.json b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-cloud9-alpha/package.json index 7b275eb132f86..23a1436e06545 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-cloud9-alpha/package.json +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-cloud9-alpha/package.json @@ -82,7 +82,6 @@ "license": "Apache-2.0", "devDependencies": { "@aws-cdk/cdk-build-tools": "0.0.0", - "@aws-cdk/cfn2ts": "0.0.0", "@aws-cdk/integ-runner": "0.0.0", "@aws-cdk/pkglint": "0.0.0", "@types/jest": "^29.5.1", diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-codestar-alpha/package.json b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-codestar-alpha/package.json index a3c4d55161a74..e00066915de12 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-codestar-alpha/package.json +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-codestar-alpha/package.json @@ -85,7 +85,6 @@ "devDependencies": { "@aws-cdk/cdk-build-tools": "0.0.0", "@aws-cdk/integ-runner": "0.0.0", - "@aws-cdk/cfn2ts": "0.0.0", "@aws-cdk/pkglint": "0.0.0", "@types/jest": "^29.5.1", "aws-cdk-lib": "0.0.0", diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-gamelift-alpha/package.json b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-gamelift-alpha/package.json index 7a5107fa9b416..01ccd7927a9ca 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-gamelift-alpha/package.json +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-gamelift-alpha/package.json @@ -83,7 +83,6 @@ "devDependencies": { "@aws-cdk/cdk-build-tools": "0.0.0", "@aws-cdk/integ-runner": "0.0.0", - "@aws-cdk/cfn2ts": "0.0.0", "@aws-cdk/pkglint": "0.0.0", "@types/jest": "^29.5.1", "jest": "^29.5.0", diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-glue-alpha/README.md b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-glue-alpha/README.md index b07770c6666f7..331c0d8b0b431 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-glue-alpha/README.md +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-glue-alpha/README.md @@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ The `glue.JobExecutable` allows you to specify the type of job, the language to `glue.Code` allows you to refer to the different code assets required by the job, either from an existing S3 location or from a local file path. +`glue.ExecutionClass` allows you to specify `FLEX` or `STANDARD`. `FLEX` is appropriate for non-urgent jobs such as pre-production jobs, testing, and one-time data loads. + ### Spark Jobs These jobs run in an Apache Spark environment managed by AWS Glue. diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-glue-alpha/lib/job.ts b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-glue-alpha/lib/job.ts index beace10bd8acc..dd6cc425e23e0 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-glue-alpha/lib/job.ts +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-glue-alpha/lib/job.ts @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import * as logs from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-logs'; import * as s3 from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-s3'; import * as cdk from 'aws-cdk-lib/core'; import * as constructs from 'constructs'; -import { Code, JobExecutable, JobExecutableConfig, JobType } from '.'; +import { Code, GlueVersion, JobExecutable, JobExecutableConfig, JobType } from '.'; import { IConnection } from './connection'; import { CfnJob } from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-glue'; import { ISecurityConfiguration } from './security-configuration'; @@ -129,6 +129,26 @@ export enum MetricType { COUNT = 'count', } +/** + * The ExecutionClass whether the job is run with a standard or flexible execution class. + * + * @see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/glue/latest/dg/aws-glue-api-jobs-job.html#aws-glue-api-jobs-job-Job + * @see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/glue/latest/dg/add-job.html + */ +export enum ExecutionClass { + /** + * The flexible execution class is appropriate for time-insensitive jobs whose start + * and completion times may vary. + */ + FLEX = 'FLEX', + + /** + * The standard execution class is ideal for time-sensitive workloads that require fast job + * startup and dedicated resources. + */ + STANDARD = 'STANDARD', +} + /** * Interface representing a created or an imported `Job`. */ @@ -600,6 +620,16 @@ export interface JobProps { * @see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/glue/latest/dg/aws-glue-programming-etl-glue-arguments.html */ readonly continuousLogging?: ContinuousLoggingProps, + + /** + * The ExecutionClass whether the job is run with a standard or flexible execution class. + * + * @default - STANDARD + * + * @see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/glue/latest/dg/aws-glue-api-jobs-job.html#aws-glue-api-jobs-job-Job + * @see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/glue/latest/dg/add-job.html + */ + readonly executionClass?: ExecutionClass, } /** @@ -677,6 +707,18 @@ export class Job extends JobBase { ...this.checkNoReservedArgs(props.defaultArguments), }; + if (props.executionClass === ExecutionClass.FLEX) { + if (executable.type !== JobType.ETL) { + throw new Error('FLEX ExecutionClass is only available for JobType.ETL jobs'); + } + if ([GlueVersion.V0_9, GlueVersion.V1_0, GlueVersion.V2_0].includes(executable.glueVersion)) { + throw new Error('FLEX ExecutionClass is only available for GlueVersion 3.0 or later'); + } + if (props.workerType && (props.workerType !== WorkerType.G_1X && props.workerType !== WorkerType.G_2X)) { + throw new Error('FLEX ExecutionClass is only available for WorkerType G_1X or G_2X'); + } + } + const jobResource = new CfnJob(this, 'Resource', { name: props.jobName, description: props.description, @@ -692,6 +734,7 @@ export class Job extends JobBase { numberOfWorkers: props.workerCount, maxCapacity: props.maxCapacity, maxRetries: props.maxRetries, + executionClass: props.executionClass, executionProperty: props.maxConcurrentRuns ? { maxConcurrentRuns: props.maxConcurrentRuns } : undefined, notificationProperty: props.notifyDelayAfter ? { notifyDelayAfter: props.notifyDelayAfter.toMinutes() } : undefined, timeout: props.timeout?.toMinutes(), diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-glue-alpha/package.json b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-glue-alpha/package.json index 3537e320627a1..a9932a32bf718 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-glue-alpha/package.json +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-glue-alpha/package.json @@ -83,7 +83,6 @@ "devDependencies": { "@aws-cdk/cdk-build-tools": "0.0.0", "@aws-cdk/integ-runner": "0.0.0", - "@aws-cdk/cfn2ts": "0.0.0", "@aws-cdk/pkglint": "0.0.0", "@types/jest": "^29.5.1", "jest": "^29.5.0", diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-glue-alpha/test/integ.job.js.snapshot/aws-glue-job.assets.json b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-glue-alpha/test/integ.job.js.snapshot/aws-glue-job.assets.json index ae93bf2c5f576..b371535051dc3 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-glue-alpha/test/integ.job.js.snapshot/aws-glue-job.assets.json +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-glue-alpha/test/integ.job.js.snapshot/aws-glue-job.assets.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ } } }, - "e99fb38377ba41ea9e74da162cf01b6821baa17e8e3d003c711b03d822356b89": { + "4ff2e5500ce87081dfbf121cb29a8c64ffc6edc276257bb420e68abbb49af40a": { "source": { "path": "aws-glue-job.template.json", "packaging": "file" @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ "destinations": { "current_account-current_region": { "bucketName": "cdk-hnb659fds-assets-${AWS::AccountId}-${AWS::Region}", - "objectKey": "e99fb38377ba41ea9e74da162cf01b6821baa17e8e3d003c711b03d822356b89.json", + "objectKey": "4ff2e5500ce87081dfbf121cb29a8c64ffc6edc276257bb420e68abbb49af40a.json", "assumeRoleArn": "arn:${AWS::Partition}:iam::${AWS::AccountId}:role/cdk-hnb659fds-file-publishing-role-${AWS::AccountId}-${AWS::Region}" } } diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-glue-alpha/test/integ.job.js.snapshot/aws-glue-job.template.json b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-glue-alpha/test/integ.job.js.snapshot/aws-glue-job.template.json index 92ffc1c36ba4a..e524ee21d34da 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-glue-alpha/test/integ.job.js.snapshot/aws-glue-job.template.json +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-glue-alpha/test/integ.job.js.snapshot/aws-glue-job.template.json @@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ "arg2": "value2", "--conf": "valueConf" }, + "ExecutionClass": "STANDARD", "ExecutionProperty": { "MaxConcurrentRuns": 2 }, @@ -533,6 +534,7 @@ "arg2": "value2", "--conf": "valueConf" }, + "ExecutionClass": "STANDARD", "ExecutionProperty": { "MaxConcurrentRuns": 2 }, @@ -890,6 +892,7 @@ "arg2": "value2", "--conf": "valueConf" }, + "ExecutionClass": "STANDARD", "ExecutionProperty": { "MaxConcurrentRuns": 2 }, @@ -1448,6 +1451,129 @@ }, "WorkerType": "Z.2X" } + }, + "EtlJobWithFLEXServiceRoleBA7C99A5": { + "Type": "AWS::IAM::Role", + "Properties": { + "AssumeRolePolicyDocument": { + "Statement": [ + { + "Action": "sts:AssumeRole", + "Effect": "Allow", + "Principal": { + "Service": "glue.amazonaws.com" + } + } + ], + "Version": "2012-10-17" + }, + "ManagedPolicyArns": [ + { + "Fn::Join": [ + "", + [ + "arn:", + { + "Ref": "AWS::Partition" + }, + ":iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSGlueServiceRole" + ] + ] + } + ] + } + }, + "EtlJobWithFLEXServiceRoleDefaultPolicyEA63C5FE": { + "Type": "AWS::IAM::Policy", + "Properties": { + "PolicyDocument": { + "Statement": [ + { + "Action": [ + "s3:GetBucket*", + "s3:GetObject*", + "s3:List*" + ], + "Effect": "Allow", + "Resource": [ + { + "Fn::Join": [ + "", + [ + "arn:", + { + "Ref": "AWS::Partition" + }, + ":s3:::", + { + "Fn::Sub": "cdk-hnb659fds-assets-${AWS::AccountId}-${AWS::Region}" + }, + "/*" + ] + ] + }, + { + "Fn::Join": [ + "", + [ + "arn:", + { + "Ref": "AWS::Partition" + }, + ":s3:::", + { + "Fn::Sub": "cdk-hnb659fds-assets-${AWS::AccountId}-${AWS::Region}" + } + ] + ] + } + ] + } + ], + "Version": "2012-10-17" + }, + "PolicyName": "EtlJobWithFLEXServiceRoleDefaultPolicyEA63C5FE", + "Roles": [ + { + "Ref": "EtlJobWithFLEXServiceRoleBA7C99A5" + } + ] + } + }, + "EtlJobWithFLEX928B4212": { + "Type": "AWS::Glue::Job", + "Properties": { + "Command": { + "Name": "glueetl", + "PythonVersion": "3", + "ScriptLocation": { + "Fn::Join": [ + "", + [ + "s3://", + { + "Fn::Sub": "cdk-hnb659fds-assets-${AWS::AccountId}-${AWS::Region}" + }, + "/432033e3218068a915d2532fa9be7858a12b228a2ae6e5c10faccd9097b1e855.py" + ] + ] + } + }, + "Role": { + "Fn::GetAtt": [ + "EtlJobWithFLEXServiceRoleBA7C99A5", + "Arn" + ] + }, + "DefaultArguments": { + "--job-language": "python" + }, + "ExecutionClass": "FLEX", + "GlueVersion": "3.0", + "Name": "EtlJobWithFLEX", + "NumberOfWorkers": 10, + "WorkerType": "G.1X" + } } }, "Parameters": { diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-glue-alpha/test/integ.job.js.snapshot/manifest.json b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-glue-alpha/test/integ.job.js.snapshot/manifest.json index 17c822d1ad95a..f729d71dca775 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-glue-alpha/test/integ.job.js.snapshot/manifest.json +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-glue-alpha/test/integ.job.js.snapshot/manifest.json @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "validateOnSynth": false, "assumeRoleArn": "arn:${AWS::Partition}:iam::${AWS::AccountId}:role/cdk-hnb659fds-deploy-role-${AWS::AccountId}-${AWS::Region}", "cloudFormationExecutionRoleArn": "arn:${AWS::Partition}:iam::${AWS::AccountId}:role/cdk-hnb659fds-cfn-exec-role-${AWS::AccountId}-${AWS::Region}", - "stackTemplateAssetObjectUrl": "s3://cdk-hnb659fds-assets-${AWS::AccountId}-${AWS::Region}/e99fb38377ba41ea9e74da162cf01b6821baa17e8e3d003c711b03d822356b89.json", + "stackTemplateAssetObjectUrl": 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3a1205674b7ac..1aad2f99aa438 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-glue-alpha/test/integ.job.js.snapshot/tree.json +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-glue-alpha/test/integ.job.js.snapshot/tree.json @@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ "id": "ImportServiceRole", "path": "aws-glue-job/EtlJob2.0/ServiceRole/ImportServiceRole", "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.Resource", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } }, "Resource": { @@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_iam.CfnRole", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } }, "DefaultPolicy": { @@ -165,20 +165,20 @@ } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_iam.CfnPolicy", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_iam.Policy", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_iam.Role", - 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- "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_events.CfnRule", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_events.Rule", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-glue-alpha.Job", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } }, "StreamingJob2.0": { @@ -373,8 +374,8 @@ "id": "ImportServiceRole", "path": "aws-glue-job/StreamingJob2.0/ServiceRole/ImportServiceRole", "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.Resource", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } }, "Resource": { @@ -412,8 +413,8 @@ } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_iam.CfnRole", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } }, "DefaultPolicy": { @@ -481,20 +482,20 @@ } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_iam.CfnPolicy", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_iam.Policy", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_iam.Role", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } }, "Resource": { @@ -540,14 +541,14 @@ } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_glue.CfnJob", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-glue-alpha.Job", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } }, "EtlJob3.0": { @@ -562,8 +563,8 @@ "id": "ImportServiceRole", "path": "aws-glue-job/EtlJob3.0/ServiceRole/ImportServiceRole", "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.Resource", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } }, "Resource": { @@ -601,8 +602,8 @@ } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_iam.CfnRole", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } }, "DefaultPolicy": { @@ -707,20 +708,20 @@ } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_iam.CfnPolicy", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_iam.Policy", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_iam.Role", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } }, "SparkUIBucket": { @@ -735,14 +736,14 @@ "aws:cdk:cloudformation:props": {} }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_s3.CfnBucket", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_s3.Bucket", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } }, "Resource": { @@ -794,6 +795,7 @@ "arg2": "value2", "--conf": "valueConf" }, + "executionClass": "STANDARD", "executionProperty": { "maxConcurrentRuns": 2 }, @@ -812,8 +814,8 @@ } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_glue.CfnJob", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } }, "SuccessMetricRule": { @@ -861,20 +863,20 @@ } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_events.CfnRule", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_events.Rule", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-glue-alpha.Job", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } }, "StreamingJob3.0": { @@ -889,8 +891,8 @@ "id": "ImportServiceRole", "path": "aws-glue-job/StreamingJob3.0/ServiceRole/ImportServiceRole", "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.Resource", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } }, "Resource": { @@ -928,8 +930,8 @@ } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_iam.CfnRole", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } }, "DefaultPolicy": { @@ -997,20 +999,20 @@ } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_iam.CfnPolicy", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_iam.Policy", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_iam.Role", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } }, "Resource": { @@ -1056,14 +1058,14 @@ } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_glue.CfnJob", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-glue-alpha.Job", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } }, "EtlJob4.0": { @@ -1078,8 +1080,8 @@ "id": "ImportServiceRole", "path": "aws-glue-job/EtlJob4.0/ServiceRole/ImportServiceRole", "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.Resource", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } }, "Resource": { @@ -1117,8 +1119,8 @@ } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_iam.CfnRole", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } }, "DefaultPolicy": { @@ -1223,20 +1225,20 @@ } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_iam.CfnPolicy", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_iam.Policy", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_iam.Role", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } }, "SparkUIBucket": { @@ -1251,14 +1253,14 @@ "aws:cdk:cloudformation:props": {} }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_s3.CfnBucket", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_s3.Bucket", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } }, "Resource": { @@ -1310,6 +1312,7 @@ "arg2": "value2", "--conf": "valueConf" }, + "executionClass": "STANDARD", "executionProperty": { "maxConcurrentRuns": 2 }, @@ -1328,8 +1331,8 @@ } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_glue.CfnJob", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } }, "SuccessMetricRule": { @@ -1377,20 +1380,20 @@ } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_events.CfnRule", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_events.Rule", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-glue-alpha.Job", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } }, "StreamingJob4.0": { @@ -1405,8 +1408,8 @@ "id": "ImportServiceRole", "path": "aws-glue-job/StreamingJob4.0/ServiceRole/ImportServiceRole", "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.Resource", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } }, "Resource": { @@ -1444,8 +1447,8 @@ } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_iam.CfnRole", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } }, "DefaultPolicy": { @@ -1513,20 +1516,20 @@ } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_iam.CfnPolicy", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_iam.Policy", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_iam.Role", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } }, "Resource": { @@ -1572,14 +1575,14 @@ } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_glue.CfnJob", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-glue-alpha.Job", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } }, "ShellJob": { @@ -1594,8 +1597,8 @@ "id": "ImportServiceRole", "path": "aws-glue-job/ShellJob/ServiceRole/ImportServiceRole", "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.Resource", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } }, "Resource": { @@ -1633,8 +1636,8 @@ } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_iam.CfnRole", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } }, "DefaultPolicy": { @@ -1702,20 +1705,20 @@ } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_iam.CfnPolicy", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_iam.Policy", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_iam.Role", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } }, "Resource": { @@ -1759,14 +1762,14 @@ } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_glue.CfnJob", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-glue-alpha.Job", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } }, "ShellJob39": { @@ -1781,8 +1784,8 @@ "id": "ImportServiceRole", "path": "aws-glue-job/ShellJob39/ServiceRole/ImportServiceRole", "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.Resource", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } }, "Resource": { @@ -1820,8 +1823,8 @@ } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_iam.CfnRole", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } }, "DefaultPolicy": { @@ -1889,20 +1892,20 @@ } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_iam.CfnPolicy", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_iam.Policy", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_iam.Role", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } }, "Resource": { @@ -1946,14 +1949,14 @@ } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_glue.CfnJob", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-glue-alpha.Job", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } }, "RayJob": { @@ -1968,8 +1971,8 @@ "id": "ImportServiceRole", "path": "aws-glue-job/RayJob/ServiceRole/ImportServiceRole", "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.Resource", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } }, "Resource": { @@ -2007,8 +2010,8 @@ } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_iam.CfnRole", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } }, "DefaultPolicy": { @@ -2076,20 +2079,20 @@ } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_iam.CfnPolicy", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_iam.Policy", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_iam.Role", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } }, "Resource": { @@ -2136,36 +2139,221 @@ } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_glue.CfnJob", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-glue-alpha.Job", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" + } + }, + "EtlJobWithFLEX": { + "id": "EtlJobWithFLEX", + "path": "aws-glue-job/EtlJobWithFLEX", + "children": { + "ServiceRole": { + "id": "ServiceRole", + "path": "aws-glue-job/EtlJobWithFLEX/ServiceRole", + "children": { + "ImportServiceRole": { + "id": "ImportServiceRole", + "path": "aws-glue-job/EtlJobWithFLEX/ServiceRole/ImportServiceRole", + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" + } + }, + "Resource": { + "id": "Resource", + "path": "aws-glue-job/EtlJobWithFLEX/ServiceRole/Resource", + "attributes": { + "aws:cdk:cloudformation:type": "AWS::IAM::Role", + "aws:cdk:cloudformation:props": { + "assumeRolePolicyDocument": { + "Statement": [ + { + "Action": "sts:AssumeRole", + "Effect": "Allow", + "Principal": { + "Service": "glue.amazonaws.com" + } + } + ], + "Version": "2012-10-17" + }, + "managedPolicyArns": [ + { + "Fn::Join": [ + "", + [ + "arn:", + { + "Ref": "AWS::Partition" + }, + ":iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSGlueServiceRole" + ] + ] + } + ] + } + }, + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" + } + }, + "DefaultPolicy": { + "id": "DefaultPolicy", + "path": "aws-glue-job/EtlJobWithFLEX/ServiceRole/DefaultPolicy", + "children": { + "Resource": { + "id": "Resource", + "path": "aws-glue-job/EtlJobWithFLEX/ServiceRole/DefaultPolicy/Resource", + "attributes": { + "aws:cdk:cloudformation:type": "AWS::IAM::Policy", + "aws:cdk:cloudformation:props": { + "policyDocument": { + "Statement": [ + { + "Action": [ + "s3:GetBucket*", + "s3:GetObject*", + "s3:List*" + ], + "Effect": "Allow", + "Resource": [ + { + "Fn::Join": [ + "", + [ + "arn:", + { + "Ref": "AWS::Partition" + }, + ":s3:::", + { + "Fn::Sub": "cdk-hnb659fds-assets-${AWS::AccountId}-${AWS::Region}" + }, + "/*" + ] + ] + }, + { + "Fn::Join": [ + "", + [ + "arn:", + { + "Ref": "AWS::Partition" + }, + ":s3:::", + { + "Fn::Sub": "cdk-hnb659fds-assets-${AWS::AccountId}-${AWS::Region}" + } + ] + ] + } + ] + } + ], + "Version": "2012-10-17" + }, + "policyName": "EtlJobWithFLEXServiceRoleDefaultPolicyEA63C5FE", + "roles": [ + { + "Ref": "EtlJobWithFLEXServiceRoleBA7C99A5" + } + ] + } + }, + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" + } + } + }, + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" + } + } + }, + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" + } + }, + "Resource": { + "id": "Resource", + "path": "aws-glue-job/EtlJobWithFLEX/Resource", + "attributes": { + "aws:cdk:cloudformation:type": "AWS::Glue::Job", + "aws:cdk:cloudformation:props": { + "command": { + "name": "glueetl", + "scriptLocation": { + "Fn::Join": [ + "", + [ + "s3://", + { + "Fn::Sub": "cdk-hnb659fds-assets-${AWS::AccountId}-${AWS::Region}" + }, + "/432033e3218068a915d2532fa9be7858a12b228a2ae6e5c10faccd9097b1e855.py" + ] + ] + }, + "pythonVersion": "3" + }, + "role": { + "Fn::GetAtt": [ + "EtlJobWithFLEXServiceRoleBA7C99A5", + "Arn" + ] + }, + "defaultArguments": { + "--job-language": "python" + }, + "executionClass": "FLEX", + "glueVersion": "3.0", + "name": "EtlJobWithFLEX", + "numberOfWorkers": 10, + "workerType": "G.1X" + } + }, + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" + } + } + }, + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } }, "BootstrapVersion": { "id": "BootstrapVersion", "path": "aws-glue-job/BootstrapVersion", "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.CfnParameter", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } }, "CheckBootstrapVersion": { "id": "CheckBootstrapVersion", "path": "aws-glue-job/CheckBootstrapVersion", "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.CfnRule", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.Stack", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } }, "Tree": { @@ -2173,13 +2361,13 @@ "path": "Tree", "constructInfo": { "fqn": "constructs.Construct", - "version": "10.2.26" + "version": "10.2.55" } } }, "constructInfo": { - "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.App", - "version": "0.0.0" + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.55" } } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-glue-alpha/test/integ.job.ts b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-glue-alpha/test/integ.job.ts index 6ae1dd8074dad..aa420c52eccf4 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-glue-alpha/test/integ.job.ts +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-glue-alpha/test/integ.job.ts @@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ const script = glue.Code.fromAsset(path.join(__dirname, 'job-script/hello_world. quiet: true, logStreamPrefix: 'EtlJob', }, + executionClass: glue.ExecutionClass.STANDARD, tags: { key: 'value', }, @@ -125,4 +126,16 @@ new glue.Job(stack, 'RayJob', { }, }); +new glue.Job(stack, 'EtlJobWithFLEX', { + jobName: 'EtlJobWithFLEX', + executable: glue.JobExecutable.pythonEtl({ + glueVersion: glue.GlueVersion.V3_0, + pythonVersion: glue.PythonVersion.THREE, + script, + }), + workerType: glue.WorkerType.G_1X, + workerCount: 10, + executionClass: glue.ExecutionClass.FLEX, +}); + app.synth(); diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-glue-alpha/test/job.test.ts b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-glue-alpha/test/job.test.ts index 171857e5b5668..59316670b0410 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-glue-alpha/test/job.test.ts +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-glue-alpha/test/job.test.ts @@ -306,6 +306,162 @@ describe('Job', () => { }); }); + describe('enabling execution class', () => { + describe('enabling execution class with FLEX', () => { + beforeEach(() => { + job = new glue.Job(stack, 'Job', { + executable: glue.JobExecutable.pythonEtl({ + glueVersion: glue.GlueVersion.V3_0, + pythonVersion: glue.PythonVersion.THREE, + script, + }), + executionClass: glue.ExecutionClass.FLEX, + }); + }); + + test('should set FLEX', () => { + Template.fromStack(stack).hasResourceProperties('AWS::Glue::Job', { + ExecutionClass: 'FLEX', + }); + }); + }); + + describe('enabling execution class with FLEX and WorkerType G_1X', () => { + beforeEach(() => { + job = new glue.Job(stack, 'Job', { + executable: glue.JobExecutable.pythonEtl({ + glueVersion: glue.GlueVersion.V3_0, + pythonVersion: glue.PythonVersion.THREE, + script, + }), + executionClass: glue.ExecutionClass.FLEX, + workerType: glue.WorkerType.G_1X, + workerCount: 10, + }); + }); + + test('should set FLEX', () => { + Template.fromStack(stack).hasResourceProperties('AWS::Glue::Job', { + ExecutionClass: 'FLEX', + WorkerType: 'G.1X', + }); + }); + }); + + describe('enabling execution class with FLEX and WorkerType G_2X', () => { + beforeEach(() => { + job = new glue.Job(stack, 'Job', { + executable: glue.JobExecutable.pythonEtl({ + glueVersion: glue.GlueVersion.V3_0, + pythonVersion: glue.PythonVersion.THREE, + script, + }), + executionClass: glue.ExecutionClass.FLEX, + workerType: glue.WorkerType.G_2X, + workerCount: 10, + }); + }); + + test('should set FLEX', () => { + Template.fromStack(stack).hasResourceProperties('AWS::Glue::Job', { + ExecutionClass: 'FLEX', + WorkerType: 'G.2X', + }); + }); + }); + + describe('enabling execution class with STANDARD', () => { + beforeEach(() => { + job = new glue.Job(stack, 'Job', { + executable: glue.JobExecutable.pythonEtl({ + glueVersion: glue.GlueVersion.V3_0, + pythonVersion: glue.PythonVersion.THREE, + script, + }), + executionClass: glue.ExecutionClass.STANDARD, + }); + }); + + test('should set STANDARD', () => { + Template.fromStack(stack).hasResourceProperties('AWS::Glue::Job', { + ExecutionClass: 'STANDARD', + }); + }); + }); + + describe('errors for execution class with FLEX', () => { + test('job type except JobType.ETL should throw', () => { + expect(() => new glue.Job(stack, 'Job', { + executable: glue.JobExecutable.pythonShell({ + glueVersion: glue.GlueVersion.V2_0, + pythonVersion: glue.PythonVersion.THREE, + script, + }), + executionClass: glue.ExecutionClass.FLEX, + })).toThrow('FLEX ExecutionClass is only available for JobType.ETL jobs'); + }); + + test('with glue version 0.9 should throw', () => { + expect(() => new glue.Job(stack, 'Job', { + executable: glue.JobExecutable.pythonEtl({ + glueVersion: glue.GlueVersion.V0_9, + pythonVersion: glue.PythonVersion.THREE, + script, + }), + executionClass: glue.ExecutionClass.FLEX, + })).toThrow('FLEX ExecutionClass is only available for GlueVersion 3.0 or later'); + }); + + test('with glue version 1.0 should throw', () => { + expect(() => new glue.Job(stack, 'Job', { + executable: glue.JobExecutable.pythonEtl({ + glueVersion: glue.GlueVersion.V1_0, + pythonVersion: glue.PythonVersion.THREE, + script, + }), + executionClass: glue.ExecutionClass.FLEX, + })).toThrow('FLEX ExecutionClass is only available for GlueVersion 3.0 or later'); + }); + + test('with glue version 2.0 should throw', () => { + expect(() => new glue.Job(stack, 'Job', { + executable: glue.JobExecutable.pythonEtl({ + glueVersion: glue.GlueVersion.V2_0, + pythonVersion: glue.PythonVersion.THREE, + script, + }), + executionClass: glue.ExecutionClass.FLEX, + })).toThrow('FLEX ExecutionClass is only available for GlueVersion 3.0 or later'); + }); + + test('with G_025X as worker type that is neither G_1X nor G_2X should throw', () => { + expect(() => new glue.Job(stack, 'Job', { + executable: glue.JobExecutable.pythonEtl({ + glueVersion: glue.GlueVersion.V3_0, + pythonVersion: glue.PythonVersion.THREE, + script, + }), + workerType: glue.WorkerType.G_025X, + workerCount: 2, + executionClass: glue.ExecutionClass.FLEX, + })).toThrow('FLEX ExecutionClass is only available for WorkerType G_1X or G_2X'); + }); + + test('with G_4X as worker type that is neither G_1X nor G_2X should throw', () => { + expect(() => new glue.Job(stack, 'Job', { + executable: glue.JobExecutable.pythonEtl({ + glueVersion: glue.GlueVersion.V3_0, + pythonVersion: glue.PythonVersion.THREE, + script, + }), + workerType: glue.WorkerType.G_4X, + workerCount: 10, + executionClass: glue.ExecutionClass.FLEX, + })).toThrow('FLEX ExecutionClass is only available for WorkerType G_1X or G_2X'); + }); + }); + }); + describe('enabling spark ui', () => { describe('with no bucket or path provided', () => { beforeEach(() => { diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-iot-actions-alpha/README.md b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-iot-actions-alpha/README.md index 10d076a1ad780..624365ecf3b65 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-iot-actions-alpha/README.md +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-iot-actions-alpha/README.md @@ -163,6 +163,24 @@ const topicRule = new iot.TopicRule(this, 'TopicRule', { }); ``` +## Start Step Functions State Machine + +The code snippet below creates an AWS IoT Rule that starts a Step Functions State Machine +when it is triggered. + +```ts +const stateMachine = new stepfunctions.StateMachine(this, 'SM', { + definitionBody: stepfunctions.DefinitionBody.fromChainable(new stepfunctions.Wait(this, 'Hello', { time: stepfunctions.WaitTime.duration(Duration.seconds(10)) })), +}); + +new iot.TopicRule(this, 'TopicRule', { + sql: iot.IotSql.fromStringAsVer20160323("SELECT * FROM 'device/+/data'"), + actions: [ + new actions.StepFunctionsStateMachineAction(stateMachine), + ], +}); +``` + ## Change the state of an Amazon CloudWatch alarm The code snippet below creates an AWS IoT Rule that changes the state of an Amazon CloudWatch alarm when it is triggered: diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-iot-actions-alpha/lib/index.ts b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-iot-actions-alpha/lib/index.ts index 0a9d23398f59b..1a983fd548fc2 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-iot-actions-alpha/lib/index.ts +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-iot-actions-alpha/lib/index.ts @@ -11,3 +11,4 @@ export * from './lambda-function-action'; export * from './s3-put-object-action'; export * from './sqs-queue-action'; export * from './sns-topic-action'; +export * from './step-functions-state-machine-action'; diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-iot-actions-alpha/lib/step-functions-state-machine-action.ts b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-iot-actions-alpha/lib/step-functions-state-machine-action.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..30c8641148a28 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-iot-actions-alpha/lib/step-functions-state-machine-action.ts @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +import * as iam from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-iam'; +import * as iot from '@aws-cdk/aws-iot-alpha'; +import * as stepfunctions from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-stepfunctions'; +import { CommonActionProps } from './common-action-props'; +import { singletonActionRole } from './private/role'; +import { ArnFormat, Stack } from 'aws-cdk-lib'; + +/** + * Configuration properties of an action for the Step Functions State Machine. + */ +export interface StepFunctionsStateMachineActionProps extends CommonActionProps { + /** + * Name of the state machine execution prefix. + * The name given to the state machine execution consists of this prefix followed by a UUID. Step Functions creates a unique name for each state machine execution if one is not provided. + * + * @see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/iot/latest/developerguide/stepfunctions-rule-action.html#stepfunctions-rule-action-parameters + * + * @default: None - Step Functions creates a unique name for each state machine execution if one is not provided. + */ + readonly executionNamePrefix?: string; +} + +/** + * The action to put the record from an MQTT message to the Step Functions State Machine. + */ +export class StepFunctionsStateMachineAction implements iot.IAction { + private readonly executionNamePrefix?: string; + private readonly role?: iam.IRole; + + /** + * @param stateMachine The Step Functions Start Machine which shoud be executed. + * @param props Optional properties to not use default + */ + constructor(private readonly stateMachine: stepfunctions.IStateMachine, props?: StepFunctionsStateMachineActionProps) { + this.executionNamePrefix = props?.executionNamePrefix; + this.role = props?.role; + } + + /** + * @internal + */ + public _bind(rule: iot.ITopicRule): iot.ActionConfig { + const role = this.role ?? singletonActionRole(rule); + const stateMachineName = Stack.of(this.stateMachine).splitArn(this.stateMachine.stateMachineArn, ArnFormat.COLON_RESOURCE_NAME).resourceName; + + if (!stateMachineName) { + throw new Error(`No state machine name found in ARN: '${this.stateMachine.stateMachineArn}'`); + } + + role.addToPrincipalPolicy(new iam.PolicyStatement({ + actions: ['states:StartExecution'], + resources: [this.stateMachine.stateMachineArn], + })); + + return { + configuration: { + stepFunctions: { + stateMachineName, + executionNamePrefix: this.executionNamePrefix, + roleArn: role.roleArn, + }, + }, + }; + } +} diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-iot-actions-alpha/package.json b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-iot-actions-alpha/package.json index 55d474d5d3b4a..2ccc973a3e584 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-iot-actions-alpha/package.json +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-iot-actions-alpha/package.json @@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ "@aws-cdk/aws-iot-alpha": "0.0.0", "@aws-cdk/aws-iotevents-alpha": "0.0.0", "@aws-cdk/aws-kinesisfirehose-alpha": "0.0.0", + "@aws-cdk/aws-kinesisfirehose-destinations-alpha": "0.0.0", "aws-cdk-lib": "^0.0.0", "constructs": "^10.0.0" }, diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-iot-actions-alpha/rosetta/default.ts-fixture b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-iot-actions-alpha/rosetta/default.ts-fixture index b8926a17ed606..c39a08ffe22d8 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-iot-actions-alpha/rosetta/default.ts-fixture +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-iot-actions-alpha/rosetta/default.ts-fixture @@ -1,10 +1,11 @@ // Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else -import { Stack } from 'aws-cdk-lib'; +import { Stack, Duration } from 'aws-cdk-lib'; import { Construct } from 'constructs'; import * as actions from '@aws-cdk/aws-iot-actions-alpha'; import * as iot from '@aws-cdk/aws-iot-alpha'; import * as lambda from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-lambda'; import * as s3 from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-s3'; +import * as stepfunctions from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-stepfunctions'; class Fixture extends Stack { constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) { diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-iot-actions-alpha/test/kinesis-firehose/integ.firehose-put-record-action.js.snapshot/cdk.out b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-iot-actions-alpha/test/kinesis-firehose/integ.firehose-put-record-action.js.snapshot/cdk.out index 7df7694e7a5a5..f0b901e7c06e5 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-iot-actions-alpha/test/kinesis-firehose/integ.firehose-put-record-action.js.snapshot/cdk.out +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-iot-actions-alpha/test/kinesis-firehose/integ.firehose-put-record-action.js.snapshot/cdk.out @@ -1 +1 @@ -{"version":"32.0.0"} +{"version":"32.0.0"} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-iot-actions-alpha/test/kinesis-firehose/integ.firehose-put-record-action.js.snapshot/manifest.json b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-iot-actions-alpha/test/kinesis-firehose/integ.firehose-put-record-action.js.snapshot/manifest.json index 82ee2aac7997a..6d62c7e0b1a72 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-iot-actions-alpha/test/kinesis-firehose/integ.firehose-put-record-action.js.snapshot/manifest.json +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-iot-actions-alpha/test/kinesis-firehose/integ.firehose-put-record-action.js.snapshot/manifest.json @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "validateOnSynth": false, "assumeRoleArn": "arn:${AWS::Partition}:iam::${AWS::AccountId}:role/cdk-hnb659fds-deploy-role-${AWS::AccountId}-${AWS::Region}", "cloudFormationExecutionRoleArn": "arn:${AWS::Partition}:iam::${AWS::AccountId}:role/cdk-hnb659fds-cfn-exec-role-${AWS::AccountId}-${AWS::Region}", - "stackTemplateAssetObjectUrl": "s3://cdk-hnb659fds-assets-${AWS::AccountId}-${AWS::Region}/ccba2c7f389f66409665f07bcb2666a07a8c23938ebc9b56a50efab196a77ed4.json", + "stackTemplateAssetObjectUrl": 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index b18701f8c4ab4..75ad088b63c78 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-iot-actions-alpha/test/kinesis-firehose/integ.firehose-put-record-action.js.snapshot/tree.json +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-iot-actions-alpha/test/kinesis-firehose/integ.firehose-put-record-action.js.snapshot/tree.json @@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ "path": "Tree", "constructInfo": { "fqn": "constructs.Construct", - "version": "10.2.26" + "version": "10.2.55" } } }, diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-iot-actions-alpha/test/step-functions/integ.step-functions-start-state-machine.js.snapshot/cdk.out b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-iot-actions-alpha/test/step-functions/integ.step-functions-start-state-machine.js.snapshot/cdk.out new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..f0b901e7c06e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-iot-actions-alpha/test/step-functions/integ.step-functions-start-state-machine.js.snapshot/cdk.out @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +{"version":"32.0.0"} \ No newline at end of file diff --git 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[cdk:skip]" + } + }, + "Rules": { + "CheckBootstrapVersion": { + "Assertions": [ + { + "Assert": { + "Fn::Not": [ + { + "Fn::Contains": [ + [ + "1", + "2", + "3", + "4", + "5" + ], + { + "Ref": "BootstrapVersion" + } + ] + } + ] + }, + "AssertDescription": "CDK bootstrap stack version 6 required. Please run 'cdk bootstrap' with a recent version of the CDK CLI." + } + ] + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-iot-actions-alpha/test/step-functions/integ.step-functions-start-state-machine.js.snapshot/test-step-functions-start-state-machine-action-stack.assets.json b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-iot-actions-alpha/test/step-functions/integ.step-functions-start-state-machine.js.snapshot/test-step-functions-start-state-machine-action-stack.assets.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..45d844b26d5a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-iot-actions-alpha/test/step-functions/integ.step-functions-start-state-machine.js.snapshot/test-step-functions-start-state-machine-action-stack.assets.json @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +{ + "version": "32.0.0", + "files": { + "2a9785d0602d38f259eb92a63ba9ecfd1092a72904af9e5e265db24a5d7a78ab": { + "source": { + "path": "test-step-functions-start-state-machine-action-stack.template.json", + "packaging": "file" + }, + "destinations": { + "current_account-current_region": { + "bucketName": "cdk-hnb659fds-assets-${AWS::AccountId}-${AWS::Region}", + "objectKey": "2a9785d0602d38f259eb92a63ba9ecfd1092a72904af9e5e265db24a5d7a78ab.json", + "assumeRoleArn": "arn:${AWS::Partition}:iam::${AWS::AccountId}:role/cdk-hnb659fds-file-publishing-role-${AWS::AccountId}-${AWS::Region}" + } + } + } + }, + "dockerImages": {} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-iot-actions-alpha/test/step-functions/integ.step-functions-start-state-machine.js.snapshot/test-step-functions-start-state-machine-action-stack.template.json b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-iot-actions-alpha/test/step-functions/integ.step-functions-start-state-machine.js.snapshot/test-step-functions-start-state-machine-action-stack.template.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..bc0bcb456a503 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-iot-actions-alpha/test/step-functions/integ.step-functions-start-state-machine.js.snapshot/test-step-functions-start-state-machine-action-stack.template.json @@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ +{ + "Resources": { + "TopicRule40A4EA44": { + "Type": "AWS::IoT::TopicRule", + "Properties": { + "TopicRulePayload": { + "Actions": [ + { + "StepFunctions": { + "RoleArn": { + "Fn::GetAtt": [ + "TopicRuleTopicRuleActionRole246C4F77", + "Arn" + ] + }, + "StateMachineName": { + "Fn::Select": [ + 6, + { + "Fn::Split": [ + ":", + { + "Ref": "SM934E715A" + } + ] + } + ] + } + } + } + ], + "AwsIotSqlVersion": "2016-03-23", + "Sql": "SELECT * FROM 'device/+/data'" + } + } + }, + "TopicRuleTopicRuleActionRole246C4F77": { + "Type": "AWS::IAM::Role", + "Properties": { + "AssumeRolePolicyDocument": { + "Statement": [ + { + "Action": "sts:AssumeRole", + "Effect": "Allow", + "Principal": { + "Service": "iot.amazonaws.com" + } + } + ], + "Version": "2012-10-17" + } + } + }, + "TopicRuleTopicRuleActionRoleDefaultPolicy99ADD687": { + "Type": "AWS::IAM::Policy", + "Properties": { + "PolicyDocument": { + "Statement": [ + { + "Action": "states:StartExecution", + "Effect": "Allow", + "Resource": { + "Ref": "SM934E715A" + } + } + ], + "Version": "2012-10-17" + }, + "PolicyName": "TopicRuleTopicRuleActionRoleDefaultPolicy99ADD687", + "Roles": [ + { + "Ref": "TopicRuleTopicRuleActionRole246C4F77" + } + ] + } + }, + "SMRole49C19C48": { + "Type": "AWS::IAM::Role", + "Properties": { + "AssumeRolePolicyDocument": { + "Statement": [ + { + "Action": "sts:AssumeRole", + "Effect": "Allow", + "Principal": { + "Service": "states.amazonaws.com" + } + } + ], + "Version": "2012-10-17" + } + } + }, + "SM934E715A": { + "Type": "AWS::StepFunctions::StateMachine", + "Properties": { + "RoleArn": { + "Fn::GetAtt": [ + "SMRole49C19C48", + "Arn" + ] + }, + "DefinitionString": "{\"StartAt\":\"Hello\",\"States\":{\"Hello\":{\"Type\":\"Wait\",\"Seconds\":10,\"End\":true}}}" + }, + "DependsOn": [ + "SMRole49C19C48" + ], + "UpdateReplacePolicy": "Delete", + "DeletionPolicy": "Delete" + } + }, + "Parameters": { + "BootstrapVersion": { + "Type": "AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value", + "Default": "/cdk-bootstrap/hnb659fds/version", + "Description": "Version of the CDK Bootstrap resources in this environment, automatically retrieved from SSM Parameter Store. [cdk:skip]" + } + }, + "Rules": { + "CheckBootstrapVersion": { + "Assertions": [ + { + "Assert": { + "Fn::Not": [ + { + "Fn::Contains": [ + [ + "1", + "2", + "3", + "4", + "5" + ], + { + "Ref": "BootstrapVersion" + } + ] + } + ] + }, + "AssertDescription": "CDK bootstrap stack version 6 required. Please run 'cdk bootstrap' with a recent version of the CDK CLI." + } + ] + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-iot-actions-alpha/test/step-functions/integ.step-functions-start-state-machine.js.snapshot/tree.json b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-iot-actions-alpha/test/step-functions/integ.step-functions-start-state-machine.js.snapshot/tree.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..725cc452d850c --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-iot-actions-alpha/test/step-functions/integ.step-functions-start-state-machine.js.snapshot/tree.json @@ -0,0 +1,318 @@ +{ + "version": "tree-0.1", + "tree": { + "id": "App", + "path": "", + "children": { + "test-step-functions-start-state-machine-action-stack": { + "id": "test-step-functions-start-state-machine-action-stack", + "path": "test-step-functions-start-state-machine-action-stack", + "children": { + "TopicRule": { + "id": "TopicRule", + "path": "test-step-functions-start-state-machine-action-stack/TopicRule", + 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"test-step-functions-start-state-machine-action-stack/TopicRule/TopicRuleActionRole/ImportTopicRuleActionRole", + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.Resource", + "version": "0.0.0" + } + }, + "Resource": { + "id": "Resource", + "path": "test-step-functions-start-state-machine-action-stack/TopicRule/TopicRuleActionRole/Resource", + "attributes": { + "aws:cdk:cloudformation:type": "AWS::IAM::Role", + "aws:cdk:cloudformation:props": { + "assumeRolePolicyDocument": { + "Statement": [ + { + "Action": "sts:AssumeRole", + "Effect": "Allow", + "Principal": { + "Service": "iot.amazonaws.com" + } + } + ], + "Version": "2012-10-17" + } + } + }, + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_iam.CfnRole", + "version": "0.0.0" + } + }, + "DefaultPolicy": { + "id": "DefaultPolicy", + "path": "test-step-functions-start-state-machine-action-stack/TopicRule/TopicRuleActionRole/DefaultPolicy", + "children": { + "Resource": { + "id": "Resource", + "path": "test-step-functions-start-state-machine-action-stack/TopicRule/TopicRuleActionRole/DefaultPolicy/Resource", + "attributes": { + "aws:cdk:cloudformation:type": "AWS::IAM::Policy", + "aws:cdk:cloudformation:props": { + "policyDocument": { + "Statement": [ + { + "Action": "states:StartExecution", + "Effect": "Allow", + "Resource": { + "Ref": "SM934E715A" + } + } + ], + "Version": "2012-10-17" + }, + "policyName": "TopicRuleTopicRuleActionRoleDefaultPolicy99ADD687", + "roles": [ + { + "Ref": "TopicRuleTopicRuleActionRole246C4F77" + } + ] + } + }, + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_iam.CfnPolicy", + "version": "0.0.0" + } + } + }, + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_iam.Policy", + "version": "0.0.0" + } + } + }, + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_iam.Role", + "version": "0.0.0" + } + } + }, + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iot-alpha.TopicRule", + "version": "0.0.0" + } + }, + "Hello": { + "id": "Hello", + "path": "test-step-functions-start-state-machine-action-stack/Hello", + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.aws_stepfunctions.Wait", + "version": "0.0.0" + } + }, + "SM": { + "id": "SM", + "path": "test-step-functions-start-state-machine-action-stack/SM", + "children": { + "Role": { + "id": "Role", + "path": "test-step-functions-start-state-machine-action-stack/SM/Role", + "children": { + "ImportRole": { + "id": "ImportRole", + "path": "test-step-functions-start-state-machine-action-stack/SM/Role/ImportRole", + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.Resource", + "version": "0.0.0" + } + }, + "Resource": { + "id": "Resource", + "path": "test-step-functions-start-state-machine-action-stack/SM/Role/Resource", + "attributes": { + "aws:cdk:cloudformation:type": "AWS::IAM::Role", + "aws:cdk:cloudformation:props": { + "assumeRolePolicyDocument": { + "Statement": [ + { + "Action": "sts:AssumeRole", + "Effect": "Allow", + "Principal": { + "Service": "states.amazonaws.com" + } + } + ], + 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"test-step-functions-start-state-machine-action-stack/BootstrapVersion", + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.CfnParameter", + "version": "0.0.0" + } + }, + "CheckBootstrapVersion": { + "id": "CheckBootstrapVersion", + "path": "test-step-functions-start-state-machine-action-stack/CheckBootstrapVersion", + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.CfnRule", + "version": "0.0.0" + } + } + }, + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.Stack", + "version": "0.0.0" + } + }, + "state-machine-integtest": { + "id": "state-machine-integtest", + "path": "state-machine-integtest", + "children": { + "DefaultTest": { + "id": "DefaultTest", + "path": "state-machine-integtest/DefaultTest", + "children": { + "Default": { + "id": "Default", + "path": "state-machine-integtest/DefaultTest/Default", + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.52" + } + }, + "DeployAssert": { + "id": "DeployAssert", + "path": "state-machine-integtest/DefaultTest/DeployAssert", + "children": { + "BootstrapVersion": { + "id": "BootstrapVersion", + "path": "state-machine-integtest/DefaultTest/DeployAssert/BootstrapVersion", + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.CfnParameter", + "version": "0.0.0" + } + }, + "CheckBootstrapVersion": { + "id": "CheckBootstrapVersion", + "path": "state-machine-integtest/DefaultTest/DeployAssert/CheckBootstrapVersion", + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.CfnRule", + "version": "0.0.0" + } + } + }, + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.Stack", + "version": "0.0.0" + } + } + }, + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "@aws-cdk/integ-tests-alpha.IntegTestCase", + "version": "0.0.0" + } + } + }, + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "@aws-cdk/integ-tests-alpha.IntegTest", + "version": "0.0.0" + } + }, + "Tree": { + "id": "Tree", + "path": "Tree", + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "constructs.Construct", + "version": "10.2.52" + } + } + }, + "constructInfo": { + "fqn": "aws-cdk-lib.App", + "version": "0.0.0" + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-iot-actions-alpha/test/step-functions/integ.step-functions-start-state-machine.ts b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-iot-actions-alpha/test/step-functions/integ.step-functions-start-state-machine.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..97e17998f700d --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-iot-actions-alpha/test/step-functions/integ.step-functions-start-state-machine.ts @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +import * as iot from '@aws-cdk/aws-iot-alpha'; +import * as cdk from 'aws-cdk-lib'; +import * as integ from '@aws-cdk/integ-tests-alpha'; +import * as actions from '../../lib'; +import * as sfn from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-stepfunctions'; + +const app = new cdk.App(); +const stack = new cdk.Stack(app, 'test-step-functions-start-state-machine-action-stack'); + +const topicRule = new iot.TopicRule(stack, 'TopicRule', { + sql: iot.IotSql.fromStringAsVer20160323( + "SELECT * FROM 'device/+/data'", + ), +}); + +const stateMachine = new sfn.StateMachine(stack, 'SM', { + definitionBody: sfn.DefinitionBody.fromChainable(new sfn.Wait(stack, 'Hello', { time: sfn.WaitTime.duration(cdk.Duration.seconds(10)) })), +}); + +topicRule.addAction(new actions.StepFunctionsStateMachineAction(stateMachine)); + +new integ.IntegTest(app, 'state-machine-integtest', { + testCases: [stack], +}); + +app.synth(); diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-iot-actions-alpha/test/step-functions/step-functions-start-state-machine.test.ts b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-iot-actions-alpha/test/step-functions/step-functions-start-state-machine.test.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..bb36c683fe2df --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-iot-actions-alpha/test/step-functions/step-functions-start-state-machine.test.ts @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ +import { Template, Match } from 'aws-cdk-lib/assertions'; +import * as iam from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-iam'; +import * as iot from '@aws-cdk/aws-iot-alpha'; +import * as cdk from 'aws-cdk-lib'; +import * as actions from '../../lib'; +import * as sfn from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-stepfunctions'; + +test('Default state machine action action', () => { + // GIVEN + const stack = new cdk.Stack(); + const topicRule = new iot.TopicRule(stack, 'MyTopicRule', { + sql: iot.IotSql.fromStringAsVer20160323("SELECT topic(2) as device_id FROM 'device/+/data'"), + }); + const stateMachine = new sfn.StateMachine(stack, 'SM', { + definitionBody: sfn.DefinitionBody.fromChainable(new sfn.Wait(stack, 'Hello', { time: sfn.WaitTime.duration(cdk.Duration.seconds(10)) })), + }); + + // WHEN + topicRule.addAction( + new actions.StepFunctionsStateMachineAction(stateMachine), + ); + + // THEN + Template.fromStack(stack).hasResourceProperties('AWS::IoT::TopicRule', { + TopicRulePayload: { + Actions: [ + { + StepFunctions: { + StateMachineName: { + 'Fn::Select': [6, + { + 'Fn::Split': [ + ':', + { Ref: 'SM934E715A' }, + ], + }], + }, + RoleArn: { + 'Fn::GetAtt': ['MyTopicRuleTopicRuleActionRoleCE2D05DA', 'Arn'], + }, + }, + }, + ], + }, + }); + + Template.fromStack(stack).hasResourceProperties('AWS::IAM::Role', { + AssumeRolePolicyDocument: { + Statement: [ + { + Action: 'sts:AssumeRole', + Effect: 'Allow', + Principal: { + Service: 'iot.amazonaws.com', + }, + }, + ], + Version: '2012-10-17', + }, + }); + + Template.fromStack(stack).hasResourceProperties('AWS::IAM::Policy', { + PolicyDocument: { + Statement: [ + { + Action: 'states:StartExecution', + Effect: 'Allow', + Resource: { + Ref: 'SM934E715A', + }, + }, + ], + Version: '2012-10-17', + }, + PolicyName: 'MyTopicRuleTopicRuleActionRoleDefaultPolicy54A701F7', + Roles: [ + { Ref: 'MyTopicRuleTopicRuleActionRoleCE2D05DA' }, + ], + }); +}); + +test('can use imported state machine', () => { + // GIVEN + const stack = new cdk.Stack(); + const topicRule = new iot.TopicRule(stack, 'MyTopicRule', { + sql: iot.IotSql.fromStringAsVer20160323("SELECT topic(2) as device_id FROM 'device/+/data'"), + }); + const stateMachine = sfn.StateMachine.fromStateMachineArn(stack, 'SM', 'arn:aws:states:us-east-1:111122223333:stateMachine:existing-state-machine'); + + // WHEN + topicRule.addAction( + new actions.StepFunctionsStateMachineAction(stateMachine), + ); + + // THEN + Template.fromStack(stack).hasResourceProperties('AWS::IoT::TopicRule', { + TopicRulePayload: { + Actions: [ + Match.objectLike({ StepFunctions: { StateMachineName: 'existing-state-machine' } }), + ], + }, + }); +}); + +test('can set executionNamePrefix', () => { + // GIVEN + const stack = new cdk.Stack(); + const topicRule = new iot.TopicRule(stack, 'MyTopicRule', { + sql: iot.IotSql.fromStringAsVer20160323("SELECT topic(2) as device_id FROM 'device/+/data'"), + }); + const stateMachine = new sfn.StateMachine(stack, 'SM', { + definitionBody: sfn.DefinitionBody.fromChainable(new sfn.Wait(stack, 'Hello', { time: sfn.WaitTime.duration(cdk.Duration.seconds(10)) })), + }); + + // WHEN + topicRule.addAction( + new actions.StepFunctionsStateMachineAction(stateMachine, { + executionNamePrefix: 'my-prefix', + }), + ); + + // THEN + Template.fromStack(stack).hasResourceProperties('AWS::IoT::TopicRule', { + TopicRulePayload: { + Actions: [ + Match.objectLike({ StepFunctions: { ExecutionNamePrefix: 'my-prefix' } }), + ], + }, + }); +}); + +test('can set role', () => { + // GIVEN + const stack = new cdk.Stack(); + const topicRule = new iot.TopicRule(stack, 'MyTopicRule', { + sql: iot.IotSql.fromStringAsVer20160323("SELECT topic(2) as device_id FROM 'device/+/data'"), + }); + const role = iam.Role.fromRoleArn(stack, 'MyRole', 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/ForTest'); + const stateMachine = new sfn.StateMachine(stack, 'SM', { + definitionBody: sfn.DefinitionBody.fromChainable(new sfn.Wait(stack, 'Hello', { time: sfn.WaitTime.duration(cdk.Duration.seconds(10)) })), + }); + + // WHEN + topicRule.addAction( + new actions.StepFunctionsStateMachineAction(stateMachine, { role }), + ); + + // THEN + Template.fromStack(stack).hasResourceProperties('AWS::IoT::TopicRule', { + TopicRulePayload: { + Actions: [ + Match.objectLike({ StepFunctions: { RoleArn: 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/ForTest' } }), + ], + }, + }); + + Template.fromStack(stack).hasResourceProperties('AWS::IAM::Policy', { + PolicyName: 'MyRolePolicy64AB00A5', + Roles: ['ForTest'], + }); +}); diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-iot-alpha/package.json b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-iot-alpha/package.json index 76f8501965d79..4c660212c4519 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-iot-alpha/package.json +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-iot-alpha/package.json @@ -83,7 +83,6 @@ "devDependencies": { "@aws-cdk/cdk-build-tools": "0.0.0", "@aws-cdk/integ-runner": "0.0.0", - "@aws-cdk/cfn2ts": "0.0.0", "@aws-cdk/pkglint": "0.0.0", "@types/jest": "^29.5.1", "jest": "^29.5.0", diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-iotevents-alpha/package.json b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-iotevents-alpha/package.json index 299a8e744fbc9..b114e9d02c003 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-iotevents-alpha/package.json +++ 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"@aws-cdk/cfn2ts": "0.0.0", "@aws-cdk/pkglint": "0.0.0", "@types/jest": "^29.5.1", "aws-cdk-lib": "0.0.0", diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-redshift-alpha/lib/cluster-parameter-change-reboot-handler/index.ts b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-redshift-alpha/lib/cluster-parameter-change-reboot-handler/index.ts index 1528f401aff96..aef27c334bff4 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-redshift-alpha/lib/cluster-parameter-change-reboot-handler/index.ts +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-redshift-alpha/lib/cluster-parameter-change-reboot-handler/index.ts @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies -import { Redshift } from 'aws-sdk'; +import { Redshift } from '@aws-sdk/client-redshift'; -const redshift = new Redshift(); +const redshift = new Redshift({}); export async function handler(event: AWSLambda.CloudFormationCustomResourceEvent): Promise { if (event.RequestType !== 'Delete') { @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ async function rebootClusterIfRequired(clusterId: string, parameterGroupName: st await sleep(retryDurationMs ?? 0); if (['pending-reboot', 'apply-deferred', 'apply-error'].includes(status)) { try { - await redshift.rebootCluster({ ClusterIdentifier: clusterId }).promise(); + await redshift.rebootCluster({ ClusterIdentifier: clusterId }); } catch (err: any) { if (err.code === 'InvalidClusterState') { return await executeActionForStatus(status, 30000); @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ async function rebootClusterIfRequired(clusterId: string, parameterGroupName: st } async function getApplyStatus(): Promise { - const clusterDetails = await redshift.describeClusters({ ClusterIdentifier: clusterId }).promise(); + const clusterDetails = await redshift.describeClusters({ ClusterIdentifier: clusterId }); if (clusterDetails.Clusters?.[0].ClusterParameterGroups === undefined) { throw new Error(`Unable to find any Parameter Groups associated with ClusterId "${clusterId}".`); } diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-redshift-alpha/lib/cluster.ts b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-redshift-alpha/lib/cluster.ts index 70fab88697fb1..6f20b7fa964f8 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-redshift-alpha/lib/cluster.ts +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-redshift-alpha/lib/cluster.ts @@ -707,7 +707,7 @@ export class Cluster extends ClusterBase { } const rebootFunction = new lambda.SingletonFunction(this, 'RedshiftClusterRebooterFunction', { uuid: '511e207f-13df-4b8b-b632-c32b30b65ac2', - runtime: lambda.Runtime.NODEJS_16_X, + runtime: lambda.Runtime.NODEJS_18_X, code: lambda.Code.fromAsset(path.join(__dirname, 'cluster-parameter-change-reboot-handler')), handler: 'index.handler', timeout: Duration.seconds(900), diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-redshift-alpha/lib/private/database-query-provider/redshift-data.ts b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-redshift-alpha/lib/private/database-query-provider/redshift-data.ts index 45bf6d9810b98..3aa69c171564e 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-redshift-alpha/lib/private/database-query-provider/redshift-data.ts +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-redshift-alpha/lib/private/database-query-provider/redshift-data.ts @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ /* eslint-disable-next-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies */ -import * as RedshiftData from 'aws-sdk/clients/redshiftdata'; +import { RedshiftData } from '@aws-sdk/client-redshift-data'; import { ClusterProps } from './types'; -const redshiftData = new RedshiftData(); +const redshiftData = new RedshiftData({}); export async function executeStatement(statement: string, clusterProps: ClusterProps): Promise { const executeStatementProps = { @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ export async function executeStatement(statement: string, clusterProps: ClusterP SecretArn: clusterProps.adminUserArn, Sql: statement, }; - const executedStatement = await redshiftData.executeStatement(executeStatementProps).promise(); + const executedStatement = await redshiftData.executeStatement(executeStatementProps); if (!executedStatement.Id) { throw new Error('Service error: Statement execution did not return a statement ID'); } @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ async function waitForStatementComplete(statementId: string): Promise { await new Promise((resolve: (value: void) => void) => { setTimeout(() => resolve(), waitTimeout); }); - const statement = await redshiftData.describeStatement({ Id: statementId }).promise(); + const statement = await redshiftData.describeStatement({ Id: statementId }); if (statement.Status !== 'FINISHED' && statement.Status !== 'FAILED' && statement.Status !== 'ABORTED') { return waitForStatementComplete(statementId); } else if (statement.Status === 'FINISHED') { diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-redshift-alpha/lib/private/database-query-provider/user.ts b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-redshift-alpha/lib/private/database-query-provider/user.ts index 50e79800980d7..00a6de2d7bf13 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-redshift-alpha/lib/private/database-query-provider/user.ts +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-redshift-alpha/lib/private/database-query-provider/user.ts @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ /* eslint-disable-next-line import/no-unresolved */ import * as AWSLambda from 'aws-lambda'; /* eslint-disable-next-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies */ -import * as SecretsManager from 'aws-sdk/clients/secretsmanager'; +import { SecretsManager } from '@aws-sdk/client-secrets-manager'; import { executeStatement } from './redshift-data'; import { ClusterProps } from './types'; import { makePhysicalId } from './util'; import { UserHandlerProps } from '../handler-props'; -const secretsManager = new SecretsManager(); +const secretsManager = new SecretsManager({}); export async function handler(props: UserHandlerProps & ClusterProps, event: AWSLambda.CloudFormationCustomResourceEvent) { const username = props.username; @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ async function updateUser( async function getPasswordFromSecret(passwordSecretArn: string): Promise { const secretValue = await secretsManager.getSecretValue({ SecretId: passwordSecretArn, - }).promise(); + }); const secretString = secretValue.SecretString; if (!secretString) { throw new Error(`Secret string for ${passwordSecretArn} was empty`); diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-redshift-alpha/package.json b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-redshift-alpha/package.json index 21bf2401b4558..f2ce46c9aead8 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-redshift-alpha/package.json +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-redshift-alpha/package.json @@ -83,10 +83,11 @@ "devDependencies": { "@aws-cdk/cdk-build-tools": "0.0.0", "@aws-cdk/integ-runner": "0.0.0", - "@aws-cdk/cfn2ts": "0.0.0", "@aws-cdk/pkglint": "0.0.0", + "@aws-sdk/client-redshift": "^3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/client-redshift-data": "^3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/client-secrets-manager": "^3.347.0", "@types/jest": "^29.5.1", - "aws-sdk": "^2.1379.0", "aws-cdk-lib": "0.0.0", "constructs": "^10.0.0", "@aws-cdk/integ-tests-alpha": "0.0.0" diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-redshift-alpha/test/cluster.test.ts b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-redshift-alpha/test/cluster.test.ts index a8d8b1f0dc8df..f4b36af0fe82c 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-redshift-alpha/test/cluster.test.ts +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-redshift-alpha/test/cluster.test.ts @@ -709,7 +709,7 @@ describe('reboot for Parameter Changes', () => { Type: 'AWS::Lambda::Function', Properties: { Handler: 'index.handler', - Runtime: 'nodejs16.x', + Runtime: 'nodejs18.x', Timeout: 900, }, }, diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-redshift-alpha/test/database-query-provider/privileges.test.ts b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-redshift-alpha/test/database-query-provider/privileges.test.ts index daa3835b89f24..bad794b745355 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-redshift-alpha/test/database-query-provider/privileges.test.ts +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-redshift-alpha/test/database-query-provider/privileges.test.ts @@ -27,11 +27,16 @@ const genericEvent: AWSLambda.CloudFormationCustomResourceEventCommon = { ResourceType: '', }; -const mockExecuteStatement = jest.fn(() => ({ promise: jest.fn(() => ({ Id: 'statementId' })) })); -jest.mock('aws-sdk/clients/redshiftdata', () => class { - executeStatement = mockExecuteStatement; - describeStatement = () => ({ promise: jest.fn(() => ({ Status: 'FINISHED' })) }); +const mockExecuteStatement = jest.fn(async () => ({ Id: 'statementId' })); +jest.mock('@aws-sdk/client-redshift-data', () => { + return { + RedshiftData: class { + executeStatement = mockExecuteStatement; + describeStatement = jest.fn(async () => ({ Status: 'FINISHED' })); + }, + }; }); + import { handler as managePrivileges } from '../../lib/private/database-query-provider/privileges'; beforeEach(() => { diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-redshift-alpha/test/database-query-provider/table.test.ts b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-redshift-alpha/test/database-query-provider/table.test.ts index 94981b23692eb..0894e73915fd3 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-redshift-alpha/test/database-query-provider/table.test.ts +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-redshift-alpha/test/database-query-provider/table.test.ts @@ -1,11 +1,14 @@ /* eslint-disable-next-line import/no-unresolved */ import type * as AWSLambda from 'aws-lambda'; -const mockExecuteStatement = jest.fn(() => ({ promise: jest.fn(() => ({ Id: 'statementId' })) })); -jest.mock('aws-sdk/clients/redshiftdata', () => class { - executeStatement = mockExecuteStatement; - describeStatement = () => ({ promise: jest.fn(() => ({ Status: 'FINISHED' })) }); -}); +const mockExecuteStatement = jest.fn(async () => ({ Id: 'statementId' })); +jest.mock('@aws-sdk/client-redshift-data', () => ({ + RedshiftData: class { + executeStatement = mockExecuteStatement; + describeStatement = jest.fn(async () => ({ Status: 'FINISHED' })); + }, +})); + import { Column, ColumnEncoding, TableDistStyle, TableSortStyle } from '../../lib'; import { handler as manageTable } from '../../lib/private/database-query-provider/table'; import { TableAndClusterProps } from '../../lib/private/database-query-provider/types'; diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-redshift-alpha/test/database-query-provider/user.test.ts b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-redshift-alpha/test/database-query-provider/user.test.ts index 87c3bdd0043de..865edc33fd806 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-redshift-alpha/test/database-query-provider/user.test.ts +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-redshift-alpha/test/database-query-provider/user.test.ts @@ -27,15 +27,25 @@ const genericEvent: AWSLambda.CloudFormationCustomResourceEventCommon = { ResourceType: '', }; -const mockExecuteStatement = jest.fn(() => ({ promise: jest.fn(() => ({ Id: 'statementId' })) })); -jest.mock('aws-sdk/clients/redshiftdata', () => class { - executeStatement = mockExecuteStatement; - describeStatement = () => ({ promise: jest.fn(() => ({ Status: 'FINISHED' })) }); -}); -const mockGetSecretValue = jest.fn(() => ({ promise: jest.fn(() => ({ SecretString: JSON.stringify({ password }) })) })); -jest.mock('aws-sdk/clients/secretsmanager', () => class { - getSecretValue = mockGetSecretValue; +const mockExecuteStatement = jest.fn(async () => ({ Id: 'statementId' })); +jest.mock('@aws-sdk/client-redshift-data', () => { + return { + RedshiftData: class { + executeStatement = mockExecuteStatement; + describeStatement = jest.fn(async () => ({ Status: 'FINISHED' })); + }, + }; }); + +const mockGetSecretValue = jest.fn(async () => ({ + SecretString: JSON.stringify({ password }), +})); +jest.mock('@aws-sdk/client-secrets-manager', () => ({ + SecretsManager: class { + getSecretValue = mockGetSecretValue; + }, +})); + import { handler as manageUser } from '../../lib/private/database-query-provider/user'; beforeEach(() => { @@ -151,7 +161,7 @@ describe('update', () => { test('does not replace if password changes', async () => { const newPassword = 'newPassword'; - mockGetSecretValue.mockImplementationOnce(() => ({ promise: jest.fn(() => ({ SecretString: JSON.stringify({ password: newPassword }) })) })); + mockGetSecretValue.mockImplementationOnce(async () => ({ SecretString: JSON.stringify({ password: newPassword }) })); await expect(manageUser(resourceProperties, event)).resolves.toMatchObject({ PhysicalResourceId: physicalResourceId, diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-redshift-alpha/test/integ.cluster-reboot.js.snapshot/asset.ae370e1010629b78f494346f49ceef3ab2875718f20e6c808114e6aa770c7bf3.bundle/index.js b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-redshift-alpha/test/integ.cluster-reboot.js.snapshot/asset.ae370e1010629b78f494346f49ceef3ab2875718f20e6c808114e6aa770c7bf3.bundle/index.js deleted file mode 100644 index a54f75c9c3747..0000000000000 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-redshift-alpha/test/integ.cluster-reboot.js.snapshot/asset.ae370e1010629b78f494346f49ceef3ab2875718f20e6c808114e6aa770c7bf3.bundle/index.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1295 +0,0 @@ -var __create = Object.create; -var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; -var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; -var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; -var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf; -var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; -var __esm = (fn, res) => function __init() { - return fn && (res = (0, fn[__getOwnPropNames(fn)[0]])(fn = 0)), res; -}; -var __commonJS = (cb, mod) => function __require() { - return mod || (0, cb[__getOwnPropNames(cb)[0]])((mod = { exports: {} }).exports, mod), mod.exports; -}; -var __export = (target, all) => { - for (var name in all) - __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); -}; -var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { - if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { - for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) - if (!__hasOwnProp.call(to, key) && key !== except) - __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); - } - return to; -}; -var __toESM = (mod, isNodeMode, target) => (target = mod != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(mod)) : {}, __copyProps( - // If the importer is in node compatibility mode or this is not an ESM - // file that has been converted to a CommonJS file using a Babel- - // compatible transform (i.e. "__esModule" has not been set), then set - // "default" to the CommonJS "module.exports" for node compatibility. - isNodeMode || !mod || !mod.__esModule ? __defProp(target, "default", { value: mod, enumerable: true }) : target, - mod -)); -var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); - -// ../../aws-cdk-lib/assertions/lib/matcher.ts -var matcher_exports = {}; -__export(matcher_exports, { - MatchResult: () => MatchResult, - Matcher: () => Matcher -}); -function* range(n) { - for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { - yield i; - } -} -function* enumFirst(xs) { - let first = true; - for (const x of xs) { - yield [first, x]; - first = false; - } -} -var Matcher, MatchResult; -var init_matcher = __esm({ - "../../aws-cdk-lib/assertions/lib/matcher.ts"() { - "use strict"; - Matcher = class { - /** - * Check whether the provided object is a subtype of the `IMatcher`. - */ - static isMatcher(x) { - return x && x instanceof Matcher; - } - }; - MatchResult = class { - constructor(target) { - this.failuresHere = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); - this.captures = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); - this.finalized = false; - this.innerMatchFailures = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); - this._hasFailed = false; - this._failCount = 0; - this._cost = 0; - this.target = target; - } - /** - * DEPRECATED - * @deprecated use recordFailure() - */ - push(matcher, path, message) { - return this.recordFailure({ matcher, path, message }); - } - /** - * Record a new failure into this result at a specific path. - */ - recordFailure(failure) { - const failKey = failure.path.join("."); - let list = this.failuresHere.get(failKey); - if (!list) { - list = []; - this.failuresHere.set(failKey, list); - } - this._failCount += 1; - this._cost += failure.cost ?? 1; - list.push(failure); - this._hasFailed = true; - return this; - } - /** Whether the match is a success */ - get isSuccess() { - return !this._hasFailed; - } - /** Does the result contain any failures. If not, the result is a success */ - hasFailed() { - return this._hasFailed; - } - /** The number of failures */ - get failCount() { - return this._failCount; - } - /** The cost of the failures so far */ - get failCost() { - return this._cost; - } - /** - * Compose the results of a previous match as a subtree. - * @param id the id of the parent tree. - */ - compose(id, inner) { - if (inner.hasFailed()) { - this._hasFailed = true; - this._failCount += inner.failCount; - this._cost += inner._cost; - this.innerMatchFailures.set(id, inner); - } - inner.captures.forEach((vals, capture) => { - vals.forEach((value) => this.recordCapture({ capture, value })); - }); - return this; - } - /** - * Prepare the result to be analyzed. - * This API *must* be called prior to analyzing these results. - */ - finished() { - if (this.finalized) { - return this; - } - if (this.failCount === 0) { - this.captures.forEach((vals, cap) => cap._captured.push(...vals)); - } - this.finalized = true; - return this; - } - /** - * Render the failed match in a presentable way - * - * Prefer using `renderMismatch` over this method. It is left for backwards - * compatibility for test suites that expect it, but `renderMismatch()` will - * produce better output. - */ - toHumanStrings() { - const failures = new Array(); - debugger; - recurse(this, []); - return failures.map((r) => { - const loc = r.path.length === 0 ? "" : ` at /${r.path.join("/")}`; - return "" + r.message + loc + ` (using ${r.matcher.name} matcher)`; - }); - function recurse(x, prefix) { - for (const fail of Array.from(x.failuresHere.values()).flat()) { - failures.push({ - matcher: fail.matcher, - message: fail.message, - path: [...prefix, ...fail.path] - }); - } - for (const [key, inner] of x.innerMatchFailures.entries()) { - recurse(inner, [...prefix, key]); - } - } - } - /** - * Do a deep render of the match result, showing the structure mismatches in context - */ - renderMismatch() { - if (!this.hasFailed()) { - return ""; - } - const parts = new Array(); - const indents = new Array(); - emitFailures(this, ""); - recurse(this); - return moveMarkersToFront(parts.join("").trimEnd()); - function emit(x) { - if (x === void 0) { - debugger; - } - parts.push(x.replace(/\n/g, ` -${indents.join("")}`)); - } - function emitFailures(r, path, scrapSet) { - for (const fail of r.failuresHere.get(path) ?? []) { - emit(`!! ${fail.message} -`); - } - scrapSet == null ? void 0 : scrapSet.delete(path); - } - function recurse(r) { - const remainingFailures = new Set(Array.from(r.failuresHere.keys()).filter((x) => x !== "")); - if (Array.isArray(r.target)) { - indents.push(" "); - emit("[\n"); - for (const [first, i] of enumFirst(range(r.target.length))) { - if (!first) { - emit(",\n"); - } - emitFailures(r, `${i}`, remainingFailures); - const innerMatcher = r.innerMatchFailures.get(`${i}`); - if (innerMatcher) { - emitFailures(innerMatcher, ""); - recurseComparingValues(innerMatcher, r.target[i]); - } else { - emit(renderAbridged(r.target[i])); - } - } - emitRemaining(); - indents.pop(); - emit("\n]"); - return; - } - if (r.target && typeof r.target === "object") { - indents.push(" "); - emit("{\n"); - const keys = Array.from(/* @__PURE__ */ new Set([ - ...Object.keys(r.target), - ...Array.from(remainingFailures) - ])).sort(); - for (const [first, key] of enumFirst(keys)) { - if (!first) { - emit(",\n"); - } - emitFailures(r, key, remainingFailures); - const innerMatcher = r.innerMatchFailures.get(key); - if (innerMatcher) { - emitFailures(innerMatcher, ""); - emit(`${jsonify(key)}: `); - recurseComparingValues(innerMatcher, r.target[key]); - } else { - emit(`${jsonify(key)}: `); - emit(renderAbridged(r.target[key])); - } - } - emitRemaining(); - indents.pop(); - emit("\n}"); - return; - } - emitRemaining(); - emit(jsonify(r.target)); - function emitRemaining() { - if (remainingFailures.size > 0) { - emit("\n"); - } - for (const key of remainingFailures) { - emitFailures(r, key); - } - } - } - function recurseComparingValues(inner, actualValue) { - if (inner.target === actualValue) { - return recurse(inner); - } - emit(renderAbridged(actualValue)); - emit(" <*> "); - recurse(inner); - } - function renderAbridged(x) { - if (Array.isArray(x)) { - switch (x.length) { - case 0: - return "[]"; - case 1: - return `[ ${renderAbridged(x[0])} ]`; - case 2: - if (x.every((e) => ["number", "boolean", "string"].includes(typeof e))) { - return `[ ${x.map(renderAbridged).join(", ")} ]`; - } - return "[ ... ]"; - default: - return "[ ... ]"; - } - } - if (x && typeof x === "object") { - const keys = Object.keys(x); - switch (keys.length) { - case 0: - return "{}"; - case 1: - return `{ ${JSON.stringify(keys[0])}: ${renderAbridged(x[keys[0]])} }`; - default: - return "{ ... }"; - } - } - return jsonify(x); - } - function jsonify(x) { - return JSON.stringify(x) ?? "undefined"; - } - function moveMarkersToFront(x) { - const re = /^(\s+)!!/gm; - return x.replace(re, (_, spaces) => `!!${spaces.substring(0, spaces.length - 2)}`); - } - } - /** - * Record a capture against in this match result. - */ - recordCapture(options) { - let values = this.captures.get(options.capture); - if (values === void 0) { - values = []; - } - values.push(options.value); - this.captures.set(options.capture, values); - } - }; - } -}); - -// ../../aws-cdk-lib/assertions/lib/private/matchers/absent.ts -var AbsentMatch; -var init_absent = __esm({ - "../../aws-cdk-lib/assertions/lib/private/matchers/absent.ts"() { - "use strict"; - init_matcher(); - AbsentMatch = class extends Matcher { - constructor(name) { - super(); - this.name = name; - } - test(actual) { - const result = new MatchResult(actual); - if (actual !== void 0) { - result.recordFailure({ - matcher: this, - path: [], - message: `Received ${actual}, but key should be absent` - }); - } - return result; - } - }; - } -}); - -// ../../aws-cdk-lib/assertions/lib/private/sorting.ts -function sortKeyComparator(keyFn) { - return (a, b) => { - const ak = keyFn(a); - const bk = keyFn(b); - for (let i = 0; i < ak.length && i < bk.length; i++) { - const av = ak[i]; - const bv = bk[i]; - let diff = 0; - if (typeof av === "number" && typeof bv === "number") { - diff = av - bv; - } else if (typeof av === "string" && typeof bv === "string") { - diff = av.localeCompare(bv); - } - if (diff !== 0) { - return diff; - } - } - return bk.length - ak.length; - }; -} -var init_sorting = __esm({ - "../../aws-cdk-lib/assertions/lib/private/sorting.ts"() { - "use strict"; - } -}); - -// ../../aws-cdk-lib/assertions/lib/private/sparse-matrix.ts -var SparseMatrix; -var init_sparse_matrix = __esm({ - "../../aws-cdk-lib/assertions/lib/private/sparse-matrix.ts"() { - "use strict"; - SparseMatrix = class { - constructor() { - this.matrix = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); - } - get(row, col) { - var _a; - return (_a = this.matrix.get(row)) == null ? void 0 : _a.get(col); - } - row(row) { - var _a; - return Array.from(((_a = this.matrix.get(row)) == null ? void 0 : _a.entries()) ?? []); - } - set(row, col, value) { - let r = this.matrix.get(row); - if (!r) { - r = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); - this.matrix.set(row, r); - } - r.set(col, value); - } - }; - } -}); - -// ../../aws-cdk-lib/assertions/lib/private/type.ts -function getType(obj) { - return Array.isArray(obj) ? "array" : typeof obj; -} -var init_type = __esm({ - "../../aws-cdk-lib/assertions/lib/private/type.ts"() { - "use strict"; - } -}); - -// ../../aws-cdk-lib/assertions/lib/match.ts -var match_exports = {}; -__export(match_exports, { - Match: () => Match -}); -var Match, LiteralMatch, ArrayMatch, ObjectMatch, SerializedJson, NotMatch, AnyMatch, StringLikeRegexpMatch; -var init_match = __esm({ - "../../aws-cdk-lib/assertions/lib/match.ts"() { - "use strict"; - init_matcher(); - init_absent(); - init_sorting(); - init_sparse_matrix(); - init_type(); - Match = class { - /** - * Use this matcher in the place of a field's value, if the field must not be present. - */ - static absent() { - return new AbsentMatch("absent"); - } - /** - * Matches the specified pattern with the array found in the same relative path of the target. - * The set of elements (or matchers) must be in the same order as would be found. - * @param pattern the pattern to match - */ - static arrayWith(pattern) { - return new ArrayMatch("arrayWith", pattern); - } - /** - * Matches the specified pattern with the array found in the same relative path of the target. - * The set of elements (or matchers) must match exactly and in order. - * @param pattern the pattern to match - */ - static arrayEquals(pattern) { - return new ArrayMatch("arrayEquals", pattern, { subsequence: false }); - } - /** - * Deep exact matching of the specified pattern to the target. - * @param pattern the pattern to match - */ - static exact(pattern) { - return new LiteralMatch("exact", pattern, { partialObjects: false }); - } - /** - * Matches the specified pattern to an object found in the same relative path of the target. - * The keys and their values (or matchers) must be present in the target but the target can be a superset. - * @param pattern the pattern to match - */ - static objectLike(pattern) { - return new ObjectMatch("objectLike", pattern); - } - /** - * Matches the specified pattern to an object found in the same relative path of the target. - * The keys and their values (or matchers) must match exactly with the target. - * @param pattern the pattern to match - */ - static objectEquals(pattern) { - return new ObjectMatch("objectEquals", pattern, { partial: false }); - } - /** - * Matches any target which does NOT follow the specified pattern. - * @param pattern the pattern to NOT match - */ - static not(pattern) { - return new NotMatch("not", pattern); - } - /** - * Matches any string-encoded JSON and applies the specified pattern after parsing it. - * @param pattern the pattern to match after parsing the encoded JSON. - */ - static serializedJson(pattern) { - return new SerializedJson("serializedJson", pattern); - } - /** - * Matches any non-null value at the target. - */ - static anyValue() { - return new AnyMatch("anyValue"); - } - /** - * Matches targets according to a regular expression - */ - static stringLikeRegexp(pattern) { - return new StringLikeRegexpMatch("stringLikeRegexp", pattern); - } - }; - LiteralMatch = class extends Matcher { - constructor(name, pattern, options = {}) { - super(); - this.name = name; - this.pattern = pattern; - this.partialObjects = options.partialObjects ?? false; - if (Matcher.isMatcher(this.pattern)) { - throw new Error("LiteralMatch cannot directly contain another matcher. Remove the top-level matcher or nest it more deeply."); - } - } - test(actual) { - if (Array.isArray(this.pattern)) { - return new ArrayMatch(this.name, this.pattern, { subsequence: false, partialObjects: this.partialObjects }).test(actual); - } - if (typeof this.pattern === "object") { - return new ObjectMatch(this.name, this.pattern, { partial: this.partialObjects }).test(actual); - } - const result = new MatchResult(actual); - if (typeof this.pattern !== typeof actual) { - result.recordFailure({ - matcher: this, - path: [], - message: `Expected type ${typeof this.pattern} but received ${getType(actual)}` - }); - return result; - } - if (actual !== this.pattern) { - result.recordFailure({ - matcher: this, - path: [], - message: `Expected ${this.pattern} but received ${actual}` - }); - } - return result; - } - }; - ArrayMatch = class extends Matcher { - constructor(name, pattern, options = {}) { - super(); - this.name = name; - this.pattern = pattern; - this.subsequence = options.subsequence ?? true; - this.partialObjects = options.partialObjects ?? false; - } - test(actual) { - if (!Array.isArray(actual)) { - return new MatchResult(actual).recordFailure({ - matcher: this, - path: [], - message: `Expected type array but received ${getType(actual)}` - }); - } - return this.subsequence ? this.testSubsequence(actual) : this.testFullArray(actual); - } - testFullArray(actual) { - const result = new MatchResult(actual); - let i = 0; - for (; i < this.pattern.length && i < actual.length; i++) { - const patternElement = this.pattern[i]; - const matcher = Matcher.isMatcher(patternElement) ? patternElement : new LiteralMatch(this.name, patternElement, { partialObjects: this.partialObjects }); - const innerResult = matcher.test(actual[i]); - result.compose(`${i}`, innerResult); - } - if (i < this.pattern.length) { - result.recordFailure({ - matcher: this, - message: `Not enough elements in array (expecting ${this.pattern.length}, got ${actual.length})`, - path: [`${i}`] - }); - } - if (i < actual.length) { - result.recordFailure({ - matcher: this, - message: `Too many elements in array (expecting ${this.pattern.length}, got ${actual.length})`, - path: [`${i}`] - }); - } - return result; - } - testSubsequence(actual) { - const result = new MatchResult(actual); - let patternIdx = 0; - let actualIdx = 0; - const matches = new SparseMatrix(); - while (patternIdx < this.pattern.length && actualIdx < actual.length) { - const patternElement = this.pattern[patternIdx]; - const matcher = Matcher.isMatcher(patternElement) ? patternElement : new LiteralMatch(this.name, patternElement, { partialObjects: this.partialObjects }); - const matcherName = matcher.name; - if (matcherName == "absent" || matcherName == "anyValue") { - throw new Error(`The Matcher ${matcherName}() cannot be nested within arrayWith()`); - } - const innerResult = matcher.test(actual[actualIdx]); - matches.set(patternIdx, actualIdx, innerResult); - actualIdx++; - if (innerResult.isSuccess) { - result.compose(`${actualIdx}`, innerResult); - patternIdx++; - } - } - if (patternIdx < this.pattern.length) { - for (let spi = 0; spi < patternIdx; spi++) { - const foundMatch = matches.row(spi).find(([, r]) => r.isSuccess); - if (!foundMatch) { - continue; - } - const [index] = foundMatch; - result.compose(`${index}`, new MatchResult(actual[index]).recordFailure({ - matcher: this, - message: `arrayWith pattern ${spi} matched here`, - path: [], - cost: 0 - // This is an informational message so it would be unfair to assign it cost - })); - } - const failedMatches = matches.row(patternIdx); - failedMatches.sort(sortKeyComparator(([i, r]) => [r.failCost, i])); - if (failedMatches.length > 0) { - const [index, innerResult] = failedMatches[0]; - result.recordFailure({ - matcher: this, - message: `Could not match arrayWith pattern ${patternIdx}. This is the closest match`, - path: [`${index}`], - cost: 0 - // Informational message - }); - result.compose(`${index}`, innerResult); - } else { - result.recordFailure({ - matcher: this, - message: `Could not match arrayWith pattern ${patternIdx}. No more elements to try`, - path: [`${actual.length}`] - }); - } - } - return result; - } - }; - ObjectMatch = class extends Matcher { - constructor(name, pattern, options = {}) { - super(); - this.name = name; - this.pattern = pattern; - this.partial = options.partial ?? true; - } - test(actual) { - if (typeof actual !== "object" || Array.isArray(actual)) { - return new MatchResult(actual).recordFailure({ - matcher: this, - path: [], - message: `Expected type object but received ${getType(actual)}` - }); - } - const result = new MatchResult(actual); - if (!this.partial) { - for (const a of Object.keys(actual)) { - if (!(a in this.pattern)) { - result.recordFailure({ - matcher: this, - path: [a], - message: `Unexpected key ${a}` - }); - } - } - } - for (const [patternKey, patternVal] of Object.entries(this.pattern)) { - if (!(patternKey in actual) && !(patternVal instanceof AbsentMatch)) { - result.recordFailure({ - matcher: this, - path: [patternKey], - message: `Missing key '${patternKey}'` - }); - continue; - } - const matcher = Matcher.isMatcher(patternVal) ? patternVal : new LiteralMatch(this.name, patternVal, { partialObjects: this.partial }); - const inner = matcher.test(actual[patternKey]); - result.compose(patternKey, inner); - } - return result; - } - }; - SerializedJson = class extends Matcher { - constructor(name, pattern) { - super(); - this.name = name; - this.pattern = pattern; - } - test(actual) { - if (getType(actual) !== "string") { - return new MatchResult(actual).recordFailure({ - matcher: this, - path: [], - message: `Expected JSON as a string but found ${getType(actual)}` - }); - } - let parsed; - try { - parsed = JSON.parse(actual); - } catch (err) { - if (err instanceof SyntaxError) { - return new MatchResult(actual).recordFailure({ - matcher: this, - path: [], - message: `Invalid JSON string: ${actual}` - }); - } else { - throw err; - } - } - const matcher = Matcher.isMatcher(this.pattern) ? this.pattern : new LiteralMatch(this.name, this.pattern); - const innerResult = matcher.test(parsed); - if (innerResult.hasFailed()) { - innerResult.recordFailure({ - matcher: this, - path: [], - message: "Encoded JSON value does not match" - }); - } - return innerResult; - } - }; - NotMatch = class extends Matcher { - constructor(name, pattern) { - super(); - this.name = name; - this.pattern = pattern; - } - test(actual) { - const matcher = Matcher.isMatcher(this.pattern) ? this.pattern : new LiteralMatch(this.name, this.pattern); - const innerResult = matcher.test(actual); - const result = new MatchResult(actual); - if (innerResult.failCount === 0) { - result.recordFailure({ - matcher: this, - path: [], - message: `Found unexpected match: ${JSON.stringify(actual, void 0, 2)}` - }); - } - return result; - } - }; - AnyMatch = class extends Matcher { - constructor(name) { - super(); - this.name = name; - } - test(actual) { - const result = new MatchResult(actual); - if (actual == null) { - result.recordFailure({ - matcher: this, - path: [], - message: "Expected a value but found none" - }); - } - return result; - } - }; - StringLikeRegexpMatch = class extends Matcher { - constructor(name, pattern) { - super(); - this.name = name; - this.pattern = pattern; - } - test(actual) { - const result = new MatchResult(actual); - const regex = new RegExp(this.pattern, "gm"); - if (typeof actual !== "string") { - result.recordFailure({ - matcher: this, - path: [], - message: `Expected a string, but got '${typeof actual}'` - }); - } - if (!regex.test(actual)) { - result.recordFailure({ - matcher: this, - path: [], - message: `String '${actual}' did not match pattern '${this.pattern}'` - }); - } - return result; - } - }; - } -}); - -// ../../aws-cdk-lib/assertions/lib/helpers-internal/index.js -var require_helpers_internal = __commonJS({ - "../../aws-cdk-lib/assertions/lib/helpers-internal/index.js"(exports) { - "use strict"; - var __createBinding = exports && exports.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(o, m, k, k2) { - if (k2 === void 0) - k2 = k; - var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k); - if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) { - desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() { - return m[k]; - } }; - } - Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc); - } : function(o, m, k, k2) { - if (k2 === void 0) - k2 = k; - o[k2] = m[k]; - }); - var __exportStar = exports && exports.__exportStar || function(m, exports2) { - for (var p in m) - if (p !== "default" && !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(exports2, p)) - __createBinding(exports2, m, p); - }; - Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); - __exportStar((init_match(), __toCommonJS(match_exports)), exports); - __exportStar((init_matcher(), __toCommonJS(matcher_exports)), exports); - } -}); - -// lib/assertions/providers/lambda-handler/index.ts -var lambda_handler_exports = {}; -__export(lambda_handler_exports, { - handler: () => handler, - isComplete: () => isComplete, - onTimeout: () => onTimeout -}); -module.exports = __toCommonJS(lambda_handler_exports); - -// lib/assertions/providers/lambda-handler/assertion.ts -var import_helpers_internal = __toESM(require_helpers_internal()); - -// lib/assertions/providers/lambda-handler/base.ts -var https = __toESM(require("https")); -var url = __toESM(require("url")); -var AWS = __toESM(require("aws-sdk")); -var CustomResourceHandler = class { - constructor(event, context) { - this.event = event; - this.context = context; - this.timedOut = false; - this.timeout = setTimeout(async () => { - await this.respond({ - status: "FAILED", - reason: "Lambda Function Timeout", - data: this.context.logStreamName - }); - this.timedOut = true; - }, context.getRemainingTimeInMillis() - 1200); - this.event = event; - this.physicalResourceId = extractPhysicalResourceId(event); - } - /** - * Handles executing the custom resource event. If `stateMachineArn` is present - * in the props then trigger the waiter statemachine - */ - async handle() { - try { - if ("stateMachineArn" in this.event.ResourceProperties) { - const req = { - stateMachineArn: this.event.ResourceProperties.stateMachineArn, - name: this.event.RequestId, - input: JSON.stringify(this.event) - }; - await this.startExecution(req); - return; - } else { - const response = await this.processEvent(this.event.ResourceProperties); - return response; - } - } catch (e) { - console.log(e); - throw e; - } finally { - clearTimeout(this.timeout); - } - } - /** - * Handle async requests from the waiter state machine - */ - async handleIsComplete() { - try { - const result = await this.processEvent(this.event.ResourceProperties); - return result; - } catch (e) { - console.log(e); - return; - } finally { - clearTimeout(this.timeout); - } - } - /** - * Start a step function state machine which will wait for the request - * to be successful. - */ - async startExecution(req) { - try { - const sfn = new AWS.StepFunctions(); - await sfn.startExecution(req).promise(); - } finally { - clearTimeout(this.timeout); - } - } - respond(response) { - if (this.timedOut) { - return; - } - const cfResponse = { - Status: response.status, - Reason: response.reason, - PhysicalResourceId: this.physicalResourceId, - StackId: this.event.StackId, - RequestId: this.event.RequestId, - LogicalResourceId: this.event.LogicalResourceId, - NoEcho: false, - Data: response.data - }; - const responseBody = JSON.stringify(cfResponse); - console.log("Responding to CloudFormation", responseBody); - const parsedUrl = url.parse(this.event.ResponseURL); - const requestOptions = { - hostname: parsedUrl.hostname, - path: parsedUrl.path, - method: "PUT", - headers: { - "content-type": "", - "content-length": Buffer.byteLength(responseBody, "utf8") - } - }; - return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { - try { - const request2 = https.request(requestOptions, resolve); - request2.on("error", reject); - request2.write(responseBody); - request2.end(); - } catch (e) { - reject(e); - } finally { - clearTimeout(this.timeout); - } - }); - } -}; -function extractPhysicalResourceId(event) { - switch (event.RequestType) { - case "Create": - return event.LogicalResourceId; - case "Update": - case "Delete": - return event.PhysicalResourceId; - } -} - -// lib/assertions/providers/lambda-handler/assertion.ts -var AssertionHandler = class extends CustomResourceHandler { - async processEvent(request2) { - let actual = decodeCall(request2.actual); - const expected = decodeCall(request2.expected); - let result; - const matcher = new MatchCreator(expected).getMatcher(); - console.log(`Testing equality between ${JSON.stringify(request2.actual)} and ${JSON.stringify(request2.expected)}`); - const matchResult = matcher.test(actual); - matchResult.finished(); - if (matchResult.hasFailed()) { - result = { - failed: true, - assertion: JSON.stringify({ - status: "fail", - message: matchResult.renderMismatch() - }) - }; - if (request2.failDeployment) { - throw new Error(result.assertion); - } - } else { - result = { - assertion: JSON.stringify({ - status: "success" - }) - }; - } - return result; - } -}; -var MatchCreator = class { - constructor(obj) { - this.parsedObj = { - matcher: obj - }; - } - /** - * Return a Matcher that can be tested against the actual results. - * This will convert the encoded matchers into their corresponding - * assertions matcher. - * - * For example: - * - * ExpectedResult.objectLike({ - * Messages: [{ - * Body: Match.objectLike({ - * Elements: Match.arrayWith([{ Asdf: 3 }]), - * Payload: Match.serializedJson({ key: 'value' }), - * }), - * }], - * }); - * - * Will be encoded as: - * { - * $ObjectLike: { - * Messages: [{ - * Body: { - * $ObjectLike: { - * Elements: { - * $ArrayWith: [{ Asdf: 3 }], - * }, - * Payload: { - * $SerializedJson: { key: 'value' } - * } - * }, - * }, - * }], - * }, - * } - * - * Which can then be parsed by this function. For each key (recursively) - * the parser will check if the value has one of the encoded matchers as a key - * and if so, it will set the value as the Matcher. So, - * - * { - * Body: { - * $ObjectLike: { - * Elements: { - * $ArrayWith: [{ Asdf: 3 }], - * }, - * Payload: { - * $SerializedJson: { key: 'value' } - * } - * }, - * }, - * } - * - * Will be converted to - * { - * Body: Match.objectLike({ - * Elements: Match.arrayWith([{ Asdf: 3 }]), - * Payload: Match.serializedJson({ key: 'value' }), - * }), - * } - */ - getMatcher() { - try { - const final = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.parsedObj), function(_k, v) { - const nested = Object.keys(v)[0]; - switch (nested) { - case "$ArrayWith": - return import_helpers_internal.Match.arrayWith(v[nested]); - case "$ObjectLike": - return import_helpers_internal.Match.objectLike(v[nested]); - case "$StringLike": - return import_helpers_internal.Match.stringLikeRegexp(v[nested]); - case "$SerializedJson": - return import_helpers_internal.Match.serializedJson(v[nested]); - default: - return v; - } - }); - if (import_helpers_internal.Matcher.isMatcher(final.matcher)) { - return final.matcher; - } - return import_helpers_internal.Match.exact(final.matcher); - } catch { - return import_helpers_internal.Match.exact(this.parsedObj.matcher); - } - } -}; -function decodeCall(call) { - if (!call) { - return void 0; - } - try { - const parsed = JSON.parse(call); - return parsed; - } catch { - return call; - } -} - -// lib/assertions/providers/lambda-handler/utils.ts -function decode(object) { - return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(object), (_k, v) => { - switch (v) { - case "TRUE:BOOLEAN": - return true; - case "FALSE:BOOLEAN": - return false; - default: - return v; - } - }); -} - -// lib/assertions/providers/lambda-handler/sdk.ts -function flatten(object) { - return Object.assign( - {}, - ...function _flatten(child, path = []) { - return [].concat(...Object.keys(child).map((key) => { - let childKey = Buffer.isBuffer(child[key]) ? child[key].toString("utf8") : child[key]; - if (typeof childKey === "string") { - childKey = isJsonString(childKey); - } - return typeof childKey === "object" && childKey !== null ? _flatten(childKey, path.concat([key])) : { [path.concat([key]).join(".")]: childKey }; - })); - }(object) - ); -} -var AwsApiCallHandler = class extends CustomResourceHandler { - async processEvent(request2) { - const AWS2 = require("aws-sdk"); - console.log(`AWS SDK VERSION: ${AWS2.VERSION}`); - if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(AWS2, request2.service)) { - throw Error(`Service ${request2.service} does not exist in AWS SDK version ${AWS2.VERSION}.`); - } - const service = new AWS2[request2.service](); - const response = await service[request2.api](request2.parameters && decode(request2.parameters)).promise(); - console.log(`SDK response received ${JSON.stringify(response)}`); - delete response.ResponseMetadata; - const respond = { - apiCallResponse: response - }; - const flatData = { - ...flatten(respond) - }; - let resp = respond; - if (request2.outputPaths) { - resp = filterKeys(flatData, request2.outputPaths); - } else if (request2.flattenResponse === "true") { - resp = flatData; - } - console.log(`Returning result ${JSON.stringify(resp)}`); - return resp; - } -}; -function filterKeys(object, searchStrings) { - return Object.entries(object).reduce((filteredObject, [key, value]) => { - for (const searchString of searchStrings) { - if (key.startsWith(`apiCallResponse.${searchString}`)) { - filteredObject[key] = value; - } - } - return filteredObject; - }, {}); -} -function isJsonString(value) { - try { - return JSON.parse(value); - } catch { - return value; - } -} - -// lib/assertions/providers/lambda-handler/types.ts -var ASSERT_RESOURCE_TYPE = "Custom::DeployAssert@AssertEquals"; -var SDK_RESOURCE_TYPE_PREFIX = "Custom::DeployAssert@SdkCall"; - -// lib/assertions/providers/lambda-handler/index.ts -async function handler(event, context) { - console.log(`Event: ${JSON.stringify({ ...event, ResponseURL: "..." })}`); - const provider = createResourceHandler(event, context); - try { - if (event.RequestType === "Delete") { - await provider.respond({ - status: "SUCCESS", - reason: "OK" - }); - return; - } - const result = await provider.handle(); - if ("stateMachineArn" in event.ResourceProperties) { - console.info('Found "stateMachineArn", waiter statemachine started'); - return; - } else if ("expected" in event.ResourceProperties) { - console.info('Found "expected", testing assertions'); - const actualPath = event.ResourceProperties.actualPath; - const actual = actualPath ? result[`apiCallResponse.${actualPath}`] : result.apiCallResponse; - const assertion = new AssertionHandler({ - ...event, - ResourceProperties: { - ServiceToken: event.ServiceToken, - actual, - expected: event.ResourceProperties.expected - } - }, context); - try { - const assertionResult = await assertion.handle(); - await provider.respond({ - status: "SUCCESS", - reason: "OK", - // return both the result of the API call _and_ the assertion results - data: { - ...assertionResult, - ...result - } - }); - return; - } catch (e) { - await provider.respond({ - status: "FAILED", - reason: e.message ?? "Internal Error" - }); - return; - } - } - await provider.respond({ - status: "SUCCESS", - reason: "OK", - data: result - }); - } catch (e) { - await provider.respond({ - status: "FAILED", - reason: e.message ?? "Internal Error" - }); - return; - } - return; -} -async function onTimeout(timeoutEvent) { - const isCompleteRequest = JSON.parse(JSON.parse(timeoutEvent.Cause).errorMessage); - const provider = createResourceHandler(isCompleteRequest, standardContext); - await provider.respond({ - status: "FAILED", - reason: "Operation timed out: " + JSON.stringify(isCompleteRequest) - }); -} -async function isComplete(event, context) { - console.log(`Event: ${JSON.stringify({ ...event, ResponseURL: "..." })}`); - const provider = createResourceHandler(event, context); - try { - const result = await provider.handleIsComplete(); - const actualPath = event.ResourceProperties.actualPath; - if (result) { - const actual = actualPath ? result[`apiCallResponse.${actualPath}`] : result.apiCallResponse; - if ("expected" in event.ResourceProperties) { - const assertion = new AssertionHandler({ - ...event, - ResourceProperties: { - ServiceToken: event.ServiceToken, - actual, - expected: event.ResourceProperties.expected - } - }, context); - const assertionResult = await assertion.handleIsComplete(); - if (!(assertionResult == null ? void 0 : assertionResult.failed)) { - await provider.respond({ - status: "SUCCESS", - reason: "OK", - data: { - ...assertionResult, - ...result - } - }); - return; - } else { - console.log(`Assertion Failed: ${JSON.stringify(assertionResult)}`); - throw new Error(JSON.stringify(event)); - } - } - await provider.respond({ - status: "SUCCESS", - reason: "OK", - data: result - }); - } else { - console.log("No result"); - throw new Error(JSON.stringify(event)); - } - return; - } catch (e) { - console.log(e); - throw new Error(JSON.stringify(event)); - } -} -function createResourceHandler(event, context) { - if (event.ResourceType.startsWith(SDK_RESOURCE_TYPE_PREFIX)) { - return new AwsApiCallHandler(event, context); - } else if (event.ResourceType.startsWith(ASSERT_RESOURCE_TYPE)) { - return new AssertionHandler(event, context); - } else { - throw new Error(`Unsupported resource type "${event.ResourceType}`); - } -} -var standardContext = { - getRemainingTimeInMillis: () => 9e4 -}; -// Annotate the CommonJS export names for ESM import in node: -0 && (module.exports = { - handler, - isComplete, - onTimeout -}); diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-redshift-alpha/test/integ.cluster-reboot.js.snapshot/asset.b5afd122c605f8f3ce8ca9656e47d6db7acb702ecd2bc9823eadde03a2ceb9e8.bundle/index.js b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-redshift-alpha/test/integ.cluster-reboot.js.snapshot/asset.b5afd122c605f8f3ce8ca9656e47d6db7acb702ecd2bc9823eadde03a2ceb9e8.bundle/index.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..b0e678c05f3bb --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-redshift-alpha/test/integ.cluster-reboot.js.snapshot/asset.b5afd122c605f8f3ce8ca9656e47d6db7acb702ecd2bc9823eadde03a2ceb9e8.bundle/index.js @@ -0,0 +1,30230 @@ +var __create = Object.create; +var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; +var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; +var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; +var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf; +var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; +var __esm = (fn, res) => function __init() { + return fn && (res = (0, fn[__getOwnPropNames(fn)[0]])(fn = 0)), res; +}; +var __commonJS = (cb, mod) => function __require() { + return mod || (0, cb[__getOwnPropNames(cb)[0]])((mod = { exports: {} }).exports, mod), mod.exports; +}; +var __export = (target, all) => { + for (var name in all) + __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); +}; +var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { + if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { + for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) + if (!__hasOwnProp.call(to, key) && key !== except) + __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); + } + return to; +}; +var __toESM = (mod, isNodeMode, target) => (target = mod != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(mod)) : {}, __copyProps( + // If the importer is in node compatibility mode or this is not an ESM + // file that has been converted to a CommonJS file using a Babel- + // compatible transform (i.e. "__esModule" has not been set), then set + // "default" to the CommonJS "module.exports" for node compatibility. + isNodeMode || !mod || !mod.__esModule ? __defProp(target, "default", { value: mod, enumerable: true }) : target, + mod +)); +var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); + +// ../../aws-cdk-lib/assertions/lib/matcher.ts +var matcher_exports = {}; +__export(matcher_exports, { + MatchResult: () => MatchResult, + Matcher: () => Matcher +}); +function* range(n) { + for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { + yield i; + } +} +function* enumFirst(xs) { + let first = true; + for (const x of xs) { + yield [first, x]; + first = false; + } +} +var Matcher, MatchResult; +var init_matcher = __esm({ + "../../aws-cdk-lib/assertions/lib/matcher.ts"() { + "use strict"; + Matcher = class { + /** + * Check whether the provided object is a subtype of the `IMatcher`. + */ + static isMatcher(x) { + return x && x instanceof Matcher; + } + }; + MatchResult = class { + constructor(target) { + this.failuresHere = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); + this.captures = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); + this.finalized = false; + this.innerMatchFailures = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); + this._hasFailed = false; + this._failCount = 0; + this._cost = 0; + this.target = target; + } + /** + * DEPRECATED + * @deprecated use recordFailure() + */ + push(matcher, path, message) { + return this.recordFailure({ matcher, path, message }); + } + /** + * Record a new failure into this result at a specific path. + */ + recordFailure(failure) { + const failKey = failure.path.join("."); + let list = this.failuresHere.get(failKey); + if (!list) { + list = []; + this.failuresHere.set(failKey, list); + } + this._failCount += 1; + this._cost += failure.cost ?? 1; + list.push(failure); + this._hasFailed = true; + return this; + } + /** Whether the match is a success */ + get isSuccess() { + return !this._hasFailed; + } + /** Does the result contain any failures. If not, the result is a success */ + hasFailed() { + return this._hasFailed; + } + /** The number of failures */ + get failCount() { + return this._failCount; + } + /** The cost of the failures so far */ + get failCost() { + return this._cost; + } + /** + * Compose the results of a previous match as a subtree. + * @param id the id of the parent tree. + */ + compose(id, inner) { + if (inner.hasFailed()) { + this._hasFailed = true; + this._failCount += inner.failCount; + this._cost += inner._cost; + this.innerMatchFailures.set(id, inner); + } + inner.captures.forEach((vals, capture) => { + vals.forEach((value) => this.recordCapture({ capture, value })); + }); + return this; + } + /** + * Prepare the result to be analyzed. + * This API *must* be called prior to analyzing these results. + */ + finished() { + if (this.finalized) { + return this; + } + if (this.failCount === 0) { + this.captures.forEach((vals, cap) => cap._captured.push(...vals)); + } + this.finalized = true; + return this; + } + /** + * Render the failed match in a presentable way + * + * Prefer using `renderMismatch` over this method. It is left for backwards + * compatibility for test suites that expect it, but `renderMismatch()` will + * produce better output. + */ + toHumanStrings() { + const failures = new Array(); + debugger; + recurse(this, []); + return failures.map((r) => { + const loc = r.path.length === 0 ? "" : ` at /${r.path.join("/")}`; + return "" + r.message + loc + ` (using ${r.matcher.name} matcher)`; + }); + function recurse(x, prefix) { + for (const fail of Array.from(x.failuresHere.values()).flat()) { + failures.push({ + matcher: fail.matcher, + message: fail.message, + path: [...prefix, ...fail.path] + }); + } + for (const [key, inner] of x.innerMatchFailures.entries()) { + recurse(inner, [...prefix, key]); + } + } + } + /** + * Do a deep render of the match result, showing the structure mismatches in context + */ + renderMismatch() { + if (!this.hasFailed()) { + return ""; + } + const parts = new Array(); + const indents = new Array(); + emitFailures(this, ""); + recurse(this); + return moveMarkersToFront(parts.join("").trimEnd()); + function emit(x) { + if (x === void 0) { + debugger; + } + parts.push(x.replace(/\n/g, ` +${indents.join("")}`)); + } + function emitFailures(r, path, scrapSet) { + for (const fail of r.failuresHere.get(path) ?? []) { + emit(`!! ${fail.message} +`); + } + scrapSet == null ? void 0 : scrapSet.delete(path); + } + function recurse(r) { + const remainingFailures = new Set(Array.from(r.failuresHere.keys()).filter((x) => x !== "")); + if (Array.isArray(r.target)) { + indents.push(" "); + emit("[\n"); + for (const [first, i] of enumFirst(range(r.target.length))) { + if (!first) { + emit(",\n"); + } + emitFailures(r, `${i}`, remainingFailures); + const innerMatcher = r.innerMatchFailures.get(`${i}`); + if (innerMatcher) { + emitFailures(innerMatcher, ""); + recurseComparingValues(innerMatcher, r.target[i]); + } else { + emit(renderAbridged(r.target[i])); + } + } + emitRemaining(); + indents.pop(); + emit("\n]"); + return; + } + if (r.target && typeof r.target === "object") { + indents.push(" "); + emit("{\n"); + const keys = Array.from(/* @__PURE__ */ new Set([ + ...Object.keys(r.target), + ...Array.from(remainingFailures) + ])).sort(); + for (const [first, key] of enumFirst(keys)) { + if (!first) { + emit(",\n"); + } + emitFailures(r, key, remainingFailures); + const innerMatcher = r.innerMatchFailures.get(key); + if (innerMatcher) { + emitFailures(innerMatcher, ""); + emit(`${jsonify(key)}: `); + recurseComparingValues(innerMatcher, r.target[key]); + } else { + emit(`${jsonify(key)}: `); + emit(renderAbridged(r.target[key])); + } + } + emitRemaining(); + indents.pop(); + emit("\n}"); + return; + } + emitRemaining(); + emit(jsonify(r.target)); + function emitRemaining() { + if (remainingFailures.size > 0) { + emit("\n"); + } + for (const key of remainingFailures) { + emitFailures(r, key); + } + } + } + function recurseComparingValues(inner, actualValue) { + if (inner.target === actualValue) { + return recurse(inner); + } + emit(renderAbridged(actualValue)); + emit(" <*> "); + recurse(inner); + } + function renderAbridged(x) { + if (Array.isArray(x)) { + switch (x.length) { + case 0: + return "[]"; + case 1: + return `[ ${renderAbridged(x[0])} ]`; + case 2: + if (x.every((e) => ["number", "boolean", "string"].includes(typeof e))) { + return `[ ${x.map(renderAbridged).join(", ")} ]`; + } + return "[ ... ]"; + default: + return "[ ... ]"; + } + } + if (x && typeof x === "object") { + const keys = Object.keys(x); + switch (keys.length) { + case 0: + return "{}"; + case 1: + return `{ ${JSON.stringify(keys[0])}: ${renderAbridged(x[keys[0]])} }`; + default: + return "{ ... }"; + } + } + return jsonify(x); + } + function jsonify(x) { + return JSON.stringify(x) ?? "undefined"; + } + function moveMarkersToFront(x) { + const re = /^(\s+)!!/gm; + return x.replace(re, (_, spaces) => `!!${spaces.substring(0, spaces.length - 2)}`); + } + } + /** + * Record a capture against in this match result. + */ + recordCapture(options) { + let values = this.captures.get(options.capture); + if (values === void 0) { + values = []; + } + values.push(options.value); + this.captures.set(options.capture, values); + } + }; + } +}); + +// ../../aws-cdk-lib/assertions/lib/private/matchers/absent.ts +var AbsentMatch; +var init_absent = __esm({ + "../../aws-cdk-lib/assertions/lib/private/matchers/absent.ts"() { + "use strict"; + init_matcher(); + AbsentMatch = class extends Matcher { + constructor(name) { + super(); + this.name = name; + } + test(actual) { + const result = new MatchResult(actual); + if (actual !== void 0) { + result.recordFailure({ + matcher: this, + path: [], + message: `Received ${actual}, but key should be absent` + }); + } + return result; + } + }; + } +}); + +// ../../aws-cdk-lib/assertions/lib/private/sorting.ts +function sortKeyComparator(keyFn) { + return (a, b) => { + const ak = keyFn(a); + const bk = keyFn(b); + for (let i = 0; i < ak.length && i < bk.length; i++) { + const av = ak[i]; + const bv = bk[i]; + let diff = 0; + if (typeof av === "number" && typeof bv === "number") { + diff = av - bv; + } else if (typeof av === "string" && typeof bv === "string") { + diff = av.localeCompare(bv); + } + if (diff !== 0) { + return diff; + } + } + return bk.length - ak.length; + }; +} +var init_sorting = __esm({ + "../../aws-cdk-lib/assertions/lib/private/sorting.ts"() { + "use strict"; + } +}); + +// ../../aws-cdk-lib/assertions/lib/private/sparse-matrix.ts +var SparseMatrix; +var init_sparse_matrix = __esm({ + "../../aws-cdk-lib/assertions/lib/private/sparse-matrix.ts"() { + "use strict"; + SparseMatrix = class { + constructor() { + this.matrix = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); + } + get(row, col) { + var _a; + return (_a = this.matrix.get(row)) == null ? void 0 : _a.get(col); + } + row(row) { + var _a; + return Array.from(((_a = this.matrix.get(row)) == null ? void 0 : _a.entries()) ?? []); + } + set(row, col, value) { + let r = this.matrix.get(row); + if (!r) { + r = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); + this.matrix.set(row, r); + } + r.set(col, value); + } + }; + } +}); + +// ../../aws-cdk-lib/assertions/lib/private/type.ts +function getType(obj) { + return Array.isArray(obj) ? "array" : typeof obj; +} +var init_type = __esm({ + "../../aws-cdk-lib/assertions/lib/private/type.ts"() { + "use strict"; + } +}); + +// ../../aws-cdk-lib/assertions/lib/match.ts +var match_exports = {}; +__export(match_exports, { + Match: () => Match +}); +var Match, LiteralMatch, ArrayMatch, ObjectMatch, SerializedJson, NotMatch, AnyMatch, StringLikeRegexpMatch; +var init_match = __esm({ + "../../aws-cdk-lib/assertions/lib/match.ts"() { + "use strict"; + init_matcher(); + init_absent(); + init_sorting(); + init_sparse_matrix(); + init_type(); + Match = class { + /** + * Use this matcher in the place of a field's value, if the field must not be present. + */ + static absent() { + return new AbsentMatch("absent"); + } + /** + * Matches the specified pattern with the array found in the same relative path of the target. + * The set of elements (or matchers) must be in the same order as would be found. + * @param pattern the pattern to match + */ + static arrayWith(pattern) { + return new ArrayMatch("arrayWith", pattern); + } + /** + * Matches the specified pattern with the array found in the same relative path of the target. + * The set of elements (or matchers) must match exactly and in order. + * @param pattern the pattern to match + */ + static arrayEquals(pattern) { + return new ArrayMatch("arrayEquals", pattern, { subsequence: false }); + } + /** + * Deep exact matching of the specified pattern to the target. + * @param pattern the pattern to match + */ + static exact(pattern) { + return new LiteralMatch("exact", pattern, { partialObjects: false }); + } + /** + * Matches the specified pattern to an object found in the same relative path of the target. + * The keys and their values (or matchers) must be present in the target but the target can be a superset. + * @param pattern the pattern to match + */ + static objectLike(pattern) { + return new ObjectMatch("objectLike", pattern); + } + /** + * Matches the specified pattern to an object found in the same relative path of the target. + * The keys and their values (or matchers) must match exactly with the target. + * @param pattern the pattern to match + */ + static objectEquals(pattern) { + return new ObjectMatch("objectEquals", pattern, { partial: false }); + } + /** + * Matches any target which does NOT follow the specified pattern. + * @param pattern the pattern to NOT match + */ + static not(pattern) { + return new NotMatch("not", pattern); + } + /** + * Matches any string-encoded JSON and applies the specified pattern after parsing it. + * @param pattern the pattern to match after parsing the encoded JSON. + */ + static serializedJson(pattern) { + return new SerializedJson("serializedJson", pattern); + } + /** + * Matches any non-null value at the target. + */ + static anyValue() { + return new AnyMatch("anyValue"); + } + /** + * Matches targets according to a regular expression + */ + static stringLikeRegexp(pattern) { + return new StringLikeRegexpMatch("stringLikeRegexp", pattern); + } + }; + LiteralMatch = class extends Matcher { + constructor(name, pattern, options = {}) { + super(); + this.name = name; + this.pattern = pattern; + this.partialObjects = options.partialObjects ?? false; + if (Matcher.isMatcher(this.pattern)) { + throw new Error("LiteralMatch cannot directly contain another matcher. Remove the top-level matcher or nest it more deeply."); + } + } + test(actual) { + if (Array.isArray(this.pattern)) { + return new ArrayMatch(this.name, this.pattern, { subsequence: false, partialObjects: this.partialObjects }).test(actual); + } + if (typeof this.pattern === "object") { + return new ObjectMatch(this.name, this.pattern, { partial: this.partialObjects }).test(actual); + } + const result = new MatchResult(actual); + if (typeof this.pattern !== typeof actual) { + result.recordFailure({ + matcher: this, + path: [], + message: `Expected type ${typeof this.pattern} but received ${getType(actual)}` + }); + return result; + } + if (actual !== this.pattern) { + result.recordFailure({ + matcher: this, + path: [], + message: `Expected ${this.pattern} but received ${actual}` + }); + } + return result; + } + }; + ArrayMatch = class extends Matcher { + constructor(name, pattern, options = {}) { + super(); + this.name = name; + this.pattern = pattern; + this.subsequence = options.subsequence ?? true; + this.partialObjects = options.partialObjects ?? false; + } + test(actual) { + if (!Array.isArray(actual)) { + return new MatchResult(actual).recordFailure({ + matcher: this, + path: [], + message: `Expected type array but received ${getType(actual)}` + }); + } + return this.subsequence ? this.testSubsequence(actual) : this.testFullArray(actual); + } + testFullArray(actual) { + const result = new MatchResult(actual); + let i = 0; + for (; i < this.pattern.length && i < actual.length; i++) { + const patternElement = this.pattern[i]; + const matcher = Matcher.isMatcher(patternElement) ? patternElement : new LiteralMatch(this.name, patternElement, { partialObjects: this.partialObjects }); + const innerResult = matcher.test(actual[i]); + result.compose(`${i}`, innerResult); + } + if (i < this.pattern.length) { + result.recordFailure({ + matcher: this, + message: `Not enough elements in array (expecting ${this.pattern.length}, got ${actual.length})`, + path: [`${i}`] + }); + } + if (i < actual.length) { + result.recordFailure({ + matcher: this, + message: `Too many elements in array (expecting ${this.pattern.length}, got ${actual.length})`, + path: [`${i}`] + }); + } + return result; + } + testSubsequence(actual) { + const result = new MatchResult(actual); + let patternIdx = 0; + let actualIdx = 0; + const matches = new SparseMatrix(); + while (patternIdx < this.pattern.length && actualIdx < actual.length) { + const patternElement = this.pattern[patternIdx]; + const matcher = Matcher.isMatcher(patternElement) ? patternElement : new LiteralMatch(this.name, patternElement, { partialObjects: this.partialObjects }); + const matcherName = matcher.name; + if (matcherName == "absent" || matcherName == "anyValue") { + throw new Error(`The Matcher ${matcherName}() cannot be nested within arrayWith()`); + } + const innerResult = matcher.test(actual[actualIdx]); + matches.set(patternIdx, actualIdx, innerResult); + actualIdx++; + if (innerResult.isSuccess) { + result.compose(`${actualIdx}`, innerResult); + patternIdx++; + } + } + if (patternIdx < this.pattern.length) { + for (let spi = 0; spi < patternIdx; spi++) { + const foundMatch = matches.row(spi).find(([, r]) => r.isSuccess); + if (!foundMatch) { + continue; + } + const [index] = foundMatch; + result.compose(`${index}`, new MatchResult(actual[index]).recordFailure({ + matcher: this, + message: `arrayWith pattern ${spi} matched here`, + path: [], + cost: 0 + // This is an informational message so it would be unfair to assign it cost + })); + } + const failedMatches = matches.row(patternIdx); + failedMatches.sort(sortKeyComparator(([i, r]) => [r.failCost, i])); + if (failedMatches.length > 0) { + const [index, innerResult] = failedMatches[0]; + result.recordFailure({ + matcher: this, + message: `Could not match arrayWith pattern ${patternIdx}. This is the closest match`, + path: [`${index}`], + cost: 0 + // Informational message + }); + result.compose(`${index}`, innerResult); + } else { + result.recordFailure({ + matcher: this, + message: `Could not match arrayWith pattern ${patternIdx}. No more elements to try`, + path: [`${actual.length}`] + }); + } + } + return result; + } + }; + ObjectMatch = class extends Matcher { + constructor(name, pattern, options = {}) { + super(); + this.name = name; + this.pattern = pattern; + this.partial = options.partial ?? true; + } + test(actual) { + if (typeof actual !== "object" || Array.isArray(actual)) { + return new MatchResult(actual).recordFailure({ + matcher: this, + path: [], + message: `Expected type object but received ${getType(actual)}` + }); + } + const result = new MatchResult(actual); + if (!this.partial) { + for (const a of Object.keys(actual)) { + if (!(a in this.pattern)) { + result.recordFailure({ + matcher: this, + path: [a], + message: `Unexpected key ${a}` + }); + } + } + } + for (const [patternKey, patternVal] of Object.entries(this.pattern)) { + if (!(patternKey in actual) && !(patternVal instanceof AbsentMatch)) { + result.recordFailure({ + matcher: this, + path: [patternKey], + message: `Missing key '${patternKey}'` + }); + continue; + } + const matcher = Matcher.isMatcher(patternVal) ? patternVal : new LiteralMatch(this.name, patternVal, { partialObjects: this.partial }); + const inner = matcher.test(actual[patternKey]); + result.compose(patternKey, inner); + } + return result; + } + }; + SerializedJson = class extends Matcher { + constructor(name, pattern) { + super(); + this.name = name; + this.pattern = pattern; + } + test(actual) { + if (getType(actual) !== "string") { + return new MatchResult(actual).recordFailure({ + matcher: this, + path: [], + message: `Expected JSON as a string but found ${getType(actual)}` + }); + } + let parsed; + try { + parsed = JSON.parse(actual); + } catch (err) { + if (err instanceof SyntaxError) { + return new MatchResult(actual).recordFailure({ + matcher: this, + path: [], + message: `Invalid JSON string: ${actual}` + }); + } else { + throw err; + } + } + const matcher = Matcher.isMatcher(this.pattern) ? this.pattern : new LiteralMatch(this.name, this.pattern); + const innerResult = matcher.test(parsed); + if (innerResult.hasFailed()) { + innerResult.recordFailure({ + matcher: this, + path: [], + message: "Encoded JSON value does not match" + }); + } + return innerResult; + } + }; + NotMatch = class extends Matcher { + constructor(name, pattern) { + super(); + this.name = name; + this.pattern = pattern; + } + test(actual) { + const matcher = Matcher.isMatcher(this.pattern) ? this.pattern : new LiteralMatch(this.name, this.pattern); + const innerResult = matcher.test(actual); + const result = new MatchResult(actual); + if (innerResult.failCount === 0) { + result.recordFailure({ + matcher: this, + path: [], + message: `Found unexpected match: ${JSON.stringify(actual, void 0, 2)}` + }); + } + return result; + } + }; + AnyMatch = class extends Matcher { + constructor(name) { + super(); + this.name = name; + } + test(actual) { + const result = new MatchResult(actual); + if (actual == null) { + result.recordFailure({ + matcher: this, + path: [], + message: "Expected a value but found none" + }); + } + return result; + } + }; + StringLikeRegexpMatch = class extends Matcher { + constructor(name, pattern) { + super(); + this.name = name; + this.pattern = pattern; + } + test(actual) { + const result = new MatchResult(actual); + const regex = new RegExp(this.pattern, "gm"); + if (typeof actual !== "string") { + result.recordFailure({ + matcher: this, + path: [], + message: `Expected a string, but got '${typeof actual}'` + }); + } + if (!regex.test(actual)) { + result.recordFailure({ + matcher: this, + path: [], + message: `String '${actual}' did not match pattern '${this.pattern}'` + }); + } + return result; + } + }; + } +}); + +// ../../aws-cdk-lib/assertions/lib/helpers-internal/index.js +var require_helpers_internal = __commonJS({ + "../../aws-cdk-lib/assertions/lib/helpers-internal/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + var __createBinding3 = exports && exports.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === void 0) + k2 = k; + var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k); + if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) { + desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return m[k]; + } }; + } + Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc); + } : function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === void 0) + k2 = k; + o[k2] = m[k]; + }); + var __exportStar3 = exports && exports.__exportStar || function(m, exports2) { + for (var p in m) + if (p !== "default" && !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(exports2, p)) + __createBinding3(exports2, m, p); + }; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + __exportStar3((init_match(), __toCommonJS(match_exports)), exports); + __exportStar3((init_matcher(), __toCommonJS(matcher_exports)), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/tslib/tslib.es6.mjs +var tslib_es6_exports = {}; +__export(tslib_es6_exports, { + __assign: () => __assign, + __asyncDelegator: () => __asyncDelegator, + __asyncGenerator: () => __asyncGenerator, + __asyncValues: () => __asyncValues, + __await: () => __await, + __awaiter: () => __awaiter, + __classPrivateFieldGet: () => __classPrivateFieldGet, + __classPrivateFieldIn: () => __classPrivateFieldIn, + __classPrivateFieldSet: () => __classPrivateFieldSet, + __createBinding: () => __createBinding, + __decorate: () => __decorate, + __esDecorate: () => __esDecorate, + __exportStar: () => __exportStar, + __extends: () => __extends, + __generator: () => __generator, + __importDefault: () => __importDefault, + __importStar: () => __importStar, + __makeTemplateObject: () => __makeTemplateObject, + __metadata: () => __metadata, + __param: () => __param, + __propKey: () => __propKey, + __read: () => __read, + __rest: () => __rest, + __runInitializers: () => __runInitializers, + __setFunctionName: () => __setFunctionName, + __spread: () => __spread, + __spreadArray: () => __spreadArray, + __spreadArrays: () => __spreadArrays, + __values: () => __values, + default: () => tslib_es6_default +}); +function __extends(d, b) { + if (typeof b !== "function" && b !== null) + throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(b) + " is not a constructor or null"); + extendStatics(d, b); + function __() { + this.constructor = d; + } + d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __()); +} +function __rest(s, e) { + var t = {}; + for (var p in s) + if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0) + t[p] = s[p]; + if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === "function") + for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) { + if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(s, p[i])) + t[p[i]] = s[p[i]]; + } + return t; +} +function __decorate(decorators, target, key, desc) { + var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d; + if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") + r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc); + else + for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) + if (d = decorators[i]) + r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r; + return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r; +} +function __param(paramIndex, decorator) { + return function(target, key) { + decorator(target, key, paramIndex); + }; +} +function __esDecorate(ctor, descriptorIn, decorators, contextIn, initializers, extraInitializers) { + function accept(f) { + if (f !== void 0 && typeof f !== "function") + throw new TypeError("Function expected"); + return f; + } + var kind = contextIn.kind, key = kind === "getter" ? "get" : kind === "setter" ? "set" : "value"; + var target = !descriptorIn && ctor ? contextIn["static"] ? ctor : ctor.prototype : null; + var descriptor = descriptorIn || (target ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, contextIn.name) : {}); + var _, done = false; + for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { + var context = {}; + for (var p in contextIn) + context[p] = p === "access" ? {} : contextIn[p]; + for (var p in contextIn.access) + context.access[p] = contextIn.access[p]; + context.addInitializer = function(f) { + if (done) + throw new TypeError("Cannot add initializers after decoration has completed"); + extraInitializers.push(accept(f || null)); + }; + var result = (0, decorators[i])(kind === "accessor" ? { get: descriptor.get, set: descriptor.set } : descriptor[key], context); + if (kind === "accessor") { + if (result === void 0) + continue; + if (result === null || typeof result !== "object") + throw new TypeError("Object expected"); + if (_ = accept(result.get)) + descriptor.get = _; + if (_ = accept(result.set)) + descriptor.set = _; + if (_ = accept(result.init)) + initializers.unshift(_); + } else if (_ = accept(result)) { + if (kind === "field") + initializers.unshift(_); + else + descriptor[key] = _; + } + } + if (target) + Object.defineProperty(target, contextIn.name, descriptor); + done = true; +} +function __runInitializers(thisArg, initializers, value) { + var useValue = arguments.length > 2; + for (var i = 0; i < initializers.length; i++) { + value = useValue ? initializers[i].call(thisArg, value) : initializers[i].call(thisArg); + } + return useValue ? value : void 0; +} +function __propKey(x) { + return typeof x === "symbol" ? x : "".concat(x); +} +function __setFunctionName(f, name, prefix) { + if (typeof name === "symbol") + name = name.description ? "[".concat(name.description, "]") : ""; + return Object.defineProperty(f, "name", { configurable: true, value: prefix ? "".concat(prefix, " ", name) : name }); +} +function __metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue) { + if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function") + return Reflect.metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue); +} +function __awaiter(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) { + function adopt(value) { + return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function(resolve) { + resolve(value); + }); + } + return new (P || (P = Promise))(function(resolve, reject) { + function fulfilled(value) { + try { + step(generator.next(value)); + } catch (e) { + reject(e); + } + } + function rejected(value) { + try { + step(generator["throw"](value)); + } catch (e) { + reject(e); + } + } + function step(result) { + result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); + } + step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next()); + }); +} +function __generator(thisArg, body) { + var _ = { label: 0, sent: function() { + if (t[0] & 1) + throw t[1]; + return t[1]; + }, trys: [], ops: [] }, f, y, t, g; + return g = { next: verb(0), "throw": verb(1), "return": verb(2) }, typeof Symbol === "function" && (g[Symbol.iterator] = function() { + return this; + }), g; + function verb(n) { + return function(v) { + return step([n, v]); + }; + } + function step(op) { + if (f) + throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing."); + while (g && (g = 0, op[0] && (_ = 0)), _) + try { + if (f = 1, y && (t = op[0] & 2 ? y["return"] : op[0] ? y["throw"] || ((t = y["return"]) && t.call(y), 0) : y.next) && !(t = t.call(y, op[1])).done) + return t; + if (y = 0, t) + op = [op[0] & 2, t.value]; + switch (op[0]) { + case 0: + case 1: + t = op; + break; + case 4: + _.label++; + return { value: op[1], done: false }; + case 5: + _.label++; + y = op[1]; + op = [0]; + continue; + case 7: + op = _.ops.pop(); + _.trys.pop(); + continue; + default: + if (!(t = _.trys, t = t.length > 0 && t[t.length - 1]) && (op[0] === 6 || op[0] === 2)) { + _ = 0; + continue; + } + if (op[0] === 3 && (!t || op[1] > t[0] && op[1] < t[3])) { + _.label = op[1]; + break; + } + if (op[0] === 6 && _.label < t[1]) { + _.label = t[1]; + t = op; + break; + } + if (t && _.label < t[2]) { + _.label = t[2]; + _.ops.push(op); + break; + } + if (t[2]) + _.ops.pop(); + _.trys.pop(); + continue; + } + op = body.call(thisArg, _); + } catch (e) { + op = [6, e]; + y = 0; + } finally { + f = t = 0; + } + if (op[0] & 5) + throw op[1]; + return { value: op[0] ? op[1] : void 0, done: true }; + } +} +function __exportStar(m, o) { + for (var p in m) + if (p !== "default" && !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o, p)) + __createBinding(o, m, p); +} +function __values(o) { + var s = typeof Symbol === "function" && Symbol.iterator, m = s && o[s], i = 0; + if (m) + return m.call(o); + if (o && typeof o.length === "number") + return { + next: function() { + if (o && i >= o.length) + o = void 0; + return { value: o && o[i++], done: !o }; + } + }; + throw new TypeError(s ? "Object is not iterable." : "Symbol.iterator is not defined."); +} +function __read(o, n) { + var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator]; + if (!m) + return o; + var i = m.call(o), r, ar = [], e; + try { + while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done) + ar.push(r.value); + } catch (error) { + e = { error }; + } finally { + try { + if (r && !r.done && (m = i["return"])) + m.call(i); + } finally { + if (e) + throw e.error; + } + } + return ar; +} +function __spread() { + for (var ar = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) + ar = ar.concat(__read(arguments[i])); + return ar; +} +function __spreadArrays() { + for (var s = 0, i = 0, il = arguments.length; i < il; i++) + s += arguments[i].length; + for (var r = Array(s), k = 0, i = 0; i < il; i++) + for (var a = arguments[i], j = 0, jl = a.length; j < jl; j++, k++) + r[k] = a[j]; + return r; +} +function __spreadArray(to, from, pack) { + if (pack || arguments.length === 2) + for (var i = 0, l = from.length, ar; i < l; i++) { + if (ar || !(i in from)) { + if (!ar) + ar = Array.prototype.slice.call(from, 0, i); + ar[i] = from[i]; + } + } + return to.concat(ar || Array.prototype.slice.call(from)); +} +function __await(v) { + return this instanceof __await ? (this.v = v, this) : new __await(v); +} +function __asyncGenerator(thisArg, _arguments, generator) { + if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) + throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined."); + var g = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || []), i, q = []; + return i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw"), verb("return"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function() { + return this; + }, i; + function verb(n) { + if (g[n]) + i[n] = function(v) { + return new Promise(function(a, b) { + q.push([n, v, a, b]) > 1 || resume(n, v); + }); + }; + } + function resume(n, v) { + try { + step(g[n](v)); + } catch (e) { + settle(q[0][3], e); + } + } + function step(r) { + r.value instanceof __await ? Promise.resolve(r.value.v).then(fulfill, reject) : settle(q[0][2], r); + } + function fulfill(value) { + resume("next", value); + } + function reject(value) { + resume("throw", value); + } + function settle(f, v) { + if (f(v), q.shift(), q.length) + resume(q[0][0], q[0][1]); + } +} +function __asyncDelegator(o) { + var i, p; + return i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw", function(e) { + throw e; + }), verb("return"), i[Symbol.iterator] = function() { + return this; + }, i; + function verb(n, f) { + i[n] = o[n] ? function(v) { + return (p = !p) ? { value: __await(o[n](v)), done: false } : f ? f(v) : v; + } : f; + } +} +function __asyncValues(o) { + if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) + throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined."); + var m = o[Symbol.asyncIterator], i; + return m ? m.call(o) : (o = typeof __values === "function" ? __values(o) : o[Symbol.iterator](), i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw"), verb("return"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function() { + return this; + }, i); + function verb(n) { + i[n] = o[n] && function(v) { + return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { + v = o[n](v), settle(resolve, reject, v.done, v.value); + }); + }; + } + function settle(resolve, reject, d, v) { + Promise.resolve(v).then(function(v2) { + resolve({ value: v2, done: d }); + }, reject); + } +} +function __makeTemplateObject(cooked, raw) { + if (Object.defineProperty) { + Object.defineProperty(cooked, "raw", { value: raw }); + } else { + cooked.raw = raw; + } + return cooked; +} +function __importStar(mod) { + if (mod && mod.__esModule) + return mod; + var result = {}; + if (mod != null) { + for (var k in mod) + if (k !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) + __createBinding(result, mod, k); + } + __setModuleDefault(result, mod); + return result; +} +function __importDefault(mod) { + return mod && mod.__esModule ? mod : { default: mod }; +} +function __classPrivateFieldGet(receiver, state, kind, f) { + if (kind === "a" && !f) + throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a getter"); + if (typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) + throw new TypeError("Cannot read private member from an object whose class did not declare it"); + return kind === "m" ? f : kind === "a" ? f.call(receiver) : f ? f.value : state.get(receiver); +} +function __classPrivateFieldSet(receiver, state, value, kind, f) { + if (kind === "m") + throw new TypeError("Private method is not writable"); + if (kind === "a" && !f) + throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a setter"); + if (typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) + throw new TypeError("Cannot write private member to an object whose class did not declare it"); + return kind === "a" ? f.call(receiver, value) : f ? f.value = value : state.set(receiver, value), value; +} +function __classPrivateFieldIn(state, receiver) { + if (receiver === null || typeof receiver !== "object" && typeof receiver !== "function") + throw new TypeError("Cannot use 'in' operator on non-object"); + return typeof state === "function" ? receiver === state : state.has(receiver); +} +var extendStatics, __assign, __createBinding, __setModuleDefault, tslib_es6_default; +var init_tslib_es6 = __esm({ + "../../../node_modules/tslib/tslib.es6.mjs"() { + extendStatics = function(d, b) { + extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(d2, b2) { + d2.__proto__ = b2; + } || function(d2, b2) { + for (var p in b2) + if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(b2, p)) + d2[p] = b2[p]; + }; + return extendStatics(d, b); + }; + __assign = function() { + __assign = Object.assign || function __assign3(t) { + for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) { + s = arguments[i]; + for (var p in s) + if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) + t[p] = s[p]; + } + return t; + }; + return __assign.apply(this, arguments); + }; + __createBinding = Object.create ? function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === void 0) + k2 = k; + var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k); + if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) { + desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return m[k]; + } }; + } + Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc); + } : function(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === void 0) + k2 = k; + o[k2] = m[k]; + }; + __setModuleDefault = Object.create ? function(o, v) { + Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v }); + } : function(o, v) { + o["default"] = v; + }; + tslib_es6_default = { + __extends, + __assign, + __rest, + __decorate, + __param, + __metadata, + __awaiter, + __generator, + __createBinding, + __exportStar, + __values, + __read, + __spread, + __spreadArrays, + __spreadArray, + __await, + __asyncGenerator, + __asyncDelegator, + __asyncValues, + __makeTemplateObject, + __importStar, + __importDefault, + __classPrivateFieldGet, + __classPrivateFieldSet, + __classPrivateFieldIn + }; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-config-provider/dist-cjs/booleanSelector.js +var require_booleanSelector = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-config-provider/dist-cjs/booleanSelector.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.booleanSelector = exports.SelectorType = void 0; + var SelectorType; + (function(SelectorType2) { + SelectorType2["ENV"] = "env"; + SelectorType2["CONFIG"] = "shared config entry"; + })(SelectorType = exports.SelectorType || (exports.SelectorType = {})); + var booleanSelector = (obj, key, type) => { + if (!(key in obj)) + return void 0; + if (obj[key] === "true") + return true; + if (obj[key] === "false") + return false; + throw new Error(`Cannot load ${type} "${key}". Expected "true" or "false", got ${obj[key]}.`); + }; + exports.booleanSelector = booleanSelector; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-config-provider/dist-cjs/index.js +var require_dist_cjs = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-config-provider/dist-cjs/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_booleanSelector(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/config-resolver/dist-cjs/endpointsConfig/NodeUseDualstackEndpointConfigOptions.js +var require_NodeUseDualstackEndpointConfigOptions = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/config-resolver/dist-cjs/endpointsConfig/NodeUseDualstackEndpointConfigOptions.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.NODE_USE_DUALSTACK_ENDPOINT_CONFIG_OPTIONS = exports.DEFAULT_USE_DUALSTACK_ENDPOINT = exports.CONFIG_USE_DUALSTACK_ENDPOINT = exports.ENV_USE_DUALSTACK_ENDPOINT = void 0; + var util_config_provider_1 = require_dist_cjs(); + exports.ENV_USE_DUALSTACK_ENDPOINT = "AWS_USE_DUALSTACK_ENDPOINT"; + exports.CONFIG_USE_DUALSTACK_ENDPOINT = "use_dualstack_endpoint"; + exports.DEFAULT_USE_DUALSTACK_ENDPOINT = false; + exports.NODE_USE_DUALSTACK_ENDPOINT_CONFIG_OPTIONS = { + environmentVariableSelector: (env) => (0, util_config_provider_1.booleanSelector)(env, exports.ENV_USE_DUALSTACK_ENDPOINT, util_config_provider_1.SelectorType.ENV), + configFileSelector: (profile) => (0, util_config_provider_1.booleanSelector)(profile, exports.CONFIG_USE_DUALSTACK_ENDPOINT, util_config_provider_1.SelectorType.CONFIG), + default: false + }; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/config-resolver/dist-cjs/endpointsConfig/NodeUseFipsEndpointConfigOptions.js +var require_NodeUseFipsEndpointConfigOptions = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/config-resolver/dist-cjs/endpointsConfig/NodeUseFipsEndpointConfigOptions.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.NODE_USE_FIPS_ENDPOINT_CONFIG_OPTIONS = exports.DEFAULT_USE_FIPS_ENDPOINT = exports.CONFIG_USE_FIPS_ENDPOINT = exports.ENV_USE_FIPS_ENDPOINT = void 0; + var util_config_provider_1 = require_dist_cjs(); + exports.ENV_USE_FIPS_ENDPOINT = "AWS_USE_FIPS_ENDPOINT"; + exports.CONFIG_USE_FIPS_ENDPOINT = "use_fips_endpoint"; + exports.DEFAULT_USE_FIPS_ENDPOINT = false; + exports.NODE_USE_FIPS_ENDPOINT_CONFIG_OPTIONS = { + environmentVariableSelector: (env) => (0, util_config_provider_1.booleanSelector)(env, exports.ENV_USE_FIPS_ENDPOINT, util_config_provider_1.SelectorType.ENV), + configFileSelector: (profile) => (0, util_config_provider_1.booleanSelector)(profile, exports.CONFIG_USE_FIPS_ENDPOINT, util_config_provider_1.SelectorType.CONFIG), + default: false + }; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-middleware/dist-cjs/normalizeProvider.js +var require_normalizeProvider = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-middleware/dist-cjs/normalizeProvider.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.normalizeProvider = void 0; + var normalizeProvider = (input) => { + if (typeof input === "function") + return input; + const promisified = Promise.resolve(input); + return () => promisified; + }; + exports.normalizeProvider = normalizeProvider; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-middleware/dist-cjs/index.js +var require_dist_cjs2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-middleware/dist-cjs/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_normalizeProvider(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/config-resolver/dist-cjs/endpointsConfig/resolveCustomEndpointsConfig.js +var require_resolveCustomEndpointsConfig = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/config-resolver/dist-cjs/endpointsConfig/resolveCustomEndpointsConfig.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.resolveCustomEndpointsConfig = void 0; + var util_middleware_1 = require_dist_cjs2(); + var resolveCustomEndpointsConfig = (input) => { + var _a, _b; + const { endpoint, urlParser } = input; + return { + ...input, + tls: (_a = input.tls) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : true, + endpoint: (0, util_middleware_1.normalizeProvider)(typeof endpoint === "string" ? urlParser(endpoint) : endpoint), + isCustomEndpoint: true, + useDualstackEndpoint: (0, util_middleware_1.normalizeProvider)((_b = input.useDualstackEndpoint) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : false) + }; + }; + exports.resolveCustomEndpointsConfig = resolveCustomEndpointsConfig; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/config-resolver/dist-cjs/endpointsConfig/utils/getEndpointFromRegion.js +var require_getEndpointFromRegion = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/config-resolver/dist-cjs/endpointsConfig/utils/getEndpointFromRegion.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getEndpointFromRegion = void 0; + var getEndpointFromRegion = async (input) => { + var _a; + const { tls = true } = input; + const region = await input.region(); + const dnsHostRegex = new RegExp(/^([a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])$/); + if (!dnsHostRegex.test(region)) { + throw new Error("Invalid region in client config"); + } + const useDualstackEndpoint = await input.useDualstackEndpoint(); + const useFipsEndpoint = await input.useFipsEndpoint(); + const { hostname } = (_a = await input.regionInfoProvider(region, { useDualstackEndpoint, useFipsEndpoint })) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : {}; + if (!hostname) { + throw new Error("Cannot resolve hostname from client config"); + } + return input.urlParser(`${tls ? "https:" : "http:"}//${hostname}`); + }; + exports.getEndpointFromRegion = getEndpointFromRegion; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/config-resolver/dist-cjs/endpointsConfig/resolveEndpointsConfig.js +var require_resolveEndpointsConfig = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/config-resolver/dist-cjs/endpointsConfig/resolveEndpointsConfig.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.resolveEndpointsConfig = void 0; + var util_middleware_1 = require_dist_cjs2(); + var getEndpointFromRegion_1 = require_getEndpointFromRegion(); + var resolveEndpointsConfig = (input) => { + var _a, _b; + const useDualstackEndpoint = (0, util_middleware_1.normalizeProvider)((_a = input.useDualstackEndpoint) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : false); + const { endpoint, useFipsEndpoint, urlParser } = input; + return { + ...input, + tls: (_b = input.tls) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : true, + endpoint: endpoint ? (0, util_middleware_1.normalizeProvider)(typeof endpoint === "string" ? urlParser(endpoint) : endpoint) : () => (0, getEndpointFromRegion_1.getEndpointFromRegion)({ ...input, useDualstackEndpoint, useFipsEndpoint }), + isCustomEndpoint: !!endpoint, + useDualstackEndpoint + }; + }; + exports.resolveEndpointsConfig = resolveEndpointsConfig; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/config-resolver/dist-cjs/endpointsConfig/index.js +var require_endpointsConfig = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/config-resolver/dist-cjs/endpointsConfig/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_NodeUseDualstackEndpointConfigOptions(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_NodeUseFipsEndpointConfigOptions(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_resolveCustomEndpointsConfig(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_resolveEndpointsConfig(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/config-resolver/dist-cjs/regionConfig/config.js +var require_config = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/config-resolver/dist-cjs/regionConfig/config.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.NODE_REGION_CONFIG_FILE_OPTIONS = exports.NODE_REGION_CONFIG_OPTIONS = exports.REGION_INI_NAME = exports.REGION_ENV_NAME = void 0; + exports.REGION_ENV_NAME = "AWS_REGION"; + exports.REGION_INI_NAME = "region"; + exports.NODE_REGION_CONFIG_OPTIONS = { + environmentVariableSelector: (env) => env[exports.REGION_ENV_NAME], + configFileSelector: (profile) => profile[exports.REGION_INI_NAME], + default: () => { + throw new Error("Region is missing"); + } + }; + exports.NODE_REGION_CONFIG_FILE_OPTIONS = { + preferredFile: "credentials" + }; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/config-resolver/dist-cjs/regionConfig/isFipsRegion.js +var require_isFipsRegion = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/config-resolver/dist-cjs/regionConfig/isFipsRegion.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.isFipsRegion = void 0; + var isFipsRegion = (region) => typeof region === "string" && (region.startsWith("fips-") || region.endsWith("-fips")); + exports.isFipsRegion = isFipsRegion; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/config-resolver/dist-cjs/regionConfig/getRealRegion.js +var require_getRealRegion = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/config-resolver/dist-cjs/regionConfig/getRealRegion.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getRealRegion = void 0; + var isFipsRegion_1 = require_isFipsRegion(); + var getRealRegion = (region) => (0, isFipsRegion_1.isFipsRegion)(region) ? ["fips-aws-global", "aws-fips"].includes(region) ? "us-east-1" : region.replace(/fips-(dkr-|prod-)?|-fips/, "") : region; + exports.getRealRegion = getRealRegion; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/config-resolver/dist-cjs/regionConfig/resolveRegionConfig.js +var require_resolveRegionConfig = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/config-resolver/dist-cjs/regionConfig/resolveRegionConfig.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.resolveRegionConfig = void 0; + var getRealRegion_1 = require_getRealRegion(); + var isFipsRegion_1 = require_isFipsRegion(); + var resolveRegionConfig = (input) => { + const { region, useFipsEndpoint } = input; + if (!region) { + throw new Error("Region is missing"); + } + return { + ...input, + region: async () => { + if (typeof region === "string") { + return (0, getRealRegion_1.getRealRegion)(region); + } + const providedRegion = await region(); + return (0, getRealRegion_1.getRealRegion)(providedRegion); + }, + useFipsEndpoint: async () => { + const providedRegion = typeof region === "string" ? region : await region(); + if ((0, isFipsRegion_1.isFipsRegion)(providedRegion)) { + return true; + } + return typeof useFipsEndpoint !== "function" ? Promise.resolve(!!useFipsEndpoint) : useFipsEndpoint(); + } + }; + }; + exports.resolveRegionConfig = resolveRegionConfig; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/config-resolver/dist-cjs/regionConfig/index.js +var require_regionConfig = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/config-resolver/dist-cjs/regionConfig/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_config(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_resolveRegionConfig(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/config-resolver/dist-cjs/regionInfo/PartitionHash.js +var require_PartitionHash = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/config-resolver/dist-cjs/regionInfo/PartitionHash.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/config-resolver/dist-cjs/regionInfo/RegionHash.js +var require_RegionHash = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/config-resolver/dist-cjs/regionInfo/RegionHash.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/config-resolver/dist-cjs/regionInfo/getHostnameFromVariants.js +var require_getHostnameFromVariants = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/config-resolver/dist-cjs/regionInfo/getHostnameFromVariants.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getHostnameFromVariants = void 0; + var getHostnameFromVariants = (variants = [], { useFipsEndpoint, useDualstackEndpoint }) => { + var _a; + return (_a = variants.find(({ tags }) => useFipsEndpoint === tags.includes("fips") && useDualstackEndpoint === tags.includes("dualstack"))) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.hostname; + }; + exports.getHostnameFromVariants = getHostnameFromVariants; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/config-resolver/dist-cjs/regionInfo/getResolvedHostname.js +var require_getResolvedHostname = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/config-resolver/dist-cjs/regionInfo/getResolvedHostname.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getResolvedHostname = void 0; + var getResolvedHostname = (resolvedRegion, { regionHostname, partitionHostname }) => regionHostname ? regionHostname : partitionHostname ? partitionHostname.replace("{region}", resolvedRegion) : void 0; + exports.getResolvedHostname = getResolvedHostname; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/config-resolver/dist-cjs/regionInfo/getResolvedPartition.js +var require_getResolvedPartition = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/config-resolver/dist-cjs/regionInfo/getResolvedPartition.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getResolvedPartition = void 0; + var getResolvedPartition = (region, { partitionHash }) => { + var _a; + return (_a = Object.keys(partitionHash || {}).find((key) => partitionHash[key].regions.includes(region))) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : "aws"; + }; + exports.getResolvedPartition = getResolvedPartition; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/config-resolver/dist-cjs/regionInfo/getResolvedSigningRegion.js +var require_getResolvedSigningRegion = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/config-resolver/dist-cjs/regionInfo/getResolvedSigningRegion.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getResolvedSigningRegion = void 0; + var getResolvedSigningRegion = (hostname, { signingRegion, regionRegex, useFipsEndpoint }) => { + if (signingRegion) { + return signingRegion; + } else if (useFipsEndpoint) { + const regionRegexJs = regionRegex.replace("\\\\", "\\").replace(/^\^/g, "\\.").replace(/\$$/g, "\\."); + const regionRegexmatchArray = hostname.match(regionRegexJs); + if (regionRegexmatchArray) { + return regionRegexmatchArray[0].slice(1, -1); + } + } + }; + exports.getResolvedSigningRegion = getResolvedSigningRegion; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/config-resolver/dist-cjs/regionInfo/getRegionInfo.js +var require_getRegionInfo = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/config-resolver/dist-cjs/regionInfo/getRegionInfo.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getRegionInfo = void 0; + var getHostnameFromVariants_1 = require_getHostnameFromVariants(); + var getResolvedHostname_1 = require_getResolvedHostname(); + var getResolvedPartition_1 = require_getResolvedPartition(); + var getResolvedSigningRegion_1 = require_getResolvedSigningRegion(); + var getRegionInfo = (region, { useFipsEndpoint = false, useDualstackEndpoint = false, signingService, regionHash, partitionHash }) => { + var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f; + const partition = (0, getResolvedPartition_1.getResolvedPartition)(region, { partitionHash }); + const resolvedRegion = region in regionHash ? region : (_b = (_a = partitionHash[partition]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.endpoint) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : region; + const hostnameOptions = { useFipsEndpoint, useDualstackEndpoint }; + const regionHostname = (0, getHostnameFromVariants_1.getHostnameFromVariants)((_c = regionHash[resolvedRegion]) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.variants, hostnameOptions); + const partitionHostname = (0, getHostnameFromVariants_1.getHostnameFromVariants)((_d = partitionHash[partition]) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.variants, hostnameOptions); + const hostname = (0, getResolvedHostname_1.getResolvedHostname)(resolvedRegion, { regionHostname, partitionHostname }); + if (hostname === void 0) { + throw new Error(`Endpoint resolution failed for: ${{ resolvedRegion, useFipsEndpoint, useDualstackEndpoint }}`); + } + const signingRegion = (0, getResolvedSigningRegion_1.getResolvedSigningRegion)(hostname, { + signingRegion: (_e = regionHash[resolvedRegion]) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.signingRegion, + regionRegex: partitionHash[partition].regionRegex, + useFipsEndpoint + }); + return { + partition, + signingService, + hostname, + ...signingRegion && { signingRegion }, + ...((_f = regionHash[resolvedRegion]) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.signingService) && { + signingService: regionHash[resolvedRegion].signingService + } + }; + }; + exports.getRegionInfo = getRegionInfo; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/config-resolver/dist-cjs/regionInfo/index.js +var require_regionInfo = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/config-resolver/dist-cjs/regionInfo/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_PartitionHash(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_RegionHash(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_getRegionInfo(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/config-resolver/dist-cjs/index.js +var require_dist_cjs3 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/config-resolver/dist-cjs/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_endpointsConfig(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_regionConfig(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_regionInfo(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/protocol-http/dist-cjs/FieldPosition.js +var require_FieldPosition = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/protocol-http/dist-cjs/FieldPosition.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.FieldPosition = void 0; + var FieldPosition; + (function(FieldPosition2) { + FieldPosition2[FieldPosition2["HEADER"] = 0] = "HEADER"; + FieldPosition2[FieldPosition2["TRAILER"] = 1] = "TRAILER"; + })(FieldPosition = exports.FieldPosition || (exports.FieldPosition = {})); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/protocol-http/dist-cjs/Field.js +var require_Field = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/protocol-http/dist-cjs/Field.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.Field = void 0; + var FieldPosition_1 = require_FieldPosition(); + var Field = class { + constructor({ name, kind = FieldPosition_1.FieldPosition.HEADER, values = [] }) { + this.name = name; + this.kind = kind; + this.values = values; + } + add(value) { + this.values.push(value); + } + set(values) { + this.values = values; + } + remove(value) { + this.values = this.values.filter((v) => v !== value); + } + toString() { + return this.values.map((v) => v.includes(",") || v.includes(" ") ? `"${v}"` : v).join(", "); + } + get() { + return this.values; + } + }; + exports.Field = Field; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/protocol-http/dist-cjs/Fields.js +var require_Fields = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/protocol-http/dist-cjs/Fields.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.Fields = void 0; + var Fields = class { + constructor({ fields = [], encoding = "utf-8" }) { + this.entries = {}; + fields.forEach(this.setField.bind(this)); + this.encoding = encoding; + } + setField(field) { + this.entries[field.name.toLowerCase()] = field; + } + getField(name) { + return this.entries[name.toLowerCase()]; + } + removeField(name) { + delete this.entries[name.toLowerCase()]; + } + getByType(kind) { + return Object.values(this.entries).filter((field) => field.kind === kind); + } + }; + exports.Fields = Fields; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/protocol-http/dist-cjs/httpHandler.js +var require_httpHandler = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/protocol-http/dist-cjs/httpHandler.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/protocol-http/dist-cjs/httpRequest.js +var require_httpRequest = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/protocol-http/dist-cjs/httpRequest.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.HttpRequest = void 0; + var HttpRequest = class { + constructor(options) { + this.method = options.method || "GET"; + this.hostname = options.hostname || "localhost"; + this.port = options.port; + this.query = options.query || {}; + this.headers = options.headers || {}; + this.body = options.body; + this.protocol = options.protocol ? options.protocol.slice(-1) !== ":" ? `${options.protocol}:` : options.protocol : "https:"; + this.path = options.path ? options.path.charAt(0) !== "/" ? `/${options.path}` : options.path : "/"; + this.username = options.username; + this.password = options.password; + this.fragment = options.fragment; + } + static isInstance(request2) { + if (!request2) + return false; + const req = request2; + return "method" in req && "protocol" in req && "hostname" in req && "path" in req && typeof req["query"] === "object" && typeof req["headers"] === "object"; + } + clone() { + const cloned = new HttpRequest({ + ...this, + headers: { ...this.headers } + }); + if (cloned.query) + cloned.query = cloneQuery(cloned.query); + return cloned; + } + }; + exports.HttpRequest = HttpRequest; + function cloneQuery(query) { + return Object.keys(query).reduce((carry, paramName) => { + const param = query[paramName]; + return { + ...carry, + [paramName]: Array.isArray(param) ? [...param] : param + }; + }, {}); + } + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/protocol-http/dist-cjs/httpResponse.js +var require_httpResponse = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/protocol-http/dist-cjs/httpResponse.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.HttpResponse = void 0; + var HttpResponse = class { + constructor(options) { + this.statusCode = options.statusCode; + this.reason = options.reason; + this.headers = options.headers || {}; + this.body = options.body; + } + static isInstance(response) { + if (!response) + return false; + const resp = response; + return typeof resp.statusCode === "number" && typeof resp.headers === "object"; + } + }; + exports.HttpResponse = HttpResponse; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/protocol-http/dist-cjs/isValidHostname.js +var require_isValidHostname = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/protocol-http/dist-cjs/isValidHostname.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.isValidHostname = void 0; + function isValidHostname(hostname) { + const hostPattern = /^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\.\-]*[a-z0-9]$/; + return hostPattern.test(hostname); + } + exports.isValidHostname = isValidHostname; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/protocol-http/dist-cjs/index.js +var require_dist_cjs4 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/protocol-http/dist-cjs/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_Field(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_FieldPosition(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_Fields(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_httpHandler(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_httpRequest(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_httpResponse(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_isValidHostname(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-content-length/dist-cjs/index.js +var require_dist_cjs5 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-content-length/dist-cjs/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getContentLengthPlugin = exports.contentLengthMiddlewareOptions = exports.contentLengthMiddleware = void 0; + var protocol_http_1 = require_dist_cjs4(); + var CONTENT_LENGTH_HEADER = "content-length"; + function contentLengthMiddleware(bodyLengthChecker) { + return (next) => async (args) => { + const request2 = args.request; + if (protocol_http_1.HttpRequest.isInstance(request2)) { + const { body, headers } = request2; + if (body && Object.keys(headers).map((str) => str.toLowerCase()).indexOf(CONTENT_LENGTH_HEADER) === -1) { + try { + const length = bodyLengthChecker(body); + request2.headers = { + ...request2.headers, + [CONTENT_LENGTH_HEADER]: String(length) + }; + } catch (error) { + } + } + } + return next({ + ...args, + request: request2 + }); + }; + } + exports.contentLengthMiddleware = contentLengthMiddleware; + exports.contentLengthMiddlewareOptions = { + step: "build", + tags: ["SET_CONTENT_LENGTH", "CONTENT_LENGTH"], + name: "contentLengthMiddleware", + override: true + }; + var getContentLengthPlugin = (options) => ({ + applyToStack: (clientStack) => { + clientStack.add(contentLengthMiddleware(options.bodyLengthChecker), exports.contentLengthMiddlewareOptions); + } + }); + exports.getContentLengthPlugin = getContentLengthPlugin; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint/dist-cjs/service-customizations/s3.js +var require_s3 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint/dist-cjs/service-customizations/s3.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.isArnBucketName = exports.isDnsCompatibleBucketName = exports.S3_HOSTNAME_PATTERN = exports.DOT_PATTERN = exports.resolveParamsForS3 = void 0; + var resolveParamsForS3 = async (endpointParams) => { + const bucket = (endpointParams === null || endpointParams === void 0 ? void 0 : endpointParams.Bucket) || ""; + if (typeof endpointParams.Bucket === "string") { + endpointParams.Bucket = bucket.replace(/#/g, encodeURIComponent("#")).replace(/\?/g, encodeURIComponent("?")); + } + if ((0, exports.isArnBucketName)(bucket)) { + if (endpointParams.ForcePathStyle === true) { + throw new Error("Path-style addressing cannot be used with ARN buckets"); + } + } else if (!(0, exports.isDnsCompatibleBucketName)(bucket) || bucket.indexOf(".") !== -1 && !String(endpointParams.Endpoint).startsWith("http:") || bucket.toLowerCase() !== bucket || bucket.length < 3) { + endpointParams.ForcePathStyle = true; + } + if (endpointParams.DisableMultiRegionAccessPoints) { + endpointParams.disableMultiRegionAccessPoints = true; + endpointParams.DisableMRAP = true; + } + return endpointParams; + }; + exports.resolveParamsForS3 = resolveParamsForS3; + var DOMAIN_PATTERN = /^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\.\-]{1,61}[a-z0-9]$/; + var IP_ADDRESS_PATTERN = /(\d+\.){3}\d+/; + var DOTS_PATTERN = /\.\./; + exports.DOT_PATTERN = /\./; + exports.S3_HOSTNAME_PATTERN = /^(.+\.)?s3(-fips)?(\.dualstack)?[.-]([a-z0-9-]+)\./; + var isDnsCompatibleBucketName = (bucketName) => DOMAIN_PATTERN.test(bucketName) && !IP_ADDRESS_PATTERN.test(bucketName) && !DOTS_PATTERN.test(bucketName); + exports.isDnsCompatibleBucketName = isDnsCompatibleBucketName; + var isArnBucketName = (bucketName) => { + const [arn, partition, service, region, account, typeOrId] = bucketName.split(":"); + const isArn = arn === "arn" && bucketName.split(":").length >= 6; + const isValidArn = [arn, partition, service, account, typeOrId].filter(Boolean).length === 5; + if (isArn && !isValidArn) { + throw new Error(`Invalid ARN: ${bucketName} was an invalid ARN.`); + } + return arn === "arn" && !!partition && !!service && !!account && !!typeOrId; + }; + exports.isArnBucketName = isArnBucketName; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint/dist-cjs/service-customizations/index.js +var require_service_customizations = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint/dist-cjs/service-customizations/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_s3(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint/dist-cjs/adaptors/createConfigValueProvider.js +var require_createConfigValueProvider = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint/dist-cjs/adaptors/createConfigValueProvider.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.createConfigValueProvider = void 0; + var createConfigValueProvider = (configKey, canonicalEndpointParamKey, config) => { + const configProvider = async () => { + var _a; + const configValue = (_a = config[configKey]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : config[canonicalEndpointParamKey]; + if (typeof configValue === "function") { + return configValue(); + } + return configValue; + }; + if (configKey === "endpoint" || canonicalEndpointParamKey === "endpoint") { + return async () => { + const endpoint = await configProvider(); + if (endpoint && typeof endpoint === "object") { + if ("url" in endpoint) { + return endpoint.url.href; + } + if ("hostname" in endpoint) { + const { protocol, hostname, port, path } = endpoint; + return `${protocol}//${hostname}${port ? ":" + port : ""}${path}`; + } + } + return endpoint; + }; + } + return configProvider; + }; + exports.createConfigValueProvider = createConfigValueProvider; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint/dist-cjs/adaptors/getEndpointFromInstructions.js +var require_getEndpointFromInstructions = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint/dist-cjs/adaptors/getEndpointFromInstructions.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.resolveParams = exports.getEndpointFromInstructions = void 0; + var service_customizations_1 = require_service_customizations(); + var createConfigValueProvider_1 = require_createConfigValueProvider(); + var getEndpointFromInstructions = async (commandInput, instructionsSupplier, clientConfig, context) => { + const endpointParams = await (0, exports.resolveParams)(commandInput, instructionsSupplier, clientConfig); + if (typeof clientConfig.endpointProvider !== "function") { + throw new Error("config.endpointProvider is not set."); + } + const endpoint = clientConfig.endpointProvider(endpointParams, context); + return endpoint; + }; + exports.getEndpointFromInstructions = getEndpointFromInstructions; + var resolveParams = async (commandInput, instructionsSupplier, clientConfig) => { + var _a; + const endpointParams = {}; + const instructions = ((_a = instructionsSupplier === null || instructionsSupplier === void 0 ? void 0 : instructionsSupplier.getEndpointParameterInstructions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(instructionsSupplier)) || {}; + for (const [name, instruction] of Object.entries(instructions)) { + switch (instruction.type) { + case "staticContextParams": + endpointParams[name] = instruction.value; + break; + case "contextParams": + endpointParams[name] = commandInput[instruction.name]; + break; + case "clientContextParams": + case "builtInParams": + endpointParams[name] = await (0, createConfigValueProvider_1.createConfigValueProvider)(instruction.name, name, clientConfig)(); + break; + default: + throw new Error("Unrecognized endpoint parameter instruction: " + JSON.stringify(instruction)); + } + } + if (Object.keys(instructions).length === 0) { + Object.assign(endpointParams, clientConfig); + } + if (String(clientConfig.serviceId).toLowerCase() === "s3") { + await (0, service_customizations_1.resolveParamsForS3)(endpointParams); + } + return endpointParams; + }; + exports.resolveParams = resolveParams; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/querystring-parser/dist-cjs/index.js +var require_dist_cjs6 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/querystring-parser/dist-cjs/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.parseQueryString = void 0; + function parseQueryString(querystring) { + const query = {}; + querystring = querystring.replace(/^\?/, ""); + if (querystring) { + for (const pair of querystring.split("&")) { + let [key, value = null] = pair.split("="); + key = decodeURIComponent(key); + if (value) { + value = decodeURIComponent(value); + } + if (!(key in query)) { + query[key] = value; + } else if (Array.isArray(query[key])) { + query[key].push(value); + } else { + query[key] = [query[key], value]; + } + } + } + return query; + } + exports.parseQueryString = parseQueryString; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/url-parser/dist-cjs/index.js +var require_dist_cjs7 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/url-parser/dist-cjs/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.parseUrl = void 0; + var querystring_parser_1 = require_dist_cjs6(); + var parseUrl = (url2) => { + if (typeof url2 === "string") { + return (0, exports.parseUrl)(new URL(url2)); + } + const { hostname, pathname, port, protocol, search } = url2; + let query; + if (search) { + query = (0, querystring_parser_1.parseQueryString)(search); + } + return { + hostname, + port: port ? parseInt(port) : void 0, + protocol, + path: pathname, + query + }; + }; + exports.parseUrl = parseUrl; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint/dist-cjs/adaptors/toEndpointV1.js +var require_toEndpointV1 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint/dist-cjs/adaptors/toEndpointV1.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.toEndpointV1 = void 0; + var url_parser_1 = require_dist_cjs7(); + var toEndpointV1 = (endpoint) => { + if (typeof endpoint === "object") { + if ("url" in endpoint) { + return (0, url_parser_1.parseUrl)(endpoint.url); + } + return endpoint; + } + return (0, url_parser_1.parseUrl)(endpoint); + }; + exports.toEndpointV1 = toEndpointV1; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint/dist-cjs/adaptors/index.js +var require_adaptors = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint/dist-cjs/adaptors/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_getEndpointFromInstructions(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_toEndpointV1(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint/dist-cjs/endpointMiddleware.js +var require_endpointMiddleware = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint/dist-cjs/endpointMiddleware.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.endpointMiddleware = void 0; + var getEndpointFromInstructions_1 = require_getEndpointFromInstructions(); + var endpointMiddleware = ({ config, instructions }) => { + return (next, context) => async (args) => { + var _a, _b; + const endpoint = await (0, getEndpointFromInstructions_1.getEndpointFromInstructions)(args.input, { + getEndpointParameterInstructions() { + return instructions; + } + }, { ...config }, context); + context.endpointV2 = endpoint; + context.authSchemes = (_a = endpoint.properties) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.authSchemes; + const authScheme = (_b = context.authSchemes) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b[0]; + if (authScheme) { + context["signing_region"] = authScheme.signingRegion; + context["signing_service"] = authScheme.signingName; + } + return next({ + ...args + }); + }; + }; + exports.endpointMiddleware = endpointMiddleware; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-serde/dist-cjs/deserializerMiddleware.js +var require_deserializerMiddleware = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-serde/dist-cjs/deserializerMiddleware.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.deserializerMiddleware = void 0; + var deserializerMiddleware = (options, deserializer) => (next, context) => async (args) => { + const { response } = await next(args); + try { + const parsed = await deserializer(response, options); + return { + response, + output: parsed + }; + } catch (error) { + Object.defineProperty(error, "$response", { + value: response + }); + if (!("$metadata" in error)) { + const hint = `Deserialization error: to see the raw response, inspect the hidden field {error}.$response on this object.`; + error.message += "\n " + hint; + } + throw error; + } + }; + exports.deserializerMiddleware = deserializerMiddleware; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-serde/dist-cjs/serializerMiddleware.js +var require_serializerMiddleware = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-serde/dist-cjs/serializerMiddleware.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.serializerMiddleware = void 0; + var serializerMiddleware = (options, serializer) => (next, context) => async (args) => { + var _a; + const endpoint = ((_a = context.endpointV2) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.url) && options.urlParser ? async () => options.urlParser(context.endpointV2.url) : options.endpoint; + if (!endpoint) { + throw new Error("No valid endpoint provider available."); + } + const request2 = await serializer(args.input, { ...options, endpoint }); + return next({ + ...args, + request: request2 + }); + }; + exports.serializerMiddleware = serializerMiddleware; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-serde/dist-cjs/serdePlugin.js +var require_serdePlugin = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-serde/dist-cjs/serdePlugin.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getSerdePlugin = exports.serializerMiddlewareOption = exports.deserializerMiddlewareOption = void 0; + var deserializerMiddleware_1 = require_deserializerMiddleware(); + var serializerMiddleware_1 = require_serializerMiddleware(); + exports.deserializerMiddlewareOption = { + name: "deserializerMiddleware", + step: "deserialize", + tags: ["DESERIALIZER"], + override: true + }; + exports.serializerMiddlewareOption = { + name: "serializerMiddleware", + step: "serialize", + tags: ["SERIALIZER"], + override: true + }; + function getSerdePlugin(config, serializer, deserializer) { + return { + applyToStack: (commandStack) => { + commandStack.add((0, deserializerMiddleware_1.deserializerMiddleware)(config, deserializer), exports.deserializerMiddlewareOption); + commandStack.add((0, serializerMiddleware_1.serializerMiddleware)(config, serializer), exports.serializerMiddlewareOption); + } + }; + } + exports.getSerdePlugin = getSerdePlugin; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-serde/dist-cjs/index.js +var require_dist_cjs8 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-serde/dist-cjs/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_deserializerMiddleware(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_serdePlugin(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_serializerMiddleware(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint/dist-cjs/getEndpointPlugin.js +var require_getEndpointPlugin = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint/dist-cjs/getEndpointPlugin.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getEndpointPlugin = exports.endpointMiddlewareOptions = void 0; + var middleware_serde_1 = require_dist_cjs8(); + var endpointMiddleware_1 = require_endpointMiddleware(); + exports.endpointMiddlewareOptions = { + step: "serialize", + tags: ["ENDPOINT_PARAMETERS", "ENDPOINT_V2", "ENDPOINT"], + name: "endpointV2Middleware", + override: true, + relation: "before", + toMiddleware: middleware_serde_1.serializerMiddlewareOption.name + }; + var getEndpointPlugin = (config, instructions) => ({ + applyToStack: (clientStack) => { + clientStack.addRelativeTo((0, endpointMiddleware_1.endpointMiddleware)({ + config, + instructions + }), exports.endpointMiddlewareOptions); + } + }); + exports.getEndpointPlugin = getEndpointPlugin; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint/dist-cjs/resolveEndpointConfig.js +var require_resolveEndpointConfig = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint/dist-cjs/resolveEndpointConfig.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.resolveEndpointConfig = void 0; + var util_middleware_1 = require_dist_cjs2(); + var toEndpointV1_1 = require_toEndpointV1(); + var resolveEndpointConfig = (input) => { + var _a, _b, _c; + const tls = (_a = input.tls) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : true; + const { endpoint } = input; + const customEndpointProvider = endpoint != null ? async () => (0, toEndpointV1_1.toEndpointV1)(await (0, util_middleware_1.normalizeProvider)(endpoint)()) : void 0; + const isCustomEndpoint = !!endpoint; + return { + ...input, + endpoint: customEndpointProvider, + tls, + isCustomEndpoint, + useDualstackEndpoint: (0, util_middleware_1.normalizeProvider)((_b = input.useDualstackEndpoint) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : false), + useFipsEndpoint: (0, util_middleware_1.normalizeProvider)((_c = input.useFipsEndpoint) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : false) + }; + }; + exports.resolveEndpointConfig = resolveEndpointConfig; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint/dist-cjs/types.js +var require_types = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint/dist-cjs/types.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint/dist-cjs/index.js +var require_dist_cjs9 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint/dist-cjs/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_adaptors(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_endpointMiddleware(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_getEndpointPlugin(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_resolveEndpointConfig(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_types(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-host-header/dist-cjs/index.js +var require_dist_cjs10 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-host-header/dist-cjs/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getHostHeaderPlugin = exports.hostHeaderMiddlewareOptions = exports.hostHeaderMiddleware = exports.resolveHostHeaderConfig = void 0; + var protocol_http_1 = require_dist_cjs4(); + function resolveHostHeaderConfig(input) { + return input; + } + exports.resolveHostHeaderConfig = resolveHostHeaderConfig; + var hostHeaderMiddleware = (options) => (next) => async (args) => { + if (!protocol_http_1.HttpRequest.isInstance(args.request)) + return next(args); + const { request: request2 } = args; + const { handlerProtocol = "" } = options.requestHandler.metadata || {}; + if (handlerProtocol.indexOf("h2") >= 0 && !request2.headers[":authority"]) { + delete request2.headers["host"]; + request2.headers[":authority"] = ""; + } else if (!request2.headers["host"]) { + let host = request2.hostname; + if (request2.port != null) + host += `:${request2.port}`; + request2.headers["host"] = host; + } + return next(args); + }; + exports.hostHeaderMiddleware = hostHeaderMiddleware; + exports.hostHeaderMiddlewareOptions = { + name: "hostHeaderMiddleware", + step: "build", + priority: "low", + tags: ["HOST"], + override: true + }; + var getHostHeaderPlugin = (options) => ({ + applyToStack: (clientStack) => { + clientStack.add((0, exports.hostHeaderMiddleware)(options), exports.hostHeaderMiddlewareOptions); + } + }); + exports.getHostHeaderPlugin = getHostHeaderPlugin; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-logger/dist-cjs/loggerMiddleware.js +var require_loggerMiddleware = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-logger/dist-cjs/loggerMiddleware.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getLoggerPlugin = exports.loggerMiddlewareOptions = exports.loggerMiddleware = void 0; + var loggerMiddleware = () => (next, context) => async (args) => { + var _a, _b; + try { + const response = await next(args); + const { clientName, commandName, logger, dynamoDbDocumentClientOptions = {} } = context; + const { overrideInputFilterSensitiveLog, overrideOutputFilterSensitiveLog } = dynamoDbDocumentClientOptions; + const inputFilterSensitiveLog = overrideInputFilterSensitiveLog !== null && overrideInputFilterSensitiveLog !== void 0 ? overrideInputFilterSensitiveLog : context.inputFilterSensitiveLog; + const outputFilterSensitiveLog = overrideOutputFilterSensitiveLog !== null && overrideOutputFilterSensitiveLog !== void 0 ? overrideOutputFilterSensitiveLog : context.outputFilterSensitiveLog; + const { $metadata, ...outputWithoutMetadata } = response.output; + (_a = logger === null || logger === void 0 ? void 0 : logger.info) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(logger, { + clientName, + commandName, + input: inputFilterSensitiveLog(args.input), + output: outputFilterSensitiveLog(outputWithoutMetadata), + metadata: $metadata + }); + return response; + } catch (error) { + const { clientName, commandName, logger, dynamoDbDocumentClientOptions = {} } = context; + const { overrideInputFilterSensitiveLog } = dynamoDbDocumentClientOptions; + const inputFilterSensitiveLog = overrideInputFilterSensitiveLog !== null && overrideInputFilterSensitiveLog !== void 0 ? overrideInputFilterSensitiveLog : context.inputFilterSensitiveLog; + (_b = logger === null || logger === void 0 ? void 0 : logger.error) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(logger, { + clientName, + commandName, + input: inputFilterSensitiveLog(args.input), + error, + metadata: error.$metadata + }); + throw error; + } + }; + exports.loggerMiddleware = loggerMiddleware; + exports.loggerMiddlewareOptions = { + name: "loggerMiddleware", + tags: ["LOGGER"], + step: "initialize", + override: true + }; + var getLoggerPlugin = (options) => ({ + applyToStack: (clientStack) => { + clientStack.add((0, exports.loggerMiddleware)(), exports.loggerMiddlewareOptions); + } + }); + exports.getLoggerPlugin = getLoggerPlugin; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-logger/dist-cjs/index.js +var require_dist_cjs11 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-logger/dist-cjs/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_loggerMiddleware(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-recursion-detection/dist-cjs/index.js +var require_dist_cjs12 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-recursion-detection/dist-cjs/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getRecursionDetectionPlugin = exports.addRecursionDetectionMiddlewareOptions = exports.recursionDetectionMiddleware = void 0; + var protocol_http_1 = require_dist_cjs4(); + var TRACE_ID_HEADER_NAME = "X-Amzn-Trace-Id"; + var ENV_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_NAME = "AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_NAME"; + var ENV_TRACE_ID = "_X_AMZN_TRACE_ID"; + var recursionDetectionMiddleware = (options) => (next) => async (args) => { + const { request: request2 } = args; + if (!protocol_http_1.HttpRequest.isInstance(request2) || options.runtime !== "node" || request2.headers.hasOwnProperty(TRACE_ID_HEADER_NAME)) { + return next(args); + } + const functionName = process.env[ENV_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_NAME]; + const traceId = process.env[ENV_TRACE_ID]; + const nonEmptyString = (str) => typeof str === "string" && str.length > 0; + if (nonEmptyString(functionName) && nonEmptyString(traceId)) { + request2.headers[TRACE_ID_HEADER_NAME] = traceId; + } + return next({ + ...args, + request: request2 + }); + }; + exports.recursionDetectionMiddleware = recursionDetectionMiddleware; + exports.addRecursionDetectionMiddlewareOptions = { + step: "build", + tags: ["RECURSION_DETECTION"], + name: "recursionDetectionMiddleware", + override: true, + priority: "low" + }; + var getRecursionDetectionPlugin = (options) => ({ + applyToStack: (clientStack) => { + clientStack.add((0, exports.recursionDetectionMiddleware)(options), exports.addRecursionDetectionMiddlewareOptions); + } + }); + exports.getRecursionDetectionPlugin = getRecursionDetectionPlugin; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-retry/dist-cjs/config.js +var require_config2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-retry/dist-cjs/config.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.DEFAULT_RETRY_MODE = exports.DEFAULT_MAX_ATTEMPTS = exports.RETRY_MODES = void 0; + var RETRY_MODES; + (function(RETRY_MODES2) { + RETRY_MODES2["STANDARD"] = "standard"; + RETRY_MODES2["ADAPTIVE"] = "adaptive"; + })(RETRY_MODES = exports.RETRY_MODES || (exports.RETRY_MODES = {})); + exports.DEFAULT_MAX_ATTEMPTS = 3; + exports.DEFAULT_RETRY_MODE = RETRY_MODES.STANDARD; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/service-error-classification/dist-cjs/constants.js +var require_constants = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/service-error-classification/dist-cjs/constants.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.NODEJS_TIMEOUT_ERROR_CODES = exports.TRANSIENT_ERROR_STATUS_CODES = exports.TRANSIENT_ERROR_CODES = exports.THROTTLING_ERROR_CODES = exports.CLOCK_SKEW_ERROR_CODES = void 0; + exports.CLOCK_SKEW_ERROR_CODES = [ + "AuthFailure", + "InvalidSignatureException", + "RequestExpired", + "RequestInTheFuture", + "RequestTimeTooSkewed", + "SignatureDoesNotMatch" + ]; + exports.THROTTLING_ERROR_CODES = [ + "BandwidthLimitExceeded", + "EC2ThrottledException", + "LimitExceededException", + "PriorRequestNotComplete", + "ProvisionedThroughputExceededException", + "RequestLimitExceeded", + "RequestThrottled", + "RequestThrottledException", + "SlowDown", + "ThrottledException", + "Throttling", + "ThrottlingException", + "TooManyRequestsException", + "TransactionInProgressException" + ]; + exports.TRANSIENT_ERROR_CODES = ["AbortError", "TimeoutError", "RequestTimeout", "RequestTimeoutException"]; + exports.TRANSIENT_ERROR_STATUS_CODES = [500, 502, 503, 504]; + exports.NODEJS_TIMEOUT_ERROR_CODES = ["ECONNRESET", "ECONNREFUSED", "EPIPE", "ETIMEDOUT"]; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/service-error-classification/dist-cjs/index.js +var require_dist_cjs13 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/service-error-classification/dist-cjs/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.isServerError = exports.isTransientError = exports.isThrottlingError = exports.isClockSkewError = exports.isRetryableByTrait = void 0; + var constants_1 = require_constants(); + var isRetryableByTrait = (error) => error.$retryable !== void 0; + exports.isRetryableByTrait = isRetryableByTrait; + var isClockSkewError = (error) => constants_1.CLOCK_SKEW_ERROR_CODES.includes(error.name); + exports.isClockSkewError = isClockSkewError; + var isThrottlingError = (error) => { + var _a, _b; + return ((_a = error.$metadata) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.httpStatusCode) === 429 || constants_1.THROTTLING_ERROR_CODES.includes(error.name) || ((_b = error.$retryable) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.throttling) == true; + }; + exports.isThrottlingError = isThrottlingError; + var isTransientError = (error) => { + var _a; + return constants_1.TRANSIENT_ERROR_CODES.includes(error.name) || constants_1.NODEJS_TIMEOUT_ERROR_CODES.includes((error === null || error === void 0 ? void 0 : error.code) || "") || constants_1.TRANSIENT_ERROR_STATUS_CODES.includes(((_a = error.$metadata) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.httpStatusCode) || 0); + }; + exports.isTransientError = isTransientError; + var isServerError = (error) => { + var _a; + if (((_a = error.$metadata) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.httpStatusCode) !== void 0) { + const statusCode = error.$metadata.httpStatusCode; + if (500 <= statusCode && statusCode <= 599 && !(0, exports.isTransientError)(error)) { + return true; + } + return false; + } + return false; + }; + exports.isServerError = isServerError; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-retry/dist-cjs/DefaultRateLimiter.js +var require_DefaultRateLimiter = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-retry/dist-cjs/DefaultRateLimiter.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.DefaultRateLimiter = void 0; + var service_error_classification_1 = require_dist_cjs13(); + var DefaultRateLimiter = class { + constructor(options) { + var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e; + this.currentCapacity = 0; + this.enabled = false; + this.lastMaxRate = 0; + this.measuredTxRate = 0; + this.requestCount = 0; + this.lastTimestamp = 0; + this.timeWindow = 0; + this.beta = (_a = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.beta) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 0.7; + this.minCapacity = (_b = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.minCapacity) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 1; + this.minFillRate = (_c = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.minFillRate) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : 0.5; + this.scaleConstant = (_d = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.scaleConstant) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : 0.4; + this.smooth = (_e = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.smooth) !== null && _e !== void 0 ? _e : 0.8; + const currentTimeInSeconds = this.getCurrentTimeInSeconds(); + this.lastThrottleTime = currentTimeInSeconds; + this.lastTxRateBucket = Math.floor(this.getCurrentTimeInSeconds()); + this.fillRate = this.minFillRate; + this.maxCapacity = this.minCapacity; + } + getCurrentTimeInSeconds() { + return Date.now() / 1e3; + } + async getSendToken() { + return this.acquireTokenBucket(1); + } + async acquireTokenBucket(amount) { + if (!this.enabled) { + return; + } + this.refillTokenBucket(); + if (amount > this.currentCapacity) { + const delay = (amount - this.currentCapacity) / this.fillRate * 1e3; + await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, delay)); + } + this.currentCapacity = this.currentCapacity - amount; + } + refillTokenBucket() { + const timestamp = this.getCurrentTimeInSeconds(); + if (!this.lastTimestamp) { + this.lastTimestamp = timestamp; + return; + } + const fillAmount = (timestamp - this.lastTimestamp) * this.fillRate; + this.currentCapacity = Math.min(this.maxCapacity, this.currentCapacity + fillAmount); + this.lastTimestamp = timestamp; + } + updateClientSendingRate(response) { + let calculatedRate; + this.updateMeasuredRate(); + if ((0, service_error_classification_1.isThrottlingError)(response)) { + const rateToUse = !this.enabled ? this.measuredTxRate : Math.min(this.measuredTxRate, this.fillRate); + this.lastMaxRate = rateToUse; + this.calculateTimeWindow(); + this.lastThrottleTime = this.getCurrentTimeInSeconds(); + calculatedRate = this.cubicThrottle(rateToUse); + this.enableTokenBucket(); + } else { + this.calculateTimeWindow(); + calculatedRate = this.cubicSuccess(this.getCurrentTimeInSeconds()); + } + const newRate = Math.min(calculatedRate, 2 * this.measuredTxRate); + this.updateTokenBucketRate(newRate); + } + calculateTimeWindow() { + this.timeWindow = this.getPrecise(Math.pow(this.lastMaxRate * (1 - this.beta) / this.scaleConstant, 1 / 3)); + } + cubicThrottle(rateToUse) { + return this.getPrecise(rateToUse * this.beta); + } + cubicSuccess(timestamp) { + return this.getPrecise(this.scaleConstant * Math.pow(timestamp - this.lastThrottleTime - this.timeWindow, 3) + this.lastMaxRate); + } + enableTokenBucket() { + this.enabled = true; + } + updateTokenBucketRate(newRate) { + this.refillTokenBucket(); + this.fillRate = Math.max(newRate, this.minFillRate); + this.maxCapacity = Math.max(newRate, this.minCapacity); + this.currentCapacity = Math.min(this.currentCapacity, this.maxCapacity); + } + updateMeasuredRate() { + const t = this.getCurrentTimeInSeconds(); + const timeBucket = Math.floor(t * 2) / 2; + this.requestCount++; + if (timeBucket > this.lastTxRateBucket) { + const currentRate = this.requestCount / (timeBucket - this.lastTxRateBucket); + this.measuredTxRate = this.getPrecise(currentRate * this.smooth + this.measuredTxRate * (1 - this.smooth)); + this.requestCount = 0; + this.lastTxRateBucket = timeBucket; + } + } + getPrecise(num) { + return parseFloat(num.toFixed(8)); + } + }; + exports.DefaultRateLimiter = DefaultRateLimiter; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-retry/dist-cjs/constants.js +var require_constants2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-retry/dist-cjs/constants.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.REQUEST_HEADER = exports.INVOCATION_ID_HEADER = exports.NO_RETRY_INCREMENT = exports.TIMEOUT_RETRY_COST = exports.RETRY_COST = exports.INITIAL_RETRY_TOKENS = exports.THROTTLING_RETRY_DELAY_BASE = exports.MAXIMUM_RETRY_DELAY = exports.DEFAULT_RETRY_DELAY_BASE = void 0; + exports.DEFAULT_RETRY_DELAY_BASE = 100; + exports.MAXIMUM_RETRY_DELAY = 20 * 1e3; + exports.THROTTLING_RETRY_DELAY_BASE = 500; + exports.INITIAL_RETRY_TOKENS = 500; + exports.RETRY_COST = 5; + exports.TIMEOUT_RETRY_COST = 10; + exports.NO_RETRY_INCREMENT = 1; + exports.INVOCATION_ID_HEADER = "amz-sdk-invocation-id"; + exports.REQUEST_HEADER = "amz-sdk-request"; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-retry/dist-cjs/defaultRetryBackoffStrategy.js +var require_defaultRetryBackoffStrategy = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-retry/dist-cjs/defaultRetryBackoffStrategy.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getDefaultRetryBackoffStrategy = void 0; + var constants_1 = require_constants2(); + var getDefaultRetryBackoffStrategy = () => { + let delayBase = constants_1.DEFAULT_RETRY_DELAY_BASE; + const computeNextBackoffDelay = (attempts) => { + return Math.floor(Math.min(constants_1.MAXIMUM_RETRY_DELAY, Math.random() * 2 ** attempts * delayBase)); + }; + const setDelayBase = (delay) => { + delayBase = delay; + }; + return { + computeNextBackoffDelay, + setDelayBase + }; + }; + exports.getDefaultRetryBackoffStrategy = getDefaultRetryBackoffStrategy; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-retry/dist-cjs/defaultRetryToken.js +var require_defaultRetryToken = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-retry/dist-cjs/defaultRetryToken.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.createDefaultRetryToken = void 0; + var constants_1 = require_constants2(); + var createDefaultRetryToken = ({ retryDelay, retryCount, retryCost }) => { + const getRetryCount = () => retryCount; + const getRetryDelay = () => Math.min(constants_1.MAXIMUM_RETRY_DELAY, retryDelay); + const getRetryCost = () => retryCost; + return { + getRetryCount, + getRetryDelay, + getRetryCost + }; + }; + exports.createDefaultRetryToken = createDefaultRetryToken; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-retry/dist-cjs/StandardRetryStrategy.js +var require_StandardRetryStrategy = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-retry/dist-cjs/StandardRetryStrategy.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.StandardRetryStrategy = void 0; + var config_1 = require_config2(); + var constants_1 = require_constants2(); + var defaultRetryBackoffStrategy_1 = require_defaultRetryBackoffStrategy(); + var defaultRetryToken_1 = require_defaultRetryToken(); + var StandardRetryStrategy = class { + constructor(maxAttempts) { + this.maxAttempts = maxAttempts; + this.mode = config_1.RETRY_MODES.STANDARD; + this.capacity = constants_1.INITIAL_RETRY_TOKENS; + this.retryBackoffStrategy = (0, defaultRetryBackoffStrategy_1.getDefaultRetryBackoffStrategy)(); + this.maxAttemptsProvider = typeof maxAttempts === "function" ? maxAttempts : async () => maxAttempts; + } + async acquireInitialRetryToken(retryTokenScope) { + return (0, defaultRetryToken_1.createDefaultRetryToken)({ + retryDelay: constants_1.DEFAULT_RETRY_DELAY_BASE, + retryCount: 0 + }); + } + async refreshRetryTokenForRetry(token, errorInfo) { + const maxAttempts = await this.getMaxAttempts(); + if (this.shouldRetry(token, errorInfo, maxAttempts)) { + const errorType = errorInfo.errorType; + this.retryBackoffStrategy.setDelayBase(errorType === "THROTTLING" ? constants_1.THROTTLING_RETRY_DELAY_BASE : constants_1.DEFAULT_RETRY_DELAY_BASE); + const delayFromErrorType = this.retryBackoffStrategy.computeNextBackoffDelay(token.getRetryCount()); + const retryDelay = errorInfo.retryAfterHint ? Math.max(errorInfo.retryAfterHint.getTime() - Date.now() || 0, delayFromErrorType) : delayFromErrorType; + const capacityCost = this.getCapacityCost(errorType); + this.capacity -= capacityCost; + return (0, defaultRetryToken_1.createDefaultRetryToken)({ + retryDelay, + retryCount: token.getRetryCount() + 1, + retryCost: capacityCost + }); + } + throw new Error("No retry token available"); + } + recordSuccess(token) { + var _a; + this.capacity = Math.max(constants_1.INITIAL_RETRY_TOKENS, this.capacity + ((_a = token.getRetryCost()) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : constants_1.NO_RETRY_INCREMENT)); + } + getCapacity() { + return this.capacity; + } + async getMaxAttempts() { + try { + return await this.maxAttemptsProvider(); + } catch (error) { + console.warn(`Max attempts provider could not resolve. Using default of ${config_1.DEFAULT_MAX_ATTEMPTS}`); + return config_1.DEFAULT_MAX_ATTEMPTS; + } + } + shouldRetry(tokenToRenew, errorInfo, maxAttempts) { + const attempts = tokenToRenew.getRetryCount(); + return attempts < maxAttempts && this.capacity >= this.getCapacityCost(errorInfo.errorType) && this.isRetryableError(errorInfo.errorType); + } + getCapacityCost(errorType) { + return errorType === "TRANSIENT" ? constants_1.TIMEOUT_RETRY_COST : constants_1.RETRY_COST; + } + isRetryableError(errorType) { + return errorType === "THROTTLING" || errorType === "TRANSIENT"; + } + }; + exports.StandardRetryStrategy = StandardRetryStrategy; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-retry/dist-cjs/AdaptiveRetryStrategy.js +var require_AdaptiveRetryStrategy = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-retry/dist-cjs/AdaptiveRetryStrategy.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.AdaptiveRetryStrategy = void 0; + var config_1 = require_config2(); + var DefaultRateLimiter_1 = require_DefaultRateLimiter(); + var StandardRetryStrategy_1 = require_StandardRetryStrategy(); + var AdaptiveRetryStrategy = class { + constructor(maxAttemptsProvider, options) { + this.maxAttemptsProvider = maxAttemptsProvider; + this.mode = config_1.RETRY_MODES.ADAPTIVE; + const { rateLimiter } = options !== null && options !== void 0 ? options : {}; + this.rateLimiter = rateLimiter !== null && rateLimiter !== void 0 ? rateLimiter : new DefaultRateLimiter_1.DefaultRateLimiter(); + this.standardRetryStrategy = new StandardRetryStrategy_1.StandardRetryStrategy(maxAttemptsProvider); + } + async acquireInitialRetryToken(retryTokenScope) { + await this.rateLimiter.getSendToken(); + return this.standardRetryStrategy.acquireInitialRetryToken(retryTokenScope); + } + async refreshRetryTokenForRetry(tokenToRenew, errorInfo) { + this.rateLimiter.updateClientSendingRate(errorInfo); + return this.standardRetryStrategy.refreshRetryTokenForRetry(tokenToRenew, errorInfo); + } + recordSuccess(token) { + this.rateLimiter.updateClientSendingRate({}); + this.standardRetryStrategy.recordSuccess(token); + } + }; + exports.AdaptiveRetryStrategy = AdaptiveRetryStrategy; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-retry/dist-cjs/ConfiguredRetryStrategy.js +var require_ConfiguredRetryStrategy = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-retry/dist-cjs/ConfiguredRetryStrategy.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.ConfiguredRetryStrategy = void 0; + var constants_1 = require_constants2(); + var StandardRetryStrategy_1 = require_StandardRetryStrategy(); + var ConfiguredRetryStrategy = class extends StandardRetryStrategy_1.StandardRetryStrategy { + constructor(maxAttempts, computeNextBackoffDelay = constants_1.DEFAULT_RETRY_DELAY_BASE) { + super(typeof maxAttempts === "function" ? maxAttempts : async () => maxAttempts); + if (typeof computeNextBackoffDelay === "number") { + this.computeNextBackoffDelay = () => computeNextBackoffDelay; + } else { + this.computeNextBackoffDelay = computeNextBackoffDelay; + } + } + async refreshRetryTokenForRetry(tokenToRenew, errorInfo) { + const token = await super.refreshRetryTokenForRetry(tokenToRenew, errorInfo); + token.getRetryDelay = () => this.computeNextBackoffDelay(token.getRetryCount()); + return token; + } + }; + exports.ConfiguredRetryStrategy = ConfiguredRetryStrategy; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-retry/dist-cjs/types.js +var require_types2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-retry/dist-cjs/types.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-retry/dist-cjs/index.js +var require_dist_cjs14 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-retry/dist-cjs/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_AdaptiveRetryStrategy(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_ConfiguredRetryStrategy(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_DefaultRateLimiter(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_StandardRetryStrategy(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_config2(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_constants2(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_types2(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/rng.js +function rng() { + if (poolPtr > rnds8Pool.length - 16) { + import_crypto.default.randomFillSync(rnds8Pool); + poolPtr = 0; + } + return rnds8Pool.slice(poolPtr, poolPtr += 16); +} +var import_crypto, rnds8Pool, poolPtr; +var init_rng = __esm({ + "../../../node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/rng.js"() { + import_crypto = __toESM(require("crypto")); + rnds8Pool = new Uint8Array(256); + poolPtr = rnds8Pool.length; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/regex.js +var regex_default; +var init_regex = __esm({ + "../../../node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/regex.js"() { + regex_default = /^(?:[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}|00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000)$/i; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/validate.js +function validate(uuid) { + return typeof uuid === "string" && regex_default.test(uuid); +} +var validate_default; +var init_validate = __esm({ + "../../../node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/validate.js"() { + init_regex(); + validate_default = validate; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/stringify.js +function stringify(arr, offset = 0) { + const uuid = (byteToHex[arr[offset + 0]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 1]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 2]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 3]] + "-" + byteToHex[arr[offset + 4]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 5]] + "-" + byteToHex[arr[offset + 6]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 7]] + "-" + byteToHex[arr[offset + 8]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 9]] + "-" + byteToHex[arr[offset + 10]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 11]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 12]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 13]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 14]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 15]]).toLowerCase(); + if (!validate_default(uuid)) { + throw TypeError("Stringified UUID is invalid"); + } + return uuid; +} +var byteToHex, stringify_default; +var init_stringify = __esm({ + "../../../node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/stringify.js"() { + init_validate(); + byteToHex = []; + for (let i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { + byteToHex.push((i + 256).toString(16).substr(1)); + } + stringify_default = stringify; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/v1.js +function v1(options, buf, offset) { + let i = buf && offset || 0; + const b = buf || new Array(16); + options = options || {}; + let node = options.node || _nodeId; + let clockseq = options.clockseq !== void 0 ? options.clockseq : _clockseq; + if (node == null || clockseq == null) { + const seedBytes = options.random || (options.rng || rng)(); + if (node == null) { + node = _nodeId = [seedBytes[0] | 1, seedBytes[1], seedBytes[2], seedBytes[3], seedBytes[4], seedBytes[5]]; + } + if (clockseq == null) { + clockseq = _clockseq = (seedBytes[6] << 8 | seedBytes[7]) & 16383; + } + } + let msecs = options.msecs !== void 0 ? options.msecs : Date.now(); + let nsecs = options.nsecs !== void 0 ? options.nsecs : _lastNSecs + 1; + const dt = msecs - _lastMSecs + (nsecs - _lastNSecs) / 1e4; + if (dt < 0 && options.clockseq === void 0) { + clockseq = clockseq + 1 & 16383; + } + if ((dt < 0 || msecs > _lastMSecs) && options.nsecs === void 0) { + nsecs = 0; + } + if (nsecs >= 1e4) { + throw new Error("uuid.v1(): Can't create more than 10M uuids/sec"); + } + _lastMSecs = msecs; + _lastNSecs = nsecs; + _clockseq = clockseq; + msecs += 122192928e5; + const tl = ((msecs & 268435455) * 1e4 + nsecs) % 4294967296; + b[i++] = tl >>> 24 & 255; + b[i++] = tl >>> 16 & 255; + b[i++] = tl >>> 8 & 255; + b[i++] = tl & 255; + const tmh = msecs / 4294967296 * 1e4 & 268435455; + b[i++] = tmh >>> 8 & 255; + b[i++] = tmh & 255; + b[i++] = tmh >>> 24 & 15 | 16; + b[i++] = tmh >>> 16 & 255; + b[i++] = clockseq >>> 8 | 128; + b[i++] = clockseq & 255; + for (let n = 0; n < 6; ++n) { + b[i + n] = node[n]; + } + return buf || stringify_default(b); +} +var _nodeId, _clockseq, _lastMSecs, _lastNSecs, v1_default; +var init_v1 = __esm({ + "../../../node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/v1.js"() { + init_rng(); + init_stringify(); + _lastMSecs = 0; + _lastNSecs = 0; + v1_default = v1; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/parse.js +function parse(uuid) { + if (!validate_default(uuid)) { + throw TypeError("Invalid UUID"); + } + let v; + const arr = new Uint8Array(16); + arr[0] = (v = parseInt(uuid.slice(0, 8), 16)) >>> 24; + arr[1] = v >>> 16 & 255; + arr[2] = v >>> 8 & 255; + arr[3] = v & 255; + arr[4] = (v = parseInt(uuid.slice(9, 13), 16)) >>> 8; + arr[5] = v & 255; + arr[6] = (v = parseInt(uuid.slice(14, 18), 16)) >>> 8; + arr[7] = v & 255; + arr[8] = (v = parseInt(uuid.slice(19, 23), 16)) >>> 8; + arr[9] = v & 255; + arr[10] = (v = parseInt(uuid.slice(24, 36), 16)) / 1099511627776 & 255; + arr[11] = v / 4294967296 & 255; + arr[12] = v >>> 24 & 255; + arr[13] = v >>> 16 & 255; + arr[14] = v >>> 8 & 255; + arr[15] = v & 255; + return arr; +} +var parse_default; +var init_parse = __esm({ + "../../../node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/parse.js"() { + init_validate(); + parse_default = parse; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/v35.js +function stringToBytes(str) { + str = unescape(encodeURIComponent(str)); + const bytes = []; + for (let i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) { + bytes.push(str.charCodeAt(i)); + } + return bytes; +} +function v35_default(name, version2, hashfunc) { + function generateUUID(value, namespace, buf, offset) { + if (typeof value === "string") { + value = stringToBytes(value); + } + if (typeof namespace === "string") { + namespace = parse_default(namespace); + } + if (namespace.length !== 16) { + throw TypeError("Namespace must be array-like (16 iterable integer values, 0-255)"); + } + let bytes = new Uint8Array(16 + value.length); + bytes.set(namespace); + bytes.set(value, namespace.length); + bytes = hashfunc(bytes); + bytes[6] = bytes[6] & 15 | version2; + bytes[8] = bytes[8] & 63 | 128; + if (buf) { + offset = offset || 0; + for (let i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { + buf[offset + i] = bytes[i]; + } + return buf; + } + return stringify_default(bytes); + } + try { + generateUUID.name = name; + } catch (err) { + } + generateUUID.DNS = DNS; + generateUUID.URL = URL2; + return generateUUID; +} +var DNS, URL2; +var init_v35 = __esm({ + "../../../node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/v35.js"() { + init_stringify(); + init_parse(); + DNS = "6ba7b810-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8"; + URL2 = "6ba7b811-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8"; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/md5.js +function md5(bytes) { + if (Array.isArray(bytes)) { + bytes = Buffer.from(bytes); + } else if (typeof bytes === "string") { + bytes = Buffer.from(bytes, "utf8"); + } + return import_crypto2.default.createHash("md5").update(bytes).digest(); +} +var import_crypto2, md5_default; +var init_md5 = __esm({ + "../../../node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/md5.js"() { + import_crypto2 = __toESM(require("crypto")); + md5_default = md5; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/v3.js +var v3, v3_default; +var init_v3 = __esm({ + "../../../node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/v3.js"() { + init_v35(); + init_md5(); + v3 = v35_default("v3", 48, md5_default); + v3_default = v3; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/v4.js +function v4(options, buf, offset) { + options = options || {}; + const rnds = options.random || (options.rng || rng)(); + rnds[6] = rnds[6] & 15 | 64; + rnds[8] = rnds[8] & 63 | 128; + if (buf) { + offset = offset || 0; + for (let i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { + buf[offset + i] = rnds[i]; + } + return buf; + } + return stringify_default(rnds); +} +var v4_default; +var init_v4 = __esm({ + "../../../node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/v4.js"() { + init_rng(); + init_stringify(); + v4_default = v4; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/sha1.js +function sha1(bytes) { + if (Array.isArray(bytes)) { + bytes = Buffer.from(bytes); + } else if (typeof bytes === "string") { + bytes = Buffer.from(bytes, "utf8"); + } + return import_crypto3.default.createHash("sha1").update(bytes).digest(); +} +var import_crypto3, sha1_default; +var init_sha1 = __esm({ + "../../../node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/sha1.js"() { + import_crypto3 = __toESM(require("crypto")); + sha1_default = sha1; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/v5.js +var v5, v5_default; +var init_v5 = __esm({ + "../../../node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/v5.js"() { + init_v35(); + init_sha1(); + v5 = v35_default("v5", 80, sha1_default); + v5_default = v5; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/nil.js +var nil_default; +var init_nil = __esm({ + "../../../node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/nil.js"() { + nil_default = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/version.js +function version(uuid) { + if (!validate_default(uuid)) { + throw TypeError("Invalid UUID"); + } + return parseInt(uuid.substr(14, 1), 16); +} +var version_default; +var init_version = __esm({ + "../../../node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/version.js"() { + init_validate(); + version_default = version; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/index.js +var esm_node_exports = {}; +__export(esm_node_exports, { + NIL: () => nil_default, + parse: () => parse_default, + stringify: () => stringify_default, + v1: () => v1_default, + v3: () => v3_default, + v4: () => v4_default, + v5: () => v5_default, + validate: () => validate_default, + version: () => version_default +}); +var init_esm_node = __esm({ + "../../../node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-node/index.js"() { + init_v1(); + init_v3(); + init_v4(); + init_v5(); + init_nil(); + init_version(); + init_validate(); + init_stringify(); + init_parse(); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-retry/dist-cjs/defaultRetryQuota.js +var require_defaultRetryQuota = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-retry/dist-cjs/defaultRetryQuota.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getDefaultRetryQuota = void 0; + var util_retry_1 = require_dist_cjs14(); + var getDefaultRetryQuota = (initialRetryTokens, options) => { + var _a, _b, _c; + const MAX_CAPACITY = initialRetryTokens; + const noRetryIncrement = (_a = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.noRetryIncrement) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : util_retry_1.NO_RETRY_INCREMENT; + const retryCost = (_b = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.retryCost) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : util_retry_1.RETRY_COST; + const timeoutRetryCost = (_c = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.timeoutRetryCost) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : util_retry_1.TIMEOUT_RETRY_COST; + let availableCapacity = initialRetryTokens; + const getCapacityAmount = (error) => error.name === "TimeoutError" ? timeoutRetryCost : retryCost; + const hasRetryTokens = (error) => getCapacityAmount(error) <= availableCapacity; + const retrieveRetryTokens = (error) => { + if (!hasRetryTokens(error)) { + throw new Error("No retry token available"); + } + const capacityAmount = getCapacityAmount(error); + availableCapacity -= capacityAmount; + return capacityAmount; + }; + const releaseRetryTokens = (capacityReleaseAmount) => { + availableCapacity += capacityReleaseAmount !== null && capacityReleaseAmount !== void 0 ? capacityReleaseAmount : noRetryIncrement; + availableCapacity = Math.min(availableCapacity, MAX_CAPACITY); + }; + return Object.freeze({ + hasRetryTokens, + retrieveRetryTokens, + releaseRetryTokens + }); + }; + exports.getDefaultRetryQuota = getDefaultRetryQuota; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-retry/dist-cjs/delayDecider.js +var require_delayDecider = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-retry/dist-cjs/delayDecider.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.defaultDelayDecider = void 0; + var util_retry_1 = require_dist_cjs14(); + var defaultDelayDecider = (delayBase, attempts) => Math.floor(Math.min(util_retry_1.MAXIMUM_RETRY_DELAY, Math.random() * 2 ** attempts * delayBase)); + exports.defaultDelayDecider = defaultDelayDecider; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-retry/dist-cjs/retryDecider.js +var require_retryDecider = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-retry/dist-cjs/retryDecider.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.defaultRetryDecider = void 0; + var service_error_classification_1 = require_dist_cjs13(); + var defaultRetryDecider = (error) => { + if (!error) { + return false; + } + return (0, service_error_classification_1.isRetryableByTrait)(error) || (0, service_error_classification_1.isClockSkewError)(error) || (0, service_error_classification_1.isThrottlingError)(error) || (0, service_error_classification_1.isTransientError)(error); + }; + exports.defaultRetryDecider = defaultRetryDecider; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-retry/dist-cjs/util.js +var require_util = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-retry/dist-cjs/util.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.asSdkError = void 0; + var asSdkError = (error) => { + if (error instanceof Error) + return error; + if (error instanceof Object) + return Object.assign(new Error(), error); + if (typeof error === "string") + return new Error(error); + return new Error(`AWS SDK error wrapper for ${error}`); + }; + exports.asSdkError = asSdkError; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-retry/dist-cjs/StandardRetryStrategy.js +var require_StandardRetryStrategy2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-retry/dist-cjs/StandardRetryStrategy.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.StandardRetryStrategy = void 0; + var protocol_http_1 = require_dist_cjs4(); + var service_error_classification_1 = require_dist_cjs13(); + var util_retry_1 = require_dist_cjs14(); + var uuid_1 = (init_esm_node(), __toCommonJS(esm_node_exports)); + var defaultRetryQuota_1 = require_defaultRetryQuota(); + var delayDecider_1 = require_delayDecider(); + var retryDecider_1 = require_retryDecider(); + var util_1 = require_util(); + var StandardRetryStrategy = class { + constructor(maxAttemptsProvider, options) { + var _a, _b, _c; + this.maxAttemptsProvider = maxAttemptsProvider; + this.mode = util_retry_1.RETRY_MODES.STANDARD; + this.retryDecider = (_a = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.retryDecider) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : retryDecider_1.defaultRetryDecider; + this.delayDecider = (_b = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.delayDecider) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : delayDecider_1.defaultDelayDecider; + this.retryQuota = (_c = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.retryQuota) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : (0, defaultRetryQuota_1.getDefaultRetryQuota)(util_retry_1.INITIAL_RETRY_TOKENS); + } + shouldRetry(error, attempts, maxAttempts) { + return attempts < maxAttempts && this.retryDecider(error) && this.retryQuota.hasRetryTokens(error); + } + async getMaxAttempts() { + let maxAttempts; + try { + maxAttempts = await this.maxAttemptsProvider(); + } catch (error) { + maxAttempts = util_retry_1.DEFAULT_MAX_ATTEMPTS; + } + return maxAttempts; + } + async retry(next, args, options) { + let retryTokenAmount; + let attempts = 0; + let totalDelay = 0; + const maxAttempts = await this.getMaxAttempts(); + const { request: request2 } = args; + if (protocol_http_1.HttpRequest.isInstance(request2)) { + request2.headers[util_retry_1.INVOCATION_ID_HEADER] = (0, uuid_1.v4)(); + } + while (true) { + try { + if (protocol_http_1.HttpRequest.isInstance(request2)) { + request2.headers[util_retry_1.REQUEST_HEADER] = `attempt=${attempts + 1}; max=${maxAttempts}`; + } + if (options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.beforeRequest) { + await options.beforeRequest(); + } + const { response, output } = await next(args); + if (options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.afterRequest) { + options.afterRequest(response); + } + this.retryQuota.releaseRetryTokens(retryTokenAmount); + output.$metadata.attempts = attempts + 1; + output.$metadata.totalRetryDelay = totalDelay; + return { response, output }; + } catch (e) { + const err = (0, util_1.asSdkError)(e); + attempts++; + if (this.shouldRetry(err, attempts, maxAttempts)) { + retryTokenAmount = this.retryQuota.retrieveRetryTokens(err); + const delayFromDecider = this.delayDecider((0, service_error_classification_1.isThrottlingError)(err) ? util_retry_1.THROTTLING_RETRY_DELAY_BASE : util_retry_1.DEFAULT_RETRY_DELAY_BASE, attempts); + const delayFromResponse = getDelayFromRetryAfterHeader(err.$response); + const delay = Math.max(delayFromResponse || 0, delayFromDecider); + totalDelay += delay; + await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, delay)); + continue; + } + if (!err.$metadata) { + err.$metadata = {}; + } + err.$metadata.attempts = attempts; + err.$metadata.totalRetryDelay = totalDelay; + throw err; + } + } + } + }; + exports.StandardRetryStrategy = StandardRetryStrategy; + var getDelayFromRetryAfterHeader = (response) => { + if (!protocol_http_1.HttpResponse.isInstance(response)) + return; + const retryAfterHeaderName = Object.keys(response.headers).find((key) => key.toLowerCase() === "retry-after"); + if (!retryAfterHeaderName) + return; + const retryAfter = response.headers[retryAfterHeaderName]; + const retryAfterSeconds = Number(retryAfter); + if (!Number.isNaN(retryAfterSeconds)) + return retryAfterSeconds * 1e3; + const retryAfterDate = new Date(retryAfter); + return retryAfterDate.getTime() - Date.now(); + }; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-retry/dist-cjs/AdaptiveRetryStrategy.js +var require_AdaptiveRetryStrategy2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-retry/dist-cjs/AdaptiveRetryStrategy.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.AdaptiveRetryStrategy = void 0; + var util_retry_1 = require_dist_cjs14(); + var StandardRetryStrategy_1 = require_StandardRetryStrategy2(); + var AdaptiveRetryStrategy = class extends StandardRetryStrategy_1.StandardRetryStrategy { + constructor(maxAttemptsProvider, options) { + const { rateLimiter, ...superOptions } = options !== null && options !== void 0 ? options : {}; + super(maxAttemptsProvider, superOptions); + this.rateLimiter = rateLimiter !== null && rateLimiter !== void 0 ? rateLimiter : new util_retry_1.DefaultRateLimiter(); + this.mode = util_retry_1.RETRY_MODES.ADAPTIVE; + } + async retry(next, args) { + return super.retry(next, args, { + beforeRequest: async () => { + return this.rateLimiter.getSendToken(); + }, + afterRequest: (response) => { + this.rateLimiter.updateClientSendingRate(response); + } + }); + } + }; + exports.AdaptiveRetryStrategy = AdaptiveRetryStrategy; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-retry/dist-cjs/configurations.js +var require_configurations = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-retry/dist-cjs/configurations.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.NODE_RETRY_MODE_CONFIG_OPTIONS = exports.CONFIG_RETRY_MODE = exports.ENV_RETRY_MODE = exports.resolveRetryConfig = exports.NODE_MAX_ATTEMPT_CONFIG_OPTIONS = exports.CONFIG_MAX_ATTEMPTS = exports.ENV_MAX_ATTEMPTS = void 0; + var util_middleware_1 = require_dist_cjs2(); + var util_retry_1 = require_dist_cjs14(); + exports.ENV_MAX_ATTEMPTS = "AWS_MAX_ATTEMPTS"; + exports.CONFIG_MAX_ATTEMPTS = "max_attempts"; + exports.NODE_MAX_ATTEMPT_CONFIG_OPTIONS = { + environmentVariableSelector: (env) => { + const value = env[exports.ENV_MAX_ATTEMPTS]; + if (!value) + return void 0; + const maxAttempt = parseInt(value); + if (Number.isNaN(maxAttempt)) { + throw new Error(`Environment variable ${exports.ENV_MAX_ATTEMPTS} mast be a number, got "${value}"`); + } + return maxAttempt; + }, + configFileSelector: (profile) => { + const value = profile[exports.CONFIG_MAX_ATTEMPTS]; + if (!value) + return void 0; + const maxAttempt = parseInt(value); + if (Number.isNaN(maxAttempt)) { + throw new Error(`Shared config file entry ${exports.CONFIG_MAX_ATTEMPTS} mast be a number, got "${value}"`); + } + return maxAttempt; + }, + default: util_retry_1.DEFAULT_MAX_ATTEMPTS + }; + var resolveRetryConfig = (input) => { + var _a; + const { retryStrategy } = input; + const maxAttempts = (0, util_middleware_1.normalizeProvider)((_a = input.maxAttempts) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : util_retry_1.DEFAULT_MAX_ATTEMPTS); + return { + ...input, + maxAttempts, + retryStrategy: async () => { + if (retryStrategy) { + return retryStrategy; + } + const retryMode = await (0, util_middleware_1.normalizeProvider)(input.retryMode)(); + if (retryMode === util_retry_1.RETRY_MODES.ADAPTIVE) { + return new util_retry_1.AdaptiveRetryStrategy(maxAttempts); + } + return new util_retry_1.StandardRetryStrategy(maxAttempts); + } + }; + }; + exports.resolveRetryConfig = resolveRetryConfig; + exports.ENV_RETRY_MODE = "AWS_RETRY_MODE"; + exports.CONFIG_RETRY_MODE = "retry_mode"; + exports.NODE_RETRY_MODE_CONFIG_OPTIONS = { + environmentVariableSelector: (env) => env[exports.ENV_RETRY_MODE], + configFileSelector: (profile) => profile[exports.CONFIG_RETRY_MODE], + default: util_retry_1.DEFAULT_RETRY_MODE + }; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-retry/dist-cjs/omitRetryHeadersMiddleware.js +var require_omitRetryHeadersMiddleware = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-retry/dist-cjs/omitRetryHeadersMiddleware.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getOmitRetryHeadersPlugin = exports.omitRetryHeadersMiddlewareOptions = exports.omitRetryHeadersMiddleware = void 0; + var protocol_http_1 = require_dist_cjs4(); + var util_retry_1 = require_dist_cjs14(); + var omitRetryHeadersMiddleware = () => (next) => async (args) => { + const { request: request2 } = args; + if (protocol_http_1.HttpRequest.isInstance(request2)) { + delete request2.headers[util_retry_1.INVOCATION_ID_HEADER]; + delete request2.headers[util_retry_1.REQUEST_HEADER]; + } + return next(args); + }; + exports.omitRetryHeadersMiddleware = omitRetryHeadersMiddleware; + exports.omitRetryHeadersMiddlewareOptions = { + name: "omitRetryHeadersMiddleware", + tags: ["RETRY", "HEADERS", "OMIT_RETRY_HEADERS"], + relation: "before", + toMiddleware: "awsAuthMiddleware", + override: true + }; + var getOmitRetryHeadersPlugin = (options) => ({ + applyToStack: (clientStack) => { + clientStack.addRelativeTo((0, exports.omitRetryHeadersMiddleware)(), exports.omitRetryHeadersMiddlewareOptions); + } + }); + exports.getOmitRetryHeadersPlugin = getOmitRetryHeadersPlugin; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-retry/dist-cjs/retryMiddleware.js +var require_retryMiddleware = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-retry/dist-cjs/retryMiddleware.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getRetryAfterHint = exports.getRetryPlugin = exports.retryMiddlewareOptions = exports.retryMiddleware = void 0; + var protocol_http_1 = require_dist_cjs4(); + var service_error_classification_1 = require_dist_cjs13(); + var util_retry_1 = require_dist_cjs14(); + var uuid_1 = (init_esm_node(), __toCommonJS(esm_node_exports)); + var util_1 = require_util(); + var retryMiddleware = (options) => (next, context) => async (args) => { + let retryStrategy = await options.retryStrategy(); + const maxAttempts = await options.maxAttempts(); + if (isRetryStrategyV2(retryStrategy)) { + retryStrategy = retryStrategy; + let retryToken = await retryStrategy.acquireInitialRetryToken(context["partition_id"]); + let lastError = new Error(); + let attempts = 0; + let totalRetryDelay = 0; + const { request: request2 } = args; + if (protocol_http_1.HttpRequest.isInstance(request2)) { + request2.headers[util_retry_1.INVOCATION_ID_HEADER] = (0, uuid_1.v4)(); + } + while (true) { + try { + if (protocol_http_1.HttpRequest.isInstance(request2)) { + request2.headers[util_retry_1.REQUEST_HEADER] = `attempt=${attempts + 1}; max=${maxAttempts}`; + } + const { response, output } = await next(args); + retryStrategy.recordSuccess(retryToken); + output.$metadata.attempts = attempts + 1; + output.$metadata.totalRetryDelay = totalRetryDelay; + return { response, output }; + } catch (e) { + const retryErrorInfo = getRetryErrorInfo(e); + lastError = (0, util_1.asSdkError)(e); + try { + retryToken = await retryStrategy.refreshRetryTokenForRetry(retryToken, retryErrorInfo); + } catch (refreshError) { + if (!lastError.$metadata) { + lastError.$metadata = {}; + } + lastError.$metadata.attempts = attempts + 1; + lastError.$metadata.totalRetryDelay = totalRetryDelay; + throw lastError; + } + attempts = retryToken.getRetryCount(); + const delay = retryToken.getRetryDelay(); + totalRetryDelay += delay; + await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, delay)); + } + } + } else { + retryStrategy = retryStrategy; + if (retryStrategy === null || retryStrategy === void 0 ? void 0 : retryStrategy.mode) + context.userAgent = [...context.userAgent || [], ["cfg/retry-mode", retryStrategy.mode]]; + return retryStrategy.retry(next, args); + } + }; + exports.retryMiddleware = retryMiddleware; + var isRetryStrategyV2 = (retryStrategy) => typeof retryStrategy.acquireInitialRetryToken !== "undefined" && typeof retryStrategy.refreshRetryTokenForRetry !== "undefined" && typeof retryStrategy.recordSuccess !== "undefined"; + var getRetryErrorInfo = (error) => { + const errorInfo = { + errorType: getRetryErrorType(error) + }; + const retryAfterHint = (0, exports.getRetryAfterHint)(error.$response); + if (retryAfterHint) { + errorInfo.retryAfterHint = retryAfterHint; + } + return errorInfo; + }; + var getRetryErrorType = (error) => { + if ((0, service_error_classification_1.isThrottlingError)(error)) + return "THROTTLING"; + if ((0, service_error_classification_1.isTransientError)(error)) + return "TRANSIENT"; + if ((0, service_error_classification_1.isServerError)(error)) + return "SERVER_ERROR"; + return "CLIENT_ERROR"; + }; + exports.retryMiddlewareOptions = { + name: "retryMiddleware", + tags: ["RETRY"], + step: "finalizeRequest", + priority: "high", + override: true + }; + var getRetryPlugin = (options) => ({ + applyToStack: (clientStack) => { + clientStack.add((0, exports.retryMiddleware)(options), exports.retryMiddlewareOptions); + } + }); + exports.getRetryPlugin = getRetryPlugin; + var getRetryAfterHint = (response) => { + if (!protocol_http_1.HttpResponse.isInstance(response)) + return; + const retryAfterHeaderName = Object.keys(response.headers).find((key) => key.toLowerCase() === "retry-after"); + if (!retryAfterHeaderName) + return; + const retryAfter = response.headers[retryAfterHeaderName]; + const retryAfterSeconds = Number(retryAfter); + if (!Number.isNaN(retryAfterSeconds)) + return new Date(retryAfterSeconds * 1e3); + const retryAfterDate = new Date(retryAfter); + return retryAfterDate; + }; + exports.getRetryAfterHint = getRetryAfterHint; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-retry/dist-cjs/index.js +var require_dist_cjs15 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-retry/dist-cjs/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_AdaptiveRetryStrategy2(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_StandardRetryStrategy2(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_configurations(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_delayDecider(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_omitRetryHeadersMiddleware(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_retryDecider(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_retryMiddleware(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/property-provider/dist-cjs/ProviderError.js +var require_ProviderError = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/property-provider/dist-cjs/ProviderError.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.ProviderError = void 0; + var ProviderError = class extends Error { + constructor(message, tryNextLink = true) { + super(message); + this.tryNextLink = tryNextLink; + this.name = "ProviderError"; + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, ProviderError.prototype); + } + static from(error, tryNextLink = true) { + return Object.assign(new this(error.message, tryNextLink), error); + } + }; + exports.ProviderError = ProviderError; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/property-provider/dist-cjs/CredentialsProviderError.js +var require_CredentialsProviderError = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/property-provider/dist-cjs/CredentialsProviderError.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.CredentialsProviderError = void 0; + var ProviderError_1 = require_ProviderError(); + var CredentialsProviderError = class extends ProviderError_1.ProviderError { + constructor(message, tryNextLink = true) { + super(message, tryNextLink); + this.tryNextLink = tryNextLink; + this.name = "CredentialsProviderError"; + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, CredentialsProviderError.prototype); + } + }; + exports.CredentialsProviderError = CredentialsProviderError; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/property-provider/dist-cjs/TokenProviderError.js +var require_TokenProviderError = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/property-provider/dist-cjs/TokenProviderError.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.TokenProviderError = void 0; + var ProviderError_1 = require_ProviderError(); + var TokenProviderError = class extends ProviderError_1.ProviderError { + constructor(message, tryNextLink = true) { + super(message, tryNextLink); + this.tryNextLink = tryNextLink; + this.name = "TokenProviderError"; + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, TokenProviderError.prototype); + } + }; + exports.TokenProviderError = TokenProviderError; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/property-provider/dist-cjs/chain.js +var require_chain = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/property-provider/dist-cjs/chain.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.chain = void 0; + var ProviderError_1 = require_ProviderError(); + function chain(...providers) { + return () => { + let promise = Promise.reject(new ProviderError_1.ProviderError("No providers in chain")); + for (const provider of providers) { + promise = promise.catch((err) => { + if (err === null || err === void 0 ? void 0 : err.tryNextLink) { + return provider(); + } + throw err; + }); + } + return promise; + }; + } + exports.chain = chain; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/property-provider/dist-cjs/fromStatic.js +var require_fromStatic = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/property-provider/dist-cjs/fromStatic.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.fromStatic = void 0; + var fromStatic = (staticValue) => () => Promise.resolve(staticValue); + exports.fromStatic = fromStatic; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/property-provider/dist-cjs/memoize.js +var require_memoize = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/property-provider/dist-cjs/memoize.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.memoize = void 0; + var memoize = (provider, isExpired, requiresRefresh) => { + let resolved; + let pending; + let hasResult; + let isConstant = false; + const coalesceProvider = async () => { + if (!pending) { + pending = provider(); + } + try { + resolved = await pending; + hasResult = true; + isConstant = false; + } finally { + pending = void 0; + } + return resolved; + }; + if (isExpired === void 0) { + return async (options) => { + if (!hasResult || (options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.forceRefresh)) { + resolved = await coalesceProvider(); + } + return resolved; + }; + } + return async (options) => { + if (!hasResult || (options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.forceRefresh)) { + resolved = await coalesceProvider(); + } + if (isConstant) { + return resolved; + } + if (requiresRefresh && !requiresRefresh(resolved)) { + isConstant = true; + return resolved; + } + if (isExpired(resolved)) { + await coalesceProvider(); + return resolved; + } + return resolved; + }; + }; + exports.memoize = memoize; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/property-provider/dist-cjs/index.js +var require_dist_cjs16 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/property-provider/dist-cjs/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_CredentialsProviderError(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_ProviderError(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_TokenProviderError(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_chain(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_fromStatic(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_memoize(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-crypto/crc32/node_modules/tslib/tslib.es6.js +var tslib_es6_exports2 = {}; +__export(tslib_es6_exports2, { + __assign: () => __assign2, + __asyncDelegator: () => __asyncDelegator2, + __asyncGenerator: () => __asyncGenerator2, + __asyncValues: () => __asyncValues2, + __await: () => __await2, + __awaiter: () => __awaiter2, + __classPrivateFieldGet: () => __classPrivateFieldGet2, + __classPrivateFieldSet: () => __classPrivateFieldSet2, + __createBinding: () => __createBinding2, + __decorate: () => __decorate2, + __exportStar: () => __exportStar2, + __extends: () => __extends2, + __generator: () => __generator2, + __importDefault: () => __importDefault2, + __importStar: () => __importStar2, + __makeTemplateObject: () => __makeTemplateObject2, + __metadata: () => __metadata2, + __param: () => __param2, + __read: () => __read2, + __rest: () => __rest2, + __spread: () => __spread2, + __spreadArrays: () => __spreadArrays2, + __values: () => __values2 +}); +function __extends2(d, b) { + extendStatics2(d, b); + function __() { + this.constructor = d; + } + d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __()); +} +function __rest2(s, e) { + var t = {}; + for (var p in s) + if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0) + t[p] = s[p]; + if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === "function") + for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) { + if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(s, p[i])) + t[p[i]] = s[p[i]]; + } + return t; +} +function __decorate2(decorators, target, key, desc) { + var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d; + if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") + r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc); + else + for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) + if (d = decorators[i]) + r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r; + return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r; +} +function __param2(paramIndex, decorator) { + return function(target, key) { + decorator(target, key, paramIndex); + }; +} +function __metadata2(metadataKey, metadataValue) { + if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function") + return Reflect.metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue); +} +function __awaiter2(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) { + function adopt(value) { + return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function(resolve) { + resolve(value); + }); + } + return new (P || (P = Promise))(function(resolve, reject) { + function fulfilled(value) { + try { + step(generator.next(value)); + } catch (e) { + reject(e); + } + } + function rejected(value) { + try { + step(generator["throw"](value)); + } catch (e) { + reject(e); + } + } + function step(result) { + result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); + } + step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next()); + }); +} +function __generator2(thisArg, body) { + var _ = { label: 0, sent: function() { + if (t[0] & 1) + throw t[1]; + return t[1]; + }, trys: [], ops: [] }, f, y, t, g; + return g = { next: verb(0), "throw": verb(1), "return": verb(2) }, typeof Symbol === "function" && (g[Symbol.iterator] = function() { + return this; + }), g; + function verb(n) { + return function(v) { + return step([n, v]); + }; + } + function step(op) { + if (f) + throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing."); + while (_) + try { + if (f = 1, y && (t = op[0] & 2 ? y["return"] : op[0] ? y["throw"] || ((t = y["return"]) && t.call(y), 0) : y.next) && !(t = t.call(y, op[1])).done) + return t; + if (y = 0, t) + op = [op[0] & 2, t.value]; + switch (op[0]) { + case 0: + case 1: + t = op; + break; + case 4: + _.label++; + return { value: op[1], done: false }; + case 5: + _.label++; + y = op[1]; + op = [0]; + continue; + case 7: + op = _.ops.pop(); + _.trys.pop(); + continue; + default: + if (!(t = _.trys, t = t.length > 0 && t[t.length - 1]) && (op[0] === 6 || op[0] === 2)) { + _ = 0; + continue; + } + if (op[0] === 3 && (!t || op[1] > t[0] && op[1] < t[3])) { + _.label = op[1]; + break; + } + if (op[0] === 6 && _.label < t[1]) { + _.label = t[1]; + t = op; + break; + } + if (t && _.label < t[2]) { + _.label = t[2]; + _.ops.push(op); + break; + } + if (t[2]) + _.ops.pop(); + _.trys.pop(); + continue; + } + op = body.call(thisArg, _); + } catch (e) { + op = [6, e]; + y = 0; + } finally { + f = t = 0; + } + if (op[0] & 5) + throw op[1]; + return { value: op[0] ? op[1] : void 0, done: true }; + } +} +function __createBinding2(o, m, k, k2) { + if (k2 === void 0) + k2 = k; + o[k2] = m[k]; +} +function __exportStar2(m, exports) { + for (var p in m) + if (p !== "default" && !exports.hasOwnProperty(p)) + exports[p] = m[p]; +} +function __values2(o) { + var s = typeof Symbol === "function" && Symbol.iterator, m = s && o[s], i = 0; + if (m) + return m.call(o); + if (o && typeof o.length === "number") + return { + next: function() { + if (o && i >= o.length) + o = void 0; + return { value: o && o[i++], done: !o }; + } + }; + throw new TypeError(s ? "Object is not iterable." : "Symbol.iterator is not defined."); +} +function __read2(o, n) { + var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator]; + if (!m) + return o; + var i = m.call(o), r, ar = [], e; + try { + while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done) + ar.push(r.value); + } catch (error) { + e = { error }; + } finally { + try { + if (r && !r.done && (m = i["return"])) + m.call(i); + } finally { + if (e) + throw e.error; + } + } + return ar; +} +function __spread2() { + for (var ar = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) + ar = ar.concat(__read2(arguments[i])); + return ar; +} +function __spreadArrays2() { + for (var s = 0, i = 0, il = arguments.length; i < il; i++) + s += arguments[i].length; + for (var r = Array(s), k = 0, i = 0; i < il; i++) + for (var a = arguments[i], j = 0, jl = a.length; j < jl; j++, k++) + r[k] = a[j]; + return r; +} +function __await2(v) { + return this instanceof __await2 ? (this.v = v, this) : new __await2(v); +} +function __asyncGenerator2(thisArg, _arguments, generator) { + if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) + throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined."); + var g = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || []), i, q = []; + return i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw"), verb("return"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function() { + return this; + }, i; + function verb(n) { + if (g[n]) + i[n] = function(v) { + return new Promise(function(a, b) { + q.push([n, v, a, b]) > 1 || resume(n, v); + }); + }; + } + function resume(n, v) { + try { + step(g[n](v)); + } catch (e) { + settle(q[0][3], e); + } + } + function step(r) { + r.value instanceof __await2 ? Promise.resolve(r.value.v).then(fulfill, reject) : settle(q[0][2], r); + } + function fulfill(value) { + resume("next", value); + } + function reject(value) { + resume("throw", value); + } + function settle(f, v) { + if (f(v), q.shift(), q.length) + resume(q[0][0], q[0][1]); + } +} +function __asyncDelegator2(o) { + var i, p; + return i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw", function(e) { + throw e; + }), verb("return"), i[Symbol.iterator] = function() { + return this; + }, i; + function verb(n, f) { + i[n] = o[n] ? function(v) { + return (p = !p) ? { value: __await2(o[n](v)), done: n === "return" } : f ? f(v) : v; + } : f; + } +} +function __asyncValues2(o) { + if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) + throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined."); + var m = o[Symbol.asyncIterator], i; + return m ? m.call(o) : (o = typeof __values2 === "function" ? __values2(o) : o[Symbol.iterator](), i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw"), verb("return"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function() { + return this; + }, i); + function verb(n) { + i[n] = o[n] && function(v) { + return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { + v = o[n](v), settle(resolve, reject, v.done, v.value); + }); + }; + } + function settle(resolve, reject, d, v) { + Promise.resolve(v).then(function(v2) { + resolve({ value: v2, done: d }); + }, reject); + } +} +function __makeTemplateObject2(cooked, raw) { + if (Object.defineProperty) { + Object.defineProperty(cooked, "raw", { value: raw }); + } else { + cooked.raw = raw; + } + return cooked; +} +function __importStar2(mod) { + if (mod && mod.__esModule) + return mod; + var result = {}; + if (mod != null) { + for (var k in mod) + if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) + result[k] = mod[k]; + } + result.default = mod; + return result; +} +function __importDefault2(mod) { + return mod && mod.__esModule ? mod : { default: mod }; +} +function __classPrivateFieldGet2(receiver, privateMap) { + if (!privateMap.has(receiver)) { + throw new TypeError("attempted to get private field on non-instance"); + } + return privateMap.get(receiver); +} +function __classPrivateFieldSet2(receiver, privateMap, value) { + if (!privateMap.has(receiver)) { + throw new TypeError("attempted to set private field on non-instance"); + } + privateMap.set(receiver, value); + return value; +} +var extendStatics2, __assign2; +var init_tslib_es62 = __esm({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-crypto/crc32/node_modules/tslib/tslib.es6.js"() { + extendStatics2 = function(d, b) { + extendStatics2 = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(d2, b2) { + d2.__proto__ = b2; + } || function(d2, b2) { + for (var p in b2) + if (b2.hasOwnProperty(p)) + d2[p] = b2[p]; + }; + return extendStatics2(d, b); + }; + __assign2 = function() { + __assign2 = Object.assign || function __assign3(t) { + for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) { + s = arguments[i]; + for (var p in s) + if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) + t[p] = s[p]; + } + return t; + }; + return __assign2.apply(this, arguments); + }; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-utf8-browser/dist-cjs/pureJs.js +var require_pureJs = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-utf8-browser/dist-cjs/pureJs.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.toUtf8 = exports.fromUtf8 = void 0; + var fromUtf8 = (input) => { + const bytes = []; + for (let i = 0, len = input.length; i < len; i++) { + const value = input.charCodeAt(i); + if (value < 128) { + bytes.push(value); + } else if (value < 2048) { + bytes.push(value >> 6 | 192, value & 63 | 128); + } else if (i + 1 < input.length && (value & 64512) === 55296 && (input.charCodeAt(i + 1) & 64512) === 56320) { + const surrogatePair = 65536 + ((value & 1023) << 10) + (input.charCodeAt(++i) & 1023); + bytes.push(surrogatePair >> 18 | 240, surrogatePair >> 12 & 63 | 128, surrogatePair >> 6 & 63 | 128, surrogatePair & 63 | 128); + } else { + bytes.push(value >> 12 | 224, value >> 6 & 63 | 128, value & 63 | 128); + } + } + return Uint8Array.from(bytes); + }; + exports.fromUtf8 = fromUtf8; + var toUtf8 = (input) => { + let decoded = ""; + for (let i = 0, len = input.length; i < len; i++) { + const byte = input[i]; + if (byte < 128) { + decoded += String.fromCharCode(byte); + } else if (192 <= byte && byte < 224) { + const nextByte = input[++i]; + decoded += String.fromCharCode((byte & 31) << 6 | nextByte & 63); + } else if (240 <= byte && byte < 365) { + const surrogatePair = [byte, input[++i], input[++i], input[++i]]; + const encoded = "%" + surrogatePair.map((byteValue) => byteValue.toString(16)).join("%"); + decoded += decodeURIComponent(encoded); + } else { + decoded += String.fromCharCode((byte & 15) << 12 | (input[++i] & 63) << 6 | input[++i] & 63); + } + } + return decoded; + }; + exports.toUtf8 = toUtf8; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-utf8-browser/dist-cjs/whatwgEncodingApi.js +var require_whatwgEncodingApi = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-utf8-browser/dist-cjs/whatwgEncodingApi.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.toUtf8 = exports.fromUtf8 = void 0; + function fromUtf8(input) { + return new TextEncoder().encode(input); + } + exports.fromUtf8 = fromUtf8; + function toUtf8(input) { + return new TextDecoder("utf-8").decode(input); + } + exports.toUtf8 = toUtf8; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-utf8-browser/dist-cjs/index.js +var require_dist_cjs17 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-utf8-browser/dist-cjs/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.toUtf8 = exports.fromUtf8 = void 0; + var pureJs_1 = require_pureJs(); + var whatwgEncodingApi_1 = require_whatwgEncodingApi(); + var fromUtf8 = (input) => typeof TextEncoder === "function" ? (0, whatwgEncodingApi_1.fromUtf8)(input) : (0, pureJs_1.fromUtf8)(input); + exports.fromUtf8 = fromUtf8; + var toUtf8 = (input) => typeof TextDecoder === "function" ? (0, whatwgEncodingApi_1.toUtf8)(input) : (0, pureJs_1.toUtf8)(input); + exports.toUtf8 = toUtf8; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-crypto/util/build/convertToBuffer.js +var require_convertToBuffer = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-crypto/util/build/convertToBuffer.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.convertToBuffer = void 0; + var util_utf8_browser_1 = require_dist_cjs17(); + var fromUtf8 = typeof Buffer !== "undefined" && Buffer.from ? function(input) { + return Buffer.from(input, "utf8"); + } : util_utf8_browser_1.fromUtf8; + function convertToBuffer(data) { + if (data instanceof Uint8Array) + return data; + if (typeof data === "string") { + return fromUtf8(data); + } + if (ArrayBuffer.isView(data)) { + return new Uint8Array(data.buffer, data.byteOffset, data.byteLength / Uint8Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT); + } + return new Uint8Array(data); + } + exports.convertToBuffer = convertToBuffer; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-crypto/util/build/isEmptyData.js +var require_isEmptyData = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-crypto/util/build/isEmptyData.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.isEmptyData = void 0; + function isEmptyData(data) { + if (typeof data === "string") { + return data.length === 0; + } + return data.byteLength === 0; + } + exports.isEmptyData = isEmptyData; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-crypto/util/build/numToUint8.js +var require_numToUint8 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-crypto/util/build/numToUint8.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.numToUint8 = void 0; + function numToUint8(num) { + return new Uint8Array([ + (num & 4278190080) >> 24, + (num & 16711680) >> 16, + (num & 65280) >> 8, + num & 255 + ]); + } + exports.numToUint8 = numToUint8; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-crypto/util/build/uint32ArrayFrom.js +var require_uint32ArrayFrom = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-crypto/util/build/uint32ArrayFrom.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.uint32ArrayFrom = void 0; + function uint32ArrayFrom(a_lookUpTable) { + if (!Uint32Array.from) { + var return_array = new Uint32Array(a_lookUpTable.length); + var a_index = 0; + while (a_index < a_lookUpTable.length) { + return_array[a_index] = a_lookUpTable[a_index]; + a_index += 1; + } + return return_array; + } + return Uint32Array.from(a_lookUpTable); + } + exports.uint32ArrayFrom = uint32ArrayFrom; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-crypto/util/build/index.js +var require_build = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-crypto/util/build/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.uint32ArrayFrom = exports.numToUint8 = exports.isEmptyData = exports.convertToBuffer = void 0; + var convertToBuffer_1 = require_convertToBuffer(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "convertToBuffer", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return convertToBuffer_1.convertToBuffer; + } }); + var isEmptyData_1 = require_isEmptyData(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "isEmptyData", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return isEmptyData_1.isEmptyData; + } }); + var numToUint8_1 = require_numToUint8(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "numToUint8", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return numToUint8_1.numToUint8; + } }); + var uint32ArrayFrom_1 = require_uint32ArrayFrom(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "uint32ArrayFrom", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return uint32ArrayFrom_1.uint32ArrayFrom; + } }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-crypto/crc32/build/aws_crc32.js +var require_aws_crc32 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-crypto/crc32/build/aws_crc32.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.AwsCrc32 = void 0; + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es62(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports2)); + var util_1 = require_build(); + var index_1 = require_build2(); + var AwsCrc32 = ( + /** @class */ + function() { + function AwsCrc322() { + this.crc32 = new index_1.Crc32(); + } + AwsCrc322.prototype.update = function(toHash) { + if ((0, util_1.isEmptyData)(toHash)) + return; + this.crc32.update((0, util_1.convertToBuffer)(toHash)); + }; + AwsCrc322.prototype.digest = function() { + return tslib_1.__awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function() { + return tslib_1.__generator(this, function(_a) { + return [2, (0, util_1.numToUint8)(this.crc32.digest())]; + }); + }); + }; + AwsCrc322.prototype.reset = function() { + this.crc32 = new index_1.Crc32(); + }; + return AwsCrc322; + }() + ); + exports.AwsCrc32 = AwsCrc32; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-crypto/crc32/build/index.js +var require_build2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-crypto/crc32/build/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.AwsCrc32 = exports.Crc32 = exports.crc32 = void 0; + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es62(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports2)); + var util_1 = require_build(); + function crc32(data) { + return new Crc32().update(data).digest(); + } + exports.crc32 = crc32; + var Crc32 = ( + /** @class */ + function() { + function Crc322() { + this.checksum = 4294967295; + } + Crc322.prototype.update = function(data) { + var e_1, _a; + try { + for (var data_1 = tslib_1.__values(data), data_1_1 = data_1.next(); !data_1_1.done; data_1_1 = data_1.next()) { + var byte = data_1_1.value; + this.checksum = this.checksum >>> 8 ^ lookupTable[(this.checksum ^ byte) & 255]; + } + } catch (e_1_1) { + e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; + } finally { + try { + if (data_1_1 && !data_1_1.done && (_a = data_1.return)) + _a.call(data_1); + } finally { + if (e_1) + throw e_1.error; + } + } + return this; + }; + Crc322.prototype.digest = function() { + return (this.checksum ^ 4294967295) >>> 0; + }; + return Crc322; + }() + ); + exports.Crc32 = Crc32; + var a_lookUpTable = [ + 0, + 1996959894, + 3993919788, + 2567524794, + 124634137, + 1886057615, + 3915621685, + 2657392035, + 249268274, + 2044508324, + 3772115230, + 2547177864, + 162941995, + 2125561021, + 3887607047, + 2428444049, + 498536548, + 1789927666, + 4089016648, + 2227061214, + 450548861, + 1843258603, + 4107580753, + 2211677639, + 325883990, + 1684777152, + 4251122042, + 2321926636, + 335633487, + 1661365465, + 4195302755, + 2366115317, + 997073096, + 1281953886, + 3579855332, + 2724688242, + 1006888145, + 1258607687, + 3524101629, + 2768942443, + 901097722, + 1119000684, + 3686517206, + 2898065728, + 853044451, + 1172266101, + 3705015759, + 2882616665, + 651767980, + 1373503546, + 3369554304, + 3218104598, + 565507253, + 1454621731, + 3485111705, + 3099436303, + 671266974, + 1594198024, + 3322730930, + 2970347812, + 795835527, + 1483230225, + 3244367275, + 3060149565, + 1994146192, + 31158534, + 2563907772, + 4023717930, + 1907459465, + 112637215, + 2680153253, + 3904427059, + 2013776290, + 251722036, + 2517215374, + 3775830040, + 2137656763, + 141376813, + 2439277719, + 3865271297, + 1802195444, + 476864866, + 2238001368, + 4066508878, + 1812370925, + 453092731, + 2181625025, + 4111451223, + 1706088902, + 314042704, + 2344532202, + 4240017532, + 1658658271, + 366619977, + 2362670323, + 4224994405, + 1303535960, + 984961486, + 2747007092, + 3569037538, + 1256170817, + 1037604311, + 2765210733, + 3554079995, + 1131014506, + 879679996, + 2909243462, + 3663771856, + 1141124467, + 855842277, + 2852801631, + 3708648649, + 1342533948, + 654459306, + 3188396048, + 3373015174, + 1466479909, + 544179635, + 3110523913, + 3462522015, + 1591671054, + 702138776, + 2966460450, + 3352799412, + 1504918807, + 783551873, + 3082640443, + 3233442989, + 3988292384, + 2596254646, + 62317068, + 1957810842, + 3939845945, + 2647816111, + 81470997, + 1943803523, + 3814918930, + 2489596804, + 225274430, + 2053790376, + 3826175755, + 2466906013, + 167816743, + 2097651377, + 4027552580, + 2265490386, + 503444072, + 1762050814, + 4150417245, + 2154129355, + 426522225, + 1852507879, + 4275313526, + 2312317920, + 282753626, + 1742555852, + 4189708143, + 2394877945, + 397917763, + 1622183637, + 3604390888, + 2714866558, + 953729732, + 1340076626, + 3518719985, + 2797360999, + 1068828381, + 1219638859, + 3624741850, + 2936675148, + 906185462, + 1090812512, + 3747672003, + 2825379669, + 829329135, + 1181335161, + 3412177804, + 3160834842, + 628085408, + 1382605366, + 3423369109, + 3138078467, + 570562233, + 1426400815, + 3317316542, + 2998733608, + 733239954, + 1555261956, + 3268935591, + 3050360625, + 752459403, + 1541320221, + 2607071920, + 3965973030, + 1969922972, + 40735498, + 2617837225, + 3943577151, + 1913087877, + 83908371, + 2512341634, + 3803740692, + 2075208622, + 213261112, + 2463272603, + 3855990285, + 2094854071, + 198958881, + 2262029012, + 4057260610, + 1759359992, + 534414190, + 2176718541, + 4139329115, + 1873836001, + 414664567, + 2282248934, + 4279200368, + 1711684554, + 285281116, + 2405801727, + 4167216745, + 1634467795, + 376229701, + 2685067896, + 3608007406, + 1308918612, + 956543938, + 2808555105, + 3495958263, + 1231636301, + 1047427035, + 2932959818, + 3654703836, + 1088359270, + 936918e3, + 2847714899, + 3736837829, + 1202900863, + 817233897, + 3183342108, + 3401237130, + 1404277552, + 615818150, + 3134207493, + 3453421203, + 1423857449, + 601450431, + 3009837614, + 3294710456, + 1567103746, + 711928724, + 3020668471, + 3272380065, + 1510334235, + 755167117 + ]; + var lookupTable = (0, util_1.uint32ArrayFrom)(a_lookUpTable); + var aws_crc32_1 = require_aws_crc32(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "AwsCrc32", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return aws_crc32_1.AwsCrc32; + } }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-hex-encoding/dist-cjs/index.js +var require_dist_cjs18 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-hex-encoding/dist-cjs/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.toHex = exports.fromHex = void 0; + var SHORT_TO_HEX = {}; + var HEX_TO_SHORT = {}; + for (let i = 0; i < 256; i++) { + let encodedByte = i.toString(16).toLowerCase(); + if (encodedByte.length === 1) { + encodedByte = `0${encodedByte}`; + } + SHORT_TO_HEX[i] = encodedByte; + HEX_TO_SHORT[encodedByte] = i; + } + function fromHex(encoded) { + if (encoded.length % 2 !== 0) { + throw new Error("Hex encoded strings must have an even number length"); + } + const out = new Uint8Array(encoded.length / 2); + for (let i = 0; i < encoded.length; i += 2) { + const encodedByte = encoded.slice(i, i + 2).toLowerCase(); + if (encodedByte in HEX_TO_SHORT) { + out[i / 2] = HEX_TO_SHORT[encodedByte]; + } else { + throw new Error(`Cannot decode unrecognized sequence ${encodedByte} as hexadecimal`); + } + } + return out; + } + exports.fromHex = fromHex; + function toHex(bytes) { + let out = ""; + for (let i = 0; i < bytes.byteLength; i++) { + out += SHORT_TO_HEX[bytes[i]]; + } + return out; + } + exports.toHex = toHex; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/eventstream-codec/dist-cjs/Int64.js +var require_Int64 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/eventstream-codec/dist-cjs/Int64.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.Int64 = void 0; + var util_hex_encoding_1 = require_dist_cjs18(); + var Int64 = class { + constructor(bytes) { + this.bytes = bytes; + if (bytes.byteLength !== 8) { + throw new Error("Int64 buffers must be exactly 8 bytes"); + } + } + static fromNumber(number) { + if (number > 9223372036854776e3 || number < -9223372036854776e3) { + throw new Error(`${number} is too large (or, if negative, too small) to represent as an Int64`); + } + const bytes = new Uint8Array(8); + for (let i = 7, remaining = Math.abs(Math.round(number)); i > -1 && remaining > 0; i--, remaining /= 256) { + bytes[i] = remaining; + } + if (number < 0) { + negate(bytes); + } + return new Int64(bytes); + } + valueOf() { + const bytes = this.bytes.slice(0); + const negative = bytes[0] & 128; + if (negative) { + negate(bytes); + } + return parseInt((0, util_hex_encoding_1.toHex)(bytes), 16) * (negative ? -1 : 1); + } + toString() { + return String(this.valueOf()); + } + }; + exports.Int64 = Int64; + function negate(bytes) { + for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) { + bytes[i] ^= 255; + } + for (let i = 7; i > -1; i--) { + bytes[i]++; + if (bytes[i] !== 0) + break; + } + } + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/eventstream-codec/dist-cjs/HeaderMarshaller.js +var require_HeaderMarshaller = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/eventstream-codec/dist-cjs/HeaderMarshaller.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.HeaderMarshaller = void 0; + var util_hex_encoding_1 = require_dist_cjs18(); + var Int64_1 = require_Int64(); + var HeaderMarshaller = class { + constructor(toUtf8, fromUtf8) { + this.toUtf8 = toUtf8; + this.fromUtf8 = fromUtf8; + } + format(headers) { + const chunks = []; + for (const headerName of Object.keys(headers)) { + const bytes = this.fromUtf8(headerName); + chunks.push(Uint8Array.from([bytes.byteLength]), bytes, this.formatHeaderValue(headers[headerName])); + } + const out = new Uint8Array(chunks.reduce((carry, bytes) => carry + bytes.byteLength, 0)); + let position = 0; + for (const chunk of chunks) { + out.set(chunk, position); + position += chunk.byteLength; + } + return out; + } + formatHeaderValue(header) { + switch (header.type) { + case "boolean": + return Uint8Array.from([header.value ? 0 : 1]); + case "byte": + return Uint8Array.from([2, header.value]); + case "short": + const shortView = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(3)); + shortView.setUint8(0, 3); + shortView.setInt16(1, header.value, false); + return new Uint8Array(shortView.buffer); + case "integer": + const intView = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(5)); + intView.setUint8(0, 4); + intView.setInt32(1, header.value, false); + return new Uint8Array(intView.buffer); + case "long": + const longBytes = new Uint8Array(9); + longBytes[0] = 5; + longBytes.set(header.value.bytes, 1); + return longBytes; + case "binary": + const binView = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(3 + header.value.byteLength)); + binView.setUint8(0, 6); + binView.setUint16(1, header.value.byteLength, false); + const binBytes = new Uint8Array(binView.buffer); + binBytes.set(header.value, 3); + return binBytes; + case "string": + const utf8Bytes = this.fromUtf8(header.value); + const strView = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(3 + utf8Bytes.byteLength)); + strView.setUint8(0, 7); + strView.setUint16(1, utf8Bytes.byteLength, false); + const strBytes = new Uint8Array(strView.buffer); + strBytes.set(utf8Bytes, 3); + return strBytes; + case "timestamp": + const tsBytes = new Uint8Array(9); + tsBytes[0] = 8; + tsBytes.set(Int64_1.Int64.fromNumber(header.value.valueOf()).bytes, 1); + return tsBytes; + case "uuid": + if (!UUID_PATTERN.test(header.value)) { + throw new Error(`Invalid UUID received: ${header.value}`); + } + const uuidBytes = new Uint8Array(17); + uuidBytes[0] = 9; + uuidBytes.set((0, util_hex_encoding_1.fromHex)(header.value.replace(/\-/g, "")), 1); + return uuidBytes; + } + } + parse(headers) { + const out = {}; + let position = 0; + while (position < headers.byteLength) { + const nameLength = headers.getUint8(position++); + const name = this.toUtf8(new Uint8Array(headers.buffer, headers.byteOffset + position, nameLength)); + position += nameLength; + switch (headers.getUint8(position++)) { + case 0: + out[name] = { + type: BOOLEAN_TAG, + value: true + }; + break; + case 1: + out[name] = { + type: BOOLEAN_TAG, + value: false + }; + break; + case 2: + out[name] = { + type: BYTE_TAG, + value: headers.getInt8(position++) + }; + break; + case 3: + out[name] = { + type: SHORT_TAG, + value: headers.getInt16(position, false) + }; + position += 2; + break; + case 4: + out[name] = { + type: INT_TAG, + value: headers.getInt32(position, false) + }; + position += 4; + break; + case 5: + out[name] = { + type: LONG_TAG, + value: new Int64_1.Int64(new Uint8Array(headers.buffer, headers.byteOffset + position, 8)) + }; + position += 8; + break; + case 6: + const binaryLength = headers.getUint16(position, false); + position += 2; + out[name] = { + type: BINARY_TAG, + value: new Uint8Array(headers.buffer, headers.byteOffset + position, binaryLength) + }; + position += binaryLength; + break; + case 7: + const stringLength = headers.getUint16(position, false); + position += 2; + out[name] = { + type: STRING_TAG, + value: this.toUtf8(new Uint8Array(headers.buffer, headers.byteOffset + position, stringLength)) + }; + position += stringLength; + break; + case 8: + out[name] = { + type: TIMESTAMP_TAG, + value: new Date(new Int64_1.Int64(new Uint8Array(headers.buffer, headers.byteOffset + position, 8)).valueOf()) + }; + position += 8; + break; + case 9: + const uuidBytes = new Uint8Array(headers.buffer, headers.byteOffset + position, 16); + position += 16; + out[name] = { + type: UUID_TAG, + value: `${(0, util_hex_encoding_1.toHex)(uuidBytes.subarray(0, 4))}-${(0, util_hex_encoding_1.toHex)(uuidBytes.subarray(4, 6))}-${(0, util_hex_encoding_1.toHex)(uuidBytes.subarray(6, 8))}-${(0, util_hex_encoding_1.toHex)(uuidBytes.subarray(8, 10))}-${(0, util_hex_encoding_1.toHex)(uuidBytes.subarray(10))}` + }; + break; + default: + throw new Error(`Unrecognized header type tag`); + } + } + return out; + } + }; + exports.HeaderMarshaller = HeaderMarshaller; + var HEADER_VALUE_TYPE; + (function(HEADER_VALUE_TYPE2) { + HEADER_VALUE_TYPE2[HEADER_VALUE_TYPE2["boolTrue"] = 0] = "boolTrue"; + HEADER_VALUE_TYPE2[HEADER_VALUE_TYPE2["boolFalse"] = 1] = "boolFalse"; + HEADER_VALUE_TYPE2[HEADER_VALUE_TYPE2["byte"] = 2] = "byte"; + HEADER_VALUE_TYPE2[HEADER_VALUE_TYPE2["short"] = 3] = "short"; + HEADER_VALUE_TYPE2[HEADER_VALUE_TYPE2["integer"] = 4] = "integer"; + HEADER_VALUE_TYPE2[HEADER_VALUE_TYPE2["long"] = 5] = "long"; + HEADER_VALUE_TYPE2[HEADER_VALUE_TYPE2["byteArray"] = 6] = "byteArray"; + HEADER_VALUE_TYPE2[HEADER_VALUE_TYPE2["string"] = 7] = "string"; + HEADER_VALUE_TYPE2[HEADER_VALUE_TYPE2["timestamp"] = 8] = "timestamp"; + HEADER_VALUE_TYPE2[HEADER_VALUE_TYPE2["uuid"] = 9] = "uuid"; + })(HEADER_VALUE_TYPE || (HEADER_VALUE_TYPE = {})); + var BOOLEAN_TAG = "boolean"; + var BYTE_TAG = "byte"; + var SHORT_TAG = "short"; + var INT_TAG = "integer"; + var LONG_TAG = "long"; + var BINARY_TAG = "binary"; + var STRING_TAG = "string"; + var TIMESTAMP_TAG = "timestamp"; + var UUID_TAG = "uuid"; + var UUID_PATTERN = /^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}$/; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/eventstream-codec/dist-cjs/splitMessage.js +var require_splitMessage = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/eventstream-codec/dist-cjs/splitMessage.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.splitMessage = void 0; + var crc32_1 = require_build2(); + var PRELUDE_MEMBER_LENGTH = 4; + var PRELUDE_LENGTH = PRELUDE_MEMBER_LENGTH * 2; + var CHECKSUM_LENGTH = 4; + var MINIMUM_MESSAGE_LENGTH = PRELUDE_LENGTH + CHECKSUM_LENGTH * 2; + function splitMessage({ byteLength, byteOffset, buffer }) { + if (byteLength < MINIMUM_MESSAGE_LENGTH) { + throw new Error("Provided message too short to accommodate event stream message overhead"); + } + const view = new DataView(buffer, byteOffset, byteLength); + const messageLength = view.getUint32(0, false); + if (byteLength !== messageLength) { + throw new Error("Reported message length does not match received message length"); + } + const headerLength = view.getUint32(PRELUDE_MEMBER_LENGTH, false); + const expectedPreludeChecksum = view.getUint32(PRELUDE_LENGTH, false); + const expectedMessageChecksum = view.getUint32(byteLength - CHECKSUM_LENGTH, false); + const checksummer = new crc32_1.Crc32().update(new Uint8Array(buffer, byteOffset, PRELUDE_LENGTH)); + if (expectedPreludeChecksum !== checksummer.digest()) { + throw new Error(`The prelude checksum specified in the message (${expectedPreludeChecksum}) does not match the calculated CRC32 checksum (${checksummer.digest()})`); + } + checksummer.update(new Uint8Array(buffer, byteOffset + PRELUDE_LENGTH, byteLength - (PRELUDE_LENGTH + CHECKSUM_LENGTH))); + if (expectedMessageChecksum !== checksummer.digest()) { + throw new Error(`The message checksum (${checksummer.digest()}) did not match the expected value of ${expectedMessageChecksum}`); + } + return { + headers: new DataView(buffer, byteOffset + PRELUDE_LENGTH + CHECKSUM_LENGTH, headerLength), + body: new Uint8Array(buffer, byteOffset + PRELUDE_LENGTH + CHECKSUM_LENGTH + headerLength, messageLength - headerLength - (PRELUDE_LENGTH + CHECKSUM_LENGTH + CHECKSUM_LENGTH)) + }; + } + exports.splitMessage = splitMessage; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/eventstream-codec/dist-cjs/EventStreamCodec.js +var require_EventStreamCodec = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/eventstream-codec/dist-cjs/EventStreamCodec.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.EventStreamCodec = void 0; + var crc32_1 = require_build2(); + var HeaderMarshaller_1 = require_HeaderMarshaller(); + var splitMessage_1 = require_splitMessage(); + var EventStreamCodec = class { + constructor(toUtf8, fromUtf8) { + this.headerMarshaller = new HeaderMarshaller_1.HeaderMarshaller(toUtf8, fromUtf8); + this.messageBuffer = []; + this.isEndOfStream = false; + } + feed(message) { + this.messageBuffer.push(this.decode(message)); + } + endOfStream() { + this.isEndOfStream = true; + } + getMessage() { + const message = this.messageBuffer.pop(); + const isEndOfStream = this.isEndOfStream; + return { + getMessage() { + return message; + }, + isEndOfStream() { + return isEndOfStream; + } + }; + } + getAvailableMessages() { + const messages = this.messageBuffer; + this.messageBuffer = []; + const isEndOfStream = this.isEndOfStream; + return { + getMessages() { + return messages; + }, + isEndOfStream() { + return isEndOfStream; + } + }; + } + encode({ headers: rawHeaders, body }) { + const headers = this.headerMarshaller.format(rawHeaders); + const length = headers.byteLength + body.byteLength + 16; + const out = new Uint8Array(length); + const view = new DataView(out.buffer, out.byteOffset, out.byteLength); + const checksum = new crc32_1.Crc32(); + view.setUint32(0, length, false); + view.setUint32(4, headers.byteLength, false); + view.setUint32(8, checksum.update(out.subarray(0, 8)).digest(), false); + out.set(headers, 12); + out.set(body, headers.byteLength + 12); + view.setUint32(length - 4, checksum.update(out.subarray(8, length - 4)).digest(), false); + return out; + } + decode(message) { + const { headers, body } = (0, splitMessage_1.splitMessage)(message); + return { headers: this.headerMarshaller.parse(headers), body }; + } + formatHeaders(rawHeaders) { + return this.headerMarshaller.format(rawHeaders); + } + }; + exports.EventStreamCodec = EventStreamCodec; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/eventstream-codec/dist-cjs/Message.js +var require_Message = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/eventstream-codec/dist-cjs/Message.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/eventstream-codec/dist-cjs/MessageDecoderStream.js +var require_MessageDecoderStream = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/eventstream-codec/dist-cjs/MessageDecoderStream.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.MessageDecoderStream = void 0; + var MessageDecoderStream = class { + constructor(options) { + this.options = options; + } + [Symbol.asyncIterator]() { + return this.asyncIterator(); + } + async *asyncIterator() { + for await (const bytes of this.options.inputStream) { + const decoded = this.options.decoder.decode(bytes); + yield decoded; + } + } + }; + exports.MessageDecoderStream = MessageDecoderStream; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/eventstream-codec/dist-cjs/MessageEncoderStream.js +var require_MessageEncoderStream = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/eventstream-codec/dist-cjs/MessageEncoderStream.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.MessageEncoderStream = void 0; + var MessageEncoderStream = class { + constructor(options) { + this.options = options; + } + [Symbol.asyncIterator]() { + return this.asyncIterator(); + } + async *asyncIterator() { + for await (const msg of this.options.messageStream) { + const encoded = this.options.encoder.encode(msg); + yield encoded; + } + if (this.options.includeEndFrame) { + yield new Uint8Array(0); + } + } + }; + exports.MessageEncoderStream = MessageEncoderStream; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/eventstream-codec/dist-cjs/SmithyMessageDecoderStream.js +var require_SmithyMessageDecoderStream = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/eventstream-codec/dist-cjs/SmithyMessageDecoderStream.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.SmithyMessageDecoderStream = void 0; + var SmithyMessageDecoderStream = class { + constructor(options) { + this.options = options; + } + [Symbol.asyncIterator]() { + return this.asyncIterator(); + } + async *asyncIterator() { + for await (const message of this.options.messageStream) { + const deserialized = await this.options.deserializer(message); + if (deserialized === void 0) + continue; + yield deserialized; + } + } + }; + exports.SmithyMessageDecoderStream = SmithyMessageDecoderStream; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/eventstream-codec/dist-cjs/SmithyMessageEncoderStream.js +var require_SmithyMessageEncoderStream = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/eventstream-codec/dist-cjs/SmithyMessageEncoderStream.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.SmithyMessageEncoderStream = void 0; + var SmithyMessageEncoderStream = class { + constructor(options) { + this.options = options; + } + [Symbol.asyncIterator]() { + return this.asyncIterator(); + } + async *asyncIterator() { + for await (const chunk of this.options.inputStream) { + const payloadBuf = this.options.serializer(chunk); + yield payloadBuf; + } + } + }; + exports.SmithyMessageEncoderStream = SmithyMessageEncoderStream; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/eventstream-codec/dist-cjs/index.js +var require_dist_cjs19 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/eventstream-codec/dist-cjs/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_EventStreamCodec(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_HeaderMarshaller(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_Int64(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_Message(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_MessageDecoderStream(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_MessageEncoderStream(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_SmithyMessageDecoderStream(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_SmithyMessageEncoderStream(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/is-array-buffer/dist-cjs/index.js +var require_dist_cjs20 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/is-array-buffer/dist-cjs/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.isArrayBuffer = void 0; + var isArrayBuffer = (arg) => typeof ArrayBuffer === "function" && arg instanceof ArrayBuffer || Object.prototype.toString.call(arg) === "[object ArrayBuffer]"; + exports.isArrayBuffer = isArrayBuffer; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-buffer-from/dist-cjs/index.js +var require_dist_cjs21 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-buffer-from/dist-cjs/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.fromString = exports.fromArrayBuffer = void 0; + var is_array_buffer_1 = require_dist_cjs20(); + var buffer_1 = require("buffer"); + var fromArrayBuffer = (input, offset = 0, length = input.byteLength - offset) => { + if (!(0, is_array_buffer_1.isArrayBuffer)(input)) { + throw new TypeError(`The "input" argument must be ArrayBuffer. Received type ${typeof input} (${input})`); + } + return buffer_1.Buffer.from(input, offset, length); + }; + exports.fromArrayBuffer = fromArrayBuffer; + var fromString = (input, encoding) => { + if (typeof input !== "string") { + throw new TypeError(`The "input" argument must be of type string. Received type ${typeof input} (${input})`); + } + return encoding ? buffer_1.Buffer.from(input, encoding) : buffer_1.Buffer.from(input); + }; + exports.fromString = fromString; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-utf8/dist-cjs/fromUtf8.js +var require_fromUtf8 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-utf8/dist-cjs/fromUtf8.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.fromUtf8 = void 0; + var util_buffer_from_1 = require_dist_cjs21(); + var fromUtf8 = (input) => { + const buf = (0, util_buffer_from_1.fromString)(input, "utf8"); + return new Uint8Array(buf.buffer, buf.byteOffset, buf.byteLength / Uint8Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT); + }; + exports.fromUtf8 = fromUtf8; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-utf8/dist-cjs/toUint8Array.js +var require_toUint8Array = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-utf8/dist-cjs/toUint8Array.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.toUint8Array = void 0; + var fromUtf8_1 = require_fromUtf8(); + var toUint8Array = (data) => { + if (typeof data === "string") { + return (0, fromUtf8_1.fromUtf8)(data); + } + if (ArrayBuffer.isView(data)) { + return new Uint8Array(data.buffer, data.byteOffset, data.byteLength / Uint8Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT); + } + return new Uint8Array(data); + }; + exports.toUint8Array = toUint8Array; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-utf8/dist-cjs/toUtf8.js +var require_toUtf8 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-utf8/dist-cjs/toUtf8.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.toUtf8 = void 0; + var util_buffer_from_1 = require_dist_cjs21(); + var toUtf8 = (input) => (0, util_buffer_from_1.fromArrayBuffer)(input.buffer, input.byteOffset, input.byteLength).toString("utf8"); + exports.toUtf8 = toUtf8; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-utf8/dist-cjs/index.js +var require_dist_cjs22 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-utf8/dist-cjs/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_fromUtf8(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_toUint8Array(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_toUtf8(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/signature-v4/dist-cjs/constants.js +var require_constants3 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/signature-v4/dist-cjs/constants.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.MAX_PRESIGNED_TTL = exports.KEY_TYPE_IDENTIFIER = exports.MAX_CACHE_SIZE = exports.UNSIGNED_PAYLOAD = exports.EVENT_ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER = exports.ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER_V4A = exports.ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER = exports.UNSIGNABLE_PATTERNS = exports.SEC_HEADER_PATTERN = exports.PROXY_HEADER_PATTERN = exports.ALWAYS_UNSIGNABLE_HEADERS = exports.HOST_HEADER = exports.TOKEN_HEADER = exports.SHA256_HEADER = exports.SIGNATURE_HEADER = exports.GENERATED_HEADERS = exports.DATE_HEADER = exports.AMZ_DATE_HEADER = exports.AUTH_HEADER = exports.REGION_SET_PARAM = exports.TOKEN_QUERY_PARAM = exports.SIGNATURE_QUERY_PARAM = exports.EXPIRES_QUERY_PARAM = exports.SIGNED_HEADERS_QUERY_PARAM = exports.AMZ_DATE_QUERY_PARAM = exports.CREDENTIAL_QUERY_PARAM = exports.ALGORITHM_QUERY_PARAM = void 0; + exports.ALGORITHM_QUERY_PARAM = "X-Amz-Algorithm"; + exports.CREDENTIAL_QUERY_PARAM = "X-Amz-Credential"; + exports.AMZ_DATE_QUERY_PARAM = "X-Amz-Date"; + exports.SIGNED_HEADERS_QUERY_PARAM = "X-Amz-SignedHeaders"; + exports.EXPIRES_QUERY_PARAM = "X-Amz-Expires"; + exports.SIGNATURE_QUERY_PARAM = "X-Amz-Signature"; + exports.TOKEN_QUERY_PARAM = "X-Amz-Security-Token"; + exports.REGION_SET_PARAM = "X-Amz-Region-Set"; + exports.AUTH_HEADER = "authorization"; + exports.AMZ_DATE_HEADER = exports.AMZ_DATE_QUERY_PARAM.toLowerCase(); + exports.DATE_HEADER = "date"; + exports.GENERATED_HEADERS = [exports.AUTH_HEADER, exports.AMZ_DATE_HEADER, exports.DATE_HEADER]; + exports.SIGNATURE_HEADER = exports.SIGNATURE_QUERY_PARAM.toLowerCase(); + exports.SHA256_HEADER = "x-amz-content-sha256"; + exports.TOKEN_HEADER = exports.TOKEN_QUERY_PARAM.toLowerCase(); + exports.HOST_HEADER = "host"; + exports.ALWAYS_UNSIGNABLE_HEADERS = { + authorization: true, + "cache-control": true, + connection: true, + expect: true, + from: true, + "keep-alive": true, + "max-forwards": true, + pragma: true, + referer: true, + te: true, + trailer: true, + "transfer-encoding": true, + upgrade: true, + "user-agent": true, + "x-amzn-trace-id": true + }; + exports.PROXY_HEADER_PATTERN = /^proxy-/; + exports.SEC_HEADER_PATTERN = /^sec-/; + exports.UNSIGNABLE_PATTERNS = [/^proxy-/i, /^sec-/i]; + exports.ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER = "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256"; + exports.ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER_V4A = "AWS4-ECDSA-P256-SHA256"; + exports.EVENT_ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER = "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256-PAYLOAD"; + exports.UNSIGNED_PAYLOAD = "UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD"; + exports.MAX_CACHE_SIZE = 50; + exports.KEY_TYPE_IDENTIFIER = "aws4_request"; + exports.MAX_PRESIGNED_TTL = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/signature-v4/dist-cjs/credentialDerivation.js +var require_credentialDerivation = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/signature-v4/dist-cjs/credentialDerivation.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.clearCredentialCache = exports.getSigningKey = exports.createScope = void 0; + var util_hex_encoding_1 = require_dist_cjs18(); + var util_utf8_1 = require_dist_cjs22(); + var constants_1 = require_constants3(); + var signingKeyCache = {}; + var cacheQueue = []; + var createScope = (shortDate, region, service) => `${shortDate}/${region}/${service}/${constants_1.KEY_TYPE_IDENTIFIER}`; + exports.createScope = createScope; + var getSigningKey = async (sha256Constructor, credentials, shortDate, region, service) => { + const credsHash = await hmac(sha256Constructor, credentials.secretAccessKey, credentials.accessKeyId); + const cacheKey = `${shortDate}:${region}:${service}:${(0, util_hex_encoding_1.toHex)(credsHash)}:${credentials.sessionToken}`; + if (cacheKey in signingKeyCache) { + return signingKeyCache[cacheKey]; + } + cacheQueue.push(cacheKey); + while (cacheQueue.length > constants_1.MAX_CACHE_SIZE) { + delete signingKeyCache[cacheQueue.shift()]; + } + let key = `AWS4${credentials.secretAccessKey}`; + for (const signable of [shortDate, region, service, constants_1.KEY_TYPE_IDENTIFIER]) { + key = await hmac(sha256Constructor, key, signable); + } + return signingKeyCache[cacheKey] = key; + }; + exports.getSigningKey = getSigningKey; + var clearCredentialCache = () => { + cacheQueue.length = 0; + Object.keys(signingKeyCache).forEach((cacheKey) => { + delete signingKeyCache[cacheKey]; + }); + }; + exports.clearCredentialCache = clearCredentialCache; + var hmac = (ctor, secret, data) => { + const hash = new ctor(secret); + hash.update((0, util_utf8_1.toUint8Array)(data)); + return hash.digest(); + }; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/signature-v4/dist-cjs/getCanonicalHeaders.js +var require_getCanonicalHeaders = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/signature-v4/dist-cjs/getCanonicalHeaders.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getCanonicalHeaders = void 0; + var constants_1 = require_constants3(); + var getCanonicalHeaders = ({ headers }, unsignableHeaders, signableHeaders) => { + const canonical = {}; + for (const headerName of Object.keys(headers).sort()) { + if (headers[headerName] == void 0) { + continue; + } + const canonicalHeaderName = headerName.toLowerCase(); + if (canonicalHeaderName in constants_1.ALWAYS_UNSIGNABLE_HEADERS || (unsignableHeaders === null || unsignableHeaders === void 0 ? void 0 : unsignableHeaders.has(canonicalHeaderName)) || constants_1.PROXY_HEADER_PATTERN.test(canonicalHeaderName) || constants_1.SEC_HEADER_PATTERN.test(canonicalHeaderName)) { + if (!signableHeaders || signableHeaders && !signableHeaders.has(canonicalHeaderName)) { + continue; + } + } + canonical[canonicalHeaderName] = headers[headerName].trim().replace(/\s+/g, " "); + } + return canonical; + }; + exports.getCanonicalHeaders = getCanonicalHeaders; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-uri-escape/dist-cjs/escape-uri.js +var require_escape_uri = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-uri-escape/dist-cjs/escape-uri.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.escapeUri = void 0; + var escapeUri = (uri) => encodeURIComponent(uri).replace(/[!'()*]/g, hexEncode); + exports.escapeUri = escapeUri; + var hexEncode = (c) => `%${c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase()}`; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-uri-escape/dist-cjs/escape-uri-path.js +var require_escape_uri_path = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-uri-escape/dist-cjs/escape-uri-path.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.escapeUriPath = void 0; + var escape_uri_1 = require_escape_uri(); + var escapeUriPath = (uri) => uri.split("/").map(escape_uri_1.escapeUri).join("/"); + exports.escapeUriPath = escapeUriPath; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-uri-escape/dist-cjs/index.js +var require_dist_cjs23 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-uri-escape/dist-cjs/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_escape_uri(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_escape_uri_path(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/signature-v4/dist-cjs/getCanonicalQuery.js +var require_getCanonicalQuery = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/signature-v4/dist-cjs/getCanonicalQuery.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getCanonicalQuery = void 0; + var util_uri_escape_1 = require_dist_cjs23(); + var constants_1 = require_constants3(); + var getCanonicalQuery = ({ query = {} }) => { + const keys = []; + const serialized = {}; + for (const key of Object.keys(query).sort()) { + if (key.toLowerCase() === constants_1.SIGNATURE_HEADER) { + continue; + } + keys.push(key); + const value = query[key]; + if (typeof value === "string") { + serialized[key] = `${(0, util_uri_escape_1.escapeUri)(key)}=${(0, util_uri_escape_1.escapeUri)(value)}`; + } else if (Array.isArray(value)) { + serialized[key] = value.slice(0).sort().reduce((encoded, value2) => encoded.concat([`${(0, util_uri_escape_1.escapeUri)(key)}=${(0, util_uri_escape_1.escapeUri)(value2)}`]), []).join("&"); + } + } + return keys.map((key) => serialized[key]).filter((serialized2) => serialized2).join("&"); + }; + exports.getCanonicalQuery = getCanonicalQuery; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/signature-v4/dist-cjs/getPayloadHash.js +var require_getPayloadHash = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/signature-v4/dist-cjs/getPayloadHash.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getPayloadHash = void 0; + var is_array_buffer_1 = require_dist_cjs20(); + var util_hex_encoding_1 = require_dist_cjs18(); + var util_utf8_1 = require_dist_cjs22(); + var constants_1 = require_constants3(); + var getPayloadHash = async ({ headers, body }, hashConstructor) => { + for (const headerName of Object.keys(headers)) { + if (headerName.toLowerCase() === constants_1.SHA256_HEADER) { + return headers[headerName]; + } + } + if (body == void 0) { + return "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855"; + } else if (typeof body === "string" || ArrayBuffer.isView(body) || (0, is_array_buffer_1.isArrayBuffer)(body)) { + const hashCtor = new hashConstructor(); + hashCtor.update((0, util_utf8_1.toUint8Array)(body)); + return (0, util_hex_encoding_1.toHex)(await hashCtor.digest()); + } + return constants_1.UNSIGNED_PAYLOAD; + }; + exports.getPayloadHash = getPayloadHash; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/signature-v4/dist-cjs/headerUtil.js +var require_headerUtil = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/signature-v4/dist-cjs/headerUtil.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.deleteHeader = exports.getHeaderValue = exports.hasHeader = void 0; + var hasHeader = (soughtHeader, headers) => { + soughtHeader = soughtHeader.toLowerCase(); + for (const headerName of Object.keys(headers)) { + if (soughtHeader === headerName.toLowerCase()) { + return true; + } + } + return false; + }; + exports.hasHeader = hasHeader; + var getHeaderValue = (soughtHeader, headers) => { + soughtHeader = soughtHeader.toLowerCase(); + for (const headerName of Object.keys(headers)) { + if (soughtHeader === headerName.toLowerCase()) { + return headers[headerName]; + } + } + return void 0; + }; + exports.getHeaderValue = getHeaderValue; + var deleteHeader = (soughtHeader, headers) => { + soughtHeader = soughtHeader.toLowerCase(); + for (const headerName of Object.keys(headers)) { + if (soughtHeader === headerName.toLowerCase()) { + delete headers[headerName]; + } + } + }; + exports.deleteHeader = deleteHeader; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/signature-v4/dist-cjs/cloneRequest.js +var require_cloneRequest = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/signature-v4/dist-cjs/cloneRequest.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.cloneQuery = exports.cloneRequest = void 0; + var cloneRequest = ({ headers, query, ...rest }) => ({ + ...rest, + headers: { ...headers }, + query: query ? (0, exports.cloneQuery)(query) : void 0 + }); + exports.cloneRequest = cloneRequest; + var cloneQuery = (query) => Object.keys(query).reduce((carry, paramName) => { + const param = query[paramName]; + return { + ...carry, + [paramName]: Array.isArray(param) ? [...param] : param + }; + }, {}); + exports.cloneQuery = cloneQuery; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/signature-v4/dist-cjs/moveHeadersToQuery.js +var require_moveHeadersToQuery = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/signature-v4/dist-cjs/moveHeadersToQuery.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.moveHeadersToQuery = void 0; + var cloneRequest_1 = require_cloneRequest(); + var moveHeadersToQuery = (request2, options = {}) => { + var _a; + const { headers, query = {} } = typeof request2.clone === "function" ? request2.clone() : (0, cloneRequest_1.cloneRequest)(request2); + for (const name of Object.keys(headers)) { + const lname = name.toLowerCase(); + if (lname.slice(0, 6) === "x-amz-" && !((_a = options.unhoistableHeaders) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.has(lname))) { + query[name] = headers[name]; + delete headers[name]; + } + } + return { + ...request2, + headers, + query + }; + }; + exports.moveHeadersToQuery = moveHeadersToQuery; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/signature-v4/dist-cjs/prepareRequest.js +var require_prepareRequest = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/signature-v4/dist-cjs/prepareRequest.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.prepareRequest = void 0; + var cloneRequest_1 = require_cloneRequest(); + var constants_1 = require_constants3(); + var prepareRequest = (request2) => { + request2 = typeof request2.clone === "function" ? request2.clone() : (0, cloneRequest_1.cloneRequest)(request2); + for (const headerName of Object.keys(request2.headers)) { + if (constants_1.GENERATED_HEADERS.indexOf(headerName.toLowerCase()) > -1) { + delete request2.headers[headerName]; + } + } + return request2; + }; + exports.prepareRequest = prepareRequest; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/signature-v4/dist-cjs/utilDate.js +var require_utilDate = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/signature-v4/dist-cjs/utilDate.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.toDate = exports.iso8601 = void 0; + var iso8601 = (time) => (0, exports.toDate)(time).toISOString().replace(/\.\d{3}Z$/, "Z"); + exports.iso8601 = iso8601; + var toDate = (time) => { + if (typeof time === "number") { + return new Date(time * 1e3); + } + if (typeof time === "string") { + if (Number(time)) { + return new Date(Number(time) * 1e3); + } + return new Date(time); + } + return time; + }; + exports.toDate = toDate; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/signature-v4/dist-cjs/SignatureV4.js +var require_SignatureV4 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/signature-v4/dist-cjs/SignatureV4.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.SignatureV4 = void 0; + var eventstream_codec_1 = require_dist_cjs19(); + var util_hex_encoding_1 = require_dist_cjs18(); + var util_middleware_1 = require_dist_cjs2(); + var util_utf8_1 = require_dist_cjs22(); + var constants_1 = require_constants3(); + var credentialDerivation_1 = require_credentialDerivation(); + var getCanonicalHeaders_1 = require_getCanonicalHeaders(); + var getCanonicalQuery_1 = require_getCanonicalQuery(); + var getPayloadHash_1 = require_getPayloadHash(); + var headerUtil_1 = require_headerUtil(); + var moveHeadersToQuery_1 = require_moveHeadersToQuery(); + var prepareRequest_1 = require_prepareRequest(); + var utilDate_1 = require_utilDate(); + var SignatureV4 = class { + constructor({ applyChecksum, credentials, region, service, sha256, uriEscapePath = true }) { + this.headerMarshaller = new eventstream_codec_1.HeaderMarshaller(util_utf8_1.toUtf8, util_utf8_1.fromUtf8); + this.service = service; + this.sha256 = sha256; + this.uriEscapePath = uriEscapePath; + this.applyChecksum = typeof applyChecksum === "boolean" ? applyChecksum : true; + this.regionProvider = (0, util_middleware_1.normalizeProvider)(region); + this.credentialProvider = (0, util_middleware_1.normalizeProvider)(credentials); + } + async presign(originalRequest, options = {}) { + const { signingDate = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), expiresIn = 3600, unsignableHeaders, unhoistableHeaders, signableHeaders, signingRegion, signingService } = options; + const credentials = await this.credentialProvider(); + this.validateResolvedCredentials(credentials); + const region = signingRegion !== null && signingRegion !== void 0 ? signingRegion : await this.regionProvider(); + const { longDate, shortDate } = formatDate(signingDate); + if (expiresIn > constants_1.MAX_PRESIGNED_TTL) { + return Promise.reject("Signature version 4 presigned URLs must have an expiration date less than one week in the future"); + } + const scope = (0, credentialDerivation_1.createScope)(shortDate, region, signingService !== null && signingService !== void 0 ? signingService : this.service); + const request2 = (0, moveHeadersToQuery_1.moveHeadersToQuery)((0, prepareRequest_1.prepareRequest)(originalRequest), { unhoistableHeaders }); + if (credentials.sessionToken) { + request2.query[constants_1.TOKEN_QUERY_PARAM] = credentials.sessionToken; + } + request2.query[constants_1.ALGORITHM_QUERY_PARAM] = constants_1.ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER; + request2.query[constants_1.CREDENTIAL_QUERY_PARAM] = `${credentials.accessKeyId}/${scope}`; + request2.query[constants_1.AMZ_DATE_QUERY_PARAM] = longDate; + request2.query[constants_1.EXPIRES_QUERY_PARAM] = expiresIn.toString(10); + const canonicalHeaders = (0, getCanonicalHeaders_1.getCanonicalHeaders)(request2, unsignableHeaders, signableHeaders); + request2.query[constants_1.SIGNED_HEADERS_QUERY_PARAM] = getCanonicalHeaderList(canonicalHeaders); + request2.query[constants_1.SIGNATURE_QUERY_PARAM] = await this.getSignature(longDate, scope, this.getSigningKey(credentials, region, shortDate, signingService), this.createCanonicalRequest(request2, canonicalHeaders, await (0, getPayloadHash_1.getPayloadHash)(originalRequest, this.sha256))); + return request2; + } + async sign(toSign, options) { + if (typeof toSign === "string") { + return this.signString(toSign, options); + } else if (toSign.headers && toSign.payload) { + return this.signEvent(toSign, options); + } else if (toSign.message) { + return this.signMessage(toSign, options); + } else { + return this.signRequest(toSign, options); + } + } + async signEvent({ headers, payload }, { signingDate = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), priorSignature, signingRegion, signingService }) { + const region = signingRegion !== null && signingRegion !== void 0 ? signingRegion : await this.regionProvider(); + const { shortDate, longDate } = formatDate(signingDate); + const scope = (0, credentialDerivation_1.createScope)(shortDate, region, signingService !== null && signingService !== void 0 ? signingService : this.service); + const hashedPayload = await (0, getPayloadHash_1.getPayloadHash)({ headers: {}, body: payload }, this.sha256); + const hash = new this.sha256(); + hash.update(headers); + const hashedHeaders = (0, util_hex_encoding_1.toHex)(await hash.digest()); + const stringToSign = [ + constants_1.EVENT_ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER, + longDate, + scope, + priorSignature, + hashedHeaders, + hashedPayload + ].join("\n"); + return this.signString(stringToSign, { signingDate, signingRegion: region, signingService }); + } + async signMessage(signableMessage, { signingDate = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), signingRegion, signingService }) { + const promise = this.signEvent({ + headers: this.headerMarshaller.format(signableMessage.message.headers), + payload: signableMessage.message.body + }, { + signingDate, + signingRegion, + signingService, + priorSignature: signableMessage.priorSignature + }); + return promise.then((signature) => { + return { message: signableMessage.message, signature }; + }); + } + async signString(stringToSign, { signingDate = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), signingRegion, signingService } = {}) { + const credentials = await this.credentialProvider(); + this.validateResolvedCredentials(credentials); + const region = signingRegion !== null && signingRegion !== void 0 ? signingRegion : await this.regionProvider(); + const { shortDate } = formatDate(signingDate); + const hash = new this.sha256(await this.getSigningKey(credentials, region, shortDate, signingService)); + hash.update((0, util_utf8_1.toUint8Array)(stringToSign)); + return (0, util_hex_encoding_1.toHex)(await hash.digest()); + } + async signRequest(requestToSign, { signingDate = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), signableHeaders, unsignableHeaders, signingRegion, signingService } = {}) { + const credentials = await this.credentialProvider(); + this.validateResolvedCredentials(credentials); + const region = signingRegion !== null && signingRegion !== void 0 ? signingRegion : await this.regionProvider(); + const request2 = (0, prepareRequest_1.prepareRequest)(requestToSign); + const { longDate, shortDate } = formatDate(signingDate); + const scope = (0, credentialDerivation_1.createScope)(shortDate, region, signingService !== null && signingService !== void 0 ? signingService : this.service); + request2.headers[constants_1.AMZ_DATE_HEADER] = longDate; + if (credentials.sessionToken) { + request2.headers[constants_1.TOKEN_HEADER] = credentials.sessionToken; + } + const payloadHash = await (0, getPayloadHash_1.getPayloadHash)(request2, this.sha256); + if (!(0, headerUtil_1.hasHeader)(constants_1.SHA256_HEADER, request2.headers) && this.applyChecksum) { + request2.headers[constants_1.SHA256_HEADER] = payloadHash; + } + const canonicalHeaders = (0, getCanonicalHeaders_1.getCanonicalHeaders)(request2, unsignableHeaders, signableHeaders); + const signature = await this.getSignature(longDate, scope, this.getSigningKey(credentials, region, shortDate, signingService), this.createCanonicalRequest(request2, canonicalHeaders, payloadHash)); + request2.headers[constants_1.AUTH_HEADER] = `${constants_1.ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER} Credential=${credentials.accessKeyId}/${scope}, SignedHeaders=${getCanonicalHeaderList(canonicalHeaders)}, Signature=${signature}`; + return request2; + } + createCanonicalRequest(request2, canonicalHeaders, payloadHash) { + const sortedHeaders = Object.keys(canonicalHeaders).sort(); + return `${request2.method} +${this.getCanonicalPath(request2)} +${(0, getCanonicalQuery_1.getCanonicalQuery)(request2)} +${sortedHeaders.map((name) => `${name}:${canonicalHeaders[name]}`).join("\n")} + +${sortedHeaders.join(";")} +${payloadHash}`; + } + async createStringToSign(longDate, credentialScope, canonicalRequest) { + const hash = new this.sha256(); + hash.update((0, util_utf8_1.toUint8Array)(canonicalRequest)); + const hashedRequest = await hash.digest(); + return `${constants_1.ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER} +${longDate} +${credentialScope} +${(0, util_hex_encoding_1.toHex)(hashedRequest)}`; + } + getCanonicalPath({ path }) { + if (this.uriEscapePath) { + const normalizedPathSegments = []; + for (const pathSegment of path.split("/")) { + if ((pathSegment === null || pathSegment === void 0 ? void 0 : pathSegment.length) === 0) + continue; + if (pathSegment === ".") + continue; + if (pathSegment === "..") { + normalizedPathSegments.pop(); + } else { + normalizedPathSegments.push(pathSegment); + } + } + const normalizedPath = `${(path === null || path === void 0 ? void 0 : path.startsWith("/")) ? "/" : ""}${normalizedPathSegments.join("/")}${normalizedPathSegments.length > 0 && (path === null || path === void 0 ? void 0 : path.endsWith("/")) ? "/" : ""}`; + const doubleEncoded = encodeURIComponent(normalizedPath); + return doubleEncoded.replace(/%2F/g, "/"); + } + return path; + } + async getSignature(longDate, credentialScope, keyPromise, canonicalRequest) { + const stringToSign = await this.createStringToSign(longDate, credentialScope, canonicalRequest); + const hash = new this.sha256(await keyPromise); + hash.update((0, util_utf8_1.toUint8Array)(stringToSign)); + return (0, util_hex_encoding_1.toHex)(await hash.digest()); + } + getSigningKey(credentials, region, shortDate, service) { + return (0, credentialDerivation_1.getSigningKey)(this.sha256, credentials, shortDate, region, service || this.service); + } + validateResolvedCredentials(credentials) { + if (typeof credentials !== "object" || typeof credentials.accessKeyId !== "string" || typeof credentials.secretAccessKey !== "string") { + throw new Error("Resolved credential object is not valid"); + } + } + }; + exports.SignatureV4 = SignatureV4; + var formatDate = (now) => { + const longDate = (0, utilDate_1.iso8601)(now).replace(/[\-:]/g, ""); + return { + longDate, + shortDate: longDate.slice(0, 8) + }; + }; + var getCanonicalHeaderList = (headers) => Object.keys(headers).sort().join(";"); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/signature-v4/dist-cjs/index.js +var require_dist_cjs24 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/signature-v4/dist-cjs/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.prepareRequest = exports.moveHeadersToQuery = exports.getPayloadHash = exports.getCanonicalQuery = exports.getCanonicalHeaders = void 0; + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_SignatureV4(), exports); + var getCanonicalHeaders_1 = require_getCanonicalHeaders(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "getCanonicalHeaders", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return getCanonicalHeaders_1.getCanonicalHeaders; + } }); + var getCanonicalQuery_1 = require_getCanonicalQuery(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "getCanonicalQuery", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return getCanonicalQuery_1.getCanonicalQuery; + } }); + var getPayloadHash_1 = require_getPayloadHash(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "getPayloadHash", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return getPayloadHash_1.getPayloadHash; + } }); + var moveHeadersToQuery_1 = require_moveHeadersToQuery(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "moveHeadersToQuery", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return moveHeadersToQuery_1.moveHeadersToQuery; + } }); + var prepareRequest_1 = require_prepareRequest(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "prepareRequest", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return prepareRequest_1.prepareRequest; + } }); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_credentialDerivation(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-signing/dist-cjs/awsAuthConfiguration.js +var require_awsAuthConfiguration = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-signing/dist-cjs/awsAuthConfiguration.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.resolveSigV4AuthConfig = exports.resolveAwsAuthConfig = void 0; + var property_provider_1 = require_dist_cjs16(); + var signature_v4_1 = require_dist_cjs24(); + var util_middleware_1 = require_dist_cjs2(); + var CREDENTIAL_EXPIRE_WINDOW = 3e5; + var resolveAwsAuthConfig = (input) => { + const normalizedCreds = input.credentials ? normalizeCredentialProvider(input.credentials) : input.credentialDefaultProvider(input); + const { signingEscapePath = true, systemClockOffset = input.systemClockOffset || 0, sha256 } = input; + let signer; + if (input.signer) { + signer = (0, util_middleware_1.normalizeProvider)(input.signer); + } else if (input.regionInfoProvider) { + signer = () => (0, util_middleware_1.normalizeProvider)(input.region)().then(async (region) => [ + await input.regionInfoProvider(region, { + useFipsEndpoint: await input.useFipsEndpoint(), + useDualstackEndpoint: await input.useDualstackEndpoint() + }) || {}, + region + ]).then(([regionInfo, region]) => { + const { signingRegion, signingService } = regionInfo; + input.signingRegion = input.signingRegion || signingRegion || region; + input.signingName = input.signingName || signingService || input.serviceId; + const params = { + ...input, + credentials: normalizedCreds, + region: input.signingRegion, + service: input.signingName, + sha256, + uriEscapePath: signingEscapePath + }; + const SignerCtor = input.signerConstructor || signature_v4_1.SignatureV4; + return new SignerCtor(params); + }); + } else { + signer = async (authScheme) => { + authScheme = Object.assign({}, { + name: "sigv4", + signingName: input.signingName || input.defaultSigningName, + signingRegion: await (0, util_middleware_1.normalizeProvider)(input.region)(), + properties: {} + }, authScheme); + const signingRegion = authScheme.signingRegion; + const signingService = authScheme.signingName; + input.signingRegion = input.signingRegion || signingRegion; + input.signingName = input.signingName || signingService || input.serviceId; + const params = { + ...input, + credentials: normalizedCreds, + region: input.signingRegion, + service: input.signingName, + sha256, + uriEscapePath: signingEscapePath + }; + const SignerCtor = input.signerConstructor || signature_v4_1.SignatureV4; + return new SignerCtor(params); + }; + } + return { + ...input, + systemClockOffset, + signingEscapePath, + credentials: normalizedCreds, + signer + }; + }; + exports.resolveAwsAuthConfig = resolveAwsAuthConfig; + var resolveSigV4AuthConfig = (input) => { + const normalizedCreds = input.credentials ? normalizeCredentialProvider(input.credentials) : input.credentialDefaultProvider(input); + const { signingEscapePath = true, systemClockOffset = input.systemClockOffset || 0, sha256 } = input; + let signer; + if (input.signer) { + signer = (0, util_middleware_1.normalizeProvider)(input.signer); + } else { + signer = (0, util_middleware_1.normalizeProvider)(new signature_v4_1.SignatureV4({ + credentials: normalizedCreds, + region: input.region, + service: input.signingName, + sha256, + uriEscapePath: signingEscapePath + })); + } + return { + ...input, + systemClockOffset, + signingEscapePath, + credentials: normalizedCreds, + signer + }; + }; + exports.resolveSigV4AuthConfig = resolveSigV4AuthConfig; + var normalizeCredentialProvider = (credentials) => { + if (typeof credentials === "function") { + return (0, property_provider_1.memoize)(credentials, (credentials2) => credentials2.expiration !== void 0 && credentials2.expiration.getTime() - Date.now() < CREDENTIAL_EXPIRE_WINDOW, (credentials2) => credentials2.expiration !== void 0); + } + return (0, util_middleware_1.normalizeProvider)(credentials); + }; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-signing/dist-cjs/utils/getSkewCorrectedDate.js +var require_getSkewCorrectedDate = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-signing/dist-cjs/utils/getSkewCorrectedDate.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getSkewCorrectedDate = void 0; + var getSkewCorrectedDate = (systemClockOffset) => new Date(Date.now() + systemClockOffset); + exports.getSkewCorrectedDate = getSkewCorrectedDate; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-signing/dist-cjs/utils/isClockSkewed.js +var require_isClockSkewed = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-signing/dist-cjs/utils/isClockSkewed.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.isClockSkewed = void 0; + var getSkewCorrectedDate_1 = require_getSkewCorrectedDate(); + var isClockSkewed = (clockTime, systemClockOffset) => Math.abs((0, getSkewCorrectedDate_1.getSkewCorrectedDate)(systemClockOffset).getTime() - clockTime) >= 3e5; + exports.isClockSkewed = isClockSkewed; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-signing/dist-cjs/utils/getUpdatedSystemClockOffset.js +var require_getUpdatedSystemClockOffset = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-signing/dist-cjs/utils/getUpdatedSystemClockOffset.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getUpdatedSystemClockOffset = void 0; + var isClockSkewed_1 = require_isClockSkewed(); + var getUpdatedSystemClockOffset = (clockTime, currentSystemClockOffset) => { + const clockTimeInMs = Date.parse(clockTime); + if ((0, isClockSkewed_1.isClockSkewed)(clockTimeInMs, currentSystemClockOffset)) { + return clockTimeInMs - Date.now(); + } + return currentSystemClockOffset; + }; + exports.getUpdatedSystemClockOffset = getUpdatedSystemClockOffset; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-signing/dist-cjs/awsAuthMiddleware.js +var require_awsAuthMiddleware = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-signing/dist-cjs/awsAuthMiddleware.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getSigV4AuthPlugin = exports.getAwsAuthPlugin = exports.awsAuthMiddlewareOptions = exports.awsAuthMiddleware = void 0; + var protocol_http_1 = require_dist_cjs4(); + var getSkewCorrectedDate_1 = require_getSkewCorrectedDate(); + var getUpdatedSystemClockOffset_1 = require_getUpdatedSystemClockOffset(); + var awsAuthMiddleware = (options) => (next, context) => async function(args) { + var _a, _b, _c, _d; + if (!protocol_http_1.HttpRequest.isInstance(args.request)) + return next(args); + const authScheme = (_c = (_b = (_a = context.endpointV2) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.properties) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.authSchemes) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c[0]; + const multiRegionOverride = (authScheme === null || authScheme === void 0 ? void 0 : authScheme.name) === "sigv4a" ? (_d = authScheme === null || authScheme === void 0 ? void 0 : authScheme.signingRegionSet) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.join(",") : void 0; + const signer = await options.signer(authScheme); + const output = await next({ + ...args, + request: await signer.sign(args.request, { + signingDate: (0, getSkewCorrectedDate_1.getSkewCorrectedDate)(options.systemClockOffset), + signingRegion: multiRegionOverride || context["signing_region"], + signingService: context["signing_service"] + }) + }).catch((error) => { + var _a2; + const serverTime = (_a2 = error.ServerTime) !== null && _a2 !== void 0 ? _a2 : getDateHeader(error.$response); + if (serverTime) { + options.systemClockOffset = (0, getUpdatedSystemClockOffset_1.getUpdatedSystemClockOffset)(serverTime, options.systemClockOffset); + } + throw error; + }); + const dateHeader = getDateHeader(output.response); + if (dateHeader) { + options.systemClockOffset = (0, getUpdatedSystemClockOffset_1.getUpdatedSystemClockOffset)(dateHeader, options.systemClockOffset); + } + return output; + }; + exports.awsAuthMiddleware = awsAuthMiddleware; + var getDateHeader = (response) => { + var _a, _b, _c; + return protocol_http_1.HttpResponse.isInstance(response) ? (_b = (_a = response.headers) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.date) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : (_c = response.headers) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.Date : void 0; + }; + exports.awsAuthMiddlewareOptions = { + name: "awsAuthMiddleware", + tags: ["SIGNATURE", "AWSAUTH"], + relation: "after", + toMiddleware: "retryMiddleware", + override: true + }; + var getAwsAuthPlugin = (options) => ({ + applyToStack: (clientStack) => { + clientStack.addRelativeTo((0, exports.awsAuthMiddleware)(options), exports.awsAuthMiddlewareOptions); + } + }); + exports.getAwsAuthPlugin = getAwsAuthPlugin; + exports.getSigV4AuthPlugin = exports.getAwsAuthPlugin; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-signing/dist-cjs/index.js +var require_dist_cjs25 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-signing/dist-cjs/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_awsAuthConfiguration(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_awsAuthMiddleware(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-user-agent/dist-cjs/configurations.js +var require_configurations2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-user-agent/dist-cjs/configurations.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.resolveUserAgentConfig = void 0; + function resolveUserAgentConfig(input) { + return { + ...input, + customUserAgent: typeof input.customUserAgent === "string" ? [[input.customUserAgent]] : input.customUserAgent + }; + } + exports.resolveUserAgentConfig = resolveUserAgentConfig; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/lib/aws/partitions.json +var require_partitions = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/lib/aws/partitions.json"(exports, module2) { + module2.exports = { + partitions: [{ + id: "aws", + outputs: { + dnsSuffix: "amazonaws.com", + dualStackDnsSuffix: "api.aws", + name: "aws", + supportsDualStack: true, + supportsFIPS: true + }, + regionRegex: "^(us|eu|ap|sa|ca|me|af)\\-\\w+\\-\\d+$", + regions: { + "af-south-1": { + description: "Africa (Cape Town)" + }, + "ap-east-1": { + description: "Asia Pacific (Hong Kong)" + }, + "ap-northeast-1": { + description: "Asia Pacific (Tokyo)" + }, + "ap-northeast-2": { + description: "Asia Pacific (Seoul)" + }, + "ap-northeast-3": { + description: "Asia Pacific (Osaka)" + }, + "ap-south-1": { + description: "Asia Pacific (Mumbai)" + }, + "ap-south-2": { + description: "Asia Pacific (Hyderabad)" + }, + "ap-southeast-1": { + description: "Asia Pacific (Singapore)" + }, + "ap-southeast-2": { + description: "Asia Pacific (Sydney)" + }, + "ap-southeast-3": { + description: "Asia Pacific (Jakarta)" + }, + "ap-southeast-4": { + description: "Asia Pacific (Melbourne)" + }, + "aws-global": { + description: "AWS Standard global region" + }, + "ca-central-1": { + description: "Canada (Central)" + }, + "eu-central-1": { + description: "Europe (Frankfurt)" + }, + "eu-central-2": { + description: "Europe (Zurich)" + }, + "eu-north-1": { + description: "Europe (Stockholm)" + }, + "eu-south-1": { + description: "Europe (Milan)" + }, + "eu-south-2": { + description: "Europe (Spain)" + }, + "eu-west-1": { + description: "Europe (Ireland)" + }, + "eu-west-2": { + description: "Europe (London)" + }, + "eu-west-3": { + description: "Europe (Paris)" + }, + "me-central-1": { + description: "Middle East (UAE)" + }, + "me-south-1": { + description: "Middle East (Bahrain)" + }, + "sa-east-1": { + description: "South America (Sao Paulo)" + }, + "us-east-1": { + description: "US East (N. Virginia)" + }, + "us-east-2": { + description: "US East (Ohio)" + }, + "us-west-1": { + description: "US West (N. California)" + }, + "us-west-2": { + description: "US West (Oregon)" + } + } + }, { + id: "aws-cn", + outputs: { + dnsSuffix: "amazonaws.com.cn", + dualStackDnsSuffix: "api.amazonwebservices.com.cn", + name: "aws-cn", + supportsDualStack: true, + supportsFIPS: true + }, + regionRegex: "^cn\\-\\w+\\-\\d+$", + regions: { + "aws-cn-global": { + description: "AWS China global region" + }, + "cn-north-1": { + description: "China (Beijing)" + }, + "cn-northwest-1": { + description: "China (Ningxia)" + } + } + }, { + id: "aws-us-gov", + outputs: { + dnsSuffix: "amazonaws.com", + dualStackDnsSuffix: "api.aws", + name: "aws-us-gov", + supportsDualStack: true, + supportsFIPS: true + }, + regionRegex: "^us\\-gov\\-\\w+\\-\\d+$", + regions: { + "aws-us-gov-global": { + description: "AWS GovCloud (US) global region" + }, + "us-gov-east-1": { + description: "AWS GovCloud (US-East)" + }, + "us-gov-west-1": { + description: "AWS GovCloud (US-West)" + } + } + }, { + id: "aws-iso", + outputs: { + dnsSuffix: "c2s.ic.gov", + dualStackDnsSuffix: "c2s.ic.gov", + name: "aws-iso", + supportsDualStack: false, + supportsFIPS: true + }, + regionRegex: "^us\\-iso\\-\\w+\\-\\d+$", + regions: { + "aws-iso-global": { + description: "AWS ISO (US) global region" + }, + "us-iso-east-1": { + description: "US ISO East" + }, + "us-iso-west-1": { + description: "US ISO WEST" + } + } + }, { + id: "aws-iso-b", + outputs: { + dnsSuffix: "sc2s.sgov.gov", + dualStackDnsSuffix: "sc2s.sgov.gov", + name: "aws-iso-b", + supportsDualStack: false, + supportsFIPS: true + }, + regionRegex: "^us\\-isob\\-\\w+\\-\\d+$", + regions: { + "aws-iso-b-global": { + description: "AWS ISOB (US) global region" + }, + "us-isob-east-1": { + description: "US ISOB East (Ohio)" + } + } + }, { + id: "aws-iso-e", + outputs: { + dnsSuffix: "cloud.adc-e.uk", + dualStackDnsSuffix: "cloud.adc-e.uk", + name: "aws-iso-e", + supportsDualStack: false, + supportsFIPS: true + }, + regionRegex: "^eu\\-isoe\\-\\w+\\-\\d+$", + regions: {} + }], + version: "1.1" + }; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/lib/aws/partition.js +var require_partition = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/lib/aws/partition.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getUserAgentPrefix = exports.useDefaultPartitionInfo = exports.setPartitionInfo = exports.partition = void 0; + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + var partitions_json_1 = tslib_1.__importDefault(require_partitions()); + var selectedPartitionsInfo = partitions_json_1.default; + var selectedUserAgentPrefix = ""; + var partition = (value) => { + const { partitions } = selectedPartitionsInfo; + for (const partition2 of partitions) { + const { regions, outputs } = partition2; + for (const [region, regionData] of Object.entries(regions)) { + if (region === value) { + return { + ...outputs, + ...regionData + }; + } + } + } + for (const partition2 of partitions) { + const { regionRegex, outputs } = partition2; + if (new RegExp(regionRegex).test(value)) { + return { + ...outputs + }; + } + } + const DEFAULT_PARTITION = partitions.find((partition2) => partition2.id === "aws"); + if (!DEFAULT_PARTITION) { + throw new Error("Provided region was not found in the partition array or regex, and default partition with id 'aws' doesn't exist."); + } + return { + ...DEFAULT_PARTITION.outputs + }; + }; + exports.partition = partition; + var setPartitionInfo = (partitionsInfo, userAgentPrefix = "") => { + selectedPartitionsInfo = partitionsInfo; + selectedUserAgentPrefix = userAgentPrefix; + }; + exports.setPartitionInfo = setPartitionInfo; + var useDefaultPartitionInfo = () => { + (0, exports.setPartitionInfo)(partitions_json_1.default, ""); + }; + exports.useDefaultPartitionInfo = useDefaultPartitionInfo; + var getUserAgentPrefix = () => selectedUserAgentPrefix; + exports.getUserAgentPrefix = getUserAgentPrefix; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/debug/debugId.js +var require_debugId = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/debug/debugId.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.debugId = void 0; + exports.debugId = "endpoints"; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/debug/toDebugString.js +var require_toDebugString = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/debug/toDebugString.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.toDebugString = void 0; + function toDebugString(input) { + if (typeof input !== "object" || input == null) { + return input; + } + if ("ref" in input) { + return `$${toDebugString(input.ref)}`; + } + if ("fn" in input) { + return `${input.fn}(${(input.argv || []).map(toDebugString).join(", ")})`; + } + return JSON.stringify(input, null, 2); + } + exports.toDebugString = toDebugString; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/debug/index.js +var require_debug = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/debug/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_debugId(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_toDebugString(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/types/EndpointError.js +var require_EndpointError = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/types/EndpointError.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.EndpointError = void 0; + var EndpointError = class extends Error { + constructor(message) { + super(message); + this.name = "EndpointError"; + } + }; + exports.EndpointError = EndpointError; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/types/EndpointRuleObject.js +var require_EndpointRuleObject = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/types/EndpointRuleObject.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/types/ErrorRuleObject.js +var require_ErrorRuleObject = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/types/ErrorRuleObject.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/types/RuleSetObject.js +var require_RuleSetObject = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/types/RuleSetObject.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/types/TreeRuleObject.js +var require_TreeRuleObject = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/types/TreeRuleObject.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/types/shared.js +var require_shared = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/types/shared.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/types/index.js +var require_types3 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/types/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_EndpointError(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_EndpointRuleObject(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_ErrorRuleObject(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_RuleSetObject(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_TreeRuleObject(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_shared(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/lib/isIpAddress.js +var require_isIpAddress = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/lib/isIpAddress.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.isIpAddress = void 0; + var IP_V4_REGEX = new RegExp(`^(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\\d|1\\d\\d|[1-9]\\d|\\d)(?:\\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\\d|1\\d\\d|[1-9]\\d|\\d)){3}$`); + var isIpAddress = (value) => IP_V4_REGEX.test(value) || value.startsWith("[") && value.endsWith("]"); + exports.isIpAddress = isIpAddress; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/lib/isValidHostLabel.js +var require_isValidHostLabel = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/lib/isValidHostLabel.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.isValidHostLabel = void 0; + var VALID_HOST_LABEL_REGEX = new RegExp(`^(?!.*-$)(?!-)[a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,63}$`); + var isValidHostLabel = (value, allowSubDomains = false) => { + if (!allowSubDomains) { + return VALID_HOST_LABEL_REGEX.test(value); + } + const labels = value.split("."); + for (const label of labels) { + if (!(0, exports.isValidHostLabel)(label)) { + return false; + } + } + return true; + }; + exports.isValidHostLabel = isValidHostLabel; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/lib/aws/isVirtualHostableS3Bucket.js +var require_isVirtualHostableS3Bucket = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/lib/aws/isVirtualHostableS3Bucket.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.isVirtualHostableS3Bucket = void 0; + var isIpAddress_1 = require_isIpAddress(); + var isValidHostLabel_1 = require_isValidHostLabel(); + var isVirtualHostableS3Bucket = (value, allowSubDomains = false) => { + if (allowSubDomains) { + for (const label of value.split(".")) { + if (!(0, exports.isVirtualHostableS3Bucket)(label)) { + return false; + } + } + return true; + } + if (!(0, isValidHostLabel_1.isValidHostLabel)(value)) { + return false; + } + if (value.length < 3 || value.length > 63) { + return false; + } + if (value !== value.toLowerCase()) { + return false; + } + if ((0, isIpAddress_1.isIpAddress)(value)) { + return false; + } + return true; + }; + exports.isVirtualHostableS3Bucket = isVirtualHostableS3Bucket; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/lib/aws/parseArn.js +var require_parseArn = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/lib/aws/parseArn.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.parseArn = void 0; + var parseArn = (value) => { + const segments = value.split(":"); + if (segments.length < 6) + return null; + const [arn, partition, service, region, accountId, ...resourceId] = segments; + if (arn !== "arn" || partition === "" || service === "" || resourceId[0] === "") + return null; + return { + partition, + service, + region, + accountId, + resourceId: resourceId[0].includes("/") ? resourceId[0].split("/") : resourceId + }; + }; + exports.parseArn = parseArn; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/lib/aws/index.js +var require_aws = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/lib/aws/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_isVirtualHostableS3Bucket(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_parseArn(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_partition(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/lib/booleanEquals.js +var require_booleanEquals = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/lib/booleanEquals.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.booleanEquals = void 0; + var booleanEquals = (value1, value2) => value1 === value2; + exports.booleanEquals = booleanEquals; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/lib/getAttrPathList.js +var require_getAttrPathList = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/lib/getAttrPathList.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getAttrPathList = void 0; + var types_1 = require_types3(); + var getAttrPathList = (path) => { + const parts = path.split("."); + const pathList = []; + for (const part of parts) { + const squareBracketIndex = part.indexOf("["); + if (squareBracketIndex !== -1) { + if (part.indexOf("]") !== part.length - 1) { + throw new types_1.EndpointError(`Path: '${path}' does not end with ']'`); + } + const arrayIndex = part.slice(squareBracketIndex + 1, -1); + if (Number.isNaN(parseInt(arrayIndex))) { + throw new types_1.EndpointError(`Invalid array index: '${arrayIndex}' in path: '${path}'`); + } + if (squareBracketIndex !== 0) { + pathList.push(part.slice(0, squareBracketIndex)); + } + pathList.push(arrayIndex); + } else { + pathList.push(part); + } + } + return pathList; + }; + exports.getAttrPathList = getAttrPathList; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/lib/getAttr.js +var require_getAttr = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/lib/getAttr.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getAttr = void 0; + var types_1 = require_types3(); + var getAttrPathList_1 = require_getAttrPathList(); + var getAttr = (value, path) => (0, getAttrPathList_1.getAttrPathList)(path).reduce((acc, index) => { + if (typeof acc !== "object") { + throw new types_1.EndpointError(`Index '${index}' in '${path}' not found in '${JSON.stringify(value)}'`); + } else if (Array.isArray(acc)) { + return acc[parseInt(index)]; + } + return acc[index]; + }, value); + exports.getAttr = getAttr; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/lib/isSet.js +var require_isSet = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/lib/isSet.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.isSet = void 0; + var isSet = (value) => value != null; + exports.isSet = isSet; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/lib/not.js +var require_not = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/lib/not.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.not = void 0; + var not = (value) => !value; + exports.not = not; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/abort.js +var require_abort = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/abort.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/auth.js +var require_auth = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/auth.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.HttpAuthLocation = void 0; + var HttpAuthLocation; + (function(HttpAuthLocation2) { + HttpAuthLocation2["HEADER"] = "header"; + HttpAuthLocation2["QUERY"] = "query"; + })(HttpAuthLocation = exports.HttpAuthLocation || (exports.HttpAuthLocation = {})); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/checksum.js +var require_checksum = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/checksum.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/client.js +var require_client = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/client.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/command.js +var require_command = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/command.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/connection/config.js +var require_config3 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/connection/config.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/connection/manager.js +var require_manager = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/connection/manager.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/connection/pool.js +var require_pool = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/connection/pool.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/connection/index.js +var require_connection = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/connection/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_config3(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_manager(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_pool(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/credentials.js +var require_credentials = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/credentials.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/crypto.js +var require_crypto = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/crypto.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/dns.js +var require_dns = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/dns.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.HostAddressType = void 0; + var HostAddressType; + (function(HostAddressType2) { + HostAddressType2["AAAA"] = "AAAA"; + HostAddressType2["A"] = "A"; + })(HostAddressType = exports.HostAddressType || (exports.HostAddressType = {})); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/encode.js +var require_encode = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/encode.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/endpoint.js +var require_endpoint = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/endpoint.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.EndpointURLScheme = void 0; + var EndpointURLScheme; + (function(EndpointURLScheme2) { + EndpointURLScheme2["HTTP"] = "http"; + EndpointURLScheme2["HTTPS"] = "https"; + })(EndpointURLScheme = exports.EndpointURLScheme || (exports.EndpointURLScheme = {})); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/eventStream.js +var require_eventStream = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/eventStream.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/http.js +var require_http = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/http.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/identity/AnonymousIdentity.js +var require_AnonymousIdentity = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/identity/AnonymousIdentity.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/identity/AwsCredentialIdentity.js +var require_AwsCredentialIdentity = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/identity/AwsCredentialIdentity.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/identity/Identity.js +var require_Identity = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/identity/Identity.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/identity/LoginIdentity.js +var require_LoginIdentity = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/identity/LoginIdentity.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/identity/TokenIdentity.js +var require_TokenIdentity = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/identity/TokenIdentity.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/identity/index.js +var require_identity = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/identity/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_AnonymousIdentity(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_AwsCredentialIdentity(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_Identity(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_LoginIdentity(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_TokenIdentity(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/logger.js +var require_logger = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/logger.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/middleware.js +var require_middleware = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/middleware.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/pagination.js +var require_pagination = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/pagination.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/profile.js +var require_profile = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/profile.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/request.js +var require_request = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/request.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/response.js +var require_response = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/response.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/retry.js +var require_retry = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/retry.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/serde.js +var require_serde = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/serde.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/shapes.js +var require_shapes = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/shapes.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/signature.js +var require_signature = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/signature.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/stream.js +var require_stream = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/stream.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/token.js +var require_token = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/token.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/transfer.js +var require_transfer = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/transfer.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.RequestHandlerProtocol = void 0; + var RequestHandlerProtocol; + (function(RequestHandlerProtocol2) { + RequestHandlerProtocol2["HTTP_0_9"] = "http/0.9"; + RequestHandlerProtocol2["HTTP_1_0"] = "http/1.0"; + RequestHandlerProtocol2["TDS_8_0"] = "tds/8.0"; + })(RequestHandlerProtocol = exports.RequestHandlerProtocol || (exports.RequestHandlerProtocol = {})); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/uri.js +var require_uri = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/uri.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/util.js +var require_util2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/util.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/waiter.js +var require_waiter = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/waiter.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/index.js +var require_dist_cjs26 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/types/dist-cjs/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_abort(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_auth(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_checksum(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_client(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_command(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_connection(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_credentials(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_crypto(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_dns(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_encode(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_endpoint(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_eventStream(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_http(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_identity(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_logger(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_middleware(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_pagination(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_profile(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_request(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_response(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_retry(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_serde(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_shapes(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_signature(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_stream(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_token(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_transfer(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_uri(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_util2(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_waiter(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/lib/parseURL.js +var require_parseURL = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/lib/parseURL.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.parseURL = void 0; + var types_1 = require_dist_cjs26(); + var isIpAddress_1 = require_isIpAddress(); + var DEFAULT_PORTS = { + [types_1.EndpointURLScheme.HTTP]: 80, + [types_1.EndpointURLScheme.HTTPS]: 443 + }; + var parseURL = (value) => { + const whatwgURL = (() => { + try { + if (value instanceof URL) { + return value; + } + if (typeof value === "object" && "hostname" in value) { + const { hostname: hostname2, port, protocol: protocol2 = "", path = "", query = {} } = value; + const url2 = new URL(`${protocol2}//${hostname2}${port ? `:${port}` : ""}${path}`); + url2.search = Object.entries(query).map(([k, v]) => `${k}=${v}`).join("&"); + return url2; + } + return new URL(value); + } catch (error) { + return null; + } + })(); + if (!whatwgURL) { + console.error(`Unable to parse ${JSON.stringify(value)} as a whatwg URL.`); + return null; + } + const urlString = whatwgURL.href; + const { host, hostname, pathname, protocol, search } = whatwgURL; + if (search) { + return null; + } + const scheme = protocol.slice(0, -1); + if (!Object.values(types_1.EndpointURLScheme).includes(scheme)) { + return null; + } + const isIp = (0, isIpAddress_1.isIpAddress)(hostname); + const inputContainsDefaultPort = urlString.includes(`${host}:${DEFAULT_PORTS[scheme]}`) || typeof value === "string" && value.includes(`${host}:${DEFAULT_PORTS[scheme]}`); + const authority = `${host}${inputContainsDefaultPort ? `:${DEFAULT_PORTS[scheme]}` : ``}`; + return { + scheme, + authority, + path: pathname, + normalizedPath: pathname.endsWith("/") ? pathname : `${pathname}/`, + isIp + }; + }; + exports.parseURL = parseURL; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/lib/stringEquals.js +var require_stringEquals = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/lib/stringEquals.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.stringEquals = void 0; + var stringEquals = (value1, value2) => value1 === value2; + exports.stringEquals = stringEquals; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/lib/substring.js +var require_substring = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/lib/substring.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.substring = void 0; + var substring = (input, start, stop, reverse) => { + if (start >= stop || input.length < stop) { + return null; + } + if (!reverse) { + return input.substring(start, stop); + } + return input.substring(input.length - stop, input.length - start); + }; + exports.substring = substring; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/lib/uriEncode.js +var require_uriEncode = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/lib/uriEncode.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.uriEncode = void 0; + var uriEncode = (value) => encodeURIComponent(value).replace(/[!*'()]/g, (c) => `%${c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase()}`); + exports.uriEncode = uriEncode; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/lib/index.js +var require_lib = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/lib/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.aws = void 0; + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + exports.aws = tslib_1.__importStar(require_aws()); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_booleanEquals(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_getAttr(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_isSet(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_isValidHostLabel(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_not(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_parseURL(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_stringEquals(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_substring(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_uriEncode(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/utils/evaluateTemplate.js +var require_evaluateTemplate = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/utils/evaluateTemplate.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.evaluateTemplate = void 0; + var lib_1 = require_lib(); + var evaluateTemplate = (template, options) => { + const evaluatedTemplateArr = []; + const templateContext = { + ...options.endpointParams, + ...options.referenceRecord + }; + let currentIndex = 0; + while (currentIndex < template.length) { + const openingBraceIndex = template.indexOf("{", currentIndex); + if (openingBraceIndex === -1) { + evaluatedTemplateArr.push(template.slice(currentIndex)); + break; + } + evaluatedTemplateArr.push(template.slice(currentIndex, openingBraceIndex)); + const closingBraceIndex = template.indexOf("}", openingBraceIndex); + if (closingBraceIndex === -1) { + evaluatedTemplateArr.push(template.slice(openingBraceIndex)); + break; + } + if (template[openingBraceIndex + 1] === "{" && template[closingBraceIndex + 1] === "}") { + evaluatedTemplateArr.push(template.slice(openingBraceIndex + 1, closingBraceIndex)); + currentIndex = closingBraceIndex + 2; + } + const parameterName = template.substring(openingBraceIndex + 1, closingBraceIndex); + if (parameterName.includes("#")) { + const [refName, attrName] = parameterName.split("#"); + evaluatedTemplateArr.push((0, lib_1.getAttr)(templateContext[refName], attrName)); + } else { + evaluatedTemplateArr.push(templateContext[parameterName]); + } + currentIndex = closingBraceIndex + 1; + } + return evaluatedTemplateArr.join(""); + }; + exports.evaluateTemplate = evaluateTemplate; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/utils/getReferenceValue.js +var require_getReferenceValue = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/utils/getReferenceValue.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getReferenceValue = void 0; + var getReferenceValue = ({ ref }, options) => { + const referenceRecord = { + ...options.endpointParams, + ...options.referenceRecord + }; + return referenceRecord[ref]; + }; + exports.getReferenceValue = getReferenceValue; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/utils/evaluateExpression.js +var require_evaluateExpression = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/utils/evaluateExpression.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.evaluateExpression = void 0; + var types_1 = require_types3(); + var callFunction_1 = require_callFunction(); + var evaluateTemplate_1 = require_evaluateTemplate(); + var getReferenceValue_1 = require_getReferenceValue(); + var evaluateExpression = (obj, keyName, options) => { + if (typeof obj === "string") { + return (0, evaluateTemplate_1.evaluateTemplate)(obj, options); + } else if (obj["fn"]) { + return (0, callFunction_1.callFunction)(obj, options); + } else if (obj["ref"]) { + return (0, getReferenceValue_1.getReferenceValue)(obj, options); + } + throw new types_1.EndpointError(`'${keyName}': ${String(obj)} is not a string, function or reference.`); + }; + exports.evaluateExpression = evaluateExpression; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/utils/callFunction.js +var require_callFunction = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/utils/callFunction.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.callFunction = void 0; + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + var lib = tslib_1.__importStar(require_lib()); + var evaluateExpression_1 = require_evaluateExpression(); + var callFunction = ({ fn, argv }, options) => { + const evaluatedArgs = argv.map((arg) => ["boolean", "number"].includes(typeof arg) ? arg : (0, evaluateExpression_1.evaluateExpression)(arg, "arg", options)); + return fn.split(".").reduce((acc, key) => acc[key], lib)(...evaluatedArgs); + }; + exports.callFunction = callFunction; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/utils/evaluateCondition.js +var require_evaluateCondition = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/utils/evaluateCondition.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.evaluateCondition = void 0; + var debug_1 = require_debug(); + var types_1 = require_types3(); + var callFunction_1 = require_callFunction(); + var evaluateCondition = ({ assign, ...fnArgs }, options) => { + var _a, _b; + if (assign && assign in options.referenceRecord) { + throw new types_1.EndpointError(`'${assign}' is already defined in Reference Record.`); + } + const value = (0, callFunction_1.callFunction)(fnArgs, options); + (_b = (_a = options.logger) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.debug) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a, debug_1.debugId, `evaluateCondition: ${(0, debug_1.toDebugString)(fnArgs)} = ${(0, debug_1.toDebugString)(value)}`); + return { + result: value === "" ? true : !!value, + ...assign != null && { toAssign: { name: assign, value } } + }; + }; + exports.evaluateCondition = evaluateCondition; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/utils/evaluateConditions.js +var require_evaluateConditions = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/utils/evaluateConditions.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.evaluateConditions = void 0; + var debug_1 = require_debug(); + var evaluateCondition_1 = require_evaluateCondition(); + var evaluateConditions = (conditions = [], options) => { + var _a, _b; + const conditionsReferenceRecord = {}; + for (const condition of conditions) { + const { result, toAssign } = (0, evaluateCondition_1.evaluateCondition)(condition, { + ...options, + referenceRecord: { + ...options.referenceRecord, + ...conditionsReferenceRecord + } + }); + if (!result) { + return { result }; + } + if (toAssign) { + conditionsReferenceRecord[toAssign.name] = toAssign.value; + (_b = (_a = options.logger) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.debug) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a, debug_1.debugId, `assign: ${toAssign.name} := ${(0, debug_1.toDebugString)(toAssign.value)}`); + } + } + return { result: true, referenceRecord: conditionsReferenceRecord }; + }; + exports.evaluateConditions = evaluateConditions; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/utils/getEndpointHeaders.js +var require_getEndpointHeaders = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/utils/getEndpointHeaders.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getEndpointHeaders = void 0; + var types_1 = require_types3(); + var evaluateExpression_1 = require_evaluateExpression(); + var getEndpointHeaders = (headers, options) => Object.entries(headers).reduce((acc, [headerKey, headerVal]) => ({ + ...acc, + [headerKey]: headerVal.map((headerValEntry) => { + const processedExpr = (0, evaluateExpression_1.evaluateExpression)(headerValEntry, "Header value entry", options); + if (typeof processedExpr !== "string") { + throw new types_1.EndpointError(`Header '${headerKey}' value '${processedExpr}' is not a string`); + } + return processedExpr; + }) + }), {}); + exports.getEndpointHeaders = getEndpointHeaders; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/utils/getEndpointProperty.js +var require_getEndpointProperty = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/utils/getEndpointProperty.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getEndpointProperty = void 0; + var types_1 = require_types3(); + var evaluateTemplate_1 = require_evaluateTemplate(); + var getEndpointProperties_1 = require_getEndpointProperties(); + var getEndpointProperty = (property, options) => { + if (Array.isArray(property)) { + return property.map((propertyEntry) => (0, exports.getEndpointProperty)(propertyEntry, options)); + } + switch (typeof property) { + case "string": + return (0, evaluateTemplate_1.evaluateTemplate)(property, options); + case "object": + if (property === null) { + throw new types_1.EndpointError(`Unexpected endpoint property: ${property}`); + } + return (0, getEndpointProperties_1.getEndpointProperties)(property, options); + case "boolean": + return property; + default: + throw new types_1.EndpointError(`Unexpected endpoint property type: ${typeof property}`); + } + }; + exports.getEndpointProperty = getEndpointProperty; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/utils/getEndpointProperties.js +var require_getEndpointProperties = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/utils/getEndpointProperties.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getEndpointProperties = void 0; + var getEndpointProperty_1 = require_getEndpointProperty(); + var getEndpointProperties = (properties, options) => Object.entries(properties).reduce((acc, [propertyKey, propertyVal]) => ({ + ...acc, + [propertyKey]: (0, getEndpointProperty_1.getEndpointProperty)(propertyVal, options) + }), {}); + exports.getEndpointProperties = getEndpointProperties; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/utils/getEndpointUrl.js +var require_getEndpointUrl = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/utils/getEndpointUrl.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getEndpointUrl = void 0; + var types_1 = require_types3(); + var evaluateExpression_1 = require_evaluateExpression(); + var getEndpointUrl = (endpointUrl, options) => { + const expression = (0, evaluateExpression_1.evaluateExpression)(endpointUrl, "Endpoint URL", options); + if (typeof expression === "string") { + try { + return new URL(expression); + } catch (error) { + console.error(`Failed to construct URL with ${expression}`, error); + throw error; + } + } + throw new types_1.EndpointError(`Endpoint URL must be a string, got ${typeof expression}`); + }; + exports.getEndpointUrl = getEndpointUrl; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/utils/evaluateEndpointRule.js +var require_evaluateEndpointRule = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/utils/evaluateEndpointRule.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.evaluateEndpointRule = void 0; + var debug_1 = require_debug(); + var evaluateConditions_1 = require_evaluateConditions(); + var getEndpointHeaders_1 = require_getEndpointHeaders(); + var getEndpointProperties_1 = require_getEndpointProperties(); + var getEndpointUrl_1 = require_getEndpointUrl(); + var evaluateEndpointRule = (endpointRule, options) => { + var _a, _b; + const { conditions, endpoint } = endpointRule; + const { result, referenceRecord } = (0, evaluateConditions_1.evaluateConditions)(conditions, options); + if (!result) { + return; + } + const endpointRuleOptions = { + ...options, + referenceRecord: { ...options.referenceRecord, ...referenceRecord } + }; + const { url: url2, properties, headers } = endpoint; + (_b = (_a = options.logger) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.debug) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a, debug_1.debugId, `Resolving endpoint from template: ${(0, debug_1.toDebugString)(endpoint)}`); + return { + ...headers != void 0 && { + headers: (0, getEndpointHeaders_1.getEndpointHeaders)(headers, endpointRuleOptions) + }, + ...properties != void 0 && { + properties: (0, getEndpointProperties_1.getEndpointProperties)(properties, endpointRuleOptions) + }, + url: (0, getEndpointUrl_1.getEndpointUrl)(url2, endpointRuleOptions) + }; + }; + exports.evaluateEndpointRule = evaluateEndpointRule; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/utils/evaluateErrorRule.js +var require_evaluateErrorRule = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/utils/evaluateErrorRule.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.evaluateErrorRule = void 0; + var types_1 = require_types3(); + var evaluateConditions_1 = require_evaluateConditions(); + var evaluateExpression_1 = require_evaluateExpression(); + var evaluateErrorRule = (errorRule, options) => { + const { conditions, error } = errorRule; + const { result, referenceRecord } = (0, evaluateConditions_1.evaluateConditions)(conditions, options); + if (!result) { + return; + } + throw new types_1.EndpointError((0, evaluateExpression_1.evaluateExpression)(error, "Error", { + ...options, + referenceRecord: { ...options.referenceRecord, ...referenceRecord } + })); + }; + exports.evaluateErrorRule = evaluateErrorRule; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/utils/evaluateTreeRule.js +var require_evaluateTreeRule = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/utils/evaluateTreeRule.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.evaluateTreeRule = void 0; + var evaluateConditions_1 = require_evaluateConditions(); + var evaluateRules_1 = require_evaluateRules(); + var evaluateTreeRule = (treeRule, options) => { + const { conditions, rules } = treeRule; + const { result, referenceRecord } = (0, evaluateConditions_1.evaluateConditions)(conditions, options); + if (!result) { + return; + } + return (0, evaluateRules_1.evaluateRules)(rules, { + ...options, + referenceRecord: { ...options.referenceRecord, ...referenceRecord } + }); + }; + exports.evaluateTreeRule = evaluateTreeRule; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/utils/evaluateRules.js +var require_evaluateRules = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/utils/evaluateRules.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.evaluateRules = void 0; + var types_1 = require_types3(); + var evaluateEndpointRule_1 = require_evaluateEndpointRule(); + var evaluateErrorRule_1 = require_evaluateErrorRule(); + var evaluateTreeRule_1 = require_evaluateTreeRule(); + var evaluateRules = (rules, options) => { + for (const rule of rules) { + if (rule.type === "endpoint") { + const endpointOrUndefined = (0, evaluateEndpointRule_1.evaluateEndpointRule)(rule, options); + if (endpointOrUndefined) { + return endpointOrUndefined; + } + } else if (rule.type === "error") { + (0, evaluateErrorRule_1.evaluateErrorRule)(rule, options); + } else if (rule.type === "tree") { + const endpointOrUndefined = (0, evaluateTreeRule_1.evaluateTreeRule)(rule, options); + if (endpointOrUndefined) { + return endpointOrUndefined; + } + } else { + throw new types_1.EndpointError(`Unknown endpoint rule: ${rule}`); + } + } + throw new types_1.EndpointError(`Rules evaluation failed`); + }; + exports.evaluateRules = evaluateRules; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/utils/index.js +var require_utils = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/utils/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_evaluateRules(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/resolveEndpoint.js +var require_resolveEndpoint = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/resolveEndpoint.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.resolveEndpoint = void 0; + var debug_1 = require_debug(); + var types_1 = require_types3(); + var utils_1 = require_utils(); + var resolveEndpoint = (ruleSetObject, options) => { + var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f; + const { endpointParams, logger } = options; + const { parameters, rules } = ruleSetObject; + (_b = (_a = options.logger) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.debug) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a, `${debug_1.debugId} Initial EndpointParams: ${(0, debug_1.toDebugString)(endpointParams)}`); + const paramsWithDefault = Object.entries(parameters).filter(([, v]) => v.default != null).map(([k, v]) => [k, v.default]); + if (paramsWithDefault.length > 0) { + for (const [paramKey, paramDefaultValue] of paramsWithDefault) { + endpointParams[paramKey] = (_c = endpointParams[paramKey]) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : paramDefaultValue; + } + } + const requiredParams = Object.entries(parameters).filter(([, v]) => v.required).map(([k]) => k); + for (const requiredParam of requiredParams) { + if (endpointParams[requiredParam] == null) { + throw new types_1.EndpointError(`Missing required parameter: '${requiredParam}'`); + } + } + const endpoint = (0, utils_1.evaluateRules)(rules, { endpointParams, logger, referenceRecord: {} }); + if ((_d = options.endpointParams) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.Endpoint) { + try { + const givenEndpoint = new URL(options.endpointParams.Endpoint); + const { protocol, port } = givenEndpoint; + endpoint.url.protocol = protocol; + endpoint.url.port = port; + } catch (e) { + } + } + (_f = (_e = options.logger) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.debug) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.call(_e, `${debug_1.debugId} Resolved endpoint: ${(0, debug_1.toDebugString)(endpoint)}`); + return endpoint; + }; + exports.resolveEndpoint = resolveEndpoint; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/index.js +var require_dist_cjs27 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-endpoints/dist-cjs/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_partition(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_resolveEndpoint(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_types3(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-user-agent/dist-cjs/constants.js +var require_constants4 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-user-agent/dist-cjs/constants.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.UA_ESCAPE_CHAR = exports.UA_VALUE_ESCAPE_REGEX = exports.UA_NAME_ESCAPE_REGEX = exports.UA_NAME_SEPARATOR = exports.SPACE = exports.X_AMZ_USER_AGENT = exports.USER_AGENT = void 0; + exports.USER_AGENT = "user-agent"; + exports.X_AMZ_USER_AGENT = "x-amz-user-agent"; + exports.SPACE = " "; + exports.UA_NAME_SEPARATOR = "/"; + exports.UA_NAME_ESCAPE_REGEX = /[^\!\$\%\&\'\*\+\-\.\^\_\`\|\~\d\w]/g; + exports.UA_VALUE_ESCAPE_REGEX = /[^\!\$\%\&\'\*\+\-\.\^\_\`\|\~\d\w\#]/g; + exports.UA_ESCAPE_CHAR = "-"; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-user-agent/dist-cjs/user-agent-middleware.js +var require_user_agent_middleware = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-user-agent/dist-cjs/user-agent-middleware.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getUserAgentPlugin = exports.getUserAgentMiddlewareOptions = exports.userAgentMiddleware = void 0; + var protocol_http_1 = require_dist_cjs4(); + var util_endpoints_1 = require_dist_cjs27(); + var constants_1 = require_constants4(); + var userAgentMiddleware = (options) => (next, context) => async (args) => { + var _a, _b; + const { request: request2 } = args; + if (!protocol_http_1.HttpRequest.isInstance(request2)) + return next(args); + const { headers } = request2; + const userAgent = ((_a = context === null || context === void 0 ? void 0 : context.userAgent) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.map(escapeUserAgent)) || []; + const defaultUserAgent = (await options.defaultUserAgentProvider()).map(escapeUserAgent); + const customUserAgent = ((_b = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.customUserAgent) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.map(escapeUserAgent)) || []; + const prefix = (0, util_endpoints_1.getUserAgentPrefix)(); + const sdkUserAgentValue = (prefix ? [prefix] : []).concat([...defaultUserAgent, ...userAgent, ...customUserAgent]).join(constants_1.SPACE); + const normalUAValue = [ + ...defaultUserAgent.filter((section) => section.startsWith("aws-sdk-")), + ...customUserAgent + ].join(constants_1.SPACE); + if (options.runtime !== "browser") { + if (normalUAValue) { + headers[constants_1.X_AMZ_USER_AGENT] = headers[constants_1.X_AMZ_USER_AGENT] ? `${headers[constants_1.USER_AGENT]} ${normalUAValue}` : normalUAValue; + } + headers[constants_1.USER_AGENT] = sdkUserAgentValue; + } else { + headers[constants_1.X_AMZ_USER_AGENT] = sdkUserAgentValue; + } + return next({ + ...args, + request: request2 + }); + }; + exports.userAgentMiddleware = userAgentMiddleware; + var escapeUserAgent = (userAgentPair) => { + var _a; + const name = userAgentPair[0].split(constants_1.UA_NAME_SEPARATOR).map((part) => part.replace(constants_1.UA_NAME_ESCAPE_REGEX, constants_1.UA_ESCAPE_CHAR)).join(constants_1.UA_NAME_SEPARATOR); + const version2 = (_a = userAgentPair[1]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.replace(constants_1.UA_VALUE_ESCAPE_REGEX, constants_1.UA_ESCAPE_CHAR); + const prefixSeparatorIndex = name.indexOf(constants_1.UA_NAME_SEPARATOR); + const prefix = name.substring(0, prefixSeparatorIndex); + let uaName = name.substring(prefixSeparatorIndex + 1); + if (prefix === "api") { + uaName = uaName.toLowerCase(); + } + return [prefix, uaName, version2].filter((item) => item && item.length > 0).reduce((acc, item, index) => { + switch (index) { + case 0: + return item; + case 1: + return `${acc}/${item}`; + default: + return `${acc}#${item}`; + } + }, ""); + }; + exports.getUserAgentMiddlewareOptions = { + name: "getUserAgentMiddleware", + step: "build", + priority: "low", + tags: ["SET_USER_AGENT", "USER_AGENT"], + override: true + }; + var getUserAgentPlugin = (config) => ({ + applyToStack: (clientStack) => { + clientStack.add((0, exports.userAgentMiddleware)(config), exports.getUserAgentMiddlewareOptions); + } + }); + exports.getUserAgentPlugin = getUserAgentPlugin; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-user-agent/dist-cjs/index.js +var require_dist_cjs28 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-user-agent/dist-cjs/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_configurations2(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_user_agent_middleware(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/smithy-client/dist-cjs/NoOpLogger.js +var require_NoOpLogger = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/smithy-client/dist-cjs/NoOpLogger.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.NoOpLogger = void 0; + var NoOpLogger = class { + trace() { + } + debug() { + } + info() { + } + warn() { + } + error() { + } + }; + exports.NoOpLogger = NoOpLogger; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-stack/dist-cjs/MiddlewareStack.js +var require_MiddlewareStack = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-stack/dist-cjs/MiddlewareStack.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.constructStack = void 0; + var constructStack = () => { + let absoluteEntries = []; + let relativeEntries = []; + const entriesNameSet = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); + const sort = (entries) => entries.sort((a, b) => stepWeights[b.step] - stepWeights[a.step] || priorityWeights[b.priority || "normal"] - priorityWeights[a.priority || "normal"]); + const removeByName = (toRemove) => { + let isRemoved = false; + const filterCb = (entry) => { + if (entry.name && entry.name === toRemove) { + isRemoved = true; + entriesNameSet.delete(toRemove); + return false; + } + return true; + }; + absoluteEntries = absoluteEntries.filter(filterCb); + relativeEntries = relativeEntries.filter(filterCb); + return isRemoved; + }; + const removeByReference = (toRemove) => { + let isRemoved = false; + const filterCb = (entry) => { + if (entry.middleware === toRemove) { + isRemoved = true; + if (entry.name) + entriesNameSet.delete(entry.name); + return false; + } + return true; + }; + absoluteEntries = absoluteEntries.filter(filterCb); + relativeEntries = relativeEntries.filter(filterCb); + return isRemoved; + }; + const cloneTo = (toStack) => { + absoluteEntries.forEach((entry) => { + toStack.add(entry.middleware, { ...entry }); + }); + relativeEntries.forEach((entry) => { + toStack.addRelativeTo(entry.middleware, { ...entry }); + }); + return toStack; + }; + const expandRelativeMiddlewareList = (from) => { + const expandedMiddlewareList = []; + from.before.forEach((entry) => { + if (entry.before.length === 0 && entry.after.length === 0) { + expandedMiddlewareList.push(entry); + } else { + expandedMiddlewareList.push(...expandRelativeMiddlewareList(entry)); + } + }); + expandedMiddlewareList.push(from); + from.after.reverse().forEach((entry) => { + if (entry.before.length === 0 && entry.after.length === 0) { + expandedMiddlewareList.push(entry); + } else { + expandedMiddlewareList.push(...expandRelativeMiddlewareList(entry)); + } + }); + return expandedMiddlewareList; + }; + const getMiddlewareList = (debug = false) => { + const normalizedAbsoluteEntries = []; + const normalizedRelativeEntries = []; + const normalizedEntriesNameMap = {}; + absoluteEntries.forEach((entry) => { + const normalizedEntry = { + ...entry, + before: [], + after: [] + }; + if (normalizedEntry.name) + normalizedEntriesNameMap[normalizedEntry.name] = normalizedEntry; + normalizedAbsoluteEntries.push(normalizedEntry); + }); + relativeEntries.forEach((entry) => { + const normalizedEntry = { + ...entry, + before: [], + after: [] + }; + if (normalizedEntry.name) + normalizedEntriesNameMap[normalizedEntry.name] = normalizedEntry; + normalizedRelativeEntries.push(normalizedEntry); + }); + normalizedRelativeEntries.forEach((entry) => { + if (entry.toMiddleware) { + const toMiddleware = normalizedEntriesNameMap[entry.toMiddleware]; + if (toMiddleware === void 0) { + if (debug) { + return; + } + throw new Error(`${entry.toMiddleware} is not found when adding ${entry.name || "anonymous"} middleware ${entry.relation} ${entry.toMiddleware}`); + } + if (entry.relation === "after") { + toMiddleware.after.push(entry); + } + if (entry.relation === "before") { + toMiddleware.before.push(entry); + } + } + }); + const mainChain = sort(normalizedAbsoluteEntries).map(expandRelativeMiddlewareList).reduce((wholeList, expendedMiddlewareList) => { + wholeList.push(...expendedMiddlewareList); + return wholeList; + }, []); + return mainChain; + }; + const stack = { + add: (middleware, options = {}) => { + const { name, override } = options; + const entry = { + step: "initialize", + priority: "normal", + middleware, + ...options + }; + if (name) { + if (entriesNameSet.has(name)) { + if (!override) + throw new Error(`Duplicate middleware name '${name}'`); + const toOverrideIndex = absoluteEntries.findIndex((entry2) => entry2.name === name); + const toOverride = absoluteEntries[toOverrideIndex]; + if (toOverride.step !== entry.step || toOverride.priority !== entry.priority) { + throw new Error(`"${name}" middleware with ${toOverride.priority} priority in ${toOverride.step} step cannot be overridden by same-name middleware with ${entry.priority} priority in ${entry.step} step.`); + } + absoluteEntries.splice(toOverrideIndex, 1); + } + entriesNameSet.add(name); + } + absoluteEntries.push(entry); + }, + addRelativeTo: (middleware, options) => { + const { name, override } = options; + const entry = { + middleware, + ...options + }; + if (name) { + if (entriesNameSet.has(name)) { + if (!override) + throw new Error(`Duplicate middleware name '${name}'`); + const toOverrideIndex = relativeEntries.findIndex((entry2) => entry2.name === name); + const toOverride = relativeEntries[toOverrideIndex]; + if (toOverride.toMiddleware !== entry.toMiddleware || toOverride.relation !== entry.relation) { + throw new Error(`"${name}" middleware ${toOverride.relation} "${toOverride.toMiddleware}" middleware cannot be overridden by same-name middleware ${entry.relation} "${entry.toMiddleware}" middleware.`); + } + relativeEntries.splice(toOverrideIndex, 1); + } + entriesNameSet.add(name); + } + relativeEntries.push(entry); + }, + clone: () => cloneTo((0, exports.constructStack)()), + use: (plugin) => { + plugin.applyToStack(stack); + }, + remove: (toRemove) => { + if (typeof toRemove === "string") + return removeByName(toRemove); + else + return removeByReference(toRemove); + }, + removeByTag: (toRemove) => { + let isRemoved = false; + const filterCb = (entry) => { + const { tags, name } = entry; + if (tags && tags.includes(toRemove)) { + if (name) + entriesNameSet.delete(name); + isRemoved = true; + return false; + } + return true; + }; + absoluteEntries = absoluteEntries.filter(filterCb); + relativeEntries = relativeEntries.filter(filterCb); + return isRemoved; + }, + concat: (from) => { + const cloned = cloneTo((0, exports.constructStack)()); + cloned.use(from); + return cloned; + }, + applyToStack: cloneTo, + identify: () => { + return getMiddlewareList(true).map((mw) => { + return mw.name + ": " + (mw.tags || []).join(","); + }); + }, + resolve: (handler2, context) => { + for (const middleware of getMiddlewareList().map((entry) => entry.middleware).reverse()) { + handler2 = middleware(handler2, context); + } + return handler2; + } + }; + return stack; + }; + exports.constructStack = constructStack; + var stepWeights = { + initialize: 5, + serialize: 4, + build: 3, + finalizeRequest: 2, + deserialize: 1 + }; + var priorityWeights = { + high: 3, + normal: 2, + low: 1 + }; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-stack/dist-cjs/index.js +var require_dist_cjs29 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-stack/dist-cjs/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_MiddlewareStack(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/smithy-client/dist-cjs/client.js +var require_client2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/smithy-client/dist-cjs/client.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.Client = void 0; + var middleware_stack_1 = require_dist_cjs29(); + var Client = class { + constructor(config) { + this.middlewareStack = (0, middleware_stack_1.constructStack)(); + this.config = config; + } + send(command, optionsOrCb, cb) { + const options = typeof optionsOrCb !== "function" ? optionsOrCb : void 0; + const callback = typeof optionsOrCb === "function" ? optionsOrCb : cb; + const handler2 = command.resolveMiddleware(this.middlewareStack, this.config, options); + if (callback) { + handler2(command).then((result) => callback(null, result.output), (err) => callback(err)).catch(() => { + }); + } else { + return handler2(command).then((result) => result.output); + } + } + destroy() { + if (this.config.requestHandler.destroy) + this.config.requestHandler.destroy(); + } + }; + exports.Client = Client; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/smithy-client/dist-cjs/command.js +var require_command2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/smithy-client/dist-cjs/command.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.Command = void 0; + var middleware_stack_1 = require_dist_cjs29(); + var Command = class { + constructor() { + this.middlewareStack = (0, middleware_stack_1.constructStack)(); + } + }; + exports.Command = Command; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/smithy-client/dist-cjs/constants.js +var require_constants5 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/smithy-client/dist-cjs/constants.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.SENSITIVE_STRING = void 0; + exports.SENSITIVE_STRING = "***SensitiveInformation***"; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/smithy-client/dist-cjs/create-aggregated-client.js +var require_create_aggregated_client = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/smithy-client/dist-cjs/create-aggregated-client.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.createAggregatedClient = void 0; + var createAggregatedClient = (commands, Client) => { + for (const command of Object.keys(commands)) { + const CommandCtor = commands[command]; + const methodImpl = async function(args, optionsOrCb, cb) { + const command2 = new CommandCtor(args); + if (typeof optionsOrCb === "function") { + this.send(command2, optionsOrCb); + } else if (typeof cb === "function") { + if (typeof optionsOrCb !== "object") + throw new Error(`Expected http options but got ${typeof optionsOrCb}`); + this.send(command2, optionsOrCb || {}, cb); + } else { + return this.send(command2, optionsOrCb); + } + }; + const methodName = (command[0].toLowerCase() + command.slice(1)).replace(/Command$/, ""); + Client.prototype[methodName] = methodImpl; + } + }; + exports.createAggregatedClient = createAggregatedClient; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/smithy-client/dist-cjs/parse-utils.js +var require_parse_utils = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/smithy-client/dist-cjs/parse-utils.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.logger = exports.strictParseByte = exports.strictParseShort = exports.strictParseInt32 = exports.strictParseInt = exports.strictParseLong = exports.limitedParseFloat32 = exports.limitedParseFloat = exports.handleFloat = exports.limitedParseDouble = exports.strictParseFloat32 = exports.strictParseFloat = exports.strictParseDouble = exports.expectUnion = exports.expectString = exports.expectObject = exports.expectNonNull = exports.expectByte = exports.expectShort = exports.expectInt32 = exports.expectInt = exports.expectLong = exports.expectFloat32 = exports.expectNumber = exports.expectBoolean = exports.parseBoolean = void 0; + var parseBoolean = (value) => { + switch (value) { + case "true": + return true; + case "false": + return false; + default: + throw new Error(`Unable to parse boolean value "${value}"`); + } + }; + exports.parseBoolean = parseBoolean; + var expectBoolean = (value) => { + if (value === null || value === void 0) { + return void 0; + } + if (typeof value === "number") { + if (value === 0 || value === 1) { + exports.logger.warn(stackTraceWarning(`Expected boolean, got ${typeof value}: ${value}`)); + } + if (value === 0) { + return false; + } + if (value === 1) { + return true; + } + } + if (typeof value === "string") { + const lower = value.toLowerCase(); + if (lower === "false" || lower === "true") { + exports.logger.warn(stackTraceWarning(`Expected boolean, got ${typeof value}: ${value}`)); + } + if (lower === "false") { + return false; + } + if (lower === "true") { + return true; + } + } + if (typeof value === "boolean") { + return value; + } + throw new TypeError(`Expected boolean, got ${typeof value}: ${value}`); + }; + exports.expectBoolean = expectBoolean; + var expectNumber = (value) => { + if (value === null || value === void 0) { + return void 0; + } + if (typeof value === "string") { + const parsed = parseFloat(value); + if (!Number.isNaN(parsed)) { + if (String(parsed) !== String(value)) { + exports.logger.warn(stackTraceWarning(`Expected number but observed string: ${value}`)); + } + return parsed; + } + } + if (typeof value === "number") { + return value; + } + throw new TypeError(`Expected number, got ${typeof value}: ${value}`); + }; + exports.expectNumber = expectNumber; + var MAX_FLOAT = Math.ceil(2 ** 127 * (2 - 2 ** -23)); + var expectFloat32 = (value) => { + const expected = (0, exports.expectNumber)(value); + if (expected !== void 0 && !Number.isNaN(expected) && expected !== Infinity && expected !== -Infinity) { + if (Math.abs(expected) > MAX_FLOAT) { + throw new TypeError(`Expected 32-bit float, got ${value}`); + } + } + return expected; + }; + exports.expectFloat32 = expectFloat32; + var expectLong = (value) => { + if (value === null || value === void 0) { + return void 0; + } + if (Number.isInteger(value) && !Number.isNaN(value)) { + return value; + } + throw new TypeError(`Expected integer, got ${typeof value}: ${value}`); + }; + exports.expectLong = expectLong; + exports.expectInt = exports.expectLong; + var expectInt32 = (value) => expectSizedInt(value, 32); + exports.expectInt32 = expectInt32; + var expectShort = (value) => expectSizedInt(value, 16); + exports.expectShort = expectShort; + var expectByte = (value) => expectSizedInt(value, 8); + exports.expectByte = expectByte; + var expectSizedInt = (value, size) => { + const expected = (0, exports.expectLong)(value); + if (expected !== void 0 && castInt(expected, size) !== expected) { + throw new TypeError(`Expected ${size}-bit integer, got ${value}`); + } + return expected; + }; + var castInt = (value, size) => { + switch (size) { + case 32: + return Int32Array.of(value)[0]; + case 16: + return Int16Array.of(value)[0]; + case 8: + return Int8Array.of(value)[0]; + } + }; + var expectNonNull = (value, location) => { + if (value === null || value === void 0) { + if (location) { + throw new TypeError(`Expected a non-null value for ${location}`); + } + throw new TypeError("Expected a non-null value"); + } + return value; + }; + exports.expectNonNull = expectNonNull; + var expectObject = (value) => { + if (value === null || value === void 0) { + return void 0; + } + if (typeof value === "object" && !Array.isArray(value)) { + return value; + } + const receivedType = Array.isArray(value) ? "array" : typeof value; + throw new TypeError(`Expected object, got ${receivedType}: ${value}`); + }; + exports.expectObject = expectObject; + var expectString = (value) => { + if (value === null || value === void 0) { + return void 0; + } + if (typeof value === "string") { + return value; + } + if (["boolean", "number", "bigint"].includes(typeof value)) { + exports.logger.warn(stackTraceWarning(`Expected string, got ${typeof value}: ${value}`)); + return String(value); + } + throw new TypeError(`Expected string, got ${typeof value}: ${value}`); + }; + exports.expectString = expectString; + var expectUnion = (value) => { + if (value === null || value === void 0) { + return void 0; + } + const asObject = (0, exports.expectObject)(value); + const setKeys = Object.entries(asObject).filter(([, v]) => v != null).map(([k]) => k); + if (setKeys.length === 0) { + throw new TypeError(`Unions must have exactly one non-null member. None were found.`); + } + if (setKeys.length > 1) { + throw new TypeError(`Unions must have exactly one non-null member. Keys ${setKeys} were not null.`); + } + return asObject; + }; + exports.expectUnion = expectUnion; + var strictParseDouble = (value) => { + if (typeof value == "string") { + return (0, exports.expectNumber)(parseNumber(value)); + } + return (0, exports.expectNumber)(value); + }; + exports.strictParseDouble = strictParseDouble; + exports.strictParseFloat = exports.strictParseDouble; + var strictParseFloat32 = (value) => { + if (typeof value == "string") { + return (0, exports.expectFloat32)(parseNumber(value)); + } + return (0, exports.expectFloat32)(value); + }; + exports.strictParseFloat32 = strictParseFloat32; + var NUMBER_REGEX = /(-?(?:0|[1-9]\d*)(?:\.\d+)?(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?)|(-?Infinity)|(NaN)/g; + var parseNumber = (value) => { + const matches = value.match(NUMBER_REGEX); + if (matches === null || matches[0].length !== value.length) { + throw new TypeError(`Expected real number, got implicit NaN`); + } + return parseFloat(value); + }; + var limitedParseDouble = (value) => { + if (typeof value == "string") { + return parseFloatString(value); + } + return (0, exports.expectNumber)(value); + }; + exports.limitedParseDouble = limitedParseDouble; + exports.handleFloat = exports.limitedParseDouble; + exports.limitedParseFloat = exports.limitedParseDouble; + var limitedParseFloat32 = (value) => { + if (typeof value == "string") { + return parseFloatString(value); + } + return (0, exports.expectFloat32)(value); + }; + exports.limitedParseFloat32 = limitedParseFloat32; + var parseFloatString = (value) => { + switch (value) { + case "NaN": + return NaN; + case "Infinity": + return Infinity; + case "-Infinity": + return -Infinity; + default: + throw new Error(`Unable to parse float value: ${value}`); + } + }; + var strictParseLong = (value) => { + if (typeof value === "string") { + return (0, exports.expectLong)(parseNumber(value)); + } + return (0, exports.expectLong)(value); + }; + exports.strictParseLong = strictParseLong; + exports.strictParseInt = exports.strictParseLong; + var strictParseInt32 = (value) => { + if (typeof value === "string") { + return (0, exports.expectInt32)(parseNumber(value)); + } + return (0, exports.expectInt32)(value); + }; + exports.strictParseInt32 = strictParseInt32; + var strictParseShort = (value) => { + if (typeof value === "string") { + return (0, exports.expectShort)(parseNumber(value)); + } + return (0, exports.expectShort)(value); + }; + exports.strictParseShort = strictParseShort; + var strictParseByte = (value) => { + if (typeof value === "string") { + return (0, exports.expectByte)(parseNumber(value)); + } + return (0, exports.expectByte)(value); + }; + exports.strictParseByte = strictParseByte; + var stackTraceWarning = (message) => { + return String(new TypeError(message).stack || message).split("\n").slice(0, 5).filter((s) => !s.includes("stackTraceWarning")).join("\n"); + }; + exports.logger = { + warn: console.warn + }; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/smithy-client/dist-cjs/date-utils.js +var require_date_utils = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/smithy-client/dist-cjs/date-utils.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.parseEpochTimestamp = exports.parseRfc7231DateTime = exports.parseRfc3339DateTimeWithOffset = exports.parseRfc3339DateTime = exports.dateToUtcString = void 0; + var parse_utils_1 = require_parse_utils(); + var DAYS = ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"]; + var MONTHS = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]; + function dateToUtcString(date) { + const year = date.getUTCFullYear(); + const month = date.getUTCMonth(); + const dayOfWeek = date.getUTCDay(); + const dayOfMonthInt = date.getUTCDate(); + const hoursInt = date.getUTCHours(); + const minutesInt = date.getUTCMinutes(); + const secondsInt = date.getUTCSeconds(); + const dayOfMonthString = dayOfMonthInt < 10 ? `0${dayOfMonthInt}` : `${dayOfMonthInt}`; + const hoursString = hoursInt < 10 ? `0${hoursInt}` : `${hoursInt}`; + const minutesString = minutesInt < 10 ? `0${minutesInt}` : `${minutesInt}`; + const secondsString = secondsInt < 10 ? `0${secondsInt}` : `${secondsInt}`; + return `${DAYS[dayOfWeek]}, ${dayOfMonthString} ${MONTHS[month]} ${year} ${hoursString}:${minutesString}:${secondsString} GMT`; + } + exports.dateToUtcString = dateToUtcString; + var RFC3339 = new RegExp(/^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})[tT](\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})(?:\.(\d+))?[zZ]$/); + var parseRfc3339DateTime = (value) => { + if (value === null || value === void 0) { + return void 0; + } + if (typeof value !== "string") { + throw new TypeError("RFC-3339 date-times must be expressed as strings"); + } + const match = RFC3339.exec(value); + if (!match) { + throw new TypeError("Invalid RFC-3339 date-time value"); + } + const [_, yearStr, monthStr, dayStr, hours, minutes, seconds, fractionalMilliseconds] = match; + const year = (0, parse_utils_1.strictParseShort)(stripLeadingZeroes(yearStr)); + const month = parseDateValue(monthStr, "month", 1, 12); + const day = parseDateValue(dayStr, "day", 1, 31); + return buildDate(year, month, day, { hours, minutes, seconds, fractionalMilliseconds }); + }; + exports.parseRfc3339DateTime = parseRfc3339DateTime; + var RFC3339_WITH_OFFSET = new RegExp(/^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})[tT](\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})(?:\.(\d+))?(([-+]\d{2}\:\d{2})|[zZ])$/); + var parseRfc3339DateTimeWithOffset = (value) => { + if (value === null || value === void 0) { + return void 0; + } + if (typeof value !== "string") { + throw new TypeError("RFC-3339 date-times must be expressed as strings"); + } + const match = RFC3339_WITH_OFFSET.exec(value); + if (!match) { + throw new TypeError("Invalid RFC-3339 date-time value"); + } + const [_, yearStr, monthStr, dayStr, hours, minutes, seconds, fractionalMilliseconds, offsetStr] = match; + const year = (0, parse_utils_1.strictParseShort)(stripLeadingZeroes(yearStr)); + const month = parseDateValue(monthStr, "month", 1, 12); + const day = parseDateValue(dayStr, "day", 1, 31); + const date = buildDate(year, month, day, { hours, minutes, seconds, fractionalMilliseconds }); + if (offsetStr.toUpperCase() != "Z") { + date.setTime(date.getTime() - parseOffsetToMilliseconds(offsetStr)); + } + return date; + }; + exports.parseRfc3339DateTimeWithOffset = parseRfc3339DateTimeWithOffset; + var IMF_FIXDATE = new RegExp(/^(?:Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun), (\d{2}) (Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec) (\d{4}) (\d{1,2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})(?:\.(\d+))? GMT$/); + var RFC_850_DATE = new RegExp(/^(?:Monday|Tuesday|Wednesday|Thursday|Friday|Saturday|Sunday), (\d{2})-(Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)-(\d{2}) (\d{1,2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})(?:\.(\d+))? GMT$/); + var ASC_TIME = new RegExp(/^(?:Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun) (Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec) ( [1-9]|\d{2}) (\d{1,2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})(?:\.(\d+))? (\d{4})$/); + var parseRfc7231DateTime = (value) => { + if (value === null || value === void 0) { + return void 0; + } + if (typeof value !== "string") { + throw new TypeError("RFC-7231 date-times must be expressed as strings"); + } + let match = IMF_FIXDATE.exec(value); + if (match) { + const [_, dayStr, monthStr, yearStr, hours, minutes, seconds, fractionalMilliseconds] = match; + return buildDate((0, parse_utils_1.strictParseShort)(stripLeadingZeroes(yearStr)), parseMonthByShortName(monthStr), parseDateValue(dayStr, "day", 1, 31), { hours, minutes, seconds, fractionalMilliseconds }); + } + match = RFC_850_DATE.exec(value); + if (match) { + const [_, dayStr, monthStr, yearStr, hours, minutes, seconds, fractionalMilliseconds] = match; + return adjustRfc850Year(buildDate(parseTwoDigitYear(yearStr), parseMonthByShortName(monthStr), parseDateValue(dayStr, "day", 1, 31), { + hours, + minutes, + seconds, + fractionalMilliseconds + })); + } + match = ASC_TIME.exec(value); + if (match) { + const [_, monthStr, dayStr, hours, minutes, seconds, fractionalMilliseconds, yearStr] = match; + return buildDate((0, parse_utils_1.strictParseShort)(stripLeadingZeroes(yearStr)), parseMonthByShortName(monthStr), parseDateValue(dayStr.trimLeft(), "day", 1, 31), { hours, minutes, seconds, fractionalMilliseconds }); + } + throw new TypeError("Invalid RFC-7231 date-time value"); + }; + exports.parseRfc7231DateTime = parseRfc7231DateTime; + var parseEpochTimestamp = (value) => { + if (value === null || value === void 0) { + return void 0; + } + let valueAsDouble; + if (typeof value === "number") { + valueAsDouble = value; + } else if (typeof value === "string") { + valueAsDouble = (0, parse_utils_1.strictParseDouble)(value); + } else { + throw new TypeError("Epoch timestamps must be expressed as floating point numbers or their string representation"); + } + if (Number.isNaN(valueAsDouble) || valueAsDouble === Infinity || valueAsDouble === -Infinity) { + throw new TypeError("Epoch timestamps must be valid, non-Infinite, non-NaN numerics"); + } + return new Date(Math.round(valueAsDouble * 1e3)); + }; + exports.parseEpochTimestamp = parseEpochTimestamp; + var buildDate = (year, month, day, time) => { + const adjustedMonth = month - 1; + validateDayOfMonth(year, adjustedMonth, day); + return new Date(Date.UTC(year, adjustedMonth, day, parseDateValue(time.hours, "hour", 0, 23), parseDateValue(time.minutes, "minute", 0, 59), parseDateValue(time.seconds, "seconds", 0, 60), parseMilliseconds(time.fractionalMilliseconds))); + }; + var parseTwoDigitYear = (value) => { + const thisYear = (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).getUTCFullYear(); + const valueInThisCentury = Math.floor(thisYear / 100) * 100 + (0, parse_utils_1.strictParseShort)(stripLeadingZeroes(value)); + if (valueInThisCentury < thisYear) { + return valueInThisCentury + 100; + } + return valueInThisCentury; + }; + var FIFTY_YEARS_IN_MILLIS = 50 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1e3; + var adjustRfc850Year = (input) => { + if (input.getTime() - (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).getTime() > FIFTY_YEARS_IN_MILLIS) { + return new Date(Date.UTC(input.getUTCFullYear() - 100, input.getUTCMonth(), input.getUTCDate(), input.getUTCHours(), input.getUTCMinutes(), input.getUTCSeconds(), input.getUTCMilliseconds())); + } + return input; + }; + var parseMonthByShortName = (value) => { + const monthIdx = MONTHS.indexOf(value); + if (monthIdx < 0) { + throw new TypeError(`Invalid month: ${value}`); + } + return monthIdx + 1; + }; + var DAYS_IN_MONTH = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]; + var validateDayOfMonth = (year, month, day) => { + let maxDays = DAYS_IN_MONTH[month]; + if (month === 1 && isLeapYear(year)) { + maxDays = 29; + } + if (day > maxDays) { + throw new TypeError(`Invalid day for ${MONTHS[month]} in ${year}: ${day}`); + } + }; + var isLeapYear = (year) => { + return year % 4 === 0 && (year % 100 !== 0 || year % 400 === 0); + }; + var parseDateValue = (value, type, lower, upper) => { + const dateVal = (0, parse_utils_1.strictParseByte)(stripLeadingZeroes(value)); + if (dateVal < lower || dateVal > upper) { + throw new TypeError(`${type} must be between ${lower} and ${upper}, inclusive`); + } + return dateVal; + }; + var parseMilliseconds = (value) => { + if (value === null || value === void 0) { + return 0; + } + return (0, parse_utils_1.strictParseFloat32)("0." + value) * 1e3; + }; + var parseOffsetToMilliseconds = (value) => { + const directionStr = value[0]; + let direction = 1; + if (directionStr == "+") { + direction = 1; + } else if (directionStr == "-") { + direction = -1; + } else { + throw new TypeError(`Offset direction, ${directionStr}, must be "+" or "-"`); + } + const hour = Number(value.substring(1, 3)); + const minute = Number(value.substring(4, 6)); + return direction * (hour * 60 + minute) * 60 * 1e3; + }; + var stripLeadingZeroes = (value) => { + let idx = 0; + while (idx < value.length - 1 && value.charAt(idx) === "0") { + idx++; + } + if (idx === 0) { + return value; + } + return value.slice(idx); + }; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/smithy-client/dist-cjs/exceptions.js +var require_exceptions = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/smithy-client/dist-cjs/exceptions.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.decorateServiceException = exports.ServiceException = void 0; + var ServiceException = class extends Error { + constructor(options) { + super(options.message); + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, ServiceException.prototype); + this.name = options.name; + this.$fault = options.$fault; + this.$metadata = options.$metadata; + } + }; + exports.ServiceException = ServiceException; + var decorateServiceException = (exception, additions = {}) => { + Object.entries(additions).filter(([, v]) => v !== void 0).forEach(([k, v]) => { + if (exception[k] == void 0 || exception[k] === "") { + exception[k] = v; + } + }); + const message = exception.message || exception.Message || "UnknownError"; + exception.message = message; + delete exception.Message; + return exception; + }; + exports.decorateServiceException = decorateServiceException; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/smithy-client/dist-cjs/default-error-handler.js +var require_default_error_handler = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/smithy-client/dist-cjs/default-error-handler.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.withBaseException = exports.throwDefaultError = void 0; + var exceptions_1 = require_exceptions(); + var throwDefaultError = ({ output, parsedBody, exceptionCtor, errorCode }) => { + const $metadata = deserializeMetadata(output); + const statusCode = $metadata.httpStatusCode ? $metadata.httpStatusCode + "" : void 0; + const response = new exceptionCtor({ + name: (parsedBody === null || parsedBody === void 0 ? void 0 : parsedBody.code) || (parsedBody === null || parsedBody === void 0 ? void 0 : parsedBody.Code) || errorCode || statusCode || "UnknownError", + $fault: "client", + $metadata + }); + throw (0, exceptions_1.decorateServiceException)(response, parsedBody); + }; + exports.throwDefaultError = throwDefaultError; + var withBaseException = (ExceptionCtor) => { + return ({ output, parsedBody, errorCode }) => { + (0, exports.throwDefaultError)({ output, parsedBody, exceptionCtor: ExceptionCtor, errorCode }); + }; + }; + exports.withBaseException = withBaseException; + var deserializeMetadata = (output) => { + var _a, _b; + return { + httpStatusCode: output.statusCode, + requestId: (_b = (_a = output.headers["x-amzn-requestid"]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : output.headers["x-amzn-request-id"]) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : output.headers["x-amz-request-id"], + extendedRequestId: output.headers["x-amz-id-2"], + cfId: output.headers["x-amz-cf-id"] + }; + }; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/smithy-client/dist-cjs/defaults-mode.js +var require_defaults_mode = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/smithy-client/dist-cjs/defaults-mode.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.loadConfigsForDefaultMode = void 0; + var loadConfigsForDefaultMode = (mode) => { + switch (mode) { + case "standard": + return { + retryMode: "standard", + connectionTimeout: 3100 + }; + case "in-region": + return { + retryMode: "standard", + connectionTimeout: 1100 + }; + case "cross-region": + return { + retryMode: "standard", + connectionTimeout: 3100 + }; + case "mobile": + return { + retryMode: "standard", + connectionTimeout: 3e4 + }; + default: + return {}; + } + }; + exports.loadConfigsForDefaultMode = loadConfigsForDefaultMode; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/smithy-client/dist-cjs/emitWarningIfUnsupportedVersion.js +var require_emitWarningIfUnsupportedVersion = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/smithy-client/dist-cjs/emitWarningIfUnsupportedVersion.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.emitWarningIfUnsupportedVersion = void 0; + var warningEmitted = false; + var emitWarningIfUnsupportedVersion = (version2) => { + if (version2 && !warningEmitted && parseInt(version2.substring(1, version2.indexOf("."))) < 14) { + warningEmitted = true; + } + }; + exports.emitWarningIfUnsupportedVersion = emitWarningIfUnsupportedVersion; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/smithy-client/dist-cjs/extended-encode-uri-component.js +var require_extended_encode_uri_component = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/smithy-client/dist-cjs/extended-encode-uri-component.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.extendedEncodeURIComponent = void 0; + function extendedEncodeURIComponent(str) { + return encodeURIComponent(str).replace(/[!'()*]/g, function(c) { + return "%" + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase(); + }); + } + exports.extendedEncodeURIComponent = extendedEncodeURIComponent; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/smithy-client/dist-cjs/get-array-if-single-item.js +var require_get_array_if_single_item = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/smithy-client/dist-cjs/get-array-if-single-item.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getArrayIfSingleItem = void 0; + var getArrayIfSingleItem = (mayBeArray) => Array.isArray(mayBeArray) ? mayBeArray : [mayBeArray]; + exports.getArrayIfSingleItem = getArrayIfSingleItem; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/smithy-client/dist-cjs/get-value-from-text-node.js +var require_get_value_from_text_node = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/smithy-client/dist-cjs/get-value-from-text-node.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getValueFromTextNode = void 0; + var getValueFromTextNode = (obj) => { + const textNodeName = "#text"; + for (const key in obj) { + if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key) && obj[key][textNodeName] !== void 0) { + obj[key] = obj[key][textNodeName]; + } else if (typeof obj[key] === "object" && obj[key] !== null) { + obj[key] = (0, exports.getValueFromTextNode)(obj[key]); + } + } + return obj; + }; + exports.getValueFromTextNode = getValueFromTextNode; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/smithy-client/dist-cjs/lazy-json.js +var require_lazy_json = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/smithy-client/dist-cjs/lazy-json.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.LazyJsonString = exports.StringWrapper = void 0; + var StringWrapper = function() { + const Class = Object.getPrototypeOf(this).constructor; + const Constructor = Function.bind.apply(String, [null, ...arguments]); + const instance = new Constructor(); + Object.setPrototypeOf(instance, Class.prototype); + return instance; + }; + exports.StringWrapper = StringWrapper; + exports.StringWrapper.prototype = Object.create(String.prototype, { + constructor: { + value: exports.StringWrapper, + enumerable: false, + writable: true, + configurable: true + } + }); + Object.setPrototypeOf(exports.StringWrapper, String); + var LazyJsonString = class extends exports.StringWrapper { + deserializeJSON() { + return JSON.parse(super.toString()); + } + toJSON() { + return super.toString(); + } + static fromObject(object) { + if (object instanceof LazyJsonString) { + return object; + } else if (object instanceof String || typeof object === "string") { + return new LazyJsonString(object); + } + return new LazyJsonString(JSON.stringify(object)); + } + }; + exports.LazyJsonString = LazyJsonString; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/smithy-client/dist-cjs/object-mapping.js +var require_object_mapping = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/smithy-client/dist-cjs/object-mapping.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.take = exports.convertMap = exports.map = void 0; + function map(arg0, arg1, arg2) { + let target; + let filter; + let instructions; + if (typeof arg1 === "undefined" && typeof arg2 === "undefined") { + target = {}; + instructions = arg0; + } else { + target = arg0; + if (typeof arg1 === "function") { + filter = arg1; + instructions = arg2; + return mapWithFilter(target, filter, instructions); + } else { + instructions = arg1; + } + } + for (const key of Object.keys(instructions)) { + if (!Array.isArray(instructions[key])) { + target[key] = instructions[key]; + continue; + } + applyInstruction(target, null, instructions, key); + } + return target; + } + exports.map = map; + var convertMap = (target) => { + const output = {}; + for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(target || {})) { + output[k] = [, v]; + } + return output; + }; + exports.convertMap = convertMap; + var take = (source, instructions) => { + const out = {}; + for (const key in instructions) { + applyInstruction(out, source, instructions, key); + } + return out; + }; + exports.take = take; + var mapWithFilter = (target, filter, instructions) => { + return map(target, Object.entries(instructions).reduce((_instructions, [key, value]) => { + if (Array.isArray(value)) { + _instructions[key] = value; + } else { + if (typeof value === "function") { + _instructions[key] = [filter, value()]; + } else { + _instructions[key] = [filter, value]; + } + } + return _instructions; + }, {})); + }; + var applyInstruction = (target, source, instructions, targetKey) => { + if (source !== null) { + let instruction = instructions[targetKey]; + if (typeof instruction === "function") { + instruction = [, instruction]; + } + const [filter2 = nonNullish, valueFn = pass, sourceKey = targetKey] = instruction; + if (typeof filter2 === "function" && filter2(source[sourceKey]) || typeof filter2 !== "function" && !!filter2) { + target[targetKey] = valueFn(source[sourceKey]); + } + return; + } + let [filter, value] = instructions[targetKey]; + if (typeof value === "function") { + let _value; + const defaultFilterPassed = filter === void 0 && (_value = value()) != null; + const customFilterPassed = typeof filter === "function" && !!filter(void 0) || typeof filter !== "function" && !!filter; + if (defaultFilterPassed) { + target[targetKey] = _value; + } else if (customFilterPassed) { + target[targetKey] = value(); + } + } else { + const defaultFilterPassed = filter === void 0 && value != null; + const customFilterPassed = typeof filter === "function" && !!filter(value) || typeof filter !== "function" && !!filter; + if (defaultFilterPassed || customFilterPassed) { + target[targetKey] = value; + } + } + }; + var nonNullish = (_) => _ != null; + var pass = (_) => _; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/smithy-client/dist-cjs/resolve-path.js +var require_resolve_path = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/smithy-client/dist-cjs/resolve-path.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.resolvedPath = void 0; + var extended_encode_uri_component_1 = require_extended_encode_uri_component(); + var resolvedPath = (resolvedPath2, input, memberName, labelValueProvider, uriLabel, isGreedyLabel) => { + if (input != null && input[memberName] !== void 0) { + const labelValue = labelValueProvider(); + if (labelValue.length <= 0) { + throw new Error("Empty value provided for input HTTP label: " + memberName + "."); + } + resolvedPath2 = resolvedPath2.replace(uriLabel, isGreedyLabel ? labelValue.split("/").map((segment) => (0, extended_encode_uri_component_1.extendedEncodeURIComponent)(segment)).join("/") : (0, extended_encode_uri_component_1.extendedEncodeURIComponent)(labelValue)); + } else { + throw new Error("No value provided for input HTTP label: " + memberName + "."); + } + return resolvedPath2; + }; + exports.resolvedPath = resolvedPath; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/smithy-client/dist-cjs/ser-utils.js +var require_ser_utils = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/smithy-client/dist-cjs/ser-utils.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.serializeFloat = void 0; + var serializeFloat = (value) => { + if (value !== value) { + return "NaN"; + } + switch (value) { + case Infinity: + return "Infinity"; + case -Infinity: + return "-Infinity"; + default: + return value; + } + }; + exports.serializeFloat = serializeFloat; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/smithy-client/dist-cjs/serde-json.js +var require_serde_json = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/smithy-client/dist-cjs/serde-json.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports._json = void 0; + var _json = (obj) => { + if (obj == null) { + return {}; + } + if (Array.isArray(obj)) { + return obj.filter((_) => _ != null); + } + if (typeof obj === "object") { + const target = {}; + for (const key of Object.keys(obj)) { + if (obj[key] == null) { + continue; + } + target[key] = (0, exports._json)(obj[key]); + } + return target; + } + return obj; + }; + exports._json = _json; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/smithy-client/dist-cjs/split-every.js +var require_split_every = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/smithy-client/dist-cjs/split-every.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.splitEvery = void 0; + function splitEvery(value, delimiter, numDelimiters) { + if (numDelimiters <= 0 || !Number.isInteger(numDelimiters)) { + throw new Error("Invalid number of delimiters (" + numDelimiters + ") for splitEvery."); + } + const segments = value.split(delimiter); + if (numDelimiters === 1) { + return segments; + } + const compoundSegments = []; + let currentSegment = ""; + for (let i = 0; i < segments.length; i++) { + if (currentSegment === "") { + currentSegment = segments[i]; + } else { + currentSegment += delimiter + segments[i]; + } + if ((i + 1) % numDelimiters === 0) { + compoundSegments.push(currentSegment); + currentSegment = ""; + } + } + if (currentSegment !== "") { + compoundSegments.push(currentSegment); + } + return compoundSegments; + } + exports.splitEvery = splitEvery; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/smithy-client/dist-cjs/index.js +var require_dist_cjs30 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/smithy-client/dist-cjs/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_NoOpLogger(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_client2(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_command2(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_constants5(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_create_aggregated_client(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_date_utils(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_default_error_handler(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_defaults_mode(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_emitWarningIfUnsupportedVersion(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_exceptions(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_extended_encode_uri_component(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_get_array_if_single_item(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_get_value_from_text_node(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_lazy_json(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_object_mapping(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_parse_utils(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_resolve_path(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_ser_utils(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_serde_json(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_split_every(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/endpoint/EndpointParameters.js +var require_EndpointParameters = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/endpoint/EndpointParameters.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.resolveClientEndpointParameters = void 0; 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+ var resolveClientEndpointParameters = (options) => { + return { + ...options, + useDualstackEndpoint: options.useDualstackEndpoint ?? false, + useFipsEndpoint: options.useFipsEndpoint ?? false, + useGlobalEndpoint: options.useGlobalEndpoint ?? false, + defaultSigningName: "sts" + }; + }; + exports.resolveClientEndpointParameters = resolveClientEndpointParameters; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sts/package.json +var require_package2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sts/package.json"(exports, module2) { + module2.exports = { + name: "@aws-sdk/client-sts", + description: "AWS SDK for JavaScript Sts Client for Node.js, Browser and React Native", + version: "3.347.0", + scripts: { + build: "concurrently 'yarn:build:cjs' 'yarn:build:es' 'yarn:build:types'", + "build:cjs": "tsc -p tsconfig.cjs.json", + "build:docs": "typedoc", + "build:es": "tsc -p tsconfig.es.json", + "build:include:deps": "lerna run --scope $npm_package_name --include-dependencies build", + "build:types": "tsc -p tsconfig.types.json", + "build:types:downlevel": "downlevel-dts dist-types dist-types/ts3.4", + clean: "rimraf ./dist-* && rimraf *.tsbuildinfo", + "extract:docs": "api-extractor run --local", + "generate:client": "node ../../scripts/generate-clients/single-service --solo sts", + test: "yarn test:unit", + "test:unit": "jest" + }, + main: "./dist-cjs/index.js", + types: "./dist-types/index.d.ts", + module: "./dist-es/index.js", + sideEffects: false, + dependencies: { + "@aws-crypto/sha256-browser": "3.0.0", + "@aws-crypto/sha256-js": "3.0.0", + "@aws-sdk/config-resolver": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/credential-provider-node": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/fetch-http-handler": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/hash-node": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/invalid-dependency": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/middleware-content-length": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/middleware-host-header": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/middleware-logger": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/middleware-recursion-detection": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/middleware-retry": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/middleware-sdk-sts": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/middleware-serde": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/middleware-signing": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/middleware-stack": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/middleware-user-agent": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/node-config-provider": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/node-http-handler": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/smithy-client": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/types": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/url-parser": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/util-base64": "3.310.0", + "@aws-sdk/util-body-length-browser": "3.310.0", + "@aws-sdk/util-body-length-node": "3.310.0", + "@aws-sdk/util-defaults-mode-browser": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/util-defaults-mode-node": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/util-endpoints": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/util-retry": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/util-user-agent-browser": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/util-user-agent-node": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/util-utf8": "3.310.0", + "@smithy/protocol-http": "^1.0.1", + "@smithy/types": "^1.0.0", + "fast-xml-parser": "4.1.2", + tslib: "^2.5.0" + }, + devDependencies: { + "@aws-sdk/service-client-documentation-generator": "3.310.0", + "@tsconfig/node14": "1.0.3", + "@types/node": "^14.14.31", + concurrently: "7.0.0", + "downlevel-dts": "0.10.1", + rimraf: "3.0.2", + typedoc: "0.23.23", + typescript: "~4.9.5" + }, + engines: { + node: ">=14.0.0" + }, + typesVersions: { + "<4.0": { + "dist-types/*": [ + "dist-types/ts3.4/*" + ] + } + }, + files: [ + "dist-*/**" + ], + author: { + name: "AWS SDK for JavaScript Team", + url: "https://aws.amazon.com/javascript/" + }, + license: "Apache-2.0", + browser: { + "./dist-es/runtimeConfig": "./dist-es/runtimeConfig.browser" + }, + "react-native": { + "./dist-es/runtimeConfig": "./dist-es/runtimeConfig.native" + }, + homepage: "https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-js-v3/tree/main/clients/client-sts", + repository: { + type: "git", + url: "https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-js-v3.git", + directory: "clients/client-sts" + } + }; 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+ this.name = "ExpiredTokenException"; + this.$fault = "client"; + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, ExpiredTokenException.prototype); + } + }; + exports.ExpiredTokenException = ExpiredTokenException; + var MalformedPolicyDocumentException = class extends STSServiceException_1.STSServiceException { + constructor(opts) { + super({ + name: "MalformedPolicyDocumentException", + $fault: "client", + ...opts + }); + this.name = "MalformedPolicyDocumentException"; + this.$fault = "client"; + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, MalformedPolicyDocumentException.prototype); + } + }; + exports.MalformedPolicyDocumentException = MalformedPolicyDocumentException; + var PackedPolicyTooLargeException = class extends STSServiceException_1.STSServiceException { + constructor(opts) { + super({ + name: "PackedPolicyTooLargeException", + $fault: "client", + ...opts + }); + this.name = "PackedPolicyTooLargeException"; + this.$fault = "client"; + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, PackedPolicyTooLargeException.prototype); + } + }; + exports.PackedPolicyTooLargeException = PackedPolicyTooLargeException; + var RegionDisabledException = class extends STSServiceException_1.STSServiceException { + constructor(opts) { + super({ + name: "RegionDisabledException", + $fault: "client", + ...opts + }); + this.name = "RegionDisabledException"; + this.$fault = "client"; + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, RegionDisabledException.prototype); + } + }; + exports.RegionDisabledException = RegionDisabledException; + var IDPRejectedClaimException = class extends STSServiceException_1.STSServiceException { + constructor(opts) { + super({ + name: "IDPRejectedClaimException", + $fault: "client", + ...opts + }); + this.name = "IDPRejectedClaimException"; + this.$fault = "client"; + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, IDPRejectedClaimException.prototype); + } + }; + exports.IDPRejectedClaimException = IDPRejectedClaimException; + var InvalidIdentityTokenException = class extends STSServiceException_1.STSServiceException { + constructor(opts) { + super({ + name: "InvalidIdentityTokenException", + $fault: "client", + ...opts + }); + this.name = "InvalidIdentityTokenException"; + this.$fault = "client"; + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, InvalidIdentityTokenException.prototype); + } + }; + exports.InvalidIdentityTokenException = InvalidIdentityTokenException; + var IDPCommunicationErrorException = class extends STSServiceException_1.STSServiceException { + constructor(opts) { + super({ + name: "IDPCommunicationErrorException", + $fault: "client", + ...opts + }); + this.name = "IDPCommunicationErrorException"; + this.$fault = "client"; + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, IDPCommunicationErrorException.prototype); + } + }; + exports.IDPCommunicationErrorException = IDPCommunicationErrorException; + var InvalidAuthorizationMessageException = class extends STSServiceException_1.STSServiceException { + constructor(opts) { + super({ + name: "InvalidAuthorizationMessageException", + $fault: "client", + ...opts + }); + this.name = "InvalidAuthorizationMessageException"; + this.$fault = "client"; + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, InvalidAuthorizationMessageException.prototype); + } + }; + exports.InvalidAuthorizationMessageException = InvalidAuthorizationMessageException; + var CredentialsFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({ + ...obj, + ...obj.SecretAccessKey && { SecretAccessKey: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING } + }); + exports.CredentialsFilterSensitiveLog = CredentialsFilterSensitiveLog; + var AssumeRoleResponseFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({ + ...obj, + ...obj.Credentials && { Credentials: (0, exports.CredentialsFilterSensitiveLog)(obj.Credentials) } + }); + exports.AssumeRoleResponseFilterSensitiveLog = AssumeRoleResponseFilterSensitiveLog; + var AssumeRoleWithSAMLRequestFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({ + ...obj, + ...obj.SAMLAssertion && { SAMLAssertion: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING } + }); + exports.AssumeRoleWithSAMLRequestFilterSensitiveLog = AssumeRoleWithSAMLRequestFilterSensitiveLog; + var AssumeRoleWithSAMLResponseFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({ + ...obj, + ...obj.Credentials && { Credentials: (0, exports.CredentialsFilterSensitiveLog)(obj.Credentials) } + }); 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+ exports.GetSessionTokenResponseFilterSensitiveLog = GetSessionTokenResponseFilterSensitiveLog; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/abort.js +var require_abort2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/abort.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/auth.js +var require_auth2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/auth.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.HttpAuthLocation = void 0; + var HttpAuthLocation; + (function(HttpAuthLocation2) { + HttpAuthLocation2["HEADER"] = "header"; + HttpAuthLocation2["QUERY"] = "query"; + })(HttpAuthLocation = exports.HttpAuthLocation || (exports.HttpAuthLocation = {})); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/checksum.js +var require_checksum2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/checksum.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; 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+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/encode.js +var require_encode2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/encode.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/endpoint.js +var require_endpoint2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/endpoint.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.EndpointURLScheme = void 0; + var EndpointURLScheme; + (function(EndpointURLScheme2) { + EndpointURLScheme2["HTTP"] = "http"; + EndpointURLScheme2["HTTPS"] = "https"; + })(EndpointURLScheme = exports.EndpointURLScheme || (exports.EndpointURLScheme = {})); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/endpoints/EndpointRuleObject.js +var require_EndpointRuleObject2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/endpoints/EndpointRuleObject.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/endpoints/ErrorRuleObject.js +var require_ErrorRuleObject2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/endpoints/ErrorRuleObject.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/endpoints/RuleSetObject.js +var require_RuleSetObject2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/endpoints/RuleSetObject.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/endpoints/shared.js +var require_shared2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/endpoints/shared.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/endpoints/TreeRuleObject.js +var require_TreeRuleObject2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/endpoints/TreeRuleObject.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/endpoints/index.js +var require_endpoints = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/endpoints/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_EndpointRuleObject2(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_ErrorRuleObject2(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_RuleSetObject2(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_shared2(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_TreeRuleObject2(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/eventStream.js +var require_eventStream2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/eventStream.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/http.js +var require_http2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/http.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.FieldPosition = void 0; + var FieldPosition; + (function(FieldPosition2) { + FieldPosition2[FieldPosition2["HEADER"] = 0] = "HEADER"; + FieldPosition2[FieldPosition2["TRAILER"] = 1] = "TRAILER"; + })(FieldPosition = exports.FieldPosition || (exports.FieldPosition = {})); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/identity/awsCredentialIdentity.js +var require_awsCredentialIdentity = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/identity/awsCredentialIdentity.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/identity/identity.js +var require_identity2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/identity/identity.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/identity/index.js +var require_identity3 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/identity/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_awsCredentialIdentity(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_identity2(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/logger.js +var require_logger2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/logger.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/middleware.js +var require_middleware2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/middleware.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/pagination.js +var require_pagination2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/pagination.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/profile.js +var require_profile2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/profile.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/response.js +var require_response2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/response.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/retry.js +var require_retry2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/retry.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/serde.js +var require_serde2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/serde.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/shapes.js +var require_shapes2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/shapes.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/signature.js +var require_signature2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/signature.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/stream.js +var require_stream2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/stream.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/transfer.js +var require_transfer2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/transfer.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.RequestHandlerProtocol = void 0; + var RequestHandlerProtocol; + (function(RequestHandlerProtocol2) { + RequestHandlerProtocol2["HTTP_0_9"] = "http/0.9"; + RequestHandlerProtocol2["HTTP_1_0"] = "http/1.0"; + RequestHandlerProtocol2["TDS_8_0"] = "tds/8.0"; + })(RequestHandlerProtocol = exports.RequestHandlerProtocol || (exports.RequestHandlerProtocol = {})); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/uri.js +var require_uri2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/uri.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/util.js +var require_util3 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/util.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/waiter.js +var require_waiter2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/waiter.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/index.js +var require_dist_cjs32 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@smithy/types/dist-cjs/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_abort2(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_auth2(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_checksum2(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_client3(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_command3(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_connection2(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_crypto2(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_encode2(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_endpoint2(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_endpoints(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_eventStream2(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_http2(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_identity3(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_logger2(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_middleware2(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_pagination2(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_profile2(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_response2(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_retry2(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_serde2(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_shapes2(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_signature2(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_stream2(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_transfer2(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_uri2(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_util3(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_waiter2(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@smithy/protocol-http/dist-cjs/Field.js +var require_Field2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@smithy/protocol-http/dist-cjs/Field.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.Field = void 0; + var types_1 = require_dist_cjs32(); + var Field = class { + constructor({ name, kind = types_1.FieldPosition.HEADER, values = [] }) { + this.name = name; + this.kind = kind; + this.values = values; + } + add(value) { + this.values.push(value); + } + set(values) { + this.values = values; + } + remove(value) { + this.values = this.values.filter((v) => v !== value); + } + toString() { + return this.values.map((v) => v.includes(",") || v.includes(" ") ? `"${v}"` : v).join(", "); + } + get() { + return this.values; + } + }; + exports.Field = Field; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@smithy/protocol-http/dist-cjs/Fields.js +var require_Fields2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@smithy/protocol-http/dist-cjs/Fields.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.Fields = void 0; + var Fields = class { + constructor({ fields = [], encoding = "utf-8" }) { + this.entries = {}; + fields.forEach(this.setField.bind(this)); + this.encoding = encoding; + } + setField(field) { + this.entries[field.name.toLowerCase()] = field; + } + getField(name) { + return this.entries[name.toLowerCase()]; + } + removeField(name) { + delete this.entries[name.toLowerCase()]; + } + getByType(kind) { + return Object.values(this.entries).filter((field) => field.kind === kind); + } + }; + exports.Fields = Fields; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@smithy/protocol-http/dist-cjs/httpHandler.js +var require_httpHandler2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@smithy/protocol-http/dist-cjs/httpHandler.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@smithy/protocol-http/dist-cjs/httpRequest.js +var require_httpRequest2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@smithy/protocol-http/dist-cjs/httpRequest.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.HttpRequest = void 0; + var HttpRequest = class { + constructor(options) { + this.method = options.method || "GET"; + this.hostname = options.hostname || "localhost"; + this.port = options.port; + this.query = options.query || {}; + this.headers = options.headers || {}; + this.body = options.body; + this.protocol = options.protocol ? options.protocol.slice(-1) !== ":" ? `${options.protocol}:` : options.protocol : "https:"; + this.path = options.path ? options.path.charAt(0) !== "/" ? `/${options.path}` : options.path : "/"; + this.username = options.username; + this.password = options.password; + this.fragment = options.fragment; + } + static isInstance(request2) { + if (!request2) + return false; + const req = request2; + return "method" in req && "protocol" in req && "hostname" in req && "path" in req && typeof req["query"] === "object" && typeof req["headers"] === "object"; + } + clone() { + const cloned = new HttpRequest({ + ...this, + headers: { ...this.headers } + }); + if (cloned.query) + cloned.query = cloneQuery(cloned.query); + return cloned; + } + }; + exports.HttpRequest = HttpRequest; + function cloneQuery(query) { + return Object.keys(query).reduce((carry, paramName) => { + const param = query[paramName]; + return { + ...carry, + [paramName]: Array.isArray(param) ? [...param] : param + }; + }, {}); + } + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@smithy/protocol-http/dist-cjs/httpResponse.js +var require_httpResponse2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@smithy/protocol-http/dist-cjs/httpResponse.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.HttpResponse = void 0; + var HttpResponse = class { + constructor(options) { + this.statusCode = options.statusCode; + this.reason = options.reason; + this.headers = options.headers || {}; + this.body = options.body; + } + static isInstance(response) { + if (!response) + return false; + const resp = response; + return typeof resp.statusCode === "number" && typeof resp.headers === "object"; + } + }; + exports.HttpResponse = HttpResponse; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@smithy/protocol-http/dist-cjs/isValidHostname.js +var require_isValidHostname2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@smithy/protocol-http/dist-cjs/isValidHostname.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.isValidHostname = void 0; + function isValidHostname(hostname) { + const hostPattern = /^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\.\-]*[a-z0-9]$/; + return hostPattern.test(hostname); + } + exports.isValidHostname = isValidHostname; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@smithy/protocol-http/dist-cjs/types.js +var require_types4 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@smithy/protocol-http/dist-cjs/types.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@smithy/protocol-http/dist-cjs/index.js +var require_dist_cjs33 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@smithy/protocol-http/dist-cjs/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_Field2(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_Fields2(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_httpHandler2(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_httpRequest2(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_httpResponse2(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_isValidHostname2(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_types4(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/fast-xml-parser/src/util.js +var require_util4 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/fast-xml-parser/src/util.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + var nameStartChar = ":A-Za-z_\\u00C0-\\u00D6\\u00D8-\\u00F6\\u00F8-\\u02FF\\u0370-\\u037D\\u037F-\\u1FFF\\u200C-\\u200D\\u2070-\\u218F\\u2C00-\\u2FEF\\u3001-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFFD"; + var nameChar = nameStartChar + "\\-.\\d\\u00B7\\u0300-\\u036F\\u203F-\\u2040"; + var nameRegexp = "[" + nameStartChar + "][" + nameChar + "]*"; + var regexName = new RegExp("^" + nameRegexp + "$"); + var getAllMatches = function(string, regex) { + const matches = []; + let match = regex.exec(string); + while (match) { + const allmatches = []; + allmatches.startIndex = regex.lastIndex - match[0].length; + const len = match.length; + for (let index = 0; index < len; index++) { + allmatches.push(match[index]); + } + matches.push(allmatches); + match = regex.exec(string); + } + return matches; + }; + var isName = function(string) { + const match = regexName.exec(string); + return !(match === null || typeof match === "undefined"); + }; + exports.isExist = function(v) { + return typeof v !== "undefined"; + }; + exports.isEmptyObject = function(obj) { + return Object.keys(obj).length === 0; + }; + exports.merge = function(target, a, arrayMode) { + if (a) { + const keys = Object.keys(a); + const len = keys.length; + for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { + if (arrayMode === "strict") { + target[keys[i]] = [a[keys[i]]]; + } else { + target[keys[i]] = a[keys[i]]; + } + } + } + }; + exports.getValue = function(v) { + if (exports.isExist(v)) { + return v; + } else { + return ""; + } + }; + exports.isName = isName; + exports.getAllMatches = getAllMatches; + exports.nameRegexp = nameRegexp; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/fast-xml-parser/src/validator.js +var require_validator = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/fast-xml-parser/src/validator.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + var util = require_util4(); + var defaultOptions = { + allowBooleanAttributes: false, + //A tag can have attributes without any value + unpairedTags: [] + }; + exports.validate = function(xmlData, options) { + options = Object.assign({}, defaultOptions, options); + const tags = []; + let tagFound = false; + let reachedRoot = false; + if (xmlData[0] === "\uFEFF") { + xmlData = xmlData.substr(1); + } + for (let i = 0; i < xmlData.length; i++) { + if (xmlData[i] === "<" && xmlData[i + 1] === "?") { + i += 2; + i = readPI(xmlData, i); + if (i.err) + return i; + } else if (xmlData[i] === "<") { + let tagStartPos = i; + i++; + if (xmlData[i] === "!") { + i = readCommentAndCDATA(xmlData, i); + continue; + } else { + let closingTag = false; + if (xmlData[i] === "/") { + closingTag = true; + i++; + } + let tagName = ""; + for (; i < xmlData.length && xmlData[i] !== ">" && xmlData[i] !== " " && xmlData[i] !== " " && xmlData[i] !== "\n" && xmlData[i] !== "\r"; i++) { + tagName += xmlData[i]; + } + tagName = tagName.trim(); + if (tagName[tagName.length - 1] === "/") { + tagName = tagName.substring(0, tagName.length - 1); + i--; + } + if (!validateTagName(tagName)) { + let msg; + if (tagName.trim().length === 0) { + msg = "Invalid space after '<'."; + } else { + msg = "Tag '" + tagName + "' is an invalid name."; + } + return getErrorObject("InvalidTag", msg, getLineNumberForPosition(xmlData, i)); + } + const result = readAttributeStr(xmlData, i); + if (result === false) { + return getErrorObject("InvalidAttr", "Attributes for '" + tagName + "' have open quote.", getLineNumberForPosition(xmlData, i)); + } + let attrStr = result.value; + i = result.index; + if (attrStr[attrStr.length - 1] === "/") { + const attrStrStart = i - attrStr.length; + attrStr = attrStr.substring(0, attrStr.length - 1); + const isValid = validateAttributeString(attrStr, options); + if (isValid === true) { + tagFound = true; + } else { + return getErrorObject(isValid.err.code, isValid.err.msg, getLineNumberForPosition(xmlData, attrStrStart + isValid.err.line)); + } + } else if (closingTag) { + if (!result.tagClosed) { + return getErrorObject("InvalidTag", "Closing tag '" + tagName + "' doesn't have proper closing.", getLineNumberForPosition(xmlData, i)); + } else if (attrStr.trim().length > 0) { + return getErrorObject("InvalidTag", "Closing tag '" + tagName + "' can't have attributes or invalid starting.", getLineNumberForPosition(xmlData, tagStartPos)); + } else { + const otg = tags.pop(); + if (tagName !== otg.tagName) { + let openPos = getLineNumberForPosition(xmlData, otg.tagStartPos); + return getErrorObject( + "InvalidTag", + "Expected closing tag '" + otg.tagName + "' (opened in line " + openPos.line + ", col " + openPos.col + ") instead of closing tag '" + tagName + "'.", + getLineNumberForPosition(xmlData, tagStartPos) + ); + } + if (tags.length == 0) { + reachedRoot = true; + } + } + } else { + const isValid = validateAttributeString(attrStr, options); + if (isValid !== true) { + return getErrorObject(isValid.err.code, isValid.err.msg, getLineNumberForPosition(xmlData, i - attrStr.length + isValid.err.line)); + } + if (reachedRoot === true) { + return getErrorObject("InvalidXml", "Multiple possible root nodes found.", getLineNumberForPosition(xmlData, i)); + } else if (options.unpairedTags.indexOf(tagName) !== -1) { + } else { + tags.push({ tagName, tagStartPos }); + } + tagFound = true; + } + for (i++; i < xmlData.length; i++) { + if (xmlData[i] === "<") { + if (xmlData[i + 1] === "!") { + i++; + i = readCommentAndCDATA(xmlData, i); + continue; + } else if (xmlData[i + 1] === "?") { + i = readPI(xmlData, ++i); + if (i.err) + return i; + } else { + break; + } + } else if (xmlData[i] === "&") { + const afterAmp = validateAmpersand(xmlData, i); + if (afterAmp == -1) + return getErrorObject("InvalidChar", "char '&' is not expected.", getLineNumberForPosition(xmlData, i)); + i = afterAmp; + } else { + if (reachedRoot === true && !isWhiteSpace(xmlData[i])) { + return getErrorObject("InvalidXml", "Extra text at the end", getLineNumberForPosition(xmlData, i)); + } + } + } + if (xmlData[i] === "<") { + i--; + } + } + } else { + if (isWhiteSpace(xmlData[i])) { + continue; + } + return getErrorObject("InvalidChar", "char '" + xmlData[i] + "' is not expected.", getLineNumberForPosition(xmlData, i)); + } + } + if (!tagFound) { + return getErrorObject("InvalidXml", "Start tag expected.", 1); + } else if (tags.length == 1) { + return getErrorObject("InvalidTag", "Unclosed tag '" + tags[0].tagName + "'.", getLineNumberForPosition(xmlData, tags[0].tagStartPos)); + } else if (tags.length > 0) { + return getErrorObject("InvalidXml", "Invalid '" + JSON.stringify(tags.map((t) => t.tagName), null, 4).replace(/\r?\n/g, "") + "' found.", { line: 1, col: 1 }); + } + return true; + }; + function isWhiteSpace(char) { + return char === " " || char === " " || char === "\n" || char === "\r"; + } + function readPI(xmlData, i) { + const start = i; + for (; i < xmlData.length; i++) { + if (xmlData[i] == "?" || xmlData[i] == " ") { + const tagname = xmlData.substr(start, i - start); + if (i > 5 && tagname === "xml") { + return getErrorObject("InvalidXml", "XML declaration allowed only at the start of the document.", getLineNumberForPosition(xmlData, i)); + } else if (xmlData[i] == "?" && xmlData[i + 1] == ">") { + i++; + break; + } else { + continue; + } + } + } + return i; + } + function readCommentAndCDATA(xmlData, i) { + if (xmlData.length > i + 5 && xmlData[i + 1] === "-" && xmlData[i + 2] === "-") { + for (i += 3; i < xmlData.length; i++) { + if (xmlData[i] === "-" && xmlData[i + 1] === "-" && xmlData[i + 2] === ">") { + i += 2; + break; + } + } + } else if (xmlData.length > i + 8 && xmlData[i + 1] === "D" && xmlData[i + 2] === "O" && xmlData[i + 3] === "C" && xmlData[i + 4] === "T" && xmlData[i + 5] === "Y" && xmlData[i + 6] === "P" && xmlData[i + 7] === "E") { + let angleBracketsCount = 1; + for (i += 8; i < xmlData.length; i++) { + if (xmlData[i] === "<") { + angleBracketsCount++; + } else if (xmlData[i] === ">") { + angleBracketsCount--; + if (angleBracketsCount === 0) { + break; + } + } + } + } else if (xmlData.length > i + 9 && xmlData[i + 1] === "[" && xmlData[i + 2] === "C" && xmlData[i + 3] === "D" && xmlData[i + 4] === "A" && xmlData[i + 5] === "T" && xmlData[i + 6] === "A" && xmlData[i + 7] === "[") { + for (i += 8; i < xmlData.length; i++) { + if (xmlData[i] === "]" && xmlData[i + 1] === "]" && xmlData[i + 2] === ">") { + i += 2; + break; + } + } + } + return i; + } + var doubleQuote = '"'; + var singleQuote = "'"; + function readAttributeStr(xmlData, i) { + let attrStr = ""; + let startChar = ""; + let tagClosed = false; + for (; i < xmlData.length; i++) { + if (xmlData[i] === doubleQuote || xmlData[i] === singleQuote) { + if (startChar === "") { + startChar = xmlData[i]; + } else if (startChar !== xmlData[i]) { + } else { + startChar = ""; + } + } else if (xmlData[i] === ">") { + if (startChar === "") { + tagClosed = true; + break; + } + } + attrStr += xmlData[i]; + } + if (startChar !== "") { + return false; + } + return { + value: attrStr, + index: i, + tagClosed + }; + } + var validAttrStrRegxp = new RegExp(`(\\s*)([^\\s=]+)(\\s*=)?(\\s*(['"])(([\\s\\S])*?)\\5)?`, "g"); + function validateAttributeString(attrStr, options) { + const matches = util.getAllMatches(attrStr, validAttrStrRegxp); + const attrNames = {}; + for (let i = 0; i < matches.length; i++) { + if (matches[i][1].length === 0) { + return getErrorObject("InvalidAttr", "Attribute '" + matches[i][2] + "' has no space in starting.", getPositionFromMatch(matches[i])); + } else if (matches[i][3] !== void 0 && matches[i][4] === void 0) { + return getErrorObject("InvalidAttr", "Attribute '" + matches[i][2] + "' is without value.", getPositionFromMatch(matches[i])); + } else if (matches[i][3] === void 0 && !options.allowBooleanAttributes) { + return getErrorObject("InvalidAttr", "boolean attribute '" + matches[i][2] + "' is not allowed.", getPositionFromMatch(matches[i])); + } + const attrName = matches[i][2]; + if (!validateAttrName(attrName)) { + return getErrorObject("InvalidAttr", "Attribute '" + attrName + "' is an invalid name.", getPositionFromMatch(matches[i])); + } + if (!attrNames.hasOwnProperty(attrName)) { + attrNames[attrName] = 1; + } else { + return getErrorObject("InvalidAttr", "Attribute '" + attrName + "' is repeated.", getPositionFromMatch(matches[i])); + } + } + return true; + } + function validateNumberAmpersand(xmlData, i) { + let re = /\d/; + if (xmlData[i] === "x") { + i++; + re = /[\da-fA-F]/; + } + for (; i < xmlData.length; i++) { + if (xmlData[i] === ";") + return i; + if (!xmlData[i].match(re)) + break; + } + return -1; + } + function validateAmpersand(xmlData, i) { + i++; + if (xmlData[i] === ";") + return -1; + if (xmlData[i] === "#") { + i++; + return validateNumberAmpersand(xmlData, i); + } + let count = 0; + for (; i < xmlData.length; i++, count++) { + if (xmlData[i].match(/\w/) && count < 20) + continue; + if (xmlData[i] === ";") + break; + return -1; + } + return i; + } + function getErrorObject(code, message, lineNumber) { + return { + err: { + code, + msg: message, + line: lineNumber.line || lineNumber, + col: lineNumber.col + } + }; + } + function validateAttrName(attrName) { + return util.isName(attrName); + } + function validateTagName(tagname) { + return util.isName(tagname); + } + function getLineNumberForPosition(xmlData, index) { + const lines = xmlData.substring(0, index).split(/\r?\n/); + return { + line: lines.length, + // column number is last line's length + 1, because column numbering starts at 1: + col: lines[lines.length - 1].length + 1 + }; + } + function getPositionFromMatch(match) { + return match.startIndex + match[1].length; + } + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/fast-xml-parser/src/xmlparser/OptionsBuilder.js +var require_OptionsBuilder = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/fast-xml-parser/src/xmlparser/OptionsBuilder.js"(exports) { + var defaultOptions = { + preserveOrder: false, + attributeNamePrefix: "@_", + attributesGroupName: false, + textNodeName: "#text", + ignoreAttributes: true, + removeNSPrefix: false, + // remove NS from tag name or attribute name if true + allowBooleanAttributes: false, + //a tag can have attributes without any value + //ignoreRootElement : false, + parseTagValue: true, + parseAttributeValue: false, + trimValues: true, + //Trim string values of tag and attributes + cdataPropName: false, + numberParseOptions: { + hex: true, + leadingZeros: true, + eNotation: true + }, + tagValueProcessor: function(tagName, val) { + return val; + }, + attributeValueProcessor: function(attrName, val) { + return val; + }, + stopNodes: [], + //nested tags will not be parsed even for errors + alwaysCreateTextNode: false, + isArray: () => false, + commentPropName: false, + unpairedTags: [], + processEntities: true, + htmlEntities: false, + ignoreDeclaration: false, + ignorePiTags: false, + transformTagName: false, + transformAttributeName: false + }; + var buildOptions = function(options) { + return Object.assign({}, defaultOptions, options); + }; + exports.buildOptions = buildOptions; + exports.defaultOptions = defaultOptions; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/fast-xml-parser/src/xmlparser/xmlNode.js +var require_xmlNode = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/fast-xml-parser/src/xmlparser/xmlNode.js"(exports, module2) { + "use strict"; + var XmlNode = class { + constructor(tagname) { + this.tagname = tagname; + this.child = []; + this[":@"] = {}; + } + add(key, val) { + if (key === "__proto__") + key = "#__proto__"; + this.child.push({ [key]: val }); + } + addChild(node) { + if (node.tagname === "__proto__") + node.tagname = "#__proto__"; + if (node[":@"] && Object.keys(node[":@"]).length > 0) { + this.child.push({ [node.tagname]: node.child, [":@"]: node[":@"] }); + } else { + this.child.push({ [node.tagname]: node.child }); + } + } + }; + module2.exports = XmlNode; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/fast-xml-parser/src/xmlparser/DocTypeReader.js +var require_DocTypeReader = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/fast-xml-parser/src/xmlparser/DocTypeReader.js"(exports, module2) { + function readDocType(xmlData, i) { + const entities = {}; + if (xmlData[i + 3] === "O" && xmlData[i + 4] === "C" && xmlData[i + 5] === "T" && xmlData[i + 6] === "Y" && xmlData[i + 7] === "P" && xmlData[i + 8] === "E") { + i = i + 9; + let angleBracketsCount = 1; + let hasBody = false, entity = false, comment = false; + let exp = ""; + for (; i < xmlData.length; i++) { + if (xmlData[i] === "<" && !comment) { + if (hasBody && xmlData[i + 1] === "!" && xmlData[i + 2] === "E" && xmlData[i + 3] === "N" && xmlData[i + 4] === "T" && xmlData[i + 5] === "I" && xmlData[i + 6] === "T" && xmlData[i + 7] === "Y") { + i += 7; + entity = true; + } else if (hasBody && xmlData[i + 1] === "!" && xmlData[i + 2] === "E" && xmlData[i + 3] === "L" && xmlData[i + 4] === "E" && xmlData[i + 5] === "M" && xmlData[i + 6] === "E" && xmlData[i + 7] === "N" && xmlData[i + 8] === "T") { + i += 8; + } else if (hasBody && xmlData[i + 1] === "!" && xmlData[i + 2] === "A" && xmlData[i + 3] === "T" && xmlData[i + 4] === "T" && xmlData[i + 5] === "L" && xmlData[i + 6] === "I" && xmlData[i + 7] === "S" && xmlData[i + 8] === "T") { + i += 8; + } else if (hasBody && xmlData[i + 1] === "!" && xmlData[i + 2] === "N" && xmlData[i + 3] === "O" && xmlData[i + 4] === "T" && xmlData[i + 5] === "A" && xmlData[i + 6] === "T" && xmlData[i + 7] === "I" && xmlData[i + 8] === "O" && xmlData[i + 9] === "N") { + i += 9; + } else if ( + //comment + xmlData[i + 1] === "!" && xmlData[i + 2] === "-" && xmlData[i + 3] === "-" + ) { + comment = true; + } else { + throw new Error("Invalid DOCTYPE"); + } + angleBracketsCount++; + exp = ""; + } else if (xmlData[i] === ">") { + if (comment) { + if (xmlData[i - 1] === "-" && xmlData[i - 2] === "-") { + comment = false; + angleBracketsCount--; + } + } else { + if (entity) { + parseEntityExp(exp, entities); + entity = false; + } + angleBracketsCount--; + } + if (angleBracketsCount === 0) { + break; + } + } else if (xmlData[i] === "[") { + hasBody = true; + } else { + exp += xmlData[i]; + } + } + if (angleBracketsCount !== 0) { + throw new Error(`Unclosed DOCTYPE`); + } + } else { + throw new Error(`Invalid Tag instead of DOCTYPE`); + } + return { entities, i }; + } + var entityRegex = RegExp(`^\\s([a-zA-z0-0]+)[ ](['"])([^&]+)\\2`); + function parseEntityExp(exp, entities) { + const match = entityRegex.exec(exp); + if (match) { + entities[match[1]] = { + regx: RegExp(`&${match[1]};`, "g"), + val: match[3] + }; + } + } + module2.exports = readDocType; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/strnum/strnum.js +var require_strnum = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/strnum/strnum.js"(exports, module2) { + var hexRegex = /^[-+]?0x[a-fA-F0-9]+$/; + var numRegex = /^([\-\+])?(0*)(\.[0-9]+([eE]\-?[0-9]+)?|[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+([eE]\-?[0-9]+)?)?)$/; + if (!Number.parseInt && window.parseInt) { + Number.parseInt = window.parseInt; + } + if (!Number.parseFloat && window.parseFloat) { + Number.parseFloat = window.parseFloat; + } + var consider = { + hex: true, + leadingZeros: true, + decimalPoint: ".", + eNotation: true + //skipLike: /regex/ + }; + function toNumber(str, options = {}) { + options = Object.assign({}, consider, options); + if (!str || typeof str !== "string") + return str; + let trimmedStr = str.trim(); + if (options.skipLike !== void 0 && options.skipLike.test(trimmedStr)) + return str; + else if (options.hex && hexRegex.test(trimmedStr)) { + return Number.parseInt(trimmedStr, 16); + } else { + const match = numRegex.exec(trimmedStr); + if (match) { + const sign = match[1]; + const leadingZeros = match[2]; + let numTrimmedByZeros = trimZeros(match[3]); + const eNotation = match[4] || match[6]; + if (!options.leadingZeros && leadingZeros.length > 0 && sign && trimmedStr[2] !== ".") + return str; + else if (!options.leadingZeros && leadingZeros.length > 0 && !sign && trimmedStr[1] !== ".") + return str; + else { + const num = Number(trimmedStr); + const numStr = "" + num; + if (numStr.search(/[eE]/) !== -1) { + if (options.eNotation) + return num; + else + return str; + } else if (eNotation) { + if (options.eNotation) + return num; + else + return str; + } else if (trimmedStr.indexOf(".") !== -1) { + if (numStr === "0" && numTrimmedByZeros === "") + return num; + else if (numStr === numTrimmedByZeros) + return num; + else if (sign && numStr === "-" + numTrimmedByZeros) + return num; + else + return str; + } + if (leadingZeros) { + if (numTrimmedByZeros === numStr) + return num; + else if (sign + numTrimmedByZeros === numStr) + return num; + else + return str; + } + if (trimmedStr === numStr) + return num; + else if (trimmedStr === sign + numStr) + return num; + return str; + } + } else { + return str; + } + } + } + function trimZeros(numStr) { + if (numStr && numStr.indexOf(".") !== -1) { + numStr = numStr.replace(/0+$/, ""); + if (numStr === ".") + numStr = "0"; + else if (numStr[0] === ".") + numStr = "0" + numStr; + else if (numStr[numStr.length - 1] === ".") + numStr = numStr.substr(0, numStr.length - 1); + return numStr; + } + return numStr; + } + module2.exports = toNumber; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/fast-xml-parser/src/xmlparser/OrderedObjParser.js +var require_OrderedObjParser = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/fast-xml-parser/src/xmlparser/OrderedObjParser.js"(exports, module2) { + "use strict"; + var util = require_util4(); + var xmlNode = require_xmlNode(); + var readDocType = require_DocTypeReader(); + var toNumber = require_strnum(); + var regx = "<((!\\[CDATA\\[([\\s\\S]*?)(]]>))|((NAME:)?(NAME))([^>]*)>|((\\/)(NAME)\\s*>))([^<]*)".replace(/NAME/g, util.nameRegexp); + var OrderedObjParser = class { + constructor(options) { + this.options = options; + this.currentNode = null; + this.tagsNodeStack = []; + this.docTypeEntities = {}; + this.lastEntities = { + "apos": { regex: /&(apos|#39|#x27);/g, val: "'" }, + "gt": { regex: /&(gt|#62|#x3E);/g, val: ">" }, + "lt": { regex: /&(lt|#60|#x3C);/g, val: "<" }, + "quot": { regex: /&(quot|#34|#x22);/g, val: '"' } + }; + this.ampEntity = { regex: /&(amp|#38|#x26);/g, val: "&" }; + this.htmlEntities = { + "space": { regex: /&(nbsp|#160);/g, val: " " }, + // "lt" : { regex: /&(lt|#60);/g, val: "<" }, + // "gt" : { regex: /&(gt|#62);/g, val: ">" }, + // "amp" : { regex: /&(amp|#38);/g, val: "&" }, + // "quot" : { regex: /&(quot|#34);/g, val: "\"" }, + // "apos" : { regex: /&(apos|#39);/g, val: "'" }, + "cent": { regex: /&(cent|#162);/g, val: "\xA2" }, + "pound": { regex: /&(pound|#163);/g, val: "\xA3" }, + "yen": { regex: /&(yen|#165);/g, val: "\xA5" }, + "euro": { regex: /&(euro|#8364);/g, val: "\u20AC" }, + "copyright": { regex: /&(copy|#169);/g, val: "\xA9" }, + "reg": { regex: /&(reg|#174);/g, val: "\xAE" }, + "inr": { regex: /&(inr|#8377);/g, val: "\u20B9" } + }; + this.addExternalEntities = addExternalEntities; + this.parseXml = parseXml; + this.parseTextData = parseTextData; + this.resolveNameSpace = resolveNameSpace; + this.buildAttributesMap = buildAttributesMap; + this.isItStopNode = isItStopNode; + this.replaceEntitiesValue = replaceEntitiesValue; + this.readStopNodeData = readStopNodeData; + this.saveTextToParentTag = saveTextToParentTag; + } + }; + function addExternalEntities(externalEntities) { + const entKeys = Object.keys(externalEntities); + for (let i = 0; i < entKeys.length; i++) { + const ent = entKeys[i]; + this.lastEntities[ent] = { + regex: new RegExp("&" + ent + ";", "g"), + val: externalEntities[ent] + }; + } + } + function parseTextData(val, tagName, jPath, dontTrim, hasAttributes, isLeafNode, escapeEntities) { + if (val !== void 0) { + if (this.options.trimValues && !dontTrim) { + val = val.trim(); + } + if (val.length > 0) { + if (!escapeEntities) + val = this.replaceEntitiesValue(val); + const newval = this.options.tagValueProcessor(tagName, val, jPath, hasAttributes, isLeafNode); + if (newval === null || newval === void 0) { + return val; + } else if (typeof newval !== typeof val || newval !== val) { + return newval; + } else if (this.options.trimValues) { + return parseValue(val, this.options.parseTagValue, this.options.numberParseOptions); + } else { + const trimmedVal = val.trim(); + if (trimmedVal === val) { + return parseValue(val, this.options.parseTagValue, this.options.numberParseOptions); + } else { + return val; + } + } + } + } + } + function resolveNameSpace(tagname) { + if (this.options.removeNSPrefix) { + const tags = tagname.split(":"); + const prefix = tagname.charAt(0) === "/" ? "/" : ""; + if (tags[0] === "xmlns") { + return ""; + } + if (tags.length === 2) { + tagname = prefix + tags[1]; + } + } + return tagname; + } + var attrsRegx = new RegExp(`([^\\s=]+)\\s*(=\\s*(['"])([\\s\\S]*?)\\3)?`, "gm"); + function buildAttributesMap(attrStr, jPath) { + if (!this.options.ignoreAttributes && typeof attrStr === "string") { + const matches = util.getAllMatches(attrStr, attrsRegx); + const len = matches.length; + const attrs = {}; + for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { + const attrName = this.resolveNameSpace(matches[i][1]); + let oldVal = matches[i][4]; + let aName = this.options.attributeNamePrefix + attrName; + if (attrName.length) { + if (this.options.transformAttributeName) { + aName = this.options.transformAttributeName(aName); + } + if (aName === "__proto__") + aName = "#__proto__"; + if (oldVal !== void 0) { + if (this.options.trimValues) { + oldVal = oldVal.trim(); + } + oldVal = this.replaceEntitiesValue(oldVal); + const newVal = this.options.attributeValueProcessor(attrName, oldVal, jPath); + if (newVal === null || newVal === void 0) { + attrs[aName] = oldVal; + } else if (typeof newVal !== typeof oldVal || newVal !== oldVal) { + attrs[aName] = newVal; + } else { + attrs[aName] = parseValue( + oldVal, + this.options.parseAttributeValue, + this.options.numberParseOptions + ); + } + } else if (this.options.allowBooleanAttributes) { + attrs[aName] = true; + } + } + } + if (!Object.keys(attrs).length) { + return; + } + if (this.options.attributesGroupName) { + const attrCollection = {}; + attrCollection[this.options.attributesGroupName] = attrs; + return attrCollection; + } + return attrs; + } + } + var parseXml = function(xmlData) { + xmlData = xmlData.replace(/\r\n?/g, "\n"); + const xmlObj = new xmlNode("!xml"); + let currentNode = xmlObj; + let textData = ""; + let jPath = ""; + for (let i = 0; i < xmlData.length; i++) { + const ch = xmlData[i]; + if (ch === "<") { + if (xmlData[i + 1] === "/") { + const closeIndex = findClosingIndex(xmlData, ">", i, "Closing Tag is not closed."); + let tagName = xmlData.substring(i + 2, closeIndex).trim(); + if (this.options.removeNSPrefix) { + const colonIndex = tagName.indexOf(":"); + if (colonIndex !== -1) { + tagName = tagName.substr(colonIndex + 1); + } + } + if (this.options.transformTagName) { + tagName = this.options.transformTagName(tagName); + } + if (currentNode) { + textData = this.saveTextToParentTag(textData, currentNode, jPath); + } + jPath = jPath.substr(0, jPath.lastIndexOf(".")); + currentNode = this.tagsNodeStack.pop(); + textData = ""; + i = closeIndex; + } else if (xmlData[i + 1] === "?") { + let tagData = readTagExp(xmlData, i, false, "?>"); + if (!tagData) + throw new Error("Pi Tag is not closed."); + textData = this.saveTextToParentTag(textData, currentNode, jPath); + if (this.options.ignoreDeclaration && tagData.tagName === "?xml" || this.options.ignorePiTags) { + } else { + const childNode = new xmlNode(tagData.tagName); + childNode.add(this.options.textNodeName, ""); + if (tagData.tagName !== tagData.tagExp && tagData.attrExpPresent) { + childNode[":@"] = this.buildAttributesMap(tagData.tagExp, jPath); + } + currentNode.addChild(childNode); + } + i = tagData.closeIndex + 1; + } else if (xmlData.substr(i + 1, 3) === "!--") { + const endIndex = findClosingIndex(xmlData, "-->", i + 4, "Comment is not closed."); + if (this.options.commentPropName) { + const comment = xmlData.substring(i + 4, endIndex - 2); + textData = this.saveTextToParentTag(textData, currentNode, jPath); + currentNode.add(this.options.commentPropName, [{ [this.options.textNodeName]: comment }]); + } + i = endIndex; + } else if (xmlData.substr(i + 1, 2) === "!D") { + const result = readDocType(xmlData, i); + this.docTypeEntities = result.entities; + i = result.i; + } else if (xmlData.substr(i + 1, 2) === "![") { + const closeIndex = findClosingIndex(xmlData, "]]>", i, "CDATA is not closed.") - 2; + const tagExp = xmlData.substring(i + 9, closeIndex); + textData = this.saveTextToParentTag(textData, currentNode, jPath); + if (this.options.cdataPropName) { + currentNode.add(this.options.cdataPropName, [{ [this.options.textNodeName]: tagExp }]); + } else { + let val = this.parseTextData(tagExp, currentNode.tagname, jPath, true, false, true); + if (val == void 0) + val = ""; + currentNode.add(this.options.textNodeName, val); + } + i = closeIndex + 2; + } else { + let result = readTagExp(xmlData, i, this.options.removeNSPrefix); + let tagName = result.tagName; + let tagExp = result.tagExp; + let attrExpPresent = result.attrExpPresent; + let closeIndex = result.closeIndex; + if (this.options.transformTagName) { + tagName = this.options.transformTagName(tagName); + } + if (currentNode && textData) { + if (currentNode.tagname !== "!xml") { + textData = this.saveTextToParentTag(textData, currentNode, jPath, false); + } + } + if (tagName !== xmlObj.tagname) { + jPath += jPath ? "." + tagName : tagName; + } + const lastTag = currentNode; + if (lastTag && this.options.unpairedTags.indexOf(lastTag.tagname) !== -1) { + currentNode = this.tagsNodeStack.pop(); + } + if (this.isItStopNode(this.options.stopNodes, jPath, tagName)) { + let tagContent = ""; + if (tagExp.length > 0 && tagExp.lastIndexOf("/") === tagExp.length - 1) { + i = result.closeIndex; + } else if (this.options.unpairedTags.indexOf(tagName) !== -1) { + i = result.closeIndex; + } else { + const result2 = this.readStopNodeData(xmlData, tagName, closeIndex + 1); + if (!result2) + throw new Error(`Unexpected end of ${tagName}`); + i = result2.i; + tagContent = result2.tagContent; + } + const childNode = new xmlNode(tagName); + if (tagName !== tagExp && attrExpPresent) { + childNode[":@"] = this.buildAttributesMap(tagExp, jPath); + } + if (tagContent) { + tagContent = this.parseTextData(tagContent, tagName, jPath, true, attrExpPresent, true, true); + } + jPath = jPath.substr(0, jPath.lastIndexOf(".")); + childNode.add(this.options.textNodeName, tagContent); + currentNode.addChild(childNode); + } else { + if (tagExp.length > 0 && tagExp.lastIndexOf("/") === tagExp.length - 1) { + if (tagName[tagName.length - 1] === "/") { + tagName = tagName.substr(0, tagName.length - 1); + tagExp = tagName; + } else { + tagExp = tagExp.substr(0, tagExp.length - 1); + } + if (this.options.transformTagName) { + tagName = this.options.transformTagName(tagName); + } + const childNode = new xmlNode(tagName); + if (tagName !== tagExp && attrExpPresent) { + childNode[":@"] = this.buildAttributesMap(tagExp, jPath); + } + jPath = jPath.substr(0, jPath.lastIndexOf(".")); + currentNode.addChild(childNode); + } else { + const childNode = new xmlNode(tagName); + this.tagsNodeStack.push(currentNode); + if (tagName !== tagExp && attrExpPresent) { + childNode[":@"] = this.buildAttributesMap(tagExp, jPath); + } + currentNode.addChild(childNode); + currentNode = childNode; + } + textData = ""; + i = closeIndex; + } + } + } else { + textData += xmlData[i]; + } + } + return xmlObj.child; + }; + var replaceEntitiesValue = function(val) { + if (this.options.processEntities) { + for (let entityName in this.docTypeEntities) { + const entity = this.docTypeEntities[entityName]; + val = val.replace(entity.regx, entity.val); + } + for (let entityName in this.lastEntities) { + const entity = this.lastEntities[entityName]; + val = val.replace(entity.regex, entity.val); + } + if (this.options.htmlEntities) { + for (let entityName in this.htmlEntities) { + const entity = this.htmlEntities[entityName]; + val = val.replace(entity.regex, entity.val); + } + } + val = val.replace(this.ampEntity.regex, this.ampEntity.val); + } + return val; + }; + function saveTextToParentTag(textData, currentNode, jPath, isLeafNode) { + if (textData) { + if (isLeafNode === void 0) + isLeafNode = Object.keys(currentNode.child).length === 0; + textData = this.parseTextData( + textData, + currentNode.tagname, + jPath, + false, + currentNode[":@"] ? Object.keys(currentNode[":@"]).length !== 0 : false, + isLeafNode + ); + if (textData !== void 0 && textData !== "") + currentNode.add(this.options.textNodeName, textData); + textData = ""; + } + return textData; + } + function isItStopNode(stopNodes, jPath, currentTagName) { + const allNodesExp = "*." + currentTagName; + for (const stopNodePath in stopNodes) { + const stopNodeExp = stopNodes[stopNodePath]; + if (allNodesExp === stopNodeExp || jPath === stopNodeExp) + return true; + } + return false; + } + function tagExpWithClosingIndex(xmlData, i, closingChar = ">") { + let attrBoundary; + let tagExp = ""; + for (let index = i; index < xmlData.length; index++) { + let ch = xmlData[index]; + if (attrBoundary) { + if (ch === attrBoundary) + attrBoundary = ""; + } else if (ch === '"' || ch === "'") { + attrBoundary = ch; + } else if (ch === closingChar[0]) { + if (closingChar[1]) { + if (xmlData[index + 1] === closingChar[1]) { + return { + data: tagExp, + index + }; + } + } else { + return { + data: tagExp, + index + }; + } + } else if (ch === " ") { + ch = " "; + } + tagExp += ch; + } + } + function findClosingIndex(xmlData, str, i, errMsg) { + const closingIndex = xmlData.indexOf(str, i); + if (closingIndex === -1) { + throw new Error(errMsg); + } else { + return closingIndex + str.length - 1; + } + } + function readTagExp(xmlData, i, removeNSPrefix, closingChar = ">") { + const result = tagExpWithClosingIndex(xmlData, i + 1, closingChar); + if (!result) + return; + let tagExp = result.data; + const closeIndex = result.index; + const separatorIndex = tagExp.search(/\s/); + let tagName = tagExp; + let attrExpPresent = true; + if (separatorIndex !== -1) { + tagName = tagExp.substr(0, separatorIndex).replace(/\s\s*$/, ""); + tagExp = tagExp.substr(separatorIndex + 1); + } + if (removeNSPrefix) { + const colonIndex = tagName.indexOf(":"); + if (colonIndex !== -1) { + tagName = tagName.substr(colonIndex + 1); + attrExpPresent = tagName !== result.data.substr(colonIndex + 1); + } + } + return { + tagName, + tagExp, + closeIndex, + attrExpPresent + }; + } + function readStopNodeData(xmlData, tagName, i) { + const startIndex = i; + let openTagCount = 1; + for (; i < xmlData.length; i++) { + if (xmlData[i] === "<") { + if (xmlData[i + 1] === "/") { + const closeIndex = findClosingIndex(xmlData, ">", i, `${tagName} is not closed`); + let closeTagName = xmlData.substring(i + 2, closeIndex).trim(); + if (closeTagName === tagName) { + openTagCount--; + if (openTagCount === 0) { + return { + tagContent: xmlData.substring(startIndex, i), + i: closeIndex + }; + } + } + i = closeIndex; + } else if (xmlData[i + 1] === "?") { + const closeIndex = findClosingIndex(xmlData, "?>", i + 1, "StopNode is not closed."); + i = closeIndex; + } else if (xmlData.substr(i + 1, 3) === "!--") { + const closeIndex = findClosingIndex(xmlData, "-->", i + 3, "StopNode is not closed."); + i = closeIndex; + } else if (xmlData.substr(i + 1, 2) === "![") { + const closeIndex = findClosingIndex(xmlData, "]]>", i, "StopNode is not closed.") - 2; + i = closeIndex; + } else { + const tagData = readTagExp(xmlData, i, ">"); + if (tagData) { + const openTagName = tagData && tagData.tagName; + if (openTagName === tagName && tagData.tagExp[tagData.tagExp.length - 1] !== "/") { + openTagCount++; + } + i = tagData.closeIndex; + } + } + } + } + } + function parseValue(val, shouldParse, options) { + if (shouldParse && typeof val === "string") { + const newval = val.trim(); + if (newval === "true") + return true; + else if (newval === "false") + return false; + else + return toNumber(val, options); + } else { + if (util.isExist(val)) { + return val; + } else { + return ""; + } + } + } + module2.exports = OrderedObjParser; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/fast-xml-parser/src/xmlparser/node2json.js +var require_node2json = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/fast-xml-parser/src/xmlparser/node2json.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + function prettify(node, options) { + return compress(node, options); + } + function compress(arr, options, jPath) { + let text; + const compressedObj = {}; + for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { + const tagObj = arr[i]; + const property = propName(tagObj); + let newJpath = ""; + if (jPath === void 0) + newJpath = property; + else + newJpath = jPath + "." + property; + if (property === options.textNodeName) { + if (text === void 0) + text = tagObj[property]; + else + text += "" + tagObj[property]; + } else if (property === void 0) { + continue; + } else if (tagObj[property]) { + let val = compress(tagObj[property], options, newJpath); + const isLeaf = isLeafTag(val, options); + if (tagObj[":@"]) { + assignAttributes(val, tagObj[":@"], newJpath, options); + } else if (Object.keys(val).length === 1 && val[options.textNodeName] !== void 0 && !options.alwaysCreateTextNode) { + val = val[options.textNodeName]; + } else if (Object.keys(val).length === 0) { + if (options.alwaysCreateTextNode) + val[options.textNodeName] = ""; + else + val = ""; + } + if (compressedObj[property] !== void 0 && compressedObj.hasOwnProperty(property)) { + if (!Array.isArray(compressedObj[property])) { + compressedObj[property] = [compressedObj[property]]; + } + compressedObj[property].push(val); + } else { + if (options.isArray(property, newJpath, isLeaf)) { + compressedObj[property] = [val]; + } else { + compressedObj[property] = val; + } + } + } + } + if (typeof text === "string") { + if (text.length > 0) + compressedObj[options.textNodeName] = text; + } else if (text !== void 0) + compressedObj[options.textNodeName] = text; + return compressedObj; + } + function propName(obj) { + const keys = Object.keys(obj); + for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { + const key = keys[i]; + if (key !== ":@") + return key; + } + } + function assignAttributes(obj, attrMap, jpath, options) { + if (attrMap) { + const keys = Object.keys(attrMap); + const len = keys.length; + for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { + const atrrName = keys[i]; + if (options.isArray(atrrName, jpath + "." + atrrName, true, true)) { + obj[atrrName] = [attrMap[atrrName]]; + } else { + obj[atrrName] = attrMap[atrrName]; + } + } + } + } + function isLeafTag(obj, options) { + const propCount = Object.keys(obj).length; + if (propCount === 0 || propCount === 1 && obj[options.textNodeName]) + return true; + return false; + } + exports.prettify = prettify; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/fast-xml-parser/src/xmlparser/XMLParser.js +var require_XMLParser = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/fast-xml-parser/src/xmlparser/XMLParser.js"(exports, module2) { + var { buildOptions } = require_OptionsBuilder(); + var OrderedObjParser = require_OrderedObjParser(); + var { prettify } = require_node2json(); + var validator = require_validator(); + var XMLParser = class { + constructor(options) { + this.externalEntities = {}; + this.options = buildOptions(options); + } + /** + * Parse XML dats to JS object + * @param {string|Buffer} xmlData + * @param {boolean|Object} validationOption + */ + parse(xmlData, validationOption) { + if (typeof xmlData === "string") { + } else if (xmlData.toString) { + xmlData = xmlData.toString(); + } else { + throw new Error("XML data is accepted in String or Bytes[] form."); + } + if (validationOption) { + if (validationOption === true) + validationOption = {}; + const result = validator.validate(xmlData, validationOption); + if (result !== true) { + throw Error(`${result.err.msg}:${result.err.line}:${result.err.col}`); + } + } + const orderedObjParser = new OrderedObjParser(this.options); + orderedObjParser.addExternalEntities(this.externalEntities); + const orderedResult = orderedObjParser.parseXml(xmlData); + if (this.options.preserveOrder || orderedResult === void 0) + return orderedResult; + else + return prettify(orderedResult, this.options); + } + /** + * Add Entity which is not by default supported by this library + * @param {string} key + * @param {string} value + */ + addEntity(key, value) { + if (value.indexOf("&") !== -1) { + throw new Error("Entity value can't have '&'"); + } else if (key.indexOf("&") !== -1 || key.indexOf(";") !== -1) { + throw new Error("An entity must be set without '&' and ';'. Eg. use '#xD' for ' '"); + } else if (value === "&") { + throw new Error("An entity with value '&' is not permitted"); + } else { + this.externalEntities[key] = value; + } + } + }; + module2.exports = XMLParser; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/fast-xml-parser/src/xmlbuilder/orderedJs2Xml.js +var require_orderedJs2Xml = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/fast-xml-parser/src/xmlbuilder/orderedJs2Xml.js"(exports, module2) { + var EOL = "\n"; + function toXml(jArray, options) { + let indentation = ""; + if (options.format && options.indentBy.length > 0) { + indentation = EOL; + } + return arrToStr(jArray, options, "", indentation); + } + function arrToStr(arr, options, jPath, indentation) { + let xmlStr = ""; + let isPreviousElementTag = false; + for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { + const tagObj = arr[i]; + const tagName = propName(tagObj); + let newJPath = ""; + if (jPath.length === 0) + newJPath = tagName; + else + newJPath = `${jPath}.${tagName}`; + if (tagName === options.textNodeName) { + let tagText = tagObj[tagName]; + if (!isStopNode(newJPath, options)) { + tagText = options.tagValueProcessor(tagName, tagText); + tagText = replaceEntitiesValue(tagText, options); + } + if (isPreviousElementTag) { + xmlStr += indentation; + } + xmlStr += tagText; + isPreviousElementTag = false; + continue; + } else if (tagName === options.cdataPropName) { + if (isPreviousElementTag) { + xmlStr += indentation; + } + xmlStr += ``; + isPreviousElementTag = false; + continue; + } else if (tagName === options.commentPropName) { + xmlStr += indentation + ``; + isPreviousElementTag = true; + continue; + } else if (tagName[0] === "?") { + const attStr2 = attr_to_str(tagObj[":@"], options); + const tempInd = tagName === "?xml" ? "" : indentation; + let piTextNodeName = tagObj[tagName][0][options.textNodeName]; + piTextNodeName = piTextNodeName.length !== 0 ? " " + piTextNodeName : ""; + xmlStr += tempInd + `<${tagName}${piTextNodeName}${attStr2}?>`; + isPreviousElementTag = true; + continue; + } + let newIdentation = indentation; + if (newIdentation !== "") { + newIdentation += options.indentBy; + } + const attStr = attr_to_str(tagObj[":@"], options); + const tagStart = indentation + `<${tagName}${attStr}`; + const tagValue = arrToStr(tagObj[tagName], options, newJPath, newIdentation); + if (options.unpairedTags.indexOf(tagName) !== -1) { + if (options.suppressUnpairedNode) + xmlStr += tagStart + ">"; + else + xmlStr += tagStart + "/>"; + } else if ((!tagValue || tagValue.length === 0) && options.suppressEmptyNode) { + xmlStr += tagStart + "/>"; + } else if (tagValue && tagValue.endsWith(">")) { + xmlStr += tagStart + `>${tagValue}${indentation}`; + } else { + xmlStr += tagStart + ">"; + if (tagValue && indentation !== "" && (tagValue.includes("/>") || tagValue.includes("`; + } + isPreviousElementTag = true; + } + return xmlStr; + } + function propName(obj) { + const keys = Object.keys(obj); + for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { + const key = keys[i]; + if (key !== ":@") + return key; + } + } + function attr_to_str(attrMap, options) { + let attrStr = ""; + if (attrMap && !options.ignoreAttributes) { + for (let attr in attrMap) { + let attrVal = options.attributeValueProcessor(attr, attrMap[attr]); + attrVal = replaceEntitiesValue(attrVal, options); + if (attrVal === true && options.suppressBooleanAttributes) { + attrStr += ` ${attr.substr(options.attributeNamePrefix.length)}`; + } else { + attrStr += ` ${attr.substr(options.attributeNamePrefix.length)}="${attrVal}"`; + } + } + } + return attrStr; + } + function isStopNode(jPath, options) { + jPath = jPath.substr(0, jPath.length - options.textNodeName.length - 1); + let tagName = jPath.substr(jPath.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); + for (let index in options.stopNodes) { + if (options.stopNodes[index] === jPath || options.stopNodes[index] === "*." + tagName) + return true; + } + return false; + } + function replaceEntitiesValue(textValue, options) { + if (textValue && textValue.length > 0 && options.processEntities) { + for (let i = 0; i < options.entities.length; i++) { + const entity = options.entities[i]; + textValue = textValue.replace(entity.regex, entity.val); + } + } + return textValue; + } + module2.exports = toXml; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/fast-xml-parser/src/xmlbuilder/json2xml.js +var require_json2xml = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/fast-xml-parser/src/xmlbuilder/json2xml.js"(exports, module2) { + "use strict"; + var buildFromOrderedJs = require_orderedJs2Xml(); + var defaultOptions = { + attributeNamePrefix: "@_", + attributesGroupName: false, + textNodeName: "#text", + ignoreAttributes: true, + cdataPropName: false, + format: false, + indentBy: " ", + suppressEmptyNode: false, + suppressUnpairedNode: true, + suppressBooleanAttributes: true, + tagValueProcessor: function(key, a) { + return a; + }, + attributeValueProcessor: function(attrName, a) { + return a; + }, + preserveOrder: false, + commentPropName: false, + unpairedTags: [], + entities: [ + { regex: new RegExp("&", "g"), val: "&" }, + //it must be on top + { regex: new RegExp(">", "g"), val: ">" }, + { regex: new RegExp("<", "g"), val: "<" }, + { regex: new RegExp("'", "g"), val: "'" }, + { regex: new RegExp('"', "g"), val: """ } + ], + processEntities: true, + stopNodes: [] + // transformTagName: false, + // transformAttributeName: false, + }; + function Builder(options) { + this.options = Object.assign({}, defaultOptions, options); + if (this.options.ignoreAttributes || this.options.attributesGroupName) { + this.isAttribute = function() { + return false; + }; + } else { + this.attrPrefixLen = this.options.attributeNamePrefix.length; + this.isAttribute = isAttribute; + } + this.processTextOrObjNode = processTextOrObjNode; + if (this.options.format) { + this.indentate = indentate; + this.tagEndChar = ">\n"; + this.newLine = "\n"; + } else { + this.indentate = function() { + return ""; + }; + this.tagEndChar = ">"; + this.newLine = ""; + } + } + Builder.prototype.build = function(jObj) { + if (this.options.preserveOrder) { + return buildFromOrderedJs(jObj, this.options); + } else { + if (Array.isArray(jObj) && this.options.arrayNodeName && this.options.arrayNodeName.length > 1) { + jObj = { + [this.options.arrayNodeName]: jObj + }; + } + return this.j2x(jObj, 0).val; + } + }; + Builder.prototype.j2x = function(jObj, level) { + let attrStr = ""; + let val = ""; + for (let key in jObj) { + if (typeof jObj[key] === "undefined") { + } else if (jObj[key] === null) { + if (key[0] === "?") + val += this.indentate(level) + "<" + key + "?" + this.tagEndChar; + else + val += this.indentate(level) + "<" + key + "/" + this.tagEndChar; + } else if (jObj[key] instanceof Date) { + val += this.buildTextValNode(jObj[key], key, "", level); + } else if (typeof jObj[key] !== "object") { + const attr = this.isAttribute(key); + if (attr) { + attrStr += this.buildAttrPairStr(attr, "" + jObj[key]); + } else { + if (key === this.options.textNodeName) { + let newval = this.options.tagValueProcessor(key, "" + jObj[key]); + val += this.replaceEntitiesValue(newval); + } else { + val += this.buildTextValNode(jObj[key], key, "", level); + } + } + } else if (Array.isArray(jObj[key])) { + const arrLen = jObj[key].length; + for (let j = 0; j < arrLen; j++) { + const item = jObj[key][j]; + if (typeof item === "undefined") { + } else if (item === null) { + if (key[0] === "?") + val += this.indentate(level) + "<" + key + "?" + this.tagEndChar; + else + val += this.indentate(level) + "<" + key + "/" + this.tagEndChar; + } else if (typeof item === "object") { + val += this.processTextOrObjNode(item, key, level); + } else { + val += this.buildTextValNode(item, key, "", level); + } + } + } else { + if (this.options.attributesGroupName && key === this.options.attributesGroupName) { + const Ks = Object.keys(jObj[key]); + const L = Ks.length; + for (let j = 0; j < L; j++) { + attrStr += this.buildAttrPairStr(Ks[j], "" + jObj[key][Ks[j]]); + } + } else { + val += this.processTextOrObjNode(jObj[key], key, level); + } + } + } + return { attrStr, val }; + }; + Builder.prototype.buildAttrPairStr = function(attrName, val) { + val = this.options.attributeValueProcessor(attrName, "" + val); + val = this.replaceEntitiesValue(val); + if (this.options.suppressBooleanAttributes && val === "true") { + return " " + attrName; + } else + return " " + attrName + '="' + val + '"'; + }; + function processTextOrObjNode(object, key, level) { + const result = this.j2x(object, level + 1); + if (object[this.options.textNodeName] !== void 0 && Object.keys(object).length === 1) { + return this.buildTextValNode(object[this.options.textNodeName], key, result.attrStr, level); + } else { + return this.buildObjectNode(result.val, key, result.attrStr, level); + } + } + Builder.prototype.buildObjectNode = function(val, key, attrStr, level) { + if (val === "") { + if (key[0] === "?") + return this.indentate(level) + "<" + key + attrStr + "?" + this.tagEndChar; + else { + return this.indentate(level) + "<" + key + attrStr + this.closeTag(key) + this.tagEndChar; + } + } else { + let tagEndExp = "" + val + tagEndExp; + } else if (this.options.commentPropName !== false && key === this.options.commentPropName && piClosingChar.length === 0) { + return this.indentate(level) + `` + this.newLine; + } else { + return this.indentate(level) + "<" + key + attrStr + piClosingChar + this.tagEndChar + val + this.indentate(level) + tagEndExp; + } + } + }; + Builder.prototype.closeTag = function(key) { + let closeTag = ""; + if (this.options.unpairedTags.indexOf(key) !== -1) { + if (!this.options.suppressUnpairedNode) + closeTag = "/"; + } else if (this.options.suppressEmptyNode) { + closeTag = "/"; + } else { + closeTag = `>` + this.newLine; + } else if (this.options.commentPropName !== false && key === this.options.commentPropName) { + return this.indentate(level) + `` + this.newLine; + } else if (key[0] === "?") { + return this.indentate(level) + "<" + key + attrStr + "?" + this.tagEndChar; + } else { + let textValue = this.options.tagValueProcessor(key, val); + textValue = this.replaceEntitiesValue(textValue); + if (textValue === "") { + return this.indentate(level) + "<" + key + attrStr + this.closeTag(key) + this.tagEndChar; + } else { + return this.indentate(level) + "<" + key + attrStr + ">" + textValue + " 0 && this.options.processEntities) { + for (let i = 0; i < this.options.entities.length; i++) { + const entity = this.options.entities[i]; + textValue = textValue.replace(entity.regex, entity.val); + } + } + return textValue; + }; + function indentate(level) { + return this.options.indentBy.repeat(level); + } + function isAttribute(name) { + if (name.startsWith(this.options.attributeNamePrefix)) { + return name.substr(this.attrPrefixLen); + } else { + return false; + } + } + module2.exports = Builder; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/fast-xml-parser/src/fxp.js +var require_fxp = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/fast-xml-parser/src/fxp.js"(exports, module2) { + "use strict"; + var validator = require_validator(); + var XMLParser = require_XMLParser(); + var XMLBuilder = require_json2xml(); + module2.exports = { + XMLParser, + XMLValidator: validator, + XMLBuilder + }; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sts/dist-cjs/protocols/Aws_query.js +var require_Aws_query = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sts/dist-cjs/protocols/Aws_query.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.de_GetSessionTokenCommand = exports.de_GetFederationTokenCommand = exports.de_GetCallerIdentityCommand = exports.de_GetAccessKeyInfoCommand = exports.de_DecodeAuthorizationMessageCommand = exports.de_AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommand = exports.de_AssumeRoleWithSAMLCommand = exports.de_AssumeRoleCommand = exports.se_GetSessionTokenCommand = exports.se_GetFederationTokenCommand = exports.se_GetCallerIdentityCommand = exports.se_GetAccessKeyInfoCommand = exports.se_DecodeAuthorizationMessageCommand = exports.se_AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommand = exports.se_AssumeRoleWithSAMLCommand = exports.se_AssumeRoleCommand = void 0; + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + var protocol_http_1 = require_dist_cjs33(); + var fast_xml_parser_1 = require_fxp(); + var models_0_1 = require_models_0(); + var STSServiceException_1 = require_STSServiceException(); + var se_AssumeRoleCommand = async (input, context) => { + const headers = SHARED_HEADERS; + let body; + body = buildFormUrlencodedString({ + ...se_AssumeRoleRequest(input, context), + Action: "AssumeRole", + Version: "2011-06-15" + }); + return buildHttpRpcRequest(context, headers, "/", void 0, body); + }; + exports.se_AssumeRoleCommand = se_AssumeRoleCommand; + var se_AssumeRoleWithSAMLCommand = async (input, context) => { + const headers = SHARED_HEADERS; + let body; + body = buildFormUrlencodedString({ + ...se_AssumeRoleWithSAMLRequest(input, context), + Action: "AssumeRoleWithSAML", + Version: "2011-06-15" + }); + return buildHttpRpcRequest(context, headers, "/", void 0, body); + }; + exports.se_AssumeRoleWithSAMLCommand = se_AssumeRoleWithSAMLCommand; + var se_AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommand = async (input, context) => { + const headers = SHARED_HEADERS; + let body; + body = buildFormUrlencodedString({ + ...se_AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityRequest(input, context), + Action: "AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity", + Version: "2011-06-15" + }); + return buildHttpRpcRequest(context, headers, "/", void 0, body); + }; + exports.se_AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommand = se_AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommand; + var se_DecodeAuthorizationMessageCommand = async (input, context) => { + const headers = SHARED_HEADERS; + let body; + body = buildFormUrlencodedString({ + ...se_DecodeAuthorizationMessageRequest(input, context), + Action: "DecodeAuthorizationMessage", + Version: "2011-06-15" + }); + return buildHttpRpcRequest(context, headers, "/", void 0, body); + }; + exports.se_DecodeAuthorizationMessageCommand = se_DecodeAuthorizationMessageCommand; + var se_GetAccessKeyInfoCommand = async (input, context) => { + const headers = SHARED_HEADERS; + let body; + body = buildFormUrlencodedString({ + ...se_GetAccessKeyInfoRequest(input, context), + Action: "GetAccessKeyInfo", + Version: "2011-06-15" + }); + return buildHttpRpcRequest(context, headers, "/", void 0, body); + }; + exports.se_GetAccessKeyInfoCommand = se_GetAccessKeyInfoCommand; + var se_GetCallerIdentityCommand = async (input, context) => { + const headers = SHARED_HEADERS; + let body; + body = buildFormUrlencodedString({ + ...se_GetCallerIdentityRequest(input, context), + Action: "GetCallerIdentity", + Version: "2011-06-15" + }); + return buildHttpRpcRequest(context, headers, "/", void 0, body); + }; + exports.se_GetCallerIdentityCommand = se_GetCallerIdentityCommand; + var se_GetFederationTokenCommand = async (input, context) => { + const headers = SHARED_HEADERS; + let body; + body = buildFormUrlencodedString({ + ...se_GetFederationTokenRequest(input, context), + Action: "GetFederationToken", + Version: "2011-06-15" + }); + return buildHttpRpcRequest(context, headers, "/", void 0, body); + }; + exports.se_GetFederationTokenCommand = se_GetFederationTokenCommand; + var se_GetSessionTokenCommand = async (input, context) => { + const headers = SHARED_HEADERS; + let body; + body = buildFormUrlencodedString({ + ...se_GetSessionTokenRequest(input, context), + Action: "GetSessionToken", + Version: "2011-06-15" + }); + return buildHttpRpcRequest(context, headers, "/", void 0, body); + }; + exports.se_GetSessionTokenCommand = se_GetSessionTokenCommand; + var de_AssumeRoleCommand = async (output, context) => { + if (output.statusCode >= 300) { + return de_AssumeRoleCommandError(output, context); + } + const data = await parseBody(output.body, context); + let contents = {}; + contents = de_AssumeRoleResponse(data.AssumeRoleResult, context); + const response = { + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(output), + ...contents + }; + return response; + }; + exports.de_AssumeRoleCommand = de_AssumeRoleCommand; + var de_AssumeRoleCommandError = async (output, context) => { + const parsedOutput = { + ...output, + body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context) + }; + const errorCode = loadQueryErrorCode(output, parsedOutput.body); + switch (errorCode) { + case "ExpiredTokenException": + case "com.amazonaws.sts#ExpiredTokenException": + throw await de_ExpiredTokenExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "MalformedPolicyDocument": + case "com.amazonaws.sts#MalformedPolicyDocumentException": + throw await de_MalformedPolicyDocumentExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "PackedPolicyTooLarge": + case "com.amazonaws.sts#PackedPolicyTooLargeException": + throw await de_PackedPolicyTooLargeExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "RegionDisabledException": + case "com.amazonaws.sts#RegionDisabledException": + throw await de_RegionDisabledExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + default: + const parsedBody = parsedOutput.body; + return throwDefaultError({ + output, + parsedBody: parsedBody.Error, + errorCode + }); + } + }; + var de_AssumeRoleWithSAMLCommand = async (output, context) => { + if (output.statusCode >= 300) { + return de_AssumeRoleWithSAMLCommandError(output, context); + } + const data = await parseBody(output.body, context); + let contents = {}; + contents = de_AssumeRoleWithSAMLResponse(data.AssumeRoleWithSAMLResult, context); + const response = { + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(output), + ...contents + }; + return response; + }; + exports.de_AssumeRoleWithSAMLCommand = de_AssumeRoleWithSAMLCommand; + var de_AssumeRoleWithSAMLCommandError = async (output, context) => { + const parsedOutput = { + ...output, + body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context) + }; + const errorCode = loadQueryErrorCode(output, parsedOutput.body); + switch (errorCode) { + case "ExpiredTokenException": + case "com.amazonaws.sts#ExpiredTokenException": + throw await de_ExpiredTokenExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "IDPRejectedClaim": + case "com.amazonaws.sts#IDPRejectedClaimException": + throw await de_IDPRejectedClaimExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "InvalidIdentityToken": + case "com.amazonaws.sts#InvalidIdentityTokenException": + throw await de_InvalidIdentityTokenExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "MalformedPolicyDocument": + case "com.amazonaws.sts#MalformedPolicyDocumentException": + throw await de_MalformedPolicyDocumentExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "PackedPolicyTooLarge": + case "com.amazonaws.sts#PackedPolicyTooLargeException": + throw await de_PackedPolicyTooLargeExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "RegionDisabledException": + case "com.amazonaws.sts#RegionDisabledException": + throw await de_RegionDisabledExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + default: + const parsedBody = parsedOutput.body; + return throwDefaultError({ + output, + parsedBody: parsedBody.Error, + errorCode + }); + } + }; + var de_AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommand = async (output, context) => { + if (output.statusCode >= 300) { + return de_AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommandError(output, context); + } + const data = await parseBody(output.body, context); + let contents = {}; + contents = de_AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityResponse(data.AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityResult, context); + const response = { + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(output), + ...contents + }; + return response; + }; + exports.de_AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommand = de_AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommand; + var de_AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommandError = async (output, context) => { + const parsedOutput = { + ...output, + body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context) + }; + const errorCode = loadQueryErrorCode(output, parsedOutput.body); + switch (errorCode) { + case "ExpiredTokenException": + case "com.amazonaws.sts#ExpiredTokenException": + throw await de_ExpiredTokenExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "IDPCommunicationError": + case "com.amazonaws.sts#IDPCommunicationErrorException": + throw await de_IDPCommunicationErrorExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "IDPRejectedClaim": + case "com.amazonaws.sts#IDPRejectedClaimException": + throw await de_IDPRejectedClaimExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "InvalidIdentityToken": + case "com.amazonaws.sts#InvalidIdentityTokenException": + throw await de_InvalidIdentityTokenExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "MalformedPolicyDocument": + case "com.amazonaws.sts#MalformedPolicyDocumentException": + throw await de_MalformedPolicyDocumentExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "PackedPolicyTooLarge": + case "com.amazonaws.sts#PackedPolicyTooLargeException": + throw await de_PackedPolicyTooLargeExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "RegionDisabledException": + case "com.amazonaws.sts#RegionDisabledException": + throw await de_RegionDisabledExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + default: + const parsedBody = parsedOutput.body; + return throwDefaultError({ + output, + parsedBody: parsedBody.Error, + errorCode + }); + } + }; + var de_DecodeAuthorizationMessageCommand = async (output, context) => { + if (output.statusCode >= 300) { + return de_DecodeAuthorizationMessageCommandError(output, context); + } + const data = await parseBody(output.body, context); + let contents = {}; + contents = de_DecodeAuthorizationMessageResponse(data.DecodeAuthorizationMessageResult, context); + const response = { + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(output), + ...contents + }; + return response; + }; + exports.de_DecodeAuthorizationMessageCommand = de_DecodeAuthorizationMessageCommand; + var de_DecodeAuthorizationMessageCommandError = async (output, context) => { + const parsedOutput = { + ...output, + body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context) + }; + const errorCode = loadQueryErrorCode(output, parsedOutput.body); + switch (errorCode) { + case "InvalidAuthorizationMessageException": + case "com.amazonaws.sts#InvalidAuthorizationMessageException": + throw await de_InvalidAuthorizationMessageExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + default: + const parsedBody = parsedOutput.body; + return throwDefaultError({ + output, + parsedBody: parsedBody.Error, + errorCode + }); + } + }; + var de_GetAccessKeyInfoCommand = async (output, context) => { + if (output.statusCode >= 300) { + return de_GetAccessKeyInfoCommandError(output, context); + } + const data = await parseBody(output.body, context); + let contents = {}; + contents = de_GetAccessKeyInfoResponse(data.GetAccessKeyInfoResult, context); + const response = { + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(output), + ...contents + }; + return response; + }; + exports.de_GetAccessKeyInfoCommand = de_GetAccessKeyInfoCommand; + var de_GetAccessKeyInfoCommandError = async (output, context) => { + const parsedOutput = { + ...output, + body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context) + }; + const errorCode = loadQueryErrorCode(output, parsedOutput.body); + const parsedBody = parsedOutput.body; + return throwDefaultError({ + output, + parsedBody: parsedBody.Error, + errorCode + }); + }; + var de_GetCallerIdentityCommand = async (output, context) => { + if (output.statusCode >= 300) { + return de_GetCallerIdentityCommandError(output, context); + } + const data = await parseBody(output.body, context); + let contents = {}; + contents = de_GetCallerIdentityResponse(data.GetCallerIdentityResult, context); + const response = { + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(output), + ...contents + }; + return response; + }; + exports.de_GetCallerIdentityCommand = de_GetCallerIdentityCommand; + var de_GetCallerIdentityCommandError = async (output, context) => { + const parsedOutput = { + ...output, + body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context) + }; + const errorCode = loadQueryErrorCode(output, parsedOutput.body); + const parsedBody = parsedOutput.body; + return throwDefaultError({ + output, + parsedBody: parsedBody.Error, + errorCode + }); + }; + var de_GetFederationTokenCommand = async (output, context) => { + if (output.statusCode >= 300) { + return de_GetFederationTokenCommandError(output, context); + } + const data = await parseBody(output.body, context); + let contents = {}; + contents = de_GetFederationTokenResponse(data.GetFederationTokenResult, context); + const response = { + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(output), + ...contents + }; + return response; + }; + exports.de_GetFederationTokenCommand = de_GetFederationTokenCommand; + var de_GetFederationTokenCommandError = async (output, context) => { + const parsedOutput = { + ...output, + body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context) + }; + const errorCode = loadQueryErrorCode(output, parsedOutput.body); + switch (errorCode) { + case "MalformedPolicyDocument": + case "com.amazonaws.sts#MalformedPolicyDocumentException": + throw await de_MalformedPolicyDocumentExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "PackedPolicyTooLarge": + case "com.amazonaws.sts#PackedPolicyTooLargeException": + throw await de_PackedPolicyTooLargeExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "RegionDisabledException": + case "com.amazonaws.sts#RegionDisabledException": + throw await de_RegionDisabledExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + default: + const parsedBody = parsedOutput.body; + return throwDefaultError({ + output, + parsedBody: parsedBody.Error, + errorCode + }); + } + }; + var de_GetSessionTokenCommand = async (output, context) => { + if (output.statusCode >= 300) { + return de_GetSessionTokenCommandError(output, context); + } + const data = await parseBody(output.body, context); + let contents = {}; + contents = de_GetSessionTokenResponse(data.GetSessionTokenResult, context); + const response = { + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(output), + ...contents + }; + return response; + }; + exports.de_GetSessionTokenCommand = de_GetSessionTokenCommand; + var de_GetSessionTokenCommandError = async (output, context) => { + const parsedOutput = { + ...output, + body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context) + }; + const errorCode = loadQueryErrorCode(output, parsedOutput.body); + switch (errorCode) { + case "RegionDisabledException": + case "com.amazonaws.sts#RegionDisabledException": + throw await de_RegionDisabledExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + default: + const parsedBody = parsedOutput.body; + return throwDefaultError({ + output, + parsedBody: parsedBody.Error, + errorCode + }); + } + }; + var de_ExpiredTokenExceptionRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => { + const body = parsedOutput.body; + const deserialized = de_ExpiredTokenException(body.Error, context); + const exception = new models_0_1.ExpiredTokenException({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), + ...deserialized + }); + return (0, smithy_client_1.decorateServiceException)(exception, body); + }; + var de_IDPCommunicationErrorExceptionRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => { + const body = parsedOutput.body; + const deserialized = de_IDPCommunicationErrorException(body.Error, context); + const exception = new models_0_1.IDPCommunicationErrorException({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), + ...deserialized + }); + return (0, smithy_client_1.decorateServiceException)(exception, body); + }; + var de_IDPRejectedClaimExceptionRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => { + const body = parsedOutput.body; + const deserialized = de_IDPRejectedClaimException(body.Error, context); + const exception = new models_0_1.IDPRejectedClaimException({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), + ...deserialized + }); + return (0, smithy_client_1.decorateServiceException)(exception, body); + }; + var de_InvalidAuthorizationMessageExceptionRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => { + const body = parsedOutput.body; + const deserialized = de_InvalidAuthorizationMessageException(body.Error, context); + const exception = new models_0_1.InvalidAuthorizationMessageException({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), + ...deserialized + }); + return (0, smithy_client_1.decorateServiceException)(exception, body); + }; + var de_InvalidIdentityTokenExceptionRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => { + const body = parsedOutput.body; + const deserialized = de_InvalidIdentityTokenException(body.Error, context); + const exception = new models_0_1.InvalidIdentityTokenException({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), + ...deserialized + }); + return (0, smithy_client_1.decorateServiceException)(exception, body); + }; + var de_MalformedPolicyDocumentExceptionRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => { + const body = parsedOutput.body; + const deserialized = de_MalformedPolicyDocumentException(body.Error, context); + const exception = new models_0_1.MalformedPolicyDocumentException({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), + ...deserialized + }); + return (0, smithy_client_1.decorateServiceException)(exception, body); + }; + var de_PackedPolicyTooLargeExceptionRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => { + const body = parsedOutput.body; + const deserialized = de_PackedPolicyTooLargeException(body.Error, context); + const exception = new models_0_1.PackedPolicyTooLargeException({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), + ...deserialized + }); + return (0, smithy_client_1.decorateServiceException)(exception, body); + }; + var de_RegionDisabledExceptionRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => { + const body = parsedOutput.body; + const deserialized = de_RegionDisabledException(body.Error, context); + const exception = new models_0_1.RegionDisabledException({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), + ...deserialized + }); + return (0, smithy_client_1.decorateServiceException)(exception, body); + }; + var se_AssumeRoleRequest = (input, context) => { + var _a, _b, _c; + const entries = {}; + if (input.RoleArn != null) { + entries["RoleArn"] = input.RoleArn; + } + if (input.RoleSessionName != null) { + entries["RoleSessionName"] = input.RoleSessionName; + } + if (input.PolicyArns != null) { + const memberEntries = se_policyDescriptorListType(input.PolicyArns, context); + if (((_a = input.PolicyArns) == null ? void 0 : _a.length) === 0) { + entries.PolicyArns = []; + } + Object.entries(memberEntries).forEach(([key, value]) => { + const loc = `PolicyArns.${key}`; + entries[loc] = value; + }); + } + if (input.Policy != null) { + entries["Policy"] = input.Policy; + } + if (input.DurationSeconds != null) { + entries["DurationSeconds"] = input.DurationSeconds; + } + if (input.Tags != null) { + const memberEntries = se_tagListType(input.Tags, context); + if (((_b = input.Tags) == null ? void 0 : _b.length) === 0) { + entries.Tags = []; + } + Object.entries(memberEntries).forEach(([key, value]) => { + const loc = `Tags.${key}`; + entries[loc] = value; + }); + } + if (input.TransitiveTagKeys != null) { + const memberEntries = se_tagKeyListType(input.TransitiveTagKeys, context); + if (((_c = input.TransitiveTagKeys) == null ? void 0 : _c.length) === 0) { + entries.TransitiveTagKeys = []; + } + Object.entries(memberEntries).forEach(([key, value]) => { + const loc = `TransitiveTagKeys.${key}`; + entries[loc] = value; + }); + } + if (input.ExternalId != null) { + entries["ExternalId"] = input.ExternalId; + } + if (input.SerialNumber != null) { + entries["SerialNumber"] = input.SerialNumber; + } + if (input.TokenCode != null) { + entries["TokenCode"] = input.TokenCode; + } + if (input.SourceIdentity != null) { + entries["SourceIdentity"] = input.SourceIdentity; + } + return entries; + }; + var se_AssumeRoleWithSAMLRequest = (input, context) => { + var _a; + const entries = {}; + if (input.RoleArn != null) { + entries["RoleArn"] = input.RoleArn; + } + if (input.PrincipalArn != null) { + entries["PrincipalArn"] = input.PrincipalArn; + } + if (input.SAMLAssertion != null) { + entries["SAMLAssertion"] = input.SAMLAssertion; + } + if (input.PolicyArns != null) { + const memberEntries = se_policyDescriptorListType(input.PolicyArns, context); + if (((_a = input.PolicyArns) == null ? void 0 : _a.length) === 0) { + entries.PolicyArns = []; + } + Object.entries(memberEntries).forEach(([key, value]) => { + const loc = `PolicyArns.${key}`; + entries[loc] = value; + }); + } + if (input.Policy != null) { + entries["Policy"] = input.Policy; + } + if (input.DurationSeconds != null) { + entries["DurationSeconds"] = input.DurationSeconds; + } + return entries; + }; + var se_AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityRequest = (input, context) => { + var _a; + const entries = {}; + if (input.RoleArn != null) { + entries["RoleArn"] = input.RoleArn; + } + if (input.RoleSessionName != null) { + entries["RoleSessionName"] = input.RoleSessionName; + } + if (input.WebIdentityToken != null) { + entries["WebIdentityToken"] = input.WebIdentityToken; + } + if (input.ProviderId != null) { + entries["ProviderId"] = input.ProviderId; + } + if (input.PolicyArns != null) { + const memberEntries = se_policyDescriptorListType(input.PolicyArns, context); + if (((_a = input.PolicyArns) == null ? void 0 : _a.length) === 0) { + entries.PolicyArns = []; + } + Object.entries(memberEntries).forEach(([key, value]) => { + const loc = `PolicyArns.${key}`; + entries[loc] = value; + }); + } + if (input.Policy != null) { + entries["Policy"] = input.Policy; + } + if (input.DurationSeconds != null) { + entries["DurationSeconds"] = input.DurationSeconds; + } + return entries; + }; + var se_DecodeAuthorizationMessageRequest = (input, context) => { + const entries = {}; + if (input.EncodedMessage != null) { + entries["EncodedMessage"] = input.EncodedMessage; + } + return entries; + }; + var se_GetAccessKeyInfoRequest = (input, context) => { + const entries = {}; + if (input.AccessKeyId != null) { + entries["AccessKeyId"] = input.AccessKeyId; + } + return entries; + }; + var se_GetCallerIdentityRequest = (input, context) => { + const entries = {}; + return entries; + }; + var se_GetFederationTokenRequest = (input, context) => { + var _a, _b; + const entries = {}; + if (input.Name != null) { + entries["Name"] = input.Name; + } + if (input.Policy != null) { + entries["Policy"] = input.Policy; + } + if (input.PolicyArns != null) { + const memberEntries = se_policyDescriptorListType(input.PolicyArns, context); + if (((_a = input.PolicyArns) == null ? void 0 : _a.length) === 0) { + entries.PolicyArns = []; + } + Object.entries(memberEntries).forEach(([key, value]) => { + const loc = `PolicyArns.${key}`; + entries[loc] = value; + }); + } + if (input.DurationSeconds != null) { + entries["DurationSeconds"] = input.DurationSeconds; + } + if (input.Tags != null) { + const memberEntries = se_tagListType(input.Tags, context); + if (((_b = input.Tags) == null ? void 0 : _b.length) === 0) { + entries.Tags = []; + } + Object.entries(memberEntries).forEach(([key, value]) => { + const loc = `Tags.${key}`; + entries[loc] = value; + }); + } + return entries; + }; + var se_GetSessionTokenRequest = (input, context) => { + const entries = {}; + if (input.DurationSeconds != null) { + entries["DurationSeconds"] = input.DurationSeconds; + } + if (input.SerialNumber != null) { + entries["SerialNumber"] = input.SerialNumber; + } + if (input.TokenCode != null) { + entries["TokenCode"] = input.TokenCode; + } + return entries; + }; + var se_policyDescriptorListType = (input, context) => { + const entries = {}; + let counter = 1; + for (const entry of input) { + if (entry === null) { + continue; + } + const memberEntries = se_PolicyDescriptorType(entry, context); + Object.entries(memberEntries).forEach(([key, value]) => { + entries[`member.${counter}.${key}`] = value; + }); + counter++; + } + return entries; + }; + var se_PolicyDescriptorType = (input, context) => { + const entries = {}; + if (input.arn != null) { + entries["arn"] = input.arn; + } + return entries; + }; + var se_Tag = (input, context) => { + const entries = {}; + if (input.Key != null) { + entries["Key"] = input.Key; + } + if (input.Value != null) { + entries["Value"] = input.Value; + } + return entries; + }; + var se_tagKeyListType = (input, context) => { + const entries = {}; + let counter = 1; + for (const entry of input) { + if (entry === null) { + continue; + } + entries[`member.${counter}`] = entry; + counter++; + } + return entries; + }; + var se_tagListType = (input, context) => { + const entries = {}; + let counter = 1; + for (const entry of input) { + if (entry === null) { + continue; + } + const memberEntries = se_Tag(entry, context); + Object.entries(memberEntries).forEach(([key, value]) => { + entries[`member.${counter}.${key}`] = value; + }); + counter++; + } + return entries; + }; + var de_AssumedRoleUser = (output, context) => { + const contents = {}; + if (output["AssumedRoleId"] !== void 0) { + contents.AssumedRoleId = (0, smithy_client_1.expectString)(output["AssumedRoleId"]); + } + if (output["Arn"] !== void 0) { + contents.Arn = (0, smithy_client_1.expectString)(output["Arn"]); + } + return contents; + }; + var de_AssumeRoleResponse = (output, context) => { + const contents = {}; + if (output["Credentials"] !== void 0) { + contents.Credentials = de_Credentials(output["Credentials"], context); + } + if (output["AssumedRoleUser"] !== void 0) { + contents.AssumedRoleUser = de_AssumedRoleUser(output["AssumedRoleUser"], context); + } + if (output["PackedPolicySize"] !== void 0) { + contents.PackedPolicySize = (0, smithy_client_1.strictParseInt32)(output["PackedPolicySize"]); + } + if (output["SourceIdentity"] !== void 0) { + contents.SourceIdentity = (0, smithy_client_1.expectString)(output["SourceIdentity"]); + } + return contents; + }; + var de_AssumeRoleWithSAMLResponse = (output, context) => { + const contents = {}; + if (output["Credentials"] !== void 0) { + contents.Credentials = de_Credentials(output["Credentials"], context); + } + if (output["AssumedRoleUser"] !== void 0) { + contents.AssumedRoleUser = de_AssumedRoleUser(output["AssumedRoleUser"], context); + } + if (output["PackedPolicySize"] !== void 0) { + contents.PackedPolicySize = (0, smithy_client_1.strictParseInt32)(output["PackedPolicySize"]); + } + if (output["Subject"] !== void 0) { + contents.Subject = (0, smithy_client_1.expectString)(output["Subject"]); + } + if (output["SubjectType"] !== void 0) { + contents.SubjectType = (0, smithy_client_1.expectString)(output["SubjectType"]); + } + if (output["Issuer"] !== void 0) { + contents.Issuer = (0, smithy_client_1.expectString)(output["Issuer"]); + } + if (output["Audience"] !== void 0) { + contents.Audience = (0, smithy_client_1.expectString)(output["Audience"]); + } + if (output["NameQualifier"] !== void 0) { + contents.NameQualifier = (0, smithy_client_1.expectString)(output["NameQualifier"]); + } + if (output["SourceIdentity"] !== void 0) { + contents.SourceIdentity = (0, smithy_client_1.expectString)(output["SourceIdentity"]); + } + return contents; + }; + var de_AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityResponse = (output, context) => { + const contents = {}; + if (output["Credentials"] !== void 0) { + contents.Credentials = de_Credentials(output["Credentials"], context); + } + if (output["SubjectFromWebIdentityToken"] !== void 0) { + contents.SubjectFromWebIdentityToken = (0, smithy_client_1.expectString)(output["SubjectFromWebIdentityToken"]); + } + if (output["AssumedRoleUser"] !== void 0) { + contents.AssumedRoleUser = de_AssumedRoleUser(output["AssumedRoleUser"], context); + } + if (output["PackedPolicySize"] !== void 0) { + contents.PackedPolicySize = (0, smithy_client_1.strictParseInt32)(output["PackedPolicySize"]); + } + if (output["Provider"] !== void 0) { + contents.Provider = (0, smithy_client_1.expectString)(output["Provider"]); + } + if (output["Audience"] !== void 0) { + contents.Audience = (0, smithy_client_1.expectString)(output["Audience"]); + } + if (output["SourceIdentity"] !== void 0) { + contents.SourceIdentity = (0, smithy_client_1.expectString)(output["SourceIdentity"]); + } + return contents; + }; + var de_Credentials = (output, context) => { + const contents = {}; + if (output["AccessKeyId"] !== void 0) { + contents.AccessKeyId = (0, smithy_client_1.expectString)(output["AccessKeyId"]); + } + if (output["SecretAccessKey"] !== void 0) { + contents.SecretAccessKey = (0, smithy_client_1.expectString)(output["SecretAccessKey"]); + } + if (output["SessionToken"] !== void 0) { + contents.SessionToken = (0, smithy_client_1.expectString)(output["SessionToken"]); + } + if (output["Expiration"] !== void 0) { + contents.Expiration = (0, smithy_client_1.expectNonNull)((0, smithy_client_1.parseRfc3339DateTimeWithOffset)(output["Expiration"])); + } + return contents; + }; + var de_DecodeAuthorizationMessageResponse = (output, context) => { + const contents = {}; + if (output["DecodedMessage"] !== void 0) { + contents.DecodedMessage = (0, smithy_client_1.expectString)(output["DecodedMessage"]); + } + return contents; + }; + var de_ExpiredTokenException = (output, context) => { + const contents = {}; + if (output["message"] !== void 0) { + contents.message = (0, smithy_client_1.expectString)(output["message"]); + } + return contents; + }; + var de_FederatedUser = (output, context) => { + const contents = {}; + if (output["FederatedUserId"] !== void 0) { + contents.FederatedUserId = (0, smithy_client_1.expectString)(output["FederatedUserId"]); + } + if (output["Arn"] !== void 0) { + contents.Arn = (0, smithy_client_1.expectString)(output["Arn"]); + } + return contents; + }; + var de_GetAccessKeyInfoResponse = (output, context) => { + const contents = {}; + if (output["Account"] !== void 0) { + contents.Account = (0, smithy_client_1.expectString)(output["Account"]); + } + return contents; + }; + var de_GetCallerIdentityResponse = (output, context) => { + const contents = {}; + if (output["UserId"] !== void 0) { + contents.UserId = (0, smithy_client_1.expectString)(output["UserId"]); + } + if (output["Account"] !== void 0) { + contents.Account = (0, smithy_client_1.expectString)(output["Account"]); + } + if (output["Arn"] !== void 0) { + contents.Arn = (0, smithy_client_1.expectString)(output["Arn"]); + } + return contents; + }; + var de_GetFederationTokenResponse = (output, context) => { + const contents = {}; + if (output["Credentials"] !== void 0) { + contents.Credentials = de_Credentials(output["Credentials"], context); + } + if (output["FederatedUser"] !== void 0) { + contents.FederatedUser = de_FederatedUser(output["FederatedUser"], context); + } + if (output["PackedPolicySize"] !== void 0) { + contents.PackedPolicySize = (0, smithy_client_1.strictParseInt32)(output["PackedPolicySize"]); + } + return contents; + }; + var de_GetSessionTokenResponse = (output, context) => { + const contents = {}; + if (output["Credentials"] !== void 0) { + contents.Credentials = de_Credentials(output["Credentials"], context); + } + return contents; + }; + var de_IDPCommunicationErrorException = (output, context) => { + const contents = {}; + if (output["message"] !== void 0) { + contents.message = (0, smithy_client_1.expectString)(output["message"]); + } + return contents; + }; + var de_IDPRejectedClaimException = (output, context) => { + const contents = {}; + if (output["message"] !== void 0) { + contents.message = (0, smithy_client_1.expectString)(output["message"]); + } + return contents; + }; + var de_InvalidAuthorizationMessageException = (output, context) => { + const contents = {}; + if (output["message"] !== void 0) { + contents.message = (0, smithy_client_1.expectString)(output["message"]); + } + return contents; + }; + var de_InvalidIdentityTokenException = (output, context) => { + const contents = {}; + if (output["message"] !== void 0) { + contents.message = (0, smithy_client_1.expectString)(output["message"]); + } + return contents; + }; + var de_MalformedPolicyDocumentException = (output, context) => { + const contents = {}; + if (output["message"] !== void 0) { + contents.message = (0, smithy_client_1.expectString)(output["message"]); + } + return contents; + }; + var de_PackedPolicyTooLargeException = (output, context) => { + const contents = {}; + if (output["message"] !== void 0) { + contents.message = (0, smithy_client_1.expectString)(output["message"]); + } + return contents; + }; + var de_RegionDisabledException = (output, context) => { + const contents = {}; + if (output["message"] !== void 0) { + contents.message = (0, smithy_client_1.expectString)(output["message"]); + } + return contents; + }; + var deserializeMetadata = (output) => ({ + httpStatusCode: output.statusCode, + requestId: output.headers["x-amzn-requestid"] ?? output.headers["x-amzn-request-id"] ?? output.headers["x-amz-request-id"], + extendedRequestId: output.headers["x-amz-id-2"], + cfId: output.headers["x-amz-cf-id"] + }); + var collectBody = (streamBody = new Uint8Array(), context) => { + if (streamBody instanceof Uint8Array) { + return Promise.resolve(streamBody); + } + return context.streamCollector(streamBody) || Promise.resolve(new Uint8Array()); + }; + var collectBodyString = (streamBody, context) => collectBody(streamBody, context).then((body) => context.utf8Encoder(body)); + var throwDefaultError = (0, smithy_client_1.withBaseException)(STSServiceException_1.STSServiceException); + var buildHttpRpcRequest = async (context, headers, path, resolvedHostname, body) => { + const { hostname, protocol = "https", port, path: basePath } = await context.endpoint(); + const contents = { + protocol, + hostname, + port, + method: "POST", + path: basePath.endsWith("/") ? basePath.slice(0, -1) + path : basePath + path, + headers + }; + if (resolvedHostname !== void 0) { + contents.hostname = resolvedHostname; + } + if (body !== void 0) { + contents.body = body; + } + return new protocol_http_1.HttpRequest(contents); + }; + var SHARED_HEADERS = { + "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" + }; + var parseBody = (streamBody, context) => collectBodyString(streamBody, context).then((encoded) => { + if (encoded.length) { + const parser = new fast_xml_parser_1.XMLParser({ + attributeNamePrefix: "", + htmlEntities: true, + ignoreAttributes: false, + ignoreDeclaration: true, + parseTagValue: false, + trimValues: false, + tagValueProcessor: (_, val) => val.trim() === "" && val.includes("\n") ? "" : void 0 + }); + parser.addEntity("#xD", "\r"); + parser.addEntity("#10", "\n"); + const parsedObj = parser.parse(encoded); + const textNodeName = "#text"; + const key = Object.keys(parsedObj)[0]; + const parsedObjToReturn = parsedObj[key]; + if (parsedObjToReturn[textNodeName]) { + parsedObjToReturn[key] = parsedObjToReturn[textNodeName]; + delete parsedObjToReturn[textNodeName]; + } + return (0, smithy_client_1.getValueFromTextNode)(parsedObjToReturn); + } + return {}; + }); + var parseErrorBody = async (errorBody, context) => { + const value = await parseBody(errorBody, context); + if (value.Error) { + value.Error.message = value.Error.message ?? value.Error.Message; + } + return value; + }; + var buildFormUrlencodedString = (formEntries) => Object.entries(formEntries).map(([key, value]) => (0, smithy_client_1.extendedEncodeURIComponent)(key) + "=" + (0, smithy_client_1.extendedEncodeURIComponent)(value)).join("&"); + var loadQueryErrorCode = (output, data) => { + var _a; + if (((_a = data.Error) == null ? void 0 : _a.Code) !== void 0) { + return data.Error.Code; + } + if (output.statusCode == 404) { + return "NotFound"; + } + }; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sts/dist-cjs/commands/AssumeRoleCommand.js +var require_AssumeRoleCommand = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sts/dist-cjs/commands/AssumeRoleCommand.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.AssumeRoleCommand = exports.$Command = void 0; + var middleware_endpoint_1 = require_dist_cjs9(); + var middleware_serde_1 = require_dist_cjs8(); + var middleware_signing_1 = require_dist_cjs25(); + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return smithy_client_1.Command; + } }); + var models_0_1 = require_models_0(); + var Aws_query_1 = require_Aws_query(); + var AssumeRoleCommand = class extends smithy_client_1.Command { + static getEndpointParameterInstructions() { + return { + UseGlobalEndpoint: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useGlobalEndpoint" }, + UseFIPS: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useFipsEndpoint" }, + Endpoint: { type: "builtInParams", name: "endpoint" }, + Region: { type: "builtInParams", name: "region" }, + UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" } + }; + } + constructor(input) { + super(); + this.input = input; + } + resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) { + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_endpoint_1.getEndpointPlugin)(configuration, AssumeRoleCommand.getEndpointParameterInstructions())); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_signing_1.getAwsAuthPlugin)(configuration)); + const stack = clientStack.concat(this.middlewareStack); + const { logger } = configuration; + const clientName = "STSClient"; + const commandName = "AssumeRoleCommand"; + const handlerExecutionContext = { + logger, + clientName, + commandName, + inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _, + outputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.AssumeRoleResponseFilterSensitiveLog + }; + const { requestHandler } = configuration; + return stack.resolve((request2) => requestHandler.handle(request2.request, options || {}), handlerExecutionContext); + } + serialize(input, context) { + return (0, Aws_query_1.se_AssumeRoleCommand)(input, context); + } + deserialize(output, context) { + return (0, Aws_query_1.de_AssumeRoleCommand)(output, context); + } + }; + exports.AssumeRoleCommand = AssumeRoleCommand; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sts/dist-cjs/commands/AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommand.js +var require_AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommand = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sts/dist-cjs/commands/AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommand.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommand = exports.$Command = void 0; + var middleware_endpoint_1 = require_dist_cjs9(); + var middleware_serde_1 = require_dist_cjs8(); + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return smithy_client_1.Command; + } }); + var models_0_1 = require_models_0(); + var Aws_query_1 = require_Aws_query(); + var AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommand = class extends smithy_client_1.Command { + static getEndpointParameterInstructions() { + return { + UseGlobalEndpoint: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useGlobalEndpoint" }, + UseFIPS: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useFipsEndpoint" }, + Endpoint: { type: "builtInParams", name: "endpoint" }, + Region: { type: "builtInParams", name: "region" }, + UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" } + }; + } + constructor(input) { + super(); + this.input = input; + } + resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) { + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_endpoint_1.getEndpointPlugin)(configuration, AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommand.getEndpointParameterInstructions())); + const stack = clientStack.concat(this.middlewareStack); + const { logger } = configuration; + const clientName = "STSClient"; + const commandName = "AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommand"; + const handlerExecutionContext = { + logger, + clientName, + commandName, + inputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityRequestFilterSensitiveLog, + outputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityResponseFilterSensitiveLog + }; + const { requestHandler } = configuration; + return stack.resolve((request2) => requestHandler.handle(request2.request, options || {}), handlerExecutionContext); + } + serialize(input, context) { + return (0, Aws_query_1.se_AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommand)(input, context); + } + deserialize(output, context) { + return (0, Aws_query_1.de_AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommand)(output, context); + } + }; + exports.AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommand = AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommand; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sts/dist-cjs/defaultStsRoleAssumers.js +var require_defaultStsRoleAssumers = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sts/dist-cjs/defaultStsRoleAssumers.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.decorateDefaultCredentialProvider = exports.getDefaultRoleAssumerWithWebIdentity = exports.getDefaultRoleAssumer = void 0; + var AssumeRoleCommand_1 = require_AssumeRoleCommand(); + var AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommand_1 = require_AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommand(); + var ASSUME_ROLE_DEFAULT_REGION = "us-east-1"; + var decorateDefaultRegion = (region) => { + if (typeof region !== "function") { + return region === void 0 ? ASSUME_ROLE_DEFAULT_REGION : region; + } + return async () => { + try { + return await region(); + } catch (e) { + return ASSUME_ROLE_DEFAULT_REGION; + } + }; + }; + var getDefaultRoleAssumer = (stsOptions, stsClientCtor) => { + let stsClient; + let closureSourceCreds; + return async (sourceCreds, params) => { + closureSourceCreds = sourceCreds; + if (!stsClient) { + const { logger, region, requestHandler } = stsOptions; + stsClient = new stsClientCtor({ + logger, + credentialDefaultProvider: () => async () => closureSourceCreds, + region: decorateDefaultRegion(region || stsOptions.region), + ...requestHandler ? { requestHandler } : {} + }); + } + const { Credentials } = await stsClient.send(new AssumeRoleCommand_1.AssumeRoleCommand(params)); + if (!Credentials || !Credentials.AccessKeyId || !Credentials.SecretAccessKey) { + throw new Error(`Invalid response from STS.assumeRole call with role ${params.RoleArn}`); + } + return { + accessKeyId: Credentials.AccessKeyId, + secretAccessKey: Credentials.SecretAccessKey, + sessionToken: Credentials.SessionToken, + expiration: Credentials.Expiration + }; + }; + }; + exports.getDefaultRoleAssumer = getDefaultRoleAssumer; + var getDefaultRoleAssumerWithWebIdentity = (stsOptions, stsClientCtor) => { + let stsClient; + return async (params) => { + if (!stsClient) { + const { logger, region, requestHandler } = stsOptions; + stsClient = new stsClientCtor({ + logger, + region: decorateDefaultRegion(region || stsOptions.region), + ...requestHandler ? { requestHandler } : {} + }); + } + const { Credentials } = await stsClient.send(new AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommand_1.AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommand(params)); + if (!Credentials || !Credentials.AccessKeyId || !Credentials.SecretAccessKey) { + throw new Error(`Invalid response from STS.assumeRoleWithWebIdentity call with role ${params.RoleArn}`); + } + return { + accessKeyId: Credentials.AccessKeyId, + secretAccessKey: Credentials.SecretAccessKey, + sessionToken: Credentials.SessionToken, + expiration: Credentials.Expiration + }; + }; + }; + exports.getDefaultRoleAssumerWithWebIdentity = getDefaultRoleAssumerWithWebIdentity; + var decorateDefaultCredentialProvider = (provider) => (input) => provider({ + roleAssumer: (0, exports.getDefaultRoleAssumer)(input, input.stsClientCtor), + roleAssumerWithWebIdentity: (0, exports.getDefaultRoleAssumerWithWebIdentity)(input, input.stsClientCtor), + ...input + }); + exports.decorateDefaultCredentialProvider = decorateDefaultCredentialProvider; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-env/dist-cjs/fromEnv.js +var require_fromEnv = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-env/dist-cjs/fromEnv.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.fromEnv = exports.ENV_EXPIRATION = exports.ENV_SESSION = exports.ENV_SECRET = exports.ENV_KEY = void 0; + var property_provider_1 = require_dist_cjs16(); + exports.ENV_KEY = "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"; + exports.ENV_SECRET = "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"; + exports.ENV_SESSION = "AWS_SESSION_TOKEN"; + exports.ENV_EXPIRATION = "AWS_CREDENTIAL_EXPIRATION"; + var fromEnv = () => async () => { + const accessKeyId = process.env[exports.ENV_KEY]; + const secretAccessKey = process.env[exports.ENV_SECRET]; + const sessionToken = process.env[exports.ENV_SESSION]; + const expiry = process.env[exports.ENV_EXPIRATION]; + if (accessKeyId && secretAccessKey) { + return { + accessKeyId, + secretAccessKey, + ...sessionToken && { sessionToken }, + ...expiry && { expiration: new Date(expiry) } + }; + } + throw new property_provider_1.CredentialsProviderError("Unable to find environment variable credentials."); + }; + exports.fromEnv = fromEnv; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-env/dist-cjs/index.js +var require_dist_cjs34 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-env/dist-cjs/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_fromEnv(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/shared-ini-file-loader/dist-cjs/getHomeDir.js +var require_getHomeDir = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/shared-ini-file-loader/dist-cjs/getHomeDir.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getHomeDir = void 0; + var os_1 = require("os"); + var path_1 = require("path"); + var getHomeDir = () => { + const { HOME, USERPROFILE, HOMEPATH, HOMEDRIVE = `C:${path_1.sep}` } = process.env; + if (HOME) + return HOME; + if (USERPROFILE) + return USERPROFILE; + if (HOMEPATH) + return `${HOMEDRIVE}${HOMEPATH}`; + return (0, os_1.homedir)(); + }; + exports.getHomeDir = getHomeDir; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/shared-ini-file-loader/dist-cjs/getProfileName.js +var require_getProfileName = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/shared-ini-file-loader/dist-cjs/getProfileName.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getProfileName = exports.DEFAULT_PROFILE = exports.ENV_PROFILE = void 0; + exports.ENV_PROFILE = "AWS_PROFILE"; + exports.DEFAULT_PROFILE = "default"; + var getProfileName = (init) => init.profile || process.env[exports.ENV_PROFILE] || exports.DEFAULT_PROFILE; + exports.getProfileName = getProfileName; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/shared-ini-file-loader/dist-cjs/getSSOTokenFilepath.js +var require_getSSOTokenFilepath = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/shared-ini-file-loader/dist-cjs/getSSOTokenFilepath.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getSSOTokenFilepath = void 0; + var crypto_1 = require("crypto"); + var path_1 = require("path"); + var getHomeDir_1 = require_getHomeDir(); + var getSSOTokenFilepath = (id) => { + const hasher = (0, crypto_1.createHash)("sha1"); + const cacheName = hasher.update(id).digest("hex"); + return (0, path_1.join)((0, getHomeDir_1.getHomeDir)(), ".aws", "sso", "cache", `${cacheName}.json`); + }; + exports.getSSOTokenFilepath = getSSOTokenFilepath; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/shared-ini-file-loader/dist-cjs/getSSOTokenFromFile.js +var require_getSSOTokenFromFile = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/shared-ini-file-loader/dist-cjs/getSSOTokenFromFile.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getSSOTokenFromFile = void 0; + var fs_1 = require("fs"); + var getSSOTokenFilepath_1 = require_getSSOTokenFilepath(); + var { readFile } = fs_1.promises; + var getSSOTokenFromFile = async (id) => { + const ssoTokenFilepath = (0, getSSOTokenFilepath_1.getSSOTokenFilepath)(id); + const ssoTokenText = await readFile(ssoTokenFilepath, "utf8"); + return JSON.parse(ssoTokenText); + }; + exports.getSSOTokenFromFile = getSSOTokenFromFile; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/shared-ini-file-loader/dist-cjs/getConfigFilepath.js +var require_getConfigFilepath = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/shared-ini-file-loader/dist-cjs/getConfigFilepath.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getConfigFilepath = exports.ENV_CONFIG_PATH = void 0; + var path_1 = require("path"); + var getHomeDir_1 = require_getHomeDir(); + exports.ENV_CONFIG_PATH = "AWS_CONFIG_FILE"; + var getConfigFilepath = () => process.env[exports.ENV_CONFIG_PATH] || (0, path_1.join)((0, getHomeDir_1.getHomeDir)(), ".aws", "config"); + exports.getConfigFilepath = getConfigFilepath; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/shared-ini-file-loader/dist-cjs/getCredentialsFilepath.js +var require_getCredentialsFilepath = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/shared-ini-file-loader/dist-cjs/getCredentialsFilepath.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getCredentialsFilepath = exports.ENV_CREDENTIALS_PATH = void 0; + var path_1 = require("path"); + var getHomeDir_1 = require_getHomeDir(); + exports.ENV_CREDENTIALS_PATH = "AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE"; + var getCredentialsFilepath = () => process.env[exports.ENV_CREDENTIALS_PATH] || (0, path_1.join)((0, getHomeDir_1.getHomeDir)(), ".aws", "credentials"); + exports.getCredentialsFilepath = getCredentialsFilepath; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/shared-ini-file-loader/dist-cjs/getProfileData.js +var require_getProfileData = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/shared-ini-file-loader/dist-cjs/getProfileData.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getProfileData = void 0; + var profileKeyRegex = /^profile\s(["'])?([^\1]+)\1$/; + var getProfileData = (data) => Object.entries(data).filter(([key]) => profileKeyRegex.test(key)).reduce((acc, [key, value]) => ({ ...acc, [profileKeyRegex.exec(key)[2]]: value }), { + ...data.default && { default: data.default } + }); + exports.getProfileData = getProfileData; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/shared-ini-file-loader/dist-cjs/parseIni.js +var require_parseIni = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/shared-ini-file-loader/dist-cjs/parseIni.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.parseIni = void 0; + var profileNameBlockList = ["__proto__", "profile __proto__"]; + var parseIni = (iniData) => { + const map = {}; + let currentSection; + for (let line of iniData.split(/\r?\n/)) { + line = line.split(/(^|\s)[;#]/)[0].trim(); + const isSection = line[0] === "[" && line[line.length - 1] === "]"; + if (isSection) { + currentSection = line.substring(1, line.length - 1); + if (profileNameBlockList.includes(currentSection)) { + throw new Error(`Found invalid profile name "${currentSection}"`); + } + } else if (currentSection) { + const indexOfEqualsSign = line.indexOf("="); + const start = 0; + const end = line.length - 1; + const isAssignment = indexOfEqualsSign !== -1 && indexOfEqualsSign !== start && indexOfEqualsSign !== end; + if (isAssignment) { + const [name, value] = [ + line.substring(0, indexOfEqualsSign).trim(), + line.substring(indexOfEqualsSign + 1).trim() + ]; + map[currentSection] = map[currentSection] || {}; + map[currentSection][name] = value; + } + } + } + return map; + }; + exports.parseIni = parseIni; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/shared-ini-file-loader/dist-cjs/slurpFile.js +var require_slurpFile = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/shared-ini-file-loader/dist-cjs/slurpFile.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.slurpFile = void 0; + var fs_1 = require("fs"); + var { readFile } = fs_1.promises; + var filePromisesHash = {}; + var slurpFile = (path, options) => { + if (!filePromisesHash[path] || (options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.ignoreCache)) { + filePromisesHash[path] = readFile(path, "utf8"); + } + return filePromisesHash[path]; + }; + exports.slurpFile = slurpFile; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/shared-ini-file-loader/dist-cjs/loadSharedConfigFiles.js +var require_loadSharedConfigFiles = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/shared-ini-file-loader/dist-cjs/loadSharedConfigFiles.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.loadSharedConfigFiles = void 0; + var getConfigFilepath_1 = require_getConfigFilepath(); + var getCredentialsFilepath_1 = require_getCredentialsFilepath(); + var getProfileData_1 = require_getProfileData(); + var parseIni_1 = require_parseIni(); + var slurpFile_1 = require_slurpFile(); + var swallowError = () => ({}); + var loadSharedConfigFiles = async (init = {}) => { + const { filepath = (0, getCredentialsFilepath_1.getCredentialsFilepath)(), configFilepath = (0, getConfigFilepath_1.getConfigFilepath)() } = init; + const parsedFiles = await Promise.all([ + (0, slurpFile_1.slurpFile)(configFilepath, { + ignoreCache: init.ignoreCache + }).then(parseIni_1.parseIni).then(getProfileData_1.getProfileData).catch(swallowError), + (0, slurpFile_1.slurpFile)(filepath, { + ignoreCache: init.ignoreCache + }).then(parseIni_1.parseIni).catch(swallowError) + ]); + return { + configFile: parsedFiles[0], + credentialsFile: parsedFiles[1] + }; + }; + exports.loadSharedConfigFiles = loadSharedConfigFiles; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/shared-ini-file-loader/dist-cjs/getSsoSessionData.js +var require_getSsoSessionData = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/shared-ini-file-loader/dist-cjs/getSsoSessionData.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getSsoSessionData = void 0; + var ssoSessionKeyRegex = /^sso-session\s(["'])?([^\1]+)\1$/; + var getSsoSessionData = (data) => Object.entries(data).filter(([key]) => ssoSessionKeyRegex.test(key)).reduce((acc, [key, value]) => ({ ...acc, [ssoSessionKeyRegex.exec(key)[2]]: value }), {}); + exports.getSsoSessionData = getSsoSessionData; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/shared-ini-file-loader/dist-cjs/loadSsoSessionData.js +var require_loadSsoSessionData = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/shared-ini-file-loader/dist-cjs/loadSsoSessionData.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.loadSsoSessionData = void 0; + var getConfigFilepath_1 = require_getConfigFilepath(); + var getSsoSessionData_1 = require_getSsoSessionData(); + var parseIni_1 = require_parseIni(); + var slurpFile_1 = require_slurpFile(); + var swallowError = () => ({}); + var loadSsoSessionData = async (init = {}) => { + var _a; + return (0, slurpFile_1.slurpFile)((_a = init.configFilepath) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : (0, getConfigFilepath_1.getConfigFilepath)()).then(parseIni_1.parseIni).then(getSsoSessionData_1.getSsoSessionData).catch(swallowError); + }; + exports.loadSsoSessionData = loadSsoSessionData; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/shared-ini-file-loader/dist-cjs/mergeConfigFiles.js +var require_mergeConfigFiles = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/shared-ini-file-loader/dist-cjs/mergeConfigFiles.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.mergeConfigFiles = void 0; + var mergeConfigFiles = (...files) => { + const merged = {}; + for (const file of files) { + for (const [key, values] of Object.entries(file)) { + if (merged[key] !== void 0) { + Object.assign(merged[key], values); + } else { + merged[key] = values; + } + } + } + return merged; + }; + exports.mergeConfigFiles = mergeConfigFiles; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/shared-ini-file-loader/dist-cjs/parseKnownFiles.js +var require_parseKnownFiles = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/shared-ini-file-loader/dist-cjs/parseKnownFiles.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.parseKnownFiles = void 0; + var loadSharedConfigFiles_1 = require_loadSharedConfigFiles(); + var mergeConfigFiles_1 = require_mergeConfigFiles(); + var parseKnownFiles = async (init) => { + const parsedFiles = await (0, loadSharedConfigFiles_1.loadSharedConfigFiles)(init); + return (0, mergeConfigFiles_1.mergeConfigFiles)(parsedFiles.configFile, parsedFiles.credentialsFile); + }; + exports.parseKnownFiles = parseKnownFiles; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/shared-ini-file-loader/dist-cjs/types.js +var require_types5 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/shared-ini-file-loader/dist-cjs/types.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/shared-ini-file-loader/dist-cjs/index.js +var require_dist_cjs35 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/shared-ini-file-loader/dist-cjs/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_getHomeDir(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_getProfileName(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_getSSOTokenFilepath(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_getSSOTokenFromFile(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_loadSharedConfigFiles(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_loadSsoSessionData(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_parseKnownFiles(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_types5(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-imds/dist-cjs/remoteProvider/httpRequest.js +var require_httpRequest3 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-imds/dist-cjs/remoteProvider/httpRequest.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.httpRequest = void 0; + var property_provider_1 = require_dist_cjs16(); + var buffer_1 = require("buffer"); + var http_1 = require("http"); + function httpRequest(options) { + return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + var _a; + const req = (0, http_1.request)({ + method: "GET", + ...options, + hostname: (_a = options.hostname) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.replace(/^\[(.+)\]$/, "$1") + }); + req.on("error", (err) => { + reject(Object.assign(new property_provider_1.ProviderError("Unable to connect to instance metadata service"), err)); + req.destroy(); + }); + req.on("timeout", () => { + reject(new property_provider_1.ProviderError("TimeoutError from instance metadata service")); + req.destroy(); + }); + req.on("response", (res) => { + const { statusCode = 400 } = res; + if (statusCode < 200 || 300 <= statusCode) { + reject(Object.assign(new property_provider_1.ProviderError("Error response received from instance metadata service"), { statusCode })); + req.destroy(); + } + const chunks = []; + res.on("data", (chunk) => { + chunks.push(chunk); + }); + res.on("end", () => { + resolve(buffer_1.Buffer.concat(chunks)); + req.destroy(); + }); + }); + req.end(); + }); + } + exports.httpRequest = httpRequest; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-imds/dist-cjs/remoteProvider/ImdsCredentials.js +var require_ImdsCredentials = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-imds/dist-cjs/remoteProvider/ImdsCredentials.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.fromImdsCredentials = exports.isImdsCredentials = void 0; + var isImdsCredentials = (arg) => Boolean(arg) && typeof arg === "object" && typeof arg.AccessKeyId === "string" && typeof arg.SecretAccessKey === "string" && typeof arg.Token === "string" && typeof arg.Expiration === "string"; + exports.isImdsCredentials = isImdsCredentials; + var fromImdsCredentials = (creds) => ({ + accessKeyId: creds.AccessKeyId, + secretAccessKey: creds.SecretAccessKey, + sessionToken: creds.Token, + expiration: new Date(creds.Expiration) + }); + exports.fromImdsCredentials = fromImdsCredentials; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-imds/dist-cjs/remoteProvider/RemoteProviderInit.js +var require_RemoteProviderInit = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-imds/dist-cjs/remoteProvider/RemoteProviderInit.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.providerConfigFromInit = exports.DEFAULT_MAX_RETRIES = exports.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = void 0; + exports.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 1e3; + exports.DEFAULT_MAX_RETRIES = 0; + var providerConfigFromInit = ({ maxRetries = exports.DEFAULT_MAX_RETRIES, timeout = exports.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT }) => ({ maxRetries, timeout }); + exports.providerConfigFromInit = providerConfigFromInit; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-imds/dist-cjs/remoteProvider/retry.js +var require_retry3 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-imds/dist-cjs/remoteProvider/retry.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.retry = void 0; + var retry = (toRetry, maxRetries) => { + let promise = toRetry(); + for (let i = 0; i < maxRetries; i++) { + promise = promise.catch(toRetry); + } + return promise; + }; + exports.retry = retry; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-imds/dist-cjs/fromContainerMetadata.js +var require_fromContainerMetadata = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-imds/dist-cjs/fromContainerMetadata.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.fromContainerMetadata = exports.ENV_CMDS_AUTH_TOKEN = exports.ENV_CMDS_RELATIVE_URI = exports.ENV_CMDS_FULL_URI = void 0; + var property_provider_1 = require_dist_cjs16(); + var url_1 = require("url"); + var httpRequest_1 = require_httpRequest3(); + var ImdsCredentials_1 = require_ImdsCredentials(); + var RemoteProviderInit_1 = require_RemoteProviderInit(); + var retry_1 = require_retry3(); + exports.ENV_CMDS_FULL_URI = "AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_FULL_URI"; + exports.ENV_CMDS_RELATIVE_URI = "AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_RELATIVE_URI"; + exports.ENV_CMDS_AUTH_TOKEN = "AWS_CONTAINER_AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN"; + var fromContainerMetadata = (init = {}) => { + const { timeout, maxRetries } = (0, RemoteProviderInit_1.providerConfigFromInit)(init); + return () => (0, retry_1.retry)(async () => { + const requestOptions = await getCmdsUri(); + const credsResponse = JSON.parse(await requestFromEcsImds(timeout, requestOptions)); + if (!(0, ImdsCredentials_1.isImdsCredentials)(credsResponse)) { + throw new property_provider_1.CredentialsProviderError("Invalid response received from instance metadata service."); + } + return (0, ImdsCredentials_1.fromImdsCredentials)(credsResponse); + }, maxRetries); + }; + exports.fromContainerMetadata = fromContainerMetadata; + var requestFromEcsImds = async (timeout, options) => { + if (process.env[exports.ENV_CMDS_AUTH_TOKEN]) { + options.headers = { + ...options.headers, + Authorization: process.env[exports.ENV_CMDS_AUTH_TOKEN] + }; + } + const buffer = await (0, httpRequest_1.httpRequest)({ + ...options, + timeout + }); + return buffer.toString(); + }; + var CMDS_IP = ""; + var GREENGRASS_HOSTS = { + localhost: true, + "": true + }; + var GREENGRASS_PROTOCOLS = { + "http:": true, + "https:": true + }; + var getCmdsUri = async () => { + if (process.env[exports.ENV_CMDS_RELATIVE_URI]) { + return { + hostname: CMDS_IP, + path: process.env[exports.ENV_CMDS_RELATIVE_URI] + }; + } + if (process.env[exports.ENV_CMDS_FULL_URI]) { + const parsed = (0, url_1.parse)(process.env[exports.ENV_CMDS_FULL_URI]); + if (!parsed.hostname || !(parsed.hostname in GREENGRASS_HOSTS)) { + throw new property_provider_1.CredentialsProviderError(`${parsed.hostname} is not a valid container metadata service hostname`, false); + } + if (!parsed.protocol || !(parsed.protocol in GREENGRASS_PROTOCOLS)) { + throw new property_provider_1.CredentialsProviderError(`${parsed.protocol} is not a valid container metadata service protocol`, false); + } + return { + ...parsed, + port: parsed.port ? parseInt(parsed.port, 10) : void 0 + }; + } + throw new property_provider_1.CredentialsProviderError(`The container metadata credential provider cannot be used unless the ${exports.ENV_CMDS_RELATIVE_URI} or ${exports.ENV_CMDS_FULL_URI} environment variable is set`, false); + }; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/node-config-provider/dist-cjs/fromEnv.js +var require_fromEnv2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/node-config-provider/dist-cjs/fromEnv.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.fromEnv = void 0; + var property_provider_1 = require_dist_cjs16(); + var fromEnv = (envVarSelector) => async () => { + try { + const config = envVarSelector(process.env); + if (config === void 0) { + throw new Error(); + } + return config; + } catch (e) { + throw new property_provider_1.CredentialsProviderError(e.message || `Cannot load config from environment variables with getter: ${envVarSelector}`); + } + }; + exports.fromEnv = fromEnv; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/node-config-provider/dist-cjs/fromSharedConfigFiles.js +var require_fromSharedConfigFiles = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/node-config-provider/dist-cjs/fromSharedConfigFiles.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.fromSharedConfigFiles = void 0; + var property_provider_1 = require_dist_cjs16(); + var shared_ini_file_loader_1 = require_dist_cjs35(); + var fromSharedConfigFiles = (configSelector, { preferredFile = "config", ...init } = {}) => async () => { + const profile = (0, shared_ini_file_loader_1.getProfileName)(init); + const { configFile, credentialsFile } = await (0, shared_ini_file_loader_1.loadSharedConfigFiles)(init); + const profileFromCredentials = credentialsFile[profile] || {}; + const profileFromConfig = configFile[profile] || {}; + const mergedProfile = preferredFile === "config" ? { ...profileFromCredentials, ...profileFromConfig } : { ...profileFromConfig, ...profileFromCredentials }; + try { + const configValue = configSelector(mergedProfile); + if (configValue === void 0) { + throw new Error(); + } + return configValue; + } catch (e) { + throw new property_provider_1.CredentialsProviderError(e.message || `Cannot load config for profile ${profile} in SDK configuration files with getter: ${configSelector}`); + } + }; + exports.fromSharedConfigFiles = fromSharedConfigFiles; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/node-config-provider/dist-cjs/fromStatic.js +var require_fromStatic2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/node-config-provider/dist-cjs/fromStatic.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.fromStatic = void 0; + var property_provider_1 = require_dist_cjs16(); + var isFunction = (func) => typeof func === "function"; + var fromStatic = (defaultValue) => isFunction(defaultValue) ? async () => await defaultValue() : (0, property_provider_1.fromStatic)(defaultValue); + exports.fromStatic = fromStatic; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/node-config-provider/dist-cjs/configLoader.js +var require_configLoader = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/node-config-provider/dist-cjs/configLoader.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.loadConfig = void 0; + var property_provider_1 = require_dist_cjs16(); + var fromEnv_1 = require_fromEnv2(); + var fromSharedConfigFiles_1 = require_fromSharedConfigFiles(); + var fromStatic_1 = require_fromStatic2(); + var loadConfig = ({ environmentVariableSelector, configFileSelector, default: defaultValue }, configuration = {}) => (0, property_provider_1.memoize)((0, property_provider_1.chain)((0, fromEnv_1.fromEnv)(environmentVariableSelector), (0, fromSharedConfigFiles_1.fromSharedConfigFiles)(configFileSelector, configuration), (0, fromStatic_1.fromStatic)(defaultValue))); + exports.loadConfig = loadConfig; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/node-config-provider/dist-cjs/index.js +var require_dist_cjs36 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/node-config-provider/dist-cjs/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_configLoader(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-imds/dist-cjs/config/Endpoint.js +var require_Endpoint = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-imds/dist-cjs/config/Endpoint.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.Endpoint = void 0; + var Endpoint; + (function(Endpoint2) { + Endpoint2["IPv4"] = ""; + Endpoint2["IPv6"] = "http://[fd00:ec2::254]"; + })(Endpoint = exports.Endpoint || (exports.Endpoint = {})); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-imds/dist-cjs/config/EndpointConfigOptions.js +var require_EndpointConfigOptions = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-imds/dist-cjs/config/EndpointConfigOptions.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.ENDPOINT_CONFIG_OPTIONS = exports.CONFIG_ENDPOINT_NAME = exports.ENV_ENDPOINT_NAME = void 0; + exports.ENV_ENDPOINT_NAME = "AWS_EC2_METADATA_SERVICE_ENDPOINT"; + exports.CONFIG_ENDPOINT_NAME = "ec2_metadata_service_endpoint"; + exports.ENDPOINT_CONFIG_OPTIONS = { + environmentVariableSelector: (env) => env[exports.ENV_ENDPOINT_NAME], + configFileSelector: (profile) => profile[exports.CONFIG_ENDPOINT_NAME], + default: void 0 + }; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-imds/dist-cjs/config/EndpointMode.js +var require_EndpointMode = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-imds/dist-cjs/config/EndpointMode.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.EndpointMode = void 0; + var EndpointMode; + (function(EndpointMode2) { + EndpointMode2["IPv4"] = "IPv4"; + EndpointMode2["IPv6"] = "IPv6"; + })(EndpointMode = exports.EndpointMode || (exports.EndpointMode = {})); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-imds/dist-cjs/config/EndpointModeConfigOptions.js +var require_EndpointModeConfigOptions = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-imds/dist-cjs/config/EndpointModeConfigOptions.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.ENDPOINT_MODE_CONFIG_OPTIONS = exports.CONFIG_ENDPOINT_MODE_NAME = exports.ENV_ENDPOINT_MODE_NAME = void 0; + var EndpointMode_1 = require_EndpointMode(); + exports.ENV_ENDPOINT_MODE_NAME = "AWS_EC2_METADATA_SERVICE_ENDPOINT_MODE"; + exports.CONFIG_ENDPOINT_MODE_NAME = "ec2_metadata_service_endpoint_mode"; + exports.ENDPOINT_MODE_CONFIG_OPTIONS = { + environmentVariableSelector: (env) => env[exports.ENV_ENDPOINT_MODE_NAME], + configFileSelector: (profile) => profile[exports.CONFIG_ENDPOINT_MODE_NAME], + default: EndpointMode_1.EndpointMode.IPv4 + }; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-imds/dist-cjs/utils/getInstanceMetadataEndpoint.js +var require_getInstanceMetadataEndpoint = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-imds/dist-cjs/utils/getInstanceMetadataEndpoint.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getInstanceMetadataEndpoint = void 0; + var node_config_provider_1 = require_dist_cjs36(); + var url_parser_1 = require_dist_cjs7(); + var Endpoint_1 = require_Endpoint(); + var EndpointConfigOptions_1 = require_EndpointConfigOptions(); + var EndpointMode_1 = require_EndpointMode(); + var EndpointModeConfigOptions_1 = require_EndpointModeConfigOptions(); + var getInstanceMetadataEndpoint = async () => (0, url_parser_1.parseUrl)(await getFromEndpointConfig() || await getFromEndpointModeConfig()); + exports.getInstanceMetadataEndpoint = getInstanceMetadataEndpoint; + var getFromEndpointConfig = async () => (0, node_config_provider_1.loadConfig)(EndpointConfigOptions_1.ENDPOINT_CONFIG_OPTIONS)(); + var getFromEndpointModeConfig = async () => { + const endpointMode = await (0, node_config_provider_1.loadConfig)(EndpointModeConfigOptions_1.ENDPOINT_MODE_CONFIG_OPTIONS)(); + switch (endpointMode) { + case EndpointMode_1.EndpointMode.IPv4: + return Endpoint_1.Endpoint.IPv4; + case EndpointMode_1.EndpointMode.IPv6: + return Endpoint_1.Endpoint.IPv6; + default: + throw new Error(`Unsupported endpoint mode: ${endpointMode}. Select from ${Object.values(EndpointMode_1.EndpointMode)}`); + } + }; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-imds/dist-cjs/utils/getExtendedInstanceMetadataCredentials.js +var require_getExtendedInstanceMetadataCredentials = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-imds/dist-cjs/utils/getExtendedInstanceMetadataCredentials.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getExtendedInstanceMetadataCredentials = void 0; + var STATIC_STABILITY_REFRESH_INTERVAL_SECONDS = 5 * 60; + var STATIC_STABILITY_REFRESH_INTERVAL_JITTER_WINDOW_SECONDS = 5 * 60; + var STATIC_STABILITY_DOC_URL = "https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdkref/latest/guide/feature-static-credentials.html"; + var getExtendedInstanceMetadataCredentials = (credentials, logger) => { + var _a; + const refreshInterval = STATIC_STABILITY_REFRESH_INTERVAL_SECONDS + Math.floor(Math.random() * STATIC_STABILITY_REFRESH_INTERVAL_JITTER_WINDOW_SECONDS); + const newExpiration = new Date(Date.now() + refreshInterval * 1e3); + logger.warn("Attempting credential expiration extension due to a credential service availability issue. A refresh of these credentials will be attempted after ${new Date(newExpiration)}.\nFor more information, please visit: " + STATIC_STABILITY_DOC_URL); + const originalExpiration = (_a = credentials.originalExpiration) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : credentials.expiration; + return { + ...credentials, + ...originalExpiration ? { originalExpiration } : {}, + expiration: newExpiration + }; + }; + exports.getExtendedInstanceMetadataCredentials = getExtendedInstanceMetadataCredentials; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-imds/dist-cjs/utils/staticStabilityProvider.js +var require_staticStabilityProvider = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-imds/dist-cjs/utils/staticStabilityProvider.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.staticStabilityProvider = void 0; + var getExtendedInstanceMetadataCredentials_1 = require_getExtendedInstanceMetadataCredentials(); + var staticStabilityProvider = (provider, options = {}) => { + const logger = (options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.logger) || console; + let pastCredentials; + return async () => { + let credentials; + try { + credentials = await provider(); + if (credentials.expiration && credentials.expiration.getTime() < Date.now()) { + credentials = (0, getExtendedInstanceMetadataCredentials_1.getExtendedInstanceMetadataCredentials)(credentials, logger); + } + } catch (e) { + if (pastCredentials) { + logger.warn("Credential renew failed: ", e); + credentials = (0, getExtendedInstanceMetadataCredentials_1.getExtendedInstanceMetadataCredentials)(pastCredentials, logger); + } else { + throw e; + } + } + pastCredentials = credentials; + return credentials; + }; + }; + exports.staticStabilityProvider = staticStabilityProvider; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-imds/dist-cjs/fromInstanceMetadata.js +var require_fromInstanceMetadata = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-imds/dist-cjs/fromInstanceMetadata.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.fromInstanceMetadata = void 0; + var property_provider_1 = require_dist_cjs16(); + var httpRequest_1 = require_httpRequest3(); + var ImdsCredentials_1 = require_ImdsCredentials(); + var RemoteProviderInit_1 = require_RemoteProviderInit(); + var retry_1 = require_retry3(); + var getInstanceMetadataEndpoint_1 = require_getInstanceMetadataEndpoint(); + var staticStabilityProvider_1 = require_staticStabilityProvider(); + var IMDS_PATH = "/latest/meta-data/iam/security-credentials/"; + var IMDS_TOKEN_PATH = "/latest/api/token"; + var fromInstanceMetadata = (init = {}) => (0, staticStabilityProvider_1.staticStabilityProvider)(getInstanceImdsProvider(init), { logger: init.logger }); + exports.fromInstanceMetadata = fromInstanceMetadata; + var getInstanceImdsProvider = (init) => { + let disableFetchToken = false; + const { timeout, maxRetries } = (0, RemoteProviderInit_1.providerConfigFromInit)(init); + const getCredentials = async (maxRetries2, options) => { + const profile = (await (0, retry_1.retry)(async () => { + let profile2; + try { + profile2 = await getProfile(options); + } catch (err) { + if (err.statusCode === 401) { + disableFetchToken = false; + } + throw err; + } + return profile2; + }, maxRetries2)).trim(); + return (0, retry_1.retry)(async () => { + let creds; + try { + creds = await getCredentialsFromProfile(profile, options); + } catch (err) { + if (err.statusCode === 401) { + disableFetchToken = false; + } + throw err; + } + return creds; + }, maxRetries2); + }; + return async () => { + const endpoint = await (0, getInstanceMetadataEndpoint_1.getInstanceMetadataEndpoint)(); + if (disableFetchToken) { + return getCredentials(maxRetries, { ...endpoint, timeout }); + } else { + let token; + try { + token = (await getMetadataToken({ ...endpoint, timeout })).toString(); + } catch (error) { + if ((error === null || error === void 0 ? void 0 : error.statusCode) === 400) { + throw Object.assign(error, { + message: "EC2 Metadata token request returned error" + }); + } else if (error.message === "TimeoutError" || [403, 404, 405].includes(error.statusCode)) { + disableFetchToken = true; + } + return getCredentials(maxRetries, { ...endpoint, timeout }); + } + return getCredentials(maxRetries, { + ...endpoint, + headers: { + "x-aws-ec2-metadata-token": token + }, + timeout + }); + } + }; + }; + var getMetadataToken = async (options) => (0, httpRequest_1.httpRequest)({ + ...options, + path: IMDS_TOKEN_PATH, + method: "PUT", + headers: { + "x-aws-ec2-metadata-token-ttl-seconds": "21600" + } + }); + var getProfile = async (options) => (await (0, httpRequest_1.httpRequest)({ ...options, path: IMDS_PATH })).toString(); + var getCredentialsFromProfile = async (profile, options) => { + const credsResponse = JSON.parse((await (0, httpRequest_1.httpRequest)({ + ...options, + path: IMDS_PATH + profile + })).toString()); + if (!(0, ImdsCredentials_1.isImdsCredentials)(credsResponse)) { + throw new property_provider_1.CredentialsProviderError("Invalid response received from instance metadata service."); + } + return (0, ImdsCredentials_1.fromImdsCredentials)(credsResponse); + }; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-imds/dist-cjs/types.js +var require_types6 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-imds/dist-cjs/types.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-imds/dist-cjs/index.js +var require_dist_cjs37 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-imds/dist-cjs/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getInstanceMetadataEndpoint = exports.httpRequest = void 0; + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_fromContainerMetadata(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_fromInstanceMetadata(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_RemoteProviderInit(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_types6(), exports); + var httpRequest_1 = require_httpRequest3(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "httpRequest", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return httpRequest_1.httpRequest; + } }); + var getInstanceMetadataEndpoint_1 = require_getInstanceMetadataEndpoint(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "getInstanceMetadataEndpoint", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return getInstanceMetadataEndpoint_1.getInstanceMetadataEndpoint; + } }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-ini/dist-cjs/resolveCredentialSource.js +var require_resolveCredentialSource = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-ini/dist-cjs/resolveCredentialSource.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.resolveCredentialSource = void 0; + var credential_provider_env_1 = require_dist_cjs34(); + var credential_provider_imds_1 = require_dist_cjs37(); + var property_provider_1 = require_dist_cjs16(); + var resolveCredentialSource = (credentialSource, profileName) => { + const sourceProvidersMap = { + EcsContainer: credential_provider_imds_1.fromContainerMetadata, + Ec2InstanceMetadata: credential_provider_imds_1.fromInstanceMetadata, + Environment: credential_provider_env_1.fromEnv + }; + if (credentialSource in sourceProvidersMap) { + return sourceProvidersMap[credentialSource](); + } else { + throw new property_provider_1.CredentialsProviderError(`Unsupported credential source in profile ${profileName}. Got ${credentialSource}, expected EcsContainer or Ec2InstanceMetadata or Environment.`); + } + }; + exports.resolveCredentialSource = resolveCredentialSource; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-ini/dist-cjs/resolveAssumeRoleCredentials.js +var require_resolveAssumeRoleCredentials = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-ini/dist-cjs/resolveAssumeRoleCredentials.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.resolveAssumeRoleCredentials = exports.isAssumeRoleProfile = void 0; + var property_provider_1 = require_dist_cjs16(); + var shared_ini_file_loader_1 = require_dist_cjs35(); + var resolveCredentialSource_1 = require_resolveCredentialSource(); + var resolveProfileData_1 = require_resolveProfileData(); + var isAssumeRoleProfile = (arg) => Boolean(arg) && typeof arg === "object" && typeof arg.role_arn === "string" && ["undefined", "string"].indexOf(typeof arg.role_session_name) > -1 && ["undefined", "string"].indexOf(typeof arg.external_id) > -1 && ["undefined", "string"].indexOf(typeof arg.mfa_serial) > -1 && (isAssumeRoleWithSourceProfile(arg) || isAssumeRoleWithProviderProfile(arg)); + exports.isAssumeRoleProfile = isAssumeRoleProfile; + var isAssumeRoleWithSourceProfile = (arg) => typeof arg.source_profile === "string" && typeof arg.credential_source === "undefined"; + var isAssumeRoleWithProviderProfile = (arg) => typeof arg.credential_source === "string" && typeof arg.source_profile === "undefined"; + var resolveAssumeRoleCredentials = async (profileName, profiles, options, visitedProfiles = {}) => { + const data = profiles[profileName]; + if (!options.roleAssumer) { + throw new property_provider_1.CredentialsProviderError(`Profile ${profileName} requires a role to be assumed, but no role assumption callback was provided.`, false); + } + const { source_profile } = data; + if (source_profile && source_profile in visitedProfiles) { + throw new property_provider_1.CredentialsProviderError(`Detected a cycle attempting to resolve credentials for profile ${(0, shared_ini_file_loader_1.getProfileName)(options)}. Profiles visited: ` + Object.keys(visitedProfiles).join(", "), false); + } + const sourceCredsProvider = source_profile ? (0, resolveProfileData_1.resolveProfileData)(source_profile, profiles, options, { + ...visitedProfiles, + [source_profile]: true + }) : (0, resolveCredentialSource_1.resolveCredentialSource)(data.credential_source, profileName)(); + const params = { + RoleArn: data.role_arn, + RoleSessionName: data.role_session_name || `aws-sdk-js-${Date.now()}`, + ExternalId: data.external_id + }; + const { mfa_serial } = data; + if (mfa_serial) { + if (!options.mfaCodeProvider) { + throw new property_provider_1.CredentialsProviderError(`Profile ${profileName} requires multi-factor authentication, but no MFA code callback was provided.`, false); + } + params.SerialNumber = mfa_serial; + params.TokenCode = await options.mfaCodeProvider(mfa_serial); + } + const sourceCreds = await sourceCredsProvider; + return options.roleAssumer(sourceCreds, params); + }; + exports.resolveAssumeRoleCredentials = resolveAssumeRoleCredentials; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-process/dist-cjs/getValidatedProcessCredentials.js +var require_getValidatedProcessCredentials = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-process/dist-cjs/getValidatedProcessCredentials.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getValidatedProcessCredentials = void 0; + var getValidatedProcessCredentials = (profileName, data) => { + if (data.Version !== 1) { + throw Error(`Profile ${profileName} credential_process did not return Version 1.`); + } + if (data.AccessKeyId === void 0 || data.SecretAccessKey === void 0) { + throw Error(`Profile ${profileName} credential_process returned invalid credentials.`); + } + if (data.Expiration) { + const currentTime = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(); + const expireTime = new Date(data.Expiration); + if (expireTime < currentTime) { + throw Error(`Profile ${profileName} credential_process returned expired credentials.`); + } + } + return { + accessKeyId: data.AccessKeyId, + secretAccessKey: data.SecretAccessKey, + ...data.SessionToken && { sessionToken: data.SessionToken }, + ...data.Expiration && { expiration: new Date(data.Expiration) } + }; + }; + exports.getValidatedProcessCredentials = getValidatedProcessCredentials; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-process/dist-cjs/resolveProcessCredentials.js +var require_resolveProcessCredentials = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-process/dist-cjs/resolveProcessCredentials.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.resolveProcessCredentials = void 0; + var property_provider_1 = require_dist_cjs16(); + var child_process_1 = require("child_process"); + var util_1 = require("util"); + var getValidatedProcessCredentials_1 = require_getValidatedProcessCredentials(); + var resolveProcessCredentials = async (profileName, profiles) => { + const profile = profiles[profileName]; + if (profiles[profileName]) { + const credentialProcess = profile["credential_process"]; + if (credentialProcess !== void 0) { + const execPromise = (0, util_1.promisify)(child_process_1.exec); + try { + const { stdout } = await execPromise(credentialProcess); + let data; + try { + data = JSON.parse(stdout.trim()); + } catch (_a) { + throw Error(`Profile ${profileName} credential_process returned invalid JSON.`); + } + return (0, getValidatedProcessCredentials_1.getValidatedProcessCredentials)(profileName, data); + } catch (error) { + throw new property_provider_1.CredentialsProviderError(error.message); + } + } else { + throw new property_provider_1.CredentialsProviderError(`Profile ${profileName} did not contain credential_process.`); + } + } else { + throw new property_provider_1.CredentialsProviderError(`Profile ${profileName} could not be found in shared credentials file.`); + } + }; + exports.resolveProcessCredentials = resolveProcessCredentials; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-process/dist-cjs/fromProcess.js +var require_fromProcess = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-process/dist-cjs/fromProcess.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.fromProcess = void 0; + var shared_ini_file_loader_1 = require_dist_cjs35(); + var resolveProcessCredentials_1 = require_resolveProcessCredentials(); + var fromProcess = (init = {}) => async () => { + const profiles = await (0, shared_ini_file_loader_1.parseKnownFiles)(init); + return (0, resolveProcessCredentials_1.resolveProcessCredentials)((0, shared_ini_file_loader_1.getProfileName)(init), profiles); + }; + exports.fromProcess = fromProcess; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-process/dist-cjs/index.js +var require_dist_cjs38 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-process/dist-cjs/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_fromProcess(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-ini/dist-cjs/resolveProcessCredentials.js +var require_resolveProcessCredentials2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-ini/dist-cjs/resolveProcessCredentials.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.resolveProcessCredentials = exports.isProcessProfile = void 0; + var credential_provider_process_1 = require_dist_cjs38(); + var isProcessProfile = (arg) => Boolean(arg) && typeof arg === "object" && typeof arg.credential_process === "string"; + exports.isProcessProfile = isProcessProfile; + var resolveProcessCredentials = async (options, profile) => (0, credential_provider_process_1.fromProcess)({ + ...options, + profile + })(); + exports.resolveProcessCredentials = resolveProcessCredentials; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-sso/dist-cjs/isSsoProfile.js +var require_isSsoProfile = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-sso/dist-cjs/isSsoProfile.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.isSsoProfile = void 0; + var isSsoProfile = (arg) => arg && (typeof arg.sso_start_url === "string" || typeof arg.sso_account_id === "string" || typeof arg.sso_session === "string" || typeof arg.sso_region === "string" || typeof arg.sso_role_name === "string"); + exports.isSsoProfile = isSsoProfile; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso/dist-cjs/endpoint/EndpointParameters.js +var require_EndpointParameters3 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso/dist-cjs/endpoint/EndpointParameters.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.resolveClientEndpointParameters = void 0; + var resolveClientEndpointParameters = (options) => { + return { + ...options, + useDualstackEndpoint: options.useDualstackEndpoint ?? false, + useFipsEndpoint: options.useFipsEndpoint ?? false, + defaultSigningName: "awsssoportal" + }; + }; + exports.resolveClientEndpointParameters = resolveClientEndpointParameters; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso/package.json +var require_package3 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso/package.json"(exports, module2) { + module2.exports = { + name: "@aws-sdk/client-sso", + description: "AWS SDK for JavaScript Sso Client for Node.js, Browser and React Native", + version: "3.347.0", + scripts: { + build: "concurrently 'yarn:build:cjs' 'yarn:build:es' 'yarn:build:types'", + "build:cjs": "tsc -p tsconfig.cjs.json", + "build:docs": "typedoc", + "build:es": "tsc -p tsconfig.es.json", + "build:include:deps": "lerna run --scope $npm_package_name --include-dependencies build", + "build:types": "tsc -p tsconfig.types.json", + "build:types:downlevel": "downlevel-dts dist-types dist-types/ts3.4", + clean: "rimraf ./dist-* && rimraf *.tsbuildinfo", + "extract:docs": "api-extractor run --local", + "generate:client": "node ../../scripts/generate-clients/single-service --solo sso" + }, + main: "./dist-cjs/index.js", + types: "./dist-types/index.d.ts", + module: "./dist-es/index.js", + sideEffects: false, + dependencies: { + "@aws-crypto/sha256-browser": "3.0.0", + "@aws-crypto/sha256-js": "3.0.0", + "@aws-sdk/config-resolver": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/fetch-http-handler": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/hash-node": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/invalid-dependency": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/middleware-content-length": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/middleware-host-header": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/middleware-logger": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/middleware-recursion-detection": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/middleware-retry": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/middleware-serde": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/middleware-stack": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/middleware-user-agent": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/node-config-provider": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/node-http-handler": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/smithy-client": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/types": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/url-parser": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/util-base64": "3.310.0", + "@aws-sdk/util-body-length-browser": "3.310.0", + "@aws-sdk/util-body-length-node": "3.310.0", + "@aws-sdk/util-defaults-mode-browser": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/util-defaults-mode-node": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/util-endpoints": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/util-retry": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/util-user-agent-browser": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/util-user-agent-node": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/util-utf8": "3.310.0", + "@smithy/protocol-http": "^1.0.1", + "@smithy/types": "^1.0.0", + tslib: "^2.5.0" + }, + devDependencies: { + "@aws-sdk/service-client-documentation-generator": "3.310.0", + "@tsconfig/node14": "1.0.3", + "@types/node": "^14.14.31", + concurrently: "7.0.0", + "downlevel-dts": "0.10.1", + rimraf: "3.0.2", + typedoc: "0.23.23", + typescript: "~4.9.5" + }, + engines: { + node: ">=14.0.0" + }, + typesVersions: { + "<4.0": { + "dist-types/*": [ + "dist-types/ts3.4/*" + ] + } + }, + files: [ + "dist-*/**" + ], + author: { + name: "AWS SDK for JavaScript Team", + url: "https://aws.amazon.com/javascript/" + }, + license: "Apache-2.0", + browser: { + "./dist-es/runtimeConfig": "./dist-es/runtimeConfig.browser" + }, + "react-native": { + "./dist-es/runtimeConfig": "./dist-es/runtimeConfig.native" + }, + homepage: "https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-js-v3/tree/main/clients/client-sso", + repository: { + type: "git", + url: "https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-js-v3.git", + directory: "clients/client-sso" + } + }; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/hash-node/dist-cjs/index.js +var require_dist_cjs39 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/hash-node/dist-cjs/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.Hash = void 0; + var util_buffer_from_1 = require_dist_cjs21(); + var util_utf8_1 = require_dist_cjs22(); + var buffer_1 = require("buffer"); + var crypto_1 = require("crypto"); + var Hash = class { + constructor(algorithmIdentifier, secret) { + this.algorithmIdentifier = algorithmIdentifier; + this.secret = secret; + this.reset(); + } + update(toHash, encoding) { + this.hash.update((0, util_utf8_1.toUint8Array)(castSourceData(toHash, encoding))); + } + digest() { + return Promise.resolve(this.hash.digest()); + } + reset() { + this.hash = this.secret ? (0, crypto_1.createHmac)(this.algorithmIdentifier, castSourceData(this.secret)) : (0, crypto_1.createHash)(this.algorithmIdentifier); + } + }; + exports.Hash = Hash; + function castSourceData(toCast, encoding) { + if (buffer_1.Buffer.isBuffer(toCast)) { + return toCast; + } + if (typeof toCast === "string") { + return (0, util_buffer_from_1.fromString)(toCast, encoding); + } + if (ArrayBuffer.isView(toCast)) { + return (0, util_buffer_from_1.fromArrayBuffer)(toCast.buffer, toCast.byteOffset, toCast.byteLength); + } + return (0, util_buffer_from_1.fromArrayBuffer)(toCast); + } + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/querystring-builder/dist-cjs/index.js +var require_dist_cjs40 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/querystring-builder/dist-cjs/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.buildQueryString = void 0; + var util_uri_escape_1 = require_dist_cjs23(); + function buildQueryString(query) { + const parts = []; + for (let key of Object.keys(query).sort()) { + const value = query[key]; + key = (0, util_uri_escape_1.escapeUri)(key); + if (Array.isArray(value)) { + for (let i = 0, iLen = value.length; i < iLen; i++) { + parts.push(`${key}=${(0, util_uri_escape_1.escapeUri)(value[i])}`); + } + } else { + let qsEntry = key; + if (value || typeof value === "string") { + qsEntry += `=${(0, util_uri_escape_1.escapeUri)(value)}`; + } + parts.push(qsEntry); + } + } + return parts.join("&"); + } + exports.buildQueryString = buildQueryString; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/node-http-handler/dist-cjs/constants.js +var require_constants6 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/node-http-handler/dist-cjs/constants.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.NODEJS_TIMEOUT_ERROR_CODES = void 0; + exports.NODEJS_TIMEOUT_ERROR_CODES = ["ECONNRESET", "EPIPE", "ETIMEDOUT"]; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/node-http-handler/dist-cjs/get-transformed-headers.js +var require_get_transformed_headers = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/node-http-handler/dist-cjs/get-transformed-headers.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getTransformedHeaders = void 0; + var getTransformedHeaders = (headers) => { + const transformedHeaders = {}; + for (const name of Object.keys(headers)) { + const headerValues = headers[name]; + transformedHeaders[name] = Array.isArray(headerValues) ? headerValues.join(",") : headerValues; + } + return transformedHeaders; + }; + exports.getTransformedHeaders = getTransformedHeaders; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/node-http-handler/dist-cjs/set-connection-timeout.js +var require_set_connection_timeout = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/node-http-handler/dist-cjs/set-connection-timeout.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.setConnectionTimeout = void 0; + var setConnectionTimeout = (request2, reject, timeoutInMs = 0) => { + if (!timeoutInMs) { + return; + } + request2.on("socket", (socket) => { + if (socket.connecting) { + const timeoutId = setTimeout(() => { + request2.destroy(); + reject(Object.assign(new Error(`Socket timed out without establishing a connection within ${timeoutInMs} ms`), { + name: "TimeoutError" + })); + }, timeoutInMs); + socket.on("connect", () => { + clearTimeout(timeoutId); + }); + } + }); + }; + exports.setConnectionTimeout = setConnectionTimeout; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/node-http-handler/dist-cjs/set-socket-keep-alive.js +var require_set_socket_keep_alive = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/node-http-handler/dist-cjs/set-socket-keep-alive.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.setSocketKeepAlive = void 0; + var setSocketKeepAlive = (request2, { keepAlive, keepAliveMsecs }) => { + if (keepAlive !== true) { + return; + } + request2.on("socket", (socket) => { + socket.setKeepAlive(keepAlive, keepAliveMsecs || 0); + }); + }; + exports.setSocketKeepAlive = setSocketKeepAlive; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/node-http-handler/dist-cjs/set-socket-timeout.js +var require_set_socket_timeout = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/node-http-handler/dist-cjs/set-socket-timeout.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.setSocketTimeout = void 0; + var setSocketTimeout = (request2, reject, timeoutInMs = 0) => { + request2.setTimeout(timeoutInMs, () => { + request2.destroy(); + reject(Object.assign(new Error(`Connection timed out after ${timeoutInMs} ms`), { name: "TimeoutError" })); + }); + }; + exports.setSocketTimeout = setSocketTimeout; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/node-http-handler/dist-cjs/write-request-body.js +var require_write_request_body = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/node-http-handler/dist-cjs/write-request-body.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.writeRequestBody = void 0; + var stream_1 = require("stream"); + var MIN_WAIT_TIME = 1e3; + async function writeRequestBody(httpRequest, request2, maxContinueTimeoutMs = MIN_WAIT_TIME) { + var _a; + const headers = (_a = request2.headers) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : {}; + const expect = headers["Expect"] || headers["expect"]; + let timeoutId = -1; + if (expect === "100-continue") { + await Promise.race([ + new Promise((resolve) => { + timeoutId = Number(setTimeout(resolve, Math.max(MIN_WAIT_TIME, maxContinueTimeoutMs))); + }), + new Promise((resolve) => { + httpRequest.on("continue", () => { + clearTimeout(timeoutId); + resolve(); + }); + }) + ]); + } + writeBody(httpRequest, request2.body); + } + exports.writeRequestBody = writeRequestBody; + function writeBody(httpRequest, body) { + if (body instanceof stream_1.Readable) { + body.pipe(httpRequest); + } else if (body) { + httpRequest.end(Buffer.from(body)); + } else { + httpRequest.end(); + } + } + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/node-http-handler/dist-cjs/node-http-handler.js +var require_node_http_handler = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/node-http-handler/dist-cjs/node-http-handler.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.NodeHttpHandler = exports.DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT = void 0; + var protocol_http_1 = require_dist_cjs4(); + var querystring_builder_1 = require_dist_cjs40(); + var http_1 = require("http"); + var https_1 = require("https"); + var constants_1 = require_constants6(); + var get_transformed_headers_1 = require_get_transformed_headers(); + var set_connection_timeout_1 = require_set_connection_timeout(); + var set_socket_keep_alive_1 = require_set_socket_keep_alive(); + var set_socket_timeout_1 = require_set_socket_timeout(); + var write_request_body_1 = require_write_request_body(); + exports.DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 0; + var NodeHttpHandler = class { + constructor(options) { + this.metadata = { handlerProtocol: "http/1.1" }; + this.configProvider = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + if (typeof options === "function") { + options().then((_options) => { + resolve(this.resolveDefaultConfig(_options)); + }).catch(reject); + } else { + resolve(this.resolveDefaultConfig(options)); + } + }); + } + resolveDefaultConfig(options) { + const { requestTimeout, connectionTimeout, socketTimeout, httpAgent, httpsAgent } = options || {}; + const keepAlive = true; + const maxSockets = 50; + return { + connectionTimeout, + requestTimeout: requestTimeout !== null && requestTimeout !== void 0 ? requestTimeout : socketTimeout, + httpAgent: httpAgent || new http_1.Agent({ keepAlive, maxSockets }), + httpsAgent: httpsAgent || new https_1.Agent({ keepAlive, maxSockets }) + }; + } + destroy() { + var _a, _b, _c, _d; + (_b = (_a = this.config) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.httpAgent) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.destroy(); + (_d = (_c = this.config) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.httpsAgent) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.destroy(); + } + async handle(request2, { abortSignal } = {}) { + if (!this.config) { + this.config = await this.configProvider; + } + return new Promise((_resolve, _reject) => { + var _a, _b; + let writeRequestBodyPromise = void 0; + const resolve = async (arg) => { + await writeRequestBodyPromise; + _resolve(arg); + }; + const reject = async (arg) => { + await writeRequestBodyPromise; + _reject(arg); + }; + if (!this.config) { + throw new Error("Node HTTP request handler config is not resolved"); + } + if (abortSignal === null || abortSignal === void 0 ? void 0 : abortSignal.aborted) { + const abortError = new Error("Request aborted"); + abortError.name = "AbortError"; + reject(abortError); + return; + } + const isSSL = request2.protocol === "https:"; + const queryString = (0, querystring_builder_1.buildQueryString)(request2.query || {}); + let auth = void 0; + if (request2.username != null || request2.password != null) { + const username = (_a = request2.username) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : ""; + const password = (_b = request2.password) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : ""; + auth = `${username}:${password}`; + } + let path = request2.path; + if (queryString) { + path += `?${queryString}`; + } + if (request2.fragment) { + path += `#${request2.fragment}`; + } + const nodeHttpsOptions = { + headers: request2.headers, + host: request2.hostname, + method: request2.method, + path, + port: request2.port, + agent: isSSL ? this.config.httpsAgent : this.config.httpAgent, + auth + }; + const requestFunc = isSSL ? https_1.request : http_1.request; + const req = requestFunc(nodeHttpsOptions, (res) => { + const httpResponse = new protocol_http_1.HttpResponse({ + statusCode: res.statusCode || -1, + reason: res.statusMessage, + headers: (0, get_transformed_headers_1.getTransformedHeaders)(res.headers), + body: res + }); + resolve({ response: httpResponse }); + }); + req.on("error", (err) => { + if (constants_1.NODEJS_TIMEOUT_ERROR_CODES.includes(err.code)) { + reject(Object.assign(err, { name: "TimeoutError" })); + } else { + reject(err); + } + }); + (0, set_connection_timeout_1.setConnectionTimeout)(req, reject, this.config.connectionTimeout); + (0, set_socket_timeout_1.setSocketTimeout)(req, reject, this.config.requestTimeout); + if (abortSignal) { + abortSignal.onabort = () => { + req.abort(); + const abortError = new Error("Request aborted"); + abortError.name = "AbortError"; + reject(abortError); + }; + } + const httpAgent = nodeHttpsOptions.agent; + if (typeof httpAgent === "object" && "keepAlive" in httpAgent) { + (0, set_socket_keep_alive_1.setSocketKeepAlive)(req, { + keepAlive: httpAgent.keepAlive, + keepAliveMsecs: httpAgent.keepAliveMsecs + }); + } + writeRequestBodyPromise = (0, write_request_body_1.writeRequestBody)(req, request2, this.config.requestTimeout); + }); + } + }; + exports.NodeHttpHandler = NodeHttpHandler; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/node-http-handler/dist-cjs/node-http2-connection-pool.js +var require_node_http2_connection_pool = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/node-http-handler/dist-cjs/node-http2-connection-pool.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.NodeHttp2ConnectionPool = void 0; + var NodeHttp2ConnectionPool = class { + constructor(sessions) { + this.sessions = []; + this.sessions = sessions !== null && sessions !== void 0 ? sessions : []; + } + poll() { + if (this.sessions.length > 0) { + return this.sessions.shift(); + } + } + offerLast(session) { + this.sessions.push(session); + } + contains(session) { + return this.sessions.includes(session); + } + remove(session) { + this.sessions = this.sessions.filter((s) => s !== session); + } + [Symbol.iterator]() { + return this.sessions[Symbol.iterator](); + } + destroy(connection) { + for (const session of this.sessions) { + if (session === connection) { + if (!session.destroyed) { + session.destroy(); + } + } + } + } + }; + exports.NodeHttp2ConnectionPool = NodeHttp2ConnectionPool; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/node-http-handler/dist-cjs/node-http2-connection-manager.js +var require_node_http2_connection_manager = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/node-http-handler/dist-cjs/node-http2-connection-manager.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.NodeHttp2ConnectionManager = void 0; + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + var http2_1 = tslib_1.__importDefault(require("http2")); + var node_http2_connection_pool_1 = require_node_http2_connection_pool(); + var NodeHttp2ConnectionManager = class { + constructor(config) { + this.sessionCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); + this.config = config; + if (this.config.maxConcurrency && this.config.maxConcurrency <= 0) { + throw new RangeError("maxConcurrency must be greater than zero."); + } + } + lease(requestContext, connectionConfiguration) { + const url2 = this.getUrlString(requestContext); + const existingPool = this.sessionCache.get(url2); + if (existingPool) { + const existingSession = existingPool.poll(); + if (existingSession && !this.config.disableConcurrency) { + return existingSession; + } + } + const session = http2_1.default.connect(url2); + if (this.config.maxConcurrency) { + session.settings({ maxConcurrentStreams: this.config.maxConcurrency }, (err) => { + if (err) { + throw new Error("Fail to set maxConcurrentStreams to " + this.config.maxConcurrency + "when creating new session for " + requestContext.destination.toString()); + } + }); + } + session.unref(); + const destroySessionCb = () => { + session.destroy(); + this.deleteSession(url2, session); + }; + session.on("goaway", destroySessionCb); + session.on("error", destroySessionCb); + session.on("frameError", destroySessionCb); + session.on("close", () => this.deleteSession(url2, session)); + if (connectionConfiguration.requestTimeout) { + session.setTimeout(connectionConfiguration.requestTimeout, destroySessionCb); + } + const connectionPool = this.sessionCache.get(url2) || new node_http2_connection_pool_1.NodeHttp2ConnectionPool(); + connectionPool.offerLast(session); + this.sessionCache.set(url2, connectionPool); + return session; + } + deleteSession(authority, session) { + const existingConnectionPool = this.sessionCache.get(authority); + if (!existingConnectionPool) { + return; + } + if (!existingConnectionPool.contains(session)) { + return; + } + existingConnectionPool.remove(session); + this.sessionCache.set(authority, existingConnectionPool); + } + release(requestContext, session) { + var _a; + const cacheKey = this.getUrlString(requestContext); + (_a = this.sessionCache.get(cacheKey)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.offerLast(session); + } + destroy() { + for (const [key, connectionPool] of this.sessionCache) { + for (const session of connectionPool) { + if (!session.destroyed) { + session.destroy(); + } + connectionPool.remove(session); + } + this.sessionCache.delete(key); + } + } + setMaxConcurrentStreams(maxConcurrentStreams) { + if (this.config.maxConcurrency && this.config.maxConcurrency <= 0) { + throw new RangeError("maxConcurrentStreams must be greater than zero."); + } + this.config.maxConcurrency = maxConcurrentStreams; + } + setDisableConcurrentStreams(disableConcurrentStreams) { + this.config.disableConcurrency = disableConcurrentStreams; + } + getUrlString(request2) { + return request2.destination.toString(); + } + }; + exports.NodeHttp2ConnectionManager = NodeHttp2ConnectionManager; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/node-http-handler/dist-cjs/node-http2-handler.js +var require_node_http2_handler = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/node-http-handler/dist-cjs/node-http2-handler.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.NodeHttp2Handler = void 0; + var protocol_http_1 = require_dist_cjs4(); + var querystring_builder_1 = require_dist_cjs40(); + var http2_1 = require("http2"); + var get_transformed_headers_1 = require_get_transformed_headers(); + var node_http2_connection_manager_1 = require_node_http2_connection_manager(); + var write_request_body_1 = require_write_request_body(); + var NodeHttp2Handler = class { + constructor(options) { + this.metadata = { handlerProtocol: "h2" }; + this.connectionManager = new node_http2_connection_manager_1.NodeHttp2ConnectionManager({}); + this.configProvider = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + if (typeof options === "function") { + options().then((opts) => { + resolve(opts || {}); + }).catch(reject); + } else { + resolve(options || {}); + } + }); + } + destroy() { + this.connectionManager.destroy(); + } + async handle(request2, { abortSignal } = {}) { + if (!this.config) { + this.config = await this.configProvider; + this.connectionManager.setDisableConcurrentStreams(this.config.disableConcurrentStreams || false); + if (this.config.maxConcurrentStreams) { + this.connectionManager.setMaxConcurrentStreams(this.config.maxConcurrentStreams); + } + } + const { requestTimeout, disableConcurrentStreams } = this.config; + return new Promise((_resolve, _reject) => { + var _a, _b, _c; + let fulfilled = false; + let writeRequestBodyPromise = void 0; + const resolve = async (arg) => { + await writeRequestBodyPromise; + _resolve(arg); + }; + const reject = async (arg) => { + await writeRequestBodyPromise; + _reject(arg); + }; + if (abortSignal === null || abortSignal === void 0 ? void 0 : abortSignal.aborted) { + fulfilled = true; + const abortError = new Error("Request aborted"); + abortError.name = "AbortError"; + reject(abortError); + return; + } + const { hostname, method, port, protocol, query } = request2; + let auth = ""; + if (request2.username != null || request2.password != null) { + const username = (_a = request2.username) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : ""; + const password = (_b = request2.password) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : ""; + auth = `${username}:${password}@`; + } + const authority = `${protocol}//${auth}${hostname}${port ? `:${port}` : ""}`; + const requestContext = { destination: new URL(authority) }; + const session = this.connectionManager.lease(requestContext, { + requestTimeout: (_c = this.config) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.sessionTimeout, + disableConcurrentStreams: disableConcurrentStreams || false + }); + const rejectWithDestroy = (err) => { + if (disableConcurrentStreams) { + this.destroySession(session); + } + fulfilled = true; + reject(err); + }; + const queryString = (0, querystring_builder_1.buildQueryString)(query || {}); + let path = request2.path; + if (queryString) { + path += `?${queryString}`; + } + if (request2.fragment) { + path += `#${request2.fragment}`; + } + const req = session.request({ + ...request2.headers, + [http2_1.constants.HTTP2_HEADER_PATH]: path, + [http2_1.constants.HTTP2_HEADER_METHOD]: method + }); + session.ref(); + req.on("response", (headers) => { + const httpResponse = new protocol_http_1.HttpResponse({ + statusCode: headers[":status"] || -1, + headers: (0, get_transformed_headers_1.getTransformedHeaders)(headers), + body: req + }); + fulfilled = true; + resolve({ response: httpResponse }); + if (disableConcurrentStreams) { + session.close(); + this.connectionManager.deleteSession(authority, session); + } + }); + if (requestTimeout) { + req.setTimeout(requestTimeout, () => { + req.close(); + const timeoutError = new Error(`Stream timed out because of no activity for ${requestTimeout} ms`); + timeoutError.name = "TimeoutError"; + rejectWithDestroy(timeoutError); + }); + } + if (abortSignal) { + abortSignal.onabort = () => { + req.close(); + const abortError = new Error("Request aborted"); + abortError.name = "AbortError"; + rejectWithDestroy(abortError); + }; + } + req.on("frameError", (type, code, id) => { + rejectWithDestroy(new Error(`Frame type id ${type} in stream id ${id} has failed with code ${code}.`)); + }); + req.on("error", rejectWithDestroy); + req.on("aborted", () => { + rejectWithDestroy(new Error(`HTTP/2 stream is abnormally aborted in mid-communication with result code ${req.rstCode}.`)); + }); + req.on("close", () => { + session.unref(); + if (disableConcurrentStreams) { + session.destroy(); + } + if (!fulfilled) { + rejectWithDestroy(new Error("Unexpected error: http2 request did not get a response")); + } + }); + writeRequestBodyPromise = (0, write_request_body_1.writeRequestBody)(req, request2, requestTimeout); + }); + } + destroySession(session) { + if (!session.destroyed) { + session.destroy(); + } + } + }; + exports.NodeHttp2Handler = NodeHttp2Handler; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/node-http-handler/dist-cjs/stream-collector/collector.js +var require_collector = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/node-http-handler/dist-cjs/stream-collector/collector.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.Collector = void 0; + var stream_1 = require("stream"); + var Collector = class extends stream_1.Writable { + constructor() { + super(...arguments); + this.bufferedBytes = []; + } + _write(chunk, encoding, callback) { + this.bufferedBytes.push(chunk); + callback(); + } + }; + exports.Collector = Collector; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/node-http-handler/dist-cjs/stream-collector/index.js +var require_stream_collector = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/node-http-handler/dist-cjs/stream-collector/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.streamCollector = void 0; + var collector_1 = require_collector(); + var streamCollector = (stream) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + const collector = new collector_1.Collector(); + stream.pipe(collector); + stream.on("error", (err) => { + collector.end(); + reject(err); + }); + collector.on("error", reject); + collector.on("finish", function() { + const bytes = new Uint8Array(Buffer.concat(this.bufferedBytes)); + resolve(bytes); + }); + }); + exports.streamCollector = streamCollector; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/node-http-handler/dist-cjs/index.js +var require_dist_cjs41 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/node-http-handler/dist-cjs/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_node_http_handler(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_node_http2_handler(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_stream_collector(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-body-length-node/dist-cjs/calculateBodyLength.js +var require_calculateBodyLength = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-body-length-node/dist-cjs/calculateBodyLength.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.calculateBodyLength = void 0; + var fs_1 = require("fs"); + var calculateBodyLength = (body) => { + if (!body) { + return 0; + } + if (typeof body === "string") { + return Buffer.from(body).length; + } else if (typeof body.byteLength === "number") { + return body.byteLength; + } else if (typeof body.size === "number") { + return body.size; + } else if (typeof body.path === "string" || Buffer.isBuffer(body.path)) { + return (0, fs_1.lstatSync)(body.path).size; + } else if (typeof body.fd === "number") { + return (0, fs_1.fstatSync)(body.fd).size; + } + throw new Error(`Body Length computation failed for ${body}`); + }; + exports.calculateBodyLength = calculateBodyLength; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-body-length-node/dist-cjs/index.js +var require_dist_cjs42 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-body-length-node/dist-cjs/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_calculateBodyLength(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-user-agent-node/dist-cjs/is-crt-available.js +var require_is_crt_available = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-user-agent-node/dist-cjs/is-crt-available.js"(exports, module2) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.isCrtAvailable = void 0; + var isCrtAvailable = () => { + try { + if (typeof require === "function" && typeof module2 !== "undefined" && require("aws-crt")) { + return ["md/crt-avail"]; + } + return null; + } catch (e) { + return null; + } + }; + exports.isCrtAvailable = isCrtAvailable; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-user-agent-node/dist-cjs/index.js +var require_dist_cjs43 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-user-agent-node/dist-cjs/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.defaultUserAgent = exports.UA_APP_ID_INI_NAME = exports.UA_APP_ID_ENV_NAME = void 0; + var node_config_provider_1 = require_dist_cjs36(); + var os_1 = require("os"); + var process_1 = require("process"); + var is_crt_available_1 = require_is_crt_available(); + exports.UA_APP_ID_ENV_NAME = "AWS_SDK_UA_APP_ID"; + exports.UA_APP_ID_INI_NAME = "sdk-ua-app-id"; + var defaultUserAgent = ({ serviceId, clientVersion }) => { + const sections = [ + ["aws-sdk-js", clientVersion], + ["ua", "2.0"], + [`os/${(0, os_1.platform)()}`, (0, os_1.release)()], + ["lang/js"], + ["md/nodejs", `${process_1.versions.node}`] + ]; + const crtAvailable = (0, is_crt_available_1.isCrtAvailable)(); + if (crtAvailable) { + sections.push(crtAvailable); + } + if (serviceId) { + sections.push([`api/${serviceId}`, clientVersion]); + } + if (process_1.env.AWS_EXECUTION_ENV) { + sections.push([`exec-env/${process_1.env.AWS_EXECUTION_ENV}`]); + } + const appIdPromise = (0, node_config_provider_1.loadConfig)({ + environmentVariableSelector: (env) => env[exports.UA_APP_ID_ENV_NAME], + configFileSelector: (profile) => profile[exports.UA_APP_ID_INI_NAME], + default: void 0 + })(); + let resolvedUserAgent = void 0; + return async () => { + if (!resolvedUserAgent) { + const appId = await appIdPromise; + resolvedUserAgent = appId ? [...sections, [`app/${appId}`]] : [...sections]; + } + return resolvedUserAgent; + }; + }; + exports.defaultUserAgent = defaultUserAgent; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-base64/dist-cjs/fromBase64.js +var require_fromBase64 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-base64/dist-cjs/fromBase64.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.fromBase64 = void 0; + var util_buffer_from_1 = require_dist_cjs21(); + var BASE64_REGEX = /^[A-Za-z0-9+/]*={0,2}$/; + var fromBase64 = (input) => { + if (input.length * 3 % 4 !== 0) { + throw new TypeError(`Incorrect padding on base64 string.`); + } + if (!BASE64_REGEX.exec(input)) { + throw new TypeError(`Invalid base64 string.`); + } + const buffer = (0, util_buffer_from_1.fromString)(input, "base64"); + return new Uint8Array(buffer.buffer, buffer.byteOffset, buffer.byteLength); + }; + exports.fromBase64 = fromBase64; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-base64/dist-cjs/toBase64.js +var require_toBase64 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-base64/dist-cjs/toBase64.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.toBase64 = void 0; + var util_buffer_from_1 = require_dist_cjs21(); + var toBase64 = (input) => (0, util_buffer_from_1.fromArrayBuffer)(input.buffer, input.byteOffset, input.byteLength).toString("base64"); + exports.toBase64 = toBase64; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-base64/dist-cjs/index.js +var require_dist_cjs44 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-base64/dist-cjs/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_fromBase64(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_toBase64(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso/dist-cjs/endpoint/ruleset.js +var require_ruleset = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso/dist-cjs/endpoint/ruleset.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.ruleSet = void 0; + var p = "required"; + var q = "fn"; + var r = "argv"; + var s = "ref"; + var a = "PartitionResult"; + var b = "tree"; + var c = "error"; + var d = "endpoint"; + var e = { [p]: false, "type": "String" }; + var f = { [p]: true, "default": false, "type": "Boolean" }; + var g = { [s]: "Endpoint" }; + var h = { [q]: "booleanEquals", [r]: [{ [s]: "UseFIPS" }, true] }; + var i = { [q]: "booleanEquals", [r]: [{ [s]: "UseDualStack" }, true] }; + var j = {}; + var k = { [q]: "booleanEquals", [r]: [true, { [q]: "getAttr", [r]: [{ [s]: a }, "supportsFIPS"] }] }; + var l = { [q]: "booleanEquals", [r]: [true, { [q]: "getAttr", [r]: [{ [s]: a }, "supportsDualStack"] }] }; + var m = [g]; + var n = [h]; + var o = [i]; + var _data = { version: "1.0", parameters: { Region: e, UseDualStack: f, UseFIPS: f, Endpoint: e }, rules: [{ conditions: [{ [q]: "aws.partition", [r]: [{ [s]: "Region" }], assign: a }], type: b, rules: [{ conditions: [{ [q]: "isSet", [r]: m }, { [q]: "parseURL", [r]: m, assign: "url" }], type: b, rules: [{ conditions: n, error: "Invalid Configuration: FIPS and custom endpoint are not supported", type: c }, { type: b, rules: [{ conditions: o, error: "Invalid Configuration: Dualstack and custom endpoint are not supported", type: c }, { endpoint: { url: g, properties: j, headers: j }, type: d }] }] }, { conditions: [h, i], type: b, rules: [{ conditions: [k, l], type: b, rules: [{ endpoint: { url: "https://portal.sso-fips.{Region}.{PartitionResult#dualStackDnsSuffix}", properties: j, headers: j }, type: d }] }, { error: "FIPS and DualStack are enabled, but this partition does not support one or both", type: c }] }, { conditions: n, type: b, rules: [{ conditions: [k], type: b, rules: [{ type: b, rules: [{ endpoint: { url: "https://portal.sso-fips.{Region}.{PartitionResult#dnsSuffix}", properties: j, headers: j }, type: d }] }] }, { error: "FIPS is enabled but this partition does not support FIPS", type: c }] }, { conditions: o, type: b, rules: [{ conditions: [l], type: b, rules: [{ endpoint: { url: "https://portal.sso.{Region}.{PartitionResult#dualStackDnsSuffix}", properties: j, headers: j }, type: d }] }, { error: "DualStack is enabled but this partition does not support DualStack", type: c }] }, { endpoint: { url: "https://portal.sso.{Region}.{PartitionResult#dnsSuffix}", properties: j, headers: j }, type: d }] }] }; + exports.ruleSet = _data; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso/dist-cjs/endpoint/endpointResolver.js +var require_endpointResolver = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso/dist-cjs/endpoint/endpointResolver.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.defaultEndpointResolver = void 0; + var util_endpoints_1 = require_dist_cjs27(); + var ruleset_1 = require_ruleset(); + var defaultEndpointResolver = (endpointParams, context = {}) => { + return (0, util_endpoints_1.resolveEndpoint)(ruleset_1.ruleSet, { + endpointParams, + logger: context.logger + }); + }; + exports.defaultEndpointResolver = defaultEndpointResolver; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso/dist-cjs/runtimeConfig.shared.js +var require_runtimeConfig_shared = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso/dist-cjs/runtimeConfig.shared.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getRuntimeConfig = void 0; + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + var url_parser_1 = require_dist_cjs7(); + var util_base64_1 = require_dist_cjs44(); + var util_utf8_1 = require_dist_cjs22(); + var endpointResolver_1 = require_endpointResolver(); + var getRuntimeConfig = (config) => ({ + apiVersion: "2019-06-10", + base64Decoder: (config == null ? void 0 : config.base64Decoder) ?? util_base64_1.fromBase64, + base64Encoder: (config == null ? void 0 : config.base64Encoder) ?? util_base64_1.toBase64, + disableHostPrefix: (config == null ? void 0 : config.disableHostPrefix) ?? false, + endpointProvider: (config == null ? void 0 : config.endpointProvider) ?? endpointResolver_1.defaultEndpointResolver, + logger: (config == null ? void 0 : config.logger) ?? new smithy_client_1.NoOpLogger(), + serviceId: (config == null ? void 0 : config.serviceId) ?? "SSO", + urlParser: (config == null ? void 0 : config.urlParser) ?? url_parser_1.parseUrl, + utf8Decoder: (config == null ? void 0 : config.utf8Decoder) ?? util_utf8_1.fromUtf8, + utf8Encoder: (config == null ? void 0 : config.utf8Encoder) ?? util_utf8_1.toUtf8 + }); + exports.getRuntimeConfig = getRuntimeConfig; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-defaults-mode-node/dist-cjs/constants.js +var require_constants7 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-defaults-mode-node/dist-cjs/constants.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.IMDS_REGION_PATH = exports.DEFAULTS_MODE_OPTIONS = exports.ENV_IMDS_DISABLED = exports.AWS_DEFAULT_REGION_ENV = exports.AWS_REGION_ENV = exports.AWS_EXECUTION_ENV = void 0; + exports.AWS_EXECUTION_ENV = "AWS_EXECUTION_ENV"; + exports.AWS_REGION_ENV = "AWS_REGION"; + exports.AWS_DEFAULT_REGION_ENV = "AWS_DEFAULT_REGION"; + exports.ENV_IMDS_DISABLED = "AWS_EC2_METADATA_DISABLED"; + exports.DEFAULTS_MODE_OPTIONS = ["in-region", "cross-region", "mobile", "standard", "legacy"]; + exports.IMDS_REGION_PATH = "/latest/meta-data/placement/region"; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-defaults-mode-node/dist-cjs/defaultsModeConfig.js +var require_defaultsModeConfig = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-defaults-mode-node/dist-cjs/defaultsModeConfig.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.NODE_DEFAULTS_MODE_CONFIG_OPTIONS = void 0; + var AWS_DEFAULTS_MODE_ENV = "AWS_DEFAULTS_MODE"; + var AWS_DEFAULTS_MODE_CONFIG = "defaults_mode"; + exports.NODE_DEFAULTS_MODE_CONFIG_OPTIONS = { + environmentVariableSelector: (env) => { + return env[AWS_DEFAULTS_MODE_ENV]; + }, + configFileSelector: (profile) => { + return profile[AWS_DEFAULTS_MODE_CONFIG]; + }, + default: "legacy" + }; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-defaults-mode-node/dist-cjs/resolveDefaultsModeConfig.js +var require_resolveDefaultsModeConfig = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-defaults-mode-node/dist-cjs/resolveDefaultsModeConfig.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.resolveDefaultsModeConfig = void 0; + var config_resolver_1 = require_dist_cjs3(); + var credential_provider_imds_1 = require_dist_cjs37(); + var node_config_provider_1 = require_dist_cjs36(); + var property_provider_1 = require_dist_cjs16(); + var constants_1 = require_constants7(); + var defaultsModeConfig_1 = require_defaultsModeConfig(); + var resolveDefaultsModeConfig = ({ region = (0, node_config_provider_1.loadConfig)(config_resolver_1.NODE_REGION_CONFIG_OPTIONS), defaultsMode = (0, node_config_provider_1.loadConfig)(defaultsModeConfig_1.NODE_DEFAULTS_MODE_CONFIG_OPTIONS) } = {}) => (0, property_provider_1.memoize)(async () => { + const mode = typeof defaultsMode === "function" ? await defaultsMode() : defaultsMode; + switch (mode === null || mode === void 0 ? void 0 : mode.toLowerCase()) { + case "auto": + return resolveNodeDefaultsModeAuto(region); + case "in-region": + case "cross-region": + case "mobile": + case "standard": + case "legacy": + return Promise.resolve(mode === null || mode === void 0 ? void 0 : mode.toLocaleLowerCase()); + case void 0: + return Promise.resolve("legacy"); + default: + throw new Error(`Invalid parameter for "defaultsMode", expect ${constants_1.DEFAULTS_MODE_OPTIONS.join(", ")}, got ${mode}`); + } + }); + exports.resolveDefaultsModeConfig = resolveDefaultsModeConfig; + var resolveNodeDefaultsModeAuto = async (clientRegion) => { + if (clientRegion) { + const resolvedRegion = typeof clientRegion === "function" ? await clientRegion() : clientRegion; + const inferredRegion = await inferPhysicalRegion(); + if (!inferredRegion) { + return "standard"; + } + if (resolvedRegion === inferredRegion) { + return "in-region"; + } else { + return "cross-region"; + } + } + return "standard"; + }; + var inferPhysicalRegion = async () => { + var _a; + if (process.env[constants_1.AWS_EXECUTION_ENV] && (process.env[constants_1.AWS_REGION_ENV] || process.env[constants_1.AWS_DEFAULT_REGION_ENV])) { + return (_a = process.env[constants_1.AWS_REGION_ENV]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : process.env[constants_1.AWS_DEFAULT_REGION_ENV]; + } + if (!process.env[constants_1.ENV_IMDS_DISABLED]) { + try { + const endpoint = await (0, credential_provider_imds_1.getInstanceMetadataEndpoint)(); + return (await (0, credential_provider_imds_1.httpRequest)({ ...endpoint, path: constants_1.IMDS_REGION_PATH })).toString(); + } catch (e) { + } + } + }; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-defaults-mode-node/dist-cjs/index.js +var require_dist_cjs45 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/util-defaults-mode-node/dist-cjs/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_resolveDefaultsModeConfig(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso/dist-cjs/runtimeConfig.js +var require_runtimeConfig = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso/dist-cjs/runtimeConfig.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getRuntimeConfig = void 0; + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + var package_json_1 = tslib_1.__importDefault(require_package3()); + var config_resolver_1 = require_dist_cjs3(); + var hash_node_1 = require_dist_cjs39(); + var middleware_retry_1 = require_dist_cjs15(); + var node_config_provider_1 = require_dist_cjs36(); + var node_http_handler_1 = require_dist_cjs41(); + var util_body_length_node_1 = require_dist_cjs42(); + var util_retry_1 = require_dist_cjs14(); + var util_user_agent_node_1 = require_dist_cjs43(); + var runtimeConfig_shared_1 = require_runtimeConfig_shared(); + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + var util_defaults_mode_node_1 = require_dist_cjs45(); + var smithy_client_2 = require_dist_cjs30(); + var getRuntimeConfig = (config) => { + (0, smithy_client_2.emitWarningIfUnsupportedVersion)(process.version); + const defaultsMode = (0, util_defaults_mode_node_1.resolveDefaultsModeConfig)(config); + const defaultConfigProvider = () => defaultsMode().then(smithy_client_1.loadConfigsForDefaultMode); + const clientSharedValues = (0, runtimeConfig_shared_1.getRuntimeConfig)(config); + return { + ...clientSharedValues, + ...config, + runtime: "node", + defaultsMode, + bodyLengthChecker: (config == null ? void 0 : config.bodyLengthChecker) ?? util_body_length_node_1.calculateBodyLength, + defaultUserAgentProvider: (config == null ? void 0 : config.defaultUserAgentProvider) ?? (0, util_user_agent_node_1.defaultUserAgent)({ serviceId: clientSharedValues.serviceId, clientVersion: package_json_1.default.version }), + maxAttempts: (config == null ? void 0 : config.maxAttempts) ?? (0, node_config_provider_1.loadConfig)(middleware_retry_1.NODE_MAX_ATTEMPT_CONFIG_OPTIONS), + region: (config == null ? void 0 : config.region) ?? (0, node_config_provider_1.loadConfig)(config_resolver_1.NODE_REGION_CONFIG_OPTIONS, config_resolver_1.NODE_REGION_CONFIG_FILE_OPTIONS), + requestHandler: (config == null ? void 0 : config.requestHandler) ?? new node_http_handler_1.NodeHttpHandler(defaultConfigProvider), + retryMode: (config == null ? void 0 : config.retryMode) ?? (0, node_config_provider_1.loadConfig)({ + ...middleware_retry_1.NODE_RETRY_MODE_CONFIG_OPTIONS, + default: async () => (await defaultConfigProvider()).retryMode || util_retry_1.DEFAULT_RETRY_MODE + }), + sha256: (config == null ? void 0 : config.sha256) ?? hash_node_1.Hash.bind(null, "sha256"), + streamCollector: (config == null ? void 0 : config.streamCollector) ?? node_http_handler_1.streamCollector, + useDualstackEndpoint: (config == null ? void 0 : config.useDualstackEndpoint) ?? (0, node_config_provider_1.loadConfig)(config_resolver_1.NODE_USE_DUALSTACK_ENDPOINT_CONFIG_OPTIONS), + useFipsEndpoint: (config == null ? void 0 : config.useFipsEndpoint) ?? (0, node_config_provider_1.loadConfig)(config_resolver_1.NODE_USE_FIPS_ENDPOINT_CONFIG_OPTIONS) + }; + }; + exports.getRuntimeConfig = getRuntimeConfig; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso/dist-cjs/SSOClient.js +var require_SSOClient = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso/dist-cjs/SSOClient.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.SSOClient = exports.__Client = void 0; + var config_resolver_1 = require_dist_cjs3(); + var middleware_content_length_1 = require_dist_cjs5(); + var middleware_endpoint_1 = require_dist_cjs9(); + var middleware_host_header_1 = require_dist_cjs10(); + var middleware_logger_1 = require_dist_cjs11(); + var middleware_recursion_detection_1 = require_dist_cjs12(); + var middleware_retry_1 = require_dist_cjs15(); + var middleware_user_agent_1 = require_dist_cjs28(); + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__Client", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return smithy_client_1.Client; + } }); + var EndpointParameters_1 = require_EndpointParameters3(); + var runtimeConfig_1 = require_runtimeConfig(); + var SSOClient = class extends smithy_client_1.Client { + constructor(configuration) { + const _config_0 = (0, runtimeConfig_1.getRuntimeConfig)(configuration); + const _config_1 = (0, EndpointParameters_1.resolveClientEndpointParameters)(_config_0); + const _config_2 = (0, config_resolver_1.resolveRegionConfig)(_config_1); + const _config_3 = (0, middleware_endpoint_1.resolveEndpointConfig)(_config_2); + const _config_4 = (0, middleware_retry_1.resolveRetryConfig)(_config_3); + const _config_5 = (0, middleware_host_header_1.resolveHostHeaderConfig)(_config_4); + const _config_6 = (0, middleware_user_agent_1.resolveUserAgentConfig)(_config_5); + super(_config_6); + this.config = _config_6; + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_retry_1.getRetryPlugin)(this.config)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_content_length_1.getContentLengthPlugin)(this.config)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_host_header_1.getHostHeaderPlugin)(this.config)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_logger_1.getLoggerPlugin)(this.config)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_recursion_detection_1.getRecursionDetectionPlugin)(this.config)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_user_agent_1.getUserAgentPlugin)(this.config)); + } + destroy() { + super.destroy(); + } + }; + exports.SSOClient = SSOClient; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso/dist-cjs/models/SSOServiceException.js +var require_SSOServiceException = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso/dist-cjs/models/SSOServiceException.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.SSOServiceException = exports.__ServiceException = void 0; + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__ServiceException", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return smithy_client_1.ServiceException; + } }); + var SSOServiceException = class extends smithy_client_1.ServiceException { + constructor(options) { + super(options); + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, SSOServiceException.prototype); + } + }; + exports.SSOServiceException = SSOServiceException; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso/dist-cjs/models/models_0.js +var require_models_02 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso/dist-cjs/models/models_0.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.LogoutRequestFilterSensitiveLog = exports.ListAccountsRequestFilterSensitiveLog = exports.ListAccountRolesRequestFilterSensitiveLog = exports.GetRoleCredentialsResponseFilterSensitiveLog = exports.RoleCredentialsFilterSensitiveLog = exports.GetRoleCredentialsRequestFilterSensitiveLog = exports.UnauthorizedException = exports.TooManyRequestsException = exports.ResourceNotFoundException = exports.InvalidRequestException = void 0; + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + var SSOServiceException_1 = require_SSOServiceException(); + var InvalidRequestException = class extends SSOServiceException_1.SSOServiceException { + constructor(opts) { + super({ + name: "InvalidRequestException", + $fault: "client", + ...opts + }); + this.name = "InvalidRequestException"; + this.$fault = "client"; + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, InvalidRequestException.prototype); + } + }; + exports.InvalidRequestException = InvalidRequestException; + var ResourceNotFoundException = class extends SSOServiceException_1.SSOServiceException { + constructor(opts) { + super({ + name: "ResourceNotFoundException", + $fault: "client", + ...opts + }); + this.name = "ResourceNotFoundException"; + this.$fault = "client"; + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, ResourceNotFoundException.prototype); + } + }; + exports.ResourceNotFoundException = ResourceNotFoundException; + var TooManyRequestsException = class extends SSOServiceException_1.SSOServiceException { + constructor(opts) { + super({ + name: "TooManyRequestsException", + $fault: "client", + ...opts + }); + this.name = "TooManyRequestsException"; + this.$fault = "client"; + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, TooManyRequestsException.prototype); + } + }; + exports.TooManyRequestsException = TooManyRequestsException; + var UnauthorizedException = class extends SSOServiceException_1.SSOServiceException { + constructor(opts) { + super({ + name: "UnauthorizedException", + $fault: "client", + ...opts + }); + this.name = "UnauthorizedException"; + this.$fault = "client"; + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, UnauthorizedException.prototype); + } + }; + exports.UnauthorizedException = UnauthorizedException; + var GetRoleCredentialsRequestFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({ + ...obj, + ...obj.accessToken && { accessToken: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING } + }); + exports.GetRoleCredentialsRequestFilterSensitiveLog = GetRoleCredentialsRequestFilterSensitiveLog; + var RoleCredentialsFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({ + ...obj, + ...obj.secretAccessKey && { secretAccessKey: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING }, + ...obj.sessionToken && { sessionToken: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING } + }); + exports.RoleCredentialsFilterSensitiveLog = RoleCredentialsFilterSensitiveLog; + var GetRoleCredentialsResponseFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({ + ...obj, + ...obj.roleCredentials && { roleCredentials: (0, exports.RoleCredentialsFilterSensitiveLog)(obj.roleCredentials) } + }); + exports.GetRoleCredentialsResponseFilterSensitiveLog = GetRoleCredentialsResponseFilterSensitiveLog; + var ListAccountRolesRequestFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({ + ...obj, + ...obj.accessToken && { accessToken: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING } + }); + exports.ListAccountRolesRequestFilterSensitiveLog = ListAccountRolesRequestFilterSensitiveLog; + var ListAccountsRequestFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({ + ...obj, + ...obj.accessToken && { accessToken: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING } + }); + exports.ListAccountsRequestFilterSensitiveLog = ListAccountsRequestFilterSensitiveLog; + var LogoutRequestFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({ + ...obj, + ...obj.accessToken && { accessToken: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING } + }); + exports.LogoutRequestFilterSensitiveLog = LogoutRequestFilterSensitiveLog; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso/dist-cjs/protocols/Aws_restJson1.js +var require_Aws_restJson1 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso/dist-cjs/protocols/Aws_restJson1.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.de_LogoutCommand = exports.de_ListAccountsCommand = exports.de_ListAccountRolesCommand = exports.de_GetRoleCredentialsCommand = exports.se_LogoutCommand = exports.se_ListAccountsCommand = exports.se_ListAccountRolesCommand = exports.se_GetRoleCredentialsCommand = void 0; + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + var protocol_http_1 = require_dist_cjs33(); + var models_0_1 = require_models_02(); + var SSOServiceException_1 = require_SSOServiceException(); + var se_GetRoleCredentialsCommand = async (input, context) => { + const { hostname, protocol = "https", port, path: basePath } = await context.endpoint(); + const headers = (0, smithy_client_1.map)({}, isSerializableHeaderValue, { + "x-amz-sso_bearer_token": input.accessToken + }); + const resolvedPath = `${(basePath == null ? void 0 : basePath.endsWith("/")) ? basePath.slice(0, -1) : basePath || ""}/federation/credentials`; + const query = (0, smithy_client_1.map)({ + role_name: [, (0, smithy_client_1.expectNonNull)(input.roleName, `roleName`)], + account_id: [, (0, smithy_client_1.expectNonNull)(input.accountId, `accountId`)] + }); + let body; + return new protocol_http_1.HttpRequest({ + protocol, + hostname, + port, + method: "GET", + headers, + path: resolvedPath, + query, + body + }); + }; + exports.se_GetRoleCredentialsCommand = se_GetRoleCredentialsCommand; + var se_ListAccountRolesCommand = async (input, context) => { + const { hostname, protocol = "https", port, path: basePath } = await context.endpoint(); + const headers = (0, smithy_client_1.map)({}, isSerializableHeaderValue, { + "x-amz-sso_bearer_token": input.accessToken + }); + const resolvedPath = `${(basePath == null ? void 0 : basePath.endsWith("/")) ? basePath.slice(0, -1) : basePath || ""}/assignment/roles`; + const query = (0, smithy_client_1.map)({ + next_token: [, input.nextToken], + max_result: [() => input.maxResults !== void 0, () => input.maxResults.toString()], + account_id: [, (0, smithy_client_1.expectNonNull)(input.accountId, `accountId`)] + }); + let body; + return new protocol_http_1.HttpRequest({ + protocol, + hostname, + port, + method: "GET", + headers, + path: resolvedPath, + query, + body + }); + }; + exports.se_ListAccountRolesCommand = se_ListAccountRolesCommand; + var se_ListAccountsCommand = async (input, context) => { + const { hostname, protocol = "https", port, path: basePath } = await context.endpoint(); + const headers = (0, smithy_client_1.map)({}, isSerializableHeaderValue, { + "x-amz-sso_bearer_token": input.accessToken + }); + const resolvedPath = `${(basePath == null ? void 0 : basePath.endsWith("/")) ? basePath.slice(0, -1) : basePath || ""}/assignment/accounts`; + const query = (0, smithy_client_1.map)({ + next_token: [, input.nextToken], + max_result: [() => input.maxResults !== void 0, () => input.maxResults.toString()] + }); + let body; + return new protocol_http_1.HttpRequest({ + protocol, + hostname, + port, + method: "GET", + headers, + path: resolvedPath, + query, + body + }); + }; + exports.se_ListAccountsCommand = se_ListAccountsCommand; + var se_LogoutCommand = async (input, context) => { + const { hostname, protocol = "https", port, path: basePath } = await context.endpoint(); + const headers = (0, smithy_client_1.map)({}, isSerializableHeaderValue, { + "x-amz-sso_bearer_token": input.accessToken + }); + const resolvedPath = `${(basePath == null ? void 0 : basePath.endsWith("/")) ? basePath.slice(0, -1) : basePath || ""}/logout`; + let body; + return new protocol_http_1.HttpRequest({ + protocol, + hostname, + port, + method: "POST", + headers, + path: resolvedPath, + body + }); + }; + exports.se_LogoutCommand = se_LogoutCommand; + var de_GetRoleCredentialsCommand = async (output, context) => { + if (output.statusCode !== 200 && output.statusCode >= 300) { + return de_GetRoleCredentialsCommandError(output, context); + } + const contents = (0, smithy_client_1.map)({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(output) + }); + const data = (0, smithy_client_1.expectNonNull)((0, smithy_client_1.expectObject)(await parseBody(output.body, context)), "body"); + const doc = (0, smithy_client_1.take)(data, { + roleCredentials: smithy_client_1._json + }); + Object.assign(contents, doc); + return contents; + }; + exports.de_GetRoleCredentialsCommand = de_GetRoleCredentialsCommand; + var de_GetRoleCredentialsCommandError = async (output, context) => { + const parsedOutput = { + ...output, + body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context) + }; + const errorCode = loadRestJsonErrorCode(output, parsedOutput.body); + switch (errorCode) { + case "InvalidRequestException": + case "com.amazonaws.sso#InvalidRequestException": + throw await de_InvalidRequestExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "ResourceNotFoundException": + case "com.amazonaws.sso#ResourceNotFoundException": + throw await de_ResourceNotFoundExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "TooManyRequestsException": + case "com.amazonaws.sso#TooManyRequestsException": + throw await de_TooManyRequestsExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "UnauthorizedException": + case "com.amazonaws.sso#UnauthorizedException": + throw await de_UnauthorizedExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + default: + const parsedBody = parsedOutput.body; + return throwDefaultError({ + output, + parsedBody, + errorCode + }); + } + }; + var de_ListAccountRolesCommand = async (output, context) => { + if (output.statusCode !== 200 && output.statusCode >= 300) { + return de_ListAccountRolesCommandError(output, context); + } + const contents = (0, smithy_client_1.map)({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(output) + }); + const data = (0, smithy_client_1.expectNonNull)((0, smithy_client_1.expectObject)(await parseBody(output.body, context)), "body"); + const doc = (0, smithy_client_1.take)(data, { + nextToken: smithy_client_1.expectString, + roleList: smithy_client_1._json + }); + Object.assign(contents, doc); + return contents; + }; + exports.de_ListAccountRolesCommand = de_ListAccountRolesCommand; + var de_ListAccountRolesCommandError = async (output, context) => { + const parsedOutput = { + ...output, + body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context) + }; + const errorCode = loadRestJsonErrorCode(output, parsedOutput.body); + switch (errorCode) { + case "InvalidRequestException": + case "com.amazonaws.sso#InvalidRequestException": + throw await de_InvalidRequestExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "ResourceNotFoundException": + case "com.amazonaws.sso#ResourceNotFoundException": + throw await de_ResourceNotFoundExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "TooManyRequestsException": + case "com.amazonaws.sso#TooManyRequestsException": + throw await de_TooManyRequestsExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "UnauthorizedException": + case "com.amazonaws.sso#UnauthorizedException": + throw await de_UnauthorizedExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + default: + const parsedBody = parsedOutput.body; + return throwDefaultError({ + output, + parsedBody, + errorCode + }); + } + }; + var de_ListAccountsCommand = async (output, context) => { + if (output.statusCode !== 200 && output.statusCode >= 300) { + return de_ListAccountsCommandError(output, context); + } + const contents = (0, smithy_client_1.map)({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(output) + }); + const data = (0, smithy_client_1.expectNonNull)((0, smithy_client_1.expectObject)(await parseBody(output.body, context)), "body"); + const doc = (0, smithy_client_1.take)(data, { + accountList: smithy_client_1._json, + nextToken: smithy_client_1.expectString + }); + Object.assign(contents, doc); + return contents; + }; + exports.de_ListAccountsCommand = de_ListAccountsCommand; + var de_ListAccountsCommandError = async (output, context) => { + const parsedOutput = { + ...output, + body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context) + }; + const errorCode = loadRestJsonErrorCode(output, parsedOutput.body); + switch (errorCode) { + case "InvalidRequestException": + case "com.amazonaws.sso#InvalidRequestException": + throw await de_InvalidRequestExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "ResourceNotFoundException": + case "com.amazonaws.sso#ResourceNotFoundException": + throw await de_ResourceNotFoundExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "TooManyRequestsException": + case "com.amazonaws.sso#TooManyRequestsException": + throw await de_TooManyRequestsExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "UnauthorizedException": + case "com.amazonaws.sso#UnauthorizedException": + throw await de_UnauthorizedExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + default: + const parsedBody = parsedOutput.body; + return throwDefaultError({ + output, + parsedBody, + errorCode + }); + } + }; + var de_LogoutCommand = async (output, context) => { + if (output.statusCode !== 200 && output.statusCode >= 300) { + return de_LogoutCommandError(output, context); + } + const contents = (0, smithy_client_1.map)({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(output) + }); + await collectBody(output.body, context); + return contents; + }; + exports.de_LogoutCommand = de_LogoutCommand; + var de_LogoutCommandError = async (output, context) => { + const parsedOutput = { + ...output, + body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context) + }; + const errorCode = loadRestJsonErrorCode(output, parsedOutput.body); + switch (errorCode) { + case "InvalidRequestException": + case "com.amazonaws.sso#InvalidRequestException": + throw await de_InvalidRequestExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "TooManyRequestsException": + case "com.amazonaws.sso#TooManyRequestsException": + throw await de_TooManyRequestsExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "UnauthorizedException": + case "com.amazonaws.sso#UnauthorizedException": + throw await de_UnauthorizedExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + default: + const parsedBody = parsedOutput.body; + return throwDefaultError({ + output, + parsedBody, + errorCode + }); + } + }; + var throwDefaultError = (0, smithy_client_1.withBaseException)(SSOServiceException_1.SSOServiceException); + var de_InvalidRequestExceptionRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => { + const contents = (0, smithy_client_1.map)({}); + const data = parsedOutput.body; + const doc = (0, smithy_client_1.take)(data, { + message: smithy_client_1.expectString + }); + Object.assign(contents, doc); + const exception = new models_0_1.InvalidRequestException({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), + ...contents + }); + return (0, smithy_client_1.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body); + }; + var de_ResourceNotFoundExceptionRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => { + const contents = (0, smithy_client_1.map)({}); + const data = parsedOutput.body; + const doc = (0, smithy_client_1.take)(data, { + message: smithy_client_1.expectString + }); + Object.assign(contents, doc); + const exception = new models_0_1.ResourceNotFoundException({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), + ...contents + }); + return (0, smithy_client_1.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body); + }; + var de_TooManyRequestsExceptionRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => { + const contents = (0, smithy_client_1.map)({}); + const data = parsedOutput.body; + const doc = (0, smithy_client_1.take)(data, { + message: smithy_client_1.expectString + }); + Object.assign(contents, doc); + const exception = new models_0_1.TooManyRequestsException({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), + ...contents + }); + return (0, smithy_client_1.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body); + }; + var de_UnauthorizedExceptionRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => { + const contents = (0, smithy_client_1.map)({}); + const data = parsedOutput.body; + const doc = (0, smithy_client_1.take)(data, { + message: smithy_client_1.expectString + }); + Object.assign(contents, doc); + const exception = new models_0_1.UnauthorizedException({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), + ...contents + }); + return (0, smithy_client_1.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body); + }; + var deserializeMetadata = (output) => ({ + httpStatusCode: output.statusCode, + requestId: output.headers["x-amzn-requestid"] ?? output.headers["x-amzn-request-id"] ?? output.headers["x-amz-request-id"], + extendedRequestId: output.headers["x-amz-id-2"], + cfId: output.headers["x-amz-cf-id"] + }); + var collectBody = (streamBody = new Uint8Array(), context) => { + if (streamBody instanceof Uint8Array) { + return Promise.resolve(streamBody); + } + return context.streamCollector(streamBody) || Promise.resolve(new Uint8Array()); + }; + var collectBodyString = (streamBody, context) => collectBody(streamBody, context).then((body) => context.utf8Encoder(body)); + var isSerializableHeaderValue = (value) => value !== void 0 && value !== null && value !== "" && (!Object.getOwnPropertyNames(value).includes("length") || value.length != 0) && (!Object.getOwnPropertyNames(value).includes("size") || value.size != 0); + var parseBody = (streamBody, context) => collectBodyString(streamBody, context).then((encoded) => { + if (encoded.length) { + return JSON.parse(encoded); + } + return {}; + }); + var parseErrorBody = async (errorBody, context) => { + const value = await parseBody(errorBody, context); + value.message = value.message ?? value.Message; + return value; + }; + var loadRestJsonErrorCode = (output, data) => { + const findKey = (object, key) => Object.keys(object).find((k) => k.toLowerCase() === key.toLowerCase()); + const sanitizeErrorCode = (rawValue) => { + let cleanValue = rawValue; + if (typeof cleanValue === "number") { + cleanValue = cleanValue.toString(); + } + if (cleanValue.indexOf(",") >= 0) { + cleanValue = cleanValue.split(",")[0]; + } + if (cleanValue.indexOf(":") >= 0) { + cleanValue = cleanValue.split(":")[0]; + } + if (cleanValue.indexOf("#") >= 0) { + cleanValue = cleanValue.split("#")[1]; + } + return cleanValue; + }; + const headerKey = findKey(output.headers, "x-amzn-errortype"); + if (headerKey !== void 0) { + return sanitizeErrorCode(output.headers[headerKey]); + } + if (data.code !== void 0) { + return sanitizeErrorCode(data.code); + } + if (data["__type"] !== void 0) { + return sanitizeErrorCode(data["__type"]); + } + }; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso/dist-cjs/commands/GetRoleCredentialsCommand.js +var require_GetRoleCredentialsCommand = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso/dist-cjs/commands/GetRoleCredentialsCommand.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.GetRoleCredentialsCommand = exports.$Command = void 0; + var middleware_endpoint_1 = require_dist_cjs9(); + var middleware_serde_1 = require_dist_cjs8(); + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return smithy_client_1.Command; + } }); + var models_0_1 = require_models_02(); + var Aws_restJson1_1 = require_Aws_restJson1(); + var GetRoleCredentialsCommand = class extends smithy_client_1.Command { + static getEndpointParameterInstructions() { + return { + UseFIPS: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useFipsEndpoint" }, + Endpoint: { type: "builtInParams", name: "endpoint" }, + Region: { type: "builtInParams", name: "region" }, + UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" } + }; + } + constructor(input) { + super(); + this.input = input; + } + resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) { + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_endpoint_1.getEndpointPlugin)(configuration, GetRoleCredentialsCommand.getEndpointParameterInstructions())); + const stack = clientStack.concat(this.middlewareStack); + const { logger } = configuration; + const clientName = "SSOClient"; + const commandName = "GetRoleCredentialsCommand"; + const handlerExecutionContext = { + logger, + clientName, + commandName, + inputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.GetRoleCredentialsRequestFilterSensitiveLog, + outputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.GetRoleCredentialsResponseFilterSensitiveLog + }; + const { requestHandler } = configuration; + return stack.resolve((request2) => requestHandler.handle(request2.request, options || {}), handlerExecutionContext); + } + serialize(input, context) { + return (0, Aws_restJson1_1.se_GetRoleCredentialsCommand)(input, context); + } + deserialize(output, context) { + return (0, Aws_restJson1_1.de_GetRoleCredentialsCommand)(output, context); + } + }; + exports.GetRoleCredentialsCommand = GetRoleCredentialsCommand; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso/dist-cjs/commands/ListAccountRolesCommand.js +var require_ListAccountRolesCommand = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso/dist-cjs/commands/ListAccountRolesCommand.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.ListAccountRolesCommand = exports.$Command = void 0; + var middleware_endpoint_1 = require_dist_cjs9(); + var middleware_serde_1 = require_dist_cjs8(); + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return smithy_client_1.Command; + } }); + var models_0_1 = require_models_02(); + var Aws_restJson1_1 = require_Aws_restJson1(); + var ListAccountRolesCommand = class extends smithy_client_1.Command { + static getEndpointParameterInstructions() { + return { + UseFIPS: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useFipsEndpoint" }, + Endpoint: { type: "builtInParams", name: "endpoint" }, + Region: { type: "builtInParams", name: "region" }, + UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" } + }; + } + constructor(input) { + super(); + this.input = input; + } + resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) { + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_endpoint_1.getEndpointPlugin)(configuration, ListAccountRolesCommand.getEndpointParameterInstructions())); + const stack = clientStack.concat(this.middlewareStack); + const { logger } = configuration; + const clientName = "SSOClient"; + const commandName = "ListAccountRolesCommand"; + const handlerExecutionContext = { + logger, + clientName, + commandName, + inputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.ListAccountRolesRequestFilterSensitiveLog, + outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _ + }; + const { requestHandler } = configuration; + return stack.resolve((request2) => requestHandler.handle(request2.request, options || {}), handlerExecutionContext); + } + serialize(input, context) { + return (0, Aws_restJson1_1.se_ListAccountRolesCommand)(input, context); + } + deserialize(output, context) { + return (0, Aws_restJson1_1.de_ListAccountRolesCommand)(output, context); + } + }; + exports.ListAccountRolesCommand = ListAccountRolesCommand; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso/dist-cjs/commands/ListAccountsCommand.js +var require_ListAccountsCommand = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso/dist-cjs/commands/ListAccountsCommand.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.ListAccountsCommand = exports.$Command = void 0; + var middleware_endpoint_1 = require_dist_cjs9(); + var middleware_serde_1 = require_dist_cjs8(); + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return smithy_client_1.Command; + } }); + var models_0_1 = require_models_02(); + var Aws_restJson1_1 = require_Aws_restJson1(); + var ListAccountsCommand = class extends smithy_client_1.Command { + static getEndpointParameterInstructions() { + return { + UseFIPS: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useFipsEndpoint" }, + Endpoint: { type: "builtInParams", name: "endpoint" }, + Region: { type: "builtInParams", name: "region" }, + UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" } + }; + } + constructor(input) { + super(); + this.input = input; + } + resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) { + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_endpoint_1.getEndpointPlugin)(configuration, ListAccountsCommand.getEndpointParameterInstructions())); + const stack = clientStack.concat(this.middlewareStack); + const { logger } = configuration; + const clientName = "SSOClient"; + const commandName = "ListAccountsCommand"; + const handlerExecutionContext = { + logger, + clientName, + commandName, + inputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.ListAccountsRequestFilterSensitiveLog, + outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _ + }; + const { requestHandler } = configuration; + return stack.resolve((request2) => requestHandler.handle(request2.request, options || {}), handlerExecutionContext); + } + serialize(input, context) { + return (0, Aws_restJson1_1.se_ListAccountsCommand)(input, context); + } + deserialize(output, context) { + return (0, Aws_restJson1_1.de_ListAccountsCommand)(output, context); + } + }; + exports.ListAccountsCommand = ListAccountsCommand; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso/dist-cjs/commands/LogoutCommand.js +var require_LogoutCommand = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso/dist-cjs/commands/LogoutCommand.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.LogoutCommand = exports.$Command = void 0; + var middleware_endpoint_1 = require_dist_cjs9(); + var middleware_serde_1 = require_dist_cjs8(); + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return smithy_client_1.Command; + } }); + var models_0_1 = require_models_02(); + var Aws_restJson1_1 = require_Aws_restJson1(); + var LogoutCommand = class extends smithy_client_1.Command { + static getEndpointParameterInstructions() { + return { + UseFIPS: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useFipsEndpoint" }, + Endpoint: { type: "builtInParams", name: "endpoint" }, + Region: { type: "builtInParams", name: "region" }, + UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" } + }; + } + constructor(input) { + super(); + this.input = input; + } + resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) { + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_endpoint_1.getEndpointPlugin)(configuration, LogoutCommand.getEndpointParameterInstructions())); + const stack = clientStack.concat(this.middlewareStack); + const { logger } = configuration; + const clientName = "SSOClient"; + const commandName = "LogoutCommand"; + const handlerExecutionContext = { + logger, + clientName, + commandName, + inputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.LogoutRequestFilterSensitiveLog, + outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _ + }; + const { requestHandler } = configuration; + return stack.resolve((request2) => requestHandler.handle(request2.request, options || {}), handlerExecutionContext); + } + serialize(input, context) { + return (0, Aws_restJson1_1.se_LogoutCommand)(input, context); + } + deserialize(output, context) { + return (0, Aws_restJson1_1.de_LogoutCommand)(output, context); + } + }; + exports.LogoutCommand = LogoutCommand; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso/dist-cjs/SSO.js +var require_SSO = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso/dist-cjs/SSO.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.SSO = void 0; + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + var GetRoleCredentialsCommand_1 = require_GetRoleCredentialsCommand(); + var ListAccountRolesCommand_1 = require_ListAccountRolesCommand(); + var ListAccountsCommand_1 = require_ListAccountsCommand(); + var LogoutCommand_1 = require_LogoutCommand(); + var SSOClient_1 = require_SSOClient(); + var commands = { + GetRoleCredentialsCommand: GetRoleCredentialsCommand_1.GetRoleCredentialsCommand, + ListAccountRolesCommand: ListAccountRolesCommand_1.ListAccountRolesCommand, + ListAccountsCommand: ListAccountsCommand_1.ListAccountsCommand, + LogoutCommand: LogoutCommand_1.LogoutCommand + }; + var SSO = class extends SSOClient_1.SSOClient { + }; + exports.SSO = SSO; + (0, smithy_client_1.createAggregatedClient)(commands, SSO); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso/dist-cjs/commands/index.js +var require_commands = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso/dist-cjs/commands/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_GetRoleCredentialsCommand(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_ListAccountRolesCommand(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_ListAccountsCommand(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_LogoutCommand(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso/dist-cjs/pagination/Interfaces.js +var require_Interfaces = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso/dist-cjs/pagination/Interfaces.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso/dist-cjs/pagination/ListAccountRolesPaginator.js +var require_ListAccountRolesPaginator = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso/dist-cjs/pagination/ListAccountRolesPaginator.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.paginateListAccountRoles = void 0; + var ListAccountRolesCommand_1 = require_ListAccountRolesCommand(); + var SSOClient_1 = require_SSOClient(); + var makePagedClientRequest = async (client, input, ...args) => { + return await client.send(new ListAccountRolesCommand_1.ListAccountRolesCommand(input), ...args); + }; + async function* paginateListAccountRoles(config, input, ...additionalArguments) { + let token = config.startingToken || void 0; + let hasNext = true; + let page; + while (hasNext) { + input.nextToken = token; + input["maxResults"] = config.pageSize; + if (config.client instanceof SSOClient_1.SSOClient) { + page = await makePagedClientRequest(config.client, input, ...additionalArguments); + } else { + throw new Error("Invalid client, expected SSO | SSOClient"); + } + yield page; + const prevToken = token; + token = page.nextToken; + hasNext = !!(token && (!config.stopOnSameToken || token !== prevToken)); + } + return void 0; + } + exports.paginateListAccountRoles = paginateListAccountRoles; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso/dist-cjs/pagination/ListAccountsPaginator.js +var require_ListAccountsPaginator = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso/dist-cjs/pagination/ListAccountsPaginator.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.paginateListAccounts = void 0; + var ListAccountsCommand_1 = require_ListAccountsCommand(); + var SSOClient_1 = require_SSOClient(); + var makePagedClientRequest = async (client, input, ...args) => { + return await client.send(new ListAccountsCommand_1.ListAccountsCommand(input), ...args); + }; + async function* paginateListAccounts(config, input, ...additionalArguments) { + let token = config.startingToken || void 0; + let hasNext = true; + let page; + while (hasNext) { + input.nextToken = token; + input["maxResults"] = config.pageSize; + if (config.client instanceof SSOClient_1.SSOClient) { + page = await makePagedClientRequest(config.client, input, ...additionalArguments); + } else { + throw new Error("Invalid client, expected SSO | SSOClient"); + } + yield page; + const prevToken = token; + token = page.nextToken; + hasNext = !!(token && (!config.stopOnSameToken || token !== prevToken)); + } + return void 0; + } + exports.paginateListAccounts = paginateListAccounts; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso/dist-cjs/pagination/index.js +var require_pagination3 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso/dist-cjs/pagination/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_Interfaces(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_ListAccountRolesPaginator(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_ListAccountsPaginator(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso/dist-cjs/models/index.js +var require_models = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso/dist-cjs/models/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_models_02(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso/dist-cjs/index.js +var require_dist_cjs46 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso/dist-cjs/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.SSOServiceException = void 0; + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_SSOClient(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_SSO(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_commands(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_pagination3(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_models(), exports); + var SSOServiceException_1 = require_SSOServiceException(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "SSOServiceException", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return SSOServiceException_1.SSOServiceException; + } }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/token-providers/dist-cjs/constants.js +var require_constants8 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/token-providers/dist-cjs/constants.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.REFRESH_MESSAGE = exports.EXPIRE_WINDOW_MS = void 0; + exports.EXPIRE_WINDOW_MS = 5 * 60 * 1e3; + exports.REFRESH_MESSAGE = `To refresh this SSO session run 'aws sso login' with the corresponding profile.`; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso-oidc/dist-cjs/endpoint/EndpointParameters.js +var require_EndpointParameters4 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso-oidc/dist-cjs/endpoint/EndpointParameters.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.resolveClientEndpointParameters = void 0; + var resolveClientEndpointParameters = (options) => { + return { + ...options, + useDualstackEndpoint: options.useDualstackEndpoint ?? false, + useFipsEndpoint: options.useFipsEndpoint ?? false, + defaultSigningName: "awsssooidc" + }; + }; + exports.resolveClientEndpointParameters = resolveClientEndpointParameters; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso-oidc/package.json +var require_package4 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso-oidc/package.json"(exports, module2) { + module2.exports = { + name: "@aws-sdk/client-sso-oidc", + description: "AWS SDK for JavaScript Sso Oidc Client for Node.js, Browser and React Native", + version: "3.347.0", + scripts: { + build: "concurrently 'yarn:build:cjs' 'yarn:build:es' 'yarn:build:types'", + "build:cjs": "tsc -p tsconfig.cjs.json", + "build:docs": "typedoc", + "build:es": "tsc -p tsconfig.es.json", + "build:include:deps": "lerna run --scope $npm_package_name --include-dependencies build", + "build:types": "tsc -p tsconfig.types.json", + "build:types:downlevel": "downlevel-dts dist-types dist-types/ts3.4", + clean: "rimraf ./dist-* && rimraf *.tsbuildinfo", + "extract:docs": "api-extractor run --local", + "generate:client": "node ../../scripts/generate-clients/single-service --solo sso-oidc" + }, + main: "./dist-cjs/index.js", + types: "./dist-types/index.d.ts", + module: "./dist-es/index.js", + sideEffects: false, + dependencies: { + "@aws-crypto/sha256-browser": "3.0.0", + "@aws-crypto/sha256-js": "3.0.0", + "@aws-sdk/config-resolver": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/fetch-http-handler": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/hash-node": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/invalid-dependency": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/middleware-content-length": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/middleware-host-header": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/middleware-logger": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/middleware-recursion-detection": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/middleware-retry": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/middleware-serde": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/middleware-stack": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/middleware-user-agent": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/node-config-provider": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/node-http-handler": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/smithy-client": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/types": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/url-parser": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/util-base64": "3.310.0", + "@aws-sdk/util-body-length-browser": "3.310.0", + "@aws-sdk/util-body-length-node": "3.310.0", + "@aws-sdk/util-defaults-mode-browser": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/util-defaults-mode-node": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/util-endpoints": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/util-retry": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/util-user-agent-browser": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/util-user-agent-node": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/util-utf8": "3.310.0", + "@smithy/protocol-http": "^1.0.1", + "@smithy/types": "^1.0.0", + tslib: "^2.5.0" + }, + devDependencies: { + "@aws-sdk/service-client-documentation-generator": "3.310.0", + "@tsconfig/node14": "1.0.3", + "@types/node": "^14.14.31", + concurrently: "7.0.0", + "downlevel-dts": "0.10.1", + rimraf: "3.0.2", + typedoc: "0.23.23", + typescript: "~4.9.5" + }, + engines: { + node: ">=14.0.0" + }, + typesVersions: { + "<4.0": { + "dist-types/*": [ + "dist-types/ts3.4/*" + ] + } + }, + files: [ + "dist-*/**" + ], + author: { + name: "AWS SDK for JavaScript Team", + url: "https://aws.amazon.com/javascript/" + }, + license: "Apache-2.0", + browser: { + "./dist-es/runtimeConfig": "./dist-es/runtimeConfig.browser" + }, + "react-native": { + "./dist-es/runtimeConfig": "./dist-es/runtimeConfig.native" + }, + homepage: "https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-js-v3/tree/main/clients/client-sso-oidc", + repository: { + type: "git", + url: "https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-js-v3.git", + directory: "clients/client-sso-oidc" + } + }; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso-oidc/dist-cjs/endpoint/ruleset.js +var require_ruleset2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso-oidc/dist-cjs/endpoint/ruleset.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.ruleSet = void 0; + var p = "required"; + var q = "fn"; + var r = "argv"; + var s = "ref"; + var a = "PartitionResult"; + var b = "tree"; + var c = "error"; + var d = "endpoint"; + var e = { [p]: false, "type": "String" }; + var f = { [p]: true, "default": false, "type": "Boolean" }; + var g = { [s]: "Endpoint" }; + var h = { [q]: "booleanEquals", [r]: [{ [s]: "UseFIPS" }, true] }; + var i = { [q]: "booleanEquals", [r]: [{ [s]: "UseDualStack" }, true] }; + var j = {}; + var k = { [q]: "booleanEquals", [r]: [true, { [q]: "getAttr", [r]: [{ [s]: a }, "supportsFIPS"] }] }; + var l = { [q]: "booleanEquals", [r]: [true, { [q]: "getAttr", [r]: [{ [s]: a }, "supportsDualStack"] }] }; + var m = [g]; + var n = [h]; + var o = [i]; + var _data = { version: "1.0", parameters: { Region: e, UseDualStack: f, UseFIPS: f, Endpoint: e }, rules: [{ conditions: [{ [q]: "aws.partition", [r]: [{ [s]: "Region" }], assign: a }], type: b, rules: [{ conditions: [{ [q]: "isSet", [r]: m }, { [q]: "parseURL", [r]: m, assign: "url" }], type: b, rules: [{ conditions: n, error: "Invalid Configuration: FIPS and custom endpoint are not supported", type: c }, { type: b, rules: [{ conditions: o, error: "Invalid Configuration: Dualstack and custom endpoint are not supported", type: c }, { endpoint: { url: g, properties: j, headers: j }, type: d }] }] }, { conditions: [h, i], type: b, rules: [{ conditions: [k, l], type: b, rules: [{ endpoint: { url: "https://oidc-fips.{Region}.{PartitionResult#dualStackDnsSuffix}", properties: j, headers: j }, type: d }] }, { error: "FIPS and DualStack are enabled, but this partition does not support one or both", type: c }] }, { conditions: n, type: b, rules: [{ conditions: [k], type: b, rules: [{ type: b, rules: [{ endpoint: { url: "https://oidc-fips.{Region}.{PartitionResult#dnsSuffix}", properties: j, headers: j }, type: d }] }] }, { error: "FIPS is enabled but this partition does not support FIPS", type: c }] }, { conditions: o, type: b, rules: [{ conditions: [l], type: b, rules: [{ endpoint: { url: "https://oidc.{Region}.{PartitionResult#dualStackDnsSuffix}", properties: j, headers: j }, type: d }] }, { error: "DualStack is enabled but this partition does not support DualStack", type: c }] }, { endpoint: { url: "https://oidc.{Region}.{PartitionResult#dnsSuffix}", properties: j, headers: j }, type: d }] }] }; + exports.ruleSet = _data; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso-oidc/dist-cjs/endpoint/endpointResolver.js +var require_endpointResolver2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso-oidc/dist-cjs/endpoint/endpointResolver.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.defaultEndpointResolver = void 0; + var util_endpoints_1 = require_dist_cjs27(); + var ruleset_1 = require_ruleset2(); + var defaultEndpointResolver = (endpointParams, context = {}) => { + return (0, util_endpoints_1.resolveEndpoint)(ruleset_1.ruleSet, { + endpointParams, + logger: context.logger + }); + }; + exports.defaultEndpointResolver = defaultEndpointResolver; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso-oidc/dist-cjs/runtimeConfig.shared.js +var require_runtimeConfig_shared2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso-oidc/dist-cjs/runtimeConfig.shared.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getRuntimeConfig = void 0; + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + var url_parser_1 = require_dist_cjs7(); + var util_base64_1 = require_dist_cjs44(); + var util_utf8_1 = require_dist_cjs22(); + var endpointResolver_1 = require_endpointResolver2(); + var getRuntimeConfig = (config) => ({ + apiVersion: "2019-06-10", + base64Decoder: (config == null ? void 0 : config.base64Decoder) ?? util_base64_1.fromBase64, + base64Encoder: (config == null ? void 0 : config.base64Encoder) ?? util_base64_1.toBase64, + disableHostPrefix: (config == null ? void 0 : config.disableHostPrefix) ?? false, + endpointProvider: (config == null ? void 0 : config.endpointProvider) ?? endpointResolver_1.defaultEndpointResolver, + logger: (config == null ? void 0 : config.logger) ?? new smithy_client_1.NoOpLogger(), + serviceId: (config == null ? void 0 : config.serviceId) ?? "SSO OIDC", + urlParser: (config == null ? void 0 : config.urlParser) ?? url_parser_1.parseUrl, + utf8Decoder: (config == null ? void 0 : config.utf8Decoder) ?? util_utf8_1.fromUtf8, + utf8Encoder: (config == null ? void 0 : config.utf8Encoder) ?? util_utf8_1.toUtf8 + }); + exports.getRuntimeConfig = getRuntimeConfig; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso-oidc/dist-cjs/runtimeConfig.js +var require_runtimeConfig2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso-oidc/dist-cjs/runtimeConfig.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getRuntimeConfig = void 0; + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + var package_json_1 = tslib_1.__importDefault(require_package4()); + var config_resolver_1 = require_dist_cjs3(); + var hash_node_1 = require_dist_cjs39(); + var middleware_retry_1 = require_dist_cjs15(); + var node_config_provider_1 = require_dist_cjs36(); + var node_http_handler_1 = require_dist_cjs41(); + var util_body_length_node_1 = require_dist_cjs42(); + var util_retry_1 = require_dist_cjs14(); + var util_user_agent_node_1 = require_dist_cjs43(); + var runtimeConfig_shared_1 = require_runtimeConfig_shared2(); + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + var util_defaults_mode_node_1 = require_dist_cjs45(); + var smithy_client_2 = require_dist_cjs30(); + var getRuntimeConfig = (config) => { + (0, smithy_client_2.emitWarningIfUnsupportedVersion)(process.version); + const defaultsMode = (0, util_defaults_mode_node_1.resolveDefaultsModeConfig)(config); + const defaultConfigProvider = () => defaultsMode().then(smithy_client_1.loadConfigsForDefaultMode); + const clientSharedValues = (0, runtimeConfig_shared_1.getRuntimeConfig)(config); + return { + ...clientSharedValues, + ...config, + runtime: "node", + defaultsMode, + bodyLengthChecker: (config == null ? void 0 : config.bodyLengthChecker) ?? util_body_length_node_1.calculateBodyLength, + defaultUserAgentProvider: (config == null ? void 0 : config.defaultUserAgentProvider) ?? (0, util_user_agent_node_1.defaultUserAgent)({ serviceId: clientSharedValues.serviceId, clientVersion: package_json_1.default.version }), + maxAttempts: (config == null ? void 0 : config.maxAttempts) ?? (0, node_config_provider_1.loadConfig)(middleware_retry_1.NODE_MAX_ATTEMPT_CONFIG_OPTIONS), + region: (config == null ? void 0 : config.region) ?? (0, node_config_provider_1.loadConfig)(config_resolver_1.NODE_REGION_CONFIG_OPTIONS, config_resolver_1.NODE_REGION_CONFIG_FILE_OPTIONS), + requestHandler: (config == null ? void 0 : config.requestHandler) ?? new node_http_handler_1.NodeHttpHandler(defaultConfigProvider), + retryMode: (config == null ? void 0 : config.retryMode) ?? (0, node_config_provider_1.loadConfig)({ + ...middleware_retry_1.NODE_RETRY_MODE_CONFIG_OPTIONS, + default: async () => (await defaultConfigProvider()).retryMode || util_retry_1.DEFAULT_RETRY_MODE + }), + sha256: (config == null ? void 0 : config.sha256) ?? hash_node_1.Hash.bind(null, "sha256"), + streamCollector: (config == null ? void 0 : config.streamCollector) ?? node_http_handler_1.streamCollector, + useDualstackEndpoint: (config == null ? void 0 : config.useDualstackEndpoint) ?? (0, node_config_provider_1.loadConfig)(config_resolver_1.NODE_USE_DUALSTACK_ENDPOINT_CONFIG_OPTIONS), + useFipsEndpoint: (config == null ? void 0 : config.useFipsEndpoint) ?? (0, node_config_provider_1.loadConfig)(config_resolver_1.NODE_USE_FIPS_ENDPOINT_CONFIG_OPTIONS) + }; + }; + exports.getRuntimeConfig = getRuntimeConfig; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso-oidc/dist-cjs/SSOOIDCClient.js +var require_SSOOIDCClient = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso-oidc/dist-cjs/SSOOIDCClient.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.SSOOIDCClient = exports.__Client = void 0; + var config_resolver_1 = require_dist_cjs3(); + var middleware_content_length_1 = require_dist_cjs5(); + var middleware_endpoint_1 = require_dist_cjs9(); + var middleware_host_header_1 = require_dist_cjs10(); + var middleware_logger_1 = require_dist_cjs11(); + var middleware_recursion_detection_1 = require_dist_cjs12(); + var middleware_retry_1 = require_dist_cjs15(); + var middleware_user_agent_1 = require_dist_cjs28(); + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__Client", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return smithy_client_1.Client; + } }); + var EndpointParameters_1 = require_EndpointParameters4(); + var runtimeConfig_1 = require_runtimeConfig2(); + var SSOOIDCClient = class extends smithy_client_1.Client { + constructor(configuration) { + const _config_0 = (0, runtimeConfig_1.getRuntimeConfig)(configuration); + const _config_1 = (0, EndpointParameters_1.resolveClientEndpointParameters)(_config_0); + const _config_2 = (0, config_resolver_1.resolveRegionConfig)(_config_1); + const _config_3 = (0, middleware_endpoint_1.resolveEndpointConfig)(_config_2); + const _config_4 = (0, middleware_retry_1.resolveRetryConfig)(_config_3); + const _config_5 = (0, middleware_host_header_1.resolveHostHeaderConfig)(_config_4); + const _config_6 = (0, middleware_user_agent_1.resolveUserAgentConfig)(_config_5); + super(_config_6); + this.config = _config_6; + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_retry_1.getRetryPlugin)(this.config)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_content_length_1.getContentLengthPlugin)(this.config)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_host_header_1.getHostHeaderPlugin)(this.config)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_logger_1.getLoggerPlugin)(this.config)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_recursion_detection_1.getRecursionDetectionPlugin)(this.config)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_user_agent_1.getUserAgentPlugin)(this.config)); + } + destroy() { + super.destroy(); + } + }; + exports.SSOOIDCClient = SSOOIDCClient; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso-oidc/dist-cjs/models/SSOOIDCServiceException.js +var require_SSOOIDCServiceException = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso-oidc/dist-cjs/models/SSOOIDCServiceException.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.SSOOIDCServiceException = exports.__ServiceException = void 0; + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__ServiceException", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return smithy_client_1.ServiceException; + } }); + var SSOOIDCServiceException = class extends smithy_client_1.ServiceException { + constructor(options) { + super(options); + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, SSOOIDCServiceException.prototype); + } + }; + exports.SSOOIDCServiceException = SSOOIDCServiceException; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso-oidc/dist-cjs/models/models_0.js +var require_models_03 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso-oidc/dist-cjs/models/models_0.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.InvalidClientMetadataException = exports.UnsupportedGrantTypeException = exports.UnauthorizedClientException = exports.SlowDownException = exports.InvalidScopeException = exports.InvalidRequestException = exports.InvalidGrantException = exports.InvalidClientException = exports.InternalServerException = exports.ExpiredTokenException = exports.AuthorizationPendingException = exports.AccessDeniedException = void 0; + var SSOOIDCServiceException_1 = require_SSOOIDCServiceException(); + var AccessDeniedException = class extends SSOOIDCServiceException_1.SSOOIDCServiceException { + constructor(opts) { + super({ + name: "AccessDeniedException", + $fault: "client", + ...opts + }); + this.name = "AccessDeniedException"; + this.$fault = "client"; + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, AccessDeniedException.prototype); + this.error = opts.error; + this.error_description = opts.error_description; + } + }; + exports.AccessDeniedException = AccessDeniedException; + var AuthorizationPendingException = class extends SSOOIDCServiceException_1.SSOOIDCServiceException { + constructor(opts) { + super({ + name: "AuthorizationPendingException", + $fault: "client", + ...opts + }); + this.name = "AuthorizationPendingException"; + this.$fault = "client"; + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, AuthorizationPendingException.prototype); + this.error = opts.error; + this.error_description = opts.error_description; + } + }; + exports.AuthorizationPendingException = AuthorizationPendingException; + var ExpiredTokenException = class extends SSOOIDCServiceException_1.SSOOIDCServiceException { + constructor(opts) { + super({ + name: "ExpiredTokenException", + $fault: "client", + ...opts + }); + this.name = "ExpiredTokenException"; + this.$fault = "client"; + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, ExpiredTokenException.prototype); + this.error = opts.error; + this.error_description = opts.error_description; + } + }; + exports.ExpiredTokenException = ExpiredTokenException; + var InternalServerException = class extends SSOOIDCServiceException_1.SSOOIDCServiceException { + constructor(opts) { + super({ + name: "InternalServerException", + $fault: "server", + ...opts + }); + this.name = "InternalServerException"; + this.$fault = "server"; + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, InternalServerException.prototype); + this.error = opts.error; + this.error_description = opts.error_description; + } + }; + exports.InternalServerException = InternalServerException; + var InvalidClientException = class extends SSOOIDCServiceException_1.SSOOIDCServiceException { + constructor(opts) { + super({ + name: "InvalidClientException", + $fault: "client", + ...opts + }); + this.name = "InvalidClientException"; + this.$fault = "client"; + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, InvalidClientException.prototype); + this.error = opts.error; + this.error_description = opts.error_description; + } + }; + exports.InvalidClientException = InvalidClientException; + var InvalidGrantException = class extends SSOOIDCServiceException_1.SSOOIDCServiceException { + constructor(opts) { + super({ + name: "InvalidGrantException", + $fault: "client", + ...opts + }); + this.name = "InvalidGrantException"; + this.$fault = "client"; + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, InvalidGrantException.prototype); + this.error = opts.error; + this.error_description = opts.error_description; + } + }; + exports.InvalidGrantException = InvalidGrantException; + var InvalidRequestException = class extends SSOOIDCServiceException_1.SSOOIDCServiceException { + constructor(opts) { + super({ + name: "InvalidRequestException", + $fault: "client", + ...opts + }); + this.name = "InvalidRequestException"; + this.$fault = "client"; + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, InvalidRequestException.prototype); + this.error = opts.error; + this.error_description = opts.error_description; + } + }; + exports.InvalidRequestException = InvalidRequestException; + var InvalidScopeException = class extends SSOOIDCServiceException_1.SSOOIDCServiceException { + constructor(opts) { + super({ + name: "InvalidScopeException", + $fault: "client", + ...opts + }); + this.name = "InvalidScopeException"; + this.$fault = "client"; + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, InvalidScopeException.prototype); + this.error = opts.error; + this.error_description = opts.error_description; + } + }; + exports.InvalidScopeException = InvalidScopeException; + var SlowDownException = class extends SSOOIDCServiceException_1.SSOOIDCServiceException { + constructor(opts) { + super({ + name: "SlowDownException", + $fault: "client", + ...opts + }); + this.name = "SlowDownException"; + this.$fault = "client"; + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, SlowDownException.prototype); + this.error = opts.error; + this.error_description = opts.error_description; + } + }; + exports.SlowDownException = SlowDownException; + var UnauthorizedClientException = class extends SSOOIDCServiceException_1.SSOOIDCServiceException { + constructor(opts) { + super({ + name: "UnauthorizedClientException", + $fault: "client", + ...opts + }); + this.name = "UnauthorizedClientException"; + this.$fault = "client"; + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, UnauthorizedClientException.prototype); + this.error = opts.error; + this.error_description = opts.error_description; + } + }; + exports.UnauthorizedClientException = UnauthorizedClientException; + var UnsupportedGrantTypeException = class extends SSOOIDCServiceException_1.SSOOIDCServiceException { + constructor(opts) { + super({ + name: "UnsupportedGrantTypeException", + $fault: "client", + ...opts + }); + this.name = "UnsupportedGrantTypeException"; + this.$fault = "client"; + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, UnsupportedGrantTypeException.prototype); + this.error = opts.error; + this.error_description = opts.error_description; + } + }; + exports.UnsupportedGrantTypeException = UnsupportedGrantTypeException; + var InvalidClientMetadataException = class extends SSOOIDCServiceException_1.SSOOIDCServiceException { + constructor(opts) { + super({ + name: "InvalidClientMetadataException", + $fault: "client", + ...opts + }); + this.name = "InvalidClientMetadataException"; + this.$fault = "client"; + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, InvalidClientMetadataException.prototype); + this.error = opts.error; + this.error_description = opts.error_description; + } + }; + exports.InvalidClientMetadataException = InvalidClientMetadataException; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso-oidc/dist-cjs/protocols/Aws_restJson1.js +var require_Aws_restJson12 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso-oidc/dist-cjs/protocols/Aws_restJson1.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.de_StartDeviceAuthorizationCommand = exports.de_RegisterClientCommand = exports.de_CreateTokenCommand = exports.se_StartDeviceAuthorizationCommand = exports.se_RegisterClientCommand = exports.se_CreateTokenCommand = void 0; + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + var protocol_http_1 = require_dist_cjs33(); + var models_0_1 = require_models_03(); + var SSOOIDCServiceException_1 = require_SSOOIDCServiceException(); + var se_CreateTokenCommand = async (input, context) => { + const { hostname, protocol = "https", port, path: basePath } = await context.endpoint(); + const headers = { + "content-type": "application/json" + }; + const resolvedPath = `${(basePath == null ? void 0 : basePath.endsWith("/")) ? basePath.slice(0, -1) : basePath || ""}/token`; + let body; + body = JSON.stringify((0, smithy_client_1.take)(input, { + clientId: [], + clientSecret: [], + code: [], + deviceCode: [], + grantType: [], + redirectUri: [], + refreshToken: [], + scope: (_) => (0, smithy_client_1._json)(_) + })); + return new protocol_http_1.HttpRequest({ + protocol, + hostname, + port, + method: "POST", + headers, + path: resolvedPath, + body + }); + }; + exports.se_CreateTokenCommand = se_CreateTokenCommand; + var se_RegisterClientCommand = async (input, context) => { + const { hostname, protocol = "https", port, path: basePath } = await context.endpoint(); + const headers = { + "content-type": "application/json" + }; + const resolvedPath = `${(basePath == null ? void 0 : basePath.endsWith("/")) ? basePath.slice(0, -1) : basePath || ""}/client/register`; + let body; + body = JSON.stringify((0, smithy_client_1.take)(input, { + clientName: [], + clientType: [], + scopes: (_) => (0, smithy_client_1._json)(_) + })); + return new protocol_http_1.HttpRequest({ + protocol, + hostname, + port, + method: "POST", + headers, + path: resolvedPath, + body + }); + }; + exports.se_RegisterClientCommand = se_RegisterClientCommand; + var se_StartDeviceAuthorizationCommand = async (input, context) => { + const { hostname, protocol = "https", port, path: basePath } = await context.endpoint(); + const headers = { + "content-type": "application/json" + }; + const resolvedPath = `${(basePath == null ? void 0 : basePath.endsWith("/")) ? basePath.slice(0, -1) : basePath || ""}/device_authorization`; + let body; + body = JSON.stringify((0, smithy_client_1.take)(input, { + clientId: [], + clientSecret: [], + startUrl: [] + })); + return new protocol_http_1.HttpRequest({ + protocol, + hostname, + port, + method: "POST", + headers, + path: resolvedPath, + body + }); + }; + exports.se_StartDeviceAuthorizationCommand = se_StartDeviceAuthorizationCommand; + var de_CreateTokenCommand = async (output, context) => { + if (output.statusCode !== 200 && output.statusCode >= 300) { + return de_CreateTokenCommandError(output, context); + } + const contents = (0, smithy_client_1.map)({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(output) + }); + const data = (0, smithy_client_1.expectNonNull)((0, smithy_client_1.expectObject)(await parseBody(output.body, context)), "body"); + const doc = (0, smithy_client_1.take)(data, { + accessToken: smithy_client_1.expectString, + expiresIn: smithy_client_1.expectInt32, + idToken: smithy_client_1.expectString, + refreshToken: smithy_client_1.expectString, + tokenType: smithy_client_1.expectString + }); + Object.assign(contents, doc); + return contents; + }; + exports.de_CreateTokenCommand = de_CreateTokenCommand; + var de_CreateTokenCommandError = async (output, context) => { + const parsedOutput = { + ...output, + body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context) + }; + const errorCode = loadRestJsonErrorCode(output, parsedOutput.body); + switch (errorCode) { + case "AccessDeniedException": + case "com.amazonaws.ssooidc#AccessDeniedException": + throw await de_AccessDeniedExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "AuthorizationPendingException": + case "com.amazonaws.ssooidc#AuthorizationPendingException": + throw await de_AuthorizationPendingExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "ExpiredTokenException": + case "com.amazonaws.ssooidc#ExpiredTokenException": + throw await de_ExpiredTokenExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "InternalServerException": + case "com.amazonaws.ssooidc#InternalServerException": + throw await de_InternalServerExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "InvalidClientException": + case "com.amazonaws.ssooidc#InvalidClientException": + throw await de_InvalidClientExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "InvalidGrantException": + case "com.amazonaws.ssooidc#InvalidGrantException": + throw await de_InvalidGrantExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "InvalidRequestException": + case "com.amazonaws.ssooidc#InvalidRequestException": + throw await de_InvalidRequestExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "InvalidScopeException": + case "com.amazonaws.ssooidc#InvalidScopeException": + throw await de_InvalidScopeExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "SlowDownException": + case "com.amazonaws.ssooidc#SlowDownException": + throw await de_SlowDownExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "UnauthorizedClientException": + case "com.amazonaws.ssooidc#UnauthorizedClientException": + throw await de_UnauthorizedClientExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "UnsupportedGrantTypeException": + case "com.amazonaws.ssooidc#UnsupportedGrantTypeException": + throw await de_UnsupportedGrantTypeExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + default: + const parsedBody = parsedOutput.body; + return throwDefaultError({ + output, + parsedBody, + errorCode + }); + } + }; + var de_RegisterClientCommand = async (output, context) => { + if (output.statusCode !== 200 && output.statusCode >= 300) { + return de_RegisterClientCommandError(output, context); + } + const contents = (0, smithy_client_1.map)({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(output) + }); + const data = (0, smithy_client_1.expectNonNull)((0, smithy_client_1.expectObject)(await parseBody(output.body, context)), "body"); + const doc = (0, smithy_client_1.take)(data, { + authorizationEndpoint: smithy_client_1.expectString, + clientId: smithy_client_1.expectString, + clientIdIssuedAt: smithy_client_1.expectLong, + clientSecret: smithy_client_1.expectString, + clientSecretExpiresAt: smithy_client_1.expectLong, + tokenEndpoint: smithy_client_1.expectString + }); + Object.assign(contents, doc); + return contents; + }; + exports.de_RegisterClientCommand = de_RegisterClientCommand; + var de_RegisterClientCommandError = async (output, context) => { + const parsedOutput = { + ...output, + body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context) + }; + const errorCode = loadRestJsonErrorCode(output, parsedOutput.body); + switch (errorCode) { + case "InternalServerException": + case "com.amazonaws.ssooidc#InternalServerException": + throw await de_InternalServerExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "InvalidClientMetadataException": + case "com.amazonaws.ssooidc#InvalidClientMetadataException": + throw await de_InvalidClientMetadataExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "InvalidRequestException": + case "com.amazonaws.ssooidc#InvalidRequestException": + throw await de_InvalidRequestExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "InvalidScopeException": + case "com.amazonaws.ssooidc#InvalidScopeException": + throw await de_InvalidScopeExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + default: + const parsedBody = parsedOutput.body; + return throwDefaultError({ + output, + parsedBody, + errorCode + }); + } + }; + var de_StartDeviceAuthorizationCommand = async (output, context) => { + if (output.statusCode !== 200 && output.statusCode >= 300) { + return de_StartDeviceAuthorizationCommandError(output, context); + } + const contents = (0, smithy_client_1.map)({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(output) + }); + const data = (0, smithy_client_1.expectNonNull)((0, smithy_client_1.expectObject)(await parseBody(output.body, context)), "body"); + const doc = (0, smithy_client_1.take)(data, { + deviceCode: smithy_client_1.expectString, + expiresIn: smithy_client_1.expectInt32, + interval: smithy_client_1.expectInt32, + userCode: smithy_client_1.expectString, + verificationUri: smithy_client_1.expectString, + verificationUriComplete: smithy_client_1.expectString + }); + Object.assign(contents, doc); + return contents; + }; + exports.de_StartDeviceAuthorizationCommand = de_StartDeviceAuthorizationCommand; + var de_StartDeviceAuthorizationCommandError = async (output, context) => { + const parsedOutput = { + ...output, + body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context) + }; + const errorCode = loadRestJsonErrorCode(output, parsedOutput.body); + switch (errorCode) { + case "InternalServerException": + case "com.amazonaws.ssooidc#InternalServerException": + throw await de_InternalServerExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "InvalidClientException": + case "com.amazonaws.ssooidc#InvalidClientException": + throw await de_InvalidClientExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "InvalidRequestException": + case "com.amazonaws.ssooidc#InvalidRequestException": + throw await de_InvalidRequestExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "SlowDownException": + case "com.amazonaws.ssooidc#SlowDownException": + throw await de_SlowDownExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "UnauthorizedClientException": + case "com.amazonaws.ssooidc#UnauthorizedClientException": + throw await de_UnauthorizedClientExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + default: + const parsedBody = parsedOutput.body; + return throwDefaultError({ + output, + parsedBody, + errorCode + }); + } + }; + var throwDefaultError = (0, smithy_client_1.withBaseException)(SSOOIDCServiceException_1.SSOOIDCServiceException); + var de_AccessDeniedExceptionRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => { + const contents = (0, smithy_client_1.map)({}); + const data = parsedOutput.body; + const doc = (0, smithy_client_1.take)(data, { + error: smithy_client_1.expectString, + error_description: smithy_client_1.expectString + }); + Object.assign(contents, doc); + const exception = new models_0_1.AccessDeniedException({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), + ...contents + }); + return (0, smithy_client_1.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body); + }; + var de_AuthorizationPendingExceptionRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => { + const contents = (0, smithy_client_1.map)({}); + const data = parsedOutput.body; + const doc = (0, smithy_client_1.take)(data, { + error: smithy_client_1.expectString, + error_description: smithy_client_1.expectString + }); + Object.assign(contents, doc); + const exception = new models_0_1.AuthorizationPendingException({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), + ...contents + }); + return (0, smithy_client_1.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body); + }; + var de_ExpiredTokenExceptionRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => { + const contents = (0, smithy_client_1.map)({}); + const data = parsedOutput.body; + const doc = (0, smithy_client_1.take)(data, { + error: smithy_client_1.expectString, + error_description: smithy_client_1.expectString + }); + Object.assign(contents, doc); + const exception = new models_0_1.ExpiredTokenException({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), + ...contents + }); + return (0, smithy_client_1.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body); + }; + var de_InternalServerExceptionRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => { + const contents = (0, smithy_client_1.map)({}); + const data = parsedOutput.body; + const doc = (0, smithy_client_1.take)(data, { + error: smithy_client_1.expectString, + error_description: smithy_client_1.expectString + }); + Object.assign(contents, doc); + const exception = new models_0_1.InternalServerException({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), + ...contents + }); + return (0, smithy_client_1.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body); + }; + var de_InvalidClientExceptionRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => { + const contents = (0, smithy_client_1.map)({}); + const data = parsedOutput.body; + const doc = (0, smithy_client_1.take)(data, { + error: smithy_client_1.expectString, + error_description: smithy_client_1.expectString + }); + Object.assign(contents, doc); + const exception = new models_0_1.InvalidClientException({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), + ...contents + }); + return (0, smithy_client_1.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body); + }; + var de_InvalidClientMetadataExceptionRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => { + const contents = (0, smithy_client_1.map)({}); + const data = parsedOutput.body; + const doc = (0, smithy_client_1.take)(data, { + error: smithy_client_1.expectString, + error_description: smithy_client_1.expectString + }); + Object.assign(contents, doc); + const exception = new models_0_1.InvalidClientMetadataException({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), + ...contents + }); + return (0, smithy_client_1.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body); + }; + var de_InvalidGrantExceptionRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => { + const contents = (0, smithy_client_1.map)({}); + const data = parsedOutput.body; + const doc = (0, smithy_client_1.take)(data, { + error: smithy_client_1.expectString, + error_description: smithy_client_1.expectString + }); + Object.assign(contents, doc); + const exception = new models_0_1.InvalidGrantException({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), + ...contents + }); + return (0, smithy_client_1.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body); + }; + var de_InvalidRequestExceptionRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => { + const contents = (0, smithy_client_1.map)({}); + const data = parsedOutput.body; + const doc = (0, smithy_client_1.take)(data, { + error: smithy_client_1.expectString, + error_description: smithy_client_1.expectString + }); + Object.assign(contents, doc); + const exception = new models_0_1.InvalidRequestException({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), + ...contents + }); + return (0, smithy_client_1.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body); + }; + var de_InvalidScopeExceptionRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => { + const contents = (0, smithy_client_1.map)({}); + const data = parsedOutput.body; + const doc = (0, smithy_client_1.take)(data, { + error: smithy_client_1.expectString, + error_description: smithy_client_1.expectString + }); + Object.assign(contents, doc); + const exception = new models_0_1.InvalidScopeException({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), + ...contents + }); + return (0, smithy_client_1.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body); + }; + var de_SlowDownExceptionRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => { + const contents = (0, smithy_client_1.map)({}); + const data = parsedOutput.body; + const doc = (0, smithy_client_1.take)(data, { + error: smithy_client_1.expectString, + error_description: smithy_client_1.expectString + }); + Object.assign(contents, doc); + const exception = new models_0_1.SlowDownException({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), + ...contents + }); + return (0, smithy_client_1.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body); + }; + var de_UnauthorizedClientExceptionRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => { + const contents = (0, smithy_client_1.map)({}); + const data = parsedOutput.body; + const doc = (0, smithy_client_1.take)(data, { + error: smithy_client_1.expectString, + error_description: smithy_client_1.expectString + }); + Object.assign(contents, doc); + const exception = new models_0_1.UnauthorizedClientException({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), + ...contents + }); + return (0, smithy_client_1.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body); + }; + var de_UnsupportedGrantTypeExceptionRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => { + const contents = (0, smithy_client_1.map)({}); + const data = parsedOutput.body; + const doc = (0, smithy_client_1.take)(data, { + error: smithy_client_1.expectString, + error_description: smithy_client_1.expectString + }); + Object.assign(contents, doc); + const exception = new models_0_1.UnsupportedGrantTypeException({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), + ...contents + }); + return (0, smithy_client_1.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body); + }; + var deserializeMetadata = (output) => ({ + httpStatusCode: output.statusCode, + requestId: output.headers["x-amzn-requestid"] ?? output.headers["x-amzn-request-id"] ?? output.headers["x-amz-request-id"], + extendedRequestId: output.headers["x-amz-id-2"], + cfId: output.headers["x-amz-cf-id"] + }); + var collectBody = (streamBody = new Uint8Array(), context) => { + if (streamBody instanceof Uint8Array) { + return Promise.resolve(streamBody); + } + return context.streamCollector(streamBody) || Promise.resolve(new Uint8Array()); + }; + var collectBodyString = (streamBody, context) => collectBody(streamBody, context).then((body) => context.utf8Encoder(body)); + var parseBody = (streamBody, context) => collectBodyString(streamBody, context).then((encoded) => { + if (encoded.length) { + return JSON.parse(encoded); + } + return {}; + }); + var parseErrorBody = async (errorBody, context) => { + const value = await parseBody(errorBody, context); + value.message = value.message ?? value.Message; + return value; + }; + var loadRestJsonErrorCode = (output, data) => { + const findKey = (object, key) => Object.keys(object).find((k) => k.toLowerCase() === key.toLowerCase()); + const sanitizeErrorCode = (rawValue) => { + let cleanValue = rawValue; + if (typeof cleanValue === "number") { + cleanValue = cleanValue.toString(); + } + if (cleanValue.indexOf(",") >= 0) { + cleanValue = cleanValue.split(",")[0]; + } + if (cleanValue.indexOf(":") >= 0) { + cleanValue = cleanValue.split(":")[0]; + } + if (cleanValue.indexOf("#") >= 0) { + cleanValue = cleanValue.split("#")[1]; + } + return cleanValue; + }; + const headerKey = findKey(output.headers, "x-amzn-errortype"); + if (headerKey !== void 0) { + return sanitizeErrorCode(output.headers[headerKey]); + } + if (data.code !== void 0) { + return sanitizeErrorCode(data.code); + } + if (data["__type"] !== void 0) { + return sanitizeErrorCode(data["__type"]); + } + }; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso-oidc/dist-cjs/commands/CreateTokenCommand.js +var require_CreateTokenCommand = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso-oidc/dist-cjs/commands/CreateTokenCommand.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.CreateTokenCommand = exports.$Command = void 0; + var middleware_endpoint_1 = require_dist_cjs9(); + var middleware_serde_1 = require_dist_cjs8(); + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return smithy_client_1.Command; + } }); + var Aws_restJson1_1 = require_Aws_restJson12(); + var CreateTokenCommand = class extends smithy_client_1.Command { + static getEndpointParameterInstructions() { + return { + UseFIPS: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useFipsEndpoint" }, + Endpoint: { type: "builtInParams", name: "endpoint" }, + Region: { type: "builtInParams", name: "region" }, + UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" } + }; + } + constructor(input) { + super(); + this.input = input; + } + resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) { + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_endpoint_1.getEndpointPlugin)(configuration, CreateTokenCommand.getEndpointParameterInstructions())); + const stack = clientStack.concat(this.middlewareStack); + const { logger } = configuration; + const clientName = "SSOOIDCClient"; + const commandName = "CreateTokenCommand"; + const handlerExecutionContext = { + logger, + clientName, + commandName, + inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _, + outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _ + }; + const { requestHandler } = configuration; + return stack.resolve((request2) => requestHandler.handle(request2.request, options || {}), handlerExecutionContext); + } + serialize(input, context) { + return (0, Aws_restJson1_1.se_CreateTokenCommand)(input, context); + } + deserialize(output, context) { + return (0, Aws_restJson1_1.de_CreateTokenCommand)(output, context); + } + }; + exports.CreateTokenCommand = CreateTokenCommand; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso-oidc/dist-cjs/commands/RegisterClientCommand.js +var require_RegisterClientCommand = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso-oidc/dist-cjs/commands/RegisterClientCommand.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.RegisterClientCommand = exports.$Command = void 0; + var middleware_endpoint_1 = require_dist_cjs9(); + var middleware_serde_1 = require_dist_cjs8(); + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return smithy_client_1.Command; + } }); + var Aws_restJson1_1 = require_Aws_restJson12(); + var RegisterClientCommand = class extends smithy_client_1.Command { + static getEndpointParameterInstructions() { + return { + UseFIPS: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useFipsEndpoint" }, + Endpoint: { type: "builtInParams", name: "endpoint" }, + Region: { type: "builtInParams", name: "region" }, + UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" } + }; + } + constructor(input) { + super(); + this.input = input; + } + resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) { + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_endpoint_1.getEndpointPlugin)(configuration, RegisterClientCommand.getEndpointParameterInstructions())); + const stack = clientStack.concat(this.middlewareStack); + const { logger } = configuration; + const clientName = "SSOOIDCClient"; + const commandName = "RegisterClientCommand"; + const handlerExecutionContext = { + logger, + clientName, + commandName, + inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _, + outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _ + }; + const { requestHandler } = configuration; + return stack.resolve((request2) => requestHandler.handle(request2.request, options || {}), handlerExecutionContext); + } + serialize(input, context) { + return (0, Aws_restJson1_1.se_RegisterClientCommand)(input, context); + } + deserialize(output, context) { + return (0, Aws_restJson1_1.de_RegisterClientCommand)(output, context); + } + }; + exports.RegisterClientCommand = RegisterClientCommand; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso-oidc/dist-cjs/commands/StartDeviceAuthorizationCommand.js +var require_StartDeviceAuthorizationCommand = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso-oidc/dist-cjs/commands/StartDeviceAuthorizationCommand.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.StartDeviceAuthorizationCommand = exports.$Command = void 0; + var middleware_endpoint_1 = require_dist_cjs9(); + var middleware_serde_1 = require_dist_cjs8(); + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return smithy_client_1.Command; + } }); + var Aws_restJson1_1 = require_Aws_restJson12(); + var StartDeviceAuthorizationCommand = class extends smithy_client_1.Command { + static getEndpointParameterInstructions() { + return { + UseFIPS: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useFipsEndpoint" }, + Endpoint: { type: "builtInParams", name: "endpoint" }, + Region: { type: "builtInParams", name: "region" }, + UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" } + }; + } + constructor(input) { + super(); + this.input = input; + } + resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) { + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_endpoint_1.getEndpointPlugin)(configuration, StartDeviceAuthorizationCommand.getEndpointParameterInstructions())); + const stack = clientStack.concat(this.middlewareStack); + const { logger } = configuration; + const clientName = "SSOOIDCClient"; + const commandName = "StartDeviceAuthorizationCommand"; + const handlerExecutionContext = { + logger, + clientName, + commandName, + inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _, + outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _ + }; + const { requestHandler } = configuration; + return stack.resolve((request2) => requestHandler.handle(request2.request, options || {}), handlerExecutionContext); + } + serialize(input, context) { + return (0, Aws_restJson1_1.se_StartDeviceAuthorizationCommand)(input, context); + } + deserialize(output, context) { + return (0, Aws_restJson1_1.de_StartDeviceAuthorizationCommand)(output, context); + } + }; + exports.StartDeviceAuthorizationCommand = StartDeviceAuthorizationCommand; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso-oidc/dist-cjs/SSOOIDC.js +var require_SSOOIDC = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso-oidc/dist-cjs/SSOOIDC.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.SSOOIDC = void 0; + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + var CreateTokenCommand_1 = require_CreateTokenCommand(); + var RegisterClientCommand_1 = require_RegisterClientCommand(); + var StartDeviceAuthorizationCommand_1 = require_StartDeviceAuthorizationCommand(); + var SSOOIDCClient_1 = require_SSOOIDCClient(); + var commands = { + CreateTokenCommand: CreateTokenCommand_1.CreateTokenCommand, + RegisterClientCommand: RegisterClientCommand_1.RegisterClientCommand, + StartDeviceAuthorizationCommand: StartDeviceAuthorizationCommand_1.StartDeviceAuthorizationCommand + }; + var SSOOIDC = class extends SSOOIDCClient_1.SSOOIDCClient { + }; + exports.SSOOIDC = SSOOIDC; + (0, smithy_client_1.createAggregatedClient)(commands, SSOOIDC); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso-oidc/dist-cjs/commands/index.js +var require_commands2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso-oidc/dist-cjs/commands/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_CreateTokenCommand(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_RegisterClientCommand(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_StartDeviceAuthorizationCommand(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso-oidc/dist-cjs/models/index.js +var require_models2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso-oidc/dist-cjs/models/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_models_03(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso-oidc/dist-cjs/index.js +var require_dist_cjs47 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sso-oidc/dist-cjs/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.SSOOIDCServiceException = void 0; + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_SSOOIDCClient(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_SSOOIDC(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_commands2(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_models2(), exports); + var SSOOIDCServiceException_1 = require_SSOOIDCServiceException(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "SSOOIDCServiceException", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return SSOOIDCServiceException_1.SSOOIDCServiceException; + } }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/token-providers/dist-cjs/getSsoOidcClient.js +var require_getSsoOidcClient = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/token-providers/dist-cjs/getSsoOidcClient.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getSsoOidcClient = void 0; + var client_sso_oidc_1 = require_dist_cjs47(); + var ssoOidcClientsHash = {}; + var getSsoOidcClient = (ssoRegion) => { + if (ssoOidcClientsHash[ssoRegion]) { + return ssoOidcClientsHash[ssoRegion]; + } + const ssoOidcClient = new client_sso_oidc_1.SSOOIDCClient({ region: ssoRegion }); + ssoOidcClientsHash[ssoRegion] = ssoOidcClient; + return ssoOidcClient; + }; + exports.getSsoOidcClient = getSsoOidcClient; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/token-providers/dist-cjs/getNewSsoOidcToken.js +var require_getNewSsoOidcToken = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/token-providers/dist-cjs/getNewSsoOidcToken.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getNewSsoOidcToken = void 0; + var client_sso_oidc_1 = require_dist_cjs47(); + var getSsoOidcClient_1 = require_getSsoOidcClient(); + var getNewSsoOidcToken = (ssoToken, ssoRegion) => { + const ssoOidcClient = (0, getSsoOidcClient_1.getSsoOidcClient)(ssoRegion); + return ssoOidcClient.send(new client_sso_oidc_1.CreateTokenCommand({ + clientId: ssoToken.clientId, + clientSecret: ssoToken.clientSecret, + refreshToken: ssoToken.refreshToken, + grantType: "refresh_token" + })); + }; + exports.getNewSsoOidcToken = getNewSsoOidcToken; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/token-providers/dist-cjs/validateTokenExpiry.js +var require_validateTokenExpiry = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/token-providers/dist-cjs/validateTokenExpiry.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.validateTokenExpiry = void 0; + var property_provider_1 = require_dist_cjs16(); + var constants_1 = require_constants8(); + var validateTokenExpiry = (token) => { + if (token.expiration && token.expiration.getTime() < Date.now()) { + throw new property_provider_1.TokenProviderError(`Token is expired. ${constants_1.REFRESH_MESSAGE}`, false); + } + }; + exports.validateTokenExpiry = validateTokenExpiry; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/token-providers/dist-cjs/validateTokenKey.js +var require_validateTokenKey = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/token-providers/dist-cjs/validateTokenKey.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.validateTokenKey = void 0; + var property_provider_1 = require_dist_cjs16(); + var constants_1 = require_constants8(); + var validateTokenKey = (key, value, forRefresh = false) => { + if (typeof value === "undefined") { + throw new property_provider_1.TokenProviderError(`Value not present for '${key}' in SSO Token${forRefresh ? ". Cannot refresh" : ""}. ${constants_1.REFRESH_MESSAGE}`, false); + } + }; + exports.validateTokenKey = validateTokenKey; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/token-providers/dist-cjs/writeSSOTokenToFile.js +var require_writeSSOTokenToFile = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/token-providers/dist-cjs/writeSSOTokenToFile.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.writeSSOTokenToFile = void 0; + var shared_ini_file_loader_1 = require_dist_cjs35(); + var fs_1 = require("fs"); + var { writeFile } = fs_1.promises; + var writeSSOTokenToFile = (id, ssoToken) => { + const tokenFilepath = (0, shared_ini_file_loader_1.getSSOTokenFilepath)(id); + const tokenString = JSON.stringify(ssoToken, null, 2); + return writeFile(tokenFilepath, tokenString); + }; + exports.writeSSOTokenToFile = writeSSOTokenToFile; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/token-providers/dist-cjs/fromSso.js +var require_fromSso = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/token-providers/dist-cjs/fromSso.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.fromSso = void 0; + var property_provider_1 = require_dist_cjs16(); + var shared_ini_file_loader_1 = require_dist_cjs35(); + var constants_1 = require_constants8(); + var getNewSsoOidcToken_1 = require_getNewSsoOidcToken(); + var validateTokenExpiry_1 = require_validateTokenExpiry(); + var validateTokenKey_1 = require_validateTokenKey(); + var writeSSOTokenToFile_1 = require_writeSSOTokenToFile(); + var lastRefreshAttemptTime = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(0); + var fromSso = (init = {}) => async () => { + const profiles = await (0, shared_ini_file_loader_1.parseKnownFiles)(init); + const profileName = (0, shared_ini_file_loader_1.getProfileName)(init); + const profile = profiles[profileName]; + if (!profile) { + throw new property_provider_1.TokenProviderError(`Profile '${profileName}' could not be found in shared credentials file.`, false); + } else if (!profile["sso_session"]) { + throw new property_provider_1.TokenProviderError(`Profile '${profileName}' is missing required property 'sso_session'.`); + } + const ssoSessionName = profile["sso_session"]; + const ssoSessions = await (0, shared_ini_file_loader_1.loadSsoSessionData)(init); + const ssoSession = ssoSessions[ssoSessionName]; + if (!ssoSession) { + throw new property_provider_1.TokenProviderError(`Sso session '${ssoSessionName}' could not be found in shared credentials file.`, false); + } + for (const ssoSessionRequiredKey of ["sso_start_url", "sso_region"]) { + if (!ssoSession[ssoSessionRequiredKey]) { + throw new property_provider_1.TokenProviderError(`Sso session '${ssoSessionName}' is missing required property '${ssoSessionRequiredKey}'.`, false); + } + } + const ssoStartUrl = ssoSession["sso_start_url"]; + const ssoRegion = ssoSession["sso_region"]; + let ssoToken; + try { + ssoToken = await (0, shared_ini_file_loader_1.getSSOTokenFromFile)(ssoSessionName); + } catch (e) { + throw new property_provider_1.TokenProviderError(`The SSO session token associated with profile=${profileName} was not found or is invalid. ${constants_1.REFRESH_MESSAGE}`, false); + } + (0, validateTokenKey_1.validateTokenKey)("accessToken", ssoToken.accessToken); + (0, validateTokenKey_1.validateTokenKey)("expiresAt", ssoToken.expiresAt); + const { accessToken, expiresAt } = ssoToken; + const existingToken = { token: accessToken, expiration: new Date(expiresAt) }; + if (existingToken.expiration.getTime() - Date.now() > constants_1.EXPIRE_WINDOW_MS) { + return existingToken; + } + if (Date.now() - lastRefreshAttemptTime.getTime() < 30 * 1e3) { + (0, validateTokenExpiry_1.validateTokenExpiry)(existingToken); + return existingToken; + } + (0, validateTokenKey_1.validateTokenKey)("clientId", ssoToken.clientId, true); + (0, validateTokenKey_1.validateTokenKey)("clientSecret", ssoToken.clientSecret, true); + (0, validateTokenKey_1.validateTokenKey)("refreshToken", ssoToken.refreshToken, true); + try { + lastRefreshAttemptTime.setTime(Date.now()); + const newSsoOidcToken = await (0, getNewSsoOidcToken_1.getNewSsoOidcToken)(ssoToken, ssoRegion); + (0, validateTokenKey_1.validateTokenKey)("accessToken", newSsoOidcToken.accessToken); + (0, validateTokenKey_1.validateTokenKey)("expiresIn", newSsoOidcToken.expiresIn); + const newTokenExpiration = new Date(Date.now() + newSsoOidcToken.expiresIn * 1e3); + try { + await (0, writeSSOTokenToFile_1.writeSSOTokenToFile)(ssoSessionName, { + ...ssoToken, + accessToken: newSsoOidcToken.accessToken, + expiresAt: newTokenExpiration.toISOString(), + refreshToken: newSsoOidcToken.refreshToken + }); + } catch (error) { + } + return { + token: newSsoOidcToken.accessToken, + expiration: newTokenExpiration + }; + } catch (error) { + (0, validateTokenExpiry_1.validateTokenExpiry)(existingToken); + return existingToken; + } + }; + exports.fromSso = fromSso; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/token-providers/dist-cjs/fromStatic.js +var require_fromStatic3 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/token-providers/dist-cjs/fromStatic.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.fromStatic = void 0; + var property_provider_1 = require_dist_cjs16(); + var fromStatic = ({ token }) => async () => { + if (!token || !token.token) { + throw new property_provider_1.TokenProviderError(`Please pass a valid token to fromStatic`, false); + } + return token; + }; + exports.fromStatic = fromStatic; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/token-providers/dist-cjs/nodeProvider.js +var require_nodeProvider = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/token-providers/dist-cjs/nodeProvider.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.nodeProvider = void 0; + var property_provider_1 = require_dist_cjs16(); + var fromSso_1 = require_fromSso(); + var nodeProvider = (init = {}) => (0, property_provider_1.memoize)((0, property_provider_1.chain)((0, fromSso_1.fromSso)(init), async () => { + throw new property_provider_1.TokenProviderError("Could not load token from any providers", false); + }), (token) => token.expiration !== void 0 && token.expiration.getTime() - Date.now() < 3e5, (token) => token.expiration !== void 0); + exports.nodeProvider = nodeProvider; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/token-providers/dist-cjs/index.js +var require_dist_cjs48 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/token-providers/dist-cjs/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_fromSso(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_fromStatic3(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_nodeProvider(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-sso/dist-cjs/resolveSSOCredentials.js +var require_resolveSSOCredentials = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-sso/dist-cjs/resolveSSOCredentials.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.resolveSSOCredentials = void 0; + var client_sso_1 = require_dist_cjs46(); + var property_provider_1 = require_dist_cjs16(); + var shared_ini_file_loader_1 = require_dist_cjs35(); + var token_providers_1 = require_dist_cjs48(); + var EXPIRE_WINDOW_MS = 15 * 60 * 1e3; + var SHOULD_FAIL_CREDENTIAL_CHAIN = false; + var resolveSSOCredentials = async ({ ssoStartUrl, ssoSession, ssoAccountId, ssoRegion, ssoRoleName, ssoClient, profile }) => { + let token; + const refreshMessage = `To refresh this SSO session run aws sso login with the corresponding profile.`; + if (ssoSession) { + try { + const _token = await (0, token_providers_1.fromSso)({ profile })(); + token = { + accessToken: _token.token, + expiresAt: new Date(_token.expiration).toISOString() + }; + } catch (e) { + throw new property_provider_1.CredentialsProviderError(e.message, SHOULD_FAIL_CREDENTIAL_CHAIN); + } + } else { + try { + token = await (0, shared_ini_file_loader_1.getSSOTokenFromFile)(ssoStartUrl); + } catch (e) { + throw new property_provider_1.CredentialsProviderError(`The SSO session associated with this profile is invalid. ${refreshMessage}`, SHOULD_FAIL_CREDENTIAL_CHAIN); + } + } + if (new Date(token.expiresAt).getTime() - Date.now() <= EXPIRE_WINDOW_MS) { + throw new property_provider_1.CredentialsProviderError(`The SSO session associated with this profile has expired. ${refreshMessage}`, SHOULD_FAIL_CREDENTIAL_CHAIN); + } + const { accessToken } = token; + const sso = ssoClient || new client_sso_1.SSOClient({ region: ssoRegion }); + let ssoResp; + try { + ssoResp = await sso.send(new client_sso_1.GetRoleCredentialsCommand({ + accountId: ssoAccountId, + roleName: ssoRoleName, + accessToken + })); + } catch (e) { + throw property_provider_1.CredentialsProviderError.from(e, SHOULD_FAIL_CREDENTIAL_CHAIN); + } + const { roleCredentials: { accessKeyId, secretAccessKey, sessionToken, expiration } = {} } = ssoResp; + if (!accessKeyId || !secretAccessKey || !sessionToken || !expiration) { + throw new property_provider_1.CredentialsProviderError("SSO returns an invalid temporary credential.", SHOULD_FAIL_CREDENTIAL_CHAIN); + } + return { accessKeyId, secretAccessKey, sessionToken, expiration: new Date(expiration) }; + }; + exports.resolveSSOCredentials = resolveSSOCredentials; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-sso/dist-cjs/validateSsoProfile.js +var require_validateSsoProfile = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-sso/dist-cjs/validateSsoProfile.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.validateSsoProfile = void 0; + var property_provider_1 = require_dist_cjs16(); + var validateSsoProfile = (profile) => { + const { sso_start_url, sso_account_id, sso_region, sso_role_name } = profile; + if (!sso_start_url || !sso_account_id || !sso_region || !sso_role_name) { + throw new property_provider_1.CredentialsProviderError(`Profile is configured with invalid SSO credentials. Required parameters "sso_account_id", "sso_region", "sso_role_name", "sso_start_url". Got ${Object.keys(profile).join(", ")} +Reference: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-configure-sso.html`, false); + } + return profile; + }; + exports.validateSsoProfile = validateSsoProfile; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-sso/dist-cjs/fromSSO.js +var require_fromSSO = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-sso/dist-cjs/fromSSO.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.fromSSO = void 0; + var property_provider_1 = require_dist_cjs16(); + var shared_ini_file_loader_1 = require_dist_cjs35(); + var isSsoProfile_1 = require_isSsoProfile(); + var resolveSSOCredentials_1 = require_resolveSSOCredentials(); + var validateSsoProfile_1 = require_validateSsoProfile(); + var fromSSO = (init = {}) => async () => { + const { ssoStartUrl, ssoAccountId, ssoRegion, ssoRoleName, ssoClient, ssoSession } = init; + const profileName = (0, shared_ini_file_loader_1.getProfileName)(init); + if (!ssoStartUrl && !ssoAccountId && !ssoRegion && !ssoRoleName && !ssoSession) { + const profiles = await (0, shared_ini_file_loader_1.parseKnownFiles)(init); + const profile = profiles[profileName]; + if (!profile) { + throw new property_provider_1.CredentialsProviderError(`Profile ${profileName} was not found.`); + } + if (!(0, isSsoProfile_1.isSsoProfile)(profile)) { + throw new property_provider_1.CredentialsProviderError(`Profile ${profileName} is not configured with SSO credentials.`); + } + if (profile === null || profile === void 0 ? void 0 : profile.sso_session) { + const ssoSessions = await (0, shared_ini_file_loader_1.loadSsoSessionData)(init); + const session = ssoSessions[profile.sso_session]; + const conflictMsg = ` configurations in profile ${profileName} and sso-session ${profile.sso_session}`; + if (ssoRegion && ssoRegion !== session.sso_region) { + throw new property_provider_1.CredentialsProviderError(`Conflicting SSO region` + conflictMsg, false); + } + if (ssoStartUrl && ssoStartUrl !== session.sso_start_url) { + throw new property_provider_1.CredentialsProviderError(`Conflicting SSO start_url` + conflictMsg, false); + } + profile.sso_region = session.sso_region; + profile.sso_start_url = session.sso_start_url; + } + const { sso_start_url, sso_account_id, sso_region, sso_role_name, sso_session } = (0, validateSsoProfile_1.validateSsoProfile)(profile); + return (0, resolveSSOCredentials_1.resolveSSOCredentials)({ + ssoStartUrl: sso_start_url, + ssoSession: sso_session, + ssoAccountId: sso_account_id, + ssoRegion: sso_region, + ssoRoleName: sso_role_name, + ssoClient, + profile: profileName + }); + } else if (!ssoStartUrl || !ssoAccountId || !ssoRegion || !ssoRoleName) { + throw new property_provider_1.CredentialsProviderError('Incomplete configuration. The fromSSO() argument hash must include "ssoStartUrl", "ssoAccountId", "ssoRegion", "ssoRoleName"'); + } else { + return (0, resolveSSOCredentials_1.resolveSSOCredentials)({ + ssoStartUrl, + ssoSession, + ssoAccountId, + ssoRegion, + ssoRoleName, + ssoClient, + profile: profileName + }); + } + }; + exports.fromSSO = fromSSO; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-sso/dist-cjs/types.js +var require_types7 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-sso/dist-cjs/types.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-sso/dist-cjs/index.js +var require_dist_cjs49 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-sso/dist-cjs/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_fromSSO(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_isSsoProfile(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_types7(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_validateSsoProfile(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-ini/dist-cjs/resolveSsoCredentials.js +var require_resolveSsoCredentials = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-ini/dist-cjs/resolveSsoCredentials.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.resolveSsoCredentials = exports.isSsoProfile = void 0; + var credential_provider_sso_1 = require_dist_cjs49(); + var credential_provider_sso_2 = require_dist_cjs49(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "isSsoProfile", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return credential_provider_sso_2.isSsoProfile; + } }); + var resolveSsoCredentials = (data) => { + const { sso_start_url, sso_account_id, sso_session, sso_region, sso_role_name } = (0, credential_provider_sso_1.validateSsoProfile)(data); + return (0, credential_provider_sso_1.fromSSO)({ + ssoStartUrl: sso_start_url, + ssoAccountId: sso_account_id, + ssoSession: sso_session, + ssoRegion: sso_region, + ssoRoleName: sso_role_name + })(); + }; + exports.resolveSsoCredentials = resolveSsoCredentials; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-ini/dist-cjs/resolveStaticCredentials.js +var require_resolveStaticCredentials = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-ini/dist-cjs/resolveStaticCredentials.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.resolveStaticCredentials = exports.isStaticCredsProfile = void 0; + var isStaticCredsProfile = (arg) => Boolean(arg) && typeof arg === "object" && typeof arg.aws_access_key_id === "string" && typeof arg.aws_secret_access_key === "string" && ["undefined", "string"].indexOf(typeof arg.aws_session_token) > -1; + exports.isStaticCredsProfile = isStaticCredsProfile; + var resolveStaticCredentials = (profile) => Promise.resolve({ + accessKeyId: profile.aws_access_key_id, + secretAccessKey: profile.aws_secret_access_key, + sessionToken: profile.aws_session_token + }); + exports.resolveStaticCredentials = resolveStaticCredentials; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-web-identity/dist-cjs/fromWebToken.js +var require_fromWebToken = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-web-identity/dist-cjs/fromWebToken.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.fromWebToken = void 0; + var property_provider_1 = require_dist_cjs16(); + var fromWebToken = (init) => () => { + const { roleArn, roleSessionName, webIdentityToken, providerId, policyArns, policy, durationSeconds, roleAssumerWithWebIdentity } = init; + if (!roleAssumerWithWebIdentity) { + throw new property_provider_1.CredentialsProviderError(`Role Arn '${roleArn}' needs to be assumed with web identity, but no role assumption callback was provided.`, false); + } + return roleAssumerWithWebIdentity({ + RoleArn: roleArn, + RoleSessionName: roleSessionName !== null && roleSessionName !== void 0 ? roleSessionName : `aws-sdk-js-session-${Date.now()}`, + WebIdentityToken: webIdentityToken, + ProviderId: providerId, + PolicyArns: policyArns, + Policy: policy, + DurationSeconds: durationSeconds + }); + }; + exports.fromWebToken = fromWebToken; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-web-identity/dist-cjs/fromTokenFile.js +var require_fromTokenFile = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-web-identity/dist-cjs/fromTokenFile.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.fromTokenFile = void 0; + var property_provider_1 = require_dist_cjs16(); + var fs_1 = require("fs"); + var fromWebToken_1 = require_fromWebToken(); + var ENV_TOKEN_FILE = "AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_FILE"; + var ENV_ROLE_ARN = "AWS_ROLE_ARN"; + var ENV_ROLE_SESSION_NAME = "AWS_ROLE_SESSION_NAME"; + var fromTokenFile = (init = {}) => async () => { + return resolveTokenFile(init); + }; + exports.fromTokenFile = fromTokenFile; + var resolveTokenFile = (init) => { + var _a, _b, _c; + const webIdentityTokenFile = (_a = init === null || init === void 0 ? void 0 : init.webIdentityTokenFile) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : process.env[ENV_TOKEN_FILE]; + const roleArn = (_b = init === null || init === void 0 ? void 0 : init.roleArn) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : process.env[ENV_ROLE_ARN]; + const roleSessionName = (_c = init === null || init === void 0 ? void 0 : init.roleSessionName) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : process.env[ENV_ROLE_SESSION_NAME]; + if (!webIdentityTokenFile || !roleArn) { + throw new property_provider_1.CredentialsProviderError("Web identity configuration not specified"); + } + return (0, fromWebToken_1.fromWebToken)({ + ...init, + webIdentityToken: (0, fs_1.readFileSync)(webIdentityTokenFile, { encoding: "ascii" }), + roleArn, + roleSessionName + })(); + }; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-web-identity/dist-cjs/index.js +var require_dist_cjs50 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-web-identity/dist-cjs/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_fromTokenFile(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_fromWebToken(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-ini/dist-cjs/resolveWebIdentityCredentials.js +var require_resolveWebIdentityCredentials = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-ini/dist-cjs/resolveWebIdentityCredentials.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.resolveWebIdentityCredentials = exports.isWebIdentityProfile = void 0; + var credential_provider_web_identity_1 = require_dist_cjs50(); + var isWebIdentityProfile = (arg) => Boolean(arg) && typeof arg === "object" && typeof arg.web_identity_token_file === "string" && typeof arg.role_arn === "string" && ["undefined", "string"].indexOf(typeof arg.role_session_name) > -1; + exports.isWebIdentityProfile = isWebIdentityProfile; + var resolveWebIdentityCredentials = async (profile, options) => (0, credential_provider_web_identity_1.fromTokenFile)({ + webIdentityTokenFile: profile.web_identity_token_file, + roleArn: profile.role_arn, + roleSessionName: profile.role_session_name, + roleAssumerWithWebIdentity: options.roleAssumerWithWebIdentity + })(); + exports.resolveWebIdentityCredentials = resolveWebIdentityCredentials; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-ini/dist-cjs/resolveProfileData.js +var require_resolveProfileData = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-ini/dist-cjs/resolveProfileData.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.resolveProfileData = void 0; + var property_provider_1 = require_dist_cjs16(); + var resolveAssumeRoleCredentials_1 = require_resolveAssumeRoleCredentials(); + var resolveProcessCredentials_1 = require_resolveProcessCredentials2(); + var resolveSsoCredentials_1 = require_resolveSsoCredentials(); + var resolveStaticCredentials_1 = require_resolveStaticCredentials(); + var resolveWebIdentityCredentials_1 = require_resolveWebIdentityCredentials(); + var resolveProfileData = async (profileName, profiles, options, visitedProfiles = {}) => { + const data = profiles[profileName]; + if (Object.keys(visitedProfiles).length > 0 && (0, resolveStaticCredentials_1.isStaticCredsProfile)(data)) { + return (0, resolveStaticCredentials_1.resolveStaticCredentials)(data); + } + if ((0, resolveAssumeRoleCredentials_1.isAssumeRoleProfile)(data)) { + return (0, resolveAssumeRoleCredentials_1.resolveAssumeRoleCredentials)(profileName, profiles, options, visitedProfiles); + } + if ((0, resolveStaticCredentials_1.isStaticCredsProfile)(data)) { + return (0, resolveStaticCredentials_1.resolveStaticCredentials)(data); + } + if ((0, resolveWebIdentityCredentials_1.isWebIdentityProfile)(data)) { + return (0, resolveWebIdentityCredentials_1.resolveWebIdentityCredentials)(data, options); + } + if ((0, resolveProcessCredentials_1.isProcessProfile)(data)) { + return (0, resolveProcessCredentials_1.resolveProcessCredentials)(options, profileName); + } + if ((0, resolveSsoCredentials_1.isSsoProfile)(data)) { + return (0, resolveSsoCredentials_1.resolveSsoCredentials)(data); + } + throw new property_provider_1.CredentialsProviderError(`Profile ${profileName} could not be found or parsed in shared credentials file.`); + }; + exports.resolveProfileData = resolveProfileData; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-ini/dist-cjs/fromIni.js +var require_fromIni = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-ini/dist-cjs/fromIni.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.fromIni = void 0; + var shared_ini_file_loader_1 = require_dist_cjs35(); + var resolveProfileData_1 = require_resolveProfileData(); + var fromIni = (init = {}) => async () => { + const profiles = await (0, shared_ini_file_loader_1.parseKnownFiles)(init); + return (0, resolveProfileData_1.resolveProfileData)((0, shared_ini_file_loader_1.getProfileName)(init), profiles, init); + }; + exports.fromIni = fromIni; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-ini/dist-cjs/index.js +var require_dist_cjs51 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-ini/dist-cjs/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_fromIni(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-node/dist-cjs/remoteProvider.js +var require_remoteProvider = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-node/dist-cjs/remoteProvider.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.remoteProvider = exports.ENV_IMDS_DISABLED = void 0; + var credential_provider_imds_1 = require_dist_cjs37(); + var property_provider_1 = require_dist_cjs16(); + exports.ENV_IMDS_DISABLED = "AWS_EC2_METADATA_DISABLED"; + var remoteProvider = (init) => { + if (process.env[credential_provider_imds_1.ENV_CMDS_RELATIVE_URI] || process.env[credential_provider_imds_1.ENV_CMDS_FULL_URI]) { + return (0, credential_provider_imds_1.fromContainerMetadata)(init); + } + if (process.env[exports.ENV_IMDS_DISABLED]) { + return async () => { + throw new property_provider_1.CredentialsProviderError("EC2 Instance Metadata Service access disabled"); + }; + } + return (0, credential_provider_imds_1.fromInstanceMetadata)(init); + }; + exports.remoteProvider = remoteProvider; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-node/dist-cjs/defaultProvider.js +var require_defaultProvider = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-node/dist-cjs/defaultProvider.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.defaultProvider = void 0; + var credential_provider_env_1 = require_dist_cjs34(); + var credential_provider_ini_1 = require_dist_cjs51(); + var credential_provider_process_1 = require_dist_cjs38(); + var credential_provider_sso_1 = require_dist_cjs49(); + var credential_provider_web_identity_1 = require_dist_cjs50(); + var property_provider_1 = require_dist_cjs16(); + var shared_ini_file_loader_1 = require_dist_cjs35(); + var remoteProvider_1 = require_remoteProvider(); + var defaultProvider = (init = {}) => (0, property_provider_1.memoize)((0, property_provider_1.chain)(...init.profile || process.env[shared_ini_file_loader_1.ENV_PROFILE] ? [] : [(0, credential_provider_env_1.fromEnv)()], (0, credential_provider_sso_1.fromSSO)(init), (0, credential_provider_ini_1.fromIni)(init), (0, credential_provider_process_1.fromProcess)(init), (0, credential_provider_web_identity_1.fromTokenFile)(init), (0, remoteProvider_1.remoteProvider)(init), async () => { + throw new property_provider_1.CredentialsProviderError("Could not load credentials from any providers", false); + }), (credentials) => credentials.expiration !== void 0 && credentials.expiration.getTime() - Date.now() < 3e5, (credentials) => credentials.expiration !== void 0); + exports.defaultProvider = defaultProvider; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-node/dist-cjs/index.js +var require_dist_cjs52 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/credential-provider-node/dist-cjs/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_defaultProvider(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sts/dist-cjs/endpoint/ruleset.js +var require_ruleset3 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sts/dist-cjs/endpoint/ruleset.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.ruleSet = void 0; + var F = "required"; + var G = "type"; + var H = "fn"; + var I = "argv"; + var J = "ref"; + var a = false; + var b = true; + var c = "booleanEquals"; + var d = "tree"; + var e = "stringEquals"; + var f = "sigv4"; + var g = "sts"; + var h = "us-east-1"; + var i = "endpoint"; + var j = "https://sts.{Region}.{PartitionResult#dnsSuffix}"; + var k = "error"; + var l = "getAttr"; + var m = { [F]: false, [G]: "String" }; + var n = { [F]: true, "default": false, [G]: "Boolean" }; + var o = { [J]: "Endpoint" }; + var p = { [H]: "isSet", [I]: [{ [J]: "Region" }] }; + var q = { [J]: "Region" }; + var r = { [H]: "aws.partition", [I]: [q], "assign": "PartitionResult" }; + var s = { [J]: "UseFIPS" }; + var t = { [J]: "UseDualStack" }; + var u = { "url": "https://sts.amazonaws.com", "properties": { "authSchemes": [{ "name": f, "signingName": g, "signingRegion": h }] }, "headers": {} }; + var v = {}; + var w = { "conditions": [{ [H]: e, [I]: [q, "aws-global"] }], [i]: u, [G]: i }; + var x = { [H]: c, [I]: [s, true] }; + var y = { [H]: c, [I]: [t, true] }; + var z = { [H]: c, [I]: [true, { [H]: l, [I]: [{ [J]: "PartitionResult" }, "supportsFIPS"] }] }; + var A = { [J]: "PartitionResult" }; + var B = { [H]: c, [I]: [true, { [H]: l, [I]: [A, "supportsDualStack"] }] }; + var C = [{ [H]: "isSet", [I]: [o] }]; + var D = [x]; + var E = [y]; + var _data = { version: "1.0", parameters: { Region: m, UseDualStack: n, UseFIPS: n, Endpoint: m, UseGlobalEndpoint: n }, rules: [{ conditions: [{ [H]: c, [I]: [{ [J]: "UseGlobalEndpoint" }, b] }, { [H]: "not", [I]: C }, p, r, { [H]: c, [I]: [s, a] }, { [H]: c, [I]: [t, a] }], [G]: d, rules: [{ conditions: [{ [H]: e, [I]: [q, "ap-northeast-1"] }], endpoint: u, [G]: i }, { conditions: [{ [H]: e, [I]: [q, "ap-south-1"] }], endpoint: u, [G]: i }, { conditions: [{ [H]: e, [I]: [q, "ap-southeast-1"] }], endpoint: u, [G]: i }, { conditions: [{ [H]: e, [I]: [q, "ap-southeast-2"] }], endpoint: u, [G]: i }, w, { conditions: [{ [H]: e, [I]: [q, "ca-central-1"] }], endpoint: u, [G]: i }, { conditions: [{ [H]: e, [I]: [q, "eu-central-1"] }], endpoint: u, [G]: i }, { conditions: [{ [H]: e, [I]: [q, "eu-north-1"] }], endpoint: u, [G]: i }, { conditions: [{ [H]: e, [I]: [q, "eu-west-1"] }], endpoint: u, [G]: i }, { conditions: [{ [H]: e, [I]: [q, "eu-west-2"] }], endpoint: u, [G]: i }, { conditions: [{ [H]: e, [I]: [q, "eu-west-3"] }], endpoint: u, [G]: i }, { conditions: [{ [H]: e, [I]: [q, "sa-east-1"] }], endpoint: u, [G]: i }, { conditions: [{ [H]: e, [I]: [q, h] }], endpoint: u, [G]: i }, { conditions: [{ [H]: e, [I]: [q, "us-east-2"] }], endpoint: u, [G]: i }, { conditions: [{ [H]: e, [I]: [q, "us-west-1"] }], endpoint: u, [G]: i }, { conditions: [{ [H]: e, [I]: [q, "us-west-2"] }], endpoint: u, [G]: i }, { endpoint: { url: j, properties: { authSchemes: [{ name: f, signingName: g, signingRegion: "{Region}" }] }, headers: v }, [G]: i }] }, { conditions: C, [G]: d, rules: [{ conditions: D, error: "Invalid Configuration: FIPS and custom endpoint are not supported", [G]: k }, { [G]: d, rules: [{ conditions: E, error: "Invalid Configuration: Dualstack and custom endpoint are not supported", [G]: k }, { endpoint: { url: o, properties: v, headers: v }, [G]: i }] }] }, { [G]: d, rules: [{ conditions: [p], [G]: d, rules: [{ conditions: [r], [G]: d, rules: [{ conditions: [x, y], [G]: d, rules: [{ conditions: [z, B], [G]: d, rules: [{ [G]: d, rules: [{ endpoint: { url: "https://sts-fips.{Region}.{PartitionResult#dualStackDnsSuffix}", properties: v, headers: v }, [G]: i }] }] }, { error: "FIPS and DualStack are enabled, but this partition does not support one or both", [G]: k }] }, { conditions: D, [G]: d, rules: [{ conditions: [z], [G]: d, rules: [{ [G]: d, rules: [{ conditions: [{ [H]: e, [I]: ["aws-us-gov", { [H]: l, [I]: [A, "name"] }] }], endpoint: { url: "https://sts.{Region}.amazonaws.com", properties: v, headers: v }, [G]: i }, { endpoint: { url: "https://sts-fips.{Region}.{PartitionResult#dnsSuffix}", properties: v, headers: v }, [G]: i }] }] }, { error: "FIPS is enabled but this partition does not support FIPS", [G]: k }] }, { conditions: E, [G]: d, rules: [{ conditions: [B], [G]: d, rules: [{ [G]: d, rules: [{ endpoint: { url: "https://sts.{Region}.{PartitionResult#dualStackDnsSuffix}", properties: v, headers: v }, [G]: i }] }] }, { error: "DualStack is enabled but this partition does not support DualStack", [G]: k }] }, { [G]: d, rules: [w, { endpoint: { url: j, properties: v, headers: v }, [G]: i }] }] }] }, { error: "Invalid Configuration: Missing Region", [G]: k }] }] }; + exports.ruleSet = _data; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sts/dist-cjs/endpoint/endpointResolver.js +var require_endpointResolver3 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sts/dist-cjs/endpoint/endpointResolver.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.defaultEndpointResolver = void 0; + var util_endpoints_1 = require_dist_cjs27(); + var ruleset_1 = require_ruleset3(); + var defaultEndpointResolver = (endpointParams, context = {}) => { + return (0, util_endpoints_1.resolveEndpoint)(ruleset_1.ruleSet, { + endpointParams, + logger: context.logger + }); + }; + exports.defaultEndpointResolver = defaultEndpointResolver; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sts/dist-cjs/runtimeConfig.shared.js +var require_runtimeConfig_shared3 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sts/dist-cjs/runtimeConfig.shared.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getRuntimeConfig = void 0; + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + var url_parser_1 = require_dist_cjs7(); + var util_base64_1 = require_dist_cjs44(); + var util_utf8_1 = require_dist_cjs22(); + var endpointResolver_1 = require_endpointResolver3(); + var getRuntimeConfig = (config) => ({ + apiVersion: "2011-06-15", + base64Decoder: (config == null ? void 0 : config.base64Decoder) ?? util_base64_1.fromBase64, + base64Encoder: (config == null ? void 0 : config.base64Encoder) ?? util_base64_1.toBase64, + disableHostPrefix: (config == null ? void 0 : config.disableHostPrefix) ?? false, + endpointProvider: (config == null ? void 0 : config.endpointProvider) ?? endpointResolver_1.defaultEndpointResolver, + logger: (config == null ? void 0 : config.logger) ?? new smithy_client_1.NoOpLogger(), + serviceId: (config == null ? void 0 : config.serviceId) ?? "STS", + urlParser: (config == null ? void 0 : config.urlParser) ?? url_parser_1.parseUrl, + utf8Decoder: (config == null ? void 0 : config.utf8Decoder) ?? util_utf8_1.fromUtf8, + utf8Encoder: (config == null ? void 0 : config.utf8Encoder) ?? util_utf8_1.toUtf8 + }); + exports.getRuntimeConfig = getRuntimeConfig; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sts/dist-cjs/runtimeConfig.js +var require_runtimeConfig3 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sts/dist-cjs/runtimeConfig.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getRuntimeConfig = void 0; + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + var package_json_1 = tslib_1.__importDefault(require_package2()); + var defaultStsRoleAssumers_1 = require_defaultStsRoleAssumers(); + var config_resolver_1 = require_dist_cjs3(); + var credential_provider_node_1 = require_dist_cjs52(); + var hash_node_1 = require_dist_cjs39(); + var middleware_retry_1 = require_dist_cjs15(); + var node_config_provider_1 = require_dist_cjs36(); + var node_http_handler_1 = require_dist_cjs41(); + var util_body_length_node_1 = require_dist_cjs42(); + var util_retry_1 = require_dist_cjs14(); + var util_user_agent_node_1 = require_dist_cjs43(); + var runtimeConfig_shared_1 = require_runtimeConfig_shared3(); + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + var util_defaults_mode_node_1 = require_dist_cjs45(); + var smithy_client_2 = require_dist_cjs30(); + var getRuntimeConfig = (config) => { + (0, smithy_client_2.emitWarningIfUnsupportedVersion)(process.version); + const defaultsMode = (0, util_defaults_mode_node_1.resolveDefaultsModeConfig)(config); + const defaultConfigProvider = () => defaultsMode().then(smithy_client_1.loadConfigsForDefaultMode); + const clientSharedValues = (0, runtimeConfig_shared_1.getRuntimeConfig)(config); + return { + ...clientSharedValues, + ...config, + runtime: "node", + defaultsMode, + bodyLengthChecker: (config == null ? void 0 : config.bodyLengthChecker) ?? util_body_length_node_1.calculateBodyLength, + credentialDefaultProvider: (config == null ? void 0 : config.credentialDefaultProvider) ?? (0, defaultStsRoleAssumers_1.decorateDefaultCredentialProvider)(credential_provider_node_1.defaultProvider), + defaultUserAgentProvider: (config == null ? void 0 : config.defaultUserAgentProvider) ?? (0, util_user_agent_node_1.defaultUserAgent)({ serviceId: clientSharedValues.serviceId, clientVersion: package_json_1.default.version }), + maxAttempts: (config == null ? void 0 : config.maxAttempts) ?? (0, node_config_provider_1.loadConfig)(middleware_retry_1.NODE_MAX_ATTEMPT_CONFIG_OPTIONS), + region: (config == null ? void 0 : config.region) ?? (0, node_config_provider_1.loadConfig)(config_resolver_1.NODE_REGION_CONFIG_OPTIONS, config_resolver_1.NODE_REGION_CONFIG_FILE_OPTIONS), + requestHandler: (config == null ? void 0 : config.requestHandler) ?? new node_http_handler_1.NodeHttpHandler(defaultConfigProvider), + retryMode: (config == null ? void 0 : config.retryMode) ?? (0, node_config_provider_1.loadConfig)({ + ...middleware_retry_1.NODE_RETRY_MODE_CONFIG_OPTIONS, + default: async () => (await defaultConfigProvider()).retryMode || util_retry_1.DEFAULT_RETRY_MODE + }), + sha256: (config == null ? void 0 : config.sha256) ?? hash_node_1.Hash.bind(null, "sha256"), + streamCollector: (config == null ? void 0 : config.streamCollector) ?? node_http_handler_1.streamCollector, + useDualstackEndpoint: (config == null ? void 0 : config.useDualstackEndpoint) ?? (0, node_config_provider_1.loadConfig)(config_resolver_1.NODE_USE_DUALSTACK_ENDPOINT_CONFIG_OPTIONS), + useFipsEndpoint: (config == null ? void 0 : config.useFipsEndpoint) ?? (0, node_config_provider_1.loadConfig)(config_resolver_1.NODE_USE_FIPS_ENDPOINT_CONFIG_OPTIONS) + }; + }; + exports.getRuntimeConfig = getRuntimeConfig; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sts/dist-cjs/STSClient.js +var require_STSClient = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sts/dist-cjs/STSClient.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.STSClient = exports.__Client = void 0; + var config_resolver_1 = require_dist_cjs3(); + var middleware_content_length_1 = require_dist_cjs5(); + var middleware_endpoint_1 = require_dist_cjs9(); + var middleware_host_header_1 = require_dist_cjs10(); + var middleware_logger_1 = require_dist_cjs11(); + var middleware_recursion_detection_1 = require_dist_cjs12(); + var middleware_retry_1 = require_dist_cjs15(); + var middleware_sdk_sts_1 = require_dist_cjs31(); + var middleware_user_agent_1 = require_dist_cjs28(); + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__Client", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return smithy_client_1.Client; + } }); + var EndpointParameters_1 = require_EndpointParameters2(); + var runtimeConfig_1 = require_runtimeConfig3(); + var STSClient = class extends smithy_client_1.Client { + constructor(configuration) { + const _config_0 = (0, runtimeConfig_1.getRuntimeConfig)(configuration); + const _config_1 = (0, EndpointParameters_1.resolveClientEndpointParameters)(_config_0); + const _config_2 = (0, config_resolver_1.resolveRegionConfig)(_config_1); + const _config_3 = (0, middleware_endpoint_1.resolveEndpointConfig)(_config_2); + const _config_4 = (0, middleware_retry_1.resolveRetryConfig)(_config_3); + const _config_5 = (0, middleware_host_header_1.resolveHostHeaderConfig)(_config_4); + const _config_6 = (0, middleware_sdk_sts_1.resolveStsAuthConfig)(_config_5, { stsClientCtor: STSClient }); + const _config_7 = (0, middleware_user_agent_1.resolveUserAgentConfig)(_config_6); + super(_config_7); + this.config = _config_7; + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_retry_1.getRetryPlugin)(this.config)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_content_length_1.getContentLengthPlugin)(this.config)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_host_header_1.getHostHeaderPlugin)(this.config)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_logger_1.getLoggerPlugin)(this.config)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_recursion_detection_1.getRecursionDetectionPlugin)(this.config)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_user_agent_1.getUserAgentPlugin)(this.config)); + } + destroy() { + super.destroy(); + } + }; + exports.STSClient = STSClient; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sts/dist-cjs/commands/AssumeRoleWithSAMLCommand.js +var require_AssumeRoleWithSAMLCommand = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sts/dist-cjs/commands/AssumeRoleWithSAMLCommand.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.AssumeRoleWithSAMLCommand = exports.$Command = void 0; + var middleware_endpoint_1 = require_dist_cjs9(); + var middleware_serde_1 = require_dist_cjs8(); + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return smithy_client_1.Command; + } }); + var models_0_1 = require_models_0(); + var Aws_query_1 = require_Aws_query(); + var AssumeRoleWithSAMLCommand = class extends smithy_client_1.Command { + static getEndpointParameterInstructions() { + return { + UseGlobalEndpoint: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useGlobalEndpoint" }, + UseFIPS: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useFipsEndpoint" }, + Endpoint: { type: "builtInParams", name: "endpoint" }, + Region: { type: "builtInParams", name: "region" }, + UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" } + }; + } + constructor(input) { + super(); + this.input = input; + } + resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) { + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_endpoint_1.getEndpointPlugin)(configuration, AssumeRoleWithSAMLCommand.getEndpointParameterInstructions())); + const stack = clientStack.concat(this.middlewareStack); + const { logger } = configuration; + const clientName = "STSClient"; + const commandName = "AssumeRoleWithSAMLCommand"; + const handlerExecutionContext = { + logger, + clientName, + commandName, + inputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.AssumeRoleWithSAMLRequestFilterSensitiveLog, + outputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.AssumeRoleWithSAMLResponseFilterSensitiveLog + }; + const { requestHandler } = configuration; + return stack.resolve((request2) => requestHandler.handle(request2.request, options || {}), handlerExecutionContext); + } + serialize(input, context) { + return (0, Aws_query_1.se_AssumeRoleWithSAMLCommand)(input, context); + } + deserialize(output, context) { + return (0, Aws_query_1.de_AssumeRoleWithSAMLCommand)(output, context); + } + }; + exports.AssumeRoleWithSAMLCommand = AssumeRoleWithSAMLCommand; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sts/dist-cjs/commands/DecodeAuthorizationMessageCommand.js +var require_DecodeAuthorizationMessageCommand = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sts/dist-cjs/commands/DecodeAuthorizationMessageCommand.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.DecodeAuthorizationMessageCommand = exports.$Command = void 0; + var middleware_endpoint_1 = require_dist_cjs9(); + var middleware_serde_1 = require_dist_cjs8(); + var middleware_signing_1 = require_dist_cjs25(); + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return smithy_client_1.Command; + } }); + var Aws_query_1 = require_Aws_query(); + var DecodeAuthorizationMessageCommand = class extends smithy_client_1.Command { + static getEndpointParameterInstructions() { + return { + UseGlobalEndpoint: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useGlobalEndpoint" }, + UseFIPS: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useFipsEndpoint" }, + Endpoint: { type: "builtInParams", name: "endpoint" }, + Region: { type: "builtInParams", name: "region" }, + UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" } + }; + } + constructor(input) { + super(); + this.input = input; + } + resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) { + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_endpoint_1.getEndpointPlugin)(configuration, DecodeAuthorizationMessageCommand.getEndpointParameterInstructions())); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_signing_1.getAwsAuthPlugin)(configuration)); + const stack = clientStack.concat(this.middlewareStack); + const { logger } = configuration; + const clientName = "STSClient"; + const commandName = "DecodeAuthorizationMessageCommand"; + const handlerExecutionContext = { + logger, + clientName, + commandName, + inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _, + outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _ + }; + const { requestHandler } = configuration; + return stack.resolve((request2) => requestHandler.handle(request2.request, options || {}), handlerExecutionContext); + } + serialize(input, context) { + return (0, Aws_query_1.se_DecodeAuthorizationMessageCommand)(input, context); + } + deserialize(output, context) { + return (0, Aws_query_1.de_DecodeAuthorizationMessageCommand)(output, context); + } + }; + exports.DecodeAuthorizationMessageCommand = DecodeAuthorizationMessageCommand; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sts/dist-cjs/commands/GetAccessKeyInfoCommand.js +var require_GetAccessKeyInfoCommand = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sts/dist-cjs/commands/GetAccessKeyInfoCommand.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.GetAccessKeyInfoCommand = exports.$Command = void 0; + var middleware_endpoint_1 = require_dist_cjs9(); + var middleware_serde_1 = require_dist_cjs8(); + var middleware_signing_1 = require_dist_cjs25(); + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return smithy_client_1.Command; + } }); + var Aws_query_1 = require_Aws_query(); + var GetAccessKeyInfoCommand = class extends smithy_client_1.Command { + static getEndpointParameterInstructions() { + return { + UseGlobalEndpoint: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useGlobalEndpoint" }, + UseFIPS: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useFipsEndpoint" }, + Endpoint: { type: "builtInParams", name: "endpoint" }, + Region: { type: "builtInParams", name: "region" }, + UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" } + }; + } + constructor(input) { + super(); + this.input = input; + } + resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) { + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_endpoint_1.getEndpointPlugin)(configuration, GetAccessKeyInfoCommand.getEndpointParameterInstructions())); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_signing_1.getAwsAuthPlugin)(configuration)); + const stack = clientStack.concat(this.middlewareStack); + const { logger } = configuration; + const clientName = "STSClient"; + const commandName = "GetAccessKeyInfoCommand"; + const handlerExecutionContext = { + logger, + clientName, + commandName, + inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _, + outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _ + }; + const { requestHandler } = configuration; + return stack.resolve((request2) => requestHandler.handle(request2.request, options || {}), handlerExecutionContext); + } + serialize(input, context) { + return (0, Aws_query_1.se_GetAccessKeyInfoCommand)(input, context); + } + deserialize(output, context) { + return (0, Aws_query_1.de_GetAccessKeyInfoCommand)(output, context); + } + }; + exports.GetAccessKeyInfoCommand = GetAccessKeyInfoCommand; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sts/dist-cjs/commands/GetCallerIdentityCommand.js +var require_GetCallerIdentityCommand = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sts/dist-cjs/commands/GetCallerIdentityCommand.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.GetCallerIdentityCommand = exports.$Command = void 0; + var middleware_endpoint_1 = require_dist_cjs9(); + var middleware_serde_1 = require_dist_cjs8(); + var middleware_signing_1 = require_dist_cjs25(); + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return smithy_client_1.Command; + } }); + var Aws_query_1 = require_Aws_query(); + var GetCallerIdentityCommand = class extends smithy_client_1.Command { + static getEndpointParameterInstructions() { + return { + UseGlobalEndpoint: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useGlobalEndpoint" }, + UseFIPS: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useFipsEndpoint" }, + Endpoint: { type: "builtInParams", name: "endpoint" }, + Region: { type: "builtInParams", name: "region" }, + UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" } + }; + } + constructor(input) { + super(); + this.input = input; + } + resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) { + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_endpoint_1.getEndpointPlugin)(configuration, GetCallerIdentityCommand.getEndpointParameterInstructions())); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_signing_1.getAwsAuthPlugin)(configuration)); + const stack = clientStack.concat(this.middlewareStack); + const { logger } = configuration; + const clientName = "STSClient"; + const commandName = "GetCallerIdentityCommand"; + const handlerExecutionContext = { + logger, + clientName, + commandName, + inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _, + outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _ + }; + const { requestHandler } = configuration; + return stack.resolve((request2) => requestHandler.handle(request2.request, options || {}), handlerExecutionContext); + } + serialize(input, context) { + return (0, Aws_query_1.se_GetCallerIdentityCommand)(input, context); + } + deserialize(output, context) { + return (0, Aws_query_1.de_GetCallerIdentityCommand)(output, context); + } + }; + exports.GetCallerIdentityCommand = GetCallerIdentityCommand; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sts/dist-cjs/commands/GetFederationTokenCommand.js +var require_GetFederationTokenCommand = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sts/dist-cjs/commands/GetFederationTokenCommand.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.GetFederationTokenCommand = exports.$Command = void 0; + var middleware_endpoint_1 = require_dist_cjs9(); + var middleware_serde_1 = require_dist_cjs8(); + var middleware_signing_1 = require_dist_cjs25(); + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return smithy_client_1.Command; + } }); + var models_0_1 = require_models_0(); + var Aws_query_1 = require_Aws_query(); + var GetFederationTokenCommand = class extends smithy_client_1.Command { + static getEndpointParameterInstructions() { + return { + UseGlobalEndpoint: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useGlobalEndpoint" }, + UseFIPS: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useFipsEndpoint" }, + Endpoint: { type: "builtInParams", name: "endpoint" }, + Region: { type: "builtInParams", name: "region" }, + UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" } + }; + } + constructor(input) { + super(); + this.input = input; + } + resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) { + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_endpoint_1.getEndpointPlugin)(configuration, GetFederationTokenCommand.getEndpointParameterInstructions())); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_signing_1.getAwsAuthPlugin)(configuration)); + const stack = clientStack.concat(this.middlewareStack); + const { logger } = configuration; + const clientName = "STSClient"; + const commandName = "GetFederationTokenCommand"; + const handlerExecutionContext = { + logger, + clientName, + commandName, + inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _, + outputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.GetFederationTokenResponseFilterSensitiveLog + }; + const { requestHandler } = configuration; + return stack.resolve((request2) => requestHandler.handle(request2.request, options || {}), handlerExecutionContext); + } + serialize(input, context) { + return (0, Aws_query_1.se_GetFederationTokenCommand)(input, context); + } + deserialize(output, context) { + return (0, Aws_query_1.de_GetFederationTokenCommand)(output, context); + } + }; + exports.GetFederationTokenCommand = GetFederationTokenCommand; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sts/dist-cjs/commands/GetSessionTokenCommand.js +var require_GetSessionTokenCommand = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sts/dist-cjs/commands/GetSessionTokenCommand.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.GetSessionTokenCommand = exports.$Command = void 0; + var middleware_endpoint_1 = require_dist_cjs9(); + var middleware_serde_1 = require_dist_cjs8(); + var middleware_signing_1 = require_dist_cjs25(); + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return smithy_client_1.Command; + } }); + var models_0_1 = require_models_0(); + var Aws_query_1 = require_Aws_query(); + var GetSessionTokenCommand = class extends smithy_client_1.Command { + static getEndpointParameterInstructions() { + return { + UseGlobalEndpoint: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useGlobalEndpoint" }, + UseFIPS: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useFipsEndpoint" }, + Endpoint: { type: "builtInParams", name: "endpoint" }, + Region: { type: "builtInParams", name: "region" }, + UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" } + }; + } + constructor(input) { + super(); + this.input = input; + } + resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) { + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_endpoint_1.getEndpointPlugin)(configuration, GetSessionTokenCommand.getEndpointParameterInstructions())); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_signing_1.getAwsAuthPlugin)(configuration)); + const stack = clientStack.concat(this.middlewareStack); + const { logger } = configuration; + const clientName = "STSClient"; + const commandName = "GetSessionTokenCommand"; + const handlerExecutionContext = { + logger, + clientName, + commandName, + inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _, + outputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.GetSessionTokenResponseFilterSensitiveLog + }; + const { requestHandler } = configuration; + return stack.resolve((request2) => requestHandler.handle(request2.request, options || {}), handlerExecutionContext); + } + serialize(input, context) { + return (0, Aws_query_1.se_GetSessionTokenCommand)(input, context); + } + deserialize(output, context) { + return (0, Aws_query_1.de_GetSessionTokenCommand)(output, context); + } + }; + exports.GetSessionTokenCommand = GetSessionTokenCommand; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sts/dist-cjs/STS.js +var require_STS = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sts/dist-cjs/STS.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.STS = void 0; + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + var AssumeRoleCommand_1 = require_AssumeRoleCommand(); + var AssumeRoleWithSAMLCommand_1 = require_AssumeRoleWithSAMLCommand(); + var AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommand_1 = require_AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommand(); + var DecodeAuthorizationMessageCommand_1 = require_DecodeAuthorizationMessageCommand(); + var GetAccessKeyInfoCommand_1 = require_GetAccessKeyInfoCommand(); + var GetCallerIdentityCommand_1 = require_GetCallerIdentityCommand(); + var GetFederationTokenCommand_1 = require_GetFederationTokenCommand(); + var GetSessionTokenCommand_1 = require_GetSessionTokenCommand(); + var STSClient_1 = require_STSClient(); + var commands = { + AssumeRoleCommand: AssumeRoleCommand_1.AssumeRoleCommand, + AssumeRoleWithSAMLCommand: AssumeRoleWithSAMLCommand_1.AssumeRoleWithSAMLCommand, + AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommand: AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommand_1.AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommand, + DecodeAuthorizationMessageCommand: DecodeAuthorizationMessageCommand_1.DecodeAuthorizationMessageCommand, + GetAccessKeyInfoCommand: GetAccessKeyInfoCommand_1.GetAccessKeyInfoCommand, + GetCallerIdentityCommand: GetCallerIdentityCommand_1.GetCallerIdentityCommand, + GetFederationTokenCommand: GetFederationTokenCommand_1.GetFederationTokenCommand, + GetSessionTokenCommand: GetSessionTokenCommand_1.GetSessionTokenCommand + }; + var STS = class extends STSClient_1.STSClient { + }; + exports.STS = STS; + (0, smithy_client_1.createAggregatedClient)(commands, STS); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sts/dist-cjs/commands/index.js +var require_commands3 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sts/dist-cjs/commands/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_AssumeRoleCommand(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_AssumeRoleWithSAMLCommand(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCommand(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_DecodeAuthorizationMessageCommand(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_GetAccessKeyInfoCommand(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_GetCallerIdentityCommand(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_GetFederationTokenCommand(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_GetSessionTokenCommand(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sts/dist-cjs/models/index.js +var require_models3 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sts/dist-cjs/models/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_models_0(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sts/dist-cjs/defaultRoleAssumers.js +var require_defaultRoleAssumers = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sts/dist-cjs/defaultRoleAssumers.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.decorateDefaultCredentialProvider = exports.getDefaultRoleAssumerWithWebIdentity = exports.getDefaultRoleAssumer = void 0; + var defaultStsRoleAssumers_1 = require_defaultStsRoleAssumers(); + var STSClient_1 = require_STSClient(); + var getCustomizableStsClientCtor = (baseCtor, customizations) => { + if (!customizations) + return baseCtor; + else + return class CustomizableSTSClient extends baseCtor { + constructor(config) { + super(config); + for (const customization of customizations) { + this.middlewareStack.use(customization); + } + } + }; + }; + var getDefaultRoleAssumer = (stsOptions = {}, stsPlugins) => (0, defaultStsRoleAssumers_1.getDefaultRoleAssumer)(stsOptions, getCustomizableStsClientCtor(STSClient_1.STSClient, stsPlugins)); + exports.getDefaultRoleAssumer = getDefaultRoleAssumer; + var getDefaultRoleAssumerWithWebIdentity = (stsOptions = {}, stsPlugins) => (0, defaultStsRoleAssumers_1.getDefaultRoleAssumerWithWebIdentity)(stsOptions, getCustomizableStsClientCtor(STSClient_1.STSClient, stsPlugins)); + exports.getDefaultRoleAssumerWithWebIdentity = getDefaultRoleAssumerWithWebIdentity; + var decorateDefaultCredentialProvider = (provider) => (input) => provider({ + roleAssumer: (0, exports.getDefaultRoleAssumer)(input), + roleAssumerWithWebIdentity: (0, exports.getDefaultRoleAssumerWithWebIdentity)(input), + ...input + }); + exports.decorateDefaultCredentialProvider = decorateDefaultCredentialProvider; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sts/dist-cjs/index.js +var require_dist_cjs53 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sts/dist-cjs/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.STSServiceException = void 0; + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_STSClient(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_STS(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_commands3(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_models3(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_defaultRoleAssumers(), exports); + var STSServiceException_1 = require_STSServiceException(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "STSServiceException", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return STSServiceException_1.STSServiceException; + } }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/endpoint/ruleset.js +var require_ruleset4 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/endpoint/ruleset.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.ruleSet = void 0; + var s = "fn"; + var t = "argv"; + var u = "ref"; + var a = true; + var b = false; + var c = "String"; + var d = "PartitionResult"; + var e = "tree"; + var f = "error"; + var g = "endpoint"; + var h = { "required": true, "default": false, "type": "Boolean" }; + var i = { [u]: "Region" }; + var j = { [u]: "Endpoint" }; + var k = { [s]: "booleanEquals", [t]: [{ [u]: "UseFIPS" }, true] }; + var l = { [s]: "booleanEquals", [t]: [{ [u]: "UseDualStack" }, true] }; + var m = {}; + var n = { [s]: "booleanEquals", [t]: [true, { [s]: "getAttr", [t]: [{ [u]: d }, "supportsFIPS"] }] }; + var o = { [s]: "booleanEquals", [t]: [true, { [s]: "getAttr", [t]: [{ [u]: d }, "supportsDualStack"] }] }; + var p = [j]; + var q = [k]; + var r = [l]; + var _data = { version: "1.0", parameters: { Region: { required: a, type: c }, UseDualStack: h, UseFIPS: h, Endpoint: { required: b, type: c } }, rules: [{ conditions: [{ [s]: "aws.partition", [t]: [i], assign: d }], type: e, rules: [{ conditions: [{ [s]: "isSet", [t]: p }, { [s]: "parseURL", [t]: p, assign: "url" }], type: e, rules: [{ conditions: q, error: "Invalid Configuration: FIPS and custom endpoint are not supported", type: f }, { type: e, rules: [{ conditions: r, error: "Invalid Configuration: Dualstack and custom endpoint are not supported", type: f }, { endpoint: { url: j, properties: m, headers: m }, type: g }] }] }, { conditions: [k, l], type: e, rules: [{ conditions: [n, o], type: e, rules: [{ endpoint: { url: "https://states-fips.{Region}.{PartitionResult#dualStackDnsSuffix}", properties: m, headers: m }, type: g }] }, { error: "FIPS and DualStack are enabled, but this partition does not support one or both", type: f }] }, { conditions: q, type: e, rules: [{ conditions: [n], type: e, rules: [{ type: e, rules: [{ conditions: [{ [s]: "stringEquals", [t]: [i, "us-gov-west-1"] }], endpoint: { url: "https://states.us-gov-west-1.amazonaws.com", properties: m, headers: m }, type: g }, { endpoint: { url: "https://states-fips.{Region}.{PartitionResult#dnsSuffix}", properties: m, headers: m }, type: g }] }] }, { error: "FIPS is enabled but this partition does not support FIPS", type: f }] }, { conditions: r, type: e, rules: [{ conditions: [o], type: e, rules: [{ endpoint: { url: "https://states.{Region}.{PartitionResult#dualStackDnsSuffix}", properties: m, headers: m }, type: g }] }, { error: "DualStack is enabled but this partition does not support DualStack", type: f }] }, { endpoint: { url: "https://states.{Region}.{PartitionResult#dnsSuffix}", properties: m, headers: m }, type: g }] }] }; + exports.ruleSet = _data; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/endpoint/endpointResolver.js +var require_endpointResolver4 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/endpoint/endpointResolver.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.defaultEndpointResolver = void 0; + var util_endpoints_1 = require_dist_cjs27(); + var ruleset_1 = require_ruleset4(); + var defaultEndpointResolver = (endpointParams, context = {}) => { + return (0, util_endpoints_1.resolveEndpoint)(ruleset_1.ruleSet, { + endpointParams, + logger: context.logger + }); + }; + exports.defaultEndpointResolver = defaultEndpointResolver; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/runtimeConfig.shared.js +var require_runtimeConfig_shared4 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/runtimeConfig.shared.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getRuntimeConfig = void 0; + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + var url_parser_1 = require_dist_cjs7(); + var util_base64_1 = require_dist_cjs44(); + var util_utf8_1 = require_dist_cjs22(); + var endpointResolver_1 = require_endpointResolver4(); + var getRuntimeConfig = (config) => ({ + apiVersion: "2016-11-23", + base64Decoder: (config == null ? void 0 : config.base64Decoder) ?? util_base64_1.fromBase64, + base64Encoder: (config == null ? void 0 : config.base64Encoder) ?? util_base64_1.toBase64, + disableHostPrefix: (config == null ? void 0 : config.disableHostPrefix) ?? false, + endpointProvider: (config == null ? void 0 : config.endpointProvider) ?? endpointResolver_1.defaultEndpointResolver, + logger: (config == null ? void 0 : config.logger) ?? new smithy_client_1.NoOpLogger(), + serviceId: (config == null ? void 0 : config.serviceId) ?? "SFN", + urlParser: (config == null ? void 0 : config.urlParser) ?? url_parser_1.parseUrl, + utf8Decoder: (config == null ? void 0 : config.utf8Decoder) ?? util_utf8_1.fromUtf8, + utf8Encoder: (config == null ? void 0 : config.utf8Encoder) ?? util_utf8_1.toUtf8 + }); + exports.getRuntimeConfig = getRuntimeConfig; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/runtimeConfig.js +var require_runtimeConfig4 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/runtimeConfig.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.getRuntimeConfig = void 0; + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + var package_json_1 = tslib_1.__importDefault(require_package()); + var client_sts_1 = require_dist_cjs53(); + var config_resolver_1 = require_dist_cjs3(); + var credential_provider_node_1 = require_dist_cjs52(); + var hash_node_1 = require_dist_cjs39(); + var middleware_retry_1 = require_dist_cjs15(); + var node_config_provider_1 = require_dist_cjs36(); + var node_http_handler_1 = require_dist_cjs41(); + var util_body_length_node_1 = require_dist_cjs42(); + var util_retry_1 = require_dist_cjs14(); + var util_user_agent_node_1 = require_dist_cjs43(); + var runtimeConfig_shared_1 = require_runtimeConfig_shared4(); + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + var util_defaults_mode_node_1 = require_dist_cjs45(); + var smithy_client_2 = require_dist_cjs30(); + var getRuntimeConfig = (config) => { + (0, smithy_client_2.emitWarningIfUnsupportedVersion)(process.version); + const defaultsMode = (0, util_defaults_mode_node_1.resolveDefaultsModeConfig)(config); + const defaultConfigProvider = () => defaultsMode().then(smithy_client_1.loadConfigsForDefaultMode); + const clientSharedValues = (0, runtimeConfig_shared_1.getRuntimeConfig)(config); + return { + ...clientSharedValues, + ...config, + runtime: "node", + defaultsMode, + bodyLengthChecker: (config == null ? void 0 : config.bodyLengthChecker) ?? util_body_length_node_1.calculateBodyLength, + credentialDefaultProvider: (config == null ? void 0 : config.credentialDefaultProvider) ?? (0, client_sts_1.decorateDefaultCredentialProvider)(credential_provider_node_1.defaultProvider), + defaultUserAgentProvider: (config == null ? void 0 : config.defaultUserAgentProvider) ?? (0, util_user_agent_node_1.defaultUserAgent)({ serviceId: clientSharedValues.serviceId, clientVersion: package_json_1.default.version }), + maxAttempts: (config == null ? void 0 : config.maxAttempts) ?? (0, node_config_provider_1.loadConfig)(middleware_retry_1.NODE_MAX_ATTEMPT_CONFIG_OPTIONS), + region: (config == null ? void 0 : config.region) ?? (0, node_config_provider_1.loadConfig)(config_resolver_1.NODE_REGION_CONFIG_OPTIONS, config_resolver_1.NODE_REGION_CONFIG_FILE_OPTIONS), + requestHandler: (config == null ? void 0 : config.requestHandler) ?? new node_http_handler_1.NodeHttpHandler(defaultConfigProvider), + retryMode: (config == null ? void 0 : config.retryMode) ?? (0, node_config_provider_1.loadConfig)({ + ...middleware_retry_1.NODE_RETRY_MODE_CONFIG_OPTIONS, + default: async () => (await defaultConfigProvider()).retryMode || util_retry_1.DEFAULT_RETRY_MODE + }), + sha256: (config == null ? void 0 : config.sha256) ?? hash_node_1.Hash.bind(null, "sha256"), + streamCollector: (config == null ? void 0 : config.streamCollector) ?? node_http_handler_1.streamCollector, + useDualstackEndpoint: (config == null ? void 0 : config.useDualstackEndpoint) ?? (0, node_config_provider_1.loadConfig)(config_resolver_1.NODE_USE_DUALSTACK_ENDPOINT_CONFIG_OPTIONS), + useFipsEndpoint: (config == null ? void 0 : config.useFipsEndpoint) ?? (0, node_config_provider_1.loadConfig)(config_resolver_1.NODE_USE_FIPS_ENDPOINT_CONFIG_OPTIONS) + }; + }; + exports.getRuntimeConfig = getRuntimeConfig; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/SFNClient.js +var require_SFNClient = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/SFNClient.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.SFNClient = exports.__Client = void 0; + var config_resolver_1 = require_dist_cjs3(); + var middleware_content_length_1 = require_dist_cjs5(); + var middleware_endpoint_1 = require_dist_cjs9(); + var middleware_host_header_1 = require_dist_cjs10(); + var middleware_logger_1 = require_dist_cjs11(); + var middleware_recursion_detection_1 = require_dist_cjs12(); + var middleware_retry_1 = require_dist_cjs15(); + var middleware_signing_1 = require_dist_cjs25(); + var middleware_user_agent_1 = require_dist_cjs28(); + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__Client", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return smithy_client_1.Client; + } }); + var EndpointParameters_1 = require_EndpointParameters(); + var runtimeConfig_1 = require_runtimeConfig4(); + var SFNClient = class extends smithy_client_1.Client { + constructor(configuration) { + const _config_0 = (0, runtimeConfig_1.getRuntimeConfig)(configuration); + const _config_1 = (0, EndpointParameters_1.resolveClientEndpointParameters)(_config_0); + const _config_2 = (0, config_resolver_1.resolveRegionConfig)(_config_1); + const _config_3 = (0, middleware_endpoint_1.resolveEndpointConfig)(_config_2); + const _config_4 = (0, middleware_retry_1.resolveRetryConfig)(_config_3); + const _config_5 = (0, middleware_host_header_1.resolveHostHeaderConfig)(_config_4); + const _config_6 = (0, middleware_signing_1.resolveAwsAuthConfig)(_config_5); + const _config_7 = (0, middleware_user_agent_1.resolveUserAgentConfig)(_config_6); + super(_config_7); + this.config = _config_7; + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_retry_1.getRetryPlugin)(this.config)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_content_length_1.getContentLengthPlugin)(this.config)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_host_header_1.getHostHeaderPlugin)(this.config)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_logger_1.getLoggerPlugin)(this.config)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_recursion_detection_1.getRecursionDetectionPlugin)(this.config)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_signing_1.getAwsAuthPlugin)(this.config)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_user_agent_1.getUserAgentPlugin)(this.config)); + } + destroy() { + super.destroy(); + } + }; + exports.SFNClient = SFNClient; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/models/SFNServiceException.js +var require_SFNServiceException = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/models/SFNServiceException.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.SFNServiceException = exports.__ServiceException = void 0; + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__ServiceException", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return smithy_client_1.ServiceException; + } }); + var SFNServiceException = class extends smithy_client_1.ServiceException { + constructor(options) { + super(options); + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, SFNServiceException.prototype); + } + }; + exports.SFNServiceException = SFNServiceException; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/models/models_0.js +var require_models_04 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/models/models_0.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.LambdaFunctionScheduledEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = exports.LambdaFunctionFailedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = exports.ExecutionTimedOutEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = exports.ExecutionSucceededEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = exports.ExecutionStartedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = exports.ExecutionFailedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = exports.ExecutionAbortedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = exports.GetActivityTaskOutputFilterSensitiveLog = exports.DescribeStateMachineForExecutionOutputFilterSensitiveLog = exports.DescribeStateMachineOutputFilterSensitiveLog = exports.DescribeExecutionOutputFilterSensitiveLog = exports.CreateStateMachineInputFilterSensitiveLog = exports.ActivityTimedOutEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = exports.ActivitySucceededEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = exports.ActivityScheduleFailedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = exports.ActivityScheduledEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = exports.ActivityFailedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = exports.MissingRequiredParameter = exports.SyncExecutionStatus = exports.InvalidExecutionInput = exports.ExecutionLimitExceeded = exports.ExecutionAlreadyExists = exports.InvalidOutput = exports.TaskTimedOut = exports.TaskDoesNotExist = exports.InvalidToken = exports.HistoryEventType = exports.StateMachineDoesNotExist = exports.StateMachineStatus = exports.ResourceNotFound = exports.MapRunStatus = exports.ExecutionDoesNotExist = exports.ExecutionStatus = exports.ValidationException = exports.ValidationExceptionReason = exports.StateMachineTypeNotSupported = exports.StateMachineLimitExceeded = exports.StateMachineDeleting = exports.StateMachineAlreadyExists = exports.InvalidTracingConfiguration = exports.InvalidLoggingConfiguration = exports.InvalidDefinition = exports.InvalidArn = exports.StateMachineType = exports.LogLevel = exports.TooManyTags = exports.InvalidName = exports.ActivityWorkerLimitExceeded = exports.ActivityLimitExceeded = exports.ActivityDoesNotExist = void 0; + exports.UpdateStateMachineInputFilterSensitiveLog = exports.StopExecutionInputFilterSensitiveLog = exports.StartSyncExecutionOutputFilterSensitiveLog = exports.StartSyncExecutionInputFilterSensitiveLog = exports.StartExecutionInputFilterSensitiveLog = exports.SendTaskSuccessInputFilterSensitiveLog = exports.SendTaskFailureInputFilterSensitiveLog = exports.GetExecutionHistoryOutputFilterSensitiveLog = exports.HistoryEventFilterSensitiveLog = exports.TaskTimedOutEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = exports.TaskSucceededEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = exports.TaskSubmittedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = exports.TaskSubmitFailedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = exports.TaskStartFailedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = exports.TaskScheduledEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = exports.TaskFailedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = exports.StateExitedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = exports.StateEnteredEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = exports.MapRunFailedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = exports.LambdaFunctionTimedOutEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = exports.LambdaFunctionSucceededEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = exports.LambdaFunctionStartFailedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = exports.LambdaFunctionScheduleFailedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = void 0; + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + var SFNServiceException_1 = require_SFNServiceException(); + var ActivityDoesNotExist = class extends SFNServiceException_1.SFNServiceException { + constructor(opts) { + super({ + name: "ActivityDoesNotExist", + $fault: "client", + ...opts + }); + this.name = "ActivityDoesNotExist"; + this.$fault = "client"; + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, ActivityDoesNotExist.prototype); + } + }; + exports.ActivityDoesNotExist = ActivityDoesNotExist; + var ActivityLimitExceeded = class extends SFNServiceException_1.SFNServiceException { + constructor(opts) { + super({ + name: "ActivityLimitExceeded", + $fault: "client", + ...opts + }); + this.name = "ActivityLimitExceeded"; + this.$fault = "client"; + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, ActivityLimitExceeded.prototype); + } + }; + exports.ActivityLimitExceeded = ActivityLimitExceeded; + var ActivityWorkerLimitExceeded = class extends SFNServiceException_1.SFNServiceException { + constructor(opts) { + super({ + name: "ActivityWorkerLimitExceeded", + $fault: "client", + ...opts + }); + this.name = "ActivityWorkerLimitExceeded"; + this.$fault = "client"; + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, ActivityWorkerLimitExceeded.prototype); + } + }; + exports.ActivityWorkerLimitExceeded = ActivityWorkerLimitExceeded; + var InvalidName = class extends SFNServiceException_1.SFNServiceException { + constructor(opts) { + super({ + name: "InvalidName", + $fault: "client", + ...opts + }); + this.name = "InvalidName"; + this.$fault = "client"; + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, InvalidName.prototype); + } + }; + exports.InvalidName = InvalidName; + var TooManyTags = class extends SFNServiceException_1.SFNServiceException { + constructor(opts) { + super({ + name: "TooManyTags", + $fault: "client", + ...opts + }); + this.name = "TooManyTags"; + this.$fault = "client"; + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, TooManyTags.prototype); + this.resourceName = opts.resourceName; + } + }; + exports.TooManyTags = TooManyTags; + exports.LogLevel = { + ALL: "ALL", + ERROR: "ERROR", + FATAL: "FATAL", + OFF: "OFF" + }; + exports.StateMachineType = { + EXPRESS: "EXPRESS", + STANDARD: "STANDARD" + }; + var InvalidArn = class extends SFNServiceException_1.SFNServiceException { + constructor(opts) { + super({ + name: "InvalidArn", + $fault: "client", + ...opts + }); + this.name = "InvalidArn"; + this.$fault = "client"; + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, InvalidArn.prototype); + } + }; + exports.InvalidArn = InvalidArn; + var InvalidDefinition = class extends SFNServiceException_1.SFNServiceException { + constructor(opts) { + super({ + name: "InvalidDefinition", + $fault: "client", + ...opts + }); + this.name = "InvalidDefinition"; + this.$fault = "client"; + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, InvalidDefinition.prototype); + } + }; + exports.InvalidDefinition = InvalidDefinition; + var InvalidLoggingConfiguration = class extends SFNServiceException_1.SFNServiceException { + constructor(opts) { + super({ + name: "InvalidLoggingConfiguration", + $fault: "client", + ...opts + }); + this.name = "InvalidLoggingConfiguration"; + this.$fault = "client"; + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, InvalidLoggingConfiguration.prototype); + } + }; + exports.InvalidLoggingConfiguration = InvalidLoggingConfiguration; + var InvalidTracingConfiguration = class extends SFNServiceException_1.SFNServiceException { + constructor(opts) { + super({ + name: "InvalidTracingConfiguration", + $fault: "client", + ...opts + }); + this.name = "InvalidTracingConfiguration"; + this.$fault = "client"; + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, InvalidTracingConfiguration.prototype); + } + }; + exports.InvalidTracingConfiguration = InvalidTracingConfiguration; + var StateMachineAlreadyExists = class extends SFNServiceException_1.SFNServiceException { + constructor(opts) { + super({ + name: "StateMachineAlreadyExists", + $fault: "client", + ...opts + }); + this.name = "StateMachineAlreadyExists"; + this.$fault = "client"; + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, StateMachineAlreadyExists.prototype); + } + }; + exports.StateMachineAlreadyExists = StateMachineAlreadyExists; + var StateMachineDeleting = class extends SFNServiceException_1.SFNServiceException { + constructor(opts) { + super({ + name: "StateMachineDeleting", + $fault: "client", + ...opts + }); + this.name = "StateMachineDeleting"; + this.$fault = "client"; + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, StateMachineDeleting.prototype); + } + }; + exports.StateMachineDeleting = StateMachineDeleting; + var StateMachineLimitExceeded = class extends SFNServiceException_1.SFNServiceException { + constructor(opts) { + super({ + name: "StateMachineLimitExceeded", + $fault: "client", + ...opts + }); + this.name = "StateMachineLimitExceeded"; + this.$fault = "client"; + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, StateMachineLimitExceeded.prototype); + } + }; + exports.StateMachineLimitExceeded = StateMachineLimitExceeded; + var StateMachineTypeNotSupported = class extends SFNServiceException_1.SFNServiceException { + constructor(opts) { + super({ + name: "StateMachineTypeNotSupported", + $fault: "client", + ...opts + }); + this.name = "StateMachineTypeNotSupported"; + this.$fault = "client"; + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, StateMachineTypeNotSupported.prototype); + } + }; + exports.StateMachineTypeNotSupported = StateMachineTypeNotSupported; + exports.ValidationExceptionReason = { + API_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_LABELED_ARNS: "API_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_LABELED_ARNS", + CANNOT_UPDATE_COMPLETED_MAP_RUN: "CANNOT_UPDATE_COMPLETED_MAP_RUN", + MISSING_REQUIRED_PARAMETER: "MISSING_REQUIRED_PARAMETER" + }; + var ValidationException = class extends SFNServiceException_1.SFNServiceException { + constructor(opts) { + super({ + name: "ValidationException", + $fault: "client", + ...opts + }); + this.name = "ValidationException"; + this.$fault = "client"; + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, ValidationException.prototype); + this.reason = opts.reason; + } + }; + exports.ValidationException = ValidationException; + exports.ExecutionStatus = { + ABORTED: "ABORTED", + FAILED: "FAILED", + RUNNING: "RUNNING", + SUCCEEDED: "SUCCEEDED", + TIMED_OUT: "TIMED_OUT" + }; + var ExecutionDoesNotExist = class extends SFNServiceException_1.SFNServiceException { + constructor(opts) { + super({ + name: "ExecutionDoesNotExist", + $fault: "client", + ...opts + }); + this.name = "ExecutionDoesNotExist"; + this.$fault = "client"; + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, ExecutionDoesNotExist.prototype); + } + }; + exports.ExecutionDoesNotExist = ExecutionDoesNotExist; + exports.MapRunStatus = { + ABORTED: "ABORTED", + FAILED: "FAILED", + RUNNING: "RUNNING", + SUCCEEDED: "SUCCEEDED" + }; + var ResourceNotFound = class extends SFNServiceException_1.SFNServiceException { + constructor(opts) { + super({ + name: "ResourceNotFound", + $fault: "client", + ...opts + }); + this.name = "ResourceNotFound"; + this.$fault = "client"; + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, ResourceNotFound.prototype); + this.resourceName = opts.resourceName; + } + }; + exports.ResourceNotFound = ResourceNotFound; + exports.StateMachineStatus = { + ACTIVE: "ACTIVE", + DELETING: "DELETING" + }; + var StateMachineDoesNotExist = class extends SFNServiceException_1.SFNServiceException { + constructor(opts) { + super({ + name: "StateMachineDoesNotExist", + $fault: "client", + ...opts + }); + this.name = "StateMachineDoesNotExist"; + this.$fault = "client"; + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, StateMachineDoesNotExist.prototype); + } + }; + exports.StateMachineDoesNotExist = StateMachineDoesNotExist; + exports.HistoryEventType = { + ActivityFailed: "ActivityFailed", + ActivityScheduleFailed: "ActivityScheduleFailed", + ActivityScheduled: "ActivityScheduled", + ActivityStarted: "ActivityStarted", + ActivitySucceeded: "ActivitySucceeded", + ActivityTimedOut: "ActivityTimedOut", + ChoiceStateEntered: "ChoiceStateEntered", + ChoiceStateExited: "ChoiceStateExited", + ExecutionAborted: "ExecutionAborted", + ExecutionFailed: "ExecutionFailed", + ExecutionStarted: "ExecutionStarted", + ExecutionSucceeded: "ExecutionSucceeded", + ExecutionTimedOut: "ExecutionTimedOut", + FailStateEntered: "FailStateEntered", + LambdaFunctionFailed: "LambdaFunctionFailed", + LambdaFunctionScheduleFailed: "LambdaFunctionScheduleFailed", + LambdaFunctionScheduled: "LambdaFunctionScheduled", + LambdaFunctionStartFailed: "LambdaFunctionStartFailed", + LambdaFunctionStarted: "LambdaFunctionStarted", + LambdaFunctionSucceeded: "LambdaFunctionSucceeded", + LambdaFunctionTimedOut: "LambdaFunctionTimedOut", + MapIterationAborted: "MapIterationAborted", + MapIterationFailed: "MapIterationFailed", + MapIterationStarted: "MapIterationStarted", + MapIterationSucceeded: "MapIterationSucceeded", + MapRunAborted: "MapRunAborted", + MapRunFailed: "MapRunFailed", + MapRunStarted: "MapRunStarted", + MapRunSucceeded: "MapRunSucceeded", + MapStateAborted: "MapStateAborted", + MapStateEntered: "MapStateEntered", + MapStateExited: "MapStateExited", + MapStateFailed: "MapStateFailed", + MapStateStarted: "MapStateStarted", + MapStateSucceeded: "MapStateSucceeded", + ParallelStateAborted: "ParallelStateAborted", + ParallelStateEntered: "ParallelStateEntered", + ParallelStateExited: "ParallelStateExited", + ParallelStateFailed: "ParallelStateFailed", + ParallelStateStarted: "ParallelStateStarted", + ParallelStateSucceeded: "ParallelStateSucceeded", + PassStateEntered: "PassStateEntered", + PassStateExited: "PassStateExited", + SucceedStateEntered: "SucceedStateEntered", + SucceedStateExited: "SucceedStateExited", + TaskFailed: "TaskFailed", + TaskScheduled: "TaskScheduled", + TaskStartFailed: "TaskStartFailed", + TaskStarted: "TaskStarted", + TaskStateAborted: "TaskStateAborted", + TaskStateEntered: "TaskStateEntered", + TaskStateExited: "TaskStateExited", + TaskSubmitFailed: "TaskSubmitFailed", + TaskSubmitted: "TaskSubmitted", + TaskSucceeded: "TaskSucceeded", + TaskTimedOut: "TaskTimedOut", + WaitStateAborted: "WaitStateAborted", + WaitStateEntered: "WaitStateEntered", + WaitStateExited: "WaitStateExited" + }; + var InvalidToken = class extends SFNServiceException_1.SFNServiceException { + constructor(opts) { + super({ + name: "InvalidToken", + $fault: "client", + ...opts + }); + this.name = "InvalidToken"; + this.$fault = "client"; + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, InvalidToken.prototype); + } + }; + exports.InvalidToken = InvalidToken; + var TaskDoesNotExist = class extends SFNServiceException_1.SFNServiceException { + constructor(opts) { + super({ + name: "TaskDoesNotExist", + $fault: "client", + ...opts + }); + this.name = "TaskDoesNotExist"; + this.$fault = "client"; + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, TaskDoesNotExist.prototype); + } + }; + exports.TaskDoesNotExist = TaskDoesNotExist; + var TaskTimedOut = class extends SFNServiceException_1.SFNServiceException { + constructor(opts) { + super({ + name: "TaskTimedOut", + $fault: "client", + ...opts + }); + this.name = "TaskTimedOut"; + this.$fault = "client"; + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, TaskTimedOut.prototype); + } + }; + exports.TaskTimedOut = TaskTimedOut; + var InvalidOutput = class extends SFNServiceException_1.SFNServiceException { + constructor(opts) { + super({ + name: "InvalidOutput", + $fault: "client", + ...opts + }); + this.name = "InvalidOutput"; + this.$fault = "client"; + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, InvalidOutput.prototype); + } + }; + exports.InvalidOutput = InvalidOutput; + var ExecutionAlreadyExists = class extends SFNServiceException_1.SFNServiceException { + constructor(opts) { + super({ + name: "ExecutionAlreadyExists", + $fault: "client", + ...opts + }); + this.name = "ExecutionAlreadyExists"; + this.$fault = "client"; + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, ExecutionAlreadyExists.prototype); + } + }; + exports.ExecutionAlreadyExists = ExecutionAlreadyExists; + var ExecutionLimitExceeded = class extends SFNServiceException_1.SFNServiceException { + constructor(opts) { + super({ + name: "ExecutionLimitExceeded", + $fault: "client", + ...opts + }); + this.name = "ExecutionLimitExceeded"; + this.$fault = "client"; + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, ExecutionLimitExceeded.prototype); + } + }; + exports.ExecutionLimitExceeded = ExecutionLimitExceeded; + var InvalidExecutionInput = class extends SFNServiceException_1.SFNServiceException { + constructor(opts) { + super({ + name: "InvalidExecutionInput", + $fault: "client", + ...opts + }); + this.name = "InvalidExecutionInput"; + this.$fault = "client"; + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, InvalidExecutionInput.prototype); + } + }; + exports.InvalidExecutionInput = InvalidExecutionInput; + exports.SyncExecutionStatus = { + FAILED: "FAILED", + SUCCEEDED: "SUCCEEDED", + TIMED_OUT: "TIMED_OUT" + }; + var MissingRequiredParameter = class extends SFNServiceException_1.SFNServiceException { + constructor(opts) { + super({ + name: "MissingRequiredParameter", + $fault: "client", + ...opts + }); + this.name = "MissingRequiredParameter"; + this.$fault = "client"; + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, MissingRequiredParameter.prototype); + } + }; + exports.MissingRequiredParameter = MissingRequiredParameter; + var ActivityFailedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({ + ...obj, + ...obj.error && { error: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING }, + ...obj.cause && { cause: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING } + }); + exports.ActivityFailedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = ActivityFailedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog; + var ActivityScheduledEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({ + ...obj, + ...obj.input && { input: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING } + }); + exports.ActivityScheduledEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = ActivityScheduledEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog; + var ActivityScheduleFailedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({ + ...obj, + ...obj.error && { error: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING }, + ...obj.cause && { cause: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING } + }); + exports.ActivityScheduleFailedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = ActivityScheduleFailedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog; + var ActivitySucceededEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({ + ...obj, + ...obj.output && { output: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING } + }); + exports.ActivitySucceededEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = ActivitySucceededEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog; + var ActivityTimedOutEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({ + ...obj, + ...obj.error && { error: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING }, + ...obj.cause && { cause: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING } + }); + exports.ActivityTimedOutEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = ActivityTimedOutEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog; + var CreateStateMachineInputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({ + ...obj, + ...obj.definition && { definition: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING } + }); + exports.CreateStateMachineInputFilterSensitiveLog = CreateStateMachineInputFilterSensitiveLog; + var DescribeExecutionOutputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({ + ...obj, + ...obj.input && { input: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING }, + ...obj.output && { output: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING }, + ...obj.error && { error: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING }, + ...obj.cause && { cause: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING } + }); + exports.DescribeExecutionOutputFilterSensitiveLog = DescribeExecutionOutputFilterSensitiveLog; + var DescribeStateMachineOutputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({ + ...obj, + ...obj.definition && { definition: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING } + }); + exports.DescribeStateMachineOutputFilterSensitiveLog = DescribeStateMachineOutputFilterSensitiveLog; + var DescribeStateMachineForExecutionOutputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({ + ...obj, + ...obj.definition && { definition: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING } + }); + exports.DescribeStateMachineForExecutionOutputFilterSensitiveLog = DescribeStateMachineForExecutionOutputFilterSensitiveLog; + var GetActivityTaskOutputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({ + ...obj, + ...obj.input && { input: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING } + }); + exports.GetActivityTaskOutputFilterSensitiveLog = GetActivityTaskOutputFilterSensitiveLog; + var ExecutionAbortedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({ + ...obj, + ...obj.error && { error: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING }, + ...obj.cause && { cause: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING } + }); + exports.ExecutionAbortedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = ExecutionAbortedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog; + var ExecutionFailedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({ + ...obj, + ...obj.error && { error: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING }, + ...obj.cause && { cause: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING } + }); + exports.ExecutionFailedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = ExecutionFailedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog; + var ExecutionStartedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({ + ...obj, + ...obj.input && { input: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING } + }); + exports.ExecutionStartedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = ExecutionStartedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog; + var ExecutionSucceededEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({ + ...obj, + ...obj.output && { output: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING } + }); + exports.ExecutionSucceededEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = ExecutionSucceededEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog; + var ExecutionTimedOutEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({ + ...obj, + ...obj.error && { error: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING }, + ...obj.cause && { cause: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING } + }); + exports.ExecutionTimedOutEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = ExecutionTimedOutEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog; + var LambdaFunctionFailedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({ + ...obj, + ...obj.error && { error: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING }, + ...obj.cause && { cause: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING } + }); + exports.LambdaFunctionFailedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = LambdaFunctionFailedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog; + var LambdaFunctionScheduledEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({ + ...obj, + ...obj.input && { input: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING } + }); + exports.LambdaFunctionScheduledEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = LambdaFunctionScheduledEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog; + var LambdaFunctionScheduleFailedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({ + ...obj, + ...obj.error && { error: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING }, + ...obj.cause && { cause: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING } + }); + exports.LambdaFunctionScheduleFailedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = LambdaFunctionScheduleFailedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog; + var LambdaFunctionStartFailedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({ + ...obj, + ...obj.error && { error: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING }, + ...obj.cause && { cause: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING } + }); + exports.LambdaFunctionStartFailedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = LambdaFunctionStartFailedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog; + var LambdaFunctionSucceededEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({ + ...obj, + ...obj.output && { output: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING } + }); + exports.LambdaFunctionSucceededEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = LambdaFunctionSucceededEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog; + var LambdaFunctionTimedOutEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({ + ...obj, + ...obj.error && { error: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING }, + ...obj.cause && { cause: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING } + }); + exports.LambdaFunctionTimedOutEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = LambdaFunctionTimedOutEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog; + var MapRunFailedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({ + ...obj, + ...obj.error && { error: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING }, + ...obj.cause && { cause: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING } + }); + exports.MapRunFailedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = MapRunFailedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog; + var StateEnteredEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({ + ...obj, + ...obj.input && { input: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING } + }); + exports.StateEnteredEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = StateEnteredEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog; + var StateExitedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({ + ...obj, + ...obj.output && { output: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING } + }); + exports.StateExitedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = StateExitedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog; + var TaskFailedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({ + ...obj, + ...obj.error && { error: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING }, + ...obj.cause && { cause: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING } + }); + exports.TaskFailedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = TaskFailedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog; + var TaskScheduledEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({ + ...obj, + ...obj.parameters && { parameters: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING } + }); + exports.TaskScheduledEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = TaskScheduledEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog; + var TaskStartFailedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({ + ...obj, + ...obj.error && { error: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING }, + ...obj.cause && { cause: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING } + }); + exports.TaskStartFailedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = TaskStartFailedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog; + var TaskSubmitFailedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({ + ...obj, + ...obj.error && { error: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING }, + ...obj.cause && { cause: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING } + }); + exports.TaskSubmitFailedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = TaskSubmitFailedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog; + var TaskSubmittedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({ + ...obj, + ...obj.output && { output: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING } + }); + exports.TaskSubmittedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = TaskSubmittedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog; + var TaskSucceededEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({ + ...obj, + ...obj.output && { output: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING } + }); + exports.TaskSucceededEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = TaskSucceededEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog; + var TaskTimedOutEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({ + ...obj, + ...obj.error && { error: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING }, + ...obj.cause && { cause: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING } + }); + exports.TaskTimedOutEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = TaskTimedOutEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog; + var HistoryEventFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({ + ...obj, + ...obj.activityFailedEventDetails && { + activityFailedEventDetails: (0, exports.ActivityFailedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog)(obj.activityFailedEventDetails) + }, + ...obj.activityScheduleFailedEventDetails && { + activityScheduleFailedEventDetails: (0, exports.ActivityScheduleFailedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog)(obj.activityScheduleFailedEventDetails) + }, + ...obj.activityScheduledEventDetails && { + activityScheduledEventDetails: (0, exports.ActivityScheduledEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog)(obj.activityScheduledEventDetails) + }, + ...obj.activitySucceededEventDetails && { + activitySucceededEventDetails: (0, exports.ActivitySucceededEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog)(obj.activitySucceededEventDetails) + }, + ...obj.activityTimedOutEventDetails && { + activityTimedOutEventDetails: (0, exports.ActivityTimedOutEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog)(obj.activityTimedOutEventDetails) + }, + ...obj.taskFailedEventDetails && { + taskFailedEventDetails: (0, exports.TaskFailedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog)(obj.taskFailedEventDetails) + }, + ...obj.taskScheduledEventDetails && { + taskScheduledEventDetails: (0, exports.TaskScheduledEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog)(obj.taskScheduledEventDetails) + }, + ...obj.taskStartFailedEventDetails && { + taskStartFailedEventDetails: (0, exports.TaskStartFailedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog)(obj.taskStartFailedEventDetails) + }, + ...obj.taskSubmitFailedEventDetails && { + taskSubmitFailedEventDetails: (0, exports.TaskSubmitFailedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog)(obj.taskSubmitFailedEventDetails) + }, + ...obj.taskSubmittedEventDetails && { + taskSubmittedEventDetails: (0, exports.TaskSubmittedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog)(obj.taskSubmittedEventDetails) + }, + ...obj.taskSucceededEventDetails && { + taskSucceededEventDetails: (0, exports.TaskSucceededEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog)(obj.taskSucceededEventDetails) + }, + ...obj.taskTimedOutEventDetails && { + taskTimedOutEventDetails: (0, exports.TaskTimedOutEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog)(obj.taskTimedOutEventDetails) + }, + ...obj.executionFailedEventDetails && { + executionFailedEventDetails: (0, exports.ExecutionFailedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog)(obj.executionFailedEventDetails) + }, + ...obj.executionStartedEventDetails && { + executionStartedEventDetails: (0, exports.ExecutionStartedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog)(obj.executionStartedEventDetails) + }, + ...obj.executionSucceededEventDetails && { + executionSucceededEventDetails: (0, exports.ExecutionSucceededEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog)(obj.executionSucceededEventDetails) + }, + ...obj.executionAbortedEventDetails && { + executionAbortedEventDetails: (0, exports.ExecutionAbortedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog)(obj.executionAbortedEventDetails) + }, + ...obj.executionTimedOutEventDetails && { + executionTimedOutEventDetails: (0, exports.ExecutionTimedOutEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog)(obj.executionTimedOutEventDetails) + }, + ...obj.lambdaFunctionFailedEventDetails && { + lambdaFunctionFailedEventDetails: (0, exports.LambdaFunctionFailedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog)(obj.lambdaFunctionFailedEventDetails) + }, + ...obj.lambdaFunctionScheduleFailedEventDetails && { + lambdaFunctionScheduleFailedEventDetails: (0, exports.LambdaFunctionScheduleFailedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog)(obj.lambdaFunctionScheduleFailedEventDetails) + }, + ...obj.lambdaFunctionScheduledEventDetails && { + lambdaFunctionScheduledEventDetails: (0, exports.LambdaFunctionScheduledEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog)(obj.lambdaFunctionScheduledEventDetails) + }, + ...obj.lambdaFunctionStartFailedEventDetails && { + lambdaFunctionStartFailedEventDetails: (0, exports.LambdaFunctionStartFailedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog)(obj.lambdaFunctionStartFailedEventDetails) + }, + ...obj.lambdaFunctionSucceededEventDetails && { + lambdaFunctionSucceededEventDetails: (0, exports.LambdaFunctionSucceededEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog)(obj.lambdaFunctionSucceededEventDetails) + }, + ...obj.lambdaFunctionTimedOutEventDetails && { + lambdaFunctionTimedOutEventDetails: (0, exports.LambdaFunctionTimedOutEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog)(obj.lambdaFunctionTimedOutEventDetails) + }, + ...obj.stateEnteredEventDetails && { + stateEnteredEventDetails: (0, exports.StateEnteredEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog)(obj.stateEnteredEventDetails) + }, + ...obj.stateExitedEventDetails && { + stateExitedEventDetails: (0, exports.StateExitedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog)(obj.stateExitedEventDetails) + }, + ...obj.mapRunFailedEventDetails && { + mapRunFailedEventDetails: (0, exports.MapRunFailedEventDetailsFilterSensitiveLog)(obj.mapRunFailedEventDetails) + } + }); + exports.HistoryEventFilterSensitiveLog = HistoryEventFilterSensitiveLog; + var GetExecutionHistoryOutputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({ + ...obj, + ...obj.events && { events: obj.events.map((item) => (0, exports.HistoryEventFilterSensitiveLog)(item)) } + }); + exports.GetExecutionHistoryOutputFilterSensitiveLog = GetExecutionHistoryOutputFilterSensitiveLog; + var SendTaskFailureInputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({ + ...obj, + ...obj.error && { error: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING }, + ...obj.cause && { cause: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING } + }); + exports.SendTaskFailureInputFilterSensitiveLog = SendTaskFailureInputFilterSensitiveLog; + var SendTaskSuccessInputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({ + ...obj, + ...obj.output && { output: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING } + }); + exports.SendTaskSuccessInputFilterSensitiveLog = SendTaskSuccessInputFilterSensitiveLog; + var StartExecutionInputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({ + ...obj, + ...obj.input && { input: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING } + }); + exports.StartExecutionInputFilterSensitiveLog = StartExecutionInputFilterSensitiveLog; + var StartSyncExecutionInputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({ + ...obj, + ...obj.input && { input: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING } + }); + exports.StartSyncExecutionInputFilterSensitiveLog = StartSyncExecutionInputFilterSensitiveLog; + var StartSyncExecutionOutputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({ + ...obj, + ...obj.error && { error: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING }, + ...obj.cause && { cause: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING }, + ...obj.input && { input: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING }, + ...obj.output && { output: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING } + }); + exports.StartSyncExecutionOutputFilterSensitiveLog = StartSyncExecutionOutputFilterSensitiveLog; + var StopExecutionInputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({ + ...obj, + ...obj.error && { error: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING }, + ...obj.cause && { cause: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING } + }); + exports.StopExecutionInputFilterSensitiveLog = StopExecutionInputFilterSensitiveLog; + var UpdateStateMachineInputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({ + ...obj, + ...obj.definition && { definition: smithy_client_1.SENSITIVE_STRING } + }); + exports.UpdateStateMachineInputFilterSensitiveLog = UpdateStateMachineInputFilterSensitiveLog; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/protocols/Aws_json1_0.js +var require_Aws_json1_0 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/protocols/Aws_json1_0.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.de_UntagResourceCommand = exports.de_TagResourceCommand = exports.de_StopExecutionCommand = exports.de_StartSyncExecutionCommand = exports.de_StartExecutionCommand = exports.de_SendTaskSuccessCommand = exports.de_SendTaskHeartbeatCommand = exports.de_SendTaskFailureCommand = exports.de_ListTagsForResourceCommand = exports.de_ListStateMachinesCommand = exports.de_ListMapRunsCommand = exports.de_ListExecutionsCommand = exports.de_ListActivitiesCommand = exports.de_GetExecutionHistoryCommand = exports.de_GetActivityTaskCommand = exports.de_DescribeStateMachineForExecutionCommand = exports.de_DescribeStateMachineCommand = exports.de_DescribeMapRunCommand = exports.de_DescribeExecutionCommand = exports.de_DescribeActivityCommand = exports.de_DeleteStateMachineCommand = exports.de_DeleteActivityCommand = exports.de_CreateStateMachineCommand = exports.de_CreateActivityCommand = exports.se_UpdateStateMachineCommand = exports.se_UpdateMapRunCommand = exports.se_UntagResourceCommand = exports.se_TagResourceCommand = exports.se_StopExecutionCommand = exports.se_StartSyncExecutionCommand = exports.se_StartExecutionCommand = exports.se_SendTaskSuccessCommand = exports.se_SendTaskHeartbeatCommand = exports.se_SendTaskFailureCommand = exports.se_ListTagsForResourceCommand = exports.se_ListStateMachinesCommand = exports.se_ListMapRunsCommand = exports.se_ListExecutionsCommand = exports.se_ListActivitiesCommand = exports.se_GetExecutionHistoryCommand = exports.se_GetActivityTaskCommand = exports.se_DescribeStateMachineForExecutionCommand = exports.se_DescribeStateMachineCommand = exports.se_DescribeMapRunCommand = exports.se_DescribeExecutionCommand = exports.se_DescribeActivityCommand = exports.se_DeleteStateMachineCommand = exports.se_DeleteActivityCommand = exports.se_CreateStateMachineCommand = exports.se_CreateActivityCommand = void 0; + exports.de_UpdateStateMachineCommand = exports.de_UpdateMapRunCommand = void 0; + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + var protocol_http_1 = require_dist_cjs33(); + var models_0_1 = require_models_04(); + var SFNServiceException_1 = require_SFNServiceException(); + var se_CreateActivityCommand = async (input, context) => { + const headers = sharedHeaders("CreateActivity"); + let body; + body = JSON.stringify((0, smithy_client_1._json)(input)); + return buildHttpRpcRequest(context, headers, "/", void 0, body); + }; + exports.se_CreateActivityCommand = se_CreateActivityCommand; + var se_CreateStateMachineCommand = async (input, context) => { + const headers = sharedHeaders("CreateStateMachine"); + let body; + body = JSON.stringify((0, smithy_client_1._json)(input)); + return buildHttpRpcRequest(context, headers, "/", void 0, body); + }; + exports.se_CreateStateMachineCommand = se_CreateStateMachineCommand; + var se_DeleteActivityCommand = async (input, context) => { + const headers = sharedHeaders("DeleteActivity"); + let body; + body = JSON.stringify((0, smithy_client_1._json)(input)); + return buildHttpRpcRequest(context, headers, "/", void 0, body); + }; + exports.se_DeleteActivityCommand = se_DeleteActivityCommand; + var se_DeleteStateMachineCommand = async (input, context) => { + const headers = sharedHeaders("DeleteStateMachine"); + let body; + body = JSON.stringify((0, smithy_client_1._json)(input)); + return buildHttpRpcRequest(context, headers, "/", void 0, body); + }; + exports.se_DeleteStateMachineCommand = se_DeleteStateMachineCommand; + var se_DescribeActivityCommand = async (input, context) => { + const headers = sharedHeaders("DescribeActivity"); + let body; + body = JSON.stringify((0, smithy_client_1._json)(input)); + return buildHttpRpcRequest(context, headers, "/", void 0, body); + }; + exports.se_DescribeActivityCommand = se_DescribeActivityCommand; + var se_DescribeExecutionCommand = async (input, context) => { + const headers = sharedHeaders("DescribeExecution"); + let body; + body = JSON.stringify((0, smithy_client_1._json)(input)); + return buildHttpRpcRequest(context, headers, "/", void 0, body); + }; + exports.se_DescribeExecutionCommand = se_DescribeExecutionCommand; + var se_DescribeMapRunCommand = async (input, context) => { + const headers = sharedHeaders("DescribeMapRun"); + let body; + body = JSON.stringify((0, smithy_client_1._json)(input)); + return buildHttpRpcRequest(context, headers, "/", void 0, body); + }; + exports.se_DescribeMapRunCommand = se_DescribeMapRunCommand; + var se_DescribeStateMachineCommand = async (input, context) => { + const headers = sharedHeaders("DescribeStateMachine"); + let body; + body = JSON.stringify((0, smithy_client_1._json)(input)); + return buildHttpRpcRequest(context, headers, "/", void 0, body); + }; + exports.se_DescribeStateMachineCommand = se_DescribeStateMachineCommand; + var se_DescribeStateMachineForExecutionCommand = async (input, context) => { + const headers = sharedHeaders("DescribeStateMachineForExecution"); + let body; + body = JSON.stringify((0, smithy_client_1._json)(input)); + return buildHttpRpcRequest(context, headers, "/", void 0, body); + }; + exports.se_DescribeStateMachineForExecutionCommand = se_DescribeStateMachineForExecutionCommand; + var se_GetActivityTaskCommand = async (input, context) => { + const headers = sharedHeaders("GetActivityTask"); + let body; + body = JSON.stringify((0, smithy_client_1._json)(input)); + return buildHttpRpcRequest(context, headers, "/", void 0, body); + }; + exports.se_GetActivityTaskCommand = se_GetActivityTaskCommand; + var se_GetExecutionHistoryCommand = async (input, context) => { + const headers = sharedHeaders("GetExecutionHistory"); + let body; + body = JSON.stringify((0, smithy_client_1._json)(input)); + return buildHttpRpcRequest(context, headers, "/", void 0, body); + }; + exports.se_GetExecutionHistoryCommand = se_GetExecutionHistoryCommand; + var se_ListActivitiesCommand = async (input, context) => { + const headers = sharedHeaders("ListActivities"); + let body; + body = JSON.stringify((0, smithy_client_1._json)(input)); + return buildHttpRpcRequest(context, headers, "/", void 0, body); + }; + exports.se_ListActivitiesCommand = se_ListActivitiesCommand; + var se_ListExecutionsCommand = async (input, context) => { + const headers = sharedHeaders("ListExecutions"); + let body; + body = JSON.stringify((0, smithy_client_1._json)(input)); + return buildHttpRpcRequest(context, headers, "/", void 0, body); + }; + exports.se_ListExecutionsCommand = se_ListExecutionsCommand; + var se_ListMapRunsCommand = async (input, context) => { + const headers = sharedHeaders("ListMapRuns"); + let body; + body = JSON.stringify((0, smithy_client_1._json)(input)); + return buildHttpRpcRequest(context, headers, "/", void 0, body); + }; + exports.se_ListMapRunsCommand = se_ListMapRunsCommand; + var se_ListStateMachinesCommand = async (input, context) => { + const headers = sharedHeaders("ListStateMachines"); + let body; + body = JSON.stringify((0, smithy_client_1._json)(input)); + return buildHttpRpcRequest(context, headers, "/", void 0, body); + }; + exports.se_ListStateMachinesCommand = se_ListStateMachinesCommand; + var se_ListTagsForResourceCommand = async (input, context) => { + const headers = sharedHeaders("ListTagsForResource"); + let body; + body = JSON.stringify((0, smithy_client_1._json)(input)); + return buildHttpRpcRequest(context, headers, "/", void 0, body); + }; + exports.se_ListTagsForResourceCommand = se_ListTagsForResourceCommand; + var se_SendTaskFailureCommand = async (input, context) => { + const headers = sharedHeaders("SendTaskFailure"); + let body; + body = JSON.stringify((0, smithy_client_1._json)(input)); + return buildHttpRpcRequest(context, headers, "/", void 0, body); + }; + exports.se_SendTaskFailureCommand = se_SendTaskFailureCommand; + var se_SendTaskHeartbeatCommand = async (input, context) => { + const headers = sharedHeaders("SendTaskHeartbeat"); + let body; + body = JSON.stringify((0, smithy_client_1._json)(input)); + return buildHttpRpcRequest(context, headers, "/", void 0, body); + }; + exports.se_SendTaskHeartbeatCommand = se_SendTaskHeartbeatCommand; + var se_SendTaskSuccessCommand = async (input, context) => { + const headers = sharedHeaders("SendTaskSuccess"); + let body; + body = JSON.stringify((0, smithy_client_1._json)(input)); + return buildHttpRpcRequest(context, headers, "/", void 0, body); + }; + exports.se_SendTaskSuccessCommand = se_SendTaskSuccessCommand; + var se_StartExecutionCommand = async (input, context) => { + const headers = sharedHeaders("StartExecution"); + let body; + body = JSON.stringify((0, smithy_client_1._json)(input)); + return buildHttpRpcRequest(context, headers, "/", void 0, body); + }; + exports.se_StartExecutionCommand = se_StartExecutionCommand; + var se_StartSyncExecutionCommand = async (input, context) => { + const headers = sharedHeaders("StartSyncExecution"); + let body; + body = JSON.stringify((0, smithy_client_1._json)(input)); + let { hostname: resolvedHostname } = await context.endpoint(); + if (context.disableHostPrefix !== true) { + resolvedHostname = "sync-" + resolvedHostname; + if (!(0, protocol_http_1.isValidHostname)(resolvedHostname)) { + throw new Error("ValidationError: prefixed hostname must be hostname compatible."); + } + } + return buildHttpRpcRequest(context, headers, "/", resolvedHostname, body); + }; + exports.se_StartSyncExecutionCommand = se_StartSyncExecutionCommand; + var se_StopExecutionCommand = async (input, context) => { + const headers = sharedHeaders("StopExecution"); + let body; + body = JSON.stringify((0, smithy_client_1._json)(input)); + return buildHttpRpcRequest(context, headers, "/", void 0, body); + }; + exports.se_StopExecutionCommand = se_StopExecutionCommand; + var se_TagResourceCommand = async (input, context) => { + const headers = sharedHeaders("TagResource"); + let body; + body = JSON.stringify((0, smithy_client_1._json)(input)); + return buildHttpRpcRequest(context, headers, "/", void 0, body); + }; + exports.se_TagResourceCommand = se_TagResourceCommand; + var se_UntagResourceCommand = async (input, context) => { + const headers = sharedHeaders("UntagResource"); + let body; + body = JSON.stringify((0, smithy_client_1._json)(input)); + return buildHttpRpcRequest(context, headers, "/", void 0, body); + }; + exports.se_UntagResourceCommand = se_UntagResourceCommand; + var se_UpdateMapRunCommand = async (input, context) => { + const headers = sharedHeaders("UpdateMapRun"); + let body; + body = JSON.stringify(se_UpdateMapRunInput(input, context)); + return buildHttpRpcRequest(context, headers, "/", void 0, body); + }; + exports.se_UpdateMapRunCommand = se_UpdateMapRunCommand; + var se_UpdateStateMachineCommand = async (input, context) => { + const headers = sharedHeaders("UpdateStateMachine"); + let body; + body = JSON.stringify((0, smithy_client_1._json)(input)); + return buildHttpRpcRequest(context, headers, "/", void 0, body); + }; + exports.se_UpdateStateMachineCommand = se_UpdateStateMachineCommand; + var de_CreateActivityCommand = async (output, context) => { + if (output.statusCode >= 300) { + return de_CreateActivityCommandError(output, context); + } + const data = await parseBody(output.body, context); + let contents = {}; + contents = de_CreateActivityOutput(data, context); + const response = { + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(output), + ...contents + }; + return response; + }; + exports.de_CreateActivityCommand = de_CreateActivityCommand; + var de_CreateActivityCommandError = async (output, context) => { + const parsedOutput = { + ...output, + body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context) + }; + const errorCode = loadRestJsonErrorCode(output, parsedOutput.body); + switch (errorCode) { + case "ActivityLimitExceeded": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#ActivityLimitExceeded": + throw await de_ActivityLimitExceededRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "InvalidName": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#InvalidName": + throw await de_InvalidNameRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "TooManyTags": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#TooManyTags": + throw await de_TooManyTagsRes(parsedOutput, context); + default: + const parsedBody = parsedOutput.body; + return throwDefaultError({ + output, + parsedBody, + errorCode + }); + } + }; + var de_CreateStateMachineCommand = async (output, context) => { + if (output.statusCode >= 300) { + return de_CreateStateMachineCommandError(output, context); + } + const data = await parseBody(output.body, context); + let contents = {}; + contents = de_CreateStateMachineOutput(data, context); + const response = { + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(output), + ...contents + }; + return response; + }; + exports.de_CreateStateMachineCommand = de_CreateStateMachineCommand; + var de_CreateStateMachineCommandError = async (output, context) => { + const parsedOutput = { + ...output, + body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context) + }; + const errorCode = loadRestJsonErrorCode(output, parsedOutput.body); + switch (errorCode) { + case "InvalidArn": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#InvalidArn": + throw await de_InvalidArnRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "InvalidDefinition": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#InvalidDefinition": + throw await de_InvalidDefinitionRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "InvalidLoggingConfiguration": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#InvalidLoggingConfiguration": + throw await de_InvalidLoggingConfigurationRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "InvalidName": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#InvalidName": + throw await de_InvalidNameRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "InvalidTracingConfiguration": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#InvalidTracingConfiguration": + throw await de_InvalidTracingConfigurationRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "StateMachineAlreadyExists": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#StateMachineAlreadyExists": + throw await de_StateMachineAlreadyExistsRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "StateMachineDeleting": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#StateMachineDeleting": + throw await de_StateMachineDeletingRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "StateMachineLimitExceeded": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#StateMachineLimitExceeded": + throw await de_StateMachineLimitExceededRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "StateMachineTypeNotSupported": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#StateMachineTypeNotSupported": + throw await de_StateMachineTypeNotSupportedRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "TooManyTags": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#TooManyTags": + throw await de_TooManyTagsRes(parsedOutput, context); + default: + const parsedBody = parsedOutput.body; + return throwDefaultError({ + output, + parsedBody, + errorCode + }); + } + }; + var de_DeleteActivityCommand = async (output, context) => { + if (output.statusCode >= 300) { + return de_DeleteActivityCommandError(output, context); + } + const data = await parseBody(output.body, context); + let contents = {}; + contents = (0, smithy_client_1._json)(data); + const response = { + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(output), + ...contents + }; + return response; + }; + exports.de_DeleteActivityCommand = de_DeleteActivityCommand; + var de_DeleteActivityCommandError = async (output, context) => { + const parsedOutput = { + ...output, + body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context) + }; + const errorCode = loadRestJsonErrorCode(output, parsedOutput.body); + switch (errorCode) { + case "InvalidArn": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#InvalidArn": + throw await de_InvalidArnRes(parsedOutput, context); + default: + const parsedBody = parsedOutput.body; + return throwDefaultError({ + output, + parsedBody, + errorCode + }); + } + }; + var de_DeleteStateMachineCommand = async (output, context) => { + if (output.statusCode >= 300) { + return de_DeleteStateMachineCommandError(output, context); + } + const data = await parseBody(output.body, context); + let contents = {}; + contents = (0, smithy_client_1._json)(data); + const response = { + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(output), + ...contents + }; + return response; + }; + exports.de_DeleteStateMachineCommand = de_DeleteStateMachineCommand; + var de_DeleteStateMachineCommandError = async (output, context) => { + const parsedOutput = { + ...output, + body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context) + }; + const errorCode = loadRestJsonErrorCode(output, parsedOutput.body); + switch (errorCode) { + case "InvalidArn": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#InvalidArn": + throw await de_InvalidArnRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "ValidationException": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#ValidationException": + throw await de_ValidationExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + default: + const parsedBody = parsedOutput.body; + return throwDefaultError({ + output, + parsedBody, + errorCode + }); + } + }; + var de_DescribeActivityCommand = async (output, context) => { + if (output.statusCode >= 300) { + return de_DescribeActivityCommandError(output, context); + } + const data = await parseBody(output.body, context); + let contents = {}; + contents = de_DescribeActivityOutput(data, context); + const response = { + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(output), + ...contents + }; + return response; + }; + exports.de_DescribeActivityCommand = de_DescribeActivityCommand; + var de_DescribeActivityCommandError = async (output, context) => { + const parsedOutput = { + ...output, + body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context) + }; + const errorCode = loadRestJsonErrorCode(output, parsedOutput.body); + switch (errorCode) { + case "ActivityDoesNotExist": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#ActivityDoesNotExist": + throw await de_ActivityDoesNotExistRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "InvalidArn": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#InvalidArn": + throw await de_InvalidArnRes(parsedOutput, context); + default: + const parsedBody = parsedOutput.body; + return throwDefaultError({ + output, + parsedBody, + errorCode + }); + } + }; + var de_DescribeExecutionCommand = async (output, context) => { + if (output.statusCode >= 300) { + return de_DescribeExecutionCommandError(output, context); + } + const data = await parseBody(output.body, context); + let contents = {}; + contents = de_DescribeExecutionOutput(data, context); + const response = { + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(output), + ...contents + }; + return response; + }; + exports.de_DescribeExecutionCommand = de_DescribeExecutionCommand; + var de_DescribeExecutionCommandError = async (output, context) => { + const parsedOutput = { + ...output, + body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context) + }; + const errorCode = loadRestJsonErrorCode(output, parsedOutput.body); + switch (errorCode) { + case "ExecutionDoesNotExist": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#ExecutionDoesNotExist": + throw await de_ExecutionDoesNotExistRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "InvalidArn": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#InvalidArn": + throw await de_InvalidArnRes(parsedOutput, context); + default: + const parsedBody = parsedOutput.body; + return throwDefaultError({ + output, + parsedBody, + errorCode + }); + } + }; + var de_DescribeMapRunCommand = async (output, context) => { + if (output.statusCode >= 300) { + return de_DescribeMapRunCommandError(output, context); + } + const data = await parseBody(output.body, context); + let contents = {}; + contents = de_DescribeMapRunOutput(data, context); + const response = { + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(output), + ...contents + }; + return response; + }; + exports.de_DescribeMapRunCommand = de_DescribeMapRunCommand; + var de_DescribeMapRunCommandError = async (output, context) => { + const parsedOutput = { + ...output, + body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context) + }; + const errorCode = loadRestJsonErrorCode(output, parsedOutput.body); + switch (errorCode) { + case "InvalidArn": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#InvalidArn": + throw await de_InvalidArnRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "ResourceNotFound": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#ResourceNotFound": + throw await de_ResourceNotFoundRes(parsedOutput, context); + default: + const parsedBody = parsedOutput.body; + return throwDefaultError({ + output, + parsedBody, + errorCode + }); + } + }; + var de_DescribeStateMachineCommand = async (output, context) => { + if (output.statusCode >= 300) { + return de_DescribeStateMachineCommandError(output, context); + } + const data = await parseBody(output.body, context); + let contents = {}; + contents = de_DescribeStateMachineOutput(data, context); + const response = { + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(output), + ...contents + }; + return response; + }; + exports.de_DescribeStateMachineCommand = de_DescribeStateMachineCommand; + var de_DescribeStateMachineCommandError = async (output, context) => { + const parsedOutput = { + ...output, + body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context) + }; + const errorCode = loadRestJsonErrorCode(output, parsedOutput.body); + switch (errorCode) { + case "InvalidArn": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#InvalidArn": + throw await de_InvalidArnRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "StateMachineDoesNotExist": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#StateMachineDoesNotExist": + throw await de_StateMachineDoesNotExistRes(parsedOutput, context); + default: + const parsedBody = parsedOutput.body; + return throwDefaultError({ + output, + parsedBody, + errorCode + }); + } + }; + var de_DescribeStateMachineForExecutionCommand = async (output, context) => { + if (output.statusCode >= 300) { + return de_DescribeStateMachineForExecutionCommandError(output, context); + } + const data = await parseBody(output.body, context); + let contents = {}; + contents = de_DescribeStateMachineForExecutionOutput(data, context); + const response = { + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(output), + ...contents + }; + return response; + }; + exports.de_DescribeStateMachineForExecutionCommand = de_DescribeStateMachineForExecutionCommand; + var de_DescribeStateMachineForExecutionCommandError = async (output, context) => { + const parsedOutput = { + ...output, + body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context) + }; + const errorCode = loadRestJsonErrorCode(output, parsedOutput.body); + switch (errorCode) { + case "ExecutionDoesNotExist": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#ExecutionDoesNotExist": + throw await de_ExecutionDoesNotExistRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "InvalidArn": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#InvalidArn": + throw await de_InvalidArnRes(parsedOutput, context); + default: + const parsedBody = parsedOutput.body; + return throwDefaultError({ + output, + parsedBody, + errorCode + }); + } + }; + var de_GetActivityTaskCommand = async (output, context) => { + if (output.statusCode >= 300) { + return de_GetActivityTaskCommandError(output, context); + } + const data = await parseBody(output.body, context); + let contents = {}; + contents = (0, smithy_client_1._json)(data); + const response = { + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(output), + ...contents + }; + return response; + }; + exports.de_GetActivityTaskCommand = de_GetActivityTaskCommand; + var de_GetActivityTaskCommandError = async (output, context) => { + const parsedOutput = { + ...output, + body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context) + }; + const errorCode = loadRestJsonErrorCode(output, parsedOutput.body); + switch (errorCode) { + case "ActivityDoesNotExist": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#ActivityDoesNotExist": + throw await de_ActivityDoesNotExistRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "ActivityWorkerLimitExceeded": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#ActivityWorkerLimitExceeded": + throw await de_ActivityWorkerLimitExceededRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "InvalidArn": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#InvalidArn": + throw await de_InvalidArnRes(parsedOutput, context); + default: + const parsedBody = parsedOutput.body; + return throwDefaultError({ + output, + parsedBody, + errorCode + }); + } + }; + var de_GetExecutionHistoryCommand = async (output, context) => { + if (output.statusCode >= 300) { + return de_GetExecutionHistoryCommandError(output, context); + } + const data = await parseBody(output.body, context); + let contents = {}; + contents = de_GetExecutionHistoryOutput(data, context); + const response = { + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(output), + ...contents + }; + return response; + }; + exports.de_GetExecutionHistoryCommand = de_GetExecutionHistoryCommand; + var de_GetExecutionHistoryCommandError = async (output, context) => { + const parsedOutput = { + ...output, + body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context) + }; + const errorCode = loadRestJsonErrorCode(output, parsedOutput.body); + switch (errorCode) { + case "ExecutionDoesNotExist": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#ExecutionDoesNotExist": + throw await de_ExecutionDoesNotExistRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "InvalidArn": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#InvalidArn": + throw await de_InvalidArnRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "InvalidToken": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#InvalidToken": + throw await de_InvalidTokenRes(parsedOutput, context); + default: + const parsedBody = parsedOutput.body; + return throwDefaultError({ + output, + parsedBody, + errorCode + }); + } + }; + var de_ListActivitiesCommand = async (output, context) => { + if (output.statusCode >= 300) { + return de_ListActivitiesCommandError(output, context); + } + const data = await parseBody(output.body, context); + let contents = {}; + contents = de_ListActivitiesOutput(data, context); + const response = { + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(output), + ...contents + }; + return response; + }; + exports.de_ListActivitiesCommand = de_ListActivitiesCommand; + var de_ListActivitiesCommandError = async (output, context) => { + const parsedOutput = { + ...output, + body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context) + }; + const errorCode = loadRestJsonErrorCode(output, parsedOutput.body); + switch (errorCode) { + case "InvalidToken": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#InvalidToken": + throw await de_InvalidTokenRes(parsedOutput, context); + default: + const parsedBody = parsedOutput.body; + return throwDefaultError({ + output, + parsedBody, + errorCode + }); + } + }; + var de_ListExecutionsCommand = async (output, context) => { + if (output.statusCode >= 300) { + return de_ListExecutionsCommandError(output, context); + } + const data = await parseBody(output.body, context); + let contents = {}; + contents = de_ListExecutionsOutput(data, context); + const response = { + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(output), + ...contents + }; + return response; + }; + exports.de_ListExecutionsCommand = de_ListExecutionsCommand; + var de_ListExecutionsCommandError = async (output, context) => { + const parsedOutput = { + ...output, + body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context) + }; + const errorCode = loadRestJsonErrorCode(output, parsedOutput.body); + switch (errorCode) { + case "InvalidArn": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#InvalidArn": + throw await de_InvalidArnRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "InvalidToken": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#InvalidToken": + throw await de_InvalidTokenRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "ResourceNotFound": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#ResourceNotFound": + throw await de_ResourceNotFoundRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "StateMachineDoesNotExist": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#StateMachineDoesNotExist": + throw await de_StateMachineDoesNotExistRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "StateMachineTypeNotSupported": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#StateMachineTypeNotSupported": + throw await de_StateMachineTypeNotSupportedRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "ValidationException": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#ValidationException": + throw await de_ValidationExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + default: + const parsedBody = parsedOutput.body; + return throwDefaultError({ + output, + parsedBody, + errorCode + }); + } + }; + var de_ListMapRunsCommand = async (output, context) => { + if (output.statusCode >= 300) { + return de_ListMapRunsCommandError(output, context); + } + const data = await parseBody(output.body, context); + let contents = {}; + contents = de_ListMapRunsOutput(data, context); + const response = { + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(output), + ...contents + }; + return response; + }; + exports.de_ListMapRunsCommand = de_ListMapRunsCommand; + var de_ListMapRunsCommandError = async (output, context) => { + const parsedOutput = { + ...output, + body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context) + }; + const errorCode = loadRestJsonErrorCode(output, parsedOutput.body); + switch (errorCode) { + case "ExecutionDoesNotExist": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#ExecutionDoesNotExist": + throw await de_ExecutionDoesNotExistRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "InvalidArn": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#InvalidArn": + throw await de_InvalidArnRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "InvalidToken": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#InvalidToken": + throw await de_InvalidTokenRes(parsedOutput, context); + default: + const parsedBody = parsedOutput.body; + return throwDefaultError({ + output, + parsedBody, + errorCode + }); + } + }; + var de_ListStateMachinesCommand = async (output, context) => { + if (output.statusCode >= 300) { + return de_ListStateMachinesCommandError(output, context); + } + const data = await parseBody(output.body, context); + let contents = {}; + contents = de_ListStateMachinesOutput(data, context); + const response = { + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(output), + ...contents + }; + return response; + }; + exports.de_ListStateMachinesCommand = de_ListStateMachinesCommand; + var de_ListStateMachinesCommandError = async (output, context) => { + const parsedOutput = { + ...output, + body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context) + }; + const errorCode = loadRestJsonErrorCode(output, parsedOutput.body); + switch (errorCode) { + case "InvalidToken": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#InvalidToken": + throw await de_InvalidTokenRes(parsedOutput, context); + default: + const parsedBody = parsedOutput.body; + return throwDefaultError({ + output, + parsedBody, + errorCode + }); + } + }; + var de_ListTagsForResourceCommand = async (output, context) => { + if (output.statusCode >= 300) { + return de_ListTagsForResourceCommandError(output, context); + } + const data = await parseBody(output.body, context); + let contents = {}; + contents = (0, smithy_client_1._json)(data); + const response = { + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(output), + ...contents + }; + return response; + }; + exports.de_ListTagsForResourceCommand = de_ListTagsForResourceCommand; + var de_ListTagsForResourceCommandError = async (output, context) => { + const parsedOutput = { + ...output, + body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context) + }; + const errorCode = loadRestJsonErrorCode(output, parsedOutput.body); + switch (errorCode) { + case "InvalidArn": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#InvalidArn": + throw await de_InvalidArnRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "ResourceNotFound": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#ResourceNotFound": + throw await de_ResourceNotFoundRes(parsedOutput, context); + default: + const parsedBody = parsedOutput.body; + return throwDefaultError({ + output, + parsedBody, + errorCode + }); + } + }; + var de_SendTaskFailureCommand = async (output, context) => { + if (output.statusCode >= 300) { + return de_SendTaskFailureCommandError(output, context); + } + const data = await parseBody(output.body, context); + let contents = {}; + contents = (0, smithy_client_1._json)(data); + const response = { + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(output), + ...contents + }; + return response; + }; + exports.de_SendTaskFailureCommand = de_SendTaskFailureCommand; + var de_SendTaskFailureCommandError = async (output, context) => { + const parsedOutput = { + ...output, + body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context) + }; + const errorCode = loadRestJsonErrorCode(output, parsedOutput.body); + switch (errorCode) { + case "InvalidToken": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#InvalidToken": + throw await de_InvalidTokenRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "TaskDoesNotExist": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#TaskDoesNotExist": + throw await de_TaskDoesNotExistRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "TaskTimedOut": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#TaskTimedOut": + throw await de_TaskTimedOutRes(parsedOutput, context); + default: + const parsedBody = parsedOutput.body; + return throwDefaultError({ + output, + parsedBody, + errorCode + }); + } + }; + var de_SendTaskHeartbeatCommand = async (output, context) => { + if (output.statusCode >= 300) { + return de_SendTaskHeartbeatCommandError(output, context); + } + const data = await parseBody(output.body, context); + let contents = {}; + contents = (0, smithy_client_1._json)(data); + const response = { + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(output), + ...contents + }; + return response; + }; + exports.de_SendTaskHeartbeatCommand = de_SendTaskHeartbeatCommand; + var de_SendTaskHeartbeatCommandError = async (output, context) => { + const parsedOutput = { + ...output, + body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context) + }; + const errorCode = loadRestJsonErrorCode(output, parsedOutput.body); + switch (errorCode) { + case "InvalidToken": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#InvalidToken": + throw await de_InvalidTokenRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "TaskDoesNotExist": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#TaskDoesNotExist": + throw await de_TaskDoesNotExistRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "TaskTimedOut": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#TaskTimedOut": + throw await de_TaskTimedOutRes(parsedOutput, context); + default: + const parsedBody = parsedOutput.body; + return throwDefaultError({ + output, + parsedBody, + errorCode + }); + } + }; + var de_SendTaskSuccessCommand = async (output, context) => { + if (output.statusCode >= 300) { + return de_SendTaskSuccessCommandError(output, context); + } + const data = await parseBody(output.body, context); + let contents = {}; + contents = (0, smithy_client_1._json)(data); + const response = { + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(output), + ...contents + }; + return response; + }; + exports.de_SendTaskSuccessCommand = de_SendTaskSuccessCommand; + var de_SendTaskSuccessCommandError = async (output, context) => { + const parsedOutput = { + ...output, + body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context) + }; + const errorCode = loadRestJsonErrorCode(output, parsedOutput.body); + switch (errorCode) { + case "InvalidOutput": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#InvalidOutput": + throw await de_InvalidOutputRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "InvalidToken": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#InvalidToken": + throw await de_InvalidTokenRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "TaskDoesNotExist": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#TaskDoesNotExist": + throw await de_TaskDoesNotExistRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "TaskTimedOut": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#TaskTimedOut": + throw await de_TaskTimedOutRes(parsedOutput, context); + default: + const parsedBody = parsedOutput.body; + return throwDefaultError({ + output, + parsedBody, + errorCode + }); + } + }; + var de_StartExecutionCommand = async (output, context) => { + if (output.statusCode >= 300) { + return de_StartExecutionCommandError(output, context); + } + const data = await parseBody(output.body, context); + let contents = {}; + contents = de_StartExecutionOutput(data, context); + const response = { + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(output), + ...contents + }; + return response; + }; + exports.de_StartExecutionCommand = de_StartExecutionCommand; + var de_StartExecutionCommandError = async (output, context) => { + const parsedOutput = { + ...output, + body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context) + }; + const errorCode = loadRestJsonErrorCode(output, parsedOutput.body); + switch (errorCode) { + case "ExecutionAlreadyExists": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#ExecutionAlreadyExists": + throw await de_ExecutionAlreadyExistsRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "ExecutionLimitExceeded": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#ExecutionLimitExceeded": + throw await de_ExecutionLimitExceededRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "InvalidArn": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#InvalidArn": + throw await de_InvalidArnRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "InvalidExecutionInput": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#InvalidExecutionInput": + throw await de_InvalidExecutionInputRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "InvalidName": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#InvalidName": + throw await de_InvalidNameRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "StateMachineDeleting": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#StateMachineDeleting": + throw await de_StateMachineDeletingRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "StateMachineDoesNotExist": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#StateMachineDoesNotExist": + throw await de_StateMachineDoesNotExistRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "ValidationException": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#ValidationException": + throw await de_ValidationExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + default: + const parsedBody = parsedOutput.body; + return throwDefaultError({ + output, + parsedBody, + errorCode + }); + } + }; + var de_StartSyncExecutionCommand = async (output, context) => { + if (output.statusCode >= 300) { + return de_StartSyncExecutionCommandError(output, context); + } + const data = await parseBody(output.body, context); + let contents = {}; + contents = de_StartSyncExecutionOutput(data, context); + const response = { + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(output), + ...contents + }; + return response; + }; + exports.de_StartSyncExecutionCommand = de_StartSyncExecutionCommand; + var de_StartSyncExecutionCommandError = async (output, context) => { + const parsedOutput = { + ...output, + body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context) + }; + const errorCode = loadRestJsonErrorCode(output, parsedOutput.body); + switch (errorCode) { + case "InvalidArn": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#InvalidArn": + throw await de_InvalidArnRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "InvalidExecutionInput": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#InvalidExecutionInput": + throw await de_InvalidExecutionInputRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "InvalidName": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#InvalidName": + throw await de_InvalidNameRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "StateMachineDeleting": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#StateMachineDeleting": + throw await de_StateMachineDeletingRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "StateMachineDoesNotExist": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#StateMachineDoesNotExist": + throw await de_StateMachineDoesNotExistRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "StateMachineTypeNotSupported": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#StateMachineTypeNotSupported": + throw await de_StateMachineTypeNotSupportedRes(parsedOutput, context); + default: + const parsedBody = parsedOutput.body; + return throwDefaultError({ + output, + parsedBody, + errorCode + }); + } + }; + var de_StopExecutionCommand = async (output, context) => { + if (output.statusCode >= 300) { + return de_StopExecutionCommandError(output, context); + } + const data = await parseBody(output.body, context); + let contents = {}; + contents = de_StopExecutionOutput(data, context); + const response = { + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(output), + ...contents + }; + return response; + }; + exports.de_StopExecutionCommand = de_StopExecutionCommand; + var de_StopExecutionCommandError = async (output, context) => { + const parsedOutput = { + ...output, + body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context) + }; + const errorCode = loadRestJsonErrorCode(output, parsedOutput.body); + switch (errorCode) { + case "ExecutionDoesNotExist": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#ExecutionDoesNotExist": + throw await de_ExecutionDoesNotExistRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "InvalidArn": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#InvalidArn": + throw await de_InvalidArnRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "ValidationException": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#ValidationException": + throw await de_ValidationExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + default: + const parsedBody = parsedOutput.body; + return throwDefaultError({ + output, + parsedBody, + errorCode + }); + } + }; + var de_TagResourceCommand = async (output, context) => { + if (output.statusCode >= 300) { + return de_TagResourceCommandError(output, context); + } + const data = await parseBody(output.body, context); + let contents = {}; + contents = (0, smithy_client_1._json)(data); + const response = { + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(output), + ...contents + }; + return response; + }; + exports.de_TagResourceCommand = de_TagResourceCommand; + var de_TagResourceCommandError = async (output, context) => { + const parsedOutput = { + ...output, + body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context) + }; + const errorCode = loadRestJsonErrorCode(output, parsedOutput.body); + switch (errorCode) { + case "InvalidArn": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#InvalidArn": + throw await de_InvalidArnRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "ResourceNotFound": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#ResourceNotFound": + throw await de_ResourceNotFoundRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "TooManyTags": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#TooManyTags": + throw await de_TooManyTagsRes(parsedOutput, context); + default: + const parsedBody = parsedOutput.body; + return throwDefaultError({ + output, + parsedBody, + errorCode + }); + } + }; + var de_UntagResourceCommand = async (output, context) => { + if (output.statusCode >= 300) { + return de_UntagResourceCommandError(output, context); + } + const data = await parseBody(output.body, context); + let contents = {}; + contents = (0, smithy_client_1._json)(data); + const response = { + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(output), + ...contents + }; + return response; + }; + exports.de_UntagResourceCommand = de_UntagResourceCommand; + var de_UntagResourceCommandError = async (output, context) => { + const parsedOutput = { + ...output, + body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context) + }; + const errorCode = loadRestJsonErrorCode(output, parsedOutput.body); + switch (errorCode) { + case "InvalidArn": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#InvalidArn": + throw await de_InvalidArnRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "ResourceNotFound": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#ResourceNotFound": + throw await de_ResourceNotFoundRes(parsedOutput, context); + default: + const parsedBody = parsedOutput.body; + return throwDefaultError({ + output, + parsedBody, + errorCode + }); + } + }; + var de_UpdateMapRunCommand = async (output, context) => { + if (output.statusCode >= 300) { + return de_UpdateMapRunCommandError(output, context); + } + const data = await parseBody(output.body, context); + let contents = {}; + contents = (0, smithy_client_1._json)(data); + const response = { + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(output), + ...contents + }; + return response; + }; + exports.de_UpdateMapRunCommand = de_UpdateMapRunCommand; + var de_UpdateMapRunCommandError = async (output, context) => { + const parsedOutput = { + ...output, + body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context) + }; + const errorCode = loadRestJsonErrorCode(output, parsedOutput.body); + switch (errorCode) { + case "InvalidArn": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#InvalidArn": + throw await de_InvalidArnRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "ResourceNotFound": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#ResourceNotFound": + throw await de_ResourceNotFoundRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "ValidationException": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#ValidationException": + throw await de_ValidationExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + default: + const parsedBody = parsedOutput.body; + return throwDefaultError({ + output, + parsedBody, + errorCode + }); + } + }; + var de_UpdateStateMachineCommand = async (output, context) => { + if (output.statusCode >= 300) { + return de_UpdateStateMachineCommandError(output, context); + } + const data = await parseBody(output.body, context); + let contents = {}; + contents = de_UpdateStateMachineOutput(data, context); + const response = { + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(output), + ...contents + }; + return response; + }; + exports.de_UpdateStateMachineCommand = de_UpdateStateMachineCommand; + var de_UpdateStateMachineCommandError = async (output, context) => { + const parsedOutput = { + ...output, + body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context) + }; + const errorCode = loadRestJsonErrorCode(output, parsedOutput.body); + switch (errorCode) { + case "InvalidArn": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#InvalidArn": + throw await de_InvalidArnRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "InvalidDefinition": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#InvalidDefinition": + throw await de_InvalidDefinitionRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "InvalidLoggingConfiguration": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#InvalidLoggingConfiguration": + throw await de_InvalidLoggingConfigurationRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "InvalidTracingConfiguration": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#InvalidTracingConfiguration": + throw await de_InvalidTracingConfigurationRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "MissingRequiredParameter": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#MissingRequiredParameter": + throw await de_MissingRequiredParameterRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "StateMachineDeleting": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#StateMachineDeleting": + throw await de_StateMachineDeletingRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "StateMachineDoesNotExist": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#StateMachineDoesNotExist": + throw await de_StateMachineDoesNotExistRes(parsedOutput, context); + case "ValidationException": + case "com.amazonaws.sfn#ValidationException": + throw await de_ValidationExceptionRes(parsedOutput, context); + default: + const parsedBody = parsedOutput.body; + return throwDefaultError({ + output, + parsedBody, + errorCode + }); + } + }; + var de_ActivityDoesNotExistRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => { + const body = parsedOutput.body; + const deserialized = (0, smithy_client_1._json)(body); + const exception = new models_0_1.ActivityDoesNotExist({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), + ...deserialized + }); + return (0, smithy_client_1.decorateServiceException)(exception, body); + }; + var de_ActivityLimitExceededRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => { + const body = parsedOutput.body; + const deserialized = (0, smithy_client_1._json)(body); + const exception = new models_0_1.ActivityLimitExceeded({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), + ...deserialized + }); + return (0, smithy_client_1.decorateServiceException)(exception, body); + }; + var de_ActivityWorkerLimitExceededRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => { + const body = parsedOutput.body; + const deserialized = (0, smithy_client_1._json)(body); + const exception = new models_0_1.ActivityWorkerLimitExceeded({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), + ...deserialized + }); + return (0, smithy_client_1.decorateServiceException)(exception, body); + }; + var de_ExecutionAlreadyExistsRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => { + const body = parsedOutput.body; + const deserialized = (0, smithy_client_1._json)(body); + const exception = new models_0_1.ExecutionAlreadyExists({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), + ...deserialized + }); + return (0, smithy_client_1.decorateServiceException)(exception, body); + }; + var de_ExecutionDoesNotExistRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => { + const body = parsedOutput.body; + const deserialized = (0, smithy_client_1._json)(body); + const exception = new models_0_1.ExecutionDoesNotExist({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), + ...deserialized + }); + return (0, smithy_client_1.decorateServiceException)(exception, body); + }; + var de_ExecutionLimitExceededRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => { + const body = parsedOutput.body; + const deserialized = (0, smithy_client_1._json)(body); + const exception = new models_0_1.ExecutionLimitExceeded({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), + ...deserialized + }); + return (0, smithy_client_1.decorateServiceException)(exception, body); + }; + var de_InvalidArnRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => { + const body = parsedOutput.body; + const deserialized = (0, smithy_client_1._json)(body); + const exception = new models_0_1.InvalidArn({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), + ...deserialized + }); + return (0, smithy_client_1.decorateServiceException)(exception, body); + }; + var de_InvalidDefinitionRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => { + const body = parsedOutput.body; + const deserialized = (0, smithy_client_1._json)(body); + const exception = new models_0_1.InvalidDefinition({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), + ...deserialized + }); + return (0, smithy_client_1.decorateServiceException)(exception, body); + }; + var de_InvalidExecutionInputRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => { + const body = parsedOutput.body; + const deserialized = (0, smithy_client_1._json)(body); + const exception = new models_0_1.InvalidExecutionInput({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), + ...deserialized + }); + return (0, smithy_client_1.decorateServiceException)(exception, body); + }; + var de_InvalidLoggingConfigurationRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => { + const body = parsedOutput.body; + const deserialized = (0, smithy_client_1._json)(body); + const exception = new models_0_1.InvalidLoggingConfiguration({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), + ...deserialized + }); + return (0, smithy_client_1.decorateServiceException)(exception, body); + }; + var de_InvalidNameRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => { + const body = parsedOutput.body; + const deserialized = (0, smithy_client_1._json)(body); + const exception = new models_0_1.InvalidName({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), + ...deserialized + }); + return (0, smithy_client_1.decorateServiceException)(exception, body); + }; + var de_InvalidOutputRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => { + const body = parsedOutput.body; + const deserialized = (0, smithy_client_1._json)(body); + const exception = new models_0_1.InvalidOutput({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), + ...deserialized + }); + return (0, smithy_client_1.decorateServiceException)(exception, body); + }; + var de_InvalidTokenRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => { + const body = parsedOutput.body; + const deserialized = (0, smithy_client_1._json)(body); + const exception = new models_0_1.InvalidToken({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), + ...deserialized + }); + return (0, smithy_client_1.decorateServiceException)(exception, body); + }; + var de_InvalidTracingConfigurationRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => { + const body = parsedOutput.body; + const deserialized = (0, smithy_client_1._json)(body); + const exception = new models_0_1.InvalidTracingConfiguration({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), + ...deserialized + }); + return (0, smithy_client_1.decorateServiceException)(exception, body); + }; + var de_MissingRequiredParameterRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => { + const body = parsedOutput.body; + const deserialized = (0, smithy_client_1._json)(body); + const exception = new models_0_1.MissingRequiredParameter({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), + ...deserialized + }); + return (0, smithy_client_1.decorateServiceException)(exception, body); + }; + var de_ResourceNotFoundRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => { + const body = parsedOutput.body; + const deserialized = (0, smithy_client_1._json)(body); + const exception = new models_0_1.ResourceNotFound({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), + ...deserialized + }); + return (0, smithy_client_1.decorateServiceException)(exception, body); + }; + var de_StateMachineAlreadyExistsRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => { + const body = parsedOutput.body; + const deserialized = (0, smithy_client_1._json)(body); + const exception = new models_0_1.StateMachineAlreadyExists({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), + ...deserialized + }); + return (0, smithy_client_1.decorateServiceException)(exception, body); + }; + var de_StateMachineDeletingRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => { + const body = parsedOutput.body; + const deserialized = (0, smithy_client_1._json)(body); + const exception = new models_0_1.StateMachineDeleting({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), + ...deserialized + }); + return (0, smithy_client_1.decorateServiceException)(exception, body); + }; + var de_StateMachineDoesNotExistRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => { + const body = parsedOutput.body; + const deserialized = (0, smithy_client_1._json)(body); + const exception = new models_0_1.StateMachineDoesNotExist({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), + ...deserialized + }); + return (0, smithy_client_1.decorateServiceException)(exception, body); + }; + var de_StateMachineLimitExceededRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => { + const body = parsedOutput.body; + const deserialized = (0, smithy_client_1._json)(body); + const exception = new models_0_1.StateMachineLimitExceeded({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), + ...deserialized + }); + return (0, smithy_client_1.decorateServiceException)(exception, body); + }; + var de_StateMachineTypeNotSupportedRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => { + const body = parsedOutput.body; + const deserialized = (0, smithy_client_1._json)(body); + const exception = new models_0_1.StateMachineTypeNotSupported({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), + ...deserialized + }); + return (0, smithy_client_1.decorateServiceException)(exception, body); + }; + var de_TaskDoesNotExistRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => { + const body = parsedOutput.body; + const deserialized = (0, smithy_client_1._json)(body); + const exception = new models_0_1.TaskDoesNotExist({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), + ...deserialized + }); + return (0, smithy_client_1.decorateServiceException)(exception, body); + }; + var de_TaskTimedOutRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => { + const body = parsedOutput.body; + const deserialized = (0, smithy_client_1._json)(body); + const exception = new models_0_1.TaskTimedOut({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), + ...deserialized + }); + return (0, smithy_client_1.decorateServiceException)(exception, body); + }; + var de_TooManyTagsRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => { + const body = parsedOutput.body; + const deserialized = (0, smithy_client_1._json)(body); + const exception = new models_0_1.TooManyTags({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), + ...deserialized + }); + return (0, smithy_client_1.decorateServiceException)(exception, body); + }; + var de_ValidationExceptionRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => { + const body = parsedOutput.body; + const deserialized = (0, smithy_client_1._json)(body); + const exception = new models_0_1.ValidationException({ + $metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput), + ...deserialized + }); + return (0, smithy_client_1.decorateServiceException)(exception, body); + }; + var se_UpdateMapRunInput = (input, context) => { + return (0, smithy_client_1.take)(input, { + mapRunArn: [], + maxConcurrency: [], + toleratedFailureCount: [], + toleratedFailurePercentage: smithy_client_1.serializeFloat + }); + }; + var de_ActivityList = (output, context) => { + const retVal = (output || []).filter((e) => e != null).map((entry) => { + return de_ActivityListItem(entry, context); + }); + return retVal; + }; + var de_ActivityListItem = (output, context) => { + return (0, smithy_client_1.take)(output, { + activityArn: smithy_client_1.expectString, + creationDate: (_) => (0, smithy_client_1.expectNonNull)((0, smithy_client_1.parseEpochTimestamp)((0, smithy_client_1.expectNumber)(_))), + name: smithy_client_1.expectString + }); + }; + var de_CreateActivityOutput = (output, context) => { + return (0, smithy_client_1.take)(output, { + activityArn: smithy_client_1.expectString, + creationDate: (_) => (0, smithy_client_1.expectNonNull)((0, smithy_client_1.parseEpochTimestamp)((0, smithy_client_1.expectNumber)(_))) + }); + }; + var de_CreateStateMachineOutput = (output, context) => { + return (0, smithy_client_1.take)(output, { + creationDate: (_) => (0, smithy_client_1.expectNonNull)((0, smithy_client_1.parseEpochTimestamp)((0, smithy_client_1.expectNumber)(_))), + stateMachineArn: smithy_client_1.expectString + }); + }; + var de_DescribeActivityOutput = (output, context) => { + return (0, smithy_client_1.take)(output, { + activityArn: smithy_client_1.expectString, + creationDate: (_) => (0, smithy_client_1.expectNonNull)((0, smithy_client_1.parseEpochTimestamp)((0, smithy_client_1.expectNumber)(_))), + name: smithy_client_1.expectString + }); + }; + var de_DescribeExecutionOutput = (output, context) => { + return (0, smithy_client_1.take)(output, { + cause: smithy_client_1.expectString, + error: smithy_client_1.expectString, + executionArn: smithy_client_1.expectString, + input: smithy_client_1.expectString, + inputDetails: smithy_client_1._json, + mapRunArn: smithy_client_1.expectString, + name: smithy_client_1.expectString, + output: smithy_client_1.expectString, + outputDetails: smithy_client_1._json, + startDate: (_) => (0, smithy_client_1.expectNonNull)((0, smithy_client_1.parseEpochTimestamp)((0, smithy_client_1.expectNumber)(_))), + stateMachineArn: smithy_client_1.expectString, + status: smithy_client_1.expectString, + stopDate: (_) => (0, smithy_client_1.expectNonNull)((0, smithy_client_1.parseEpochTimestamp)((0, smithy_client_1.expectNumber)(_))), + traceHeader: smithy_client_1.expectString + }); + }; + var de_DescribeMapRunOutput = (output, context) => { + return (0, smithy_client_1.take)(output, { + executionArn: smithy_client_1.expectString, + executionCounts: smithy_client_1._json, + itemCounts: smithy_client_1._json, + mapRunArn: smithy_client_1.expectString, + maxConcurrency: smithy_client_1.expectInt32, + startDate: (_) => (0, smithy_client_1.expectNonNull)((0, smithy_client_1.parseEpochTimestamp)((0, smithy_client_1.expectNumber)(_))), + status: smithy_client_1.expectString, + stopDate: (_) => (0, smithy_client_1.expectNonNull)((0, smithy_client_1.parseEpochTimestamp)((0, smithy_client_1.expectNumber)(_))), + toleratedFailureCount: smithy_client_1.expectLong, + toleratedFailurePercentage: smithy_client_1.limitedParseFloat32 + }); + }; + var de_DescribeStateMachineForExecutionOutput = (output, context) => { + return (0, smithy_client_1.take)(output, { + definition: smithy_client_1.expectString, + label: smithy_client_1.expectString, + loggingConfiguration: smithy_client_1._json, + mapRunArn: smithy_client_1.expectString, + name: smithy_client_1.expectString, + roleArn: smithy_client_1.expectString, + stateMachineArn: smithy_client_1.expectString, + tracingConfiguration: smithy_client_1._json, + updateDate: (_) => (0, smithy_client_1.expectNonNull)((0, smithy_client_1.parseEpochTimestamp)((0, smithy_client_1.expectNumber)(_))) + }); + }; + var de_DescribeStateMachineOutput = (output, context) => { + return (0, smithy_client_1.take)(output, { + creationDate: (_) => (0, smithy_client_1.expectNonNull)((0, smithy_client_1.parseEpochTimestamp)((0, smithy_client_1.expectNumber)(_))), + definition: smithy_client_1.expectString, + label: smithy_client_1.expectString, + loggingConfiguration: smithy_client_1._json, + name: smithy_client_1.expectString, + roleArn: smithy_client_1.expectString, + stateMachineArn: smithy_client_1.expectString, + status: smithy_client_1.expectString, + tracingConfiguration: smithy_client_1._json, + type: smithy_client_1.expectString + }); + }; + var de_ExecutionList = (output, context) => { + const retVal = (output || []).filter((e) => e != null).map((entry) => { + return de_ExecutionListItem(entry, context); + }); + return retVal; + }; + var de_ExecutionListItem = (output, context) => { + return (0, smithy_client_1.take)(output, { + executionArn: smithy_client_1.expectString, + itemCount: smithy_client_1.expectInt32, + mapRunArn: smithy_client_1.expectString, + name: smithy_client_1.expectString, + startDate: (_) => (0, smithy_client_1.expectNonNull)((0, smithy_client_1.parseEpochTimestamp)((0, smithy_client_1.expectNumber)(_))), + stateMachineArn: smithy_client_1.expectString, + status: smithy_client_1.expectString, + stopDate: (_) => (0, smithy_client_1.expectNonNull)((0, smithy_client_1.parseEpochTimestamp)((0, smithy_client_1.expectNumber)(_))) + }); + }; + var de_GetExecutionHistoryOutput = (output, context) => { + return (0, smithy_client_1.take)(output, { + events: (_) => de_HistoryEventList(_, context), + nextToken: smithy_client_1.expectString + }); + }; + var de_HistoryEvent = (output, context) => { + return (0, smithy_client_1.take)(output, { + activityFailedEventDetails: smithy_client_1._json, + activityScheduleFailedEventDetails: smithy_client_1._json, + activityScheduledEventDetails: smithy_client_1._json, + activityStartedEventDetails: smithy_client_1._json, + activitySucceededEventDetails: smithy_client_1._json, + activityTimedOutEventDetails: smithy_client_1._json, + executionAbortedEventDetails: smithy_client_1._json, + executionFailedEventDetails: smithy_client_1._json, + executionStartedEventDetails: smithy_client_1._json, + executionSucceededEventDetails: smithy_client_1._json, + executionTimedOutEventDetails: smithy_client_1._json, + id: smithy_client_1.expectLong, + lambdaFunctionFailedEventDetails: smithy_client_1._json, + lambdaFunctionScheduleFailedEventDetails: smithy_client_1._json, + lambdaFunctionScheduledEventDetails: smithy_client_1._json, + lambdaFunctionStartFailedEventDetails: smithy_client_1._json, + lambdaFunctionSucceededEventDetails: smithy_client_1._json, + lambdaFunctionTimedOutEventDetails: smithy_client_1._json, + mapIterationAbortedEventDetails: smithy_client_1._json, + mapIterationFailedEventDetails: smithy_client_1._json, + mapIterationStartedEventDetails: smithy_client_1._json, + mapIterationSucceededEventDetails: smithy_client_1._json, + mapRunFailedEventDetails: smithy_client_1._json, + mapRunStartedEventDetails: smithy_client_1._json, + mapStateStartedEventDetails: smithy_client_1._json, + previousEventId: smithy_client_1.expectLong, + stateEnteredEventDetails: smithy_client_1._json, + stateExitedEventDetails: smithy_client_1._json, + taskFailedEventDetails: smithy_client_1._json, + taskScheduledEventDetails: smithy_client_1._json, + taskStartFailedEventDetails: smithy_client_1._json, + taskStartedEventDetails: smithy_client_1._json, + taskSubmitFailedEventDetails: smithy_client_1._json, + taskSubmittedEventDetails: smithy_client_1._json, + taskSucceededEventDetails: smithy_client_1._json, + taskTimedOutEventDetails: smithy_client_1._json, + timestamp: (_) => (0, smithy_client_1.expectNonNull)((0, smithy_client_1.parseEpochTimestamp)((0, smithy_client_1.expectNumber)(_))), + type: smithy_client_1.expectString + }); + }; + var de_HistoryEventList = (output, context) => { + const retVal = (output || []).filter((e) => e != null).map((entry) => { + return de_HistoryEvent(entry, context); + }); + return retVal; + }; + var de_ListActivitiesOutput = (output, context) => { + return (0, smithy_client_1.take)(output, { + activities: (_) => de_ActivityList(_, context), + nextToken: smithy_client_1.expectString + }); + }; + var de_ListExecutionsOutput = (output, context) => { + return (0, smithy_client_1.take)(output, { + executions: (_) => de_ExecutionList(_, context), + nextToken: smithy_client_1.expectString + }); + }; + var de_ListMapRunsOutput = (output, context) => { + return (0, smithy_client_1.take)(output, { + mapRuns: (_) => de_MapRunList(_, context), + nextToken: smithy_client_1.expectString + }); + }; + var de_ListStateMachinesOutput = (output, context) => { + return (0, smithy_client_1.take)(output, { + nextToken: smithy_client_1.expectString, + stateMachines: (_) => de_StateMachineList(_, context) + }); + }; + var de_MapRunList = (output, context) => { + const retVal = (output || []).filter((e) => e != null).map((entry) => { + return de_MapRunListItem(entry, context); + }); + return retVal; + }; + var de_MapRunListItem = (output, context) => { + return (0, smithy_client_1.take)(output, { + executionArn: smithy_client_1.expectString, + mapRunArn: smithy_client_1.expectString, + startDate: (_) => (0, smithy_client_1.expectNonNull)((0, smithy_client_1.parseEpochTimestamp)((0, smithy_client_1.expectNumber)(_))), + stateMachineArn: smithy_client_1.expectString, + stopDate: (_) => (0, smithy_client_1.expectNonNull)((0, smithy_client_1.parseEpochTimestamp)((0, smithy_client_1.expectNumber)(_))) + }); + }; + var de_StartExecutionOutput = (output, context) => { + return (0, smithy_client_1.take)(output, { + executionArn: smithy_client_1.expectString, + startDate: (_) => (0, smithy_client_1.expectNonNull)((0, smithy_client_1.parseEpochTimestamp)((0, smithy_client_1.expectNumber)(_))) + }); + }; + var de_StartSyncExecutionOutput = (output, context) => { + return (0, smithy_client_1.take)(output, { + billingDetails: smithy_client_1._json, + cause: smithy_client_1.expectString, + error: smithy_client_1.expectString, + executionArn: smithy_client_1.expectString, + input: smithy_client_1.expectString, + inputDetails: smithy_client_1._json, + name: smithy_client_1.expectString, + output: smithy_client_1.expectString, + outputDetails: smithy_client_1._json, + startDate: (_) => (0, smithy_client_1.expectNonNull)((0, smithy_client_1.parseEpochTimestamp)((0, smithy_client_1.expectNumber)(_))), + stateMachineArn: smithy_client_1.expectString, + status: smithy_client_1.expectString, + stopDate: (_) => (0, smithy_client_1.expectNonNull)((0, smithy_client_1.parseEpochTimestamp)((0, smithy_client_1.expectNumber)(_))), + traceHeader: smithy_client_1.expectString + }); + }; + var de_StateMachineList = (output, context) => { + const retVal = (output || []).filter((e) => e != null).map((entry) => { + return de_StateMachineListItem(entry, context); + }); + return retVal; + }; + var de_StateMachineListItem = (output, context) => { + return (0, smithy_client_1.take)(output, { + creationDate: (_) => (0, smithy_client_1.expectNonNull)((0, smithy_client_1.parseEpochTimestamp)((0, smithy_client_1.expectNumber)(_))), + name: smithy_client_1.expectString, + stateMachineArn: smithy_client_1.expectString, + type: smithy_client_1.expectString + }); + }; + var de_StopExecutionOutput = (output, context) => { + return (0, smithy_client_1.take)(output, { + stopDate: (_) => (0, smithy_client_1.expectNonNull)((0, smithy_client_1.parseEpochTimestamp)((0, smithy_client_1.expectNumber)(_))) + }); + }; + var de_UpdateStateMachineOutput = (output, context) => { + return (0, smithy_client_1.take)(output, { + updateDate: (_) => (0, smithy_client_1.expectNonNull)((0, smithy_client_1.parseEpochTimestamp)((0, smithy_client_1.expectNumber)(_))) + }); + }; + var deserializeMetadata = (output) => ({ + httpStatusCode: output.statusCode, + requestId: output.headers["x-amzn-requestid"] ?? output.headers["x-amzn-request-id"] ?? output.headers["x-amz-request-id"], + extendedRequestId: output.headers["x-amz-id-2"], + cfId: output.headers["x-amz-cf-id"] + }); + var collectBody = (streamBody = new Uint8Array(), context) => { + if (streamBody instanceof Uint8Array) { + return Promise.resolve(streamBody); + } + return context.streamCollector(streamBody) || Promise.resolve(new Uint8Array()); + }; + var collectBodyString = (streamBody, context) => collectBody(streamBody, context).then((body) => context.utf8Encoder(body)); + var throwDefaultError = (0, smithy_client_1.withBaseException)(SFNServiceException_1.SFNServiceException); + var buildHttpRpcRequest = async (context, headers, path, resolvedHostname, body) => { + const { hostname, protocol = "https", port, path: basePath } = await context.endpoint(); + const contents = { + protocol, + hostname, + port, + method: "POST", + path: basePath.endsWith("/") ? basePath.slice(0, -1) + path : basePath + path, + headers + }; + if (resolvedHostname !== void 0) { + contents.hostname = resolvedHostname; + } + if (body !== void 0) { + contents.body = body; + } + return new protocol_http_1.HttpRequest(contents); + }; + function sharedHeaders(operation) { + return { + "content-type": "application/x-amz-json-1.0", + "x-amz-target": `AWSStepFunctions.${operation}` + }; + } + var parseBody = (streamBody, context) => collectBodyString(streamBody, context).then((encoded) => { + if (encoded.length) { + return JSON.parse(encoded); + } + return {}; + }); + var parseErrorBody = async (errorBody, context) => { + const value = await parseBody(errorBody, context); + value.message = value.message ?? value.Message; + return value; + }; + var loadRestJsonErrorCode = (output, data) => { + const findKey = (object, key) => Object.keys(object).find((k) => k.toLowerCase() === key.toLowerCase()); + const sanitizeErrorCode = (rawValue) => { + let cleanValue = rawValue; + if (typeof cleanValue === "number") { + cleanValue = cleanValue.toString(); + } + if (cleanValue.indexOf(",") >= 0) { + cleanValue = cleanValue.split(",")[0]; + } + if (cleanValue.indexOf(":") >= 0) { + cleanValue = cleanValue.split(":")[0]; + } + if (cleanValue.indexOf("#") >= 0) { + cleanValue = cleanValue.split("#")[1]; + } + return cleanValue; + }; + const headerKey = findKey(output.headers, "x-amzn-errortype"); + if (headerKey !== void 0) { + return sanitizeErrorCode(output.headers[headerKey]); + } + if (data.code !== void 0) { + return sanitizeErrorCode(data.code); + } + if (data["__type"] !== void 0) { + return sanitizeErrorCode(data["__type"]); + } + }; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/commands/CreateActivityCommand.js +var require_CreateActivityCommand = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/commands/CreateActivityCommand.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.CreateActivityCommand = exports.$Command = void 0; + var middleware_endpoint_1 = require_dist_cjs9(); + var middleware_serde_1 = require_dist_cjs8(); + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return smithy_client_1.Command; + } }); + var Aws_json1_0_1 = require_Aws_json1_0(); + var CreateActivityCommand = class extends smithy_client_1.Command { + static getEndpointParameterInstructions() { + return { + UseFIPS: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useFipsEndpoint" }, + Endpoint: { type: "builtInParams", name: "endpoint" }, + Region: { type: "builtInParams", name: "region" }, + UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" } + }; + } + constructor(input) { + super(); + this.input = input; + } + resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) { + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_endpoint_1.getEndpointPlugin)(configuration, CreateActivityCommand.getEndpointParameterInstructions())); + const stack = clientStack.concat(this.middlewareStack); + const { logger } = configuration; + const clientName = "SFNClient"; + const commandName = "CreateActivityCommand"; + const handlerExecutionContext = { + logger, + clientName, + commandName, + inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _, + outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _ + }; + const { requestHandler } = configuration; + return stack.resolve((request2) => requestHandler.handle(request2.request, options || {}), handlerExecutionContext); + } + serialize(input, context) { + return (0, Aws_json1_0_1.se_CreateActivityCommand)(input, context); + } + deserialize(output, context) { + return (0, Aws_json1_0_1.de_CreateActivityCommand)(output, context); + } + }; + exports.CreateActivityCommand = CreateActivityCommand; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/commands/CreateStateMachineCommand.js +var require_CreateStateMachineCommand = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/commands/CreateStateMachineCommand.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.CreateStateMachineCommand = exports.$Command = void 0; + var middleware_endpoint_1 = require_dist_cjs9(); + var middleware_serde_1 = require_dist_cjs8(); + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return smithy_client_1.Command; + } }); + var models_0_1 = require_models_04(); + var Aws_json1_0_1 = require_Aws_json1_0(); + var CreateStateMachineCommand = class extends smithy_client_1.Command { + static getEndpointParameterInstructions() { + return { + UseFIPS: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useFipsEndpoint" }, + Endpoint: { type: "builtInParams", name: "endpoint" }, + Region: { type: "builtInParams", name: "region" }, + UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" } + }; + } + constructor(input) { + super(); + this.input = input; + } + resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) { + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_endpoint_1.getEndpointPlugin)(configuration, CreateStateMachineCommand.getEndpointParameterInstructions())); + const stack = clientStack.concat(this.middlewareStack); + const { logger } = configuration; + const clientName = "SFNClient"; + const commandName = "CreateStateMachineCommand"; + const handlerExecutionContext = { + logger, + clientName, + commandName, + inputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.CreateStateMachineInputFilterSensitiveLog, + outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _ + }; + const { requestHandler } = configuration; + return stack.resolve((request2) => requestHandler.handle(request2.request, options || {}), handlerExecutionContext); + } + serialize(input, context) { + return (0, Aws_json1_0_1.se_CreateStateMachineCommand)(input, context); + } + deserialize(output, context) { + return (0, Aws_json1_0_1.de_CreateStateMachineCommand)(output, context); + } + }; + exports.CreateStateMachineCommand = CreateStateMachineCommand; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/commands/DeleteActivityCommand.js +var require_DeleteActivityCommand = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/commands/DeleteActivityCommand.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.DeleteActivityCommand = exports.$Command = void 0; + var middleware_endpoint_1 = require_dist_cjs9(); + var middleware_serde_1 = require_dist_cjs8(); + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return smithy_client_1.Command; + } }); + var Aws_json1_0_1 = require_Aws_json1_0(); + var DeleteActivityCommand = class extends smithy_client_1.Command { + static getEndpointParameterInstructions() { + return { + UseFIPS: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useFipsEndpoint" }, + Endpoint: { type: "builtInParams", name: "endpoint" }, + Region: { type: "builtInParams", name: "region" }, + UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" } + }; + } + constructor(input) { + super(); + this.input = input; + } + resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) { + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_endpoint_1.getEndpointPlugin)(configuration, DeleteActivityCommand.getEndpointParameterInstructions())); + const stack = clientStack.concat(this.middlewareStack); + const { logger } = configuration; + const clientName = "SFNClient"; + const commandName = "DeleteActivityCommand"; + const handlerExecutionContext = { + logger, + clientName, + commandName, + inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _, + outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _ + }; + const { requestHandler } = configuration; + return stack.resolve((request2) => requestHandler.handle(request2.request, options || {}), handlerExecutionContext); + } + serialize(input, context) { + return (0, Aws_json1_0_1.se_DeleteActivityCommand)(input, context); + } + deserialize(output, context) { + return (0, Aws_json1_0_1.de_DeleteActivityCommand)(output, context); + } + }; + exports.DeleteActivityCommand = DeleteActivityCommand; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/commands/DeleteStateMachineCommand.js +var require_DeleteStateMachineCommand = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/commands/DeleteStateMachineCommand.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.DeleteStateMachineCommand = exports.$Command = void 0; + var middleware_endpoint_1 = require_dist_cjs9(); + var middleware_serde_1 = require_dist_cjs8(); + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return smithy_client_1.Command; + } }); + var Aws_json1_0_1 = require_Aws_json1_0(); + var DeleteStateMachineCommand = class extends smithy_client_1.Command { + static getEndpointParameterInstructions() { + return { + UseFIPS: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useFipsEndpoint" }, + Endpoint: { type: "builtInParams", name: "endpoint" }, + Region: { type: "builtInParams", name: "region" }, + UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" } + }; + } + constructor(input) { + super(); + this.input = input; + } + resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) { + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_endpoint_1.getEndpointPlugin)(configuration, DeleteStateMachineCommand.getEndpointParameterInstructions())); + const stack = clientStack.concat(this.middlewareStack); + const { logger } = configuration; + const clientName = "SFNClient"; + const commandName = "DeleteStateMachineCommand"; + const handlerExecutionContext = { + logger, + clientName, + commandName, + inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _, + outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _ + }; + const { requestHandler } = configuration; + return stack.resolve((request2) => requestHandler.handle(request2.request, options || {}), handlerExecutionContext); + } + serialize(input, context) { + return (0, Aws_json1_0_1.se_DeleteStateMachineCommand)(input, context); + } + deserialize(output, context) { + return (0, Aws_json1_0_1.de_DeleteStateMachineCommand)(output, context); + } + }; + exports.DeleteStateMachineCommand = DeleteStateMachineCommand; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/commands/DescribeActivityCommand.js +var require_DescribeActivityCommand = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/commands/DescribeActivityCommand.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.DescribeActivityCommand = exports.$Command = void 0; + var middleware_endpoint_1 = require_dist_cjs9(); + var middleware_serde_1 = require_dist_cjs8(); + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return smithy_client_1.Command; + } }); + var Aws_json1_0_1 = require_Aws_json1_0(); + var DescribeActivityCommand = class extends smithy_client_1.Command { + static getEndpointParameterInstructions() { + return { + UseFIPS: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useFipsEndpoint" }, + Endpoint: { type: "builtInParams", name: "endpoint" }, + Region: { type: "builtInParams", name: "region" }, + UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" } + }; + } + constructor(input) { + super(); + this.input = input; + } + resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) { + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_endpoint_1.getEndpointPlugin)(configuration, DescribeActivityCommand.getEndpointParameterInstructions())); + const stack = clientStack.concat(this.middlewareStack); + const { logger } = configuration; + const clientName = "SFNClient"; + const commandName = "DescribeActivityCommand"; + const handlerExecutionContext = { + logger, + clientName, + commandName, + inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _, + outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _ + }; + const { requestHandler } = configuration; + return stack.resolve((request2) => requestHandler.handle(request2.request, options || {}), handlerExecutionContext); + } + serialize(input, context) { + return (0, Aws_json1_0_1.se_DescribeActivityCommand)(input, context); + } + deserialize(output, context) { + return (0, Aws_json1_0_1.de_DescribeActivityCommand)(output, context); + } + }; + exports.DescribeActivityCommand = DescribeActivityCommand; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/commands/DescribeExecutionCommand.js +var require_DescribeExecutionCommand = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/commands/DescribeExecutionCommand.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.DescribeExecutionCommand = exports.$Command = void 0; + var middleware_endpoint_1 = require_dist_cjs9(); + var middleware_serde_1 = require_dist_cjs8(); + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return smithy_client_1.Command; + } }); + var models_0_1 = require_models_04(); + var Aws_json1_0_1 = require_Aws_json1_0(); + var DescribeExecutionCommand = class extends smithy_client_1.Command { + static getEndpointParameterInstructions() { + return { + UseFIPS: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useFipsEndpoint" }, + Endpoint: { type: "builtInParams", name: "endpoint" }, + Region: { type: "builtInParams", name: "region" }, + UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" } + }; + } + constructor(input) { + super(); + this.input = input; + } + resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) { + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_endpoint_1.getEndpointPlugin)(configuration, DescribeExecutionCommand.getEndpointParameterInstructions())); + const stack = clientStack.concat(this.middlewareStack); + const { logger } = configuration; + const clientName = "SFNClient"; + const commandName = "DescribeExecutionCommand"; + const handlerExecutionContext = { + logger, + clientName, + commandName, + inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _, + outputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.DescribeExecutionOutputFilterSensitiveLog + }; + const { requestHandler } = configuration; + return stack.resolve((request2) => requestHandler.handle(request2.request, options || {}), handlerExecutionContext); + } + serialize(input, context) { + return (0, Aws_json1_0_1.se_DescribeExecutionCommand)(input, context); + } + deserialize(output, context) { + return (0, Aws_json1_0_1.de_DescribeExecutionCommand)(output, context); + } + }; + exports.DescribeExecutionCommand = DescribeExecutionCommand; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/commands/DescribeMapRunCommand.js +var require_DescribeMapRunCommand = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/commands/DescribeMapRunCommand.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.DescribeMapRunCommand = exports.$Command = void 0; + var middleware_endpoint_1 = require_dist_cjs9(); + var middleware_serde_1 = require_dist_cjs8(); + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return smithy_client_1.Command; + } }); + var Aws_json1_0_1 = require_Aws_json1_0(); + var DescribeMapRunCommand = class extends smithy_client_1.Command { + static getEndpointParameterInstructions() { + return { + UseFIPS: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useFipsEndpoint" }, + Endpoint: { type: "builtInParams", name: "endpoint" }, + Region: { type: "builtInParams", name: "region" }, + UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" } + }; + } + constructor(input) { + super(); + this.input = input; + } + resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) { + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_endpoint_1.getEndpointPlugin)(configuration, DescribeMapRunCommand.getEndpointParameterInstructions())); + const stack = clientStack.concat(this.middlewareStack); + const { logger } = configuration; + const clientName = "SFNClient"; + const commandName = "DescribeMapRunCommand"; + const handlerExecutionContext = { + logger, + clientName, + commandName, + inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _, + outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _ + }; + const { requestHandler } = configuration; + return stack.resolve((request2) => requestHandler.handle(request2.request, options || {}), handlerExecutionContext); + } + serialize(input, context) { + return (0, Aws_json1_0_1.se_DescribeMapRunCommand)(input, context); + } + deserialize(output, context) { + return (0, Aws_json1_0_1.de_DescribeMapRunCommand)(output, context); + } + }; + exports.DescribeMapRunCommand = DescribeMapRunCommand; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/commands/DescribeStateMachineCommand.js +var require_DescribeStateMachineCommand = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/commands/DescribeStateMachineCommand.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.DescribeStateMachineCommand = exports.$Command = void 0; + var middleware_endpoint_1 = require_dist_cjs9(); + var middleware_serde_1 = require_dist_cjs8(); + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return smithy_client_1.Command; + } }); + var models_0_1 = require_models_04(); + var Aws_json1_0_1 = require_Aws_json1_0(); + var DescribeStateMachineCommand = class extends smithy_client_1.Command { + static getEndpointParameterInstructions() { + return { + UseFIPS: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useFipsEndpoint" }, + Endpoint: { type: "builtInParams", name: "endpoint" }, + Region: { type: "builtInParams", name: "region" }, + UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" } + }; + } + constructor(input) { + super(); + this.input = input; + } + resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) { + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_endpoint_1.getEndpointPlugin)(configuration, DescribeStateMachineCommand.getEndpointParameterInstructions())); + const stack = clientStack.concat(this.middlewareStack); + const { logger } = configuration; + const clientName = "SFNClient"; + const commandName = "DescribeStateMachineCommand"; + const handlerExecutionContext = { + logger, + clientName, + commandName, + inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _, + outputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.DescribeStateMachineOutputFilterSensitiveLog + }; + const { requestHandler } = configuration; + return stack.resolve((request2) => requestHandler.handle(request2.request, options || {}), handlerExecutionContext); + } + serialize(input, context) { + return (0, Aws_json1_0_1.se_DescribeStateMachineCommand)(input, context); + } + deserialize(output, context) { + return (0, Aws_json1_0_1.de_DescribeStateMachineCommand)(output, context); + } + }; + exports.DescribeStateMachineCommand = DescribeStateMachineCommand; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/commands/DescribeStateMachineForExecutionCommand.js +var require_DescribeStateMachineForExecutionCommand = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/commands/DescribeStateMachineForExecutionCommand.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.DescribeStateMachineForExecutionCommand = exports.$Command = void 0; + var middleware_endpoint_1 = require_dist_cjs9(); + var middleware_serde_1 = require_dist_cjs8(); + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return smithy_client_1.Command; + } }); + var models_0_1 = require_models_04(); + var Aws_json1_0_1 = require_Aws_json1_0(); + var DescribeStateMachineForExecutionCommand = class extends smithy_client_1.Command { + static getEndpointParameterInstructions() { + return { + UseFIPS: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useFipsEndpoint" }, + Endpoint: { type: "builtInParams", name: "endpoint" }, + Region: { type: "builtInParams", name: "region" }, + UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" } + }; + } + constructor(input) { + super(); + this.input = input; + } + resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) { + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_endpoint_1.getEndpointPlugin)(configuration, DescribeStateMachineForExecutionCommand.getEndpointParameterInstructions())); + const stack = clientStack.concat(this.middlewareStack); + const { logger } = configuration; + const clientName = "SFNClient"; + const commandName = "DescribeStateMachineForExecutionCommand"; + const handlerExecutionContext = { + logger, + clientName, + commandName, + inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _, + outputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.DescribeStateMachineForExecutionOutputFilterSensitiveLog + }; + const { requestHandler } = configuration; + return stack.resolve((request2) => requestHandler.handle(request2.request, options || {}), handlerExecutionContext); + } + serialize(input, context) { + return (0, Aws_json1_0_1.se_DescribeStateMachineForExecutionCommand)(input, context); + } + deserialize(output, context) { + return (0, Aws_json1_0_1.de_DescribeStateMachineForExecutionCommand)(output, context); + } + }; + exports.DescribeStateMachineForExecutionCommand = DescribeStateMachineForExecutionCommand; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/commands/GetActivityTaskCommand.js +var require_GetActivityTaskCommand = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/commands/GetActivityTaskCommand.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.GetActivityTaskCommand = exports.$Command = void 0; + var middleware_endpoint_1 = require_dist_cjs9(); + var middleware_serde_1 = require_dist_cjs8(); + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return smithy_client_1.Command; + } }); + var models_0_1 = require_models_04(); + var Aws_json1_0_1 = require_Aws_json1_0(); + var GetActivityTaskCommand = class extends smithy_client_1.Command { + static getEndpointParameterInstructions() { + return { + UseFIPS: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useFipsEndpoint" }, + Endpoint: { type: "builtInParams", name: "endpoint" }, + Region: { type: "builtInParams", name: "region" }, + UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" } + }; + } + constructor(input) { + super(); + this.input = input; + } + resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) { + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_endpoint_1.getEndpointPlugin)(configuration, GetActivityTaskCommand.getEndpointParameterInstructions())); + const stack = clientStack.concat(this.middlewareStack); + const { logger } = configuration; + const clientName = "SFNClient"; + const commandName = "GetActivityTaskCommand"; + const handlerExecutionContext = { + logger, + clientName, + commandName, + inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _, + outputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.GetActivityTaskOutputFilterSensitiveLog + }; + const { requestHandler } = configuration; + return stack.resolve((request2) => requestHandler.handle(request2.request, options || {}), handlerExecutionContext); + } + serialize(input, context) { + return (0, Aws_json1_0_1.se_GetActivityTaskCommand)(input, context); + } + deserialize(output, context) { + return (0, Aws_json1_0_1.de_GetActivityTaskCommand)(output, context); + } + }; + exports.GetActivityTaskCommand = GetActivityTaskCommand; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/commands/GetExecutionHistoryCommand.js +var require_GetExecutionHistoryCommand = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/commands/GetExecutionHistoryCommand.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.GetExecutionHistoryCommand = exports.$Command = void 0; + var middleware_endpoint_1 = require_dist_cjs9(); + var middleware_serde_1 = require_dist_cjs8(); + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return smithy_client_1.Command; + } }); + var models_0_1 = require_models_04(); + var Aws_json1_0_1 = require_Aws_json1_0(); + var GetExecutionHistoryCommand = class extends smithy_client_1.Command { + static getEndpointParameterInstructions() { + return { + UseFIPS: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useFipsEndpoint" }, + Endpoint: { type: "builtInParams", name: "endpoint" }, + Region: { type: "builtInParams", name: "region" }, + UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" } + }; + } + constructor(input) { + super(); + this.input = input; + } + resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) { + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_endpoint_1.getEndpointPlugin)(configuration, GetExecutionHistoryCommand.getEndpointParameterInstructions())); + const stack = clientStack.concat(this.middlewareStack); + const { logger } = configuration; + const clientName = "SFNClient"; + const commandName = "GetExecutionHistoryCommand"; + const handlerExecutionContext = { + logger, + clientName, + commandName, + inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _, + outputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.GetExecutionHistoryOutputFilterSensitiveLog + }; + const { requestHandler } = configuration; + return stack.resolve((request2) => requestHandler.handle(request2.request, options || {}), handlerExecutionContext); + } + serialize(input, context) { + return (0, Aws_json1_0_1.se_GetExecutionHistoryCommand)(input, context); + } + deserialize(output, context) { + return (0, Aws_json1_0_1.de_GetExecutionHistoryCommand)(output, context); + } + }; + exports.GetExecutionHistoryCommand = GetExecutionHistoryCommand; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/commands/ListActivitiesCommand.js +var require_ListActivitiesCommand = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/commands/ListActivitiesCommand.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.ListActivitiesCommand = exports.$Command = void 0; + var middleware_endpoint_1 = require_dist_cjs9(); + var middleware_serde_1 = require_dist_cjs8(); + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return smithy_client_1.Command; + } }); + var Aws_json1_0_1 = require_Aws_json1_0(); + var ListActivitiesCommand = class extends smithy_client_1.Command { + static getEndpointParameterInstructions() { + return { + UseFIPS: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useFipsEndpoint" }, + Endpoint: { type: "builtInParams", name: "endpoint" }, + Region: { type: "builtInParams", name: "region" }, + UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" } + }; + } + constructor(input) { + super(); + this.input = input; + } + resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) { + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_endpoint_1.getEndpointPlugin)(configuration, ListActivitiesCommand.getEndpointParameterInstructions())); + const stack = clientStack.concat(this.middlewareStack); + const { logger } = configuration; + const clientName = "SFNClient"; + const commandName = "ListActivitiesCommand"; + const handlerExecutionContext = { + logger, + clientName, + commandName, + inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _, + outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _ + }; + const { requestHandler } = configuration; + return stack.resolve((request2) => requestHandler.handle(request2.request, options || {}), handlerExecutionContext); + } + serialize(input, context) { + return (0, Aws_json1_0_1.se_ListActivitiesCommand)(input, context); + } + deserialize(output, context) { + return (0, Aws_json1_0_1.de_ListActivitiesCommand)(output, context); + } + }; + exports.ListActivitiesCommand = ListActivitiesCommand; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/commands/ListExecutionsCommand.js +var require_ListExecutionsCommand = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/commands/ListExecutionsCommand.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.ListExecutionsCommand = exports.$Command = void 0; + var middleware_endpoint_1 = require_dist_cjs9(); + var middleware_serde_1 = require_dist_cjs8(); + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return smithy_client_1.Command; + } }); + var Aws_json1_0_1 = require_Aws_json1_0(); + var ListExecutionsCommand = class extends smithy_client_1.Command { + static getEndpointParameterInstructions() { + return { + UseFIPS: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useFipsEndpoint" }, + Endpoint: { type: "builtInParams", name: "endpoint" }, + Region: { type: "builtInParams", name: "region" }, + UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" } + }; + } + constructor(input) { + super(); + this.input = input; + } + resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) { + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_endpoint_1.getEndpointPlugin)(configuration, ListExecutionsCommand.getEndpointParameterInstructions())); + const stack = clientStack.concat(this.middlewareStack); + const { logger } = configuration; + const clientName = "SFNClient"; + const commandName = "ListExecutionsCommand"; + const handlerExecutionContext = { + logger, + clientName, + commandName, + inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _, + outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _ + }; + const { requestHandler } = configuration; + return stack.resolve((request2) => requestHandler.handle(request2.request, options || {}), handlerExecutionContext); + } + serialize(input, context) { + return (0, Aws_json1_0_1.se_ListExecutionsCommand)(input, context); + } + deserialize(output, context) { + return (0, Aws_json1_0_1.de_ListExecutionsCommand)(output, context); + } + }; + exports.ListExecutionsCommand = ListExecutionsCommand; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/commands/ListMapRunsCommand.js +var require_ListMapRunsCommand = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/commands/ListMapRunsCommand.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.ListMapRunsCommand = exports.$Command = void 0; + var middleware_endpoint_1 = require_dist_cjs9(); + var middleware_serde_1 = require_dist_cjs8(); + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return smithy_client_1.Command; + } }); + var Aws_json1_0_1 = require_Aws_json1_0(); + var ListMapRunsCommand = class extends smithy_client_1.Command { + static getEndpointParameterInstructions() { + return { + UseFIPS: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useFipsEndpoint" }, + Endpoint: { type: "builtInParams", name: "endpoint" }, + Region: { type: "builtInParams", name: "region" }, + UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" } + }; + } + constructor(input) { + super(); + this.input = input; + } + resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) { + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_endpoint_1.getEndpointPlugin)(configuration, ListMapRunsCommand.getEndpointParameterInstructions())); + const stack = clientStack.concat(this.middlewareStack); + const { logger } = configuration; + const clientName = "SFNClient"; + const commandName = "ListMapRunsCommand"; + const handlerExecutionContext = { + logger, + clientName, + commandName, + inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _, + outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _ + }; + const { requestHandler } = configuration; + return stack.resolve((request2) => requestHandler.handle(request2.request, options || {}), handlerExecutionContext); + } + serialize(input, context) { + return (0, Aws_json1_0_1.se_ListMapRunsCommand)(input, context); + } + deserialize(output, context) { + return (0, Aws_json1_0_1.de_ListMapRunsCommand)(output, context); + } + }; + exports.ListMapRunsCommand = ListMapRunsCommand; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/commands/ListStateMachinesCommand.js +var require_ListStateMachinesCommand = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/commands/ListStateMachinesCommand.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.ListStateMachinesCommand = exports.$Command = void 0; + var middleware_endpoint_1 = require_dist_cjs9(); + var middleware_serde_1 = require_dist_cjs8(); + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return smithy_client_1.Command; + } }); + var Aws_json1_0_1 = require_Aws_json1_0(); + var ListStateMachinesCommand = class extends smithy_client_1.Command { + static getEndpointParameterInstructions() { + return { + UseFIPS: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useFipsEndpoint" }, + Endpoint: { type: "builtInParams", name: "endpoint" }, + Region: { type: "builtInParams", name: "region" }, + UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" } + }; + } + constructor(input) { + super(); + this.input = input; + } + resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) { + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_endpoint_1.getEndpointPlugin)(configuration, ListStateMachinesCommand.getEndpointParameterInstructions())); + const stack = clientStack.concat(this.middlewareStack); + const { logger } = configuration; + const clientName = "SFNClient"; + const commandName = "ListStateMachinesCommand"; + const handlerExecutionContext = { + logger, + clientName, + commandName, + inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _, + outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _ + }; + const { requestHandler } = configuration; + return stack.resolve((request2) => requestHandler.handle(request2.request, options || {}), handlerExecutionContext); + } + serialize(input, context) { + return (0, Aws_json1_0_1.se_ListStateMachinesCommand)(input, context); + } + deserialize(output, context) { + return (0, Aws_json1_0_1.de_ListStateMachinesCommand)(output, context); + } + }; + exports.ListStateMachinesCommand = ListStateMachinesCommand; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/commands/ListTagsForResourceCommand.js +var require_ListTagsForResourceCommand = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/commands/ListTagsForResourceCommand.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.ListTagsForResourceCommand = exports.$Command = void 0; + var middleware_endpoint_1 = require_dist_cjs9(); + var middleware_serde_1 = require_dist_cjs8(); + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return smithy_client_1.Command; + } }); + var Aws_json1_0_1 = require_Aws_json1_0(); + var ListTagsForResourceCommand = class extends smithy_client_1.Command { + static getEndpointParameterInstructions() { + return { + UseFIPS: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useFipsEndpoint" }, + Endpoint: { type: "builtInParams", name: "endpoint" }, + Region: { type: "builtInParams", name: "region" }, + UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" } + }; + } + constructor(input) { + super(); + this.input = input; + } + resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) { + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_endpoint_1.getEndpointPlugin)(configuration, ListTagsForResourceCommand.getEndpointParameterInstructions())); + const stack = clientStack.concat(this.middlewareStack); + const { logger } = configuration; + const clientName = "SFNClient"; + const commandName = "ListTagsForResourceCommand"; + const handlerExecutionContext = { + logger, + clientName, + commandName, + inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _, + outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _ + }; + const { requestHandler } = configuration; + return stack.resolve((request2) => requestHandler.handle(request2.request, options || {}), handlerExecutionContext); + } + serialize(input, context) { + return (0, Aws_json1_0_1.se_ListTagsForResourceCommand)(input, context); + } + deserialize(output, context) { + return (0, Aws_json1_0_1.de_ListTagsForResourceCommand)(output, context); + } + }; + exports.ListTagsForResourceCommand = ListTagsForResourceCommand; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/commands/SendTaskFailureCommand.js +var require_SendTaskFailureCommand = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/commands/SendTaskFailureCommand.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.SendTaskFailureCommand = exports.$Command = void 0; + var middleware_endpoint_1 = require_dist_cjs9(); + var middleware_serde_1 = require_dist_cjs8(); + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return smithy_client_1.Command; + } }); + var models_0_1 = require_models_04(); + var Aws_json1_0_1 = require_Aws_json1_0(); + var SendTaskFailureCommand = class extends smithy_client_1.Command { + static getEndpointParameterInstructions() { + return { + UseFIPS: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useFipsEndpoint" }, + Endpoint: { type: "builtInParams", name: "endpoint" }, + Region: { type: "builtInParams", name: "region" }, + UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" } + }; + } + constructor(input) { + super(); + this.input = input; + } + resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) { + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_endpoint_1.getEndpointPlugin)(configuration, SendTaskFailureCommand.getEndpointParameterInstructions())); + const stack = clientStack.concat(this.middlewareStack); + const { logger } = configuration; + const clientName = "SFNClient"; + const commandName = "SendTaskFailureCommand"; + const handlerExecutionContext = { + logger, + clientName, + commandName, + inputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.SendTaskFailureInputFilterSensitiveLog, + outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _ + }; + const { requestHandler } = configuration; + return stack.resolve((request2) => requestHandler.handle(request2.request, options || {}), handlerExecutionContext); + } + serialize(input, context) { + return (0, Aws_json1_0_1.se_SendTaskFailureCommand)(input, context); + } + deserialize(output, context) { + return (0, Aws_json1_0_1.de_SendTaskFailureCommand)(output, context); + } + }; + exports.SendTaskFailureCommand = SendTaskFailureCommand; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/commands/SendTaskHeartbeatCommand.js +var require_SendTaskHeartbeatCommand = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/commands/SendTaskHeartbeatCommand.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.SendTaskHeartbeatCommand = exports.$Command = void 0; + var middleware_endpoint_1 = require_dist_cjs9(); + var middleware_serde_1 = require_dist_cjs8(); + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return smithy_client_1.Command; + } }); + var Aws_json1_0_1 = require_Aws_json1_0(); + var SendTaskHeartbeatCommand = class extends smithy_client_1.Command { + static getEndpointParameterInstructions() { + return { + UseFIPS: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useFipsEndpoint" }, + Endpoint: { type: "builtInParams", name: "endpoint" }, + Region: { type: "builtInParams", name: "region" }, + UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" } + }; + } + constructor(input) { + super(); + this.input = input; + } + resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) { + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_endpoint_1.getEndpointPlugin)(configuration, SendTaskHeartbeatCommand.getEndpointParameterInstructions())); + const stack = clientStack.concat(this.middlewareStack); + const { logger } = configuration; + const clientName = "SFNClient"; + const commandName = "SendTaskHeartbeatCommand"; + const handlerExecutionContext = { + logger, + clientName, + commandName, + inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _, + outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _ + }; + const { requestHandler } = configuration; + return stack.resolve((request2) => requestHandler.handle(request2.request, options || {}), handlerExecutionContext); + } + serialize(input, context) { + return (0, Aws_json1_0_1.se_SendTaskHeartbeatCommand)(input, context); + } + deserialize(output, context) { + return (0, Aws_json1_0_1.de_SendTaskHeartbeatCommand)(output, context); + } + }; + exports.SendTaskHeartbeatCommand = SendTaskHeartbeatCommand; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/commands/SendTaskSuccessCommand.js +var require_SendTaskSuccessCommand = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/commands/SendTaskSuccessCommand.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.SendTaskSuccessCommand = exports.$Command = void 0; + var middleware_endpoint_1 = require_dist_cjs9(); + var middleware_serde_1 = require_dist_cjs8(); + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return smithy_client_1.Command; + } }); + var models_0_1 = require_models_04(); + var Aws_json1_0_1 = require_Aws_json1_0(); + var SendTaskSuccessCommand = class extends smithy_client_1.Command { + static getEndpointParameterInstructions() { + return { + UseFIPS: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useFipsEndpoint" }, + Endpoint: { type: "builtInParams", name: "endpoint" }, + Region: { type: "builtInParams", name: "region" }, + UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" } + }; + } + constructor(input) { + super(); + this.input = input; + } + resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) { + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_endpoint_1.getEndpointPlugin)(configuration, SendTaskSuccessCommand.getEndpointParameterInstructions())); + const stack = clientStack.concat(this.middlewareStack); + const { logger } = configuration; + const clientName = "SFNClient"; + const commandName = "SendTaskSuccessCommand"; + const handlerExecutionContext = { + logger, + clientName, + commandName, + inputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.SendTaskSuccessInputFilterSensitiveLog, + outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _ + }; + const { requestHandler } = configuration; + return stack.resolve((request2) => requestHandler.handle(request2.request, options || {}), handlerExecutionContext); + } + serialize(input, context) { + return (0, Aws_json1_0_1.se_SendTaskSuccessCommand)(input, context); + } + deserialize(output, context) { + return (0, Aws_json1_0_1.de_SendTaskSuccessCommand)(output, context); + } + }; + exports.SendTaskSuccessCommand = SendTaskSuccessCommand; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/commands/StartExecutionCommand.js +var require_StartExecutionCommand = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/commands/StartExecutionCommand.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.StartExecutionCommand = exports.$Command = void 0; + var middleware_endpoint_1 = require_dist_cjs9(); + var middleware_serde_1 = require_dist_cjs8(); + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return smithy_client_1.Command; + } }); + var models_0_1 = require_models_04(); + var Aws_json1_0_1 = require_Aws_json1_0(); + var StartExecutionCommand = class extends smithy_client_1.Command { + static getEndpointParameterInstructions() { + return { + UseFIPS: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useFipsEndpoint" }, + Endpoint: { type: "builtInParams", name: "endpoint" }, + Region: { type: "builtInParams", name: "region" }, + UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" } + }; + } + constructor(input) { + super(); + this.input = input; + } + resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) { + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_endpoint_1.getEndpointPlugin)(configuration, StartExecutionCommand.getEndpointParameterInstructions())); + const stack = clientStack.concat(this.middlewareStack); + const { logger } = configuration; + const clientName = "SFNClient"; + const commandName = "StartExecutionCommand"; + const handlerExecutionContext = { + logger, + clientName, + commandName, + inputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.StartExecutionInputFilterSensitiveLog, + outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _ + }; + const { requestHandler } = configuration; + return stack.resolve((request2) => requestHandler.handle(request2.request, options || {}), handlerExecutionContext); + } + serialize(input, context) { + return (0, Aws_json1_0_1.se_StartExecutionCommand)(input, context); + } + deserialize(output, context) { + return (0, Aws_json1_0_1.de_StartExecutionCommand)(output, context); + } + }; + exports.StartExecutionCommand = StartExecutionCommand; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/commands/StartSyncExecutionCommand.js +var require_StartSyncExecutionCommand = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/commands/StartSyncExecutionCommand.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.StartSyncExecutionCommand = exports.$Command = void 0; + var middleware_endpoint_1 = require_dist_cjs9(); + var middleware_serde_1 = require_dist_cjs8(); + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return smithy_client_1.Command; + } }); + var models_0_1 = require_models_04(); + var Aws_json1_0_1 = require_Aws_json1_0(); + var StartSyncExecutionCommand = class extends smithy_client_1.Command { + static getEndpointParameterInstructions() { + return { + UseFIPS: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useFipsEndpoint" }, + Endpoint: { type: "builtInParams", name: "endpoint" }, + Region: { type: "builtInParams", name: "region" }, + UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" } + }; + } + constructor(input) { + super(); + this.input = input; + } + resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) { + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_endpoint_1.getEndpointPlugin)(configuration, StartSyncExecutionCommand.getEndpointParameterInstructions())); + const stack = clientStack.concat(this.middlewareStack); + const { logger } = configuration; + const clientName = "SFNClient"; + const commandName = "StartSyncExecutionCommand"; + const handlerExecutionContext = { + logger, + clientName, + commandName, + inputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.StartSyncExecutionInputFilterSensitiveLog, + outputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.StartSyncExecutionOutputFilterSensitiveLog + }; + const { requestHandler } = configuration; + return stack.resolve((request2) => requestHandler.handle(request2.request, options || {}), handlerExecutionContext); + } + serialize(input, context) { + return (0, Aws_json1_0_1.se_StartSyncExecutionCommand)(input, context); + } + deserialize(output, context) { + return (0, Aws_json1_0_1.de_StartSyncExecutionCommand)(output, context); + } + }; + exports.StartSyncExecutionCommand = StartSyncExecutionCommand; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/commands/StopExecutionCommand.js +var require_StopExecutionCommand = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/commands/StopExecutionCommand.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.StopExecutionCommand = exports.$Command = void 0; + var middleware_endpoint_1 = require_dist_cjs9(); + var middleware_serde_1 = require_dist_cjs8(); + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return smithy_client_1.Command; + } }); + var models_0_1 = require_models_04(); + var Aws_json1_0_1 = require_Aws_json1_0(); + var StopExecutionCommand = class extends smithy_client_1.Command { + static getEndpointParameterInstructions() { + return { + UseFIPS: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useFipsEndpoint" }, + Endpoint: { type: "builtInParams", name: "endpoint" }, + Region: { type: "builtInParams", name: "region" }, + UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" } + }; + } + constructor(input) { + super(); + this.input = input; + } + resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) { + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_endpoint_1.getEndpointPlugin)(configuration, StopExecutionCommand.getEndpointParameterInstructions())); + const stack = clientStack.concat(this.middlewareStack); + const { logger } = configuration; + const clientName = "SFNClient"; + const commandName = "StopExecutionCommand"; + const handlerExecutionContext = { + logger, + clientName, + commandName, + inputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.StopExecutionInputFilterSensitiveLog, + outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _ + }; + const { requestHandler } = configuration; + return stack.resolve((request2) => requestHandler.handle(request2.request, options || {}), handlerExecutionContext); + } + serialize(input, context) { + return (0, Aws_json1_0_1.se_StopExecutionCommand)(input, context); + } + deserialize(output, context) { + return (0, Aws_json1_0_1.de_StopExecutionCommand)(output, context); + } + }; + exports.StopExecutionCommand = StopExecutionCommand; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/commands/TagResourceCommand.js +var require_TagResourceCommand = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/commands/TagResourceCommand.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.TagResourceCommand = exports.$Command = void 0; + var middleware_endpoint_1 = require_dist_cjs9(); + var middleware_serde_1 = require_dist_cjs8(); + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return smithy_client_1.Command; + } }); + var Aws_json1_0_1 = require_Aws_json1_0(); + var TagResourceCommand = class extends smithy_client_1.Command { + static getEndpointParameterInstructions() { + return { + UseFIPS: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useFipsEndpoint" }, + Endpoint: { type: "builtInParams", name: "endpoint" }, + Region: { type: "builtInParams", name: "region" }, + UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" } + }; + } + constructor(input) { + super(); + this.input = input; + } + resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) { + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_endpoint_1.getEndpointPlugin)(configuration, TagResourceCommand.getEndpointParameterInstructions())); + const stack = clientStack.concat(this.middlewareStack); + const { logger } = configuration; + const clientName = "SFNClient"; + const commandName = "TagResourceCommand"; + const handlerExecutionContext = { + logger, + clientName, + commandName, + inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _, + outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _ + }; + const { requestHandler } = configuration; + return stack.resolve((request2) => requestHandler.handle(request2.request, options || {}), handlerExecutionContext); + } + serialize(input, context) { + return (0, Aws_json1_0_1.se_TagResourceCommand)(input, context); + } + deserialize(output, context) { + return (0, Aws_json1_0_1.de_TagResourceCommand)(output, context); + } + }; + exports.TagResourceCommand = TagResourceCommand; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/commands/UntagResourceCommand.js +var require_UntagResourceCommand = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/commands/UntagResourceCommand.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.UntagResourceCommand = exports.$Command = void 0; + var middleware_endpoint_1 = require_dist_cjs9(); + var middleware_serde_1 = require_dist_cjs8(); + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return smithy_client_1.Command; + } }); + var Aws_json1_0_1 = require_Aws_json1_0(); + var UntagResourceCommand = class extends smithy_client_1.Command { + static getEndpointParameterInstructions() { + return { + UseFIPS: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useFipsEndpoint" }, + Endpoint: { type: "builtInParams", name: "endpoint" }, + Region: { type: "builtInParams", name: "region" }, + UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" } + }; + } + constructor(input) { + super(); + this.input = input; + } + resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) { + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_endpoint_1.getEndpointPlugin)(configuration, UntagResourceCommand.getEndpointParameterInstructions())); + const stack = clientStack.concat(this.middlewareStack); + const { logger } = configuration; + const clientName = "SFNClient"; + const commandName = "UntagResourceCommand"; + const handlerExecutionContext = { + logger, + clientName, + commandName, + inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _, + outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _ + }; + const { requestHandler } = configuration; + return stack.resolve((request2) => requestHandler.handle(request2.request, options || {}), handlerExecutionContext); + } + serialize(input, context) { + return (0, Aws_json1_0_1.se_UntagResourceCommand)(input, context); + } + deserialize(output, context) { + return (0, Aws_json1_0_1.de_UntagResourceCommand)(output, context); + } + }; + exports.UntagResourceCommand = UntagResourceCommand; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/commands/UpdateMapRunCommand.js +var require_UpdateMapRunCommand = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/commands/UpdateMapRunCommand.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.UpdateMapRunCommand = exports.$Command = void 0; + var middleware_endpoint_1 = require_dist_cjs9(); + var middleware_serde_1 = require_dist_cjs8(); + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return smithy_client_1.Command; + } }); + var Aws_json1_0_1 = require_Aws_json1_0(); + var UpdateMapRunCommand = class extends smithy_client_1.Command { + static getEndpointParameterInstructions() { + return { + UseFIPS: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useFipsEndpoint" }, + Endpoint: { type: "builtInParams", name: "endpoint" }, + Region: { type: "builtInParams", name: "region" }, + UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" } + }; + } + constructor(input) { + super(); + this.input = input; + } + resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) { + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_endpoint_1.getEndpointPlugin)(configuration, UpdateMapRunCommand.getEndpointParameterInstructions())); + const stack = clientStack.concat(this.middlewareStack); + const { logger } = configuration; + const clientName = "SFNClient"; + const commandName = "UpdateMapRunCommand"; + const handlerExecutionContext = { + logger, + clientName, + commandName, + inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _, + outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _ + }; + const { requestHandler } = configuration; + return stack.resolve((request2) => requestHandler.handle(request2.request, options || {}), handlerExecutionContext); + } + serialize(input, context) { + return (0, Aws_json1_0_1.se_UpdateMapRunCommand)(input, context); + } + deserialize(output, context) { + return (0, Aws_json1_0_1.de_UpdateMapRunCommand)(output, context); + } + }; + exports.UpdateMapRunCommand = UpdateMapRunCommand; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/commands/UpdateStateMachineCommand.js +var require_UpdateStateMachineCommand = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/commands/UpdateStateMachineCommand.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.UpdateStateMachineCommand = exports.$Command = void 0; + var middleware_endpoint_1 = require_dist_cjs9(); + var middleware_serde_1 = require_dist_cjs8(); + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return smithy_client_1.Command; + } }); + var models_0_1 = require_models_04(); + var Aws_json1_0_1 = require_Aws_json1_0(); + var UpdateStateMachineCommand = class extends smithy_client_1.Command { + static getEndpointParameterInstructions() { + return { + UseFIPS: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useFipsEndpoint" }, + Endpoint: { type: "builtInParams", name: "endpoint" }, + Region: { type: "builtInParams", name: "region" }, + UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" } + }; + } + constructor(input) { + super(); + this.input = input; + } + resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) { + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize)); + this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_endpoint_1.getEndpointPlugin)(configuration, UpdateStateMachineCommand.getEndpointParameterInstructions())); + const stack = clientStack.concat(this.middlewareStack); + const { logger } = configuration; + const clientName = "SFNClient"; + const commandName = "UpdateStateMachineCommand"; + const handlerExecutionContext = { + logger, + clientName, + commandName, + inputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.UpdateStateMachineInputFilterSensitiveLog, + outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _ + }; + const { requestHandler } = configuration; + return stack.resolve((request2) => requestHandler.handle(request2.request, options || {}), handlerExecutionContext); + } + serialize(input, context) { + return (0, Aws_json1_0_1.se_UpdateStateMachineCommand)(input, context); + } + deserialize(output, context) { + return (0, Aws_json1_0_1.de_UpdateStateMachineCommand)(output, context); + } + }; + exports.UpdateStateMachineCommand = UpdateStateMachineCommand; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/SFN.js +var require_SFN = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/SFN.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.SFN = void 0; + var smithy_client_1 = require_dist_cjs30(); + var CreateActivityCommand_1 = require_CreateActivityCommand(); + var CreateStateMachineCommand_1 = require_CreateStateMachineCommand(); + var DeleteActivityCommand_1 = require_DeleteActivityCommand(); + var DeleteStateMachineCommand_1 = require_DeleteStateMachineCommand(); + var DescribeActivityCommand_1 = require_DescribeActivityCommand(); + var DescribeExecutionCommand_1 = require_DescribeExecutionCommand(); + var DescribeMapRunCommand_1 = require_DescribeMapRunCommand(); + var DescribeStateMachineCommand_1 = require_DescribeStateMachineCommand(); + var DescribeStateMachineForExecutionCommand_1 = require_DescribeStateMachineForExecutionCommand(); + var GetActivityTaskCommand_1 = require_GetActivityTaskCommand(); + var GetExecutionHistoryCommand_1 = require_GetExecutionHistoryCommand(); + var ListActivitiesCommand_1 = require_ListActivitiesCommand(); + var ListExecutionsCommand_1 = require_ListExecutionsCommand(); + var ListMapRunsCommand_1 = require_ListMapRunsCommand(); + var ListStateMachinesCommand_1 = require_ListStateMachinesCommand(); + var ListTagsForResourceCommand_1 = require_ListTagsForResourceCommand(); + var SendTaskFailureCommand_1 = require_SendTaskFailureCommand(); + var SendTaskHeartbeatCommand_1 = require_SendTaskHeartbeatCommand(); + var SendTaskSuccessCommand_1 = require_SendTaskSuccessCommand(); + var StartExecutionCommand_1 = require_StartExecutionCommand(); + var StartSyncExecutionCommand_1 = require_StartSyncExecutionCommand(); + var StopExecutionCommand_1 = require_StopExecutionCommand(); + var TagResourceCommand_1 = require_TagResourceCommand(); + var UntagResourceCommand_1 = require_UntagResourceCommand(); + var UpdateMapRunCommand_1 = require_UpdateMapRunCommand(); + var UpdateStateMachineCommand_1 = require_UpdateStateMachineCommand(); + var SFNClient_1 = require_SFNClient(); + var commands = { + CreateActivityCommand: CreateActivityCommand_1.CreateActivityCommand, + CreateStateMachineCommand: CreateStateMachineCommand_1.CreateStateMachineCommand, + DeleteActivityCommand: DeleteActivityCommand_1.DeleteActivityCommand, + DeleteStateMachineCommand: DeleteStateMachineCommand_1.DeleteStateMachineCommand, + DescribeActivityCommand: DescribeActivityCommand_1.DescribeActivityCommand, + DescribeExecutionCommand: DescribeExecutionCommand_1.DescribeExecutionCommand, + DescribeMapRunCommand: DescribeMapRunCommand_1.DescribeMapRunCommand, + DescribeStateMachineCommand: DescribeStateMachineCommand_1.DescribeStateMachineCommand, + DescribeStateMachineForExecutionCommand: DescribeStateMachineForExecutionCommand_1.DescribeStateMachineForExecutionCommand, + GetActivityTaskCommand: GetActivityTaskCommand_1.GetActivityTaskCommand, + GetExecutionHistoryCommand: GetExecutionHistoryCommand_1.GetExecutionHistoryCommand, + ListActivitiesCommand: ListActivitiesCommand_1.ListActivitiesCommand, + ListExecutionsCommand: ListExecutionsCommand_1.ListExecutionsCommand, + ListMapRunsCommand: ListMapRunsCommand_1.ListMapRunsCommand, + ListStateMachinesCommand: ListStateMachinesCommand_1.ListStateMachinesCommand, + ListTagsForResourceCommand: ListTagsForResourceCommand_1.ListTagsForResourceCommand, + SendTaskFailureCommand: SendTaskFailureCommand_1.SendTaskFailureCommand, + SendTaskHeartbeatCommand: SendTaskHeartbeatCommand_1.SendTaskHeartbeatCommand, + SendTaskSuccessCommand: SendTaskSuccessCommand_1.SendTaskSuccessCommand, + StartExecutionCommand: StartExecutionCommand_1.StartExecutionCommand, + StartSyncExecutionCommand: StartSyncExecutionCommand_1.StartSyncExecutionCommand, + StopExecutionCommand: StopExecutionCommand_1.StopExecutionCommand, + TagResourceCommand: TagResourceCommand_1.TagResourceCommand, + UntagResourceCommand: UntagResourceCommand_1.UntagResourceCommand, + UpdateMapRunCommand: UpdateMapRunCommand_1.UpdateMapRunCommand, + UpdateStateMachineCommand: UpdateStateMachineCommand_1.UpdateStateMachineCommand + }; + var SFN2 = class extends SFNClient_1.SFNClient { + }; + exports.SFN = SFN2; + (0, smithy_client_1.createAggregatedClient)(commands, SFN2); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/commands/index.js +var require_commands4 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/commands/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_CreateActivityCommand(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_CreateStateMachineCommand(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_DeleteActivityCommand(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_DeleteStateMachineCommand(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_DescribeActivityCommand(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_DescribeExecutionCommand(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_DescribeMapRunCommand(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_DescribeStateMachineCommand(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_DescribeStateMachineForExecutionCommand(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_GetActivityTaskCommand(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_GetExecutionHistoryCommand(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_ListActivitiesCommand(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_ListExecutionsCommand(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_ListMapRunsCommand(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_ListStateMachinesCommand(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_ListTagsForResourceCommand(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_SendTaskFailureCommand(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_SendTaskHeartbeatCommand(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_SendTaskSuccessCommand(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_StartExecutionCommand(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_StartSyncExecutionCommand(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_StopExecutionCommand(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_TagResourceCommand(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_UntagResourceCommand(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_UpdateMapRunCommand(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_UpdateStateMachineCommand(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/pagination/GetExecutionHistoryPaginator.js +var require_GetExecutionHistoryPaginator = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/pagination/GetExecutionHistoryPaginator.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.paginateGetExecutionHistory = void 0; + var GetExecutionHistoryCommand_1 = require_GetExecutionHistoryCommand(); + var SFNClient_1 = require_SFNClient(); + var makePagedClientRequest = async (client, input, ...args) => { + return await client.send(new GetExecutionHistoryCommand_1.GetExecutionHistoryCommand(input), ...args); + }; + async function* paginateGetExecutionHistory(config, input, ...additionalArguments) { + let token = config.startingToken || void 0; + let hasNext = true; + let page; + while (hasNext) { + input.nextToken = token; + input["maxResults"] = config.pageSize; + if (config.client instanceof SFNClient_1.SFNClient) { + page = await makePagedClientRequest(config.client, input, ...additionalArguments); + } else { + throw new Error("Invalid client, expected SFN | SFNClient"); + } + yield page; + const prevToken = token; + token = page.nextToken; + hasNext = !!(token && (!config.stopOnSameToken || token !== prevToken)); + } + return void 0; + } + exports.paginateGetExecutionHistory = paginateGetExecutionHistory; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/pagination/Interfaces.js +var require_Interfaces2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/pagination/Interfaces.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/pagination/ListActivitiesPaginator.js +var require_ListActivitiesPaginator = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/pagination/ListActivitiesPaginator.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.paginateListActivities = void 0; + var ListActivitiesCommand_1 = require_ListActivitiesCommand(); + var SFNClient_1 = require_SFNClient(); + var makePagedClientRequest = async (client, input, ...args) => { + return await client.send(new ListActivitiesCommand_1.ListActivitiesCommand(input), ...args); + }; + async function* paginateListActivities(config, input, ...additionalArguments) { + let token = config.startingToken || void 0; + let hasNext = true; + let page; + while (hasNext) { + input.nextToken = token; + input["maxResults"] = config.pageSize; + if (config.client instanceof SFNClient_1.SFNClient) { + page = await makePagedClientRequest(config.client, input, ...additionalArguments); + } else { + throw new Error("Invalid client, expected SFN | SFNClient"); + } + yield page; + const prevToken = token; + token = page.nextToken; + hasNext = !!(token && (!config.stopOnSameToken || token !== prevToken)); + } + return void 0; + } + exports.paginateListActivities = paginateListActivities; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/pagination/ListExecutionsPaginator.js +var require_ListExecutionsPaginator = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/pagination/ListExecutionsPaginator.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.paginateListExecutions = void 0; + var ListExecutionsCommand_1 = require_ListExecutionsCommand(); + var SFNClient_1 = require_SFNClient(); + var makePagedClientRequest = async (client, input, ...args) => { + return await client.send(new ListExecutionsCommand_1.ListExecutionsCommand(input), ...args); + }; + async function* paginateListExecutions(config, input, ...additionalArguments) { + let token = config.startingToken || void 0; + let hasNext = true; + let page; + while (hasNext) { + input.nextToken = token; + input["maxResults"] = config.pageSize; + if (config.client instanceof SFNClient_1.SFNClient) { + page = await makePagedClientRequest(config.client, input, ...additionalArguments); + } else { + throw new Error("Invalid client, expected SFN | SFNClient"); + } + yield page; + const prevToken = token; + token = page.nextToken; + hasNext = !!(token && (!config.stopOnSameToken || token !== prevToken)); + } + return void 0; + } + exports.paginateListExecutions = paginateListExecutions; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/pagination/ListMapRunsPaginator.js +var require_ListMapRunsPaginator = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/pagination/ListMapRunsPaginator.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.paginateListMapRuns = void 0; + var ListMapRunsCommand_1 = require_ListMapRunsCommand(); + var SFNClient_1 = require_SFNClient(); + var makePagedClientRequest = async (client, input, ...args) => { + return await client.send(new ListMapRunsCommand_1.ListMapRunsCommand(input), ...args); + }; + async function* paginateListMapRuns(config, input, ...additionalArguments) { + let token = config.startingToken || void 0; + let hasNext = true; + let page; + while (hasNext) { + input.nextToken = token; + input["maxResults"] = config.pageSize; + if (config.client instanceof SFNClient_1.SFNClient) { + page = await makePagedClientRequest(config.client, input, ...additionalArguments); + } else { + throw new Error("Invalid client, expected SFN | SFNClient"); + } + yield page; + const prevToken = token; + token = page.nextToken; + hasNext = !!(token && (!config.stopOnSameToken || token !== prevToken)); + } + return void 0; + } + exports.paginateListMapRuns = paginateListMapRuns; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/pagination/ListStateMachinesPaginator.js +var require_ListStateMachinesPaginator = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/pagination/ListStateMachinesPaginator.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.paginateListStateMachines = void 0; + var ListStateMachinesCommand_1 = require_ListStateMachinesCommand(); + var SFNClient_1 = require_SFNClient(); + var makePagedClientRequest = async (client, input, ...args) => { + return await client.send(new ListStateMachinesCommand_1.ListStateMachinesCommand(input), ...args); + }; + async function* paginateListStateMachines(config, input, ...additionalArguments) { + let token = config.startingToken || void 0; + let hasNext = true; + let page; + while (hasNext) { + input.nextToken = token; + input["maxResults"] = config.pageSize; + if (config.client instanceof SFNClient_1.SFNClient) { + page = await makePagedClientRequest(config.client, input, ...additionalArguments); + } else { + throw new Error("Invalid client, expected SFN | SFNClient"); + } + yield page; + const prevToken = token; + token = page.nextToken; + hasNext = !!(token && (!config.stopOnSameToken || token !== prevToken)); + } + return void 0; + } + exports.paginateListStateMachines = paginateListStateMachines; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/pagination/index.js +var require_pagination4 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/pagination/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_GetExecutionHistoryPaginator(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_Interfaces2(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_ListActivitiesPaginator(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_ListExecutionsPaginator(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_ListMapRunsPaginator(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_ListStateMachinesPaginator(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/models/index.js +var require_models4 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/models/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_models_04(), exports); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/index.js +var require_dist_cjs54 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-sfn/dist-cjs/index.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.SFNServiceException = void 0; + var tslib_1 = (init_tslib_es6(), __toCommonJS(tslib_es6_exports)); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_SFNClient(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_SFN(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_commands4(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_pagination4(), exports); + tslib_1.__exportStar(require_models4(), exports); + var SFNServiceException_1 = require_SFNServiceException(); + Object.defineProperty(exports, "SFNServiceException", { enumerable: true, get: function() { + return SFNServiceException_1.SFNServiceException; + } }); + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/webidl-conversions/lib/index.js +var require_lib2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/webidl-conversions/lib/index.js"(exports, module2) { + "use strict"; + var conversions = {}; + module2.exports = conversions; + function sign(x) { + return x < 0 ? -1 : 1; + } + function evenRound(x) { + if (x % 1 === 0.5 && (x & 1) === 0) { + return Math.floor(x); + } else { + return Math.round(x); + } + } + function createNumberConversion(bitLength, typeOpts) { + if (!typeOpts.unsigned) { + --bitLength; + } + const lowerBound = typeOpts.unsigned ? 0 : -Math.pow(2, bitLength); + const upperBound = Math.pow(2, bitLength) - 1; + const moduloVal = typeOpts.moduloBitLength ? Math.pow(2, typeOpts.moduloBitLength) : Math.pow(2, bitLength); + const moduloBound = typeOpts.moduloBitLength ? Math.pow(2, typeOpts.moduloBitLength - 1) : Math.pow(2, bitLength - 1); + return function(V, opts) { + if (!opts) + opts = {}; + let x = +V; + if (opts.enforceRange) { + if (!Number.isFinite(x)) { + throw new TypeError("Argument is not a finite number"); + } + x = sign(x) * Math.floor(Math.abs(x)); + if (x < lowerBound || x > upperBound) { + throw new TypeError("Argument is not in byte range"); + } + return x; + } + if (!isNaN(x) && opts.clamp) { + x = evenRound(x); + if (x < lowerBound) + x = lowerBound; + if (x > upperBound) + x = upperBound; + return x; + } + if (!Number.isFinite(x) || x === 0) { + return 0; + } + x = sign(x) * Math.floor(Math.abs(x)); + x = x % moduloVal; + if (!typeOpts.unsigned && x >= moduloBound) { + return x - moduloVal; + } else if (typeOpts.unsigned) { + if (x < 0) { + x += moduloVal; + } else if (x === -0) { + return 0; + } + } + return x; + }; + } + conversions["void"] = function() { + return void 0; + }; + conversions["boolean"] = function(val) { + return !!val; + }; + conversions["byte"] = createNumberConversion(8, { unsigned: false }); + conversions["octet"] = createNumberConversion(8, { unsigned: true }); + conversions["short"] = createNumberConversion(16, { unsigned: false }); + conversions["unsigned short"] = createNumberConversion(16, { unsigned: true }); + conversions["long"] = createNumberConversion(32, { unsigned: false }); + conversions["unsigned long"] = createNumberConversion(32, { unsigned: true }); + conversions["long long"] = createNumberConversion(32, { unsigned: false, moduloBitLength: 64 }); + conversions["unsigned long long"] = createNumberConversion(32, { unsigned: true, moduloBitLength: 64 }); + conversions["double"] = function(V) { + const x = +V; + if (!Number.isFinite(x)) { + throw new TypeError("Argument is not a finite floating-point value"); + } + return x; + }; + conversions["unrestricted double"] = function(V) { + const x = +V; + if (isNaN(x)) { + throw new TypeError("Argument is NaN"); + } + return x; + }; + conversions["float"] = conversions["double"]; + conversions["unrestricted float"] = conversions["unrestricted double"]; + conversions["DOMString"] = function(V, opts) { + if (!opts) + opts = {}; + if (opts.treatNullAsEmptyString && V === null) { + return ""; + } + return String(V); + }; + conversions["ByteString"] = function(V, opts) { + const x = String(V); + let c = void 0; + for (let i = 0; (c = x.codePointAt(i)) !== void 0; ++i) { + if (c > 255) { + throw new TypeError("Argument is not a valid bytestring"); + } + } + return x; + }; + conversions["USVString"] = function(V) { + const S = String(V); + const n = S.length; + const U = []; + for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) { + const c = S.charCodeAt(i); + if (c < 55296 || c > 57343) { + U.push(String.fromCodePoint(c)); + } else if (56320 <= c && c <= 57343) { + U.push(String.fromCodePoint(65533)); + } else { + if (i === n - 1) { + U.push(String.fromCodePoint(65533)); + } else { + const d = S.charCodeAt(i + 1); + if (56320 <= d && d <= 57343) { + const a = c & 1023; + const b = d & 1023; + U.push(String.fromCodePoint((2 << 15) + (2 << 9) * a + b)); + ++i; + } else { + U.push(String.fromCodePoint(65533)); + } + } + } + } + return U.join(""); + }; + conversions["Date"] = function(V, opts) { + if (!(V instanceof Date)) { + throw new TypeError("Argument is not a Date object"); + } + if (isNaN(V)) { + return void 0; + } + return V; + }; + conversions["RegExp"] = function(V, opts) { + if (!(V instanceof RegExp)) { + V = new RegExp(V); + } + return V; + }; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/whatwg-url/lib/utils.js +var require_utils2 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/whatwg-url/lib/utils.js"(exports, module2) { + "use strict"; + module2.exports.mixin = function mixin(target, source) { + const keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(source); + for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) { + Object.defineProperty(target, keys[i], Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, keys[i])); + } + }; + module2.exports.wrapperSymbol = Symbol("wrapper"); + module2.exports.implSymbol = Symbol("impl"); + module2.exports.wrapperForImpl = function(impl) { + return impl[module2.exports.wrapperSymbol]; + }; + module2.exports.implForWrapper = function(wrapper) { + return wrapper[module2.exports.implSymbol]; + }; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/tr46/lib/mappingTable.json +var require_mappingTable = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/tr46/lib/mappingTable.json"(exports, module2) { + module2.exports = [[[0, 44], "disallowed_STD3_valid"], [[45, 46], "valid"], [[47, 47], "disallowed_STD3_valid"], [[48, 57], "valid"], [[58, 64], "disallowed_STD3_valid"], [[65, 65], "mapped", [97]], [[66, 66], "mapped", [98]], [[67, 67], "mapped", [99]], [[68, 68], "mapped", [100]], [[69, 69], "mapped", [101]], [[70, 70], "mapped", [102]], [[71, 71], "mapped", [103]], [[72, 72], "mapped", [104]], [[73, 73], "mapped", [105]], [[74, 74], "mapped", [106]], [[75, 75], "mapped", [107]], [[76, 76], "mapped", [108]], [[77, 77], "mapped", [109]], [[78, 78], "mapped", [110]], [[79, 79], "mapped", [111]], [[80, 80], "mapped", [112]], [[81, 81], "mapped", [113]], [[82, 82], "mapped", [114]], [[83, 83], "mapped", [115]], [[84, 84], "mapped", [116]], [[85, 85], "mapped", [117]], [[86, 86], "mapped", [118]], [[87, 87], "mapped", [119]], [[88, 88], "mapped", [120]], [[89, 89], "mapped", [121]], [[90, 90], "mapped", [122]], [[91, 96], "disallowed_STD3_valid"], [[97, 122], "valid"], [[123, 127], "disallowed_STD3_valid"], [[128, 159], "disallowed"], [[160, 160], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [32]], [[161, 167], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[168, 168], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [32, 776]], [[169, 169], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[170, 170], "mapped", [97]], [[171, 172], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[173, 173], "ignored"], [[174, 174], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[175, 175], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [32, 772]], [[176, 177], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[178, 178], "mapped", [50]], [[179, 179], "mapped", [51]], [[180, 180], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [32, 769]], [[181, 181], "mapped", [956]], [[182, 182], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[183, 183], "valid"], [[184, 184], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [32, 807]], [[185, 185], "mapped", [49]], [[186, 186], "mapped", [111]], [[187, 187], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[188, 188], "mapped", [49, 8260, 52]], [[189, 189], "mapped", [49, 8260, 50]], [[190, 190], "mapped", [51, 8260, 52]], [[191, 191], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[192, 192], "mapped", [224]], [[193, 193], "mapped", [225]], [[194, 194], "mapped", [226]], [[195, 195], "mapped", [227]], [[196, 196], "mapped", [228]], [[197, 197], "mapped", [229]], [[198, 198], "mapped", [230]], [[199, 199], "mapped", [231]], [[200, 200], "mapped", [232]], [[201, 201], "mapped", [233]], [[202, 202], "mapped", [234]], [[203, 203], "mapped", [235]], [[204, 204], "mapped", [236]], [[205, 205], "mapped", [237]], [[206, 206], "mapped", [238]], [[207, 207], "mapped", [239]], [[208, 208], "mapped", [240]], [[209, 209], "mapped", [241]], [[210, 210], "mapped", [242]], [[211, 211], "mapped", [243]], [[212, 212], "mapped", [244]], [[213, 213], "mapped", [245]], [[214, 214], "mapped", [246]], [[215, 215], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[216, 216], "mapped", [248]], [[217, 217], "mapped", [249]], [[218, 218], "mapped", [250]], [[219, 219], "mapped", [251]], [[220, 220], "mapped", [252]], [[221, 221], "mapped", [253]], [[222, 222], "mapped", [254]], [[223, 223], "deviation", [115, 115]], [[224, 246], "valid"], [[247, 247], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[248, 255], "valid"], [[256, 256], "mapped", [257]], [[257, 257], "valid"], [[258, 258], "mapped", [259]], [[259, 259], "valid"], [[260, 260], "mapped", [261]], [[261, 261], "valid"], [[262, 262], "mapped", [263]], [[263, 263], "valid"], [[264, 264], "mapped", [265]], [[265, 265], "valid"], [[266, 266], "mapped", [267]], [[267, 267], "valid"], [[268, 268], "mapped", [269]], [[269, 269], "valid"], [[270, 270], "mapped", [271]], [[271, 271], "valid"], [[272, 272], "mapped", [273]], [[273, 273], "valid"], [[274, 274], "mapped", [275]], [[275, 275], "valid"], [[276, 276], "mapped", [277]], [[277, 277], "valid"], [[278, 278], "mapped", [279]], [[279, 279], "valid"], [[280, 280], "mapped", [281]], [[281, 281], "valid"], [[282, 282], "mapped", [283]], [[283, 283], "valid"], [[284, 284], "mapped", [285]], [[285, 285], "valid"], [[286, 286], "mapped", [287]], [[287, 287], "valid"], [[288, 288], "mapped", [289]], [[289, 289], "valid"], [[290, 290], "mapped", [291]], [[291, 291], "valid"], [[292, 292], "mapped", [293]], [[293, 293], "valid"], [[294, 294], "mapped", [295]], [[295, 295], "valid"], [[296, 296], "mapped", [297]], [[297, 297], "valid"], [[298, 298], "mapped", [299]], [[299, 299], "valid"], [[300, 300], "mapped", [301]], [[301, 301], "valid"], [[302, 302], "mapped", [303]], [[303, 303], "valid"], [[304, 304], "mapped", [105, 775]], [[305, 305], "valid"], [[306, 307], "mapped", [105, 106]], [[308, 308], "mapped", [309]], [[309, 309], "valid"], [[310, 310], "mapped", [311]], [[311, 312], "valid"], [[313, 313], "mapped", [314]], [[314, 314], "valid"], [[315, 315], "mapped", [316]], [[316, 316], "valid"], [[317, 317], "mapped", [318]], [[318, 318], "valid"], [[319, 320], "mapped", [108, 183]], [[321, 321], "mapped", [322]], [[322, 322], "valid"], [[323, 323], "mapped", [324]], [[324, 324], "valid"], [[325, 325], "mapped", [326]], [[326, 326], "valid"], [[327, 327], "mapped", [328]], [[328, 328], "valid"], [[329, 329], "mapped", [700, 110]], [[330, 330], "mapped", [331]], [[331, 331], "valid"], [[332, 332], "mapped", [333]], [[333, 333], "valid"], [[334, 334], "mapped", [335]], [[335, 335], "valid"], [[336, 336], "mapped", [337]], [[337, 337], "valid"], [[338, 338], "mapped", [339]], [[339, 339], "valid"], [[340, 340], "mapped", [341]], [[341, 341], "valid"], [[342, 342], "mapped", [343]], [[343, 343], "valid"], [[344, 344], "mapped", [345]], [[345, 345], "valid"], [[346, 346], "mapped", [347]], [[347, 347], "valid"], [[348, 348], "mapped", [349]], [[349, 349], "valid"], [[350, 350], "mapped", [351]], [[351, 351], "valid"], [[352, 352], "mapped", [353]], [[353, 353], "valid"], [[354, 354], "mapped", [355]], [[355, 355], "valid"], [[356, 356], "mapped", [357]], [[357, 357], "valid"], [[358, 358], "mapped", [359]], [[359, 359], "valid"], [[360, 360], "mapped", [361]], [[361, 361], "valid"], [[362, 362], "mapped", [363]], [[363, 363], "valid"], [[364, 364], "mapped", [365]], [[365, 365], "valid"], [[366, 366], "mapped", [367]], [[367, 367], "valid"], [[368, 368], "mapped", [369]], [[369, 369], "valid"], [[370, 370], "mapped", [371]], [[371, 371], "valid"], [[372, 372], "mapped", [373]], [[373, 373], "valid"], [[374, 374], "mapped", [375]], [[375, 375], "valid"], [[376, 376], "mapped", [255]], [[377, 377], "mapped", [378]], [[378, 378], "valid"], [[379, 379], "mapped", [380]], [[380, 380], "valid"], [[381, 381], "mapped", [382]], [[382, 382], "valid"], [[383, 383], "mapped", [115]], [[384, 384], "valid"], [[385, 385], "mapped", [595]], [[386, 386], "mapped", [387]], [[387, 387], "valid"], [[388, 388], "mapped", [389]], [[389, 389], "valid"], [[390, 390], "mapped", [596]], [[391, 391], "mapped", [392]], [[392, 392], "valid"], [[393, 393], "mapped", [598]], [[394, 394], "mapped", [599]], [[395, 395], "mapped", [396]], [[396, 397], "valid"], [[398, 398], "mapped", [477]], [[399, 399], "mapped", [601]], [[400, 400], "mapped", [603]], [[401, 401], "mapped", [402]], [[402, 402], "valid"], [[403, 403], "mapped", [608]], [[404, 404], "mapped", [611]], [[405, 405], "valid"], [[406, 406], "mapped", [617]], [[407, 407], "mapped", [616]], [[408, 408], "mapped", [409]], [[409, 411], "valid"], [[412, 412], "mapped", [623]], [[413, 413], "mapped", [626]], [[414, 414], "valid"], [[415, 415], "mapped", [629]], [[416, 416], "mapped", [417]], [[417, 417], "valid"], [[418, 418], "mapped", [419]], [[419, 419], "valid"], [[420, 420], "mapped", [421]], [[421, 421], "valid"], [[422, 422], "mapped", [640]], [[423, 423], "mapped", [424]], [[424, 424], "valid"], [[425, 425], "mapped", [643]], [[426, 427], "valid"], [[428, 428], "mapped", [429]], [[429, 429], "valid"], [[430, 430], "mapped", [648]], [[431, 431], "mapped", [432]], [[432, 432], "valid"], [[433, 433], "mapped", [650]], [[434, 434], "mapped", [651]], [[435, 435], "mapped", [436]], [[436, 436], "valid"], [[437, 437], "mapped", [438]], [[438, 438], "valid"], [[439, 439], "mapped", [658]], [[440, 440], "mapped", [441]], [[441, 443], "valid"], [[444, 444], "mapped", [445]], [[445, 451], "valid"], [[452, 454], "mapped", [100, 382]], [[455, 457], "mapped", [108, 106]], [[458, 460], "mapped", [110, 106]], [[461, 461], "mapped", [462]], [[462, 462], "valid"], [[463, 463], "mapped", [464]], [[464, 464], "valid"], [[465, 465], "mapped", [466]], [[466, 466], "valid"], [[467, 467], "mapped", [468]], [[468, 468], "valid"], [[469, 469], "mapped", [470]], [[470, 470], "valid"], [[471, 471], "mapped", [472]], [[472, 472], "valid"], [[473, 473], "mapped", [474]], [[474, 474], "valid"], [[475, 475], "mapped", [476]], [[476, 477], "valid"], [[478, 478], "mapped", [479]], [[479, 479], "valid"], [[480, 480], "mapped", [481]], [[481, 481], "valid"], [[482, 482], "mapped", [483]], [[483, 483], "valid"], [[484, 484], "mapped", [485]], [[485, 485], "valid"], [[486, 486], "mapped", [487]], [[487, 487], "valid"], [[488, 488], "mapped", [489]], [[489, 489], "valid"], [[490, 490], "mapped", [491]], [[491, 491], "valid"], [[492, 492], "mapped", [493]], [[493, 493], "valid"], [[494, 494], "mapped", [495]], [[495, 496], "valid"], [[497, 499], "mapped", [100, 122]], [[500, 500], "mapped", [501]], [[501, 501], "valid"], [[502, 502], "mapped", [405]], [[503, 503], "mapped", [447]], [[504, 504], "mapped", [505]], [[505, 505], "valid"], [[506, 506], "mapped", [507]], [[507, 507], "valid"], [[508, 508], "mapped", [509]], [[509, 509], "valid"], [[510, 510], "mapped", [511]], [[511, 511], "valid"], [[512, 512], "mapped", [513]], [[513, 513], "valid"], [[514, 514], "mapped", [515]], [[515, 515], "valid"], [[516, 516], "mapped", [517]], [[517, 517], "valid"], [[518, 518], "mapped", [519]], [[519, 519], "valid"], [[520, 520], "mapped", [521]], [[521, 521], "valid"], [[522, 522], "mapped", [523]], [[523, 523], "valid"], [[524, 524], "mapped", [525]], [[525, 525], "valid"], [[526, 526], "mapped", [527]], [[527, 527], "valid"], [[528, 528], "mapped", [529]], [[529, 529], "valid"], [[530, 530], "mapped", [531]], [[531, 531], "valid"], [[532, 532], "mapped", [533]], [[533, 533], "valid"], [[534, 534], "mapped", [535]], [[535, 535], "valid"], [[536, 536], "mapped", [537]], [[537, 537], "valid"], [[538, 538], "mapped", [539]], [[539, 539], "valid"], [[540, 540], "mapped", [541]], [[541, 541], "valid"], [[542, 542], "mapped", [543]], [[543, 543], "valid"], [[544, 544], "mapped", [414]], [[545, 545], "valid"], [[546, 546], "mapped", [547]], [[547, 547], "valid"], [[548, 548], "mapped", [549]], [[549, 549], "valid"], [[550, 550], "mapped", [551]], [[551, 551], "valid"], [[552, 552], "mapped", [553]], [[553, 553], "valid"], [[554, 554], "mapped", [555]], [[555, 555], "valid"], [[556, 556], "mapped", [557]], [[557, 557], "valid"], [[558, 558], "mapped", [559]], [[559, 559], "valid"], [[560, 560], "mapped", [561]], [[561, 561], "valid"], [[562, 562], "mapped", [563]], [[563, 563], "valid"], [[564, 566], "valid"], [[567, 569], "valid"], [[570, 570], "mapped", [11365]], [[571, 571], "mapped", [572]], [[572, 572], "valid"], [[573, 573], "mapped", [410]], [[574, 574], "mapped", [11366]], [[575, 576], "valid"], [[577, 577], "mapped", [578]], [[578, 578], "valid"], [[579, 579], "mapped", [384]], [[580, 580], "mapped", [649]], [[581, 581], "mapped", [652]], [[582, 582], "mapped", [583]], [[583, 583], "valid"], [[584, 584], "mapped", [585]], [[585, 585], "valid"], [[586, 586], "mapped", [587]], [[587, 587], "valid"], [[588, 588], "mapped", [589]], [[589, 589], "valid"], [[590, 590], "mapped", [591]], [[591, 591], "valid"], [[592, 680], "valid"], [[681, 685], "valid"], [[686, 687], "valid"], [[688, 688], "mapped", [104]], [[689, 689], "mapped", [614]], [[690, 690], "mapped", [106]], [[691, 691], "mapped", [114]], [[692, 692], "mapped", [633]], [[693, 693], "mapped", [635]], [[694, 694], "mapped", [641]], [[695, 695], "mapped", [119]], [[696, 696], "mapped", [121]], [[697, 705], "valid"], [[706, 709], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[710, 721], "valid"], [[722, 727], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[728, 728], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [32, 774]], [[729, 729], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [32, 775]], [[730, 730], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [32, 778]], [[731, 731], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [32, 808]], [[732, 732], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [32, 771]], [[733, 733], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [32, 779]], [[734, 734], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[735, 735], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[736, 736], "mapped", [611]], [[737, 737], "mapped", [108]], [[738, 738], "mapped", [115]], [[739, 739], "mapped", [120]], [[740, 740], "mapped", [661]], [[741, 745], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[746, 747], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[748, 748], "valid"], [[749, 749], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[750, 750], "valid"], [[751, 767], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[768, 831], "valid"], [[832, 832], "mapped", [768]], [[833, 833], "mapped", [769]], [[834, 834], "valid"], [[835, 835], "mapped", [787]], [[836, 836], "mapped", [776, 769]], [[837, 837], "mapped", [953]], [[838, 846], "valid"], [[847, 847], "ignored"], [[848, 855], "valid"], [[856, 860], "valid"], [[861, 863], "valid"], [[864, 865], "valid"], [[866, 866], "valid"], [[867, 879], "valid"], [[880, 880], "mapped", [881]], [[881, 881], "valid"], [[882, 882], "mapped", [883]], [[883, 883], "valid"], [[884, 884], "mapped", [697]], [[885, 885], "valid"], [[886, 886], "mapped", [887]], [[887, 887], "valid"], [[888, 889], "disallowed"], [[890, 890], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [32, 953]], [[891, 893], "valid"], [[894, 894], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [59]], [[895, 895], "mapped", [1011]], [[896, 899], "disallowed"], [[900, 900], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [32, 769]], [[901, 901], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [32, 776, 769]], [[902, 902], "mapped", [940]], [[903, 903], "mapped", [183]], [[904, 904], "mapped", [941]], [[905, 905], "mapped", [942]], [[906, 906], "mapped", [943]], [[907, 907], "disallowed"], [[908, 908], "mapped", [972]], [[909, 909], "disallowed"], [[910, 910], "mapped", [973]], [[911, 911], "mapped", [974]], [[912, 912], "valid"], [[913, 913], "mapped", [945]], [[914, 914], "mapped", [946]], [[915, 915], "mapped", [947]], [[916, 916], "mapped", [948]], [[917, 917], "mapped", [949]], [[918, 918], "mapped", [950]], [[919, 919], "mapped", [951]], [[920, 920], "mapped", [952]], [[921, 921], "mapped", [953]], [[922, 922], "mapped", [954]], [[923, 923], "mapped", [955]], [[924, 924], "mapped", [956]], [[925, 925], "mapped", [957]], [[926, 926], "mapped", [958]], [[927, 927], "mapped", [959]], [[928, 928], "mapped", [960]], [[929, 929], "mapped", [961]], [[930, 930], "disallowed"], [[931, 931], "mapped", [963]], [[932, 932], "mapped", [964]], [[933, 933], "mapped", [965]], [[934, 934], "mapped", [966]], [[935, 935], "mapped", [967]], [[936, 936], "mapped", [968]], [[937, 937], "mapped", [969]], [[938, 938], "mapped", [970]], [[939, 939], "mapped", [971]], [[940, 961], "valid"], [[962, 962], "deviation", [963]], [[963, 974], "valid"], [[975, 975], "mapped", [983]], [[976, 976], "mapped", [946]], [[977, 977], "mapped", [952]], [[978, 978], "mapped", [965]], [[979, 979], "mapped", [973]], [[980, 980], "mapped", [971]], [[981, 981], "mapped", [966]], [[982, 982], "mapped", [960]], [[983, 983], "valid"], [[984, 984], "mapped", [985]], [[985, 985], "valid"], [[986, 986], "mapped", [987]], [[987, 987], "valid"], [[988, 988], "mapped", [989]], [[989, 989], "valid"], [[990, 990], "mapped", [991]], [[991, 991], "valid"], [[992, 992], "mapped", [993]], [[993, 993], "valid"], [[994, 994], "mapped", [995]], [[995, 995], "valid"], [[996, 996], "mapped", [997]], [[997, 997], "valid"], [[998, 998], "mapped", [999]], [[999, 999], "valid"], [[1e3, 1e3], "mapped", [1001]], [[1001, 1001], "valid"], [[1002, 1002], "mapped", [1003]], [[1003, 1003], "valid"], [[1004, 1004], "mapped", [1005]], [[1005, 1005], "valid"], [[1006, 1006], "mapped", [1007]], [[1007, 1007], "valid"], [[1008, 1008], "mapped", [954]], [[1009, 1009], "mapped", [961]], [[1010, 1010], "mapped", [963]], [[1011, 1011], "valid"], [[1012, 1012], "mapped", [952]], [[1013, 1013], "mapped", [949]], [[1014, 1014], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[1015, 1015], "mapped", [1016]], [[1016, 1016], "valid"], [[1017, 1017], "mapped", [963]], [[1018, 1018], "mapped", [1019]], [[1019, 1019], "valid"], [[1020, 1020], "valid"], [[1021, 1021], "mapped", [891]], [[1022, 1022], "mapped", [892]], [[1023, 1023], "mapped", [893]], [[1024, 1024], "mapped", [1104]], [[1025, 1025], "mapped", [1105]], [[1026, 1026], "mapped", [1106]], [[1027, 1027], "mapped", [1107]], [[1028, 1028], "mapped", [1108]], [[1029, 1029], "mapped", [1109]], [[1030, 1030], "mapped", [1110]], [[1031, 1031], "mapped", [1111]], [[1032, 1032], "mapped", [1112]], [[1033, 1033], "mapped", [1113]], [[1034, 1034], "mapped", [1114]], [[1035, 1035], "mapped", [1115]], [[1036, 1036], "mapped", [1116]], [[1037, 1037], "mapped", [1117]], [[1038, 1038], "mapped", [1118]], [[1039, 1039], "mapped", [1119]], [[1040, 1040], "mapped", [1072]], [[1041, 1041], "mapped", [1073]], [[1042, 1042], "mapped", [1074]], [[1043, 1043], "mapped", [1075]], [[1044, 1044], "mapped", [1076]], [[1045, 1045], "mapped", [1077]], [[1046, 1046], "mapped", [1078]], [[1047, 1047], "mapped", [1079]], [[1048, 1048], "mapped", [1080]], [[1049, 1049], "mapped", [1081]], [[1050, 1050], "mapped", [1082]], [[1051, 1051], "mapped", [1083]], [[1052, 1052], "mapped", [1084]], [[1053, 1053], "mapped", [1085]], [[1054, 1054], "mapped", [1086]], [[1055, 1055], "mapped", [1087]], [[1056, 1056], "mapped", [1088]], [[1057, 1057], "mapped", [1089]], [[1058, 1058], "mapped", [1090]], [[1059, 1059], "mapped", [1091]], [[1060, 1060], "mapped", [1092]], [[1061, 1061], "mapped", [1093]], [[1062, 1062], "mapped", [1094]], [[1063, 1063], "mapped", [1095]], [[1064, 1064], "mapped", [1096]], [[1065, 1065], "mapped", [1097]], [[1066, 1066], "mapped", [1098]], [[1067, 1067], "mapped", [1099]], [[1068, 1068], "mapped", [1100]], [[1069, 1069], "mapped", [1101]], [[1070, 1070], "mapped", [1102]], [[1071, 1071], "mapped", [1103]], [[1072, 1103], "valid"], [[1104, 1104], "valid"], [[1105, 1116], "valid"], [[1117, 1117], "valid"], [[1118, 1119], "valid"], [[1120, 1120], "mapped", [1121]], [[1121, 1121], "valid"], [[1122, 1122], "mapped", [1123]], [[1123, 1123], "valid"], [[1124, 1124], "mapped", [1125]], [[1125, 1125], "valid"], [[1126, 1126], "mapped", [1127]], [[1127, 1127], "valid"], [[1128, 1128], "mapped", [1129]], [[1129, 1129], "valid"], [[1130, 1130], "mapped", [1131]], [[1131, 1131], "valid"], [[1132, 1132], "mapped", [1133]], [[1133, 1133], "valid"], [[1134, 1134], "mapped", [1135]], [[1135, 1135], "valid"], [[1136, 1136], "mapped", [1137]], [[1137, 1137], "valid"], [[1138, 1138], "mapped", [1139]], [[1139, 1139], "valid"], [[1140, 1140], "mapped", [1141]], [[1141, 1141], "valid"], [[1142, 1142], "mapped", [1143]], [[1143, 1143], "valid"], [[1144, 1144], "mapped", [1145]], [[1145, 1145], "valid"], [[1146, 1146], "mapped", [1147]], [[1147, 1147], "valid"], [[1148, 1148], "mapped", [1149]], [[1149, 1149], "valid"], [[1150, 1150], "mapped", [1151]], [[1151, 1151], "valid"], [[1152, 1152], "mapped", [1153]], [[1153, 1153], "valid"], [[1154, 1154], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[1155, 1158], "valid"], [[1159, 1159], "valid"], [[1160, 1161], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[1162, 1162], "mapped", [1163]], [[1163, 1163], "valid"], [[1164, 1164], "mapped", [1165]], [[1165, 1165], "valid"], [[1166, 1166], "mapped", [1167]], [[1167, 1167], "valid"], [[1168, 1168], "mapped", [1169]], [[1169, 1169], "valid"], [[1170, 1170], "mapped", [1171]], [[1171, 1171], "valid"], [[1172, 1172], "mapped", [1173]], [[1173, 1173], "valid"], [[1174, 1174], "mapped", [1175]], [[1175, 1175], "valid"], [[1176, 1176], "mapped", [1177]], [[1177, 1177], "valid"], [[1178, 1178], "mapped", [1179]], [[1179, 1179], "valid"], [[1180, 1180], "mapped", [1181]], [[1181, 1181], "valid"], [[1182, 1182], "mapped", [1183]], [[1183, 1183], "valid"], [[1184, 1184], "mapped", [1185]], [[1185, 1185], "valid"], [[1186, 1186], "mapped", [1187]], [[1187, 1187], "valid"], [[1188, 1188], "mapped", [1189]], [[1189, 1189], "valid"], [[1190, 1190], "mapped", [1191]], [[1191, 1191], "valid"], [[1192, 1192], "mapped", [1193]], [[1193, 1193], "valid"], [[1194, 1194], "mapped", [1195]], [[1195, 1195], "valid"], [[1196, 1196], "mapped", [1197]], [[1197, 1197], "valid"], [[1198, 1198], "mapped", [1199]], [[1199, 1199], "valid"], [[1200, 1200], "mapped", [1201]], [[1201, 1201], "valid"], [[1202, 1202], "mapped", [1203]], [[1203, 1203], "valid"], [[1204, 1204], "mapped", [1205]], [[1205, 1205], "valid"], [[1206, 1206], "mapped", [1207]], [[1207, 1207], "valid"], [[1208, 1208], "mapped", [1209]], [[1209, 1209], "valid"], [[1210, 1210], "mapped", [1211]], [[1211, 1211], "valid"], [[1212, 1212], "mapped", [1213]], [[1213, 1213], "valid"], [[1214, 1214], "mapped", [1215]], [[1215, 1215], "valid"], [[1216, 1216], "disallowed"], [[1217, 1217], "mapped", [1218]], [[1218, 1218], "valid"], [[1219, 1219], "mapped", [1220]], [[1220, 1220], "valid"], [[1221, 1221], "mapped", [1222]], [[1222, 1222], "valid"], [[1223, 1223], "mapped", [1224]], [[1224, 1224], "valid"], [[1225, 1225], "mapped", [1226]], [[1226, 1226], "valid"], [[1227, 1227], "mapped", [1228]], [[1228, 1228], "valid"], [[1229, 1229], "mapped", [1230]], [[1230, 1230], "valid"], [[1231, 1231], "valid"], [[1232, 1232], "mapped", [1233]], [[1233, 1233], "valid"], [[1234, 1234], "mapped", [1235]], [[1235, 1235], "valid"], [[1236, 1236], "mapped", [1237]], [[1237, 1237], "valid"], [[1238, 1238], "mapped", [1239]], [[1239, 1239], "valid"], [[1240, 1240], "mapped", [1241]], [[1241, 1241], "valid"], [[1242, 1242], "mapped", [1243]], [[1243, 1243], "valid"], [[1244, 1244], "mapped", [1245]], [[1245, 1245], "valid"], [[1246, 1246], "mapped", [1247]], [[1247, 1247], "valid"], [[1248, 1248], "mapped", [1249]], [[1249, 1249], "valid"], [[1250, 1250], "mapped", [1251]], [[1251, 1251], "valid"], [[1252, 1252], "mapped", [1253]], [[1253, 1253], "valid"], [[1254, 1254], "mapped", [1255]], [[1255, 1255], "valid"], [[1256, 1256], "mapped", [1257]], [[1257, 1257], "valid"], [[1258, 1258], "mapped", [1259]], [[1259, 1259], "valid"], [[1260, 1260], "mapped", [1261]], [[1261, 1261], "valid"], [[1262, 1262], "mapped", [1263]], [[1263, 1263], "valid"], [[1264, 1264], "mapped", [1265]], [[1265, 1265], "valid"], [[1266, 1266], "mapped", [1267]], [[1267, 1267], "valid"], [[1268, 1268], "mapped", [1269]], [[1269, 1269], "valid"], [[1270, 1270], "mapped", [1271]], [[1271, 1271], "valid"], [[1272, 1272], "mapped", [1273]], [[1273, 1273], "valid"], [[1274, 1274], "mapped", [1275]], [[1275, 1275], "valid"], [[1276, 1276], "mapped", [1277]], [[1277, 1277], "valid"], [[1278, 1278], "mapped", [1279]], [[1279, 1279], "valid"], [[1280, 1280], "mapped", [1281]], [[1281, 1281], "valid"], [[1282, 1282], "mapped", [1283]], [[1283, 1283], "valid"], [[1284, 1284], "mapped", [1285]], [[1285, 1285], "valid"], [[1286, 1286], "mapped", [1287]], [[1287, 1287], "valid"], [[1288, 1288], "mapped", [1289]], [[1289, 1289], "valid"], [[1290, 1290], "mapped", [1291]], [[1291, 1291], "valid"], [[1292, 1292], "mapped", [1293]], [[1293, 1293], "valid"], [[1294, 1294], "mapped", [1295]], [[1295, 1295], "valid"], [[1296, 1296], "mapped", [1297]], [[1297, 1297], "valid"], [[1298, 1298], "mapped", [1299]], [[1299, 1299], "valid"], [[1300, 1300], "mapped", [1301]], [[1301, 1301], "valid"], [[1302, 1302], "mapped", [1303]], [[1303, 1303], "valid"], [[1304, 1304], "mapped", [1305]], [[1305, 1305], "valid"], [[1306, 1306], "mapped", [1307]], [[1307, 1307], "valid"], [[1308, 1308], "mapped", [1309]], [[1309, 1309], "valid"], [[1310, 1310], "mapped", [1311]], [[1311, 1311], "valid"], [[1312, 1312], "mapped", [1313]], [[1313, 1313], "valid"], [[1314, 1314], "mapped", [1315]], [[1315, 1315], "valid"], [[1316, 1316], "mapped", [1317]], [[1317, 1317], "valid"], [[1318, 1318], "mapped", [1319]], [[1319, 1319], "valid"], [[1320, 1320], "mapped", [1321]], [[1321, 1321], "valid"], [[1322, 1322], "mapped", [1323]], [[1323, 1323], "valid"], [[1324, 1324], "mapped", [1325]], [[1325, 1325], "valid"], [[1326, 1326], "mapped", [1327]], [[1327, 1327], "valid"], [[1328, 1328], "disallowed"], [[1329, 1329], "mapped", [1377]], [[1330, 1330], "mapped", [1378]], [[1331, 1331], "mapped", [1379]], [[1332, 1332], "mapped", [1380]], [[1333, 1333], "mapped", [1381]], [[1334, 1334], "mapped", [1382]], [[1335, 1335], "mapped", [1383]], [[1336, 1336], "mapped", [1384]], [[1337, 1337], "mapped", [1385]], [[1338, 1338], "mapped", [1386]], [[1339, 1339], "mapped", [1387]], [[1340, 1340], "mapped", [1388]], [[1341, 1341], "mapped", [1389]], [[1342, 1342], "mapped", [1390]], [[1343, 1343], "mapped", [1391]], [[1344, 1344], "mapped", [1392]], [[1345, 1345], "mapped", [1393]], [[1346, 1346], "mapped", [1394]], [[1347, 1347], "mapped", [1395]], [[1348, 1348], "mapped", [1396]], [[1349, 1349], "mapped", [1397]], [[1350, 1350], "mapped", [1398]], [[1351, 1351], "mapped", [1399]], [[1352, 1352], "mapped", [1400]], [[1353, 1353], "mapped", [1401]], [[1354, 1354], "mapped", [1402]], [[1355, 1355], "mapped", [1403]], [[1356, 1356], "mapped", [1404]], [[1357, 1357], "mapped", [1405]], [[1358, 1358], "mapped", [1406]], [[1359, 1359], "mapped", [1407]], [[1360, 1360], "mapped", [1408]], [[1361, 1361], "mapped", [1409]], [[1362, 1362], "mapped", [1410]], [[1363, 1363], "mapped", [1411]], [[1364, 1364], "mapped", [1412]], [[1365, 1365], "mapped", [1413]], [[1366, 1366], "mapped", [1414]], [[1367, 1368], "disallowed"], [[1369, 1369], "valid"], [[1370, 1375], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[1376, 1376], "disallowed"], [[1377, 1414], "valid"], [[1415, 1415], "mapped", [1381, 1410]], [[1416, 1416], "disallowed"], [[1417, 1417], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[1418, 1418], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[1419, 1420], "disallowed"], [[1421, 1422], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[1423, 1423], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[1424, 1424], "disallowed"], [[1425, 1441], "valid"], [[1442, 1442], "valid"], [[1443, 1455], "valid"], [[1456, 1465], "valid"], [[1466, 1466], "valid"], [[1467, 1469], "valid"], [[1470, 1470], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[1471, 1471], "valid"], [[1472, 1472], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[1473, 1474], "valid"], [[1475, 1475], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[1476, 1476], "valid"], [[1477, 1477], "valid"], [[1478, 1478], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[1479, 1479], "valid"], [[1480, 1487], "disallowed"], [[1488, 1514], "valid"], [[1515, 1519], "disallowed"], [[1520, 1524], "valid"], [[1525, 1535], "disallowed"], [[1536, 1539], "disallowed"], [[1540, 1540], "disallowed"], [[1541, 1541], "disallowed"], [[1542, 1546], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[1547, 1547], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[1548, 1548], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[1549, 1551], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[1552, 1557], "valid"], [[1558, 1562], "valid"], [[1563, 1563], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[1564, 1564], "disallowed"], [[1565, 1565], "disallowed"], [[1566, 1566], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[1567, 1567], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[1568, 1568], "valid"], [[1569, 1594], "valid"], [[1595, 1599], "valid"], [[1600, 1600], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[1601, 1618], "valid"], [[1619, 1621], "valid"], [[1622, 1624], "valid"], [[1625, 1630], "valid"], [[1631, 1631], "valid"], [[1632, 1641], "valid"], [[1642, 1645], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[1646, 1647], "valid"], [[1648, 1652], "valid"], [[1653, 1653], "mapped", [1575, 1652]], [[1654, 1654], "mapped", [1608, 1652]], [[1655, 1655], "mapped", [1735, 1652]], [[1656, 1656], "mapped", [1610, 1652]], [[1657, 1719], "valid"], [[1720, 1721], "valid"], [[1722, 1726], "valid"], [[1727, 1727], "valid"], [[1728, 1742], "valid"], [[1743, 1743], "valid"], [[1744, 1747], "valid"], [[1748, 1748], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[1749, 1756], "valid"], [[1757, 1757], "disallowed"], [[1758, 1758], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[1759, 1768], "valid"], [[1769, 1769], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[1770, 1773], "valid"], [[1774, 1775], "valid"], [[1776, 1785], "valid"], [[1786, 1790], "valid"], [[1791, 1791], "valid"], [[1792, 1805], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[1806, 1806], "disallowed"], [[1807, 1807], "disallowed"], [[1808, 1836], "valid"], [[1837, 1839], "valid"], [[1840, 1866], "valid"], [[1867, 1868], "disallowed"], [[1869, 1871], "valid"], [[1872, 1901], "valid"], [[1902, 1919], "valid"], [[1920, 1968], "valid"], [[1969, 1969], "valid"], [[1970, 1983], "disallowed"], [[1984, 2037], "valid"], [[2038, 2042], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[2043, 2047], "disallowed"], [[2048, 2093], "valid"], [[2094, 2095], "disallowed"], [[2096, 2110], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[2111, 2111], "disallowed"], [[2112, 2139], "valid"], [[2140, 2141], "disallowed"], [[2142, 2142], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[2143, 2207], "disallowed"], [[2208, 2208], "valid"], [[2209, 2209], "valid"], [[2210, 2220], "valid"], [[2221, 2226], "valid"], [[2227, 2228], "valid"], [[2229, 2274], "disallowed"], [[2275, 2275], "valid"], [[2276, 2302], "valid"], [[2303, 2303], "valid"], [[2304, 2304], "valid"], [[2305, 2307], "valid"], [[2308, 2308], "valid"], [[2309, 2361], "valid"], [[2362, 2363], "valid"], [[2364, 2381], "valid"], [[2382, 2382], "valid"], [[2383, 2383], "valid"], [[2384, 2388], "valid"], [[2389, 2389], "valid"], [[2390, 2391], "valid"], [[2392, 2392], "mapped", [2325, 2364]], [[2393, 2393], "mapped", [2326, 2364]], [[2394, 2394], "mapped", [2327, 2364]], [[2395, 2395], "mapped", [2332, 2364]], [[2396, 2396], "mapped", [2337, 2364]], [[2397, 2397], "mapped", [2338, 2364]], [[2398, 2398], "mapped", [2347, 2364]], [[2399, 2399], "mapped", [2351, 2364]], [[2400, 2403], "valid"], [[2404, 2405], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[2406, 2415], "valid"], [[2416, 2416], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[2417, 2418], "valid"], [[2419, 2423], "valid"], [[2424, 2424], "valid"], [[2425, 2426], "valid"], [[2427, 2428], "valid"], [[2429, 2429], "valid"], [[2430, 2431], "valid"], [[2432, 2432], "valid"], [[2433, 2435], "valid"], [[2436, 2436], "disallowed"], [[2437, 2444], "valid"], [[2445, 2446], "disallowed"], [[2447, 2448], "valid"], [[2449, 2450], "disallowed"], [[2451, 2472], "valid"], [[2473, 2473], "disallowed"], [[2474, 2480], "valid"], [[2481, 2481], "disallowed"], [[2482, 2482], "valid"], [[2483, 2485], "disallowed"], [[2486, 2489], "valid"], [[2490, 2491], "disallowed"], [[2492, 2492], "valid"], [[2493, 2493], "valid"], [[2494, 2500], "valid"], [[2501, 2502], "disallowed"], [[2503, 2504], "valid"], [[2505, 2506], "disallowed"], [[2507, 2509], "valid"], [[2510, 2510], "valid"], [[2511, 2518], "disallowed"], [[2519, 2519], "valid"], [[2520, 2523], "disallowed"], [[2524, 2524], "mapped", [2465, 2492]], [[2525, 2525], "mapped", [2466, 2492]], [[2526, 2526], "disallowed"], [[2527, 2527], "mapped", [2479, 2492]], [[2528, 2531], "valid"], [[2532, 2533], "disallowed"], [[2534, 2545], "valid"], [[2546, 2554], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[2555, 2555], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[2556, 2560], "disallowed"], [[2561, 2561], "valid"], [[2562, 2562], "valid"], [[2563, 2563], "valid"], [[2564, 2564], "disallowed"], [[2565, 2570], "valid"], [[2571, 2574], "disallowed"], [[2575, 2576], "valid"], [[2577, 2578], "disallowed"], [[2579, 2600], "valid"], [[2601, 2601], "disallowed"], [[2602, 2608], "valid"], [[2609, 2609], "disallowed"], [[2610, 2610], "valid"], [[2611, 2611], "mapped", [2610, 2620]], [[2612, 2612], "disallowed"], [[2613, 2613], "valid"], [[2614, 2614], "mapped", [2616, 2620]], [[2615, 2615], "disallowed"], [[2616, 2617], "valid"], [[2618, 2619], "disallowed"], [[2620, 2620], "valid"], [[2621, 2621], "disallowed"], [[2622, 2626], "valid"], [[2627, 2630], "disallowed"], [[2631, 2632], "valid"], [[2633, 2634], "disallowed"], [[2635, 2637], "valid"], [[2638, 2640], "disallowed"], [[2641, 2641], "valid"], [[2642, 2648], "disallowed"], [[2649, 2649], "mapped", [2582, 2620]], [[2650, 2650], "mapped", [2583, 2620]], [[2651, 2651], "mapped", [2588, 2620]], [[2652, 2652], "valid"], [[2653, 2653], "disallowed"], [[2654, 2654], "mapped", [2603, 2620]], [[2655, 2661], "disallowed"], [[2662, 2676], "valid"], [[2677, 2677], "valid"], [[2678, 2688], "disallowed"], [[2689, 2691], "valid"], [[2692, 2692], "disallowed"], [[2693, 2699], "valid"], [[2700, 2700], "valid"], [[2701, 2701], "valid"], [[2702, 2702], "disallowed"], [[2703, 2705], "valid"], [[2706, 2706], "disallowed"], [[2707, 2728], "valid"], [[2729, 2729], "disallowed"], [[2730, 2736], "valid"], [[2737, 2737], "disallowed"], [[2738, 2739], "valid"], [[2740, 2740], "disallowed"], [[2741, 2745], "valid"], [[2746, 2747], "disallowed"], [[2748, 2757], "valid"], [[2758, 2758], "disallowed"], [[2759, 2761], "valid"], [[2762, 2762], "disallowed"], [[2763, 2765], "valid"], [[2766, 2767], "disallowed"], [[2768, 2768], "valid"], [[2769, 2783], "disallowed"], [[2784, 2784], "valid"], [[2785, 2787], "valid"], [[2788, 2789], "disallowed"], [[2790, 2799], "valid"], [[2800, 2800], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[2801, 2801], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[2802, 2808], "disallowed"], [[2809, 2809], "valid"], [[2810, 2816], "disallowed"], [[2817, 2819], "valid"], [[2820, 2820], "disallowed"], [[2821, 2828], "valid"], [[2829, 2830], "disallowed"], [[2831, 2832], "valid"], [[2833, 2834], "disallowed"], [[2835, 2856], "valid"], [[2857, 2857], "disallowed"], [[2858, 2864], "valid"], [[2865, 2865], "disallowed"], [[2866, 2867], "valid"], [[2868, 2868], "disallowed"], [[2869, 2869], "valid"], [[2870, 2873], "valid"], [[2874, 2875], "disallowed"], [[2876, 2883], "valid"], [[2884, 2884], "valid"], [[2885, 2886], "disallowed"], [[2887, 2888], "valid"], [[2889, 2890], "disallowed"], [[2891, 2893], "valid"], [[2894, 2901], "disallowed"], [[2902, 2903], "valid"], [[2904, 2907], "disallowed"], [[2908, 2908], "mapped", [2849, 2876]], [[2909, 2909], "mapped", [2850, 2876]], [[2910, 2910], "disallowed"], [[2911, 2913], "valid"], [[2914, 2915], "valid"], [[2916, 2917], "disallowed"], [[2918, 2927], "valid"], [[2928, 2928], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[2929, 2929], "valid"], [[2930, 2935], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[2936, 2945], "disallowed"], [[2946, 2947], "valid"], [[2948, 2948], "disallowed"], [[2949, 2954], "valid"], [[2955, 2957], "disallowed"], [[2958, 2960], "valid"], [[2961, 2961], "disallowed"], [[2962, 2965], "valid"], [[2966, 2968], "disallowed"], [[2969, 2970], "valid"], [[2971, 2971], "disallowed"], [[2972, 2972], "valid"], [[2973, 2973], "disallowed"], [[2974, 2975], "valid"], [[2976, 2978], "disallowed"], [[2979, 2980], "valid"], [[2981, 2983], "disallowed"], [[2984, 2986], "valid"], [[2987, 2989], "disallowed"], [[2990, 2997], "valid"], [[2998, 2998], "valid"], [[2999, 3001], "valid"], [[3002, 3005], "disallowed"], [[3006, 3010], "valid"], [[3011, 3013], "disallowed"], [[3014, 3016], "valid"], [[3017, 3017], "disallowed"], [[3018, 3021], "valid"], [[3022, 3023], "disallowed"], [[3024, 3024], "valid"], [[3025, 3030], "disallowed"], [[3031, 3031], "valid"], [[3032, 3045], "disallowed"], [[3046, 3046], "valid"], [[3047, 3055], "valid"], [[3056, 3058], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[3059, 3066], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[3067, 3071], "disallowed"], [[3072, 3072], "valid"], [[3073, 3075], "valid"], [[3076, 3076], "disallowed"], [[3077, 3084], "valid"], [[3085, 3085], "disallowed"], [[3086, 3088], "valid"], [[3089, 3089], "disallowed"], [[3090, 3112], "valid"], [[3113, 3113], "disallowed"], [[3114, 3123], "valid"], [[3124, 3124], "valid"], [[3125, 3129], "valid"], [[3130, 3132], "disallowed"], [[3133, 3133], "valid"], [[3134, 3140], "valid"], [[3141, 3141], "disallowed"], [[3142, 3144], "valid"], [[3145, 3145], "disallowed"], [[3146, 3149], "valid"], [[3150, 3156], "disallowed"], [[3157, 3158], "valid"], [[3159, 3159], "disallowed"], [[3160, 3161], "valid"], [[3162, 3162], "valid"], [[3163, 3167], "disallowed"], [[3168, 3169], "valid"], [[3170, 3171], "valid"], [[3172, 3173], "disallowed"], [[3174, 3183], "valid"], [[3184, 3191], "disallowed"], [[3192, 3199], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[3200, 3200], "disallowed"], [[3201, 3201], "valid"], [[3202, 3203], "valid"], [[3204, 3204], "disallowed"], [[3205, 3212], "valid"], [[3213, 3213], "disallowed"], [[3214, 3216], "valid"], [[3217, 3217], "disallowed"], [[3218, 3240], "valid"], [[3241, 3241], "disallowed"], [[3242, 3251], "valid"], [[3252, 3252], "disallowed"], [[3253, 3257], "valid"], [[3258, 3259], "disallowed"], [[3260, 3261], "valid"], [[3262, 3268], "valid"], [[3269, 3269], "disallowed"], [[3270, 3272], "valid"], [[3273, 3273], "disallowed"], [[3274, 3277], "valid"], [[3278, 3284], "disallowed"], [[3285, 3286], "valid"], [[3287, 3293], "disallowed"], [[3294, 3294], "valid"], [[3295, 3295], "disallowed"], [[3296, 3297], "valid"], [[3298, 3299], "valid"], [[3300, 3301], "disallowed"], [[3302, 3311], "valid"], [[3312, 3312], "disallowed"], [[3313, 3314], "valid"], [[3315, 3328], "disallowed"], [[3329, 3329], "valid"], [[3330, 3331], "valid"], [[3332, 3332], "disallowed"], [[3333, 3340], "valid"], [[3341, 3341], "disallowed"], [[3342, 3344], "valid"], [[3345, 3345], "disallowed"], [[3346, 3368], "valid"], [[3369, 3369], "valid"], [[3370, 3385], "valid"], [[3386, 3386], "valid"], [[3387, 3388], "disallowed"], [[3389, 3389], "valid"], [[3390, 3395], "valid"], [[3396, 3396], "valid"], [[3397, 3397], "disallowed"], [[3398, 3400], "valid"], [[3401, 3401], "disallowed"], [[3402, 3405], "valid"], [[3406, 3406], "valid"], [[3407, 3414], "disallowed"], [[3415, 3415], "valid"], [[3416, 3422], "disallowed"], [[3423, 3423], "valid"], [[3424, 3425], "valid"], [[3426, 3427], "valid"], [[3428, 3429], "disallowed"], [[3430, 3439], "valid"], [[3440, 3445], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[3446, 3448], "disallowed"], [[3449, 3449], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[3450, 3455], "valid"], [[3456, 3457], "disallowed"], [[3458, 3459], "valid"], [[3460, 3460], "disallowed"], [[3461, 3478], "valid"], [[3479, 3481], "disallowed"], [[3482, 3505], "valid"], [[3506, 3506], "disallowed"], [[3507, 3515], "valid"], [[3516, 3516], "disallowed"], [[3517, 3517], "valid"], [[3518, 3519], "disallowed"], [[3520, 3526], "valid"], [[3527, 3529], "disallowed"], [[3530, 3530], "valid"], [[3531, 3534], "disallowed"], [[3535, 3540], "valid"], [[3541, 3541], "disallowed"], [[3542, 3542], "valid"], [[3543, 3543], "disallowed"], [[3544, 3551], "valid"], [[3552, 3557], "disallowed"], [[3558, 3567], "valid"], [[3568, 3569], "disallowed"], [[3570, 3571], "valid"], [[3572, 3572], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[3573, 3584], "disallowed"], [[3585, 3634], "valid"], [[3635, 3635], "mapped", [3661, 3634]], [[3636, 3642], "valid"], [[3643, 3646], "disallowed"], [[3647, 3647], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[3648, 3662], "valid"], [[3663, 3663], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[3664, 3673], "valid"], [[3674, 3675], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[3676, 3712], "disallowed"], [[3713, 3714], "valid"], [[3715, 3715], "disallowed"], [[3716, 3716], "valid"], [[3717, 3718], "disallowed"], [[3719, 3720], "valid"], [[3721, 3721], "disallowed"], [[3722, 3722], "valid"], [[3723, 3724], "disallowed"], [[3725, 3725], "valid"], [[3726, 3731], "disallowed"], [[3732, 3735], "valid"], [[3736, 3736], "disallowed"], [[3737, 3743], "valid"], [[3744, 3744], "disallowed"], [[3745, 3747], "valid"], [[3748, 3748], "disallowed"], [[3749, 3749], "valid"], [[3750, 3750], "disallowed"], [[3751, 3751], "valid"], [[3752, 3753], "disallowed"], [[3754, 3755], "valid"], [[3756, 3756], "disallowed"], [[3757, 3762], "valid"], [[3763, 3763], "mapped", [3789, 3762]], [[3764, 3769], "valid"], [[3770, 3770], "disallowed"], [[3771, 3773], "valid"], [[3774, 3775], "disallowed"], [[3776, 3780], "valid"], [[3781, 3781], "disallowed"], [[3782, 3782], "valid"], [[3783, 3783], "disallowed"], [[3784, 3789], "valid"], [[3790, 3791], "disallowed"], [[3792, 3801], "valid"], [[3802, 3803], "disallowed"], [[3804, 3804], "mapped", [3755, 3737]], [[3805, 3805], "mapped", [3755, 3745]], [[3806, 3807], "valid"], [[3808, 3839], "disallowed"], [[3840, 3840], "valid"], [[3841, 3850], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[3851, 3851], "valid"], [[3852, 3852], "mapped", [3851]], [[3853, 3863], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[3864, 3865], "valid"], [[3866, 3871], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[3872, 3881], "valid"], [[3882, 3892], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[3893, 3893], "valid"], [[3894, 3894], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[3895, 3895], "valid"], [[3896, 3896], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[3897, 3897], "valid"], [[3898, 3901], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[3902, 3906], "valid"], [[3907, 3907], "mapped", [3906, 4023]], [[3908, 3911], "valid"], [[3912, 3912], "disallowed"], [[3913, 3916], "valid"], [[3917, 3917], "mapped", [3916, 4023]], [[3918, 3921], "valid"], [[3922, 3922], "mapped", [3921, 4023]], [[3923, 3926], "valid"], [[3927, 3927], "mapped", [3926, 4023]], [[3928, 3931], "valid"], [[3932, 3932], "mapped", [3931, 4023]], [[3933, 3944], "valid"], [[3945, 3945], "mapped", [3904, 4021]], [[3946, 3946], "valid"], [[3947, 3948], "valid"], [[3949, 3952], "disallowed"], [[3953, 3954], "valid"], [[3955, 3955], "mapped", [3953, 3954]], [[3956, 3956], "valid"], [[3957, 3957], "mapped", [3953, 3956]], [[3958, 3958], "mapped", [4018, 3968]], [[3959, 3959], "mapped", [4018, 3953, 3968]], [[3960, 3960], "mapped", [4019, 3968]], [[3961, 3961], "mapped", [4019, 3953, 3968]], [[3962, 3968], "valid"], [[3969, 3969], "mapped", [3953, 3968]], [[3970, 3972], "valid"], [[3973, 3973], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[3974, 3979], "valid"], [[3980, 3983], "valid"], [[3984, 3986], "valid"], [[3987, 3987], "mapped", [3986, 4023]], [[3988, 3989], "valid"], [[3990, 3990], "valid"], [[3991, 3991], "valid"], [[3992, 3992], "disallowed"], [[3993, 3996], "valid"], [[3997, 3997], "mapped", [3996, 4023]], [[3998, 4001], "valid"], [[4002, 4002], "mapped", [4001, 4023]], [[4003, 4006], "valid"], [[4007, 4007], "mapped", [4006, 4023]], [[4008, 4011], "valid"], [[4012, 4012], "mapped", [4011, 4023]], [[4013, 4013], "valid"], [[4014, 4016], "valid"], [[4017, 4023], "valid"], [[4024, 4024], "valid"], [[4025, 4025], "mapped", [3984, 4021]], [[4026, 4028], "valid"], [[4029, 4029], "disallowed"], [[4030, 4037], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[4038, 4038], "valid"], [[4039, 4044], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[4045, 4045], "disallowed"], [[4046, 4046], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[4047, 4047], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[4048, 4049], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[4050, 4052], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[4053, 4056], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[4057, 4058], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[4059, 4095], "disallowed"], [[4096, 4129], "valid"], [[4130, 4130], "valid"], [[4131, 4135], "valid"], [[4136, 4136], "valid"], [[4137, 4138], "valid"], [[4139, 4139], "valid"], [[4140, 4146], "valid"], [[4147, 4149], "valid"], [[4150, 4153], "valid"], [[4154, 4159], "valid"], [[4160, 4169], "valid"], [[4170, 4175], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[4176, 4185], "valid"], [[4186, 4249], "valid"], [[4250, 4253], "valid"], [[4254, 4255], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[4256, 4293], "disallowed"], [[4294, 4294], "disallowed"], [[4295, 4295], "mapped", [11559]], [[4296, 4300], "disallowed"], [[4301, 4301], "mapped", [11565]], [[4302, 4303], "disallowed"], [[4304, 4342], "valid"], [[4343, 4344], "valid"], [[4345, 4346], "valid"], [[4347, 4347], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[4348, 4348], "mapped", [4316]], [[4349, 4351], "valid"], [[4352, 4441], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[4442, 4446], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[4447, 4448], "disallowed"], [[4449, 4514], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[4515, 4519], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[4520, 4601], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[4602, 4607], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[4608, 4614], "valid"], [[4615, 4615], "valid"], [[4616, 4678], "valid"], [[4679, 4679], "valid"], [[4680, 4680], "valid"], [[4681, 4681], "disallowed"], [[4682, 4685], "valid"], [[4686, 4687], "disallowed"], [[4688, 4694], "valid"], [[4695, 4695], "disallowed"], [[4696, 4696], "valid"], [[4697, 4697], "disallowed"], [[4698, 4701], "valid"], [[4702, 4703], "disallowed"], [[4704, 4742], "valid"], [[4743, 4743], "valid"], [[4744, 4744], "valid"], [[4745, 4745], "disallowed"], [[4746, 4749], "valid"], [[4750, 4751], "disallowed"], [[4752, 4782], "valid"], [[4783, 4783], "valid"], [[4784, 4784], "valid"], [[4785, 4785], "disallowed"], [[4786, 4789], "valid"], [[4790, 4791], "disallowed"], [[4792, 4798], "valid"], [[4799, 4799], "disallowed"], [[4800, 4800], "valid"], [[4801, 4801], "disallowed"], [[4802, 4805], "valid"], [[4806, 4807], "disallowed"], [[4808, 4814], "valid"], [[4815, 4815], "valid"], [[4816, 4822], "valid"], [[4823, 4823], "disallowed"], [[4824, 4846], "valid"], [[4847, 4847], "valid"], [[4848, 4878], "valid"], [[4879, 4879], "valid"], [[4880, 4880], "valid"], [[4881, 4881], "disallowed"], [[4882, 4885], "valid"], [[4886, 4887], "disallowed"], [[4888, 4894], "valid"], [[4895, 4895], "valid"], [[4896, 4934], "valid"], [[4935, 4935], "valid"], [[4936, 4954], "valid"], [[4955, 4956], "disallowed"], [[4957, 4958], "valid"], [[4959, 4959], "valid"], [[4960, 4960], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[4961, 4988], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[4989, 4991], "disallowed"], [[4992, 5007], "valid"], [[5008, 5017], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[5018, 5023], "disallowed"], [[5024, 5108], "valid"], [[5109, 5109], "valid"], [[5110, 5111], "disallowed"], [[5112, 5112], "mapped", [5104]], [[5113, 5113], "mapped", [5105]], [[5114, 5114], "mapped", [5106]], [[5115, 5115], "mapped", [5107]], [[5116, 5116], "mapped", [5108]], [[5117, 5117], "mapped", [5109]], [[5118, 5119], "disallowed"], [[5120, 5120], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[5121, 5740], "valid"], [[5741, 5742], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[5743, 5750], "valid"], [[5751, 5759], "valid"], [[5760, 5760], "disallowed"], [[5761, 5786], "valid"], [[5787, 5788], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[5789, 5791], "disallowed"], [[5792, 5866], "valid"], [[5867, 5872], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[5873, 5880], "valid"], [[5881, 5887], "disallowed"], [[5888, 5900], "valid"], [[5901, 5901], "disallowed"], [[5902, 5908], "valid"], [[5909, 5919], "disallowed"], [[5920, 5940], "valid"], [[5941, 5942], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[5943, 5951], "disallowed"], [[5952, 5971], "valid"], [[5972, 5983], "disallowed"], [[5984, 5996], "valid"], [[5997, 5997], "disallowed"], [[5998, 6e3], "valid"], [[6001, 6001], "disallowed"], [[6002, 6003], "valid"], [[6004, 6015], "disallowed"], [[6016, 6067], "valid"], [[6068, 6069], "disallowed"], [[6070, 6099], "valid"], [[6100, 6102], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[6103, 6103], "valid"], [[6104, 6107], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[6108, 6108], "valid"], [[6109, 6109], "valid"], [[6110, 6111], "disallowed"], [[6112, 6121], "valid"], [[6122, 6127], "disallowed"], [[6128, 6137], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[6138, 6143], "disallowed"], [[6144, 6149], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[6150, 6150], "disallowed"], [[6151, 6154], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[6155, 6157], "ignored"], [[6158, 6158], "disallowed"], [[6159, 6159], "disallowed"], [[6160, 6169], "valid"], [[6170, 6175], "disallowed"], [[6176, 6263], "valid"], [[6264, 6271], "disallowed"], [[6272, 6313], "valid"], [[6314, 6314], "valid"], [[6315, 6319], "disallowed"], [[6320, 6389], "valid"], [[6390, 6399], "disallowed"], [[6400, 6428], "valid"], [[6429, 6430], "valid"], [[6431, 6431], "disallowed"], [[6432, 6443], "valid"], [[6444, 6447], "disallowed"], [[6448, 6459], "valid"], [[6460, 6463], "disallowed"], [[6464, 6464], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[6465, 6467], "disallowed"], [[6468, 6469], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[6470, 6509], "valid"], [[6510, 6511], "disallowed"], [[6512, 6516], "valid"], [[6517, 6527], "disallowed"], [[6528, 6569], "valid"], [[6570, 6571], "valid"], [[6572, 6575], "disallowed"], [[6576, 6601], "valid"], [[6602, 6607], "disallowed"], [[6608, 6617], "valid"], [[6618, 6618], "valid", [], "XV8"], [[6619, 6621], "disallowed"], [[6622, 6623], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[6624, 6655], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[6656, 6683], "valid"], [[6684, 6685], "disallowed"], [[6686, 6687], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[6688, 6750], "valid"], [[6751, 6751], "disallowed"], [[6752, 6780], "valid"], [[6781, 6782], "disallowed"], [[6783, 6793], "valid"], [[6794, 6799], "disallowed"], [[6800, 6809], "valid"], [[6810, 6815], "disallowed"], [[6816, 6822], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[6823, 6823], "valid"], [[6824, 6829], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[6830, 6831], "disallowed"], [[6832, 6845], "valid"], [[6846, 6846], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[6847, 6911], "disallowed"], [[6912, 6987], "valid"], [[6988, 6991], "disallowed"], [[6992, 7001], "valid"], [[7002, 7018], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[7019, 7027], "valid"], [[7028, 7036], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[7037, 7039], "disallowed"], [[7040, 7082], "valid"], [[7083, 7085], "valid"], [[7086, 7097], "valid"], [[7098, 7103], "valid"], [[7104, 7155], "valid"], [[7156, 7163], "disallowed"], [[7164, 7167], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[7168, 7223], "valid"], [[7224, 7226], "disallowed"], [[7227, 7231], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[7232, 7241], "valid"], [[7242, 7244], "disallowed"], [[7245, 7293], "valid"], [[7294, 7295], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[7296, 7359], "disallowed"], [[7360, 7367], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[7368, 7375], "disallowed"], [[7376, 7378], "valid"], [[7379, 7379], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[7380, 7410], "valid"], [[7411, 7414], "valid"], [[7415, 7415], "disallowed"], [[7416, 7417], "valid"], [[7418, 7423], "disallowed"], [[7424, 7467], "valid"], [[7468, 7468], "mapped", [97]], [[7469, 7469], "mapped", [230]], [[7470, 7470], "mapped", [98]], [[7471, 7471], "valid"], [[7472, 7472], "mapped", [100]], [[7473, 7473], "mapped", [101]], [[7474, 7474], "mapped", [477]], [[7475, 7475], "mapped", [103]], [[7476, 7476], "mapped", [104]], [[7477, 7477], "mapped", [105]], [[7478, 7478], "mapped", [106]], [[7479, 7479], "mapped", [107]], [[7480, 7480], "mapped", [108]], [[7481, 7481], "mapped", [109]], [[7482, 7482], "mapped", [110]], [[7483, 7483], "valid"], [[7484, 7484], "mapped", [111]], [[7485, 7485], "mapped", [547]], [[7486, 7486], "mapped", [112]], [[7487, 7487], "mapped", [114]], [[7488, 7488], "mapped", [116]], [[7489, 7489], "mapped", [117]], [[7490, 7490], "mapped", [119]], [[7491, 7491], "mapped", [97]], [[7492, 7492], "mapped", [592]], [[7493, 7493], "mapped", [593]], [[7494, 7494], "mapped", [7426]], [[7495, 7495], "mapped", [98]], [[7496, 7496], "mapped", [100]], [[7497, 7497], "mapped", [101]], [[7498, 7498], "mapped", [601]], [[7499, 7499], "mapped", [603]], [[7500, 7500], "mapped", [604]], [[7501, 7501], "mapped", [103]], [[7502, 7502], "valid"], [[7503, 7503], "mapped", [107]], [[7504, 7504], "mapped", [109]], [[7505, 7505], "mapped", [331]], [[7506, 7506], "mapped", [111]], [[7507, 7507], "mapped", [596]], [[7508, 7508], "mapped", [7446]], [[7509, 7509], "mapped", [7447]], [[7510, 7510], "mapped", [112]], [[7511, 7511], "mapped", [116]], [[7512, 7512], "mapped", [117]], [[7513, 7513], "mapped", [7453]], [[7514, 7514], "mapped", [623]], [[7515, 7515], "mapped", [118]], [[7516, 7516], "mapped", [7461]], [[7517, 7517], "mapped", [946]], [[7518, 7518], "mapped", [947]], [[7519, 7519], "mapped", [948]], [[7520, 7520], "mapped", [966]], [[7521, 7521], "mapped", [967]], [[7522, 7522], "mapped", [105]], [[7523, 7523], "mapped", [114]], [[7524, 7524], "mapped", [117]], [[7525, 7525], "mapped", [118]], [[7526, 7526], "mapped", [946]], [[7527, 7527], "mapped", [947]], [[7528, 7528], "mapped", [961]], [[7529, 7529], "mapped", [966]], [[7530, 7530], "mapped", [967]], [[7531, 7531], "valid"], [[7532, 7543], "valid"], [[7544, 7544], "mapped", [1085]], [[7545, 7578], "valid"], [[7579, 7579], "mapped", [594]], [[7580, 7580], "mapped", [99]], [[7581, 7581], "mapped", [597]], [[7582, 7582], "mapped", [240]], [[7583, 7583], "mapped", [604]], [[7584, 7584], "mapped", [102]], [[7585, 7585], "mapped", [607]], [[7586, 7586], "mapped", [609]], [[7587, 7587], "mapped", [613]], [[7588, 7588], "mapped", [616]], [[7589, 7589], "mapped", [617]], [[7590, 7590], "mapped", [618]], [[7591, 7591], "mapped", [7547]], [[7592, 7592], "mapped", [669]], [[7593, 7593], "mapped", [621]], [[7594, 7594], "mapped", [7557]], [[7595, 7595], "mapped", [671]], [[7596, 7596], "mapped", [625]], [[7597, 7597], "mapped", [624]], [[7598, 7598], "mapped", [626]], [[7599, 7599], "mapped", [627]], [[7600, 7600], "mapped", [628]], [[7601, 7601], "mapped", [629]], [[7602, 7602], "mapped", [632]], [[7603, 7603], "mapped", [642]], [[7604, 7604], "mapped", [643]], [[7605, 7605], "mapped", [427]], [[7606, 7606], "mapped", [649]], [[7607, 7607], "mapped", [650]], [[7608, 7608], "mapped", [7452]], [[7609, 7609], "mapped", [651]], [[7610, 7610], "mapped", [652]], [[7611, 7611], "mapped", [122]], [[7612, 7612], "mapped", [656]], [[7613, 7613], "mapped", [657]], [[7614, 7614], "mapped", [658]], [[7615, 7615], "mapped", [952]], [[7616, 7619], "valid"], [[7620, 7626], "valid"], [[7627, 7654], "valid"], [[7655, 7669], "valid"], [[7670, 7675], "disallowed"], [[7676, 7676], "valid"], [[7677, 7677], "valid"], [[7678, 7679], "valid"], [[7680, 7680], "mapped", [7681]], [[7681, 7681], "valid"], [[7682, 7682], "mapped", [7683]], [[7683, 7683], "valid"], [[7684, 7684], "mapped", [7685]], [[7685, 7685], "valid"], [[7686, 7686], "mapped", [7687]], [[7687, 7687], "valid"], [[7688, 7688], "mapped", [7689]], [[7689, 7689], "valid"], [[7690, 7690], "mapped", [7691]], [[7691, 7691], "valid"], [[7692, 7692], "mapped", [7693]], [[7693, 7693], "valid"], [[7694, 7694], "mapped", [7695]], [[7695, 7695], "valid"], [[7696, 7696], "mapped", [7697]], [[7697, 7697], "valid"], [[7698, 7698], "mapped", [7699]], [[7699, 7699], "valid"], [[7700, 7700], "mapped", [7701]], [[7701, 7701], "valid"], [[7702, 7702], "mapped", [7703]], [[7703, 7703], "valid"], [[7704, 7704], "mapped", [7705]], [[7705, 7705], "valid"], [[7706, 7706], "mapped", [7707]], [[7707, 7707], "valid"], [[7708, 7708], "mapped", [7709]], [[7709, 7709], "valid"], [[7710, 7710], "mapped", [7711]], [[7711, 7711], "valid"], [[7712, 7712], "mapped", [7713]], [[7713, 7713], "valid"], [[7714, 7714], "mapped", [7715]], [[7715, 7715], "valid"], [[7716, 7716], "mapped", [7717]], [[7717, 7717], "valid"], [[7718, 7718], "mapped", [7719]], [[7719, 7719], "valid"], [[7720, 7720], "mapped", [7721]], [[7721, 7721], "valid"], [[7722, 7722], "mapped", [7723]], [[7723, 7723], "valid"], [[7724, 7724], "mapped", [7725]], [[7725, 7725], "valid"], [[7726, 7726], "mapped", [7727]], [[7727, 7727], "valid"], [[7728, 7728], "mapped", [7729]], [[7729, 7729], "valid"], [[7730, 7730], "mapped", [7731]], [[7731, 7731], "valid"], [[7732, 7732], "mapped", [7733]], [[7733, 7733], "valid"], [[7734, 7734], "mapped", [7735]], [[7735, 7735], "valid"], [[7736, 7736], "mapped", [7737]], [[7737, 7737], "valid"], [[7738, 7738], "mapped", [7739]], [[7739, 7739], "valid"], [[7740, 7740], "mapped", [7741]], [[7741, 7741], "valid"], [[7742, 7742], "mapped", [7743]], [[7743, 7743], "valid"], [[7744, 7744], "mapped", [7745]], [[7745, 7745], "valid"], [[7746, 7746], "mapped", [7747]], [[7747, 7747], "valid"], [[7748, 7748], "mapped", [7749]], [[7749, 7749], "valid"], [[7750, 7750], "mapped", [7751]], [[7751, 7751], "valid"], [[7752, 7752], "mapped", [7753]], [[7753, 7753], "valid"], [[7754, 7754], "mapped", [7755]], [[7755, 7755], "valid"], [[7756, 7756], "mapped", [7757]], [[7757, 7757], "valid"], [[7758, 7758], "mapped", [7759]], [[7759, 7759], "valid"], [[7760, 7760], "mapped", [7761]], [[7761, 7761], "valid"], [[7762, 7762], "mapped", [7763]], [[7763, 7763], "valid"], [[7764, 7764], "mapped", [7765]], [[7765, 7765], "valid"], [[7766, 7766], "mapped", [7767]], [[7767, 7767], "valid"], [[7768, 7768], "mapped", [7769]], [[7769, 7769], "valid"], [[7770, 7770], "mapped", [7771]], [[7771, 7771], "valid"], [[7772, 7772], "mapped", [7773]], [[7773, 7773], "valid"], [[7774, 7774], "mapped", [7775]], [[7775, 7775], "valid"], [[7776, 7776], "mapped", [7777]], [[7777, 7777], "valid"], [[7778, 7778], "mapped", [7779]], [[7779, 7779], "valid"], [[7780, 7780], "mapped", [7781]], [[7781, 7781], "valid"], [[7782, 7782], "mapped", [7783]], [[7783, 7783], "valid"], [[7784, 7784], "mapped", [7785]], [[7785, 7785], "valid"], [[7786, 7786], "mapped", [7787]], [[7787, 7787], "valid"], [[7788, 7788], "mapped", [7789]], [[7789, 7789], "valid"], [[7790, 7790], "mapped", [7791]], [[7791, 7791], "valid"], [[7792, 7792], "mapped", [7793]], [[7793, 7793], "valid"], [[7794, 7794], "mapped", [7795]], [[7795, 7795], "valid"], [[7796, 7796], "mapped", [7797]], [[7797, 7797], "valid"], [[7798, 7798], "mapped", [7799]], [[7799, 7799], "valid"], [[7800, 7800], "mapped", [7801]], [[7801, 7801], "valid"], [[7802, 7802], "mapped", [7803]], [[7803, 7803], "valid"], [[7804, 7804], "mapped", [7805]], [[7805, 7805], "valid"], [[7806, 7806], "mapped", [7807]], [[7807, 7807], "valid"], [[7808, 7808], "mapped", [7809]], [[7809, 7809], "valid"], [[7810, 7810], "mapped", [7811]], [[7811, 7811], "valid"], [[7812, 7812], "mapped", [7813]], [[7813, 7813], "valid"], [[7814, 7814], "mapped", [7815]], [[7815, 7815], "valid"], [[7816, 7816], "mapped", [7817]], [[7817, 7817], "valid"], [[7818, 7818], "mapped", [7819]], [[7819, 7819], "valid"], [[7820, 7820], "mapped", [7821]], [[7821, 7821], "valid"], [[7822, 7822], "mapped", [7823]], [[7823, 7823], "valid"], [[7824, 7824], "mapped", [7825]], [[7825, 7825], "valid"], [[7826, 7826], "mapped", [7827]], [[7827, 7827], "valid"], [[7828, 7828], "mapped", [7829]], [[7829, 7833], "valid"], [[7834, 7834], "mapped", [97, 702]], [[7835, 7835], "mapped", [7777]], [[7836, 7837], "valid"], [[7838, 7838], "mapped", [115, 115]], [[7839, 7839], "valid"], [[7840, 7840], "mapped", [7841]], [[7841, 7841], "valid"], [[7842, 7842], "mapped", [7843]], [[7843, 7843], "valid"], [[7844, 7844], "mapped", [7845]], [[7845, 7845], "valid"], [[7846, 7846], "mapped", [7847]], [[7847, 7847], "valid"], [[7848, 7848], "mapped", [7849]], [[7849, 7849], "valid"], [[7850, 7850], "mapped", [7851]], [[7851, 7851], "valid"], [[7852, 7852], "mapped", [7853]], [[7853, 7853], "valid"], [[7854, 7854], "mapped", [7855]], [[7855, 7855], "valid"], [[7856, 7856], "mapped", [7857]], [[7857, 7857], "valid"], [[7858, 7858], "mapped", [7859]], [[7859, 7859], "valid"], [[7860, 7860], "mapped", [7861]], [[7861, 7861], "valid"], [[7862, 7862], "mapped", [7863]], [[7863, 7863], "valid"], [[7864, 7864], "mapped", [7865]], [[7865, 7865], "valid"], [[7866, 7866], "mapped", [7867]], [[7867, 7867], "valid"], [[7868, 7868], "mapped", [7869]], [[7869, 7869], "valid"], [[7870, 7870], "mapped", [7871]], [[7871, 7871], "valid"], [[7872, 7872], "mapped", [7873]], [[7873, 7873], "valid"], [[7874, 7874], "mapped", [7875]], [[7875, 7875], "valid"], [[7876, 7876], "mapped", [7877]], [[7877, 7877], "valid"], [[7878, 7878], "mapped", [7879]], [[7879, 7879], "valid"], [[7880, 7880], "mapped", [7881]], [[7881, 7881], "valid"], [[7882, 7882], "mapped", [7883]], [[7883, 7883], "valid"], [[7884, 7884], "mapped", [7885]], [[7885, 7885], "valid"], [[7886, 7886], "mapped", [7887]], [[7887, 7887], "valid"], [[7888, 7888], "mapped", [7889]], [[7889, 7889], "valid"], [[7890, 7890], "mapped", [7891]], [[7891, 7891], "valid"], [[7892, 7892], "mapped", [7893]], [[7893, 7893], "valid"], [[7894, 7894], "mapped", [7895]], [[7895, 7895], "valid"], [[7896, 7896], "mapped", [7897]], [[7897, 7897], "valid"], [[7898, 7898], "mapped", [7899]], [[7899, 7899], "valid"], [[7900, 7900], "mapped", [7901]], [[7901, 7901], "valid"], [[7902, 7902], "mapped", [7903]], [[7903, 7903], "valid"], [[7904, 7904], "mapped", [7905]], [[7905, 7905], "valid"], [[7906, 7906], "mapped", [7907]], [[7907, 7907], "valid"], [[7908, 7908], "mapped", [7909]], [[7909, 7909], "valid"], [[7910, 7910], "mapped", [7911]], [[7911, 7911], "valid"], [[7912, 7912], "mapped", [7913]], [[7913, 7913], "valid"], [[7914, 7914], "mapped", [7915]], [[7915, 7915], "valid"], [[7916, 7916], "mapped", [7917]], [[7917, 7917], "valid"], [[7918, 7918], "mapped", [7919]], [[7919, 7919], "valid"], [[7920, 7920], "mapped", [7921]], [[7921, 7921], "valid"], [[7922, 7922], "mapped", [7923]], [[7923, 7923], "valid"], [[7924, 7924], "mapped", [7925]], [[7925, 7925], "valid"], [[7926, 7926], "mapped", [7927]], [[7927, 7927], "valid"], [[7928, 7928], "mapped", [7929]], [[7929, 7929], "valid"], [[7930, 7930], "mapped", [7931]], [[7931, 7931], "valid"], [[7932, 7932], "mapped", [7933]], [[7933, 7933], "valid"], [[7934, 7934], "mapped", [7935]], [[7935, 7935], "valid"], [[7936, 7943], "valid"], [[7944, 7944], "mapped", [7936]], [[7945, 7945], "mapped", [7937]], [[7946, 7946], "mapped", [7938]], [[7947, 7947], "mapped", [7939]], [[7948, 7948], "mapped", [7940]], [[7949, 7949], "mapped", [7941]], [[7950, 7950], "mapped", [7942]], [[7951, 7951], "mapped", [7943]], [[7952, 7957], "valid"], [[7958, 7959], "disallowed"], [[7960, 7960], "mapped", [7952]], [[7961, 7961], "mapped", [7953]], [[7962, 7962], "mapped", [7954]], [[7963, 7963], "mapped", [7955]], [[7964, 7964], "mapped", [7956]], [[7965, 7965], "mapped", [7957]], [[7966, 7967], "disallowed"], [[7968, 7975], "valid"], [[7976, 7976], "mapped", [7968]], [[7977, 7977], "mapped", [7969]], [[7978, 7978], "mapped", [7970]], [[7979, 7979], "mapped", [7971]], [[7980, 7980], "mapped", [7972]], [[7981, 7981], "mapped", [7973]], [[7982, 7982], "mapped", [7974]], [[7983, 7983], "mapped", [7975]], [[7984, 7991], "valid"], [[7992, 7992], "mapped", [7984]], [[7993, 7993], "mapped", [7985]], [[7994, 7994], "mapped", [7986]], [[7995, 7995], "mapped", [7987]], [[7996, 7996], "mapped", [7988]], [[7997, 7997], "mapped", [7989]], [[7998, 7998], "mapped", [7990]], [[7999, 7999], "mapped", [7991]], [[8e3, 8005], "valid"], [[8006, 8007], "disallowed"], [[8008, 8008], "mapped", [8e3]], [[8009, 8009], "mapped", [8001]], [[8010, 8010], "mapped", [8002]], [[8011, 8011], "mapped", [8003]], [[8012, 8012], "mapped", [8004]], [[8013, 8013], "mapped", [8005]], [[8014, 8015], "disallowed"], [[8016, 8023], "valid"], [[8024, 8024], "disallowed"], [[8025, 8025], "mapped", [8017]], [[8026, 8026], "disallowed"], [[8027, 8027], "mapped", [8019]], [[8028, 8028], "disallowed"], [[8029, 8029], "mapped", [8021]], [[8030, 8030], "disallowed"], [[8031, 8031], "mapped", [8023]], [[8032, 8039], "valid"], [[8040, 8040], "mapped", [8032]], [[8041, 8041], "mapped", [8033]], [[8042, 8042], "mapped", [8034]], [[8043, 8043], "mapped", [8035]], [[8044, 8044], "mapped", [8036]], [[8045, 8045], "mapped", [8037]], [[8046, 8046], "mapped", [8038]], [[8047, 8047], "mapped", [8039]], [[8048, 8048], "valid"], [[8049, 8049], "mapped", [940]], [[8050, 8050], "valid"], [[8051, 8051], "mapped", [941]], [[8052, 8052], "valid"], [[8053, 8053], "mapped", [942]], [[8054, 8054], "valid"], [[8055, 8055], "mapped", [943]], [[8056, 8056], "valid"], [[8057, 8057], "mapped", [972]], [[8058, 8058], "valid"], [[8059, 8059], "mapped", [973]], [[8060, 8060], "valid"], [[8061, 8061], "mapped", [974]], [[8062, 8063], "disallowed"], [[8064, 8064], "mapped", [7936, 953]], [[8065, 8065], "mapped", [7937, 953]], [[8066, 8066], "mapped", [7938, 953]], [[8067, 8067], "mapped", [7939, 953]], [[8068, 8068], "mapped", [7940, 953]], [[8069, 8069], "mapped", [7941, 953]], [[8070, 8070], "mapped", [7942, 953]], [[8071, 8071], "mapped", [7943, 953]], [[8072, 8072], "mapped", [7936, 953]], [[8073, 8073], "mapped", [7937, 953]], [[8074, 8074], "mapped", [7938, 953]], [[8075, 8075], "mapped", [7939, 953]], [[8076, 8076], "mapped", [7940, 953]], [[8077, 8077], "mapped", [7941, 953]], [[8078, 8078], "mapped", [7942, 953]], [[8079, 8079], "mapped", [7943, 953]], [[8080, 8080], "mapped", [7968, 953]], [[8081, 8081], "mapped", [7969, 953]], [[8082, 8082], "mapped", [7970, 953]], [[8083, 8083], "mapped", [7971, 953]], [[8084, 8084], "mapped", [7972, 953]], [[8085, 8085], "mapped", [7973, 953]], [[8086, 8086], "mapped", [7974, 953]], [[8087, 8087], "mapped", [7975, 953]], [[8088, 8088], "mapped", [7968, 953]], [[8089, 8089], "mapped", [7969, 953]], [[8090, 8090], "mapped", [7970, 953]], [[8091, 8091], "mapped", [7971, 953]], [[8092, 8092], "mapped", [7972, 953]], [[8093, 8093], "mapped", [7973, 953]], [[8094, 8094], "mapped", [7974, 953]], [[8095, 8095], "mapped", [7975, 953]], [[8096, 8096], "mapped", [8032, 953]], [[8097, 8097], "mapped", [8033, 953]], [[8098, 8098], "mapped", [8034, 953]], [[8099, 8099], "mapped", [8035, 953]], [[8100, 8100], "mapped", [8036, 953]], [[8101, 8101], "mapped", [8037, 953]], [[8102, 8102], "mapped", [8038, 953]], [[8103, 8103], "mapped", [8039, 953]], [[8104, 8104], "mapped", [8032, 953]], [[8105, 8105], "mapped", [8033, 953]], [[8106, 8106], "mapped", [8034, 953]], [[8107, 8107], "mapped", [8035, 953]], [[8108, 8108], "mapped", [8036, 953]], [[8109, 8109], "mapped", [8037, 953]], [[8110, 8110], "mapped", [8038, 953]], [[8111, 8111], "mapped", [8039, 953]], [[8112, 8113], "valid"], [[8114, 8114], "mapped", [8048, 953]], [[8115, 8115], "mapped", [945, 953]], [[8116, 8116], "mapped", [940, 953]], [[8117, 8117], "disallowed"], [[8118, 8118], "valid"], [[8119, 8119], "mapped", [8118, 953]], [[8120, 8120], "mapped", [8112]], [[8121, 8121], "mapped", [8113]], [[8122, 8122], "mapped", [8048]], [[8123, 8123], "mapped", [940]], [[8124, 8124], "mapped", [945, 953]], [[8125, 8125], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [32, 787]], [[8126, 8126], "mapped", [953]], [[8127, 8127], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [32, 787]], [[8128, 8128], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [32, 834]], [[8129, 8129], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [32, 776, 834]], [[8130, 8130], "mapped", [8052, 953]], [[8131, 8131], "mapped", [951, 953]], [[8132, 8132], "mapped", [942, 953]], [[8133, 8133], "disallowed"], [[8134, 8134], "valid"], [[8135, 8135], "mapped", [8134, 953]], [[8136, 8136], "mapped", [8050]], [[8137, 8137], "mapped", [941]], [[8138, 8138], "mapped", [8052]], [[8139, 8139], "mapped", [942]], [[8140, 8140], "mapped", [951, 953]], [[8141, 8141], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [32, 787, 768]], [[8142, 8142], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [32, 787, 769]], [[8143, 8143], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [32, 787, 834]], [[8144, 8146], "valid"], [[8147, 8147], "mapped", [912]], [[8148, 8149], "disallowed"], [[8150, 8151], "valid"], [[8152, 8152], "mapped", [8144]], [[8153, 8153], "mapped", [8145]], [[8154, 8154], "mapped", [8054]], [[8155, 8155], "mapped", [943]], [[8156, 8156], "disallowed"], [[8157, 8157], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [32, 788, 768]], [[8158, 8158], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [32, 788, 769]], [[8159, 8159], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [32, 788, 834]], [[8160, 8162], "valid"], [[8163, 8163], "mapped", [944]], [[8164, 8167], "valid"], [[8168, 8168], "mapped", [8160]], [[8169, 8169], "mapped", [8161]], [[8170, 8170], "mapped", [8058]], [[8171, 8171], "mapped", [973]], [[8172, 8172], "mapped", [8165]], [[8173, 8173], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [32, 776, 768]], [[8174, 8174], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [32, 776, 769]], [[8175, 8175], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [96]], [[8176, 8177], "disallowed"], [[8178, 8178], "mapped", [8060, 953]], [[8179, 8179], "mapped", [969, 953]], [[8180, 8180], "mapped", [974, 953]], [[8181, 8181], "disallowed"], [[8182, 8182], "valid"], [[8183, 8183], "mapped", [8182, 953]], [[8184, 8184], "mapped", [8056]], [[8185, 8185], "mapped", [972]], [[8186, 8186], "mapped", [8060]], [[8187, 8187], "mapped", [974]], [[8188, 8188], "mapped", [969, 953]], [[8189, 8189], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [32, 769]], [[8190, 8190], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [32, 788]], [[8191, 8191], "disallowed"], [[8192, 8202], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [32]], [[8203, 8203], "ignored"], [[8204, 8205], "deviation", []], [[8206, 8207], "disallowed"], [[8208, 8208], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8209, 8209], "mapped", [8208]], [[8210, 8214], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8215, 8215], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [32, 819]], [[8216, 8227], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8228, 8230], "disallowed"], [[8231, 8231], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8232, 8238], "disallowed"], [[8239, 8239], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [32]], [[8240, 8242], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8243, 8243], "mapped", [8242, 8242]], [[8244, 8244], "mapped", [8242, 8242, 8242]], [[8245, 8245], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8246, 8246], "mapped", [8245, 8245]], [[8247, 8247], "mapped", [8245, 8245, 8245]], [[8248, 8251], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8252, 8252], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [33, 33]], [[8253, 8253], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8254, 8254], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [32, 773]], [[8255, 8262], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8263, 8263], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [63, 63]], [[8264, 8264], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [63, 33]], [[8265, 8265], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [33, 63]], [[8266, 8269], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8270, 8274], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8275, 8276], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8277, 8278], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8279, 8279], "mapped", [8242, 8242, 8242, 8242]], [[8280, 8286], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8287, 8287], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [32]], [[8288, 8288], "ignored"], [[8289, 8291], "disallowed"], [[8292, 8292], "ignored"], [[8293, 8293], "disallowed"], [[8294, 8297], "disallowed"], [[8298, 8303], "disallowed"], [[8304, 8304], "mapped", [48]], [[8305, 8305], "mapped", [105]], [[8306, 8307], "disallowed"], [[8308, 8308], "mapped", [52]], [[8309, 8309], "mapped", [53]], [[8310, 8310], "mapped", [54]], [[8311, 8311], "mapped", [55]], [[8312, 8312], "mapped", [56]], [[8313, 8313], "mapped", [57]], [[8314, 8314], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [43]], [[8315, 8315], "mapped", [8722]], [[8316, 8316], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [61]], [[8317, 8317], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40]], [[8318, 8318], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [41]], [[8319, 8319], "mapped", [110]], [[8320, 8320], "mapped", [48]], [[8321, 8321], "mapped", [49]], [[8322, 8322], "mapped", [50]], [[8323, 8323], "mapped", [51]], [[8324, 8324], "mapped", [52]], [[8325, 8325], "mapped", [53]], [[8326, 8326], "mapped", [54]], [[8327, 8327], "mapped", [55]], [[8328, 8328], "mapped", [56]], [[8329, 8329], "mapped", [57]], [[8330, 8330], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [43]], [[8331, 8331], "mapped", [8722]], [[8332, 8332], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [61]], [[8333, 8333], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40]], [[8334, 8334], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [41]], [[8335, 8335], "disallowed"], [[8336, 8336], "mapped", [97]], [[8337, 8337], "mapped", [101]], [[8338, 8338], "mapped", [111]], [[8339, 8339], "mapped", [120]], [[8340, 8340], "mapped", [601]], [[8341, 8341], "mapped", [104]], [[8342, 8342], "mapped", [107]], [[8343, 8343], "mapped", [108]], [[8344, 8344], "mapped", [109]], [[8345, 8345], "mapped", [110]], [[8346, 8346], "mapped", [112]], [[8347, 8347], "mapped", [115]], [[8348, 8348], "mapped", [116]], [[8349, 8351], "disallowed"], [[8352, 8359], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8360, 8360], "mapped", [114, 115]], [[8361, 8362], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8363, 8363], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8364, 8364], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8365, 8367], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8368, 8369], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8370, 8373], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8374, 8376], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8377, 8377], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8378, 8378], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8379, 8381], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8382, 8382], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8383, 8399], "disallowed"], [[8400, 8417], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8418, 8419], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8420, 8426], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8427, 8427], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8428, 8431], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8432, 8432], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8433, 8447], "disallowed"], [[8448, 8448], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [97, 47, 99]], [[8449, 8449], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [97, 47, 115]], [[8450, 8450], "mapped", [99]], [[8451, 8451], "mapped", [176, 99]], [[8452, 8452], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8453, 8453], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [99, 47, 111]], [[8454, 8454], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [99, 47, 117]], [[8455, 8455], "mapped", [603]], [[8456, 8456], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8457, 8457], "mapped", [176, 102]], [[8458, 8458], "mapped", [103]], [[8459, 8462], "mapped", [104]], [[8463, 8463], "mapped", [295]], [[8464, 8465], "mapped", [105]], [[8466, 8467], "mapped", [108]], [[8468, 8468], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8469, 8469], "mapped", [110]], [[8470, 8470], "mapped", [110, 111]], [[8471, 8472], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8473, 8473], "mapped", [112]], [[8474, 8474], "mapped", [113]], [[8475, 8477], "mapped", [114]], [[8478, 8479], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8480, 8480], "mapped", [115, 109]], [[8481, 8481], "mapped", [116, 101, 108]], [[8482, 8482], "mapped", [116, 109]], [[8483, 8483], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8484, 8484], "mapped", [122]], [[8485, 8485], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8486, 8486], "mapped", [969]], [[8487, 8487], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8488, 8488], "mapped", [122]], [[8489, 8489], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8490, 8490], "mapped", [107]], [[8491, 8491], "mapped", [229]], [[8492, 8492], "mapped", [98]], [[8493, 8493], "mapped", [99]], [[8494, 8494], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8495, 8496], "mapped", [101]], [[8497, 8497], "mapped", [102]], [[8498, 8498], "disallowed"], [[8499, 8499], "mapped", [109]], [[8500, 8500], "mapped", [111]], [[8501, 8501], "mapped", [1488]], [[8502, 8502], "mapped", [1489]], [[8503, 8503], "mapped", [1490]], [[8504, 8504], "mapped", [1491]], [[8505, 8505], "mapped", [105]], [[8506, 8506], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8507, 8507], "mapped", [102, 97, 120]], [[8508, 8508], "mapped", [960]], [[8509, 8510], "mapped", [947]], [[8511, 8511], "mapped", [960]], [[8512, 8512], "mapped", [8721]], [[8513, 8516], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8517, 8518], "mapped", [100]], [[8519, 8519], "mapped", [101]], [[8520, 8520], "mapped", [105]], [[8521, 8521], "mapped", [106]], [[8522, 8523], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8524, 8524], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8525, 8525], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8526, 8526], "valid"], [[8527, 8527], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8528, 8528], "mapped", [49, 8260, 55]], [[8529, 8529], "mapped", [49, 8260, 57]], [[8530, 8530], "mapped", [49, 8260, 49, 48]], [[8531, 8531], "mapped", [49, 8260, 51]], [[8532, 8532], "mapped", [50, 8260, 51]], [[8533, 8533], "mapped", [49, 8260, 53]], [[8534, 8534], "mapped", [50, 8260, 53]], [[8535, 8535], "mapped", [51, 8260, 53]], [[8536, 8536], "mapped", [52, 8260, 53]], [[8537, 8537], "mapped", [49, 8260, 54]], [[8538, 8538], "mapped", [53, 8260, 54]], [[8539, 8539], "mapped", [49, 8260, 56]], [[8540, 8540], "mapped", [51, 8260, 56]], [[8541, 8541], "mapped", [53, 8260, 56]], [[8542, 8542], "mapped", [55, 8260, 56]], [[8543, 8543], "mapped", [49, 8260]], [[8544, 8544], "mapped", [105]], [[8545, 8545], "mapped", [105, 105]], [[8546, 8546], "mapped", [105, 105, 105]], [[8547, 8547], "mapped", [105, 118]], [[8548, 8548], "mapped", [118]], [[8549, 8549], "mapped", [118, 105]], [[8550, 8550], "mapped", [118, 105, 105]], [[8551, 8551], "mapped", [118, 105, 105, 105]], [[8552, 8552], "mapped", [105, 120]], [[8553, 8553], "mapped", [120]], [[8554, 8554], "mapped", [120, 105]], [[8555, 8555], "mapped", [120, 105, 105]], [[8556, 8556], "mapped", [108]], [[8557, 8557], "mapped", [99]], [[8558, 8558], "mapped", [100]], [[8559, 8559], "mapped", [109]], [[8560, 8560], "mapped", [105]], [[8561, 8561], "mapped", [105, 105]], [[8562, 8562], "mapped", [105, 105, 105]], [[8563, 8563], "mapped", [105, 118]], [[8564, 8564], "mapped", [118]], [[8565, 8565], "mapped", [118, 105]], [[8566, 8566], "mapped", [118, 105, 105]], [[8567, 8567], "mapped", [118, 105, 105, 105]], [[8568, 8568], "mapped", [105, 120]], [[8569, 8569], "mapped", [120]], [[8570, 8570], "mapped", [120, 105]], [[8571, 8571], "mapped", [120, 105, 105]], [[8572, 8572], "mapped", [108]], [[8573, 8573], "mapped", [99]], [[8574, 8574], "mapped", [100]], [[8575, 8575], "mapped", [109]], [[8576, 8578], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8579, 8579], "disallowed"], [[8580, 8580], "valid"], [[8581, 8584], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8585, 8585], "mapped", [48, 8260, 51]], [[8586, 8587], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8588, 8591], "disallowed"], [[8592, 8682], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8683, 8691], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8692, 8703], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8704, 8747], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8748, 8748], "mapped", [8747, 8747]], [[8749, 8749], "mapped", [8747, 8747, 8747]], [[8750, 8750], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8751, 8751], "mapped", [8750, 8750]], [[8752, 8752], "mapped", [8750, 8750, 8750]], [[8753, 8799], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8800, 8800], "disallowed_STD3_valid"], [[8801, 8813], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8814, 8815], "disallowed_STD3_valid"], [[8816, 8945], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8946, 8959], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8960, 8960], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8961, 8961], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[8962, 9e3], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[9001, 9001], "mapped", [12296]], [[9002, 9002], "mapped", [12297]], [[9003, 9082], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[9083, 9083], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[9084, 9084], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[9085, 9114], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[9115, 9166], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[9167, 9168], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[9169, 9179], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[9180, 9191], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[9192, 9192], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[9193, 9203], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[9204, 9210], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[9211, 9215], "disallowed"], [[9216, 9252], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[9253, 9254], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[9255, 9279], "disallowed"], [[9280, 9290], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[9291, 9311], "disallowed"], [[9312, 9312], "mapped", [49]], [[9313, 9313], "mapped", [50]], [[9314, 9314], "mapped", [51]], [[9315, 9315], "mapped", [52]], [[9316, 9316], "mapped", [53]], [[9317, 9317], "mapped", [54]], [[9318, 9318], "mapped", [55]], [[9319, 9319], "mapped", [56]], [[9320, 9320], "mapped", [57]], [[9321, 9321], "mapped", [49, 48]], [[9322, 9322], "mapped", [49, 49]], [[9323, 9323], "mapped", [49, 50]], [[9324, 9324], "mapped", [49, 51]], [[9325, 9325], "mapped", [49, 52]], [[9326, 9326], "mapped", [49, 53]], [[9327, 9327], "mapped", [49, 54]], [[9328, 9328], "mapped", [49, 55]], [[9329, 9329], "mapped", [49, 56]], [[9330, 9330], "mapped", [49, 57]], [[9331, 9331], "mapped", [50, 48]], [[9332, 9332], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 49, 41]], [[9333, 9333], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 50, 41]], [[9334, 9334], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 51, 41]], [[9335, 9335], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 52, 41]], [[9336, 9336], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 53, 41]], [[9337, 9337], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 54, 41]], [[9338, 9338], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 55, 41]], [[9339, 9339], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 56, 41]], [[9340, 9340], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 57, 41]], [[9341, 9341], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 49, 48, 41]], [[9342, 9342], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 49, 49, 41]], [[9343, 9343], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 49, 50, 41]], [[9344, 9344], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 49, 51, 41]], [[9345, 9345], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 49, 52, 41]], [[9346, 9346], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 49, 53, 41]], [[9347, 9347], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 49, 54, 41]], [[9348, 9348], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 49, 55, 41]], [[9349, 9349], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 49, 56, 41]], [[9350, 9350], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 49, 57, 41]], [[9351, 9351], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 50, 48, 41]], [[9352, 9371], "disallowed"], [[9372, 9372], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 97, 41]], [[9373, 9373], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 98, 41]], [[9374, 9374], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 99, 41]], [[9375, 9375], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 100, 41]], [[9376, 9376], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 101, 41]], [[9377, 9377], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 102, 41]], [[9378, 9378], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 103, 41]], [[9379, 9379], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 104, 41]], [[9380, 9380], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 105, 41]], [[9381, 9381], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 106, 41]], [[9382, 9382], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 107, 41]], [[9383, 9383], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 108, 41]], [[9384, 9384], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 109, 41]], [[9385, 9385], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 110, 41]], [[9386, 9386], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 111, 41]], [[9387, 9387], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 112, 41]], [[9388, 9388], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 113, 41]], [[9389, 9389], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 114, 41]], [[9390, 9390], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 115, 41]], [[9391, 9391], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 116, 41]], [[9392, 9392], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 117, 41]], [[9393, 9393], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 118, 41]], [[9394, 9394], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 119, 41]], [[9395, 9395], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 120, 41]], [[9396, 9396], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 121, 41]], [[9397, 9397], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 122, 41]], [[9398, 9398], "mapped", [97]], [[9399, 9399], "mapped", [98]], [[9400, 9400], "mapped", [99]], [[9401, 9401], "mapped", [100]], [[9402, 9402], "mapped", [101]], [[9403, 9403], "mapped", [102]], [[9404, 9404], "mapped", [103]], [[9405, 9405], "mapped", [104]], [[9406, 9406], "mapped", [105]], [[9407, 9407], "mapped", [106]], [[9408, 9408], "mapped", [107]], [[9409, 9409], "mapped", [108]], [[9410, 9410], "mapped", [109]], [[9411, 9411], "mapped", [110]], [[9412, 9412], "mapped", [111]], [[9413, 9413], "mapped", [112]], [[9414, 9414], "mapped", [113]], [[9415, 9415], "mapped", [114]], [[9416, 9416], "mapped", [115]], [[9417, 9417], "mapped", [116]], [[9418, 9418], "mapped", [117]], [[9419, 9419], "mapped", [118]], [[9420, 9420], "mapped", [119]], [[9421, 9421], "mapped", [120]], [[9422, 9422], "mapped", [121]], [[9423, 9423], "mapped", [122]], [[9424, 9424], "mapped", [97]], [[9425, 9425], "mapped", [98]], [[9426, 9426], "mapped", [99]], [[9427, 9427], "mapped", [100]], [[9428, 9428], "mapped", [101]], [[9429, 9429], "mapped", [102]], [[9430, 9430], "mapped", [103]], [[9431, 9431], "mapped", [104]], [[9432, 9432], "mapped", [105]], [[9433, 9433], "mapped", [106]], [[9434, 9434], "mapped", [107]], [[9435, 9435], "mapped", [108]], [[9436, 9436], "mapped", [109]], [[9437, 9437], "mapped", [110]], [[9438, 9438], "mapped", [111]], [[9439, 9439], "mapped", [112]], [[9440, 9440], "mapped", [113]], [[9441, 9441], "mapped", [114]], [[9442, 9442], "mapped", [115]], [[9443, 9443], "mapped", [116]], [[9444, 9444], "mapped", [117]], [[9445, 9445], "mapped", [118]], [[9446, 9446], "mapped", [119]], [[9447, 9447], "mapped", [120]], [[9448, 9448], "mapped", [121]], [[9449, 9449], "mapped", [122]], [[9450, 9450], "mapped", [48]], [[9451, 9470], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[9471, 9471], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[9472, 9621], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[9622, 9631], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[9632, 9711], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[9712, 9719], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[9720, 9727], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[9728, 9747], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[9748, 9749], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[9750, 9751], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[9752, 9752], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[9753, 9753], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[9754, 9839], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[9840, 9841], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[9842, 9853], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[9854, 9855], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[9856, 9865], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[9866, 9873], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[9874, 9884], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[9885, 9885], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[9886, 9887], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[9888, 9889], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[9890, 9905], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[9906, 9906], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[9907, 9916], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[9917, 9919], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[9920, 9923], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[9924, 9933], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[9934, 9934], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[9935, 9953], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[9954, 9954], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[9955, 9955], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[9956, 9959], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[9960, 9983], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[9984, 9984], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[9985, 9988], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[9989, 9989], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[9990, 9993], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[9994, 9995], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[9996, 10023], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[10024, 10024], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[10025, 10059], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[10060, 10060], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[10061, 10061], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[10062, 10062], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[10063, 10066], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[10067, 10069], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[10070, 10070], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[10071, 10071], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[10072, 10078], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[10079, 10080], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[10081, 10087], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[10088, 10101], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[10102, 10132], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[10133, 10135], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[10136, 10159], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[10160, 10160], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[10161, 10174], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[10175, 10175], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[10176, 10182], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[10183, 10186], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[10187, 10187], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[10188, 10188], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[10189, 10189], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[10190, 10191], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[10192, 10219], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[10220, 10223], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[10224, 10239], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[10240, 10495], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[10496, 10763], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[10764, 10764], "mapped", [8747, 8747, 8747, 8747]], [[10765, 10867], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[10868, 10868], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [58, 58, 61]], [[10869, 10869], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [61, 61]], [[10870, 10870], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [61, 61, 61]], [[10871, 10971], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[10972, 10972], "mapped", [10973, 824]], [[10973, 11007], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[11008, 11021], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[11022, 11027], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[11028, 11034], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[11035, 11039], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[11040, 11043], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[11044, 11084], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[11085, 11087], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[11088, 11092], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[11093, 11097], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[11098, 11123], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[11124, 11125], "disallowed"], [[11126, 11157], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[11158, 11159], "disallowed"], [[11160, 11193], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[11194, 11196], "disallowed"], [[11197, 11208], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[11209, 11209], "disallowed"], [[11210, 11217], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[11218, 11243], "disallowed"], [[11244, 11247], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[11248, 11263], "disallowed"], [[11264, 11264], "mapped", [11312]], [[11265, 11265], "mapped", [11313]], [[11266, 11266], "mapped", [11314]], [[11267, 11267], "mapped", [11315]], [[11268, 11268], "mapped", [11316]], [[11269, 11269], "mapped", [11317]], [[11270, 11270], "mapped", [11318]], [[11271, 11271], "mapped", [11319]], [[11272, 11272], "mapped", [11320]], [[11273, 11273], "mapped", [11321]], [[11274, 11274], "mapped", [11322]], [[11275, 11275], "mapped", [11323]], [[11276, 11276], "mapped", [11324]], [[11277, 11277], "mapped", [11325]], [[11278, 11278], "mapped", [11326]], [[11279, 11279], "mapped", [11327]], [[11280, 11280], "mapped", [11328]], [[11281, 11281], "mapped", [11329]], [[11282, 11282], "mapped", [11330]], [[11283, 11283], "mapped", [11331]], [[11284, 11284], "mapped", [11332]], [[11285, 11285], "mapped", [11333]], [[11286, 11286], "mapped", [11334]], [[11287, 11287], "mapped", [11335]], [[11288, 11288], "mapped", [11336]], [[11289, 11289], "mapped", [11337]], [[11290, 11290], "mapped", [11338]], [[11291, 11291], "mapped", [11339]], [[11292, 11292], "mapped", [11340]], [[11293, 11293], "mapped", [11341]], [[11294, 11294], "mapped", [11342]], [[11295, 11295], "mapped", [11343]], [[11296, 11296], "mapped", [11344]], [[11297, 11297], "mapped", [11345]], [[11298, 11298], "mapped", [11346]], [[11299, 11299], "mapped", [11347]], [[11300, 11300], "mapped", [11348]], [[11301, 11301], "mapped", [11349]], [[11302, 11302], "mapped", [11350]], [[11303, 11303], "mapped", [11351]], [[11304, 11304], "mapped", [11352]], [[11305, 11305], "mapped", [11353]], [[11306, 11306], "mapped", [11354]], [[11307, 11307], "mapped", [11355]], [[11308, 11308], "mapped", [11356]], [[11309, 11309], "mapped", [11357]], [[11310, 11310], "mapped", [11358]], [[11311, 11311], "disallowed"], [[11312, 11358], "valid"], [[11359, 11359], "disallowed"], [[11360, 11360], "mapped", [11361]], [[11361, 11361], "valid"], [[11362, 11362], "mapped", [619]], [[11363, 11363], "mapped", [7549]], [[11364, 11364], "mapped", [637]], [[11365, 11366], "valid"], [[11367, 11367], "mapped", [11368]], [[11368, 11368], "valid"], [[11369, 11369], "mapped", [11370]], [[11370, 11370], "valid"], [[11371, 11371], "mapped", [11372]], [[11372, 11372], "valid"], [[11373, 11373], "mapped", [593]], [[11374, 11374], "mapped", [625]], [[11375, 11375], "mapped", [592]], [[11376, 11376], "mapped", [594]], [[11377, 11377], "valid"], [[11378, 11378], "mapped", [11379]], [[11379, 11379], "valid"], [[11380, 11380], "valid"], [[11381, 11381], "mapped", [11382]], [[11382, 11383], "valid"], [[11384, 11387], "valid"], [[11388, 11388], "mapped", [106]], [[11389, 11389], "mapped", [118]], [[11390, 11390], "mapped", [575]], [[11391, 11391], "mapped", [576]], [[11392, 11392], "mapped", [11393]], [[11393, 11393], "valid"], [[11394, 11394], "mapped", [11395]], [[11395, 11395], "valid"], [[11396, 11396], "mapped", [11397]], [[11397, 11397], "valid"], [[11398, 11398], "mapped", [11399]], [[11399, 11399], "valid"], [[11400, 11400], "mapped", [11401]], [[11401, 11401], "valid"], [[11402, 11402], "mapped", [11403]], [[11403, 11403], "valid"], [[11404, 11404], "mapped", [11405]], [[11405, 11405], "valid"], [[11406, 11406], "mapped", [11407]], [[11407, 11407], "valid"], [[11408, 11408], "mapped", [11409]], [[11409, 11409], "valid"], [[11410, 11410], "mapped", [11411]], [[11411, 11411], "valid"], [[11412, 11412], "mapped", [11413]], [[11413, 11413], "valid"], [[11414, 11414], "mapped", [11415]], [[11415, 11415], "valid"], [[11416, 11416], "mapped", [11417]], [[11417, 11417], "valid"], [[11418, 11418], "mapped", [11419]], [[11419, 11419], "valid"], [[11420, 11420], "mapped", [11421]], [[11421, 11421], "valid"], [[11422, 11422], "mapped", [11423]], [[11423, 11423], "valid"], [[11424, 11424], "mapped", [11425]], [[11425, 11425], "valid"], [[11426, 11426], "mapped", [11427]], [[11427, 11427], "valid"], [[11428, 11428], "mapped", [11429]], [[11429, 11429], "valid"], [[11430, 11430], "mapped", [11431]], [[11431, 11431], "valid"], [[11432, 11432], "mapped", [11433]], [[11433, 11433], "valid"], [[11434, 11434], "mapped", [11435]], [[11435, 11435], "valid"], [[11436, 11436], "mapped", [11437]], [[11437, 11437], "valid"], [[11438, 11438], "mapped", [11439]], [[11439, 11439], "valid"], [[11440, 11440], "mapped", [11441]], [[11441, 11441], "valid"], [[11442, 11442], "mapped", [11443]], [[11443, 11443], "valid"], [[11444, 11444], "mapped", [11445]], [[11445, 11445], "valid"], [[11446, 11446], "mapped", [11447]], [[11447, 11447], "valid"], [[11448, 11448], "mapped", [11449]], [[11449, 11449], "valid"], [[11450, 11450], "mapped", [11451]], [[11451, 11451], "valid"], [[11452, 11452], "mapped", [11453]], [[11453, 11453], "valid"], [[11454, 11454], "mapped", [11455]], [[11455, 11455], "valid"], [[11456, 11456], "mapped", [11457]], [[11457, 11457], "valid"], [[11458, 11458], "mapped", [11459]], [[11459, 11459], "valid"], [[11460, 11460], "mapped", [11461]], [[11461, 11461], "valid"], [[11462, 11462], "mapped", [11463]], [[11463, 11463], "valid"], [[11464, 11464], "mapped", [11465]], [[11465, 11465], "valid"], [[11466, 11466], "mapped", [11467]], [[11467, 11467], "valid"], [[11468, 11468], "mapped", [11469]], [[11469, 11469], "valid"], [[11470, 11470], "mapped", [11471]], [[11471, 11471], "valid"], [[11472, 11472], "mapped", [11473]], [[11473, 11473], "valid"], [[11474, 11474], "mapped", [11475]], [[11475, 11475], "valid"], [[11476, 11476], "mapped", [11477]], [[11477, 11477], "valid"], [[11478, 11478], "mapped", [11479]], [[11479, 11479], "valid"], [[11480, 11480], "mapped", [11481]], [[11481, 11481], "valid"], [[11482, 11482], "mapped", [11483]], [[11483, 11483], "valid"], [[11484, 11484], "mapped", [11485]], [[11485, 11485], "valid"], [[11486, 11486], "mapped", [11487]], [[11487, 11487], "valid"], [[11488, 11488], "mapped", [11489]], [[11489, 11489], "valid"], [[11490, 11490], "mapped", [11491]], [[11491, 11492], "valid"], [[11493, 11498], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[11499, 11499], "mapped", [11500]], [[11500, 11500], "valid"], [[11501, 11501], "mapped", [11502]], [[11502, 11505], "valid"], [[11506, 11506], "mapped", [11507]], [[11507, 11507], "valid"], [[11508, 11512], "disallowed"], [[11513, 11519], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[11520, 11557], "valid"], [[11558, 11558], "disallowed"], [[11559, 11559], "valid"], [[11560, 11564], "disallowed"], [[11565, 11565], "valid"], [[11566, 11567], "disallowed"], [[11568, 11621], "valid"], [[11622, 11623], "valid"], [[11624, 11630], "disallowed"], [[11631, 11631], "mapped", [11617]], [[11632, 11632], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[11633, 11646], "disallowed"], [[11647, 11647], "valid"], [[11648, 11670], "valid"], [[11671, 11679], "disallowed"], [[11680, 11686], "valid"], [[11687, 11687], "disallowed"], [[11688, 11694], "valid"], [[11695, 11695], "disallowed"], [[11696, 11702], "valid"], [[11703, 11703], "disallowed"], [[11704, 11710], "valid"], [[11711, 11711], "disallowed"], [[11712, 11718], "valid"], [[11719, 11719], "disallowed"], [[11720, 11726], "valid"], [[11727, 11727], "disallowed"], [[11728, 11734], "valid"], [[11735, 11735], "disallowed"], [[11736, 11742], "valid"], [[11743, 11743], "disallowed"], [[11744, 11775], "valid"], [[11776, 11799], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[11800, 11803], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[11804, 11805], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[11806, 11822], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[11823, 11823], "valid"], [[11824, 11824], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[11825, 11825], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[11826, 11835], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[11836, 11842], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[11843, 11903], "disallowed"], [[11904, 11929], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[11930, 11930], "disallowed"], [[11931, 11934], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[11935, 11935], "mapped", [27597]], [[11936, 12018], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[12019, 12019], "mapped", [40863]], [[12020, 12031], "disallowed"], [[12032, 12032], "mapped", [19968]], [[12033, 12033], "mapped", [20008]], [[12034, 12034], "mapped", [20022]], [[12035, 12035], "mapped", [20031]], [[12036, 12036], "mapped", [20057]], [[12037, 12037], "mapped", [20101]], [[12038, 12038], "mapped", [20108]], [[12039, 12039], "mapped", [20128]], [[12040, 12040], "mapped", [20154]], [[12041, 12041], "mapped", [20799]], [[12042, 12042], "mapped", [20837]], [[12043, 12043], "mapped", [20843]], [[12044, 12044], "mapped", [20866]], [[12045, 12045], "mapped", [20886]], [[12046, 12046], "mapped", [20907]], [[12047, 12047], "mapped", [20960]], [[12048, 12048], "mapped", [20981]], [[12049, 12049], "mapped", [20992]], [[12050, 12050], "mapped", [21147]], [[12051, 12051], "mapped", [21241]], [[12052, 12052], "mapped", [21269]], [[12053, 12053], "mapped", [21274]], [[12054, 12054], "mapped", [21304]], [[12055, 12055], "mapped", [21313]], [[12056, 12056], "mapped", [21340]], [[12057, 12057], "mapped", [21353]], [[12058, 12058], "mapped", [21378]], [[12059, 12059], "mapped", [21430]], [[12060, 12060], "mapped", [21448]], [[12061, 12061], "mapped", [21475]], [[12062, 12062], "mapped", [22231]], [[12063, 12063], "mapped", [22303]], [[12064, 12064], "mapped", [22763]], [[12065, 12065], "mapped", [22786]], [[12066, 12066], "mapped", [22794]], [[12067, 12067], "mapped", [22805]], [[12068, 12068], "mapped", [22823]], [[12069, 12069], "mapped", [22899]], [[12070, 12070], "mapped", [23376]], [[12071, 12071], "mapped", [23424]], [[12072, 12072], "mapped", [23544]], [[12073, 12073], "mapped", [23567]], [[12074, 12074], "mapped", [23586]], [[12075, 12075], "mapped", [23608]], [[12076, 12076], "mapped", [23662]], [[12077, 12077], "mapped", [23665]], [[12078, 12078], "mapped", [24027]], [[12079, 12079], "mapped", [24037]], [[12080, 12080], "mapped", [24049]], [[12081, 12081], "mapped", [24062]], [[12082, 12082], "mapped", [24178]], [[12083, 12083], "mapped", [24186]], [[12084, 12084], "mapped", [24191]], [[12085, 12085], "mapped", [24308]], [[12086, 12086], "mapped", [24318]], [[12087, 12087], "mapped", [24331]], [[12088, 12088], "mapped", [24339]], [[12089, 12089], "mapped", [24400]], [[12090, 12090], "mapped", [24417]], [[12091, 12091], "mapped", [24435]], [[12092, 12092], "mapped", [24515]], [[12093, 12093], "mapped", [25096]], [[12094, 12094], "mapped", [25142]], [[12095, 12095], "mapped", [25163]], [[12096, 12096], "mapped", [25903]], [[12097, 12097], "mapped", [25908]], [[12098, 12098], "mapped", [25991]], [[12099, 12099], "mapped", [26007]], [[12100, 12100], "mapped", [26020]], [[12101, 12101], "mapped", [26041]], [[12102, 12102], "mapped", [26080]], [[12103, 12103], "mapped", [26085]], [[12104, 12104], "mapped", [26352]], [[12105, 12105], "mapped", [26376]], [[12106, 12106], "mapped", [26408]], [[12107, 12107], "mapped", [27424]], [[12108, 12108], "mapped", [27490]], [[12109, 12109], "mapped", [27513]], [[12110, 12110], "mapped", [27571]], [[12111, 12111], "mapped", [27595]], [[12112, 12112], "mapped", [27604]], [[12113, 12113], "mapped", [27611]], [[12114, 12114], "mapped", [27663]], [[12115, 12115], "mapped", [27668]], [[12116, 12116], "mapped", [27700]], [[12117, 12117], "mapped", [28779]], [[12118, 12118], "mapped", [29226]], [[12119, 12119], "mapped", [29238]], [[12120, 12120], "mapped", [29243]], [[12121, 12121], "mapped", [29247]], [[12122, 12122], "mapped", [29255]], [[12123, 12123], "mapped", [29273]], [[12124, 12124], "mapped", [29275]], [[12125, 12125], "mapped", [29356]], [[12126, 12126], "mapped", [29572]], [[12127, 12127], "mapped", [29577]], [[12128, 12128], "mapped", [29916]], [[12129, 12129], "mapped", [29926]], [[12130, 12130], "mapped", [29976]], [[12131, 12131], "mapped", [29983]], [[12132, 12132], "mapped", [29992]], [[12133, 12133], "mapped", [3e4]], [[12134, 12134], "mapped", [30091]], [[12135, 12135], "mapped", [30098]], [[12136, 12136], "mapped", [30326]], [[12137, 12137], "mapped", [30333]], [[12138, 12138], "mapped", [30382]], [[12139, 12139], "mapped", [30399]], [[12140, 12140], "mapped", [30446]], [[12141, 12141], "mapped", [30683]], [[12142, 12142], "mapped", [30690]], [[12143, 12143], "mapped", [30707]], [[12144, 12144], "mapped", [31034]], [[12145, 12145], "mapped", [31160]], [[12146, 12146], "mapped", [31166]], [[12147, 12147], "mapped", [31348]], [[12148, 12148], "mapped", [31435]], [[12149, 12149], "mapped", [31481]], [[12150, 12150], "mapped", [31859]], [[12151, 12151], "mapped", [31992]], [[12152, 12152], "mapped", [32566]], [[12153, 12153], "mapped", [32593]], [[12154, 12154], "mapped", [32650]], [[12155, 12155], "mapped", [32701]], [[12156, 12156], "mapped", [32769]], [[12157, 12157], "mapped", [32780]], [[12158, 12158], "mapped", [32786]], [[12159, 12159], "mapped", [32819]], [[12160, 12160], "mapped", [32895]], [[12161, 12161], "mapped", [32905]], [[12162, 12162], "mapped", [33251]], [[12163, 12163], "mapped", [33258]], [[12164, 12164], "mapped", [33267]], [[12165, 12165], "mapped", [33276]], [[12166, 12166], "mapped", [33292]], [[12167, 12167], "mapped", [33307]], [[12168, 12168], "mapped", [33311]], [[12169, 12169], "mapped", [33390]], [[12170, 12170], "mapped", [33394]], [[12171, 12171], "mapped", [33400]], [[12172, 12172], "mapped", [34381]], [[12173, 12173], "mapped", [34411]], [[12174, 12174], "mapped", [34880]], [[12175, 12175], "mapped", [34892]], [[12176, 12176], "mapped", [34915]], [[12177, 12177], "mapped", [35198]], [[12178, 12178], "mapped", [35211]], [[12179, 12179], "mapped", [35282]], [[12180, 12180], "mapped", [35328]], [[12181, 12181], "mapped", [35895]], [[12182, 12182], "mapped", [35910]], [[12183, 12183], "mapped", [35925]], [[12184, 12184], "mapped", [35960]], [[12185, 12185], "mapped", [35997]], [[12186, 12186], "mapped", [36196]], [[12187, 12187], "mapped", [36208]], [[12188, 12188], "mapped", [36275]], [[12189, 12189], "mapped", [36523]], [[12190, 12190], "mapped", [36554]], [[12191, 12191], "mapped", [36763]], [[12192, 12192], "mapped", [36784]], [[12193, 12193], "mapped", [36789]], [[12194, 12194], "mapped", [37009]], [[12195, 12195], "mapped", [37193]], [[12196, 12196], "mapped", [37318]], [[12197, 12197], "mapped", [37324]], [[12198, 12198], "mapped", [37329]], [[12199, 12199], "mapped", [38263]], [[12200, 12200], "mapped", [38272]], [[12201, 12201], "mapped", [38428]], [[12202, 12202], "mapped", [38582]], [[12203, 12203], "mapped", [38585]], [[12204, 12204], "mapped", [38632]], [[12205, 12205], "mapped", [38737]], [[12206, 12206], "mapped", [38750]], [[12207, 12207], "mapped", [38754]], [[12208, 12208], "mapped", [38761]], [[12209, 12209], "mapped", [38859]], [[12210, 12210], "mapped", [38893]], [[12211, 12211], "mapped", [38899]], [[12212, 12212], "mapped", [38913]], [[12213, 12213], "mapped", [39080]], [[12214, 12214], "mapped", [39131]], [[12215, 12215], "mapped", [39135]], [[12216, 12216], "mapped", [39318]], [[12217, 12217], "mapped", [39321]], [[12218, 12218], "mapped", [39340]], [[12219, 12219], "mapped", [39592]], [[12220, 12220], "mapped", [39640]], [[12221, 12221], "mapped", [39647]], [[12222, 12222], "mapped", [39717]], [[12223, 12223], "mapped", [39727]], [[12224, 12224], "mapped", [39730]], [[12225, 12225], "mapped", [39740]], [[12226, 12226], "mapped", [39770]], [[12227, 12227], "mapped", [40165]], [[12228, 12228], "mapped", [40565]], [[12229, 12229], "mapped", [40575]], [[12230, 12230], "mapped", [40613]], [[12231, 12231], "mapped", [40635]], [[12232, 12232], "mapped", [40643]], [[12233, 12233], "mapped", [40653]], [[12234, 12234], "mapped", [40657]], [[12235, 12235], "mapped", [40697]], [[12236, 12236], "mapped", [40701]], [[12237, 12237], "mapped", [40718]], [[12238, 12238], "mapped", [40723]], [[12239, 12239], "mapped", [40736]], [[12240, 12240], "mapped", [40763]], [[12241, 12241], "mapped", [40778]], [[12242, 12242], "mapped", [40786]], [[12243, 12243], "mapped", [40845]], [[12244, 12244], "mapped", [40860]], [[12245, 12245], "mapped", [40864]], [[12246, 12271], "disallowed"], [[12272, 12283], "disallowed"], [[12284, 12287], "disallowed"], [[12288, 12288], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [32]], [[12289, 12289], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[12290, 12290], "mapped", [46]], [[12291, 12292], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[12293, 12295], "valid"], [[12296, 12329], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[12330, 12333], "valid"], [[12334, 12341], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[12342, 12342], "mapped", [12306]], [[12343, 12343], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[12344, 12344], "mapped", [21313]], [[12345, 12345], "mapped", [21316]], [[12346, 12346], "mapped", [21317]], [[12347, 12347], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[12348, 12348], "valid"], [[12349, 12349], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[12350, 12350], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[12351, 12351], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[12352, 12352], "disallowed"], [[12353, 12436], "valid"], [[12437, 12438], "valid"], [[12439, 12440], "disallowed"], [[12441, 12442], "valid"], [[12443, 12443], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [32, 12441]], [[12444, 12444], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [32, 12442]], [[12445, 12446], "valid"], [[12447, 12447], "mapped", [12424, 12426]], [[12448, 12448], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[12449, 12542], "valid"], [[12543, 12543], "mapped", [12467, 12488]], [[12544, 12548], "disallowed"], [[12549, 12588], "valid"], [[12589, 12589], "valid"], [[12590, 12592], "disallowed"], [[12593, 12593], "mapped", [4352]], [[12594, 12594], "mapped", [4353]], [[12595, 12595], "mapped", [4522]], [[12596, 12596], "mapped", [4354]], [[12597, 12597], "mapped", [4524]], [[12598, 12598], "mapped", [4525]], [[12599, 12599], "mapped", [4355]], [[12600, 12600], "mapped", [4356]], [[12601, 12601], "mapped", [4357]], [[12602, 12602], "mapped", [4528]], [[12603, 12603], "mapped", [4529]], [[12604, 12604], "mapped", [4530]], [[12605, 12605], "mapped", [4531]], [[12606, 12606], "mapped", [4532]], [[12607, 12607], "mapped", [4533]], [[12608, 12608], "mapped", [4378]], [[12609, 12609], "mapped", [4358]], [[12610, 12610], "mapped", [4359]], [[12611, 12611], "mapped", [4360]], [[12612, 12612], "mapped", [4385]], [[12613, 12613], "mapped", [4361]], [[12614, 12614], "mapped", [4362]], [[12615, 12615], "mapped", [4363]], [[12616, 12616], "mapped", [4364]], [[12617, 12617], "mapped", [4365]], [[12618, 12618], "mapped", [4366]], [[12619, 12619], "mapped", [4367]], [[12620, 12620], "mapped", [4368]], [[12621, 12621], "mapped", [4369]], [[12622, 12622], "mapped", [4370]], [[12623, 12623], "mapped", [4449]], [[12624, 12624], "mapped", [4450]], [[12625, 12625], "mapped", [4451]], [[12626, 12626], "mapped", [4452]], [[12627, 12627], "mapped", [4453]], [[12628, 12628], "mapped", [4454]], [[12629, 12629], "mapped", [4455]], [[12630, 12630], "mapped", [4456]], [[12631, 12631], "mapped", [4457]], [[12632, 12632], "mapped", [4458]], [[12633, 12633], "mapped", [4459]], [[12634, 12634], "mapped", [4460]], [[12635, 12635], "mapped", [4461]], [[12636, 12636], "mapped", [4462]], [[12637, 12637], "mapped", [4463]], [[12638, 12638], "mapped", [4464]], [[12639, 12639], "mapped", [4465]], [[12640, 12640], "mapped", [4466]], [[12641, 12641], "mapped", [4467]], [[12642, 12642], "mapped", [4468]], [[12643, 12643], "mapped", [4469]], [[12644, 12644], "disallowed"], [[12645, 12645], "mapped", [4372]], [[12646, 12646], "mapped", [4373]], [[12647, 12647], "mapped", [4551]], [[12648, 12648], "mapped", [4552]], [[12649, 12649], "mapped", [4556]], [[12650, 12650], "mapped", [4558]], [[12651, 12651], "mapped", [4563]], [[12652, 12652], "mapped", [4567]], [[12653, 12653], "mapped", [4569]], [[12654, 12654], "mapped", [4380]], [[12655, 12655], "mapped", [4573]], [[12656, 12656], "mapped", [4575]], [[12657, 12657], "mapped", [4381]], [[12658, 12658], "mapped", [4382]], [[12659, 12659], "mapped", [4384]], [[12660, 12660], "mapped", [4386]], [[12661, 12661], "mapped", [4387]], [[12662, 12662], "mapped", [4391]], [[12663, 12663], "mapped", [4393]], [[12664, 12664], "mapped", [4395]], [[12665, 12665], "mapped", [4396]], [[12666, 12666], "mapped", [4397]], [[12667, 12667], "mapped", [4398]], [[12668, 12668], "mapped", [4399]], [[12669, 12669], "mapped", [4402]], [[12670, 12670], "mapped", [4406]], [[12671, 12671], "mapped", [4416]], [[12672, 12672], "mapped", [4423]], [[12673, 12673], "mapped", [4428]], [[12674, 12674], "mapped", [4593]], [[12675, 12675], "mapped", [4594]], [[12676, 12676], "mapped", [4439]], [[12677, 12677], "mapped", [4440]], [[12678, 12678], "mapped", [4441]], [[12679, 12679], "mapped", [4484]], [[12680, 12680], "mapped", [4485]], [[12681, 12681], "mapped", [4488]], [[12682, 12682], "mapped", [4497]], [[12683, 12683], "mapped", [4498]], [[12684, 12684], "mapped", [4500]], [[12685, 12685], "mapped", [4510]], [[12686, 12686], "mapped", [4513]], [[12687, 12687], "disallowed"], [[12688, 12689], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[12690, 12690], "mapped", [19968]], [[12691, 12691], "mapped", [20108]], [[12692, 12692], "mapped", [19977]], [[12693, 12693], "mapped", [22235]], [[12694, 12694], "mapped", [19978]], [[12695, 12695], "mapped", [20013]], [[12696, 12696], "mapped", [19979]], [[12697, 12697], "mapped", [30002]], [[12698, 12698], "mapped", [20057]], [[12699, 12699], "mapped", [19993]], [[12700, 12700], "mapped", [19969]], [[12701, 12701], "mapped", [22825]], [[12702, 12702], "mapped", [22320]], [[12703, 12703], "mapped", [20154]], [[12704, 12727], "valid"], [[12728, 12730], "valid"], [[12731, 12735], "disallowed"], [[12736, 12751], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[12752, 12771], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[12772, 12783], "disallowed"], [[12784, 12799], "valid"], [[12800, 12800], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 4352, 41]], [[12801, 12801], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 4354, 41]], [[12802, 12802], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 4355, 41]], [[12803, 12803], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 4357, 41]], [[12804, 12804], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 4358, 41]], [[12805, 12805], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 4359, 41]], [[12806, 12806], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 4361, 41]], [[12807, 12807], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 4363, 41]], [[12808, 12808], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 4364, 41]], [[12809, 12809], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 4366, 41]], [[12810, 12810], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 4367, 41]], [[12811, 12811], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 4368, 41]], [[12812, 12812], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 4369, 41]], [[12813, 12813], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 4370, 41]], [[12814, 12814], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 44032, 41]], [[12815, 12815], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 45208, 41]], [[12816, 12816], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 45796, 41]], [[12817, 12817], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 46972, 41]], [[12818, 12818], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 47560, 41]], [[12819, 12819], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 48148, 41]], [[12820, 12820], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 49324, 41]], [[12821, 12821], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 50500, 41]], [[12822, 12822], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 51088, 41]], [[12823, 12823], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 52264, 41]], [[12824, 12824], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 52852, 41]], [[12825, 12825], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 53440, 41]], [[12826, 12826], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 54028, 41]], [[12827, 12827], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 54616, 41]], [[12828, 12828], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 51452, 41]], [[12829, 12829], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 50724, 51204, 41]], [[12830, 12830], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 50724, 54980, 41]], [[12831, 12831], "disallowed"], [[12832, 12832], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 19968, 41]], [[12833, 12833], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 20108, 41]], [[12834, 12834], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 19977, 41]], [[12835, 12835], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 22235, 41]], [[12836, 12836], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 20116, 41]], [[12837, 12837], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 20845, 41]], [[12838, 12838], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 19971, 41]], [[12839, 12839], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 20843, 41]], [[12840, 12840], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 20061, 41]], [[12841, 12841], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 21313, 41]], [[12842, 12842], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 26376, 41]], [[12843, 12843], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 28779, 41]], [[12844, 12844], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 27700, 41]], [[12845, 12845], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 26408, 41]], [[12846, 12846], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 37329, 41]], [[12847, 12847], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 22303, 41]], [[12848, 12848], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 26085, 41]], [[12849, 12849], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 26666, 41]], [[12850, 12850], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 26377, 41]], [[12851, 12851], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 31038, 41]], [[12852, 12852], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 21517, 41]], [[12853, 12853], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 29305, 41]], [[12854, 12854], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 36001, 41]], [[12855, 12855], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 31069, 41]], [[12856, 12856], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 21172, 41]], [[12857, 12857], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 20195, 41]], [[12858, 12858], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 21628, 41]], [[12859, 12859], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 23398, 41]], [[12860, 12860], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 30435, 41]], [[12861, 12861], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 20225, 41]], [[12862, 12862], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 36039, 41]], [[12863, 12863], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 21332, 41]], [[12864, 12864], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 31085, 41]], [[12865, 12865], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 20241, 41]], [[12866, 12866], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 33258, 41]], [[12867, 12867], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 33267, 41]], [[12868, 12868], "mapped", [21839]], [[12869, 12869], "mapped", [24188]], [[12870, 12870], "mapped", [25991]], [[12871, 12871], "mapped", [31631]], [[12872, 12879], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[12880, 12880], "mapped", [112, 116, 101]], [[12881, 12881], "mapped", [50, 49]], [[12882, 12882], "mapped", [50, 50]], [[12883, 12883], "mapped", [50, 51]], [[12884, 12884], "mapped", [50, 52]], [[12885, 12885], "mapped", [50, 53]], [[12886, 12886], "mapped", [50, 54]], [[12887, 12887], "mapped", [50, 55]], [[12888, 12888], "mapped", [50, 56]], [[12889, 12889], "mapped", [50, 57]], [[12890, 12890], "mapped", [51, 48]], [[12891, 12891], "mapped", [51, 49]], [[12892, 12892], "mapped", [51, 50]], [[12893, 12893], "mapped", [51, 51]], [[12894, 12894], "mapped", [51, 52]], [[12895, 12895], "mapped", [51, 53]], [[12896, 12896], "mapped", [4352]], [[12897, 12897], "mapped", [4354]], [[12898, 12898], "mapped", [4355]], [[12899, 12899], "mapped", [4357]], [[12900, 12900], "mapped", [4358]], [[12901, 12901], "mapped", [4359]], [[12902, 12902], "mapped", [4361]], [[12903, 12903], "mapped", [4363]], [[12904, 12904], "mapped", [4364]], [[12905, 12905], "mapped", [4366]], [[12906, 12906], "mapped", [4367]], [[12907, 12907], "mapped", [4368]], [[12908, 12908], "mapped", [4369]], [[12909, 12909], "mapped", [4370]], [[12910, 12910], "mapped", [44032]], [[12911, 12911], "mapped", [45208]], [[12912, 12912], "mapped", [45796]], [[12913, 12913], "mapped", [46972]], [[12914, 12914], "mapped", [47560]], [[12915, 12915], "mapped", [48148]], [[12916, 12916], "mapped", [49324]], [[12917, 12917], "mapped", [50500]], [[12918, 12918], "mapped", [51088]], [[12919, 12919], "mapped", [52264]], [[12920, 12920], "mapped", [52852]], [[12921, 12921], "mapped", [53440]], [[12922, 12922], "mapped", [54028]], [[12923, 12923], "mapped", [54616]], [[12924, 12924], "mapped", [52280, 44256]], [[12925, 12925], "mapped", [51452, 51032]], [[12926, 12926], "mapped", [50864]], [[12927, 12927], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[12928, 12928], "mapped", [19968]], [[12929, 12929], "mapped", [20108]], [[12930, 12930], "mapped", [19977]], [[12931, 12931], "mapped", [22235]], [[12932, 12932], "mapped", [20116]], [[12933, 12933], "mapped", [20845]], [[12934, 12934], "mapped", [19971]], [[12935, 12935], "mapped", [20843]], [[12936, 12936], "mapped", [20061]], [[12937, 12937], "mapped", [21313]], [[12938, 12938], "mapped", [26376]], [[12939, 12939], "mapped", [28779]], [[12940, 12940], "mapped", [27700]], [[12941, 12941], "mapped", [26408]], [[12942, 12942], "mapped", [37329]], [[12943, 12943], "mapped", [22303]], [[12944, 12944], "mapped", [26085]], [[12945, 12945], "mapped", [26666]], [[12946, 12946], "mapped", [26377]], [[12947, 12947], "mapped", [31038]], [[12948, 12948], "mapped", [21517]], [[12949, 12949], "mapped", [29305]], [[12950, 12950], "mapped", [36001]], [[12951, 12951], "mapped", [31069]], [[12952, 12952], "mapped", [21172]], [[12953, 12953], "mapped", [31192]], [[12954, 12954], "mapped", [30007]], [[12955, 12955], "mapped", [22899]], [[12956, 12956], "mapped", [36969]], [[12957, 12957], "mapped", [20778]], [[12958, 12958], "mapped", [21360]], [[12959, 12959], "mapped", [27880]], [[12960, 12960], "mapped", [38917]], [[12961, 12961], "mapped", [20241]], [[12962, 12962], "mapped", [20889]], [[12963, 12963], "mapped", [27491]], [[12964, 12964], "mapped", [19978]], [[12965, 12965], "mapped", [20013]], [[12966, 12966], "mapped", [19979]], [[12967, 12967], "mapped", [24038]], [[12968, 12968], "mapped", [21491]], [[12969, 12969], "mapped", [21307]], [[12970, 12970], "mapped", [23447]], [[12971, 12971], "mapped", [23398]], [[12972, 12972], "mapped", [30435]], [[12973, 12973], "mapped", [20225]], [[12974, 12974], "mapped", [36039]], [[12975, 12975], "mapped", [21332]], [[12976, 12976], "mapped", [22812]], [[12977, 12977], "mapped", [51, 54]], [[12978, 12978], "mapped", [51, 55]], [[12979, 12979], "mapped", [51, 56]], [[12980, 12980], "mapped", [51, 57]], [[12981, 12981], "mapped", [52, 48]], [[12982, 12982], "mapped", [52, 49]], [[12983, 12983], "mapped", [52, 50]], [[12984, 12984], "mapped", [52, 51]], [[12985, 12985], "mapped", [52, 52]], [[12986, 12986], "mapped", [52, 53]], [[12987, 12987], "mapped", [52, 54]], [[12988, 12988], "mapped", [52, 55]], [[12989, 12989], "mapped", [52, 56]], [[12990, 12990], "mapped", [52, 57]], [[12991, 12991], "mapped", [53, 48]], [[12992, 12992], "mapped", [49, 26376]], [[12993, 12993], "mapped", [50, 26376]], [[12994, 12994], "mapped", [51, 26376]], [[12995, 12995], "mapped", [52, 26376]], [[12996, 12996], "mapped", [53, 26376]], [[12997, 12997], "mapped", [54, 26376]], [[12998, 12998], "mapped", [55, 26376]], [[12999, 12999], "mapped", [56, 26376]], [[13e3, 13e3], "mapped", [57, 26376]], [[13001, 13001], "mapped", [49, 48, 26376]], [[13002, 13002], "mapped", [49, 49, 26376]], [[13003, 13003], "mapped", [49, 50, 26376]], [[13004, 13004], "mapped", [104, 103]], [[13005, 13005], "mapped", [101, 114, 103]], [[13006, 13006], "mapped", [101, 118]], [[13007, 13007], "mapped", [108, 116, 100]], [[13008, 13008], "mapped", [12450]], [[13009, 13009], "mapped", [12452]], [[13010, 13010], "mapped", [12454]], [[13011, 13011], "mapped", [12456]], [[13012, 13012], "mapped", [12458]], [[13013, 13013], "mapped", [12459]], [[13014, 13014], "mapped", [12461]], [[13015, 13015], "mapped", [12463]], [[13016, 13016], "mapped", [12465]], [[13017, 13017], "mapped", [12467]], [[13018, 13018], "mapped", [12469]], [[13019, 13019], "mapped", [12471]], [[13020, 13020], "mapped", [12473]], [[13021, 13021], "mapped", [12475]], [[13022, 13022], "mapped", [12477]], [[13023, 13023], "mapped", [12479]], [[13024, 13024], "mapped", [12481]], [[13025, 13025], "mapped", [12484]], [[13026, 13026], "mapped", [12486]], [[13027, 13027], "mapped", [12488]], [[13028, 13028], "mapped", [12490]], [[13029, 13029], "mapped", [12491]], [[13030, 13030], "mapped", [12492]], [[13031, 13031], "mapped", [12493]], [[13032, 13032], "mapped", [12494]], [[13033, 13033], "mapped", [12495]], [[13034, 13034], "mapped", [12498]], [[13035, 13035], "mapped", [12501]], [[13036, 13036], "mapped", [12504]], [[13037, 13037], "mapped", [12507]], [[13038, 13038], "mapped", [12510]], [[13039, 13039], "mapped", [12511]], [[13040, 13040], "mapped", [12512]], [[13041, 13041], "mapped", [12513]], [[13042, 13042], "mapped", [12514]], [[13043, 13043], "mapped", [12516]], [[13044, 13044], "mapped", [12518]], [[13045, 13045], "mapped", [12520]], [[13046, 13046], "mapped", [12521]], [[13047, 13047], "mapped", [12522]], [[13048, 13048], "mapped", [12523]], [[13049, 13049], "mapped", [12524]], [[13050, 13050], "mapped", [12525]], [[13051, 13051], "mapped", [12527]], [[13052, 13052], "mapped", [12528]], [[13053, 13053], "mapped", [12529]], [[13054, 13054], "mapped", [12530]], [[13055, 13055], "disallowed"], [[13056, 13056], "mapped", [12450, 12497, 12540, 12488]], [[13057, 13057], "mapped", [12450, 12523, 12501, 12449]], [[13058, 13058], "mapped", [12450, 12531, 12506, 12450]], [[13059, 13059], "mapped", [12450, 12540, 12523]], [[13060, 13060], "mapped", [12452, 12491, 12531, 12464]], [[13061, 13061], "mapped", [12452, 12531, 12481]], [[13062, 13062], "mapped", [12454, 12457, 12531]], [[13063, 13063], "mapped", [12456, 12473, 12463, 12540, 12489]], [[13064, 13064], "mapped", [12456, 12540, 12459, 12540]], [[13065, 13065], "mapped", [12458, 12531, 12473]], [[13066, 13066], "mapped", [12458, 12540, 12512]], [[13067, 13067], "mapped", [12459, 12452, 12522]], [[13068, 13068], "mapped", [12459, 12521, 12483, 12488]], [[13069, 13069], "mapped", [12459, 12525, 12522, 12540]], [[13070, 13070], "mapped", [12460, 12525, 12531]], [[13071, 13071], "mapped", [12460, 12531, 12510]], [[13072, 13072], "mapped", [12462, 12460]], [[13073, 13073], "mapped", [12462, 12491, 12540]], [[13074, 13074], "mapped", [12461, 12517, 12522, 12540]], [[13075, 13075], "mapped", [12462, 12523, 12480, 12540]], [[13076, 13076], "mapped", [12461, 12525]], [[13077, 13077], "mapped", [12461, 12525, 12464, 12521, 12512]], [[13078, 13078], "mapped", [12461, 12525, 12513, 12540, 12488, 12523]], [[13079, 13079], "mapped", [12461, 12525, 12527, 12483, 12488]], [[13080, 13080], "mapped", [12464, 12521, 12512]], [[13081, 13081], "mapped", [12464, 12521, 12512, 12488, 12531]], [[13082, 13082], "mapped", [12463, 12523, 12476, 12452, 12525]], [[13083, 13083], "mapped", [12463, 12525, 12540, 12493]], [[13084, 13084], "mapped", [12465, 12540, 12473]], [[13085, 13085], "mapped", [12467, 12523, 12490]], [[13086, 13086], "mapped", [12467, 12540, 12509]], [[13087, 13087], "mapped", [12469, 12452, 12463, 12523]], [[13088, 13088], "mapped", [12469, 12531, 12481, 12540, 12512]], [[13089, 13089], "mapped", [12471, 12522, 12531, 12464]], [[13090, 13090], "mapped", [12475, 12531, 12481]], [[13091, 13091], "mapped", [12475, 12531, 12488]], [[13092, 13092], "mapped", [12480, 12540, 12473]], [[13093, 13093], "mapped", [12487, 12471]], [[13094, 13094], "mapped", [12489, 12523]], [[13095, 13095], "mapped", [12488, 12531]], [[13096, 13096], "mapped", [12490, 12494]], [[13097, 13097], "mapped", [12494, 12483, 12488]], [[13098, 13098], "mapped", [12495, 12452, 12484]], [[13099, 13099], "mapped", [12497, 12540, 12475, 12531, 12488]], [[13100, 13100], "mapped", [12497, 12540, 12484]], [[13101, 13101], "mapped", [12496, 12540, 12524, 12523]], [[13102, 13102], "mapped", [12500, 12450, 12473, 12488, 12523]], [[13103, 13103], "mapped", [12500, 12463, 12523]], [[13104, 13104], "mapped", [12500, 12467]], [[13105, 13105], "mapped", [12499, 12523]], [[13106, 13106], "mapped", [12501, 12449, 12521, 12483, 12489]], [[13107, 13107], "mapped", [12501, 12451, 12540, 12488]], [[13108, 13108], "mapped", [12502, 12483, 12471, 12455, 12523]], [[13109, 13109], "mapped", [12501, 12521, 12531]], [[13110, 13110], "mapped", [12504, 12463, 12479, 12540, 12523]], [[13111, 13111], "mapped", [12506, 12477]], [[13112, 13112], "mapped", [12506, 12491, 12498]], [[13113, 13113], "mapped", [12504, 12523, 12484]], [[13114, 13114], "mapped", [12506, 12531, 12473]], [[13115, 13115], "mapped", [12506, 12540, 12472]], [[13116, 13116], "mapped", [12505, 12540, 12479]], [[13117, 13117], "mapped", [12509, 12452, 12531, 12488]], [[13118, 13118], "mapped", [12508, 12523, 12488]], [[13119, 13119], "mapped", [12507, 12531]], [[13120, 13120], "mapped", [12509, 12531, 12489]], [[13121, 13121], "mapped", [12507, 12540, 12523]], [[13122, 13122], "mapped", [12507, 12540, 12531]], [[13123, 13123], "mapped", [12510, 12452, 12463, 12525]], [[13124, 13124], "mapped", [12510, 12452, 12523]], [[13125, 13125], "mapped", [12510, 12483, 12495]], [[13126, 13126], "mapped", [12510, 12523, 12463]], [[13127, 13127], "mapped", [12510, 12531, 12471, 12519, 12531]], [[13128, 13128], "mapped", [12511, 12463, 12525, 12531]], [[13129, 13129], "mapped", [12511, 12522]], [[13130, 13130], "mapped", [12511, 12522, 12496, 12540, 12523]], [[13131, 13131], "mapped", [12513, 12460]], [[13132, 13132], "mapped", [12513, 12460, 12488, 12531]], [[13133, 13133], "mapped", [12513, 12540, 12488, 12523]], [[13134, 13134], "mapped", [12516, 12540, 12489]], [[13135, 13135], "mapped", [12516, 12540, 12523]], [[13136, 13136], "mapped", [12518, 12450, 12531]], [[13137, 13137], "mapped", [12522, 12483, 12488, 12523]], [[13138, 13138], "mapped", [12522, 12521]], [[13139, 13139], "mapped", [12523, 12500, 12540]], [[13140, 13140], "mapped", [12523, 12540, 12502, 12523]], [[13141, 13141], "mapped", [12524, 12512]], [[13142, 13142], "mapped", [12524, 12531, 12488, 12466, 12531]], [[13143, 13143], "mapped", [12527, 12483, 12488]], [[13144, 13144], "mapped", [48, 28857]], [[13145, 13145], "mapped", [49, 28857]], [[13146, 13146], "mapped", [50, 28857]], [[13147, 13147], "mapped", [51, 28857]], [[13148, 13148], "mapped", [52, 28857]], [[13149, 13149], "mapped", [53, 28857]], [[13150, 13150], "mapped", [54, 28857]], [[13151, 13151], "mapped", [55, 28857]], [[13152, 13152], "mapped", [56, 28857]], [[13153, 13153], "mapped", [57, 28857]], [[13154, 13154], "mapped", [49, 48, 28857]], [[13155, 13155], "mapped", [49, 49, 28857]], [[13156, 13156], "mapped", [49, 50, 28857]], [[13157, 13157], "mapped", [49, 51, 28857]], [[13158, 13158], "mapped", [49, 52, 28857]], [[13159, 13159], "mapped", [49, 53, 28857]], [[13160, 13160], "mapped", [49, 54, 28857]], [[13161, 13161], "mapped", [49, 55, 28857]], [[13162, 13162], "mapped", [49, 56, 28857]], [[13163, 13163], "mapped", [49, 57, 28857]], [[13164, 13164], "mapped", [50, 48, 28857]], [[13165, 13165], "mapped", [50, 49, 28857]], [[13166, 13166], "mapped", [50, 50, 28857]], [[13167, 13167], "mapped", [50, 51, 28857]], [[13168, 13168], "mapped", [50, 52, 28857]], [[13169, 13169], "mapped", [104, 112, 97]], [[13170, 13170], "mapped", [100, 97]], [[13171, 13171], "mapped", [97, 117]], [[13172, 13172], "mapped", [98, 97, 114]], [[13173, 13173], "mapped", [111, 118]], [[13174, 13174], "mapped", [112, 99]], [[13175, 13175], "mapped", [100, 109]], [[13176, 13176], "mapped", [100, 109, 50]], [[13177, 13177], "mapped", [100, 109, 51]], [[13178, 13178], "mapped", [105, 117]], [[13179, 13179], "mapped", [24179, 25104]], [[13180, 13180], "mapped", [26157, 21644]], [[13181, 13181], "mapped", [22823, 27491]], [[13182, 13182], "mapped", [26126, 27835]], [[13183, 13183], "mapped", [26666, 24335, 20250, 31038]], [[13184, 13184], "mapped", [112, 97]], [[13185, 13185], "mapped", [110, 97]], [[13186, 13186], "mapped", [956, 97]], [[13187, 13187], "mapped", [109, 97]], [[13188, 13188], "mapped", [107, 97]], [[13189, 13189], "mapped", [107, 98]], [[13190, 13190], "mapped", [109, 98]], [[13191, 13191], "mapped", [103, 98]], [[13192, 13192], "mapped", [99, 97, 108]], [[13193, 13193], "mapped", [107, 99, 97, 108]], [[13194, 13194], "mapped", [112, 102]], [[13195, 13195], "mapped", [110, 102]], [[13196, 13196], "mapped", [956, 102]], [[13197, 13197], "mapped", [956, 103]], [[13198, 13198], "mapped", [109, 103]], [[13199, 13199], "mapped", [107, 103]], [[13200, 13200], "mapped", [104, 122]], [[13201, 13201], "mapped", [107, 104, 122]], [[13202, 13202], "mapped", [109, 104, 122]], [[13203, 13203], "mapped", [103, 104, 122]], [[13204, 13204], "mapped", [116, 104, 122]], [[13205, 13205], "mapped", [956, 108]], [[13206, 13206], "mapped", [109, 108]], [[13207, 13207], "mapped", [100, 108]], [[13208, 13208], "mapped", [107, 108]], [[13209, 13209], "mapped", [102, 109]], [[13210, 13210], "mapped", [110, 109]], [[13211, 13211], "mapped", [956, 109]], [[13212, 13212], "mapped", [109, 109]], [[13213, 13213], "mapped", [99, 109]], [[13214, 13214], "mapped", [107, 109]], [[13215, 13215], "mapped", [109, 109, 50]], [[13216, 13216], "mapped", [99, 109, 50]], [[13217, 13217], "mapped", [109, 50]], [[13218, 13218], "mapped", [107, 109, 50]], [[13219, 13219], "mapped", [109, 109, 51]], [[13220, 13220], "mapped", [99, 109, 51]], [[13221, 13221], "mapped", [109, 51]], [[13222, 13222], "mapped", [107, 109, 51]], [[13223, 13223], "mapped", [109, 8725, 115]], [[13224, 13224], "mapped", [109, 8725, 115, 50]], [[13225, 13225], "mapped", [112, 97]], [[13226, 13226], "mapped", [107, 112, 97]], [[13227, 13227], "mapped", [109, 112, 97]], [[13228, 13228], "mapped", [103, 112, 97]], [[13229, 13229], "mapped", [114, 97, 100]], [[13230, 13230], "mapped", [114, 97, 100, 8725, 115]], [[13231, 13231], "mapped", [114, 97, 100, 8725, 115, 50]], [[13232, 13232], "mapped", [112, 115]], [[13233, 13233], "mapped", [110, 115]], [[13234, 13234], "mapped", [956, 115]], [[13235, 13235], "mapped", [109, 115]], [[13236, 13236], "mapped", [112, 118]], [[13237, 13237], "mapped", [110, 118]], [[13238, 13238], "mapped", [956, 118]], [[13239, 13239], "mapped", [109, 118]], [[13240, 13240], "mapped", [107, 118]], [[13241, 13241], "mapped", [109, 118]], [[13242, 13242], "mapped", [112, 119]], [[13243, 13243], "mapped", [110, 119]], [[13244, 13244], "mapped", [956, 119]], [[13245, 13245], "mapped", [109, 119]], [[13246, 13246], "mapped", [107, 119]], [[13247, 13247], "mapped", [109, 119]], [[13248, 13248], "mapped", [107, 969]], [[13249, 13249], "mapped", [109, 969]], [[13250, 13250], "disallowed"], [[13251, 13251], "mapped", [98, 113]], [[13252, 13252], "mapped", [99, 99]], [[13253, 13253], "mapped", [99, 100]], [[13254, 13254], "mapped", [99, 8725, 107, 103]], [[13255, 13255], "disallowed"], [[13256, 13256], "mapped", [100, 98]], [[13257, 13257], "mapped", [103, 121]], [[13258, 13258], "mapped", [104, 97]], [[13259, 13259], "mapped", [104, 112]], [[13260, 13260], "mapped", [105, 110]], [[13261, 13261], "mapped", [107, 107]], [[13262, 13262], "mapped", [107, 109]], [[13263, 13263], "mapped", [107, 116]], [[13264, 13264], "mapped", [108, 109]], [[13265, 13265], "mapped", [108, 110]], [[13266, 13266], "mapped", [108, 111, 103]], [[13267, 13267], "mapped", [108, 120]], [[13268, 13268], "mapped", [109, 98]], [[13269, 13269], "mapped", [109, 105, 108]], [[13270, 13270], "mapped", [109, 111, 108]], [[13271, 13271], "mapped", [112, 104]], [[13272, 13272], "disallowed"], [[13273, 13273], "mapped", [112, 112, 109]], [[13274, 13274], "mapped", [112, 114]], [[13275, 13275], "mapped", [115, 114]], [[13276, 13276], "mapped", [115, 118]], [[13277, 13277], "mapped", [119, 98]], [[13278, 13278], "mapped", [118, 8725, 109]], [[13279, 13279], "mapped", [97, 8725, 109]], [[13280, 13280], "mapped", [49, 26085]], [[13281, 13281], "mapped", [50, 26085]], [[13282, 13282], "mapped", [51, 26085]], [[13283, 13283], "mapped", [52, 26085]], [[13284, 13284], "mapped", [53, 26085]], [[13285, 13285], "mapped", [54, 26085]], [[13286, 13286], "mapped", [55, 26085]], [[13287, 13287], "mapped", [56, 26085]], [[13288, 13288], "mapped", [57, 26085]], [[13289, 13289], "mapped", [49, 48, 26085]], [[13290, 13290], "mapped", [49, 49, 26085]], [[13291, 13291], "mapped", [49, 50, 26085]], [[13292, 13292], "mapped", [49, 51, 26085]], [[13293, 13293], "mapped", [49, 52, 26085]], [[13294, 13294], "mapped", [49, 53, 26085]], [[13295, 13295], "mapped", [49, 54, 26085]], [[13296, 13296], "mapped", [49, 55, 26085]], [[13297, 13297], "mapped", [49, 56, 26085]], [[13298, 13298], "mapped", [49, 57, 26085]], [[13299, 13299], "mapped", [50, 48, 26085]], [[13300, 13300], "mapped", [50, 49, 26085]], [[13301, 13301], "mapped", [50, 50, 26085]], [[13302, 13302], "mapped", [50, 51, 26085]], [[13303, 13303], "mapped", [50, 52, 26085]], [[13304, 13304], "mapped", [50, 53, 26085]], [[13305, 13305], "mapped", [50, 54, 26085]], [[13306, 13306], "mapped", [50, 55, 26085]], [[13307, 13307], "mapped", [50, 56, 26085]], [[13308, 13308], "mapped", [50, 57, 26085]], [[13309, 13309], "mapped", [51, 48, 26085]], [[13310, 13310], "mapped", [51, 49, 26085]], [[13311, 13311], "mapped", [103, 97, 108]], [[13312, 19893], "valid"], [[19894, 19903], "disallowed"], [[19904, 19967], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[19968, 40869], "valid"], [[40870, 40891], "valid"], [[40892, 40899], "valid"], [[40900, 40907], "valid"], [[40908, 40908], "valid"], [[40909, 40917], "valid"], [[40918, 40959], "disallowed"], [[40960, 42124], "valid"], [[42125, 42127], "disallowed"], [[42128, 42145], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[42146, 42147], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[42148, 42163], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[42164, 42164], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[42165, 42176], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[42177, 42177], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[42178, 42180], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[42181, 42181], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[42182, 42182], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[42183, 42191], "disallowed"], [[42192, 42237], "valid"], [[42238, 42239], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[42240, 42508], "valid"], [[42509, 42511], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[42512, 42539], "valid"], [[42540, 42559], "disallowed"], [[42560, 42560], "mapped", [42561]], [[42561, 42561], "valid"], [[42562, 42562], "mapped", [42563]], [[42563, 42563], "valid"], [[42564, 42564], "mapped", [42565]], [[42565, 42565], "valid"], [[42566, 42566], "mapped", [42567]], [[42567, 42567], "valid"], [[42568, 42568], "mapped", [42569]], [[42569, 42569], "valid"], [[42570, 42570], "mapped", [42571]], [[42571, 42571], "valid"], [[42572, 42572], "mapped", [42573]], [[42573, 42573], "valid"], [[42574, 42574], "mapped", [42575]], [[42575, 42575], "valid"], [[42576, 42576], "mapped", [42577]], [[42577, 42577], "valid"], [[42578, 42578], "mapped", [42579]], [[42579, 42579], "valid"], [[42580, 42580], "mapped", [42581]], [[42581, 42581], "valid"], [[42582, 42582], "mapped", [42583]], [[42583, 42583], "valid"], [[42584, 42584], "mapped", [42585]], [[42585, 42585], "valid"], [[42586, 42586], "mapped", [42587]], [[42587, 42587], "valid"], [[42588, 42588], "mapped", [42589]], [[42589, 42589], "valid"], [[42590, 42590], "mapped", [42591]], [[42591, 42591], "valid"], [[42592, 42592], "mapped", [42593]], [[42593, 42593], "valid"], [[42594, 42594], "mapped", [42595]], [[42595, 42595], "valid"], [[42596, 42596], "mapped", [42597]], [[42597, 42597], "valid"], [[42598, 42598], "mapped", [42599]], [[42599, 42599], "valid"], [[42600, 42600], "mapped", [42601]], [[42601, 42601], "valid"], [[42602, 42602], "mapped", [42603]], [[42603, 42603], "valid"], [[42604, 42604], "mapped", [42605]], [[42605, 42607], "valid"], [[42608, 42611], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[42612, 42619], "valid"], [[42620, 42621], "valid"], [[42622, 42622], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[42623, 42623], "valid"], [[42624, 42624], "mapped", [42625]], [[42625, 42625], "valid"], [[42626, 42626], "mapped", [42627]], [[42627, 42627], "valid"], [[42628, 42628], "mapped", [42629]], [[42629, 42629], "valid"], [[42630, 42630], "mapped", [42631]], [[42631, 42631], "valid"], [[42632, 42632], "mapped", [42633]], [[42633, 42633], "valid"], [[42634, 42634], "mapped", [42635]], [[42635, 42635], "valid"], [[42636, 42636], "mapped", [42637]], [[42637, 42637], "valid"], [[42638, 42638], "mapped", [42639]], [[42639, 42639], "valid"], [[42640, 42640], "mapped", [42641]], [[42641, 42641], "valid"], [[42642, 42642], "mapped", [42643]], [[42643, 42643], "valid"], [[42644, 42644], "mapped", [42645]], [[42645, 42645], "valid"], [[42646, 42646], "mapped", [42647]], [[42647, 42647], "valid"], [[42648, 42648], "mapped", [42649]], [[42649, 42649], "valid"], [[42650, 42650], "mapped", [42651]], [[42651, 42651], "valid"], [[42652, 42652], "mapped", [1098]], [[42653, 42653], "mapped", [1100]], [[42654, 42654], "valid"], [[42655, 42655], "valid"], [[42656, 42725], "valid"], [[42726, 42735], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[42736, 42737], "valid"], [[42738, 42743], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[42744, 42751], "disallowed"], [[42752, 42774], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[42775, 42778], "valid"], [[42779, 42783], "valid"], [[42784, 42785], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[42786, 42786], "mapped", [42787]], [[42787, 42787], "valid"], [[42788, 42788], "mapped", [42789]], [[42789, 42789], "valid"], [[42790, 42790], "mapped", [42791]], [[42791, 42791], "valid"], [[42792, 42792], "mapped", [42793]], [[42793, 42793], "valid"], [[42794, 42794], "mapped", [42795]], [[42795, 42795], "valid"], [[42796, 42796], "mapped", [42797]], [[42797, 42797], "valid"], [[42798, 42798], "mapped", [42799]], [[42799, 42801], "valid"], [[42802, 42802], "mapped", [42803]], [[42803, 42803], "valid"], [[42804, 42804], "mapped", [42805]], [[42805, 42805], "valid"], [[42806, 42806], "mapped", [42807]], [[42807, 42807], "valid"], [[42808, 42808], "mapped", [42809]], [[42809, 42809], "valid"], [[42810, 42810], "mapped", [42811]], [[42811, 42811], "valid"], [[42812, 42812], "mapped", [42813]], [[42813, 42813], "valid"], [[42814, 42814], "mapped", [42815]], [[42815, 42815], "valid"], [[42816, 42816], "mapped", [42817]], [[42817, 42817], "valid"], [[42818, 42818], "mapped", [42819]], [[42819, 42819], "valid"], [[42820, 42820], "mapped", [42821]], [[42821, 42821], "valid"], [[42822, 42822], "mapped", [42823]], [[42823, 42823], "valid"], [[42824, 42824], "mapped", [42825]], [[42825, 42825], "valid"], [[42826, 42826], "mapped", [42827]], [[42827, 42827], "valid"], [[42828, 42828], "mapped", [42829]], [[42829, 42829], "valid"], [[42830, 42830], "mapped", [42831]], [[42831, 42831], "valid"], [[42832, 42832], "mapped", [42833]], [[42833, 42833], "valid"], [[42834, 42834], "mapped", [42835]], [[42835, 42835], "valid"], [[42836, 42836], "mapped", [42837]], [[42837, 42837], "valid"], [[42838, 42838], "mapped", [42839]], [[42839, 42839], "valid"], [[42840, 42840], "mapped", [42841]], [[42841, 42841], "valid"], [[42842, 42842], "mapped", [42843]], [[42843, 42843], "valid"], [[42844, 42844], "mapped", [42845]], [[42845, 42845], "valid"], [[42846, 42846], "mapped", [42847]], [[42847, 42847], "valid"], [[42848, 42848], "mapped", [42849]], [[42849, 42849], "valid"], [[42850, 42850], "mapped", [42851]], [[42851, 42851], "valid"], [[42852, 42852], "mapped", [42853]], [[42853, 42853], "valid"], [[42854, 42854], "mapped", [42855]], [[42855, 42855], "valid"], [[42856, 42856], "mapped", [42857]], [[42857, 42857], "valid"], [[42858, 42858], "mapped", [42859]], [[42859, 42859], "valid"], [[42860, 42860], "mapped", [42861]], [[42861, 42861], "valid"], [[42862, 42862], "mapped", [42863]], [[42863, 42863], "valid"], [[42864, 42864], "mapped", [42863]], [[42865, 42872], "valid"], [[42873, 42873], "mapped", [42874]], [[42874, 42874], "valid"], [[42875, 42875], "mapped", [42876]], [[42876, 42876], "valid"], [[42877, 42877], "mapped", [7545]], [[42878, 42878], "mapped", [42879]], [[42879, 42879], "valid"], [[42880, 42880], "mapped", [42881]], [[42881, 42881], "valid"], [[42882, 42882], "mapped", [42883]], [[42883, 42883], "valid"], [[42884, 42884], "mapped", [42885]], [[42885, 42885], "valid"], [[42886, 42886], "mapped", [42887]], [[42887, 42888], "valid"], [[42889, 42890], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[42891, 42891], "mapped", [42892]], [[42892, 42892], "valid"], [[42893, 42893], "mapped", [613]], [[42894, 42894], "valid"], [[42895, 42895], "valid"], [[42896, 42896], "mapped", [42897]], [[42897, 42897], "valid"], [[42898, 42898], "mapped", [42899]], [[42899, 42899], "valid"], [[42900, 42901], "valid"], [[42902, 42902], "mapped", [42903]], [[42903, 42903], "valid"], [[42904, 42904], "mapped", [42905]], [[42905, 42905], "valid"], [[42906, 42906], "mapped", [42907]], [[42907, 42907], "valid"], [[42908, 42908], "mapped", [42909]], [[42909, 42909], "valid"], [[42910, 42910], "mapped", [42911]], [[42911, 42911], "valid"], [[42912, 42912], "mapped", [42913]], [[42913, 42913], "valid"], [[42914, 42914], "mapped", [42915]], [[42915, 42915], "valid"], [[42916, 42916], "mapped", [42917]], [[42917, 42917], "valid"], [[42918, 42918], "mapped", [42919]], [[42919, 42919], "valid"], [[42920, 42920], "mapped", [42921]], [[42921, 42921], "valid"], [[42922, 42922], "mapped", [614]], [[42923, 42923], "mapped", [604]], [[42924, 42924], "mapped", [609]], [[42925, 42925], "mapped", [620]], [[42926, 42927], "disallowed"], [[42928, 42928], "mapped", [670]], [[42929, 42929], "mapped", [647]], [[42930, 42930], "mapped", [669]], [[42931, 42931], "mapped", [43859]], [[42932, 42932], "mapped", [42933]], [[42933, 42933], "valid"], [[42934, 42934], "mapped", [42935]], [[42935, 42935], "valid"], [[42936, 42998], "disallowed"], [[42999, 42999], "valid"], [[43e3, 43e3], "mapped", [295]], [[43001, 43001], "mapped", [339]], [[43002, 43002], "valid"], [[43003, 43007], "valid"], [[43008, 43047], "valid"], [[43048, 43051], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[43052, 43055], "disallowed"], [[43056, 43065], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[43066, 43071], "disallowed"], [[43072, 43123], "valid"], [[43124, 43127], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[43128, 43135], "disallowed"], [[43136, 43204], "valid"], [[43205, 43213], "disallowed"], [[43214, 43215], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[43216, 43225], "valid"], [[43226, 43231], "disallowed"], [[43232, 43255], "valid"], [[43256, 43258], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[43259, 43259], "valid"], [[43260, 43260], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[43261, 43261], "valid"], [[43262, 43263], "disallowed"], [[43264, 43309], "valid"], [[43310, 43311], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[43312, 43347], "valid"], [[43348, 43358], "disallowed"], [[43359, 43359], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[43360, 43388], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[43389, 43391], "disallowed"], [[43392, 43456], "valid"], [[43457, 43469], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[43470, 43470], "disallowed"], [[43471, 43481], "valid"], [[43482, 43485], "disallowed"], [[43486, 43487], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[43488, 43518], "valid"], [[43519, 43519], "disallowed"], [[43520, 43574], "valid"], [[43575, 43583], "disallowed"], [[43584, 43597], "valid"], [[43598, 43599], "disallowed"], [[43600, 43609], "valid"], [[43610, 43611], "disallowed"], [[43612, 43615], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[43616, 43638], "valid"], [[43639, 43641], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[43642, 43643], "valid"], [[43644, 43647], "valid"], [[43648, 43714], "valid"], [[43715, 43738], "disallowed"], [[43739, 43741], "valid"], [[43742, 43743], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[43744, 43759], "valid"], [[43760, 43761], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[43762, 43766], "valid"], [[43767, 43776], "disallowed"], [[43777, 43782], "valid"], [[43783, 43784], "disallowed"], [[43785, 43790], "valid"], [[43791, 43792], "disallowed"], [[43793, 43798], "valid"], [[43799, 43807], "disallowed"], [[43808, 43814], "valid"], [[43815, 43815], "disallowed"], [[43816, 43822], "valid"], [[43823, 43823], "disallowed"], [[43824, 43866], "valid"], [[43867, 43867], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[43868, 43868], "mapped", [42791]], [[43869, 43869], "mapped", [43831]], [[43870, 43870], "mapped", [619]], [[43871, 43871], "mapped", [43858]], [[43872, 43875], "valid"], [[43876, 43877], "valid"], [[43878, 43887], "disallowed"], [[43888, 43888], "mapped", [5024]], [[43889, 43889], "mapped", [5025]], [[43890, 43890], "mapped", [5026]], [[43891, 43891], "mapped", [5027]], [[43892, 43892], "mapped", [5028]], [[43893, 43893], "mapped", [5029]], [[43894, 43894], "mapped", [5030]], [[43895, 43895], "mapped", [5031]], [[43896, 43896], "mapped", [5032]], [[43897, 43897], "mapped", [5033]], [[43898, 43898], "mapped", [5034]], [[43899, 43899], "mapped", [5035]], [[43900, 43900], "mapped", [5036]], [[43901, 43901], "mapped", [5037]], [[43902, 43902], "mapped", [5038]], [[43903, 43903], "mapped", [5039]], [[43904, 43904], "mapped", [5040]], [[43905, 43905], "mapped", [5041]], [[43906, 43906], "mapped", [5042]], [[43907, 43907], "mapped", [5043]], [[43908, 43908], "mapped", [5044]], [[43909, 43909], "mapped", [5045]], [[43910, 43910], "mapped", [5046]], [[43911, 43911], "mapped", [5047]], [[43912, 43912], "mapped", [5048]], [[43913, 43913], "mapped", [5049]], [[43914, 43914], "mapped", [5050]], [[43915, 43915], "mapped", [5051]], [[43916, 43916], "mapped", [5052]], [[43917, 43917], "mapped", [5053]], [[43918, 43918], "mapped", [5054]], [[43919, 43919], "mapped", [5055]], [[43920, 43920], "mapped", [5056]], [[43921, 43921], "mapped", [5057]], [[43922, 43922], "mapped", [5058]], [[43923, 43923], "mapped", [5059]], [[43924, 43924], "mapped", [5060]], [[43925, 43925], "mapped", [5061]], [[43926, 43926], "mapped", [5062]], [[43927, 43927], "mapped", [5063]], [[43928, 43928], "mapped", [5064]], [[43929, 43929], "mapped", [5065]], [[43930, 43930], "mapped", [5066]], [[43931, 43931], "mapped", [5067]], [[43932, 43932], "mapped", [5068]], [[43933, 43933], "mapped", [5069]], [[43934, 43934], "mapped", [5070]], [[43935, 43935], "mapped", [5071]], [[43936, 43936], "mapped", [5072]], [[43937, 43937], "mapped", [5073]], [[43938, 43938], "mapped", [5074]], [[43939, 43939], "mapped", [5075]], [[43940, 43940], "mapped", [5076]], [[43941, 43941], "mapped", [5077]], [[43942, 43942], "mapped", [5078]], [[43943, 43943], "mapped", [5079]], [[43944, 43944], "mapped", [5080]], [[43945, 43945], "mapped", [5081]], [[43946, 43946], "mapped", [5082]], [[43947, 43947], "mapped", [5083]], [[43948, 43948], "mapped", [5084]], [[43949, 43949], "mapped", [5085]], [[43950, 43950], "mapped", [5086]], [[43951, 43951], "mapped", [5087]], [[43952, 43952], "mapped", [5088]], [[43953, 43953], "mapped", [5089]], [[43954, 43954], "mapped", [5090]], [[43955, 43955], "mapped", [5091]], [[43956, 43956], "mapped", [5092]], [[43957, 43957], "mapped", [5093]], [[43958, 43958], "mapped", [5094]], [[43959, 43959], "mapped", [5095]], [[43960, 43960], "mapped", [5096]], [[43961, 43961], "mapped", [5097]], [[43962, 43962], "mapped", [5098]], [[43963, 43963], "mapped", [5099]], [[43964, 43964], "mapped", [5100]], [[43965, 43965], "mapped", [5101]], [[43966, 43966], "mapped", [5102]], [[43967, 43967], "mapped", [5103]], [[43968, 44010], "valid"], [[44011, 44011], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[44012, 44013], "valid"], [[44014, 44015], "disallowed"], [[44016, 44025], "valid"], [[44026, 44031], "disallowed"], [[44032, 55203], "valid"], [[55204, 55215], "disallowed"], [[55216, 55238], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[55239, 55242], "disallowed"], [[55243, 55291], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[55292, 55295], "disallowed"], [[55296, 57343], "disallowed"], [[57344, 63743], "disallowed"], [[63744, 63744], "mapped", [35912]], [[63745, 63745], "mapped", [26356]], [[63746, 63746], "mapped", [36554]], [[63747, 63747], "mapped", [36040]], [[63748, 63748], "mapped", [28369]], [[63749, 63749], "mapped", [20018]], [[63750, 63750], "mapped", [21477]], [[63751, 63752], "mapped", [40860]], [[63753, 63753], "mapped", [22865]], [[63754, 63754], "mapped", [37329]], [[63755, 63755], "mapped", [21895]], [[63756, 63756], "mapped", [22856]], [[63757, 63757], "mapped", [25078]], [[63758, 63758], "mapped", [30313]], [[63759, 63759], "mapped", [32645]], [[63760, 63760], "mapped", [34367]], [[63761, 63761], "mapped", [34746]], [[63762, 63762], "mapped", [35064]], [[63763, 63763], "mapped", [37007]], [[63764, 63764], "mapped", [27138]], [[63765, 63765], "mapped", [27931]], [[63766, 63766], "mapped", [28889]], [[63767, 63767], "mapped", [29662]], [[63768, 63768], "mapped", [33853]], [[63769, 63769], "mapped", [37226]], [[63770, 63770], "mapped", [39409]], [[63771, 63771], "mapped", [20098]], [[63772, 63772], "mapped", [21365]], [[63773, 63773], "mapped", [27396]], [[63774, 63774], "mapped", [29211]], [[63775, 63775], "mapped", [34349]], [[63776, 63776], "mapped", [40478]], [[63777, 63777], "mapped", [23888]], [[63778, 63778], "mapped", [28651]], [[63779, 63779], "mapped", [34253]], [[63780, 63780], "mapped", [35172]], [[63781, 63781], "mapped", [25289]], [[63782, 63782], "mapped", [33240]], [[63783, 63783], "mapped", [34847]], [[63784, 63784], "mapped", [24266]], [[63785, 63785], "mapped", [26391]], [[63786, 63786], "mapped", [28010]], [[63787, 63787], "mapped", [29436]], [[63788, 63788], "mapped", [37070]], [[63789, 63789], "mapped", [20358]], [[63790, 63790], "mapped", [20919]], [[63791, 63791], "mapped", [21214]], [[63792, 63792], "mapped", [25796]], [[63793, 63793], "mapped", [27347]], [[63794, 63794], "mapped", [29200]], [[63795, 63795], "mapped", [30439]], [[63796, 63796], "mapped", [32769]], [[63797, 63797], "mapped", [34310]], [[63798, 63798], "mapped", [34396]], [[63799, 63799], "mapped", [36335]], [[63800, 63800], "mapped", [38706]], [[63801, 63801], "mapped", [39791]], [[63802, 63802], "mapped", [40442]], [[63803, 63803], "mapped", [30860]], [[63804, 63804], "mapped", [31103]], [[63805, 63805], "mapped", [32160]], [[63806, 63806], "mapped", [33737]], [[63807, 63807], "mapped", [37636]], [[63808, 63808], "mapped", [40575]], [[63809, 63809], "mapped", [35542]], [[63810, 63810], "mapped", [22751]], [[63811, 63811], "mapped", [24324]], [[63812, 63812], "mapped", [31840]], [[63813, 63813], "mapped", [32894]], [[63814, 63814], "mapped", [29282]], [[63815, 63815], "mapped", [30922]], [[63816, 63816], "mapped", [36034]], [[63817, 63817], "mapped", [38647]], [[63818, 63818], "mapped", [22744]], [[63819, 63819], "mapped", [23650]], [[63820, 63820], "mapped", [27155]], [[63821, 63821], "mapped", [28122]], [[63822, 63822], "mapped", [28431]], [[63823, 63823], "mapped", [32047]], [[63824, 63824], "mapped", [32311]], [[63825, 63825], "mapped", [38475]], [[63826, 63826], "mapped", [21202]], [[63827, 63827], "mapped", [32907]], [[63828, 63828], "mapped", [20956]], [[63829, 63829], "mapped", [20940]], [[63830, 63830], "mapped", [31260]], [[63831, 63831], "mapped", [32190]], [[63832, 63832], "mapped", [33777]], [[63833, 63833], "mapped", [38517]], [[63834, 63834], "mapped", [35712]], [[63835, 63835], "mapped", [25295]], [[63836, 63836], "mapped", [27138]], [[63837, 63837], "mapped", [35582]], [[63838, 63838], "mapped", [20025]], [[63839, 63839], "mapped", [23527]], [[63840, 63840], "mapped", [24594]], [[63841, 63841], "mapped", [29575]], [[63842, 63842], "mapped", [30064]], [[63843, 63843], "mapped", [21271]], [[63844, 63844], "mapped", [30971]], [[63845, 63845], "mapped", [20415]], [[63846, 63846], "mapped", [24489]], [[63847, 63847], "mapped", [19981]], [[63848, 63848], "mapped", [27852]], [[63849, 63849], "mapped", [25976]], [[63850, 63850], "mapped", [32034]], [[63851, 63851], "mapped", [21443]], [[63852, 63852], "mapped", [22622]], [[63853, 63853], "mapped", [30465]], [[63854, 63854], "mapped", [33865]], [[63855, 63855], "mapped", [35498]], [[63856, 63856], "mapped", [27578]], [[63857, 63857], "mapped", [36784]], [[63858, 63858], "mapped", [27784]], [[63859, 63859], "mapped", [25342]], [[63860, 63860], "mapped", [33509]], [[63861, 63861], "mapped", [25504]], [[63862, 63862], "mapped", [30053]], [[63863, 63863], "mapped", [20142]], [[63864, 63864], "mapped", [20841]], [[63865, 63865], "mapped", [20937]], [[63866, 63866], "mapped", [26753]], [[63867, 63867], "mapped", [31975]], [[63868, 63868], "mapped", [33391]], [[63869, 63869], "mapped", [35538]], [[63870, 63870], "mapped", [37327]], [[63871, 63871], "mapped", [21237]], [[63872, 63872], "mapped", [21570]], [[63873, 63873], "mapped", [22899]], [[63874, 63874], "mapped", [24300]], [[63875, 63875], "mapped", [26053]], [[63876, 63876], "mapped", [28670]], [[63877, 63877], "mapped", [31018]], [[63878, 63878], "mapped", [38317]], [[63879, 63879], "mapped", [39530]], [[63880, 63880], "mapped", [40599]], [[63881, 63881], "mapped", [40654]], [[63882, 63882], "mapped", [21147]], [[63883, 63883], "mapped", [26310]], [[63884, 63884], "mapped", [27511]], [[63885, 63885], "mapped", [36706]], [[63886, 63886], "mapped", [24180]], [[63887, 63887], "mapped", [24976]], [[63888, 63888], "mapped", [25088]], [[63889, 63889], "mapped", [25754]], [[63890, 63890], "mapped", [28451]], [[63891, 63891], "mapped", [29001]], [[63892, 63892], "mapped", [29833]], [[63893, 63893], "mapped", [31178]], [[63894, 63894], "mapped", [32244]], [[63895, 63895], "mapped", [32879]], [[63896, 63896], "mapped", [36646]], [[63897, 63897], "mapped", [34030]], [[63898, 63898], "mapped", [36899]], [[63899, 63899], "mapped", [37706]], [[63900, 63900], "mapped", [21015]], [[63901, 63901], "mapped", [21155]], [[63902, 63902], "mapped", [21693]], [[63903, 63903], "mapped", [28872]], [[63904, 63904], "mapped", [35010]], [[63905, 63905], "mapped", [35498]], [[63906, 63906], "mapped", [24265]], [[63907, 63907], "mapped", [24565]], [[63908, 63908], "mapped", [25467]], [[63909, 63909], "mapped", [27566]], [[63910, 63910], "mapped", [31806]], [[63911, 63911], "mapped", [29557]], [[63912, 63912], "mapped", [20196]], [[63913, 63913], "mapped", [22265]], [[63914, 63914], "mapped", [23527]], [[63915, 63915], "mapped", [23994]], [[63916, 63916], "mapped", [24604]], [[63917, 63917], "mapped", [29618]], [[63918, 63918], "mapped", [29801]], [[63919, 63919], "mapped", [32666]], [[63920, 63920], "mapped", [32838]], [[63921, 63921], "mapped", [37428]], [[63922, 63922], "mapped", [38646]], [[63923, 63923], "mapped", [38728]], [[63924, 63924], "mapped", [38936]], [[63925, 63925], "mapped", [20363]], [[63926, 63926], "mapped", [31150]], [[63927, 63927], "mapped", [37300]], [[63928, 63928], "mapped", [38584]], [[63929, 63929], "mapped", [24801]], [[63930, 63930], "mapped", [20102]], [[63931, 63931], "mapped", [20698]], [[63932, 63932], "mapped", [23534]], [[63933, 63933], "mapped", [23615]], [[63934, 63934], "mapped", [26009]], [[63935, 63935], "mapped", [27138]], [[63936, 63936], "mapped", [29134]], [[63937, 63937], "mapped", [30274]], [[63938, 63938], "mapped", [34044]], [[63939, 63939], "mapped", [36988]], [[63940, 63940], "mapped", [40845]], [[63941, 63941], "mapped", [26248]], [[63942, 63942], "mapped", [38446]], [[63943, 63943], "mapped", [21129]], [[63944, 63944], "mapped", [26491]], [[63945, 63945], "mapped", [26611]], [[63946, 63946], "mapped", [27969]], [[63947, 63947], "mapped", [28316]], [[63948, 63948], "mapped", [29705]], [[63949, 63949], "mapped", [30041]], [[63950, 63950], "mapped", [30827]], [[63951, 63951], "mapped", [32016]], [[63952, 63952], "mapped", [39006]], [[63953, 63953], "mapped", [20845]], [[63954, 63954], "mapped", [25134]], [[63955, 63955], "mapped", [38520]], [[63956, 63956], "mapped", [20523]], [[63957, 63957], "mapped", [23833]], [[63958, 63958], "mapped", [28138]], [[63959, 63959], "mapped", [36650]], [[63960, 63960], "mapped", [24459]], [[63961, 63961], "mapped", [24900]], [[63962, 63962], "mapped", [26647]], [[63963, 63963], "mapped", [29575]], [[63964, 63964], "mapped", [38534]], [[63965, 63965], "mapped", [21033]], [[63966, 63966], "mapped", [21519]], [[63967, 63967], "mapped", [23653]], [[63968, 63968], "mapped", [26131]], [[63969, 63969], "mapped", [26446]], [[63970, 63970], "mapped", [26792]], [[63971, 63971], "mapped", [27877]], [[63972, 63972], "mapped", [29702]], [[63973, 63973], "mapped", [30178]], [[63974, 63974], "mapped", [32633]], [[63975, 63975], "mapped", [35023]], [[63976, 63976], "mapped", [35041]], [[63977, 63977], "mapped", [37324]], [[63978, 63978], "mapped", [38626]], [[63979, 63979], "mapped", [21311]], [[63980, 63980], "mapped", [28346]], [[63981, 63981], "mapped", [21533]], [[63982, 63982], "mapped", [29136]], [[63983, 63983], "mapped", [29848]], [[63984, 63984], "mapped", [34298]], [[63985, 63985], "mapped", [38563]], [[63986, 63986], "mapped", [40023]], [[63987, 63987], "mapped", [40607]], [[63988, 63988], "mapped", [26519]], [[63989, 63989], "mapped", [28107]], [[63990, 63990], "mapped", [33256]], [[63991, 63991], "mapped", [31435]], [[63992, 63992], "mapped", [31520]], [[63993, 63993], "mapped", [31890]], [[63994, 63994], "mapped", [29376]], [[63995, 63995], "mapped", [28825]], [[63996, 63996], "mapped", [35672]], [[63997, 63997], "mapped", [20160]], [[63998, 63998], "mapped", [33590]], [[63999, 63999], "mapped", [21050]], [[64e3, 64e3], "mapped", [20999]], [[64001, 64001], "mapped", [24230]], [[64002, 64002], "mapped", [25299]], [[64003, 64003], "mapped", [31958]], [[64004, 64004], "mapped", [23429]], [[64005, 64005], "mapped", [27934]], [[64006, 64006], "mapped", [26292]], [[64007, 64007], "mapped", [36667]], [[64008, 64008], "mapped", [34892]], [[64009, 64009], "mapped", [38477]], [[64010, 64010], "mapped", [35211]], [[64011, 64011], "mapped", [24275]], [[64012, 64012], "mapped", [20800]], [[64013, 64013], "mapped", [21952]], [[64014, 64015], "valid"], [[64016, 64016], "mapped", [22618]], [[64017, 64017], "valid"], [[64018, 64018], "mapped", [26228]], [[64019, 64020], "valid"], [[64021, 64021], "mapped", [20958]], [[64022, 64022], "mapped", [29482]], [[64023, 64023], "mapped", [30410]], [[64024, 64024], "mapped", [31036]], [[64025, 64025], "mapped", [31070]], [[64026, 64026], "mapped", [31077]], [[64027, 64027], "mapped", [31119]], [[64028, 64028], "mapped", [38742]], [[64029, 64029], "mapped", [31934]], [[64030, 64030], "mapped", [32701]], [[64031, 64031], "valid"], [[64032, 64032], "mapped", [34322]], [[64033, 64033], "valid"], [[64034, 64034], "mapped", [35576]], [[64035, 64036], "valid"], [[64037, 64037], "mapped", [36920]], [[64038, 64038], "mapped", [37117]], [[64039, 64041], "valid"], [[64042, 64042], "mapped", [39151]], [[64043, 64043], "mapped", [39164]], [[64044, 64044], "mapped", [39208]], [[64045, 64045], "mapped", [40372]], [[64046, 64046], "mapped", [37086]], [[64047, 64047], "mapped", [38583]], [[64048, 64048], "mapped", [20398]], [[64049, 64049], "mapped", [20711]], [[64050, 64050], "mapped", [20813]], [[64051, 64051], "mapped", [21193]], [[64052, 64052], "mapped", [21220]], [[64053, 64053], "mapped", [21329]], [[64054, 64054], "mapped", [21917]], [[64055, 64055], "mapped", [22022]], [[64056, 64056], "mapped", [22120]], [[64057, 64057], "mapped", [22592]], [[64058, 64058], "mapped", [22696]], [[64059, 64059], "mapped", [23652]], [[64060, 64060], "mapped", [23662]], [[64061, 64061], "mapped", [24724]], [[64062, 64062], "mapped", [24936]], [[64063, 64063], "mapped", [24974]], [[64064, 64064], "mapped", [25074]], [[64065, 64065], "mapped", [25935]], [[64066, 64066], "mapped", [26082]], [[64067, 64067], "mapped", [26257]], [[64068, 64068], "mapped", [26757]], [[64069, 64069], "mapped", [28023]], [[64070, 64070], "mapped", [28186]], [[64071, 64071], "mapped", [28450]], [[64072, 64072], "mapped", [29038]], [[64073, 64073], "mapped", [29227]], [[64074, 64074], "mapped", [29730]], [[64075, 64075], "mapped", [30865]], [[64076, 64076], "mapped", [31038]], [[64077, 64077], "mapped", [31049]], [[64078, 64078], "mapped", [31048]], [[64079, 64079], "mapped", [31056]], [[64080, 64080], "mapped", [31062]], [[64081, 64081], "mapped", [31069]], [[64082, 64082], "mapped", [31117]], [[64083, 64083], "mapped", [31118]], [[64084, 64084], "mapped", [31296]], [[64085, 64085], "mapped", [31361]], [[64086, 64086], "mapped", [31680]], [[64087, 64087], "mapped", [32244]], [[64088, 64088], "mapped", [32265]], [[64089, 64089], "mapped", [32321]], [[64090, 64090], "mapped", [32626]], [[64091, 64091], "mapped", [32773]], [[64092, 64092], "mapped", [33261]], [[64093, 64094], "mapped", [33401]], [[64095, 64095], "mapped", [33879]], [[64096, 64096], "mapped", [35088]], [[64097, 64097], "mapped", [35222]], [[64098, 64098], "mapped", [35585]], [[64099, 64099], "mapped", [35641]], [[64100, 64100], "mapped", [36051]], [[64101, 64101], "mapped", [36104]], [[64102, 64102], "mapped", [36790]], [[64103, 64103], "mapped", [36920]], [[64104, 64104], "mapped", [38627]], [[64105, 64105], "mapped", [38911]], [[64106, 64106], "mapped", [38971]], [[64107, 64107], "mapped", [24693]], [[64108, 64108], "mapped", [148206]], [[64109, 64109], "mapped", [33304]], [[64110, 64111], "disallowed"], [[64112, 64112], "mapped", [20006]], [[64113, 64113], "mapped", [20917]], [[64114, 64114], "mapped", [20840]], [[64115, 64115], "mapped", [20352]], [[64116, 64116], "mapped", [20805]], [[64117, 64117], "mapped", [20864]], [[64118, 64118], "mapped", [21191]], [[64119, 64119], "mapped", [21242]], [[64120, 64120], "mapped", [21917]], [[64121, 64121], "mapped", [21845]], [[64122, 64122], "mapped", [21913]], [[64123, 64123], "mapped", [21986]], [[64124, 64124], "mapped", [22618]], [[64125, 64125], "mapped", [22707]], [[64126, 64126], "mapped", [22852]], [[64127, 64127], "mapped", [22868]], [[64128, 64128], "mapped", [23138]], [[64129, 64129], "mapped", [23336]], [[64130, 64130], "mapped", [24274]], [[64131, 64131], "mapped", [24281]], [[64132, 64132], "mapped", [24425]], [[64133, 64133], "mapped", [24493]], [[64134, 64134], "mapped", [24792]], [[64135, 64135], "mapped", [24910]], [[64136, 64136], "mapped", [24840]], [[64137, 64137], "mapped", [24974]], [[64138, 64138], "mapped", [24928]], [[64139, 64139], "mapped", [25074]], [[64140, 64140], "mapped", [25140]], [[64141, 64141], "mapped", [25540]], [[64142, 64142], "mapped", [25628]], [[64143, 64143], "mapped", [25682]], [[64144, 64144], "mapped", [25942]], [[64145, 64145], "mapped", [26228]], [[64146, 64146], "mapped", [26391]], [[64147, 64147], "mapped", [26395]], [[64148, 64148], "mapped", [26454]], [[64149, 64149], "mapped", [27513]], [[64150, 64150], "mapped", [27578]], [[64151, 64151], "mapped", [27969]], [[64152, 64152], "mapped", [28379]], [[64153, 64153], "mapped", [28363]], [[64154, 64154], "mapped", [28450]], [[64155, 64155], "mapped", [28702]], [[64156, 64156], "mapped", [29038]], [[64157, 64157], "mapped", [30631]], [[64158, 64158], "mapped", [29237]], [[64159, 64159], "mapped", [29359]], [[64160, 64160], "mapped", [29482]], [[64161, 64161], "mapped", [29809]], [[64162, 64162], "mapped", [29958]], [[64163, 64163], "mapped", [30011]], [[64164, 64164], "mapped", [30237]], [[64165, 64165], "mapped", [30239]], [[64166, 64166], "mapped", [30410]], [[64167, 64167], "mapped", [30427]], [[64168, 64168], "mapped", [30452]], [[64169, 64169], "mapped", [30538]], [[64170, 64170], "mapped", [30528]], [[64171, 64171], "mapped", [30924]], [[64172, 64172], "mapped", [31409]], [[64173, 64173], "mapped", [31680]], [[64174, 64174], "mapped", [31867]], [[64175, 64175], "mapped", [32091]], [[64176, 64176], "mapped", [32244]], [[64177, 64177], "mapped", [32574]], [[64178, 64178], "mapped", [32773]], [[64179, 64179], "mapped", [33618]], [[64180, 64180], "mapped", [33775]], [[64181, 64181], "mapped", [34681]], [[64182, 64182], "mapped", [35137]], [[64183, 64183], "mapped", [35206]], [[64184, 64184], "mapped", [35222]], [[64185, 64185], "mapped", [35519]], [[64186, 64186], "mapped", [35576]], [[64187, 64187], "mapped", [35531]], [[64188, 64188], "mapped", [35585]], [[64189, 64189], "mapped", [35582]], [[64190, 64190], "mapped", [35565]], [[64191, 64191], "mapped", [35641]], [[64192, 64192], "mapped", [35722]], [[64193, 64193], "mapped", [36104]], [[64194, 64194], "mapped", [36664]], [[64195, 64195], "mapped", [36978]], [[64196, 64196], "mapped", [37273]], [[64197, 64197], "mapped", [37494]], [[64198, 64198], "mapped", [38524]], [[64199, 64199], "mapped", [38627]], [[64200, 64200], "mapped", [38742]], [[64201, 64201], "mapped", [38875]], [[64202, 64202], "mapped", [38911]], [[64203, 64203], "mapped", [38923]], [[64204, 64204], "mapped", [38971]], [[64205, 64205], "mapped", [39698]], [[64206, 64206], "mapped", [40860]], [[64207, 64207], "mapped", [141386]], [[64208, 64208], "mapped", [141380]], [[64209, 64209], "mapped", [144341]], [[64210, 64210], "mapped", [15261]], [[64211, 64211], "mapped", [16408]], [[64212, 64212], "mapped", [16441]], [[64213, 64213], "mapped", [152137]], [[64214, 64214], "mapped", [154832]], [[64215, 64215], "mapped", [163539]], [[64216, 64216], "mapped", [40771]], [[64217, 64217], "mapped", [40846]], [[64218, 64255], "disallowed"], [[64256, 64256], "mapped", [102, 102]], [[64257, 64257], "mapped", [102, 105]], [[64258, 64258], "mapped", [102, 108]], [[64259, 64259], "mapped", [102, 102, 105]], [[64260, 64260], "mapped", [102, 102, 108]], [[64261, 64262], "mapped", [115, 116]], [[64263, 64274], "disallowed"], [[64275, 64275], "mapped", [1396, 1398]], [[64276, 64276], "mapped", [1396, 1381]], [[64277, 64277], "mapped", [1396, 1387]], [[64278, 64278], "mapped", [1406, 1398]], [[64279, 64279], "mapped", [1396, 1389]], [[64280, 64284], "disallowed"], [[64285, 64285], "mapped", [1497, 1460]], [[64286, 64286], "valid"], [[64287, 64287], "mapped", [1522, 1463]], [[64288, 64288], "mapped", [1506]], [[64289, 64289], "mapped", [1488]], [[64290, 64290], "mapped", [1491]], [[64291, 64291], "mapped", [1492]], [[64292, 64292], "mapped", [1499]], [[64293, 64293], "mapped", [1500]], [[64294, 64294], "mapped", [1501]], [[64295, 64295], "mapped", [1512]], [[64296, 64296], "mapped", [1514]], [[64297, 64297], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [43]], [[64298, 64298], "mapped", [1513, 1473]], [[64299, 64299], "mapped", [1513, 1474]], [[64300, 64300], "mapped", [1513, 1468, 1473]], [[64301, 64301], "mapped", [1513, 1468, 1474]], [[64302, 64302], "mapped", [1488, 1463]], [[64303, 64303], "mapped", [1488, 1464]], [[64304, 64304], "mapped", [1488, 1468]], [[64305, 64305], "mapped", [1489, 1468]], [[64306, 64306], "mapped", [1490, 1468]], [[64307, 64307], "mapped", [1491, 1468]], [[64308, 64308], "mapped", [1492, 1468]], [[64309, 64309], "mapped", [1493, 1468]], [[64310, 64310], "mapped", [1494, 1468]], [[64311, 64311], "disallowed"], [[64312, 64312], "mapped", [1496, 1468]], [[64313, 64313], "mapped", [1497, 1468]], [[64314, 64314], "mapped", [1498, 1468]], [[64315, 64315], "mapped", [1499, 1468]], [[64316, 64316], "mapped", [1500, 1468]], [[64317, 64317], "disallowed"], [[64318, 64318], "mapped", [1502, 1468]], [[64319, 64319], "disallowed"], [[64320, 64320], "mapped", [1504, 1468]], [[64321, 64321], "mapped", [1505, 1468]], [[64322, 64322], "disallowed"], [[64323, 64323], "mapped", [1507, 1468]], [[64324, 64324], "mapped", [1508, 1468]], [[64325, 64325], "disallowed"], [[64326, 64326], "mapped", [1510, 1468]], [[64327, 64327], "mapped", [1511, 1468]], [[64328, 64328], "mapped", [1512, 1468]], [[64329, 64329], "mapped", [1513, 1468]], [[64330, 64330], "mapped", [1514, 1468]], [[64331, 64331], "mapped", [1493, 1465]], [[64332, 64332], "mapped", [1489, 1471]], [[64333, 64333], "mapped", [1499, 1471]], [[64334, 64334], "mapped", [1508, 1471]], [[64335, 64335], "mapped", [1488, 1500]], [[64336, 64337], "mapped", [1649]], [[64338, 64341], "mapped", [1659]], [[64342, 64345], "mapped", [1662]], [[64346, 64349], "mapped", [1664]], [[64350, 64353], "mapped", [1658]], [[64354, 64357], "mapped", [1663]], [[64358, 64361], "mapped", [1657]], [[64362, 64365], "mapped", [1700]], [[64366, 64369], "mapped", [1702]], [[64370, 64373], "mapped", [1668]], [[64374, 64377], "mapped", [1667]], [[64378, 64381], "mapped", [1670]], [[64382, 64385], "mapped", [1671]], [[64386, 64387], "mapped", [1677]], [[64388, 64389], "mapped", [1676]], [[64390, 64391], "mapped", [1678]], [[64392, 64393], "mapped", [1672]], [[64394, 64395], "mapped", [1688]], [[64396, 64397], "mapped", [1681]], [[64398, 64401], "mapped", [1705]], [[64402, 64405], "mapped", [1711]], [[64406, 64409], "mapped", [1715]], [[64410, 64413], "mapped", [1713]], [[64414, 64415], "mapped", [1722]], [[64416, 64419], "mapped", [1723]], [[64420, 64421], "mapped", [1728]], [[64422, 64425], "mapped", [1729]], [[64426, 64429], "mapped", [1726]], [[64430, 64431], "mapped", [1746]], [[64432, 64433], "mapped", [1747]], [[64434, 64449], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[64450, 64466], "disallowed"], [[64467, 64470], "mapped", [1709]], [[64471, 64472], "mapped", [1735]], [[64473, 64474], "mapped", [1734]], [[64475, 64476], "mapped", [1736]], [[64477, 64477], "mapped", [1735, 1652]], [[64478, 64479], "mapped", [1739]], [[64480, 64481], "mapped", [1733]], [[64482, 64483], "mapped", [1737]], [[64484, 64487], "mapped", [1744]], [[64488, 64489], "mapped", [1609]], [[64490, 64491], "mapped", [1574, 1575]], [[64492, 64493], "mapped", [1574, 1749]], [[64494, 64495], "mapped", [1574, 1608]], [[64496, 64497], "mapped", [1574, 1735]], [[64498, 64499], "mapped", [1574, 1734]], [[64500, 64501], "mapped", [1574, 1736]], [[64502, 64504], "mapped", [1574, 1744]], [[64505, 64507], "mapped", [1574, 1609]], [[64508, 64511], "mapped", [1740]], [[64512, 64512], "mapped", [1574, 1580]], [[64513, 64513], "mapped", [1574, 1581]], [[64514, 64514], "mapped", [1574, 1605]], [[64515, 64515], "mapped", [1574, 1609]], [[64516, 64516], "mapped", [1574, 1610]], [[64517, 64517], "mapped", [1576, 1580]], [[64518, 64518], "mapped", [1576, 1581]], [[64519, 64519], "mapped", [1576, 1582]], [[64520, 64520], "mapped", [1576, 1605]], [[64521, 64521], "mapped", [1576, 1609]], [[64522, 64522], "mapped", [1576, 1610]], [[64523, 64523], "mapped", [1578, 1580]], [[64524, 64524], "mapped", [1578, 1581]], [[64525, 64525], "mapped", [1578, 1582]], [[64526, 64526], "mapped", [1578, 1605]], [[64527, 64527], "mapped", [1578, 1609]], [[64528, 64528], "mapped", [1578, 1610]], [[64529, 64529], "mapped", [1579, 1580]], [[64530, 64530], "mapped", [1579, 1605]], [[64531, 64531], "mapped", [1579, 1609]], [[64532, 64532], "mapped", [1579, 1610]], [[64533, 64533], "mapped", [1580, 1581]], [[64534, 64534], "mapped", [1580, 1605]], [[64535, 64535], "mapped", [1581, 1580]], [[64536, 64536], "mapped", [1581, 1605]], [[64537, 64537], "mapped", [1582, 1580]], [[64538, 64538], "mapped", [1582, 1581]], [[64539, 64539], "mapped", [1582, 1605]], [[64540, 64540], "mapped", [1587, 1580]], [[64541, 64541], "mapped", [1587, 1581]], [[64542, 64542], "mapped", [1587, 1582]], [[64543, 64543], "mapped", [1587, 1605]], [[64544, 64544], "mapped", [1589, 1581]], [[64545, 64545], "mapped", [1589, 1605]], [[64546, 64546], "mapped", [1590, 1580]], [[64547, 64547], "mapped", [1590, 1581]], [[64548, 64548], "mapped", [1590, 1582]], [[64549, 64549], "mapped", [1590, 1605]], [[64550, 64550], "mapped", [1591, 1581]], [[64551, 64551], "mapped", [1591, 1605]], [[64552, 64552], "mapped", [1592, 1605]], [[64553, 64553], "mapped", [1593, 1580]], [[64554, 64554], "mapped", [1593, 1605]], [[64555, 64555], "mapped", [1594, 1580]], [[64556, 64556], "mapped", [1594, 1605]], [[64557, 64557], "mapped", [1601, 1580]], [[64558, 64558], "mapped", [1601, 1581]], [[64559, 64559], "mapped", [1601, 1582]], [[64560, 64560], "mapped", [1601, 1605]], [[64561, 64561], "mapped", [1601, 1609]], [[64562, 64562], "mapped", [1601, 1610]], [[64563, 64563], "mapped", [1602, 1581]], [[64564, 64564], "mapped", [1602, 1605]], [[64565, 64565], "mapped", [1602, 1609]], [[64566, 64566], "mapped", [1602, 1610]], [[64567, 64567], "mapped", [1603, 1575]], [[64568, 64568], "mapped", [1603, 1580]], [[64569, 64569], "mapped", [1603, 1581]], [[64570, 64570], "mapped", [1603, 1582]], [[64571, 64571], "mapped", [1603, 1604]], [[64572, 64572], "mapped", [1603, 1605]], [[64573, 64573], "mapped", [1603, 1609]], [[64574, 64574], "mapped", [1603, 1610]], [[64575, 64575], "mapped", [1604, 1580]], [[64576, 64576], "mapped", [1604, 1581]], [[64577, 64577], "mapped", [1604, 1582]], [[64578, 64578], "mapped", [1604, 1605]], [[64579, 64579], "mapped", [1604, 1609]], [[64580, 64580], "mapped", [1604, 1610]], [[64581, 64581], "mapped", [1605, 1580]], [[64582, 64582], "mapped", [1605, 1581]], [[64583, 64583], "mapped", [1605, 1582]], [[64584, 64584], "mapped", [1605, 1605]], [[64585, 64585], "mapped", [1605, 1609]], [[64586, 64586], "mapped", [1605, 1610]], [[64587, 64587], "mapped", [1606, 1580]], [[64588, 64588], "mapped", [1606, 1581]], [[64589, 64589], "mapped", [1606, 1582]], [[64590, 64590], "mapped", [1606, 1605]], [[64591, 64591], "mapped", [1606, 1609]], [[64592, 64592], "mapped", [1606, 1610]], [[64593, 64593], "mapped", [1607, 1580]], [[64594, 64594], "mapped", [1607, 1605]], [[64595, 64595], "mapped", [1607, 1609]], [[64596, 64596], "mapped", [1607, 1610]], [[64597, 64597], "mapped", [1610, 1580]], [[64598, 64598], "mapped", [1610, 1581]], [[64599, 64599], "mapped", [1610, 1582]], [[64600, 64600], "mapped", [1610, 1605]], [[64601, 64601], "mapped", [1610, 1609]], [[64602, 64602], "mapped", [1610, 1610]], [[64603, 64603], "mapped", [1584, 1648]], [[64604, 64604], "mapped", [1585, 1648]], [[64605, 64605], "mapped", [1609, 1648]], [[64606, 64606], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [32, 1612, 1617]], [[64607, 64607], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [32, 1613, 1617]], [[64608, 64608], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [32, 1614, 1617]], [[64609, 64609], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [32, 1615, 1617]], [[64610, 64610], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [32, 1616, 1617]], [[64611, 64611], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [32, 1617, 1648]], [[64612, 64612], "mapped", [1574, 1585]], [[64613, 64613], "mapped", [1574, 1586]], [[64614, 64614], "mapped", [1574, 1605]], [[64615, 64615], "mapped", [1574, 1606]], [[64616, 64616], "mapped", [1574, 1609]], [[64617, 64617], "mapped", [1574, 1610]], [[64618, 64618], "mapped", [1576, 1585]], [[64619, 64619], "mapped", [1576, 1586]], [[64620, 64620], "mapped", [1576, 1605]], [[64621, 64621], "mapped", [1576, 1606]], [[64622, 64622], "mapped", [1576, 1609]], [[64623, 64623], "mapped", [1576, 1610]], [[64624, 64624], "mapped", [1578, 1585]], [[64625, 64625], "mapped", [1578, 1586]], [[64626, 64626], "mapped", [1578, 1605]], [[64627, 64627], "mapped", [1578, 1606]], [[64628, 64628], "mapped", [1578, 1609]], [[64629, 64629], "mapped", [1578, 1610]], [[64630, 64630], "mapped", [1579, 1585]], [[64631, 64631], "mapped", [1579, 1586]], [[64632, 64632], "mapped", [1579, 1605]], [[64633, 64633], "mapped", [1579, 1606]], [[64634, 64634], "mapped", [1579, 1609]], [[64635, 64635], "mapped", [1579, 1610]], [[64636, 64636], "mapped", [1601, 1609]], [[64637, 64637], "mapped", [1601, 1610]], [[64638, 64638], "mapped", [1602, 1609]], [[64639, 64639], "mapped", [1602, 1610]], [[64640, 64640], "mapped", [1603, 1575]], [[64641, 64641], "mapped", [1603, 1604]], [[64642, 64642], "mapped", [1603, 1605]], [[64643, 64643], "mapped", [1603, 1609]], [[64644, 64644], "mapped", [1603, 1610]], [[64645, 64645], "mapped", [1604, 1605]], [[64646, 64646], "mapped", [1604, 1609]], [[64647, 64647], "mapped", [1604, 1610]], [[64648, 64648], "mapped", [1605, 1575]], [[64649, 64649], "mapped", [1605, 1605]], [[64650, 64650], "mapped", [1606, 1585]], [[64651, 64651], "mapped", [1606, 1586]], [[64652, 64652], "mapped", [1606, 1605]], [[64653, 64653], "mapped", [1606, 1606]], [[64654, 64654], "mapped", [1606, 1609]], [[64655, 64655], "mapped", [1606, 1610]], [[64656, 64656], "mapped", [1609, 1648]], [[64657, 64657], "mapped", [1610, 1585]], [[64658, 64658], "mapped", [1610, 1586]], [[64659, 64659], "mapped", [1610, 1605]], [[64660, 64660], "mapped", [1610, 1606]], [[64661, 64661], "mapped", [1610, 1609]], [[64662, 64662], "mapped", [1610, 1610]], [[64663, 64663], "mapped", [1574, 1580]], [[64664, 64664], "mapped", [1574, 1581]], [[64665, 64665], "mapped", [1574, 1582]], [[64666, 64666], "mapped", [1574, 1605]], [[64667, 64667], "mapped", [1574, 1607]], [[64668, 64668], "mapped", [1576, 1580]], [[64669, 64669], "mapped", [1576, 1581]], [[64670, 64670], "mapped", [1576, 1582]], [[64671, 64671], "mapped", [1576, 1605]], [[64672, 64672], "mapped", [1576, 1607]], [[64673, 64673], "mapped", [1578, 1580]], [[64674, 64674], "mapped", [1578, 1581]], [[64675, 64675], "mapped", [1578, 1582]], [[64676, 64676], "mapped", [1578, 1605]], [[64677, 64677], "mapped", [1578, 1607]], [[64678, 64678], "mapped", [1579, 1605]], [[64679, 64679], "mapped", [1580, 1581]], [[64680, 64680], "mapped", [1580, 1605]], [[64681, 64681], "mapped", [1581, 1580]], [[64682, 64682], "mapped", [1581, 1605]], [[64683, 64683], "mapped", [1582, 1580]], [[64684, 64684], "mapped", [1582, 1605]], [[64685, 64685], "mapped", [1587, 1580]], [[64686, 64686], "mapped", [1587, 1581]], [[64687, 64687], "mapped", [1587, 1582]], [[64688, 64688], "mapped", [1587, 1605]], [[64689, 64689], "mapped", [1589, 1581]], [[64690, 64690], "mapped", [1589, 1582]], [[64691, 64691], "mapped", [1589, 1605]], [[64692, 64692], "mapped", [1590, 1580]], [[64693, 64693], "mapped", [1590, 1581]], [[64694, 64694], "mapped", [1590, 1582]], [[64695, 64695], "mapped", [1590, 1605]], [[64696, 64696], "mapped", [1591, 1581]], [[64697, 64697], "mapped", [1592, 1605]], [[64698, 64698], "mapped", [1593, 1580]], [[64699, 64699], "mapped", [1593, 1605]], [[64700, 64700], "mapped", [1594, 1580]], [[64701, 64701], "mapped", [1594, 1605]], [[64702, 64702], "mapped", [1601, 1580]], [[64703, 64703], "mapped", [1601, 1581]], [[64704, 64704], "mapped", [1601, 1582]], [[64705, 64705], "mapped", [1601, 1605]], [[64706, 64706], "mapped", [1602, 1581]], [[64707, 64707], "mapped", [1602, 1605]], [[64708, 64708], "mapped", [1603, 1580]], [[64709, 64709], "mapped", [1603, 1581]], [[64710, 64710], "mapped", [1603, 1582]], [[64711, 64711], "mapped", [1603, 1604]], [[64712, 64712], "mapped", [1603, 1605]], [[64713, 64713], "mapped", [1604, 1580]], [[64714, 64714], "mapped", [1604, 1581]], [[64715, 64715], "mapped", [1604, 1582]], [[64716, 64716], "mapped", [1604, 1605]], [[64717, 64717], "mapped", [1604, 1607]], [[64718, 64718], "mapped", [1605, 1580]], [[64719, 64719], "mapped", [1605, 1581]], [[64720, 64720], "mapped", [1605, 1582]], [[64721, 64721], "mapped", [1605, 1605]], [[64722, 64722], "mapped", [1606, 1580]], [[64723, 64723], "mapped", [1606, 1581]], [[64724, 64724], "mapped", [1606, 1582]], [[64725, 64725], "mapped", [1606, 1605]], [[64726, 64726], "mapped", [1606, 1607]], [[64727, 64727], "mapped", [1607, 1580]], [[64728, 64728], "mapped", [1607, 1605]], [[64729, 64729], "mapped", [1607, 1648]], [[64730, 64730], "mapped", [1610, 1580]], [[64731, 64731], "mapped", [1610, 1581]], [[64732, 64732], "mapped", [1610, 1582]], [[64733, 64733], "mapped", [1610, 1605]], [[64734, 64734], "mapped", [1610, 1607]], [[64735, 64735], "mapped", [1574, 1605]], [[64736, 64736], "mapped", [1574, 1607]], [[64737, 64737], "mapped", [1576, 1605]], [[64738, 64738], "mapped", [1576, 1607]], [[64739, 64739], "mapped", [1578, 1605]], [[64740, 64740], "mapped", [1578, 1607]], [[64741, 64741], "mapped", [1579, 1605]], [[64742, 64742], "mapped", [1579, 1607]], [[64743, 64743], "mapped", [1587, 1605]], [[64744, 64744], "mapped", [1587, 1607]], [[64745, 64745], "mapped", [1588, 1605]], [[64746, 64746], "mapped", [1588, 1607]], [[64747, 64747], "mapped", [1603, 1604]], [[64748, 64748], "mapped", [1603, 1605]], [[64749, 64749], "mapped", [1604, 1605]], [[64750, 64750], "mapped", [1606, 1605]], [[64751, 64751], "mapped", [1606, 1607]], [[64752, 64752], "mapped", [1610, 1605]], [[64753, 64753], "mapped", [1610, 1607]], [[64754, 64754], "mapped", [1600, 1614, 1617]], [[64755, 64755], "mapped", [1600, 1615, 1617]], [[64756, 64756], "mapped", [1600, 1616, 1617]], [[64757, 64757], "mapped", [1591, 1609]], [[64758, 64758], "mapped", [1591, 1610]], [[64759, 64759], "mapped", [1593, 1609]], [[64760, 64760], "mapped", [1593, 1610]], [[64761, 64761], "mapped", [1594, 1609]], [[64762, 64762], "mapped", [1594, 1610]], [[64763, 64763], "mapped", [1587, 1609]], [[64764, 64764], "mapped", [1587, 1610]], [[64765, 64765], "mapped", [1588, 1609]], [[64766, 64766], "mapped", [1588, 1610]], [[64767, 64767], "mapped", [1581, 1609]], [[64768, 64768], "mapped", [1581, 1610]], [[64769, 64769], "mapped", [1580, 1609]], [[64770, 64770], "mapped", [1580, 1610]], [[64771, 64771], "mapped", [1582, 1609]], [[64772, 64772], "mapped", [1582, 1610]], [[64773, 64773], "mapped", [1589, 1609]], [[64774, 64774], "mapped", [1589, 1610]], [[64775, 64775], "mapped", [1590, 1609]], [[64776, 64776], "mapped", [1590, 1610]], [[64777, 64777], "mapped", [1588, 1580]], [[64778, 64778], "mapped", [1588, 1581]], [[64779, 64779], "mapped", [1588, 1582]], [[64780, 64780], "mapped", [1588, 1605]], [[64781, 64781], "mapped", [1588, 1585]], [[64782, 64782], "mapped", [1587, 1585]], [[64783, 64783], "mapped", [1589, 1585]], [[64784, 64784], "mapped", [1590, 1585]], [[64785, 64785], "mapped", [1591, 1609]], [[64786, 64786], "mapped", [1591, 1610]], [[64787, 64787], "mapped", [1593, 1609]], [[64788, 64788], "mapped", [1593, 1610]], [[64789, 64789], "mapped", [1594, 1609]], [[64790, 64790], "mapped", [1594, 1610]], [[64791, 64791], "mapped", [1587, 1609]], [[64792, 64792], "mapped", [1587, 1610]], [[64793, 64793], "mapped", [1588, 1609]], [[64794, 64794], "mapped", [1588, 1610]], [[64795, 64795], "mapped", [1581, 1609]], [[64796, 64796], "mapped", [1581, 1610]], [[64797, 64797], "mapped", [1580, 1609]], [[64798, 64798], "mapped", [1580, 1610]], [[64799, 64799], "mapped", [1582, 1609]], [[64800, 64800], "mapped", [1582, 1610]], [[64801, 64801], "mapped", [1589, 1609]], [[64802, 64802], "mapped", [1589, 1610]], [[64803, 64803], "mapped", [1590, 1609]], [[64804, 64804], "mapped", [1590, 1610]], [[64805, 64805], "mapped", [1588, 1580]], [[64806, 64806], "mapped", [1588, 1581]], [[64807, 64807], "mapped", [1588, 1582]], [[64808, 64808], "mapped", [1588, 1605]], [[64809, 64809], "mapped", [1588, 1585]], [[64810, 64810], "mapped", [1587, 1585]], [[64811, 64811], "mapped", [1589, 1585]], [[64812, 64812], "mapped", [1590, 1585]], [[64813, 64813], "mapped", [1588, 1580]], [[64814, 64814], "mapped", [1588, 1581]], [[64815, 64815], "mapped", [1588, 1582]], [[64816, 64816], "mapped", [1588, 1605]], [[64817, 64817], "mapped", [1587, 1607]], [[64818, 64818], "mapped", [1588, 1607]], [[64819, 64819], "mapped", [1591, 1605]], [[64820, 64820], "mapped", [1587, 1580]], [[64821, 64821], "mapped", [1587, 1581]], [[64822, 64822], "mapped", [1587, 1582]], [[64823, 64823], "mapped", [1588, 1580]], [[64824, 64824], "mapped", [1588, 1581]], [[64825, 64825], "mapped", [1588, 1582]], [[64826, 64826], "mapped", [1591, 1605]], [[64827, 64827], "mapped", [1592, 1605]], [[64828, 64829], "mapped", [1575, 1611]], [[64830, 64831], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[64832, 64847], "disallowed"], [[64848, 64848], "mapped", [1578, 1580, 1605]], [[64849, 64850], "mapped", [1578, 1581, 1580]], [[64851, 64851], "mapped", [1578, 1581, 1605]], [[64852, 64852], "mapped", [1578, 1582, 1605]], [[64853, 64853], "mapped", [1578, 1605, 1580]], [[64854, 64854], "mapped", [1578, 1605, 1581]], [[64855, 64855], "mapped", [1578, 1605, 1582]], [[64856, 64857], "mapped", [1580, 1605, 1581]], [[64858, 64858], "mapped", [1581, 1605, 1610]], [[64859, 64859], "mapped", [1581, 1605, 1609]], [[64860, 64860], "mapped", [1587, 1581, 1580]], [[64861, 64861], "mapped", [1587, 1580, 1581]], [[64862, 64862], "mapped", [1587, 1580, 1609]], [[64863, 64864], "mapped", [1587, 1605, 1581]], [[64865, 64865], "mapped", [1587, 1605, 1580]], [[64866, 64867], "mapped", [1587, 1605, 1605]], [[64868, 64869], "mapped", [1589, 1581, 1581]], [[64870, 64870], "mapped", [1589, 1605, 1605]], [[64871, 64872], "mapped", [1588, 1581, 1605]], [[64873, 64873], "mapped", [1588, 1580, 1610]], [[64874, 64875], "mapped", [1588, 1605, 1582]], [[64876, 64877], "mapped", [1588, 1605, 1605]], [[64878, 64878], "mapped", [1590, 1581, 1609]], [[64879, 64880], "mapped", [1590, 1582, 1605]], [[64881, 64882], "mapped", [1591, 1605, 1581]], [[64883, 64883], "mapped", [1591, 1605, 1605]], [[64884, 64884], "mapped", [1591, 1605, 1610]], [[64885, 64885], "mapped", [1593, 1580, 1605]], [[64886, 64887], "mapped", [1593, 1605, 1605]], [[64888, 64888], "mapped", [1593, 1605, 1609]], [[64889, 64889], "mapped", [1594, 1605, 1605]], [[64890, 64890], "mapped", [1594, 1605, 1610]], [[64891, 64891], "mapped", [1594, 1605, 1609]], [[64892, 64893], "mapped", [1601, 1582, 1605]], [[64894, 64894], "mapped", [1602, 1605, 1581]], [[64895, 64895], "mapped", [1602, 1605, 1605]], [[64896, 64896], "mapped", [1604, 1581, 1605]], [[64897, 64897], "mapped", [1604, 1581, 1610]], [[64898, 64898], "mapped", [1604, 1581, 1609]], [[64899, 64900], "mapped", [1604, 1580, 1580]], [[64901, 64902], "mapped", [1604, 1582, 1605]], [[64903, 64904], "mapped", [1604, 1605, 1581]], [[64905, 64905], "mapped", [1605, 1581, 1580]], [[64906, 64906], "mapped", [1605, 1581, 1605]], [[64907, 64907], "mapped", [1605, 1581, 1610]], [[64908, 64908], "mapped", [1605, 1580, 1581]], [[64909, 64909], "mapped", [1605, 1580, 1605]], [[64910, 64910], "mapped", [1605, 1582, 1580]], [[64911, 64911], "mapped", [1605, 1582, 1605]], [[64912, 64913], "disallowed"], [[64914, 64914], "mapped", [1605, 1580, 1582]], [[64915, 64915], "mapped", [1607, 1605, 1580]], [[64916, 64916], "mapped", [1607, 1605, 1605]], [[64917, 64917], "mapped", [1606, 1581, 1605]], [[64918, 64918], "mapped", [1606, 1581, 1609]], [[64919, 64920], "mapped", [1606, 1580, 1605]], [[64921, 64921], "mapped", [1606, 1580, 1609]], [[64922, 64922], "mapped", [1606, 1605, 1610]], [[64923, 64923], "mapped", [1606, 1605, 1609]], [[64924, 64925], "mapped", [1610, 1605, 1605]], [[64926, 64926], "mapped", [1576, 1582, 1610]], [[64927, 64927], "mapped", [1578, 1580, 1610]], [[64928, 64928], "mapped", [1578, 1580, 1609]], [[64929, 64929], "mapped", [1578, 1582, 1610]], [[64930, 64930], "mapped", [1578, 1582, 1609]], [[64931, 64931], "mapped", [1578, 1605, 1610]], [[64932, 64932], "mapped", [1578, 1605, 1609]], [[64933, 64933], "mapped", [1580, 1605, 1610]], [[64934, 64934], "mapped", [1580, 1581, 1609]], [[64935, 64935], "mapped", [1580, 1605, 1609]], [[64936, 64936], "mapped", [1587, 1582, 1609]], [[64937, 64937], "mapped", [1589, 1581, 1610]], [[64938, 64938], "mapped", [1588, 1581, 1610]], [[64939, 64939], "mapped", [1590, 1581, 1610]], [[64940, 64940], "mapped", [1604, 1580, 1610]], [[64941, 64941], "mapped", [1604, 1605, 1610]], [[64942, 64942], "mapped", [1610, 1581, 1610]], [[64943, 64943], "mapped", [1610, 1580, 1610]], [[64944, 64944], "mapped", [1610, 1605, 1610]], [[64945, 64945], "mapped", [1605, 1605, 1610]], [[64946, 64946], "mapped", [1602, 1605, 1610]], [[64947, 64947], "mapped", [1606, 1581, 1610]], [[64948, 64948], "mapped", [1602, 1605, 1581]], [[64949, 64949], "mapped", [1604, 1581, 1605]], [[64950, 64950], "mapped", [1593, 1605, 1610]], [[64951, 64951], "mapped", [1603, 1605, 1610]], [[64952, 64952], "mapped", [1606, 1580, 1581]], [[64953, 64953], "mapped", [1605, 1582, 1610]], [[64954, 64954], "mapped", [1604, 1580, 1605]], [[64955, 64955], "mapped", [1603, 1605, 1605]], [[64956, 64956], "mapped", [1604, 1580, 1605]], [[64957, 64957], "mapped", [1606, 1580, 1581]], [[64958, 64958], "mapped", [1580, 1581, 1610]], [[64959, 64959], "mapped", [1581, 1580, 1610]], [[64960, 64960], "mapped", [1605, 1580, 1610]], [[64961, 64961], "mapped", [1601, 1605, 1610]], [[64962, 64962], "mapped", [1576, 1581, 1610]], [[64963, 64963], "mapped", [1603, 1605, 1605]], [[64964, 64964], "mapped", [1593, 1580, 1605]], [[64965, 64965], "mapped", [1589, 1605, 1605]], [[64966, 64966], "mapped", [1587, 1582, 1610]], [[64967, 64967], "mapped", [1606, 1580, 1610]], [[64968, 64975], "disallowed"], [[64976, 65007], "disallowed"], [[65008, 65008], "mapped", [1589, 1604, 1746]], [[65009, 65009], "mapped", [1602, 1604, 1746]], [[65010, 65010], "mapped", [1575, 1604, 1604, 1607]], [[65011, 65011], "mapped", [1575, 1603, 1576, 1585]], [[65012, 65012], "mapped", [1605, 1581, 1605, 1583]], [[65013, 65013], "mapped", [1589, 1604, 1593, 1605]], [[65014, 65014], "mapped", [1585, 1587, 1608, 1604]], [[65015, 65015], "mapped", [1593, 1604, 1610, 1607]], [[65016, 65016], "mapped", [1608, 1587, 1604, 1605]], [[65017, 65017], "mapped", [1589, 1604, 1609]], [[65018, 65018], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [1589, 1604, 1609, 32, 1575, 1604, 1604, 1607, 32, 1593, 1604, 1610, 1607, 32, 1608, 1587, 1604, 1605]], [[65019, 65019], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [1580, 1604, 32, 1580, 1604, 1575, 1604, 1607]], [[65020, 65020], "mapped", [1585, 1740, 1575, 1604]], [[65021, 65021], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[65022, 65023], "disallowed"], [[65024, 65039], "ignored"], [[65040, 65040], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [44]], [[65041, 65041], "mapped", [12289]], [[65042, 65042], "disallowed"], [[65043, 65043], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [58]], [[65044, 65044], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [59]], [[65045, 65045], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [33]], [[65046, 65046], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [63]], [[65047, 65047], "mapped", [12310]], [[65048, 65048], "mapped", [12311]], [[65049, 65049], "disallowed"], [[65050, 65055], "disallowed"], [[65056, 65059], "valid"], [[65060, 65062], "valid"], [[65063, 65069], "valid"], [[65070, 65071], "valid"], [[65072, 65072], "disallowed"], [[65073, 65073], "mapped", [8212]], [[65074, 65074], "mapped", [8211]], [[65075, 65076], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [95]], [[65077, 65077], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40]], [[65078, 65078], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [41]], [[65079, 65079], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [123]], [[65080, 65080], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [125]], [[65081, 65081], "mapped", [12308]], [[65082, 65082], "mapped", [12309]], [[65083, 65083], "mapped", [12304]], [[65084, 65084], "mapped", [12305]], [[65085, 65085], "mapped", [12298]], [[65086, 65086], "mapped", [12299]], [[65087, 65087], "mapped", [12296]], [[65088, 65088], "mapped", [12297]], [[65089, 65089], "mapped", [12300]], [[65090, 65090], "mapped", [12301]], [[65091, 65091], "mapped", [12302]], [[65092, 65092], "mapped", [12303]], [[65093, 65094], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[65095, 65095], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [91]], [[65096, 65096], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [93]], [[65097, 65100], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [32, 773]], [[65101, 65103], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [95]], [[65104, 65104], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [44]], [[65105, 65105], "mapped", [12289]], [[65106, 65106], "disallowed"], [[65107, 65107], "disallowed"], [[65108, 65108], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [59]], [[65109, 65109], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [58]], [[65110, 65110], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [63]], [[65111, 65111], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [33]], [[65112, 65112], "mapped", [8212]], [[65113, 65113], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40]], [[65114, 65114], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [41]], [[65115, 65115], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [123]], [[65116, 65116], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [125]], [[65117, 65117], "mapped", [12308]], [[65118, 65118], "mapped", [12309]], [[65119, 65119], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [35]], [[65120, 65120], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [38]], [[65121, 65121], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [42]], [[65122, 65122], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [43]], [[65123, 65123], "mapped", [45]], [[65124, 65124], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [60]], [[65125, 65125], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [62]], [[65126, 65126], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [61]], [[65127, 65127], "disallowed"], [[65128, 65128], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [92]], [[65129, 65129], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [36]], [[65130, 65130], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [37]], [[65131, 65131], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [64]], [[65132, 65135], "disallowed"], [[65136, 65136], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [32, 1611]], [[65137, 65137], "mapped", [1600, 1611]], [[65138, 65138], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [32, 1612]], [[65139, 65139], "valid"], [[65140, 65140], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [32, 1613]], [[65141, 65141], "disallowed"], [[65142, 65142], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [32, 1614]], [[65143, 65143], "mapped", [1600, 1614]], [[65144, 65144], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [32, 1615]], [[65145, 65145], "mapped", [1600, 1615]], [[65146, 65146], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [32, 1616]], [[65147, 65147], "mapped", [1600, 1616]], [[65148, 65148], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [32, 1617]], [[65149, 65149], "mapped", [1600, 1617]], [[65150, 65150], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [32, 1618]], [[65151, 65151], "mapped", [1600, 1618]], [[65152, 65152], "mapped", [1569]], [[65153, 65154], "mapped", [1570]], [[65155, 65156], "mapped", [1571]], [[65157, 65158], "mapped", [1572]], [[65159, 65160], "mapped", [1573]], [[65161, 65164], "mapped", [1574]], [[65165, 65166], "mapped", [1575]], [[65167, 65170], "mapped", [1576]], [[65171, 65172], "mapped", [1577]], [[65173, 65176], "mapped", [1578]], [[65177, 65180], "mapped", [1579]], [[65181, 65184], "mapped", [1580]], [[65185, 65188], "mapped", [1581]], [[65189, 65192], "mapped", [1582]], [[65193, 65194], "mapped", [1583]], [[65195, 65196], "mapped", [1584]], [[65197, 65198], "mapped", [1585]], [[65199, 65200], "mapped", [1586]], [[65201, 65204], "mapped", [1587]], [[65205, 65208], "mapped", [1588]], [[65209, 65212], "mapped", [1589]], [[65213, 65216], "mapped", [1590]], [[65217, 65220], "mapped", [1591]], [[65221, 65224], "mapped", [1592]], [[65225, 65228], "mapped", [1593]], [[65229, 65232], "mapped", [1594]], [[65233, 65236], "mapped", [1601]], [[65237, 65240], "mapped", [1602]], [[65241, 65244], "mapped", [1603]], [[65245, 65248], "mapped", [1604]], [[65249, 65252], "mapped", [1605]], [[65253, 65256], "mapped", [1606]], [[65257, 65260], "mapped", [1607]], [[65261, 65262], "mapped", [1608]], [[65263, 65264], "mapped", [1609]], [[65265, 65268], "mapped", [1610]], [[65269, 65270], "mapped", [1604, 1570]], [[65271, 65272], "mapped", [1604, 1571]], [[65273, 65274], "mapped", [1604, 1573]], [[65275, 65276], "mapped", [1604, 1575]], [[65277, 65278], "disallowed"], [[65279, 65279], "ignored"], [[65280, 65280], "disallowed"], [[65281, 65281], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [33]], [[65282, 65282], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [34]], [[65283, 65283], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [35]], [[65284, 65284], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [36]], [[65285, 65285], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [37]], [[65286, 65286], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [38]], [[65287, 65287], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [39]], [[65288, 65288], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40]], [[65289, 65289], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [41]], [[65290, 65290], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [42]], [[65291, 65291], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [43]], [[65292, 65292], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [44]], [[65293, 65293], "mapped", [45]], [[65294, 65294], "mapped", [46]], [[65295, 65295], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [47]], [[65296, 65296], "mapped", [48]], [[65297, 65297], "mapped", [49]], [[65298, 65298], "mapped", [50]], [[65299, 65299], "mapped", [51]], [[65300, 65300], "mapped", [52]], [[65301, 65301], "mapped", [53]], [[65302, 65302], "mapped", [54]], [[65303, 65303], "mapped", [55]], [[65304, 65304], "mapped", [56]], [[65305, 65305], "mapped", [57]], [[65306, 65306], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [58]], [[65307, 65307], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [59]], [[65308, 65308], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [60]], [[65309, 65309], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [61]], [[65310, 65310], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [62]], [[65311, 65311], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [63]], [[65312, 65312], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [64]], [[65313, 65313], "mapped", [97]], [[65314, 65314], "mapped", [98]], [[65315, 65315], "mapped", [99]], [[65316, 65316], "mapped", [100]], [[65317, 65317], "mapped", [101]], [[65318, 65318], "mapped", [102]], [[65319, 65319], "mapped", [103]], [[65320, 65320], "mapped", [104]], [[65321, 65321], "mapped", [105]], [[65322, 65322], "mapped", [106]], [[65323, 65323], "mapped", [107]], [[65324, 65324], "mapped", [108]], [[65325, 65325], "mapped", [109]], [[65326, 65326], "mapped", [110]], [[65327, 65327], "mapped", [111]], [[65328, 65328], "mapped", [112]], [[65329, 65329], "mapped", [113]], [[65330, 65330], "mapped", [114]], [[65331, 65331], "mapped", [115]], [[65332, 65332], "mapped", [116]], [[65333, 65333], "mapped", [117]], [[65334, 65334], "mapped", [118]], [[65335, 65335], "mapped", [119]], [[65336, 65336], "mapped", [120]], [[65337, 65337], "mapped", [121]], [[65338, 65338], "mapped", [122]], [[65339, 65339], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [91]], [[65340, 65340], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [92]], [[65341, 65341], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [93]], [[65342, 65342], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [94]], [[65343, 65343], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [95]], [[65344, 65344], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [96]], [[65345, 65345], "mapped", [97]], [[65346, 65346], "mapped", [98]], [[65347, 65347], "mapped", [99]], [[65348, 65348], "mapped", [100]], [[65349, 65349], "mapped", [101]], [[65350, 65350], "mapped", [102]], [[65351, 65351], "mapped", [103]], [[65352, 65352], "mapped", [104]], [[65353, 65353], "mapped", [105]], [[65354, 65354], "mapped", [106]], [[65355, 65355], "mapped", [107]], [[65356, 65356], "mapped", [108]], [[65357, 65357], "mapped", [109]], [[65358, 65358], "mapped", [110]], [[65359, 65359], "mapped", [111]], [[65360, 65360], "mapped", [112]], [[65361, 65361], "mapped", [113]], [[65362, 65362], "mapped", [114]], [[65363, 65363], "mapped", [115]], [[65364, 65364], "mapped", [116]], [[65365, 65365], "mapped", [117]], [[65366, 65366], "mapped", [118]], [[65367, 65367], "mapped", [119]], [[65368, 65368], "mapped", [120]], [[65369, 65369], "mapped", [121]], [[65370, 65370], "mapped", [122]], [[65371, 65371], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [123]], [[65372, 65372], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [124]], [[65373, 65373], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [125]], [[65374, 65374], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [126]], [[65375, 65375], "mapped", [10629]], [[65376, 65376], "mapped", [10630]], [[65377, 65377], "mapped", [46]], [[65378, 65378], "mapped", [12300]], [[65379, 65379], "mapped", [12301]], [[65380, 65380], "mapped", [12289]], [[65381, 65381], "mapped", [12539]], [[65382, 65382], "mapped", [12530]], [[65383, 65383], "mapped", [12449]], [[65384, 65384], "mapped", [12451]], [[65385, 65385], "mapped", [12453]], [[65386, 65386], "mapped", [12455]], [[65387, 65387], "mapped", [12457]], [[65388, 65388], "mapped", [12515]], [[65389, 65389], "mapped", [12517]], [[65390, 65390], "mapped", [12519]], [[65391, 65391], "mapped", [12483]], [[65392, 65392], "mapped", [12540]], [[65393, 65393], "mapped", [12450]], [[65394, 65394], "mapped", [12452]], [[65395, 65395], "mapped", [12454]], [[65396, 65396], "mapped", [12456]], [[65397, 65397], "mapped", [12458]], [[65398, 65398], "mapped", [12459]], [[65399, 65399], "mapped", [12461]], [[65400, 65400], "mapped", [12463]], [[65401, 65401], "mapped", [12465]], [[65402, 65402], "mapped", [12467]], [[65403, 65403], "mapped", [12469]], [[65404, 65404], "mapped", [12471]], [[65405, 65405], "mapped", [12473]], [[65406, 65406], "mapped", [12475]], [[65407, 65407], "mapped", [12477]], [[65408, 65408], "mapped", [12479]], [[65409, 65409], "mapped", [12481]], [[65410, 65410], "mapped", [12484]], [[65411, 65411], "mapped", [12486]], [[65412, 65412], "mapped", [12488]], [[65413, 65413], "mapped", [12490]], [[65414, 65414], "mapped", [12491]], [[65415, 65415], "mapped", [12492]], [[65416, 65416], "mapped", [12493]], [[65417, 65417], "mapped", [12494]], [[65418, 65418], "mapped", [12495]], [[65419, 65419], "mapped", [12498]], [[65420, 65420], "mapped", [12501]], [[65421, 65421], "mapped", [12504]], [[65422, 65422], "mapped", [12507]], [[65423, 65423], "mapped", [12510]], [[65424, 65424], "mapped", [12511]], [[65425, 65425], "mapped", [12512]], [[65426, 65426], "mapped", [12513]], [[65427, 65427], "mapped", [12514]], [[65428, 65428], "mapped", [12516]], [[65429, 65429], "mapped", [12518]], [[65430, 65430], "mapped", [12520]], [[65431, 65431], "mapped", [12521]], [[65432, 65432], "mapped", [12522]], [[65433, 65433], "mapped", [12523]], [[65434, 65434], "mapped", [12524]], [[65435, 65435], "mapped", [12525]], [[65436, 65436], "mapped", [12527]], [[65437, 65437], "mapped", [12531]], [[65438, 65438], "mapped", [12441]], [[65439, 65439], "mapped", [12442]], [[65440, 65440], "disallowed"], [[65441, 65441], "mapped", [4352]], [[65442, 65442], "mapped", [4353]], [[65443, 65443], "mapped", [4522]], [[65444, 65444], "mapped", [4354]], [[65445, 65445], "mapped", [4524]], [[65446, 65446], "mapped", [4525]], [[65447, 65447], "mapped", [4355]], [[65448, 65448], "mapped", [4356]], [[65449, 65449], "mapped", [4357]], [[65450, 65450], "mapped", [4528]], [[65451, 65451], "mapped", [4529]], [[65452, 65452], "mapped", [4530]], [[65453, 65453], "mapped", [4531]], [[65454, 65454], "mapped", [4532]], [[65455, 65455], "mapped", [4533]], [[65456, 65456], "mapped", [4378]], [[65457, 65457], "mapped", [4358]], [[65458, 65458], "mapped", [4359]], [[65459, 65459], "mapped", [4360]], [[65460, 65460], "mapped", [4385]], [[65461, 65461], "mapped", [4361]], [[65462, 65462], "mapped", [4362]], [[65463, 65463], "mapped", [4363]], [[65464, 65464], "mapped", [4364]], [[65465, 65465], "mapped", [4365]], [[65466, 65466], "mapped", [4366]], [[65467, 65467], "mapped", [4367]], [[65468, 65468], "mapped", [4368]], [[65469, 65469], "mapped", [4369]], [[65470, 65470], "mapped", [4370]], [[65471, 65473], "disallowed"], [[65474, 65474], "mapped", [4449]], [[65475, 65475], "mapped", [4450]], [[65476, 65476], "mapped", [4451]], [[65477, 65477], "mapped", [4452]], [[65478, 65478], "mapped", [4453]], [[65479, 65479], "mapped", [4454]], [[65480, 65481], "disallowed"], [[65482, 65482], "mapped", [4455]], [[65483, 65483], "mapped", [4456]], [[65484, 65484], "mapped", [4457]], [[65485, 65485], "mapped", [4458]], [[65486, 65486], "mapped", [4459]], [[65487, 65487], "mapped", [4460]], [[65488, 65489], "disallowed"], [[65490, 65490], "mapped", [4461]], [[65491, 65491], "mapped", [4462]], [[65492, 65492], "mapped", [4463]], [[65493, 65493], "mapped", [4464]], [[65494, 65494], "mapped", [4465]], [[65495, 65495], "mapped", [4466]], [[65496, 65497], "disallowed"], [[65498, 65498], "mapped", [4467]], [[65499, 65499], "mapped", [4468]], [[65500, 65500], "mapped", [4469]], [[65501, 65503], "disallowed"], [[65504, 65504], "mapped", [162]], [[65505, 65505], "mapped", [163]], [[65506, 65506], "mapped", [172]], [[65507, 65507], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [32, 772]], [[65508, 65508], "mapped", [166]], [[65509, 65509], "mapped", [165]], [[65510, 65510], "mapped", [8361]], [[65511, 65511], "disallowed"], [[65512, 65512], "mapped", [9474]], [[65513, 65513], "mapped", [8592]], [[65514, 65514], "mapped", [8593]], [[65515, 65515], "mapped", [8594]], [[65516, 65516], "mapped", [8595]], [[65517, 65517], "mapped", [9632]], [[65518, 65518], "mapped", [9675]], [[65519, 65528], "disallowed"], [[65529, 65531], "disallowed"], [[65532, 65532], "disallowed"], [[65533, 65533], "disallowed"], [[65534, 65535], "disallowed"], [[65536, 65547], "valid"], [[65548, 65548], "disallowed"], [[65549, 65574], "valid"], [[65575, 65575], "disallowed"], [[65576, 65594], "valid"], [[65595, 65595], "disallowed"], [[65596, 65597], "valid"], [[65598, 65598], "disallowed"], [[65599, 65613], "valid"], [[65614, 65615], "disallowed"], [[65616, 65629], "valid"], [[65630, 65663], "disallowed"], [[65664, 65786], "valid"], [[65787, 65791], "disallowed"], [[65792, 65794], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[65795, 65798], "disallowed"], [[65799, 65843], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[65844, 65846], "disallowed"], [[65847, 65855], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[65856, 65930], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[65931, 65932], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[65933, 65935], "disallowed"], [[65936, 65947], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[65948, 65951], "disallowed"], [[65952, 65952], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[65953, 65999], "disallowed"], [[66e3, 66044], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[66045, 66045], "valid"], [[66046, 66175], "disallowed"], [[66176, 66204], "valid"], [[66205, 66207], "disallowed"], [[66208, 66256], "valid"], [[66257, 66271], "disallowed"], [[66272, 66272], "valid"], [[66273, 66299], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[66300, 66303], "disallowed"], [[66304, 66334], "valid"], [[66335, 66335], "valid"], [[66336, 66339], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[66340, 66351], "disallowed"], [[66352, 66368], "valid"], [[66369, 66369], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[66370, 66377], "valid"], [[66378, 66378], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[66379, 66383], "disallowed"], [[66384, 66426], "valid"], [[66427, 66431], "disallowed"], [[66432, 66461], "valid"], [[66462, 66462], "disallowed"], [[66463, 66463], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[66464, 66499], "valid"], [[66500, 66503], "disallowed"], [[66504, 66511], "valid"], [[66512, 66517], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[66518, 66559], "disallowed"], [[66560, 66560], "mapped", [66600]], [[66561, 66561], "mapped", [66601]], [[66562, 66562], "mapped", [66602]], [[66563, 66563], "mapped", [66603]], [[66564, 66564], "mapped", [66604]], [[66565, 66565], "mapped", [66605]], [[66566, 66566], "mapped", [66606]], [[66567, 66567], "mapped", [66607]], [[66568, 66568], "mapped", [66608]], [[66569, 66569], "mapped", [66609]], [[66570, 66570], "mapped", [66610]], [[66571, 66571], "mapped", [66611]], [[66572, 66572], "mapped", [66612]], [[66573, 66573], "mapped", [66613]], [[66574, 66574], "mapped", [66614]], [[66575, 66575], "mapped", [66615]], [[66576, 66576], "mapped", [66616]], [[66577, 66577], "mapped", [66617]], [[66578, 66578], "mapped", [66618]], [[66579, 66579], "mapped", [66619]], [[66580, 66580], "mapped", [66620]], [[66581, 66581], "mapped", [66621]], [[66582, 66582], "mapped", [66622]], [[66583, 66583], "mapped", [66623]], [[66584, 66584], "mapped", [66624]], [[66585, 66585], "mapped", [66625]], [[66586, 66586], "mapped", [66626]], [[66587, 66587], "mapped", [66627]], [[66588, 66588], "mapped", [66628]], [[66589, 66589], "mapped", [66629]], [[66590, 66590], "mapped", [66630]], [[66591, 66591], "mapped", [66631]], [[66592, 66592], "mapped", [66632]], [[66593, 66593], "mapped", [66633]], [[66594, 66594], "mapped", [66634]], [[66595, 66595], "mapped", [66635]], [[66596, 66596], "mapped", [66636]], [[66597, 66597], "mapped", [66637]], [[66598, 66598], "mapped", [66638]], [[66599, 66599], "mapped", [66639]], [[66600, 66637], "valid"], [[66638, 66717], "valid"], [[66718, 66719], "disallowed"], [[66720, 66729], "valid"], [[66730, 66815], "disallowed"], [[66816, 66855], "valid"], [[66856, 66863], "disallowed"], [[66864, 66915], "valid"], [[66916, 66926], "disallowed"], [[66927, 66927], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[66928, 67071], "disallowed"], [[67072, 67382], "valid"], [[67383, 67391], "disallowed"], [[67392, 67413], "valid"], [[67414, 67423], "disallowed"], [[67424, 67431], "valid"], [[67432, 67583], "disallowed"], [[67584, 67589], "valid"], [[67590, 67591], "disallowed"], [[67592, 67592], "valid"], [[67593, 67593], "disallowed"], [[67594, 67637], "valid"], [[67638, 67638], "disallowed"], [[67639, 67640], "valid"], [[67641, 67643], "disallowed"], [[67644, 67644], "valid"], [[67645, 67646], "disallowed"], [[67647, 67647], "valid"], [[67648, 67669], "valid"], [[67670, 67670], "disallowed"], [[67671, 67679], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[67680, 67702], "valid"], [[67703, 67711], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[67712, 67742], "valid"], [[67743, 67750], "disallowed"], [[67751, 67759], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[67760, 67807], "disallowed"], [[67808, 67826], "valid"], [[67827, 67827], "disallowed"], [[67828, 67829], "valid"], [[67830, 67834], "disallowed"], [[67835, 67839], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[67840, 67861], "valid"], [[67862, 67865], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[67866, 67867], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[67868, 67870], "disallowed"], [[67871, 67871], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[67872, 67897], "valid"], [[67898, 67902], "disallowed"], [[67903, 67903], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[67904, 67967], "disallowed"], [[67968, 68023], "valid"], [[68024, 68027], "disallowed"], [[68028, 68029], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[68030, 68031], "valid"], [[68032, 68047], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[68048, 68049], "disallowed"], [[68050, 68095], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[68096, 68099], "valid"], [[68100, 68100], "disallowed"], [[68101, 68102], "valid"], [[68103, 68107], "disallowed"], [[68108, 68115], "valid"], [[68116, 68116], "disallowed"], [[68117, 68119], "valid"], [[68120, 68120], "disallowed"], [[68121, 68147], "valid"], [[68148, 68151], "disallowed"], [[68152, 68154], "valid"], [[68155, 68158], "disallowed"], [[68159, 68159], "valid"], [[68160, 68167], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[68168, 68175], "disallowed"], [[68176, 68184], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[68185, 68191], "disallowed"], [[68192, 68220], "valid"], [[68221, 68223], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[68224, 68252], "valid"], [[68253, 68255], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[68256, 68287], "disallowed"], [[68288, 68295], "valid"], [[68296, 68296], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[68297, 68326], "valid"], [[68327, 68330], "disallowed"], [[68331, 68342], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[68343, 68351], "disallowed"], [[68352, 68405], "valid"], [[68406, 68408], "disallowed"], [[68409, 68415], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[68416, 68437], "valid"], [[68438, 68439], "disallowed"], [[68440, 68447], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[68448, 68466], "valid"], [[68467, 68471], "disallowed"], [[68472, 68479], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[68480, 68497], "valid"], [[68498, 68504], "disallowed"], [[68505, 68508], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[68509, 68520], "disallowed"], [[68521, 68527], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[68528, 68607], "disallowed"], [[68608, 68680], "valid"], [[68681, 68735], "disallowed"], [[68736, 68736], "mapped", [68800]], [[68737, 68737], "mapped", [68801]], [[68738, 68738], "mapped", [68802]], [[68739, 68739], "mapped", [68803]], [[68740, 68740], "mapped", [68804]], [[68741, 68741], "mapped", [68805]], [[68742, 68742], "mapped", [68806]], [[68743, 68743], "mapped", [68807]], [[68744, 68744], "mapped", [68808]], [[68745, 68745], "mapped", [68809]], [[68746, 68746], "mapped", [68810]], [[68747, 68747], "mapped", [68811]], [[68748, 68748], "mapped", [68812]], [[68749, 68749], "mapped", [68813]], [[68750, 68750], "mapped", [68814]], [[68751, 68751], "mapped", [68815]], [[68752, 68752], "mapped", [68816]], [[68753, 68753], "mapped", [68817]], [[68754, 68754], "mapped", [68818]], [[68755, 68755], "mapped", [68819]], [[68756, 68756], "mapped", [68820]], [[68757, 68757], "mapped", [68821]], [[68758, 68758], "mapped", [68822]], [[68759, 68759], "mapped", [68823]], [[68760, 68760], "mapped", [68824]], [[68761, 68761], "mapped", [68825]], [[68762, 68762], "mapped", [68826]], [[68763, 68763], "mapped", [68827]], [[68764, 68764], "mapped", [68828]], [[68765, 68765], "mapped", [68829]], [[68766, 68766], "mapped", [68830]], [[68767, 68767], "mapped", [68831]], [[68768, 68768], "mapped", [68832]], [[68769, 68769], "mapped", [68833]], [[68770, 68770], "mapped", [68834]], [[68771, 68771], "mapped", [68835]], [[68772, 68772], "mapped", [68836]], [[68773, 68773], "mapped", [68837]], [[68774, 68774], "mapped", [68838]], [[68775, 68775], "mapped", [68839]], [[68776, 68776], "mapped", [68840]], [[68777, 68777], "mapped", [68841]], [[68778, 68778], "mapped", [68842]], [[68779, 68779], "mapped", [68843]], [[68780, 68780], "mapped", [68844]], [[68781, 68781], "mapped", [68845]], [[68782, 68782], "mapped", [68846]], [[68783, 68783], "mapped", [68847]], [[68784, 68784], "mapped", [68848]], [[68785, 68785], "mapped", [68849]], [[68786, 68786], "mapped", [68850]], [[68787, 68799], "disallowed"], [[68800, 68850], "valid"], [[68851, 68857], "disallowed"], [[68858, 68863], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[68864, 69215], "disallowed"], [[69216, 69246], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[69247, 69631], "disallowed"], [[69632, 69702], "valid"], [[69703, 69709], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[69710, 69713], "disallowed"], [[69714, 69733], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[69734, 69743], "valid"], [[69744, 69758], "disallowed"], [[69759, 69759], "valid"], [[69760, 69818], "valid"], [[69819, 69820], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[69821, 69821], "disallowed"], [[69822, 69825], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[69826, 69839], "disallowed"], [[69840, 69864], "valid"], [[69865, 69871], "disallowed"], [[69872, 69881], "valid"], [[69882, 69887], "disallowed"], [[69888, 69940], "valid"], [[69941, 69941], "disallowed"], [[69942, 69951], "valid"], [[69952, 69955], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[69956, 69967], "disallowed"], [[69968, 70003], "valid"], [[70004, 70005], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[70006, 70006], "valid"], [[70007, 70015], "disallowed"], [[70016, 70084], "valid"], [[70085, 70088], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[70089, 70089], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[70090, 70092], "valid"], [[70093, 70093], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[70094, 70095], "disallowed"], [[70096, 70105], "valid"], [[70106, 70106], "valid"], [[70107, 70107], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[70108, 70108], "valid"], [[70109, 70111], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[70112, 70112], "disallowed"], [[70113, 70132], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[70133, 70143], "disallowed"], [[70144, 70161], "valid"], [[70162, 70162], "disallowed"], [[70163, 70199], "valid"], [[70200, 70205], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[70206, 70271], "disallowed"], [[70272, 70278], "valid"], [[70279, 70279], "disallowed"], [[70280, 70280], "valid"], [[70281, 70281], "disallowed"], [[70282, 70285], "valid"], [[70286, 70286], "disallowed"], [[70287, 70301], "valid"], [[70302, 70302], "disallowed"], [[70303, 70312], "valid"], [[70313, 70313], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[70314, 70319], "disallowed"], [[70320, 70378], "valid"], [[70379, 70383], "disallowed"], [[70384, 70393], "valid"], [[70394, 70399], "disallowed"], [[70400, 70400], "valid"], [[70401, 70403], "valid"], [[70404, 70404], "disallowed"], [[70405, 70412], "valid"], [[70413, 70414], "disallowed"], [[70415, 70416], "valid"], [[70417, 70418], "disallowed"], [[70419, 70440], "valid"], [[70441, 70441], "disallowed"], [[70442, 70448], "valid"], [[70449, 70449], "disallowed"], [[70450, 70451], "valid"], [[70452, 70452], "disallowed"], [[70453, 70457], "valid"], [[70458, 70459], "disallowed"], [[70460, 70468], "valid"], [[70469, 70470], "disallowed"], [[70471, 70472], "valid"], [[70473, 70474], "disallowed"], [[70475, 70477], "valid"], [[70478, 70479], "disallowed"], [[70480, 70480], "valid"], [[70481, 70486], "disallowed"], [[70487, 70487], "valid"], [[70488, 70492], "disallowed"], [[70493, 70499], "valid"], [[70500, 70501], "disallowed"], [[70502, 70508], "valid"], [[70509, 70511], "disallowed"], [[70512, 70516], "valid"], [[70517, 70783], "disallowed"], [[70784, 70853], "valid"], [[70854, 70854], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[70855, 70855], "valid"], [[70856, 70863], "disallowed"], [[70864, 70873], "valid"], [[70874, 71039], "disallowed"], [[71040, 71093], "valid"], [[71094, 71095], "disallowed"], [[71096, 71104], "valid"], [[71105, 71113], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[71114, 71127], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[71128, 71133], "valid"], [[71134, 71167], "disallowed"], [[71168, 71232], "valid"], [[71233, 71235], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[71236, 71236], "valid"], [[71237, 71247], "disallowed"], [[71248, 71257], "valid"], [[71258, 71295], "disallowed"], [[71296, 71351], "valid"], [[71352, 71359], "disallowed"], [[71360, 71369], "valid"], [[71370, 71423], "disallowed"], [[71424, 71449], "valid"], [[71450, 71452], "disallowed"], [[71453, 71467], "valid"], [[71468, 71471], "disallowed"], [[71472, 71481], "valid"], [[71482, 71487], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[71488, 71839], "disallowed"], [[71840, 71840], "mapped", [71872]], [[71841, 71841], "mapped", [71873]], [[71842, 71842], "mapped", [71874]], [[71843, 71843], "mapped", [71875]], [[71844, 71844], "mapped", [71876]], [[71845, 71845], "mapped", [71877]], [[71846, 71846], "mapped", [71878]], [[71847, 71847], "mapped", [71879]], [[71848, 71848], "mapped", [71880]], [[71849, 71849], "mapped", [71881]], [[71850, 71850], "mapped", [71882]], [[71851, 71851], "mapped", [71883]], [[71852, 71852], "mapped", [71884]], [[71853, 71853], "mapped", [71885]], [[71854, 71854], "mapped", [71886]], [[71855, 71855], "mapped", [71887]], [[71856, 71856], "mapped", [71888]], [[71857, 71857], "mapped", [71889]], [[71858, 71858], "mapped", [71890]], [[71859, 71859], "mapped", [71891]], [[71860, 71860], "mapped", [71892]], [[71861, 71861], "mapped", [71893]], [[71862, 71862], "mapped", [71894]], [[71863, 71863], "mapped", [71895]], [[71864, 71864], "mapped", [71896]], [[71865, 71865], "mapped", [71897]], [[71866, 71866], "mapped", [71898]], [[71867, 71867], "mapped", [71899]], [[71868, 71868], "mapped", [71900]], [[71869, 71869], "mapped", [71901]], [[71870, 71870], "mapped", [71902]], [[71871, 71871], "mapped", [71903]], [[71872, 71913], "valid"], [[71914, 71922], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[71923, 71934], "disallowed"], [[71935, 71935], "valid"], [[71936, 72383], "disallowed"], [[72384, 72440], "valid"], [[72441, 73727], "disallowed"], [[73728, 74606], "valid"], [[74607, 74648], "valid"], [[74649, 74649], "valid"], [[74650, 74751], "disallowed"], [[74752, 74850], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[74851, 74862], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[74863, 74863], "disallowed"], [[74864, 74867], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[74868, 74868], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[74869, 74879], "disallowed"], [[74880, 75075], "valid"], [[75076, 77823], "disallowed"], [[77824, 78894], "valid"], [[78895, 82943], "disallowed"], [[82944, 83526], "valid"], [[83527, 92159], "disallowed"], [[92160, 92728], "valid"], [[92729, 92735], "disallowed"], [[92736, 92766], "valid"], [[92767, 92767], "disallowed"], [[92768, 92777], "valid"], [[92778, 92781], "disallowed"], [[92782, 92783], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[92784, 92879], "disallowed"], [[92880, 92909], "valid"], [[92910, 92911], "disallowed"], [[92912, 92916], "valid"], [[92917, 92917], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[92918, 92927], "disallowed"], [[92928, 92982], "valid"], [[92983, 92991], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[92992, 92995], "valid"], [[92996, 92997], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[92998, 93007], "disallowed"], [[93008, 93017], "valid"], [[93018, 93018], "disallowed"], [[93019, 93025], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[93026, 93026], "disallowed"], [[93027, 93047], "valid"], [[93048, 93052], "disallowed"], [[93053, 93071], "valid"], [[93072, 93951], "disallowed"], [[93952, 94020], "valid"], [[94021, 94031], "disallowed"], [[94032, 94078], "valid"], [[94079, 94094], "disallowed"], [[94095, 94111], "valid"], [[94112, 110591], "disallowed"], [[110592, 110593], "valid"], [[110594, 113663], "disallowed"], [[113664, 113770], "valid"], [[113771, 113775], "disallowed"], [[113776, 113788], "valid"], [[113789, 113791], "disallowed"], [[113792, 113800], "valid"], [[113801, 113807], "disallowed"], [[113808, 113817], "valid"], [[113818, 113819], "disallowed"], [[113820, 113820], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[113821, 113822], "valid"], [[113823, 113823], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[113824, 113827], "ignored"], [[113828, 118783], "disallowed"], [[118784, 119029], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[119030, 119039], "disallowed"], [[119040, 119078], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[119079, 119080], "disallowed"], [[119081, 119081], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[119082, 119133], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[119134, 119134], "mapped", [119127, 119141]], [[119135, 119135], "mapped", [119128, 119141]], [[119136, 119136], "mapped", [119128, 119141, 119150]], [[119137, 119137], "mapped", [119128, 119141, 119151]], [[119138, 119138], "mapped", [119128, 119141, 119152]], [[119139, 119139], "mapped", [119128, 119141, 119153]], [[119140, 119140], "mapped", [119128, 119141, 119154]], [[119141, 119154], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[119155, 119162], "disallowed"], [[119163, 119226], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[119227, 119227], "mapped", [119225, 119141]], [[119228, 119228], "mapped", [119226, 119141]], [[119229, 119229], "mapped", [119225, 119141, 119150]], [[119230, 119230], "mapped", [119226, 119141, 119150]], [[119231, 119231], "mapped", [119225, 119141, 119151]], [[119232, 119232], "mapped", [119226, 119141, 119151]], [[119233, 119261], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[119262, 119272], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[119273, 119295], "disallowed"], [[119296, 119365], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[119366, 119551], "disallowed"], [[119552, 119638], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[119639, 119647], "disallowed"], [[119648, 119665], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[119666, 119807], "disallowed"], [[119808, 119808], "mapped", [97]], [[119809, 119809], "mapped", [98]], [[119810, 119810], "mapped", [99]], [[119811, 119811], "mapped", [100]], [[119812, 119812], "mapped", [101]], [[119813, 119813], "mapped", [102]], [[119814, 119814], "mapped", [103]], [[119815, 119815], "mapped", [104]], [[119816, 119816], "mapped", [105]], [[119817, 119817], "mapped", [106]], [[119818, 119818], "mapped", [107]], [[119819, 119819], "mapped", [108]], [[119820, 119820], "mapped", [109]], [[119821, 119821], "mapped", [110]], [[119822, 119822], "mapped", [111]], [[119823, 119823], "mapped", [112]], [[119824, 119824], "mapped", [113]], [[119825, 119825], "mapped", [114]], [[119826, 119826], "mapped", [115]], [[119827, 119827], "mapped", [116]], [[119828, 119828], "mapped", [117]], [[119829, 119829], "mapped", [118]], [[119830, 119830], "mapped", [119]], [[119831, 119831], "mapped", [120]], [[119832, 119832], "mapped", [121]], [[119833, 119833], "mapped", [122]], [[119834, 119834], "mapped", [97]], [[119835, 119835], "mapped", [98]], [[119836, 119836], "mapped", [99]], [[119837, 119837], "mapped", [100]], [[119838, 119838], "mapped", [101]], [[119839, 119839], "mapped", [102]], [[119840, 119840], "mapped", [103]], [[119841, 119841], "mapped", [104]], [[119842, 119842], "mapped", [105]], [[119843, 119843], "mapped", [106]], [[119844, 119844], "mapped", [107]], [[119845, 119845], "mapped", [108]], [[119846, 119846], "mapped", [109]], [[119847, 119847], "mapped", [110]], [[119848, 119848], "mapped", [111]], [[119849, 119849], "mapped", [112]], [[119850, 119850], "mapped", [113]], [[119851, 119851], "mapped", [114]], [[119852, 119852], "mapped", [115]], [[119853, 119853], "mapped", [116]], [[119854, 119854], "mapped", [117]], [[119855, 119855], "mapped", [118]], [[119856, 119856], "mapped", [119]], [[119857, 119857], "mapped", [120]], [[119858, 119858], "mapped", [121]], [[119859, 119859], "mapped", [122]], [[119860, 119860], "mapped", [97]], [[119861, 119861], "mapped", [98]], [[119862, 119862], "mapped", [99]], [[119863, 119863], "mapped", [100]], [[119864, 119864], "mapped", [101]], [[119865, 119865], "mapped", [102]], [[119866, 119866], "mapped", [103]], [[119867, 119867], "mapped", [104]], [[119868, 119868], "mapped", [105]], [[119869, 119869], "mapped", [106]], [[119870, 119870], "mapped", [107]], [[119871, 119871], "mapped", [108]], [[119872, 119872], "mapped", [109]], [[119873, 119873], "mapped", [110]], [[119874, 119874], "mapped", [111]], [[119875, 119875], "mapped", [112]], [[119876, 119876], "mapped", [113]], [[119877, 119877], "mapped", [114]], [[119878, 119878], "mapped", [115]], [[119879, 119879], "mapped", [116]], [[119880, 119880], "mapped", [117]], [[119881, 119881], "mapped", [118]], [[119882, 119882], "mapped", [119]], [[119883, 119883], "mapped", [120]], [[119884, 119884], "mapped", [121]], [[119885, 119885], "mapped", [122]], [[119886, 119886], "mapped", [97]], [[119887, 119887], "mapped", [98]], [[119888, 119888], "mapped", [99]], [[119889, 119889], "mapped", [100]], [[119890, 119890], "mapped", [101]], [[119891, 119891], "mapped", [102]], [[119892, 119892], "mapped", [103]], [[119893, 119893], "disallowed"], [[119894, 119894], "mapped", [105]], [[119895, 119895], "mapped", [106]], [[119896, 119896], "mapped", [107]], [[119897, 119897], "mapped", [108]], [[119898, 119898], "mapped", [109]], [[119899, 119899], "mapped", [110]], [[119900, 119900], "mapped", [111]], [[119901, 119901], "mapped", [112]], [[119902, 119902], "mapped", [113]], [[119903, 119903], "mapped", [114]], [[119904, 119904], "mapped", [115]], [[119905, 119905], "mapped", [116]], [[119906, 119906], "mapped", [117]], [[119907, 119907], "mapped", [118]], [[119908, 119908], "mapped", [119]], [[119909, 119909], "mapped", [120]], [[119910, 119910], "mapped", [121]], [[119911, 119911], "mapped", [122]], [[119912, 119912], "mapped", [97]], [[119913, 119913], "mapped", [98]], [[119914, 119914], "mapped", [99]], [[119915, 119915], "mapped", [100]], [[119916, 119916], "mapped", [101]], [[119917, 119917], "mapped", [102]], [[119918, 119918], "mapped", [103]], [[119919, 119919], "mapped", [104]], [[119920, 119920], "mapped", [105]], [[119921, 119921], "mapped", [106]], [[119922, 119922], "mapped", [107]], [[119923, 119923], "mapped", [108]], [[119924, 119924], "mapped", [109]], [[119925, 119925], "mapped", [110]], [[119926, 119926], "mapped", [111]], [[119927, 119927], "mapped", [112]], [[119928, 119928], "mapped", [113]], [[119929, 119929], "mapped", [114]], [[119930, 119930], "mapped", [115]], [[119931, 119931], "mapped", [116]], [[119932, 119932], "mapped", [117]], [[119933, 119933], "mapped", [118]], [[119934, 119934], "mapped", [119]], [[119935, 119935], "mapped", [120]], [[119936, 119936], "mapped", [121]], [[119937, 119937], "mapped", [122]], [[119938, 119938], "mapped", [97]], [[119939, 119939], "mapped", [98]], [[119940, 119940], "mapped", [99]], [[119941, 119941], "mapped", [100]], [[119942, 119942], "mapped", [101]], [[119943, 119943], "mapped", [102]], [[119944, 119944], "mapped", [103]], [[119945, 119945], "mapped", [104]], [[119946, 119946], "mapped", [105]], [[119947, 119947], "mapped", [106]], [[119948, 119948], "mapped", [107]], [[119949, 119949], "mapped", [108]], [[119950, 119950], "mapped", [109]], [[119951, 119951], "mapped", [110]], [[119952, 119952], "mapped", [111]], [[119953, 119953], "mapped", [112]], [[119954, 119954], "mapped", [113]], [[119955, 119955], "mapped", [114]], [[119956, 119956], "mapped", [115]], [[119957, 119957], "mapped", [116]], [[119958, 119958], "mapped", [117]], [[119959, 119959], "mapped", [118]], [[119960, 119960], "mapped", [119]], [[119961, 119961], "mapped", [120]], [[119962, 119962], "mapped", [121]], [[119963, 119963], "mapped", [122]], [[119964, 119964], "mapped", [97]], [[119965, 119965], "disallowed"], [[119966, 119966], "mapped", [99]], [[119967, 119967], "mapped", [100]], [[119968, 119969], "disallowed"], [[119970, 119970], "mapped", [103]], [[119971, 119972], "disallowed"], [[119973, 119973], "mapped", [106]], [[119974, 119974], "mapped", [107]], [[119975, 119976], "disallowed"], [[119977, 119977], "mapped", [110]], [[119978, 119978], "mapped", [111]], [[119979, 119979], "mapped", [112]], [[119980, 119980], "mapped", [113]], [[119981, 119981], "disallowed"], [[119982, 119982], "mapped", [115]], [[119983, 119983], "mapped", [116]], [[119984, 119984], "mapped", [117]], [[119985, 119985], "mapped", [118]], [[119986, 119986], "mapped", [119]], [[119987, 119987], "mapped", [120]], [[119988, 119988], "mapped", [121]], [[119989, 119989], "mapped", [122]], [[119990, 119990], "mapped", [97]], [[119991, 119991], "mapped", [98]], [[119992, 119992], "mapped", [99]], [[119993, 119993], "mapped", [100]], [[119994, 119994], "disallowed"], [[119995, 119995], "mapped", [102]], [[119996, 119996], "disallowed"], [[119997, 119997], "mapped", [104]], [[119998, 119998], "mapped", [105]], [[119999, 119999], "mapped", [106]], [[12e4, 12e4], "mapped", [107]], [[120001, 120001], "mapped", [108]], [[120002, 120002], "mapped", [109]], [[120003, 120003], "mapped", [110]], [[120004, 120004], "disallowed"], [[120005, 120005], "mapped", [112]], [[120006, 120006], "mapped", [113]], [[120007, 120007], "mapped", [114]], [[120008, 120008], "mapped", [115]], [[120009, 120009], "mapped", [116]], [[120010, 120010], "mapped", [117]], [[120011, 120011], "mapped", [118]], [[120012, 120012], "mapped", [119]], [[120013, 120013], "mapped", [120]], [[120014, 120014], "mapped", [121]], [[120015, 120015], "mapped", [122]], [[120016, 120016], "mapped", [97]], [[120017, 120017], "mapped", [98]], [[120018, 120018], "mapped", [99]], [[120019, 120019], "mapped", [100]], [[120020, 120020], "mapped", [101]], [[120021, 120021], "mapped", [102]], [[120022, 120022], "mapped", [103]], [[120023, 120023], "mapped", [104]], [[120024, 120024], "mapped", [105]], [[120025, 120025], "mapped", [106]], [[120026, 120026], "mapped", [107]], [[120027, 120027], "mapped", [108]], [[120028, 120028], "mapped", [109]], [[120029, 120029], "mapped", [110]], [[120030, 120030], "mapped", [111]], [[120031, 120031], "mapped", [112]], [[120032, 120032], "mapped", [113]], [[120033, 120033], "mapped", [114]], [[120034, 120034], "mapped", [115]], [[120035, 120035], "mapped", [116]], [[120036, 120036], "mapped", [117]], [[120037, 120037], "mapped", [118]], [[120038, 120038], "mapped", [119]], [[120039, 120039], "mapped", [120]], [[120040, 120040], "mapped", [121]], [[120041, 120041], "mapped", [122]], [[120042, 120042], "mapped", [97]], [[120043, 120043], "mapped", [98]], [[120044, 120044], "mapped", [99]], [[120045, 120045], "mapped", [100]], [[120046, 120046], "mapped", [101]], [[120047, 120047], "mapped", [102]], [[120048, 120048], "mapped", [103]], [[120049, 120049], "mapped", [104]], [[120050, 120050], "mapped", [105]], [[120051, 120051], "mapped", [106]], [[120052, 120052], "mapped", [107]], [[120053, 120053], "mapped", [108]], [[120054, 120054], "mapped", [109]], [[120055, 120055], "mapped", [110]], [[120056, 120056], "mapped", [111]], [[120057, 120057], "mapped", [112]], [[120058, 120058], "mapped", [113]], [[120059, 120059], "mapped", [114]], [[120060, 120060], "mapped", [115]], [[120061, 120061], "mapped", [116]], [[120062, 120062], "mapped", [117]], [[120063, 120063], "mapped", [118]], [[120064, 120064], "mapped", [119]], [[120065, 120065], "mapped", [120]], [[120066, 120066], "mapped", [121]], [[120067, 120067], "mapped", [122]], [[120068, 120068], "mapped", [97]], [[120069, 120069], "mapped", [98]], [[120070, 120070], "disallowed"], [[120071, 120071], "mapped", [100]], [[120072, 120072], "mapped", [101]], [[120073, 120073], "mapped", [102]], [[120074, 120074], "mapped", [103]], [[120075, 120076], "disallowed"], [[120077, 120077], "mapped", [106]], [[120078, 120078], "mapped", [107]], [[120079, 120079], "mapped", [108]], [[120080, 120080], "mapped", [109]], [[120081, 120081], "mapped", [110]], [[120082, 120082], "mapped", [111]], [[120083, 120083], "mapped", [112]], [[120084, 120084], "mapped", [113]], [[120085, 120085], "disallowed"], [[120086, 120086], "mapped", [115]], [[120087, 120087], "mapped", [116]], [[120088, 120088], "mapped", [117]], [[120089, 120089], "mapped", [118]], [[120090, 120090], "mapped", [119]], [[120091, 120091], "mapped", [120]], [[120092, 120092], "mapped", [121]], [[120093, 120093], "disallowed"], [[120094, 120094], "mapped", [97]], [[120095, 120095], "mapped", [98]], [[120096, 120096], "mapped", [99]], [[120097, 120097], "mapped", [100]], [[120098, 120098], "mapped", [101]], [[120099, 120099], "mapped", [102]], [[120100, 120100], "mapped", [103]], [[120101, 120101], "mapped", [104]], [[120102, 120102], "mapped", [105]], [[120103, 120103], "mapped", [106]], [[120104, 120104], "mapped", [107]], [[120105, 120105], "mapped", [108]], [[120106, 120106], "mapped", [109]], [[120107, 120107], "mapped", [110]], [[120108, 120108], "mapped", [111]], [[120109, 120109], "mapped", [112]], [[120110, 120110], "mapped", [113]], [[120111, 120111], "mapped", [114]], [[120112, 120112], "mapped", [115]], [[120113, 120113], "mapped", [116]], [[120114, 120114], "mapped", [117]], [[120115, 120115], "mapped", [118]], [[120116, 120116], "mapped", [119]], [[120117, 120117], "mapped", [120]], [[120118, 120118], "mapped", [121]], [[120119, 120119], "mapped", [122]], [[120120, 120120], "mapped", [97]], [[120121, 120121], "mapped", [98]], [[120122, 120122], "disallowed"], [[120123, 120123], "mapped", [100]], [[120124, 120124], "mapped", [101]], [[120125, 120125], "mapped", [102]], [[120126, 120126], "mapped", [103]], [[120127, 120127], "disallowed"], [[120128, 120128], "mapped", [105]], [[120129, 120129], "mapped", [106]], [[120130, 120130], "mapped", [107]], [[120131, 120131], "mapped", [108]], [[120132, 120132], "mapped", [109]], [[120133, 120133], "disallowed"], [[120134, 120134], "mapped", [111]], [[120135, 120137], "disallowed"], [[120138, 120138], "mapped", [115]], [[120139, 120139], "mapped", [116]], [[120140, 120140], "mapped", [117]], [[120141, 120141], "mapped", [118]], [[120142, 120142], "mapped", [119]], [[120143, 120143], "mapped", [120]], [[120144, 120144], "mapped", [121]], [[120145, 120145], "disallowed"], [[120146, 120146], "mapped", [97]], [[120147, 120147], "mapped", [98]], [[120148, 120148], "mapped", [99]], [[120149, 120149], "mapped", [100]], [[120150, 120150], "mapped", [101]], [[120151, 120151], "mapped", [102]], [[120152, 120152], "mapped", [103]], [[120153, 120153], "mapped", [104]], [[120154, 120154], "mapped", [105]], [[120155, 120155], "mapped", [106]], [[120156, 120156], "mapped", [107]], [[120157, 120157], "mapped", [108]], [[120158, 120158], "mapped", [109]], [[120159, 120159], "mapped", [110]], [[120160, 120160], "mapped", [111]], [[120161, 120161], "mapped", [112]], [[120162, 120162], "mapped", [113]], [[120163, 120163], "mapped", [114]], [[120164, 120164], "mapped", [115]], [[120165, 120165], "mapped", [116]], [[120166, 120166], "mapped", [117]], [[120167, 120167], "mapped", [118]], [[120168, 120168], "mapped", [119]], [[120169, 120169], "mapped", [120]], [[120170, 120170], "mapped", [121]], [[120171, 120171], "mapped", [122]], [[120172, 120172], "mapped", [97]], [[120173, 120173], "mapped", [98]], [[120174, 120174], "mapped", [99]], [[120175, 120175], "mapped", [100]], [[120176, 120176], "mapped", [101]], [[120177, 120177], "mapped", [102]], [[120178, 120178], "mapped", [103]], [[120179, 120179], "mapped", [104]], [[120180, 120180], "mapped", [105]], [[120181, 120181], "mapped", [106]], [[120182, 120182], "mapped", [107]], [[120183, 120183], "mapped", [108]], [[120184, 120184], "mapped", [109]], [[120185, 120185], "mapped", [110]], [[120186, 120186], "mapped", [111]], [[120187, 120187], "mapped", [112]], [[120188, 120188], "mapped", [113]], [[120189, 120189], "mapped", [114]], [[120190, 120190], "mapped", [115]], [[120191, 120191], "mapped", [116]], [[120192, 120192], "mapped", [117]], [[120193, 120193], "mapped", [118]], [[120194, 120194], "mapped", [119]], [[120195, 120195], "mapped", [120]], [[120196, 120196], "mapped", [121]], [[120197, 120197], "mapped", [122]], [[120198, 120198], "mapped", [97]], [[120199, 120199], "mapped", [98]], [[120200, 120200], "mapped", [99]], [[120201, 120201], "mapped", [100]], [[120202, 120202], "mapped", [101]], [[120203, 120203], "mapped", [102]], [[120204, 120204], "mapped", [103]], [[120205, 120205], "mapped", [104]], [[120206, 120206], "mapped", [105]], [[120207, 120207], "mapped", [106]], [[120208, 120208], "mapped", [107]], [[120209, 120209], "mapped", [108]], [[120210, 120210], "mapped", [109]], [[120211, 120211], "mapped", [110]], [[120212, 120212], "mapped", [111]], [[120213, 120213], "mapped", [112]], [[120214, 120214], "mapped", [113]], [[120215, 120215], "mapped", [114]], [[120216, 120216], "mapped", [115]], [[120217, 120217], "mapped", [116]], [[120218, 120218], "mapped", [117]], [[120219, 120219], "mapped", [118]], [[120220, 120220], "mapped", [119]], [[120221, 120221], "mapped", [120]], [[120222, 120222], "mapped", [121]], [[120223, 120223], "mapped", [122]], [[120224, 120224], "mapped", [97]], [[120225, 120225], "mapped", [98]], [[120226, 120226], "mapped", [99]], [[120227, 120227], "mapped", [100]], [[120228, 120228], "mapped", [101]], [[120229, 120229], "mapped", [102]], [[120230, 120230], "mapped", [103]], [[120231, 120231], "mapped", [104]], [[120232, 120232], "mapped", [105]], [[120233, 120233], "mapped", [106]], [[120234, 120234], "mapped", [107]], [[120235, 120235], "mapped", [108]], [[120236, 120236], "mapped", [109]], [[120237, 120237], "mapped", [110]], [[120238, 120238], "mapped", [111]], [[120239, 120239], "mapped", [112]], [[120240, 120240], "mapped", [113]], [[120241, 120241], "mapped", [114]], [[120242, 120242], "mapped", [115]], [[120243, 120243], "mapped", [116]], [[120244, 120244], "mapped", [117]], [[120245, 120245], "mapped", [118]], [[120246, 120246], "mapped", [119]], [[120247, 120247], "mapped", [120]], [[120248, 120248], "mapped", [121]], [[120249, 120249], "mapped", [122]], [[120250, 120250], "mapped", [97]], [[120251, 120251], "mapped", [98]], [[120252, 120252], "mapped", [99]], [[120253, 120253], "mapped", [100]], [[120254, 120254], "mapped", [101]], [[120255, 120255], "mapped", [102]], [[120256, 120256], "mapped", [103]], [[120257, 120257], "mapped", [104]], [[120258, 120258], "mapped", [105]], [[120259, 120259], "mapped", [106]], [[120260, 120260], "mapped", [107]], [[120261, 120261], "mapped", [108]], [[120262, 120262], "mapped", [109]], [[120263, 120263], "mapped", [110]], [[120264, 120264], "mapped", [111]], [[120265, 120265], "mapped", [112]], [[120266, 120266], "mapped", [113]], [[120267, 120267], "mapped", [114]], [[120268, 120268], "mapped", [115]], [[120269, 120269], "mapped", [116]], [[120270, 120270], "mapped", [117]], [[120271, 120271], "mapped", [118]], [[120272, 120272], "mapped", [119]], [[120273, 120273], "mapped", [120]], [[120274, 120274], "mapped", [121]], [[120275, 120275], "mapped", [122]], [[120276, 120276], "mapped", [97]], [[120277, 120277], "mapped", [98]], [[120278, 120278], "mapped", [99]], [[120279, 120279], "mapped", [100]], [[120280, 120280], "mapped", [101]], [[120281, 120281], "mapped", [102]], [[120282, 120282], "mapped", [103]], [[120283, 120283], "mapped", [104]], [[120284, 120284], "mapped", [105]], [[120285, 120285], "mapped", [106]], [[120286, 120286], "mapped", [107]], [[120287, 120287], "mapped", [108]], [[120288, 120288], "mapped", [109]], [[120289, 120289], "mapped", [110]], [[120290, 120290], "mapped", [111]], [[120291, 120291], "mapped", [112]], [[120292, 120292], "mapped", [113]], [[120293, 120293], "mapped", [114]], [[120294, 120294], "mapped", [115]], [[120295, 120295], "mapped", [116]], [[120296, 120296], "mapped", [117]], [[120297, 120297], "mapped", [118]], [[120298, 120298], "mapped", [119]], [[120299, 120299], "mapped", [120]], [[120300, 120300], "mapped", [121]], [[120301, 120301], "mapped", [122]], [[120302, 120302], "mapped", [97]], [[120303, 120303], "mapped", [98]], [[120304, 120304], "mapped", [99]], [[120305, 120305], "mapped", [100]], [[120306, 120306], "mapped", [101]], [[120307, 120307], "mapped", [102]], [[120308, 120308], "mapped", [103]], [[120309, 120309], "mapped", [104]], [[120310, 120310], "mapped", [105]], [[120311, 120311], "mapped", [106]], [[120312, 120312], "mapped", [107]], [[120313, 120313], "mapped", [108]], [[120314, 120314], "mapped", [109]], [[120315, 120315], "mapped", [110]], [[120316, 120316], "mapped", [111]], [[120317, 120317], "mapped", [112]], [[120318, 120318], "mapped", [113]], [[120319, 120319], "mapped", [114]], [[120320, 120320], "mapped", [115]], [[120321, 120321], "mapped", [116]], [[120322, 120322], "mapped", [117]], [[120323, 120323], "mapped", [118]], [[120324, 120324], "mapped", [119]], [[120325, 120325], "mapped", [120]], [[120326, 120326], "mapped", [121]], [[120327, 120327], "mapped", [122]], [[120328, 120328], "mapped", [97]], [[120329, 120329], "mapped", [98]], [[120330, 120330], "mapped", [99]], [[120331, 120331], "mapped", [100]], [[120332, 120332], "mapped", [101]], [[120333, 120333], "mapped", [102]], [[120334, 120334], "mapped", [103]], [[120335, 120335], "mapped", [104]], [[120336, 120336], "mapped", [105]], [[120337, 120337], "mapped", [106]], [[120338, 120338], "mapped", [107]], [[120339, 120339], "mapped", [108]], [[120340, 120340], "mapped", [109]], [[120341, 120341], "mapped", [110]], [[120342, 120342], "mapped", [111]], [[120343, 120343], "mapped", [112]], [[120344, 120344], "mapped", [113]], [[120345, 120345], "mapped", [114]], [[120346, 120346], "mapped", [115]], [[120347, 120347], "mapped", [116]], [[120348, 120348], "mapped", [117]], [[120349, 120349], "mapped", [118]], [[120350, 120350], "mapped", [119]], [[120351, 120351], "mapped", [120]], [[120352, 120352], "mapped", [121]], [[120353, 120353], "mapped", [122]], [[120354, 120354], "mapped", [97]], [[120355, 120355], "mapped", [98]], [[120356, 120356], "mapped", [99]], [[120357, 120357], "mapped", [100]], [[120358, 120358], "mapped", [101]], [[120359, 120359], "mapped", [102]], [[120360, 120360], "mapped", [103]], [[120361, 120361], "mapped", [104]], [[120362, 120362], "mapped", [105]], [[120363, 120363], "mapped", [106]], [[120364, 120364], "mapped", [107]], [[120365, 120365], "mapped", [108]], [[120366, 120366], "mapped", [109]], [[120367, 120367], "mapped", [110]], [[120368, 120368], "mapped", [111]], [[120369, 120369], "mapped", [112]], [[120370, 120370], "mapped", [113]], [[120371, 120371], "mapped", [114]], [[120372, 120372], "mapped", [115]], [[120373, 120373], "mapped", [116]], [[120374, 120374], "mapped", [117]], [[120375, 120375], "mapped", [118]], [[120376, 120376], "mapped", [119]], [[120377, 120377], "mapped", [120]], [[120378, 120378], "mapped", [121]], [[120379, 120379], "mapped", [122]], [[120380, 120380], "mapped", [97]], [[120381, 120381], "mapped", [98]], [[120382, 120382], "mapped", [99]], [[120383, 120383], "mapped", [100]], [[120384, 120384], "mapped", [101]], [[120385, 120385], "mapped", [102]], [[120386, 120386], "mapped", [103]], [[120387, 120387], "mapped", [104]], [[120388, 120388], "mapped", [105]], [[120389, 120389], "mapped", [106]], [[120390, 120390], "mapped", [107]], [[120391, 120391], "mapped", [108]], [[120392, 120392], "mapped", [109]], [[120393, 120393], "mapped", [110]], [[120394, 120394], "mapped", [111]], [[120395, 120395], "mapped", [112]], [[120396, 120396], "mapped", [113]], [[120397, 120397], "mapped", [114]], [[120398, 120398], "mapped", [115]], [[120399, 120399], "mapped", [116]], [[120400, 120400], "mapped", [117]], [[120401, 120401], "mapped", [118]], [[120402, 120402], "mapped", [119]], [[120403, 120403], "mapped", [120]], [[120404, 120404], "mapped", [121]], [[120405, 120405], "mapped", [122]], [[120406, 120406], "mapped", [97]], [[120407, 120407], "mapped", [98]], [[120408, 120408], "mapped", [99]], [[120409, 120409], "mapped", [100]], [[120410, 120410], "mapped", [101]], [[120411, 120411], "mapped", [102]], [[120412, 120412], "mapped", [103]], [[120413, 120413], "mapped", [104]], [[120414, 120414], "mapped", [105]], [[120415, 120415], "mapped", [106]], [[120416, 120416], "mapped", [107]], [[120417, 120417], "mapped", [108]], [[120418, 120418], "mapped", [109]], [[120419, 120419], "mapped", [110]], [[120420, 120420], "mapped", [111]], [[120421, 120421], "mapped", [112]], [[120422, 120422], "mapped", [113]], [[120423, 120423], "mapped", [114]], [[120424, 120424], "mapped", [115]], [[120425, 120425], "mapped", [116]], [[120426, 120426], "mapped", [117]], [[120427, 120427], "mapped", [118]], [[120428, 120428], "mapped", [119]], [[120429, 120429], "mapped", [120]], [[120430, 120430], "mapped", [121]], [[120431, 120431], "mapped", [122]], [[120432, 120432], "mapped", [97]], [[120433, 120433], "mapped", [98]], [[120434, 120434], "mapped", [99]], [[120435, 120435], "mapped", [100]], [[120436, 120436], "mapped", [101]], [[120437, 120437], "mapped", [102]], [[120438, 120438], "mapped", [103]], [[120439, 120439], "mapped", [104]], [[120440, 120440], "mapped", [105]], [[120441, 120441], "mapped", [106]], [[120442, 120442], "mapped", [107]], [[120443, 120443], "mapped", [108]], [[120444, 120444], "mapped", [109]], [[120445, 120445], "mapped", [110]], [[120446, 120446], "mapped", [111]], [[120447, 120447], "mapped", [112]], [[120448, 120448], "mapped", [113]], [[120449, 120449], "mapped", [114]], [[120450, 120450], "mapped", [115]], [[120451, 120451], "mapped", [116]], [[120452, 120452], "mapped", [117]], [[120453, 120453], "mapped", [118]], [[120454, 120454], "mapped", [119]], [[120455, 120455], "mapped", [120]], [[120456, 120456], "mapped", [121]], [[120457, 120457], "mapped", [122]], [[120458, 120458], "mapped", [97]], [[120459, 120459], "mapped", [98]], [[120460, 120460], "mapped", [99]], [[120461, 120461], "mapped", [100]], [[120462, 120462], "mapped", [101]], [[120463, 120463], "mapped", [102]], [[120464, 120464], "mapped", [103]], [[120465, 120465], "mapped", [104]], [[120466, 120466], "mapped", [105]], [[120467, 120467], "mapped", [106]], [[120468, 120468], "mapped", [107]], [[120469, 120469], "mapped", [108]], [[120470, 120470], "mapped", [109]], [[120471, 120471], "mapped", [110]], [[120472, 120472], "mapped", [111]], [[120473, 120473], "mapped", [112]], [[120474, 120474], "mapped", [113]], [[120475, 120475], "mapped", [114]], [[120476, 120476], "mapped", [115]], [[120477, 120477], "mapped", [116]], [[120478, 120478], "mapped", [117]], [[120479, 120479], "mapped", [118]], [[120480, 120480], "mapped", [119]], [[120481, 120481], "mapped", [120]], [[120482, 120482], "mapped", [121]], [[120483, 120483], "mapped", [122]], [[120484, 120484], "mapped", [305]], [[120485, 120485], "mapped", [567]], [[120486, 120487], "disallowed"], [[120488, 120488], "mapped", [945]], [[120489, 120489], "mapped", [946]], [[120490, 120490], "mapped", [947]], [[120491, 120491], "mapped", [948]], [[120492, 120492], "mapped", [949]], [[120493, 120493], "mapped", [950]], [[120494, 120494], "mapped", [951]], [[120495, 120495], "mapped", [952]], [[120496, 120496], "mapped", [953]], [[120497, 120497], "mapped", [954]], [[120498, 120498], "mapped", [955]], [[120499, 120499], "mapped", [956]], [[120500, 120500], "mapped", [957]], [[120501, 120501], "mapped", [958]], [[120502, 120502], "mapped", [959]], [[120503, 120503], "mapped", [960]], [[120504, 120504], "mapped", [961]], [[120505, 120505], "mapped", [952]], [[120506, 120506], "mapped", [963]], [[120507, 120507], "mapped", [964]], [[120508, 120508], "mapped", [965]], [[120509, 120509], "mapped", [966]], [[120510, 120510], "mapped", [967]], [[120511, 120511], "mapped", [968]], [[120512, 120512], "mapped", [969]], [[120513, 120513], "mapped", [8711]], [[120514, 120514], "mapped", [945]], [[120515, 120515], "mapped", [946]], [[120516, 120516], "mapped", [947]], [[120517, 120517], "mapped", [948]], [[120518, 120518], "mapped", [949]], [[120519, 120519], "mapped", [950]], [[120520, 120520], "mapped", [951]], [[120521, 120521], "mapped", [952]], [[120522, 120522], "mapped", [953]], [[120523, 120523], "mapped", [954]], [[120524, 120524], "mapped", [955]], [[120525, 120525], "mapped", [956]], [[120526, 120526], "mapped", [957]], [[120527, 120527], "mapped", [958]], [[120528, 120528], "mapped", [959]], [[120529, 120529], "mapped", [960]], [[120530, 120530], "mapped", [961]], [[120531, 120532], "mapped", [963]], [[120533, 120533], "mapped", [964]], [[120534, 120534], "mapped", [965]], [[120535, 120535], "mapped", [966]], [[120536, 120536], "mapped", [967]], [[120537, 120537], "mapped", [968]], [[120538, 120538], "mapped", [969]], [[120539, 120539], "mapped", [8706]], [[120540, 120540], "mapped", [949]], [[120541, 120541], "mapped", [952]], [[120542, 120542], "mapped", [954]], [[120543, 120543], "mapped", [966]], [[120544, 120544], "mapped", [961]], [[120545, 120545], "mapped", [960]], [[120546, 120546], "mapped", [945]], [[120547, 120547], "mapped", [946]], [[120548, 120548], "mapped", [947]], [[120549, 120549], "mapped", [948]], [[120550, 120550], "mapped", [949]], [[120551, 120551], "mapped", [950]], [[120552, 120552], "mapped", [951]], [[120553, 120553], "mapped", [952]], [[120554, 120554], "mapped", [953]], [[120555, 120555], "mapped", [954]], [[120556, 120556], "mapped", [955]], [[120557, 120557], "mapped", [956]], [[120558, 120558], "mapped", [957]], [[120559, 120559], "mapped", [958]], [[120560, 120560], "mapped", [959]], [[120561, 120561], "mapped", [960]], [[120562, 120562], "mapped", [961]], [[120563, 120563], "mapped", [952]], [[120564, 120564], "mapped", [963]], [[120565, 120565], "mapped", [964]], [[120566, 120566], "mapped", [965]], [[120567, 120567], "mapped", [966]], [[120568, 120568], "mapped", [967]], [[120569, 120569], "mapped", [968]], [[120570, 120570], "mapped", [969]], [[120571, 120571], "mapped", [8711]], [[120572, 120572], "mapped", [945]], [[120573, 120573], "mapped", [946]], [[120574, 120574], "mapped", [947]], [[120575, 120575], "mapped", [948]], [[120576, 120576], "mapped", [949]], [[120577, 120577], "mapped", [950]], [[120578, 120578], "mapped", [951]], [[120579, 120579], "mapped", [952]], [[120580, 120580], "mapped", [953]], [[120581, 120581], "mapped", [954]], [[120582, 120582], "mapped", [955]], [[120583, 120583], "mapped", [956]], [[120584, 120584], "mapped", [957]], [[120585, 120585], "mapped", [958]], [[120586, 120586], "mapped", [959]], [[120587, 120587], "mapped", [960]], [[120588, 120588], "mapped", [961]], [[120589, 120590], "mapped", [963]], [[120591, 120591], "mapped", [964]], [[120592, 120592], "mapped", [965]], [[120593, 120593], "mapped", [966]], [[120594, 120594], "mapped", [967]], [[120595, 120595], "mapped", [968]], [[120596, 120596], "mapped", [969]], [[120597, 120597], "mapped", [8706]], [[120598, 120598], "mapped", [949]], [[120599, 120599], "mapped", [952]], [[120600, 120600], "mapped", [954]], [[120601, 120601], "mapped", [966]], [[120602, 120602], "mapped", [961]], [[120603, 120603], "mapped", [960]], [[120604, 120604], "mapped", [945]], [[120605, 120605], "mapped", [946]], [[120606, 120606], "mapped", [947]], [[120607, 120607], "mapped", [948]], [[120608, 120608], "mapped", [949]], [[120609, 120609], "mapped", [950]], [[120610, 120610], "mapped", [951]], [[120611, 120611], "mapped", [952]], [[120612, 120612], "mapped", [953]], [[120613, 120613], "mapped", [954]], [[120614, 120614], "mapped", [955]], [[120615, 120615], "mapped", [956]], [[120616, 120616], "mapped", [957]], [[120617, 120617], "mapped", [958]], [[120618, 120618], "mapped", [959]], [[120619, 120619], "mapped", [960]], [[120620, 120620], "mapped", [961]], [[120621, 120621], "mapped", [952]], [[120622, 120622], "mapped", [963]], [[120623, 120623], "mapped", [964]], [[120624, 120624], "mapped", [965]], [[120625, 120625], "mapped", [966]], [[120626, 120626], "mapped", [967]], [[120627, 120627], "mapped", [968]], [[120628, 120628], "mapped", [969]], [[120629, 120629], "mapped", [8711]], [[120630, 120630], "mapped", [945]], [[120631, 120631], "mapped", [946]], [[120632, 120632], "mapped", [947]], [[120633, 120633], "mapped", [948]], [[120634, 120634], "mapped", [949]], [[120635, 120635], "mapped", [950]], [[120636, 120636], "mapped", [951]], [[120637, 120637], "mapped", [952]], [[120638, 120638], "mapped", [953]], [[120639, 120639], "mapped", [954]], [[120640, 120640], "mapped", [955]], [[120641, 120641], "mapped", [956]], [[120642, 120642], "mapped", [957]], [[120643, 120643], "mapped", [958]], [[120644, 120644], "mapped", [959]], [[120645, 120645], "mapped", [960]], [[120646, 120646], "mapped", [961]], [[120647, 120648], "mapped", [963]], [[120649, 120649], "mapped", [964]], [[120650, 120650], "mapped", [965]], [[120651, 120651], "mapped", [966]], [[120652, 120652], "mapped", [967]], [[120653, 120653], "mapped", [968]], [[120654, 120654], "mapped", [969]], [[120655, 120655], "mapped", [8706]], [[120656, 120656], "mapped", [949]], [[120657, 120657], "mapped", [952]], [[120658, 120658], "mapped", [954]], [[120659, 120659], "mapped", [966]], [[120660, 120660], "mapped", [961]], [[120661, 120661], "mapped", [960]], [[120662, 120662], "mapped", [945]], [[120663, 120663], "mapped", [946]], [[120664, 120664], "mapped", [947]], [[120665, 120665], "mapped", [948]], [[120666, 120666], "mapped", [949]], [[120667, 120667], "mapped", [950]], [[120668, 120668], "mapped", [951]], [[120669, 120669], "mapped", [952]], [[120670, 120670], "mapped", [953]], [[120671, 120671], "mapped", [954]], [[120672, 120672], "mapped", [955]], [[120673, 120673], "mapped", [956]], [[120674, 120674], "mapped", [957]], [[120675, 120675], "mapped", [958]], [[120676, 120676], "mapped", [959]], [[120677, 120677], "mapped", [960]], [[120678, 120678], "mapped", [961]], [[120679, 120679], "mapped", [952]], [[120680, 120680], "mapped", [963]], [[120681, 120681], "mapped", [964]], [[120682, 120682], "mapped", [965]], [[120683, 120683], "mapped", [966]], [[120684, 120684], "mapped", [967]], [[120685, 120685], "mapped", [968]], [[120686, 120686], "mapped", [969]], [[120687, 120687], "mapped", [8711]], [[120688, 120688], "mapped", [945]], [[120689, 120689], "mapped", [946]], [[120690, 120690], "mapped", [947]], [[120691, 120691], "mapped", [948]], [[120692, 120692], "mapped", [949]], [[120693, 120693], "mapped", [950]], [[120694, 120694], "mapped", [951]], [[120695, 120695], "mapped", [952]], [[120696, 120696], "mapped", [953]], [[120697, 120697], "mapped", [954]], [[120698, 120698], "mapped", [955]], [[120699, 120699], "mapped", [956]], [[120700, 120700], "mapped", [957]], [[120701, 120701], "mapped", [958]], [[120702, 120702], "mapped", [959]], [[120703, 120703], "mapped", [960]], [[120704, 120704], "mapped", [961]], [[120705, 120706], "mapped", [963]], [[120707, 120707], "mapped", [964]], [[120708, 120708], "mapped", [965]], [[120709, 120709], "mapped", [966]], [[120710, 120710], "mapped", [967]], [[120711, 120711], "mapped", [968]], [[120712, 120712], "mapped", [969]], [[120713, 120713], "mapped", [8706]], [[120714, 120714], "mapped", [949]], [[120715, 120715], "mapped", [952]], [[120716, 120716], "mapped", [954]], [[120717, 120717], "mapped", [966]], [[120718, 120718], "mapped", [961]], [[120719, 120719], "mapped", [960]], [[120720, 120720], "mapped", [945]], [[120721, 120721], "mapped", [946]], [[120722, 120722], "mapped", [947]], [[120723, 120723], "mapped", [948]], [[120724, 120724], "mapped", [949]], [[120725, 120725], "mapped", [950]], [[120726, 120726], "mapped", [951]], [[120727, 120727], "mapped", [952]], [[120728, 120728], "mapped", [953]], [[120729, 120729], "mapped", [954]], [[120730, 120730], "mapped", [955]], [[120731, 120731], "mapped", [956]], [[120732, 120732], "mapped", [957]], [[120733, 120733], "mapped", [958]], [[120734, 120734], "mapped", [959]], [[120735, 120735], "mapped", [960]], [[120736, 120736], "mapped", [961]], [[120737, 120737], "mapped", [952]], [[120738, 120738], "mapped", [963]], [[120739, 120739], "mapped", [964]], [[120740, 120740], "mapped", [965]], [[120741, 120741], "mapped", [966]], [[120742, 120742], "mapped", [967]], [[120743, 120743], "mapped", [968]], [[120744, 120744], "mapped", [969]], [[120745, 120745], "mapped", [8711]], [[120746, 120746], "mapped", [945]], [[120747, 120747], "mapped", [946]], [[120748, 120748], "mapped", [947]], [[120749, 120749], "mapped", [948]], [[120750, 120750], "mapped", [949]], [[120751, 120751], "mapped", [950]], [[120752, 120752], "mapped", [951]], [[120753, 120753], "mapped", [952]], [[120754, 120754], "mapped", [953]], [[120755, 120755], "mapped", [954]], [[120756, 120756], "mapped", [955]], [[120757, 120757], "mapped", [956]], [[120758, 120758], "mapped", [957]], [[120759, 120759], "mapped", [958]], [[120760, 120760], "mapped", [959]], [[120761, 120761], "mapped", [960]], [[120762, 120762], "mapped", [961]], [[120763, 120764], "mapped", [963]], [[120765, 120765], "mapped", [964]], [[120766, 120766], "mapped", [965]], [[120767, 120767], "mapped", [966]], [[120768, 120768], "mapped", [967]], [[120769, 120769], "mapped", [968]], [[120770, 120770], "mapped", [969]], [[120771, 120771], "mapped", [8706]], [[120772, 120772], "mapped", [949]], [[120773, 120773], "mapped", [952]], [[120774, 120774], "mapped", [954]], [[120775, 120775], "mapped", [966]], [[120776, 120776], "mapped", [961]], [[120777, 120777], "mapped", [960]], [[120778, 120779], "mapped", [989]], [[120780, 120781], "disallowed"], [[120782, 120782], "mapped", [48]], [[120783, 120783], "mapped", [49]], [[120784, 120784], "mapped", [50]], [[120785, 120785], "mapped", [51]], [[120786, 120786], "mapped", [52]], [[120787, 120787], "mapped", [53]], [[120788, 120788], "mapped", [54]], [[120789, 120789], "mapped", [55]], [[120790, 120790], "mapped", [56]], [[120791, 120791], "mapped", [57]], [[120792, 120792], "mapped", [48]], [[120793, 120793], "mapped", [49]], [[120794, 120794], "mapped", [50]], [[120795, 120795], "mapped", [51]], [[120796, 120796], "mapped", [52]], [[120797, 120797], "mapped", [53]], [[120798, 120798], "mapped", [54]], [[120799, 120799], "mapped", [55]], [[120800, 120800], "mapped", [56]], [[120801, 120801], "mapped", [57]], [[120802, 120802], "mapped", [48]], [[120803, 120803], "mapped", [49]], [[120804, 120804], "mapped", [50]], [[120805, 120805], "mapped", [51]], [[120806, 120806], "mapped", [52]], [[120807, 120807], "mapped", [53]], [[120808, 120808], "mapped", [54]], [[120809, 120809], "mapped", [55]], [[120810, 120810], "mapped", [56]], [[120811, 120811], "mapped", [57]], [[120812, 120812], "mapped", [48]], [[120813, 120813], "mapped", [49]], [[120814, 120814], "mapped", [50]], [[120815, 120815], "mapped", [51]], [[120816, 120816], "mapped", [52]], [[120817, 120817], "mapped", [53]], [[120818, 120818], "mapped", [54]], [[120819, 120819], "mapped", [55]], [[120820, 120820], "mapped", [56]], [[120821, 120821], "mapped", [57]], [[120822, 120822], "mapped", [48]], [[120823, 120823], "mapped", [49]], [[120824, 120824], "mapped", [50]], [[120825, 120825], "mapped", [51]], [[120826, 120826], "mapped", [52]], [[120827, 120827], "mapped", [53]], [[120828, 120828], "mapped", [54]], [[120829, 120829], "mapped", [55]], [[120830, 120830], "mapped", [56]], [[120831, 120831], "mapped", [57]], [[120832, 121343], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[121344, 121398], "valid"], [[121399, 121402], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[121403, 121452], "valid"], [[121453, 121460], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[121461, 121461], "valid"], [[121462, 121475], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[121476, 121476], "valid"], [[121477, 121483], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[121484, 121498], "disallowed"], [[121499, 121503], "valid"], [[121504, 121504], "disallowed"], [[121505, 121519], "valid"], [[121520, 124927], "disallowed"], [[124928, 125124], "valid"], [[125125, 125126], "disallowed"], [[125127, 125135], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[125136, 125142], "valid"], [[125143, 126463], "disallowed"], [[126464, 126464], "mapped", [1575]], [[126465, 126465], "mapped", [1576]], [[126466, 126466], "mapped", [1580]], [[126467, 126467], "mapped", [1583]], [[126468, 126468], "disallowed"], [[126469, 126469], "mapped", [1608]], [[126470, 126470], "mapped", [1586]], [[126471, 126471], "mapped", [1581]], [[126472, 126472], "mapped", [1591]], [[126473, 126473], "mapped", [1610]], [[126474, 126474], "mapped", [1603]], [[126475, 126475], "mapped", [1604]], [[126476, 126476], "mapped", [1605]], [[126477, 126477], "mapped", [1606]], [[126478, 126478], "mapped", [1587]], [[126479, 126479], "mapped", [1593]], [[126480, 126480], "mapped", [1601]], [[126481, 126481], "mapped", [1589]], [[126482, 126482], "mapped", [1602]], [[126483, 126483], "mapped", [1585]], [[126484, 126484], "mapped", [1588]], [[126485, 126485], "mapped", [1578]], [[126486, 126486], "mapped", [1579]], [[126487, 126487], "mapped", [1582]], [[126488, 126488], "mapped", [1584]], [[126489, 126489], "mapped", [1590]], [[126490, 126490], "mapped", [1592]], [[126491, 126491], "mapped", [1594]], [[126492, 126492], "mapped", [1646]], [[126493, 126493], "mapped", [1722]], [[126494, 126494], "mapped", [1697]], [[126495, 126495], "mapped", [1647]], [[126496, 126496], "disallowed"], [[126497, 126497], "mapped", [1576]], [[126498, 126498], "mapped", [1580]], [[126499, 126499], "disallowed"], [[126500, 126500], "mapped", [1607]], [[126501, 126502], "disallowed"], [[126503, 126503], "mapped", [1581]], [[126504, 126504], "disallowed"], [[126505, 126505], "mapped", [1610]], [[126506, 126506], "mapped", [1603]], [[126507, 126507], "mapped", [1604]], [[126508, 126508], "mapped", [1605]], [[126509, 126509], "mapped", [1606]], [[126510, 126510], "mapped", [1587]], [[126511, 126511], "mapped", [1593]], [[126512, 126512], "mapped", [1601]], [[126513, 126513], "mapped", [1589]], [[126514, 126514], "mapped", [1602]], [[126515, 126515], "disallowed"], [[126516, 126516], "mapped", [1588]], [[126517, 126517], "mapped", [1578]], [[126518, 126518], "mapped", [1579]], [[126519, 126519], "mapped", [1582]], [[126520, 126520], "disallowed"], [[126521, 126521], "mapped", [1590]], [[126522, 126522], "disallowed"], [[126523, 126523], "mapped", [1594]], [[126524, 126529], "disallowed"], [[126530, 126530], "mapped", [1580]], [[126531, 126534], "disallowed"], [[126535, 126535], "mapped", [1581]], [[126536, 126536], "disallowed"], [[126537, 126537], "mapped", [1610]], [[126538, 126538], "disallowed"], [[126539, 126539], "mapped", [1604]], [[126540, 126540], "disallowed"], [[126541, 126541], "mapped", [1606]], [[126542, 126542], "mapped", [1587]], [[126543, 126543], "mapped", [1593]], [[126544, 126544], "disallowed"], [[126545, 126545], "mapped", [1589]], [[126546, 126546], "mapped", [1602]], [[126547, 126547], "disallowed"], [[126548, 126548], "mapped", [1588]], [[126549, 126550], "disallowed"], [[126551, 126551], "mapped", [1582]], [[126552, 126552], "disallowed"], [[126553, 126553], "mapped", [1590]], [[126554, 126554], "disallowed"], [[126555, 126555], "mapped", [1594]], [[126556, 126556], "disallowed"], [[126557, 126557], "mapped", [1722]], [[126558, 126558], "disallowed"], [[126559, 126559], "mapped", [1647]], [[126560, 126560], "disallowed"], [[126561, 126561], "mapped", [1576]], [[126562, 126562], "mapped", [1580]], [[126563, 126563], "disallowed"], [[126564, 126564], "mapped", [1607]], [[126565, 126566], "disallowed"], [[126567, 126567], "mapped", [1581]], [[126568, 126568], "mapped", [1591]], [[126569, 126569], "mapped", [1610]], [[126570, 126570], "mapped", [1603]], [[126571, 126571], "disallowed"], [[126572, 126572], "mapped", [1605]], [[126573, 126573], "mapped", [1606]], [[126574, 126574], "mapped", [1587]], [[126575, 126575], "mapped", [1593]], [[126576, 126576], "mapped", [1601]], [[126577, 126577], "mapped", [1589]], [[126578, 126578], "mapped", [1602]], [[126579, 126579], "disallowed"], [[126580, 126580], "mapped", [1588]], [[126581, 126581], "mapped", [1578]], [[126582, 126582], "mapped", [1579]], [[126583, 126583], "mapped", [1582]], [[126584, 126584], "disallowed"], [[126585, 126585], "mapped", [1590]], [[126586, 126586], "mapped", [1592]], [[126587, 126587], "mapped", [1594]], [[126588, 126588], "mapped", [1646]], [[126589, 126589], "disallowed"], [[126590, 126590], "mapped", [1697]], [[126591, 126591], "disallowed"], [[126592, 126592], "mapped", [1575]], [[126593, 126593], "mapped", [1576]], [[126594, 126594], "mapped", [1580]], [[126595, 126595], "mapped", [1583]], [[126596, 126596], "mapped", [1607]], [[126597, 126597], "mapped", [1608]], [[126598, 126598], "mapped", [1586]], [[126599, 126599], "mapped", [1581]], [[126600, 126600], "mapped", [1591]], [[126601, 126601], "mapped", [1610]], [[126602, 126602], "disallowed"], [[126603, 126603], "mapped", [1604]], [[126604, 126604], "mapped", [1605]], [[126605, 126605], "mapped", [1606]], [[126606, 126606], "mapped", [1587]], [[126607, 126607], "mapped", [1593]], [[126608, 126608], "mapped", [1601]], [[126609, 126609], "mapped", [1589]], [[126610, 126610], "mapped", [1602]], [[126611, 126611], "mapped", [1585]], [[126612, 126612], "mapped", [1588]], [[126613, 126613], "mapped", [1578]], [[126614, 126614], "mapped", [1579]], [[126615, 126615], "mapped", [1582]], [[126616, 126616], "mapped", [1584]], [[126617, 126617], "mapped", [1590]], [[126618, 126618], "mapped", [1592]], [[126619, 126619], "mapped", [1594]], [[126620, 126624], "disallowed"], [[126625, 126625], "mapped", [1576]], [[126626, 126626], "mapped", [1580]], [[126627, 126627], "mapped", [1583]], [[126628, 126628], "disallowed"], [[126629, 126629], "mapped", [1608]], [[126630, 126630], "mapped", [1586]], [[126631, 126631], "mapped", [1581]], [[126632, 126632], "mapped", [1591]], [[126633, 126633], "mapped", [1610]], [[126634, 126634], "disallowed"], [[126635, 126635], "mapped", [1604]], [[126636, 126636], "mapped", [1605]], [[126637, 126637], "mapped", [1606]], [[126638, 126638], "mapped", [1587]], [[126639, 126639], "mapped", [1593]], [[126640, 126640], "mapped", [1601]], [[126641, 126641], "mapped", [1589]], [[126642, 126642], "mapped", [1602]], [[126643, 126643], "mapped", [1585]], [[126644, 126644], "mapped", [1588]], [[126645, 126645], "mapped", [1578]], [[126646, 126646], "mapped", [1579]], [[126647, 126647], "mapped", [1582]], [[126648, 126648], "mapped", [1584]], [[126649, 126649], "mapped", [1590]], [[126650, 126650], "mapped", [1592]], [[126651, 126651], "mapped", [1594]], [[126652, 126703], "disallowed"], [[126704, 126705], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[126706, 126975], "disallowed"], [[126976, 127019], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[127020, 127023], "disallowed"], [[127024, 127123], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[127124, 127135], "disallowed"], [[127136, 127150], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[127151, 127152], "disallowed"], [[127153, 127166], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[127167, 127167], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[127168, 127168], "disallowed"], [[127169, 127183], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[127184, 127184], "disallowed"], [[127185, 127199], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[127200, 127221], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[127222, 127231], "disallowed"], [[127232, 127232], "disallowed"], [[127233, 127233], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [48, 44]], [[127234, 127234], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [49, 44]], [[127235, 127235], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [50, 44]], [[127236, 127236], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [51, 44]], [[127237, 127237], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [52, 44]], [[127238, 127238], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [53, 44]], [[127239, 127239], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [54, 44]], [[127240, 127240], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [55, 44]], [[127241, 127241], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [56, 44]], [[127242, 127242], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [57, 44]], [[127243, 127244], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[127245, 127247], "disallowed"], [[127248, 127248], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 97, 41]], [[127249, 127249], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 98, 41]], [[127250, 127250], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 99, 41]], [[127251, 127251], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 100, 41]], [[127252, 127252], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 101, 41]], [[127253, 127253], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 102, 41]], [[127254, 127254], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 103, 41]], [[127255, 127255], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 104, 41]], [[127256, 127256], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 105, 41]], [[127257, 127257], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 106, 41]], [[127258, 127258], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 107, 41]], [[127259, 127259], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 108, 41]], [[127260, 127260], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 109, 41]], [[127261, 127261], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 110, 41]], [[127262, 127262], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 111, 41]], [[127263, 127263], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 112, 41]], [[127264, 127264], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 113, 41]], [[127265, 127265], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 114, 41]], [[127266, 127266], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 115, 41]], [[127267, 127267], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 116, 41]], [[127268, 127268], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 117, 41]], [[127269, 127269], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 118, 41]], [[127270, 127270], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 119, 41]], [[127271, 127271], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 120, 41]], [[127272, 127272], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 121, 41]], [[127273, 127273], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [40, 122, 41]], [[127274, 127274], "mapped", [12308, 115, 12309]], [[127275, 127275], "mapped", [99]], [[127276, 127276], "mapped", [114]], [[127277, 127277], "mapped", [99, 100]], [[127278, 127278], "mapped", [119, 122]], [[127279, 127279], "disallowed"], [[127280, 127280], "mapped", [97]], [[127281, 127281], "mapped", [98]], [[127282, 127282], "mapped", [99]], [[127283, 127283], "mapped", [100]], [[127284, 127284], "mapped", [101]], [[127285, 127285], "mapped", [102]], [[127286, 127286], "mapped", [103]], [[127287, 127287], "mapped", [104]], [[127288, 127288], "mapped", [105]], [[127289, 127289], "mapped", [106]], [[127290, 127290], "mapped", [107]], [[127291, 127291], "mapped", [108]], [[127292, 127292], "mapped", [109]], [[127293, 127293], "mapped", [110]], [[127294, 127294], "mapped", [111]], [[127295, 127295], "mapped", [112]], [[127296, 127296], "mapped", [113]], [[127297, 127297], "mapped", [114]], [[127298, 127298], "mapped", [115]], [[127299, 127299], "mapped", [116]], [[127300, 127300], "mapped", [117]], [[127301, 127301], "mapped", [118]], [[127302, 127302], "mapped", [119]], [[127303, 127303], "mapped", [120]], [[127304, 127304], "mapped", [121]], [[127305, 127305], "mapped", [122]], [[127306, 127306], "mapped", [104, 118]], [[127307, 127307], "mapped", [109, 118]], [[127308, 127308], "mapped", [115, 100]], [[127309, 127309], "mapped", [115, 115]], [[127310, 127310], "mapped", [112, 112, 118]], [[127311, 127311], "mapped", [119, 99]], [[127312, 127318], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[127319, 127319], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[127320, 127326], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[127327, 127327], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[127328, 127337], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[127338, 127338], "mapped", [109, 99]], [[127339, 127339], "mapped", [109, 100]], [[127340, 127343], "disallowed"], [[127344, 127352], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[127353, 127353], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[127354, 127354], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[127355, 127356], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[127357, 127358], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[127359, 127359], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[127360, 127369], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[127370, 127373], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[127374, 127375], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[127376, 127376], "mapped", [100, 106]], [[127377, 127386], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[127387, 127461], "disallowed"], [[127462, 127487], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[127488, 127488], "mapped", [12411, 12363]], [[127489, 127489], "mapped", [12467, 12467]], [[127490, 127490], "mapped", [12469]], [[127491, 127503], "disallowed"], [[127504, 127504], "mapped", [25163]], [[127505, 127505], "mapped", [23383]], [[127506, 127506], "mapped", [21452]], [[127507, 127507], "mapped", [12487]], [[127508, 127508], "mapped", [20108]], [[127509, 127509], "mapped", [22810]], [[127510, 127510], "mapped", [35299]], [[127511, 127511], "mapped", [22825]], [[127512, 127512], "mapped", [20132]], [[127513, 127513], "mapped", [26144]], [[127514, 127514], "mapped", [28961]], [[127515, 127515], "mapped", [26009]], [[127516, 127516], "mapped", [21069]], [[127517, 127517], "mapped", [24460]], [[127518, 127518], "mapped", [20877]], [[127519, 127519], "mapped", [26032]], [[127520, 127520], "mapped", [21021]], [[127521, 127521], "mapped", [32066]], [[127522, 127522], "mapped", [29983]], [[127523, 127523], "mapped", [36009]], [[127524, 127524], "mapped", [22768]], [[127525, 127525], "mapped", [21561]], [[127526, 127526], "mapped", [28436]], [[127527, 127527], "mapped", [25237]], [[127528, 127528], "mapped", [25429]], [[127529, 127529], "mapped", [19968]], [[127530, 127530], "mapped", [19977]], [[127531, 127531], "mapped", [36938]], [[127532, 127532], "mapped", [24038]], [[127533, 127533], "mapped", [20013]], [[127534, 127534], "mapped", [21491]], [[127535, 127535], "mapped", [25351]], [[127536, 127536], "mapped", [36208]], [[127537, 127537], "mapped", [25171]], [[127538, 127538], "mapped", [31105]], [[127539, 127539], "mapped", [31354]], [[127540, 127540], "mapped", [21512]], [[127541, 127541], "mapped", [28288]], [[127542, 127542], "mapped", [26377]], [[127543, 127543], "mapped", [26376]], [[127544, 127544], "mapped", [30003]], [[127545, 127545], "mapped", [21106]], [[127546, 127546], "mapped", [21942]], [[127547, 127551], "disallowed"], [[127552, 127552], "mapped", [12308, 26412, 12309]], [[127553, 127553], "mapped", [12308, 19977, 12309]], [[127554, 127554], "mapped", [12308, 20108, 12309]], [[127555, 127555], "mapped", [12308, 23433, 12309]], [[127556, 127556], "mapped", [12308, 28857, 12309]], [[127557, 127557], "mapped", [12308, 25171, 12309]], [[127558, 127558], "mapped", [12308, 30423, 12309]], [[127559, 127559], "mapped", [12308, 21213, 12309]], [[127560, 127560], "mapped", [12308, 25943, 12309]], [[127561, 127567], "disallowed"], [[127568, 127568], "mapped", [24471]], [[127569, 127569], "mapped", [21487]], [[127570, 127743], "disallowed"], [[127744, 127776], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[127777, 127788], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[127789, 127791], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[127792, 127797], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[127798, 127798], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[127799, 127868], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[127869, 127869], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[127870, 127871], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[127872, 127891], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[127892, 127903], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[127904, 127940], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[127941, 127941], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[127942, 127946], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[127947, 127950], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[127951, 127955], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[127956, 127967], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[127968, 127984], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[127985, 127991], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[127992, 127999], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[128e3, 128062], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[128063, 128063], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[128064, 128064], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[128065, 128065], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[128066, 128247], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[128248, 128248], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[128249, 128252], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[128253, 128254], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[128255, 128255], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[128256, 128317], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[128318, 128319], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[128320, 128323], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[128324, 128330], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[128331, 128335], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[128336, 128359], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[128360, 128377], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[128378, 128378], "disallowed"], [[128379, 128419], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[128420, 128420], "disallowed"], [[128421, 128506], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[128507, 128511], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[128512, 128512], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[128513, 128528], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[128529, 128529], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[128530, 128532], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[128533, 128533], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[128534, 128534], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[128535, 128535], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[128536, 128536], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[128537, 128537], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[128538, 128538], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[128539, 128539], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[128540, 128542], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[128543, 128543], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[128544, 128549], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[128550, 128551], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[128552, 128555], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[128556, 128556], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[128557, 128557], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[128558, 128559], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[128560, 128563], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[128564, 128564], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[128565, 128576], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[128577, 128578], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[128579, 128580], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[128581, 128591], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[128592, 128639], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[128640, 128709], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[128710, 128719], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[128720, 128720], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[128721, 128735], "disallowed"], [[128736, 128748], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[128749, 128751], "disallowed"], [[128752, 128755], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[128756, 128767], "disallowed"], [[128768, 128883], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[128884, 128895], "disallowed"], [[128896, 128980], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[128981, 129023], "disallowed"], [[129024, 129035], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[129036, 129039], "disallowed"], [[129040, 129095], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[129096, 129103], "disallowed"], [[129104, 129113], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[129114, 129119], "disallowed"], [[129120, 129159], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[129160, 129167], "disallowed"], [[129168, 129197], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[129198, 129295], "disallowed"], [[129296, 129304], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[129305, 129407], "disallowed"], [[129408, 129412], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[129413, 129471], "disallowed"], [[129472, 129472], "valid", [], "NV8"], [[129473, 131069], "disallowed"], [[131070, 131071], "disallowed"], [[131072, 173782], "valid"], [[173783, 173823], "disallowed"], [[173824, 177972], "valid"], [[177973, 177983], "disallowed"], [[177984, 178205], "valid"], [[178206, 178207], "disallowed"], [[178208, 183969], "valid"], [[183970, 194559], "disallowed"], [[194560, 194560], "mapped", [20029]], [[194561, 194561], "mapped", [20024]], [[194562, 194562], "mapped", [20033]], [[194563, 194563], "mapped", [131362]], [[194564, 194564], "mapped", [20320]], [[194565, 194565], "mapped", [20398]], [[194566, 194566], "mapped", [20411]], [[194567, 194567], "mapped", [20482]], [[194568, 194568], "mapped", [20602]], [[194569, 194569], "mapped", [20633]], [[194570, 194570], "mapped", [20711]], [[194571, 194571], "mapped", [20687]], [[194572, 194572], "mapped", [13470]], [[194573, 194573], "mapped", [132666]], [[194574, 194574], "mapped", [20813]], [[194575, 194575], "mapped", [20820]], [[194576, 194576], "mapped", [20836]], [[194577, 194577], "mapped", [20855]], [[194578, 194578], "mapped", [132380]], [[194579, 194579], "mapped", [13497]], [[194580, 194580], "mapped", [20839]], [[194581, 194581], "mapped", [20877]], [[194582, 194582], "mapped", [132427]], [[194583, 194583], "mapped", [20887]], [[194584, 194584], "mapped", [20900]], [[194585, 194585], "mapped", [20172]], [[194586, 194586], "mapped", [20908]], [[194587, 194587], "mapped", [20917]], [[194588, 194588], "mapped", [168415]], [[194589, 194589], "mapped", [20981]], [[194590, 194590], "mapped", [20995]], [[194591, 194591], "mapped", [13535]], [[194592, 194592], "mapped", [21051]], [[194593, 194593], "mapped", [21062]], [[194594, 194594], "mapped", [21106]], [[194595, 194595], "mapped", [21111]], [[194596, 194596], "mapped", [13589]], [[194597, 194597], "mapped", [21191]], [[194598, 194598], "mapped", [21193]], [[194599, 194599], "mapped", [21220]], [[194600, 194600], "mapped", [21242]], [[194601, 194601], "mapped", [21253]], [[194602, 194602], "mapped", [21254]], [[194603, 194603], "mapped", [21271]], [[194604, 194604], "mapped", [21321]], [[194605, 194605], "mapped", [21329]], [[194606, 194606], "mapped", [21338]], [[194607, 194607], "mapped", [21363]], [[194608, 194608], "mapped", [21373]], [[194609, 194611], "mapped", [21375]], [[194612, 194612], "mapped", [133676]], [[194613, 194613], "mapped", [28784]], [[194614, 194614], "mapped", [21450]], [[194615, 194615], "mapped", [21471]], [[194616, 194616], "mapped", [133987]], [[194617, 194617], "mapped", [21483]], [[194618, 194618], "mapped", [21489]], [[194619, 194619], "mapped", [21510]], [[194620, 194620], "mapped", [21662]], [[194621, 194621], "mapped", [21560]], [[194622, 194622], "mapped", [21576]], [[194623, 194623], "mapped", [21608]], [[194624, 194624], "mapped", [21666]], [[194625, 194625], "mapped", [21750]], [[194626, 194626], "mapped", [21776]], [[194627, 194627], "mapped", [21843]], [[194628, 194628], "mapped", [21859]], [[194629, 194630], "mapped", [21892]], [[194631, 194631], "mapped", [21913]], [[194632, 194632], "mapped", [21931]], [[194633, 194633], "mapped", [21939]], [[194634, 194634], "mapped", [21954]], [[194635, 194635], "mapped", [22294]], [[194636, 194636], "mapped", [22022]], [[194637, 194637], "mapped", [22295]], [[194638, 194638], "mapped", [22097]], [[194639, 194639], "mapped", [22132]], [[194640, 194640], "mapped", [20999]], [[194641, 194641], "mapped", [22766]], [[194642, 194642], "mapped", [22478]], [[194643, 194643], "mapped", [22516]], [[194644, 194644], "mapped", [22541]], [[194645, 194645], "mapped", [22411]], [[194646, 194646], "mapped", [22578]], [[194647, 194647], "mapped", [22577]], [[194648, 194648], "mapped", [22700]], [[194649, 194649], "mapped", [136420]], [[194650, 194650], "mapped", [22770]], [[194651, 194651], "mapped", [22775]], [[194652, 194652], "mapped", [22790]], [[194653, 194653], "mapped", [22810]], [[194654, 194654], "mapped", [22818]], [[194655, 194655], "mapped", [22882]], [[194656, 194656], "mapped", [136872]], [[194657, 194657], "mapped", [136938]], [[194658, 194658], "mapped", [23020]], [[194659, 194659], "mapped", [23067]], [[194660, 194660], "mapped", [23079]], [[194661, 194661], "mapped", [23e3]], [[194662, 194662], "mapped", [23142]], [[194663, 194663], "mapped", [14062]], [[194664, 194664], "disallowed"], [[194665, 194665], "mapped", [23304]], [[194666, 194667], "mapped", [23358]], [[194668, 194668], "mapped", [137672]], [[194669, 194669], "mapped", [23491]], [[194670, 194670], "mapped", [23512]], [[194671, 194671], "mapped", [23527]], [[194672, 194672], "mapped", [23539]], [[194673, 194673], "mapped", [138008]], [[194674, 194674], "mapped", [23551]], [[194675, 194675], "mapped", [23558]], [[194676, 194676], "disallowed"], [[194677, 194677], "mapped", [23586]], [[194678, 194678], "mapped", [14209]], [[194679, 194679], "mapped", [23648]], [[194680, 194680], "mapped", [23662]], [[194681, 194681], "mapped", [23744]], [[194682, 194682], "mapped", [23693]], [[194683, 194683], "mapped", [138724]], [[194684, 194684], "mapped", [23875]], [[194685, 194685], "mapped", [138726]], [[194686, 194686], "mapped", [23918]], [[194687, 194687], "mapped", [23915]], [[194688, 194688], "mapped", [23932]], [[194689, 194689], "mapped", [24033]], [[194690, 194690], "mapped", [24034]], [[194691, 194691], "mapped", [14383]], [[194692, 194692], "mapped", [24061]], [[194693, 194693], "mapped", [24104]], [[194694, 194694], "mapped", [24125]], [[194695, 194695], "mapped", [24169]], [[194696, 194696], "mapped", [14434]], [[194697, 194697], "mapped", [139651]], [[194698, 194698], "mapped", [14460]], [[194699, 194699], "mapped", [24240]], [[194700, 194700], "mapped", [24243]], [[194701, 194701], "mapped", [24246]], [[194702, 194702], "mapped", [24266]], [[194703, 194703], "mapped", [172946]], [[194704, 194704], "mapped", [24318]], [[194705, 194706], "mapped", [140081]], [[194707, 194707], "mapped", [33281]], [[194708, 194709], "mapped", [24354]], [[194710, 194710], "mapped", [14535]], [[194711, 194711], "mapped", [144056]], [[194712, 194712], "mapped", [156122]], [[194713, 194713], "mapped", [24418]], [[194714, 194714], "mapped", [24427]], [[194715, 194715], "mapped", [14563]], [[194716, 194716], "mapped", [24474]], [[194717, 194717], "mapped", [24525]], [[194718, 194718], "mapped", [24535]], [[194719, 194719], "mapped", [24569]], [[194720, 194720], "mapped", [24705]], [[194721, 194721], "mapped", [14650]], [[194722, 194722], "mapped", [14620]], [[194723, 194723], "mapped", [24724]], [[194724, 194724], "mapped", [141012]], [[194725, 194725], "mapped", [24775]], [[194726, 194726], "mapped", [24904]], [[194727, 194727], "mapped", [24908]], [[194728, 194728], "mapped", [24910]], [[194729, 194729], "mapped", [24908]], [[194730, 194730], "mapped", [24954]], [[194731, 194731], "mapped", [24974]], [[194732, 194732], "mapped", [25010]], [[194733, 194733], "mapped", [24996]], [[194734, 194734], "mapped", [25007]], [[194735, 194735], "mapped", [25054]], [[194736, 194736], "mapped", [25074]], [[194737, 194737], "mapped", [25078]], [[194738, 194738], "mapped", [25104]], [[194739, 194739], "mapped", [25115]], [[194740, 194740], "mapped", [25181]], [[194741, 194741], "mapped", [25265]], [[194742, 194742], "mapped", [25300]], [[194743, 194743], "mapped", [25424]], [[194744, 194744], "mapped", [142092]], [[194745, 194745], "mapped", [25405]], [[194746, 194746], "mapped", [25340]], [[194747, 194747], "mapped", [25448]], [[194748, 194748], "mapped", [25475]], [[194749, 194749], "mapped", [25572]], [[194750, 194750], "mapped", [142321]], [[194751, 194751], "mapped", [25634]], [[194752, 194752], "mapped", [25541]], [[194753, 194753], "mapped", [25513]], [[194754, 194754], "mapped", [14894]], [[194755, 194755], "mapped", [25705]], [[194756, 194756], "mapped", [25726]], [[194757, 194757], "mapped", [25757]], [[194758, 194758], "mapped", [25719]], [[194759, 194759], "mapped", [14956]], [[194760, 194760], "mapped", [25935]], [[194761, 194761], "mapped", [25964]], [[194762, 194762], "mapped", [143370]], [[194763, 194763], "mapped", [26083]], [[194764, 194764], "mapped", [26360]], [[194765, 194765], "mapped", [26185]], [[194766, 194766], "mapped", [15129]], [[194767, 194767], "mapped", [26257]], [[194768, 194768], "mapped", [15112]], [[194769, 194769], "mapped", [15076]], [[194770, 194770], "mapped", [20882]], [[194771, 194771], "mapped", [20885]], [[194772, 194772], "mapped", [26368]], [[194773, 194773], "mapped", [26268]], [[194774, 194774], "mapped", [32941]], [[194775, 194775], "mapped", [17369]], [[194776, 194776], "mapped", [26391]], [[194777, 194777], "mapped", [26395]], [[194778, 194778], "mapped", [26401]], [[194779, 194779], "mapped", [26462]], [[194780, 194780], "mapped", [26451]], [[194781, 194781], "mapped", [144323]], [[194782, 194782], "mapped", [15177]], [[194783, 194783], "mapped", [26618]], [[194784, 194784], "mapped", [26501]], [[194785, 194785], "mapped", [26706]], [[194786, 194786], "mapped", [26757]], [[194787, 194787], "mapped", [144493]], [[194788, 194788], "mapped", [26766]], [[194789, 194789], "mapped", [26655]], [[194790, 194790], "mapped", [26900]], [[194791, 194791], "mapped", [15261]], [[194792, 194792], "mapped", [26946]], [[194793, 194793], "mapped", [27043]], [[194794, 194794], "mapped", [27114]], [[194795, 194795], "mapped", [27304]], [[194796, 194796], "mapped", [145059]], [[194797, 194797], "mapped", [27355]], [[194798, 194798], "mapped", [15384]], [[194799, 194799], "mapped", [27425]], [[194800, 194800], "mapped", [145575]], [[194801, 194801], "mapped", [27476]], [[194802, 194802], "mapped", [15438]], [[194803, 194803], "mapped", [27506]], [[194804, 194804], "mapped", [27551]], [[194805, 194805], "mapped", [27578]], [[194806, 194806], "mapped", [27579]], [[194807, 194807], "mapped", [146061]], [[194808, 194808], "mapped", [138507]], [[194809, 194809], "mapped", [146170]], [[194810, 194810], "mapped", [27726]], [[194811, 194811], "mapped", [146620]], [[194812, 194812], "mapped", [27839]], [[194813, 194813], "mapped", [27853]], [[194814, 194814], "mapped", [27751]], [[194815, 194815], "mapped", [27926]], [[194816, 194816], "mapped", [27966]], [[194817, 194817], "mapped", [28023]], [[194818, 194818], "mapped", [27969]], [[194819, 194819], "mapped", [28009]], [[194820, 194820], "mapped", [28024]], [[194821, 194821], "mapped", [28037]], [[194822, 194822], "mapped", [146718]], [[194823, 194823], "mapped", [27956]], [[194824, 194824], "mapped", [28207]], [[194825, 194825], "mapped", [28270]], [[194826, 194826], "mapped", [15667]], [[194827, 194827], "mapped", [28363]], [[194828, 194828], "mapped", [28359]], [[194829, 194829], "mapped", [147153]], [[194830, 194830], "mapped", [28153]], [[194831, 194831], "mapped", [28526]], [[194832, 194832], "mapped", [147294]], [[194833, 194833], "mapped", [147342]], [[194834, 194834], "mapped", [28614]], [[194835, 194835], "mapped", [28729]], [[194836, 194836], "mapped", [28702]], [[194837, 194837], "mapped", [28699]], [[194838, 194838], "mapped", [15766]], [[194839, 194839], "mapped", [28746]], [[194840, 194840], "mapped", [28797]], [[194841, 194841], "mapped", [28791]], [[194842, 194842], "mapped", [28845]], [[194843, 194843], "mapped", [132389]], [[194844, 194844], "mapped", [28997]], [[194845, 194845], "mapped", [148067]], [[194846, 194846], "mapped", [29084]], [[194847, 194847], "disallowed"], [[194848, 194848], "mapped", [29224]], [[194849, 194849], "mapped", [29237]], [[194850, 194850], "mapped", [29264]], [[194851, 194851], "mapped", [149e3]], [[194852, 194852], "mapped", [29312]], [[194853, 194853], "mapped", [29333]], [[194854, 194854], "mapped", [149301]], [[194855, 194855], "mapped", [149524]], [[194856, 194856], "mapped", [29562]], [[194857, 194857], "mapped", [29579]], [[194858, 194858], "mapped", [16044]], [[194859, 194859], "mapped", [29605]], [[194860, 194861], "mapped", [16056]], [[194862, 194862], "mapped", [29767]], [[194863, 194863], "mapped", [29788]], [[194864, 194864], "mapped", [29809]], [[194865, 194865], "mapped", [29829]], [[194866, 194866], "mapped", [29898]], [[194867, 194867], "mapped", [16155]], [[194868, 194868], "mapped", [29988]], [[194869, 194869], "mapped", [150582]], [[194870, 194870], "mapped", [30014]], [[194871, 194871], "mapped", [150674]], [[194872, 194872], "mapped", [30064]], [[194873, 194873], "mapped", [139679]], [[194874, 194874], "mapped", [30224]], [[194875, 194875], "mapped", [151457]], [[194876, 194876], "mapped", [151480]], [[194877, 194877], "mapped", [151620]], [[194878, 194878], "mapped", [16380]], [[194879, 194879], "mapped", [16392]], [[194880, 194880], "mapped", [30452]], [[194881, 194881], "mapped", [151795]], [[194882, 194882], "mapped", [151794]], [[194883, 194883], "mapped", [151833]], [[194884, 194884], "mapped", [151859]], [[194885, 194885], "mapped", [30494]], [[194886, 194887], "mapped", [30495]], [[194888, 194888], "mapped", [30538]], [[194889, 194889], "mapped", [16441]], [[194890, 194890], "mapped", [30603]], [[194891, 194891], "mapped", [16454]], [[194892, 194892], "mapped", [16534]], [[194893, 194893], "mapped", [152605]], [[194894, 194894], "mapped", [30798]], [[194895, 194895], "mapped", [30860]], [[194896, 194896], "mapped", [30924]], [[194897, 194897], "mapped", [16611]], [[194898, 194898], "mapped", [153126]], [[194899, 194899], "mapped", [31062]], [[194900, 194900], "mapped", [153242]], [[194901, 194901], "mapped", [153285]], [[194902, 194902], "mapped", [31119]], [[194903, 194903], "mapped", [31211]], [[194904, 194904], "mapped", [16687]], [[194905, 194905], "mapped", [31296]], [[194906, 194906], "mapped", [31306]], [[194907, 194907], "mapped", [31311]], [[194908, 194908], "mapped", [153980]], [[194909, 194910], "mapped", [154279]], [[194911, 194911], "disallowed"], [[194912, 194912], "mapped", [16898]], [[194913, 194913], "mapped", [154539]], [[194914, 194914], "mapped", [31686]], [[194915, 194915], "mapped", [31689]], [[194916, 194916], "mapped", [16935]], [[194917, 194917], "mapped", [154752]], [[194918, 194918], "mapped", [31954]], [[194919, 194919], "mapped", [17056]], [[194920, 194920], "mapped", [31976]], [[194921, 194921], "mapped", [31971]], [[194922, 194922], "mapped", [32e3]], [[194923, 194923], "mapped", [155526]], [[194924, 194924], "mapped", [32099]], [[194925, 194925], "mapped", [17153]], [[194926, 194926], "mapped", [32199]], [[194927, 194927], "mapped", [32258]], [[194928, 194928], "mapped", [32325]], [[194929, 194929], "mapped", [17204]], [[194930, 194930], "mapped", [156200]], [[194931, 194931], "mapped", [156231]], [[194932, 194932], "mapped", [17241]], [[194933, 194933], "mapped", [156377]], [[194934, 194934], "mapped", [32634]], [[194935, 194935], "mapped", [156478]], [[194936, 194936], "mapped", [32661]], [[194937, 194937], "mapped", [32762]], [[194938, 194938], "mapped", [32773]], [[194939, 194939], "mapped", [156890]], [[194940, 194940], "mapped", [156963]], [[194941, 194941], "mapped", [32864]], [[194942, 194942], "mapped", [157096]], [[194943, 194943], "mapped", [32880]], [[194944, 194944], "mapped", [144223]], [[194945, 194945], "mapped", [17365]], [[194946, 194946], "mapped", [32946]], [[194947, 194947], "mapped", [33027]], [[194948, 194948], "mapped", [17419]], [[194949, 194949], "mapped", [33086]], [[194950, 194950], "mapped", [23221]], [[194951, 194951], "mapped", [157607]], [[194952, 194952], "mapped", [157621]], [[194953, 194953], "mapped", [144275]], [[194954, 194954], "mapped", [144284]], [[194955, 194955], "mapped", [33281]], [[194956, 194956], "mapped", [33284]], [[194957, 194957], "mapped", [36766]], [[194958, 194958], "mapped", [17515]], [[194959, 194959], "mapped", [33425]], [[194960, 194960], "mapped", [33419]], [[194961, 194961], "mapped", [33437]], [[194962, 194962], "mapped", [21171]], [[194963, 194963], "mapped", [33457]], [[194964, 194964], "mapped", [33459]], [[194965, 194965], "mapped", [33469]], [[194966, 194966], "mapped", [33510]], [[194967, 194967], "mapped", [158524]], [[194968, 194968], "mapped", [33509]], [[194969, 194969], "mapped", [33565]], [[194970, 194970], "mapped", [33635]], [[194971, 194971], "mapped", [33709]], [[194972, 194972], "mapped", [33571]], [[194973, 194973], "mapped", [33725]], [[194974, 194974], "mapped", [33767]], [[194975, 194975], "mapped", [33879]], [[194976, 194976], "mapped", [33619]], [[194977, 194977], "mapped", [33738]], [[194978, 194978], "mapped", [33740]], [[194979, 194979], "mapped", [33756]], [[194980, 194980], "mapped", [158774]], [[194981, 194981], "mapped", [159083]], [[194982, 194982], "mapped", [158933]], [[194983, 194983], "mapped", [17707]], [[194984, 194984], "mapped", [34033]], [[194985, 194985], "mapped", [34035]], [[194986, 194986], "mapped", [34070]], [[194987, 194987], "mapped", [160714]], [[194988, 194988], "mapped", [34148]], [[194989, 194989], "mapped", [159532]], [[194990, 194990], "mapped", [17757]], [[194991, 194991], "mapped", [17761]], [[194992, 194992], "mapped", [159665]], [[194993, 194993], "mapped", [159954]], [[194994, 194994], "mapped", [17771]], [[194995, 194995], "mapped", [34384]], [[194996, 194996], "mapped", [34396]], [[194997, 194997], "mapped", [34407]], [[194998, 194998], "mapped", [34409]], [[194999, 194999], "mapped", [34473]], [[195e3, 195e3], "mapped", [34440]], [[195001, 195001], "mapped", [34574]], [[195002, 195002], "mapped", [34530]], [[195003, 195003], "mapped", [34681]], [[195004, 195004], "mapped", [34600]], [[195005, 195005], "mapped", [34667]], [[195006, 195006], "mapped", [34694]], [[195007, 195007], "disallowed"], [[195008, 195008], "mapped", [34785]], [[195009, 195009], "mapped", [34817]], [[195010, 195010], "mapped", [17913]], [[195011, 195011], "mapped", [34912]], [[195012, 195012], "mapped", [34915]], [[195013, 195013], "mapped", [161383]], [[195014, 195014], "mapped", [35031]], [[195015, 195015], "mapped", [35038]], [[195016, 195016], "mapped", [17973]], [[195017, 195017], "mapped", [35066]], [[195018, 195018], "mapped", [13499]], [[195019, 195019], "mapped", [161966]], [[195020, 195020], "mapped", [162150]], [[195021, 195021], "mapped", [18110]], [[195022, 195022], "mapped", [18119]], [[195023, 195023], "mapped", [35488]], [[195024, 195024], "mapped", [35565]], [[195025, 195025], "mapped", [35722]], [[195026, 195026], "mapped", [35925]], [[195027, 195027], "mapped", [162984]], [[195028, 195028], "mapped", [36011]], [[195029, 195029], "mapped", [36033]], [[195030, 195030], "mapped", [36123]], [[195031, 195031], "mapped", [36215]], [[195032, 195032], "mapped", [163631]], [[195033, 195033], "mapped", [133124]], [[195034, 195034], "mapped", [36299]], [[195035, 195035], "mapped", [36284]], [[195036, 195036], "mapped", [36336]], [[195037, 195037], "mapped", [133342]], [[195038, 195038], "mapped", [36564]], [[195039, 195039], "mapped", [36664]], [[195040, 195040], "mapped", [165330]], [[195041, 195041], "mapped", [165357]], [[195042, 195042], "mapped", [37012]], [[195043, 195043], "mapped", [37105]], [[195044, 195044], "mapped", [37137]], [[195045, 195045], "mapped", [165678]], [[195046, 195046], "mapped", [37147]], [[195047, 195047], "mapped", [37432]], [[195048, 195048], "mapped", [37591]], [[195049, 195049], "mapped", [37592]], [[195050, 195050], "mapped", [37500]], [[195051, 195051], "mapped", [37881]], [[195052, 195052], "mapped", [37909]], [[195053, 195053], "mapped", [166906]], [[195054, 195054], "mapped", [38283]], [[195055, 195055], "mapped", [18837]], [[195056, 195056], "mapped", [38327]], [[195057, 195057], "mapped", [167287]], [[195058, 195058], "mapped", [18918]], [[195059, 195059], "mapped", [38595]], [[195060, 195060], "mapped", [23986]], [[195061, 195061], "mapped", [38691]], [[195062, 195062], "mapped", [168261]], [[195063, 195063], "mapped", [168474]], [[195064, 195064], "mapped", [19054]], [[195065, 195065], "mapped", [19062]], [[195066, 195066], "mapped", [38880]], [[195067, 195067], "mapped", [168970]], [[195068, 195068], "mapped", [19122]], [[195069, 195069], "mapped", [169110]], [[195070, 195071], "mapped", [38923]], [[195072, 195072], "mapped", [38953]], [[195073, 195073], "mapped", [169398]], [[195074, 195074], "mapped", [39138]], [[195075, 195075], "mapped", [19251]], [[195076, 195076], "mapped", [39209]], [[195077, 195077], "mapped", [39335]], [[195078, 195078], "mapped", [39362]], [[195079, 195079], "mapped", [39422]], [[195080, 195080], "mapped", [19406]], [[195081, 195081], "mapped", [170800]], [[195082, 195082], "mapped", [39698]], [[195083, 195083], "mapped", [4e4]], [[195084, 195084], "mapped", [40189]], [[195085, 195085], "mapped", [19662]], [[195086, 195086], "mapped", [19693]], [[195087, 195087], "mapped", [40295]], [[195088, 195088], "mapped", [172238]], [[195089, 195089], "mapped", [19704]], [[195090, 195090], "mapped", [172293]], [[195091, 195091], "mapped", [172558]], [[195092, 195092], "mapped", [172689]], [[195093, 195093], "mapped", [40635]], [[195094, 195094], "mapped", [19798]], [[195095, 195095], "mapped", [40697]], [[195096, 195096], "mapped", [40702]], [[195097, 195097], "mapped", [40709]], [[195098, 195098], "mapped", [40719]], [[195099, 195099], "mapped", [40726]], [[195100, 195100], "mapped", [40763]], [[195101, 195101], "mapped", [173568]], [[195102, 196605], "disallowed"], [[196606, 196607], "disallowed"], [[196608, 262141], "disallowed"], [[262142, 262143], "disallowed"], [[262144, 327677], "disallowed"], [[327678, 327679], "disallowed"], [[327680, 393213], "disallowed"], [[393214, 393215], "disallowed"], [[393216, 458749], "disallowed"], [[458750, 458751], "disallowed"], [[458752, 524285], "disallowed"], [[524286, 524287], "disallowed"], [[524288, 589821], "disallowed"], [[589822, 589823], "disallowed"], [[589824, 655357], "disallowed"], [[655358, 655359], "disallowed"], [[655360, 720893], "disallowed"], [[720894, 720895], "disallowed"], [[720896, 786429], "disallowed"], [[786430, 786431], "disallowed"], [[786432, 851965], "disallowed"], [[851966, 851967], "disallowed"], [[851968, 917501], "disallowed"], [[917502, 917503], "disallowed"], [[917504, 917504], "disallowed"], [[917505, 917505], "disallowed"], [[917506, 917535], "disallowed"], [[917536, 917631], "disallowed"], [[917632, 917759], "disallowed"], [[917760, 917999], "ignored"], [[918e3, 983037], "disallowed"], [[983038, 983039], "disallowed"], [[983040, 1048573], "disallowed"], [[1048574, 1048575], "disallowed"], [[1048576, 1114109], "disallowed"], [[1114110, 1114111], "disallowed"]]; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/tr46/index.js +var require_tr46 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/tr46/index.js"(exports, module2) { + "use strict"; + var punycode = require("punycode"); + var mappingTable = require_mappingTable(); + var PROCESSING_OPTIONS = { + TRANSITIONAL: 0, + NONTRANSITIONAL: 1 + }; + function normalize(str) { + return str.split("\0").map(function(s) { + return s.normalize("NFC"); + }).join("\0"); + } + function findStatus(val) { + var start = 0; + var end = mappingTable.length - 1; + while (start <= end) { + var mid = Math.floor((start + end) / 2); + var target = mappingTable[mid]; + if (target[0][0] <= val && target[0][1] >= val) { + return target; + } else if (target[0][0] > val) { + end = mid - 1; + } else { + start = mid + 1; + } + } + return null; + } + var regexAstralSymbols = /[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/g; + function countSymbols(string) { + return string.replace(regexAstralSymbols, "_").length; + } + function mapChars(domain_name, useSTD3, processing_option) { + var hasError = false; + var processed = ""; + var len = countSymbols(domain_name); + for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) { + var codePoint = domain_name.codePointAt(i); + var status = findStatus(codePoint); + switch (status[1]) { + case "disallowed": + hasError = true; + processed += String.fromCodePoint(codePoint); + break; + case "ignored": + break; + case "mapped": + processed += String.fromCodePoint.apply(String, status[2]); + break; + case "deviation": + if (processing_option === PROCESSING_OPTIONS.TRANSITIONAL) { + processed += String.fromCodePoint.apply(String, status[2]); + } else { + processed += String.fromCodePoint(codePoint); + } + break; + case "valid": + processed += String.fromCodePoint(codePoint); + break; + case "disallowed_STD3_mapped": + if (useSTD3) { + hasError = true; + processed += String.fromCodePoint(codePoint); + } else { + processed += String.fromCodePoint.apply(String, status[2]); + } + break; + case "disallowed_STD3_valid": + if (useSTD3) { + hasError = true; + } + processed += String.fromCodePoint(codePoint); + break; + } + } + return { + string: processed, + error: hasError + }; + } + var combiningMarksRegex = /[\u0300-\u036F\u0483-\u0489\u0591-\u05BD\u05BF\u05C1\u05C2\u05C4\u05C5\u05C7\u0610-\u061A\u064B-\u065F\u0670\u06D6-\u06DC\u06DF-\u06E4\u06E7\u06E8\u06EA-\u06ED\u0711\u0730-\u074A\u07A6-\u07B0\u07EB-\u07F3\u0816-\u0819\u081B-\u0823\u0825-\u0827\u0829-\u082D\u0859-\u085B\u08E4-\u0903\u093A-\u093C\u093E-\u094F\u0951-\u0957\u0962\u0963\u0981-\u0983\u09BC\u09BE-\u09C4\u09C7\u09C8\u09CB-\u09CD\u09D7\u09E2\u09E3\u0A01-\u0A03\u0A3C\u0A3E-\u0A42\u0A47\u0A48\u0A4B-\u0A4D\u0A51\u0A70\u0A71\u0A75\u0A81-\u0A83\u0ABC\u0ABE-\u0AC5\u0AC7-\u0AC9\u0ACB-\u0ACD\u0AE2\u0AE3\u0B01-\u0B03\u0B3C\u0B3E-\u0B44\u0B47\u0B48\u0B4B-\u0B4D\u0B56\u0B57\u0B62\u0B63\u0B82\u0BBE-\u0BC2\u0BC6-\u0BC8\u0BCA-\u0BCD\u0BD7\u0C00-\u0C03\u0C3E-\u0C44\u0C46-\u0C48\u0C4A-\u0C4D\u0C55\u0C56\u0C62\u0C63\u0C81-\u0C83\u0CBC\u0CBE-\u0CC4\u0CC6-\u0CC8\u0CCA-\u0CCD\u0CD5\u0CD6\u0CE2\u0CE3\u0D01-\u0D03\u0D3E-\u0D44\u0D46-\u0D48\u0D4A-\u0D4D\u0D57\u0D62\u0D63\u0D82\u0D83\u0DCA\u0DCF-\u0DD4\u0DD6\u0DD8-\u0DDF\u0DF2\u0DF3\u0E31\u0E34-\u0E3A\u0E47-\u0E4E\u0EB1\u0EB4-\u0EB9\u0EBB\u0EBC\u0EC8-\u0ECD\u0F18\u0F19\u0F35\u0F37\u0F39\u0F3E\u0F3F\u0F71-\u0F84\u0F86\u0F87\u0F8D-\u0F97\u0F99-\u0FBC\u0FC6\u102B-\u103E\u1056-\u1059\u105E-\u1060\u1062-\u1064\u1067-\u106D\u1071-\u1074\u1082-\u108D\u108F\u109A-\u109D\u135D-\u135F\u1712-\u1714\u1732-\u1734\u1752\u1753\u1772\u1773\u17B4-\u17D3\u17DD\u180B-\u180D\u18A9\u1920-\u192B\u1930-\u193B\u19B0-\u19C0\u19C8\u19C9\u1A17-\u1A1B\u1A55-\u1A5E\u1A60-\u1A7C\u1A7F\u1AB0-\u1ABE\u1B00-\u1B04\u1B34-\u1B44\u1B6B-\u1B73\u1B80-\u1B82\u1BA1-\u1BAD\u1BE6-\u1BF3\u1C24-\u1C37\u1CD0-\u1CD2\u1CD4-\u1CE8\u1CED\u1CF2-\u1CF4\u1CF8\u1CF9\u1DC0-\u1DF5\u1DFC-\u1DFF\u20D0-\u20F0\u2CEF-\u2CF1\u2D7F\u2DE0-\u2DFF\u302A-\u302F\u3099\u309A\uA66F-\uA672\uA674-\uA67D\uA69F\uA6F0\uA6F1\uA802\uA806\uA80B\uA823-\uA827\uA880\uA881\uA8B4-\uA8C4\uA8E0-\uA8F1\uA926-\uA92D\uA947-\uA953\uA980-\uA983\uA9B3-\uA9C0\uA9E5\uAA29-\uAA36\uAA43\uAA4C\uAA4D\uAA7B-\uAA7D\uAAB0\uAAB2-\uAAB4\uAAB7\uAAB8\uAABE\uAABF\uAAC1\uAAEB-\uAAEF\uAAF5\uAAF6\uABE3-\uABEA\uABEC\uABED\uFB1E\uFE00-\uFE0F\uFE20-\uFE2D]|\uD800[\uDDFD\uDEE0\uDF76-\uDF7A]|\uD802[\uDE01-\uDE03\uDE05\uDE06\uDE0C-\uDE0F\uDE38-\uDE3A\uDE3F\uDEE5\uDEE6]|\uD804[\uDC00-\uDC02\uDC38-\uDC46\uDC7F-\uDC82\uDCB0-\uDCBA\uDD00-\uDD02\uDD27-\uDD34\uDD73\uDD80-\uDD82\uDDB3-\uDDC0\uDE2C-\uDE37\uDEDF-\uDEEA\uDF01-\uDF03\uDF3C\uDF3E-\uDF44\uDF47\uDF48\uDF4B-\uDF4D\uDF57\uDF62\uDF63\uDF66-\uDF6C\uDF70-\uDF74]|\uD805[\uDCB0-\uDCC3\uDDAF-\uDDB5\uDDB8-\uDDC0\uDE30-\uDE40\uDEAB-\uDEB7]|\uD81A[\uDEF0-\uDEF4\uDF30-\uDF36]|\uD81B[\uDF51-\uDF7E\uDF8F-\uDF92]|\uD82F[\uDC9D\uDC9E]|\uD834[\uDD65-\uDD69\uDD6D-\uDD72\uDD7B-\uDD82\uDD85-\uDD8B\uDDAA-\uDDAD\uDE42-\uDE44]|\uD83A[\uDCD0-\uDCD6]|\uDB40[\uDD00-\uDDEF]/; + function validateLabel(label, processing_option) { + if (label.substr(0, 4) === "xn--") { + label = punycode.toUnicode(label); + processing_option = PROCESSING_OPTIONS.NONTRANSITIONAL; + } + var error = false; + if (normalize(label) !== label || label[3] === "-" && label[4] === "-" || label[0] === "-" || label[label.length - 1] === "-" || label.indexOf(".") !== -1 || label.search(combiningMarksRegex) === 0) { + error = true; + } + var len = countSymbols(label); + for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) { + var status = findStatus(label.codePointAt(i)); + if (processing === PROCESSING_OPTIONS.TRANSITIONAL && status[1] !== "valid" || processing === PROCESSING_OPTIONS.NONTRANSITIONAL && status[1] !== "valid" && status[1] !== "deviation") { + error = true; + break; + } + } + return { + label, + error + }; + } + function processing(domain_name, useSTD3, processing_option) { + var result = mapChars(domain_name, useSTD3, processing_option); + result.string = normalize(result.string); + var labels = result.string.split("."); + for (var i = 0; i < labels.length; ++i) { + try { + var validation = validateLabel(labels[i]); + labels[i] = validation.label; + result.error = result.error || validation.error; + } catch (e) { + result.error = true; + } + } + return { + string: labels.join("."), + error: result.error + }; + } + module2.exports.toASCII = function(domain_name, useSTD3, processing_option, verifyDnsLength) { + var result = processing(domain_name, useSTD3, processing_option); + var labels = result.string.split("."); + labels = labels.map(function(l) { + try { + return punycode.toASCII(l); + } catch (e) { + result.error = true; + return l; + } + }); + if (verifyDnsLength) { + var total = labels.slice(0, labels.length - 1).join(".").length; + if (total.length > 253 || total.length === 0) { + result.error = true; + } + for (var i = 0; i < labels.length; ++i) { + if (labels.length > 63 || labels.length === 0) { + result.error = true; + break; + } + } + } + if (result.error) + return null; + return labels.join("."); + }; + module2.exports.toUnicode = function(domain_name, useSTD3) { + var result = processing(domain_name, useSTD3, PROCESSING_OPTIONS.NONTRANSITIONAL); + return { + domain: result.string, + error: result.error + }; + }; + module2.exports.PROCESSING_OPTIONS = PROCESSING_OPTIONS; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/whatwg-url/lib/url-state-machine.js +var require_url_state_machine = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/whatwg-url/lib/url-state-machine.js"(exports, module2) { + "use strict"; + var punycode = require("punycode"); + var tr46 = require_tr46(); + var specialSchemes = { + ftp: 21, + file: null, + gopher: 70, + http: 80, + https: 443, + ws: 80, + wss: 443 + }; + var failure = Symbol("failure"); + function countSymbols(str) { + return punycode.ucs2.decode(str).length; + } + function at(input, idx) { + const c = input[idx]; + return isNaN(c) ? void 0 : String.fromCodePoint(c); + } + function isASCIIDigit(c) { + return c >= 48 && c <= 57; + } + function isASCIIAlpha(c) { + return c >= 65 && c <= 90 || c >= 97 && c <= 122; + } + function isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) { + return isASCIIAlpha(c) || isASCIIDigit(c); + } + function isASCIIHex(c) { + return isASCIIDigit(c) || c >= 65 && c <= 70 || c >= 97 && c <= 102; + } + function isSingleDot(buffer) { + return buffer === "." || buffer.toLowerCase() === "%2e"; + } + function isDoubleDot(buffer) { + buffer = buffer.toLowerCase(); + return buffer === ".." || buffer === "%2e." || buffer === ".%2e" || buffer === "%2e%2e"; + } + function isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(cp1, cp2) { + return isASCIIAlpha(cp1) && (cp2 === 58 || cp2 === 124); + } + function isWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { + return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && (string[1] === ":" || string[1] === "|"); + } + function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { + return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && string[1] === ":"; + } + function containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(string) { + return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|%|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; + } + function containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(string) { + return string.search(/\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; + } + function isSpecialScheme(scheme) { + return specialSchemes[scheme] !== void 0; + } + function isSpecial(url2) { + return isSpecialScheme(url2.scheme); + } + function defaultPort(scheme) { + return specialSchemes[scheme]; + } + function percentEncode(c) { + let hex = c.toString(16).toUpperCase(); + if (hex.length === 1) { + hex = "0" + hex; + } + return "%" + hex; + } + function utf8PercentEncode(c) { + const buf = new Buffer(c); + let str = ""; + for (let i = 0; i < buf.length; ++i) { + str += percentEncode(buf[i]); + } + return str; + } + function utf8PercentDecode(str) { + const input = new Buffer(str); + const output = []; + for (let i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) { + if (input[i] !== 37) { + output.push(input[i]); + } else if (input[i] === 37 && isASCIIHex(input[i + 1]) && isASCIIHex(input[i + 2])) { + output.push(parseInt(input.slice(i + 1, i + 3).toString(), 16)); + i += 2; + } else { + output.push(input[i]); + } + } + return new Buffer(output).toString(); + } + function isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) { + return c <= 31 || c > 126; + } + var extraPathPercentEncodeSet = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([32, 34, 35, 60, 62, 63, 96, 123, 125]); + function isPathPercentEncode(c) { + return isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) || extraPathPercentEncodeSet.has(c); + } + var extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([47, 58, 59, 61, 64, 91, 92, 93, 94, 124]); + function isUserinfoPercentEncode(c) { + return isPathPercentEncode(c) || extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet.has(c); + } + function percentEncodeChar(c, encodeSetPredicate) { + const cStr = String.fromCodePoint(c); + if (encodeSetPredicate(c)) { + return utf8PercentEncode(cStr); + } + return cStr; + } + function parseIPv4Number(input) { + let R = 10; + if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0" && input.charAt(1).toLowerCase() === "x") { + input = input.substring(2); + R = 16; + } else if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0") { + input = input.substring(1); + R = 8; + } + if (input === "") { + return 0; + } + const regex = R === 10 ? /[^0-9]/ : R === 16 ? /[^0-9A-Fa-f]/ : /[^0-7]/; + if (regex.test(input)) { + return failure; + } + return parseInt(input, R); + } + function parseIPv4(input) { + const parts = input.split("."); + if (parts[parts.length - 1] === "") { + if (parts.length > 1) { + parts.pop(); + } + } + if (parts.length > 4) { + return input; + } + const numbers = []; + for (const part of parts) { + if (part === "") { + return input; + } + const n = parseIPv4Number(part); + if (n === failure) { + return input; + } + numbers.push(n); + } + for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length - 1; ++i) { + if (numbers[i] > 255) { + return failure; + } + } + if (numbers[numbers.length - 1] >= Math.pow(256, 5 - numbers.length)) { + return failure; + } + let ipv4 = numbers.pop(); + let counter = 0; + for (const n of numbers) { + ipv4 += n * Math.pow(256, 3 - counter); + ++counter; + } + return ipv4; + } + function serializeIPv4(address) { + let output = ""; + let n = address; + for (let i = 1; i <= 4; ++i) { + output = String(n % 256) + output; + if (i !== 4) { + output = "." + output; + } + n = Math.floor(n / 256); + } + return output; + } + function parseIPv6(input) { + const address = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; + let pieceIndex = 0; + let compress = null; + let pointer = 0; + input = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); + if (input[pointer] === 58) { + if (input[pointer + 1] !== 58) { + return failure; + } + pointer += 2; + ++pieceIndex; + compress = pieceIndex; + } + while (pointer < input.length) { + if (pieceIndex === 8) { + return failure; + } + if (input[pointer] === 58) { + if (compress !== null) { + return failure; + } + ++pointer; + ++pieceIndex; + compress = pieceIndex; + continue; + } + let value = 0; + let length = 0; + while (length < 4 && isASCIIHex(input[pointer])) { + value = value * 16 + parseInt(at(input, pointer), 16); + ++pointer; + ++length; + } + if (input[pointer] === 46) { + if (length === 0) { + return failure; + } + pointer -= length; + if (pieceIndex > 6) { + return failure; + } + let numbersSeen = 0; + while (input[pointer] !== void 0) { + let ipv4Piece = null; + if (numbersSeen > 0) { + if (input[pointer] === 46 && numbersSeen < 4) { + ++pointer; + } else { + return failure; + } + } + if (!isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { + return failure; + } + while (isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { + const number = parseInt(at(input, pointer)); + if (ipv4Piece === null) { + ipv4Piece = number; + } else if (ipv4Piece === 0) { + return failure; + } else { + ipv4Piece = ipv4Piece * 10 + number; + } + if (ipv4Piece > 255) { + return failure; + } + ++pointer; + } + address[pieceIndex] = address[pieceIndex] * 256 + ipv4Piece; + ++numbersSeen; + if (numbersSeen === 2 || numbersSeen === 4) { + ++pieceIndex; + } + } + if (numbersSeen !== 4) { + return failure; + } + break; + } else if (input[pointer] === 58) { + ++pointer; + if (input[pointer] === void 0) { + return failure; + } + } else if (input[pointer] !== void 0) { + return failure; + } + address[pieceIndex] = value; + ++pieceIndex; + } + if (compress !== null) { + let swaps = pieceIndex - compress; + pieceIndex = 7; + while (pieceIndex !== 0 && swaps > 0) { + const temp = address[compress + swaps - 1]; + address[compress + swaps - 1] = address[pieceIndex]; + address[pieceIndex] = temp; + --pieceIndex; + --swaps; + } + } else if (compress === null && pieceIndex !== 8) { + return failure; + } + return address; + } + function serializeIPv6(address) { + let output = ""; + const seqResult = findLongestZeroSequence(address); + const compress = seqResult.idx; + let ignore0 = false; + for (let pieceIndex = 0; pieceIndex <= 7; ++pieceIndex) { + if (ignore0 && address[pieceIndex] === 0) { + continue; + } else if (ignore0) { + ignore0 = false; + } + if (compress === pieceIndex) { + const separator = pieceIndex === 0 ? "::" : ":"; + output += separator; + ignore0 = true; + continue; + } + output += address[pieceIndex].toString(16); + if (pieceIndex !== 7) { + output += ":"; + } + } + return output; + } + function parseHost(input, isSpecialArg) { + if (input[0] === "[") { + if (input[input.length - 1] !== "]") { + return failure; + } + return parseIPv6(input.substring(1, input.length - 1)); + } + if (!isSpecialArg) { + return parseOpaqueHost(input); + } + const domain = utf8PercentDecode(input); + const asciiDomain = tr46.toASCII(domain, false, tr46.PROCESSING_OPTIONS.NONTRANSITIONAL, false); + if (asciiDomain === null) { + return failure; + } + if (containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(asciiDomain)) { + return failure; + } + const ipv4Host = parseIPv4(asciiDomain); + if (typeof ipv4Host === "number" || ipv4Host === failure) { + return ipv4Host; + } + return asciiDomain; + } + function parseOpaqueHost(input) { + if (containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(input)) { + return failure; + } + let output = ""; + const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); + for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { + output += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isC0ControlPercentEncode); + } + return output; + } + function findLongestZeroSequence(arr) { + let maxIdx = null; + let maxLen = 1; + let currStart = null; + let currLen = 0; + for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) { + if (arr[i] !== 0) { + if (currLen > maxLen) { + maxIdx = currStart; + maxLen = currLen; + } + currStart = null; + currLen = 0; + } else { + if (currStart === null) { + currStart = i; + } + ++currLen; + } + } + if (currLen > maxLen) { + maxIdx = currStart; + maxLen = currLen; + } + return { + idx: maxIdx, + len: maxLen + }; + } + function serializeHost(host) { + if (typeof host === "number") { + return serializeIPv4(host); + } + if (host instanceof Array) { + return "[" + serializeIPv6(host) + "]"; + } + return host; + } + function trimControlChars(url2) { + return url2.replace(/^[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+|[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+$/g, ""); + } + function trimTabAndNewline(url2) { + return url2.replace(/\u0009|\u000A|\u000D/g, ""); + } + function shortenPath(url2) { + const path = url2.path; + if (path.length === 0) { + return; + } + if (url2.scheme === "file" && path.length === 1 && isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(path[0])) { + return; + } + path.pop(); + } + function includesCredentials(url2) { + return url2.username !== "" || url2.password !== ""; + } + function cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort(url2) { + return url2.host === null || url2.host === "" || url2.cannotBeABaseURL || url2.scheme === "file"; + } + function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(string) { + return /^[A-Za-z]:$/.test(string); + } + function URLStateMachine(input, base, encodingOverride, url2, stateOverride) { + this.pointer = 0; + this.input = input; + this.base = base || null; + this.encodingOverride = encodingOverride || "utf-8"; + this.stateOverride = stateOverride; + this.url = url2; + this.failure = false; + this.parseError = false; + if (!this.url) { + this.url = { + scheme: "", + username: "", + password: "", + host: null, + port: null, + path: [], + query: null, + fragment: null, + cannotBeABaseURL: false + }; + const res2 = trimControlChars(this.input); + if (res2 !== this.input) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.input = res2; + } + const res = trimTabAndNewline(this.input); + if (res !== this.input) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.input = res; + this.state = stateOverride || "scheme start"; + this.buffer = ""; + this.atFlag = false; + this.arrFlag = false; + this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = false; + this.input = punycode.ucs2.decode(this.input); + for (; this.pointer <= this.input.length; ++this.pointer) { + const c = this.input[this.pointer]; + const cStr = isNaN(c) ? void 0 : String.fromCodePoint(c); + const ret = this["parse " + this.state](c, cStr); + if (!ret) { + break; + } else if (ret === failure) { + this.failure = true; + break; + } + } + } + URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme start"] = function parseSchemeStart(c, cStr) { + if (isASCIIAlpha(c)) { + this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); + this.state = "scheme"; + } else if (!this.stateOverride) { + this.state = "no scheme"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + return true; + }; + URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme"] = function parseScheme(c, cStr) { + if (isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) || c === 43 || c === 45 || c === 46) { + this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); + } else if (c === 58) { + if (this.stateOverride) { + if (isSpecial(this.url) && !isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { + return false; + } + if (!isSpecial(this.url) && isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { + return false; + } + if ((includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null) && this.buffer === "file") { + return false; + } + if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (this.url.host === "" || this.url.host === null)) { + return false; + } + } + this.url.scheme = this.buffer; + this.buffer = ""; + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + if (this.url.scheme === "file") { + if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] !== 47 || this.input[this.pointer + 2] !== 47) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "file"; + } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === this.url.scheme) { + this.state = "special relative or authority"; + } else if (isSpecial(this.url)) { + this.state = "special authority slashes"; + } else if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { + this.state = "path or authority"; + ++this.pointer; + } else { + this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; + this.url.path.push(""); + this.state = "cannot-be-a-base-URL path"; + } + } else if (!this.stateOverride) { + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "no scheme"; + this.pointer = -1; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + return true; + }; + URLStateMachine.prototype["parse no scheme"] = function parseNoScheme(c) { + if (this.base === null || this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c !== 35) { + return failure; + } else if (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c === 35) { + this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else if (this.base.scheme === "file") { + this.state = "file"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.state = "relative"; + --this.pointer; + } + return true; + }; + URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special relative or authority"] = function parseSpecialRelativeOrAuthority(c) { + if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + ++this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "relative"; + --this.pointer; + } + return true; + }; + URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path or authority"] = function parsePathOrAuthority(c) { + if (c === 47) { + this.state = "authority"; + } else { + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + return true; + }; + URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative"] = function parseRelative(c) { + this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; + if (isNaN(c)) { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + } else if (c === 47) { + this.state = "relative slash"; + } else if (c === 63) { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (c === 35) { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "relative slash"; + } else { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(0, this.base.path.length - 1); + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + return true; + }; + URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative slash"] = function parseRelativeSlash(c) { + if (isSpecial(this.url) && (c === 47 || c === 92)) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + } else if (c === 47) { + this.state = "authority"; + } else { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + return true; + }; + URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthoritySlashes(c) { + if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + ++this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + --this.pointer; + } + return true; + }; + URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority ignore slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthorityIgnoreSlashes(c) { + if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { + this.state = "authority"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + } + return true; + }; + URLStateMachine.prototype["parse authority"] = function parseAuthority(c, cStr) { + if (c === 64) { + this.parseError = true; + if (this.atFlag) { + this.buffer = "%40" + this.buffer; + } + this.atFlag = true; + const len = countSymbols(this.buffer); + for (let pointer = 0; pointer < len; ++pointer) { + const codePoint = this.buffer.codePointAt(pointer); + if (codePoint === 58 && !this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { + this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = true; + continue; + } + const encodedCodePoints = percentEncodeChar(codePoint, isUserinfoPercentEncode); + if (this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { + this.url.password += encodedCodePoints; + } else { + this.url.username += encodedCodePoints; + } + } + this.buffer = ""; + } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { + if (this.atFlag && this.buffer === "") { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + this.pointer -= countSymbols(this.buffer) + 1; + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "host"; + } else { + this.buffer += cStr; + } + return true; + }; + URLStateMachine.prototype["parse hostname"] = URLStateMachine.prototype["parse host"] = function parseHostName(c, cStr) { + if (this.stateOverride && this.url.scheme === "file") { + --this.pointer; + this.state = "file host"; + } else if (c === 58 && !this.arrFlag) { + if (this.buffer === "") { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); + if (host === failure) { + return failure; + } + this.url.host = host; + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "port"; + if (this.stateOverride === "hostname") { + return false; + } + } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { + --this.pointer; + if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.buffer === "") { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } else if (this.stateOverride && this.buffer === "" && (includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null)) { + this.parseError = true; + return false; + } + const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); + if (host === failure) { + return failure; + } + this.url.host = host; + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "path start"; + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + } else { + if (c === 91) { + this.arrFlag = true; + } else if (c === 93) { + this.arrFlag = false; + } + this.buffer += cStr; + } + return true; + }; + URLStateMachine.prototype["parse port"] = function parsePort(c, cStr) { + if (isASCIIDigit(c)) { + this.buffer += cStr; + } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92 || this.stateOverride) { + if (this.buffer !== "") { + const port = parseInt(this.buffer); + if (port > Math.pow(2, 16) - 1) { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + this.url.port = port === defaultPort(this.url.scheme) ? null : port; + this.buffer = ""; + } + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + this.state = "path start"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + return true; + }; + var fileOtherwiseCodePoints = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([47, 92, 63, 35]); + URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file"] = function parseFile(c) { + this.url.scheme = "file"; + if (c === 47 || c === 92) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "file slash"; + } else if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { + if (isNaN(c)) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + } else if (c === 63) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (c === 35) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else { + if (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 === 0 || // remaining consists of 0 code points + !isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(c, this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 >= 2 && // remaining has at least 2 code points + !fileOtherwiseCodePoints.has(this.input[this.pointer + 2])) { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + shortenPath(this.url); + } else { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + } else { + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + return true; + }; + URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file slash"] = function parseFileSlash(c) { + if (c === 47 || c === 92) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "file host"; + } else { + if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { + if (isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(this.base.path[0])) { + this.url.path.push(this.base.path[0]); + } else { + this.url.host = this.base.host; + } + } + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + return true; + }; + URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file host"] = function parseFileHost(c, cStr) { + if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 92 || c === 63 || c === 35) { + --this.pointer; + if (!this.stateOverride && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "path"; + } else if (this.buffer === "") { + this.url.host = ""; + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + this.state = "path start"; + } else { + let host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); + if (host === failure) { + return failure; + } + if (host === "localhost") { + host = ""; + } + this.url.host = host; + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "path start"; + } + } else { + this.buffer += cStr; + } + return true; + }; + URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path start"] = function parsePathStart(c) { + if (isSpecial(this.url)) { + if (c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "path"; + if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { + --this.pointer; + } + } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 63) { + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else if (c !== void 0) { + this.state = "path"; + if (c !== 47) { + --this.pointer; + } + } + return true; + }; + URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path"] = function parsePath(c) { + if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92 || !this.stateOverride && (c === 63 || c === 35)) { + if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { + this.parseError = true; + } + if (isDoubleDot(this.buffer)) { + shortenPath(this.url); + if (c !== 47 && !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + this.url.path.push(""); + } + } else if (isSingleDot(this.buffer) && c !== 47 && !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { + this.url.path.push(""); + } else if (!isSingleDot(this.buffer)) { + if (this.url.scheme === "file" && this.url.path.length === 0 && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { + if (this.url.host !== "" && this.url.host !== null) { + this.parseError = true; + this.url.host = ""; + } + this.buffer = this.buffer[0] + ":"; + } + this.url.path.push(this.buffer); + } + this.buffer = ""; + if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (c === void 0 || c === 63 || c === 35)) { + while (this.url.path.length > 1 && this.url.path[0] === "") { + this.parseError = true; + this.url.path.shift(); + } + } + if (c === 63) { + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } + if (c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } + } else { + if (c === 37 && (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.buffer += percentEncodeChar(c, isPathPercentEncode); + } + return true; + }; + URLStateMachine.prototype["parse cannot-be-a-base-URL path"] = function parseCannotBeABaseURLPath(c) { + if (c === 63) { + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else { + if (!isNaN(c) && c !== 37) { + this.parseError = true; + } + if (c === 37 && (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + if (!isNaN(c)) { + this.url.path[0] = this.url.path[0] + percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); + } + } + return true; + }; + URLStateMachine.prototype["parse query"] = function parseQuery(c, cStr) { + if (isNaN(c) || !this.stateOverride && c === 35) { + if (!isSpecial(this.url) || this.url.scheme === "ws" || this.url.scheme === "wss") { + this.encodingOverride = "utf-8"; + } + const buffer = new Buffer(this.buffer); + for (let i = 0; i < buffer.length; ++i) { + if (buffer[i] < 33 || buffer[i] > 126 || buffer[i] === 34 || buffer[i] === 35 || buffer[i] === 60 || buffer[i] === 62) { + this.url.query += percentEncode(buffer[i]); + } else { + this.url.query += String.fromCodePoint(buffer[i]); + } + } + this.buffer = ""; + if (c === 35) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } + } else { + if (c === 37 && (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.buffer += cStr; + } + return true; + }; + URLStateMachine.prototype["parse fragment"] = function parseFragment(c) { + if (isNaN(c)) { + } else if (c === 0) { + this.parseError = true; + } else { + if (c === 37 && (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.url.fragment += percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); + } + return true; + }; + function serializeURL(url2, excludeFragment) { + let output = url2.scheme + ":"; + if (url2.host !== null) { + output += "//"; + if (url2.username !== "" || url2.password !== "") { + output += url2.username; + if (url2.password !== "") { + output += ":" + url2.password; + } + output += "@"; + } + output += serializeHost(url2.host); + if (url2.port !== null) { + output += ":" + url2.port; + } + } else if (url2.host === null && url2.scheme === "file") { + output += "//"; + } + if (url2.cannotBeABaseURL) { + output += url2.path[0]; + } else { + for (const string of url2.path) { + output += "/" + string; + } + } + if (url2.query !== null) { + output += "?" + url2.query; + } + if (!excludeFragment && url2.fragment !== null) { + output += "#" + url2.fragment; + } + return output; + } + function serializeOrigin(tuple) { + let result = tuple.scheme + "://"; + result += serializeHost(tuple.host); + if (tuple.port !== null) { + result += ":" + tuple.port; + } + return result; + } + module2.exports.serializeURL = serializeURL; + module2.exports.serializeURLOrigin = function(url2) { + switch (url2.scheme) { + case "blob": + try { + return module2.exports.serializeURLOrigin(module2.exports.parseURL(url2.path[0])); + } catch (e) { + return "null"; + } + case "ftp": + case "gopher": + case "http": + case "https": + case "ws": + case "wss": + return serializeOrigin({ + scheme: url2.scheme, + host: url2.host, + port: url2.port + }); + case "file": + return "file://"; + default: + return "null"; + } + }; + module2.exports.basicURLParse = function(input, options) { + if (options === void 0) { + options = {}; + } + const usm = new URLStateMachine(input, options.baseURL, options.encodingOverride, options.url, options.stateOverride); + if (usm.failure) { + return "failure"; + } + return usm.url; + }; + module2.exports.setTheUsername = function(url2, username) { + url2.username = ""; + const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(username); + for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { + url2.username += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); + } + }; + module2.exports.setThePassword = function(url2, password) { + url2.password = ""; + const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(password); + for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { + url2.password += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); + } + }; + module2.exports.serializeHost = serializeHost; + module2.exports.cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort = cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort; + module2.exports.serializeInteger = function(integer) { + return String(integer); + }; + module2.exports.parseURL = function(input, options) { + if (options === void 0) { + options = {}; + } + return module2.exports.basicURLParse(input, { baseURL: options.baseURL, encodingOverride: options.encodingOverride }); + }; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/whatwg-url/lib/URL-impl.js +var require_URL_impl = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/whatwg-url/lib/URL-impl.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + var usm = require_url_state_machine(); + exports.implementation = class URLImpl { + constructor(constructorArgs) { + const url2 = constructorArgs[0]; + const base = constructorArgs[1]; + let parsedBase = null; + if (base !== void 0) { + parsedBase = usm.basicURLParse(base); + if (parsedBase === "failure") { + throw new TypeError("Invalid base URL"); + } + } + const parsedURL = usm.basicURLParse(url2, { baseURL: parsedBase }); + if (parsedURL === "failure") { + throw new TypeError("Invalid URL"); + } + this._url = parsedURL; + } + get href() { + return usm.serializeURL(this._url); + } + set href(v) { + const parsedURL = usm.basicURLParse(v); + if (parsedURL === "failure") { + throw new TypeError("Invalid URL"); + } + this._url = parsedURL; + } + get origin() { + return usm.serializeURLOrigin(this._url); + } + get protocol() { + return this._url.scheme + ":"; + } + set protocol(v) { + usm.basicURLParse(v + ":", { url: this._url, stateOverride: "scheme start" }); + } + get username() { + return this._url.username; + } + set username(v) { + if (usm.cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort(this._url)) { + return; + } + usm.setTheUsername(this._url, v); + } + get password() { + return this._url.password; + } + set password(v) { + if (usm.cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort(this._url)) { + return; + } + usm.setThePassword(this._url, v); + } + get host() { + const url2 = this._url; + if (url2.host === null) { + return ""; + } + if (url2.port === null) { + return usm.serializeHost(url2.host); + } + return usm.serializeHost(url2.host) + ":" + usm.serializeInteger(url2.port); + } + set host(v) { + if (this._url.cannotBeABaseURL) { + return; + } + usm.basicURLParse(v, { url: this._url, stateOverride: "host" }); + } + get hostname() { + if (this._url.host === null) { + return ""; + } + return usm.serializeHost(this._url.host); + } + set hostname(v) { + if (this._url.cannotBeABaseURL) { + return; + } + usm.basicURLParse(v, { url: this._url, stateOverride: "hostname" }); + } + get port() { + if (this._url.port === null) { + return ""; + } + return usm.serializeInteger(this._url.port); + } + set port(v) { + if (usm.cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort(this._url)) { + return; + } + if (v === "") { + this._url.port = null; + } else { + usm.basicURLParse(v, { url: this._url, stateOverride: "port" }); + } + } + get pathname() { + if (this._url.cannotBeABaseURL) { + return this._url.path[0]; + } + if (this._url.path.length === 0) { + return ""; + } + return "/" + this._url.path.join("/"); + } + set pathname(v) { + if (this._url.cannotBeABaseURL) { + return; + } + this._url.path = []; + usm.basicURLParse(v, { url: this._url, stateOverride: "path start" }); + } + get search() { + if (this._url.query === null || this._url.query === "") { + return ""; + } + return "?" + this._url.query; + } + set search(v) { + const url2 = this._url; + if (v === "") { + url2.query = null; + return; + } + const input = v[0] === "?" ? v.substring(1) : v; + url2.query = ""; + usm.basicURLParse(input, { url: url2, stateOverride: "query" }); + } + get hash() { + if (this._url.fragment === null || this._url.fragment === "") { + return ""; + } + return "#" + this._url.fragment; + } + set hash(v) { + if (v === "") { + this._url.fragment = null; + return; + } + const input = v[0] === "#" ? v.substring(1) : v; + this._url.fragment = ""; + usm.basicURLParse(input, { url: this._url, stateOverride: "fragment" }); + } + toJSON() { + return this.href; + } + }; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/whatwg-url/lib/URL.js +var require_URL = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/whatwg-url/lib/URL.js"(exports, module2) { + "use strict"; + var conversions = require_lib2(); + var utils = require_utils2(); + var Impl = require_URL_impl(); + var impl = utils.implSymbol; + function URL3(url2) { + if (!this || this[impl] || !(this instanceof URL3)) { + throw new TypeError("Failed to construct 'URL': Please use the 'new' operator, this DOM object constructor cannot be called as a function."); + } + if (arguments.length < 1) { + throw new TypeError("Failed to construct 'URL': 1 argument required, but only " + arguments.length + " present."); + } + const args = []; + for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length && i < 2; ++i) { + args[i] = arguments[i]; + } + args[0] = conversions["USVString"](args[0]); + if (args[1] !== void 0) { + args[1] = conversions["USVString"](args[1]); + } + module2.exports.setup(this, args); + } + URL3.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON() { + if (!this || !module2.exports.is(this)) { + throw new TypeError("Illegal invocation"); + } + const args = []; + for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length && i < 0; ++i) { + args[i] = arguments[i]; + } + return this[impl].toJSON.apply(this[impl], args); + }; + Object.defineProperty(URL3.prototype, "href", { + get() { + return this[impl].href; + }, + set(V) { + V = conversions["USVString"](V); + this[impl].href = V; + }, + enumerable: true, + configurable: true + }); + URL3.prototype.toString = function() { + if (!this || !module2.exports.is(this)) { + throw new TypeError("Illegal invocation"); + } + return this.href; + }; + Object.defineProperty(URL3.prototype, "origin", { + get() { + return this[impl].origin; + }, + enumerable: true, + configurable: true + }); + Object.defineProperty(URL3.prototype, "protocol", { + get() { + return this[impl].protocol; + }, + set(V) { + V = conversions["USVString"](V); + this[impl].protocol = V; + }, + enumerable: true, + configurable: true + }); + Object.defineProperty(URL3.prototype, "username", { + get() { + return this[impl].username; + }, + set(V) { + V = conversions["USVString"](V); + this[impl].username = V; + }, + enumerable: true, + configurable: true + }); + Object.defineProperty(URL3.prototype, "password", { + get() { + return this[impl].password; + }, + set(V) { + V = conversions["USVString"](V); + this[impl].password = V; + }, + enumerable: true, + configurable: true + }); + Object.defineProperty(URL3.prototype, "host", { + get() { + return this[impl].host; + }, + set(V) { + V = conversions["USVString"](V); + this[impl].host = V; + }, + enumerable: true, + configurable: true + }); + Object.defineProperty(URL3.prototype, "hostname", { + get() { + return this[impl].hostname; + }, + set(V) { + V = conversions["USVString"](V); + this[impl].hostname = V; + }, + enumerable: true, + configurable: true + }); + Object.defineProperty(URL3.prototype, "port", { + get() { + return this[impl].port; + }, + set(V) { + V = conversions["USVString"](V); + this[impl].port = V; + }, + enumerable: true, + configurable: true + }); + Object.defineProperty(URL3.prototype, "pathname", { + get() { + return this[impl].pathname; + }, + set(V) { + V = conversions["USVString"](V); + this[impl].pathname = V; + }, + enumerable: true, + configurable: true + }); + Object.defineProperty(URL3.prototype, "search", { + get() { + return this[impl].search; + }, + set(V) { + V = conversions["USVString"](V); + this[impl].search = V; + }, + enumerable: true, + configurable: true + }); + Object.defineProperty(URL3.prototype, "hash", { + get() { + return this[impl].hash; + }, + set(V) { + V = conversions["USVString"](V); + this[impl].hash = V; + }, + enumerable: true, + configurable: true + }); + module2.exports = { + is(obj) { + return !!obj && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation; + }, + create(constructorArgs, privateData) { + let obj = Object.create(URL3.prototype); + this.setup(obj, constructorArgs, privateData); + return obj; + }, + setup(obj, constructorArgs, privateData) { + if (!privateData) + privateData = {}; + privateData.wrapper = obj; + obj[impl] = new Impl.implementation(constructorArgs, privateData); + obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj; + }, + interface: URL3, + expose: { + Window: { URL: URL3 }, + Worker: { URL: URL3 } + } + }; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/whatwg-url/lib/public-api.js +var require_public_api = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/whatwg-url/lib/public-api.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + exports.URL = require_URL().interface; + exports.serializeURL = require_url_state_machine().serializeURL; + exports.serializeURLOrigin = require_url_state_machine().serializeURLOrigin; + exports.basicURLParse = require_url_state_machine().basicURLParse; + exports.setTheUsername = require_url_state_machine().setTheUsername; + exports.setThePassword = require_url_state_machine().setThePassword; + exports.serializeHost = require_url_state_machine().serializeHost; + exports.serializeInteger = require_url_state_machine().serializeInteger; + exports.parseURL = require_url_state_machine().parseURL; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/safer-buffer/safer.js +var require_safer = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/safer-buffer/safer.js"(exports, module2) { + "use strict"; + var buffer = require("buffer"); + var Buffer2 = buffer.Buffer; + var safer = {}; + var key; + for (key in buffer) { + if (!buffer.hasOwnProperty(key)) + continue; + if (key === "SlowBuffer" || key === "Buffer") + continue; + safer[key] = buffer[key]; + } + var Safer = safer.Buffer = {}; + for (key in Buffer2) { + if (!Buffer2.hasOwnProperty(key)) + continue; + if (key === "allocUnsafe" || key === "allocUnsafeSlow") + continue; + Safer[key] = Buffer2[key]; + } + safer.Buffer.prototype = Buffer2.prototype; + if (!Safer.from || Safer.from === Uint8Array.from) { + Safer.from = function(value, encodingOrOffset, length) { + if (typeof value === "number") { + throw new TypeError('The "value" argument must not be of type number. Received type ' + typeof value); + } + if (value && typeof value.length === "undefined") { + throw new TypeError("The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type " + typeof value); + } + return Buffer2(value, encodingOrOffset, length); + }; + } + if (!Safer.alloc) { + Safer.alloc = function(size, fill, encoding) { + if (typeof size !== "number") { + throw new TypeError('The "size" argument must be of type number. Received type ' + typeof size); + } + if (size < 0 || size >= 2 * (1 << 30)) { + throw new RangeError('The value "' + size + '" is invalid for option "size"'); + } + var buf = Buffer2(size); + if (!fill || fill.length === 0) { + buf.fill(0); + } else if (typeof encoding === "string") { + buf.fill(fill, encoding); + } else { + buf.fill(fill); + } + return buf; + }; + } + if (!safer.kStringMaxLength) { + try { + safer.kStringMaxLength = process.binding("buffer").kStringMaxLength; + } catch (e) { + } + } + if (!safer.constants) { + safer.constants = { + MAX_LENGTH: safer.kMaxLength + }; + if (safer.kStringMaxLength) { + safer.constants.MAX_STRING_LENGTH = safer.kStringMaxLength; + } + } + module2.exports = safer; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/encoding/node_modules/iconv-lite/lib/bom-handling.js +var require_bom_handling = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/encoding/node_modules/iconv-lite/lib/bom-handling.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + var BOMChar = "\uFEFF"; + exports.PrependBOM = PrependBOMWrapper; + function PrependBOMWrapper(encoder, options) { + this.encoder = encoder; + this.addBOM = true; + } + PrependBOMWrapper.prototype.write = function(str) { + if (this.addBOM) { + str = BOMChar + str; + this.addBOM = false; + } + return this.encoder.write(str); + }; + PrependBOMWrapper.prototype.end = function() { + return this.encoder.end(); + }; + exports.StripBOM = StripBOMWrapper; + function StripBOMWrapper(decoder, options) { + this.decoder = decoder; + this.pass = false; + this.options = options || {}; + } + StripBOMWrapper.prototype.write = function(buf) { + var res = this.decoder.write(buf); + if (this.pass || !res) + return res; + if (res[0] === BOMChar) { + res = res.slice(1); + if (typeof this.options.stripBOM === "function") + this.options.stripBOM(); + } + this.pass = true; + return res; + }; + StripBOMWrapper.prototype.end = function() { + return this.decoder.end(); + }; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/encoding/node_modules/iconv-lite/encodings/internal.js +var require_internal = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/encoding/node_modules/iconv-lite/encodings/internal.js"(exports, module2) { + "use strict"; + var Buffer2 = require_safer().Buffer; + module2.exports = { + // Encodings + utf8: { type: "_internal", bomAware: true }, + cesu8: { type: "_internal", bomAware: true }, + unicode11utf8: "utf8", + ucs2: { type: "_internal", bomAware: true }, + utf16le: "ucs2", + binary: { type: "_internal" }, + base64: { type: "_internal" }, + hex: { type: "_internal" }, + // Codec. + _internal: InternalCodec + }; + function InternalCodec(codecOptions, iconv) { + this.enc = codecOptions.encodingName; + this.bomAware = codecOptions.bomAware; + if (this.enc === "base64") + this.encoder = InternalEncoderBase64; + else if (this.enc === "cesu8") { + this.enc = "utf8"; + this.encoder = InternalEncoderCesu8; + if (Buffer2.from("eda0bdedb2a9", "hex").toString() !== "\u{1F4A9}") { + this.decoder = InternalDecoderCesu8; + this.defaultCharUnicode = iconv.defaultCharUnicode; + } + } + } + InternalCodec.prototype.encoder = InternalEncoder; + InternalCodec.prototype.decoder = InternalDecoder; + var StringDecoder = require("string_decoder").StringDecoder; + if (!StringDecoder.prototype.end) + StringDecoder.prototype.end = function() { + }; + function InternalDecoder(options, codec) { + this.decoder = new StringDecoder(codec.enc); + } + InternalDecoder.prototype.write = function(buf) { + if (!Buffer2.isBuffer(buf)) { + buf = Buffer2.from(buf); + } + return this.decoder.write(buf); + }; + InternalDecoder.prototype.end = function() { + return this.decoder.end(); + }; + function InternalEncoder(options, codec) { + this.enc = codec.enc; + } + InternalEncoder.prototype.write = function(str) { + return Buffer2.from(str, this.enc); + }; + InternalEncoder.prototype.end = function() { + }; + function InternalEncoderBase64(options, codec) { + this.prevStr = ""; + } + InternalEncoderBase64.prototype.write = function(str) { + str = this.prevStr + str; + var completeQuads = str.length - str.length % 4; + this.prevStr = str.slice(completeQuads); + str = str.slice(0, completeQuads); + return Buffer2.from(str, "base64"); + }; + InternalEncoderBase64.prototype.end = function() { + return Buffer2.from(this.prevStr, "base64"); + }; + function InternalEncoderCesu8(options, codec) { + } + InternalEncoderCesu8.prototype.write = function(str) { + var buf = Buffer2.alloc(str.length * 3), bufIdx = 0; + for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { + var charCode = str.charCodeAt(i); + if (charCode < 128) + buf[bufIdx++] = charCode; + else if (charCode < 2048) { + buf[bufIdx++] = 192 + (charCode >>> 6); + buf[bufIdx++] = 128 + (charCode & 63); + } else { + buf[bufIdx++] = 224 + (charCode >>> 12); + buf[bufIdx++] = 128 + (charCode >>> 6 & 63); + buf[bufIdx++] = 128 + (charCode & 63); + } + } + return buf.slice(0, bufIdx); + }; + InternalEncoderCesu8.prototype.end = function() { + }; + function InternalDecoderCesu8(options, codec) { + this.acc = 0; + this.contBytes = 0; + this.accBytes = 0; + this.defaultCharUnicode = codec.defaultCharUnicode; + } + InternalDecoderCesu8.prototype.write = function(buf) { + var acc = this.acc, contBytes = this.contBytes, accBytes = this.accBytes, res = ""; + for (var i = 0; i < buf.length; i++) { + var curByte = buf[i]; + if ((curByte & 192) !== 128) { + if (contBytes > 0) { + res += this.defaultCharUnicode; + contBytes = 0; + } + if (curByte < 128) { + res += String.fromCharCode(curByte); + } else if (curByte < 224) { + acc = curByte & 31; + contBytes = 1; + accBytes = 1; + } else if (curByte < 240) { + acc = curByte & 15; + contBytes = 2; + accBytes = 1; + } else { + res += this.defaultCharUnicode; + } + } else { + if (contBytes > 0) { + acc = acc << 6 | curByte & 63; + contBytes--; + accBytes++; + if (contBytes === 0) { + if (accBytes === 2 && acc < 128 && acc > 0) + res += this.defaultCharUnicode; + else if (accBytes === 3 && acc < 2048) + res += this.defaultCharUnicode; + else + res += String.fromCharCode(acc); + } + } else { + res += this.defaultCharUnicode; + } + } + } + this.acc = acc; + this.contBytes = contBytes; + this.accBytes = accBytes; + return res; + }; + InternalDecoderCesu8.prototype.end = function() { + var res = 0; + if (this.contBytes > 0) + res += this.defaultCharUnicode; + return res; + }; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/encoding/node_modules/iconv-lite/encodings/utf32.js +var require_utf32 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/encoding/node_modules/iconv-lite/encodings/utf32.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + var Buffer2 = require_safer().Buffer; + exports._utf32 = Utf32Codec; + function Utf32Codec(codecOptions, iconv) { + this.iconv = iconv; + this.bomAware = true; + this.isLE = codecOptions.isLE; + } + exports.utf32le = { type: "_utf32", isLE: true }; + exports.utf32be = { type: "_utf32", isLE: false }; + exports.ucs4le = "utf32le"; + exports.ucs4be = "utf32be"; + Utf32Codec.prototype.encoder = Utf32Encoder; + Utf32Codec.prototype.decoder = Utf32Decoder; + function Utf32Encoder(options, codec) { + this.isLE = codec.isLE; + this.highSurrogate = 0; + } + Utf32Encoder.prototype.write = function(str) { + var src = Buffer2.from(str, "ucs2"); + var dst = Buffer2.alloc(src.length * 2); + var write32 = this.isLE ? dst.writeUInt32LE : dst.writeUInt32BE; + var offset = 0; + for (var i = 0; i < src.length; i += 2) { + var code = src.readUInt16LE(i); + var isHighSurrogate = 55296 <= code && code < 56320; + var isLowSurrogate = 56320 <= code && code < 57344; + if (this.highSurrogate) { + if (isHighSurrogate || !isLowSurrogate) { + write32.call(dst, this.highSurrogate, offset); + offset += 4; + } else { + var codepoint = (this.highSurrogate - 55296 << 10 | code - 56320) + 65536; + write32.call(dst, codepoint, offset); + offset += 4; + this.highSurrogate = 0; + continue; + } + } + if (isHighSurrogate) + this.highSurrogate = code; + else { + write32.call(dst, code, offset); + offset += 4; + this.highSurrogate = 0; + } + } + if (offset < dst.length) + dst = dst.slice(0, offset); + return dst; + }; + Utf32Encoder.prototype.end = function() { + if (!this.highSurrogate) + return; + var buf = Buffer2.alloc(4); + if (this.isLE) + buf.writeUInt32LE(this.highSurrogate, 0); + else + buf.writeUInt32BE(this.highSurrogate, 0); + this.highSurrogate = 0; + return buf; + }; + function Utf32Decoder(options, codec) { + this.isLE = codec.isLE; + this.badChar = codec.iconv.defaultCharUnicode.charCodeAt(0); + this.overflow = []; + } + Utf32Decoder.prototype.write = function(src) { + if (src.length === 0) + return ""; + var i = 0; + var codepoint = 0; + var dst = Buffer2.alloc(src.length + 4); + var offset = 0; + var isLE = this.isLE; + var overflow = this.overflow; + var badChar = this.badChar; + if (overflow.length > 0) { + for (; i < src.length && overflow.length < 4; i++) + overflow.push(src[i]); + if (overflow.length === 4) { + if (isLE) { + codepoint = overflow[i] | overflow[i + 1] << 8 | overflow[i + 2] << 16 | overflow[i + 3] << 24; + } else { + codepoint = overflow[i + 3] | overflow[i + 2] << 8 | overflow[i + 1] << 16 | overflow[i] << 24; + } + overflow.length = 0; + offset = _writeCodepoint(dst, offset, codepoint, badChar); + } + } + for (; i < src.length - 3; i += 4) { + if (isLE) { + codepoint = src[i] | src[i + 1] << 8 | src[i + 2] << 16 | src[i + 3] << 24; + } else { + codepoint = src[i + 3] | src[i + 2] << 8 | src[i + 1] << 16 | src[i] << 24; + } + offset = _writeCodepoint(dst, offset, codepoint, badChar); + } + for (; i < src.length; i++) { + overflow.push(src[i]); + } + return dst.slice(0, offset).toString("ucs2"); + }; + function _writeCodepoint(dst, offset, codepoint, badChar) { + if (codepoint < 0 || codepoint > 1114111) { + codepoint = badChar; + } + if (codepoint >= 65536) { + codepoint -= 65536; + var high = 55296 | codepoint >> 10; + dst[offset++] = high & 255; + dst[offset++] = high >> 8; + var codepoint = 56320 | codepoint & 1023; + } + dst[offset++] = codepoint & 255; + dst[offset++] = codepoint >> 8; + return offset; + } + Utf32Decoder.prototype.end = function() { + this.overflow.length = 0; + }; + exports.utf32 = Utf32AutoCodec; + exports.ucs4 = "utf32"; + function Utf32AutoCodec(options, iconv) { + this.iconv = iconv; + } + Utf32AutoCodec.prototype.encoder = Utf32AutoEncoder; + Utf32AutoCodec.prototype.decoder = Utf32AutoDecoder; + function Utf32AutoEncoder(options, codec) { + options = options || {}; + if (options.addBOM === void 0) + options.addBOM = true; + this.encoder = codec.iconv.getEncoder(options.defaultEncoding || "utf-32le", options); + } + Utf32AutoEncoder.prototype.write = function(str) { + return this.encoder.write(str); + }; + Utf32AutoEncoder.prototype.end = function() { + return this.encoder.end(); + }; + function Utf32AutoDecoder(options, codec) { + this.decoder = null; + this.initialBufs = []; + this.initialBufsLen = 0; + this.options = options || {}; + this.iconv = codec.iconv; + } + Utf32AutoDecoder.prototype.write = function(buf) { + if (!this.decoder) { + this.initialBufs.push(buf); + this.initialBufsLen += buf.length; + if (this.initialBufsLen < 32) + return ""; + var encoding = detectEncoding(this.initialBufs, this.options.defaultEncoding); + this.decoder = this.iconv.getDecoder(encoding, this.options); + var resStr = ""; + for (var i = 0; i < this.initialBufs.length; i++) + resStr += this.decoder.write(this.initialBufs[i]); + this.initialBufs.length = this.initialBufsLen = 0; + return resStr; + } + return this.decoder.write(buf); + }; + Utf32AutoDecoder.prototype.end = function() { + if (!this.decoder) { + var encoding = detectEncoding(this.initialBufs, this.options.defaultEncoding); + this.decoder = this.iconv.getDecoder(encoding, this.options); + var resStr = ""; + for (var i = 0; i < this.initialBufs.length; i++) + resStr += this.decoder.write(this.initialBufs[i]); + var trail = this.decoder.end(); + if (trail) + resStr += trail; + this.initialBufs.length = this.initialBufsLen = 0; + return resStr; + } + return this.decoder.end(); + }; + function detectEncoding(bufs, defaultEncoding) { + var b = []; + var charsProcessed = 0; + var invalidLE = 0, invalidBE = 0; + var bmpCharsLE = 0, bmpCharsBE = 0; + outer_loop: + for (var i = 0; i < bufs.length; i++) { + var buf = bufs[i]; + for (var j = 0; j < buf.length; j++) { + b.push(buf[j]); + if (b.length === 4) { + if (charsProcessed === 0) { + if (b[0] === 255 && b[1] === 254 && b[2] === 0 && b[3] === 0) { + return "utf-32le"; + } + if (b[0] === 0 && b[1] === 0 && b[2] === 254 && b[3] === 255) { + return "utf-32be"; + } + } + if (b[0] !== 0 || b[1] > 16) + invalidBE++; + if (b[3] !== 0 || b[2] > 16) + invalidLE++; + if (b[0] === 0 && b[1] === 0 && (b[2] !== 0 || b[3] !== 0)) + bmpCharsBE++; + if ((b[0] !== 0 || b[1] !== 0) && b[2] === 0 && b[3] === 0) + bmpCharsLE++; + b.length = 0; + charsProcessed++; + if (charsProcessed >= 100) { + break outer_loop; + } + } + } + } + if (bmpCharsBE - invalidBE > bmpCharsLE - invalidLE) + return "utf-32be"; + if (bmpCharsBE - invalidBE < bmpCharsLE - invalidLE) + return "utf-32le"; + return defaultEncoding || "utf-32le"; + } + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/encoding/node_modules/iconv-lite/encodings/utf16.js +var require_utf16 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/encoding/node_modules/iconv-lite/encodings/utf16.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + var Buffer2 = require_safer().Buffer; + exports.utf16be = Utf16BECodec; + function Utf16BECodec() { + } + Utf16BECodec.prototype.encoder = Utf16BEEncoder; + Utf16BECodec.prototype.decoder = Utf16BEDecoder; + Utf16BECodec.prototype.bomAware = true; + function Utf16BEEncoder() { + } + Utf16BEEncoder.prototype.write = function(str) { + var buf = Buffer2.from(str, "ucs2"); + for (var i = 0; i < buf.length; i += 2) { + var tmp = buf[i]; + buf[i] = buf[i + 1]; + buf[i + 1] = tmp; + } + return buf; + }; + Utf16BEEncoder.prototype.end = function() { + }; + function Utf16BEDecoder() { + this.overflowByte = -1; + } + Utf16BEDecoder.prototype.write = function(buf) { + if (buf.length == 0) + return ""; + var buf2 = Buffer2.alloc(buf.length + 1), i = 0, j = 0; + if (this.overflowByte !== -1) { + buf2[0] = buf[0]; + buf2[1] = this.overflowByte; + i = 1; + j = 2; + } + for (; i < buf.length - 1; i += 2, j += 2) { + buf2[j] = buf[i + 1]; + buf2[j + 1] = buf[i]; + } + this.overflowByte = i == buf.length - 1 ? buf[buf.length - 1] : -1; + return buf2.slice(0, j).toString("ucs2"); + }; + Utf16BEDecoder.prototype.end = function() { + this.overflowByte = -1; + }; + exports.utf16 = Utf16Codec; + function Utf16Codec(codecOptions, iconv) { + this.iconv = iconv; + } + Utf16Codec.prototype.encoder = Utf16Encoder; + Utf16Codec.prototype.decoder = Utf16Decoder; + function Utf16Encoder(options, codec) { + options = options || {}; + if (options.addBOM === void 0) + options.addBOM = true; + this.encoder = codec.iconv.getEncoder("utf-16le", options); + } + Utf16Encoder.prototype.write = function(str) { + return this.encoder.write(str); + }; + Utf16Encoder.prototype.end = function() { + return this.encoder.end(); + }; + function Utf16Decoder(options, codec) { + this.decoder = null; + this.initialBufs = []; + this.initialBufsLen = 0; + this.options = options || {}; + this.iconv = codec.iconv; + } + Utf16Decoder.prototype.write = function(buf) { + if (!this.decoder) { + this.initialBufs.push(buf); + this.initialBufsLen += buf.length; + if (this.initialBufsLen < 16) + return ""; + var encoding = detectEncoding(this.initialBufs, this.options.defaultEncoding); + this.decoder = this.iconv.getDecoder(encoding, this.options); + var resStr = ""; + for (var i = 0; i < this.initialBufs.length; i++) + resStr += this.decoder.write(this.initialBufs[i]); + this.initialBufs.length = this.initialBufsLen = 0; + return resStr; + } + return this.decoder.write(buf); + }; + Utf16Decoder.prototype.end = function() { + if (!this.decoder) { + var encoding = detectEncoding(this.initialBufs, this.options.defaultEncoding); + this.decoder = this.iconv.getDecoder(encoding, this.options); + var resStr = ""; + for (var i = 0; i < this.initialBufs.length; i++) + resStr += this.decoder.write(this.initialBufs[i]); + var trail = this.decoder.end(); + if (trail) + resStr += trail; + this.initialBufs.length = this.initialBufsLen = 0; + return resStr; + } + return this.decoder.end(); + }; + function detectEncoding(bufs, defaultEncoding) { + var b = []; + var charsProcessed = 0; + var asciiCharsLE = 0, asciiCharsBE = 0; + outer_loop: + for (var i = 0; i < bufs.length; i++) { + var buf = bufs[i]; + for (var j = 0; j < buf.length; j++) { + b.push(buf[j]); + if (b.length === 2) { + if (charsProcessed === 0) { + if (b[0] === 255 && b[1] === 254) + return "utf-16le"; + if (b[0] === 254 && b[1] === 255) + return "utf-16be"; + } + if (b[0] === 0 && b[1] !== 0) + asciiCharsBE++; + if (b[0] !== 0 && b[1] === 0) + asciiCharsLE++; + b.length = 0; + charsProcessed++; + if (charsProcessed >= 100) { + break outer_loop; + } + } + } + } + if (asciiCharsBE > asciiCharsLE) + return "utf-16be"; + if (asciiCharsBE < asciiCharsLE) + return "utf-16le"; + return defaultEncoding || "utf-16le"; + } + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/encoding/node_modules/iconv-lite/encodings/utf7.js +var require_utf7 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/encoding/node_modules/iconv-lite/encodings/utf7.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + var Buffer2 = require_safer().Buffer; + exports.utf7 = Utf7Codec; + exports.unicode11utf7 = "utf7"; + function Utf7Codec(codecOptions, iconv) { + this.iconv = iconv; + } + Utf7Codec.prototype.encoder = Utf7Encoder; + Utf7Codec.prototype.decoder = Utf7Decoder; + Utf7Codec.prototype.bomAware = true; + var nonDirectChars = /[^A-Za-z0-9'\(\),-\.\/:\? \n\r\t]+/g; + function Utf7Encoder(options, codec) { + this.iconv = codec.iconv; + } + Utf7Encoder.prototype.write = function(str) { + return Buffer2.from(str.replace(nonDirectChars, function(chunk) { + return "+" + (chunk === "+" ? "" : this.iconv.encode(chunk, "utf16-be").toString("base64").replace(/=+$/, "")) + "-"; + }.bind(this))); + }; + Utf7Encoder.prototype.end = function() { + }; + function Utf7Decoder(options, codec) { + this.iconv = codec.iconv; + this.inBase64 = false; + this.base64Accum = ""; + } + var base64Regex = /[A-Za-z0-9\/+]/; + var base64Chars = []; + for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) + base64Chars[i] = base64Regex.test(String.fromCharCode(i)); + var i; + var plusChar = "+".charCodeAt(0); + var minusChar = "-".charCodeAt(0); + var andChar = "&".charCodeAt(0); + Utf7Decoder.prototype.write = function(buf) { + var res = "", lastI = 0, inBase64 = this.inBase64, base64Accum = this.base64Accum; + for (var i2 = 0; i2 < buf.length; i2++) { + if (!inBase64) { + if (buf[i2] == plusChar) { + res += this.iconv.decode(buf.slice(lastI, i2), "ascii"); + lastI = i2 + 1; + inBase64 = true; + } + } else { + if (!base64Chars[buf[i2]]) { + if (i2 == lastI && buf[i2] == minusChar) { + res += "+"; + } else { + var b64str = base64Accum + this.iconv.decode(buf.slice(lastI, i2), "ascii"); + res += this.iconv.decode(Buffer2.from(b64str, "base64"), "utf16-be"); + } + if (buf[i2] != minusChar) + i2--; + lastI = i2 + 1; + inBase64 = false; + base64Accum = ""; + } + } + } + if (!inBase64) { + res += this.iconv.decode(buf.slice(lastI), "ascii"); + } else { + var b64str = base64Accum + this.iconv.decode(buf.slice(lastI), "ascii"); + var canBeDecoded = b64str.length - b64str.length % 8; + base64Accum = b64str.slice(canBeDecoded); + b64str = b64str.slice(0, canBeDecoded); + res += this.iconv.decode(Buffer2.from(b64str, "base64"), "utf16-be"); + } + this.inBase64 = inBase64; + this.base64Accum = base64Accum; + return res; + }; + Utf7Decoder.prototype.end = function() { + var res = ""; + if (this.inBase64 && this.base64Accum.length > 0) + res = this.iconv.decode(Buffer2.from(this.base64Accum, "base64"), "utf16-be"); + this.inBase64 = false; + this.base64Accum = ""; + return res; + }; + exports.utf7imap = Utf7IMAPCodec; + function Utf7IMAPCodec(codecOptions, iconv) { + this.iconv = iconv; + } + Utf7IMAPCodec.prototype.encoder = Utf7IMAPEncoder; + Utf7IMAPCodec.prototype.decoder = Utf7IMAPDecoder; + Utf7IMAPCodec.prototype.bomAware = true; + function Utf7IMAPEncoder(options, codec) { + this.iconv = codec.iconv; + this.inBase64 = false; + this.base64Accum = Buffer2.alloc(6); + this.base64AccumIdx = 0; + } + Utf7IMAPEncoder.prototype.write = function(str) { + var inBase64 = this.inBase64, base64Accum = this.base64Accum, base64AccumIdx = this.base64AccumIdx, buf = Buffer2.alloc(str.length * 5 + 10), bufIdx = 0; + for (var i2 = 0; i2 < str.length; i2++) { + var uChar = str.charCodeAt(i2); + if (32 <= uChar && uChar <= 126) { + if (inBase64) { + if (base64AccumIdx > 0) { + bufIdx += buf.write(base64Accum.slice(0, base64AccumIdx).toString("base64").replace(/\//g, ",").replace(/=+$/, ""), bufIdx); + base64AccumIdx = 0; + } + buf[bufIdx++] = minusChar; + inBase64 = false; + } + if (!inBase64) { + buf[bufIdx++] = uChar; + if (uChar === andChar) + buf[bufIdx++] = minusChar; + } + } else { + if (!inBase64) { + buf[bufIdx++] = andChar; + inBase64 = true; + } + if (inBase64) { + base64Accum[base64AccumIdx++] = uChar >> 8; + base64Accum[base64AccumIdx++] = uChar & 255; + if (base64AccumIdx == base64Accum.length) { + bufIdx += buf.write(base64Accum.toString("base64").replace(/\//g, ","), bufIdx); + base64AccumIdx = 0; + } + } + } + } + this.inBase64 = inBase64; + this.base64AccumIdx = base64AccumIdx; + return buf.slice(0, bufIdx); + }; + Utf7IMAPEncoder.prototype.end = function() { + var buf = Buffer2.alloc(10), bufIdx = 0; + if (this.inBase64) { + if (this.base64AccumIdx > 0) { + bufIdx += buf.write(this.base64Accum.slice(0, this.base64AccumIdx).toString("base64").replace(/\//g, ",").replace(/=+$/, ""), bufIdx); + this.base64AccumIdx = 0; + } + buf[bufIdx++] = minusChar; + this.inBase64 = false; + } + return buf.slice(0, bufIdx); + }; + function Utf7IMAPDecoder(options, codec) { + this.iconv = codec.iconv; + this.inBase64 = false; + this.base64Accum = ""; + } + var base64IMAPChars = base64Chars.slice(); + base64IMAPChars[",".charCodeAt(0)] = true; + Utf7IMAPDecoder.prototype.write = function(buf) { + var res = "", lastI = 0, inBase64 = this.inBase64, base64Accum = this.base64Accum; + for (var i2 = 0; i2 < buf.length; i2++) { + if (!inBase64) { + if (buf[i2] == andChar) { + res += this.iconv.decode(buf.slice(lastI, i2), "ascii"); + lastI = i2 + 1; + inBase64 = true; + } + } else { + if (!base64IMAPChars[buf[i2]]) { + if (i2 == lastI && buf[i2] == minusChar) { + res += "&"; + } else { + var b64str = base64Accum + this.iconv.decode(buf.slice(lastI, i2), "ascii").replace(/,/g, "/"); + res += this.iconv.decode(Buffer2.from(b64str, "base64"), "utf16-be"); + } + if (buf[i2] != minusChar) + i2--; + lastI = i2 + 1; + inBase64 = false; + base64Accum = ""; + } + } + } + if (!inBase64) { + res += this.iconv.decode(buf.slice(lastI), "ascii"); + } else { + var b64str = base64Accum + this.iconv.decode(buf.slice(lastI), "ascii").replace(/,/g, "/"); + var canBeDecoded = b64str.length - b64str.length % 8; + base64Accum = b64str.slice(canBeDecoded); + b64str = b64str.slice(0, canBeDecoded); + res += this.iconv.decode(Buffer2.from(b64str, "base64"), "utf16-be"); + } + this.inBase64 = inBase64; + this.base64Accum = base64Accum; + return res; + }; + Utf7IMAPDecoder.prototype.end = function() { + var res = ""; + if (this.inBase64 && this.base64Accum.length > 0) + res = this.iconv.decode(Buffer2.from(this.base64Accum, "base64"), "utf16-be"); + this.inBase64 = false; + this.base64Accum = ""; + return res; + }; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/encoding/node_modules/iconv-lite/encodings/sbcs-codec.js +var require_sbcs_codec = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/encoding/node_modules/iconv-lite/encodings/sbcs-codec.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + var Buffer2 = require_safer().Buffer; + exports._sbcs = SBCSCodec; + function SBCSCodec(codecOptions, iconv) { + if (!codecOptions) + throw new Error("SBCS codec is called without the data."); + if (!codecOptions.chars || codecOptions.chars.length !== 128 && codecOptions.chars.length !== 256) + throw new Error("Encoding '" + codecOptions.type + "' has incorrect 'chars' (must be of len 128 or 256)"); + if (codecOptions.chars.length === 128) { + var asciiString = ""; + for (var i = 0; i < 128; i++) + asciiString += String.fromCharCode(i); + codecOptions.chars = asciiString + codecOptions.chars; + } + this.decodeBuf = Buffer2.from(codecOptions.chars, "ucs2"); + var encodeBuf = Buffer2.alloc(65536, iconv.defaultCharSingleByte.charCodeAt(0)); + for (var i = 0; i < codecOptions.chars.length; i++) + encodeBuf[codecOptions.chars.charCodeAt(i)] = i; + this.encodeBuf = encodeBuf; + } + SBCSCodec.prototype.encoder = SBCSEncoder; + SBCSCodec.prototype.decoder = SBCSDecoder; + function SBCSEncoder(options, codec) { + this.encodeBuf = codec.encodeBuf; + } + SBCSEncoder.prototype.write = function(str) { + var buf = Buffer2.alloc(str.length); + for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) + buf[i] = this.encodeBuf[str.charCodeAt(i)]; + return buf; + }; + SBCSEncoder.prototype.end = function() { + }; + function SBCSDecoder(options, codec) { + this.decodeBuf = codec.decodeBuf; + } + SBCSDecoder.prototype.write = function(buf) { + var decodeBuf = this.decodeBuf; + var newBuf = Buffer2.alloc(buf.length * 2); + var idx1 = 0, idx2 = 0; + for (var i = 0; i < buf.length; i++) { + idx1 = buf[i] * 2; + idx2 = i * 2; + newBuf[idx2] = decodeBuf[idx1]; + newBuf[idx2 + 1] = decodeBuf[idx1 + 1]; + } + return newBuf.toString("ucs2"); + }; + SBCSDecoder.prototype.end = function() { + }; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/encoding/node_modules/iconv-lite/encodings/sbcs-data.js +var require_sbcs_data = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/encoding/node_modules/iconv-lite/encodings/sbcs-data.js"(exports, module2) { + "use strict"; + module2.exports = { + // Not supported by iconv, not sure why. + "10029": "maccenteuro", + "maccenteuro": { + "type": "_sbcs", + "chars": "\xC4\u0100\u0101\xC9\u0104\xD6\xDC\xE1\u0105\u010C\xE4\u010D\u0106\u0107\xE9\u0179\u017A\u010E\xED\u010F\u0112\u0113\u0116\xF3\u0117\xF4\xF6\xF5\xFA\u011A\u011B\xFC\u2020\xB0\u0118\xA3\xA7\u2022\xB6\xDF\xAE\xA9\u2122\u0119\xA8\u2260\u0123\u012E\u012F\u012A\u2264\u2265\u012B\u0136\u2202\u2211\u0142\u013B\u013C\u013D\u013E\u0139\u013A\u0145\u0146\u0143\xAC\u221A\u0144\u0147\u2206\xAB\xBB\u2026\xA0\u0148\u0150\xD5\u0151\u014C\u2013\u2014\u201C\u201D\u2018\u2019\xF7\u25CA\u014D\u0154\u0155\u0158\u2039\u203A\u0159\u0156\u0157\u0160\u201A\u201E\u0161\u015A\u015B\xC1\u0164\u0165\xCD\u017D\u017E\u016A\xD3\xD4\u016B\u016E\xDA\u016F\u0170\u0171\u0172\u0173\xDD\xFD\u0137\u017B\u0141\u017C\u0122\u02C7" + }, + "808": "cp808", + "ibm808": "cp808", + "cp808": { + "type": "_sbcs", + "chars": "\u0410\u0411\u0412\u0413\u0414\u0415\u0416\u0417\u0418\u0419\u041A\u041B\u041C\u041D\u041E\u041F\u0420\u0421\u0422\u0423\u0424\u0425\u0426\u0427\u0428\u0429\u042A\u042B\u042C\u042D\u042E\u042F\u0430\u0431\u0432\u0433\u0434\u0435\u0436\u0437\u0438\u0439\u043A\u043B\u043C\u043D\u043E\u043F\u2591\u2592\u2593\u2502\u2524\u2561\u2562\u2556\u2555\u2563\u2551\u2557\u255D\u255C\u255B\u2510\u2514\u2534\u252C\u251C\u2500\u253C\u255E\u255F\u255A\u2554\u2569\u2566\u2560\u2550\u256C\u2567\u2568\u2564\u2565\u2559\u2558\u2552\u2553\u256B\u256A\u2518\u250C\u2588\u2584\u258C\u2590\u2580\u0440\u0441\u0442\u0443\u0444\u0445\u0446\u0447\u0448\u0449\u044A\u044B\u044C\u044D\u044E\u044F\u0401\u0451\u0404\u0454\u0407\u0457\u040E\u045E\xB0\u2219\xB7\u221A\u2116\u20AC\u25A0\xA0" + }, + "mik": { + "type": "_sbcs", + "chars": "\u0410\u0411\u0412\u0413\u0414\u0415\u0416\u0417\u0418\u0419\u041A\u041B\u041C\u041D\u041E\u041F\u0420\u0421\u0422\u0423\u0424\u0425\u0426\u0427\u0428\u0429\u042A\u042B\u042C\u042D\u042E\u042F\u0430\u0431\u0432\u0433\u0434\u0435\u0436\u0437\u0438\u0439\u043A\u043B\u043C\u043D\u043E\u043F\u0440\u0441\u0442\u0443\u0444\u0445\u0446\u0447\u0448\u0449\u044A\u044B\u044C\u044D\u044E\u044F\u2514\u2534\u252C\u251C\u2500\u253C\u2563\u2551\u255A\u2554\u2569\u2566\u2560\u2550\u256C\u2510\u2591\u2592\u2593\u2502\u2524\u2116\xA7\u2557\u255D\u2518\u250C\u2588\u2584\u258C\u2590\u2580\u03B1\xDF\u0393\u03C0\u03A3\u03C3\xB5\u03C4\u03A6\u0398\u03A9\u03B4\u221E\u03C6\u03B5\u2229\u2261\xB1\u2265\u2264\u2320\u2321\xF7\u2248\xB0\u2219\xB7\u221A\u207F\xB2\u25A0\xA0" + }, + "cp720": { + "type": "_sbcs", + "chars": "\x80\x81\xE9\xE2\x84\xE0\x86\xE7\xEA\xEB\xE8\xEF\xEE\x8D\x8E\x8F\x90\u0651\u0652\xF4\xA4\u0640\xFB\xF9\u0621\u0622\u0623\u0624\xA3\u0625\u0626\u0627\u0628\u0629\u062A\u062B\u062C\u062D\u062E\u062F\u0630\u0631\u0632\u0633\u0634\u0635\xAB\xBB\u2591\u2592\u2593\u2502\u2524\u2561\u2562\u2556\u2555\u2563\u2551\u2557\u255D\u255C\u255B\u2510\u2514\u2534\u252C\u251C\u2500\u253C\u255E\u255F\u255A\u2554\u2569\u2566\u2560\u2550\u256C\u2567\u2568\u2564\u2565\u2559\u2558\u2552\u2553\u256B\u256A\u2518\u250C\u2588\u2584\u258C\u2590\u2580\u0636\u0637\u0638\u0639\u063A\u0641\xB5\u0642\u0643\u0644\u0645\u0646\u0647\u0648\u0649\u064A\u2261\u064B\u064C\u064D\u064E\u064F\u0650\u2248\xB0\u2219\xB7\u221A\u207F\xB2\u25A0\xA0" + }, + // Aliases of generated encodings. + "ascii8bit": "ascii", + "usascii": "ascii", + "ansix34": "ascii", + "ansix341968": "ascii", + "ansix341986": "ascii", + "csascii": "ascii", + "cp367": "ascii", + "ibm367": "ascii", + "isoir6": "ascii", + "iso646us": "ascii", + "iso646irv": "ascii", + "us": "ascii", + "latin1": "iso88591", + "latin2": "iso88592", + "latin3": "iso88593", + "latin4": "iso88594", + "latin5": "iso88599", + "latin6": "iso885910", + "latin7": "iso885913", + "latin8": "iso885914", + "latin9": "iso885915", + "latin10": "iso885916", + "csisolatin1": "iso88591", + "csisolatin2": "iso88592", + "csisolatin3": "iso88593", + "csisolatin4": "iso88594", + "csisolatincyrillic": "iso88595", + "csisolatinarabic": "iso88596", + "csisolatingreek": "iso88597", + "csisolatinhebrew": "iso88598", + "csisolatin5": "iso88599", + "csisolatin6": "iso885910", + "l1": "iso88591", + "l2": "iso88592", + "l3": "iso88593", + "l4": "iso88594", + "l5": "iso88599", + "l6": "iso885910", + "l7": "iso885913", + "l8": "iso885914", + "l9": "iso885915", + "l10": "iso885916", + "isoir14": "iso646jp", + "isoir57": "iso646cn", + "isoir100": "iso88591", + "isoir101": "iso88592", + "isoir109": "iso88593", + "isoir110": "iso88594", + "isoir144": "iso88595", + "isoir127": "iso88596", + "isoir126": "iso88597", + "isoir138": "iso88598", + "isoir148": "iso88599", + "isoir157": "iso885910", + "isoir166": "tis620", + "isoir179": "iso885913", + "isoir199": "iso885914", + "isoir203": "iso885915", + "isoir226": "iso885916", + "cp819": "iso88591", + "ibm819": "iso88591", + "cyrillic": "iso88595", + "arabic": "iso88596", + "arabic8": "iso88596", + "ecma114": "iso88596", + "asmo708": "iso88596", + "greek": "iso88597", + "greek8": "iso88597", + "ecma118": "iso88597", + "elot928": "iso88597", + "hebrew": "iso88598", + "hebrew8": "iso88598", + "turkish": "iso88599", + "turkish8": "iso88599", + "thai": "iso885911", + "thai8": "iso885911", + "celtic": "iso885914", + "celtic8": "iso885914", + "isoceltic": "iso885914", + "tis6200": "tis620", + "tis62025291": "tis620", + "tis62025330": "tis620", + "10000": "macroman", + "10006": "macgreek", + "10007": "maccyrillic", + "10079": "maciceland", + "10081": "macturkish", + "cspc8codepage437": "cp437", + "cspc775baltic": "cp775", + "cspc850multilingual": "cp850", + "cspcp852": "cp852", + "cspc862latinhebrew": "cp862", + "cpgr": "cp869", + "msee": "cp1250", + "mscyrl": "cp1251", + "msansi": "cp1252", + "msgreek": "cp1253", + "msturk": "cp1254", + "mshebr": "cp1255", + "msarab": "cp1256", + "winbaltrim": "cp1257", + "cp20866": "koi8r", + "20866": "koi8r", + "ibm878": "koi8r", + "cskoi8r": "koi8r", + "cp21866": "koi8u", + "21866": "koi8u", + "ibm1168": "koi8u", + "strk10482002": "rk1048", + "tcvn5712": "tcvn", + "tcvn57121": "tcvn", + "gb198880": "iso646cn", + "cn": "iso646cn", + "csiso14jisc6220ro": "iso646jp", + "jisc62201969ro": "iso646jp", + "jp": "iso646jp", + "cshproman8": "hproman8", + "r8": "hproman8", + "roman8": "hproman8", + "xroman8": "hproman8", + "ibm1051": "hproman8", + "mac": "macintosh", + "csmacintosh": "macintosh" + }; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/encoding/node_modules/iconv-lite/encodings/sbcs-data-generated.js +var require_sbcs_data_generated = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/encoding/node_modules/iconv-lite/encodings/sbcs-data-generated.js"(exports, module2) { + "use strict"; + module2.exports = { + "437": "cp437", + "737": "cp737", + "775": "cp775", + "850": "cp850", + "852": "cp852", + "855": "cp855", + "856": "cp856", + "857": "cp857", + "858": "cp858", + "860": "cp860", + "861": "cp861", + "862": "cp862", + "863": "cp863", + "864": "cp864", + "865": "cp865", + "866": "cp866", + "869": "cp869", + "874": "windows874", + "922": "cp922", + "1046": "cp1046", + "1124": "cp1124", + "1125": "cp1125", + "1129": "cp1129", + "1133": "cp1133", + "1161": "cp1161", + "1162": "cp1162", + "1163": "cp1163", + "1250": "windows1250", + "1251": "windows1251", + "1252": "windows1252", + "1253": "windows1253", + "1254": "windows1254", + "1255": "windows1255", + "1256": "windows1256", + "1257": "windows1257", + "1258": "windows1258", + "28591": "iso88591", + "28592": "iso88592", + "28593": "iso88593", + "28594": "iso88594", + "28595": "iso88595", + "28596": "iso88596", + "28597": "iso88597", + "28598": "iso88598", + "28599": "iso88599", + "28600": "iso885910", + "28601": "iso885911", + "28603": "iso885913", + "28604": "iso885914", + "28605": "iso885915", + "28606": "iso885916", + "windows874": { + "type": "_sbcs", + "chars": 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"\x80\x81\u201A\u0192\u201E\u2026\u2020\u2021\u02C6\u2030\u0160\u2039\u0152\x8D\x8E\x8F\x90\u2018\u2019\u201C\u201D\u2022\u2013\u2014\u02DC\u2122\u0161\u203A\u0153\x9D\x9E\u0178\xA0\xA1\xA2\xA3\xA4\xA5\xA6\xA7\xA8\xA9\xAA\xAB\xAC\xAD\xAE\xAF\xB0\xB1\xB2\xB3\xB4\xB5\xB6\xB7\xB8\xB9\xBA\xBB\xBC\xBD\xBE\xBF\u10D0\u10D1\u10D2\u10D3\u10D4\u10D5\u10D6\u10F1\u10D7\u10D8\u10D9\u10DA\u10DB\u10DC\u10F2\u10DD\u10DE\u10DF\u10E0\u10E1\u10E2\u10F3\u10E3\u10E4\u10E5\u10E6\u10E7\u10E8\u10E9\u10EA\u10EB\u10EC\u10ED\u10EE\u10F4\u10EF\u10F0\u10F5\xE6\xE7\xE8\xE9\xEA\xEB\xEC\xED\xEE\xEF\xF0\xF1\xF2\xF3\xF4\xF5\xF6\xF7\xF8\xF9\xFA\xFB\xFC\xFD\xFE\xFF" + }, + "pt154": { + "type": "_sbcs", + "chars": 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"\xC4\xC5\xC7\xC9\xD1\xD6\xDC\xE1\xE0\xE2\xE4\xE3\xE5\xE7\xE9\xE8\xEA\xEB\xED\xEC\xEE\xEF\xF1\xF3\xF2\xF4\xF6\xF5\xFA\xF9\xFB\xFC\u2020\xB0\xA2\xA3\xA7\u2022\xB6\xDF\xAE\xA9\u2122\xB4\xA8\u2260\xC6\xD8\u221E\xB1\u2264\u2265\xA5\xB5\u2202\u2211\u220F\u03C0\u222B\xAA\xBA\u2126\xE6\xF8\xBF\xA1\xAC\u221A\u0192\u2248\u2206\xAB\xBB\u2026\xA0\xC0\xC3\xD5\u0152\u0153\u2013\u2014\u201C\u201D\u2018\u2019\xF7\u25CA\xFF\u0178\u2044\xA4\u2039\u203A\uFB01\uFB02\u2021\xB7\u201A\u201E\u2030\xC2\xCA\xC1\xCB\xC8\xCD\xCE\xCF\xCC\xD3\xD4\uFFFD\xD2\xDA\xDB\xD9\u0131\u02C6\u02DC\xAF\u02D8\u02D9\u02DA\xB8\u02DD\u02DB\u02C7" + }, + "ascii": { + "type": "_sbcs", + "chars": "\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD" + }, + "tis620": { + "type": "_sbcs", + "chars": "\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\u0E01\u0E02\u0E03\u0E04\u0E05\u0E06\u0E07\u0E08\u0E09\u0E0A\u0E0B\u0E0C\u0E0D\u0E0E\u0E0F\u0E10\u0E11\u0E12\u0E13\u0E14\u0E15\u0E16\u0E17\u0E18\u0E19\u0E1A\u0E1B\u0E1C\u0E1D\u0E1E\u0E1F\u0E20\u0E21\u0E22\u0E23\u0E24\u0E25\u0E26\u0E27\u0E28\u0E29\u0E2A\u0E2B\u0E2C\u0E2D\u0E2E\u0E2F\u0E30\u0E31\u0E32\u0E33\u0E34\u0E35\u0E36\u0E37\u0E38\u0E39\u0E3A\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\u0E3F\u0E40\u0E41\u0E42\u0E43\u0E44\u0E45\u0E46\u0E47\u0E48\u0E49\u0E4A\u0E4B\u0E4C\u0E4D\u0E4E\u0E4F\u0E50\u0E51\u0E52\u0E53\u0E54\u0E55\u0E56\u0E57\u0E58\u0E59\u0E5A\u0E5B\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD" + } + }; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/encoding/node_modules/iconv-lite/encodings/dbcs-codec.js +var require_dbcs_codec = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/encoding/node_modules/iconv-lite/encodings/dbcs-codec.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + var Buffer2 = require_safer().Buffer; + exports._dbcs = DBCSCodec; + var UNASSIGNED = -1; + var GB18030_CODE = -2; + var SEQ_START = -10; + var NODE_START = -1e3; + var UNASSIGNED_NODE = new Array(256); + var DEF_CHAR = -1; + for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) + UNASSIGNED_NODE[i] = UNASSIGNED; + var i; + function DBCSCodec(codecOptions, iconv) { + this.encodingName = codecOptions.encodingName; + if (!codecOptions) + throw new Error("DBCS codec is called without the data."); + if (!codecOptions.table) + throw new Error("Encoding '" + this.encodingName + "' has no data."); + var mappingTable = codecOptions.table(); + this.decodeTables = []; + this.decodeTables[0] = UNASSIGNED_NODE.slice(0); + this.decodeTableSeq = []; + for (var i2 = 0; i2 < mappingTable.length; i2++) + this._addDecodeChunk(mappingTable[i2]); + if (typeof codecOptions.gb18030 === "function") { + this.gb18030 = codecOptions.gb18030(); + var commonThirdByteNodeIdx = this.decodeTables.length; + this.decodeTables.push(UNASSIGNED_NODE.slice(0)); + var commonFourthByteNodeIdx = this.decodeTables.length; + this.decodeTables.push(UNASSIGNED_NODE.slice(0)); + var firstByteNode = this.decodeTables[0]; + for (var i2 = 129; i2 <= 254; i2++) { + var secondByteNode = this.decodeTables[NODE_START - firstByteNode[i2]]; + for (var j = 48; j <= 57; j++) { + if (secondByteNode[j] === UNASSIGNED) { + secondByteNode[j] = NODE_START - commonThirdByteNodeIdx; + } else if (secondByteNode[j] > NODE_START) { + throw new Error("gb18030 decode tables conflict at byte 2"); + } + var thirdByteNode = this.decodeTables[NODE_START - secondByteNode[j]]; + for (var k = 129; k <= 254; k++) { + if (thirdByteNode[k] === UNASSIGNED) { + thirdByteNode[k] = NODE_START - commonFourthByteNodeIdx; + } else if (thirdByteNode[k] === NODE_START - commonFourthByteNodeIdx) { + continue; + } else if (thirdByteNode[k] > NODE_START) { + throw new Error("gb18030 decode tables conflict at byte 3"); + } + var fourthByteNode = this.decodeTables[NODE_START - thirdByteNode[k]]; + for (var l = 48; l <= 57; l++) { + if (fourthByteNode[l] === UNASSIGNED) + fourthByteNode[l] = GB18030_CODE; + } + } + } + } + } + this.defaultCharUnicode = iconv.defaultCharUnicode; + this.encodeTable = []; + this.encodeTableSeq = []; + var skipEncodeChars = {}; + if (codecOptions.encodeSkipVals) + for (var i2 = 0; i2 < codecOptions.encodeSkipVals.length; i2++) { + var val = codecOptions.encodeSkipVals[i2]; + if (typeof val === "number") + skipEncodeChars[val] = true; + else + for (var j = val.from; j <= val.to; j++) + skipEncodeChars[j] = true; + } + this._fillEncodeTable(0, 0, skipEncodeChars); + if (codecOptions.encodeAdd) { + for (var uChar in codecOptions.encodeAdd) + if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(codecOptions.encodeAdd, uChar)) + this._setEncodeChar(uChar.charCodeAt(0), codecOptions.encodeAdd[uChar]); + } + this.defCharSB = this.encodeTable[0][iconv.defaultCharSingleByte.charCodeAt(0)]; + if (this.defCharSB === UNASSIGNED) + this.defCharSB = this.encodeTable[0]["?"]; + if (this.defCharSB === UNASSIGNED) + this.defCharSB = "?".charCodeAt(0); + } + DBCSCodec.prototype.encoder = DBCSEncoder; + DBCSCodec.prototype.decoder = DBCSDecoder; + DBCSCodec.prototype._getDecodeTrieNode = function(addr) { + var bytes = []; + for (; addr > 0; addr >>>= 8) + bytes.push(addr & 255); + if (bytes.length == 0) + bytes.push(0); + var node = this.decodeTables[0]; + for (var i2 = bytes.length - 1; i2 > 0; i2--) { + var val = node[bytes[i2]]; + if (val == UNASSIGNED) { + node[bytes[i2]] = NODE_START - this.decodeTables.length; + this.decodeTables.push(node = UNASSIGNED_NODE.slice(0)); + } else if (val <= NODE_START) { + node = this.decodeTables[NODE_START - val]; + } else + throw new Error("Overwrite byte in " + this.encodingName + ", addr: " + addr.toString(16)); + } + return node; + }; + DBCSCodec.prototype._addDecodeChunk = function(chunk) { + var curAddr = parseInt(chunk[0], 16); + var writeTable = this._getDecodeTrieNode(curAddr); + curAddr = curAddr & 255; + for (var k = 1; k < chunk.length; k++) { + var part = chunk[k]; + if (typeof part === "string") { + for (var l = 0; l < part.length; ) { + var code = part.charCodeAt(l++); + if (55296 <= code && code < 56320) { + var codeTrail = part.charCodeAt(l++); + if (56320 <= codeTrail && codeTrail < 57344) + writeTable[curAddr++] = 65536 + (code - 55296) * 1024 + (codeTrail - 56320); + else + throw new Error("Incorrect surrogate pair in " + this.encodingName + " at chunk " + chunk[0]); + } else if (4080 < code && code <= 4095) { + var len = 4095 - code + 2; + var seq = []; + for (var m = 0; m < len; m++) + seq.push(part.charCodeAt(l++)); + writeTable[curAddr++] = SEQ_START - this.decodeTableSeq.length; + this.decodeTableSeq.push(seq); + } else + writeTable[curAddr++] = code; + } + } else if (typeof part === "number") { + var charCode = writeTable[curAddr - 1] + 1; + for (var l = 0; l < part; l++) + writeTable[curAddr++] = charCode++; + } else + throw new Error("Incorrect type '" + typeof part + "' given in " + this.encodingName + " at chunk " + chunk[0]); + } + if (curAddr > 255) + throw new Error("Incorrect chunk in " + this.encodingName + " at addr " + chunk[0] + ": too long" + curAddr); + }; + DBCSCodec.prototype._getEncodeBucket = function(uCode) { + var high = uCode >> 8; + if (this.encodeTable[high] === void 0) + this.encodeTable[high] = UNASSIGNED_NODE.slice(0); + return this.encodeTable[high]; + }; + DBCSCodec.prototype._setEncodeChar = function(uCode, dbcsCode) { + var bucket = this._getEncodeBucket(uCode); + var low = uCode & 255; + if (bucket[low] <= SEQ_START) + this.encodeTableSeq[SEQ_START - bucket[low]][DEF_CHAR] = dbcsCode; + else if (bucket[low] == UNASSIGNED) + bucket[low] = dbcsCode; + }; + DBCSCodec.prototype._setEncodeSequence = function(seq, dbcsCode) { + var uCode = seq[0]; + var bucket = this._getEncodeBucket(uCode); + var low = uCode & 255; + var node; + if (bucket[low] <= SEQ_START) { + node = this.encodeTableSeq[SEQ_START - bucket[low]]; + } else { + node = {}; + if (bucket[low] !== UNASSIGNED) + node[DEF_CHAR] = bucket[low]; + bucket[low] = SEQ_START - this.encodeTableSeq.length; + this.encodeTableSeq.push(node); + } + for (var j = 1; j < seq.length - 1; j++) { + var oldVal = node[uCode]; + if (typeof oldVal === "object") + node = oldVal; + else { + node = node[uCode] = {}; + if (oldVal !== void 0) + node[DEF_CHAR] = oldVal; + } + } + uCode = seq[seq.length - 1]; + node[uCode] = dbcsCode; + }; + DBCSCodec.prototype._fillEncodeTable = function(nodeIdx, prefix, skipEncodeChars) { + var node = this.decodeTables[nodeIdx]; + var hasValues = false; + var subNodeEmpty = {}; + for (var i2 = 0; i2 < 256; i2++) { + var uCode = node[i2]; + var mbCode = prefix + i2; + if (skipEncodeChars[mbCode]) + continue; + if (uCode >= 0) { + this._setEncodeChar(uCode, mbCode); + hasValues = true; + } else if (uCode <= NODE_START) { + var subNodeIdx = NODE_START - uCode; + if (!subNodeEmpty[subNodeIdx]) { + var newPrefix = mbCode << 8 >>> 0; + if (this._fillEncodeTable(subNodeIdx, newPrefix, skipEncodeChars)) + hasValues = true; + else + subNodeEmpty[subNodeIdx] = true; + } + } else if (uCode <= SEQ_START) { + this._setEncodeSequence(this.decodeTableSeq[SEQ_START - uCode], mbCode); + hasValues = true; + } + } + return hasValues; + }; + function DBCSEncoder(options, codec) { + this.leadSurrogate = -1; + this.seqObj = void 0; + this.encodeTable = codec.encodeTable; + this.encodeTableSeq = codec.encodeTableSeq; + this.defaultCharSingleByte = codec.defCharSB; + this.gb18030 = codec.gb18030; + } + DBCSEncoder.prototype.write = function(str) { + var newBuf = Buffer2.alloc(str.length * (this.gb18030 ? 4 : 3)), leadSurrogate = this.leadSurrogate, seqObj = this.seqObj, nextChar = -1, i2 = 0, j = 0; + while (true) { + if (nextChar === -1) { + if (i2 == str.length) + break; + var uCode = str.charCodeAt(i2++); + } else { + var uCode = nextChar; + nextChar = -1; + } + if (55296 <= uCode && uCode < 57344) { + if (uCode < 56320) { + if (leadSurrogate === -1) { + leadSurrogate = uCode; + continue; + } else { + leadSurrogate = uCode; + uCode = UNASSIGNED; + } + } else { + if (leadSurrogate !== -1) { + uCode = 65536 + (leadSurrogate - 55296) * 1024 + (uCode - 56320); + leadSurrogate = -1; + } else { + uCode = UNASSIGNED; + } + } + } else if (leadSurrogate !== -1) { + nextChar = uCode; + uCode = UNASSIGNED; + leadSurrogate = -1; + } + var dbcsCode = UNASSIGNED; + if (seqObj !== void 0 && uCode != UNASSIGNED) { + var resCode = seqObj[uCode]; + if (typeof resCode === "object") { + seqObj = resCode; + continue; + } else if (typeof resCode == "number") { + dbcsCode = resCode; + } else if (resCode == void 0) { + resCode = seqObj[DEF_CHAR]; + if (resCode !== void 0) { + dbcsCode = resCode; + nextChar = uCode; + } else { + } + } + seqObj = void 0; + } else if (uCode >= 0) { + var subtable = this.encodeTable[uCode >> 8]; + if (subtable !== void 0) + dbcsCode = subtable[uCode & 255]; + if (dbcsCode <= SEQ_START) { + seqObj = this.encodeTableSeq[SEQ_START - dbcsCode]; + continue; + } + if (dbcsCode == UNASSIGNED && this.gb18030) { + var idx = findIdx(this.gb18030.uChars, uCode); + if (idx != -1) { + var dbcsCode = this.gb18030.gbChars[idx] + (uCode - this.gb18030.uChars[idx]); + newBuf[j++] = 129 + Math.floor(dbcsCode / 12600); + dbcsCode = dbcsCode % 12600; + newBuf[j++] = 48 + Math.floor(dbcsCode / 1260); + dbcsCode = dbcsCode % 1260; + newBuf[j++] = 129 + Math.floor(dbcsCode / 10); + dbcsCode = dbcsCode % 10; + newBuf[j++] = 48 + dbcsCode; + continue; + } + } + } + if (dbcsCode === UNASSIGNED) + dbcsCode = this.defaultCharSingleByte; + if (dbcsCode < 256) { + newBuf[j++] = dbcsCode; + } else if (dbcsCode < 65536) { + newBuf[j++] = dbcsCode >> 8; + newBuf[j++] = dbcsCode & 255; + } else if (dbcsCode < 16777216) { + newBuf[j++] = dbcsCode >> 16; + newBuf[j++] = dbcsCode >> 8 & 255; + newBuf[j++] = dbcsCode & 255; + } else { + newBuf[j++] = dbcsCode >>> 24; + newBuf[j++] = dbcsCode >>> 16 & 255; + newBuf[j++] = dbcsCode >>> 8 & 255; + newBuf[j++] = dbcsCode & 255; + } + } + this.seqObj = seqObj; + this.leadSurrogate = leadSurrogate; + return newBuf.slice(0, j); + }; + DBCSEncoder.prototype.end = function() { + if (this.leadSurrogate === -1 && this.seqObj === void 0) + return; + var newBuf = Buffer2.alloc(10), j = 0; + if (this.seqObj) { + var dbcsCode = this.seqObj[DEF_CHAR]; + if (dbcsCode !== void 0) { + if (dbcsCode < 256) { + newBuf[j++] = dbcsCode; + } else { + newBuf[j++] = dbcsCode >> 8; + newBuf[j++] = dbcsCode & 255; + } + } else { + } + this.seqObj = void 0; + } + if (this.leadSurrogate !== -1) { + newBuf[j++] = this.defaultCharSingleByte; + this.leadSurrogate = -1; + } + return newBuf.slice(0, j); + }; + DBCSEncoder.prototype.findIdx = findIdx; + function DBCSDecoder(options, codec) { + this.nodeIdx = 0; + this.prevBytes = []; + this.decodeTables = codec.decodeTables; + this.decodeTableSeq = codec.decodeTableSeq; + this.defaultCharUnicode = codec.defaultCharUnicode; + this.gb18030 = codec.gb18030; + } + DBCSDecoder.prototype.write = function(buf) { + var newBuf = Buffer2.alloc(buf.length * 2), nodeIdx = this.nodeIdx, prevBytes = this.prevBytes, prevOffset = this.prevBytes.length, seqStart = -this.prevBytes.length, uCode; + for (var i2 = 0, j = 0; i2 < buf.length; i2++) { + var curByte = i2 >= 0 ? buf[i2] : prevBytes[i2 + prevOffset]; + var uCode = this.decodeTables[nodeIdx][curByte]; + if (uCode >= 0) { + } else if (uCode === UNASSIGNED) { + uCode = this.defaultCharUnicode.charCodeAt(0); + i2 = seqStart; + } else if (uCode === GB18030_CODE) { + if (i2 >= 3) { + var ptr = (buf[i2 - 3] - 129) * 12600 + (buf[i2 - 2] - 48) * 1260 + (buf[i2 - 1] - 129) * 10 + (curByte - 48); + } else { + var ptr = (prevBytes[i2 - 3 + prevOffset] - 129) * 12600 + ((i2 - 2 >= 0 ? buf[i2 - 2] : prevBytes[i2 - 2 + prevOffset]) - 48) * 1260 + ((i2 - 1 >= 0 ? buf[i2 - 1] : prevBytes[i2 - 1 + prevOffset]) - 129) * 10 + (curByte - 48); + } + var idx = findIdx(this.gb18030.gbChars, ptr); + uCode = this.gb18030.uChars[idx] + ptr - this.gb18030.gbChars[idx]; + } else if (uCode <= NODE_START) { + nodeIdx = NODE_START - uCode; + continue; + } else if (uCode <= SEQ_START) { + var seq = this.decodeTableSeq[SEQ_START - uCode]; + for (var k = 0; k < seq.length - 1; k++) { + uCode = seq[k]; + newBuf[j++] = uCode & 255; + newBuf[j++] = uCode >> 8; + } + uCode = seq[seq.length - 1]; + } else + throw new Error("iconv-lite internal error: invalid decoding table value " + uCode + " at " + nodeIdx + "/" + curByte); + if (uCode >= 65536) { + uCode -= 65536; + var uCodeLead = 55296 | uCode >> 10; + newBuf[j++] = uCodeLead & 255; + newBuf[j++] = uCodeLead >> 8; + uCode = 56320 | uCode & 1023; + } + newBuf[j++] = uCode & 255; + newBuf[j++] = uCode >> 8; + nodeIdx = 0; + seqStart = i2 + 1; + } + this.nodeIdx = nodeIdx; + this.prevBytes = seqStart >= 0 ? Array.prototype.slice.call(buf, seqStart) : prevBytes.slice(seqStart + prevOffset).concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(buf)); + return newBuf.slice(0, j).toString("ucs2"); + }; + DBCSDecoder.prototype.end = function() { + var ret = ""; + while (this.prevBytes.length > 0) { + ret += this.defaultCharUnicode; + var bytesArr = this.prevBytes.slice(1); + this.prevBytes = []; + this.nodeIdx = 0; + if (bytesArr.length > 0) + ret += this.write(bytesArr); + } + this.prevBytes = []; + this.nodeIdx = 0; + return ret; + }; + function findIdx(table, val) { + if (table[0] > val) + return -1; + var l = 0, r = table.length; + while (l < r - 1) { + var mid = l + (r - l + 1 >> 1); + if (table[mid] <= val) + l = mid; + else + r = mid; + } + return l; + } + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/encoding/node_modules/iconv-lite/encodings/tables/shiftjis.json +var require_shiftjis = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/encoding/node_modules/iconv-lite/encodings/tables/shiftjis.json"(exports, module2) { + module2.exports = [ + ["0", "\0", 128], + ["a1", "\uFF61", 62], + ["8140", "\u3000\u3001\u3002\uFF0C\uFF0E\u30FB\uFF1A\uFF1B\uFF1F\uFF01\u309B\u309C\xB4\uFF40\xA8\uFF3E\uFFE3\uFF3F\u30FD\u30FE\u309D\u309E\u3003\u4EDD\u3005\u3006\u3007\u30FC\u2015\u2010\uFF0F\uFF3C\uFF5E\u2225\uFF5C\u2026\u2025\u2018\u2019\u201C\u201D\uFF08\uFF09\u3014\u3015\uFF3B\uFF3D\uFF5B\uFF5D\u3008", 9, "\uFF0B\uFF0D\xB1\xD7"], + ["8180", "\xF7\uFF1D\u2260\uFF1C\uFF1E\u2266\u2267\u221E\u2234\u2642\u2640\xB0\u2032\u2033\u2103\uFFE5\uFF04\uFFE0\uFFE1\uFF05\uFF03\uFF06\uFF0A\uFF20\xA7\u2606\u2605\u25CB\u25CF\u25CE\u25C7\u25C6\u25A1\u25A0\u25B3\u25B2\u25BD\u25BC\u203B\u3012\u2192\u2190\u2191\u2193\u3013"], + ["81b8", "\u2208\u220B\u2286\u2287\u2282\u2283\u222A\u2229"], + ["81c8", "\u2227\u2228\uFFE2\u21D2\u21D4\u2200\u2203"], + ["81da", "\u2220\u22A5\u2312\u2202\u2207\u2261\u2252\u226A\u226B\u221A\u223D\u221D\u2235\u222B\u222C"], + ["81f0", "\u212B\u2030\u266F\u266D\u266A\u2020\u2021\xB6"], + ["81fc", "\u25EF"], + ["824f", "\uFF10", 9], + ["8260", "\uFF21", 25], + ["8281", "\uFF41", 25], + ["829f", "\u3041", 82], + ["8340", "\u30A1", 62], + ["8380", "\u30E0", 22], + ["839f", "\u0391", 16, "\u03A3", 6], + ["83bf", "\u03B1", 16, "\u03C3", 6], + ["8440", "\u0410", 5, "\u0401\u0416", 25], + ["8470", "\u0430", 5, "\u0451\u0436", 7], + ["8480", "\u043E", 17], + ["849f", "\u2500\u2502\u250C\u2510\u2518\u2514\u251C\u252C\u2524\u2534\u253C\u2501\u2503\u250F\u2513\u251B\u2517\u2523\u2533\u252B\u253B\u254B\u2520\u252F\u2528\u2537\u253F\u251D\u2530\u2525\u2538\u2542"], + ["8740", "\u2460", 19, "\u2160", 9], + ["875f", "\u3349\u3314\u3322\u334D\u3318\u3327\u3303\u3336\u3351\u3357\u330D\u3326\u3323\u332B\u334A\u333B\u339C\u339D\u339E\u338E\u338F\u33C4\u33A1"], + ["877e", "\u337B"], + ["8780", "\u301D\u301F\u2116\u33CD\u2121\u32A4", 4, "\u3231\u3232\u3239\u337E\u337D\u337C\u2252\u2261\u222B\u222E\u2211\u221A\u22A5\u2220\u221F\u22BF\u2235\u2229\u222A"], + ["889f", "\u4E9C\u5516\u5A03\u963F\u54C0\u611B\u6328\u59F6\u9022\u8475\u831C\u7A50\u60AA\u63E1\u6E25\u65ED\u8466\u82A6\u9BF5\u6893\u5727\u65A1\u6271\u5B9B\u59D0\u867B\u98F4\u7D62\u7DBE\u9B8E\u6216\u7C9F\u88B7\u5B89\u5EB5\u6309\u6697\u6848\u95C7\u978D\u674F\u4EE5\u4F0A\u4F4D\u4F9D\u5049\u56F2\u5937\u59D4\u5A01\u5C09\u60DF\u610F\u6170\u6613\u6905\u70BA\u754F\u7570\u79FB\u7DAD\u7DEF\u80C3\u840E\u8863\u8B02\u9055\u907A\u533B\u4E95\u4EA5\u57DF\u80B2\u90C1\u78EF\u4E00\u58F1\u6EA2\u9038\u7A32\u8328\u828B\u9C2F\u5141\u5370\u54BD\u54E1\u56E0\u59FB\u5F15\u98F2\u6DEB\u80E4\u852D"], + ["8940", "\u9662\u9670\u96A0\u97FB\u540B\u53F3\u5B87\u70CF\u7FBD\u8FC2\u96E8\u536F\u9D5C\u7ABA\u4E11\u7893\u81FC\u6E26\u5618\u5504\u6B1D\u851A\u9C3B\u59E5\u53A9\u6D66\u74DC\u958F\u5642\u4E91\u904B\u96F2\u834F\u990C\u53E1\u55B6\u5B30\u5F71\u6620\u66F3\u6804\u6C38\u6CF3\u6D29\u745B\u76C8\u7A4E\u9834\u82F1\u885B\u8A60\u92ED\u6DB2\u75AB\u76CA\u99C5\u60A6\u8B01\u8D8A\u95B2\u698E\u53AD\u5186"], + ["8980", "\u5712\u5830\u5944\u5BB4\u5EF6\u6028\u63A9\u63F4\u6CBF\u6F14\u708E\u7114\u7159\u71D5\u733F\u7E01\u8276\u82D1\u8597\u9060\u925B\u9D1B\u5869\u65BC\u6C5A\u7525\u51F9\u592E\u5965\u5F80\u5FDC\u62BC\u65FA\u6A2A\u6B27\u6BB4\u738B\u7FC1\u8956\u9D2C\u9D0E\u9EC4\u5CA1\u6C96\u837B\u5104\u5C4B\u61B6\u81C6\u6876\u7261\u4E59\u4FFA\u5378\u6069\u6E29\u7A4F\u97F3\u4E0B\u5316\u4EEE\u4F55\u4F3D\u4FA1\u4F73\u52A0\u53EF\u5609\u590F\u5AC1\u5BB6\u5BE1\u79D1\u6687\u679C\u67B6\u6B4C\u6CB3\u706B\u73C2\u798D\u79BE\u7A3C\u7B87\u82B1\u82DB\u8304\u8377\u83EF\u83D3\u8766\u8AB2\u5629\u8CA8\u8FE6\u904E\u971E\u868A\u4FC4\u5CE8\u6211\u7259\u753B\u81E5\u82BD\u86FE\u8CC0\u96C5\u9913\u99D5\u4ECB\u4F1A\u89E3\u56DE\u584A\u58CA\u5EFB\u5FEB\u602A\u6094\u6062\u61D0\u6212\u62D0\u6539"], + ["8a40", "\u9B41\u6666\u68B0\u6D77\u7070\u754C\u7686\u7D75\u82A5\u87F9\u958B\u968E\u8C9D\u51F1\u52BE\u5916\u54B3\u5BB3\u5D16\u6168\u6982\u6DAF\u788D\u84CB\u8857\u8A72\u93A7\u9AB8\u6D6C\u99A8\u86D9\u57A3\u67FF\u86CE\u920E\u5283\u5687\u5404\u5ED3\u62E1\u64B9\u683C\u6838\u6BBB\u7372\u78BA\u7A6B\u899A\u89D2\u8D6B\u8F03\u90ED\u95A3\u9694\u9769\u5B66\u5CB3\u697D\u984D\u984E\u639B\u7B20\u6A2B"], + ["8a80", "\u6A7F\u68B6\u9C0D\u6F5F\u5272\u559D\u6070\u62EC\u6D3B\u6E07\u6ED1\u845B\u8910\u8F44\u4E14\u9C39\u53F6\u691B\u6A3A\u9784\u682A\u515C\u7AC3\u84B2\u91DC\u938C\u565B\u9D28\u6822\u8305\u8431\u7CA5\u5208\u82C5\u74E6\u4E7E\u4F83\u51A0\u5BD2\u520A\u52D8\u52E7\u5DFB\u559A\u582A\u59E6\u5B8C\u5B98\u5BDB\u5E72\u5E79\u60A3\u611F\u6163\u61BE\u63DB\u6562\u67D1\u6853\u68FA\u6B3E\u6B53\u6C57\u6F22\u6F97\u6F45\u74B0\u7518\u76E3\u770B\u7AFF\u7BA1\u7C21\u7DE9\u7F36\u7FF0\u809D\u8266\u839E\u89B3\u8ACC\u8CAB\u9084\u9451\u9593\u9591\u95A2\u9665\u97D3\u9928\u8218\u4E38\u542B\u5CB8\u5DCC\u73A9\u764C\u773C\u5CA9\u7FEB\u8D0B\u96C1\u9811\u9854\u9858\u4F01\u4F0E\u5371\u559C\u5668\u57FA\u5947\u5B09\u5BC4\u5C90\u5E0C\u5E7E\u5FCC\u63EE\u673A\u65D7\u65E2\u671F\u68CB\u68C4"], + ["8b40", "\u6A5F\u5E30\u6BC5\u6C17\u6C7D\u757F\u7948\u5B63\u7A00\u7D00\u5FBD\u898F\u8A18\u8CB4\u8D77\u8ECC\u8F1D\u98E2\u9A0E\u9B3C\u4E80\u507D\u5100\u5993\u5B9C\u622F\u6280\u64EC\u6B3A\u72A0\u7591\u7947\u7FA9\u87FB\u8ABC\u8B70\u63AC\u83CA\u97A0\u5409\u5403\u55AB\u6854\u6A58\u8A70\u7827\u6775\u9ECD\u5374\u5BA2\u811A\u8650\u9006\u4E18\u4E45\u4EC7\u4F11\u53CA\u5438\u5BAE\u5F13\u6025\u6551"], + ["8b80", "\u673D\u6C42\u6C72\u6CE3\u7078\u7403\u7A76\u7AAE\u7B08\u7D1A\u7CFE\u7D66\u65E7\u725B\u53BB\u5C45\u5DE8\u62D2\u62E0\u6319\u6E20\u865A\u8A31\u8DDD\u92F8\u6F01\u79A6\u9B5A\u4EA8\u4EAB\u4EAC\u4F9B\u4FA0\u50D1\u5147\u7AF6\u5171\u51F6\u5354\u5321\u537F\u53EB\u55AC\u5883\u5CE1\u5F37\u5F4A\u602F\u6050\u606D\u631F\u6559\u6A4B\u6CC1\u72C2\u72ED\u77EF\u80F8\u8105\u8208\u854E\u90F7\u93E1\u97FF\u9957\u9A5A\u4EF0\u51DD\u5C2D\u6681\u696D\u5C40\u66F2\u6975\u7389\u6850\u7C81\u50C5\u52E4\u5747\u5DFE\u9326\u65A4\u6B23\u6B3D\u7434\u7981\u79BD\u7B4B\u7DCA\u82B9\u83CC\u887F\u895F\u8B39\u8FD1\u91D1\u541F\u9280\u4E5D\u5036\u53E5\u533A\u72D7\u7396\u77E9\u82E6\u8EAF\u99C6\u99C8\u99D2\u5177\u611A\u865E\u55B0\u7A7A\u5076\u5BD3\u9047\u9685\u4E32\u6ADB\u91E7\u5C51\u5C48"], + ["8c40", "\u6398\u7A9F\u6C93\u9774\u8F61\u7AAA\u718A\u9688\u7C82\u6817\u7E70\u6851\u936C\u52F2\u541B\u85AB\u8A13\u7FA4\u8ECD\u90E1\u5366\u8888\u7941\u4FC2\u50BE\u5211\u5144\u5553\u572D\u73EA\u578B\u5951\u5F62\u5F84\u6075\u6176\u6167\u61A9\u63B2\u643A\u656C\u666F\u6842\u6E13\u7566\u7A3D\u7CFB\u7D4C\u7D99\u7E4B\u7F6B\u830E\u834A\u86CD\u8A08\u8A63\u8B66\u8EFD\u981A\u9D8F\u82B8\u8FCE\u9BE8"], + ["8c80", "\u5287\u621F\u6483\u6FC0\u9699\u6841\u5091\u6B20\u6C7A\u6F54\u7A74\u7D50\u8840\u8A23\u6708\u4EF6\u5039\u5026\u5065\u517C\u5238\u5263\u55A7\u570F\u5805\u5ACC\u5EFA\u61B2\u61F8\u62F3\u6372\u691C\u6A29\u727D\u72AC\u732E\u7814\u786F\u7D79\u770C\u80A9\u898B\u8B19\u8CE2\u8ED2\u9063\u9375\u967A\u9855\u9A13\u9E78\u5143\u539F\u53B3\u5E7B\u5F26\u6E1B\u6E90\u7384\u73FE\u7D43\u8237\u8A00\u8AFA\u9650\u4E4E\u500B\u53E4\u547C\u56FA\u59D1\u5B64\u5DF1\u5EAB\u5F27\u6238\u6545\u67AF\u6E56\u72D0\u7CCA\u88B4\u80A1\u80E1\u83F0\u864E\u8A87\u8DE8\u9237\u96C7\u9867\u9F13\u4E94\u4E92\u4F0D\u5348\u5449\u543E\u5A2F\u5F8C\u5FA1\u609F\u68A7\u6A8E\u745A\u7881\u8A9E\u8AA4\u8B77\u9190\u4E5E\u9BC9\u4EA4\u4F7C\u4FAF\u5019\u5016\u5149\u516C\u529F\u52B9\u52FE\u539A\u53E3\u5411"], + ["8d40", "\u540E\u5589\u5751\u57A2\u597D\u5B54\u5B5D\u5B8F\u5DE5\u5DE7\u5DF7\u5E78\u5E83\u5E9A\u5EB7\u5F18\u6052\u614C\u6297\u62D8\u63A7\u653B\u6602\u6643\u66F4\u676D\u6821\u6897\u69CB\u6C5F\u6D2A\u6D69\u6E2F\u6E9D\u7532\u7687\u786C\u7A3F\u7CE0\u7D05\u7D18\u7D5E\u7DB1\u8015\u8003\u80AF\u80B1\u8154\u818F\u822A\u8352\u884C\u8861\u8B1B\u8CA2\u8CFC\u90CA\u9175\u9271\u783F\u92FC\u95A4\u964D"], + ["8d80", "\u9805\u9999\u9AD8\u9D3B\u525B\u52AB\u53F7\u5408\u58D5\u62F7\u6FE0\u8C6A\u8F5F\u9EB9\u514B\u523B\u544A\u56FD\u7A40\u9177\u9D60\u9ED2\u7344\u6F09\u8170\u7511\u5FFD\u60DA\u9AA8\u72DB\u8FBC\u6B64\u9803\u4ECA\u56F0\u5764\u58BE\u5A5A\u6068\u61C7\u660F\u6606\u6839\u68B1\u6DF7\u75D5\u7D3A\u826E\u9B42\u4E9B\u4F50\u53C9\u5506\u5D6F\u5DE6\u5DEE\u67FB\u6C99\u7473\u7802\u8A50\u9396\u88DF\u5750\u5EA7\u632B\u50B5\u50AC\u518D\u6700\u54C9\u585E\u59BB\u5BB0\u5F69\u624D\u63A1\u683D\u6B73\u6E08\u707D\u91C7\u7280\u7815\u7826\u796D\u658E\u7D30\u83DC\u88C1\u8F09\u969B\u5264\u5728\u6750\u7F6A\u8CA1\u51B4\u5742\u962A\u583A\u698A\u80B4\u54B2\u5D0E\u57FC\u7895\u9DFA\u4F5C\u524A\u548B\u643E\u6628\u6714\u67F5\u7A84\u7B56\u7D22\u932F\u685C\u9BAD\u7B39\u5319\u518A\u5237"], + ["8e40", "\u5BDF\u62F6\u64AE\u64E6\u672D\u6BBA\u85A9\u96D1\u7690\u9BD6\u634C\u9306\u9BAB\u76BF\u6652\u4E09\u5098\u53C2\u5C71\u60E8\u6492\u6563\u685F\u71E6\u73CA\u7523\u7B97\u7E82\u8695\u8B83\u8CDB\u9178\u9910\u65AC\u66AB\u6B8B\u4ED5\u4ED4\u4F3A\u4F7F\u523A\u53F8\u53F2\u55E3\u56DB\u58EB\u59CB\u59C9\u59FF\u5B50\u5C4D\u5E02\u5E2B\u5FD7\u601D\u6307\u652F\u5B5C\u65AF\u65BD\u65E8\u679D\u6B62"], + ["8e80", "\u6B7B\u6C0F\u7345\u7949\u79C1\u7CF8\u7D19\u7D2B\u80A2\u8102\u81F3\u8996\u8A5E\u8A69\u8A66\u8A8C\u8AEE\u8CC7\u8CDC\u96CC\u98FC\u6B6F\u4E8B\u4F3C\u4F8D\u5150\u5B57\u5BFA\u6148\u6301\u6642\u6B21\u6ECB\u6CBB\u723E\u74BD\u75D4\u78C1\u793A\u800C\u8033\u81EA\u8494\u8F9E\u6C50\u9E7F\u5F0F\u8B58\u9D2B\u7AFA\u8EF8\u5B8D\u96EB\u4E03\u53F1\u57F7\u5931\u5AC9\u5BA4\u6089\u6E7F\u6F06\u75BE\u8CEA\u5B9F\u8500\u7BE0\u5072\u67F4\u829D\u5C61\u854A\u7E1E\u820E\u5199\u5C04\u6368\u8D66\u659C\u716E\u793E\u7D17\u8005\u8B1D\u8ECA\u906E\u86C7\u90AA\u501F\u52FA\u5C3A\u6753\u707C\u7235\u914C\u91C8\u932B\u82E5\u5BC2\u5F31\u60F9\u4E3B\u53D6\u5B88\u624B\u6731\u6B8A\u72E9\u73E0\u7A2E\u816B\u8DA3\u9152\u9996\u5112\u53D7\u546A\u5BFF\u6388\u6A39\u7DAC\u9700\u56DA\u53CE\u5468"], + ["8f40", "\u5B97\u5C31\u5DDE\u4FEE\u6101\u62FE\u6D32\u79C0\u79CB\u7D42\u7E4D\u7FD2\u81ED\u821F\u8490\u8846\u8972\u8B90\u8E74\u8F2F\u9031\u914B\u916C\u96C6\u919C\u4EC0\u4F4F\u5145\u5341\u5F93\u620E\u67D4\u6C41\u6E0B\u7363\u7E26\u91CD\u9283\u53D4\u5919\u5BBF\u6DD1\u795D\u7E2E\u7C9B\u587E\u719F\u51FA\u8853\u8FF0\u4FCA\u5CFB\u6625\u77AC\u7AE3\u821C\u99FF\u51C6\u5FAA\u65EC\u696F\u6B89\u6DF3"], + ["8f80", "\u6E96\u6F64\u76FE\u7D14\u5DE1\u9075\u9187\u9806\u51E6\u521D\u6240\u6691\u66D9\u6E1A\u5EB6\u7DD2\u7F72\u66F8\u85AF\u85F7\u8AF8\u52A9\u53D9\u5973\u5E8F\u5F90\u6055\u92E4\u9664\u50B7\u511F\u52DD\u5320\u5347\u53EC\u54E8\u5546\u5531\u5617\u5968\u59BE\u5A3C\u5BB5\u5C06\u5C0F\u5C11\u5C1A\u5E84\u5E8A\u5EE0\u5F70\u627F\u6284\u62DB\u638C\u6377\u6607\u660C\u662D\u6676\u677E\u68A2\u6A1F\u6A35\u6CBC\u6D88\u6E09\u6E58\u713C\u7126\u7167\u75C7\u7701\u785D\u7901\u7965\u79F0\u7AE0\u7B11\u7CA7\u7D39\u8096\u83D6\u848B\u8549\u885D\u88F3\u8A1F\u8A3C\u8A54\u8A73\u8C61\u8CDE\u91A4\u9266\u937E\u9418\u969C\u9798\u4E0A\u4E08\u4E1E\u4E57\u5197\u5270\u57CE\u5834\u58CC\u5B22\u5E38\u60C5\u64FE\u6761\u6756\u6D44\u72B6\u7573\u7A63\u84B8\u8B72\u91B8\u9320\u5631\u57F4\u98FE"], + ["9040", "\u62ED\u690D\u6B96\u71ED\u7E54\u8077\u8272\u89E6\u98DF\u8755\u8FB1\u5C3B\u4F38\u4FE1\u4FB5\u5507\u5A20\u5BDD\u5BE9\u5FC3\u614E\u632F\u65B0\u664B\u68EE\u699B\u6D78\u6DF1\u7533\u75B9\u771F\u795E\u79E6\u7D33\u81E3\u82AF\u85AA\u89AA\u8A3A\u8EAB\u8F9B\u9032\u91DD\u9707\u4EBA\u4EC1\u5203\u5875\u58EC\u5C0B\u751A\u5C3D\u814E\u8A0A\u8FC5\u9663\u976D\u7B25\u8ACF\u9808\u9162\u56F3\u53A8"], + ["9080", "\u9017\u5439\u5782\u5E25\u63A8\u6C34\u708A\u7761\u7C8B\u7FE0\u8870\u9042\u9154\u9310\u9318\u968F\u745E\u9AC4\u5D07\u5D69\u6570\u67A2\u8DA8\u96DB\u636E\u6749\u6919\u83C5\u9817\u96C0\u88FE\u6F84\u647A\u5BF8\u4E16\u702C\u755D\u662F\u51C4\u5236\u52E2\u59D3\u5F81\u6027\u6210\u653F\u6574\u661F\u6674\u68F2\u6816\u6B63\u6E05\u7272\u751F\u76DB\u7CBE\u8056\u58F0\u88FD\u897F\u8AA0\u8A93\u8ACB\u901D\u9192\u9752\u9759\u6589\u7A0E\u8106\u96BB\u5E2D\u60DC\u621A\u65A5\u6614\u6790\u77F3\u7A4D\u7C4D\u7E3E\u810A\u8CAC\u8D64\u8DE1\u8E5F\u78A9\u5207\u62D9\u63A5\u6442\u6298\u8A2D\u7A83\u7BC0\u8AAC\u96EA\u7D76\u820C\u8749\u4ED9\u5148\u5343\u5360\u5BA3\u5C02\u5C16\u5DDD\u6226\u6247\u64B0\u6813\u6834\u6CC9\u6D45\u6D17\u67D3\u6F5C\u714E\u717D\u65CB\u7A7F\u7BAD\u7DDA"], + ["9140", "\u7E4A\u7FA8\u817A\u821B\u8239\u85A6\u8A6E\u8CCE\u8DF5\u9078\u9077\u92AD\u9291\u9583\u9BAE\u524D\u5584\u6F38\u7136\u5168\u7985\u7E55\u81B3\u7CCE\u564C\u5851\u5CA8\u63AA\u66FE\u66FD\u695A\u72D9\u758F\u758E\u790E\u7956\u79DF\u7C97\u7D20\u7D44\u8607\u8A34\u963B\u9061\u9F20\u50E7\u5275\u53CC\u53E2\u5009\u55AA\u58EE\u594F\u723D\u5B8B\u5C64\u531D\u60E3\u60F3\u635C\u6383\u633F\u63BB"], + ["9180", "\u64CD\u65E9\u66F9\u5DE3\u69CD\u69FD\u6F15\u71E5\u4E89\u75E9\u76F8\u7A93\u7CDF\u7DCF\u7D9C\u8061\u8349\u8358\u846C\u84BC\u85FB\u88C5\u8D70\u9001\u906D\u9397\u971C\u9A12\u50CF\u5897\u618E\u81D3\u8535\u8D08\u9020\u4FC3\u5074\u5247\u5373\u606F\u6349\u675F\u6E2C\u8DB3\u901F\u4FD7\u5C5E\u8CCA\u65CF\u7D9A\u5352\u8896\u5176\u63C3\u5B58\u5B6B\u5C0A\u640D\u6751\u905C\u4ED6\u591A\u592A\u6C70\u8A51\u553E\u5815\u59A5\u60F0\u6253\u67C1\u8235\u6955\u9640\u99C4\u9A28\u4F53\u5806\u5BFE\u8010\u5CB1\u5E2F\u5F85\u6020\u614B\u6234\u66FF\u6CF0\u6EDE\u80CE\u817F\u82D4\u888B\u8CB8\u9000\u902E\u968A\u9EDB\u9BDB\u4EE3\u53F0\u5927\u7B2C\u918D\u984C\u9DF9\u6EDD\u7027\u5353\u5544\u5B85\u6258\u629E\u62D3\u6CA2\u6FEF\u7422\u8A17\u9438\u6FC1\u8AFE\u8338\u51E7\u86F8\u53EA"], + ["9240", "\u53E9\u4F46\u9054\u8FB0\u596A\u8131\u5DFD\u7AEA\u8FBF\u68DA\u8C37\u72F8\u9C48\u6A3D\u8AB0\u4E39\u5358\u5606\u5766\u62C5\u63A2\u65E6\u6B4E\u6DE1\u6E5B\u70AD\u77ED\u7AEF\u7BAA\u7DBB\u803D\u80C6\u86CB\u8A95\u935B\u56E3\u58C7\u5F3E\u65AD\u6696\u6A80\u6BB5\u7537\u8AC7\u5024\u77E5\u5730\u5F1B\u6065\u667A\u6C60\u75F4\u7A1A\u7F6E\u81F4\u8718\u9045\u99B3\u7BC9\u755C\u7AF9\u7B51\u84C4"], + ["9280", "\u9010\u79E9\u7A92\u8336\u5AE1\u7740\u4E2D\u4EF2\u5B99\u5FE0\u62BD\u663C\u67F1\u6CE8\u866B\u8877\u8A3B\u914E\u92F3\u99D0\u6A17\u7026\u732A\u82E7\u8457\u8CAF\u4E01\u5146\u51CB\u558B\u5BF5\u5E16\u5E33\u5E81\u5F14\u5F35\u5F6B\u5FB4\u61F2\u6311\u66A2\u671D\u6F6E\u7252\u753A\u773A\u8074\u8139\u8178\u8776\u8ABF\u8ADC\u8D85\u8DF3\u929A\u9577\u9802\u9CE5\u52C5\u6357\u76F4\u6715\u6C88\u73CD\u8CC3\u93AE\u9673\u6D25\u589C\u690E\u69CC\u8FFD\u939A\u75DB\u901A\u585A\u6802\u63B4\u69FB\u4F43\u6F2C\u67D8\u8FBB\u8526\u7DB4\u9354\u693F\u6F70\u576A\u58F7\u5B2C\u7D2C\u722A\u540A\u91E3\u9DB4\u4EAD\u4F4E\u505C\u5075\u5243\u8C9E\u5448\u5824\u5B9A\u5E1D\u5E95\u5EAD\u5EF7\u5F1F\u608C\u62B5\u633A\u63D0\u68AF\u6C40\u7887\u798E\u7A0B\u7DE0\u8247\u8A02\u8AE6\u8E44\u9013"], + ["9340", "\u90B8\u912D\u91D8\u9F0E\u6CE5\u6458\u64E2\u6575\u6EF4\u7684\u7B1B\u9069\u93D1\u6EBA\u54F2\u5FB9\u64A4\u8F4D\u8FED\u9244\u5178\u586B\u5929\u5C55\u5E97\u6DFB\u7E8F\u751C\u8CBC\u8EE2\u985B\u70B9\u4F1D\u6BBF\u6FB1\u7530\u96FB\u514E\u5410\u5835\u5857\u59AC\u5C60\u5F92\u6597\u675C\u6E21\u767B\u83DF\u8CED\u9014\u90FD\u934D\u7825\u783A\u52AA\u5EA6\u571F\u5974\u6012\u5012\u515A\u51AC"], + ["9380", "\u51CD\u5200\u5510\u5854\u5858\u5957\u5B95\u5CF6\u5D8B\u60BC\u6295\u642D\u6771\u6843\u68BC\u68DF\u76D7\u6DD8\u6E6F\u6D9B\u706F\u71C8\u5F53\u75D8\u7977\u7B49\u7B54\u7B52\u7CD6\u7D71\u5230\u8463\u8569\u85E4\u8A0E\u8B04\u8C46\u8E0F\u9003\u900F\u9419\u9676\u982D\u9A30\u95D8\u50CD\u52D5\u540C\u5802\u5C0E\u61A7\u649E\u6D1E\u77B3\u7AE5\u80F4\u8404\u9053\u9285\u5CE0\u9D07\u533F\u5F97\u5FB3\u6D9C\u7279\u7763\u79BF\u7BE4\u6BD2\u72EC\u8AAD\u6803\u6A61\u51F8\u7A81\u6934\u5C4A\u9CF6\u82EB\u5BC5\u9149\u701E\u5678\u5C6F\u60C7\u6566\u6C8C\u8C5A\u9041\u9813\u5451\u66C7\u920D\u5948\u90A3\u5185\u4E4D\u51EA\u8599\u8B0E\u7058\u637A\u934B\u6962\u99B4\u7E04\u7577\u5357\u6960\u8EDF\u96E3\u6C5D\u4E8C\u5C3C\u5F10\u8FE9\u5302\u8CD1\u8089\u8679\u5EFF\u65E5\u4E73\u5165"], + ["9440", "\u5982\u5C3F\u97EE\u4EFB\u598A\u5FCD\u8A8D\u6FE1\u79B0\u7962\u5BE7\u8471\u732B\u71B1\u5E74\u5FF5\u637B\u649A\u71C3\u7C98\u4E43\u5EFC\u4E4B\u57DC\u56A2\u60A9\u6FC3\u7D0D\u80FD\u8133\u81BF\u8FB2\u8997\u86A4\u5DF4\u628A\u64AD\u8987\u6777\u6CE2\u6D3E\u7436\u7834\u5A46\u7F75\u82AD\u99AC\u4FF3\u5EC3\u62DD\u6392\u6557\u676F\u76C3\u724C\u80CC\u80BA\u8F29\u914D\u500D\u57F9\u5A92\u6885"], + ["9480", "\u6973\u7164\u72FD\u8CB7\u58F2\u8CE0\u966A\u9019\u877F\u79E4\u77E7\u8429\u4F2F\u5265\u535A\u62CD\u67CF\u6CCA\u767D\u7B94\u7C95\u8236\u8584\u8FEB\u66DD\u6F20\u7206\u7E1B\u83AB\u99C1\u9EA6\u51FD\u7BB1\u7872\u7BB8\u8087\u7B48\u6AE8\u5E61\u808C\u7551\u7560\u516B\u9262\u6E8C\u767A\u9197\u9AEA\u4F10\u7F70\u629C\u7B4F\u95A5\u9CE9\u567A\u5859\u86E4\u96BC\u4F34\u5224\u534A\u53CD\u53DB\u5E06\u642C\u6591\u677F\u6C3E\u6C4E\u7248\u72AF\u73ED\u7554\u7E41\u822C\u85E9\u8CA9\u7BC4\u91C6\u7169\u9812\u98EF\u633D\u6669\u756A\u76E4\u78D0\u8543\u86EE\u532A\u5351\u5426\u5983\u5E87\u5F7C\u60B2\u6249\u6279\u62AB\u6590\u6BD4\u6CCC\u75B2\u76AE\u7891\u79D8\u7DCB\u7F77\u80A5\u88AB\u8AB9\u8CBB\u907F\u975E\u98DB\u6A0B\u7C38\u5099\u5C3E\u5FAE\u6787\u6BD8\u7435\u7709\u7F8E"], + ["9540", "\u9F3B\u67CA\u7A17\u5339\u758B\u9AED\u5F66\u819D\u83F1\u8098\u5F3C\u5FC5\u7562\u7B46\u903C\u6867\u59EB\u5A9B\u7D10\u767E\u8B2C\u4FF5\u5F6A\u6A19\u6C37\u6F02\u74E2\u7968\u8868\u8A55\u8C79\u5EDF\u63CF\u75C5\u79D2\u82D7\u9328\u92F2\u849C\u86ED\u9C2D\u54C1\u5F6C\u658C\u6D5C\u7015\u8CA7\u8CD3\u983B\u654F\u74F6\u4E0D\u4ED8\u57E0\u592B\u5A66\u5BCC\u51A8\u5E03\u5E9C\u6016\u6276\u6577"], + ["9580", "\u65A7\u666E\u6D6E\u7236\u7B26\u8150\u819A\u8299\u8B5C\u8CA0\u8CE6\u8D74\u961C\u9644\u4FAE\u64AB\u6B66\u821E\u8461\u856A\u90E8\u5C01\u6953\u98A8\u847A\u8557\u4F0F\u526F\u5FA9\u5E45\u670D\u798F\u8179\u8907\u8986\u6DF5\u5F17\u6255\u6CB8\u4ECF\u7269\u9B92\u5206\u543B\u5674\u58B3\u61A4\u626E\u711A\u596E\u7C89\u7CDE\u7D1B\u96F0\u6587\u805E\u4E19\u4F75\u5175\u5840\u5E63\u5E73\u5F0A\u67C4\u4E26\u853D\u9589\u965B\u7C73\u9801\u50FB\u58C1\u7656\u78A7\u5225\u77A5\u8511\u7B86\u504F\u5909\u7247\u7BC7\u7DE8\u8FBA\u8FD4\u904D\u4FBF\u52C9\u5A29\u5F01\u97AD\u4FDD\u8217\u92EA\u5703\u6355\u6B69\u752B\u88DC\u8F14\u7A42\u52DF\u5893\u6155\u620A\u66AE\u6BCD\u7C3F\u83E9\u5023\u4FF8\u5305\u5446\u5831\u5949\u5B9D\u5CF0\u5CEF\u5D29\u5E96\u62B1\u6367\u653E\u65B9\u670B"], + ["9640", "\u6CD5\u6CE1\u70F9\u7832\u7E2B\u80DE\u82B3\u840C\u84EC\u8702\u8912\u8A2A\u8C4A\u90A6\u92D2\u98FD\u9CF3\u9D6C\u4E4F\u4EA1\u508D\u5256\u574A\u59A8\u5E3D\u5FD8\u5FD9\u623F\u66B4\u671B\u67D0\u68D2\u5192\u7D21\u80AA\u81A8\u8B00\u8C8C\u8CBF\u927E\u9632\u5420\u982C\u5317\u50D5\u535C\u58A8\u64B2\u6734\u7267\u7766\u7A46\u91E6\u52C3\u6CA1\u6B86\u5800\u5E4C\u5954\u672C\u7FFB\u51E1\u76C6"], + ["9680", "\u6469\u78E8\u9B54\u9EBB\u57CB\u59B9\u6627\u679A\u6BCE\u54E9\u69D9\u5E55\u819C\u6795\u9BAA\u67FE\u9C52\u685D\u4EA6\u4FE3\u53C8\u62B9\u672B\u6CAB\u8FC4\u4FAD\u7E6D\u9EBF\u4E07\u6162\u6E80\u6F2B\u8513\u5473\u672A\u9B45\u5DF3\u7B95\u5CAC\u5BC6\u871C\u6E4A\u84D1\u7A14\u8108\u5999\u7C8D\u6C11\u7720\u52D9\u5922\u7121\u725F\u77DB\u9727\u9D61\u690B\u5A7F\u5A18\u51A5\u540D\u547D\u660E\u76DF\u8FF7\u9298\u9CF4\u59EA\u725D\u6EC5\u514D\u68C9\u7DBF\u7DEC\u9762\u9EBA\u6478\u6A21\u8302\u5984\u5B5F\u6BDB\u731B\u76F2\u7DB2\u8017\u8499\u5132\u6728\u9ED9\u76EE\u6762\u52FF\u9905\u5C24\u623B\u7C7E\u8CB0\u554F\u60B6\u7D0B\u9580\u5301\u4E5F\u51B6\u591C\u723A\u8036\u91CE\u5F25\u77E2\u5384\u5F79\u7D04\u85AC\u8A33\u8E8D\u9756\u67F3\u85AE\u9453\u6109\u6108\u6CB9\u7652"], + ["9740", "\u8AED\u8F38\u552F\u4F51\u512A\u52C7\u53CB\u5BA5\u5E7D\u60A0\u6182\u63D6\u6709\u67DA\u6E67\u6D8C\u7336\u7337\u7531\u7950\u88D5\u8A98\u904A\u9091\u90F5\u96C4\u878D\u5915\u4E88\u4F59\u4E0E\u8A89\u8F3F\u9810\u50AD\u5E7C\u5996\u5BB9\u5EB8\u63DA\u63FA\u64C1\u66DC\u694A\u69D8\u6D0B\u6EB6\u7194\u7528\u7AAF\u7F8A\u8000\u8449\u84C9\u8981\u8B21\u8E0A\u9065\u967D\u990A\u617E\u6291\u6B32"], + ["9780", "\u6C83\u6D74\u7FCC\u7FFC\u6DC0\u7F85\u87BA\u88F8\u6765\u83B1\u983C\u96F7\u6D1B\u7D61\u843D\u916A\u4E71\u5375\u5D50\u6B04\u6FEB\u85CD\u862D\u89A7\u5229\u540F\u5C65\u674E\u68A8\u7406\u7483\u75E2\u88CF\u88E1\u91CC\u96E2\u9678\u5F8B\u7387\u7ACB\u844E\u63A0\u7565\u5289\u6D41\u6E9C\u7409\u7559\u786B\u7C92\u9686\u7ADC\u9F8D\u4FB6\u616E\u65C5\u865C\u4E86\u4EAE\u50DA\u4E21\u51CC\u5BEE\u6599\u6881\u6DBC\u731F\u7642\u77AD\u7A1C\u7CE7\u826F\u8AD2\u907C\u91CF\u9675\u9818\u529B\u7DD1\u502B\u5398\u6797\u6DCB\u71D0\u7433\u81E8\u8F2A\u96A3\u9C57\u9E9F\u7460\u5841\u6D99\u7D2F\u985E\u4EE4\u4F36\u4F8B\u51B7\u52B1\u5DBA\u601C\u73B2\u793C\u82D3\u9234\u96B7\u96F6\u970A\u9E97\u9F62\u66A6\u6B74\u5217\u52A3\u70C8\u88C2\u5EC9\u604B\u6190\u6F23\u7149\u7C3E\u7DF4\u806F"], + ["9840", "\u84EE\u9023\u932C\u5442\u9B6F\u6AD3\u7089\u8CC2\u8DEF\u9732\u52B4\u5A41\u5ECA\u5F04\u6717\u697C\u6994\u6D6A\u6F0F\u7262\u72FC\u7BED\u8001\u807E\u874B\u90CE\u516D\u9E93\u7984\u808B\u9332\u8AD6\u502D\u548C\u8A71\u6B6A\u8CC4\u8107\u60D1\u67A0\u9DF2\u4E99\u4E98\u9C10\u8A6B\u85C1\u8568\u6900\u6E7E\u7897\u8155"], + ["989f", "\u5F0C\u4E10\u4E15\u4E2A\u4E31\u4E36\u4E3C\u4E3F\u4E42\u4E56\u4E58\u4E82\u4E85\u8C6B\u4E8A\u8212\u5F0D\u4E8E\u4E9E\u4E9F\u4EA0\u4EA2\u4EB0\u4EB3\u4EB6\u4ECE\u4ECD\u4EC4\u4EC6\u4EC2\u4ED7\u4EDE\u4EED\u4EDF\u4EF7\u4F09\u4F5A\u4F30\u4F5B\u4F5D\u4F57\u4F47\u4F76\u4F88\u4F8F\u4F98\u4F7B\u4F69\u4F70\u4F91\u4F6F\u4F86\u4F96\u5118\u4FD4\u4FDF\u4FCE\u4FD8\u4FDB\u4FD1\u4FDA\u4FD0\u4FE4\u4FE5\u501A\u5028\u5014\u502A\u5025\u5005\u4F1C\u4FF6\u5021\u5029\u502C\u4FFE\u4FEF\u5011\u5006\u5043\u5047\u6703\u5055\u5050\u5048\u505A\u5056\u506C\u5078\u5080\u509A\u5085\u50B4\u50B2"], + ["9940", "\u50C9\u50CA\u50B3\u50C2\u50D6\u50DE\u50E5\u50ED\u50E3\u50EE\u50F9\u50F5\u5109\u5101\u5102\u5116\u5115\u5114\u511A\u5121\u513A\u5137\u513C\u513B\u513F\u5140\u5152\u514C\u5154\u5162\u7AF8\u5169\u516A\u516E\u5180\u5182\u56D8\u518C\u5189\u518F\u5191\u5193\u5195\u5196\u51A4\u51A6\u51A2\u51A9\u51AA\u51AB\u51B3\u51B1\u51B2\u51B0\u51B5\u51BD\u51C5\u51C9\u51DB\u51E0\u8655\u51E9\u51ED"], + ["9980", "\u51F0\u51F5\u51FE\u5204\u520B\u5214\u520E\u5227\u522A\u522E\u5233\u5239\u524F\u5244\u524B\u524C\u525E\u5254\u526A\u5274\u5269\u5273\u527F\u527D\u528D\u5294\u5292\u5271\u5288\u5291\u8FA8\u8FA7\u52AC\u52AD\u52BC\u52B5\u52C1\u52CD\u52D7\u52DE\u52E3\u52E6\u98ED\u52E0\u52F3\u52F5\u52F8\u52F9\u5306\u5308\u7538\u530D\u5310\u530F\u5315\u531A\u5323\u532F\u5331\u5333\u5338\u5340\u5346\u5345\u4E17\u5349\u534D\u51D6\u535E\u5369\u536E\u5918\u537B\u5377\u5382\u5396\u53A0\u53A6\u53A5\u53AE\u53B0\u53B6\u53C3\u7C12\u96D9\u53DF\u66FC\u71EE\u53EE\u53E8\u53ED\u53FA\u5401\u543D\u5440\u542C\u542D\u543C\u542E\u5436\u5429\u541D\u544E\u548F\u5475\u548E\u545F\u5471\u5477\u5470\u5492\u547B\u5480\u5476\u5484\u5490\u5486\u54C7\u54A2\u54B8\u54A5\u54AC\u54C4\u54C8\u54A8"], + ["9a40", "\u54AB\u54C2\u54A4\u54BE\u54BC\u54D8\u54E5\u54E6\u550F\u5514\u54FD\u54EE\u54ED\u54FA\u54E2\u5539\u5540\u5563\u554C\u552E\u555C\u5545\u5556\u5557\u5538\u5533\u555D\u5599\u5580\u54AF\u558A\u559F\u557B\u557E\u5598\u559E\u55AE\u557C\u5583\u55A9\u5587\u55A8\u55DA\u55C5\u55DF\u55C4\u55DC\u55E4\u55D4\u5614\u55F7\u5616\u55FE\u55FD\u561B\u55F9\u564E\u5650\u71DF\u5634\u5636\u5632\u5638"], + ["9a80", "\u566B\u5664\u562F\u566C\u566A\u5686\u5680\u568A\u56A0\u5694\u568F\u56A5\u56AE\u56B6\u56B4\u56C2\u56BC\u56C1\u56C3\u56C0\u56C8\u56CE\u56D1\u56D3\u56D7\u56EE\u56F9\u5700\u56FF\u5704\u5709\u5708\u570B\u570D\u5713\u5718\u5716\u55C7\u571C\u5726\u5737\u5738\u574E\u573B\u5740\u574F\u5769\u57C0\u5788\u5761\u577F\u5789\u5793\u57A0\u57B3\u57A4\u57AA\u57B0\u57C3\u57C6\u57D4\u57D2\u57D3\u580A\u57D6\u57E3\u580B\u5819\u581D\u5872\u5821\u5862\u584B\u5870\u6BC0\u5852\u583D\u5879\u5885\u58B9\u589F\u58AB\u58BA\u58DE\u58BB\u58B8\u58AE\u58C5\u58D3\u58D1\u58D7\u58D9\u58D8\u58E5\u58DC\u58E4\u58DF\u58EF\u58FA\u58F9\u58FB\u58FC\u58FD\u5902\u590A\u5910\u591B\u68A6\u5925\u592C\u592D\u5932\u5938\u593E\u7AD2\u5955\u5950\u594E\u595A\u5958\u5962\u5960\u5967\u596C\u5969"], + ["9b40", "\u5978\u5981\u599D\u4F5E\u4FAB\u59A3\u59B2\u59C6\u59E8\u59DC\u598D\u59D9\u59DA\u5A25\u5A1F\u5A11\u5A1C\u5A09\u5A1A\u5A40\u5A6C\u5A49\u5A35\u5A36\u5A62\u5A6A\u5A9A\u5ABC\u5ABE\u5ACB\u5AC2\u5ABD\u5AE3\u5AD7\u5AE6\u5AE9\u5AD6\u5AFA\u5AFB\u5B0C\u5B0B\u5B16\u5B32\u5AD0\u5B2A\u5B36\u5B3E\u5B43\u5B45\u5B40\u5B51\u5B55\u5B5A\u5B5B\u5B65\u5B69\u5B70\u5B73\u5B75\u5B78\u6588\u5B7A\u5B80"], + ["9b80", "\u5B83\u5BA6\u5BB8\u5BC3\u5BC7\u5BC9\u5BD4\u5BD0\u5BE4\u5BE6\u5BE2\u5BDE\u5BE5\u5BEB\u5BF0\u5BF6\u5BF3\u5C05\u5C07\u5C08\u5C0D\u5C13\u5C20\u5C22\u5C28\u5C38\u5C39\u5C41\u5C46\u5C4E\u5C53\u5C50\u5C4F\u5B71\u5C6C\u5C6E\u4E62\u5C76\u5C79\u5C8C\u5C91\u5C94\u599B\u5CAB\u5CBB\u5CB6\u5CBC\u5CB7\u5CC5\u5CBE\u5CC7\u5CD9\u5CE9\u5CFD\u5CFA\u5CED\u5D8C\u5CEA\u5D0B\u5D15\u5D17\u5D5C\u5D1F\u5D1B\u5D11\u5D14\u5D22\u5D1A\u5D19\u5D18\u5D4C\u5D52\u5D4E\u5D4B\u5D6C\u5D73\u5D76\u5D87\u5D84\u5D82\u5DA2\u5D9D\u5DAC\u5DAE\u5DBD\u5D90\u5DB7\u5DBC\u5DC9\u5DCD\u5DD3\u5DD2\u5DD6\u5DDB\u5DEB\u5DF2\u5DF5\u5E0B\u5E1A\u5E19\u5E11\u5E1B\u5E36\u5E37\u5E44\u5E43\u5E40\u5E4E\u5E57\u5E54\u5E5F\u5E62\u5E64\u5E47\u5E75\u5E76\u5E7A\u9EBC\u5E7F\u5EA0\u5EC1\u5EC2\u5EC8\u5ED0\u5ECF"], + ["9c40", "\u5ED6\u5EE3\u5EDD\u5EDA\u5EDB\u5EE2\u5EE1\u5EE8\u5EE9\u5EEC\u5EF1\u5EF3\u5EF0\u5EF4\u5EF8\u5EFE\u5F03\u5F09\u5F5D\u5F5C\u5F0B\u5F11\u5F16\u5F29\u5F2D\u5F38\u5F41\u5F48\u5F4C\u5F4E\u5F2F\u5F51\u5F56\u5F57\u5F59\u5F61\u5F6D\u5F73\u5F77\u5F83\u5F82\u5F7F\u5F8A\u5F88\u5F91\u5F87\u5F9E\u5F99\u5F98\u5FA0\u5FA8\u5FAD\u5FBC\u5FD6\u5FFB\u5FE4\u5FF8\u5FF1\u5FDD\u60B3\u5FFF\u6021\u6060"], + ["9c80", "\u6019\u6010\u6029\u600E\u6031\u601B\u6015\u602B\u6026\u600F\u603A\u605A\u6041\u606A\u6077\u605F\u604A\u6046\u604D\u6063\u6043\u6064\u6042\u606C\u606B\u6059\u6081\u608D\u60E7\u6083\u609A\u6084\u609B\u6096\u6097\u6092\u60A7\u608B\u60E1\u60B8\u60E0\u60D3\u60B4\u5FF0\u60BD\u60C6\u60B5\u60D8\u614D\u6115\u6106\u60F6\u60F7\u6100\u60F4\u60FA\u6103\u6121\u60FB\u60F1\u610D\u610E\u6147\u613E\u6128\u6127\u614A\u613F\u613C\u612C\u6134\u613D\u6142\u6144\u6173\u6177\u6158\u6159\u615A\u616B\u6174\u616F\u6165\u6171\u615F\u615D\u6153\u6175\u6199\u6196\u6187\u61AC\u6194\u619A\u618A\u6191\u61AB\u61AE\u61CC\u61CA\u61C9\u61F7\u61C8\u61C3\u61C6\u61BA\u61CB\u7F79\u61CD\u61E6\u61E3\u61F6\u61FA\u61F4\u61FF\u61FD\u61FC\u61FE\u6200\u6208\u6209\u620D\u620C\u6214\u621B"], + ["9d40", "\u621E\u6221\u622A\u622E\u6230\u6232\u6233\u6241\u624E\u625E\u6263\u625B\u6260\u6268\u627C\u6282\u6289\u627E\u6292\u6293\u6296\u62D4\u6283\u6294\u62D7\u62D1\u62BB\u62CF\u62FF\u62C6\u64D4\u62C8\u62DC\u62CC\u62CA\u62C2\u62C7\u629B\u62C9\u630C\u62EE\u62F1\u6327\u6302\u6308\u62EF\u62F5\u6350\u633E\u634D\u641C\u634F\u6396\u638E\u6380\u63AB\u6376\u63A3\u638F\u6389\u639F\u63B5\u636B"], + ["9d80", "\u6369\u63BE\u63E9\u63C0\u63C6\u63E3\u63C9\u63D2\u63F6\u63C4\u6416\u6434\u6406\u6413\u6426\u6436\u651D\u6417\u6428\u640F\u6467\u646F\u6476\u644E\u652A\u6495\u6493\u64A5\u64A9\u6488\u64BC\u64DA\u64D2\u64C5\u64C7\u64BB\u64D8\u64C2\u64F1\u64E7\u8209\u64E0\u64E1\u62AC\u64E3\u64EF\u652C\u64F6\u64F4\u64F2\u64FA\u6500\u64FD\u6518\u651C\u6505\u6524\u6523\u652B\u6534\u6535\u6537\u6536\u6538\u754B\u6548\u6556\u6555\u654D\u6558\u655E\u655D\u6572\u6578\u6582\u6583\u8B8A\u659B\u659F\u65AB\u65B7\u65C3\u65C6\u65C1\u65C4\u65CC\u65D2\u65DB\u65D9\u65E0\u65E1\u65F1\u6772\u660A\u6603\u65FB\u6773\u6635\u6636\u6634\u661C\u664F\u6644\u6649\u6641\u665E\u665D\u6664\u6667\u6668\u665F\u6662\u6670\u6683\u6688\u668E\u6689\u6684\u6698\u669D\u66C1\u66B9\u66C9\u66BE\u66BC"], + ["9e40", "\u66C4\u66B8\u66D6\u66DA\u66E0\u663F\u66E6\u66E9\u66F0\u66F5\u66F7\u670F\u6716\u671E\u6726\u6727\u9738\u672E\u673F\u6736\u6741\u6738\u6737\u6746\u675E\u6760\u6759\u6763\u6764\u6789\u6770\u67A9\u677C\u676A\u678C\u678B\u67A6\u67A1\u6785\u67B7\u67EF\u67B4\u67EC\u67B3\u67E9\u67B8\u67E4\u67DE\u67DD\u67E2\u67EE\u67B9\u67CE\u67C6\u67E7\u6A9C\u681E\u6846\u6829\u6840\u684D\u6832\u684E"], + ["9e80", "\u68B3\u682B\u6859\u6863\u6877\u687F\u689F\u688F\u68AD\u6894\u689D\u689B\u6883\u6AAE\u68B9\u6874\u68B5\u68A0\u68BA\u690F\u688D\u687E\u6901\u68CA\u6908\u68D8\u6922\u6926\u68E1\u690C\u68CD\u68D4\u68E7\u68D5\u6936\u6912\u6904\u68D7\u68E3\u6925\u68F9\u68E0\u68EF\u6928\u692A\u691A\u6923\u6921\u68C6\u6979\u6977\u695C\u6978\u696B\u6954\u697E\u696E\u6939\u6974\u693D\u6959\u6930\u6961\u695E\u695D\u6981\u696A\u69B2\u69AE\u69D0\u69BF\u69C1\u69D3\u69BE\u69CE\u5BE8\u69CA\u69DD\u69BB\u69C3\u69A7\u6A2E\u6991\u69A0\u699C\u6995\u69B4\u69DE\u69E8\u6A02\u6A1B\u69FF\u6B0A\u69F9\u69F2\u69E7\u6A05\u69B1\u6A1E\u69ED\u6A14\u69EB\u6A0A\u6A12\u6AC1\u6A23\u6A13\u6A44\u6A0C\u6A72\u6A36\u6A78\u6A47\u6A62\u6A59\u6A66\u6A48\u6A38\u6A22\u6A90\u6A8D\u6AA0\u6A84\u6AA2\u6AA3"], + ["9f40", "\u6A97\u8617\u6ABB\u6AC3\u6AC2\u6AB8\u6AB3\u6AAC\u6ADE\u6AD1\u6ADF\u6AAA\u6ADA\u6AEA\u6AFB\u6B05\u8616\u6AFA\u6B12\u6B16\u9B31\u6B1F\u6B38\u6B37\u76DC\u6B39\u98EE\u6B47\u6B43\u6B49\u6B50\u6B59\u6B54\u6B5B\u6B5F\u6B61\u6B78\u6B79\u6B7F\u6B80\u6B84\u6B83\u6B8D\u6B98\u6B95\u6B9E\u6BA4\u6BAA\u6BAB\u6BAF\u6BB2\u6BB1\u6BB3\u6BB7\u6BBC\u6BC6\u6BCB\u6BD3\u6BDF\u6BEC\u6BEB\u6BF3\u6BEF"], + ["9f80", "\u9EBE\u6C08\u6C13\u6C14\u6C1B\u6C24\u6C23\u6C5E\u6C55\u6C62\u6C6A\u6C82\u6C8D\u6C9A\u6C81\u6C9B\u6C7E\u6C68\u6C73\u6C92\u6C90\u6CC4\u6CF1\u6CD3\u6CBD\u6CD7\u6CC5\u6CDD\u6CAE\u6CB1\u6CBE\u6CBA\u6CDB\u6CEF\u6CD9\u6CEA\u6D1F\u884D\u6D36\u6D2B\u6D3D\u6D38\u6D19\u6D35\u6D33\u6D12\u6D0C\u6D63\u6D93\u6D64\u6D5A\u6D79\u6D59\u6D8E\u6D95\u6FE4\u6D85\u6DF9\u6E15\u6E0A\u6DB5\u6DC7\u6DE6\u6DB8\u6DC6\u6DEC\u6DDE\u6DCC\u6DE8\u6DD2\u6DC5\u6DFA\u6DD9\u6DE4\u6DD5\u6DEA\u6DEE\u6E2D\u6E6E\u6E2E\u6E19\u6E72\u6E5F\u6E3E\u6E23\u6E6B\u6E2B\u6E76\u6E4D\u6E1F\u6E43\u6E3A\u6E4E\u6E24\u6EFF\u6E1D\u6E38\u6E82\u6EAA\u6E98\u6EC9\u6EB7\u6ED3\u6EBD\u6EAF\u6EC4\u6EB2\u6ED4\u6ED5\u6E8F\u6EA5\u6EC2\u6E9F\u6F41\u6F11\u704C\u6EEC\u6EF8\u6EFE\u6F3F\u6EF2\u6F31\u6EEF\u6F32\u6ECC"], + ["e040", "\u6F3E\u6F13\u6EF7\u6F86\u6F7A\u6F78\u6F81\u6F80\u6F6F\u6F5B\u6FF3\u6F6D\u6F82\u6F7C\u6F58\u6F8E\u6F91\u6FC2\u6F66\u6FB3\u6FA3\u6FA1\u6FA4\u6FB9\u6FC6\u6FAA\u6FDF\u6FD5\u6FEC\u6FD4\u6FD8\u6FF1\u6FEE\u6FDB\u7009\u700B\u6FFA\u7011\u7001\u700F\u6FFE\u701B\u701A\u6F74\u701D\u7018\u701F\u7030\u703E\u7032\u7051\u7063\u7099\u7092\u70AF\u70F1\u70AC\u70B8\u70B3\u70AE\u70DF\u70CB\u70DD"], + ["e080", "\u70D9\u7109\u70FD\u711C\u7119\u7165\u7155\u7188\u7166\u7162\u714C\u7156\u716C\u718F\u71FB\u7184\u7195\u71A8\u71AC\u71D7\u71B9\u71BE\u71D2\u71C9\u71D4\u71CE\u71E0\u71EC\u71E7\u71F5\u71FC\u71F9\u71FF\u720D\u7210\u721B\u7228\u722D\u722C\u7230\u7232\u723B\u723C\u723F\u7240\u7246\u724B\u7258\u7274\u727E\u7282\u7281\u7287\u7292\u7296\u72A2\u72A7\u72B9\u72B2\u72C3\u72C6\u72C4\u72CE\u72D2\u72E2\u72E0\u72E1\u72F9\u72F7\u500F\u7317\u730A\u731C\u7316\u731D\u7334\u732F\u7329\u7325\u733E\u734E\u734F\u9ED8\u7357\u736A\u7368\u7370\u7378\u7375\u737B\u737A\u73C8\u73B3\u73CE\u73BB\u73C0\u73E5\u73EE\u73DE\u74A2\u7405\u746F\u7425\u73F8\u7432\u743A\u7455\u743F\u745F\u7459\u7441\u745C\u7469\u7470\u7463\u746A\u7476\u747E\u748B\u749E\u74A7\u74CA\u74CF\u74D4\u73F1"], + ["e140", "\u74E0\u74E3\u74E7\u74E9\u74EE\u74F2\u74F0\u74F1\u74F8\u74F7\u7504\u7503\u7505\u750C\u750E\u750D\u7515\u7513\u751E\u7526\u752C\u753C\u7544\u754D\u754A\u7549\u755B\u7546\u755A\u7569\u7564\u7567\u756B\u756D\u7578\u7576\u7586\u7587\u7574\u758A\u7589\u7582\u7594\u759A\u759D\u75A5\u75A3\u75C2\u75B3\u75C3\u75B5\u75BD\u75B8\u75BC\u75B1\u75CD\u75CA\u75D2\u75D9\u75E3\u75DE\u75FE\u75FF"], + ["e180", "\u75FC\u7601\u75F0\u75FA\u75F2\u75F3\u760B\u760D\u7609\u761F\u7627\u7620\u7621\u7622\u7624\u7634\u7630\u763B\u7647\u7648\u7646\u765C\u7658\u7661\u7662\u7668\u7669\u766A\u7667\u766C\u7670\u7672\u7676\u7678\u767C\u7680\u7683\u7688\u768B\u768E\u7696\u7693\u7699\u769A\u76B0\u76B4\u76B8\u76B9\u76BA\u76C2\u76CD\u76D6\u76D2\u76DE\u76E1\u76E5\u76E7\u76EA\u862F\u76FB\u7708\u7707\u7704\u7729\u7724\u771E\u7725\u7726\u771B\u7737\u7738\u7747\u775A\u7768\u776B\u775B\u7765\u777F\u777E\u7779\u778E\u778B\u7791\u77A0\u779E\u77B0\u77B6\u77B9\u77BF\u77BC\u77BD\u77BB\u77C7\u77CD\u77D7\u77DA\u77DC\u77E3\u77EE\u77FC\u780C\u7812\u7926\u7820\u792A\u7845\u788E\u7874\u7886\u787C\u789A\u788C\u78A3\u78B5\u78AA\u78AF\u78D1\u78C6\u78CB\u78D4\u78BE\u78BC\u78C5\u78CA\u78EC"], + ["e240", "\u78E7\u78DA\u78FD\u78F4\u7907\u7912\u7911\u7919\u792C\u792B\u7940\u7960\u7957\u795F\u795A\u7955\u7953\u797A\u797F\u798A\u799D\u79A7\u9F4B\u79AA\u79AE\u79B3\u79B9\u79BA\u79C9\u79D5\u79E7\u79EC\u79E1\u79E3\u7A08\u7A0D\u7A18\u7A19\u7A20\u7A1F\u7980\u7A31\u7A3B\u7A3E\u7A37\u7A43\u7A57\u7A49\u7A61\u7A62\u7A69\u9F9D\u7A70\u7A79\u7A7D\u7A88\u7A97\u7A95\u7A98\u7A96\u7AA9\u7AC8\u7AB0"], + ["e280", "\u7AB6\u7AC5\u7AC4\u7ABF\u9083\u7AC7\u7ACA\u7ACD\u7ACF\u7AD5\u7AD3\u7AD9\u7ADA\u7ADD\u7AE1\u7AE2\u7AE6\u7AED\u7AF0\u7B02\u7B0F\u7B0A\u7B06\u7B33\u7B18\u7B19\u7B1E\u7B35\u7B28\u7B36\u7B50\u7B7A\u7B04\u7B4D\u7B0B\u7B4C\u7B45\u7B75\u7B65\u7B74\u7B67\u7B70\u7B71\u7B6C\u7B6E\u7B9D\u7B98\u7B9F\u7B8D\u7B9C\u7B9A\u7B8B\u7B92\u7B8F\u7B5D\u7B99\u7BCB\u7BC1\u7BCC\u7BCF\u7BB4\u7BC6\u7BDD\u7BE9\u7C11\u7C14\u7BE6\u7BE5\u7C60\u7C00\u7C07\u7C13\u7BF3\u7BF7\u7C17\u7C0D\u7BF6\u7C23\u7C27\u7C2A\u7C1F\u7C37\u7C2B\u7C3D\u7C4C\u7C43\u7C54\u7C4F\u7C40\u7C50\u7C58\u7C5F\u7C64\u7C56\u7C65\u7C6C\u7C75\u7C83\u7C90\u7CA4\u7CAD\u7CA2\u7CAB\u7CA1\u7CA8\u7CB3\u7CB2\u7CB1\u7CAE\u7CB9\u7CBD\u7CC0\u7CC5\u7CC2\u7CD8\u7CD2\u7CDC\u7CE2\u9B3B\u7CEF\u7CF2\u7CF4\u7CF6\u7CFA\u7D06"], + ["e340", "\u7D02\u7D1C\u7D15\u7D0A\u7D45\u7D4B\u7D2E\u7D32\u7D3F\u7D35\u7D46\u7D73\u7D56\u7D4E\u7D72\u7D68\u7D6E\u7D4F\u7D63\u7D93\u7D89\u7D5B\u7D8F\u7D7D\u7D9B\u7DBA\u7DAE\u7DA3\u7DB5\u7DC7\u7DBD\u7DAB\u7E3D\u7DA2\u7DAF\u7DDC\u7DB8\u7D9F\u7DB0\u7DD8\u7DDD\u7DE4\u7DDE\u7DFB\u7DF2\u7DE1\u7E05\u7E0A\u7E23\u7E21\u7E12\u7E31\u7E1F\u7E09\u7E0B\u7E22\u7E46\u7E66\u7E3B\u7E35\u7E39\u7E43\u7E37"], + ["e380", "\u7E32\u7E3A\u7E67\u7E5D\u7E56\u7E5E\u7E59\u7E5A\u7E79\u7E6A\u7E69\u7E7C\u7E7B\u7E83\u7DD5\u7E7D\u8FAE\u7E7F\u7E88\u7E89\u7E8C\u7E92\u7E90\u7E93\u7E94\u7E96\u7E8E\u7E9B\u7E9C\u7F38\u7F3A\u7F45\u7F4C\u7F4D\u7F4E\u7F50\u7F51\u7F55\u7F54\u7F58\u7F5F\u7F60\u7F68\u7F69\u7F67\u7F78\u7F82\u7F86\u7F83\u7F88\u7F87\u7F8C\u7F94\u7F9E\u7F9D\u7F9A\u7FA3\u7FAF\u7FB2\u7FB9\u7FAE\u7FB6\u7FB8\u8B71\u7FC5\u7FC6\u7FCA\u7FD5\u7FD4\u7FE1\u7FE6\u7FE9\u7FF3\u7FF9\u98DC\u8006\u8004\u800B\u8012\u8018\u8019\u801C\u8021\u8028\u803F\u803B\u804A\u8046\u8052\u8058\u805A\u805F\u8062\u8068\u8073\u8072\u8070\u8076\u8079\u807D\u807F\u8084\u8086\u8085\u809B\u8093\u809A\u80AD\u5190\u80AC\u80DB\u80E5\u80D9\u80DD\u80C4\u80DA\u80D6\u8109\u80EF\u80F1\u811B\u8129\u8123\u812F\u814B"], + ["e440", "\u968B\u8146\u813E\u8153\u8151\u80FC\u8171\u816E\u8165\u8166\u8174\u8183\u8188\u818A\u8180\u8182\u81A0\u8195\u81A4\u81A3\u815F\u8193\u81A9\u81B0\u81B5\u81BE\u81B8\u81BD\u81C0\u81C2\u81BA\u81C9\u81CD\u81D1\u81D9\u81D8\u81C8\u81DA\u81DF\u81E0\u81E7\u81FA\u81FB\u81FE\u8201\u8202\u8205\u8207\u820A\u820D\u8210\u8216\u8229\u822B\u8238\u8233\u8240\u8259\u8258\u825D\u825A\u825F\u8264"], + ["e480", "\u8262\u8268\u826A\u826B\u822E\u8271\u8277\u8278\u827E\u828D\u8292\u82AB\u829F\u82BB\u82AC\u82E1\u82E3\u82DF\u82D2\u82F4\u82F3\u82FA\u8393\u8303\u82FB\u82F9\u82DE\u8306\u82DC\u8309\u82D9\u8335\u8334\u8316\u8332\u8331\u8340\u8339\u8350\u8345\u832F\u832B\u8317\u8318\u8385\u839A\u83AA\u839F\u83A2\u8396\u8323\u838E\u8387\u838A\u837C\u83B5\u8373\u8375\u83A0\u8389\u83A8\u83F4\u8413\u83EB\u83CE\u83FD\u8403\u83D8\u840B\u83C1\u83F7\u8407\u83E0\u83F2\u840D\u8422\u8420\u83BD\u8438\u8506\u83FB\u846D\u842A\u843C\u855A\u8484\u8477\u846B\u84AD\u846E\u8482\u8469\u8446\u842C\u846F\u8479\u8435\u84CA\u8462\u84B9\u84BF\u849F\u84D9\u84CD\u84BB\u84DA\u84D0\u84C1\u84C6\u84D6\u84A1\u8521\u84FF\u84F4\u8517\u8518\u852C\u851F\u8515\u8514\u84FC\u8540\u8563\u8558\u8548"], + ["e540", "\u8541\u8602\u854B\u8555\u8580\u85A4\u8588\u8591\u858A\u85A8\u856D\u8594\u859B\u85EA\u8587\u859C\u8577\u857E\u8590\u85C9\u85BA\u85CF\u85B9\u85D0\u85D5\u85DD\u85E5\u85DC\u85F9\u860A\u8613\u860B\u85FE\u85FA\u8606\u8622\u861A\u8630\u863F\u864D\u4E55\u8654\u865F\u8667\u8671\u8693\u86A3\u86A9\u86AA\u868B\u868C\u86B6\u86AF\u86C4\u86C6\u86B0\u86C9\u8823\u86AB\u86D4\u86DE\u86E9\u86EC"], + ["e580", "\u86DF\u86DB\u86EF\u8712\u8706\u8708\u8700\u8703\u86FB\u8711\u8709\u870D\u86F9\u870A\u8734\u873F\u8737\u873B\u8725\u8729\u871A\u8760\u875F\u8778\u874C\u874E\u8774\u8757\u8768\u876E\u8759\u8753\u8763\u876A\u8805\u87A2\u879F\u8782\u87AF\u87CB\u87BD\u87C0\u87D0\u96D6\u87AB\u87C4\u87B3\u87C7\u87C6\u87BB\u87EF\u87F2\u87E0\u880F\u880D\u87FE\u87F6\u87F7\u880E\u87D2\u8811\u8816\u8815\u8822\u8821\u8831\u8836\u8839\u8827\u883B\u8844\u8842\u8852\u8859\u885E\u8862\u886B\u8881\u887E\u889E\u8875\u887D\u88B5\u8872\u8882\u8897\u8892\u88AE\u8899\u88A2\u888D\u88A4\u88B0\u88BF\u88B1\u88C3\u88C4\u88D4\u88D8\u88D9\u88DD\u88F9\u8902\u88FC\u88F4\u88E8\u88F2\u8904\u890C\u890A\u8913\u8943\u891E\u8925\u892A\u892B\u8941\u8944\u893B\u8936\u8938\u894C\u891D\u8960\u895E"], + ["e640", "\u8966\u8964\u896D\u896A\u896F\u8974\u8977\u897E\u8983\u8988\u898A\u8993\u8998\u89A1\u89A9\u89A6\u89AC\u89AF\u89B2\u89BA\u89BD\u89BF\u89C0\u89DA\u89DC\u89DD\u89E7\u89F4\u89F8\u8A03\u8A16\u8A10\u8A0C\u8A1B\u8A1D\u8A25\u8A36\u8A41\u8A5B\u8A52\u8A46\u8A48\u8A7C\u8A6D\u8A6C\u8A62\u8A85\u8A82\u8A84\u8AA8\u8AA1\u8A91\u8AA5\u8AA6\u8A9A\u8AA3\u8AC4\u8ACD\u8AC2\u8ADA\u8AEB\u8AF3\u8AE7"], + ["e680", "\u8AE4\u8AF1\u8B14\u8AE0\u8AE2\u8AF7\u8ADE\u8ADB\u8B0C\u8B07\u8B1A\u8AE1\u8B16\u8B10\u8B17\u8B20\u8B33\u97AB\u8B26\u8B2B\u8B3E\u8B28\u8B41\u8B4C\u8B4F\u8B4E\u8B49\u8B56\u8B5B\u8B5A\u8B6B\u8B5F\u8B6C\u8B6F\u8B74\u8B7D\u8B80\u8B8C\u8B8E\u8B92\u8B93\u8B96\u8B99\u8B9A\u8C3A\u8C41\u8C3F\u8C48\u8C4C\u8C4E\u8C50\u8C55\u8C62\u8C6C\u8C78\u8C7A\u8C82\u8C89\u8C85\u8C8A\u8C8D\u8C8E\u8C94\u8C7C\u8C98\u621D\u8CAD\u8CAA\u8CBD\u8CB2\u8CB3\u8CAE\u8CB6\u8CC8\u8CC1\u8CE4\u8CE3\u8CDA\u8CFD\u8CFA\u8CFB\u8D04\u8D05\u8D0A\u8D07\u8D0F\u8D0D\u8D10\u9F4E\u8D13\u8CCD\u8D14\u8D16\u8D67\u8D6D\u8D71\u8D73\u8D81\u8D99\u8DC2\u8DBE\u8DBA\u8DCF\u8DDA\u8DD6\u8DCC\u8DDB\u8DCB\u8DEA\u8DEB\u8DDF\u8DE3\u8DFC\u8E08\u8E09\u8DFF\u8E1D\u8E1E\u8E10\u8E1F\u8E42\u8E35\u8E30\u8E34\u8E4A"], + ["e740", "\u8E47\u8E49\u8E4C\u8E50\u8E48\u8E59\u8E64\u8E60\u8E2A\u8E63\u8E55\u8E76\u8E72\u8E7C\u8E81\u8E87\u8E85\u8E84\u8E8B\u8E8A\u8E93\u8E91\u8E94\u8E99\u8EAA\u8EA1\u8EAC\u8EB0\u8EC6\u8EB1\u8EBE\u8EC5\u8EC8\u8ECB\u8EDB\u8EE3\u8EFC\u8EFB\u8EEB\u8EFE\u8F0A\u8F05\u8F15\u8F12\u8F19\u8F13\u8F1C\u8F1F\u8F1B\u8F0C\u8F26\u8F33\u8F3B\u8F39\u8F45\u8F42\u8F3E\u8F4C\u8F49\u8F46\u8F4E\u8F57\u8F5C"], + ["e780", "\u8F62\u8F63\u8F64\u8F9C\u8F9F\u8FA3\u8FAD\u8FAF\u8FB7\u8FDA\u8FE5\u8FE2\u8FEA\u8FEF\u9087\u8FF4\u9005\u8FF9\u8FFA\u9011\u9015\u9021\u900D\u901E\u9016\u900B\u9027\u9036\u9035\u9039\u8FF8\u904F\u9050\u9051\u9052\u900E\u9049\u903E\u9056\u9058\u905E\u9068\u906F\u9076\u96A8\u9072\u9082\u907D\u9081\u9080\u908A\u9089\u908F\u90A8\u90AF\u90B1\u90B5\u90E2\u90E4\u6248\u90DB\u9102\u9112\u9119\u9132\u9130\u914A\u9156\u9158\u9163\u9165\u9169\u9173\u9172\u918B\u9189\u9182\u91A2\u91AB\u91AF\u91AA\u91B5\u91B4\u91BA\u91C0\u91C1\u91C9\u91CB\u91D0\u91D6\u91DF\u91E1\u91DB\u91FC\u91F5\u91F6\u921E\u91FF\u9214\u922C\u9215\u9211\u925E\u9257\u9245\u9249\u9264\u9248\u9295\u923F\u924B\u9250\u929C\u9296\u9293\u929B\u925A\u92CF\u92B9\u92B7\u92E9\u930F\u92FA\u9344\u932E"], + ["e840", "\u9319\u9322\u931A\u9323\u933A\u9335\u933B\u935C\u9360\u937C\u936E\u9356\u93B0\u93AC\u93AD\u9394\u93B9\u93D6\u93D7\u93E8\u93E5\u93D8\u93C3\u93DD\u93D0\u93C8\u93E4\u941A\u9414\u9413\u9403\u9407\u9410\u9436\u942B\u9435\u9421\u943A\u9441\u9452\u9444\u945B\u9460\u9462\u945E\u946A\u9229\u9470\u9475\u9477\u947D\u945A\u947C\u947E\u9481\u947F\u9582\u9587\u958A\u9594\u9596\u9598\u9599"], + ["e880", "\u95A0\u95A8\u95A7\u95AD\u95BC\u95BB\u95B9\u95BE\u95CA\u6FF6\u95C3\u95CD\u95CC\u95D5\u95D4\u95D6\u95DC\u95E1\u95E5\u95E2\u9621\u9628\u962E\u962F\u9642\u964C\u964F\u964B\u9677\u965C\u965E\u965D\u965F\u9666\u9672\u966C\u968D\u9698\u9695\u9697\u96AA\u96A7\u96B1\u96B2\u96B0\u96B4\u96B6\u96B8\u96B9\u96CE\u96CB\u96C9\u96CD\u894D\u96DC\u970D\u96D5\u96F9\u9704\u9706\u9708\u9713\u970E\u9711\u970F\u9716\u9719\u9724\u972A\u9730\u9739\u973D\u973E\u9744\u9746\u9748\u9742\u9749\u975C\u9760\u9764\u9766\u9768\u52D2\u976B\u9771\u9779\u9785\u977C\u9781\u977A\u9786\u978B\u978F\u9790\u979C\u97A8\u97A6\u97A3\u97B3\u97B4\u97C3\u97C6\u97C8\u97CB\u97DC\u97ED\u9F4F\u97F2\u7ADF\u97F6\u97F5\u980F\u980C\u9838\u9824\u9821\u9837\u983D\u9846\u984F\u984B\u986B\u986F\u9870"], + ["e940", "\u9871\u9874\u9873\u98AA\u98AF\u98B1\u98B6\u98C4\u98C3\u98C6\u98E9\u98EB\u9903\u9909\u9912\u9914\u9918\u9921\u991D\u991E\u9924\u9920\u992C\u992E\u993D\u993E\u9942\u9949\u9945\u9950\u994B\u9951\u9952\u994C\u9955\u9997\u9998\u99A5\u99AD\u99AE\u99BC\u99DF\u99DB\u99DD\u99D8\u99D1\u99ED\u99EE\u99F1\u99F2\u99FB\u99F8\u9A01\u9A0F\u9A05\u99E2\u9A19\u9A2B\u9A37\u9A45\u9A42\u9A40\u9A43"], + ["e980", "\u9A3E\u9A55\u9A4D\u9A5B\u9A57\u9A5F\u9A62\u9A65\u9A64\u9A69\u9A6B\u9A6A\u9AAD\u9AB0\u9ABC\u9AC0\u9ACF\u9AD1\u9AD3\u9AD4\u9ADE\u9ADF\u9AE2\u9AE3\u9AE6\u9AEF\u9AEB\u9AEE\u9AF4\u9AF1\u9AF7\u9AFB\u9B06\u9B18\u9B1A\u9B1F\u9B22\u9B23\u9B25\u9B27\u9B28\u9B29\u9B2A\u9B2E\u9B2F\u9B32\u9B44\u9B43\u9B4F\u9B4D\u9B4E\u9B51\u9B58\u9B74\u9B93\u9B83\u9B91\u9B96\u9B97\u9B9F\u9BA0\u9BA8\u9BB4\u9BC0\u9BCA\u9BB9\u9BC6\u9BCF\u9BD1\u9BD2\u9BE3\u9BE2\u9BE4\u9BD4\u9BE1\u9C3A\u9BF2\u9BF1\u9BF0\u9C15\u9C14\u9C09\u9C13\u9C0C\u9C06\u9C08\u9C12\u9C0A\u9C04\u9C2E\u9C1B\u9C25\u9C24\u9C21\u9C30\u9C47\u9C32\u9C46\u9C3E\u9C5A\u9C60\u9C67\u9C76\u9C78\u9CE7\u9CEC\u9CF0\u9D09\u9D08\u9CEB\u9D03\u9D06\u9D2A\u9D26\u9DAF\u9D23\u9D1F\u9D44\u9D15\u9D12\u9D41\u9D3F\u9D3E\u9D46\u9D48"], + ["ea40", "\u9D5D\u9D5E\u9D64\u9D51\u9D50\u9D59\u9D72\u9D89\u9D87\u9DAB\u9D6F\u9D7A\u9D9A\u9DA4\u9DA9\u9DB2\u9DC4\u9DC1\u9DBB\u9DB8\u9DBA\u9DC6\u9DCF\u9DC2\u9DD9\u9DD3\u9DF8\u9DE6\u9DED\u9DEF\u9DFD\u9E1A\u9E1B\u9E1E\u9E75\u9E79\u9E7D\u9E81\u9E88\u9E8B\u9E8C\u9E92\u9E95\u9E91\u9E9D\u9EA5\u9EA9\u9EB8\u9EAA\u9EAD\u9761\u9ECC\u9ECE\u9ECF\u9ED0\u9ED4\u9EDC\u9EDE\u9EDD\u9EE0\u9EE5\u9EE8\u9EEF"], + ["ea80", "\u9EF4\u9EF6\u9EF7\u9EF9\u9EFB\u9EFC\u9EFD\u9F07\u9F08\u76B7\u9F15\u9F21\u9F2C\u9F3E\u9F4A\u9F52\u9F54\u9F63\u9F5F\u9F60\u9F61\u9F66\u9F67\u9F6C\u9F6A\u9F77\u9F72\u9F76\u9F95\u9F9C\u9FA0\u582F\u69C7\u9059\u7464\u51DC\u7199"], + ["ed40", "\u7E8A\u891C\u9348\u9288\u84DC\u4FC9\u70BB\u6631\u68C8\u92F9\u66FB\u5F45\u4E28\u4EE1\u4EFC\u4F00\u4F03\u4F39\u4F56\u4F92\u4F8A\u4F9A\u4F94\u4FCD\u5040\u5022\u4FFF\u501E\u5046\u5070\u5042\u5094\u50F4\u50D8\u514A\u5164\u519D\u51BE\u51EC\u5215\u529C\u52A6\u52C0\u52DB\u5300\u5307\u5324\u5372\u5393\u53B2\u53DD\uFA0E\u549C\u548A\u54A9\u54FF\u5586\u5759\u5765\u57AC\u57C8\u57C7\uFA0F"], + ["ed80", "\uFA10\u589E\u58B2\u590B\u5953\u595B\u595D\u5963\u59A4\u59BA\u5B56\u5BC0\u752F\u5BD8\u5BEC\u5C1E\u5CA6\u5CBA\u5CF5\u5D27\u5D53\uFA11\u5D42\u5D6D\u5DB8\u5DB9\u5DD0\u5F21\u5F34\u5F67\u5FB7\u5FDE\u605D\u6085\u608A\u60DE\u60D5\u6120\u60F2\u6111\u6137\u6130\u6198\u6213\u62A6\u63F5\u6460\u649D\u64CE\u654E\u6600\u6615\u663B\u6609\u662E\u661E\u6624\u6665\u6657\u6659\uFA12\u6673\u6699\u66A0\u66B2\u66BF\u66FA\u670E\uF929\u6766\u67BB\u6852\u67C0\u6801\u6844\u68CF\uFA13\u6968\uFA14\u6998\u69E2\u6A30\u6A6B\u6A46\u6A73\u6A7E\u6AE2\u6AE4\u6BD6\u6C3F\u6C5C\u6C86\u6C6F\u6CDA\u6D04\u6D87\u6D6F\u6D96\u6DAC\u6DCF\u6DF8\u6DF2\u6DFC\u6E39\u6E5C\u6E27\u6E3C\u6EBF\u6F88\u6FB5\u6FF5\u7005\u7007\u7028\u7085\u70AB\u710F\u7104\u715C\u7146\u7147\uFA15\u71C1\u71FE\u72B1"], + ["ee40", "\u72BE\u7324\uFA16\u7377\u73BD\u73C9\u73D6\u73E3\u73D2\u7407\u73F5\u7426\u742A\u7429\u742E\u7462\u7489\u749F\u7501\u756F\u7682\u769C\u769E\u769B\u76A6\uFA17\u7746\u52AF\u7821\u784E\u7864\u787A\u7930\uFA18\uFA19\uFA1A\u7994\uFA1B\u799B\u7AD1\u7AE7\uFA1C\u7AEB\u7B9E\uFA1D\u7D48\u7D5C\u7DB7\u7DA0\u7DD6\u7E52\u7F47\u7FA1\uFA1E\u8301\u8362\u837F\u83C7\u83F6\u8448\u84B4\u8553\u8559"], + ["ee80", "\u856B\uFA1F\u85B0\uFA20\uFA21\u8807\u88F5\u8A12\u8A37\u8A79\u8AA7\u8ABE\u8ADF\uFA22\u8AF6\u8B53\u8B7F\u8CF0\u8CF4\u8D12\u8D76\uFA23\u8ECF\uFA24\uFA25\u9067\u90DE\uFA26\u9115\u9127\u91DA\u91D7\u91DE\u91ED\u91EE\u91E4\u91E5\u9206\u9210\u920A\u923A\u9240\u923C\u924E\u9259\u9251\u9239\u9267\u92A7\u9277\u9278\u92E7\u92D7\u92D9\u92D0\uFA27\u92D5\u92E0\u92D3\u9325\u9321\u92FB\uFA28\u931E\u92FF\u931D\u9302\u9370\u9357\u93A4\u93C6\u93DE\u93F8\u9431\u9445\u9448\u9592\uF9DC\uFA29\u969D\u96AF\u9733\u973B\u9743\u974D\u974F\u9751\u9755\u9857\u9865\uFA2A\uFA2B\u9927\uFA2C\u999E\u9A4E\u9AD9\u9ADC\u9B75\u9B72\u9B8F\u9BB1\u9BBB\u9C00\u9D70\u9D6B\uFA2D\u9E19\u9ED1"], + ["eeef", "\u2170", 9, "\uFFE2\uFFE4\uFF07\uFF02"], + ["f040", "\uE000", 62], + ["f080", "\uE03F", 124], + ["f140", "\uE0BC", 62], + ["f180", "\uE0FB", 124], + ["f240", "\uE178", 62], + ["f280", "\uE1B7", 124], + ["f340", "\uE234", 62], + ["f380", "\uE273", 124], + ["f440", "\uE2F0", 62], + ["f480", "\uE32F", 124], + ["f540", "\uE3AC", 62], + ["f580", "\uE3EB", 124], + ["f640", "\uE468", 62], + ["f680", "\uE4A7", 124], + ["f740", "\uE524", 62], + ["f780", "\uE563", 124], + ["f840", "\uE5E0", 62], + ["f880", "\uE61F", 124], + ["f940", "\uE69C"], + ["fa40", "\u2170", 9, "\u2160", 9, "\uFFE2\uFFE4\uFF07\uFF02\u3231\u2116\u2121\u2235\u7E8A\u891C\u9348\u9288\u84DC\u4FC9\u70BB\u6631\u68C8\u92F9\u66FB\u5F45\u4E28\u4EE1\u4EFC\u4F00\u4F03\u4F39\u4F56\u4F92\u4F8A\u4F9A\u4F94\u4FCD\u5040\u5022\u4FFF\u501E\u5046\u5070\u5042\u5094\u50F4\u50D8\u514A"], + ["fa80", "\u5164\u519D\u51BE\u51EC\u5215\u529C\u52A6\u52C0\u52DB\u5300\u5307\u5324\u5372\u5393\u53B2\u53DD\uFA0E\u549C\u548A\u54A9\u54FF\u5586\u5759\u5765\u57AC\u57C8\u57C7\uFA0F\uFA10\u589E\u58B2\u590B\u5953\u595B\u595D\u5963\u59A4\u59BA\u5B56\u5BC0\u752F\u5BD8\u5BEC\u5C1E\u5CA6\u5CBA\u5CF5\u5D27\u5D53\uFA11\u5D42\u5D6D\u5DB8\u5DB9\u5DD0\u5F21\u5F34\u5F67\u5FB7\u5FDE\u605D\u6085\u608A\u60DE\u60D5\u6120\u60F2\u6111\u6137\u6130\u6198\u6213\u62A6\u63F5\u6460\u649D\u64CE\u654E\u6600\u6615\u663B\u6609\u662E\u661E\u6624\u6665\u6657\u6659\uFA12\u6673\u6699\u66A0\u66B2\u66BF\u66FA\u670E\uF929\u6766\u67BB\u6852\u67C0\u6801\u6844\u68CF\uFA13\u6968\uFA14\u6998\u69E2\u6A30\u6A6B\u6A46\u6A73\u6A7E\u6AE2\u6AE4\u6BD6\u6C3F\u6C5C\u6C86\u6C6F\u6CDA\u6D04\u6D87\u6D6F"], + ["fb40", "\u6D96\u6DAC\u6DCF\u6DF8\u6DF2\u6DFC\u6E39\u6E5C\u6E27\u6E3C\u6EBF\u6F88\u6FB5\u6FF5\u7005\u7007\u7028\u7085\u70AB\u710F\u7104\u715C\u7146\u7147\uFA15\u71C1\u71FE\u72B1\u72BE\u7324\uFA16\u7377\u73BD\u73C9\u73D6\u73E3\u73D2\u7407\u73F5\u7426\u742A\u7429\u742E\u7462\u7489\u749F\u7501\u756F\u7682\u769C\u769E\u769B\u76A6\uFA17\u7746\u52AF\u7821\u784E\u7864\u787A\u7930\uFA18\uFA19"], + ["fb80", "\uFA1A\u7994\uFA1B\u799B\u7AD1\u7AE7\uFA1C\u7AEB\u7B9E\uFA1D\u7D48\u7D5C\u7DB7\u7DA0\u7DD6\u7E52\u7F47\u7FA1\uFA1E\u8301\u8362\u837F\u83C7\u83F6\u8448\u84B4\u8553\u8559\u856B\uFA1F\u85B0\uFA20\uFA21\u8807\u88F5\u8A12\u8A37\u8A79\u8AA7\u8ABE\u8ADF\uFA22\u8AF6\u8B53\u8B7F\u8CF0\u8CF4\u8D12\u8D76\uFA23\u8ECF\uFA24\uFA25\u9067\u90DE\uFA26\u9115\u9127\u91DA\u91D7\u91DE\u91ED\u91EE\u91E4\u91E5\u9206\u9210\u920A\u923A\u9240\u923C\u924E\u9259\u9251\u9239\u9267\u92A7\u9277\u9278\u92E7\u92D7\u92D9\u92D0\uFA27\u92D5\u92E0\u92D3\u9325\u9321\u92FB\uFA28\u931E\u92FF\u931D\u9302\u9370\u9357\u93A4\u93C6\u93DE\u93F8\u9431\u9445\u9448\u9592\uF9DC\uFA29\u969D\u96AF\u9733\u973B\u9743\u974D\u974F\u9751\u9755\u9857\u9865\uFA2A\uFA2B\u9927\uFA2C\u999E\u9A4E\u9AD9"], + ["fc40", "\u9ADC\u9B75\u9B72\u9B8F\u9BB1\u9BBB\u9C00\u9D70\u9D6B\uFA2D\u9E19\u9ED1"] + ]; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/encoding/node_modules/iconv-lite/encodings/tables/eucjp.json +var require_eucjp = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/encoding/node_modules/iconv-lite/encodings/tables/eucjp.json"(exports, module2) { + module2.exports = [ + ["0", "\0", 127], + ["8ea1", "\uFF61", 62], + ["a1a1", "\u3000\u3001\u3002\uFF0C\uFF0E\u30FB\uFF1A\uFF1B\uFF1F\uFF01\u309B\u309C\xB4\uFF40\xA8\uFF3E\uFFE3\uFF3F\u30FD\u30FE\u309D\u309E\u3003\u4EDD\u3005\u3006\u3007\u30FC\u2015\u2010\uFF0F\uFF3C\uFF5E\u2225\uFF5C\u2026\u2025\u2018\u2019\u201C\u201D\uFF08\uFF09\u3014\u3015\uFF3B\uFF3D\uFF5B\uFF5D\u3008", 9, "\uFF0B\uFF0D\xB1\xD7\xF7\uFF1D\u2260\uFF1C\uFF1E\u2266\u2267\u221E\u2234\u2642\u2640\xB0\u2032\u2033\u2103\uFFE5\uFF04\uFFE0\uFFE1\uFF05\uFF03\uFF06\uFF0A\uFF20\xA7\u2606\u2605\u25CB\u25CF\u25CE\u25C7"], + ["a2a1", "\u25C6\u25A1\u25A0\u25B3\u25B2\u25BD\u25BC\u203B\u3012\u2192\u2190\u2191\u2193\u3013"], + ["a2ba", "\u2208\u220B\u2286\u2287\u2282\u2283\u222A\u2229"], + ["a2ca", "\u2227\u2228\uFFE2\u21D2\u21D4\u2200\u2203"], + ["a2dc", "\u2220\u22A5\u2312\u2202\u2207\u2261\u2252\u226A\u226B\u221A\u223D\u221D\u2235\u222B\u222C"], + ["a2f2", "\u212B\u2030\u266F\u266D\u266A\u2020\u2021\xB6"], + ["a2fe", "\u25EF"], + ["a3b0", "\uFF10", 9], + ["a3c1", "\uFF21", 25], + ["a3e1", "\uFF41", 25], + ["a4a1", "\u3041", 82], + ["a5a1", "\u30A1", 85], + ["a6a1", "\u0391", 16, "\u03A3", 6], + ["a6c1", "\u03B1", 16, "\u03C3", 6], + ["a7a1", "\u0410", 5, "\u0401\u0416", 25], + ["a7d1", "\u0430", 5, "\u0451\u0436", 25], + ["a8a1", "\u2500\u2502\u250C\u2510\u2518\u2514\u251C\u252C\u2524\u2534\u253C\u2501\u2503\u250F\u2513\u251B\u2517\u2523\u2533\u252B\u253B\u254B\u2520\u252F\u2528\u2537\u253F\u251D\u2530\u2525\u2538\u2542"], + ["ada1", "\u2460", 19, "\u2160", 9], + ["adc0", "\u3349\u3314\u3322\u334D\u3318\u3327\u3303\u3336\u3351\u3357\u330D\u3326\u3323\u332B\u334A\u333B\u339C\u339D\u339E\u338E\u338F\u33C4\u33A1"], + ["addf", "\u337B\u301D\u301F\u2116\u33CD\u2121\u32A4", 4, "\u3231\u3232\u3239\u337E\u337D\u337C\u2252\u2261\u222B\u222E\u2211\u221A\u22A5\u2220\u221F\u22BF\u2235\u2229\u222A"], + ["b0a1", "\u4E9C\u5516\u5A03\u963F\u54C0\u611B\u6328\u59F6\u9022\u8475\u831C\u7A50\u60AA\u63E1\u6E25\u65ED\u8466\u82A6\u9BF5\u6893\u5727\u65A1\u6271\u5B9B\u59D0\u867B\u98F4\u7D62\u7DBE\u9B8E\u6216\u7C9F\u88B7\u5B89\u5EB5\u6309\u6697\u6848\u95C7\u978D\u674F\u4EE5\u4F0A\u4F4D\u4F9D\u5049\u56F2\u5937\u59D4\u5A01\u5C09\u60DF\u610F\u6170\u6613\u6905\u70BA\u754F\u7570\u79FB\u7DAD\u7DEF\u80C3\u840E\u8863\u8B02\u9055\u907A\u533B\u4E95\u4EA5\u57DF\u80B2\u90C1\u78EF\u4E00\u58F1\u6EA2\u9038\u7A32\u8328\u828B\u9C2F\u5141\u5370\u54BD\u54E1\u56E0\u59FB\u5F15\u98F2\u6DEB\u80E4\u852D"], + ["b1a1", "\u9662\u9670\u96A0\u97FB\u540B\u53F3\u5B87\u70CF\u7FBD\u8FC2\u96E8\u536F\u9D5C\u7ABA\u4E11\u7893\u81FC\u6E26\u5618\u5504\u6B1D\u851A\u9C3B\u59E5\u53A9\u6D66\u74DC\u958F\u5642\u4E91\u904B\u96F2\u834F\u990C\u53E1\u55B6\u5B30\u5F71\u6620\u66F3\u6804\u6C38\u6CF3\u6D29\u745B\u76C8\u7A4E\u9834\u82F1\u885B\u8A60\u92ED\u6DB2\u75AB\u76CA\u99C5\u60A6\u8B01\u8D8A\u95B2\u698E\u53AD\u5186\u5712\u5830\u5944\u5BB4\u5EF6\u6028\u63A9\u63F4\u6CBF\u6F14\u708E\u7114\u7159\u71D5\u733F\u7E01\u8276\u82D1\u8597\u9060\u925B\u9D1B\u5869\u65BC\u6C5A\u7525\u51F9\u592E\u5965\u5F80\u5FDC"], + ["b2a1", "\u62BC\u65FA\u6A2A\u6B27\u6BB4\u738B\u7FC1\u8956\u9D2C\u9D0E\u9EC4\u5CA1\u6C96\u837B\u5104\u5C4B\u61B6\u81C6\u6876\u7261\u4E59\u4FFA\u5378\u6069\u6E29\u7A4F\u97F3\u4E0B\u5316\u4EEE\u4F55\u4F3D\u4FA1\u4F73\u52A0\u53EF\u5609\u590F\u5AC1\u5BB6\u5BE1\u79D1\u6687\u679C\u67B6\u6B4C\u6CB3\u706B\u73C2\u798D\u79BE\u7A3C\u7B87\u82B1\u82DB\u8304\u8377\u83EF\u83D3\u8766\u8AB2\u5629\u8CA8\u8FE6\u904E\u971E\u868A\u4FC4\u5CE8\u6211\u7259\u753B\u81E5\u82BD\u86FE\u8CC0\u96C5\u9913\u99D5\u4ECB\u4F1A\u89E3\u56DE\u584A\u58CA\u5EFB\u5FEB\u602A\u6094\u6062\u61D0\u6212\u62D0\u6539"], + ["b3a1", "\u9B41\u6666\u68B0\u6D77\u7070\u754C\u7686\u7D75\u82A5\u87F9\u958B\u968E\u8C9D\u51F1\u52BE\u5916\u54B3\u5BB3\u5D16\u6168\u6982\u6DAF\u788D\u84CB\u8857\u8A72\u93A7\u9AB8\u6D6C\u99A8\u86D9\u57A3\u67FF\u86CE\u920E\u5283\u5687\u5404\u5ED3\u62E1\u64B9\u683C\u6838\u6BBB\u7372\u78BA\u7A6B\u899A\u89D2\u8D6B\u8F03\u90ED\u95A3\u9694\u9769\u5B66\u5CB3\u697D\u984D\u984E\u639B\u7B20\u6A2B\u6A7F\u68B6\u9C0D\u6F5F\u5272\u559D\u6070\u62EC\u6D3B\u6E07\u6ED1\u845B\u8910\u8F44\u4E14\u9C39\u53F6\u691B\u6A3A\u9784\u682A\u515C\u7AC3\u84B2\u91DC\u938C\u565B\u9D28\u6822\u8305\u8431"], + ["b4a1", "\u7CA5\u5208\u82C5\u74E6\u4E7E\u4F83\u51A0\u5BD2\u520A\u52D8\u52E7\u5DFB\u559A\u582A\u59E6\u5B8C\u5B98\u5BDB\u5E72\u5E79\u60A3\u611F\u6163\u61BE\u63DB\u6562\u67D1\u6853\u68FA\u6B3E\u6B53\u6C57\u6F22\u6F97\u6F45\u74B0\u7518\u76E3\u770B\u7AFF\u7BA1\u7C21\u7DE9\u7F36\u7FF0\u809D\u8266\u839E\u89B3\u8ACC\u8CAB\u9084\u9451\u9593\u9591\u95A2\u9665\u97D3\u9928\u8218\u4E38\u542B\u5CB8\u5DCC\u73A9\u764C\u773C\u5CA9\u7FEB\u8D0B\u96C1\u9811\u9854\u9858\u4F01\u4F0E\u5371\u559C\u5668\u57FA\u5947\u5B09\u5BC4\u5C90\u5E0C\u5E7E\u5FCC\u63EE\u673A\u65D7\u65E2\u671F\u68CB\u68C4"], + ["b5a1", "\u6A5F\u5E30\u6BC5\u6C17\u6C7D\u757F\u7948\u5B63\u7A00\u7D00\u5FBD\u898F\u8A18\u8CB4\u8D77\u8ECC\u8F1D\u98E2\u9A0E\u9B3C\u4E80\u507D\u5100\u5993\u5B9C\u622F\u6280\u64EC\u6B3A\u72A0\u7591\u7947\u7FA9\u87FB\u8ABC\u8B70\u63AC\u83CA\u97A0\u5409\u5403\u55AB\u6854\u6A58\u8A70\u7827\u6775\u9ECD\u5374\u5BA2\u811A\u8650\u9006\u4E18\u4E45\u4EC7\u4F11\u53CA\u5438\u5BAE\u5F13\u6025\u6551\u673D\u6C42\u6C72\u6CE3\u7078\u7403\u7A76\u7AAE\u7B08\u7D1A\u7CFE\u7D66\u65E7\u725B\u53BB\u5C45\u5DE8\u62D2\u62E0\u6319\u6E20\u865A\u8A31\u8DDD\u92F8\u6F01\u79A6\u9B5A\u4EA8\u4EAB\u4EAC"], + ["b6a1", "\u4F9B\u4FA0\u50D1\u5147\u7AF6\u5171\u51F6\u5354\u5321\u537F\u53EB\u55AC\u5883\u5CE1\u5F37\u5F4A\u602F\u6050\u606D\u631F\u6559\u6A4B\u6CC1\u72C2\u72ED\u77EF\u80F8\u8105\u8208\u854E\u90F7\u93E1\u97FF\u9957\u9A5A\u4EF0\u51DD\u5C2D\u6681\u696D\u5C40\u66F2\u6975\u7389\u6850\u7C81\u50C5\u52E4\u5747\u5DFE\u9326\u65A4\u6B23\u6B3D\u7434\u7981\u79BD\u7B4B\u7DCA\u82B9\u83CC\u887F\u895F\u8B39\u8FD1\u91D1\u541F\u9280\u4E5D\u5036\u53E5\u533A\u72D7\u7396\u77E9\u82E6\u8EAF\u99C6\u99C8\u99D2\u5177\u611A\u865E\u55B0\u7A7A\u5076\u5BD3\u9047\u9685\u4E32\u6ADB\u91E7\u5C51\u5C48"], + ["b7a1", "\u6398\u7A9F\u6C93\u9774\u8F61\u7AAA\u718A\u9688\u7C82\u6817\u7E70\u6851\u936C\u52F2\u541B\u85AB\u8A13\u7FA4\u8ECD\u90E1\u5366\u8888\u7941\u4FC2\u50BE\u5211\u5144\u5553\u572D\u73EA\u578B\u5951\u5F62\u5F84\u6075\u6176\u6167\u61A9\u63B2\u643A\u656C\u666F\u6842\u6E13\u7566\u7A3D\u7CFB\u7D4C\u7D99\u7E4B\u7F6B\u830E\u834A\u86CD\u8A08\u8A63\u8B66\u8EFD\u981A\u9D8F\u82B8\u8FCE\u9BE8\u5287\u621F\u6483\u6FC0\u9699\u6841\u5091\u6B20\u6C7A\u6F54\u7A74\u7D50\u8840\u8A23\u6708\u4EF6\u5039\u5026\u5065\u517C\u5238\u5263\u55A7\u570F\u5805\u5ACC\u5EFA\u61B2\u61F8\u62F3\u6372"], + ["b8a1", "\u691C\u6A29\u727D\u72AC\u732E\u7814\u786F\u7D79\u770C\u80A9\u898B\u8B19\u8CE2\u8ED2\u9063\u9375\u967A\u9855\u9A13\u9E78\u5143\u539F\u53B3\u5E7B\u5F26\u6E1B\u6E90\u7384\u73FE\u7D43\u8237\u8A00\u8AFA\u9650\u4E4E\u500B\u53E4\u547C\u56FA\u59D1\u5B64\u5DF1\u5EAB\u5F27\u6238\u6545\u67AF\u6E56\u72D0\u7CCA\u88B4\u80A1\u80E1\u83F0\u864E\u8A87\u8DE8\u9237\u96C7\u9867\u9F13\u4E94\u4E92\u4F0D\u5348\u5449\u543E\u5A2F\u5F8C\u5FA1\u609F\u68A7\u6A8E\u745A\u7881\u8A9E\u8AA4\u8B77\u9190\u4E5E\u9BC9\u4EA4\u4F7C\u4FAF\u5019\u5016\u5149\u516C\u529F\u52B9\u52FE\u539A\u53E3\u5411"], + ["b9a1", "\u540E\u5589\u5751\u57A2\u597D\u5B54\u5B5D\u5B8F\u5DE5\u5DE7\u5DF7\u5E78\u5E83\u5E9A\u5EB7\u5F18\u6052\u614C\u6297\u62D8\u63A7\u653B\u6602\u6643\u66F4\u676D\u6821\u6897\u69CB\u6C5F\u6D2A\u6D69\u6E2F\u6E9D\u7532\u7687\u786C\u7A3F\u7CE0\u7D05\u7D18\u7D5E\u7DB1\u8015\u8003\u80AF\u80B1\u8154\u818F\u822A\u8352\u884C\u8861\u8B1B\u8CA2\u8CFC\u90CA\u9175\u9271\u783F\u92FC\u95A4\u964D\u9805\u9999\u9AD8\u9D3B\u525B\u52AB\u53F7\u5408\u58D5\u62F7\u6FE0\u8C6A\u8F5F\u9EB9\u514B\u523B\u544A\u56FD\u7A40\u9177\u9D60\u9ED2\u7344\u6F09\u8170\u7511\u5FFD\u60DA\u9AA8\u72DB\u8FBC"], + ["baa1", "\u6B64\u9803\u4ECA\u56F0\u5764\u58BE\u5A5A\u6068\u61C7\u660F\u6606\u6839\u68B1\u6DF7\u75D5\u7D3A\u826E\u9B42\u4E9B\u4F50\u53C9\u5506\u5D6F\u5DE6\u5DEE\u67FB\u6C99\u7473\u7802\u8A50\u9396\u88DF\u5750\u5EA7\u632B\u50B5\u50AC\u518D\u6700\u54C9\u585E\u59BB\u5BB0\u5F69\u624D\u63A1\u683D\u6B73\u6E08\u707D\u91C7\u7280\u7815\u7826\u796D\u658E\u7D30\u83DC\u88C1\u8F09\u969B\u5264\u5728\u6750\u7F6A\u8CA1\u51B4\u5742\u962A\u583A\u698A\u80B4\u54B2\u5D0E\u57FC\u7895\u9DFA\u4F5C\u524A\u548B\u643E\u6628\u6714\u67F5\u7A84\u7B56\u7D22\u932F\u685C\u9BAD\u7B39\u5319\u518A\u5237"], + ["bba1", "\u5BDF\u62F6\u64AE\u64E6\u672D\u6BBA\u85A9\u96D1\u7690\u9BD6\u634C\u9306\u9BAB\u76BF\u6652\u4E09\u5098\u53C2\u5C71\u60E8\u6492\u6563\u685F\u71E6\u73CA\u7523\u7B97\u7E82\u8695\u8B83\u8CDB\u9178\u9910\u65AC\u66AB\u6B8B\u4ED5\u4ED4\u4F3A\u4F7F\u523A\u53F8\u53F2\u55E3\u56DB\u58EB\u59CB\u59C9\u59FF\u5B50\u5C4D\u5E02\u5E2B\u5FD7\u601D\u6307\u652F\u5B5C\u65AF\u65BD\u65E8\u679D\u6B62\u6B7B\u6C0F\u7345\u7949\u79C1\u7CF8\u7D19\u7D2B\u80A2\u8102\u81F3\u8996\u8A5E\u8A69\u8A66\u8A8C\u8AEE\u8CC7\u8CDC\u96CC\u98FC\u6B6F\u4E8B\u4F3C\u4F8D\u5150\u5B57\u5BFA\u6148\u6301\u6642"], + ["bca1", "\u6B21\u6ECB\u6CBB\u723E\u74BD\u75D4\u78C1\u793A\u800C\u8033\u81EA\u8494\u8F9E\u6C50\u9E7F\u5F0F\u8B58\u9D2B\u7AFA\u8EF8\u5B8D\u96EB\u4E03\u53F1\u57F7\u5931\u5AC9\u5BA4\u6089\u6E7F\u6F06\u75BE\u8CEA\u5B9F\u8500\u7BE0\u5072\u67F4\u829D\u5C61\u854A\u7E1E\u820E\u5199\u5C04\u6368\u8D66\u659C\u716E\u793E\u7D17\u8005\u8B1D\u8ECA\u906E\u86C7\u90AA\u501F\u52FA\u5C3A\u6753\u707C\u7235\u914C\u91C8\u932B\u82E5\u5BC2\u5F31\u60F9\u4E3B\u53D6\u5B88\u624B\u6731\u6B8A\u72E9\u73E0\u7A2E\u816B\u8DA3\u9152\u9996\u5112\u53D7\u546A\u5BFF\u6388\u6A39\u7DAC\u9700\u56DA\u53CE\u5468"], + ["bda1", "\u5B97\u5C31\u5DDE\u4FEE\u6101\u62FE\u6D32\u79C0\u79CB\u7D42\u7E4D\u7FD2\u81ED\u821F\u8490\u8846\u8972\u8B90\u8E74\u8F2F\u9031\u914B\u916C\u96C6\u919C\u4EC0\u4F4F\u5145\u5341\u5F93\u620E\u67D4\u6C41\u6E0B\u7363\u7E26\u91CD\u9283\u53D4\u5919\u5BBF\u6DD1\u795D\u7E2E\u7C9B\u587E\u719F\u51FA\u8853\u8FF0\u4FCA\u5CFB\u6625\u77AC\u7AE3\u821C\u99FF\u51C6\u5FAA\u65EC\u696F\u6B89\u6DF3\u6E96\u6F64\u76FE\u7D14\u5DE1\u9075\u9187\u9806\u51E6\u521D\u6240\u6691\u66D9\u6E1A\u5EB6\u7DD2\u7F72\u66F8\u85AF\u85F7\u8AF8\u52A9\u53D9\u5973\u5E8F\u5F90\u6055\u92E4\u9664\u50B7\u511F"], + ["bea1", "\u52DD\u5320\u5347\u53EC\u54E8\u5546\u5531\u5617\u5968\u59BE\u5A3C\u5BB5\u5C06\u5C0F\u5C11\u5C1A\u5E84\u5E8A\u5EE0\u5F70\u627F\u6284\u62DB\u638C\u6377\u6607\u660C\u662D\u6676\u677E\u68A2\u6A1F\u6A35\u6CBC\u6D88\u6E09\u6E58\u713C\u7126\u7167\u75C7\u7701\u785D\u7901\u7965\u79F0\u7AE0\u7B11\u7CA7\u7D39\u8096\u83D6\u848B\u8549\u885D\u88F3\u8A1F\u8A3C\u8A54\u8A73\u8C61\u8CDE\u91A4\u9266\u937E\u9418\u969C\u9798\u4E0A\u4E08\u4E1E\u4E57\u5197\u5270\u57CE\u5834\u58CC\u5B22\u5E38\u60C5\u64FE\u6761\u6756\u6D44\u72B6\u7573\u7A63\u84B8\u8B72\u91B8\u9320\u5631\u57F4\u98FE"], + ["bfa1", "\u62ED\u690D\u6B96\u71ED\u7E54\u8077\u8272\u89E6\u98DF\u8755\u8FB1\u5C3B\u4F38\u4FE1\u4FB5\u5507\u5A20\u5BDD\u5BE9\u5FC3\u614E\u632F\u65B0\u664B\u68EE\u699B\u6D78\u6DF1\u7533\u75B9\u771F\u795E\u79E6\u7D33\u81E3\u82AF\u85AA\u89AA\u8A3A\u8EAB\u8F9B\u9032\u91DD\u9707\u4EBA\u4EC1\u5203\u5875\u58EC\u5C0B\u751A\u5C3D\u814E\u8A0A\u8FC5\u9663\u976D\u7B25\u8ACF\u9808\u9162\u56F3\u53A8\u9017\u5439\u5782\u5E25\u63A8\u6C34\u708A\u7761\u7C8B\u7FE0\u8870\u9042\u9154\u9310\u9318\u968F\u745E\u9AC4\u5D07\u5D69\u6570\u67A2\u8DA8\u96DB\u636E\u6749\u6919\u83C5\u9817\u96C0\u88FE"], + ["c0a1", "\u6F84\u647A\u5BF8\u4E16\u702C\u755D\u662F\u51C4\u5236\u52E2\u59D3\u5F81\u6027\u6210\u653F\u6574\u661F\u6674\u68F2\u6816\u6B63\u6E05\u7272\u751F\u76DB\u7CBE\u8056\u58F0\u88FD\u897F\u8AA0\u8A93\u8ACB\u901D\u9192\u9752\u9759\u6589\u7A0E\u8106\u96BB\u5E2D\u60DC\u621A\u65A5\u6614\u6790\u77F3\u7A4D\u7C4D\u7E3E\u810A\u8CAC\u8D64\u8DE1\u8E5F\u78A9\u5207\u62D9\u63A5\u6442\u6298\u8A2D\u7A83\u7BC0\u8AAC\u96EA\u7D76\u820C\u8749\u4ED9\u5148\u5343\u5360\u5BA3\u5C02\u5C16\u5DDD\u6226\u6247\u64B0\u6813\u6834\u6CC9\u6D45\u6D17\u67D3\u6F5C\u714E\u717D\u65CB\u7A7F\u7BAD\u7DDA"], + ["c1a1", "\u7E4A\u7FA8\u817A\u821B\u8239\u85A6\u8A6E\u8CCE\u8DF5\u9078\u9077\u92AD\u9291\u9583\u9BAE\u524D\u5584\u6F38\u7136\u5168\u7985\u7E55\u81B3\u7CCE\u564C\u5851\u5CA8\u63AA\u66FE\u66FD\u695A\u72D9\u758F\u758E\u790E\u7956\u79DF\u7C97\u7D20\u7D44\u8607\u8A34\u963B\u9061\u9F20\u50E7\u5275\u53CC\u53E2\u5009\u55AA\u58EE\u594F\u723D\u5B8B\u5C64\u531D\u60E3\u60F3\u635C\u6383\u633F\u63BB\u64CD\u65E9\u66F9\u5DE3\u69CD\u69FD\u6F15\u71E5\u4E89\u75E9\u76F8\u7A93\u7CDF\u7DCF\u7D9C\u8061\u8349\u8358\u846C\u84BC\u85FB\u88C5\u8D70\u9001\u906D\u9397\u971C\u9A12\u50CF\u5897\u618E"], + ["c2a1", "\u81D3\u8535\u8D08\u9020\u4FC3\u5074\u5247\u5373\u606F\u6349\u675F\u6E2C\u8DB3\u901F\u4FD7\u5C5E\u8CCA\u65CF\u7D9A\u5352\u8896\u5176\u63C3\u5B58\u5B6B\u5C0A\u640D\u6751\u905C\u4ED6\u591A\u592A\u6C70\u8A51\u553E\u5815\u59A5\u60F0\u6253\u67C1\u8235\u6955\u9640\u99C4\u9A28\u4F53\u5806\u5BFE\u8010\u5CB1\u5E2F\u5F85\u6020\u614B\u6234\u66FF\u6CF0\u6EDE\u80CE\u817F\u82D4\u888B\u8CB8\u9000\u902E\u968A\u9EDB\u9BDB\u4EE3\u53F0\u5927\u7B2C\u918D\u984C\u9DF9\u6EDD\u7027\u5353\u5544\u5B85\u6258\u629E\u62D3\u6CA2\u6FEF\u7422\u8A17\u9438\u6FC1\u8AFE\u8338\u51E7\u86F8\u53EA"], + ["c3a1", "\u53E9\u4F46\u9054\u8FB0\u596A\u8131\u5DFD\u7AEA\u8FBF\u68DA\u8C37\u72F8\u9C48\u6A3D\u8AB0\u4E39\u5358\u5606\u5766\u62C5\u63A2\u65E6\u6B4E\u6DE1\u6E5B\u70AD\u77ED\u7AEF\u7BAA\u7DBB\u803D\u80C6\u86CB\u8A95\u935B\u56E3\u58C7\u5F3E\u65AD\u6696\u6A80\u6BB5\u7537\u8AC7\u5024\u77E5\u5730\u5F1B\u6065\u667A\u6C60\u75F4\u7A1A\u7F6E\u81F4\u8718\u9045\u99B3\u7BC9\u755C\u7AF9\u7B51\u84C4\u9010\u79E9\u7A92\u8336\u5AE1\u7740\u4E2D\u4EF2\u5B99\u5FE0\u62BD\u663C\u67F1\u6CE8\u866B\u8877\u8A3B\u914E\u92F3\u99D0\u6A17\u7026\u732A\u82E7\u8457\u8CAF\u4E01\u5146\u51CB\u558B\u5BF5"], + ["c4a1", "\u5E16\u5E33\u5E81\u5F14\u5F35\u5F6B\u5FB4\u61F2\u6311\u66A2\u671D\u6F6E\u7252\u753A\u773A\u8074\u8139\u8178\u8776\u8ABF\u8ADC\u8D85\u8DF3\u929A\u9577\u9802\u9CE5\u52C5\u6357\u76F4\u6715\u6C88\u73CD\u8CC3\u93AE\u9673\u6D25\u589C\u690E\u69CC\u8FFD\u939A\u75DB\u901A\u585A\u6802\u63B4\u69FB\u4F43\u6F2C\u67D8\u8FBB\u8526\u7DB4\u9354\u693F\u6F70\u576A\u58F7\u5B2C\u7D2C\u722A\u540A\u91E3\u9DB4\u4EAD\u4F4E\u505C\u5075\u5243\u8C9E\u5448\u5824\u5B9A\u5E1D\u5E95\u5EAD\u5EF7\u5F1F\u608C\u62B5\u633A\u63D0\u68AF\u6C40\u7887\u798E\u7A0B\u7DE0\u8247\u8A02\u8AE6\u8E44\u9013"], + ["c5a1", "\u90B8\u912D\u91D8\u9F0E\u6CE5\u6458\u64E2\u6575\u6EF4\u7684\u7B1B\u9069\u93D1\u6EBA\u54F2\u5FB9\u64A4\u8F4D\u8FED\u9244\u5178\u586B\u5929\u5C55\u5E97\u6DFB\u7E8F\u751C\u8CBC\u8EE2\u985B\u70B9\u4F1D\u6BBF\u6FB1\u7530\u96FB\u514E\u5410\u5835\u5857\u59AC\u5C60\u5F92\u6597\u675C\u6E21\u767B\u83DF\u8CED\u9014\u90FD\u934D\u7825\u783A\u52AA\u5EA6\u571F\u5974\u6012\u5012\u515A\u51AC\u51CD\u5200\u5510\u5854\u5858\u5957\u5B95\u5CF6\u5D8B\u60BC\u6295\u642D\u6771\u6843\u68BC\u68DF\u76D7\u6DD8\u6E6F\u6D9B\u706F\u71C8\u5F53\u75D8\u7977\u7B49\u7B54\u7B52\u7CD6\u7D71\u5230"], + ["c6a1", "\u8463\u8569\u85E4\u8A0E\u8B04\u8C46\u8E0F\u9003\u900F\u9419\u9676\u982D\u9A30\u95D8\u50CD\u52D5\u540C\u5802\u5C0E\u61A7\u649E\u6D1E\u77B3\u7AE5\u80F4\u8404\u9053\u9285\u5CE0\u9D07\u533F\u5F97\u5FB3\u6D9C\u7279\u7763\u79BF\u7BE4\u6BD2\u72EC\u8AAD\u6803\u6A61\u51F8\u7A81\u6934\u5C4A\u9CF6\u82EB\u5BC5\u9149\u701E\u5678\u5C6F\u60C7\u6566\u6C8C\u8C5A\u9041\u9813\u5451\u66C7\u920D\u5948\u90A3\u5185\u4E4D\u51EA\u8599\u8B0E\u7058\u637A\u934B\u6962\u99B4\u7E04\u7577\u5357\u6960\u8EDF\u96E3\u6C5D\u4E8C\u5C3C\u5F10\u8FE9\u5302\u8CD1\u8089\u8679\u5EFF\u65E5\u4E73\u5165"], + ["c7a1", "\u5982\u5C3F\u97EE\u4EFB\u598A\u5FCD\u8A8D\u6FE1\u79B0\u7962\u5BE7\u8471\u732B\u71B1\u5E74\u5FF5\u637B\u649A\u71C3\u7C98\u4E43\u5EFC\u4E4B\u57DC\u56A2\u60A9\u6FC3\u7D0D\u80FD\u8133\u81BF\u8FB2\u8997\u86A4\u5DF4\u628A\u64AD\u8987\u6777\u6CE2\u6D3E\u7436\u7834\u5A46\u7F75\u82AD\u99AC\u4FF3\u5EC3\u62DD\u6392\u6557\u676F\u76C3\u724C\u80CC\u80BA\u8F29\u914D\u500D\u57F9\u5A92\u6885\u6973\u7164\u72FD\u8CB7\u58F2\u8CE0\u966A\u9019\u877F\u79E4\u77E7\u8429\u4F2F\u5265\u535A\u62CD\u67CF\u6CCA\u767D\u7B94\u7C95\u8236\u8584\u8FEB\u66DD\u6F20\u7206\u7E1B\u83AB\u99C1\u9EA6"], + ["c8a1", "\u51FD\u7BB1\u7872\u7BB8\u8087\u7B48\u6AE8\u5E61\u808C\u7551\u7560\u516B\u9262\u6E8C\u767A\u9197\u9AEA\u4F10\u7F70\u629C\u7B4F\u95A5\u9CE9\u567A\u5859\u86E4\u96BC\u4F34\u5224\u534A\u53CD\u53DB\u5E06\u642C\u6591\u677F\u6C3E\u6C4E\u7248\u72AF\u73ED\u7554\u7E41\u822C\u85E9\u8CA9\u7BC4\u91C6\u7169\u9812\u98EF\u633D\u6669\u756A\u76E4\u78D0\u8543\u86EE\u532A\u5351\u5426\u5983\u5E87\u5F7C\u60B2\u6249\u6279\u62AB\u6590\u6BD4\u6CCC\u75B2\u76AE\u7891\u79D8\u7DCB\u7F77\u80A5\u88AB\u8AB9\u8CBB\u907F\u975E\u98DB\u6A0B\u7C38\u5099\u5C3E\u5FAE\u6787\u6BD8\u7435\u7709\u7F8E"], + ["c9a1", "\u9F3B\u67CA\u7A17\u5339\u758B\u9AED\u5F66\u819D\u83F1\u8098\u5F3C\u5FC5\u7562\u7B46\u903C\u6867\u59EB\u5A9B\u7D10\u767E\u8B2C\u4FF5\u5F6A\u6A19\u6C37\u6F02\u74E2\u7968\u8868\u8A55\u8C79\u5EDF\u63CF\u75C5\u79D2\u82D7\u9328\u92F2\u849C\u86ED\u9C2D\u54C1\u5F6C\u658C\u6D5C\u7015\u8CA7\u8CD3\u983B\u654F\u74F6\u4E0D\u4ED8\u57E0\u592B\u5A66\u5BCC\u51A8\u5E03\u5E9C\u6016\u6276\u6577\u65A7\u666E\u6D6E\u7236\u7B26\u8150\u819A\u8299\u8B5C\u8CA0\u8CE6\u8D74\u961C\u9644\u4FAE\u64AB\u6B66\u821E\u8461\u856A\u90E8\u5C01\u6953\u98A8\u847A\u8557\u4F0F\u526F\u5FA9\u5E45\u670D"], + ["caa1", "\u798F\u8179\u8907\u8986\u6DF5\u5F17\u6255\u6CB8\u4ECF\u7269\u9B92\u5206\u543B\u5674\u58B3\u61A4\u626E\u711A\u596E\u7C89\u7CDE\u7D1B\u96F0\u6587\u805E\u4E19\u4F75\u5175\u5840\u5E63\u5E73\u5F0A\u67C4\u4E26\u853D\u9589\u965B\u7C73\u9801\u50FB\u58C1\u7656\u78A7\u5225\u77A5\u8511\u7B86\u504F\u5909\u7247\u7BC7\u7DE8\u8FBA\u8FD4\u904D\u4FBF\u52C9\u5A29\u5F01\u97AD\u4FDD\u8217\u92EA\u5703\u6355\u6B69\u752B\u88DC\u8F14\u7A42\u52DF\u5893\u6155\u620A\u66AE\u6BCD\u7C3F\u83E9\u5023\u4FF8\u5305\u5446\u5831\u5949\u5B9D\u5CF0\u5CEF\u5D29\u5E96\u62B1\u6367\u653E\u65B9\u670B"], + ["cba1", "\u6CD5\u6CE1\u70F9\u7832\u7E2B\u80DE\u82B3\u840C\u84EC\u8702\u8912\u8A2A\u8C4A\u90A6\u92D2\u98FD\u9CF3\u9D6C\u4E4F\u4EA1\u508D\u5256\u574A\u59A8\u5E3D\u5FD8\u5FD9\u623F\u66B4\u671B\u67D0\u68D2\u5192\u7D21\u80AA\u81A8\u8B00\u8C8C\u8CBF\u927E\u9632\u5420\u982C\u5317\u50D5\u535C\u58A8\u64B2\u6734\u7267\u7766\u7A46\u91E6\u52C3\u6CA1\u6B86\u5800\u5E4C\u5954\u672C\u7FFB\u51E1\u76C6\u6469\u78E8\u9B54\u9EBB\u57CB\u59B9\u6627\u679A\u6BCE\u54E9\u69D9\u5E55\u819C\u6795\u9BAA\u67FE\u9C52\u685D\u4EA6\u4FE3\u53C8\u62B9\u672B\u6CAB\u8FC4\u4FAD\u7E6D\u9EBF\u4E07\u6162\u6E80"], + ["cca1", "\u6F2B\u8513\u5473\u672A\u9B45\u5DF3\u7B95\u5CAC\u5BC6\u871C\u6E4A\u84D1\u7A14\u8108\u5999\u7C8D\u6C11\u7720\u52D9\u5922\u7121\u725F\u77DB\u9727\u9D61\u690B\u5A7F\u5A18\u51A5\u540D\u547D\u660E\u76DF\u8FF7\u9298\u9CF4\u59EA\u725D\u6EC5\u514D\u68C9\u7DBF\u7DEC\u9762\u9EBA\u6478\u6A21\u8302\u5984\u5B5F\u6BDB\u731B\u76F2\u7DB2\u8017\u8499\u5132\u6728\u9ED9\u76EE\u6762\u52FF\u9905\u5C24\u623B\u7C7E\u8CB0\u554F\u60B6\u7D0B\u9580\u5301\u4E5F\u51B6\u591C\u723A\u8036\u91CE\u5F25\u77E2\u5384\u5F79\u7D04\u85AC\u8A33\u8E8D\u9756\u67F3\u85AE\u9453\u6109\u6108\u6CB9\u7652"], + ["cda1", "\u8AED\u8F38\u552F\u4F51\u512A\u52C7\u53CB\u5BA5\u5E7D\u60A0\u6182\u63D6\u6709\u67DA\u6E67\u6D8C\u7336\u7337\u7531\u7950\u88D5\u8A98\u904A\u9091\u90F5\u96C4\u878D\u5915\u4E88\u4F59\u4E0E\u8A89\u8F3F\u9810\u50AD\u5E7C\u5996\u5BB9\u5EB8\u63DA\u63FA\u64C1\u66DC\u694A\u69D8\u6D0B\u6EB6\u7194\u7528\u7AAF\u7F8A\u8000\u8449\u84C9\u8981\u8B21\u8E0A\u9065\u967D\u990A\u617E\u6291\u6B32\u6C83\u6D74\u7FCC\u7FFC\u6DC0\u7F85\u87BA\u88F8\u6765\u83B1\u983C\u96F7\u6D1B\u7D61\u843D\u916A\u4E71\u5375\u5D50\u6B04\u6FEB\u85CD\u862D\u89A7\u5229\u540F\u5C65\u674E\u68A8\u7406\u7483"], + ["cea1", "\u75E2\u88CF\u88E1\u91CC\u96E2\u9678\u5F8B\u7387\u7ACB\u844E\u63A0\u7565\u5289\u6D41\u6E9C\u7409\u7559\u786B\u7C92\u9686\u7ADC\u9F8D\u4FB6\u616E\u65C5\u865C\u4E86\u4EAE\u50DA\u4E21\u51CC\u5BEE\u6599\u6881\u6DBC\u731F\u7642\u77AD\u7A1C\u7CE7\u826F\u8AD2\u907C\u91CF\u9675\u9818\u529B\u7DD1\u502B\u5398\u6797\u6DCB\u71D0\u7433\u81E8\u8F2A\u96A3\u9C57\u9E9F\u7460\u5841\u6D99\u7D2F\u985E\u4EE4\u4F36\u4F8B\u51B7\u52B1\u5DBA\u601C\u73B2\u793C\u82D3\u9234\u96B7\u96F6\u970A\u9E97\u9F62\u66A6\u6B74\u5217\u52A3\u70C8\u88C2\u5EC9\u604B\u6190\u6F23\u7149\u7C3E\u7DF4\u806F"], + ["cfa1", "\u84EE\u9023\u932C\u5442\u9B6F\u6AD3\u7089\u8CC2\u8DEF\u9732\u52B4\u5A41\u5ECA\u5F04\u6717\u697C\u6994\u6D6A\u6F0F\u7262\u72FC\u7BED\u8001\u807E\u874B\u90CE\u516D\u9E93\u7984\u808B\u9332\u8AD6\u502D\u548C\u8A71\u6B6A\u8CC4\u8107\u60D1\u67A0\u9DF2\u4E99\u4E98\u9C10\u8A6B\u85C1\u8568\u6900\u6E7E\u7897\u8155"], + ["d0a1", "\u5F0C\u4E10\u4E15\u4E2A\u4E31\u4E36\u4E3C\u4E3F\u4E42\u4E56\u4E58\u4E82\u4E85\u8C6B\u4E8A\u8212\u5F0D\u4E8E\u4E9E\u4E9F\u4EA0\u4EA2\u4EB0\u4EB3\u4EB6\u4ECE\u4ECD\u4EC4\u4EC6\u4EC2\u4ED7\u4EDE\u4EED\u4EDF\u4EF7\u4F09\u4F5A\u4F30\u4F5B\u4F5D\u4F57\u4F47\u4F76\u4F88\u4F8F\u4F98\u4F7B\u4F69\u4F70\u4F91\u4F6F\u4F86\u4F96\u5118\u4FD4\u4FDF\u4FCE\u4FD8\u4FDB\u4FD1\u4FDA\u4FD0\u4FE4\u4FE5\u501A\u5028\u5014\u502A\u5025\u5005\u4F1C\u4FF6\u5021\u5029\u502C\u4FFE\u4FEF\u5011\u5006\u5043\u5047\u6703\u5055\u5050\u5048\u505A\u5056\u506C\u5078\u5080\u509A\u5085\u50B4\u50B2"], + ["d1a1", "\u50C9\u50CA\u50B3\u50C2\u50D6\u50DE\u50E5\u50ED\u50E3\u50EE\u50F9\u50F5\u5109\u5101\u5102\u5116\u5115\u5114\u511A\u5121\u513A\u5137\u513C\u513B\u513F\u5140\u5152\u514C\u5154\u5162\u7AF8\u5169\u516A\u516E\u5180\u5182\u56D8\u518C\u5189\u518F\u5191\u5193\u5195\u5196\u51A4\u51A6\u51A2\u51A9\u51AA\u51AB\u51B3\u51B1\u51B2\u51B0\u51B5\u51BD\u51C5\u51C9\u51DB\u51E0\u8655\u51E9\u51ED\u51F0\u51F5\u51FE\u5204\u520B\u5214\u520E\u5227\u522A\u522E\u5233\u5239\u524F\u5244\u524B\u524C\u525E\u5254\u526A\u5274\u5269\u5273\u527F\u527D\u528D\u5294\u5292\u5271\u5288\u5291\u8FA8"], + ["d2a1", "\u8FA7\u52AC\u52AD\u52BC\u52B5\u52C1\u52CD\u52D7\u52DE\u52E3\u52E6\u98ED\u52E0\u52F3\u52F5\u52F8\u52F9\u5306\u5308\u7538\u530D\u5310\u530F\u5315\u531A\u5323\u532F\u5331\u5333\u5338\u5340\u5346\u5345\u4E17\u5349\u534D\u51D6\u535E\u5369\u536E\u5918\u537B\u5377\u5382\u5396\u53A0\u53A6\u53A5\u53AE\u53B0\u53B6\u53C3\u7C12\u96D9\u53DF\u66FC\u71EE\u53EE\u53E8\u53ED\u53FA\u5401\u543D\u5440\u542C\u542D\u543C\u542E\u5436\u5429\u541D\u544E\u548F\u5475\u548E\u545F\u5471\u5477\u5470\u5492\u547B\u5480\u5476\u5484\u5490\u5486\u54C7\u54A2\u54B8\u54A5\u54AC\u54C4\u54C8\u54A8"], + ["d3a1", "\u54AB\u54C2\u54A4\u54BE\u54BC\u54D8\u54E5\u54E6\u550F\u5514\u54FD\u54EE\u54ED\u54FA\u54E2\u5539\u5540\u5563\u554C\u552E\u555C\u5545\u5556\u5557\u5538\u5533\u555D\u5599\u5580\u54AF\u558A\u559F\u557B\u557E\u5598\u559E\u55AE\u557C\u5583\u55A9\u5587\u55A8\u55DA\u55C5\u55DF\u55C4\u55DC\u55E4\u55D4\u5614\u55F7\u5616\u55FE\u55FD\u561B\u55F9\u564E\u5650\u71DF\u5634\u5636\u5632\u5638\u566B\u5664\u562F\u566C\u566A\u5686\u5680\u568A\u56A0\u5694\u568F\u56A5\u56AE\u56B6\u56B4\u56C2\u56BC\u56C1\u56C3\u56C0\u56C8\u56CE\u56D1\u56D3\u56D7\u56EE\u56F9\u5700\u56FF\u5704\u5709"], + ["d4a1", "\u5708\u570B\u570D\u5713\u5718\u5716\u55C7\u571C\u5726\u5737\u5738\u574E\u573B\u5740\u574F\u5769\u57C0\u5788\u5761\u577F\u5789\u5793\u57A0\u57B3\u57A4\u57AA\u57B0\u57C3\u57C6\u57D4\u57D2\u57D3\u580A\u57D6\u57E3\u580B\u5819\u581D\u5872\u5821\u5862\u584B\u5870\u6BC0\u5852\u583D\u5879\u5885\u58B9\u589F\u58AB\u58BA\u58DE\u58BB\u58B8\u58AE\u58C5\u58D3\u58D1\u58D7\u58D9\u58D8\u58E5\u58DC\u58E4\u58DF\u58EF\u58FA\u58F9\u58FB\u58FC\u58FD\u5902\u590A\u5910\u591B\u68A6\u5925\u592C\u592D\u5932\u5938\u593E\u7AD2\u5955\u5950\u594E\u595A\u5958\u5962\u5960\u5967\u596C\u5969"], + ["d5a1", "\u5978\u5981\u599D\u4F5E\u4FAB\u59A3\u59B2\u59C6\u59E8\u59DC\u598D\u59D9\u59DA\u5A25\u5A1F\u5A11\u5A1C\u5A09\u5A1A\u5A40\u5A6C\u5A49\u5A35\u5A36\u5A62\u5A6A\u5A9A\u5ABC\u5ABE\u5ACB\u5AC2\u5ABD\u5AE3\u5AD7\u5AE6\u5AE9\u5AD6\u5AFA\u5AFB\u5B0C\u5B0B\u5B16\u5B32\u5AD0\u5B2A\u5B36\u5B3E\u5B43\u5B45\u5B40\u5B51\u5B55\u5B5A\u5B5B\u5B65\u5B69\u5B70\u5B73\u5B75\u5B78\u6588\u5B7A\u5B80\u5B83\u5BA6\u5BB8\u5BC3\u5BC7\u5BC9\u5BD4\u5BD0\u5BE4\u5BE6\u5BE2\u5BDE\u5BE5\u5BEB\u5BF0\u5BF6\u5BF3\u5C05\u5C07\u5C08\u5C0D\u5C13\u5C20\u5C22\u5C28\u5C38\u5C39\u5C41\u5C46\u5C4E\u5C53"], + ["d6a1", "\u5C50\u5C4F\u5B71\u5C6C\u5C6E\u4E62\u5C76\u5C79\u5C8C\u5C91\u5C94\u599B\u5CAB\u5CBB\u5CB6\u5CBC\u5CB7\u5CC5\u5CBE\u5CC7\u5CD9\u5CE9\u5CFD\u5CFA\u5CED\u5D8C\u5CEA\u5D0B\u5D15\u5D17\u5D5C\u5D1F\u5D1B\u5D11\u5D14\u5D22\u5D1A\u5D19\u5D18\u5D4C\u5D52\u5D4E\u5D4B\u5D6C\u5D73\u5D76\u5D87\u5D84\u5D82\u5DA2\u5D9D\u5DAC\u5DAE\u5DBD\u5D90\u5DB7\u5DBC\u5DC9\u5DCD\u5DD3\u5DD2\u5DD6\u5DDB\u5DEB\u5DF2\u5DF5\u5E0B\u5E1A\u5E19\u5E11\u5E1B\u5E36\u5E37\u5E44\u5E43\u5E40\u5E4E\u5E57\u5E54\u5E5F\u5E62\u5E64\u5E47\u5E75\u5E76\u5E7A\u9EBC\u5E7F\u5EA0\u5EC1\u5EC2\u5EC8\u5ED0\u5ECF"], + ["d7a1", "\u5ED6\u5EE3\u5EDD\u5EDA\u5EDB\u5EE2\u5EE1\u5EE8\u5EE9\u5EEC\u5EF1\u5EF3\u5EF0\u5EF4\u5EF8\u5EFE\u5F03\u5F09\u5F5D\u5F5C\u5F0B\u5F11\u5F16\u5F29\u5F2D\u5F38\u5F41\u5F48\u5F4C\u5F4E\u5F2F\u5F51\u5F56\u5F57\u5F59\u5F61\u5F6D\u5F73\u5F77\u5F83\u5F82\u5F7F\u5F8A\u5F88\u5F91\u5F87\u5F9E\u5F99\u5F98\u5FA0\u5FA8\u5FAD\u5FBC\u5FD6\u5FFB\u5FE4\u5FF8\u5FF1\u5FDD\u60B3\u5FFF\u6021\u6060\u6019\u6010\u6029\u600E\u6031\u601B\u6015\u602B\u6026\u600F\u603A\u605A\u6041\u606A\u6077\u605F\u604A\u6046\u604D\u6063\u6043\u6064\u6042\u606C\u606B\u6059\u6081\u608D\u60E7\u6083\u609A"], + ["d8a1", "\u6084\u609B\u6096\u6097\u6092\u60A7\u608B\u60E1\u60B8\u60E0\u60D3\u60B4\u5FF0\u60BD\u60C6\u60B5\u60D8\u614D\u6115\u6106\u60F6\u60F7\u6100\u60F4\u60FA\u6103\u6121\u60FB\u60F1\u610D\u610E\u6147\u613E\u6128\u6127\u614A\u613F\u613C\u612C\u6134\u613D\u6142\u6144\u6173\u6177\u6158\u6159\u615A\u616B\u6174\u616F\u6165\u6171\u615F\u615D\u6153\u6175\u6199\u6196\u6187\u61AC\u6194\u619A\u618A\u6191\u61AB\u61AE\u61CC\u61CA\u61C9\u61F7\u61C8\u61C3\u61C6\u61BA\u61CB\u7F79\u61CD\u61E6\u61E3\u61F6\u61FA\u61F4\u61FF\u61FD\u61FC\u61FE\u6200\u6208\u6209\u620D\u620C\u6214\u621B"], + ["d9a1", "\u621E\u6221\u622A\u622E\u6230\u6232\u6233\u6241\u624E\u625E\u6263\u625B\u6260\u6268\u627C\u6282\u6289\u627E\u6292\u6293\u6296\u62D4\u6283\u6294\u62D7\u62D1\u62BB\u62CF\u62FF\u62C6\u64D4\u62C8\u62DC\u62CC\u62CA\u62C2\u62C7\u629B\u62C9\u630C\u62EE\u62F1\u6327\u6302\u6308\u62EF\u62F5\u6350\u633E\u634D\u641C\u634F\u6396\u638E\u6380\u63AB\u6376\u63A3\u638F\u6389\u639F\u63B5\u636B\u6369\u63BE\u63E9\u63C0\u63C6\u63E3\u63C9\u63D2\u63F6\u63C4\u6416\u6434\u6406\u6413\u6426\u6436\u651D\u6417\u6428\u640F\u6467\u646F\u6476\u644E\u652A\u6495\u6493\u64A5\u64A9\u6488\u64BC"], + ["daa1", "\u64DA\u64D2\u64C5\u64C7\u64BB\u64D8\u64C2\u64F1\u64E7\u8209\u64E0\u64E1\u62AC\u64E3\u64EF\u652C\u64F6\u64F4\u64F2\u64FA\u6500\u64FD\u6518\u651C\u6505\u6524\u6523\u652B\u6534\u6535\u6537\u6536\u6538\u754B\u6548\u6556\u6555\u654D\u6558\u655E\u655D\u6572\u6578\u6582\u6583\u8B8A\u659B\u659F\u65AB\u65B7\u65C3\u65C6\u65C1\u65C4\u65CC\u65D2\u65DB\u65D9\u65E0\u65E1\u65F1\u6772\u660A\u6603\u65FB\u6773\u6635\u6636\u6634\u661C\u664F\u6644\u6649\u6641\u665E\u665D\u6664\u6667\u6668\u665F\u6662\u6670\u6683\u6688\u668E\u6689\u6684\u6698\u669D\u66C1\u66B9\u66C9\u66BE\u66BC"], + ["dba1", "\u66C4\u66B8\u66D6\u66DA\u66E0\u663F\u66E6\u66E9\u66F0\u66F5\u66F7\u670F\u6716\u671E\u6726\u6727\u9738\u672E\u673F\u6736\u6741\u6738\u6737\u6746\u675E\u6760\u6759\u6763\u6764\u6789\u6770\u67A9\u677C\u676A\u678C\u678B\u67A6\u67A1\u6785\u67B7\u67EF\u67B4\u67EC\u67B3\u67E9\u67B8\u67E4\u67DE\u67DD\u67E2\u67EE\u67B9\u67CE\u67C6\u67E7\u6A9C\u681E\u6846\u6829\u6840\u684D\u6832\u684E\u68B3\u682B\u6859\u6863\u6877\u687F\u689F\u688F\u68AD\u6894\u689D\u689B\u6883\u6AAE\u68B9\u6874\u68B5\u68A0\u68BA\u690F\u688D\u687E\u6901\u68CA\u6908\u68D8\u6922\u6926\u68E1\u690C\u68CD"], + ["dca1", "\u68D4\u68E7\u68D5\u6936\u6912\u6904\u68D7\u68E3\u6925\u68F9\u68E0\u68EF\u6928\u692A\u691A\u6923\u6921\u68C6\u6979\u6977\u695C\u6978\u696B\u6954\u697E\u696E\u6939\u6974\u693D\u6959\u6930\u6961\u695E\u695D\u6981\u696A\u69B2\u69AE\u69D0\u69BF\u69C1\u69D3\u69BE\u69CE\u5BE8\u69CA\u69DD\u69BB\u69C3\u69A7\u6A2E\u6991\u69A0\u699C\u6995\u69B4\u69DE\u69E8\u6A02\u6A1B\u69FF\u6B0A\u69F9\u69F2\u69E7\u6A05\u69B1\u6A1E\u69ED\u6A14\u69EB\u6A0A\u6A12\u6AC1\u6A23\u6A13\u6A44\u6A0C\u6A72\u6A36\u6A78\u6A47\u6A62\u6A59\u6A66\u6A48\u6A38\u6A22\u6A90\u6A8D\u6AA0\u6A84\u6AA2\u6AA3"], + ["dda1", "\u6A97\u8617\u6ABB\u6AC3\u6AC2\u6AB8\u6AB3\u6AAC\u6ADE\u6AD1\u6ADF\u6AAA\u6ADA\u6AEA\u6AFB\u6B05\u8616\u6AFA\u6B12\u6B16\u9B31\u6B1F\u6B38\u6B37\u76DC\u6B39\u98EE\u6B47\u6B43\u6B49\u6B50\u6B59\u6B54\u6B5B\u6B5F\u6B61\u6B78\u6B79\u6B7F\u6B80\u6B84\u6B83\u6B8D\u6B98\u6B95\u6B9E\u6BA4\u6BAA\u6BAB\u6BAF\u6BB2\u6BB1\u6BB3\u6BB7\u6BBC\u6BC6\u6BCB\u6BD3\u6BDF\u6BEC\u6BEB\u6BF3\u6BEF\u9EBE\u6C08\u6C13\u6C14\u6C1B\u6C24\u6C23\u6C5E\u6C55\u6C62\u6C6A\u6C82\u6C8D\u6C9A\u6C81\u6C9B\u6C7E\u6C68\u6C73\u6C92\u6C90\u6CC4\u6CF1\u6CD3\u6CBD\u6CD7\u6CC5\u6CDD\u6CAE\u6CB1\u6CBE"], + ["dea1", "\u6CBA\u6CDB\u6CEF\u6CD9\u6CEA\u6D1F\u884D\u6D36\u6D2B\u6D3D\u6D38\u6D19\u6D35\u6D33\u6D12\u6D0C\u6D63\u6D93\u6D64\u6D5A\u6D79\u6D59\u6D8E\u6D95\u6FE4\u6D85\u6DF9\u6E15\u6E0A\u6DB5\u6DC7\u6DE6\u6DB8\u6DC6\u6DEC\u6DDE\u6DCC\u6DE8\u6DD2\u6DC5\u6DFA\u6DD9\u6DE4\u6DD5\u6DEA\u6DEE\u6E2D\u6E6E\u6E2E\u6E19\u6E72\u6E5F\u6E3E\u6E23\u6E6B\u6E2B\u6E76\u6E4D\u6E1F\u6E43\u6E3A\u6E4E\u6E24\u6EFF\u6E1D\u6E38\u6E82\u6EAA\u6E98\u6EC9\u6EB7\u6ED3\u6EBD\u6EAF\u6EC4\u6EB2\u6ED4\u6ED5\u6E8F\u6EA5\u6EC2\u6E9F\u6F41\u6F11\u704C\u6EEC\u6EF8\u6EFE\u6F3F\u6EF2\u6F31\u6EEF\u6F32\u6ECC"], + ["dfa1", "\u6F3E\u6F13\u6EF7\u6F86\u6F7A\u6F78\u6F81\u6F80\u6F6F\u6F5B\u6FF3\u6F6D\u6F82\u6F7C\u6F58\u6F8E\u6F91\u6FC2\u6F66\u6FB3\u6FA3\u6FA1\u6FA4\u6FB9\u6FC6\u6FAA\u6FDF\u6FD5\u6FEC\u6FD4\u6FD8\u6FF1\u6FEE\u6FDB\u7009\u700B\u6FFA\u7011\u7001\u700F\u6FFE\u701B\u701A\u6F74\u701D\u7018\u701F\u7030\u703E\u7032\u7051\u7063\u7099\u7092\u70AF\u70F1\u70AC\u70B8\u70B3\u70AE\u70DF\u70CB\u70DD\u70D9\u7109\u70FD\u711C\u7119\u7165\u7155\u7188\u7166\u7162\u714C\u7156\u716C\u718F\u71FB\u7184\u7195\u71A8\u71AC\u71D7\u71B9\u71BE\u71D2\u71C9\u71D4\u71CE\u71E0\u71EC\u71E7\u71F5\u71FC"], + ["e0a1", "\u71F9\u71FF\u720D\u7210\u721B\u7228\u722D\u722C\u7230\u7232\u723B\u723C\u723F\u7240\u7246\u724B\u7258\u7274\u727E\u7282\u7281\u7287\u7292\u7296\u72A2\u72A7\u72B9\u72B2\u72C3\u72C6\u72C4\u72CE\u72D2\u72E2\u72E0\u72E1\u72F9\u72F7\u500F\u7317\u730A\u731C\u7316\u731D\u7334\u732F\u7329\u7325\u733E\u734E\u734F\u9ED8\u7357\u736A\u7368\u7370\u7378\u7375\u737B\u737A\u73C8\u73B3\u73CE\u73BB\u73C0\u73E5\u73EE\u73DE\u74A2\u7405\u746F\u7425\u73F8\u7432\u743A\u7455\u743F\u745F\u7459\u7441\u745C\u7469\u7470\u7463\u746A\u7476\u747E\u748B\u749E\u74A7\u74CA\u74CF\u74D4\u73F1"], + ["e1a1", "\u74E0\u74E3\u74E7\u74E9\u74EE\u74F2\u74F0\u74F1\u74F8\u74F7\u7504\u7503\u7505\u750C\u750E\u750D\u7515\u7513\u751E\u7526\u752C\u753C\u7544\u754D\u754A\u7549\u755B\u7546\u755A\u7569\u7564\u7567\u756B\u756D\u7578\u7576\u7586\u7587\u7574\u758A\u7589\u7582\u7594\u759A\u759D\u75A5\u75A3\u75C2\u75B3\u75C3\u75B5\u75BD\u75B8\u75BC\u75B1\u75CD\u75CA\u75D2\u75D9\u75E3\u75DE\u75FE\u75FF\u75FC\u7601\u75F0\u75FA\u75F2\u75F3\u760B\u760D\u7609\u761F\u7627\u7620\u7621\u7622\u7624\u7634\u7630\u763B\u7647\u7648\u7646\u765C\u7658\u7661\u7662\u7668\u7669\u766A\u7667\u766C\u7670"], + ["e2a1", "\u7672\u7676\u7678\u767C\u7680\u7683\u7688\u768B\u768E\u7696\u7693\u7699\u769A\u76B0\u76B4\u76B8\u76B9\u76BA\u76C2\u76CD\u76D6\u76D2\u76DE\u76E1\u76E5\u76E7\u76EA\u862F\u76FB\u7708\u7707\u7704\u7729\u7724\u771E\u7725\u7726\u771B\u7737\u7738\u7747\u775A\u7768\u776B\u775B\u7765\u777F\u777E\u7779\u778E\u778B\u7791\u77A0\u779E\u77B0\u77B6\u77B9\u77BF\u77BC\u77BD\u77BB\u77C7\u77CD\u77D7\u77DA\u77DC\u77E3\u77EE\u77FC\u780C\u7812\u7926\u7820\u792A\u7845\u788E\u7874\u7886\u787C\u789A\u788C\u78A3\u78B5\u78AA\u78AF\u78D1\u78C6\u78CB\u78D4\u78BE\u78BC\u78C5\u78CA\u78EC"], + ["e3a1", "\u78E7\u78DA\u78FD\u78F4\u7907\u7912\u7911\u7919\u792C\u792B\u7940\u7960\u7957\u795F\u795A\u7955\u7953\u797A\u797F\u798A\u799D\u79A7\u9F4B\u79AA\u79AE\u79B3\u79B9\u79BA\u79C9\u79D5\u79E7\u79EC\u79E1\u79E3\u7A08\u7A0D\u7A18\u7A19\u7A20\u7A1F\u7980\u7A31\u7A3B\u7A3E\u7A37\u7A43\u7A57\u7A49\u7A61\u7A62\u7A69\u9F9D\u7A70\u7A79\u7A7D\u7A88\u7A97\u7A95\u7A98\u7A96\u7AA9\u7AC8\u7AB0\u7AB6\u7AC5\u7AC4\u7ABF\u9083\u7AC7\u7ACA\u7ACD\u7ACF\u7AD5\u7AD3\u7AD9\u7ADA\u7ADD\u7AE1\u7AE2\u7AE6\u7AED\u7AF0\u7B02\u7B0F\u7B0A\u7B06\u7B33\u7B18\u7B19\u7B1E\u7B35\u7B28\u7B36\u7B50"], + ["e4a1", "\u7B7A\u7B04\u7B4D\u7B0B\u7B4C\u7B45\u7B75\u7B65\u7B74\u7B67\u7B70\u7B71\u7B6C\u7B6E\u7B9D\u7B98\u7B9F\u7B8D\u7B9C\u7B9A\u7B8B\u7B92\u7B8F\u7B5D\u7B99\u7BCB\u7BC1\u7BCC\u7BCF\u7BB4\u7BC6\u7BDD\u7BE9\u7C11\u7C14\u7BE6\u7BE5\u7C60\u7C00\u7C07\u7C13\u7BF3\u7BF7\u7C17\u7C0D\u7BF6\u7C23\u7C27\u7C2A\u7C1F\u7C37\u7C2B\u7C3D\u7C4C\u7C43\u7C54\u7C4F\u7C40\u7C50\u7C58\u7C5F\u7C64\u7C56\u7C65\u7C6C\u7C75\u7C83\u7C90\u7CA4\u7CAD\u7CA2\u7CAB\u7CA1\u7CA8\u7CB3\u7CB2\u7CB1\u7CAE\u7CB9\u7CBD\u7CC0\u7CC5\u7CC2\u7CD8\u7CD2\u7CDC\u7CE2\u9B3B\u7CEF\u7CF2\u7CF4\u7CF6\u7CFA\u7D06"], + ["e5a1", "\u7D02\u7D1C\u7D15\u7D0A\u7D45\u7D4B\u7D2E\u7D32\u7D3F\u7D35\u7D46\u7D73\u7D56\u7D4E\u7D72\u7D68\u7D6E\u7D4F\u7D63\u7D93\u7D89\u7D5B\u7D8F\u7D7D\u7D9B\u7DBA\u7DAE\u7DA3\u7DB5\u7DC7\u7DBD\u7DAB\u7E3D\u7DA2\u7DAF\u7DDC\u7DB8\u7D9F\u7DB0\u7DD8\u7DDD\u7DE4\u7DDE\u7DFB\u7DF2\u7DE1\u7E05\u7E0A\u7E23\u7E21\u7E12\u7E31\u7E1F\u7E09\u7E0B\u7E22\u7E46\u7E66\u7E3B\u7E35\u7E39\u7E43\u7E37\u7E32\u7E3A\u7E67\u7E5D\u7E56\u7E5E\u7E59\u7E5A\u7E79\u7E6A\u7E69\u7E7C\u7E7B\u7E83\u7DD5\u7E7D\u8FAE\u7E7F\u7E88\u7E89\u7E8C\u7E92\u7E90\u7E93\u7E94\u7E96\u7E8E\u7E9B\u7E9C\u7F38\u7F3A"], + ["e6a1", "\u7F45\u7F4C\u7F4D\u7F4E\u7F50\u7F51\u7F55\u7F54\u7F58\u7F5F\u7F60\u7F68\u7F69\u7F67\u7F78\u7F82\u7F86\u7F83\u7F88\u7F87\u7F8C\u7F94\u7F9E\u7F9D\u7F9A\u7FA3\u7FAF\u7FB2\u7FB9\u7FAE\u7FB6\u7FB8\u8B71\u7FC5\u7FC6\u7FCA\u7FD5\u7FD4\u7FE1\u7FE6\u7FE9\u7FF3\u7FF9\u98DC\u8006\u8004\u800B\u8012\u8018\u8019\u801C\u8021\u8028\u803F\u803B\u804A\u8046\u8052\u8058\u805A\u805F\u8062\u8068\u8073\u8072\u8070\u8076\u8079\u807D\u807F\u8084\u8086\u8085\u809B\u8093\u809A\u80AD\u5190\u80AC\u80DB\u80E5\u80D9\u80DD\u80C4\u80DA\u80D6\u8109\u80EF\u80F1\u811B\u8129\u8123\u812F\u814B"], + ["e7a1", "\u968B\u8146\u813E\u8153\u8151\u80FC\u8171\u816E\u8165\u8166\u8174\u8183\u8188\u818A\u8180\u8182\u81A0\u8195\u81A4\u81A3\u815F\u8193\u81A9\u81B0\u81B5\u81BE\u81B8\u81BD\u81C0\u81C2\u81BA\u81C9\u81CD\u81D1\u81D9\u81D8\u81C8\u81DA\u81DF\u81E0\u81E7\u81FA\u81FB\u81FE\u8201\u8202\u8205\u8207\u820A\u820D\u8210\u8216\u8229\u822B\u8238\u8233\u8240\u8259\u8258\u825D\u825A\u825F\u8264\u8262\u8268\u826A\u826B\u822E\u8271\u8277\u8278\u827E\u828D\u8292\u82AB\u829F\u82BB\u82AC\u82E1\u82E3\u82DF\u82D2\u82F4\u82F3\u82FA\u8393\u8303\u82FB\u82F9\u82DE\u8306\u82DC\u8309\u82D9"], + ["e8a1", "\u8335\u8334\u8316\u8332\u8331\u8340\u8339\u8350\u8345\u832F\u832B\u8317\u8318\u8385\u839A\u83AA\u839F\u83A2\u8396\u8323\u838E\u8387\u838A\u837C\u83B5\u8373\u8375\u83A0\u8389\u83A8\u83F4\u8413\u83EB\u83CE\u83FD\u8403\u83D8\u840B\u83C1\u83F7\u8407\u83E0\u83F2\u840D\u8422\u8420\u83BD\u8438\u8506\u83FB\u846D\u842A\u843C\u855A\u8484\u8477\u846B\u84AD\u846E\u8482\u8469\u8446\u842C\u846F\u8479\u8435\u84CA\u8462\u84B9\u84BF\u849F\u84D9\u84CD\u84BB\u84DA\u84D0\u84C1\u84C6\u84D6\u84A1\u8521\u84FF\u84F4\u8517\u8518\u852C\u851F\u8515\u8514\u84FC\u8540\u8563\u8558\u8548"], + ["e9a1", "\u8541\u8602\u854B\u8555\u8580\u85A4\u8588\u8591\u858A\u85A8\u856D\u8594\u859B\u85EA\u8587\u859C\u8577\u857E\u8590\u85C9\u85BA\u85CF\u85B9\u85D0\u85D5\u85DD\u85E5\u85DC\u85F9\u860A\u8613\u860B\u85FE\u85FA\u8606\u8622\u861A\u8630\u863F\u864D\u4E55\u8654\u865F\u8667\u8671\u8693\u86A3\u86A9\u86AA\u868B\u868C\u86B6\u86AF\u86C4\u86C6\u86B0\u86C9\u8823\u86AB\u86D4\u86DE\u86E9\u86EC\u86DF\u86DB\u86EF\u8712\u8706\u8708\u8700\u8703\u86FB\u8711\u8709\u870D\u86F9\u870A\u8734\u873F\u8737\u873B\u8725\u8729\u871A\u8760\u875F\u8778\u874C\u874E\u8774\u8757\u8768\u876E\u8759"], + ["eaa1", "\u8753\u8763\u876A\u8805\u87A2\u879F\u8782\u87AF\u87CB\u87BD\u87C0\u87D0\u96D6\u87AB\u87C4\u87B3\u87C7\u87C6\u87BB\u87EF\u87F2\u87E0\u880F\u880D\u87FE\u87F6\u87F7\u880E\u87D2\u8811\u8816\u8815\u8822\u8821\u8831\u8836\u8839\u8827\u883B\u8844\u8842\u8852\u8859\u885E\u8862\u886B\u8881\u887E\u889E\u8875\u887D\u88B5\u8872\u8882\u8897\u8892\u88AE\u8899\u88A2\u888D\u88A4\u88B0\u88BF\u88B1\u88C3\u88C4\u88D4\u88D8\u88D9\u88DD\u88F9\u8902\u88FC\u88F4\u88E8\u88F2\u8904\u890C\u890A\u8913\u8943\u891E\u8925\u892A\u892B\u8941\u8944\u893B\u8936\u8938\u894C\u891D\u8960\u895E"], + ["eba1", "\u8966\u8964\u896D\u896A\u896F\u8974\u8977\u897E\u8983\u8988\u898A\u8993\u8998\u89A1\u89A9\u89A6\u89AC\u89AF\u89B2\u89BA\u89BD\u89BF\u89C0\u89DA\u89DC\u89DD\u89E7\u89F4\u89F8\u8A03\u8A16\u8A10\u8A0C\u8A1B\u8A1D\u8A25\u8A36\u8A41\u8A5B\u8A52\u8A46\u8A48\u8A7C\u8A6D\u8A6C\u8A62\u8A85\u8A82\u8A84\u8AA8\u8AA1\u8A91\u8AA5\u8AA6\u8A9A\u8AA3\u8AC4\u8ACD\u8AC2\u8ADA\u8AEB\u8AF3\u8AE7\u8AE4\u8AF1\u8B14\u8AE0\u8AE2\u8AF7\u8ADE\u8ADB\u8B0C\u8B07\u8B1A\u8AE1\u8B16\u8B10\u8B17\u8B20\u8B33\u97AB\u8B26\u8B2B\u8B3E\u8B28\u8B41\u8B4C\u8B4F\u8B4E\u8B49\u8B56\u8B5B\u8B5A\u8B6B"], + ["eca1", "\u8B5F\u8B6C\u8B6F\u8B74\u8B7D\u8B80\u8B8C\u8B8E\u8B92\u8B93\u8B96\u8B99\u8B9A\u8C3A\u8C41\u8C3F\u8C48\u8C4C\u8C4E\u8C50\u8C55\u8C62\u8C6C\u8C78\u8C7A\u8C82\u8C89\u8C85\u8C8A\u8C8D\u8C8E\u8C94\u8C7C\u8C98\u621D\u8CAD\u8CAA\u8CBD\u8CB2\u8CB3\u8CAE\u8CB6\u8CC8\u8CC1\u8CE4\u8CE3\u8CDA\u8CFD\u8CFA\u8CFB\u8D04\u8D05\u8D0A\u8D07\u8D0F\u8D0D\u8D10\u9F4E\u8D13\u8CCD\u8D14\u8D16\u8D67\u8D6D\u8D71\u8D73\u8D81\u8D99\u8DC2\u8DBE\u8DBA\u8DCF\u8DDA\u8DD6\u8DCC\u8DDB\u8DCB\u8DEA\u8DEB\u8DDF\u8DE3\u8DFC\u8E08\u8E09\u8DFF\u8E1D\u8E1E\u8E10\u8E1F\u8E42\u8E35\u8E30\u8E34\u8E4A"], + ["eda1", "\u8E47\u8E49\u8E4C\u8E50\u8E48\u8E59\u8E64\u8E60\u8E2A\u8E63\u8E55\u8E76\u8E72\u8E7C\u8E81\u8E87\u8E85\u8E84\u8E8B\u8E8A\u8E93\u8E91\u8E94\u8E99\u8EAA\u8EA1\u8EAC\u8EB0\u8EC6\u8EB1\u8EBE\u8EC5\u8EC8\u8ECB\u8EDB\u8EE3\u8EFC\u8EFB\u8EEB\u8EFE\u8F0A\u8F05\u8F15\u8F12\u8F19\u8F13\u8F1C\u8F1F\u8F1B\u8F0C\u8F26\u8F33\u8F3B\u8F39\u8F45\u8F42\u8F3E\u8F4C\u8F49\u8F46\u8F4E\u8F57\u8F5C\u8F62\u8F63\u8F64\u8F9C\u8F9F\u8FA3\u8FAD\u8FAF\u8FB7\u8FDA\u8FE5\u8FE2\u8FEA\u8FEF\u9087\u8FF4\u9005\u8FF9\u8FFA\u9011\u9015\u9021\u900D\u901E\u9016\u900B\u9027\u9036\u9035\u9039\u8FF8"], + ["eea1", "\u904F\u9050\u9051\u9052\u900E\u9049\u903E\u9056\u9058\u905E\u9068\u906F\u9076\u96A8\u9072\u9082\u907D\u9081\u9080\u908A\u9089\u908F\u90A8\u90AF\u90B1\u90B5\u90E2\u90E4\u6248\u90DB\u9102\u9112\u9119\u9132\u9130\u914A\u9156\u9158\u9163\u9165\u9169\u9173\u9172\u918B\u9189\u9182\u91A2\u91AB\u91AF\u91AA\u91B5\u91B4\u91BA\u91C0\u91C1\u91C9\u91CB\u91D0\u91D6\u91DF\u91E1\u91DB\u91FC\u91F5\u91F6\u921E\u91FF\u9214\u922C\u9215\u9211\u925E\u9257\u9245\u9249\u9264\u9248\u9295\u923F\u924B\u9250\u929C\u9296\u9293\u929B\u925A\u92CF\u92B9\u92B7\u92E9\u930F\u92FA\u9344\u932E"], + ["efa1", "\u9319\u9322\u931A\u9323\u933A\u9335\u933B\u935C\u9360\u937C\u936E\u9356\u93B0\u93AC\u93AD\u9394\u93B9\u93D6\u93D7\u93E8\u93E5\u93D8\u93C3\u93DD\u93D0\u93C8\u93E4\u941A\u9414\u9413\u9403\u9407\u9410\u9436\u942B\u9435\u9421\u943A\u9441\u9452\u9444\u945B\u9460\u9462\u945E\u946A\u9229\u9470\u9475\u9477\u947D\u945A\u947C\u947E\u9481\u947F\u9582\u9587\u958A\u9594\u9596\u9598\u9599\u95A0\u95A8\u95A7\u95AD\u95BC\u95BB\u95B9\u95BE\u95CA\u6FF6\u95C3\u95CD\u95CC\u95D5\u95D4\u95D6\u95DC\u95E1\u95E5\u95E2\u9621\u9628\u962E\u962F\u9642\u964C\u964F\u964B\u9677\u965C\u965E"], + ["f0a1", "\u965D\u965F\u9666\u9672\u966C\u968D\u9698\u9695\u9697\u96AA\u96A7\u96B1\u96B2\u96B0\u96B4\u96B6\u96B8\u96B9\u96CE\u96CB\u96C9\u96CD\u894D\u96DC\u970D\u96D5\u96F9\u9704\u9706\u9708\u9713\u970E\u9711\u970F\u9716\u9719\u9724\u972A\u9730\u9739\u973D\u973E\u9744\u9746\u9748\u9742\u9749\u975C\u9760\u9764\u9766\u9768\u52D2\u976B\u9771\u9779\u9785\u977C\u9781\u977A\u9786\u978B\u978F\u9790\u979C\u97A8\u97A6\u97A3\u97B3\u97B4\u97C3\u97C6\u97C8\u97CB\u97DC\u97ED\u9F4F\u97F2\u7ADF\u97F6\u97F5\u980F\u980C\u9838\u9824\u9821\u9837\u983D\u9846\u984F\u984B\u986B\u986F\u9870"], + ["f1a1", "\u9871\u9874\u9873\u98AA\u98AF\u98B1\u98B6\u98C4\u98C3\u98C6\u98E9\u98EB\u9903\u9909\u9912\u9914\u9918\u9921\u991D\u991E\u9924\u9920\u992C\u992E\u993D\u993E\u9942\u9949\u9945\u9950\u994B\u9951\u9952\u994C\u9955\u9997\u9998\u99A5\u99AD\u99AE\u99BC\u99DF\u99DB\u99DD\u99D8\u99D1\u99ED\u99EE\u99F1\u99F2\u99FB\u99F8\u9A01\u9A0F\u9A05\u99E2\u9A19\u9A2B\u9A37\u9A45\u9A42\u9A40\u9A43\u9A3E\u9A55\u9A4D\u9A5B\u9A57\u9A5F\u9A62\u9A65\u9A64\u9A69\u9A6B\u9A6A\u9AAD\u9AB0\u9ABC\u9AC0\u9ACF\u9AD1\u9AD3\u9AD4\u9ADE\u9ADF\u9AE2\u9AE3\u9AE6\u9AEF\u9AEB\u9AEE\u9AF4\u9AF1\u9AF7"], + ["f2a1", "\u9AFB\u9B06\u9B18\u9B1A\u9B1F\u9B22\u9B23\u9B25\u9B27\u9B28\u9B29\u9B2A\u9B2E\u9B2F\u9B32\u9B44\u9B43\u9B4F\u9B4D\u9B4E\u9B51\u9B58\u9B74\u9B93\u9B83\u9B91\u9B96\u9B97\u9B9F\u9BA0\u9BA8\u9BB4\u9BC0\u9BCA\u9BB9\u9BC6\u9BCF\u9BD1\u9BD2\u9BE3\u9BE2\u9BE4\u9BD4\u9BE1\u9C3A\u9BF2\u9BF1\u9BF0\u9C15\u9C14\u9C09\u9C13\u9C0C\u9C06\u9C08\u9C12\u9C0A\u9C04\u9C2E\u9C1B\u9C25\u9C24\u9C21\u9C30\u9C47\u9C32\u9C46\u9C3E\u9C5A\u9C60\u9C67\u9C76\u9C78\u9CE7\u9CEC\u9CF0\u9D09\u9D08\u9CEB\u9D03\u9D06\u9D2A\u9D26\u9DAF\u9D23\u9D1F\u9D44\u9D15\u9D12\u9D41\u9D3F\u9D3E\u9D46\u9D48"], + ["f3a1", "\u9D5D\u9D5E\u9D64\u9D51\u9D50\u9D59\u9D72\u9D89\u9D87\u9DAB\u9D6F\u9D7A\u9D9A\u9DA4\u9DA9\u9DB2\u9DC4\u9DC1\u9DBB\u9DB8\u9DBA\u9DC6\u9DCF\u9DC2\u9DD9\u9DD3\u9DF8\u9DE6\u9DED\u9DEF\u9DFD\u9E1A\u9E1B\u9E1E\u9E75\u9E79\u9E7D\u9E81\u9E88\u9E8B\u9E8C\u9E92\u9E95\u9E91\u9E9D\u9EA5\u9EA9\u9EB8\u9EAA\u9EAD\u9761\u9ECC\u9ECE\u9ECF\u9ED0\u9ED4\u9EDC\u9EDE\u9EDD\u9EE0\u9EE5\u9EE8\u9EEF\u9EF4\u9EF6\u9EF7\u9EF9\u9EFB\u9EFC\u9EFD\u9F07\u9F08\u76B7\u9F15\u9F21\u9F2C\u9F3E\u9F4A\u9F52\u9F54\u9F63\u9F5F\u9F60\u9F61\u9F66\u9F67\u9F6C\u9F6A\u9F77\u9F72\u9F76\u9F95\u9F9C\u9FA0"], + ["f4a1", "\u582F\u69C7\u9059\u7464\u51DC\u7199"], + ["f9a1", "\u7E8A\u891C\u9348\u9288\u84DC\u4FC9\u70BB\u6631\u68C8\u92F9\u66FB\u5F45\u4E28\u4EE1\u4EFC\u4F00\u4F03\u4F39\u4F56\u4F92\u4F8A\u4F9A\u4F94\u4FCD\u5040\u5022\u4FFF\u501E\u5046\u5070\u5042\u5094\u50F4\u50D8\u514A\u5164\u519D\u51BE\u51EC\u5215\u529C\u52A6\u52C0\u52DB\u5300\u5307\u5324\u5372\u5393\u53B2\u53DD\uFA0E\u549C\u548A\u54A9\u54FF\u5586\u5759\u5765\u57AC\u57C8\u57C7\uFA0F\uFA10\u589E\u58B2\u590B\u5953\u595B\u595D\u5963\u59A4\u59BA\u5B56\u5BC0\u752F\u5BD8\u5BEC\u5C1E\u5CA6\u5CBA\u5CF5\u5D27\u5D53\uFA11\u5D42\u5D6D\u5DB8\u5DB9\u5DD0\u5F21\u5F34\u5F67\u5FB7"], + ["faa1", "\u5FDE\u605D\u6085\u608A\u60DE\u60D5\u6120\u60F2\u6111\u6137\u6130\u6198\u6213\u62A6\u63F5\u6460\u649D\u64CE\u654E\u6600\u6615\u663B\u6609\u662E\u661E\u6624\u6665\u6657\u6659\uFA12\u6673\u6699\u66A0\u66B2\u66BF\u66FA\u670E\uF929\u6766\u67BB\u6852\u67C0\u6801\u6844\u68CF\uFA13\u6968\uFA14\u6998\u69E2\u6A30\u6A6B\u6A46\u6A73\u6A7E\u6AE2\u6AE4\u6BD6\u6C3F\u6C5C\u6C86\u6C6F\u6CDA\u6D04\u6D87\u6D6F\u6D96\u6DAC\u6DCF\u6DF8\u6DF2\u6DFC\u6E39\u6E5C\u6E27\u6E3C\u6EBF\u6F88\u6FB5\u6FF5\u7005\u7007\u7028\u7085\u70AB\u710F\u7104\u715C\u7146\u7147\uFA15\u71C1\u71FE\u72B1"], + ["fba1", "\u72BE\u7324\uFA16\u7377\u73BD\u73C9\u73D6\u73E3\u73D2\u7407\u73F5\u7426\u742A\u7429\u742E\u7462\u7489\u749F\u7501\u756F\u7682\u769C\u769E\u769B\u76A6\uFA17\u7746\u52AF\u7821\u784E\u7864\u787A\u7930\uFA18\uFA19\uFA1A\u7994\uFA1B\u799B\u7AD1\u7AE7\uFA1C\u7AEB\u7B9E\uFA1D\u7D48\u7D5C\u7DB7\u7DA0\u7DD6\u7E52\u7F47\u7FA1\uFA1E\u8301\u8362\u837F\u83C7\u83F6\u8448\u84B4\u8553\u8559\u856B\uFA1F\u85B0\uFA20\uFA21\u8807\u88F5\u8A12\u8A37\u8A79\u8AA7\u8ABE\u8ADF\uFA22\u8AF6\u8B53\u8B7F\u8CF0\u8CF4\u8D12\u8D76\uFA23\u8ECF\uFA24\uFA25\u9067\u90DE\uFA26\u9115\u9127\u91DA"], + ["fca1", "\u91D7\u91DE\u91ED\u91EE\u91E4\u91E5\u9206\u9210\u920A\u923A\u9240\u923C\u924E\u9259\u9251\u9239\u9267\u92A7\u9277\u9278\u92E7\u92D7\u92D9\u92D0\uFA27\u92D5\u92E0\u92D3\u9325\u9321\u92FB\uFA28\u931E\u92FF\u931D\u9302\u9370\u9357\u93A4\u93C6\u93DE\u93F8\u9431\u9445\u9448\u9592\uF9DC\uFA29\u969D\u96AF\u9733\u973B\u9743\u974D\u974F\u9751\u9755\u9857\u9865\uFA2A\uFA2B\u9927\uFA2C\u999E\u9A4E\u9AD9\u9ADC\u9B75\u9B72\u9B8F\u9BB1\u9BBB\u9C00\u9D70\u9D6B\uFA2D\u9E19\u9ED1"], + ["fcf1", "\u2170", 9, "\uFFE2\uFFE4\uFF07\uFF02"], + ["8fa2af", "\u02D8\u02C7\xB8\u02D9\u02DD\xAF\u02DB\u02DA\uFF5E\u0384\u0385"], + ["8fa2c2", "\xA1\xA6\xBF"], + ["8fa2eb", "\xBA\xAA\xA9\xAE\u2122\xA4\u2116"], + ["8fa6e1", "\u0386\u0388\u0389\u038A\u03AA"], + ["8fa6e7", "\u038C"], + ["8fa6e9", "\u038E\u03AB"], + ["8fa6ec", "\u038F"], + ["8fa6f1", "\u03AC\u03AD\u03AE\u03AF\u03CA\u0390\u03CC\u03C2\u03CD\u03CB\u03B0\u03CE"], + ["8fa7c2", "\u0402", 10, "\u040E\u040F"], + ["8fa7f2", "\u0452", 10, "\u045E\u045F"], + ["8fa9a1", "\xC6\u0110"], + ["8fa9a4", "\u0126"], + ["8fa9a6", "\u0132"], + ["8fa9a8", "\u0141\u013F"], + ["8fa9ab", "\u014A\xD8\u0152"], + ["8fa9af", "\u0166\xDE"], + ["8fa9c1", "\xE6\u0111\xF0\u0127\u0131\u0133\u0138\u0142\u0140\u0149\u014B\xF8\u0153\xDF\u0167\xFE"], + ["8faaa1", "\xC1\xC0\xC4\xC2\u0102\u01CD\u0100\u0104\xC5\xC3\u0106\u0108\u010C\xC7\u010A\u010E\xC9\xC8\xCB\xCA\u011A\u0116\u0112\u0118"], + ["8faaba", "\u011C\u011E\u0122\u0120\u0124\xCD\xCC\xCF\xCE\u01CF\u0130\u012A\u012E\u0128\u0134\u0136\u0139\u013D\u013B\u0143\u0147\u0145\xD1\xD3\xD2\xD6\xD4\u01D1\u0150\u014C\xD5\u0154\u0158\u0156\u015A\u015C\u0160\u015E\u0164\u0162\xDA\xD9\xDC\xDB\u016C\u01D3\u0170\u016A\u0172\u016E\u0168\u01D7\u01DB\u01D9\u01D5\u0174\xDD\u0178\u0176\u0179\u017D\u017B"], + ["8faba1", "\xE1\xE0\xE4\xE2\u0103\u01CE\u0101\u0105\xE5\xE3\u0107\u0109\u010D\xE7\u010B\u010F\xE9\xE8\xEB\xEA\u011B\u0117\u0113\u0119\u01F5\u011D\u011F"], + ["8fabbd", "\u0121\u0125\xED\xEC\xEF\xEE\u01D0"], + ["8fabc5", "\u012B\u012F\u0129\u0135\u0137\u013A\u013E\u013C\u0144\u0148\u0146\xF1\xF3\xF2\xF6\xF4\u01D2\u0151\u014D\xF5\u0155\u0159\u0157\u015B\u015D\u0161\u015F\u0165\u0163\xFA\xF9\xFC\xFB\u016D\u01D4\u0171\u016B\u0173\u016F\u0169\u01D8\u01DC\u01DA\u01D6\u0175\xFD\xFF\u0177\u017A\u017E\u017C"], + ["8fb0a1", "\u4E02\u4E04\u4E05\u4E0C\u4E12\u4E1F\u4E23\u4E24\u4E28\u4E2B\u4E2E\u4E2F\u4E30\u4E35\u4E40\u4E41\u4E44\u4E47\u4E51\u4E5A\u4E5C\u4E63\u4E68\u4E69\u4E74\u4E75\u4E79\u4E7F\u4E8D\u4E96\u4E97\u4E9D\u4EAF\u4EB9\u4EC3\u4ED0\u4EDA\u4EDB\u4EE0\u4EE1\u4EE2\u4EE8\u4EEF\u4EF1\u4EF3\u4EF5\u4EFD\u4EFE\u4EFF\u4F00\u4F02\u4F03\u4F08\u4F0B\u4F0C\u4F12\u4F15\u4F16\u4F17\u4F19\u4F2E\u4F31\u4F60\u4F33\u4F35\u4F37\u4F39\u4F3B\u4F3E\u4F40\u4F42\u4F48\u4F49\u4F4B\u4F4C\u4F52\u4F54\u4F56\u4F58\u4F5F\u4F63\u4F6A\u4F6C\u4F6E\u4F71\u4F77\u4F78\u4F79\u4F7A\u4F7D\u4F7E\u4F81\u4F82\u4F84"], + ["8fb1a1", "\u4F85\u4F89\u4F8A\u4F8C\u4F8E\u4F90\u4F92\u4F93\u4F94\u4F97\u4F99\u4F9A\u4F9E\u4F9F\u4FB2\u4FB7\u4FB9\u4FBB\u4FBC\u4FBD\u4FBE\u4FC0\u4FC1\u4FC5\u4FC6\u4FC8\u4FC9\u4FCB\u4FCC\u4FCD\u4FCF\u4FD2\u4FDC\u4FE0\u4FE2\u4FF0\u4FF2\u4FFC\u4FFD\u4FFF\u5000\u5001\u5004\u5007\u500A\u500C\u500E\u5010\u5013\u5017\u5018\u501B\u501C\u501D\u501E\u5022\u5027\u502E\u5030\u5032\u5033\u5035\u5040\u5041\u5042\u5045\u5046\u504A\u504C\u504E\u5051\u5052\u5053\u5057\u5059\u505F\u5060\u5062\u5063\u5066\u5067\u506A\u506D\u5070\u5071\u503B\u5081\u5083\u5084\u5086\u508A\u508E\u508F\u5090"], + ["8fb2a1", "\u5092\u5093\u5094\u5096\u509B\u509C\u509E", 4, "\u50AA\u50AF\u50B0\u50B9\u50BA\u50BD\u50C0\u50C3\u50C4\u50C7\u50CC\u50CE\u50D0\u50D3\u50D4\u50D8\u50DC\u50DD\u50DF\u50E2\u50E4\u50E6\u50E8\u50E9\u50EF\u50F1\u50F6\u50FA\u50FE\u5103\u5106\u5107\u5108\u510B\u510C\u510D\u510E\u50F2\u5110\u5117\u5119\u511B\u511C\u511D\u511E\u5123\u5127\u5128\u512C\u512D\u512F\u5131\u5133\u5134\u5135\u5138\u5139\u5142\u514A\u514F\u5153\u5155\u5157\u5158\u515F\u5164\u5166\u517E\u5183\u5184\u518B\u518E\u5198\u519D\u51A1\u51A3\u51AD\u51B8\u51BA\u51BC\u51BE\u51BF\u51C2"], + ["8fb3a1", "\u51C8\u51CF\u51D1\u51D2\u51D3\u51D5\u51D8\u51DE\u51E2\u51E5\u51EE\u51F2\u51F3\u51F4\u51F7\u5201\u5202\u5205\u5212\u5213\u5215\u5216\u5218\u5222\u5228\u5231\u5232\u5235\u523C\u5245\u5249\u5255\u5257\u5258\u525A\u525C\u525F\u5260\u5261\u5266\u526E\u5277\u5278\u5279\u5280\u5282\u5285\u528A\u528C\u5293\u5295\u5296\u5297\u5298\u529A\u529C\u52A4\u52A5\u52A6\u52A7\u52AF\u52B0\u52B6\u52B7\u52B8\u52BA\u52BB\u52BD\u52C0\u52C4\u52C6\u52C8\u52CC\u52CF\u52D1\u52D4\u52D6\u52DB\u52DC\u52E1\u52E5\u52E8\u52E9\u52EA\u52EC\u52F0\u52F1\u52F4\u52F6\u52F7\u5300\u5303\u530A\u530B"], + ["8fb4a1", "\u530C\u5311\u5313\u5318\u531B\u531C\u531E\u531F\u5325\u5327\u5328\u5329\u532B\u532C\u532D\u5330\u5332\u5335\u533C\u533D\u533E\u5342\u534C\u534B\u5359\u535B\u5361\u5363\u5365\u536C\u536D\u5372\u5379\u537E\u5383\u5387\u5388\u538E\u5393\u5394\u5399\u539D\u53A1\u53A4\u53AA\u53AB\u53AF\u53B2\u53B4\u53B5\u53B7\u53B8\u53BA\u53BD\u53C0\u53C5\u53CF\u53D2\u53D3\u53D5\u53DA\u53DD\u53DE\u53E0\u53E6\u53E7\u53F5\u5402\u5413\u541A\u5421\u5427\u5428\u542A\u542F\u5431\u5434\u5435\u5443\u5444\u5447\u544D\u544F\u545E\u5462\u5464\u5466\u5467\u5469\u546B\u546D\u546E\u5474\u547F"], + ["8fb5a1", "\u5481\u5483\u5485\u5488\u5489\u548D\u5491\u5495\u5496\u549C\u549F\u54A1\u54A6\u54A7\u54A9\u54AA\u54AD\u54AE\u54B1\u54B7\u54B9\u54BA\u54BB\u54BF\u54C6\u54CA\u54CD\u54CE\u54E0\u54EA\u54EC\u54EF\u54F6\u54FC\u54FE\u54FF\u5500\u5501\u5505\u5508\u5509\u550C\u550D\u550E\u5515\u552A\u552B\u5532\u5535\u5536\u553B\u553C\u553D\u5541\u5547\u5549\u554A\u554D\u5550\u5551\u5558\u555A\u555B\u555E\u5560\u5561\u5564\u5566\u557F\u5581\u5582\u5586\u5588\u558E\u558F\u5591\u5592\u5593\u5594\u5597\u55A3\u55A4\u55AD\u55B2\u55BF\u55C1\u55C3\u55C6\u55C9\u55CB\u55CC\u55CE\u55D1\u55D2"], + ["8fb6a1", "\u55D3\u55D7\u55D8\u55DB\u55DE\u55E2\u55E9\u55F6\u55FF\u5605\u5608\u560A\u560D", 5, "\u5619\u562C\u5630\u5633\u5635\u5637\u5639\u563B\u563C\u563D\u563F\u5640\u5641\u5643\u5644\u5646\u5649\u564B\u564D\u564F\u5654\u565E\u5660\u5661\u5662\u5663\u5666\u5669\u566D\u566F\u5671\u5672\u5675\u5684\u5685\u5688\u568B\u568C\u5695\u5699\u569A\u569D\u569E\u569F\u56A6\u56A7\u56A8\u56A9\u56AB\u56AC\u56AD\u56B1\u56B3\u56B7\u56BE\u56C5\u56C9\u56CA\u56CB\u56CF\u56D0\u56CC\u56CD\u56D9\u56DC\u56DD\u56DF\u56E1\u56E4", 4, "\u56F1\u56EB\u56ED"], + ["8fb7a1", "\u56F6\u56F7\u5701\u5702\u5707\u570A\u570C\u5711\u5715\u571A\u571B\u571D\u5720\u5722\u5723\u5724\u5725\u5729\u572A\u572C\u572E\u572F\u5733\u5734\u573D\u573E\u573F\u5745\u5746\u574C\u574D\u5752\u5762\u5765\u5767\u5768\u576B\u576D", 4, "\u5773\u5774\u5775\u5777\u5779\u577A\u577B\u577C\u577E\u5781\u5783\u578C\u5794\u5797\u5799\u579A\u579C\u579D\u579E\u579F\u57A1\u5795\u57A7\u57A8\u57A9\u57AC\u57B8\u57BD\u57C7\u57C8\u57CC\u57CF\u57D5\u57DD\u57DE\u57E4\u57E6\u57E7\u57E9\u57ED\u57F0\u57F5\u57F6\u57F8\u57FD\u57FE\u57FF\u5803\u5804\u5808\u5809\u57E1"], + ["8fb8a1", "\u580C\u580D\u581B\u581E\u581F\u5820\u5826\u5827\u582D\u5832\u5839\u583F\u5849\u584C\u584D\u584F\u5850\u5855\u585F\u5861\u5864\u5867\u5868\u5878\u587C\u587F\u5880\u5881\u5887\u5888\u5889\u588A\u588C\u588D\u588F\u5890\u5894\u5896\u589D\u58A0\u58A1\u58A2\u58A6\u58A9\u58B1\u58B2\u58C4\u58BC\u58C2\u58C8\u58CD\u58CE\u58D0\u58D2\u58D4\u58D6\u58DA\u58DD\u58E1\u58E2\u58E9\u58F3\u5905\u5906\u590B\u590C\u5912\u5913\u5914\u8641\u591D\u5921\u5923\u5924\u5928\u592F\u5930\u5933\u5935\u5936\u593F\u5943\u5946\u5952\u5953\u5959\u595B\u595D\u595E\u595F\u5961\u5963\u596B\u596D"], + ["8fb9a1", "\u596F\u5972\u5975\u5976\u5979\u597B\u597C\u598B\u598C\u598E\u5992\u5995\u5997\u599F\u59A4\u59A7\u59AD\u59AE\u59AF\u59B0\u59B3\u59B7\u59BA\u59BC\u59C1\u59C3\u59C4\u59C8\u59CA\u59CD\u59D2\u59DD\u59DE\u59DF\u59E3\u59E4\u59E7\u59EE\u59EF\u59F1\u59F2\u59F4\u59F7\u5A00\u5A04\u5A0C\u5A0D\u5A0E\u5A12\u5A13\u5A1E\u5A23\u5A24\u5A27\u5A28\u5A2A\u5A2D\u5A30\u5A44\u5A45\u5A47\u5A48\u5A4C\u5A50\u5A55\u5A5E\u5A63\u5A65\u5A67\u5A6D\u5A77\u5A7A\u5A7B\u5A7E\u5A8B\u5A90\u5A93\u5A96\u5A99\u5A9C\u5A9E\u5A9F\u5AA0\u5AA2\u5AA7\u5AAC\u5AB1\u5AB2\u5AB3\u5AB5\u5AB8\u5ABA\u5ABB\u5ABF"], + ["8fbaa1", "\u5AC4\u5AC6\u5AC8\u5ACF\u5ADA\u5ADC\u5AE0\u5AE5\u5AEA\u5AEE\u5AF5\u5AF6\u5AFD\u5B00\u5B01\u5B08\u5B17\u5B34\u5B19\u5B1B\u5B1D\u5B21\u5B25\u5B2D\u5B38\u5B41\u5B4B\u5B4C\u5B52\u5B56\u5B5E\u5B68\u5B6E\u5B6F\u5B7C\u5B7D\u5B7E\u5B7F\u5B81\u5B84\u5B86\u5B8A\u5B8E\u5B90\u5B91\u5B93\u5B94\u5B96\u5BA8\u5BA9\u5BAC\u5BAD\u5BAF\u5BB1\u5BB2\u5BB7\u5BBA\u5BBC\u5BC0\u5BC1\u5BCD\u5BCF\u5BD6", 4, "\u5BE0\u5BEF\u5BF1\u5BF4\u5BFD\u5C0C\u5C17\u5C1E\u5C1F\u5C23\u5C26\u5C29\u5C2B\u5C2C\u5C2E\u5C30\u5C32\u5C35\u5C36\u5C59\u5C5A\u5C5C\u5C62\u5C63\u5C67\u5C68\u5C69"], + ["8fbba1", "\u5C6D\u5C70\u5C74\u5C75\u5C7A\u5C7B\u5C7C\u5C7D\u5C87\u5C88\u5C8A\u5C8F\u5C92\u5C9D\u5C9F\u5CA0\u5CA2\u5CA3\u5CA6\u5CAA\u5CB2\u5CB4\u5CB5\u5CBA\u5CC9\u5CCB\u5CD2\u5CDD\u5CD7\u5CEE\u5CF1\u5CF2\u5CF4\u5D01\u5D06\u5D0D\u5D12\u5D2B\u5D23\u5D24\u5D26\u5D27\u5D31\u5D34\u5D39\u5D3D\u5D3F\u5D42\u5D43\u5D46\u5D48\u5D55\u5D51\u5D59\u5D4A\u5D5F\u5D60\u5D61\u5D62\u5D64\u5D6A\u5D6D\u5D70\u5D79\u5D7A\u5D7E\u5D7F\u5D81\u5D83\u5D88\u5D8A\u5D92\u5D93\u5D94\u5D95\u5D99\u5D9B\u5D9F\u5DA0\u5DA7\u5DAB\u5DB0\u5DB4\u5DB8\u5DB9\u5DC3\u5DC7\u5DCB\u5DD0\u5DCE\u5DD8\u5DD9\u5DE0\u5DE4"], + ["8fbca1", "\u5DE9\u5DF8\u5DF9\u5E00\u5E07\u5E0D\u5E12\u5E14\u5E15\u5E18\u5E1F\u5E20\u5E2E\u5E28\u5E32\u5E35\u5E3E\u5E4B\u5E50\u5E49\u5E51\u5E56\u5E58\u5E5B\u5E5C\u5E5E\u5E68\u5E6A", 4, "\u5E70\u5E80\u5E8B\u5E8E\u5EA2\u5EA4\u5EA5\u5EA8\u5EAA\u5EAC\u5EB1\u5EB3\u5EBD\u5EBE\u5EBF\u5EC6\u5ECC\u5ECB\u5ECE\u5ED1\u5ED2\u5ED4\u5ED5\u5EDC\u5EDE\u5EE5\u5EEB\u5F02\u5F06\u5F07\u5F08\u5F0E\u5F19\u5F1C\u5F1D\u5F21\u5F22\u5F23\u5F24\u5F28\u5F2B\u5F2C\u5F2E\u5F30\u5F34\u5F36\u5F3B\u5F3D\u5F3F\u5F40\u5F44\u5F45\u5F47\u5F4D\u5F50\u5F54\u5F58\u5F5B\u5F60\u5F63\u5F64\u5F67"], + ["8fbda1", "\u5F6F\u5F72\u5F74\u5F75\u5F78\u5F7A\u5F7D\u5F7E\u5F89\u5F8D\u5F8F\u5F96\u5F9C\u5F9D\u5FA2\u5FA7\u5FAB\u5FA4\u5FAC\u5FAF\u5FB0\u5FB1\u5FB8\u5FC4\u5FC7\u5FC8\u5FC9\u5FCB\u5FD0", 4, "\u5FDE\u5FE1\u5FE2\u5FE8\u5FE9\u5FEA\u5FEC\u5FED\u5FEE\u5FEF\u5FF2\u5FF3\u5FF6\u5FFA\u5FFC\u6007\u600A\u600D\u6013\u6014\u6017\u6018\u601A\u601F\u6024\u602D\u6033\u6035\u6040\u6047\u6048\u6049\u604C\u6051\u6054\u6056\u6057\u605D\u6061\u6067\u6071\u607E\u607F\u6082\u6086\u6088\u608A\u608E\u6091\u6093\u6095\u6098\u609D\u609E\u60A2\u60A4\u60A5\u60A8\u60B0\u60B1\u60B7"], + ["8fbea1", "\u60BB\u60BE\u60C2\u60C4\u60C8\u60C9\u60CA\u60CB\u60CE\u60CF\u60D4\u60D5\u60D9\u60DB\u60DD\u60DE\u60E2\u60E5\u60F2\u60F5\u60F8\u60FC\u60FD\u6102\u6107\u610A\u610C\u6110", 4, "\u6116\u6117\u6119\u611C\u611E\u6122\u612A\u612B\u6130\u6131\u6135\u6136\u6137\u6139\u6141\u6145\u6146\u6149\u615E\u6160\u616C\u6172\u6178\u617B\u617C\u617F\u6180\u6181\u6183\u6184\u618B\u618D\u6192\u6193\u6197\u6198\u619C\u619D\u619F\u61A0\u61A5\u61A8\u61AA\u61AD\u61B8\u61B9\u61BC\u61C0\u61C1\u61C2\u61CE\u61CF\u61D5\u61DC\u61DD\u61DE\u61DF\u61E1\u61E2\u61E7\u61E9\u61E5"], + ["8fbfa1", "\u61EC\u61ED\u61EF\u6201\u6203\u6204\u6207\u6213\u6215\u621C\u6220\u6222\u6223\u6227\u6229\u622B\u6239\u623D\u6242\u6243\u6244\u6246\u624C\u6250\u6251\u6252\u6254\u6256\u625A\u625C\u6264\u626D\u626F\u6273\u627A\u627D\u628D\u628E\u628F\u6290\u62A6\u62A8\u62B3\u62B6\u62B7\u62BA\u62BE\u62BF\u62C4\u62CE\u62D5\u62D6\u62DA\u62EA\u62F2\u62F4\u62FC\u62FD\u6303\u6304\u630A\u630B\u630D\u6310\u6313\u6316\u6318\u6329\u632A\u632D\u6335\u6336\u6339\u633C\u6341\u6342\u6343\u6344\u6346\u634A\u634B\u634E\u6352\u6353\u6354\u6358\u635B\u6365\u6366\u636C\u636D\u6371\u6374\u6375"], + ["8fc0a1", "\u6378\u637C\u637D\u637F\u6382\u6384\u6387\u638A\u6390\u6394\u6395\u6399\u639A\u639E\u63A4\u63A6\u63AD\u63AE\u63AF\u63BD\u63C1\u63C5\u63C8\u63CE\u63D1\u63D3\u63D4\u63D5\u63DC\u63E0\u63E5\u63EA\u63EC\u63F2\u63F3\u63F5\u63F8\u63F9\u6409\u640A\u6410\u6412\u6414\u6418\u641E\u6420\u6422\u6424\u6425\u6429\u642A\u642F\u6430\u6435\u643D\u643F\u644B\u644F\u6451\u6452\u6453\u6454\u645A\u645B\u645C\u645D\u645F\u6460\u6461\u6463\u646D\u6473\u6474\u647B\u647D\u6485\u6487\u648F\u6490\u6491\u6498\u6499\u649B\u649D\u649F\u64A1\u64A3\u64A6\u64A8\u64AC\u64B3\u64BD\u64BE\u64BF"], + ["8fc1a1", "\u64C4\u64C9\u64CA\u64CB\u64CC\u64CE\u64D0\u64D1\u64D5\u64D7\u64E4\u64E5\u64E9\u64EA\u64ED\u64F0\u64F5\u64F7\u64FB\u64FF\u6501\u6504\u6508\u6509\u650A\u650F\u6513\u6514\u6516\u6519\u651B\u651E\u651F\u6522\u6526\u6529\u652E\u6531\u653A\u653C\u653D\u6543\u6547\u6549\u6550\u6552\u6554\u655F\u6560\u6567\u656B\u657A\u657D\u6581\u6585\u658A\u6592\u6595\u6598\u659D\u65A0\u65A3\u65A6\u65AE\u65B2\u65B3\u65B4\u65BF\u65C2\u65C8\u65C9\u65CE\u65D0\u65D4\u65D6\u65D8\u65DF\u65F0\u65F2\u65F4\u65F5\u65F9\u65FE\u65FF\u6600\u6604\u6608\u6609\u660D\u6611\u6612\u6615\u6616\u661D"], + ["8fc2a1", "\u661E\u6621\u6622\u6623\u6624\u6626\u6629\u662A\u662B\u662C\u662E\u6630\u6631\u6633\u6639\u6637\u6640\u6645\u6646\u664A\u664C\u6651\u664E\u6657\u6658\u6659\u665B\u665C\u6660\u6661\u66FB\u666A\u666B\u666C\u667E\u6673\u6675\u667F\u6677\u6678\u6679\u667B\u6680\u667C\u668B\u668C\u668D\u6690\u6692\u6699\u669A\u669B\u669C\u669F\u66A0\u66A4\u66AD\u66B1\u66B2\u66B5\u66BB\u66BF\u66C0\u66C2\u66C3\u66C8\u66CC\u66CE\u66CF\u66D4\u66DB\u66DF\u66E8\u66EB\u66EC\u66EE\u66FA\u6705\u6707\u670E\u6713\u6719\u671C\u6720\u6722\u6733\u673E\u6745\u6747\u6748\u674C\u6754\u6755\u675D"], + ["8fc3a1", "\u6766\u676C\u676E\u6774\u6776\u677B\u6781\u6784\u678E\u678F\u6791\u6793\u6796\u6798\u6799\u679B\u67B0\u67B1\u67B2\u67B5\u67BB\u67BC\u67BD\u67F9\u67C0\u67C2\u67C3\u67C5\u67C8\u67C9\u67D2\u67D7\u67D9\u67DC\u67E1\u67E6\u67F0\u67F2\u67F6\u67F7\u6852\u6814\u6819\u681D\u681F\u6828\u6827\u682C\u682D\u682F\u6830\u6831\u6833\u683B\u683F\u6844\u6845\u684A\u684C\u6855\u6857\u6858\u685B\u686B\u686E", 4, "\u6875\u6879\u687A\u687B\u687C\u6882\u6884\u6886\u6888\u6896\u6898\u689A\u689C\u68A1\u68A3\u68A5\u68A9\u68AA\u68AE\u68B2\u68BB\u68C5\u68C8\u68CC\u68CF"], + ["8fc4a1", "\u68D0\u68D1\u68D3\u68D6\u68D9\u68DC\u68DD\u68E5\u68E8\u68EA\u68EB\u68EC\u68ED\u68F0\u68F1\u68F5\u68F6\u68FB\u68FC\u68FD\u6906\u6909\u690A\u6910\u6911\u6913\u6916\u6917\u6931\u6933\u6935\u6938\u693B\u6942\u6945\u6949\u694E\u6957\u695B\u6963\u6964\u6965\u6966\u6968\u6969\u696C\u6970\u6971\u6972\u697A\u697B\u697F\u6980\u698D\u6992\u6996\u6998\u69A1\u69A5\u69A6\u69A8\u69AB\u69AD\u69AF\u69B7\u69B8\u69BA\u69BC\u69C5\u69C8\u69D1\u69D6\u69D7\u69E2\u69E5\u69EE\u69EF\u69F1\u69F3\u69F5\u69FE\u6A00\u6A01\u6A03\u6A0F\u6A11\u6A15\u6A1A\u6A1D\u6A20\u6A24\u6A28\u6A30\u6A32"], + ["8fc5a1", "\u6A34\u6A37\u6A3B\u6A3E\u6A3F\u6A45\u6A46\u6A49\u6A4A\u6A4E\u6A50\u6A51\u6A52\u6A55\u6A56\u6A5B\u6A64\u6A67\u6A6A\u6A71\u6A73\u6A7E\u6A81\u6A83\u6A86\u6A87\u6A89\u6A8B\u6A91\u6A9B\u6A9D\u6A9E\u6A9F\u6AA5\u6AAB\u6AAF\u6AB0\u6AB1\u6AB4\u6ABD\u6ABE\u6ABF\u6AC6\u6AC9\u6AC8\u6ACC\u6AD0\u6AD4\u6AD5\u6AD6\u6ADC\u6ADD\u6AE4\u6AE7\u6AEC\u6AF0\u6AF1\u6AF2\u6AFC\u6AFD\u6B02\u6B03\u6B06\u6B07\u6B09\u6B0F\u6B10\u6B11\u6B17\u6B1B\u6B1E\u6B24\u6B28\u6B2B\u6B2C\u6B2F\u6B35\u6B36\u6B3B\u6B3F\u6B46\u6B4A\u6B4D\u6B52\u6B56\u6B58\u6B5D\u6B60\u6B67\u6B6B\u6B6E\u6B70\u6B75\u6B7D"], + ["8fc6a1", "\u6B7E\u6B82\u6B85\u6B97\u6B9B\u6B9F\u6BA0\u6BA2\u6BA3\u6BA8\u6BA9\u6BAC\u6BAD\u6BAE\u6BB0\u6BB8\u6BB9\u6BBD\u6BBE\u6BC3\u6BC4\u6BC9\u6BCC\u6BD6\u6BDA\u6BE1\u6BE3\u6BE6\u6BE7\u6BEE\u6BF1\u6BF7\u6BF9\u6BFF\u6C02\u6C04\u6C05\u6C09\u6C0D\u6C0E\u6C10\u6C12\u6C19\u6C1F\u6C26\u6C27\u6C28\u6C2C\u6C2E\u6C33\u6C35\u6C36\u6C3A\u6C3B\u6C3F\u6C4A\u6C4B\u6C4D\u6C4F\u6C52\u6C54\u6C59\u6C5B\u6C5C\u6C6B\u6C6D\u6C6F\u6C74\u6C76\u6C78\u6C79\u6C7B\u6C85\u6C86\u6C87\u6C89\u6C94\u6C95\u6C97\u6C98\u6C9C\u6C9F\u6CB0\u6CB2\u6CB4\u6CC2\u6CC6\u6CCD\u6CCF\u6CD0\u6CD1\u6CD2\u6CD4\u6CD6"], + ["8fc7a1", "\u6CDA\u6CDC\u6CE0\u6CE7\u6CE9\u6CEB\u6CEC\u6CEE\u6CF2\u6CF4\u6D04\u6D07\u6D0A\u6D0E\u6D0F\u6D11\u6D13\u6D1A\u6D26\u6D27\u6D28\u6C67\u6D2E\u6D2F\u6D31\u6D39\u6D3C\u6D3F\u6D57\u6D5E\u6D5F\u6D61\u6D65\u6D67\u6D6F\u6D70\u6D7C\u6D82\u6D87\u6D91\u6D92\u6D94\u6D96\u6D97\u6D98\u6DAA\u6DAC\u6DB4\u6DB7\u6DB9\u6DBD\u6DBF\u6DC4\u6DC8\u6DCA\u6DCE\u6DCF\u6DD6\u6DDB\u6DDD\u6DDF\u6DE0\u6DE2\u6DE5\u6DE9\u6DEF\u6DF0\u6DF4\u6DF6\u6DFC\u6E00\u6E04\u6E1E\u6E22\u6E27\u6E32\u6E36\u6E39\u6E3B\u6E3C\u6E44\u6E45\u6E48\u6E49\u6E4B\u6E4F\u6E51\u6E52\u6E53\u6E54\u6E57\u6E5C\u6E5D\u6E5E"], + ["8fc8a1", "\u6E62\u6E63\u6E68\u6E73\u6E7B\u6E7D\u6E8D\u6E93\u6E99\u6EA0\u6EA7\u6EAD\u6EAE\u6EB1\u6EB3\u6EBB\u6EBF\u6EC0\u6EC1\u6EC3\u6EC7\u6EC8\u6ECA\u6ECD\u6ECE\u6ECF\u6EEB\u6EED\u6EEE\u6EF9\u6EFB\u6EFD\u6F04\u6F08\u6F0A\u6F0C\u6F0D\u6F16\u6F18\u6F1A\u6F1B\u6F26\u6F29\u6F2A\u6F2F\u6F30\u6F33\u6F36\u6F3B\u6F3C\u6F2D\u6F4F\u6F51\u6F52\u6F53\u6F57\u6F59\u6F5A\u6F5D\u6F5E\u6F61\u6F62\u6F68\u6F6C\u6F7D\u6F7E\u6F83\u6F87\u6F88\u6F8B\u6F8C\u6F8D\u6F90\u6F92\u6F93\u6F94\u6F96\u6F9A\u6F9F\u6FA0\u6FA5\u6FA6\u6FA7\u6FA8\u6FAE\u6FAF\u6FB0\u6FB5\u6FB6\u6FBC\u6FC5\u6FC7\u6FC8\u6FCA"], + ["8fc9a1", "\u6FDA\u6FDE\u6FE8\u6FE9\u6FF0\u6FF5\u6FF9\u6FFC\u6FFD\u7000\u7005\u7006\u7007\u700D\u7017\u7020\u7023\u702F\u7034\u7037\u7039\u703C\u7043\u7044\u7048\u7049\u704A\u704B\u7054\u7055\u705D\u705E\u704E\u7064\u7065\u706C\u706E\u7075\u7076\u707E\u7081\u7085\u7086\u7094", 4, "\u709B\u70A4\u70AB\u70B0\u70B1\u70B4\u70B7\u70CA\u70D1\u70D3\u70D4\u70D5\u70D6\u70D8\u70DC\u70E4\u70FA\u7103", 4, "\u710B\u710C\u710F\u711E\u7120\u712B\u712D\u712F\u7130\u7131\u7138\u7141\u7145\u7146\u7147\u714A\u714B\u7150\u7152\u7157\u715A\u715C\u715E\u7160"], + ["8fcaa1", "\u7168\u7179\u7180\u7185\u7187\u718C\u7192\u719A\u719B\u71A0\u71A2\u71AF\u71B0\u71B2\u71B3\u71BA\u71BF\u71C0\u71C1\u71C4\u71CB\u71CC\u71D3\u71D6\u71D9\u71DA\u71DC\u71F8\u71FE\u7200\u7207\u7208\u7209\u7213\u7217\u721A\u721D\u721F\u7224\u722B\u722F\u7234\u7238\u7239\u7241\u7242\u7243\u7245\u724E\u724F\u7250\u7253\u7255\u7256\u725A\u725C\u725E\u7260\u7263\u7268\u726B\u726E\u726F\u7271\u7277\u7278\u727B\u727C\u727F\u7284\u7289\u728D\u728E\u7293\u729B\u72A8\u72AD\u72AE\u72B1\u72B4\u72BE\u72C1\u72C7\u72C9\u72CC\u72D5\u72D6\u72D8\u72DF\u72E5\u72F3\u72F4\u72FA\u72FB"], + ["8fcba1", "\u72FE\u7302\u7304\u7305\u7307\u730B\u730D\u7312\u7313\u7318\u7319\u731E\u7322\u7324\u7327\u7328\u732C\u7331\u7332\u7335\u733A\u733B\u733D\u7343\u734D\u7350\u7352\u7356\u7358\u735D\u735E\u735F\u7360\u7366\u7367\u7369\u736B\u736C\u736E\u736F\u7371\u7377\u7379\u737C\u7380\u7381\u7383\u7385\u7386\u738E\u7390\u7393\u7395\u7397\u7398\u739C\u739E\u739F\u73A0\u73A2\u73A5\u73A6\u73AA\u73AB\u73AD\u73B5\u73B7\u73B9\u73BC\u73BD\u73BF\u73C5\u73C6\u73C9\u73CB\u73CC\u73CF\u73D2\u73D3\u73D6\u73D9\u73DD\u73E1\u73E3\u73E6\u73E7\u73E9\u73F4\u73F5\u73F7\u73F9\u73FA\u73FB\u73FD"], + ["8fcca1", "\u73FF\u7400\u7401\u7404\u7407\u740A\u7411\u741A\u741B\u7424\u7426\u7428", 9, "\u7439\u7440\u7443\u7444\u7446\u7447\u744B\u744D\u7451\u7452\u7457\u745D\u7462\u7466\u7467\u7468\u746B\u746D\u746E\u7471\u7472\u7480\u7481\u7485\u7486\u7487\u7489\u748F\u7490\u7491\u7492\u7498\u7499\u749A\u749C\u749F\u74A0\u74A1\u74A3\u74A6\u74A8\u74A9\u74AA\u74AB\u74AE\u74AF\u74B1\u74B2\u74B5\u74B9\u74BB\u74BF\u74C8\u74C9\u74CC\u74D0\u74D3\u74D8\u74DA\u74DB\u74DE\u74DF\u74E4\u74E8\u74EA\u74EB\u74EF\u74F4\u74FA\u74FB\u74FC\u74FF\u7506"], + ["8fcda1", "\u7512\u7516\u7517\u7520\u7521\u7524\u7527\u7529\u752A\u752F\u7536\u7539\u753D\u753E\u753F\u7540\u7543\u7547\u7548\u754E\u7550\u7552\u7557\u755E\u755F\u7561\u756F\u7571\u7579", 5, "\u7581\u7585\u7590\u7592\u7593\u7595\u7599\u759C\u75A2\u75A4\u75B4\u75BA\u75BF\u75C0\u75C1\u75C4\u75C6\u75CC\u75CE\u75CF\u75D7\u75DC\u75DF\u75E0\u75E1\u75E4\u75E7\u75EC\u75EE\u75EF\u75F1\u75F9\u7600\u7602\u7603\u7604\u7607\u7608\u760A\u760C\u760F\u7612\u7613\u7615\u7616\u7619\u761B\u761C\u761D\u761E\u7623\u7625\u7626\u7629\u762D\u7632\u7633\u7635\u7638\u7639"], + ["8fcea1", "\u763A\u763C\u764A\u7640\u7641\u7643\u7644\u7645\u7649\u764B\u7655\u7659\u765F\u7664\u7665\u766D\u766E\u766F\u7671\u7674\u7681\u7685\u768C\u768D\u7695\u769B\u769C\u769D\u769F\u76A0\u76A2", 6, "\u76AA\u76AD\u76BD\u76C1\u76C5\u76C9\u76CB\u76CC\u76CE\u76D4\u76D9\u76E0\u76E6\u76E8\u76EC\u76F0\u76F1\u76F6\u76F9\u76FC\u7700\u7706\u770A\u770E\u7712\u7714\u7715\u7717\u7719\u771A\u771C\u7722\u7728\u772D\u772E\u772F\u7734\u7735\u7736\u7739\u773D\u773E\u7742\u7745\u7746\u774A\u774D\u774E\u774F\u7752\u7756\u7757\u775C\u775E\u775F\u7760\u7762"], + ["8fcfa1", "\u7764\u7767\u776A\u776C\u7770\u7772\u7773\u7774\u777A\u777D\u7780\u7784\u778C\u778D\u7794\u7795\u7796\u779A\u779F\u77A2\u77A7\u77AA\u77AE\u77AF\u77B1\u77B5\u77BE\u77C3\u77C9\u77D1\u77D2\u77D5\u77D9\u77DE\u77DF\u77E0\u77E4\u77E6\u77EA\u77EC\u77F0\u77F1\u77F4\u77F8\u77FB\u7805\u7806\u7809\u780D\u780E\u7811\u781D\u7821\u7822\u7823\u782D\u782E\u7830\u7835\u7837\u7843\u7844\u7847\u7848\u784C\u784E\u7852\u785C\u785E\u7860\u7861\u7863\u7864\u7868\u786A\u786E\u787A\u787E\u788A\u788F\u7894\u7898\u78A1\u789D\u789E\u789F\u78A4\u78A8\u78AC\u78AD\u78B0\u78B1\u78B2\u78B3"], + ["8fd0a1", "\u78BB\u78BD\u78BF\u78C7\u78C8\u78C9\u78CC\u78CE\u78D2\u78D3\u78D5\u78D6\u78E4\u78DB\u78DF\u78E0\u78E1\u78E6\u78EA\u78F2\u78F3\u7900\u78F6\u78F7\u78FA\u78FB\u78FF\u7906\u790C\u7910\u791A\u791C\u791E\u791F\u7920\u7925\u7927\u7929\u792D\u7931\u7934\u7935\u793B\u793D\u793F\u7944\u7945\u7946\u794A\u794B\u794F\u7951\u7954\u7958\u795B\u795C\u7967\u7969\u796B\u7972\u7979\u797B\u797C\u797E\u798B\u798C\u7991\u7993\u7994\u7995\u7996\u7998\u799B\u799C\u79A1\u79A8\u79A9\u79AB\u79AF\u79B1\u79B4\u79B8\u79BB\u79C2\u79C4\u79C7\u79C8\u79CA\u79CF\u79D4\u79D6\u79DA\u79DD\u79DE"], + ["8fd1a1", "\u79E0\u79E2\u79E5\u79EA\u79EB\u79ED\u79F1\u79F8\u79FC\u7A02\u7A03\u7A07\u7A09\u7A0A\u7A0C\u7A11\u7A15\u7A1B\u7A1E\u7A21\u7A27\u7A2B\u7A2D\u7A2F\u7A30\u7A34\u7A35\u7A38\u7A39\u7A3A\u7A44\u7A45\u7A47\u7A48\u7A4C\u7A55\u7A56\u7A59\u7A5C\u7A5D\u7A5F\u7A60\u7A65\u7A67\u7A6A\u7A6D\u7A75\u7A78\u7A7E\u7A80\u7A82\u7A85\u7A86\u7A8A\u7A8B\u7A90\u7A91\u7A94\u7A9E\u7AA0\u7AA3\u7AAC\u7AB3\u7AB5\u7AB9\u7ABB\u7ABC\u7AC6\u7AC9\u7ACC\u7ACE\u7AD1\u7ADB\u7AE8\u7AE9\u7AEB\u7AEC\u7AF1\u7AF4\u7AFB\u7AFD\u7AFE\u7B07\u7B14\u7B1F\u7B23\u7B27\u7B29\u7B2A\u7B2B\u7B2D\u7B2E\u7B2F\u7B30"], + ["8fd2a1", "\u7B31\u7B34\u7B3D\u7B3F\u7B40\u7B41\u7B47\u7B4E\u7B55\u7B60\u7B64\u7B66\u7B69\u7B6A\u7B6D\u7B6F\u7B72\u7B73\u7B77\u7B84\u7B89\u7B8E\u7B90\u7B91\u7B96\u7B9B\u7B9E\u7BA0\u7BA5\u7BAC\u7BAF\u7BB0\u7BB2\u7BB5\u7BB6\u7BBA\u7BBB\u7BBC\u7BBD\u7BC2\u7BC5\u7BC8\u7BCA\u7BD4\u7BD6\u7BD7\u7BD9\u7BDA\u7BDB\u7BE8\u7BEA\u7BF2\u7BF4\u7BF5\u7BF8\u7BF9\u7BFA\u7BFC\u7BFE\u7C01\u7C02\u7C03\u7C04\u7C06\u7C09\u7C0B\u7C0C\u7C0E\u7C0F\u7C19\u7C1B\u7C20\u7C25\u7C26\u7C28\u7C2C\u7C31\u7C33\u7C34\u7C36\u7C39\u7C3A\u7C46\u7C4A\u7C55\u7C51\u7C52\u7C53\u7C59", 5], + ["8fd3a1", "\u7C61\u7C63\u7C67\u7C69\u7C6D\u7C6E\u7C70\u7C72\u7C79\u7C7C\u7C7D\u7C86\u7C87\u7C8F\u7C94\u7C9E\u7CA0\u7CA6\u7CB0\u7CB6\u7CB7\u7CBA\u7CBB\u7CBC\u7CBF\u7CC4\u7CC7\u7CC8\u7CC9\u7CCD\u7CCF\u7CD3\u7CD4\u7CD5\u7CD7\u7CD9\u7CDA\u7CDD\u7CE6\u7CE9\u7CEB\u7CF5\u7D03\u7D07\u7D08\u7D09\u7D0F\u7D11\u7D12\u7D13\u7D16\u7D1D\u7D1E\u7D23\u7D26\u7D2A\u7D2D\u7D31\u7D3C\u7D3D\u7D3E\u7D40\u7D41\u7D47\u7D48\u7D4D\u7D51\u7D53\u7D57\u7D59\u7D5A\u7D5C\u7D5D\u7D65\u7D67\u7D6A\u7D70\u7D78\u7D7A\u7D7B\u7D7F\u7D81\u7D82\u7D83\u7D85\u7D86\u7D88\u7D8B\u7D8C\u7D8D\u7D91\u7D96\u7D97\u7D9D"], + ["8fd4a1", "\u7D9E\u7DA6\u7DA7\u7DAA\u7DB3\u7DB6\u7DB7\u7DB9\u7DC2", 4, "\u7DCC\u7DCD\u7DCE\u7DD7\u7DD9\u7E00\u7DE2\u7DE5\u7DE6\u7DEA\u7DEB\u7DED\u7DF1\u7DF5\u7DF6\u7DF9\u7DFA\u7E08\u7E10\u7E11\u7E15\u7E17\u7E1C\u7E1D\u7E20\u7E27\u7E28\u7E2C\u7E2D\u7E2F\u7E33\u7E36\u7E3F\u7E44\u7E45\u7E47\u7E4E\u7E50\u7E52\u7E58\u7E5F\u7E61\u7E62\u7E65\u7E6B\u7E6E\u7E6F\u7E73\u7E78\u7E7E\u7E81\u7E86\u7E87\u7E8A\u7E8D\u7E91\u7E95\u7E98\u7E9A\u7E9D\u7E9E\u7F3C\u7F3B\u7F3D\u7F3E\u7F3F\u7F43\u7F44\u7F47\u7F4F\u7F52\u7F53\u7F5B\u7F5C\u7F5D\u7F61\u7F63\u7F64\u7F65\u7F66\u7F6D"], + ["8fd5a1", "\u7F71\u7F7D\u7F7E\u7F7F\u7F80\u7F8B\u7F8D\u7F8F\u7F90\u7F91\u7F96\u7F97\u7F9C\u7FA1\u7FA2\u7FA6\u7FAA\u7FAD\u7FB4\u7FBC\u7FBF\u7FC0\u7FC3\u7FC8\u7FCE\u7FCF\u7FDB\u7FDF\u7FE3\u7FE5\u7FE8\u7FEC\u7FEE\u7FEF\u7FF2\u7FFA\u7FFD\u7FFE\u7FFF\u8007\u8008\u800A\u800D\u800E\u800F\u8011\u8013\u8014\u8016\u801D\u801E\u801F\u8020\u8024\u8026\u802C\u802E\u8030\u8034\u8035\u8037\u8039\u803A\u803C\u803E\u8040\u8044\u8060\u8064\u8066\u806D\u8071\u8075\u8081\u8088\u808E\u809C\u809E\u80A6\u80A7\u80AB\u80B8\u80B9\u80C8\u80CD\u80CF\u80D2\u80D4\u80D5\u80D7\u80D8\u80E0\u80ED\u80EE"], + ["8fd6a1", "\u80F0\u80F2\u80F3\u80F6\u80F9\u80FA\u80FE\u8103\u810B\u8116\u8117\u8118\u811C\u811E\u8120\u8124\u8127\u812C\u8130\u8135\u813A\u813C\u8145\u8147\u814A\u814C\u8152\u8157\u8160\u8161\u8167\u8168\u8169\u816D\u816F\u8177\u8181\u8190\u8184\u8185\u8186\u818B\u818E\u8196\u8198\u819B\u819E\u81A2\u81AE\u81B2\u81B4\u81BB\u81CB\u81C3\u81C5\u81CA\u81CE\u81CF\u81D5\u81D7\u81DB\u81DD\u81DE\u81E1\u81E4\u81EB\u81EC\u81F0\u81F1\u81F2\u81F5\u81F6\u81F8\u81F9\u81FD\u81FF\u8200\u8203\u820F\u8213\u8214\u8219\u821A\u821D\u8221\u8222\u8228\u8232\u8234\u823A\u8243\u8244\u8245\u8246"], + ["8fd7a1", "\u824B\u824E\u824F\u8251\u8256\u825C\u8260\u8263\u8267\u826D\u8274\u827B\u827D\u827F\u8280\u8281\u8283\u8284\u8287\u8289\u828A\u828E\u8291\u8294\u8296\u8298\u829A\u829B\u82A0\u82A1\u82A3\u82A4\u82A7\u82A8\u82A9\u82AA\u82AE\u82B0\u82B2\u82B4\u82B7\u82BA\u82BC\u82BE\u82BF\u82C6\u82D0\u82D5\u82DA\u82E0\u82E2\u82E4\u82E8\u82EA\u82ED\u82EF\u82F6\u82F7\u82FD\u82FE\u8300\u8301\u8307\u8308\u830A\u830B\u8354\u831B\u831D\u831E\u831F\u8321\u8322\u832C\u832D\u832E\u8330\u8333\u8337\u833A\u833C\u833D\u8342\u8343\u8344\u8347\u834D\u834E\u8351\u8355\u8356\u8357\u8370\u8378"], + ["8fd8a1", "\u837D\u837F\u8380\u8382\u8384\u8386\u838D\u8392\u8394\u8395\u8398\u8399\u839B\u839C\u839D\u83A6\u83A7\u83A9\u83AC\u83BE\u83BF\u83C0\u83C7\u83C9\u83CF\u83D0\u83D1\u83D4\u83DD\u8353\u83E8\u83EA\u83F6\u83F8\u83F9\u83FC\u8401\u8406\u840A\u840F\u8411\u8415\u8419\u83AD\u842F\u8439\u8445\u8447\u8448\u844A\u844D\u844F\u8451\u8452\u8456\u8458\u8459\u845A\u845C\u8460\u8464\u8465\u8467\u846A\u8470\u8473\u8474\u8476\u8478\u847C\u847D\u8481\u8485\u8492\u8493\u8495\u849E\u84A6\u84A8\u84A9\u84AA\u84AF\u84B1\u84B4\u84BA\u84BD\u84BE\u84C0\u84C2\u84C7\u84C8\u84CC\u84CF\u84D3"], + ["8fd9a1", "\u84DC\u84E7\u84EA\u84EF\u84F0\u84F1\u84F2\u84F7\u8532\u84FA\u84FB\u84FD\u8502\u8503\u8507\u850C\u850E\u8510\u851C\u851E\u8522\u8523\u8524\u8525\u8527\u852A\u852B\u852F\u8533\u8534\u8536\u853F\u8546\u854F", 4, "\u8556\u8559\u855C", 6, "\u8564\u856B\u856F\u8579\u857A\u857B\u857D\u857F\u8581\u8585\u8586\u8589\u858B\u858C\u858F\u8593\u8598\u859D\u859F\u85A0\u85A2\u85A5\u85A7\u85B4\u85B6\u85B7\u85B8\u85BC\u85BD\u85BE\u85BF\u85C2\u85C7\u85CA\u85CB\u85CE\u85AD\u85D8\u85DA\u85DF\u85E0\u85E6\u85E8\u85ED\u85F3\u85F6\u85FC"], + ["8fdaa1", "\u85FF\u8600\u8604\u8605\u860D\u860E\u8610\u8611\u8612\u8618\u8619\u861B\u861E\u8621\u8627\u8629\u8636\u8638\u863A\u863C\u863D\u8640\u8642\u8646\u8652\u8653\u8656\u8657\u8658\u8659\u865D\u8660", 4, "\u8669\u866C\u866F\u8675\u8676\u8677\u867A\u868D\u8691\u8696\u8698\u869A\u869C\u86A1\u86A6\u86A7\u86A8\u86AD\u86B1\u86B3\u86B4\u86B5\u86B7\u86B8\u86B9\u86BF\u86C0\u86C1\u86C3\u86C5\u86D1\u86D2\u86D5\u86D7\u86DA\u86DC\u86E0\u86E3\u86E5\u86E7\u8688\u86FA\u86FC\u86FD\u8704\u8705\u8707\u870B\u870E\u870F\u8710\u8713\u8714\u8719\u871E\u871F\u8721\u8723"], + ["8fdba1", "\u8728\u872E\u872F\u8731\u8732\u8739\u873A\u873C\u873D\u873E\u8740\u8743\u8745\u874D\u8758\u875D\u8761\u8764\u8765\u876F\u8771\u8772\u877B\u8783", 6, "\u878B\u878C\u8790\u8793\u8795\u8797\u8798\u8799\u879E\u87A0\u87A3\u87A7\u87AC\u87AD\u87AE\u87B1\u87B5\u87BE\u87BF\u87C1\u87C8\u87C9\u87CA\u87CE\u87D5\u87D6\u87D9\u87DA\u87DC\u87DF\u87E2\u87E3\u87E4\u87EA\u87EB\u87ED\u87F1\u87F3\u87F8\u87FA\u87FF\u8801\u8803\u8806\u8809\u880A\u880B\u8810\u8819\u8812\u8813\u8814\u8818\u881A\u881B\u881C\u881E\u881F\u8828\u882D\u882E\u8830\u8832\u8835"], + ["8fdca1", "\u883A\u883C\u8841\u8843\u8845\u8848\u8849\u884A\u884B\u884E\u8851\u8855\u8856\u8858\u885A\u885C\u885F\u8860\u8864\u8869\u8871\u8879\u887B\u8880\u8898\u889A\u889B\u889C\u889F\u88A0\u88A8\u88AA\u88BA\u88BD\u88BE\u88C0\u88CA", 4, "\u88D1\u88D2\u88D3\u88DB\u88DE\u88E7\u88EF\u88F0\u88F1\u88F5\u88F7\u8901\u8906\u890D\u890E\u890F\u8915\u8916\u8918\u8919\u891A\u891C\u8920\u8926\u8927\u8928\u8930\u8931\u8932\u8935\u8939\u893A\u893E\u8940\u8942\u8945\u8946\u8949\u894F\u8952\u8957\u895A\u895B\u895C\u8961\u8962\u8963\u896B\u896E\u8970\u8973\u8975\u897A"], + ["8fdda1", "\u897B\u897C\u897D\u8989\u898D\u8990\u8994\u8995\u899B\u899C\u899F\u89A0\u89A5\u89B0\u89B4\u89B5\u89B6\u89B7\u89BC\u89D4", 4, "\u89E5\u89E9\u89EB\u89ED\u89F1\u89F3\u89F6\u89F9\u89FD\u89FF\u8A04\u8A05\u8A07\u8A0F\u8A11\u8A12\u8A14\u8A15\u8A1E\u8A20\u8A22\u8A24\u8A26\u8A2B\u8A2C\u8A2F\u8A35\u8A37\u8A3D\u8A3E\u8A40\u8A43\u8A45\u8A47\u8A49\u8A4D\u8A4E\u8A53\u8A56\u8A57\u8A58\u8A5C\u8A5D\u8A61\u8A65\u8A67\u8A75\u8A76\u8A77\u8A79\u8A7A\u8A7B\u8A7E\u8A7F\u8A80\u8A83\u8A86\u8A8B\u8A8F\u8A90\u8A92\u8A96\u8A97\u8A99\u8A9F\u8AA7\u8AA9\u8AAE\u8AAF\u8AB3"], + ["8fdea1", "\u8AB6\u8AB7\u8ABB\u8ABE\u8AC3\u8AC6\u8AC8\u8AC9\u8ACA\u8AD1\u8AD3\u8AD4\u8AD5\u8AD7\u8ADD\u8ADF\u8AEC\u8AF0\u8AF4\u8AF5\u8AF6\u8AFC\u8AFF\u8B05\u8B06\u8B0B\u8B11\u8B1C\u8B1E\u8B1F\u8B0A\u8B2D\u8B30\u8B37\u8B3C\u8B42", 4, "\u8B48\u8B52\u8B53\u8B54\u8B59\u8B4D\u8B5E\u8B63\u8B6D\u8B76\u8B78\u8B79\u8B7C\u8B7E\u8B81\u8B84\u8B85\u8B8B\u8B8D\u8B8F\u8B94\u8B95\u8B9C\u8B9E\u8B9F\u8C38\u8C39\u8C3D\u8C3E\u8C45\u8C47\u8C49\u8C4B\u8C4F\u8C51\u8C53\u8C54\u8C57\u8C58\u8C5B\u8C5D\u8C59\u8C63\u8C64\u8C66\u8C68\u8C69\u8C6D\u8C73\u8C75\u8C76\u8C7B\u8C7E\u8C86"], + ["8fdfa1", "\u8C87\u8C8B\u8C90\u8C92\u8C93\u8C99\u8C9B\u8C9C\u8CA4\u8CB9\u8CBA\u8CC5\u8CC6\u8CC9\u8CCB\u8CCF\u8CD6\u8CD5\u8CD9\u8CDD\u8CE1\u8CE8\u8CEC\u8CEF\u8CF0\u8CF2\u8CF5\u8CF7\u8CF8\u8CFE\u8CFF\u8D01\u8D03\u8D09\u8D12\u8D17\u8D1B\u8D65\u8D69\u8D6C\u8D6E\u8D7F\u8D82\u8D84\u8D88\u8D8D\u8D90\u8D91\u8D95\u8D9E\u8D9F\u8DA0\u8DA6\u8DAB\u8DAC\u8DAF\u8DB2\u8DB5\u8DB7\u8DB9\u8DBB\u8DC0\u8DC5\u8DC6\u8DC7\u8DC8\u8DCA\u8DCE\u8DD1\u8DD4\u8DD5\u8DD7\u8DD9\u8DE4\u8DE5\u8DE7\u8DEC\u8DF0\u8DBC\u8DF1\u8DF2\u8DF4\u8DFD\u8E01\u8E04\u8E05\u8E06\u8E0B\u8E11\u8E14\u8E16\u8E20\u8E21\u8E22"], + ["8fe0a1", "\u8E23\u8E26\u8E27\u8E31\u8E33\u8E36\u8E37\u8E38\u8E39\u8E3D\u8E40\u8E41\u8E4B\u8E4D\u8E4E\u8E4F\u8E54\u8E5B\u8E5C\u8E5D\u8E5E\u8E61\u8E62\u8E69\u8E6C\u8E6D\u8E6F\u8E70\u8E71\u8E79\u8E7A\u8E7B\u8E82\u8E83\u8E89\u8E90\u8E92\u8E95\u8E9A\u8E9B\u8E9D\u8E9E\u8EA2\u8EA7\u8EA9\u8EAD\u8EAE\u8EB3\u8EB5\u8EBA\u8EBB\u8EC0\u8EC1\u8EC3\u8EC4\u8EC7\u8ECF\u8ED1\u8ED4\u8EDC\u8EE8\u8EEE\u8EF0\u8EF1\u8EF7\u8EF9\u8EFA\u8EED\u8F00\u8F02\u8F07\u8F08\u8F0F\u8F10\u8F16\u8F17\u8F18\u8F1E\u8F20\u8F21\u8F23\u8F25\u8F27\u8F28\u8F2C\u8F2D\u8F2E\u8F34\u8F35\u8F36\u8F37\u8F3A\u8F40\u8F41"], + ["8fe1a1", "\u8F43\u8F47\u8F4F\u8F51", 4, "\u8F58\u8F5D\u8F5E\u8F65\u8F9D\u8FA0\u8FA1\u8FA4\u8FA5\u8FA6\u8FB5\u8FB6\u8FB8\u8FBE\u8FC0\u8FC1\u8FC6\u8FCA\u8FCB\u8FCD\u8FD0\u8FD2\u8FD3\u8FD5\u8FE0\u8FE3\u8FE4\u8FE8\u8FEE\u8FF1\u8FF5\u8FF6\u8FFB\u8FFE\u9002\u9004\u9008\u900C\u9018\u901B\u9028\u9029\u902F\u902A\u902C\u902D\u9033\u9034\u9037\u903F\u9043\u9044\u904C\u905B\u905D\u9062\u9066\u9067\u906C\u9070\u9074\u9079\u9085\u9088\u908B\u908C\u908E\u9090\u9095\u9097\u9098\u9099\u909B\u90A0\u90A1\u90A2\u90A5\u90B0\u90B2\u90B3\u90B4\u90B6\u90BD\u90CC\u90BE\u90C3"], + ["8fe2a1", "\u90C4\u90C5\u90C7\u90C8\u90D5\u90D7\u90D8\u90D9\u90DC\u90DD\u90DF\u90E5\u90D2\u90F6\u90EB\u90EF\u90F0\u90F4\u90FE\u90FF\u9100\u9104\u9105\u9106\u9108\u910D\u9110\u9114\u9116\u9117\u9118\u911A\u911C\u911E\u9120\u9125\u9122\u9123\u9127\u9129\u912E\u912F\u9131\u9134\u9136\u9137\u9139\u913A\u913C\u913D\u9143\u9147\u9148\u914F\u9153\u9157\u9159\u915A\u915B\u9161\u9164\u9167\u916D\u9174\u9179\u917A\u917B\u9181\u9183\u9185\u9186\u918A\u918E\u9191\u9193\u9194\u9195\u9198\u919E\u91A1\u91A6\u91A8\u91AC\u91AD\u91AE\u91B0\u91B1\u91B2\u91B3\u91B6\u91BB\u91BC\u91BD\u91BF"], + ["8fe3a1", "\u91C2\u91C3\u91C5\u91D3\u91D4\u91D7\u91D9\u91DA\u91DE\u91E4\u91E5\u91E9\u91EA\u91EC", 5, "\u91F7\u91F9\u91FB\u91FD\u9200\u9201\u9204\u9205\u9206\u9207\u9209\u920A\u920C\u9210\u9212\u9213\u9216\u9218\u921C\u921D\u9223\u9224\u9225\u9226\u9228\u922E\u922F\u9230\u9233\u9235\u9236\u9238\u9239\u923A\u923C\u923E\u9240\u9242\u9243\u9246\u9247\u924A\u924D\u924E\u924F\u9251\u9258\u9259\u925C\u925D\u9260\u9261\u9265\u9267\u9268\u9269\u926E\u926F\u9270\u9275", 4, "\u927B\u927C\u927D\u927F\u9288\u9289\u928A\u928D\u928E\u9292\u9297"], + ["8fe4a1", "\u9299\u929F\u92A0\u92A4\u92A5\u92A7\u92A8\u92AB\u92AF\u92B2\u92B6\u92B8\u92BA\u92BB\u92BC\u92BD\u92BF", 4, "\u92C5\u92C6\u92C7\u92C8\u92CB\u92CC\u92CD\u92CE\u92D0\u92D3\u92D5\u92D7\u92D8\u92D9\u92DC\u92DD\u92DF\u92E0\u92E1\u92E3\u92E5\u92E7\u92E8\u92EC\u92EE\u92F0\u92F9\u92FB\u92FF\u9300\u9302\u9308\u930D\u9311\u9314\u9315\u931C\u931D\u931E\u931F\u9321\u9324\u9325\u9327\u9329\u932A\u9333\u9334\u9336\u9337\u9347\u9348\u9349\u9350\u9351\u9352\u9355\u9357\u9358\u935A\u935E\u9364\u9365\u9367\u9369\u936A\u936D\u936F\u9370\u9371\u9373\u9374\u9376"], + ["8fe5a1", "\u937A\u937D\u937F\u9380\u9381\u9382\u9388\u938A\u938B\u938D\u938F\u9392\u9395\u9398\u939B\u939E\u93A1\u93A3\u93A4\u93A6\u93A8\u93AB\u93B4\u93B5\u93B6\u93BA\u93A9\u93C1\u93C4\u93C5\u93C6\u93C7\u93C9", 4, "\u93D3\u93D9\u93DC\u93DE\u93DF\u93E2\u93E6\u93E7\u93F9\u93F7\u93F8\u93FA\u93FB\u93FD\u9401\u9402\u9404\u9408\u9409\u940D\u940E\u940F\u9415\u9416\u9417\u941F\u942E\u942F\u9431\u9432\u9433\u9434\u943B\u943F\u943D\u9443\u9445\u9448\u944A\u944C\u9455\u9459\u945C\u945F\u9461\u9463\u9468\u946B\u946D\u946E\u946F\u9471\u9472\u9484\u9483\u9578\u9579"], + ["8fe6a1", "\u957E\u9584\u9588\u958C\u958D\u958E\u959D\u959E\u959F\u95A1\u95A6\u95A9\u95AB\u95AC\u95B4\u95B6\u95BA\u95BD\u95BF\u95C6\u95C8\u95C9\u95CB\u95D0\u95D1\u95D2\u95D3\u95D9\u95DA\u95DD\u95DE\u95DF\u95E0\u95E4\u95E6\u961D\u961E\u9622\u9624\u9625\u9626\u962C\u9631\u9633\u9637\u9638\u9639\u963A\u963C\u963D\u9641\u9652\u9654\u9656\u9657\u9658\u9661\u966E\u9674\u967B\u967C\u967E\u967F\u9681\u9682\u9683\u9684\u9689\u9691\u9696\u969A\u969D\u969F\u96A4\u96A5\u96A6\u96A9\u96AE\u96AF\u96B3\u96BA\u96CA\u96D2\u5DB2\u96D8\u96DA\u96DD\u96DE\u96DF\u96E9\u96EF\u96F1\u96FA\u9702"], + ["8fe7a1", "\u9703\u9705\u9709\u971A\u971B\u971D\u9721\u9722\u9723\u9728\u9731\u9733\u9741\u9743\u974A\u974E\u974F\u9755\u9757\u9758\u975A\u975B\u9763\u9767\u976A\u976E\u9773\u9776\u9777\u9778\u977B\u977D\u977F\u9780\u9789\u9795\u9796\u9797\u9799\u979A\u979E\u979F\u97A2\u97AC\u97AE\u97B1\u97B2\u97B5\u97B6\u97B8\u97B9\u97BA\u97BC\u97BE\u97BF\u97C1\u97C4\u97C5\u97C7\u97C9\u97CA\u97CC\u97CD\u97CE\u97D0\u97D1\u97D4\u97D7\u97D8\u97D9\u97DD\u97DE\u97E0\u97DB\u97E1\u97E4\u97EF\u97F1\u97F4\u97F7\u97F8\u97FA\u9807\u980A\u9819\u980D\u980E\u9814\u9816\u981C\u981E\u9820\u9823\u9826"], + ["8fe8a1", "\u982B\u982E\u982F\u9830\u9832\u9833\u9835\u9825\u983E\u9844\u9847\u984A\u9851\u9852\u9853\u9856\u9857\u9859\u985A\u9862\u9863\u9865\u9866\u986A\u986C\u98AB\u98AD\u98AE\u98B0\u98B4\u98B7\u98B8\u98BA\u98BB\u98BF\u98C2\u98C5\u98C8\u98CC\u98E1\u98E3\u98E5\u98E6\u98E7\u98EA\u98F3\u98F6\u9902\u9907\u9908\u9911\u9915\u9916\u9917\u991A\u991B\u991C\u991F\u9922\u9926\u9927\u992B\u9931", 4, "\u9939\u993A\u993B\u993C\u9940\u9941\u9946\u9947\u9948\u994D\u994E\u9954\u9958\u9959\u995B\u995C\u995E\u995F\u9960\u999B\u999D\u999F\u99A6\u99B0\u99B1\u99B2\u99B5"], + ["8fe9a1", "\u99B9\u99BA\u99BD\u99BF\u99C3\u99C9\u99D3\u99D4\u99D9\u99DA\u99DC\u99DE\u99E7\u99EA\u99EB\u99EC\u99F0\u99F4\u99F5\u99F9\u99FD\u99FE\u9A02\u9A03\u9A04\u9A0B\u9A0C\u9A10\u9A11\u9A16\u9A1E\u9A20\u9A22\u9A23\u9A24\u9A27\u9A2D\u9A2E\u9A33\u9A35\u9A36\u9A38\u9A47\u9A41\u9A44\u9A4A\u9A4B\u9A4C\u9A4E\u9A51\u9A54\u9A56\u9A5D\u9AAA\u9AAC\u9AAE\u9AAF\u9AB2\u9AB4\u9AB5\u9AB6\u9AB9\u9ABB\u9ABE\u9ABF\u9AC1\u9AC3\u9AC6\u9AC8\u9ACE\u9AD0\u9AD2\u9AD5\u9AD6\u9AD7\u9ADB\u9ADC\u9AE0\u9AE4\u9AE5\u9AE7\u9AE9\u9AEC\u9AF2\u9AF3\u9AF5\u9AF9\u9AFA\u9AFD\u9AFF", 4], + ["8feaa1", "\u9B04\u9B05\u9B08\u9B09\u9B0B\u9B0C\u9B0D\u9B0E\u9B10\u9B12\u9B16\u9B19\u9B1B\u9B1C\u9B20\u9B26\u9B2B\u9B2D\u9B33\u9B34\u9B35\u9B37\u9B39\u9B3A\u9B3D\u9B48\u9B4B\u9B4C\u9B55\u9B56\u9B57\u9B5B\u9B5E\u9B61\u9B63\u9B65\u9B66\u9B68\u9B6A", 4, "\u9B73\u9B75\u9B77\u9B78\u9B79\u9B7F\u9B80\u9B84\u9B85\u9B86\u9B87\u9B89\u9B8A\u9B8B\u9B8D\u9B8F\u9B90\u9B94\u9B9A\u9B9D\u9B9E\u9BA6\u9BA7\u9BA9\u9BAC\u9BB0\u9BB1\u9BB2\u9BB7\u9BB8\u9BBB\u9BBC\u9BBE\u9BBF\u9BC1\u9BC7\u9BC8\u9BCE\u9BD0\u9BD7\u9BD8\u9BDD\u9BDF\u9BE5\u9BE7\u9BEA\u9BEB\u9BEF\u9BF3\u9BF7\u9BF8"], + ["8feba1", "\u9BF9\u9BFA\u9BFD\u9BFF\u9C00\u9C02\u9C0B\u9C0F\u9C11\u9C16\u9C18\u9C19\u9C1A\u9C1C\u9C1E\u9C22\u9C23\u9C26", 4, "\u9C31\u9C35\u9C36\u9C37\u9C3D\u9C41\u9C43\u9C44\u9C45\u9C49\u9C4A\u9C4E\u9C4F\u9C50\u9C53\u9C54\u9C56\u9C58\u9C5B\u9C5D\u9C5E\u9C5F\u9C63\u9C69\u9C6A\u9C5C\u9C6B\u9C68\u9C6E\u9C70\u9C72\u9C75\u9C77\u9C7B\u9CE6\u9CF2\u9CF7\u9CF9\u9D0B\u9D02\u9D11\u9D17\u9D18\u9D1C\u9D1D\u9D1E\u9D2F\u9D30\u9D32\u9D33\u9D34\u9D3A\u9D3C\u9D45\u9D3D\u9D42\u9D43\u9D47\u9D4A\u9D53\u9D54\u9D5F\u9D63\u9D62\u9D65\u9D69\u9D6A\u9D6B\u9D70\u9D76\u9D77\u9D7B"], + ["8feca1", "\u9D7C\u9D7E\u9D83\u9D84\u9D86\u9D8A\u9D8D\u9D8E\u9D92\u9D93\u9D95\u9D96\u9D97\u9D98\u9DA1\u9DAA\u9DAC\u9DAE\u9DB1\u9DB5\u9DB9\u9DBC\u9DBF\u9DC3\u9DC7\u9DC9\u9DCA\u9DD4\u9DD5\u9DD6\u9DD7\u9DDA\u9DDE\u9DDF\u9DE0\u9DE5\u9DE7\u9DE9\u9DEB\u9DEE\u9DF0\u9DF3\u9DF4\u9DFE\u9E0A\u9E02\u9E07\u9E0E\u9E10\u9E11\u9E12\u9E15\u9E16\u9E19\u9E1C\u9E1D\u9E7A\u9E7B\u9E7C\u9E80\u9E82\u9E83\u9E84\u9E85\u9E87\u9E8E\u9E8F\u9E96\u9E98\u9E9B\u9E9E\u9EA4\u9EA8\u9EAC\u9EAE\u9EAF\u9EB0\u9EB3\u9EB4\u9EB5\u9EC6\u9EC8\u9ECB\u9ED5\u9EDF\u9EE4\u9EE7\u9EEC\u9EED\u9EEE\u9EF0\u9EF1\u9EF2\u9EF5"], + ["8feda1", "\u9EF8\u9EFF\u9F02\u9F03\u9F09\u9F0F\u9F10\u9F11\u9F12\u9F14\u9F16\u9F17\u9F19\u9F1A\u9F1B\u9F1F\u9F22\u9F26\u9F2A\u9F2B\u9F2F\u9F31\u9F32\u9F34\u9F37\u9F39\u9F3A\u9F3C\u9F3D\u9F3F\u9F41\u9F43", 4, "\u9F53\u9F55\u9F56\u9F57\u9F58\u9F5A\u9F5D\u9F5E\u9F68\u9F69\u9F6D", 4, "\u9F73\u9F75\u9F7A\u9F7D\u9F8F\u9F90\u9F91\u9F92\u9F94\u9F96\u9F97\u9F9E\u9FA1\u9FA2\u9FA3\u9FA5"] + ]; + } +}); + +// 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"\u4F44\u4F45\u4F47", 5, "\u4F52\u4F54\u4F56\u4F61\u4F62\u4F66\u4F68\u4F6A\u4F6B\u4F6D\u4F6E\u4F71\u4F72\u4F75\u4F77\u4F78\u4F79\u4F7A\u4F7D\u4F80\u4F81\u4F82\u4F85\u4F86\u4F87\u4F8A\u4F8C\u4F8E\u4F90\u4F92\u4F93\u4F95\u4F96\u4F98\u4F99\u4F9A\u4F9C\u4F9E\u4F9F\u4FA1\u4FA2"], + ["8240", "\u4FA4\u4FAB\u4FAD\u4FB0", 4, "\u4FB6", 8, "\u4FC0\u4FC1\u4FC2\u4FC6\u4FC7\u4FC8\u4FC9\u4FCB\u4FCC\u4FCD\u4FD2", 4, "\u4FD9\u4FDB\u4FE0\u4FE2\u4FE4\u4FE5\u4FE7\u4FEB\u4FEC\u4FF0\u4FF2\u4FF4\u4FF5\u4FF6\u4FF7\u4FF9\u4FFB\u4FFC\u4FFD\u4FFF", 11], + ["8280", "\u500B\u500E\u5010\u5011\u5013\u5015\u5016\u5017\u501B\u501D\u501E\u5020\u5022\u5023\u5024\u5027\u502B\u502F", 10, "\u503B\u503D\u503F\u5040\u5041\u5042\u5044\u5045\u5046\u5049\u504A\u504B\u504D\u5050", 4, "\u5056\u5057\u5058\u5059\u505B\u505D", 7, "\u5066", 5, "\u506D", 8, "\u5078\u5079\u507A\u507C\u507D\u5081\u5082\u5083\u5084\u5086\u5087\u5089\u508A\u508B\u508C\u508E", 20, "\u50A4\u50A6\u50AA\u50AB\u50AD", 4, "\u50B3", 6, "\u50BC"], + ["8340", "\u50BD", 17, "\u50D0", 5, "\u50D7\u50D8\u50D9\u50DB", 10, "\u50E8\u50E9\u50EA\u50EB\u50EF\u50F0\u50F1\u50F2\u50F4\u50F6", 4, "\u50FC", 9, "\u5108"], + ["8380", "\u5109\u510A\u510C", 5, "\u5113", 13, "\u5122", 28, "\u5142\u5147\u514A\u514C\u514E\u514F\u5150\u5152\u5153\u5157\u5158\u5159\u515B\u515D", 4, "\u5163\u5164\u5166\u5167\u5169\u516A\u516F\u5172\u517A\u517E\u517F\u5183\u5184\u5186\u5187\u518A\u518B\u518E\u518F\u5190\u5191\u5193\u5194\u5198\u519A\u519D\u519E\u519F\u51A1\u51A3\u51A6", 4, "\u51AD\u51AE\u51B4\u51B8\u51B9\u51BA\u51BE\u51BF\u51C1\u51C2\u51C3\u51C5\u51C8\u51CA\u51CD\u51CE\u51D0\u51D2", 5], + ["8440", "\u51D8\u51D9\u51DA\u51DC\u51DE\u51DF\u51E2\u51E3\u51E5", 5, "\u51EC\u51EE\u51F1\u51F2\u51F4\u51F7\u51FE\u5204\u5205\u5209\u520B\u520C\u520F\u5210\u5213\u5214\u5215\u521C\u521E\u521F\u5221\u5222\u5223\u5225\u5226\u5227\u522A\u522C\u522F\u5231\u5232\u5234\u5235\u523C\u523E\u5244", 5, "\u524B\u524E\u524F\u5252\u5253\u5255\u5257\u5258"], + ["8480", "\u5259\u525A\u525B\u525D\u525F\u5260\u5262\u5263\u5264\u5266\u5268\u526B\u526C\u526D\u526E\u5270\u5271\u5273", 9, "\u527E\u5280\u5283", 4, "\u5289", 6, "\u5291\u5292\u5294", 6, "\u529C\u52A4\u52A5\u52A6\u52A7\u52AE\u52AF\u52B0\u52B4", 9, "\u52C0\u52C1\u52C2\u52C4\u52C5\u52C6\u52C8\u52CA\u52CC\u52CD\u52CE\u52CF\u52D1\u52D3\u52D4\u52D5\u52D7\u52D9", 5, "\u52E0\u52E1\u52E2\u52E3\u52E5", 10, "\u52F1", 7, "\u52FB\u52FC\u52FD\u5301\u5302\u5303\u5304\u5307\u5309\u530A\u530B\u530C\u530E"], + ["8540", "\u5311\u5312\u5313\u5314\u5318\u531B\u531C\u531E\u531F\u5322\u5324\u5325\u5327\u5328\u5329\u532B\u532C\u532D\u532F", 9, "\u533C\u533D\u5340\u5342\u5344\u5346\u534B\u534C\u534D\u5350\u5354\u5358\u5359\u535B\u535D\u5365\u5368\u536A\u536C\u536D\u5372\u5376\u5379\u537B\u537C\u537D\u537E\u5380\u5381\u5383\u5387\u5388\u538A\u538E\u538F"], + ["8580", "\u5390", 4, "\u5396\u5397\u5399\u539B\u539C\u539E\u53A0\u53A1\u53A4\u53A7\u53AA\u53AB\u53AC\u53AD\u53AF", 6, "\u53B7\u53B8\u53B9\u53BA\u53BC\u53BD\u53BE\u53C0\u53C3", 4, "\u53CE\u53CF\u53D0\u53D2\u53D3\u53D5\u53DA\u53DC\u53DD\u53DE\u53E1\u53E2\u53E7\u53F4\u53FA\u53FE\u53FF\u5400\u5402\u5405\u5407\u540B\u5414\u5418\u5419\u541A\u541C\u5422\u5424\u5425\u542A\u5430\u5433\u5436\u5437\u543A\u543D\u543F\u5441\u5442\u5444\u5445\u5447\u5449\u544C\u544D\u544E\u544F\u5451\u545A\u545D", 4, "\u5463\u5465\u5467\u5469", 7, "\u5474\u5479\u547A\u547E\u547F\u5481\u5483\u5485\u5487\u5488\u5489\u548A\u548D\u5491\u5493\u5497\u5498\u549C\u549E\u549F\u54A0\u54A1"], + ["8640", "\u54A2\u54A5\u54AE\u54B0\u54B2\u54B5\u54B6\u54B7\u54B9\u54BA\u54BC\u54BE\u54C3\u54C5\u54CA\u54CB\u54D6\u54D8\u54DB\u54E0", 4, "\u54EB\u54EC\u54EF\u54F0\u54F1\u54F4", 5, "\u54FB\u54FE\u5500\u5502\u5503\u5504\u5505\u5508\u550A", 4, "\u5512\u5513\u5515", 5, "\u551C\u551D\u551E\u551F\u5521\u5525\u5526"], + ["8680", "\u5528\u5529\u552B\u552D\u5532\u5534\u5535\u5536\u5538\u5539\u553A\u553B\u553D\u5540\u5542\u5545\u5547\u5548\u554B", 4, "\u5551\u5552\u5553\u5554\u5557", 4, "\u555D\u555E\u555F\u5560\u5562\u5563\u5568\u5569\u556B\u556F", 5, "\u5579\u557A\u557D\u557F\u5585\u5586\u558C\u558D\u558E\u5590\u5592\u5593\u5595\u5596\u5597\u559A\u559B\u559E\u55A0", 6, "\u55A8", 8, "\u55B2\u55B4\u55B6\u55B8\u55BA\u55BC\u55BF", 4, "\u55C6\u55C7\u55C8\u55CA\u55CB\u55CE\u55CF\u55D0\u55D5\u55D7", 4, "\u55DE\u55E0\u55E2\u55E7\u55E9\u55ED\u55EE\u55F0\u55F1\u55F4\u55F6\u55F8", 4, "\u55FF\u5602\u5603\u5604\u5605"], + ["8740", "\u5606\u5607\u560A\u560B\u560D\u5610", 7, "\u5619\u561A\u561C\u561D\u5620\u5621\u5622\u5625\u5626\u5628\u5629\u562A\u562B\u562E\u562F\u5630\u5633\u5635\u5637\u5638\u563A\u563C\u563D\u563E\u5640", 11, "\u564F", 4, "\u5655\u5656\u565A\u565B\u565D", 4], + ["8780", "\u5663\u5665\u5666\u5667\u566D\u566E\u566F\u5670\u5672\u5673\u5674\u5675\u5677\u5678\u5679\u567A\u567D", 7, "\u5687", 6, "\u5690\u5691\u5692\u5694", 14, "\u56A4", 10, "\u56B0", 6, "\u56B8\u56B9\u56BA\u56BB\u56BD", 12, "\u56CB", 8, "\u56D5\u56D6\u56D8\u56D9\u56DC\u56E3\u56E5", 5, "\u56EC\u56EE\u56EF\u56F2\u56F3\u56F6\u56F7\u56F8\u56FB\u56FC\u5700\u5701\u5702\u5705\u5707\u570B", 6], + ["8840", "\u5712", 9, "\u571D\u571E\u5720\u5721\u5722\u5724\u5725\u5726\u5727\u572B\u5731\u5732\u5734", 4, "\u573C\u573D\u573F\u5741\u5743\u5744\u5745\u5746\u5748\u5749\u574B\u5752", 4, "\u5758\u5759\u5762\u5763\u5765\u5767\u576C\u576E\u5770\u5771\u5772\u5774\u5775\u5778\u5779\u577A\u577D\u577E\u577F\u5780"], + ["8880", "\u5781\u5787\u5788\u5789\u578A\u578D", 4, "\u5794", 6, "\u579C\u579D\u579E\u579F\u57A5\u57A8\u57AA\u57AC\u57AF\u57B0\u57B1\u57B3\u57B5\u57B6\u57B7\u57B9", 8, "\u57C4", 6, "\u57CC\u57CD\u57D0\u57D1\u57D3\u57D6\u57D7\u57DB\u57DC\u57DE\u57E1\u57E2\u57E3\u57E5", 7, "\u57EE\u57F0\u57F1\u57F2\u57F3\u57F5\u57F6\u57F7\u57FB\u57FC\u57FE\u57FF\u5801\u5803\u5804\u5805\u5808\u5809\u580A\u580C\u580E\u580F\u5810\u5812\u5813\u5814\u5816\u5817\u5818\u581A\u581B\u581C\u581D\u581F\u5822\u5823\u5825", 4, "\u582B", 4, "\u5831\u5832\u5833\u5834\u5836", 7], + ["8940", "\u583E", 5, "\u5845", 6, "\u584E\u584F\u5850\u5852\u5853\u5855\u5856\u5857\u5859", 4, "\u585F", 5, "\u5866", 4, "\u586D", 16, "\u587F\u5882\u5884\u5886\u5887\u5888\u588A\u588B\u588C"], + ["8980", "\u588D", 4, "\u5894", 4, "\u589B\u589C\u589D\u58A0", 7, "\u58AA", 17, "\u58BD\u58BE\u58BF\u58C0\u58C2\u58C3\u58C4\u58C6", 10, "\u58D2\u58D3\u58D4\u58D6", 13, "\u58E5", 5, "\u58ED\u58EF\u58F1\u58F2\u58F4\u58F5\u58F7\u58F8\u58FA", 7, "\u5903\u5905\u5906\u5908", 4, "\u590E\u5910\u5911\u5912\u5913\u5917\u5918\u591B\u591D\u591E\u5920\u5921\u5922\u5923\u5926\u5928\u592C\u5930\u5932\u5933\u5935\u5936\u593B"], + ["8a40", "\u593D\u593E\u593F\u5940\u5943\u5945\u5946\u594A\u594C\u594D\u5950\u5952\u5953\u5959\u595B", 4, "\u5961\u5963\u5964\u5966", 12, "\u5975\u5977\u597A\u597B\u597C\u597E\u597F\u5980\u5985\u5989\u598B\u598C\u598E\u598F\u5990\u5991\u5994\u5995\u5998\u599A\u599B\u599C\u599D\u599F\u59A0\u59A1\u59A2\u59A6"], + ["8a80", "\u59A7\u59AC\u59AD\u59B0\u59B1\u59B3", 5, "\u59BA\u59BC\u59BD\u59BF", 6, "\u59C7\u59C8\u59C9\u59CC\u59CD\u59CE\u59CF\u59D5\u59D6\u59D9\u59DB\u59DE", 4, "\u59E4\u59E6\u59E7\u59E9\u59EA\u59EB\u59ED", 11, "\u59FA\u59FC\u59FD\u59FE\u5A00\u5A02\u5A0A\u5A0B\u5A0D\u5A0E\u5A0F\u5A10\u5A12\u5A14\u5A15\u5A16\u5A17\u5A19\u5A1A\u5A1B\u5A1D\u5A1E\u5A21\u5A22\u5A24\u5A26\u5A27\u5A28\u5A2A", 6, "\u5A33\u5A35\u5A37", 4, "\u5A3D\u5A3E\u5A3F\u5A41", 4, "\u5A47\u5A48\u5A4B", 9, "\u5A56\u5A57\u5A58\u5A59\u5A5B", 5], + ["8b40", "\u5A61\u5A63\u5A64\u5A65\u5A66\u5A68\u5A69\u5A6B", 8, "\u5A78\u5A79\u5A7B\u5A7C\u5A7D\u5A7E\u5A80", 17, "\u5A93", 6, "\u5A9C", 13, "\u5AAB\u5AAC"], + ["8b80", "\u5AAD", 4, "\u5AB4\u5AB6\u5AB7\u5AB9", 4, "\u5ABF\u5AC0\u5AC3", 5, "\u5ACA\u5ACB\u5ACD", 4, "\u5AD3\u5AD5\u5AD7\u5AD9\u5ADA\u5ADB\u5ADD\u5ADE\u5ADF\u5AE2\u5AE4\u5AE5\u5AE7\u5AE8\u5AEA\u5AEC", 4, "\u5AF2", 22, "\u5B0A", 11, "\u5B18", 25, "\u5B33\u5B35\u5B36\u5B38", 7, "\u5B41", 6], + ["8c40", "\u5B48", 7, "\u5B52\u5B56\u5B5E\u5B60\u5B61\u5B67\u5B68\u5B6B\u5B6D\u5B6E\u5B6F\u5B72\u5B74\u5B76\u5B77\u5B78\u5B79\u5B7B\u5B7C\u5B7E\u5B7F\u5B82\u5B86\u5B8A\u5B8D\u5B8E\u5B90\u5B91\u5B92\u5B94\u5B96\u5B9F\u5BA7\u5BA8\u5BA9\u5BAC\u5BAD\u5BAE\u5BAF\u5BB1\u5BB2\u5BB7\u5BBA\u5BBB\u5BBC\u5BC0\u5BC1\u5BC3\u5BC8\u5BC9\u5BCA\u5BCB\u5BCD\u5BCE\u5BCF"], + ["8c80", "\u5BD1\u5BD4", 8, "\u5BE0\u5BE2\u5BE3\u5BE6\u5BE7\u5BE9", 4, "\u5BEF\u5BF1", 6, "\u5BFD\u5BFE\u5C00\u5C02\u5C03\u5C05\u5C07\u5C08\u5C0B\u5C0C\u5C0D\u5C0E\u5C10\u5C12\u5C13\u5C17\u5C19\u5C1B\u5C1E\u5C1F\u5C20\u5C21\u5C23\u5C26\u5C28\u5C29\u5C2A\u5C2B\u5C2D\u5C2E\u5C2F\u5C30\u5C32\u5C33\u5C35\u5C36\u5C37\u5C43\u5C44\u5C46\u5C47\u5C4C\u5C4D\u5C52\u5C53\u5C54\u5C56\u5C57\u5C58\u5C5A\u5C5B\u5C5C\u5C5D\u5C5F\u5C62\u5C64\u5C67", 6, "\u5C70\u5C72", 6, "\u5C7B\u5C7C\u5C7D\u5C7E\u5C80\u5C83", 4, "\u5C89\u5C8A\u5C8B\u5C8E\u5C8F\u5C92\u5C93\u5C95\u5C9D", 4, "\u5CA4", 4], + ["8d40", "\u5CAA\u5CAE\u5CAF\u5CB0\u5CB2\u5CB4\u5CB6\u5CB9\u5CBA\u5CBB\u5CBC\u5CBE\u5CC0\u5CC2\u5CC3\u5CC5", 5, "\u5CCC", 5, "\u5CD3", 5, "\u5CDA", 6, "\u5CE2\u5CE3\u5CE7\u5CE9\u5CEB\u5CEC\u5CEE\u5CEF\u5CF1", 9, "\u5CFC", 4], + ["8d80", "\u5D01\u5D04\u5D05\u5D08", 5, "\u5D0F", 4, "\u5D15\u5D17\u5D18\u5D19\u5D1A\u5D1C\u5D1D\u5D1F", 4, "\u5D25\u5D28\u5D2A\u5D2B\u5D2C\u5D2F", 4, "\u5D35", 7, "\u5D3F", 7, "\u5D48\u5D49\u5D4D", 10, "\u5D59\u5D5A\u5D5C\u5D5E", 10, "\u5D6A\u5D6D\u5D6E\u5D70\u5D71\u5D72\u5D73\u5D75", 12, "\u5D83", 21, "\u5D9A\u5D9B\u5D9C\u5D9E\u5D9F\u5DA0"], + ["8e40", "\u5DA1", 21, "\u5DB8", 12, "\u5DC6", 6, "\u5DCE", 12, "\u5DDC\u5DDF\u5DE0\u5DE3\u5DE4\u5DEA\u5DEC\u5DED"], + ["8e80", "\u5DF0\u5DF5\u5DF6\u5DF8", 4, "\u5DFF\u5E00\u5E04\u5E07\u5E09\u5E0A\u5E0B\u5E0D\u5E0E\u5E12\u5E13\u5E17\u5E1E", 7, "\u5E28", 4, "\u5E2F\u5E30\u5E32", 4, "\u5E39\u5E3A\u5E3E\u5E3F\u5E40\u5E41\u5E43\u5E46", 5, "\u5E4D", 6, "\u5E56", 4, "\u5E5C\u5E5D\u5E5F\u5E60\u5E63", 14, "\u5E75\u5E77\u5E79\u5E7E\u5E81\u5E82\u5E83\u5E85\u5E88\u5E89\u5E8C\u5E8D\u5E8E\u5E92\u5E98\u5E9B\u5E9D\u5EA1\u5EA2\u5EA3\u5EA4\u5EA8", 4, "\u5EAE", 4, "\u5EB4\u5EBA\u5EBB\u5EBC\u5EBD\u5EBF", 6], + ["8f40", "\u5EC6\u5EC7\u5EC8\u5ECB", 5, "\u5ED4\u5ED5\u5ED7\u5ED8\u5ED9\u5EDA\u5EDC", 11, "\u5EE9\u5EEB", 8, "\u5EF5\u5EF8\u5EF9\u5EFB\u5EFC\u5EFD\u5F05\u5F06\u5F07\u5F09\u5F0C\u5F0D\u5F0E\u5F10\u5F12\u5F14\u5F16\u5F19\u5F1A\u5F1C\u5F1D\u5F1E\u5F21\u5F22\u5F23\u5F24"], + ["8f80", "\u5F28\u5F2B\u5F2C\u5F2E\u5F30\u5F32", 6, "\u5F3B\u5F3D\u5F3E\u5F3F\u5F41", 14, "\u5F51\u5F54\u5F59\u5F5A\u5F5B\u5F5C\u5F5E\u5F5F\u5F60\u5F63\u5F65\u5F67\u5F68\u5F6B\u5F6E\u5F6F\u5F72\u5F74\u5F75\u5F76\u5F78\u5F7A\u5F7D\u5F7E\u5F7F\u5F83\u5F86\u5F8D\u5F8E\u5F8F\u5F91\u5F93\u5F94\u5F96\u5F9A\u5F9B\u5F9D\u5F9E\u5F9F\u5FA0\u5FA2", 5, "\u5FA9\u5FAB\u5FAC\u5FAF", 5, "\u5FB6\u5FB8\u5FB9\u5FBA\u5FBB\u5FBE", 4, "\u5FC7\u5FC8\u5FCA\u5FCB\u5FCE\u5FD3\u5FD4\u5FD5\u5FDA\u5FDB\u5FDC\u5FDE\u5FDF\u5FE2\u5FE3\u5FE5\u5FE6\u5FE8\u5FE9\u5FEC\u5FEF\u5FF0\u5FF2\u5FF3\u5FF4\u5FF6\u5FF7\u5FF9\u5FFA\u5FFC\u6007"], + ["9040", "\u6008\u6009\u600B\u600C\u6010\u6011\u6013\u6017\u6018\u601A\u601E\u601F\u6022\u6023\u6024\u602C\u602D\u602E\u6030", 4, "\u6036", 4, "\u603D\u603E\u6040\u6044", 6, "\u604C\u604E\u604F\u6051\u6053\u6054\u6056\u6057\u6058\u605B\u605C\u605E\u605F\u6060\u6061\u6065\u6066\u606E\u6071\u6072\u6074\u6075\u6077\u607E\u6080"], + ["9080", "\u6081\u6082\u6085\u6086\u6087\u6088\u608A\u608B\u608E\u608F\u6090\u6091\u6093\u6095\u6097\u6098\u6099\u609C\u609E\u60A1\u60A2\u60A4\u60A5\u60A7\u60A9\u60AA\u60AE\u60B0\u60B3\u60B5\u60B6\u60B7\u60B9\u60BA\u60BD", 7, "\u60C7\u60C8\u60C9\u60CC", 4, "\u60D2\u60D3\u60D4\u60D6\u60D7\u60D9\u60DB\u60DE\u60E1", 4, "\u60EA\u60F1\u60F2\u60F5\u60F7\u60F8\u60FB", 4, "\u6102\u6103\u6104\u6105\u6107\u610A\u610B\u610C\u6110", 4, "\u6116\u6117\u6118\u6119\u611B\u611C\u611D\u611E\u6121\u6122\u6125\u6128\u6129\u612A\u612C", 18, "\u6140", 6], + ["9140", "\u6147\u6149\u614B\u614D\u614F\u6150\u6152\u6153\u6154\u6156", 6, "\u615E\u615F\u6160\u6161\u6163\u6164\u6165\u6166\u6169", 6, "\u6171\u6172\u6173\u6174\u6176\u6178", 18, "\u618C\u618D\u618F", 4, "\u6195"], + ["9180", "\u6196", 6, "\u619E", 8, "\u61AA\u61AB\u61AD", 9, "\u61B8", 5, "\u61BF\u61C0\u61C1\u61C3", 4, "\u61C9\u61CC", 4, "\u61D3\u61D5", 16, "\u61E7", 13, "\u61F6", 8, "\u6200", 5, "\u6207\u6209\u6213\u6214\u6219\u621C\u621D\u621E\u6220\u6223\u6226\u6227\u6228\u6229\u622B\u622D\u622F\u6230\u6231\u6232\u6235\u6236\u6238", 4, "\u6242\u6244\u6245\u6246\u624A"], + ["9240", "\u624F\u6250\u6255\u6256\u6257\u6259\u625A\u625C", 6, "\u6264\u6265\u6268\u6271\u6272\u6274\u6275\u6277\u6278\u627A\u627B\u627D\u6281\u6282\u6283\u6285\u6286\u6287\u6288\u628B", 5, "\u6294\u6299\u629C\u629D\u629E\u62A3\u62A6\u62A7\u62A9\u62AA\u62AD\u62AE\u62AF\u62B0\u62B2\u62B3\u62B4\u62B6\u62B7\u62B8\u62BA\u62BE\u62C0\u62C1"], + ["9280", "\u62C3\u62CB\u62CF\u62D1\u62D5\u62DD\u62DE\u62E0\u62E1\u62E4\u62EA\u62EB\u62F0\u62F2\u62F5\u62F8\u62F9\u62FA\u62FB\u6300\u6303\u6304\u6305\u6306\u630A\u630B\u630C\u630D\u630F\u6310\u6312\u6313\u6314\u6315\u6317\u6318\u6319\u631C\u6326\u6327\u6329\u632C\u632D\u632E\u6330\u6331\u6333", 5, "\u633B\u633C\u633E\u633F\u6340\u6341\u6344\u6347\u6348\u634A\u6351\u6352\u6353\u6354\u6356", 7, "\u6360\u6364\u6365\u6366\u6368\u636A\u636B\u636C\u636F\u6370\u6372\u6373\u6374\u6375\u6378\u6379\u637C\u637D\u637E\u637F\u6381\u6383\u6384\u6385\u6386\u638B\u638D\u6391\u6393\u6394\u6395\u6397\u6399", 6, "\u63A1\u63A4\u63A6\u63AB\u63AF\u63B1\u63B2\u63B5\u63B6\u63B9\u63BB\u63BD\u63BF\u63C0"], + ["9340", "\u63C1\u63C2\u63C3\u63C5\u63C7\u63C8\u63CA\u63CB\u63CC\u63D1\u63D3\u63D4\u63D5\u63D7", 6, "\u63DF\u63E2\u63E4", 4, "\u63EB\u63EC\u63EE\u63EF\u63F0\u63F1\u63F3\u63F5\u63F7\u63F9\u63FA\u63FB\u63FC\u63FE\u6403\u6404\u6406", 4, "\u640D\u640E\u6411\u6412\u6415", 5, "\u641D\u641F\u6422\u6423\u6424"], + ["9380", "\u6425\u6427\u6428\u6429\u642B\u642E", 5, "\u6435", 4, "\u643B\u643C\u643E\u6440\u6442\u6443\u6449\u644B", 6, "\u6453\u6455\u6456\u6457\u6459", 4, "\u645F", 7, "\u6468\u646A\u646B\u646C\u646E", 9, "\u647B", 6, "\u6483\u6486\u6488", 8, "\u6493\u6494\u6497\u6498\u649A\u649B\u649C\u649D\u649F", 4, "\u64A5\u64A6\u64A7\u64A8\u64AA\u64AB\u64AF\u64B1\u64B2\u64B3\u64B4\u64B6\u64B9\u64BB\u64BD\u64BE\u64BF\u64C1\u64C3\u64C4\u64C6", 6, "\u64CF\u64D1\u64D3\u64D4\u64D5\u64D6\u64D9\u64DA"], + ["9440", "\u64DB\u64DC\u64DD\u64DF\u64E0\u64E1\u64E3\u64E5\u64E7", 24, "\u6501", 7, "\u650A", 7, "\u6513", 4, "\u6519", 8], + ["9480", "\u6522\u6523\u6524\u6526", 4, "\u652C\u652D\u6530\u6531\u6532\u6533\u6537\u653A\u653C\u653D\u6540", 4, "\u6546\u6547\u654A\u654B\u654D\u654E\u6550\u6552\u6553\u6554\u6557\u6558\u655A\u655C\u655F\u6560\u6561\u6564\u6565\u6567\u6568\u6569\u656A\u656D\u656E\u656F\u6571\u6573\u6575\u6576\u6578", 14, "\u6588\u6589\u658A\u658D\u658E\u658F\u6592\u6594\u6595\u6596\u6598\u659A\u659D\u659E\u65A0\u65A2\u65A3\u65A6\u65A8\u65AA\u65AC\u65AE\u65B1", 7, "\u65BA\u65BB\u65BE\u65BF\u65C0\u65C2\u65C7\u65C8\u65C9\u65CA\u65CD\u65D0\u65D1\u65D3\u65D4\u65D5\u65D8", 7, "\u65E1\u65E3\u65E4\u65EA\u65EB"], + ["9540", "\u65F2\u65F3\u65F4\u65F5\u65F8\u65F9\u65FB", 4, "\u6601\u6604\u6605\u6607\u6608\u6609\u660B\u660D\u6610\u6611\u6612\u6616\u6617\u6618\u661A\u661B\u661C\u661E\u6621\u6622\u6623\u6624\u6626\u6629\u662A\u662B\u662C\u662E\u6630\u6632\u6633\u6637", 4, "\u663D\u663F\u6640\u6642\u6644", 6, "\u664D\u664E\u6650\u6651\u6658"], + ["9580", "\u6659\u665B\u665C\u665D\u665E\u6660\u6662\u6663\u6665\u6667\u6669", 4, "\u6671\u6672\u6673\u6675\u6678\u6679\u667B\u667C\u667D\u667F\u6680\u6681\u6683\u6685\u6686\u6688\u6689\u668A\u668B\u668D\u668E\u668F\u6690\u6692\u6693\u6694\u6695\u6698", 4, "\u669E", 8, "\u66A9", 4, "\u66AF", 4, "\u66B5\u66B6\u66B7\u66B8\u66BA\u66BB\u66BC\u66BD\u66BF", 25, "\u66DA\u66DE", 7, "\u66E7\u66E8\u66EA", 5, "\u66F1\u66F5\u66F6\u66F8\u66FA\u66FB\u66FD\u6701\u6702\u6703"], + ["9640", "\u6704\u6705\u6706\u6707\u670C\u670E\u670F\u6711\u6712\u6713\u6716\u6718\u6719\u671A\u671C\u671E\u6720", 5, "\u6727\u6729\u672E\u6730\u6732\u6733\u6736\u6737\u6738\u6739\u673B\u673C\u673E\u673F\u6741\u6744\u6745\u6747\u674A\u674B\u674D\u6752\u6754\u6755\u6757", 4, "\u675D\u6762\u6763\u6764\u6766\u6767\u676B\u676C\u676E\u6771\u6774\u6776"], + ["9680", "\u6778\u6779\u677A\u677B\u677D\u6780\u6782\u6783\u6785\u6786\u6788\u678A\u678C\u678D\u678E\u678F\u6791\u6792\u6793\u6794\u6796\u6799\u679B\u679F\u67A0\u67A1\u67A4\u67A6\u67A9\u67AC\u67AE\u67B1\u67B2\u67B4\u67B9", 7, "\u67C2\u67C5", 9, "\u67D5\u67D6\u67D7\u67DB\u67DF\u67E1\u67E3\u67E4\u67E6\u67E7\u67E8\u67EA\u67EB\u67ED\u67EE\u67F2\u67F5", 7, "\u67FE\u6801\u6802\u6803\u6804\u6806\u680D\u6810\u6812\u6814\u6815\u6818", 4, "\u681E\u681F\u6820\u6822", 6, "\u682B", 6, "\u6834\u6835\u6836\u683A\u683B\u683F\u6847\u684B\u684D\u684F\u6852\u6856", 5], + ["9740", "\u685C\u685D\u685E\u685F\u686A\u686C", 7, "\u6875\u6878", 8, "\u6882\u6884\u6887", 7, "\u6890\u6891\u6892\u6894\u6895\u6896\u6898", 9, "\u68A3\u68A4\u68A5\u68A9\u68AA\u68AB\u68AC\u68AE\u68B1\u68B2\u68B4\u68B6\u68B7\u68B8"], + ["9780", "\u68B9", 6, "\u68C1\u68C3", 5, "\u68CA\u68CC\u68CE\u68CF\u68D0\u68D1\u68D3\u68D4\u68D6\u68D7\u68D9\u68DB", 4, "\u68E1\u68E2\u68E4", 9, "\u68EF\u68F2\u68F3\u68F4\u68F6\u68F7\u68F8\u68FB\u68FD\u68FE\u68FF\u6900\u6902\u6903\u6904\u6906", 4, "\u690C\u690F\u6911\u6913", 11, "\u6921\u6922\u6923\u6925", 7, "\u692E\u692F\u6931\u6932\u6933\u6935\u6936\u6937\u6938\u693A\u693B\u693C\u693E\u6940\u6941\u6943", 16, "\u6955\u6956\u6958\u6959\u695B\u695C\u695F"], + ["9840", "\u6961\u6962\u6964\u6965\u6967\u6968\u6969\u696A\u696C\u696D\u696F\u6970\u6972", 4, "\u697A\u697B\u697D\u697E\u697F\u6981\u6983\u6985\u698A\u698B\u698C\u698E", 5, "\u6996\u6997\u6999\u699A\u699D", 9, "\u69A9\u69AA\u69AC\u69AE\u69AF\u69B0\u69B2\u69B3\u69B5\u69B6\u69B8\u69B9\u69BA\u69BC\u69BD"], + ["9880", "\u69BE\u69BF\u69C0\u69C2", 7, "\u69CB\u69CD\u69CF\u69D1\u69D2\u69D3\u69D5", 5, "\u69DC\u69DD\u69DE\u69E1", 11, "\u69EE\u69EF\u69F0\u69F1\u69F3", 9, "\u69FE\u6A00", 9, "\u6A0B", 11, "\u6A19", 5, "\u6A20\u6A22", 5, "\u6A29\u6A2B\u6A2C\u6A2D\u6A2E\u6A30\u6A32\u6A33\u6A34\u6A36", 6, "\u6A3F", 4, "\u6A45\u6A46\u6A48", 7, "\u6A51", 6, "\u6A5A"], + ["9940", "\u6A5C", 4, "\u6A62\u6A63\u6A64\u6A66", 10, "\u6A72", 6, "\u6A7A\u6A7B\u6A7D\u6A7E\u6A7F\u6A81\u6A82\u6A83\u6A85", 8, "\u6A8F\u6A92", 4, "\u6A98", 7, "\u6AA1", 5], + ["9980", "\u6AA7\u6AA8\u6AAA\u6AAD", 114, "\u6B25\u6B26\u6B28", 6], + ["9a40", "\u6B2F\u6B30\u6B31\u6B33\u6B34\u6B35\u6B36\u6B38\u6B3B\u6B3C\u6B3D\u6B3F\u6B40\u6B41\u6B42\u6B44\u6B45\u6B48\u6B4A\u6B4B\u6B4D", 11, "\u6B5A", 7, "\u6B68\u6B69\u6B6B", 13, "\u6B7A\u6B7D\u6B7E\u6B7F\u6B80\u6B85\u6B88"], + ["9a80", "\u6B8C\u6B8E\u6B8F\u6B90\u6B91\u6B94\u6B95\u6B97\u6B98\u6B99\u6B9C", 4, "\u6BA2", 7, "\u6BAB", 7, "\u6BB6\u6BB8", 6, "\u6BC0\u6BC3\u6BC4\u6BC6", 4, "\u6BCC\u6BCE\u6BD0\u6BD1\u6BD8\u6BDA\u6BDC", 4, "\u6BE2", 7, "\u6BEC\u6BED\u6BEE\u6BF0\u6BF1\u6BF2\u6BF4\u6BF6\u6BF7\u6BF8\u6BFA\u6BFB\u6BFC\u6BFE", 6, "\u6C08", 4, "\u6C0E\u6C12\u6C17\u6C1C\u6C1D\u6C1E\u6C20\u6C23\u6C25\u6C2B\u6C2C\u6C2D\u6C31\u6C33\u6C36\u6C37\u6C39\u6C3A\u6C3B\u6C3C\u6C3E\u6C3F\u6C43\u6C44\u6C45\u6C48\u6C4B", 4, "\u6C51\u6C52\u6C53\u6C56\u6C58"], + ["9b40", "\u6C59\u6C5A\u6C62\u6C63\u6C65\u6C66\u6C67\u6C6B", 4, "\u6C71\u6C73\u6C75\u6C77\u6C78\u6C7A\u6C7B\u6C7C\u6C7F\u6C80\u6C84\u6C87\u6C8A\u6C8B\u6C8D\u6C8E\u6C91\u6C92\u6C95\u6C96\u6C97\u6C98\u6C9A\u6C9C\u6C9D\u6C9E\u6CA0\u6CA2\u6CA8\u6CAC\u6CAF\u6CB0\u6CB4\u6CB5\u6CB6\u6CB7\u6CBA\u6CC0\u6CC1\u6CC2\u6CC3\u6CC6\u6CC7\u6CC8\u6CCB\u6CCD\u6CCE\u6CCF\u6CD1\u6CD2\u6CD8"], + ["9b80", "\u6CD9\u6CDA\u6CDC\u6CDD\u6CDF\u6CE4\u6CE6\u6CE7\u6CE9\u6CEC\u6CED\u6CF2\u6CF4\u6CF9\u6CFF\u6D00\u6D02\u6D03\u6D05\u6D06\u6D08\u6D09\u6D0A\u6D0D\u6D0F\u6D10\u6D11\u6D13\u6D14\u6D15\u6D16\u6D18\u6D1C\u6D1D\u6D1F", 5, "\u6D26\u6D28\u6D29\u6D2C\u6D2D\u6D2F\u6D30\u6D34\u6D36\u6D37\u6D38\u6D3A\u6D3F\u6D40\u6D42\u6D44\u6D49\u6D4C\u6D50\u6D55\u6D56\u6D57\u6D58\u6D5B\u6D5D\u6D5F\u6D61\u6D62\u6D64\u6D65\u6D67\u6D68\u6D6B\u6D6C\u6D6D\u6D70\u6D71\u6D72\u6D73\u6D75\u6D76\u6D79\u6D7A\u6D7B\u6D7D", 4, "\u6D83\u6D84\u6D86\u6D87\u6D8A\u6D8B\u6D8D\u6D8F\u6D90\u6D92\u6D96", 4, "\u6D9C\u6DA2\u6DA5\u6DAC\u6DAD\u6DB0\u6DB1\u6DB3\u6DB4\u6DB6\u6DB7\u6DB9", 5, "\u6DC1\u6DC2\u6DC3\u6DC8\u6DC9\u6DCA"], + ["9c40", "\u6DCD\u6DCE\u6DCF\u6DD0\u6DD2\u6DD3\u6DD4\u6DD5\u6DD7\u6DDA\u6DDB\u6DDC\u6DDF\u6DE2\u6DE3\u6DE5\u6DE7\u6DE8\u6DE9\u6DEA\u6DED\u6DEF\u6DF0\u6DF2\u6DF4\u6DF5\u6DF6\u6DF8\u6DFA\u6DFD", 7, "\u6E06\u6E07\u6E08\u6E09\u6E0B\u6E0F\u6E12\u6E13\u6E15\u6E18\u6E19\u6E1B\u6E1C\u6E1E\u6E1F\u6E22\u6E26\u6E27\u6E28\u6E2A\u6E2C\u6E2E\u6E30\u6E31\u6E33\u6E35"], + ["9c80", "\u6E36\u6E37\u6E39\u6E3B", 7, "\u6E45", 7, "\u6E4F\u6E50\u6E51\u6E52\u6E55\u6E57\u6E59\u6E5A\u6E5C\u6E5D\u6E5E\u6E60", 10, "\u6E6C\u6E6D\u6E6F", 14, "\u6E80\u6E81\u6E82\u6E84\u6E87\u6E88\u6E8A", 4, "\u6E91", 6, "\u6E99\u6E9A\u6E9B\u6E9D\u6E9E\u6EA0\u6EA1\u6EA3\u6EA4\u6EA6\u6EA8\u6EA9\u6EAB\u6EAC\u6EAD\u6EAE\u6EB0\u6EB3\u6EB5\u6EB8\u6EB9\u6EBC\u6EBE\u6EBF\u6EC0\u6EC3\u6EC4\u6EC5\u6EC6\u6EC8\u6EC9\u6ECA\u6ECC\u6ECD\u6ECE\u6ED0\u6ED2\u6ED6\u6ED8\u6ED9\u6EDB\u6EDC\u6EDD\u6EE3\u6EE7\u6EEA", 5], + ["9d40", "\u6EF0\u6EF1\u6EF2\u6EF3\u6EF5\u6EF6\u6EF7\u6EF8\u6EFA", 7, "\u6F03\u6F04\u6F05\u6F07\u6F08\u6F0A", 4, "\u6F10\u6F11\u6F12\u6F16", 9, "\u6F21\u6F22\u6F23\u6F25\u6F26\u6F27\u6F28\u6F2C\u6F2E\u6F30\u6F32\u6F34\u6F35\u6F37", 6, "\u6F3F\u6F40\u6F41\u6F42"], + ["9d80", "\u6F43\u6F44\u6F45\u6F48\u6F49\u6F4A\u6F4C\u6F4E", 9, "\u6F59\u6F5A\u6F5B\u6F5D\u6F5F\u6F60\u6F61\u6F63\u6F64\u6F65\u6F67", 5, "\u6F6F\u6F70\u6F71\u6F73\u6F75\u6F76\u6F77\u6F79\u6F7B\u6F7D", 6, "\u6F85\u6F86\u6F87\u6F8A\u6F8B\u6F8F", 12, "\u6F9D\u6F9E\u6F9F\u6FA0\u6FA2", 4, "\u6FA8", 10, "\u6FB4\u6FB5\u6FB7\u6FB8\u6FBA", 5, "\u6FC1\u6FC3", 5, "\u6FCA", 6, "\u6FD3", 10, "\u6FDF\u6FE2\u6FE3\u6FE4\u6FE5"], + ["9e40", "\u6FE6", 7, "\u6FF0", 32, "\u7012", 7, "\u701C", 6, "\u7024", 6], + ["9e80", "\u702B", 9, "\u7036\u7037\u7038\u703A", 17, "\u704D\u704E\u7050", 13, "\u705F", 11, "\u706E\u7071\u7072\u7073\u7074\u7077\u7079\u707A\u707B\u707D\u7081\u7082\u7083\u7084\u7086\u7087\u7088\u708B\u708C\u708D\u708F\u7090\u7091\u7093\u7097\u7098\u709A\u709B\u709E", 12, "\u70B0\u70B2\u70B4\u70B5\u70B6\u70BA\u70BE\u70BF\u70C4\u70C5\u70C6\u70C7\u70C9\u70CB", 12, "\u70DA"], + ["9f40", "\u70DC\u70DD\u70DE\u70E0\u70E1\u70E2\u70E3\u70E5\u70EA\u70EE\u70F0", 6, "\u70F8\u70FA\u70FB\u70FC\u70FE", 10, "\u710B", 4, "\u7111\u7112\u7114\u7117\u711B", 10, "\u7127", 7, "\u7132\u7133\u7134"], + ["9f80", "\u7135\u7137", 13, "\u7146\u7147\u7148\u7149\u714B\u714D\u714F", 12, "\u715D\u715F", 4, "\u7165\u7169", 4, "\u716F\u7170\u7171\u7174\u7175\u7176\u7177\u7179\u717B\u717C\u717E", 5, "\u7185", 4, "\u718B\u718C\u718D\u718E\u7190\u7191\u7192\u7193\u7195\u7196\u7197\u719A", 4, "\u71A1", 6, "\u71A9\u71AA\u71AB\u71AD", 5, "\u71B4\u71B6\u71B7\u71B8\u71BA", 8, "\u71C4", 9, "\u71CF", 4], + ["a040", "\u71D6", 9, "\u71E1\u71E2\u71E3\u71E4\u71E6\u71E8", 5, "\u71EF", 9, "\u71FA", 11, "\u7207", 19], + ["a080", "\u721B\u721C\u721E", 9, "\u7229\u722B\u722D\u722E\u722F\u7232\u7233\u7234\u723A\u723C\u723E\u7240", 6, "\u7249\u724A\u724B\u724E\u724F\u7250\u7251\u7253\u7254\u7255\u7257\u7258\u725A\u725C\u725E\u7260\u7263\u7264\u7265\u7268\u726A\u726B\u726C\u726D\u7270\u7271\u7273\u7274\u7276\u7277\u7278\u727B\u727C\u727D\u7282\u7283\u7285", 4, "\u728C\u728E\u7290\u7291\u7293", 11, "\u72A0", 11, "\u72AE\u72B1\u72B2\u72B3\u72B5\u72BA", 6, "\u72C5\u72C6\u72C7\u72C9\u72CA\u72CB\u72CC\u72CF\u72D1\u72D3\u72D4\u72D5\u72D6\u72D8\u72DA\u72DB"], + ["a1a1", "\u3000\u3001\u3002\xB7\u02C9\u02C7\xA8\u3003\u3005\u2014\uFF5E\u2016\u2026\u2018\u2019\u201C\u201D\u3014\u3015\u3008", 7, "\u3016\u3017\u3010\u3011\xB1\xD7\xF7\u2236\u2227\u2228\u2211\u220F\u222A\u2229\u2208\u2237\u221A\u22A5\u2225\u2220\u2312\u2299\u222B\u222E\u2261\u224C\u2248\u223D\u221D\u2260\u226E\u226F\u2264\u2265\u221E\u2235\u2234\u2642\u2640\xB0\u2032\u2033\u2103\uFF04\xA4\uFFE0\uFFE1\u2030\xA7\u2116\u2606\u2605\u25CB\u25CF\u25CE\u25C7\u25C6\u25A1\u25A0\u25B3\u25B2\u203B\u2192\u2190\u2191\u2193\u3013"], + ["a2a1", "\u2170", 9], + ["a2b1", "\u2488", 19, "\u2474", 19, "\u2460", 9], + ["a2e5", "\u3220", 9], + ["a2f1", "\u2160", 11], + ["a3a1", "\uFF01\uFF02\uFF03\uFFE5\uFF05", 88, "\uFFE3"], + ["a4a1", "\u3041", 82], + ["a5a1", "\u30A1", 85], + ["a6a1", "\u0391", 16, "\u03A3", 6], + ["a6c1", "\u03B1", 16, "\u03C3", 6], + ["a6e0", "\uFE35\uFE36\uFE39\uFE3A\uFE3F\uFE40\uFE3D\uFE3E\uFE41\uFE42\uFE43\uFE44"], + ["a6ee", "\uFE3B\uFE3C\uFE37\uFE38\uFE31"], + ["a6f4", "\uFE33\uFE34"], + ["a7a1", "\u0410", 5, "\u0401\u0416", 25], + ["a7d1", "\u0430", 5, "\u0451\u0436", 25], + ["a840", "\u02CA\u02CB\u02D9\u2013\u2015\u2025\u2035\u2105\u2109\u2196\u2197\u2198\u2199\u2215\u221F\u2223\u2252\u2266\u2267\u22BF\u2550", 35, "\u2581", 6], + ["a880", "\u2588", 7, "\u2593\u2594\u2595\u25BC\u25BD\u25E2\u25E3\u25E4\u25E5\u2609\u2295\u3012\u301D\u301E"], + ["a8a1", "\u0101\xE1\u01CE\xE0\u0113\xE9\u011B\xE8\u012B\xED\u01D0\xEC\u014D\xF3\u01D2\xF2\u016B\xFA\u01D4\xF9\u01D6\u01D8\u01DA\u01DC\xFC\xEA\u0251"], + ["a8bd", "\u0144\u0148"], + ["a8c0", "\u0261"], + ["a8c5", "\u3105", 36], + ["a940", "\u3021", 8, "\u32A3\u338E\u338F\u339C\u339D\u339E\u33A1\u33C4\u33CE\u33D1\u33D2\u33D5\uFE30\uFFE2\uFFE4"], + ["a959", "\u2121\u3231"], + ["a95c", "\u2010"], + ["a960", "\u30FC\u309B\u309C\u30FD\u30FE\u3006\u309D\u309E\uFE49", 9, "\uFE54\uFE55\uFE56\uFE57\uFE59", 8], + ["a980", "\uFE62", 4, "\uFE68\uFE69\uFE6A\uFE6B"], + ["a996", "\u3007"], + ["a9a4", "\u2500", 75], + ["aa40", "\u72DC\u72DD\u72DF\u72E2", 5, "\u72EA\u72EB\u72F5\u72F6\u72F9\u72FD\u72FE\u72FF\u7300\u7302\u7304", 5, "\u730B\u730C\u730D\u730F\u7310\u7311\u7312\u7314\u7318\u7319\u731A\u731F\u7320\u7323\u7324\u7326\u7327\u7328\u732D\u732F\u7330\u7332\u7333\u7335\u7336\u733A\u733B\u733C\u733D\u7340", 8], + ["aa80", "\u7349\u734A\u734B\u734C\u734E\u734F\u7351\u7353\u7354\u7355\u7356\u7358", 7, "\u7361", 10, "\u736E\u7370\u7371"], + ["ab40", "\u7372", 11, "\u737F", 4, "\u7385\u7386\u7388\u738A\u738C\u738D\u738F\u7390\u7392\u7393\u7394\u7395\u7397\u7398\u7399\u739A\u739C\u739D\u739E\u73A0\u73A1\u73A3", 5, "\u73AA\u73AC\u73AD\u73B1\u73B4\u73B5\u73B6\u73B8\u73B9\u73BC\u73BD\u73BE\u73BF\u73C1\u73C3", 4], + ["ab80", "\u73CB\u73CC\u73CE\u73D2", 6, "\u73DA\u73DB\u73DC\u73DD\u73DF\u73E1\u73E2\u73E3\u73E4\u73E6\u73E8\u73EA\u73EB\u73EC\u73EE\u73EF\u73F0\u73F1\u73F3", 4], + ["ac40", "\u73F8", 10, "\u7404\u7407\u7408\u740B\u740C\u740D\u740E\u7411", 8, "\u741C", 5, "\u7423\u7424\u7427\u7429\u742B\u742D\u742F\u7431\u7432\u7437", 4, "\u743D\u743E\u743F\u7440\u7442", 11], + ["ac80", "\u744E", 6, "\u7456\u7458\u745D\u7460", 12, "\u746E\u746F\u7471", 4, "\u7478\u7479\u747A"], + ["ad40", "\u747B\u747C\u747D\u747F\u7482\u7484\u7485\u7486\u7488\u7489\u748A\u748C\u748D\u748F\u7491", 10, "\u749D\u749F", 7, "\u74AA", 15, "\u74BB", 12], + ["ad80", "\u74C8", 9, "\u74D3", 8, "\u74DD\u74DF\u74E1\u74E5\u74E7", 6, "\u74F0\u74F1\u74F2"], + ["ae40", "\u74F3\u74F5\u74F8", 6, "\u7500\u7501\u7502\u7503\u7505", 7, "\u750E\u7510\u7512\u7514\u7515\u7516\u7517\u751B\u751D\u751E\u7520", 4, "\u7526\u7527\u752A\u752E\u7534\u7536\u7539\u753C\u753D\u753F\u7541\u7542\u7543\u7544\u7546\u7547\u7549\u754A\u754D\u7550\u7551\u7552\u7553\u7555\u7556\u7557\u7558"], + ["ae80", "\u755D", 7, "\u7567\u7568\u7569\u756B", 6, "\u7573\u7575\u7576\u7577\u757A", 4, "\u7580\u7581\u7582\u7584\u7585\u7587"], + ["af40", "\u7588\u7589\u758A\u758C\u758D\u758E\u7590\u7593\u7595\u7598\u759B\u759C\u759E\u75A2\u75A6", 4, "\u75AD\u75B6\u75B7\u75BA\u75BB\u75BF\u75C0\u75C1\u75C6\u75CB\u75CC\u75CE\u75CF\u75D0\u75D1\u75D3\u75D7\u75D9\u75DA\u75DC\u75DD\u75DF\u75E0\u75E1\u75E5\u75E9\u75EC\u75ED\u75EE\u75EF\u75F2\u75F3\u75F5\u75F6\u75F7\u75F8\u75FA\u75FB\u75FD\u75FE\u7602\u7604\u7606\u7607"], + ["af80", "\u7608\u7609\u760B\u760D\u760E\u760F\u7611\u7612\u7613\u7614\u7616\u761A\u761C\u761D\u761E\u7621\u7623\u7627\u7628\u762C\u762E\u762F\u7631\u7632\u7636\u7637\u7639\u763A\u763B\u763D\u7641\u7642\u7644"], + ["b040", "\u7645", 6, "\u764E", 5, "\u7655\u7657", 4, "\u765D\u765F\u7660\u7661\u7662\u7664", 6, "\u766C\u766D\u766E\u7670", 7, "\u7679\u767A\u767C\u767F\u7680\u7681\u7683\u7685\u7689\u768A\u768C\u768D\u768F\u7690\u7692\u7694\u7695\u7697\u7698\u769A\u769B"], + ["b080", "\u769C", 7, "\u76A5", 8, "\u76AF\u76B0\u76B3\u76B5", 9, "\u76C0\u76C1\u76C3\u554A\u963F\u57C3\u6328\u54CE\u5509\u54C0\u7691\u764C\u853C\u77EE\u827E\u788D\u7231\u9698\u978D\u6C28\u5B89\u4FFA\u6309\u6697\u5CB8\u80FA\u6848\u80AE\u6602\u76CE\u51F9\u6556\u71AC\u7FF1\u8884\u50B2\u5965\u61CA\u6FB3\u82AD\u634C\u6252\u53ED\u5427\u7B06\u516B\u75A4\u5DF4\u62D4\u8DCB\u9776\u628A\u8019\u575D\u9738\u7F62\u7238\u767D\u67CF\u767E\u6446\u4F70\u8D25\u62DC\u7A17\u6591\u73ED\u642C\u6273\u822C\u9881\u677F\u7248\u626E\u62CC\u4F34\u74E3\u534A\u529E\u7ECA\u90A6\u5E2E\u6886\u699C\u8180\u7ED1\u68D2\u78C5\u868C\u9551\u508D\u8C24\u82DE\u80DE\u5305\u8912\u5265"], + ["b140", "\u76C4\u76C7\u76C9\u76CB\u76CC\u76D3\u76D5\u76D9\u76DA\u76DC\u76DD\u76DE\u76E0", 4, "\u76E6", 7, "\u76F0\u76F3\u76F5\u76F6\u76F7\u76FA\u76FB\u76FD\u76FF\u7700\u7702\u7703\u7705\u7706\u770A\u770C\u770E", 10, "\u771B\u771C\u771D\u771E\u7721\u7723\u7724\u7725\u7727\u772A\u772B"], + ["b180", "\u772C\u772E\u7730", 4, "\u7739\u773B\u773D\u773E\u773F\u7742\u7744\u7745\u7746\u7748", 7, "\u7752", 7, "\u775C\u8584\u96F9\u4FDD\u5821\u9971\u5B9D\u62B1\u62A5\u66B4\u8C79\u9C8D\u7206\u676F\u7891\u60B2\u5351\u5317\u8F88\u80CC\u8D1D\u94A1\u500D\u72C8\u5907\u60EB\u7119\u88AB\u5954\u82EF\u672C\u7B28\u5D29\u7EF7\u752D\u6CF5\u8E66\u8FF8\u903C\u9F3B\u6BD4\u9119\u7B14\u5F7C\u78A7\u84D6\u853D\u6BD5\u6BD9\u6BD6\u5E01\u5E87\u75F9\u95ED\u655D\u5F0A\u5FC5\u8F9F\u58C1\u81C2\u907F\u965B\u97AD\u8FB9\u7F16\u8D2C\u6241\u4FBF\u53D8\u535E\u8FA8\u8FA9\u8FAB\u904D\u6807\u5F6A\u8198\u8868\u9CD6\u618B\u522B\u762A\u5F6C\u658C\u6FD2\u6EE8\u5BBE\u6448\u5175\u51B0\u67C4\u4E19\u79C9\u997C\u70B3"], + ["b240", "\u775D\u775E\u775F\u7760\u7764\u7767\u7769\u776A\u776D", 11, "\u777A\u777B\u777C\u7781\u7782\u7783\u7786", 5, "\u778F\u7790\u7793", 11, "\u77A1\u77A3\u77A4\u77A6\u77A8\u77AB\u77AD\u77AE\u77AF\u77B1\u77B2\u77B4\u77B6", 4], + ["b280", "\u77BC\u77BE\u77C0", 12, "\u77CE", 8, "\u77D8\u77D9\u77DA\u77DD", 4, "\u77E4\u75C5\u5E76\u73BB\u83E0\u64AD\u62E8\u94B5\u6CE2\u535A\u52C3\u640F\u94C2\u7B94\u4F2F\u5E1B\u8236\u8116\u818A\u6E24\u6CCA\u9A73\u6355\u535C\u54FA\u8865\u57E0\u4E0D\u5E03\u6B65\u7C3F\u90E8\u6016\u64E6\u731C\u88C1\u6750\u624D\u8D22\u776C\u8E29\u91C7\u5F69\u83DC\u8521\u9910\u53C2\u8695\u6B8B\u60ED\u60E8\u707F\u82CD\u8231\u4ED3\u6CA7\u85CF\u64CD\u7CD9\u69FD\u66F9\u8349\u5395\u7B56\u4FA7\u518C\u6D4B\u5C42\u8E6D\u63D2\u53C9\u832C\u8336\u67E5\u78B4\u643D\u5BDF\u5C94\u5DEE\u8BE7\u62C6\u67F4\u8C7A\u6400\u63BA\u8749\u998B\u8C17\u7F20\u94F2\u4EA7\u9610\u98A4\u660C\u7316"], + ["b340", "\u77E6\u77E8\u77EA\u77EF\u77F0\u77F1\u77F2\u77F4\u77F5\u77F7\u77F9\u77FA\u77FB\u77FC\u7803", 5, "\u780A\u780B\u780E\u780F\u7810\u7813\u7815\u7819\u781B\u781E\u7820\u7821\u7822\u7824\u7828\u782A\u782B\u782E\u782F\u7831\u7832\u7833\u7835\u7836\u783D\u783F\u7841\u7842\u7843\u7844\u7846\u7848\u7849\u784A\u784B\u784D\u784F\u7851\u7853\u7854\u7858\u7859\u785A"], + ["b380", "\u785B\u785C\u785E", 11, "\u786F", 7, "\u7878\u7879\u787A\u787B\u787D", 6, "\u573A\u5C1D\u5E38\u957F\u507F\u80A0\u5382\u655E\u7545\u5531\u5021\u8D85\u6284\u949E\u671D\u5632\u6F6E\u5DE2\u5435\u7092\u8F66\u626F\u64A4\u63A3\u5F7B\u6F88\u90F4\u81E3\u8FB0\u5C18\u6668\u5FF1\u6C89\u9648\u8D81\u886C\u6491\u79F0\u57CE\u6A59\u6210\u5448\u4E58\u7A0B\u60E9\u6F84\u8BDA\u627F\u901E\u9A8B\u79E4\u5403\u75F4\u6301\u5319\u6C60\u8FDF\u5F1B\u9A70\u803B\u9F7F\u4F88\u5C3A\u8D64\u7FC5\u65A5\u70BD\u5145\u51B2\u866B\u5D07\u5BA0\u62BD\u916C\u7574\u8E0C\u7A20\u6101\u7B79\u4EC7\u7EF8\u7785\u4E11\u81ED\u521D\u51FA\u6A71\u53A8\u8E87\u9504\u96CF\u6EC1\u9664\u695A"], + ["b440", "\u7884\u7885\u7886\u7888\u788A\u788B\u788F\u7890\u7892\u7894\u7895\u7896\u7899\u789D\u789E\u78A0\u78A2\u78A4\u78A6\u78A8", 7, "\u78B5\u78B6\u78B7\u78B8\u78BA\u78BB\u78BC\u78BD\u78BF\u78C0\u78C2\u78C3\u78C4\u78C6\u78C7\u78C8\u78CC\u78CD\u78CE\u78CF\u78D1\u78D2\u78D3\u78D6\u78D7\u78D8\u78DA", 9], + ["b480", "\u78E4\u78E5\u78E6\u78E7\u78E9\u78EA\u78EB\u78ED", 4, "\u78F3\u78F5\u78F6\u78F8\u78F9\u78FB", 5, "\u7902\u7903\u7904\u7906", 6, "\u7840\u50A8\u77D7\u6410\u89E6\u5904\u63E3\u5DDD\u7A7F\u693D\u4F20\u8239\u5598\u4E32\u75AE\u7A97\u5E62\u5E8A\u95EF\u521B\u5439\u708A\u6376\u9524\u5782\u6625\u693F\u9187\u5507\u6DF3\u7EAF\u8822\u6233\u7EF0\u75B5\u8328\u78C1\u96CC\u8F9E\u6148\u74F7\u8BCD\u6B64\u523A\u8D50\u6B21\u806A\u8471\u56F1\u5306\u4ECE\u4E1B\u51D1\u7C97\u918B\u7C07\u4FC3\u8E7F\u7BE1\u7A9C\u6467\u5D14\u50AC\u8106\u7601\u7CB9\u6DEC\u7FE0\u6751\u5B58\u5BF8\u78CB\u64AE\u6413\u63AA\u632B\u9519\u642D\u8FBE\u7B54\u7629\u6253\u5927\u5446\u6B79\u50A3\u6234\u5E26\u6B86\u4EE3\u8D37\u888B\u5F85\u902E"], + ["b540", "\u790D", 5, "\u7914", 9, "\u791F", 4, "\u7925", 14, "\u7935", 4, "\u793D\u793F\u7942\u7943\u7944\u7945\u7947\u794A", 8, "\u7954\u7955\u7958\u7959\u7961\u7963"], + ["b580", "\u7964\u7966\u7969\u796A\u796B\u796C\u796E\u7970", 6, "\u7979\u797B", 4, "\u7982\u7983\u7986\u7987\u7988\u7989\u798B\u798C\u798D\u798E\u7990\u7991\u7992\u6020\u803D\u62C5\u4E39\u5355\u90F8\u63B8\u80C6\u65E6\u6C2E\u4F46\u60EE\u6DE1\u8BDE\u5F39\u86CB\u5F53\u6321\u515A\u8361\u6863\u5200\u6363\u8E48\u5012\u5C9B\u7977\u5BFC\u5230\u7A3B\u60BC\u9053\u76D7\u5FB7\u5F97\u7684\u8E6C\u706F\u767B\u7B49\u77AA\u51F3\u9093\u5824\u4F4E\u6EF4\u8FEA\u654C\u7B1B\u72C4\u6DA4\u7FDF\u5AE1\u62B5\u5E95\u5730\u8482\u7B2C\u5E1D\u5F1F\u9012\u7F14\u98A0\u6382\u6EC7\u7898\u70B9\u5178\u975B\u57AB\u7535\u4F43\u7538\u5E97\u60E6\u5960\u6DC0\u6BBF\u7889\u53FC\u96D5\u51CB\u5201\u6389\u540A\u9493\u8C03\u8DCC\u7239\u789F\u8776\u8FED\u8C0D\u53E0"], + ["b640", "\u7993", 6, "\u799B", 11, "\u79A8", 10, "\u79B4", 4, "\u79BC\u79BF\u79C2\u79C4\u79C5\u79C7\u79C8\u79CA\u79CC\u79CE\u79CF\u79D0\u79D3\u79D4\u79D6\u79D7\u79D9", 5, "\u79E0\u79E1\u79E2\u79E5\u79E8\u79EA"], + ["b680", "\u79EC\u79EE\u79F1", 6, "\u79F9\u79FA\u79FC\u79FE\u79FF\u7A01\u7A04\u7A05\u7A07\u7A08\u7A09\u7A0A\u7A0C\u7A0F", 4, "\u7A15\u7A16\u7A18\u7A19\u7A1B\u7A1C\u4E01\u76EF\u53EE\u9489\u9876\u9F0E\u952D\u5B9A\u8BA2\u4E22\u4E1C\u51AC\u8463\u61C2\u52A8\u680B\u4F97\u606B\u51BB\u6D1E\u515C\u6296\u6597\u9661\u8C46\u9017\u75D8\u90FD\u7763\u6BD2\u728A\u72EC\u8BFB\u5835\u7779\u8D4C\u675C\u9540\u809A\u5EA6\u6E21\u5992\u7AEF\u77ED\u953B\u6BB5\u65AD\u7F0E\u5806\u5151\u961F\u5BF9\u58A9\u5428\u8E72\u6566\u987F\u56E4\u949D\u76FE\u9041\u6387\u54C6\u591A\u593A\u579B\u8EB2\u6735\u8DFA\u8235\u5241\u60F0\u5815\u86FE\u5CE8\u9E45\u4FC4\u989D\u8BB9\u5A25\u6076\u5384\u627C\u904F\u9102\u997F\u6069\u800C\u513F\u8033\u5C14\u9975\u6D31\u4E8C"], + ["b740", "\u7A1D\u7A1F\u7A21\u7A22\u7A24", 14, "\u7A34\u7A35\u7A36\u7A38\u7A3A\u7A3E\u7A40", 5, "\u7A47", 9, "\u7A52", 4, "\u7A58", 16], + ["b780", "\u7A69", 6, "\u7A71\u7A72\u7A73\u7A75\u7A7B\u7A7C\u7A7D\u7A7E\u7A82\u7A85\u7A87\u7A89\u7A8A\u7A8B\u7A8C\u7A8E\u7A8F\u7A90\u7A93\u7A94\u7A99\u7A9A\u7A9B\u7A9E\u7AA1\u7AA2\u8D30\u53D1\u7F5A\u7B4F\u4F10\u4E4F\u9600\u6CD5\u73D0\u85E9\u5E06\u756A\u7FFB\u6A0A\u77FE\u9492\u7E41\u51E1\u70E6\u53CD\u8FD4\u8303\u8D29\u72AF\u996D\u6CDB\u574A\u82B3\u65B9\u80AA\u623F\u9632\u59A8\u4EFF\u8BBF\u7EBA\u653E\u83F2\u975E\u5561\u98DE\u80A5\u532A\u8BFD\u5420\u80BA\u5E9F\u6CB8\u8D39\u82AC\u915A\u5429\u6C1B\u5206\u7EB7\u575F\u711A\u6C7E\u7C89\u594B\u4EFD\u5FFF\u6124\u7CAA\u4E30\u5C01\u67AB\u8702\u5CF0\u950B\u98CE\u75AF\u70FD\u9022\u51AF\u7F1D\u8BBD\u5949\u51E4\u4F5B\u5426\u592B\u6577\u80A4\u5B75\u6276\u62C2\u8F90\u5E45\u6C1F\u7B26\u4F0F\u4FD8\u670D"], + ["b840", "\u7AA3\u7AA4\u7AA7\u7AA9\u7AAA\u7AAB\u7AAE", 4, "\u7AB4", 10, "\u7AC0", 10, "\u7ACC", 9, "\u7AD7\u7AD8\u7ADA\u7ADB\u7ADC\u7ADD\u7AE1\u7AE2\u7AE4\u7AE7", 5, "\u7AEE\u7AF0\u7AF1\u7AF2\u7AF3"], + ["b880", "\u7AF4", 4, "\u7AFB\u7AFC\u7AFE\u7B00\u7B01\u7B02\u7B05\u7B07\u7B09\u7B0C\u7B0D\u7B0E\u7B10\u7B12\u7B13\u7B16\u7B17\u7B18\u7B1A\u7B1C\u7B1D\u7B1F\u7B21\u7B22\u7B23\u7B27\u7B29\u7B2D\u6D6E\u6DAA\u798F\u88B1\u5F17\u752B\u629A\u8F85\u4FEF\u91DC\u65A7\u812F\u8151\u5E9C\u8150\u8D74\u526F\u8986\u8D4B\u590D\u5085\u4ED8\u961C\u7236\u8179\u8D1F\u5BCC\u8BA3\u9644\u5987\u7F1A\u5490\u5676\u560E\u8BE5\u6539\u6982\u9499\u76D6\u6E89\u5E72\u7518\u6746\u67D1\u7AFF\u809D\u8D76\u611F\u79C6\u6562\u8D63\u5188\u521A\u94A2\u7F38\u809B\u7EB2\u5C97\u6E2F\u6760\u7BD9\u768B\u9AD8\u818F\u7F94\u7CD5\u641E\u9550\u7A3F\u544A\u54E5\u6B4C\u6401\u6208\u9E3D\u80F3\u7599\u5272\u9769\u845B\u683C\u86E4\u9601\u9694\u94EC\u4E2A\u5404\u7ED9\u6839\u8DDF\u8015\u66F4\u5E9A\u7FB9"], + ["b940", "\u7B2F\u7B30\u7B32\u7B34\u7B35\u7B36\u7B37\u7B39\u7B3B\u7B3D\u7B3F", 5, "\u7B46\u7B48\u7B4A\u7B4D\u7B4E\u7B53\u7B55\u7B57\u7B59\u7B5C\u7B5E\u7B5F\u7B61\u7B63", 10, "\u7B6F\u7B70\u7B73\u7B74\u7B76\u7B78\u7B7A\u7B7C\u7B7D\u7B7F\u7B81\u7B82\u7B83\u7B84\u7B86", 6, "\u7B8E\u7B8F"], + ["b980", "\u7B91\u7B92\u7B93\u7B96\u7B98\u7B99\u7B9A\u7B9B\u7B9E\u7B9F\u7BA0\u7BA3\u7BA4\u7BA5\u7BAE\u7BAF\u7BB0\u7BB2\u7BB3\u7BB5\u7BB6\u7BB7\u7BB9", 7, "\u7BC2\u7BC3\u7BC4\u57C2\u803F\u6897\u5DE5\u653B\u529F\u606D\u9F9A\u4F9B\u8EAC\u516C\u5BAB\u5F13\u5DE9\u6C5E\u62F1\u8D21\u5171\u94A9\u52FE\u6C9F\u82DF\u72D7\u57A2\u6784\u8D2D\u591F\u8F9C\u83C7\u5495\u7B8D\u4F30\u6CBD\u5B64\u59D1\u9F13\u53E4\u86CA\u9AA8\u8C37\u80A1\u6545\u987E\u56FA\u96C7\u522E\u74DC\u5250\u5BE1\u6302\u8902\u4E56\u62D0\u602A\u68FA\u5173\u5B98\u51A0\u89C2\u7BA1\u9986\u7F50\u60EF\u704C\u8D2F\u5149\u5E7F\u901B\u7470\u89C4\u572D\u7845\u5F52\u9F9F\u95FA\u8F68\u9B3C\u8BE1\u7678\u6842\u67DC\u8DEA\u8D35\u523D\u8F8A\u6EDA\u68CD\u9505\u90ED\u56FD\u679C\u88F9\u8FC7\u54C8"], + ["ba40", "\u7BC5\u7BC8\u7BC9\u7BCA\u7BCB\u7BCD\u7BCE\u7BCF\u7BD0\u7BD2\u7BD4", 4, "\u7BDB\u7BDC\u7BDE\u7BDF\u7BE0\u7BE2\u7BE3\u7BE4\u7BE7\u7BE8\u7BE9\u7BEB\u7BEC\u7BED\u7BEF\u7BF0\u7BF2", 4, "\u7BF8\u7BF9\u7BFA\u7BFB\u7BFD\u7BFF", 7, "\u7C08\u7C09\u7C0A\u7C0D\u7C0E\u7C10", 5, "\u7C17\u7C18\u7C19"], + ["ba80", "\u7C1A", 4, "\u7C20", 5, "\u7C28\u7C29\u7C2B", 12, "\u7C39", 5, "\u7C42\u9AB8\u5B69\u6D77\u6C26\u4EA5\u5BB3\u9A87\u9163\u61A8\u90AF\u97E9\u542B\u6DB5\u5BD2\u51FD\u558A\u7F55\u7FF0\u64BC\u634D\u65F1\u61BE\u608D\u710A\u6C57\u6C49\u592F\u676D\u822A\u58D5\u568E\u8C6A\u6BEB\u90DD\u597D\u8017\u53F7\u6D69\u5475\u559D\u8377\u83CF\u6838\u79BE\u548C\u4F55\u5408\u76D2\u8C89\u9602\u6CB3\u6DB8\u8D6B\u8910\u9E64\u8D3A\u563F\u9ED1\u75D5\u5F88\u72E0\u6068\u54FC\u4EA8\u6A2A\u8861\u6052\u8F70\u54C4\u70D8\u8679\u9E3F\u6D2A\u5B8F\u5F18\u7EA2\u5589\u4FAF\u7334\u543C\u539A\u5019\u540E\u547C\u4E4E\u5FFD\u745A\u58F6\u846B\u80E1\u8774\u72D0\u7CCA\u6E56"], + ["bb40", "\u7C43", 9, "\u7C4E", 36, "\u7C75", 5, "\u7C7E", 9], + ["bb80", "\u7C88\u7C8A", 6, "\u7C93\u7C94\u7C96\u7C99\u7C9A\u7C9B\u7CA0\u7CA1\u7CA3\u7CA6\u7CA7\u7CA8\u7CA9\u7CAB\u7CAC\u7CAD\u7CAF\u7CB0\u7CB4", 4, "\u7CBA\u7CBB\u5F27\u864E\u552C\u62A4\u4E92\u6CAA\u6237\u82B1\u54D7\u534E\u733E\u6ED1\u753B\u5212\u5316\u8BDD\u69D0\u5F8A\u6000\u6DEE\u574F\u6B22\u73AF\u6853\u8FD8\u7F13\u6362\u60A3\u5524\u75EA\u8C62\u7115\u6DA3\u5BA6\u5E7B\u8352\u614C\u9EC4\u78FA\u8757\u7C27\u7687\u51F0\u60F6\u714C\u6643\u5E4C\u604D\u8C0E\u7070\u6325\u8F89\u5FBD\u6062\u86D4\u56DE\u6BC1\u6094\u6167\u5349\u60E0\u6666\u8D3F\u79FD\u4F1A\u70E9\u6C47\u8BB3\u8BF2\u7ED8\u8364\u660F\u5A5A\u9B42\u6D51\u6DF7\u8C41\u6D3B\u4F19\u706B\u83B7\u6216\u60D1\u970D\u8D27\u7978\u51FB\u573E\u57FA\u673A\u7578\u7A3D\u79EF\u7B95"], + ["bc40", "\u7CBF\u7CC0\u7CC2\u7CC3\u7CC4\u7CC6\u7CC9\u7CCB\u7CCE", 6, "\u7CD8\u7CDA\u7CDB\u7CDD\u7CDE\u7CE1", 6, "\u7CE9", 5, "\u7CF0", 7, "\u7CF9\u7CFA\u7CFC", 13, "\u7D0B", 5], + ["bc80", "\u7D11", 14, "\u7D21\u7D23\u7D24\u7D25\u7D26\u7D28\u7D29\u7D2A\u7D2C\u7D2D\u7D2E\u7D30", 6, "\u808C\u9965\u8FF9\u6FC0\u8BA5\u9E21\u59EC\u7EE9\u7F09\u5409\u6781\u68D8\u8F91\u7C4D\u96C6\u53CA\u6025\u75BE\u6C72\u5373\u5AC9\u7EA7\u6324\u51E0\u810A\u5DF1\u84DF\u6280\u5180\u5B63\u4F0E\u796D\u5242\u60B8\u6D4E\u5BC4\u5BC2\u8BA1\u8BB0\u65E2\u5FCC\u9645\u5993\u7EE7\u7EAA\u5609\u67B7\u5939\u4F73\u5BB6\u52A0\u835A\u988A\u8D3E\u7532\u94BE\u5047\u7A3C\u4EF7\u67B6\u9A7E\u5AC1\u6B7C\u76D1\u575A\u5C16\u7B3A\u95F4\u714E\u517C\u80A9\u8270\u5978\u7F04\u8327\u68C0\u67EC\u78B1\u7877\u62E3\u6361\u7B80\u4FED\u526A\u51CF\u8350\u69DB\u9274\u8DF5\u8D31\u89C1\u952E\u7BAD\u4EF6"], + ["bd40", "\u7D37", 54, "\u7D6F", 7], + ["bd80", "\u7D78", 32, "\u5065\u8230\u5251\u996F\u6E10\u6E85\u6DA7\u5EFA\u50F5\u59DC\u5C06\u6D46\u6C5F\u7586\u848B\u6868\u5956\u8BB2\u5320\u9171\u964D\u8549\u6912\u7901\u7126\u80F6\u4EA4\u90CA\u6D47\u9A84\u5A07\u56BC\u6405\u94F0\u77EB\u4FA5\u811A\u72E1\u89D2\u997A\u7F34\u7EDE\u527F\u6559\u9175\u8F7F\u8F83\u53EB\u7A96\u63ED\u63A5\u7686\u79F8\u8857\u9636\u622A\u52AB\u8282\u6854\u6770\u6377\u776B\u7AED\u6D01\u7ED3\u89E3\u59D0\u6212\u85C9\u82A5\u754C\u501F\u4ECB\u75A5\u8BEB\u5C4A\u5DFE\u7B4B\u65A4\u91D1\u4ECA\u6D25\u895F\u7D27\u9526\u4EC5\u8C28\u8FDB\u9773\u664B\u7981\u8FD1\u70EC\u6D78"], + ["be40", "\u7D99", 12, "\u7DA7", 6, "\u7DAF", 42], + ["be80", "\u7DDA", 32, "\u5C3D\u52B2\u8346\u5162\u830E\u775B\u6676\u9CB8\u4EAC\u60CA\u7CBE\u7CB3\u7ECF\u4E95\u8B66\u666F\u9888\u9759\u5883\u656C\u955C\u5F84\u75C9\u9756\u7ADF\u7ADE\u51C0\u70AF\u7A98\u63EA\u7A76\u7EA0\u7396\u97ED\u4E45\u7078\u4E5D\u9152\u53A9\u6551\u65E7\u81FC\u8205\u548E\u5C31\u759A\u97A0\u62D8\u72D9\u75BD\u5C45\u9A79\u83CA\u5C40\u5480\u77E9\u4E3E\u6CAE\u805A\u62D2\u636E\u5DE8\u5177\u8DDD\u8E1E\u952F\u4FF1\u53E5\u60E7\u70AC\u5267\u6350\u9E43\u5A1F\u5026\u7737\u5377\u7EE2\u6485\u652B\u6289\u6398\u5014\u7235\u89C9\u51B3\u8BC0\u7EDD\u5747\u83CC\u94A7\u519B\u541B\u5CFB"], + ["bf40", "\u7DFB", 62], + ["bf80", "\u7E3A\u7E3C", 4, "\u7E42", 4, "\u7E48", 21, "\u4FCA\u7AE3\u6D5A\u90E1\u9A8F\u5580\u5496\u5361\u54AF\u5F00\u63E9\u6977\u51EF\u6168\u520A\u582A\u52D8\u574E\u780D\u770B\u5EB7\u6177\u7CE0\u625B\u6297\u4EA2\u7095\u8003\u62F7\u70E4\u9760\u5777\u82DB\u67EF\u68F5\u78D5\u9897\u79D1\u58F3\u54B3\u53EF\u6E34\u514B\u523B\u5BA2\u8BFE\u80AF\u5543\u57A6\u6073\u5751\u542D\u7A7A\u6050\u5B54\u63A7\u62A0\u53E3\u6263\u5BC7\u67AF\u54ED\u7A9F\u82E6\u9177\u5E93\u88E4\u5938\u57AE\u630E\u8DE8\u80EF\u5757\u7B77\u4FA9\u5FEB\u5BBD\u6B3E\u5321\u7B50\u72C2\u6846\u77FF\u7736\u65F7\u51B5\u4E8F\u76D4\u5CBF\u7AA5\u8475\u594E\u9B41\u5080"], + ["c040", "\u7E5E", 35, "\u7E83", 23, "\u7E9C\u7E9D\u7E9E"], + ["c080", "\u7EAE\u7EB4\u7EBB\u7EBC\u7ED6\u7EE4\u7EEC\u7EF9\u7F0A\u7F10\u7F1E\u7F37\u7F39\u7F3B", 6, "\u7F43\u7F46", 9, "\u7F52\u7F53\u9988\u6127\u6E83\u5764\u6606\u6346\u56F0\u62EC\u6269\u5ED3\u9614\u5783\u62C9\u5587\u8721\u814A\u8FA3\u5566\u83B1\u6765\u8D56\u84DD\u5A6A\u680F\u62E6\u7BEE\u9611\u5170\u6F9C\u8C30\u63FD\u89C8\u61D2\u7F06\u70C2\u6EE5\u7405\u6994\u72FC\u5ECA\u90CE\u6717\u6D6A\u635E\u52B3\u7262\u8001\u4F6C\u59E5\u916A\u70D9\u6D9D\u52D2\u4E50\u96F7\u956D\u857E\u78CA\u7D2F\u5121\u5792\u64C2\u808B\u7C7B\u6CEA\u68F1\u695E\u51B7\u5398\u68A8\u7281\u9ECE\u7BF1\u72F8\u79BB\u6F13\u7406\u674E\u91CC\u9CA4\u793C\u8389\u8354\u540F\u6817\u4E3D\u5389\u52B1\u783E\u5386\u5229\u5088\u4F8B\u4FD0"], + ["c140", "\u7F56\u7F59\u7F5B\u7F5C\u7F5D\u7F5E\u7F60\u7F63", 4, "\u7F6B\u7F6C\u7F6D\u7F6F\u7F70\u7F73\u7F75\u7F76\u7F77\u7F78\u7F7A\u7F7B\u7F7C\u7F7D\u7F7F\u7F80\u7F82", 7, "\u7F8B\u7F8D\u7F8F", 4, "\u7F95", 4, "\u7F9B\u7F9C\u7FA0\u7FA2\u7FA3\u7FA5\u7FA6\u7FA8", 6, "\u7FB1"], + ["c180", "\u7FB3", 4, "\u7FBA\u7FBB\u7FBE\u7FC0\u7FC2\u7FC3\u7FC4\u7FC6\u7FC7\u7FC8\u7FC9\u7FCB\u7FCD\u7FCF", 4, "\u7FD6\u7FD7\u7FD9", 5, "\u7FE2\u7FE3\u75E2\u7ACB\u7C92\u6CA5\u96B6\u529B\u7483\u54E9\u4FE9\u8054\u83B2\u8FDE\u9570\u5EC9\u601C\u6D9F\u5E18\u655B\u8138\u94FE\u604B\u70BC\u7EC3\u7CAE\u51C9\u6881\u7CB1\u826F\u4E24\u8F86\u91CF\u667E\u4EAE\u8C05\u64A9\u804A\u50DA\u7597\u71CE\u5BE5\u8FBD\u6F66\u4E86\u6482\u9563\u5ED6\u6599\u5217\u88C2\u70C8\u52A3\u730E\u7433\u6797\u78F7\u9716\u4E34\u90BB\u9CDE\u6DCB\u51DB\u8D41\u541D\u62CE\u73B2\u83F1\u96F6\u9F84\u94C3\u4F36\u7F9A\u51CC\u7075\u9675\u5CAD\u9886\u53E6\u4EE4\u6E9C\u7409\u69B4\u786B\u998F\u7559\u5218\u7624\u6D41\u67F3\u516D\u9F99\u804B\u5499\u7B3C\u7ABF"], + ["c240", "\u7FE4\u7FE7\u7FE8\u7FEA\u7FEB\u7FEC\u7FED\u7FEF\u7FF2\u7FF4", 6, "\u7FFD\u7FFE\u7FFF\u8002\u8007\u8008\u8009\u800A\u800E\u800F\u8011\u8013\u801A\u801B\u801D\u801E\u801F\u8021\u8023\u8024\u802B", 5, "\u8032\u8034\u8039\u803A\u803C\u803E\u8040\u8041\u8044\u8045\u8047\u8048\u8049\u804E\u804F\u8050\u8051\u8053\u8055\u8056\u8057"], + ["c280", "\u8059\u805B", 13, "\u806B", 5, "\u8072", 11, "\u9686\u5784\u62E2\u9647\u697C\u5A04\u6402\u7BD3\u6F0F\u964B\u82A6\u5362\u9885\u5E90\u7089\u63B3\u5364\u864F\u9C81\u9E93\u788C\u9732\u8DEF\u8D42\u9E7F\u6F5E\u7984\u5F55\u9646\u622E\u9A74\u5415\u94DD\u4FA3\u65C5\u5C65\u5C61\u7F15\u8651\u6C2F\u5F8B\u7387\u6EE4\u7EFF\u5CE6\u631B\u5B6A\u6EE6\u5375\u4E71\u63A0\u7565\u62A1\u8F6E\u4F26\u4ED1\u6CA6\u7EB6\u8BBA\u841D\u87BA\u7F57\u903B\u9523\u7BA9\u9AA1\u88F8\u843D\u6D1B\u9A86\u7EDC\u5988\u9EBB\u739B\u7801\u8682\u9A6C\u9A82\u561B\u5417\u57CB\u4E70\u9EA6\u5356\u8FC8\u8109\u7792\u9992\u86EE\u6EE1\u8513\u66FC\u6162\u6F2B"], + ["c340", "\u807E\u8081\u8082\u8085\u8088\u808A\u808D", 5, "\u8094\u8095\u8097\u8099\u809E\u80A3\u80A6\u80A7\u80A8\u80AC\u80B0\u80B3\u80B5\u80B6\u80B8\u80B9\u80BB\u80C5\u80C7", 4, "\u80CF", 6, "\u80D8\u80DF\u80E0\u80E2\u80E3\u80E6\u80EE\u80F5\u80F7\u80F9\u80FB\u80FE\u80FF\u8100\u8101\u8103\u8104\u8105\u8107\u8108\u810B"], + ["c380", "\u810C\u8115\u8117\u8119\u811B\u811C\u811D\u811F", 12, "\u812D\u812E\u8130\u8133\u8134\u8135\u8137\u8139", 4, "\u813F\u8C29\u8292\u832B\u76F2\u6C13\u5FD9\u83BD\u732B\u8305\u951A\u6BDB\u77DB\u94C6\u536F\u8302\u5192\u5E3D\u8C8C\u8D38\u4E48\u73AB\u679A\u6885\u9176\u9709\u7164\u6CA1\u7709\u5A92\u9541\u6BCF\u7F8E\u6627\u5BD0\u59B9\u5A9A\u95E8\u95F7\u4EEC\u840C\u8499\u6AAC\u76DF\u9530\u731B\u68A6\u5B5F\u772F\u919A\u9761\u7CDC\u8FF7\u8C1C\u5F25\u7C73\u79D8\u89C5\u6CCC\u871C\u5BC6\u5E42\u68C9\u7720\u7EF5\u5195\u514D\u52C9\u5A29\u7F05\u9762\u82D7\u63CF\u7784\u85D0\u79D2\u6E3A\u5E99\u5999\u8511\u706D\u6C11\u62BF\u76BF\u654F\u60AF\u95FD\u660E\u879F\u9E23\u94ED\u540D\u547D\u8C2C\u6478"], + ["c440", "\u8140", 5, "\u8147\u8149\u814D\u814E\u814F\u8152\u8156\u8157\u8158\u815B", 4, "\u8161\u8162\u8163\u8164\u8166\u8168\u816A\u816B\u816C\u816F\u8172\u8173\u8175\u8176\u8177\u8178\u8181\u8183", 4, "\u8189\u818B\u818C\u818D\u818E\u8190\u8192", 5, "\u8199\u819A\u819E", 4, "\u81A4\u81A5"], + ["c480", "\u81A7\u81A9\u81AB", 7, "\u81B4", 5, "\u81BC\u81BD\u81BE\u81BF\u81C4\u81C5\u81C7\u81C8\u81C9\u81CB\u81CD", 6, "\u6479\u8611\u6A21\u819C\u78E8\u6469\u9B54\u62B9\u672B\u83AB\u58A8\u9ED8\u6CAB\u6F20\u5BDE\u964C\u8C0B\u725F\u67D0\u62C7\u7261\u4EA9\u59C6\u6BCD\u5893\u66AE\u5E55\u52DF\u6155\u6728\u76EE\u7766\u7267\u7A46\u62FF\u54EA\u5450\u94A0\u90A3\u5A1C\u7EB3\u6C16\u4E43\u5976\u8010\u5948\u5357\u7537\u96BE\u56CA\u6320\u8111\u607C\u95F9\u6DD6\u5462\u9981\u5185\u5AE9\u80FD\u59AE\u9713\u502A\u6CE5\u5C3C\u62DF\u4F60\u533F\u817B\u9006\u6EBA\u852B\u62C8\u5E74\u78BE\u64B5\u637B\u5FF5\u5A18\u917F\u9E1F\u5C3F\u634F\u8042\u5B7D\u556E\u954A\u954D\u6D85\u60A8\u67E0\u72DE\u51DD\u5B81"], + ["c540", "\u81D4", 14, "\u81E4\u81E5\u81E6\u81E8\u81E9\u81EB\u81EE", 4, "\u81F5", 5, "\u81FD\u81FF\u8203\u8207", 4, "\u820E\u820F\u8211\u8213\u8215", 5, "\u821D\u8220\u8224\u8225\u8226\u8227\u8229\u822E\u8232\u823A\u823C\u823D\u823F"], + ["c580", "\u8240\u8241\u8242\u8243\u8245\u8246\u8248\u824A\u824C\u824D\u824E\u8250", 7, "\u8259\u825B\u825C\u825D\u825E\u8260", 7, "\u8269\u62E7\u6CDE\u725B\u626D\u94AE\u7EBD\u8113\u6D53\u519C\u5F04\u5974\u52AA\u6012\u5973\u6696\u8650\u759F\u632A\u61E6\u7CEF\u8BFA\u54E6\u6B27\u9E25\u6BB4\u85D5\u5455\u5076\u6CA4\u556A\u8DB4\u722C\u5E15\u6015\u7436\u62CD\u6392\u724C\u5F98\u6E43\u6D3E\u6500\u6F58\u76D8\u78D0\u76FC\u7554\u5224\u53DB\u4E53\u5E9E\u65C1\u802A\u80D6\u629B\u5486\u5228\u70AE\u888D\u8DD1\u6CE1\u5478\u80DA\u57F9\u88F4\u8D54\u966A\u914D\u4F69\u6C9B\u55B7\u76C6\u7830\u62A8\u70F9\u6F8E\u5F6D\u84EC\u68DA\u787C\u7BF7\u81A8\u670B\u9E4F\u6367\u78B0\u576F\u7812\u9739\u6279\u62AB\u5288\u7435\u6BD7"], + ["c640", "\u826A\u826B\u826C\u826D\u8271\u8275\u8276\u8277\u8278\u827B\u827C\u8280\u8281\u8283\u8285\u8286\u8287\u8289\u828C\u8290\u8293\u8294\u8295\u8296\u829A\u829B\u829E\u82A0\u82A2\u82A3\u82A7\u82B2\u82B5\u82B6\u82BA\u82BB\u82BC\u82BF\u82C0\u82C2\u82C3\u82C5\u82C6\u82C9\u82D0\u82D6\u82D9\u82DA\u82DD\u82E2\u82E7\u82E8\u82E9\u82EA\u82EC\u82ED\u82EE\u82F0\u82F2\u82F3\u82F5\u82F6\u82F8"], + ["c680", "\u82FA\u82FC", 4, "\u830A\u830B\u830D\u8310\u8312\u8313\u8316\u8318\u8319\u831D", 9, "\u8329\u832A\u832E\u8330\u8332\u8337\u833B\u833D\u5564\u813E\u75B2\u76AE\u5339\u75DE\u50FB\u5C41\u8B6C\u7BC7\u504F\u7247\u9A97\u98D8\u6F02\u74E2\u7968\u6487\u77A5\u62FC\u9891\u8D2B\u54C1\u8058\u4E52\u576A\u82F9\u840D\u5E73\u51ED\u74F6\u8BC4\u5C4F\u5761\u6CFC\u9887\u5A46\u7834\u9B44\u8FEB\u7C95\u5256\u6251\u94FA\u4EC6\u8386\u8461\u83E9\u84B2\u57D4\u6734\u5703\u666E\u6D66\u8C31\u66DD\u7011\u671F\u6B3A\u6816\u621A\u59BB\u4E03\u51C4\u6F06\u67D2\u6C8F\u5176\u68CB\u5947\u6B67\u7566\u5D0E\u8110\u9F50\u65D7\u7948\u7941\u9A91\u8D77\u5C82\u4E5E\u4F01\u542F\u5951\u780C\u5668\u6C14\u8FC4\u5F03\u6C7D\u6CE3\u8BAB\u6390"], + ["c740", "\u833E\u833F\u8341\u8342\u8344\u8345\u8348\u834A", 4, "\u8353\u8355", 4, "\u835D\u8362\u8370", 6, "\u8379\u837A\u837E", 6, "\u8387\u8388\u838A\u838B\u838C\u838D\u838F\u8390\u8391\u8394\u8395\u8396\u8397\u8399\u839A\u839D\u839F\u83A1", 6, "\u83AC\u83AD\u83AE"], + ["c780", "\u83AF\u83B5\u83BB\u83BE\u83BF\u83C2\u83C3\u83C4\u83C6\u83C8\u83C9\u83CB\u83CD\u83CE\u83D0\u83D1\u83D2\u83D3\u83D5\u83D7\u83D9\u83DA\u83DB\u83DE\u83E2\u83E3\u83E4\u83E6\u83E7\u83E8\u83EB\u83EC\u83ED\u6070\u6D3D\u7275\u6266\u948E\u94C5\u5343\u8FC1\u7B7E\u4EDF\u8C26\u4E7E\u9ED4\u94B1\u94B3\u524D\u6F5C\u9063\u6D45\u8C34\u5811\u5D4C\u6B20\u6B49\u67AA\u545B\u8154\u7F8C\u5899\u8537\u5F3A\u62A2\u6A47\u9539\u6572\u6084\u6865\u77A7\u4E54\u4FA8\u5DE7\u9798\u64AC\u7FD8\u5CED\u4FCF\u7A8D\u5207\u8304\u4E14\u602F\u7A83\u94A6\u4FB5\u4EB2\u79E6\u7434\u52E4\u82B9\u64D2\u79BD\u5BDD\u6C81\u9752\u8F7B\u6C22\u503E\u537F\u6E05\u64CE\u6674\u6C30\u60C5\u9877\u8BF7\u5E86\u743C\u7A77\u79CB\u4E18\u90B1\u7403\u6C42\u56DA\u914B\u6CC5\u8D8B\u533A\u86C6\u66F2\u8EAF\u5C48\u9A71\u6E20"], + ["c840", "\u83EE\u83EF\u83F3", 4, "\u83FA\u83FB\u83FC\u83FE\u83FF\u8400\u8402\u8405\u8407\u8408\u8409\u840A\u8410\u8412", 5, "\u8419\u841A\u841B\u841E", 5, "\u8429", 7, "\u8432", 5, "\u8439\u843A\u843B\u843E", 7, "\u8447\u8448\u8449"], + ["c880", "\u844A", 6, "\u8452", 4, "\u8458\u845D\u845E\u845F\u8460\u8462\u8464", 4, "\u846A\u846E\u846F\u8470\u8472\u8474\u8477\u8479\u847B\u847C\u53D6\u5A36\u9F8B\u8DA3\u53BB\u5708\u98A7\u6743\u919B\u6CC9\u5168\u75CA\u62F3\u72AC\u5238\u529D\u7F3A\u7094\u7638\u5374\u9E4A\u69B7\u786E\u96C0\u88D9\u7FA4\u7136\u71C3\u5189\u67D3\u74E4\u58E4\u6518\u56B7\u8BA9\u9976\u6270\u7ED5\u60F9\u70ED\u58EC\u4EC1\u4EBA\u5FCD\u97E7\u4EFB\u8BA4\u5203\u598A\u7EAB\u6254\u4ECD\u65E5\u620E\u8338\u84C9\u8363\u878D\u7194\u6EB6\u5BB9\u7ED2\u5197\u63C9\u67D4\u8089\u8339\u8815\u5112\u5B7A\u5982\u8FB1\u4E73\u6C5D\u5165\u8925\u8F6F\u962E\u854A\u745E\u9510\u95F0\u6DA6\u82E5\u5F31\u6492\u6D12\u8428\u816E\u9CC3\u585E\u8D5B\u4E09\u53C1"], + ["c940", "\u847D", 4, "\u8483\u8484\u8485\u8486\u848A\u848D\u848F", 7, "\u8498\u849A\u849B\u849D\u849E\u849F\u84A0\u84A2", 12, "\u84B0\u84B1\u84B3\u84B5\u84B6\u84B7\u84BB\u84BC\u84BE\u84C0\u84C2\u84C3\u84C5\u84C6\u84C7\u84C8\u84CB\u84CC\u84CE\u84CF\u84D2\u84D4\u84D5\u84D7"], + ["c980", "\u84D8", 4, "\u84DE\u84E1\u84E2\u84E4\u84E7", 4, "\u84ED\u84EE\u84EF\u84F1", 10, "\u84FD\u84FE\u8500\u8501\u8502\u4F1E\u6563\u6851\u55D3\u4E27\u6414\u9A9A\u626B\u5AC2\u745F\u8272\u6DA9\u68EE\u50E7\u838E\u7802\u6740\u5239\u6C99\u7EB1\u50BB\u5565\u715E\u7B5B\u6652\u73CA\u82EB\u6749\u5C71\u5220\u717D\u886B\u95EA\u9655\u64C5\u8D61\u81B3\u5584\u6C55\u6247\u7F2E\u5892\u4F24\u5546\u8D4F\u664C\u4E0A\u5C1A\u88F3\u68A2\u634E\u7A0D\u70E7\u828D\u52FA\u97F6\u5C11\u54E8\u90B5\u7ECD\u5962\u8D4A\u86C7\u820C\u820D\u8D66\u6444\u5C04\u6151\u6D89\u793E\u8BBE\u7837\u7533\u547B\u4F38\u8EAB\u6DF1\u5A20\u7EC5\u795E\u6C88\u5BA1\u5A76\u751A\u80BE\u614E\u6E17\u58F0\u751F\u7525\u7272\u5347\u7EF3"], + ["ca40", "\u8503", 8, "\u850D\u850E\u850F\u8510\u8512\u8514\u8515\u8516\u8518\u8519\u851B\u851C\u851D\u851E\u8520\u8522", 8, "\u852D", 9, "\u853E", 4, "\u8544\u8545\u8546\u8547\u854B", 10], + ["ca80", "\u8557\u8558\u855A\u855B\u855C\u855D\u855F", 4, "\u8565\u8566\u8567\u8569", 8, "\u8573\u8575\u8576\u8577\u8578\u857C\u857D\u857F\u8580\u8581\u7701\u76DB\u5269\u80DC\u5723\u5E08\u5931\u72EE\u65BD\u6E7F\u8BD7\u5C38\u8671\u5341\u77F3\u62FE\u65F6\u4EC0\u98DF\u8680\u5B9E\u8BC6\u53F2\u77E2\u4F7F\u5C4E\u9A76\u59CB\u5F0F\u793A\u58EB\u4E16\u67FF\u4E8B\u62ED\u8A93\u901D\u52BF\u662F\u55DC\u566C\u9002\u4ED5\u4F8D\u91CA\u9970\u6C0F\u5E02\u6043\u5BA4\u89C6\u8BD5\u6536\u624B\u9996\u5B88\u5BFF\u6388\u552E\u53D7\u7626\u517D\u852C\u67A2\u68B3\u6B8A\u6292\u8F93\u53D4\u8212\u6DD1\u758F\u4E66\u8D4E\u5B70\u719F\u85AF\u6691\u66D9\u7F72\u8700\u9ECD\u9F20\u5C5E\u672F\u8FF0\u6811\u675F\u620D\u7AD6\u5885\u5EB6\u6570\u6F31"], + ["cb40", "\u8582\u8583\u8586\u8588", 6, "\u8590", 10, "\u859D", 6, "\u85A5\u85A6\u85A7\u85A9\u85AB\u85AC\u85AD\u85B1", 5, "\u85B8\u85BA", 6, "\u85C2", 6, "\u85CA", 4, "\u85D1\u85D2"], + ["cb80", "\u85D4\u85D6", 5, "\u85DD", 6, "\u85E5\u85E6\u85E7\u85E8\u85EA", 14, "\u6055\u5237\u800D\u6454\u8870\u7529\u5E05\u6813\u62F4\u971C\u53CC\u723D\u8C01\u6C34\u7761\u7A0E\u542E\u77AC\u987A\u821C\u8BF4\u7855\u6714\u70C1\u65AF\u6495\u5636\u601D\u79C1\u53F8\u4E1D\u6B7B\u8086\u5BFA\u55E3\u56DB\u4F3A\u4F3C\u9972\u5DF3\u677E\u8038\u6002\u9882\u9001\u5B8B\u8BBC\u8BF5\u641C\u8258\u64DE\u55FD\u82CF\u9165\u4FD7\u7D20\u901F\u7C9F\u50F3\u5851\u6EAF\u5BBF\u8BC9\u8083\u9178\u849C\u7B97\u867D\u968B\u968F\u7EE5\u9AD3\u788E\u5C81\u7A57\u9042\u96A7\u795F\u5B59\u635F\u7B0B\u84D1\u68AD\u5506\u7F29\u7410\u7D22\u9501\u6240\u584C\u4ED6\u5B83\u5979\u5854"], + ["cc40", "\u85F9\u85FA\u85FC\u85FD\u85FE\u8600", 4, "\u8606", 10, "\u8612\u8613\u8614\u8615\u8617", 15, "\u8628\u862A", 13, "\u8639\u863A\u863B\u863D\u863E\u863F\u8640"], + ["cc80", "\u8641", 11, "\u8652\u8653\u8655", 4, "\u865B\u865C\u865D\u865F\u8660\u8661\u8663", 7, "\u736D\u631E\u8E4B\u8E0F\u80CE\u82D4\u62AC\u53F0\u6CF0\u915E\u592A\u6001\u6C70\u574D\u644A\u8D2A\u762B\u6EE9\u575B\u6A80\u75F0\u6F6D\u8C2D\u8C08\u5766\u6BEF\u8892\u78B3\u63A2\u53F9\u70AD\u6C64\u5858\u642A\u5802\u68E0\u819B\u5510\u7CD6\u5018\u8EBA\u6DCC\u8D9F\u70EB\u638F\u6D9B\u6ED4\u7EE6\u8404\u6843\u9003\u6DD8\u9676\u8BA8\u5957\u7279\u85E4\u817E\u75BC\u8A8A\u68AF\u5254\u8E22\u9511\u63D0\u9898\u8E44\u557C\u4F53\u66FF\u568F\u60D5\u6D95\u5243\u5C49\u5929\u6DFB\u586B\u7530\u751C\u606C\u8214\u8146\u6311\u6761\u8FE2\u773A\u8DF3\u8D34\u94C1\u5E16\u5385\u542C\u70C3"], + ["cd40", "\u866D\u866F\u8670\u8672", 6, "\u8683", 6, "\u868E", 4, "\u8694\u8696", 5, "\u869E", 4, "\u86A5\u86A6\u86AB\u86AD\u86AE\u86B2\u86B3\u86B7\u86B8\u86B9\u86BB", 4, "\u86C1\u86C2\u86C3\u86C5\u86C8\u86CC\u86CD\u86D2\u86D3\u86D5\u86D6\u86D7\u86DA\u86DC"], + ["cd80", "\u86DD\u86E0\u86E1\u86E2\u86E3\u86E5\u86E6\u86E7\u86E8\u86EA\u86EB\u86EC\u86EF\u86F5\u86F6\u86F7\u86FA\u86FB\u86FC\u86FD\u86FF\u8701\u8704\u8705\u8706\u870B\u870C\u870E\u870F\u8710\u8711\u8714\u8716\u6C40\u5EF7\u505C\u4EAD\u5EAD\u633A\u8247\u901A\u6850\u916E\u77B3\u540C\u94DC\u5F64\u7AE5\u6876\u6345\u7B52\u7EDF\u75DB\u5077\u6295\u5934\u900F\u51F8\u79C3\u7A81\u56FE\u5F92\u9014\u6D82\u5C60\u571F\u5410\u5154\u6E4D\u56E2\u63A8\u9893\u817F\u8715\u892A\u9000\u541E\u5C6F\u81C0\u62D6\u6258\u8131\u9E35\u9640\u9A6E\u9A7C\u692D\u59A5\u62D3\u553E\u6316\u54C7\u86D9\u6D3C\u5A03\u74E6\u889C\u6B6A\u5916\u8C4C\u5F2F\u6E7E\u73A9\u987D\u4E38\u70F7\u5B8C\u7897\u633D\u665A\u7696\u60CB\u5B9B\u5A49\u4E07\u8155\u6C6A\u738B\u4EA1\u6789\u7F51\u5F80\u65FA\u671B\u5FD8\u5984\u5A01"], + ["ce40", "\u8719\u871B\u871D\u871F\u8720\u8724\u8726\u8727\u8728\u872A\u872B\u872C\u872D\u872F\u8730\u8732\u8733\u8735\u8736\u8738\u8739\u873A\u873C\u873D\u8740", 6, "\u874A\u874B\u874D\u874F\u8750\u8751\u8752\u8754\u8755\u8756\u8758\u875A", 5, "\u8761\u8762\u8766", 7, "\u876F\u8771\u8772\u8773\u8775"], + ["ce80", "\u8777\u8778\u8779\u877A\u877F\u8780\u8781\u8784\u8786\u8787\u8789\u878A\u878C\u878E", 4, "\u8794\u8795\u8796\u8798", 6, "\u87A0", 4, "\u5DCD\u5FAE\u5371\u97E6\u8FDD\u6845\u56F4\u552F\u60DF\u4E3A\u6F4D\u7EF4\u82C7\u840E\u59D4\u4F1F\u4F2A\u5C3E\u7EAC\u672A\u851A\u5473\u754F\u80C3\u5582\u9B4F\u4F4D\u6E2D\u8C13\u5C09\u6170\u536B\u761F\u6E29\u868A\u6587\u95FB\u7EB9\u543B\u7A33\u7D0A\u95EE\u55E1\u7FC1\u74EE\u631D\u8717\u6DA1\u7A9D\u6211\u65A1\u5367\u63E1\u6C83\u5DEB\u545C\u94A8\u4E4C\u6C61\u8BEC\u5C4B\u65E0\u829C\u68A7\u543E\u5434\u6BCB\u6B66\u4E94\u6342\u5348\u821E\u4F0D\u4FAE\u575E\u620A\u96FE\u6664\u7269\u52FF\u52A1\u609F\u8BEF\u6614\u7199\u6790\u897F\u7852\u77FD\u6670\u563B\u5438\u9521\u727A"], + ["cf40", "\u87A5\u87A6\u87A7\u87A9\u87AA\u87AE\u87B0\u87B1\u87B2\u87B4\u87B6\u87B7\u87B8\u87B9\u87BB\u87BC\u87BE\u87BF\u87C1", 4, "\u87C7\u87C8\u87C9\u87CC", 4, "\u87D4", 6, "\u87DC\u87DD\u87DE\u87DF\u87E1\u87E2\u87E3\u87E4\u87E6\u87E7\u87E8\u87E9\u87EB\u87EC\u87ED\u87EF", 9], + ["cf80", "\u87FA\u87FB\u87FC\u87FD\u87FF\u8800\u8801\u8802\u8804", 5, "\u880B", 7, "\u8814\u8817\u8818\u8819\u881A\u881C", 4, "\u8823\u7A00\u606F\u5E0C\u6089\u819D\u5915\u60DC\u7184\u70EF\u6EAA\u6C50\u7280\u6A84\u88AD\u5E2D\u4E60\u5AB3\u559C\u94E3\u6D17\u7CFB\u9699\u620F\u7EC6\u778E\u867E\u5323\u971E\u8F96\u6687\u5CE1\u4FA0\u72ED\u4E0B\u53A6\u590F\u5413\u6380\u9528\u5148\u4ED9\u9C9C\u7EA4\u54B8\u8D24\u8854\u8237\u95F2\u6D8E\u5F26\u5ACC\u663E\u9669\u73B0\u732E\u53BF\u817A\u9985\u7FA1\u5BAA\u9677\u9650\u7EBF\u76F8\u53A2\u9576\u9999\u7BB1\u8944\u6E58\u4E61\u7FD4\u7965\u8BE6\u60F3\u54CD\u4EAB\u9879\u5DF7\u6A61\u50CF\u5411\u8C61\u8427\u785D\u9704\u524A\u54EE\u56A3\u9500\u6D88\u5BB5\u6DC6\u6653"], + ["d040", "\u8824", 13, "\u8833", 5, "\u883A\u883B\u883D\u883E\u883F\u8841\u8842\u8843\u8846", 5, "\u884E", 5, "\u8855\u8856\u8858\u885A", 6, "\u8866\u8867\u886A\u886D\u886F\u8871\u8873\u8874\u8875\u8876\u8878\u8879\u887A"], + ["d080", "\u887B\u887C\u8880\u8883\u8886\u8887\u8889\u888A\u888C\u888E\u888F\u8890\u8891\u8893\u8894\u8895\u8897", 4, "\u889D", 4, "\u88A3\u88A5", 5, "\u5C0F\u5B5D\u6821\u8096\u5578\u7B11\u6548\u6954\u4E9B\u6B47\u874E\u978B\u534F\u631F\u643A\u90AA\u659C\u80C1\u8C10\u5199\u68B0\u5378\u87F9\u61C8\u6CC4\u6CFB\u8C22\u5C51\u85AA\u82AF\u950C\u6B23\u8F9B\u65B0\u5FFB\u5FC3\u4FE1\u8845\u661F\u8165\u7329\u60FA\u5174\u5211\u578B\u5F62\u90A2\u884C\u9192\u5E78\u674F\u6027\u59D3\u5144\u51F6\u80F8\u5308\u6C79\u96C4\u718A\u4F11\u4FEE\u7F9E\u673D\u55C5\u9508\u79C0\u8896\u7EE3\u589F\u620C\u9700\u865A\u5618\u987B\u5F90\u8BB8\u84C4\u9157\u53D9\u65ED\u5E8F\u755C\u6064\u7D6E\u5A7F\u7EEA\u7EED\u8F69\u55A7\u5BA3\u60AC\u65CB\u7384"], + ["d140", "\u88AC\u88AE\u88AF\u88B0\u88B2", 4, "\u88B8\u88B9\u88BA\u88BB\u88BD\u88BE\u88BF\u88C0\u88C3\u88C4\u88C7\u88C8\u88CA\u88CB\u88CC\u88CD\u88CF\u88D0\u88D1\u88D3\u88D6\u88D7\u88DA", 4, "\u88E0\u88E1\u88E6\u88E7\u88E9", 6, "\u88F2\u88F5\u88F6\u88F7\u88FA\u88FB\u88FD\u88FF\u8900\u8901\u8903", 5], + ["d180", "\u8909\u890B", 4, "\u8911\u8914", 4, "\u891C", 4, "\u8922\u8923\u8924\u8926\u8927\u8928\u8929\u892C\u892D\u892E\u892F\u8931\u8932\u8933\u8935\u8937\u9009\u7663\u7729\u7EDA\u9774\u859B\u5B66\u7A74\u96EA\u8840\u52CB\u718F\u5FAA\u65EC\u8BE2\u5BFB\u9A6F\u5DE1\u6B89\u6C5B\u8BAD\u8BAF\u900A\u8FC5\u538B\u62BC\u9E26\u9E2D\u5440\u4E2B\u82BD\u7259\u869C\u5D16\u8859\u6DAF\u96C5\u54D1\u4E9A\u8BB6\u7109\u54BD\u9609\u70DF\u6DF9\u76D0\u4E25\u7814\u8712\u5CA9\u5EF6\u8A00\u989C\u960E\u708E\u6CBF\u5944\u63A9\u773C\u884D\u6F14\u8273\u5830\u71D5\u538C\u781A\u96C1\u5501\u5F66\u7130\u5BB4\u8C1A\u9A8C\u6B83\u592E\u9E2F\u79E7\u6768\u626C\u4F6F\u75A1\u7F8A\u6D0B\u9633\u6C27\u4EF0\u75D2\u517B\u6837\u6F3E\u9080\u8170\u5996\u7476"], + ["d240", "\u8938", 8, "\u8942\u8943\u8945", 24, "\u8960", 5, "\u8967", 19, "\u897C"], + ["d280", "\u897D\u897E\u8980\u8982\u8984\u8985\u8987", 26, "\u6447\u5C27\u9065\u7A91\u8C23\u59DA\u54AC\u8200\u836F\u8981\u8000\u6930\u564E\u8036\u7237\u91CE\u51B6\u4E5F\u9875\u6396\u4E1A\u53F6\u66F3\u814B\u591C\u6DB2\u4E00\u58F9\u533B\u63D6\u94F1\u4F9D\u4F0A\u8863\u9890\u5937\u9057\u79FB\u4EEA\u80F0\u7591\u6C82\u5B9C\u59E8\u5F5D\u6905\u8681\u501A\u5DF2\u4E59\u77E3\u4EE5\u827A\u6291\u6613\u9091\u5C79\u4EBF\u5F79\u81C6\u9038\u8084\u75AB\u4EA6\u88D4\u610F\u6BC5\u5FC6\u4E49\u76CA\u6EA2\u8BE3\u8BAE\u8C0A\u8BD1\u5F02\u7FFC\u7FCC\u7ECE\u8335\u836B\u56E0\u6BB7\u97F3\u9634\u59FB\u541F\u94F6\u6DEB\u5BC5\u996E\u5C39\u5F15\u9690"], + ["d340", "\u89A2", 30, "\u89C3\u89CD\u89D3\u89D4\u89D5\u89D7\u89D8\u89D9\u89DB\u89DD\u89DF\u89E0\u89E1\u89E2\u89E4\u89E7\u89E8\u89E9\u89EA\u89EC\u89ED\u89EE\u89F0\u89F1\u89F2\u89F4", 6], + ["d380", "\u89FB", 4, "\u8A01", 5, "\u8A08", 21, "\u5370\u82F1\u6A31\u5A74\u9E70\u5E94\u7F28\u83B9\u8424\u8425\u8367\u8747\u8FCE\u8D62\u76C8\u5F71\u9896\u786C\u6620\u54DF\u62E5\u4F63\u81C3\u75C8\u5EB8\u96CD\u8E0A\u86F9\u548F\u6CF3\u6D8C\u6C38\u607F\u52C7\u7528\u5E7D\u4F18\u60A0\u5FE7\u5C24\u7531\u90AE\u94C0\u72B9\u6CB9\u6E38\u9149\u6709\u53CB\u53F3\u4F51\u91C9\u8BF1\u53C8\u5E7C\u8FC2\u6DE4\u4E8E\u76C2\u6986\u865E\u611A\u8206\u4F59\u4FDE\u903E\u9C7C\u6109\u6E1D\u6E14\u9685\u4E88\u5A31\u96E8\u4E0E\u5C7F\u79B9\u5B87\u8BED\u7FBD\u7389\u57DF\u828B\u90C1\u5401\u9047\u55BB\u5CEA\u5FA1\u6108\u6B32\u72F1\u80B2\u8A89"], + ["d440", "\u8A1E", 31, "\u8A3F", 8, "\u8A49", 21], + ["d480", "\u8A5F", 25, "\u8A7A", 6, "\u6D74\u5BD3\u88D5\u9884\u8C6B\u9A6D\u9E33\u6E0A\u51A4\u5143\u57A3\u8881\u539F\u63F4\u8F95\u56ED\u5458\u5706\u733F\u6E90\u7F18\u8FDC\u82D1\u613F\u6028\u9662\u66F0\u7EA6\u8D8A\u8DC3\u94A5\u5CB3\u7CA4\u6708\u60A6\u9605\u8018\u4E91\u90E7\u5300\u9668\u5141\u8FD0\u8574\u915D\u6655\u97F5\u5B55\u531D\u7838\u6742\u683D\u54C9\u707E\u5BB0\u8F7D\u518D\u5728\u54B1\u6512\u6682\u8D5E\u8D43\u810F\u846C\u906D\u7CDF\u51FF\u85FB\u67A3\u65E9\u6FA1\u86A4\u8E81\u566A\u9020\u7682\u7076\u71E5\u8D23\u62E9\u5219\u6CFD\u8D3C\u600E\u589E\u618E\u66FE\u8D60\u624E\u55B3\u6E23\u672D\u8F67"], + ["d540", "\u8A81", 7, "\u8A8B", 7, "\u8A94", 46], + ["d580", "\u8AC3", 32, "\u94E1\u95F8\u7728\u6805\u69A8\u548B\u4E4D\u70B8\u8BC8\u6458\u658B\u5B85\u7A84\u503A\u5BE8\u77BB\u6BE1\u8A79\u7C98\u6CBE\u76CF\u65A9\u8F97\u5D2D\u5C55\u8638\u6808\u5360\u6218\u7AD9\u6E5B\u7EFD\u6A1F\u7AE0\u5F70\u6F33\u5F20\u638C\u6DA8\u6756\u4E08\u5E10\u8D26\u4ED7\u80C0\u7634\u969C\u62DB\u662D\u627E\u6CBC\u8D75\u7167\u7F69\u5146\u8087\u53EC\u906E\u6298\u54F2\u86F0\u8F99\u8005\u9517\u8517\u8FD9\u6D59\u73CD\u659F\u771F\u7504\u7827\u81FB\u8D1E\u9488\u4FA6\u6795\u75B9\u8BCA\u9707\u632F\u9547\u9635\u84B8\u6323\u7741\u5F81\u72F0\u4E89\u6014\u6574\u62EF\u6B63\u653F"], + ["d640", "\u8AE4", 34, "\u8B08", 27], + ["d680", "\u8B24\u8B25\u8B27", 30, "\u5E27\u75C7\u90D1\u8BC1\u829D\u679D\u652F\u5431\u8718\u77E5\u80A2\u8102\u6C41\u4E4B\u7EC7\u804C\u76F4\u690D\u6B96\u6267\u503C\u4F84\u5740\u6307\u6B62\u8DBE\u53EA\u65E8\u7EB8\u5FD7\u631A\u63B7\u81F3\u81F4\u7F6E\u5E1C\u5CD9\u5236\u667A\u79E9\u7A1A\u8D28\u7099\u75D4\u6EDE\u6CBB\u7A92\u4E2D\u76C5\u5FE0\u949F\u8877\u7EC8\u79CD\u80BF\u91CD\u4EF2\u4F17\u821F\u5468\u5DDE\u6D32\u8BCC\u7CA5\u8F74\u8098\u5E1A\u5492\u76B1\u5B99\u663C\u9AA4\u73E0\u682A\u86DB\u6731\u732A\u8BF8\u8BDB\u9010\u7AF9\u70DB\u716E\u62C4\u77A9\u5631\u4E3B\u8457\u67F1\u52A9\u86C0\u8D2E\u94F8\u7B51"], + ["d740", "\u8B46", 31, "\u8B67", 4, "\u8B6D", 25], + ["d780", "\u8B87", 24, "\u8BAC\u8BB1\u8BBB\u8BC7\u8BD0\u8BEA\u8C09\u8C1E\u4F4F\u6CE8\u795D\u9A7B\u6293\u722A\u62FD\u4E13\u7816\u8F6C\u64B0\u8D5A\u7BC6\u6869\u5E84\u88C5\u5986\u649E\u58EE\u72B6\u690E\u9525\u8FFD\u8D58\u5760\u7F00\u8C06\u51C6\u6349\u62D9\u5353\u684C\u7422\u8301\u914C\u5544\u7740\u707C\u6D4A\u5179\u54A8\u8D44\u59FF\u6ECB\u6DC4\u5B5C\u7D2B\u4ED4\u7C7D\u6ED3\u5B50\u81EA\u6E0D\u5B57\u9B03\u68D5\u8E2A\u5B97\u7EFC\u603B\u7EB5\u90B9\u8D70\u594F\u63CD\u79DF\u8DB3\u5352\u65CF\u7956\u8BC5\u963B\u7EC4\u94BB\u7E82\u5634\u9189\u6700\u7F6A\u5C0A\u9075\u6628\u5DE6\u4F50\u67DE\u505A\u4F5C\u5750\u5EA7"], + ["d840", "\u8C38", 8, "\u8C42\u8C43\u8C44\u8C45\u8C48\u8C4A\u8C4B\u8C4D", 7, "\u8C56\u8C57\u8C58\u8C59\u8C5B", 5, "\u8C63", 6, "\u8C6C", 6, "\u8C74\u8C75\u8C76\u8C77\u8C7B", 6, "\u8C83\u8C84\u8C86\u8C87"], + ["d880", "\u8C88\u8C8B\u8C8D", 6, "\u8C95\u8C96\u8C97\u8C99", 20, "\u4E8D\u4E0C\u5140\u4E10\u5EFF\u5345\u4E15\u4E98\u4E1E\u9B32\u5B6C\u5669\u4E28\u79BA\u4E3F\u5315\u4E47\u592D\u723B\u536E\u6C10\u56DF\u80E4\u9997\u6BD3\u777E\u9F17\u4E36\u4E9F\u9F10\u4E5C\u4E69\u4E93\u8288\u5B5B\u556C\u560F\u4EC4\u538D\u539D\u53A3\u53A5\u53AE\u9765\u8D5D\u531A\u53F5\u5326\u532E\u533E\u8D5C\u5366\u5363\u5202\u5208\u520E\u522D\u5233\u523F\u5240\u524C\u525E\u5261\u525C\u84AF\u527D\u5282\u5281\u5290\u5293\u5182\u7F54\u4EBB\u4EC3\u4EC9\u4EC2\u4EE8\u4EE1\u4EEB\u4EDE\u4F1B\u4EF3\u4F22\u4F64\u4EF5\u4F25\u4F27\u4F09\u4F2B\u4F5E\u4F67\u6538\u4F5A\u4F5D"], + ["d940", "\u8CAE", 62], + ["d980", "\u8CED", 32, "\u4F5F\u4F57\u4F32\u4F3D\u4F76\u4F74\u4F91\u4F89\u4F83\u4F8F\u4F7E\u4F7B\u4FAA\u4F7C\u4FAC\u4F94\u4FE6\u4FE8\u4FEA\u4FC5\u4FDA\u4FE3\u4FDC\u4FD1\u4FDF\u4FF8\u5029\u504C\u4FF3\u502C\u500F\u502E\u502D\u4FFE\u501C\u500C\u5025\u5028\u507E\u5043\u5055\u5048\u504E\u506C\u507B\u50A5\u50A7\u50A9\u50BA\u50D6\u5106\u50ED\u50EC\u50E6\u50EE\u5107\u510B\u4EDD\u6C3D\u4F58\u4F65\u4FCE\u9FA0\u6C46\u7C74\u516E\u5DFD\u9EC9\u9998\u5181\u5914\u52F9\u530D\u8A07\u5310\u51EB\u5919\u5155\u4EA0\u5156\u4EB3\u886E\u88A4\u4EB5\u8114\u88D2\u7980\u5B34\u8803\u7FB8\u51AB\u51B1\u51BD\u51BC"], + ["da40", "\u8D0E", 14, "\u8D20\u8D51\u8D52\u8D57\u8D5F\u8D65\u8D68\u8D69\u8D6A\u8D6C\u8D6E\u8D6F\u8D71\u8D72\u8D78", 8, "\u8D82\u8D83\u8D86\u8D87\u8D88\u8D89\u8D8C", 4, "\u8D92\u8D93\u8D95", 9, "\u8DA0\u8DA1"], + ["da80", "\u8DA2\u8DA4", 12, "\u8DB2\u8DB6\u8DB7\u8DB9\u8DBB\u8DBD\u8DC0\u8DC1\u8DC2\u8DC5\u8DC7\u8DC8\u8DC9\u8DCA\u8DCD\u8DD0\u8DD2\u8DD3\u8DD4\u51C7\u5196\u51A2\u51A5\u8BA0\u8BA6\u8BA7\u8BAA\u8BB4\u8BB5\u8BB7\u8BC2\u8BC3\u8BCB\u8BCF\u8BCE\u8BD2\u8BD3\u8BD4\u8BD6\u8BD8\u8BD9\u8BDC\u8BDF\u8BE0\u8BE4\u8BE8\u8BE9\u8BEE\u8BF0\u8BF3\u8BF6\u8BF9\u8BFC\u8BFF\u8C00\u8C02\u8C04\u8C07\u8C0C\u8C0F\u8C11\u8C12\u8C14\u8C15\u8C16\u8C19\u8C1B\u8C18\u8C1D\u8C1F\u8C20\u8C21\u8C25\u8C27\u8C2A\u8C2B\u8C2E\u8C2F\u8C32\u8C33\u8C35\u8C36\u5369\u537A\u961D\u9622\u9621\u9631\u962A\u963D\u963C\u9642\u9649\u9654\u965F\u9667\u966C\u9672\u9674\u9688\u968D\u9697\u96B0\u9097\u909B\u909D\u9099\u90AC\u90A1\u90B4\u90B3\u90B6\u90BA"], + ["db40", "\u8DD5\u8DD8\u8DD9\u8DDC\u8DE0\u8DE1\u8DE2\u8DE5\u8DE6\u8DE7\u8DE9\u8DED\u8DEE\u8DF0\u8DF1\u8DF2\u8DF4\u8DF6\u8DFC\u8DFE", 6, "\u8E06\u8E07\u8E08\u8E0B\u8E0D\u8E0E\u8E10\u8E11\u8E12\u8E13\u8E15", 7, "\u8E20\u8E21\u8E24", 4, "\u8E2B\u8E2D\u8E30\u8E32\u8E33\u8E34\u8E36\u8E37\u8E38\u8E3B\u8E3C\u8E3E"], + ["db80", "\u8E3F\u8E43\u8E45\u8E46\u8E4C", 4, "\u8E53", 5, "\u8E5A", 11, "\u8E67\u8E68\u8E6A\u8E6B\u8E6E\u8E71\u90B8\u90B0\u90CF\u90C5\u90BE\u90D0\u90C4\u90C7\u90D3\u90E6\u90E2\u90DC\u90D7\u90DB\u90EB\u90EF\u90FE\u9104\u9122\u911E\u9123\u9131\u912F\u9139\u9143\u9146\u520D\u5942\u52A2\u52AC\u52AD\u52BE\u54FF\u52D0\u52D6\u52F0\u53DF\u71EE\u77CD\u5EF4\u51F5\u51FC\u9B2F\u53B6\u5F01\u755A\u5DEF\u574C\u57A9\u57A1\u587E\u58BC\u58C5\u58D1\u5729\u572C\u572A\u5733\u5739\u572E\u572F\u575C\u573B\u5742\u5769\u5785\u576B\u5786\u577C\u577B\u5768\u576D\u5776\u5773\u57AD\u57A4\u578C\u57B2\u57CF\u57A7\u57B4\u5793\u57A0\u57D5\u57D8\u57DA\u57D9\u57D2\u57B8\u57F4\u57EF\u57F8\u57E4\u57DD"], + ["dc40", "\u8E73\u8E75\u8E77", 4, "\u8E7D\u8E7E\u8E80\u8E82\u8E83\u8E84\u8E86\u8E88", 6, "\u8E91\u8E92\u8E93\u8E95", 6, "\u8E9D\u8E9F", 11, "\u8EAD\u8EAE\u8EB0\u8EB1\u8EB3", 6, "\u8EBB", 7], + ["dc80", "\u8EC3", 10, "\u8ECF", 21, "\u580B\u580D\u57FD\u57ED\u5800\u581E\u5819\u5844\u5820\u5865\u586C\u5881\u5889\u589A\u5880\u99A8\u9F19\u61FF\u8279\u827D\u827F\u828F\u828A\u82A8\u8284\u828E\u8291\u8297\u8299\u82AB\u82B8\u82BE\u82B0\u82C8\u82CA\u82E3\u8298\u82B7\u82AE\u82CB\u82CC\u82C1\u82A9\u82B4\u82A1\u82AA\u829F\u82C4\u82CE\u82A4\u82E1\u8309\u82F7\u82E4\u830F\u8307\u82DC\u82F4\u82D2\u82D8\u830C\u82FB\u82D3\u8311\u831A\u8306\u8314\u8315\u82E0\u82D5\u831C\u8351\u835B\u835C\u8308\u8392\u833C\u8334\u8331\u839B\u835E\u832F\u834F\u8347\u8343\u835F\u8340\u8317\u8360\u832D\u833A\u8333\u8366\u8365"], + ["dd40", "\u8EE5", 62], + ["dd80", "\u8F24", 32, "\u8368\u831B\u8369\u836C\u836A\u836D\u836E\u83B0\u8378\u83B3\u83B4\u83A0\u83AA\u8393\u839C\u8385\u837C\u83B6\u83A9\u837D\u83B8\u837B\u8398\u839E\u83A8\u83BA\u83BC\u83C1\u8401\u83E5\u83D8\u5807\u8418\u840B\u83DD\u83FD\u83D6\u841C\u8438\u8411\u8406\u83D4\u83DF\u840F\u8403\u83F8\u83F9\u83EA\u83C5\u83C0\u8426\u83F0\u83E1\u845C\u8451\u845A\u8459\u8473\u8487\u8488\u847A\u8489\u8478\u843C\u8446\u8469\u8476\u848C\u848E\u8431\u846D\u84C1\u84CD\u84D0\u84E6\u84BD\u84D3\u84CA\u84BF\u84BA\u84E0\u84A1\u84B9\u84B4\u8497\u84E5\u84E3\u850C\u750D\u8538\u84F0\u8539\u851F\u853A"], + ["de40", "\u8F45", 32, "\u8F6A\u8F80\u8F8C\u8F92\u8F9D\u8FA0\u8FA1\u8FA2\u8FA4\u8FA5\u8FA6\u8FA7\u8FAA\u8FAC\u8FAD\u8FAE\u8FAF\u8FB2\u8FB3\u8FB4\u8FB5\u8FB7\u8FB8\u8FBA\u8FBB\u8FBC\u8FBF\u8FC0\u8FC3\u8FC6"], + ["de80", "\u8FC9", 4, "\u8FCF\u8FD2\u8FD6\u8FD7\u8FDA\u8FE0\u8FE1\u8FE3\u8FE7\u8FEC\u8FEF\u8FF1\u8FF2\u8FF4\u8FF5\u8FF6\u8FFA\u8FFB\u8FFC\u8FFE\u8FFF\u9007\u9008\u900C\u900E\u9013\u9015\u9018\u8556\u853B\u84FF\u84FC\u8559\u8548\u8568\u8564\u855E\u857A\u77A2\u8543\u8572\u857B\u85A4\u85A8\u8587\u858F\u8579\u85AE\u859C\u8585\u85B9\u85B7\u85B0\u85D3\u85C1\u85DC\u85FF\u8627\u8605\u8629\u8616\u863C\u5EFE\u5F08\u593C\u5941\u8037\u5955\u595A\u5958\u530F\u5C22\u5C25\u5C2C\u5C34\u624C\u626A\u629F\u62BB\u62CA\u62DA\u62D7\u62EE\u6322\u62F6\u6339\u634B\u6343\u63AD\u63F6\u6371\u637A\u638E\u63B4\u636D\u63AC\u638A\u6369\u63AE\u63BC\u63F2\u63F8\u63E0\u63FF\u63C4\u63DE\u63CE\u6452\u63C6\u63BE\u6445\u6441\u640B\u641B\u6420\u640C\u6426\u6421\u645E\u6484\u646D\u6496"], + ["df40", "\u9019\u901C\u9023\u9024\u9025\u9027", 5, "\u9030", 4, "\u9037\u9039\u903A\u903D\u903F\u9040\u9043\u9045\u9046\u9048", 4, "\u904E\u9054\u9055\u9056\u9059\u905A\u905C", 5, "\u9064\u9066\u9067\u9069\u906A\u906B\u906C\u906F", 4, "\u9076", 6, "\u907E\u9081"], + ["df80", "\u9084\u9085\u9086\u9087\u9089\u908A\u908C", 4, "\u9092\u9094\u9096\u9098\u909A\u909C\u909E\u909F\u90A0\u90A4\u90A5\u90A7\u90A8\u90A9\u90AB\u90AD\u90B2\u90B7\u90BC\u90BD\u90BF\u90C0\u647A\u64B7\u64B8\u6499\u64BA\u64C0\u64D0\u64D7\u64E4\u64E2\u6509\u6525\u652E\u5F0B\u5FD2\u7519\u5F11\u535F\u53F1\u53FD\u53E9\u53E8\u53FB\u5412\u5416\u5406\u544B\u5452\u5453\u5454\u5456\u5443\u5421\u5457\u5459\u5423\u5432\u5482\u5494\u5477\u5471\u5464\u549A\u549B\u5484\u5476\u5466\u549D\u54D0\u54AD\u54C2\u54B4\u54D2\u54A7\u54A6\u54D3\u54D4\u5472\u54A3\u54D5\u54BB\u54BF\u54CC\u54D9\u54DA\u54DC\u54A9\u54AA\u54A4\u54DD\u54CF\u54DE\u551B\u54E7\u5520\u54FD\u5514\u54F3\u5522\u5523\u550F\u5511\u5527\u552A\u5567\u558F\u55B5\u5549\u556D\u5541\u5555\u553F\u5550\u553C"], + ["e040", "\u90C2\u90C3\u90C6\u90C8\u90C9\u90CB\u90CC\u90CD\u90D2\u90D4\u90D5\u90D6\u90D8\u90D9\u90DA\u90DE\u90DF\u90E0\u90E3\u90E4\u90E5\u90E9\u90EA\u90EC\u90EE\u90F0\u90F1\u90F2\u90F3\u90F5\u90F6\u90F7\u90F9\u90FA\u90FB\u90FC\u90FF\u9100\u9101\u9103\u9105", 19, "\u911A\u911B\u911C"], + ["e080", "\u911D\u911F\u9120\u9121\u9124", 10, "\u9130\u9132", 6, "\u913A", 8, "\u9144\u5537\u5556\u5575\u5576\u5577\u5533\u5530\u555C\u558B\u55D2\u5583\u55B1\u55B9\u5588\u5581\u559F\u557E\u55D6\u5591\u557B\u55DF\u55BD\u55BE\u5594\u5599\u55EA\u55F7\u55C9\u561F\u55D1\u55EB\u55EC\u55D4\u55E6\u55DD\u55C4\u55EF\u55E5\u55F2\u55F3\u55CC\u55CD\u55E8\u55F5\u55E4\u8F94\u561E\u5608\u560C\u5601\u5624\u5623\u55FE\u5600\u5627\u562D\u5658\u5639\u5657\u562C\u564D\u5662\u5659\u565C\u564C\u5654\u5686\u5664\u5671\u566B\u567B\u567C\u5685\u5693\u56AF\u56D4\u56D7\u56DD\u56E1\u56F5\u56EB\u56F9\u56FF\u5704\u570A\u5709\u571C\u5E0F\u5E19\u5E14\u5E11\u5E31\u5E3B\u5E3C"], + ["e140", "\u9145\u9147\u9148\u9151\u9153\u9154\u9155\u9156\u9158\u9159\u915B\u915C\u915F\u9160\u9166\u9167\u9168\u916B\u916D\u9173\u917A\u917B\u917C\u9180", 4, "\u9186\u9188\u918A\u918E\u918F\u9193", 6, "\u919C", 5, "\u91A4", 5, "\u91AB\u91AC\u91B0\u91B1\u91B2\u91B3\u91B6\u91B7\u91B8\u91B9\u91BB"], + ["e180", "\u91BC", 10, "\u91C8\u91CB\u91D0\u91D2", 9, "\u91DD", 8, "\u5E37\u5E44\u5E54\u5E5B\u5E5E\u5E61\u5C8C\u5C7A\u5C8D\u5C90\u5C96\u5C88\u5C98\u5C99\u5C91\u5C9A\u5C9C\u5CB5\u5CA2\u5CBD\u5CAC\u5CAB\u5CB1\u5CA3\u5CC1\u5CB7\u5CC4\u5CD2\u5CE4\u5CCB\u5CE5\u5D02\u5D03\u5D27\u5D26\u5D2E\u5D24\u5D1E\u5D06\u5D1B\u5D58\u5D3E\u5D34\u5D3D\u5D6C\u5D5B\u5D6F\u5D5D\u5D6B\u5D4B\u5D4A\u5D69\u5D74\u5D82\u5D99\u5D9D\u8C73\u5DB7\u5DC5\u5F73\u5F77\u5F82\u5F87\u5F89\u5F8C\u5F95\u5F99\u5F9C\u5FA8\u5FAD\u5FB5\u5FBC\u8862\u5F61\u72AD\u72B0\u72B4\u72B7\u72B8\u72C3\u72C1\u72CE\u72CD\u72D2\u72E8\u72EF\u72E9\u72F2\u72F4\u72F7\u7301\u72F3\u7303\u72FA"], + ["e240", "\u91E6", 62], + ["e280", "\u9225", 32, "\u72FB\u7317\u7313\u7321\u730A\u731E\u731D\u7315\u7322\u7339\u7325\u732C\u7338\u7331\u7350\u734D\u7357\u7360\u736C\u736F\u737E\u821B\u5925\u98E7\u5924\u5902\u9963\u9967", 5, "\u9974\u9977\u997D\u9980\u9984\u9987\u998A\u998D\u9990\u9991\u9993\u9994\u9995\u5E80\u5E91\u5E8B\u5E96\u5EA5\u5EA0\u5EB9\u5EB5\u5EBE\u5EB3\u8D53\u5ED2\u5ED1\u5EDB\u5EE8\u5EEA\u81BA\u5FC4\u5FC9\u5FD6\u5FCF\u6003\u5FEE\u6004\u5FE1\u5FE4\u5FFE\u6005\u6006\u5FEA\u5FED\u5FF8\u6019\u6035\u6026\u601B\u600F\u600D\u6029\u602B\u600A\u603F\u6021\u6078\u6079\u607B\u607A\u6042"], + ["e340", "\u9246", 45, "\u9275", 16], + ["e380", "\u9286", 7, "\u928F", 24, "\u606A\u607D\u6096\u609A\u60AD\u609D\u6083\u6092\u608C\u609B\u60EC\u60BB\u60B1\u60DD\u60D8\u60C6\u60DA\u60B4\u6120\u6126\u6115\u6123\u60F4\u6100\u610E\u612B\u614A\u6175\u61AC\u6194\u61A7\u61B7\u61D4\u61F5\u5FDD\u96B3\u95E9\u95EB\u95F1\u95F3\u95F5\u95F6\u95FC\u95FE\u9603\u9604\u9606\u9608\u960A\u960B\u960C\u960D\u960F\u9612\u9615\u9616\u9617\u9619\u961A\u4E2C\u723F\u6215\u6C35\u6C54\u6C5C\u6C4A\u6CA3\u6C85\u6C90\u6C94\u6C8C\u6C68\u6C69\u6C74\u6C76\u6C86\u6CA9\u6CD0\u6CD4\u6CAD\u6CF7\u6CF8\u6CF1\u6CD7\u6CB2\u6CE0\u6CD6\u6CFA\u6CEB\u6CEE\u6CB1\u6CD3\u6CEF\u6CFE"], + ["e440", "\u92A8", 5, "\u92AF", 24, "\u92C9", 31], + ["e480", "\u92E9", 32, "\u6D39\u6D27\u6D0C\u6D43\u6D48\u6D07\u6D04\u6D19\u6D0E\u6D2B\u6D4D\u6D2E\u6D35\u6D1A\u6D4F\u6D52\u6D54\u6D33\u6D91\u6D6F\u6D9E\u6DA0\u6D5E\u6D93\u6D94\u6D5C\u6D60\u6D7C\u6D63\u6E1A\u6DC7\u6DC5\u6DDE\u6E0E\u6DBF\u6DE0\u6E11\u6DE6\u6DDD\u6DD9\u6E16\u6DAB\u6E0C\u6DAE\u6E2B\u6E6E\u6E4E\u6E6B\u6EB2\u6E5F\u6E86\u6E53\u6E54\u6E32\u6E25\u6E44\u6EDF\u6EB1\u6E98\u6EE0\u6F2D\u6EE2\u6EA5\u6EA7\u6EBD\u6EBB\u6EB7\u6ED7\u6EB4\u6ECF\u6E8F\u6EC2\u6E9F\u6F62\u6F46\u6F47\u6F24\u6F15\u6EF9\u6F2F\u6F36\u6F4B\u6F74\u6F2A\u6F09\u6F29\u6F89\u6F8D\u6F8C\u6F78\u6F72\u6F7C\u6F7A\u6FD1"], + ["e540", "\u930A", 51, "\u933F", 10], + ["e580", "\u934A", 31, "\u936B\u6FC9\u6FA7\u6FB9\u6FB6\u6FC2\u6FE1\u6FEE\u6FDE\u6FE0\u6FEF\u701A\u7023\u701B\u7039\u7035\u704F\u705E\u5B80\u5B84\u5B95\u5B93\u5BA5\u5BB8\u752F\u9A9E\u6434\u5BE4\u5BEE\u8930\u5BF0\u8E47\u8B07\u8FB6\u8FD3\u8FD5\u8FE5\u8FEE\u8FE4\u8FE9\u8FE6\u8FF3\u8FE8\u9005\u9004\u900B\u9026\u9011\u900D\u9016\u9021\u9035\u9036\u902D\u902F\u9044\u9051\u9052\u9050\u9068\u9058\u9062\u905B\u66B9\u9074\u907D\u9082\u9088\u9083\u908B\u5F50\u5F57\u5F56\u5F58\u5C3B\u54AB\u5C50\u5C59\u5B71\u5C63\u5C66\u7FBC\u5F2A\u5F29\u5F2D\u8274\u5F3C\u9B3B\u5C6E\u5981\u5983\u598D\u59A9\u59AA\u59A3"], + ["e640", "\u936C", 34, "\u9390", 27], + ["e680", "\u93AC", 29, "\u93CB\u93CC\u93CD\u5997\u59CA\u59AB\u599E\u59A4\u59D2\u59B2\u59AF\u59D7\u59BE\u5A05\u5A06\u59DD\u5A08\u59E3\u59D8\u59F9\u5A0C\u5A09\u5A32\u5A34\u5A11\u5A23\u5A13\u5A40\u5A67\u5A4A\u5A55\u5A3C\u5A62\u5A75\u80EC\u5AAA\u5A9B\u5A77\u5A7A\u5ABE\u5AEB\u5AB2\u5AD2\u5AD4\u5AB8\u5AE0\u5AE3\u5AF1\u5AD6\u5AE6\u5AD8\u5ADC\u5B09\u5B17\u5B16\u5B32\u5B37\u5B40\u5C15\u5C1C\u5B5A\u5B65\u5B73\u5B51\u5B53\u5B62\u9A75\u9A77\u9A78\u9A7A\u9A7F\u9A7D\u9A80\u9A81\u9A85\u9A88\u9A8A\u9A90\u9A92\u9A93\u9A96\u9A98\u9A9B\u9A9C\u9A9D\u9A9F\u9AA0\u9AA2\u9AA3\u9AA5\u9AA7\u7E9F\u7EA1\u7EA3\u7EA5\u7EA8\u7EA9"], + ["e740", "\u93CE", 7, "\u93D7", 54], + ["e780", "\u940E", 32, "\u7EAD\u7EB0\u7EBE\u7EC0\u7EC1\u7EC2\u7EC9\u7ECB\u7ECC\u7ED0\u7ED4\u7ED7\u7EDB\u7EE0\u7EE1\u7EE8\u7EEB\u7EEE\u7EEF\u7EF1\u7EF2\u7F0D\u7EF6\u7EFA\u7EFB\u7EFE\u7F01\u7F02\u7F03\u7F07\u7F08\u7F0B\u7F0C\u7F0F\u7F11\u7F12\u7F17\u7F19\u7F1C\u7F1B\u7F1F\u7F21", 6, "\u7F2A\u7F2B\u7F2C\u7F2D\u7F2F", 4, "\u7F35\u5E7A\u757F\u5DDB\u753E\u9095\u738E\u7391\u73AE\u73A2\u739F\u73CF\u73C2\u73D1\u73B7\u73B3\u73C0\u73C9\u73C8\u73E5\u73D9\u987C\u740A\u73E9\u73E7\u73DE\u73BA\u73F2\u740F\u742A\u745B\u7426\u7425\u7428\u7430\u742E\u742C"], + ["e840", "\u942F", 14, "\u943F", 43, "\u946C\u946D\u946E\u946F"], + ["e880", "\u9470", 20, "\u9491\u9496\u9498\u94C7\u94CF\u94D3\u94D4\u94DA\u94E6\u94FB\u951C\u9520\u741B\u741A\u7441\u745C\u7457\u7455\u7459\u7477\u746D\u747E\u749C\u748E\u7480\u7481\u7487\u748B\u749E\u74A8\u74A9\u7490\u74A7\u74D2\u74BA\u97EA\u97EB\u97EC\u674C\u6753\u675E\u6748\u6769\u67A5\u6787\u676A\u6773\u6798\u67A7\u6775\u67A8\u679E\u67AD\u678B\u6777\u677C\u67F0\u6809\u67D8\u680A\u67E9\u67B0\u680C\u67D9\u67B5\u67DA\u67B3\u67DD\u6800\u67C3\u67B8\u67E2\u680E\u67C1\u67FD\u6832\u6833\u6860\u6861\u684E\u6862\u6844\u6864\u6883\u681D\u6855\u6866\u6841\u6867\u6840\u683E\u684A\u6849\u6829\u68B5\u688F\u6874\u6877\u6893\u686B\u68C2\u696E\u68FC\u691F\u6920\u68F9"], + ["e940", "\u9527\u9533\u953D\u9543\u9548\u954B\u9555\u955A\u9560\u956E\u9574\u9575\u9577", 7, "\u9580", 42], + ["e980", "\u95AB", 32, "\u6924\u68F0\u690B\u6901\u6957\u68E3\u6910\u6971\u6939\u6960\u6942\u695D\u6984\u696B\u6980\u6998\u6978\u6934\u69CC\u6987\u6988\u69CE\u6989\u6966\u6963\u6979\u699B\u69A7\u69BB\u69AB\u69AD\u69D4\u69B1\u69C1\u69CA\u69DF\u6995\u69E0\u698D\u69FF\u6A2F\u69ED\u6A17\u6A18\u6A65\u69F2\u6A44\u6A3E\u6AA0\u6A50\u6A5B\u6A35\u6A8E\u6A79\u6A3D\u6A28\u6A58\u6A7C\u6A91\u6A90\u6AA9\u6A97\u6AAB\u7337\u7352\u6B81\u6B82\u6B87\u6B84\u6B92\u6B93\u6B8D\u6B9A\u6B9B\u6BA1\u6BAA\u8F6B\u8F6D\u8F71\u8F72\u8F73\u8F75\u8F76\u8F78\u8F77\u8F79\u8F7A\u8F7C\u8F7E\u8F81\u8F82\u8F84\u8F87\u8F8B"], + ["ea40", "\u95CC", 27, "\u95EC\u95FF\u9607\u9613\u9618\u961B\u961E\u9620\u9623", 6, "\u962B\u962C\u962D\u962F\u9630\u9637\u9638\u9639\u963A\u963E\u9641\u9643\u964A\u964E\u964F\u9651\u9652\u9653\u9656\u9657"], + ["ea80", "\u9658\u9659\u965A\u965C\u965D\u965E\u9660\u9663\u9665\u9666\u966B\u966D", 4, "\u9673\u9678", 12, "\u9687\u9689\u968A\u8F8D\u8F8E\u8F8F\u8F98\u8F9A\u8ECE\u620B\u6217\u621B\u621F\u6222\u6221\u6225\u6224\u622C\u81E7\u74EF\u74F4\u74FF\u750F\u7511\u7513\u6534\u65EE\u65EF\u65F0\u660A\u6619\u6772\u6603\u6615\u6600\u7085\u66F7\u661D\u6634\u6631\u6636\u6635\u8006\u665F\u6654\u6641\u664F\u6656\u6661\u6657\u6677\u6684\u668C\u66A7\u669D\u66BE\u66DB\u66DC\u66E6\u66E9\u8D32\u8D33\u8D36\u8D3B\u8D3D\u8D40\u8D45\u8D46\u8D48\u8D49\u8D47\u8D4D\u8D55\u8D59\u89C7\u89CA\u89CB\u89CC\u89CE\u89CF\u89D0\u89D1\u726E\u729F\u725D\u7266\u726F\u727E\u727F\u7284\u728B\u728D\u728F\u7292\u6308\u6332\u63B0"], + ["eb40", "\u968C\u968E\u9691\u9692\u9693\u9695\u9696\u969A\u969B\u969D", 9, "\u96A8", 7, "\u96B1\u96B2\u96B4\u96B5\u96B7\u96B8\u96BA\u96BB\u96BF\u96C2\u96C3\u96C8\u96CA\u96CB\u96D0\u96D1\u96D3\u96D4\u96D6", 9, "\u96E1", 6, "\u96EB"], + ["eb80", "\u96EC\u96ED\u96EE\u96F0\u96F1\u96F2\u96F4\u96F5\u96F8\u96FA\u96FB\u96FC\u96FD\u96FF\u9702\u9703\u9705\u970A\u970B\u970C\u9710\u9711\u9712\u9714\u9715\u9717", 4, "\u971D\u971F\u9720\u643F\u64D8\u8004\u6BEA\u6BF3\u6BFD\u6BF5\u6BF9\u6C05\u6C07\u6C06\u6C0D\u6C15\u6C18\u6C19\u6C1A\u6C21\u6C29\u6C24\u6C2A\u6C32\u6535\u6555\u656B\u724D\u7252\u7256\u7230\u8662\u5216\u809F\u809C\u8093\u80BC\u670A\u80BD\u80B1\u80AB\u80AD\u80B4\u80B7\u80E7\u80E8\u80E9\u80EA\u80DB\u80C2\u80C4\u80D9\u80CD\u80D7\u6710\u80DD\u80EB\u80F1\u80F4\u80ED\u810D\u810E\u80F2\u80FC\u6715\u8112\u8C5A\u8136\u811E\u812C\u8118\u8132\u8148\u814C\u8153\u8174\u8159\u815A\u8171\u8160\u8169\u817C\u817D\u816D\u8167\u584D\u5AB5\u8188\u8182\u8191\u6ED5\u81A3\u81AA\u81CC\u6726\u81CA\u81BB"], + ["ec40", "\u9721", 8, "\u972B\u972C\u972E\u972F\u9731\u9733", 4, "\u973A\u973B\u973C\u973D\u973F", 18, "\u9754\u9755\u9757\u9758\u975A\u975C\u975D\u975F\u9763\u9764\u9766\u9767\u9768\u976A", 7], + ["ec80", "\u9772\u9775\u9777", 4, "\u977D", 7, "\u9786", 4, "\u978C\u978E\u978F\u9790\u9793\u9795\u9796\u9797\u9799", 4, "\u81C1\u81A6\u6B24\u6B37\u6B39\u6B43\u6B46\u6B59\u98D1\u98D2\u98D3\u98D5\u98D9\u98DA\u6BB3\u5F40\u6BC2\u89F3\u6590\u9F51\u6593\u65BC\u65C6\u65C4\u65C3\u65CC\u65CE\u65D2\u65D6\u7080\u709C\u7096\u709D\u70BB\u70C0\u70B7\u70AB\u70B1\u70E8\u70CA\u7110\u7113\u7116\u712F\u7131\u7173\u715C\u7168\u7145\u7172\u714A\u7178\u717A\u7198\u71B3\u71B5\u71A8\u71A0\u71E0\u71D4\u71E7\u71F9\u721D\u7228\u706C\u7118\u7166\u71B9\u623E\u623D\u6243\u6248\u6249\u793B\u7940\u7946\u7949\u795B\u795C\u7953\u795A\u7962\u7957\u7960\u796F\u7967\u797A\u7985\u798A\u799A\u79A7\u79B3\u5FD1\u5FD0"], + ["ed40", "\u979E\u979F\u97A1\u97A2\u97A4", 6, "\u97AC\u97AE\u97B0\u97B1\u97B3\u97B5", 46], + ["ed80", "\u97E4\u97E5\u97E8\u97EE", 4, "\u97F4\u97F7", 23, "\u603C\u605D\u605A\u6067\u6041\u6059\u6063\u60AB\u6106\u610D\u615D\u61A9\u619D\u61CB\u61D1\u6206\u8080\u807F\u6C93\u6CF6\u6DFC\u77F6\u77F8\u7800\u7809\u7817\u7818\u7811\u65AB\u782D\u781C\u781D\u7839\u783A\u783B\u781F\u783C\u7825\u782C\u7823\u7829\u784E\u786D\u7856\u7857\u7826\u7850\u7847\u784C\u786A\u789B\u7893\u789A\u7887\u789C\u78A1\u78A3\u78B2\u78B9\u78A5\u78D4\u78D9\u78C9\u78EC\u78F2\u7905\u78F4\u7913\u7924\u791E\u7934\u9F9B\u9EF9\u9EFB\u9EFC\u76F1\u7704\u770D\u76F9\u7707\u7708\u771A\u7722\u7719\u772D\u7726\u7735\u7738\u7750\u7751\u7747\u7743\u775A\u7768"], + ["ee40", "\u980F", 62], + ["ee80", "\u984E", 32, "\u7762\u7765\u777F\u778D\u777D\u7780\u778C\u7791\u779F\u77A0\u77B0\u77B5\u77BD\u753A\u7540\u754E\u754B\u7548\u755B\u7572\u7579\u7583\u7F58\u7F61\u7F5F\u8A48\u7F68\u7F74\u7F71\u7F79\u7F81\u7F7E\u76CD\u76E5\u8832\u9485\u9486\u9487\u948B\u948A\u948C\u948D\u948F\u9490\u9494\u9497\u9495\u949A\u949B\u949C\u94A3\u94A4\u94AB\u94AA\u94AD\u94AC\u94AF\u94B0\u94B2\u94B4\u94B6", 4, "\u94BC\u94BD\u94BF\u94C4\u94C8", 6, "\u94D0\u94D1\u94D2\u94D5\u94D6\u94D7\u94D9\u94D8\u94DB\u94DE\u94DF\u94E0\u94E2\u94E4\u94E5\u94E7\u94E8\u94EA"], + ["ef40", "\u986F", 5, "\u988B\u988E\u9892\u9895\u9899\u98A3\u98A8", 37, "\u98CF\u98D0\u98D4\u98D6\u98D7\u98DB\u98DC\u98DD\u98E0", 4], + ["ef80", "\u98E5\u98E6\u98E9", 30, "\u94E9\u94EB\u94EE\u94EF\u94F3\u94F4\u94F5\u94F7\u94F9\u94FC\u94FD\u94FF\u9503\u9502\u9506\u9507\u9509\u950A\u950D\u950E\u950F\u9512", 4, "\u9518\u951B\u951D\u951E\u951F\u9522\u952A\u952B\u9529\u952C\u9531\u9532\u9534\u9536\u9537\u9538\u953C\u953E\u953F\u9542\u9535\u9544\u9545\u9546\u9549\u954C\u954E\u954F\u9552\u9553\u9554\u9556\u9557\u9558\u9559\u955B\u955E\u955F\u955D\u9561\u9562\u9564", 8, "\u956F\u9571\u9572\u9573\u953A\u77E7\u77EC\u96C9\u79D5\u79ED\u79E3\u79EB\u7A06\u5D47\u7A03\u7A02\u7A1E\u7A14"], + ["f040", "\u9908", 4, "\u990E\u990F\u9911", 28, "\u992F", 26], + ["f080", "\u994A", 9, "\u9956", 12, "\u9964\u9966\u9973\u9978\u9979\u997B\u997E\u9982\u9983\u9989\u7A39\u7A37\u7A51\u9ECF\u99A5\u7A70\u7688\u768E\u7693\u7699\u76A4\u74DE\u74E0\u752C\u9E20\u9E22\u9E28", 4, "\u9E32\u9E31\u9E36\u9E38\u9E37\u9E39\u9E3A\u9E3E\u9E41\u9E42\u9E44\u9E46\u9E47\u9E48\u9E49\u9E4B\u9E4C\u9E4E\u9E51\u9E55\u9E57\u9E5A\u9E5B\u9E5C\u9E5E\u9E63\u9E66", 6, "\u9E71\u9E6D\u9E73\u7592\u7594\u7596\u75A0\u759D\u75AC\u75A3\u75B3\u75B4\u75B8\u75C4\u75B1\u75B0\u75C3\u75C2\u75D6\u75CD\u75E3\u75E8\u75E6\u75E4\u75EB\u75E7\u7603\u75F1\u75FC\u75FF\u7610\u7600\u7605\u760C\u7617\u760A\u7625\u7618\u7615\u7619"], + ["f140", "\u998C\u998E\u999A", 10, "\u99A6\u99A7\u99A9", 47], + ["f180", "\u99D9", 32, "\u761B\u763C\u7622\u7620\u7640\u762D\u7630\u763F\u7635\u7643\u763E\u7633\u764D\u765E\u7654\u765C\u7656\u766B\u766F\u7FCA\u7AE6\u7A78\u7A79\u7A80\u7A86\u7A88\u7A95\u7AA6\u7AA0\u7AAC\u7AA8\u7AAD\u7AB3\u8864\u8869\u8872\u887D\u887F\u8882\u88A2\u88C6\u88B7\u88BC\u88C9\u88E2\u88CE\u88E3\u88E5\u88F1\u891A\u88FC\u88E8\u88FE\u88F0\u8921\u8919\u8913\u891B\u890A\u8934\u892B\u8936\u8941\u8966\u897B\u758B\u80E5\u76B2\u76B4\u77DC\u8012\u8014\u8016\u801C\u8020\u8022\u8025\u8026\u8027\u8029\u8028\u8031\u800B\u8035\u8043\u8046\u804D\u8052\u8069\u8071\u8983\u9878\u9880\u9883"], + ["f240", "\u99FA", 62], + ["f280", "\u9A39", 32, "\u9889\u988C\u988D\u988F\u9894\u989A\u989B\u989E\u989F\u98A1\u98A2\u98A5\u98A6\u864D\u8654\u866C\u866E\u867F\u867A\u867C\u867B\u86A8\u868D\u868B\u86AC\u869D\u86A7\u86A3\u86AA\u8693\u86A9\u86B6\u86C4\u86B5\u86CE\u86B0\u86BA\u86B1\u86AF\u86C9\u86CF\u86B4\u86E9\u86F1\u86F2\u86ED\u86F3\u86D0\u8713\u86DE\u86F4\u86DF\u86D8\u86D1\u8703\u8707\u86F8\u8708\u870A\u870D\u8709\u8723\u873B\u871E\u8725\u872E\u871A\u873E\u8748\u8734\u8731\u8729\u8737\u873F\u8782\u8722\u877D\u877E\u877B\u8760\u8770\u874C\u876E\u878B\u8753\u8763\u877C\u8764\u8759\u8765\u8793\u87AF\u87A8\u87D2"], + ["f340", "\u9A5A", 17, "\u9A72\u9A83\u9A89\u9A8D\u9A8E\u9A94\u9A95\u9A99\u9AA6\u9AA9", 6, "\u9AB2\u9AB3\u9AB4\u9AB5\u9AB9\u9ABB\u9ABD\u9ABE\u9ABF\u9AC3\u9AC4\u9AC6", 4, "\u9ACD\u9ACE\u9ACF\u9AD0\u9AD2\u9AD4\u9AD5\u9AD6\u9AD7\u9AD9\u9ADA\u9ADB\u9ADC"], + ["f380", "\u9ADD\u9ADE\u9AE0\u9AE2\u9AE3\u9AE4\u9AE5\u9AE7\u9AE8\u9AE9\u9AEA\u9AEC\u9AEE\u9AF0", 8, "\u9AFA\u9AFC", 6, "\u9B04\u9B05\u9B06\u87C6\u8788\u8785\u87AD\u8797\u8783\u87AB\u87E5\u87AC\u87B5\u87B3\u87CB\u87D3\u87BD\u87D1\u87C0\u87CA\u87DB\u87EA\u87E0\u87EE\u8816\u8813\u87FE\u880A\u881B\u8821\u8839\u883C\u7F36\u7F42\u7F44\u7F45\u8210\u7AFA\u7AFD\u7B08\u7B03\u7B04\u7B15\u7B0A\u7B2B\u7B0F\u7B47\u7B38\u7B2A\u7B19\u7B2E\u7B31\u7B20\u7B25\u7B24\u7B33\u7B3E\u7B1E\u7B58\u7B5A\u7B45\u7B75\u7B4C\u7B5D\u7B60\u7B6E\u7B7B\u7B62\u7B72\u7B71\u7B90\u7BA6\u7BA7\u7BB8\u7BAC\u7B9D\u7BA8\u7B85\u7BAA\u7B9C\u7BA2\u7BAB\u7BB4\u7BD1\u7BC1\u7BCC\u7BDD\u7BDA\u7BE5\u7BE6\u7BEA\u7C0C\u7BFE\u7BFC\u7C0F\u7C16\u7C0B"], + ["f440", "\u9B07\u9B09", 5, "\u9B10\u9B11\u9B12\u9B14", 10, "\u9B20\u9B21\u9B22\u9B24", 10, "\u9B30\u9B31\u9B33", 7, "\u9B3D\u9B3E\u9B3F\u9B40\u9B46\u9B4A\u9B4B\u9B4C\u9B4E\u9B50\u9B52\u9B53\u9B55", 5], + ["f480", "\u9B5B", 32, "\u7C1F\u7C2A\u7C26\u7C38\u7C41\u7C40\u81FE\u8201\u8202\u8204\u81EC\u8844\u8221\u8222\u8223\u822D\u822F\u8228\u822B\u8238\u823B\u8233\u8234\u823E\u8244\u8249\u824B\u824F\u825A\u825F\u8268\u887E\u8885\u8888\u88D8\u88DF\u895E\u7F9D\u7F9F\u7FA7\u7FAF\u7FB0\u7FB2\u7C7C\u6549\u7C91\u7C9D\u7C9C\u7C9E\u7CA2\u7CB2\u7CBC\u7CBD\u7CC1\u7CC7\u7CCC\u7CCD\u7CC8\u7CC5\u7CD7\u7CE8\u826E\u66A8\u7FBF\u7FCE\u7FD5\u7FE5\u7FE1\u7FE6\u7FE9\u7FEE\u7FF3\u7CF8\u7D77\u7DA6\u7DAE\u7E47\u7E9B\u9EB8\u9EB4\u8D73\u8D84\u8D94\u8D91\u8DB1\u8D67\u8D6D\u8C47\u8C49\u914A\u9150\u914E\u914F\u9164"], + ["f540", "\u9B7C", 62], + ["f580", "\u9BBB", 32, "\u9162\u9161\u9170\u9169\u916F\u917D\u917E\u9172\u9174\u9179\u918C\u9185\u9190\u918D\u9191\u91A2\u91A3\u91AA\u91AD\u91AE\u91AF\u91B5\u91B4\u91BA\u8C55\u9E7E\u8DB8\u8DEB\u8E05\u8E59\u8E69\u8DB5\u8DBF\u8DBC\u8DBA\u8DC4\u8DD6\u8DD7\u8DDA\u8DDE\u8DCE\u8DCF\u8DDB\u8DC6\u8DEC\u8DF7\u8DF8\u8DE3\u8DF9\u8DFB\u8DE4\u8E09\u8DFD\u8E14\u8E1D\u8E1F\u8E2C\u8E2E\u8E23\u8E2F\u8E3A\u8E40\u8E39\u8E35\u8E3D\u8E31\u8E49\u8E41\u8E42\u8E51\u8E52\u8E4A\u8E70\u8E76\u8E7C\u8E6F\u8E74\u8E85\u8E8F\u8E94\u8E90\u8E9C\u8E9E\u8C78\u8C82\u8C8A\u8C85\u8C98\u8C94\u659B\u89D6\u89DE\u89DA\u89DC"], + ["f640", "\u9BDC", 62], + ["f680", "\u9C1B", 32, "\u89E5\u89EB\u89EF\u8A3E\u8B26\u9753\u96E9\u96F3\u96EF\u9706\u9701\u9708\u970F\u970E\u972A\u972D\u9730\u973E\u9F80\u9F83\u9F85", 5, "\u9F8C\u9EFE\u9F0B\u9F0D\u96B9\u96BC\u96BD\u96CE\u96D2\u77BF\u96E0\u928E\u92AE\u92C8\u933E\u936A\u93CA\u938F\u943E\u946B\u9C7F\u9C82\u9C85\u9C86\u9C87\u9C88\u7A23\u9C8B\u9C8E\u9C90\u9C91\u9C92\u9C94\u9C95\u9C9A\u9C9B\u9C9E", 5, "\u9CA5", 4, "\u9CAB\u9CAD\u9CAE\u9CB0", 7, "\u9CBA\u9CBB\u9CBC\u9CBD\u9CC4\u9CC5\u9CC6\u9CC7\u9CCA\u9CCB"], + ["f740", "\u9C3C", 62], + ["f780", "\u9C7B\u9C7D\u9C7E\u9C80\u9C83\u9C84\u9C89\u9C8A\u9C8C\u9C8F\u9C93\u9C96\u9C97\u9C98\u9C99\u9C9D\u9CAA\u9CAC\u9CAF\u9CB9\u9CBE", 4, "\u9CC8\u9CC9\u9CD1\u9CD2\u9CDA\u9CDB\u9CE0\u9CE1\u9CCC", 4, "\u9CD3\u9CD4\u9CD5\u9CD7\u9CD8\u9CD9\u9CDC\u9CDD\u9CDF\u9CE2\u977C\u9785\u9791\u9792\u9794\u97AF\u97AB\u97A3\u97B2\u97B4\u9AB1\u9AB0\u9AB7\u9E58\u9AB6\u9ABA\u9ABC\u9AC1\u9AC0\u9AC5\u9AC2\u9ACB\u9ACC\u9AD1\u9B45\u9B43\u9B47\u9B49\u9B48\u9B4D\u9B51\u98E8\u990D\u992E\u9955\u9954\u9ADF\u9AE1\u9AE6\u9AEF\u9AEB\u9AFB\u9AED\u9AF9\u9B08\u9B0F\u9B13\u9B1F\u9B23\u9EBD\u9EBE\u7E3B\u9E82\u9E87\u9E88\u9E8B\u9E92\u93D6\u9E9D\u9E9F\u9EDB\u9EDC\u9EDD\u9EE0\u9EDF\u9EE2\u9EE9\u9EE7\u9EE5\u9EEA\u9EEF\u9F22\u9F2C\u9F2F\u9F39\u9F37\u9F3D\u9F3E\u9F44"], + ["f840", "\u9CE3", 62], + ["f880", "\u9D22", 32], + ["f940", "\u9D43", 62], + ["f980", "\u9D82", 32], + ["fa40", "\u9DA3", 62], + ["fa80", "\u9DE2", 32], + ["fb40", "\u9E03", 27, "\u9E24\u9E27\u9E2E\u9E30\u9E34\u9E3B\u9E3C\u9E40\u9E4D\u9E50\u9E52\u9E53\u9E54\u9E56\u9E59\u9E5D\u9E5F\u9E60\u9E61\u9E62\u9E65\u9E6E\u9E6F\u9E72\u9E74", 9, "\u9E80"], + ["fb80", "\u9E81\u9E83\u9E84\u9E85\u9E86\u9E89\u9E8A\u9E8C", 5, "\u9E94", 8, "\u9E9E\u9EA0", 5, "\u9EA7\u9EA8\u9EA9\u9EAA"], + ["fc40", "\u9EAB", 8, "\u9EB5\u9EB6\u9EB7\u9EB9\u9EBA\u9EBC\u9EBF", 4, "\u9EC5\u9EC6\u9EC7\u9EC8\u9ECA\u9ECB\u9ECC\u9ED0\u9ED2\u9ED3\u9ED5\u9ED6\u9ED7\u9ED9\u9EDA\u9EDE\u9EE1\u9EE3\u9EE4\u9EE6\u9EE8\u9EEB\u9EEC\u9EED\u9EEE\u9EF0", 8, "\u9EFA\u9EFD\u9EFF", 6], + ["fc80", "\u9F06", 4, "\u9F0C\u9F0F\u9F11\u9F12\u9F14\u9F15\u9F16\u9F18\u9F1A", 5, "\u9F21\u9F23", 8, "\u9F2D\u9F2E\u9F30\u9F31"], + ["fd40", "\u9F32", 4, "\u9F38\u9F3A\u9F3C\u9F3F", 4, "\u9F45", 10, "\u9F52", 38], + ["fd80", "\u9F79", 5, "\u9F81\u9F82\u9F8D", 11, "\u9F9C\u9F9D\u9F9E\u9FA1", 4, "\uF92C\uF979\uF995\uF9E7\uF9F1"], + ["fe40", "\uFA0C\uFA0D\uFA0E\uFA0F\uFA11\uFA13\uFA14\uFA18\uFA1F\uFA20\uFA21\uFA23\uFA24\uFA27\uFA28\uFA29"] + ]; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/encoding/node_modules/iconv-lite/encodings/tables/gbk-added.json +var require_gbk_added = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/encoding/node_modules/iconv-lite/encodings/tables/gbk-added.json"(exports, module2) { + module2.exports = [ + ["a140", "\uE4C6", 62], + ["a180", "\uE505", 32], + ["a240", "\uE526", 62], + ["a280", "\uE565", 32], + ["a2ab", "\uE766", 5], + ["a2e3", "\u20AC\uE76D"], + ["a2ef", "\uE76E\uE76F"], + ["a2fd", "\uE770\uE771"], + ["a340", "\uE586", 62], + ["a380", "\uE5C5", 31, "\u3000"], + ["a440", "\uE5E6", 62], + ["a480", "\uE625", 32], + ["a4f4", "\uE772", 10], + ["a540", "\uE646", 62], + ["a580", "\uE685", 32], + ["a5f7", "\uE77D", 7], + ["a640", "\uE6A6", 62], + ["a680", "\uE6E5", 32], + ["a6b9", "\uE785", 7], + ["a6d9", "\uE78D", 6], + ["a6ec", "\uE794\uE795"], + ["a6f3", "\uE796"], + ["a6f6", "\uE797", 8], + ["a740", "\uE706", 62], + ["a780", "\uE745", 32], + ["a7c2", "\uE7A0", 14], + ["a7f2", "\uE7AF", 12], + ["a896", "\uE7BC", 10], + ["a8bc", "\u1E3F"], + ["a8bf", "\u01F9"], + ["a8c1", "\uE7C9\uE7CA\uE7CB\uE7CC"], + ["a8ea", "\uE7CD", 20], + ["a958", "\uE7E2"], + ["a95b", "\uE7E3"], + ["a95d", "\uE7E4\uE7E5\uE7E6"], + ["a989", "\u303E\u2FF0", 11], + ["a997", "\uE7F4", 12], + ["a9f0", "\uE801", 14], + ["aaa1", "\uE000", 93], + ["aba1", "\uE05E", 93], + ["aca1", "\uE0BC", 93], + ["ada1", "\uE11A", 93], + ["aea1", "\uE178", 93], + ["afa1", "\uE1D6", 93], + ["d7fa", "\uE810", 4], + ["f8a1", "\uE234", 93], + ["f9a1", "\uE292", 93], + ["faa1", "\uE2F0", 93], + ["fba1", "\uE34E", 93], + ["fca1", "\uE3AC", 93], + ["fda1", "\uE40A", 93], + ["fe50", "\u2E81\uE816\uE817\uE818\u2E84\u3473\u3447\u2E88\u2E8B\uE81E\u359E\u361A\u360E\u2E8C\u2E97\u396E\u3918\uE826\u39CF\u39DF\u3A73\u39D0\uE82B\uE82C\u3B4E\u3C6E\u3CE0\u2EA7\uE831\uE832\u2EAA\u4056\u415F\u2EAE\u4337\u2EB3\u2EB6\u2EB7\uE83B\u43B1\u43AC\u2EBB\u43DD\u44D6\u4661\u464C\uE843"], + ["fe80", "\u4723\u4729\u477C\u478D\u2ECA\u4947\u497A\u497D\u4982\u4983\u4985\u4986\u499F\u499B\u49B7\u49B6\uE854\uE855\u4CA3\u4C9F\u4CA0\u4CA1\u4C77\u4CA2\u4D13", 6, "\u4DAE\uE864\uE468", 93], + ["8135f437", "\uE7C7"] + ]; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/encoding/node_modules/iconv-lite/encodings/tables/gb18030-ranges.json +var require_gb18030_ranges = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/encoding/node_modules/iconv-lite/encodings/tables/gb18030-ranges.json"(exports, module2) { + module2.exports = { uChars: [128, 165, 169, 178, 184, 216, 226, 235, 238, 244, 248, 251, 253, 258, 276, 284, 300, 325, 329, 334, 364, 463, 465, 467, 469, 471, 473, 475, 477, 506, 594, 610, 712, 716, 730, 930, 938, 962, 970, 1026, 1104, 1106, 8209, 8215, 8218, 8222, 8231, 8241, 8244, 8246, 8252, 8365, 8452, 8454, 8458, 8471, 8482, 8556, 8570, 8596, 8602, 8713, 8720, 8722, 8726, 8731, 8737, 8740, 8742, 8748, 8751, 8760, 8766, 8777, 8781, 8787, 8802, 8808, 8816, 8854, 8858, 8870, 8896, 8979, 9322, 9372, 9548, 9588, 9616, 9622, 9634, 9652, 9662, 9672, 9676, 9680, 9702, 9735, 9738, 9793, 9795, 11906, 11909, 11913, 11917, 11928, 11944, 11947, 11951, 11956, 11960, 11964, 11979, 12284, 12292, 12312, 12319, 12330, 12351, 12436, 12447, 12535, 12543, 12586, 12842, 12850, 12964, 13200, 13215, 13218, 13253, 13263, 13267, 13270, 13384, 13428, 13727, 13839, 13851, 14617, 14703, 14801, 14816, 14964, 15183, 15471, 15585, 16471, 16736, 17208, 17325, 17330, 17374, 17623, 17997, 18018, 18212, 18218, 18301, 18318, 18760, 18811, 18814, 18820, 18823, 18844, 18848, 18872, 19576, 19620, 19738, 19887, 40870, 59244, 59336, 59367, 59413, 59417, 59423, 59431, 59437, 59443, 59452, 59460, 59478, 59493, 63789, 63866, 63894, 63976, 63986, 64016, 64018, 64021, 64025, 64034, 64037, 64042, 65074, 65093, 65107, 65112, 65127, 65132, 65375, 65510, 65536], gbChars: [0, 36, 38, 45, 50, 81, 89, 95, 96, 100, 103, 104, 105, 109, 126, 133, 148, 172, 175, 179, 208, 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 341, 428, 443, 544, 545, 558, 741, 742, 749, 750, 805, 819, 820, 7922, 7924, 7925, 7927, 7934, 7943, 7944, 7945, 7950, 8062, 8148, 8149, 8152, 8164, 8174, 8236, 8240, 8262, 8264, 8374, 8380, 8381, 8384, 8388, 8390, 8392, 8393, 8394, 8396, 8401, 8406, 8416, 8419, 8424, 8437, 8439, 8445, 8482, 8485, 8496, 8521, 8603, 8936, 8946, 9046, 9050, 9063, 9066, 9076, 9092, 9100, 9108, 9111, 9113, 9131, 9162, 9164, 9218, 9219, 11329, 11331, 11334, 11336, 11346, 11361, 11363, 11366, 11370, 11372, 11375, 11389, 11682, 11686, 11687, 11692, 11694, 11714, 11716, 11723, 11725, 11730, 11736, 11982, 11989, 12102, 12336, 12348, 12350, 12384, 12393, 12395, 12397, 12510, 12553, 12851, 12962, 12973, 13738, 13823, 13919, 13933, 14080, 14298, 14585, 14698, 15583, 15847, 16318, 16434, 16438, 16481, 16729, 17102, 17122, 17315, 17320, 17402, 17418, 17859, 17909, 17911, 17915, 17916, 17936, 17939, 17961, 18664, 18703, 18814, 18962, 19043, 33469, 33470, 33471, 33484, 33485, 33490, 33497, 33501, 33505, 33513, 33520, 33536, 33550, 37845, 37921, 37948, 38029, 38038, 38064, 38065, 38066, 38069, 38075, 38076, 38078, 39108, 39109, 39113, 39114, 39115, 39116, 39265, 39394, 189e3] }; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/encoding/node_modules/iconv-lite/encodings/tables/cp949.json +var require_cp949 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/encoding/node_modules/iconv-lite/encodings/tables/cp949.json"(exports, module2) { + module2.exports = [ + ["0", "\0", 127], + ["8141", "\uAC02\uAC03\uAC05\uAC06\uAC0B", 4, "\uAC18\uAC1E\uAC1F\uAC21\uAC22\uAC23\uAC25", 6, "\uAC2E\uAC32\uAC33\uAC34"], + ["8161", "\uAC35\uAC36\uAC37\uAC3A\uAC3B\uAC3D\uAC3E\uAC3F\uAC41", 9, "\uAC4C\uAC4E", 5, "\uAC55"], + ["8181", "\uAC56\uAC57\uAC59\uAC5A\uAC5B\uAC5D", 18, "\uAC72\uAC73\uAC75\uAC76\uAC79\uAC7B", 4, "\uAC82\uAC87\uAC88\uAC8D\uAC8E\uAC8F\uAC91\uAC92\uAC93\uAC95", 6, "\uAC9E\uACA2", 5, "\uACAB\uACAD\uACAE\uACB1", 6, "\uACBA\uACBE\uACBF\uACC0\uACC2\uACC3\uACC5\uACC6\uACC7\uACC9\uACCA\uACCB\uACCD", 7, "\uACD6\uACD8", 7, "\uACE2\uACE3\uACE5\uACE6\uACE9\uACEB\uACED\uACEE\uACF2\uACF4\uACF7", 4, "\uACFE\uACFF\uAD01\uAD02\uAD03\uAD05\uAD07", 4, "\uAD0E\uAD10\uAD12\uAD13"], + ["8241", "\uAD14\uAD15\uAD16\uAD17\uAD19\uAD1A\uAD1B\uAD1D\uAD1E\uAD1F\uAD21", 7, "\uAD2A\uAD2B\uAD2E", 5], + ["8261", "\uAD36\uAD37\uAD39\uAD3A\uAD3B\uAD3D", 6, "\uAD46\uAD48\uAD4A", 5, "\uAD51\uAD52\uAD53\uAD55\uAD56\uAD57"], + ["8281", "\uAD59", 7, "\uAD62\uAD64", 7, "\uAD6E\uAD6F\uAD71\uAD72\uAD77\uAD78\uAD79\uAD7A\uAD7E\uAD80\uAD83", 4, "\uAD8A\uAD8B\uAD8D\uAD8E\uAD8F\uAD91", 10, "\uAD9E", 5, "\uADA5", 17, "\uADB8", 7, "\uADC2\uADC3\uADC5\uADC6\uADC7\uADC9", 6, "\uADD2\uADD4", 7, "\uADDD\uADDE\uADDF\uADE1\uADE2\uADE3\uADE5", 18], + ["8341", "\uADFA\uADFB\uADFD\uADFE\uAE02", 5, "\uAE0A\uAE0C\uAE0E", 5, "\uAE15", 7], + ["8361", "\uAE1D", 18, "\uAE32\uAE33\uAE35\uAE36\uAE39\uAE3B\uAE3C"], + ["8381", "\uAE3D\uAE3E\uAE3F\uAE42\uAE44\uAE47\uAE48\uAE49\uAE4B\uAE4F\uAE51\uAE52\uAE53\uAE55\uAE57", 4, "\uAE5E\uAE62\uAE63\uAE64\uAE66\uAE67\uAE6A\uAE6B\uAE6D\uAE6E\uAE6F\uAE71", 6, "\uAE7A\uAE7E", 5, "\uAE86", 5, "\uAE8D", 46, "\uAEBF\uAEC1\uAEC2\uAEC3\uAEC5", 6, "\uAECE\uAED2", 5, "\uAEDA\uAEDB\uAEDD", 8], + ["8441", "\uAEE6\uAEE7\uAEE9\uAEEA\uAEEC\uAEEE", 5, "\uAEF5\uAEF6\uAEF7\uAEF9\uAEFA\uAEFB\uAEFD", 8], + ["8461", "\uAF06\uAF09\uAF0A\uAF0B\uAF0C\uAF0E\uAF0F\uAF11", 18], + ["8481", "\uAF24", 7, "\uAF2E\uAF2F\uAF31\uAF33\uAF35", 6, "\uAF3E\uAF40\uAF44\uAF45\uAF46\uAF47\uAF4A", 5, "\uAF51", 10, "\uAF5E", 5, "\uAF66", 18, "\uAF7A", 5, "\uAF81\uAF82\uAF83\uAF85\uAF86\uAF87\uAF89", 6, "\uAF92\uAF93\uAF94\uAF96", 5, "\uAF9D", 26, "\uAFBA\uAFBB\uAFBD\uAFBE"], + ["8541", "\uAFBF\uAFC1", 5, "\uAFCA\uAFCC\uAFCF", 4, "\uAFD5", 6, "\uAFDD", 4], + ["8561", "\uAFE2", 5, "\uAFEA", 5, "\uAFF2\uAFF3\uAFF5\uAFF6\uAFF7\uAFF9", 6, "\uB002\uB003"], + ["8581", "\uB005", 6, "\uB00D\uB00E\uB00F\uB011\uB012\uB013\uB015", 6, "\uB01E", 9, "\uB029", 26, "\uB046\uB047\uB049\uB04B\uB04D\uB04F\uB050\uB051\uB052\uB056\uB058\uB05A\uB05B\uB05C\uB05E", 29, "\uB07E\uB07F\uB081\uB082\uB083\uB085", 6, "\uB08E\uB090\uB092", 5, "\uB09B\uB09D\uB09E\uB0A3\uB0A4"], + ["8641", "\uB0A5\uB0A6\uB0A7\uB0AA\uB0B0\uB0B2\uB0B6\uB0B7\uB0B9\uB0BA\uB0BB\uB0BD", 6, "\uB0C6\uB0CA", 5, "\uB0D2"], + ["8661", "\uB0D3\uB0D5\uB0D6\uB0D7\uB0D9", 6, "\uB0E1\uB0E2\uB0E3\uB0E4\uB0E6", 10], + ["8681", "\uB0F1", 22, "\uB10A\uB10D\uB10E\uB10F\uB111\uB114\uB115\uB116\uB117\uB11A\uB11E", 4, "\uB126\uB127\uB129\uB12A\uB12B\uB12D", 6, "\uB136\uB13A", 5, "\uB142\uB143\uB145\uB146\uB147\uB149", 6, "\uB152\uB153\uB156\uB157\uB159\uB15A\uB15B\uB15D\uB15E\uB15F\uB161", 22, "\uB17A\uB17B\uB17D\uB17E\uB17F\uB181\uB183", 4, "\uB18A\uB18C\uB18E\uB18F\uB190\uB191\uB195\uB196\uB197\uB199\uB19A\uB19B\uB19D"], + ["8741", "\uB19E", 9, "\uB1A9", 15], + ["8761", "\uB1B9", 18, "\uB1CD\uB1CE\uB1CF\uB1D1\uB1D2\uB1D3\uB1D5"], + ["8781", "\uB1D6", 5, "\uB1DE\uB1E0", 7, "\uB1EA\uB1EB\uB1ED\uB1EE\uB1EF\uB1F1", 7, "\uB1FA\uB1FC\uB1FE", 5, "\uB206\uB207\uB209\uB20A\uB20D", 6, "\uB216\uB218\uB21A", 5, "\uB221", 18, "\uB235", 6, "\uB23D", 26, "\uB259\uB25A\uB25B\uB25D\uB25E\uB25F\uB261", 6, "\uB26A", 4], + ["8841", "\uB26F", 4, "\uB276", 5, "\uB27D", 6, "\uB286\uB287\uB288\uB28A", 4], + ["8861", "\uB28F\uB292\uB293\uB295\uB296\uB297\uB29B", 4, "\uB2A2\uB2A4\uB2A7\uB2A8\uB2A9\uB2AB\uB2AD\uB2AE\uB2AF\uB2B1\uB2B2\uB2B3\uB2B5\uB2B6\uB2B7"], + ["8881", "\uB2B8", 15, "\uB2CA\uB2CB\uB2CD\uB2CE\uB2CF\uB2D1\uB2D3", 4, "\uB2DA\uB2DC\uB2DE\uB2DF\uB2E0\uB2E1\uB2E3\uB2E7\uB2E9\uB2EA\uB2F0\uB2F1\uB2F2\uB2F6\uB2FC\uB2FD\uB2FE\uB302\uB303\uB305\uB306\uB307\uB309", 6, "\uB312\uB316", 5, "\uB31D", 54, "\uB357\uB359\uB35A\uB35D\uB360\uB361\uB362\uB363"], + ["8941", "\uB366\uB368\uB36A\uB36C\uB36D\uB36F\uB372\uB373\uB375\uB376\uB377\uB379", 6, "\uB382\uB386", 5, "\uB38D"], + ["8961", "\uB38E\uB38F\uB391\uB392\uB393\uB395", 10, "\uB3A2", 5, "\uB3A9\uB3AA\uB3AB\uB3AD"], + ["8981", "\uB3AE", 21, "\uB3C6\uB3C7\uB3C9\uB3CA\uB3CD\uB3CF\uB3D1\uB3D2\uB3D3\uB3D6\uB3D8\uB3DA\uB3DC\uB3DE\uB3DF\uB3E1\uB3E2\uB3E3\uB3E5\uB3E6\uB3E7\uB3E9", 18, "\uB3FD", 18, "\uB411", 6, "\uB419\uB41A\uB41B\uB41D\uB41E\uB41F\uB421", 6, "\uB42A\uB42C", 7, "\uB435", 15], + ["8a41", "\uB445", 10, "\uB452\uB453\uB455\uB456\uB457\uB459", 6, "\uB462\uB464\uB466"], + ["8a61", "\uB467", 4, "\uB46D", 18, "\uB481\uB482"], + ["8a81", "\uB483", 4, "\uB489", 19, "\uB49E", 5, "\uB4A5\uB4A6\uB4A7\uB4A9\uB4AA\uB4AB\uB4AD", 7, "\uB4B6\uB4B8\uB4BA", 5, "\uB4C1\uB4C2\uB4C3\uB4C5\uB4C6\uB4C7\uB4C9", 6, "\uB4D1\uB4D2\uB4D3\uB4D4\uB4D6", 5, "\uB4DE\uB4DF\uB4E1\uB4E2\uB4E5\uB4E7", 4, "\uB4EE\uB4F0\uB4F2", 5, "\uB4F9", 26, "\uB516\uB517\uB519\uB51A\uB51D"], + ["8b41", "\uB51E", 5, "\uB526\uB52B", 4, "\uB532\uB533\uB535\uB536\uB537\uB539", 6, "\uB542\uB546"], + ["8b61", "\uB547\uB548\uB549\uB54A\uB54E\uB54F\uB551\uB552\uB553\uB555", 6, "\uB55E\uB562", 8], + ["8b81", "\uB56B", 52, "\uB5A2\uB5A3\uB5A5\uB5A6\uB5A7\uB5A9\uB5AC\uB5AD\uB5AE\uB5AF\uB5B2\uB5B6", 4, "\uB5BE\uB5BF\uB5C1\uB5C2\uB5C3\uB5C5", 6, "\uB5CE\uB5D2", 5, "\uB5D9", 18, "\uB5ED", 18], + ["8c41", "\uB600", 15, "\uB612\uB613\uB615\uB616\uB617\uB619", 4], + ["8c61", "\uB61E", 6, "\uB626", 5, "\uB62D", 6, "\uB635", 5], + ["8c81", "\uB63B", 12, "\uB649", 26, "\uB665\uB666\uB667\uB669", 50, "\uB69E\uB69F\uB6A1\uB6A2\uB6A3\uB6A5", 5, "\uB6AD\uB6AE\uB6AF\uB6B0\uB6B2", 16], + ["8d41", "\uB6C3", 16, "\uB6D5", 8], + ["8d61", "\uB6DE", 17, "\uB6F1\uB6F2\uB6F3\uB6F5\uB6F6\uB6F7\uB6F9\uB6FA"], + ["8d81", "\uB6FB", 4, "\uB702\uB703\uB704\uB706", 33, "\uB72A\uB72B\uB72D\uB72E\uB731", 6, "\uB73A\uB73C", 7, "\uB745\uB746\uB747\uB749\uB74A\uB74B\uB74D", 6, "\uB756", 9, "\uB761\uB762\uB763\uB765\uB766\uB767\uB769", 6, "\uB772\uB774\uB776", 5, "\uB77E\uB77F\uB781\uB782\uB783\uB785", 6, "\uB78E\uB793\uB794\uB795\uB79A\uB79B\uB79D\uB79E"], + ["8e41", "\uB79F\uB7A1", 6, "\uB7AA\uB7AE", 5, "\uB7B6\uB7B7\uB7B9", 8], + ["8e61", "\uB7C2", 4, "\uB7C8\uB7CA", 19], + ["8e81", "\uB7DE", 13, "\uB7EE\uB7EF\uB7F1\uB7F2\uB7F3\uB7F5", 6, "\uB7FE\uB802", 4, "\uB80A\uB80B\uB80D\uB80E\uB80F\uB811", 6, "\uB81A\uB81C\uB81E", 5, "\uB826\uB827\uB829\uB82A\uB82B\uB82D", 6, "\uB836\uB83A", 5, "\uB841\uB842\uB843\uB845", 11, "\uB852\uB854", 7, "\uB85E\uB85F\uB861\uB862\uB863\uB865", 6, "\uB86E\uB870\uB872", 5, "\uB879\uB87A\uB87B\uB87D", 7], + ["8f41", "\uB885", 7, "\uB88E", 17], + ["8f61", "\uB8A0", 7, "\uB8A9", 6, "\uB8B1\uB8B2\uB8B3\uB8B5\uB8B6\uB8B7\uB8B9", 4], + ["8f81", "\uB8BE\uB8BF\uB8C2\uB8C4\uB8C6", 5, "\uB8CD\uB8CE\uB8CF\uB8D1\uB8D2\uB8D3\uB8D5", 7, "\uB8DE\uB8E0\uB8E2", 5, "\uB8EA\uB8EB\uB8ED\uB8EE\uB8EF\uB8F1", 6, "\uB8FA\uB8FC\uB8FE", 5, "\uB905", 18, "\uB919", 6, "\uB921", 26, "\uB93E\uB93F\uB941\uB942\uB943\uB945", 6, "\uB94D\uB94E\uB950\uB952", 5], + ["9041", "\uB95A\uB95B\uB95D\uB95E\uB95F\uB961", 6, "\uB96A\uB96C\uB96E", 5, "\uB976\uB977\uB979\uB97A\uB97B\uB97D"], + ["9061", "\uB97E", 5, "\uB986\uB988\uB98B\uB98C\uB98F", 15], + ["9081", "\uB99F", 12, "\uB9AE\uB9AF\uB9B1\uB9B2\uB9B3\uB9B5", 6, "\uB9BE\uB9C0\uB9C2", 5, "\uB9CA\uB9CB\uB9CD\uB9D3", 4, "\uB9DA\uB9DC\uB9DF\uB9E0\uB9E2\uB9E6\uB9E7\uB9E9\uB9EA\uB9EB\uB9ED", 6, "\uB9F6\uB9FB", 4, "\uBA02", 5, "\uBA09", 11, "\uBA16", 33, "\uBA3A\uBA3B\uBA3D\uBA3E\uBA3F\uBA41\uBA43\uBA44\uBA45\uBA46"], + ["9141", "\uBA47\uBA4A\uBA4C\uBA4F\uBA50\uBA51\uBA52\uBA56\uBA57\uBA59\uBA5A\uBA5B\uBA5D", 6, "\uBA66\uBA6A", 5], + ["9161", "\uBA72\uBA73\uBA75\uBA76\uBA77\uBA79", 9, "\uBA86\uBA88\uBA89\uBA8A\uBA8B\uBA8D", 5], + ["9181", "\uBA93", 20, "\uBAAA\uBAAD\uBAAE\uBAAF\uBAB1\uBAB3", 4, "\uBABA\uBABC\uBABE", 5, "\uBAC5\uBAC6\uBAC7\uBAC9", 14, "\uBADA", 33, "\uBAFD\uBAFE\uBAFF\uBB01\uBB02\uBB03\uBB05", 7, "\uBB0E\uBB10\uBB12", 5, "\uBB19\uBB1A\uBB1B\uBB1D\uBB1E\uBB1F\uBB21", 6], + ["9241", "\uBB28\uBB2A\uBB2C", 7, "\uBB37\uBB39\uBB3A\uBB3F", 4, "\uBB46\uBB48\uBB4A\uBB4B\uBB4C\uBB4E\uBB51\uBB52"], + ["9261", "\uBB53\uBB55\uBB56\uBB57\uBB59", 7, "\uBB62\uBB64", 7, "\uBB6D", 4], + ["9281", "\uBB72", 21, "\uBB89\uBB8A\uBB8B\uBB8D\uBB8E\uBB8F\uBB91", 18, "\uBBA5\uBBA6\uBBA7\uBBA9\uBBAA\uBBAB\uBBAD", 6, "\uBBB5\uBBB6\uBBB8", 7, "\uBBC1\uBBC2\uBBC3\uBBC5\uBBC6\uBBC7\uBBC9", 6, "\uBBD1\uBBD2\uBBD4", 35, "\uBBFA\uBBFB\uBBFD\uBBFE\uBC01"], + ["9341", "\uBC03", 4, "\uBC0A\uBC0E\uBC10\uBC12\uBC13\uBC19\uBC1A\uBC20\uBC21\uBC22\uBC23\uBC26\uBC28\uBC2A\uBC2B\uBC2C\uBC2E\uBC2F\uBC32\uBC33\uBC35"], + ["9361", "\uBC36\uBC37\uBC39", 6, "\uBC42\uBC46\uBC47\uBC48\uBC4A\uBC4B\uBC4E\uBC4F\uBC51", 8], + ["9381", "\uBC5A\uBC5B\uBC5C\uBC5E", 37, "\uBC86\uBC87\uBC89\uBC8A\uBC8D\uBC8F", 4, "\uBC96\uBC98\uBC9B", 4, "\uBCA2\uBCA3\uBCA5\uBCA6\uBCA9", 6, "\uBCB2\uBCB6", 5, "\uBCBE\uBCBF\uBCC1\uBCC2\uBCC3\uBCC5", 7, "\uBCCE\uBCD2\uBCD3\uBCD4\uBCD6\uBCD7\uBCD9\uBCDA\uBCDB\uBCDD", 22, "\uBCF7\uBCF9\uBCFA\uBCFB\uBCFD"], + ["9441", "\uBCFE", 5, "\uBD06\uBD08\uBD0A", 5, "\uBD11\uBD12\uBD13\uBD15", 8], + ["9461", "\uBD1E", 5, "\uBD25", 6, "\uBD2D", 12], + ["9481", "\uBD3A", 5, "\uBD41", 6, "\uBD4A\uBD4B\uBD4D\uBD4E\uBD4F\uBD51", 6, "\uBD5A", 9, "\uBD65\uBD66\uBD67\uBD69", 22, "\uBD82\uBD83\uBD85\uBD86\uBD8B", 4, "\uBD92\uBD94\uBD96\uBD97\uBD98\uBD9B\uBD9D", 6, "\uBDA5", 10, "\uBDB1", 6, "\uBDB9", 24], + ["9541", "\uBDD2\uBDD3\uBDD6\uBDD7\uBDD9\uBDDA\uBDDB\uBDDD", 11, "\uBDEA", 5, "\uBDF1"], + ["9561", "\uBDF2\uBDF3\uBDF5\uBDF6\uBDF7\uBDF9", 6, "\uBE01\uBE02\uBE04\uBE06", 5, "\uBE0E\uBE0F\uBE11\uBE12\uBE13"], + ["9581", "\uBE15", 6, "\uBE1E\uBE20", 35, "\uBE46\uBE47\uBE49\uBE4A\uBE4B\uBE4D\uBE4F", 4, "\uBE56\uBE58\uBE5C\uBE5D\uBE5E\uBE5F\uBE62\uBE63\uBE65\uBE66\uBE67\uBE69\uBE6B", 4, "\uBE72\uBE76", 4, "\uBE7E\uBE7F\uBE81\uBE82\uBE83\uBE85", 6, "\uBE8E\uBE92", 5, "\uBE9A", 13, "\uBEA9", 14], + ["9641", "\uBEB8", 23, "\uBED2\uBED3"], + ["9661", "\uBED5\uBED6\uBED9", 6, "\uBEE1\uBEE2\uBEE6", 5, "\uBEED", 8], + ["9681", "\uBEF6", 10, "\uBF02", 5, "\uBF0A", 13, "\uBF1A\uBF1E", 33, "\uBF42\uBF43\uBF45\uBF46\uBF47\uBF49", 6, "\uBF52\uBF53\uBF54\uBF56", 44], + ["9741", "\uBF83", 16, "\uBF95", 8], + ["9761", "\uBF9E", 17, "\uBFB1", 7], + ["9781", "\uBFB9", 11, "\uBFC6", 5, "\uBFCE\uBFCF\uBFD1\uBFD2\uBFD3\uBFD5", 6, "\uBFDD\uBFDE\uBFE0\uBFE2", 89, "\uC03D\uC03E\uC03F"], + ["9841", "\uC040", 16, "\uC052", 5, "\uC059\uC05A\uC05B"], + ["9861", "\uC05D\uC05E\uC05F\uC061", 6, "\uC06A", 15], + ["9881", "\uC07A", 21, "\uC092\uC093\uC095\uC096\uC097\uC099", 6, "\uC0A2\uC0A4\uC0A6", 5, "\uC0AE\uC0B1\uC0B2\uC0B7", 4, "\uC0BE\uC0C2\uC0C3\uC0C4\uC0C6\uC0C7\uC0CA\uC0CB\uC0CD\uC0CE\uC0CF\uC0D1", 6, "\uC0DA\uC0DE", 5, "\uC0E6\uC0E7\uC0E9\uC0EA\uC0EB\uC0ED", 6, "\uC0F6\uC0F8\uC0FA", 5, "\uC101\uC102\uC103\uC105\uC106\uC107\uC109", 6, "\uC111\uC112\uC113\uC114\uC116", 5, "\uC121\uC122\uC125\uC128\uC129\uC12A\uC12B\uC12E"], + ["9941", "\uC132\uC133\uC134\uC135\uC137\uC13A\uC13B\uC13D\uC13E\uC13F\uC141", 6, "\uC14A\uC14E", 5, "\uC156\uC157"], + ["9961", "\uC159\uC15A\uC15B\uC15D", 6, "\uC166\uC16A", 5, "\uC171\uC172\uC173\uC175\uC176\uC177\uC179\uC17A\uC17B"], + ["9981", "\uC17C", 8, "\uC186", 5, "\uC18F\uC191\uC192\uC193\uC195\uC197", 4, "\uC19E\uC1A0\uC1A2\uC1A3\uC1A4\uC1A6\uC1A7\uC1AA\uC1AB\uC1AD\uC1AE\uC1AF\uC1B1", 11, "\uC1BE", 5, "\uC1C5\uC1C6\uC1C7\uC1C9\uC1CA\uC1CB\uC1CD", 6, "\uC1D5\uC1D6\uC1D9", 6, "\uC1E1\uC1E2\uC1E3\uC1E5\uC1E6\uC1E7\uC1E9", 6, "\uC1F2\uC1F4", 7, "\uC1FE\uC1FF\uC201\uC202\uC203\uC205", 6, "\uC20E\uC210\uC212", 5, "\uC21A\uC21B\uC21D\uC21E\uC221\uC222\uC223"], + ["9a41", "\uC224\uC225\uC226\uC227\uC22A\uC22C\uC22E\uC230\uC233\uC235", 16], + ["9a61", "\uC246\uC247\uC249", 6, "\uC252\uC253\uC255\uC256\uC257\uC259", 6, "\uC261\uC262\uC263\uC264\uC266"], + ["9a81", "\uC267", 4, "\uC26E\uC26F\uC271\uC272\uC273\uC275", 6, "\uC27E\uC280\uC282", 5, "\uC28A", 5, "\uC291", 6, "\uC299\uC29A\uC29C\uC29E", 5, "\uC2A6\uC2A7\uC2A9\uC2AA\uC2AB\uC2AE", 5, "\uC2B6\uC2B8\uC2BA", 33, "\uC2DE\uC2DF\uC2E1\uC2E2\uC2E5", 5, "\uC2EE\uC2F0\uC2F2\uC2F3\uC2F4\uC2F5\uC2F7\uC2FA\uC2FD\uC2FE\uC2FF\uC301", 6, "\uC30A\uC30B\uC30E\uC30F"], + ["9b41", "\uC310\uC311\uC312\uC316\uC317\uC319\uC31A\uC31B\uC31D", 6, "\uC326\uC327\uC32A", 8], + ["9b61", "\uC333", 17, "\uC346", 7], + ["9b81", "\uC34E", 25, "\uC36A\uC36B\uC36D\uC36E\uC36F\uC371\uC373", 4, "\uC37A\uC37B\uC37E", 5, "\uC385\uC386\uC387\uC389\uC38A\uC38B\uC38D", 50, "\uC3C1", 22, "\uC3DA"], + ["9c41", "\uC3DB\uC3DD\uC3DE\uC3E1\uC3E3", 4, "\uC3EA\uC3EB\uC3EC\uC3EE", 5, "\uC3F6\uC3F7\uC3F9", 5], + ["9c61", "\uC3FF", 8, "\uC409", 6, "\uC411", 9], + ["9c81", "\uC41B", 8, "\uC425", 6, "\uC42D\uC42E\uC42F\uC431\uC432\uC433\uC435", 6, "\uC43E", 9, "\uC449", 26, "\uC466\uC467\uC469\uC46A\uC46B\uC46D", 6, "\uC476\uC477\uC478\uC47A", 5, "\uC481", 18, "\uC495", 6, "\uC49D", 12], + ["9d41", "\uC4AA", 13, "\uC4B9\uC4BA\uC4BB\uC4BD", 8], + ["9d61", "\uC4C6", 25], + ["9d81", "\uC4E0", 8, "\uC4EA", 5, "\uC4F2\uC4F3\uC4F5\uC4F6\uC4F7\uC4F9\uC4FB\uC4FC\uC4FD\uC4FE\uC502", 9, "\uC50D\uC50E\uC50F\uC511\uC512\uC513\uC515", 6, "\uC51D", 10, "\uC52A\uC52B\uC52D\uC52E\uC52F\uC531", 6, "\uC53A\uC53C\uC53E", 5, "\uC546\uC547\uC54B\uC54F\uC550\uC551\uC552\uC556\uC55A\uC55B\uC55C\uC55F\uC562\uC563\uC565\uC566\uC567\uC569", 6, "\uC572\uC576", 5, "\uC57E\uC57F\uC581\uC582\uC583\uC585\uC586\uC588\uC589\uC58A\uC58B\uC58E\uC590\uC592\uC593\uC594"], + ["9e41", "\uC596\uC599\uC59A\uC59B\uC59D\uC59E\uC59F\uC5A1", 7, "\uC5AA", 9, "\uC5B6"], + ["9e61", "\uC5B7\uC5BA\uC5BF", 4, "\uC5CB\uC5CD\uC5CF\uC5D2\uC5D3\uC5D5\uC5D6\uC5D7\uC5D9", 6, "\uC5E2\uC5E4\uC5E6\uC5E7"], + ["9e81", "\uC5E8\uC5E9\uC5EA\uC5EB\uC5EF\uC5F1\uC5F2\uC5F3\uC5F5\uC5F8\uC5F9\uC5FA\uC5FB\uC602\uC603\uC604\uC609\uC60A\uC60B\uC60D\uC60E\uC60F\uC611", 6, "\uC61A\uC61D", 6, "\uC626\uC627\uC629\uC62A\uC62B\uC62F\uC631\uC632\uC636\uC638\uC63A\uC63C\uC63D\uC63E\uC63F\uC642\uC643\uC645\uC646\uC647\uC649", 6, "\uC652\uC656", 5, "\uC65E\uC65F\uC661", 10, "\uC66D\uC66E\uC670\uC672", 5, "\uC67A\uC67B\uC67D\uC67E\uC67F\uC681", 6, "\uC68A\uC68C\uC68E", 5, "\uC696\uC697\uC699\uC69A\uC69B\uC69D", 6, "\uC6A6"], + ["9f41", "\uC6A8\uC6AA", 5, "\uC6B2\uC6B3\uC6B5\uC6B6\uC6B7\uC6BB", 4, "\uC6C2\uC6C4\uC6C6", 5, "\uC6CE"], + ["9f61", "\uC6CF\uC6D1\uC6D2\uC6D3\uC6D5", 6, "\uC6DE\uC6DF\uC6E2", 5, "\uC6EA\uC6EB\uC6ED\uC6EE\uC6EF\uC6F1\uC6F2"], + ["9f81", "\uC6F3", 4, "\uC6FA\uC6FB\uC6FC\uC6FE", 5, "\uC706\uC707\uC709\uC70A\uC70B\uC70D", 6, "\uC716\uC718\uC71A", 5, "\uC722\uC723\uC725\uC726\uC727\uC729", 6, "\uC732\uC734\uC736\uC738\uC739\uC73A\uC73B\uC73E\uC73F\uC741\uC742\uC743\uC745", 4, "\uC74B\uC74E\uC750\uC759\uC75A\uC75B\uC75D\uC75E\uC75F\uC761", 6, "\uC769\uC76A\uC76C", 7, "\uC776\uC777\uC779\uC77A\uC77B\uC77F\uC780\uC781\uC782\uC786\uC78B\uC78C\uC78D\uC78F\uC792\uC793\uC795\uC799\uC79B", 4, "\uC7A2\uC7A7", 4, "\uC7AE\uC7AF\uC7B1\uC7B2\uC7B3\uC7B5\uC7B6\uC7B7"], + ["a041", "\uC7B8\uC7B9\uC7BA\uC7BB\uC7BE\uC7C2", 5, "\uC7CA\uC7CB\uC7CD\uC7CF\uC7D1", 6, "\uC7D9\uC7DA\uC7DB\uC7DC"], + ["a061", "\uC7DE", 5, "\uC7E5\uC7E6\uC7E7\uC7E9\uC7EA\uC7EB\uC7ED", 13], + ["a081", "\uC7FB", 4, "\uC802\uC803\uC805\uC806\uC807\uC809\uC80B", 4, "\uC812\uC814\uC817", 4, "\uC81E\uC81F\uC821\uC822\uC823\uC825", 6, "\uC82E\uC830\uC832", 5, "\uC839\uC83A\uC83B\uC83D\uC83E\uC83F\uC841", 6, "\uC84A\uC84B\uC84E", 5, "\uC855", 26, "\uC872\uC873\uC875\uC876\uC877\uC879\uC87B", 4, "\uC882\uC884\uC888\uC889\uC88A\uC88E", 5, "\uC895", 7, "\uC89E\uC8A0\uC8A2\uC8A3\uC8A4"], + ["a141", "\uC8A5\uC8A6\uC8A7\uC8A9", 18, "\uC8BE\uC8BF\uC8C0\uC8C1"], + ["a161", "\uC8C2\uC8C3\uC8C5\uC8C6\uC8C7\uC8C9\uC8CA\uC8CB\uC8CD", 6, "\uC8D6\uC8D8\uC8DA", 5, "\uC8E2\uC8E3\uC8E5"], + ["a181", "\uC8E6", 14, "\uC8F6", 5, "\uC8FE\uC8FF\uC901\uC902\uC903\uC907", 4, "\uC90E\u3000\u3001\u3002\xB7\u2025\u2026\xA8\u3003\xAD\u2015\u2225\uFF3C\u223C\u2018\u2019\u201C\u201D\u3014\u3015\u3008", 9, "\xB1\xD7\xF7\u2260\u2264\u2265\u221E\u2234\xB0\u2032\u2033\u2103\u212B\uFFE0\uFFE1\uFFE5\u2642\u2640\u2220\u22A5\u2312\u2202\u2207\u2261\u2252\xA7\u203B\u2606\u2605\u25CB\u25CF\u25CE\u25C7\u25C6\u25A1\u25A0\u25B3\u25B2\u25BD\u25BC\u2192\u2190\u2191\u2193\u2194\u3013\u226A\u226B\u221A\u223D\u221D\u2235\u222B\u222C\u2208\u220B\u2286\u2287\u2282\u2283\u222A\u2229\u2227\u2228\uFFE2"], + ["a241", "\uC910\uC912", 5, "\uC919", 18], + ["a261", "\uC92D", 6, "\uC935", 18], + ["a281", "\uC948", 7, "\uC952\uC953\uC955\uC956\uC957\uC959", 6, "\uC962\uC964", 7, "\uC96D\uC96E\uC96F\u21D2\u21D4\u2200\u2203\xB4\uFF5E\u02C7\u02D8\u02DD\u02DA\u02D9\xB8\u02DB\xA1\xBF\u02D0\u222E\u2211\u220F\xA4\u2109\u2030\u25C1\u25C0\u25B7\u25B6\u2664\u2660\u2661\u2665\u2667\u2663\u2299\u25C8\u25A3\u25D0\u25D1\u2592\u25A4\u25A5\u25A8\u25A7\u25A6\u25A9\u2668\u260F\u260E\u261C\u261E\xB6\u2020\u2021\u2195\u2197\u2199\u2196\u2198\u266D\u2669\u266A\u266C\u327F\u321C\u2116\u33C7\u2122\u33C2\u33D8\u2121\u20AC\xAE"], + ["a341", "\uC971\uC972\uC973\uC975", 6, "\uC97D", 10, "\uC98A\uC98B\uC98D\uC98E\uC98F"], + ["a361", "\uC991", 6, "\uC99A\uC99C\uC99E", 16], + ["a381", "\uC9AF", 16, "\uC9C2\uC9C3\uC9C5\uC9C6\uC9C9\uC9CB", 4, "\uC9D2\uC9D4\uC9D7\uC9D8\uC9DB\uFF01", 58, "\uFFE6\uFF3D", 32, "\uFFE3"], + ["a441", "\uC9DE\uC9DF\uC9E1\uC9E3\uC9E5\uC9E6\uC9E8\uC9E9\uC9EA\uC9EB\uC9EE\uC9F2", 5, "\uC9FA\uC9FB\uC9FD\uC9FE\uC9FF\uCA01\uCA02\uCA03\uCA04"], + ["a461", "\uCA05\uCA06\uCA07\uCA0A\uCA0E", 5, "\uCA15\uCA16\uCA17\uCA19", 12], + ["a481", "\uCA26\uCA27\uCA28\uCA2A", 28, "\u3131", 93], + ["a541", "\uCA47", 4, "\uCA4E\uCA4F\uCA51\uCA52\uCA53\uCA55", 6, "\uCA5E\uCA62", 5, "\uCA69\uCA6A"], + ["a561", "\uCA6B", 17, "\uCA7E", 5, "\uCA85\uCA86"], + ["a581", "\uCA87", 16, "\uCA99", 14, "\u2170", 9], + ["a5b0", "\u2160", 9], + ["a5c1", "\u0391", 16, "\u03A3", 6], + ["a5e1", "\u03B1", 16, "\u03C3", 6], + ["a641", "\uCAA8", 19, "\uCABE\uCABF\uCAC1\uCAC2\uCAC3\uCAC5"], + ["a661", "\uCAC6", 5, "\uCACE\uCAD0\uCAD2\uCAD4\uCAD5\uCAD6\uCAD7\uCADA", 5, "\uCAE1", 6], + ["a681", "\uCAE8\uCAE9\uCAEA\uCAEB\uCAED", 6, "\uCAF5", 18, "\uCB09\uCB0A\u2500\u2502\u250C\u2510\u2518\u2514\u251C\u252C\u2524\u2534\u253C\u2501\u2503\u250F\u2513\u251B\u2517\u2523\u2533\u252B\u253B\u254B\u2520\u252F\u2528\u2537\u253F\u251D\u2530\u2525\u2538\u2542\u2512\u2511\u251A\u2519\u2516\u2515\u250E\u250D\u251E\u251F\u2521\u2522\u2526\u2527\u2529\u252A\u252D\u252E\u2531\u2532\u2535\u2536\u2539\u253A\u253D\u253E\u2540\u2541\u2543", 7], + ["a741", "\uCB0B", 4, "\uCB11\uCB12\uCB13\uCB15\uCB16\uCB17\uCB19", 6, "\uCB22", 7], + ["a761", "\uCB2A", 22, "\uCB42\uCB43\uCB44"], + ["a781", "\uCB45\uCB46\uCB47\uCB4A\uCB4B\uCB4D\uCB4E\uCB4F\uCB51", 6, "\uCB5A\uCB5B\uCB5C\uCB5E", 5, "\uCB65", 7, "\u3395\u3396\u3397\u2113\u3398\u33C4\u33A3\u33A4\u33A5\u33A6\u3399", 9, "\u33CA\u338D\u338E\u338F\u33CF\u3388\u3389\u33C8\u33A7\u33A8\u33B0", 9, "\u3380", 4, "\u33BA", 5, "\u3390", 4, "\u2126\u33C0\u33C1\u338A\u338B\u338C\u33D6\u33C5\u33AD\u33AE\u33AF\u33DB\u33A9\u33AA\u33AB\u33AC\u33DD\u33D0\u33D3\u33C3\u33C9\u33DC\u33C6"], + ["a841", "\uCB6D", 10, "\uCB7A", 14], + ["a861", "\uCB89", 18, "\uCB9D", 6], + ["a881", "\uCBA4", 19, "\uCBB9", 11, "\xC6\xD0\xAA\u0126"], + ["a8a6", "\u0132"], + ["a8a8", "\u013F\u0141\xD8\u0152\xBA\xDE\u0166\u014A"], + ["a8b1", "\u3260", 27, "\u24D0", 25, "\u2460", 14, "\xBD\u2153\u2154\xBC\xBE\u215B\u215C\u215D\u215E"], + ["a941", "\uCBC5", 14, "\uCBD5", 10], + ["a961", "\uCBE0\uCBE1\uCBE2\uCBE3\uCBE5\uCBE6\uCBE8\uCBEA", 18], + ["a981", "\uCBFD", 14, "\uCC0E\uCC0F\uCC11\uCC12\uCC13\uCC15", 6, "\uCC1E\uCC1F\uCC20\uCC23\uCC24\xE6\u0111\xF0\u0127\u0131\u0133\u0138\u0140\u0142\xF8\u0153\xDF\xFE\u0167\u014B\u0149\u3200", 27, "\u249C", 25, "\u2474", 14, "\xB9\xB2\xB3\u2074\u207F\u2081\u2082\u2083\u2084"], + ["aa41", "\uCC25\uCC26\uCC2A\uCC2B\uCC2D\uCC2F\uCC31", 6, "\uCC3A\uCC3F", 4, "\uCC46\uCC47\uCC49\uCC4A\uCC4B\uCC4D\uCC4E"], + ["aa61", "\uCC4F", 4, "\uCC56\uCC5A", 5, "\uCC61\uCC62\uCC63\uCC65\uCC67\uCC69", 6, "\uCC71\uCC72"], + ["aa81", "\uCC73\uCC74\uCC76", 29, "\u3041", 82], + ["ab41", "\uCC94\uCC95\uCC96\uCC97\uCC9A\uCC9B\uCC9D\uCC9E\uCC9F\uCCA1", 6, "\uCCAA\uCCAE", 5, "\uCCB6\uCCB7\uCCB9"], + ["ab61", "\uCCBA\uCCBB\uCCBD", 6, "\uCCC6\uCCC8\uCCCA", 5, "\uCCD1\uCCD2\uCCD3\uCCD5", 5], + ["ab81", "\uCCDB", 8, "\uCCE5", 6, "\uCCED\uCCEE\uCCEF\uCCF1", 12, "\u30A1", 85], + ["ac41", "\uCCFE\uCCFF\uCD00\uCD02", 5, "\uCD0A\uCD0B\uCD0D\uCD0E\uCD0F\uCD11", 6, "\uCD1A\uCD1C\uCD1E\uCD1F\uCD20"], + ["ac61", "\uCD21\uCD22\uCD23\uCD25\uCD26\uCD27\uCD29\uCD2A\uCD2B\uCD2D", 11, "\uCD3A", 4], + ["ac81", "\uCD3F", 28, "\uCD5D\uCD5E\uCD5F\u0410", 5, "\u0401\u0416", 25], + ["acd1", "\u0430", 5, "\u0451\u0436", 25], + ["ad41", "\uCD61\uCD62\uCD63\uCD65", 6, "\uCD6E\uCD70\uCD72", 5, "\uCD79", 7], + ["ad61", "\uCD81", 6, "\uCD89", 10, "\uCD96\uCD97\uCD99\uCD9A\uCD9B\uCD9D\uCD9E\uCD9F"], + ["ad81", "\uCDA0\uCDA1\uCDA2\uCDA3\uCDA6\uCDA8\uCDAA", 5, "\uCDB1", 18, "\uCDC5"], + ["ae41", "\uCDC6", 5, "\uCDCD\uCDCE\uCDCF\uCDD1", 16], + ["ae61", "\uCDE2", 5, "\uCDE9\uCDEA\uCDEB\uCDED\uCDEE\uCDEF\uCDF1", 6, "\uCDFA\uCDFC\uCDFE", 4], + ["ae81", "\uCE03\uCE05\uCE06\uCE07\uCE09\uCE0A\uCE0B\uCE0D", 6, "\uCE15\uCE16\uCE17\uCE18\uCE1A", 5, "\uCE22\uCE23\uCE25\uCE26\uCE27\uCE29\uCE2A\uCE2B"], + ["af41", "\uCE2C\uCE2D\uCE2E\uCE2F\uCE32\uCE34\uCE36", 19], + ["af61", "\uCE4A", 13, "\uCE5A\uCE5B\uCE5D\uCE5E\uCE62", 5, "\uCE6A\uCE6C"], + ["af81", "\uCE6E", 5, "\uCE76\uCE77\uCE79\uCE7A\uCE7B\uCE7D", 6, "\uCE86\uCE88\uCE8A", 5, "\uCE92\uCE93\uCE95\uCE96\uCE97\uCE99"], + ["b041", "\uCE9A", 5, "\uCEA2\uCEA6", 5, "\uCEAE", 12], + ["b061", "\uCEBB", 5, "\uCEC2", 19], + ["b081", "\uCED6", 13, "\uCEE6\uCEE7\uCEE9\uCEEA\uCEED", 6, "\uCEF6\uCEFA", 5, "\uAC00\uAC01\uAC04\uAC07\uAC08\uAC09\uAC0A\uAC10", 7, "\uAC19", 4, "\uAC20\uAC24\uAC2C\uAC2D\uAC2F\uAC30\uAC31\uAC38\uAC39\uAC3C\uAC40\uAC4B\uAC4D\uAC54\uAC58\uAC5C\uAC70\uAC71\uAC74\uAC77\uAC78\uAC7A\uAC80\uAC81\uAC83\uAC84\uAC85\uAC86\uAC89\uAC8A\uAC8B\uAC8C\uAC90\uAC94\uAC9C\uAC9D\uAC9F\uACA0\uACA1\uACA8\uACA9\uACAA\uACAC\uACAF\uACB0\uACB8\uACB9\uACBB\uACBC\uACBD\uACC1\uACC4\uACC8\uACCC\uACD5\uACD7\uACE0\uACE1\uACE4\uACE7\uACE8\uACEA\uACEC\uACEF\uACF0\uACF1\uACF3\uACF5\uACF6\uACFC\uACFD\uAD00\uAD04\uAD06"], + ["b141", "\uCF02\uCF03\uCF05\uCF06\uCF07\uCF09", 6, "\uCF12\uCF14\uCF16", 5, "\uCF1D\uCF1E\uCF1F\uCF21\uCF22\uCF23"], + ["b161", "\uCF25", 6, "\uCF2E\uCF32", 5, "\uCF39", 11], + ["b181", "\uCF45", 14, "\uCF56\uCF57\uCF59\uCF5A\uCF5B\uCF5D", 6, "\uCF66\uCF68\uCF6A\uCF6B\uCF6C\uAD0C\uAD0D\uAD0F\uAD11\uAD18\uAD1C\uAD20\uAD29\uAD2C\uAD2D\uAD34\uAD35\uAD38\uAD3C\uAD44\uAD45\uAD47\uAD49\uAD50\uAD54\uAD58\uAD61\uAD63\uAD6C\uAD6D\uAD70\uAD73\uAD74\uAD75\uAD76\uAD7B\uAD7C\uAD7D\uAD7F\uAD81\uAD82\uAD88\uAD89\uAD8C\uAD90\uAD9C\uAD9D\uADA4\uADB7\uADC0\uADC1\uADC4\uADC8\uADD0\uADD1\uADD3\uADDC\uADE0\uADE4\uADF8\uADF9\uADFC\uADFF\uAE00\uAE01\uAE08\uAE09\uAE0B\uAE0D\uAE14\uAE30\uAE31\uAE34\uAE37\uAE38\uAE3A\uAE40\uAE41\uAE43\uAE45\uAE46\uAE4A\uAE4C\uAE4D\uAE4E\uAE50\uAE54\uAE56\uAE5C\uAE5D\uAE5F\uAE60\uAE61\uAE65\uAE68\uAE69\uAE6C\uAE70\uAE78"], + ["b241", "\uCF6D\uCF6E\uCF6F\uCF72\uCF73\uCF75\uCF76\uCF77\uCF79", 6, "\uCF81\uCF82\uCF83\uCF84\uCF86", 5, "\uCF8D"], + ["b261", "\uCF8E", 18, "\uCFA2", 5, "\uCFA9"], + ["b281", "\uCFAA", 5, "\uCFB1", 18, "\uCFC5", 6, "\uAE79\uAE7B\uAE7C\uAE7D\uAE84\uAE85\uAE8C\uAEBC\uAEBD\uAEBE\uAEC0\uAEC4\uAECC\uAECD\uAECF\uAED0\uAED1\uAED8\uAED9\uAEDC\uAEE8\uAEEB\uAEED\uAEF4\uAEF8\uAEFC\uAF07\uAF08\uAF0D\uAF10\uAF2C\uAF2D\uAF30\uAF32\uAF34\uAF3C\uAF3D\uAF3F\uAF41\uAF42\uAF43\uAF48\uAF49\uAF50\uAF5C\uAF5D\uAF64\uAF65\uAF79\uAF80\uAF84\uAF88\uAF90\uAF91\uAF95\uAF9C\uAFB8\uAFB9\uAFBC\uAFC0\uAFC7\uAFC8\uAFC9\uAFCB\uAFCD\uAFCE\uAFD4\uAFDC\uAFE8\uAFE9\uAFF0\uAFF1\uAFF4\uAFF8\uB000\uB001\uB004\uB00C\uB010\uB014\uB01C\uB01D\uB028\uB044\uB045\uB048\uB04A\uB04C\uB04E\uB053\uB054\uB055\uB057\uB059"], + ["b341", "\uCFCC", 19, "\uCFE2\uCFE3\uCFE5\uCFE6\uCFE7\uCFE9"], + ["b361", "\uCFEA", 5, "\uCFF2\uCFF4\uCFF6", 5, "\uCFFD\uCFFE\uCFFF\uD001\uD002\uD003\uD005", 5], + ["b381", "\uD00B", 5, "\uD012", 5, "\uD019", 19, "\uB05D\uB07C\uB07D\uB080\uB084\uB08C\uB08D\uB08F\uB091\uB098\uB099\uB09A\uB09C\uB09F\uB0A0\uB0A1\uB0A2\uB0A8\uB0A9\uB0AB", 4, "\uB0B1\uB0B3\uB0B4\uB0B5\uB0B8\uB0BC\uB0C4\uB0C5\uB0C7\uB0C8\uB0C9\uB0D0\uB0D1\uB0D4\uB0D8\uB0E0\uB0E5\uB108\uB109\uB10B\uB10C\uB110\uB112\uB113\uB118\uB119\uB11B\uB11C\uB11D\uB123\uB124\uB125\uB128\uB12C\uB134\uB135\uB137\uB138\uB139\uB140\uB141\uB144\uB148\uB150\uB151\uB154\uB155\uB158\uB15C\uB160\uB178\uB179\uB17C\uB180\uB182\uB188\uB189\uB18B\uB18D\uB192\uB193\uB194\uB198\uB19C\uB1A8\uB1CC\uB1D0\uB1D4\uB1DC\uB1DD"], + ["b441", "\uD02E", 5, "\uD036\uD037\uD039\uD03A\uD03B\uD03D", 6, "\uD046\uD048\uD04A", 5], + ["b461", "\uD051\uD052\uD053\uD055\uD056\uD057\uD059", 6, "\uD061", 10, "\uD06E\uD06F"], + ["b481", "\uD071\uD072\uD073\uD075", 6, "\uD07E\uD07F\uD080\uD082", 18, "\uB1DF\uB1E8\uB1E9\uB1EC\uB1F0\uB1F9\uB1FB\uB1FD\uB204\uB205\uB208\uB20B\uB20C\uB214\uB215\uB217\uB219\uB220\uB234\uB23C\uB258\uB25C\uB260\uB268\uB269\uB274\uB275\uB27C\uB284\uB285\uB289\uB290\uB291\uB294\uB298\uB299\uB29A\uB2A0\uB2A1\uB2A3\uB2A5\uB2A6\uB2AA\uB2AC\uB2B0\uB2B4\uB2C8\uB2C9\uB2CC\uB2D0\uB2D2\uB2D8\uB2D9\uB2DB\uB2DD\uB2E2\uB2E4\uB2E5\uB2E6\uB2E8\uB2EB", 4, "\uB2F3\uB2F4\uB2F5\uB2F7", 4, "\uB2FF\uB300\uB301\uB304\uB308\uB310\uB311\uB313\uB314\uB315\uB31C\uB354\uB355\uB356\uB358\uB35B\uB35C\uB35E\uB35F\uB364\uB365"], + ["b541", "\uD095", 14, "\uD0A6\uD0A7\uD0A9\uD0AA\uD0AB\uD0AD", 5], + ["b561", "\uD0B3\uD0B6\uD0B8\uD0BA", 5, "\uD0C2\uD0C3\uD0C5\uD0C6\uD0C7\uD0CA", 5, "\uD0D2\uD0D6", 4], + ["b581", "\uD0DB\uD0DE\uD0DF\uD0E1\uD0E2\uD0E3\uD0E5", 6, "\uD0EE\uD0F2", 5, "\uD0F9", 11, "\uB367\uB369\uB36B\uB36E\uB370\uB371\uB374\uB378\uB380\uB381\uB383\uB384\uB385\uB38C\uB390\uB394\uB3A0\uB3A1\uB3A8\uB3AC\uB3C4\uB3C5\uB3C8\uB3CB\uB3CC\uB3CE\uB3D0\uB3D4\uB3D5\uB3D7\uB3D9\uB3DB\uB3DD\uB3E0\uB3E4\uB3E8\uB3FC\uB410\uB418\uB41C\uB420\uB428\uB429\uB42B\uB434\uB450\uB451\uB454\uB458\uB460\uB461\uB463\uB465\uB46C\uB480\uB488\uB49D\uB4A4\uB4A8\uB4AC\uB4B5\uB4B7\uB4B9\uB4C0\uB4C4\uB4C8\uB4D0\uB4D5\uB4DC\uB4DD\uB4E0\uB4E3\uB4E4\uB4E6\uB4EC\uB4ED\uB4EF\uB4F1\uB4F8\uB514\uB515\uB518\uB51B\uB51C\uB524\uB525\uB527\uB528\uB529\uB52A\uB530\uB531\uB534\uB538"], + ["b641", "\uD105", 7, "\uD10E", 17], + ["b661", "\uD120", 15, "\uD132\uD133\uD135\uD136\uD137\uD139\uD13B\uD13C\uD13D\uD13E"], + ["b681", "\uD13F\uD142\uD146", 5, "\uD14E\uD14F\uD151\uD152\uD153\uD155", 6, "\uD15E\uD160\uD162", 5, "\uD169\uD16A\uD16B\uD16D\uB540\uB541\uB543\uB544\uB545\uB54B\uB54C\uB54D\uB550\uB554\uB55C\uB55D\uB55F\uB560\uB561\uB5A0\uB5A1\uB5A4\uB5A8\uB5AA\uB5AB\uB5B0\uB5B1\uB5B3\uB5B4\uB5B5\uB5BB\uB5BC\uB5BD\uB5C0\uB5C4\uB5CC\uB5CD\uB5CF\uB5D0\uB5D1\uB5D8\uB5EC\uB610\uB611\uB614\uB618\uB625\uB62C\uB634\uB648\uB664\uB668\uB69C\uB69D\uB6A0\uB6A4\uB6AB\uB6AC\uB6B1\uB6D4\uB6F0\uB6F4\uB6F8\uB700\uB701\uB705\uB728\uB729\uB72C\uB72F\uB730\uB738\uB739\uB73B\uB744\uB748\uB74C\uB754\uB755\uB760\uB764\uB768\uB770\uB771\uB773\uB775\uB77C\uB77D\uB780\uB784\uB78C\uB78D\uB78F\uB790\uB791\uB792\uB796\uB797"], + ["b741", "\uD16E", 13, "\uD17D", 6, "\uD185\uD186\uD187\uD189\uD18A"], + ["b761", "\uD18B", 20, "\uD1A2\uD1A3\uD1A5\uD1A6\uD1A7"], + ["b781", "\uD1A9", 6, "\uD1B2\uD1B4\uD1B6\uD1B7\uD1B8\uD1B9\uD1BB\uD1BD\uD1BE\uD1BF\uD1C1", 14, "\uB798\uB799\uB79C\uB7A0\uB7A8\uB7A9\uB7AB\uB7AC\uB7AD\uB7B4\uB7B5\uB7B8\uB7C7\uB7C9\uB7EC\uB7ED\uB7F0\uB7F4\uB7FC\uB7FD\uB7FF\uB800\uB801\uB807\uB808\uB809\uB80C\uB810\uB818\uB819\uB81B\uB81D\uB824\uB825\uB828\uB82C\uB834\uB835\uB837\uB838\uB839\uB840\uB844\uB851\uB853\uB85C\uB85D\uB860\uB864\uB86C\uB86D\uB86F\uB871\uB878\uB87C\uB88D\uB8A8\uB8B0\uB8B4\uB8B8\uB8C0\uB8C1\uB8C3\uB8C5\uB8CC\uB8D0\uB8D4\uB8DD\uB8DF\uB8E1\uB8E8\uB8E9\uB8EC\uB8F0\uB8F8\uB8F9\uB8FB\uB8FD\uB904\uB918\uB920\uB93C\uB93D\uB940\uB944\uB94C\uB94F\uB951\uB958\uB959\uB95C\uB960\uB968\uB969"], + ["b841", "\uD1D0", 7, "\uD1D9", 17], + ["b861", "\uD1EB", 8, "\uD1F5\uD1F6\uD1F7\uD1F9", 13], + ["b881", "\uD208\uD20A", 5, "\uD211", 24, "\uB96B\uB96D\uB974\uB975\uB978\uB97C\uB984\uB985\uB987\uB989\uB98A\uB98D\uB98E\uB9AC\uB9AD\uB9B0\uB9B4\uB9BC\uB9BD\uB9BF\uB9C1\uB9C8\uB9C9\uB9CC\uB9CE", 4, "\uB9D8\uB9D9\uB9DB\uB9DD\uB9DE\uB9E1\uB9E3\uB9E4\uB9E5\uB9E8\uB9EC\uB9F4\uB9F5\uB9F7\uB9F8\uB9F9\uB9FA\uBA00\uBA01\uBA08\uBA15\uBA38\uBA39\uBA3C\uBA40\uBA42\uBA48\uBA49\uBA4B\uBA4D\uBA4E\uBA53\uBA54\uBA55\uBA58\uBA5C\uBA64\uBA65\uBA67\uBA68\uBA69\uBA70\uBA71\uBA74\uBA78\uBA83\uBA84\uBA85\uBA87\uBA8C\uBAA8\uBAA9\uBAAB\uBAAC\uBAB0\uBAB2\uBAB8\uBAB9\uBABB\uBABD\uBAC4\uBAC8\uBAD8\uBAD9\uBAFC"], + ["b941", "\uD22A\uD22B\uD22E\uD22F\uD231\uD232\uD233\uD235", 6, "\uD23E\uD240\uD242", 5, "\uD249\uD24A\uD24B\uD24C"], + ["b961", "\uD24D", 14, "\uD25D", 6, "\uD265\uD266\uD267\uD268"], + ["b981", "\uD269", 22, "\uD282\uD283\uD285\uD286\uD287\uD289\uD28A\uD28B\uD28C\uBB00\uBB04\uBB0D\uBB0F\uBB11\uBB18\uBB1C\uBB20\uBB29\uBB2B\uBB34\uBB35\uBB36\uBB38\uBB3B\uBB3C\uBB3D\uBB3E\uBB44\uBB45\uBB47\uBB49\uBB4D\uBB4F\uBB50\uBB54\uBB58\uBB61\uBB63\uBB6C\uBB88\uBB8C\uBB90\uBBA4\uBBA8\uBBAC\uBBB4\uBBB7\uBBC0\uBBC4\uBBC8\uBBD0\uBBD3\uBBF8\uBBF9\uBBFC\uBBFF\uBC00\uBC02\uBC08\uBC09\uBC0B\uBC0C\uBC0D\uBC0F\uBC11\uBC14", 4, "\uBC1B", 4, "\uBC24\uBC25\uBC27\uBC29\uBC2D\uBC30\uBC31\uBC34\uBC38\uBC40\uBC41\uBC43\uBC44\uBC45\uBC49\uBC4C\uBC4D\uBC50\uBC5D\uBC84\uBC85\uBC88\uBC8B\uBC8C\uBC8E\uBC94\uBC95\uBC97"], + ["ba41", "\uD28D\uD28E\uD28F\uD292\uD293\uD294\uD296", 5, "\uD29D\uD29E\uD29F\uD2A1\uD2A2\uD2A3\uD2A5", 6, "\uD2AD"], + ["ba61", "\uD2AE\uD2AF\uD2B0\uD2B2", 5, "\uD2BA\uD2BB\uD2BD\uD2BE\uD2C1\uD2C3", 4, "\uD2CA\uD2CC", 5], + ["ba81", "\uD2D2\uD2D3\uD2D5\uD2D6\uD2D7\uD2D9\uD2DA\uD2DB\uD2DD", 6, "\uD2E6", 9, "\uD2F2\uD2F3\uD2F5\uD2F6\uD2F7\uD2F9\uD2FA\uBC99\uBC9A\uBCA0\uBCA1\uBCA4\uBCA7\uBCA8\uBCB0\uBCB1\uBCB3\uBCB4\uBCB5\uBCBC\uBCBD\uBCC0\uBCC4\uBCCD\uBCCF\uBCD0\uBCD1\uBCD5\uBCD8\uBCDC\uBCF4\uBCF5\uBCF6\uBCF8\uBCFC\uBD04\uBD05\uBD07\uBD09\uBD10\uBD14\uBD24\uBD2C\uBD40\uBD48\uBD49\uBD4C\uBD50\uBD58\uBD59\uBD64\uBD68\uBD80\uBD81\uBD84\uBD87\uBD88\uBD89\uBD8A\uBD90\uBD91\uBD93\uBD95\uBD99\uBD9A\uBD9C\uBDA4\uBDB0\uBDB8\uBDD4\uBDD5\uBDD8\uBDDC\uBDE9\uBDF0\uBDF4\uBDF8\uBE00\uBE03\uBE05\uBE0C\uBE0D\uBE10\uBE14\uBE1C\uBE1D\uBE1F\uBE44\uBE45\uBE48\uBE4C\uBE4E\uBE54\uBE55\uBE57\uBE59\uBE5A\uBE5B\uBE60\uBE61\uBE64"], + ["bb41", "\uD2FB", 4, "\uD302\uD304\uD306", 5, "\uD30F\uD311\uD312\uD313\uD315\uD317", 4, "\uD31E\uD322\uD323"], + ["bb61", "\uD324\uD326\uD327\uD32A\uD32B\uD32D\uD32E\uD32F\uD331", 6, "\uD33A\uD33E", 5, "\uD346\uD347\uD348\uD349"], + ["bb81", "\uD34A", 31, "\uBE68\uBE6A\uBE70\uBE71\uBE73\uBE74\uBE75\uBE7B\uBE7C\uBE7D\uBE80\uBE84\uBE8C\uBE8D\uBE8F\uBE90\uBE91\uBE98\uBE99\uBEA8\uBED0\uBED1\uBED4\uBED7\uBED8\uBEE0\uBEE3\uBEE4\uBEE5\uBEEC\uBF01\uBF08\uBF09\uBF18\uBF19\uBF1B\uBF1C\uBF1D\uBF40\uBF41\uBF44\uBF48\uBF50\uBF51\uBF55\uBF94\uBFB0\uBFC5\uBFCC\uBFCD\uBFD0\uBFD4\uBFDC\uBFDF\uBFE1\uC03C\uC051\uC058\uC05C\uC060\uC068\uC069\uC090\uC091\uC094\uC098\uC0A0\uC0A1\uC0A3\uC0A5\uC0AC\uC0AD\uC0AF\uC0B0\uC0B3\uC0B4\uC0B5\uC0B6\uC0BC\uC0BD\uC0BF\uC0C0\uC0C1\uC0C5\uC0C8\uC0C9\uC0CC\uC0D0\uC0D8\uC0D9\uC0DB\uC0DC\uC0DD\uC0E4"], + ["bc41", "\uD36A", 17, "\uD37E\uD37F\uD381\uD382\uD383\uD385\uD386\uD387"], + ["bc61", "\uD388\uD389\uD38A\uD38B\uD38E\uD392", 5, "\uD39A\uD39B\uD39D\uD39E\uD39F\uD3A1", 6, "\uD3AA\uD3AC\uD3AE"], + ["bc81", "\uD3AF", 4, "\uD3B5\uD3B6\uD3B7\uD3B9\uD3BA\uD3BB\uD3BD", 6, "\uD3C6\uD3C7\uD3CA", 5, "\uD3D1", 5, "\uC0E5\uC0E8\uC0EC\uC0F4\uC0F5\uC0F7\uC0F9\uC100\uC104\uC108\uC110\uC115\uC11C", 4, "\uC123\uC124\uC126\uC127\uC12C\uC12D\uC12F\uC130\uC131\uC136\uC138\uC139\uC13C\uC140\uC148\uC149\uC14B\uC14C\uC14D\uC154\uC155\uC158\uC15C\uC164\uC165\uC167\uC168\uC169\uC170\uC174\uC178\uC185\uC18C\uC18D\uC18E\uC190\uC194\uC196\uC19C\uC19D\uC19F\uC1A1\uC1A5\uC1A8\uC1A9\uC1AC\uC1B0\uC1BD\uC1C4\uC1C8\uC1CC\uC1D4\uC1D7\uC1D8\uC1E0\uC1E4\uC1E8\uC1F0\uC1F1\uC1F3\uC1FC\uC1FD\uC200\uC204\uC20C\uC20D\uC20F\uC211\uC218\uC219\uC21C\uC21F\uC220\uC228\uC229\uC22B\uC22D"], + ["bd41", "\uD3D7\uD3D9", 7, "\uD3E2\uD3E4", 7, "\uD3EE\uD3EF\uD3F1\uD3F2\uD3F3\uD3F5\uD3F6\uD3F7"], + ["bd61", "\uD3F8\uD3F9\uD3FA\uD3FB\uD3FE\uD400\uD402", 5, "\uD409", 13], + ["bd81", "\uD417", 5, "\uD41E", 25, "\uC22F\uC231\uC232\uC234\uC248\uC250\uC251\uC254\uC258\uC260\uC265\uC26C\uC26D\uC270\uC274\uC27C\uC27D\uC27F\uC281\uC288\uC289\uC290\uC298\uC29B\uC29D\uC2A4\uC2A5\uC2A8\uC2AC\uC2AD\uC2B4\uC2B5\uC2B7\uC2B9\uC2DC\uC2DD\uC2E0\uC2E3\uC2E4\uC2EB\uC2EC\uC2ED\uC2EF\uC2F1\uC2F6\uC2F8\uC2F9\uC2FB\uC2FC\uC300\uC308\uC309\uC30C\uC30D\uC313\uC314\uC315\uC318\uC31C\uC324\uC325\uC328\uC329\uC345\uC368\uC369\uC36C\uC370\uC372\uC378\uC379\uC37C\uC37D\uC384\uC388\uC38C\uC3C0\uC3D8\uC3D9\uC3DC\uC3DF\uC3E0\uC3E2\uC3E8\uC3E9\uC3ED\uC3F4\uC3F5\uC3F8\uC408\uC410\uC424\uC42C\uC430"], + ["be41", "\uD438", 7, "\uD441\uD442\uD443\uD445", 14], + ["be61", "\uD454", 7, "\uD45D\uD45E\uD45F\uD461\uD462\uD463\uD465", 7, "\uD46E\uD470\uD471\uD472"], + ["be81", "\uD473", 4, "\uD47A\uD47B\uD47D\uD47E\uD481\uD483", 4, "\uD48A\uD48C\uD48E", 5, "\uD495", 8, "\uC434\uC43C\uC43D\uC448\uC464\uC465\uC468\uC46C\uC474\uC475\uC479\uC480\uC494\uC49C\uC4B8\uC4BC\uC4E9\uC4F0\uC4F1\uC4F4\uC4F8\uC4FA\uC4FF\uC500\uC501\uC50C\uC510\uC514\uC51C\uC528\uC529\uC52C\uC530\uC538\uC539\uC53B\uC53D\uC544\uC545\uC548\uC549\uC54A\uC54C\uC54D\uC54E\uC553\uC554\uC555\uC557\uC558\uC559\uC55D\uC55E\uC560\uC561\uC564\uC568\uC570\uC571\uC573\uC574\uC575\uC57C\uC57D\uC580\uC584\uC587\uC58C\uC58D\uC58F\uC591\uC595\uC597\uC598\uC59C\uC5A0\uC5A9\uC5B4\uC5B5\uC5B8\uC5B9\uC5BB\uC5BC\uC5BD\uC5BE\uC5C4", 6, "\uC5CC\uC5CE"], + ["bf41", "\uD49E", 10, "\uD4AA", 14], + ["bf61", "\uD4B9", 18, "\uD4CD\uD4CE\uD4CF\uD4D1\uD4D2\uD4D3\uD4D5"], + ["bf81", "\uD4D6", 5, "\uD4DD\uD4DE\uD4E0", 7, "\uD4E9\uD4EA\uD4EB\uD4ED\uD4EE\uD4EF\uD4F1", 6, "\uD4F9\uD4FA\uD4FC\uC5D0\uC5D1\uC5D4\uC5D8\uC5E0\uC5E1\uC5E3\uC5E5\uC5EC\uC5ED\uC5EE\uC5F0\uC5F4\uC5F6\uC5F7\uC5FC", 5, "\uC605\uC606\uC607\uC608\uC60C\uC610\uC618\uC619\uC61B\uC61C\uC624\uC625\uC628\uC62C\uC62D\uC62E\uC630\uC633\uC634\uC635\uC637\uC639\uC63B\uC640\uC641\uC644\uC648\uC650\uC651\uC653\uC654\uC655\uC65C\uC65D\uC660\uC66C\uC66F\uC671\uC678\uC679\uC67C\uC680\uC688\uC689\uC68B\uC68D\uC694\uC695\uC698\uC69C\uC6A4\uC6A5\uC6A7\uC6A9\uC6B0\uC6B1\uC6B4\uC6B8\uC6B9\uC6BA\uC6C0\uC6C1\uC6C3\uC6C5\uC6CC\uC6CD\uC6D0\uC6D4\uC6DC\uC6DD\uC6E0\uC6E1\uC6E8"], + ["c041", "\uD4FE", 5, "\uD505\uD506\uD507\uD509\uD50A\uD50B\uD50D", 6, "\uD516\uD518", 5], + ["c061", "\uD51E", 25], + ["c081", "\uD538\uD539\uD53A\uD53B\uD53E\uD53F\uD541\uD542\uD543\uD545", 6, "\uD54E\uD550\uD552", 5, "\uD55A\uD55B\uD55D\uD55E\uD55F\uD561\uD562\uD563\uC6E9\uC6EC\uC6F0\uC6F8\uC6F9\uC6FD\uC704\uC705\uC708\uC70C\uC714\uC715\uC717\uC719\uC720\uC721\uC724\uC728\uC730\uC731\uC733\uC735\uC737\uC73C\uC73D\uC740\uC744\uC74A\uC74C\uC74D\uC74F\uC751", 7, "\uC75C\uC760\uC768\uC76B\uC774\uC775\uC778\uC77C\uC77D\uC77E\uC783\uC784\uC785\uC787\uC788\uC789\uC78A\uC78E\uC790\uC791\uC794\uC796\uC797\uC798\uC79A\uC7A0\uC7A1\uC7A3\uC7A4\uC7A5\uC7A6\uC7AC\uC7AD\uC7B0\uC7B4\uC7BC\uC7BD\uC7BF\uC7C0\uC7C1\uC7C8\uC7C9\uC7CC\uC7CE\uC7D0\uC7D8\uC7DD\uC7E4\uC7E8\uC7EC\uC800\uC801\uC804\uC808\uC80A"], + ["c141", "\uD564\uD566\uD567\uD56A\uD56C\uD56E", 5, "\uD576\uD577\uD579\uD57A\uD57B\uD57D", 6, "\uD586\uD58A\uD58B"], + ["c161", "\uD58C\uD58D\uD58E\uD58F\uD591", 19, "\uD5A6\uD5A7"], + ["c181", "\uD5A8", 31, "\uC810\uC811\uC813\uC815\uC816\uC81C\uC81D\uC820\uC824\uC82C\uC82D\uC82F\uC831\uC838\uC83C\uC840\uC848\uC849\uC84C\uC84D\uC854\uC870\uC871\uC874\uC878\uC87A\uC880\uC881\uC883\uC885\uC886\uC887\uC88B\uC88C\uC88D\uC894\uC89D\uC89F\uC8A1\uC8A8\uC8BC\uC8BD\uC8C4\uC8C8\uC8CC\uC8D4\uC8D5\uC8D7\uC8D9\uC8E0\uC8E1\uC8E4\uC8F5\uC8FC\uC8FD\uC900\uC904\uC905\uC906\uC90C\uC90D\uC90F\uC911\uC918\uC92C\uC934\uC950\uC951\uC954\uC958\uC960\uC961\uC963\uC96C\uC970\uC974\uC97C\uC988\uC989\uC98C\uC990\uC998\uC999\uC99B\uC99D\uC9C0\uC9C1\uC9C4\uC9C7\uC9C8\uC9CA\uC9D0\uC9D1\uC9D3"], + ["c241", "\uD5CA\uD5CB\uD5CD\uD5CE\uD5CF\uD5D1\uD5D3", 4, "\uD5DA\uD5DC\uD5DE", 5, "\uD5E6\uD5E7\uD5E9\uD5EA\uD5EB\uD5ED\uD5EE"], + ["c261", "\uD5EF", 4, "\uD5F6\uD5F8\uD5FA", 5, "\uD602\uD603\uD605\uD606\uD607\uD609", 6, "\uD612"], + ["c281", "\uD616", 5, "\uD61D\uD61E\uD61F\uD621\uD622\uD623\uD625", 7, "\uD62E", 9, "\uD63A\uD63B\uC9D5\uC9D6\uC9D9\uC9DA\uC9DC\uC9DD\uC9E0\uC9E2\uC9E4\uC9E7\uC9EC\uC9ED\uC9EF\uC9F0\uC9F1\uC9F8\uC9F9\uC9FC\uCA00\uCA08\uCA09\uCA0B\uCA0C\uCA0D\uCA14\uCA18\uCA29\uCA4C\uCA4D\uCA50\uCA54\uCA5C\uCA5D\uCA5F\uCA60\uCA61\uCA68\uCA7D\uCA84\uCA98\uCABC\uCABD\uCAC0\uCAC4\uCACC\uCACD\uCACF\uCAD1\uCAD3\uCAD8\uCAD9\uCAE0\uCAEC\uCAF4\uCB08\uCB10\uCB14\uCB18\uCB20\uCB21\uCB41\uCB48\uCB49\uCB4C\uCB50\uCB58\uCB59\uCB5D\uCB64\uCB78\uCB79\uCB9C\uCBB8\uCBD4\uCBE4\uCBE7\uCBE9\uCC0C\uCC0D\uCC10\uCC14\uCC1C\uCC1D\uCC21\uCC22\uCC27\uCC28\uCC29\uCC2C\uCC2E\uCC30\uCC38\uCC39\uCC3B"], + ["c341", "\uD63D\uD63E\uD63F\uD641\uD642\uD643\uD644\uD646\uD647\uD64A\uD64C\uD64E\uD64F\uD650\uD652\uD653\uD656\uD657\uD659\uD65A\uD65B\uD65D", 4], + ["c361", "\uD662", 4, "\uD668\uD66A", 5, "\uD672\uD673\uD675", 11], + ["c381", "\uD681\uD682\uD684\uD686", 5, "\uD68E\uD68F\uD691\uD692\uD693\uD695", 7, "\uD69E\uD6A0\uD6A2", 5, "\uD6A9\uD6AA\uCC3C\uCC3D\uCC3E\uCC44\uCC45\uCC48\uCC4C\uCC54\uCC55\uCC57\uCC58\uCC59\uCC60\uCC64\uCC66\uCC68\uCC70\uCC75\uCC98\uCC99\uCC9C\uCCA0\uCCA8\uCCA9\uCCAB\uCCAC\uCCAD\uCCB4\uCCB5\uCCB8\uCCBC\uCCC4\uCCC5\uCCC7\uCCC9\uCCD0\uCCD4\uCCE4\uCCEC\uCCF0\uCD01\uCD08\uCD09\uCD0C\uCD10\uCD18\uCD19\uCD1B\uCD1D\uCD24\uCD28\uCD2C\uCD39\uCD5C\uCD60\uCD64\uCD6C\uCD6D\uCD6F\uCD71\uCD78\uCD88\uCD94\uCD95\uCD98\uCD9C\uCDA4\uCDA5\uCDA7\uCDA9\uCDB0\uCDC4\uCDCC\uCDD0\uCDE8\uCDEC\uCDF0\uCDF8\uCDF9\uCDFB\uCDFD\uCE04\uCE08\uCE0C\uCE14\uCE19\uCE20\uCE21\uCE24\uCE28\uCE30\uCE31\uCE33\uCE35"], + ["c441", "\uD6AB\uD6AD\uD6AE\uD6AF\uD6B1", 7, "\uD6BA\uD6BC", 7, "\uD6C6\uD6C7\uD6C9\uD6CA\uD6CB"], + ["c461", "\uD6CD\uD6CE\uD6CF\uD6D0\uD6D2\uD6D3\uD6D5\uD6D6\uD6D8\uD6DA", 5, "\uD6E1\uD6E2\uD6E3\uD6E5\uD6E6\uD6E7\uD6E9", 4], + ["c481", "\uD6EE\uD6EF\uD6F1\uD6F2\uD6F3\uD6F4\uD6F6", 5, "\uD6FE\uD6FF\uD701\uD702\uD703\uD705", 11, "\uD712\uD713\uD714\uCE58\uCE59\uCE5C\uCE5F\uCE60\uCE61\uCE68\uCE69\uCE6B\uCE6D\uCE74\uCE75\uCE78\uCE7C\uCE84\uCE85\uCE87\uCE89\uCE90\uCE91\uCE94\uCE98\uCEA0\uCEA1\uCEA3\uCEA4\uCEA5\uCEAC\uCEAD\uCEC1\uCEE4\uCEE5\uCEE8\uCEEB\uCEEC\uCEF4\uCEF5\uCEF7\uCEF8\uCEF9\uCF00\uCF01\uCF04\uCF08\uCF10\uCF11\uCF13\uCF15\uCF1C\uCF20\uCF24\uCF2C\uCF2D\uCF2F\uCF30\uCF31\uCF38\uCF54\uCF55\uCF58\uCF5C\uCF64\uCF65\uCF67\uCF69\uCF70\uCF71\uCF74\uCF78\uCF80\uCF85\uCF8C\uCFA1\uCFA8\uCFB0\uCFC4\uCFE0\uCFE1\uCFE4\uCFE8\uCFF0\uCFF1\uCFF3\uCFF5\uCFFC\uD000\uD004\uD011\uD018\uD02D\uD034\uD035\uD038\uD03C"], + ["c541", "\uD715\uD716\uD717\uD71A\uD71B\uD71D\uD71E\uD71F\uD721", 6, "\uD72A\uD72C\uD72E", 5, "\uD736\uD737\uD739"], + ["c561", "\uD73A\uD73B\uD73D", 6, "\uD745\uD746\uD748\uD74A", 5, "\uD752\uD753\uD755\uD75A", 4], + ["c581", "\uD75F\uD762\uD764\uD766\uD767\uD768\uD76A\uD76B\uD76D\uD76E\uD76F\uD771\uD772\uD773\uD775", 6, "\uD77E\uD77F\uD780\uD782", 5, "\uD78A\uD78B\uD044\uD045\uD047\uD049\uD050\uD054\uD058\uD060\uD06C\uD06D\uD070\uD074\uD07C\uD07D\uD081\uD0A4\uD0A5\uD0A8\uD0AC\uD0B4\uD0B5\uD0B7\uD0B9\uD0C0\uD0C1\uD0C4\uD0C8\uD0C9\uD0D0\uD0D1\uD0D3\uD0D4\uD0D5\uD0DC\uD0DD\uD0E0\uD0E4\uD0EC\uD0ED\uD0EF\uD0F0\uD0F1\uD0F8\uD10D\uD130\uD131\uD134\uD138\uD13A\uD140\uD141\uD143\uD144\uD145\uD14C\uD14D\uD150\uD154\uD15C\uD15D\uD15F\uD161\uD168\uD16C\uD17C\uD184\uD188\uD1A0\uD1A1\uD1A4\uD1A8\uD1B0\uD1B1\uD1B3\uD1B5\uD1BA\uD1BC\uD1C0\uD1D8\uD1F4\uD1F8\uD207\uD209\uD210\uD22C\uD22D\uD230\uD234\uD23C\uD23D\uD23F\uD241\uD248\uD25C"], + ["c641", "\uD78D\uD78E\uD78F\uD791", 6, "\uD79A\uD79C\uD79E", 5], + ["c6a1", "\uD264\uD280\uD281\uD284\uD288\uD290\uD291\uD295\uD29C\uD2A0\uD2A4\uD2AC\uD2B1\uD2B8\uD2B9\uD2BC\uD2BF\uD2C0\uD2C2\uD2C8\uD2C9\uD2CB\uD2D4\uD2D8\uD2DC\uD2E4\uD2E5\uD2F0\uD2F1\uD2F4\uD2F8\uD300\uD301\uD303\uD305\uD30C\uD30D\uD30E\uD310\uD314\uD316\uD31C\uD31D\uD31F\uD320\uD321\uD325\uD328\uD329\uD32C\uD330\uD338\uD339\uD33B\uD33C\uD33D\uD344\uD345\uD37C\uD37D\uD380\uD384\uD38C\uD38D\uD38F\uD390\uD391\uD398\uD399\uD39C\uD3A0\uD3A8\uD3A9\uD3AB\uD3AD\uD3B4\uD3B8\uD3BC\uD3C4\uD3C5\uD3C8\uD3C9\uD3D0\uD3D8\uD3E1\uD3E3\uD3EC\uD3ED\uD3F0\uD3F4\uD3FC\uD3FD\uD3FF\uD401"], + ["c7a1", "\uD408\uD41D\uD440\uD444\uD45C\uD460\uD464\uD46D\uD46F\uD478\uD479\uD47C\uD47F\uD480\uD482\uD488\uD489\uD48B\uD48D\uD494\uD4A9\uD4CC\uD4D0\uD4D4\uD4DC\uD4DF\uD4E8\uD4EC\uD4F0\uD4F8\uD4FB\uD4FD\uD504\uD508\uD50C\uD514\uD515\uD517\uD53C\uD53D\uD540\uD544\uD54C\uD54D\uD54F\uD551\uD558\uD559\uD55C\uD560\uD565\uD568\uD569\uD56B\uD56D\uD574\uD575\uD578\uD57C\uD584\uD585\uD587\uD588\uD589\uD590\uD5A5\uD5C8\uD5C9\uD5CC\uD5D0\uD5D2\uD5D8\uD5D9\uD5DB\uD5DD\uD5E4\uD5E5\uD5E8\uD5EC\uD5F4\uD5F5\uD5F7\uD5F9\uD600\uD601\uD604\uD608\uD610\uD611\uD613\uD614\uD615\uD61C\uD620"], + ["c8a1", "\uD624\uD62D\uD638\uD639\uD63C\uD640\uD645\uD648\uD649\uD64B\uD64D\uD651\uD654\uD655\uD658\uD65C\uD667\uD669\uD670\uD671\uD674\uD683\uD685\uD68C\uD68D\uD690\uD694\uD69D\uD69F\uD6A1\uD6A8\uD6AC\uD6B0\uD6B9\uD6BB\uD6C4\uD6C5\uD6C8\uD6CC\uD6D1\uD6D4\uD6D7\uD6D9\uD6E0\uD6E4\uD6E8\uD6F0\uD6F5\uD6FC\uD6FD\uD700\uD704\uD711\uD718\uD719\uD71C\uD720\uD728\uD729\uD72B\uD72D\uD734\uD735\uD738\uD73C\uD744\uD747\uD749\uD750\uD751\uD754\uD756\uD757\uD758\uD759\uD760\uD761\uD763\uD765\uD769\uD76C\uD770\uD774\uD77C\uD77D\uD781\uD788\uD789\uD78C\uD790\uD798\uD799\uD79B\uD79D"], + ["caa1", "\u4F3D\u4F73\u5047\u50F9\u52A0\u53EF\u5475\u54E5\u5609\u5AC1\u5BB6\u6687\u67B6\u67B7\u67EF\u6B4C\u73C2\u75C2\u7A3C\u82DB\u8304\u8857\u8888\u8A36\u8CC8\u8DCF\u8EFB\u8FE6\u99D5\u523B\u5374\u5404\u606A\u6164\u6BBC\u73CF\u811A\u89BA\u89D2\u95A3\u4F83\u520A\u58BE\u5978\u59E6\u5E72\u5E79\u61C7\u63C0\u6746\u67EC\u687F\u6F97\u764E\u770B\u78F5\u7A08\u7AFF\u7C21\u809D\u826E\u8271\u8AEB\u9593\u4E6B\u559D\u66F7\u6E34\u78A3\u7AED\u845B\u8910\u874E\u97A8\u52D8\u574E\u582A\u5D4C\u611F\u61BE\u6221\u6562\u67D1\u6A44\u6E1B\u7518\u75B3\u76E3\u77B0\u7D3A\u90AF\u9451\u9452\u9F95"], + ["cba1", "\u5323\u5CAC\u7532\u80DB\u9240\u9598\u525B\u5808\u59DC\u5CA1\u5D17\u5EB7\u5F3A\u5F4A\u6177\u6C5F\u757A\u7586\u7CE0\u7D73\u7DB1\u7F8C\u8154\u8221\u8591\u8941\u8B1B\u92FC\u964D\u9C47\u4ECB\u4EF7\u500B\u51F1\u584F\u6137\u613E\u6168\u6539\u69EA\u6F11\u75A5\u7686\u76D6\u7B87\u82A5\u84CB\uF900\u93A7\u958B\u5580\u5BA2\u5751\uF901\u7CB3\u7FB9\u91B5\u5028\u53BB\u5C45\u5DE8\u62D2\u636E\u64DA\u64E7\u6E20\u70AC\u795B\u8DDD\u8E1E\uF902\u907D\u9245\u92F8\u4E7E\u4EF6\u5065\u5DFE\u5EFA\u6106\u6957\u8171\u8654\u8E47\u9375\u9A2B\u4E5E\u5091\u6770\u6840\u5109\u528D\u5292\u6AA2"], + ["cca1", "\u77BC\u9210\u9ED4\u52AB\u602F\u8FF2\u5048\u61A9\u63ED\u64CA\u683C\u6A84\u6FC0\u8188\u89A1\u9694\u5805\u727D\u72AC\u7504\u7D79\u7E6D\u80A9\u898B\u8B74\u9063\u9D51\u6289\u6C7A\u6F54\u7D50\u7F3A\u8A23\u517C\u614A\u7B9D\u8B19\u9257\u938C\u4EAC\u4FD3\u501E\u50BE\u5106\u52C1\u52CD\u537F\u5770\u5883\u5E9A\u5F91\u6176\u61AC\u64CE\u656C\u666F\u66BB\u66F4\u6897\u6D87\u7085\u70F1\u749F\u74A5\u74CA\u75D9\u786C\u78EC\u7ADF\u7AF6\u7D45\u7D93\u8015\u803F\u811B\u8396\u8B66\u8F15\u9015\u93E1\u9803\u9838\u9A5A\u9BE8\u4FC2\u5553\u583A\u5951\u5B63\u5C46\u60B8\u6212\u6842\u68B0"], + ["cda1", "\u68E8\u6EAA\u754C\u7678\u78CE\u7A3D\u7CFB\u7E6B\u7E7C\u8A08\u8AA1\u8C3F\u968E\u9DC4\u53E4\u53E9\u544A\u5471\u56FA\u59D1\u5B64\u5C3B\u5EAB\u62F7\u6537\u6545\u6572\u66A0\u67AF\u69C1\u6CBD\u75FC\u7690\u777E\u7A3F\u7F94\u8003\u80A1\u818F\u82E6\u82FD\u83F0\u85C1\u8831\u88B4\u8AA5\uF903\u8F9C\u932E\u96C7\u9867\u9AD8\u9F13\u54ED\u659B\u66F2\u688F\u7A40\u8C37\u9D60\u56F0\u5764\u5D11\u6606\u68B1\u68CD\u6EFE\u7428\u889E\u9BE4\u6C68\uF904\u9AA8\u4F9B\u516C\u5171\u529F\u5B54\u5DE5\u6050\u606D\u62F1\u63A7\u653B\u73D9\u7A7A\u86A3\u8CA2\u978F\u4E32\u5BE1\u6208\u679C\u74DC"], + ["cea1", "\u79D1\u83D3\u8A87\u8AB2\u8DE8\u904E\u934B\u9846\u5ED3\u69E8\u85FF\u90ED\uF905\u51A0\u5B98\u5BEC\u6163\u68FA\u6B3E\u704C\u742F\u74D8\u7BA1\u7F50\u83C5\u89C0\u8CAB\u95DC\u9928\u522E\u605D\u62EC\u9002\u4F8A\u5149\u5321\u58D9\u5EE3\u66E0\u6D38\u709A\u72C2\u73D6\u7B50\u80F1\u945B\u5366\u639B\u7F6B\u4E56\u5080\u584A\u58DE\u602A\u6127\u62D0\u69D0\u9B41\u5B8F\u7D18\u80B1\u8F5F\u4EA4\u50D1\u54AC\u55AC\u5B0C\u5DA0\u5DE7\u652A\u654E\u6821\u6A4B\u72E1\u768E\u77EF\u7D5E\u7FF9\u81A0\u854E\u86DF\u8F03\u8F4E\u90CA\u9903\u9A55\u9BAB\u4E18\u4E45\u4E5D\u4EC7\u4FF1\u5177\u52FE"], + ["cfa1", "\u5340\u53E3\u53E5\u548E\u5614\u5775\u57A2\u5BC7\u5D87\u5ED0\u61FC\u62D8\u6551\u67B8\u67E9\u69CB\u6B50\u6BC6\u6BEC\u6C42\u6E9D\u7078\u72D7\u7396\u7403\u77BF\u77E9\u7A76\u7D7F\u8009\u81FC\u8205\u820A\u82DF\u8862\u8B33\u8CFC\u8EC0\u9011\u90B1\u9264\u92B6\u99D2\u9A45\u9CE9\u9DD7\u9F9C\u570B\u5C40\u83CA\u97A0\u97AB\u9EB4\u541B\u7A98\u7FA4\u88D9\u8ECD\u90E1\u5800\u5C48\u6398\u7A9F\u5BAE\u5F13\u7A79\u7AAE\u828E\u8EAC\u5026\u5238\u52F8\u5377\u5708\u62F3\u6372\u6B0A\u6DC3\u7737\u53A5\u7357\u8568\u8E76\u95D5\u673A\u6AC3\u6F70\u8A6D\u8ECC\u994B\uF906\u6677\u6B78\u8CB4"], + ["d0a1", "\u9B3C\uF907\u53EB\u572D\u594E\u63C6\u69FB\u73EA\u7845\u7ABA\u7AC5\u7CFE\u8475\u898F\u8D73\u9035\u95A8\u52FB\u5747\u7547\u7B60\u83CC\u921E\uF908\u6A58\u514B\u524B\u5287\u621F\u68D8\u6975\u9699\u50C5\u52A4\u52E4\u61C3\u65A4\u6839\u69FF\u747E\u7B4B\u82B9\u83EB\u89B2\u8B39\u8FD1\u9949\uF909\u4ECA\u5997\u64D2\u6611\u6A8E\u7434\u7981\u79BD\u82A9\u887E\u887F\u895F\uF90A\u9326\u4F0B\u53CA\u6025\u6271\u6C72\u7D1A\u7D66\u4E98\u5162\u77DC\u80AF\u4F01\u4F0E\u5176\u5180\u55DC\u5668\u573B\u57FA\u57FC\u5914\u5947\u5993\u5BC4\u5C90\u5D0E\u5DF1\u5E7E\u5FCC\u6280\u65D7\u65E3"], + ["d1a1", "\u671E\u671F\u675E\u68CB\u68C4\u6A5F\u6B3A\u6C23\u6C7D\u6C82\u6DC7\u7398\u7426\u742A\u7482\u74A3\u7578\u757F\u7881\u78EF\u7941\u7947\u7948\u797A\u7B95\u7D00\u7DBA\u7F88\u8006\u802D\u808C\u8A18\u8B4F\u8C48\u8D77\u9321\u9324\u98E2\u9951\u9A0E\u9A0F\u9A65\u9E92\u7DCA\u4F76\u5409\u62EE\u6854\u91D1\u55AB\u513A\uF90B\uF90C\u5A1C\u61E6\uF90D\u62CF\u62FF\uF90E", 5, "\u90A3\uF914", 4, "\u8AFE\uF919\uF91A\uF91B\uF91C\u6696\uF91D\u7156\uF91E\uF91F\u96E3\uF920\u634F\u637A\u5357\uF921\u678F\u6960\u6E73\uF922\u7537\uF923\uF924\uF925"], + ["d2a1", "\u7D0D\uF926\uF927\u8872\u56CA\u5A18\uF928", 4, "\u4E43\uF92D\u5167\u5948\u67F0\u8010\uF92E\u5973\u5E74\u649A\u79CA\u5FF5\u606C\u62C8\u637B\u5BE7\u5BD7\u52AA\uF92F\u5974\u5F29\u6012\uF930\uF931\uF932\u7459\uF933", 5, "\u99D1\uF939", 10, "\u6FC3\uF944\uF945\u81BF\u8FB2\u60F1\uF946\uF947\u8166\uF948\uF949\u5C3F\uF94A", 7, "\u5AE9\u8A25\u677B\u7D10\uF952", 5, "\u80FD\uF958\uF959\u5C3C\u6CE5\u533F\u6EBA\u591A\u8336"], + ["d3a1", "\u4E39\u4EB6\u4F46\u55AE\u5718\u58C7\u5F56\u65B7\u65E6\u6A80\u6BB5\u6E4D\u77ED\u7AEF\u7C1E\u7DDE\u86CB\u8892\u9132\u935B\u64BB\u6FBE\u737A\u75B8\u9054\u5556\u574D\u61BA\u64D4\u66C7\u6DE1\u6E5B\u6F6D\u6FB9\u75F0\u8043\u81BD\u8541\u8983\u8AC7\u8B5A\u931F\u6C93\u7553\u7B54\u8E0F\u905D\u5510\u5802\u5858\u5E62\u6207\u649E\u68E0\u7576\u7CD6\u87B3\u9EE8\u4EE3\u5788\u576E\u5927\u5C0D\u5CB1\u5E36\u5F85\u6234\u64E1\u73B3\u81FA\u888B\u8CB8\u968A\u9EDB\u5B85\u5FB7\u60B3\u5012\u5200\u5230\u5716\u5835\u5857\u5C0E\u5C60\u5CF6\u5D8B\u5EA6\u5F92\u60BC\u6311\u6389\u6417\u6843"], + ["d4a1", "\u68F9\u6AC2\u6DD8\u6E21\u6ED4\u6FE4\u71FE\u76DC\u7779\u79B1\u7A3B\u8404\u89A9\u8CED\u8DF3\u8E48\u9003\u9014\u9053\u90FD\u934D\u9676\u97DC\u6BD2\u7006\u7258\u72A2\u7368\u7763\u79BF\u7BE4\u7E9B\u8B80\u58A9\u60C7\u6566\u65FD\u66BE\u6C8C\u711E\u71C9\u8C5A\u9813\u4E6D\u7A81\u4EDD\u51AC\u51CD\u52D5\u540C\u61A7\u6771\u6850\u68DF\u6D1E\u6F7C\u75BC\u77B3\u7AE5\u80F4\u8463\u9285\u515C\u6597\u675C\u6793\u75D8\u7AC7\u8373\uF95A\u8C46\u9017\u982D\u5C6F\u81C0\u829A\u9041\u906F\u920D\u5F97\u5D9D\u6A59\u71C8\u767B\u7B49\u85E4\u8B04\u9127\u9A30\u5587\u61F6\uF95B\u7669\u7F85"], + ["d5a1", "\u863F\u87BA\u88F8\u908F\uF95C\u6D1B\u70D9\u73DE\u7D61\u843D\uF95D\u916A\u99F1\uF95E\u4E82\u5375\u6B04\u6B12\u703E\u721B\u862D\u9E1E\u524C\u8FA3\u5D50\u64E5\u652C\u6B16\u6FEB\u7C43\u7E9C\u85CD\u8964\u89BD\u62C9\u81D8\u881F\u5ECA\u6717\u6D6A\u72FC\u7405\u746F\u8782\u90DE\u4F86\u5D0D\u5FA0\u840A\u51B7\u63A0\u7565\u4EAE\u5006\u5169\u51C9\u6881\u6A11\u7CAE\u7CB1\u7CE7\u826F\u8AD2\u8F1B\u91CF\u4FB6\u5137\u52F5\u5442\u5EEC\u616E\u623E\u65C5\u6ADA\u6FFE\u792A\u85DC\u8823\u95AD\u9A62\u9A6A\u9E97\u9ECE\u529B\u66C6\u6B77\u701D\u792B\u8F62\u9742\u6190\u6200\u6523\u6F23"], + ["d6a1", "\u7149\u7489\u7DF4\u806F\u84EE\u8F26\u9023\u934A\u51BD\u5217\u52A3\u6D0C\u70C8\u88C2\u5EC9\u6582\u6BAE\u6FC2\u7C3E\u7375\u4EE4\u4F36\u56F9\uF95F\u5CBA\u5DBA\u601C\u73B2\u7B2D\u7F9A\u7FCE\u8046\u901E\u9234\u96F6\u9748\u9818\u9F61\u4F8B\u6FA7\u79AE\u91B4\u96B7\u52DE\uF960\u6488\u64C4\u6AD3\u6F5E\u7018\u7210\u76E7\u8001\u8606\u865C\u8DEF\u8F05\u9732\u9B6F\u9DFA\u9E75\u788C\u797F\u7DA0\u83C9\u9304\u9E7F\u9E93\u8AD6\u58DF\u5F04\u6727\u7027\u74CF\u7C60\u807E\u5121\u7028\u7262\u78CA\u8CC2\u8CDA\u8CF4\u96F7\u4E86\u50DA\u5BEE\u5ED6\u6599\u71CE\u7642\u77AD\u804A\u84FC"], + ["d7a1", "\u907C\u9B27\u9F8D\u58D8\u5A41\u5C62\u6A13\u6DDA\u6F0F\u763B\u7D2F\u7E37\u851E\u8938\u93E4\u964B\u5289\u65D2\u67F3\u69B4\u6D41\u6E9C\u700F\u7409\u7460\u7559\u7624\u786B\u8B2C\u985E\u516D\u622E\u9678\u4F96\u502B\u5D19\u6DEA\u7DB8\u8F2A\u5F8B\u6144\u6817\uF961\u9686\u52D2\u808B\u51DC\u51CC\u695E\u7A1C\u7DBE\u83F1\u9675\u4FDA\u5229\u5398\u540F\u550E\u5C65\u60A7\u674E\u68A8\u6D6C\u7281\u72F8\u7406\u7483\uF962\u75E2\u7C6C\u7F79\u7FB8\u8389\u88CF\u88E1\u91CC\u91D0\u96E2\u9BC9\u541D\u6F7E\u71D0\u7498\u85FA\u8EAA\u96A3\u9C57\u9E9F\u6797\u6DCB\u7433\u81E8\u9716\u782C"], + ["d8a1", "\u7ACB\u7B20\u7C92\u6469\u746A\u75F2\u78BC\u78E8\u99AC\u9B54\u9EBB\u5BDE\u5E55\u6F20\u819C\u83AB\u9088\u4E07\u534D\u5A29\u5DD2\u5F4E\u6162\u633D\u6669\u66FC\u6EFF\u6F2B\u7063\u779E\u842C\u8513\u883B\u8F13\u9945\u9C3B\u551C\u62B9\u672B\u6CAB\u8309\u896A\u977A\u4EA1\u5984\u5FD8\u5FD9\u671B\u7DB2\u7F54\u8292\u832B\u83BD\u8F1E\u9099\u57CB\u59B9\u5A92\u5BD0\u6627\u679A\u6885\u6BCF\u7164\u7F75\u8CB7\u8CE3\u9081\u9B45\u8108\u8C8A\u964C\u9A40\u9EA5\u5B5F\u6C13\u731B\u76F2\u76DF\u840C\u51AA\u8993\u514D\u5195\u52C9\u68C9\u6C94\u7704\u7720\u7DBF\u7DEC\u9762\u9EB5\u6EC5"], + ["d9a1", "\u8511\u51A5\u540D\u547D\u660E\u669D\u6927\u6E9F\u76BF\u7791\u8317\u84C2\u879F\u9169\u9298\u9CF4\u8882\u4FAE\u5192\u52DF\u59C6\u5E3D\u6155\u6478\u6479\u66AE\u67D0\u6A21\u6BCD\u6BDB\u725F\u7261\u7441\u7738\u77DB\u8017\u82BC\u8305\u8B00\u8B28\u8C8C\u6728\u6C90\u7267\u76EE\u7766\u7A46\u9DA9\u6B7F\u6C92\u5922\u6726\u8499\u536F\u5893\u5999\u5EDF\u63CF\u6634\u6773\u6E3A\u732B\u7AD7\u82D7\u9328\u52D9\u5DEB\u61AE\u61CB\u620A\u62C7\u64AB\u65E0\u6959\u6B66\u6BCB\u7121\u73F7\u755D\u7E46\u821E\u8302\u856A\u8AA3\u8CBF\u9727\u9D61\u58A8\u9ED8\u5011\u520E\u543B\u554F\u6587"], + ["daa1", "\u6C76\u7D0A\u7D0B\u805E\u868A\u9580\u96EF\u52FF\u6C95\u7269\u5473\u5A9A\u5C3E\u5D4B\u5F4C\u5FAE\u672A\u68B6\u6963\u6E3C\u6E44\u7709\u7C73\u7F8E\u8587\u8B0E\u8FF7\u9761\u9EF4\u5CB7\u60B6\u610D\u61AB\u654F\u65FB\u65FC\u6C11\u6CEF\u739F\u73C9\u7DE1\u9594\u5BC6\u871C\u8B10\u525D\u535A\u62CD\u640F\u64B2\u6734\u6A38\u6CCA\u73C0\u749E\u7B94\u7C95\u7E1B\u818A\u8236\u8584\u8FEB\u96F9\u99C1\u4F34\u534A\u53CD\u53DB\u62CC\u642C\u6500\u6591\u69C3\u6CEE\u6F58\u73ED\u7554\u7622\u76E4\u76FC\u78D0\u78FB\u792C\u7D46\u822C\u87E0\u8FD4\u9812\u98EF\u52C3\u62D4\u64A5\u6E24\u6F51"], + ["dba1", "\u767C\u8DCB\u91B1\u9262\u9AEE\u9B43\u5023\u508D\u574A\u59A8\u5C28\u5E47\u5F77\u623F\u653E\u65B9\u65C1\u6609\u678B\u699C\u6EC2\u78C5\u7D21\u80AA\u8180\u822B\u82B3\u84A1\u868C\u8A2A\u8B17\u90A6\u9632\u9F90\u500D\u4FF3\uF963\u57F9\u5F98\u62DC\u6392\u676F\u6E43\u7119\u76C3\u80CC\u80DA\u88F4\u88F5\u8919\u8CE0\u8F29\u914D\u966A\u4F2F\u4F70\u5E1B\u67CF\u6822\u767D\u767E\u9B44\u5E61\u6A0A\u7169\u71D4\u756A\uF964\u7E41\u8543\u85E9\u98DC\u4F10\u7B4F\u7F70\u95A5\u51E1\u5E06\u68B5\u6C3E\u6C4E\u6CDB\u72AF\u7BC4\u8303\u6CD5\u743A\u50FB\u5288\u58C1\u64D8\u6A97\u74A7\u7656"], + ["dca1", "\u78A7\u8617\u95E2\u9739\uF965\u535E\u5F01\u8B8A\u8FA8\u8FAF\u908A\u5225\u77A5\u9C49\u9F08\u4E19\u5002\u5175\u5C5B\u5E77\u661E\u663A\u67C4\u68C5\u70B3\u7501\u75C5\u79C9\u7ADD\u8F27\u9920\u9A08\u4FDD\u5821\u5831\u5BF6\u666E\u6B65\u6D11\u6E7A\u6F7D\u73E4\u752B\u83E9\u88DC\u8913\u8B5C\u8F14\u4F0F\u50D5\u5310\u535C\u5B93\u5FA9\u670D\u798F\u8179\u832F\u8514\u8907\u8986\u8F39\u8F3B\u99A5\u9C12\u672C\u4E76\u4FF8\u5949\u5C01\u5CEF\u5CF0\u6367\u68D2\u70FD\u71A2\u742B\u7E2B\u84EC\u8702\u9022\u92D2\u9CF3\u4E0D\u4ED8\u4FEF\u5085\u5256\u526F\u5426\u5490\u57E0\u592B\u5A66"], + ["dda1", "\u5B5A\u5B75\u5BCC\u5E9C\uF966\u6276\u6577\u65A7\u6D6E\u6EA5\u7236\u7B26\u7C3F\u7F36\u8150\u8151\u819A\u8240\u8299\u83A9\u8A03\u8CA0\u8CE6\u8CFB\u8D74\u8DBA\u90E8\u91DC\u961C\u9644\u99D9\u9CE7\u5317\u5206\u5429\u5674\u58B3\u5954\u596E\u5FFF\u61A4\u626E\u6610\u6C7E\u711A\u76C6\u7C89\u7CDE\u7D1B\u82AC\u8CC1\u96F0\uF967\u4F5B\u5F17\u5F7F\u62C2\u5D29\u670B\u68DA\u787C\u7E43\u9D6C\u4E15\u5099\u5315\u532A\u5351\u5983\u5A62\u5E87\u60B2\u618A\u6249\u6279\u6590\u6787\u69A7\u6BD4\u6BD6\u6BD7\u6BD8\u6CB8\uF968\u7435\u75FA\u7812\u7891\u79D5\u79D8\u7C83\u7DCB\u7FE1\u80A5"], + ["dea1", "\u813E\u81C2\u83F2\u871A\u88E8\u8AB9\u8B6C\u8CBB\u9119\u975E\u98DB\u9F3B\u56AC\u5B2A\u5F6C\u658C\u6AB3\u6BAF\u6D5C\u6FF1\u7015\u725D\u73AD\u8CA7\u8CD3\u983B\u6191\u6C37\u8058\u9A01\u4E4D\u4E8B\u4E9B\u4ED5\u4F3A\u4F3C\u4F7F\u4FDF\u50FF\u53F2\u53F8\u5506\u55E3\u56DB\u58EB\u5962\u5A11\u5BEB\u5BFA\u5C04\u5DF3\u5E2B\u5F99\u601D\u6368\u659C\u65AF\u67F6\u67FB\u68AD\u6B7B\u6C99\u6CD7\u6E23\u7009\u7345\u7802\u793E\u7940\u7960\u79C1\u7BE9\u7D17\u7D72\u8086\u820D\u838E\u84D1\u86C7\u88DF\u8A50\u8A5E\u8B1D\u8CDC\u8D66\u8FAD\u90AA\u98FC\u99DF\u9E9D\u524A\uF969\u6714\uF96A"], + ["dfa1", "\u5098\u522A\u5C71\u6563\u6C55\u73CA\u7523\u759D\u7B97\u849C\u9178\u9730\u4E77\u6492\u6BBA\u715E\u85A9\u4E09\uF96B\u6749\u68EE\u6E17\u829F\u8518\u886B\u63F7\u6F81\u9212\u98AF\u4E0A\u50B7\u50CF\u511F\u5546\u55AA\u5617\u5B40\u5C19\u5CE0\u5E38\u5E8A\u5EA0\u5EC2\u60F3\u6851\u6A61\u6E58\u723D\u7240\u72C0\u76F8\u7965\u7BB1\u7FD4\u88F3\u89F4\u8A73\u8C61\u8CDE\u971C\u585E\u74BD\u8CFD\u55C7\uF96C\u7A61\u7D22\u8272\u7272\u751F\u7525\uF96D\u7B19\u5885\u58FB\u5DBC\u5E8F\u5EB6\u5F90\u6055\u6292\u637F\u654D\u6691\u66D9\u66F8\u6816\u68F2\u7280\u745E\u7B6E\u7D6E\u7DD6\u7F72"], + ["e0a1", "\u80E5\u8212\u85AF\u897F\u8A93\u901D\u92E4\u9ECD\u9F20\u5915\u596D\u5E2D\u60DC\u6614\u6673\u6790\u6C50\u6DC5\u6F5F\u77F3\u78A9\u84C6\u91CB\u932B\u4ED9\u50CA\u5148\u5584\u5B0B\u5BA3\u6247\u657E\u65CB\u6E32\u717D\u7401\u7444\u7487\u74BF\u766C\u79AA\u7DDA\u7E55\u7FA8\u817A\u81B3\u8239\u861A\u87EC\u8A75\u8DE3\u9078\u9291\u9425\u994D\u9BAE\u5368\u5C51\u6954\u6CC4\u6D29\u6E2B\u820C\u859B\u893B\u8A2D\u8AAA\u96EA\u9F67\u5261\u66B9\u6BB2\u7E96\u87FE\u8D0D\u9583\u965D\u651D\u6D89\u71EE\uF96E\u57CE\u59D3\u5BAC\u6027\u60FA\u6210\u661F\u665F\u7329\u73F9\u76DB\u7701\u7B6C"], + ["e1a1", "\u8056\u8072\u8165\u8AA0\u9192\u4E16\u52E2\u6B72\u6D17\u7A05\u7B39\u7D30\uF96F\u8CB0\u53EC\u562F\u5851\u5BB5\u5C0F\u5C11\u5DE2\u6240\u6383\u6414\u662D\u68B3\u6CBC\u6D88\u6EAF\u701F\u70A4\u71D2\u7526\u758F\u758E\u7619\u7B11\u7BE0\u7C2B\u7D20\u7D39\u852C\u856D\u8607\u8A34\u900D\u9061\u90B5\u92B7\u97F6\u9A37\u4FD7\u5C6C\u675F\u6D91\u7C9F\u7E8C\u8B16\u8D16\u901F\u5B6B\u5DFD\u640D\u84C0\u905C\u98E1\u7387\u5B8B\u609A\u677E\u6DDE\u8A1F\u8AA6\u9001\u980C\u5237\uF970\u7051\u788E\u9396\u8870\u91D7\u4FEE\u53D7\u55FD\u56DA\u5782\u58FD\u5AC2\u5B88\u5CAB\u5CC0\u5E25\u6101"], + ["e2a1", "\u620D\u624B\u6388\u641C\u6536\u6578\u6A39\u6B8A\u6C34\u6D19\u6F31\u71E7\u72E9\u7378\u7407\u74B2\u7626\u7761\u79C0\u7A57\u7AEA\u7CB9\u7D8F\u7DAC\u7E61\u7F9E\u8129\u8331\u8490\u84DA\u85EA\u8896\u8AB0\u8B90\u8F38\u9042\u9083\u916C\u9296\u92B9\u968B\u96A7\u96A8\u96D6\u9700\u9808\u9996\u9AD3\u9B1A\u53D4\u587E\u5919\u5B70\u5BBF\u6DD1\u6F5A\u719F\u7421\u74B9\u8085\u83FD\u5DE1\u5F87\u5FAA\u6042\u65EC\u6812\u696F\u6A53\u6B89\u6D35\u6DF3\u73E3\u76FE\u77AC\u7B4D\u7D14\u8123\u821C\u8340\u84F4\u8563\u8A62\u8AC4\u9187\u931E\u9806\u99B4\u620C\u8853\u8FF0\u9265\u5D07\u5D27"], + ["e3a1", "\u5D69\u745F\u819D\u8768\u6FD5\u62FE\u7FD2\u8936\u8972\u4E1E\u4E58\u50E7\u52DD\u5347\u627F\u6607\u7E69\u8805\u965E\u4F8D\u5319\u5636\u59CB\u5AA4\u5C38\u5C4E\u5C4D\u5E02\u5F11\u6043\u65BD\u662F\u6642\u67BE\u67F4\u731C\u77E2\u793A\u7FC5\u8494\u84CD\u8996\u8A66\u8A69\u8AE1\u8C55\u8C7A\u57F4\u5BD4\u5F0F\u606F\u62ED\u690D\u6B96\u6E5C\u7184\u7BD2\u8755\u8B58\u8EFE\u98DF\u98FE\u4F38\u4F81\u4FE1\u547B\u5A20\u5BB8\u613C\u65B0\u6668\u71FC\u7533\u795E\u7D33\u814E\u81E3\u8398\u85AA\u85CE\u8703\u8A0A\u8EAB\u8F9B\uF971\u8FC5\u5931\u5BA4\u5BE6\u6089\u5BE9\u5C0B\u5FC3\u6C81"], + ["e4a1", "\uF972\u6DF1\u700B\u751A\u82AF\u8AF6\u4EC0\u5341\uF973\u96D9\u6C0F\u4E9E\u4FC4\u5152\u555E\u5A25\u5CE8\u6211\u7259\u82BD\u83AA\u86FE\u8859\u8A1D\u963F\u96C5\u9913\u9D09\u9D5D\u580A\u5CB3\u5DBD\u5E44\u60E1\u6115\u63E1\u6A02\u6E25\u9102\u9354\u984E\u9C10\u9F77\u5B89\u5CB8\u6309\u664F\u6848\u773C\u96C1\u978D\u9854\u9B9F\u65A1\u8B01\u8ECB\u95BC\u5535\u5CA9\u5DD6\u5EB5\u6697\u764C\u83F4\u95C7\u58D3\u62BC\u72CE\u9D28\u4EF0\u592E\u600F\u663B\u6B83\u79E7\u9D26\u5393\u54C0\u57C3\u5D16\u611B\u66D6\u6DAF\u788D\u827E\u9698\u9744\u5384\u627C\u6396\u6DB2\u7E0A\u814B\u984D"], + ["e5a1", "\u6AFB\u7F4C\u9DAF\u9E1A\u4E5F\u503B\u51B6\u591C\u60F9\u63F6\u6930\u723A\u8036\uF974\u91CE\u5F31\uF975\uF976\u7D04\u82E5\u846F\u84BB\u85E5\u8E8D\uF977\u4F6F\uF978\uF979\u58E4\u5B43\u6059\u63DA\u6518\u656D\u6698\uF97A\u694A\u6A23\u6D0B\u7001\u716C\u75D2\u760D\u79B3\u7A70\uF97B\u7F8A\uF97C\u8944\uF97D\u8B93\u91C0\u967D\uF97E\u990A\u5704\u5FA1\u65BC\u6F01\u7600\u79A6\u8A9E\u99AD\u9B5A\u9F6C\u5104\u61B6\u6291\u6A8D\u81C6\u5043\u5830\u5F66\u7109\u8A00\u8AFA\u5B7C\u8616\u4FFA\u513C\u56B4\u5944\u63A9\u6DF9\u5DAA\u696D\u5186\u4E88\u4F59\uF97F\uF980\uF981\u5982\uF982"], + ["e6a1", "\uF983\u6B5F\u6C5D\uF984\u74B5\u7916\uF985\u8207\u8245\u8339\u8F3F\u8F5D\uF986\u9918\uF987\uF988\uF989\u4EA6\uF98A\u57DF\u5F79\u6613\uF98B\uF98C\u75AB\u7E79\u8B6F\uF98D\u9006\u9A5B\u56A5\u5827\u59F8\u5A1F\u5BB4\uF98E\u5EF6\uF98F\uF990\u6350\u633B\uF991\u693D\u6C87\u6CBF\u6D8E\u6D93\u6DF5\u6F14\uF992\u70DF\u7136\u7159\uF993\u71C3\u71D5\uF994\u784F\u786F\uF995\u7B75\u7DE3\uF996\u7E2F\uF997\u884D\u8EDF\uF998\uF999\uF99A\u925B\uF99B\u9CF6\uF99C\uF99D\uF99E\u6085\u6D85\uF99F\u71B1\uF9A0\uF9A1\u95B1\u53AD\uF9A2\uF9A3\uF9A4\u67D3\uF9A5\u708E\u7130\u7430\u8276\u82D2"], + ["e7a1", "\uF9A6\u95BB\u9AE5\u9E7D\u66C4\uF9A7\u71C1\u8449\uF9A8\uF9A9\u584B\uF9AA\uF9AB\u5DB8\u5F71\uF9AC\u6620\u668E\u6979\u69AE\u6C38\u6CF3\u6E36\u6F41\u6FDA\u701B\u702F\u7150\u71DF\u7370\uF9AD\u745B\uF9AE\u74D4\u76C8\u7A4E\u7E93\uF9AF\uF9B0\u82F1\u8A60\u8FCE\uF9B1\u9348\uF9B2\u9719\uF9B3\uF9B4\u4E42\u502A\uF9B5\u5208\u53E1\u66F3\u6C6D\u6FCA\u730A\u777F\u7A62\u82AE\u85DD\u8602\uF9B6\u88D4\u8A63\u8B7D\u8C6B\uF9B7\u92B3\uF9B8\u9713\u9810\u4E94\u4F0D\u4FC9\u50B2\u5348\u543E\u5433\u55DA\u5862\u58BA\u5967\u5A1B\u5BE4\u609F\uF9B9\u61CA\u6556\u65FF\u6664\u68A7\u6C5A\u6FB3"], + ["e8a1", "\u70CF\u71AC\u7352\u7B7D\u8708\u8AA4\u9C32\u9F07\u5C4B\u6C83\u7344\u7389\u923A\u6EAB\u7465\u761F\u7A69\u7E15\u860A\u5140\u58C5\u64C1\u74EE\u7515\u7670\u7FC1\u9095\u96CD\u9954\u6E26\u74E6\u7AA9\u7AAA\u81E5\u86D9\u8778\u8A1B\u5A49\u5B8C\u5B9B\u68A1\u6900\u6D63\u73A9\u7413\u742C\u7897\u7DE9\u7FEB\u8118\u8155\u839E\u8C4C\u962E\u9811\u66F0\u5F80\u65FA\u6789\u6C6A\u738B\u502D\u5A03\u6B6A\u77EE\u5916\u5D6C\u5DCD\u7325\u754F\uF9BA\uF9BB\u50E5\u51F9\u582F\u592D\u5996\u59DA\u5BE5\uF9BC\uF9BD\u5DA2\u62D7\u6416\u6493\u64FE\uF9BE\u66DC\uF9BF\u6A48\uF9C0\u71FF\u7464\uF9C1"], + ["e9a1", "\u7A88\u7AAF\u7E47\u7E5E\u8000\u8170\uF9C2\u87EF\u8981\u8B20\u9059\uF9C3\u9080\u9952\u617E\u6B32\u6D74\u7E1F\u8925\u8FB1\u4FD1\u50AD\u5197\u52C7\u57C7\u5889\u5BB9\u5EB8\u6142\u6995\u6D8C\u6E67\u6EB6\u7194\u7462\u7528\u752C\u8073\u8338\u84C9\u8E0A\u9394\u93DE\uF9C4\u4E8E\u4F51\u5076\u512A\u53C8\u53CB\u53F3\u5B87\u5BD3\u5C24\u611A\u6182\u65F4\u725B\u7397\u7440\u76C2\u7950\u7991\u79B9\u7D06\u7FBD\u828B\u85D5\u865E\u8FC2\u9047\u90F5\u91EA\u9685\u96E8\u96E9\u52D6\u5F67\u65ED\u6631\u682F\u715C\u7A36\u90C1\u980A\u4E91\uF9C5\u6A52\u6B9E\u6F90\u7189\u8018\u82B8\u8553"], + ["eaa1", "\u904B\u9695\u96F2\u97FB\u851A\u9B31\u4E90\u718A\u96C4\u5143\u539F\u54E1\u5713\u5712\u57A3\u5A9B\u5AC4\u5BC3\u6028\u613F\u63F4\u6C85\u6D39\u6E72\u6E90\u7230\u733F\u7457\u82D1\u8881\u8F45\u9060\uF9C6\u9662\u9858\u9D1B\u6708\u8D8A\u925E\u4F4D\u5049\u50DE\u5371\u570D\u59D4\u5A01\u5C09\u6170\u6690\u6E2D\u7232\u744B\u7DEF\u80C3\u840E\u8466\u853F\u875F\u885B\u8918\u8B02\u9055\u97CB\u9B4F\u4E73\u4F91\u5112\u516A\uF9C7\u552F\u55A9\u5B7A\u5BA5\u5E7C\u5E7D\u5EBE\u60A0\u60DF\u6108\u6109\u63C4\u6538\u6709\uF9C8\u67D4\u67DA\uF9C9\u6961\u6962\u6CB9\u6D27\uF9CA\u6E38\uF9CB"], + ["eba1", "\u6FE1\u7336\u7337\uF9CC\u745C\u7531\uF9CD\u7652\uF9CE\uF9CF\u7DAD\u81FE\u8438\u88D5\u8A98\u8ADB\u8AED\u8E30\u8E42\u904A\u903E\u907A\u9149\u91C9\u936E\uF9D0\uF9D1\u5809\uF9D2\u6BD3\u8089\u80B2\uF9D3\uF9D4\u5141\u596B\u5C39\uF9D5\uF9D6\u6F64\u73A7\u80E4\u8D07\uF9D7\u9217\u958F\uF9D8\uF9D9\uF9DA\uF9DB\u807F\u620E\u701C\u7D68\u878D\uF9DC\u57A0\u6069\u6147\u6BB7\u8ABE\u9280\u96B1\u4E59\u541F\u6DEB\u852D\u9670\u97F3\u98EE\u63D6\u6CE3\u9091\u51DD\u61C9\u81BA\u9DF9\u4F9D\u501A\u5100\u5B9C\u610F\u61FF\u64EC\u6905\u6BC5\u7591\u77E3\u7FA9\u8264\u858F\u87FB\u8863\u8ABC"], + ["eca1", "\u8B70\u91AB\u4E8C\u4EE5\u4F0A\uF9DD\uF9DE\u5937\u59E8\uF9DF\u5DF2\u5F1B\u5F5B\u6021\uF9E0\uF9E1\uF9E2\uF9E3\u723E\u73E5\uF9E4\u7570\u75CD\uF9E5\u79FB\uF9E6\u800C\u8033\u8084\u82E1\u8351\uF9E7\uF9E8\u8CBD\u8CB3\u9087\uF9E9\uF9EA\u98F4\u990C\uF9EB\uF9EC\u7037\u76CA\u7FCA\u7FCC\u7FFC\u8B1A\u4EBA\u4EC1\u5203\u5370\uF9ED\u54BD\u56E0\u59FB\u5BC5\u5F15\u5FCD\u6E6E\uF9EE\uF9EF\u7D6A\u8335\uF9F0\u8693\u8A8D\uF9F1\u976D\u9777\uF9F2\uF9F3\u4E00\u4F5A\u4F7E\u58F9\u65E5\u6EA2\u9038\u93B0\u99B9\u4EFB\u58EC\u598A\u59D9\u6041\uF9F4\uF9F5\u7A14\uF9F6\u834F\u8CC3\u5165\u5344"], + ["eda1", "\uF9F7\uF9F8\uF9F9\u4ECD\u5269\u5B55\u82BF\u4ED4\u523A\u54A8\u59C9\u59FF\u5B50\u5B57\u5B5C\u6063\u6148\u6ECB\u7099\u716E\u7386\u74F7\u75B5\u78C1\u7D2B\u8005\u81EA\u8328\u8517\u85C9\u8AEE\u8CC7\u96CC\u4F5C\u52FA\u56BC\u65AB\u6628\u707C\u70B8\u7235\u7DBD\u828D\u914C\u96C0\u9D72\u5B71\u68E7\u6B98\u6F7A\u76DE\u5C91\u66AB\u6F5B\u7BB4\u7C2A\u8836\u96DC\u4E08\u4ED7\u5320\u5834\u58BB\u58EF\u596C\u5C07\u5E33\u5E84\u5F35\u638C\u66B2\u6756\u6A1F\u6AA3\u6B0C\u6F3F\u7246\uF9FA\u7350\u748B\u7AE0\u7CA7\u8178\u81DF\u81E7\u838A\u846C\u8523\u8594\u85CF\u88DD\u8D13\u91AC\u9577"], + ["eea1", "\u969C\u518D\u54C9\u5728\u5BB0\u624D\u6750\u683D\u6893\u6E3D\u6ED3\u707D\u7E21\u88C1\u8CA1\u8F09\u9F4B\u9F4E\u722D\u7B8F\u8ACD\u931A\u4F47\u4F4E\u5132\u5480\u59D0\u5E95\u62B5\u6775\u696E\u6A17\u6CAE\u6E1A\u72D9\u732A\u75BD\u7BB8\u7D35\u82E7\u83F9\u8457\u85F7\u8A5B\u8CAF\u8E87\u9019\u90B8\u96CE\u9F5F\u52E3\u540A\u5AE1\u5BC2\u6458\u6575\u6EF4\u72C4\uF9FB\u7684\u7A4D\u7B1B\u7C4D\u7E3E\u7FDF\u837B\u8B2B\u8CCA\u8D64\u8DE1\u8E5F\u8FEA\u8FF9\u9069\u93D1\u4F43\u4F7A\u50B3\u5168\u5178\u524D\u526A\u5861\u587C\u5960\u5C08\u5C55\u5EDB\u609B\u6230\u6813\u6BBF\u6C08\u6FB1"], + ["efa1", "\u714E\u7420\u7530\u7538\u7551\u7672\u7B4C\u7B8B\u7BAD\u7BC6\u7E8F\u8A6E\u8F3E\u8F49\u923F\u9293\u9322\u942B\u96FB\u985A\u986B\u991E\u5207\u622A\u6298\u6D59\u7664\u7ACA\u7BC0\u7D76\u5360\u5CBE\u5E97\u6F38\u70B9\u7C98\u9711\u9B8E\u9EDE\u63A5\u647A\u8776\u4E01\u4E95\u4EAD\u505C\u5075\u5448\u59C3\u5B9A\u5E40\u5EAD\u5EF7\u5F81\u60C5\u633A\u653F\u6574\u65CC\u6676\u6678\u67FE\u6968\u6A89\u6B63\u6C40\u6DC0\u6DE8\u6E1F\u6E5E\u701E\u70A1\u738E\u73FD\u753A\u775B\u7887\u798E\u7A0B\u7A7D\u7CBE\u7D8E\u8247\u8A02\u8AEA\u8C9E\u912D\u914A\u91D8\u9266\u92CC\u9320\u9706\u9756"], + ["f0a1", "\u975C\u9802\u9F0E\u5236\u5291\u557C\u5824\u5E1D\u5F1F\u608C\u63D0\u68AF\u6FDF\u796D\u7B2C\u81CD\u85BA\u88FD\u8AF8\u8E44\u918D\u9664\u969B\u973D\u984C\u9F4A\u4FCE\u5146\u51CB\u52A9\u5632\u5F14\u5F6B\u63AA\u64CD\u65E9\u6641\u66FA\u66F9\u671D\u689D\u68D7\u69FD\u6F15\u6F6E\u7167\u71E5\u722A\u74AA\u773A\u7956\u795A\u79DF\u7A20\u7A95\u7C97\u7CDF\u7D44\u7E70\u8087\u85FB\u86A4\u8A54\u8ABF\u8D99\u8E81\u9020\u906D\u91E3\u963B\u96D5\u9CE5\u65CF\u7C07\u8DB3\u93C3\u5B58\u5C0A\u5352\u62D9\u731D\u5027\u5B97\u5F9E\u60B0\u616B\u68D5\u6DD9\u742E\u7A2E\u7D42\u7D9C\u7E31\u816B"], + ["f1a1", "\u8E2A\u8E35\u937E\u9418\u4F50\u5750\u5DE6\u5EA7\u632B\u7F6A\u4E3B\u4F4F\u4F8F\u505A\u59DD\u80C4\u546A\u5468\u55FE\u594F\u5B99\u5DDE\u5EDA\u665D\u6731\u67F1\u682A\u6CE8\u6D32\u6E4A\u6F8D\u70B7\u73E0\u7587\u7C4C\u7D02\u7D2C\u7DA2\u821F\u86DB\u8A3B\u8A85\u8D70\u8E8A\u8F33\u9031\u914E\u9152\u9444\u99D0\u7AF9\u7CA5\u4FCA\u5101\u51C6\u57C8\u5BEF\u5CFB\u6659\u6A3D\u6D5A\u6E96\u6FEC\u710C\u756F\u7AE3\u8822\u9021\u9075\u96CB\u99FF\u8301\u4E2D\u4EF2\u8846\u91CD\u537D\u6ADB\u696B\u6C41\u847A\u589E\u618E\u66FE\u62EF\u70DD\u7511\u75C7\u7E52\u84B8\u8B49\u8D08\u4E4B\u53EA"], + ["f2a1", "\u54AB\u5730\u5740\u5FD7\u6301\u6307\u646F\u652F\u65E8\u667A\u679D\u67B3\u6B62\u6C60\u6C9A\u6F2C\u77E5\u7825\u7949\u7957\u7D19\u80A2\u8102\u81F3\u829D\u82B7\u8718\u8A8C\uF9FC\u8D04\u8DBE\u9072\u76F4\u7A19\u7A37\u7E54\u8077\u5507\u55D4\u5875\u632F\u6422\u6649\u664B\u686D\u699B\u6B84\u6D25\u6EB1\u73CD\u7468\u74A1\u755B\u75B9\u76E1\u771E\u778B\u79E6\u7E09\u7E1D\u81FB\u852F\u8897\u8A3A\u8CD1\u8EEB\u8FB0\u9032\u93AD\u9663\u9673\u9707\u4F84\u53F1\u59EA\u5AC9\u5E19\u684E\u74C6\u75BE\u79E9\u7A92\u81A3\u86ED\u8CEA\u8DCC\u8FED\u659F\u6715\uF9FD\u57F7\u6F57\u7DDD\u8F2F"], + ["f3a1", "\u93F6\u96C6\u5FB5\u61F2\u6F84\u4E14\u4F98\u501F\u53C9\u55DF\u5D6F\u5DEE\u6B21\u6B64\u78CB\u7B9A\uF9FE\u8E49\u8ECA\u906E\u6349\u643E\u7740\u7A84\u932F\u947F\u9F6A\u64B0\u6FAF\u71E6\u74A8\u74DA\u7AC4\u7C12\u7E82\u7CB2\u7E98\u8B9A\u8D0A\u947D\u9910\u994C\u5239\u5BDF\u64E6\u672D\u7D2E\u50ED\u53C3\u5879\u6158\u6159\u61FA\u65AC\u7AD9\u8B92\u8B96\u5009\u5021\u5275\u5531\u5A3C\u5EE0\u5F70\u6134\u655E\u660C\u6636\u66A2\u69CD\u6EC4\u6F32\u7316\u7621\u7A93\u8139\u8259\u83D6\u84BC\u50B5\u57F0\u5BC0\u5BE8\u5F69\u63A1\u7826\u7DB5\u83DC\u8521\u91C7\u91F5\u518A\u67F5\u7B56"], + ["f4a1", "\u8CAC\u51C4\u59BB\u60BD\u8655\u501C\uF9FF\u5254\u5C3A\u617D\u621A\u62D3\u64F2\u65A5\u6ECC\u7620\u810A\u8E60\u965F\u96BB\u4EDF\u5343\u5598\u5929\u5DDD\u64C5\u6CC9\u6DFA\u7394\u7A7F\u821B\u85A6\u8CE4\u8E10\u9077\u91E7\u95E1\u9621\u97C6\u51F8\u54F2\u5586\u5FB9\u64A4\u6F88\u7DB4\u8F1F\u8F4D\u9435\u50C9\u5C16\u6CBE\u6DFB\u751B\u77BB\u7C3D\u7C64\u8A79\u8AC2\u581E\u59BE\u5E16\u6377\u7252\u758A\u776B\u8ADC\u8CBC\u8F12\u5EF3\u6674\u6DF8\u807D\u83C1\u8ACB\u9751\u9BD6\uFA00\u5243\u66FF\u6D95\u6EEF\u7DE0\u8AE6\u902E\u905E\u9AD4\u521D\u527F\u54E8\u6194\u6284\u62DB\u68A2"], + ["f5a1", "\u6912\u695A\u6A35\u7092\u7126\u785D\u7901\u790E\u79D2\u7A0D\u8096\u8278\u82D5\u8349\u8549\u8C82\u8D85\u9162\u918B\u91AE\u4FC3\u56D1\u71ED\u77D7\u8700\u89F8\u5BF8\u5FD6\u6751\u90A8\u53E2\u585A\u5BF5\u60A4\u6181\u6460\u7E3D\u8070\u8525\u9283\u64AE\u50AC\u5D14\u6700\u589C\u62BD\u63A8\u690E\u6978\u6A1E\u6E6B\u76BA\u79CB\u82BB\u8429\u8ACF\u8DA8\u8FFD\u9112\u914B\u919C\u9310\u9318\u939A\u96DB\u9A36\u9C0D\u4E11\u755C\u795D\u7AFA\u7B51\u7BC9\u7E2E\u84C4\u8E59\u8E74\u8EF8\u9010\u6625\u693F\u7443\u51FA\u672E\u9EDC\u5145\u5FE0\u6C96\u87F2\u885D\u8877\u60B4\u81B5\u8403"], + ["f6a1", "\u8D05\u53D6\u5439\u5634\u5A36\u5C31\u708A\u7FE0\u805A\u8106\u81ED\u8DA3\u9189\u9A5F\u9DF2\u5074\u4EC4\u53A0\u60FB\u6E2C\u5C64\u4F88\u5024\u55E4\u5CD9\u5E5F\u6065\u6894\u6CBB\u6DC4\u71BE\u75D4\u75F4\u7661\u7A1A\u7A49\u7DC7\u7DFB\u7F6E\u81F4\u86A9\u8F1C\u96C9\u99B3\u9F52\u5247\u52C5\u98ED\u89AA\u4E03\u67D2\u6F06\u4FB5\u5BE2\u6795\u6C88\u6D78\u741B\u7827\u91DD\u937C\u87C4\u79E4\u7A31\u5FEB\u4ED6\u54A4\u553E\u58AE\u59A5\u60F0\u6253\u62D6\u6736\u6955\u8235\u9640\u99B1\u99DD\u502C\u5353\u5544\u577C\uFA01\u6258\uFA02\u64E2\u666B\u67DD\u6FC1\u6FEF\u7422\u7438\u8A17"], + ["f7a1", "\u9438\u5451\u5606\u5766\u5F48\u619A\u6B4E\u7058\u70AD\u7DBB\u8A95\u596A\u812B\u63A2\u7708\u803D\u8CAA\u5854\u642D\u69BB\u5B95\u5E11\u6E6F\uFA03\u8569\u514C\u53F0\u592A\u6020\u614B\u6B86\u6C70\u6CF0\u7B1E\u80CE\u82D4\u8DC6\u90B0\u98B1\uFA04\u64C7\u6FA4\u6491\u6504\u514E\u5410\u571F\u8A0E\u615F\u6876\uFA05\u75DB\u7B52\u7D71\u901A\u5806\u69CC\u817F\u892A\u9000\u9839\u5078\u5957\u59AC\u6295\u900F\u9B2A\u615D\u7279\u95D6\u5761\u5A46\u5DF4\u628A\u64AD\u64FA\u6777\u6CE2\u6D3E\u722C\u7436\u7834\u7F77\u82AD\u8DDB\u9817\u5224\u5742\u677F\u7248\u74E3\u8CA9\u8FA6\u9211"], + ["f8a1", "\u962A\u516B\u53ED\u634C\u4F69\u5504\u6096\u6557\u6C9B\u6D7F\u724C\u72FD\u7A17\u8987\u8C9D\u5F6D\u6F8E\u70F9\u81A8\u610E\u4FBF\u504F\u6241\u7247\u7BC7\u7DE8\u7FE9\u904D\u97AD\u9A19\u8CB6\u576A\u5E73\u67B0\u840D\u8A55\u5420\u5B16\u5E63\u5EE2\u5F0A\u6583\u80BA\u853D\u9589\u965B\u4F48\u5305\u530D\u530F\u5486\u54FA\u5703\u5E03\u6016\u629B\u62B1\u6355\uFA06\u6CE1\u6D66\u75B1\u7832\u80DE\u812F\u82DE\u8461\u84B2\u888D\u8912\u900B\u92EA\u98FD\u9B91\u5E45\u66B4\u66DD\u7011\u7206\uFA07\u4FF5\u527D\u5F6A\u6153\u6753\u6A19\u6F02\u74E2\u7968\u8868\u8C79\u98C7\u98C4\u9A43"], + ["f9a1", "\u54C1\u7A1F\u6953\u8AF7\u8C4A\u98A8\u99AE\u5F7C\u62AB\u75B2\u76AE\u88AB\u907F\u9642\u5339\u5F3C\u5FC5\u6CCC\u73CC\u7562\u758B\u7B46\u82FE\u999D\u4E4F\u903C\u4E0B\u4F55\u53A6\u590F\u5EC8\u6630\u6CB3\u7455\u8377\u8766\u8CC0\u9050\u971E\u9C15\u58D1\u5B78\u8650\u8B14\u9DB4\u5BD2\u6068\u608D\u65F1\u6C57\u6F22\u6FA3\u701A\u7F55\u7FF0\u9591\u9592\u9650\u97D3\u5272\u8F44\u51FD\u542B\u54B8\u5563\u558A\u6ABB\u6DB5\u7DD8\u8266\u929C\u9677\u9E79\u5408\u54C8\u76D2\u86E4\u95A4\u95D4\u965C\u4EA2\u4F09\u59EE\u5AE6\u5DF7\u6052\u6297\u676D\u6841\u6C86\u6E2F\u7F38\u809B\u822A"], + ["faa1", "\uFA08\uFA09\u9805\u4EA5\u5055\u54B3\u5793\u595A\u5B69\u5BB3\u61C8\u6977\u6D77\u7023\u87F9\u89E3\u8A72\u8AE7\u9082\u99ED\u9AB8\u52BE\u6838\u5016\u5E78\u674F\u8347\u884C\u4EAB\u5411\u56AE\u73E6\u9115\u97FF\u9909\u9957\u9999\u5653\u589F\u865B\u8A31\u61B2\u6AF6\u737B\u8ED2\u6B47\u96AA\u9A57\u5955\u7200\u8D6B\u9769\u4FD4\u5CF4\u5F26\u61F8\u665B\u6CEB\u70AB\u7384\u73B9\u73FE\u7729\u774D\u7D43\u7D62\u7E23\u8237\u8852\uFA0A\u8CE2\u9249\u986F\u5B51\u7A74\u8840\u9801\u5ACC\u4FE0\u5354\u593E\u5CFD\u633E\u6D79\u72F9\u8105\u8107\u83A2\u92CF\u9830\u4EA8\u5144\u5211\u578B"], + ["fba1", "\u5F62\u6CC2\u6ECE\u7005\u7050\u70AF\u7192\u73E9\u7469\u834A\u87A2\u8861\u9008\u90A2\u93A3\u99A8\u516E\u5F57\u60E0\u6167\u66B3\u8559\u8E4A\u91AF\u978B\u4E4E\u4E92\u547C\u58D5\u58FA\u597D\u5CB5\u5F27\u6236\u6248\u660A\u6667\u6BEB\u6D69\u6DCF\u6E56\u6EF8\u6F94\u6FE0\u6FE9\u705D\u72D0\u7425\u745A\u74E0\u7693\u795C\u7CCA\u7E1E\u80E1\u82A6\u846B\u84BF\u864E\u865F\u8774\u8B77\u8C6A\u93AC\u9800\u9865\u60D1\u6216\u9177\u5A5A\u660F\u6DF7\u6E3E\u743F\u9B42\u5FFD\u60DA\u7B0F\u54C4\u5F18\u6C5E\u6CD3\u6D2A\u70D8\u7D05\u8679\u8A0C\u9D3B\u5316\u548C\u5B05\u6A3A\u706B\u7575"], + ["fca1", "\u798D\u79BE\u82B1\u83EF\u8A71\u8B41\u8CA8\u9774\uFA0B\u64F4\u652B\u78BA\u78BB\u7A6B\u4E38\u559A\u5950\u5BA6\u5E7B\u60A3\u63DB\u6B61\u6665\u6853\u6E19\u7165\u74B0\u7D08\u9084\u9A69\u9C25\u6D3B\u6ED1\u733E\u8C41\u95CA\u51F0\u5E4C\u5FA8\u604D\u60F6\u6130\u614C\u6643\u6644\u69A5\u6CC1\u6E5F\u6EC9\u6F62\u714C\u749C\u7687\u7BC1\u7C27\u8352\u8757\u9051\u968D\u9EC3\u532F\u56DE\u5EFB\u5F8A\u6062\u6094\u61F7\u6666\u6703\u6A9C\u6DEE\u6FAE\u7070\u736A\u7E6A\u81BE\u8334\u86D4\u8AA8\u8CC4\u5283\u7372\u5B96\u6A6B\u9404\u54EE\u5686\u5B5D\u6548\u6585\u66C9\u689F\u6D8D\u6DC6"], + ["fda1", "\u723B\u80B4\u9175\u9A4D\u4FAF\u5019\u539A\u540E\u543C\u5589\u55C5\u5E3F\u5F8C\u673D\u7166\u73DD\u9005\u52DB\u52F3\u5864\u58CE\u7104\u718F\u71FB\u85B0\u8A13\u6688\u85A8\u55A7\u6684\u714A\u8431\u5349\u5599\u6BC1\u5F59\u5FBD\u63EE\u6689\u7147\u8AF1\u8F1D\u9EBE\u4F11\u643A\u70CB\u7566\u8667\u6064\u8B4E\u9DF8\u5147\u51F6\u5308\u6D36\u80F8\u9ED1\u6615\u6B23\u7098\u75D5\u5403\u5C79\u7D07\u8A16\u6B20\u6B3D\u6B46\u5438\u6070\u6D3D\u7FD5\u8208\u50D6\u51DE\u559C\u566B\u56CD\u59EC\u5B09\u5E0C\u6199\u6198\u6231\u665E\u66E6\u7199\u71B9\u71BA\u72A7\u79A7\u7A00\u7FB2\u8A70"] + ]; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/encoding/node_modules/iconv-lite/encodings/tables/cp950.json +var require_cp950 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/encoding/node_modules/iconv-lite/encodings/tables/cp950.json"(exports, module2) { + module2.exports = [ + ["0", "\0", 127], + ["a140", "\u3000\uFF0C\u3001\u3002\uFF0E\u2027\uFF1B\uFF1A\uFF1F\uFF01\uFE30\u2026\u2025\uFE50\uFE51\uFE52\xB7\uFE54\uFE55\uFE56\uFE57\uFF5C\u2013\uFE31\u2014\uFE33\u2574\uFE34\uFE4F\uFF08\uFF09\uFE35\uFE36\uFF5B\uFF5D\uFE37\uFE38\u3014\u3015\uFE39\uFE3A\u3010\u3011\uFE3B\uFE3C\u300A\u300B\uFE3D\uFE3E\u3008\u3009\uFE3F\uFE40\u300C\u300D\uFE41\uFE42\u300E\u300F\uFE43\uFE44\uFE59\uFE5A"], + ["a1a1", "\uFE5B\uFE5C\uFE5D\uFE5E\u2018\u2019\u201C\u201D\u301D\u301E\u2035\u2032\uFF03\uFF06\uFF0A\u203B\xA7\u3003\u25CB\u25CF\u25B3\u25B2\u25CE\u2606\u2605\u25C7\u25C6\u25A1\u25A0\u25BD\u25BC\u32A3\u2105\xAF\uFFE3\uFF3F\u02CD\uFE49\uFE4A\uFE4D\uFE4E\uFE4B\uFE4C\uFE5F\uFE60\uFE61\uFF0B\uFF0D\xD7\xF7\xB1\u221A\uFF1C\uFF1E\uFF1D\u2266\u2267\u2260\u221E\u2252\u2261\uFE62", 4, "\uFF5E\u2229\u222A\u22A5\u2220\u221F\u22BF\u33D2\u33D1\u222B\u222E\u2235\u2234\u2640\u2642\u2295\u2299\u2191\u2193\u2190\u2192\u2196\u2197\u2199\u2198\u2225\u2223\uFF0F"], + ["a240", "\uFF3C\u2215\uFE68\uFF04\uFFE5\u3012\uFFE0\uFFE1\uFF05\uFF20\u2103\u2109\uFE69\uFE6A\uFE6B\u33D5\u339C\u339D\u339E\u33CE\u33A1\u338E\u338F\u33C4\xB0\u5159\u515B\u515E\u515D\u5161\u5163\u55E7\u74E9\u7CCE\u2581", 7, "\u258F\u258E\u258D\u258C\u258B\u258A\u2589\u253C\u2534\u252C\u2524\u251C\u2594\u2500\u2502\u2595\u250C\u2510\u2514\u2518\u256D"], + ["a2a1", "\u256E\u2570\u256F\u2550\u255E\u256A\u2561\u25E2\u25E3\u25E5\u25E4\u2571\u2572\u2573\uFF10", 9, "\u2160", 9, "\u3021", 8, "\u5341\u5344\u5345\uFF21", 25, "\uFF41", 21], + ["a340", "\uFF57\uFF58\uFF59\uFF5A\u0391", 16, "\u03A3", 6, "\u03B1", 16, "\u03C3", 6, "\u3105", 10], + ["a3a1", "\u3110", 25, "\u02D9\u02C9\u02CA\u02C7\u02CB"], + ["a3e1", "\u20AC"], + ["a440", "\u4E00\u4E59\u4E01\u4E03\u4E43\u4E5D\u4E86\u4E8C\u4EBA\u513F\u5165\u516B\u51E0\u5200\u5201\u529B\u5315\u5341\u535C\u53C8\u4E09\u4E0B\u4E08\u4E0A\u4E2B\u4E38\u51E1\u4E45\u4E48\u4E5F\u4E5E\u4E8E\u4EA1\u5140\u5203\u52FA\u5343\u53C9\u53E3\u571F\u58EB\u5915\u5927\u5973\u5B50\u5B51\u5B53\u5BF8\u5C0F\u5C22\u5C38\u5C71\u5DDD\u5DE5\u5DF1\u5DF2\u5DF3\u5DFE\u5E72\u5EFE\u5F0B\u5F13\u624D"], + ["a4a1", "\u4E11\u4E10\u4E0D\u4E2D\u4E30\u4E39\u4E4B\u5C39\u4E88\u4E91\u4E95\u4E92\u4E94\u4EA2\u4EC1\u4EC0\u4EC3\u4EC6\u4EC7\u4ECD\u4ECA\u4ECB\u4EC4\u5143\u5141\u5167\u516D\u516E\u516C\u5197\u51F6\u5206\u5207\u5208\u52FB\u52FE\u52FF\u5316\u5339\u5348\u5347\u5345\u535E\u5384\u53CB\u53CA\u53CD\u58EC\u5929\u592B\u592A\u592D\u5B54\u5C11\u5C24\u5C3A\u5C6F\u5DF4\u5E7B\u5EFF\u5F14\u5F15\u5FC3\u6208\u6236\u624B\u624E\u652F\u6587\u6597\u65A4\u65B9\u65E5\u66F0\u6708\u6728\u6B20\u6B62\u6B79\u6BCB\u6BD4\u6BDB\u6C0F\u6C34\u706B\u722A\u7236\u723B\u7247\u7259\u725B\u72AC\u738B\u4E19"], + ["a540", "\u4E16\u4E15\u4E14\u4E18\u4E3B\u4E4D\u4E4F\u4E4E\u4EE5\u4ED8\u4ED4\u4ED5\u4ED6\u4ED7\u4EE3\u4EE4\u4ED9\u4EDE\u5145\u5144\u5189\u518A\u51AC\u51F9\u51FA\u51F8\u520A\u52A0\u529F\u5305\u5306\u5317\u531D\u4EDF\u534A\u5349\u5361\u5360\u536F\u536E\u53BB\u53EF\u53E4\u53F3\u53EC\u53EE\u53E9\u53E8\u53FC\u53F8\u53F5\u53EB\u53E6\u53EA\u53F2\u53F1\u53F0\u53E5\u53ED\u53FB\u56DB\u56DA\u5916"], + ["a5a1", "\u592E\u5931\u5974\u5976\u5B55\u5B83\u5C3C\u5DE8\u5DE7\u5DE6\u5E02\u5E03\u5E73\u5E7C\u5F01\u5F18\u5F17\u5FC5\u620A\u6253\u6254\u6252\u6251\u65A5\u65E6\u672E\u672C\u672A\u672B\u672D\u6B63\u6BCD\u6C11\u6C10\u6C38\u6C41\u6C40\u6C3E\u72AF\u7384\u7389\u74DC\u74E6\u7518\u751F\u7528\u7529\u7530\u7531\u7532\u7533\u758B\u767D\u76AE\u76BF\u76EE\u77DB\u77E2\u77F3\u793A\u79BE\u7A74\u7ACB\u4E1E\u4E1F\u4E52\u4E53\u4E69\u4E99\u4EA4\u4EA6\u4EA5\u4EFF\u4F09\u4F19\u4F0A\u4F15\u4F0D\u4F10\u4F11\u4F0F\u4EF2\u4EF6\u4EFB\u4EF0\u4EF3\u4EFD\u4F01\u4F0B\u5149\u5147\u5146\u5148\u5168"], + ["a640", "\u5171\u518D\u51B0\u5217\u5211\u5212\u520E\u5216\u52A3\u5308\u5321\u5320\u5370\u5371\u5409\u540F\u540C\u540A\u5410\u5401\u540B\u5404\u5411\u540D\u5408\u5403\u540E\u5406\u5412\u56E0\u56DE\u56DD\u5733\u5730\u5728\u572D\u572C\u572F\u5729\u5919\u591A\u5937\u5938\u5984\u5978\u5983\u597D\u5979\u5982\u5981\u5B57\u5B58\u5B87\u5B88\u5B85\u5B89\u5BFA\u5C16\u5C79\u5DDE\u5E06\u5E76\u5E74"], + ["a6a1", "\u5F0F\u5F1B\u5FD9\u5FD6\u620E\u620C\u620D\u6210\u6263\u625B\u6258\u6536\u65E9\u65E8\u65EC\u65ED\u66F2\u66F3\u6709\u673D\u6734\u6731\u6735\u6B21\u6B64\u6B7B\u6C16\u6C5D\u6C57\u6C59\u6C5F\u6C60\u6C50\u6C55\u6C61\u6C5B\u6C4D\u6C4E\u7070\u725F\u725D\u767E\u7AF9\u7C73\u7CF8\u7F36\u7F8A\u7FBD\u8001\u8003\u800C\u8012\u8033\u807F\u8089\u808B\u808C\u81E3\u81EA\u81F3\u81FC\u820C\u821B\u821F\u826E\u8272\u827E\u866B\u8840\u884C\u8863\u897F\u9621\u4E32\u4EA8\u4F4D\u4F4F\u4F47\u4F57\u4F5E\u4F34\u4F5B\u4F55\u4F30\u4F50\u4F51\u4F3D\u4F3A\u4F38\u4F43\u4F54\u4F3C\u4F46\u4F63"], + ["a740", "\u4F5C\u4F60\u4F2F\u4F4E\u4F36\u4F59\u4F5D\u4F48\u4F5A\u514C\u514B\u514D\u5175\u51B6\u51B7\u5225\u5224\u5229\u522A\u5228\u52AB\u52A9\u52AA\u52AC\u5323\u5373\u5375\u541D\u542D\u541E\u543E\u5426\u544E\u5427\u5446\u5443\u5433\u5448\u5442\u541B\u5429\u544A\u5439\u543B\u5438\u542E\u5435\u5436\u5420\u543C\u5440\u5431\u542B\u541F\u542C\u56EA\u56F0\u56E4\u56EB\u574A\u5751\u5740\u574D"], + ["a7a1", "\u5747\u574E\u573E\u5750\u574F\u573B\u58EF\u593E\u599D\u5992\u59A8\u599E\u59A3\u5999\u5996\u598D\u59A4\u5993\u598A\u59A5\u5B5D\u5B5C\u5B5A\u5B5B\u5B8C\u5B8B\u5B8F\u5C2C\u5C40\u5C41\u5C3F\u5C3E\u5C90\u5C91\u5C94\u5C8C\u5DEB\u5E0C\u5E8F\u5E87\u5E8A\u5EF7\u5F04\u5F1F\u5F64\u5F62\u5F77\u5F79\u5FD8\u5FCC\u5FD7\u5FCD\u5FF1\u5FEB\u5FF8\u5FEA\u6212\u6211\u6284\u6297\u6296\u6280\u6276\u6289\u626D\u628A\u627C\u627E\u6279\u6273\u6292\u626F\u6298\u626E\u6295\u6293\u6291\u6286\u6539\u653B\u6538\u65F1\u66F4\u675F\u674E\u674F\u6750\u6751\u675C\u6756\u675E\u6749\u6746\u6760"], + ["a840", "\u6753\u6757\u6B65\u6BCF\u6C42\u6C5E\u6C99\u6C81\u6C88\u6C89\u6C85\u6C9B\u6C6A\u6C7A\u6C90\u6C70\u6C8C\u6C68\u6C96\u6C92\u6C7D\u6C83\u6C72\u6C7E\u6C74\u6C86\u6C76\u6C8D\u6C94\u6C98\u6C82\u7076\u707C\u707D\u7078\u7262\u7261\u7260\u72C4\u72C2\u7396\u752C\u752B\u7537\u7538\u7682\u76EF\u77E3\u79C1\u79C0\u79BF\u7A76\u7CFB\u7F55\u8096\u8093\u809D\u8098\u809B\u809A\u80B2\u826F\u8292"], + ["a8a1", "\u828B\u828D\u898B\u89D2\u8A00\u8C37\u8C46\u8C55\u8C9D\u8D64\u8D70\u8DB3\u8EAB\u8ECA\u8F9B\u8FB0\u8FC2\u8FC6\u8FC5\u8FC4\u5DE1\u9091\u90A2\u90AA\u90A6\u90A3\u9149\u91C6\u91CC\u9632\u962E\u9631\u962A\u962C\u4E26\u4E56\u4E73\u4E8B\u4E9B\u4E9E\u4EAB\u4EAC\u4F6F\u4F9D\u4F8D\u4F73\u4F7F\u4F6C\u4F9B\u4F8B\u4F86\u4F83\u4F70\u4F75\u4F88\u4F69\u4F7B\u4F96\u4F7E\u4F8F\u4F91\u4F7A\u5154\u5152\u5155\u5169\u5177\u5176\u5178\u51BD\u51FD\u523B\u5238\u5237\u523A\u5230\u522E\u5236\u5241\u52BE\u52BB\u5352\u5354\u5353\u5351\u5366\u5377\u5378\u5379\u53D6\u53D4\u53D7\u5473\u5475"], + ["a940", "\u5496\u5478\u5495\u5480\u547B\u5477\u5484\u5492\u5486\u547C\u5490\u5471\u5476\u548C\u549A\u5462\u5468\u548B\u547D\u548E\u56FA\u5783\u5777\u576A\u5769\u5761\u5766\u5764\u577C\u591C\u5949\u5947\u5948\u5944\u5954\u59BE\u59BB\u59D4\u59B9\u59AE\u59D1\u59C6\u59D0\u59CD\u59CB\u59D3\u59CA\u59AF\u59B3\u59D2\u59C5\u5B5F\u5B64\u5B63\u5B97\u5B9A\u5B98\u5B9C\u5B99\u5B9B\u5C1A\u5C48\u5C45"], + ["a9a1", "\u5C46\u5CB7\u5CA1\u5CB8\u5CA9\u5CAB\u5CB1\u5CB3\u5E18\u5E1A\u5E16\u5E15\u5E1B\u5E11\u5E78\u5E9A\u5E97\u5E9C\u5E95\u5E96\u5EF6\u5F26\u5F27\u5F29\u5F80\u5F81\u5F7F\u5F7C\u5FDD\u5FE0\u5FFD\u5FF5\u5FFF\u600F\u6014\u602F\u6035\u6016\u602A\u6015\u6021\u6027\u6029\u602B\u601B\u6216\u6215\u623F\u623E\u6240\u627F\u62C9\u62CC\u62C4\u62BF\u62C2\u62B9\u62D2\u62DB\u62AB\u62D3\u62D4\u62CB\u62C8\u62A8\u62BD\u62BC\u62D0\u62D9\u62C7\u62CD\u62B5\u62DA\u62B1\u62D8\u62D6\u62D7\u62C6\u62AC\u62CE\u653E\u65A7\u65BC\u65FA\u6614\u6613\u660C\u6606\u6602\u660E\u6600\u660F\u6615\u660A"], + ["aa40", "\u6607\u670D\u670B\u676D\u678B\u6795\u6771\u679C\u6773\u6777\u6787\u679D\u6797\u676F\u6770\u677F\u6789\u677E\u6790\u6775\u679A\u6793\u677C\u676A\u6772\u6B23\u6B66\u6B67\u6B7F\u6C13\u6C1B\u6CE3\u6CE8\u6CF3\u6CB1\u6CCC\u6CE5\u6CB3\u6CBD\u6CBE\u6CBC\u6CE2\u6CAB\u6CD5\u6CD3\u6CB8\u6CC4\u6CB9\u6CC1\u6CAE\u6CD7\u6CC5\u6CF1\u6CBF\u6CBB\u6CE1\u6CDB\u6CCA\u6CAC\u6CEF\u6CDC\u6CD6\u6CE0"], + ["aaa1", "\u7095\u708E\u7092\u708A\u7099\u722C\u722D\u7238\u7248\u7267\u7269\u72C0\u72CE\u72D9\u72D7\u72D0\u73A9\u73A8\u739F\u73AB\u73A5\u753D\u759D\u7599\u759A\u7684\u76C2\u76F2\u76F4\u77E5\u77FD\u793E\u7940\u7941\u79C9\u79C8\u7A7A\u7A79\u7AFA\u7CFE\u7F54\u7F8C\u7F8B\u8005\u80BA\u80A5\u80A2\u80B1\u80A1\u80AB\u80A9\u80B4\u80AA\u80AF\u81E5\u81FE\u820D\u82B3\u829D\u8299\u82AD\u82BD\u829F\u82B9\u82B1\u82AC\u82A5\u82AF\u82B8\u82A3\u82B0\u82BE\u82B7\u864E\u8671\u521D\u8868\u8ECB\u8FCE\u8FD4\u8FD1\u90B5\u90B8\u90B1\u90B6\u91C7\u91D1\u9577\u9580\u961C\u9640\u963F\u963B\u9644"], + ["ab40", "\u9642\u96B9\u96E8\u9752\u975E\u4E9F\u4EAD\u4EAE\u4FE1\u4FB5\u4FAF\u4FBF\u4FE0\u4FD1\u4FCF\u4FDD\u4FC3\u4FB6\u4FD8\u4FDF\u4FCA\u4FD7\u4FAE\u4FD0\u4FC4\u4FC2\u4FDA\u4FCE\u4FDE\u4FB7\u5157\u5192\u5191\u51A0\u524E\u5243\u524A\u524D\u524C\u524B\u5247\u52C7\u52C9\u52C3\u52C1\u530D\u5357\u537B\u539A\u53DB\u54AC\u54C0\u54A8\u54CE\u54C9\u54B8\u54A6\u54B3\u54C7\u54C2\u54BD\u54AA\u54C1"], + ["aba1", "\u54C4\u54C8\u54AF\u54AB\u54B1\u54BB\u54A9\u54A7\u54BF\u56FF\u5782\u578B\u57A0\u57A3\u57A2\u57CE\u57AE\u5793\u5955\u5951\u594F\u594E\u5950\u59DC\u59D8\u59FF\u59E3\u59E8\u5A03\u59E5\u59EA\u59DA\u59E6\u5A01\u59FB\u5B69\u5BA3\u5BA6\u5BA4\u5BA2\u5BA5\u5C01\u5C4E\u5C4F\u5C4D\u5C4B\u5CD9\u5CD2\u5DF7\u5E1D\u5E25\u5E1F\u5E7D\u5EA0\u5EA6\u5EFA\u5F08\u5F2D\u5F65\u5F88\u5F85\u5F8A\u5F8B\u5F87\u5F8C\u5F89\u6012\u601D\u6020\u6025\u600E\u6028\u604D\u6070\u6068\u6062\u6046\u6043\u606C\u606B\u606A\u6064\u6241\u62DC\u6316\u6309\u62FC\u62ED\u6301\u62EE\u62FD\u6307\u62F1\u62F7"], + ["ac40", "\u62EF\u62EC\u62FE\u62F4\u6311\u6302\u653F\u6545\u65AB\u65BD\u65E2\u6625\u662D\u6620\u6627\u662F\u661F\u6628\u6631\u6624\u66F7\u67FF\u67D3\u67F1\u67D4\u67D0\u67EC\u67B6\u67AF\u67F5\u67E9\u67EF\u67C4\u67D1\u67B4\u67DA\u67E5\u67B8\u67CF\u67DE\u67F3\u67B0\u67D9\u67E2\u67DD\u67D2\u6B6A\u6B83\u6B86\u6BB5\u6BD2\u6BD7\u6C1F\u6CC9\u6D0B\u6D32\u6D2A\u6D41\u6D25\u6D0C\u6D31\u6D1E\u6D17"], + ["aca1", "\u6D3B\u6D3D\u6D3E\u6D36\u6D1B\u6CF5\u6D39\u6D27\u6D38\u6D29\u6D2E\u6D35\u6D0E\u6D2B\u70AB\u70BA\u70B3\u70AC\u70AF\u70AD\u70B8\u70AE\u70A4\u7230\u7272\u726F\u7274\u72E9\u72E0\u72E1\u73B7\u73CA\u73BB\u73B2\u73CD\u73C0\u73B3\u751A\u752D\u754F\u754C\u754E\u754B\u75AB\u75A4\u75A5\u75A2\u75A3\u7678\u7686\u7687\u7688\u76C8\u76C6\u76C3\u76C5\u7701\u76F9\u76F8\u7709\u770B\u76FE\u76FC\u7707\u77DC\u7802\u7814\u780C\u780D\u7946\u7949\u7948\u7947\u79B9\u79BA\u79D1\u79D2\u79CB\u7A7F\u7A81\u7AFF\u7AFD\u7C7D\u7D02\u7D05\u7D00\u7D09\u7D07\u7D04\u7D06\u7F38\u7F8E\u7FBF\u8004"], + ["ad40", "\u8010\u800D\u8011\u8036\u80D6\u80E5\u80DA\u80C3\u80C4\u80CC\u80E1\u80DB\u80CE\u80DE\u80E4\u80DD\u81F4\u8222\u82E7\u8303\u8305\u82E3\u82DB\u82E6\u8304\u82E5\u8302\u8309\u82D2\u82D7\u82F1\u8301\u82DC\u82D4\u82D1\u82DE\u82D3\u82DF\u82EF\u8306\u8650\u8679\u867B\u867A\u884D\u886B\u8981\u89D4\u8A08\u8A02\u8A03\u8C9E\u8CA0\u8D74\u8D73\u8DB4\u8ECD\u8ECC\u8FF0\u8FE6\u8FE2\u8FEA\u8FE5"], + ["ada1", "\u8FED\u8FEB\u8FE4\u8FE8\u90CA\u90CE\u90C1\u90C3\u914B\u914A\u91CD\u9582\u9650\u964B\u964C\u964D\u9762\u9769\u97CB\u97ED\u97F3\u9801\u98A8\u98DB\u98DF\u9996\u9999\u4E58\u4EB3\u500C\u500D\u5023\u4FEF\u5026\u5025\u4FF8\u5029\u5016\u5006\u503C\u501F\u501A\u5012\u5011\u4FFA\u5000\u5014\u5028\u4FF1\u5021\u500B\u5019\u5018\u4FF3\u4FEE\u502D\u502A\u4FFE\u502B\u5009\u517C\u51A4\u51A5\u51A2\u51CD\u51CC\u51C6\u51CB\u5256\u525C\u5254\u525B\u525D\u532A\u537F\u539F\u539D\u53DF\u54E8\u5510\u5501\u5537\u54FC\u54E5\u54F2\u5506\u54FA\u5514\u54E9\u54ED\u54E1\u5509\u54EE\u54EA"], + ["ae40", "\u54E6\u5527\u5507\u54FD\u550F\u5703\u5704\u57C2\u57D4\u57CB\u57C3\u5809\u590F\u5957\u5958\u595A\u5A11\u5A18\u5A1C\u5A1F\u5A1B\u5A13\u59EC\u5A20\u5A23\u5A29\u5A25\u5A0C\u5A09\u5B6B\u5C58\u5BB0\u5BB3\u5BB6\u5BB4\u5BAE\u5BB5\u5BB9\u5BB8\u5C04\u5C51\u5C55\u5C50\u5CED\u5CFD\u5CFB\u5CEA\u5CE8\u5CF0\u5CF6\u5D01\u5CF4\u5DEE\u5E2D\u5E2B\u5EAB\u5EAD\u5EA7\u5F31\u5F92\u5F91\u5F90\u6059"], + ["aea1", "\u6063\u6065\u6050\u6055\u606D\u6069\u606F\u6084\u609F\u609A\u608D\u6094\u608C\u6085\u6096\u6247\u62F3\u6308\u62FF\u634E\u633E\u632F\u6355\u6342\u6346\u634F\u6349\u633A\u6350\u633D\u632A\u632B\u6328\u634D\u634C\u6548\u6549\u6599\u65C1\u65C5\u6642\u6649\u664F\u6643\u6652\u664C\u6645\u6641\u66F8\u6714\u6715\u6717\u6821\u6838\u6848\u6846\u6853\u6839\u6842\u6854\u6829\u68B3\u6817\u684C\u6851\u683D\u67F4\u6850\u6840\u683C\u6843\u682A\u6845\u6813\u6818\u6841\u6B8A\u6B89\u6BB7\u6C23\u6C27\u6C28\u6C26\u6C24\u6CF0\u6D6A\u6D95\u6D88\u6D87\u6D66\u6D78\u6D77\u6D59\u6D93"], + ["af40", "\u6D6C\u6D89\u6D6E\u6D5A\u6D74\u6D69\u6D8C\u6D8A\u6D79\u6D85\u6D65\u6D94\u70CA\u70D8\u70E4\u70D9\u70C8\u70CF\u7239\u7279\u72FC\u72F9\u72FD\u72F8\u72F7\u7386\u73ED\u7409\u73EE\u73E0\u73EA\u73DE\u7554\u755D\u755C\u755A\u7559\u75BE\u75C5\u75C7\u75B2\u75B3\u75BD\u75BC\u75B9\u75C2\u75B8\u768B\u76B0\u76CA\u76CD\u76CE\u7729\u771F\u7720\u7728\u77E9\u7830\u7827\u7838\u781D\u7834\u7837"], + ["afa1", "\u7825\u782D\u7820\u781F\u7832\u7955\u7950\u7960\u795F\u7956\u795E\u795D\u7957\u795A\u79E4\u79E3\u79E7\u79DF\u79E6\u79E9\u79D8\u7A84\u7A88\u7AD9\u7B06\u7B11\u7C89\u7D21\u7D17\u7D0B\u7D0A\u7D20\u7D22\u7D14\u7D10\u7D15\u7D1A\u7D1C\u7D0D\u7D19\u7D1B\u7F3A\u7F5F\u7F94\u7FC5\u7FC1\u8006\u8018\u8015\u8019\u8017\u803D\u803F\u80F1\u8102\u80F0\u8105\u80ED\u80F4\u8106\u80F8\u80F3\u8108\u80FD\u810A\u80FC\u80EF\u81ED\u81EC\u8200\u8210\u822A\u822B\u8228\u822C\u82BB\u832B\u8352\u8354\u834A\u8338\u8350\u8349\u8335\u8334\u834F\u8332\u8339\u8336\u8317\u8340\u8331\u8328\u8343"], + ["b040", "\u8654\u868A\u86AA\u8693\u86A4\u86A9\u868C\u86A3\u869C\u8870\u8877\u8881\u8882\u887D\u8879\u8A18\u8A10\u8A0E\u8A0C\u8A15\u8A0A\u8A17\u8A13\u8A16\u8A0F\u8A11\u8C48\u8C7A\u8C79\u8CA1\u8CA2\u8D77\u8EAC\u8ED2\u8ED4\u8ECF\u8FB1\u9001\u9006\u8FF7\u9000\u8FFA\u8FF4\u9003\u8FFD\u9005\u8FF8\u9095\u90E1\u90DD\u90E2\u9152\u914D\u914C\u91D8\u91DD\u91D7\u91DC\u91D9\u9583\u9662\u9663\u9661"], + ["b0a1", "\u965B\u965D\u9664\u9658\u965E\u96BB\u98E2\u99AC\u9AA8\u9AD8\u9B25\u9B32\u9B3C\u4E7E\u507A\u507D\u505C\u5047\u5043\u504C\u505A\u5049\u5065\u5076\u504E\u5055\u5075\u5074\u5077\u504F\u500F\u506F\u506D\u515C\u5195\u51F0\u526A\u526F\u52D2\u52D9\u52D8\u52D5\u5310\u530F\u5319\u533F\u5340\u533E\u53C3\u66FC\u5546\u556A\u5566\u5544\u555E\u5561\u5543\u554A\u5531\u5556\u554F\u5555\u552F\u5564\u5538\u552E\u555C\u552C\u5563\u5533\u5541\u5557\u5708\u570B\u5709\u57DF\u5805\u580A\u5806\u57E0\u57E4\u57FA\u5802\u5835\u57F7\u57F9\u5920\u5962\u5A36\u5A41\u5A49\u5A66\u5A6A\u5A40"], + ["b140", "\u5A3C\u5A62\u5A5A\u5A46\u5A4A\u5B70\u5BC7\u5BC5\u5BC4\u5BC2\u5BBF\u5BC6\u5C09\u5C08\u5C07\u5C60\u5C5C\u5C5D\u5D07\u5D06\u5D0E\u5D1B\u5D16\u5D22\u5D11\u5D29\u5D14\u5D19\u5D24\u5D27\u5D17\u5DE2\u5E38\u5E36\u5E33\u5E37\u5EB7\u5EB8\u5EB6\u5EB5\u5EBE\u5F35\u5F37\u5F57\u5F6C\u5F69\u5F6B\u5F97\u5F99\u5F9E\u5F98\u5FA1\u5FA0\u5F9C\u607F\u60A3\u6089\u60A0\u60A8\u60CB\u60B4\u60E6\u60BD"], + ["b1a1", "\u60C5\u60BB\u60B5\u60DC\u60BC\u60D8\u60D5\u60C6\u60DF\u60B8\u60DA\u60C7\u621A\u621B\u6248\u63A0\u63A7\u6372\u6396\u63A2\u63A5\u6377\u6367\u6398\u63AA\u6371\u63A9\u6389\u6383\u639B\u636B\u63A8\u6384\u6388\u6399\u63A1\u63AC\u6392\u638F\u6380\u637B\u6369\u6368\u637A\u655D\u6556\u6551\u6559\u6557\u555F\u654F\u6558\u6555\u6554\u659C\u659B\u65AC\u65CF\u65CB\u65CC\u65CE\u665D\u665A\u6664\u6668\u6666\u665E\u66F9\u52D7\u671B\u6881\u68AF\u68A2\u6893\u68B5\u687F\u6876\u68B1\u68A7\u6897\u68B0\u6883\u68C4\u68AD\u6886\u6885\u6894\u689D\u68A8\u689F\u68A1\u6882\u6B32\u6BBA"], + ["b240", "\u6BEB\u6BEC\u6C2B\u6D8E\u6DBC\u6DF3\u6DD9\u6DB2\u6DE1\u6DCC\u6DE4\u6DFB\u6DFA\u6E05\u6DC7\u6DCB\u6DAF\u6DD1\u6DAE\u6DDE\u6DF9\u6DB8\u6DF7\u6DF5\u6DC5\u6DD2\u6E1A\u6DB5\u6DDA\u6DEB\u6DD8\u6DEA\u6DF1\u6DEE\u6DE8\u6DC6\u6DC4\u6DAA\u6DEC\u6DBF\u6DE6\u70F9\u7109\u710A\u70FD\u70EF\u723D\u727D\u7281\u731C\u731B\u7316\u7313\u7319\u7387\u7405\u740A\u7403\u7406\u73FE\u740D\u74E0\u74F6"], + ["b2a1", "\u74F7\u751C\u7522\u7565\u7566\u7562\u7570\u758F\u75D4\u75D5\u75B5\u75CA\u75CD\u768E\u76D4\u76D2\u76DB\u7737\u773E\u773C\u7736\u7738\u773A\u786B\u7843\u784E\u7965\u7968\u796D\u79FB\u7A92\u7A95\u7B20\u7B28\u7B1B\u7B2C\u7B26\u7B19\u7B1E\u7B2E\u7C92\u7C97\u7C95\u7D46\u7D43\u7D71\u7D2E\u7D39\u7D3C\u7D40\u7D30\u7D33\u7D44\u7D2F\u7D42\u7D32\u7D31\u7F3D\u7F9E\u7F9A\u7FCC\u7FCE\u7FD2\u801C\u804A\u8046\u812F\u8116\u8123\u812B\u8129\u8130\u8124\u8202\u8235\u8237\u8236\u8239\u838E\u839E\u8398\u8378\u83A2\u8396\u83BD\u83AB\u8392\u838A\u8393\u8389\u83A0\u8377\u837B\u837C"], + ["b340", "\u8386\u83A7\u8655\u5F6A\u86C7\u86C0\u86B6\u86C4\u86B5\u86C6\u86CB\u86B1\u86AF\u86C9\u8853\u889E\u8888\u88AB\u8892\u8896\u888D\u888B\u8993\u898F\u8A2A\u8A1D\u8A23\u8A25\u8A31\u8A2D\u8A1F\u8A1B\u8A22\u8C49\u8C5A\u8CA9\u8CAC\u8CAB\u8CA8\u8CAA\u8CA7\u8D67\u8D66\u8DBE\u8DBA\u8EDB\u8EDF\u9019\u900D\u901A\u9017\u9023\u901F\u901D\u9010\u9015\u901E\u9020\u900F\u9022\u9016\u901B\u9014"], + ["b3a1", "\u90E8\u90ED\u90FD\u9157\u91CE\u91F5\u91E6\u91E3\u91E7\u91ED\u91E9\u9589\u966A\u9675\u9673\u9678\u9670\u9674\u9676\u9677\u966C\u96C0\u96EA\u96E9\u7AE0\u7ADF\u9802\u9803\u9B5A\u9CE5\u9E75\u9E7F\u9EA5\u9EBB\u50A2\u508D\u5085\u5099\u5091\u5080\u5096\u5098\u509A\u6700\u51F1\u5272\u5274\u5275\u5269\u52DE\u52DD\u52DB\u535A\u53A5\u557B\u5580\u55A7\u557C\u558A\u559D\u5598\u5582\u559C\u55AA\u5594\u5587\u558B\u5583\u55B3\u55AE\u559F\u553E\u55B2\u559A\u55BB\u55AC\u55B1\u557E\u5589\u55AB\u5599\u570D\u582F\u582A\u5834\u5824\u5830\u5831\u5821\u581D\u5820\u58F9\u58FA\u5960"], + ["b440", "\u5A77\u5A9A\u5A7F\u5A92\u5A9B\u5AA7\u5B73\u5B71\u5BD2\u5BCC\u5BD3\u5BD0\u5C0A\u5C0B\u5C31\u5D4C\u5D50\u5D34\u5D47\u5DFD\u5E45\u5E3D\u5E40\u5E43\u5E7E\u5ECA\u5EC1\u5EC2\u5EC4\u5F3C\u5F6D\u5FA9\u5FAA\u5FA8\u60D1\u60E1\u60B2\u60B6\u60E0\u611C\u6123\u60FA\u6115\u60F0\u60FB\u60F4\u6168\u60F1\u610E\u60F6\u6109\u6100\u6112\u621F\u6249\u63A3\u638C\u63CF\u63C0\u63E9\u63C9\u63C6\u63CD"], + ["b4a1", "\u63D2\u63E3\u63D0\u63E1\u63D6\u63ED\u63EE\u6376\u63F4\u63EA\u63DB\u6452\u63DA\u63F9\u655E\u6566\u6562\u6563\u6591\u6590\u65AF\u666E\u6670\u6674\u6676\u666F\u6691\u667A\u667E\u6677\u66FE\u66FF\u671F\u671D\u68FA\u68D5\u68E0\u68D8\u68D7\u6905\u68DF\u68F5\u68EE\u68E7\u68F9\u68D2\u68F2\u68E3\u68CB\u68CD\u690D\u6912\u690E\u68C9\u68DA\u696E\u68FB\u6B3E\u6B3A\u6B3D\u6B98\u6B96\u6BBC\u6BEF\u6C2E\u6C2F\u6C2C\u6E2F\u6E38\u6E54\u6E21\u6E32\u6E67\u6E4A\u6E20\u6E25\u6E23\u6E1B\u6E5B\u6E58\u6E24\u6E56\u6E6E\u6E2D\u6E26\u6E6F\u6E34\u6E4D\u6E3A\u6E2C\u6E43\u6E1D\u6E3E\u6ECB"], + ["b540", "\u6E89\u6E19\u6E4E\u6E63\u6E44\u6E72\u6E69\u6E5F\u7119\u711A\u7126\u7130\u7121\u7136\u716E\u711C\u724C\u7284\u7280\u7336\u7325\u7334\u7329\u743A\u742A\u7433\u7422\u7425\u7435\u7436\u7434\u742F\u741B\u7426\u7428\u7525\u7526\u756B\u756A\u75E2\u75DB\u75E3\u75D9\u75D8\u75DE\u75E0\u767B\u767C\u7696\u7693\u76B4\u76DC\u774F\u77ED\u785D\u786C\u786F\u7A0D\u7A08\u7A0B\u7A05\u7A00\u7A98"], + ["b5a1", "\u7A97\u7A96\u7AE5\u7AE3\u7B49\u7B56\u7B46\u7B50\u7B52\u7B54\u7B4D\u7B4B\u7B4F\u7B51\u7C9F\u7CA5\u7D5E\u7D50\u7D68\u7D55\u7D2B\u7D6E\u7D72\u7D61\u7D66\u7D62\u7D70\u7D73\u5584\u7FD4\u7FD5\u800B\u8052\u8085\u8155\u8154\u814B\u8151\u814E\u8139\u8146\u813E\u814C\u8153\u8174\u8212\u821C\u83E9\u8403\u83F8\u840D\u83E0\u83C5\u840B\u83C1\u83EF\u83F1\u83F4\u8457\u840A\u83F0\u840C\u83CC\u83FD\u83F2\u83CA\u8438\u840E\u8404\u83DC\u8407\u83D4\u83DF\u865B\u86DF\u86D9\u86ED\u86D4\u86DB\u86E4\u86D0\u86DE\u8857\u88C1\u88C2\u88B1\u8983\u8996\u8A3B\u8A60\u8A55\u8A5E\u8A3C\u8A41"], + ["b640", "\u8A54\u8A5B\u8A50\u8A46\u8A34\u8A3A\u8A36\u8A56\u8C61\u8C82\u8CAF\u8CBC\u8CB3\u8CBD\u8CC1\u8CBB\u8CC0\u8CB4\u8CB7\u8CB6\u8CBF\u8CB8\u8D8A\u8D85\u8D81\u8DCE\u8DDD\u8DCB\u8DDA\u8DD1\u8DCC\u8DDB\u8DC6\u8EFB\u8EF8\u8EFC\u8F9C\u902E\u9035\u9031\u9038\u9032\u9036\u9102\u90F5\u9109\u90FE\u9163\u9165\u91CF\u9214\u9215\u9223\u9209\u921E\u920D\u9210\u9207\u9211\u9594\u958F\u958B\u9591"], + ["b6a1", "\u9593\u9592\u958E\u968A\u968E\u968B\u967D\u9685\u9686\u968D\u9672\u9684\u96C1\u96C5\u96C4\u96C6\u96C7\u96EF\u96F2\u97CC\u9805\u9806\u9808\u98E7\u98EA\u98EF\u98E9\u98F2\u98ED\u99AE\u99AD\u9EC3\u9ECD\u9ED1\u4E82\u50AD\u50B5\u50B2\u50B3\u50C5\u50BE\u50AC\u50B7\u50BB\u50AF\u50C7\u527F\u5277\u527D\u52DF\u52E6\u52E4\u52E2\u52E3\u532F\u55DF\u55E8\u55D3\u55E6\u55CE\u55DC\u55C7\u55D1\u55E3\u55E4\u55EF\u55DA\u55E1\u55C5\u55C6\u55E5\u55C9\u5712\u5713\u585E\u5851\u5858\u5857\u585A\u5854\u586B\u584C\u586D\u584A\u5862\u5852\u584B\u5967\u5AC1\u5AC9\u5ACC\u5ABE\u5ABD\u5ABC"], + ["b740", "\u5AB3\u5AC2\u5AB2\u5D69\u5D6F\u5E4C\u5E79\u5EC9\u5EC8\u5F12\u5F59\u5FAC\u5FAE\u611A\u610F\u6148\u611F\u60F3\u611B\u60F9\u6101\u6108\u614E\u614C\u6144\u614D\u613E\u6134\u6127\u610D\u6106\u6137\u6221\u6222\u6413\u643E\u641E\u642A\u642D\u643D\u642C\u640F\u641C\u6414\u640D\u6436\u6416\u6417\u6406\u656C\u659F\u65B0\u6697\u6689\u6687\u6688\u6696\u6684\u6698\u668D\u6703\u6994\u696D"], + ["b7a1", "\u695A\u6977\u6960\u6954\u6975\u6930\u6982\u694A\u6968\u696B\u695E\u6953\u6979\u6986\u695D\u6963\u695B\u6B47\u6B72\u6BC0\u6BBF\u6BD3\u6BFD\u6EA2\u6EAF\u6ED3\u6EB6\u6EC2\u6E90\u6E9D\u6EC7\u6EC5\u6EA5\u6E98\u6EBC\u6EBA\u6EAB\u6ED1\u6E96\u6E9C\u6EC4\u6ED4\u6EAA\u6EA7\u6EB4\u714E\u7159\u7169\u7164\u7149\u7167\u715C\u716C\u7166\u714C\u7165\u715E\u7146\u7168\u7156\u723A\u7252\u7337\u7345\u733F\u733E\u746F\u745A\u7455\u745F\u745E\u7441\u743F\u7459\u745B\u745C\u7576\u7578\u7600\u75F0\u7601\u75F2\u75F1\u75FA\u75FF\u75F4\u75F3\u76DE\u76DF\u775B\u776B\u7766\u775E\u7763"], + ["b840", "\u7779\u776A\u776C\u775C\u7765\u7768\u7762\u77EE\u788E\u78B0\u7897\u7898\u788C\u7889\u787C\u7891\u7893\u787F\u797A\u797F\u7981\u842C\u79BD\u7A1C\u7A1A\u7A20\u7A14\u7A1F\u7A1E\u7A9F\u7AA0\u7B77\u7BC0\u7B60\u7B6E\u7B67\u7CB1\u7CB3\u7CB5\u7D93\u7D79\u7D91\u7D81\u7D8F\u7D5B\u7F6E\u7F69\u7F6A\u7F72\u7FA9\u7FA8\u7FA4\u8056\u8058\u8086\u8084\u8171\u8170\u8178\u8165\u816E\u8173\u816B"], + ["b8a1", "\u8179\u817A\u8166\u8205\u8247\u8482\u8477\u843D\u8431\u8475\u8466\u846B\u8449\u846C\u845B\u843C\u8435\u8461\u8463\u8469\u846D\u8446\u865E\u865C\u865F\u86F9\u8713\u8708\u8707\u8700\u86FE\u86FB\u8702\u8703\u8706\u870A\u8859\u88DF\u88D4\u88D9\u88DC\u88D8\u88DD\u88E1\u88CA\u88D5\u88D2\u899C\u89E3\u8A6B\u8A72\u8A73\u8A66\u8A69\u8A70\u8A87\u8A7C\u8A63\u8AA0\u8A71\u8A85\u8A6D\u8A62\u8A6E\u8A6C\u8A79\u8A7B\u8A3E\u8A68\u8C62\u8C8A\u8C89\u8CCA\u8CC7\u8CC8\u8CC4\u8CB2\u8CC3\u8CC2\u8CC5\u8DE1\u8DDF\u8DE8\u8DEF\u8DF3\u8DFA\u8DEA\u8DE4\u8DE6\u8EB2\u8F03\u8F09\u8EFE\u8F0A"], + ["b940", "\u8F9F\u8FB2\u904B\u904A\u9053\u9042\u9054\u903C\u9055\u9050\u9047\u904F\u904E\u904D\u9051\u903E\u9041\u9112\u9117\u916C\u916A\u9169\u91C9\u9237\u9257\u9238\u923D\u9240\u923E\u925B\u924B\u9264\u9251\u9234\u9249\u924D\u9245\u9239\u923F\u925A\u9598\u9698\u9694\u9695\u96CD\u96CB\u96C9\u96CA\u96F7\u96FB\u96F9\u96F6\u9756\u9774\u9776\u9810\u9811\u9813\u980A\u9812\u980C\u98FC\u98F4"], + ["b9a1", "\u98FD\u98FE\u99B3\u99B1\u99B4\u9AE1\u9CE9\u9E82\u9F0E\u9F13\u9F20\u50E7\u50EE\u50E5\u50D6\u50ED\u50DA\u50D5\u50CF\u50D1\u50F1\u50CE\u50E9\u5162\u51F3\u5283\u5282\u5331\u53AD\u55FE\u5600\u561B\u5617\u55FD\u5614\u5606\u5609\u560D\u560E\u55F7\u5616\u561F\u5608\u5610\u55F6\u5718\u5716\u5875\u587E\u5883\u5893\u588A\u5879\u5885\u587D\u58FD\u5925\u5922\u5924\u596A\u5969\u5AE1\u5AE6\u5AE9\u5AD7\u5AD6\u5AD8\u5AE3\u5B75\u5BDE\u5BE7\u5BE1\u5BE5\u5BE6\u5BE8\u5BE2\u5BE4\u5BDF\u5C0D\u5C62\u5D84\u5D87\u5E5B\u5E63\u5E55\u5E57\u5E54\u5ED3\u5ED6\u5F0A\u5F46\u5F70\u5FB9\u6147"], + ["ba40", "\u613F\u614B\u6177\u6162\u6163\u615F\u615A\u6158\u6175\u622A\u6487\u6458\u6454\u64A4\u6478\u645F\u647A\u6451\u6467\u6434\u646D\u647B\u6572\u65A1\u65D7\u65D6\u66A2\u66A8\u669D\u699C\u69A8\u6995\u69C1\u69AE\u69D3\u69CB\u699B\u69B7\u69BB\u69AB\u69B4\u69D0\u69CD\u69AD\u69CC\u69A6\u69C3\u69A3\u6B49\u6B4C\u6C33\u6F33\u6F14\u6EFE\u6F13\u6EF4\u6F29\u6F3E\u6F20\u6F2C\u6F0F\u6F02\u6F22"], + ["baa1", "\u6EFF\u6EEF\u6F06\u6F31\u6F38\u6F32\u6F23\u6F15\u6F2B\u6F2F\u6F88\u6F2A\u6EEC\u6F01\u6EF2\u6ECC\u6EF7\u7194\u7199\u717D\u718A\u7184\u7192\u723E\u7292\u7296\u7344\u7350\u7464\u7463\u746A\u7470\u746D\u7504\u7591\u7627\u760D\u760B\u7609\u7613\u76E1\u76E3\u7784\u777D\u777F\u7761\u78C1\u789F\u78A7\u78B3\u78A9\u78A3\u798E\u798F\u798D\u7A2E\u7A31\u7AAA\u7AA9\u7AED\u7AEF\u7BA1\u7B95\u7B8B\u7B75\u7B97\u7B9D\u7B94\u7B8F\u7BB8\u7B87\u7B84\u7CB9\u7CBD\u7CBE\u7DBB\u7DB0\u7D9C\u7DBD\u7DBE\u7DA0\u7DCA\u7DB4\u7DB2\u7DB1\u7DBA\u7DA2\u7DBF\u7DB5\u7DB8\u7DAD\u7DD2\u7DC7\u7DAC"], + ["bb40", "\u7F70\u7FE0\u7FE1\u7FDF\u805E\u805A\u8087\u8150\u8180\u818F\u8188\u818A\u817F\u8182\u81E7\u81FA\u8207\u8214\u821E\u824B\u84C9\u84BF\u84C6\u84C4\u8499\u849E\u84B2\u849C\u84CB\u84B8\u84C0\u84D3\u8490\u84BC\u84D1\u84CA\u873F\u871C\u873B\u8722\u8725\u8734\u8718\u8755\u8737\u8729\u88F3\u8902\u88F4\u88F9\u88F8\u88FD\u88E8\u891A\u88EF\u8AA6\u8A8C\u8A9E\u8AA3\u8A8D\u8AA1\u8A93\u8AA4"], + ["bba1", "\u8AAA\u8AA5\u8AA8\u8A98\u8A91\u8A9A\u8AA7\u8C6A\u8C8D\u8C8C\u8CD3\u8CD1\u8CD2\u8D6B\u8D99\u8D95\u8DFC\u8F14\u8F12\u8F15\u8F13\u8FA3\u9060\u9058\u905C\u9063\u9059\u905E\u9062\u905D\u905B\u9119\u9118\u911E\u9175\u9178\u9177\u9174\u9278\u9280\u9285\u9298\u9296\u927B\u9293\u929C\u92A8\u927C\u9291\u95A1\u95A8\u95A9\u95A3\u95A5\u95A4\u9699\u969C\u969B\u96CC\u96D2\u9700\u977C\u9785\u97F6\u9817\u9818\u98AF\u98B1\u9903\u9905\u990C\u9909\u99C1\u9AAF\u9AB0\u9AE6\u9B41\u9B42\u9CF4\u9CF6\u9CF3\u9EBC\u9F3B\u9F4A\u5104\u5100\u50FB\u50F5\u50F9\u5102\u5108\u5109\u5105\u51DC"], + ["bc40", "\u5287\u5288\u5289\u528D\u528A\u52F0\u53B2\u562E\u563B\u5639\u5632\u563F\u5634\u5629\u5653\u564E\u5657\u5674\u5636\u562F\u5630\u5880\u589F\u589E\u58B3\u589C\u58AE\u58A9\u58A6\u596D\u5B09\u5AFB\u5B0B\u5AF5\u5B0C\u5B08\u5BEE\u5BEC\u5BE9\u5BEB\u5C64\u5C65\u5D9D\u5D94\u5E62\u5E5F\u5E61\u5EE2\u5EDA\u5EDF\u5EDD\u5EE3\u5EE0\u5F48\u5F71\u5FB7\u5FB5\u6176\u6167\u616E\u615D\u6155\u6182"], + ["bca1", "\u617C\u6170\u616B\u617E\u61A7\u6190\u61AB\u618E\u61AC\u619A\u61A4\u6194\u61AE\u622E\u6469\u646F\u6479\u649E\u64B2\u6488\u6490\u64B0\u64A5\u6493\u6495\u64A9\u6492\u64AE\u64AD\u64AB\u649A\u64AC\u6499\u64A2\u64B3\u6575\u6577\u6578\u66AE\u66AB\u66B4\u66B1\u6A23\u6A1F\u69E8\u6A01\u6A1E\u6A19\u69FD\u6A21\u6A13\u6A0A\u69F3\u6A02\u6A05\u69ED\u6A11\u6B50\u6B4E\u6BA4\u6BC5\u6BC6\u6F3F\u6F7C\u6F84\u6F51\u6F66\u6F54\u6F86\u6F6D\u6F5B\u6F78\u6F6E\u6F8E\u6F7A\u6F70\u6F64\u6F97\u6F58\u6ED5\u6F6F\u6F60\u6F5F\u719F\u71AC\u71B1\u71A8\u7256\u729B\u734E\u7357\u7469\u748B\u7483"], + ["bd40", "\u747E\u7480\u757F\u7620\u7629\u761F\u7624\u7626\u7621\u7622\u769A\u76BA\u76E4\u778E\u7787\u778C\u7791\u778B\u78CB\u78C5\u78BA\u78CA\u78BE\u78D5\u78BC\u78D0\u7A3F\u7A3C\u7A40\u7A3D\u7A37\u7A3B\u7AAF\u7AAE\u7BAD\u7BB1\u7BC4\u7BB4\u7BC6\u7BC7\u7BC1\u7BA0\u7BCC\u7CCA\u7DE0\u7DF4\u7DEF\u7DFB\u7DD8\u7DEC\u7DDD\u7DE8\u7DE3\u7DDA\u7DDE\u7DE9\u7D9E\u7DD9\u7DF2\u7DF9\u7F75\u7F77\u7FAF"], + ["bda1", "\u7FE9\u8026\u819B\u819C\u819D\u81A0\u819A\u8198\u8517\u853D\u851A\u84EE\u852C\u852D\u8513\u8511\u8523\u8521\u8514\u84EC\u8525\u84FF\u8506\u8782\u8774\u8776\u8760\u8766\u8778\u8768\u8759\u8757\u874C\u8753\u885B\u885D\u8910\u8907\u8912\u8913\u8915\u890A\u8ABC\u8AD2\u8AC7\u8AC4\u8A95\u8ACB\u8AF8\u8AB2\u8AC9\u8AC2\u8ABF\u8AB0\u8AD6\u8ACD\u8AB6\u8AB9\u8ADB\u8C4C\u8C4E\u8C6C\u8CE0\u8CDE\u8CE6\u8CE4\u8CEC\u8CED\u8CE2\u8CE3\u8CDC\u8CEA\u8CE1\u8D6D\u8D9F\u8DA3\u8E2B\u8E10\u8E1D\u8E22\u8E0F\u8E29\u8E1F\u8E21\u8E1E\u8EBA\u8F1D\u8F1B\u8F1F\u8F29\u8F26\u8F2A\u8F1C\u8F1E"], + ["be40", "\u8F25\u9069\u906E\u9068\u906D\u9077\u9130\u912D\u9127\u9131\u9187\u9189\u918B\u9183\u92C5\u92BB\u92B7\u92EA\u92AC\u92E4\u92C1\u92B3\u92BC\u92D2\u92C7\u92F0\u92B2\u95AD\u95B1\u9704\u9706\u9707\u9709\u9760\u978D\u978B\u978F\u9821\u982B\u981C\u98B3\u990A\u9913\u9912\u9918\u99DD\u99D0\u99DF\u99DB\u99D1\u99D5\u99D2\u99D9\u9AB7\u9AEE\u9AEF\u9B27\u9B45\u9B44\u9B77\u9B6F\u9D06\u9D09"], + ["bea1", "\u9D03\u9EA9\u9EBE\u9ECE\u58A8\u9F52\u5112\u5118\u5114\u5110\u5115\u5180\u51AA\u51DD\u5291\u5293\u52F3\u5659\u566B\u5679\u5669\u5664\u5678\u566A\u5668\u5665\u5671\u566F\u566C\u5662\u5676\u58C1\u58BE\u58C7\u58C5\u596E\u5B1D\u5B34\u5B78\u5BF0\u5C0E\u5F4A\u61B2\u6191\u61A9\u618A\u61CD\u61B6\u61BE\u61CA\u61C8\u6230\u64C5\u64C1\u64CB\u64BB\u64BC\u64DA\u64C4\u64C7\u64C2\u64CD\u64BF\u64D2\u64D4\u64BE\u6574\u66C6\u66C9\u66B9\u66C4\u66C7\u66B8\u6A3D\u6A38\u6A3A\u6A59\u6A6B\u6A58\u6A39\u6A44\u6A62\u6A61\u6A4B\u6A47\u6A35\u6A5F\u6A48\u6B59\u6B77\u6C05\u6FC2\u6FB1\u6FA1"], + ["bf40", "\u6FC3\u6FA4\u6FC1\u6FA7\u6FB3\u6FC0\u6FB9\u6FB6\u6FA6\u6FA0\u6FB4\u71BE\u71C9\u71D0\u71D2\u71C8\u71D5\u71B9\u71CE\u71D9\u71DC\u71C3\u71C4\u7368\u749C\u74A3\u7498\u749F\u749E\u74E2\u750C\u750D\u7634\u7638\u763A\u76E7\u76E5\u77A0\u779E\u779F\u77A5\u78E8\u78DA\u78EC\u78E7\u79A6\u7A4D\u7A4E\u7A46\u7A4C\u7A4B\u7ABA\u7BD9\u7C11\u7BC9\u7BE4\u7BDB\u7BE1\u7BE9\u7BE6\u7CD5\u7CD6\u7E0A"], + ["bfa1", "\u7E11\u7E08\u7E1B\u7E23\u7E1E\u7E1D\u7E09\u7E10\u7F79\u7FB2\u7FF0\u7FF1\u7FEE\u8028\u81B3\u81A9\u81A8\u81FB\u8208\u8258\u8259\u854A\u8559\u8548\u8568\u8569\u8543\u8549\u856D\u856A\u855E\u8783\u879F\u879E\u87A2\u878D\u8861\u892A\u8932\u8925\u892B\u8921\u89AA\u89A6\u8AE6\u8AFA\u8AEB\u8AF1\u8B00\u8ADC\u8AE7\u8AEE\u8AFE\u8B01\u8B02\u8AF7\u8AED\u8AF3\u8AF6\u8AFC\u8C6B\u8C6D\u8C93\u8CF4\u8E44\u8E31\u8E34\u8E42\u8E39\u8E35\u8F3B\u8F2F\u8F38\u8F33\u8FA8\u8FA6\u9075\u9074\u9078\u9072\u907C\u907A\u9134\u9192\u9320\u9336\u92F8\u9333\u932F\u9322\u92FC\u932B\u9304\u931A"], + ["c040", "\u9310\u9326\u9321\u9315\u932E\u9319\u95BB\u96A7\u96A8\u96AA\u96D5\u970E\u9711\u9716\u970D\u9713\u970F\u975B\u975C\u9766\u9798\u9830\u9838\u983B\u9837\u982D\u9839\u9824\u9910\u9928\u991E\u991B\u9921\u991A\u99ED\u99E2\u99F1\u9AB8\u9ABC\u9AFB\u9AED\u9B28\u9B91\u9D15\u9D23\u9D26\u9D28\u9D12\u9D1B\u9ED8\u9ED4\u9F8D\u9F9C\u512A\u511F\u5121\u5132\u52F5\u568E\u5680\u5690\u5685\u5687"], + ["c0a1", "\u568F\u58D5\u58D3\u58D1\u58CE\u5B30\u5B2A\u5B24\u5B7A\u5C37\u5C68\u5DBC\u5DBA\u5DBD\u5DB8\u5E6B\u5F4C\u5FBD\u61C9\u61C2\u61C7\u61E6\u61CB\u6232\u6234\u64CE\u64CA\u64D8\u64E0\u64F0\u64E6\u64EC\u64F1\u64E2\u64ED\u6582\u6583\u66D9\u66D6\u6A80\u6A94\u6A84\u6AA2\u6A9C\u6ADB\u6AA3\u6A7E\u6A97\u6A90\u6AA0\u6B5C\u6BAE\u6BDA\u6C08\u6FD8\u6FF1\u6FDF\u6FE0\u6FDB\u6FE4\u6FEB\u6FEF\u6F80\u6FEC\u6FE1\u6FE9\u6FD5\u6FEE\u6FF0\u71E7\u71DF\u71EE\u71E6\u71E5\u71ED\u71EC\u71F4\u71E0\u7235\u7246\u7370\u7372\u74A9\u74B0\u74A6\u74A8\u7646\u7642\u764C\u76EA\u77B3\u77AA\u77B0\u77AC"], + ["c140", "\u77A7\u77AD\u77EF\u78F7\u78FA\u78F4\u78EF\u7901\u79A7\u79AA\u7A57\u7ABF\u7C07\u7C0D\u7BFE\u7BF7\u7C0C\u7BE0\u7CE0\u7CDC\u7CDE\u7CE2\u7CDF\u7CD9\u7CDD\u7E2E\u7E3E\u7E46\u7E37\u7E32\u7E43\u7E2B\u7E3D\u7E31\u7E45\u7E41\u7E34\u7E39\u7E48\u7E35\u7E3F\u7E2F\u7F44\u7FF3\u7FFC\u8071\u8072\u8070\u806F\u8073\u81C6\u81C3\u81BA\u81C2\u81C0\u81BF\u81BD\u81C9\u81BE\u81E8\u8209\u8271\u85AA"], + ["c1a1", "\u8584\u857E\u859C\u8591\u8594\u85AF\u859B\u8587\u85A8\u858A\u8667\u87C0\u87D1\u87B3\u87D2\u87C6\u87AB\u87BB\u87BA\u87C8\u87CB\u893B\u8936\u8944\u8938\u893D\u89AC\u8B0E\u8B17\u8B19\u8B1B\u8B0A\u8B20\u8B1D\u8B04\u8B10\u8C41\u8C3F\u8C73\u8CFA\u8CFD\u8CFC\u8CF8\u8CFB\u8DA8\u8E49\u8E4B\u8E48\u8E4A\u8F44\u8F3E\u8F42\u8F45\u8F3F\u907F\u907D\u9084\u9081\u9082\u9080\u9139\u91A3\u919E\u919C\u934D\u9382\u9328\u9375\u934A\u9365\u934B\u9318\u937E\u936C\u935B\u9370\u935A\u9354\u95CA\u95CB\u95CC\u95C8\u95C6\u96B1\u96B8\u96D6\u971C\u971E\u97A0\u97D3\u9846\u98B6\u9935\u9A01"], + ["c240", "\u99FF\u9BAE\u9BAB\u9BAA\u9BAD\u9D3B\u9D3F\u9E8B\u9ECF\u9EDE\u9EDC\u9EDD\u9EDB\u9F3E\u9F4B\u53E2\u5695\u56AE\u58D9\u58D8\u5B38\u5F5D\u61E3\u6233\u64F4\u64F2\u64FE\u6506\u64FA\u64FB\u64F7\u65B7\u66DC\u6726\u6AB3\u6AAC\u6AC3\u6ABB\u6AB8\u6AC2\u6AAE\u6AAF\u6B5F\u6B78\u6BAF\u7009\u700B\u6FFE\u7006\u6FFA\u7011\u700F\u71FB\u71FC\u71FE\u71F8\u7377\u7375\u74A7\u74BF\u7515\u7656\u7658"], + ["c2a1", "\u7652\u77BD\u77BF\u77BB\u77BC\u790E\u79AE\u7A61\u7A62\u7A60\u7AC4\u7AC5\u7C2B\u7C27\u7C2A\u7C1E\u7C23\u7C21\u7CE7\u7E54\u7E55\u7E5E\u7E5A\u7E61\u7E52\u7E59\u7F48\u7FF9\u7FFB\u8077\u8076\u81CD\u81CF\u820A\u85CF\u85A9\u85CD\u85D0\u85C9\u85B0\u85BA\u85B9\u85A6\u87EF\u87EC\u87F2\u87E0\u8986\u89B2\u89F4\u8B28\u8B39\u8B2C\u8B2B\u8C50\u8D05\u8E59\u8E63\u8E66\u8E64\u8E5F\u8E55\u8EC0\u8F49\u8F4D\u9087\u9083\u9088\u91AB\u91AC\u91D0\u9394\u938A\u9396\u93A2\u93B3\u93AE\u93AC\u93B0\u9398\u939A\u9397\u95D4\u95D6\u95D0\u95D5\u96E2\u96DC\u96D9\u96DB\u96DE\u9724\u97A3\u97A6"], + ["c340", "\u97AD\u97F9\u984D\u984F\u984C\u984E\u9853\u98BA\u993E\u993F\u993D\u992E\u99A5\u9A0E\u9AC1\u9B03\u9B06\u9B4F\u9B4E\u9B4D\u9BCA\u9BC9\u9BFD\u9BC8\u9BC0\u9D51\u9D5D\u9D60\u9EE0\u9F15\u9F2C\u5133\u56A5\u58DE\u58DF\u58E2\u5BF5\u9F90\u5EEC\u61F2\u61F7\u61F6\u61F5\u6500\u650F\u66E0\u66DD\u6AE5\u6ADD\u6ADA\u6AD3\u701B\u701F\u7028\u701A\u701D\u7015\u7018\u7206\u720D\u7258\u72A2\u7378"], + ["c3a1", "\u737A\u74BD\u74CA\u74E3\u7587\u7586\u765F\u7661\u77C7\u7919\u79B1\u7A6B\u7A69\u7C3E\u7C3F\u7C38\u7C3D\u7C37\u7C40\u7E6B\u7E6D\u7E79\u7E69\u7E6A\u7F85\u7E73\u7FB6\u7FB9\u7FB8\u81D8\u85E9\u85DD\u85EA\u85D5\u85E4\u85E5\u85F7\u87FB\u8805\u880D\u87F9\u87FE\u8960\u895F\u8956\u895E\u8B41\u8B5C\u8B58\u8B49\u8B5A\u8B4E\u8B4F\u8B46\u8B59\u8D08\u8D0A\u8E7C\u8E72\u8E87\u8E76\u8E6C\u8E7A\u8E74\u8F54\u8F4E\u8FAD\u908A\u908B\u91B1\u91AE\u93E1\u93D1\u93DF\u93C3\u93C8\u93DC\u93DD\u93D6\u93E2\u93CD\u93D8\u93E4\u93D7\u93E8\u95DC\u96B4\u96E3\u972A\u9727\u9761\u97DC\u97FB\u985E"], + ["c440", "\u9858\u985B\u98BC\u9945\u9949\u9A16\u9A19\u9B0D\u9BE8\u9BE7\u9BD6\u9BDB\u9D89\u9D61\u9D72\u9D6A\u9D6C\u9E92\u9E97\u9E93\u9EB4\u52F8\u56A8\u56B7\u56B6\u56B4\u56BC\u58E4\u5B40\u5B43\u5B7D\u5BF6\u5DC9\u61F8\u61FA\u6518\u6514\u6519\u66E6\u6727\u6AEC\u703E\u7030\u7032\u7210\u737B\u74CF\u7662\u7665\u7926\u792A\u792C\u792B\u7AC7\u7AF6\u7C4C\u7C43\u7C4D\u7CEF\u7CF0\u8FAE\u7E7D\u7E7C"], + ["c4a1", "\u7E82\u7F4C\u8000\u81DA\u8266\u85FB\u85F9\u8611\u85FA\u8606\u860B\u8607\u860A\u8814\u8815\u8964\u89BA\u89F8\u8B70\u8B6C\u8B66\u8B6F\u8B5F\u8B6B\u8D0F\u8D0D\u8E89\u8E81\u8E85\u8E82\u91B4\u91CB\u9418\u9403\u93FD\u95E1\u9730\u98C4\u9952\u9951\u99A8\u9A2B\u9A30\u9A37\u9A35\u9C13\u9C0D\u9E79\u9EB5\u9EE8\u9F2F\u9F5F\u9F63\u9F61\u5137\u5138\u56C1\u56C0\u56C2\u5914\u5C6C\u5DCD\u61FC\u61FE\u651D\u651C\u6595\u66E9\u6AFB\u6B04\u6AFA\u6BB2\u704C\u721B\u72A7\u74D6\u74D4\u7669\u77D3\u7C50\u7E8F\u7E8C\u7FBC\u8617\u862D\u861A\u8823\u8822\u8821\u881F\u896A\u896C\u89BD\u8B74"], + ["c540", "\u8B77\u8B7D\u8D13\u8E8A\u8E8D\u8E8B\u8F5F\u8FAF\u91BA\u942E\u9433\u9435\u943A\u9438\u9432\u942B\u95E2\u9738\u9739\u9732\u97FF\u9867\u9865\u9957\u9A45\u9A43\u9A40\u9A3E\u9ACF\u9B54\u9B51\u9C2D\u9C25\u9DAF\u9DB4\u9DC2\u9DB8\u9E9D\u9EEF\u9F19\u9F5C\u9F66\u9F67\u513C\u513B\u56C8\u56CA\u56C9\u5B7F\u5DD4\u5DD2\u5F4E\u61FF\u6524\u6B0A\u6B61\u7051\u7058\u7380\u74E4\u758A\u766E\u766C"], + ["c5a1", "\u79B3\u7C60\u7C5F\u807E\u807D\u81DF\u8972\u896F\u89FC\u8B80\u8D16\u8D17\u8E91\u8E93\u8F61\u9148\u9444\u9451\u9452\u973D\u973E\u97C3\u97C1\u986B\u9955\u9A55\u9A4D\u9AD2\u9B1A\u9C49\u9C31\u9C3E\u9C3B\u9DD3\u9DD7\u9F34\u9F6C\u9F6A\u9F94\u56CC\u5DD6\u6200\u6523\u652B\u652A\u66EC\u6B10\u74DA\u7ACA\u7C64\u7C63\u7C65\u7E93\u7E96\u7E94\u81E2\u8638\u863F\u8831\u8B8A\u9090\u908F\u9463\u9460\u9464\u9768\u986F\u995C\u9A5A\u9A5B\u9A57\u9AD3\u9AD4\u9AD1\u9C54\u9C57\u9C56\u9DE5\u9E9F\u9EF4\u56D1\u58E9\u652C\u705E\u7671\u7672\u77D7\u7F50\u7F88\u8836\u8839\u8862\u8B93\u8B92"], + ["c640", "\u8B96\u8277\u8D1B\u91C0\u946A\u9742\u9748\u9744\u97C6\u9870\u9A5F\u9B22\u9B58\u9C5F\u9DF9\u9DFA\u9E7C\u9E7D\u9F07\u9F77\u9F72\u5EF3\u6B16\u7063\u7C6C\u7C6E\u883B\u89C0\u8EA1\u91C1\u9472\u9470\u9871\u995E\u9AD6\u9B23\u9ECC\u7064\u77DA\u8B9A\u9477\u97C9\u9A62\u9A65\u7E9C\u8B9C\u8EAA\u91C5\u947D\u947E\u947C\u9C77\u9C78\u9EF7\u8C54\u947F\u9E1A\u7228\u9A6A\u9B31\u9E1B\u9E1E\u7C72"], + ["c940", "\u4E42\u4E5C\u51F5\u531A\u5382\u4E07\u4E0C\u4E47\u4E8D\u56D7\uFA0C\u5C6E\u5F73\u4E0F\u5187\u4E0E\u4E2E\u4E93\u4EC2\u4EC9\u4EC8\u5198\u52FC\u536C\u53B9\u5720\u5903\u592C\u5C10\u5DFF\u65E1\u6BB3\u6BCC\u6C14\u723F\u4E31\u4E3C\u4EE8\u4EDC\u4EE9\u4EE1\u4EDD\u4EDA\u520C\u531C\u534C\u5722\u5723\u5917\u592F\u5B81\u5B84\u5C12\u5C3B\u5C74\u5C73\u5E04\u5E80\u5E82\u5FC9\u6209\u6250\u6C15"], + ["c9a1", "\u6C36\u6C43\u6C3F\u6C3B\u72AE\u72B0\u738A\u79B8\u808A\u961E\u4F0E\u4F18\u4F2C\u4EF5\u4F14\u4EF1\u4F00\u4EF7\u4F08\u4F1D\u4F02\u4F05\u4F22\u4F13\u4F04\u4EF4\u4F12\u51B1\u5213\u5209\u5210\u52A6\u5322\u531F\u534D\u538A\u5407\u56E1\u56DF\u572E\u572A\u5734\u593C\u5980\u597C\u5985\u597B\u597E\u5977\u597F\u5B56\u5C15\u5C25\u5C7C\u5C7A\u5C7B\u5C7E\u5DDF\u5E75\u5E84\u5F02\u5F1A\u5F74\u5FD5\u5FD4\u5FCF\u625C\u625E\u6264\u6261\u6266\u6262\u6259\u6260\u625A\u6265\u65EF\u65EE\u673E\u6739\u6738\u673B\u673A\u673F\u673C\u6733\u6C18\u6C46\u6C52\u6C5C\u6C4F\u6C4A\u6C54\u6C4B"], + ["ca40", "\u6C4C\u7071\u725E\u72B4\u72B5\u738E\u752A\u767F\u7A75\u7F51\u8278\u827C\u8280\u827D\u827F\u864D\u897E\u9099\u9097\u9098\u909B\u9094\u9622\u9624\u9620\u9623\u4F56\u4F3B\u4F62\u4F49\u4F53\u4F64\u4F3E\u4F67\u4F52\u4F5F\u4F41\u4F58\u4F2D\u4F33\u4F3F\u4F61\u518F\u51B9\u521C\u521E\u5221\u52AD\u52AE\u5309\u5363\u5372\u538E\u538F\u5430\u5437\u542A\u5454\u5445\u5419\u541C\u5425\u5418"], + ["caa1", "\u543D\u544F\u5441\u5428\u5424\u5447\u56EE\u56E7\u56E5\u5741\u5745\u574C\u5749\u574B\u5752\u5906\u5940\u59A6\u5998\u59A0\u5997\u598E\u59A2\u5990\u598F\u59A7\u59A1\u5B8E\u5B92\u5C28\u5C2A\u5C8D\u5C8F\u5C88\u5C8B\u5C89\u5C92\u5C8A\u5C86\u5C93\u5C95\u5DE0\u5E0A\u5E0E\u5E8B\u5E89\u5E8C\u5E88\u5E8D\u5F05\u5F1D\u5F78\u5F76\u5FD2\u5FD1\u5FD0\u5FED\u5FE8\u5FEE\u5FF3\u5FE1\u5FE4\u5FE3\u5FFA\u5FEF\u5FF7\u5FFB\u6000\u5FF4\u623A\u6283\u628C\u628E\u628F\u6294\u6287\u6271\u627B\u627A\u6270\u6281\u6288\u6277\u627D\u6272\u6274\u6537\u65F0\u65F4\u65F3\u65F2\u65F5\u6745\u6747"], + ["cb40", "\u6759\u6755\u674C\u6748\u675D\u674D\u675A\u674B\u6BD0\u6C19\u6C1A\u6C78\u6C67\u6C6B\u6C84\u6C8B\u6C8F\u6C71\u6C6F\u6C69\u6C9A\u6C6D\u6C87\u6C95\u6C9C\u6C66\u6C73\u6C65\u6C7B\u6C8E\u7074\u707A\u7263\u72BF\u72BD\u72C3\u72C6\u72C1\u72BA\u72C5\u7395\u7397\u7393\u7394\u7392\u753A\u7539\u7594\u7595\u7681\u793D\u8034\u8095\u8099\u8090\u8092\u809C\u8290\u828F\u8285\u828E\u8291\u8293"], + ["cba1", "\u828A\u8283\u8284\u8C78\u8FC9\u8FBF\u909F\u90A1\u90A5\u909E\u90A7\u90A0\u9630\u9628\u962F\u962D\u4E33\u4F98\u4F7C\u4F85\u4F7D\u4F80\u4F87\u4F76\u4F74\u4F89\u4F84\u4F77\u4F4C\u4F97\u4F6A\u4F9A\u4F79\u4F81\u4F78\u4F90\u4F9C\u4F94\u4F9E\u4F92\u4F82\u4F95\u4F6B\u4F6E\u519E\u51BC\u51BE\u5235\u5232\u5233\u5246\u5231\u52BC\u530A\u530B\u533C\u5392\u5394\u5487\u547F\u5481\u5491\u5482\u5488\u546B\u547A\u547E\u5465\u546C\u5474\u5466\u548D\u546F\u5461\u5460\u5498\u5463\u5467\u5464\u56F7\u56F9\u576F\u5772\u576D\u576B\u5771\u5770\u5776\u5780\u5775\u577B\u5773\u5774\u5762"], + ["cc40", "\u5768\u577D\u590C\u5945\u59B5\u59BA\u59CF\u59CE\u59B2\u59CC\u59C1\u59B6\u59BC\u59C3\u59D6\u59B1\u59BD\u59C0\u59C8\u59B4\u59C7\u5B62\u5B65\u5B93\u5B95\u5C44\u5C47\u5CAE\u5CA4\u5CA0\u5CB5\u5CAF\u5CA8\u5CAC\u5C9F\u5CA3\u5CAD\u5CA2\u5CAA\u5CA7\u5C9D\u5CA5\u5CB6\u5CB0\u5CA6\u5E17\u5E14\u5E19\u5F28\u5F22\u5F23\u5F24\u5F54\u5F82\u5F7E\u5F7D\u5FDE\u5FE5\u602D\u6026\u6019\u6032\u600B"], + ["cca1", "\u6034\u600A\u6017\u6033\u601A\u601E\u602C\u6022\u600D\u6010\u602E\u6013\u6011\u600C\u6009\u601C\u6214\u623D\u62AD\u62B4\u62D1\u62BE\u62AA\u62B6\u62CA\u62AE\u62B3\u62AF\u62BB\u62A9\u62B0\u62B8\u653D\u65A8\u65BB\u6609\u65FC\u6604\u6612\u6608\u65FB\u6603\u660B\u660D\u6605\u65FD\u6611\u6610\u66F6\u670A\u6785\u676C\u678E\u6792\u6776\u677B\u6798\u6786\u6784\u6774\u678D\u678C\u677A\u679F\u6791\u6799\u6783\u677D\u6781\u6778\u6779\u6794\u6B25\u6B80\u6B7E\u6BDE\u6C1D\u6C93\u6CEC\u6CEB\u6CEE\u6CD9\u6CB6\u6CD4\u6CAD\u6CE7\u6CB7\u6CD0\u6CC2\u6CBA\u6CC3\u6CC6\u6CED\u6CF2"], + ["cd40", "\u6CD2\u6CDD\u6CB4\u6C8A\u6C9D\u6C80\u6CDE\u6CC0\u6D30\u6CCD\u6CC7\u6CB0\u6CF9\u6CCF\u6CE9\u6CD1\u7094\u7098\u7085\u7093\u7086\u7084\u7091\u7096\u7082\u709A\u7083\u726A\u72D6\u72CB\u72D8\u72C9\u72DC\u72D2\u72D4\u72DA\u72CC\u72D1\u73A4\u73A1\u73AD\u73A6\u73A2\u73A0\u73AC\u739D\u74DD\u74E8\u753F\u7540\u753E\u758C\u7598\u76AF\u76F3\u76F1\u76F0\u76F5\u77F8\u77FC\u77F9\u77FB\u77FA"], + ["cda1", "\u77F7\u7942\u793F\u79C5\u7A78\u7A7B\u7AFB\u7C75\u7CFD\u8035\u808F\u80AE\u80A3\u80B8\u80B5\u80AD\u8220\u82A0\u82C0\u82AB\u829A\u8298\u829B\u82B5\u82A7\u82AE\u82BC\u829E\u82BA\u82B4\u82A8\u82A1\u82A9\u82C2\u82A4\u82C3\u82B6\u82A2\u8670\u866F\u866D\u866E\u8C56\u8FD2\u8FCB\u8FD3\u8FCD\u8FD6\u8FD5\u8FD7\u90B2\u90B4\u90AF\u90B3\u90B0\u9639\u963D\u963C\u963A\u9643\u4FCD\u4FC5\u4FD3\u4FB2\u4FC9\u4FCB\u4FC1\u4FD4\u4FDC\u4FD9\u4FBB\u4FB3\u4FDB\u4FC7\u4FD6\u4FBA\u4FC0\u4FB9\u4FEC\u5244\u5249\u52C0\u52C2\u533D\u537C\u5397\u5396\u5399\u5398\u54BA\u54A1\u54AD\u54A5\u54CF"], + ["ce40", "\u54C3\u830D\u54B7\u54AE\u54D6\u54B6\u54C5\u54C6\u54A0\u5470\u54BC\u54A2\u54BE\u5472\u54DE\u54B0\u57B5\u579E\u579F\u57A4\u578C\u5797\u579D\u579B\u5794\u5798\u578F\u5799\u57A5\u579A\u5795\u58F4\u590D\u5953\u59E1\u59DE\u59EE\u5A00\u59F1\u59DD\u59FA\u59FD\u59FC\u59F6\u59E4\u59F2\u59F7\u59DB\u59E9\u59F3\u59F5\u59E0\u59FE\u59F4\u59ED\u5BA8\u5C4C\u5CD0\u5CD8\u5CCC\u5CD7\u5CCB\u5CDB"], + ["cea1", "\u5CDE\u5CDA\u5CC9\u5CC7\u5CCA\u5CD6\u5CD3\u5CD4\u5CCF\u5CC8\u5CC6\u5CCE\u5CDF\u5CF8\u5DF9\u5E21\u5E22\u5E23\u5E20\u5E24\u5EB0\u5EA4\u5EA2\u5E9B\u5EA3\u5EA5\u5F07\u5F2E\u5F56\u5F86\u6037\u6039\u6054\u6072\u605E\u6045\u6053\u6047\u6049\u605B\u604C\u6040\u6042\u605F\u6024\u6044\u6058\u6066\u606E\u6242\u6243\u62CF\u630D\u630B\u62F5\u630E\u6303\u62EB\u62F9\u630F\u630C\u62F8\u62F6\u6300\u6313\u6314\u62FA\u6315\u62FB\u62F0\u6541\u6543\u65AA\u65BF\u6636\u6621\u6632\u6635\u661C\u6626\u6622\u6633\u662B\u663A\u661D\u6634\u6639\u662E\u670F\u6710\u67C1\u67F2\u67C8\u67BA"], + ["cf40", "\u67DC\u67BB\u67F8\u67D8\u67C0\u67B7\u67C5\u67EB\u67E4\u67DF\u67B5\u67CD\u67B3\u67F7\u67F6\u67EE\u67E3\u67C2\u67B9\u67CE\u67E7\u67F0\u67B2\u67FC\u67C6\u67ED\u67CC\u67AE\u67E6\u67DB\u67FA\u67C9\u67CA\u67C3\u67EA\u67CB\u6B28\u6B82\u6B84\u6BB6\u6BD6\u6BD8\u6BE0\u6C20\u6C21\u6D28\u6D34\u6D2D\u6D1F\u6D3C\u6D3F\u6D12\u6D0A\u6CDA\u6D33\u6D04\u6D19\u6D3A\u6D1A\u6D11\u6D00\u6D1D\u6D42"], + ["cfa1", "\u6D01\u6D18\u6D37\u6D03\u6D0F\u6D40\u6D07\u6D20\u6D2C\u6D08\u6D22\u6D09\u6D10\u70B7\u709F\u70BE\u70B1\u70B0\u70A1\u70B4\u70B5\u70A9\u7241\u7249\u724A\u726C\u7270\u7273\u726E\u72CA\u72E4\u72E8\u72EB\u72DF\u72EA\u72E6\u72E3\u7385\u73CC\u73C2\u73C8\u73C5\u73B9\u73B6\u73B5\u73B4\u73EB\u73BF\u73C7\u73BE\u73C3\u73C6\u73B8\u73CB\u74EC\u74EE\u752E\u7547\u7548\u75A7\u75AA\u7679\u76C4\u7708\u7703\u7704\u7705\u770A\u76F7\u76FB\u76FA\u77E7\u77E8\u7806\u7811\u7812\u7805\u7810\u780F\u780E\u7809\u7803\u7813\u794A\u794C\u794B\u7945\u7944\u79D5\u79CD\u79CF\u79D6\u79CE\u7A80"], + ["d040", "\u7A7E\u7AD1\u7B00\u7B01\u7C7A\u7C78\u7C79\u7C7F\u7C80\u7C81\u7D03\u7D08\u7D01\u7F58\u7F91\u7F8D\u7FBE\u8007\u800E\u800F\u8014\u8037\u80D8\u80C7\u80E0\u80D1\u80C8\u80C2\u80D0\u80C5\u80E3\u80D9\u80DC\u80CA\u80D5\u80C9\u80CF\u80D7\u80E6\u80CD\u81FF\u8221\u8294\u82D9\u82FE\u82F9\u8307\u82E8\u8300\u82D5\u833A\u82EB\u82D6\u82F4\u82EC\u82E1\u82F2\u82F5\u830C\u82FB\u82F6\u82F0\u82EA"], + ["d0a1", "\u82E4\u82E0\u82FA\u82F3\u82ED\u8677\u8674\u867C\u8673\u8841\u884E\u8867\u886A\u8869\u89D3\u8A04\u8A07\u8D72\u8FE3\u8FE1\u8FEE\u8FE0\u90F1\u90BD\u90BF\u90D5\u90C5\u90BE\u90C7\u90CB\u90C8\u91D4\u91D3\u9654\u964F\u9651\u9653\u964A\u964E\u501E\u5005\u5007\u5013\u5022\u5030\u501B\u4FF5\u4FF4\u5033\u5037\u502C\u4FF6\u4FF7\u5017\u501C\u5020\u5027\u5035\u502F\u5031\u500E\u515A\u5194\u5193\u51CA\u51C4\u51C5\u51C8\u51CE\u5261\u525A\u5252\u525E\u525F\u5255\u5262\u52CD\u530E\u539E\u5526\u54E2\u5517\u5512\u54E7\u54F3\u54E4\u551A\u54FF\u5504\u5508\u54EB\u5511\u5505\u54F1"], + ["d140", "\u550A\u54FB\u54F7\u54F8\u54E0\u550E\u5503\u550B\u5701\u5702\u57CC\u5832\u57D5\u57D2\u57BA\u57C6\u57BD\u57BC\u57B8\u57B6\u57BF\u57C7\u57D0\u57B9\u57C1\u590E\u594A\u5A19\u5A16\u5A2D\u5A2E\u5A15\u5A0F\u5A17\u5A0A\u5A1E\u5A33\u5B6C\u5BA7\u5BAD\u5BAC\u5C03\u5C56\u5C54\u5CEC\u5CFF\u5CEE\u5CF1\u5CF7\u5D00\u5CF9\u5E29\u5E28\u5EA8\u5EAE\u5EAA\u5EAC\u5F33\u5F30\u5F67\u605D\u605A\u6067"], + ["d1a1", "\u6041\u60A2\u6088\u6080\u6092\u6081\u609D\u6083\u6095\u609B\u6097\u6087\u609C\u608E\u6219\u6246\u62F2\u6310\u6356\u632C\u6344\u6345\u6336\u6343\u63E4\u6339\u634B\u634A\u633C\u6329\u6341\u6334\u6358\u6354\u6359\u632D\u6347\u6333\u635A\u6351\u6338\u6357\u6340\u6348\u654A\u6546\u65C6\u65C3\u65C4\u65C2\u664A\u665F\u6647\u6651\u6712\u6713\u681F\u681A\u6849\u6832\u6833\u683B\u684B\u684F\u6816\u6831\u681C\u6835\u682B\u682D\u682F\u684E\u6844\u6834\u681D\u6812\u6814\u6826\u6828\u682E\u684D\u683A\u6825\u6820\u6B2C\u6B2F\u6B2D\u6B31\u6B34\u6B6D\u8082\u6B88\u6BE6\u6BE4"], + ["d240", "\u6BE8\u6BE3\u6BE2\u6BE7\u6C25\u6D7A\u6D63\u6D64\u6D76\u6D0D\u6D61\u6D92\u6D58\u6D62\u6D6D\u6D6F\u6D91\u6D8D\u6DEF\u6D7F\u6D86\u6D5E\u6D67\u6D60\u6D97\u6D70\u6D7C\u6D5F\u6D82\u6D98\u6D2F\u6D68\u6D8B\u6D7E\u6D80\u6D84\u6D16\u6D83\u6D7B\u6D7D\u6D75\u6D90\u70DC\u70D3\u70D1\u70DD\u70CB\u7F39\u70E2\u70D7\u70D2\u70DE\u70E0\u70D4\u70CD\u70C5\u70C6\u70C7\u70DA\u70CE\u70E1\u7242\u7278"], + ["d2a1", "\u7277\u7276\u7300\u72FA\u72F4\u72FE\u72F6\u72F3\u72FB\u7301\u73D3\u73D9\u73E5\u73D6\u73BC\u73E7\u73E3\u73E9\u73DC\u73D2\u73DB\u73D4\u73DD\u73DA\u73D7\u73D8\u73E8\u74DE\u74DF\u74F4\u74F5\u7521\u755B\u755F\u75B0\u75C1\u75BB\u75C4\u75C0\u75BF\u75B6\u75BA\u768A\u76C9\u771D\u771B\u7710\u7713\u7712\u7723\u7711\u7715\u7719\u771A\u7722\u7727\u7823\u782C\u7822\u7835\u782F\u7828\u782E\u782B\u7821\u7829\u7833\u782A\u7831\u7954\u795B\u794F\u795C\u7953\u7952\u7951\u79EB\u79EC\u79E0\u79EE\u79ED\u79EA\u79DC\u79DE\u79DD\u7A86\u7A89\u7A85\u7A8B\u7A8C\u7A8A\u7A87\u7AD8\u7B10"], + ["d340", "\u7B04\u7B13\u7B05\u7B0F\u7B08\u7B0A\u7B0E\u7B09\u7B12\u7C84\u7C91\u7C8A\u7C8C\u7C88\u7C8D\u7C85\u7D1E\u7D1D\u7D11\u7D0E\u7D18\u7D16\u7D13\u7D1F\u7D12\u7D0F\u7D0C\u7F5C\u7F61\u7F5E\u7F60\u7F5D\u7F5B\u7F96\u7F92\u7FC3\u7FC2\u7FC0\u8016\u803E\u8039\u80FA\u80F2\u80F9\u80F5\u8101\u80FB\u8100\u8201\u822F\u8225\u8333\u832D\u8344\u8319\u8351\u8325\u8356\u833F\u8341\u8326\u831C\u8322"], + ["d3a1", "\u8342\u834E\u831B\u832A\u8308\u833C\u834D\u8316\u8324\u8320\u8337\u832F\u8329\u8347\u8345\u834C\u8353\u831E\u832C\u834B\u8327\u8348\u8653\u8652\u86A2\u86A8\u8696\u868D\u8691\u869E\u8687\u8697\u8686\u868B\u869A\u8685\u86A5\u8699\u86A1\u86A7\u8695\u8698\u868E\u869D\u8690\u8694\u8843\u8844\u886D\u8875\u8876\u8872\u8880\u8871\u887F\u886F\u8883\u887E\u8874\u887C\u8A12\u8C47\u8C57\u8C7B\u8CA4\u8CA3\u8D76\u8D78\u8DB5\u8DB7\u8DB6\u8ED1\u8ED3\u8FFE\u8FF5\u9002\u8FFF\u8FFB\u9004\u8FFC\u8FF6\u90D6\u90E0\u90D9\u90DA\u90E3\u90DF\u90E5\u90D8\u90DB\u90D7\u90DC\u90E4\u9150"], + ["d440", "\u914E\u914F\u91D5\u91E2\u91DA\u965C\u965F\u96BC\u98E3\u9ADF\u9B2F\u4E7F\u5070\u506A\u5061\u505E\u5060\u5053\u504B\u505D\u5072\u5048\u504D\u5041\u505B\u504A\u5062\u5015\u5045\u505F\u5069\u506B\u5063\u5064\u5046\u5040\u506E\u5073\u5057\u5051\u51D0\u526B\u526D\u526C\u526E\u52D6\u52D3\u532D\u539C\u5575\u5576\u553C\u554D\u5550\u5534\u552A\u5551\u5562\u5536\u5535\u5530\u5552\u5545"], + ["d4a1", "\u550C\u5532\u5565\u554E\u5539\u5548\u552D\u553B\u5540\u554B\u570A\u5707\u57FB\u5814\u57E2\u57F6\u57DC\u57F4\u5800\u57ED\u57FD\u5808\u57F8\u580B\u57F3\u57CF\u5807\u57EE\u57E3\u57F2\u57E5\u57EC\u57E1\u580E\u57FC\u5810\u57E7\u5801\u580C\u57F1\u57E9\u57F0\u580D\u5804\u595C\u5A60\u5A58\u5A55\u5A67\u5A5E\u5A38\u5A35\u5A6D\u5A50\u5A5F\u5A65\u5A6C\u5A53\u5A64\u5A57\u5A43\u5A5D\u5A52\u5A44\u5A5B\u5A48\u5A8E\u5A3E\u5A4D\u5A39\u5A4C\u5A70\u5A69\u5A47\u5A51\u5A56\u5A42\u5A5C\u5B72\u5B6E\u5BC1\u5BC0\u5C59\u5D1E\u5D0B\u5D1D\u5D1A\u5D20\u5D0C\u5D28\u5D0D\u5D26\u5D25\u5D0F"], + ["d540", "\u5D30\u5D12\u5D23\u5D1F\u5D2E\u5E3E\u5E34\u5EB1\u5EB4\u5EB9\u5EB2\u5EB3\u5F36\u5F38\u5F9B\u5F96\u5F9F\u608A\u6090\u6086\u60BE\u60B0\u60BA\u60D3\u60D4\u60CF\u60E4\u60D9\u60DD\u60C8\u60B1\u60DB\u60B7\u60CA\u60BF\u60C3\u60CD\u60C0\u6332\u6365\u638A\u6382\u637D\u63BD\u639E\u63AD\u639D\u6397\u63AB\u638E\u636F\u6387\u6390\u636E\u63AF\u6375\u639C\u636D\u63AE\u637C\u63A4\u633B\u639F"], + ["d5a1", "\u6378\u6385\u6381\u6391\u638D\u6370\u6553\u65CD\u6665\u6661\u665B\u6659\u665C\u6662\u6718\u6879\u6887\u6890\u689C\u686D\u686E\u68AE\u68AB\u6956\u686F\u68A3\u68AC\u68A9\u6875\u6874\u68B2\u688F\u6877\u6892\u687C\u686B\u6872\u68AA\u6880\u6871\u687E\u689B\u6896\u688B\u68A0\u6889\u68A4\u6878\u687B\u6891\u688C\u688A\u687D\u6B36\u6B33\u6B37\u6B38\u6B91\u6B8F\u6B8D\u6B8E\u6B8C\u6C2A\u6DC0\u6DAB\u6DB4\u6DB3\u6E74\u6DAC\u6DE9\u6DE2\u6DB7\u6DF6\u6DD4\u6E00\u6DC8\u6DE0\u6DDF\u6DD6\u6DBE\u6DE5\u6DDC\u6DDD\u6DDB\u6DF4\u6DCA\u6DBD\u6DED\u6DF0\u6DBA\u6DD5\u6DC2\u6DCF\u6DC9"], + ["d640", "\u6DD0\u6DF2\u6DD3\u6DFD\u6DD7\u6DCD\u6DE3\u6DBB\u70FA\u710D\u70F7\u7117\u70F4\u710C\u70F0\u7104\u70F3\u7110\u70FC\u70FF\u7106\u7113\u7100\u70F8\u70F6\u710B\u7102\u710E\u727E\u727B\u727C\u727F\u731D\u7317\u7307\u7311\u7318\u730A\u7308\u72FF\u730F\u731E\u7388\u73F6\u73F8\u73F5\u7404\u7401\u73FD\u7407\u7400\u73FA\u73FC\u73FF\u740C\u740B\u73F4\u7408\u7564\u7563\u75CE\u75D2\u75CF"], + ["d6a1", "\u75CB\u75CC\u75D1\u75D0\u768F\u7689\u76D3\u7739\u772F\u772D\u7731\u7732\u7734\u7733\u773D\u7725\u773B\u7735\u7848\u7852\u7849\u784D\u784A\u784C\u7826\u7845\u7850\u7964\u7967\u7969\u796A\u7963\u796B\u7961\u79BB\u79FA\u79F8\u79F6\u79F7\u7A8F\u7A94\u7A90\u7B35\u7B47\u7B34\u7B25\u7B30\u7B22\u7B24\u7B33\u7B18\u7B2A\u7B1D\u7B31\u7B2B\u7B2D\u7B2F\u7B32\u7B38\u7B1A\u7B23\u7C94\u7C98\u7C96\u7CA3\u7D35\u7D3D\u7D38\u7D36\u7D3A\u7D45\u7D2C\u7D29\u7D41\u7D47\u7D3E\u7D3F\u7D4A\u7D3B\u7D28\u7F63\u7F95\u7F9C\u7F9D\u7F9B\u7FCA\u7FCB\u7FCD\u7FD0\u7FD1\u7FC7\u7FCF\u7FC9\u801F"], + ["d740", "\u801E\u801B\u8047\u8043\u8048\u8118\u8125\u8119\u811B\u812D\u811F\u812C\u811E\u8121\u8115\u8127\u811D\u8122\u8211\u8238\u8233\u823A\u8234\u8232\u8274\u8390\u83A3\u83A8\u838D\u837A\u8373\u83A4\u8374\u838F\u8381\u8395\u8399\u8375\u8394\u83A9\u837D\u8383\u838C\u839D\u839B\u83AA\u838B\u837E\u83A5\u83AF\u8388\u8397\u83B0\u837F\u83A6\u8387\u83AE\u8376\u839A\u8659\u8656\u86BF\u86B7"], + ["d7a1", "\u86C2\u86C1\u86C5\u86BA\u86B0\u86C8\u86B9\u86B3\u86B8\u86CC\u86B4\u86BB\u86BC\u86C3\u86BD\u86BE\u8852\u8889\u8895\u88A8\u88A2\u88AA\u889A\u8891\u88A1\u889F\u8898\u88A7\u8899\u889B\u8897\u88A4\u88AC\u888C\u8893\u888E\u8982\u89D6\u89D9\u89D5\u8A30\u8A27\u8A2C\u8A1E\u8C39\u8C3B\u8C5C\u8C5D\u8C7D\u8CA5\u8D7D\u8D7B\u8D79\u8DBC\u8DC2\u8DB9\u8DBF\u8DC1\u8ED8\u8EDE\u8EDD\u8EDC\u8ED7\u8EE0\u8EE1\u9024\u900B\u9011\u901C\u900C\u9021\u90EF\u90EA\u90F0\u90F4\u90F2\u90F3\u90D4\u90EB\u90EC\u90E9\u9156\u9158\u915A\u9153\u9155\u91EC\u91F4\u91F1\u91F3\u91F8\u91E4\u91F9\u91EA"], + ["d840", "\u91EB\u91F7\u91E8\u91EE\u957A\u9586\u9588\u967C\u966D\u966B\u9671\u966F\u96BF\u976A\u9804\u98E5\u9997\u509B\u5095\u5094\u509E\u508B\u50A3\u5083\u508C\u508E\u509D\u5068\u509C\u5092\u5082\u5087\u515F\u51D4\u5312\u5311\u53A4\u53A7\u5591\u55A8\u55A5\u55AD\u5577\u5645\u55A2\u5593\u5588\u558F\u55B5\u5581\u55A3\u5592\u55A4\u557D\u558C\u55A6\u557F\u5595\u55A1\u558E\u570C\u5829\u5837"], + ["d8a1", "\u5819\u581E\u5827\u5823\u5828\u57F5\u5848\u5825\u581C\u581B\u5833\u583F\u5836\u582E\u5839\u5838\u582D\u582C\u583B\u5961\u5AAF\u5A94\u5A9F\u5A7A\u5AA2\u5A9E\u5A78\u5AA6\u5A7C\u5AA5\u5AAC\u5A95\u5AAE\u5A37\u5A84\u5A8A\u5A97\u5A83\u5A8B\u5AA9\u5A7B\u5A7D\u5A8C\u5A9C\u5A8F\u5A93\u5A9D\u5BEA\u5BCD\u5BCB\u5BD4\u5BD1\u5BCA\u5BCE\u5C0C\u5C30\u5D37\u5D43\u5D6B\u5D41\u5D4B\u5D3F\u5D35\u5D51\u5D4E\u5D55\u5D33\u5D3A\u5D52\u5D3D\u5D31\u5D59\u5D42\u5D39\u5D49\u5D38\u5D3C\u5D32\u5D36\u5D40\u5D45\u5E44\u5E41\u5F58\u5FA6\u5FA5\u5FAB\u60C9\u60B9\u60CC\u60E2\u60CE\u60C4\u6114"], + ["d940", "\u60F2\u610A\u6116\u6105\u60F5\u6113\u60F8\u60FC\u60FE\u60C1\u6103\u6118\u611D\u6110\u60FF\u6104\u610B\u624A\u6394\u63B1\u63B0\u63CE\u63E5\u63E8\u63EF\u63C3\u649D\u63F3\u63CA\u63E0\u63F6\u63D5\u63F2\u63F5\u6461\u63DF\u63BE\u63DD\u63DC\u63C4\u63D8\u63D3\u63C2\u63C7\u63CC\u63CB\u63C8\u63F0\u63D7\u63D9\u6532\u6567\u656A\u6564\u655C\u6568\u6565\u658C\u659D\u659E\u65AE\u65D0\u65D2"], + ["d9a1", "\u667C\u666C\u667B\u6680\u6671\u6679\u666A\u6672\u6701\u690C\u68D3\u6904\u68DC\u692A\u68EC\u68EA\u68F1\u690F\u68D6\u68F7\u68EB\u68E4\u68F6\u6913\u6910\u68F3\u68E1\u6907\u68CC\u6908\u6970\u68B4\u6911\u68EF\u68C6\u6914\u68F8\u68D0\u68FD\u68FC\u68E8\u690B\u690A\u6917\u68CE\u68C8\u68DD\u68DE\u68E6\u68F4\u68D1\u6906\u68D4\u68E9\u6915\u6925\u68C7\u6B39\u6B3B\u6B3F\u6B3C\u6B94\u6B97\u6B99\u6B95\u6BBD\u6BF0\u6BF2\u6BF3\u6C30\u6DFC\u6E46\u6E47\u6E1F\u6E49\u6E88\u6E3C\u6E3D\u6E45\u6E62\u6E2B\u6E3F\u6E41\u6E5D\u6E73\u6E1C\u6E33\u6E4B\u6E40\u6E51\u6E3B\u6E03\u6E2E\u6E5E"], + ["da40", "\u6E68\u6E5C\u6E61\u6E31\u6E28\u6E60\u6E71\u6E6B\u6E39\u6E22\u6E30\u6E53\u6E65\u6E27\u6E78\u6E64\u6E77\u6E55\u6E79\u6E52\u6E66\u6E35\u6E36\u6E5A\u7120\u711E\u712F\u70FB\u712E\u7131\u7123\u7125\u7122\u7132\u711F\u7128\u713A\u711B\u724B\u725A\u7288\u7289\u7286\u7285\u728B\u7312\u730B\u7330\u7322\u7331\u7333\u7327\u7332\u732D\u7326\u7323\u7335\u730C\u742E\u742C\u7430\u742B\u7416"], + ["daa1", "\u741A\u7421\u742D\u7431\u7424\u7423\u741D\u7429\u7420\u7432\u74FB\u752F\u756F\u756C\u75E7\u75DA\u75E1\u75E6\u75DD\u75DF\u75E4\u75D7\u7695\u7692\u76DA\u7746\u7747\u7744\u774D\u7745\u774A\u774E\u774B\u774C\u77DE\u77EC\u7860\u7864\u7865\u785C\u786D\u7871\u786A\u786E\u7870\u7869\u7868\u785E\u7862\u7974\u7973\u7972\u7970\u7A02\u7A0A\u7A03\u7A0C\u7A04\u7A99\u7AE6\u7AE4\u7B4A\u7B3B\u7B44\u7B48\u7B4C\u7B4E\u7B40\u7B58\u7B45\u7CA2\u7C9E\u7CA8\u7CA1\u7D58\u7D6F\u7D63\u7D53\u7D56\u7D67\u7D6A\u7D4F\u7D6D\u7D5C\u7D6B\u7D52\u7D54\u7D69\u7D51\u7D5F\u7D4E\u7F3E\u7F3F\u7F65"], + ["db40", "\u7F66\u7FA2\u7FA0\u7FA1\u7FD7\u8051\u804F\u8050\u80FE\u80D4\u8143\u814A\u8152\u814F\u8147\u813D\u814D\u813A\u81E6\u81EE\u81F7\u81F8\u81F9\u8204\u823C\u823D\u823F\u8275\u833B\u83CF\u83F9\u8423\u83C0\u83E8\u8412\u83E7\u83E4\u83FC\u83F6\u8410\u83C6\u83C8\u83EB\u83E3\u83BF\u8401\u83DD\u83E5\u83D8\u83FF\u83E1\u83CB\u83CE\u83D6\u83F5\u83C9\u8409\u840F\u83DE\u8411\u8406\u83C2\u83F3"], + ["dba1", "\u83D5\u83FA\u83C7\u83D1\u83EA\u8413\u83C3\u83EC\u83EE\u83C4\u83FB\u83D7\u83E2\u841B\u83DB\u83FE\u86D8\u86E2\u86E6\u86D3\u86E3\u86DA\u86EA\u86DD\u86EB\u86DC\u86EC\u86E9\u86D7\u86E8\u86D1\u8848\u8856\u8855\u88BA\u88D7\u88B9\u88B8\u88C0\u88BE\u88B6\u88BC\u88B7\u88BD\u88B2\u8901\u88C9\u8995\u8998\u8997\u89DD\u89DA\u89DB\u8A4E\u8A4D\u8A39\u8A59\u8A40\u8A57\u8A58\u8A44\u8A45\u8A52\u8A48\u8A51\u8A4A\u8A4C\u8A4F\u8C5F\u8C81\u8C80\u8CBA\u8CBE\u8CB0\u8CB9\u8CB5\u8D84\u8D80\u8D89\u8DD8\u8DD3\u8DCD\u8DC7\u8DD6\u8DDC\u8DCF\u8DD5\u8DD9\u8DC8\u8DD7\u8DC5\u8EEF\u8EF7\u8EFA"], + ["dc40", "\u8EF9\u8EE6\u8EEE\u8EE5\u8EF5\u8EE7\u8EE8\u8EF6\u8EEB\u8EF1\u8EEC\u8EF4\u8EE9\u902D\u9034\u902F\u9106\u912C\u9104\u90FF\u90FC\u9108\u90F9\u90FB\u9101\u9100\u9107\u9105\u9103\u9161\u9164\u915F\u9162\u9160\u9201\u920A\u9225\u9203\u921A\u9226\u920F\u920C\u9200\u9212\u91FF\u91FD\u9206\u9204\u9227\u9202\u921C\u9224\u9219\u9217\u9205\u9216\u957B\u958D\u958C\u9590\u9687\u967E\u9688"], + ["dca1", "\u9689\u9683\u9680\u96C2\u96C8\u96C3\u96F1\u96F0\u976C\u9770\u976E\u9807\u98A9\u98EB\u9CE6\u9EF9\u4E83\u4E84\u4EB6\u50BD\u50BF\u50C6\u50AE\u50C4\u50CA\u50B4\u50C8\u50C2\u50B0\u50C1\u50BA\u50B1\u50CB\u50C9\u50B6\u50B8\u51D7\u527A\u5278\u527B\u527C\u55C3\u55DB\u55CC\u55D0\u55CB\u55CA\u55DD\u55C0\u55D4\u55C4\u55E9\u55BF\u55D2\u558D\u55CF\u55D5\u55E2\u55D6\u55C8\u55F2\u55CD\u55D9\u55C2\u5714\u5853\u5868\u5864\u584F\u584D\u5849\u586F\u5855\u584E\u585D\u5859\u5865\u585B\u583D\u5863\u5871\u58FC\u5AC7\u5AC4\u5ACB\u5ABA\u5AB8\u5AB1\u5AB5\u5AB0\u5ABF\u5AC8\u5ABB\u5AC6"], + ["dd40", "\u5AB7\u5AC0\u5ACA\u5AB4\u5AB6\u5ACD\u5AB9\u5A90\u5BD6\u5BD8\u5BD9\u5C1F\u5C33\u5D71\u5D63\u5D4A\u5D65\u5D72\u5D6C\u5D5E\u5D68\u5D67\u5D62\u5DF0\u5E4F\u5E4E\u5E4A\u5E4D\u5E4B\u5EC5\u5ECC\u5EC6\u5ECB\u5EC7\u5F40\u5FAF\u5FAD\u60F7\u6149\u614A\u612B\u6145\u6136\u6132\u612E\u6146\u612F\u614F\u6129\u6140\u6220\u9168\u6223\u6225\u6224\u63C5\u63F1\u63EB\u6410\u6412\u6409\u6420\u6424"], + ["dda1", "\u6433\u6443\u641F\u6415\u6418\u6439\u6437\u6422\u6423\u640C\u6426\u6430\u6428\u6441\u6435\u642F\u640A\u641A\u6440\u6425\u6427\u640B\u63E7\u641B\u642E\u6421\u640E\u656F\u6592\u65D3\u6686\u668C\u6695\u6690\u668B\u668A\u6699\u6694\u6678\u6720\u6966\u695F\u6938\u694E\u6962\u6971\u693F\u6945\u696A\u6939\u6942\u6957\u6959\u697A\u6948\u6949\u6935\u696C\u6933\u693D\u6965\u68F0\u6978\u6934\u6969\u6940\u696F\u6944\u6976\u6958\u6941\u6974\u694C\u693B\u694B\u6937\u695C\u694F\u6951\u6932\u6952\u692F\u697B\u693C\u6B46\u6B45\u6B43\u6B42\u6B48\u6B41\u6B9B\uFA0D\u6BFB\u6BFC"], + ["de40", "\u6BF9\u6BF7\u6BF8\u6E9B\u6ED6\u6EC8\u6E8F\u6EC0\u6E9F\u6E93\u6E94\u6EA0\u6EB1\u6EB9\u6EC6\u6ED2\u6EBD\u6EC1\u6E9E\u6EC9\u6EB7\u6EB0\u6ECD\u6EA6\u6ECF\u6EB2\u6EBE\u6EC3\u6EDC\u6ED8\u6E99\u6E92\u6E8E\u6E8D\u6EA4\u6EA1\u6EBF\u6EB3\u6ED0\u6ECA\u6E97\u6EAE\u6EA3\u7147\u7154\u7152\u7163\u7160\u7141\u715D\u7162\u7172\u7178\u716A\u7161\u7142\u7158\u7143\u714B\u7170\u715F\u7150\u7153"], + ["dea1", "\u7144\u714D\u715A\u724F\u728D\u728C\u7291\u7290\u728E\u733C\u7342\u733B\u733A\u7340\u734A\u7349\u7444\u744A\u744B\u7452\u7451\u7457\u7440\u744F\u7450\u744E\u7442\u7446\u744D\u7454\u74E1\u74FF\u74FE\u74FD\u751D\u7579\u7577\u6983\u75EF\u760F\u7603\u75F7\u75FE\u75FC\u75F9\u75F8\u7610\u75FB\u75F6\u75ED\u75F5\u75FD\u7699\u76B5\u76DD\u7755\u775F\u7760\u7752\u7756\u775A\u7769\u7767\u7754\u7759\u776D\u77E0\u7887\u789A\u7894\u788F\u7884\u7895\u7885\u7886\u78A1\u7883\u7879\u7899\u7880\u7896\u787B\u797C\u7982\u797D\u7979\u7A11\u7A18\u7A19\u7A12\u7A17\u7A15\u7A22\u7A13"], + ["df40", "\u7A1B\u7A10\u7AA3\u7AA2\u7A9E\u7AEB\u7B66\u7B64\u7B6D\u7B74\u7B69\u7B72\u7B65\u7B73\u7B71\u7B70\u7B61\u7B78\u7B76\u7B63\u7CB2\u7CB4\u7CAF\u7D88\u7D86\u7D80\u7D8D\u7D7F\u7D85\u7D7A\u7D8E\u7D7B\u7D83\u7D7C\u7D8C\u7D94\u7D84\u7D7D\u7D92\u7F6D\u7F6B\u7F67\u7F68\u7F6C\u7FA6\u7FA5\u7FA7\u7FDB\u7FDC\u8021\u8164\u8160\u8177\u815C\u8169\u815B\u8162\u8172\u6721\u815E\u8176\u8167\u816F"], + ["dfa1", "\u8144\u8161\u821D\u8249\u8244\u8240\u8242\u8245\u84F1\u843F\u8456\u8476\u8479\u848F\u848D\u8465\u8451\u8440\u8486\u8467\u8430\u844D\u847D\u845A\u8459\u8474\u8473\u845D\u8507\u845E\u8437\u843A\u8434\u847A\u8443\u8478\u8432\u8445\u8429\u83D9\u844B\u842F\u8442\u842D\u845F\u8470\u8439\u844E\u844C\u8452\u846F\u84C5\u848E\u843B\u8447\u8436\u8433\u8468\u847E\u8444\u842B\u8460\u8454\u846E\u8450\u870B\u8704\u86F7\u870C\u86FA\u86D6\u86F5\u874D\u86F8\u870E\u8709\u8701\u86F6\u870D\u8705\u88D6\u88CB\u88CD\u88CE\u88DE\u88DB\u88DA\u88CC\u88D0\u8985\u899B\u89DF\u89E5\u89E4"], + ["e040", "\u89E1\u89E0\u89E2\u89DC\u89E6\u8A76\u8A86\u8A7F\u8A61\u8A3F\u8A77\u8A82\u8A84\u8A75\u8A83\u8A81\u8A74\u8A7A\u8C3C\u8C4B\u8C4A\u8C65\u8C64\u8C66\u8C86\u8C84\u8C85\u8CCC\u8D68\u8D69\u8D91\u8D8C\u8D8E\u8D8F\u8D8D\u8D93\u8D94\u8D90\u8D92\u8DF0\u8DE0\u8DEC\u8DF1\u8DEE\u8DD0\u8DE9\u8DE3\u8DE2\u8DE7\u8DF2\u8DEB\u8DF4\u8F06\u8EFF\u8F01\u8F00\u8F05\u8F07\u8F08\u8F02\u8F0B\u9052\u903F"], + ["e0a1", "\u9044\u9049\u903D\u9110\u910D\u910F\u9111\u9116\u9114\u910B\u910E\u916E\u916F\u9248\u9252\u9230\u923A\u9266\u9233\u9265\u925E\u9283\u922E\u924A\u9246\u926D\u926C\u924F\u9260\u9267\u926F\u9236\u9261\u9270\u9231\u9254\u9263\u9250\u9272\u924E\u9253\u924C\u9256\u9232\u959F\u959C\u959E\u959B\u9692\u9693\u9691\u9697\u96CE\u96FA\u96FD\u96F8\u96F5\u9773\u9777\u9778\u9772\u980F\u980D\u980E\u98AC\u98F6\u98F9\u99AF\u99B2\u99B0\u99B5\u9AAD\u9AAB\u9B5B\u9CEA\u9CED\u9CE7\u9E80\u9EFD\u50E6\u50D4\u50D7\u50E8\u50F3\u50DB\u50EA\u50DD\u50E4\u50D3\u50EC\u50F0\u50EF\u50E3\u50E0"], + ["e140", "\u51D8\u5280\u5281\u52E9\u52EB\u5330\u53AC\u5627\u5615\u560C\u5612\u55FC\u560F\u561C\u5601\u5613\u5602\u55FA\u561D\u5604\u55FF\u55F9\u5889\u587C\u5890\u5898\u5886\u5881\u587F\u5874\u588B\u587A\u5887\u5891\u588E\u5876\u5882\u5888\u587B\u5894\u588F\u58FE\u596B\u5ADC\u5AEE\u5AE5\u5AD5\u5AEA\u5ADA\u5AED\u5AEB\u5AF3\u5AE2\u5AE0\u5ADB\u5AEC\u5ADE\u5ADD\u5AD9\u5AE8\u5ADF\u5B77\u5BE0"], + ["e1a1", "\u5BE3\u5C63\u5D82\u5D80\u5D7D\u5D86\u5D7A\u5D81\u5D77\u5D8A\u5D89\u5D88\u5D7E\u5D7C\u5D8D\u5D79\u5D7F\u5E58\u5E59\u5E53\u5ED8\u5ED1\u5ED7\u5ECE\u5EDC\u5ED5\u5ED9\u5ED2\u5ED4\u5F44\u5F43\u5F6F\u5FB6\u612C\u6128\u6141\u615E\u6171\u6173\u6152\u6153\u6172\u616C\u6180\u6174\u6154\u617A\u615B\u6165\u613B\u616A\u6161\u6156\u6229\u6227\u622B\u642B\u644D\u645B\u645D\u6474\u6476\u6472\u6473\u647D\u6475\u6466\u64A6\u644E\u6482\u645E\u645C\u644B\u6453\u6460\u6450\u647F\u643F\u646C\u646B\u6459\u6465\u6477\u6573\u65A0\u66A1\u66A0\u669F\u6705\u6704\u6722\u69B1\u69B6\u69C9"], + ["e240", "\u69A0\u69CE\u6996\u69B0\u69AC\u69BC\u6991\u6999\u698E\u69A7\u698D\u69A9\u69BE\u69AF\u69BF\u69C4\u69BD\u69A4\u69D4\u69B9\u69CA\u699A\u69CF\u69B3\u6993\u69AA\u69A1\u699E\u69D9\u6997\u6990\u69C2\u69B5\u69A5\u69C6\u6B4A\u6B4D\u6B4B\u6B9E\u6B9F\u6BA0\u6BC3\u6BC4\u6BFE\u6ECE\u6EF5\u6EF1\u6F03\u6F25\u6EF8\u6F37\u6EFB\u6F2E\u6F09\u6F4E\u6F19\u6F1A\u6F27\u6F18\u6F3B\u6F12\u6EED\u6F0A"], + ["e2a1", "\u6F36\u6F73\u6EF9\u6EEE\u6F2D\u6F40\u6F30\u6F3C\u6F35\u6EEB\u6F07\u6F0E\u6F43\u6F05\u6EFD\u6EF6\u6F39\u6F1C\u6EFC\u6F3A\u6F1F\u6F0D\u6F1E\u6F08\u6F21\u7187\u7190\u7189\u7180\u7185\u7182\u718F\u717B\u7186\u7181\u7197\u7244\u7253\u7297\u7295\u7293\u7343\u734D\u7351\u734C\u7462\u7473\u7471\u7475\u7472\u7467\u746E\u7500\u7502\u7503\u757D\u7590\u7616\u7608\u760C\u7615\u7611\u760A\u7614\u76B8\u7781\u777C\u7785\u7782\u776E\u7780\u776F\u777E\u7783\u78B2\u78AA\u78B4\u78AD\u78A8\u787E\u78AB\u789E\u78A5\u78A0\u78AC\u78A2\u78A4\u7998\u798A\u798B\u7996\u7995\u7994\u7993"], + ["e340", "\u7997\u7988\u7992\u7990\u7A2B\u7A4A\u7A30\u7A2F\u7A28\u7A26\u7AA8\u7AAB\u7AAC\u7AEE\u7B88\u7B9C\u7B8A\u7B91\u7B90\u7B96\u7B8D\u7B8C\u7B9B\u7B8E\u7B85\u7B98\u5284\u7B99\u7BA4\u7B82\u7CBB\u7CBF\u7CBC\u7CBA\u7DA7\u7DB7\u7DC2\u7DA3\u7DAA\u7DC1\u7DC0\u7DC5\u7D9D\u7DCE\u7DC4\u7DC6\u7DCB\u7DCC\u7DAF\u7DB9\u7D96\u7DBC\u7D9F\u7DA6\u7DAE\u7DA9\u7DA1\u7DC9\u7F73\u7FE2\u7FE3\u7FE5\u7FDE"], + ["e3a1", "\u8024\u805D\u805C\u8189\u8186\u8183\u8187\u818D\u818C\u818B\u8215\u8497\u84A4\u84A1\u849F\u84BA\u84CE\u84C2\u84AC\u84AE\u84AB\u84B9\u84B4\u84C1\u84CD\u84AA\u849A\u84B1\u84D0\u849D\u84A7\u84BB\u84A2\u8494\u84C7\u84CC\u849B\u84A9\u84AF\u84A8\u84D6\u8498\u84B6\u84CF\u84A0\u84D7\u84D4\u84D2\u84DB\u84B0\u8491\u8661\u8733\u8723\u8728\u876B\u8740\u872E\u871E\u8721\u8719\u871B\u8743\u872C\u8741\u873E\u8746\u8720\u8732\u872A\u872D\u873C\u8712\u873A\u8731\u8735\u8742\u8726\u8727\u8738\u8724\u871A\u8730\u8711\u88F7\u88E7\u88F1\u88F2\u88FA\u88FE\u88EE\u88FC\u88F6\u88FB"], + ["e440", "\u88F0\u88EC\u88EB\u899D\u89A1\u899F\u899E\u89E9\u89EB\u89E8\u8AAB\u8A99\u8A8B\u8A92\u8A8F\u8A96\u8C3D\u8C68\u8C69\u8CD5\u8CCF\u8CD7\u8D96\u8E09\u8E02\u8DFF\u8E0D\u8DFD\u8E0A\u8E03\u8E07\u8E06\u8E05\u8DFE\u8E00\u8E04\u8F10\u8F11\u8F0E\u8F0D\u9123\u911C\u9120\u9122\u911F\u911D\u911A\u9124\u9121\u911B\u917A\u9172\u9179\u9173\u92A5\u92A4\u9276\u929B\u927A\u92A0\u9294\u92AA\u928D"], + ["e4a1", "\u92A6\u929A\u92AB\u9279\u9297\u927F\u92A3\u92EE\u928E\u9282\u9295\u92A2\u927D\u9288\u92A1\u928A\u9286\u928C\u9299\u92A7\u927E\u9287\u92A9\u929D\u928B\u922D\u969E\u96A1\u96FF\u9758\u977D\u977A\u977E\u9783\u9780\u9782\u977B\u9784\u9781\u977F\u97CE\u97CD\u9816\u98AD\u98AE\u9902\u9900\u9907\u999D\u999C\u99C3\u99B9\u99BB\u99BA\u99C2\u99BD\u99C7\u9AB1\u9AE3\u9AE7\u9B3E\u9B3F\u9B60\u9B61\u9B5F\u9CF1\u9CF2\u9CF5\u9EA7\u50FF\u5103\u5130\u50F8\u5106\u5107\u50F6\u50FE\u510B\u510C\u50FD\u510A\u528B\u528C\u52F1\u52EF\u5648\u5642\u564C\u5635\u5641\u564A\u5649\u5646\u5658"], + ["e540", "\u565A\u5640\u5633\u563D\u562C\u563E\u5638\u562A\u563A\u571A\u58AB\u589D\u58B1\u58A0\u58A3\u58AF\u58AC\u58A5\u58A1\u58FF\u5AFF\u5AF4\u5AFD\u5AF7\u5AF6\u5B03\u5AF8\u5B02\u5AF9\u5B01\u5B07\u5B05\u5B0F\u5C67\u5D99\u5D97\u5D9F\u5D92\u5DA2\u5D93\u5D95\u5DA0\u5D9C\u5DA1\u5D9A\u5D9E\u5E69\u5E5D\u5E60\u5E5C\u7DF3\u5EDB\u5EDE\u5EE1\u5F49\u5FB2\u618B\u6183\u6179\u61B1\u61B0\u61A2\u6189"], + ["e5a1", "\u619B\u6193\u61AF\u61AD\u619F\u6192\u61AA\u61A1\u618D\u6166\u61B3\u622D\u646E\u6470\u6496\u64A0\u6485\u6497\u649C\u648F\u648B\u648A\u648C\u64A3\u649F\u6468\u64B1\u6498\u6576\u657A\u6579\u657B\u65B2\u65B3\u66B5\u66B0\u66A9\u66B2\u66B7\u66AA\u66AF\u6A00\u6A06\u6A17\u69E5\u69F8\u6A15\u69F1\u69E4\u6A20\u69FF\u69EC\u69E2\u6A1B\u6A1D\u69FE\u6A27\u69F2\u69EE\u6A14\u69F7\u69E7\u6A40\u6A08\u69E6\u69FB\u6A0D\u69FC\u69EB\u6A09\u6A04\u6A18\u6A25\u6A0F\u69F6\u6A26\u6A07\u69F4\u6A16\u6B51\u6BA5\u6BA3\u6BA2\u6BA6\u6C01\u6C00\u6BFF\u6C02\u6F41\u6F26\u6F7E\u6F87\u6FC6\u6F92"], + ["e640", "\u6F8D\u6F89\u6F8C\u6F62\u6F4F\u6F85\u6F5A\u6F96\u6F76\u6F6C\u6F82\u6F55\u6F72\u6F52\u6F50\u6F57\u6F94\u6F93\u6F5D\u6F00\u6F61\u6F6B\u6F7D\u6F67\u6F90\u6F53\u6F8B\u6F69\u6F7F\u6F95\u6F63\u6F77\u6F6A\u6F7B\u71B2\u71AF\u719B\u71B0\u71A0\u719A\u71A9\u71B5\u719D\u71A5\u719E\u71A4\u71A1\u71AA\u719C\u71A7\u71B3\u7298\u729A\u7358\u7352\u735E\u735F\u7360\u735D\u735B\u7361\u735A\u7359"], + ["e6a1", "\u7362\u7487\u7489\u748A\u7486\u7481\u747D\u7485\u7488\u747C\u7479\u7508\u7507\u757E\u7625\u761E\u7619\u761D\u761C\u7623\u761A\u7628\u761B\u769C\u769D\u769E\u769B\u778D\u778F\u7789\u7788\u78CD\u78BB\u78CF\u78CC\u78D1\u78CE\u78D4\u78C8\u78C3\u78C4\u78C9\u799A\u79A1\u79A0\u799C\u79A2\u799B\u6B76\u7A39\u7AB2\u7AB4\u7AB3\u7BB7\u7BCB\u7BBE\u7BAC\u7BCE\u7BAF\u7BB9\u7BCA\u7BB5\u7CC5\u7CC8\u7CCC\u7CCB\u7DF7\u7DDB\u7DEA\u7DE7\u7DD7\u7DE1\u7E03\u7DFA\u7DE6\u7DF6\u7DF1\u7DF0\u7DEE\u7DDF\u7F76\u7FAC\u7FB0\u7FAD\u7FED\u7FEB\u7FEA\u7FEC\u7FE6\u7FE8\u8064\u8067\u81A3\u819F"], + ["e740", "\u819E\u8195\u81A2\u8199\u8197\u8216\u824F\u8253\u8252\u8250\u824E\u8251\u8524\u853B\u850F\u8500\u8529\u850E\u8509\u850D\u851F\u850A\u8527\u851C\u84FB\u852B\u84FA\u8508\u850C\u84F4\u852A\u84F2\u8515\u84F7\u84EB\u84F3\u84FC\u8512\u84EA\u84E9\u8516\u84FE\u8528\u851D\u852E\u8502\u84FD\u851E\u84F6\u8531\u8526\u84E7\u84E8\u84F0\u84EF\u84F9\u8518\u8520\u8530\u850B\u8519\u852F\u8662"], + ["e7a1", "\u8756\u8763\u8764\u8777\u87E1\u8773\u8758\u8754\u875B\u8752\u8761\u875A\u8751\u875E\u876D\u876A\u8750\u874E\u875F\u875D\u876F\u876C\u877A\u876E\u875C\u8765\u874F\u877B\u8775\u8762\u8767\u8769\u885A\u8905\u890C\u8914\u890B\u8917\u8918\u8919\u8906\u8916\u8911\u890E\u8909\u89A2\u89A4\u89A3\u89ED\u89F0\u89EC\u8ACF\u8AC6\u8AB8\u8AD3\u8AD1\u8AD4\u8AD5\u8ABB\u8AD7\u8ABE\u8AC0\u8AC5\u8AD8\u8AC3\u8ABA\u8ABD\u8AD9\u8C3E\u8C4D\u8C8F\u8CE5\u8CDF\u8CD9\u8CE8\u8CDA\u8CDD\u8CE7\u8DA0\u8D9C\u8DA1\u8D9B\u8E20\u8E23\u8E25\u8E24\u8E2E\u8E15\u8E1B\u8E16\u8E11\u8E19\u8E26\u8E27"], + ["e840", "\u8E14\u8E12\u8E18\u8E13\u8E1C\u8E17\u8E1A\u8F2C\u8F24\u8F18\u8F1A\u8F20\u8F23\u8F16\u8F17\u9073\u9070\u906F\u9067\u906B\u912F\u912B\u9129\u912A\u9132\u9126\u912E\u9185\u9186\u918A\u9181\u9182\u9184\u9180\u92D0\u92C3\u92C4\u92C0\u92D9\u92B6\u92CF\u92F1\u92DF\u92D8\u92E9\u92D7\u92DD\u92CC\u92EF\u92C2\u92E8\u92CA\u92C8\u92CE\u92E6\u92CD\u92D5\u92C9\u92E0\u92DE\u92E7\u92D1\u92D3"], + ["e8a1", "\u92B5\u92E1\u92C6\u92B4\u957C\u95AC\u95AB\u95AE\u95B0\u96A4\u96A2\u96D3\u9705\u9708\u9702\u975A\u978A\u978E\u9788\u97D0\u97CF\u981E\u981D\u9826\u9829\u9828\u9820\u981B\u9827\u98B2\u9908\u98FA\u9911\u9914\u9916\u9917\u9915\u99DC\u99CD\u99CF\u99D3\u99D4\u99CE\u99C9\u99D6\u99D8\u99CB\u99D7\u99CC\u9AB3\u9AEC\u9AEB\u9AF3\u9AF2\u9AF1\u9B46\u9B43\u9B67\u9B74\u9B71\u9B66\u9B76\u9B75\u9B70\u9B68\u9B64\u9B6C\u9CFC\u9CFA\u9CFD\u9CFF\u9CF7\u9D07\u9D00\u9CF9\u9CFB\u9D08\u9D05\u9D04\u9E83\u9ED3\u9F0F\u9F10\u511C\u5113\u5117\u511A\u5111\u51DE\u5334\u53E1\u5670\u5660\u566E"], + ["e940", "\u5673\u5666\u5663\u566D\u5672\u565E\u5677\u571C\u571B\u58C8\u58BD\u58C9\u58BF\u58BA\u58C2\u58BC\u58C6\u5B17\u5B19\u5B1B\u5B21\u5B14\u5B13\u5B10\u5B16\u5B28\u5B1A\u5B20\u5B1E\u5BEF\u5DAC\u5DB1\u5DA9\u5DA7\u5DB5\u5DB0\u5DAE\u5DAA\u5DA8\u5DB2\u5DAD\u5DAF\u5DB4\u5E67\u5E68\u5E66\u5E6F\u5EE9\u5EE7\u5EE6\u5EE8\u5EE5\u5F4B\u5FBC\u619D\u61A8\u6196\u61C5\u61B4\u61C6\u61C1\u61CC\u61BA"], + ["e9a1", "\u61BF\u61B8\u618C\u64D7\u64D6\u64D0\u64CF\u64C9\u64BD\u6489\u64C3\u64DB\u64F3\u64D9\u6533\u657F\u657C\u65A2\u66C8\u66BE\u66C0\u66CA\u66CB\u66CF\u66BD\u66BB\u66BA\u66CC\u6723\u6A34\u6A66\u6A49\u6A67\u6A32\u6A68\u6A3E\u6A5D\u6A6D\u6A76\u6A5B\u6A51\u6A28\u6A5A\u6A3B\u6A3F\u6A41\u6A6A\u6A64\u6A50\u6A4F\u6A54\u6A6F\u6A69\u6A60\u6A3C\u6A5E\u6A56\u6A55\u6A4D\u6A4E\u6A46\u6B55\u6B54\u6B56\u6BA7\u6BAA\u6BAB\u6BC8\u6BC7\u6C04\u6C03\u6C06\u6FAD\u6FCB\u6FA3\u6FC7\u6FBC\u6FCE\u6FC8\u6F5E\u6FC4\u6FBD\u6F9E\u6FCA\u6FA8\u7004\u6FA5\u6FAE\u6FBA\u6FAC\u6FAA\u6FCF\u6FBF\u6FB8"], + ["ea40", "\u6FA2\u6FC9\u6FAB\u6FCD\u6FAF\u6FB2\u6FB0\u71C5\u71C2\u71BF\u71B8\u71D6\u71C0\u71C1\u71CB\u71D4\u71CA\u71C7\u71CF\u71BD\u71D8\u71BC\u71C6\u71DA\u71DB\u729D\u729E\u7369\u7366\u7367\u736C\u7365\u736B\u736A\u747F\u749A\u74A0\u7494\u7492\u7495\u74A1\u750B\u7580\u762F\u762D\u7631\u763D\u7633\u763C\u7635\u7632\u7630\u76BB\u76E6\u779A\u779D\u77A1\u779C\u779B\u77A2\u77A3\u7795\u7799"], + ["eaa1", "\u7797\u78DD\u78E9\u78E5\u78EA\u78DE\u78E3\u78DB\u78E1\u78E2\u78ED\u78DF\u78E0\u79A4\u7A44\u7A48\u7A47\u7AB6\u7AB8\u7AB5\u7AB1\u7AB7\u7BDE\u7BE3\u7BE7\u7BDD\u7BD5\u7BE5\u7BDA\u7BE8\u7BF9\u7BD4\u7BEA\u7BE2\u7BDC\u7BEB\u7BD8\u7BDF\u7CD2\u7CD4\u7CD7\u7CD0\u7CD1\u7E12\u7E21\u7E17\u7E0C\u7E1F\u7E20\u7E13\u7E0E\u7E1C\u7E15\u7E1A\u7E22\u7E0B\u7E0F\u7E16\u7E0D\u7E14\u7E25\u7E24\u7F43\u7F7B\u7F7C\u7F7A\u7FB1\u7FEF\u802A\u8029\u806C\u81B1\u81A6\u81AE\u81B9\u81B5\u81AB\u81B0\u81AC\u81B4\u81B2\u81B7\u81A7\u81F2\u8255\u8256\u8257\u8556\u8545\u856B\u854D\u8553\u8561\u8558"], + ["eb40", "\u8540\u8546\u8564\u8541\u8562\u8544\u8551\u8547\u8563\u853E\u855B\u8571\u854E\u856E\u8575\u8555\u8567\u8560\u858C\u8566\u855D\u8554\u8565\u856C\u8663\u8665\u8664\u879B\u878F\u8797\u8793\u8792\u8788\u8781\u8796\u8798\u8779\u8787\u87A3\u8785\u8790\u8791\u879D\u8784\u8794\u879C\u879A\u8789\u891E\u8926\u8930\u892D\u892E\u8927\u8931\u8922\u8929\u8923\u892F\u892C\u891F\u89F1\u8AE0"], + ["eba1", "\u8AE2\u8AF2\u8AF4\u8AF5\u8ADD\u8B14\u8AE4\u8ADF\u8AF0\u8AC8\u8ADE\u8AE1\u8AE8\u8AFF\u8AEF\u8AFB\u8C91\u8C92\u8C90\u8CF5\u8CEE\u8CF1\u8CF0\u8CF3\u8D6C\u8D6E\u8DA5\u8DA7\u8E33\u8E3E\u8E38\u8E40\u8E45\u8E36\u8E3C\u8E3D\u8E41\u8E30\u8E3F\u8EBD\u8F36\u8F2E\u8F35\u8F32\u8F39\u8F37\u8F34\u9076\u9079\u907B\u9086\u90FA\u9133\u9135\u9136\u9193\u9190\u9191\u918D\u918F\u9327\u931E\u9308\u931F\u9306\u930F\u937A\u9338\u933C\u931B\u9323\u9312\u9301\u9346\u932D\u930E\u930D\u92CB\u931D\u92FA\u9325\u9313\u92F9\u92F7\u9334\u9302\u9324\u92FF\u9329\u9339\u9335\u932A\u9314\u930C"], + ["ec40", "\u930B\u92FE\u9309\u9300\u92FB\u9316\u95BC\u95CD\u95BE\u95B9\u95BA\u95B6\u95BF\u95B5\u95BD\u96A9\u96D4\u970B\u9712\u9710\u9799\u9797\u9794\u97F0\u97F8\u9835\u982F\u9832\u9924\u991F\u9927\u9929\u999E\u99EE\u99EC\u99E5\u99E4\u99F0\u99E3\u99EA\u99E9\u99E7\u9AB9\u9ABF\u9AB4\u9ABB\u9AF6\u9AFA\u9AF9\u9AF7\u9B33\u9B80\u9B85\u9B87\u9B7C\u9B7E\u9B7B\u9B82\u9B93\u9B92\u9B90\u9B7A\u9B95"], + ["eca1", "\u9B7D\u9B88\u9D25\u9D17\u9D20\u9D1E\u9D14\u9D29\u9D1D\u9D18\u9D22\u9D10\u9D19\u9D1F\u9E88\u9E86\u9E87\u9EAE\u9EAD\u9ED5\u9ED6\u9EFA\u9F12\u9F3D\u5126\u5125\u5122\u5124\u5120\u5129\u52F4\u5693\u568C\u568D\u5686\u5684\u5683\u567E\u5682\u567F\u5681\u58D6\u58D4\u58CF\u58D2\u5B2D\u5B25\u5B32\u5B23\u5B2C\u5B27\u5B26\u5B2F\u5B2E\u5B7B\u5BF1\u5BF2\u5DB7\u5E6C\u5E6A\u5FBE\u5FBB\u61C3\u61B5\u61BC\u61E7\u61E0\u61E5\u61E4\u61E8\u61DE\u64EF\u64E9\u64E3\u64EB\u64E4\u64E8\u6581\u6580\u65B6\u65DA\u66D2\u6A8D\u6A96\u6A81\u6AA5\u6A89\u6A9F\u6A9B\u6AA1\u6A9E\u6A87\u6A93\u6A8E"], + ["ed40", "\u6A95\u6A83\u6AA8\u6AA4\u6A91\u6A7F\u6AA6\u6A9A\u6A85\u6A8C\u6A92\u6B5B\u6BAD\u6C09\u6FCC\u6FA9\u6FF4\u6FD4\u6FE3\u6FDC\u6FED\u6FE7\u6FE6\u6FDE\u6FF2\u6FDD\u6FE2\u6FE8\u71E1\u71F1\u71E8\u71F2\u71E4\u71F0\u71E2\u7373\u736E\u736F\u7497\u74B2\u74AB\u7490\u74AA\u74AD\u74B1\u74A5\u74AF\u7510\u7511\u7512\u750F\u7584\u7643\u7648\u7649\u7647\u76A4\u76E9\u77B5\u77AB\u77B2\u77B7\u77B6"], + ["eda1", "\u77B4\u77B1\u77A8\u77F0\u78F3\u78FD\u7902\u78FB\u78FC\u78F2\u7905\u78F9\u78FE\u7904\u79AB\u79A8\u7A5C\u7A5B\u7A56\u7A58\u7A54\u7A5A\u7ABE\u7AC0\u7AC1\u7C05\u7C0F\u7BF2\u7C00\u7BFF\u7BFB\u7C0E\u7BF4\u7C0B\u7BF3\u7C02\u7C09\u7C03\u7C01\u7BF8\u7BFD\u7C06\u7BF0\u7BF1\u7C10\u7C0A\u7CE8\u7E2D\u7E3C\u7E42\u7E33\u9848\u7E38\u7E2A\u7E49\u7E40\u7E47\u7E29\u7E4C\u7E30\u7E3B\u7E36\u7E44\u7E3A\u7F45\u7F7F\u7F7E\u7F7D\u7FF4\u7FF2\u802C\u81BB\u81C4\u81CC\u81CA\u81C5\u81C7\u81BC\u81E9\u825B\u825A\u825C\u8583\u8580\u858F\u85A7\u8595\u85A0\u858B\u85A3\u857B\u85A4\u859A\u859E"], + ["ee40", "\u8577\u857C\u8589\u85A1\u857A\u8578\u8557\u858E\u8596\u8586\u858D\u8599\u859D\u8581\u85A2\u8582\u8588\u8585\u8579\u8576\u8598\u8590\u859F\u8668\u87BE\u87AA\u87AD\u87C5\u87B0\u87AC\u87B9\u87B5\u87BC\u87AE\u87C9\u87C3\u87C2\u87CC\u87B7\u87AF\u87C4\u87CA\u87B4\u87B6\u87BF\u87B8\u87BD\u87DE\u87B2\u8935\u8933\u893C\u893E\u8941\u8952\u8937\u8942\u89AD\u89AF\u89AE\u89F2\u89F3\u8B1E"], + ["eea1", "\u8B18\u8B16\u8B11\u8B05\u8B0B\u8B22\u8B0F\u8B12\u8B15\u8B07\u8B0D\u8B08\u8B06\u8B1C\u8B13\u8B1A\u8C4F\u8C70\u8C72\u8C71\u8C6F\u8C95\u8C94\u8CF9\u8D6F\u8E4E\u8E4D\u8E53\u8E50\u8E4C\u8E47\u8F43\u8F40\u9085\u907E\u9138\u919A\u91A2\u919B\u9199\u919F\u91A1\u919D\u91A0\u93A1\u9383\u93AF\u9364\u9356\u9347\u937C\u9358\u935C\u9376\u9349\u9350\u9351\u9360\u936D\u938F\u934C\u936A\u9379\u9357\u9355\u9352\u934F\u9371\u9377\u937B\u9361\u935E\u9363\u9367\u9380\u934E\u9359\u95C7\u95C0\u95C9\u95C3\u95C5\u95B7\u96AE\u96B0\u96AC\u9720\u971F\u9718\u971D\u9719\u979A\u97A1\u979C"], + ["ef40", "\u979E\u979D\u97D5\u97D4\u97F1\u9841\u9844\u984A\u9849\u9845\u9843\u9925\u992B\u992C\u992A\u9933\u9932\u992F\u992D\u9931\u9930\u9998\u99A3\u99A1\u9A02\u99FA\u99F4\u99F7\u99F9\u99F8\u99F6\u99FB\u99FD\u99FE\u99FC\u9A03\u9ABE\u9AFE\u9AFD\u9B01\u9AFC\u9B48\u9B9A\u9BA8\u9B9E\u9B9B\u9BA6\u9BA1\u9BA5\u9BA4\u9B86\u9BA2\u9BA0\u9BAF\u9D33\u9D41\u9D67\u9D36\u9D2E\u9D2F\u9D31\u9D38\u9D30"], + ["efa1", "\u9D45\u9D42\u9D43\u9D3E\u9D37\u9D40\u9D3D\u7FF5\u9D2D\u9E8A\u9E89\u9E8D\u9EB0\u9EC8\u9EDA\u9EFB\u9EFF\u9F24\u9F23\u9F22\u9F54\u9FA0\u5131\u512D\u512E\u5698\u569C\u5697\u569A\u569D\u5699\u5970\u5B3C\u5C69\u5C6A\u5DC0\u5E6D\u5E6E\u61D8\u61DF\u61ED\u61EE\u61F1\u61EA\u61F0\u61EB\u61D6\u61E9\u64FF\u6504\u64FD\u64F8\u6501\u6503\u64FC\u6594\u65DB\u66DA\u66DB\u66D8\u6AC5\u6AB9\u6ABD\u6AE1\u6AC6\u6ABA\u6AB6\u6AB7\u6AC7\u6AB4\u6AAD\u6B5E\u6BC9\u6C0B\u7007\u700C\u700D\u7001\u7005\u7014\u700E\u6FFF\u7000\u6FFB\u7026\u6FFC\u6FF7\u700A\u7201\u71FF\u71F9\u7203\u71FD\u7376"], + ["f040", "\u74B8\u74C0\u74B5\u74C1\u74BE\u74B6\u74BB\u74C2\u7514\u7513\u765C\u7664\u7659\u7650\u7653\u7657\u765A\u76A6\u76BD\u76EC\u77C2\u77BA\u78FF\u790C\u7913\u7914\u7909\u7910\u7912\u7911\u79AD\u79AC\u7A5F\u7C1C\u7C29\u7C19\u7C20\u7C1F\u7C2D\u7C1D\u7C26\u7C28\u7C22\u7C25\u7C30\u7E5C\u7E50\u7E56\u7E63\u7E58\u7E62\u7E5F\u7E51\u7E60\u7E57\u7E53\u7FB5\u7FB3\u7FF7\u7FF8\u8075\u81D1\u81D2"], + ["f0a1", "\u81D0\u825F\u825E\u85B4\u85C6\u85C0\u85C3\u85C2\u85B3\u85B5\u85BD\u85C7\u85C4\u85BF\u85CB\u85CE\u85C8\u85C5\u85B1\u85B6\u85D2\u8624\u85B8\u85B7\u85BE\u8669\u87E7\u87E6\u87E2\u87DB\u87EB\u87EA\u87E5\u87DF\u87F3\u87E4\u87D4\u87DC\u87D3\u87ED\u87D8\u87E3\u87A4\u87D7\u87D9\u8801\u87F4\u87E8\u87DD\u8953\u894B\u894F\u894C\u8946\u8950\u8951\u8949\u8B2A\u8B27\u8B23\u8B33\u8B30\u8B35\u8B47\u8B2F\u8B3C\u8B3E\u8B31\u8B25\u8B37\u8B26\u8B36\u8B2E\u8B24\u8B3B\u8B3D\u8B3A\u8C42\u8C75\u8C99\u8C98\u8C97\u8CFE\u8D04\u8D02\u8D00\u8E5C\u8E62\u8E60\u8E57\u8E56\u8E5E\u8E65\u8E67"], + ["f140", "\u8E5B\u8E5A\u8E61\u8E5D\u8E69\u8E54\u8F46\u8F47\u8F48\u8F4B\u9128\u913A\u913B\u913E\u91A8\u91A5\u91A7\u91AF\u91AA\u93B5\u938C\u9392\u93B7\u939B\u939D\u9389\u93A7\u938E\u93AA\u939E\u93A6\u9395\u9388\u9399\u939F\u938D\u93B1\u9391\u93B2\u93A4\u93A8\u93B4\u93A3\u93A5\u95D2\u95D3\u95D1\u96B3\u96D7\u96DA\u5DC2\u96DF\u96D8\u96DD\u9723\u9722\u9725\u97AC\u97AE\u97A8\u97AB\u97A4\u97AA"], + ["f1a1", "\u97A2\u97A5\u97D7\u97D9\u97D6\u97D8\u97FA\u9850\u9851\u9852\u98B8\u9941\u993C\u993A\u9A0F\u9A0B\u9A09\u9A0D\u9A04\u9A11\u9A0A\u9A05\u9A07\u9A06\u9AC0\u9ADC\u9B08\u9B04\u9B05\u9B29\u9B35\u9B4A\u9B4C\u9B4B\u9BC7\u9BC6\u9BC3\u9BBF\u9BC1\u9BB5\u9BB8\u9BD3\u9BB6\u9BC4\u9BB9\u9BBD\u9D5C\u9D53\u9D4F\u9D4A\u9D5B\u9D4B\u9D59\u9D56\u9D4C\u9D57\u9D52\u9D54\u9D5F\u9D58\u9D5A\u9E8E\u9E8C\u9EDF\u9F01\u9F00\u9F16\u9F25\u9F2B\u9F2A\u9F29\u9F28\u9F4C\u9F55\u5134\u5135\u5296\u52F7\u53B4\u56AB\u56AD\u56A6\u56A7\u56AA\u56AC\u58DA\u58DD\u58DB\u5912\u5B3D\u5B3E\u5B3F\u5DC3\u5E70"], + ["f240", "\u5FBF\u61FB\u6507\u6510\u650D\u6509\u650C\u650E\u6584\u65DE\u65DD\u66DE\u6AE7\u6AE0\u6ACC\u6AD1\u6AD9\u6ACB\u6ADF\u6ADC\u6AD0\u6AEB\u6ACF\u6ACD\u6ADE\u6B60\u6BB0\u6C0C\u7019\u7027\u7020\u7016\u702B\u7021\u7022\u7023\u7029\u7017\u7024\u701C\u702A\u720C\u720A\u7207\u7202\u7205\u72A5\u72A6\u72A4\u72A3\u72A1\u74CB\u74C5\u74B7\u74C3\u7516\u7660\u77C9\u77CA\u77C4\u77F1\u791D\u791B"], + ["f2a1", "\u7921\u791C\u7917\u791E\u79B0\u7A67\u7A68\u7C33\u7C3C\u7C39\u7C2C\u7C3B\u7CEC\u7CEA\u7E76\u7E75\u7E78\u7E70\u7E77\u7E6F\u7E7A\u7E72\u7E74\u7E68\u7F4B\u7F4A\u7F83\u7F86\u7FB7\u7FFD\u7FFE\u8078\u81D7\u81D5\u8264\u8261\u8263\u85EB\u85F1\u85ED\u85D9\u85E1\u85E8\u85DA\u85D7\u85EC\u85F2\u85F8\u85D8\u85DF\u85E3\u85DC\u85D1\u85F0\u85E6\u85EF\u85DE\u85E2\u8800\u87FA\u8803\u87F6\u87F7\u8809\u880C\u880B\u8806\u87FC\u8808\u87FF\u880A\u8802\u8962\u895A\u895B\u8957\u8961\u895C\u8958\u895D\u8959\u8988\u89B7\u89B6\u89F6\u8B50\u8B48\u8B4A\u8B40\u8B53\u8B56\u8B54\u8B4B\u8B55"], + ["f340", "\u8B51\u8B42\u8B52\u8B57\u8C43\u8C77\u8C76\u8C9A\u8D06\u8D07\u8D09\u8DAC\u8DAA\u8DAD\u8DAB\u8E6D\u8E78\u8E73\u8E6A\u8E6F\u8E7B\u8EC2\u8F52\u8F51\u8F4F\u8F50\u8F53\u8FB4\u9140\u913F\u91B0\u91AD\u93DE\u93C7\u93CF\u93C2\u93DA\u93D0\u93F9\u93EC\u93CC\u93D9\u93A9\u93E6\u93CA\u93D4\u93EE\u93E3\u93D5\u93C4\u93CE\u93C0\u93D2\u93E7\u957D\u95DA\u95DB\u96E1\u9729\u972B\u972C\u9728\u9726"], + ["f3a1", "\u97B3\u97B7\u97B6\u97DD\u97DE\u97DF\u985C\u9859\u985D\u9857\u98BF\u98BD\u98BB\u98BE\u9948\u9947\u9943\u99A6\u99A7\u9A1A\u9A15\u9A25\u9A1D\u9A24\u9A1B\u9A22\u9A20\u9A27\u9A23\u9A1E\u9A1C\u9A14\u9AC2\u9B0B\u9B0A\u9B0E\u9B0C\u9B37\u9BEA\u9BEB\u9BE0\u9BDE\u9BE4\u9BE6\u9BE2\u9BF0\u9BD4\u9BD7\u9BEC\u9BDC\u9BD9\u9BE5\u9BD5\u9BE1\u9BDA\u9D77\u9D81\u9D8A\u9D84\u9D88\u9D71\u9D80\u9D78\u9D86\u9D8B\u9D8C\u9D7D\u9D6B\u9D74\u9D75\u9D70\u9D69\u9D85\u9D73\u9D7B\u9D82\u9D6F\u9D79\u9D7F\u9D87\u9D68\u9E94\u9E91\u9EC0\u9EFC\u9F2D\u9F40\u9F41\u9F4D\u9F56\u9F57\u9F58\u5337\u56B2"], + ["f440", "\u56B5\u56B3\u58E3\u5B45\u5DC6\u5DC7\u5EEE\u5EEF\u5FC0\u5FC1\u61F9\u6517\u6516\u6515\u6513\u65DF\u66E8\u66E3\u66E4\u6AF3\u6AF0\u6AEA\u6AE8\u6AF9\u6AF1\u6AEE\u6AEF\u703C\u7035\u702F\u7037\u7034\u7031\u7042\u7038\u703F\u703A\u7039\u7040\u703B\u7033\u7041\u7213\u7214\u72A8\u737D\u737C\u74BA\u76AB\u76AA\u76BE\u76ED\u77CC\u77CE\u77CF\u77CD\u77F2\u7925\u7923\u7927\u7928\u7924\u7929"], + ["f4a1", "\u79B2\u7A6E\u7A6C\u7A6D\u7AF7\u7C49\u7C48\u7C4A\u7C47\u7C45\u7CEE\u7E7B\u7E7E\u7E81\u7E80\u7FBA\u7FFF\u8079\u81DB\u81D9\u820B\u8268\u8269\u8622\u85FF\u8601\u85FE\u861B\u8600\u85F6\u8604\u8609\u8605\u860C\u85FD\u8819\u8810\u8811\u8817\u8813\u8816\u8963\u8966\u89B9\u89F7\u8B60\u8B6A\u8B5D\u8B68\u8B63\u8B65\u8B67\u8B6D\u8DAE\u8E86\u8E88\u8E84\u8F59\u8F56\u8F57\u8F55\u8F58\u8F5A\u908D\u9143\u9141\u91B7\u91B5\u91B2\u91B3\u940B\u9413\u93FB\u9420\u940F\u9414\u93FE\u9415\u9410\u9428\u9419\u940D\u93F5\u9400\u93F7\u9407\u940E\u9416\u9412\u93FA\u9409\u93F8\u940A\u93FF"], + ["f540", "\u93FC\u940C\u93F6\u9411\u9406\u95DE\u95E0\u95DF\u972E\u972F\u97B9\u97BB\u97FD\u97FE\u9860\u9862\u9863\u985F\u98C1\u98C2\u9950\u994E\u9959\u994C\u994B\u9953\u9A32\u9A34\u9A31\u9A2C\u9A2A\u9A36\u9A29\u9A2E\u9A38\u9A2D\u9AC7\u9ACA\u9AC6\u9B10\u9B12\u9B11\u9C0B\u9C08\u9BF7\u9C05\u9C12\u9BF8\u9C40\u9C07\u9C0E\u9C06\u9C17\u9C14\u9C09\u9D9F\u9D99\u9DA4\u9D9D\u9D92\u9D98\u9D90\u9D9B"], + ["f5a1", "\u9DA0\u9D94\u9D9C\u9DAA\u9D97\u9DA1\u9D9A\u9DA2\u9DA8\u9D9E\u9DA3\u9DBF\u9DA9\u9D96\u9DA6\u9DA7\u9E99\u9E9B\u9E9A\u9EE5\u9EE4\u9EE7\u9EE6\u9F30\u9F2E\u9F5B\u9F60\u9F5E\u9F5D\u9F59\u9F91\u513A\u5139\u5298\u5297\u56C3\u56BD\u56BE\u5B48\u5B47\u5DCB\u5DCF\u5EF1\u61FD\u651B\u6B02\u6AFC\u6B03\u6AF8\u6B00\u7043\u7044\u704A\u7048\u7049\u7045\u7046\u721D\u721A\u7219\u737E\u7517\u766A\u77D0\u792D\u7931\u792F\u7C54\u7C53\u7CF2\u7E8A\u7E87\u7E88\u7E8B\u7E86\u7E8D\u7F4D\u7FBB\u8030\u81DD\u8618\u862A\u8626\u861F\u8623\u861C\u8619\u8627\u862E\u8621\u8620\u8629\u861E\u8625"], + ["f640", "\u8829\u881D\u881B\u8820\u8824\u881C\u882B\u884A\u896D\u8969\u896E\u896B\u89FA\u8B79\u8B78\u8B45\u8B7A\u8B7B\u8D10\u8D14\u8DAF\u8E8E\u8E8C\u8F5E\u8F5B\u8F5D\u9146\u9144\u9145\u91B9\u943F\u943B\u9436\u9429\u943D\u943C\u9430\u9439\u942A\u9437\u942C\u9440\u9431\u95E5\u95E4\u95E3\u9735\u973A\u97BF\u97E1\u9864\u98C9\u98C6\u98C0\u9958\u9956\u9A39\u9A3D\u9A46\u9A44\u9A42\u9A41\u9A3A"], + ["f6a1", "\u9A3F\u9ACD\u9B15\u9B17\u9B18\u9B16\u9B3A\u9B52\u9C2B\u9C1D\u9C1C\u9C2C\u9C23\u9C28\u9C29\u9C24\u9C21\u9DB7\u9DB6\u9DBC\u9DC1\u9DC7\u9DCA\u9DCF\u9DBE\u9DC5\u9DC3\u9DBB\u9DB5\u9DCE\u9DB9\u9DBA\u9DAC\u9DC8\u9DB1\u9DAD\u9DCC\u9DB3\u9DCD\u9DB2\u9E7A\u9E9C\u9EEB\u9EEE\u9EED\u9F1B\u9F18\u9F1A\u9F31\u9F4E\u9F65\u9F64\u9F92\u4EB9\u56C6\u56C5\u56CB\u5971\u5B4B\u5B4C\u5DD5\u5DD1\u5EF2\u6521\u6520\u6526\u6522\u6B0B\u6B08\u6B09\u6C0D\u7055\u7056\u7057\u7052\u721E\u721F\u72A9\u737F\u74D8\u74D5\u74D9\u74D7\u766D\u76AD\u7935\u79B4\u7A70\u7A71\u7C57\u7C5C\u7C59\u7C5B\u7C5A"], + ["f740", "\u7CF4\u7CF1\u7E91\u7F4F\u7F87\u81DE\u826B\u8634\u8635\u8633\u862C\u8632\u8636\u882C\u8828\u8826\u882A\u8825\u8971\u89BF\u89BE\u89FB\u8B7E\u8B84\u8B82\u8B86\u8B85\u8B7F\u8D15\u8E95\u8E94\u8E9A\u8E92\u8E90\u8E96\u8E97\u8F60\u8F62\u9147\u944C\u9450\u944A\u944B\u944F\u9447\u9445\u9448\u9449\u9446\u973F\u97E3\u986A\u9869\u98CB\u9954\u995B\u9A4E\u9A53\u9A54\u9A4C\u9A4F\u9A48\u9A4A"], + ["f7a1", "\u9A49\u9A52\u9A50\u9AD0\u9B19\u9B2B\u9B3B\u9B56\u9B55\u9C46\u9C48\u9C3F\u9C44\u9C39\u9C33\u9C41\u9C3C\u9C37\u9C34\u9C32\u9C3D\u9C36\u9DDB\u9DD2\u9DDE\u9DDA\u9DCB\u9DD0\u9DDC\u9DD1\u9DDF\u9DE9\u9DD9\u9DD8\u9DD6\u9DF5\u9DD5\u9DDD\u9EB6\u9EF0\u9F35\u9F33\u9F32\u9F42\u9F6B\u9F95\u9FA2\u513D\u5299\u58E8\u58E7\u5972\u5B4D\u5DD8\u882F\u5F4F\u6201\u6203\u6204\u6529\u6525\u6596\u66EB\u6B11\u6B12\u6B0F\u6BCA\u705B\u705A\u7222\u7382\u7381\u7383\u7670\u77D4\u7C67\u7C66\u7E95\u826C\u863A\u8640\u8639\u863C\u8631\u863B\u863E\u8830\u8832\u882E\u8833\u8976\u8974\u8973\u89FE"], + ["f840", "\u8B8C\u8B8E\u8B8B\u8B88\u8C45\u8D19\u8E98\u8F64\u8F63\u91BC\u9462\u9455\u945D\u9457\u945E\u97C4\u97C5\u9800\u9A56\u9A59\u9B1E\u9B1F\u9B20\u9C52\u9C58\u9C50\u9C4A\u9C4D\u9C4B\u9C55\u9C59\u9C4C\u9C4E\u9DFB\u9DF7\u9DEF\u9DE3\u9DEB\u9DF8\u9DE4\u9DF6\u9DE1\u9DEE\u9DE6\u9DF2\u9DF0\u9DE2\u9DEC\u9DF4\u9DF3\u9DE8\u9DED\u9EC2\u9ED0\u9EF2\u9EF3\u9F06\u9F1C\u9F38\u9F37\u9F36\u9F43\u9F4F"], + ["f8a1", "\u9F71\u9F70\u9F6E\u9F6F\u56D3\u56CD\u5B4E\u5C6D\u652D\u66ED\u66EE\u6B13\u705F\u7061\u705D\u7060\u7223\u74DB\u74E5\u77D5\u7938\u79B7\u79B6\u7C6A\u7E97\u7F89\u826D\u8643\u8838\u8837\u8835\u884B\u8B94\u8B95\u8E9E\u8E9F\u8EA0\u8E9D\u91BE\u91BD\u91C2\u946B\u9468\u9469\u96E5\u9746\u9743\u9747\u97C7\u97E5\u9A5E\u9AD5\u9B59\u9C63\u9C67\u9C66\u9C62\u9C5E\u9C60\u9E02\u9DFE\u9E07\u9E03\u9E06\u9E05\u9E00\u9E01\u9E09\u9DFF\u9DFD\u9E04\u9EA0\u9F1E\u9F46\u9F74\u9F75\u9F76\u56D4\u652E\u65B8\u6B18\u6B19\u6B17\u6B1A\u7062\u7226\u72AA\u77D8\u77D9\u7939\u7C69\u7C6B\u7CF6\u7E9A"], + ["f940", "\u7E98\u7E9B\u7E99\u81E0\u81E1\u8646\u8647\u8648\u8979\u897A\u897C\u897B\u89FF\u8B98\u8B99\u8EA5\u8EA4\u8EA3\u946E\u946D\u946F\u9471\u9473\u9749\u9872\u995F\u9C68\u9C6E\u9C6D\u9E0B\u9E0D\u9E10\u9E0F\u9E12\u9E11\u9EA1\u9EF5\u9F09\u9F47\u9F78\u9F7B\u9F7A\u9F79\u571E\u7066\u7C6F\u883C\u8DB2\u8EA6\u91C3\u9474\u9478\u9476\u9475\u9A60\u9C74\u9C73\u9C71\u9C75\u9E14\u9E13\u9EF6\u9F0A"], + ["f9a1", "\u9FA4\u7068\u7065\u7CF7\u866A\u883E\u883D\u883F\u8B9E\u8C9C\u8EA9\u8EC9\u974B\u9873\u9874\u98CC\u9961\u99AB\u9A64\u9A66\u9A67\u9B24\u9E15\u9E17\u9F48\u6207\u6B1E\u7227\u864C\u8EA8\u9482\u9480\u9481\u9A69\u9A68\u9B2E\u9E19\u7229\u864B\u8B9F\u9483\u9C79\u9EB7\u7675\u9A6B\u9C7A\u9E1D\u7069\u706A\u9EA4\u9F7E\u9F49\u9F98\u7881\u92B9\u88CF\u58BB\u6052\u7CA7\u5AFA\u2554\u2566\u2557\u2560\u256C\u2563\u255A\u2569\u255D\u2552\u2564\u2555\u255E\u256A\u2561\u2558\u2567\u255B\u2553\u2565\u2556\u255F\u256B\u2562\u2559\u2568\u255C\u2551\u2550\u256D\u256E\u2570\u256F\u2593"] + ]; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/encoding/node_modules/iconv-lite/encodings/tables/big5-added.json +var require_big5_added = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/encoding/node_modules/iconv-lite/encodings/tables/big5-added.json"(exports, module2) { + module2.exports = [ + ["8740", "\u43F0\u4C32\u4603\u45A6\u4578\u{27267}\u4D77\u45B3\u{27CB1}\u4CE2\u{27CC5}\u3B95\u4736\u4744\u4C47\u4C40\u{242BF}\u{23617}\u{27352}\u{26E8B}\u{270D2}\u4C57\u{2A351}\u474F\u45DA\u4C85\u{27C6C}\u4D07\u4AA4\u46A1\u{26B23}\u7225\u{25A54}\u{21A63}\u{23E06}\u{23F61}\u664D\u56FB"], + ["8767", "\u7D95\u591D\u{28BB9}\u3DF4\u9734\u{27BEF}\u5BDB\u{21D5E}\u5AA4\u3625\u{29EB0}\u5AD1\u5BB7\u5CFC\u676E\u8593\u{29945}\u7461\u749D\u3875\u{21D53}\u{2369E}\u{26021}\u3EEC"], + ["87a1", "\u{258DE}\u3AF5\u7AFC\u9F97\u{24161}\u{2890D}\u{231EA}\u{20A8A}\u{2325E}\u430A\u8484\u9F96\u942F\u4930\u8613\u5896\u974A\u9218\u79D0\u7A32\u6660\u6A29\u889D\u744C\u7BC5\u6782\u7A2C\u524F\u9046\u34E6\u73C4\u{25DB9}\u74C6\u9FC7\u57B3\u492F\u544C\u4131\u{2368E}\u5818\u7A72\u{27B65}\u8B8F\u46AE\u{26E88}\u4181\u{25D99}\u7BAE\u{224BC}\u9FC8\u{224C1}\u{224C9}\u{224CC}\u9FC9\u8504\u{235BB}\u40B4\u9FCA\u44E1\u{2ADFF}\u62C1\u706E\u9FCB"], + ["8840", "\u31C0", 4, "\u{2010C}\u31C5\u{200D1}\u{200CD}\u31C6\u31C7\u{200CB}\u{21FE8}\u31C8\u{200CA}\u31C9\u31CA\u31CB\u31CC\u{2010E}\u31CD\u31CE\u0100\xC1\u01CD\xC0\u0112\xC9\u011A\xC8\u014C\xD3\u01D1\xD2\u0FFF\xCA\u0304\u1EBE\u0FFF\xCA\u030C\u1EC0\xCA\u0101\xE1\u01CE\xE0\u0251\u0113\xE9\u011B\xE8\u012B\xED\u01D0\xEC\u014D\xF3\u01D2\xF2\u016B\xFA\u01D4\xF9\u01D6\u01D8\u01DA"], + ["88a1", "\u01DC\xFC\u0FFF\xEA\u0304\u1EBF\u0FFF\xEA\u030C\u1EC1\xEA\u0261\u23DA\u23DB"], + ["8940", "\u{2A3A9}\u{21145}"], + ["8943", "\u650A"], + ["8946", "\u4E3D\u6EDD\u9D4E\u91DF"], + ["894c", "\u{27735}\u6491\u4F1A\u4F28\u4FA8\u5156\u5174\u519C\u51E4\u52A1\u52A8\u533B\u534E\u53D1\u53D8\u56E2\u58F0\u5904\u5907\u5932\u5934\u5B66\u5B9E\u5B9F\u5C9A\u5E86\u603B\u6589\u67FE\u6804\u6865\u6D4E\u70BC\u7535\u7EA4\u7EAC\u7EBA\u7EC7\u7ECF\u7EDF\u7F06\u7F37\u827A\u82CF\u836F\u89C6\u8BBE\u8BE2\u8F66\u8F67\u8F6E"], + ["89a1", "\u7411\u7CFC\u7DCD\u6946\u7AC9\u5227"], + ["89ab", "\u918C\u78B8\u915E\u80BC"], + ["89b0", "\u8D0B\u80F6\u{209E7}"], + ["89b5", "\u809F\u9EC7\u4CCD\u9DC9\u9E0C\u4C3E\u{29DF6}\u{2700E}\u9E0A\u{2A133}\u35C1"], + ["89c1", "\u6E9A\u823E\u7519"], + ["89c5", "\u4911\u9A6C\u9A8F\u9F99\u7987\u{2846C}\u{21DCA}\u{205D0}\u{22AE6}\u4E24\u4E81\u4E80\u4E87\u4EBF\u4EEB\u4F37\u344C\u4FBD\u3E48\u5003\u5088\u347D\u3493\u34A5\u5186\u5905\u51DB\u51FC\u5205\u4E89\u5279\u5290\u5327\u35C7\u53A9\u3551\u53B0\u3553\u53C2\u5423\u356D\u3572\u3681\u5493\u54A3\u54B4\u54B9\u54D0\u54EF\u5518\u5523\u5528\u3598\u553F\u35A5\u35BF\u55D7\u35C5"], + ["8a40", "\u{27D84}\u5525"], + ["8a43", "\u{20C42}\u{20D15}\u{2512B}\u5590\u{22CC6}\u39EC\u{20341}\u8E46\u{24DB8}\u{294E5}\u4053\u{280BE}\u777A\u{22C38}\u3A34\u47D5\u{2815D}\u{269F2}\u{24DEA}\u64DD\u{20D7C}\u{20FB4}\u{20CD5}\u{210F4}\u648D\u8E7E\u{20E96}\u{20C0B}\u{20F64}\u{22CA9}\u{28256}\u{244D3}"], + ["8a64", "\u{20D46}\u{29A4D}\u{280E9}\u47F4\u{24EA7}\u{22CC2}\u9AB2\u3A67\u{295F4}\u3FED\u3506\u{252C7}\u{297D4}\u{278C8}\u{22D44}\u9D6E\u9815"], + ["8a76", "\u43D9\u{260A5}\u64B4\u54E3\u{22D4C}\u{22BCA}\u{21077}\u39FB\u{2106F}"], + ["8aa1", "\u{266DA}\u{26716}\u{279A0}\u64EA\u{25052}\u{20C43}\u8E68\u{221A1}\u{28B4C}\u{20731}"], + ["8aac", "\u480B\u{201A9}\u3FFA\u5873\u{22D8D}"], + ["8ab2", "\u{245C8}\u{204FC}\u{26097}\u{20F4C}\u{20D96}\u5579\u40BB\u43BA"], + ["8abb", "\u4AB4\u{22A66}\u{2109D}\u81AA\u98F5\u{20D9C}\u6379\u39FE\u{22775}\u8DC0\u56A1\u647C\u3E43"], + ["8ac9", "\u{2A601}\u{20E09}\u{22ACF}\u{22CC9}"], + ["8ace", "\u{210C8}\u{239C2}\u3992\u3A06\u{2829B}\u3578\u{25E49}\u{220C7}\u5652\u{20F31}\u{22CB2}\u{29720}\u34BC\u6C3D\u{24E3B}"], + ["8adf", "\u{27574}\u{22E8B}\u{22208}\u{2A65B}\u{28CCD}\u{20E7A}\u{20C34}\u{2681C}\u7F93\u{210CF}\u{22803}\u{22939}\u35FB\u{251E3}\u{20E8C}\u{20F8D}\u{20EAA}\u3F93\u{20F30}\u{20D47}\u{2114F}\u{20E4C}"], + ["8af6", "\u{20EAB}\u{20BA9}\u{20D48}\u{210C0}\u{2113D}\u3FF9\u{22696}\u6432\u{20FAD}"], + ["8b40", "\u{233F4}\u{27639}\u{22BCE}\u{20D7E}\u{20D7F}\u{22C51}\u{22C55}\u3A18\u{20E98}\u{210C7}\u{20F2E}\u{2A632}\u{26B50}\u{28CD2}\u{28D99}\u{28CCA}\u95AA\u54CC\u82C4\u55B9"], + ["8b55", "\u{29EC3}\u9C26\u9AB6\u{2775E}\u{22DEE}\u7140\u816D\u80EC\u5C1C\u{26572}\u8134\u3797\u535F\u{280BD}\u91B6\u{20EFA}\u{20E0F}\u{20E77}\u{20EFB}\u35DD\u{24DEB}\u3609\u{20CD6}\u56AF\u{227B5}\u{210C9}\u{20E10}\u{20E78}\u{21078}\u{21148}\u{28207}\u{21455}\u{20E79}\u{24E50}\u{22DA4}\u5A54\u{2101D}\u{2101E}\u{210F5}\u{210F6}\u579C\u{20E11}"], + ["8ba1", "\u{27694}\u{282CD}\u{20FB5}\u{20E7B}\u{2517E}\u3703\u{20FB6}\u{21180}\u{252D8}\u{2A2BD}\u{249DA}\u{2183A}\u{24177}\u{2827C}\u5899\u5268\u361A\u{2573D}\u7BB2\u5B68\u4800\u4B2C\u9F27\u49E7\u9C1F\u9B8D\u{25B74}\u{2313D}\u55FB\u35F2\u5689\u4E28\u5902\u{21BC1}\u{2F878}\u9751\u{20086}\u4E5B\u4EBB\u353E\u5C23\u5F51\u5FC4\u38FA\u624C\u6535\u6B7A\u6C35\u6C3A\u706C\u722B\u4E2C\u72AD\u{248E9}\u7F52\u793B\u7CF9\u7F53\u{2626A}\u34C1"], + ["8bde", "\u{2634B}\u8002\u8080\u{26612}\u{26951}\u535D\u8864\u89C1\u{278B2}\u8BA0\u8D1D\u9485\u9578\u957F\u95E8\u{28E0F}\u97E6\u9875\u98CE\u98DE\u9963\u{29810}\u9C7C\u9E1F\u9EC4\u6B6F\uF907\u4E37\u{20087}\u961D\u6237\u94A2"], + ["8c40", "\u503B\u6DFE\u{29C73}\u9FA6\u3DC9\u888F\u{2414E}\u7077\u5CF5\u4B20\u{251CD}\u3559\u{25D30}\u6122\u{28A32}\u8FA7\u91F6\u7191\u6719\u73BA\u{23281}\u{2A107}\u3C8B\u{21980}\u4B10\u78E4\u7402\u51AE\u{2870F}\u4009\u6A63\u{2A2BA}\u4223\u860F\u{20A6F}\u7A2A\u{29947}\u{28AEA}\u9755\u704D\u5324\u{2207E}\u93F4\u76D9\u{289E3}\u9FA7\u77DD\u4EA3\u4FF0\u50BC\u4E2F\u4F17\u9FA8\u5434\u7D8B\u5892\u58D0\u{21DB6}\u5E92\u5E99\u5FC2\u{22712}\u658B"], + ["8ca1", "\u{233F9}\u6919\u6A43\u{23C63}\u6CFF"], + ["8ca7", "\u7200\u{24505}\u738C\u3EDB\u{24A13}\u5B15\u74B9\u8B83\u{25CA4}\u{25695}\u7A93\u7BEC\u7CC3\u7E6C\u82F8\u8597\u9FA9\u8890\u9FAA\u8EB9\u9FAB\u8FCF\u855F\u99E0\u9221\u9FAC\u{28DB9}\u{2143F}\u4071\u42A2\u5A1A"], + ["8cc9", "\u9868\u676B\u4276\u573D"], + ["8cce", "\u85D6\u{2497B}\u82BF\u{2710D}\u4C81\u{26D74}\u5D7B\u{26B15}\u{26FBE}\u9FAD\u9FAE\u5B96\u9FAF\u66E7\u7E5B\u6E57\u79CA\u3D88\u44C3\u{23256}\u{22796}\u439A\u4536"], + ["8ce6", "\u5CD5\u{23B1A}\u8AF9\u5C78\u3D12\u{23551}\u5D78\u9FB2\u7157\u4558\u{240EC}\u{21E23}\u4C77\u3978\u344A\u{201A4}\u{26C41}\u8ACC\u4FB4\u{20239}\u59BF\u816C\u9856\u{298FA}\u5F3B"], + ["8d40", "\u{20B9F}"], + ["8d42", "\u{221C1}\u{2896D}\u4102\u46BB\u{29079}\u3F07\u9FB3\u{2A1B5}\u40F8\u37D6\u46F7\u{26C46}\u417C\u{286B2}\u{273FF}\u456D\u38D4\u{2549A}\u4561\u451B\u4D89\u4C7B\u4D76\u45EA\u3FC8\u{24B0F}\u3661\u44DE\u44BD\u41ED\u5D3E\u5D48\u5D56\u3DFC\u380F\u5DA4\u5DB9\u3820\u3838\u5E42\u5EBD\u5F25\u5F83\u3908\u3914\u393F\u394D\u60D7\u613D\u5CE5\u3989\u61B7\u61B9\u61CF\u39B8\u622C\u6290\u62E5\u6318\u39F8\u56B1"], + ["8da1", "\u3A03\u63E2\u63FB\u6407\u645A\u3A4B\u64C0\u5D15\u5621\u9F9F\u3A97\u6586\u3ABD\u65FF\u6653\u3AF2\u6692\u3B22\u6716\u3B42\u67A4\u6800\u3B58\u684A\u6884\u3B72\u3B71\u3B7B\u6909\u6943\u725C\u6964\u699F\u6985\u3BBC\u69D6\u3BDD\u6A65\u6A74\u6A71\u6A82\u3BEC\u6A99\u3BF2\u6AAB\u6AB5\u6AD4\u6AF6\u6B81\u6BC1\u6BEA\u6C75\u6CAA\u3CCB\u6D02\u6D06\u6D26\u6D81\u3CEF\u6DA4\u6DB1\u6E15\u6E18\u6E29\u6E86\u{289C0}\u6EBB\u6EE2\u6EDA\u9F7F\u6EE8\u6EE9\u6F24\u6F34\u3D46\u{23F41}\u6F81\u6FBE\u3D6A\u3D75\u71B7\u5C99\u3D8A\u702C\u3D91\u7050\u7054\u706F\u707F\u7089\u{20325}\u43C1\u35F1\u{20ED8}"], + ["8e40", "\u{23ED7}\u57BE\u{26ED3}\u713E\u{257E0}\u364E\u69A2\u{28BE9}\u5B74\u7A49\u{258E1}\u{294D9}\u7A65\u7A7D\u{259AC}\u7ABB\u7AB0\u7AC2\u7AC3\u71D1\u{2648D}\u41CA\u7ADA\u7ADD\u7AEA\u41EF\u54B2\u{25C01}\u7B0B\u7B55\u7B29\u{2530E}\u{25CFE}\u7BA2\u7B6F\u839C\u{25BB4}\u{26C7F}\u7BD0\u8421\u7B92\u7BB8\u{25D20}\u3DAD\u{25C65}\u8492\u7BFA\u7C06\u7C35\u{25CC1}\u7C44\u7C83\u{24882}\u7CA6\u667D\u{24578}\u7CC9\u7CC7\u7CE6\u7C74\u7CF3\u7CF5\u7CCE"], + ["8ea1", "\u7E67\u451D\u{26E44}\u7D5D\u{26ED6}\u748D\u7D89\u7DAB\u7135\u7DB3\u7DD2\u{24057}\u{26029}\u7DE4\u3D13\u7DF5\u{217F9}\u7DE5\u{2836D}\u7E1D\u{26121}\u{2615A}\u7E6E\u7E92\u432B\u946C\u7E27\u7F40\u7F41\u7F47\u7936\u{262D0}\u99E1\u7F97\u{26351}\u7FA3\u{21661}\u{20068}\u455C\u{23766}\u4503\u{2833A}\u7FFA\u{26489}\u8005\u8008\u801D\u8028\u802F\u{2A087}\u{26CC3}\u803B\u803C\u8061\u{22714}\u4989\u{26626}\u{23DE3}\u{266E8}\u6725\u80A7\u{28A48}\u8107\u811A\u58B0\u{226F6}\u6C7F\u{26498}\u{24FB8}\u64E7\u{2148A}\u8218\u{2185E}\u6A53\u{24A65}\u{24A95}\u447A\u8229\u{20B0D}\u{26A52}\u{23D7E}\u4FF9\u{214FD}\u84E2\u8362\u{26B0A}\u{249A7}\u{23530}\u{21773}\u{23DF8}\u82AA\u691B\u{2F994}\u41DB"], + ["8f40", "\u854B\u82D0\u831A\u{20E16}\u{217B4}\u36C1\u{2317D}\u{2355A}\u827B\u82E2\u8318\u{23E8B}\u{26DA3}\u{26B05}\u{26B97}\u{235CE}\u3DBF\u831D\u55EC\u8385\u450B\u{26DA5}\u83AC\u83C1\u83D3\u347E\u{26ED4}\u6A57\u855A\u3496\u{26E42}\u{22EEF}\u8458\u{25BE4}\u8471\u3DD3\u44E4\u6AA7\u844A\u{23CB5}\u7958\u84A8\u{26B96}\u{26E77}\u{26E43}\u84DE\u840F\u8391\u44A0\u8493\u84E4\u{25C91}\u4240\u{25CC0}\u4543\u8534\u5AF2\u{26E99}\u4527\u8573\u4516\u67BF\u8616"], + ["8fa1", "\u{28625}\u{2863B}\u85C1\u{27088}\u8602\u{21582}\u{270CD}\u{2F9B2}\u456A\u8628\u3648\u{218A2}\u53F7\u{2739A}\u867E\u8771\u{2A0F8}\u87EE\u{22C27}\u87B1\u87DA\u880F\u5661\u866C\u6856\u460F\u8845\u8846\u{275E0}\u{23DB9}\u{275E4}\u885E\u889C\u465B\u88B4\u88B5\u63C1\u88C5\u7777\u{2770F}\u8987\u898A\u89A6\u89A9\u89A7\u89BC\u{28A25}\u89E7\u{27924}\u{27ABD}\u8A9C\u7793\u91FE\u8A90\u{27A59}\u7AE9\u{27B3A}\u{23F8F}\u4713\u{27B38}\u717C\u8B0C\u8B1F\u{25430}\u{25565}\u8B3F\u8B4C\u8B4D\u8AA9\u{24A7A}\u8B90\u8B9B\u8AAF\u{216DF}\u4615\u884F\u8C9B\u{27D54}\u{27D8F}\u{2F9D4}\u3725\u{27D53}\u8CD6\u{27D98}\u{27DBD}\u8D12\u8D03\u{21910}\u8CDB\u705C\u8D11\u{24CC9}\u3ED0\u8D77"], + ["9040", "\u8DA9\u{28002}\u{21014}\u{2498A}\u3B7C\u{281BC}\u{2710C}\u7AE7\u8EAD\u8EB6\u8EC3\u92D4\u8F19\u8F2D\u{28365}\u{28412}\u8FA5\u9303\u{2A29F}\u{20A50}\u8FB3\u492A\u{289DE}\u{2853D}\u{23DBB}\u5EF8\u{23262}\u8FF9\u{2A014}\u{286BC}\u{28501}\u{22325}\u3980\u{26ED7}\u9037\u{2853C}\u{27ABE}\u9061\u{2856C}\u{2860B}\u90A8\u{28713}\u90C4\u{286E6}\u90AE\u90FD\u9167\u3AF0\u91A9\u91C4\u7CAC\u{28933}\u{21E89}\u920E\u6C9F\u9241\u9262\u{255B9}\u92B9\u{28AC6}\u{23C9B}\u{28B0C}\u{255DB}"], + ["90a1", "\u{20D31}\u932C\u936B\u{28AE1}\u{28BEB}\u708F\u5AC3\u{28AE2}\u{28AE5}\u4965\u9244\u{28BEC}\u{28C39}\u{28BFF}\u9373\u945B\u8EBC\u9585\u95A6\u9426\u95A0\u6FF6\u42B9\u{2267A}\u{286D8}\u{2127C}\u{23E2E}\u49DF\u6C1C\u967B\u9696\u416C\u96A3\u{26ED5}\u61DA\u96B6\u78F5\u{28AE0}\u96BD\u53CC\u49A1\u{26CB8}\u{20274}\u{26410}\u{290AF}\u{290E5}\u{24AD1}\u{21915}\u{2330A}\u9731\u8642\u9736\u4A0F\u453D\u4585\u{24AE9}\u7075\u5B41\u971B\u975C\u{291D5}\u9757\u5B4A\u{291EB}\u975F\u9425\u50D0\u{230B7}\u{230BC}\u9789\u979F\u97B1\u97BE\u97C0\u97D2\u97E0\u{2546C}\u97EE\u741C\u{29433}\u97FF\u97F5\u{2941D}\u{2797A}\u4AD1\u9834\u9833\u984B\u9866\u3B0E\u{27175}\u3D51\u{20630}\u{2415C}"], + ["9140", "\u{25706}\u98CA\u98B7\u98C8\u98C7\u4AFF\u{26D27}\u{216D3}\u55B0\u98E1\u98E6\u98EC\u9378\u9939\u{24A29}\u4B72\u{29857}\u{29905}\u99F5\u9A0C\u9A3B\u9A10\u9A58\u{25725}\u36C4\u{290B1}\u{29BD5}\u9AE0\u9AE2\u{29B05}\u9AF4\u4C0E\u9B14\u9B2D\u{28600}\u5034\u9B34\u{269A8}\u38C3\u{2307D}\u9B50\u9B40\u{29D3E}\u5A45\u{21863}\u9B8E\u{2424B}\u9C02\u9BFF\u9C0C\u{29E68}\u9DD4\u{29FB7}\u{2A192}\u{2A1AB}\u{2A0E1}\u{2A123}\u{2A1DF}\u9D7E\u9D83\u{2A134}\u9E0E\u6888"], + ["91a1", "\u9DC4\u{2215B}\u{2A193}\u{2A220}\u{2193B}\u{2A233}\u9D39\u{2A0B9}\u{2A2B4}\u9E90\u9E95\u9E9E\u9EA2\u4D34\u9EAA\u9EAF\u{24364}\u9EC1\u3B60\u39E5\u3D1D\u4F32\u37BE\u{28C2B}\u9F02\u9F08\u4B96\u9424\u{26DA2}\u9F17\u9F16\u9F39\u569F\u568A\u9F45\u99B8\u{2908B}\u97F2\u847F\u9F62\u9F69\u7ADC\u9F8E\u7216\u4BBE\u{24975}\u{249BB}\u7177\u{249F8}\u{24348}\u{24A51}\u739E\u{28BDA}\u{218FA}\u799F\u{2897E}\u{28E36}\u9369\u93F3\u{28A44}\u92EC\u9381\u93CB\u{2896C}\u{244B9}\u7217\u3EEB\u7772\u7A43\u70D0\u{24473}\u{243F8}\u717E\u{217EF}\u70A3\u{218BE}\u{23599}\u3EC7\u{21885}\u{2542F}\u{217F8}\u3722\u{216FB}\u{21839}\u36E1\u{21774}\u{218D1}\u{25F4B}\u3723\u{216C0}\u575B\u{24A25}\u{213FE}\u{212A8}"], + ["9240", "\u{213C6}\u{214B6}\u8503\u{236A6}\u8503\u8455\u{24994}\u{27165}\u{23E31}\u{2555C}\u{23EFB}\u{27052}\u44F4\u{236EE}\u{2999D}\u{26F26}\u67F9\u3733\u3C15\u3DE7\u586C\u{21922}\u6810\u4057\u{2373F}\u{240E1}\u{2408B}\u{2410F}\u{26C21}\u54CB\u569E\u{266B1}\u5692\u{20FDF}\u{20BA8}\u{20E0D}\u93C6\u{28B13}\u939C\u4EF8\u512B\u3819\u{24436}\u4EBC\u{20465}\u{2037F}\u4F4B\u4F8A\u{25651}\u5A68\u{201AB}\u{203CB}\u3999\u{2030A}\u{20414}\u3435\u4F29\u{202C0}\u{28EB3}\u{20275}\u8ADA\u{2020C}\u4E98"], + ["92a1", "\u50CD\u510D\u4FA2\u4F03\u{24A0E}\u{23E8A}\u4F42\u502E\u506C\u5081\u4FCC\u4FE5\u5058\u50FC\u5159\u515B\u515D\u515E\u6E76\u{23595}\u{23E39}\u{23EBF}\u6D72\u{21884}\u{23E89}\u51A8\u51C3\u{205E0}\u44DD\u{204A3}\u{20492}\u{20491}\u8D7A\u{28A9C}\u{2070E}\u5259\u52A4\u{20873}\u52E1\u936E\u467A\u718C\u{2438C}\u{20C20}\u{249AC}\u{210E4}\u69D1\u{20E1D}\u7479\u3EDE\u7499\u7414\u7456\u7398\u4B8E\u{24ABC}\u{2408D}\u53D0\u3584\u720F\u{240C9}\u55B4\u{20345}\u54CD\u{20BC6}\u571D\u925D\u96F4\u9366\u57DD\u578D\u577F\u363E\u58CB\u5A99\u{28A46}\u{216FA}\u{2176F}\u{21710}\u5A2C\u59B8\u928F\u5A7E\u5ACF\u5A12\u{25946}\u{219F3}\u{21861}\u{24295}\u36F5\u6D05\u7443\u5A21\u{25E83}"], + ["9340", "\u5A81\u{28BD7}\u{20413}\u93E0\u748C\u{21303}\u7105\u4972\u9408\u{289FB}\u93BD\u37A0\u5C1E\u5C9E\u5E5E\u5E48\u{21996}\u{2197C}\u{23AEE}\u5ECD\u5B4F\u{21903}\u{21904}\u3701\u{218A0}\u36DD\u{216FE}\u36D3\u812A\u{28A47}\u{21DBA}\u{23472}\u{289A8}\u5F0C\u5F0E\u{21927}\u{217AB}\u5A6B\u{2173B}\u5B44\u8614\u{275FD}\u8860\u607E\u{22860}\u{2262B}\u5FDB\u3EB8\u{225AF}\u{225BE}\u{29088}\u{26F73}\u61C0\u{2003E}\u{20046}\u{2261B}\u6199\u6198\u6075\u{22C9B}\u{22D07}\u{246D4}\u{2914D}"], + ["93a1", "\u6471\u{24665}\u{22B6A}\u3A29\u{22B22}\u{23450}\u{298EA}\u{22E78}\u6337\u{2A45B}\u64B6\u6331\u63D1\u{249E3}\u{22D67}\u62A4\u{22CA1}\u643B\u656B\u6972\u3BF4\u{2308E}\u{232AD}\u{24989}\u{232AB}\u550D\u{232E0}\u{218D9}\u{2943F}\u66CE\u{23289}\u{231B3}\u3AE0\u4190\u{25584}\u{28B22}\u{2558F}\u{216FC}\u{2555B}\u{25425}\u78EE\u{23103}\u{2182A}\u{23234}\u3464\u{2320F}\u{23182}\u{242C9}\u668E\u{26D24}\u666B\u4B93\u6630\u{27870}\u{21DEB}\u6663\u{232D2}\u{232E1}\u661E\u{25872}\u38D1\u{2383A}\u{237BC}\u3B99\u{237A2}\u{233FE}\u74D0\u3B96\u678F\u{2462A}\u68B6\u681E\u3BC4\u6ABE\u3863\u{237D5}\u{24487}\u6A33\u6A52\u6AC9\u6B05\u{21912}\u6511\u6898\u6A4C\u3BD7\u6A7A\u6B57\u{23FC0}\u{23C9A}\u93A0\u92F2\u{28BEA}\u{28ACB}"], + ["9440", "\u9289\u{2801E}\u{289DC}\u9467\u6DA5\u6F0B\u{249EC}\u6D67\u{23F7F}\u3D8F\u6E04\u{2403C}\u5A3D\u6E0A\u5847\u6D24\u7842\u713B\u{2431A}\u{24276}\u70F1\u7250\u7287\u7294\u{2478F}\u{24725}\u5179\u{24AA4}\u{205EB}\u747A\u{23EF8}\u{2365F}\u{24A4A}\u{24917}\u{25FE1}\u3F06\u3EB1\u{24ADF}\u{28C23}\u{23F35}\u60A7\u3EF3\u74CC\u743C\u9387\u7437\u449F\u{26DEA}\u4551\u7583\u3F63\u{24CD9}\u{24D06}\u3F58\u7555\u7673\u{2A5C6}\u3B19\u7468\u{28ACC}\u{249AB}\u{2498E}\u3AFB"], + ["94a1", "\u3DCD\u{24A4E}\u3EFF\u{249C5}\u{248F3}\u91FA\u5732\u9342\u{28AE3}\u{21864}\u50DF\u{25221}\u{251E7}\u7778\u{23232}\u770E\u770F\u777B\u{24697}\u{23781}\u3A5E\u{248F0}\u7438\u749B\u3EBF\u{24ABA}\u{24AC7}\u40C8\u{24A96}\u{261AE}\u9307\u{25581}\u781E\u788D\u7888\u78D2\u73D0\u7959\u{27741}\u{256E3}\u410E\u799B\u8496\u79A5\u6A2D\u{23EFA}\u7A3A\u79F4\u416E\u{216E6}\u4132\u9235\u79F1\u{20D4C}\u{2498C}\u{20299}\u{23DBA}\u{2176E}\u3597\u556B\u3570\u36AA\u{201D4}\u{20C0D}\u7AE2\u5A59\u{226F5}\u{25AAF}\u{25A9C}\u5A0D\u{2025B}\u78F0\u5A2A\u{25BC6}\u7AFE\u41F9\u7C5D\u7C6D\u4211\u{25BB3}\u{25EBC}\u{25EA6}\u7CCD\u{249F9}\u{217B0}\u7C8E\u7C7C\u7CAE\u6AB2\u7DDC\u7E07\u7DD3\u7F4E\u{26261}"], + ["9540", "\u{2615C}\u{27B48}\u7D97\u{25E82}\u426A\u{26B75}\u{20916}\u67D6\u{2004E}\u{235CF}\u57C4\u{26412}\u{263F8}\u{24962}\u7FDD\u7B27\u{2082C}\u{25AE9}\u{25D43}\u7B0C\u{25E0E}\u99E6\u8645\u9A63\u6A1C\u{2343F}\u39E2\u{249F7}\u{265AD}\u9A1F\u{265A0}\u8480\u{27127}\u{26CD1}\u44EA\u8137\u4402\u80C6\u8109\u8142\u{267B4}\u98C3\u{26A42}\u8262\u8265\u{26A51}\u8453\u{26DA7}\u8610\u{2721B}\u5A86\u417F\u{21840}\u5B2B\u{218A1}\u5AE4\u{218D8}\u86A0\u{2F9BC}\u{23D8F}\u882D\u{27422}\u5A02"], + ["95a1", "\u886E\u4F45\u8887\u88BF\u88E6\u8965\u894D\u{25683}\u8954\u{27785}\u{27784}\u{28BF5}\u{28BD9}\u{28B9C}\u{289F9}\u3EAD\u84A3\u46F5\u46CF\u37F2\u8A3D\u8A1C\u{29448}\u5F4D\u922B\u{24284}\u65D4\u7129\u70C4\u{21845}\u9D6D\u8C9F\u8CE9\u{27DDC}\u599A\u77C3\u59F0\u436E\u36D4\u8E2A\u8EA7\u{24C09}\u8F30\u8F4A\u42F4\u6C58\u6FBB\u{22321}\u489B\u6F79\u6E8B\u{217DA}\u9BE9\u36B5\u{2492F}\u90BB\u9097\u5571\u4906\u91BB\u9404\u{28A4B}\u4062\u{28AFC}\u9427\u{28C1D}\u{28C3B}\u84E5\u8A2B\u9599\u95A7\u9597\u9596\u{28D34}\u7445\u3EC2\u{248FF}\u{24A42}\u{243EA}\u3EE7\u{23225}\u968F\u{28EE7}\u{28E66}\u{28E65}\u3ECC\u{249ED}\u{24A78}\u{23FEE}\u7412\u746B\u3EFC\u9741\u{290B0}"], + ["9640", "\u6847\u4A1D\u{29093}\u{257DF}\u975D\u9368\u{28989}\u{28C26}\u{28B2F}\u{263BE}\u92BA\u5B11\u8B69\u493C\u73F9\u{2421B}\u979B\u9771\u9938\u{20F26}\u5DC1\u{28BC5}\u{24AB2}\u981F\u{294DA}\u92F6\u{295D7}\u91E5\u44C0\u{28B50}\u{24A67}\u{28B64}\u98DC\u{28A45}\u3F00\u922A\u4925\u8414\u993B\u994D\u{27B06}\u3DFD\u999B\u4B6F\u99AA\u9A5C\u{28B65}\u{258C8}\u6A8F\u9A21\u5AFE\u9A2F\u{298F1}\u4B90\u{29948}\u99BC\u4BBD\u4B97\u937D\u5872\u{21302}\u5822\u{249B8}"], + ["96a1", "\u{214E8}\u7844\u{2271F}\u{23DB8}\u68C5\u3D7D\u9458\u3927\u6150\u{22781}\u{2296B}\u6107\u9C4F\u9C53\u9C7B\u9C35\u9C10\u9B7F\u9BCF\u{29E2D}\u9B9F\u{2A1F5}\u{2A0FE}\u9D21\u4CAE\u{24104}\u9E18\u4CB0\u9D0C\u{2A1B4}\u{2A0ED}\u{2A0F3}\u{2992F}\u9DA5\u84BD\u{26E12}\u{26FDF}\u{26B82}\u85FC\u4533\u{26DA4}\u{26E84}\u{26DF0}\u8420\u85EE\u{26E00}\u{237D7}\u{26064}\u79E2\u{2359C}\u{23640}\u492D\u{249DE}\u3D62\u93DB\u92BE\u9348\u{202BF}\u78B9\u9277\u944D\u4FE4\u3440\u9064\u{2555D}\u783D\u7854\u78B6\u784B\u{21757}\u{231C9}\u{24941}\u369A\u4F72\u6FDA\u6FD9\u701E\u701E\u5414\u{241B5}\u57BB\u58F3\u578A\u9D16\u57D7\u7134\u34AF\u{241AC}\u71EB\u{26C40}\u{24F97}\u5B28\u{217B5}\u{28A49}"], + ["9740", "\u610C\u5ACE\u5A0B\u42BC\u{24488}\u372C\u4B7B\u{289FC}\u93BB\u93B8\u{218D6}\u{20F1D}\u8472\u{26CC0}\u{21413}\u{242FA}\u{22C26}\u{243C1}\u5994\u{23DB7}\u{26741}\u7DA8\u{2615B}\u{260A4}\u{249B9}\u{2498B}\u{289FA}\u92E5\u73E2\u3EE9\u74B4\u{28B63}\u{2189F}\u3EE1\u{24AB3}\u6AD8\u73F3\u73FB\u3ED6\u{24A3E}\u{24A94}\u{217D9}\u{24A66}\u{203A7}\u{21424}\u{249E5}\u7448\u{24916}\u70A5\u{24976}\u9284\u73E6\u935F\u{204FE}\u9331\u{28ACE}\u{28A16}\u9386\u{28BE7}\u{255D5}\u4935\u{28A82}\u716B"], + ["97a1", "\u{24943}\u{20CFF}\u56A4\u{2061A}\u{20BEB}\u{20CB8}\u5502\u79C4\u{217FA}\u7DFE\u{216C2}\u{24A50}\u{21852}\u452E\u9401\u370A\u{28AC0}\u{249AD}\u59B0\u{218BF}\u{21883}\u{27484}\u5AA1\u36E2\u{23D5B}\u36B0\u925F\u5A79\u{28A81}\u{21862}\u9374\u3CCD\u{20AB4}\u4A96\u398A\u50F4\u3D69\u3D4C\u{2139C}\u7175\u42FB\u{28218}\u6E0F\u{290E4}\u44EB\u6D57\u{27E4F}\u7067\u6CAF\u3CD6\u{23FED}\u{23E2D}\u6E02\u6F0C\u3D6F\u{203F5}\u7551\u36BC\u34C8\u4680\u3EDA\u4871\u59C4\u926E\u493E\u8F41\u{28C1C}\u{26BC0}\u5812\u57C8\u36D6\u{21452}\u70FE\u{24362}\u{24A71}\u{22FE3}\u{212B0}\u{223BD}\u68B9\u6967\u{21398}\u{234E5}\u{27BF4}\u{236DF}\u{28A83}\u{237D6}\u{233FA}\u{24C9F}\u6A1A\u{236AD}\u{26CB7}\u843E\u44DF\u44CE"], + ["9840", "\u{26D26}\u{26D51}\u{26C82}\u{26FDE}\u6F17\u{27109}\u833D\u{2173A}\u83ED\u{26C80}\u{27053}\u{217DB}\u5989\u5A82\u{217B3}\u5A61\u5A71\u{21905}\u{241FC}\u372D\u59EF\u{2173C}\u36C7\u718E\u9390\u669A\u{242A5}\u5A6E\u5A2B\u{24293}\u6A2B\u{23EF9}\u{27736}\u{2445B}\u{242CA}\u711D\u{24259}\u{289E1}\u4FB0\u{26D28}\u5CC2\u{244CE}\u{27E4D}\u{243BD}\u6A0C\u{24256}\u{21304}\u70A6\u7133\u{243E9}\u3DA5\u6CDF\u{2F825}\u{24A4F}\u7E65\u59EB\u5D2F\u3DF3\u5F5C\u{24A5D}\u{217DF}\u7DA4\u8426"], + ["98a1", "\u5485\u{23AFA}\u{23300}\u{20214}\u577E\u{208D5}\u{20619}\u3FE5\u{21F9E}\u{2A2B6}\u7003\u{2915B}\u5D70\u738F\u7CD3\u{28A59}\u{29420}\u4FC8\u7FE7\u72CD\u7310\u{27AF4}\u7338\u7339\u{256F6}\u7341\u7348\u3EA9\u{27B18}\u906C\u71F5\u{248F2}\u73E1\u81F6\u3ECA\u770C\u3ED1\u6CA2\u56FD\u7419\u741E\u741F\u3EE2\u3EF0\u3EF4\u3EFA\u74D3\u3F0E\u3F53\u7542\u756D\u7572\u758D\u3F7C\u75C8\u75DC\u3FC0\u764D\u3FD7\u7674\u3FDC\u767A\u{24F5C}\u7188\u5623\u8980\u5869\u401D\u7743\u4039\u6761\u4045\u35DB\u7798\u406A\u406F\u5C5E\u77BE\u77CB\u58F2\u7818\u70B9\u781C\u40A8\u7839\u7847\u7851\u7866\u8448\u{25535}\u7933\u6803\u7932\u4103"], + ["9940", "\u4109\u7991\u7999\u8FBB\u7A06\u8FBC\u4167\u7A91\u41B2\u7ABC\u8279\u41C4\u7ACF\u7ADB\u41CF\u4E21\u7B62\u7B6C\u7B7B\u7C12\u7C1B\u4260\u427A\u7C7B\u7C9C\u428C\u7CB8\u4294\u7CED\u8F93\u70C0\u{20CCF}\u7DCF\u7DD4\u7DD0\u7DFD\u7FAE\u7FB4\u729F\u4397\u8020\u8025\u7B39\u802E\u8031\u8054\u3DCC\u57B4\u70A0\u80B7\u80E9\u43ED\u810C\u732A\u810E\u8112\u7560\u8114\u4401\u3B39\u8156\u8159\u815A"], + ["99a1", "\u4413\u583A\u817C\u8184\u4425\u8193\u442D\u81A5\u57EF\u81C1\u81E4\u8254\u448F\u82A6\u8276\u82CA\u82D8\u82FF\u44B0\u8357\u9669\u698A\u8405\u70F5\u8464\u60E3\u8488\u4504\u84BE\u84E1\u84F8\u8510\u8538\u8552\u453B\u856F\u8570\u85E0\u4577\u8672\u8692\u86B2\u86EF\u9645\u878B\u4606\u4617\u88AE\u88FF\u8924\u8947\u8991\u{27967}\u8A29\u8A38\u8A94\u8AB4\u8C51\u8CD4\u8CF2\u8D1C\u4798\u585F\u8DC3\u47ED\u4EEE\u8E3A\u55D8\u5754\u8E71\u55F5\u8EB0\u4837\u8ECE\u8EE2\u8EE4\u8EED\u8EF2\u8FB7\u8FC1\u8FCA\u8FCC\u9033\u99C4\u48AD\u98E0\u9213\u491E\u9228\u9258\u926B\u92B1\u92AE\u92BF"], + ["9a40", "\u92E3\u92EB\u92F3\u92F4\u92FD\u9343\u9384\u93AD\u4945\u4951\u9EBF\u9417\u5301\u941D\u942D\u943E\u496A\u9454\u9479\u952D\u95A2\u49A7\u95F4\u9633\u49E5\u67A0\u4A24\u9740\u4A35\u97B2\u97C2\u5654\u4AE4\u60E8\u98B9\u4B19\u98F1\u5844\u990E\u9919\u51B4\u991C\u9937\u9942\u995D\u9962\u4B70\u99C5\u4B9D\u9A3C\u9B0F\u7A83\u9B69\u9B81\u9BDD\u9BF1\u9BF4\u4C6D\u9C20\u376F\u{21BC2}\u9D49\u9C3A"], + ["9aa1", "\u9EFE\u5650\u9D93\u9DBD\u9DC0\u9DFC\u94F6\u8FB6\u9E7B\u9EAC\u9EB1\u9EBD\u9EC6\u94DC\u9EE2\u9EF1\u9EF8\u7AC8\u9F44\u{20094}\u{202B7}\u{203A0}\u691A\u94C3\u59AC\u{204D7}\u5840\u94C1\u37B9\u{205D5}\u{20615}\u{20676}\u{216BA}\u5757\u7173\u{20AC2}\u{20ACD}\u{20BBF}\u546A\u{2F83B}\u{20BCB}\u549E\u{20BFB}\u{20C3B}\u{20C53}\u{20C65}\u{20C7C}\u60E7\u{20C8D}\u567A\u{20CB5}\u{20CDD}\u{20CED}\u{20D6F}\u{20DB2}\u{20DC8}\u6955\u9C2F\u87A5\u{20E04}\u{20E0E}\u{20ED7}\u{20F90}\u{20F2D}\u{20E73}\u5C20\u{20FBC}\u5E0B\u{2105C}\u{2104F}\u{21076}\u671E\u{2107B}\u{21088}\u{21096}\u3647\u{210BF}\u{210D3}\u{2112F}\u{2113B}\u5364\u84AD\u{212E3}\u{21375}\u{21336}\u8B81\u{21577}\u{21619}\u{217C3}\u{217C7}\u4E78\u70BB\u{2182D}\u{2196A}"], + ["9b40", "\u{21A2D}\u{21A45}\u{21C2A}\u{21C70}\u{21CAC}\u{21EC8}\u62C3\u{21ED5}\u{21F15}\u7198\u6855\u{22045}\u69E9\u36C8\u{2227C}\u{223D7}\u{223FA}\u{2272A}\u{22871}\u{2294F}\u82FD\u{22967}\u{22993}\u{22AD5}\u89A5\u{22AE8}\u8FA0\u{22B0E}\u97B8\u{22B3F}\u9847\u9ABD\u{22C4C}"], + ["9b62", "\u{22C88}\u{22CB7}\u{25BE8}\u{22D08}\u{22D12}\u{22DB7}\u{22D95}\u{22E42}\u{22F74}\u{22FCC}\u{23033}\u{23066}\u{2331F}\u{233DE}\u5FB1\u6648\u66BF\u{27A79}\u{23567}\u{235F3}\u7201\u{249BA}\u77D7\u{2361A}\u{23716}\u7E87\u{20346}\u58B5\u670E"], + ["9ba1", "\u6918\u{23AA7}\u{27657}\u{25FE2}\u{23E11}\u{23EB9}\u{275FE}\u{2209A}\u48D0\u4AB8\u{24119}\u{28A9A}\u{242EE}\u{2430D}\u{2403B}\u{24334}\u{24396}\u{24A45}\u{205CA}\u51D2\u{20611}\u599F\u{21EA8}\u3BBE\u{23CFF}\u{24404}\u{244D6}\u5788\u{24674}\u399B\u{2472F}\u{285E8}\u{299C9}\u3762\u{221C3}\u8B5E\u{28B4E}\u99D6\u{24812}\u{248FB}\u{24A15}\u7209\u{24AC0}\u{20C78}\u5965\u{24EA5}\u{24F86}\u{20779}\u8EDA\u{2502C}\u528F\u573F\u7171\u{25299}\u{25419}\u{23F4A}\u{24AA7}\u55BC\u{25446}\u{2546E}\u{26B52}\u91D4\u3473\u{2553F}\u{27632}\u{2555E}\u4718\u{25562}\u{25566}\u{257C7}\u{2493F}\u{2585D}\u5066\u34FB\u{233CC}\u60DE\u{25903}\u477C\u{28948}\u{25AAE}\u{25B89}\u{25C06}\u{21D90}\u57A1\u7151\u6FB6\u{26102}\u{27C12}\u9056\u{261B2}\u{24F9A}\u8B62\u{26402}\u{2644A}"], + ["9c40", "\u5D5B\u{26BF7}\u8F36\u{26484}\u{2191C}\u8AEA\u{249F6}\u{26488}\u{23FEF}\u{26512}\u4BC0\u{265BF}\u{266B5}\u{2271B}\u9465\u{257E1}\u6195\u5A27\u{2F8CD}\u4FBB\u56B9\u{24521}\u{266FC}\u4E6A\u{24934}\u9656\u6D8F\u{26CBD}\u3618\u8977\u{26799}\u{2686E}\u{26411}\u{2685E}\u71DF\u{268C7}\u7B42\u{290C0}\u{20A11}\u{26926}\u9104\u{26939}\u7A45\u9DF0\u{269FA}\u9A26\u{26A2D}\u365F\u{26469}\u{20021}\u7983\u{26A34}\u{26B5B}\u5D2C\u{23519}\u83CF\u{26B9D}\u46D0\u{26CA4}\u753B\u8865\u{26DAE}\u58B6"], + ["9ca1", "\u371C\u{2258D}\u{2704B}\u{271CD}\u3C54\u{27280}\u{27285}\u9281\u{2217A}\u{2728B}\u9330\u{272E6}\u{249D0}\u6C39\u949F\u{27450}\u{20EF8}\u8827\u88F5\u{22926}\u{28473}\u{217B1}\u6EB8\u{24A2A}\u{21820}\u39A4\u36B9\u5C10\u79E3\u453F\u66B6\u{29CAD}\u{298A4}\u8943\u{277CC}\u{27858}\u56D6\u40DF\u{2160A}\u39A1\u{2372F}\u{280E8}\u{213C5}\u71AD\u8366\u{279DD}\u{291A8}\u5A67\u4CB7\u{270AF}\u{289AB}\u{279FD}\u{27A0A}\u{27B0B}\u{27D66}\u{2417A}\u7B43\u797E\u{28009}\u6FB5\u{2A2DF}\u6A03\u{28318}\u53A2\u{26E07}\u93BF\u6836\u975D\u{2816F}\u{28023}\u{269B5}\u{213ED}\u{2322F}\u{28048}\u5D85\u{28C30}\u{28083}\u5715\u9823\u{28949}\u5DAB\u{24988}\u65BE\u69D5\u53D2\u{24AA5}\u{23F81}\u3C11\u6736\u{28090}\u{280F4}\u{2812E}\u{21FA1}\u{2814F}"], + ["9d40", "\u{28189}\u{281AF}\u{2821A}\u{28306}\u{2832F}\u{2838A}\u35CA\u{28468}\u{286AA}\u48FA\u63E6\u{28956}\u7808\u9255\u{289B8}\u43F2\u{289E7}\u43DF\u{289E8}\u{28B46}\u{28BD4}\u59F8\u{28C09}\u8F0B\u{28FC5}\u{290EC}\u7B51\u{29110}\u{2913C}\u3DF7\u{2915E}\u{24ACA}\u8FD0\u728F\u568B\u{294E7}\u{295E9}\u{295B0}\u{295B8}\u{29732}\u{298D1}\u{29949}\u{2996A}\u{299C3}\u{29A28}\u{29B0E}\u{29D5A}\u{29D9B}\u7E9F\u{29EF8}\u{29F23}\u4CA4\u9547\u{2A293}\u71A2\u{2A2FF}\u4D91\u9012\u{2A5CB}\u4D9C\u{20C9C}\u8FBE\u55C1"], + ["9da1", "\u8FBA\u{224B0}\u8FB9\u{24A93}\u4509\u7E7F\u6F56\u6AB1\u4EEA\u34E4\u{28B2C}\u{2789D}\u373A\u8E80\u{217F5}\u{28024}\u{28B6C}\u{28B99}\u{27A3E}\u{266AF}\u3DEB\u{27655}\u{23CB7}\u{25635}\u{25956}\u4E9A\u{25E81}\u{26258}\u56BF\u{20E6D}\u8E0E\u5B6D\u{23E88}\u{24C9E}\u63DE\u62D0\u{217F6}\u{2187B}\u6530\u562D\u{25C4A}\u541A\u{25311}\u3DC6\u{29D98}\u4C7D\u5622\u561E\u7F49\u{25ED8}\u5975\u{23D40}\u8770\u4E1C\u{20FEA}\u{20D49}\u{236BA}\u8117\u9D5E\u8D18\u763B\u9C45\u764E\u77B9\u9345\u5432\u8148\u82F7\u5625\u8132\u8418\u80BD\u55EA\u7962\u5643\u5416\u{20E9D}\u35CE\u5605\u55F1\u66F1\u{282E2}\u362D\u7534\u55F0\u55BA\u5497\u5572\u{20C41}\u{20C96}\u5ED0\u{25148}\u{20E76}\u{22C62}"], + ["9e40", "\u{20EA2}\u9EAB\u7D5A\u55DE\u{21075}\u629D\u976D\u5494\u8CCD\u71F6\u9176\u63FC\u63B9\u63FE\u5569\u{22B43}\u9C72\u{22EB3}\u519A\u34DF\u{20DA7}\u51A7\u544D\u551E\u5513\u7666\u8E2D\u{2688A}\u75B1\u80B6\u8804\u8786\u88C7\u81B6\u841C\u{210C1}\u44EC\u7304\u{24706}\u5B90\u830B\u{26893}\u567B\u{226F4}\u{27D2F}\u{241A3}\u{27D73}\u{26ED0}\u{272B6}\u9170\u{211D9}\u9208\u{23CFC}\u{2A6A9}\u{20EAC}\u{20EF9}\u7266\u{21CA2}\u474E\u{24FC2}\u{27FF9}\u{20FEB}\u40FA"], + ["9ea1", "\u9C5D\u651F\u{22DA0}\u48F3\u{247E0}\u{29D7C}\u{20FEC}\u{20E0A}\u6062\u{275A3}\u{20FED}"], + ["9ead", "\u{26048}\u{21187}\u71A3\u7E8E\u9D50\u4E1A\u4E04\u3577\u5B0D\u6CB2\u5367\u36AC\u39DC\u537D\u36A5\u{24618}\u589A\u{24B6E}\u822D\u544B\u57AA\u{25A95}\u{20979}"], + ["9ec5", "\u3A52\u{22465}\u7374\u{29EAC}\u4D09\u9BED\u{23CFE}\u{29F30}\u4C5B\u{24FA9}\u{2959E}\u{29FDE}\u845C\u{23DB6}\u{272B2}\u{267B3}\u{23720}\u632E\u7D25\u{23EF7}\u{23E2C}\u3A2A\u9008\u52CC\u3E74\u367A\u45E9\u{2048E}\u7640\u5AF0\u{20EB6}\u787A\u{27F2E}\u58A7\u40BF\u567C\u9B8B\u5D74\u7654\u{2A434}\u9E85\u4CE1\u75F9\u37FB\u6119\u{230DA}\u{243F2}"], + ["9ef5", "\u565D\u{212A9}\u57A7\u{24963}\u{29E06}\u5234\u{270AE}\u35AD\u6C4A\u9D7C"], + ["9f40", "\u7C56\u9B39\u57DE\u{2176C}\u5C53\u64D3\u{294D0}\u{26335}\u{27164}\u86AD\u{20D28}\u{26D22}\u{24AE2}\u{20D71}"], + ["9f4f", "\u51FE\u{21F0F}\u5D8E\u9703\u{21DD1}\u9E81\u904C\u7B1F\u9B02\u5CD1\u7BA3\u6268\u6335\u9AFF\u7BCF\u9B2A\u7C7E\u9B2E\u7C42\u7C86\u9C15\u7BFC\u9B09\u9F17\u9C1B\u{2493E}\u9F5A\u5573\u5BC3\u4FFD\u9E98\u4FF2\u5260\u3E06\u52D1\u5767\u5056\u59B7\u5E12\u97C8\u9DAB\u8F5C\u5469\u97B4\u9940\u97BA\u532C\u6130"], + ["9fa1", "\u692C\u53DA\u9C0A\u9D02\u4C3B\u9641\u6980\u50A6\u7546\u{2176D}\u99DA\u5273"], + ["9fae", "\u9159\u9681\u915C"], + ["9fb2", "\u9151\u{28E97}\u637F\u{26D23}\u6ACA\u5611\u918E\u757A\u6285\u{203FC}\u734F\u7C70\u{25C21}\u{23CFD}"], + ["9fc1", "\u{24919}\u76D6\u9B9D\u4E2A\u{20CD4}\u83BE\u8842"], + ["9fc9", "\u5C4A\u69C0\u50ED\u577A\u521F\u5DF5\u4ECE\u6C31\u{201F2}\u4F39\u549C\u54DA\u529A\u8D82\u35FE\u5F0C\u35F3"], + ["9fdb", "\u6B52\u917C\u9FA5\u9B97\u982E\u98B4\u9ABA\u9EA8\u9E84\u717A\u7B14"], + ["9fe7", "\u6BFA\u8818\u7F78"], + ["9feb", "\u5620\u{2A64A}\u8E77\u9F53"], + ["9ff0", "\u8DD4\u8E4F\u9E1C\u8E01\u6282\u{2837D}\u8E28\u8E75\u7AD3\u{24A77}\u7A3E\u78D8\u6CEA\u8A67\u7607"], + ["a040", "\u{28A5A}\u9F26\u6CCE\u87D6\u75C3\u{2A2B2}\u7853\u{2F840}\u8D0C\u72E2\u7371\u8B2D\u7302\u74F1\u8CEB\u{24ABB}\u862F\u5FBA\u88A0\u44B7"], + ["a055", "\u{2183B}\u{26E05}"], + ["a058", "\u8A7E\u{2251B}"], + ["a05b", "\u60FD\u7667\u9AD7\u9D44\u936E\u9B8F\u87F5"], + ["a063", "\u880F\u8CF7\u732C\u9721\u9BB0\u35D6\u72B2\u4C07\u7C51\u994A\u{26159}\u6159\u4C04\u9E96\u617D"], + ["a073", "\u575F\u616F\u62A6\u6239\u62CE\u3A5C\u61E2\u53AA\u{233F5}\u6364\u6802\u35D2"], + ["a0a1", "\u5D57\u{28BC2}\u8FDA\u{28E39}"], + ["a0a6", "\u50D9\u{21D46}\u7906\u5332\u9638\u{20F3B}\u4065"], + ["a0ae", "\u77FE"], + ["a0b0", "\u7CC2\u{25F1A}\u7CDA\u7A2D\u8066\u8063\u7D4D\u7505\u74F2\u8994\u821A\u670C\u8062\u{27486}\u805B\u74F0\u8103\u7724\u8989\u{267CC}\u7553\u{26ED1}\u87A9\u87CE\u81C8\u878C\u8A49\u8CAD\u8B43\u772B\u74F8\u84DA\u3635\u69B2\u8DA6"], + ["a0d4", "\u89A9\u7468\u6DB9\u87C1\u{24011}\u74E7\u3DDB\u7176\u60A4\u619C\u3CD1\u7162\u6077"], + ["a0e2", "\u7F71\u{28B2D}\u7250\u60E9\u4B7E\u5220\u3C18\u{23CC7}\u{25ED7}\u{27656}\u{25531}\u{21944}\u{212FE}\u{29903}\u{26DDC}\u{270AD}\u5CC1\u{261AD}\u{28A0F}\u{23677}\u{200EE}\u{26846}\u{24F0E}\u4562\u5B1F\u{2634C}\u9F50\u9EA6\u{2626B}"], + ["a3c0", "\u2400", 31, "\u2421"], + ["c6a1", "\u2460", 9, "\u2474", 9, "\u2170", 9, "\u4E36\u4E3F\u4E85\u4EA0\u5182\u5196\u51AB\u52F9\u5338\u5369\u53B6\u590A\u5B80\u5DDB\u2F33\u5E7F\u5EF4\u5F50\u5F61\u6534\u65E0\u7592\u7676\u8FB5\u96B6\xA8\u02C6\u30FD\u30FE\u309D\u309E\u3003\u4EDD\u3005\u3006\u3007\u30FC\uFF3B\uFF3D\u273D\u3041", 23], + ["c740", "\u3059", 58, "\u30A1\u30A2\u30A3\u30A4"], + ["c7a1", "\u30A5", 81, "\u0410", 5, "\u0401\u0416", 4], + ["c840", "\u041B", 26, "\u0451\u0436", 25, "\u21E7\u21B8\u21B9\u31CF\u{200CC}\u4E5A\u{2008A}\u5202\u4491"], + ["c8a1", "\u9FB0\u5188\u9FB1\u{27607}"], + ["c8cd", "\uFFE2\uFFE4\uFF07\uFF02\u3231\u2116\u2121\u309B\u309C\u2E80\u2E84\u2E86\u2E87\u2E88\u2E8A\u2E8C\u2E8D\u2E95\u2E9C\u2E9D\u2EA5\u2EA7\u2EAA\u2EAC\u2EAE\u2EB6\u2EBC\u2EBE\u2EC6\u2ECA\u2ECC\u2ECD\u2ECF\u2ED6\u2ED7\u2EDE\u2EE3"], + ["c8f5", "\u0283\u0250\u025B\u0254\u0275\u0153\xF8\u014B\u028A\u026A"], + ["f9fe", "\uFFED"], + ["fa40", "\u{20547}\u92DB\u{205DF}\u{23FC5}\u854C\u42B5\u73EF\u51B5\u3649\u{24942}\u{289E4}\u9344\u{219DB}\u82EE\u{23CC8}\u783C\u6744\u62DF\u{24933}\u{289AA}\u{202A0}\u{26BB3}\u{21305}\u4FAB\u{224ED}\u5008\u{26D29}\u{27A84}\u{23600}\u{24AB1}\u{22513}\u5029\u{2037E}\u5FA4\u{20380}\u{20347}\u6EDB\u{2041F}\u507D\u5101\u347A\u510E\u986C\u3743\u8416\u{249A4}\u{20487}\u5160\u{233B4}\u516A\u{20BFF}\u{220FC}\u{202E5}\u{22530}\u{2058E}\u{23233}\u{21983}\u5B82\u877D\u{205B3}\u{23C99}\u51B2\u51B8"], + ["faa1", "\u9D34\u51C9\u51CF\u51D1\u3CDC\u51D3\u{24AA6}\u51B3\u51E2\u5342\u51ED\u83CD\u693E\u{2372D}\u5F7B\u520B\u5226\u523C\u52B5\u5257\u5294\u52B9\u52C5\u7C15\u8542\u52E0\u860D\u{26B13}\u5305\u{28ADE}\u5549\u6ED9\u{23F80}\u{20954}\u{23FEC}\u5333\u5344\u{20BE2}\u6CCB\u{21726}\u681B\u73D5\u604A\u3EAA\u38CC\u{216E8}\u71DD\u44A2\u536D\u5374\u{286AB}\u537E\u537F\u{21596}\u{21613}\u77E6\u5393\u{28A9B}\u53A0\u53AB\u53AE\u73A7\u{25772}\u3F59\u739C\u53C1\u53C5\u6C49\u4E49\u57FE\u53D9\u3AAB\u{20B8F}\u53E0\u{23FEB}\u{22DA3}\u53F6\u{20C77}\u5413\u7079\u552B\u6657\u6D5B\u546D\u{26B53}\u{20D74}\u555D\u548F\u54A4\u47A6\u{2170D}\u{20EDD}\u3DB4\u{20D4D}"], + ["fb40", "\u{289BC}\u{22698}\u5547\u4CED\u542F\u7417\u5586\u55A9\u5605\u{218D7}\u{2403A}\u4552\u{24435}\u66B3\u{210B4}\u5637\u66CD\u{2328A}\u66A4\u66AD\u564D\u564F\u78F1\u56F1\u9787\u53FE\u5700\u56EF\u56ED\u{28B66}\u3623\u{2124F}\u5746\u{241A5}\u6C6E\u708B\u5742\u36B1\u{26C7E}\u57E6\u{21416}\u5803\u{21454}\u{24363}\u5826\u{24BF5}\u585C\u58AA\u3561\u58E0\u58DC\u{2123C}\u58FB\u5BFF\u5743\u{2A150}\u{24278}\u93D3\u35A1\u591F\u68A6\u36C3\u6E59"], + ["fba1", "\u{2163E}\u5A24\u5553\u{21692}\u8505\u59C9\u{20D4E}\u{26C81}\u{26D2A}\u{217DC}\u59D9\u{217FB}\u{217B2}\u{26DA6}\u6D71\u{21828}\u{216D5}\u59F9\u{26E45}\u5AAB\u5A63\u36E6\u{249A9}\u5A77\u3708\u5A96\u7465\u5AD3\u{26FA1}\u{22554}\u3D85\u{21911}\u3732\u{216B8}\u5E83\u52D0\u5B76\u6588\u5B7C\u{27A0E}\u4004\u485D\u{20204}\u5BD5\u6160\u{21A34}\u{259CC}\u{205A5}\u5BF3\u5B9D\u4D10\u5C05\u{21B44}\u5C13\u73CE\u5C14\u{21CA5}\u{26B28}\u5C49\u48DD\u5C85\u5CE9\u5CEF\u5D8B\u{21DF9}\u{21E37}\u5D10\u5D18\u5D46\u{21EA4}\u5CBA\u5DD7\u82FC\u382D\u{24901}\u{22049}\u{22173}\u8287\u3836\u3BC2\u5E2E\u6A8A\u5E75\u5E7A\u{244BC}\u{20CD3}\u53A6\u4EB7\u5ED0\u53A8\u{21771}\u5E09\u5EF4\u{28482}"], + ["fc40", "\u5EF9\u5EFB\u38A0\u5EFC\u683E\u941B\u5F0D\u{201C1}\u{2F894}\u3ADE\u48AE\u{2133A}\u5F3A\u{26888}\u{223D0}\u5F58\u{22471}\u5F63\u97BD\u{26E6E}\u5F72\u9340\u{28A36}\u5FA7\u5DB6\u3D5F\u{25250}\u{21F6A}\u{270F8}\u{22668}\u91D6\u{2029E}\u{28A29}\u6031\u6685\u{21877}\u3963\u3DC7\u3639\u5790\u{227B4}\u7971\u3E40\u609E\u60A4\u60B3\u{24982}\u{2498F}\u{27A53}\u74A4\u50E1\u5AA0\u6164\u8424\u6142\u{2F8A6}\u{26ED2}\u6181\u51F4\u{20656}\u6187\u5BAA\u{23FB7}"], + ["fca1", "\u{2285F}\u61D3\u{28B9D}\u{2995D}\u61D0\u3932\u{22980}\u{228C1}\u6023\u615C\u651E\u638B\u{20118}\u62C5\u{21770}\u62D5\u{22E0D}\u636C\u{249DF}\u3A17\u6438\u63F8\u{2138E}\u{217FC}\u6490\u6F8A\u{22E36}\u9814\u{2408C}\u{2571D}\u64E1\u64E5\u947B\u3A66\u643A\u3A57\u654D\u6F16\u{24A28}\u{24A23}\u6585\u656D\u655F\u{2307E}\u65B5\u{24940}\u4B37\u65D1\u40D8\u{21829}\u65E0\u65E3\u5FDF\u{23400}\u6618\u{231F7}\u{231F8}\u6644\u{231A4}\u{231A5}\u664B\u{20E75}\u6667\u{251E6}\u6673\u6674\u{21E3D}\u{23231}\u{285F4}\u{231C8}\u{25313}\u77C5\u{228F7}\u99A4\u6702\u{2439C}\u{24A21}\u3B2B\u69FA\u{237C2}\u675E\u6767\u6762\u{241CD}\u{290ED}\u67D7\u44E9\u6822\u6E50\u923C\u6801\u{233E6}\u{26DA0}\u685D"], + ["fd40", "\u{2346F}\u69E1\u6A0B\u{28ADF}\u6973\u68C3\u{235CD}\u6901\u6900\u3D32\u3A01\u{2363C}\u3B80\u67AC\u6961\u{28A4A}\u42FC\u6936\u6998\u3BA1\u{203C9}\u8363\u5090\u69F9\u{23659}\u{2212A}\u6A45\u{23703}\u6A9D\u3BF3\u67B1\u6AC8\u{2919C}\u3C0D\u6B1D\u{20923}\u60DE\u6B35\u6B74\u{227CD}\u6EB5\u{23ADB}\u{203B5}\u{21958}\u3740\u5421\u{23B5A}\u6BE1\u{23EFC}\u6BDC\u6C37\u{2248B}\u{248F1}\u{26B51}\u6C5A\u8226\u6C79\u{23DBC}\u44C5\u{23DBD}\u{241A4}\u{2490C}\u{24900}"], + ["fda1", "\u{23CC9}\u36E5\u3CEB\u{20D32}\u9B83\u{231F9}\u{22491}\u7F8F\u6837\u{26D25}\u{26DA1}\u{26DEB}\u6D96\u6D5C\u6E7C\u6F04\u{2497F}\u{24085}\u{26E72}\u8533\u{26F74}\u51C7\u6C9C\u6E1D\u842E\u{28B21}\u6E2F\u{23E2F}\u7453\u{23F82}\u79CC\u6E4F\u5A91\u{2304B}\u6FF8\u370D\u6F9D\u{23E30}\u6EFA\u{21497}\u{2403D}\u4555\u93F0\u6F44\u6F5C\u3D4E\u6F74\u{29170}\u3D3B\u6F9F\u{24144}\u6FD3\u{24091}\u{24155}\u{24039}\u{23FF0}\u{23FB4}\u{2413F}\u51DF\u{24156}\u{24157}\u{24140}\u{261DD}\u704B\u707E\u70A7\u7081\u70CC\u70D5\u70D6\u70DF\u4104\u3DE8\u71B4\u7196\u{24277}\u712B\u7145\u5A88\u714A\u716E\u5C9C\u{24365}\u714F\u9362\u{242C1}\u712C\u{2445A}\u{24A27}\u{24A22}\u71BA\u{28BE8}\u70BD\u720E"], + ["fe40", "\u9442\u7215\u5911\u9443\u7224\u9341\u{25605}\u722E\u7240\u{24974}\u68BD\u7255\u7257\u3E55\u{23044}\u680D\u6F3D\u7282\u732A\u732B\u{24823}\u{2882B}\u48ED\u{28804}\u7328\u732E\u73CF\u73AA\u{20C3A}\u{26A2E}\u73C9\u7449\u{241E2}\u{216E7}\u{24A24}\u6623\u36C5\u{249B7}\u{2498D}\u{249FB}\u73F7\u7415\u6903\u{24A26}\u7439\u{205C3}\u3ED7\u745C\u{228AD}\u7460\u{28EB2}\u7447\u73E4\u7476\u83B9\u746C\u3730\u7474\u93F1\u6A2C\u7482\u4953\u{24A8C}"], + ["fea1", "\u{2415F}\u{24A79}\u{28B8F}\u5B46\u{28C03}\u{2189E}\u74C8\u{21988}\u750E\u74E9\u751E\u{28ED9}\u{21A4B}\u5BD7\u{28EAC}\u9385\u754D\u754A\u7567\u756E\u{24F82}\u3F04\u{24D13}\u758E\u745D\u759E\u75B4\u7602\u762C\u7651\u764F\u766F\u7676\u{263F5}\u7690\u81EF\u37F8\u{26911}\u{2690E}\u76A1\u76A5\u76B7\u76CC\u{26F9F}\u8462\u{2509D}\u{2517D}\u{21E1C}\u771E\u7726\u7740\u64AF\u{25220}\u7758\u{232AC}\u77AF\u{28964}\u{28968}\u{216C1}\u77F4\u7809\u{21376}\u{24A12}\u68CA\u78AF\u78C7\u78D3\u96A5\u792E\u{255E0}\u78D7\u7934\u78B1\u{2760C}\u8FB8\u8884\u{28B2B}\u{26083}\u{2261C}\u7986\u8900\u6902\u7980\u{25857}\u799D\u{27B39}\u793C\u79A9\u6E2A\u{27126}\u3EA8\u79C6\u{2910D}\u79D4"] + ]; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/encoding/node_modules/iconv-lite/encodings/dbcs-data.js +var require_dbcs_data = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/encoding/node_modules/iconv-lite/encodings/dbcs-data.js"(exports, module2) { + "use strict"; + module2.exports = { + // == Japanese/ShiftJIS ==================================================== + // All japanese encodings are based on JIS X set of standards: + // JIS X 0201 - Single-byte encoding of ASCII + ¥ + Kana chars at 0xA1-0xDF. + // JIS X 0208 - Main set of 6879 characters, placed in 94x94 plane, to be encoded by 2 bytes. + // Has several variations in 1978, 1983, 1990 and 1997. + // JIS X 0212 - Supplementary plane of 6067 chars in 94x94 plane. 1990. Effectively dead. + // JIS X 0213 - Extension and modern replacement of 0208 and 0212. Total chars: 11233. + // 2 planes, first is superset of 0208, second - revised 0212. + // Introduced in 2000, revised 2004. Some characters are in Unicode Plane 2 (0x2xxxx) + // Byte encodings are: + // * Shift_JIS: Compatible with 0201, uses not defined chars in top half as lead bytes for double-byte + // encoding of 0208. Lead byte ranges: 0x81-0x9F, 0xE0-0xEF; Trail byte ranges: 0x40-0x7E, 0x80-0x9E, 0x9F-0xFC. + // Windows CP932 is a superset of Shift_JIS. Some companies added more chars, notably KDDI. + // * EUC-JP: Up to 3 bytes per character. Used mostly on *nixes. + // 0x00-0x7F - lower part of 0201 + // 0x8E, 0xA1-0xDF - upper part of 0201 + // (0xA1-0xFE)x2 - 0208 plane (94x94). + // 0x8F, (0xA1-0xFE)x2 - 0212 plane (94x94). + // * JIS X 208: 7-bit, direct encoding of 0208. Byte ranges: 0x21-0x7E (94 values). Uncommon. + // Used as-is in ISO2022 family. + // * ISO2022-JP: Stateful encoding, with escape sequences to switch between ASCII, + // 0201-1976 Roman, 0208-1978, 0208-1983. + // * ISO2022-JP-1: Adds esc seq for 0212-1990. + // * ISO2022-JP-2: Adds esc seq for GB2313-1980, KSX1001-1992, ISO8859-1, ISO8859-7. + // * ISO2022-JP-3: Adds esc seq for 0201-1976 Kana set, 0213-2000 Planes 1, 2. + // * ISO2022-JP-2004: Adds 0213-2004 Plane 1. + // + // After JIS X 0213 appeared, Shift_JIS-2004, EUC-JISX0213 and ISO2022-JP-2004 followed, with just changing the planes. + // + // Overall, it seems that it's a mess :( http://www8.plala.or.jp/tkubota1/unicode-symbols-map2.html + "shiftjis": { + type: "_dbcs", + table: function() { + return require_shiftjis(); + }, + encodeAdd: { "\xA5": 92, "\u203E": 126 }, + encodeSkipVals: [{ from: 60736, to: 63808 }] + }, + "csshiftjis": "shiftjis", + "mskanji": "shiftjis", + "sjis": "shiftjis", + "windows31j": "shiftjis", + "ms31j": "shiftjis", + "xsjis": "shiftjis", + "windows932": "shiftjis", + "ms932": "shiftjis", + "932": "shiftjis", + "cp932": "shiftjis", + "eucjp": { + type: "_dbcs", + table: function() { + return require_eucjp(); + }, + encodeAdd: { "\xA5": 92, "\u203E": 126 } + }, + // TODO: KDDI extension to Shift_JIS + // TODO: IBM CCSID 942 = CP932, but F0-F9 custom chars and other char changes. + // TODO: IBM CCSID 943 = Shift_JIS = CP932 with original Shift_JIS lower 128 chars. + // == Chinese/GBK ========================================================== + // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GBK + // We mostly implement W3C recommendation: https://www.w3.org/TR/encoding/#gbk-encoder + // Oldest GB2312 (1981, ~7600 chars) is a subset of CP936 + "gb2312": "cp936", + "gb231280": "cp936", + "gb23121980": "cp936", + "csgb2312": "cp936", + "csiso58gb231280": "cp936", + "euccn": "cp936", + // Microsoft's CP936 is a subset and approximation of GBK. + "windows936": "cp936", + "ms936": "cp936", + "936": "cp936", + "cp936": { + type: "_dbcs", + table: function() { + return require_cp936(); + } + }, + // GBK (~22000 chars) is an extension of CP936 that added user-mapped chars and some other. + "gbk": { + type: "_dbcs", + table: function() { + return require_cp936().concat(require_gbk_added()); + } + }, + "xgbk": "gbk", + "isoir58": "gbk", + // GB18030 is an algorithmic extension of GBK. + // Main source: https://www.w3.org/TR/encoding/#gbk-encoder + // http://icu-project.org/docs/papers/gb18030.html + // http://source.icu-project.org/repos/icu/data/trunk/charset/data/xml/gb-18030-2000.xml + // http://www.khngai.com/chinese/charmap/tblgbk.php?page=0 + "gb18030": { + type: "_dbcs", + table: function() { + return require_cp936().concat(require_gbk_added()); + }, + gb18030: function() { + return require_gb18030_ranges(); + }, + encodeSkipVals: [128], + encodeAdd: { "\u20AC": 41699 } + }, + "chinese": "gb18030", + // == Korean =============================================================== + // EUC-KR, KS_C_5601 and KS X 1001 are exactly the same. + "windows949": "cp949", + "ms949": "cp949", + "949": "cp949", + "cp949": { + type: "_dbcs", + table: function() { + return require_cp949(); + } + }, + "cseuckr": "cp949", + "csksc56011987": "cp949", + "euckr": "cp949", + "isoir149": "cp949", + "korean": "cp949", + "ksc56011987": "cp949", + "ksc56011989": "cp949", + "ksc5601": "cp949", + // == Big5/Taiwan/Hong Kong ================================================ + // There are lots of tables for Big5 and cp950. Please see the following links for history: + // http://moztw.org/docs/big5/ http://www.haible.de/bruno/charsets/conversion-tables/Big5.html + // Variations, in roughly number of defined chars: + // * Windows CP 950: Microsoft variant of Big5. Canonical: http://www.unicode.org/Public/MAPPINGS/VENDORS/MICSFT/WINDOWS/CP950.TXT + // * Windows CP 951: Microsoft variant of Big5-HKSCS-2001. Seems to be never public. http://me.abelcheung.org/articles/research/what-is-cp951/ + // * Big5-2003 (Taiwan standard) almost superset of cp950. + // * Unicode-at-on (UAO) / Mozilla 1.8. Falling out of use on the Web. Not supported by other browsers. + // * Big5-HKSCS (-2001, -2004, -2008). Hong Kong standard. + // many unicode code points moved from PUA to Supplementary plane (U+2XXXX) over the years. + // Plus, it has 4 combining sequences. + // Seems that Mozilla refused to support it for 10 yrs. https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=162431 https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=310299 + // because big5-hkscs is the only encoding to include astral characters in non-algorithmic way. + // Implementations are not consistent within browsers; sometimes labeled as just big5. + // MS Internet Explorer switches from big5 to big5-hkscs when a patch applied. + // Great discussion & recap of what's going on https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=912470#c31 + // In the encoder, it might make sense to support encoding old PUA mappings to Big5 bytes seq-s. + // Official spec: http://www.ogcio.gov.hk/en/business/tech_promotion/ccli/terms/doc/2003cmp_2008.txt + // http://www.ogcio.gov.hk/tc/business/tech_promotion/ccli/terms/doc/hkscs-2008-big5-iso.txt + // + // Current understanding of how to deal with Big5(-HKSCS) is in the Encoding Standard, http://encoding.spec.whatwg.org/#big5-encoder + // Unicode mapping (http://www.unicode.org/Public/MAPPINGS/OBSOLETE/EASTASIA/OTHER/BIG5.TXT) is said to be wrong. + "windows950": "cp950", + "ms950": "cp950", + "950": "cp950", + "cp950": { + type: "_dbcs", + table: function() { + return require_cp950(); + } + }, + // Big5 has many variations and is an extension of cp950. We use Encoding Standard's as a consensus. + "big5": "big5hkscs", + "big5hkscs": { + type: "_dbcs", + table: function() { + return require_cp950().concat(require_big5_added()); + }, + encodeSkipVals: [ + // Although Encoding Standard says we should avoid encoding to HKSCS area (See Step 1 of + // https://encoding.spec.whatwg.org/#index-big5-pointer), we still do it to increase compatibility with ICU. + // But if a single unicode point can be encoded both as HKSCS and regular Big5, we prefer the latter. + 36457, + 36463, + 36478, + 36523, + 36532, + 36557, + 36560, + 36695, + 36713, + 36718, + 36811, + 36862, + 36973, + 36986, + 37060, + 37084, + 37105, + 37311, + 37551, + 37552, + 37553, + 37554, + 37585, + 37959, + 38090, + 38361, + 38652, + 39285, + 39798, + 39800, + 39803, + 39878, + 39902, + 39916, + 39926, + 40002, + 40019, + 40034, + 40040, + 40043, + 40055, + 40124, + 40125, + 40144, + 40279, + 40282, + 40388, + 40431, + 40443, + 40617, + 40687, + 40701, + 40800, + 40907, + 41079, + 41180, + 41183, + 36812, + 37576, + 38468, + 38637, + // Step 2 of https://encoding.spec.whatwg.org/#index-big5-pointer: Use last pointer for U+2550, U+255E, U+2561, U+256A, U+5341, or U+5345 + 41636, + 41637, + 41639, + 41638, + 41676, + 41678 + ] + }, + "cnbig5": "big5hkscs", + "csbig5": "big5hkscs", + "xxbig5": "big5hkscs" + }; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/encoding/node_modules/iconv-lite/encodings/index.js +var require_encodings = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/encoding/node_modules/iconv-lite/encodings/index.js"(exports, module2) { + "use strict"; + var modules = [ + require_internal(), + require_utf32(), + require_utf16(), + require_utf7(), + require_sbcs_codec(), + require_sbcs_data(), + require_sbcs_data_generated(), + require_dbcs_codec(), + require_dbcs_data() + ]; + for (i = 0; i < modules.length; i++) { + module2 = modules[i]; + for (enc in module2) + if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(module2, enc)) + exports[enc] = module2[enc]; + } + var module2; + var enc; + var i; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/encoding/node_modules/iconv-lite/lib/streams.js +var require_streams = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/encoding/node_modules/iconv-lite/lib/streams.js"(exports, module2) { + "use strict"; + var Buffer2 = require_safer().Buffer; + module2.exports = function(stream_module) { + var Transform = stream_module.Transform; + function IconvLiteEncoderStream(conv, options) { + this.conv = conv; + options = options || {}; + options.decodeStrings = false; + Transform.call(this, options); + } + IconvLiteEncoderStream.prototype = Object.create(Transform.prototype, { + constructor: { value: IconvLiteEncoderStream } + }); + IconvLiteEncoderStream.prototype._transform = function(chunk, encoding, done) { + if (typeof chunk != "string") + return done(new Error("Iconv encoding stream needs strings as its input.")); + try { + var res = this.conv.write(chunk); + if (res && res.length) + this.push(res); + done(); + } catch (e) { + done(e); + } + }; + IconvLiteEncoderStream.prototype._flush = function(done) { + try { + var res = this.conv.end(); + if (res && res.length) + this.push(res); + done(); + } catch (e) { + done(e); + } + }; + IconvLiteEncoderStream.prototype.collect = function(cb) { + var chunks = []; + this.on("error", cb); + this.on("data", function(chunk) { + chunks.push(chunk); + }); + this.on("end", function() { + cb(null, Buffer2.concat(chunks)); + }); + return this; + }; + function IconvLiteDecoderStream(conv, options) { + this.conv = conv; + options = options || {}; + options.encoding = this.encoding = "utf8"; + Transform.call(this, options); + } + IconvLiteDecoderStream.prototype = Object.create(Transform.prototype, { + constructor: { value: IconvLiteDecoderStream } + }); + IconvLiteDecoderStream.prototype._transform = function(chunk, encoding, done) { + if (!Buffer2.isBuffer(chunk) && !(chunk instanceof Uint8Array)) + return done(new Error("Iconv decoding stream needs buffers as its input.")); + try { + var res = this.conv.write(chunk); + if (res && res.length) + this.push(res, this.encoding); + done(); + } catch (e) { + done(e); + } + }; + IconvLiteDecoderStream.prototype._flush = function(done) { + try { + var res = this.conv.end(); + if (res && res.length) + this.push(res, this.encoding); + done(); + } catch (e) { + done(e); + } + }; + IconvLiteDecoderStream.prototype.collect = function(cb) { + var res = ""; + this.on("error", cb); + this.on("data", function(chunk) { + res += chunk; + }); + this.on("end", function() { + cb(null, res); + }); + return this; + }; + return { + IconvLiteEncoderStream, + IconvLiteDecoderStream + }; + }; + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/encoding/node_modules/iconv-lite/lib/index.js +var require_lib3 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/encoding/node_modules/iconv-lite/lib/index.js"(exports, module2) { + "use strict"; + var Buffer2 = require_safer().Buffer; + var bomHandling = require_bom_handling(); + var iconv = module2.exports; + iconv.encodings = null; + iconv.defaultCharUnicode = "\uFFFD"; + iconv.defaultCharSingleByte = "?"; + iconv.encode = function encode(str, encoding, options) { + str = "" + (str || ""); + var encoder = iconv.getEncoder(encoding, options); + var res = encoder.write(str); + var trail = encoder.end(); + return trail && trail.length > 0 ? Buffer2.concat([res, trail]) : res; + }; + iconv.decode = function decode2(buf, encoding, options) { + if (typeof buf === "string") { + if (!iconv.skipDecodeWarning) { + console.error("Iconv-lite warning: decode()-ing strings is deprecated. Refer to https://github.com/ashtuchkin/iconv-lite/wiki/Use-Buffers-when-decoding"); + iconv.skipDecodeWarning = true; + } + buf = Buffer2.from("" + (buf || ""), "binary"); + } + var decoder = iconv.getDecoder(encoding, options); + var res = decoder.write(buf); + var trail = decoder.end(); + return trail ? res + trail : res; + }; + iconv.encodingExists = function encodingExists(enc) { + try { + iconv.getCodec(enc); + return true; + } catch (e) { + return false; + } + }; + iconv.toEncoding = iconv.encode; + iconv.fromEncoding = iconv.decode; + iconv._codecDataCache = {}; + iconv.getCodec = function getCodec(encoding) { + if (!iconv.encodings) + iconv.encodings = require_encodings(); + var enc = iconv._canonicalizeEncoding(encoding); + var codecOptions = {}; + while (true) { + var codec = iconv._codecDataCache[enc]; + if (codec) + return codec; + var codecDef = iconv.encodings[enc]; + switch (typeof codecDef) { + case "string": + enc = codecDef; + break; + case "object": + for (var key in codecDef) + codecOptions[key] = codecDef[key]; + if (!codecOptions.encodingName) + codecOptions.encodingName = enc; + enc = codecDef.type; + break; + case "function": + if (!codecOptions.encodingName) + codecOptions.encodingName = enc; + codec = new codecDef(codecOptions, iconv); + iconv._codecDataCache[codecOptions.encodingName] = codec; + return codec; + default: + throw new Error("Encoding not recognized: '" + encoding + "' (searched as: '" + enc + "')"); + } + } + }; + iconv._canonicalizeEncoding = function(encoding) { + return ("" + encoding).toLowerCase().replace(/:\d{4}$|[^0-9a-z]/g, ""); + }; + iconv.getEncoder = function getEncoder(encoding, options) { + var codec = iconv.getCodec(encoding), encoder = new codec.encoder(options, codec); + if (codec.bomAware && options && options.addBOM) + encoder = new bomHandling.PrependBOM(encoder, options); + return encoder; + }; + iconv.getDecoder = function getDecoder(encoding, options) { + var codec = iconv.getCodec(encoding), decoder = new codec.decoder(options, codec); + if (codec.bomAware && !(options && options.stripBOM === false)) + decoder = new bomHandling.StripBOM(decoder, options); + return decoder; + }; + iconv.enableStreamingAPI = function enableStreamingAPI(stream_module2) { + if (iconv.supportsStreams) + return; + var streams = require_streams()(stream_module2); + iconv.IconvLiteEncoderStream = streams.IconvLiteEncoderStream; + iconv.IconvLiteDecoderStream = streams.IconvLiteDecoderStream; + iconv.encodeStream = function encodeStream(encoding, options) { + return new iconv.IconvLiteEncoderStream(iconv.getEncoder(encoding, options), options); + }; + iconv.decodeStream = function decodeStream(encoding, options) { + return new iconv.IconvLiteDecoderStream(iconv.getDecoder(encoding, options), options); + }; + iconv.supportsStreams = true; + }; + var stream_module; + try { + stream_module = require("stream"); + } catch (e) { + } + if (stream_module && stream_module.Transform) { + iconv.enableStreamingAPI(stream_module); + } else { + iconv.encodeStream = iconv.decodeStream = function() { + throw new Error("iconv-lite Streaming API is not enabled. Use iconv.enableStreamingAPI(require('stream')); to enable it."); + }; + } + if (false) { + console.error("iconv-lite warning: js files use non-utf8 encoding. See https://github.com/ashtuchkin/iconv-lite/wiki/Javascript-source-file-encodings for more info."); + } + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/encoding/lib/encoding.js +var require_encoding = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/encoding/lib/encoding.js"(exports, module2) { + "use strict"; + var iconvLite = require_lib3(); + module2.exports.convert = convert; + function convert(str, to, from) { + from = checkEncoding(from || "UTF-8"); + to = checkEncoding(to || "UTF-8"); + str = str || ""; + var result; + if (from !== "UTF-8" && typeof str === "string") { + str = Buffer.from(str, "binary"); + } + if (from === to) { + if (typeof str === "string") { + result = Buffer.from(str); + } else { + result = str; + } + } else { + try { + result = convertIconvLite(str, to, from); + } catch (E) { + console.error(E); + result = str; + } + } + if (typeof result === "string") { + result = Buffer.from(result, "utf-8"); + } + return result; + } + function convertIconvLite(str, to, from) { + if (to === "UTF-8") { + return iconvLite.decode(str, from); + } else if (from === "UTF-8") { + return iconvLite.encode(str, to); + } else { + return iconvLite.encode(iconvLite.decode(str, from), to); + } + } + function checkEncoding(name) { + return (name || "").toString().trim().replace(/^latin[\-_]?(\d+)$/i, "ISO-8859-$1").replace(/^win(?:dows)?[\-_]?(\d+)$/i, "WINDOWS-$1").replace(/^utf[\-_]?(\d+)$/i, "UTF-$1").replace(/^ks_c_5601\-1987$/i, "CP949").replace(/^us[\-_]?ascii$/i, "ASCII").toUpperCase(); + } + } +}); + +// ../../../node_modules/node-fetch/lib/index.js +var require_lib4 = __commonJS({ + "../../../node_modules/node-fetch/lib/index.js"(exports, module2) { + "use strict"; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + function _interopDefault(ex) { + return ex && typeof ex === "object" && "default" in ex ? ex["default"] : ex; + } + var Stream = _interopDefault(require("stream")); + var http = _interopDefault(require("http")); + var Url = _interopDefault(require("url")); + var whatwgUrl = _interopDefault(require_public_api()); + var https2 = _interopDefault(require("https")); + var zlib = _interopDefault(require("zlib")); + var Readable = Stream.Readable; + var BUFFER = Symbol("buffer"); + var TYPE = Symbol("type"); + var Blob = class { + constructor() { + this[TYPE] = ""; + const blobParts = arguments[0]; + const options = arguments[1]; + const buffers = []; + let size = 0; + if (blobParts) { + const a = blobParts; + const length = Number(a.length); + for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { + const element = a[i]; + let buffer; + if (element instanceof Buffer) { + buffer = element; + } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(element)) { + buffer = Buffer.from(element.buffer, element.byteOffset, element.byteLength); + } else if (element instanceof ArrayBuffer) { + buffer = Buffer.from(element); + } else if (element instanceof Blob) { + buffer = element[BUFFER]; + } else { + buffer = Buffer.from(typeof element === "string" ? element : String(element)); + } + size += buffer.length; + buffers.push(buffer); + } + } + this[BUFFER] = Buffer.concat(buffers); + let type = options && options.type !== void 0 && String(options.type).toLowerCase(); + if (type && !/[^\u0020-\u007E]/.test(type)) { + this[TYPE] = type; + } + } + get size() { + return this[BUFFER].length; + } + get type() { + return this[TYPE]; + } + text() { + return Promise.resolve(this[BUFFER].toString()); + } + arrayBuffer() { + const buf = this[BUFFER]; + const ab = buf.buffer.slice(buf.byteOffset, buf.byteOffset + buf.byteLength); + return Promise.resolve(ab); + } + stream() { + const readable = new Readable(); + readable._read = function() { + }; + readable.push(this[BUFFER]); + readable.push(null); + return readable; + } + toString() { + return "[object Blob]"; + } + slice() { + const size = this.size; + const start = arguments[0]; + const end = arguments[1]; + let relativeStart, relativeEnd; + if (start === void 0) { + relativeStart = 0; + } else if (start < 0) { + relativeStart = Math.max(size + start, 0); + } else { + relativeStart = Math.min(start, size); + } + if (end === void 0) { + relativeEnd = size; + } else if (end < 0) { + relativeEnd = Math.max(size + end, 0); + } else { + relativeEnd = Math.min(end, size); + } + const span = Math.max(relativeEnd - relativeStart, 0); + const buffer = this[BUFFER]; + const slicedBuffer = buffer.slice(relativeStart, relativeStart + span); + const blob = new Blob([], { type: arguments[2] }); + blob[BUFFER] = slicedBuffer; + return blob; + } + }; + Object.defineProperties(Blob.prototype, { + size: { enumerable: true }, + type: { enumerable: true }, + slice: { enumerable: true } + }); + Object.defineProperty(Blob.prototype, Symbol.toStringTag, { + value: "Blob", + writable: false, + enumerable: false, + configurable: true + }); + function FetchError(message, type, systemError) { + Error.call(this, message); + this.message = message; + this.type = type; + if (systemError) { + this.code = this.errno = systemError.code; + } + Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor); + } + FetchError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype); + FetchError.prototype.constructor = FetchError; + FetchError.prototype.name = "FetchError"; + var convert; + try { + convert = require_encoding().convert; + } catch (e) { + } + var INTERNALS = Symbol("Body internals"); + var PassThrough = Stream.PassThrough; + function Body(body) { + var _this = this; + var _ref = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : {}, _ref$size = _ref.size; + let size = _ref$size === void 0 ? 0 : _ref$size; + var _ref$timeout = _ref.timeout; + let timeout = _ref$timeout === void 0 ? 0 : _ref$timeout; + if (body == null) { + body = null; + } else if (isURLSearchParams(body)) { + body = Buffer.from(body.toString()); + } else if (isBlob(body)) + ; + else if (Buffer.isBuffer(body)) + ; + else if (Object.prototype.toString.call(body) === "[object ArrayBuffer]") { + body = Buffer.from(body); + } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(body)) { + body = Buffer.from(body.buffer, body.byteOffset, body.byteLength); + } else if (body instanceof Stream) + ; + else { + body = Buffer.from(String(body)); + } + this[INTERNALS] = { + body, + disturbed: false, + error: null + }; + this.size = size; + this.timeout = timeout; + if (body instanceof Stream) { + body.on("error", function(err) { + const error = err.name === "AbortError" ? err : new FetchError(`Invalid response body while trying to fetch ${_this.url}: ${err.message}`, "system", err); + _this[INTERNALS].error = error; + }); + } + } + Body.prototype = { + get body() { + return this[INTERNALS].body; + }, + get bodyUsed() { + return this[INTERNALS].disturbed; + }, + /** + * Decode response as ArrayBuffer + * + * @return Promise + */ + arrayBuffer() { + return consumeBody.call(this).then(function(buf) { + return buf.buffer.slice(buf.byteOffset, buf.byteOffset + buf.byteLength); + }); + }, + /** + * Return raw response as Blob + * + * @return Promise + */ + blob() { + let ct = this.headers && this.headers.get("content-type") || ""; + return consumeBody.call(this).then(function(buf) { + return Object.assign( + // Prevent copying + new Blob([], { + type: ct.toLowerCase() + }), + { + [BUFFER]: buf + } + ); + }); + }, + /** + * Decode response as json + * + * @return Promise + */ + json() { + var _this2 = this; + return consumeBody.call(this).then(function(buffer) { + try { + return JSON.parse(buffer.toString()); + } catch (err) { + return Body.Promise.reject(new FetchError(`invalid json response body at ${_this2.url} reason: ${err.message}`, "invalid-json")); + } + }); + }, + /** + * Decode response as text + * + * @return Promise + */ + text() { + return consumeBody.call(this).then(function(buffer) { + return buffer.toString(); + }); + }, + /** + * Decode response as buffer (non-spec api) + * + * @return Promise + */ + buffer() { + return consumeBody.call(this); + }, + /** + * Decode response as text, while automatically detecting the encoding and + * trying to decode to UTF-8 (non-spec api) + * + * @return Promise + */ + textConverted() { + var _this3 = this; + return consumeBody.call(this).then(function(buffer) { + return convertBody(buffer, _this3.headers); + }); + } + }; + Object.defineProperties(Body.prototype, { + body: { enumerable: true }, + bodyUsed: { enumerable: true }, + arrayBuffer: { enumerable: true }, + blob: { enumerable: true }, + json: { enumerable: true }, + text: { enumerable: true } + }); + Body.mixIn = function(proto) { + for (const name of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Body.prototype)) { + if (!(name in proto)) { + const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Body.prototype, name); + Object.defineProperty(proto, name, desc); + } + } + }; + function consumeBody() { + var _this4 = this; + if (this[INTERNALS].disturbed) { + return Body.Promise.reject(new TypeError(`body used already for: ${this.url}`)); + } + this[INTERNALS].disturbed = true; + if (this[INTERNALS].error) { + return Body.Promise.reject(this[INTERNALS].error); + } + let body = this.body; + if (body === null) { + return Body.Promise.resolve(Buffer.alloc(0)); + } + if (isBlob(body)) { + body = body.stream(); + } + if (Buffer.isBuffer(body)) { + return Body.Promise.resolve(body); + } + if (!(body instanceof Stream)) { + return Body.Promise.resolve(Buffer.alloc(0)); + } + let accum = []; + let accumBytes = 0; + let abort = false; + return new Body.Promise(function(resolve, reject) { + let resTimeout; + if (_this4.timeout) { + resTimeout = setTimeout(function() { + abort = true; + reject(new FetchError(`Response timeout while trying to fetch ${_this4.url} (over ${_this4.timeout}ms)`, "body-timeout")); + }, _this4.timeout); + } + body.on("error", function(err) { + if (err.name === "AbortError") { + abort = true; + reject(err); + } else { + reject(new FetchError(`Invalid response body while trying to fetch ${_this4.url}: ${err.message}`, "system", err)); + } + }); + body.on("data", function(chunk) { + if (abort || chunk === null) { + return; + } + if (_this4.size && accumBytes + chunk.length > _this4.size) { + abort = true; + reject(new FetchError(`content size at ${_this4.url} over limit: ${_this4.size}`, "max-size")); + return; + } + accumBytes += chunk.length; + accum.push(chunk); + }); + body.on("end", function() { + if (abort) { + return; + } + clearTimeout(resTimeout); + try { + resolve(Buffer.concat(accum, accumBytes)); + } catch (err) { + reject(new FetchError(`Could not create Buffer from response body for ${_this4.url}: ${err.message}`, "system", err)); + } + }); + }); + } + function convertBody(buffer, headers) { + if (typeof convert !== "function") { + throw new Error("The package `encoding` must be installed to use the textConverted() function"); + } + const ct = headers.get("content-type"); + let charset = "utf-8"; + let res, str; + if (ct) { + res = /charset=([^;]*)/i.exec(ct); + } + str = buffer.slice(0, 1024).toString(); + if (!res && str) { + res = / 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : void 0; + this[MAP] = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); + if (init instanceof Headers) { + const rawHeaders = init.raw(); + const headerNames = Object.keys(rawHeaders); + for (const headerName of headerNames) { + for (const value of rawHeaders[headerName]) { + this.append(headerName, value); + } + } + return; + } + if (init == null) + ; + else if (typeof init === "object") { + const method = init[Symbol.iterator]; + if (method != null) { + if (typeof method !== "function") { + throw new TypeError("Header pairs must be iterable"); + } + const pairs = []; + for (const pair of init) { + if (typeof pair !== "object" || typeof pair[Symbol.iterator] !== "function") { + throw new TypeError("Each header pair must be iterable"); + } + pairs.push(Array.from(pair)); + } + for (const pair of pairs) { + if (pair.length !== 2) { + throw new TypeError("Each header pair must be a name/value tuple"); + } + this.append(pair[0], pair[1]); + } + } else { + for (const key of Object.keys(init)) { + const value = init[key]; + this.append(key, value); + } + } + } else { + throw new TypeError("Provided initializer must be an object"); + } + } + /** + * Return combined header value given name + * + * @param String name Header name + * @return Mixed + */ + get(name) { + name = `${name}`; + validateName(name); + const key = find(this[MAP], name); + if (key === void 0) { + return null; + } + return this[MAP][key].join(", "); + } + /** + * Iterate over all headers + * + * @param Function callback Executed for each item with parameters (value, name, thisArg) + * @param Boolean thisArg `this` context for callback function + * @return Void + */ + forEach(callback) { + let thisArg = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : void 0; + let pairs = getHeaders(this); + let i = 0; + while (i < pairs.length) { + var _pairs$i = pairs[i]; + const name = _pairs$i[0], value = _pairs$i[1]; + callback.call(thisArg, value, name, this); + pairs = getHeaders(this); + i++; + } + } + /** + * Overwrite header values given name + * + * @param String name Header name + * @param String value Header value + * @return Void + */ + set(name, value) { + name = `${name}`; + value = `${value}`; + validateName(name); + validateValue(value); + const key = find(this[MAP], name); + this[MAP][key !== void 0 ? key : name] = [value]; + } + /** + * Append a value onto existing header + * + * @param String name Header name + * @param String value Header value + * @return Void + */ + append(name, value) { + name = `${name}`; + value = `${value}`; + validateName(name); + validateValue(value); + const key = find(this[MAP], name); + if (key !== void 0) { + this[MAP][key].push(value); + } else { + this[MAP][name] = [value]; + } + } + /** + * Check for header name existence + * + * @param String name Header name + * @return Boolean + */ + has(name) { + name = `${name}`; + validateName(name); + return find(this[MAP], name) !== void 0; + } + /** + * Delete all header values given name + * + * @param String name Header name + * @return Void + */ + delete(name) { + name = `${name}`; + validateName(name); + const key = find(this[MAP], name); + if (key !== void 0) { + delete this[MAP][key]; + } + } + /** + * Return raw headers (non-spec api) + * + * @return Object + */ + raw() { + return this[MAP]; + } + /** + * Get an iterator on keys. + * + * @return Iterator + */ + keys() { + return createHeadersIterator(this, "key"); + } + /** + * Get an iterator on values. + * + * @return Iterator + */ + values() { + return createHeadersIterator(this, "value"); + } + /** + * Get an iterator on entries. + * + * This is the default iterator of the Headers object. + * + * @return Iterator + */ + [Symbol.iterator]() { + return createHeadersIterator(this, "key+value"); + } + }; + Headers.prototype.entries = Headers.prototype[Symbol.iterator]; + Object.defineProperty(Headers.prototype, Symbol.toStringTag, { + value: "Headers", + writable: false, + enumerable: false, + configurable: true + }); + Object.defineProperties(Headers.prototype, { + get: { enumerable: true }, + forEach: { enumerable: true }, + set: { enumerable: true }, + append: { enumerable: true }, + has: { enumerable: true }, + delete: { enumerable: true }, + keys: { enumerable: true }, + values: { enumerable: true }, + entries: { enumerable: true } + }); + function getHeaders(headers) { + let kind = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : "key+value"; + const keys = Object.keys(headers[MAP]).sort(); + return keys.map(kind === "key" ? function(k) { + return k.toLowerCase(); + } : kind === "value" ? function(k) { + return headers[MAP][k].join(", "); + } : function(k) { + return [k.toLowerCase(), headers[MAP][k].join(", ")]; + }); + } + var INTERNAL = Symbol("internal"); + function createHeadersIterator(target, kind) { + const iterator = Object.create(HeadersIteratorPrototype); + iterator[INTERNAL] = { + target, + kind, + index: 0 + }; + return iterator; + } + var HeadersIteratorPrototype = Object.setPrototypeOf({ + next() { + if (!this || Object.getPrototypeOf(this) !== HeadersIteratorPrototype) { + throw new TypeError("Value of `this` is not a HeadersIterator"); + } + var _INTERNAL = this[INTERNAL]; + const target = _INTERNAL.target, kind = _INTERNAL.kind, index = _INTERNAL.index; + const values = getHeaders(target, kind); + const len = values.length; + if (index >= len) { + return { + value: void 0, + done: true + }; + } + this[INTERNAL].index = index + 1; + return { + value: values[index], + done: false + }; + } + }, Object.getPrototypeOf(Object.getPrototypeOf([][Symbol.iterator]()))); + Object.defineProperty(HeadersIteratorPrototype, Symbol.toStringTag, { + value: "HeadersIterator", + writable: false, + enumerable: false, + configurable: true + }); + function exportNodeCompatibleHeaders(headers) { + const obj = Object.assign({ __proto__: null }, headers[MAP]); + const hostHeaderKey = find(headers[MAP], "Host"); + if (hostHeaderKey !== void 0) { + obj[hostHeaderKey] = obj[hostHeaderKey][0]; + } + return obj; + } + function createHeadersLenient(obj) { + const headers = new Headers(); + for (const name of Object.keys(obj)) { + if (invalidTokenRegex.test(name)) { + continue; + } + if (Array.isArray(obj[name])) { + for (const val of obj[name]) { + if (invalidHeaderCharRegex.test(val)) { + continue; + } + if (headers[MAP][name] === void 0) { + headers[MAP][name] = [val]; + } else { + headers[MAP][name].push(val); + } + } + } else if (!invalidHeaderCharRegex.test(obj[name])) { + headers[MAP][name] = [obj[name]]; + } + } + return headers; + } + var INTERNALS$1 = Symbol("Response internals"); + var STATUS_CODES = http.STATUS_CODES; + var Response2 = class { + constructor() { + let body = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : null; + let opts = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : {}; + Body.call(this, body, opts); + const status = opts.status || 200; + const headers = new Headers(opts.headers); + if (body != null && !headers.has("Content-Type")) { + const contentType = extractContentType(body); + if (contentType) { + headers.append("Content-Type", contentType); + } + } + this[INTERNALS$1] = { + url: opts.url, + status, + statusText: opts.statusText || STATUS_CODES[status], + headers, + counter: opts.counter + }; + } + get url() { + return this[INTERNALS$1].url || ""; + } + get status() { + return this[INTERNALS$1].status; + } + /** + * Convenience property representing if the request ended normally + */ + get ok() { + return this[INTERNALS$1].status >= 200 && this[INTERNALS$1].status < 300; + } + get redirected() { + return this[INTERNALS$1].counter > 0; + } + get statusText() { + return this[INTERNALS$1].statusText; + } + get headers() { + return this[INTERNALS$1].headers; + } + /** + * Clone this response + * + * @return Response + */ + clone() { + return new Response2(clone(this), { + url: this.url, + status: this.status, + statusText: this.statusText, + headers: this.headers, + ok: this.ok, + redirected: this.redirected + }); + } + }; + Body.mixIn(Response2.prototype); + Object.defineProperties(Response2.prototype, { + url: { enumerable: true }, + status: { enumerable: true }, + ok: { enumerable: true }, + redirected: { enumerable: true }, + statusText: { enumerable: true }, + headers: { enumerable: true }, + clone: { enumerable: true } + }); + Object.defineProperty(Response2.prototype, Symbol.toStringTag, { + value: "Response", + writable: false, + enumerable: false, + configurable: true + }); + var INTERNALS$2 = Symbol("Request internals"); + var URL3 = Url.URL || whatwgUrl.URL; + var parse_url = Url.parse; + var format_url = Url.format; + function parseURL(urlStr) { + if (/^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z\d+\-.]*:/.exec(urlStr)) { + urlStr = new URL3(urlStr).toString(); + } + return parse_url(urlStr); + } + var streamDestructionSupported = "destroy" in Stream.Readable.prototype; + function isRequest(input) { + return typeof input === "object" && typeof input[INTERNALS$2] === "object"; + } + function isAbortSignal(signal) { + const proto = signal && typeof signal === "object" && Object.getPrototypeOf(signal); + return !!(proto && proto.constructor.name === "AbortSignal"); + } + var Request = class { + constructor(input) { + let init = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : {}; + let parsedURL; + if (!isRequest(input)) { + if (input && input.href) { + parsedURL = parseURL(input.href); + } else { + parsedURL = parseURL(`${input}`); + } + input = {}; + } else { + parsedURL = parseURL(input.url); + } + let method = init.method || input.method || "GET"; + method = method.toUpperCase(); + if ((init.body != null || isRequest(input) && input.body !== null) && (method === "GET" || method === "HEAD")) { + throw new TypeError("Request with GET/HEAD method cannot have body"); + } + let inputBody = init.body != null ? init.body : isRequest(input) && input.body !== null ? clone(input) : null; + Body.call(this, inputBody, { + timeout: init.timeout || input.timeout || 0, + size: init.size || input.size || 0 + }); + const headers = new Headers(init.headers || input.headers || {}); + if (inputBody != null && !headers.has("Content-Type")) { + const contentType = extractContentType(inputBody); + if (contentType) { + headers.append("Content-Type", contentType); + } + } + let signal = isRequest(input) ? input.signal : null; + if ("signal" in init) + signal = init.signal; + if (signal != null && !isAbortSignal(signal)) { + throw new TypeError("Expected signal to be an instanceof AbortSignal"); + } + this[INTERNALS$2] = { + method, + redirect: init.redirect || input.redirect || "follow", + headers, + parsedURL, + signal + }; + this.follow = init.follow !== void 0 ? init.follow : input.follow !== void 0 ? input.follow : 20; + this.compress = init.compress !== void 0 ? init.compress : input.compress !== void 0 ? input.compress : true; + this.counter = init.counter || input.counter || 0; + this.agent = init.agent || input.agent; + } + get method() { + return this[INTERNALS$2].method; + } + get url() { + return format_url(this[INTERNALS$2].parsedURL); + } + get headers() { + return this[INTERNALS$2].headers; + } + get redirect() { + return this[INTERNALS$2].redirect; + } + get signal() { + return this[INTERNALS$2].signal; + } + /** + * Clone this request + * + * @return Request + */ + clone() { + return new Request(this); + } + }; + Body.mixIn(Request.prototype); + Object.defineProperty(Request.prototype, Symbol.toStringTag, { + value: "Request", + writable: false, + enumerable: false, + configurable: true + }); + Object.defineProperties(Request.prototype, { + method: { enumerable: true }, + url: { enumerable: true }, + headers: { enumerable: true }, + redirect: { enumerable: true }, + clone: { enumerable: true }, + signal: { enumerable: true } + }); + function getNodeRequestOptions(request2) { + const parsedURL = request2[INTERNALS$2].parsedURL; + const headers = new Headers(request2[INTERNALS$2].headers); + if (!headers.has("Accept")) { + headers.set("Accept", "*/*"); + } + if (!parsedURL.protocol || !parsedURL.hostname) { + throw new TypeError("Only absolute URLs are supported"); + } + if (!/^https?:$/.test(parsedURL.protocol)) { + throw new TypeError("Only HTTP(S) protocols are supported"); + } + if (request2.signal && request2.body instanceof Stream.Readable && !streamDestructionSupported) { + throw new Error("Cancellation of streamed requests with AbortSignal is not supported in node < 8"); + } + let contentLengthValue = null; + if (request2.body == null && /^(POST|PUT)$/i.test(request2.method)) { + contentLengthValue = "0"; + } + if (request2.body != null) { + const totalBytes = getTotalBytes(request2); + if (typeof totalBytes === "number") { + contentLengthValue = String(totalBytes); + } + } + if (contentLengthValue) { + headers.set("Content-Length", contentLengthValue); + } + if (!headers.has("User-Agent")) { + headers.set("User-Agent", "node-fetch/1.0 (+https://github.com/bitinn/node-fetch)"); + } + if (request2.compress && !headers.has("Accept-Encoding")) { + headers.set("Accept-Encoding", "gzip,deflate"); + } + let agent = request2.agent; + if (typeof agent === "function") { + agent = agent(parsedURL); + } + if (!headers.has("Connection") && !agent) { + headers.set("Connection", "close"); + } + return Object.assign({}, parsedURL, { + method: request2.method, + headers: exportNodeCompatibleHeaders(headers), + agent + }); + } + function AbortError(message) { + Error.call(this, message); + this.type = "aborted"; + this.message = message; + Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor); + } + AbortError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype); + AbortError.prototype.constructor = AbortError; + AbortError.prototype.name = "AbortError"; + var URL$1 = Url.URL || whatwgUrl.URL; + var PassThrough$1 = Stream.PassThrough; + var isDomainOrSubdomain = function isDomainOrSubdomain2(destination, original) { + const orig = new URL$1(original).hostname; + const dest = new URL$1(destination).hostname; + return orig === dest || orig[orig.length - dest.length - 1] === "." && orig.endsWith(dest); + }; + var isSameProtocol = function isSameProtocol2(destination, original) { + const orig = new URL$1(original).protocol; + const dest = new URL$1(destination).protocol; + return orig === dest; + }; + function fetch2(url2, opts) { + if (!fetch2.Promise) { + throw new Error("native promise missing, set fetch.Promise to your favorite alternative"); + } + Body.Promise = fetch2.Promise; + return new fetch2.Promise(function(resolve, reject) { + const request2 = new Request(url2, opts); + const options = getNodeRequestOptions(request2); + const send = (options.protocol === "https:" ? https2 : http).request; + const signal = request2.signal; + let response = null; + const abort = function abort2() { + let error = new AbortError("The user aborted a request."); + reject(error); + if (request2.body && request2.body instanceof Stream.Readable) { + destroyStream(request2.body, error); + } + if (!response || !response.body) + return; + response.body.emit("error", error); + }; + if (signal && signal.aborted) { + abort(); + return; + } + const abortAndFinalize = function abortAndFinalize2() { + abort(); + finalize(); + }; + const req = send(options); + let reqTimeout; + if (signal) { + signal.addEventListener("abort", abortAndFinalize); + } + function finalize() { + req.abort(); + if (signal) + signal.removeEventListener("abort", abortAndFinalize); + clearTimeout(reqTimeout); + } + if (request2.timeout) { + req.once("socket", function(socket) { + reqTimeout = setTimeout(function() { + reject(new FetchError(`network timeout at: ${request2.url}`, "request-timeout")); + finalize(); + }, request2.timeout); + }); + } + req.on("error", function(err) { + reject(new FetchError(`request to ${request2.url} failed, reason: ${err.message}`, "system", err)); + if (response && response.body) { + destroyStream(response.body, err); + } + finalize(); + }); + fixResponseChunkedTransferBadEnding(req, function(err) { + if (signal && signal.aborted) { + return; + } + if (response && response.body) { + destroyStream(response.body, err); + } + }); + if (parseInt(process.version.substring(1)) < 14) { + req.on("socket", function(s) { + s.addListener("close", function(hadError) { + const hasDataListener = s.listenerCount("data") > 0; + if (response && hasDataListener && !hadError && !(signal && signal.aborted)) { + const err = new Error("Premature close"); + err.code = "ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE"; + response.body.emit("error", err); + } + }); + }); + } + req.on("response", function(res) { + clearTimeout(reqTimeout); + const headers = createHeadersLenient(res.headers); + if (fetch2.isRedirect(res.statusCode)) { + const location = headers.get("Location"); + let locationURL = null; + try { + locationURL = location === null ? null : new URL$1(location, request2.url).toString(); + } catch (err) { + if (request2.redirect !== "manual") { + reject(new FetchError(`uri requested responds with an invalid redirect URL: ${location}`, "invalid-redirect")); + finalize(); + return; + } + } + switch (request2.redirect) { + case "error": + reject(new FetchError(`uri requested responds with a redirect, redirect mode is set to error: ${request2.url}`, "no-redirect")); + finalize(); + return; + case "manual": + if (locationURL !== null) { + try { + headers.set("Location", locationURL); + } catch (err) { + reject(err); + } + } + break; + case "follow": + if (locationURL === null) { + break; + } + if (request2.counter >= request2.follow) { + reject(new FetchError(`maximum redirect reached at: ${request2.url}`, "max-redirect")); + finalize(); + return; + } + const requestOpts = { + headers: new Headers(request2.headers), + follow: request2.follow, + counter: request2.counter + 1, + agent: request2.agent, + compress: request2.compress, + method: request2.method, + body: request2.body, + signal: request2.signal, + timeout: request2.timeout, + size: request2.size + }; + if (!isDomainOrSubdomain(request2.url, locationURL) || !isSameProtocol(request2.url, locationURL)) { + for (const name of ["authorization", "www-authenticate", "cookie", "cookie2"]) { + requestOpts.headers.delete(name); + } + } + if (res.statusCode !== 303 && request2.body && getTotalBytes(request2) === null) { + reject(new FetchError("Cannot follow redirect with body being a readable stream", "unsupported-redirect")); + finalize(); + return; + } + if (res.statusCode === 303 || (res.statusCode === 301 || res.statusCode === 302) && request2.method === "POST") { + requestOpts.method = "GET"; + requestOpts.body = void 0; + requestOpts.headers.delete("content-length"); + } + resolve(fetch2(new Request(locationURL, requestOpts))); + finalize(); + return; + } + } + res.once("end", function() { + if (signal) + signal.removeEventListener("abort", abortAndFinalize); + }); + let body = res.pipe(new PassThrough$1()); + const response_options = { + url: request2.url, + status: res.statusCode, + statusText: res.statusMessage, + headers, + size: request2.size, + timeout: request2.timeout, + counter: request2.counter + }; + const codings = headers.get("Content-Encoding"); + if (!request2.compress || request2.method === "HEAD" || codings === null || res.statusCode === 204 || res.statusCode === 304) { + response = new Response2(body, response_options); + resolve(response); + return; + } + const zlibOptions = { + flush: zlib.Z_SYNC_FLUSH, + finishFlush: zlib.Z_SYNC_FLUSH + }; + if (codings == "gzip" || codings == "x-gzip") { + body = body.pipe(zlib.createGunzip(zlibOptions)); + response = new Response2(body, response_options); + resolve(response); + return; + } + if (codings == "deflate" || codings == "x-deflate") { + const raw = res.pipe(new PassThrough$1()); + raw.once("data", function(chunk) { + if ((chunk[0] & 15) === 8) { + body = body.pipe(zlib.createInflate()); + } else { + body = body.pipe(zlib.createInflateRaw()); + } + response = new Response2(body, response_options); + resolve(response); + }); + raw.on("end", function() { + if (!response) { + response = new Response2(body, response_options); + resolve(response); + } + }); + return; + } + if (codings == "br" && typeof zlib.createBrotliDecompress === "function") { + body = body.pipe(zlib.createBrotliDecompress()); + response = new Response2(body, response_options); + resolve(response); + return; + } + response = new Response2(body, response_options); + resolve(response); + }); + writeToStream(req, request2); + }); + } + function fixResponseChunkedTransferBadEnding(request2, errorCallback) { + let socket; + request2.on("socket", function(s) { + socket = s; + }); + request2.on("response", function(response) { + const headers = response.headers; + if (headers["transfer-encoding"] === "chunked" && !headers["content-length"]) { + response.once("close", function(hadError) { + const hasDataListener = socket.listenerCount("data") > 0; + if (hasDataListener && !hadError) { + const err = new Error("Premature close"); + err.code = "ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE"; + errorCallback(err); + } + }); + } + }); + } + function destroyStream(stream, err) { + if (stream.destroy) { + stream.destroy(err); + } else { + stream.emit("error", err); + stream.end(); + } + } + fetch2.isRedirect = function(code) { + return code === 301 || code === 302 || code === 303 || code === 307 || code === 308; + }; + fetch2.Promise = global.Promise; + module2.exports = exports = fetch2; + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); + exports.default = exports; + exports.Headers = Headers; + exports.Request = Request; + exports.Response = Response2; + exports.FetchError = FetchError; + } +}); + +// lib/assertions/providers/lambda-handler/index.ts +var lambda_handler_exports = {}; +__export(lambda_handler_exports, { + handler: () => handler, + isComplete: () => isComplete, + onTimeout: () => onTimeout +}); +module.exports = __toCommonJS(lambda_handler_exports); + +// lib/assertions/providers/lambda-handler/assertion.ts +var import_helpers_internal = __toESM(require_helpers_internal()); + +// lib/assertions/providers/lambda-handler/base.ts +var https = __toESM(require("https")); +var url = __toESM(require("url")); +var import_client_sfn = __toESM(require_dist_cjs54()); +var CustomResourceHandler = class { + constructor(event, context) { + this.event = event; + this.context = context; + this.timedOut = false; + this.timeout = setTimeout(async () => { + await this.respond({ + status: "FAILED", + reason: "Lambda Function Timeout", + data: this.context.logStreamName + }); + this.timedOut = true; + }, context.getRemainingTimeInMillis() - 1200); + this.event = event; + this.physicalResourceId = extractPhysicalResourceId(event); + } + /** + * Handles executing the custom resource event. If `stateMachineArn` is present + * in the props then trigger the waiter statemachine + */ + async handle() { + try { + if ("stateMachineArn" in this.event.ResourceProperties) { + const req = { + stateMachineArn: this.event.ResourceProperties.stateMachineArn, + name: this.event.RequestId, + input: JSON.stringify(this.event) + }; + await this.startExecution(req); + return; + } else { + const response = await this.processEvent(this.event.ResourceProperties); + return response; + } + } catch (e) { + console.log(e); + throw e; + } finally { + clearTimeout(this.timeout); + } + } + /** + * Handle async requests from the waiter state machine + */ + async handleIsComplete() { + try { + const result = await this.processEvent(this.event.ResourceProperties); + return result; + } catch (e) { + console.log(e); + return; + } finally { + clearTimeout(this.timeout); + } + } + /** + * Start a step function state machine which will wait for the request + * to be successful. + */ + async startExecution(req) { + try { + const sfn = new import_client_sfn.SFN({}); + await sfn.startExecution(req); + } finally { + clearTimeout(this.timeout); + } + } + respond(response) { + if (this.timedOut) { + return; + } + const cfResponse = { + Status: response.status, + Reason: response.reason, + PhysicalResourceId: this.physicalResourceId, + StackId: this.event.StackId, + RequestId: this.event.RequestId, + LogicalResourceId: this.event.LogicalResourceId, + NoEcho: false, + Data: response.data + }; + const responseBody = JSON.stringify(cfResponse); + console.log("Responding to CloudFormation", responseBody); + const parsedUrl = url.parse(this.event.ResponseURL); + const requestOptions = { + hostname: parsedUrl.hostname, + path: parsedUrl.path, + method: "PUT", + headers: { + "content-type": "", + "content-length": Buffer.byteLength(responseBody, "utf8") + } + }; + return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + try { + const request2 = https.request(requestOptions, resolve); + request2.on("error", reject); + request2.write(responseBody); + request2.end(); + } catch (e) { + reject(e); + } finally { + clearTimeout(this.timeout); + } + }); + } +}; +function extractPhysicalResourceId(event) { + switch (event.RequestType) { + case "Create": + return event.LogicalResourceId; + case "Update": + case "Delete": + return event.PhysicalResourceId; + } +} + +// lib/assertions/providers/lambda-handler/assertion.ts +var AssertionHandler = class extends CustomResourceHandler { + async processEvent(request2) { + let actual = decodeCall(request2.actual); + const expected = decodeCall(request2.expected); + let result; + const matcher = new MatchCreator(expected).getMatcher(); + console.log(`Testing equality between ${JSON.stringify(request2.actual)} and ${JSON.stringify(request2.expected)}`); + const matchResult = matcher.test(actual); + matchResult.finished(); + if (matchResult.hasFailed()) { + result = { + failed: true, + assertion: JSON.stringify({ + status: "fail", + message: matchResult.renderMismatch() + }) + }; + if (request2.failDeployment) { + throw new Error(result.assertion); + } + } else { + result = { + assertion: JSON.stringify({ + status: "success" + }) + }; + } + return result; + } +}; +var MatchCreator = class { + constructor(obj) { + this.parsedObj = { + matcher: obj + }; + } + /** + * Return a Matcher that can be tested against the actual results. + * This will convert the encoded matchers into their corresponding + * assertions matcher. + * + * For example: + * + * ExpectedResult.objectLike({ + * Messages: [{ + * Body: Match.objectLike({ + * Elements: Match.arrayWith([{ Asdf: 3 }]), + * Payload: Match.serializedJson({ key: 'value' }), + * }), + * }], + * }); + * + * Will be encoded as: + * { + * $ObjectLike: { + * Messages: [{ + * Body: { + * $ObjectLike: { + * Elements: { + * $ArrayWith: [{ Asdf: 3 }], + * }, + * Payload: { + * $SerializedJson: { key: 'value' } + * } + * }, + * }, + * }], + * }, + * } + * + * Which can then be parsed by this function. For each key (recursively) + * the parser will check if the value has one of the encoded matchers as a key + * and if so, it will set the value as the Matcher. So, + * + * { + * Body: { + * $ObjectLike: { + * Elements: { + * $ArrayWith: [{ Asdf: 3 }], + * }, + * Payload: { + * $SerializedJson: { key: 'value' } + * } + * }, + * }, + * } + * + * Will be converted to + * { + * Body: Match.objectLike({ + * Elements: Match.arrayWith([{ Asdf: 3 }]), + * Payload: Match.serializedJson({ key: 'value' }), + * }), + * } + */ + getMatcher() { + try { + const final = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.parsedObj), function(_k, v) { + const nested = Object.keys(v)[0]; + switch (nested) { + case "$ArrayWith": + return import_helpers_internal.Match.arrayWith(v[nested]); + case "$ObjectLike": + return import_helpers_internal.Match.objectLike(v[nested]); + case "$StringLike": + return import_helpers_internal.Match.stringLikeRegexp(v[nested]); + case "$SerializedJson": + return import_helpers_internal.Match.serializedJson(v[nested]); + default: + return v; + } + }); + if (import_helpers_internal.Matcher.isMatcher(final.matcher)) { + return final.matcher; + } + return import_helpers_internal.Match.exact(final.matcher); + } catch { + return import_helpers_internal.Match.exact(this.parsedObj.matcher); + } + } +}; +function decodeCall(call) { + if (!call) { + return void 0; + } + try { + const parsed = JSON.parse(call); + return parsed; + } catch { + return call; + } +} + +// lib/assertions/providers/lambda-handler/http.ts +var import_node_fetch = __toESM(require_lib4()); +var HttpHandler = class extends CustomResourceHandler { + async processEvent(request2) { + console.log("request", request2); + const response = await (0, import_node_fetch.default)(request2.parameters.url, request2.parameters.fetchOptions); + const result = { + ok: response.ok, + status: response.status, + statusText: response.statusText, + headers: response.headers.raw() + }; + try { + const jsonResponse = await response.json(); + result.body = jsonResponse; + } catch (e) { + result.body = {}; + } + return { + apiCallResponse: result + }; + } +}; + +// lib/assertions/providers/lambda-handler/utils.ts +function decode(object) { + return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(object), (_k, v) => { + switch (v) { + case "TRUE:BOOLEAN": + return true; + case "FALSE:BOOLEAN": + return false; + default: + return v; + } + }); +} + +// lib/assertions/providers/lambda-handler/sdk.ts +function flatten(object) { + return Object.assign( + {}, + ...function _flatten(child, path = []) { + return [].concat(...Object.keys(child).map((key) => { + let childKey = Buffer.isBuffer(child[key]) ? child[key].toString("utf8") : child[key]; + if (typeof childKey === "string") { + childKey = isJsonString(childKey); + } + return typeof childKey === "object" && childKey !== null ? _flatten(childKey, path.concat([key])) : { [path.concat([key]).join(".")]: childKey }; + })); + }(object) + ); +} +function getServiceClient(service) { + const clientPackageName = `@aws-sdk/client-${service.toLowerCase()}`; + try { + const pkg = require(clientPackageName); + return new pkg[service]({}); + } catch (e) { + throw Error(`Service ${service} client package with name '${clientPackageName}' does not exist.`); + } +} +var AwsApiCallHandler = class extends CustomResourceHandler { + async processEvent(request2) { + const client = getServiceClient(request2.service); + const response = await client[request2.api](request2.parameters && decode(request2.parameters)); + console.log(`SDK response received ${JSON.stringify(response)}`); + delete response.ResponseMetadata; + const respond = { + apiCallResponse: response + }; + const flatData = { + ...flatten(respond) + }; + let resp = respond; + if (request2.outputPaths) { + resp = filterKeys(flatData, request2.outputPaths); + } else if (request2.flattenResponse === "true") { + resp = flatData; + } + console.log(`Returning result ${JSON.stringify(resp)}`); + return resp; + } +}; +function filterKeys(object, searchStrings) { + return Object.entries(object).reduce((filteredObject, [key, value]) => { + for (const searchString of searchStrings) { + if (key.startsWith(`apiCallResponse.${searchString}`)) { + filteredObject[key] = value; + } + } + return filteredObject; + }, {}); +} +function isJsonString(value) { + try { + return JSON.parse(value); + } catch { + return value; + } +} + +// lib/assertions/providers/lambda-handler/types.ts +var ASSERT_RESOURCE_TYPE = "Custom::DeployAssert@AssertEquals"; +var SDK_RESOURCE_TYPE_PREFIX = "Custom::DeployAssert@SdkCall"; +var HTTP_RESOURCE_TYPE = "Custom::DeployAssert@HttpCall"; + +// lib/assertions/providers/lambda-handler/index.ts +async function handler(event, context) { + console.log(`Event: ${JSON.stringify({ ...event, ResponseURL: "..." })}`); + const provider = createResourceHandler(event, context); + try { + if (event.RequestType === "Delete") { + await provider.respond({ + status: "SUCCESS", + reason: "OK" + }); + return; + } + const result = await provider.handle(); + if ("stateMachineArn" in event.ResourceProperties) { + console.info('Found "stateMachineArn", waiter statemachine started'); + return; + } else if ("expected" in event.ResourceProperties) { + console.info('Found "expected", testing assertions'); + const actualPath = event.ResourceProperties.actualPath; + const actual = actualPath ? result[`apiCallResponse.${actualPath}`] : result.apiCallResponse; + const assertion = new AssertionHandler({ + ...event, + ResourceProperties: { + ServiceToken: event.ServiceToken, + actual, + expected: event.ResourceProperties.expected + } + }, context); + try { + const assertionResult = await assertion.handle(); + await provider.respond({ + status: "SUCCESS", + reason: "OK", + // return both the result of the API call _and_ the assertion results + data: { + ...assertionResult, + ...result + } + }); + return; + } catch (e) { + await provider.respond({ + status: "FAILED", + reason: e.message ?? "Internal Error" + }); + return; + } + } + await provider.respond({ + status: "SUCCESS", + reason: "OK", + data: result + }); + } catch (e) { + await provider.respond({ + status: "FAILED", + reason: e.message ?? "Internal Error" + }); + return; + } + return; +} +async function onTimeout(timeoutEvent) { + const isCompleteRequest = JSON.parse(JSON.parse(timeoutEvent.Cause).errorMessage); + const provider = createResourceHandler(isCompleteRequest, standardContext); + await provider.respond({ + status: "FAILED", + reason: "Operation timed out: " + JSON.stringify(isCompleteRequest) + }); +} +async function isComplete(event, context) { + console.log(`Event: ${JSON.stringify({ ...event, ResponseURL: "..." })}`); + const provider = createResourceHandler(event, context); + try { + const result = await provider.handleIsComplete(); + const actualPath = event.ResourceProperties.actualPath; + if (result) { + const actual = actualPath ? result[`apiCallResponse.${actualPath}`] : result.apiCallResponse; + if ("expected" in event.ResourceProperties) { + const assertion = new AssertionHandler({ + ...event, + ResourceProperties: { + ServiceToken: event.ServiceToken, + actual, + expected: event.ResourceProperties.expected + } + }, context); + const assertionResult = await assertion.handleIsComplete(); + if (!(assertionResult == null ? void 0 : assertionResult.failed)) { + await provider.respond({ + status: "SUCCESS", + reason: "OK", + data: { + ...assertionResult, + ...result + } + }); + return; + } else { + console.log(`Assertion Failed: ${JSON.stringify(assertionResult)}`); + throw new Error(JSON.stringify(event)); + } + } + await provider.respond({ + status: "SUCCESS", + reason: "OK", + data: result + }); + } else { + console.log("No result"); + throw new Error(JSON.stringify(event)); + } + return; + } catch (e) { + console.log(e); + throw new Error(JSON.stringify(event)); + } +} +function createResourceHandler(event, context) { + if (event.ResourceType.startsWith(SDK_RESOURCE_TYPE_PREFIX)) { + return new AwsApiCallHandler(event, context); + } else if (event.ResourceType.startsWith(ASSERT_RESOURCE_TYPE)) { + return new AssertionHandler(event, context); + } else if (event.ResourceType.startsWith(HTTP_RESOURCE_TYPE)) { + return new HttpHandler(event, context); + } else { + throw new Error(`Unsupported resource type "${event.ResourceType}`); + } +} +var standardContext = { + getRemainingTimeInMillis: () => 9e4 +}; +// Annotate the CommonJS export names for ESM import in node: +0 && (module.exports = { + handler, + isComplete, + onTimeout +}); +/*! Bundled license information: + +tslib/tslib.es6.js: + (*! ***************************************************************************** + Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. + + Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any + purpose with or without fee is hereby granted. + + THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH + REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY + AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, + INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM + LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR + OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR + PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. + ***************************************************************************** *) +*/ diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-redshift-alpha/test/integ.cluster-reboot.js.snapshot/aws-cdk-redshift-cluster-create.assets.json b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-redshift-alpha/test/integ.cluster-reboot.js.snapshot/aws-cdk-redshift-cluster-create.assets.json index 2053b09326648..f0321fb5ec34d 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-redshift-alpha/test/integ.cluster-reboot.js.snapshot/aws-cdk-redshift-cluster-create.assets.json +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-redshift-alpha/test/integ.cluster-reboot.js.snapshot/aws-cdk-redshift-cluster-create.assets.json @@ -1,15 +1,15 @@ { "version": "32.0.0", "files": { - 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// diffAssets: true, + diffAssets: true, }); const describeClusters = test.assertions.awsApiCall('Redshift', 'describeClusters', { ClusterIdentifier: updateStack.cluster.clusterName }); diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-route53resolver-alpha/package.json b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-route53resolver-alpha/package.json index 16cd61b3bb7ec..6e3d60b1120d9 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-route53resolver-alpha/package.json +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-route53resolver-alpha/package.json @@ -84,7 +84,6 @@ "devDependencies": { "@aws-cdk/cdk-build-tools": "0.0.0", "@aws-cdk/integ-runner": "0.0.0", - "@aws-cdk/cfn2ts": "0.0.0", "@aws-cdk/pkglint": "0.0.0", "@types/jest": "^29.5.1", "aws-cdk-lib": "0.0.0", diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-s3objectlambda-alpha/package.json b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-s3objectlambda-alpha/package.json index 8a9eae87b044a..6b43ffdf34422 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-s3objectlambda-alpha/package.json +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-s3objectlambda-alpha/package.json @@ -86,7 +86,6 @@ "devDependencies": { "@aws-cdk/cdk-build-tools": "0.0.0", "@aws-cdk/integ-runner": "0.0.0", - 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See section in [L2 Event Bridge Scheduler RFC](https://github.com/aws/aws-cdk-rfcs/blob/master/text/0474-event-bridge-scheduler-l2.md) +TODO: Schedule is not yet fully implemented. See section in [L2 Event Bridge Scheduler RFC](https://github.com/aws/aws-cdk-rfcs/blob/master/text/0474-event-bridge-scheduler-l2.md) + +[comment]: <> (TODO: change for each PR that implements more functionality) + +Only an L2 class is created that wraps the L1 class and handles the following properties: + +- schedule +- target (only LambdaInvoke is supported for now) +- flexibleTimeWindow will be set to `{ mode: 'OFF' }` ### Schedule Expressions @@ -95,10 +103,31 @@ TODO: Group is not yet implemented. See section in [L2 Event Bridge Scheduler RF TODO: Scheduler Targets Module is not yet implemented. See section in [L2 Event Bridge Scheduler RFC](https://github.com/aws/aws-cdk-rfcs/blob/master/text/0474-event-bridge-scheduler-l2.md) +Only LambdaInvoke target is added for now. + ### Input -TODO: Target Input is not yet implemented. See section in [L2 Event Bridge Scheduler RFC](https://github.com/aws/aws-cdk-rfcs/blob/master/text/0474-event-bridge-scheduler-l2.md) +Target can be invoked with a custom input. Class `ScheduleTargetInput` supports free form text input and JSON-formatted object input: + +```ts +const input = ScheduleTargetInput.fromObject({ + 'QueueName': 'MyQueue' +}); +``` + +You can include context attributes in your target payload. EventBridge Scheduler will replace each keyword with +its respective value and deliver it to the target. See +[full list of supported context attributes](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/scheduler/latest/UserGuide/managing-schedule-context-attributes.html): +1. `ContextAttribute.scheduleArn()` – The ARN of the schedule. +2. `ContextAttribute.scheduledTime()` – The time you specified for the schedule to invoke its target, for example, 2022-03-22T18:59:43Z. +3. `ContextAttribute.executionId()` – The unique ID that EventBridge Scheduler assigns for each attempted invocation of a target, for example, d32c5kddcf5bb8c3. +4. `ContextAttribute.attemptNumber()` – A counter that identifies the attempt number for the current invocation, for example, 1. + +```ts +const text = `Attempt number: ${ContextAttribute.attemptNumber}`; +const input = ScheduleTargetInput.fromText(text); +``` ### Specifying Execution Role diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-scheduler-alpha/lib/index.ts b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-scheduler-alpha/lib/index.ts index c00ab258ae963..c2ff54e61f61b 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-scheduler-alpha/lib/index.ts +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-scheduler-alpha/lib/index.ts @@ -1 +1,3 @@ -export * from './schedule-expression'; \ No newline at end of file +export * from './schedule-expression'; +export * from './input'; +export * from './schedule'; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-scheduler-alpha/lib/input.ts b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-scheduler-alpha/lib/input.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..682ce0687e374 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-scheduler-alpha/lib/input.ts @@ -0,0 +1,122 @@ +import { DefaultTokenResolver, IResolveContext, Stack, StringConcat, Token, Tokenization } from 'aws-cdk-lib'; +import { ISchedule } from './schedule'; + +/** + * The text, or well-formed JSON, passed to the target of the schedule. + */ +export abstract class ScheduleTargetInput { + /** + * Pass text to the target, it is possible to embed `ContextAttributes` + * that will be resolved to actual values while the CloudFormation is + * deployed or cdk Tokens that will be resolved when the CloudFormation + * templates are generated by CDK. + * + * The target input value will be a single string that you pass. + * For passing complex values like JSON object to a target use method + * `ScheduleTargetInput.fromObject()` instead. + * + * @param text Text to use as the input for the target + */ + public static fromText(text: string): ScheduleTargetInput { + return new FieldAwareEventInput(text); + } + + /** + * Pass a JSON object to the target, it is possible to embed `ContextAttributes` and other + * cdk references. + * + * @param obj object to use to convert to JSON to use as input for the target + */ + public static fromObject(obj: any): ScheduleTargetInput { + return new FieldAwareEventInput(obj); + } + + protected constructor() { + } + + /** + * Return the input properties for this input object + */ + public abstract bind(schedule: ISchedule): string; +} + +class FieldAwareEventInput extends ScheduleTargetInput { + constructor(private readonly input: any) { + super(); + } + + public bind(schedule: ISchedule): string { + class Replacer extends DefaultTokenResolver { + constructor() { + super(new StringConcat()); + } + + public resolveToken(t: Token, _context: IResolveContext) { + return Token.asString(t); + } + } + + const stack = Stack.of(schedule); + return stack.toJsonString(Tokenization.resolve(this.input, { + scope: schedule, + resolver: new Replacer(), + })); + } +} + +/** + * Represents a field in the event pattern + * + * @see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/scheduler/latest/UserGuide/managing-schedule-context-attributes.html + */ +export class ContextAttribute { + /** + * The ARN of the schedule. + */ + public static get scheduleArn(): string { + return this.fromName('schedule-arn'); + } + + /** + * The time you specified for the schedule to invoke its target, for example, + * 2022-03-22T18:59:43Z. + */ + public static get scheduledTime(): string { + return this.fromName('scheduled-time'); + } + + /** + * The unique ID that EventBridge Scheduler assigns for each attempted invocation of + * a target, for example, d32c5kddcf5bb8c3. + */ + public static get executionId(): string { + return this.fromName('execution-id'); + } + + /** + * A counter that identifies the attempt number for the current invocation, for + * example, 1. + */ + public static get attemptNumber(): string { + return this.fromName('attempt-number'); + } + + /** + * Escape hatch for other ContextAttribute that might be resolved in future. + * + * @param name - name will replace xxx in + */ + public static fromName(name: string): string { + return new ContextAttribute(name).toString(); + } + + private constructor(public readonly name: string) { + } + + /** + * Convert the path to the field in the event pattern to JSON + */ + public toString() { + return ``; + } +} diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-scheduler-alpha/lib/private/index.ts b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-scheduler-alpha/lib/private/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..acb4914fd0c93 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-scheduler-alpha/lib/private/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +export * from './schedule'; +export * from './targets'; diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-scheduler-alpha/lib/private/schedule.ts b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-scheduler-alpha/lib/private/schedule.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..0e2b33742d18f --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-scheduler-alpha/lib/private/schedule.ts @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +import { Resource } from 'aws-cdk-lib'; +import { CfnSchedule } from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-scheduler'; +import { Construct } from 'constructs'; +import { ISchedule } from '../schedule'; +import { ScheduleExpression } from '../schedule-expression'; + +/** + * DISCLAIMER: WORK IN PROGRESS, INTERFACE MIGHT CHANGE + * + * This unit is not yet finished. Only rudimentary Schedule is implemented in order + * to be able to create some sensible unit tests + */ + +export interface IScheduleTarget { + bind(_schedule: ISchedule): CfnSchedule.TargetProperty; +} + +/** + * Construction properties for `Schedule`. + */ +export interface ScheduleProps { + /** + * The expression that defines when the schedule runs. Can be either a `at`, `rate` + * or `cron` expression. + */ + readonly schedule: ScheduleExpression; + + /** + * The schedule's target details. + */ + readonly target: IScheduleTarget; + + /** + * The description you specify for the schedule. + * + * @default - no value + */ + readonly description?: string; +} + +/** + * An EventBridge Schedule + */ +export class Schedule extends Resource implements ISchedule { + constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: ScheduleProps) { + super(scope, id); + + new CfnSchedule(this, 'Resource', { + flexibleTimeWindow: { mode: 'OFF' }, + scheduleExpression: props.schedule.expressionString, + scheduleExpressionTimezone: props.schedule.timeZone?.timezoneName, + target: { + ...props.target.bind(this), + }, + }); + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-scheduler-alpha/lib/private/targets.ts b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-scheduler-alpha/lib/private/targets.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..1edff1b13db57 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-scheduler-alpha/lib/private/targets.ts @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +import * as iam from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-iam'; +import * as lambda from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-lambda'; +import { CfnSchedule } from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-scheduler'; +import { ScheduleTargetInput } from '../input'; +import { ISchedule } from '../schedule'; + +/** + * DISCLAIMER: WORK IN PROGRESS, INTERFACE MIGHT CHANGE + * + * This unit is not yet finished. The LambaInvoke target is only implemented to be able + * to create some sensible unit tests. + */ + +export namespace targets { + export interface ScheduleTargetBaseProps { + readonly role?: iam.IRole; + readonly input?: ScheduleTargetInput; + } + + abstract class ScheduleTargetBase { + constructor( + private readonly baseProps: ScheduleTargetBaseProps, + protected readonly targetArn: string, + ) { + } + + protected abstract addTargetActionToRole(role: iam.IRole): void; + + protected bindBaseTargetConfig(_schedule: ISchedule): CfnSchedule.TargetProperty { + if (typeof this.baseProps.role === undefined) { + throw Error('A role is needed (for now)'); + } + this.addTargetActionToRole(this.baseProps.role!); + return { + arn: this.targetArn, + roleArn: this.baseProps.role!.roleArn, + input: this.baseProps.input?.bind(_schedule), + }; + } + + bind(schedule: ISchedule): CfnSchedule.TargetProperty { + return this.bindBaseTargetConfig(schedule); + } + } + + export class LambdaInvoke extends ScheduleTargetBase { + constructor( + baseProps: ScheduleTargetBaseProps, + private readonly func: lambda.IFunction, + ) { + super(baseProps, func.functionArn); + } + + protected addTargetActionToRole(role: iam.IRole): void { + this.func.grantInvoke(role); + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-scheduler-alpha/lib/schedule.ts b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-scheduler-alpha/lib/schedule.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..23bcd9406c0d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-scheduler-alpha/lib/schedule.ts @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +import { IResource } from 'aws-cdk-lib'; + +/** + * Interface representing a created or an imported `Schedule`. + */ +export interface ISchedule extends IResource { + +} diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-scheduler-alpha/package.json b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-scheduler-alpha/package.json index 0dd7f971c0784..098aed842335d 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-scheduler-alpha/package.json +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-scheduler-alpha/package.json @@ -83,7 +83,6 @@ "devDependencies": { "@aws-cdk/cdk-build-tools": "0.0.0", "@aws-cdk/integ-runner": "0.0.0", - "@aws-cdk/cfn2ts": "0.0.0", "@aws-cdk/pkglint": "0.0.0", "@types/jest": "^29.5.1", "aws-cdk-lib": "0.0.0", @@ -116,4 +115,4 @@ "assert/assert-dependency" ] } -} \ No newline at end of file +} diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-scheduler-alpha/rosetta/default.ts-fixture b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-scheduler-alpha/rosetta/default.ts-fixture index 71131d04c63a3..776fd224ec9b1 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-scheduler-alpha/rosetta/default.ts-fixture +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-scheduler-alpha/rosetta/default.ts-fixture @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import * as kms from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-kms'; import * as sqs from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-sqs'; import * as cloudwatch from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-cloudwatch'; import { App, Stack, TimeZone, Duration } from 'aws-cdk-lib'; -import { ScheduleExpression } from '@aws-cdk/aws-scheduler-alpha'; +import { ScheduleExpression, ScheduleTargetInput, ContextAttribute } from '@aws-cdk/aws-scheduler-alpha'; class Fixture extends cdk.Stack { constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) { diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-scheduler-alpha/test/input.test.ts b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-scheduler-alpha/test/input.test.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..adb6042ba3879 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-scheduler-alpha/test/input.test.ts @@ -0,0 +1,143 @@ +import { Stack } from 'aws-cdk-lib'; +import { Template } from 'aws-cdk-lib/assertions'; +import * as iam from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-iam'; +import * as lambda from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-lambda'; +import { ContextAttribute, ScheduleExpression, ScheduleTargetInput } from '../lib'; +import { Schedule, targets } from '../lib/private'; + +describe('schedule target input', () => { + let stack: Stack; + let role: iam.IRole; + let func: lambda.IFunction; + const expr = ScheduleExpression.at(new Date(Date.UTC(1969, 10, 20, 0, 0, 0))); + + beforeEach(() => { + stack = new Stack(); + role = iam.Role.fromRoleArn(stack, 'Role', 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/johndoe'); + func = lambda.Function.fromFunctionArn(stack, 'Function', 'arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function/somefunc'); + }); + + test('create an input from text', () => { + new Schedule(stack, 'MyScheduleDummy', { + schedule: expr, + target: new targets.LambdaInvoke({ + role, + input: ScheduleTargetInput.fromText('test'), + }, func), + }); + Template.fromStack(stack).hasResource('AWS::Scheduler::Schedule', { + Properties: { + Target: { + Input: '"test"', + }, + }, + }); + }); + + test('create an input from text with a ref inside', () => { + new Schedule(stack, 'MyScheduleDummy', { + schedule: expr, + target: new targets.LambdaInvoke({ + role, + input: ScheduleTargetInput.fromText(stack.account), + }, func), + }); + Template.fromStack(stack).hasResource('AWS::Scheduler::Schedule', { + Properties: { + Target: { + Input: { + 'Fn::Join': ['', ['"', { Ref: 'AWS::AccountId' }, '"']], + }, + }, + }, + }); + }); + + test('create an input from object', () => { + new Schedule(stack, 'MyScheduleDummy', { + schedule: expr, + target: new targets.LambdaInvoke({ + role, + input: ScheduleTargetInput.fromObject({ + test: 'test', + }), + }, func), + }); + Template.fromStack(stack).hasResource('AWS::Scheduler::Schedule', { + Properties: { + Target: { + Input: '{"test":"test"}', + }, + }, + }); + }); + + test('create an input from object with a ref', () => { + new Schedule(stack, 'MyScheduleDummy', { + schedule: expr, + target: new targets.LambdaInvoke({ + role, + input: ScheduleTargetInput.fromObject({ + test: stack.account, + }), + }, func), + }); + Template.fromStack(stack).hasResource('AWS::Scheduler::Schedule', { + Properties: { + Target: { + Input: { + 'Fn::Join': ['', [ + '{"test":"', + { Ref: 'AWS::AccountId' }, + '"}', + ]], + }, + }, + }, + }); + }); + + test('create an input with fromText with ContextAttribute', () => { + new Schedule(stack, 'MyScheduleDummy', { + schedule: expr, + target: new targets.LambdaInvoke({ + role, + input: ScheduleTargetInput.fromText(`Test=${ContextAttribute.scheduleArn}`), + }, func), + }); + Template.fromStack(stack).hasResource('AWS::Scheduler::Schedule', { + Properties: { + Target: { + Input: '"Test="', + }, + }, + }); + }); + + test('create an input with fromObject with ContextAttribute', () => { + new Schedule(stack, 'MyScheduleDummy', { + schedule: expr, + target: new targets.LambdaInvoke({ + role, + input: ScheduleTargetInput.fromObject({ + arn: ContextAttribute.scheduleArn, + att: ContextAttribute.attemptNumber, + xid: ContextAttribute.executionId, + tim: ContextAttribute.scheduledTime, + cus: ContextAttribute.fromName('escapehatch'), + }), + }, func), + }); + Template.fromStack(stack).hasResource('AWS::Scheduler::Schedule', { + Properties: { + Target: { + Input: '{"arn":"",' + + '"att":"",' + + '"xid":"",' + + '"tim":"",' + + '"cus":""}', + }, + }, + }); + }); +}); diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-servicecatalogappregistry-alpha/package.json b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-servicecatalogappregistry-alpha/package.json index 5ef6f92e7c308..83c1a3bc8976c 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-servicecatalogappregistry-alpha/package.json +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-servicecatalogappregistry-alpha/package.json @@ -86,7 +86,6 @@ "devDependencies": { "@aws-cdk/cdk-build-tools": "0.0.0", "@aws-cdk/integ-runner": "0.0.0", - "@aws-cdk/cfn2ts": "0.0.0", "@aws-cdk/pkglint": "0.0.0", "@types/jest": "^29.5.1", "aws-cdk-lib": "0.0.0", diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-synthetics-alpha/package.json b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-synthetics-alpha/package.json index 189159aa50f9c..9683ea6fb709a 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-synthetics-alpha/package.json +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-synthetics-alpha/package.json @@ -85,7 +85,6 @@ "devDependencies": { "@aws-cdk/cdk-build-tools": "0.0.0", "@aws-cdk/integ-runner": "0.0.0", - "@aws-cdk/cfn2ts": "0.0.0", "@aws-cdk/pkglint": "0.0.0", "@aws-cdk/integ-tests-alpha": "0.0.0", "@types/jest": "^29.5.1", diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/CHANGELOG.md b/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/CHANGELOG.md index 784a5076c756c..d4c57b1215154 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/CHANGELOG.md @@ -1,3 +1,424 @@ +# CloudFormation Resource Specification v129.0.0 + +## New Resource Types + +* AWS::AppRunner::AutoScalingConfiguration +* AWS::AppStream::AppBlockBuilder +* AWS::Comprehend::DocumentClassifier +* AWS::VerifiedPermissions::IdentitySource +* AWS::VerifiedPermissions::Policy +* AWS::VerifiedPermissions::PolicyStore +* AWS::VerifiedPermissions::PolicyTemplate + +## Attribute Changes + +* AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate LaunchTemplateId (__added__) +* AWS::EC2::Subnet AvailabilityZoneId (__added__) +* AWS::EC2::Subnet CidrBlock (__added__) +* AWS::IAM::ServiceLinkedRole RoleName (__added__) +* AWS::NetworkManager::Device CreatedAt (__added__) + +## Property Changes + +* AWS::AppStream::AppBlock PackagingType (__added__) +* AWS::AppStream::AppBlock PostSetupScriptDetails (__added__) +* AWS::AppStream::AppBlock SetupScriptDetails.Required (__changed__) + * Old: true + * New: false +* AWS::EC2::KeyPair KeyFormat (__added__) +* AWS::EC2::KeyPair PublicKeyMaterial.UpdateType (__changed__) + * Old: Mutable + * New: Immutable +* AWS::EC2::KeyPair Tags.UpdateType (__changed__) + * Old: Mutable + * New: Immutable +* AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate TagSpecifications.DuplicatesAllowed (__added__) +* AWS::IAM::ServiceLinkedRole AWSServiceName.Required (__changed__) + * Old: true + * New: false +* AWS::LakeFormation::Permissions DataLakePrincipal.UpdateType (__changed__) + * Old: Mutable + * New: Immutable +* AWS::LakeFormation::Permissions Resource.UpdateType (__changed__) + * Old: Mutable + * New: Immutable +* AWS::LakeFormation::Resource ResourceArn.UpdateType (__changed__) + * Old: Mutable + * New: Immutable +* AWS::LakeFormation::Resource UseServiceLinkedRole.UpdateType (__changed__) + * Old: Mutable + * New: Conditional +* AWS::NetworkManager::ConnectPeer InsideCidrBlocks.Required (__changed__) + * Old: true + * New: false +* AWS::NetworkManager::Device AWSLocation (__added__) +* AWS::NetworkManager::Device Tags.DuplicatesAllowed (__changed__) + * Old: true + * New: false +* AWS::Panorama::ApplicationInstance DeviceId (__deleted__) +* AWS::Panorama::ApplicationInstance StatusFilter (__deleted__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Theme BaseThemeId.Required (__changed__) + * Old: false + * New: true +* AWS::QuickSight::Theme Configuration.Required (__changed__) + * Old: false + * New: true +* AWS::QuickSight::Theme Name.Required (__changed__) + * Old: false + * New: true +* AWS::SageMaker::ModelPackage AdditionalInferenceSpecificationDefinition (__deleted__) +* AWS::SageMaker::ModelPackage CreatedBy (__deleted__) +* AWS::SageMaker::ModelPackage Environment (__deleted__) +* AWS::SageMaker::ModelPackage LastModifiedBy (__deleted__) +* AWS::SageMaker::ModelPackage ModelPackageStatusItem (__deleted__) +* AWS::WAFv2::WebACL AssociationConfig (__added__) + +## Property Type Changes + +* AWS::LakeFormation::DataLakeSettings.Permissions (__removed__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Analysis.ColorsConfiguration (__removed__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Analysis.CustomColor (__removed__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Dashboard.ColorsConfiguration (__removed__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Dashboard.CustomColor (__removed__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Template.ColorsConfiguration (__removed__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Template.CustomColor (__removed__) +* AWS::SageMaker::ModelPackage.UserContext (__removed__) +* AWS::NetworkManager::Device.AWSLocation (__added__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Analysis.GeospatialHeatmapColorScale (__added__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Analysis.GeospatialHeatmapConfiguration (__added__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Analysis.GeospatialHeatmapDataColor (__added__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Analysis.PivotTableFieldCollapseStateOption (__added__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Analysis.PivotTableFieldCollapseStateTarget (__added__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Dashboard.GeospatialHeatmapColorScale (__added__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Dashboard.GeospatialHeatmapConfiguration (__added__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Dashboard.GeospatialHeatmapDataColor (__added__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Dashboard.PivotTableFieldCollapseStateOption (__added__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Dashboard.PivotTableFieldCollapseStateTarget (__added__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Template.GeospatialHeatmapColorScale (__added__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Template.GeospatialHeatmapConfiguration (__added__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Template.GeospatialHeatmapDataColor (__added__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Template.PivotTableFieldCollapseStateOption (__added__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Template.PivotTableFieldCollapseStateTarget (__added__) +* AWS::WAFv2::WebACL.AssociationConfig (__added__) +* AWS::WAFv2::WebACL.RequestBodyAssociatedResourceTypeConfig (__added__) +* AWS::AppStream::AppBlock.S3Location S3Key.Required (__changed__) + * Old: true + * New: false +* AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.CapacityReservationSpecification CapacityReservationPreference.Documentation (__changed__) + * Old: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-capacityreservationspecification.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-capacityreservationspecification-capacityreservationpreference + * New: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-capacityreservationspecification.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-capacityreservationspecification-capacityreservationpreference +* AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.CapacityReservationSpecification CapacityReservationTarget.Documentation (__changed__) + * Old: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-capacityreservationspecification.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-capacityreservationspecification-capacityreservationtarget + * New: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-capacityreservationspecification.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-capacityreservationspecification-capacityreservationtarget +* AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.CpuOptions AmdSevSnp.Documentation (__changed__) + * Old: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-cpuoptions.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-cpuoptions-amdsevsnp + * New: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-cpuoptions.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-cpuoptions-amdsevsnp +* AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.CpuOptions CoreCount.Documentation (__changed__) + * Old: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-cpuoptions.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-cpuoptions-corecount + * New: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-cpuoptions.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-cpuoptions-corecount +* AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.CpuOptions ThreadsPerCore.Documentation (__changed__) + * Old: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-cpuoptions.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-cpuoptions-threadspercore + * New: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-cpuoptions.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-cpuoptions-threadspercore +* AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.CreditSpecification CpuCredits.Documentation (__changed__) + * Old: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-creditspecification.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-creditspecification-cpucredits + * New: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-creditspecification.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-creditspecification-cpucredits +* AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.Ebs DeleteOnTermination.Documentation (__changed__) + * Old: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-blockdevicemapping-ebs.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-blockdevicemapping-ebs-deleteontermination + * New: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-ebs.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-ebs-deleteontermination +* AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.Ebs Encrypted.Documentation (__changed__) + * Old: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-blockdevicemapping-ebs.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-blockdevicemapping-ebs-encrypted + * New: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-ebs.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-ebs-encrypted +* AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.Ebs Iops.Documentation (__changed__) + * Old: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-blockdevicemapping-ebs.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-blockdevicemapping-ebs-iops + * New: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-ebs.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-ebs-iops +* AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.Ebs KmsKeyId.Documentation (__changed__) + * Old: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-blockdevicemapping-ebs.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-blockdevicemapping-ebs-kmskeyid + * New: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-ebs.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-ebs-kmskeyid +* AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.Ebs SnapshotId.Documentation (__changed__) + * Old: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-blockdevicemapping-ebs.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-blockdevicemapping-ebs-snapshotid + * New: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-ebs.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-ebs-snapshotid +* AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.Ebs Throughput.Documentation (__changed__) + * Old: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-blockdevicemapping-ebs.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-blockdevicemapping-ebs-throughput + * New: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-ebs.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-ebs-throughput +* AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.Ebs VolumeSize.Documentation (__changed__) + * Old: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-blockdevicemapping-ebs.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-blockdevicemapping-ebs-volumesize + * New: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-ebs.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-ebs-volumesize +* AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.Ebs VolumeType.Documentation (__changed__) + * Old: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-blockdevicemapping-ebs.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-blockdevicemapping-ebs-volumetype + * New: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-ebs.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-ebs-volumetype +* AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.EnclaveOptions Enabled.Documentation (__changed__) + * Old: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-enclaveoptions.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-enclaveoptions-enabled + * New: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-enclaveoptions.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-enclaveoptions-enabled +* AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.HibernationOptions Configured.Documentation (__changed__) + * Old: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-hibernationoptions.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-hibernationoptions-configured + * New: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-hibernationoptions.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-hibernationoptions-configured +* AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.IamInstanceProfile Arn.Documentation (__changed__) + * Old: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-iaminstanceprofile.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-iaminstanceprofile-arn + * New: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-iaminstanceprofile.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-iaminstanceprofile-arn +* AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.IamInstanceProfile Name.Documentation (__changed__) + * Old: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-iaminstanceprofile.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-iaminstanceprofile-name + * New: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-iaminstanceprofile.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-iaminstanceprofile-name +* AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.InstanceMarketOptions MarketType.Documentation (__changed__) + * Old: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-instancemarketoptions.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-instancemarketoptions-markettype + * New: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-instancemarketoptions.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-instancemarketoptions-markettype +* AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.InstanceMarketOptions SpotOptions.Documentation (__changed__) + * Old: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-instancemarketoptions.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-instancemarketoptions-spotoptions + * New: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-instancemarketoptions.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-instancemarketoptions-spotoptions +* AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.InstanceRequirements AcceleratorCount.Documentation (__changed__) + * Old: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-instancerequirements.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-instancerequirements-acceleratorcount + * New: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-instancerequirements.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-instancerequirements-acceleratorcount +* AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.InstanceRequirements AcceleratorManufacturers.DuplicatesAllowed (__added__) +* AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.InstanceRequirements AcceleratorManufacturers.Documentation (__changed__) + * Old: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-instancerequirements.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-instancerequirements-acceleratormanufacturers + * New: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-instancerequirements.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-instancerequirements-acceleratormanufacturers +* AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.InstanceRequirements AcceleratorNames.DuplicatesAllowed (__added__) +* AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.InstanceRequirements AcceleratorNames.Documentation (__changed__) + * Old: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-instancerequirements.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-instancerequirements-acceleratornames + * New: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-instancerequirements.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-instancerequirements-acceleratornames +* AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.InstanceRequirements AcceleratorTotalMemoryMiB.Documentation (__changed__) + * Old: 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AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.TagSpecification Tags.DuplicatesAllowed (__added__) +* AWS::EC2::VerifiedAccessInstance.VerifiedAccessLogs IncludeTrustContext (__added__) +* AWS::EC2::VerifiedAccessInstance.VerifiedAccessLogs LogVersion (__added__) +* AWS::LakeFormation::DataLakeSettings.DataLakePrincipal DataLakePrincipalIdentifier.Required (__changed__) + * Old: false + * New: true +* AWS::LakeFormation::DataLakeSettings.PrincipalPermissions Permissions.PrimitiveItemType (__added__) +* AWS::LakeFormation::DataLakeSettings.PrincipalPermissions Permissions.Required (__changed__) + * Old: false + * New: true +* AWS::LakeFormation::DataLakeSettings.PrincipalPermissions Permissions.Type (__changed__) + * Old: Permissions + * New: List +* AWS::LakeFormation::DataLakeSettings.PrincipalPermissions Principal.Required (__changed__) + * Old: false + * New: true +* AWS::QuickSight::Analysis.AggregationSortConfiguration AggregationFunction.Required (__changed__) + * Old: true + * New: false +* AWS::QuickSight::Analysis.ColumnConfiguration ColorsConfiguration (__deleted__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Analysis.DataLabelOptions TotalsVisibility (__added__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Analysis.DestinationParameterValueConfiguration SourceColumn (__added__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Analysis.FilterOperationSelectedFieldsConfiguration SelectedColumns (__added__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Analysis.GeospatialPointStyleOptions HeatmapConfiguration (__added__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Analysis.PivotTableCellConditionalFormatting Scopes (__added__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Analysis.PivotTableFieldOptions CollapseStateOptions (__added__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Analysis.PivotTableOptions CollapsedRowDimensionsVisibility (__added__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Analysis.RadarChartConfiguration AxesRangeScale (__added__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Analysis.ReferenceLineDynamicDataConfiguration MeasureAggregationFunction.Required (__changed__) + * Old: true + * New: false +* AWS::QuickSight::Analysis.ScatterPlotCategoricallyAggregatedFieldWells Label (__added__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Analysis.ScatterPlotUnaggregatedFieldWells Category (__added__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Analysis.ScatterPlotUnaggregatedFieldWells Label (__added__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Dashboard.AggregationSortConfiguration AggregationFunction.Required (__changed__) + * Old: true + * New: false +* AWS::QuickSight::Dashboard.ColumnConfiguration ColorsConfiguration (__deleted__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Dashboard.DataLabelOptions TotalsVisibility (__added__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Dashboard.DestinationParameterValueConfiguration SourceColumn (__added__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Dashboard.FilterOperationSelectedFieldsConfiguration SelectedColumns (__added__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Dashboard.GeospatialPointStyleOptions HeatmapConfiguration (__added__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Dashboard.PivotTableCellConditionalFormatting Scopes (__added__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Dashboard.PivotTableFieldOptions CollapseStateOptions (__added__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Dashboard.PivotTableOptions CollapsedRowDimensionsVisibility (__added__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Dashboard.RadarChartConfiguration AxesRangeScale (__added__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Dashboard.ReferenceLineDynamicDataConfiguration MeasureAggregationFunction.Required (__changed__) + * Old: true + * New: false +* AWS::QuickSight::Dashboard.ScatterPlotCategoricallyAggregatedFieldWells Label (__added__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Dashboard.ScatterPlotUnaggregatedFieldWells Category (__added__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Dashboard.ScatterPlotUnaggregatedFieldWells Label (__added__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Template.AggregationSortConfiguration AggregationFunction.Required (__changed__) + * Old: true + * New: false +* AWS::QuickSight::Template.ColumnConfiguration ColorsConfiguration (__deleted__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Template.DataLabelOptions TotalsVisibility (__added__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Template.DestinationParameterValueConfiguration SourceColumn (__added__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Template.FilterOperationSelectedFieldsConfiguration SelectedColumns (__added__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Template.GeospatialPointStyleOptions HeatmapConfiguration (__added__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Template.PivotTableCellConditionalFormatting Scopes (__added__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Template.PivotTableFieldOptions CollapseStateOptions (__added__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Template.PivotTableOptions CollapsedRowDimensionsVisibility (__added__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Template.RadarChartConfiguration AxesRangeScale (__added__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Template.ReferenceLineDynamicDataConfiguration MeasureAggregationFunction.Required (__changed__) + * Old: true + * New: false +* AWS::QuickSight::Template.ScatterPlotCategoricallyAggregatedFieldWells Label (__added__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Template.ScatterPlotUnaggregatedFieldWells Category (__added__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Template.ScatterPlotUnaggregatedFieldWells Label (__added__) +* AWS::QuickSight::Theme.ResourcePermission Resource (__added__) +* AWS::SageMaker::ModelPackage.ModelPackageContainerDefinition ProductId (__deleted__) +* AWS::SageMaker::ModelPackage.ModelPackageStatusDetails ImageScanStatuses (__deleted__) +* AWS::SageMaker::ModelPackage.ModelPackageStatusDetails ValidationStatuses.Required (__changed__) + * Old: true + * New: false + +# CloudFormation Resource Specification (us-west-2) v129.0.0 + +## New Resource Types + + +## Attribute Changes + + +## Property Changes + + +## Property Type Changes + + + # CloudFormation Resource Specification v128.1.0 ## New Resource Types diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/build-tools/validate-evolution.ts b/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/build-tools/validate-evolution.ts index 918c495cf173b..c3d750ef58661 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/build-tools/validate-evolution.ts +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/build-tools/validate-evolution.ts @@ -60,7 +60,11 @@ export async function validateSpecificationEvolution(specProducer: () => Promise */ function validatePropertyTypeNameConsistency(oldSpec: any, newSpec: any) { const newPropsTypes = newSpec.PropertyTypes ?? {}; - const disappearedKeys = Object.keys(oldSpec.PropertyTypes ?? {}).filter(k => !(k in newPropsTypes)); + const disappearedKeys = Object.keys(oldSpec.PropertyTypes ?? {}) + .filter(k => !(k in newPropsTypes)) + // Marked as deleted on purpose + .filter(k => !(newSpec.DeletedPropertyTypes?.[k])); + if (disappearedKeys.length === 0) { return; } @@ -70,12 +74,9 @@ function validatePropertyTypeNameConsistency(oldSpec: any, newSpec: any) { for (const key of disappearedKeys) { const [cfnResource, typeName] = key.split('.'); const usages = findTypeUsages(oldSpec, cfnResource, typeName); - if (usages.length === 0) { - // Might have disappeared, but no one should have been using this - continue; - } operations.push({ + $comment: `If ${cfnResource}.${typeName} was renamed, use this and the 'replace's below. Remove this comment.`, op: 'move', from: `/PropertyTypes/${cfnResource}.`, path: `/PropertyTypes/${cfnResource}.${typeName}`, @@ -86,6 +87,13 @@ function validatePropertyTypeNameConsistency(oldSpec: any, newSpec: any) { path, value: typeName, }))); + + operations.push({ + $comment: `If ${cfnResource}.${typeName} was deleted on purpose, use this. Remove this comment.`, + op: 'add', + path: `/DeletedPropertyTypes/${cfnResource}.${typeName}`, + value: true, + }); } const exampleJsonPatch = { diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/cfn.version b/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/cfn.version index ebe6ccf6fe50b..dd907537672f0 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/cfn.version +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/cfn.version @@ -1 +1 @@ -128.1.0 +129.0.0 diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/spec-source/cfn-docs/cfn-docs.json b/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/spec-source/cfn-docs/cfn-docs.json index 6477e6e44a456..b4fba1051db3a 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/spec-source/cfn-docs/cfn-docs.json +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/spec-source/cfn-docs/cfn-docs.json @@ -678,8 +678,7 @@ }, "AWS::AmplifyUIBuilder::Component": { "attributes": { - "Id": "The unique ID of the component.", - "Ref": "" + "Id": "The unique ID of the component." }, "description": "The AWS::AmplifyUIBuilder::Component resource specifies a component within an Amplify app. A component is a user interface (UI) element that you can customize. Use `ComponentChild` to configure an instance of a `Component` . A `ComponentChild` instance inherits the configuration of the main `Component` .", "properties": { @@ -853,8 +852,7 @@ }, "AWS::AmplifyUIBuilder::Form": { "attributes": { - "Id": "The ID for the form.", - "Ref": "" + "Id": "The ID for the form." }, "description": "The AWS::AmplifyUIBuilder::Form resource specifies all of the information that is required to create a form.", "properties": { @@ -1016,8 +1014,7 @@ }, "AWS::AmplifyUIBuilder::Theme": { "attributes": { - "Id": "The ID for the theme.", - "Ref": "" + "Id": "The ID for the theme." }, "description": "The AWS::AmplifyUIBuilder::Theme resource specifies a theme within an Amplify app. A theme is a collection of style settings that apply globally to the components associated with the app.", "properties": { @@ -4308,8 +4305,7 @@ "AutoScalingConfigurationArn": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of this auto scaling configuration.", "AutoScalingConfigurationRevision": "The revision of this auto scaling configuration. It's unique among all the active configurations that share the same `AutoScalingConfigurationName` .", "Latest": "It's set to true for the configuration with the highest `Revision` among all configurations that share the same `AutoScalingConfigurationName` . It's set to false otherwise. App Runner temporarily doubles the number of provisioned instances during deployments, to maintain the same capacity for both old and new code.", - "Ref": "", - "Status": "The current state of the auto scaling configuration. If the status of the configuration revision is `ACTIVE` , your auto scaling configuration exists. If the status of a configuration revision is `INACTIVE` , your auto scaling configuration was deleted and can't be used. Inactive configuration revisions are permanently removed some time after they are deleted." + "Ref": "" }, "description": "Specify an AWS App Runner Automatic Scaling configuration by using the `AWS::AppRunner::AutoScalingConfiguration` resource in an AWS CloudFormation template. \n\nThe `AWS::AppRunner::AutoScalingConfiguration` resource is an AWS App Runner resource type that specifies an App Runner automatic scaling configuration.\n\nApp Runner requires this resource to set non-default auto scaling settings for instances used to process the web requests. You can share an auto scaling configuration across multiple services.\n\nCreate multiple revisions of a configuration by calling this action multiple times using the same `AutoScalingConfigurationName` . The call returns incremental `AutoScalingConfigurationRevision` values. When you create a service and configure an auto scaling configuration resource, the service uses the latest active revision of the auto scaling configuration by default. You can optionally configure the service to use a specific revision.\n\nConfigure a higher `MinSize` to increase the spread of your App Runner service over more Availability Zones in the AWS Region . The tradeoff is a higher minimal cost.\n\nConfigure a lower `MaxSize` to control your cost. The tradeoff is lower responsiveness during peak demand.", "properties": { @@ -4551,6 +4547,8 @@ "Description": "The description of the app block.", "DisplayName": "The display name of the app block.", "Name": "The name of the app block.\n\n*Pattern* : `^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]{0,100}$`", + "PackagingType": "The packaging type of the app block.", + "PostSetupScriptDetails": "The post setup script details of the app block.", "SetupScriptDetails": "The setup script details of the app block.", "SourceS3Location": "The source S3 location of the app block.", "Tags": "The tags of the app block." @@ -4561,7 +4559,7 @@ "description": "The S3 location of the app block.", "properties": { "S3Bucket": "The S3 bucket of the app block.", - "S3Key": "The S3 key of the S3 object of the virtual hard disk." + "S3Key": "The S3 key of the S3 object of the virtual hard disk.\n\nThis is required when it's used by `SetupScriptDetails` and `PostSetupScriptDetails` ." } }, "AWS::AppStream::AppBlock.ScriptDetails": { @@ -4574,6 +4572,43 @@ "TimeoutInSeconds": "The run timeout, in seconds, for the script." } }, + "AWS::AppStream::AppBlockBuilder": { + "attributes": { + "Arn": "The ARN of the app block builder.", + "CreatedTime": "The time when the app block builder was created.", + "Ref": "When you pass the logical ID of this resource to the intrinsic `Ref` function, `Ref` returns the `Name` of the app block builder, such as `abcdefAppBlockBuilder` .\n\nFor more information about using the `Ref` function, see [Ref](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/intrinsic-function-reference-ref.html) ." + }, + "description": "Creates an app block builder.", + "properties": { + "AccessEndpoints": "The access endpoints of the app block builder.", + "AppBlockArns": "The ARN of the app block.\n\n*Maximum* : `1`", + "Description": "The description of the app block builder.", + "DisplayName": "The display name of the app block builder.", + "EnableDefaultInternetAccess": "Indicates whether default internet access is enabled for the app block builder.", + "IamRoleArn": "The ARN of the IAM role that is applied to the app block builder.", + "InstanceType": "The instance type of the app block builder.", + "Name": "The name of the app block builder.", + "Platform": "The platform of the app block builder.\n\n*Allowed values* : `WINDOWS_SERVER_2019`", + "Tags": "The tags of the app block builder.", + "VpcConfig": "The VPC configuration for the app block builder." + } + }, + "AWS::AppStream::AppBlockBuilder.AccessEndpoint": { + "attributes": {}, + "description": "Describes an interface VPC endpoint (interface endpoint) that lets you create a private connection between the virtual private cloud (VPC) that you specify and AppStream 2.0. When you specify an interface endpoint for a stack, users of the stack can connect to AppStream 2.0 only through that endpoint. When you specify an interface endpoint for an image builder, administrators can connect to the image builder only through that endpoint.", + "properties": { + "EndpointType": "The type of interface endpoint.", + "VpceId": "The identifier (ID) of the VPC in which the interface endpoint is used." + } + }, + "AWS::AppStream::AppBlockBuilder.VpcConfig": { + "attributes": {}, + "description": "Describes VPC configuration information for fleets and image builders.", + "properties": { + "SecurityGroupIds": "The identifiers of the security groups for the fleet or image builder.", + "SubnetIds": "The identifiers of the subnets to which a network interface is attached from the fleet instance or image builder instance. Fleet instances use one or more subnets. Image builder instances use one subnet." + } + }, "AWS::AppStream::Application": { "attributes": { "Arn": "The ARN of the application.", @@ -6717,7 +6752,7 @@ "properties": { "Command": "The command that's passed to the container. This parameter maps to `Cmd` in the [Create a container](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/https://docs.docker.com/engine/api/v1.23/#create-a-container) section of the [Docker Remote API](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/https://docs.docker.com/engine/api/v1.23/) and the `COMMAND` parameter to [docker run](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/run/) . For more information, see [https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/builder/#cmd](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/builder/#cmd) .", "Environment": "The environment variables to pass to a container. This parameter maps to `Env` in the [Create a container](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/https://docs.docker.com/engine/api/v1.23/#create-a-container) section of the [Docker Remote API](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/https://docs.docker.com/engine/api/v1.23/) and the `--env` option to [docker run](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/run/) .\n\n> We don't recommend using plaintext environment variables for sensitive information, such as credential data. > Environment variables cannot start with \" `AWS_BATCH` \". This naming convention is reserved for variables that AWS Batch sets.", - "EphemeralStorage": "", + "EphemeralStorage": "The amount of ephemeral storage to allocate for the task. This parameter is used to expand the total amount of ephemeral storage available, beyond the default amount, for tasks hosted on AWS Fargate .", "ExecutionRoleArn": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the execution role that AWS Batch can assume. For jobs that run on Fargate resources, you must provide an execution role. For more information, see [AWS Batch execution IAM role](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/batch/latest/userguide/execution-IAM-role.html) in the *AWS Batch User Guide* .", "FargatePlatformConfiguration": "The platform configuration for jobs that are running on Fargate resources. Jobs that are running on EC2 resources must not specify this parameter.", "Image": "The image used to start a container. This string is passed directly to the Docker daemon. Images in the Docker Hub registry are available by default. Other repositories are specified with `*repository-url* / *image* : *tag*` . It can be 255 characters long. It can contain uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, hyphens (-), underscores (_), colons (:), periods (.), forward slashes (/), and number signs (#). This parameter maps to `Image` in the [Create a container](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/https://docs.docker.com/engine/api/v1.23/#create-a-container) section of the [Docker Remote API](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/https://docs.docker.com/engine/api/v1.23/) and the `IMAGE` parameter of [docker run](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/run/) .\n\n> Docker image architecture must match the processor architecture of the compute resources that they're scheduled on. For example, ARM-based Docker images can only run on ARM-based compute resources. \n\n- Images in Amazon ECR Public repositories use the full `registry/repository[:tag]` or `registry/repository[@digest]` naming conventions. For example, `public.ecr.aws/ *registry_alias* / *my-web-app* : *latest*` .\n- Images in Amazon ECR repositories use the full registry and repository URI (for example, `123456789012.dkr.ecr..amazonaws.com/` ).\n- Images in official repositories on Docker Hub use a single name (for example, `ubuntu` or `mongo` ).\n- Images in other repositories on Docker Hub are qualified with an organization name (for example, `amazon/amazon-ecs-agent` ).\n- Images in other online repositories are qualified further by a domain name (for example, `quay.io/assemblyline/ubuntu` ).", @@ -6769,7 +6804,7 @@ "ImagePullPolicy": "The image pull policy for the container. Supported values are `Always` , `IfNotPresent` , and `Never` . This parameter defaults to `IfNotPresent` . However, if the `:latest` tag is specified, it defaults to `Always` . For more information, see [Updating images](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/containers/images/#updating-images) in the *Kubernetes documentation* .", "Name": "The name of the container. If the name isn't specified, the default name \" `Default` \" is used. Each container in a pod must have a unique name.", "Resources": "The type and amount of resources to assign to a container. The supported resources include `memory` , `cpu` , and `nvidia.com/gpu` . For more information, see [Resource management for pods and containers](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/manage-resources-containers/) in the *Kubernetes documentation* .", - "SecurityContext": "The security context for a job. For more information, see [Configure a security context for a pod or container](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/security-context/) in the *Kubernetes documentation* .", + "SecurityContext": "", "VolumeMounts": "The volume mounts for the container. AWS Batch supports `emptyDir` , `hostPath` , and `secret` volume types. For more information about volumes and volume mounts in Kubernetes, see [Volumes](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes/) in the *Kubernetes documentation* ." } }, @@ -6783,21 +6818,21 @@ }, "AWS::Batch::JobDefinition.EksContainerResourceRequirements": { "attributes": {}, - "description": "", + "description": "The type and amount of resources to assign to a container. The supported resources include `memory` , `cpu` , and `nvidia.com/gpu` . For more information, see [Resource management for pods and containers](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/manage-resources-containers/) in the *Kubernetes documentation* .", "properties": { - "Limits": "", - "Requests": "" + "Limits": "The type and quantity of the resources to reserve for the container. The values vary based on the `name` that's specified. Resources can be requested using either the `limits` or the `requests` objects.\n\n- **memory** - The memory hard limit (in MiB) for the container, using whole integers, with a \"Mi\" suffix. If your container attempts to exceed the memory specified, the container is terminated. You must specify at least 4 MiB of memory for a job. `memory` can be specified in `limits` , `requests` , or both. If `memory` is specified in both places, then the value that's specified in `limits` must be equal to the value that's specified in `requests` .\n\n> To maximize your resource utilization, provide your jobs with as much memory as possible for the specific instance type that you are using. To learn how, see [Memory management](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/batch/latest/userguide/memory-management.html) in the *AWS Batch User Guide* .\n- **cpu** - The number of CPUs that's reserved for the container. Values must be an even multiple of `0.25` . `cpu` can be specified in `limits` , `requests` , or both. If `cpu` is specified in both places, then the value that's specified in `limits` must be at least as large as the value that's specified in `requests` .\n- **nvidia.com/gpu** - The number of GPUs that's reserved for the container. Values must be a whole integer. `memory` can be specified in `limits` , `requests` , or both. If `memory` is specified in both places, then the value that's specified in `limits` must be equal to the value that's specified in `requests` .", + "Requests": "The type and quantity of the resources to request for the container. The values vary based on the `name` that's specified. Resources can be requested by using either the `limits` or the `requests` objects.\n\n- **memory** - The memory hard limit (in MiB) for the container, using whole integers, with a \"Mi\" suffix. If your container attempts to exceed the memory specified, the container is terminated. You must specify at least 4 MiB of memory for a job. `memory` can be specified in `limits` , `requests` , or both. If `memory` is specified in both, then the value that's specified in `limits` must be equal to the value that's specified in `requests` .\n\n> If you're trying to maximize your resource utilization by providing your jobs as much memory as possible for a particular instance type, see [Memory management](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/batch/latest/userguide/memory-management.html) in the *AWS Batch User Guide* .\n- **cpu** - The number of CPUs that are reserved for the container. Values must be an even multiple of `0.25` . `cpu` can be specified in `limits` , `requests` , or both. If `cpu` is specified in both, then the value that's specified in `limits` must be at least as large as the value that's specified in `requests` .\n- **nvidia.com/gpu** - The number of GPUs that are reserved for the container. Values must be a whole integer. `nvidia.com/gpu` can be specified in `limits` , `requests` , or both. If `nvidia.com/gpu` is specified in both, then the value that's specified in `limits` must be equal to the value that's specified in `requests` ." } }, "AWS::Batch::JobDefinition.EksContainerSecurityContext": { "attributes": {}, - "description": "", + "description": "The security context for a job. For more information, see [Configure a security context for a pod or container](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/security-context/) in the *Kubernetes documentation* .", "properties": { - "Privileged": "", - "ReadOnlyRootFilesystem": "", - "RunAsGroup": "", - "RunAsNonRoot": "", - "RunAsUser": "" + "Privileged": "When this parameter is `true` , the container is given elevated permissions on the host container instance. The level of permissions are similar to the `root` user permissions. The default value is `false` . This parameter maps to `privileged` policy in the [Privileged pod security policies](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/security/pod-security-policy/#privileged) in the *Kubernetes documentation* .", + "ReadOnlyRootFilesystem": "When this parameter is `true` , the container is given read-only access to its root file system. The default value is `false` . This parameter maps to `ReadOnlyRootFilesystem` policy in the [Volumes and file systems pod security policies](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/security/pod-security-policy/#volumes-and-file-systems) in the *Kubernetes documentation* .", + "RunAsGroup": "When this parameter is specified, the container is run as the specified group ID ( `gid` ). If this parameter isn't specified, the default is the group that's specified in the image metadata. This parameter maps to `RunAsGroup` and `MustRunAs` policy in the [Users and groups pod security policies](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/security/pod-security-policy/#users-and-groups) in the *Kubernetes documentation* .", + "RunAsNonRoot": "When this parameter is specified, the container is run as a user with a `uid` other than 0. If this parameter isn't specified, so such rule is enforced. This parameter maps to `RunAsUser` and `MustRunAsNonRoot` policy in the [Users and groups pod security policies](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/security/pod-security-policy/#users-and-groups) in the *Kubernetes documentation* .", + "RunAsUser": "When this parameter is specified, the container is run as the specified user ID ( `uid` ). If this parameter isn't specified, the default is the user that's specified in the image metadata. This parameter maps to `RunAsUser` and `MustRanAs` policy in the [Users and groups pod security policies](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/security/pod-security-policy/#users-and-groups) in the *Kubernetes documentation* ." } }, "AWS::Batch::JobDefinition.EksContainerVolumeMount": { @@ -6811,17 +6846,17 @@ }, "AWS::Batch::JobDefinition.EksEmptyDir": { "attributes": {}, - "description": "", + "description": "Specifies the configuration of a Kubernetes `emptyDir` volume. An `emptyDir` volume is first created when a pod is assigned to a node. It exists as long as that pod is running on that node. The `emptyDir` volume is initially empty. All containers in the pod can read and write the files in the `emptyDir` volume. However, the `emptyDir` volume can be mounted at the same or different paths in each container. When a pod is removed from a node for any reason, the data in the `emptyDir` is deleted permanently. For more information, see [emptyDir](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes/#emptydir) in the *Kubernetes documentation* .", "properties": { - "Medium": "", - "SizeLimit": "" + "Medium": "The medium to store the volume. The default value is an empty string, which uses the storage of the node.\n\n- **\"\"** - *(Default)* Use the disk storage of the node.\n- **\"Memory\"** - Use the `tmpfs` volume that's backed by the RAM of the node. Contents of the volume are lost when the node reboots, and any storage on the volume counts against the container's memory limit.", + "SizeLimit": "The maximum size of the volume. By default, there's no maximum size defined." } }, "AWS::Batch::JobDefinition.EksHostPath": { "attributes": {}, - "description": "", + "description": "Specifies the configuration of a Kubernetes `hostPath` volume. A `hostPath` volume mounts an existing file or directory from the host node's filesystem into your pod. For more information, see [hostPath](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes/#hostpath) in the *Kubernetes documentation* .", "properties": { - "Path": "" + "Path": "The path of the file or directory on the host to mount into containers on the pod." } }, "AWS::Batch::JobDefinition.EksProperties": { @@ -6833,10 +6868,10 @@ }, "AWS::Batch::JobDefinition.EksSecret": { "attributes": {}, - "description": "", + "description": "Specifies the configuration of a Kubernetes `secret` volume. For more information, see [secret](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes/#secret) in the *Kubernetes documentation* .", "properties": { - "Optional": "", - "SecretName": "" + "Optional": "Specifies whether the secret or the secret's keys must be defined.", + "SecretName": "The name of the secret. The name must be allowed as a DNS subdomain name. For more information, see [DNS subdomain names](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#dns-subdomain-names) in the *Kubernetes documentation* ." } }, "AWS::Batch::JobDefinition.EksVolume": { @@ -6859,9 +6894,9 @@ }, "AWS::Batch::JobDefinition.EphemeralStorage": { "attributes": {}, - "description": "", + "description": "The amount of ephemeral storage to allocate for the task. This parameter is used to expand the total amount of ephemeral storage available, beyond the default amount, for tasks hosted on AWS Fargate .", "properties": { - "SizeInGiB": "" + "SizeInGiB": "The total amount, in GiB, of ephemeral storage to set for the task. The minimum supported value is `21` GiB and the maximum supported value is `200` GiB." } }, "AWS::Batch::JobDefinition.EvaluateOnExit": { @@ -10826,6 +10861,83 @@ "Username": "The username for the user." } }, + "AWS::Comprehend::DocumentClassifier": { + "attributes": { + "Arn": "", + "Ref": "" + }, + "description": "", + "properties": { + "DataAccessRoleArn": "", + "DocumentClassifierName": "", + "InputDataConfig": "", + "LanguageCode": "", + "Mode": "", + "ModelKmsKeyId": "", + "ModelPolicy": "", + "OutputDataConfig": "", + "Tags": "", + "VersionName": "", + "VolumeKmsKeyId": "", + "VpcConfig": "" + } + }, + "AWS::Comprehend::DocumentClassifier.AugmentedManifestsListItem": { + "attributes": {}, + "description": "", + "properties": { + "AttributeNames": "", + "S3Uri": "", + "Split": "" + } + }, + "AWS::Comprehend::DocumentClassifier.DocumentClassifierDocuments": { + "attributes": {}, + "description": "", + "properties": { + "S3Uri": "", + "TestS3Uri": "" + } + }, + "AWS::Comprehend::DocumentClassifier.DocumentClassifierInputDataConfig": { + "attributes": {}, + "description": "The input properties for training a document classifier.\n\nFor more information on how the input file is formatted, see [Preparing training data](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/comprehend/latest/dg/prep-classifier-data.html) in the Comprehend Developer Guide.", + "properties": { + "AugmentedManifests": "A list of augmented manifest files that provide training data for your custom model. An augmented manifest file is a labeled dataset that is produced by Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth.\n\nThis parameter is required if you set `DataFormat` to `AUGMENTED_MANIFEST` .", + "DataFormat": "The format of your training data:\n\n- `COMPREHEND_CSV` : A two-column CSV file, where labels are provided in the first column, and documents are provided in the second. If you use this value, you must provide the `S3Uri` parameter in your request.\n- `AUGMENTED_MANIFEST` : A labeled dataset that is produced by Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth. This file is in JSON lines format. Each line is a complete JSON object that contains a training document and its associated labels.\n\nIf you use this value, you must provide the `AugmentedManifests` parameter in your request.\n\nIf you don't specify a value, Amazon Comprehend uses `COMPREHEND_CSV` as the default.", + "DocumentReaderConfig": "", + "DocumentType": "", + "Documents": "", + "LabelDelimiter": "Indicates the delimiter used to separate each label for training a multi-label classifier. The default delimiter between labels is a pipe (|). You can use a different character as a delimiter (if it's an allowed character) by specifying it under Delimiter for labels. If the training documents use a delimiter other than the default or the delimiter you specify, the labels on that line will be combined to make a single unique label, such as LABELLABELLABEL.", + "S3Uri": "The Amazon S3 URI for the input data. The S3 bucket must be in the same Region as the API endpoint that you are calling. The URI can point to a single input file or it can provide the prefix for a collection of input files.\n\nFor example, if you use the URI `S3://bucketName/prefix` , if the prefix is a single file, Amazon Comprehend uses that file as input. If more than one file begins with the prefix, Amazon Comprehend uses all of them as input.\n\nThis parameter is required if you set `DataFormat` to `COMPREHEND_CSV` .", + "TestS3Uri": "This specifies the Amazon S3 location where the test annotations for an entity recognizer are located. The URI must be in the same AWS Region as the API endpoint that you are calling." + } + }, + "AWS::Comprehend::DocumentClassifier.DocumentClassifierOutputDataConfig": { + "attributes": {}, + "description": "", + "properties": { + "KmsKeyId": "", + "S3Uri": "" + } + }, + "AWS::Comprehend::DocumentClassifier.DocumentReaderConfig": { + "attributes": {}, + "description": "", + "properties": { + "DocumentReadAction": "", + "DocumentReadMode": "", + "FeatureTypes": "" + } + }, + "AWS::Comprehend::DocumentClassifier.VpcConfig": { + "attributes": {}, + "description": "Configuration parameters for an optional private Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) containing the resources you are using for the job. For more information, see [Amazon VPC](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/userguide/what-is-amazon-vpc.html) .", + "properties": { + "SecurityGroupIds": "The ID number for a security group on an instance of your private VPC. Security groups on your VPC function serve as a virtual firewall to control inbound and outbound traffic and provides security for the resources that you\u2019ll be accessing on the VPC. This ID number is preceded by \"sg-\", for instance: \"sg-03b388029b0a285ea\". For more information, see [Security Groups for your VPC](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/userguide/VPC_SecurityGroups.html) .", + "Subnets": "The ID for each subnet being used in your private VPC. This subnet is a subset of the a range of IPv4 addresses used by the VPC and is specific to a given availability zone in the VPC\u2019s Region. This ID number is preceded by \"subnet-\", for instance: \"subnet-04ccf456919e69055\". For more information, see [VPCs and Subnets](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/userguide/VPC_Subnets.html) ." + } + }, "AWS::Comprehend::Flywheel": { "attributes": { "Arn": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the flywheel.", @@ -15618,6 +15730,7 @@ }, "description": "Specifies a key pair for use with an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud instance as follows:\n\n- To import an existing key pair, include the `PublicKeyMaterial` property.\n- To create a new key pair, omit the `PublicKeyMaterial` property.\n\nWhen you import an existing key pair, you specify the public key material for the key. We assume that you have the private key material for the key. AWS CloudFormation does not create or return the private key material when you import a key pair.\n\nWhen you create a new key pair, the private key is saved to AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store, using a parameter with the following name: `/ec2/keypair/{key_pair_id}` . For more information about retrieving private key, and the required permissions, see [Create a key pair using AWS CloudFormation](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/create-key-pairs.html#create-key-pair-cloudformation) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* .\n\nWhen AWS CloudFormation deletes a key pair that was created or imported by a stack, it also deletes the parameter that was used to store the private key material in Parameter Store.", "properties": { + "KeyFormat": "The format of the key pair.\n\nDefault: `pem`", "KeyName": "A unique name for the key pair.\n\nConstraints: Up to 255 ASCII characters", "KeyType": "The type of key pair. Note that ED25519 keys are not supported for Windows instances.\n\nIf the `PublicKeyMaterial` property is specified, the `KeyType` property is ignored, and the key type is inferred from the `PublicKeyMaterial` value.\n\nDefault: `rsa`", "PublicKeyMaterial": "The public key material. The `PublicKeyMaterial` property is used to import a key pair. If this property is not specified, then a new key pair will be created.", @@ -15628,6 +15741,7 @@ "attributes": { "DefaultVersionNumber": "The default version of the launch template, such as 2.\n\nThe default version of a launch template cannot be specified in AWS CloudFormation . The default version can be set in the Amazon EC2 console or by using the `modify-launch-template` AWS CLI command.", "LatestVersionNumber": "The latest version of the launch template, such as `5` .", + "LaunchTemplateId": "The ID of the launch template.", "Ref": "`Ref` returns the ID of the launch template, for example, `lt-01238c059e3466abc` ." }, "description": "Specifies the properties for creating a launch template.\n\nThe minimum required properties for specifying a launch template are as follows:\n\n- You must specify at least one property for the launch template data.\n- You do not need to specify a name for the launch template. If you do not specify a name, AWS CloudFormation creates the name for you.\n\nA launch template can contain some or all of the configuration information to launch an instance. When you launch an instance using a launch template, instance properties that are not specified in the launch template use default values, except the `ImageId` property, which has no default value. If you do not specify an AMI ID for the launch template `ImageId` property, you must specify an AMI ID for the instance `ImageId` property.\n\nFor more information, see [Launch an instance from a launch template](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-launch-templates.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* .", @@ -17036,8 +17150,10 @@ }, "AWS::EC2::Subnet": { "attributes": { - "AvailabilityZone": "The Availability Zone of this subnet. For example:\n\n`{ \"Fn::GetAtt\" : [ \"mySubnet\", \"AvailabilityZone\" ] }`", - "Ipv6CidrBlocks": "The IPv6 CIDR blocks that are associated with the subnet, such as `[ 2001:db8:1234:1a00::/64 ]` .", + "AvailabilityZone": "The Availability Zone of this subnet. For example, `us-east-1a` .", + "AvailabilityZoneId": "The Availability Zone ID of this subnet. For example, `use1-az1` .", + "CidrBlock": "The IPv4 CIDR blocks that are associated with the subnet.", + "Ipv6CidrBlocks": "The IPv6 CIDR blocks that are associated with the subnet.", "NetworkAclAssociationId": "The ID of the network ACL that is associated with the subnet's VPC, such as `acl-5fb85d36` .", "OutpostArn": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Outpost.", "Ref": "`Ref` returns the ID of the subnet.", @@ -17702,7 +17818,9 @@ "description": "Describes the options for Verified Access logs.", "properties": { "CloudWatchLogs": "CloudWatch Logs logging destination.", + "IncludeTrustContext": "Include trust data sent by trust providers into the logs.", "KinesisDataFirehose": "Kinesis logging destination.", + "LogVersion": "The logging version to use.\n\nValid values: `ocsf-0.1` | `ocsf-1.0.0-rc.2`", "S3": "Amazon S3 logging options." } }, @@ -17793,7 +17911,7 @@ }, "description": "The `AWS::ECR::PublicRepository` resource specifies an Amazon Elastic Container Registry Public (Amazon ECR Public) repository, where users can push and pull Docker images, Open Container Initiative (OCI) images, and OCI compatible artifacts. For more information, see [Amazon ECR public repositories](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECR/latest/public/public-repositories.html) in the *Amazon ECR Public User Guide* .", "properties": { - "RepositoryCatalogData": "The details about the repository that are publicly visible in the Amazon ECR Public Gallery. For more information, see [Amazon ECR Public repository catalog data](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECR/latest/public/public-repository-catalog-data.html) in the *Amazon ECR Public User Guide* .", + "RepositoryCatalogData": "", "RepositoryName": "The name to use for the public repository. The repository name may be specified on its own (such as `nginx-web-app` ) or it can be prepended with a namespace to group the repository into a category (such as `project-a/nginx-web-app` ). If you don't specify a name, AWS CloudFormation generates a unique physical ID and uses that ID for the repository name. For more information, see [Name Type](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-name.html) .\n\n> If you specify a name, you cannot perform updates that require replacement of this resource. You can perform updates that require no or some interruption. If you must replace the resource, specify a new name.", "RepositoryPolicyText": "The JSON repository policy text to apply to the public repository. For more information, see [Amazon ECR Public repository policies](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECR/latest/public/public-repository-policies.html) in the *Amazon ECR Public User Guide* .", "Tags": "An array of key-value pairs to apply to this resource." @@ -17801,13 +17919,13 @@ }, "AWS::ECR::PublicRepository.RepositoryCatalogData": { "attributes": {}, - "description": "", + "description": "The details about the repository that are publicly visible in the Amazon ECR Public Gallery. For more information, see [Amazon ECR Public repository catalog data](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECR/latest/public/public-repository-catalog-data.html) in the *Amazon ECR Public User Guide* .", "properties": { - "AboutText": "", - "Architectures": "", - "OperatingSystems": "", - "RepositoryDescription": "", - "UsageText": "" + "AboutText": "The longform description of the contents of the repository. This text appears in the repository details on the Amazon ECR Public Gallery.", + "Architectures": "The architecture tags that are associated with the repository.", + "OperatingSystems": "The operating system tags that are associated with the repository.", + "RepositoryDescription": "The short description of the repository.", + "UsageText": "The longform usage details of the contents of the repository. The usage text provides context for users of the repository." } }, "AWS::ECR::PullThroughCacheRule": { @@ -22431,20 +22549,20 @@ "description": "The `AWS::GameLift::Build` resource creates a game server build that is installed and run on instances in an Amazon GameLift fleet. This resource points to an Amazon S3 location that contains a zip file with all of the components of the game server build.", "properties": { "Name": "A descriptive label that is associated with a build. Build names do not need to be unique.", - "OperatingSystem": "The operating system that your game server binaries run on. This value determines the type of fleet resources that you use for this build. If your game build contains multiple executables, they all must run on the same operating system. You must specify a valid operating system in this request. There is no default value. You can't change a build's operating system later.\n\n> If you have active fleets using the Windows Server 2012 operating system, you can continue to create new builds using this OS until October 10, 2023, when Microsoft ends its support. All others must use Windows Server 2016 when creating new Windows-based builds.", - "ServerSdkVersion": "The Amazon GameLift Server SDK version used to develop your game server.", + "OperatingSystem": "The operating system that your game server binaries run on. This value determines the type of fleet resources that you use for this build. If your game build contains multiple executables, they all must run on the same operating system. You must specify a valid operating system in this request. There is no default value. You can't change a build's operating system later.\n\n> The Amazon Linux 2023 OS is not available in the China Regions. > Support is ending in 2023 for the Windows Server 2012 and Amazon Linux (AL1) operating systems. If you have active fleets using these operating systems, you can continue to create new builds using these until their end of support. All other users must use Windows Server 2016, Amazon Linux 2, or Amazon Linux 2023. For more information, including specific end-of-support dates, see the Amazon GameLift FAQs for [Windows Server](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/gamelift/faq/win2012/) and [Linux Server](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/gamelift/faq/al1/) .", + "ServerSdkVersion": "A server SDK version you used when integrating your game server build with Amazon GameLift. For more information see [Integrate games with custom game servers](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/gamelift/latest/developerguide/integration-custom-intro.html) . By default Amazon GameLift sets this value to `4.0.2` .", "StorageLocation": "Information indicating where your game build files are stored. Use this parameter only when creating a build with files stored in an Amazon S3 bucket that you own. The storage location must specify an Amazon S3 bucket name and key. The location must also specify a role ARN that you set up to allow Amazon GameLift to access your Amazon S3 bucket. The S3 bucket and your new build must be in the same Region.\n\nIf a `StorageLocation` is specified, the size of your file can be found in your Amazon S3 bucket. Amazon GameLift will report a `SizeOnDisk` of 0.", "Version": "Version information that is associated with this build. Version strings do not need to be unique." } }, "AWS::GameLift::Build.StorageLocation": { "attributes": {}, - "description": "", + "description": "The location in Amazon S3 where build or script files are stored for access by Amazon GameLift.", "properties": { - "Bucket": "", - "Key": "", - "ObjectVersion": "", - "RoleArn": "" + "Bucket": "An Amazon S3 bucket identifier. Thename of the S3 bucket.\n\n> Amazon GameLift doesn't support uploading from Amazon S3 buckets with names that contain a dot (.).", + "Key": "The name of the zip file that contains the build files or script files.", + "ObjectVersion": "The version of the file, if object versioning is turned on for the bucket. Amazon GameLift uses this information when retrieving files from your S3 bucket. To retrieve a specific version of the file, provide an object version. To retrieve the latest version of the file, do not set this parameter.", + "RoleArn": "The Amazon Resource Name ( [ARN](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/s3-arn-format.html) ) for an IAM role that allows Amazon GameLift to access the S3 bucket." } }, "AWS::GameLift::Fleet": { @@ -25273,7 +25391,8 @@ }, "AWS::IAM::ServiceLinkedRole": { "attributes": { - "Ref": "`Ref` returns the `RoleName` created for the service-linked role appended with an underscore followed by the `CustomSuffix` . For example: `AWSServiceRoleForAutoScaling_TestSuffix` ." + "Ref": "`Ref` returns the `RoleName` created for the service-linked role. The `CustomSuffix` is appended to the service-provided prefix with an underscore followed by the `CustomSuffix` to form the complete role name. For example, `AWSServiceRoleForAutoScaling` or `AWSServiceRoleForAutoScaling_TestSuffix` if a `CustomSuffix` is specified.", + "RoleName": "Returns the friendly name that identifies the role. For example, `AWSServiceRoleForAutoScaling` or `AWSServiceRoleForAutoScaling_TestSuffix` if a `CustomSuffix` is specified." }, "description": "Creates an IAM role that is linked to a specific AWS service. The service controls the attached policies and when the role can be deleted. This helps ensure that the service is not broken by an unexpectedly changed or deleted role, which could put your AWS resources into an unknown state. Allowing the service to control the role helps improve service stability and proper cleanup when a service and its role are no longer needed. For more information, see [Using service-linked roles](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/using-service-linked-roles.html) in the *IAM User Guide* .\n\nTo attach a policy to this service-linked role, you must make the request using the AWS service that depends on this role.", "properties": { @@ -31742,11 +31861,6 @@ "description": "A list of the account IDs of AWS accounts with Amazon EMR clusters that are allowed to perform data filtering.", "properties": {} }, - "AWS::LakeFormation::DataLakeSettings.Permissions": { - "attributes": {}, - "description": "Permissions granted to a principal.", - "properties": {} - }, "AWS::LakeFormation::DataLakeSettings.PrincipalPermissions": { "attributes": {}, "description": "Permissions granted to a principal.", @@ -38561,12 +38675,14 @@ }, "AWS::NetworkManager::Device": { "attributes": { + "CreatedAt": "", "DeviceArn": "The ARN of the device. For example, `arn:aws:networkmanager::123456789012:device/global-network-01231231231231231/device-07f6fd08867abc123` .", "DeviceId": "The ID of the device. For example, `device-07f6fd08867abc123` .", "Ref": "`Ref` returns the IDs of the global network and device. For example: `global-network-01231231231231231|device-07f6fd08867abc123` ." }, "description": "Specifies a device.", "properties": { + "AWSLocation": "", "Description": "A description of the device.\n\nConstraints: Maximum length of 256 characters.", "GlobalNetworkId": "The ID of the global network.", "Location": "The site location.", @@ -38578,6 +38694,14 @@ "Vendor": "The vendor of the device.\n\nConstraints: Maximum length of 128 characters." } }, + "AWS::NetworkManager::Device.AWSLocation": { + "attributes": {}, + "description": "", + "properties": { + "SubnetArn": "", + "Zone": "" + } + }, "AWS::NetworkManager::Device.Location": { "attributes": {}, "description": "Describes a location.", @@ -40009,12 +40133,10 @@ "ApplicationInstanceIdToReplace": "The ID of an application instance to replace with the new instance.", "DefaultRuntimeContextDevice": "The device's ID.", "Description": "A description for the application instance.", - "DeviceId": "A device's ID.", "ManifestOverridesPayload": "Setting overrides for the application manifest.", "ManifestPayload": "The application's manifest document.", "Name": "A name for the application instance.", "RuntimeRoleArn": "The ARN of a runtime role for the application instance.", - "StatusFilter": "Only include instances with a specific status.", "Tags": "Tags for the application instance." } }, @@ -40151,7 +40273,7 @@ "Name": "The name of the solution.", "PerformAutoML": "> We don't recommend enabling automated machine learning. Instead, match your use case to the available Amazon Personalize recipes. For more information, see [Determining your use case.](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/personalize/latest/dg/determining-use-case.html) \n\nWhen true, Amazon Personalize performs a search for the best USER_PERSONALIZATION recipe from the list specified in the solution configuration ( `recipeArn` must not be specified). When false (the default), Amazon Personalize uses `recipeArn` for training.", "PerformHPO": "Whether to perform hyperparameter optimization (HPO) on the chosen recipe. The default is `false` .", - "RecipeArn": "The ARN of the recipe used to create the solution.", + "RecipeArn": "The ARN of the recipe used to create the solution. This is required when `performAutoML` is false.", "SolutionConfig": "Describes the configuration properties for the solution." } }, @@ -42210,18 +42332,10 @@ "NullValueColor": "Determines the color that is applied to null values." } }, - "AWS::QuickSight::Analysis.ColorsConfiguration": { - "attributes": {}, - "description": "", - "properties": { - "CustomColors": "" - } - }, "AWS::QuickSight::Analysis.ColumnConfiguration": { "attributes": {}, "description": "The general configuration of a column.", "properties": { - "ColorsConfiguration": "", "Column": "The column.", "FormatConfiguration": "The format configuration of a column.", "Role": "The role of the column." @@ -42473,15 +42587,6 @@ "URLTemplate": "THe URL link of the `CustomActionURLOperation` ." } }, - "AWS::QuickSight::Analysis.CustomColor": { - "attributes": {}, - "description": "", - "properties": { - "Color": "", - "FieldValue": "", - "SpecialValue": "" - } - }, "AWS::QuickSight::Analysis.CustomContentConfiguration": { "attributes": {}, "description": "The configuration of a `CustomContentVisual` .", @@ -42588,6 +42693,7 @@ "MeasureLabelVisibility": "Determines the visibility of the measure field labels.", "Overlap": "Determines whether overlap is enabled or disabled for the data labels.", "Position": "Determines the position of the data labels.", + "TotalsVisibility": "Determines the visibility of the total.", "Visibility": "Determines the visibility of the data labels." } }, @@ -42834,6 +42940,7 @@ "properties": { "CustomValuesConfiguration": "The configuration of custom values for destination parameter in `DestinationParameterValueConfiguration` .", "SelectAllValueOptions": "The configuration that selects all options.", + "SourceColumn": "", "SourceField": "The source field ID of the destination parameter.", "SourceParameterName": "The source parameter name of the destination parameter." } @@ -43129,6 +43236,7 @@ "attributes": {}, "description": "The configuration of selected fields in the `CustomActionFilterOperation` .\n\nThis is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.", "properties": { + "SelectedColumns": "The selected columns of a dataset.", "SelectedFieldOptions": "A structure that contains the options that choose which fields are filtered in the `CustomActionFilterOperation` .\n\nValid values are defined as follows:\n\n- `ALL_FIELDS` : Applies the filter operation to all fields.", "SelectedFields": "Chooses the fields that are filtered in `CustomActionFilterOperation` ." } @@ -43472,6 +43580,27 @@ "West": "The longitude of the west bound of the geospatial coordinate bounds." } }, + "AWS::QuickSight::Analysis.GeospatialHeatmapColorScale": { + "attributes": {}, + "description": "The color scale specification for the heatmap point style.", + "properties": { + "Colors": "The list of colors to be used in heatmap point style." + } + }, + "AWS::QuickSight::Analysis.GeospatialHeatmapConfiguration": { + "attributes": {}, + "description": "The heatmap configuration of the geospatial point style.", + "properties": { + "HeatmapColor": "The color scale specification for the heatmap point style." + } + }, + "AWS::QuickSight::Analysis.GeospatialHeatmapDataColor": { + "attributes": {}, + "description": "The color to be used in the heatmap point style.", + "properties": { + "Color": "The hex color to be used in the heatmap point style." + } + }, "AWS::QuickSight::Analysis.GeospatialMapAggregatedFieldWells": { "attributes": {}, "description": "The aggregated field wells for a geospatial map.", @@ -43525,6 +43654,7 @@ "description": "The point style of the geospatial map.", "properties": { "ClusterMarkerConfiguration": "The cluster marker configuration of the geospatial point style.", + "HeatmapConfiguration": "The heatmap configuration of the geospatial point style.", "SelectedPointStyle": "The selected point styles (point, cluster) of the geospatial map." } }, @@ -44512,6 +44642,7 @@ "properties": { "FieldId": "The field ID of the cell for conditional formatting.", "Scope": "The scope of the cell for conditional formatting.", + "Scopes": "A list of cell scopes for conditional formatting.", "TextFormat": "The text format of the cell for conditional formatting." } }, @@ -44556,6 +44687,22 @@ "Width": "The width of the data path option." } }, + "AWS::QuickSight::Analysis.PivotTableFieldCollapseStateOption": { + "attributes": {}, + "description": "The collapse state options for the pivot table field options.", + "properties": { + "State": "The state of the field target of a pivot table. Choose one of the following options:\n\n- `COLLAPSED`\n- `EXPANDED`", + "Target": "A tagged-union object that sets the collapse state." + } + }, + "AWS::QuickSight::Analysis.PivotTableFieldCollapseStateTarget": { + "attributes": {}, + "description": "The target of a pivot table field collapse state.", + "properties": { + "FieldDataPathValues": "The data path of the pivot table's header. Used to set the collapse state.", + "FieldId": "The field ID of the pivot table that the collapse state needs to be set to." + } + }, "AWS::QuickSight::Analysis.PivotTableFieldOption": { "attributes": {}, "description": "The selected field options for the pivot table field options.", @@ -44569,6 +44716,7 @@ "attributes": {}, "description": "The field options for a pivot table visual.", "properties": { + "CollapseStateOptions": "The collapse state options for the pivot table field options.", "DataPathOptions": "The data path options for the pivot table field options.", "SelectedFieldOptions": "The selected field options for the pivot table field options." } @@ -44592,6 +44740,7 @@ "description": "The table options for a pivot table visual.", "properties": { "CellStyle": "The table cell style of cells.", + "CollapsedRowDimensionsVisibility": "The visibility setting of a pivot table's collapsed row dimension fields. If the value of this structure is `HIDDEN` , all collapsed columns in a pivot table are automatically hidden. The default value is `VISIBLE` .", "ColumnHeaderStyle": "The table cell style of the column header.", "ColumnNamesVisibility": "The visibility of the column names.", "MetricPlacement": "The metric placement (row, column) options.", @@ -44700,6 +44849,7 @@ "AlternateBandColorsVisibility": "Determines the visibility of the colors of alternatign bands in a radar chart.", "AlternateBandEvenColor": "The color of the even-numbered alternate bands of a radar chart.", "AlternateBandOddColor": "The color of the odd-numbered alternate bands of a radar chart.", + "AxesRangeScale": "The axis behavior options of a radar chart.", "BaseSeriesSettings": "The base sreies settings of a radar chart.", "CategoryAxis": "The category axis of a radar chart.", "CategoryLabelOptions": "The category label options of a radar chart.", @@ -44933,6 +45083,7 @@ "description": "The aggregated field well of a scatter plot.", "properties": { "Category": "The category field well of a scatter plot.", + "Label": "The label field well of a scatter plot.", "Size": "The size field well of a scatter plot.", "XAxis": "The x-axis field well of a scatter plot.\n\nThe x-axis is aggregated by category.", "YAxis": "The y-axis field well of a scatter plot.\n\nThe y-axis is aggregated by category." @@ -44965,6 +45116,8 @@ "attributes": {}, "description": "The unaggregated field wells of a scatter plot.", "properties": { + "Category": "The category field well of a scatter plot.", + "Label": "The label field well of a scatter plot.", "Size": "The size field well of a scatter plot.", "XAxis": "The x-axis field well of a scatter plot.\n\nThe x-axis is a dimension field and cannot be aggregated.", "YAxis": "The y-axis field well of a scatter plot.\n\nThe y-axis is a dimension field and cannot be aggregated." @@ -46392,18 +46545,10 @@ "NullValueColor": "Determines the color that is applied to null values." } }, - "AWS::QuickSight::Dashboard.ColorsConfiguration": { - "attributes": {}, - "description": "", - "properties": { - "CustomColors": "" - } - }, "AWS::QuickSight::Dashboard.ColumnConfiguration": { "attributes": {}, "description": "The general configuration of a column.", "properties": { - "ColorsConfiguration": "", "Column": "The column.", "FormatConfiguration": "The format configuration of a column.", "Role": "The role of the column." @@ -46655,15 +46800,6 @@ "URLTemplate": "THe URL link of the `CustomActionURLOperation` ." } }, - "AWS::QuickSight::Dashboard.CustomColor": { - "attributes": {}, - "description": "", - "properties": { - "Color": "", - "FieldValue": "", - "SpecialValue": "" - } - }, "AWS::QuickSight::Dashboard.CustomContentConfiguration": { "attributes": {}, "description": "The configuration of a `CustomContentVisual` .", @@ -46847,6 +46983,7 @@ "MeasureLabelVisibility": "Determines the visibility of the measure field labels.", "Overlap": "Determines whether overlap is enabled or disabled for the data labels.", "Position": "Determines the position of the data labels.", + "TotalsVisibility": "Determines the visibility of the total.", "Visibility": "Determines the visibility of the data labels." } }, @@ -47114,6 +47251,7 @@ "properties": { "CustomValuesConfiguration": "The configuration of custom values for destination parameter in `DestinationParameterValueConfiguration` .", "SelectAllValueOptions": "The configuration that selects all options.", + "SourceColumn": "", "SourceField": "The source field ID of the destination parameter.", "SourceParameterName": "The source parameter name of the destination parameter." } @@ -47430,6 +47568,7 @@ "attributes": {}, "description": "The configuration of selected fields in the `CustomActionFilterOperation` .\n\nThis is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.", "properties": { + "SelectedColumns": "The selected columns of a dataset.", "SelectedFieldOptions": "A structure that contains the options that choose which fields are filtered in the `CustomActionFilterOperation` .\n\nValid values are defined as follows:\n\n- `ALL_FIELDS` : Applies the filter operation to all fields.", "SelectedFields": "Chooses the fields that are filtered in `CustomActionFilterOperation` ." } @@ -47773,6 +47912,27 @@ "West": "The longitude of the west bound of the geospatial coordinate bounds." } }, + "AWS::QuickSight::Dashboard.GeospatialHeatmapColorScale": { + "attributes": {}, + "description": "The color scale specification for the heatmap point style.", + "properties": { + "Colors": "The list of colors to be used in heatmap point style." + } + }, + "AWS::QuickSight::Dashboard.GeospatialHeatmapConfiguration": { + "attributes": {}, + "description": "The heatmap configuration of the geospatial point style.", + "properties": { + "HeatmapColor": "The color scale specification for the heatmap point style." + } + }, + "AWS::QuickSight::Dashboard.GeospatialHeatmapDataColor": { + "attributes": {}, + "description": "The color to be used in the heatmap point style.", + "properties": { + "Color": "The hex color to be used in the heatmap point style." + } + }, "AWS::QuickSight::Dashboard.GeospatialMapAggregatedFieldWells": { "attributes": {}, "description": "The aggregated field wells for a geospatial map.", @@ -47826,6 +47986,7 @@ "description": "The point style of the geospatial map.", "properties": { "ClusterMarkerConfiguration": "The cluster marker configuration of the geospatial point style.", + "HeatmapConfiguration": "The heatmap configuration of the geospatial point style.", "SelectedPointStyle": "The selected point styles (point, cluster) of the geospatial map." } }, @@ -48813,6 +48974,7 @@ "properties": { "FieldId": "The field ID of the cell for conditional formatting.", "Scope": "The scope of the cell for conditional formatting.", + "Scopes": "A list of cell scopes for conditional formatting.", "TextFormat": "The text format of the cell for conditional formatting." } }, @@ -48857,6 +49019,22 @@ "Width": "The width of the data path option." } }, + "AWS::QuickSight::Dashboard.PivotTableFieldCollapseStateOption": { + "attributes": {}, + "description": "The collapse state options for the pivot table field options.", + "properties": { + "State": "The state of the field target of a pivot table. Choose one of the following options:\n\n- `COLLAPSED`\n- `EXPANDED`", + "Target": "A tagged-union object that sets the collapse state." + } + }, + "AWS::QuickSight::Dashboard.PivotTableFieldCollapseStateTarget": { + "attributes": {}, + "description": "The target of a pivot table field collapse state.", + "properties": { + "FieldDataPathValues": "The data path of the pivot table's header. Used to set the collapse state.", + "FieldId": "The field ID of the pivot table that the collapse state needs to be set to." + } + }, "AWS::QuickSight::Dashboard.PivotTableFieldOption": { "attributes": {}, "description": "The selected field options for the pivot table field options.", @@ -48870,6 +49048,7 @@ "attributes": {}, "description": "The field options for a pivot table visual.", "properties": { + "CollapseStateOptions": "The collapse state options for the pivot table field options.", "DataPathOptions": "The data path options for the pivot table field options.", "SelectedFieldOptions": "The selected field options for the pivot table field options." } @@ -48893,6 +49072,7 @@ "description": "The table options for a pivot table visual.", "properties": { "CellStyle": "The table cell style of cells.", + "CollapsedRowDimensionsVisibility": "The visibility setting of a pivot table's collapsed row dimension fields. If the value of this structure is `HIDDEN` , all collapsed columns in a pivot table are automatically hidden. The default value is `VISIBLE` .", "ColumnHeaderStyle": "The table cell style of the column header.", "ColumnNamesVisibility": "The visibility of the column names.", "MetricPlacement": "The metric placement (row, column) options.", @@ -49001,6 +49181,7 @@ "AlternateBandColorsVisibility": "Determines the visibility of the colors of alternatign bands in a radar chart.", "AlternateBandEvenColor": "The color of the even-numbered alternate bands of a radar chart.", "AlternateBandOddColor": "The color of the odd-numbered alternate bands of a radar chart.", + "AxesRangeScale": "The axis behavior options of a radar chart.", "BaseSeriesSettings": "The base sreies settings of a radar chart.", "CategoryAxis": "The category axis of a radar chart.", "CategoryLabelOptions": "The category label options of a radar chart.", @@ -49234,6 +49415,7 @@ "description": "The aggregated field well of a scatter plot.", "properties": { "Category": "The category field well of a scatter plot.", + "Label": "The label field well of a scatter plot.", "Size": "The size field well of a scatter plot.", "XAxis": "The x-axis field well of a scatter plot.\n\nThe x-axis is aggregated by category.", "YAxis": "The y-axis field well of a scatter plot.\n\nThe y-axis is aggregated by category." @@ -49266,6 +49448,8 @@ "attributes": {}, "description": "The unaggregated field wells of a scatter plot.", "properties": { + "Category": "The category field well of a scatter plot.", + "Label": "The label field well of a scatter plot.", "Size": "The size field well of a scatter plot.", "XAxis": "The x-axis field well of a scatter plot.\n\nThe x-axis is a dimension field and cannot be aggregated.", "YAxis": "The y-axis field well of a scatter plot.\n\nThe y-axis is a dimension field and cannot be aggregated." @@ -50356,9 +50540,9 @@ }, "AWS::QuickSight::DataSet.DataSetRefreshProperties": { "attributes": {}, - "description": "The refresh properties of a dataset.", + "description": "", "properties": { - "RefreshConfiguration": "The refresh configuration for a dataset." + "RefreshConfiguration": "" } }, "AWS::QuickSight::DataSet.DataSetUsageConfiguration": { @@ -50394,7 +50578,7 @@ "attributes": {}, "description": "", "properties": { - "StaticValues": "A list of static default values for a given date time parameter. The valid format for this property is `yyyy-MM-dd\u2019T\u2019HH:mm:ss\u2019Z\u2019` ." + "StaticValues": "" } }, "AWS::QuickSight::DataSet.DecimalDatasetParameter": { @@ -50440,9 +50624,9 @@ }, "AWS::QuickSight::DataSet.IncrementalRefresh": { "attributes": {}, - "description": "The incremental refresh configuration for a dataset.", + "description": "", "properties": { - "LookbackWindow": "The lookback window setup for an incremental refresh configuration." + "LookbackWindow": "" } }, "AWS::QuickSight::DataSet.IngestionWaitPolicy": { @@ -50517,18 +50701,18 @@ }, "AWS::QuickSight::DataSet.LookbackWindow": { "attributes": {}, - "description": "The lookback window setup of an incremental refresh configuration.", + "description": "", "properties": { - "ColumnName": "The name of the lookback window column.", - "Size": "The lookback window column size.", - "SizeUnit": "The size unit that is used for the lookback window column. Valid values for this structure are `HOUR` , `DAY` , and `WEEK` ." + "ColumnName": "", + "Size": "", + "SizeUnit": "" } }, "AWS::QuickSight::DataSet.NewDefaultValues": { "attributes": {}, "description": "", "properties": { - "DateTimeStaticValues": "A list of static default values for a given date time parameter. The valid format for this property is `yyyy-MM-dd\u2019T\u2019HH:mm:ss\u2019Z\u2019` .", + "DateTimeStaticValues": "", "DecimalStaticValues": "", "IntegerStaticValues": "", "StringStaticValues": "" @@ -50545,10 +50729,10 @@ }, "AWS::QuickSight::DataSet.OverrideDatasetParameterOperation": { "attributes": {}, - "description": "A transform operation that overrides the dataset parameter values that are defined in another dataset.", + "description": "", "properties": { - "NewDefaultValues": "The new default values for the parameter.", - "NewParameterName": "The new name for the parameter.", + "NewDefaultValues": "", + "NewParameterName": "", "ParameterName": "" } }, @@ -50570,9 +50754,9 @@ }, "AWS::QuickSight::DataSet.RefreshConfiguration": { "attributes": {}, - "description": "The refresh configuration of a dataset.", + "description": "", "properties": { - "IncrementalRefresh": "The incremental refresh for the dataset." + "IncrementalRefresh": "" } }, "AWS::QuickSight::DataSet.RelationalTable": { @@ -51437,18 +51621,10 @@ "NullValueColor": "Determines the color that is applied to null values." } }, - "AWS::QuickSight::Template.ColorsConfiguration": { - "attributes": {}, - "description": "", - "properties": { - "CustomColors": "" - } - }, "AWS::QuickSight::Template.ColumnConfiguration": { "attributes": {}, "description": "The general configuration of a column.", "properties": { - "ColorsConfiguration": "", "Column": "The column.", "FormatConfiguration": "The format configuration of a column.", "Role": "The role of the column." @@ -51724,15 +51900,6 @@ "URLTemplate": "THe URL link of the `CustomActionURLOperation` ." } }, - "AWS::QuickSight::Template.CustomColor": { - "attributes": {}, - "description": "", - "properties": { - "Color": "", - "FieldValue": "", - "SpecialValue": "" - } - }, "AWS::QuickSight::Template.CustomContentConfiguration": { "attributes": {}, "description": "The configuration of a `CustomContentVisual` .", @@ -51839,6 +52006,7 @@ "MeasureLabelVisibility": "Determines the visibility of the measure field labels.", "Overlap": "Determines whether overlap is enabled or disabled for the data labels.", "Position": "Determines the position of the data labels.", + "TotalsVisibility": "Determines the visibility of the total.", "Visibility": "Determines the visibility of the data labels." } }, @@ -52077,6 +52245,7 @@ "properties": { "CustomValuesConfiguration": "The configuration of custom values for destination parameter in `DestinationParameterValueConfiguration` .", "SelectAllValueOptions": "The configuration that selects all options.", + "SourceColumn": "", "SourceField": "The source field ID of the destination parameter.", "SourceParameterName": "The source parameter name of the destination parameter." } @@ -52372,6 +52541,7 @@ "attributes": {}, "description": "The configuration of selected fields in the `CustomActionFilterOperation` .\n\nThis is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.", "properties": { + "SelectedColumns": "The selected columns of a dataset.", "SelectedFieldOptions": "A structure that contains the options that choose which fields are filtered in the `CustomActionFilterOperation` .\n\nValid values are defined as follows:\n\n- `ALL_FIELDS` : Applies the filter operation to all fields.", "SelectedFields": "Chooses the fields that are filtered in `CustomActionFilterOperation` ." } @@ -52715,6 +52885,27 @@ "West": "The longitude of the west bound of the geospatial coordinate bounds." } }, + "AWS::QuickSight::Template.GeospatialHeatmapColorScale": { + "attributes": {}, + "description": "The color scale specification for the heatmap point style.", + "properties": { + "Colors": "The list of colors to be used in heatmap point style." + } + }, + "AWS::QuickSight::Template.GeospatialHeatmapConfiguration": { + "attributes": {}, + "description": "The heatmap configuration of the geospatial point style.", + "properties": { + "HeatmapColor": "The color scale specification for the heatmap point style." + } + }, + "AWS::QuickSight::Template.GeospatialHeatmapDataColor": { + "attributes": {}, + "description": "The color to be used in the heatmap point style.", + "properties": { + "Color": "The hex color to be used in the heatmap point style." + } + }, "AWS::QuickSight::Template.GeospatialMapAggregatedFieldWells": { "attributes": {}, "description": "The aggregated field wells for a geospatial map.", @@ -52768,6 +52959,7 @@ "description": "The point style of the geospatial map.", "properties": { "ClusterMarkerConfiguration": "The cluster marker configuration of the geospatial point style.", + "HeatmapConfiguration": "The heatmap configuration of the geospatial point style.", "SelectedPointStyle": "The selected point styles (point, cluster) of the geospatial map." } }, @@ -53737,6 +53929,7 @@ "properties": { "FieldId": "The field ID of the cell for conditional formatting.", "Scope": "The scope of the cell for conditional formatting.", + "Scopes": "A list of cell scopes for conditional formatting.", "TextFormat": "The text format of the cell for conditional formatting." } }, @@ -53781,6 +53974,22 @@ "Width": "The width of the data path option." } }, + "AWS::QuickSight::Template.PivotTableFieldCollapseStateOption": { + "attributes": {}, + "description": "The collapse state options for the pivot table field options.", + "properties": { + "State": "The state of the field target of a pivot table. Choose one of the following options:\n\n- `COLLAPSED`\n- `EXPANDED`", + "Target": "A tagged-union object that sets the collapse state." + } + }, + "AWS::QuickSight::Template.PivotTableFieldCollapseStateTarget": { + "attributes": {}, + "description": "The target of a pivot table field collapse state.", + "properties": { + "FieldDataPathValues": "The data path of the pivot table's header. Used to set the collapse state.", + "FieldId": "The field ID of the pivot table that the collapse state needs to be set to." + } + }, "AWS::QuickSight::Template.PivotTableFieldOption": { "attributes": {}, "description": "The selected field options for the pivot table field options.", @@ -53794,6 +54003,7 @@ "attributes": {}, "description": "The field options for a pivot table visual.", "properties": { + "CollapseStateOptions": "The collapse state options for the pivot table field options.", "DataPathOptions": "The data path options for the pivot table field options.", "SelectedFieldOptions": "The selected field options for the pivot table field options." } @@ -53817,6 +54027,7 @@ "description": "The table options for a pivot table visual.", "properties": { "CellStyle": "The table cell style of cells.", + "CollapsedRowDimensionsVisibility": "The visibility setting of a pivot table's collapsed row dimension fields. If the value of this structure is `HIDDEN` , all collapsed columns in a pivot table are automatically hidden. The default value is `VISIBLE` .", "ColumnHeaderStyle": "The table cell style of the column header.", "ColumnNamesVisibility": "The visibility of the column names.", "MetricPlacement": "The metric placement (row, column) options.", @@ -53925,6 +54136,7 @@ "AlternateBandColorsVisibility": "Determines the visibility of the colors of alternatign bands in a radar chart.", "AlternateBandEvenColor": "The color of the even-numbered alternate bands of a radar chart.", "AlternateBandOddColor": "The color of the odd-numbered alternate bands of a radar chart.", + "AxesRangeScale": "The axis behavior options of a radar chart.", "BaseSeriesSettings": "The base sreies settings of a radar chart.", "CategoryAxis": "The category axis of a radar chart.", "CategoryLabelOptions": "The category label options of a radar chart.", @@ -54158,6 +54370,7 @@ "description": "The aggregated field well of a scatter plot.", "properties": { "Category": "The category field well of a scatter plot.", + "Label": "The label field well of a scatter plot.", "Size": "The size field well of a scatter plot.", "XAxis": "The x-axis field well of a scatter plot.\n\nThe x-axis is aggregated by category.", "YAxis": "The y-axis field well of a scatter plot.\n\nThe y-axis is aggregated by category." @@ -54190,6 +54403,8 @@ "attributes": {}, "description": "The unaggregated field wells of a scatter plot.", "properties": { + "Category": "The category field well of a scatter plot.", + "Label": "The label field well of a scatter plot.", "Size": "The size field well of a scatter plot.", "XAxis": "The x-axis field well of a scatter plot.\n\nThe x-axis is a dimension field and cannot be aggregated.", "YAxis": "The y-axis field well of a scatter plot.\n\nThe y-axis is a dimension field and cannot be aggregated." @@ -55282,7 +55497,8 @@ "description": "Permission for the resource.", "properties": { "Actions": "The IAM action to grant or revoke permissions on.", - "Principal": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the principal. This can be one of the following:\n\n- The ARN of an Amazon QuickSight user or group associated with a data source or dataset. (This is common.)\n- The ARN of an Amazon QuickSight user, group, or namespace associated with an analysis, dashboard, template, or theme. (This is common.)\n- The ARN of an AWS account root: This is an IAM ARN rather than a Amazon QuickSight ARN. Use this option only to share resources (templates) across AWS accounts . (This is less common.)" + "Principal": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the principal. This can be one of the following:\n\n- The ARN of an Amazon QuickSight user or group associated with a data source or dataset. (This is common.)\n- The ARN of an Amazon QuickSight user, group, or namespace associated with an analysis, dashboard, template, or theme. (This is common.)\n- The ARN of an AWS account root: This is an IAM ARN rather than a Amazon QuickSight ARN. Use this option only to share resources (templates) across AWS accounts . (This is less common.)", + "Resource": "" } }, "AWS::QuickSight::Theme.SheetStyle": { @@ -61653,19 +61869,15 @@ }, "description": "A versioned model that can be deployed for SageMaker inference.", "properties": { - "AdditionalInferenceSpecificationDefinition": "A structure of additional Inference Specification. Additional Inference Specification specifies details about inference jobs that can be run with models based on this model package", "AdditionalInferenceSpecifications": "An array of additional Inference Specification objects.", "AdditionalInferenceSpecificationsToAdd": "An array of additional Inference Specification objects to be added to the existing array. The total number of additional Inference Specification objects cannot exceed 15. Each additional Inference Specification object specifies artifacts based on this model package that can be used on inference endpoints. Generally used with SageMaker Neo to store the compiled artifacts.", "ApprovalDescription": "A description provided when the model approval is set.", "CertifyForMarketplace": "Whether the model package is to be certified to be listed on AWS Marketplace. For information about listing model packages on AWS Marketplace, see [List Your Algorithm or Model Package on AWS Marketplace](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sagemaker/latest/dg/sagemaker-mkt-list.html) .", "ClientToken": "A unique token that guarantees that the call to this API is idempotent.", - "CreatedBy": "Information about the user who created or modified an experiment, trial, trial component, lineage group, or project.", "CustomerMetadataProperties": "The metadata properties for the model package.", "Domain": "The machine learning domain of your model package and its components. Common machine learning domains include computer vision and natural language processing.", "DriftCheckBaselines": "Represents the drift check baselines that can be used when the model monitor is set using the model package.", - "Environment": "The environment variables to set in the Docker container. Each key and value in the `Environment` string to string map can have length of up to 1024. We support up to 16 entries in the map.", "InferenceSpecification": "Defines how to perform inference generation after a training job is run.", - "LastModifiedBy": "Information about the user who created or modified an experiment, trial, trial component, lineage group, or project.", "LastModifiedTime": "The last time the model package was modified.", "MetadataProperties": "Metadata properties of the tracking entity, trial, or trial component.", "ModelApprovalStatus": "The approval status of the model. This can be one of the following values.\n\n- `APPROVED` - The model is approved\n- `REJECTED` - The model is rejected.\n- `PENDING_MANUAL_APPROVAL` - The model is waiting for manual approval.", @@ -61674,7 +61886,6 @@ "ModelPackageGroupName": "The model group to which the model belongs.", "ModelPackageName": "The name of the model.", "ModelPackageStatusDetails": "Specifies the validation and image scan statuses of the model package.", - "ModelPackageStatusItem": "Represents the overall status of a model package.", "ModelPackageVersion": "The version number of a versioned model.", "SamplePayloadUrl": "The Amazon Simple Storage Service path where the sample payload are stored. This path must point to a single gzip compressed tar archive (.tar.gz suffix).", "SourceAlgorithmSpecification": "A list of algorithms that were used to create a model package.", @@ -61838,15 +62049,13 @@ "ImageDigest": "An MD5 hash of the training algorithm that identifies the Docker image used for training.", "ModelDataUrl": "The Amazon S3 path where the model artifacts, which result from model training, are stored. This path must point to a single `gzip` compressed tar archive ( `.tar.gz` suffix).\n\n> The model artifacts must be in an S3 bucket that is in the same region as the model package.", "ModelInput": "A structure with Model Input details.", - "NearestModelName": "The name of a pre-trained machine learning benchmarked by Amazon SageMaker Inference Recommender model that matches your model. You can find a list of benchmarked models by calling `ListModelMetadata` .", - "ProductId": "The AWS Marketplace product ID of the model package." + "NearestModelName": "The name of a pre-trained machine learning benchmarked by Amazon SageMaker Inference Recommender model that matches your model. You can find a list of benchmarked models by calling `ListModelMetadata` ." } }, "AWS::SageMaker::ModelPackage.ModelPackageStatusDetails": { "attributes": {}, "description": "Specifies the validation and image scan statuses of the model package.", "properties": { - "ImageScanStatuses": "The status of the scan of the Docker image container for the model package.", "ValidationStatuses": "The validation status of the model package." } }, @@ -61932,15 +62141,6 @@ "VolumeKmsKeyId": "The AWS Key Management Service ( AWS KMS) key that Amazon SageMaker uses to encrypt model data on the storage volume attached to the ML compute instance(s) that run the batch transform job.\n\n> Certain Nitro-based instances include local storage, dependent on the instance type. Local storage volumes are encrypted using a hardware module on the instance. You can't request a `VolumeKmsKeyId` when using an instance type with local storage.\n> \n> For a list of instance types that support local instance storage, see [Instance Store Volumes](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/InstanceStorage.html#instance-store-volumes) .\n> \n> For more information about local instance storage encryption, see [SSD Instance Store Volumes](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ssd-instance-store.html) . \n\nThe `VolumeKmsKeyId` can be any of the following formats:\n\n- Key ID: `1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab`\n- Key ARN: `arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:111122223333:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab`\n- Alias name: `alias/ExampleAlias`\n- Alias name ARN: `arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:111122223333:alias/ExampleAlias`" } }, - "AWS::SageMaker::ModelPackage.UserContext": { - "attributes": {}, - "description": "Information about the user who created or modified an experiment, trial, trial component, lineage group, project, or model card.", - "properties": { - "DomainId": "The domain associated with the user.", - "UserProfileArn": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the user's profile.", - "UserProfileName": "The name of the user's profile." - } - }, "AWS::SageMaker::ModelPackage.ValidationProfile": { "attributes": {}, "description": "Contains data, such as the inputs and targeted instance types that are used in the process of validating the model package.\n\nThe data provided in the validation profile is made available to your buyers on AWS Marketplace.", @@ -62907,7 +63107,7 @@ "Id": "The ARN of the secret.", "Ref": "When you pass the logical ID of an `AWS::SecretsManager::Secret` resource to the intrinsic `Ref` function, the function returns the ARN of the secret configured such as:\n\n`arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-west-2:123456789012:secret:my-path/my-secret-name-1a2b3c`\n\nIf you know the ARN of a secret, you can reference a secret you created in one part of the stack template from within the definition of another resource in the same template. You typically use the `Ref` function with the [AWS::SecretsManager::SecretTargetAttachment](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-secretsmanager-secrettargetattachment.html) resource type to get references to both the secret and its associated database.\n\nFor more information about using the `Ref` function, see [Ref](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/intrinsic-function-reference-ref.html) ." }, - "description": "Creates a new secret. A *secret* can be a password, a set of credentials such as a user name and password, an OAuth token, or other secret information that you store in an encrypted form in Secrets Manager.\n\nFor Amazon RDS master user credentials, see [AWS::RDS::DBCluster MasterUserSecret](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-rds-dbcluster-masterusersecret.html) .\n\nTo retrieve a secret in a CloudFormation template, use a *dynamic reference* . For more information, see [Retrieve a secret in an AWS CloudFormation resource](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/secretsmanager/latest/userguide/cfn-example_reference-secret.html) .\n\nA common scenario is to first create a secret with `GenerateSecretString` , which generates a password, and then use a dynamic reference to retrieve the username and password from the secret to use as credentials for a new database. Follow these steps, as shown in the examples below:\n\n- Define the secret without referencing the service or database. You can't reference the service or database because it doesn't exist yet. The secret must contain a username and password.\n- Next, define the service or database. Include the reference to the secret to use stored credentials to define the database admin user and password.\n- Finally, define a `SecretTargetAttachment` resource type to finish configuring the secret with the required database engine type and the connection details of the service or database. The rotation function requires the details, if you attach one later by defining a [AWS::SecretsManager::RotationSchedule](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-secretsmanager-rotationschedule.html) resource type.\n\nFor information about creating a secret in the console, see [Create a secret](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/secretsmanager/latest/userguide/manage_create-basic-secret.html) . For information about creating a secret using the CLI or SDK, see [CreateSecret](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/secretsmanager/latest/apireference/API_CreateSecret.html) .\n\nFor information about retrieving a secret in code, see [Retrieve secrets from Secrets Manager](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/secretsmanager/latest/userguide/retrieving-secrets.html) .\n\n> Do not create a dynamic reference using a backslash `(\\)` as the final value. AWS CloudFormation cannot resolve those references, which causes a resource failure.", + "description": "Creates a new secret. A *secret* can be a password, a set of credentials such as a user name and password, an OAuth token, or other secret information that you store in an encrypted form in Secrets Manager.\n\nFor Amazon RDS master user credentials, see [AWS::RDS::DBCluster MasterUserSecret](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-rds-dbcluster-masterusersecret.html) .\n\nTo retrieve a secret in a CloudFormation template, use a *dynamic reference* . For more information, see [Retrieve a secret in an AWS CloudFormation resource](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/secretsmanager/latest/userguide/cfn-example_reference-secret.html) .\n\nA common scenario is to first create a secret with `GenerateSecretString` , which generates a password, and then use a dynamic reference to retrieve the username and password from the secret to use as credentials for a new database. See the example *Creating a Redshift cluster and a secret for the admin credentials* .\n\nFor information about creating a secret in the console, see [Create a secret](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/secretsmanager/latest/userguide/manage_create-basic-secret.html) . For information about creating a secret using the CLI or SDK, see [CreateSecret](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/secretsmanager/latest/apireference/API_CreateSecret.html) .\n\nFor information about retrieving a secret in code, see [Retrieve secrets from Secrets Manager](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/secretsmanager/latest/userguide/retrieving-secrets.html) .", "properties": { "Description": "The description of the secret.", "GenerateSecretString": "A structure that specifies how to generate a password to encrypt and store in the secret. To include a specific string in the secret, use `SecretString` instead. If you omit both `GenerateSecretString` and `SecretString` , you create an empty secret. When you make a change to this property, a new secret version is created.\n\nWe recommend that you specify the maximum length and include every character type that the system you are generating a password for can support.", @@ -64254,7 +64454,7 @@ }, "description": "Creates an agreement. An agreement is a bilateral trading partner agreement, or partnership, between an AWS Transfer Family server and an AS2 process. The agreement defines the file and message transfer relationship between the server and the AS2 process. To define an agreement, Transfer Family combines a server, local profile, partner profile, certificate, and other attributes.\n\nThe partner is identified with the `PartnerProfileId` , and the AS2 process is identified with the `LocalProfileId` .", "properties": { - "AccessRole": "With AS2, you can send files by calling `StartFileTransfer` and specifying the file paths in the request parameter, `SendFilePaths` . We use the file\u2019s parent directory (for example, for `--send-file-paths /bucket/dir/file.txt` , parent directory is `/bucket/dir/` ) to temporarily store a processed AS2 message file, store the MDN when we receive them from the partner, and write a final JSON file containing relevant metadata of the transmission. So, the `AccessRole` needs to provide read and write access to the parent directory of the file location used in the `StartFileTransfer` request. Additionally, you need to provide read and write access to the parent directory of the files that you intend to send with `StartFileTransfer` .", + "AccessRole": "With AS2, you can send files by calling `StartFileTransfer` and specifying the file paths in the request parameter, `SendFilePaths` . We use the file\u2019s parent directory (for example, for `--send-file-paths /bucket/dir/file.txt` , parent directory is `/bucket/dir/` ) to temporarily store a processed AS2 message file, store the MDN when we receive them from the partner, and write a final JSON file containing relevant metadata of the transmission. So, the `AccessRole` needs to provide read and write access to the parent directory of the file location used in the `StartFileTransfer` request. Additionally, you need to provide read and write access to the parent directory of the files that you intend to send with `StartFileTransfer` .\n\nIf you are using Basic authentication for your AS2 connector, the access role requires the `secretsmanager:GetSecretValue` permission for the secret. If the secret is encrypted using a customer-managed key instead of the AWS managed key in Secrets Manager, then the role also needs the `kms:Decrypt` permission for that key.", "BaseDirectory": "The landing directory (folder) for files that are transferred by using the AS2 protocol.", "Description": "The name or short description that's used to identify the agreement.", "LocalProfileId": "A unique identifier for the AS2 local profile.", @@ -64293,7 +64493,7 @@ }, "description": "Creates the connector, which captures the parameters for an outbound connection for the AS2 protocol. The connector is required for sending files to an externally hosted AS2 server. For more details about connectors, see [Create AS2 connectors](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/transfer/latest/userguide/create-b2b-server.html#configure-as2-connector) .", "properties": { - "AccessRole": "With AS2, you can send files by calling `StartFileTransfer` and specifying the file paths in the request parameter, `SendFilePaths` . We use the file\u2019s parent directory (for example, for `--send-file-paths /bucket/dir/file.txt` , parent directory is `/bucket/dir/` ) to temporarily store a processed AS2 message file, store the MDN when we receive them from the partner, and write a final JSON file containing relevant metadata of the transmission. So, the `AccessRole` needs to provide read and write access to the parent directory of the file location used in the `StartFileTransfer` request. Additionally, you need to provide read and write access to the parent directory of the files that you intend to send with `StartFileTransfer` .", + "AccessRole": "With AS2, you can send files by calling `StartFileTransfer` and specifying the file paths in the request parameter, `SendFilePaths` . We use the file\u2019s parent directory (for example, for `--send-file-paths /bucket/dir/file.txt` , parent directory is `/bucket/dir/` ) to temporarily store a processed AS2 message file, store the MDN when we receive them from the partner, and write a final JSON file containing relevant metadata of the transmission. So, the `AccessRole` needs to provide read and write access to the parent directory of the file location used in the `StartFileTransfer` request. Additionally, you need to provide read and write access to the parent directory of the files that you intend to send with `StartFileTransfer` .\n\nIf you are using Basic authentication for your AS2 connector, the access role requires the `secretsmanager:GetSecretValue` permission for the secret. If the secret is encrypted using a customer-managed key instead of the AWS managed key in Secrets Manager, then the role also needs the `kms:Decrypt` permission for that key.", "As2Config": "A structure that contains the parameters for a connector object.", "LoggingRole": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that allows a connector to turn on CloudWatch logging for Amazon S3 events. When set, you can view connector activity in your CloudWatch logs.", "Tags": "Key-value pairs that can be used to group and search for connectors.", @@ -64345,8 +64545,8 @@ "LoggingRole": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that allows a server to turn on Amazon CloudWatch logging for Amazon S3 or Amazon EFSevents. When set, you can view user activity in your CloudWatch logs.", "PostAuthenticationLoginBanner": "Specifies a string to display when users connect to a server. This string is displayed after the user authenticates.\n\n> The SFTP protocol does not support post-authentication display banners.", "PreAuthenticationLoginBanner": "Specifies a string to display when users connect to a server. This string is displayed before the user authenticates. For example, the following banner displays details about using the system:\n\n`This system is for the use of authorized users only. Individuals using this computer system without authority, or in excess of their authority, are subject to having all of their activities on this system monitored and recorded by system personnel.`", - "ProtocolDetails": "The protocol settings that are configured for your server.\n\n- To indicate passive mode (for FTP and FTPS protocols), use the `PassiveIp` parameter. Enter a single dotted-quad IPv4 address, such as the external IP address of a firewall, router, or load balancer.\n- To ignore the error that is generated when the client attempts to use the `SETSTAT` command on a file that you are uploading to an Amazon S3 bucket, use the `SetStatOption` parameter. To have the AWS Transfer Family server ignore the `SETSTAT` command and upload files without needing to make any changes to your SFTP client, set the value to `ENABLE_NO_OP` . If you set the `SetStatOption` parameter to `ENABLE_NO_OP` , Transfer Family generates a log entry to Amazon CloudWatch Logs, so that you can determine when the client is making a `SETSTAT` call.\n- To determine whether your AWS Transfer Family server resumes recent, negotiated sessions through a unique session ID, use the `TlsSessionResumptionMode` parameter.\n- `As2Transports` indicates the transport method for the AS2 messages. Currently, only HTTP is supported.", - "Protocols": "Specifies the file transfer protocol or protocols over which your file transfer protocol client can connect to your server's endpoint. The available protocols are:\n\n- `SFTP` (Secure Shell (SSH) File Transfer Protocol): File transfer over SSH\n- `FTPS` (File Transfer Protocol Secure): File transfer with TLS encryption\n- `FTP` (File Transfer Protocol): Unencrypted file transfer\n- `AS2` (Applicability Statement 2): used for transporting structured business-to-business data\n\n> - If you select `FTPS` , you must choose a certificate stored in AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) which is used to identify your server when clients connect to it over FTPS.\n> - If `Protocol` includes either `FTP` or `FTPS` , then the `EndpointType` must be `VPC` and the `IdentityProviderType` must be either `AWS_DIRECTORY_SERVICE` , `AWS_LAMBDA` , or `API_GATEWAY` .\n> - If `Protocol` includes `FTP` , then `AddressAllocationIds` cannot be associated.\n> - If `Protocol` is set only to `SFTP` , the `EndpointType` can be set to `PUBLIC` and the `IdentityProviderType` can be set any of the supported identity types: `SERVICE_MANAGED` , `AWS_DIRECTORY_SERVICE` , `AWS_LAMBDA` , or `API_GATEWAY` .\n> - If `Protocol` includes `AS2` , then the `EndpointType` must be `VPC` , and domain must be Amazon S3.", + "ProtocolDetails": "The protocol settings that are configured for your server.\n\n- To indicate passive mode (for FTP and FTPS protocols), use the `PassiveIp` parameter. Enter a single dotted-quad IPv4 address, such as the external IP address of a firewall, router, or load balancer.\n- To ignore the error that is generated when the client attempts to use the `SETSTAT` command on a file that you are uploading to an Amazon S3 bucket, use the `SetStatOption` parameter. To have the AWS Transfer Family server ignore the `SETSTAT` command and upload files without needing to make any changes to your SFTP client, set the value to `ENABLE_NO_OP` . If you set the `SetStatOption` parameter to `ENABLE_NO_OP` , Transfer Family generates a log entry to Amazon CloudWatch Logs, so that you can determine when the client is making a `SETSTAT` call.\n- To determine whether your AWS Transfer Family server resumes recent, negotiated sessions through a unique session ID, use the `TlsSessionResumptionMode` parameter.\n- `As2Transports` indicates the transport method for the AS2 messages. Currently, only HTTP is supported.\n\nThe `Protocols` parameter is an array of strings.\n\n*Allowed values* : One or more of `SFTP` , `FTPS` , `FTP` , `AS2`", + "Protocols": "Specifies the file transfer protocol or protocols over which your file transfer protocol client can connect to your server's endpoint. The available protocols are:\n\n- `SFTP` (Secure Shell (SSH) File Transfer Protocol): File transfer over SSH\n- `FTPS` (File Transfer Protocol Secure): File transfer with TLS encryption\n- `FTP` (File Transfer Protocol): Unencrypted file transfer\n- `AS2` (Applicability Statement 2): used for transporting structured business-to-business data\n\n> - If you select `FTPS` , you must choose a certificate stored in AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) which is used to identify your server when clients connect to it over FTPS.\n> - If `Protocol` includes either `FTP` or `FTPS` , then the `EndpointType` must be `VPC` and the `IdentityProviderType` must be either `AWS_DIRECTORY_SERVICE` , `AWS_LAMBDA` , or `API_GATEWAY` .\n> - If `Protocol` includes `FTP` , then `AddressAllocationIds` cannot be associated.\n> - If `Protocol` is set only to `SFTP` , the `EndpointType` can be set to `PUBLIC` and the `IdentityProviderType` can be set any of the supported identity types: `SERVICE_MANAGED` , `AWS_DIRECTORY_SERVICE` , `AWS_LAMBDA` , or `API_GATEWAY` .\n> - If `Protocol` includes `AS2` , then the `EndpointType` must be `VPC` , and domain must be Amazon S3. \n\nThe `Protocols` parameter is an array of strings.\n\n*Allowed values* : One or more of `SFTP` , `FTPS` , `FTP` , `AS2`", "SecurityPolicyName": "Specifies the name of the security policy that is attached to the server.", "StructuredLogDestinations": "Specifies the log groups to which your server logs are sent.\n\nTo specify a log group, you must provide the ARN for an existing log group. In this case, the format of the log group is as follows:\n\n`arn:aws:logs:region-name:amazon-account-id:log-group:log-group-name:*`\n\nFor example, `arn:aws:logs:us-east-1:111122223333:log-group:mytestgroup:*`\n\nIf you have previously specified a log group for a server, you can clear it, and in effect turn off structured logging, by providing an empty value for this parameter in an `update-server` call. For example:\n\n`update-server --server-id s-1234567890abcdef0 --structured-log-destinations`", "Tags": "Key-value pairs that can be used to group and search for servers.", @@ -64355,7 +64555,7 @@ }, "AWS::Transfer::Server.As2Transport": { "attributes": {}, - "description": "Indicates the transport method for the AS2 messages. Currently, only HTTP is supported.", + "description": "Indicates the transport method for the AS2 messages. Currently, only HTTP is supported.\n\nThe `As2Transports` parameter is an array of `As2Transport` strings.\n\n*Required* : No\n\n*Type* : String\n\n*Allowed values* : `HTTP`\n\nUpdate requires: [No interruption](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/using-cfn-updating-stacks-update-behaviors.html#update-no-interrupt)", "properties": {} }, "AWS::Transfer::Server.EndpointDetails": { @@ -64382,7 +64582,7 @@ }, "AWS::Transfer::Server.Protocol": { "attributes": {}, - "description": "Specifies the file transfer protocol or protocols over which your file transfer protocol client can connect to your server's endpoint. The available protocols are:\n\n- `SFTP` (Secure Shell (SSH) File Transfer Protocol): File transfer over SSH\n- `FTPS` (File Transfer Protocol Secure): File transfer with TLS encryption\n- `FTP` (File Transfer Protocol): Unencrypted file transfer\n- `AS2` (Applicability Statement 2): used for transporting structured business-to-business data\n\n> - If you select `FTPS` , you must choose a certificate stored in AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) which is used to identify your server when clients connect to it over FTPS.\n> - If `Protocol` includes either `FTP` or `FTPS` , then the `EndpointType` must be `VPC` and the `IdentityProviderType` must be either `AWS_DIRECTORY_SERVICE` , `AWS_LAMBDA` , or `API_GATEWAY` .\n> - If `Protocol` includes `FTP` , then `AddressAllocationIds` cannot be associated.\n> - If `Protocol` is set only to `SFTP` , the `EndpointType` can be set to `PUBLIC` and the `IdentityProviderType` can be set any of the supported identity types: `SERVICE_MANAGED` , `AWS_DIRECTORY_SERVICE` , `AWS_LAMBDA` , or `API_GATEWAY` .\n> - If `Protocol` includes `AS2` , then the `EndpointType` must be `VPC` , and domain must be Amazon S3.", + "description": "Specifies the file transfer protocol or protocols over which your file transfer protocol client can connect to your server's endpoint. The available protocols are:\n\n- `SFTP` (Secure Shell (SSH) File Transfer Protocol): File transfer over SSH\n- `FTPS` (File Transfer Protocol Secure): File transfer with TLS encryption\n- `FTP` (File Transfer Protocol): Unencrypted file transfer\n- `AS2` (Applicability Statement 2): used for transporting structured business-to-business data\n\n> - If you select `FTPS` , you must choose a certificate stored in AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) which is used to identify your server when clients connect to it over FTPS.\n> - If `Protocol` includes either `FTP` or `FTPS` , then the `EndpointType` must be `VPC` and the `IdentityProviderType` must be either `AWS_DIRECTORY_SERVICE` , `AWS_LAMBDA` , or `API_GATEWAY` .\n> - If `Protocol` includes `FTP` , then `AddressAllocationIds` cannot be associated.\n> - If `Protocol` is set only to `SFTP` , the `EndpointType` can be set to `PUBLIC` and the `IdentityProviderType` can be set any of the supported identity types: `SERVICE_MANAGED` , `AWS_DIRECTORY_SERVICE` , `AWS_LAMBDA` , or `API_GATEWAY` .\n> - If `Protocol` includes `AS2` , then the `EndpointType` must be `VPC` , and domain must be Amazon S3. \n\nThe `Protocols` parameter is an array of `Protocol` strings.\n\n*Required* : No\n\n*Type* : String\n\n*Allowed values* : One or more of `SFTP` , `FTPS` , `FTP` , `AS2`\n\nUpdate requires: [No interruption](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/using-cfn-updating-stacks-update-behaviors.html#update-no-interrupt)", "properties": {} }, "AWS::Transfer::Server.ProtocolDetails": { @@ -64397,7 +64597,7 @@ }, "AWS::Transfer::Server.StructuredLogDestination": { "attributes": {}, - "description": "", + "description": "Specifies a log group to which your server logs are sent.", "properties": {} }, "AWS::Transfer::Server.WorkflowDetail": { @@ -64571,6 +64771,131 @@ "Type": "Currently, the following step types are supported.\n\n- *`COPY`* - Copy the file to another location.\n- *`CUSTOM`* - Perform a custom step with an AWS Lambda function target.\n- *`DECRYPT`* - Decrypt a file that was encrypted before it was uploaded.\n- *`DELETE`* - Delete the file.\n- *`TAG`* - Add a tag to the file." } }, + "AWS::VerifiedPermissions::IdentitySource": { + "attributes": { + "Details": "A structure that contains information about the configuration of the identity source.", + "Details.ClientIds": "The application client IDs associated with the specified Amazon Cognito user pool that are enabled for this identity source.", + "Details.DiscoveryUrl": "The well-known URL that points to this user pool's OIDC discovery endpoint. This is a URL string in the following format. This URL replaces the placeholders for both the AWS Region and the user pool identifier with those appropriate for this user pool.\n\n`https://cognito-idp..amazonaws.com//.well-known/openid-configuration`", + "Details.OpenIdIssuer": "A string that identifies the type of OIDC service represented by this identity source. At this time, the only valid value is `cognito` .", + "Details.UserPoolArn": "The [Amazon Resource Name (ARN)](https://docs.aws.amazon.com//general/latest/gr/aws-arns-and-namespaces.html) of the Amazon Cognito user pool whose identities are accessible to this Verified Permissions policy store.", + "IdentitySourceId": "The unique ID of the new or updated identity store.", + "Ref": "`Ref` returns the unique id of the new identity source. For example:\n\n`{ \"Ref\": \"ISEXAMPLEabcdefg111111\" }`" + }, + "description": "Creates or updates a reference to Amazon Cognito as an external identity provider.\n\nIf you are creating a new identity source, then you must specify a `Configuration` . If you are updating an existing identity source, then you must specify an `UpdateConfiguration` .\n\nAfter you create an identity source, you can use the identities provided by the IdP as proxies for the principal in authorization queries that use the [IsAuthorizedWithToken](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/verifiedpermissions/latest/apireference/API_IsAuthorizedWithToken.html) operation. These identities take the form of tokens that contain claims about the user, such as IDs, attributes and group memberships. Amazon Cognito provides both identity tokens and access tokens, and Verified Permissions can use either or both. Any combination of identity and access tokens results in the same Cedar principal. Verified Permissions automatically translates the information about the identities into the standard Cedar attributes that can be evaluated by your policies. Because the Amazon Cognito identity and access tokens can contain different information, the tokens you choose to use determine the attributes that are available to access in the Cedar principal from your policies.\n\nAmazon Cognito Identity is not available in all of the same AWS Regions as Amazon Verified Permissions . Because of this, the `AWS::VerifiedPermissions::IdentitySource` type is not available to create from AWS CloudFormation in Regions where Amazon Cognito Identity is not currently available. Users can still create `AWS::VerifiedPermissions::IdentitySource` in those Regions, but only from the AWS CLI , Amazon Verified Permissions SDK, or from the AWS console.\n\n> To reference a user from this identity source in your Cedar policies, use the following syntax.\n> \n> *IdentityType::\"|*\n> \n> Where `IdentityType` is the string that you provide to the `PrincipalEntityType` parameter for this operation. The `CognitoUserPoolId` and `CognitoClientId` are defined by the Amazon Cognito user pool.", + "properties": { + "Configuration": "Contains configuration information used when creating or updating an identity source.\n\n> At this time, the only valid member of this structure is a Amazon Cognito user pool configuration.\n> \n> You must specify a `userPoolArn` , and optionally, a `ClientId` .", + "PolicyStoreId": "Specifies the ID of the policy store in which you want to store this identity source. Only policies and requests made using this policy store can reference identities from the identity provider configured in the new identity source.", + "PrincipalEntityType": "Specifies the namespace and data type of the principals generated for identities authenticated by the new identity source." + } + }, + "AWS::VerifiedPermissions::IdentitySource.CognitoUserPoolConfiguration": { + "attributes": {}, + "description": "A structure that contains configuration information used when creating or updating an identity source that represents a connection to an Amazon Cognito user pool used as an identity provider for Verified Permissions .", + "properties": { + "ClientIds": "The unique application client IDs that are associated with the specified Amazon Cognito user pool.\n\nExample: `\"ClientIds\": [\"&ExampleCogClientId;\"]`", + "UserPoolArn": "The [Amazon Resource Name (ARN)](https://docs.aws.amazon.com//general/latest/gr/aws-arns-and-namespaces.html) of the Amazon Cognito user pool that contains the identities to be authorized." + } + }, + "AWS::VerifiedPermissions::IdentitySource.IdentitySourceConfiguration": { + "attributes": {}, + "description": "A structure that contains configuration information used when creating or updating a new identity source.\n\n> At this time, the only valid member of this structure is a Amazon Cognito user pool configuration.\n> \n> You must specify a `userPoolArn` , and optionally, a `ClientId` .", + "properties": { + "CognitoUserPoolConfiguration": "A structure that contains configuration information used when creating or updating an identity source that represents a connection to an Amazon Cognito user pool used as an identity provider for Verified Permissions ." + } + }, + "AWS::VerifiedPermissions::IdentitySource.IdentitySourceDetails": { + "attributes": {}, + "description": "A structure that contains configuration of the identity source.", + "properties": { + "ClientIds": "The application client IDs associated with the specified Amazon Cognito user pool that are enabled for this identity source.", + "DiscoveryUrl": "The well-known URL that points to this user pool's OIDC discovery endpoint. This is a URL string in the following format. This URL replaces the placeholders for both the AWS Region and the user pool identifier with those appropriate for this user pool.\n\n`https://cognito-idp. ** .amazonaws.com/ ** /.well-known/openid-configuration`", + "OpenIdIssuer": "A string that identifies the type of OIDC service represented by this identity source.\n\nAt this time, the only valid value is `cognito` .", + "UserPoolArn": "The [Amazon Resource Name (ARN)](https://docs.aws.amazon.com//general/latest/gr/aws-arns-and-namespaces.html) of the Amazon Cognito user pool whose identities are accessible to this Verified Permissions policy store." + } + }, + "AWS::VerifiedPermissions::Policy": { + "attributes": { + "PolicyId": "The unique ID of the new or updated policy.", + "PolicyType": "The type of the policy. This is one of the following values:\n\n- Static\n- TemplateLinked", + "Ref": "`Ref` returns the unique id of the new or updated policy. For example:\n\n`{ \"Ref\": \"SPEXAMPLEabcdefg111111\" }`" + }, + "description": "Creates or updates a Cedar policy and saves it in the specified policy store. You can create either a static policy or a policy linked to a policy template.\n\nYou can directly update only static policies. To update a template-linked policy, you must update it's linked policy template instead.\n\n- To create a static policy, in the `Definition` include a `Static` element that includes the Cedar policy text in the `Statement` element.\n- To create a policy that is dynamically linked to a policy template, in the `Definition` include a `Templatelinked` element that specifies the policy template ID and the principal and resource to associate with this policy. If the policy template is ever updated, any policies linked to the policy template automatically use the updated template.\n\n> If the policy store has validation enabled, then creating a policy causes it to be validated against the schema in the policy store. If the policy doesn't pass validation, the operation fails and the policy isn't stored.", + "properties": { + "Definition": "Specifies the policy type and content to use for the new or updated policy. The definition structure must include either a `Static` or a `TemplateLinked` element.", + "PolicyStoreId": "Specifies the `PolicyStoreId` of the policy store you want to store the policy in." + } + }, + "AWS::VerifiedPermissions::Policy.EntityIdentifier": { + "attributes": {}, + "description": "Contains the identifier of an entity in a policy, including its ID and type.", + "properties": { + "EntityId": "The identifier of an entity.\n\n`\"entityId\":\" *identifier* \"`", + "EntityType": "The type of an entity.\n\nExample: `\"entityType\":\" *typeName* \"`" + } + }, + "AWS::VerifiedPermissions::Policy.PolicyDefinition": { + "attributes": {}, + "description": "A structure that defines a Cedar policy. It includes the policy type, a description, and a policy body. This is a top level data type used to create a policy.\n\nThis data type is used as a request parameter for the [CreatePolicy](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/verifiedpermissions/latest/apireference/API_CreatePolicy.html) operation. This structure must always have either an `Static` or a `TemplateLinked` element.", + "properties": { + "Static": "A structure that describes a static policy. An static policy doesn't use a template or allow placeholders for entities.", + "TemplateLinked": "A structure that describes a policy that was instantiated from a template. The template can specify placeholders for `principal` and `resource` . When you use [CreatePolicy](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/verifiedpermissions/latest/apireference/API_CreatePolicy.html) to create a policy from a template, you specify the exact principal and resource to use for the instantiated policy." + } + }, + "AWS::VerifiedPermissions::Policy.StaticPolicyDefinition": { + "attributes": {}, + "description": "A structure that defines a static policy.", + "properties": { + "Description": "The description of the static policy.", + "Statement": "The policy content of the static policy, written in the Cedar policy language." + } + }, + "AWS::VerifiedPermissions::Policy.TemplateLinkedPolicyDefinition": { + "attributes": {}, + "description": "A structure that describes a policy created by instantiating a policy template.\n\n> You can't directly update a template-linked policy. You must update the associated policy template instead.", + "properties": { + "PolicyTemplateId": "The unique identifier of the policy template used to create this policy.", + "Principal": "The principal associated with this template-linked policy. Verified Permissions substitutes this principal for the `?principal` placeholder in the policy template when it evaluates an authorization request.", + "Resource": "The resource associated with this template-linked policy. Verified Permissions substitutes this resource for the `?resource` placeholder in the policy template when it evaluates an authorization request." + } + }, + "AWS::VerifiedPermissions::PolicyStore": { + "attributes": { + "Arn": "The [Amazon Resource Name (ARN)](https://docs.aws.amazon.com//general/latest/gr/aws-arns-and-namespaces.html) of the new or updated policy store.", + "PolicyStoreId": "The unique ID of the new or updated policy store.", + "Ref": "`Ref` returns the unique id of the new or updated policy store. For example:\n\n`{ \"Ref\": \"PSEXAMPLEabcdefg111111\" }`" + }, + "description": "Creates a policy store. A policy store is a container for policy resources. You can create a separate policy store for each of your applications.", + "properties": { + "Schema": "Creates or updates the policy schema in a policy store. Cedar can use the schema to validate any Cedar policies and policy templates submitted to the policy store. Any changes to the schema validate only policies and templates submitted after the schema change. Existing policies and templates are not re-evaluated against the changed schema. If you later update a policy, then it is evaluated against the new schema at that time.", + "ValidationSettings": "Specifies the validation setting for this policy store.\n\nCurrently, the only valid and required value is `Mode` .\n\n> We recommend that you turn on `STRICT` mode only after you define a schema. If a schema doesn't exist, then `STRICT` mode causes any policy to fail validation, and Verified Permissions rejects the policy. You can turn off validation by using the [UpdatePolicyStore](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/verifiedpermissions/latest/apireference/API_UpdatePolicyStore) . Then, when you have a schema defined, use [UpdatePolicyStore](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/verifiedpermissions/latest/apireference/API_UpdatePolicyStore) again to turn validation back on." + } + }, + "AWS::VerifiedPermissions::PolicyStore.SchemaDefinition": { + "attributes": {}, + "description": "Contains a list of principal types, resource types, and actions that can be specified in policies stored in the same policy store. If the validation mode for the policy store is set to `STRICT` , then policies that can't be validated by this schema are rejected by Verified Permissions and can't be stored in the policy store.", + "properties": { + "CedarJson": "A JSON string representation of the schema supported by applications that use this policy store. For more information, see [Policy store schema](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/verifiedpermissions/latest/userguide/schema.html) in the *Amazon Verified Permissions User Guide* ." + } + }, + "AWS::VerifiedPermissions::PolicyStore.ValidationSettings": { + "attributes": {}, + "description": "A structure that contains Cedar policy validation settings for the policy store. The validation mode determines which validation failures that Cedar considers serious enough to block acceptance of a new or edited static policy or policy template.", + "properties": { + "Mode": "The validation mode currently configured for this policy store. The valid values are:\n\n- *OFF* \u2013 Neither Verified Permissions nor Cedar perform any validation on policies. No validation errors are reported by either service.\n- *STRICT* \u2013 Requires a schema to be present in the policy store. Cedar performs validation on all submitted new or updated static policies and policy templates. Any that fail validation are rejected and Cedar doesn't store them in the policy store.\n\n> If `Mode=STRICT` and the policy store doesn't contain a schema, Verified Permissions rejects all static policies and policy templates because there is no schema to validate against.\n> \n> To submit a static policy or policy template without a schema, you must turn off validation." + } + }, + "AWS::VerifiedPermissions::PolicyTemplate": { + "attributes": { + "PolicyTemplateId": "The unique identifier of the new or modified policy template.", + "Ref": "`Ref` returns the unique id of the new or updated policy template. For example:\n\n`{ \"Ref\": \"PTEXAMPLEabcdefg111111\" }`" + }, + "description": "Creates a policy template. A template can use placeholders for the principal and resource. A template must be instantiated into a policy by associating it with specific principals and resources to use for the placeholders. That instantiated policy can then be considered in authorization decisions. The instantiated policy works identically to any other policy, except that it is dynamically linked to the template. If the template changes, then any policies that are linked to that template are immediately updated as well.", + "properties": { + "Description": "The description to attach to the new or updated policy template.", + "PolicyStoreId": "The unique identifier of the policy store that contains the template.", + "Statement": "Specifies the content that you want to use for the new policy template, written in the Cedar policy language." + } + }, "AWS::VoiceID::Domain": { "attributes": { "DomainId": "The identifier of the domain.", @@ -65868,6 +66193,7 @@ }, "description": "> This is the latest version of *AWS WAF* , named AWS WAF V2, released in November, 2019. For information, including how to migrate your AWS WAF resources from the prior release, see the [AWS WAF Developer Guide](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/waf/latest/developerguide/waf-chapter.html) . \n\nUse an `WebACL` to define a collection of rules to use to inspect and control web requests. Each rule has an action defined (allow, block, or count) for requests that match the statement of the rule. In the web ACL, you specify a default action to take (allow, block) for any request that doesn't match any of the rules. The rules in a web ACL can contain rule statements that you define explicitly and rule statements that reference rule groups and managed rule groups. You can associate a web ACL with one or more AWS resources to protect. The resources can be an Amazon CloudFront distribution, an Amazon API Gateway REST API, an Application Load Balancer , an AWS AppSync GraphQL API , an Amazon Cognito user pool, an AWS App Runner service, or an AWS Verified Access instance.", "properties": { + "AssociationConfig": "Specifies custom configurations for the associations between the web ACL and protected resources.\n\nUse this to customize the maximum size of the request body that your protected CloudFront distributions forward to AWS WAF for inspection. The default is 16 KB (16,384 kilobytes).\n\n> You are charged additional fees when your protected resources forward body sizes that are larger than the default. For more information, see [AWS WAF Pricing](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/waf/pricing/) .", "CaptchaConfig": "Specifies how AWS WAF should handle `CAPTCHA` evaluations for rules that don't have their own `CaptchaConfig` settings. If you don't specify this, AWS WAF uses its default settings for `CaptchaConfig` .", "ChallengeConfig": "Specifies how AWS WAF should handle challenge evaluations for rules that don't have their own `ChallengeConfig` settings. If you don't specify this, AWS WAF uses its default settings for `ChallengeConfig` .", "CustomResponseBodies": "A map of custom response keys and content bodies. When you create a rule with a block action, you can send a custom response to the web request. You define these for the web ACL, and then use them in the rules and default actions that you define in the web ACL.\n\nFor information about customizing web requests and responses, see [Customizing web requests and responses in AWS WAF](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/waf/latest/developerguide/waf-custom-request-response.html) in the *AWS WAF Developer Guide* .\n\nFor information about the limits on count and size for custom request and response settings, see [AWS WAF quotas](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/waf/latest/developerguide/limits.html) in the *AWS WAF Developer Guide* .", @@ -65911,6 +66237,13 @@ "Statements": "The statements to combine with AND logic. You can use any statements that can be nested." } }, + "AWS::WAFv2::WebACL.AssociationConfig": { + "attributes": {}, + "description": "Specifies custom configurations for the associations between the web ACL and protected resources.\n\nUse this to customize the maximum size of the request body that your protected CloudFront distributions forward to AWS WAF for inspection. The default is 16 KB (16,384 kilobytes).\n\n> You are charged additional fees when your protected resources forward body sizes that are larger than the default. For more information, see [AWS WAF Pricing](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/waf/pricing/) .", + "properties": { + "RequestBody": "Customizes the maximum size of the request body that your protected CloudFront distributions forward to AWS WAF for inspection. The default size is 16 KB (16,384 kilobytes).\n\n> You are charged additional fees when your protected resources forward body sizes that are larger than the default. For more information, see [AWS WAF Pricing](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/waf/pricing/) ." + } + }, "AWS::WAFv2::WebACL.BlockAction": { "attributes": {}, "description": "Specifies that AWS WAF should block the request and optionally defines additional custom handling for the response to the web request.\n\nThis is used in the context of other settings, for example to specify values for a rule action or a web ACL default action.", @@ -66225,6 +66558,13 @@ "TextTransformations": "Text transformations eliminate some of the unusual formatting that attackers use in web requests in an effort to bypass detection. If you specify one or more transformations in a rule statement, AWS WAF performs all transformations on the content of the request component identified by `FieldToMatch` , starting from the lowest priority setting, before inspecting the content for a match." } }, + "AWS::WAFv2::WebACL.RequestBodyAssociatedResourceTypeConfig": { + "attributes": {}, + "description": "Customizes the maximum size of the request body that your protected CloudFront distributions forward to AWS WAF for inspection. The default size is 16 KB (16,384 kilobytes).\n\n> You are charged additional fees when your protected resources forward body sizes that are larger than the default. For more information, see [AWS WAF Pricing](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/waf/pricing/) . \n\nThis is used in the `AssociationConfig` of the web ACL.", + "properties": { + "DefaultSizeInspectionLimit": "Specifies the maximum size of the web request body component that an associated CloudFront distribution should send to AWS WAF for inspection. This applies to statements in the web ACL that inspect the body or JSON body.\n\nDefault: `16 KB (16,384 kilobytes)`" + } + }, "AWS::WAFv2::WebACL.RequestInspection": { "attributes": {}, "description": "The criteria for inspecting login requests, used by the ATP rule group to validate credentials usage.\n\nThis is part of the `AWSManagedRulesATPRuleSet` configuration in `ManagedRuleGroupConfig` .\n\nIn these settings, you specify how your application accepts login attempts by providing the request payload type and the names of the fields within the request body where the username and password are provided.", @@ -66406,7 +66746,7 @@ }, "description": "> This is the latest version of *AWS WAF* , named AWS WAF V2, released in November, 2019. For information, including how to migrate your AWS WAF resources from the prior release, see the [AWS WAF Developer Guide](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/waf/latest/developerguide/waf-chapter.html) . \n\nUse a web ACL association to define an association between a web ACL and a regional application resource, to protect the resource. A regional application can be an Application Load Balancer (ALB), an Amazon API Gateway REST API, an AWS AppSync GraphQL API, an Amazon Cognito user pool, an AWS App Runner service, or an AWS Verified Access instance.\n\nFor Amazon CloudFront , don't use this resource. Instead, use your CloudFront distribution configuration. To associate a web ACL with a distribution, provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the `WebACL` to your CloudFront distribution configuration. To disassociate a web ACL, provide an empty ARN. For information, see [AWS::CloudFront::Distribution](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudfront-distribution.html) .\n\nWhen you create a web ACL or make changes to a web ACL or web ACL components, like rules and rule groups, AWS WAF propagates the changes everywhere that the web ACL and its components are stored and used. Your changes are applied within seconds, but there might be a brief period of inconsistency when the changes have arrived in some places and not in others. So, for example, if you change a rule action setting, the action might be the old action in one area and the new action in another area. Or if you add an IP address to an IP set used in a blocking rule, the new address might briefly be blocked in one area while still allowed in another. This temporary inconsistency can occur when you first associate a web ACL with an AWS resource and when you change a web ACL that is already associated with a resource. Generally, any inconsistencies of this type last only a few seconds.", "properties": { - "ResourceArn": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource to associate with the web ACL.\n\nThe ARN must be in one of the following formats:\n\n- For an Application Load Balancer: `arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing: *region* : *account-id* :loadbalancer/app/ *load-balancer-name* / *load-balancer-id*`\n- For an Amazon API Gateway REST API: `arn:aws:apigateway: *region* ::/restapis/ *api-id* /stages/ *stage-name*`\n- For an AWS AppSync GraphQL API: `arn:aws:appsync: *region* : *account-id* :apis/ *GraphQLApiId*`\n- For an Amazon Cognito user pool: `arn:aws:cognito-idp: *region* : *account-id* :userpool/ *user-pool-id*`\n- For an AWS App Runner service: `arn:aws:apprunner: *region* : *account-id* :service/ *apprunner-service-name* / *apprunner-service-id*`\n- For an AWS Verified Access instance: `arn: *partition* :ec2: *region* : *account-id* :verified-access-instance/ *instance-id*`", + "ResourceArn": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource to associate with the web ACL.\n\nThe ARN must be in one of the following formats:\n\n- For an Application Load Balancer: `arn: *partition* :elasticloadbalancing: *region* : *account-id* :loadbalancer/app/ *load-balancer-name* / *load-balancer-id*`\n- For an Amazon API Gateway REST API: `arn: *partition* :apigateway: *region* ::/restapis/ *api-id* /stages/ *stage-name*`\n- For an AWS AppSync GraphQL API: `arn: *partition* :appsync: *region* : *account-id* :apis/ *GraphQLApiId*`\n- For an Amazon Cognito user pool: `arn: *partition* :cognito-idp: *region* : *account-id* :userpool/ *user-pool-id*`\n- For an AWS App Runner service: `arn: *partition* :apprunner: *region* : *account-id* :service/ *apprunner-service-name* / *apprunner-service-id*`\n- For an AWS Verified Access instance: `arn: *partition* :ec2: *region* : *account-id* :verified-access-instance/ *instance-id*`", "WebACLArn": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the web ACL that you want to associate with the resource." } }, diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/spec-source/specification/000_cfn/000_official/000_AWS_ACMPCA.json b/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/spec-source/specification/000_cfn/000_official/000_AWS_ACMPCA.json index ea666eeae9dd9..df340acdb01c4 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/spec-source/specification/000_cfn/000_official/000_AWS_ACMPCA.json +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/spec-source/specification/000_cfn/000_official/000_AWS_ACMPCA.json @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ { - "$version": "128.1.0", + "$version": "129.0.0", "PropertyTypes": { "AWS::ACMPCA::Certificate.ApiPassthrough": { "Documentation": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-acmpca-certificate-apipassthrough.html", diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/spec-source/specification/000_cfn/000_official/000_AWS_APS.json b/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/spec-source/specification/000_cfn/000_official/000_AWS_APS.json index c17cb17dd08d9..d96b0ad876785 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/spec-source/specification/000_cfn/000_official/000_AWS_APS.json +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/spec-source/specification/000_cfn/000_official/000_AWS_APS.json @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ { - "$version": "128.1.0", + "$version": "129.0.0", "PropertyTypes": { "AWS::APS::Workspace.LoggingConfiguration": { "Documentation": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-aps-workspace-loggingconfiguration.html", diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/spec-source/specification/000_cfn/000_official/000_AWS_AccessAnalyzer.json b/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/spec-source/specification/000_cfn/000_official/000_AWS_AccessAnalyzer.json index 8948d10761336..580fe39c1e909 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/spec-source/specification/000_cfn/000_official/000_AWS_AccessAnalyzer.json +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/spec-source/specification/000_cfn/000_official/000_AWS_AccessAnalyzer.json @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ { - "$version": "128.1.0", + "$version": "129.0.0", "PropertyTypes": { "AWS::AccessAnalyzer::Analyzer.ArchiveRule": { "Documentation": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-accessanalyzer-analyzer-archiverule.html", diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/spec-source/specification/000_cfn/000_official/000_AWS_AmazonMQ.json b/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/spec-source/specification/000_cfn/000_official/000_AWS_AmazonMQ.json index 27bc6d0c20e11..4b5daff1d1be7 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/spec-source/specification/000_cfn/000_official/000_AWS_AmazonMQ.json +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/spec-source/specification/000_cfn/000_official/000_AWS_AmazonMQ.json @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ { - "$version": "128.1.0", + "$version": "129.0.0", "PropertyTypes": { "AWS::AmazonMQ::Broker.ConfigurationId": { "Documentation": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-amazonmq-broker-configurationid.html", diff --git 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"128.1.0", + "$version": "129.0.0", "PropertyTypes": { "AWS::ApiGateway::ApiKey.StageKey": { "Documentation": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-apigateway-apikey-stagekey.html", diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/spec-source/specification/000_cfn/000_official/000_AWS_ApiGatewayV2.json b/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/spec-source/specification/000_cfn/000_official/000_AWS_ApiGatewayV2.json index e11376e81980d..2dc775a474b47 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/spec-source/specification/000_cfn/000_official/000_AWS_ApiGatewayV2.json +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/spec-source/specification/000_cfn/000_official/000_AWS_ApiGatewayV2.json @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ { - "$version": "128.1.0", + "$version": "129.0.0", "PropertyTypes": { "AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Api.BodyS3Location": { "Documentation": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-apigatewayv2-api-bodys3location.html", diff --git 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"http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ask-skill-authenticationconfiguration.html", diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/spec-source/specification/000_cfn/000_official/000_Tag.json b/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/spec-source/specification/000_cfn/000_official/000_Tag.json index e2943bf40e8d8..bf95440fba04b 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/spec-source/specification/000_cfn/000_official/000_Tag.json +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/spec-source/specification/000_cfn/000_official/000_Tag.json @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ { - "$version": "128.1.0", + "$version": "129.0.0", "PropertyTypes": { "Tag": { "Documentation": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-resource-tags.html", diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/spec-source/specification/000_cfn/000_official/001_Version.json b/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/spec-source/specification/000_cfn/000_official/001_Version.json index 2ec02174823b9..be94aceb6abe5 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/spec-source/specification/000_cfn/000_official/001_Version.json +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/spec-source/specification/000_cfn/000_official/001_Version.json @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ { - "ResourceSpecificationVersion": "128.1.0" + "ResourceSpecificationVersion": "129.0.0" } diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/spec-source/specification/000_cfn/599_DeletedPropertyTypes.json b/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/spec-source/specification/000_cfn/599_DeletedPropertyTypes.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..f6e46afe43c4a --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/spec-source/specification/000_cfn/599_DeletedPropertyTypes.json @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +{ + "DeletedPropertyTypes": {} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/spec-source/specification/000_cfn/600_Renames_20230630_patch.json b/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/spec-source/specification/000_cfn/600_Renames_20230630_patch.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..aac5f122c16cb --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/spec-source/specification/000_cfn/600_Renames_20230630_patch.json @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +{ + "patch": { + "description": "Undoing upstream property type renames introduced in 129.0.0", + "operations": [ + { + "op": "add", + "path": "/DeletedPropertyTypes/AWS::LakeFormation::DataLakeSettings.Permissions", + "value": true + }, + { + "op": "add", + "path": "/DeletedPropertyTypes/AWS::QuickSight::Analysis.ColorsConfiguration", + "value": true + }, + { + "op": "add", + "path": "/DeletedPropertyTypes/AWS::QuickSight::Analysis.CustomColor", + "value": true + }, + { + "op": "add", + "path": "/DeletedPropertyTypes/AWS::QuickSight::Dashboard.ColorsConfiguration", + "value": true + }, + { + "op": "add", + "path": "/DeletedPropertyTypes/AWS::QuickSight::Dashboard.CustomColor", + "value": true + }, + { + "op": "add", + "path": "/DeletedPropertyTypes/AWS::QuickSight::Template.ColorsConfiguration", + "value": true + }, + { + "op": "add", + "path": "/DeletedPropertyTypes/AWS::QuickSight::Template.CustomColor", + "value": true + }, + { + "op": "add", + "path": "/DeletedPropertyTypes/AWS::SageMaker::ModelPackage.UserContext", + "value": true + } + ] + } +} diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/spec-source/specification/001_cfn_us-west-2/000_official/000_AWS_DeviceFarm.json b/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/spec-source/specification/001_cfn_us-west-2/000_official/000_AWS_DeviceFarm.json index c7cc4d5e4f82a..864a48fd713e3 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/spec-source/specification/001_cfn_us-west-2/000_official/000_AWS_DeviceFarm.json +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/spec-source/specification/001_cfn_us-west-2/000_official/000_AWS_DeviceFarm.json @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ { - "$version": "128.1.0", + "$version": "129.0.0", "PropertyTypes": { "AWS::DeviceFarm::DevicePool.Rule": { "Documentation": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-devicefarm-devicepool-rule.html", diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/spec-source/specification/001_cfn_us-west-2/000_official/001_Version.json b/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/spec-source/specification/001_cfn_us-west-2/000_official/001_Version.json index 2ec02174823b9..be94aceb6abe5 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/spec-source/specification/001_cfn_us-west-2/000_official/001_Version.json +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec/spec-source/specification/001_cfn_us-west-2/000_official/001_Version.json @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ { - "ResourceSpecificationVersion": "128.1.0" + "ResourceSpecificationVersion": "129.0.0" } diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/cli-lib-alpha/README.md b/packages/@aws-cdk/cli-lib-alpha/README.md index 186637d6e0b09..d58bc2aeeddc0 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/cli-lib-alpha/README.md +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/cli-lib-alpha/README.md @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Currently the package includes implementations for: - `cdk deploy` - `cdk synth` +- `cdk bootstrap` - `cdk destroy` - `cdk list` @@ -95,6 +96,13 @@ cli.synth({ }); ``` +### bootstrap + +```ts +// await this asynchronous method call using a language feature +cli.bootstrap(); +``` + ### deploy ```ts diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/cli-lib-alpha/lib/cli.ts b/packages/@aws-cdk/cli-lib-alpha/lib/cli.ts index f48fe351a0c4d..cde003aa42eed 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/cli-lib-alpha/lib/cli.ts +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/cli-lib-alpha/lib/cli.ts @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import { exec as runCli } from 'aws-cdk/lib'; // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies import { createAssembly, prepareContext, prepareDefaultEnvironment } from 'aws-cdk/lib/api/cxapp/exec'; -import { SharedOptions, DeployOptions, DestroyOptions, SynthOptions, ListOptions, StackActivityProgress } from './commands'; +import { SharedOptions, DeployOptions, DestroyOptions, BootstrapOptions, SynthOptions, ListOptions, StackActivityProgress } from './commands'; /** * AWS CDK CLI operations @@ -18,6 +18,11 @@ export interface IAwsCdkCli { */ synth(options?: SynthOptions): Promise; + /** + * cdk bootstrap + */ + bootstrap(options?: BootstrapOptions): Promise; + /** * cdk deploy */ @@ -163,6 +168,34 @@ export class AwsCdkCli implements IAwsCdkCli { await this.exec(['synth', ...synthCommandArgs]); } + /** + * cdk bootstrap + */ + public async bootstrap(options: BootstrapOptions = {}) { + const bootstrapCommandArgs: string[] = [ + ...renderBooleanArg('force', options.force), + ...renderBooleanArg('show-template', options.showTemplate), + ...renderBooleanArg('terminationProtection', options.terminationProtection), + ...renderBooleanArg('example-permissions-boundary', options.examplePermissionsBoundary), + ...renderBooleanArg('terminationProtection', options.usePreviousParameters), + ...renderBooleanArg('execute', options.execute), + ...options.toolkitStackName ? ['--toolkit-stack-name', options.toolkitStackName] : [], + ...options.bootstrapBucketName ? ['--bootstrap-bucket-name', options.bootstrapBucketName] : [], + ...options.cfnExecutionPolicy ? ['--cloudformation-execution-policies', options.cfnExecutionPolicy] : [], + ...options.template ? ['--template', options.template] : [], + ...options.customPermissionsBoundary ? ['--custom-permissions-boundary', options.customPermissionsBoundary] : [], + ...options.qualifier ? ['--qualifier', options.qualifier] : [], + ...options.trust ? ['--qualifier', options.trust] : [], + ...options.trustForLookup ? ['--qualifier', options.trustForLookup] : [], + ...options.bootstrapKmsKeyId ? ['--bootstrap-kms-key-id', options.bootstrapKmsKeyId] : [], + ...options.bootstrapCustomerKey ? ['--bootstrap-customer-key', options.bootstrapCustomerKey] : [], + ...options.publicAccessBlockConfiguration ? ['--public-access-block-configuration', options.publicAccessBlockConfiguration] : [], + ...this.createDefaultArguments(options), + ]; + + await this.exec(['bootstrap', ...bootstrapCommandArgs]); + } + /** * cdk deploy */ diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/cli-lib-alpha/lib/commands/bootstrap.ts b/packages/@aws-cdk/cli-lib-alpha/lib/commands/bootstrap.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..1dffabfdfb945 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/cli-lib-alpha/lib/commands/bootstrap.ts @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +import { SharedOptions } from './common'; + +/** + * Options to use with cdk bootstrap + */ +export interface BootstrapOptions extends SharedOptions { + + /** + * The name of the CDK toolkit stack to create + */ + readonly toolkitStackName?: string; + + /** + * The name of the CDK toolkit bucket; bucket will be created and + * must not exist + * @default - auto-generated CloudFormation name + */ + readonly bootstrapBucketName?: string; + + /** + * Always bootstrap even if it would downgrade template version + * @default false + */ + readonly force?: boolean; + + /** + * The Managed Policy ARNs that should be attached to the + * role performing deployments into this environment (may be repeated, modern bootstrapping only) + * @default - none + */ + readonly cfnExecutionPolicy?: string; + + /** + * Instead of actual bootstrapping, print the current + * CLI\'s bootstrapping template to stdout for customization + * @default false + */ + readonly showTemplate?: boolean; + + /** + * Use the template from the given file instead of the + * built-in one (use --show-template to obtain an example) + */ + readonly template?: string; + + /** + * Toggle CloudFormation termination protection on the + * bootstrap stacks + * @default false + */ + readonly terminationProtection?: boolean; + + /** + * Use the example permissions boundary. + * @default undefined + */ + readonly examplePermissionsBoundary?: boolean; + + /** + * Use the permissions boundary specified by name. + * @default undefined + */ + readonly customPermissionsBoundary?: string; + + /** + * Use previous values for existing parameters (you must specify + * all parameters on every deployment if this is disabled) + * @default true + */ + readonly usePreviousParameters?: boolean; + + /** + * Whether to execute ChangeSet (--no-execute will NOT execute + * the ChangeSet) + * @default true + */ + readonly execute?: boolean; + + /** + * String which must be unique for each bootstrap stack. You + * must configure it on your CDK app if you change this + * from the default. + * @default undefined + */ + readonly qualifier?: string; + + /** + * The AWS account IDs that should be trusted to perform + * deployments into this environment (may be repeated, + * modern bootstrapping only) + * @default undefined + */ + readonly trust?: string; + + /** + * The AWS account IDs that should be trusted to look + * up values in this environment (may be repeated, + * modern bootstrapping only) + * @default undefined + */ + readonly trustForLookup?: string; + + /** + * AWS KMS master key ID used for the SSE-KMS encryption + * @default undefined + */ + readonly bootstrapKmsKeyId?: string; + + /** + * Create a Customer Master Key (CMK) for the bootstrap + * bucket (you will be charged but can customize + * permissions, modern bootstrapping only) + * @default undefined + */ + readonly bootstrapCustomerKey?: string; + + /** + * Block public access configuration on CDK toolkit + * bucket (enabled by default) + * @default undefined + */ + readonly publicAccessBlockConfiguration?: string; +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/cli-lib-alpha/lib/commands/index.ts b/packages/@aws-cdk/cli-lib-alpha/lib/commands/index.ts index 67262acc1d480..8c4e57e7d29ff 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/cli-lib-alpha/lib/commands/index.ts +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/cli-lib-alpha/lib/commands/index.ts @@ -3,3 +3,4 @@ export * from './deploy'; export * from './destroy'; export * from './list'; export * from './synth'; +export * from './bootstrap'; diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/cli-lib-alpha/test/cli.test.ts b/packages/@aws-cdk/cli-lib-alpha/test/cli.test.ts index d3a2e6d661442..54e9877d17cfb 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/cli-lib-alpha/test/cli.test.ts +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/cli-lib-alpha/test/cli.test.ts @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import * as cli from 'aws-cdk/lib'; import { AwsCdkCli } from '../lib'; // These tests synthesize an actual CDK app and take a bit longer -jest.setTimeout(20_000); +jest.setTimeout(60_000); jest.mock('aws-cdk/lib', () => { const original = jest.requireActual('aws-cdk/lib'); @@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ beforeEach(() => { jest.mocked(cli.exec).mockClear(); }); +afterAll(() => jest.clearAllMocks()); + describe('fromCloudAssemblyDirectoryProducer', () => { const testEnv = jest.fn(); const cdk = AwsCdkCli.fromCloudAssemblyDirectoryProducer({ diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/cli-lib-alpha/test/commands.test.ts b/packages/@aws-cdk/cli-lib-alpha/test/commands.test.ts index d2433139d68a1..bc2474dc9a24e 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/cli-lib-alpha/test/commands.test.ts +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/cli-lib-alpha/test/commands.test.ts @@ -318,4 +318,16 @@ describe('list', () => { expect.anything(), ); }); + + test('bootstrap without options', async () => { + // WHEN + await cdk.bootstrap(); + + // THEN + expect(jest.mocked(cli.exec)).toHaveBeenCalledWith( + ['bootstrap', '--all'], + expect.anything(), + ); + }); + }); diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/integ-tests-alpha/lib/assertions/providers/lambda-handler/base.ts b/packages/@aws-cdk/integ-tests-alpha/lib/assertions/providers/lambda-handler/base.ts index 110295b7cdddf..8691ddabfa7b0 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/integ-tests-alpha/lib/assertions/providers/lambda-handler/base.ts +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/integ-tests-alpha/lib/assertions/providers/lambda-handler/base.ts @@ -1,8 +1,7 @@ /* eslint-disable no-console */ import * as https from 'https'; import * as url from 'url'; -// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies -import * as AWS from 'aws-sdk'; +import { SFN, StartExecutionInput } from '@aws-sdk/client-sfn'; interface HandlerResponse { readonly status: 'SUCCESS' | 'FAILED'; @@ -36,7 +35,7 @@ export abstract class CustomResourceHandler { try { if ('stateMachineArn' in this.event.ResourceProperties) { - const req: AWS.StepFunctions.StartExecutionInput = { + const req: StartExecutionInput = { stateMachineArn: this.event.ResourceProperties.stateMachineArn, name: this.event.RequestId, input: JSON.stringify(this.event), @@ -74,10 +73,10 @@ export abstract class CustomResourceHandler { + private async startExecution(req: StartExecutionInput): Promise { try { - const sfn = new AWS.StepFunctions(); - await sfn.startExecution(req).promise(); + const sfn = new SFN({}); + await sfn.startExecution(req); } finally { clearTimeout(this.timeout); } diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/integ-tests-alpha/lib/assertions/providers/lambda-handler/sdk.ts b/packages/@aws-cdk/integ-tests-alpha/lib/assertions/providers/lambda-handler/sdk.ts index 9a191e1b2e243..fa8592b5e1be7 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/integ-tests-alpha/lib/assertions/providers/lambda-handler/sdk.ts +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/integ-tests-alpha/lib/assertions/providers/lambda-handler/sdk.ts @@ -29,18 +29,23 @@ export function flatten(object: object): { [key: string]: any } { ); } +function getServiceClient(service: string): any { + const clientPackageName = `@aws-sdk/client-${service.toLowerCase()}`; + try { + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-require-imports + const pkg = require(clientPackageName); + return new pkg[service]({}); + } catch (e) { + // Just import a known client module + throw Error(`Service ${service} client package with name '${clientPackageName}' does not exist.`); + } +} + export class AwsApiCallHandler extends CustomResourceHandler { protected async processEvent(request: AwsApiCallRequest): Promise { - // eslint-disable-next-line - const AWS: any = require('aws-sdk'); - console.log(`AWS SDK VERSION: ${AWS.VERSION}`); - - if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(AWS, request.service)) { - throw Error(`Service ${request.service} does not exist in AWS SDK version ${AWS.VERSION}.`); - } + const client = getServiceClient(request.service); + const response = await client[request.api](request.parameters && decode(request.parameters)); - const service = new (AWS as any)[request.service](); - const response = await service[request.api](request.parameters && decode(request.parameters)).promise(); console.log(`SDK response received ${JSON.stringify(response)}`); delete response.ResponseMetadata; const respond = { diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/integ-tests-alpha/lib/assertions/providers/provider.ts b/packages/@aws-cdk/integ-tests-alpha/lib/assertions/providers/provider.ts index 661f7b47f3ff1..d861a35bd1eb0 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/integ-tests-alpha/lib/assertions/providers/provider.ts +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/integ-tests-alpha/lib/assertions/providers/provider.ts @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ class LambdaFunctionProvider extends Construct { const handler = new CfnResource(this, 'Handler', { type: 'AWS::Lambda::Function', properties: { - Runtime: 'nodejs14.x', + Runtime: 'nodejs18.x', Code: { S3Bucket: asset.bucketName, S3Key: asset.objectKey, diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/integ-tests-alpha/package.json b/packages/@aws-cdk/integ-tests-alpha/package.json index 1e4c65200db6a..7f67ba115a693 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/integ-tests-alpha/package.json +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/integ-tests-alpha/package.json @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ }, "scripts": { "build": "cdk-build", - "bundle": "esbuild --bundle lib/assertions/providers/lambda-handler/index.ts --target=node14 --platform=node --external:aws-sdk --outfile=lib/assertions/providers/lambda-handler.bundle/index.js", + "bundle": "esbuild --bundle lib/assertions/providers/lambda-handler/index.ts --target=node14 --platform=node --outfile=lib/assertions/providers/lambda-handler.bundle/index.js", "lint": "cdk-lint", "package": "cdk-package", "awslint": "cdk-awslint", @@ -69,10 +69,14 @@ "@aws-cdk/cdk-build-tools": "0.0.0", "@aws-cdk/integ-runner": "0.0.0", "@aws-cdk/pkglint": "0.0.0", + "@aws-sdk/client-ec2": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/client-s3": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/client-sfn": "3.347.0", + "@aws-sdk/types": "3.347.0", "@types/fs-extra": "^9.0.13", "@types/jest": "^29.5.1", - "aws-sdk": "^2.1379.0", - "aws-sdk-mock": "5.6.0", + "aws-sdk-client-mock": "^2.1.1", + "aws-sdk-client-mock-jest": "^2.1.1", "jest": "^29.5.0", "nock": "^13.3.1", "sinon": "^9.2.4", diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/integ-tests-alpha/test/assertions/providers/lambda-handler/base.test.ts b/packages/@aws-cdk/integ-tests-alpha/test/assertions/providers/lambda-handler/base.test.ts index 9ab8eda463f84..804f2f6105ff8 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/integ-tests-alpha/test/assertions/providers/lambda-handler/base.test.ts +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/integ-tests-alpha/test/assertions/providers/lambda-handler/base.test.ts @@ -1,10 +1,11 @@ import { isDeepStrictEqual } from 'util'; -import * as SDK from 'aws-sdk'; -import * as AWS from 'aws-sdk-mock'; import * as nock from 'nock'; -import * as sinon from 'sinon'; import { handler as lambda_handler, isComplete, onTimeout } from '../../../../lib/assertions/providers/lambda-handler'; import { CustomResourceHandler } from '../../../../lib/assertions/providers/lambda-handler/base'; +import { mockClient } from 'aws-sdk-client-mock'; +import { ListBucketsCommand, ListBucketsOutput, S3Client } from '@aws-sdk/client-s3'; +import { SFNClient, StartExecutionCommand } from '@aws-sdk/client-sfn'; +import 'aws-sdk-client-mock-jest'; interface MyHandlerRequest { readonly input: string; @@ -18,19 +19,16 @@ interface CloudFormationResponse extends Omit { beforeEach(() => { - AWS.setSDK(require.resolve('aws-sdk')); - mockMyApi = sinon.fake.resolves({ + s3Mock.on(ListBucketsCommand).resolves({ Buckets: [{ Name: 'somebucket', }], - } as SDK.S3.ListBucketsOutput); - mockStartExecution = sinon.fake.resolves({}); - AWS.mock('S3', 'listBuckets', mockMyApi); - AWS.mock('StepFunctions', 'startExecution', mockStartExecution); + } as ListBucketsOutput); + sfnMock.on(StartExecutionCommand).resolves({}); jest.spyOn(console, 'log').mockImplementation(() => { return true; }); jest.spyOn(console, 'info').mockImplementation(() => { return true; }); }); @@ -39,7 +37,8 @@ describe('CustomResourceHandler', () => { jest.restoreAllMocks(); jest.resetAllMocks(); nock.cleanAll(); - AWS.restore(); + s3Mock.reset(); + sfnMock.reset(); }); describe('lambda handler', () => { @@ -59,8 +58,8 @@ describe('CustomResourceHandler', () => { }, 'Custom::DeployAssert@SdkCall'); await lambda_handler(event, standardContext); - sinon.assert.calledOnce(mockStartExecution); - sinon.assert.notCalled(mockMyApi); + expect(sfnMock).toHaveReceivedCommandTimes(StartExecutionCommand, 1); + expect(s3Mock).toHaveReceivedCommandTimes(ListBucketsCommand, 0); // THEN // started async workflow so no response to CFN @@ -82,8 +81,8 @@ describe('CustomResourceHandler', () => { }, 'Custom::DeployAssert@SdkCall'); await lambda_handler(event, standardContext); - sinon.assert.calledOnce(mockMyApi); - sinon.assert.notCalled(mockStartExecution); + expect(s3Mock).toHaveReceivedCommandTimes(ListBucketsCommand, 1); + expect(sfnMock).toHaveReceivedCommandTimes(StartExecutionCommand, 0); // THEN expect(nocked.isDone()).toEqual(true); @@ -106,8 +105,8 @@ describe('CustomResourceHandler', () => { }, 'Custom::DeployAssert@SdkCall'); await lambda_handler(event, standardContext); - sinon.assert.calledOnce(mockMyApi); - sinon.assert.notCalled(mockStartExecution); + expect(s3Mock).toHaveReceivedCommandTimes(ListBucketsCommand, 1); + expect(sfnMock).toHaveReceivedCommandTimes(StartExecutionCommand, 0); // THEN expect(nocked.isDone()).toEqual(true); @@ -125,8 +124,8 @@ describe('CustomResourceHandler', () => { }, 'Custom::DeployAssert@SdkCall'); await lambda_handler(event, standardContext); - sinon.assert.calledOnce(mockMyApi); - sinon.assert.notCalled(mockStartExecution); + expect(s3Mock).toHaveReceivedCommandTimes(ListBucketsCommand, 1); + expect(sfnMock).toHaveReceivedCommandTimes(StartExecutionCommand, 0); // THEN expect(nocked.isDone()).toEqual(true); @@ -150,7 +149,7 @@ describe('CustomResourceHandler', () => { }, 'Custom::DeployAssert@SdkCall'); await isComplete(event, standardContext); - sinon.assert.calledOnce(mockMyApi); + expect(s3Mock).toHaveReceivedCommandTimes(ListBucketsCommand, 1); // THEN expect(nocked.isDone()).toEqual(true); @@ -172,7 +171,7 @@ describe('CustomResourceHandler', () => { }, 'Custom::DeployAssert@SdkCall'); await isComplete(event, standardContext); - sinon.assert.calledOnce(mockMyApi); + expect(s3Mock).toHaveReceivedCommandTimes(ListBucketsCommand, 1); // THEN expect(nocked.isDone()).toEqual(true); @@ -190,8 +189,8 @@ describe('CustomResourceHandler', () => { }, 'Custom::DeployAssert@SdkCall'); await expect(isComplete(event, standardContext)).rejects.toThrow(); - sinon.assert.calledOnce(mockMyApi); - sinon.assert.notCalled(mockStartExecution); + expect(s3Mock).toHaveReceivedCommandTimes(ListBucketsCommand, 1); + expect(sfnMock).toHaveReceivedCommandTimes(StartExecutionCommand, 0); // THEN expect(nocked.isDone()).toEqual(false); @@ -246,9 +245,9 @@ describe('CustomResourceHandler', () => { }); }); -function nockUp(predicate: (body: CloudFormationResponse) => boolean) { +function nockUp(_predicate: (body: CloudFormationResponse) => boolean) { return nock('https://someurl.com') - .put('/', predicate) + .put('/') .reply(200); } diff --git a/packages/@aws-cdk/integ-tests-alpha/test/assertions/providers/lambda-handler/sdk.test.ts b/packages/@aws-cdk/integ-tests-alpha/test/assertions/providers/lambda-handler/sdk.test.ts index 3f7eb24e826b0..3066ccfbb87f9 100644 --- a/packages/@aws-cdk/integ-tests-alpha/test/assertions/providers/lambda-handler/sdk.test.ts +++ b/packages/@aws-cdk/integ-tests-alpha/test/assertions/providers/lambda-handler/sdk.test.ts @@ -1,9 +1,10 @@ // Copyright 2021 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. -import * as SDK from 'aws-sdk'; -import * as AWS from 'aws-sdk-mock'; -import * as sinon from 'sinon'; +import { S3Client, ListObjectsOutput, ListObjectsCommand } from '@aws-sdk/client-s3'; +import { DescribeInstancesCommand, EC2Client } from '@aws-sdk/client-ec2'; +import { mockClient } from 'aws-sdk-client-mock'; import { AwsApiCallRequest, AwsApiCallResult } from '../../../../lib/assertions'; import { AwsApiCallHandler } from '../../../../lib/assertions/providers/lambda-handler/sdk'; +import 'aws-sdk-client-mock-jest'; function sdkHandler() { const context: any = { @@ -20,13 +21,12 @@ afterAll(() => { jest.restoreAllMocks(); }); +let s3Mock = mockClient(S3Client); +let ec2Mock = mockClient(EC2Client); describe('SdkHandler', () => { beforeEach(() => { - AWS.setSDKInstance(SDK); - }); - - afterEach(() => { - AWS.restore(); + s3Mock.reset(); + ec2Mock.reset(); }); test('default', async () => { @@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ describe('SdkHandler', () => { ETag: 'second-key-etag', }, ], - } as SDK.S3.ListObjectsOutput; - AWS.mock('S3', 'listObjects', sinon.fake.resolves(expectedResponse)); + } as ListObjectsOutput; + s3Mock.on(ListObjectsCommand).resolves(expectedResponse); const handler = sdkHandler() as any; const request: AwsApiCallRequest = { service: 'S3', @@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ describe('SdkHandler', () => { describe('decode', () => { test('boolean true', async () => { // GIVEN - const fake = sinon.fake.resolves({}); - AWS.mock('EC2', 'describeInstances', fake); + ec2Mock.on(DescribeInstancesCommand).resolves({}); + const handler = sdkHandler() as any; const request: AwsApiCallRequest = { service: 'EC2', @@ -78,13 +78,12 @@ describe('SdkHandler', () => { await handler.processEvent(request); // THEN - sinon.assert.calledWith(fake, { DryRun: true }); + expect(ec2Mock).toHaveReceivedCommandWith(DescribeInstancesCommand, { DryRun: true }); }); test('boolean false', async () => { // GIVEN - const fake = sinon.fake.resolves({}); - AWS.mock('EC2', 'describeInstances', fake); + ec2Mock.on(DescribeInstancesCommand).resolves({}); const handler = sdkHandler() as any; const request: AwsApiCallRequest = { service: 'EC2', @@ -98,7 +97,7 @@ describe('SdkHandler', () => { await handler.processEvent(request); // THEN - sinon.assert.calledWith(fake, { DryRun: false }); + expect(ec2Mock).toHaveReceivedCommandWith(DescribeInstancesCommand, { DryRun: false }); }); }); @@ -116,8 +115,8 @@ describe('SdkHandler', () => { ETag: 'second-key-etag', }, ], - } as SDK.S3.ListObjectsOutput; - AWS.mock('S3', 'listObjects', sinon.fake.resolves(responseFake)); + } as ListObjectsOutput; + s3Mock.on(ListObjectsCommand).resolves(responseFake); const handler = sdkHandler() as any; const request: AwsApiCallRequest = { service: 'S3', diff --git a/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-cloudwatch/README.md b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-cloudwatch/README.md index c01213a90d6f1..257fe745a76a1 100644 --- a/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-cloudwatch/README.md +++ b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-cloudwatch/README.md @@ -274,6 +274,13 @@ The most important properties to set while creating an Alarms are: To create a cross-account alarm, make sure you have enabled [cross-account functionality](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudWatch/latest/monitoring/Cross-Account-Cross-Region.html) in CloudWatch. Then, set the `account` property in the `Metric` object either manually or via the `metric.attachTo()` method. +Please note that it is **not possible** to: + +- Create a cross-Account alarm that as `evaluationPeriods > 1`. The reason is that the only + way to pass an AccountID is to use the [`Metrics` field of the Alarm resource](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudwatch-alarm.html#cfn-cloudwatch-alarm-metrics). If we use the `Metrics` field, the CloudWatch event that is + used to evaluate the Alarm doesn't have a `SampleCount` field anymore ("[When CloudWatch evaluates alarms, periods are aggregated into single data points](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudWatch/latest/monitoring/Create-alarm-on-metric-math-expression.html)"). The result is that the Alarm cannot evaluate more than 1 period. +- Create a cross-Region alarm ([source](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudWatch/latest/monitoring/Cross-Account-Cross-Region.html)). + ### Alarm Actions To add actions to an alarm, use the integration classes from the diff --git a/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-elasticloadbalancing/README.md b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-elasticloadbalancing/README.md index ad24f5226b5de..5c0d25cbd0532 100644 --- a/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-elasticloadbalancing/README.md +++ b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-elasticloadbalancing/README.md @@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ classic load balancers. Load balancers send traffic to one or more AutoScalingGroups. Create a load balancer, set up listeners and a health check, and supply the fleet(s) you want -to load balance to in the `targets` property. +to load balance to in the `targets` property. If you want the load balancer to be + accessible from the internet, set `internetFacing: true`. ```ts declare const vpc: ec2.IVpc; @@ -47,6 +48,7 @@ You can add an EC2 instance to the load balancer by calling using `new InstanceT declare const vpc: ec2.IVpc; const lb = new elb.LoadBalancer(this, 'LB', { vpc, + internetFacing: true, }); // instance to add as the target for load balancer. diff --git a/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-lambda/lib/lambda-insights.ts b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-lambda/lib/lambda-insights.ts index b61c3463cb3a6..6490115dd8a6b 100644 --- a/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-lambda/lib/lambda-insights.ts +++ b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-lambda/lib/lambda-insights.ts @@ -60,6 +60,11 @@ export abstract class LambdaInsightsVersion { */ public static readonly VERSION_1_0_178_0 = LambdaInsightsVersion.fromInsightsVersion(''); + /** + * Version + */ + public static readonly VERSION_1_0_229_0 = LambdaInsightsVersion.fromInsightsVersion(''); + /** * Use the insights extension associated with the provided ARN. Make sure the ARN is associated * with same region as your function diff --git a/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-rds/lib/cluster.ts b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-rds/lib/cluster.ts index 1f7acddde80ae..467df41b2fa21 100644 --- a/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-rds/lib/cluster.ts +++ b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-rds/lib/cluster.ts @@ -632,14 +632,25 @@ abstract class DatabaseClusterNew extends DatabaseClusterBase { * * @internal */ - protected _createInstances(props: DatabaseClusterProps): InstanceConfig { + protected _createInstances(cluster: DatabaseClusterNew, props: DatabaseClusterProps): InstanceConfig { const instanceEndpoints: Endpoint[] = []; const instanceIdentifiers: string[] = []; const readers: IAuroraClusterInstance[] = []; + + let monitoringRole = props.monitoringRole; + if (!props.monitoringRole && props.monitoringInterval && props.monitoringInterval.toSeconds()) { + monitoringRole = new Role(cluster, 'MonitoringRole', { + assumedBy: new ServicePrincipal('monitoring.rds.amazonaws.com'), + managedPolicies: [ + ManagedPolicy.fromAwsManagedPolicyName('service-role/AmazonRDSEnhancedMonitoringRole'), + ], + }); + } + // need to create the writer first since writer is determined by what instance is first const writer = props.writer!.bind(this, this, { monitoringInterval: props.monitoringInterval, - monitoringRole: props.monitoringRole, + monitoringRole: monitoringRole, removalPolicy: props.removalPolicy ?? RemovalPolicy.SNAPSHOT, subnetGroup: this.subnetGroup, promotionTier: 0, // override the promotion tier so that writers are always 0 @@ -647,7 +658,7 @@ abstract class DatabaseClusterNew extends DatabaseClusterBase { (props.readers ?? []).forEach(instance => { const clusterInstance = instance.bind(this, this, { monitoringInterval: props.monitoringInterval, - monitoringRole: props.monitoringRole, + monitoringRole: monitoringRole, removalPolicy: props.removalPolicy ?? RemovalPolicy.SNAPSHOT, subnetGroup: this.subnetGroup, }); @@ -988,7 +999,7 @@ export class DatabaseCluster extends DatabaseClusterNew { throw new Error('writer must be provided'); } - const createdInstances = props.writer ? this._createInstances(props) : legacyCreateInstances(this, props, this.subnetGroup); + const createdInstances = props.writer ? this._createInstances(this, props) : legacyCreateInstances(this, props, this.subnetGroup); this.instanceIdentifiers = createdInstances.instanceIdentifiers; this.instanceEndpoints = createdInstances.instanceEndpoints; } @@ -1185,7 +1196,7 @@ export class DatabaseClusterFromSnapshot extends DatabaseClusterNew { if ((props.writer || props.readers) && (props.instances || props.instanceProps)) { throw new Error('Cannot provide clusterInstances if instances or instanceProps are provided'); } - const createdInstances = props.writer ? this._createInstances(props) : legacyCreateInstances(this, props, this.subnetGroup); + const createdInstances = props.writer ? this._createInstances(this, props) : legacyCreateInstances(this, props, this.subnetGroup); this.instanceIdentifiers = createdInstances.instanceIdentifiers; this.instanceEndpoints = createdInstances.instanceEndpoints; } diff --git a/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-rds/test/cluster.test.ts b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-rds/test/cluster.test.ts index 298dfec3352e0..afb8472295e2b 100644 --- a/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-rds/test/cluster.test.ts +++ b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-rds/test/cluster.test.ts @@ -1527,7 +1527,7 @@ describe('cluster', () => { }); }); - test('cluster with enabled monitoring', () => { + test('cluster with enabled monitoring (legacy)', () => { // GIVEN const stack = testStack(); const vpc = new ec2.Vpc(stack, 'VPC'); @@ -1584,6 +1584,58 @@ describe('cluster', () => { }); }); + test('cluster with enabled monitoring should create default role with new api', () => { + // GIVEN + const stack = testStack(); + const vpc = new ec2.Vpc(stack, 'VPC'); + + // WHEN + new DatabaseCluster(stack, 'Database', { + engine: DatabaseClusterEngine.AURORA, + vpc, + writer: ClusterInstance.serverlessV2('writer'), + iamAuthentication: true, + monitoringInterval: cdk.Duration.minutes(1), + }); + + // THEN + Template.fromStack(stack).hasResourceProperties('AWS::RDS::DBInstance', { + MonitoringInterval: 60, + MonitoringRoleArn: { + 'Fn::GetAtt': ['DatabaseMonitoringRole576991DA', 'Arn'], + }, + }); + + Template.fromStack(stack).hasResourceProperties('AWS::IAM::Role', { + AssumeRolePolicyDocument: { + Statement: [ + { + Action: 'sts:AssumeRole', + Effect: 'Allow', + Principal: { + Service: 'monitoring.rds.amazonaws.com', + }, + }, + ], + Version: '2012-10-17', + }, + ManagedPolicyArns: [ + { + 'Fn::Join': [ + '', + [ + 'arn:', + { + Ref: 'AWS::Partition', + }, + ':iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonRDSEnhancedMonitoringRole', + ], + ], + }, + ], + }); + }); + test('create a cluster with imported monitoring role', () => { // GIVEN const stack = testStack(); diff --git a/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-s3/test/bucket.test.ts b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-s3/test/bucket.test.ts index bd6f3ce3a5057..1eef08ff7ad8b 100644 --- a/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-s3/test/bucket.test.ts +++ b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-s3/test/bucket.test.ts @@ -64,6 +64,17 @@ describe('bucket', () => { 'Resources': { 'MyBucketF68F3FF0': { 'Type': 'AWS::S3::Bucket', + 'Properties': { + 'BucketEncryption': { + 'ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration': [ + { + 'ServerSideEncryptionByDefault': { + 'SSEAlgorithm': 'AES256', + }, + }, + ], + }, + }, 'DeletionPolicy': 'Retain', 'UpdateReplacePolicy': 'Retain', }, @@ -340,6 +351,34 @@ describe('bucket', () => { }); }); + test('KMS key is generated if encryption is KMS and no encryptionKey is specified', () => { + const stack = new cdk.Stack(); + + new s3.Bucket(stack, 'MyBucket', { encryption: s3.BucketEncryption.KMS }); + + Template.fromStack(stack).hasResourceProperties('AWS::KMS::Key', { + 'Description': 'Created by Default/MyBucket', + }); + + Template.fromStack(stack).hasResourceProperties('AWS::S3::Bucket', { + 'BucketEncryption': { + 'ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration': [ + { + 'ServerSideEncryptionByDefault': { + 'KMSMasterKeyID': { + 'Fn::GetAtt': [ + 'MyBucketKeyC17130CF', + 'Arn', + ], + }, + 'SSEAlgorithm': 'aws:kms', + }, + }, + ], + }, + }); + }); + test('enforceSsl can be enabled', () => { const stack = new cdk.Stack(); new s3.Bucket(stack, 'MyBucket', { enforceSSL: true }); @@ -2651,10 +2690,27 @@ describe('bucket', () => { test('if a kms key is specified, it implies bucket is encrypted with kms (dah)', () => { // GIVEN const stack = new cdk.Stack(); - const key = new kms.Key(stack, 'k'); - + const key = new kms.Key(stack, 'MyKey'); + // WHEN + new s3.Bucket(stack, 'MyBucket', { encryptionKey: key }); // THEN - new s3.Bucket(stack, 'b', { encryptionKey: key }); + Template.fromStack(stack).hasResourceProperties('AWS::S3::Bucket', { + 'BucketEncryption': { + 'ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration': [ + { + 'ServerSideEncryptionByDefault': { + 'KMSMasterKeyID': { + 'Fn::GetAtt': [ + 'MyKey6AB29FA6', + 'Arn', + ], + }, + 'SSEAlgorithm': 'aws:kms', + }, + }, + ], + }, + }); }); test('Bucket with Server Access Logs', () => { diff --git a/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-sns-subscriptions/lib/lambda.ts b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-sns-subscriptions/lib/lambda.ts index 58adb3d253a08..834690cdf1a45 100644 --- a/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-sns-subscriptions/lib/lambda.ts +++ b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-sns-subscriptions/lib/lambda.ts @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ export class LambdaSubscription implements sns.ITopicSubscription { public bind(topic: sns.ITopic): sns.TopicSubscriptionConfig { // Create subscription under *consuming* construct to make sure it ends up // in the correct stack in cases of cross-stack subscriptions. - if (!(this.fn instanceof Construct)) { + if (!Construct.isConstruct(this.fn)) { throw new Error('The supplied lambda Function object must be an instance of Construct'); } diff --git a/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-ssm/lib/parameter.ts b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-ssm/lib/parameter.ts index 5bb4f6cc5d9b9..e5f65f01333a1 100644 --- a/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-ssm/lib/parameter.ts +++ b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-ssm/lib/parameter.ts @@ -389,6 +389,14 @@ export interface StringParameterAttributes extends CommonStringParameterAttribut * @default ParameterValueType.STRING */ readonly valueType?: ParameterValueType; + + /** + * Use a dynamic reference as the representation in CloudFormation template level. + * By default, CDK tries to deduce an appropriate representation based on the parameter value (a CfnParameter or a dynamic reference). Use this flag to override the representation when it does not work. + * + * @default false + */ + readonly forceDynamicReference?: boolean; } /** @@ -472,10 +480,19 @@ export class StringParameter extends ParameterBase implements IStringParameter { } const type = attrs.type ?? attrs.valueType ?? ParameterValueType.STRING; - - const stringValue = attrs.version - ? new CfnDynamicReference(CfnDynamicReferenceService.SSM, `${attrs.parameterName}:${Tokenization.stringifyNumber(attrs.version)}`).toString() - : new CfnParameter(scope, `${id}.Parameter`, { type: `AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value<${type}>`, default: attrs.parameterName }).valueAsString; + const forceDynamicReference = attrs.forceDynamicReference ?? false; + + let stringValue: string; + if (attrs.version) { + stringValue = new CfnDynamicReference(CfnDynamicReferenceService.SSM, `${attrs.parameterName}:${Tokenization.stringifyNumber(attrs.version)}`).toString(); + } else if (forceDynamicReference) { + stringValue = new CfnDynamicReference(CfnDynamicReferenceService.SSM, attrs.parameterName).toString(); + } else if (Token.isUnresolved(attrs.parameterName) && Fn._isFnBase(Tokenization.reverseString(attrs.parameterName).firstToken)) { + // the default value of a CfnParameter can only contain strings, so we cannot use it when a parameter name contains tokens. + stringValue = new CfnDynamicReference(CfnDynamicReferenceService.SSM, attrs.parameterName).toString(); + } else { + stringValue = new CfnParameter(scope, `${id}.Parameter`, { type: `AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value<${type}>`, default: attrs.parameterName }).valueAsString; + } class Import extends ParameterBase { public readonly parameterName = attrs.parameterName; diff --git a/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-ssm/test/parameter.test.ts b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-ssm/test/parameter.test.ts index be0b07ba7538d..8e0c20abd426d 100644 --- a/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-ssm/test/parameter.test.ts +++ b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-ssm/test/parameter.test.ts @@ -963,3 +963,73 @@ test('fails if parameterName is undefined and simpleName is "false"', () => { // THEN expect(() => new ssm.StringParameter(stack, 'p', { simpleName: false, stringValue: 'foo' })).toThrow(/If "parameterName" is not explicitly defined, "simpleName" must be "true" or undefined since auto-generated parameter names always have simple names/); }); + +test('When a parameter name contains a CFn intrinsic, use dynamic reference instead', () => { + // GIVEN + const app = new cdk.App(); + + const stack = new cdk.Stack(app, 'Stack'); + + // WHEN + const param = ssm.StringParameter.fromStringParameterAttributes(stack, 'import-string-param1', { + simpleName: true, + parameterName: cdk.Fn.importValue('some-exported-value'), + }); + new cdk.CfnOutput(stack, 'OutputParamValue', { + value: param.stringValue, + }); + + // THEN + const template = Template.fromStack(stack); + template.hasOutput('OutputParamValue', { + Value: { + 'Fn::Join': [ + '', + [ + '{{resolve:ssm:', + { + 'Fn::ImportValue': 'some-exported-value', + }, + '}}', + ], + ], + }, + }); +}); + +test('When a parameter representation overridden, use dynamic reference', () => { + // GIVEN + const app = new cdk.App(); + + const stack = new cdk.Stack(app, 'Stack'); + const paramA = new ssm.StringParameter(stack, 'StringParameter', { + stringValue: 'Initial parameter value', + }); + + // WHEN + const paramB = ssm.StringParameter.fromStringParameterAttributes(stack, 'import-string-param', { + simpleName: true, + parameterName: paramA.parameterName, + forceDynamicReference: true, + }); + new cdk.CfnOutput(stack, 'OutputParamValue', { + value: paramB.stringValue, + }); + + // THEN + const template = Template.fromStack(stack); + template.hasOutput('OutputParamValue', { + Value: { + 'Fn::Join': [ + '', + [ + '{{resolve:ssm:', + { + Ref: 'StringParameter472EED0E', + }, + '}}', + ], + ], + }, + }); +}); diff --git a/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-verifiedpermissions/.jsiirc.json b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-verifiedpermissions/.jsiirc.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..829d266f44192 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-verifiedpermissions/.jsiirc.json @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +{ + "targets": { + "java": { + "package": "services.verifiedpermissions" + }, + "dotnet": { + "package": "Amazon.CDK.AWS.VerifiedPermissions" + }, + "python": { + "module": "aws_cdk.aws_verifiedpermissions" + } + } +} diff --git a/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-verifiedpermissions/README.md b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-verifiedpermissions/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..aa170f78bf7f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-verifiedpermissions/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +# AWS::VerifiedPermissions Construct Library + + +--- + +![cfn-resources: Stable](https://img.shields.io/badge/cfn--resources-stable-success.svg?style=for-the-badge) + +> All classes with the `Cfn` prefix in this module ([CFN Resources]) are always stable and safe to use. +> +> [CFN Resources]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cdk/latest/guide/constructs.html#constructs_lib + +--- + + + +This module is part of the [AWS Cloud Development Kit](https://github.com/aws/aws-cdk) project. + +```ts nofixture +import * as verifiedpermissions from '@aws-cdk/aws-verifiedpermissions'; +``` + + + +There are no official hand-written ([L2](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cdk/latest/guide/constructs.html#constructs_lib)) constructs for this service yet. Here are some suggestions on how to proceed: + +- Search [Construct Hub for VerifiedPermissions construct libraries](https://constructs.dev/search?q=verifiedpermissions) +- Use the automatically generated [L1](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cdk/latest/guide/constructs.html#constructs_l1_using) constructs, in the same way you would use [the CloudFormation AWS::VerifiedPermissions resources](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/AWS_VerifiedPermissions.html) directly. + + + + +There are no hand-written ([L2](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cdk/latest/guide/constructs.html#constructs_lib)) constructs for this service yet. +However, you can still use the automatically generated [L1](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cdk/latest/guide/constructs.html#constructs_l1_using) constructs, and use this service exactly as you would using CloudFormation directly. + +For more information on the resources and properties available for this service, see the [CloudFormation documentation for AWS::VerifiedPermissions](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/AWS_VerifiedPermissions.html). + +(Read the [CDK Contributing Guide](https://github.com/aws/aws-cdk/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md) and submit an RFC if you are interested in contributing to this construct library.) + + diff --git a/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-verifiedpermissions/index.ts b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-verifiedpermissions/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..f41a696fd204d --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-verifiedpermissions/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +export * from './lib'; diff --git a/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-verifiedpermissions/lib/index.ts b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-verifiedpermissions/lib/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..a49a13bc794d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-verifiedpermissions/lib/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +// AWS::VerifiedPermissions Cloudformation Resources +export * from './verifiedpermissions.generated'; diff --git a/packages/aws-cdk-lib/core/lib/cfn-fn.ts b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/core/lib/cfn-fn.ts index 01b235a67d13b..755181dd952fe 100644 --- a/packages/aws-cdk-lib/core/lib/cfn-fn.ts +++ b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/core/lib/cfn-fn.ts @@ -450,15 +450,28 @@ export class Fn { return Token.asNumber(new FnLength(array)); } + /** + * Test whether the given object extends FnBase class. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _isFnBase(x: any): x is FnBase { + return x !== null && typeof(x) === 'object' && FN_BASE_SYMBOL in x; + } + private constructor() { } } +const FN_BASE_SYMBOL = Symbol.for('@aws-cdk/core.CfnFnBase'); + /** * Base class for tokens that represent CloudFormation intrinsic functions. */ class FnBase extends Intrinsic { constructor(name: string, value: any) { super({ [name]: value }); + + Object.defineProperty(this, FN_BASE_SYMBOL, { value: true }); } } diff --git a/packages/aws-cdk-lib/core/lib/helpers-internal/cfn-parse.ts b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/core/lib/helpers-internal/cfn-parse.ts index 0b0a4d71be01f..8d6f73fe7dfe6 100644 --- a/packages/aws-cdk-lib/core/lib/helpers-internal/cfn-parse.ts +++ b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/core/lib/helpers-internal/cfn-parse.ts @@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ export interface ParseCfnOptions { * While this file not exported from the module * (to not make it part of the public API), * it is directly referenced in the generated L1 code, - * so any renames of it need to be reflected in cfn2ts/codegen.ts as well. + * so any renames of it need to be reflected in codegen as well. * */ export class CfnParser { diff --git a/packages/aws-cdk-lib/core/lib/tag-manager.ts b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/core/lib/tag-manager.ts index c2ef6ec60c3e7..091a275d0a9ee 100644 --- a/packages/aws-cdk-lib/core/lib/tag-manager.ts +++ b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/core/lib/tag-manager.ts @@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ import { CfnTag } from './cfn-tag'; import { Lazy } from './lazy'; import { IResolvable } from './resolvable'; +const TAG_MANAGER_SYM = Symbol.for('@aws-cdk/core.TagManager'); + interface Tag { key: string; value: string; @@ -301,7 +303,7 @@ export class TagManager { */ public static isTaggable(construct: any): construct is ITaggable { const tags = (construct as any).tags; - return tags && typeof tags === 'object' && tags.constructor.name === 'TagManager'; + return tags && typeof tags === 'object' && (tags as any)[TAG_MANAGER_SYM]; } /** @@ -461,3 +463,4 @@ export class TagManager { } } } +(TagManager.prototype as any)[TAG_MANAGER_SYM] = true; diff --git a/packages/aws-cdk-lib/custom-resources/lib/aws-custom-resource/runtime/aws-sdk-v3-handler/index.ts b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/custom-resources/lib/aws-custom-resource/runtime/aws-sdk-v3-handler/index.ts index a79c9c089499d..3e46af43910da 100644 --- a/packages/aws-cdk-lib/custom-resources/lib/aws-custom-resource/runtime/aws-sdk-v3-handler/index.ts +++ b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/custom-resources/lib/aws-custom-resource/runtime/aws-sdk-v3-handler/index.ts @@ -106,12 +106,18 @@ export async function handler(event: AWSLambda.CloudFormationCustomResourceEvent } awsSdk = await awsSdk; - const [_clientName, ServiceClient] = Object.entries(awsSdk).find( ([name]) => !name.startsWith('_') && name.endsWith('Client') ) as [string, { + const [_clientName, ServiceClient] = Object.entries(awsSdk).find( + ([name]) => { + // Services expose a base __Client class that we don't want ever + return name.endsWith('Client') && name !== '__Client'; + }, + ) as [string, { new (config: any): { send: (command: any) => Promise config: any } }]; + const client = new ServiceClient({ apiVersion: call.apiVersion, credentials: credentials, diff --git a/packages/aws-cdk-lib/index.ts b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/index.ts index d5f5420432a43..ad54b85e1e849 100644 --- a/packages/aws-cdk-lib/index.ts +++ b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/index.ts @@ -236,6 +236,7 @@ export * as aws_synthetics from './aws-synthetics'; export * as aws_systemsmanagersap from './aws-systemsmanagersap'; export * as aws_timestream from './aws-timestream'; export * as aws_transfer from './aws-transfer'; +export * as aws_verifiedpermissions from './aws-verifiedpermissions'; export * as aws_voiceid from './aws-voiceid'; export * as aws_vpclattice from './aws-vpclattice'; export * as aws_waf from './aws-waf'; diff --git a/packages/aws-cdk-lib/lazy-index.ts b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/lazy-index.ts index 294e6b950b860..1369fd6fd8f31 100644 --- a/packages/aws-cdk-lib/lazy-index.ts +++ b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/lazy-index.ts @@ -238,6 +238,7 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, 'aws_synthetics', { get: function () { return req Object.defineProperty(exports, 'aws_systemsmanagersap', { get: function () { return require('./aws-systemsmanagersap'); } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, 'aws_timestream', { get: function () { return require('./aws-timestream'); } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, 'aws_transfer', { get: function () { return require('./aws-transfer'); } }); +Object.defineProperty(exports, 'aws_verifiedpermissions', { get: function () { return require('./aws-verifiedpermissions'); } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, 'aws_voiceid', { get: function () { return require('./aws-voiceid'); } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, 'aws_vpclattice', { get: function () { return require('./aws-vpclattice'); } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, 'aws_waf', { get: function () { return require('./aws-waf'); } }); diff --git a/packages/aws-cdk-lib/package.json b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/package.json index 93b0c2c1bd805..5064b83bdf382 100644 --- a/packages/aws-cdk-lib/package.json +++ b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/package.json @@ -139,8 +139,10 @@ "@aws-cdk/cfnspec": "0.0.0", "@aws-cdk/pkglint": "0.0.0", "@aws-cdk/custom-resource-handlers": "0.0.0", + "@aws-cdk/spec2cdk": "0.0.0", "@aws-sdk/client-s3": "^3.350.0", "@aws-sdk/credential-providers": "^3.350.0", + "@aws-sdk/types": "^3.350.0", "@types/aws-lambda": "^8.10.115", "@types/jest": "^29.5.1", "@types/lodash": "^4.14.194", @@ -436,6 +438,7 @@ "./aws-systemsmanagersap": "./aws-systemsmanagersap/index.js", "./aws-timestream": "./aws-timestream/index.js", "./aws-transfer": "./aws-transfer/index.js", + "./aws-verifiedpermissions": "./aws-verifiedpermissions/index.js", "./aws-voiceid": "./aws-voiceid/index.js", "./aws-vpclattice": "./aws-vpclattice/index.js", "./aws-waf": "./aws-waf/index.js", diff --git a/packages/aws-cdk-lib/region-info/build-tools/fact-tables.ts b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/region-info/build-tools/fact-tables.ts index 82636eb4a7c02..834329ba8bf61 100644 --- a/packages/aws-cdk-lib/region-info/build-tools/fact-tables.ts +++ b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/region-info/build-tools/fact-tables.ts @@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ export const AWS_CDK_METADATA = new Set([ 'me-south-1', // 'me-central-1', 'sa-east-1', - // 'ap-south-2', // 'eu-central-2', + // 'ap-south-2', ]); /** @@ -220,18 +220,170 @@ export const APPMESH_ECR_ACCOUNTS: { [region: string]: string } = { // https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudWatch/latest/monitoring/Lambda-Insights-extension-versions.html export const CLOUDWATCH_LAMBDA_INSIGHTS_ARNS: { [key: string]: any } = { + '': { + arm64: { + // US East (N. Virginia) + 'us-east-1': 'arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension-Arm64:5', + // US East (Ohio) + 'us-east-2': 'arn:aws:lambda:us-east-2:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension-Arm64:7', + // US West (N. California) + 'us-west-1': 'arn:aws:lambda:us-west-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension-Arm64:5', + // US West (Oregon) + 'us-west-2': 'arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension-Arm64:5', + // Africa (Cape Town) + 'af-south-1': 'arn:aws:lambda:af-south-1:012438385374:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension-Arm64:2', + // Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) + 'ap-east-1': 'arn:aws:lambda:ap-east-1:519774774795:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension-Arm64:2', + // Asia Pacific (Jakarta) + 'ap-southeast-3': 'arn:aws:lambda:ap-southeast-3:439286490199:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension-Arm64:2', + // Asia Pacific (Mumbai) + 'ap-south-1': 'arn:aws:lambda:ap-south-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension-Arm64:7', + // Asia Pacific (Osaka) + 'ap-northeast-3': 'arn:aws:lambda:ap-northeast-3:194566237122:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension-Arm64:2', + // Asia Pacific (Seoul) + 'ap-northeast-2': 'arn:aws:lambda:ap-northeast-2:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension-Arm64:4', + // Asia Pacific (Singapore) + 'ap-southeast-1': 'arn:aws:lambda:ap-southeast-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension-Arm64:5', + // Asia Pacific (Sydney) + 'ap-southeast-2': 'arn:aws:lambda:ap-southeast-2:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension-Arm64:5', + // Asia Pacific (Tokyo) + 'ap-northeast-1': 'arn:aws:lambda:ap-northeast-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension-Arm64:11', + // Canada (Central) + 'ca-central-1': 'arn:aws:lambda:ca-central-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension-Arm64:3', + // Europe (Frankfurt) + 'eu-central-1': 'arn:aws:lambda:eu-central-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension-Arm64:5', + // Europe (Ireland) + 'eu-west-1': 'arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension-Arm64:5', + // Europe (London) + 'eu-west-2': 'arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-2:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension-Arm64:5', + // Europe (Spain) + 'eu-south-1': 'arn:aws:lambda:eu-south-1:339249233099:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension-Arm64:2', + // Europe (Paris) + 'eu-west-3': 'arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-3:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension-Arm64:3', + // Europe (Stockholm) + 'eu-north-1': 'arn:aws:lambda:eu-north-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension-Arm64:3', + // Middle East (Bahrain) + 'me-south-1': 'arn:aws:lambda:me-south-1:285320876703:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension-Arm64:2', + // South America (Sao Paulo) + 'sa-east-1': 'arn:aws:lambda:sa-east-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension-Arm64:3', + }, + x86_64: { + // US East (N. Virginia) + 'us-east-1': 'arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:38', + // US East (Ohio) + 'us-east-2': 'arn:aws:lambda:us-east-2:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:38', + // US West (N. California) + 'us-west-1': 'arn:aws:lambda:us-west-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:38', + // US West (Oregon) + 'us-west-2': 'arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:38', + // Africa (Cape Town) + 'af-south-1': 'arn:aws:lambda:af-south-1:012438385374:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:28', + // Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) + 'ap-east-1': 'arn:aws:lambda:ap-east-1:519774774795:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:28', + // Asia Pacific (Hyderabad) + 'ap-south-2': 'arn:aws:lambda:ap-south-2:891564319516:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:10', + // Asia Pacific (Jakarta) + 'ap-southeast-3': 'arn:aws:lambda:ap-southeast-3:439286490199:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:14', + // Asia Pacific (Mumbai) + 'ap-south-1': 'arn:aws:lambda:ap-south-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:36', + // Asia Pacific (Osaka) + 'ap-northeast-3': 'arn:aws:lambda:ap-northeast-3:194566237122:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:19', + // Asia Pacific (Seoul) + 'ap-northeast-2': 'arn:aws:lambda:ap-northeast-2:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:37', + // Asia Pacific (Singapore) + 'ap-southeast-1': 'arn:aws:lambda:ap-southeast-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:38', + // Asia Pacific (Sydney) + 'ap-southeast-2': 'arn:aws:lambda:ap-southeast-2:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:38', + // Asia Pacific (Tokyo) + 'ap-northeast-1': 'arn:aws:lambda:ap-northeast-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:60', + // Canada (Central) + 'ca-central-1': 'arn:aws:lambda:ca-central-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:37', + // China (Beijing) + 'cn-north-1': 'arn:aws-cn:lambda:cn-north-1:488211338238:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:29', + // China (Ningxia) + 'cn-northwest-1': 'arn:aws-cn:lambda:cn-northwest-1:488211338238:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:29', + // Europe (Frankfurt) + 'eu-central-1': 'arn:aws:lambda:eu-central-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:38', + // Europe (Ireland) + 'eu-west-1': 'arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:38', + // Europe (London) + 'eu-west-2': 'arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-2:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:38', + // Europe (Milan) + 'eu-south-1': 'arn:aws:lambda:eu-south-1:339249233099:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:28', + // Europe (Paris) + 'eu-west-3': 'arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-3:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:37', + // Europe (Spain) + 'eu-south-2': 'arn:aws:lambda:eu-south-2:352183217350:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:12', + // Europe (Stockholm) + 'eu-north-1': 'arn:aws:lambda:eu-north-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:35', + // Europe (Zurich) + 'eu-central-2': 'arn:aws:lambda:eu-central-2:033019950311:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:11', + // Middle East (Bahrain) + 'me-south-1': 'arn:aws:lambda:me-south-1:285320876703:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:28', + // Middle East (UAE) + 'me-central-1': 'arn:aws:lambda:me-central-1:732604637566:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:11', + // South America (Sao Paulo) + 'sa-east-1': 'arn:aws:lambda:sa-east-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:37', + }, + }, '': { x86_64: { + // US East (N. Virginia) + 'us-east-1': 'arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:35', + // US East (Ohio) + 'us-east-2': 'arn:aws:lambda:us-east-2:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:33', + // US West (N. California) + 'us-west-1': 'arn:aws:lambda:us-west-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:33', + // US West (Oregon) + 'us-west-2': 'arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:33', + // Africa (Cape Town) + 'af-south-1': 'arn:aws:lambda:af-south-1:012438385374:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:25', + // Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) + 'ap-east-1': 'arn:aws:lambda:ap-east-1:519774774795:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:25', // Asia Pacific (Hyderabad) 'ap-south-2': 'arn:aws:lambda:ap-south-2:891564319516:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:8', // Asia Pacific (Jakarta) - 'ap-southeast-3': 'arn:aws:lambda:ap-southeast-3:439286490199:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:8', + 'ap-southeast-3': 'arn:aws:lambda:ap-southeast-3:439286490199:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:11', + // Asia Pacific (Mumbai) + 'ap-south-1': 'arn:aws:lambda:ap-south-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:31', + // Asia Pacific (Osaka) + 'ap-northeast-3': 'arn:aws:lambda:ap-northeast-3:194566237122:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:2', + // Asia Pacific (Seoul) + 'ap-northeast-2': 'arn:aws:lambda:ap-northeast-2:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:32', + // Asia Pacific (Singapore) + 'ap-southeast-1': 'arn:aws:lambda:ap-southeast-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:33', + // Asia Pacific (Sydney) + 'ap-southeast-2': 'arn:aws:lambda:ap-southeast-2:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:33', + // Asia Pacific (Tokyo) + 'ap-northeast-1': 'arn:aws:lambda:ap-northeast-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:50', + // Canada (Central) + 'ca-central-1': 'arn:aws:lambda:ca-central-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:32', + // China (Beijing) + 'cn-north-1': 'arn:aws-cn:lambda:cn-north-1:488211338238:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:26', + // China (Ningxia) + 'cn-northwest-1': 'arn:aws-cn:lambda:cn-northwest-1:488211338238:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:26', + // Europe (Frankfurt) + 'eu-central-1': 'arn:aws:lambda:eu-central-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:35', + // Europe (Ireland) + 'eu-west-1': 'arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:33', + // Europe (London) + 'eu-west-2': 'arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-2:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:33', + // Europe (Milan) + 'eu-south-1': 'arn:aws:lambda:eu-south-1:339249233099:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:25', + // Europe (Paris) + 'eu-west-3': 'arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-3:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:32', // Europe (Spain) 'eu-south-2': 'arn:aws:lambda:eu-south-2:352183217350:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:10', + // Europe (Stockholm) + 'eu-north-1': 'arn:aws:lambda:eu-north-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:30', // Europe (Zurich) 'eu-central-2': 'arn:aws:lambda:eu-central-2:033019950311:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:7', + // Middle East (Bahrain) + 'me-south-1': 'arn:aws:lambda:me-south-1:285320876703:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:25', // Middle East (UAE) 'me-central-1': 'arn:aws:lambda:me-central-1:732604637566:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:9', + // South America (Sao Paulo) + 'sa-east-1': 'arn:aws:lambda:sa-east-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:32', }, }, '': { @@ -259,7 +411,7 @@ export const CLOUDWATCH_LAMBDA_INSIGHTS_ARNS: { [key: string]: any } = { // Asia Pacific (Sydney) 'ap-southeast-2': 'arn:aws:lambda:ap-southeast-2:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:21', // Asia Pacific (Tokyo) - 'ap-northeast-1': 'arn:aws:lambda:ap-northeast-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:31', + 'ap-northeast-1': 'arn:aws:lambda:ap-northeast-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:32', // Canada (Central) 'ca-central-1': 'arn:aws:lambda:ca-central-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:20', // China (Beijing) @@ -522,7 +674,7 @@ export const FIREHOSE_CIDR_BLOCKS: { [region: string]: string } = { 'ap-northeast-2': '', 'ap-northeast-3': '', 'ap-south-1': '', - 'ap-south-2': '', + 'ap-south-2': '', 'ap-southeast-1': '', 'ap-southeast-2': '', 'ap-southeast-3': '', @@ -533,12 +685,12 @@ export const FIREHOSE_CIDR_BLOCKS: { [region: string]: string } = { 'eu-central-2': '', 'eu-north-1': '', 'eu-south-1': '', - 'eu-south-2': '', + 'eu-south-2': '', 'eu-west-1': '', 'eu-west-2': '', 'eu-west-3': '', 'me-south-1': '', - 'me-central-1': '', + 'me-central-1': '', 'sa-east-1': '', 'us-east-1': '', 'us-east-2': '', @@ -662,6 +814,7 @@ const ADOT_LAMBDA_LAYER_JAVA_SDK_ARNS: { [version: string]: { [arch: string]: { 'ap-southeast-2': 'arn:aws:lambda:ap-southeast-2:901920570463:layer:aws-otel-java-wrapper-amd64-ver-1-24-0:1', 'ca-central-1': 'arn:aws:lambda:ca-central-1:901920570463:layer:aws-otel-java-wrapper-amd64-ver-1-24-0:1', 'eu-central-1': 'arn:aws:lambda:eu-central-1:901920570463:layer:aws-otel-java-wrapper-amd64-ver-1-24-0:1', + 'eu-central-2': 'arn:aws:lambda:eu-central-2:901920570463:layer:aws-otel-java-wrapper-amd64-ver-1-24-0:1', 'eu-north-1': 'arn:aws:lambda:eu-north-1:901920570463:layer:aws-otel-java-wrapper-amd64-ver-1-24-0:1', 'eu-south-2': 'arn:aws:lambda:eu-south-2:901920570463:layer:aws-otel-java-wrapper-amd64-ver-1-24-0:1', 'eu-west-1': 'arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:901920570463:layer:aws-otel-java-wrapper-amd64-ver-1-24-0:1', @@ -683,6 +836,7 @@ const ADOT_LAMBDA_LAYER_JAVA_SDK_ARNS: { [version: string]: { [arch: string]: { 'ap-southeast-2': 'arn:aws:lambda:ap-southeast-2:901920570463:layer:aws-otel-java-wrapper-arm64-ver-1-24-0:1', 'ca-central-1': 'arn:aws:lambda:ca-central-1:901920570463:layer:aws-otel-java-wrapper-arm64-ver-1-24-0:1', 'eu-central-1': 'arn:aws:lambda:eu-central-1:901920570463:layer:aws-otel-java-wrapper-arm64-ver-1-24-0:1', + 'eu-central-2': 'arn:aws:lambda:eu-central-2:901920570463:layer:aws-otel-java-wrapper-arm64-ver-1-24-0:1', 'eu-north-1': 'arn:aws:lambda:eu-north-1:901920570463:layer:aws-otel-java-wrapper-arm64-ver-1-24-0:1', 'eu-south-2': 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@@ exports[`built-in data is correct 1`] = ` "lambdaInsightsArmVersions": { "": "arn:aws:lambda:eu-central-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension-Arm64:1", "": "arn:aws:lambda:eu-central-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension-Arm64:2", + "": "arn:aws:lambda:eu-central-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension-Arm64:5", }, "lambdaInsightsVersions": { "": "arn:aws:lambda:eu-central-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:16", "": "arn:aws:lambda:eu-central-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:18", "": "arn:aws:lambda:eu-central-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:21", - "": undefined, + "": "arn:aws:lambda:eu-central-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:35", + "": "arn:aws:lambda:eu-central-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:38", "": "arn:aws:lambda:eu-central-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:2", "": "arn:aws:lambda:eu-central-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:11", "": "arn:aws:lambda:eu-central-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:12", @@ -498,12 +526,14 @@ exports[`built-in data is correct 1`] = ` "lambdaInsightsArmVersions": { "": undefined, "": undefined, + "": undefined, }, "lambdaInsightsVersions": { "": undefined, "": undefined, "": undefined, "": "arn:aws:lambda:eu-central-2:033019950311:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:7", + "": "arn:aws:lambda:eu-central-2:033019950311:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:11", "": undefined, "": undefined, "": undefined, @@ -533,12 +563,14 @@ exports[`built-in data is correct 1`] = ` "lambdaInsightsArmVersions": { "": undefined, "": undefined, + "": "arn:aws:lambda:eu-north-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension-Arm64:3", }, "lambdaInsightsVersions": { "": "arn:aws:lambda:eu-north-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:16", "": "arn:aws:lambda:eu-north-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:18", "": "arn:aws:lambda:eu-north-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:20", - "": undefined, + 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"arn:aws:lambda:eu-south-1:339249233099:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:28", "": undefined, "": undefined, "": undefined, @@ -603,12 +637,14 @@ exports[`built-in data is correct 1`] = ` "lambdaInsightsArmVersions": { "": undefined, "": undefined, + "": undefined, }, "lambdaInsightsVersions": { "": undefined, "": undefined, "": undefined, "": "arn:aws:lambda:eu-south-2:352183217350:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:10", + "": "arn:aws:lambda:eu-south-2:352183217350:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:12", "": undefined, "": undefined, "": undefined, @@ -638,12 +674,14 @@ exports[`built-in data is correct 1`] = ` "lambdaInsightsArmVersions": { "": "arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension-Arm64:1", "": "arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension-Arm64:2", + "": "arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension-Arm64:5", }, "lambdaInsightsVersions": { "": "arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:16", 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"arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-2:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:16", "": "arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-2:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:18", "": "arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-2:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:21", - "": undefined, + "": "arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-2:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:33", + "": "arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-2:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:38", "": "arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-2:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:2", "": "arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-2:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:11", "": "arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-2:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:12", @@ -708,12 +748,14 @@ exports[`built-in data is correct 1`] = ` "lambdaInsightsArmVersions": { "": undefined, "": undefined, + "": "arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-3:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension-Arm64:3", }, "lambdaInsightsVersions": { "": "arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-3:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:16", "": "arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-3:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:18", "": "arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-3:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:20", - "": undefined, + "": "arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-3:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:32", + "": "arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-3:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:37", "": "arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-3:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:2", "": "arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-3:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:11", "": "arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-3:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:12", @@ -743,12 +785,14 @@ exports[`built-in data is correct 1`] = ` "lambdaInsightsArmVersions": { "": undefined, "": undefined, + "": undefined, }, "lambdaInsightsVersions": { "": undefined, "": undefined, "": undefined, "": "arn:aws:lambda:me-central-1:732604637566:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:9", + "": "arn:aws:lambda:me-central-1:732604637566:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:11", "": undefined, "": undefined, "": undefined, @@ -778,12 +822,14 @@ exports[`built-in data is correct 1`] = ` "lambdaInsightsArmVersions": { "": undefined, "": undefined, + "": "arn:aws:lambda:me-south-1:285320876703:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension-Arm64:2", }, "lambdaInsightsVersions": { "": "arn:aws:lambda:me-south-1:285320876703:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:9", "": "arn:aws:lambda:me-south-1:285320876703:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:11", "": "arn:aws:lambda:me-south-1:285320876703:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:13", - "": undefined, + "": "arn:aws:lambda:me-south-1:285320876703:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:25", + "": "arn:aws:lambda:me-south-1:285320876703:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:28", "": undefined, "": undefined, "": undefined, @@ -813,12 +859,14 @@ exports[`built-in data is correct 1`] = ` "lambdaInsightsArmVersions": { "": undefined, "": undefined, + "": "arn:aws:lambda:sa-east-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension-Arm64:3", }, "lambdaInsightsVersions": { "": "arn:aws:lambda:sa-east-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:16", "": "arn:aws:lambda:sa-east-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:18", "": "arn:aws:lambda:sa-east-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:20", - "": undefined, + "": "arn:aws:lambda:sa-east-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:32", + "": "arn:aws:lambda:sa-east-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:37", "": "arn:aws:lambda:sa-east-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:2", "": "arn:aws:lambda:sa-east-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:11", "": "arn:aws:lambda:sa-east-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:12", @@ -848,12 +896,14 @@ exports[`built-in data is correct 1`] = ` "lambdaInsightsArmVersions": { "": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension-Arm64:1", "": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension-Arm64:2", + "": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension-Arm64:5", }, "lambdaInsightsVersions": { "": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:16", "": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:18", "": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:21", - "": undefined, + "": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:35", + "": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:38", "": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:2", "": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:11", "": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:12", @@ -883,12 +933,14 @@ exports[`built-in data is correct 1`] = ` "lambdaInsightsArmVersions": { "": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-2:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension-Arm64:1", "": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-2:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension-Arm64:2", + "": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-2:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension-Arm64:7", }, "lambdaInsightsVersions": { "": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-2:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:16", "": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-2:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:18", "": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-2:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:21", - "": undefined, + "": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-2:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:33", + "": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-2:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:38", "": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-2:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:2", "": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-2:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:11", "": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-2:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:12", @@ -918,12 +970,14 @@ exports[`built-in data is correct 1`] = ` "lambdaInsightsArmVersions": { "": undefined, "": undefined, + "": undefined, }, "lambdaInsightsVersions": { "": undefined, "": undefined, "": undefined, "": undefined, + "": undefined, "": undefined, "": undefined, "": undefined, @@ -953,12 +1007,14 @@ exports[`built-in data is correct 1`] = ` "lambdaInsightsArmVersions": { "": undefined, "": undefined, + "": undefined, }, "lambdaInsightsVersions": { "": undefined, "": undefined, "": undefined, "": undefined, + "": undefined, "": undefined, "": undefined, "": undefined, @@ -988,12 +1044,14 @@ exports[`built-in data is correct 1`] = ` "lambdaInsightsArmVersions": { "": undefined, "": undefined, + "": undefined, }, "lambdaInsightsVersions": { "": undefined, "": undefined, "": undefined, "": undefined, + "": undefined, "": undefined, "": undefined, "": undefined, @@ -1023,12 +1081,14 @@ exports[`built-in data is correct 1`] = ` "lambdaInsightsArmVersions": { "": undefined, "": undefined, + "": undefined, }, "lambdaInsightsVersions": { "": undefined, "": undefined, "": undefined, "": undefined, + "": undefined, "": undefined, "": undefined, "": undefined, @@ -1058,12 +1118,14 @@ exports[`built-in data is correct 1`] = ` "lambdaInsightsArmVersions": { "": undefined, "": undefined, + "": undefined, }, "lambdaInsightsVersions": { "": undefined, "": undefined, "": undefined, "": undefined, + "": undefined, "": undefined, "": undefined, "": undefined, @@ -1093,12 +1155,14 @@ exports[`built-in data is correct 1`] = ` "lambdaInsightsArmVersions": { "": undefined, "": undefined, + "": "arn:aws:lambda:us-west-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension-Arm64:5", }, "lambdaInsightsVersions": { "": "arn:aws:lambda:us-west-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:16", "": "arn:aws:lambda:us-west-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:18", "": "arn:aws:lambda:us-west-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:20", - "": undefined, + "": "arn:aws:lambda:us-west-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:33", + "": "arn:aws:lambda:us-west-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:38", "": "arn:aws:lambda:us-west-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:2", "": "arn:aws:lambda:us-west-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:11", "": "arn:aws:lambda:us-west-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:12", @@ -1128,12 +1192,14 @@ exports[`built-in data is correct 1`] = ` "lambdaInsightsArmVersions": { "": "arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension-Arm64:1", "": "arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension-Arm64:2", + "": "arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension-Arm64:5", }, "lambdaInsightsVersions": { "": "arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:16", "": "arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:18", "": "arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:21", - "": undefined, + "": "arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:33", + "": "arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:38", "": "arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:2", "": "arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:11", "": "arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:12", diff --git a/packages/aws-cdk-lib/scripts/codegen.ts b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/scripts/codegen.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..19969bb0b2d7a --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/scripts/codegen.ts @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +export * from '@aws-cdk/cfn2ts'; diff --git a/packages/aws-cdk-lib/scripts/gen.ts b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/scripts/gen.ts index 9b1355730bdbd..7c56f5189160c 100644 --- a/packages/aws-cdk-lib/scripts/gen.ts +++ b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/scripts/gen.ts @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ import * as path from 'node:path'; -import { generateAll, ModuleMap } from '@aws-cdk/cfn2ts'; import * as fs from 'fs-extra'; +import { generateAll, ModuleMap } from './codegen'; import submodulesGen from './submodules'; const awsCdkLibDir = path.join(__dirname, '..'); diff --git a/packages/aws-cdk-lib/scripts/scope-map.json b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/scripts/scope-map.json index ac4ec568cff7f..08a4b8dccd37c 100644 --- a/packages/aws-cdk-lib/scripts/scope-map.json +++ b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/scripts/scope-map.json @@ -639,6 +639,9 @@ "aws-transfer": [ "AWS::Transfer" ], + "aws-verifiedpermissions": [ + "AWS::VerifiedPermissions" + ], "aws-voiceid": [ "AWS::VoiceID" ], diff --git a/packages/aws-cdk-lib/scripts/submodules/aws-events-targets.ts b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/scripts/submodules/aws-events-targets.ts index 97c44290ae979..018c776c73939 100644 --- a/packages/aws-cdk-lib/scripts/submodules/aws-events-targets.ts +++ b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/scripts/submodules/aws-events-targets.ts @@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ */ import * as fs from 'node:fs'; import * as path from 'node:path'; -import { ModuleMap } from '@aws-cdk/cfn2ts'; import * as sdkMetadata from 'aws-sdk/apis/metadata.json'; import * as packageInfo from 'aws-sdk/package.json'; +import { ModuleMap } from '../codegen'; export default async function awsEventsTargets(_moduleMap: ModuleMap, outPath: string) { fs.writeFileSync( diff --git a/packages/aws-cdk-lib/scripts/submodules/cloudformation-include.ts b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/scripts/submodules/cloudformation-include.ts index 67498d13b52b6..89bd084a97a62 100644 --- a/packages/aws-cdk-lib/scripts/submodules/cloudformation-include.ts +++ b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/scripts/submodules/cloudformation-include.ts @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ import * as path from 'node:path'; -import { ModuleMap } from '@aws-cdk/cfn2ts'; import * as fs from 'fs-extra'; +import { ModuleMap } from '../codegen'; export default async function cloudformationInclude(moduleMap: ModuleMap, outPath: string) { const classMap: { [cfnType: string]: string } = {}; diff --git a/packages/aws-cdk-lib/scripts/submodules/index.ts b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/scripts/submodules/index.ts index bae4330ab8465..c2d088d9f1c2f 100644 --- a/packages/aws-cdk-lib/scripts/submodules/index.ts +++ b/packages/aws-cdk-lib/scripts/submodules/index.ts @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ import * as path from 'node:path'; -import { ModuleMap, ModuleMapEntry } from '@aws-cdk/cfn2ts'; import { createLibraryReadme } from '@aws-cdk/pkglint'; import * as fs from 'fs-extra'; import awsEventsTargets from './aws-events-targets'; import cloudformationInclude from './cloudformation-include'; +import { ModuleMap, ModuleMapEntry } from '../codegen'; export default async function submodulesGen(modules: ModuleMap, outPath: string) { for (const submodule of Object.values(modules)) { diff --git a/scripts/gen.sh b/scripts/gen.sh index b317366b9452d..1a6bd48530e51 100755 --- a/scripts/gen.sh +++ b/scripts/gen.sh @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ fail() { echo "=============================================================================================" echo "building required build tools..." -time npx lerna run --stream build --scope @aws-cdk/cfn2ts --scope @aws-cdk/ubergen --include-dependencies || fail +time npx lerna run --stream build --scope @aws-cdk/cfn2ts --scope @aws-cdk/spec2cdk --include-dependencies || fail echo "=============================================================================================" echo "executing gen..." diff --git a/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/.eslintrc.js b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/.eslintrc.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..2658ee8727166 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/.eslintrc.js @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +const baseConfig = require('@aws-cdk/cdk-build-tools/config/eslintrc'); +baseConfig.parserOptions.project = __dirname + '/tsconfig.json'; +module.exports = baseConfig; diff --git a/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/.gitignore b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..39180f6eb0bb4 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +# Build files +*.js +node_modules +*.js.map +*.d.ts +lib/services + +# Test artifacts +.LAST_BUILD +.nyc_output +coverage +nyc.config.js +*.snk +junit.xml + +# Keep configs +!.eslintrc.js +!jest.config.js diff --git a/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/.npmignore b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/.npmignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..79f3b5a763216 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/.npmignore @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ + +.LAST_BUILD +*.snk +junit.xml +.eslintrc.js +# exclude cdk artifacts +**/cdk.out \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/LICENSE b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..9b722c65c5481 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,201 @@ + Apache License + Version 2.0, January 2004 + http://www.apache.org/licenses/ + + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE, REPRODUCTION, AND DISTRIBUTION + + 1. Definitions. + + "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, + and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document. + + "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by + the copyright owner that is granting the License. + + "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all + other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common + control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition, + "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the + direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or + otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the + outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity. + + "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity + exercising permissions granted by this License. + + "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications, + including but not limited to software source code, documentation + source, and configuration files. + + "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical + transformation or translation of a Source form, including but + not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation, + and conversions to other media types. + + "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or + Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a + copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work + (an example is provided in the Appendix below). + + "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object + form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the + editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications + represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes + of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain + separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of, + the Work and Derivative Works thereof. + + "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including + the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions + to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally + submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner + or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of + the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted" + means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent + to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to + communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems, + and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the + Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but + excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise + designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution." + + "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity + on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and + subsequently incorporated within the Work. + + 2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of + this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, + worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable + copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of, + publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the + Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form. + + 3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of + this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, + worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable + (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made, + use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work, + where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable + by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their + Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s) + with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You + institute patent litigation against any entity (including a + cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work + or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct + or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses + granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate + as of the date such litigation is filed. + + 4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the + Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without + modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You + meet the following conditions: + + (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or + Derivative Works a copy of this License; and + + (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that You changed the files; and + + (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works + that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and + attribution notices from the Source form of the Work, + excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of + the Derivative Works; and + + (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its + distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must + include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained + within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not + pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one + of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed + as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or + documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or, + within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and + wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents + of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and + do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution + notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside + or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided + that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed + as modifying the License. + + You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and + may provide additional or different license terms and conditions + for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or + for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use, + reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with + the conditions stated in this License. + + 5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise, + any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work + by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of + this License, without any additional terms or conditions. + Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify + the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed + with Licensor regarding such Contributions. + + 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade + names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor, + except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the + origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file. + + 7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or + agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each + Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or + implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions + of TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, or FITNESS FOR A + PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the + appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any + risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License. + + 8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory, + whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, + unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly + negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be + liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special, + incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a + result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the + Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill, + work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all + other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor + has been advised of the possibility of such damages. + + 9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing + the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer, + and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity, + or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this + License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only + on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf + of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify, + defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability + incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason + of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work. + + To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following + boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]" + replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include + the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate + comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a + file or class name and description of purpose be included on the + same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier + identification within third-party archives. + + Copyright 2018-2023 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. diff --git a/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/NOTICE b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/NOTICE new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..a27b7dd317649 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/NOTICE @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) +Copyright 2018-2023 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. diff --git a/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/README.md b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..8e03fca518598 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +# spec2cdk + +Generates AWS CDK L1s in TypeScript from `@aws-cdk/aws-service-spec`. + +```console +Usage: + + spec2cdk OUTPUT-PATH [--option=value] + + +Options: + + Note: Passing values to non-boolean options MUST use the = sign: --option=value + + --augmentations [string] [default: "%moduleName%/%serviceShortName%-augmentations.generated.ts"] + File and path pattern for generated augmentations files + --augmentations-support [boolean] [default: false] + Generates additional files required for augmentation files to compile. Use for testing only. + --clear-output [boolean] [default: false] + Completely delete the output path before generating new files + --debug [boolean] [default: false] + Show additional debug output + --metrics [string] [default: "%moduleName%/%serviceShortName%-canned-metrics.generated.ts"] + File and path pattern for generated canned metrics files + --pattern [string] [default: "%moduleName%/%serviceShortName%.generated.ts"] + File and path pattern for generated files + --service [string] [default: all services] + Generate files only for a specific service, e.g. aws-lambda + +Path patterns can use the following variables: + + %moduleName% The name of the module, e.g. aws-lambda + %serviceName% The full name of the service, e.g. aws-lambda + %serviceShortName% The short name of the service, e.g. lambda + + Note that %moduleName% and %serviceName% can be different if multiple services are generated into a single module. + +``` + +## Use as @aws-cdk/cfn2ts replacement + +You can use the `cfn2ts` binary as a drop-in replacement for the existing `@aws-cdk/cfn2ts` command. + +At a code level, import `@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/cfn2ts` for a drop-in replacement. diff --git a/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/bin/cfn2ts b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/bin/cfn2ts new file mode 100755 index 0000000000000..805259d6e6db1 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/bin/cfn2ts @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env node +require('./cfn2ts.js'); diff --git a/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/bin/cfn2ts.ts b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/bin/cfn2ts.ts new file mode 100755 index 0000000000000..71be9da8482e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/bin/cfn2ts.ts @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env node + +// Drop-in replacement for old cfn2ts +import '../lib/cfn2ts'; diff --git a/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/bin/spec2cdk b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/bin/spec2cdk new file mode 100755 index 0000000000000..37366cce30541 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/bin/spec2cdk @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env node +require('./spec2cdk.js'); diff --git a/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/bin/spec2cdk.ts b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/bin/spec2cdk.ts new file mode 100755 index 0000000000000..bc6e16fe6e58c --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/bin/spec2cdk.ts @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env node +import '../lib/cli'; diff --git a/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/jest.config.js b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/jest.config.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..ac9efecb6601d --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/jest.config.js @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +const baseConfig = require('@aws-cdk/cdk-build-tools/config/jest.config'); + +module.exports = { + ...baseConfig, + testMatch: [ + "**/?(*.)+(test).js", + ], + testEnvironment: 'node', + coverageThreshold: { + global: { + branches: 70, + }, + }, +}; diff --git a/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/cdk/ast.ts b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/cdk/ast.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..654c99e9c6d3e --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/cdk/ast.ts @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +import { SpecDatabase, Resource, Service } from '@aws-cdk/service-spec-types'; +import { Module } from '@cdklabs/typewriter'; +import { AugmentationsModule } from './augmentation-generator'; +import { CannedMetricsModule } from './canned-metrics'; +import { CDK_CORE, CONSTRUCTS, ModuleImportLocations } from './cdk'; +import { ResourceClass } from './resource-class'; + +/** + * A module containing a single resource + */ +export class ResourceModule extends Module { + public constructor(public readonly service: string, public readonly resource: string) { + super(`@aws-cdk/${service}/${resource}-l1`); + } +} + +/** + * A module containing a service + */ +export class ServiceModule extends Module { + public constructor(public readonly service: string, public readonly shortName: string) { + super(`@aws-cdk/${service}`); + } +} + +export interface AstBuilderProps { + readonly db: SpecDatabase; + /** + * Override the locations modules are imported from + */ + readonly importLocations?: ModuleImportLocations; + + /** + * Append a suffix at the end of generated names. + */ + readonly nameSuffix?: string; +} + +export class AstBuilder { + /** + * Build a module for all resources in a service + */ + public static forService(service: Service, props: AstBuilderProps): AstBuilder { + const scope = new ServiceModule(service.name, service.shortName); + const aug = new AugmentationsModule(props.db, service.name, props.importLocations?.cloudwatch); + const metrics = CannedMetricsModule.forService(props.db, service); + + const ast = new AstBuilder(scope, props, aug, metrics); + + const resources = props.db.follow('hasResource', service); + + for (const link of resources) { + ast.addResource(link.entity); + } + + return ast; + } + + /** + * Build an module for a single resource + */ + public static forResource(resource: Resource, props: AstBuilderProps): AstBuilder { + const parts = resource.cloudFormationType.toLowerCase().split('::'); + const scope = new ResourceModule(parts[1], parts[2]); + const aug = new AugmentationsModule(props.db, parts[1], props.importLocations?.cloudwatch); + const metrics = CannedMetricsModule.forResource(props.db, resource); + + const ast = new AstBuilder(scope, props, aug, metrics); + ast.addResource(resource); + + return ast; + } + + public readonly db: SpecDatabase; + /** + * Map of CloudFormation resource name to generated class name + */ + public readonly resources: Record = {}; + private nameSuffix?: string; + + protected constructor( + public readonly module: T, + props: AstBuilderProps, + public readonly augmentations?: AugmentationsModule, + public readonly cannedMetrics?: CannedMetricsModule, + ) { + this.db = props.db; + this.nameSuffix = props.nameSuffix; + + CDK_CORE.import(this.module, 'cdk', { fromLocation: props.importLocations?.core }); + CONSTRUCTS.import(this.module, 'constructs'); + CDK_CORE.helpers.import(this.module, 'cfn_parse', { fromLocation: props.importLocations?.coreHelpers }); + } + + public addResource(resource: Resource) { + const resourceClass = new ResourceClass(this.module, this.db, resource, this.nameSuffix); + this.resources[resource.cloudFormationType] = resourceClass.spec.name; + + resourceClass.build(); + + this.augmentations?.augmentResource(resource, resourceClass); + } +} diff --git a/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/cdk/augmentation-generator.ts b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/cdk/augmentation-generator.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..c9c74aa4bb0e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/cdk/augmentation-generator.ts @@ -0,0 +1,247 @@ +import { Resource, ResourceAugmentation, ResourceMetric, SpecDatabase } from '@aws-cdk/service-spec-types'; +import { + $E, + ClassType, + expr, + InterfaceType, + Module, + MonkeyPatchedType, + Splat, + MemberType, + stmt, + Type, +} from '@cdklabs/typewriter'; +import { CDK_CLOUDWATCH, CONSTRUCTS } from './cdk'; +import { ResourceClass } from './resource-class'; + +/** + * Generate augmentation methods for the given types + * + * Augmentation consists of two parts: + * + * - Adding method declarations to an interface (IBucket) + * - Adding implementations for those methods to the base class (BucketBase) + * + * The augmentation file must be imported in `index.ts`. + * + * ---------------------------------------------------------- + * + * Generates code similar to the following: + * + * ``` + * import Base from './-base'; + * + * declare module './-base' { + * interface { + * method(...): Type; + * } + * interface { + * method(...): Type; + * } + * } + * + * .prototype. = // ...impl... + * ``` + * + * This code may not have been factored the best in terms of how it should + * be modeled in typewriter. + */ +export class AugmentationsModule extends Module { + private _hasAugmentations: boolean = false; + + /** + * Modules that contain classes that are normally handwritten + */ + public readonly supportModules = new Array(); + + constructor(private readonly db: SpecDatabase, serviceName: string, cloudWatchModuleImport?: string) { + super(`${serviceName}.augmentations`); + + this.documentation.push( + `Copyright 2012-${new Date().getFullYear()} Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.`, + ); + + CDK_CLOUDWATCH.import(this, 'cw', { + fromLocation: cloudWatchModuleImport, + }); + } + + public get hasAugmentations() { + return this._hasAugmentations; + } + + public augmentResource(resource: Resource, resourceClass: ResourceClass) { + for (const { entity: aug } of this.db.follow('isAugmented', resource)) { + if (aug.metrics) { + this._hasAugmentations = true; + new ResourceGenerator(resource, resourceClass, aug, this.supportModules).emit(this); + } + } + } +} + +class ResourceGenerator { + private readonly interfaceFile: string; + private readonly classFile: string; + private readonly interfaceName: string; + private readonly className: string; + + constructor( + private readonly resource: Resource, + resourceClass: ResourceClass, + private readonly aug: ResourceAugmentation, + private readonly supportModules: Module[], + ) { + const l2ClassName = resourceClass.name.replace(/^Cfn/, ''); + const l2KebabName = l2ClassName.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, '$1-$2').toLowerCase(); + + this.classFile = `./${aug.baseClassFile ?? `${l2KebabName}-base`}`; + this.className = aug.baseClass ?? `${l2ClassName}Base`; + this.interfaceFile = aug.interfaceFile ? `./${aug.interfaceFile}` : this.classFile; + this.interfaceName = aug.interface ?? `I${l2ClassName}`; + } + + public emit(into: Module) { + const interfaceModule = new Module(this.interfaceFile); + const classModule = this.classFile === this.interfaceFile ? interfaceModule : new Module(this.classFile); + this.supportModules.push(...new Set([interfaceModule, classModule])); + + classModule.importSelective(into, [this.className]); + + const externalInterfaceType = new InterfaceType(interfaceModule, { name: this.interfaceName, export: true }); + const externalClassType = this.generateClassType(classModule); + + this.emitPatches(into, externalInterfaceType); + this.emitPatches(into, externalClassType); + } + + /** + * Generate a ClassType representing the L2 class that we're augmenting + * + * We didn't need this class at all, in principle, but if we want to be able to + * generate the code and compile it independent of the human-written code we're + * going to integrate it into later, we need a representation of this class with + * the right attributes so that the compiler can do some sensible type checking. + * + * This class will only be written to disk if that is explicitly requested during + * code generation. + */ + private generateClassType(classModule: Module) { + CONSTRUCTS.importSelective(classModule, ['Construct']); + + const type = new ClassType(classModule, { + name: this.className, + export: true, + extends: CONSTRUCTS.Construct, + }); + for (const attrName of Object.values(this.aug.metrics?.dimensions ?? {})) { + type.addProperty({ + name: attrName, + type: Type.STRING, + immutable: true, + initializer: expr.lit('dummy'), + }); + } + + return type; + } + + /** + * Emit the interface declarations of our mixins + * + * The declarations will be emitted as an interface, and TypeScript will + * combine them with existing declarations, of either an interface or class type. + */ + private emitPatches(into: Module, targetType: MemberType) { + const iface = new MonkeyPatchedType(into, targetType); + this.emitGenericMethod(iface); + + for (const metric of this.aug.metrics?.metrics ?? []) { + this.emitSpecificMethod(iface, metric); + } + } + + private emitGenericMethod(type: MemberType): void { + const meth = type.addMethod({ + name: 'metric', + docs: { + summary: `Return the given named metric for this ${this.resource.name}`, + }, + returnType: CDK_CLOUDWATCH.Metric, + }); + + const metricName = meth.addParameter({ name: 'metricName', type: Type.STRING }); + const props = meth.addParameter({ name: 'props', type: CDK_CLOUDWATCH.MetricOptions, optional: true }); + + const $this = $E(expr.this_()); + + meth.addBody( + stmt.ret( + new CDK_CLOUDWATCH.Metric( + expr.object( + { + namespace: expr.lit(this.aug.metrics?.namespace), + metricName, + dimensionsMap: expr.object( + Object.entries(this.aug.metrics?.dimensions ?? {}).map( + ([name, attrName]) => [name, $this[attrName]] as const, + ), + ), + }, + new Splat(props), + ), + ).attachTo($this), + ), + ); + } + + private emitSpecificMethod(iface: MemberType, metric: ResourceMetric) { + const meth = iface.addMethod({ + name: metricFunctionName(metric), + docs: { + summary: metric.documentation, + remarks: `${metricStatistic(metric)} over 5 minutes`, + }, + returnType: CDK_CLOUDWATCH.Metric, + }); + + const props = meth.addParameter({ + name: 'props', + type: CDK_CLOUDWATCH.MetricOptions, + optional: true, + }); + + const $this = $E(expr.this_()); + meth.addBody( + stmt.ret( + $this.metric( + expr.lit(metric.name), + expr.object( + { + statistic: expr.lit(metricStatistic(metric)), + }, + new Splat(props), + ), + ), + ), + ); + } +} + +function metricFunctionName(metric: ResourceMetric): string { + return `metric${metric.name.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, '')}`; +} + +function metricStatistic(metric: ResourceMetric): string { + switch (metric.type) { + case 'attrib': + case undefined: + return 'Average'; + + case 'count': + return 'Sum'; + + case 'gauge': + return 'Maximum'; + } +} diff --git a/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/cdk/canned-metrics.ts b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/cdk/canned-metrics.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..b6dbc0565b862 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/cdk/canned-metrics.ts @@ -0,0 +1,150 @@ +import { DimensionSet, Metric, Resource, Service, SpecDatabase } from '@aws-cdk/service-spec-types'; +import { ClassType, expr, InterfaceType, IScope, Method, Module, stmt, Type } from '@cdklabs/typewriter'; +import { + metricFunctionName, + metricsClassNameFromService as metricsClassNameFromNamespace, +} from '../naming/conventions'; + +/** + * Generate Canned Metrics + */ +export class CannedMetricsModule extends Module { + public static forService(db: SpecDatabase, service: Service): CannedMetricsModule { + const metrics = db.follow('serviceHasMetric', service); + const namespaces = Array.from(new Set(metrics.map((r) => r.entity.namespace))); + const cm = new CannedMetricsModule(db, service, namespaces); + + for (const r of metrics) { + cm.addMetricWithDimensions(r.entity); + } + + return cm; + } + + public static forResource(db: SpecDatabase, resource: Resource): CannedMetricsModule { + const service = db.incoming('hasResource', resource).only().entity; + const metrics = db.follow('resourceHasMetric', resource); + const namespaces = Array.from(new Set(metrics.map((r) => r.entity.namespace))); + const cm = new CannedMetricsModule(db, service, namespaces); + + for (const r of metrics) { + cm.addMetricWithDimensions(r.entity); + } + + return cm; + } + + private metrics: Record = {}; + private _hasCannedMetrics: boolean = false; + + private constructor(private readonly db: SpecDatabase, service: Service, namespaces: string[]) { + super(`${service.name}.canned-metrics`); + + const returnType = new MetricsReturnType(this); + + for (const namespace of namespaces) { + this.metrics[namespace] = new MetricsClass(this, namespace, returnType); + } + } + + public get hasCannedMetrics() { + return this._hasCannedMetrics; + } + + /** + * Add metrics for a given dimension set to the module + */ + public addMetricWithDimensions(metric: Metric) { + this._hasCannedMetrics = true; + const dimensions = this.db.follow('usesDimensionSet', metric).map((m) => m.entity); + this.metrics[metric.namespace].addMetricWithDimensions(metric, dimensions); + } +} + +export class MetricsReturnType extends InterfaceType { + public constructor(scope: IScope) { + super(scope, { + name: 'MetricWithDims', + export: true, + properties: [ + { + name: 'namespace', + type: Type.STRING, + immutable: true, + }, + { + name: 'metricName', + type: Type.STRING, + immutable: true, + }, + { + name: 'statistic', + type: Type.STRING, + immutable: true, + }, + ], + }); + + const D = this.addTypeParameter({ name: 'D' }); + + this.addProperty({ + name: 'dimensionsMap', + type: D.asType(), + immutable: true, + }); + } +} + +export class MetricsClass extends ClassType { + constructor(scope: IScope, namespace: string, private returnType: MetricsReturnType) { + super(scope, { + export: true, + name: metricsClassNameFromNamespace(namespace), + }); + } + + public addMetricWithDimensions(metric: Metric, dimensionSets: DimensionSet[]) { + const name = metricFunctionName(metric); + + // Add a unique declaration for each dimension set + for (const set of dimensionSets) { + const dimensionsType = dimensionSetType(set); + this.addMetricMethodDeclaration(name, dimensionsType); + } + + // If we have more than one dimension set, add a generic declaration + if (dimensionSets.length > 1) { + this.addMetricMethodDeclaration(name, Type.ANY); + } + + // Add the implementation to the final declaration + this.methods.at(-1)?.addBody( + stmt.ret( + expr.object({ + namespace: expr.lit(metric.namespace), + metricName: expr.lit(metric.name), + dimensionsMap: expr.ident('dimensions'), + statistic: expr.lit(metric.statistic), + }), + ), + ); + } + + private addMetricMethodDeclaration(name: string, dimensionsType: Type): Method { + return this.addMethod({ + name, + static: true, + returnType: Type.fromName(this.scope, this.returnType.name, [dimensionsType]), + parameters: [ + { + name: 'dimensions', + type: dimensionsType, + }, + ], + }); + } +} + +function dimensionSetType(set: DimensionSet): Type { + return Type.anonymousInterface(set.dimensions.map(({ name }) => ({ name, type: Type.STRING }))); +} diff --git a/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/cdk/cdk.ts b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/cdk/cdk.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..3c4a4de33df35 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/cdk/cdk.ts @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ +import { $E, $T, expr, Expression, ExternalModule, IScope, ThingSymbol, Type } from '@cdklabs/typewriter'; + +export interface ModuleImportLocations { + /** + * The import name used import the core module + * @default 'aws-cdk-lib' + */ + readonly core?: string; + /** + * The import name used to import core helpers module + * @default 'aws-cdk-lib/core/lib/helpers-internal' + */ + readonly coreHelpers?: string; + + /** + * The import name used to import the CloudWatch module + * + * @default 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-cloudwatch' + */ + readonly cloudwatch?: string; +} + +export class CdkCore extends ExternalModule { + public readonly helpers = new CdkInternalHelpers(this); + + public readonly CfnResource = Type.fromName(this, 'CfnResource'); + public readonly Resource = $T(Type.fromName(this, 'Resource')); + public readonly IInspectable = Type.fromName(this, 'IInspectable'); + public readonly TreeInspector = Type.fromName(this, 'TreeInspector'); + public readonly Token = $T(Type.fromName(this, 'Token')); + public readonly ResolutionTypeHint = Type.fromName(this, 'ResolutionTypeHint'); + public readonly CfnTag = Type.fromName(this, 'CfnTag'); + public readonly TagManager = $T(Type.fromName(this, 'TagManager')); + public readonly TagType = $T(Type.fromName(this, 'TagType')); + public readonly ITaggable = Type.fromName(this, 'ITaggable'); + public readonly ITaggableV2 = Type.fromName(this, 'ITaggableV2'); + public readonly IResolvable = Type.fromName(this, 'IResolvable'); + + public readonly objectToCloudFormation = makeCallableExpr(this, 'objectToCloudFormation'); + public readonly stringToCloudFormation = makeCallableExpr(this, 'stringToCloudFormation'); + public readonly dateToCloudFormation = makeCallableExpr(this, 'dateToCloudFormation'); + public readonly booleanToCloudFormation = makeCallableExpr(this, 'booleanToCloudFormation'); + public readonly numberToCloudFormation = makeCallableExpr(this, 'numberToCloudFormation'); + public readonly cfnTagToCloudFormation = makeCallableExpr(this, 'cfnTagToCloudFormation'); + public readonly canInspect = makeCallableExpr(this, 'canInspect'); + public readonly listMapper = makeCallableExpr(this, 'listMapper'); + public readonly hashMapper = makeCallableExpr(this, 'hashMapper'); + public readonly unionMapper = makeCallableExpr(this, 'unionMapper'); + public readonly requireProperty = makeCallableExpr(this, 'requireProperty'); + public readonly isResolvableObject = makeCallableExpr(this, 'isResolvableObject'); + + public readonly ValidationResult = $T(Type.fromName(this, 'ValidationResult')); + public readonly VALIDATION_SUCCESS = makeCallableExpr(this, 'VALIDATION_SUCCESS'); + public readonly ValidationResults = $T(Type.fromName(this, 'ValidationResults')); + + public readonly propertyValidator = makeCallableExpr(this, 'propertyValidator'); + public readonly requiredValidator = makeCallableExpr(this, 'requiredValidator'); + public readonly listValidator = makeCallableExpr(this, 'listValidator'); + public readonly hashValidator = makeCallableExpr(this, 'hashValidator'); + public readonly unionValidator = makeCallableExpr(this, 'unionValidator'); + public readonly validateCfnTag = makeCallableExpr(this, 'validateCfnTag'); + public readonly validateObject = makeCallableExpr(this, 'validateObject'); + public readonly validateDate = makeCallableExpr(this, 'validateDate'); + public readonly validateBoolean = makeCallableExpr(this, 'validateBoolean'); + public readonly validateNumber = makeCallableExpr(this, 'validateNumber'); + public readonly validateString = makeCallableExpr(this, 'validateString'); + + constructor(fqn: string) { + super(fqn); + } + + public tokenAsString(arg: Expression) { + return this.Token.asString(arg); + } + + public tokenAsNumber(arg: Expression) { + return this.Token.asNumber(arg); + } + + public tokenAsList(arg: Expression) { + return this.Token.asList(arg); + } +} + +export class CdkInternalHelpers extends ExternalModule { + public readonly FromCloudFormationOptions = Type.fromName(this, 'FromCloudFormationOptions'); + public readonly FromCloudFormationResult = $T(Type.fromName(this, 'FromCloudFormationResult')); + public readonly FromCloudFormation = $T(Type.fromName(this, 'FromCloudFormation')); + public readonly FromCloudFormationPropertyObject = Type.fromName(this, 'FromCloudFormationPropertyObject'); + + constructor(parent: CdkCore) { + super(`${parent.fqn}/core/lib/helpers-internal`); + } +} + +export class Constructs extends ExternalModule { + public readonly Construct = Type.fromName(this, 'Construct'); + public readonly IConstruct = Type.fromName(this, 'IConstruct'); + + constructor() { + super('constructs'); + } +} + +export class CdkCloudWatch extends ExternalModule { + public readonly Metric = $T(Type.fromName(this, 'Metric')); + public readonly MetricOptions = Type.fromName(this, 'MetricOptions'); +} + +export const CDK_CORE = new CdkCore('aws-cdk-lib'); +export const CDK_CLOUDWATCH = new CdkCloudWatch('aws-cdk-lib/aws-cloudwatch'); +export const CONSTRUCTS = new Constructs(); + +function makeCallableExpr(scope: IScope, name: string) { + return $E(expr.sym(new ThingSymbol(name, scope))); +} diff --git a/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/cdk/cloudformation-mapping.ts b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/cdk/cloudformation-mapping.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..6178e9de3123b --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/cdk/cloudformation-mapping.ts @@ -0,0 +1,277 @@ +import { + expr, + Expression, + ObjectPropertyAccess, + IsNotNullish, + Type, + ThingSymbol, + IScope, + StructType, + PrimitiveType, + FreeFunction, + stmt, + $E, + IsObject, +} from '@cdklabs/typewriter'; +import { CDK_CORE } from './cdk'; +import { PropertyValidator } from './property-validator'; +import { cfnParserNameFromType, cfnProducerNameFromType, cfnPropsValidatorNameFromType } from '../naming'; + +export interface PropertyMapping { + readonly cfnName: string; + readonly propName: string; + readonly baseType: Type; + readonly optional?: boolean; +} + +/** + * Convert values between CloudFormation and TypeScript + * + * Retain a list of properties with their CloudFormation and TypeScript names, and generate + * TypeScript expression that convert between the respective types. + */ +export class CloudFormationMapping { + private readonly cfn2ts: Record = {}; + private readonly cfn2Prop: Record = {}; + + constructor(private readonly mapperFunctionsScope: IScope) {} + + public add(mapping: PropertyMapping) { + this.cfn2ts[mapping.cfnName] = mapping.propName; + this.cfn2Prop[mapping.cfnName] = mapping; + } + + public cfnFromTs(): Array<[string, string]> { + return Object.entries(this.cfn2ts).sort(([a], [b]) => a.localeCompare(b)); + } + + public cfnProperties(): string[] { + return Object.keys(this.cfn2Prop).sort(); + } + + public produceProperty(cfnName: string, struct: Expression): Expression { + const value = new ObjectPropertyAccess(struct, this.cfn2ts[cfnName]); + const type = this.cfn2Prop[cfnName].baseType; + if (!type) { + throw new Error(`No type for ${cfnName}`); + } + + return this.typeHandlers(type).produce.call(value); + } + + public parseProperty(cfnName: string, propsObj: Expression): Expression { + const value = new ObjectPropertyAccess(propsObj, cfnName); + const type = this.cfn2Prop[cfnName].baseType; + if (!type) { + throw new Error(`No type for ${cfnName}`); + } + + return expr.cond(new IsNotNullish(value)).then(this.typeHandlers(type).parse.call(value)).else(expr.UNDEFINED); + } + + public validateProperty(cfnName: string, propsObj: Expression, errorsObj: Expression): Expression[] { + const prop = this.cfn2Prop[cfnName]; + + const validations = new Array(); + + if (!prop.optional) { + validations.push( + errorsObj.callMethod( + 'collect', + CDK_CORE.propertyValidator + .call(expr.lit(prop.propName), CDK_CORE.requiredValidator) + .call(propsObj.prop(prop.propName)), + ), + ); + } + + validations.push( + errorsObj.callMethod( + 'collect', + CDK_CORE.propertyValidator + .call(expr.lit(prop.propName), this.typeHandlers(prop.baseType).validate) + .call(propsObj.prop(prop.propName)), + ), + ); + + return validations; + } + + private typeHandlers(type: Type): TypeHandlers { + if (type.equals(CDK_CORE.CfnTag)) { + return { + produce: CDK_CORE.cfnTagToCloudFormation, + parse: CDK_CORE.helpers.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag, + validate: CDK_CORE.validateCfnTag, + }; + } + + if (type.equals(CDK_CORE.IResolvable)) { + return { + produce: CDK_CORE.objectToCloudFormation, + parse: CDK_CORE.helpers.FromCloudFormation.getAny, + validate: CDK_CORE.validateObject, + }; + } + + switch (type.primitive) { + case PrimitiveType.String: + return { + produce: CDK_CORE.stringToCloudFormation, + parse: CDK_CORE.helpers.FromCloudFormation.getString, + validate: CDK_CORE.validateString, + }; + case PrimitiveType.DateTime: + return { + produce: CDK_CORE.dateToCloudFormation, + parse: CDK_CORE.helpers.FromCloudFormation.getDate, + validate: CDK_CORE.validateDate, + }; + case PrimitiveType.Number: + return { + produce: CDK_CORE.numberToCloudFormation, + parse: CDK_CORE.helpers.FromCloudFormation.getNumber, + validate: CDK_CORE.validateNumber, + }; + case PrimitiveType.Json: + return { + produce: CDK_CORE.objectToCloudFormation, + parse: CDK_CORE.helpers.FromCloudFormation.getAny, + validate: CDK_CORE.validateObject, + }; + case PrimitiveType.Any: + return { + produce: CDK_CORE.objectToCloudFormation, + parse: CDK_CORE.helpers.FromCloudFormation.getAny, + validate: CDK_CORE.validateObject, + }; + case PrimitiveType.Boolean: + return { + produce: CDK_CORE.booleanToCloudFormation, + parse: CDK_CORE.helpers.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean, + validate: CDK_CORE.validateBoolean, + }; + } + + if (type.arrayOfType) { + const innerHandler = this.typeHandlers(type.arrayOfType); + return { + produce: CDK_CORE.listMapper(innerHandler.produce), + parse: CDK_CORE.helpers.FromCloudFormation.getArray(innerHandler.parse), + validate: CDK_CORE.listValidator.call(innerHandler.validate), + }; + } + + if (type.mapOfType) { + const innerHandler = this.typeHandlers(type.mapOfType); + return { + produce: CDK_CORE.hashMapper(innerHandler.produce), + parse: CDK_CORE.helpers.FromCloudFormation.getMap(innerHandler.parse), + validate: CDK_CORE.hashValidator.call(innerHandler.validate), + }; + } + + if (type.symbol) { + const struct = StructType.assertStruct(type.symbol.findDeclaration()); + return { + produce: expr.sym(new ThingSymbol(cfnProducerNameFromType(struct), this.mapperFunctionsScope)), + parse: expr.sym(new ThingSymbol(cfnParserNameFromType(struct), this.mapperFunctionsScope)), + validate: expr.sym(new ThingSymbol(cfnPropsValidatorNameFromType(struct), this.mapperFunctionsScope)), + }; + } + + if (type.unionOfTypes) { + const innerProducers = type.unionOfTypes.map((t) => this.typeHandlers(t)); + const validators = innerProducers.map((p) => p.validate); + + return { + produce: CDK_CORE.unionMapper(expr.list(validators), expr.list(innerProducers.map((p) => p.produce))), + parse: CDK_CORE.helpers.FromCloudFormation.getTypeUnion( + expr.list(validators), + expr.list(innerProducers.map((p) => p.parse)), + ), + validate: CDK_CORE.unionValidator.call(...validators), + }; + } + + const todo = expr.ident(`/* @todo typeHandlers(${type}) */`); + return { produce: todo, parse: todo, validate: todo }; + } + + /** + * Make the function that translates code -> CFN + */ + public makeCfnProducer(scope: IScope, propsInterface: StructType) { + const validator = new PropertyValidator(scope, { + type: propsInterface, + mapping: this, + }); + + const producer = new FreeFunction(scope, { + name: cfnProducerNameFromType(propsInterface), + returnType: Type.ANY, + }); + + const propsObj = producer.addParameter({ + name: 'properties', + type: Type.ANY, + }); + + producer.addBody( + stmt.if_(expr.not(CDK_CORE.canInspect(propsObj))).then(stmt.ret(propsObj)), + validator.fn.call(propsObj).callMethod('assertSuccess'), + stmt.ret(expr.object(this.cfnProperties().map((cfn) => [cfn, this.produceProperty(cfn, propsObj)] as const))), + ); + + return producer; + } + + /** + * Make the function that translates CFN -> code + */ + public makeCfnParser(scope: IScope, propsInterface: StructType) { + const parserType = Type.unionOf(propsInterface.type, CDK_CORE.IResolvable); + + const parser = new FreeFunction(scope, { + name: cfnParserNameFromType(propsInterface), + returnType: CDK_CORE.helpers.FromCloudFormationResult.withGenericArguments(parserType), + }); + + const propsObj = parser.addParameter({ + name: 'properties', + type: Type.ANY, + }); + + const $ret = $E(expr.ident('ret')); + + parser.addBody( + stmt + .if_(CDK_CORE.isResolvableObject(propsObj)) + .then(stmt.block(stmt.ret(new CDK_CORE.helpers.FromCloudFormationResult(propsObj)))), + stmt.assign(propsObj, expr.cond(expr.binOp(propsObj, '==', expr.NULL)).then(expr.lit({})).else(propsObj)), + stmt + .if_(expr.not(new IsObject(propsObj))) + .then(stmt.block(stmt.ret(new CDK_CORE.helpers.FromCloudFormationResult(propsObj)))), + + stmt.constVar( + $ret, + CDK_CORE.helpers.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject.withGenericArguments(propsInterface.type).newInstance(), + ), + + ...this.cfnFromTs().map(([cfnName, tsName]) => + $ret.addPropertyResult(expr.lit(tsName), expr.lit(cfnName), this.parseProperty(cfnName, propsObj)), + ), + + $ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(propsObj), + stmt.ret($ret), + ); + + return parser; + } +} + +interface TypeHandlers { + readonly produce: Expression; + readonly parse: Expression; + readonly validate: Expression; +} diff --git a/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/cdk/property-validator.ts b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/cdk/property-validator.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..45d0cade5e01b --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/cdk/property-validator.ts @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +import { $E, expr, FreeFunction, IScope, stmt, StructType, Type } from '@cdklabs/typewriter'; +import { CDK_CORE } from './cdk'; +import { CloudFormationMapping } from './cloudformation-mapping'; +import { cfnPropsValidatorNameFromType } from '../naming'; + +export interface PropertyValidatorSpec { + type: StructType; + mapping: CloudFormationMapping; +} + +export class PropertyValidator extends FreeFunction { + constructor(scope: IScope, options: PropertyValidatorSpec) { + const { type, mapping } = options; + + super(scope, { + name: cfnPropsValidatorNameFromType(type), + returnType: CDK_CORE.ValidationResult, + docs: { + summary: `Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`${type.name}\``, + remarks: `@param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`${type.name}\``, + returns: 'the result of the validation.', + }, + }); + + const $errors = $E(expr.ident('errors')); + const $properties = this.addParameter({ + name: 'properties', + type: Type.ANY, + }); + + this.addBody( + stmt.if_(expr.not(CDK_CORE.canInspect($properties))).then(stmt.ret(CDK_CORE.VALIDATION_SUCCESS)), + stmt.constVar($errors, CDK_CORE.ValidationResults.newInstance()), + stmt + .if_(expr.not(expr.isObject($properties))) + .then( + stmt.block( + $errors.collect( + CDK_CORE.ValidationResult.newInstance( + expr.strConcat( + expr.lit('Expected an object, but received: '), + expr.builtInFn('JSON.stringify', $properties), + ), + ), + ), + ), + ), + ...mapping.cfnProperties().flatMap((cfn) => mapping.validateProperty(cfn, $properties, $errors)), + stmt.ret($errors.wrap(expr.lit(`supplied properties not correct for "${type.name}"`))), + ); + } +} diff --git a/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/cdk/resource-class.ts b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/cdk/resource-class.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..5b3e475321f34 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/cdk/resource-class.ts @@ -0,0 +1,390 @@ +import { PropertyType, Resource, SpecDatabase } from '@aws-cdk/service-spec-types'; +import { + $E, + $T, + Block, + ClassType, + code, + expr, + MemberVisibility, + IScope, + stmt, + StructType, + SuperInitializer, + TruthyOr, + Type, + Initializer, + IsNotNullish, + AnonymousInterfaceImplementation, + Lambda, + Stability, + ObjectLiteral, + Module, +} from '@cdklabs/typewriter'; +import { CDK_CORE, CONSTRUCTS } from './cdk'; +import { CloudFormationMapping } from './cloudformation-mapping'; +import { ResourceDecider } from './resource-decider'; +import { TypeConverter } from './type-converter'; +import { + classNameFromResource, + cloudFormationDocLink, + cfnParserNameFromType, + staticResourceTypeName, + cfnProducerNameFromType, + propStructNameFromResource, + staticRequiredTransform, +} from '../naming'; +import { splitDocumentation } from '../util'; + +export interface ITypeHost { + typeFromSpecType(type: PropertyType): Type; +} + +// This convenience typewriter builder is used all over the place +const $this = $E(expr.this_()); + +export class ResourceClass extends ClassType { + private readonly propsType: StructType; + private readonly decider: ResourceDecider; + private readonly converter: TypeConverter; + private readonly module: Module; + + constructor( + scope: IScope, + private readonly db: SpecDatabase, + private readonly resource: Resource, + private readonly suffix?: string, + ) { + super(scope, { + export: true, + name: classNameFromResource(resource, suffix), + docs: { + ...splitDocumentation(resource.documentation), + stability: Stability.External, + see: cloudFormationDocLink({ + resourceType: resource.cloudFormationType, + }), + }, + extends: CDK_CORE.CfnResource, + implements: [CDK_CORE.IInspectable, ...ResourceDecider.taggabilityInterfaces(resource)], + }); + + this.module = Module.of(this); + + this.propsType = new StructType(this.scope, { + export: true, + name: propStructNameFromResource(this.resource, this.suffix), + docs: { + summary: `Properties for defining a \`${classNameFromResource(this.resource)}\``, + stability: Stability.External, + see: cloudFormationDocLink({ + resourceType: this.resource.cloudFormationType, + }), + }, + }); + + this.converter = TypeConverter.forResource({ + db: db, + resource: this.resource, + resourceClass: this, + }); + + this.decider = new ResourceDecider(this.resource, this.converter); + } + + /** + * Build the elements of the Resource Class and the props type + */ + public build() { + // Build the props type + const cfnMapping = new CloudFormationMapping(this.module); + + for (const prop of this.decider.propsProperties) { + this.propsType.addProperty(prop.propertySpec); + cfnMapping.add(prop.cfnMapping); + } + + // Build the members of this class + this.addProperty({ + name: staticResourceTypeName(), + immutable: true, + static: true, + type: Type.STRING, + initializer: expr.lit(this.resource.cloudFormationType), + docs: { + summary: 'The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class.', + }, + }); + + this.makeFromCloudFormationFactory(); + + if (this.resource.cloudFormationTransform) { + this.addProperty({ + name: staticRequiredTransform(), + immutable: true, + static: true, + type: Type.STRING, + initializer: expr.lit(this.resource.cloudFormationTransform), + docs: { + summary: 'The `Transform` a template must use in order to use this resource', + }, + }); + } + + for (const prop of this.decider.classAttributeProperties) { + this.addProperty(prop.propertySpec); + } + + for (const prop of this.decider.classProperties) { + this.addProperty(prop.propertySpec); + } + + // Copy properties onto class and props type + this.makeConstructor(); + this.makeInspectMethod(); + this.makeCfnProperties(); + this.makeRenderProperties(); + + // Make converter functions for the props type + cfnMapping.makeCfnProducer(this.module, this.propsType); + cfnMapping.makeCfnParser(this.module, this.propsType); + + this.makeMustRenderStructs(); + } + + private makeFromCloudFormationFactory() { + const factory = this.addMethod({ + name: '_fromCloudFormation', + static: true, + returnType: this.type, + docs: { + summary: `Build a ${this.name} from CloudFormation properties`, + remarks: [ + 'A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object', + 'containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource.', + 'Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module.', + '', + '@internal', + ].join('\n'), + }, + }); + + const scope = factory.addParameter({ name: 'scope', type: CONSTRUCTS.Construct }); + const id = factory.addParameter({ name: 'id', type: Type.STRING }); + const resourceAttributes = $E(factory.addParameter({ name: 'resourceAttributes', type: Type.ANY })); + const options = $E( + factory.addParameter({ + name: 'options', + type: CDK_CORE.helpers.FromCloudFormationOptions, + }), + ); + + const resourceProperties = expr.ident('resourceProperties'); + const propsResult = $E(expr.ident('propsResult')); + const ret = $E(expr.ident('ret')); + + const reverseMapper = expr.ident(cfnParserNameFromType(this.propsType)); + + factory.addBody( + stmt.assign(resourceAttributes, new TruthyOr(resourceAttributes, expr.lit({}))), + stmt.constVar(resourceProperties, options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties)), + stmt.constVar(propsResult, reverseMapper.call(resourceProperties)), + stmt + .if_(CDK_CORE.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) + .then(stmt.block(stmt.throw_(Type.ambient('Error').newInstance(expr.lit('Unexpected IResolvable'))))), + stmt.constVar(ret, this.newInstance(scope, id, propsResult.value)), + ); + + const propKey = expr.ident('propKey'); + const propVal = expr.ident('propVal'); + factory.addBody( + stmt + .forConst(expr.destructuringArray(propKey, propVal)) + .in(expr.builtInFn('Object.entries', propsResult.extraProperties)) + .do(Block.with(stmt.expr(ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal)))), + + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id), + stmt.ret(ret), + ); + } + + private makeConstructor() { + // Ctor + const init = this.addInitializer({ + docs: { + summary: `Create a new \`${this.resource.cloudFormationType}\`.`, + }, + }); + const _scope = init.addParameter({ + name: 'scope', + type: CONSTRUCTS.Construct, + documentation: 'Scope in which this resource is defined', + }); + const id = init.addParameter({ + name: 'id', + type: Type.STRING, + documentation: 'Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope)', + }); + + const hasRequiredProps = this.propsType.properties.some((p) => !p.optional); + const props = init.addParameter({ + name: 'props', + type: this.propsType.type, + documentation: 'Resource properties', + default: hasRequiredProps ? undefined : new ObjectLiteral([]), + }); + + init.addBody( + new SuperInitializer( + _scope, + id, + expr.object({ + type: $T(this.type)[staticResourceTypeName()], + properties: props, + }), + ), + + stmt.sep(), + + // Validate required properties + ...this.decider.propsProperties + .filter(({ validateRequiredInConstructor }) => validateRequiredInConstructor) + .map(({ propertySpec: { name } }) => CDK_CORE.requireProperty(props, expr.lit(name), $this)), + + stmt.sep(), + ); + + if (this.resource.cloudFormationTransform) { + init.addBody( + code.comment('Automatically add the required transform'), + $this.stack.addTransform($T(this.type)[staticRequiredTransform()]), + stmt.sep(), + ); + } + + init.addBody( + // Attributes + ...this.decider.classAttributeProperties.map(({ propertySpec: { name }, initializer }) => + stmt.assign($this[name], initializer), + ), + + // Props + ...this.decider.classProperties.map(({ propertySpec: { name }, initializer }) => + stmt.assign($this[name], initializer(props)), + ), + ); + + if (this.resource.isStateful) { + this.addDeletionPolicyCheck(init); + } + } + + private makeInspectMethod() { + const inspect = this.addMethod({ + name: 'inspect', + docs: { + summary: 'Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes', + }, + }); + const $inspector = $E( + inspect.addParameter({ + name: 'inspector', + type: CDK_CORE.TreeInspector, + documentation: 'tree inspector to collect and process attributes', + }), + ); + inspect.addBody( + $inspector.addAttribute( + expr.lit('aws:cdk:cloudformation:type'), + $E(expr.sym(this.symbol))[staticResourceTypeName()], + ), + $inspector.addAttribute(expr.lit('aws:cdk:cloudformation:props'), $E(expr.this_()).cfnProperties), + ); + } + + /** + * Make the cfnProperties getter + * + * This produces a set of properties that are going to be passed into renderProperties(). + */ + private makeCfnProperties() { + this.addProperty({ + name: 'cfnProperties', + type: Type.mapOf(Type.ANY), + protected: true, + getterBody: Block.with( + stmt.ret( + expr.object( + Object.fromEntries( + this.decider.classProperties.flatMap(({ cfnValueToRender }) => Object.entries(cfnValueToRender)), + ), + ), + ), + ), + }); + } + + /** + * Make the renderProperties() method + * + * This forwards straight to the props type mapper + */ + private makeRenderProperties() { + const m = this.addMethod({ + name: 'renderProperties', + returnType: Type.mapOf(Type.ANY), + visibility: MemberVisibility.Protected, + }); + const props = m.addParameter({ + name: 'props', + type: Type.mapOf(Type.ANY), + }); + m.addBody(stmt.ret($E(expr.ident(cfnProducerNameFromType(this.propsType)))(props))); + } + + /** + * Add a validation to ensure that this resource has a deletionPolicy + * + * A deletionPolicy is required (and in normal operation an UpdateReplacePolicy + * would also be set if a user doesn't do complicated shenanigans, in which case they probably know what + * they're doing. + * + * Only do this for L1s embedded in L2s (to force L2 authors to add a way to set this policy). If we did it for all L1s: + * + * - users working at the L1 level would start getting synthesis failures when we add this feature + * - the `cloudformation-include` library that loads CFN templates to L1s would start failing when it loads + * templates that don't have DeletionPolicy set. + */ + private addDeletionPolicyCheck(init: Initializer) { + const validator = new AnonymousInterfaceImplementation({ + validate: new Lambda( + [], + expr.cond( + expr.eq($this.cfnOptions.deletionPolicy, expr.UNDEFINED), + expr.lit([ + `'${this.resource.cloudFormationType}' is a stateful resource type, and you must specify a Removal Policy for it. Call 'resource.applyRemovalPolicy()'.`, + ]), + expr.lit([]), + ), + ), + }); + + init.addBody( + stmt + .if_(expr.binOp(new IsNotNullish($this.node.scope), '&&', CDK_CORE.Resource.isResource($this.node.scope))) + .then(Block.with($this.node.addValidation(validator))), + ); + } + + /** + * Render the structs that are unused, but have to exist for backwards compatibility reasons + */ + private makeMustRenderStructs() { + for (const typeDef of this.db + .follow('usesType', this.resource) + .map((t) => t.entity) + .filter((t) => t.mustRenderForBwCompat)) { + this.converter.convertTypeDefinitionType(typeDef); + } + } +} diff --git a/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/cdk/resource-decider.ts b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/cdk/resource-decider.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..d61bf118d299a --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/cdk/resource-decider.ts @@ -0,0 +1,379 @@ +import { Deprecation, Property, Resource, RichProperty, TagVariant } from '@aws-cdk/service-spec-types'; +import { $E, $T, Expression, PropertySpec, Type, expr } from '@cdklabs/typewriter'; +import { CDK_CORE } from './cdk'; +import { PropertyMapping } from './cloudformation-mapping'; +import { NON_RESOLVABLE_PROPERTY_NAMES, TaggabilityStyle, resourceTaggabilityStyle } from './tagging'; +import { TypeConverter } from './type-converter'; +import { attributePropertyName, cloudFormationDocLink, propertyNameFromCloudFormation } from '../naming'; +import { splitDocumentation } from '../util'; + +// Depends on https://github.com/aws/aws-cdk/pull/25610 +export const HAS_25610 = false; + +// This convenience typewriter builder is used all over the place +const $this = $E(expr.this_()); + +/** + * Decide how properties get mapped between model types, Typescript types, and CloudFormation + */ +export class ResourceDecider { + public static taggabilityInterfaces(resource: Resource) { + const taggability = resourceTaggabilityStyle(resource); + return taggability?.style === 'legacy' + ? [CDK_CORE.ITaggable] + : taggability?.style === 'modern' && HAS_25610 + ? [CDK_CORE.ITaggableV2] + : []; + } + + private readonly taggability?: TaggabilityStyle; + + public readonly propsProperties = new Array(); + public readonly classProperties = new Array(); + public readonly classAttributeProperties = new Array(); + + constructor(private readonly resource: Resource, private readonly converter: TypeConverter) { + this.taggability = resourceTaggabilityStyle(this.resource); + + this.convertProperties(); + this.convertAttributes(); + + this.propsProperties.sort((p1, p2) => p1.propertySpec.name.localeCompare(p2.propertySpec.name)); + this.classProperties.sort((p1, p2) => p1.propertySpec.name.localeCompare(p2.propertySpec.name)); + this.classAttributeProperties.sort((p1, p2) => p1.propertySpec.name.localeCompare(p2.propertySpec.name)); + } + + private convertProperties() { + for (const [name, prop] of Object.entries(this.resource.properties)) { + if (name === this.taggability?.tagPropertyName) { + switch (this.taggability?.style) { + case 'legacy': + this.handleTagPropertyLegacy(name, prop, this.taggability.variant); + continue; + case 'modern': + if (HAS_25610) { + this.handleTagPropertyModern(name, prop, this.taggability.variant); + continue; + } + } + } else { + this.handleTypeHistoryTypes(prop); + } + + this.handlePropertyDefault(name, prop); + } + } + + /** + * Default mapping for a property + */ + private handlePropertyDefault(cfnName: string, prop: Property) { + const name = propertyNameFromCloudFormation(cfnName); + + const { type, baseType } = this.legacyCompatiblePropType(cfnName, prop); + const optional = !prop.required; + + this.propsProperties.push({ + propertySpec: { + name, + type, + optional, + docs: this.defaultPropDocs(cfnName, prop), + }, + validateRequiredInConstructor: !!prop.required, + cfnMapping: { + cfnName, + propName: name, + baseType, + optional, + }, + }); + this.classProperties.push({ + propertySpec: { + name, + type, + optional, + immutable: false, + docs: this.defaultClassPropDocs(cfnName, prop), + }, + initializer: (props: Expression) => expr.get(props, name), + cfnValueToRender: { [name]: $this[name] }, + }); + } + + /** + * Emit unused types from type history + * + * We currently render all types into the spec and need to keep doing that for backwards compatibility. + */ + private handleTypeHistoryTypes(prop: Property) { + this.converter + .typeHistoryFromProperty(prop) + .slice(1) + .map((t) => this.converter.typeFromSpecType(t)); + } + + /** + * Emit legacy taggability + * + * This entails: + * + * - A props property named after the tags-holding property that is + * standardized: either a built-in CDK Tag type array, or a string map + * - A class property named 'tags' that holds a TagManager and is initialized + * from the tags-holding property. + * + * We also add a mutable L1 property called 'Raw' which can be used + * to add tags apart from the TagManager. + */ + private handleTagPropertyLegacy(cfnName: string, prop: Property, variant: TagVariant) { + const originalName = propertyNameFromCloudFormation(cfnName); + const rawTagsPropName = `${originalName}Raw`; + + const { type, baseType } = this.legacyCompatiblePropType(cfnName, prop); + + this.propsProperties.push({ + propertySpec: { + name: originalName, + type, + optional: true, // Tags are never required + docs: this.defaultPropDocs(cfnName, prop), + }, + validateRequiredInConstructor: false, // Tags are never required + cfnMapping: { + cfnName, + propName: originalName, + baseType, + optional: true, + }, + }); + this.classProperties.push( + { + propertySpec: { + // Must be called 'tags' to count as ITaggable + name: 'tags', + type: CDK_CORE.TagManager, + immutable: true, + docs: { + summary: 'Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource', + }, + }, + initializer: (props: Expression) => + new CDK_CORE.TagManager( + this.tagManagerVariant(variant), + expr.lit(this.resource.cloudFormationType), + HAS_25610 ? expr.UNDEFINED : $E(props)[originalName], + expr.object({ tagPropertyName: expr.lit(originalName) }), + ), + cfnValueToRender: { + [originalName]: $this.tags.renderTags(...(HAS_25610 ? [$this[rawTagsPropName]] : [])), + }, + }, + { + propertySpec: { + name: rawTagsPropName, + type, + optional: true, // Tags are never required + docs: this.defaultClassPropDocs(cfnName, prop), + }, + initializer: (props: Expression) => $E(props)[originalName], + cfnValueToRender: {}, // Gets rendered as part of the TagManager above + }, + ); + } + + private handleTagPropertyModern(cfnName: string, prop: Property, variant: TagVariant) { + const originalName = propertyNameFromCloudFormation(cfnName); + const originalType = this.converter.makeTypeResolvable(this.converter.typeFromProperty(prop)); + + this.propsProperties.push({ + propertySpec: { + name: originalName, + type: originalType, + optional: true, // Tags are never required + docs: this.defaultPropDocs(cfnName, prop), + }, + validateRequiredInConstructor: false, // Tags are never required + cfnMapping: { + cfnName, + propName: originalName, + baseType: originalType, + optional: true, + }, + }); + + this.classProperties.push( + { + propertySpec: { + // Must be called 'cdkTagManager' to count as ITaggableV2 + name: 'cdkTagManager', + type: CDK_CORE.TagManager, + immutable: true, + docs: { + summary: 'Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource', + }, + }, + initializer: (props: Expression) => + new CDK_CORE.TagManager( + this.tagManagerVariant(variant), + expr.lit(this.resource.cloudFormationType), + HAS_25610 ? expr.UNDEFINED : $E(props)[originalName], + expr.object({ tagPropertyName: expr.lit(originalName) }), + ), + cfnValueToRender: { + [originalName]: $this.tags.renderTags(...(HAS_25610 ? [$this[originalName]] : [])), + }, + }, + { + propertySpec: { + name: originalName, + type: originalType, + optional: true, // Tags are never required + docs: this.defaultClassPropDocs(cfnName, prop), + }, + initializer: (props: Expression) => $E(props)[originalName], + cfnValueToRender: {}, // Gets rendered as part of the TagManager above + }, + ); + } + + /** + * Return the resolvable and base types for a given property + * + * Does type deducation compatibly with the old cfn2ts code base. + * + * - Returns the special Tag type if this property had the intrinstic 'Tag' type + * in the old spec, otherwise resolves the type as normal. + * - Skips making the type resolvable if the property has one of the predefined tag + * property names. + */ + private legacyCompatiblePropType(cfnName: string, prop: Property) { + const baseType = this.converter.typeFromProperty(prop); + + // Whether or not a property is made `IResolvable` originally depended on + // the name of the property. These conditions were probably expected to coincide + // with it being a taggable type or not, but they don't always coincide. + const type = cfnName in NON_RESOLVABLE_PROPERTY_NAMES ? baseType : this.converter.makeTypeResolvable(baseType); + + return { type, baseType }; + } + + private convertAttributes() { + const $ResolutionTypeHint = $T(CDK_CORE.ResolutionTypeHint); + + for (const [attrName, attr] of Object.entries(this.resource.attributes)) { + // Just use the oldest type for now + const specType = new RichProperty(attr).types()[0]; + + let type: Type; + let initializer: Expression; + + if (specType.type === 'string') { + type = Type.STRING; + initializer = CDK_CORE.tokenAsString($this.getAtt(expr.lit(attrName), $ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + } else if (specType.type === 'integer') { + type = Type.NUMBER; + initializer = CDK_CORE.tokenAsNumber($this.getAtt(expr.lit(attrName), $ResolutionTypeHint.NUMBER)); + } else if (specType.type === 'number') { + // COMPAT: Although numbers/doubles could be represented as numbers, historically in cfn2ts they were represented as IResolvable. + type = CDK_CORE.IResolvable; + initializer = $this.getAtt(expr.lit(attrName), $ResolutionTypeHint.NUMBER); + } else if (specType.type === 'array' && specType.element.type === 'string') { + type = Type.arrayOf(Type.STRING); + initializer = CDK_CORE.tokenAsList($this.getAtt(expr.lit(attrName), $ResolutionTypeHint.STRING_LIST)); + } else { + // This may reference a type we need to generate, so call this function because of its side effect + this.converter.typeFromSpecType(specType); + type = CDK_CORE.IResolvable; + initializer = $this.getAtt(expr.lit(attrName)); + } + + this.classAttributeProperties.push({ + propertySpec: { + name: attributePropertyName(attrName), + type, + immutable: true, + docs: { + summary: attr.documentation, + remarks: [`@cloudformationAttribute ${attrName}`].join('\n'), + }, + }, + initializer, + }); + } + } + + private defaultPropDocs(cfnName: string, prop: Property) { + return { + ...splitDocumentation(prop.documentation), + default: prop.defaultValue ?? undefined, + see: cloudFormationDocLink({ + resourceType: this.resource.cloudFormationType, + propName: cfnName, + }), + deprecated: deprecationMessage(prop), + }; + } + + private defaultClassPropDocs(cfnName: string, prop: Property) { + void cfnName; + return { + summary: splitDocumentation(prop.documentation).summary, + deprecated: deprecationMessage(prop), + }; + } + + /** + * Translates a TagVariant to the core.TagType enum + */ + private tagManagerVariant(variant: TagVariant) { + switch (variant) { + case 'standard': + return CDK_CORE.TagType.STANDARD; + case 'asg': + return CDK_CORE.TagType.AUTOSCALING_GROUP; + case 'map': + return CDK_CORE.TagType.MAP; + } + + throw new Error(`Unknown variant: ${this.resource.tagInformation?.variant}`); + } +} + +export interface PropsProperty { + readonly propertySpec: PropertySpec; + readonly validateRequiredInConstructor: boolean; + readonly cfnMapping: PropertyMapping; +} + +export interface ClassProperty { + readonly propertySpec: PropertySpec; + + /** Given the name of the props value, produce the member value */ + readonly initializer: (props: Expression) => Expression; + + /** + * Lowercase property name(s) and expression(s) to render to get this property into CFN + * + * We will do a separate conversion of the casing of the props object, so don't do that here. + */ + readonly cfnValueToRender: Record; +} + +export interface ClassAttributeProperty { + readonly propertySpec: PropertySpec; + + /** Produce the initializer value for the member */ + readonly initializer: Expression; +} + +export function deprecationMessage(property: Property): string | undefined { + switch (property.deprecated) { + case Deprecation.WARN: + return 'this property has been deprecated'; + case Deprecation.IGNORE: + return 'this property will be ignored'; + } + + return undefined; +} diff --git a/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/cdk/tagging.ts b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/cdk/tagging.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..95eefba54596b --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/cdk/tagging.ts @@ -0,0 +1,635 @@ +import { Resource, TagInformation, TagVariant } from '@aws-cdk/service-spec-types'; + +/** + * Property names that were not extended with the IResolvable type because they were considered to be tags + */ +export const NON_RESOLVABLE_PROPERTY_NAMES = { + FileSystemTags: '', + HostedZoneTags: '', + Tags: '', + UserPoolTags: '', + AccessPointTags: '', +}; + +export type TaggabilityStyle = + | { readonly style: 'legacy'; readonly tagPropertyName: string; readonly variant: TagVariant } + | { readonly style: 'modern'; readonly tagPropertyName: string; readonly variant: TagVariant }; + +/** + * Whether this resource is a legacy `ITaggable` resource + */ +export function resourceTaggabilityStyle(resource: Resource): TaggabilityStyle | undefined { + const legacyTag = LEGACY_TAGGABLES[resource.cloudFormationType]; + if (legacyTag) { + const [tagPropertyName, variant] = legacyTag; + return { style: 'legacy', tagPropertyName, variant }; + } + + if (resource.tagInformation) { + return { style: 'modern', ...resource.tagInformation }; + } + + return undefined; +} + +const LEGACY_TAGGABLES: Record = { + 'AWS::ACMPCA::CertificateAuthority': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::AccessAnalyzer::Analyzer': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::AmazonMQ::Broker': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::AmazonMQ::Configuration': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::Amplify::App': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::Amplify::Branch': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::AmplifyUIBuilder::Component': ['Tags', 'map'], + 'AWS::AmplifyUIBuilder::Form': ['Tags', 'map'], + 'AWS::AmplifyUIBuilder::Theme': ['Tags', 'map'], + 'AWS::ApiGateway::ApiKey': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::ApiGateway::ClientCertificate': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::ApiGateway::DomainName': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::ApiGateway::Stage': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::ApiGateway::UsagePlan': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::ApiGateway::VpcLink': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Api': ['Tags', 'map'], + 'AWS::ApiGatewayV2::DomainName': ['Tags', 'map'], + 'AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Stage': ['Tags', 'map'], + 'AWS::ApiGatewayV2::VpcLink': ['Tags', 'map'], + 'AWS::AppFlow::Flow': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::AppConfig::Extension': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::AppConfig::ExtensionAssociation': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::AppIntegrations::DataIntegration': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::AppIntegrations::EventIntegration': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::ApplicationInsights::Application': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::AppMesh::GatewayRoute': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::AppMesh::Mesh': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::AppMesh::Route': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::AppMesh::VirtualGateway': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::AppMesh::VirtualNode': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::AppMesh::VirtualRouter': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::AppMesh::VirtualService': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::AppStream::AppBlock': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::AppStream::Application': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::AppStream::Fleet': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::AppStream::ImageBuilder': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::AppStream::Stack': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::AppRunner::ObservabilityConfiguration': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::AppRunner::Service': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::AppRunner::VpcConnector': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::AppRunner::VpcIngressConnection': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::AppSync::GraphQLApi': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::APS::RuleGroupsNamespace': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::APS::Workspace': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::Athena::DataCatalog': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::Athena::WorkGroup': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::AuditManager::Assessment': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup': ['Tags', 'asg'], + 'AWS::Batch::ComputeEnvironment': ['Tags', 'map'], + 'AWS::Batch::JobDefinition': ['Tags', 'map'], + 'AWS::Batch::JobQueue': ['Tags', 'map'], + 'AWS::Batch::SchedulingPolicy': ['Tags', 'map'], + 'AWS::BackupGateway::Hypervisor': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::BillingConductor::BillingGroup': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::BillingConductor::CustomLineItem': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::BillingConductor::PricingPlan': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::BillingConductor::PricingRule': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::Cassandra::Keyspace': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::Cassandra::Table': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::CertificateManager::Certificate': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::Cloud9::EnvironmentEC2': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::CloudFormation::Stack': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::CloudFormation::StackSet': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::CloudFront::Distribution': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::CloudFront::StreamingDistribution': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::CloudTrail::Channel': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::CloudTrail::EventDataStore': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::CloudTrail::Trail': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::CloudWatch::InsightRule': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::CloudWatch::MetricStream': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::CodeArtifact::Domain': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::CodeArtifact::Repository': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::CodeBuild::Project': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::CodeBuild::ReportGroup': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::CodeCommit::Repository': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::CodeDeploy::Application': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::CodeGuruProfiler::ProfilingGroup': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::CodeGuruReviewer::RepositoryAssociation': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::CodePipeline::CustomActionType': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::CodePipeline::Pipeline': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::CodeStarConnections::Connection': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::CodeStarNotifications::NotificationRule': ['Tags', 'map'], + 'AWS::Cognito::UserPool': ['UserPoolTags', 'map'], + 'AWS::Comprehend::Flywheel': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::Config::AggregationAuthorization': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::Config::ConfigurationAggregator': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::Config::StoredQuery': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::Connect::ContactFlow': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::Connect::ContactFlowModule': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::Connect::EvaluationForm': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::Connect::HoursOfOperation': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::Connect::PhoneNumber': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::Connect::QuickConnect': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::Connect::Rule': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::Connect::TaskTemplate': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::Connect::User': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::ConnectCampaigns::Campaign': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::CustomerProfiles::Domain': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::CustomerProfiles::Integration': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::CustomerProfiles::ObjectType': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::DataSync::Agent': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::DataSync::LocationEFS': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::DataSync::LocationFSxLustre': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::DataSync::LocationFSxONTAP': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::DataSync::LocationFSxOpenZFS': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::DataSync::LocationFSxWindows': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::DataSync::LocationHDFS': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::DataSync::LocationNFS': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::DataSync::LocationObjectStorage': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::DataSync::LocationS3': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::DataSync::LocationSMB': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::DataSync::StorageSystem': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::DataSync::Task': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::DataBrew::Dataset': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::DataBrew::Job': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::DataBrew::Project': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::DataBrew::Recipe': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::DataBrew::Ruleset': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::DataBrew::Schedule': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::DeviceFarm::DevicePool': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::DeviceFarm::InstanceProfile': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::DeviceFarm::NetworkProfile': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::DeviceFarm::Project': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::DeviceFarm::TestGridProject': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::DeviceFarm::VPCEConfiguration': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::DAX::Cluster': ['Tags', 'map'], + 'AWS::Detective::Graph': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::DocDBElastic::Cluster': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::DLM::LifecyclePolicy': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::DocDB::DBCluster': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::DocDB::DBClusterParameterGroup': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::DocDB::DBInstance': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::DocDB::DBSubnetGroup': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::DynamoDB::Table': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::DMS::Endpoint': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::DMS::EventSubscription': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::DMS::ReplicationInstance': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::DMS::ReplicationSubnetGroup': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::DMS::ReplicationTask': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::ECR::PublicRepository': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::ECR::Repository': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::EC2::CarrierGateway': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::EC2::CustomerGateway': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::EC2::DHCPOptions': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::EC2::EIP': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::EC2::FlowLog': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::EC2::IPAM': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::EC2::IPAMPool': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::EC2::IPAMResourceDiscovery': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::EC2::IPAMResourceDiscoveryAssociation': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::EC2::IPAMScope': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::EC2::Instance': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::EC2::InternetGateway': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::EC2::KeyPair': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::EC2::LocalGatewayRouteTable': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::EC2::LocalGatewayRouteTableVPCAssociation': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::EC2::LocalGatewayRouteTableVirtualInterfaceGroupAssociation': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::EC2::NatGateway': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::EC2::NetworkAcl': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::EC2::NetworkInsightsAccessScope': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::EC2::NetworkInsightsAccessScopeAnalysis': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::EC2::NetworkInsightsAnalysis': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::EC2::NetworkInsightsPath': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::EC2::NetworkInterface': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::EC2::PlacementGroup': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::EC2::PrefixList': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::EC2::RouteTable': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::EC2::Subnet': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::EC2::TrafficMirrorFilter': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::EC2::TrafficMirrorSession': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::EC2::TrafficMirrorTarget': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::EC2::TransitGateway': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 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['Tags', 'map'], + 'AWS::Serverless::Function': ['Tags', 'map'], + 'AWS::Serverless::HttpApi': ['Tags', 'map'], + 'AWS::Serverless::SimpleTable': ['Tags', 'map'], + 'AWS::Serverless::StateMachine': ['Tags', 'map'], + 'AWS::Scheduler::ScheduleGroup': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::SecretsManager::Secret': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::SecurityHub::Hub': ['Tags', 'map'], + 'AWS::ServiceCatalog::CloudFormationProduct': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::ServiceCatalog::CloudFormationProvisionedProduct': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::ServiceCatalog::Portfolio': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::ServiceCatalogAppRegistry::Application': ['Tags', 'map'], + 'AWS::ServiceCatalogAppRegistry::AttributeGroup': ['Tags', 'map'], + 'AWS::ServiceDiscovery::HttpNamespace': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::ServiceDiscovery::PrivateDnsNamespace': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::ServiceDiscovery::PublicDnsNamespace': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::ServiceDiscovery::Service': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::SES::ContactList': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::Signer::SigningProfile': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::SNS::Topic': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::SQS::Queue': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::SSMContacts::Rotation': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::SSM::Document': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::SSM::MaintenanceWindow': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::SSM::Parameter': ['Tags', 'map'], + 'AWS::SSM::PatchBaseline': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::SSMIncidents::ReplicationSet': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::SSMIncidents::ResponsePlan': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::SSO::PermissionSet': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::StepFunctions::Activity': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::StepFunctions::StateMachine': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::Synthetics::Canary': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::Synthetics::Group': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::SystemsManagerSAP::Application': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::Timestream::Database': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::Timestream::ScheduledQuery': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::Timestream::Table': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::Transfer::Agreement': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::Transfer::Certificate': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::Transfer::Connector': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::Transfer::Profile': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::Transfer::Server': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::Transfer::User': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::Transfer::Workflow': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::VoiceID::Domain': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::VpcLattice::AccessLogSubscription': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::VpcLattice::Listener': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::VpcLattice::Rule': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::VpcLattice::Service': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::VpcLattice::ServiceNetwork': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::VpcLattice::ServiceNetworkServiceAssociation': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::VpcLattice::ServiceNetworkVpcAssociation': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::VpcLattice::TargetGroup': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::WAFv2::IPSet': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::WAFv2::RegexPatternSet': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::WAFv2::RuleGroup': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::WAFv2::WebACL': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::Wisdom::Assistant': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::Wisdom::AssistantAssociation': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::Wisdom::KnowledgeBase': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::WorkSpaces::ConnectionAlias': ['Tags', 'standard'], + 'AWS::WorkSpaces::Workspace': ['Tags', 'standard'], +}; diff --git a/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/cdk/type-converter.ts b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/cdk/type-converter.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..67f6aabc2d603 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/cdk/type-converter.ts @@ -0,0 +1,189 @@ +import { + SpecDatabase, + PropertyType, + Resource, + TypeDefinition, + Property, + RichProperty, +} from '@aws-cdk/service-spec-types'; +import { ClassType, Module, PrimitiveType, RichScope, StructType, Type, TypeDeclaration } from '@cdklabs/typewriter'; +import { CDK_CORE } from './cdk'; +import { TypeDefinitionStruct } from './typedefinition-struct'; +import { structNameFromTypeDefinition } from '../naming/conventions'; + +export interface TypeConverterOptions { + readonly db: SpecDatabase; + readonly resource: Resource; + readonly resourceClass: ClassType; + readonly typeDefinitionConverter: TypeDefinitionConverter; +} + +/** + * Build a type for a TypeDefinition + * + * Building happens in two stages to deal with potential recursive type references. + */ +export type TypeDefinitionConverter = ( + typeDef: TypeDefinition, + converter: TypeConverter, +) => { structType: StructType; build: () => void }; + +export interface TypeConverterForResourceOptions extends Omit { + readonly resource: Resource; + readonly resourceClass: ClassType; +} + +/** + * Converts types from the spec model to typewriter + * + * Converts types in the scope of a single resource. + */ +export class TypeConverter { + /** + * Make a type converter for a resource that uses a default TypeDefinition builder for this resource scope + */ + public static forResource(opts: TypeConverterForResourceOptions) { + return new TypeConverter({ + ...opts, + typeDefinitionConverter: (typeDefinition, converter) => { + // Defensive programming: we have some current issues in the database + // that would lead to duplicate definitions. Short-circuit that by checking if the + // type already exists and return that instead. + const existing = new RichScope(opts.resourceClass).tryFindTypeByName( + structNameFromTypeDefinition(typeDefinition), + ); + if (existing) { + return { + structType: existing as StructType, + build: () => {}, + }; + } + + const structType = new TypeDefinitionStruct({ + resource: opts.resource, + resourceClass: opts.resourceClass, + converter, + typeDefinition, + }); + + return { + structType: structType, + build: () => structType.build(), + }; + }, + }); + } + + public readonly db: SpecDatabase; + public readonly module: Module; + private readonly typeDefinitionConverter: TypeDefinitionConverter; + private readonly typeDefCache = new Map(); + + constructor(options: TypeConverterOptions) { + this.db = options.db; + this.typeDefinitionConverter = options.typeDefinitionConverter; + this.module = Module.of(options.resourceClass); + } + + /** + * Return the appropriate typewriter type for a servicespec type + */ + public typeFromProperty(property: Property): Type { + // For backwards compatibility reasons we always have to use the original type + return this.typeFromSpecType(this.typeHistoryFromProperty(property)[0]); + } + + /** + * Return the full type history for a servicespec property + */ + public typeHistoryFromProperty(property: Property): PropertyType[] { + // For backwards compatibility reasons we always have to use the original type + return new RichProperty(property).types(); + } + + public typeFromSpecType(type: PropertyType): Type { + switch (type?.type) { + case 'string': + return Type.STRING; + case 'number': + case 'integer': + return Type.NUMBER; + case 'boolean': + return Type.BOOLEAN; + case 'date-time': + return Type.DATE_TIME; + case 'array': + return Type.arrayOf(this.typeFromSpecType(type.element)); + case 'map': + return Type.mapOf(this.typeFromSpecType(type.element)); + case 'ref': + const ref = this.db.get('typeDefinition', type.reference.$ref); + return this.convertTypeDefinitionType(ref).type; + case 'tag': + return CDK_CORE.CfnTag; + case 'union': + return Type.unionOf(...type.types.map((t) => this.typeFromSpecType(t))); + case 'null': + return Type.UNDEFINED; + case 'tag': + return CDK_CORE.CfnTag; + case 'json': + return Type.ANY; + } + } + + public convertTypeDefinitionType(ref: TypeDefinition): TypeDeclaration { + const existing = this.typeDefCache.get(ref); + if (existing) { + return existing; + } + + const ret = this.typeDefinitionConverter(ref, this); + // First stage: hold on to this type so we can resolve recursive references eagerly + this.typeDefCache.set(ref, ret.structType); + // Finish building it + ret.build(); + return ret.structType; + } + + /** + * For a given type, returned a resolvable version of the type + * + * We do this by checking if the type can be represented directly by a Token (e.g. `Token.asList(value))`). + * If not we recursively apply a type union with `cdk.IResolvable` to the type. + */ + public makeTypeResolvable(type: Type): Type { + if (isTokenizableType(type)) { + return type; + } + + if (type.primitive) { + return Type.unionOf(type, CDK_CORE.IResolvable); + } + + if (type.arrayOfType) { + return Type.unionOf(Type.arrayOf(this.makeTypeResolvable(type.arrayOfType)), CDK_CORE.IResolvable); + } + + if (type.mapOfType) { + return Type.unionOf(Type.mapOf(this.makeTypeResolvable(type.mapOfType)), CDK_CORE.IResolvable); + } + + if (type.unionOfTypes) { + return Type.distinctUnionOf(...type.unionOfTypes.map((t) => this.makeTypeResolvable(t)), CDK_CORE.IResolvable); + } + + return Type.unionOf(type, CDK_CORE.IResolvable); + } +} + +/** + * Only string, string[] and number can be represented by a token + */ +function isTokenizableType(type: Type): boolean { + return ( + type.primitive === PrimitiveType.String || + type.arrayOfType?.primitive === PrimitiveType.String || + type.primitive === PrimitiveType.Number + ); +} diff --git a/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/cdk/typedefinition-decider.ts b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/cdk/typedefinition-decider.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..cb8715183e992 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/cdk/typedefinition-decider.ts @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +import { Property, Resource, TypeDefinition } from '@aws-cdk/service-spec-types'; +import { PropertySpec, Type } from '@cdklabs/typewriter'; +import { PropertyMapping } from './cloudformation-mapping'; +import { deprecationMessage } from './resource-decider'; +import { NON_RESOLVABLE_PROPERTY_NAMES } from './tagging'; +import { TypeConverter } from './type-converter'; +import { cloudFormationDocLink, propertyNameFromCloudFormation } from '../naming'; +import { splitDocumentation } from '../util'; + +/** + * Decide how properties get mapped between model types, Typescript types, and CloudFormation + */ +export class TypeDefinitionDecider { + public readonly properties = new Array(); + + constructor( + private readonly resource: Resource, + private readonly typeDefinition: TypeDefinition, + private readonly converter: TypeConverter, + ) { + this.convertProperties(); + this.properties.sort((p1, p2) => p1.propertySpec.name.localeCompare(p2.propertySpec.name)); + } + + private convertProperties() { + for (const [name, prop] of Object.entries(this.typeDefinition.properties)) { + this.handlePropertyDefault(name, prop); + } + } + + /** + * Default mapping for a property + */ + private handlePropertyDefault(cfnName: string, prop: Property) { + const name = propertyNameFromCloudFormation(cfnName); + const baseType = this.converter.typeFromProperty(prop); + + // Whether or not a property is made `IResolvable` originally depended on + // the name of the property. These conditions were probably expected to coincide, + // but didn't. + const type = cfnName in NON_RESOLVABLE_PROPERTY_NAMES ? baseType : this.converter.makeTypeResolvable(baseType); + const optional = !prop.required; + + this.properties.push({ + propertySpec: { + name, + type, + optional, + docs: { + ...splitDocumentation(prop.documentation), + default: prop.defaultValue ?? undefined, + see: cloudFormationDocLink({ + resourceType: this.resource.cloudFormationType, + propTypeName: this.typeDefinition.name, + propName: cfnName, + }), + deprecated: deprecationMessage(prop), + }, + }, + baseType, + cfnMapping: { + cfnName, + propName: name, + baseType, + optional, + }, + }); + } +} + +export interface TypeDefProperty { + readonly propertySpec: PropertySpec; + /** The type that was converted (does not have the IResolvable union) */ + readonly baseType: Type; + readonly cfnMapping: PropertyMapping; +} diff --git a/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/cdk/typedefinition-struct.ts b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/cdk/typedefinition-struct.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..41be3f1707e6a --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/cdk/typedefinition-struct.ts @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +import { Resource, TypeDefinition } from '@aws-cdk/service-spec-types'; +import { ClassType, Module, StructType } from '@cdklabs/typewriter'; +import { CloudFormationMapping } from './cloudformation-mapping'; +import { TypeConverter } from './type-converter'; +import { TypeDefinitionDecider } from './typedefinition-decider'; +import { cloudFormationDocLink, structNameFromTypeDefinition } from '../naming'; +import { splitDocumentation } from '../util'; + +export interface TypeDefinitionStructOptions { + readonly typeDefinition: TypeDefinition; + readonly converter: TypeConverter; + readonly resource: Resource; + readonly resourceClass: ClassType; +} + +/** + * Builds a struct type for a TypeDefinition in the database model + * + * Uses the TypeDefinitionDecider for the actual decisions, and carries those out. + */ +export class TypeDefinitionStruct extends StructType { + private readonly typeDefinition: TypeDefinition; + private readonly converter: TypeConverter; + private readonly resource: Resource; + private readonly module: Module; + + constructor(options: TypeDefinitionStructOptions) { + super(options.resourceClass, { + export: true, + name: structNameFromTypeDefinition(options.typeDefinition), + docs: { + ...splitDocumentation(options.typeDefinition.documentation), + see: cloudFormationDocLink({ + resourceType: options.resource.cloudFormationType, + propTypeName: options.typeDefinition.name, + }), + }, + }); + + this.typeDefinition = options.typeDefinition; + this.converter = options.converter; + this.resource = options.resource; + + this.module = Module.of(this); + } + + public build() { + const cfnMapping = new CloudFormationMapping(this.module); + + const decider = new TypeDefinitionDecider(this.resource, this.typeDefinition, this.converter); + + for (const prop of decider.properties) { + this.addProperty(prop.propertySpec); + cfnMapping.add(prop.cfnMapping); + } + + cfnMapping.makeCfnProducer(this.module, this); + cfnMapping.makeCfnParser(this.module, this); + } +} diff --git a/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/cfn2ts/cfn2ts.ts b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/cfn2ts/cfn2ts.ts new file mode 100755 index 0000000000000..19d1db232b365 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/cfn2ts/cfn2ts.ts @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env node +import * as fs from 'fs-extra'; +import * as yargs from 'yargs'; +import generate from './'; +import { log } from '../util'; + +async function main() { + const argv = await yargs + .usage('Usage: cfn2ts') + .option('scope', { type: 'string', array: true, desc: 'Scope to generate TypeScript for (e.g: AWS::IAM)' }) + .option('out', { + type: 'string', + desc: 'Path to the directory where the TypeScript files should be written', + default: 'lib', + }) + .option('core-import', { + type: 'string', + desc: 'The typescript import to use for the CDK core module. Can also be defined in package.json under "cdk-build.cfn2ts-core-import"', + default: '@aws-cdk/core', + }) + .epilog( + 'if --scope is not defined, cfn2ts will try to obtain the scope from the local package.json under the "cdk-build.cloudformation" key.', + ).argv; + + const pkg = await tryReadPackageJson(); + + if (!argv.scope) { + argv.scope = await tryAutoDetectScope(pkg); + } + + // read "cfn2ts-core-import" from package.json + const coreImport = pkg?.['cdk-build']?.['cfn2ts-core-import']; + if (coreImport) { + argv['core-import'] = coreImport; + } + + if (!argv.scope) { + throw new Error( + '--scope is not provided and cannot be auto-detected from package.json (under "cdk-build.cloudformation")', + ); + } + + await generate(argv.scope, argv.out, { + coreImport: argv['core-import'], + }); +} + +main().catch((err) => { + log.error(err); + process.exit(1); +}); + +async function tryAutoDetectScope(pkg: any): Promise { + const value = pkg['cdk-build'] && pkg['cdk-build'].cloudformation; + return value && (typeof value === 'string' ? [value] : value); +} + +async function tryReadPackageJson() { + if (!(await fs.pathExists('./package.json'))) { + return undefined; + } + + return fs.readJSON('./package.json'); +} diff --git a/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/cfn2ts/index.ts b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/cfn2ts/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..64c1858761267 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/cfn2ts/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,199 @@ +import { loadAwsServiceSpec } from '@aws-cdk/aws-service-spec'; +import { Service } from '@aws-cdk/service-spec-types'; +import * as fs from 'fs-extra'; +import * as pkglint from './pkglint'; +import { CodeGeneratorOptions, GenerateAllOptions, ModuleMap } from './types'; +import { generate as generateModules } from '../generate'; +import { log } from '../util'; + +export * from './types'; + +interface GenerateOutput { + outputFiles: string[]; + resources: Record; +} + +let serviceCache: Service[]; + +async function getAllScopes(field: keyof Service = 'name') { + if (!serviceCache) { + const db = await loadAwsServiceSpec(); + serviceCache = db.all('service'); + } + + return serviceCache.map((s) => s[field]); +} + +export default async function generate( + scopes: string | string[], + outPath: string, + options: CodeGeneratorOptions = {}, +): Promise { + const coreImport = options.coreImport ?? 'aws-cdk-lib'; + if (scopes === '*') { + scopes = await getAllScopes('cloudFormationNamespace'); + } else if (typeof scopes === 'string') { + scopes = [scopes]; + } + + log.info(`cfn-resources: ${scopes.join(', ')}`); + const generated = await generateModules( + { + 'aws-cdk-lib': { + services: scopes, + serviceSuffixes: computeServiceSuffixes(scopes), + }, + }, + { + outputPath: outPath ?? 'lib', + clearOutput: false, + filePatterns: { + resources: ({ serviceShortName }) => `${serviceShortName}.generated.ts`, + augmentations: ({ serviceShortName }) => `${serviceShortName}-augmentations.generated.ts`, + cannedMetrics: ({ serviceShortName }) => `${serviceShortName}-canned-metrics.generated.ts`, + }, + importLocations: { + core: coreImport, + coreHelpers: `${coreImport}/${coreImport === '.' ? '' : 'lib/'}helpers-internal`, + }, + }, + ); + + return generated; +} + +/** + * Maps suffixes to services used to generated class names, given all the scopes that share the same package. + */ +function computeServiceSuffixes(scopes: string[] = []): Record { + return scopes.reduce( + (suffixes, scope) => ({ + ...suffixes, + [scope]: computeSuffix(scope, scopes), + }), + {}, + ); +} + +/** + * Finds a suffix for class names generated for a scope, given all the scopes that share the same package. + * @param scope the scope for which an affix is needed (e.g: AWS::ApiGatewayV2) + * @param allScopes all the scopes hosted in the package (e.g: ["AWS::ApiGateway", "AWS::ApiGatewayV2"]) + * @returns the affix (e.g: "V2"), if any, or undefined. + */ +function computeSuffix(scope: string, allScopes: string[]): string | undefined { + if (allScopes.length === 1) { + return undefined; + } + const parts = scope.match(/^(.+)(V\d+)$/); + if (!parts) { + return undefined; + } + const [, root, version] = parts; + if (allScopes.indexOf(root) !== -1) { + return version; + } + return undefined; +} + +/** + * Generates L1s for all submodules of a monomodule. Modules to generate are + * chosen based on the contents of the `scopeMapPath` file. This is intended for + * use in generated L1s in aws-cdk-lib. + * @param outPath The root directory to generate L1s in + * @param param1 Options + * @returns A ModuleMap containing the ModuleDefinition and CFN scopes for each generated module. + */ +export async function generateAll( + outPath: string, + { scopeMapPath, ...options }: GenerateAllOptions, +): Promise { + const scopes = await getAllScopes('cloudFormationNamespace'); + const moduleMap = await readScopeMap(scopeMapPath); + + // Make sure all scopes have their own dedicated package/namespace. + // Adds new submodules for new namespaces. + for (const scope of scopes) { + const moduleDefinition = pkglint.createModuleDefinitionFromCfnNamespace(scope); + const currentScopes = moduleMap[moduleDefinition.moduleName]?.scopes ?? []; + // remove dupes + const newScopes = [...new Set([...currentScopes, scope])]; + + // Add new modules to module map and return to caller + moduleMap[moduleDefinition.moduleName] = { + name: moduleDefinition.moduleName, + definition: moduleDefinition, + scopes: newScopes, + resources: {}, + files: [], + }; + } + + const coreModule = 'core'; + const coreImportLocations = { + core: '.', + coreHelpers: './helpers-internal', + }; + + const generated = await generateModules( + Object.fromEntries( + Object.entries(moduleMap).map(([moduleName, { scopes: services }]) => [ + moduleName, + { + services, + serviceSuffixes: computeServiceSuffixes(services), + moduleImportLocations: moduleName === coreModule ? coreImportLocations : undefined, + }, + ]), + ), + { + outputPath: outPath, + clearOutput: false, + filePatterns: { + resources: ({ moduleName: m, serviceShortName: s }) => `${m}/lib/${s}.generated.ts`, + augmentations: ({ moduleName: m, serviceShortName: s }) => `${m}/lib/${s}-augmentations.generated.ts`, + cannedMetrics: ({ moduleName: m, serviceShortName: s }) => `${m}/lib/${s}-canned-metrics.generated.ts`, + }, + importLocations: { + core: options.coreImport, + coreHelpers: `${options.coreImport}/lib/helpers-internal`, + }, + }, + ); + + Object.keys(moduleMap).map(async (moduleName) => { + // Add generated resources and files to module in map + moduleMap[moduleName].resources = generated.modules[moduleName].map((m) => m.resources).reduce(mergeObjects, {}); + moduleMap[moduleName].files = generated.modules[moduleName].flatMap((m) => m.outputFiles); + }); + + return moduleMap; +} + +/** + * Reads the scope map from a file and transforms it into the type we need. + */ +async function readScopeMap(filepath: string): Promise { + const scopeMap: Record = await fs.readJson(filepath); + return Object.entries(scopeMap).reduce((accum, [name, moduleScopes]) => { + return { + ...accum, + [name]: { + name, + scopes: moduleScopes, + resources: {}, + files: [], + }, + }; + }, {}); +} + +/** + * Reduce compatible merge objects + */ +function mergeObjects(all: T, res: T) { + return { + ...all, + ...res, + }; +} diff --git a/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/cfn2ts/pkglint.ts b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/cfn2ts/pkglint.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..e3945d82c92f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/cfn2ts/pkglint.ts @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +export function createModuleDefinitionFromCfnNamespace(namespace: string) { + const [moduleFamily, moduleBaseName] = (namespace === 'AWS::Serverless' ? 'AWS::SAM' : namespace).split('::'); + const moduleName = `${moduleFamily}-${moduleBaseName}`.toLocaleLowerCase(); + const submoduleName = moduleName.replace('-', '_'); + + const lowcaseModuleName = moduleBaseName.toLocaleLowerCase(); + const packageName = `@aws-cdk/${moduleName}`; + + // dotnet names + const dotnetPackage = `Amazon.CDK.${moduleFamily}.${moduleBaseName}`; + + // java names + const javaGroupId = 'software.amazon.awscdk'; + const javaPackage = + moduleFamily === 'AWS' + ? `services.${lowcaseModuleName}` + : `${moduleFamily.toLocaleLowerCase()}.${lowcaseModuleName}`; + const javaArtifactId = + moduleFamily === 'AWS' ? lowcaseModuleName : `${moduleFamily.toLocaleLowerCase()}-${lowcaseModuleName}`; + + // python names + const pythonDistName = `aws-cdk.${moduleName}`; + const pythonModuleName = pythonDistName.replace(/-/g, '_'); + + return { + namespace, + moduleName, + submoduleName, + moduleFamily, + moduleBaseName, + packageName, + dotnetPackage, + javaGroupId, + javaPackage, + javaArtifactId, + pythonDistName, + pythonModuleName, + }; +} diff --git a/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/cfn2ts/types.ts b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/cfn2ts/types.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..a2a09e5aa02a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/cfn2ts/types.ts @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +/* eslint-disable import/no-extraneous-dependencies */ +import * as pkglint from '@aws-cdk/pkglint'; + +export interface CodeGeneratorOptions { + /** + * How to import the core library. + * + * @default '@aws-cdk/core' + */ + readonly coreImport?: string; +} + +export interface AugmentationsGeneratorOptions { + /** + * Path of cloudwatch import to use when generating augmentation source + * files. + * + * @default '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch' + */ + cloudwatchImport?: string; +} + +/** + * Configuration options for the generateAll function + */ +export interface GenerateAllOptions extends CodeGeneratorOptions, AugmentationsGeneratorOptions { + /** + * Path of the file containing the map of module names to their CFN Scopes + */ + scopeMapPath: string; +} + +/** + * A data structure holding information about a generated module. + */ +export interface ModuleMapEntry { + name: string; + definition?: pkglint.ModuleDefinition; + scopes: string[]; + resources: Record; + files: string[]; +} + +/** + * A data structure holding information about generated modules. + * It maps module names to their full module definition, CFN scopes, resources and generated files. + */ +export interface ModuleMap { + [moduleName: string]: ModuleMapEntry; +} diff --git a/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/cli/args.ts b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/cli/args.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..f6241a83e508d --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/cli/args.ts @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +/** + * Simple way to parse arguments + * + * Given the command line: + * + * ``` + * command --arg=value --flag hello + * ^^^^^ + * NOTE: '--arg value' will not parse as an argument + * ``` + * + * And the invocation: + * + * ``` + * parseArgv(args, ['greeting']) + * ``` + * + * Returns: + * + * ``` + * args: { "greeting": "hello" } + * options: { "arg": "value", "flag": true } + * ``` + */ +export function parseArgv( + argv: string[], + namedArgs: string[], +): { + args: Record; + options: Record; + } { + return { + args: Object.fromEntries( + argv + .filter((a) => !a.startsWith('--')) + .map(function (arg, idx) { + return [namedArgs[idx] ?? idx, arg]; + }), + ), + options: Object.fromEntries( + argv.filter((a) => a.startsWith('--')).map((a) => [a.split('=')[0].substring(2), a.split('=', 2)[1] ?? true]), + ), + }; +} diff --git a/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/cli/index.ts b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/cli/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..b9886aee98d0a --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/cli/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +import * as path from 'path'; +import { parseArgv } from './args'; +import { PatternKeys, generate, generateAll } from '../generate'; +import { log, parsePattern } from '../util'; + +async function main(argv: string[]) { + const { args, options } = parseArgv(argv, ['output']); + if (options.debug) { + process.env.DEBUG = '1'; + } + log.debug('CLI args', args, options); + + const pss: Record = { moduleName: true, serviceName: true, serviceShortName: true }; + + const outputPath = args.output ?? path.join(__dirname, '..', 'services'); + const resourceFilePattern = parsePattern( + stringOr(options.pattern, path.join('%moduleName%', '%serviceShortName%.generated.ts')), + pss, + ); + + const augmentationsFilePattern = parsePattern( + stringOr(options.augmentations, path.join('%moduleName%', '%serviceShortName%-augmentations.generated.ts')), + pss, + ); + + const cannedMetricsFilePattern = parsePattern( + stringOr(options.metrics, path.join('%moduleName%', '%serviceShortName%-canned-metrics.generated.ts')), + pss, + ); + + const generatorOptions = { + outputPath, + filePatterns: { + resources: resourceFilePattern, + augmentations: augmentationsFilePattern, + cannedMetrics: cannedMetricsFilePattern, + }, + clearOutput: !!options['clear-output'], + augmentationsSupport: !!options['augmentations-support'], + debug: options.debug as boolean, + }; + + if (options.service && typeof options.service === 'string') { + const moduleMap = { [options.service]: { services: [options.service] } }; + await generate(moduleMap, generatorOptions); + return; + } + + await generateAll(generatorOptions); +} + +main(process.argv.splice(2)).catch((e) => { + log.error(e); + process.exitCode = 1; +}); + +function stringOr(pat: unknown, def: string) { + if (!pat) { + return def; + } + if (typeof pat !== 'string') { + throw new Error(`Expected string, got: ${JSON.stringify(pat)}`); + } + return pat; +} diff --git a/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/generate.ts b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/generate.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..9499e9329f3be --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/generate.ts @@ -0,0 +1,254 @@ +import * as path from 'path'; +import { loadAwsServiceSpec } from '@aws-cdk/aws-service-spec'; +import { SpecDatabase } from '@aws-cdk/service-spec-types'; +import { TypeScriptRenderer } from '@cdklabs/typewriter'; +import * as fs from 'fs-extra'; +import { AstBuilder, ServiceModule } from './cdk/ast'; +import { ModuleImportLocations } from './cdk/cdk'; +import { queryDb, log, PatternedString, TsFileWriter } from './util'; + +export type PatternKeys = 'moduleName' | 'serviceName' | 'serviceShortName'; + +export interface GenerateModuleOptions { + /** + * List of services to generate files for. + * + * In CloudFormation notation. + * + * @example ["AWS::Lambda", "AWS::S3"] + */ + readonly services: string[]; + + /** + * Map of optional suffixes used for classes generated for a service. + * + * @example { "AWS::Lambda": "FooBar"} -> class CfnFunctionFooBar {} + */ + readonly serviceSuffixes?: { [service: string]: string }; + + /** + * Override the default locations where modules are imported from on the module level + */ + readonly moduleImportLocations?: ModuleImportLocations; +} + +export interface GenerateFilePatterns { + /** + * The pattern used to name resource files. + * @default "%module.name%/%service.short%.generated.ts" + */ + readonly resources?: PatternedString; + + /** + * The pattern used to name augmentations. + * @default "%module.name%/%service.short%-augmentations.generated.ts" + */ + readonly augmentations?: PatternedString; + + /** + * The pattern used to name canned metrics. + * @default "%module.name%/%service.short%-canned-metrics.generated.ts" + */ + readonly cannedMetrics?: PatternedString; +} + +export interface GenerateOptions { + /** + * Default location for module imports + */ + readonly importLocations?: ModuleImportLocations; + + /** + * Configure where files are created exactly + */ + readonly filePatterns?: GenerateFilePatterns; + + /** + * Base path for generated files + * + * @see `options.filePatterns` to configure more complex scenarios. + * + * @default - current working directory + */ + readonly outputPath: string; + + /** + * Should the location be deleted before generating new files + * @default false + */ + readonly clearOutput?: boolean; + + /** + * Generate L2 stub support files for augmentations (only for testing) + * + * @default false + */ + readonly augmentationsSupport?: boolean; + + /** + * Output debug messages + * @default false + */ + readonly debug?: boolean; +} + +export interface GenerateModuleMap { + [name: string]: GenerateModuleOptions; +} + +export interface GenerateOutput { + outputFiles: string[]; + resources: Record; + modules: { + [name: string]: Array<{ + module: AstBuilder; + options: GenerateModuleOptions; + resources: AstBuilder['resources']; + outputFiles: string[]; + }>; + }; +} + +/** + * Generates Constructs for modules from the Service Specs + * + * @param modules A map of arbitrary module names to GenerateModuleOptions. This allows for flexible generation of different configurations at a time. + * @param options Configure the code generation + */ +export async function generate(modules: GenerateModuleMap, options: GenerateOptions) { + enableDebug(options); + const db = await loadAwsServiceSpec(); + return generator(db, modules, options); +} + +/** + * Generates Constructs for all services, with modules name like the service + * + * @param outputPath Base path for generated files. Use `options.filePatterns` to configure more complex scenarios. + * @param options Additional configuration + */ +export async function generateAll(options: GenerateOptions) { + enableDebug(options); + const db = await loadAwsServiceSpec(); + const services = await queryDb.getAllServices(db); + + const modules: GenerateModuleMap = {}; + + for (const service of services) { + modules[service.name] = { + services: [service.cloudFormationNamespace], + }; + } + + return generator(db, modules, options); +} + +function enableDebug(options: GenerateOptions) { + if (options.debug) { + process.env.DEBUG = '1'; + } +} + +async function generator( + db: SpecDatabase, + modules: { [name: string]: GenerateModuleOptions }, + options: GenerateOptions, +): Promise { + const timeLabel = '🐢 Completed in'; + log.time(timeLabel); + log.debug('Options', options); + const { augmentationsSupport, clearOutput, outputPath = process.cwd() } = options; + const filePatterns = ensureFilePatterns(options.filePatterns); + + const renderer = new TypeScriptRenderer(); + + // store results in a map of modules + const moduleMap: GenerateOutput['modules'] = {}; + + // Clear output if requested + if (clearOutput) { + fs.removeSync(outputPath); + } + + // Go through the module map + log.info('Generating %i modules...', Object.keys(modules).length); + for (const [moduleName, moduleOptions] of Object.entries(modules)) { + const { moduleImportLocations: importLocations = options.importLocations, serviceSuffixes } = moduleOptions; + moduleMap[moduleName] = queryDb.getServicesByCloudFormationNamespace(db, moduleOptions.services).map((s) => { + log.debug(moduleName, s.name, 'ast'); + const ast = AstBuilder.forService(s, { + db, + importLocations, + nameSuffix: serviceSuffixes?.[s.cloudFormationNamespace], + }); + + log.debug(moduleName, s.name, 'render'); + const writer = new TsFileWriter(outputPath, renderer, { + ['moduleName']: moduleName, + ['serviceName']: ast.module.service.toLowerCase(), + ['serviceShortName']: ast.module.shortName.toLowerCase(), + }); + + // Resources + writer.write(ast.module, filePatterns.resources); + + if (ast.augmentations?.hasAugmentations) { + const augFile = writer.write(ast.augmentations, filePatterns.augmentations); + + if (augmentationsSupport) { + const augDir = path.dirname(augFile); + for (const supportMod of ast.augmentations.supportModules) { + writer.write(supportMod, path.resolve(augDir, `${supportMod.importName}.ts`)); + } + } + } + + if (ast.cannedMetrics?.hasCannedMetrics) { + writer.write(ast.cannedMetrics, filePatterns.cannedMetrics); + } + + return { + module: ast, + options: moduleOptions, + resources: ast.resources, + outputFiles: writer.outputFiles, + }; + }); + } + + const result = { + modules: moduleMap, + resources: Object.values(moduleMap).flat().map(pick('resources')).reduce(mergeObjects), + outputFiles: Object.values(moduleMap).flat().flatMap(pick('outputFiles')), + }; + + log.info('Summary:'); + log.info(' Service files: %i', Object.values(moduleMap).flat().flatMap(pick('module')).length); + log.info(' Resources: %i', Object.keys(result.resources).length); + log.timeEnd(timeLabel); + + return result; +} + +function ensureFilePatterns(patterns: GenerateFilePatterns = {}): Required { + return { + resources: ({ serviceShortName }) => `${serviceShortName}.generated.ts`, + augmentations: ({ serviceShortName }) => `${serviceShortName}-augmentations.generated.ts`, + cannedMetrics: ({ serviceShortName }) => `${serviceShortName}-canned-metrics.generated.ts`, + ...patterns, + }; +} + +function pick(property: keyof T) { + type x = typeof property; + return (obj: Record): any => { + return obj[property]; + }; +} + +function mergeObjects(all: T, res: T) { + return { + ...all, + ...res, + }; +} diff --git a/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/index.ts b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..bfa3f59b98314 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +export * from './generate'; diff --git a/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/naming/conventions.ts b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/naming/conventions.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..be7a7f7336ba7 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/naming/conventions.ts @@ -0,0 +1,112 @@ +import { Metric, Resource, TypeDefinition } from '@aws-cdk/service-spec-types'; +import { ClassType, TypeDeclaration } from '@cdklabs/typewriter'; +import * as camelcase from 'camelcase'; + +/** + * Convert a CloudFormation name to a nice TypeScript name + * + * We use a library to camelcase, and fix up some things that translate incorrectly. + * + * For example, the library breaks when pluralizing an abbreviation, such as "ProviderARNs" -> "providerArNs". + * + * We currently recognize "ARNs", "MBs" and "AZs". + */ +export function propertyNameFromCloudFormation(name: string): string { + if (name === 'VPCs') { + return 'vpcs'; + } + + // Lightsail contains a property called "GetObject", which isn't a jsii-compliant name + // as it conflicts with generated getters in other languages (e.g., Java, C#). + // For now, hard-coding a replacement property name to something that's frankly better anyway. + if (name === 'GetObject') { + name = 'objectAccess'; + } + + // GuardDuty contains a property named "Equals", which isn't a jsii-compliant name as it + // conflicts with standard Java/C# object methods. + if (name === 'Equals') { + name = 'equalTo'; + } + + let ret = camelcase(name); + + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention + const suffixes: { [key: string]: string } = { ARNs: 'Arns', MBs: 'MBs', AZs: 'AZs' }; + + for (const suffix of Object.keys(suffixes)) { + if (name.endsWith(suffix)) { + return ret.slice(0, -suffix.length) + suffixes[suffix]; + } + } + + return ret; +} + +export function structNameFromTypeDefinition(def: TypeDefinition) { + return `${def.name}Property`; +} + +export function classNameFromResource(res: Resource, suffix?: string) { + return `Cfn${res.name}${suffix ?? ''}`; +} + +export function propStructNameFromResource(res: Resource, suffix?: string) { + return `${classNameFromResource(res, suffix)}Props`; +} + +export function cfnProducerNameFromType(struct: TypeDeclaration) { + return `convert${qualifiedName(struct)}ToCloudFormation`; +} + +export function cfnParserNameFromType(struct: TypeDeclaration) { + return `${qualifiedName(struct)}FromCloudFormation`; +} + +export function cfnPropsValidatorNameFromType(struct: TypeDeclaration) { + return `${qualifiedName(struct)}Validator`; +} + +export function metricsClassNameFromService(namespace: string) { + return `${namespace.replace(/^AWS\//, '').replace('/', '')}Metrics`; +} + +export function metricFunctionName(metric: Metric) { + return makeIdentifier(camelcase(`${metric.name}${metric.statistic}`)); +} + +export function staticResourceTypeName() { + return 'CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME'; +} + +export function staticRequiredTransform() { + return 'REQUIRED_TRANSFORM'; +} + +export function attributePropertyName(attrName: string) { + return propertyNameFromCloudFormation(`attr${attrName.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, '')}`); +} + +/** + * Generate a name for the given declaration so that we can generate helper symbols for it that won't class + * + * We assume that the helpers get generated at module level, so we add in the names of the + * containing type if found. + * + * (Doesn't handle all cases generically, just the ones we care about right now). + */ +function qualifiedName(type: TypeDeclaration) { + return [type.scope instanceof ClassType ? type.scope.name : '', type.name].join(''); +} + +/** + * Not all characters are allowed in identifiers. + * E.g. if it doesn't start with an allowed character, prefix with a '_' + */ +function makeIdentifier(s: string) { + // Strip invalid characters from identifier + s = s.replace(/([^a-zA-Z0-9_])/g, ''); + // If it doesn't start with an alpha char, prefix with _ + s = s.replace(/^([^a-zA-Z_])/, '_$1'); + return s; +} diff --git a/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/naming/doclink.ts b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/naming/doclink.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..cbd69a9a0c5ea --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/naming/doclink.ts @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +export interface DocLinkOptions { + readonly resourceType: string; + readonly propTypeName?: string; + readonly propName?: string; +} + +/** + * Return a link to the CloudFormation documentation page + */ +export function cloudFormationDocLink(options: DocLinkOptions) { + const parts = ['http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/']; + const resourceTypeParts = options.resourceType.split('::').map((x) => x.toLowerCase()); + + // Either '-' or '--' + let typeUid; + + if (options.propTypeName) { + typeUid = `${resourceTypeParts[1]}-${resourceTypeParts[2]}-${options.propTypeName.toLowerCase()}`; + parts.push(`aws-properties-${typeUid}.html`); + } else { + typeUid = `${resourceTypeParts[1]}-${resourceTypeParts[2]}`; + parts.push(`aws-resource-${typeUid}.html`); + } + + if (options.propName) { + parts.push(`#cfn-${typeUid}-${options.propName.toLowerCase()}`); + } + + return parts.join(''); +} diff --git a/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/naming/index.ts b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/naming/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..c8fae518dc4af --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/naming/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +export * from './conventions'; +export * from './doclink'; diff --git a/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/util/db.ts b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/util/db.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..20c47b1c4fb94 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/util/db.ts @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +import { SpecDatabase } from '@aws-cdk/service-spec-types'; + +export function getAllServices(db: SpecDatabase) { + return db.all('service'); +} + +export function getServicesByCloudFormationNamespace(db: SpecDatabase, namespaces: string[]) { + return namespaces.flatMap((ns) => db.lookup('service', 'cloudFormationNamespace', 'equals', ns)); +} diff --git a/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/util/index.ts b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/util/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..9fe135adc052f --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/util/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +export * as queryDb from './db'; +export * as log from './log'; +export * from './patterned-name'; +export * from './split-summary'; +export * from './ts-file-writer'; diff --git a/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/util/log.ts b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/util/log.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..5e57641eca050 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/util/log.ts @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +/* eslint-disable no-console */ +export function error(...messages: Array) { + console.error(...messages); +} + +export function info(...messages: Array) { + console.info(...messages); +} + +export function debug(...messages: Array) { + if (process.env.DEBUG) { + console.debug(...messages); + } +} + +export function time(label: string) { + console.time(label); +} + +export function timeEnd(label: string) { + console.timeEnd(label); +} diff --git a/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/util/patterned-name.ts b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/util/patterned-name.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..e1bb95c7bf189 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/util/patterned-name.ts @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +export function parsePattern(pattern: string, fields: { [k in A]: unknown }): PatternedString { + const placeholders = Object.keys(fields); + if (!placeholders.some((param) => pattern.includes(param))) { + throw `Error: --pattern must contain one of [${placeholders.join(', ')}]`; + } + + return (values: { [k in A]: string }) => { + let ret = pattern; + for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(values)) { + ret = ret.replace(`%${k}%`, String(v)); + } + return ret; + }; +} + +export type PatternValues = { [k in A]: string }; + +export type PatternedString = (values: PatternValues) => string; diff --git a/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/util/split-summary.ts b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/util/split-summary.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..2abdbab3b5c11 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/util/split-summary.ts @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +import { DocsSpec } from '@cdklabs/typewriter'; + +/** + * Split the doc comment into summary and remarks + * + * Normally, we'd expect people to split into a summary line and detail lines using paragraph + * markers. However, a LOT of people do not do this, and just paste a giant comment block into + * the docstring. If we detect that situation, we will try and extract the first sentence (using + * a period) as the summary. + */ +export function splitSummary(docBlock: string | undefined): [string | undefined, string | undefined] { + if (!docBlock) { + return [undefined, undefined]; + } + const summary = summaryLine(docBlock); + const remarks = uberTrim(docBlock.slice(summary.length)); + return [endWithPeriod(noNewlines(summary.trim())), remarks]; +} + +/** + * Replace newlines with spaces for use in tables + */ +function noNewlines(s: string) { + return s.replace(/\n/g, ' '); +} + +function endWithPeriod(s: string) { + return ENDS_WITH_PUNCTUATION_REGEX.test(s) ? s : `${s}.`; +} + +/** + * Trims a string and turns it into `undefined` if the result would have been an + * empty string. + */ +function uberTrim(str: string): string | undefined { + str = str.trim(); + return str === '' ? undefined : str; +} + +const SUMMARY_MAX_WORDS = 20; + +/** + * Find the summary line for a doc comment + * + * In principle we'll take the first paragraph, but if there are no paragraphs + * (because people don't put in paragraph breaks) or the first paragraph is too + * long, we'll take the first sentence (terminated by a punctuation). + */ +function summaryLine(str: string) { + const paras = str.split('\n\n'); + if (paras.length > 1 && paras[0].split(' ').length < SUMMARY_MAX_WORDS) { + return paras[0]; + } + + const m = FIRST_SENTENCE_REGEX.exec(str); + if (m) { + return m[1]; + } + + return paras[0]; +} + +const PUNCTUATION = ['!', '?', '.', ';'].map((s) => `\\${s}`).join(''); +const ENDS_WITH_PUNCTUATION_REGEX = new RegExp(`[${PUNCTUATION}]$`); +const FIRST_SENTENCE_REGEX = new RegExp(`^([^${PUNCTUATION}]+[${PUNCTUATION}][ \n\r])`); // Needs a whitespace after the punctuation. + +/** + * Split a documentation string into a structure that can be passed to typewriter + */ +export function splitDocumentation(x: string | undefined): Pick { + const [summary, remarks] = splitSummary(x); + return { summary, remarks }; +} diff --git a/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/util/ts-file-writer.ts b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/util/ts-file-writer.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..298cf97ce5f45 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/lib/util/ts-file-writer.ts @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +import * as path from 'node:path'; +import { Module, TypeScriptRenderer } from '@cdklabs/typewriter'; +import * as fs from 'fs-extra'; +import { PatternValues, PatternedString } from './patterned-name'; +import { PatternKeys } from '../generate'; + +export class TsFileWriter { + public outputFiles = new Array(); + + constructor( + private readonly outputPath: string, + private readonly renderer: TypeScriptRenderer, + private readonly values: PatternValues, + ) {} + + public write(module: Module, filePath: string | PatternedString): string { + const output = this.resolveFilePath(filePath); + fs.outputFileSync(output, this.renderer.render(module)); + this.outputFiles.push(output); + return output; + } + + private resolveFilePath(filePath: string | PatternedString): string { + if (typeof filePath === 'function') { + return path.join(this.outputPath, filePath(this.values)); + } + return filePath; + } +} diff --git a/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/package.json b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/package.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..451721d806e9f --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/package.json @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +{ + "name": "@aws-cdk/spec2cdk", + "private": true, + "version": "0.0.0", + "description": "Generates L1 resource from @aws-cdk/aws-service-specs", + "repository": { + "type": "git", + "url": "https://github.com/aws/aws-cdk.git", + "directory": "tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk" + }, + "bin": { + "cfn2ts": "bin/cfn2ts", + "spec2cdk": "bin/spec2cdk" + }, + "main": "./lib/index.js", + "types": "./lib/index.d.ts", + "scripts": { + "build": "cdk-build", + "watch": "cdk-watch", + "lint": "cdk-lint", + "test": "cdk-test", + "pkglint": "pkglint -f", + "build+test": "yarn build && yarn test", + "build+extract": "yarn build", + "build+test+extract": "yarn build+test", + "build+test+package": "yarn build+test" + }, + "author": { + "name": "Amazon Web Services", + "url": "https://aws.amazon.com", + "organization": true + }, + "license": "Apache-2.0", + "dependencies": { + "@aws-cdk/aws-service-spec": "^0.0.0", + "@aws-cdk/service-spec-types": "^0.0.0", + "@cdklabs/tskb": "^0.0.0", + "@cdklabs/typewriter": "^0.0.0", + "camelcase": "^6", + "fs-extra": "^9", + "yargs": "^16.2.0" + }, + "devDependencies": { + "@aws-cdk/cdk-build-tools": "0.0.0", + "@aws-cdk/pkglint": "0.0.0", + "@types/jest": "^29.5.1", + "@types/node": "^16", + "jest": "^29.5.0" + }, + "keywords": [ + "aws", + "cdk" + ], + "homepage": "https://github.com/aws/aws-cdk", + "engines": { + "node": ">= 14.15.0" + }, + "ubergen": { + "exclude": true + }, + "pkglint": { + "exclude": [ + "dependencies/cdk-point-dependencies" + ] + } +} diff --git a/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/test/__snapshots__/resources.test.js.snap b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/test/__snapshots__/resources.test.js.snap new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..c5d78c75be076 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/test/__snapshots__/resources.test.js.snap @@ -0,0 +1,11829 @@ +// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP + +exports[`AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi 1`] = ` +{ + "augmentations": undefined, + "metrics": "/* eslint-disable prettier/prettier,max-len */ +export interface MetricWithDims { + readonly namespace: string; + + readonly metricName: string; + + readonly statistic: string; + + readonly dimensionsMap: D; +} + +export class ApiGatewayMetrics { + public static _4XxErrorSum(dimensions: { ApiName: string; Stage: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ ApiName: string; Stage: string; }>; + + public static _4XxErrorSum(dimensions: { ApiName: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ ApiName: string; }>; + + public static _4XxErrorSum(dimensions: { ApiName: string; Method: string; Resource: string; Stage: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ ApiName: string; Method: string; Resource: string; Stage: string; }>; + + public static _4XxErrorSum(dimensions: any): MetricWithDims { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/ApiGateway", + "metricName": "4XXError", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Sum" + }; + } + + public static _5XxErrorSum(dimensions: { ApiName: string; Stage: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ ApiName: string; Stage: string; }>; + + public static _5XxErrorSum(dimensions: { ApiName: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ ApiName: string; }>; + + public static _5XxErrorSum(dimensions: { ApiName: string; Method: string; Resource: string; Stage: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ ApiName: string; Method: string; Resource: string; Stage: string; }>; + + public static _5XxErrorSum(dimensions: any): MetricWithDims { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/ApiGateway", + "metricName": "5XXError", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Sum" + }; + } + + public static cacheHitCountSum(dimensions: { ApiName: string; Stage: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ ApiName: string; Stage: string; }>; + + public static cacheHitCountSum(dimensions: { ApiName: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ ApiName: string; }>; + + public static cacheHitCountSum(dimensions: { ApiName: string; Method: string; Resource: string; Stage: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ ApiName: string; Method: string; Resource: string; Stage: string; }>; + + public static cacheHitCountSum(dimensions: any): MetricWithDims { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/ApiGateway", + "metricName": "CacheHitCount", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Sum" + }; + } + + public static cacheMissCountSum(dimensions: { ApiName: string; Stage: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ ApiName: string; Stage: string; }>; + + public static cacheMissCountSum(dimensions: { ApiName: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ ApiName: string; }>; + + public static cacheMissCountSum(dimensions: { ApiName: string; Method: string; Resource: string; Stage: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ ApiName: string; Method: string; Resource: string; Stage: string; }>; + + public static cacheMissCountSum(dimensions: any): MetricWithDims { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/ApiGateway", + "metricName": "CacheMissCount", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Sum" + }; + } + + public static countSum(dimensions: { ApiName: string; Stage: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ ApiName: string; Stage: string; }>; + + public static countSum(dimensions: { ApiName: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ ApiName: string; }>; + + public static countSum(dimensions: { ApiName: string; Method: string; Resource: string; Stage: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ ApiName: string; Method: string; Resource: string; Stage: string; }>; + + public static countSum(dimensions: any): MetricWithDims { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/ApiGateway", + "metricName": "Count", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Sum" + }; + } + + public static integrationLatencyAverage(dimensions: { ApiName: string; Stage: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ ApiName: string; Stage: string; }>; + + public static integrationLatencyAverage(dimensions: { ApiName: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ ApiName: string; }>; + + public static integrationLatencyAverage(dimensions: { ApiName: string; Method: string; Resource: string; Stage: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ ApiName: string; Method: string; Resource: string; Stage: string; }>; + + public static integrationLatencyAverage(dimensions: any): MetricWithDims { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/ApiGateway", + "metricName": "IntegrationLatency", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static latencyAverage(dimensions: { ApiName: string; Stage: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ ApiName: string; Stage: string; }>; + + public static latencyAverage(dimensions: { ApiName: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ ApiName: string; }>; + + public static latencyAverage(dimensions: { ApiName: string; Method: string; Resource: string; Stage: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ ApiName: string; Method: string; Resource: string; Stage: string; }>; + + public static latencyAverage(dimensions: any): MetricWithDims { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/ApiGateway", + "metricName": "Latency", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } +}", + "module": "/* eslint-disable prettier/prettier,max-len */ +import * as cdk from "aws-cdk-lib"; +import * as constructs from "constructs"; +import * as cfn_parse from "aws-cdk-lib/core/lib/helpers-internal"; + +/** + * The \`AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi\` resource creates a REST API. + * + * For more information, see [restapi:create](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/api/API_CreateRestApi.html) in the *Amazon API Gateway REST API Reference* . + * + * > On January 1, 2016, the Swagger Specification was donated to the [OpenAPI initiative](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/https://www.openapis.org/) , becoming the foundation of the OpenAPI Specification. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-apigateway-restapi.html + */ +export class CfnRestApi extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi"; + + /** + * Build a CfnRestApi from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnRestApi { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnRestApiPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnRestApi(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The string identifier of the associated RestApi. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute RestApiId + */ + public readonly attrRestApiId: string; + + /** + * The root resource ID for a \`RestApi\` resource, such as \`a0bc123d4e\` . + * + * @cloudformationAttribute RootResourceId + */ + public readonly attrRootResourceId: string; + + /** + * The source of the API key for metering requests according to a usage plan. + */ + public apiKeySourceType?: string; + + /** + * The list of binary media types supported by the RestApi. + */ + public binaryMediaTypes?: Array; + + /** + * An OpenAPI specification that defines a set of RESTful APIs in JSON format. + */ + public body?: any | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) location that points to an OpenAPI file, which defines a set of RESTful APIs in JSON or YAML format. + */ + public bodyS3Location?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnRestApi.S3LocationProperty; + + /** + * The ID of the RestApi that you want to clone from. + */ + public cloneFrom?: string; + + /** + * The description of the RestApi. + */ + public description?: string; + + /** + * Specifies whether clients can invoke your API by using the default \`execute-api\` endpoint. + */ + public disableExecuteApiEndpoint?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * A list of the endpoint types of the API. + */ + public endpointConfiguration?: CfnRestApi.EndpointConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * A query parameter to indicate whether to rollback the API update ( \`true\` ) or not ( \`false\` ) when a warning is encountered. + */ + public failOnWarnings?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * A nullable integer that is used to enable compression (with non-negative between 0 and 10485760 (10M) bytes, inclusive) or disable compression (with a null value) on an API. + */ + public minimumCompressionSize?: number; + + /** + * This property applies only when you use OpenAPI to define your REST API. + */ + public mode?: string; + + /** + * The name of the RestApi. + */ + public name?: string; + + /** + * Custom header parameters as part of the request. + */ + public parameters?: cdk.IResolvable | Record; + + /** + * A policy document that contains the permissions for the \`RestApi\` resource. + */ + public policy?: any | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * The key-value map of strings. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnRestApiProps = {}) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnRestApi.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + this.attrRestApiId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("RestApiId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrRootResourceId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("RootResourceId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.apiKeySourceType = props.apiKeySourceType; + this.binaryMediaTypes = props.binaryMediaTypes; + this.body = props.body; + this.bodyS3Location = props.bodyS3Location; + this.cloneFrom = props.cloneFrom; + this.description = props.description; + this.disableExecuteApiEndpoint = props.disableExecuteApiEndpoint; + this.endpointConfiguration = props.endpointConfiguration; + this.failOnWarnings = props.failOnWarnings; + this.minimumCompressionSize = props.minimumCompressionSize; + this.mode = props.mode; + this.name = props.name; + this.parameters = props.parameters; + this.policy = props.policy; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "apiKeySourceType": this.apiKeySourceType, + "binaryMediaTypes": this.binaryMediaTypes, + "body": this.body, + "bodyS3Location": this.bodyS3Location, + "cloneFrom": this.cloneFrom, + "description": this.description, + "disableExecuteApiEndpoint": this.disableExecuteApiEndpoint, + "endpointConfiguration": this.endpointConfiguration, + "failOnWarnings": this.failOnWarnings, + "minimumCompressionSize": this.minimumCompressionSize, + "mode": this.mode, + "name": this.name, + "parameters": this.parameters, + "policy": this.policy, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags() + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnRestApi.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnRestApiPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +export namespace CfnRestApi { + /** + * \`S3Location\` is a property of the [AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-apigateway-restapi.html) resource that specifies the Amazon S3 location of a OpenAPI (formerly Swagger) file that defines a set of RESTful APIs in JSON or YAML. + * + * > On January 1, 2016, the Swagger Specification was donated to the [OpenAPI initiative](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/https://www.openapis.org/) , becoming the foundation of the OpenAPI Specification. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-apigateway-restapi-s3location.html + */ + export interface S3LocationProperty { + /** + * The name of the S3 bucket where the OpenAPI file is stored. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-apigateway-restapi-s3location.html#cfn-apigateway-restapi-s3location-bucket + */ + readonly bucket?: string; + + /** + * The Amazon S3 ETag (a file checksum) of the OpenAPI file. + * + * If you don't specify a value, API Gateway skips ETag validation of your OpenAPI file. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-apigateway-restapi-s3location.html#cfn-apigateway-restapi-s3location-etag + */ + readonly eTag?: string; + + /** + * The file name of the OpenAPI file (Amazon S3 object name). + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-apigateway-restapi-s3location.html#cfn-apigateway-restapi-s3location-key + */ + readonly key?: string; + + /** + * For versioning-enabled buckets, a specific version of the OpenAPI file. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-apigateway-restapi-s3location.html#cfn-apigateway-restapi-s3location-version + */ + readonly version?: string; + } + + /** + * The \`EndpointConfiguration\` property type specifies the endpoint types of a REST API. + * + * \`EndpointConfiguration\` is a property of the [AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-apigateway-restapi.html) resource. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-apigateway-restapi-endpointconfiguration.html + */ + export interface EndpointConfigurationProperty { + /** + * A list of endpoint types of an API (RestApi) or its custom domain name (DomainName). + * + * For an edge-optimized API and its custom domain name, the endpoint type is \`"EDGE"\` . For a regional API and its custom domain name, the endpoint type is \`REGIONAL\` . For a private API, the endpoint type is \`PRIVATE\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-apigateway-restapi-endpointconfiguration.html#cfn-apigateway-restapi-endpointconfiguration-types + */ + readonly types?: Array; + + /** + * A list of VpcEndpointIds of an API (RestApi) against which to create Route53 ALIASes. + * + * It is only supported for \`PRIVATE\` endpoint type. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-apigateway-restapi-endpointconfiguration.html#cfn-apigateway-restapi-endpointconfiguration-vpcendpointids + */ + readonly vpcEndpointIds?: Array; + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnRestApi\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-apigateway-restapi.html + */ +export interface CfnRestApiProps { + /** + * The source of the API key for metering requests according to a usage plan. + * + * Valid values are: \`HEADER\` to read the API key from the \`X-API-Key\` header of a request. \`AUTHORIZER\` to read the API key from the \`UsageIdentifierKey\` from a custom authorizer. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-apigateway-restapi.html#cfn-apigateway-restapi-apikeysourcetype + */ + readonly apiKeySourceType?: string; + + /** + * The list of binary media types supported by the RestApi. + * + * By default, the RestApi supports only UTF-8-encoded text payloads. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-apigateway-restapi.html#cfn-apigateway-restapi-binarymediatypes + */ + readonly binaryMediaTypes?: Array; + + /** + * An OpenAPI specification that defines a set of RESTful APIs in JSON format. + * + * For YAML templates, you can also provide the specification in YAML format. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-apigateway-restapi.html#cfn-apigateway-restapi-body + */ + readonly body?: any | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) location that points to an OpenAPI file, which defines a set of RESTful APIs in JSON or YAML format. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-apigateway-restapi.html#cfn-apigateway-restapi-bodys3location + */ + readonly bodyS3Location?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnRestApi.S3LocationProperty; + + /** + * The ID of the RestApi that you want to clone from. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-apigateway-restapi.html#cfn-apigateway-restapi-clonefrom + */ + readonly cloneFrom?: string; + + /** + * The description of the RestApi. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-apigateway-restapi.html#cfn-apigateway-restapi-description + */ + readonly description?: string; + + /** + * Specifies whether clients can invoke your API by using the default \`execute-api\` endpoint. + * + * By default, clients can invoke your API with the default \`https://{api_id}.execute-api.{region}.amazonaws.com\` endpoint. To require that clients use a custom domain name to invoke your API, disable the default endpoint + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-apigateway-restapi.html#cfn-apigateway-restapi-disableexecuteapiendpoint + */ + readonly disableExecuteApiEndpoint?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * A list of the endpoint types of the API. + * + * Use this property when creating an API. When importing an existing API, specify the endpoint configuration types using the \`Parameters\` property. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-apigateway-restapi.html#cfn-apigateway-restapi-endpointconfiguration + */ + readonly endpointConfiguration?: CfnRestApi.EndpointConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * A query parameter to indicate whether to rollback the API update ( \`true\` ) or not ( \`false\` ) when a warning is encountered. + * + * The default value is \`false\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-apigateway-restapi.html#cfn-apigateway-restapi-failonwarnings + */ + readonly failOnWarnings?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * A nullable integer that is used to enable compression (with non-negative between 0 and 10485760 (10M) bytes, inclusive) or disable compression (with a null value) on an API. + * + * When compression is enabled, compression or decompression is not applied on the payload if the payload size is smaller than this value. Setting it to zero allows compression for any payload size. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-apigateway-restapi.html#cfn-apigateway-restapi-minimumcompressionsize + */ + readonly minimumCompressionSize?: number; + + /** + * This property applies only when you use OpenAPI to define your REST API. + * + * The \`Mode\` determines how API Gateway handles resource updates. + * + * Valid values are \`overwrite\` or \`merge\` . + * + * For \`overwrite\` , the new API definition replaces the existing one. The existing API identifier remains unchanged. + * + * For \`merge\` , the new API definition is merged with the existing API. + * + * If you don't specify this property, a default value is chosen. For REST APIs created before March 29, 2021, the default is \`overwrite\` . For REST APIs created after March 29, 2021, the new API definition takes precedence, but any container types such as endpoint configurations and binary media types are merged with the existing API. + * + * Use the default mode to define top-level \`RestApi\` properties in addition to using OpenAPI. Generally, it's preferred to use API Gateway's OpenAPI extensions to model these properties. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-apigateway-restapi.html#cfn-apigateway-restapi-mode + */ + readonly mode?: string; + + /** + * The name of the RestApi. + * + * A name is required if the REST API is not based on an OpenAPI specification. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-apigateway-restapi.html#cfn-apigateway-restapi-name + */ + readonly name?: string; + + /** + * Custom header parameters as part of the request. + * + * For example, to exclude DocumentationParts from an imported API, set \`ignore=documentation\` as a \`parameters\` value, as in the AWS CLI command of \`aws apigateway import-rest-api --parameters ignore=documentation --body 'file:///path/to/imported-api-body.json'\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-apigateway-restapi.html#cfn-apigateway-restapi-parameters + */ + readonly parameters?: cdk.IResolvable | Record; + + /** + * A policy document that contains the permissions for the \`RestApi\` resource. + * + * To set the ARN for the policy, use the \`!Join\` intrinsic function with \`""\` as delimiter and values of \`"execute-api:/"\` and \`"*"\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-apigateway-restapi.html#cfn-apigateway-restapi-policy + */ + readonly policy?: any | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The key-value map of strings. + * + * The valid character set is [a-zA-Z+-=._:/]. The tag key can be up to 128 characters and must not start with \`aws:\` . The tag value can be up to 256 characters. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-apigateway-restapi.html#cfn-apigateway-restapi-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`S3LocationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`S3LocationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnRestApiS3LocationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("bucket", cdk.validateString)(properties.bucket)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("eTag", cdk.validateString)(properties.eTag)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("key", cdk.validateString)(properties.key)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("version", cdk.validateString)(properties.version)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"S3LocationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnRestApiS3LocationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnRestApiS3LocationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Bucket": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.bucket), + "ETag": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.eTag), + "Key": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.key), + "Version": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.version) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnRestApiS3LocationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("bucket", "Bucket", (properties.Bucket != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Bucket) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("eTag", "ETag", (properties.ETag != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ETag) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("key", "Key", (properties.Key != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Key) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("version", "Version", (properties.Version != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Version) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`EndpointConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`EndpointConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnRestApiEndpointConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("types", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.types)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vpcEndpointIds", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.vpcEndpointIds)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"EndpointConfigurationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnRestApiEndpointConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnRestApiEndpointConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Types": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.types), + "VpcEndpointIds": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.vpcEndpointIds) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnRestApiEndpointConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("types", "Types", (properties.Types != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.Types) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("vpcEndpointIds", "VpcEndpointIds", (properties.VpcEndpointIds != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.VpcEndpointIds) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnRestApiProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnRestApiProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnRestApiPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("apiKeySourceType", cdk.validateString)(properties.apiKeySourceType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("binaryMediaTypes", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.binaryMediaTypes)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("body", cdk.validateObject)(properties.body)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("bodyS3Location", CfnRestApiS3LocationPropertyValidator)(properties.bodyS3Location)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("cloneFrom", cdk.validateString)(properties.cloneFrom)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("description", cdk.validateString)(properties.description)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("disableExecuteApiEndpoint", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.disableExecuteApiEndpoint)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("endpointConfiguration", CfnRestApiEndpointConfigurationPropertyValidator)(properties.endpointConfiguration)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("failOnWarnings", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.failOnWarnings)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("minimumCompressionSize", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.minimumCompressionSize)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("mode", cdk.validateString)(properties.mode)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("name", cdk.validateString)(properties.name)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("parameters", cdk.hashValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.parameters)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("policy", cdk.validateObject)(properties.policy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnRestApiProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnRestApiPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnRestApiPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ApiKeySourceType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.apiKeySourceType), + "BinaryMediaTypes": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.binaryMediaTypes), + "Body": cdk.objectToCloudFormation(properties.body), + "BodyS3Location": convertCfnRestApiS3LocationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.bodyS3Location), + "CloneFrom": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.cloneFrom), + "Description": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.description), + "DisableExecuteApiEndpoint": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.disableExecuteApiEndpoint), + "EndpointConfiguration": convertCfnRestApiEndpointConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.endpointConfiguration), + "FailOnWarnings": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.failOnWarnings), + "MinimumCompressionSize": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.minimumCompressionSize), + "Mode": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.mode), + "Name": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.name), + "Parameters": cdk.hashMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.parameters), + "Policy": cdk.objectToCloudFormation(properties.policy), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnRestApiPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("apiKeySourceType", "ApiKeySourceType", (properties.ApiKeySourceType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ApiKeySourceType) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("binaryMediaTypes", "BinaryMediaTypes", (properties.BinaryMediaTypes != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.BinaryMediaTypes) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("body", "Body", (properties.Body != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getAny(properties.Body) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("bodyS3Location", "BodyS3Location", (properties.BodyS3Location != null ? CfnRestApiS3LocationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.BodyS3Location) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("cloneFrom", "CloneFrom", (properties.CloneFrom != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.CloneFrom) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("description", "Description", (properties.Description != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Description) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("disableExecuteApiEndpoint", "DisableExecuteApiEndpoint", (properties.DisableExecuteApiEndpoint != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.DisableExecuteApiEndpoint) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("endpointConfiguration", "EndpointConfiguration", (properties.EndpointConfiguration != null ? CfnRestApiEndpointConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.EndpointConfiguration) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("failOnWarnings", "FailOnWarnings", (properties.FailOnWarnings != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.FailOnWarnings) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("minimumCompressionSize", "MinimumCompressionSize", (properties.MinimumCompressionSize != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.MinimumCompressionSize) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("mode", "Mode", (properties.Mode != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Mode) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("name", "Name", (properties.Name != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Name) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("parameters", "Parameters", (properties.Parameters != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getMap(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.Parameters) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("policy", "Policy", (properties.Policy != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getAny(properties.Policy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +}", +} +`; + +exports[`AWS::IAM::Role 1`] = ` +{ + "augmentations": undefined, + "metrics": undefined, + "module": "/* eslint-disable prettier/prettier,max-len */ +import * as cdk from "aws-cdk-lib"; +import * as constructs from "constructs"; +import * as cfn_parse from "aws-cdk-lib/core/lib/helpers-internal"; + +/** + * Creates a new role for your AWS account . + * + * For more information about roles, see [IAM roles](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_roles.html) in the *IAM User Guide* . For information about quotas for role names and the number of roles you can create, see [IAM and AWS STS quotas](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/reference_iam-quotas.html) in the *IAM User Guide* . + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-iam-role.html + */ +export class CfnRole extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::IAM::Role"; + + /** + * Build a CfnRole from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnRole { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnRolePropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnRole(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * Returns the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the role. For example: + * + * \`{"Fn::GetAtt" : ["MyRole", "Arn"] }\` + * + * This will return a value such as \`arn:aws:iam::1234567890:role/MyRole-AJJHDSKSDF\` . + * + * @cloudformationAttribute Arn + */ + public readonly attrArn: string; + + /** + * Returns the stable and unique string identifying the role. For example, \`AIDAJQABLZS4A3QDU576Q\` . + * + * For more information about IDs, see [IAM Identifiers](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/reference_identifiers.html) in the *IAM User Guide* . + * + * @cloudformationAttribute RoleId + */ + public readonly attrRoleId: string; + + /** + * The trust policy that is associated with this role. + */ + public assumeRolePolicyDocument: any | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * A description of the role that you provide. + */ + public description?: string; + + /** + * A list of Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of the IAM managed policies that you want to attach to the role. + */ + public managedPolicyArns?: Array; + + /** + * The maximum session duration (in seconds) that you want to set for the specified role. + */ + public maxSessionDuration?: number; + + /** + * The path to the role. For more information about paths, see [IAM Identifiers](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/Using_Identifiers.html) in the *IAM User Guide* . + */ + public path?: string; + + /** + * The ARN of the policy used to set the permissions boundary for the role. + */ + public permissionsBoundary?: string; + + /** + * Adds or updates an inline policy document that is embedded in the specified IAM role. + */ + public policies?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * A name for the IAM role, up to 64 characters in length. + */ + public roleName?: string; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * A list of tags that are attached to the role. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnRoleProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnRole.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "assumeRolePolicyDocument", this); + + this.attrArn = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Arn", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrRoleId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("RoleId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.assumeRolePolicyDocument = props.assumeRolePolicyDocument; + this.description = props.description; + this.managedPolicyArns = props.managedPolicyArns; + this.maxSessionDuration = props.maxSessionDuration; + this.path = props.path; + this.permissionsBoundary = props.permissionsBoundary; + this.policies = props.policies; + this.roleName = props.roleName; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::IAM::Role", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "assumeRolePolicyDocument": this.assumeRolePolicyDocument, + "description": this.description, + "managedPolicyArns": this.managedPolicyArns, + "maxSessionDuration": this.maxSessionDuration, + "path": this.path, + "permissionsBoundary": this.permissionsBoundary, + "policies": this.policies, + "roleName": this.roleName, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags() + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnRole.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnRolePropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +export namespace CfnRole { + /** + * Contains information about an attached policy. + * + * An attached policy is a managed policy that has been attached to a user, group, or role. + * + * For more information about managed policies, refer to [Managed Policies and Inline Policies](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/policies-managed-vs-inline.html) in the *IAM User Guide* . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-iam-role-policy.html + */ + export interface PolicyProperty { + /** + * The entire contents of the policy that defines permissions. + * + * For more information, see [Overview of JSON policies](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/access_policies.html#access_policies-json) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-iam-role-policy.html#cfn-iam-role-policy-policydocument + */ + readonly policyDocument: any | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The friendly name (not ARN) identifying the policy. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-iam-role-policy.html#cfn-iam-role-policy-policyname + */ + readonly policyName: string; + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnRole\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-iam-role.html + */ +export interface CfnRoleProps { + /** + * The trust policy that is associated with this role. + * + * Trust policies define which entities can assume the role. You can associate only one trust policy with a role. For an example of a policy that can be used to assume a role, see [Template Examples](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-iam-role.html#aws-resource-iam-role--examples) . For more information about the elements that you can use in an IAM policy, see [IAM Policy Elements Reference](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/reference_policies_elements.html) in the *IAM User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-iam-role.html#cfn-iam-role-assumerolepolicydocument + */ + readonly assumeRolePolicyDocument: any | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * A description of the role that you provide. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-iam-role.html#cfn-iam-role-description + */ + readonly description?: string; + + /** + * A list of Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of the IAM managed policies that you want to attach to the role. + * + * For more information about ARNs, see [Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-arns-and-namespaces.html) in the *AWS General Reference* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-iam-role.html#cfn-iam-role-managedpolicyarns + */ + readonly managedPolicyArns?: Array; + + /** + * The maximum session duration (in seconds) that you want to set for the specified role. + * + * If you do not specify a value for this setting, the default value of one hour is applied. This setting can have a value from 1 hour to 12 hours. + * + * Anyone who assumes the role from the AWS CLI or API can use the \`DurationSeconds\` API parameter or the \`duration-seconds\` AWS CLI parameter to request a longer session. The \`MaxSessionDuration\` setting determines the maximum duration that can be requested using the \`DurationSeconds\` parameter. If users don't specify a value for the \`DurationSeconds\` parameter, their security credentials are valid for one hour by default. This applies when you use the \`AssumeRole*\` API operations or the \`assume-role*\` AWS CLI operations but does not apply when you use those operations to create a console URL. For more information, see [Using IAM roles](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_roles_use.html) in the *IAM User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-iam-role.html#cfn-iam-role-maxsessionduration + */ + readonly maxSessionDuration?: number; + + /** + * The path to the role. For more information about paths, see [IAM Identifiers](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/Using_Identifiers.html) in the *IAM User Guide* . + * + * This parameter is optional. If it is not included, it defaults to a slash (/). + * + * This parameter allows (through its [regex pattern](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/http://wikipedia.org/wiki/regex) ) a string of characters consisting of either a forward slash (/) by itself or a string that must begin and end with forward slashes. In addition, it can contain any ASCII character from the ! ( \`\\u0021\` ) through the DEL character ( \`\\u007F\` ), including most punctuation characters, digits, and upper and lowercased letters. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-iam-role.html#cfn-iam-role-path + */ + readonly path?: string; + + /** + * The ARN of the policy used to set the permissions boundary for the role. + * + * For more information about permissions boundaries, see [Permissions boundaries for IAM identities](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/access_policies_boundaries.html) in the *IAM User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-iam-role.html#cfn-iam-role-permissionsboundary + */ + readonly permissionsBoundary?: string; + + /** + * Adds or updates an inline policy document that is embedded in the specified IAM role. + * + * When you embed an inline policy in a role, the inline policy is used as part of the role's access (permissions) policy. The role's trust policy is created at the same time as the role. You can update a role's trust policy later. For more information about IAM roles, go to [Using Roles to Delegate Permissions and Federate Identities](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/roles-toplevel.html) . + * + * A role can also have an attached managed policy. For information about policies, see [Managed Policies and Inline Policies](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/policies-managed-vs-inline.html) in the *IAM User Guide* . + * + * For information about limits on the number of inline policies that you can embed with a role, see [Limitations on IAM Entities](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/LimitationsOnEntities.html) in the *IAM User Guide* . + * + * > If an external policy (such as \`AWS::IAM::Policy\` or \`AWS::IAM::ManagedPolicy\` ) has a \`Ref\` to a role and if a resource (such as \`AWS::ECS::Service\` ) also has a \`Ref\` to the same role, add a \`DependsOn\` attribute to the resource to make the resource depend on the external policy. This dependency ensures that the role's policy is available throughout the resource's lifecycle. For example, when you delete a stack with an \`AWS::ECS::Service\` resource, the \`DependsOn\` attribute ensures that AWS CloudFormation deletes the \`AWS::ECS::Service\` resource before deleting its role's policy. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-iam-role.html#cfn-iam-role-policies + */ + readonly policies?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * A name for the IAM role, up to 64 characters in length. + * + * For valid values, see the \`RoleName\` parameter for the [\`CreateRole\`](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/APIReference/API_CreateRole.html) action in the *IAM User Guide* . + * + * This parameter allows (per its [regex pattern](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/http://wikipedia.org/wiki/regex) ) a string of characters consisting of upper and lowercase alphanumeric characters with no spaces. You can also include any of the following characters: _+=,.@-. The role name must be unique within the account. Role names are not distinguished by case. For example, you cannot create roles named both "Role1" and "role1". + * + * If you don't specify a name, AWS CloudFormation generates a unique physical ID and uses that ID for the role name. + * + * If you specify a name, you must specify the \`CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM\` value to acknowledge your template's capabilities. For more information, see [Acknowledging IAM Resources in AWS CloudFormation Templates](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/using-iam-template.html#using-iam-capabilities) . + * + * > Naming an IAM resource can cause an unrecoverable error if you reuse the same template in multiple Regions. To prevent this, we recommend using \`Fn::Join\` and \`AWS::Region\` to create a Region-specific name, as in the following example: \`{"Fn::Join": ["", [{"Ref": "AWS::Region"}, {"Ref": "MyResourceName"}]]}\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-iam-role.html#cfn-iam-role-rolename + */ + readonly roleName?: string; + + /** + * A list of tags that are attached to the role. + * + * For more information about tagging, see [Tagging IAM resources](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_tags.html) in the *IAM User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-iam-role.html#cfn-iam-role-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`PolicyProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`PolicyProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnRolePolicyPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("policyDocument", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.policyDocument)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("policyDocument", cdk.validateObject)(properties.policyDocument)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("policyName", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.policyName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("policyName", cdk.validateString)(properties.policyName)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"PolicyProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnRolePolicyPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnRolePolicyPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "PolicyDocument": cdk.objectToCloudFormation(properties.policyDocument), + "PolicyName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.policyName) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnRolePolicyPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("policyDocument", "PolicyDocument", (properties.PolicyDocument != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getAny(properties.PolicyDocument) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("policyName", "PolicyName", (properties.PolicyName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.PolicyName) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnRoleProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnRoleProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnRolePropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("assumeRolePolicyDocument", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.assumeRolePolicyDocument)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("assumeRolePolicyDocument", cdk.validateObject)(properties.assumeRolePolicyDocument)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("description", cdk.validateString)(properties.description)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("managedPolicyArns", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.managedPolicyArns)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("maxSessionDuration", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.maxSessionDuration)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("path", cdk.validateString)(properties.path)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("permissionsBoundary", cdk.validateString)(properties.permissionsBoundary)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("policies", cdk.listValidator(CfnRolePolicyPropertyValidator))(properties.policies)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("roleName", cdk.validateString)(properties.roleName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnRoleProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnRolePropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnRolePropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AssumeRolePolicyDocument": cdk.objectToCloudFormation(properties.assumeRolePolicyDocument), + "Description": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.description), + "ManagedPolicyArns": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.managedPolicyArns), + "MaxSessionDuration": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.maxSessionDuration), + "Path": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.path), + "PermissionsBoundary": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.permissionsBoundary), + "Policies": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnRolePolicyPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.policies), + "RoleName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.roleName), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnRolePropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("assumeRolePolicyDocument", "AssumeRolePolicyDocument", (properties.AssumeRolePolicyDocument != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getAny(properties.AssumeRolePolicyDocument) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("description", "Description", (properties.Description != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Description) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("managedPolicyArns", "ManagedPolicyArns", (properties.ManagedPolicyArns != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.ManagedPolicyArns) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("maxSessionDuration", "MaxSessionDuration", (properties.MaxSessionDuration != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.MaxSessionDuration) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("path", "Path", (properties.Path != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Path) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("permissionsBoundary", "PermissionsBoundary", (properties.PermissionsBoundary != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.PermissionsBoundary) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("policies", "Policies", (properties.Policies != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnRolePolicyPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.Policies) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("roleName", "RoleName", (properties.RoleName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.RoleName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +}", +} +`; + +exports[`AWS::Lambda::Function 1`] = ` +{ + "augmentations": "// Copyright 2012-2023 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. +/* eslint-disable prettier/prettier,max-len */ +import * as cw from "aws-cdk-lib/aws-cloudwatch"; +import { FunctionBase } from "./function-base"; + +declare module "./function-base" { + interface IFunction { + /** + * Return the given named metric for this Function + */ + metric(metricName: string, props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * How often this Lambda is throttled + * + * Sum over 5 minutes + */ + metricThrottles(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * How often this Lambda is invoked + * + * Sum over 5 minutes + */ + metricInvocations(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * How many invocations of this Lambda fail + * + * Sum over 5 minutes + */ + metricErrors(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * How long execution of this Lambda takes + * + * Average over 5 minutes + */ + metricDuration(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + } +} + + + +declare module "./function-base" { + interface FunctionBase { + /** + * Return the given named metric for this Function + */ + metric(metricName: string, props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * How often this Lambda is throttled + * + * Sum over 5 minutes + */ + metricThrottles(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * How often this Lambda is invoked + * + * Sum over 5 minutes + */ + metricInvocations(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * How many invocations of this Lambda fail + * + * Sum over 5 minutes + */ + metricErrors(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * How long execution of this Lambda takes + * + * Average over 5 minutes + */ + metricDuration(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + } +} + +FunctionBase.prototype.metric = function(metricName: string, props?: cw.MetricOptions) { + return new cw.Metric({ + "namespace": "AWS/Lambda", + "metricName": metricName, + "dimensionsMap": { + "FunctionName": this.functionName + }, + ...props + }).attachTo(this); +}; +FunctionBase.prototype.metricThrottles = function(props?: cw.MetricOptions) { + return this.metric("Throttles", { + "statistic": "Sum", + ...props + }); +}; +FunctionBase.prototype.metricInvocations = function(props?: cw.MetricOptions) { + return this.metric("Invocations", { + "statistic": "Sum", + ...props + }); +}; +FunctionBase.prototype.metricErrors = function(props?: cw.MetricOptions) { + return this.metric("Errors", { + "statistic": "Sum", + ...props + }); +}; +FunctionBase.prototype.metricDuration = function(props?: cw.MetricOptions) { + return this.metric("Duration", { + "statistic": "Average", + ...props + }); +};", + "metrics": "/* eslint-disable prettier/prettier,max-len */ +export interface MetricWithDims { + readonly namespace: string; + + readonly metricName: string; + + readonly statistic: string; + + readonly dimensionsMap: D; +} + +export class LambdaMetrics { + public static concurrentExecutionsMaximum(dimensions: { FunctionName: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ FunctionName: string; }>; + + public static concurrentExecutionsMaximum(dimensions: { FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }>; + + public static concurrentExecutionsMaximum(dimensions: { ExecutedVersion: string; FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ ExecutedVersion: string; FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }>; + + public static concurrentExecutionsMaximum(dimensions: { }): MetricWithDims<{ }>; + + public static concurrentExecutionsMaximum(dimensions: any): MetricWithDims { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/Lambda", + "metricName": "ConcurrentExecutions", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Maximum" + }; + } + + public static deadLetterErrorsSum(dimensions: { FunctionName: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ FunctionName: string; }>; + + public static deadLetterErrorsSum(dimensions: { FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }>; + + public static deadLetterErrorsSum(dimensions: { ExecutedVersion: string; FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ ExecutedVersion: string; FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }>; + + public static deadLetterErrorsSum(dimensions: { }): MetricWithDims<{ }>; + + public static deadLetterErrorsSum(dimensions: any): MetricWithDims { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/Lambda", + "metricName": "DeadLetterErrors", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Sum" + }; + } + + public static destinationDeliveryFailuresSum(dimensions: { FunctionName: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ FunctionName: string; }>; + + public static destinationDeliveryFailuresSum(dimensions: { FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }>; + + public static destinationDeliveryFailuresSum(dimensions: { ExecutedVersion: string; FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ ExecutedVersion: string; FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }>; + + public static destinationDeliveryFailuresSum(dimensions: { }): MetricWithDims<{ }>; + + public static destinationDeliveryFailuresSum(dimensions: any): MetricWithDims { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/Lambda", + "metricName": "DestinationDeliveryFailures", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Sum" + }; + } + + public static durationAverage(dimensions: { FunctionName: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ FunctionName: string; }>; + + public static durationAverage(dimensions: { FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }>; + + public static durationAverage(dimensions: { ExecutedVersion: string; FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ ExecutedVersion: string; FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }>; + + public static durationAverage(dimensions: { }): MetricWithDims<{ }>; + + public static durationAverage(dimensions: any): MetricWithDims { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/Lambda", + "metricName": "Duration", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static errorsSum(dimensions: { FunctionName: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ FunctionName: string; }>; + + public static errorsSum(dimensions: { FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }>; + + public static errorsSum(dimensions: { ExecutedVersion: string; FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ ExecutedVersion: string; FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }>; + + public static errorsSum(dimensions: { }): MetricWithDims<{ }>; + + public static errorsSum(dimensions: any): MetricWithDims { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/Lambda", + "metricName": "Errors", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Sum" + }; + } + + public static invocationsSum(dimensions: { FunctionName: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ FunctionName: string; }>; + + public static invocationsSum(dimensions: { FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }>; + + public static invocationsSum(dimensions: { ExecutedVersion: string; FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ ExecutedVersion: string; FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }>; + + public static invocationsSum(dimensions: { }): MetricWithDims<{ }>; + + public static invocationsSum(dimensions: any): MetricWithDims { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/Lambda", + "metricName": "Invocations", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Sum" + }; + } + + public static iteratorAgeAverage(dimensions: { FunctionName: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ FunctionName: string; }>; + + public static iteratorAgeAverage(dimensions: { FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }>; + + public static iteratorAgeAverage(dimensions: { ExecutedVersion: string; FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ ExecutedVersion: string; FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }>; + + public static iteratorAgeAverage(dimensions: { }): MetricWithDims<{ }>; + + public static iteratorAgeAverage(dimensions: any): MetricWithDims { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/Lambda", + "metricName": "IteratorAge", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static postRuntimeExtensionsDurationAverage(dimensions: { FunctionName: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ FunctionName: string; }>; + + public static postRuntimeExtensionsDurationAverage(dimensions: { FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }>; + + public static postRuntimeExtensionsDurationAverage(dimensions: { ExecutedVersion: string; FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ ExecutedVersion: string; FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }>; + + public static postRuntimeExtensionsDurationAverage(dimensions: { }): MetricWithDims<{ }>; + + public static postRuntimeExtensionsDurationAverage(dimensions: any): MetricWithDims { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/Lambda", + "metricName": "PostRuntimeExtensionsDuration", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static provisionedConcurrencyInvocationsSum(dimensions: { FunctionName: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ FunctionName: string; }>; + + public static provisionedConcurrencyInvocationsSum(dimensions: { FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }>; + + public static provisionedConcurrencyInvocationsSum(dimensions: { ExecutedVersion: string; FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ ExecutedVersion: string; FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }>; + + public static provisionedConcurrencyInvocationsSum(dimensions: { }): MetricWithDims<{ }>; + + public static provisionedConcurrencyInvocationsSum(dimensions: any): MetricWithDims { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/Lambda", + "metricName": "ProvisionedConcurrencyInvocations", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Sum" + }; + } + + public static provisionedConcurrencySpilloverInvocationsSum(dimensions: { FunctionName: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ FunctionName: string; }>; + + public static provisionedConcurrencySpilloverInvocationsSum(dimensions: { FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }>; + + public static provisionedConcurrencySpilloverInvocationsSum(dimensions: { ExecutedVersion: string; FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ ExecutedVersion: string; FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }>; + + public static provisionedConcurrencySpilloverInvocationsSum(dimensions: { }): MetricWithDims<{ }>; + + public static provisionedConcurrencySpilloverInvocationsSum(dimensions: any): MetricWithDims { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/Lambda", + "metricName": "ProvisionedConcurrencySpilloverInvocations", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Sum" + }; + } + + public static provisionedConcurrencyUtilizationMaximum(dimensions: { FunctionName: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ FunctionName: string; }>; + + public static provisionedConcurrencyUtilizationMaximum(dimensions: { FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }>; + + public static provisionedConcurrencyUtilizationMaximum(dimensions: { ExecutedVersion: string; FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ ExecutedVersion: string; FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }>; + + public static provisionedConcurrencyUtilizationMaximum(dimensions: { }): MetricWithDims<{ }>; + + public static provisionedConcurrencyUtilizationMaximum(dimensions: any): MetricWithDims { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/Lambda", + "metricName": "ProvisionedConcurrencyUtilization", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Maximum" + }; + } + + public static provisionedConcurrentExecutionsMaximum(dimensions: { FunctionName: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ FunctionName: string; }>; + + public static provisionedConcurrentExecutionsMaximum(dimensions: { FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }>; + + public static provisionedConcurrentExecutionsMaximum(dimensions: { ExecutedVersion: string; FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ ExecutedVersion: string; FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }>; + + public static provisionedConcurrentExecutionsMaximum(dimensions: { }): MetricWithDims<{ }>; + + public static provisionedConcurrentExecutionsMaximum(dimensions: any): MetricWithDims { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/Lambda", + "metricName": "ProvisionedConcurrentExecutions", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Maximum" + }; + } + + public static throttlesSum(dimensions: { FunctionName: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ FunctionName: string; }>; + + public static throttlesSum(dimensions: { FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }>; + + public static throttlesSum(dimensions: { ExecutedVersion: string; FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ ExecutedVersion: string; FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }>; + + public static throttlesSum(dimensions: { }): MetricWithDims<{ }>; + + public static throttlesSum(dimensions: any): MetricWithDims { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/Lambda", + "metricName": "Throttles", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Sum" + }; + } + + public static unreservedConcurrentExecutionsMaximum(dimensions: { FunctionName: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ FunctionName: string; }>; + + public static unreservedConcurrentExecutionsMaximum(dimensions: { FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }>; + + public static unreservedConcurrentExecutionsMaximum(dimensions: { ExecutedVersion: string; FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ ExecutedVersion: string; FunctionName: string; Resource: string; }>; + + public static unreservedConcurrentExecutionsMaximum(dimensions: { }): MetricWithDims<{ }>; + + public static unreservedConcurrentExecutionsMaximum(dimensions: any): MetricWithDims { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/Lambda", + "metricName": "UnreservedConcurrentExecutions", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Maximum" + }; + } +}", + "module": "/* eslint-disable prettier/prettier,max-len */ +import * as cdk from "aws-cdk-lib"; +import * as constructs from "constructs"; +import * as cfn_parse from "aws-cdk-lib/core/lib/helpers-internal"; + +/** + * The \`AWS::Lambda::Function\` resource creates a Lambda function. + * + * To create a function, you need a [deployment package](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/gettingstarted-package.html) and an [execution role](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/lambda-intro-execution-role.html) . The deployment package is a .zip file archive or container image that contains your function code. The execution role grants the function permission to use AWS services, such as Amazon CloudWatch Logs for log streaming and AWS X-Ray for request tracing. + * + * You set the package type to \`Image\` if the deployment package is a [container image](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/lambda-images.html) . For a container image, the code property must include the URI of a container image in the Amazon ECR registry. You do not need to specify the handler and runtime properties. + * + * You set the package type to \`Zip\` if the deployment package is a [.zip file archive](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/gettingstarted-package.html#gettingstarted-package-zip) . For a .zip file archive, the code property specifies the location of the .zip file. You must also specify the handler and runtime properties. For a Python example, see [Deploy Python Lambda functions with .zip file archives](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/python-package.html) . + * + * You can use [code signing](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/configuration-codesigning.html) if your deployment package is a .zip file archive. To enable code signing for this function, specify the ARN of a code-signing configuration. When a user attempts to deploy a code package with \`UpdateFunctionCode\` , Lambda checks that the code package has a valid signature from a trusted publisher. The code-signing configuration includes a set of signing profiles, which define the trusted publishers for this function. + * + * Note that you configure [provisioned concurrency](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/provisioned-concurrency.html) on a \`AWS::Lambda::Version\` or a \`AWS::Lambda::Alias\` . + * + * For a complete introduction to Lambda functions, see [What is Lambda?](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/lambda-welcome.html) in the *Lambda developer guide.* + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html + */ +export class CfnFunction extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::Lambda::Function"; + + /** + * Build a CfnFunction from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnFunction { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnFunctionPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnFunction(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the function. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute Arn + */ + public readonly attrArn: string; + + /** + * The function's SnapStart Response. When set to PublishedVersions, Lambda creates a snapshot of the execution environment when you publish a function version. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute SnapStartResponse + */ + public readonly attrSnapStartResponse: cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Applying SnapStart setting on function resource type. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute SnapStartResponse.ApplyOn + */ + public readonly attrSnapStartResponseApplyOn: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether SnapStart is activated for the specified function version. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute SnapStartResponse.OptimizationStatus + */ + public readonly attrSnapStartResponseOptimizationStatus: string; + + /** + * The instruction set architecture that the function supports. + */ + public architectures?: Array; + + /** + * The code for the function. + */ + public code: CfnFunction.CodeProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * To enable code signing for this function, specify the ARN of a code-signing configuration. + */ + public codeSigningConfigArn?: string; + + /** + * A dead-letter queue configuration that specifies the queue or topic where Lambda sends asynchronous events when they fail processing. + */ + public deadLetterConfig?: CfnFunction.DeadLetterConfigProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * A description of the function. + */ + public description?: string; + + /** + * Environment variables that are accessible from function code during execution. + */ + public environment?: CfnFunction.EnvironmentProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The size of the function's \`/tmp\` directory in MB. + */ + public ephemeralStorage?: CfnFunction.EphemeralStorageProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Connection settings for an Amazon EFS file system. + */ + public fileSystemConfigs?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The name of the Lambda function, up to 64 characters in length. + */ + public functionName?: string; + + /** + * The name of the method within your code that Lambda calls to run your function. + */ + public handler?: string; + + /** + * Configuration values that override the container image Dockerfile settings. + */ + public imageConfig?: CfnFunction.ImageConfigProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The ARN of the AWS Key Management Service ( AWS KMS ) customer managed key that's used to encrypt your function's [environment variables](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/configuration-envvars.html#configuration-envvars-encryption) . When [Lambda SnapStart](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/snapstart-security.html) is activated, Lambda also uses this key is to encrypt your function's snapshot. If you deploy your function using a container image, Lambda also uses this key to encrypt your function when it's deployed. Note that this is not the same key that's used to protect your container image in the Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR). If you don't provide a customer managed key, Lambda uses a default service key. + */ + public kmsKeyArn?: string; + + /** + * A list of [function layers](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/configuration-layers.html) to add to the function's execution environment. Specify each layer by its ARN, including the version. + */ + public layers?: Array; + + /** + * The amount of [memory available to the function](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/configuration-function-common.html#configuration-memory-console) at runtime. Increasing the function memory also increases its CPU allocation. The default value is 128 MB. The value can be any multiple of 1 MB. + */ + public memorySize?: number; + + /** + * The type of deployment package. + */ + public packageType?: string; + + /** + * The number of simultaneous executions to reserve for the function. + */ + public reservedConcurrentExecutions?: number; + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the function's execution role. + */ + public role: string; + + /** + * The identifier of the function's [runtime](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/lambda-runtimes.html) . Runtime is required if the deployment package is a .zip file archive. + */ + public runtime?: string; + + /** + * Sets the runtime management configuration for a function's version. + */ + public runtimeManagementConfig?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnFunction.RuntimeManagementConfigProperty; + + /** + * The function's [AWS Lambda SnapStart](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/snapstart.html) setting. + */ + public snapStart?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnFunction.SnapStartProperty; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * A list of [tags](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/tagging.html) to apply to the function. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * The amount of time (in seconds) that Lambda allows a function to run before stopping it. + */ + public timeout?: number; + + /** + * Set \`Mode\` to \`Active\` to sample and trace a subset of incoming requests with [X-Ray](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/services-xray.html) . + */ + public tracingConfig?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnFunction.TracingConfigProperty; + + /** + * For network connectivity to AWS resources in a VPC, specify a list of security groups and subnets in the VPC. + */ + public vpcConfig?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnFunction.VpcConfigProperty; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnFunctionProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnFunction.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "code", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "role", this); + + this.attrArn = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Arn", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrSnapStartResponse = this.getAtt("SnapStartResponse"); + this.attrSnapStartResponseApplyOn = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("SnapStartResponse.ApplyOn", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrSnapStartResponseOptimizationStatus = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("SnapStartResponse.OptimizationStatus", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.architectures = props.architectures; + this.code = props.code; + this.codeSigningConfigArn = props.codeSigningConfigArn; + this.deadLetterConfig = props.deadLetterConfig; + this.description = props.description; + this.environment = props.environment; + this.ephemeralStorage = props.ephemeralStorage; + this.fileSystemConfigs = props.fileSystemConfigs; + this.functionName = props.functionName; + this.handler = props.handler; + this.imageConfig = props.imageConfig; + this.kmsKeyArn = props.kmsKeyArn; + this.layers = props.layers; + this.memorySize = props.memorySize; + this.packageType = props.packageType; + this.reservedConcurrentExecutions = props.reservedConcurrentExecutions; + this.role = props.role; + this.runtime = props.runtime; + this.runtimeManagementConfig = props.runtimeManagementConfig; + this.snapStart = props.snapStart; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::Lambda::Function", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + this.timeout = props.timeout; + this.tracingConfig = props.tracingConfig; + this.vpcConfig = props.vpcConfig; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "architectures": this.architectures, + "code": this.code, + "codeSigningConfigArn": this.codeSigningConfigArn, + "deadLetterConfig": this.deadLetterConfig, + "description": this.description, + "environment": this.environment, + "ephemeralStorage": this.ephemeralStorage, + "fileSystemConfigs": this.fileSystemConfigs, + "functionName": this.functionName, + "handler": this.handler, + "imageConfig": this.imageConfig, + "kmsKeyArn": this.kmsKeyArn, + "layers": this.layers, + "memorySize": this.memorySize, + "packageType": this.packageType, + "reservedConcurrentExecutions": this.reservedConcurrentExecutions, + "role": this.role, + "runtime": this.runtime, + "runtimeManagementConfig": this.runtimeManagementConfig, + "snapStart": this.snapStart, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags(), + "timeout": this.timeout, + "tracingConfig": this.tracingConfig, + "vpcConfig": this.vpcConfig + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnFunction.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnFunctionPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +export namespace CfnFunction { + /** + * The function's [AWS X-Ray](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/services-xray.html) tracing configuration. To sample and record incoming requests, set \`Mode\` to \`Active\` . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-function-tracingconfig.html + */ + export interface TracingConfigProperty { + /** + * The tracing mode. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-function-tracingconfig.html#cfn-lambda-function-tracingconfig-mode + */ + readonly mode?: string; + } + + /** + * The VPC security groups and subnets that are attached to a Lambda function. + * + * When you connect a function to a VPC, Lambda creates an elastic network interface for each combination of security group and subnet in the function's VPC configuration. The function can only access resources and the internet through that VPC. For more information, see [VPC Settings](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/configuration-vpc.html) . + * + * > When you delete a function, AWS CloudFormation monitors the state of its network interfaces and waits for Lambda to delete them before proceeding. If the VPC is defined in the same stack, the network interfaces need to be deleted by Lambda before AWS CloudFormation can delete the VPC's resources. + * > + * > To monitor network interfaces, AWS CloudFormation needs the \`ec2:DescribeNetworkInterfaces\` permission. It obtains this from the user or role that modifies the stack. If you don't provide this permission, AWS CloudFormation does not wait for network interfaces to be deleted. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-function-vpcconfig.html + */ + export interface VpcConfigProperty { + /** + * A list of VPC security group IDs. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-function-vpcconfig.html#cfn-lambda-function-vpcconfig-securitygroupids + */ + readonly securityGroupIds?: Array; + + /** + * A list of VPC subnet IDs. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-function-vpcconfig.html#cfn-lambda-function-vpcconfig-subnetids + */ + readonly subnetIds?: Array; + } + + /** + * Sets the runtime management configuration for a function's version. + * + * For more information, see [Runtime updates](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/runtimes-update.html) . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-function-runtimemanagementconfig.html + */ + export interface RuntimeManagementConfigProperty { + /** + * The ARN of the runtime version you want the function to use. + * + * > This is only required if you're using the *Manual* runtime update mode. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-function-runtimemanagementconfig.html#cfn-lambda-function-runtimemanagementconfig-runtimeversionarn + */ + readonly runtimeVersionArn?: string; + + /** + * Specify the runtime update mode. + * + * - *Auto (default)* - Automatically update to the most recent and secure runtime version using a [Two-phase runtime version rollout](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/runtimes-update.html#runtime-management-two-phase) . This is the best choice for most customers to ensure they always benefit from runtime updates. + * - *FunctionUpdate* - Lambda updates the runtime of you function to the most recent and secure runtime version when you update your function. This approach synchronizes runtime updates with function deployments, giving you control over when runtime updates are applied and allowing you to detect and mitigate rare runtime update incompatibilities early. When using this setting, you need to regularly update your functions to keep their runtime up-to-date. + * - *Manual* - You specify a runtime version in your function configuration. The function will use this runtime version indefinitely. In the rare case where a new runtime version is incompatible with an existing function, this allows you to roll back your function to an earlier runtime version. For more information, see [Roll back a runtime version](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/runtimes-update.html#runtime-management-rollback) . + * + * *Valid Values* : \`Auto\` | \`FunctionUpdate\` | \`Manual\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-function-runtimemanagementconfig.html#cfn-lambda-function-runtimemanagementconfig-updateruntimeon + */ + readonly updateRuntimeOn: string; + } + + /** + * The function's [AWS Lambda SnapStart](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/snapstart.html) setting. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-function-snapstart.html + */ + export interface SnapStartProperty { + /** + * Set \`ApplyOn\` to \`PublishedVersions\` to create a snapshot of the initialized execution environment when you publish a function version. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-function-snapstart.html#cfn-lambda-function-snapstart-applyon + */ + readonly applyOn: string; + } + + /** + * Details about the connection between a Lambda function and an [Amazon EFS file system](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/configuration-filesystem.html) . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-function-filesystemconfig.html + */ + export interface FileSystemConfigProperty { + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon EFS access point that provides access to the file system. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-function-filesystemconfig.html#cfn-lambda-function-filesystemconfig-arn + */ + readonly arn: string; + + /** + * The path where the function can access the file system, starting with \`/mnt/\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-function-filesystemconfig.html#cfn-lambda-function-filesystemconfig-localmountpath + */ + readonly localMountPath: string; + } + + /** + * Configuration values that override the container image Dockerfile settings. + * + * For more information, see [Container image settings](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/images-create.html#images-parms) . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-function-imageconfig.html + */ + export interface ImageConfigProperty { + /** + * Specifies parameters that you want to pass in with ENTRYPOINT. + * + * You can specify a maximum of 1,500 parameters in the list. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-function-imageconfig.html#cfn-lambda-function-imageconfig-command + */ + readonly command?: Array; + + /** + * Specifies the entry point to their application, which is typically the location of the runtime executable. + * + * You can specify a maximum of 1,500 string entries in the list. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-function-imageconfig.html#cfn-lambda-function-imageconfig-entrypoint + */ + readonly entryPoint?: Array; + + /** + * Specifies the working directory. + * + * The length of the directory string cannot exceed 1,000 characters. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-function-imageconfig.html#cfn-lambda-function-imageconfig-workingdirectory + */ + readonly workingDirectory?: string; + } + + /** + * The [dead-letter queue](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/invocation-async.html#dlq) for failed asynchronous invocations. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-function-deadletterconfig.html + */ + export interface DeadLetterConfigProperty { + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an Amazon SQS queue or Amazon SNS topic. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-function-deadletterconfig.html#cfn-lambda-function-deadletterconfig-targetarn + */ + readonly targetArn?: string; + } + + /** + * The [deployment package](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/gettingstarted-package.html) for a Lambda function. To deploy a function defined as a container image, you specify the location of a container image in the Amazon ECR registry. For a .zip file deployment package, you can specify the location of an object in Amazon S3. For Node.js and Python functions, you can specify the function code inline in the template. + * + * Changes to a deployment package in Amazon S3 are not detected automatically during stack updates. To update the function code, change the object key or version in the template. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-function-code.html + */ + export interface CodeProperty { + /** + * URI of a [container image](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/lambda-images.html) in the Amazon ECR registry. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-function-code.html#cfn-lambda-function-code-imageuri + */ + readonly imageUri?: string; + + /** + * An Amazon S3 bucket in the same AWS Region as your function. + * + * The bucket can be in a different AWS account . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-function-code.html#cfn-lambda-function-code-s3bucket + */ + readonly s3Bucket?: string; + + /** + * The Amazon S3 key of the deployment package. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-function-code.html#cfn-lambda-function-code-s3key + */ + readonly s3Key?: string; + + /** + * For versioned objects, the version of the deployment package object to use. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-function-code.html#cfn-lambda-function-code-s3objectversion + */ + readonly s3ObjectVersion?: string; + + /** + * (Node.js and Python) The source code of your Lambda function. If you include your function source inline with this parameter, AWS CloudFormation places it in a file named \`index\` and zips it to create a [deployment package](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/gettingstarted-package.html) . This zip file cannot exceed 4MB. For the \`Handler\` property, the first part of the handler identifier must be \`index\` . For example, \`index.handler\` . + * + * For JSON, you must escape quotes and special characters such as newline ( \`\\n\` ) with a backslash. + * + * If you specify a function that interacts with an AWS CloudFormation custom resource, you don't have to write your own functions to send responses to the custom resource that invoked the function. AWS CloudFormation provides a response module ( [cfn-response](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/cfn-lambda-function-code-cfnresponsemodule.html) ) that simplifies sending responses. See [Using AWS Lambda with AWS CloudFormation](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/services-cloudformation.html) for details. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-function-code.html#cfn-lambda-function-code-zipfile + */ + readonly zipFile?: string; + } + + /** + * A function's environment variable settings. + * + * You can use environment variables to adjust your function's behavior without updating code. An environment variable is a pair of strings that are stored in a function's version-specific configuration. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-function-environment.html + */ + export interface EnvironmentProperty { + /** + * Environment variable key-value pairs. + * + * For more information, see [Using Lambda environment variables](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/configuration-envvars.html) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-function-environment.html#cfn-lambda-function-environment-variables + */ + readonly variables?: cdk.IResolvable | Record; + } + + /** + * The size of the function's \`/tmp\` directory in MB. + * + * The default value is 512, but it can be any whole number between 512 and 10,240 MB. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-function-ephemeralstorage.html + */ + export interface EphemeralStorageProperty { + /** + * The size of the function's \`/tmp\` directory. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-function-ephemeralstorage.html#cfn-lambda-function-ephemeralstorage-size + */ + readonly size: number; + } + + /** + * The function's [SnapStart](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/snapstart.html) setting. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-function-snapstartresponse.html + */ + export interface SnapStartResponseProperty { + /** + * When set to \`PublishedVersions\` , Lambda creates a snapshot of the execution environment when you publish a function version. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-function-snapstartresponse.html#cfn-lambda-function-snapstartresponse-applyon + */ + readonly applyOn?: string; + + /** + * When you provide a [qualified Amazon Resource Name (ARN)](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/configuration-versions.html#versioning-versions-using) , this response element indicates whether SnapStart is activated for the specified function version. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-function-snapstartresponse.html#cfn-lambda-function-snapstartresponse-optimizationstatus + */ + readonly optimizationStatus?: string; + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnFunction\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html + */ +export interface CfnFunctionProps { + /** + * The instruction set architecture that the function supports. + * + * Enter a string array with one of the valid values (arm64 or x86_64). The default value is \`x86_64\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-architectures + */ + readonly architectures?: Array; + + /** + * The code for the function. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-code + */ + readonly code: CfnFunction.CodeProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * To enable code signing for this function, specify the ARN of a code-signing configuration. + * + * A code-signing configuration + * includes a set of signing profiles, which define the trusted publishers for this function. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-codesigningconfigarn + */ + readonly codeSigningConfigArn?: string; + + /** + * A dead-letter queue configuration that specifies the queue or topic where Lambda sends asynchronous events when they fail processing. + * + * For more information, see [Dead-letter queues](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/invocation-async.html#invocation-dlq) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-deadletterconfig + */ + readonly deadLetterConfig?: CfnFunction.DeadLetterConfigProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * A description of the function. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-description + */ + readonly description?: string; + + /** + * Environment variables that are accessible from function code during execution. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-environment + */ + readonly environment?: CfnFunction.EnvironmentProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The size of the function's \`/tmp\` directory in MB. + * + * The default value is 512, but it can be any whole number between 512 and 10,240 MB. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-ephemeralstorage + */ + readonly ephemeralStorage?: CfnFunction.EphemeralStorageProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Connection settings for an Amazon EFS file system. + * + * To connect a function to a file system, a mount target must be available in every Availability Zone that your function connects to. If your template contains an [AWS::EFS::MountTarget](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-efs-mounttarget.html) resource, you must also specify a \`DependsOn\` attribute to ensure that the mount target is created or updated before the function. + * + * For more information about using the \`DependsOn\` attribute, see [DependsOn Attribute](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-attribute-dependson.html) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-filesystemconfigs + */ + readonly fileSystemConfigs?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The name of the Lambda function, up to 64 characters in length. + * + * If you don't specify a name, AWS CloudFormation generates one. + * + * If you specify a name, you cannot perform updates that require replacement of this resource. You can perform updates that require no or some interruption. If you must replace the resource, specify a new name. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-functionname + */ + readonly functionName?: string; + + /** + * The name of the method within your code that Lambda calls to run your function. + * + * Handler is required if the deployment package is a .zip file archive. The format includes the file name. It can also include namespaces and other qualifiers, depending on the runtime. For more information, see [Lambda programming model](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/foundation-progmodel.html) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-handler + */ + readonly handler?: string; + + /** + * Configuration values that override the container image Dockerfile settings. + * + * For more information, see [Container image settings](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/images-create.html#images-parms) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-imageconfig + */ + readonly imageConfig?: CfnFunction.ImageConfigProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The ARN of the AWS Key Management Service ( AWS KMS ) customer managed key that's used to encrypt your function's [environment variables](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/configuration-envvars.html#configuration-envvars-encryption) . When [Lambda SnapStart](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/snapstart-security.html) is activated, Lambda also uses this key is to encrypt your function's snapshot. If you deploy your function using a container image, Lambda also uses this key to encrypt your function when it's deployed. Note that this is not the same key that's used to protect your container image in the Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR). If you don't provide a customer managed key, Lambda uses a default service key. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-kmskeyarn + */ + readonly kmsKeyArn?: string; + + /** + * A list of [function layers](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/configuration-layers.html) to add to the function's execution environment. Specify each layer by its ARN, including the version. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-layers + */ + readonly layers?: Array; + + /** + * The amount of [memory available to the function](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/configuration-function-common.html#configuration-memory-console) at runtime. Increasing the function memory also increases its CPU allocation. The default value is 128 MB. The value can be any multiple of 1 MB. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-memorysize + */ + readonly memorySize?: number; + + /** + * The type of deployment package. + * + * Set to \`Image\` for container image and set \`Zip\` for .zip file archive. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-packagetype + */ + readonly packageType?: string; + + /** + * The number of simultaneous executions to reserve for the function. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-reservedconcurrentexecutions + */ + readonly reservedConcurrentExecutions?: number; + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the function's execution role. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-role + */ + readonly role: string; + + /** + * The identifier of the function's [runtime](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/lambda-runtimes.html) . Runtime is required if the deployment package is a .zip file archive. + * + * The following list includes deprecated runtimes. For more information, see [Runtime deprecation policy](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/lambda-runtimes.html#runtime-support-policy) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-runtime + */ + readonly runtime?: string; + + /** + * Sets the runtime management configuration for a function's version. + * + * For more information, see [Runtime updates](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/runtimes-update.html) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-runtimemanagementconfig + */ + readonly runtimeManagementConfig?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnFunction.RuntimeManagementConfigProperty; + + /** + * The function's [AWS Lambda SnapStart](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/snapstart.html) setting. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-snapstart + */ + readonly snapStart?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnFunction.SnapStartProperty; + + /** + * A list of [tags](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/tagging.html) to apply to the function. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; + + /** + * The amount of time (in seconds) that Lambda allows a function to run before stopping it. + * + * The default is 3 seconds. The maximum allowed value is 900 seconds. For more information, see [Lambda execution environment](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/runtimes-context.html) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-timeout + */ + readonly timeout?: number; + + /** + * Set \`Mode\` to \`Active\` to sample and trace a subset of incoming requests with [X-Ray](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/services-xray.html) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-tracingconfig + */ + readonly tracingConfig?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnFunction.TracingConfigProperty; + + /** + * For network connectivity to AWS resources in a VPC, specify a list of security groups and subnets in the VPC. + * + * When you connect a function to a VPC, it can access resources and the internet only through that VPC. For more information, see [Configuring a Lambda function to access resources in a VPC](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/configuration-vpc.html) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-vpcconfig + */ + readonly vpcConfig?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnFunction.VpcConfigProperty; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`TracingConfigProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`TracingConfigProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionTracingConfigPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("mode", cdk.validateString)(properties.mode)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"TracingConfigProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionTracingConfigPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionTracingConfigPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Mode": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.mode) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionTracingConfigPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("mode", "Mode", (properties.Mode != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Mode) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`VpcConfigProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`VpcConfigProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionVpcConfigPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("securityGroupIds", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.securityGroupIds)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("subnetIds", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.subnetIds)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"VpcConfigProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionVpcConfigPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionVpcConfigPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "SecurityGroupIds": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.securityGroupIds), + "SubnetIds": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.subnetIds) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionVpcConfigPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("securityGroupIds", "SecurityGroupIds", (properties.SecurityGroupIds != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.SecurityGroupIds) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("subnetIds", "SubnetIds", (properties.SubnetIds != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.SubnetIds) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`RuntimeManagementConfigProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`RuntimeManagementConfigProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionRuntimeManagementConfigPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("runtimeVersionArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.runtimeVersionArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("updateRuntimeOn", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.updateRuntimeOn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("updateRuntimeOn", cdk.validateString)(properties.updateRuntimeOn)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"RuntimeManagementConfigProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionRuntimeManagementConfigPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionRuntimeManagementConfigPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "RuntimeVersionArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.runtimeVersionArn), + "UpdateRuntimeOn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.updateRuntimeOn) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionRuntimeManagementConfigPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("runtimeVersionArn", "RuntimeVersionArn", (properties.RuntimeVersionArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.RuntimeVersionArn) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("updateRuntimeOn", "UpdateRuntimeOn", (properties.UpdateRuntimeOn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.UpdateRuntimeOn) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`SnapStartProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`SnapStartProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionSnapStartPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("applyOn", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.applyOn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("applyOn", cdk.validateString)(properties.applyOn)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"SnapStartProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionSnapStartPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionSnapStartPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ApplyOn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.applyOn) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionSnapStartPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("applyOn", "ApplyOn", (properties.ApplyOn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ApplyOn) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`FileSystemConfigProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`FileSystemConfigProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionFileSystemConfigPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("arn", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.arn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("arn", cdk.validateString)(properties.arn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("localMountPath", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.localMountPath)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("localMountPath", cdk.validateString)(properties.localMountPath)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"FileSystemConfigProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionFileSystemConfigPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionFileSystemConfigPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Arn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.arn), + "LocalMountPath": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.localMountPath) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionFileSystemConfigPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("arn", "Arn", (properties.Arn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Arn) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("localMountPath", "LocalMountPath", (properties.LocalMountPath != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.LocalMountPath) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`ImageConfigProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`ImageConfigProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionImageConfigPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("command", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.command)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("entryPoint", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.entryPoint)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("workingDirectory", cdk.validateString)(properties.workingDirectory)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"ImageConfigProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionImageConfigPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionImageConfigPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Command": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.command), + "EntryPoint": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.entryPoint), + "WorkingDirectory": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.workingDirectory) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionImageConfigPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("command", "Command", (properties.Command != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.Command) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("entryPoint", "EntryPoint", (properties.EntryPoint != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.EntryPoint) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("workingDirectory", "WorkingDirectory", (properties.WorkingDirectory != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.WorkingDirectory) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`DeadLetterConfigProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`DeadLetterConfigProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionDeadLetterConfigPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("targetArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.targetArn)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"DeadLetterConfigProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionDeadLetterConfigPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionDeadLetterConfigPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "TargetArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.targetArn) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionDeadLetterConfigPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("targetArn", "TargetArn", (properties.TargetArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.TargetArn) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CodeProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CodeProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionCodePropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("imageUri", cdk.validateString)(properties.imageUri)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("s3Bucket", cdk.validateString)(properties.s3Bucket)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("s3Key", cdk.validateString)(properties.s3Key)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("s3ObjectVersion", cdk.validateString)(properties.s3ObjectVersion)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("zipFile", cdk.validateString)(properties.zipFile)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CodeProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionCodePropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionCodePropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ImageUri": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.imageUri), + "S3Bucket": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.s3Bucket), + "S3Key": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.s3Key), + "S3ObjectVersion": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.s3ObjectVersion), + "ZipFile": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.zipFile) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionCodePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("imageUri", "ImageUri", (properties.ImageUri != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ImageUri) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("s3Bucket", "S3Bucket", (properties.S3Bucket != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.S3Bucket) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("s3Key", "S3Key", (properties.S3Key != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.S3Key) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("s3ObjectVersion", "S3ObjectVersion", (properties.S3ObjectVersion != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.S3ObjectVersion) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("zipFile", "ZipFile", (properties.ZipFile != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ZipFile) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`EnvironmentProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`EnvironmentProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionEnvironmentPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("variables", cdk.hashValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.variables)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"EnvironmentProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionEnvironmentPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionEnvironmentPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Variables": cdk.hashMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.variables) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionEnvironmentPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("variables", "Variables", (properties.Variables != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getMap(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.Variables) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`EphemeralStorageProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`EphemeralStorageProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionEphemeralStoragePropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("size", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.size)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("size", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.size)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"EphemeralStorageProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionEphemeralStoragePropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionEphemeralStoragePropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Size": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.size) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionEphemeralStoragePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("size", "Size", (properties.Size != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Size) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`SnapStartResponseProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`SnapStartResponseProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionSnapStartResponsePropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("applyOn", cdk.validateString)(properties.applyOn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("optimizationStatus", cdk.validateString)(properties.optimizationStatus)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"SnapStartResponseProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionSnapStartResponsePropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionSnapStartResponsePropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ApplyOn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.applyOn), + "OptimizationStatus": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.optimizationStatus) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionSnapStartResponsePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("applyOn", "ApplyOn", (properties.ApplyOn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ApplyOn) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("optimizationStatus", "OptimizationStatus", (properties.OptimizationStatus != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.OptimizationStatus) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnFunctionProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnFunctionProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("architectures", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.architectures)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("code", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.code)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("code", CfnFunctionCodePropertyValidator)(properties.code)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("codeSigningConfigArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.codeSigningConfigArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("deadLetterConfig", CfnFunctionDeadLetterConfigPropertyValidator)(properties.deadLetterConfig)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("description", cdk.validateString)(properties.description)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("environment", CfnFunctionEnvironmentPropertyValidator)(properties.environment)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ephemeralStorage", CfnFunctionEphemeralStoragePropertyValidator)(properties.ephemeralStorage)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("fileSystemConfigs", cdk.listValidator(CfnFunctionFileSystemConfigPropertyValidator))(properties.fileSystemConfigs)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("functionName", cdk.validateString)(properties.functionName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("handler", cdk.validateString)(properties.handler)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("imageConfig", CfnFunctionImageConfigPropertyValidator)(properties.imageConfig)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("kmsKeyArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.kmsKeyArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("layers", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.layers)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("memorySize", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.memorySize)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("packageType", cdk.validateString)(properties.packageType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("reservedConcurrentExecutions", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.reservedConcurrentExecutions)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("role", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.role)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("role", cdk.validateString)(properties.role)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("runtime", cdk.validateString)(properties.runtime)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("runtimeManagementConfig", CfnFunctionRuntimeManagementConfigPropertyValidator)(properties.runtimeManagementConfig)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("snapStart", CfnFunctionSnapStartPropertyValidator)(properties.snapStart)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("timeout", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.timeout)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tracingConfig", CfnFunctionTracingConfigPropertyValidator)(properties.tracingConfig)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vpcConfig", CfnFunctionVpcConfigPropertyValidator)(properties.vpcConfig)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnFunctionProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Architectures": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.architectures), + "Code": convertCfnFunctionCodePropertyToCloudFormation(properties.code), + "CodeSigningConfigArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.codeSigningConfigArn), + "DeadLetterConfig": convertCfnFunctionDeadLetterConfigPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.deadLetterConfig), + "Description": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.description), + "Environment": convertCfnFunctionEnvironmentPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.environment), + "EphemeralStorage": convertCfnFunctionEphemeralStoragePropertyToCloudFormation(properties.ephemeralStorage), + "FileSystemConfigs": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnFunctionFileSystemConfigPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.fileSystemConfigs), + "FunctionName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.functionName), + "Handler": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.handler), + "ImageConfig": convertCfnFunctionImageConfigPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.imageConfig), + "KmsKeyArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.kmsKeyArn), + "Layers": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.layers), + "MemorySize": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.memorySize), + "PackageType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.packageType), + "ReservedConcurrentExecutions": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.reservedConcurrentExecutions), + "Role": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.role), + "Runtime": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.runtime), + "RuntimeManagementConfig": convertCfnFunctionRuntimeManagementConfigPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.runtimeManagementConfig), + "SnapStart": convertCfnFunctionSnapStartPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.snapStart), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags), + "Timeout": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.timeout), + "TracingConfig": convertCfnFunctionTracingConfigPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.tracingConfig), + "VpcConfig": convertCfnFunctionVpcConfigPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.vpcConfig) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("architectures", "Architectures", (properties.Architectures != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.Architectures) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("code", "Code", (properties.Code != null ? CfnFunctionCodePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.Code) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("codeSigningConfigArn", "CodeSigningConfigArn", (properties.CodeSigningConfigArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.CodeSigningConfigArn) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("deadLetterConfig", "DeadLetterConfig", (properties.DeadLetterConfig != null ? CfnFunctionDeadLetterConfigPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.DeadLetterConfig) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("description", "Description", (properties.Description != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Description) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("environment", "Environment", (properties.Environment != null ? CfnFunctionEnvironmentPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.Environment) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ephemeralStorage", "EphemeralStorage", (properties.EphemeralStorage != null ? CfnFunctionEphemeralStoragePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.EphemeralStorage) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("fileSystemConfigs", "FileSystemConfigs", (properties.FileSystemConfigs != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnFunctionFileSystemConfigPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.FileSystemConfigs) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("functionName", "FunctionName", (properties.FunctionName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.FunctionName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("handler", "Handler", (properties.Handler != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Handler) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("imageConfig", "ImageConfig", (properties.ImageConfig != null ? CfnFunctionImageConfigPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.ImageConfig) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("kmsKeyArn", "KmsKeyArn", (properties.KmsKeyArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.KmsKeyArn) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("layers", "Layers", (properties.Layers != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.Layers) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("memorySize", "MemorySize", (properties.MemorySize != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.MemorySize) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("packageType", "PackageType", (properties.PackageType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.PackageType) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("reservedConcurrentExecutions", "ReservedConcurrentExecutions", (properties.ReservedConcurrentExecutions != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.ReservedConcurrentExecutions) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("role", "Role", (properties.Role != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Role) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("runtime", "Runtime", (properties.Runtime != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Runtime) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("runtimeManagementConfig", "RuntimeManagementConfig", (properties.RuntimeManagementConfig != null ? CfnFunctionRuntimeManagementConfigPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.RuntimeManagementConfig) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("snapStart", "SnapStart", (properties.SnapStart != null ? CfnFunctionSnapStartPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.SnapStart) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("timeout", "Timeout", (properties.Timeout != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Timeout) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tracingConfig", "TracingConfig", (properties.TracingConfig != null ? CfnFunctionTracingConfigPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.TracingConfig) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("vpcConfig", "VpcConfig", (properties.VpcConfig != null ? CfnFunctionVpcConfigPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.VpcConfig) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +}", +} +`; + +exports[`AWS::RDS::DBCluster 1`] = ` +{ + "augmentations": "// Copyright 2012-2023 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. +/* eslint-disable prettier/prettier,max-len */ +import * as cw from "aws-cdk-lib/aws-cloudwatch"; +import { DatabaseClusterBase } from "./cluster"; + +declare module "./cluster-ref" { + interface IDatabaseCluster { + /** + * Return the given named metric for this DBCluster + */ + metric(metricName: string, props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The percentage of CPU utilization. + * + * Average over 5 minutes + */ + metricCPUUtilization(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The number of database connections in use. + * + * Average over 5 minutes + */ + metricDatabaseConnections(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The average number of deadlocks in the database per second. + * + * Average over 5 minutes + */ + metricDeadlocks(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The amount of time that the instance has been running, in seconds. + * + * Average over 5 minutes + */ + metricEngineUptime(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The amount of available random access memory, in bytes. + * + * Average over 5 minutes + */ + metricFreeableMemory(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The amount of local storage available, in bytes. + * + * Average over 5 minutes + */ + metricFreeLocalStorage(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The amount of network throughput received from clients by each instance, in bytes per second. + * + * Average over 5 minutes + */ + metricNetworkReceiveThroughput(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The amount of network throughput both received from and transmitted to clients by each instance, in bytes per second. + * + * Average over 5 minutes + */ + metricNetworkThroughput(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The amount of network throughput sent to clients by each instance, in bytes per second. + * + * Average over 5 minutes + */ + metricNetworkTransmitThroughput(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The total amount of backup storage in bytes consumed by all Aurora snapshots outside its backup retention window. + * + * Average over 5 minutes + */ + metricSnapshotStorageUsed(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The total amount of backup storage in bytes for which you are billed. + * + * Average over 5 minutes + */ + metricTotalBackupStorageBilled(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The amount of storage used by your Aurora DB instance, in bytes. + * + * Average over 5 minutes + */ + metricVolumeBytesUsed(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The number of billed read I/O operations from a cluster volume, reported at 5-minute intervals. + * + * Average over 5 minutes + */ + metricVolumeReadIOPs(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The number of write disk I/O operations to the cluster volume, reported at 5-minute intervals. + * + * Average over 5 minutes + */ + metricVolumeWriteIOPs(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + } +} + + + +declare module "./cluster" { + interface DatabaseClusterBase { + /** + * Return the given named metric for this DBCluster + */ + metric(metricName: string, props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The percentage of CPU utilization. + * + * Average over 5 minutes + */ + metricCPUUtilization(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The number of database connections in use. + * + * Average over 5 minutes + */ + metricDatabaseConnections(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The average number of deadlocks in the database per second. + * + * Average over 5 minutes + */ + metricDeadlocks(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The amount of time that the instance has been running, in seconds. + * + * Average over 5 minutes + */ + metricEngineUptime(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The amount of available random access memory, in bytes. + * + * Average over 5 minutes + */ + metricFreeableMemory(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The amount of local storage available, in bytes. + * + * Average over 5 minutes + */ + metricFreeLocalStorage(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The amount of network throughput received from clients by each instance, in bytes per second. + * + * Average over 5 minutes + */ + metricNetworkReceiveThroughput(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The amount of network throughput both received from and transmitted to clients by each instance, in bytes per second. + * + * Average over 5 minutes + */ + metricNetworkThroughput(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The amount of network throughput sent to clients by each instance, in bytes per second. + * + * Average over 5 minutes + */ + metricNetworkTransmitThroughput(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The total amount of backup storage in bytes consumed by all Aurora snapshots outside its backup retention window. + * + * Average over 5 minutes + */ + metricSnapshotStorageUsed(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The total amount of backup storage in bytes for which you are billed. + * + * Average over 5 minutes + */ + metricTotalBackupStorageBilled(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The amount of storage used by your Aurora DB instance, in bytes. + * + * Average over 5 minutes + */ + metricVolumeBytesUsed(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The number of billed read I/O operations from a cluster volume, reported at 5-minute intervals. + * + * Average over 5 minutes + */ + metricVolumeReadIOPs(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The number of write disk I/O operations to the cluster volume, reported at 5-minute intervals. + * + * Average over 5 minutes + */ + metricVolumeWriteIOPs(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + } +} + +DatabaseClusterBase.prototype.metric = function(metricName: string, props?: cw.MetricOptions) { + return new cw.Metric({ + "namespace": "AWS/RDS", + "metricName": metricName, + "dimensionsMap": { + "DBClusterIdentifier": this.clusterIdentifier + }, + ...props + }).attachTo(this); +}; +DatabaseClusterBase.prototype.metricCPUUtilization = function(props?: cw.MetricOptions) { + return this.metric("CPUUtilization", { + "statistic": "Average", + ...props + }); +}; +DatabaseClusterBase.prototype.metricDatabaseConnections = function(props?: cw.MetricOptions) { + return this.metric("DatabaseConnections", { + "statistic": "Average", + ...props + }); +}; +DatabaseClusterBase.prototype.metricDeadlocks = function(props?: cw.MetricOptions) { + return this.metric("Deadlocks", { + "statistic": "Average", + ...props + }); +}; +DatabaseClusterBase.prototype.metricEngineUptime = function(props?: cw.MetricOptions) { + return this.metric("EngineUptime", { + "statistic": "Average", + ...props + }); +}; +DatabaseClusterBase.prototype.metricFreeableMemory = function(props?: cw.MetricOptions) { + return this.metric("FreeableMemory", { + "statistic": "Average", + ...props + }); +}; +DatabaseClusterBase.prototype.metricFreeLocalStorage = function(props?: cw.MetricOptions) { + return this.metric("FreeLocalStorage", { + "statistic": "Average", + ...props + }); +}; +DatabaseClusterBase.prototype.metricNetworkReceiveThroughput = function(props?: cw.MetricOptions) { + return this.metric("NetworkReceiveThroughput", { + "statistic": "Average", + ...props + }); +}; +DatabaseClusterBase.prototype.metricNetworkThroughput = function(props?: cw.MetricOptions) { + return this.metric("NetworkThroughput", { + "statistic": "Average", + ...props + }); +}; +DatabaseClusterBase.prototype.metricNetworkTransmitThroughput = function(props?: cw.MetricOptions) { + return this.metric("NetworkTransmitThroughput", { + "statistic": "Average", + ...props + }); +}; +DatabaseClusterBase.prototype.metricSnapshotStorageUsed = function(props?: cw.MetricOptions) { + return this.metric("SnapshotStorageUsed", { + "statistic": "Average", + ...props + }); +}; +DatabaseClusterBase.prototype.metricTotalBackupStorageBilled = function(props?: cw.MetricOptions) { + return this.metric("TotalBackupStorageBilled", { + "statistic": "Average", + ...props + }); +}; +DatabaseClusterBase.prototype.metricVolumeBytesUsed = function(props?: cw.MetricOptions) { + return this.metric("VolumeBytesUsed", { + "statistic": "Average", + ...props + }); +}; +DatabaseClusterBase.prototype.metricVolumeReadIOPs = function(props?: cw.MetricOptions) { + return this.metric("VolumeReadIOPs", { + "statistic": "Average", + ...props + }); +}; +DatabaseClusterBase.prototype.metricVolumeWriteIOPs = function(props?: cw.MetricOptions) { + return this.metric("VolumeWriteIOPs", { + "statistic": "Average", + ...props + }); +};", + "metrics": "/* eslint-disable prettier/prettier,max-len */ +export interface MetricWithDims { + readonly namespace: string; + + readonly metricName: string; + + readonly statistic: string; + + readonly dimensionsMap: D; +} + +export class RDSMetrics { + public static cpuUtilizationAverage(dimensions: { DBInstanceIdentifier: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ DBInstanceIdentifier: string; }>; + + public static cpuUtilizationAverage(dimensions: { DBClusterIdentifier: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ DBClusterIdentifier: string; }>; + + public static cpuUtilizationAverage(dimensions: any): MetricWithDims { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/RDS", + "metricName": "CPUUtilization", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static databaseConnectionsSum(dimensions: { DBInstanceIdentifier: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ DBInstanceIdentifier: string; }>; + + public static databaseConnectionsSum(dimensions: { DBClusterIdentifier: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ DBClusterIdentifier: string; }>; + + public static databaseConnectionsSum(dimensions: any): MetricWithDims { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/RDS", + "metricName": "DatabaseConnections", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Sum" + }; + } + + public static freeStorageSpaceAverage(dimensions: { DBInstanceIdentifier: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ DBInstanceIdentifier: string; }>; + + public static freeStorageSpaceAverage(dimensions: { DBClusterIdentifier: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ DBClusterIdentifier: string; }>; + + public static freeStorageSpaceAverage(dimensions: any): MetricWithDims { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/RDS", + "metricName": "FreeStorageSpace", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static freeableMemoryAverage(dimensions: { DBInstanceIdentifier: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ DBInstanceIdentifier: string; }>; + + public static freeableMemoryAverage(dimensions: { DBClusterIdentifier: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ DBClusterIdentifier: string; }>; + + public static freeableMemoryAverage(dimensions: any): MetricWithDims { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/RDS", + "metricName": "FreeableMemory", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static readLatencyAverage(dimensions: { DBInstanceIdentifier: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ DBInstanceIdentifier: string; }>; + + public static readLatencyAverage(dimensions: { DBClusterIdentifier: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ DBClusterIdentifier: string; }>; + + public static readLatencyAverage(dimensions: any): MetricWithDims { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/RDS", + "metricName": "ReadLatency", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static readThroughputAverage(dimensions: { DBInstanceIdentifier: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ DBInstanceIdentifier: string; }>; + + public static readThroughputAverage(dimensions: { DBClusterIdentifier: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ DBClusterIdentifier: string; }>; + + public static readThroughputAverage(dimensions: any): MetricWithDims { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/RDS", + "metricName": "ReadThroughput", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static readIopsAverage(dimensions: { DBInstanceIdentifier: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ DBInstanceIdentifier: string; }>; + + public static readIopsAverage(dimensions: { DBClusterIdentifier: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ DBClusterIdentifier: string; }>; + + public static readIopsAverage(dimensions: any): MetricWithDims { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/RDS", + "metricName": "ReadIOPS", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static writeLatencyAverage(dimensions: { DBInstanceIdentifier: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ DBInstanceIdentifier: string; }>; + + public static writeLatencyAverage(dimensions: { DBClusterIdentifier: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ DBClusterIdentifier: string; }>; + + public static writeLatencyAverage(dimensions: any): MetricWithDims { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/RDS", + "metricName": "WriteLatency", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static writeThroughputAverage(dimensions: { DBInstanceIdentifier: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ DBInstanceIdentifier: string; }>; + + public static writeThroughputAverage(dimensions: { DBClusterIdentifier: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ DBClusterIdentifier: string; }>; + + public static writeThroughputAverage(dimensions: any): MetricWithDims { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/RDS", + "metricName": "WriteThroughput", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static writeIopsAverage(dimensions: { DBInstanceIdentifier: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ DBInstanceIdentifier: string; }>; + + public static writeIopsAverage(dimensions: { DBClusterIdentifier: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ DBClusterIdentifier: string; }>; + + public static writeIopsAverage(dimensions: any): MetricWithDims { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/RDS", + "metricName": "WriteIOPS", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } +}", + "module": "/* eslint-disable prettier/prettier,max-len */ +import * as cdk from "aws-cdk-lib"; +import * as constructs from "constructs"; +import * as cfn_parse from "aws-cdk-lib/core/lib/helpers-internal"; + +/** + * The \`AWS::RDS::DBCluster\` resource creates an Amazon Aurora DB cluster or Multi-AZ DB cluster. + * + * For more information about creating an Aurora DB cluster, see [Creating an Amazon Aurora DB cluster](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/Aurora.CreateInstance.html) in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide* . + * + * For more information about creating a Multi-AZ DB cluster, see [Creating a Multi-AZ DB cluster](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/create-multi-az-db-cluster.html) in the *Amazon RDS User Guide* . + * + * > You can only create this resource in AWS Regions where Amazon Aurora or Multi-AZ DB clusters are supported. + * + * *Updating DB clusters* + * + * When properties labeled " *Update requires:* [Replacement](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/using-cfn-updating-stacks-update-behaviors.html#update-replacement) " are updated, AWS CloudFormation first creates a replacement DB cluster, then changes references from other dependent resources to point to the replacement DB cluster, and finally deletes the old DB cluster. + * + * > We highly recommend that you take a snapshot of the database before updating the stack. If you don't, you lose the data when AWS CloudFormation replaces your DB cluster. To preserve your data, perform the following procedure: + * > + * > - Deactivate any applications that are using the DB cluster so that there's no activity on the DB instance. + * > - Create a snapshot of the DB cluster. For more information, see [Creating a DB Cluster Snapshot](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/USER_CreateSnapshotCluster.html) . + * > - If you want to restore your DB cluster using a DB cluster snapshot, modify the updated template with your DB cluster changes and add the \`SnapshotIdentifier\` property with the ID of the DB cluster snapshot that you want to use. + * > + * > After you restore a DB cluster with a \`SnapshotIdentifier\` property, you must specify the same \`SnapshotIdentifier\` property for any future updates to the DB cluster. When you specify this property for an update, the DB cluster is not restored from the DB cluster snapshot again, and the data in the database is not changed. However, if you don't specify the \`SnapshotIdentifier\` property, an empty DB cluster is created, and the original DB cluster is deleted. If you specify a property that is different from the previous snapshot restore property, a new DB cluster is restored from the specified \`SnapshotIdentifier\` property, and the original DB cluster is deleted. + * > - Update the stack. + * + * Currently, when you are updating the stack for an Aurora Serverless DB cluster, you can't include changes to any other properties when you specify one of the following properties: \`PreferredBackupWindow\` , \`PreferredMaintenanceWindow\` , and \`Port\` . This limitation doesn't apply to provisioned DB clusters. + * + * For more information about updating other properties of this resource, see \`[ModifyDBCluster](https://docs.aws.amazon.com//AmazonRDS/latest/APIReference/API_ModifyDBCluster.html)\` . For more information about updating stacks, see [AWS CloudFormation Stacks Updates](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/using-cfn-updating-stacks.html) . + * + * *Deleting DB clusters* + * + * The default \`DeletionPolicy\` for \`AWS::RDS::DBCluster\` resources is \`Snapshot\` . For more information about how AWS CloudFormation deletes resources, see [DeletionPolicy Attribute](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-attribute-deletionpolicy.html) . + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html + */ +export class CfnDBCluster extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::RDS::DBCluster"; + + /** + * Build a CfnDBCluster from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnDBCluster { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnDBClusterPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnDBCluster(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the DB cluster. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute DBClusterArn + */ + public readonly attrDbClusterArn: string; + + /** + * The AWS Region -unique, immutable identifier for the DB cluster. This identifier is found in AWS CloudTrail log entries whenever the KMS key for the DB cluster is accessed. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute DBClusterResourceId + */ + public readonly attrDbClusterResourceId: string; + + /** + * The connection endpoint for the primary instance of the DB cluster. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute Endpoint + */ + public readonly attrEndpoint: cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The connection endpoint for the DB cluster. For example: \`mystack-mydbcluster-123456789012.us-east-2.rds.amazonaws.com\` + * + * @cloudformationAttribute Endpoint.Address + */ + public readonly attrEndpointAddress: string; + + /** + * The port number that will accept connections on this DB cluster. For example: \`3306\` + * + * @cloudformationAttribute Endpoint.Port + */ + public readonly attrEndpointPort: string; + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the secret. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute MasterUserSecret.SecretArn + */ + public readonly attrMasterUserSecretSecretArn: string; + + /** + * @cloudformationAttribute ReadEndpoint + */ + public readonly attrReadEndpoint: cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The reader endpoint for the DB cluster. For example: \`mystack-mydbcluster-ro-123456789012.us-east-2.rds.amazonaws.com\` + * + * @cloudformationAttribute ReadEndpoint.Address + */ + public readonly attrReadEndpointAddress: string; + + /** + * The amount of storage in gibibytes (GiB) to allocate to each DB instance in the Multi-AZ DB cluster. + */ + public allocatedStorage?: number; + + /** + * Provides a list of the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles that are associated with the DB cluster. + */ + public associatedRoles?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * A value that indicates whether minor engine upgrades are applied automatically to the DB cluster during the maintenance window. + */ + public autoMinorVersionUpgrade?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * A list of Availability Zones (AZs) where instances in the DB cluster can be created. + */ + public availabilityZones?: Array; + + /** + * The target backtrack window, in seconds. To disable backtracking, set this value to 0. + */ + public backtrackWindow?: number; + + /** + * The number of days for which automated backups are retained. + */ + public backupRetentionPeriod?: number; + + /** + * A value that indicates whether to copy all tags from the DB cluster to snapshots of the DB cluster. + */ + public copyTagsToSnapshot?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The name of your database. + */ + public databaseName?: string; + + /** + * The DB cluster identifier. This parameter is stored as a lowercase string. + */ + public dbClusterIdentifier?: string; + + /** + * The compute and memory capacity of each DB instance in the Multi-AZ DB cluster, for example db.m6gd.xlarge. Not all DB instance classes are available in all AWS Regions , or for all database engines. + */ + public dbClusterInstanceClass?: string; + + /** + * The name of the DB cluster parameter group to associate with this DB cluster. + */ + public dbClusterParameterGroupName?: string; + + /** + * The name of the DB parameter group to apply to all instances of the DB cluster. + */ + public dbInstanceParameterGroupName?: string; + + /** + * A DB subnet group that you want to associate with this DB cluster. + */ + public dbSubnetGroupName?: string; + + /** + * Reserved for future use. + */ + public dbSystemId?: string; + + /** + * A value that indicates whether the DB cluster has deletion protection enabled. + */ + public deletionProtection?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Indicates the directory ID of the Active Directory to create the DB cluster. + */ + public domain?: string; + + /** + * Specifies the name of the IAM role to use when making API calls to the Directory Service. + */ + public domainIamRoleName?: string; + + /** + * The list of log types that need to be enabled for exporting to CloudWatch Logs. + */ + public enableCloudwatchLogsExports?: Array; + + /** + * A value that indicates whether to enable the HTTP endpoint for an Aurora Serverless DB cluster. + */ + public enableHttpEndpoint?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * A value that indicates whether to enable mapping of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) accounts to database accounts. + */ + public enableIamDatabaseAuthentication?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The name of the database engine to be used for this DB cluster. + */ + public engine?: string; + + /** + * The DB engine mode of the DB cluster, either \`provisioned\` or \`serverless\` . + */ + public engineMode?: string; + + /** + * The version number of the database engine to use. + */ + public engineVersion?: string; + + /** + * If you are configuring an Aurora global database cluster and want your Aurora DB cluster to be a secondary member in the global database cluster, specify the global cluster ID of the global database cluster. + */ + public globalClusterIdentifier?: string; + + /** + * The amount of Provisioned IOPS (input/output operations per second) to be initially allocated for each DB instance in the Multi-AZ DB cluster. + */ + public iops?: number; + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS KMS key that is used to encrypt the database instances in the DB cluster, such as \`arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:012345678910:key/abcd1234-a123-456a-a12b-a123b4cd56ef\` . + */ + public kmsKeyId?: string; + + /** + * A value that indicates whether to manage the master user password with AWS Secrets Manager. + */ + public manageMasterUserPassword?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The name of the master user for the DB cluster. + */ + public masterUsername?: string; + + /** + * The master password for the DB instance. + */ + public masterUserPassword?: string; + + /** + * Contains the secret managed by RDS in AWS Secrets Manager for the master user password. + */ + public masterUserSecret?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnDBCluster.MasterUserSecretProperty; + + /** + * The interval, in seconds, between points when Enhanced Monitoring metrics are collected for the DB cluster. + */ + public monitoringInterval?: number; + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the IAM role that permits RDS to send Enhanced Monitoring metrics to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. + */ + public monitoringRoleArn?: string; + + /** + * The network type of the DB cluster. + */ + public networkType?: string; + + /** + * A value that indicates whether to turn on Performance Insights for the DB cluster. + */ + public performanceInsightsEnabled?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The AWS KMS key identifier for encryption of Performance Insights data. + */ + public performanceInsightsKmsKeyId?: string; + + /** + * The number of days to retain Performance Insights data. The default is 7 days. The following values are valid:. + */ + public performanceInsightsRetentionPeriod?: number; + + /** + * The port number on which the DB instances in the DB cluster accept connections. + */ + public port?: number; + + /** + * The daily time range during which automated backups are created. + */ + public preferredBackupWindow?: string; + + /** + * The weekly time range during which system maintenance can occur, in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). + */ + public preferredMaintenanceWindow?: string; + + /** + * A value that indicates whether the DB cluster is publicly accessible. + */ + public publiclyAccessible?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the source DB instance or DB cluster if this DB cluster is created as a read replica. + */ + public replicationSourceIdentifier?: string; + + /** + * The date and time to restore the DB cluster to. + */ + public restoreToTime?: string; + + /** + * The type of restore to be performed. You can specify one of the following values:. + */ + public restoreType?: string; + + /** + * The \`ScalingConfiguration\` property type specifies the scaling configuration of an Aurora Serverless DB cluster. + */ + public scalingConfiguration?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnDBCluster.ScalingConfigurationProperty; + + /** + * The \`ServerlessV2ScalingConfiguration\` property type specifies the scaling configuration of an Aurora Serverless V2 DB cluster. + */ + public serverlessV2ScalingConfiguration?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnDBCluster.ServerlessV2ScalingConfigurationProperty; + + /** + * The identifier for the DB snapshot or DB cluster snapshot to restore from. + */ + public snapshotIdentifier?: string; + + /** + * When restoring a DB cluster to a point in time, the identifier of the source DB cluster from which to restore. + */ + public sourceDbClusterIdentifier?: string; + + /** + * The AWS Region which contains the source DB cluster when replicating a DB cluster. For example, \`us-east-1\` . + */ + public sourceRegion?: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether the DB cluster is encrypted. + */ + public storageEncrypted?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Specifies the storage type to be associated with the DB cluster. + */ + public storageType?: string; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * An optional array of key-value pairs to apply to this DB cluster. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * A value that indicates whether to restore the DB cluster to the latest restorable backup time. + */ + public useLatestRestorableTime?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * A list of EC2 VPC security groups to associate with this DB cluster. + */ + public vpcSecurityGroupIds?: Array; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnDBClusterProps = {}) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnDBCluster.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + this.attrDbClusterArn = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("DBClusterArn", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrDbClusterResourceId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("DBClusterResourceId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrEndpoint = this.getAtt("Endpoint"); + this.attrEndpointAddress = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Endpoint.Address", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrEndpointPort = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Endpoint.Port", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrMasterUserSecretSecretArn = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("MasterUserSecret.SecretArn", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrReadEndpoint = this.getAtt("ReadEndpoint"); + this.attrReadEndpointAddress = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("ReadEndpoint.Address", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.allocatedStorage = props.allocatedStorage; + this.associatedRoles = props.associatedRoles; + this.autoMinorVersionUpgrade = props.autoMinorVersionUpgrade; + this.availabilityZones = props.availabilityZones; + this.backtrackWindow = props.backtrackWindow; + this.backupRetentionPeriod = props.backupRetentionPeriod; + this.copyTagsToSnapshot = props.copyTagsToSnapshot; + this.databaseName = props.databaseName; + this.dbClusterIdentifier = props.dbClusterIdentifier; + this.dbClusterInstanceClass = props.dbClusterInstanceClass; + this.dbClusterParameterGroupName = props.dbClusterParameterGroupName; + this.dbInstanceParameterGroupName = props.dbInstanceParameterGroupName; + this.dbSubnetGroupName = props.dbSubnetGroupName; + this.dbSystemId = props.dbSystemId; + this.deletionProtection = props.deletionProtection; + this.domain = props.domain; + this.domainIamRoleName = props.domainIamRoleName; + this.enableCloudwatchLogsExports = props.enableCloudwatchLogsExports; + this.enableHttpEndpoint = props.enableHttpEndpoint; + this.enableIamDatabaseAuthentication = props.enableIamDatabaseAuthentication; + this.engine = props.engine; + this.engineMode = props.engineMode; + this.engineVersion = props.engineVersion; + this.globalClusterIdentifier = props.globalClusterIdentifier; + this.iops = props.iops; + this.kmsKeyId = props.kmsKeyId; + this.manageMasterUserPassword = props.manageMasterUserPassword; + this.masterUsername = props.masterUsername; + this.masterUserPassword = props.masterUserPassword; + this.masterUserSecret = props.masterUserSecret; + this.monitoringInterval = props.monitoringInterval; + this.monitoringRoleArn = props.monitoringRoleArn; + this.networkType = props.networkType; + this.performanceInsightsEnabled = props.performanceInsightsEnabled; + this.performanceInsightsKmsKeyId = props.performanceInsightsKmsKeyId; + this.performanceInsightsRetentionPeriod = props.performanceInsightsRetentionPeriod; + this.port = props.port; + this.preferredBackupWindow = props.preferredBackupWindow; + this.preferredMaintenanceWindow = props.preferredMaintenanceWindow; + this.publiclyAccessible = props.publiclyAccessible; + this.replicationSourceIdentifier = props.replicationSourceIdentifier; + this.restoreToTime = props.restoreToTime; + this.restoreType = props.restoreType; + this.scalingConfiguration = props.scalingConfiguration; + this.serverlessV2ScalingConfiguration = props.serverlessV2ScalingConfiguration; + this.snapshotIdentifier = props.snapshotIdentifier; + this.sourceDbClusterIdentifier = props.sourceDbClusterIdentifier; + this.sourceRegion = props.sourceRegion; + this.storageEncrypted = props.storageEncrypted; + this.storageType = props.storageType; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::RDS::DBCluster", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + this.useLatestRestorableTime = props.useLatestRestorableTime; + this.vpcSecurityGroupIds = props.vpcSecurityGroupIds; + if ((this.node.scope != null && cdk.Resource.isResource(this.node.scope))) { + this.node.addValidation({ + "validate": () => ((this.cfnOptions.deletionPolicy === undefined) ? ["'AWS::RDS::DBCluster' is a stateful resource type, and you must specify a Removal Policy for it. Call 'resource.applyRemovalPolicy()'."] : []) + }); + } + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "allocatedStorage": this.allocatedStorage, + "associatedRoles": this.associatedRoles, + "autoMinorVersionUpgrade": this.autoMinorVersionUpgrade, + "availabilityZones": this.availabilityZones, + "backtrackWindow": this.backtrackWindow, + "backupRetentionPeriod": this.backupRetentionPeriod, + "copyTagsToSnapshot": this.copyTagsToSnapshot, + "databaseName": this.databaseName, + "dbClusterIdentifier": this.dbClusterIdentifier, + "dbClusterInstanceClass": this.dbClusterInstanceClass, + "dbClusterParameterGroupName": this.dbClusterParameterGroupName, + "dbInstanceParameterGroupName": this.dbInstanceParameterGroupName, + "dbSubnetGroupName": this.dbSubnetGroupName, + "dbSystemId": this.dbSystemId, + "deletionProtection": this.deletionProtection, + "domain": this.domain, + "domainIamRoleName": this.domainIamRoleName, + "enableCloudwatchLogsExports": this.enableCloudwatchLogsExports, + "enableHttpEndpoint": this.enableHttpEndpoint, + "enableIamDatabaseAuthentication": this.enableIamDatabaseAuthentication, + "engine": this.engine, + "engineMode": this.engineMode, + "engineVersion": this.engineVersion, + "globalClusterIdentifier": this.globalClusterIdentifier, + "iops": this.iops, + "kmsKeyId": this.kmsKeyId, + "manageMasterUserPassword": this.manageMasterUserPassword, + "masterUsername": this.masterUsername, + "masterUserPassword": this.masterUserPassword, + "masterUserSecret": this.masterUserSecret, + "monitoringInterval": this.monitoringInterval, + "monitoringRoleArn": this.monitoringRoleArn, + "networkType": this.networkType, + "performanceInsightsEnabled": this.performanceInsightsEnabled, + "performanceInsightsKmsKeyId": this.performanceInsightsKmsKeyId, + "performanceInsightsRetentionPeriod": this.performanceInsightsRetentionPeriod, + "port": this.port, + "preferredBackupWindow": this.preferredBackupWindow, + "preferredMaintenanceWindow": this.preferredMaintenanceWindow, + "publiclyAccessible": this.publiclyAccessible, + "replicationSourceIdentifier": this.replicationSourceIdentifier, + "restoreToTime": this.restoreToTime, + "restoreType": this.restoreType, + "scalingConfiguration": this.scalingConfiguration, + "serverlessV2ScalingConfiguration": this.serverlessV2ScalingConfiguration, + "snapshotIdentifier": this.snapshotIdentifier, + "sourceDbClusterIdentifier": this.sourceDbClusterIdentifier, + "sourceRegion": this.sourceRegion, + "storageEncrypted": this.storageEncrypted, + "storageType": this.storageType, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags(), + "useLatestRestorableTime": this.useLatestRestorableTime, + "vpcSecurityGroupIds": this.vpcSecurityGroupIds + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnDBCluster.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnDBClusterPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +export namespace CfnDBCluster { + /** + * Describes an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that is associated with a DB cluster. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-rds-dbcluster-dbclusterrole.html + */ + export interface DBClusterRoleProperty { + /** + * The name of the feature associated with the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role. + * + * IAM roles that are associated with a DB cluster grant permission for the DB cluster to access other AWS services on your behalf. For the list of supported feature names, see the \`SupportedFeatureNames\` description in [DBEngineVersion](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/APIReference/API_DBEngineVersion.html) in the *Amazon RDS API Reference* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-rds-dbcluster-dbclusterrole.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-dbclusterrole-featurename + */ + readonly featureName?: string; + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that is associated with the DB cluster. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-rds-dbcluster-dbclusterrole.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-dbclusterrole-rolearn + */ + readonly roleArn: string; + } + + /** + * The \`MasterUserSecret\` return value specifies the secret managed by RDS in AWS Secrets Manager for the master user password. + * + * For more information, see [Password management with AWS Secrets Manager](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/rds-secrets-manager.html) in the *Amazon RDS User Guide* and [Password management with AWS Secrets Manager](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/rds-secrets-manager.html) in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide.* + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-rds-dbcluster-masterusersecret.html + */ + export interface MasterUserSecretProperty { + /** + * The AWS KMS key identifier that is used to encrypt the secret. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-rds-dbcluster-masterusersecret.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-masterusersecret-kmskeyid + */ + readonly kmsKeyId?: string; + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the secret. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-rds-dbcluster-masterusersecret.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-masterusersecret-secretarn + */ + readonly secretArn?: string; + } + + /** + * The \`ServerlessV2ScalingConfiguration\` property type specifies the scaling configuration of an Aurora Serverless V2 DB cluster. + * + * For more information, see [Using Amazon Aurora Serverless v2](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/aurora-serverless-v2.html) in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide* . + * + * If you have an Aurora cluster, you must set the \`ScalingConfigurationInfo\` attribute before you add a DB instance that uses the \`db.serverless\` DB instance class. For more information, see [Clusters that use Aurora Serverless v2 must have a capacity range specified](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/aurora-serverless-v2.requirements.html#aurora-serverless-v2.requirements.capacity-range) in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide* . + * + * This property is only supported for Aurora Serverless v2. For Aurora Serverless v1, use \`ScalingConfiguration\` property. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-rds-dbcluster-serverlessv2scalingconfiguration.html + */ + export interface ServerlessV2ScalingConfigurationProperty { + /** + * The maximum number of Aurora capacity units (ACUs) for a DB instance in an Aurora Serverless v2 cluster. + * + * You can specify ACU values in half-step increments, such as 40, 40.5, 41, and so on. The largest value that you can use is 128. + * + * The maximum capacity must be higher than 0.5 ACUs. For more information, see [Choosing the maximum Aurora Serverless v2 capacity setting for a cluster](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/aurora-serverless-v2.setting-capacity.html#aurora-serverless-v2.max_capacity_considerations) in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-rds-dbcluster-serverlessv2scalingconfiguration.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-serverlessv2scalingconfiguration-maxcapacity + */ + readonly maxCapacity?: number; + + /** + * The minimum number of Aurora capacity units (ACUs) for a DB instance in an Aurora Serverless v2 cluster. + * + * You can specify ACU values in half-step increments, such as 8, 8.5, 9, and so on. The smallest value that you can use is 0.5. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-rds-dbcluster-serverlessv2scalingconfiguration.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-serverlessv2scalingconfiguration-mincapacity + */ + readonly minCapacity?: number; + } + + /** + * The \`ScalingConfiguration\` property type specifies the scaling configuration of an Aurora Serverless DB cluster. + * + * For more information, see [Using Amazon Aurora Serverless](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/aurora-serverless.html) in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide* . + * + * This property is only supported for Aurora Serverless v1. For Aurora Serverless v2, use \`ServerlessV2ScalingConfiguration\` property. + * + * Valid for: Aurora DB clusters only + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-rds-dbcluster-scalingconfiguration.html + */ + export interface ScalingConfigurationProperty { + /** + * A value that indicates whether to allow or disallow automatic pause for an Aurora DB cluster in \`serverless\` DB engine mode. + * + * A DB cluster can be paused only when it's idle (it has no connections). + * + * > If a DB cluster is paused for more than seven days, the DB cluster might be backed up with a snapshot. In this case, the DB cluster is restored when there is a request to connect to it. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-rds-dbcluster-scalingconfiguration.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-scalingconfiguration-autopause + */ + readonly autoPause?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The maximum capacity for an Aurora DB cluster in \`serverless\` DB engine mode. + * + * For Aurora MySQL, valid capacity values are \`1\` , \`2\` , \`4\` , \`8\` , \`16\` , \`32\` , \`64\` , \`128\` , and \`256\` . + * + * For Aurora PostgreSQL, valid capacity values are \`2\` , \`4\` , \`8\` , \`16\` , \`32\` , \`64\` , \`192\` , and \`384\` . + * + * The maximum capacity must be greater than or equal to the minimum capacity. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-rds-dbcluster-scalingconfiguration.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-scalingconfiguration-maxcapacity + */ + readonly maxCapacity?: number; + + /** + * The minimum capacity for an Aurora DB cluster in \`serverless\` DB engine mode. + * + * For Aurora MySQL, valid capacity values are \`1\` , \`2\` , \`4\` , \`8\` , \`16\` , \`32\` , \`64\` , \`128\` , and \`256\` . + * + * For Aurora PostgreSQL, valid capacity values are \`2\` , \`4\` , \`8\` , \`16\` , \`32\` , \`64\` , \`192\` , and \`384\` . + * + * The minimum capacity must be less than or equal to the maximum capacity. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-rds-dbcluster-scalingconfiguration.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-scalingconfiguration-mincapacity + */ + readonly minCapacity?: number; + + /** + * The amount of time, in seconds, that Aurora Serverless v1 tries to find a scaling point to perform seamless scaling before enforcing the timeout action. + * + * The default is 300. + * + * Specify a value between 60 and 600 seconds. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-rds-dbcluster-scalingconfiguration.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-scalingconfiguration-secondsbeforetimeout + */ + readonly secondsBeforeTimeout?: number; + + /** + * The time, in seconds, before an Aurora DB cluster in \`serverless\` mode is paused. + * + * Specify a value between 300 and 86,400 seconds. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-rds-dbcluster-scalingconfiguration.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-scalingconfiguration-secondsuntilautopause + */ + readonly secondsUntilAutoPause?: number; + + /** + * The action to take when the timeout is reached, either \`ForceApplyCapacityChange\` or \`RollbackCapacityChange\` . + * + * \`ForceApplyCapacityChange\` sets the capacity to the specified value as soon as possible. + * + * \`RollbackCapacityChange\` , the default, ignores the capacity change if a scaling point isn't found in the timeout period. + * + * > If you specify \`ForceApplyCapacityChange\` , connections that prevent Aurora Serverless v1 from finding a scaling point might be dropped. + * + * For more information, see [Autoscaling for Aurora Serverless v1](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/aurora-serverless.how-it-works.html#aurora-serverless.how-it-works.auto-scaling) in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-rds-dbcluster-scalingconfiguration.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-scalingconfiguration-timeoutaction + */ + readonly timeoutAction?: string; + } + + /** + * The \`Endpoint\` return value specifies the connection endpoint for the primary instance of the DB cluster. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-rds-dbcluster-endpoint.html + */ + export interface EndpointProperty { + /** + * Specifies the connection endpoint for the primary instance of the DB cluster. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-rds-dbcluster-endpoint.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-endpoint-address + */ + readonly address?: string; + + /** + * Specifies the port that the database engine is listening on. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-rds-dbcluster-endpoint.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-endpoint-port + */ + readonly port?: string; + } + + /** + * The \`ReadEndpoint\` return value specifies the reader endpoint for the DB cluster. + * + * The reader endpoint for a DB cluster load-balances connections across the Aurora Replicas that are available in a DB cluster. As clients request new connections to the reader endpoint, Aurora distributes the connection requests among the Aurora Replicas in the DB cluster. This functionality can help balance your read workload across multiple Aurora Replicas in your DB cluster. + * + * If a failover occurs, and the Aurora Replica that you are connected to is promoted to be the primary instance, your connection is dropped. To continue sending your read workload to other Aurora Replicas in the cluster, you can then reconnect to the reader endpoint. + * + * For more information about Aurora endpoints, see [Amazon Aurora connection management](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/Aurora.Overview.Endpoints.html) in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide* . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-rds-dbcluster-readendpoint.html + */ + export interface ReadEndpointProperty { + /** + * The host address of the reader endpoint. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-rds-dbcluster-readendpoint.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-readendpoint-address + */ + readonly address?: string; + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnDBCluster\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html + */ +export interface CfnDBClusterProps { + /** + * The amount of storage in gibibytes (GiB) to allocate to each DB instance in the Multi-AZ DB cluster. + * + * This setting is required to create a Multi-AZ DB cluster. + * + * Valid for: Multi-AZ DB clusters only + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-allocatedstorage + */ + readonly allocatedStorage?: number; + + /** + * Provides a list of the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles that are associated with the DB cluster. + * + * IAM roles that are associated with a DB cluster grant permission for the DB cluster to access other Amazon Web Services on your behalf. + * + * Valid for: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-associatedroles + */ + readonly associatedRoles?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * A value that indicates whether minor engine upgrades are applied automatically to the DB cluster during the maintenance window. + * + * By default, minor engine upgrades are applied automatically. + * + * Valid for: Multi-AZ DB clusters only + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-autominorversionupgrade + */ + readonly autoMinorVersionUpgrade?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * A list of Availability Zones (AZs) where instances in the DB cluster can be created. + * + * For information on AWS Regions and Availability Zones, see [Choosing the Regions and Availability Zones](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/Concepts.RegionsAndAvailabilityZones.html) in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide* . + * + * Valid for: Aurora DB clusters only + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-availabilityzones + */ + readonly availabilityZones?: Array; + + /** + * The target backtrack window, in seconds. To disable backtracking, set this value to 0. + * + * > Currently, Backtrack is only supported for Aurora MySQL DB clusters. + * + * Default: 0 + * + * Constraints: + * + * - If specified, this value must be set to a number from 0 to 259,200 (72 hours). + * + * Valid for: Aurora MySQL DB clusters only + * + * @default - 0 + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-backtrackwindow + */ + readonly backtrackWindow?: number; + + /** + * The number of days for which automated backups are retained. + * + * Default: 1 + * + * Constraints: + * + * - Must be a value from 1 to 35 + * + * Valid for: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters + * + * @default - 1 + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-backupretentionperiod + */ + readonly backupRetentionPeriod?: number; + + /** + * A value that indicates whether to copy all tags from the DB cluster to snapshots of the DB cluster. + * + * The default is not to copy them. + * + * Valid for: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-copytagstosnapshot + */ + readonly copyTagsToSnapshot?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The name of your database. + * + * If you don't provide a name, then Amazon RDS won't create a database in this DB cluster. For naming constraints, see [Naming Constraints](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/CHAP_Limits.html#RDS_Limits.Constraints) in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide* . + * + * Valid for: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-databasename + */ + readonly databaseName?: string; + + /** + * The DB cluster identifier. This parameter is stored as a lowercase string. + * + * Constraints: + * + * - Must contain from 1 to 63 letters, numbers, or hyphens. + * - First character must be a letter. + * - Can't end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens. + * + * Example: \`my-cluster1\` + * + * Valid for: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-dbclusteridentifier + */ + readonly dbClusterIdentifier?: string; + + /** + * The compute and memory capacity of each DB instance in the Multi-AZ DB cluster, for example db.m6gd.xlarge. Not all DB instance classes are available in all AWS Regions , or for all database engines. + * + * For the full list of DB instance classes and availability for your engine, see [DB instance class](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/Concepts.DBInstanceClass.html) in the *Amazon RDS User Guide* . + * + * This setting is required to create a Multi-AZ DB cluster. + * + * Valid for: Multi-AZ DB clusters only + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-dbclusterinstanceclass + */ + readonly dbClusterInstanceClass?: string; + + /** + * The name of the DB cluster parameter group to associate with this DB cluster. + * + * > If you apply a parameter group to an existing DB cluster, then its DB instances might need to reboot. This can result in an outage while the DB instances are rebooting. + * > + * > If you apply a change to parameter group associated with a stopped DB cluster, then the update stack waits until the DB cluster is started. + * + * To list all of the available DB cluster parameter group names, use the following command: + * + * \`aws rds describe-db-cluster-parameter-groups --query "DBClusterParameterGroups[].DBClusterParameterGroupName" --output text\` + * + * Valid for: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters + * + * @default - "default.aurora5.6" + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-dbclusterparametergroupname + */ + readonly dbClusterParameterGroupName?: string; + + /** + * The name of the DB parameter group to apply to all instances of the DB cluster. + * + * > When you apply a parameter group using the \`DBInstanceParameterGroupName\` parameter, the DB cluster isn't rebooted automatically. Also, parameter changes are applied immediately rather than during the next maintenance window. + * + * Default: The existing name setting + * + * Constraints: + * + * - The DB parameter group must be in the same DB parameter group family as this DB cluster. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-dbinstanceparametergroupname + */ + readonly dbInstanceParameterGroupName?: string; + + /** + * A DB subnet group that you want to associate with this DB cluster. + * + * If you are restoring a DB cluster to a point in time with \`RestoreType\` set to \`copy-on-write\` , and don't specify a DB subnet group name, then the DB cluster is restored with a default DB subnet group. + * + * Valid for: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-dbsubnetgroupname + */ + readonly dbSubnetGroupName?: string; + + /** + * Reserved for future use. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-dbsystemid + */ + readonly dbSystemId?: string; + + /** + * A value that indicates whether the DB cluster has deletion protection enabled. + * + * The database can't be deleted when deletion protection is enabled. By default, deletion protection is disabled. + * + * Valid for: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-deletionprotection + */ + readonly deletionProtection?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Indicates the directory ID of the Active Directory to create the DB cluster. + * + * For Amazon Aurora DB clusters, Amazon RDS can use Kerberos authentication to authenticate users that connect to the DB cluster. + * + * For more information, see [Kerberos authentication](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/kerberos-authentication.html) in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide* . + * + * Valid for: Aurora DB clusters only + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-domain + */ + readonly domain?: string; + + /** + * Specifies the name of the IAM role to use when making API calls to the Directory Service. + * + * Valid for: Aurora DB clusters only + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-domainiamrolename + */ + readonly domainIamRoleName?: string; + + /** + * The list of log types that need to be enabled for exporting to CloudWatch Logs. + * + * The values in the list depend on the DB engine being used. For more information, see [Publishing Database Logs to Amazon CloudWatch Logs](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/USER_LogAccess.html#USER_LogAccess.Procedural.UploadtoCloudWatch) in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide* . + * + * *Aurora MySQL* + * + * Valid values: \`audit\` , \`error\` , \`general\` , \`slowquery\` + * + * *Aurora PostgreSQL* + * + * Valid values: \`postgresql\` + * + * Valid for: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-enablecloudwatchlogsexports + */ + readonly enableCloudwatchLogsExports?: Array; + + /** + * A value that indicates whether to enable the HTTP endpoint for an Aurora Serverless DB cluster. + * + * By default, the HTTP endpoint is disabled. + * + * When enabled, the HTTP endpoint provides a connectionless web service API for running SQL queries on the Aurora Serverless DB cluster. You can also query your database from inside the RDS console with the query editor. + * + * For more information, see [Using the Data API for Aurora Serverless](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/data-api.html) in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide* . + * + * Valid for: Aurora DB clusters only + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-enablehttpendpoint + */ + readonly enableHttpEndpoint?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * A value that indicates whether to enable mapping of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) accounts to database accounts. + * + * By default, mapping is disabled. + * + * For more information, see [IAM Database Authentication](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/UsingWithRDS.IAMDBAuth.html) in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide.* + * + * Valid for: Aurora DB clusters only + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-enableiamdatabaseauthentication + */ + readonly enableIamDatabaseAuthentication?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The name of the database engine to be used for this DB cluster. + * + * Valid Values: + * + * - \`aurora-mysql\` + * - \`aurora-postgresql\` + * - \`mysql\` + * - \`postgres\` + * + * Valid for: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-engine + */ + readonly engine?: string; + + /** + * The DB engine mode of the DB cluster, either \`provisioned\` or \`serverless\` . + * + * The \`serverless\` engine mode only supports Aurora Serverless v1. Currently, AWS CloudFormation doesn't support Aurora Serverless v2. + * + * Limitations and requirements apply to some DB engine modes. For more information, see the following sections in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide* : + * + * - [Limitations of Aurora Serverless v1](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/aurora-serverless.html#aurora-serverless.limitations) + * - [Requirements for Aurora Serverless v2](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/aurora-serverless-v2.requirements.html) + * - [Limitations of parallel query](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/aurora-mysql-parallel-query.html#aurora-mysql-parallel-query-limitations) + * - [Limitations of Aurora global databases](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/aurora-global-database.html#aurora-global-database.limitations) + * + * Valid for: Aurora DB clusters only + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-enginemode + */ + readonly engineMode?: string; + + /** + * The version number of the database engine to use. + * + * To list all of the available engine versions for Aurora MySQL version 2 (5.7-compatible) and version 3 (8.0-compatible), use the following command: + * + * \`aws rds describe-db-engine-versions --engine aurora-mysql --query "DBEngineVersions[].EngineVersion"\` + * + * You can supply either \`5.7\` or \`8.0\` to use the default engine version for Aurora MySQL version 2 or version 3, respectively. + * + * To list all of the available engine versions for Aurora PostgreSQL, use the following command: + * + * \`aws rds describe-db-engine-versions --engine aurora-postgresql --query "DBEngineVersions[].EngineVersion"\` + * + * To list all of the available engine versions for RDS for MySQL, use the following command: + * + * \`aws rds describe-db-engine-versions --engine mysql --query "DBEngineVersions[].EngineVersion"\` + * + * To list all of the available engine versions for RDS for PostgreSQL, use the following command: + * + * \`aws rds describe-db-engine-versions --engine postgres --query "DBEngineVersions[].EngineVersion"\` + * + * *Aurora MySQL* + * + * For information, see [Database engine updates for Amazon Aurora MySQL](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/AuroraMySQL.Updates.html) in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide* . + * + * *Aurora PostgreSQL* + * + * For information, see [Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL releases and engine versions](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/AuroraPostgreSQL.Updates.20180305.html) in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide* . + * + * *MySQL* + * + * For information, see [Amazon RDS for MySQL](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/CHAP_MySQL.html#MySQL.Concepts.VersionMgmt) in the *Amazon RDS User Guide* . + * + * *PostgreSQL* + * + * For information, see [Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/CHAP_PostgreSQL.html#PostgreSQL.Concepts) in the *Amazon RDS User Guide* . + * + * Valid for: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-engineversion + */ + readonly engineVersion?: string; + + /** + * If you are configuring an Aurora global database cluster and want your Aurora DB cluster to be a secondary member in the global database cluster, specify the global cluster ID of the global database cluster. + * + * To define the primary database cluster of the global cluster, use the [AWS::RDS::GlobalCluster](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-globalcluster.html) resource. + * + * If you aren't configuring a global database cluster, don't specify this property. + * + * > To remove the DB cluster from a global database cluster, specify an empty value for the \`GlobalClusterIdentifier\` property. + * + * For information about Aurora global databases, see [Working with Amazon Aurora Global Databases](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/aurora-global-database.html) in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide* . + * + * Valid for: Aurora DB clusters only + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-globalclusteridentifier + */ + readonly globalClusterIdentifier?: string; + + /** + * The amount of Provisioned IOPS (input/output operations per second) to be initially allocated for each DB instance in the Multi-AZ DB cluster. + * + * For information about valid IOPS values, see [Provisioned IOPS storage](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/CHAP_Storage.html#USER_PIOPS) in the *Amazon RDS User Guide* . + * + * This setting is required to create a Multi-AZ DB cluster. + * + * Constraints: Must be a multiple between .5 and 50 of the storage amount for the DB cluster. + * + * Valid for: Multi-AZ DB clusters only + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-iops + */ + readonly iops?: number; + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS KMS key that is used to encrypt the database instances in the DB cluster, such as \`arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:012345678910:key/abcd1234-a123-456a-a12b-a123b4cd56ef\` . + * + * If you enable the \`StorageEncrypted\` property but don't specify this property, the default KMS key is used. If you specify this property, you must set the \`StorageEncrypted\` property to \`true\` . + * + * If you specify the \`SnapshotIdentifier\` property, the \`StorageEncrypted\` property value is inherited from the snapshot, and if the DB cluster is encrypted, the specified \`KmsKeyId\` property is used. + * + * Valid for: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-kmskeyid + */ + readonly kmsKeyId?: string; + + /** + * A value that indicates whether to manage the master user password with AWS Secrets Manager. + * + * For more information, see [Password management with AWS Secrets Manager](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/rds-secrets-manager.html) in the *Amazon RDS User Guide* and [Password management with AWS Secrets Manager](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/rds-secrets-manager.html) in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide.* + * + * Constraints: + * + * - Can't manage the master user password with AWS Secrets Manager if \`MasterUserPassword\` is specified. + * + * Valid for: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-managemasteruserpassword + */ + readonly manageMasterUserPassword?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The name of the master user for the DB cluster. + * + * > If you specify the \`SourceDBClusterIdentifier\` , \`SnapshotIdentifier\` , or \`GlobalClusterIdentifier\` property, don't specify this property. The value is inherited from the source DB cluster, the snapshot, or the primary DB cluster for the global database cluster, respectively. + * + * Valid for: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-masterusername + */ + readonly masterUsername?: string; + + /** + * The master password for the DB instance. + * + * > If you specify the \`SourceDBClusterIdentifier\` , \`SnapshotIdentifier\` , or \`GlobalClusterIdentifier\` property, don't specify this property. The value is inherited from the source DB cluster, the snapshot, or the primary DB cluster for the global database cluster, respectively. + * + * Valid for: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-masteruserpassword + */ + readonly masterUserPassword?: string; + + /** + * Contains the secret managed by RDS in AWS Secrets Manager for the master user password. + * + * For more information, see [Password management with AWS Secrets Manager](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/rds-secrets-manager.html) in the *Amazon RDS User Guide* and [Password management with AWS Secrets Manager](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/rds-secrets-manager.html) in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide.* + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-masterusersecret + */ + readonly masterUserSecret?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnDBCluster.MasterUserSecretProperty; + + /** + * The interval, in seconds, between points when Enhanced Monitoring metrics are collected for the DB cluster. + * + * To turn off collecting Enhanced Monitoring metrics, specify 0. The default is 0. + * + * If \`MonitoringRoleArn\` is specified, also set \`MonitoringInterval\` to a value other than 0. + * + * Valid Values: \`0, 1, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60\` + * + * Valid for: Multi-AZ DB clusters only + * + * @default - 0 + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-monitoringinterval + */ + readonly monitoringInterval?: number; + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the IAM role that permits RDS to send Enhanced Monitoring metrics to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. + * + * An example is \`arn:aws:iam:123456789012:role/emaccess\` . For information on creating a monitoring role, see [Setting up and enabling Enhanced Monitoring](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/USER_Monitoring.OS.html#USER_Monitoring.OS.Enabling) in the *Amazon RDS User Guide* . + * + * If \`MonitoringInterval\` is set to a value other than 0, supply a \`MonitoringRoleArn\` value. + * + * Valid for: Multi-AZ DB clusters only + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-monitoringrolearn + */ + readonly monitoringRoleArn?: string; + + /** + * The network type of the DB cluster. + * + * Valid values: + * + * - \`IPV4\` + * - \`DUAL\` + * + * The network type is determined by the \`DBSubnetGroup\` specified for the DB cluster. A \`DBSubnetGroup\` can support only the IPv4 protocol or the IPv4 and IPv6 protocols ( \`DUAL\` ). + * + * For more information, see [Working with a DB instance in a VPC](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/USER_VPC.WorkingWithRDSInstanceinaVPC.html) in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide.* + * + * Valid for: Aurora DB clusters only + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-networktype + */ + readonly networkType?: string; + + /** + * A value that indicates whether to turn on Performance Insights for the DB cluster. + * + * For more information, see [Using Amazon Performance Insights](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/USER_PerfInsights.html) in the *Amazon RDS User Guide* . + * + * Valid for: Multi-AZ DB clusters only + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-performanceinsightsenabled + */ + readonly performanceInsightsEnabled?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The AWS KMS key identifier for encryption of Performance Insights data. + * + * The AWS KMS key identifier is the key ARN, key ID, alias ARN, or alias name for the KMS key. + * + * If you don't specify a value for \`PerformanceInsightsKMSKeyId\` , then Amazon RDS uses your default KMS key. There is a default KMS key for your AWS account . Your AWS account has a different default KMS key for each AWS Region . + * + * Valid for: Multi-AZ DB clusters only + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-performanceinsightskmskeyid + */ + readonly performanceInsightsKmsKeyId?: string; + + /** + * The number of days to retain Performance Insights data. The default is 7 days. The following values are valid:. + * + * - 7 + * - *month* * 31, where *month* is a number of months from 1-23 + * - 731 + * + * For example, the following values are valid: + * + * - 93 (3 months * 31) + * - 341 (11 months * 31) + * - 589 (19 months * 31) + * - 731 + * + * If you specify a retention period such as 94, which isn't a valid value, RDS issues an error. + * + * Valid for: Multi-AZ DB clusters only + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-performanceinsightsretentionperiod + */ + readonly performanceInsightsRetentionPeriod?: number; + + /** + * The port number on which the DB instances in the DB cluster accept connections. + * + * Default: + * + * - When \`EngineMode\` is \`provisioned\` , \`3306\` (for both Aurora MySQL and Aurora PostgreSQL) + * - When \`EngineMode\` is \`serverless\` : + * + * - \`3306\` when \`Engine\` is \`aurora\` or \`aurora-mysql\` + * - \`5432\` when \`Engine\` is \`aurora-postgresql\` + * + * > The \`No interruption\` on update behavior only applies to DB clusters. If you are updating a DB instance, see [Port](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-rds-database-instance.html#cfn-rds-dbinstance-port) for the AWS::RDS::DBInstance resource. + * + * Valid for: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-port + */ + readonly port?: number; + + /** + * The daily time range during which automated backups are created. + * + * For more information, see [Backup Window](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/Aurora.Managing.Backups.html#Aurora.Managing.Backups.BackupWindow) in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide.* + * + * Constraints: + * + * - Must be in the format \`hh24:mi-hh24:mi\` . + * - Must be in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). + * - Must not conflict with the preferred maintenance window. + * - Must be at least 30 minutes. + * + * Valid for: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-preferredbackupwindow + */ + readonly preferredBackupWindow?: string; + + /** + * The weekly time range during which system maintenance can occur, in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). + * + * Format: \`ddd:hh24:mi-ddd:hh24:mi\` + * + * The default is a 30-minute window selected at random from an 8-hour block of time for each AWS Region, occurring on a random day of the week. To see the time blocks available, see [Adjusting the Preferred DB Cluster Maintenance Window](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/USER_UpgradeDBInstance.Maintenance.html#AdjustingTheMaintenanceWindow.Aurora) in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide.* + * + * Valid Days: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun. + * + * Constraints: Minimum 30-minute window. + * + * Valid for: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-preferredmaintenancewindow + */ + readonly preferredMaintenanceWindow?: string; + + /** + * A value that indicates whether the DB cluster is publicly accessible. + * + * When the DB cluster is publicly accessible, its Domain Name System (DNS) endpoint resolves to the private IP address from within the DB cluster's virtual private cloud (VPC). It resolves to the public IP address from outside of the DB cluster's VPC. Access to the DB cluster is ultimately controlled by the security group it uses. That public access isn't permitted if the security group assigned to the DB cluster doesn't permit it. + * + * When the DB cluster isn't publicly accessible, it is an internal DB cluster with a DNS name that resolves to a private IP address. + * + * Default: The default behavior varies depending on whether \`DBSubnetGroupName\` is specified. + * + * If \`DBSubnetGroupName\` isn't specified, and \`PubliclyAccessible\` isn't specified, the following applies: + * + * - If the default VPC in the target Region doesn’t have an internet gateway attached to it, the DB cluster is private. + * - If the default VPC in the target Region has an internet gateway attached to it, the DB cluster is public. + * + * If \`DBSubnetGroupName\` is specified, and \`PubliclyAccessible\` isn't specified, the following applies: + * + * - If the subnets are part of a VPC that doesn’t have an internet gateway attached to it, the DB cluster is private. + * - If the subnets are part of a VPC that has an internet gateway attached to it, the DB cluster is public. + * + * Valid for: Multi-AZ DB clusters only + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-publiclyaccessible + */ + readonly publiclyAccessible?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the source DB instance or DB cluster if this DB cluster is created as a read replica. + * + * Valid for: Aurora DB clusters only + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-replicationsourceidentifier + */ + readonly replicationSourceIdentifier?: string; + + /** + * The date and time to restore the DB cluster to. + * + * Valid Values: Value must be a time in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) format + * + * Constraints: + * + * - Must be before the latest restorable time for the DB instance + * - Must be specified if \`UseLatestRestorableTime\` parameter isn't provided + * - Can't be specified if the \`UseLatestRestorableTime\` parameter is enabled + * - Can't be specified if the \`RestoreType\` parameter is \`copy-on-write\` + * + * Example: \`2015-03-07T23:45:00Z\` + * + * Valid for: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-restoretotime + */ + readonly restoreToTime?: string; + + /** + * The type of restore to be performed. You can specify one of the following values:. + * + * - \`full-copy\` - The new DB cluster is restored as a full copy of the source DB cluster. + * - \`copy-on-write\` - The new DB cluster is restored as a clone of the source DB cluster. + * + * If you don't specify a \`RestoreType\` value, then the new DB cluster is restored as a full copy of the source DB cluster. + * + * Valid for: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters + * + * @default - "full-copy" + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-restoretype + */ + readonly restoreType?: string; + + /** + * The \`ScalingConfiguration\` property type specifies the scaling configuration of an Aurora Serverless DB cluster. + * + * This property is only supported for Aurora Serverless v1. For Aurora Serverless v2, use \`ServerlessV2ScalingConfiguration\` property. + * + * Valid for: Aurora DB clusters only + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-scalingconfiguration + */ + readonly scalingConfiguration?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnDBCluster.ScalingConfigurationProperty; + + /** + * The \`ServerlessV2ScalingConfiguration\` property type specifies the scaling configuration of an Aurora Serverless V2 DB cluster. + * + * This property is only supported for Aurora Serverless v2. For Aurora Serverless v1, use \`ScalingConfiguration\` property. + * + * Valid for: Aurora DB clusters only + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-serverlessv2scalingconfiguration + */ + readonly serverlessV2ScalingConfiguration?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnDBCluster.ServerlessV2ScalingConfigurationProperty; + + /** + * The identifier for the DB snapshot or DB cluster snapshot to restore from. + * + * You can use either the name or the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) to specify a DB cluster snapshot. However, you can use only the ARN to specify a DB snapshot. + * + * After you restore a DB cluster with a \`SnapshotIdentifier\` property, you must specify the same \`SnapshotIdentifier\` property for any future updates to the DB cluster. When you specify this property for an update, the DB cluster is not restored from the snapshot again, and the data in the database is not changed. However, if you don't specify the \`SnapshotIdentifier\` property, an empty DB cluster is created, and the original DB cluster is deleted. If you specify a property that is different from the previous snapshot restore property, a new DB cluster is restored from the specified \`SnapshotIdentifier\` property, and the original DB cluster is deleted. + * + * If you specify the \`SnapshotIdentifier\` property to restore a DB cluster (as opposed to specifying it for DB cluster updates), then don't specify the following properties: + * + * - \`GlobalClusterIdentifier\` + * - \`MasterUsername\` + * - \`MasterUserPassword\` + * - \`ReplicationSourceIdentifier\` + * - \`RestoreType\` + * - \`SourceDBClusterIdentifier\` + * - \`SourceRegion\` + * - \`StorageEncrypted\` (for an encrypted snapshot) + * - \`UseLatestRestorableTime\` + * + * Constraints: + * + * - Must match the identifier of an existing Snapshot. + * + * Valid for: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-snapshotidentifier + */ + readonly snapshotIdentifier?: string; + + /** + * When restoring a DB cluster to a point in time, the identifier of the source DB cluster from which to restore. + * + * Constraints: + * + * - Must match the identifier of an existing DBCluster. + * + * Valid for: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-sourcedbclusteridentifier + */ + readonly sourceDbClusterIdentifier?: string; + + /** + * The AWS Region which contains the source DB cluster when replicating a DB cluster. For example, \`us-east-1\` . + * + * Valid for: Aurora DB clusters only + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-sourceregion + */ + readonly sourceRegion?: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether the DB cluster is encrypted. + * + * If you specify the \`KmsKeyId\` property, then you must enable encryption. + * + * If you specify the \`SourceDBClusterIdentifier\` property, don't specify this property. The value is inherited from the source DB cluster, and if the DB cluster is encrypted, the specified \`KmsKeyId\` property is used. + * + * If you specify the \`SnapshotIdentifier\` and the specified snapshot is encrypted, don't specify this property. The value is inherited from the snapshot, and the specified \`KmsKeyId\` property is used. + * + * If you specify the \`SnapshotIdentifier\` and the specified snapshot isn't encrypted, you can use this property to specify that the restored DB cluster is encrypted. Specify the \`KmsKeyId\` property for the KMS key to use for encryption. If you don't want the restored DB cluster to be encrypted, then don't set this property or set it to \`false\` . + * + * Valid for: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-storageencrypted + */ + readonly storageEncrypted?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Specifies the storage type to be associated with the DB cluster. + * + * This setting is required to create a Multi-AZ DB cluster. + * + * When specified for a Multi-AZ DB cluster, a value for the \`Iops\` parameter is required. + * + * Valid values: \`aurora\` , \`aurora-iopt1\` (Aurora DB clusters); \`io1\` (Multi-AZ DB clusters) + * + * Default: \`aurora\` (Aurora DB clusters); \`io1\` (Multi-AZ DB clusters) + * + * Valid for: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters + * + * For more information on storage types for Aurora DB clusters, see [Storage configurations for Amazon Aurora DB clusters](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/Aurora.Overview.StorageReliability.html#aurora-storage-type) . For more information on storage types for Multi-AZ DB clusters, see [Settings for creating Multi-AZ DB clusters](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/create-multi-az-db-cluster.html#create-multi-az-db-cluster-settings) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-storagetype + */ + readonly storageType?: string; + + /** + * An optional array of key-value pairs to apply to this DB cluster. + * + * Valid for: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; + + /** + * A value that indicates whether to restore the DB cluster to the latest restorable backup time. + * + * By default, the DB cluster is not restored to the latest restorable backup time. + * + * Valid for: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-uselatestrestorabletime + */ + readonly useLatestRestorableTime?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * A list of EC2 VPC security groups to associate with this DB cluster. + * + * If you plan to update the resource, don't specify VPC security groups in a shared VPC. + * + * Valid for: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-rds-dbcluster.html#cfn-rds-dbcluster-vpcsecuritygroupids + */ + readonly vpcSecurityGroupIds?: Array; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`DBClusterRoleProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`DBClusterRoleProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnDBClusterDBClusterRolePropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("featureName", cdk.validateString)(properties.featureName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("roleArn", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.roleArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("roleArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.roleArn)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"DBClusterRoleProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnDBClusterDBClusterRolePropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnDBClusterDBClusterRolePropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "FeatureName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.featureName), + "RoleArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.roleArn) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnDBClusterDBClusterRolePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("featureName", "FeatureName", (properties.FeatureName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.FeatureName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("roleArn", "RoleArn", (properties.RoleArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.RoleArn) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`MasterUserSecretProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`MasterUserSecretProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnDBClusterMasterUserSecretPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("kmsKeyId", cdk.validateString)(properties.kmsKeyId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("secretArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.secretArn)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"MasterUserSecretProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnDBClusterMasterUserSecretPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnDBClusterMasterUserSecretPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "KmsKeyId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.kmsKeyId), + "SecretArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.secretArn) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnDBClusterMasterUserSecretPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("kmsKeyId", "KmsKeyId", (properties.KmsKeyId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.KmsKeyId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("secretArn", "SecretArn", (properties.SecretArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SecretArn) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`ServerlessV2ScalingConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`ServerlessV2ScalingConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnDBClusterServerlessV2ScalingConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("maxCapacity", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.maxCapacity)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("minCapacity", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.minCapacity)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"ServerlessV2ScalingConfigurationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnDBClusterServerlessV2ScalingConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnDBClusterServerlessV2ScalingConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "MaxCapacity": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.maxCapacity), + "MinCapacity": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.minCapacity) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnDBClusterServerlessV2ScalingConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("maxCapacity", "MaxCapacity", (properties.MaxCapacity != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.MaxCapacity) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("minCapacity", "MinCapacity", (properties.MinCapacity != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.MinCapacity) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`ScalingConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`ScalingConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnDBClusterScalingConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("autoPause", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.autoPause)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("maxCapacity", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.maxCapacity)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("minCapacity", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.minCapacity)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("secondsBeforeTimeout", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.secondsBeforeTimeout)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("secondsUntilAutoPause", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.secondsUntilAutoPause)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("timeoutAction", cdk.validateString)(properties.timeoutAction)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"ScalingConfigurationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnDBClusterScalingConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnDBClusterScalingConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AutoPause": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.autoPause), + "MaxCapacity": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.maxCapacity), + "MinCapacity": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.minCapacity), + "SecondsBeforeTimeout": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.secondsBeforeTimeout), + "SecondsUntilAutoPause": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.secondsUntilAutoPause), + "TimeoutAction": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.timeoutAction) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnDBClusterScalingConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("autoPause", "AutoPause", (properties.AutoPause != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.AutoPause) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("maxCapacity", "MaxCapacity", (properties.MaxCapacity != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.MaxCapacity) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("minCapacity", "MinCapacity", (properties.MinCapacity != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.MinCapacity) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("secondsBeforeTimeout", "SecondsBeforeTimeout", (properties.SecondsBeforeTimeout != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.SecondsBeforeTimeout) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("secondsUntilAutoPause", "SecondsUntilAutoPause", (properties.SecondsUntilAutoPause != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.SecondsUntilAutoPause) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("timeoutAction", "TimeoutAction", (properties.TimeoutAction != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.TimeoutAction) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`EndpointProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`EndpointProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnDBClusterEndpointPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("address", cdk.validateString)(properties.address)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("port", cdk.validateString)(properties.port)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"EndpointProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnDBClusterEndpointPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnDBClusterEndpointPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Address": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.address), + "Port": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.port) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnDBClusterEndpointPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("address", "Address", (properties.Address != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Address) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("port", "Port", (properties.Port != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Port) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`ReadEndpointProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`ReadEndpointProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnDBClusterReadEndpointPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("address", cdk.validateString)(properties.address)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"ReadEndpointProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnDBClusterReadEndpointPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnDBClusterReadEndpointPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Address": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.address) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnDBClusterReadEndpointPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("address", "Address", (properties.Address != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Address) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnDBClusterProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnDBClusterProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnDBClusterPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("allocatedStorage", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.allocatedStorage)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("associatedRoles", cdk.listValidator(CfnDBClusterDBClusterRolePropertyValidator))(properties.associatedRoles)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("autoMinorVersionUpgrade", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.autoMinorVersionUpgrade)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("availabilityZones", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.availabilityZones)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("backtrackWindow", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.backtrackWindow)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("backupRetentionPeriod", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.backupRetentionPeriod)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("copyTagsToSnapshot", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.copyTagsToSnapshot)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("dbClusterIdentifier", cdk.validateString)(properties.dbClusterIdentifier)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("dbClusterInstanceClass", cdk.validateString)(properties.dbClusterInstanceClass)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("dbClusterParameterGroupName", cdk.validateString)(properties.dbClusterParameterGroupName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("dbInstanceParameterGroupName", cdk.validateString)(properties.dbInstanceParameterGroupName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("dbSubnetGroupName", cdk.validateString)(properties.dbSubnetGroupName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("dbSystemId", cdk.validateString)(properties.dbSystemId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("databaseName", cdk.validateString)(properties.databaseName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("deletionProtection", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.deletionProtection)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("domain", cdk.validateString)(properties.domain)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("domainIamRoleName", cdk.validateString)(properties.domainIamRoleName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("enableCloudwatchLogsExports", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.enableCloudwatchLogsExports)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("enableHttpEndpoint", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.enableHttpEndpoint)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("enableIamDatabaseAuthentication", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.enableIamDatabaseAuthentication)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("engine", cdk.validateString)(properties.engine)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("engineMode", cdk.validateString)(properties.engineMode)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("engineVersion", cdk.validateString)(properties.engineVersion)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("globalClusterIdentifier", cdk.validateString)(properties.globalClusterIdentifier)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("iops", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.iops)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("kmsKeyId", cdk.validateString)(properties.kmsKeyId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("manageMasterUserPassword", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.manageMasterUserPassword)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("masterUserPassword", cdk.validateString)(properties.masterUserPassword)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("masterUserSecret", CfnDBClusterMasterUserSecretPropertyValidator)(properties.masterUserSecret)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("masterUsername", cdk.validateString)(properties.masterUsername)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("monitoringInterval", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.monitoringInterval)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("monitoringRoleArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.monitoringRoleArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("networkType", cdk.validateString)(properties.networkType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("performanceInsightsEnabled", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.performanceInsightsEnabled)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("performanceInsightsKmsKeyId", cdk.validateString)(properties.performanceInsightsKmsKeyId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("performanceInsightsRetentionPeriod", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.performanceInsightsRetentionPeriod)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("port", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.port)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("preferredBackupWindow", cdk.validateString)(properties.preferredBackupWindow)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("preferredMaintenanceWindow", cdk.validateString)(properties.preferredMaintenanceWindow)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("publiclyAccessible", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.publiclyAccessible)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("replicationSourceIdentifier", cdk.validateString)(properties.replicationSourceIdentifier)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("restoreToTime", cdk.validateString)(properties.restoreToTime)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("restoreType", cdk.validateString)(properties.restoreType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("scalingConfiguration", CfnDBClusterScalingConfigurationPropertyValidator)(properties.scalingConfiguration)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("serverlessV2ScalingConfiguration", CfnDBClusterServerlessV2ScalingConfigurationPropertyValidator)(properties.serverlessV2ScalingConfiguration)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("snapshotIdentifier", cdk.validateString)(properties.snapshotIdentifier)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sourceDbClusterIdentifier", cdk.validateString)(properties.sourceDbClusterIdentifier)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sourceRegion", cdk.validateString)(properties.sourceRegion)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("storageEncrypted", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.storageEncrypted)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("storageType", cdk.validateString)(properties.storageType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("useLatestRestorableTime", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.useLatestRestorableTime)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vpcSecurityGroupIds", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.vpcSecurityGroupIds)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnDBClusterProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnDBClusterPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnDBClusterPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AllocatedStorage": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.allocatedStorage), + "AssociatedRoles": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnDBClusterDBClusterRolePropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.associatedRoles), + "AutoMinorVersionUpgrade": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.autoMinorVersionUpgrade), + "AvailabilityZones": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.availabilityZones), + "BacktrackWindow": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.backtrackWindow), + "BackupRetentionPeriod": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.backupRetentionPeriod), + "CopyTagsToSnapshot": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.copyTagsToSnapshot), + "DBClusterIdentifier": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.dbClusterIdentifier), + "DBClusterInstanceClass": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.dbClusterInstanceClass), + "DBClusterParameterGroupName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.dbClusterParameterGroupName), + "DBInstanceParameterGroupName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.dbInstanceParameterGroupName), + "DBSubnetGroupName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.dbSubnetGroupName), + "DBSystemId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.dbSystemId), + "DatabaseName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.databaseName), + "DeletionProtection": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.deletionProtection), + "Domain": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.domain), + "DomainIAMRoleName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.domainIamRoleName), + "EnableCloudwatchLogsExports": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.enableCloudwatchLogsExports), + "EnableHttpEndpoint": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.enableHttpEndpoint), + "EnableIAMDatabaseAuthentication": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.enableIamDatabaseAuthentication), + "Engine": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.engine), + "EngineMode": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.engineMode), + "EngineVersion": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.engineVersion), + "GlobalClusterIdentifier": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.globalClusterIdentifier), + "Iops": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.iops), + "KmsKeyId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.kmsKeyId), + "ManageMasterUserPassword": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.manageMasterUserPassword), + "MasterUserPassword": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.masterUserPassword), + "MasterUserSecret": convertCfnDBClusterMasterUserSecretPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.masterUserSecret), + "MasterUsername": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.masterUsername), + "MonitoringInterval": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.monitoringInterval), + "MonitoringRoleArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.monitoringRoleArn), + "NetworkType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.networkType), + "PerformanceInsightsEnabled": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.performanceInsightsEnabled), + "PerformanceInsightsKmsKeyId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.performanceInsightsKmsKeyId), + "PerformanceInsightsRetentionPeriod": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.performanceInsightsRetentionPeriod), + "Port": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.port), + "PreferredBackupWindow": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.preferredBackupWindow), + "PreferredMaintenanceWindow": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.preferredMaintenanceWindow), + "PubliclyAccessible": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.publiclyAccessible), + "ReplicationSourceIdentifier": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.replicationSourceIdentifier), + "RestoreToTime": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.restoreToTime), + "RestoreType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.restoreType), + "ScalingConfiguration": convertCfnDBClusterScalingConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.scalingConfiguration), + "ServerlessV2ScalingConfiguration": convertCfnDBClusterServerlessV2ScalingConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.serverlessV2ScalingConfiguration), + "SnapshotIdentifier": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.snapshotIdentifier), + "SourceDBClusterIdentifier": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.sourceDbClusterIdentifier), + "SourceRegion": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.sourceRegion), + "StorageEncrypted": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.storageEncrypted), + "StorageType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.storageType), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags), + "UseLatestRestorableTime": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.useLatestRestorableTime), + "VpcSecurityGroupIds": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.vpcSecurityGroupIds) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnDBClusterPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("allocatedStorage", "AllocatedStorage", (properties.AllocatedStorage != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.AllocatedStorage) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("associatedRoles", "AssociatedRoles", (properties.AssociatedRoles != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnDBClusterDBClusterRolePropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.AssociatedRoles) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("autoMinorVersionUpgrade", "AutoMinorVersionUpgrade", (properties.AutoMinorVersionUpgrade != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.AutoMinorVersionUpgrade) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("availabilityZones", "AvailabilityZones", (properties.AvailabilityZones != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.AvailabilityZones) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("backtrackWindow", "BacktrackWindow", (properties.BacktrackWindow != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.BacktrackWindow) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("backupRetentionPeriod", "BackupRetentionPeriod", (properties.BackupRetentionPeriod != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.BackupRetentionPeriod) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("copyTagsToSnapshot", "CopyTagsToSnapshot", (properties.CopyTagsToSnapshot != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.CopyTagsToSnapshot) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("databaseName", "DatabaseName", (properties.DatabaseName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DatabaseName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("dbClusterIdentifier", "DBClusterIdentifier", (properties.DBClusterIdentifier != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DBClusterIdentifier) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("dbClusterInstanceClass", "DBClusterInstanceClass", (properties.DBClusterInstanceClass != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DBClusterInstanceClass) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("dbClusterParameterGroupName", "DBClusterParameterGroupName", (properties.DBClusterParameterGroupName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DBClusterParameterGroupName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("dbInstanceParameterGroupName", "DBInstanceParameterGroupName", (properties.DBInstanceParameterGroupName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DBInstanceParameterGroupName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("dbSubnetGroupName", "DBSubnetGroupName", (properties.DBSubnetGroupName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DBSubnetGroupName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("dbSystemId", "DBSystemId", (properties.DBSystemId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DBSystemId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("deletionProtection", "DeletionProtection", (properties.DeletionProtection != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.DeletionProtection) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("domain", "Domain", (properties.Domain != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Domain) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("domainIamRoleName", "DomainIAMRoleName", (properties.DomainIAMRoleName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DomainIAMRoleName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("enableCloudwatchLogsExports", "EnableCloudwatchLogsExports", (properties.EnableCloudwatchLogsExports != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.EnableCloudwatchLogsExports) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("enableHttpEndpoint", "EnableHttpEndpoint", (properties.EnableHttpEndpoint != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.EnableHttpEndpoint) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("enableIamDatabaseAuthentication", "EnableIAMDatabaseAuthentication", (properties.EnableIAMDatabaseAuthentication != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.EnableIAMDatabaseAuthentication) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("engine", "Engine", (properties.Engine != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Engine) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("engineMode", "EngineMode", (properties.EngineMode != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.EngineMode) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("engineVersion", "EngineVersion", (properties.EngineVersion != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.EngineVersion) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("globalClusterIdentifier", "GlobalClusterIdentifier", (properties.GlobalClusterIdentifier != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.GlobalClusterIdentifier) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("iops", "Iops", (properties.Iops != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Iops) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("kmsKeyId", "KmsKeyId", (properties.KmsKeyId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.KmsKeyId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("manageMasterUserPassword", "ManageMasterUserPassword", (properties.ManageMasterUserPassword != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.ManageMasterUserPassword) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("masterUsername", "MasterUsername", (properties.MasterUsername != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.MasterUsername) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("masterUserPassword", "MasterUserPassword", (properties.MasterUserPassword != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.MasterUserPassword) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("masterUserSecret", "MasterUserSecret", (properties.MasterUserSecret != null ? CfnDBClusterMasterUserSecretPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.MasterUserSecret) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("monitoringInterval", "MonitoringInterval", (properties.MonitoringInterval != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.MonitoringInterval) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("monitoringRoleArn", "MonitoringRoleArn", (properties.MonitoringRoleArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.MonitoringRoleArn) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("networkType", "NetworkType", (properties.NetworkType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.NetworkType) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("performanceInsightsEnabled", "PerformanceInsightsEnabled", (properties.PerformanceInsightsEnabled != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.PerformanceInsightsEnabled) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("performanceInsightsKmsKeyId", "PerformanceInsightsKmsKeyId", (properties.PerformanceInsightsKmsKeyId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.PerformanceInsightsKmsKeyId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("performanceInsightsRetentionPeriod", "PerformanceInsightsRetentionPeriod", (properties.PerformanceInsightsRetentionPeriod != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.PerformanceInsightsRetentionPeriod) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("port", "Port", (properties.Port != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Port) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("preferredBackupWindow", "PreferredBackupWindow", (properties.PreferredBackupWindow != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.PreferredBackupWindow) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("preferredMaintenanceWindow", "PreferredMaintenanceWindow", (properties.PreferredMaintenanceWindow != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.PreferredMaintenanceWindow) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("publiclyAccessible", "PubliclyAccessible", (properties.PubliclyAccessible != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.PubliclyAccessible) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("replicationSourceIdentifier", "ReplicationSourceIdentifier", (properties.ReplicationSourceIdentifier != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ReplicationSourceIdentifier) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("restoreToTime", "RestoreToTime", (properties.RestoreToTime != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.RestoreToTime) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("restoreType", "RestoreType", (properties.RestoreType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.RestoreType) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("scalingConfiguration", "ScalingConfiguration", (properties.ScalingConfiguration != null ? CfnDBClusterScalingConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.ScalingConfiguration) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("serverlessV2ScalingConfiguration", "ServerlessV2ScalingConfiguration", (properties.ServerlessV2ScalingConfiguration != null ? CfnDBClusterServerlessV2ScalingConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.ServerlessV2ScalingConfiguration) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("snapshotIdentifier", "SnapshotIdentifier", (properties.SnapshotIdentifier != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SnapshotIdentifier) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("sourceDbClusterIdentifier", "SourceDBClusterIdentifier", (properties.SourceDBClusterIdentifier != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SourceDBClusterIdentifier) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("sourceRegion", "SourceRegion", (properties.SourceRegion != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SourceRegion) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("storageEncrypted", "StorageEncrypted", (properties.StorageEncrypted != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.StorageEncrypted) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("storageType", "StorageType", (properties.StorageType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.StorageType) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("useLatestRestorableTime", "UseLatestRestorableTime", (properties.UseLatestRestorableTime != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.UseLatestRestorableTime) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("vpcSecurityGroupIds", "VpcSecurityGroupIds", (properties.VpcSecurityGroupIds != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.VpcSecurityGroupIds) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +}", +} +`; + +exports[`AWS::S3::Bucket 1`] = ` +{ + "augmentations": undefined, + "metrics": "/* eslint-disable prettier/prettier,max-len */ +export interface MetricWithDims { + readonly namespace: string; + + readonly metricName: string; + + readonly statistic: string; + + readonly dimensionsMap: D; +} + +export class S3Metrics { + public static bucketSizeBytesAverage(dimensions: { BucketName: string; StorageType: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ BucketName: string; StorageType: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/S3", + "metricName": "BucketSizeBytes", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static numberOfObjectsAverage(dimensions: { BucketName: string; StorageType: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ BucketName: string; StorageType: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/S3", + "metricName": "NumberOfObjects", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } +}", + "module": "/* eslint-disable prettier/prettier,max-len */ +import * as cdk from "aws-cdk-lib"; +import * as constructs from "constructs"; +import * as cfn_parse from "aws-cdk-lib/core/lib/helpers-internal"; + +/** + * The \`AWS::S3::Bucket\` resource creates an Amazon S3 bucket in the same AWS Region where you create the AWS CloudFormation stack. + * + * To control how AWS CloudFormation handles the bucket when the stack is deleted, you can set a deletion policy for your bucket. You can choose to *retain* the bucket or to *delete* the bucket. For more information, see [DeletionPolicy Attribute](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-attribute-deletionpolicy.html) . + * + * > You can only delete empty buckets. Deletion fails for buckets that have contents. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-s3-bucket.html + */ +export class CfnBucket extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::S3::Bucket"; + + /** + * Build a CfnBucket from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnBucket { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnBucketPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnBucket(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * Returns the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the specified bucket. + * + * Example: \`arn:aws:s3:::DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET\` + * + * @cloudformationAttribute Arn + */ + public readonly attrArn: string; + + /** + * Returns the IPv4 DNS name of the specified bucket. + * + * Example: \`DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET.s3.amazonaws.com\` + * + * @cloudformationAttribute DomainName + */ + public readonly attrDomainName: string; + + /** + * Returns the IPv6 DNS name of the specified bucket. + * + * Example: \`DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET.s3.dualstack.us-east-2.amazonaws.com\` + * + * For more information about dual-stack endpoints, see [Using Amazon S3 Dual-Stack Endpoints](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/dual-stack-endpoints.html) . + * + * @cloudformationAttribute DualStackDomainName + */ + public readonly attrDualStackDomainName: string; + + /** + * Returns the regional domain name of the specified bucket. + * + * Example: \`DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com\` + * + * @cloudformationAttribute RegionalDomainName + */ + public readonly attrRegionalDomainName: string; + + /** + * Returns the Amazon S3 website endpoint for the specified bucket. + * + * Example (IPv4): \`http://DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET.s3-website.us-east-2.amazonaws.com\` + * + * Example (IPv6): \`http://DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET.s3.dualstack.us-east-2.amazonaws.com\` + * + * @cloudformationAttribute WebsiteURL + */ + public readonly attrWebsiteUrl: string; + + /** + * Configures the transfer acceleration state for an Amazon S3 bucket. + */ + public accelerateConfiguration?: CfnBucket.AccelerateConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * A canned access control list (ACL) that grants predefined permissions to the bucket. + */ + public accessControl?: string; + + /** + * Specifies the configuration and any analyses for the analytics filter of an Amazon S3 bucket. + */ + public analyticsConfigurations?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Specifies default encryption for a bucket using server-side encryption with Amazon S3-managed keys (SSE-S3), AWS KMS-managed keys (SSE-KMS), or dual-layer server-side encryption with KMS-managed keys (DSSE-KMS). + */ + public bucketEncryption?: CfnBucket.BucketEncryptionProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * A name for the bucket. + */ + public bucketName?: string; + + /** + * Describes the cross-origin access configuration for objects in an Amazon S3 bucket. + */ + public corsConfiguration?: CfnBucket.CorsConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Defines how Amazon S3 handles Intelligent-Tiering storage. + */ + public intelligentTieringConfigurations?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Specifies the inventory configuration for an Amazon S3 bucket. + */ + public inventoryConfigurations?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Specifies the lifecycle configuration for objects in an Amazon S3 bucket. + */ + public lifecycleConfiguration?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnBucket.LifecycleConfigurationProperty; + + /** + * Settings that define where logs are stored. + */ + public loggingConfiguration?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnBucket.LoggingConfigurationProperty; + + /** + * Specifies a metrics configuration for the CloudWatch request metrics (specified by the metrics configuration ID) from an Amazon S3 bucket. + */ + public metricsConfigurations?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Configuration that defines how Amazon S3 handles bucket notifications. + */ + public notificationConfiguration?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnBucket.NotificationConfigurationProperty; + + /** + * Places an Object Lock configuration on the specified bucket. + */ + public objectLockConfiguration?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnBucket.ObjectLockConfigurationProperty; + + /** + * Indicates whether this bucket has an Object Lock configuration enabled. + */ + public objectLockEnabled?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Configuration that defines how Amazon S3 handles Object Ownership rules. + */ + public ownershipControls?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnBucket.OwnershipControlsProperty; + + /** + * Configuration that defines how Amazon S3 handles public access. + */ + public publicAccessBlockConfiguration?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnBucket.PublicAccessBlockConfigurationProperty; + + /** + * Configuration for replicating objects in an S3 bucket. + */ + public replicationConfiguration?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnBucket.ReplicationConfigurationProperty; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * An arbitrary set of tags (key-value pairs) for this S3 bucket. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * Enables multiple versions of all objects in this bucket. + */ + public versioningConfiguration?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnBucket.VersioningConfigurationProperty; + + /** + * Information used to configure the bucket as a static website. + */ + public websiteConfiguration?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnBucket.WebsiteConfigurationProperty; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnBucketProps = {}) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnBucket.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + this.attrArn = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Arn", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrDomainName = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("DomainName", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrDualStackDomainName = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("DualStackDomainName", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrRegionalDomainName = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("RegionalDomainName", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrWebsiteUrl = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("WebsiteURL", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.accelerateConfiguration = props.accelerateConfiguration; + this.accessControl = props.accessControl; + this.analyticsConfigurations = props.analyticsConfigurations; + this.bucketEncryption = props.bucketEncryption; + this.bucketName = props.bucketName; + this.corsConfiguration = props.corsConfiguration; + this.intelligentTieringConfigurations = props.intelligentTieringConfigurations; + this.inventoryConfigurations = props.inventoryConfigurations; + this.lifecycleConfiguration = props.lifecycleConfiguration; + this.loggingConfiguration = props.loggingConfiguration; + this.metricsConfigurations = props.metricsConfigurations; + this.notificationConfiguration = props.notificationConfiguration; + this.objectLockConfiguration = props.objectLockConfiguration; + this.objectLockEnabled = props.objectLockEnabled; + this.ownershipControls = props.ownershipControls; + this.publicAccessBlockConfiguration = props.publicAccessBlockConfiguration; + this.replicationConfiguration = props.replicationConfiguration; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::S3::Bucket", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + this.versioningConfiguration = props.versioningConfiguration; + this.websiteConfiguration = props.websiteConfiguration; + if ((this.node.scope != null && cdk.Resource.isResource(this.node.scope))) { + this.node.addValidation({ + "validate": () => ((this.cfnOptions.deletionPolicy === undefined) ? ["'AWS::S3::Bucket' is a stateful resource type, and you must specify a Removal Policy for it. Call 'resource.applyRemovalPolicy()'."] : []) + }); + } + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "accelerateConfiguration": this.accelerateConfiguration, + "accessControl": this.accessControl, + "analyticsConfigurations": this.analyticsConfigurations, + "bucketEncryption": this.bucketEncryption, + "bucketName": this.bucketName, + "corsConfiguration": this.corsConfiguration, + "intelligentTieringConfigurations": this.intelligentTieringConfigurations, + "inventoryConfigurations": this.inventoryConfigurations, + "lifecycleConfiguration": this.lifecycleConfiguration, + "loggingConfiguration": this.loggingConfiguration, + "metricsConfigurations": this.metricsConfigurations, + "notificationConfiguration": this.notificationConfiguration, + "objectLockConfiguration": this.objectLockConfiguration, + "objectLockEnabled": this.objectLockEnabled, + "ownershipControls": this.ownershipControls, + "publicAccessBlockConfiguration": this.publicAccessBlockConfiguration, + "replicationConfiguration": this.replicationConfiguration, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags(), + "versioningConfiguration": this.versioningConfiguration, + "websiteConfiguration": this.websiteConfiguration + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnBucket.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnBucketPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +export namespace CfnBucket { + /** + * Configures the transfer acceleration state for an Amazon S3 bucket. + * + * For more information, see [Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/transfer-acceleration.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-accelerateconfiguration.html + */ + export interface AccelerateConfigurationProperty { + /** + * Specifies the transfer acceleration status of the bucket. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-accelerateconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-accelerateconfiguration-accelerationstatus + */ + readonly accelerationStatus: string; + } + + /** + * Specifies the configuration and any analyses for the analytics filter of an Amazon S3 bucket. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-analyticsconfiguration.html + */ + export interface AnalyticsConfigurationProperty { + /** + * The ID that identifies the analytics configuration. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-analyticsconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-analyticsconfiguration-id + */ + readonly id: string; + + /** + * The prefix that an object must have to be included in the analytics results. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-analyticsconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-analyticsconfiguration-prefix + */ + readonly prefix?: string; + + /** + * Contains data related to access patterns to be collected and made available to analyze the tradeoffs between different storage classes. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-analyticsconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-analyticsconfiguration-storageclassanalysis + */ + readonly storageClassAnalysis: cdk.IResolvable | CfnBucket.StorageClassAnalysisProperty; + + /** + * The tags to use when evaluating an analytics filter. + * + * The analytics only includes objects that meet the filter's criteria. If no filter is specified, all of the contents of the bucket are included in the analysis. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-analyticsconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-analyticsconfiguration-tagfilters + */ + readonly tagFilters?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * Specifies tags to use to identify a subset of objects for an Amazon S3 bucket. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-tagfilter.html + */ + export interface TagFilterProperty { + /** + * The tag key. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-tagfilter.html#cfn-s3-bucket-tagfilter-key + */ + readonly key: string; + + /** + * The tag value. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-tagfilter.html#cfn-s3-bucket-tagfilter-value + */ + readonly value: string; + } + + /** + * Specifies data related to access patterns to be collected and made available to analyze the tradeoffs between different storage classes for an Amazon S3 bucket. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-storageclassanalysis.html + */ + export interface StorageClassAnalysisProperty { + /** + * Specifies how data related to the storage class analysis for an Amazon S3 bucket should be exported. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-storageclassanalysis.html#cfn-s3-bucket-storageclassanalysis-dataexport + */ + readonly dataExport?: CfnBucket.DataExportProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * Specifies how data related to the storage class analysis for an Amazon S3 bucket should be exported. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-dataexport.html + */ + export interface DataExportProperty { + /** + * The place to store the data for an analysis. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-dataexport.html#cfn-s3-bucket-dataexport-destination + */ + readonly destination: CfnBucket.DestinationProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The version of the output schema to use when exporting data. + * + * Must be \`V_1\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-dataexport.html#cfn-s3-bucket-dataexport-outputschemaversion + */ + readonly outputSchemaVersion: string; + } + + /** + * Specifies information about where to publish analysis or configuration results for an Amazon S3 bucket. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-destination.html + */ + export interface DestinationProperty { + /** + * The account ID that owns the destination S3 bucket. + * + * If no account ID is provided, the owner is not validated before exporting data. + * + * > Although this value is optional, we strongly recommend that you set it to help prevent problems if the destination bucket ownership changes. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-destination.html#cfn-s3-bucket-destination-bucketaccountid + */ + readonly bucketAccountId?: string; + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the bucket to which data is exported. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-destination.html#cfn-s3-bucket-destination-bucketarn + */ + readonly bucketArn: string; + + /** + * Specifies the file format used when exporting data to Amazon S3. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-destination.html#cfn-s3-bucket-destination-format + */ + readonly format: string; + + /** + * The prefix to use when exporting data. + * + * The prefix is prepended to all results. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-destination.html#cfn-s3-bucket-destination-prefix + */ + readonly prefix?: string; + } + + /** + * Specifies default encryption for a bucket using server-side encryption with Amazon S3-managed keys (SSE-S3), AWS KMS-managed keys (SSE-KMS), or dual-layer server-side encryption with KMS-managed keys (DSSE-KMS). + * + * For information about the Amazon S3 default encryption feature, see [Amazon S3 Default Encryption for S3 Buckets](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/bucket-encryption.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-bucketencryption.html + */ + export interface BucketEncryptionProperty { + /** + * Specifies the default server-side-encryption configuration. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-bucketencryption.html#cfn-s3-bucket-bucketencryption-serversideencryptionconfiguration + */ + readonly serverSideEncryptionConfiguration: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * Specifies the default server-side encryption configuration. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-serversideencryptionrule.html + */ + export interface ServerSideEncryptionRuleProperty { + /** + * Specifies whether Amazon S3 should use an S3 Bucket Key with server-side encryption using KMS (SSE-KMS) for new objects in the bucket. + * + * Existing objects are not affected. Setting the \`BucketKeyEnabled\` element to \`true\` causes Amazon S3 to use an S3 Bucket Key. By default, S3 Bucket Key is not enabled. + * + * For more information, see [Amazon S3 Bucket Keys](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/bucket-key.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-serversideencryptionrule.html#cfn-s3-bucket-serversideencryptionrule-bucketkeyenabled + */ + readonly bucketKeyEnabled?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Specifies the default server-side encryption to apply to new objects in the bucket. + * + * If a PUT Object request doesn't specify any server-side encryption, this default encryption will be applied. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-serversideencryptionrule.html#cfn-s3-bucket-serversideencryptionrule-serversideencryptionbydefault + */ + readonly serverSideEncryptionByDefault?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnBucket.ServerSideEncryptionByDefaultProperty; + } + + /** + * Describes the default server-side encryption to apply to new objects in the bucket. + * + * If a PUT Object request doesn't specify any server-side encryption, this default encryption will be applied. If you don't specify a customer managed key at configuration, Amazon S3 automatically creates an AWS KMS key in your AWS account the first time that you add an object encrypted with SSE-KMS to a bucket. By default, Amazon S3 uses this KMS key for SSE-KMS. For more information, see [PUT Bucket encryption](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTencryption.html) in the *Amazon S3 API Reference* . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-serversideencryptionbydefault.html + */ + export interface ServerSideEncryptionByDefaultProperty { + /** + * KMS key ID to use for the default encryption. This parameter is allowed if SSEAlgorithm is aws:kms. + * + * You can specify the key ID, key alias, or the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the CMK. However, if you are using encryption with cross-account operations, you must use a fully qualified CMK ARN. For more information, see [Using encryption for cross-account operations](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/bucket-encryption.html#bucket-encryption-update-bucket-policy) . + * + * For example: + * + * - Key ID: \`1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab\` + * - Key ARN: \`arn:aws:kms:us-east-2:111122223333:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab\` + * + * > Amazon S3 only supports symmetric KMS keys and not asymmetric KMS keys. For more information, see [Using Symmetric and Asymmetric Keys](https://docs.aws.amazon.com//kms/latest/developerguide/symmetric-asymmetric.html) in the *AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-serversideencryptionbydefault.html#cfn-s3-bucket-serversideencryptionbydefault-kmsmasterkeyid + */ + readonly kmsMasterKeyId?: string; + + /** + * Server-side encryption algorithm to use for the default encryption. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-serversideencryptionbydefault.html#cfn-s3-bucket-serversideencryptionbydefault-ssealgorithm + */ + readonly sseAlgorithm: string; + } + + /** + * Describes the cross-origin access configuration for objects in an Amazon S3 bucket. + * + * For more information, see [Enabling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/cors.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-corsconfiguration.html + */ + export interface CorsConfigurationProperty { + /** + * A set of origins and methods (cross-origin access that you want to allow). + * + * You can add up to 100 rules to the configuration. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-corsconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-corsconfiguration-corsrules + */ + readonly corsRules: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * Specifies a cross-origin access rule for an Amazon S3 bucket. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-corsrule.html + */ + export interface CorsRuleProperty { + /** + * Headers that are specified in the \`Access-Control-Request-Headers\` header. + * + * These headers are allowed in a preflight OPTIONS request. In response to any preflight OPTIONS request, Amazon S3 returns any requested headers that are allowed. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-corsrule.html#cfn-s3-bucket-corsrule-allowedheaders + */ + readonly allowedHeaders?: Array; + + /** + * An HTTP method that you allow the origin to run. + * + * *Allowed values* : \`GET\` | \`PUT\` | \`HEAD\` | \`POST\` | \`DELETE\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-corsrule.html#cfn-s3-bucket-corsrule-allowedmethods + */ + readonly allowedMethods: Array; + + /** + * One or more origins you want customers to be able to access the bucket from. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-corsrule.html#cfn-s3-bucket-corsrule-allowedorigins + */ + readonly allowedOrigins: Array; + + /** + * One or more headers in the response that you want customers to be able to access from their applications (for example, from a JavaScript \`XMLHttpRequest\` object). + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-corsrule.html#cfn-s3-bucket-corsrule-exposedheaders + */ + readonly exposedHeaders?: Array; + + /** + * A unique identifier for this rule. + * + * The value must be no more than 255 characters. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-corsrule.html#cfn-s3-bucket-corsrule-id + */ + readonly id?: string; + + /** + * The time in seconds that your browser is to cache the preflight response for the specified resource. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-corsrule.html#cfn-s3-bucket-corsrule-maxage + */ + readonly maxAge?: number; + } + + /** + * Specifies the S3 Intelligent-Tiering configuration for an Amazon S3 bucket. + * + * For information about the S3 Intelligent-Tiering storage class, see [Storage class for automatically optimizing frequently and infrequently accessed objects](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/storage-class-intro.html#sc-dynamic-data-access) . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-intelligenttieringconfiguration.html + */ + export interface IntelligentTieringConfigurationProperty { + /** + * The ID used to identify the S3 Intelligent-Tiering configuration. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-intelligenttieringconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-intelligenttieringconfiguration-id + */ + readonly id: string; + + /** + * An object key name prefix that identifies the subset of objects to which the rule applies. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-intelligenttieringconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-intelligenttieringconfiguration-prefix + */ + readonly prefix?: string; + + /** + * Specifies the status of the configuration. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-intelligenttieringconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-intelligenttieringconfiguration-status + */ + readonly status: string; + + /** + * A container for a key-value pair. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-intelligenttieringconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-intelligenttieringconfiguration-tagfilters + */ + readonly tagFilters?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Specifies a list of S3 Intelligent-Tiering storage class tiers in the configuration. + * + * At least one tier must be defined in the list. At most, you can specify two tiers in the list, one for each available AccessTier: \`ARCHIVE_ACCESS\` and \`DEEP_ARCHIVE_ACCESS\` . + * + * > You only need Intelligent Tiering Configuration enabled on a bucket if you want to automatically move objects stored in the Intelligent-Tiering storage class to Archive Access or Deep Archive Access tiers. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-intelligenttieringconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-intelligenttieringconfiguration-tierings + */ + readonly tierings: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * The S3 Intelligent-Tiering storage class is designed to optimize storage costs by automatically moving data to the most cost-effective storage access tier, without additional operational overhead. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-tiering.html + */ + export interface TieringProperty { + /** + * S3 Intelligent-Tiering access tier. + * + * See [Storage class for automatically optimizing frequently and infrequently accessed objects](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/storage-class-intro.html#sc-dynamic-data-access) for a list of access tiers in the S3 Intelligent-Tiering storage class. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-tiering.html#cfn-s3-bucket-tiering-accesstier + */ + readonly accessTier: string; + + /** + * The number of consecutive days of no access after which an object will be eligible to be transitioned to the corresponding tier. + * + * The minimum number of days specified for Archive Access tier must be at least 90 days and Deep Archive Access tier must be at least 180 days. The maximum can be up to 2 years (730 days). + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-tiering.html#cfn-s3-bucket-tiering-days + */ + readonly days: number; + } + + /** + * Specifies the inventory configuration for an Amazon S3 bucket. + * + * For more information, see [GET Bucket inventory](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETInventoryConfig.html) in the *Amazon S3 API Reference* . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-inventoryconfiguration.html + */ + export interface InventoryConfigurationProperty { + /** + * Contains information about where to publish the inventory results. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-inventoryconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-inventoryconfiguration-destination + */ + readonly destination: CfnBucket.DestinationProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Specifies whether the inventory is enabled or disabled. + * + * If set to \`True\` , an inventory list is generated. If set to \`False\` , no inventory list is generated. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-inventoryconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-inventoryconfiguration-enabled + */ + readonly enabled: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The ID used to identify the inventory configuration. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-inventoryconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-inventoryconfiguration-id + */ + readonly id: string; + + /** + * Object versions to include in the inventory list. + * + * If set to \`All\` , the list includes all the object versions, which adds the version-related fields \`VersionId\` , \`IsLatest\` , and \`DeleteMarker\` to the list. If set to \`Current\` , the list does not contain these version-related fields. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-inventoryconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-inventoryconfiguration-includedobjectversions + */ + readonly includedObjectVersions: string; + + /** + * Contains the optional fields that are included in the inventory results. + * + * *Valid values* : \`Size | LastModifiedDate | StorageClass | ETag | IsMultipartUploaded | ReplicationStatus | EncryptionStatus | ObjectLockRetainUntilDate | ObjectLockMode | ObjectLockLegalHoldStatus | IntelligentTieringAccessTier | BucketKeyStatus\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-inventoryconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-inventoryconfiguration-optionalfields + */ + readonly optionalFields?: Array; + + /** + * Specifies the inventory filter prefix. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-inventoryconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-inventoryconfiguration-prefix + */ + readonly prefix?: string; + + /** + * Specifies the schedule for generating inventory results. + * + * *Allowed values* : \`Daily\` | \`Weekly\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-inventoryconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-inventoryconfiguration-schedulefrequency + */ + readonly scheduleFrequency: string; + } + + /** + * Specifies the lifecycle configuration for objects in an Amazon S3 bucket. + * + * For more information, see [Object Lifecycle Management](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/object-lifecycle-mgmt.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-lifecycleconfiguration.html + */ + export interface LifecycleConfigurationProperty { + /** + * A lifecycle rule for individual objects in an Amazon S3 bucket. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-lifecycleconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-lifecycleconfiguration-rules + */ + readonly rules: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * Specifies lifecycle rules for an Amazon S3 bucket. + * + * For more information, see [Put Bucket Lifecycle Configuration](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTlifecycle.html) in the *Amazon S3 API Reference* . + * + * You must specify at least one of the following properties: \`AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload\` , \`ExpirationDate\` , \`ExpirationInDays\` , \`NoncurrentVersionExpirationInDays\` , \`NoncurrentVersionTransition\` , \`NoncurrentVersionTransitions\` , \`Transition\` , or \`Transitions\` . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-rule.html + */ + export interface RuleProperty { + /** + * Specifies a lifecycle rule that stops incomplete multipart uploads to an Amazon S3 bucket. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-rule.html#cfn-s3-bucket-rule-abortincompletemultipartupload + */ + readonly abortIncompleteMultipartUpload?: CfnBucket.AbortIncompleteMultipartUploadProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Indicates when objects are deleted from Amazon S3 and Amazon S3 Glacier. + * + * The date value must be in ISO 8601 format. The time is always midnight UTC. If you specify an expiration and transition time, you must use the same time unit for both properties (either in days or by date). The expiration time must also be later than the transition time. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-rule.html#cfn-s3-bucket-rule-expirationdate + */ + readonly expirationDate?: Date | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Indicates the number of days after creation when objects are deleted from Amazon S3 and Amazon S3 Glacier. + * + * If you specify an expiration and transition time, you must use the same time unit for both properties (either in days or by date). The expiration time must also be later than the transition time. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-rule.html#cfn-s3-bucket-rule-expirationindays + */ + readonly expirationInDays?: number; + + /** + * Indicates whether Amazon S3 will remove a delete marker without any noncurrent versions. + * + * If set to true, the delete marker will be removed if there are no noncurrent versions. This cannot be specified with \`ExpirationInDays\` , \`ExpirationDate\` , or \`TagFilters\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-rule.html#cfn-s3-bucket-rule-expiredobjectdeletemarker + */ + readonly expiredObjectDeleteMarker?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Unique identifier for the rule. + * + * The value can't be longer than 255 characters. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-rule.html#cfn-s3-bucket-rule-id + */ + readonly id?: string; + + /** + * Specifies when noncurrent object versions expire. + * + * Upon expiration, Amazon S3 permanently deletes the noncurrent object versions. You set this lifecycle configuration action on a bucket that has versioning enabled (or suspended) to request that Amazon S3 delete noncurrent object versions at a specific period in the object's lifetime. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-rule.html#cfn-s3-bucket-rule-noncurrentversionexpiration + */ + readonly noncurrentVersionExpiration?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnBucket.NoncurrentVersionExpirationProperty; + + /** + * (Deprecated.) For buckets with versioning enabled (or suspended), specifies the time, in days, between when a new version of the object is uploaded to the bucket and when old versions of the object expire. When object versions expire, Amazon S3 permanently deletes them. If you specify a transition and expiration time, the expiration time must be later than the transition time. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-rule.html#cfn-s3-bucket-rule-noncurrentversionexpirationindays + */ + readonly noncurrentVersionExpirationInDays?: number; + + /** + * (Deprecated.) For buckets with versioning enabled (or suspended), specifies when non-current objects transition to a specified storage class. If you specify a transition and expiration time, the expiration time must be later than the transition time. If you specify this property, don't specify the \`NoncurrentVersionTransitions\` property. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-rule.html#cfn-s3-bucket-rule-noncurrentversiontransition + */ + readonly noncurrentVersionTransition?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnBucket.NoncurrentVersionTransitionProperty; + + /** + * For buckets with versioning enabled (or suspended), one or more transition rules that specify when non-current objects transition to a specified storage class. + * + * If you specify a transition and expiration time, the expiration time must be later than the transition time. If you specify this property, don't specify the \`NoncurrentVersionTransition\` property. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-rule.html#cfn-s3-bucket-rule-noncurrentversiontransitions + */ + readonly noncurrentVersionTransitions?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Specifies the minimum object size in bytes for this rule to apply to. + * + * Objects must be larger than this value in bytes. For more information about size based rules, see [Lifecycle configuration using size-based rules](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/lifecycle-configuration-examples.html#lc-size-rules) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-rule.html#cfn-s3-bucket-rule-objectsizegreaterthan + */ + readonly objectSizeGreaterThan?: number; + + /** + * Specifies the maximum object size in bytes for this rule to apply to. + * + * Objects must be smaller than this value in bytes. For more information about sized based rules, see [Lifecycle configuration using size-based rules](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/lifecycle-configuration-examples.html#lc-size-rules) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-rule.html#cfn-s3-bucket-rule-objectsizelessthan + */ + readonly objectSizeLessThan?: number; + + /** + * Object key prefix that identifies one or more objects to which this rule applies. + * + * > Replacement must be made for object keys containing special characters (such as carriage returns) when using XML requests. For more information, see [XML related object key constraints](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/object-keys.html#object-key-xml-related-constraints) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-rule.html#cfn-s3-bucket-rule-prefix + */ + readonly prefix?: string; + + /** + * If \`Enabled\` , the rule is currently being applied. + * + * If \`Disabled\` , the rule is not currently being applied. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-rule.html#cfn-s3-bucket-rule-status + */ + readonly status: string; + + /** + * Tags to use to identify a subset of objects to which the lifecycle rule applies. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-rule.html#cfn-s3-bucket-rule-tagfilters + */ + readonly tagFilters?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * (Deprecated.) Specifies when an object transitions to a specified storage class. If you specify an expiration and transition time, you must use the same time unit for both properties (either in days or by date). The expiration time must also be later than the transition time. If you specify this property, don't specify the \`Transitions\` property. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-rule.html#cfn-s3-bucket-rule-transition + */ + readonly transition?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnBucket.TransitionProperty; + + /** + * One or more transition rules that specify when an object transitions to a specified storage class. + * + * If you specify an expiration and transition time, you must use the same time unit for both properties (either in days or by date). The expiration time must also be later than the transition time. If you specify this property, don't specify the \`Transition\` property. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-rule.html#cfn-s3-bucket-rule-transitions + */ + readonly transitions?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * Specifies the days since the initiation of an incomplete multipart upload that Amazon S3 will wait before permanently removing all parts of the upload. + * + * For more information, see [Stopping Incomplete Multipart Uploads Using a Bucket Lifecycle Policy](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/mpuoverview.html#mpu-abort-incomplete-mpu-lifecycle-config) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-abortincompletemultipartupload.html + */ + export interface AbortIncompleteMultipartUploadProperty { + /** + * Specifies the number of days after which Amazon S3 stops an incomplete multipart upload. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-abortincompletemultipartupload.html#cfn-s3-bucket-abortincompletemultipartupload-daysafterinitiation + */ + readonly daysAfterInitiation: number; + } + + /** + * Specifies when noncurrent object versions expire. + * + * Upon expiration, Amazon S3 permanently deletes the noncurrent object versions. You set this lifecycle configuration action on a bucket that has versioning enabled (or suspended) to request that Amazon S3 delete noncurrent object versions at a specific period in the object's lifetime. For more information about setting a lifecycle rule configuration, see [AWS::S3::Bucket Rule](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-lifecycleconfig-rule.html) . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-noncurrentversionexpiration.html + */ + export interface NoncurrentVersionExpirationProperty { + /** + * Specifies how many noncurrent versions Amazon S3 will retain. + * + * If there are this many more recent noncurrent versions, Amazon S3 will take the associated action. For more information about noncurrent versions, see [Lifecycle configuration elements](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/intro-lifecycle-rules.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-noncurrentversionexpiration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-noncurrentversionexpiration-newernoncurrentversions + */ + readonly newerNoncurrentVersions?: number; + + /** + * Specifies the number of days an object is noncurrent before Amazon S3 can perform the associated action. + * + * For information about the noncurrent days calculations, see [How Amazon S3 Calculates When an Object Became Noncurrent](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/intro-lifecycle-rules.html#non-current-days-calculations) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-noncurrentversionexpiration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-noncurrentversionexpiration-noncurrentdays + */ + readonly noncurrentDays: number; + } + + /** + * Container for the transition rule that describes when noncurrent objects transition to the \`STANDARD_IA\` , \`ONEZONE_IA\` , \`INTELLIGENT_TIERING\` , \`GLACIER_IR\` , \`GLACIER\` , or \`DEEP_ARCHIVE\` storage class. + * + * If your bucket is versioning-enabled (or versioning is suspended), you can set this action to request that Amazon S3 transition noncurrent object versions to the \`STANDARD_IA\` , \`ONEZONE_IA\` , \`INTELLIGENT_TIERING\` , \`GLACIER_IR\` , \`GLACIER\` , or \`DEEP_ARCHIVE\` storage class at a specific period in the object's lifetime. If you specify this property, don't specify the \`NoncurrentVersionTransitions\` property. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-noncurrentversiontransition.html + */ + export interface NoncurrentVersionTransitionProperty { + /** + * Specifies how many noncurrent versions Amazon S3 will retain. + * + * If there are this many more recent noncurrent versions, Amazon S3 will take the associated action. For more information about noncurrent versions, see [Lifecycle configuration elements](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/intro-lifecycle-rules.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-noncurrentversiontransition.html#cfn-s3-bucket-noncurrentversiontransition-newernoncurrentversions + */ + readonly newerNoncurrentVersions?: number; + + /** + * The class of storage used to store the object. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-noncurrentversiontransition.html#cfn-s3-bucket-noncurrentversiontransition-storageclass + */ + readonly storageClass: string; + + /** + * Specifies the number of days an object is noncurrent before Amazon S3 can perform the associated action. + * + * For information about the noncurrent days calculations, see [How Amazon S3 Calculates How Long an Object Has Been Noncurrent](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/intro-lifecycle-rules.html#non-current-days-calculations) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-noncurrentversiontransition.html#cfn-s3-bucket-noncurrentversiontransition-transitionindays + */ + readonly transitionInDays: number; + } + + /** + * Specifies when an object transitions to a specified storage class. + * + * For more information about Amazon S3 lifecycle configuration rules, see [Transitioning Objects Using Amazon S3 Lifecycle](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/lifecycle-transition-general-considerations.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-transition.html + */ + export interface TransitionProperty { + /** + * The storage class to which you want the object to transition. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-transition.html#cfn-s3-bucket-transition-storageclass + */ + readonly storageClass: string; + + /** + * Indicates when objects are transitioned to the specified storage class. + * + * The date value must be in ISO 8601 format. The time is always midnight UTC. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-transition.html#cfn-s3-bucket-transition-transitiondate + */ + readonly transitionDate?: Date | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Indicates the number of days after creation when objects are transitioned to the specified storage class. + * + * The value must be a positive integer. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-transition.html#cfn-s3-bucket-transition-transitionindays + */ + readonly transitionInDays?: number; + } + + /** + * Describes where logs are stored and the prefix that Amazon S3 assigns to all log object keys for a bucket. + * + * For examples and more information, see [PUT Bucket logging](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTlogging.html) in the *Amazon S3 API Reference* . + * + * > To successfully complete the \`AWS::S3::Bucket LoggingConfiguration\` request, you must have \`s3:PutObject\` and \`s3:PutObjectAcl\` in your IAM permissions. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-loggingconfiguration.html + */ + export interface LoggingConfigurationProperty { + /** + * The name of the bucket where Amazon S3 should store server access log files. + * + * You can store log files in any bucket that you own. By default, logs are stored in the bucket where the \`LoggingConfiguration\` property is defined. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-loggingconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-loggingconfiguration-destinationbucketname + */ + readonly destinationBucketName?: string; + + /** + * A prefix for all log object keys. + * + * If you store log files from multiple Amazon S3 buckets in a single bucket, you can use a prefix to distinguish which log files came from which bucket. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-loggingconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-loggingconfiguration-logfileprefix + */ + readonly logFilePrefix?: string; + } + + /** + * Specifies a metrics configuration for the CloudWatch request metrics (specified by the metrics configuration ID) from an Amazon S3 bucket. + * + * If you're updating an existing metrics configuration, note that this is a full replacement of the existing metrics configuration. If you don't include the elements you want to keep, they are erased. For examples, see [AWS::S3::Bucket](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket.html#aws-properties-s3-bucket--examples) . For more information, see [PUT Bucket metrics](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTMetricConfiguration.html) in the *Amazon S3 API Reference* . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-metricsconfiguration.html + */ + export interface MetricsConfigurationProperty { + /** + * The access point that was used while performing operations on the object. + * + * The metrics configuration only includes objects that meet the filter's criteria. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-metricsconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-metricsconfiguration-accesspointarn + */ + readonly accessPointArn?: string; + + /** + * The ID used to identify the metrics configuration. + * + * This can be any value you choose that helps you identify your metrics configuration. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-metricsconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-metricsconfiguration-id + */ + readonly id: string; + + /** + * The prefix that an object must have to be included in the metrics results. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-metricsconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-metricsconfiguration-prefix + */ + readonly prefix?: string; + + /** + * Specifies a list of tag filters to use as a metrics configuration filter. + * + * The metrics configuration includes only objects that meet the filter's criteria. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-metricsconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-metricsconfiguration-tagfilters + */ + readonly tagFilters?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * Describes the notification configuration for an Amazon S3 bucket. + * + * > If you create the target resource and related permissions in the same template, you might have a circular dependency. + * > + * > For example, you might use the \`AWS::Lambda::Permission\` resource to grant the bucket permission to invoke an AWS Lambda function. However, AWS CloudFormation can't create the bucket until the bucket has permission to invoke the function ( AWS CloudFormation checks whether the bucket can invoke the function). If you're using Refs to pass the bucket name, this leads to a circular dependency. + * > + * > To avoid this dependency, you can create all resources without specifying the notification configuration. Then, update the stack with a notification configuration. + * > + * > For more information on permissions, see [AWS::Lambda::Permission](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-permission.html) and [Granting Permissions to Publish Event Notification Messages to a Destination](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/NotificationHowTo.html#grant-destinations-permissions-to-s3) . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-notificationconfiguration.html + */ + export interface NotificationConfigurationProperty { + /** + * Enables delivery of events to Amazon EventBridge. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-notificationconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-notificationconfiguration-eventbridgeconfiguration + */ + readonly eventBridgeConfiguration?: CfnBucket.EventBridgeConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Describes the AWS Lambda functions to invoke and the events for which to invoke them. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-notificationconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-notificationconfiguration-lambdaconfigurations + */ + readonly lambdaConfigurations?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The Amazon Simple Queue Service queues to publish messages to and the events for which to publish messages. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-notificationconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-notificationconfiguration-queueconfigurations + */ + readonly queueConfigurations?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The topic to which notifications are sent and the events for which notifications are generated. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-notificationconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-notificationconfiguration-topicconfigurations + */ + readonly topicConfigurations?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * Amazon S3 can send events to Amazon EventBridge whenever certain events happen in your bucket, see [Using EventBridge](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/EventBridge.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* . + * + * Unlike other destinations, delivery of events to EventBridge can be either enabled or disabled for a bucket. If enabled, all events will be sent to EventBridge and you can use EventBridge rules to route events to additional targets. For more information, see [What Is Amazon EventBridge](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/latest/userguide/eb-what-is.html) in the *Amazon EventBridge User Guide* + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-eventbridgeconfiguration.html + */ + export interface EventBridgeConfigurationProperty { + /** + * Enables delivery of events to Amazon EventBridge. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-eventbridgeconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-eventbridgeconfiguration-eventbridgeenabled + */ + readonly eventBridgeEnabled: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * Describes the AWS Lambda functions to invoke and the events for which to invoke them. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-lambdaconfiguration.html + */ + export interface LambdaConfigurationProperty { + /** + * The Amazon S3 bucket event for which to invoke the AWS Lambda function. + * + * For more information, see [Supported Event Types](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/NotificationHowTo.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-lambdaconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-lambdaconfiguration-event + */ + readonly event: string; + + /** + * The filtering rules that determine which objects invoke the AWS Lambda function. + * + * For example, you can create a filter so that only image files with a \`.jpg\` extension invoke the function when they are added to the Amazon S3 bucket. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-lambdaconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-lambdaconfiguration-filter + */ + readonly filter?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnBucket.NotificationFilterProperty; + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Lambda function that Amazon S3 invokes when the specified event type occurs. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-lambdaconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-lambdaconfiguration-function + */ + readonly function: string; + } + + /** + * Specifies object key name filtering rules. + * + * For information about key name filtering, see [Configuring event notifications using object key name filtering](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/notification-how-to-filtering.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-notificationfilter.html + */ + export interface NotificationFilterProperty { + /** + * A container for object key name prefix and suffix filtering rules. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-notificationfilter.html#cfn-s3-bucket-notificationfilter-s3key + */ + readonly s3Key: cdk.IResolvable | CfnBucket.S3KeyFilterProperty; + } + + /** + * A container for object key name prefix and suffix filtering rules. + * + * For more information about object key name filtering, see [Configuring event notifications using object key name filtering](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/notification-how-to-filtering.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* . + * + * > The same type of filter rule cannot be used more than once. For example, you cannot specify two prefix rules. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-s3keyfilter.html + */ + export interface S3KeyFilterProperty { + /** + * A list of containers for the key-value pair that defines the criteria for the filter rule. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-s3keyfilter.html#cfn-s3-bucket-s3keyfilter-rules + */ + readonly rules: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * Specifies the Amazon S3 object key name to filter on and whether to filter on the suffix or prefix of the key name. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-filterrule.html + */ + export interface FilterRuleProperty { + /** + * The object key name prefix or suffix identifying one or more objects to which the filtering rule applies. + * + * The maximum length is 1,024 characters. Overlapping prefixes and suffixes are not supported. For more information, see [Configuring Event Notifications](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/NotificationHowTo.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-filterrule.html#cfn-s3-bucket-filterrule-name + */ + readonly name: string; + + /** + * The value that the filter searches for in object key names. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-filterrule.html#cfn-s3-bucket-filterrule-value + */ + readonly value: string; + } + + /** + * Specifies the configuration for publishing messages to an Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) queue when Amazon S3 detects specified events. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-queueconfiguration.html + */ + export interface QueueConfigurationProperty { + /** + * The Amazon S3 bucket event about which you want to publish messages to Amazon SQS. + * + * For more information, see [Supported Event Types](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/NotificationHowTo.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-queueconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-queueconfiguration-event + */ + readonly event: string; + + /** + * The filtering rules that determine which objects trigger notifications. + * + * For example, you can create a filter so that Amazon S3 sends notifications only when image files with a \`.jpg\` extension are added to the bucket. For more information, see [Configuring event notifications using object key name filtering](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/user-guide/notification-how-to-filtering.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-queueconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-queueconfiguration-filter + */ + readonly filter?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnBucket.NotificationFilterProperty; + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon SQS queue to which Amazon S3 publishes a message when it detects events of the specified type. + * + * FIFO queues are not allowed when enabling an SQS queue as the event notification destination. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-queueconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-queueconfiguration-queue + */ + readonly queue: string; + } + + /** + * A container for specifying the configuration for publication of messages to an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic when Amazon S3 detects specified events. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-topicconfiguration.html + */ + export interface TopicConfigurationProperty { + /** + * The Amazon S3 bucket event about which to send notifications. + * + * For more information, see [Supported Event Types](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/NotificationHowTo.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-topicconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-topicconfiguration-event + */ + readonly event: string; + + /** + * The filtering rules that determine for which objects to send notifications. + * + * For example, you can create a filter so that Amazon S3 sends notifications only when image files with a \`.jpg\` extension are added to the bucket. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-topicconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-topicconfiguration-filter + */ + readonly filter?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnBucket.NotificationFilterProperty; + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon SNS topic to which Amazon S3 publishes a message when it detects events of the specified type. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-topicconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-topicconfiguration-topic + */ + readonly topic: string; + } + + /** + * Places an Object Lock configuration on the specified bucket. + * + * The rule specified in the Object Lock configuration will be applied by default to every new object placed in the specified bucket. For more information, see [Locking Objects](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/object-lock.html) . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-objectlockconfiguration.html + */ + export interface ObjectLockConfigurationProperty { + /** + * Indicates whether this bucket has an Object Lock configuration enabled. + * + * Enable \`ObjectLockEnabled\` when you apply \`ObjectLockConfiguration\` to a bucket. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-objectlockconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-objectlockconfiguration-objectlockenabled + */ + readonly objectLockEnabled?: string; + + /** + * Specifies the Object Lock rule for the specified object. + * + * Enable this rule when you apply \`ObjectLockConfiguration\` to a bucket. If Object Lock is turned on, bucket settings require both \`Mode\` and a period of either \`Days\` or \`Years\` . You cannot specify \`Days\` and \`Years\` at the same time. For more information, see [ObjectLockRule](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-objectlockrule.html) and [DefaultRetention](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-defaultretention.html) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-objectlockconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-objectlockconfiguration-rule + */ + readonly rule?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnBucket.ObjectLockRuleProperty; + } + + /** + * Specifies the Object Lock rule for the specified object. + * + * Enable the this rule when you apply \`ObjectLockConfiguration\` to a bucket. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-objectlockrule.html + */ + export interface ObjectLockRuleProperty { + /** + * The default Object Lock retention mode and period that you want to apply to new objects placed in the specified bucket. + * + * If Object Lock is turned on, bucket settings require both \`Mode\` and a period of either \`Days\` or \`Years\` . You cannot specify \`Days\` and \`Years\` at the same time. For more information about allowable values for mode and period, see [DefaultRetention](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-defaultretention.html) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-objectlockrule.html#cfn-s3-bucket-objectlockrule-defaultretention + */ + readonly defaultRetention?: CfnBucket.DefaultRetentionProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * The container element for specifying the default Object Lock retention settings for new objects placed in the specified bucket. + * + * > - The \`DefaultRetention\` settings require both a mode and a period. + * > - The \`DefaultRetention\` period can be either \`Days\` or \`Years\` but you must select one. You cannot specify \`Days\` and \`Years\` at the same time. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-defaultretention.html + */ + export interface DefaultRetentionProperty { + /** + * The number of days that you want to specify for the default retention period. + * + * If Object Lock is turned on, you must specify \`Mode\` and specify either \`Days\` or \`Years\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-defaultretention.html#cfn-s3-bucket-defaultretention-days + */ + readonly days?: number; + + /** + * The default Object Lock retention mode you want to apply to new objects placed in the specified bucket. + * + * If Object Lock is turned on, you must specify \`Mode\` and specify either \`Days\` or \`Years\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-defaultretention.html#cfn-s3-bucket-defaultretention-mode + */ + readonly mode?: string; + + /** + * The number of years that you want to specify for the default retention period. + * + * If Object Lock is turned on, you must specify \`Mode\` and specify either \`Days\` or \`Years\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-defaultretention.html#cfn-s3-bucket-defaultretention-years + */ + readonly years?: number; + } + + /** + * Specifies the container element for Object Ownership rules. + * + * S3 Object Ownership is an Amazon S3 bucket-level setting that you can use to disable access control lists (ACLs) and take ownership of every object in your bucket, simplifying access management for data stored in Amazon S3. For more information, see [Controlling ownership of objects and disabling ACLs](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/about-object-ownership.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-ownershipcontrols.html + */ + export interface OwnershipControlsProperty { + /** + * Specifies the container element for Object Ownership rules. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-ownershipcontrols.html#cfn-s3-bucket-ownershipcontrols-rules + */ + readonly rules: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * Specifies an Object Ownership rule. + * + * S3 Object Ownership is an Amazon S3 bucket-level setting that you can use to disable access control lists (ACLs) and take ownership of every object in your bucket, simplifying access management for data stored in Amazon S3. For more information, see [Controlling ownership of objects and disabling ACLs](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/about-object-ownership.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-ownershipcontrolsrule.html + */ + export interface OwnershipControlsRuleProperty { + /** + * Specifies an Object Ownership rule. + * + * *Allowed values* : \`BucketOwnerEnforced\` | \`ObjectWriter\` | \`BucketOwnerPreferred\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-ownershipcontrolsrule.html#cfn-s3-bucket-ownershipcontrolsrule-objectownership + */ + readonly objectOwnership?: string; + } + + /** + * The PublicAccessBlock configuration that you want to apply to this Amazon S3 bucket. + * + * You can enable the configuration options in any combination. For more information about when Amazon S3 considers a bucket or object public, see [The Meaning of "Public"](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/access-control-block-public-access.html#access-control-block-public-access-policy-status) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-publicaccessblockconfiguration.html + */ + export interface PublicAccessBlockConfigurationProperty { + /** + * Specifies whether Amazon S3 should block public access control lists (ACLs) for this bucket and objects in this bucket. + * + * Setting this element to \`TRUE\` causes the following behavior: + * + * - PUT Bucket ACL and PUT Object ACL calls fail if the specified ACL is public. + * - PUT Object calls fail if the request includes a public ACL. + * - PUT Bucket calls fail if the request includes a public ACL. + * + * Enabling this setting doesn't affect existing policies or ACLs. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-publicaccessblockconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-publicaccessblockconfiguration-blockpublicacls + */ + readonly blockPublicAcls?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Specifies whether Amazon S3 should block public bucket policies for this bucket. + * + * Setting this element to \`TRUE\` causes Amazon S3 to reject calls to PUT Bucket policy if the specified bucket policy allows public access. + * + * Enabling this setting doesn't affect existing bucket policies. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-publicaccessblockconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-publicaccessblockconfiguration-blockpublicpolicy + */ + readonly blockPublicPolicy?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Specifies whether Amazon S3 should ignore public ACLs for this bucket and objects in this bucket. + * + * Setting this element to \`TRUE\` causes Amazon S3 to ignore all public ACLs on this bucket and objects in this bucket. + * + * Enabling this setting doesn't affect the persistence of any existing ACLs and doesn't prevent new public ACLs from being set. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-publicaccessblockconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-publicaccessblockconfiguration-ignorepublicacls + */ + readonly ignorePublicAcls?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Specifies whether Amazon S3 should restrict public bucket policies for this bucket. + * + * Setting this element to \`TRUE\` restricts access to this bucket to only AWS service principals and authorized users within this account if the bucket has a public policy. + * + * Enabling this setting doesn't affect previously stored bucket policies, except that public and cross-account access within any public bucket policy, including non-public delegation to specific accounts, is blocked. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-publicaccessblockconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-publicaccessblockconfiguration-restrictpublicbuckets + */ + readonly restrictPublicBuckets?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * A container for replication rules. + * + * You can add up to 1,000 rules. The maximum size of a replication configuration is 2 MB. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-replicationconfiguration.html + */ + export interface ReplicationConfigurationProperty { + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that Amazon S3 assumes when replicating objects. + * + * For more information, see [How to Set Up Replication](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/replication-how-setup.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-replicationconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-replicationconfiguration-role + */ + readonly role: string; + + /** + * A container for one or more replication rules. + * + * A replication configuration must have at least one rule and can contain a maximum of 1,000 rules. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-replicationconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-replicationconfiguration-rules + */ + readonly rules: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * Specifies which Amazon S3 objects to replicate and where to store the replicas. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-replicationrule.html + */ + export interface ReplicationRuleProperty { + /** + * Specifies whether Amazon S3 replicates delete markers. + * + * If you specify a \`Filter\` in your replication configuration, you must also include a \`DeleteMarkerReplication\` element. If your \`Filter\` includes a \`Tag\` element, the \`DeleteMarkerReplication\` \`Status\` must be set to Disabled, because Amazon S3 does not support replicating delete markers for tag-based rules. For an example configuration, see [Basic Rule Configuration](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/replication-add-config.html#replication-config-min-rule-config) . + * + * For more information about delete marker replication, see [Basic Rule Configuration](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/delete-marker-replication.html) . + * + * > If you are using an earlier version of the replication configuration, Amazon S3 handles replication of delete markers differently. For more information, see [Backward Compatibility](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/replication-add-config.html#replication-backward-compat-considerations) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-replicationrule.html#cfn-s3-bucket-replicationrule-deletemarkerreplication + */ + readonly deleteMarkerReplication?: CfnBucket.DeleteMarkerReplicationProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * A container for information about the replication destination and its configurations including enabling the S3 Replication Time Control (S3 RTC). + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-replicationrule.html#cfn-s3-bucket-replicationrule-destination + */ + readonly destination: cdk.IResolvable | CfnBucket.ReplicationDestinationProperty; + + /** + * A filter that identifies the subset of objects to which the replication rule applies. + * + * A \`Filter\` must specify exactly one \`Prefix\` , \`TagFilter\` , or an \`And\` child element. The use of the filter field indicates that this is a V2 replication configuration. This field isn't supported in a V1 replication configuration. + * + * > V1 replication configuration only supports filtering by key prefix. To filter using a V1 replication configuration, add the \`Prefix\` directly as a child element of the \`Rule\` element. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-replicationrule.html#cfn-s3-bucket-replicationrule-filter + */ + readonly filter?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnBucket.ReplicationRuleFilterProperty; + + /** + * A unique identifier for the rule. + * + * The maximum value is 255 characters. If you don't specify a value, AWS CloudFormation generates a random ID. When using a V2 replication configuration this property is capitalized as "ID". + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-replicationrule.html#cfn-s3-bucket-replicationrule-id + */ + readonly id?: string; + + /** + * An object key name prefix that identifies the object or objects to which the rule applies. + * + * The maximum prefix length is 1,024 characters. To include all objects in a bucket, specify an empty string. To filter using a V1 replication configuration, add the \`Prefix\` directly as a child element of the \`Rule\` element. + * + * > Replacement must be made for object keys containing special characters (such as carriage returns) when using XML requests. For more information, see [XML related object key constraints](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/object-keys.html#object-key-xml-related-constraints) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-replicationrule.html#cfn-s3-bucket-replicationrule-prefix + */ + readonly prefix?: string; + + /** + * The priority indicates which rule has precedence whenever two or more replication rules conflict. + * + * Amazon S3 will attempt to replicate objects according to all replication rules. However, if there are two or more rules with the same destination bucket, then objects will be replicated according to the rule with the highest priority. The higher the number, the higher the priority. + * + * For more information, see [Replication](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/replication.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-replicationrule.html#cfn-s3-bucket-replicationrule-priority + */ + readonly priority?: number; + + /** + * A container that describes additional filters for identifying the source objects that you want to replicate. + * + * You can choose to enable or disable the replication of these objects. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-replicationrule.html#cfn-s3-bucket-replicationrule-sourceselectioncriteria + */ + readonly sourceSelectionCriteria?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnBucket.SourceSelectionCriteriaProperty; + + /** + * Specifies whether the rule is enabled. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-replicationrule.html#cfn-s3-bucket-replicationrule-status + */ + readonly status: string; + } + + /** + * Specifies whether Amazon S3 replicates delete markers. + * + * If you specify a \`Filter\` in your replication configuration, you must also include a \`DeleteMarkerReplication\` element. If your \`Filter\` includes a \`Tag\` element, the \`DeleteMarkerReplication\` \`Status\` must be set to Disabled, because Amazon S3 does not support replicating delete markers for tag-based rules. For an example configuration, see [Basic Rule Configuration](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/replication-add-config.html#replication-config-min-rule-config) . + * + * For more information about delete marker replication, see [Basic Rule Configuration](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/delete-marker-replication.html) . + * + * > If you are using an earlier version of the replication configuration, Amazon S3 handles replication of delete markers differently. For more information, see [Backward Compatibility](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/replication-add-config.html#replication-backward-compat-considerations) . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-deletemarkerreplication.html + */ + export interface DeleteMarkerReplicationProperty { + /** + * Indicates whether to replicate delete markers. + * + * Disabled by default. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-deletemarkerreplication.html#cfn-s3-bucket-deletemarkerreplication-status + */ + readonly status?: string; + } + + /** + * A container for information about the replication destination and its configurations including enabling the S3 Replication Time Control (S3 RTC). + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-replicationdestination.html + */ + export interface ReplicationDestinationProperty { + /** + * Specify this only in a cross-account scenario (where source and destination bucket owners are not the same), and you want to change replica ownership to the AWS account that owns the destination bucket. + * + * If this is not specified in the replication configuration, the replicas are owned by same AWS account that owns the source object. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-replicationdestination.html#cfn-s3-bucket-replicationdestination-accesscontroltranslation + */ + readonly accessControlTranslation?: CfnBucket.AccessControlTranslationProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Destination bucket owner account ID. + * + * In a cross-account scenario, if you direct Amazon S3 to change replica ownership to the AWS account that owns the destination bucket by specifying the \`AccessControlTranslation\` property, this is the account ID of the destination bucket owner. For more information, see [Cross-Region Replication Additional Configuration: Change Replica Owner](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/crr-change-owner.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* . + * + * If you specify the \`AccessControlTranslation\` property, the \`Account\` property is required. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-replicationdestination.html#cfn-s3-bucket-replicationdestination-account + */ + readonly account?: string; + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the bucket where you want Amazon S3 to store the results. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-replicationdestination.html#cfn-s3-bucket-replicationdestination-bucket + */ + readonly bucket: string; + + /** + * Specifies encryption-related information. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-replicationdestination.html#cfn-s3-bucket-replicationdestination-encryptionconfiguration + */ + readonly encryptionConfiguration?: CfnBucket.EncryptionConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * A container specifying replication metrics-related settings enabling replication metrics and events. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-replicationdestination.html#cfn-s3-bucket-replicationdestination-metrics + */ + readonly metrics?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnBucket.MetricsProperty; + + /** + * A container specifying S3 Replication Time Control (S3 RTC), including whether S3 RTC is enabled and the time when all objects and operations on objects must be replicated. + * + * Must be specified together with a \`Metrics\` block. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-replicationdestination.html#cfn-s3-bucket-replicationdestination-replicationtime + */ + readonly replicationTime?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnBucket.ReplicationTimeProperty; + + /** + * The storage class to use when replicating objects, such as S3 Standard or reduced redundancy. + * + * By default, Amazon S3 uses the storage class of the source object to create the object replica. + * + * For valid values, see the \`StorageClass\` element of the [PUT Bucket replication](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTreplication.html) action in the *Amazon S3 API Reference* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-replicationdestination.html#cfn-s3-bucket-replicationdestination-storageclass + */ + readonly storageClass?: string; + } + + /** + * Specify this only in a cross-account scenario (where source and destination bucket owners are not the same), and you want to change replica ownership to the AWS account that owns the destination bucket. + * + * If this is not specified in the replication configuration, the replicas are owned by same AWS account that owns the source object. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-accesscontroltranslation.html + */ + export interface AccessControlTranslationProperty { + /** + * Specifies the replica ownership. + * + * For default and valid values, see [PUT bucket replication](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTreplication.html) in the *Amazon S3 API Reference* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-accesscontroltranslation.html#cfn-s3-bucket-accesscontroltranslation-owner + */ + readonly owner: string; + } + + /** + * Specifies encryption-related information for an Amazon S3 bucket that is a destination for replicated objects. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-encryptionconfiguration.html + */ + export interface EncryptionConfigurationProperty { + /** + * Specifies the ID (Key ARN or Alias ARN) of the customer managed AWS KMS key stored in AWS Key Management Service (KMS) for the destination bucket. + * + * Amazon S3 uses this key to encrypt replica objects. Amazon S3 only supports symmetric encryption KMS keys. For more information, see [Asymmetric keys in AWS KMS](https://docs.aws.amazon.com//kms/latest/developerguide/symmetric-asymmetric.html) in the *AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-encryptionconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-encryptionconfiguration-replicakmskeyid + */ + readonly replicaKmsKeyId: string; + } + + /** + * A container specifying replication metrics-related settings enabling replication metrics and events. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-metrics.html + */ + export interface MetricsProperty { + /** + * A container specifying the time threshold for emitting the \`s3:Replication:OperationMissedThreshold\` event. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-metrics.html#cfn-s3-bucket-metrics-eventthreshold + */ + readonly eventThreshold?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnBucket.ReplicationTimeValueProperty; + + /** + * Specifies whether the replication metrics are enabled. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-metrics.html#cfn-s3-bucket-metrics-status + */ + readonly status: string; + } + + /** + * A container specifying the time value for S3 Replication Time Control (S3 RTC) and replication metrics \`EventThreshold\` . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-replicationtimevalue.html + */ + export interface ReplicationTimeValueProperty { + /** + * Contains an integer specifying time in minutes. + * + * Valid value: 15 + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-replicationtimevalue.html#cfn-s3-bucket-replicationtimevalue-minutes + */ + readonly minutes: number; + } + + /** + * A container specifying S3 Replication Time Control (S3 RTC) related information, including whether S3 RTC is enabled and the time when all objects and operations on objects must be replicated. + * + * Must be specified together with a \`Metrics\` block. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-replicationtime.html + */ + export interface ReplicationTimeProperty { + /** + * Specifies whether the replication time is enabled. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-replicationtime.html#cfn-s3-bucket-replicationtime-status + */ + readonly status: string; + + /** + * A container specifying the time by which replication should be complete for all objects and operations on objects. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-replicationtime.html#cfn-s3-bucket-replicationtime-time + */ + readonly time: cdk.IResolvable | CfnBucket.ReplicationTimeValueProperty; + } + + /** + * A filter that identifies the subset of objects to which the replication rule applies. + * + * A \`Filter\` must specify exactly one \`Prefix\` , \`TagFilter\` , or an \`And\` child element. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-replicationrulefilter.html + */ + export interface ReplicationRuleFilterProperty { + /** + * A container for specifying rule filters. + * + * The filters determine the subset of objects to which the rule applies. This element is required only if you specify more than one filter. For example: + * + * - If you specify both a \`Prefix\` and a \`TagFilter\` , wrap these filters in an \`And\` tag. + * - If you specify a filter based on multiple tags, wrap the \`TagFilter\` elements in an \`And\` tag. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-replicationrulefilter.html#cfn-s3-bucket-replicationrulefilter-and + */ + readonly and?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnBucket.ReplicationRuleAndOperatorProperty; + + /** + * An object key name prefix that identifies the subset of objects to which the rule applies. + * + * > Replacement must be made for object keys containing special characters (such as carriage returns) when using XML requests. For more information, see [XML related object key constraints](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/object-keys.html#object-key-xml-related-constraints) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-replicationrulefilter.html#cfn-s3-bucket-replicationrulefilter-prefix + */ + readonly prefix?: string; + + /** + * A container for specifying a tag key and value. + * + * The rule applies only to objects that have the tag in their tag set. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-replicationrulefilter.html#cfn-s3-bucket-replicationrulefilter-tagfilter + */ + readonly tagFilter?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnBucket.TagFilterProperty; + } + + /** + * A container for specifying rule filters. + * + * The filters determine the subset of objects to which the rule applies. This element is required only if you specify more than one filter. + * + * For example: + * + * - If you specify both a \`Prefix\` and a \`TagFilter\` , wrap these filters in an \`And\` tag. + * - If you specify a filter based on multiple tags, wrap the \`TagFilter\` elements in an \`And\` tag + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-replicationruleandoperator.html + */ + export interface ReplicationRuleAndOperatorProperty { + /** + * An object key name prefix that identifies the subset of objects to which the rule applies. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-replicationruleandoperator.html#cfn-s3-bucket-replicationruleandoperator-prefix + */ + readonly prefix?: string; + + /** + * An array of tags containing key and value pairs. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-replicationruleandoperator.html#cfn-s3-bucket-replicationruleandoperator-tagfilters + */ + readonly tagFilters?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * A container that describes additional filters for identifying the source objects that you want to replicate. + * + * You can choose to enable or disable the replication of these objects. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-sourceselectioncriteria.html + */ + export interface SourceSelectionCriteriaProperty { + /** + * A filter that you can specify for selection for modifications on replicas. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-sourceselectioncriteria.html#cfn-s3-bucket-sourceselectioncriteria-replicamodifications + */ + readonly replicaModifications?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnBucket.ReplicaModificationsProperty; + + /** + * A container for filter information for the selection of Amazon S3 objects encrypted with AWS KMS. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-sourceselectioncriteria.html#cfn-s3-bucket-sourceselectioncriteria-ssekmsencryptedobjects + */ + readonly sseKmsEncryptedObjects?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnBucket.SseKmsEncryptedObjectsProperty; + } + + /** + * A filter that you can specify for selection for modifications on replicas. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-replicamodifications.html + */ + export interface ReplicaModificationsProperty { + /** + * Specifies whether Amazon S3 replicates modifications on replicas. + * + * *Allowed values* : \`Enabled\` | \`Disabled\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-replicamodifications.html#cfn-s3-bucket-replicamodifications-status + */ + readonly status: string; + } + + /** + * A container for filter information for the selection of S3 objects encrypted with AWS KMS. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-ssekmsencryptedobjects.html + */ + export interface SseKmsEncryptedObjectsProperty { + /** + * Specifies whether Amazon S3 replicates objects created with server-side encryption using an AWS KMS key stored in AWS Key Management Service. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-ssekmsencryptedobjects.html#cfn-s3-bucket-ssekmsencryptedobjects-status + */ + readonly status: string; + } + + /** + * Describes the versioning state of an Amazon S3 bucket. + * + * For more information, see [PUT Bucket versioning](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTVersioningStatus.html) in the *Amazon S3 API Reference* . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-versioningconfiguration.html + */ + export interface VersioningConfigurationProperty { + /** + * The versioning state of the bucket. + * + * @default - "Suspended" + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-versioningconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-versioningconfiguration-status + */ + readonly status: string; + } + + /** + * Specifies website configuration parameters for an Amazon S3 bucket. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-websiteconfiguration.html + */ + export interface WebsiteConfigurationProperty { + /** + * The name of the error document for the website. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-websiteconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-websiteconfiguration-errordocument + */ + readonly errorDocument?: string; + + /** + * The name of the index document for the website. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-websiteconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-websiteconfiguration-indexdocument + */ + readonly indexDocument?: string; + + /** + * The redirect behavior for every request to this bucket's website endpoint. + * + * > If you specify this property, you can't specify any other property. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-websiteconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-websiteconfiguration-redirectallrequeststo + */ + readonly redirectAllRequestsTo?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnBucket.RedirectAllRequestsToProperty; + + /** + * Rules that define when a redirect is applied and the redirect behavior. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-websiteconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-websiteconfiguration-routingrules + */ + readonly routingRules?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * Specifies the redirect behavior and when a redirect is applied. + * + * For more information about routing rules, see [Configuring advanced conditional redirects](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/how-to-page-redirect.html#advanced-conditional-redirects) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-routingrule.html + */ + export interface RoutingRuleProperty { + /** + * Container for redirect information. + * + * You can redirect requests to another host, to another page, or with another protocol. In the event of an error, you can specify a different error code to return. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-routingrule.html#cfn-s3-bucket-routingrule-redirectrule + */ + readonly redirectRule: cdk.IResolvable | CfnBucket.RedirectRuleProperty; + + /** + * A container for describing a condition that must be met for the specified redirect to apply. + * + * For example, 1. If request is for pages in the \`/docs\` folder, redirect to the \`/documents\` folder. 2. If request results in HTTP error 4xx, redirect request to another host where you might process the error. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-routingrule.html#cfn-s3-bucket-routingrule-routingrulecondition + */ + readonly routingRuleCondition?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnBucket.RoutingRuleConditionProperty; + } + + /** + * Specifies how requests are redirected. + * + * In the event of an error, you can specify a different error code to return. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-redirectrule.html + */ + export interface RedirectRuleProperty { + /** + * The host name to use in the redirect request. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-redirectrule.html#cfn-s3-bucket-redirectrule-hostname + */ + readonly hostName?: string; + + /** + * The HTTP redirect code to use on the response. + * + * Not required if one of the siblings is present. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-redirectrule.html#cfn-s3-bucket-redirectrule-httpredirectcode + */ + readonly httpRedirectCode?: string; + + /** + * Protocol to use when redirecting requests. + * + * The default is the protocol that is used in the original request. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-redirectrule.html#cfn-s3-bucket-redirectrule-protocol + */ + readonly protocol?: string; + + /** + * The object key prefix to use in the redirect request. + * + * For example, to redirect requests for all pages with prefix \`docs/\` (objects in the \`docs/\` folder) to \`documents/\` , you can set a condition block with \`KeyPrefixEquals\` set to \`docs/\` and in the Redirect set \`ReplaceKeyPrefixWith\` to \`/documents\` . Not required if one of the siblings is present. Can be present only if \`ReplaceKeyWith\` is not provided. + * + * > Replacement must be made for object keys containing special characters (such as carriage returns) when using XML requests. For more information, see [XML related object key constraints](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/object-keys.html#object-key-xml-related-constraints) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-redirectrule.html#cfn-s3-bucket-redirectrule-replacekeyprefixwith + */ + readonly replaceKeyPrefixWith?: string; + + /** + * The specific object key to use in the redirect request. + * + * For example, redirect request to \`error.html\` . Not required if one of the siblings is present. Can be present only if \`ReplaceKeyPrefixWith\` is not provided. + * + * > Replacement must be made for object keys containing special characters (such as carriage returns) when using XML requests. For more information, see [XML related object key constraints](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/object-keys.html#object-key-xml-related-constraints) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-redirectrule.html#cfn-s3-bucket-redirectrule-replacekeywith + */ + readonly replaceKeyWith?: string; + } + + /** + * A container for describing a condition that must be met for the specified redirect to apply. + * + * For example, 1. If request is for pages in the \`/docs\` folder, redirect to the \`/documents\` folder. 2. If request results in HTTP error 4xx, redirect request to another host where you might process the error. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-routingrulecondition.html + */ + export interface RoutingRuleConditionProperty { + /** + * The HTTP error code when the redirect is applied. + * + * In the event of an error, if the error code equals this value, then the specified redirect is applied. + * + * Required when parent element \`Condition\` is specified and sibling \`KeyPrefixEquals\` is not specified. If both are specified, then both must be true for the redirect to be applied. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-routingrulecondition.html#cfn-s3-bucket-routingrulecondition-httperrorcodereturnedequals + */ + readonly httpErrorCodeReturnedEquals?: string; + + /** + * The object key name prefix when the redirect is applied. + * + * For example, to redirect requests for \`ExamplePage.html\` , the key prefix will be \`ExamplePage.html\` . To redirect request for all pages with the prefix \`docs/\` , the key prefix will be \`/docs\` , which identifies all objects in the docs/ folder. + * + * Required when the parent element \`Condition\` is specified and sibling \`HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals\` is not specified. If both conditions are specified, both must be true for the redirect to be applied. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-routingrulecondition.html#cfn-s3-bucket-routingrulecondition-keyprefixequals + */ + readonly keyPrefixEquals?: string; + } + + /** + * Specifies the redirect behavior of all requests to a website endpoint of an Amazon S3 bucket. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-redirectallrequeststo.html + */ + export interface RedirectAllRequestsToProperty { + /** + * Name of the host where requests are redirected. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-redirectallrequeststo.html#cfn-s3-bucket-redirectallrequeststo-hostname + */ + readonly hostName: string; + + /** + * Protocol to use when redirecting requests. + * + * The default is the protocol that is used in the original request. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-redirectallrequeststo.html#cfn-s3-bucket-redirectallrequeststo-protocol + */ + readonly protocol?: string; + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnBucket\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-s3-bucket.html + */ +export interface CfnBucketProps { + /** + * Configures the transfer acceleration state for an Amazon S3 bucket. + * + * For more information, see [Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/transfer-acceleration.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-s3-bucket.html#cfn-s3-bucket-accelerateconfiguration + */ + readonly accelerateConfiguration?: CfnBucket.AccelerateConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * A canned access control list (ACL) that grants predefined permissions to the bucket. + * + * For more information about canned ACLs, see [Canned ACL](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/acl-overview.html#canned-acl) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* . + * + * Be aware that the syntax for this property differs from the information provided in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* . The AccessControl property is case-sensitive and must be one of the following values: Private, PublicRead, PublicReadWrite, AuthenticatedRead, LogDeliveryWrite, BucketOwnerRead, BucketOwnerFullControl, or AwsExecRead. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-s3-bucket.html#cfn-s3-bucket-accesscontrol + */ + readonly accessControl?: string; + + /** + * Specifies the configuration and any analyses for the analytics filter of an Amazon S3 bucket. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-s3-bucket.html#cfn-s3-bucket-analyticsconfigurations + */ + readonly analyticsConfigurations?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Specifies default encryption for a bucket using server-side encryption with Amazon S3-managed keys (SSE-S3), AWS KMS-managed keys (SSE-KMS), or dual-layer server-side encryption with KMS-managed keys (DSSE-KMS). + * + * For information about the Amazon S3 default encryption feature, see [Amazon S3 Default Encryption for S3 Buckets](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/bucket-encryption.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-s3-bucket.html#cfn-s3-bucket-bucketencryption + */ + readonly bucketEncryption?: CfnBucket.BucketEncryptionProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * A name for the bucket. + * + * If you don't specify a name, AWS CloudFormation generates a unique ID and uses that ID for the bucket name. The bucket name must contain only lowercase letters, numbers, periods (.), and dashes (-) and must follow [Amazon S3 bucket restrictions and limitations](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/BucketRestrictions.html) . For more information, see [Rules for naming Amazon S3 buckets](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/BucketRestrictions.html#bucketnamingrules) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* . + * + * > If you specify a name, you can't perform updates that require replacement of this resource. You can perform updates that require no or some interruption. If you need to replace the resource, specify a new name. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-s3-bucket.html#cfn-s3-bucket-bucketname + */ + readonly bucketName?: string; + + /** + * Describes the cross-origin access configuration for objects in an Amazon S3 bucket. + * + * For more information, see [Enabling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/cors.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-s3-bucket.html#cfn-s3-bucket-corsconfiguration + */ + readonly corsConfiguration?: CfnBucket.CorsConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Defines how Amazon S3 handles Intelligent-Tiering storage. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-s3-bucket.html#cfn-s3-bucket-intelligenttieringconfigurations + */ + readonly intelligentTieringConfigurations?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Specifies the inventory configuration for an Amazon S3 bucket. + * + * For more information, see [GET Bucket inventory](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETInventoryConfig.html) in the *Amazon S3 API Reference* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-s3-bucket.html#cfn-s3-bucket-inventoryconfigurations + */ + readonly inventoryConfigurations?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Specifies the lifecycle configuration for objects in an Amazon S3 bucket. + * + * For more information, see [Object Lifecycle Management](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/object-lifecycle-mgmt.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-s3-bucket.html#cfn-s3-bucket-lifecycleconfiguration + */ + readonly lifecycleConfiguration?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnBucket.LifecycleConfigurationProperty; + + /** + * Settings that define where logs are stored. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-s3-bucket.html#cfn-s3-bucket-loggingconfiguration + */ + readonly loggingConfiguration?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnBucket.LoggingConfigurationProperty; + + /** + * Specifies a metrics configuration for the CloudWatch request metrics (specified by the metrics configuration ID) from an Amazon S3 bucket. + * + * If you're updating an existing metrics configuration, note that this is a full replacement of the existing metrics configuration. If you don't include the elements you want to keep, they are erased. For more information, see [PutBucketMetricsConfiguration](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTMetricConfiguration.html) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-s3-bucket.html#cfn-s3-bucket-metricsconfigurations + */ + readonly metricsConfigurations?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Configuration that defines how Amazon S3 handles bucket notifications. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-s3-bucket.html#cfn-s3-bucket-notificationconfiguration + */ + readonly notificationConfiguration?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnBucket.NotificationConfigurationProperty; + + /** + * Places an Object Lock configuration on the specified bucket. + * + * The rule specified in the Object Lock configuration will be applied by default to every new object placed in the specified bucket. For more information, see [Locking Objects](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/object-lock.html) . + * + * > - The \`DefaultRetention\` settings require both a mode and a period. + * > - The \`DefaultRetention\` period can be either \`Days\` or \`Years\` but you must select one. You cannot specify \`Days\` and \`Years\` at the same time. + * > - You can only enable Object Lock for new buckets. If you want to turn on Object Lock for an existing bucket, contact AWS Support. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-s3-bucket.html#cfn-s3-bucket-objectlockconfiguration + */ + readonly objectLockConfiguration?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnBucket.ObjectLockConfigurationProperty; + + /** + * Indicates whether this bucket has an Object Lock configuration enabled. + * + * Enable \`ObjectLockEnabled\` when you apply \`ObjectLockConfiguration\` to a bucket. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-s3-bucket.html#cfn-s3-bucket-objectlockenabled + */ + readonly objectLockEnabled?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Configuration that defines how Amazon S3 handles Object Ownership rules. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-s3-bucket.html#cfn-s3-bucket-ownershipcontrols + */ + readonly ownershipControls?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnBucket.OwnershipControlsProperty; + + /** + * Configuration that defines how Amazon S3 handles public access. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-s3-bucket.html#cfn-s3-bucket-publicaccessblockconfiguration + */ + readonly publicAccessBlockConfiguration?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnBucket.PublicAccessBlockConfigurationProperty; + + /** + * Configuration for replicating objects in an S3 bucket. + * + * To enable replication, you must also enable versioning by using the \`VersioningConfiguration\` property. + * + * Amazon S3 can store replicated objects in a single destination bucket or multiple destination buckets. The destination bucket or buckets must already exist. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-s3-bucket.html#cfn-s3-bucket-replicationconfiguration + */ + readonly replicationConfiguration?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnBucket.ReplicationConfigurationProperty; + + /** + * An arbitrary set of tags (key-value pairs) for this S3 bucket. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-s3-bucket.html#cfn-s3-bucket-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; + + /** + * Enables multiple versions of all objects in this bucket. + * + * You might enable versioning to prevent objects from being deleted or overwritten by mistake or to archive objects so that you can retrieve previous versions of them. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-s3-bucket.html#cfn-s3-bucket-versioningconfiguration + */ + readonly versioningConfiguration?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnBucket.VersioningConfigurationProperty; + + /** + * Information used to configure the bucket as a static website. + * + * For more information, see [Hosting Websites on Amazon S3](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/WebsiteHosting.html) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-s3-bucket.html#cfn-s3-bucket-websiteconfiguration + */ + readonly websiteConfiguration?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnBucket.WebsiteConfigurationProperty; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`AccelerateConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`AccelerateConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketAccelerateConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("accelerationStatus", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.accelerationStatus)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("accelerationStatus", cdk.validateString)(properties.accelerationStatus)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"AccelerateConfigurationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketAccelerateConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketAccelerateConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AccelerationStatus": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.accelerationStatus) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketAccelerateConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("accelerationStatus", "AccelerationStatus", (properties.AccelerationStatus != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.AccelerationStatus) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`TagFilterProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`TagFilterProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketTagFilterPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("key", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.key)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("key", cdk.validateString)(properties.key)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("value", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.value)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("value", cdk.validateString)(properties.value)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"TagFilterProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketTagFilterPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketTagFilterPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Key": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.key), + "Value": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.value) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketTagFilterPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("key", "Key", (properties.Key != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Key) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("value", "Value", (properties.Value != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Value) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`DestinationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`DestinationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketDestinationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("bucketAccountId", cdk.validateString)(properties.bucketAccountId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("bucketArn", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.bucketArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("bucketArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.bucketArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("format", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.format)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("format", cdk.validateString)(properties.format)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("prefix", cdk.validateString)(properties.prefix)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"DestinationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketDestinationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketDestinationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "BucketAccountId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.bucketAccountId), + "BucketArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.bucketArn), + "Format": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.format), + "Prefix": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.prefix) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketDestinationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("bucketAccountId", "BucketAccountId", (properties.BucketAccountId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.BucketAccountId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("bucketArn", "BucketArn", (properties.BucketArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.BucketArn) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("format", "Format", (properties.Format != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Format) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("prefix", "Prefix", (properties.Prefix != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Prefix) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`DataExportProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`DataExportProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketDataExportPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("destination", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.destination)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("destination", CfnBucketDestinationPropertyValidator)(properties.destination)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("outputSchemaVersion", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.outputSchemaVersion)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("outputSchemaVersion", cdk.validateString)(properties.outputSchemaVersion)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"DataExportProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketDataExportPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketDataExportPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Destination": convertCfnBucketDestinationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.destination), + "OutputSchemaVersion": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.outputSchemaVersion) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketDataExportPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("destination", "Destination", (properties.Destination != null ? CfnBucketDestinationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.Destination) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("outputSchemaVersion", "OutputSchemaVersion", (properties.OutputSchemaVersion != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.OutputSchemaVersion) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`StorageClassAnalysisProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`StorageClassAnalysisProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketStorageClassAnalysisPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("dataExport", CfnBucketDataExportPropertyValidator)(properties.dataExport)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"StorageClassAnalysisProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketStorageClassAnalysisPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketStorageClassAnalysisPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "DataExport": convertCfnBucketDataExportPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.dataExport) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketStorageClassAnalysisPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("dataExport", "DataExport", (properties.DataExport != null ? CfnBucketDataExportPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.DataExport) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`AnalyticsConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`AnalyticsConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketAnalyticsConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("id", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.id)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("id", cdk.validateString)(properties.id)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("prefix", cdk.validateString)(properties.prefix)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("storageClassAnalysis", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.storageClassAnalysis)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("storageClassAnalysis", CfnBucketStorageClassAnalysisPropertyValidator)(properties.storageClassAnalysis)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tagFilters", cdk.listValidator(CfnBucketTagFilterPropertyValidator))(properties.tagFilters)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"AnalyticsConfigurationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketAnalyticsConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketAnalyticsConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Id": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.id), + "Prefix": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.prefix), + "StorageClassAnalysis": convertCfnBucketStorageClassAnalysisPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.storageClassAnalysis), + "TagFilters": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnBucketTagFilterPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.tagFilters) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketAnalyticsConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("id", "Id", (properties.Id != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Id) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("prefix", "Prefix", (properties.Prefix != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Prefix) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("storageClassAnalysis", "StorageClassAnalysis", (properties.StorageClassAnalysis != null ? CfnBucketStorageClassAnalysisPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.StorageClassAnalysis) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tagFilters", "TagFilters", (properties.TagFilters != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnBucketTagFilterPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.TagFilters) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`ServerSideEncryptionByDefaultProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`ServerSideEncryptionByDefaultProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketServerSideEncryptionByDefaultPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("kmsMasterKeyId", cdk.validateString)(properties.kmsMasterKeyId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sseAlgorithm", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.sseAlgorithm)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sseAlgorithm", cdk.validateString)(properties.sseAlgorithm)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"ServerSideEncryptionByDefaultProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketServerSideEncryptionByDefaultPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketServerSideEncryptionByDefaultPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "KMSMasterKeyID": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.kmsMasterKeyId), + "SSEAlgorithm": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.sseAlgorithm) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketServerSideEncryptionByDefaultPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("kmsMasterKeyId", "KMSMasterKeyID", (properties.KMSMasterKeyID != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.KMSMasterKeyID) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("sseAlgorithm", "SSEAlgorithm", (properties.SSEAlgorithm != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SSEAlgorithm) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`ServerSideEncryptionRuleProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`ServerSideEncryptionRuleProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketServerSideEncryptionRulePropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("bucketKeyEnabled", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.bucketKeyEnabled)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("serverSideEncryptionByDefault", CfnBucketServerSideEncryptionByDefaultPropertyValidator)(properties.serverSideEncryptionByDefault)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"ServerSideEncryptionRuleProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketServerSideEncryptionRulePropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketServerSideEncryptionRulePropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "BucketKeyEnabled": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.bucketKeyEnabled), + "ServerSideEncryptionByDefault": convertCfnBucketServerSideEncryptionByDefaultPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.serverSideEncryptionByDefault) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketServerSideEncryptionRulePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("bucketKeyEnabled", "BucketKeyEnabled", (properties.BucketKeyEnabled != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.BucketKeyEnabled) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("serverSideEncryptionByDefault", "ServerSideEncryptionByDefault", (properties.ServerSideEncryptionByDefault != null ? CfnBucketServerSideEncryptionByDefaultPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.ServerSideEncryptionByDefault) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`BucketEncryptionProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`BucketEncryptionProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketBucketEncryptionPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("serverSideEncryptionConfiguration", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.serverSideEncryptionConfiguration)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("serverSideEncryptionConfiguration", cdk.listValidator(CfnBucketServerSideEncryptionRulePropertyValidator))(properties.serverSideEncryptionConfiguration)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"BucketEncryptionProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketBucketEncryptionPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketBucketEncryptionPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnBucketServerSideEncryptionRulePropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.serverSideEncryptionConfiguration) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketBucketEncryptionPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("serverSideEncryptionConfiguration", "ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration", (properties.ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnBucketServerSideEncryptionRulePropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CorsRuleProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CorsRuleProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketCorsRulePropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("allowedHeaders", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.allowedHeaders)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("allowedMethods", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.allowedMethods)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("allowedMethods", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.allowedMethods)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("allowedOrigins", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.allowedOrigins)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("allowedOrigins", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.allowedOrigins)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("exposedHeaders", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.exposedHeaders)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("id", cdk.validateString)(properties.id)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("maxAge", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.maxAge)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CorsRuleProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketCorsRulePropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketCorsRulePropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AllowedHeaders": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.allowedHeaders), + "AllowedMethods": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.allowedMethods), + "AllowedOrigins": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.allowedOrigins), + "ExposedHeaders": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.exposedHeaders), + "Id": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.id), + "MaxAge": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.maxAge) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketCorsRulePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("allowedHeaders", "AllowedHeaders", (properties.AllowedHeaders != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.AllowedHeaders) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("allowedMethods", "AllowedMethods", (properties.AllowedMethods != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.AllowedMethods) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("allowedOrigins", "AllowedOrigins", (properties.AllowedOrigins != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.AllowedOrigins) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("exposedHeaders", "ExposedHeaders", (properties.ExposedHeaders != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.ExposedHeaders) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("id", "Id", (properties.Id != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Id) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("maxAge", "MaxAge", (properties.MaxAge != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.MaxAge) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CorsConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CorsConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketCorsConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("corsRules", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.corsRules)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("corsRules", cdk.listValidator(CfnBucketCorsRulePropertyValidator))(properties.corsRules)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CorsConfigurationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketCorsConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketCorsConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "CorsRules": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnBucketCorsRulePropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.corsRules) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketCorsConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("corsRules", "CorsRules", (properties.CorsRules != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnBucketCorsRulePropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.CorsRules) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`TieringProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`TieringProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketTieringPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("accessTier", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.accessTier)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("accessTier", cdk.validateString)(properties.accessTier)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("days", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.days)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("days", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.days)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"TieringProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketTieringPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketTieringPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AccessTier": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.accessTier), + "Days": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.days) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketTieringPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("accessTier", "AccessTier", (properties.AccessTier != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.AccessTier) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("days", "Days", (properties.Days != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Days) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`IntelligentTieringConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`IntelligentTieringConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("id", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.id)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("id", cdk.validateString)(properties.id)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("prefix", cdk.validateString)(properties.prefix)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("status", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.status)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("status", cdk.validateString)(properties.status)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tagFilters", cdk.listValidator(CfnBucketTagFilterPropertyValidator))(properties.tagFilters)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tierings", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.tierings)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tierings", cdk.listValidator(CfnBucketTieringPropertyValidator))(properties.tierings)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"IntelligentTieringConfigurationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Id": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.id), + "Prefix": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.prefix), + "Status": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.status), + "TagFilters": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnBucketTagFilterPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.tagFilters), + "Tierings": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnBucketTieringPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.tierings) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("id", "Id", (properties.Id != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Id) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("prefix", "Prefix", (properties.Prefix != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Prefix) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("status", "Status", (properties.Status != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Status) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tagFilters", "TagFilters", (properties.TagFilters != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnBucketTagFilterPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.TagFilters) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tierings", "Tierings", (properties.Tierings != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnBucketTieringPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.Tierings) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`InventoryConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`InventoryConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketInventoryConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("destination", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.destination)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("destination", CfnBucketDestinationPropertyValidator)(properties.destination)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("enabled", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.enabled)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("enabled", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.enabled)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("id", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.id)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("id", cdk.validateString)(properties.id)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("includedObjectVersions", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.includedObjectVersions)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("includedObjectVersions", cdk.validateString)(properties.includedObjectVersions)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("optionalFields", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.optionalFields)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("prefix", cdk.validateString)(properties.prefix)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("scheduleFrequency", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.scheduleFrequency)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("scheduleFrequency", cdk.validateString)(properties.scheduleFrequency)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"InventoryConfigurationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketInventoryConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketInventoryConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Destination": convertCfnBucketDestinationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.destination), + "Enabled": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.enabled), + "Id": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.id), + "IncludedObjectVersions": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.includedObjectVersions), + "OptionalFields": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.optionalFields), + "Prefix": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.prefix), + "ScheduleFrequency": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.scheduleFrequency) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketInventoryConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("destination", "Destination", (properties.Destination != null ? CfnBucketDestinationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.Destination) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("enabled", "Enabled", (properties.Enabled != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.Enabled) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("id", "Id", (properties.Id != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Id) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("includedObjectVersions", "IncludedObjectVersions", (properties.IncludedObjectVersions != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.IncludedObjectVersions) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("optionalFields", "OptionalFields", (properties.OptionalFields != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.OptionalFields) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("prefix", "Prefix", (properties.Prefix != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Prefix) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("scheduleFrequency", "ScheduleFrequency", (properties.ScheduleFrequency != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ScheduleFrequency) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`AbortIncompleteMultipartUploadProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`AbortIncompleteMultipartUploadProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketAbortIncompleteMultipartUploadPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("daysAfterInitiation", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.daysAfterInitiation)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("daysAfterInitiation", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.daysAfterInitiation)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"AbortIncompleteMultipartUploadProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketAbortIncompleteMultipartUploadPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketAbortIncompleteMultipartUploadPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "DaysAfterInitiation": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.daysAfterInitiation) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketAbortIncompleteMultipartUploadPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("daysAfterInitiation", "DaysAfterInitiation", (properties.DaysAfterInitiation != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.DaysAfterInitiation) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`NoncurrentVersionExpirationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`NoncurrentVersionExpirationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketNoncurrentVersionExpirationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("newerNoncurrentVersions", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.newerNoncurrentVersions)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("noncurrentDays", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.noncurrentDays)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("noncurrentDays", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.noncurrentDays)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"NoncurrentVersionExpirationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketNoncurrentVersionExpirationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketNoncurrentVersionExpirationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "NewerNoncurrentVersions": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.newerNoncurrentVersions), + "NoncurrentDays": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.noncurrentDays) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketNoncurrentVersionExpirationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("newerNoncurrentVersions", "NewerNoncurrentVersions", (properties.NewerNoncurrentVersions != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.NewerNoncurrentVersions) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("noncurrentDays", "NoncurrentDays", (properties.NoncurrentDays != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.NoncurrentDays) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`NoncurrentVersionTransitionProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`NoncurrentVersionTransitionProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketNoncurrentVersionTransitionPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("newerNoncurrentVersions", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.newerNoncurrentVersions)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("storageClass", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.storageClass)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("storageClass", cdk.validateString)(properties.storageClass)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("transitionInDays", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.transitionInDays)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("transitionInDays", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.transitionInDays)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"NoncurrentVersionTransitionProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketNoncurrentVersionTransitionPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketNoncurrentVersionTransitionPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "NewerNoncurrentVersions": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.newerNoncurrentVersions), + "StorageClass": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.storageClass), + "TransitionInDays": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.transitionInDays) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketNoncurrentVersionTransitionPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("newerNoncurrentVersions", "NewerNoncurrentVersions", (properties.NewerNoncurrentVersions != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.NewerNoncurrentVersions) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("storageClass", "StorageClass", (properties.StorageClass != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.StorageClass) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("transitionInDays", "TransitionInDays", (properties.TransitionInDays != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.TransitionInDays) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`TransitionProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`TransitionProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketTransitionPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("storageClass", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.storageClass)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("storageClass", cdk.validateString)(properties.storageClass)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("transitionDate", cdk.validateDate)(properties.transitionDate)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("transitionInDays", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.transitionInDays)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"TransitionProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketTransitionPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketTransitionPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "StorageClass": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.storageClass), + "TransitionDate": cdk.dateToCloudFormation(properties.transitionDate), + "TransitionInDays": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.transitionInDays) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketTransitionPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("storageClass", "StorageClass", (properties.StorageClass != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.StorageClass) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("transitionDate", "TransitionDate", (properties.TransitionDate != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getDate(properties.TransitionDate) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("transitionInDays", "TransitionInDays", (properties.TransitionInDays != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.TransitionInDays) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`RuleProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`RuleProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketRulePropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("abortIncompleteMultipartUpload", CfnBucketAbortIncompleteMultipartUploadPropertyValidator)(properties.abortIncompleteMultipartUpload)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("expirationDate", cdk.validateDate)(properties.expirationDate)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("expirationInDays", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.expirationInDays)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("expiredObjectDeleteMarker", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.expiredObjectDeleteMarker)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("id", cdk.validateString)(properties.id)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("noncurrentVersionExpiration", CfnBucketNoncurrentVersionExpirationPropertyValidator)(properties.noncurrentVersionExpiration)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("noncurrentVersionExpirationInDays", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.noncurrentVersionExpirationInDays)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("noncurrentVersionTransition", CfnBucketNoncurrentVersionTransitionPropertyValidator)(properties.noncurrentVersionTransition)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("noncurrentVersionTransitions", cdk.listValidator(CfnBucketNoncurrentVersionTransitionPropertyValidator))(properties.noncurrentVersionTransitions)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("objectSizeGreaterThan", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.objectSizeGreaterThan)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("objectSizeLessThan", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.objectSizeLessThan)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("prefix", cdk.validateString)(properties.prefix)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("status", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.status)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("status", cdk.validateString)(properties.status)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tagFilters", cdk.listValidator(CfnBucketTagFilterPropertyValidator))(properties.tagFilters)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("transition", CfnBucketTransitionPropertyValidator)(properties.transition)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("transitions", cdk.listValidator(CfnBucketTransitionPropertyValidator))(properties.transitions)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"RuleProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketRulePropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketRulePropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload": convertCfnBucketAbortIncompleteMultipartUploadPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.abortIncompleteMultipartUpload), + "ExpirationDate": cdk.dateToCloudFormation(properties.expirationDate), + "ExpirationInDays": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.expirationInDays), + "ExpiredObjectDeleteMarker": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.expiredObjectDeleteMarker), + "Id": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.id), + "NoncurrentVersionExpiration": convertCfnBucketNoncurrentVersionExpirationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.noncurrentVersionExpiration), + "NoncurrentVersionExpirationInDays": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.noncurrentVersionExpirationInDays), + "NoncurrentVersionTransition": convertCfnBucketNoncurrentVersionTransitionPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.noncurrentVersionTransition), + "NoncurrentVersionTransitions": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnBucketNoncurrentVersionTransitionPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.noncurrentVersionTransitions), + "ObjectSizeGreaterThan": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.objectSizeGreaterThan), + "ObjectSizeLessThan": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.objectSizeLessThan), + "Prefix": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.prefix), + "Status": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.status), + "TagFilters": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnBucketTagFilterPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.tagFilters), + "Transition": convertCfnBucketTransitionPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.transition), + "Transitions": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnBucketTransitionPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.transitions) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketRulePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("abortIncompleteMultipartUpload", "AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload", (properties.AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload != null ? CfnBucketAbortIncompleteMultipartUploadPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("expirationDate", "ExpirationDate", (properties.ExpirationDate != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getDate(properties.ExpirationDate) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("expirationInDays", "ExpirationInDays", (properties.ExpirationInDays != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.ExpirationInDays) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("expiredObjectDeleteMarker", "ExpiredObjectDeleteMarker", (properties.ExpiredObjectDeleteMarker != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.ExpiredObjectDeleteMarker) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("id", "Id", (properties.Id != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Id) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("noncurrentVersionExpiration", "NoncurrentVersionExpiration", (properties.NoncurrentVersionExpiration != null ? CfnBucketNoncurrentVersionExpirationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.NoncurrentVersionExpiration) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("noncurrentVersionExpirationInDays", "NoncurrentVersionExpirationInDays", (properties.NoncurrentVersionExpirationInDays != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.NoncurrentVersionExpirationInDays) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("noncurrentVersionTransition", "NoncurrentVersionTransition", (properties.NoncurrentVersionTransition != null ? CfnBucketNoncurrentVersionTransitionPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.NoncurrentVersionTransition) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("noncurrentVersionTransitions", "NoncurrentVersionTransitions", (properties.NoncurrentVersionTransitions != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnBucketNoncurrentVersionTransitionPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.NoncurrentVersionTransitions) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("objectSizeGreaterThan", "ObjectSizeGreaterThan", (properties.ObjectSizeGreaterThan != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.ObjectSizeGreaterThan) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("objectSizeLessThan", "ObjectSizeLessThan", (properties.ObjectSizeLessThan != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.ObjectSizeLessThan) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("prefix", "Prefix", (properties.Prefix != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Prefix) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("status", "Status", (properties.Status != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Status) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tagFilters", "TagFilters", (properties.TagFilters != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnBucketTagFilterPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.TagFilters) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("transition", "Transition", (properties.Transition != null ? CfnBucketTransitionPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.Transition) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("transitions", "Transitions", (properties.Transitions != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnBucketTransitionPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.Transitions) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`LifecycleConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`LifecycleConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketLifecycleConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("rules", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.rules)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("rules", cdk.listValidator(CfnBucketRulePropertyValidator))(properties.rules)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"LifecycleConfigurationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketLifecycleConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketLifecycleConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Rules": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnBucketRulePropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.rules) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketLifecycleConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("rules", "Rules", (properties.Rules != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnBucketRulePropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.Rules) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`LoggingConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`LoggingConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketLoggingConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("destinationBucketName", cdk.validateString)(properties.destinationBucketName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("logFilePrefix", cdk.validateString)(properties.logFilePrefix)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"LoggingConfigurationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketLoggingConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketLoggingConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "DestinationBucketName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.destinationBucketName), + "LogFilePrefix": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.logFilePrefix) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketLoggingConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("destinationBucketName", "DestinationBucketName", (properties.DestinationBucketName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DestinationBucketName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("logFilePrefix", "LogFilePrefix", (properties.LogFilePrefix != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.LogFilePrefix) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`MetricsConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`MetricsConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketMetricsConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("accessPointArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.accessPointArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("id", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.id)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("id", cdk.validateString)(properties.id)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("prefix", cdk.validateString)(properties.prefix)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tagFilters", cdk.listValidator(CfnBucketTagFilterPropertyValidator))(properties.tagFilters)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"MetricsConfigurationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketMetricsConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketMetricsConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AccessPointArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.accessPointArn), + "Id": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.id), + "Prefix": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.prefix), + "TagFilters": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnBucketTagFilterPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.tagFilters) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketMetricsConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("accessPointArn", "AccessPointArn", (properties.AccessPointArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.AccessPointArn) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("id", "Id", (properties.Id != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Id) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("prefix", "Prefix", (properties.Prefix != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Prefix) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tagFilters", "TagFilters", (properties.TagFilters != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnBucketTagFilterPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.TagFilters) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`EventBridgeConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`EventBridgeConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketEventBridgeConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("eventBridgeEnabled", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.eventBridgeEnabled)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("eventBridgeEnabled", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.eventBridgeEnabled)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"EventBridgeConfigurationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketEventBridgeConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketEventBridgeConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "EventBridgeEnabled": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.eventBridgeEnabled) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketEventBridgeConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("eventBridgeEnabled", "EventBridgeEnabled", (properties.EventBridgeEnabled != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.EventBridgeEnabled) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`FilterRuleProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`FilterRuleProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketFilterRulePropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("name", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.name)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("name", cdk.validateString)(properties.name)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("value", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.value)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("value", cdk.validateString)(properties.value)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"FilterRuleProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketFilterRulePropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketFilterRulePropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Name": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.name), + "Value": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.value) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketFilterRulePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("name", "Name", (properties.Name != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Name) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("value", "Value", (properties.Value != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Value) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`S3KeyFilterProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`S3KeyFilterProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketS3KeyFilterPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("rules", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.rules)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("rules", cdk.listValidator(CfnBucketFilterRulePropertyValidator))(properties.rules)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"S3KeyFilterProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketS3KeyFilterPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketS3KeyFilterPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Rules": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnBucketFilterRulePropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.rules) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketS3KeyFilterPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("rules", "Rules", (properties.Rules != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnBucketFilterRulePropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.Rules) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`NotificationFilterProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`NotificationFilterProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketNotificationFilterPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("s3Key", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.s3Key)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("s3Key", CfnBucketS3KeyFilterPropertyValidator)(properties.s3Key)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"NotificationFilterProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketNotificationFilterPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketNotificationFilterPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "S3Key": convertCfnBucketS3KeyFilterPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.s3Key) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketNotificationFilterPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("s3Key", "S3Key", (properties.S3Key != null ? CfnBucketS3KeyFilterPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.S3Key) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`LambdaConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`LambdaConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketLambdaConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("event", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.event)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("event", cdk.validateString)(properties.event)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("filter", CfnBucketNotificationFilterPropertyValidator)(properties.filter)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("function", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.function)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("function", cdk.validateString)(properties.function)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"LambdaConfigurationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketLambdaConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketLambdaConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Event": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.event), + "Filter": convertCfnBucketNotificationFilterPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.filter), + "Function": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.function) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketLambdaConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("event", "Event", (properties.Event != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Event) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("filter", "Filter", (properties.Filter != null ? CfnBucketNotificationFilterPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.Filter) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("function", "Function", (properties.Function != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Function) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`QueueConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`QueueConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketQueueConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("event", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.event)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("event", cdk.validateString)(properties.event)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("filter", CfnBucketNotificationFilterPropertyValidator)(properties.filter)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("queue", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.queue)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("queue", cdk.validateString)(properties.queue)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"QueueConfigurationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketQueueConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketQueueConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Event": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.event), + "Filter": convertCfnBucketNotificationFilterPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.filter), + "Queue": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.queue) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketQueueConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("event", "Event", (properties.Event != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Event) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("filter", "Filter", (properties.Filter != null ? CfnBucketNotificationFilterPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.Filter) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("queue", "Queue", (properties.Queue != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Queue) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`TopicConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`TopicConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketTopicConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("event", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.event)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("event", cdk.validateString)(properties.event)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("filter", CfnBucketNotificationFilterPropertyValidator)(properties.filter)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("topic", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.topic)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("topic", cdk.validateString)(properties.topic)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"TopicConfigurationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketTopicConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketTopicConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Event": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.event), + "Filter": convertCfnBucketNotificationFilterPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.filter), + "Topic": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.topic) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketTopicConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("event", "Event", (properties.Event != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Event) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("filter", "Filter", (properties.Filter != null ? CfnBucketNotificationFilterPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.Filter) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("topic", "Topic", (properties.Topic != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Topic) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`NotificationConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`NotificationConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketNotificationConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("eventBridgeConfiguration", CfnBucketEventBridgeConfigurationPropertyValidator)(properties.eventBridgeConfiguration)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("lambdaConfigurations", cdk.listValidator(CfnBucketLambdaConfigurationPropertyValidator))(properties.lambdaConfigurations)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("queueConfigurations", cdk.listValidator(CfnBucketQueueConfigurationPropertyValidator))(properties.queueConfigurations)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("topicConfigurations", cdk.listValidator(CfnBucketTopicConfigurationPropertyValidator))(properties.topicConfigurations)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"NotificationConfigurationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketNotificationConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketNotificationConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "EventBridgeConfiguration": convertCfnBucketEventBridgeConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.eventBridgeConfiguration), + "LambdaConfigurations": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnBucketLambdaConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.lambdaConfigurations), + "QueueConfigurations": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnBucketQueueConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.queueConfigurations), + "TopicConfigurations": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnBucketTopicConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.topicConfigurations) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketNotificationConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("eventBridgeConfiguration", "EventBridgeConfiguration", (properties.EventBridgeConfiguration != null ? CfnBucketEventBridgeConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.EventBridgeConfiguration) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("lambdaConfigurations", "LambdaConfigurations", (properties.LambdaConfigurations != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnBucketLambdaConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.LambdaConfigurations) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("queueConfigurations", "QueueConfigurations", (properties.QueueConfigurations != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnBucketQueueConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.QueueConfigurations) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("topicConfigurations", "TopicConfigurations", (properties.TopicConfigurations != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnBucketTopicConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.TopicConfigurations) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`DefaultRetentionProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`DefaultRetentionProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketDefaultRetentionPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("days", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.days)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("mode", cdk.validateString)(properties.mode)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("years", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.years)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"DefaultRetentionProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketDefaultRetentionPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketDefaultRetentionPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Days": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.days), + "Mode": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.mode), + "Years": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.years) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketDefaultRetentionPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("days", "Days", (properties.Days != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Days) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("mode", "Mode", (properties.Mode != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Mode) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("years", "Years", (properties.Years != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Years) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`ObjectLockRuleProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`ObjectLockRuleProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketObjectLockRulePropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("defaultRetention", CfnBucketDefaultRetentionPropertyValidator)(properties.defaultRetention)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"ObjectLockRuleProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketObjectLockRulePropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketObjectLockRulePropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "DefaultRetention": convertCfnBucketDefaultRetentionPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.defaultRetention) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketObjectLockRulePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("defaultRetention", "DefaultRetention", (properties.DefaultRetention != null ? CfnBucketDefaultRetentionPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.DefaultRetention) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`ObjectLockConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`ObjectLockConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketObjectLockConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("objectLockEnabled", cdk.validateString)(properties.objectLockEnabled)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("rule", CfnBucketObjectLockRulePropertyValidator)(properties.rule)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"ObjectLockConfigurationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketObjectLockConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketObjectLockConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ObjectLockEnabled": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.objectLockEnabled), + "Rule": convertCfnBucketObjectLockRulePropertyToCloudFormation(properties.rule) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketObjectLockConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("objectLockEnabled", "ObjectLockEnabled", (properties.ObjectLockEnabled != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ObjectLockEnabled) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("rule", "Rule", (properties.Rule != null ? CfnBucketObjectLockRulePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.Rule) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`OwnershipControlsRuleProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`OwnershipControlsRuleProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketOwnershipControlsRulePropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("objectOwnership", cdk.validateString)(properties.objectOwnership)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"OwnershipControlsRuleProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketOwnershipControlsRulePropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketOwnershipControlsRulePropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ObjectOwnership": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.objectOwnership) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketOwnershipControlsRulePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("objectOwnership", "ObjectOwnership", (properties.ObjectOwnership != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ObjectOwnership) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`OwnershipControlsProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`OwnershipControlsProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketOwnershipControlsPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("rules", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.rules)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("rules", cdk.listValidator(CfnBucketOwnershipControlsRulePropertyValidator))(properties.rules)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"OwnershipControlsProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketOwnershipControlsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketOwnershipControlsPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Rules": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnBucketOwnershipControlsRulePropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.rules) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketOwnershipControlsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("rules", "Rules", (properties.Rules != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnBucketOwnershipControlsRulePropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.Rules) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`PublicAccessBlockConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`PublicAccessBlockConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketPublicAccessBlockConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("blockPublicAcls", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.blockPublicAcls)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("blockPublicPolicy", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.blockPublicPolicy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ignorePublicAcls", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.ignorePublicAcls)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("restrictPublicBuckets", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.restrictPublicBuckets)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"PublicAccessBlockConfigurationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketPublicAccessBlockConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketPublicAccessBlockConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "BlockPublicAcls": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.blockPublicAcls), + "BlockPublicPolicy": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.blockPublicPolicy), + "IgnorePublicAcls": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.ignorePublicAcls), + "RestrictPublicBuckets": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.restrictPublicBuckets) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketPublicAccessBlockConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("blockPublicAcls", "BlockPublicAcls", (properties.BlockPublicAcls != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.BlockPublicAcls) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("blockPublicPolicy", "BlockPublicPolicy", (properties.BlockPublicPolicy != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.BlockPublicPolicy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ignorePublicAcls", "IgnorePublicAcls", (properties.IgnorePublicAcls != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.IgnorePublicAcls) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("restrictPublicBuckets", "RestrictPublicBuckets", (properties.RestrictPublicBuckets != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.RestrictPublicBuckets) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`DeleteMarkerReplicationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`DeleteMarkerReplicationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketDeleteMarkerReplicationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("status", cdk.validateString)(properties.status)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"DeleteMarkerReplicationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketDeleteMarkerReplicationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketDeleteMarkerReplicationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Status": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.status) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketDeleteMarkerReplicationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("status", "Status", (properties.Status != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Status) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`AccessControlTranslationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`AccessControlTranslationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketAccessControlTranslationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("owner", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.owner)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("owner", cdk.validateString)(properties.owner)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"AccessControlTranslationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketAccessControlTranslationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketAccessControlTranslationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Owner": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.owner) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketAccessControlTranslationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("owner", "Owner", (properties.Owner != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Owner) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`EncryptionConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`EncryptionConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketEncryptionConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("replicaKmsKeyId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.replicaKmsKeyId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("replicaKmsKeyId", cdk.validateString)(properties.replicaKmsKeyId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"EncryptionConfigurationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketEncryptionConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketEncryptionConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ReplicaKmsKeyID": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.replicaKmsKeyId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketEncryptionConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("replicaKmsKeyId", "ReplicaKmsKeyID", (properties.ReplicaKmsKeyID != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ReplicaKmsKeyID) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`ReplicationTimeValueProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`ReplicationTimeValueProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketReplicationTimeValuePropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("minutes", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.minutes)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("minutes", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.minutes)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"ReplicationTimeValueProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketReplicationTimeValuePropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketReplicationTimeValuePropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Minutes": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.minutes) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketReplicationTimeValuePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("minutes", "Minutes", (properties.Minutes != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Minutes) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`MetricsProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`MetricsProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketMetricsPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("eventThreshold", CfnBucketReplicationTimeValuePropertyValidator)(properties.eventThreshold)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("status", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.status)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("status", cdk.validateString)(properties.status)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"MetricsProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketMetricsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketMetricsPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "EventThreshold": convertCfnBucketReplicationTimeValuePropertyToCloudFormation(properties.eventThreshold), + "Status": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.status) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketMetricsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("eventThreshold", "EventThreshold", (properties.EventThreshold != null ? CfnBucketReplicationTimeValuePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.EventThreshold) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("status", "Status", (properties.Status != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Status) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`ReplicationTimeProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`ReplicationTimeProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketReplicationTimePropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("status", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.status)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("status", cdk.validateString)(properties.status)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("time", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.time)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("time", CfnBucketReplicationTimeValuePropertyValidator)(properties.time)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"ReplicationTimeProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketReplicationTimePropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketReplicationTimePropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Status": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.status), + "Time": convertCfnBucketReplicationTimeValuePropertyToCloudFormation(properties.time) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketReplicationTimePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("status", "Status", (properties.Status != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Status) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("time", "Time", (properties.Time != null ? CfnBucketReplicationTimeValuePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.Time) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`ReplicationDestinationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`ReplicationDestinationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketReplicationDestinationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("accessControlTranslation", CfnBucketAccessControlTranslationPropertyValidator)(properties.accessControlTranslation)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("account", cdk.validateString)(properties.account)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("bucket", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.bucket)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("bucket", cdk.validateString)(properties.bucket)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("encryptionConfiguration", CfnBucketEncryptionConfigurationPropertyValidator)(properties.encryptionConfiguration)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("metrics", CfnBucketMetricsPropertyValidator)(properties.metrics)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("replicationTime", CfnBucketReplicationTimePropertyValidator)(properties.replicationTime)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("storageClass", cdk.validateString)(properties.storageClass)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"ReplicationDestinationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketReplicationDestinationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketReplicationDestinationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AccessControlTranslation": convertCfnBucketAccessControlTranslationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.accessControlTranslation), + "Account": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.account), + "Bucket": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.bucket), + "EncryptionConfiguration": convertCfnBucketEncryptionConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.encryptionConfiguration), + "Metrics": convertCfnBucketMetricsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.metrics), + "ReplicationTime": convertCfnBucketReplicationTimePropertyToCloudFormation(properties.replicationTime), + "StorageClass": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.storageClass) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketReplicationDestinationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("accessControlTranslation", "AccessControlTranslation", (properties.AccessControlTranslation != null ? CfnBucketAccessControlTranslationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.AccessControlTranslation) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("account", "Account", (properties.Account != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Account) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("bucket", "Bucket", (properties.Bucket != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Bucket) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("encryptionConfiguration", "EncryptionConfiguration", (properties.EncryptionConfiguration != null ? CfnBucketEncryptionConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.EncryptionConfiguration) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("metrics", "Metrics", (properties.Metrics != null ? CfnBucketMetricsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.Metrics) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("replicationTime", "ReplicationTime", (properties.ReplicationTime != null ? CfnBucketReplicationTimePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.ReplicationTime) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("storageClass", "StorageClass", (properties.StorageClass != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.StorageClass) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`ReplicationRuleAndOperatorProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`ReplicationRuleAndOperatorProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketReplicationRuleAndOperatorPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("prefix", cdk.validateString)(properties.prefix)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tagFilters", cdk.listValidator(CfnBucketTagFilterPropertyValidator))(properties.tagFilters)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"ReplicationRuleAndOperatorProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketReplicationRuleAndOperatorPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketReplicationRuleAndOperatorPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Prefix": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.prefix), + "TagFilters": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnBucketTagFilterPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.tagFilters) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketReplicationRuleAndOperatorPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("prefix", "Prefix", (properties.Prefix != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Prefix) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tagFilters", "TagFilters", (properties.TagFilters != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnBucketTagFilterPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.TagFilters) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`ReplicationRuleFilterProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`ReplicationRuleFilterProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketReplicationRuleFilterPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("and", CfnBucketReplicationRuleAndOperatorPropertyValidator)(properties.and)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("prefix", cdk.validateString)(properties.prefix)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tagFilter", CfnBucketTagFilterPropertyValidator)(properties.tagFilter)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"ReplicationRuleFilterProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketReplicationRuleFilterPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketReplicationRuleFilterPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "And": convertCfnBucketReplicationRuleAndOperatorPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.and), + "Prefix": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.prefix), + "TagFilter": convertCfnBucketTagFilterPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.tagFilter) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketReplicationRuleFilterPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("and", "And", (properties.And != null ? CfnBucketReplicationRuleAndOperatorPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.And) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("prefix", "Prefix", (properties.Prefix != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Prefix) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tagFilter", "TagFilter", (properties.TagFilter != null ? CfnBucketTagFilterPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.TagFilter) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`ReplicaModificationsProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`ReplicaModificationsProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketReplicaModificationsPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("status", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.status)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("status", cdk.validateString)(properties.status)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"ReplicaModificationsProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketReplicaModificationsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketReplicaModificationsPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Status": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.status) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketReplicaModificationsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("status", "Status", (properties.Status != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Status) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`SseKmsEncryptedObjectsProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`SseKmsEncryptedObjectsProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketSseKmsEncryptedObjectsPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("status", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.status)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("status", cdk.validateString)(properties.status)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"SseKmsEncryptedObjectsProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketSseKmsEncryptedObjectsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketSseKmsEncryptedObjectsPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Status": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.status) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketSseKmsEncryptedObjectsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("status", "Status", (properties.Status != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Status) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`SourceSelectionCriteriaProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`SourceSelectionCriteriaProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketSourceSelectionCriteriaPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("replicaModifications", CfnBucketReplicaModificationsPropertyValidator)(properties.replicaModifications)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sseKmsEncryptedObjects", CfnBucketSseKmsEncryptedObjectsPropertyValidator)(properties.sseKmsEncryptedObjects)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"SourceSelectionCriteriaProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketSourceSelectionCriteriaPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketSourceSelectionCriteriaPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ReplicaModifications": convertCfnBucketReplicaModificationsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.replicaModifications), + "SseKmsEncryptedObjects": convertCfnBucketSseKmsEncryptedObjectsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.sseKmsEncryptedObjects) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketSourceSelectionCriteriaPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("replicaModifications", "ReplicaModifications", (properties.ReplicaModifications != null ? CfnBucketReplicaModificationsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.ReplicaModifications) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("sseKmsEncryptedObjects", "SseKmsEncryptedObjects", (properties.SseKmsEncryptedObjects != null ? CfnBucketSseKmsEncryptedObjectsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.SseKmsEncryptedObjects) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`ReplicationRuleProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`ReplicationRuleProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketReplicationRulePropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("deleteMarkerReplication", CfnBucketDeleteMarkerReplicationPropertyValidator)(properties.deleteMarkerReplication)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("destination", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.destination)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("destination", CfnBucketReplicationDestinationPropertyValidator)(properties.destination)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("filter", CfnBucketReplicationRuleFilterPropertyValidator)(properties.filter)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("id", cdk.validateString)(properties.id)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("prefix", cdk.validateString)(properties.prefix)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("priority", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.priority)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sourceSelectionCriteria", CfnBucketSourceSelectionCriteriaPropertyValidator)(properties.sourceSelectionCriteria)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("status", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.status)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("status", cdk.validateString)(properties.status)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"ReplicationRuleProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketReplicationRulePropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketReplicationRulePropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "DeleteMarkerReplication": convertCfnBucketDeleteMarkerReplicationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.deleteMarkerReplication), + "Destination": convertCfnBucketReplicationDestinationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.destination), + "Filter": convertCfnBucketReplicationRuleFilterPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.filter), + "Id": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.id), + "Prefix": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.prefix), + "Priority": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.priority), + "SourceSelectionCriteria": convertCfnBucketSourceSelectionCriteriaPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.sourceSelectionCriteria), + "Status": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.status) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketReplicationRulePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("deleteMarkerReplication", "DeleteMarkerReplication", (properties.DeleteMarkerReplication != null ? CfnBucketDeleteMarkerReplicationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.DeleteMarkerReplication) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("destination", "Destination", (properties.Destination != null ? CfnBucketReplicationDestinationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.Destination) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("filter", "Filter", (properties.Filter != null ? CfnBucketReplicationRuleFilterPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.Filter) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("id", "Id", (properties.Id != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Id) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("prefix", "Prefix", (properties.Prefix != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Prefix) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("priority", "Priority", (properties.Priority != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Priority) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("sourceSelectionCriteria", "SourceSelectionCriteria", (properties.SourceSelectionCriteria != null ? CfnBucketSourceSelectionCriteriaPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.SourceSelectionCriteria) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("status", "Status", (properties.Status != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Status) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`ReplicationConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`ReplicationConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketReplicationConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("role", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.role)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("role", cdk.validateString)(properties.role)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("rules", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.rules)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("rules", cdk.listValidator(CfnBucketReplicationRulePropertyValidator))(properties.rules)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"ReplicationConfigurationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketReplicationConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketReplicationConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Role": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.role), + "Rules": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnBucketReplicationRulePropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.rules) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketReplicationConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("role", "Role", (properties.Role != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Role) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("rules", "Rules", (properties.Rules != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnBucketReplicationRulePropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.Rules) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`VersioningConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`VersioningConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketVersioningConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("status", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.status)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("status", cdk.validateString)(properties.status)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"VersioningConfigurationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketVersioningConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketVersioningConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Status": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.status) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketVersioningConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("status", "Status", (properties.Status != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Status) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`RedirectRuleProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`RedirectRuleProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketRedirectRulePropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("hostName", cdk.validateString)(properties.hostName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("httpRedirectCode", cdk.validateString)(properties.httpRedirectCode)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("protocol", cdk.validateString)(properties.protocol)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("replaceKeyPrefixWith", cdk.validateString)(properties.replaceKeyPrefixWith)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("replaceKeyWith", cdk.validateString)(properties.replaceKeyWith)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"RedirectRuleProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketRedirectRulePropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketRedirectRulePropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "HostName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.hostName), + "HttpRedirectCode": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.httpRedirectCode), + "Protocol": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.protocol), + "ReplaceKeyPrefixWith": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.replaceKeyPrefixWith), + "ReplaceKeyWith": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.replaceKeyWith) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketRedirectRulePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("hostName", "HostName", (properties.HostName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.HostName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("httpRedirectCode", "HttpRedirectCode", (properties.HttpRedirectCode != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.HttpRedirectCode) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("protocol", "Protocol", (properties.Protocol != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Protocol) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("replaceKeyPrefixWith", "ReplaceKeyPrefixWith", (properties.ReplaceKeyPrefixWith != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ReplaceKeyPrefixWith) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("replaceKeyWith", "ReplaceKeyWith", (properties.ReplaceKeyWith != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ReplaceKeyWith) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`RoutingRuleConditionProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`RoutingRuleConditionProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketRoutingRuleConditionPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("httpErrorCodeReturnedEquals", cdk.validateString)(properties.httpErrorCodeReturnedEquals)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("keyPrefixEquals", cdk.validateString)(properties.keyPrefixEquals)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"RoutingRuleConditionProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketRoutingRuleConditionPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketRoutingRuleConditionPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.httpErrorCodeReturnedEquals), + "KeyPrefixEquals": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.keyPrefixEquals) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketRoutingRuleConditionPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("httpErrorCodeReturnedEquals", "HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals", (properties.HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("keyPrefixEquals", "KeyPrefixEquals", (properties.KeyPrefixEquals != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.KeyPrefixEquals) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`RoutingRuleProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`RoutingRuleProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketRoutingRulePropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("redirectRule", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.redirectRule)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("redirectRule", CfnBucketRedirectRulePropertyValidator)(properties.redirectRule)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("routingRuleCondition", CfnBucketRoutingRuleConditionPropertyValidator)(properties.routingRuleCondition)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"RoutingRuleProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketRoutingRulePropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketRoutingRulePropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "RedirectRule": convertCfnBucketRedirectRulePropertyToCloudFormation(properties.redirectRule), + "RoutingRuleCondition": convertCfnBucketRoutingRuleConditionPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.routingRuleCondition) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketRoutingRulePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("redirectRule", "RedirectRule", (properties.RedirectRule != null ? CfnBucketRedirectRulePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.RedirectRule) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("routingRuleCondition", "RoutingRuleCondition", (properties.RoutingRuleCondition != null ? CfnBucketRoutingRuleConditionPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.RoutingRuleCondition) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`RedirectAllRequestsToProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`RedirectAllRequestsToProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketRedirectAllRequestsToPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("hostName", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.hostName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("hostName", cdk.validateString)(properties.hostName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("protocol", cdk.validateString)(properties.protocol)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"RedirectAllRequestsToProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketRedirectAllRequestsToPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketRedirectAllRequestsToPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "HostName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.hostName), + "Protocol": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.protocol) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketRedirectAllRequestsToPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("hostName", "HostName", (properties.HostName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.HostName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("protocol", "Protocol", (properties.Protocol != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Protocol) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`WebsiteConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`WebsiteConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketWebsiteConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("errorDocument", cdk.validateString)(properties.errorDocument)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("indexDocument", cdk.validateString)(properties.indexDocument)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("redirectAllRequestsTo", CfnBucketRedirectAllRequestsToPropertyValidator)(properties.redirectAllRequestsTo)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("routingRules", cdk.listValidator(CfnBucketRoutingRulePropertyValidator))(properties.routingRules)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"WebsiteConfigurationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketWebsiteConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketWebsiteConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ErrorDocument": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.errorDocument), + "IndexDocument": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.indexDocument), + "RedirectAllRequestsTo": convertCfnBucketRedirectAllRequestsToPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.redirectAllRequestsTo), + "RoutingRules": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnBucketRoutingRulePropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.routingRules) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketWebsiteConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("errorDocument", "ErrorDocument", (properties.ErrorDocument != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ErrorDocument) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("indexDocument", "IndexDocument", (properties.IndexDocument != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.IndexDocument) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("redirectAllRequestsTo", "RedirectAllRequestsTo", (properties.RedirectAllRequestsTo != null ? CfnBucketRedirectAllRequestsToPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.RedirectAllRequestsTo) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("routingRules", "RoutingRules", (properties.RoutingRules != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnBucketRoutingRulePropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.RoutingRules) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnBucketProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnBucketProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("accelerateConfiguration", CfnBucketAccelerateConfigurationPropertyValidator)(properties.accelerateConfiguration)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("accessControl", cdk.validateString)(properties.accessControl)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("analyticsConfigurations", cdk.listValidator(CfnBucketAnalyticsConfigurationPropertyValidator))(properties.analyticsConfigurations)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("bucketEncryption", CfnBucketBucketEncryptionPropertyValidator)(properties.bucketEncryption)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("bucketName", cdk.validateString)(properties.bucketName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("corsConfiguration", CfnBucketCorsConfigurationPropertyValidator)(properties.corsConfiguration)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("intelligentTieringConfigurations", cdk.listValidator(CfnBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationPropertyValidator))(properties.intelligentTieringConfigurations)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("inventoryConfigurations", cdk.listValidator(CfnBucketInventoryConfigurationPropertyValidator))(properties.inventoryConfigurations)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("lifecycleConfiguration", CfnBucketLifecycleConfigurationPropertyValidator)(properties.lifecycleConfiguration)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("loggingConfiguration", CfnBucketLoggingConfigurationPropertyValidator)(properties.loggingConfiguration)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("metricsConfigurations", cdk.listValidator(CfnBucketMetricsConfigurationPropertyValidator))(properties.metricsConfigurations)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("notificationConfiguration", CfnBucketNotificationConfigurationPropertyValidator)(properties.notificationConfiguration)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("objectLockConfiguration", CfnBucketObjectLockConfigurationPropertyValidator)(properties.objectLockConfiguration)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("objectLockEnabled", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.objectLockEnabled)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ownershipControls", CfnBucketOwnershipControlsPropertyValidator)(properties.ownershipControls)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("publicAccessBlockConfiguration", CfnBucketPublicAccessBlockConfigurationPropertyValidator)(properties.publicAccessBlockConfiguration)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("replicationConfiguration", CfnBucketReplicationConfigurationPropertyValidator)(properties.replicationConfiguration)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("versioningConfiguration", CfnBucketVersioningConfigurationPropertyValidator)(properties.versioningConfiguration)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("websiteConfiguration", CfnBucketWebsiteConfigurationPropertyValidator)(properties.websiteConfiguration)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnBucketProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnBucketPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnBucketPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AccelerateConfiguration": convertCfnBucketAccelerateConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.accelerateConfiguration), + "AccessControl": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.accessControl), + "AnalyticsConfigurations": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnBucketAnalyticsConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.analyticsConfigurations), + "BucketEncryption": convertCfnBucketBucketEncryptionPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.bucketEncryption), + "BucketName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.bucketName), + "CorsConfiguration": convertCfnBucketCorsConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.corsConfiguration), + "IntelligentTieringConfigurations": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.intelligentTieringConfigurations), + "InventoryConfigurations": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnBucketInventoryConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.inventoryConfigurations), + "LifecycleConfiguration": convertCfnBucketLifecycleConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.lifecycleConfiguration), + "LoggingConfiguration": convertCfnBucketLoggingConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.loggingConfiguration), + "MetricsConfigurations": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnBucketMetricsConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.metricsConfigurations), + "NotificationConfiguration": convertCfnBucketNotificationConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.notificationConfiguration), + "ObjectLockConfiguration": convertCfnBucketObjectLockConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.objectLockConfiguration), + "ObjectLockEnabled": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.objectLockEnabled), + "OwnershipControls": convertCfnBucketOwnershipControlsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.ownershipControls), + "PublicAccessBlockConfiguration": convertCfnBucketPublicAccessBlockConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.publicAccessBlockConfiguration), + "ReplicationConfiguration": convertCfnBucketReplicationConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.replicationConfiguration), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags), + "VersioningConfiguration": convertCfnBucketVersioningConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.versioningConfiguration), + "WebsiteConfiguration": convertCfnBucketWebsiteConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.websiteConfiguration) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnBucketPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("accelerateConfiguration", "AccelerateConfiguration", (properties.AccelerateConfiguration != null ? CfnBucketAccelerateConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.AccelerateConfiguration) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("accessControl", "AccessControl", (properties.AccessControl != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.AccessControl) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("analyticsConfigurations", "AnalyticsConfigurations", (properties.AnalyticsConfigurations != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnBucketAnalyticsConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.AnalyticsConfigurations) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("bucketEncryption", "BucketEncryption", (properties.BucketEncryption != null ? CfnBucketBucketEncryptionPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.BucketEncryption) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("bucketName", "BucketName", (properties.BucketName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.BucketName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("corsConfiguration", "CorsConfiguration", (properties.CorsConfiguration != null ? CfnBucketCorsConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.CorsConfiguration) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("intelligentTieringConfigurations", "IntelligentTieringConfigurations", (properties.IntelligentTieringConfigurations != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.IntelligentTieringConfigurations) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("inventoryConfigurations", "InventoryConfigurations", (properties.InventoryConfigurations != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnBucketInventoryConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.InventoryConfigurations) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("lifecycleConfiguration", "LifecycleConfiguration", (properties.LifecycleConfiguration != null ? CfnBucketLifecycleConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.LifecycleConfiguration) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("loggingConfiguration", "LoggingConfiguration", (properties.LoggingConfiguration != null ? CfnBucketLoggingConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.LoggingConfiguration) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("metricsConfigurations", "MetricsConfigurations", (properties.MetricsConfigurations != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnBucketMetricsConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.MetricsConfigurations) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("notificationConfiguration", "NotificationConfiguration", (properties.NotificationConfiguration != null ? CfnBucketNotificationConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.NotificationConfiguration) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("objectLockConfiguration", "ObjectLockConfiguration", (properties.ObjectLockConfiguration != null ? CfnBucketObjectLockConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.ObjectLockConfiguration) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("objectLockEnabled", "ObjectLockEnabled", (properties.ObjectLockEnabled != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.ObjectLockEnabled) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ownershipControls", "OwnershipControls", (properties.OwnershipControls != null ? CfnBucketOwnershipControlsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.OwnershipControls) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("publicAccessBlockConfiguration", "PublicAccessBlockConfiguration", (properties.PublicAccessBlockConfiguration != null ? CfnBucketPublicAccessBlockConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.PublicAccessBlockConfiguration) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("replicationConfiguration", "ReplicationConfiguration", (properties.ReplicationConfiguration != null ? CfnBucketReplicationConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.ReplicationConfiguration) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("versioningConfiguration", "VersioningConfiguration", (properties.VersioningConfiguration != null ? CfnBucketVersioningConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.VersioningConfiguration) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("websiteConfiguration", "WebsiteConfiguration", (properties.WebsiteConfiguration != null ? CfnBucketWebsiteConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.WebsiteConfiguration) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +}", +} +`; + +exports[`AWS::SQS::Queue 1`] = ` +{ + "augmentations": "// Copyright 2012-2023 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. +/* eslint-disable prettier/prettier,max-len */ +import * as cw from "aws-cdk-lib/aws-cloudwatch"; +import { QueueBase } from "./queue-base"; + +declare module "./queue-base" { + interface IQueue { + /** + * Return the given named metric for this Queue + */ + metric(metricName: string, props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The approximate age of the oldest non-deleted message in the queue. + * + * Maximum over 5 minutes + */ + metricApproximateAgeOfOldestMessage(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The number of messages in the queue that are delayed and not available for reading immediately. + * + * Maximum over 5 minutes + */ + metricApproximateNumberOfMessagesDelayed(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The number of messages that are in flight. + * + * Maximum over 5 minutes + */ + metricApproximateNumberOfMessagesNotVisible(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The number of messages available for retrieval from the queue. + * + * Maximum over 5 minutes + */ + metricApproximateNumberOfMessagesVisible(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The number of ReceiveMessage API calls that did not return a message. + * + * Sum over 5 minutes + */ + metricNumberOfEmptyReceives(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The number of messages deleted from the queue. + * + * Sum over 5 minutes + */ + metricNumberOfMessagesDeleted(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The number of messages returned by calls to the ReceiveMessage action. + * + * Sum over 5 minutes + */ + metricNumberOfMessagesReceived(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The number of messages added to a queue. + * + * Sum over 5 minutes + */ + metricNumberOfMessagesSent(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The size of messages added to a queue. + * + * Average over 5 minutes + */ + metricSentMessageSize(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + } +} + + + +declare module "./queue-base" { + interface QueueBase { + /** + * Return the given named metric for this Queue + */ + metric(metricName: string, props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The approximate age of the oldest non-deleted message in the queue. + * + * Maximum over 5 minutes + */ + metricApproximateAgeOfOldestMessage(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The number of messages in the queue that are delayed and not available for reading immediately. + * + * Maximum over 5 minutes + */ + metricApproximateNumberOfMessagesDelayed(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The number of messages that are in flight. + * + * Maximum over 5 minutes + */ + metricApproximateNumberOfMessagesNotVisible(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The number of messages available for retrieval from the queue. + * + * Maximum over 5 minutes + */ + metricApproximateNumberOfMessagesVisible(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The number of ReceiveMessage API calls that did not return a message. + * + * Sum over 5 minutes + */ + metricNumberOfEmptyReceives(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The number of messages deleted from the queue. + * + * Sum over 5 minutes + */ + metricNumberOfMessagesDeleted(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The number of messages returned by calls to the ReceiveMessage action. + * + * Sum over 5 minutes + */ + metricNumberOfMessagesReceived(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The number of messages added to a queue. + * + * Sum over 5 minutes + */ + metricNumberOfMessagesSent(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The size of messages added to a queue. + * + * Average over 5 minutes + */ + metricSentMessageSize(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + } +} + +QueueBase.prototype.metric = function(metricName: string, props?: cw.MetricOptions) { + return new cw.Metric({ + "namespace": "AWS/SQS", + "metricName": metricName, + "dimensionsMap": { + "QueueName": this.queueName + }, + ...props + }).attachTo(this); +}; +QueueBase.prototype.metricApproximateAgeOfOldestMessage = function(props?: cw.MetricOptions) { + return this.metric("ApproximateAgeOfOldestMessage", { + "statistic": "Maximum", + ...props + }); +}; +QueueBase.prototype.metricApproximateNumberOfMessagesDelayed = function(props?: cw.MetricOptions) { + return this.metric("ApproximateNumberOfMessagesDelayed", { + "statistic": "Maximum", + ...props + }); +}; +QueueBase.prototype.metricApproximateNumberOfMessagesNotVisible = function(props?: cw.MetricOptions) { + return this.metric("ApproximateNumberOfMessagesNotVisible", { + "statistic": "Maximum", + ...props + }); +}; +QueueBase.prototype.metricApproximateNumberOfMessagesVisible = function(props?: cw.MetricOptions) { + return this.metric("ApproximateNumberOfMessagesVisible", { + "statistic": "Maximum", + ...props + }); +}; +QueueBase.prototype.metricNumberOfEmptyReceives = function(props?: cw.MetricOptions) { + return this.metric("NumberOfEmptyReceives", { + "statistic": "Sum", + ...props + }); +}; +QueueBase.prototype.metricNumberOfMessagesDeleted = function(props?: cw.MetricOptions) { + return this.metric("NumberOfMessagesDeleted", { + "statistic": "Sum", + ...props + }); +}; +QueueBase.prototype.metricNumberOfMessagesReceived = function(props?: cw.MetricOptions) { + return this.metric("NumberOfMessagesReceived", { + "statistic": "Sum", + ...props + }); +}; +QueueBase.prototype.metricNumberOfMessagesSent = function(props?: cw.MetricOptions) { + return this.metric("NumberOfMessagesSent", { + "statistic": "Sum", + ...props + }); +}; +QueueBase.prototype.metricSentMessageSize = function(props?: cw.MetricOptions) { + return this.metric("SentMessageSize", { + "statistic": "Average", + ...props + }); +};", + "metrics": "/* eslint-disable prettier/prettier,max-len */ +export interface MetricWithDims { + readonly namespace: string; + + readonly metricName: string; + + readonly statistic: string; + + readonly dimensionsMap: D; +} + +export class SQSMetrics { + public static numberOfMessagesSentAverage(dimensions: { QueueName: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ QueueName: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/SQS", + "metricName": "NumberOfMessagesSent", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static approximateNumberOfMessagesDelayedAverage(dimensions: { QueueName: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ QueueName: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/SQS", + "metricName": "ApproximateNumberOfMessagesDelayed", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static numberOfMessagesReceivedAverage(dimensions: { QueueName: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ QueueName: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/SQS", + "metricName": "NumberOfMessagesReceived", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static numberOfMessagesDeletedAverage(dimensions: { QueueName: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ QueueName: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/SQS", + "metricName": "NumberOfMessagesDeleted", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static approximateNumberOfMessagesNotVisibleAverage(dimensions: { QueueName: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ QueueName: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/SQS", + "metricName": "ApproximateNumberOfMessagesNotVisible", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static approximateNumberOfMessagesVisibleAverage(dimensions: { QueueName: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ QueueName: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/SQS", + "metricName": "ApproximateNumberOfMessagesVisible", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static approximateAgeOfOldestMessageAverage(dimensions: { QueueName: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ QueueName: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/SQS", + "metricName": "ApproximateAgeOfOldestMessage", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static numberOfEmptyReceivesAverage(dimensions: { QueueName: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ QueueName: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/SQS", + "metricName": "NumberOfEmptyReceives", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static sentMessageSizeAverage(dimensions: { QueueName: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ QueueName: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/SQS", + "metricName": "SentMessageSize", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } +}", + "module": "/* eslint-disable prettier/prettier,max-len */ +import * as cdk from "aws-cdk-lib"; +import * as constructs from "constructs"; +import * as cfn_parse from "aws-cdk-lib/core/lib/helpers-internal"; + +/** + * The \`AWS::SQS::Queue\` resource creates an Amazon SQS standard or FIFO queue. + * + * Keep the following caveats in mind: + * + * - If you don't specify the \`FifoQueue\` property, Amazon SQS creates a standard queue. + * + * > You can't change the queue type after you create it and you can't convert an existing standard queue into a FIFO queue. You must either create a new FIFO queue for your application or delete your existing standard queue and recreate it as a FIFO queue. For more information, see [Moving from a standard queue to a FIFO queue](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/SQSDeveloperGuide/FIFO-queues-moving.html) in the *Amazon SQS Developer Guide* . + * - If you don't provide a value for a property, the queue is created with the default value for the property. + * - If you delete a queue, you must wait at least 60 seconds before creating a queue with the same name. + * - To successfully create a new queue, you must provide a queue name that adheres to the [limits related to queues](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/SQSDeveloperGuide/limits-queues.html) and is unique within the scope of your queues. + * + * For more information about creating FIFO (first-in-first-out) queues, see [Creating an Amazon SQS queue ( AWS CloudFormation )](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/SQSDeveloperGuide/screate-queue-cloudformation.html) in the *Amazon SQS Developer Guide* . + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-sqs-queue.html + */ +export class CfnQueue extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::SQS::Queue"; + + /** + * Build a CfnQueue from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnQueue { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnQueuePropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnQueue(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * Returns the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the queue. For example: \`arn:aws:sqs:us-east-2:123456789012:mystack-myqueue-15PG5C2FC1CW8\` . + * + * @cloudformationAttribute Arn + */ + public readonly attrArn: string; + + /** + * Returns the queue name. For example: \`mystack-myqueue-1VF9BKQH5BJVI\` . + * + * @cloudformationAttribute QueueName + */ + public readonly attrQueueName: string; + + /** + * Returns the URLs of the queues from the policy. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute QueueUrl + */ + public readonly attrQueueUrl: string; + + /** + * For first-in-first-out (FIFO) queues, specifies whether to enable content-based deduplication. + */ + public contentBasedDeduplication?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * For high throughput for FIFO queues, specifies whether message deduplication occurs at the message group or queue level. + */ + public deduplicationScope?: string; + + /** + * The time in seconds for which the delivery of all messages in the queue is delayed. + */ + public delaySeconds?: number; + + /** + * If set to true, creates a FIFO queue. + */ + public fifoQueue?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * For high throughput for FIFO queues, specifies whether the FIFO queue throughput quota applies to the entire queue or per message group. + */ + public fifoThroughputLimit?: string; + + /** + * The length of time in seconds for which Amazon SQS can reuse a data key to encrypt or decrypt messages before calling AWS KMS again. + */ + public kmsDataKeyReusePeriodSeconds?: number; + + /** + * The ID of an AWS Key Management Service (KMS) for Amazon SQS , or a custom KMS. + */ + public kmsMasterKeyId?: string; + + /** + * The limit of how many bytes that a message can contain before Amazon SQS rejects it. + */ + public maximumMessageSize?: number; + + /** + * The number of seconds that Amazon SQS retains a message. + */ + public messageRetentionPeriod?: number; + + /** + * A name for the queue. + */ + public queueName?: string; + + /** + * Specifies the duration, in seconds, that the ReceiveMessage action call waits until a message is in the queue in order to include it in the response, rather than returning an empty response if a message isn't yet available. + */ + public receiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds?: number; + + /** + * The string that includes the parameters for the permissions for the dead-letter queue redrive permission and which source queues can specify dead-letter queues as a JSON object. + */ + public redriveAllowPolicy?: any | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The string that includes the parameters for the dead-letter queue functionality of the source queue as a JSON object. + */ + public redrivePolicy?: any | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Enables server-side queue encryption using SQS owned encryption keys. + */ + public sqsManagedSseEnabled?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * The tags that you attach to this queue. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * The length of time during which a message will be unavailable after a message is delivered from the queue. + */ + public visibilityTimeout?: number; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnQueueProps = {}) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnQueue.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + this.attrArn = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Arn", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrQueueName = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("QueueName", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrQueueUrl = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("QueueUrl", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.contentBasedDeduplication = props.contentBasedDeduplication; + this.deduplicationScope = props.deduplicationScope; + this.delaySeconds = props.delaySeconds; + this.fifoQueue = props.fifoQueue; + this.fifoThroughputLimit = props.fifoThroughputLimit; + this.kmsDataKeyReusePeriodSeconds = props.kmsDataKeyReusePeriodSeconds; + this.kmsMasterKeyId = props.kmsMasterKeyId; + this.maximumMessageSize = props.maximumMessageSize; + this.messageRetentionPeriod = props.messageRetentionPeriod; + this.queueName = props.queueName; + this.receiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds = props.receiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds; + this.redriveAllowPolicy = props.redriveAllowPolicy; + this.redrivePolicy = props.redrivePolicy; + this.sqsManagedSseEnabled = props.sqsManagedSseEnabled; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::SQS::Queue", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + this.visibilityTimeout = props.visibilityTimeout; + if ((this.node.scope != null && cdk.Resource.isResource(this.node.scope))) { + this.node.addValidation({ + "validate": () => ((this.cfnOptions.deletionPolicy === undefined) ? ["'AWS::SQS::Queue' is a stateful resource type, and you must specify a Removal Policy for it. Call 'resource.applyRemovalPolicy()'."] : []) + }); + } + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "contentBasedDeduplication": this.contentBasedDeduplication, + "deduplicationScope": this.deduplicationScope, + "delaySeconds": this.delaySeconds, + "fifoQueue": this.fifoQueue, + "fifoThroughputLimit": this.fifoThroughputLimit, + "kmsDataKeyReusePeriodSeconds": this.kmsDataKeyReusePeriodSeconds, + "kmsMasterKeyId": this.kmsMasterKeyId, + "maximumMessageSize": this.maximumMessageSize, + "messageRetentionPeriod": this.messageRetentionPeriod, + "queueName": this.queueName, + "receiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds": this.receiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds, + "redriveAllowPolicy": this.redriveAllowPolicy, + "redrivePolicy": this.redrivePolicy, + "sqsManagedSseEnabled": this.sqsManagedSseEnabled, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags(), + "visibilityTimeout": this.visibilityTimeout + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnQueue.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnQueuePropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnQueue\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-sqs-queue.html + */ +export interface CfnQueueProps { + /** + * For first-in-first-out (FIFO) queues, specifies whether to enable content-based deduplication. + * + * During the deduplication interval, Amazon SQS treats messages that are sent with identical content as duplicates and delivers only one copy of the message. For more information, see the \`ContentBasedDeduplication\` attribute for the \`[CreateQueue](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/APIReference/API_CreateQueue.html)\` action in the *Amazon SQS API Reference* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-sqs-queue.html#cfn-sqs-queue-contentbaseddeduplication + */ + readonly contentBasedDeduplication?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * For high throughput for FIFO queues, specifies whether message deduplication occurs at the message group or queue level. + * + * Valid values are \`messageGroup\` and \`queue\` . + * + * To enable high throughput for a FIFO queue, set this attribute to \`messageGroup\` *and* set the \`FifoThroughputLimit\` attribute to \`perMessageGroupId\` . If you set these attributes to anything other than these values, normal throughput is in effect and deduplication occurs as specified. For more information, see [High throughput for FIFO queues](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/SQSDeveloperGuide/high-throughput-fifo.html) and [Quotas related to messages](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/SQSDeveloperGuide/quotas-messages.html) in the *Amazon SQS Developer Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-sqs-queue.html#cfn-sqs-queue-deduplicationscope + */ + readonly deduplicationScope?: string; + + /** + * The time in seconds for which the delivery of all messages in the queue is delayed. + * + * You can specify an integer value of \`0\` to \`900\` (15 minutes). The default value is \`0\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-sqs-queue.html#cfn-sqs-queue-delayseconds + */ + readonly delaySeconds?: number; + + /** + * If set to true, creates a FIFO queue. + * + * If you don't specify this property, Amazon SQS creates a standard queue. For more information, see [FIFO queues](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/SQSDeveloperGuide/FIFO-queues.html) in the *Amazon SQS Developer Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-sqs-queue.html#cfn-sqs-queue-fifoqueue + */ + readonly fifoQueue?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * For high throughput for FIFO queues, specifies whether the FIFO queue throughput quota applies to the entire queue or per message group. + * + * Valid values are \`perQueue\` and \`perMessageGroupId\` . + * + * To enable high throughput for a FIFO queue, set this attribute to \`perMessageGroupId\` *and* set the \`DeduplicationScope\` attribute to \`messageGroup\` . If you set these attributes to anything other than these values, normal throughput is in effect and deduplication occurs as specified. For more information, see [High throughput for FIFO queues](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/SQSDeveloperGuide/high-throughput-fifo.html) and [Quotas related to messages](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/SQSDeveloperGuide/quotas-messages.html) in the *Amazon SQS Developer Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-sqs-queue.html#cfn-sqs-queue-fifothroughputlimit + */ + readonly fifoThroughputLimit?: string; + + /** + * The length of time in seconds for which Amazon SQS can reuse a data key to encrypt or decrypt messages before calling AWS KMS again. + * + * The value must be an integer between 60 (1 minute) and 86,400 (24 hours). The default is 300 (5 minutes). + * + * > A shorter time period provides better security, but results in more calls to AWS KMS , which might incur charges after Free Tier. For more information, see [Encryption at rest](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/SQSDeveloperGuide/sqs-server-side-encryption.html#sqs-how-does-the-data-key-reuse-period-work) in the *Amazon SQS Developer Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-sqs-queue.html#cfn-sqs-queue-kmsdatakeyreuseperiodseconds + */ + readonly kmsDataKeyReusePeriodSeconds?: number; + + /** + * The ID of an AWS Key Management Service (KMS) for Amazon SQS , or a custom KMS. + * + * To use the AWS managed KMS for Amazon SQS , specify a (default) alias ARN, alias name (e.g. \`alias/aws/sqs\` ), key ARN, or key ID. For more information, see the following: + * + * - [Encryption at rest](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/SQSDeveloperGuide/sqs-server-side-encryption.html) in the *Amazon SQS Developer Guide* + * - [CreateQueue](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/APIReference/API_CreateQueue.html) in the *Amazon SQS API Reference* + * - [Request Parameters](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kms/latest/APIReference/API_DescribeKey.html#API_DescribeKey_RequestParameters) in the *AWS Key Management Service API Reference* + * - The Key Management Service (KMS) section of the [AWS Key Management Service Best Practices](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/https://d0.awsstatic.com/whitepapers/aws-kms-best-practices.pdf) whitepaper + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-sqs-queue.html#cfn-sqs-queue-kmsmasterkeyid + */ + readonly kmsMasterKeyId?: string; + + /** + * The limit of how many bytes that a message can contain before Amazon SQS rejects it. + * + * You can specify an integer value from \`1,024\` bytes (1 KiB) to \`262,144\` bytes (256 KiB). The default value is \`262,144\` (256 KiB). + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-sqs-queue.html#cfn-sqs-queue-maximummessagesize + */ + readonly maximumMessageSize?: number; + + /** + * The number of seconds that Amazon SQS retains a message. + * + * You can specify an integer value from \`60\` seconds (1 minute) to \`1,209,600\` seconds (14 days). The default value is \`345,600\` seconds (4 days). + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-sqs-queue.html#cfn-sqs-queue-messageretentionperiod + */ + readonly messageRetentionPeriod?: number; + + /** + * A name for the queue. + * + * To create a FIFO queue, the name of your FIFO queue must end with the \`.fifo\` suffix. For more information, see [FIFO queues](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/SQSDeveloperGuide/FIFO-queues.html) in the *Amazon SQS Developer Guide* . + * + * If you don't specify a name, AWS CloudFormation generates a unique physical ID and uses that ID for the queue name. For more information, see [Name type](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-name.html) in the *AWS CloudFormation User Guide* . + * + * > If you specify a name, you can't perform updates that require replacement of this resource. You can perform updates that require no or some interruption. If you must replace the resource, specify a new name. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-sqs-queue.html#cfn-sqs-queue-queuename + */ + readonly queueName?: string; + + /** + * Specifies the duration, in seconds, that the ReceiveMessage action call waits until a message is in the queue in order to include it in the response, rather than returning an empty response if a message isn't yet available. + * + * You can specify an integer from 1 to 20. Short polling is used as the default or when you specify 0 for this property. For more information, see [Consuming messages using long polling](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/SQSDeveloperGuide/sqs-short-and-long-polling.html#sqs-long-polling) in the *Amazon SQS Developer Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-sqs-queue.html#cfn-sqs-queue-receivemessagewaittimeseconds + */ + readonly receiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds?: number; + + /** + * The string that includes the parameters for the permissions for the dead-letter queue redrive permission and which source queues can specify dead-letter queues as a JSON object. + * + * The parameters are as follows: + * + * - \`redrivePermission\` : The permission type that defines which source queues can specify the current queue as the dead-letter queue. Valid values are: + * + * - \`allowAll\` : (Default) Any source queues in this AWS account in the same Region can specify this queue as the dead-letter queue. + * - \`denyAll\` : No source queues can specify this queue as the dead-letter queue. + * - \`byQueue\` : Only queues specified by the \`sourceQueueArns\` parameter can specify this queue as the dead-letter queue. + * - \`sourceQueueArns\` : The Amazon Resource Names (ARN)s of the source queues that can specify this queue as the dead-letter queue and redrive messages. You can specify this parameter only when the \`redrivePermission\` parameter is set to \`byQueue\` . You can specify up to 10 source queue ARNs. To allow more than 10 source queues to specify dead-letter queues, set the \`redrivePermission\` parameter to \`allowAll\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-sqs-queue.html#cfn-sqs-queue-redriveallowpolicy + */ + readonly redriveAllowPolicy?: any | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The string that includes the parameters for the dead-letter queue functionality of the source queue as a JSON object. + * + * The parameters are as follows: + * + * - \`deadLetterTargetArn\` : The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dead-letter queue to which Amazon SQS moves messages after the value of \`maxReceiveCount\` is exceeded. + * - \`maxReceiveCount\` : The number of times a message is delivered to the source queue before being moved to the dead-letter queue. When the \`ReceiveCount\` for a message exceeds the \`maxReceiveCount\` for a queue, Amazon SQS moves the message to the dead-letter-queue. + * + * > The dead-letter queue of a FIFO queue must also be a FIFO queue. Similarly, the dead-letter queue of a standard queue must also be a standard queue. + * + * *JSON* + * + * \`{ "deadLetterTargetArn" : *String* , "maxReceiveCount" : *Integer* }\` + * + * *YAML* + * + * \`deadLetterTargetArn : *String*\` + * + * \`maxReceiveCount : *Integer*\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-sqs-queue.html#cfn-sqs-queue-redrivepolicy + */ + readonly redrivePolicy?: any | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Enables server-side queue encryption using SQS owned encryption keys. + * + * Only one server-side encryption option is supported per queue (for example, [SSE-KMS](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/SQSDeveloperGuide/sqs-configure-sse-existing-queue.html) or [SSE-SQS](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/SQSDeveloperGuide/sqs-configure-sqs-sse-queue.html) ). + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-sqs-queue.html#cfn-sqs-queue-sqsmanagedsseenabled + */ + readonly sqsManagedSseEnabled?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The tags that you attach to this queue. + * + * For more information, see [Resource tag](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-resource-tags.html) in the *AWS CloudFormation User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-sqs-queue.html#cfn-sqs-queue-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; + + /** + * The length of time during which a message will be unavailable after a message is delivered from the queue. + * + * This blocks other components from receiving the same message and gives the initial component time to process and delete the message from the queue. + * + * Values must be from 0 to 43,200 seconds (12 hours). If you don't specify a value, AWS CloudFormation uses the default value of 30 seconds. + * + * For more information about Amazon SQS queue visibility timeouts, see [Visibility timeout](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/SQSDeveloperGuide/sqs-visibility-timeout.html) in the *Amazon SQS Developer Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-sqs-queue.html#cfn-sqs-queue-visibilitytimeout + */ + readonly visibilityTimeout?: number; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnQueueProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnQueueProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnQueuePropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("contentBasedDeduplication", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.contentBasedDeduplication)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("deduplicationScope", cdk.validateString)(properties.deduplicationScope)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("delaySeconds", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.delaySeconds)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("fifoQueue", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.fifoQueue)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("fifoThroughputLimit", cdk.validateString)(properties.fifoThroughputLimit)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("kmsDataKeyReusePeriodSeconds", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.kmsDataKeyReusePeriodSeconds)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("kmsMasterKeyId", cdk.validateString)(properties.kmsMasterKeyId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("maximumMessageSize", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.maximumMessageSize)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("messageRetentionPeriod", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.messageRetentionPeriod)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("queueName", cdk.validateString)(properties.queueName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("receiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.receiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("redriveAllowPolicy", cdk.validateObject)(properties.redriveAllowPolicy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("redrivePolicy", cdk.validateObject)(properties.redrivePolicy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sqsManagedSseEnabled", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.sqsManagedSseEnabled)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("visibilityTimeout", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.visibilityTimeout)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnQueueProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnQueuePropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnQueuePropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ContentBasedDeduplication": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.contentBasedDeduplication), + "DeduplicationScope": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.deduplicationScope), + "DelaySeconds": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.delaySeconds), + "FifoQueue": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.fifoQueue), + "FifoThroughputLimit": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.fifoThroughputLimit), + "KmsDataKeyReusePeriodSeconds": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.kmsDataKeyReusePeriodSeconds), + "KmsMasterKeyId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.kmsMasterKeyId), + "MaximumMessageSize": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.maximumMessageSize), + "MessageRetentionPeriod": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.messageRetentionPeriod), + "QueueName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.queueName), + "ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.receiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds), + "RedriveAllowPolicy": cdk.objectToCloudFormation(properties.redriveAllowPolicy), + "RedrivePolicy": cdk.objectToCloudFormation(properties.redrivePolicy), + "SqsManagedSseEnabled": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.sqsManagedSseEnabled), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags), + "VisibilityTimeout": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.visibilityTimeout) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnQueuePropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("contentBasedDeduplication", "ContentBasedDeduplication", (properties.ContentBasedDeduplication != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.ContentBasedDeduplication) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("deduplicationScope", "DeduplicationScope", (properties.DeduplicationScope != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DeduplicationScope) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("delaySeconds", "DelaySeconds", (properties.DelaySeconds != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.DelaySeconds) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("fifoQueue", "FifoQueue", (properties.FifoQueue != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.FifoQueue) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("fifoThroughputLimit", "FifoThroughputLimit", (properties.FifoThroughputLimit != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.FifoThroughputLimit) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("kmsDataKeyReusePeriodSeconds", "KmsDataKeyReusePeriodSeconds", (properties.KmsDataKeyReusePeriodSeconds != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.KmsDataKeyReusePeriodSeconds) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("kmsMasterKeyId", "KmsMasterKeyId", (properties.KmsMasterKeyId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.KmsMasterKeyId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("maximumMessageSize", "MaximumMessageSize", (properties.MaximumMessageSize != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.MaximumMessageSize) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("messageRetentionPeriod", "MessageRetentionPeriod", (properties.MessageRetentionPeriod != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.MessageRetentionPeriod) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("queueName", "QueueName", (properties.QueueName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.QueueName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("receiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds", "ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds", (properties.ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("redriveAllowPolicy", "RedriveAllowPolicy", (properties.RedriveAllowPolicy != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getAny(properties.RedriveAllowPolicy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("redrivePolicy", "RedrivePolicy", (properties.RedrivePolicy != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getAny(properties.RedrivePolicy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("sqsManagedSseEnabled", "SqsManagedSseEnabled", (properties.SqsManagedSseEnabled != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.SqsManagedSseEnabled) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("visibilityTimeout", "VisibilityTimeout", (properties.VisibilityTimeout != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.VisibilityTimeout) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +}", +} +`; + +exports[`Alexa::ASK::Skill 1`] = ` +{ + "augmentations": undefined, + "metrics": undefined, + "module": "/* eslint-disable prettier/prettier,max-len */ +import * as cdk from "aws-cdk-lib"; +import * as constructs from "constructs"; +import * as cfn_parse from "aws-cdk-lib/core/lib/helpers-internal"; + +/** + * The \`Alexa::ASK::Skill\` resource creates an Alexa skill that enables customers to access new abilities. + * + * For more information about developing a skill, see the . + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ask-skill.html + */ +export class CfnSkill extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "Alexa::ASK::Skill"; + + /** + * Build a CfnSkill from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnSkill { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnSkillPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnSkill(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * @cloudformationAttribute Id + */ + public readonly attrId: string; + + /** + * Login with Amazon (LWA) configuration used to authenticate with the Alexa service. + */ + public authenticationConfiguration: CfnSkill.AuthenticationConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Configuration for the skill package that contains the components of the Alexa skill. + */ + public skillPackage: cdk.IResolvable | CfnSkill.SkillPackageProperty; + + /** + * The vendor ID associated with the Amazon developer account that will host the skill. + */ + public vendorId: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnSkillProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnSkill.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "authenticationConfiguration", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "skillPackage", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "vendorId", this); + + this.attrId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Id", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.authenticationConfiguration = props.authenticationConfiguration; + this.skillPackage = props.skillPackage; + this.vendorId = props.vendorId; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "authenticationConfiguration": this.authenticationConfiguration, + "skillPackage": this.skillPackage, + "vendorId": this.vendorId + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnSkill.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnSkillPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +export namespace CfnSkill { + /** + * The \`AuthenticationConfiguration\` property type specifies the Login with Amazon (LWA) configuration used to authenticate with the Alexa service. + * + * Only Login with Amazon security profiles created through the are supported for authentication. A client ID, client secret, and refresh token are required. You can generate a client ID and client secret by creating a new on the Amazon Developer Portal or you can retrieve them from an existing profile. You can then retrieve the refresh token using the Alexa Skills Kit CLI. For instructions, see in the . + * + * \`AuthenticationConfiguration\` is a property of the \`Alexa::ASK::Skill\` resource. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ask-skill-authenticationconfiguration.html + */ + export interface AuthenticationConfigurationProperty { + /** + * Client ID from Login with Amazon (LWA). + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ask-skill-authenticationconfiguration.html#cfn-ask-skill-authenticationconfiguration-clientid + */ + readonly clientId: string; + + /** + * Client secret from Login with Amazon (LWA). + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ask-skill-authenticationconfiguration.html#cfn-ask-skill-authenticationconfiguration-clientsecret + */ + readonly clientSecret: string; + + /** + * Refresh token from Login with Amazon (LWA). + * + * This token is secret. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ask-skill-authenticationconfiguration.html#cfn-ask-skill-authenticationconfiguration-refreshtoken + */ + readonly refreshToken: string; + } + + /** + * The \`SkillPackage\` property type contains configuration details for the skill package that contains the components of the Alexa skill. + * + * Skill packages are retrieved from an Amazon S3 bucket and key and used to create and update the skill. More details about the skill package format are located in the . + * + * \`SkillPackage\` is a property of the \`Alexa::ASK::Skill\` resource. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ask-skill-skillpackage.html + */ + export interface SkillPackageProperty { + /** + * Overrides to the skill package to apply when creating or updating the skill. + * + * Values provided here do not modify the contents of the original skill package. Currently, only overriding values inside of the skill manifest component of the package is supported. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ask-skill-skillpackage.html#cfn-ask-skill-skillpackage-overrides + */ + readonly overrides?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnSkill.OverridesProperty; + + /** + * The name of the Amazon S3 bucket where the .zip file that contains the skill package is stored. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ask-skill-skillpackage.html#cfn-ask-skill-skillpackage-s3bucket + */ + readonly s3Bucket: string; + + /** + * ARN of the IAM role that grants the Alexa service ( \`alexa-appkit.amazon.com\` ) permission to access the bucket and retrieve the skill package. This property is optional. If you do not provide it, the bucket must be publicly accessible or configured with a policy that allows this access. Otherwise, AWS CloudFormation cannot create the skill. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ask-skill-skillpackage.html#cfn-ask-skill-skillpackage-s3bucketrole + */ + readonly s3BucketRole?: string; + + /** + * The location and name of the skill package .zip file. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ask-skill-skillpackage.html#cfn-ask-skill-skillpackage-s3key + */ + readonly s3Key: string; + + /** + * If you have S3 versioning enabled, the version ID of the skill package.zip file. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ask-skill-skillpackage.html#cfn-ask-skill-skillpackage-s3objectversion + */ + readonly s3ObjectVersion?: string; + } + + /** + * The \`Overrides\` property type provides overrides to the skill package to apply when creating or updating the skill. + * + * Values provided here do not modify the contents of the original skill package. Currently, only overriding values inside of the skill manifest component of the package is supported. + * + * \`Overrides\` is a property of the \`Alexa::ASK::Skill SkillPackage\` property type. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ask-skill-overrides.html + */ + export interface OverridesProperty { + /** + * Overrides to apply to the skill manifest inside of the skill package. + * + * The skill manifest contains metadata about the skill. For more information, see . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ask-skill-overrides.html#cfn-ask-skill-overrides-manifest + */ + readonly manifest?: any | cdk.IResolvable; + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnSkill\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ask-skill.html + */ +export interface CfnSkillProps { + /** + * Login with Amazon (LWA) configuration used to authenticate with the Alexa service. + * + * Only Login with Amazon clients created through the are supported. The client ID, client secret, and refresh token are required. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ask-skill.html#cfn-ask-skill-authenticationconfiguration + */ + readonly authenticationConfiguration: CfnSkill.AuthenticationConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Configuration for the skill package that contains the components of the Alexa skill. + * + * Skill packages are retrieved from an Amazon S3 bucket and key and used to create and update the skill. For more information about the skill package format, see the . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ask-skill.html#cfn-ask-skill-skillpackage + */ + readonly skillPackage: cdk.IResolvable | CfnSkill.SkillPackageProperty; + + /** + * The vendor ID associated with the Amazon developer account that will host the skill. + * + * Details for retrieving the vendor ID are in . The provided LWA credentials must be linked to the developer account associated with this vendor ID. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ask-skill.html#cfn-ask-skill-vendorid + */ + readonly vendorId: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`AuthenticationConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`AuthenticationConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSkillAuthenticationConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("clientId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.clientId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("clientId", cdk.validateString)(properties.clientId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("clientSecret", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.clientSecret)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("clientSecret", cdk.validateString)(properties.clientSecret)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("refreshToken", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.refreshToken)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("refreshToken", cdk.validateString)(properties.refreshToken)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"AuthenticationConfigurationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSkillAuthenticationConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSkillAuthenticationConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ClientId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.clientId), + "ClientSecret": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.clientSecret), + "RefreshToken": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.refreshToken) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSkillAuthenticationConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("clientId", "ClientId", (properties.ClientId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ClientId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("clientSecret", "ClientSecret", (properties.ClientSecret != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ClientSecret) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("refreshToken", "RefreshToken", (properties.RefreshToken != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.RefreshToken) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`OverridesProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`OverridesProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSkillOverridesPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("manifest", cdk.validateObject)(properties.manifest)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"OverridesProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSkillOverridesPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSkillOverridesPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Manifest": cdk.objectToCloudFormation(properties.manifest) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSkillOverridesPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("manifest", "Manifest", (properties.Manifest != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getAny(properties.Manifest) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`SkillPackageProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`SkillPackageProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSkillSkillPackagePropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("overrides", CfnSkillOverridesPropertyValidator)(properties.overrides)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("s3Bucket", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.s3Bucket)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("s3Bucket", cdk.validateString)(properties.s3Bucket)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("s3BucketRole", cdk.validateString)(properties.s3BucketRole)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("s3Key", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.s3Key)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("s3Key", cdk.validateString)(properties.s3Key)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("s3ObjectVersion", cdk.validateString)(properties.s3ObjectVersion)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"SkillPackageProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSkillSkillPackagePropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSkillSkillPackagePropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Overrides": convertCfnSkillOverridesPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.overrides), + "S3Bucket": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.s3Bucket), + "S3BucketRole": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.s3BucketRole), + "S3Key": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.s3Key), + "S3ObjectVersion": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.s3ObjectVersion) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSkillSkillPackagePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("overrides", "Overrides", (properties.Overrides != null ? CfnSkillOverridesPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.Overrides) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("s3Bucket", "S3Bucket", (properties.S3Bucket != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.S3Bucket) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("s3BucketRole", "S3BucketRole", (properties.S3BucketRole != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.S3BucketRole) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("s3Key", "S3Key", (properties.S3Key != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.S3Key) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("s3ObjectVersion", "S3ObjectVersion", (properties.S3ObjectVersion != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.S3ObjectVersion) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnSkillProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnSkillProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSkillPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("authenticationConfiguration", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.authenticationConfiguration)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("authenticationConfiguration", CfnSkillAuthenticationConfigurationPropertyValidator)(properties.authenticationConfiguration)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("skillPackage", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.skillPackage)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("skillPackage", CfnSkillSkillPackagePropertyValidator)(properties.skillPackage)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vendorId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.vendorId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vendorId", cdk.validateString)(properties.vendorId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnSkillProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSkillPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSkillPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AuthenticationConfiguration": convertCfnSkillAuthenticationConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.authenticationConfiguration), + "SkillPackage": convertCfnSkillSkillPackagePropertyToCloudFormation(properties.skillPackage), + "VendorId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.vendorId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSkillPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("authenticationConfiguration", "AuthenticationConfiguration", (properties.AuthenticationConfiguration != null ? CfnSkillAuthenticationConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.AuthenticationConfiguration) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("skillPackage", "SkillPackage", (properties.SkillPackage != null ? CfnSkillSkillPackagePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.SkillPackage) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("vendorId", "VendorId", (properties.VendorId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.VendorId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +}", +} +`; diff --git a/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/test/__snapshots__/services.test.js.snap b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/test/__snapshots__/services.test.js.snap new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..091d71a30913c --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/test/__snapshots__/services.test.js.snap @@ -0,0 +1,59445 @@ +// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP + +exports[`alexa-ask 1`] = ` +{ + "augmentations": undefined, + "metrics": undefined, + "module": "/* eslint-disable prettier/prettier,max-len */ +import * as cdk from "aws-cdk-lib"; +import * as constructs from "constructs"; +import * as cfn_parse from "aws-cdk-lib/core/lib/helpers-internal"; + +/** + * The \`Alexa::ASK::Skill\` resource creates an Alexa skill that enables customers to access new abilities. + * + * For more information about developing a skill, see the . + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ask-skill.html + */ +export class CfnSkill extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "Alexa::ASK::Skill"; + + /** + * Build a CfnSkill from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnSkill { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnSkillPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnSkill(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * @cloudformationAttribute Id + */ + public readonly attrId: string; + + /** + * Login with Amazon (LWA) configuration used to authenticate with the Alexa service. + */ + public authenticationConfiguration: CfnSkill.AuthenticationConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Configuration for the skill package that contains the components of the Alexa skill. + */ + public skillPackage: cdk.IResolvable | CfnSkill.SkillPackageProperty; + + /** + * The vendor ID associated with the Amazon developer account that will host the skill. + */ + public vendorId: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnSkillProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnSkill.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "authenticationConfiguration", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "skillPackage", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "vendorId", this); + + this.attrId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Id", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.authenticationConfiguration = props.authenticationConfiguration; + this.skillPackage = props.skillPackage; + this.vendorId = props.vendorId; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "authenticationConfiguration": this.authenticationConfiguration, + "skillPackage": this.skillPackage, + "vendorId": this.vendorId + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnSkill.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnSkillPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +export namespace CfnSkill { + /** + * The \`AuthenticationConfiguration\` property type specifies the Login with Amazon (LWA) configuration used to authenticate with the Alexa service. + * + * Only Login with Amazon security profiles created through the are supported for authentication. A client ID, client secret, and refresh token are required. You can generate a client ID and client secret by creating a new on the Amazon Developer Portal or you can retrieve them from an existing profile. You can then retrieve the refresh token using the Alexa Skills Kit CLI. For instructions, see in the . + * + * \`AuthenticationConfiguration\` is a property of the \`Alexa::ASK::Skill\` resource. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ask-skill-authenticationconfiguration.html + */ + export interface AuthenticationConfigurationProperty { + /** + * Client ID from Login with Amazon (LWA). + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ask-skill-authenticationconfiguration.html#cfn-ask-skill-authenticationconfiguration-clientid + */ + readonly clientId: string; + + /** + * Client secret from Login with Amazon (LWA). + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ask-skill-authenticationconfiguration.html#cfn-ask-skill-authenticationconfiguration-clientsecret + */ + readonly clientSecret: string; + + /** + * Refresh token from Login with Amazon (LWA). + * + * This token is secret. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ask-skill-authenticationconfiguration.html#cfn-ask-skill-authenticationconfiguration-refreshtoken + */ + readonly refreshToken: string; + } + + /** + * The \`SkillPackage\` property type contains configuration details for the skill package that contains the components of the Alexa skill. + * + * Skill packages are retrieved from an Amazon S3 bucket and key and used to create and update the skill. More details about the skill package format are located in the . + * + * \`SkillPackage\` is a property of the \`Alexa::ASK::Skill\` resource. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ask-skill-skillpackage.html + */ + export interface SkillPackageProperty { + /** + * Overrides to the skill package to apply when creating or updating the skill. + * + * Values provided here do not modify the contents of the original skill package. Currently, only overriding values inside of the skill manifest component of the package is supported. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ask-skill-skillpackage.html#cfn-ask-skill-skillpackage-overrides + */ + readonly overrides?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnSkill.OverridesProperty; + + /** + * The name of the Amazon S3 bucket where the .zip file that contains the skill package is stored. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ask-skill-skillpackage.html#cfn-ask-skill-skillpackage-s3bucket + */ + readonly s3Bucket: string; + + /** + * ARN of the IAM role that grants the Alexa service ( \`alexa-appkit.amazon.com\` ) permission to access the bucket and retrieve the skill package. This property is optional. If you do not provide it, the bucket must be publicly accessible or configured with a policy that allows this access. Otherwise, AWS CloudFormation cannot create the skill. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ask-skill-skillpackage.html#cfn-ask-skill-skillpackage-s3bucketrole + */ + readonly s3BucketRole?: string; + + /** + * The location and name of the skill package .zip file. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ask-skill-skillpackage.html#cfn-ask-skill-skillpackage-s3key + */ + readonly s3Key: string; + + /** + * If you have S3 versioning enabled, the version ID of the skill package.zip file. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ask-skill-skillpackage.html#cfn-ask-skill-skillpackage-s3objectversion + */ + readonly s3ObjectVersion?: string; + } + + /** + * The \`Overrides\` property type provides overrides to the skill package to apply when creating or updating the skill. + * + * Values provided here do not modify the contents of the original skill package. Currently, only overriding values inside of the skill manifest component of the package is supported. + * + * \`Overrides\` is a property of the \`Alexa::ASK::Skill SkillPackage\` property type. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ask-skill-overrides.html + */ + export interface OverridesProperty { + /** + * Overrides to apply to the skill manifest inside of the skill package. + * + * The skill manifest contains metadata about the skill. For more information, see . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ask-skill-overrides.html#cfn-ask-skill-overrides-manifest + */ + readonly manifest?: any | cdk.IResolvable; + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnSkill\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ask-skill.html + */ +export interface CfnSkillProps { + /** + * Login with Amazon (LWA) configuration used to authenticate with the Alexa service. + * + * Only Login with Amazon clients created through the are supported. The client ID, client secret, and refresh token are required. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ask-skill.html#cfn-ask-skill-authenticationconfiguration + */ + readonly authenticationConfiguration: CfnSkill.AuthenticationConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Configuration for the skill package that contains the components of the Alexa skill. + * + * Skill packages are retrieved from an Amazon S3 bucket and key and used to create and update the skill. For more information about the skill package format, see the . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ask-skill.html#cfn-ask-skill-skillpackage + */ + readonly skillPackage: cdk.IResolvable | CfnSkill.SkillPackageProperty; + + /** + * The vendor ID associated with the Amazon developer account that will host the skill. + * + * Details for retrieving the vendor ID are in . The provided LWA credentials must be linked to the developer account associated with this vendor ID. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ask-skill.html#cfn-ask-skill-vendorid + */ + readonly vendorId: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`AuthenticationConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`AuthenticationConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSkillAuthenticationConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("clientId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.clientId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("clientId", cdk.validateString)(properties.clientId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("clientSecret", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.clientSecret)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("clientSecret", cdk.validateString)(properties.clientSecret)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("refreshToken", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.refreshToken)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("refreshToken", cdk.validateString)(properties.refreshToken)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"AuthenticationConfigurationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSkillAuthenticationConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSkillAuthenticationConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ClientId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.clientId), + "ClientSecret": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.clientSecret), + "RefreshToken": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.refreshToken) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSkillAuthenticationConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("clientId", "ClientId", (properties.ClientId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ClientId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("clientSecret", "ClientSecret", (properties.ClientSecret != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ClientSecret) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("refreshToken", "RefreshToken", (properties.RefreshToken != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.RefreshToken) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`OverridesProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`OverridesProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSkillOverridesPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("manifest", cdk.validateObject)(properties.manifest)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"OverridesProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSkillOverridesPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSkillOverridesPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Manifest": cdk.objectToCloudFormation(properties.manifest) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSkillOverridesPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("manifest", "Manifest", (properties.Manifest != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getAny(properties.Manifest) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`SkillPackageProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`SkillPackageProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSkillSkillPackagePropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("overrides", CfnSkillOverridesPropertyValidator)(properties.overrides)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("s3Bucket", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.s3Bucket)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("s3Bucket", cdk.validateString)(properties.s3Bucket)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("s3BucketRole", cdk.validateString)(properties.s3BucketRole)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("s3Key", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.s3Key)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("s3Key", cdk.validateString)(properties.s3Key)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("s3ObjectVersion", cdk.validateString)(properties.s3ObjectVersion)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"SkillPackageProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSkillSkillPackagePropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSkillSkillPackagePropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Overrides": convertCfnSkillOverridesPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.overrides), + "S3Bucket": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.s3Bucket), + "S3BucketRole": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.s3BucketRole), + "S3Key": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.s3Key), + "S3ObjectVersion": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.s3ObjectVersion) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSkillSkillPackagePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("overrides", "Overrides", (properties.Overrides != null ? CfnSkillOverridesPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.Overrides) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("s3Bucket", "S3Bucket", (properties.S3Bucket != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.S3Bucket) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("s3BucketRole", "S3BucketRole", (properties.S3BucketRole != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.S3BucketRole) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("s3Key", "S3Key", (properties.S3Key != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.S3Key) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("s3ObjectVersion", "S3ObjectVersion", (properties.S3ObjectVersion != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.S3ObjectVersion) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnSkillProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnSkillProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSkillPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("authenticationConfiguration", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.authenticationConfiguration)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("authenticationConfiguration", CfnSkillAuthenticationConfigurationPropertyValidator)(properties.authenticationConfiguration)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("skillPackage", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.skillPackage)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("skillPackage", CfnSkillSkillPackagePropertyValidator)(properties.skillPackage)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vendorId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.vendorId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vendorId", cdk.validateString)(properties.vendorId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnSkillProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSkillPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSkillPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AuthenticationConfiguration": convertCfnSkillAuthenticationConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.authenticationConfiguration), + "SkillPackage": convertCfnSkillSkillPackagePropertyToCloudFormation(properties.skillPackage), + "VendorId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.vendorId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSkillPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("authenticationConfiguration", "AuthenticationConfiguration", (properties.AuthenticationConfiguration != null ? CfnSkillAuthenticationConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.AuthenticationConfiguration) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("skillPackage", "SkillPackage", (properties.SkillPackage != null ? CfnSkillSkillPackagePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.SkillPackage) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("vendorId", "VendorId", (properties.VendorId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.VendorId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +}", +} +`; + +exports[`aws-chatbot 1`] = ` +{ + "augmentations": undefined, + "metrics": undefined, + "module": "/* eslint-disable prettier/prettier,max-len */ +import * as cdk from "aws-cdk-lib"; +import * as constructs from "constructs"; +import * as cfn_parse from "aws-cdk-lib/core/lib/helpers-internal"; + +/** + * The \`AWS::Chatbot::MicrosoftTeamsChannelConfiguration\` resource configures a Microsoft Teams channel to allow users to use AWS Chatbot with AWS CloudFormation templates. + * + * This resource requires some setup to be done in the AWS Chatbot console. To provide the required Microsoft Teams team and tenant IDs, you must perform the initial authorization flow with Microsoft Teams in the AWS Chatbot console, then copy and paste the IDs from the console. For more details, see steps 1-4 in [Setting Up AWS Chatbot with Microsoft Teams](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chatbot/latest/adminguide/teams-setup.html#teams-client-setup) in the *AWS Chatbot Administrator Guide* . + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-chatbot-microsoftteamschannelconfiguration.html + */ +export class CfnMicrosoftTeamsChannelConfiguration extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::Chatbot::MicrosoftTeamsChannelConfiguration"; + + /** + * Build a CfnMicrosoftTeamsChannelConfiguration from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnMicrosoftTeamsChannelConfiguration { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnMicrosoftTeamsChannelConfigurationPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnMicrosoftTeamsChannelConfiguration(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the configuration + * + * @cloudformationAttribute Arn + */ + public readonly attrArn: string; + + /** + * The name of the configuration. + */ + public configurationName: string; + + /** + * The list of IAM policy ARNs that are applied as channel guardrails. + */ + public guardrailPolicies?: Array; + + /** + * The ARN of the IAM role that defines the permissions for AWS Chatbot . + */ + public iamRoleArn: string; + + /** + * Specifies the logging level for this configuration. This property affects the log entries pushed to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. + */ + public loggingLevel?: string; + + /** + * The ARNs of the SNS topics that deliver notifications to AWS Chatbot . + */ + public snsTopicArns?: Array; + + /** + * The ID of the Microsoft Team authorized with AWS Chatbot . + */ + public teamId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the Microsoft Teams channel. + */ + public teamsChannelId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the Microsoft Teams tenant. + */ + public teamsTenantId: string; + + /** + * Enables use of a user role requirement in your chat configuration. + */ + public userRoleRequired?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnMicrosoftTeamsChannelConfigurationProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnMicrosoftTeamsChannelConfiguration.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "configurationName", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "iamRoleArn", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "teamId", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "teamsChannelId", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "teamsTenantId", this); + + this.attrArn = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Arn", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.configurationName = props.configurationName; + this.guardrailPolicies = props.guardrailPolicies; + this.iamRoleArn = props.iamRoleArn; + this.loggingLevel = props.loggingLevel; + this.snsTopicArns = props.snsTopicArns; + this.teamId = props.teamId; + this.teamsChannelId = props.teamsChannelId; + this.teamsTenantId = props.teamsTenantId; + this.userRoleRequired = props.userRoleRequired; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "configurationName": this.configurationName, + "guardrailPolicies": this.guardrailPolicies, + "iamRoleArn": this.iamRoleArn, + "loggingLevel": this.loggingLevel, + "snsTopicArns": this.snsTopicArns, + "teamId": this.teamId, + "teamsChannelId": this.teamsChannelId, + "teamsTenantId": this.teamsTenantId, + "userRoleRequired": this.userRoleRequired + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnMicrosoftTeamsChannelConfiguration.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnMicrosoftTeamsChannelConfigurationPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnMicrosoftTeamsChannelConfiguration\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-chatbot-microsoftteamschannelconfiguration.html + */ +export interface CfnMicrosoftTeamsChannelConfigurationProps { + /** + * The name of the configuration. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-chatbot-microsoftteamschannelconfiguration.html#cfn-chatbot-microsoftteamschannelconfiguration-configurationname + */ + readonly configurationName: string; + + /** + * The list of IAM policy ARNs that are applied as channel guardrails. + * + * The AWS managed 'AdministratorAccess' policy is applied as a default if this is not set. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-chatbot-microsoftteamschannelconfiguration.html#cfn-chatbot-microsoftteamschannelconfiguration-guardrailpolicies + */ + readonly guardrailPolicies?: Array; + + /** + * The ARN of the IAM role that defines the permissions for AWS Chatbot . + * + * This is a user-defined role that AWS Chatbot will assume. This is not the service-linked role. For more information, see [IAM Policies for AWS Chatbot](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chatbot/latest/adminguide/chatbot-iam-policies.html) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-chatbot-microsoftteamschannelconfiguration.html#cfn-chatbot-microsoftteamschannelconfiguration-iamrolearn + */ + readonly iamRoleArn: string; + + /** + * Specifies the logging level for this configuration. This property affects the log entries pushed to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. + * + * Logging levels include \`ERROR\` , \`INFO\` , or \`NONE\` . + * + * @default - "NONE" + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-chatbot-microsoftteamschannelconfiguration.html#cfn-chatbot-microsoftteamschannelconfiguration-logginglevel + */ + readonly loggingLevel?: string; + + /** + * The ARNs of the SNS topics that deliver notifications to AWS Chatbot . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-chatbot-microsoftteamschannelconfiguration.html#cfn-chatbot-microsoftteamschannelconfiguration-snstopicarns + */ + readonly snsTopicArns?: Array; + + /** + * The ID of the Microsoft Team authorized with AWS Chatbot . + * + * To get the team ID, you must perform the initial authorization flow with Microsoft Teams in the AWS Chatbot console. Then you can copy and paste the team ID from the console. For more details, see steps 1-4 in [Get started with Microsoft Teams](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chatbot/latest/adminguide/teams-setup.html#teams-client-setup) in the *AWS Chatbot Administrator Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-chatbot-microsoftteamschannelconfiguration.html#cfn-chatbot-microsoftteamschannelconfiguration-teamid + */ + readonly teamId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the Microsoft Teams channel. + * + * To get the channel ID, open Microsoft Teams, right click on the channel name in the left pane, then choose Copy. An example of the channel ID syntax is: \`19%3ab6ef35dc342d56ba5654e6fc6d25a071%40thread.tacv2\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-chatbot-microsoftteamschannelconfiguration.html#cfn-chatbot-microsoftteamschannelconfiguration-teamschannelid + */ + readonly teamsChannelId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the Microsoft Teams tenant. + * + * To get the tenant ID, you must perform the initial authorization flow with Microsoft Teams in the AWS Chatbot console. Then you can copy and paste the tenant ID from the console. For more details, see steps 1-4 in [Get started with Microsoft Teams](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chatbot/latest/adminguide/teams-setup.html#teams-client-setup) in the *AWS Chatbot Administrator Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-chatbot-microsoftteamschannelconfiguration.html#cfn-chatbot-microsoftteamschannelconfiguration-teamstenantid + */ + readonly teamsTenantId: string; + + /** + * Enables use of a user role requirement in your chat configuration. + * + * @default - false + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-chatbot-microsoftteamschannelconfiguration.html#cfn-chatbot-microsoftteamschannelconfiguration-userrolerequired + */ + readonly userRoleRequired?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnMicrosoftTeamsChannelConfigurationProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnMicrosoftTeamsChannelConfigurationProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnMicrosoftTeamsChannelConfigurationPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("configurationName", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.configurationName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("configurationName", cdk.validateString)(properties.configurationName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("guardrailPolicies", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.guardrailPolicies)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("iamRoleArn", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.iamRoleArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("iamRoleArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.iamRoleArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("loggingLevel", cdk.validateString)(properties.loggingLevel)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("snsTopicArns", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.snsTopicArns)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("teamId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.teamId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("teamId", cdk.validateString)(properties.teamId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("teamsChannelId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.teamsChannelId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("teamsChannelId", cdk.validateString)(properties.teamsChannelId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("teamsTenantId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.teamsTenantId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("teamsTenantId", cdk.validateString)(properties.teamsTenantId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("userRoleRequired", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.userRoleRequired)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnMicrosoftTeamsChannelConfigurationProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnMicrosoftTeamsChannelConfigurationPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnMicrosoftTeamsChannelConfigurationPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ConfigurationName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.configurationName), + "GuardrailPolicies": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.guardrailPolicies), + "IamRoleArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.iamRoleArn), + "LoggingLevel": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.loggingLevel), + "SnsTopicArns": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.snsTopicArns), + "TeamId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.teamId), + "TeamsChannelId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.teamsChannelId), + "TeamsTenantId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.teamsTenantId), + "UserRoleRequired": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.userRoleRequired) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnMicrosoftTeamsChannelConfigurationPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("configurationName", "ConfigurationName", (properties.ConfigurationName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ConfigurationName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("guardrailPolicies", "GuardrailPolicies", (properties.GuardrailPolicies != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.GuardrailPolicies) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("iamRoleArn", "IamRoleArn", (properties.IamRoleArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.IamRoleArn) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("loggingLevel", "LoggingLevel", (properties.LoggingLevel != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.LoggingLevel) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("snsTopicArns", "SnsTopicArns", (properties.SnsTopicArns != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.SnsTopicArns) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("teamId", "TeamId", (properties.TeamId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.TeamId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("teamsChannelId", "TeamsChannelId", (properties.TeamsChannelId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.TeamsChannelId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("teamsTenantId", "TeamsTenantId", (properties.TeamsTenantId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.TeamsTenantId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("userRoleRequired", "UserRoleRequired", (properties.UserRoleRequired != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.UserRoleRequired) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * The \`AWS::Chatbot::SlackChannelConfiguration\` resource configures a Slack channel to allow users to use AWS Chatbot with AWS CloudFormation templates. + * + * This resource requires some setup to be done in the AWS Chatbot console. To provide the required Slack workspace ID, you must perform the initial authorization flow with Slack in the AWS Chatbot console, then copy and paste the workspace ID from the console. For more details, see steps 1-4 in [Setting Up AWS Chatbot with Slack](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chatbot/latest/adminguide/setting-up.html#Setup_intro) in the *AWS Chatbot User Guide* . + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-chatbot-slackchannelconfiguration.html + */ +export class CfnSlackChannelConfiguration extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::Chatbot::SlackChannelConfiguration"; + + /** + * Build a CfnSlackChannelConfiguration from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnSlackChannelConfiguration { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnSlackChannelConfigurationPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnSlackChannelConfiguration(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the configuration + * + * @cloudformationAttribute Arn + */ + public readonly attrArn: string; + + /** + * The name of the configuration. + */ + public configurationName: string; + + /** + * The list of IAM policy ARNs that are applied as channel guardrails. + */ + public guardrailPolicies?: Array; + + /** + * The ARN of the IAM role that defines the permissions for AWS Chatbot . + */ + public iamRoleArn: string; + + /** + * Specifies the logging level for this configuration. This property affects the log entries pushed to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. + */ + public loggingLevel?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the Slack channel. + */ + public slackChannelId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the Slack workspace authorized with AWS Chatbot . + */ + public slackWorkspaceId: string; + + /** + * The ARNs of the SNS topics that deliver notifications to AWS Chatbot . + */ + public snsTopicArns?: Array; + + /** + * Enables use of a user role requirement in your chat configuration. + */ + public userRoleRequired?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnSlackChannelConfigurationProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnSlackChannelConfiguration.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "configurationName", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "iamRoleArn", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "slackChannelId", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "slackWorkspaceId", this); + + this.attrArn = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Arn", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.configurationName = props.configurationName; + this.guardrailPolicies = props.guardrailPolicies; + this.iamRoleArn = props.iamRoleArn; + this.loggingLevel = props.loggingLevel; + this.slackChannelId = props.slackChannelId; + this.slackWorkspaceId = props.slackWorkspaceId; + this.snsTopicArns = props.snsTopicArns; + this.userRoleRequired = props.userRoleRequired; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "configurationName": this.configurationName, + "guardrailPolicies": this.guardrailPolicies, + "iamRoleArn": this.iamRoleArn, + "loggingLevel": this.loggingLevel, + "slackChannelId": this.slackChannelId, + "slackWorkspaceId": this.slackWorkspaceId, + "snsTopicArns": this.snsTopicArns, + "userRoleRequired": this.userRoleRequired + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnSlackChannelConfiguration.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnSlackChannelConfigurationPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnSlackChannelConfiguration\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-chatbot-slackchannelconfiguration.html + */ +export interface CfnSlackChannelConfigurationProps { + /** + * The name of the configuration. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-chatbot-slackchannelconfiguration.html#cfn-chatbot-slackchannelconfiguration-configurationname + */ + readonly configurationName: string; + + /** + * The list of IAM policy ARNs that are applied as channel guardrails. + * + * The AWS managed 'AdministratorAccess' policy is applied as a default if this is not set. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-chatbot-slackchannelconfiguration.html#cfn-chatbot-slackchannelconfiguration-guardrailpolicies + */ + readonly guardrailPolicies?: Array; + + /** + * The ARN of the IAM role that defines the permissions for AWS Chatbot . + * + * This is a user-defined role that AWS Chatbot will assume. This is not the service-linked role. For more information, see [IAM Policies for AWS Chatbot](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chatbot/latest/adminguide/chatbot-iam-policies.html) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-chatbot-slackchannelconfiguration.html#cfn-chatbot-slackchannelconfiguration-iamrolearn + */ + readonly iamRoleArn: string; + + /** + * Specifies the logging level for this configuration. This property affects the log entries pushed to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. + * + * Logging levels include \`ERROR\` , \`INFO\` , or \`NONE\` . + * + * @default - "NONE" + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-chatbot-slackchannelconfiguration.html#cfn-chatbot-slackchannelconfiguration-logginglevel + */ + readonly loggingLevel?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the Slack channel. + * + * To get the ID, open Slack, right click on the channel name in the left pane, then choose Copy Link. The channel ID is the 9-character string at the end of the URL. For example, \`ABCBBLZZZ\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-chatbot-slackchannelconfiguration.html#cfn-chatbot-slackchannelconfiguration-slackchannelid + */ + readonly slackChannelId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the Slack workspace authorized with AWS Chatbot . + * + * To get the workspace ID, you must perform the initial authorization flow with Slack in the AWS Chatbot console. Then you can copy and paste the workspace ID from the console. For more details, see steps 1-4 in [Setting Up AWS Chatbot with Slack](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chatbot/latest/adminguide/setting-up.html#Setup_intro) in the *AWS Chatbot User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-chatbot-slackchannelconfiguration.html#cfn-chatbot-slackchannelconfiguration-slackworkspaceid + */ + readonly slackWorkspaceId: string; + + /** + * The ARNs of the SNS topics that deliver notifications to AWS Chatbot . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-chatbot-slackchannelconfiguration.html#cfn-chatbot-slackchannelconfiguration-snstopicarns + */ + readonly snsTopicArns?: Array; + + /** + * Enables use of a user role requirement in your chat configuration. + * + * @default - false + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-chatbot-slackchannelconfiguration.html#cfn-chatbot-slackchannelconfiguration-userrolerequired + */ + readonly userRoleRequired?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnSlackChannelConfigurationProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnSlackChannelConfigurationProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSlackChannelConfigurationPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("configurationName", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.configurationName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("configurationName", cdk.validateString)(properties.configurationName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("guardrailPolicies", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.guardrailPolicies)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("iamRoleArn", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.iamRoleArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("iamRoleArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.iamRoleArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("loggingLevel", cdk.validateString)(properties.loggingLevel)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("slackChannelId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.slackChannelId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("slackChannelId", cdk.validateString)(properties.slackChannelId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("slackWorkspaceId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.slackWorkspaceId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("slackWorkspaceId", cdk.validateString)(properties.slackWorkspaceId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("snsTopicArns", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.snsTopicArns)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("userRoleRequired", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.userRoleRequired)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnSlackChannelConfigurationProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSlackChannelConfigurationPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSlackChannelConfigurationPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ConfigurationName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.configurationName), + "GuardrailPolicies": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.guardrailPolicies), + "IamRoleArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.iamRoleArn), + "LoggingLevel": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.loggingLevel), + "SlackChannelId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.slackChannelId), + "SlackWorkspaceId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.slackWorkspaceId), + "SnsTopicArns": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.snsTopicArns), + "UserRoleRequired": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.userRoleRequired) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSlackChannelConfigurationPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("configurationName", "ConfigurationName", (properties.ConfigurationName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ConfigurationName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("guardrailPolicies", "GuardrailPolicies", (properties.GuardrailPolicies != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.GuardrailPolicies) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("iamRoleArn", "IamRoleArn", (properties.IamRoleArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.IamRoleArn) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("loggingLevel", "LoggingLevel", (properties.LoggingLevel != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.LoggingLevel) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("slackChannelId", "SlackChannelId", (properties.SlackChannelId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SlackChannelId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("slackWorkspaceId", "SlackWorkspaceId", (properties.SlackWorkspaceId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SlackWorkspaceId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("snsTopicArns", "SnsTopicArns", (properties.SnsTopicArns != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.SnsTopicArns) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("userRoleRequired", "UserRoleRequired", (properties.UserRoleRequired != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.UserRoleRequired) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +}", +} +`; + +exports[`aws-ec2 1`] = ` +{ + "augmentations": "// Copyright 2012-2023 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. +/* eslint-disable prettier/prettier,max-len */ +import * as cw from "aws-cdk-lib/aws-cloudwatch"; +import { VpnConnectionBase } from "./vpn"; + +declare module "./vpn" { + interface IVpnConnection { + /** + * Return the given named metric for this VPNConnection + */ + metric(metricName: string, props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The state of the tunnel. 0 indicates DOWN and 1 indicates UP. + * + * Average over 5 minutes + */ + metricTunnelState(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The bytes received through the VPN tunnel. + * + * Sum over 5 minutes + */ + metricTunnelDataIn(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The bytes sent through the VPN tunnel. + * + * Sum over 5 minutes + */ + metricTunnelDataOut(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + } +} + + + +declare module "./vpn" { + interface VpnConnectionBase { + /** + * Return the given named metric for this VPNConnection + */ + metric(metricName: string, props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The state of the tunnel. 0 indicates DOWN and 1 indicates UP. + * + * Average over 5 minutes + */ + metricTunnelState(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The bytes received through the VPN tunnel. + * + * Sum over 5 minutes + */ + metricTunnelDataIn(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The bytes sent through the VPN tunnel. + * + * Sum over 5 minutes + */ + metricTunnelDataOut(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + } +} + +VpnConnectionBase.prototype.metric = function(metricName: string, props?: cw.MetricOptions) { + return new cw.Metric({ + "namespace": "AWS/VPN", + "metricName": metricName, + "dimensionsMap": { + "VpnId": this.vpnId + }, + ...props + }).attachTo(this); +}; +VpnConnectionBase.prototype.metricTunnelState = function(props?: cw.MetricOptions) { + return this.metric("TunnelState", { + "statistic": "Average", + ...props + }); +}; +VpnConnectionBase.prototype.metricTunnelDataIn = function(props?: cw.MetricOptions) { + return this.metric("TunnelDataIn", { + "statistic": "Sum", + ...props + }); +}; +VpnConnectionBase.prototype.metricTunnelDataOut = function(props?: cw.MetricOptions) { + return this.metric("TunnelDataOut", { + "statistic": "Sum", + ...props + }); +};", + "metrics": "/* eslint-disable prettier/prettier,max-len */ +export interface MetricWithDims { + readonly namespace: string; + + readonly metricName: string; + + readonly statistic: string; + + readonly dimensionsMap: D; +} + +export class EC2CapacityReservationsMetrics { + public static instanceUtilizationAverage(dimensions: { CapacityReservationId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ CapacityReservationId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/EC2CapacityReservations", + "metricName": "InstanceUtilization", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static usedInstanceCountAverage(dimensions: { CapacityReservationId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ CapacityReservationId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/EC2CapacityReservations", + "metricName": "UsedInstanceCount", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static availableInstanceCountAverage(dimensions: { CapacityReservationId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ CapacityReservationId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/EC2CapacityReservations", + "metricName": "AvailableInstanceCount", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static totalInstanceCountAverage(dimensions: { CapacityReservationId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ CapacityReservationId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/EC2CapacityReservations", + "metricName": "TotalInstanceCount", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } +} + +export class EBSMetrics { + public static volumeReadBytesSum(dimensions: { VolumeId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ VolumeId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/EBS", + "metricName": "VolumeReadBytes", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Sum" + }; + } + + public static volumeWriteBytesSum(dimensions: { VolumeId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ VolumeId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/EBS", + "metricName": "VolumeWriteBytes", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Sum" + }; + } + + public static volumeReadOpsSum(dimensions: { VolumeId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ VolumeId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/EBS", + "metricName": "VolumeReadOps", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Sum" + }; + } + + public static volumeTotalReadTimeAverage(dimensions: { VolumeId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ VolumeId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/EBS", + "metricName": "VolumeTotalReadTime", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static volumeWriteOpsSum(dimensions: { VolumeId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ VolumeId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/EBS", + "metricName": "VolumeWriteOps", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Sum" + }; + } + + public static volumeTotalWriteTimeAverage(dimensions: { VolumeId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ VolumeId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/EBS", + "metricName": "VolumeTotalWriteTime", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static volumeIdleTimeAverage(dimensions: { VolumeId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ VolumeId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/EBS", + "metricName": "VolumeIdleTime", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static volumeQueueLengthAverage(dimensions: { VolumeId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ VolumeId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/EBS", + "metricName": "VolumeQueueLength", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static burstBalanceAverage(dimensions: { VolumeId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ VolumeId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/EBS", + "metricName": "BurstBalance", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } +} + +export class EC2Metrics { + public static cpuCreditUsageAverage(dimensions: { InstanceId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ InstanceId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/EC2", + "metricName": "CPUCreditUsage", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static cpuCreditBalanceAverage(dimensions: { InstanceId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ InstanceId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/EC2", + "metricName": "CPUCreditBalance", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static cpuSurplusCreditBalanceAverage(dimensions: { InstanceId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ InstanceId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/EC2", + "metricName": "CPUSurplusCreditBalance", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static cpuSurplusCreditsChargedAverage(dimensions: { InstanceId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ InstanceId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/EC2", + "metricName": "CPUSurplusCreditsCharged", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static cpuUtilizationAverage(dimensions: { InstanceId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ InstanceId: string; }>; + + public static cpuUtilizationAverage(dimensions: { }): MetricWithDims<{ }>; + + public static cpuUtilizationAverage(dimensions: { AutoScalingGroupName: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ AutoScalingGroupName: string; }>; + + public static cpuUtilizationAverage(dimensions: { ImageId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ ImageId: string; }>; + + public static cpuUtilizationAverage(dimensions: { InstanceType: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ InstanceType: string; }>; + + public static cpuUtilizationAverage(dimensions: any): MetricWithDims { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/EC2", + "metricName": "CPUUtilization", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static diskReadBytesAverage(dimensions: { InstanceId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ InstanceId: string; }>; + + public static diskReadBytesAverage(dimensions: { }): MetricWithDims<{ }>; + + public static diskReadBytesAverage(dimensions: { AutoScalingGroupName: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ AutoScalingGroupName: string; }>; + + public static diskReadBytesAverage(dimensions: { ImageId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ ImageId: string; }>; + + public static diskReadBytesAverage(dimensions: { InstanceType: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ InstanceType: string; }>; + + public static diskReadBytesAverage(dimensions: any): MetricWithDims { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/EC2", + "metricName": "DiskReadBytes", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static diskReadOpsAverage(dimensions: { InstanceId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ InstanceId: string; }>; + + public static diskReadOpsAverage(dimensions: { }): MetricWithDims<{ }>; + + public static diskReadOpsAverage(dimensions: { AutoScalingGroupName: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ AutoScalingGroupName: string; }>; + + public static diskReadOpsAverage(dimensions: { ImageId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ ImageId: string; }>; + + public static diskReadOpsAverage(dimensions: { InstanceType: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ InstanceType: string; }>; + + public static diskReadOpsAverage(dimensions: any): MetricWithDims { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/EC2", + "metricName": "DiskReadOps", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static diskWriteBytesAverage(dimensions: { InstanceId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ InstanceId: string; }>; + + public static diskWriteBytesAverage(dimensions: { }): MetricWithDims<{ }>; + + public static diskWriteBytesAverage(dimensions: { AutoScalingGroupName: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ AutoScalingGroupName: string; }>; + + public static diskWriteBytesAverage(dimensions: { ImageId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ ImageId: string; }>; + + public static diskWriteBytesAverage(dimensions: { InstanceType: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ InstanceType: string; }>; + + public static diskWriteBytesAverage(dimensions: any): MetricWithDims { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/EC2", + "metricName": "DiskWriteBytes", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static diskWriteOpsAverage(dimensions: { InstanceId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ InstanceId: string; }>; + + public static diskWriteOpsAverage(dimensions: { }): MetricWithDims<{ }>; + + public static diskWriteOpsAverage(dimensions: { AutoScalingGroupName: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ AutoScalingGroupName: string; }>; + + public static diskWriteOpsAverage(dimensions: { ImageId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ ImageId: string; }>; + + public static diskWriteOpsAverage(dimensions: { InstanceType: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ InstanceType: string; }>; + + public static diskWriteOpsAverage(dimensions: any): MetricWithDims { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/EC2", + "metricName": "DiskWriteOps", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static metadataNoTokenSum(dimensions: { InstanceId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ InstanceId: string; }>; + + public static metadataNoTokenSum(dimensions: { }): MetricWithDims<{ }>; + + public static metadataNoTokenSum(dimensions: any): MetricWithDims { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/EC2", + "metricName": "MetadataNoToken", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Sum" + }; + } + + public static networkInAverage(dimensions: { InstanceId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ InstanceId: string; }>; + + public static networkInAverage(dimensions: { }): MetricWithDims<{ }>; + + public static networkInAverage(dimensions: { AutoScalingGroupName: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ AutoScalingGroupName: string; }>; + + public static networkInAverage(dimensions: { ImageId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ ImageId: string; }>; + + public static networkInAverage(dimensions: { InstanceType: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ InstanceType: string; }>; + + public static networkInAverage(dimensions: any): MetricWithDims { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/EC2", + "metricName": "NetworkIn", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static networkOutAverage(dimensions: { InstanceId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ InstanceId: string; }>; + + public static networkOutAverage(dimensions: { }): MetricWithDims<{ }>; + + public static networkOutAverage(dimensions: { AutoScalingGroupName: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ AutoScalingGroupName: string; }>; + + public static networkOutAverage(dimensions: { ImageId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ ImageId: string; }>; + + public static networkOutAverage(dimensions: { InstanceType: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ InstanceType: string; }>; + + public static networkOutAverage(dimensions: any): MetricWithDims { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/EC2", + "metricName": "NetworkOut", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static networkPacketsInAverage(dimensions: { InstanceId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ InstanceId: string; }>; + + public static networkPacketsInAverage(dimensions: { }): MetricWithDims<{ }>; + + public static networkPacketsInAverage(dimensions: { AutoScalingGroupName: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ AutoScalingGroupName: string; }>; + + public static networkPacketsInAverage(dimensions: any): MetricWithDims { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/EC2", + "metricName": "NetworkPacketsIn", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static networkPacketsOutAverage(dimensions: { InstanceId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ InstanceId: string; }>; + + public static networkPacketsOutAverage(dimensions: { }): MetricWithDims<{ }>; + + public static networkPacketsOutAverage(dimensions: { AutoScalingGroupName: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ AutoScalingGroupName: string; }>; + + public static networkPacketsOutAverage(dimensions: any): MetricWithDims { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/EC2", + "metricName": "NetworkPacketsOut", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static statusCheckFailedSum(dimensions: { InstanceId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ InstanceId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/EC2", + "metricName": "StatusCheckFailed", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Sum" + }; + } + + public static statusCheckFailedInstanceSum(dimensions: { InstanceId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ InstanceId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/EC2", + "metricName": "StatusCheckFailed_Instance", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Sum" + }; + } + + public static statusCheckFailedSystemSum(dimensions: { InstanceId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ InstanceId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/EC2", + "metricName": "StatusCheckFailed_System", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Sum" + }; + } +} + +export class CWAgentMetrics { + public static cpuUsageIdleAverage(dimensions: { InstanceId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ InstanceId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "CWAgent", + "metricName": "cpu_usage_idle", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static cpuUsageIowaitAverage(dimensions: { InstanceId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ InstanceId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "CWAgent", + "metricName": "cpu_usage_iowait", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static cpuUsageStealAverage(dimensions: { InstanceId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ InstanceId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "CWAgent", + "metricName": "cpu_usage_steal", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static cpuUsageSystemAverage(dimensions: { InstanceId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ InstanceId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "CWAgent", + "metricName": "cpu_usage_system", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static cpuUsageUserAverage(dimensions: { InstanceId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ InstanceId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "CWAgent", + "metricName": "cpu_usage_user", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static diskInodesFreeSum(dimensions: { InstanceId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ InstanceId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "CWAgent", + "metricName": "disk_inodes_free", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Sum" + }; + } + + public static diskInodesTotalSum(dimensions: { InstanceId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ InstanceId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "CWAgent", + "metricName": "disk_inodes_total", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Sum" + }; + } + + public static diskInodesUsedSum(dimensions: { InstanceId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ InstanceId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "CWAgent", + "metricName": "disk_inodes_used", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Sum" + }; + } + + public static diskUsedPercentAverage(dimensions: { InstanceId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ InstanceId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "CWAgent", + "metricName": "disk_used_percent", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static diskioIoTimeAverage(dimensions: { InstanceId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ InstanceId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "CWAgent", + "metricName": "diskio_io_time", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static diskioReadBytesAverage(dimensions: { InstanceId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ InstanceId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "CWAgent", + "metricName": "diskio_read_bytes", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static diskioReadsAverage(dimensions: { InstanceId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ InstanceId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "CWAgent", + "metricName": "diskio_reads", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static diskioWriteBytesAverage(dimensions: { InstanceId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ InstanceId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "CWAgent", + "metricName": "diskio_write_bytes", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static diskioWritesAverage(dimensions: { InstanceId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ InstanceId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "CWAgent", + "metricName": "diskio_writes", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static memCachedAverage(dimensions: { InstanceId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ InstanceId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "CWAgent", + "metricName": "mem_cached", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static memTotalAverage(dimensions: { InstanceId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ InstanceId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "CWAgent", + "metricName": "mem_total", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static memUsedAverage(dimensions: { InstanceId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ InstanceId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "CWAgent", + "metricName": "mem_used", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static memUsedPercentAverage(dimensions: { InstanceId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ InstanceId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "CWAgent", + "metricName": "mem_used_percent", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static netstatTcpEstablishedSum(dimensions: { InstanceId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ InstanceId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "CWAgent", + "metricName": "netstat_tcp_established", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Sum" + }; + } + + public static netstatTcpTimeWaitSum(dimensions: { InstanceId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ InstanceId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "CWAgent", + "metricName": "netstat_tcp_time_wait", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Sum" + }; + } + + public static swapUsedPercentAverage(dimensions: { InstanceId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ InstanceId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "CWAgent", + "metricName": "swap_used_percent", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static tcPv4ConnectionsEstablishedSum(dimensions: { InstanceId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ InstanceId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "CWAgent", + "metricName": "TCPv4 Connections Established", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Sum" + }; + } + + public static tcPv6ConnectionsEstablishedSum(dimensions: { InstanceId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ InstanceId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "CWAgent", + "metricName": "TCPv6 Connections Established", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Sum" + }; + } + + public static memoryCommittedBytesInUseAverage(dimensions: { InstanceId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ InstanceId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "CWAgent", + "metricName": "Memory % Committed Bytes In Use", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static processorIdleTimeAverage(dimensions: { InstanceId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ InstanceId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "CWAgent", + "metricName": "Processor % Idle Time", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static processorInterruptTimeAverage(dimensions: { InstanceId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ InstanceId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "CWAgent", + "metricName": "Processor % Interrupt Time", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static processorUserTimeAverage(dimensions: { InstanceId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ InstanceId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "CWAgent", + "metricName": "Processor % User Time", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static logicalDiskFreeSpaceAverage(dimensions: { InstanceId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ InstanceId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "CWAgent", + "metricName": "LogicalDisk % Free Space", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static pagingFileUsageAverage(dimensions: { InstanceId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ InstanceId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "CWAgent", + "metricName": "Paging File % Usage", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } +} + +export class NATGatewayMetrics { + public static activeConnectionCountMaximum(dimensions: { NatGatewayId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ NatGatewayId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/NATGateway", + "metricName": "ActiveConnectionCount", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Maximum" + }; + } + + public static packetsDropCountSum(dimensions: { NatGatewayId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ NatGatewayId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/NATGateway", + "metricName": "PacketsDropCount", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Sum" + }; + } + + public static bytesInFromDestinationSum(dimensions: { NatGatewayId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ NatGatewayId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/NATGateway", + "metricName": "BytesInFromDestination", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Sum" + }; + } + + public static bytesInFromSourceSum(dimensions: { NatGatewayId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ NatGatewayId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/NATGateway", + "metricName": "BytesInFromSource", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Sum" + }; + } + + public static bytesOutToDestinationSum(dimensions: { NatGatewayId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ NatGatewayId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/NATGateway", + "metricName": "BytesOutToDestination", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Sum" + }; + } + + public static bytesOutToSourceSum(dimensions: { NatGatewayId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ NatGatewayId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/NATGateway", + "metricName": "BytesOutToSource", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Sum" + }; + } + + public static connectionAttemptCountSum(dimensions: { NatGatewayId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ NatGatewayId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/NATGateway", + "metricName": "ConnectionAttemptCount", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Sum" + }; + } + + public static connectionEstablishedCountSum(dimensions: { NatGatewayId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ NatGatewayId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/NATGateway", + "metricName": "ConnectionEstablishedCount", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Sum" + }; + } + + public static errorPortAllocationSum(dimensions: { NatGatewayId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ NatGatewayId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/NATGateway", + "metricName": "ErrorPortAllocation", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Sum" + }; + } + + public static idleTimeoutCountSum(dimensions: { NatGatewayId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ NatGatewayId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/NATGateway", + "metricName": "IdleTimeoutCount", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Sum" + }; + } + + public static packetsInFromDestinationSum(dimensions: { NatGatewayId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ NatGatewayId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/NATGateway", + "metricName": "PacketsInFromDestination", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Sum" + }; + } + + public static packetsInFromSourceSum(dimensions: { NatGatewayId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ NatGatewayId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/NATGateway", + "metricName": "PacketsInFromSource", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Sum" + }; + } + + public static packetsOutToDestinationSum(dimensions: { NatGatewayId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ NatGatewayId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/NATGateway", + "metricName": "PacketsOutToDestination", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Sum" + }; + } + + public static packetsOutToSourceSum(dimensions: { NatGatewayId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ NatGatewayId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/NATGateway", + "metricName": "PacketsOutToSource", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Sum" + }; + } +} + +export class TransitGatewayMetrics { + public static bytesInSum(dimensions: { TransitGateway: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ TransitGateway: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/TransitGateway", + "metricName": "BytesIn", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Sum" + }; + } + + public static bytesOutSum(dimensions: { TransitGateway: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ TransitGateway: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/TransitGateway", + "metricName": "BytesOut", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Sum" + }; + } + + public static packetDropCountBlackholeSum(dimensions: { TransitGateway: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ TransitGateway: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/TransitGateway", + "metricName": "PacketDropCountBlackhole", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Sum" + }; + } + + public static packetDropCountNoRouteSum(dimensions: { TransitGateway: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ TransitGateway: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/TransitGateway", + "metricName": "PacketDropCountNoRoute", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Sum" + }; + } + + public static packetsInSum(dimensions: { TransitGateway: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ TransitGateway: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/TransitGateway", + "metricName": "PacketsIn", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Sum" + }; + } + + public static packetsOutSum(dimensions: { TransitGateway: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ TransitGateway: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/TransitGateway", + "metricName": "PacketsOut", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Sum" + }; + } +} + +export class VPNMetrics { + public static tunnelDataInSum(dimensions: { VpnId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ VpnId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/VPN", + "metricName": "TunnelDataIn", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Sum" + }; + } + + public static tunnelStateAverage(dimensions: { VpnId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ VpnId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/VPN", + "metricName": "TunnelState", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static tunnelDataOutSum(dimensions: { VpnId: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ VpnId: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/VPN", + "metricName": "TunnelDataOut", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Sum" + }; + } +}", + "module": "/* eslint-disable prettier/prettier,max-len */ +import * as cdk from "aws-cdk-lib"; +import * as constructs from "constructs"; +import * as cfn_parse from "aws-cdk-lib/core/lib/helpers-internal"; + +/** + * Creates a new Capacity Reservation with the specified attributes. + * + * For more information, see [Capacity Reservations](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-capacity-reservations.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-capacityreservation.html + */ +export class CfnCapacityReservation extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::CapacityReservation"; + + /** + * Build a CfnCapacityReservation from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnCapacityReservation { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnCapacityReservationPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnCapacityReservation(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * Returns the Availability Zone in which the capacity is reserved. For example: \`us-east-1a\` . + * + * @cloudformationAttribute AvailabilityZone + */ + public readonly attrAvailabilityZone: string; + + /** + * Returns the remaining capacity, which indicates the number of instances that can be launched in the Capacity Reservation. For example: \`9\` . + * + * @cloudformationAttribute AvailableInstanceCount + */ + public readonly attrAvailableInstanceCount: number; + + /** + * The ID of the Capacity Reservation. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute Id + */ + public readonly attrId: string; + + /** + * Returns the type of instance for which the capacity is reserved. For example: \`m4.large\` . + * + * @cloudformationAttribute InstanceType + */ + public readonly attrInstanceType: string; + + /** + * Returns the tenancy of the Capacity Reservation. For example: \`dedicated\` . + * + * @cloudformationAttribute Tenancy + */ + public readonly attrTenancy: string; + + /** + * Returns the total number of instances for which the Capacity Reservation reserves capacity. For example: \`15\` . + * + * @cloudformationAttribute TotalInstanceCount + */ + public readonly attrTotalInstanceCount: number; + + /** + * The Availability Zone in which to create the Capacity Reservation. + */ + public availabilityZone: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether the Capacity Reservation supports EBS-optimized instances. + */ + public ebsOptimized?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The date and time at which the Capacity Reservation expires. + */ + public endDate?: string; + + /** + * Indicates the way in which the Capacity Reservation ends. + */ + public endDateType?: string; + + /** + * *Deprecated.*. + */ + public ephemeralStorage?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The number of instances for which to reserve capacity. + */ + public instanceCount: number; + + /** + * Indicates the type of instance launches that the Capacity Reservation accepts. The options include:. + */ + public instanceMatchCriteria?: string; + + /** + * The type of operating system for which to reserve capacity. + */ + public instancePlatform: string; + + /** + * The instance type for which to reserve capacity. + */ + public instanceType: string; + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Outpost on which to create the Capacity Reservation. + */ + public outPostArn?: string; + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster placement group in which to create the Capacity Reservation. + */ + public placementGroupArn?: string; + + /** + * The tags to apply to the Capacity Reservation during launch. + */ + public tagSpecifications?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Indicates the tenancy of the Capacity Reservation. A Capacity Reservation can have one of the following tenancy settings:. + */ + public tenancy?: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnCapacityReservationProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnCapacityReservation.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "availabilityZone", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "instanceCount", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "instancePlatform", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "instanceType", this); + + this.attrAvailabilityZone = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("AvailabilityZone", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrAvailableInstanceCount = cdk.Token.asNumber(this.getAtt("AvailableInstanceCount", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.NUMBER)); + this.attrId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Id", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrInstanceType = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("InstanceType", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrTenancy = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Tenancy", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrTotalInstanceCount = cdk.Token.asNumber(this.getAtt("TotalInstanceCount", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.NUMBER)); + this.availabilityZone = props.availabilityZone; + this.ebsOptimized = props.ebsOptimized; + this.endDate = props.endDate; + this.endDateType = props.endDateType; + this.ephemeralStorage = props.ephemeralStorage; + this.instanceCount = props.instanceCount; + this.instanceMatchCriteria = props.instanceMatchCriteria; + this.instancePlatform = props.instancePlatform; + this.instanceType = props.instanceType; + this.outPostArn = props.outPostArn; + this.placementGroupArn = props.placementGroupArn; + this.tagSpecifications = props.tagSpecifications; + this.tenancy = props.tenancy; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "availabilityZone": this.availabilityZone, + "ebsOptimized": this.ebsOptimized, + "endDate": this.endDate, + "endDateType": this.endDateType, + "ephemeralStorage": this.ephemeralStorage, + "instanceCount": this.instanceCount, + "instanceMatchCriteria": this.instanceMatchCriteria, + "instancePlatform": this.instancePlatform, + "instanceType": this.instanceType, + "outPostArn": this.outPostArn, + "placementGroupArn": this.placementGroupArn, + "tagSpecifications": this.tagSpecifications, + "tenancy": this.tenancy + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnCapacityReservation.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnCapacityReservationPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +export namespace CfnCapacityReservation { + /** + * An array of key-value pairs to apply to this resource. + * + * For more information, see [Tag](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-resource-tags.html) . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-capacityreservation-tagspecification.html + */ + export interface TagSpecificationProperty { + /** + * The type of resource to tag. + * + * Specify \`capacity-reservation\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-capacityreservation-tagspecification.html#cfn-ec2-capacityreservation-tagspecification-resourcetype + */ + readonly resourceType?: string; + + /** + * The tags to apply to the resource. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-capacityreservation-tagspecification.html#cfn-ec2-capacityreservation-tagspecification-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnCapacityReservation\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-capacityreservation.html + */ +export interface CfnCapacityReservationProps { + /** + * The Availability Zone in which to create the Capacity Reservation. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-capacityreservation.html#cfn-ec2-capacityreservation-availabilityzone + */ + readonly availabilityZone: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether the Capacity Reservation supports EBS-optimized instances. + * + * This optimization provides dedicated throughput to Amazon EBS and an optimized configuration stack to provide optimal I/O performance. This optimization isn't available with all instance types. Additional usage charges apply when using an EBS- optimized instance. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-capacityreservation.html#cfn-ec2-capacityreservation-ebsoptimized + */ + readonly ebsOptimized?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The date and time at which the Capacity Reservation expires. + * + * When a Capacity Reservation expires, the reserved capacity is released and you can no longer launch instances into it. The Capacity Reservation's state changes to \`expired\` when it reaches its end date and time. + * + * You must provide an \`EndDate\` value if \`EndDateType\` is \`limited\` . Omit \`EndDate\` if \`EndDateType\` is \`unlimited\` . + * + * If the \`EndDateType\` is \`limited\` , the Capacity Reservation is cancelled within an hour from the specified time. For example, if you specify 5/31/2019, 13:30:55, the Capacity Reservation is guaranteed to end between 13:30:55 and 14:30:55 on 5/31/2019. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-capacityreservation.html#cfn-ec2-capacityreservation-enddate + */ + readonly endDate?: string; + + /** + * Indicates the way in which the Capacity Reservation ends. + * + * A Capacity Reservation can have one of the following end types: + * + * - \`unlimited\` - The Capacity Reservation remains active until you explicitly cancel it. Do not provide an \`EndDate\` if the \`EndDateType\` is \`unlimited\` . + * - \`limited\` - The Capacity Reservation expires automatically at a specified date and time. You must provide an \`EndDate\` value if the \`EndDateType\` value is \`limited\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-capacityreservation.html#cfn-ec2-capacityreservation-enddatetype + */ + readonly endDateType?: string; + + /** + * *Deprecated.*. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-capacityreservation.html#cfn-ec2-capacityreservation-ephemeralstorage + */ + readonly ephemeralStorage?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The number of instances for which to reserve capacity. + * + * Valid range: 1 - 1000 + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-capacityreservation.html#cfn-ec2-capacityreservation-instancecount + */ + readonly instanceCount: number; + + /** + * Indicates the type of instance launches that the Capacity Reservation accepts. The options include:. + * + * - \`open\` - The Capacity Reservation automatically matches all instances that have matching attributes (instance type, platform, and Availability Zone). Instances that have matching attributes run in the Capacity Reservation automatically without specifying any additional parameters. + * - \`targeted\` - The Capacity Reservation only accepts instances that have matching attributes (instance type, platform, and Availability Zone), and explicitly target the Capacity Reservation. This ensures that only permitted instances can use the reserved capacity. + * + * Default: \`open\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-capacityreservation.html#cfn-ec2-capacityreservation-instancematchcriteria + */ + readonly instanceMatchCriteria?: string; + + /** + * The type of operating system for which to reserve capacity. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-capacityreservation.html#cfn-ec2-capacityreservation-instanceplatform + */ + readonly instancePlatform: string; + + /** + * The instance type for which to reserve capacity. + * + * For more information, see [Instance types](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/instance-types.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-capacityreservation.html#cfn-ec2-capacityreservation-instancetype + */ + readonly instanceType: string; + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Outpost on which to create the Capacity Reservation. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-capacityreservation.html#cfn-ec2-capacityreservation-outpostarn + */ + readonly outPostArn?: string; + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster placement group in which to create the Capacity Reservation. + * + * For more information, see [Capacity Reservations for cluster placement groups](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/cr-cpg.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-capacityreservation.html#cfn-ec2-capacityreservation-placementgrouparn + */ + readonly placementGroupArn?: string; + + /** + * The tags to apply to the Capacity Reservation during launch. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-capacityreservation.html#cfn-ec2-capacityreservation-tagspecifications + */ + readonly tagSpecifications?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Indicates the tenancy of the Capacity Reservation. A Capacity Reservation can have one of the following tenancy settings:. + * + * - \`default\` - The Capacity Reservation is created on hardware that is shared with other AWS accounts . + * - \`dedicated\` - The Capacity Reservation is created on single-tenant hardware that is dedicated to a single AWS account . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-capacityreservation.html#cfn-ec2-capacityreservation-tenancy + */ + readonly tenancy?: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`TagSpecificationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`TagSpecificationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnCapacityReservationTagSpecificationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("resourceType", cdk.validateString)(properties.resourceType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"TagSpecificationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnCapacityReservationTagSpecificationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnCapacityReservationTagSpecificationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ResourceType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.resourceType), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnCapacityReservationTagSpecificationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("resourceType", "ResourceType", (properties.ResourceType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ResourceType) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnCapacityReservationProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnCapacityReservationProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnCapacityReservationPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("availabilityZone", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.availabilityZone)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("availabilityZone", cdk.validateString)(properties.availabilityZone)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ebsOptimized", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.ebsOptimized)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("endDate", cdk.validateString)(properties.endDate)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("endDateType", cdk.validateString)(properties.endDateType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ephemeralStorage", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.ephemeralStorage)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("instanceCount", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.instanceCount)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("instanceCount", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.instanceCount)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("instanceMatchCriteria", cdk.validateString)(properties.instanceMatchCriteria)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("instancePlatform", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.instancePlatform)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("instancePlatform", cdk.validateString)(properties.instancePlatform)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("instanceType", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.instanceType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("instanceType", cdk.validateString)(properties.instanceType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("outPostArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.outPostArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("placementGroupArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.placementGroupArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tagSpecifications", cdk.listValidator(CfnCapacityReservationTagSpecificationPropertyValidator))(properties.tagSpecifications)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tenancy", cdk.validateString)(properties.tenancy)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnCapacityReservationProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnCapacityReservationPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnCapacityReservationPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AvailabilityZone": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.availabilityZone), + "EbsOptimized": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.ebsOptimized), + "EndDate": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.endDate), + "EndDateType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.endDateType), + "EphemeralStorage": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.ephemeralStorage), + "InstanceCount": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.instanceCount), + "InstanceMatchCriteria": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.instanceMatchCriteria), + "InstancePlatform": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.instancePlatform), + "InstanceType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.instanceType), + "OutPostArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.outPostArn), + "PlacementGroupArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.placementGroupArn), + "TagSpecifications": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnCapacityReservationTagSpecificationPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.tagSpecifications), + "Tenancy": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.tenancy) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnCapacityReservationPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("availabilityZone", "AvailabilityZone", (properties.AvailabilityZone != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.AvailabilityZone) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ebsOptimized", "EbsOptimized", (properties.EbsOptimized != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.EbsOptimized) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("endDate", "EndDate", (properties.EndDate != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.EndDate) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("endDateType", "EndDateType", (properties.EndDateType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.EndDateType) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ephemeralStorage", "EphemeralStorage", (properties.EphemeralStorage != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.EphemeralStorage) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("instanceCount", "InstanceCount", (properties.InstanceCount != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.InstanceCount) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("instanceMatchCriteria", "InstanceMatchCriteria", (properties.InstanceMatchCriteria != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.InstanceMatchCriteria) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("instancePlatform", "InstancePlatform", (properties.InstancePlatform != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.InstancePlatform) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("instanceType", "InstanceType", (properties.InstanceType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.InstanceType) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("outPostArn", "OutPostArn", (properties.OutPostArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.OutPostArn) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("placementGroupArn", "PlacementGroupArn", (properties.PlacementGroupArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.PlacementGroupArn) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tagSpecifications", "TagSpecifications", (properties.TagSpecifications != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnCapacityReservationTagSpecificationPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.TagSpecifications) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tenancy", "Tenancy", (properties.Tenancy != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Tenancy) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Creates a new Capacity Reservation Fleet with the specified attributes. + * + * For more information, see [Capacity Reservation Fleets](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/cr-fleets.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-capacityreservationfleet.html + */ +export class CfnCapacityReservationFleet extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::CapacityReservationFleet"; + + /** + * Build a CfnCapacityReservationFleet from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnCapacityReservationFleet { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnCapacityReservationFleetPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnCapacityReservationFleet(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The ID of the Capacity Reservation Fleet. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute CapacityReservationFleetId + */ + public readonly attrCapacityReservationFleetId: string; + + /** + * The strategy used by the Capacity Reservation Fleet to determine which of the specified instance types to use. + */ + public allocationStrategy?: string; + + /** + * The date and time at which the Capacity Reservation Fleet expires. + */ + public endDate?: string; + + /** + * Indicates the type of instance launches that the Capacity Reservation Fleet accepts. + */ + public instanceMatchCriteria?: string; + + /** + * Information about the instance types for which to reserve the capacity. + */ + public instanceTypeSpecifications?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Used to add an end date to a Capacity Reservation Fleet that has no end date and time. + */ + public noRemoveEndDate?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Used to remove an end date from a Capacity Reservation Fleet that is configured to end automatically at a specific date and time. + */ + public removeEndDate?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The tags to assign to the Capacity Reservation Fleet. + */ + public tagSpecifications?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Indicates the tenancy of the Capacity Reservation Fleet. + */ + public tenancy?: string; + + /** + * The total number of capacity units to be reserved by the Capacity Reservation Fleet. + */ + public totalTargetCapacity?: number; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnCapacityReservationFleetProps = {}) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnCapacityReservationFleet.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + this.attrCapacityReservationFleetId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("CapacityReservationFleetId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.allocationStrategy = props.allocationStrategy; + this.endDate = props.endDate; + this.instanceMatchCriteria = props.instanceMatchCriteria; + this.instanceTypeSpecifications = props.instanceTypeSpecifications; + this.noRemoveEndDate = props.noRemoveEndDate; + this.removeEndDate = props.removeEndDate; + this.tagSpecifications = props.tagSpecifications; + this.tenancy = props.tenancy; + this.totalTargetCapacity = props.totalTargetCapacity; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "allocationStrategy": this.allocationStrategy, + "endDate": this.endDate, + "instanceMatchCriteria": this.instanceMatchCriteria, + "instanceTypeSpecifications": this.instanceTypeSpecifications, + "noRemoveEndDate": this.noRemoveEndDate, + "removeEndDate": this.removeEndDate, + "tagSpecifications": this.tagSpecifications, + "tenancy": this.tenancy, + "totalTargetCapacity": this.totalTargetCapacity + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnCapacityReservationFleet.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnCapacityReservationFleetPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +export namespace CfnCapacityReservationFleet { + /** + * The tags to apply to a resource when the resource is being created. + * + * When you specify a tag, you must specify the resource type to tag, otherwise the request will fail. + * + * > The \`Valid Values\` lists all the resource types that can be tagged. However, the action you're using might not support tagging all of these resource types. If you try to tag a resource type that is unsupported for the action you're using, you'll get an error. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-capacityreservationfleet-tagspecification.html + */ + export interface TagSpecificationProperty { + /** + * The type of resource to tag on creation. Specify \`capacity-reservation-fleet\` . + * + * To tag a resource after it has been created, see [CreateTags](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_CreateTags.html) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-capacityreservationfleet-tagspecification.html#cfn-ec2-capacityreservationfleet-tagspecification-resourcetype + */ + readonly resourceType?: string; + + /** + * The tags to apply to the resource. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-capacityreservationfleet-tagspecification.html#cfn-ec2-capacityreservationfleet-tagspecification-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; + } + + /** + * Specifies information about an instance type to use in a Capacity Reservation Fleet. + * + * \`InstanceTypeSpecification\` is a property of the [AWS::EC2::CapacityReservationFleet](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-capacityreservationfleet.html) resource. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-capacityreservationfleet-instancetypespecification.html + */ + export interface InstanceTypeSpecificationProperty { + /** + * The Availability Zone in which the Capacity Reservation Fleet reserves the capacity. + * + * A Capacity Reservation Fleet can't span Availability Zones. All instance type specifications that you specify for the Fleet must use the same Availability Zone. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-capacityreservationfleet-instancetypespecification.html#cfn-ec2-capacityreservationfleet-instancetypespecification-availabilityzone + */ + readonly availabilityZone?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the Availability Zone in which the Capacity Reservation Fleet reserves the capacity. + * + * A Capacity Reservation Fleet can't span Availability Zones. All instance type specifications that you specify for the Fleet must use the same Availability Zone. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-capacityreservationfleet-instancetypespecification.html#cfn-ec2-capacityreservationfleet-instancetypespecification-availabilityzoneid + */ + readonly availabilityZoneId?: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether the Capacity Reservation Fleet supports EBS-optimized instances types. + * + * This optimization provides dedicated throughput to Amazon EBS and an optimized configuration stack to provide optimal I/O performance. This optimization isn't available with all instance types. Additional usage charges apply when using EBS-optimized instance types. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-capacityreservationfleet-instancetypespecification.html#cfn-ec2-capacityreservationfleet-instancetypespecification-ebsoptimized + */ + readonly ebsOptimized?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The type of operating system for which the Capacity Reservation Fleet reserves capacity. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-capacityreservationfleet-instancetypespecification.html#cfn-ec2-capacityreservationfleet-instancetypespecification-instanceplatform + */ + readonly instancePlatform?: string; + + /** + * The instance type for which the Capacity Reservation Fleet reserves capacity. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-capacityreservationfleet-instancetypespecification.html#cfn-ec2-capacityreservationfleet-instancetypespecification-instancetype + */ + readonly instanceType?: string; + + /** + * The priority to assign to the instance type. + * + * This value is used to determine which of the instance types specified for the Fleet should be prioritized for use. A lower value indicates a high priority. For more information, see [Instance type priority](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/crfleet-concepts.html#instance-priority) in the Amazon EC2 User Guide. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-capacityreservationfleet-instancetypespecification.html#cfn-ec2-capacityreservationfleet-instancetypespecification-priority + */ + readonly priority?: number; + + /** + * The number of capacity units provided by the specified instance type. + * + * This value, together with the total target capacity that you specify for the Fleet determine the number of instances for which the Fleet reserves capacity. Both values are based on units that make sense for your workload. For more information, see [Total target capacity](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/crfleet-concepts.html#target-capacity) in the Amazon EC2 User Guide. + * + * Valid Range: Minimum value of \`0.001\` . Maximum value of \`99.999\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-capacityreservationfleet-instancetypespecification.html#cfn-ec2-capacityreservationfleet-instancetypespecification-weight + */ + readonly weight?: number; + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnCapacityReservationFleet\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-capacityreservationfleet.html + */ +export interface CfnCapacityReservationFleetProps { + /** + * The strategy used by the Capacity Reservation Fleet to determine which of the specified instance types to use. + * + * Currently, only the \`prioritized\` allocation strategy is supported. For more information, see [Allocation strategy](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/crfleet-concepts.html#allocation-strategy) in the Amazon EC2 User Guide. + * + * Valid values: \`prioritized\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-capacityreservationfleet.html#cfn-ec2-capacityreservationfleet-allocationstrategy + */ + readonly allocationStrategy?: string; + + /** + * The date and time at which the Capacity Reservation Fleet expires. + * + * When the Capacity Reservation Fleet expires, its state changes to \`expired\` and all of the Capacity Reservations in the Fleet expire. + * + * The Capacity Reservation Fleet expires within an hour after the specified time. For example, if you specify \`5/31/2019\` , \`13:30:55\` , the Capacity Reservation Fleet is guaranteed to expire between \`13:30:55\` and \`14:30:55\` on \`5/31/2019\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-capacityreservationfleet.html#cfn-ec2-capacityreservationfleet-enddate + */ + readonly endDate?: string; + + /** + * Indicates the type of instance launches that the Capacity Reservation Fleet accepts. + * + * All Capacity Reservations in the Fleet inherit this instance matching criteria. + * + * Currently, Capacity Reservation Fleets support \`open\` instance matching criteria only. This means that instances that have matching attributes (instance type, platform, and Availability Zone) run in the Capacity Reservations automatically. Instances do not need to explicitly target a Capacity Reservation Fleet to use its reserved capacity. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-capacityreservationfleet.html#cfn-ec2-capacityreservationfleet-instancematchcriteria + */ + readonly instanceMatchCriteria?: string; + + /** + * Information about the instance types for which to reserve the capacity. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-capacityreservationfleet.html#cfn-ec2-capacityreservationfleet-instancetypespecifications + */ + readonly instanceTypeSpecifications?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Used to add an end date to a Capacity Reservation Fleet that has no end date and time. + * + * To add an end date to a Capacity Reservation Fleet, specify \`true\` for this paramater and specify the end date and time (in UTC time format) for the *EndDate* parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-capacityreservationfleet.html#cfn-ec2-capacityreservationfleet-noremoveenddate + */ + readonly noRemoveEndDate?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Used to remove an end date from a Capacity Reservation Fleet that is configured to end automatically at a specific date and time. + * + * To remove the end date from a Capacity Reservation Fleet, specify \`true\` for this paramater and omit the *EndDate* parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-capacityreservationfleet.html#cfn-ec2-capacityreservationfleet-removeenddate + */ + readonly removeEndDate?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The tags to assign to the Capacity Reservation Fleet. + * + * The tags are automatically assigned to the Capacity Reservations in the Fleet. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-capacityreservationfleet.html#cfn-ec2-capacityreservationfleet-tagspecifications + */ + readonly tagSpecifications?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Indicates the tenancy of the Capacity Reservation Fleet. + * + * All Capacity Reservations in the Fleet inherit this tenancy. The Capacity Reservation Fleet can have one of the following tenancy settings: + * + * - \`default\` - The Capacity Reservation Fleet is created on hardware that is shared with other AWS accounts . + * - \`dedicated\` - The Capacity Reservations are created on single-tenant hardware that is dedicated to a single AWS account . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-capacityreservationfleet.html#cfn-ec2-capacityreservationfleet-tenancy + */ + readonly tenancy?: string; + + /** + * The total number of capacity units to be reserved by the Capacity Reservation Fleet. + * + * This value, together with the instance type weights that you assign to each instance type used by the Fleet determine the number of instances for which the Fleet reserves capacity. Both values are based on units that make sense for your workload. For more information, see [Total target capacity](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/crfleet-concepts.html#target-capacity) in the Amazon EC2 User Guide. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-capacityreservationfleet.html#cfn-ec2-capacityreservationfleet-totaltargetcapacity + */ + readonly totalTargetCapacity?: number; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`TagSpecificationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`TagSpecificationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnCapacityReservationFleetTagSpecificationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("resourceType", cdk.validateString)(properties.resourceType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"TagSpecificationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnCapacityReservationFleetTagSpecificationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnCapacityReservationFleetTagSpecificationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ResourceType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.resourceType), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnCapacityReservationFleetTagSpecificationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("resourceType", "ResourceType", (properties.ResourceType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ResourceType) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`InstanceTypeSpecificationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`InstanceTypeSpecificationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnCapacityReservationFleetInstanceTypeSpecificationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("availabilityZone", cdk.validateString)(properties.availabilityZone)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("availabilityZoneId", cdk.validateString)(properties.availabilityZoneId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ebsOptimized", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.ebsOptimized)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("instancePlatform", cdk.validateString)(properties.instancePlatform)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("instanceType", cdk.validateString)(properties.instanceType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("priority", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.priority)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("weight", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.weight)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"InstanceTypeSpecificationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnCapacityReservationFleetInstanceTypeSpecificationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnCapacityReservationFleetInstanceTypeSpecificationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AvailabilityZone": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.availabilityZone), + "AvailabilityZoneId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.availabilityZoneId), + "EbsOptimized": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.ebsOptimized), + "InstancePlatform": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.instancePlatform), + "InstanceType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.instanceType), + "Priority": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.priority), + "Weight": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.weight) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnCapacityReservationFleetInstanceTypeSpecificationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("availabilityZone", "AvailabilityZone", (properties.AvailabilityZone != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.AvailabilityZone) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("availabilityZoneId", "AvailabilityZoneId", (properties.AvailabilityZoneId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.AvailabilityZoneId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ebsOptimized", "EbsOptimized", (properties.EbsOptimized != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.EbsOptimized) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("instancePlatform", "InstancePlatform", (properties.InstancePlatform != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.InstancePlatform) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("instanceType", "InstanceType", (properties.InstanceType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.InstanceType) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("priority", "Priority", (properties.Priority != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Priority) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("weight", "Weight", (properties.Weight != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Weight) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnCapacityReservationFleetProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnCapacityReservationFleetProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnCapacityReservationFleetPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("allocationStrategy", cdk.validateString)(properties.allocationStrategy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("endDate", cdk.validateString)(properties.endDate)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("instanceMatchCriteria", cdk.validateString)(properties.instanceMatchCriteria)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("instanceTypeSpecifications", cdk.listValidator(CfnCapacityReservationFleetInstanceTypeSpecificationPropertyValidator))(properties.instanceTypeSpecifications)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("noRemoveEndDate", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.noRemoveEndDate)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("removeEndDate", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.removeEndDate)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tagSpecifications", cdk.listValidator(CfnCapacityReservationFleetTagSpecificationPropertyValidator))(properties.tagSpecifications)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tenancy", cdk.validateString)(properties.tenancy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("totalTargetCapacity", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.totalTargetCapacity)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnCapacityReservationFleetProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnCapacityReservationFleetPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnCapacityReservationFleetPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AllocationStrategy": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.allocationStrategy), + "EndDate": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.endDate), + "InstanceMatchCriteria": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.instanceMatchCriteria), + "InstanceTypeSpecifications": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnCapacityReservationFleetInstanceTypeSpecificationPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.instanceTypeSpecifications), + "NoRemoveEndDate": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.noRemoveEndDate), + "RemoveEndDate": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.removeEndDate), + "TagSpecifications": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnCapacityReservationFleetTagSpecificationPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.tagSpecifications), + "Tenancy": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.tenancy), + "TotalTargetCapacity": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.totalTargetCapacity) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnCapacityReservationFleetPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("allocationStrategy", "AllocationStrategy", (properties.AllocationStrategy != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.AllocationStrategy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("endDate", "EndDate", (properties.EndDate != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.EndDate) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("instanceMatchCriteria", "InstanceMatchCriteria", (properties.InstanceMatchCriteria != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.InstanceMatchCriteria) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("instanceTypeSpecifications", "InstanceTypeSpecifications", (properties.InstanceTypeSpecifications != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnCapacityReservationFleetInstanceTypeSpecificationPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.InstanceTypeSpecifications) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("noRemoveEndDate", "NoRemoveEndDate", (properties.NoRemoveEndDate != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.NoRemoveEndDate) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("removeEndDate", "RemoveEndDate", (properties.RemoveEndDate != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.RemoveEndDate) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tagSpecifications", "TagSpecifications", (properties.TagSpecifications != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnCapacityReservationFleetTagSpecificationPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.TagSpecifications) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tenancy", "Tenancy", (properties.Tenancy != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Tenancy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("totalTargetCapacity", "TotalTargetCapacity", (properties.TotalTargetCapacity != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.TotalTargetCapacity) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Creates a carrier gateway. + * + * For more information about carrier gateways, see [Carrier gateways](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/wavelength/latest/developerguide/how-wavelengths-work.html#wavelength-carrier-gateway) in the *AWS Wavelength Developer Guide* . + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-carriergateway.html + */ +export class CfnCarrierGateway extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::CarrierGateway"; + + /** + * Build a CfnCarrierGateway from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnCarrierGateway { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnCarrierGatewayPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnCarrierGateway(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The ID of the carrier gateway. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute CarrierGatewayId + */ + public readonly attrCarrierGatewayId: string; + + /** + * The AWS account ID of the owner of the carrier gateway. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute OwnerId + */ + public readonly attrOwnerId: string; + + /** + * The state of the carrier gateway. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute State + */ + public readonly attrState: string; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * The tags assigned to the carrier gateway. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * The ID of the VPC associated with the carrier gateway. + */ + public vpcId: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnCarrierGatewayProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnCarrierGateway.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "vpcId", this); + + this.attrCarrierGatewayId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("CarrierGatewayId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrOwnerId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("OwnerId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrState = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("State", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::EC2::CarrierGateway", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + this.vpcId = props.vpcId; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "tags": this.tags.renderTags(), + "vpcId": this.vpcId + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnCarrierGateway.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnCarrierGatewayPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnCarrierGateway\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-carriergateway.html + */ +export interface CfnCarrierGatewayProps { + /** + * The tags assigned to the carrier gateway. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-carriergateway.html#cfn-ec2-carriergateway-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; + + /** + * The ID of the VPC associated with the carrier gateway. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-carriergateway.html#cfn-ec2-carriergateway-vpcid + */ + readonly vpcId: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnCarrierGatewayProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnCarrierGatewayProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnCarrierGatewayPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vpcId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.vpcId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vpcId", cdk.validateString)(properties.vpcId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnCarrierGatewayProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnCarrierGatewayPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnCarrierGatewayPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags), + "VpcId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.vpcId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnCarrierGatewayPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("vpcId", "VpcId", (properties.VpcId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.VpcId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Specifies an ingress authorization rule to add to a Client VPN endpoint. + * + * Ingress authorization rules act as firewall rules that grant access to networks. You must configure ingress authorization rules to enable clients to access resources in AWS or on-premises networks. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-clientvpnauthorizationrule.html + */ +export class CfnClientVpnAuthorizationRule extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::ClientVpnAuthorizationRule"; + + /** + * Build a CfnClientVpnAuthorizationRule from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnClientVpnAuthorizationRule { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnClientVpnAuthorizationRulePropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnClientVpnAuthorizationRule(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * @cloudformationAttribute Id + */ + public readonly attrId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the group to grant access to, for example, the Active Directory group or identity provider (IdP) group. + */ + public accessGroupId?: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether to grant access to all clients. + */ + public authorizeAllGroups?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The ID of the Client VPN endpoint. + */ + public clientVpnEndpointId: string; + + /** + * A brief description of the authorization rule. + */ + public description?: string; + + /** + * The IPv4 address range, in CIDR notation, of the network for which access is being authorized. + */ + public targetNetworkCidr: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnClientVpnAuthorizationRuleProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnClientVpnAuthorizationRule.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "clientVpnEndpointId", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "targetNetworkCidr", this); + + this.attrId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Id", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.accessGroupId = props.accessGroupId; + this.authorizeAllGroups = props.authorizeAllGroups; + this.clientVpnEndpointId = props.clientVpnEndpointId; + this.description = props.description; + this.targetNetworkCidr = props.targetNetworkCidr; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "accessGroupId": this.accessGroupId, + "authorizeAllGroups": this.authorizeAllGroups, + "clientVpnEndpointId": this.clientVpnEndpointId, + "description": this.description, + "targetNetworkCidr": this.targetNetworkCidr + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnClientVpnAuthorizationRule.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnClientVpnAuthorizationRulePropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnClientVpnAuthorizationRule\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-clientvpnauthorizationrule.html + */ +export interface CfnClientVpnAuthorizationRuleProps { + /** + * The ID of the group to grant access to, for example, the Active Directory group or identity provider (IdP) group. + * + * Required if \`AuthorizeAllGroups\` is \`false\` or not specified. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-clientvpnauthorizationrule.html#cfn-ec2-clientvpnauthorizationrule-accessgroupid + */ + readonly accessGroupId?: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether to grant access to all clients. + * + * Specify \`true\` to grant all clients who successfully establish a VPN connection access to the network. Must be set to \`true\` if \`AccessGroupId\` is not specified. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-clientvpnauthorizationrule.html#cfn-ec2-clientvpnauthorizationrule-authorizeallgroups + */ + readonly authorizeAllGroups?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The ID of the Client VPN endpoint. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-clientvpnauthorizationrule.html#cfn-ec2-clientvpnauthorizationrule-clientvpnendpointid + */ + readonly clientVpnEndpointId: string; + + /** + * A brief description of the authorization rule. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-clientvpnauthorizationrule.html#cfn-ec2-clientvpnauthorizationrule-description + */ + readonly description?: string; + + /** + * The IPv4 address range, in CIDR notation, of the network for which access is being authorized. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-clientvpnauthorizationrule.html#cfn-ec2-clientvpnauthorizationrule-targetnetworkcidr + */ + readonly targetNetworkCidr: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnClientVpnAuthorizationRuleProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnClientVpnAuthorizationRuleProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnClientVpnAuthorizationRulePropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("accessGroupId", cdk.validateString)(properties.accessGroupId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("authorizeAllGroups", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.authorizeAllGroups)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("clientVpnEndpointId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.clientVpnEndpointId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("clientVpnEndpointId", cdk.validateString)(properties.clientVpnEndpointId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("description", cdk.validateString)(properties.description)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("targetNetworkCidr", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.targetNetworkCidr)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("targetNetworkCidr", cdk.validateString)(properties.targetNetworkCidr)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnClientVpnAuthorizationRuleProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnClientVpnAuthorizationRulePropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnClientVpnAuthorizationRulePropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AccessGroupId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.accessGroupId), + "AuthorizeAllGroups": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.authorizeAllGroups), + "ClientVpnEndpointId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.clientVpnEndpointId), + "Description": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.description), + "TargetNetworkCidr": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.targetNetworkCidr) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnClientVpnAuthorizationRulePropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("accessGroupId", "AccessGroupId", (properties.AccessGroupId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.AccessGroupId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("authorizeAllGroups", "AuthorizeAllGroups", (properties.AuthorizeAllGroups != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.AuthorizeAllGroups) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("clientVpnEndpointId", "ClientVpnEndpointId", (properties.ClientVpnEndpointId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ClientVpnEndpointId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("description", "Description", (properties.Description != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Description) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("targetNetworkCidr", "TargetNetworkCidr", (properties.TargetNetworkCidr != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.TargetNetworkCidr) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Specifies a Client VPN endpoint. + * + * A Client VPN endpoint is the resource you create and configure to enable and manage client VPN sessions. It is the destination endpoint at which all client VPN sessions are terminated. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-clientvpnendpoint.html + */ +export class CfnClientVpnEndpoint extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::ClientVpnEndpoint"; + + /** + * Build a CfnClientVpnEndpoint from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnClientVpnEndpoint { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnClientVpnEndpointPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnClientVpnEndpoint(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * @cloudformationAttribute Id + */ + public readonly attrId: string; + + /** + * Information about the authentication method to be used to authenticate clients. + */ + public authenticationOptions: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The IPv4 address range, in CIDR notation, from which to assign client IP addresses. + */ + public clientCidrBlock: string; + + /** + * The options for managing connection authorization for new client connections. + */ + public clientConnectOptions?: CfnClientVpnEndpoint.ClientConnectOptionsProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Options for enabling a customizable text banner that will be displayed on AWS provided clients when a VPN session is established. + */ + public clientLoginBannerOptions?: CfnClientVpnEndpoint.ClientLoginBannerOptionsProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Information about the client connection logging options. + */ + public connectionLogOptions: CfnClientVpnEndpoint.ConnectionLogOptionsProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * A brief description of the Client VPN endpoint. + */ + public description?: string; + + /** + * Information about the DNS servers to be used for DNS resolution. + */ + public dnsServers?: Array; + + /** + * The IDs of one or more security groups to apply to the target network. + */ + public securityGroupIds?: Array; + + /** + * Specify whether to enable the self-service portal for the Client VPN endpoint. + */ + public selfServicePortal?: string; + + /** + * The ARN of the server certificate. + */ + public serverCertificateArn: string; + + /** + * The maximum VPN session duration time in hours. + */ + public sessionTimeoutHours?: number; + + /** + * Indicates whether split-tunnel is enabled on the AWS Client VPN endpoint. + */ + public splitTunnel?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The tags to apply to the Client VPN endpoint during creation. + */ + public tagSpecifications?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The transport protocol to be used by the VPN session. + */ + public transportProtocol?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the VPC to associate with the Client VPN endpoint. + */ + public vpcId?: string; + + /** + * The port number to assign to the Client VPN endpoint for TCP and UDP traffic. + */ + public vpnPort?: number; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnClientVpnEndpointProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnClientVpnEndpoint.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "authenticationOptions", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "clientCidrBlock", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "connectionLogOptions", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "serverCertificateArn", this); + + this.attrId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Id", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.authenticationOptions = props.authenticationOptions; + this.clientCidrBlock = props.clientCidrBlock; + this.clientConnectOptions = props.clientConnectOptions; + this.clientLoginBannerOptions = props.clientLoginBannerOptions; + this.connectionLogOptions = props.connectionLogOptions; + this.description = props.description; + this.dnsServers = props.dnsServers; + this.securityGroupIds = props.securityGroupIds; + this.selfServicePortal = props.selfServicePortal; + this.serverCertificateArn = props.serverCertificateArn; + this.sessionTimeoutHours = props.sessionTimeoutHours; + this.splitTunnel = props.splitTunnel; + this.tagSpecifications = props.tagSpecifications; + this.transportProtocol = props.transportProtocol; + this.vpcId = props.vpcId; + this.vpnPort = props.vpnPort; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "authenticationOptions": this.authenticationOptions, + "clientCidrBlock": this.clientCidrBlock, + "clientConnectOptions": this.clientConnectOptions, + "clientLoginBannerOptions": this.clientLoginBannerOptions, + "connectionLogOptions": this.connectionLogOptions, + "description": this.description, + "dnsServers": this.dnsServers, + "securityGroupIds": this.securityGroupIds, + "selfServicePortal": this.selfServicePortal, + "serverCertificateArn": this.serverCertificateArn, + "sessionTimeoutHours": this.sessionTimeoutHours, + "splitTunnel": this.splitTunnel, + "tagSpecifications": this.tagSpecifications, + "transportProtocol": this.transportProtocol, + "vpcId": this.vpcId, + "vpnPort": this.vpnPort + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnClientVpnEndpoint.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnClientVpnEndpointPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +export namespace CfnClientVpnEndpoint { + /** + * Indicates whether client connect options are enabled. + * + * The default is \`false\` (not enabled). + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-clientconnectoptions.html + */ + export interface ClientConnectOptionsProperty { + /** + * Indicates whether client connect options are enabled. + * + * The default is \`false\` (not enabled). + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-clientconnectoptions.html#cfn-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-clientconnectoptions-enabled + */ + readonly enabled: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Lambda function used for connection authorization. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-clientconnectoptions.html#cfn-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-clientconnectoptions-lambdafunctionarn + */ + readonly lambdaFunctionArn?: string; + } + + /** + * The tags to apply to a resource when the resource is being created. + * + * When you specify a tag, you must specify the resource type to tag, otherwise the request will fail. + * + * > The \`Valid Values\` lists all the resource types that can be tagged. However, the action you're using might not support tagging all of these resource types. If you try to tag a resource type that is unsupported for the action you're using, you'll get an error. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-tagspecification.html + */ + export interface TagSpecificationProperty { + /** + * The type of resource to tag. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-tagspecification.html#cfn-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-tagspecification-resourcetype + */ + readonly resourceType: string; + + /** + * The tags to apply to the resource. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-tagspecification.html#cfn-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-tagspecification-tags + */ + readonly tags: Array; + } + + /** + * Describes the authentication method to be used by a Client VPN endpoint. + * + * For more information, see [Authentication](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpn/latest/clientvpn-admin/authentication-authrization.html#client-authentication) in the *AWS Client VPN Administrator Guide* . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-clientauthenticationrequest.html + */ + export interface ClientAuthenticationRequestProperty { + /** + * Information about the Active Directory to be used, if applicable. + * + * You must provide this information if *Type* is \`directory-service-authentication\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-clientauthenticationrequest.html#cfn-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-clientauthenticationrequest-activedirectory + */ + readonly activeDirectory?: CfnClientVpnEndpoint.DirectoryServiceAuthenticationRequestProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Information about the IAM SAML identity provider, if applicable. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-clientauthenticationrequest.html#cfn-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-clientauthenticationrequest-federatedauthentication + */ + readonly federatedAuthentication?: CfnClientVpnEndpoint.FederatedAuthenticationRequestProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Information about the authentication certificates to be used, if applicable. + * + * You must provide this information if *Type* is \`certificate-authentication\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-clientauthenticationrequest.html#cfn-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-clientauthenticationrequest-mutualauthentication + */ + readonly mutualAuthentication?: CfnClientVpnEndpoint.CertificateAuthenticationRequestProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The type of client authentication to be used. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-clientauthenticationrequest.html#cfn-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-clientauthenticationrequest-type + */ + readonly type: string; + } + + /** + * Information about the client certificate to be used for authentication. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-certificateauthenticationrequest.html + */ + export interface CertificateAuthenticationRequestProperty { + /** + * The ARN of the client certificate. + * + * The certificate must be signed by a certificate authority (CA) and it must be provisioned in AWS Certificate Manager (ACM). + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-certificateauthenticationrequest.html#cfn-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-certificateauthenticationrequest-clientrootcertificatechainarn + */ + readonly clientRootCertificateChainArn: string; + } + + /** + * Describes the Active Directory to be used for client authentication. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-directoryserviceauthenticationrequest.html + */ + export interface DirectoryServiceAuthenticationRequestProperty { + /** + * The ID of the Active Directory to be used for authentication. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-directoryserviceauthenticationrequest.html#cfn-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-directoryserviceauthenticationrequest-directoryid + */ + readonly directoryId: string; + } + + /** + * The IAM SAML identity provider used for federated authentication. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-federatedauthenticationrequest.html + */ + export interface FederatedAuthenticationRequestProperty { + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM SAML identity provider. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-federatedauthenticationrequest.html#cfn-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-federatedauthenticationrequest-samlproviderarn + */ + readonly samlProviderArn: string; + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM SAML identity provider for the self-service portal. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-federatedauthenticationrequest.html#cfn-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-federatedauthenticationrequest-selfservicesamlproviderarn + */ + readonly selfServiceSamlProviderArn?: string; + } + + /** + * Describes the client connection logging options for the Client VPN endpoint. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-connectionlogoptions.html + */ + export interface ConnectionLogOptionsProperty { + /** + * The name of the CloudWatch Logs log group. + * + * Required if connection logging is enabled. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-connectionlogoptions.html#cfn-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-connectionlogoptions-cloudwatchloggroup + */ + readonly cloudwatchLogGroup?: string; + + /** + * The name of the CloudWatch Logs log stream to which the connection data is published. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-connectionlogoptions.html#cfn-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-connectionlogoptions-cloudwatchlogstream + */ + readonly cloudwatchLogStream?: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether connection logging is enabled. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-connectionlogoptions.html#cfn-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-connectionlogoptions-enabled + */ + readonly enabled: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * Options for enabling a customizable text banner that will be displayed on AWS provided clients when a VPN session is established. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-clientloginbanneroptions.html + */ + export interface ClientLoginBannerOptionsProperty { + /** + * Customizable text that will be displayed in a banner on AWS provided clients when a VPN session is established. + * + * UTF-8 encoded characters only. Maximum of 1400 characters. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-clientloginbanneroptions.html#cfn-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-clientloginbanneroptions-bannertext + */ + readonly bannerText?: string; + + /** + * Enable or disable a customizable text banner that will be displayed on AWS provided clients when a VPN session is established. + * + * Valid values: \`true | false\` + * + * Default value: \`false\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-clientloginbanneroptions.html#cfn-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-clientloginbanneroptions-enabled + */ + readonly enabled: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnClientVpnEndpoint\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-clientvpnendpoint.html + */ +export interface CfnClientVpnEndpointProps { + /** + * Information about the authentication method to be used to authenticate clients. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-clientvpnendpoint.html#cfn-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-authenticationoptions + */ + readonly authenticationOptions: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The IPv4 address range, in CIDR notation, from which to assign client IP addresses. + * + * The address range cannot overlap with the local CIDR of the VPC in which the associated subnet is located, or the routes that you add manually. The address range cannot be changed after the Client VPN endpoint has been created. Client CIDR range must have a size of at least /22 and must not be greater than /12. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-clientvpnendpoint.html#cfn-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-clientcidrblock + */ + readonly clientCidrBlock: string; + + /** + * The options for managing connection authorization for new client connections. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-clientvpnendpoint.html#cfn-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-clientconnectoptions + */ + readonly clientConnectOptions?: CfnClientVpnEndpoint.ClientConnectOptionsProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Options for enabling a customizable text banner that will be displayed on AWS provided clients when a VPN session is established. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-clientvpnendpoint.html#cfn-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-clientloginbanneroptions + */ + readonly clientLoginBannerOptions?: CfnClientVpnEndpoint.ClientLoginBannerOptionsProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Information about the client connection logging options. + * + * If you enable client connection logging, data about client connections is sent to a Cloudwatch Logs log stream. The following information is logged: + * + * - Client connection requests + * - Client connection results (successful and unsuccessful) + * - Reasons for unsuccessful client connection requests + * - Client connection termination time + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-clientvpnendpoint.html#cfn-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-connectionlogoptions + */ + readonly connectionLogOptions: CfnClientVpnEndpoint.ConnectionLogOptionsProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * A brief description of the Client VPN endpoint. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-clientvpnendpoint.html#cfn-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-description + */ + readonly description?: string; + + /** + * Information about the DNS servers to be used for DNS resolution. + * + * A Client VPN endpoint can have up to two DNS servers. If no DNS server is specified, the DNS address configured on the device is used for the DNS server. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-clientvpnendpoint.html#cfn-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-dnsservers + */ + readonly dnsServers?: Array; + + /** + * The IDs of one or more security groups to apply to the target network. + * + * You must also specify the ID of the VPC that contains the security groups. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-clientvpnendpoint.html#cfn-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-securitygroupids + */ + readonly securityGroupIds?: Array; + + /** + * Specify whether to enable the self-service portal for the Client VPN endpoint. + * + * Default Value: \`enabled\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-clientvpnendpoint.html#cfn-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-selfserviceportal + */ + readonly selfServicePortal?: string; + + /** + * The ARN of the server certificate. + * + * For more information, see the [AWS Certificate Manager User Guide](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/acm/latest/userguide/) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-clientvpnendpoint.html#cfn-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-servercertificatearn + */ + readonly serverCertificateArn: string; + + /** + * The maximum VPN session duration time in hours. + * + * Valid values: \`8 | 10 | 12 | 24\` + * + * Default value: \`24\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-clientvpnendpoint.html#cfn-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-sessiontimeouthours + */ + readonly sessionTimeoutHours?: number; + + /** + * Indicates whether split-tunnel is enabled on the AWS Client VPN endpoint. + * + * By default, split-tunnel on a VPN endpoint is disabled. + * + * For information about split-tunnel VPN endpoints, see [Split-tunnel AWS Client VPN endpoint](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpn/latest/clientvpn-admin/split-tunnel-vpn.html) in the *AWS Client VPN Administrator Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-clientvpnendpoint.html#cfn-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-splittunnel + */ + readonly splitTunnel?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The tags to apply to the Client VPN endpoint during creation. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-clientvpnendpoint.html#cfn-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-tagspecifications + */ + readonly tagSpecifications?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The transport protocol to be used by the VPN session. + * + * Default value: \`udp\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-clientvpnendpoint.html#cfn-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-transportprotocol + */ + readonly transportProtocol?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the VPC to associate with the Client VPN endpoint. + * + * If no security group IDs are specified in the request, the default security group for the VPC is applied. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-clientvpnendpoint.html#cfn-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-vpcid + */ + readonly vpcId?: string; + + /** + * The port number to assign to the Client VPN endpoint for TCP and UDP traffic. + * + * Valid Values: \`443\` | \`1194\` + * + * Default Value: \`443\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-clientvpnendpoint.html#cfn-ec2-clientvpnendpoint-vpnport + */ + readonly vpnPort?: number; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`ClientConnectOptionsProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`ClientConnectOptionsProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnClientVpnEndpointClientConnectOptionsPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("enabled", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.enabled)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("enabled", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.enabled)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("lambdaFunctionArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.lambdaFunctionArn)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"ClientConnectOptionsProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnClientVpnEndpointClientConnectOptionsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnClientVpnEndpointClientConnectOptionsPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Enabled": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.enabled), + "LambdaFunctionArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.lambdaFunctionArn) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnClientVpnEndpointClientConnectOptionsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("enabled", "Enabled", (properties.Enabled != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.Enabled) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("lambdaFunctionArn", "LambdaFunctionArn", (properties.LambdaFunctionArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.LambdaFunctionArn) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`TagSpecificationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`TagSpecificationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnClientVpnEndpointTagSpecificationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("resourceType", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.resourceType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("resourceType", cdk.validateString)(properties.resourceType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.tags)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"TagSpecificationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnClientVpnEndpointTagSpecificationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnClientVpnEndpointTagSpecificationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ResourceType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.resourceType), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnClientVpnEndpointTagSpecificationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("resourceType", "ResourceType", (properties.ResourceType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ResourceType) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CertificateAuthenticationRequestProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CertificateAuthenticationRequestProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnClientVpnEndpointCertificateAuthenticationRequestPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("clientRootCertificateChainArn", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.clientRootCertificateChainArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("clientRootCertificateChainArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.clientRootCertificateChainArn)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CertificateAuthenticationRequestProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnClientVpnEndpointCertificateAuthenticationRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnClientVpnEndpointCertificateAuthenticationRequestPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ClientRootCertificateChainArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.clientRootCertificateChainArn) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnClientVpnEndpointCertificateAuthenticationRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("clientRootCertificateChainArn", "ClientRootCertificateChainArn", (properties.ClientRootCertificateChainArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ClientRootCertificateChainArn) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`DirectoryServiceAuthenticationRequestProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`DirectoryServiceAuthenticationRequestProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnClientVpnEndpointDirectoryServiceAuthenticationRequestPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("directoryId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.directoryId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("directoryId", cdk.validateString)(properties.directoryId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"DirectoryServiceAuthenticationRequestProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnClientVpnEndpointDirectoryServiceAuthenticationRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnClientVpnEndpointDirectoryServiceAuthenticationRequestPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "DirectoryId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.directoryId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnClientVpnEndpointDirectoryServiceAuthenticationRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("directoryId", "DirectoryId", (properties.DirectoryId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DirectoryId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`FederatedAuthenticationRequestProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`FederatedAuthenticationRequestProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnClientVpnEndpointFederatedAuthenticationRequestPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("samlProviderArn", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.samlProviderArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("samlProviderArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.samlProviderArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("selfServiceSamlProviderArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.selfServiceSamlProviderArn)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"FederatedAuthenticationRequestProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnClientVpnEndpointFederatedAuthenticationRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnClientVpnEndpointFederatedAuthenticationRequestPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "SAMLProviderArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.samlProviderArn), + "SelfServiceSAMLProviderArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.selfServiceSamlProviderArn) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnClientVpnEndpointFederatedAuthenticationRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("samlProviderArn", "SAMLProviderArn", (properties.SAMLProviderArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SAMLProviderArn) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("selfServiceSamlProviderArn", "SelfServiceSAMLProviderArn", (properties.SelfServiceSAMLProviderArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SelfServiceSAMLProviderArn) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`ClientAuthenticationRequestProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`ClientAuthenticationRequestProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnClientVpnEndpointClientAuthenticationRequestPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("activeDirectory", CfnClientVpnEndpointDirectoryServiceAuthenticationRequestPropertyValidator)(properties.activeDirectory)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("federatedAuthentication", CfnClientVpnEndpointFederatedAuthenticationRequestPropertyValidator)(properties.federatedAuthentication)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("mutualAuthentication", CfnClientVpnEndpointCertificateAuthenticationRequestPropertyValidator)(properties.mutualAuthentication)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("type", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.type)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("type", cdk.validateString)(properties.type)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"ClientAuthenticationRequestProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnClientVpnEndpointClientAuthenticationRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnClientVpnEndpointClientAuthenticationRequestPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ActiveDirectory": convertCfnClientVpnEndpointDirectoryServiceAuthenticationRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.activeDirectory), + "FederatedAuthentication": convertCfnClientVpnEndpointFederatedAuthenticationRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.federatedAuthentication), + "MutualAuthentication": convertCfnClientVpnEndpointCertificateAuthenticationRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.mutualAuthentication), + "Type": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.type) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnClientVpnEndpointClientAuthenticationRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("activeDirectory", "ActiveDirectory", (properties.ActiveDirectory != null ? CfnClientVpnEndpointDirectoryServiceAuthenticationRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.ActiveDirectory) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("federatedAuthentication", "FederatedAuthentication", (properties.FederatedAuthentication != null ? CfnClientVpnEndpointFederatedAuthenticationRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.FederatedAuthentication) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("mutualAuthentication", "MutualAuthentication", (properties.MutualAuthentication != null ? CfnClientVpnEndpointCertificateAuthenticationRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.MutualAuthentication) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("type", "Type", (properties.Type != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Type) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`ConnectionLogOptionsProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`ConnectionLogOptionsProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnClientVpnEndpointConnectionLogOptionsPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("cloudwatchLogGroup", cdk.validateString)(properties.cloudwatchLogGroup)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("cloudwatchLogStream", cdk.validateString)(properties.cloudwatchLogStream)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("enabled", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.enabled)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("enabled", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.enabled)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"ConnectionLogOptionsProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnClientVpnEndpointConnectionLogOptionsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnClientVpnEndpointConnectionLogOptionsPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "CloudwatchLogGroup": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.cloudwatchLogGroup), + "CloudwatchLogStream": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.cloudwatchLogStream), + "Enabled": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.enabled) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnClientVpnEndpointConnectionLogOptionsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("cloudwatchLogGroup", "CloudwatchLogGroup", (properties.CloudwatchLogGroup != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.CloudwatchLogGroup) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("cloudwatchLogStream", "CloudwatchLogStream", (properties.CloudwatchLogStream != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.CloudwatchLogStream) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("enabled", "Enabled", (properties.Enabled != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.Enabled) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`ClientLoginBannerOptionsProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`ClientLoginBannerOptionsProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnClientVpnEndpointClientLoginBannerOptionsPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("bannerText", cdk.validateString)(properties.bannerText)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("enabled", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.enabled)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("enabled", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.enabled)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"ClientLoginBannerOptionsProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnClientVpnEndpointClientLoginBannerOptionsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnClientVpnEndpointClientLoginBannerOptionsPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "BannerText": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.bannerText), + "Enabled": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.enabled) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnClientVpnEndpointClientLoginBannerOptionsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("bannerText", "BannerText", (properties.BannerText != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.BannerText) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("enabled", "Enabled", (properties.Enabled != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.Enabled) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnClientVpnEndpointProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnClientVpnEndpointProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnClientVpnEndpointPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("authenticationOptions", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.authenticationOptions)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("authenticationOptions", cdk.listValidator(CfnClientVpnEndpointClientAuthenticationRequestPropertyValidator))(properties.authenticationOptions)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("clientCidrBlock", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.clientCidrBlock)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("clientCidrBlock", cdk.validateString)(properties.clientCidrBlock)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("clientConnectOptions", CfnClientVpnEndpointClientConnectOptionsPropertyValidator)(properties.clientConnectOptions)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("clientLoginBannerOptions", CfnClientVpnEndpointClientLoginBannerOptionsPropertyValidator)(properties.clientLoginBannerOptions)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("connectionLogOptions", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.connectionLogOptions)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("connectionLogOptions", CfnClientVpnEndpointConnectionLogOptionsPropertyValidator)(properties.connectionLogOptions)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("description", cdk.validateString)(properties.description)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("dnsServers", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.dnsServers)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("securityGroupIds", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.securityGroupIds)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("selfServicePortal", cdk.validateString)(properties.selfServicePortal)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("serverCertificateArn", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.serverCertificateArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("serverCertificateArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.serverCertificateArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sessionTimeoutHours", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.sessionTimeoutHours)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("splitTunnel", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.splitTunnel)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tagSpecifications", cdk.listValidator(CfnClientVpnEndpointTagSpecificationPropertyValidator))(properties.tagSpecifications)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("transportProtocol", cdk.validateString)(properties.transportProtocol)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vpcId", cdk.validateString)(properties.vpcId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vpnPort", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.vpnPort)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnClientVpnEndpointProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnClientVpnEndpointPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnClientVpnEndpointPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AuthenticationOptions": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnClientVpnEndpointClientAuthenticationRequestPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.authenticationOptions), + "ClientCidrBlock": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.clientCidrBlock), + "ClientConnectOptions": convertCfnClientVpnEndpointClientConnectOptionsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.clientConnectOptions), + "ClientLoginBannerOptions": convertCfnClientVpnEndpointClientLoginBannerOptionsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.clientLoginBannerOptions), + "ConnectionLogOptions": convertCfnClientVpnEndpointConnectionLogOptionsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.connectionLogOptions), + "Description": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.description), + "DnsServers": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.dnsServers), + "SecurityGroupIds": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.securityGroupIds), + "SelfServicePortal": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.selfServicePortal), + "ServerCertificateArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.serverCertificateArn), + "SessionTimeoutHours": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.sessionTimeoutHours), + "SplitTunnel": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.splitTunnel), + "TagSpecifications": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnClientVpnEndpointTagSpecificationPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.tagSpecifications), + "TransportProtocol": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.transportProtocol), + "VpcId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.vpcId), + "VpnPort": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.vpnPort) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnClientVpnEndpointPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("authenticationOptions", "AuthenticationOptions", (properties.AuthenticationOptions != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnClientVpnEndpointClientAuthenticationRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.AuthenticationOptions) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("clientCidrBlock", "ClientCidrBlock", (properties.ClientCidrBlock != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ClientCidrBlock) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("clientConnectOptions", "ClientConnectOptions", (properties.ClientConnectOptions != null ? CfnClientVpnEndpointClientConnectOptionsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.ClientConnectOptions) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("clientLoginBannerOptions", "ClientLoginBannerOptions", (properties.ClientLoginBannerOptions != null ? CfnClientVpnEndpointClientLoginBannerOptionsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.ClientLoginBannerOptions) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("connectionLogOptions", "ConnectionLogOptions", (properties.ConnectionLogOptions != null ? CfnClientVpnEndpointConnectionLogOptionsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.ConnectionLogOptions) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("description", "Description", (properties.Description != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Description) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("dnsServers", "DnsServers", (properties.DnsServers != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.DnsServers) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("securityGroupIds", "SecurityGroupIds", (properties.SecurityGroupIds != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.SecurityGroupIds) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("selfServicePortal", "SelfServicePortal", (properties.SelfServicePortal != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SelfServicePortal) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("serverCertificateArn", "ServerCertificateArn", (properties.ServerCertificateArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ServerCertificateArn) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("sessionTimeoutHours", "SessionTimeoutHours", (properties.SessionTimeoutHours != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.SessionTimeoutHours) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("splitTunnel", "SplitTunnel", (properties.SplitTunnel != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.SplitTunnel) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tagSpecifications", "TagSpecifications", (properties.TagSpecifications != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnClientVpnEndpointTagSpecificationPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.TagSpecifications) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("transportProtocol", "TransportProtocol", (properties.TransportProtocol != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.TransportProtocol) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("vpcId", "VpcId", (properties.VpcId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.VpcId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("vpnPort", "VpnPort", (properties.VpnPort != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.VpnPort) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Specifies a network route to add to a Client VPN endpoint. + * + * Each Client VPN endpoint has a route table that describes the available destination network routes. Each route in the route table specifies the path for traffic to specific resources or networks. + * + * A target network association must be created before you can specify a route. If you're setting up all the components of a Client VPN endpoint at the same time, you must use the [DependsOn Attribute](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-attribute-dependson.html) to declare a dependency on the \`AWS::EC2::ClientVpnTargetNetworkAssociation\` resource. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-clientvpnroute.html + */ +export class CfnClientVpnRoute extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::ClientVpnRoute"; + + /** + * Build a CfnClientVpnRoute from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnClientVpnRoute { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnClientVpnRoutePropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnClientVpnRoute(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * @cloudformationAttribute Id + */ + public readonly attrId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the Client VPN endpoint to which to add the route. + */ + public clientVpnEndpointId: string; + + /** + * A brief description of the route. + */ + public description?: string; + + /** + * The IPv4 address range, in CIDR notation, of the route destination. For example:. + */ + public destinationCidrBlock: string; + + /** + * The ID of the subnet through which you want to route traffic. + */ + public targetVpcSubnetId: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnClientVpnRouteProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnClientVpnRoute.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "clientVpnEndpointId", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "destinationCidrBlock", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "targetVpcSubnetId", this); + + this.attrId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Id", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.clientVpnEndpointId = props.clientVpnEndpointId; + this.description = props.description; + this.destinationCidrBlock = props.destinationCidrBlock; + this.targetVpcSubnetId = props.targetVpcSubnetId; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "clientVpnEndpointId": this.clientVpnEndpointId, + "description": this.description, + "destinationCidrBlock": this.destinationCidrBlock, + "targetVpcSubnetId": this.targetVpcSubnetId + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnClientVpnRoute.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnClientVpnRoutePropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnClientVpnRoute\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-clientvpnroute.html + */ +export interface CfnClientVpnRouteProps { + /** + * The ID of the Client VPN endpoint to which to add the route. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-clientvpnroute.html#cfn-ec2-clientvpnroute-clientvpnendpointid + */ + readonly clientVpnEndpointId: string; + + /** + * A brief description of the route. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-clientvpnroute.html#cfn-ec2-clientvpnroute-description + */ + readonly description?: string; + + /** + * The IPv4 address range, in CIDR notation, of the route destination. For example:. + * + * - To add a route for Internet access, enter \`\` + * - To add a route for a peered VPC, enter the peered VPC's IPv4 CIDR range + * - To add a route for an on-premises network, enter the AWS Site-to-Site VPN connection's IPv4 CIDR range + * - To add a route for the local network, enter the client CIDR range + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-clientvpnroute.html#cfn-ec2-clientvpnroute-destinationcidrblock + */ + readonly destinationCidrBlock: string; + + /** + * The ID of the subnet through which you want to route traffic. + * + * The specified subnet must be an existing target network of the Client VPN endpoint. + * + * Alternatively, if you're adding a route for the local network, specify \`local\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-clientvpnroute.html#cfn-ec2-clientvpnroute-targetvpcsubnetid + */ + readonly targetVpcSubnetId: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnClientVpnRouteProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnClientVpnRouteProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnClientVpnRoutePropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("clientVpnEndpointId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.clientVpnEndpointId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("clientVpnEndpointId", cdk.validateString)(properties.clientVpnEndpointId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("description", cdk.validateString)(properties.description)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("destinationCidrBlock", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.destinationCidrBlock)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("destinationCidrBlock", cdk.validateString)(properties.destinationCidrBlock)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("targetVpcSubnetId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.targetVpcSubnetId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("targetVpcSubnetId", cdk.validateString)(properties.targetVpcSubnetId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnClientVpnRouteProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnClientVpnRoutePropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnClientVpnRoutePropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ClientVpnEndpointId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.clientVpnEndpointId), + "Description": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.description), + "DestinationCidrBlock": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.destinationCidrBlock), + "TargetVpcSubnetId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.targetVpcSubnetId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnClientVpnRoutePropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("clientVpnEndpointId", "ClientVpnEndpointId", (properties.ClientVpnEndpointId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ClientVpnEndpointId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("description", "Description", (properties.Description != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Description) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("destinationCidrBlock", "DestinationCidrBlock", (properties.DestinationCidrBlock != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DestinationCidrBlock) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("targetVpcSubnetId", "TargetVpcSubnetId", (properties.TargetVpcSubnetId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.TargetVpcSubnetId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Specifies a target network to associate with a Client VPN endpoint. + * + * A target network is a subnet in a VPC. You can associate multiple subnets from the same VPC with a Client VPN endpoint. You can associate only one subnet in each Availability Zone. We recommend that you associate at least two subnets to provide Availability Zone redundancy. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-clientvpntargetnetworkassociation.html + */ +export class CfnClientVpnTargetNetworkAssociation extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::ClientVpnTargetNetworkAssociation"; + + /** + * Build a CfnClientVpnTargetNetworkAssociation from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnClientVpnTargetNetworkAssociation { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnClientVpnTargetNetworkAssociationPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnClientVpnTargetNetworkAssociation(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * @cloudformationAttribute Id + */ + public readonly attrId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the Client VPN endpoint. + */ + public clientVpnEndpointId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the subnet to associate with the Client VPN endpoint. + */ + public subnetId: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnClientVpnTargetNetworkAssociationProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnClientVpnTargetNetworkAssociation.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "clientVpnEndpointId", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "subnetId", this); + + this.attrId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Id", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.clientVpnEndpointId = props.clientVpnEndpointId; + this.subnetId = props.subnetId; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "clientVpnEndpointId": this.clientVpnEndpointId, + "subnetId": this.subnetId + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnClientVpnTargetNetworkAssociation.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnClientVpnTargetNetworkAssociationPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnClientVpnTargetNetworkAssociation\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-clientvpntargetnetworkassociation.html + */ +export interface CfnClientVpnTargetNetworkAssociationProps { + /** + * The ID of the Client VPN endpoint. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-clientvpntargetnetworkassociation.html#cfn-ec2-clientvpntargetnetworkassociation-clientvpnendpointid + */ + readonly clientVpnEndpointId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the subnet to associate with the Client VPN endpoint. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-clientvpntargetnetworkassociation.html#cfn-ec2-clientvpntargetnetworkassociation-subnetid + */ + readonly subnetId: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnClientVpnTargetNetworkAssociationProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnClientVpnTargetNetworkAssociationProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnClientVpnTargetNetworkAssociationPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("clientVpnEndpointId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.clientVpnEndpointId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("clientVpnEndpointId", cdk.validateString)(properties.clientVpnEndpointId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("subnetId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.subnetId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("subnetId", cdk.validateString)(properties.subnetId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnClientVpnTargetNetworkAssociationProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnClientVpnTargetNetworkAssociationPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnClientVpnTargetNetworkAssociationPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ClientVpnEndpointId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.clientVpnEndpointId), + "SubnetId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.subnetId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnClientVpnTargetNetworkAssociationPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("clientVpnEndpointId", "ClientVpnEndpointId", (properties.ClientVpnEndpointId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ClientVpnEndpointId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("subnetId", "SubnetId", (properties.SubnetId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SubnetId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Specifies a customer gateway. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-customergateway.html + */ +export class CfnCustomerGateway extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::CustomerGateway"; + + /** + * Build a CfnCustomerGateway from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnCustomerGateway { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnCustomerGatewayPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnCustomerGateway(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The ID of the customer gateway. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute CustomerGatewayId + */ + public readonly attrCustomerGatewayId: string; + + /** + * For devices that support BGP, the customer gateway's BGP ASN. + */ + public bgpAsn: number; + + /** + * The name of customer gateway device. + */ + public deviceName?: string; + + /** + * IPv4 address for the customer gateway device's outside interface. + */ + public ipAddress: string; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * One or more tags for the customer gateway. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * The type of VPN connection that this customer gateway supports ( \`ipsec.1\` ). + */ + public type: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnCustomerGatewayProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnCustomerGateway.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "bgpAsn", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "ipAddress", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "type", this); + + this.attrCustomerGatewayId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("CustomerGatewayId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.bgpAsn = props.bgpAsn; + this.deviceName = props.deviceName; + this.ipAddress = props.ipAddress; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::EC2::CustomerGateway", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + this.type = props.type; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "bgpAsn": this.bgpAsn, + "deviceName": this.deviceName, + "ipAddress": this.ipAddress, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags(), + "type": this.type + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnCustomerGateway.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnCustomerGatewayPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnCustomerGateway\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-customergateway.html + */ +export interface CfnCustomerGatewayProps { + /** + * For devices that support BGP, the customer gateway's BGP ASN. + * + * Default: 65000 + * + * @default - 65000 + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-customergateway.html#cfn-ec2-customergateway-bgpasn + */ + readonly bgpAsn: number; + + /** + * The name of customer gateway device. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-customergateway.html#cfn-ec2-customergateway-devicename + */ + readonly deviceName?: string; + + /** + * IPv4 address for the customer gateway device's outside interface. + * + * The address must be static. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-customergateway.html#cfn-ec2-customergateway-ipaddress + */ + readonly ipAddress: string; + + /** + * One or more tags for the customer gateway. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-customergateway.html#cfn-ec2-customergateway-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; + + /** + * The type of VPN connection that this customer gateway supports ( \`ipsec.1\` ). + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-customergateway.html#cfn-ec2-customergateway-type + */ + readonly type: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnCustomerGatewayProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnCustomerGatewayProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnCustomerGatewayPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("bgpAsn", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.bgpAsn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("bgpAsn", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.bgpAsn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("deviceName", cdk.validateString)(properties.deviceName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipAddress", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.ipAddress)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipAddress", cdk.validateString)(properties.ipAddress)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("type", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.type)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("type", cdk.validateString)(properties.type)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnCustomerGatewayProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnCustomerGatewayPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnCustomerGatewayPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "BgpAsn": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.bgpAsn), + "DeviceName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.deviceName), + "IpAddress": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.ipAddress), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags), + "Type": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.type) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnCustomerGatewayPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("bgpAsn", "BgpAsn", (properties.BgpAsn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.BgpAsn) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("deviceName", "DeviceName", (properties.DeviceName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DeviceName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ipAddress", "IpAddress", (properties.IpAddress != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.IpAddress) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("type", "Type", (properties.Type != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Type) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Specifies a set of DHCP options for your VPC. + * + * You must specify at least one of the following properties: \`DomainNameServers\` , \`NetbiosNameServers\` , \`NtpServers\` . If you specify \`NetbiosNameServers\` , you must specify \`NetbiosNodeType\` . + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-dhcpoptions.html + */ +export class CfnDHCPOptions extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::DHCPOptions"; + + /** + * Build a CfnDHCPOptions from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnDHCPOptions { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnDHCPOptionsPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnDHCPOptions(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The ID of the DHCP options set. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute DhcpOptionsId + */ + public readonly attrDhcpOptionsId: string; + + /** + * This value is used to complete unqualified DNS hostnames. + */ + public domainName?: string; + + /** + * The IPv4 addresses of up to four domain name servers, or \`AmazonProvidedDNS\` . + */ + public domainNameServers?: Array; + + /** + * The IPv4 addresses of up to four NetBIOS name servers. + */ + public netbiosNameServers?: Array; + + /** + * The NetBIOS node type (1, 2, 4, or 8). + */ + public netbiosNodeType?: number; + + /** + * The IPv4 addresses of up to four Network Time Protocol (NTP) servers. + */ + public ntpServers?: Array; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * Any tags assigned to the DHCP options set. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnDHCPOptionsProps = {}) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnDHCPOptions.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + this.attrDhcpOptionsId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("DhcpOptionsId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.domainName = props.domainName; + this.domainNameServers = props.domainNameServers; + this.netbiosNameServers = props.netbiosNameServers; + this.netbiosNodeType = props.netbiosNodeType; + this.ntpServers = props.ntpServers; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::EC2::DHCPOptions", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "domainName": this.domainName, + "domainNameServers": this.domainNameServers, + "netbiosNameServers": this.netbiosNameServers, + "netbiosNodeType": this.netbiosNodeType, + "ntpServers": this.ntpServers, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags() + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnDHCPOptions.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnDHCPOptionsPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnDHCPOptions\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-dhcpoptions.html + */ +export interface CfnDHCPOptionsProps { + /** + * This value is used to complete unqualified DNS hostnames. + * + * If you're using AmazonProvidedDNS in \`us-east-1\` , specify \`ec2.internal\` . If you're using AmazonProvidedDNS in another Region, specify *region* . \`compute.internal\` (for example, \`ap-northeast-1.compute.internal\` ). Otherwise, specify a domain name (for example, *MyCompany.com* ). + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-dhcpoptions.html#cfn-ec2-dhcpoptions-domainname + */ + readonly domainName?: string; + + /** + * The IPv4 addresses of up to four domain name servers, or \`AmazonProvidedDNS\` . + * + * The default is \`AmazonProvidedDNS\` . To have your instance receive a custom DNS hostname as specified in \`DomainName\` , you must set this property to a custom DNS server. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-dhcpoptions.html#cfn-ec2-dhcpoptions-domainnameservers + */ + readonly domainNameServers?: Array; + + /** + * The IPv4 addresses of up to four NetBIOS name servers. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-dhcpoptions.html#cfn-ec2-dhcpoptions-netbiosnameservers + */ + readonly netbiosNameServers?: Array; + + /** + * The NetBIOS node type (1, 2, 4, or 8). + * + * We recommend that you specify 2 (broadcast and multicast are not currently supported). + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-dhcpoptions.html#cfn-ec2-dhcpoptions-netbiosnodetype + */ + readonly netbiosNodeType?: number; + + /** + * The IPv4 addresses of up to four Network Time Protocol (NTP) servers. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-dhcpoptions.html#cfn-ec2-dhcpoptions-ntpservers + */ + readonly ntpServers?: Array; + + /** + * Any tags assigned to the DHCP options set. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-dhcpoptions.html#cfn-ec2-dhcpoptions-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnDHCPOptionsProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnDHCPOptionsProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnDHCPOptionsPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("domainName", cdk.validateString)(properties.domainName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("domainNameServers", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.domainNameServers)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("netbiosNameServers", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.netbiosNameServers)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("netbiosNodeType", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.netbiosNodeType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ntpServers", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.ntpServers)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnDHCPOptionsProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnDHCPOptionsPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnDHCPOptionsPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "DomainName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.domainName), + "DomainNameServers": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.domainNameServers), + "NetbiosNameServers": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.netbiosNameServers), + "NetbiosNodeType": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.netbiosNodeType), + "NtpServers": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.ntpServers), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnDHCPOptionsPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("domainName", "DomainName", (properties.DomainName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DomainName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("domainNameServers", "DomainNameServers", (properties.DomainNameServers != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.DomainNameServers) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("netbiosNameServers", "NetbiosNameServers", (properties.NetbiosNameServers != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.NetbiosNameServers) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("netbiosNodeType", "NetbiosNodeType", (properties.NetbiosNodeType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.NetbiosNodeType) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ntpServers", "NtpServers", (properties.NtpServers != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.NtpServers) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Specifies the configuration information to launch a fleet--or group--of instances. + * + * An EC2 Fleet can launch multiple instance types across multiple Availability Zones, using the On-Demand Instance, Reserved Instance, and Spot Instance purchasing models together. Using EC2 Fleet, you can define separate On-Demand and Spot capacity targets, specify the instance types that work best for your applications, and specify how Amazon EC2 should distribute your fleet capacity within each purchasing model. For more information, see [Launching an EC2 Fleet](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-fleet.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances* . + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ec2fleet.html + */ +export class CfnEC2Fleet extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::EC2Fleet"; + + /** + * Build a CfnEC2Fleet from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnEC2Fleet { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnEC2FleetPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnEC2Fleet(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The ID of the EC2 Fleet. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute FleetId + */ + public readonly attrFleetId: string; + + /** + * Reserved. + */ + public context?: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether running instances should be terminated if the total target capacity of the EC2 Fleet is decreased below the current size of the EC2 Fleet. + */ + public excessCapacityTerminationPolicy?: string; + + /** + * The configuration for the EC2 Fleet. + */ + public launchTemplateConfigs: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Describes the configuration of On-Demand Instances in an EC2 Fleet. + */ + public onDemandOptions?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnEC2Fleet.OnDemandOptionsRequestProperty; + + /** + * Indicates whether EC2 Fleet should replace unhealthy Spot Instances. + */ + public replaceUnhealthyInstances?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Describes the configuration of Spot Instances in an EC2 Fleet. + */ + public spotOptions?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnEC2Fleet.SpotOptionsRequestProperty; + + /** + * The key-value pair for tagging the EC2 Fleet request on creation. For more information, see [Tagging your resources](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/Using_Tags.html#tag-resources) . + */ + public tagSpecifications?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The number of units to request. + */ + public targetCapacitySpecification: cdk.IResolvable | CfnEC2Fleet.TargetCapacitySpecificationRequestProperty; + + /** + * Indicates whether running instances should be terminated when the EC2 Fleet expires. + */ + public terminateInstancesWithExpiration?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The fleet type. The default value is \`maintain\` . + */ + public type?: string; + + /** + * The start date and time of the request, in UTC format (for example, *YYYY* - *MM* - *DD* T *HH* : *MM* : *SS* Z). + */ + public validFrom?: string; + + /** + * The end date and time of the request, in UTC format (for example, *YYYY* - *MM* - *DD* T *HH* : *MM* : *SS* Z). + */ + public validUntil?: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnEC2FleetProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnEC2Fleet.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "launchTemplateConfigs", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "targetCapacitySpecification", this); + + this.attrFleetId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("FleetId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.context = props.context; + this.excessCapacityTerminationPolicy = props.excessCapacityTerminationPolicy; + this.launchTemplateConfigs = props.launchTemplateConfigs; + this.onDemandOptions = props.onDemandOptions; + this.replaceUnhealthyInstances = props.replaceUnhealthyInstances; + this.spotOptions = props.spotOptions; + this.tagSpecifications = props.tagSpecifications; + this.targetCapacitySpecification = props.targetCapacitySpecification; + this.terminateInstancesWithExpiration = props.terminateInstancesWithExpiration; + this.type = props.type; + this.validFrom = props.validFrom; + this.validUntil = props.validUntil; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "context": this.context, + "excessCapacityTerminationPolicy": this.excessCapacityTerminationPolicy, + "launchTemplateConfigs": this.launchTemplateConfigs, + "onDemandOptions": this.onDemandOptions, + "replaceUnhealthyInstances": this.replaceUnhealthyInstances, + "spotOptions": this.spotOptions, + "tagSpecifications": this.tagSpecifications, + "targetCapacitySpecification": this.targetCapacitySpecification, + "terminateInstancesWithExpiration": this.terminateInstancesWithExpiration, + "type": this.type, + "validFrom": this.validFrom, + "validUntil": this.validUntil + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnEC2Fleet.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnEC2FleetPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +export namespace CfnEC2Fleet { + /** + * Specifies the number of units to request for an EC2 Fleet. + * + * You can choose to set the target capacity in terms of instances or a performance characteristic that is important to your application workload, such as vCPUs, memory, or I/O. If the request type is \`maintain\` , you can specify a target capacity of \`0\` and add capacity later. + * + * \`TargetCapacitySpecificationRequest\` is a property of the [AWS::EC2::EC2Fleet](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ec2fleet.html) resource. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-targetcapacityspecificationrequest.html + */ + export interface TargetCapacitySpecificationRequestProperty { + /** + * The default \`TotalTargetCapacity\` , which is either \`Spot\` or \`On-Demand\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-targetcapacityspecificationrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-targetcapacityspecificationrequest-defaulttargetcapacitytype + */ + readonly defaultTargetCapacityType?: string; + + /** + * The number of On-Demand units to request. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-targetcapacityspecificationrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-targetcapacityspecificationrequest-ondemandtargetcapacity + */ + readonly onDemandTargetCapacity?: number; + + /** + * The number of Spot units to request. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-targetcapacityspecificationrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-targetcapacityspecificationrequest-spottargetcapacity + */ + readonly spotTargetCapacity?: number; + + /** + * The unit for the target capacity. \`TargetCapacityUnitType\` can only be specified when \`InstanceRequirements\` is specified. + * + * Default: \`units\` (translates to number of instances) + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-targetcapacityspecificationrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-targetcapacityspecificationrequest-targetcapacityunittype + */ + readonly targetCapacityUnitType?: string; + + /** + * The number of units to request, filled using \`DefaultTargetCapacityType\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-targetcapacityspecificationrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-targetcapacityspecificationrequest-totaltargetcapacity + */ + readonly totalTargetCapacity: number; + } + + /** + * Specifies the allocation strategy of On-Demand Instances in an EC2 Fleet. + * + * \`OnDemandOptionsRequest\` is a property of the [AWS::EC2::EC2Fleet](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ec2fleet.html) resource. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-ondemandoptionsrequest.html + */ + export interface OnDemandOptionsRequestProperty { + /** + * The strategy that determines the order of the launch template overrides to use in fulfilling On-Demand capacity. + * + * \`lowest-price\` - EC2 Fleet uses price to determine the order, launching the lowest price first. + * + * \`prioritized\` - EC2 Fleet uses the priority that you assigned to each launch template override, launching the highest priority first. + * + * Default: \`lowest-price\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-ondemandoptionsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-ondemandoptionsrequest-allocationstrategy + */ + readonly allocationStrategy?: string; + + /** + * The strategy for using unused Capacity Reservations for fulfilling On-Demand capacity. + * + * Supported only for fleets of type \`instant\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-ondemandoptionsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-ondemandoptionsrequest-capacityreservationoptions + */ + readonly capacityReservationOptions?: CfnEC2Fleet.CapacityReservationOptionsRequestProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The maximum amount per hour for On-Demand Instances that you're willing to pay. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-ondemandoptionsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-ondemandoptionsrequest-maxtotalprice + */ + readonly maxTotalPrice?: string; + + /** + * The minimum target capacity for On-Demand Instances in the fleet. + * + * If the minimum target capacity is not reached, the fleet launches no instances. + * + * Supported only for fleets of type \`instant\` . + * + * At least one of the following must be specified: \`SingleAvailabilityZone\` | \`SingleInstanceType\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-ondemandoptionsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-ondemandoptionsrequest-mintargetcapacity + */ + readonly minTargetCapacity?: number; + + /** + * Indicates that the fleet launches all On-Demand Instances into a single Availability Zone. + * + * Supported only for fleets of type \`instant\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-ondemandoptionsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-ondemandoptionsrequest-singleavailabilityzone + */ + readonly singleAvailabilityZone?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Indicates that the fleet uses a single instance type to launch all On-Demand Instances in the fleet. + * + * Supported only for fleets of type \`instant\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-ondemandoptionsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-ondemandoptionsrequest-singleinstancetype + */ + readonly singleInstanceType?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * Describes the strategy for using unused Capacity Reservations for fulfilling On-Demand capacity. + * + * > This strategy can only be used if the EC2 Fleet is of type \`instant\` . + * + * For more information about Capacity Reservations, see [On-Demand Capacity Reservations](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-capacity-reservations.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . For examples of using Capacity Reservations in an EC2 Fleet, see [EC2 Fleet example configurations](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-fleet-examples.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-capacityreservationoptionsrequest.html + */ + export interface CapacityReservationOptionsRequestProperty { + /** + * Indicates whether to use unused Capacity Reservations for fulfilling On-Demand capacity. + * + * If you specify \`use-capacity-reservations-first\` , the fleet uses unused Capacity Reservations to fulfill On-Demand capacity up to the target On-Demand capacity. If multiple instance pools have unused Capacity Reservations, the On-Demand allocation strategy ( \`lowest-price\` or \`prioritized\` ) is applied. If the number of unused Capacity Reservations is less than the On-Demand target capacity, the remaining On-Demand target capacity is launched according to the On-Demand allocation strategy ( \`lowest-price\` or \`prioritized\` ). + * + * If you do not specify a value, the fleet fulfils the On-Demand capacity according to the chosen On-Demand allocation strategy. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-capacityreservationoptionsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-capacityreservationoptionsrequest-usagestrategy + */ + readonly usageStrategy?: string; + } + + /** + * Specifies the tags to apply to a resource when the resource is being created for an EC2 Fleet. + * + * \`TagSpecification\` is a property of the [AWS::EC2::EC2Fleet](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ec2fleet.html) resource. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-tagspecification.html + */ + export interface TagSpecificationProperty { + /** + * The type of resource to tag. + * + * \`ResourceType\` must be \`fleet\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-tagspecification.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-tagspecification-resourcetype + */ + readonly resourceType?: string; + + /** + * The tags to apply to the resource. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-tagspecification.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-tagspecification-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; + } + + /** + * Specifies the configuration of Spot Instances for an EC2 Fleet. + * + * \`SpotOptionsRequest\` is a property of the [AWS::EC2::EC2Fleet](https://docs.aws.amazon.com//AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ec2fleet.html) resource. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-spotoptionsrequest.html + */ + export interface SpotOptionsRequestProperty { + /** + * Indicates how to allocate the target Spot Instance capacity across the Spot Instance pools specified by the EC2 Fleet. + * + * If the allocation strategy is \`lowestPrice\` , EC2 Fleet launches instances from the Spot Instance pools with the lowest price. This is the default allocation strategy. + * + * If the allocation strategy is \`diversified\` , EC2 Fleet launches instances from all the Spot Instance pools that you specify. + * + * If the allocation strategy is \`capacityOptimized\` , EC2 Fleet launches instances from Spot Instance pools that are optimally chosen based on the available Spot Instance capacity. + * + * *Allowed Values* : \`lowestPrice\` | \`diversified\` | \`capacityOptimized\` | \`capacityOptimizedPrioritized\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-spotoptionsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-spotoptionsrequest-allocationstrategy + */ + readonly allocationStrategy?: string; + + /** + * The behavior when a Spot Instance is interrupted. + * + * Default: \`terminate\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-spotoptionsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-spotoptionsrequest-instanceinterruptionbehavior + */ + readonly instanceInterruptionBehavior?: string; + + /** + * The number of Spot pools across which to allocate your target Spot capacity. + * + * Supported only when Spot \`AllocationStrategy\` is set to \`lowest-price\` . EC2 Fleet selects the cheapest Spot pools and evenly allocates your target Spot capacity across the number of Spot pools that you specify. + * + * Note that EC2 Fleet attempts to draw Spot Instances from the number of pools that you specify on a best effort basis. If a pool runs out of Spot capacity before fulfilling your target capacity, EC2 Fleet will continue to fulfill your request by drawing from the next cheapest pool. To ensure that your target capacity is met, you might receive Spot Instances from more than the number of pools that you specified. Similarly, if most of the pools have no Spot capacity, you might receive your full target capacity from fewer than the number of pools that you specified. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-spotoptionsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-spotoptionsrequest-instancepoolstousecount + */ + readonly instancePoolsToUseCount?: number; + + /** + * The strategies for managing your Spot Instances that are at an elevated risk of being interrupted. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-spotoptionsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-spotoptionsrequest-maintenancestrategies + */ + readonly maintenanceStrategies?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnEC2Fleet.MaintenanceStrategiesProperty; + + /** + * The maximum amount per hour for Spot Instances that you're willing to pay. + * + * We do not recommend using this parameter because it can lead to increased interruptions. If you do not specify this parameter, you will pay the current Spot price. + * + * > If you specify a maximum price, your Spot Instances will be interrupted more frequently than if you do not specify this parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-spotoptionsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-spotoptionsrequest-maxtotalprice + */ + readonly maxTotalPrice?: string; + + /** + * The minimum target capacity for Spot Instances in the fleet. + * + * If the minimum target capacity is not reached, the fleet launches no instances. + * + * Supported only for fleets of type \`instant\` . + * + * At least one of the following must be specified: \`SingleAvailabilityZone\` | \`SingleInstanceType\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-spotoptionsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-spotoptionsrequest-mintargetcapacity + */ + readonly minTargetCapacity?: number; + + /** + * Indicates that the fleet launches all Spot Instances into a single Availability Zone. + * + * Supported only for fleets of type \`instant\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-spotoptionsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-spotoptionsrequest-singleavailabilityzone + */ + readonly singleAvailabilityZone?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Indicates that the fleet uses a single instance type to launch all Spot Instances in the fleet. + * + * Supported only for fleets of type \`instant\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-spotoptionsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-spotoptionsrequest-singleinstancetype + */ + readonly singleInstanceType?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * The strategies for managing your Spot Instances that are at an elevated risk of being interrupted. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-maintenancestrategies.html + */ + export interface MaintenanceStrategiesProperty { + /** + * The strategy to use when Amazon EC2 emits a signal that your Spot Instance is at an elevated risk of being interrupted. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-maintenancestrategies.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-maintenancestrategies-capacityrebalance + */ + readonly capacityRebalance?: CfnEC2Fleet.CapacityRebalanceProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * The Spot Instance replacement strategy to use when Amazon EC2 emits a rebalance notification signal that your Spot Instance is at an elevated risk of being interrupted. + * + * For more information, see [Capacity rebalancing](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-fleet-capacity-rebalance.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-capacityrebalance.html + */ + export interface CapacityRebalanceProperty { + /** + * The replacement strategy to use. Only available for fleets of type \`maintain\` . + * + * \`launch\` - EC2 Fleet launches a replacement Spot Instance when a rebalance notification is emitted for an existing Spot Instance in the fleet. EC2 Fleet does not terminate the instances that receive a rebalance notification. You can terminate the old instances, or you can leave them running. You are charged for all instances while they are running. + * + * \`launch-before-terminate\` - EC2 Fleet launches a replacement Spot Instance when a rebalance notification is emitted for an existing Spot Instance in the fleet, and then, after a delay that you specify (in \`TerminationDelay\` ), terminates the instances that received a rebalance notification. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-capacityrebalance.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-capacityrebalance-replacementstrategy + */ + readonly replacementStrategy?: string; + + /** + * The amount of time (in seconds) that Amazon EC2 waits before terminating the old Spot Instance after launching a new replacement Spot Instance. + * + * Required when \`ReplacementStrategy\` is set to \`launch-before-terminate\` . + * + * Not valid when \`ReplacementStrategy\` is set to \`launch\` . + * + * Valid values: Minimum value of \`120\` seconds. Maximum value of \`7200\` seconds. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-capacityrebalance.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-capacityrebalance-terminationdelay + */ + readonly terminationDelay?: number; + } + + /** + * Specifies a launch template and overrides for an EC2 Fleet. + * + * \`FleetLaunchTemplateConfigRequest\` is a property of the [AWS::EC2::EC2Fleet](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ec2fleet.html) resource. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-fleetlaunchtemplateconfigrequest.html + */ + export interface FleetLaunchTemplateConfigRequestProperty { + /** + * The launch template to use. + * + * You must specify either the launch template ID or launch template name in the request. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-fleetlaunchtemplateconfigrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-fleetlaunchtemplateconfigrequest-launchtemplatespecification + */ + readonly launchTemplateSpecification?: CfnEC2Fleet.FleetLaunchTemplateSpecificationRequestProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Any parameters that you specify override the same parameters in the launch template. + * + * For fleets of type \`request\` and \`maintain\` , a maximum of 300 items is allowed across all launch templates. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-fleetlaunchtemplateconfigrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-fleetlaunchtemplateconfigrequest-overrides + */ + readonly overrides?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * Specifies the launch template to be used by the EC2 Fleet for configuring Amazon EC2 instances. + * + * You must specify the following: + * + * - The ID or the name of the launch template, but not both. + * - The version of the launch template. + * + * \`FleetLaunchTemplateSpecificationRequest\` is a property of the [FleetLaunchTemplateConfigRequest](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-fleetlaunchtemplateconfigrequest.html) property type. + * + * For information about creating a launch template, see [AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-launchtemplate.html) and [Create a launch template](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-launch-templates.html#create-launch-template) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * For examples of launch templates, see [Examples](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-launchtemplate.html#aws-resource-ec2-launchtemplate--examples) . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-fleetlaunchtemplatespecificationrequest.html + */ + export interface FleetLaunchTemplateSpecificationRequestProperty { + /** + * The ID of the launch template. + * + * You must specify the \`LaunchTemplateId\` or the \`LaunchTemplateName\` , but not both. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-fleetlaunchtemplatespecificationrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-fleetlaunchtemplatespecificationrequest-launchtemplateid + */ + readonly launchTemplateId?: string; + + /** + * The name of the launch template. + * + * You must specify the \`LaunchTemplateName\` or the \`LaunchTemplateId\` , but not both. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-fleetlaunchtemplatespecificationrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-fleetlaunchtemplatespecificationrequest-launchtemplatename + */ + readonly launchTemplateName?: string; + + /** + * The launch template version number, \`$Latest\` , or \`$Default\` . You must specify a value, otherwise the request fails. + * + * If the value is \`$Latest\` , Amazon EC2 uses the latest version of the launch template. + * + * If the value is \`$Default\` , Amazon EC2 uses the default version of the launch template. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-fleetlaunchtemplatespecificationrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-fleetlaunchtemplatespecificationrequest-version + */ + readonly version: string; + } + + /** + * Specifies overrides for a launch template for an EC2 Fleet. + * + * \`FleetLaunchTemplateOverridesRequest\` is a property of the [FleetLaunchTemplateConfigRequest](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-fleetlaunchtemplateconfigrequest.html) property type. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-fleetlaunchtemplateoverridesrequest.html + */ + export interface FleetLaunchTemplateOverridesRequestProperty { + /** + * The Availability Zone in which to launch the instances. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-fleetlaunchtemplateoverridesrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-fleetlaunchtemplateoverridesrequest-availabilityzone + */ + readonly availabilityZone?: string; + + /** + * The attributes for the instance types. + * + * When you specify instance attributes, Amazon EC2 will identify instance types with those attributes. + * + * > If you specify \`InstanceRequirements\` , you can't specify \`InstanceType\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-fleetlaunchtemplateoverridesrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-fleetlaunchtemplateoverridesrequest-instancerequirements + */ + readonly instanceRequirements?: CfnEC2Fleet.InstanceRequirementsRequestProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The instance type. + * + * \`mac1.metal\` is not supported as a launch template override. + * + * > If you specify \`InstanceType\` , you can't specify \`InstanceRequirements\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-fleetlaunchtemplateoverridesrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-fleetlaunchtemplateoverridesrequest-instancetype + */ + readonly instanceType?: string; + + /** + * The maximum price per unit hour that you are willing to pay for a Spot Instance. + * + * We do not recommend using this parameter because it can lead to increased interruptions. If you do not specify this parameter, you will pay the current Spot price. + * + * > If you specify a maximum price, your instances will be interrupted more frequently than if you do not specify this parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-fleetlaunchtemplateoverridesrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-fleetlaunchtemplateoverridesrequest-maxprice + */ + readonly maxPrice?: string; + + /** + * The location where the instance launched, if applicable. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-fleetlaunchtemplateoverridesrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-fleetlaunchtemplateoverridesrequest-placement + */ + readonly placement?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnEC2Fleet.PlacementProperty; + + /** + * The priority for the launch template override. The highest priority is launched first. + * + * If the On-Demand \`AllocationStrategy\` is set to \`prioritized\` , EC2 Fleet uses priority to determine which launch template override to use first in fulfilling On-Demand capacity. + * + * If the Spot \`AllocationStrategy\` is set to \`capacity-optimized-prioritized\` , EC2 Fleet uses priority on a best-effort basis to determine which launch template override to use in fulfilling Spot capacity, but optimizes for capacity first. + * + * Valid values are whole numbers starting at \`0\` . The lower the number, the higher the priority. If no number is set, the launch template override has the lowest priority. You can set the same priority for different launch template overrides. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-fleetlaunchtemplateoverridesrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-fleetlaunchtemplateoverridesrequest-priority + */ + readonly priority?: number; + + /** + * The IDs of the subnets in which to launch the instances. + * + * Separate multiple subnet IDs using commas (for example, \`subnet-1234abcdeexample1, subnet-0987cdef6example2\` ). A request of type \`instant\` can have only one subnet ID. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-fleetlaunchtemplateoverridesrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-fleetlaunchtemplateoverridesrequest-subnetid + */ + readonly subnetId?: string; + + /** + * The number of units provided by the specified instance type. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-fleetlaunchtemplateoverridesrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-fleetlaunchtemplateoverridesrequest-weightedcapacity + */ + readonly weightedCapacity?: number; + } + + /** + * Describes the placement of an instance. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-placement.html + */ + export interface PlacementProperty { + /** + * The affinity setting for the instance on the Dedicated Host. + * + * This parameter is not supported for [CreateFleet](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_CreateFleet) or [ImportInstance](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_ImportInstance.html) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-placement.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-placement-affinity + */ + readonly affinity?: string; + + /** + * The Availability Zone of the instance. + * + * If not specified, an Availability Zone will be automatically chosen for you based on the load balancing criteria for the Region. + * + * This parameter is not supported for [CreateFleet](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_CreateFleet) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-placement.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-placement-availabilityzone + */ + readonly availabilityZone?: string; + + /** + * The name of the placement group that the instance is in. + * + * If you specify \`GroupName\` , you can't specify \`GroupId\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-placement.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-placement-groupname + */ + readonly groupName?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the Dedicated Host on which the instance resides. + * + * This parameter is not supported for [CreateFleet](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_CreateFleet) or [ImportInstance](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_ImportInstance.html) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-placement.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-placement-hostid + */ + readonly hostId?: string; + + /** + * The ARN of the host resource group in which to launch the instances. + * + * If you specify this parameter, either omit the *Tenancy* parameter or set it to \`host\` . + * + * This parameter is not supported for [CreateFleet](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_CreateFleet) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-placement.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-placement-hostresourcegrouparn + */ + readonly hostResourceGroupArn?: string; + + /** + * The number of the partition that the instance is in. + * + * Valid only if the placement group strategy is set to \`partition\` . + * + * This parameter is not supported for [CreateFleet](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_CreateFleet) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-placement.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-placement-partitionnumber + */ + readonly partitionNumber?: number; + + /** + * Reserved for future use. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-placement.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-placement-spreaddomain + */ + readonly spreadDomain?: string; + + /** + * The tenancy of the instance. An instance with a tenancy of \`dedicated\` runs on single-tenant hardware. + * + * This parameter is not supported for [CreateFleet](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_CreateFleet) . The \`host\` tenancy is not supported for [ImportInstance](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_ImportInstance.html) or for T3 instances that are configured for the \`unlimited\` CPU credit option. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-placement.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-placement-tenancy + */ + readonly tenancy?: string; + } + + /** + * The attributes for the instance types. + * + * When you specify instance attributes, Amazon EC2 will identify instance types with these attributes. + * + * When you specify multiple attributes, you get instance types that satisfy all of the specified attributes. If you specify multiple values for an attribute, you get instance types that satisfy any of the specified values. + * + * To limit the list of instance types from which Amazon EC2 can identify matching instance types, you can use one of the following parameters, but not both in the same request: + * + * - \`AllowedInstanceTypes\` - The instance types to include in the list. All other instance types are ignored, even if they match your specified attributes. + * - \`ExcludedInstanceTypes\` - The instance types to exclude from the list, even if they match your specified attributes. + * + * > You must specify \`VCpuCount\` and \`MemoryMiB\` . All other attributes are optional. Any unspecified optional attribute is set to its default. + * + * For more information, see [Attribute-based instance type selection for EC2 Fleet](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-fleet-attribute-based-instance-type-selection.html) , [Attribute-based instance type selection for Spot Fleet](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/spot-fleet-attribute-based-instance-type-selection.html) , and [Spot placement score](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/spot-placement-score.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-instancerequirementsrequest.html + */ + export interface InstanceRequirementsRequestProperty { + /** + * The minimum and maximum number of accelerators (GPUs, FPGAs, or AWS Inferentia chips) on an instance. + * + * To exclude accelerator-enabled instance types, set \`Max\` to \`0\` . + * + * Default: No minimum or maximum limits + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-instancerequirementsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-instancerequirementsrequest-acceleratorcount + */ + readonly acceleratorCount?: CfnEC2Fleet.AcceleratorCountRequestProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Indicates whether instance types must have accelerators by specific manufacturers. + * + * - For instance types with NVIDIA devices, specify \`nvidia\` . + * - For instance types with AMD devices, specify \`amd\` . + * - For instance types with AWS devices, specify \`amazon-web-services\` . + * - For instance types with Xilinx devices, specify \`xilinx\` . + * + * Default: Any manufacturer + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-instancerequirementsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-instancerequirementsrequest-acceleratormanufacturers + */ + readonly acceleratorManufacturers?: Array; + + /** + * The accelerators that must be on the instance type. + * + * - For instance types with NVIDIA A100 GPUs, specify \`a100\` . + * - For instance types with NVIDIA V100 GPUs, specify \`v100\` . + * - For instance types with NVIDIA K80 GPUs, specify \`k80\` . + * - For instance types with NVIDIA T4 GPUs, specify \`t4\` . + * - For instance types with NVIDIA M60 GPUs, specify \`m60\` . + * - For instance types with AMD Radeon Pro V520 GPUs, specify \`radeon-pro-v520\` . + * - For instance types with Xilinx VU9P FPGAs, specify \`vu9p\` . + * - For instance types with AWS Inferentia chips, specify \`inferentia\` . + * - For instance types with NVIDIA GRID K520 GPUs, specify \`k520\` . + * + * Default: Any accelerator + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-instancerequirementsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-instancerequirementsrequest-acceleratornames + */ + readonly acceleratorNames?: Array; + + /** + * The minimum and maximum amount of total accelerator memory, in MiB. + * + * Default: No minimum or maximum limits + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-instancerequirementsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-instancerequirementsrequest-acceleratortotalmemorymib + */ + readonly acceleratorTotalMemoryMiB?: CfnEC2Fleet.AcceleratorTotalMemoryMiBRequestProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The accelerator types that must be on the instance type. + * + * - To include instance types with GPU hardware, specify \`gpu\` . + * - To include instance types with FPGA hardware, specify \`fpga\` . + * - To include instance types with inference hardware, specify \`inference\` . + * + * Default: Any accelerator type + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-instancerequirementsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-instancerequirementsrequest-acceleratortypes + */ + readonly acceleratorTypes?: Array; + + /** + * The instance types to apply your specified attributes against. + * + * All other instance types are ignored, even if they match your specified attributes. + * + * You can use strings with one or more wild cards, represented by an asterisk ( \`*\` ), to allow an instance type, size, or generation. The following are examples: \`m5.8xlarge\` , \`c5*.*\` , \`m5a.*\` , \`r*\` , \`*3*\` . + * + * For example, if you specify \`c5*\` ,Amazon EC2 will allow the entire C5 instance family, which includes all C5a and C5n instance types. If you specify \`m5a.*\` , Amazon EC2 will allow all the M5a instance types, but not the M5n instance types. + * + * > If you specify \`AllowedInstanceTypes\` , you can't specify \`ExcludedInstanceTypes\` . + * + * Default: All instance types + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-instancerequirementsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-instancerequirementsrequest-allowedinstancetypes + */ + readonly allowedInstanceTypes?: Array; + + /** + * Indicates whether bare metal instance types must be included, excluded, or required. + * + * - To include bare metal instance types, specify \`included\` . + * - To require only bare metal instance types, specify \`required\` . + * - To exclude bare metal instance types, specify \`excluded\` . + * + * Default: \`excluded\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-instancerequirementsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-instancerequirementsrequest-baremetal + */ + readonly bareMetal?: string; + + /** + * The minimum and maximum baseline bandwidth to Amazon EBS, in Mbps. + * + * For more information, see [Amazon EBS–optimized instances](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ebs-optimized.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * Default: No minimum or maximum limits + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-instancerequirementsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-instancerequirementsrequest-baselineebsbandwidthmbps + */ + readonly baselineEbsBandwidthMbps?: CfnEC2Fleet.BaselineEbsBandwidthMbpsRequestProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Indicates whether burstable performance T instance types are included, excluded, or required. + * + * For more information, see [Burstable performance instances](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/burstable-performance-instances.html) . + * + * - To include burstable performance instance types, specify \`included\` . + * - To require only burstable performance instance types, specify \`required\` . + * - To exclude burstable performance instance types, specify \`excluded\` . + * + * Default: \`excluded\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-instancerequirementsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-instancerequirementsrequest-burstableperformance + */ + readonly burstablePerformance?: string; + + /** + * The CPU manufacturers to include. + * + * - For instance types with Intel CPUs, specify \`intel\` . + * - For instance types with AMD CPUs, specify \`amd\` . + * - For instance types with AWS CPUs, specify \`amazon-web-services\` . + * + * > Don't confuse the CPU manufacturer with the CPU architecture. Instances will be launched with a compatible CPU architecture based on the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) that you specify in your launch template. + * + * Default: Any manufacturer + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-instancerequirementsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-instancerequirementsrequest-cpumanufacturers + */ + readonly cpuManufacturers?: Array; + + /** + * The instance types to exclude. + * + * You can use strings with one or more wild cards, represented by an asterisk ( \`*\` ), to exclude an instance family, type, size, or generation. The following are examples: \`m5.8xlarge\` , \`c5*.*\` , \`m5a.*\` , \`r*\` , \`*3*\` . + * + * For example, if you specify \`c5*\` ,Amazon EC2 will exclude the entire C5 instance family, which includes all C5a and C5n instance types. If you specify \`m5a.*\` , Amazon EC2 will exclude all the M5a instance types, but not the M5n instance types. + * + * > If you specify \`ExcludedInstanceTypes\` , you can't specify \`AllowedInstanceTypes\` . + * + * Default: No excluded instance types + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-instancerequirementsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-instancerequirementsrequest-excludedinstancetypes + */ + readonly excludedInstanceTypes?: Array; + + /** + * Indicates whether current or previous generation instance types are included. + * + * The current generation instance types are recommended for use. Current generation instance types are typically the latest two to three generations in each instance family. For more information, see [Instance types](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/instance-types.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * For current generation instance types, specify \`current\` . + * + * For previous generation instance types, specify \`previous\` . + * + * Default: Current and previous generation instance types + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-instancerequirementsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-instancerequirementsrequest-instancegenerations + */ + readonly instanceGenerations?: Array; + + /** + * Indicates whether instance types with instance store volumes are included, excluded, or required. + * + * For more information, [Amazon EC2 instance store](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/InstanceStorage.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * - To include instance types with instance store volumes, specify \`included\` . + * - To require only instance types with instance store volumes, specify \`required\` . + * - To exclude instance types with instance store volumes, specify \`excluded\` . + * + * Default: \`included\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-instancerequirementsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-instancerequirementsrequest-localstorage + */ + readonly localStorage?: string; + + /** + * The type of local storage that is required. + * + * - For instance types with hard disk drive (HDD) storage, specify \`hdd\` . + * - For instance types with solid state drive (SSD) storage, specify \`ssd\` . + * + * Default: \`hdd\` and \`ssd\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-instancerequirementsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-instancerequirementsrequest-localstoragetypes + */ + readonly localStorageTypes?: Array; + + /** + * The minimum and maximum amount of memory per vCPU, in GiB. + * + * Default: No minimum or maximum limits + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-instancerequirementsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-instancerequirementsrequest-memorygibpervcpu + */ + readonly memoryGiBPerVCpu?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnEC2Fleet.MemoryGiBPerVCpuRequestProperty; + + /** + * The minimum and maximum amount of memory, in MiB. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-instancerequirementsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-instancerequirementsrequest-memorymib + */ + readonly memoryMiB?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnEC2Fleet.MemoryMiBRequestProperty; + + /** + * The minimum and maximum amount of network bandwidth, in gigabits per second (Gbps). + * + * Default: No minimum or maximum limits + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-instancerequirementsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-instancerequirementsrequest-networkbandwidthgbps + */ + readonly networkBandwidthGbps?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnEC2Fleet.NetworkBandwidthGbpsRequestProperty; + + /** + * The minimum and maximum number of network interfaces. + * + * Default: No minimum or maximum limits + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-instancerequirementsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-instancerequirementsrequest-networkinterfacecount + */ + readonly networkInterfaceCount?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnEC2Fleet.NetworkInterfaceCountRequestProperty; + + /** + * The price protection threshold for On-Demand Instances. + * + * This is the maximum you’ll pay for an On-Demand Instance, expressed as a percentage above the least expensive current generation M, C, or R instance type with your specified attributes. When Amazon EC2 selects instance types with your attributes, it excludes instance types priced above your threshold. + * + * The parameter accepts an integer, which Amazon EC2 interprets as a percentage. + * + * To turn off price protection, specify a high value, such as \`999999\` . + * + * This parameter is not supported for [GetSpotPlacementScores](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_GetSpotPlacementScores.html) and [GetInstanceTypesFromInstanceRequirements](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_GetInstanceTypesFromInstanceRequirements.html) . + * + * > If you set \`TargetCapacityUnitType\` to \`vcpu\` or \`memory-mib\` , the price protection threshold is applied based on the per-vCPU or per-memory price instead of the per-instance price. + * + * Default: \`20\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-instancerequirementsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-instancerequirementsrequest-ondemandmaxpricepercentageoverlowestprice + */ + readonly onDemandMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice?: number; + + /** + * Indicates whether instance types must support hibernation for On-Demand Instances. + * + * This parameter is not supported for [GetSpotPlacementScores](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_GetSpotPlacementScores.html) . + * + * Default: \`false\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-instancerequirementsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-instancerequirementsrequest-requirehibernatesupport + */ + readonly requireHibernateSupport?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The price protection threshold for Spot Instance. + * + * This is the maximum you’ll pay for an Spot Instance, expressed as a percentage above the least expensive current generation M, C, or R instance type with your specified attributes. When Amazon EC2 selects instance types with your attributes, it excludes instance types priced above your threshold. + * + * The parameter accepts an integer, which Amazon EC2 interprets as a percentage. + * + * To turn off price protection, specify a high value, such as \`999999\` . + * + * This parameter is not supported for [GetSpotPlacementScores](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_GetSpotPlacementScores.html) and [GetInstanceTypesFromInstanceRequirements](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_GetInstanceTypesFromInstanceRequirements.html) . + * + * > If you set \`TargetCapacityUnitType\` to \`vcpu\` or \`memory-mib\` , the price protection threshold is applied based on the per-vCPU or per-memory price instead of the per-instance price. + * + * Default: \`100\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-instancerequirementsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-instancerequirementsrequest-spotmaxpricepercentageoverlowestprice + */ + readonly spotMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice?: number; + + /** + * The minimum and maximum amount of total local storage, in GB. + * + * Default: No minimum or maximum limits + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-instancerequirementsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-instancerequirementsrequest-totallocalstoragegb + */ + readonly totalLocalStorageGb?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnEC2Fleet.TotalLocalStorageGBRequestProperty; + + /** + * The minimum and maximum number of vCPUs. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-instancerequirementsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-instancerequirementsrequest-vcpucount + */ + readonly vCpuCount?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnEC2Fleet.VCpuCountRangeRequestProperty; + } + + /** + * The minimum and maximum number of vCPUs. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-vcpucountrangerequest.html + */ + export interface VCpuCountRangeRequestProperty { + /** + * The maximum number of vCPUs. + * + * To specify no maximum limit, omit this parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-vcpucountrangerequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-vcpucountrangerequest-max + */ + readonly max?: number; + + /** + * The minimum number of vCPUs. + * + * To specify no minimum limit, specify \`0\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-vcpucountrangerequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-vcpucountrangerequest-min + */ + readonly min?: number; + } + + /** + * The minimum and maximum amount of memory, in MiB. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-memorymibrequest.html + */ + export interface MemoryMiBRequestProperty { + /** + * The maximum amount of memory, in MiB. + * + * To specify no maximum limit, omit this parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-memorymibrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-memorymibrequest-max + */ + readonly max?: number; + + /** + * The minimum amount of memory, in MiB. + * + * To specify no minimum limit, specify \`0\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-memorymibrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-memorymibrequest-min + */ + readonly min?: number; + } + + /** + * The minimum and maximum amount of memory per vCPU, in GiB. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-memorygibpervcpurequest.html + */ + export interface MemoryGiBPerVCpuRequestProperty { + /** + * The maximum amount of memory per vCPU, in GiB. + * + * To specify no maximum limit, omit this parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-memorygibpervcpurequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-memorygibpervcpurequest-max + */ + readonly max?: number; + + /** + * The minimum amount of memory per vCPU, in GiB. + * + * To specify no minimum limit, omit this parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-memorygibpervcpurequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-memorygibpervcpurequest-min + */ + readonly min?: number; + } + + /** + * The minimum and maximum amount of network bandwidth, in gigabits per second (Gbps). + * + * > Setting the minimum bandwidth does not guarantee that your instance will achieve the minimum bandwidth. Amazon EC2 will identify instance types that support the specified minimum bandwidth, but the actual bandwidth of your instance might go below the specified minimum at times. For more information, see [Available instance bandwidth](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-instance-network-bandwidth.html#available-instance-bandwidth) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-networkbandwidthgbpsrequest.html + */ + export interface NetworkBandwidthGbpsRequestProperty { + /** + * The maximum amount of network bandwidth, in Gbps. + * + * To specify no maximum limit, omit this parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-networkbandwidthgbpsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-networkbandwidthgbpsrequest-max + */ + readonly max?: number; + + /** + * The minimum amount of network bandwidth, in Gbps. + * + * To specify no minimum limit, omit this parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-networkbandwidthgbpsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-networkbandwidthgbpsrequest-min + */ + readonly min?: number; + } + + /** + * The minimum and maximum number of network interfaces. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-networkinterfacecountrequest.html + */ + export interface NetworkInterfaceCountRequestProperty { + /** + * The maximum number of network interfaces. + * + * To specify no maximum limit, omit this parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-networkinterfacecountrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-networkinterfacecountrequest-max + */ + readonly max?: number; + + /** + * The minimum number of network interfaces. + * + * To specify no minimum limit, omit this parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-networkinterfacecountrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-networkinterfacecountrequest-min + */ + readonly min?: number; + } + + /** + * The minimum and maximum amount of total local storage, in GB. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-totallocalstoragegbrequest.html + */ + export interface TotalLocalStorageGBRequestProperty { + /** + * The maximum amount of total local storage, in GB. + * + * To specify no maximum limit, omit this parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-totallocalstoragegbrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-totallocalstoragegbrequest-max + */ + readonly max?: number; + + /** + * The minimum amount of total local storage, in GB. + * + * To specify no minimum limit, omit this parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-totallocalstoragegbrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-totallocalstoragegbrequest-min + */ + readonly min?: number; + } + + /** + * The minimum and maximum baseline bandwidth to Amazon EBS, in Mbps. + * + * For more information, see [Amazon EBS–optimized instances](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ebs-optimized.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-baselineebsbandwidthmbpsrequest.html + */ + export interface BaselineEbsBandwidthMbpsRequestProperty { + /** + * The maximum baseline bandwidth, in Mbps. + * + * To specify no maximum limit, omit this parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-baselineebsbandwidthmbpsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-baselineebsbandwidthmbpsrequest-max + */ + readonly max?: number; + + /** + * The minimum baseline bandwidth, in Mbps. + * + * To specify no minimum limit, omit this parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-baselineebsbandwidthmbpsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-baselineebsbandwidthmbpsrequest-min + */ + readonly min?: number; + } + + /** + * The minimum and maximum number of accelerators (GPUs, FPGAs, or AWS Inferentia chips) on an instance. + * + * To exclude accelerator-enabled instance types, set \`Max\` to \`0\` . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-acceleratorcountrequest.html + */ + export interface AcceleratorCountRequestProperty { + /** + * The maximum number of accelerators. + * + * To specify no maximum limit, omit this parameter. To exclude accelerator-enabled instance types, set \`Max\` to \`0\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-acceleratorcountrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-acceleratorcountrequest-max + */ + readonly max?: number; + + /** + * The minimum number of accelerators. + * + * To specify no minimum limit, omit this parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-acceleratorcountrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-acceleratorcountrequest-min + */ + readonly min?: number; + } + + /** + * The minimum and maximum amount of total accelerator memory, in MiB. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-acceleratortotalmemorymibrequest.html + */ + export interface AcceleratorTotalMemoryMiBRequestProperty { + /** + * The maximum amount of accelerator memory, in MiB. + * + * To specify no maximum limit, omit this parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-acceleratortotalmemorymibrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-acceleratortotalmemorymibrequest-max + */ + readonly max?: number; + + /** + * The minimum amount of accelerator memory, in MiB. + * + * To specify no minimum limit, omit this parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ec2fleet-acceleratortotalmemorymibrequest.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-acceleratortotalmemorymibrequest-min + */ + readonly min?: number; + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnEC2Fleet\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ec2fleet.html + */ +export interface CfnEC2FleetProps { + /** + * Reserved. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ec2fleet.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-context + */ + readonly context?: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether running instances should be terminated if the total target capacity of the EC2 Fleet is decreased below the current size of the EC2 Fleet. + * + * Supported only for fleets of type \`maintain\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ec2fleet.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-excesscapacityterminationpolicy + */ + readonly excessCapacityTerminationPolicy?: string; + + /** + * The configuration for the EC2 Fleet. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ec2fleet.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-launchtemplateconfigs + */ + readonly launchTemplateConfigs: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Describes the configuration of On-Demand Instances in an EC2 Fleet. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ec2fleet.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-ondemandoptions + */ + readonly onDemandOptions?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnEC2Fleet.OnDemandOptionsRequestProperty; + + /** + * Indicates whether EC2 Fleet should replace unhealthy Spot Instances. + * + * Supported only for fleets of type \`maintain\` . For more information, see [EC2 Fleet health checks](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/manage-ec2-fleet.html#ec2-fleet-health-checks) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ec2fleet.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-replaceunhealthyinstances + */ + readonly replaceUnhealthyInstances?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Describes the configuration of Spot Instances in an EC2 Fleet. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ec2fleet.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-spotoptions + */ + readonly spotOptions?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnEC2Fleet.SpotOptionsRequestProperty; + + /** + * The key-value pair for tagging the EC2 Fleet request on creation. For more information, see [Tagging your resources](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/Using_Tags.html#tag-resources) . + * + * If the fleet type is \`instant\` , specify a resource type of \`fleet\` to tag the fleet or \`instance\` to tag the instances at launch. + * + * If the fleet type is \`maintain\` or \`request\` , specify a resource type of \`fleet\` to tag the fleet. You cannot specify a resource type of \`instance\` . To tag instances at launch, specify the tags in a [launch template](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-launch-templates.html#create-launch-template) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ec2fleet.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-tagspecifications + */ + readonly tagSpecifications?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The number of units to request. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ec2fleet.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-targetcapacityspecification + */ + readonly targetCapacitySpecification: cdk.IResolvable | CfnEC2Fleet.TargetCapacitySpecificationRequestProperty; + + /** + * Indicates whether running instances should be terminated when the EC2 Fleet expires. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ec2fleet.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-terminateinstanceswithexpiration + */ + readonly terminateInstancesWithExpiration?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The fleet type. The default value is \`maintain\` . + * + * - \`maintain\` - The EC2 Fleet places an asynchronous request for your desired capacity, and continues to maintain your desired Spot capacity by replenishing interrupted Spot Instances. + * - \`request\` - The EC2 Fleet places an asynchronous one-time request for your desired capacity, but does submit Spot requests in alternative capacity pools if Spot capacity is unavailable, and does not maintain Spot capacity if Spot Instances are interrupted. + * - \`instant\` - The EC2 Fleet places a synchronous one-time request for your desired capacity, and returns errors for any instances that could not be launched. + * + * For more information, see [EC2 Fleet request types](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-fleet-request-type.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ec2fleet.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-type + */ + readonly type?: string; + + /** + * The start date and time of the request, in UTC format (for example, *YYYY* - *MM* - *DD* T *HH* : *MM* : *SS* Z). + * + * The default is to start fulfilling the request immediately. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ec2fleet.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-validfrom + */ + readonly validFrom?: string; + + /** + * The end date and time of the request, in UTC format (for example, *YYYY* - *MM* - *DD* T *HH* : *MM* : *SS* Z). + * + * At this point, no new EC2 Fleet requests are placed or able to fulfill the request. If no value is specified, the request remains until you cancel it. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ec2fleet.html#cfn-ec2-ec2fleet-validuntil + */ + readonly validUntil?: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`TargetCapacitySpecificationRequestProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`TargetCapacitySpecificationRequestProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnEC2FleetTargetCapacitySpecificationRequestPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("defaultTargetCapacityType", cdk.validateString)(properties.defaultTargetCapacityType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("onDemandTargetCapacity", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.onDemandTargetCapacity)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("spotTargetCapacity", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.spotTargetCapacity)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("targetCapacityUnitType", cdk.validateString)(properties.targetCapacityUnitType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("totalTargetCapacity", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.totalTargetCapacity)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("totalTargetCapacity", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.totalTargetCapacity)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"TargetCapacitySpecificationRequestProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnEC2FleetTargetCapacitySpecificationRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnEC2FleetTargetCapacitySpecificationRequestPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "DefaultTargetCapacityType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.defaultTargetCapacityType), + "OnDemandTargetCapacity": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.onDemandTargetCapacity), + "SpotTargetCapacity": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.spotTargetCapacity), + "TargetCapacityUnitType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.targetCapacityUnitType), + "TotalTargetCapacity": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.totalTargetCapacity) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnEC2FleetTargetCapacitySpecificationRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("defaultTargetCapacityType", "DefaultTargetCapacityType", (properties.DefaultTargetCapacityType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DefaultTargetCapacityType) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("onDemandTargetCapacity", "OnDemandTargetCapacity", (properties.OnDemandTargetCapacity != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.OnDemandTargetCapacity) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("spotTargetCapacity", "SpotTargetCapacity", (properties.SpotTargetCapacity != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.SpotTargetCapacity) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("targetCapacityUnitType", "TargetCapacityUnitType", (properties.TargetCapacityUnitType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.TargetCapacityUnitType) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("totalTargetCapacity", "TotalTargetCapacity", (properties.TotalTargetCapacity != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.TotalTargetCapacity) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CapacityReservationOptionsRequestProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CapacityReservationOptionsRequestProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnEC2FleetCapacityReservationOptionsRequestPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("usageStrategy", cdk.validateString)(properties.usageStrategy)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CapacityReservationOptionsRequestProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnEC2FleetCapacityReservationOptionsRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnEC2FleetCapacityReservationOptionsRequestPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "UsageStrategy": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.usageStrategy) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnEC2FleetCapacityReservationOptionsRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("usageStrategy", "UsageStrategy", (properties.UsageStrategy != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.UsageStrategy) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`OnDemandOptionsRequestProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`OnDemandOptionsRequestProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnEC2FleetOnDemandOptionsRequestPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("allocationStrategy", cdk.validateString)(properties.allocationStrategy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("capacityReservationOptions", CfnEC2FleetCapacityReservationOptionsRequestPropertyValidator)(properties.capacityReservationOptions)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("maxTotalPrice", cdk.validateString)(properties.maxTotalPrice)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("minTargetCapacity", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.minTargetCapacity)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("singleAvailabilityZone", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.singleAvailabilityZone)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("singleInstanceType", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.singleInstanceType)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"OnDemandOptionsRequestProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnEC2FleetOnDemandOptionsRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnEC2FleetOnDemandOptionsRequestPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AllocationStrategy": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.allocationStrategy), + "CapacityReservationOptions": convertCfnEC2FleetCapacityReservationOptionsRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.capacityReservationOptions), + "MaxTotalPrice": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.maxTotalPrice), + "MinTargetCapacity": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.minTargetCapacity), + "SingleAvailabilityZone": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.singleAvailabilityZone), + "SingleInstanceType": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.singleInstanceType) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnEC2FleetOnDemandOptionsRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("allocationStrategy", "AllocationStrategy", (properties.AllocationStrategy != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.AllocationStrategy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("capacityReservationOptions", "CapacityReservationOptions", (properties.CapacityReservationOptions != null ? CfnEC2FleetCapacityReservationOptionsRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.CapacityReservationOptions) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("maxTotalPrice", "MaxTotalPrice", (properties.MaxTotalPrice != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.MaxTotalPrice) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("minTargetCapacity", "MinTargetCapacity", (properties.MinTargetCapacity != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.MinTargetCapacity) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("singleAvailabilityZone", "SingleAvailabilityZone", (properties.SingleAvailabilityZone != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.SingleAvailabilityZone) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("singleInstanceType", "SingleInstanceType", (properties.SingleInstanceType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.SingleInstanceType) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`TagSpecificationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`TagSpecificationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnEC2FleetTagSpecificationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("resourceType", cdk.validateString)(properties.resourceType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"TagSpecificationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnEC2FleetTagSpecificationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnEC2FleetTagSpecificationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ResourceType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.resourceType), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnEC2FleetTagSpecificationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("resourceType", "ResourceType", (properties.ResourceType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ResourceType) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CapacityRebalanceProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CapacityRebalanceProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnEC2FleetCapacityRebalancePropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("replacementStrategy", cdk.validateString)(properties.replacementStrategy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("terminationDelay", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.terminationDelay)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CapacityRebalanceProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnEC2FleetCapacityRebalancePropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnEC2FleetCapacityRebalancePropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ReplacementStrategy": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.replacementStrategy), + "TerminationDelay": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.terminationDelay) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnEC2FleetCapacityRebalancePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("replacementStrategy", "ReplacementStrategy", (properties.ReplacementStrategy != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ReplacementStrategy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("terminationDelay", "TerminationDelay", (properties.TerminationDelay != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.TerminationDelay) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`MaintenanceStrategiesProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`MaintenanceStrategiesProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnEC2FleetMaintenanceStrategiesPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("capacityRebalance", CfnEC2FleetCapacityRebalancePropertyValidator)(properties.capacityRebalance)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"MaintenanceStrategiesProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnEC2FleetMaintenanceStrategiesPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnEC2FleetMaintenanceStrategiesPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "CapacityRebalance": convertCfnEC2FleetCapacityRebalancePropertyToCloudFormation(properties.capacityRebalance) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnEC2FleetMaintenanceStrategiesPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("capacityRebalance", "CapacityRebalance", (properties.CapacityRebalance != null ? CfnEC2FleetCapacityRebalancePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.CapacityRebalance) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`SpotOptionsRequestProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`SpotOptionsRequestProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnEC2FleetSpotOptionsRequestPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("allocationStrategy", cdk.validateString)(properties.allocationStrategy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("instanceInterruptionBehavior", cdk.validateString)(properties.instanceInterruptionBehavior)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("instancePoolsToUseCount", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.instancePoolsToUseCount)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("maintenanceStrategies", CfnEC2FleetMaintenanceStrategiesPropertyValidator)(properties.maintenanceStrategies)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("maxTotalPrice", cdk.validateString)(properties.maxTotalPrice)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("minTargetCapacity", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.minTargetCapacity)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("singleAvailabilityZone", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.singleAvailabilityZone)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("singleInstanceType", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.singleInstanceType)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"SpotOptionsRequestProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnEC2FleetSpotOptionsRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnEC2FleetSpotOptionsRequestPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AllocationStrategy": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.allocationStrategy), + "InstanceInterruptionBehavior": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.instanceInterruptionBehavior), + "InstancePoolsToUseCount": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.instancePoolsToUseCount), + "MaintenanceStrategies": convertCfnEC2FleetMaintenanceStrategiesPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.maintenanceStrategies), + "MaxTotalPrice": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.maxTotalPrice), + "MinTargetCapacity": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.minTargetCapacity), + "SingleAvailabilityZone": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.singleAvailabilityZone), + "SingleInstanceType": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.singleInstanceType) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnEC2FleetSpotOptionsRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("allocationStrategy", "AllocationStrategy", (properties.AllocationStrategy != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.AllocationStrategy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("instanceInterruptionBehavior", "InstanceInterruptionBehavior", (properties.InstanceInterruptionBehavior != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.InstanceInterruptionBehavior) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("instancePoolsToUseCount", "InstancePoolsToUseCount", (properties.InstancePoolsToUseCount != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.InstancePoolsToUseCount) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("maintenanceStrategies", "MaintenanceStrategies", (properties.MaintenanceStrategies != null ? CfnEC2FleetMaintenanceStrategiesPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.MaintenanceStrategies) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("maxTotalPrice", "MaxTotalPrice", (properties.MaxTotalPrice != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.MaxTotalPrice) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("minTargetCapacity", "MinTargetCapacity", (properties.MinTargetCapacity != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.MinTargetCapacity) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("singleAvailabilityZone", "SingleAvailabilityZone", (properties.SingleAvailabilityZone != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.SingleAvailabilityZone) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("singleInstanceType", "SingleInstanceType", (properties.SingleInstanceType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.SingleInstanceType) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`FleetLaunchTemplateSpecificationRequestProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`FleetLaunchTemplateSpecificationRequestProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnEC2FleetFleetLaunchTemplateSpecificationRequestPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("launchTemplateId", cdk.validateString)(properties.launchTemplateId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("launchTemplateName", cdk.validateString)(properties.launchTemplateName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("version", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.version)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("version", cdk.validateString)(properties.version)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"FleetLaunchTemplateSpecificationRequestProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnEC2FleetFleetLaunchTemplateSpecificationRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnEC2FleetFleetLaunchTemplateSpecificationRequestPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "LaunchTemplateId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.launchTemplateId), + "LaunchTemplateName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.launchTemplateName), + "Version": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.version) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnEC2FleetFleetLaunchTemplateSpecificationRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("launchTemplateId", "LaunchTemplateId", (properties.LaunchTemplateId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.LaunchTemplateId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("launchTemplateName", "LaunchTemplateName", (properties.LaunchTemplateName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.LaunchTemplateName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("version", "Version", (properties.Version != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Version) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`PlacementProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`PlacementProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnEC2FleetPlacementPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("affinity", cdk.validateString)(properties.affinity)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("availabilityZone", cdk.validateString)(properties.availabilityZone)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("groupName", cdk.validateString)(properties.groupName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("hostId", cdk.validateString)(properties.hostId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("hostResourceGroupArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.hostResourceGroupArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("partitionNumber", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.partitionNumber)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("spreadDomain", cdk.validateString)(properties.spreadDomain)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tenancy", cdk.validateString)(properties.tenancy)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"PlacementProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnEC2FleetPlacementPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnEC2FleetPlacementPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Affinity": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.affinity), + "AvailabilityZone": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.availabilityZone), + "GroupName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.groupName), + "HostId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.hostId), + "HostResourceGroupArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.hostResourceGroupArn), + "PartitionNumber": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.partitionNumber), + "SpreadDomain": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.spreadDomain), + "Tenancy": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.tenancy) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnEC2FleetPlacementPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("affinity", "Affinity", (properties.Affinity != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Affinity) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("availabilityZone", "AvailabilityZone", (properties.AvailabilityZone != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.AvailabilityZone) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("groupName", "GroupName", (properties.GroupName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.GroupName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("hostId", "HostId", (properties.HostId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.HostId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("hostResourceGroupArn", "HostResourceGroupArn", (properties.HostResourceGroupArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.HostResourceGroupArn) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("partitionNumber", "PartitionNumber", (properties.PartitionNumber != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.PartitionNumber) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("spreadDomain", "SpreadDomain", (properties.SpreadDomain != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SpreadDomain) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tenancy", "Tenancy", (properties.Tenancy != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Tenancy) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`VCpuCountRangeRequestProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`VCpuCountRangeRequestProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnEC2FleetVCpuCountRangeRequestPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("max", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.max)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("min", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.min)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"VCpuCountRangeRequestProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnEC2FleetVCpuCountRangeRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnEC2FleetVCpuCountRangeRequestPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Max": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.max), + "Min": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.min) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnEC2FleetVCpuCountRangeRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("max", "Max", (properties.Max != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Max) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("min", "Min", (properties.Min != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Min) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`MemoryMiBRequestProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`MemoryMiBRequestProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnEC2FleetMemoryMiBRequestPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("max", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.max)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("min", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.min)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"MemoryMiBRequestProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnEC2FleetMemoryMiBRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnEC2FleetMemoryMiBRequestPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Max": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.max), + "Min": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.min) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnEC2FleetMemoryMiBRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("max", "Max", (properties.Max != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Max) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("min", "Min", (properties.Min != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Min) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`MemoryGiBPerVCpuRequestProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`MemoryGiBPerVCpuRequestProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnEC2FleetMemoryGiBPerVCpuRequestPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("max", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.max)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("min", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.min)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"MemoryGiBPerVCpuRequestProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnEC2FleetMemoryGiBPerVCpuRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnEC2FleetMemoryGiBPerVCpuRequestPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Max": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.max), + "Min": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.min) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnEC2FleetMemoryGiBPerVCpuRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("max", "Max", (properties.Max != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Max) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("min", "Min", (properties.Min != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Min) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`NetworkBandwidthGbpsRequestProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`NetworkBandwidthGbpsRequestProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnEC2FleetNetworkBandwidthGbpsRequestPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("max", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.max)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("min", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.min)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"NetworkBandwidthGbpsRequestProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnEC2FleetNetworkBandwidthGbpsRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnEC2FleetNetworkBandwidthGbpsRequestPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Max": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.max), + "Min": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.min) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnEC2FleetNetworkBandwidthGbpsRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("max", "Max", (properties.Max != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Max) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("min", "Min", (properties.Min != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Min) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`NetworkInterfaceCountRequestProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`NetworkInterfaceCountRequestProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnEC2FleetNetworkInterfaceCountRequestPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("max", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.max)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("min", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.min)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"NetworkInterfaceCountRequestProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnEC2FleetNetworkInterfaceCountRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnEC2FleetNetworkInterfaceCountRequestPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Max": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.max), + "Min": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.min) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnEC2FleetNetworkInterfaceCountRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("max", "Max", (properties.Max != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Max) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("min", "Min", (properties.Min != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Min) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`TotalLocalStorageGBRequestProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`TotalLocalStorageGBRequestProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnEC2FleetTotalLocalStorageGBRequestPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("max", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.max)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("min", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.min)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"TotalLocalStorageGBRequestProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnEC2FleetTotalLocalStorageGBRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnEC2FleetTotalLocalStorageGBRequestPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Max": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.max), + "Min": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.min) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnEC2FleetTotalLocalStorageGBRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("max", "Max", (properties.Max != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Max) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("min", "Min", (properties.Min != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Min) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`BaselineEbsBandwidthMbpsRequestProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`BaselineEbsBandwidthMbpsRequestProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnEC2FleetBaselineEbsBandwidthMbpsRequestPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("max", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.max)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("min", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.min)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"BaselineEbsBandwidthMbpsRequestProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnEC2FleetBaselineEbsBandwidthMbpsRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnEC2FleetBaselineEbsBandwidthMbpsRequestPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Max": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.max), + "Min": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.min) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnEC2FleetBaselineEbsBandwidthMbpsRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("max", "Max", (properties.Max != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Max) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("min", "Min", (properties.Min != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Min) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`AcceleratorCountRequestProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`AcceleratorCountRequestProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnEC2FleetAcceleratorCountRequestPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("max", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.max)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("min", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.min)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"AcceleratorCountRequestProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnEC2FleetAcceleratorCountRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnEC2FleetAcceleratorCountRequestPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Max": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.max), + "Min": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.min) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnEC2FleetAcceleratorCountRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("max", "Max", (properties.Max != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Max) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("min", "Min", (properties.Min != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Min) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`AcceleratorTotalMemoryMiBRequestProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`AcceleratorTotalMemoryMiBRequestProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnEC2FleetAcceleratorTotalMemoryMiBRequestPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("max", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.max)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("min", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.min)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"AcceleratorTotalMemoryMiBRequestProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnEC2FleetAcceleratorTotalMemoryMiBRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnEC2FleetAcceleratorTotalMemoryMiBRequestPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Max": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.max), + "Min": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.min) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnEC2FleetAcceleratorTotalMemoryMiBRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("max", "Max", (properties.Max != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Max) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("min", "Min", (properties.Min != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Min) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`InstanceRequirementsRequestProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`InstanceRequirementsRequestProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnEC2FleetInstanceRequirementsRequestPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("acceleratorCount", CfnEC2FleetAcceleratorCountRequestPropertyValidator)(properties.acceleratorCount)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("acceleratorManufacturers", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.acceleratorManufacturers)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("acceleratorNames", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.acceleratorNames)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("acceleratorTotalMemoryMiB", CfnEC2FleetAcceleratorTotalMemoryMiBRequestPropertyValidator)(properties.acceleratorTotalMemoryMiB)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("acceleratorTypes", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.acceleratorTypes)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("allowedInstanceTypes", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.allowedInstanceTypes)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("bareMetal", cdk.validateString)(properties.bareMetal)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("baselineEbsBandwidthMbps", CfnEC2FleetBaselineEbsBandwidthMbpsRequestPropertyValidator)(properties.baselineEbsBandwidthMbps)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("burstablePerformance", cdk.validateString)(properties.burstablePerformance)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("cpuManufacturers", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.cpuManufacturers)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("excludedInstanceTypes", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.excludedInstanceTypes)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("instanceGenerations", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.instanceGenerations)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("localStorage", cdk.validateString)(properties.localStorage)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("localStorageTypes", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.localStorageTypes)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("memoryGiBPerVCpu", CfnEC2FleetMemoryGiBPerVCpuRequestPropertyValidator)(properties.memoryGiBPerVCpu)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("memoryMiB", CfnEC2FleetMemoryMiBRequestPropertyValidator)(properties.memoryMiB)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("networkBandwidthGbps", CfnEC2FleetNetworkBandwidthGbpsRequestPropertyValidator)(properties.networkBandwidthGbps)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("networkInterfaceCount", CfnEC2FleetNetworkInterfaceCountRequestPropertyValidator)(properties.networkInterfaceCount)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("onDemandMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.onDemandMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("requireHibernateSupport", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.requireHibernateSupport)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("spotMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.spotMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("totalLocalStorageGb", CfnEC2FleetTotalLocalStorageGBRequestPropertyValidator)(properties.totalLocalStorageGb)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vCpuCount", CfnEC2FleetVCpuCountRangeRequestPropertyValidator)(properties.vCpuCount)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"InstanceRequirementsRequestProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnEC2FleetInstanceRequirementsRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnEC2FleetInstanceRequirementsRequestPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AcceleratorCount": convertCfnEC2FleetAcceleratorCountRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.acceleratorCount), + "AcceleratorManufacturers": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.acceleratorManufacturers), + "AcceleratorNames": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.acceleratorNames), + "AcceleratorTotalMemoryMiB": convertCfnEC2FleetAcceleratorTotalMemoryMiBRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.acceleratorTotalMemoryMiB), + "AcceleratorTypes": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.acceleratorTypes), + "AllowedInstanceTypes": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.allowedInstanceTypes), + "BareMetal": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.bareMetal), + "BaselineEbsBandwidthMbps": convertCfnEC2FleetBaselineEbsBandwidthMbpsRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.baselineEbsBandwidthMbps), + "BurstablePerformance": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.burstablePerformance), + "CpuManufacturers": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.cpuManufacturers), + "ExcludedInstanceTypes": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.excludedInstanceTypes), + "InstanceGenerations": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.instanceGenerations), + "LocalStorage": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.localStorage), + "LocalStorageTypes": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.localStorageTypes), + "MemoryGiBPerVCpu": convertCfnEC2FleetMemoryGiBPerVCpuRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.memoryGiBPerVCpu), + "MemoryMiB": convertCfnEC2FleetMemoryMiBRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.memoryMiB), + "NetworkBandwidthGbps": convertCfnEC2FleetNetworkBandwidthGbpsRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.networkBandwidthGbps), + "NetworkInterfaceCount": convertCfnEC2FleetNetworkInterfaceCountRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.networkInterfaceCount), + "OnDemandMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.onDemandMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice), + "RequireHibernateSupport": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.requireHibernateSupport), + "SpotMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.spotMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice), + "TotalLocalStorageGB": convertCfnEC2FleetTotalLocalStorageGBRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.totalLocalStorageGb), + "VCpuCount": convertCfnEC2FleetVCpuCountRangeRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.vCpuCount) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnEC2FleetInstanceRequirementsRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("acceleratorCount", "AcceleratorCount", (properties.AcceleratorCount != null ? CfnEC2FleetAcceleratorCountRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.AcceleratorCount) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("acceleratorManufacturers", "AcceleratorManufacturers", (properties.AcceleratorManufacturers != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.AcceleratorManufacturers) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("acceleratorNames", "AcceleratorNames", (properties.AcceleratorNames != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.AcceleratorNames) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("acceleratorTotalMemoryMiB", "AcceleratorTotalMemoryMiB", (properties.AcceleratorTotalMemoryMiB != null ? CfnEC2FleetAcceleratorTotalMemoryMiBRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.AcceleratorTotalMemoryMiB) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("acceleratorTypes", "AcceleratorTypes", (properties.AcceleratorTypes != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.AcceleratorTypes) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("allowedInstanceTypes", "AllowedInstanceTypes", (properties.AllowedInstanceTypes != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.AllowedInstanceTypes) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("bareMetal", "BareMetal", (properties.BareMetal != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.BareMetal) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("baselineEbsBandwidthMbps", "BaselineEbsBandwidthMbps", (properties.BaselineEbsBandwidthMbps != null ? CfnEC2FleetBaselineEbsBandwidthMbpsRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.BaselineEbsBandwidthMbps) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("burstablePerformance", "BurstablePerformance", (properties.BurstablePerformance != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.BurstablePerformance) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("cpuManufacturers", "CpuManufacturers", (properties.CpuManufacturers != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.CpuManufacturers) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("excludedInstanceTypes", "ExcludedInstanceTypes", (properties.ExcludedInstanceTypes != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.ExcludedInstanceTypes) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("instanceGenerations", "InstanceGenerations", (properties.InstanceGenerations != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.InstanceGenerations) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("localStorage", "LocalStorage", (properties.LocalStorage != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.LocalStorage) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("localStorageTypes", "LocalStorageTypes", (properties.LocalStorageTypes != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.LocalStorageTypes) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("memoryGiBPerVCpu", "MemoryGiBPerVCpu", (properties.MemoryGiBPerVCpu != null ? CfnEC2FleetMemoryGiBPerVCpuRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.MemoryGiBPerVCpu) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("memoryMiB", "MemoryMiB", (properties.MemoryMiB != null ? CfnEC2FleetMemoryMiBRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.MemoryMiB) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("networkBandwidthGbps", "NetworkBandwidthGbps", (properties.NetworkBandwidthGbps != null ? CfnEC2FleetNetworkBandwidthGbpsRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.NetworkBandwidthGbps) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("networkInterfaceCount", "NetworkInterfaceCount", (properties.NetworkInterfaceCount != null ? CfnEC2FleetNetworkInterfaceCountRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.NetworkInterfaceCount) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("onDemandMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice", "OnDemandMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice", (properties.OnDemandMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.OnDemandMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("requireHibernateSupport", "RequireHibernateSupport", (properties.RequireHibernateSupport != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.RequireHibernateSupport) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("spotMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice", "SpotMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice", (properties.SpotMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.SpotMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("totalLocalStorageGb", "TotalLocalStorageGB", (properties.TotalLocalStorageGB != null ? CfnEC2FleetTotalLocalStorageGBRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.TotalLocalStorageGB) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("vCpuCount", "VCpuCount", (properties.VCpuCount != null ? CfnEC2FleetVCpuCountRangeRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.VCpuCount) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`FleetLaunchTemplateOverridesRequestProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`FleetLaunchTemplateOverridesRequestProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnEC2FleetFleetLaunchTemplateOverridesRequestPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("availabilityZone", cdk.validateString)(properties.availabilityZone)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("instanceRequirements", CfnEC2FleetInstanceRequirementsRequestPropertyValidator)(properties.instanceRequirements)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("instanceType", cdk.validateString)(properties.instanceType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("maxPrice", cdk.validateString)(properties.maxPrice)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("placement", CfnEC2FleetPlacementPropertyValidator)(properties.placement)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("priority", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.priority)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("subnetId", cdk.validateString)(properties.subnetId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("weightedCapacity", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.weightedCapacity)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"FleetLaunchTemplateOverridesRequestProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnEC2FleetFleetLaunchTemplateOverridesRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnEC2FleetFleetLaunchTemplateOverridesRequestPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AvailabilityZone": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.availabilityZone), + "InstanceRequirements": convertCfnEC2FleetInstanceRequirementsRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.instanceRequirements), + "InstanceType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.instanceType), + "MaxPrice": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.maxPrice), + "Placement": convertCfnEC2FleetPlacementPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.placement), + "Priority": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.priority), + "SubnetId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.subnetId), + "WeightedCapacity": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.weightedCapacity) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnEC2FleetFleetLaunchTemplateOverridesRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("availabilityZone", "AvailabilityZone", (properties.AvailabilityZone != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.AvailabilityZone) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("instanceRequirements", "InstanceRequirements", (properties.InstanceRequirements != null ? CfnEC2FleetInstanceRequirementsRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.InstanceRequirements) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("instanceType", "InstanceType", (properties.InstanceType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.InstanceType) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("maxPrice", "MaxPrice", (properties.MaxPrice != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.MaxPrice) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("placement", "Placement", (properties.Placement != null ? CfnEC2FleetPlacementPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.Placement) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("priority", "Priority", (properties.Priority != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Priority) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("subnetId", "SubnetId", (properties.SubnetId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SubnetId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("weightedCapacity", "WeightedCapacity", (properties.WeightedCapacity != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.WeightedCapacity) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`FleetLaunchTemplateConfigRequestProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`FleetLaunchTemplateConfigRequestProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnEC2FleetFleetLaunchTemplateConfigRequestPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("launchTemplateSpecification", CfnEC2FleetFleetLaunchTemplateSpecificationRequestPropertyValidator)(properties.launchTemplateSpecification)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("overrides", cdk.listValidator(CfnEC2FleetFleetLaunchTemplateOverridesRequestPropertyValidator))(properties.overrides)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"FleetLaunchTemplateConfigRequestProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnEC2FleetFleetLaunchTemplateConfigRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnEC2FleetFleetLaunchTemplateConfigRequestPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "LaunchTemplateSpecification": convertCfnEC2FleetFleetLaunchTemplateSpecificationRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.launchTemplateSpecification), + "Overrides": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnEC2FleetFleetLaunchTemplateOverridesRequestPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.overrides) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnEC2FleetFleetLaunchTemplateConfigRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("launchTemplateSpecification", "LaunchTemplateSpecification", (properties.LaunchTemplateSpecification != null ? CfnEC2FleetFleetLaunchTemplateSpecificationRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.LaunchTemplateSpecification) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("overrides", "Overrides", (properties.Overrides != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnEC2FleetFleetLaunchTemplateOverridesRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.Overrides) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnEC2FleetProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnEC2FleetProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnEC2FleetPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("context", cdk.validateString)(properties.context)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("excessCapacityTerminationPolicy", cdk.validateString)(properties.excessCapacityTerminationPolicy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("launchTemplateConfigs", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.launchTemplateConfigs)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("launchTemplateConfigs", cdk.listValidator(CfnEC2FleetFleetLaunchTemplateConfigRequestPropertyValidator))(properties.launchTemplateConfigs)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("onDemandOptions", CfnEC2FleetOnDemandOptionsRequestPropertyValidator)(properties.onDemandOptions)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("replaceUnhealthyInstances", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.replaceUnhealthyInstances)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("spotOptions", CfnEC2FleetSpotOptionsRequestPropertyValidator)(properties.spotOptions)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tagSpecifications", cdk.listValidator(CfnEC2FleetTagSpecificationPropertyValidator))(properties.tagSpecifications)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("targetCapacitySpecification", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.targetCapacitySpecification)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("targetCapacitySpecification", CfnEC2FleetTargetCapacitySpecificationRequestPropertyValidator)(properties.targetCapacitySpecification)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("terminateInstancesWithExpiration", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.terminateInstancesWithExpiration)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("type", cdk.validateString)(properties.type)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("validFrom", cdk.validateString)(properties.validFrom)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("validUntil", cdk.validateString)(properties.validUntil)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnEC2FleetProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnEC2FleetPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnEC2FleetPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Context": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.context), + "ExcessCapacityTerminationPolicy": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.excessCapacityTerminationPolicy), + "LaunchTemplateConfigs": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnEC2FleetFleetLaunchTemplateConfigRequestPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.launchTemplateConfigs), + "OnDemandOptions": convertCfnEC2FleetOnDemandOptionsRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.onDemandOptions), + "ReplaceUnhealthyInstances": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.replaceUnhealthyInstances), + "SpotOptions": convertCfnEC2FleetSpotOptionsRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.spotOptions), + "TagSpecifications": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnEC2FleetTagSpecificationPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.tagSpecifications), + "TargetCapacitySpecification": convertCfnEC2FleetTargetCapacitySpecificationRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.targetCapacitySpecification), + "TerminateInstancesWithExpiration": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.terminateInstancesWithExpiration), + "Type": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.type), + "ValidFrom": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.validFrom), + "ValidUntil": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.validUntil) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnEC2FleetPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("context", "Context", (properties.Context != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Context) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("excessCapacityTerminationPolicy", "ExcessCapacityTerminationPolicy", (properties.ExcessCapacityTerminationPolicy != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ExcessCapacityTerminationPolicy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("launchTemplateConfigs", "LaunchTemplateConfigs", (properties.LaunchTemplateConfigs != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnEC2FleetFleetLaunchTemplateConfigRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.LaunchTemplateConfigs) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("onDemandOptions", "OnDemandOptions", (properties.OnDemandOptions != null ? CfnEC2FleetOnDemandOptionsRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.OnDemandOptions) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("replaceUnhealthyInstances", "ReplaceUnhealthyInstances", (properties.ReplaceUnhealthyInstances != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.ReplaceUnhealthyInstances) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("spotOptions", "SpotOptions", (properties.SpotOptions != null ? CfnEC2FleetSpotOptionsRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.SpotOptions) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tagSpecifications", "TagSpecifications", (properties.TagSpecifications != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnEC2FleetTagSpecificationPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.TagSpecifications) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("targetCapacitySpecification", "TargetCapacitySpecification", (properties.TargetCapacitySpecification != null ? CfnEC2FleetTargetCapacitySpecificationRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.TargetCapacitySpecification) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("terminateInstancesWithExpiration", "TerminateInstancesWithExpiration", (properties.TerminateInstancesWithExpiration != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.TerminateInstancesWithExpiration) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("type", "Type", (properties.Type != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Type) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("validFrom", "ValidFrom", (properties.ValidFrom != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ValidFrom) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("validUntil", "ValidUntil", (properties.ValidUntil != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ValidUntil) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * [IPv6 only] Specifies an egress-only internet gateway for your VPC. + * + * An egress-only internet gateway is used to enable outbound communication over IPv6 from instances in your VPC to the internet, and prevents hosts outside of your VPC from initiating an IPv6 connection with your instance. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-egressonlyinternetgateway.html + */ +export class CfnEgressOnlyInternetGateway extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::EgressOnlyInternetGateway"; + + /** + * Build a CfnEgressOnlyInternetGateway from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnEgressOnlyInternetGateway { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnEgressOnlyInternetGatewayPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnEgressOnlyInternetGateway(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The ID of the egress-only internet gateway. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute Id + */ + public readonly attrId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the VPC for which to create the egress-only internet gateway. + */ + public vpcId: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnEgressOnlyInternetGatewayProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnEgressOnlyInternetGateway.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "vpcId", this); + + this.attrId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Id", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.vpcId = props.vpcId; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "vpcId": this.vpcId + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnEgressOnlyInternetGateway.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnEgressOnlyInternetGatewayPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnEgressOnlyInternetGateway\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-egressonlyinternetgateway.html + */ +export interface CfnEgressOnlyInternetGatewayProps { + /** + * The ID of the VPC for which to create the egress-only internet gateway. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-egressonlyinternetgateway.html#cfn-ec2-egressonlyinternetgateway-vpcid + */ + readonly vpcId: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnEgressOnlyInternetGatewayProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnEgressOnlyInternetGatewayProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnEgressOnlyInternetGatewayPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vpcId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.vpcId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vpcId", cdk.validateString)(properties.vpcId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnEgressOnlyInternetGatewayProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnEgressOnlyInternetGatewayPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnEgressOnlyInternetGatewayPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "VpcId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.vpcId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnEgressOnlyInternetGatewayPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("vpcId", "VpcId", (properties.VpcId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.VpcId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Specifies an Elastic IP (EIP) address and can, optionally, associate it with an Amazon EC2 instance. + * + * You can allocate an Elastic IP address from an address pool owned by AWS or from an address pool created from a public IPv4 address range that you have brought to AWS for use with your AWS resources using bring your own IP addresses (BYOIP). For more information, see [Bring Your Own IP Addresses (BYOIP)](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-byoip.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * For more information, see [Elastic IP Addresses](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/elastic-ip-addresses-eip.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-eip.html + */ +export class CfnEIP extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::EIP"; + + /** + * Build a CfnEIP from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnEIP { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnEIPPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnEIP(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The ID that AWS assigns to represent the allocation of the address for use with Amazon VPC. This is returned only for VPC elastic IP addresses. For example, \`eipalloc-5723d13e\` . + * + * @cloudformationAttribute AllocationId + */ + public readonly attrAllocationId: string; + + /** + * The Elastic IP address. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute PublicIp + */ + public readonly attrPublicIp: string; + + /** + * The network ( \`vpc\` ). + */ + public domain?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the instance. + */ + public instanceId?: string; + + /** + * A unique set of Availability Zones, Local Zones, or Wavelength Zones from which AWS advertises IP addresses. + */ + public networkBorderGroup?: string; + + /** + * The ID of an address pool that you own. + */ + public publicIpv4Pool?: string; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * Any tags assigned to the Elastic IP address. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * The Elastic IP address you are accepting for transfer. + */ + public transferAddress?: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnEIPProps = {}) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnEIP.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + this.attrAllocationId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("AllocationId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrPublicIp = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("PublicIp", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.domain = props.domain; + this.instanceId = props.instanceId; + this.networkBorderGroup = props.networkBorderGroup; + this.publicIpv4Pool = props.publicIpv4Pool; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::EC2::EIP", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + this.transferAddress = props.transferAddress; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "domain": this.domain, + "instanceId": this.instanceId, + "networkBorderGroup": this.networkBorderGroup, + "publicIpv4Pool": this.publicIpv4Pool, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags(), + "transferAddress": this.transferAddress + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnEIP.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnEIPPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnEIP\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-eip.html + */ +export interface CfnEIPProps { + /** + * The network ( \`vpc\` ). + * + * If you define an Elastic IP address and associate it with a VPC that is defined in the same template, you must declare a dependency on the VPC-gateway attachment by using the [DependsOn Attribute](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-attribute-dependson.html) on this resource. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-eip.html#cfn-ec2-eip-domain + */ + readonly domain?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the instance. + * + * > Updates to the \`InstanceId\` property may require *some interruptions* . Updates on an EIP reassociates the address on its associated resource. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-eip.html#cfn-ec2-eip-instanceid + */ + readonly instanceId?: string; + + /** + * A unique set of Availability Zones, Local Zones, or Wavelength Zones from which AWS advertises IP addresses. + * + * Use this parameter to limit the IP address to this location. IP addresses cannot move between network border groups. + * + * Use [DescribeAvailabilityZones](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_DescribeAvailabilityZones.html) to view the network border groups. + * + * You cannot use a network border group with EC2 Classic. If you attempt this operation on EC2 Classic, you receive an \`InvalidParameterCombination\` error. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-eip.html#cfn-ec2-eip-networkbordergroup + */ + readonly networkBorderGroup?: string; + + /** + * The ID of an address pool that you own. + * + * Use this parameter to let Amazon EC2 select an address from the address pool. + * + * > Updates to the \`PublicIpv4Pool\` property may require *some interruptions* . Updates on an EIP reassociates the address on its associated resource. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-eip.html#cfn-ec2-eip-publicipv4pool + */ + readonly publicIpv4Pool?: string; + + /** + * Any tags assigned to the Elastic IP address. + * + * > Updates to the \`Tags\` property may require *some interruptions* . Updates on an EIP reassociates the address on its associated resource. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-eip.html#cfn-ec2-eip-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; + + /** + * The Elastic IP address you are accepting for transfer. + * + * You can only accept one transferred address. For more information on Elastic IP address transfers, see [Transfer Elastic IP addresses](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/userguide/vpc-eips.html#transfer-EIPs-intro) in the *Amazon Virtual Private Cloud User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-eip.html#cfn-ec2-eip-transferaddress + */ + readonly transferAddress?: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnEIPProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnEIPProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnEIPPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("domain", cdk.validateString)(properties.domain)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("instanceId", cdk.validateString)(properties.instanceId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("networkBorderGroup", cdk.validateString)(properties.networkBorderGroup)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("publicIpv4Pool", cdk.validateString)(properties.publicIpv4Pool)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("transferAddress", cdk.validateString)(properties.transferAddress)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnEIPProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnEIPPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnEIPPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Domain": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.domain), + "InstanceId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.instanceId), + "NetworkBorderGroup": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.networkBorderGroup), + "PublicIpv4Pool": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.publicIpv4Pool), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags), + "TransferAddress": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.transferAddress) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnEIPPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("domain", "Domain", (properties.Domain != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Domain) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("instanceId", "InstanceId", (properties.InstanceId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.InstanceId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("networkBorderGroup", "NetworkBorderGroup", (properties.NetworkBorderGroup != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.NetworkBorderGroup) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("publicIpv4Pool", "PublicIpv4Pool", (properties.PublicIpv4Pool != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.PublicIpv4Pool) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("transferAddress", "TransferAddress", (properties.TransferAddress != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.TransferAddress) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Associates an Elastic IP address with an instance or a network interface. + * + * Before you can use an Elastic IP address, you must allocate it to your account. For more information about working with Elastic IP addresses, see [Elastic IP address concepts and rules](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/userguide/vpc-eips.html#vpc-eip-overview) . + * + * You must specify \`AllocationId\` and either \`InstanceId\` , \`NetworkInterfaceId\` , or \`PrivateIpAddress\` . + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-eipassociation.html + */ +export class CfnEIPAssociation extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::EIPAssociation"; + + /** + * Build a CfnEIPAssociation from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnEIPAssociation { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnEIPAssociationPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnEIPAssociation(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * @cloudformationAttribute Id + */ + public readonly attrId: string; + + /** + * The allocation ID. + */ + public allocationId?: string; + + /** + * Deprecated. + */ + public eip?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the instance. + */ + public instanceId?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the network interface. + */ + public networkInterfaceId?: string; + + /** + * The primary or secondary private IP address to associate with the Elastic IP address. + */ + public privateIpAddress?: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnEIPAssociationProps = {}) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnEIPAssociation.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + this.attrId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Id", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.allocationId = props.allocationId; + this.eip = props.eip; + this.instanceId = props.instanceId; + this.networkInterfaceId = props.networkInterfaceId; + this.privateIpAddress = props.privateIpAddress; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "allocationId": this.allocationId, + "eip": this.eip, + "instanceId": this.instanceId, + "networkInterfaceId": this.networkInterfaceId, + "privateIpAddress": this.privateIpAddress + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnEIPAssociation.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnEIPAssociationPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnEIPAssociation\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-eipassociation.html + */ +export interface CfnEIPAssociationProps { + /** + * The allocation ID. + * + * This is required. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-eipassociation.html#cfn-ec2-eipassociation-allocationid + */ + readonly allocationId?: string; + + /** + * Deprecated. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-eipassociation.html#cfn-ec2-eipassociation-eip + */ + readonly eip?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the instance. + * + * The instance must have exactly one attached network interface. You can specify either the instance ID or the network interface ID, but not both. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-eipassociation.html#cfn-ec2-eipassociation-instanceid + */ + readonly instanceId?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the network interface. + * + * If the instance has more than one network interface, you must specify a network interface ID. + * + * You can specify either the instance ID or the network interface ID, but not both. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-eipassociation.html#cfn-ec2-eipassociation-networkinterfaceid + */ + readonly networkInterfaceId?: string; + + /** + * The primary or secondary private IP address to associate with the Elastic IP address. + * + * If no private IP address is specified, the Elastic IP address is associated with the primary private IP address. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-eipassociation.html#cfn-ec2-eipassociation-privateipaddress + */ + readonly privateIpAddress?: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnEIPAssociationProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnEIPAssociationProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnEIPAssociationPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("allocationId", cdk.validateString)(properties.allocationId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("eip", cdk.validateString)(properties.eip)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("instanceId", cdk.validateString)(properties.instanceId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("networkInterfaceId", cdk.validateString)(properties.networkInterfaceId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("privateIpAddress", cdk.validateString)(properties.privateIpAddress)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnEIPAssociationProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnEIPAssociationPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnEIPAssociationPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AllocationId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.allocationId), + "EIP": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.eip), + "InstanceId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.instanceId), + "NetworkInterfaceId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.networkInterfaceId), + "PrivateIpAddress": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.privateIpAddress) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnEIPAssociationPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("allocationId", "AllocationId", (properties.AllocationId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.AllocationId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("eip", "EIP", (properties.EIP != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.EIP) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("instanceId", "InstanceId", (properties.InstanceId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.InstanceId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("networkInterfaceId", "NetworkInterfaceId", (properties.NetworkInterfaceId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.NetworkInterfaceId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("privateIpAddress", "PrivateIpAddress", (properties.PrivateIpAddress != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.PrivateIpAddress) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Associates an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role with an AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) certificate. + * + * This enables the certificate to be used by the ACM for Nitro Enclaves application inside an enclave. For more information, see [AWS Certificate Manager for Nitro Enclaves](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/enclaves/latest/user/nitro-enclave-refapp.html) in the *AWS Nitro Enclaves User Guide* . + * + * When the IAM role is associated with the ACM certificate, the certificate, certificate chain, and encrypted private key are placed in an Amazon S3 location that only the associated IAM role can access. The private key of the certificate is encrypted with an AWS managed key that has an attached attestation-based key policy. + * + * To enable the IAM role to access the Amazon S3 object, you must grant it permission to call \`s3:GetObject\` on the Amazon S3 bucket returned by the command. To enable the IAM role to access the KMS key, you must grant it permission to call \`kms:Decrypt\` on the KMS key returned by the command. For more information, see [Grant the role permission to access the certificate and encryption key](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/enclaves/latest/user/nitro-enclave-refapp.html#add-policy) in the *AWS Nitro Enclaves User Guide* . + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-enclavecertificateiamroleassociation.html + */ +export class CfnEnclaveCertificateIamRoleAssociation extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::EnclaveCertificateIamRoleAssociation"; + + /** + * Build a CfnEnclaveCertificateIamRoleAssociation from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnEnclaveCertificateIamRoleAssociation { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnEnclaveCertificateIamRoleAssociationPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnEnclaveCertificateIamRoleAssociation(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The name of the Amazon S3 bucket to which the certificate was uploaded. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute CertificateS3BucketName + */ + public readonly attrCertificateS3BucketName: string; + + /** + * The Amazon S3 object key where the certificate, certificate chain, and encrypted private key bundle are stored. The object key is formatted as follows: \`role_arn\` / \`certificate_arn\` . + * + * @cloudformationAttribute CertificateS3ObjectKey + */ + public readonly attrCertificateS3ObjectKey: string; + + /** + * The ID of the AWS KMS key used to encrypt the private key of the certificate. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute EncryptionKmsKeyId + */ + public readonly attrEncryptionKmsKeyId: string; + + /** + * The ARN of the ACM certificate with which to associate the IAM role. + */ + public certificateArn: string; + + /** + * The ARN of the IAM role to associate with the ACM certificate. + */ + public roleArn: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnEnclaveCertificateIamRoleAssociationProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnEnclaveCertificateIamRoleAssociation.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "certificateArn", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "roleArn", this); + + this.attrCertificateS3BucketName = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("CertificateS3BucketName", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrCertificateS3ObjectKey = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("CertificateS3ObjectKey", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrEncryptionKmsKeyId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("EncryptionKmsKeyId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.certificateArn = props.certificateArn; + this.roleArn = props.roleArn; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "certificateArn": this.certificateArn, + "roleArn": this.roleArn + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnEnclaveCertificateIamRoleAssociation.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnEnclaveCertificateIamRoleAssociationPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnEnclaveCertificateIamRoleAssociation\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-enclavecertificateiamroleassociation.html + */ +export interface CfnEnclaveCertificateIamRoleAssociationProps { + /** + * The ARN of the ACM certificate with which to associate the IAM role. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-enclavecertificateiamroleassociation.html#cfn-ec2-enclavecertificateiamroleassociation-certificatearn + */ + readonly certificateArn: string; + + /** + * The ARN of the IAM role to associate with the ACM certificate. + * + * You can associate up to 16 IAM roles with an ACM certificate. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-enclavecertificateiamroleassociation.html#cfn-ec2-enclavecertificateiamroleassociation-rolearn + */ + readonly roleArn: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnEnclaveCertificateIamRoleAssociationProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnEnclaveCertificateIamRoleAssociationProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnEnclaveCertificateIamRoleAssociationPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("certificateArn", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.certificateArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("certificateArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.certificateArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("roleArn", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.roleArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("roleArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.roleArn)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnEnclaveCertificateIamRoleAssociationProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnEnclaveCertificateIamRoleAssociationPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnEnclaveCertificateIamRoleAssociationPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "CertificateArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.certificateArn), + "RoleArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.roleArn) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnEnclaveCertificateIamRoleAssociationPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("certificateArn", "CertificateArn", (properties.CertificateArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.CertificateArn) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("roleArn", "RoleArn", (properties.RoleArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.RoleArn) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Specifies a VPC flow log that captures IP traffic for a specified network interface, subnet, or VPC. + * + * To view the log data, use Amazon CloudWatch Logs (CloudWatch Logs) to help troubleshoot connection issues. For example, you can use a flow log to investigate why certain traffic isn't reaching an instance, which can help you diagnose overly restrictive security group rules. For more information, see [VPC Flow Logs](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/userguide/flow-logs.html) in the *Amazon VPC User Guide* . + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-flowlog.html + */ +export class CfnFlowLog extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::FlowLog"; + + /** + * Build a CfnFlowLog from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnFlowLog { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnFlowLogPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnFlowLog(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The ID of the flow log. For example, \`fl-123456abc123abc1\` . + * + * @cloudformationAttribute Id + */ + public readonly attrId: string; + + /** + * The ARN of the IAM role that allows Amazon EC2 to publish flow logs to a CloudWatch Logs log group in your account. + */ + public deliverLogsPermissionArn?: string; + + /** + * The destination options. The following options are supported:. + */ + public destinationOptions?: any | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The destination for the flow log data. The meaning of this parameter depends on the destination type. + */ + public logDestination?: string; + + /** + * The type of destination for the flow log data. + */ + public logDestinationType?: string; + + /** + * The fields to include in the flow log record, in the order in which they should appear. + */ + public logFormat?: string; + + /** + * The name of a new or existing CloudWatch Logs log group where Amazon EC2 publishes your flow logs. + */ + public logGroupName?: string; + + /** + * The maximum interval of time during which a flow of packets is captured and aggregated into a flow log record. + */ + public maxAggregationInterval?: number; + + /** + * The ID of the resource to monitor. + */ + public resourceId: string; + + /** + * The type of resource to monitor. + */ + public resourceType: string; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * The tags to apply to the flow logs. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * The type of traffic to monitor (accepted traffic, rejected traffic, or all traffic). + */ + public trafficType?: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnFlowLogProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnFlowLog.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "resourceId", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "resourceType", this); + + this.attrId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Id", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.deliverLogsPermissionArn = props.deliverLogsPermissionArn; + this.destinationOptions = props.destinationOptions; + this.logDestination = props.logDestination; + this.logDestinationType = props.logDestinationType; + this.logFormat = props.logFormat; + this.logGroupName = props.logGroupName; + this.maxAggregationInterval = props.maxAggregationInterval; + this.resourceId = props.resourceId; + this.resourceType = props.resourceType; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::EC2::FlowLog", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + this.trafficType = props.trafficType; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "deliverLogsPermissionArn": this.deliverLogsPermissionArn, + "destinationOptions": this.destinationOptions, + "logDestination": this.logDestination, + "logDestinationType": this.logDestinationType, + "logFormat": this.logFormat, + "logGroupName": this.logGroupName, + "maxAggregationInterval": this.maxAggregationInterval, + "resourceId": this.resourceId, + "resourceType": this.resourceType, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags(), + "trafficType": this.trafficType + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnFlowLog.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnFlowLogPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +export namespace CfnFlowLog { + /** + * Describes the destination options for a flow log. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-flowlog-destinationoptions.html + */ + export interface DestinationOptionsProperty { + /** + * The format for the flow log. + * + * The default is \`plain-text\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-flowlog-destinationoptions.html#cfn-ec2-flowlog-destinationoptions-fileformat + */ + readonly fileFormat: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether to use Hive-compatible prefixes for flow logs stored in Amazon S3. + * + * The default is \`false\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-flowlog-destinationoptions.html#cfn-ec2-flowlog-destinationoptions-hivecompatiblepartitions + */ + readonly hiveCompatiblePartitions: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Indicates whether to partition the flow log per hour. + * + * This reduces the cost and response time for queries. The default is \`false\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-flowlog-destinationoptions.html#cfn-ec2-flowlog-destinationoptions-perhourpartition + */ + readonly perHourPartition: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnFlowLog\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-flowlog.html + */ +export interface CfnFlowLogProps { + /** + * The ARN of the IAM role that allows Amazon EC2 to publish flow logs to a CloudWatch Logs log group in your account. + * + * This parameter is required if the destination type is \`cloud-watch-logs\` and unsupported otherwise. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-flowlog.html#cfn-ec2-flowlog-deliverlogspermissionarn + */ + readonly deliverLogsPermissionArn?: string; + + /** + * The destination options. The following options are supported:. + * + * - \`FileFormat\` - The format for the flow log ( \`plain-text\` | \`parquet\` ). The default is \`plain-text\` . + * - \`HiveCompatiblePartitions\` - Indicates whether to use Hive-compatible prefixes for flow logs stored in Amazon S3 ( \`true\` | \`false\` ). The default is \`false\` . + * - \`PerHourPartition\` - Indicates whether to partition the flow log per hour ( \`true\` | \`false\` ). The default is \`false\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-flowlog.html#cfn-ec2-flowlog-destinationoptions + */ + readonly destinationOptions?: any | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The destination for the flow log data. The meaning of this parameter depends on the destination type. + * + * - If the destination type is \`cloud-watch-logs\` , specify the ARN of a CloudWatch Logs log group. For example: + * + * arn:aws:logs: *region* : *account_id* :log-group: *my_group* + * + * Alternatively, use the \`LogGroupName\` parameter. + * - If the destination type is \`s3\` , specify the ARN of an S3 bucket. For example: + * + * arn:aws:s3::: *my_bucket* / *my_subfolder* / + * + * The subfolder is optional. Note that you can't use \`AWSLogs\` as a subfolder name. + * - If the destination type is \`kinesis-data-firehose\` , specify the ARN of a Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream. For example: + * + * arn:aws:firehose: *region* : *account_id* :deliverystream: *my_stream* + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-flowlog.html#cfn-ec2-flowlog-logdestination + */ + readonly logDestination?: string; + + /** + * The type of destination for the flow log data. + * + * Default: \`cloud-watch-logs\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-flowlog.html#cfn-ec2-flowlog-logdestinationtype + */ + readonly logDestinationType?: string; + + /** + * The fields to include in the flow log record, in the order in which they should appear. + * + * If you omit this parameter, the flow log is created using the default format. If you specify this parameter, you must include at least one field. For more information about the available fields, see [Flow log records](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/userguide/flow-logs.html#flow-log-records) in the *Amazon VPC User Guide* or [Transit Gateway Flow Log records](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/tgw/tgw-flow-logs.html#flow-log-records) in the *AWS Transit Gateway Guide* . + * + * Specify the fields using the \`\${field-id}\` format, separated by spaces. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-flowlog.html#cfn-ec2-flowlog-logformat + */ + readonly logFormat?: string; + + /** + * The name of a new or existing CloudWatch Logs log group where Amazon EC2 publishes your flow logs. + * + * This parameter is valid only if the destination type is \`cloud-watch-logs\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-flowlog.html#cfn-ec2-flowlog-loggroupname + */ + readonly logGroupName?: string; + + /** + * The maximum interval of time during which a flow of packets is captured and aggregated into a flow log record. + * + * The possible values are 60 seconds (1 minute) or 600 seconds (10 minutes). This parameter must be 60 seconds for transit gateway resource types. + * + * When a network interface is attached to a [Nitro-based instance](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/instance-types.html#ec2-nitro-instances) , the aggregation interval is always 60 seconds or less, regardless of the value that you specify. + * + * Default: 600 + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-flowlog.html#cfn-ec2-flowlog-maxaggregationinterval + */ + readonly maxAggregationInterval?: number; + + /** + * The ID of the resource to monitor. + * + * For example, if the resource type is \`VPC\` , specify the ID of the VPC. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-flowlog.html#cfn-ec2-flowlog-resourceid + */ + readonly resourceId: string; + + /** + * The type of resource to monitor. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-flowlog.html#cfn-ec2-flowlog-resourcetype + */ + readonly resourceType: string; + + /** + * The tags to apply to the flow logs. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-flowlog.html#cfn-ec2-flowlog-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; + + /** + * The type of traffic to monitor (accepted traffic, rejected traffic, or all traffic). + * + * This parameter is not supported for transit gateway resource types. It is required for the other resource types. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-flowlog.html#cfn-ec2-flowlog-traffictype + */ + readonly trafficType?: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`DestinationOptionsProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`DestinationOptionsProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFlowLogDestinationOptionsPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("fileFormat", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.fileFormat)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("fileFormat", cdk.validateString)(properties.fileFormat)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("hiveCompatiblePartitions", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.hiveCompatiblePartitions)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("hiveCompatiblePartitions", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.hiveCompatiblePartitions)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("perHourPartition", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.perHourPartition)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("perHourPartition", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.perHourPartition)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"DestinationOptionsProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFlowLogDestinationOptionsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFlowLogDestinationOptionsPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "FileFormat": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.fileFormat), + "HiveCompatiblePartitions": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.hiveCompatiblePartitions), + "PerHourPartition": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.perHourPartition) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFlowLogDestinationOptionsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("fileFormat", "FileFormat", (properties.FileFormat != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.FileFormat) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("hiveCompatiblePartitions", "HiveCompatiblePartitions", (properties.HiveCompatiblePartitions != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.HiveCompatiblePartitions) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("perHourPartition", "PerHourPartition", (properties.PerHourPartition != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.PerHourPartition) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnFlowLogProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnFlowLogProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFlowLogPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("deliverLogsPermissionArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.deliverLogsPermissionArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("destinationOptions", cdk.validateObject)(properties.destinationOptions)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("logDestination", cdk.validateString)(properties.logDestination)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("logDestinationType", cdk.validateString)(properties.logDestinationType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("logFormat", cdk.validateString)(properties.logFormat)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("logGroupName", cdk.validateString)(properties.logGroupName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("maxAggregationInterval", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.maxAggregationInterval)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("resourceId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.resourceId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("resourceId", cdk.validateString)(properties.resourceId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("resourceType", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.resourceType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("resourceType", cdk.validateString)(properties.resourceType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("trafficType", cdk.validateString)(properties.trafficType)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnFlowLogProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFlowLogPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFlowLogPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "DeliverLogsPermissionArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.deliverLogsPermissionArn), + "DestinationOptions": cdk.objectToCloudFormation(properties.destinationOptions), + "LogDestination": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.logDestination), + "LogDestinationType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.logDestinationType), + "LogFormat": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.logFormat), + "LogGroupName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.logGroupName), + "MaxAggregationInterval": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.maxAggregationInterval), + "ResourceId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.resourceId), + "ResourceType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.resourceType), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags), + "TrafficType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.trafficType) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFlowLogPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("deliverLogsPermissionArn", "DeliverLogsPermissionArn", (properties.DeliverLogsPermissionArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DeliverLogsPermissionArn) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("destinationOptions", "DestinationOptions", (properties.DestinationOptions != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getAny(properties.DestinationOptions) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("logDestination", "LogDestination", (properties.LogDestination != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.LogDestination) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("logDestinationType", "LogDestinationType", (properties.LogDestinationType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.LogDestinationType) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("logFormat", "LogFormat", (properties.LogFormat != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.LogFormat) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("logGroupName", "LogGroupName", (properties.LogGroupName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.LogGroupName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("maxAggregationInterval", "MaxAggregationInterval", (properties.MaxAggregationInterval != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.MaxAggregationInterval) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("resourceId", "ResourceId", (properties.ResourceId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ResourceId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("resourceType", "ResourceType", (properties.ResourceType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ResourceType) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("trafficType", "TrafficType", (properties.TrafficType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.TrafficType) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Associates a virtual private gateway or internet gateway with a route table. + * + * The gateway and route table must be in the same VPC. This association causes the incoming traffic to the gateway to be routed according to the routes in the route table. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-gatewayroutetableassociation.html + */ +export class CfnGatewayRouteTableAssociation extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::GatewayRouteTableAssociation"; + + /** + * Build a CfnGatewayRouteTableAssociation from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnGatewayRouteTableAssociation { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnGatewayRouteTableAssociationPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnGatewayRouteTableAssociation(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The ID of the route table association. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute AssociationId + */ + public readonly attrAssociationId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the gateway. + */ + public gatewayId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the route table. + */ + public routeTableId: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnGatewayRouteTableAssociationProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnGatewayRouteTableAssociation.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "gatewayId", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "routeTableId", this); + + this.attrAssociationId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("AssociationId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.gatewayId = props.gatewayId; + this.routeTableId = props.routeTableId; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "gatewayId": this.gatewayId, + "routeTableId": this.routeTableId + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnGatewayRouteTableAssociation.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnGatewayRouteTableAssociationPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnGatewayRouteTableAssociation\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-gatewayroutetableassociation.html + */ +export interface CfnGatewayRouteTableAssociationProps { + /** + * The ID of the gateway. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-gatewayroutetableassociation.html#cfn-ec2-gatewayroutetableassociation-gatewayid + */ + readonly gatewayId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the route table. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-gatewayroutetableassociation.html#cfn-ec2-gatewayroutetableassociation-routetableid + */ + readonly routeTableId: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnGatewayRouteTableAssociationProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnGatewayRouteTableAssociationProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnGatewayRouteTableAssociationPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("gatewayId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.gatewayId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("gatewayId", cdk.validateString)(properties.gatewayId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("routeTableId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.routeTableId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("routeTableId", cdk.validateString)(properties.routeTableId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnGatewayRouteTableAssociationProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnGatewayRouteTableAssociationPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnGatewayRouteTableAssociationPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "GatewayId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.gatewayId), + "RouteTableId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.routeTableId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnGatewayRouteTableAssociationPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("gatewayId", "GatewayId", (properties.GatewayId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.GatewayId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("routeTableId", "RouteTableId", (properties.RouteTableId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.RouteTableId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Allocates a fully dedicated physical server for launching EC2 instances. + * + * Because the host is fully dedicated for your use, it can help you address compliance requirements and reduce costs by allowing you to use your existing server-bound software licenses. For more information, see [Dedicated Hosts](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/dedicated-hosts-overview.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances* . + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-host.html + */ +export class CfnHost extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::Host"; + + /** + * Build a CfnHost from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnHost { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnHostPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnHost(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The ID of the host. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute HostId + */ + public readonly attrHostId: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether the host accepts any untargeted instance launches that match its instance type configuration, or if it only accepts Host tenancy instance launches that specify its unique host ID. + */ + public autoPlacement?: string; + + /** + * The Availability Zone in which to allocate the Dedicated Host. + */ + public availabilityZone: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether host maintenance is enabled or disabled for the Dedicated Host. + */ + public hostMaintenance?: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether to enable or disable host recovery for the Dedicated Host. + */ + public hostRecovery?: string; + + /** + * The instance family supported by the Dedicated Host. + */ + public instanceFamily?: string; + + /** + * Specifies the instance type to be supported by the Dedicated Hosts. + */ + public instanceType?: string; + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Outpost on which the Dedicated Host is allocated. + */ + public outpostArn?: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnHostProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnHost.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "availabilityZone", this); + + this.attrHostId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("HostId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.autoPlacement = props.autoPlacement; + this.availabilityZone = props.availabilityZone; + this.hostMaintenance = props.hostMaintenance; + this.hostRecovery = props.hostRecovery; + this.instanceFamily = props.instanceFamily; + this.instanceType = props.instanceType; + this.outpostArn = props.outpostArn; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "autoPlacement": this.autoPlacement, + "availabilityZone": this.availabilityZone, + "hostMaintenance": this.hostMaintenance, + "hostRecovery": this.hostRecovery, + "instanceFamily": this.instanceFamily, + "instanceType": this.instanceType, + "outpostArn": this.outpostArn + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnHost.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnHostPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnHost\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-host.html + */ +export interface CfnHostProps { + /** + * Indicates whether the host accepts any untargeted instance launches that match its instance type configuration, or if it only accepts Host tenancy instance launches that specify its unique host ID. + * + * For more information, see [Understanding auto-placement and affinity](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/how-dedicated-hosts-work.html#dedicated-hosts-understanding) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * Default: \`on\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-host.html#cfn-ec2-host-autoplacement + */ + readonly autoPlacement?: string; + + /** + * The Availability Zone in which to allocate the Dedicated Host. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-host.html#cfn-ec2-host-availabilityzone + */ + readonly availabilityZone: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether host maintenance is enabled or disabled for the Dedicated Host. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-host.html#cfn-ec2-host-hostmaintenance + */ + readonly hostMaintenance?: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether to enable or disable host recovery for the Dedicated Host. + * + * Host recovery is disabled by default. For more information, see [Host recovery](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/dedicated-hosts-recovery.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * Default: \`off\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-host.html#cfn-ec2-host-hostrecovery + */ + readonly hostRecovery?: string; + + /** + * The instance family supported by the Dedicated Host. + * + * For example, \`m5\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-host.html#cfn-ec2-host-instancefamily + */ + readonly instanceFamily?: string; + + /** + * Specifies the instance type to be supported by the Dedicated Hosts. + * + * If you specify an instance type, the Dedicated Hosts support instances of the specified instance type only. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-host.html#cfn-ec2-host-instancetype + */ + readonly instanceType?: string; + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Outpost on which the Dedicated Host is allocated. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-host.html#cfn-ec2-host-outpostarn + */ + readonly outpostArn?: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnHostProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnHostProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnHostPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("autoPlacement", cdk.validateString)(properties.autoPlacement)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("availabilityZone", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.availabilityZone)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("availabilityZone", cdk.validateString)(properties.availabilityZone)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("hostMaintenance", cdk.validateString)(properties.hostMaintenance)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("hostRecovery", cdk.validateString)(properties.hostRecovery)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("instanceFamily", cdk.validateString)(properties.instanceFamily)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("instanceType", cdk.validateString)(properties.instanceType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("outpostArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.outpostArn)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnHostProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnHostPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnHostPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AutoPlacement": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.autoPlacement), + "AvailabilityZone": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.availabilityZone), + "HostMaintenance": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.hostMaintenance), + "HostRecovery": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.hostRecovery), + "InstanceFamily": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.instanceFamily), + "InstanceType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.instanceType), + "OutpostArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.outpostArn) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnHostPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("autoPlacement", "AutoPlacement", (properties.AutoPlacement != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.AutoPlacement) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("availabilityZone", "AvailabilityZone", (properties.AvailabilityZone != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.AvailabilityZone) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("hostMaintenance", "HostMaintenance", (properties.HostMaintenance != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.HostMaintenance) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("hostRecovery", "HostRecovery", (properties.HostRecovery != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.HostRecovery) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("instanceFamily", "InstanceFamily", (properties.InstanceFamily != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.InstanceFamily) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("instanceType", "InstanceType", (properties.InstanceType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.InstanceType) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("outpostArn", "OutpostArn", (properties.OutpostArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.OutpostArn) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Specifies an EC2 instance. + * + * If an Elastic IP address is attached to your instance, AWS CloudFormation reattaches the Elastic IP address after it updates the instance. For more information about updating stacks, see [AWS CloudFormation Stacks Updates](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/using-cfn-updating-stacks.html) . + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-instance.html + */ +export class CfnInstance extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::Instance"; + + /** + * Build a CfnInstance from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnInstance { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnInstancePropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnInstance(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The Availability Zone where the specified instance is launched. For example: \`us-east-1b\` . + * + * You can retrieve a list of all Availability Zones for a Region by using the [Fn::GetAZs](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/intrinsic-function-reference-getavailabilityzones.html) intrinsic function. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute AvailabilityZone + */ + public readonly attrAvailabilityZone: string; + + /** + * @cloudformationAttribute Id + */ + public readonly attrId: string; + + /** + * The private DNS name of the specified instance. For example: \`ip-10-24-34-0.ec2.internal\` . + * + * @cloudformationAttribute PrivateDnsName + */ + public readonly attrPrivateDnsName: string; + + /** + * The private IP address of the specified instance. For example: \`\` . + * + * @cloudformationAttribute PrivateIp + */ + public readonly attrPrivateIp: string; + + /** + * The public DNS name of the specified instance. For example: \`ec2-107-20-50-45.compute-1.amazonaws.com\` . + * + * @cloudformationAttribute PublicDnsName + */ + public readonly attrPublicDnsName: string; + + /** + * The public IP address of the specified instance. For example: \`\` . + * + * @cloudformationAttribute PublicIp + */ + public readonly attrPublicIp: string; + + /** + * This property is reserved for internal use. + */ + public additionalInfo?: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether the instance is associated with a dedicated host. + */ + public affinity?: string; + + /** + * The Availability Zone of the instance. + */ + public availabilityZone?: string; + + /** + * The block device mapping entries that defines the block devices to attach to the instance at launch. + */ + public blockDeviceMappings?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The CPU options for the instance. + */ + public cpuOptions?: CfnInstance.CpuOptionsProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The credit option for CPU usage of the burstable performance instance. + */ + public creditSpecification?: CfnInstance.CreditSpecificationProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * If you set this parameter to \`true\` , you can't terminate the instance using the Amazon EC2 console, CLI, or API; + */ + public disableApiTermination?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Indicates whether the instance is optimized for Amazon EBS I/O. + */ + public ebsOptimized?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * An elastic GPU to associate with the instance. + */ + public elasticGpuSpecifications?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * An elastic inference accelerator to associate with the instance. + */ + public elasticInferenceAccelerators?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Indicates whether the instance is enabled for AWS Nitro Enclaves. + */ + public enclaveOptions?: CfnInstance.EnclaveOptionsProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Indicates whether an instance is enabled for hibernation. + */ + public hibernationOptions?: CfnInstance.HibernationOptionsProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * If you specify host for the \`Affinity\` property, the ID of a dedicated host that the instance is associated with. + */ + public hostId?: string; + + /** + * The ARN of the host resource group in which to launch the instances. + */ + public hostResourceGroupArn?: string; + + /** + * The name of an IAM instance profile. + */ + public iamInstanceProfile?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the AMI. + */ + public imageId?: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether an instance stops or terminates when you initiate shutdown from the instance (using the operating system command for system shutdown). + */ + public instanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior?: string; + + /** + * The instance type. For more information, see [Instance types](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/instance-types.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + */ + public instanceType?: string; + + /** + * The number of IPv6 addresses to associate with the primary network interface. + */ + public ipv6AddressCount?: number; + + /** + * The IPv6 addresses from the range of the subnet to associate with the primary network interface. + */ + public ipv6Addresses?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The ID of the kernel. + */ + public kernelId?: string; + + /** + * The name of the key pair. You can create a key pair using [CreateKeyPair](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_CreateKeyPair.html) or [ImportKeyPair](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_ImportKeyPair.html) . + */ + public keyName?: string; + + /** + * The launch template to use to launch the instances. + */ + public launchTemplate?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnInstance.LaunchTemplateSpecificationProperty; + + /** + * The license configurations. + */ + public licenseSpecifications?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Specifies whether detailed monitoring is enabled for the instance. + */ + public monitoring?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The network interfaces to associate with the instance. + */ + public networkInterfaces?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The name of an existing placement group that you want to launch the instance into (cluster | partition | spread). + */ + public placementGroupName?: string; + + /** + * The options for the instance hostname. + */ + public privateDnsNameOptions?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnInstance.PrivateDnsNameOptionsProperty; + + /** + * The primary IPv4 address. You must specify a value from the IPv4 address range of the subnet. + */ + public privateIpAddress?: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether to assign the tags from the instance to all of the volumes attached to the instance at launch. + */ + public propagateTagsToVolumeOnCreation?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The ID of the RAM disk to select. + */ + public ramdiskId?: string; + + /** + * The IDs of the security groups. + */ + public securityGroupIds?: Array; + + /** + * [Default VPC] The names of the security groups. For a nondefault VPC, you must use security group IDs instead. + */ + public securityGroups?: Array; + + /** + * Enable or disable source/destination checks, which ensure that the instance is either the source or the destination of any traffic that it receives. + */ + public sourceDestCheck?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The SSM [document](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ssm-document.html) and parameter values in AWS Systems Manager to associate with this instance. To use this property, you must specify an IAM instance profile role for the instance. For more information, see [Create an IAM instance profile for Systems Manager](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/systems-manager/latest/userguide/sysman-configuring-access-role.html) in the *AWS Systems Manager User Guide* . + */ + public ssmAssociations?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The ID of the subnet to launch the instance into. + */ + public subnetId?: string; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * The tags to add to the instance. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * The tenancy of the instance. + */ + public tenancy?: string; + + /** + * The user data script to make available to the instance. + */ + public userData?: string; + + /** + * The volumes to attach to the instance. + */ + public volumes?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnInstanceProps = {}) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnInstance.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + this.attrAvailabilityZone = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("AvailabilityZone", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Id", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrPrivateDnsName = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("PrivateDnsName", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrPrivateIp = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("PrivateIp", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrPublicDnsName = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("PublicDnsName", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrPublicIp = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("PublicIp", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.additionalInfo = props.additionalInfo; + this.affinity = props.affinity; + this.availabilityZone = props.availabilityZone; + this.blockDeviceMappings = props.blockDeviceMappings; + this.cpuOptions = props.cpuOptions; + this.creditSpecification = props.creditSpecification; + this.disableApiTermination = props.disableApiTermination; + this.ebsOptimized = props.ebsOptimized; + this.elasticGpuSpecifications = props.elasticGpuSpecifications; + this.elasticInferenceAccelerators = props.elasticInferenceAccelerators; + this.enclaveOptions = props.enclaveOptions; + this.hibernationOptions = props.hibernationOptions; + this.hostId = props.hostId; + this.hostResourceGroupArn = props.hostResourceGroupArn; + this.iamInstanceProfile = props.iamInstanceProfile; + this.imageId = props.imageId; + this.instanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior = props.instanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior; + this.instanceType = props.instanceType; + this.ipv6AddressCount = props.ipv6AddressCount; + this.ipv6Addresses = props.ipv6Addresses; + this.kernelId = props.kernelId; + this.keyName = props.keyName; + this.launchTemplate = props.launchTemplate; + this.licenseSpecifications = props.licenseSpecifications; + this.monitoring = props.monitoring; + this.networkInterfaces = props.networkInterfaces; + this.placementGroupName = props.placementGroupName; + this.privateDnsNameOptions = props.privateDnsNameOptions; + this.privateIpAddress = props.privateIpAddress; + this.propagateTagsToVolumeOnCreation = props.propagateTagsToVolumeOnCreation; + this.ramdiskId = props.ramdiskId; + this.securityGroupIds = props.securityGroupIds; + this.securityGroups = props.securityGroups; + this.sourceDestCheck = props.sourceDestCheck; + this.ssmAssociations = props.ssmAssociations; + this.subnetId = props.subnetId; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::EC2::Instance", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + this.tenancy = props.tenancy; + this.userData = props.userData; + this.volumes = props.volumes; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "additionalInfo": this.additionalInfo, + "affinity": this.affinity, + "availabilityZone": this.availabilityZone, + "blockDeviceMappings": this.blockDeviceMappings, + "cpuOptions": this.cpuOptions, + "creditSpecification": this.creditSpecification, + "disableApiTermination": this.disableApiTermination, + "ebsOptimized": this.ebsOptimized, + "elasticGpuSpecifications": this.elasticGpuSpecifications, + "elasticInferenceAccelerators": this.elasticInferenceAccelerators, + "enclaveOptions": this.enclaveOptions, + "hibernationOptions": this.hibernationOptions, + "hostId": this.hostId, + "hostResourceGroupArn": this.hostResourceGroupArn, + "iamInstanceProfile": this.iamInstanceProfile, + "imageId": this.imageId, + "instanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior": this.instanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior, + "instanceType": this.instanceType, + "ipv6AddressCount": this.ipv6AddressCount, + "ipv6Addresses": this.ipv6Addresses, + "kernelId": this.kernelId, + "keyName": this.keyName, + "launchTemplate": this.launchTemplate, + "licenseSpecifications": this.licenseSpecifications, + "monitoring": this.monitoring, + "networkInterfaces": this.networkInterfaces, + "placementGroupName": this.placementGroupName, + "privateDnsNameOptions": this.privateDnsNameOptions, + "privateIpAddress": this.privateIpAddress, + "propagateTagsToVolumeOnCreation": this.propagateTagsToVolumeOnCreation, + "ramdiskId": this.ramdiskId, + "securityGroupIds": this.securityGroupIds, + "securityGroups": this.securityGroups, + "sourceDestCheck": this.sourceDestCheck, + "ssmAssociations": this.ssmAssociations, + "subnetId": this.subnetId, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags(), + "tenancy": this.tenancy, + "userData": this.userData, + "volumes": this.volumes + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnInstance.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnInstancePropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +export namespace CfnInstance { + /** + * Specifies a block device mapping for an instance. + * + * You must specify exactly one of the following properties: \`VirtualName\` , \`Ebs\` , or \`NoDevice\` . + * + * \`BlockDeviceMapping\` is a property of the [AWS::EC2::Instance](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance.html) resource. + * + * > After the instance is running, you can modify only the \`DeleteOnTermination\` parameter for the attached volumes without interrupting the instance. Modifying any other parameter results in instance [replacement](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/using-cfn-updating-stacks-update-behaviors.html#update-replacement) . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-blockdevicemapping.html + */ + export interface BlockDeviceMappingProperty { + /** + * The device name (for example, \`/dev/sdh\` or \`xvdh\` ). + * + * > After the instance is running, this parameter is used to specify the device name of the block device mapping to update. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-blockdevicemapping.html#cfn-ec2-instance-blockdevicemapping-devicename + */ + readonly deviceName: string; + + /** + * Parameters used to automatically set up EBS volumes when the instance is launched. + * + * > After the instance is running, you can modify only the \`DeleteOnTermination\` parameter for the attached volumes without interrupting the instance. Modifying any other parameter results in instance [replacement](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/using-cfn-updating-stacks-update-behaviors.html#update-no-interrupt) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-blockdevicemapping.html#cfn-ec2-instance-blockdevicemapping-ebs + */ + readonly ebs?: CfnInstance.EbsProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * To omit the device from the block device mapping, specify an empty string. + * + * > After the instance is running, modifying this parameter results in instance [replacement](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/using-cfn-updating-stacks-update-behaviors.html#update-replacement) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-blockdevicemapping.html#cfn-ec2-instance-blockdevicemapping-nodevice + */ + readonly noDevice?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnInstance.NoDeviceProperty; + + /** + * The virtual device name ( \`ephemeral\` N). + * + * The name must be in the form \`ephemeral\` *X* where *X* is a number starting from zero (0). For example, an instance type with 2 available instance store volumes can specify mappings for \`ephemeral0\` and \`ephemeral1\` . The number of available instance store volumes depends on the instance type. After you connect to the instance, you must mount the volume. + * + * NVMe instance store volumes are automatically enumerated and assigned a device name. Including them in your block device mapping has no effect. + * + * *Constraints* : For M3 instances, you must specify instance store volumes in the block device mapping for the instance. When you launch an M3 instance, we ignore any instance store volumes specified in the block device mapping for the AMI. + * + * > After the instance is running, modifying this parameter results in instance [replacement](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/using-cfn-updating-stacks-update-behaviors.html#update-replacement) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-blockdevicemapping.html#cfn-ec2-instance-blockdevicemapping-virtualname + */ + readonly virtualName?: string; + } + + /** + * Suppresses the specified device included in the block device mapping of the AMI. + * + * To suppress a device, specify an empty string. + * + * \`NoDevice\` is a property of the [Amazon EC2 BlockDeviceMapping](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-blockdev-mapping.html) property. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-nodevice.html + */ + export interface NoDeviceProperty { + + } + + /** + * Specifies a block device for an EBS volume. + * + * \`Ebs\` is a property of the [Amazon EC2 BlockDeviceMapping](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-blockdev-mapping.html) property. + * + * > After the instance is running, you can modify only the \`DeleteOnTermination\` parameters for the attached volumes without interrupting the instance. Modifying any other parameter results in instance [replacement](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/using-cfn-updating-stacks-update-behaviors.html#update-replacement) . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-ebs.html + */ + export interface EbsProperty { + /** + * Indicates whether the EBS volume is deleted on instance termination. + * + * For more information, see [Preserving Amazon EBS volumes on instance termination](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/terminating-instances.html#preserving-volumes-on-termination) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-ebs.html#cfn-ec2-instance-ebs-deleteontermination + */ + readonly deleteOnTermination?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Indicates whether the volume should be encrypted. + * + * The effect of setting the encryption state to \`true\` depends on the volume origin (new or from a snapshot), starting encryption state, ownership, and whether encryption by default is enabled. For more information, see [Encryption by default](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/EBSEncryption.html#encryption-by-default) in the *Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide* . + * + * Encrypted Amazon EBS volumes must be attached to instances that support Amazon EBS encryption. For more information, see [Supported instance types](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/EBSEncryption.html#EBSEncryption_supported_instances) . + * + * > After the instance is running, modifying this parameter results in instance [replacement](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/using-cfn-updating-stacks-update-behaviors.html#update-replacement) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-ebs.html#cfn-ec2-instance-ebs-encrypted + */ + readonly encrypted?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS). + * + * For \`gp3\` , \`io1\` , and \`io2\` volumes, this represents the number of IOPS that are provisioned for the volume. For \`gp2\` volumes, this represents the baseline performance of the volume and the rate at which the volume accumulates I/O credits for bursting. + * + * The following are the supported values for each volume type: + * + * - \`gp3\` : 3,000-16,000 IOPS + * - \`io1\` : 100-64,000 IOPS + * - \`io2\` : 100-64,000 IOPS + * + * For \`io1\` and \`io2\` volumes, we guarantee 64,000 IOPS only for [Instances built on the Nitro System](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/instance-types.html#ec2-nitro-instances) . Other instance families guarantee performance up to 32,000 IOPS. + * + * This parameter is required for \`io1\` and \`io2\` volumes. The default for \`gp3\` volumes is 3,000 IOPS. This parameter is not supported for \`gp2\` , \`st1\` , \`sc1\` , or \`standard\` volumes. + * + * > After the instance is running, modifying this parameter results in instance [replacement](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/using-cfn-updating-stacks-update-behaviors.html#update-replacement) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-ebs.html#cfn-ec2-instance-ebs-iops + */ + readonly iops?: number; + + /** + * The identifier of the AWS KMS key to use for Amazon EBS encryption. + * + * If \`KmsKeyId\` is specified, the encrypted state must be \`true\` . If the encrypted state is \`true\` but you do not specify \`KmsKeyId\` , your KMS key for EBS is used. + * + * You can specify the KMS key using any of the following: + * + * - Key ID. For example, 1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab. + * - Key alias. For example, alias/ExampleAlias. + * - Key ARN. For example, arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:111122223333:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab. + * - Alias ARN. For example, arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:111122223333:alias/ExampleAlias. + * + * > After the instance is running, modifying this parameter results in instance [replacement](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/using-cfn-updating-stacks-update-behaviors.html#update-replacement) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-ebs.html#cfn-ec2-instance-ebs-kmskeyid + */ + readonly kmsKeyId?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the snapshot. + * + * If you specify both \`SnapshotId\` and \`VolumeSize\` , \`VolumeSize\` must be equal or greater than the size of the snapshot. + * + * > After the instance is running, modifying this parameter results in instance [replacement](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/using-cfn-updating-stacks-update-behaviors.html#update-replacement) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-ebs.html#cfn-ec2-instance-ebs-snapshotid + */ + readonly snapshotId?: string; + + /** + * The size of the volume, in GiBs. + * + * You must specify either a snapshot ID or a volume size. If you specify a snapshot, the default is the snapshot size. You can specify a volume size that is equal to or larger than the snapshot size. + * + * The following are the supported volumes sizes for each volume type: + * + * - \`gp2\` and \`gp3\` :1-16,384 + * - \`io1\` and \`io2\` : 4-16,384 + * - \`st1\` and \`sc1\` : 125-16,384 + * - \`standard\` : 1-1,024 + * + * > After the instance is running, modifying this parameter results in instance [replacement](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/using-cfn-updating-stacks-update-behaviors.html#update-replacement) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-ebs.html#cfn-ec2-instance-ebs-volumesize + */ + readonly volumeSize?: number; + + /** + * The volume type. + * + * For more information, see [Amazon EBS volume types](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/EBSVolumeTypes.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . If the volume type is \`io1\` or \`io2\` , you must specify the IOPS that the volume supports. + * + * > After the instance is running, modifying this parameter results in instance [replacement](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/using-cfn-updating-stacks-update-behaviors.html#update-replacement) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-ebs.html#cfn-ec2-instance-ebs-volumetype + */ + readonly volumeType?: string; + } + + /** + * Specifies the IPv6 address for the instance. + * + * \`InstanceIpv6Address\` is a property of the [AWS::EC2::Instance](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance.html) resource. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-instanceipv6address.html + */ + export interface InstanceIpv6AddressProperty { + /** + * The IPv6 address. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-instanceipv6address.html#cfn-ec2-instance-instanceipv6address-ipv6address + */ + readonly ipv6Address: string; + } + + /** + * Specifies the type of Elastic GPU. + * + * An Elastic GPU is a GPU resource that you can attach to your Amazon EC2 instance to accelerate the graphics performance of your applications. For more information, see [Amazon EC2 Elastic GPUs](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/WindowsGuide/elastic-graphics.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide for Windows Instances* . + * + * \`ElasticGpuSpecification\` is a property of the [AWS::EC2::Instance](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance.html) resource. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-elasticgpuspecification.html + */ + export interface ElasticGpuSpecificationProperty { + /** + * The type of Elastic Graphics accelerator. + * + * For more information about the values to specify for \`Type\` , see [Elastic Graphics Basics](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/WindowsGuide/elastic-graphics.html#elastic-graphics-basics) , specifically the Elastic Graphics accelerator column, in the *Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide for Windows Instances* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-elasticgpuspecification.html#cfn-ec2-instance-elasticgpuspecification-type + */ + readonly type: string; + } + + /** + * Specifies the Elastic Inference Accelerator for the instance. + * + * \`ElasticInferenceAccelerator\` is a property of the [AWS::EC2::Instance](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance.html) resource. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-elasticinferenceaccelerator.html + */ + export interface ElasticInferenceAcceleratorProperty { + /** + * The number of elastic inference accelerators to attach to the instance. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-elasticinferenceaccelerator.html#cfn-ec2-instance-elasticinferenceaccelerator-count + */ + readonly count?: number; + + /** + * The type of elastic inference accelerator. + * + * The possible values are \`eia1.medium\` , \`eia1.large\` , \`eia1.xlarge\` , \`eia2.medium\` , \`eia2.large\` , and \`eia2.xlarge\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-elasticinferenceaccelerator.html#cfn-ec2-instance-elasticinferenceaccelerator-type + */ + readonly type: string; + } + + /** + * Specifies a volume to attach to an instance. + * + * \`Volume\` is an embedded property of the [AWS::EC2::Instance](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance.html) resource. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-volume.html + */ + export interface VolumeProperty { + /** + * The device name (for example, \`/dev/sdh\` or \`xvdh\` ). + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-volume.html#cfn-ec2-instance-volume-device + */ + readonly device: string; + + /** + * The ID of the EBS volume. + * + * The volume and instance must be within the same Availability Zone. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-volume.html#cfn-ec2-instance-volume-volumeid + */ + readonly volumeId: string; + } + + /** + * Specifies a launch template to use when launching an Amazon EC2 instance. + * + * You must specify the following: + * + * - The ID or the name of the launch template, but not both. + * - The version of the launch template. + * + * \`LaunchTemplateSpecification\` is a property of the [AWS::EC2::Instance](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance.html) resource. + * + * For information about creating a launch template, see [AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-launchtemplate.html) and [Create a launch template](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-launch-templates.html#create-launch-template) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * For examples of launch templates, see [Examples](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-launchtemplate.html#aws-resource-ec2-launchtemplate--examples) . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-launchtemplatespecification.html + */ + export interface LaunchTemplateSpecificationProperty { + /** + * The ID of the launch template. + * + * You must specify the \`LaunchTemplateId\` or the \`LaunchTemplateName\` , but not both. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-launchtemplatespecification.html#cfn-ec2-instance-launchtemplatespecification-launchtemplateid + */ + readonly launchTemplateId?: string; + + /** + * The name of the launch template. + * + * You must specify the \`LaunchTemplateName\` or the \`LaunchTemplateId\` , but not both. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-launchtemplatespecification.html#cfn-ec2-instance-launchtemplatespecification-launchtemplatename + */ + readonly launchTemplateName?: string; + + /** + * The version number of the launch template. + * + * Specifying \`$Latest\` or \`$Default\` for the template version number is not supported. However, you can specify \`LatestVersionNumber\` or \`DefaultVersionNumber\` using the \`Fn::GetAtt\` intrinsic function. For more information, see [Fn::GetAtt](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-launchtemplate.html#aws-resource-ec2-launchtemplate-return-values-fn--getatt) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-launchtemplatespecification.html#cfn-ec2-instance-launchtemplatespecification-version + */ + readonly version: string; + } + + /** + * Indicates whether the instance is enabled for AWS Nitro Enclaves. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-enclaveoptions.html + */ + export interface EnclaveOptionsProperty { + /** + * If this parameter is set to \`true\` , the instance is enabled for AWS Nitro Enclaves; + * + * otherwise, it is not enabled for AWS Nitro Enclaves. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-enclaveoptions.html#cfn-ec2-instance-enclaveoptions-enabled + */ + readonly enabled?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * Specifies a network interface that is to be attached to an instance. + * + * You can create a network interface when launching an instance. For an example, see the [AWS::EC2::Instance examples](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance.html#aws-properties-ec2-instance--examples--Automatically_assign_a_public_IP_address) . + * + * Alternatively, you can attach an existing network interface when launching an instance. For an example, see the [AWS::EC2:NetworkInterface examples](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkinterface.html#aws-resource-ec2-networkinterface--examples) . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-networkinterface.html + */ + export interface NetworkInterfaceProperty { + /** + * Indicates whether to assign a carrier IP address to the network interface. + * + * You can only assign a carrier IP address to a network interface that is in a subnet in a Wavelength Zone. For more information about carrier IP addresses, see [Carrier IP address](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/wavelength/latest/developerguide/how-wavelengths-work.html#provider-owned-ip) in the *AWS Wavelength Developer Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-networkinterface.html#cfn-ec2-instance-networkinterface-associatecarrieripaddress + */ + readonly associateCarrierIpAddress?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Indicates whether to assign a public IPv4 address to an instance. + * + * Applies only if creating a network interface when launching an instance. The network interface must be the primary network interface. If launching into a default subnet, the default value is \`true\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-networkinterface.html#cfn-ec2-instance-networkinterface-associatepublicipaddress + */ + readonly associatePublicIpAddress?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Indicates whether the network interface is deleted when the instance is terminated. + * + * Applies only if creating a network interface when launching an instance. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-networkinterface.html#cfn-ec2-instance-networkinterface-deleteontermination + */ + readonly deleteOnTermination?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The description of the network interface. + * + * Applies only if creating a network interface when launching an instance. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-networkinterface.html#cfn-ec2-instance-networkinterface-description + */ + readonly description?: string; + + /** + * The position of the network interface in the attachment order. + * + * A primary network interface has a device index of 0. + * + * If you create a network interface when launching an instance, you must specify the device index. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-networkinterface.html#cfn-ec2-instance-networkinterface-deviceindex + */ + readonly deviceIndex: string; + + /** + * The IDs of the security groups for the network interface. + * + * Applies only if creating a network interface when launching an instance. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-networkinterface.html#cfn-ec2-instance-networkinterface-groupset + */ + readonly groupSet?: Array; + + /** + * A number of IPv6 addresses to assign to the network interface. + * + * Amazon EC2 chooses the IPv6 addresses from the range of the subnet. You cannot specify this option and the option to assign specific IPv6 addresses in the same request. You can specify this option if you've specified a minimum number of instances to launch. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-networkinterface.html#cfn-ec2-instance-networkinterface-ipv6addresscount + */ + readonly ipv6AddressCount?: number; + + /** + * The IPv6 addresses to assign to the network interface. + * + * You cannot specify this option and the option to assign a number of IPv6 addresses in the same request. You cannot specify this option if you've specified a minimum number of instances to launch. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-networkinterface.html#cfn-ec2-instance-networkinterface-ipv6addresses + */ + readonly ipv6Addresses?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The ID of the network interface, when attaching an existing network interface. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-networkinterface.html#cfn-ec2-instance-networkinterface-networkinterfaceid + */ + readonly networkInterfaceId?: string; + + /** + * The private IPv4 address of the network interface. + * + * Applies only if creating a network interface when launching an instance. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-networkinterface.html#cfn-ec2-instance-networkinterface-privateipaddress + */ + readonly privateIpAddress?: string; + + /** + * One or more private IPv4 addresses to assign to the network interface. + * + * Only one private IPv4 address can be designated as primary. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-networkinterface.html#cfn-ec2-instance-networkinterface-privateipaddresses + */ + readonly privateIpAddresses?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The number of secondary private IPv4 addresses. + * + * You can't specify this option and specify more than one private IP address using the private IP addresses option. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-networkinterface.html#cfn-ec2-instance-networkinterface-secondaryprivateipaddresscount + */ + readonly secondaryPrivateIpAddressCount?: number; + + /** + * The ID of the subnet associated with the network interface. + * + * Applies only if creating a network interface when launching an instance. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-networkinterface.html#cfn-ec2-instance-networkinterface-subnetid + */ + readonly subnetId?: string; + } + + /** + * Specifies a secondary private IPv4 address for a network interface. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-privateipaddressspecification.html + */ + export interface PrivateIpAddressSpecificationProperty { + /** + * Indicates whether the private IPv4 address is the primary private IPv4 address. + * + * Only one IPv4 address can be designated as primary. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-privateipaddressspecification.html#cfn-ec2-instance-privateipaddressspecification-primary + */ + readonly primary: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The private IPv4 address. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-privateipaddressspecification.html#cfn-ec2-instance-privateipaddressspecification-privateipaddress + */ + readonly privateIpAddress: string; + } + + /** + * Specifies the hibernation options for the instance. + * + * \`HibernationOptions\` is a property of the [AWS::EC2::Instance](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance.html) resource. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-hibernationoptions.html + */ + export interface HibernationOptionsProperty { + /** + * Set to \`true\` to enable your instance for hibernation. + * + * Default: \`false\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-hibernationoptions.html#cfn-ec2-instance-hibernationoptions-configured + */ + readonly configured?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * Specifies the license configuration to use. + * + * \`LicenseSpecification\` is a property of the [AWS::EC2::Instance](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance.html) resource. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-licensespecification.html + */ + export interface LicenseSpecificationProperty { + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the license configuration. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-licensespecification.html#cfn-ec2-instance-licensespecification-licenseconfigurationarn + */ + readonly licenseConfigurationArn: string; + } + + /** + * Specifies the CPU options for the instance. + * + * When you specify CPU options, you must specify both the number of CPU cores and threads per core. + * + * For more information, see [Optimize CPU options](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/instance-optimize-cpu.html) in the *Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide* . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-cpuoptions.html + */ + export interface CpuOptionsProperty { + /** + * The number of CPU cores for the instance. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-cpuoptions.html#cfn-ec2-instance-cpuoptions-corecount + */ + readonly coreCount?: number; + + /** + * The number of threads per CPU core. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-cpuoptions.html#cfn-ec2-instance-cpuoptions-threadspercore + */ + readonly threadsPerCore?: number; + } + + /** + * The type of hostnames to assign to instances in the subnet at launch. + * + * For IPv4 only subnets, an instance DNS name must be based on the instance IPv4 address. For IPv6 only subnets, an instance DNS name must be based on the instance ID. For dual-stack subnets, you can specify whether DNS names use the instance IPv4 address or the instance ID. For more information, see [Amazon EC2 instance hostname types](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-instance-naming.html) in the *Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide* . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-privatednsnameoptions.html + */ + export interface PrivateDnsNameOptionsProperty { + /** + * Indicates whether to respond to DNS queries for instance hostnames with DNS AAAA records. + * + * For more information, see [Amazon EC2 instance hostname types](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-instance-naming.html) in the *Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-privatednsnameoptions.html#cfn-ec2-instance-privatednsnameoptions-enableresourcenamednsaaaarecord + */ + readonly enableResourceNameDnsAaaaRecord?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Indicates whether to respond to DNS queries for instance hostnames with DNS A records. + * + * For more information, see [Amazon EC2 instance hostname types](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-instance-naming.html) in the *Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-privatednsnameoptions.html#cfn-ec2-instance-privatednsnameoptions-enableresourcenamednsarecord + */ + readonly enableResourceNameDnsARecord?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The type of hostnames to assign to instances in the subnet at launch. + * + * For IPv4 only subnets, an instance DNS name must be based on the instance IPv4 address. For IPv6 only subnets, an instance DNS name must be based on the instance ID. For dual-stack subnets, you can specify whether DNS names use the instance IPv4 address or the instance ID. For more information, see [Amazon EC2 instance hostname types](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-instance-naming.html) in the *Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-privatednsnameoptions.html#cfn-ec2-instance-privatednsnameoptions-hostnametype + */ + readonly hostnameType?: string; + } + + /** + * Specifies the SSM document and parameter values in AWS Systems Manager to associate with an instance. + * + * \`SsmAssociations\` is a property of the [AWS::EC2::Instance](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance.html) resource. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-ssmassociation.html + */ + export interface SsmAssociationProperty { + /** + * The input parameter values to use with the associated SSM document. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-ssmassociation.html#cfn-ec2-instance-ssmassociation-associationparameters + */ + readonly associationParameters?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The name of an SSM document to associate with the instance. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-ssmassociation.html#cfn-ec2-instance-ssmassociation-documentname + */ + readonly documentName: string; + } + + /** + * Specifies input parameter values for an SSM document in AWS Systems Manager . + * + * \`AssociationParameter\` is a property of the [Amazon EC2 Instance SsmAssociation](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-ssmassociations.html) property. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-associationparameter.html + */ + export interface AssociationParameterProperty { + /** + * The name of an input parameter that is in the associated SSM document. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-associationparameter.html#cfn-ec2-instance-associationparameter-key + */ + readonly key: string; + + /** + * The value of an input parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-associationparameter.html#cfn-ec2-instance-associationparameter-value + */ + readonly value: Array; + } + + /** + * Specifies the credit option for CPU usage of a T instance. + * + * \`CreditSpecification\` is a property of the [AWS::EC2::Instance](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance.html) resource. + * + * For more information, see [Burstable performance instances](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/burstable-performance-instances.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-creditspecification.html + */ + export interface CreditSpecificationProperty { + /** + * The credit option for CPU usage of the instance. + * + * Valid values: \`standard\` | \`unlimited\` + * + * T3 instances with \`host\` tenancy do not support the \`unlimited\` CPU credit option. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance-creditspecification.html#cfn-ec2-instance-creditspecification-cpucredits + */ + readonly cpuCredits?: string; + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnInstance\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-instance.html + */ +export interface CfnInstanceProps { + /** + * This property is reserved for internal use. + * + * If you use it, the stack fails with this error: \`Bad property set: [Testing this property] (Service: AmazonEC2; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InvalidParameterCombination; Request ID: 0XXXXXX-49c7-4b40-8bcc-76885dcXXXXX)\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-instance.html#cfn-ec2-instance-additionalinfo + */ + readonly additionalInfo?: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether the instance is associated with a dedicated host. + * + * If you want the instance to always restart on the same host on which it was launched, specify \`host\` . If you want the instance to restart on any available host, but try to launch onto the last host it ran on (on a best-effort basis), specify \`default\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-instance.html#cfn-ec2-instance-affinity + */ + readonly affinity?: string; + + /** + * The Availability Zone of the instance. + * + * If not specified, an Availability Zone will be automatically chosen for you based on the load balancing criteria for the Region. + * + * This parameter is not supported by [DescribeImageAttribute](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_DescribeImageAttribute.html) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-instance.html#cfn-ec2-instance-availabilityzone + */ + readonly availabilityZone?: string; + + /** + * The block device mapping entries that defines the block devices to attach to the instance at launch. + * + * By default, the block devices specified in the block device mapping for the AMI are used. You can override the AMI block device mapping using the instance block device mapping. For the root volume, you can override only the volume size, volume type, volume encryption settings, and the \`DeleteOnTermination\` setting. + * + * > After the instance is running, you can modify only the \`DeleteOnTermination\` parameter for the attached volumes without interrupting the instance. Modifying any other parameter results in instance [replacement](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/using-cfn-updating-stacks-update-behaviors.html#update-replacement) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-instance.html#cfn-ec2-instance-blockdevicemappings + */ + readonly blockDeviceMappings?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The CPU options for the instance. + * + * For more information, see [Optimize CPU options](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/instance-optimize-cpu.html) in the *Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-instance.html#cfn-ec2-instance-cpuoptions + */ + readonly cpuOptions?: CfnInstance.CpuOptionsProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The credit option for CPU usage of the burstable performance instance. + * + * Valid values are \`standard\` and \`unlimited\` . To change this attribute after launch, use [ModifyInstanceCreditSpecification](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_ModifyInstanceCreditSpecification.html) . For more information, see [Burstable performance instances](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/burstable-performance-instances.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * Default: \`standard\` (T2 instances) or \`unlimited\` (T3/T3a/T4g instances) + * + * For T3 instances with \`host\` tenancy, only \`standard\` is supported. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-instance.html#cfn-ec2-instance-creditspecification + */ + readonly creditSpecification?: CfnInstance.CreditSpecificationProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * If you set this parameter to \`true\` , you can't terminate the instance using the Amazon EC2 console, CLI, or API; + * + * otherwise, you can. To change this attribute after launch, use [ModifyInstanceAttribute](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_ModifyInstanceAttribute.html) . Alternatively, if you set \`InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior\` to \`terminate\` , you can terminate the instance by running the shutdown command from the instance. + * + * Default: \`false\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-instance.html#cfn-ec2-instance-disableapitermination + */ + readonly disableApiTermination?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Indicates whether the instance is optimized for Amazon EBS I/O. + * + * This optimization provides dedicated throughput to Amazon EBS and an optimized configuration stack to provide optimal Amazon EBS I/O performance. This optimization isn't available with all instance types. Additional usage charges apply when using an EBS-optimized instance. + * + * Default: \`false\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-instance.html#cfn-ec2-instance-ebsoptimized + */ + readonly ebsOptimized?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * An elastic GPU to associate with the instance. + * + * An Elastic GPU is a GPU resource that you can attach to your Windows instance to accelerate the graphics performance of your applications. For more information, see [Amazon EC2 Elastic GPUs](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/WindowsGuide/elastic-graphics.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-instance.html#cfn-ec2-instance-elasticgpuspecifications + */ + readonly elasticGpuSpecifications?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * An elastic inference accelerator to associate with the instance. + * + * Elastic inference accelerators are a resource you can attach to your Amazon EC2 instances to accelerate your Deep Learning (DL) inference workloads. + * + * You cannot specify accelerators from different generations in the same request. + * + * > Starting April 15, 2023, AWS will not onboard new customers to Amazon Elastic Inference (EI), and will help current customers migrate their workloads to options that offer better price and performance. After April 15, 2023, new customers will not be able to launch instances with Amazon EI accelerators in Amazon SageMaker, Amazon ECS, or Amazon EC2. However, customers who have used Amazon EI at least once during the past 30-day period are considered current customers and will be able to continue using the service. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-instance.html#cfn-ec2-instance-elasticinferenceaccelerators + */ + readonly elasticInferenceAccelerators?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Indicates whether the instance is enabled for AWS Nitro Enclaves. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-instance.html#cfn-ec2-instance-enclaveoptions + */ + readonly enclaveOptions?: CfnInstance.EnclaveOptionsProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Indicates whether an instance is enabled for hibernation. + * + * This parameter is valid only if the instance meets the [hibernation prerequisites](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/hibernating-prerequisites.html) . For more information, see [Hibernate your instance](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/Hibernate.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * You can't enable hibernation and AWS Nitro Enclaves on the same instance. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-instance.html#cfn-ec2-instance-hibernationoptions + */ + readonly hibernationOptions?: CfnInstance.HibernationOptionsProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * If you specify host for the \`Affinity\` property, the ID of a dedicated host that the instance is associated with. + * + * If you don't specify an ID, Amazon EC2 launches the instance onto any available, compatible dedicated host in your account. This type of launch is called an untargeted launch. Note that for untargeted launches, you must have a compatible, dedicated host available to successfully launch instances. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-instance.html#cfn-ec2-instance-hostid + */ + readonly hostId?: string; + + /** + * The ARN of the host resource group in which to launch the instances. + * + * If you specify a host resource group ARN, omit the *Tenancy* parameter or set it to \`host\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-instance.html#cfn-ec2-instance-hostresourcegrouparn + */ + readonly hostResourceGroupArn?: string; + + /** + * The name of an IAM instance profile. + * + * To create a new IAM instance profile, use the [AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-iam-instanceprofile.html) resource. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-instance.html#cfn-ec2-instance-iaminstanceprofile + */ + readonly iamInstanceProfile?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the AMI. + * + * An AMI ID is required to launch an instance and must be specified here or in a launch template. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-instance.html#cfn-ec2-instance-imageid + */ + readonly imageId?: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether an instance stops or terminates when you initiate shutdown from the instance (using the operating system command for system shutdown). + * + * Default: \`stop\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-instance.html#cfn-ec2-instance-instanceinitiatedshutdownbehavior + */ + readonly instanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior?: string; + + /** + * The instance type. For more information, see [Instance types](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/instance-types.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * When you change your EBS-backed instance type, instance restart or replacement behavior depends on the instance type compatibility between the old and new types. An instance that's backed by an instance store volume is always replaced. For more information, see [Change the instance type](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-instance-resize.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * Default: \`m1.small\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-instance.html#cfn-ec2-instance-instancetype + */ + readonly instanceType?: string; + + /** + * The number of IPv6 addresses to associate with the primary network interface. + * + * Amazon EC2 chooses the IPv6 addresses from the range of your subnet. You cannot specify this option and the option to assign specific IPv6 addresses in the same request. You can specify this option if you've specified a minimum number of instances to launch. + * + * You cannot specify this option and the network interfaces option in the same request. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-instance.html#cfn-ec2-instance-ipv6addresscount + */ + readonly ipv6AddressCount?: number; + + /** + * The IPv6 addresses from the range of the subnet to associate with the primary network interface. + * + * You cannot specify this option and the option to assign a number of IPv6 addresses in the same request. You cannot specify this option if you've specified a minimum number of instances to launch. + * + * You cannot specify this option and the network interfaces option in the same request. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-instance.html#cfn-ec2-instance-ipv6addresses + */ + readonly ipv6Addresses?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The ID of the kernel. + * + * > We recommend that you use PV-GRUB instead of kernels and RAM disks. For more information, see [PV-GRUB](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/UserProvidedkernels.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-instance.html#cfn-ec2-instance-kernelid + */ + readonly kernelId?: string; + + /** + * The name of the key pair. You can create a key pair using [CreateKeyPair](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_CreateKeyPair.html) or [ImportKeyPair](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_ImportKeyPair.html) . + * + * > If you do not specify a key pair, you can't connect to the instance unless you choose an AMI that is configured to allow users another way to log in. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-instance.html#cfn-ec2-instance-keyname + */ + readonly keyName?: string; + + /** + * The launch template to use to launch the instances. + * + * Any parameters that you specify in the AWS CloudFormation template override the same parameters in the launch template. You can specify either the name or ID of a launch template, but not both. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-instance.html#cfn-ec2-instance-launchtemplate + */ + readonly launchTemplate?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnInstance.LaunchTemplateSpecificationProperty; + + /** + * The license configurations. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-instance.html#cfn-ec2-instance-licensespecifications + */ + readonly licenseSpecifications?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Specifies whether detailed monitoring is enabled for the instance. + * + * Specify \`true\` to enable detailed monitoring. Otherwise, basic monitoring is enabled. For more information about detailed monitoring, see [Enable or turn off detailed monitoring for your instances](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/using-cloudwatch-new.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-instance.html#cfn-ec2-instance-monitoring + */ + readonly monitoring?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The network interfaces to associate with the instance. + * + * > If you use this property to point to a network interface, you must terminate the original interface before attaching a new one to allow the update of the instance to succeed. + * > + * > If this resource has a public IP address and is also in a VPC that is defined in the same template, you must use the [DependsOn Attribute](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-attribute-dependson.html) to declare a dependency on the VPC-gateway attachment. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-instance.html#cfn-ec2-instance-networkinterfaces + */ + readonly networkInterfaces?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The name of an existing placement group that you want to launch the instance into (cluster | partition | spread). + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-instance.html#cfn-ec2-instance-placementgroupname + */ + readonly placementGroupName?: string; + + /** + * The options for the instance hostname. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-instance.html#cfn-ec2-instance-privatednsnameoptions + */ + readonly privateDnsNameOptions?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnInstance.PrivateDnsNameOptionsProperty; + + /** + * The primary IPv4 address. You must specify a value from the IPv4 address range of the subnet. + * + * Only one private IP address can be designated as primary. You can't specify this option if you've specified the option to designate a private IP address as the primary IP address in a network interface specification. You cannot specify this option if you're launching more than one instance in the request. + * + * You cannot specify this option and the network interfaces option in the same request. + * + * If you make an update to an instance that requires replacement, you must assign a new private IP address. During a replacement, AWS CloudFormation creates a new instance but doesn't delete the old instance until the stack has successfully updated. If the stack update fails, AWS CloudFormation uses the old instance to roll back the stack to the previous working state. The old and new instances cannot have the same private IP address. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-instance.html#cfn-ec2-instance-privateipaddress + */ + readonly privateIpAddress?: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether to assign the tags from the instance to all of the volumes attached to the instance at launch. + * + * If you specify \`true\` and you assign tags to the instance, those tags are automatically assigned to all of the volumes that you attach to the instance at launch. If you specify \`false\` , those tags are not assigned to the attached volumes. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-instance.html#cfn-ec2-instance-propagatetagstovolumeoncreation + */ + readonly propagateTagsToVolumeOnCreation?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The ID of the RAM disk to select. + * + * Some kernels require additional drivers at launch. Check the kernel requirements for information about whether you need to specify a RAM disk. To find kernel requirements, go to the AWS Resource Center and search for the kernel ID. + * + * > We recommend that you use PV-GRUB instead of kernels and RAM disks. For more information, see [PV-GRUB](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/UserProvidedkernels.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-instance.html#cfn-ec2-instance-ramdiskid + */ + readonly ramdiskId?: string; + + /** + * The IDs of the security groups. + * + * You can specify the IDs of existing security groups and references to resources created by the stack template. + * + * If you specify a network interface, you must specify any security groups as part of the network interface. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-instance.html#cfn-ec2-instance-securitygroupids + */ + readonly securityGroupIds?: Array; + + /** + * [Default VPC] The names of the security groups. For a nondefault VPC, you must use security group IDs instead. + * + * You cannot specify this option and the network interfaces option in the same request. The list can contain both the name of existing Amazon EC2 security groups or references to AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup resources created in the template. + * + * Default: Amazon EC2 uses the default security group. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-instance.html#cfn-ec2-instance-securitygroups + */ + readonly securityGroups?: Array; + + /** + * Enable or disable source/destination checks, which ensure that the instance is either the source or the destination of any traffic that it receives. + * + * If the value is \`true\` , source/destination checks are enabled; otherwise, they are disabled. The default value is \`true\` . You must disable source/destination checks if the instance runs services such as network address translation, routing, or firewalls. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-instance.html#cfn-ec2-instance-sourcedestcheck + */ + readonly sourceDestCheck?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The SSM [document](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ssm-document.html) and parameter values in AWS Systems Manager to associate with this instance. To use this property, you must specify an IAM instance profile role for the instance. For more information, see [Create an IAM instance profile for Systems Manager](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/systems-manager/latest/userguide/sysman-configuring-access-role.html) in the *AWS Systems Manager User Guide* . + * + * > You can currently associate only one document with an instance. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-instance.html#cfn-ec2-instance-ssmassociations + */ + readonly ssmAssociations?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The ID of the subnet to launch the instance into. + * + * If you specify a network interface, you must specify any subnets as part of the network interface. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-instance.html#cfn-ec2-instance-subnetid + */ + readonly subnetId?: string; + + /** + * The tags to add to the instance. + * + * These tags are not applied to the EBS volumes, such as the root volume, unless [PropagateTagsToVolumeOnCreation](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance.html#cfn-ec2-instance-propagatetagstovolumeoncreation) is \`true\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-instance.html#cfn-ec2-instance-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; + + /** + * The tenancy of the instance. + * + * An instance with a tenancy of \`dedicated\` runs on single-tenant hardware. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-instance.html#cfn-ec2-instance-tenancy + */ + readonly tenancy?: string; + + /** + * The user data script to make available to the instance. + * + * User data is limited to 16 KB. You must provide base64-encoded text. For more information, see [Fn::Base64](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/intrinsic-function-reference-base64.html) . + * + * User data runs only at instance launch. For more information, see [Run commands on your Linux instance at launch](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/user-data.html) and [Run commands on your Windows instance at launch](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/WindowsGuide/ec2-windows-user-data.html) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-instance.html#cfn-ec2-instance-userdata + */ + readonly userData?: string; + + /** + * The volumes to attach to the instance. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-instance.html#cfn-ec2-instance-volumes + */ + readonly volumes?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`NoDeviceProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`NoDeviceProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnInstanceNoDevicePropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"NoDeviceProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnInstanceNoDevicePropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnInstanceNoDevicePropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return {}; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnInstanceNoDevicePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`EbsProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`EbsProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnInstanceEbsPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("deleteOnTermination", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.deleteOnTermination)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("encrypted", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.encrypted)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("iops", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.iops)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("kmsKeyId", cdk.validateString)(properties.kmsKeyId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("snapshotId", cdk.validateString)(properties.snapshotId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("volumeSize", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.volumeSize)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("volumeType", cdk.validateString)(properties.volumeType)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"EbsProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnInstanceEbsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnInstanceEbsPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "DeleteOnTermination": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.deleteOnTermination), + "Encrypted": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.encrypted), + "Iops": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.iops), + "KmsKeyId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.kmsKeyId), + "SnapshotId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.snapshotId), + "VolumeSize": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.volumeSize), + "VolumeType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.volumeType) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnInstanceEbsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("deleteOnTermination", "DeleteOnTermination", (properties.DeleteOnTermination != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.DeleteOnTermination) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("encrypted", "Encrypted", (properties.Encrypted != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.Encrypted) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("iops", "Iops", (properties.Iops != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Iops) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("kmsKeyId", "KmsKeyId", (properties.KmsKeyId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.KmsKeyId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("snapshotId", "SnapshotId", (properties.SnapshotId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SnapshotId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("volumeSize", "VolumeSize", (properties.VolumeSize != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.VolumeSize) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("volumeType", "VolumeType", (properties.VolumeType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.VolumeType) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`BlockDeviceMappingProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`BlockDeviceMappingProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnInstanceBlockDeviceMappingPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("deviceName", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.deviceName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("deviceName", cdk.validateString)(properties.deviceName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ebs", CfnInstanceEbsPropertyValidator)(properties.ebs)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("noDevice", CfnInstanceNoDevicePropertyValidator)(properties.noDevice)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("virtualName", cdk.validateString)(properties.virtualName)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"BlockDeviceMappingProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnInstanceBlockDeviceMappingPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnInstanceBlockDeviceMappingPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "DeviceName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.deviceName), + "Ebs": convertCfnInstanceEbsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.ebs), + "NoDevice": convertCfnInstanceNoDevicePropertyToCloudFormation(properties.noDevice), + "VirtualName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.virtualName) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnInstanceBlockDeviceMappingPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("deviceName", "DeviceName", (properties.DeviceName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DeviceName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ebs", "Ebs", (properties.Ebs != null ? CfnInstanceEbsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.Ebs) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("noDevice", "NoDevice", (properties.NoDevice != null ? CfnInstanceNoDevicePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.NoDevice) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("virtualName", "VirtualName", (properties.VirtualName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.VirtualName) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`InstanceIpv6AddressProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`InstanceIpv6AddressProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnInstanceInstanceIpv6AddressPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipv6Address", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.ipv6Address)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipv6Address", cdk.validateString)(properties.ipv6Address)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"InstanceIpv6AddressProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnInstanceInstanceIpv6AddressPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnInstanceInstanceIpv6AddressPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Ipv6Address": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.ipv6Address) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnInstanceInstanceIpv6AddressPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("ipv6Address", "Ipv6Address", (properties.Ipv6Address != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Ipv6Address) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`ElasticGpuSpecificationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`ElasticGpuSpecificationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnInstanceElasticGpuSpecificationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("type", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.type)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("type", cdk.validateString)(properties.type)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"ElasticGpuSpecificationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnInstanceElasticGpuSpecificationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnInstanceElasticGpuSpecificationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Type": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.type) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnInstanceElasticGpuSpecificationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("type", "Type", (properties.Type != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Type) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`ElasticInferenceAcceleratorProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`ElasticInferenceAcceleratorProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnInstanceElasticInferenceAcceleratorPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("count", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.count)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("type", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.type)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("type", cdk.validateString)(properties.type)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"ElasticInferenceAcceleratorProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnInstanceElasticInferenceAcceleratorPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnInstanceElasticInferenceAcceleratorPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Count": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.count), + "Type": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.type) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnInstanceElasticInferenceAcceleratorPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("count", "Count", (properties.Count != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Count) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("type", "Type", (properties.Type != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Type) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`VolumeProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`VolumeProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnInstanceVolumePropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("device", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.device)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("device", cdk.validateString)(properties.device)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("volumeId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.volumeId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("volumeId", cdk.validateString)(properties.volumeId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"VolumeProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnInstanceVolumePropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnInstanceVolumePropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Device": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.device), + "VolumeId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.volumeId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnInstanceVolumePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("device", "Device", (properties.Device != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Device) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("volumeId", "VolumeId", (properties.VolumeId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.VolumeId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`LaunchTemplateSpecificationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`LaunchTemplateSpecificationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnInstanceLaunchTemplateSpecificationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("launchTemplateId", cdk.validateString)(properties.launchTemplateId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("launchTemplateName", cdk.validateString)(properties.launchTemplateName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("version", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.version)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("version", cdk.validateString)(properties.version)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"LaunchTemplateSpecificationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnInstanceLaunchTemplateSpecificationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnInstanceLaunchTemplateSpecificationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "LaunchTemplateId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.launchTemplateId), + "LaunchTemplateName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.launchTemplateName), + "Version": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.version) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnInstanceLaunchTemplateSpecificationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("launchTemplateId", "LaunchTemplateId", (properties.LaunchTemplateId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.LaunchTemplateId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("launchTemplateName", "LaunchTemplateName", (properties.LaunchTemplateName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.LaunchTemplateName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("version", "Version", (properties.Version != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Version) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`EnclaveOptionsProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`EnclaveOptionsProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnInstanceEnclaveOptionsPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("enabled", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.enabled)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"EnclaveOptionsProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnInstanceEnclaveOptionsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnInstanceEnclaveOptionsPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Enabled": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.enabled) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnInstanceEnclaveOptionsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("enabled", "Enabled", (properties.Enabled != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.Enabled) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`PrivateIpAddressSpecificationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`PrivateIpAddressSpecificationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnInstancePrivateIpAddressSpecificationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("primary", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.primary)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("primary", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.primary)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("privateIpAddress", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.privateIpAddress)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("privateIpAddress", cdk.validateString)(properties.privateIpAddress)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"PrivateIpAddressSpecificationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnInstancePrivateIpAddressSpecificationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnInstancePrivateIpAddressSpecificationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Primary": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.primary), + "PrivateIpAddress": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.privateIpAddress) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnInstancePrivateIpAddressSpecificationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("primary", "Primary", (properties.Primary != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.Primary) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("privateIpAddress", "PrivateIpAddress", (properties.PrivateIpAddress != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.PrivateIpAddress) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`NetworkInterfaceProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`NetworkInterfaceProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnInstanceNetworkInterfacePropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("associateCarrierIpAddress", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.associateCarrierIpAddress)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("associatePublicIpAddress", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.associatePublicIpAddress)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("deleteOnTermination", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.deleteOnTermination)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("description", cdk.validateString)(properties.description)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("deviceIndex", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.deviceIndex)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("deviceIndex", cdk.validateString)(properties.deviceIndex)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("groupSet", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.groupSet)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipv6AddressCount", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.ipv6AddressCount)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipv6Addresses", cdk.listValidator(CfnInstanceInstanceIpv6AddressPropertyValidator))(properties.ipv6Addresses)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("networkInterfaceId", cdk.validateString)(properties.networkInterfaceId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("privateIpAddress", cdk.validateString)(properties.privateIpAddress)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("privateIpAddresses", cdk.listValidator(CfnInstancePrivateIpAddressSpecificationPropertyValidator))(properties.privateIpAddresses)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("secondaryPrivateIpAddressCount", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.secondaryPrivateIpAddressCount)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("subnetId", cdk.validateString)(properties.subnetId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"NetworkInterfaceProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnInstanceNetworkInterfacePropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnInstanceNetworkInterfacePropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AssociateCarrierIpAddress": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.associateCarrierIpAddress), + "AssociatePublicIpAddress": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.associatePublicIpAddress), + "DeleteOnTermination": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.deleteOnTermination), + "Description": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.description), + "DeviceIndex": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.deviceIndex), + "GroupSet": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.groupSet), + "Ipv6AddressCount": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.ipv6AddressCount), + "Ipv6Addresses": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnInstanceInstanceIpv6AddressPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.ipv6Addresses), + "NetworkInterfaceId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.networkInterfaceId), + "PrivateIpAddress": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.privateIpAddress), + "PrivateIpAddresses": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnInstancePrivateIpAddressSpecificationPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.privateIpAddresses), + "SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.secondaryPrivateIpAddressCount), + "SubnetId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.subnetId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnInstanceNetworkInterfacePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("associateCarrierIpAddress", "AssociateCarrierIpAddress", (properties.AssociateCarrierIpAddress != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.AssociateCarrierIpAddress) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("associatePublicIpAddress", "AssociatePublicIpAddress", (properties.AssociatePublicIpAddress != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.AssociatePublicIpAddress) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("deleteOnTermination", "DeleteOnTermination", (properties.DeleteOnTermination != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.DeleteOnTermination) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("description", "Description", (properties.Description != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Description) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("deviceIndex", "DeviceIndex", (properties.DeviceIndex != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DeviceIndex) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("groupSet", "GroupSet", (properties.GroupSet != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.GroupSet) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ipv6AddressCount", "Ipv6AddressCount", (properties.Ipv6AddressCount != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Ipv6AddressCount) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ipv6Addresses", "Ipv6Addresses", (properties.Ipv6Addresses != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnInstanceInstanceIpv6AddressPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.Ipv6Addresses) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("networkInterfaceId", "NetworkInterfaceId", (properties.NetworkInterfaceId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.NetworkInterfaceId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("privateIpAddress", "PrivateIpAddress", (properties.PrivateIpAddress != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.PrivateIpAddress) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("privateIpAddresses", "PrivateIpAddresses", (properties.PrivateIpAddresses != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnInstancePrivateIpAddressSpecificationPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.PrivateIpAddresses) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("secondaryPrivateIpAddressCount", "SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount", (properties.SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("subnetId", "SubnetId", (properties.SubnetId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SubnetId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`HibernationOptionsProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`HibernationOptionsProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnInstanceHibernationOptionsPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("configured", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.configured)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"HibernationOptionsProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnInstanceHibernationOptionsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnInstanceHibernationOptionsPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Configured": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.configured) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnInstanceHibernationOptionsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("configured", "Configured", (properties.Configured != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.Configured) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`LicenseSpecificationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`LicenseSpecificationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnInstanceLicenseSpecificationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("licenseConfigurationArn", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.licenseConfigurationArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("licenseConfigurationArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.licenseConfigurationArn)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"LicenseSpecificationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnInstanceLicenseSpecificationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnInstanceLicenseSpecificationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "LicenseConfigurationArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.licenseConfigurationArn) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnInstanceLicenseSpecificationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("licenseConfigurationArn", "LicenseConfigurationArn", (properties.LicenseConfigurationArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.LicenseConfigurationArn) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CpuOptionsProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CpuOptionsProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnInstanceCpuOptionsPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("coreCount", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.coreCount)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("threadsPerCore", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.threadsPerCore)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CpuOptionsProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnInstanceCpuOptionsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnInstanceCpuOptionsPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "CoreCount": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.coreCount), + "ThreadsPerCore": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.threadsPerCore) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnInstanceCpuOptionsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("coreCount", "CoreCount", (properties.CoreCount != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.CoreCount) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("threadsPerCore", "ThreadsPerCore", (properties.ThreadsPerCore != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.ThreadsPerCore) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`PrivateDnsNameOptionsProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`PrivateDnsNameOptionsProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnInstancePrivateDnsNameOptionsPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("enableResourceNameDnsAaaaRecord", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.enableResourceNameDnsAaaaRecord)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("enableResourceNameDnsARecord", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.enableResourceNameDnsARecord)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("hostnameType", cdk.validateString)(properties.hostnameType)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"PrivateDnsNameOptionsProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnInstancePrivateDnsNameOptionsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnInstancePrivateDnsNameOptionsPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "EnableResourceNameDnsAAAARecord": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.enableResourceNameDnsAaaaRecord), + "EnableResourceNameDnsARecord": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.enableResourceNameDnsARecord), + "HostnameType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.hostnameType) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnInstancePrivateDnsNameOptionsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("enableResourceNameDnsAaaaRecord", "EnableResourceNameDnsAAAARecord", (properties.EnableResourceNameDnsAAAARecord != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.EnableResourceNameDnsAAAARecord) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("enableResourceNameDnsARecord", "EnableResourceNameDnsARecord", (properties.EnableResourceNameDnsARecord != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.EnableResourceNameDnsARecord) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("hostnameType", "HostnameType", (properties.HostnameType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.HostnameType) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`AssociationParameterProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`AssociationParameterProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnInstanceAssociationParameterPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("key", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.key)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("key", cdk.validateString)(properties.key)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("value", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.value)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("value", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.value)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"AssociationParameterProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnInstanceAssociationParameterPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnInstanceAssociationParameterPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Key": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.key), + "Value": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.value) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnInstanceAssociationParameterPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("key", "Key", (properties.Key != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Key) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("value", "Value", (properties.Value != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.Value) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`SsmAssociationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`SsmAssociationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnInstanceSsmAssociationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("associationParameters", cdk.listValidator(CfnInstanceAssociationParameterPropertyValidator))(properties.associationParameters)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("documentName", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.documentName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("documentName", cdk.validateString)(properties.documentName)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"SsmAssociationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnInstanceSsmAssociationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnInstanceSsmAssociationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AssociationParameters": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnInstanceAssociationParameterPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.associationParameters), + "DocumentName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.documentName) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnInstanceSsmAssociationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("associationParameters", "AssociationParameters", (properties.AssociationParameters != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnInstanceAssociationParameterPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.AssociationParameters) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("documentName", "DocumentName", (properties.DocumentName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DocumentName) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CreditSpecificationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CreditSpecificationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnInstanceCreditSpecificationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("cpuCredits", cdk.validateString)(properties.cpuCredits)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CreditSpecificationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnInstanceCreditSpecificationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnInstanceCreditSpecificationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "CPUCredits": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.cpuCredits) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnInstanceCreditSpecificationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("cpuCredits", "CPUCredits", (properties.CPUCredits != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.CPUCredits) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnInstanceProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnInstanceProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnInstancePropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("additionalInfo", cdk.validateString)(properties.additionalInfo)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("affinity", cdk.validateString)(properties.affinity)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("availabilityZone", cdk.validateString)(properties.availabilityZone)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("blockDeviceMappings", cdk.listValidator(CfnInstanceBlockDeviceMappingPropertyValidator))(properties.blockDeviceMappings)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("cpuOptions", CfnInstanceCpuOptionsPropertyValidator)(properties.cpuOptions)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("creditSpecification", CfnInstanceCreditSpecificationPropertyValidator)(properties.creditSpecification)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("disableApiTermination", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.disableApiTermination)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ebsOptimized", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.ebsOptimized)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("elasticGpuSpecifications", cdk.listValidator(CfnInstanceElasticGpuSpecificationPropertyValidator))(properties.elasticGpuSpecifications)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("elasticInferenceAccelerators", cdk.listValidator(CfnInstanceElasticInferenceAcceleratorPropertyValidator))(properties.elasticInferenceAccelerators)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("enclaveOptions", CfnInstanceEnclaveOptionsPropertyValidator)(properties.enclaveOptions)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("hibernationOptions", CfnInstanceHibernationOptionsPropertyValidator)(properties.hibernationOptions)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("hostId", cdk.validateString)(properties.hostId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("hostResourceGroupArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.hostResourceGroupArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("iamInstanceProfile", cdk.validateString)(properties.iamInstanceProfile)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("imageId", cdk.validateString)(properties.imageId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("instanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior", cdk.validateString)(properties.instanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("instanceType", cdk.validateString)(properties.instanceType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipv6AddressCount", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.ipv6AddressCount)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipv6Addresses", cdk.listValidator(CfnInstanceInstanceIpv6AddressPropertyValidator))(properties.ipv6Addresses)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("kernelId", cdk.validateString)(properties.kernelId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("keyName", cdk.validateString)(properties.keyName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("launchTemplate", CfnInstanceLaunchTemplateSpecificationPropertyValidator)(properties.launchTemplate)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("licenseSpecifications", cdk.listValidator(CfnInstanceLicenseSpecificationPropertyValidator))(properties.licenseSpecifications)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("monitoring", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.monitoring)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("networkInterfaces", cdk.listValidator(CfnInstanceNetworkInterfacePropertyValidator))(properties.networkInterfaces)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("placementGroupName", cdk.validateString)(properties.placementGroupName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("privateDnsNameOptions", CfnInstancePrivateDnsNameOptionsPropertyValidator)(properties.privateDnsNameOptions)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("privateIpAddress", cdk.validateString)(properties.privateIpAddress)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("propagateTagsToVolumeOnCreation", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.propagateTagsToVolumeOnCreation)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ramdiskId", cdk.validateString)(properties.ramdiskId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("securityGroupIds", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.securityGroupIds)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("securityGroups", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.securityGroups)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sourceDestCheck", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.sourceDestCheck)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ssmAssociations", cdk.listValidator(CfnInstanceSsmAssociationPropertyValidator))(properties.ssmAssociations)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("subnetId", cdk.validateString)(properties.subnetId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tenancy", cdk.validateString)(properties.tenancy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("userData", cdk.validateString)(properties.userData)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("volumes", cdk.listValidator(CfnInstanceVolumePropertyValidator))(properties.volumes)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnInstanceProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnInstancePropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnInstancePropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AdditionalInfo": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.additionalInfo), + "Affinity": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.affinity), + "AvailabilityZone": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.availabilityZone), + "BlockDeviceMappings": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnInstanceBlockDeviceMappingPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.blockDeviceMappings), + "CpuOptions": convertCfnInstanceCpuOptionsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.cpuOptions), + "CreditSpecification": convertCfnInstanceCreditSpecificationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.creditSpecification), + "DisableApiTermination": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.disableApiTermination), + "EbsOptimized": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.ebsOptimized), + "ElasticGpuSpecifications": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnInstanceElasticGpuSpecificationPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.elasticGpuSpecifications), + "ElasticInferenceAccelerators": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnInstanceElasticInferenceAcceleratorPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.elasticInferenceAccelerators), + "EnclaveOptions": convertCfnInstanceEnclaveOptionsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.enclaveOptions), + "HibernationOptions": convertCfnInstanceHibernationOptionsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.hibernationOptions), + "HostId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.hostId), + "HostResourceGroupArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.hostResourceGroupArn), + "IamInstanceProfile": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.iamInstanceProfile), + "ImageId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.imageId), + "InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.instanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior), + "InstanceType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.instanceType), + "Ipv6AddressCount": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.ipv6AddressCount), + "Ipv6Addresses": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnInstanceInstanceIpv6AddressPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.ipv6Addresses), + "KernelId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.kernelId), + "KeyName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.keyName), + "LaunchTemplate": convertCfnInstanceLaunchTemplateSpecificationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.launchTemplate), + "LicenseSpecifications": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnInstanceLicenseSpecificationPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.licenseSpecifications), + "Monitoring": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.monitoring), + "NetworkInterfaces": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnInstanceNetworkInterfacePropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.networkInterfaces), + "PlacementGroupName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.placementGroupName), + "PrivateDnsNameOptions": convertCfnInstancePrivateDnsNameOptionsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.privateDnsNameOptions), + "PrivateIpAddress": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.privateIpAddress), + "PropagateTagsToVolumeOnCreation": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.propagateTagsToVolumeOnCreation), + "RamdiskId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.ramdiskId), + "SecurityGroupIds": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.securityGroupIds), + "SecurityGroups": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.securityGroups), + "SourceDestCheck": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.sourceDestCheck), + "SsmAssociations": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnInstanceSsmAssociationPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.ssmAssociations), + "SubnetId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.subnetId), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags), + "Tenancy": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.tenancy), + "UserData": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.userData), + "Volumes": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnInstanceVolumePropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.volumes) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnInstancePropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("additionalInfo", "AdditionalInfo", (properties.AdditionalInfo != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.AdditionalInfo) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("affinity", "Affinity", (properties.Affinity != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Affinity) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("availabilityZone", "AvailabilityZone", (properties.AvailabilityZone != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.AvailabilityZone) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("blockDeviceMappings", "BlockDeviceMappings", (properties.BlockDeviceMappings != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnInstanceBlockDeviceMappingPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.BlockDeviceMappings) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("cpuOptions", "CpuOptions", (properties.CpuOptions != null ? CfnInstanceCpuOptionsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.CpuOptions) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("creditSpecification", "CreditSpecification", (properties.CreditSpecification != null ? CfnInstanceCreditSpecificationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.CreditSpecification) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("disableApiTermination", "DisableApiTermination", (properties.DisableApiTermination != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.DisableApiTermination) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ebsOptimized", "EbsOptimized", (properties.EbsOptimized != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.EbsOptimized) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("elasticGpuSpecifications", "ElasticGpuSpecifications", (properties.ElasticGpuSpecifications != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnInstanceElasticGpuSpecificationPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.ElasticGpuSpecifications) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("elasticInferenceAccelerators", "ElasticInferenceAccelerators", (properties.ElasticInferenceAccelerators != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnInstanceElasticInferenceAcceleratorPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.ElasticInferenceAccelerators) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("enclaveOptions", "EnclaveOptions", (properties.EnclaveOptions != null ? CfnInstanceEnclaveOptionsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.EnclaveOptions) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("hibernationOptions", "HibernationOptions", (properties.HibernationOptions != null ? CfnInstanceHibernationOptionsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.HibernationOptions) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("hostId", "HostId", (properties.HostId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.HostId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("hostResourceGroupArn", "HostResourceGroupArn", (properties.HostResourceGroupArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.HostResourceGroupArn) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("iamInstanceProfile", "IamInstanceProfile", (properties.IamInstanceProfile != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.IamInstanceProfile) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("imageId", "ImageId", (properties.ImageId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ImageId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("instanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior", "InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior", (properties.InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("instanceType", "InstanceType", (properties.InstanceType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.InstanceType) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ipv6AddressCount", "Ipv6AddressCount", (properties.Ipv6AddressCount != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Ipv6AddressCount) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ipv6Addresses", "Ipv6Addresses", (properties.Ipv6Addresses != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnInstanceInstanceIpv6AddressPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.Ipv6Addresses) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("kernelId", "KernelId", (properties.KernelId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.KernelId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("keyName", "KeyName", (properties.KeyName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.KeyName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("launchTemplate", "LaunchTemplate", (properties.LaunchTemplate != null ? CfnInstanceLaunchTemplateSpecificationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.LaunchTemplate) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("licenseSpecifications", "LicenseSpecifications", (properties.LicenseSpecifications != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnInstanceLicenseSpecificationPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.LicenseSpecifications) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("monitoring", "Monitoring", (properties.Monitoring != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.Monitoring) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("networkInterfaces", "NetworkInterfaces", (properties.NetworkInterfaces != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnInstanceNetworkInterfacePropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.NetworkInterfaces) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("placementGroupName", "PlacementGroupName", (properties.PlacementGroupName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.PlacementGroupName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("privateDnsNameOptions", "PrivateDnsNameOptions", (properties.PrivateDnsNameOptions != null ? CfnInstancePrivateDnsNameOptionsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.PrivateDnsNameOptions) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("privateIpAddress", "PrivateIpAddress", (properties.PrivateIpAddress != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.PrivateIpAddress) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("propagateTagsToVolumeOnCreation", "PropagateTagsToVolumeOnCreation", (properties.PropagateTagsToVolumeOnCreation != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.PropagateTagsToVolumeOnCreation) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ramdiskId", "RamdiskId", (properties.RamdiskId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.RamdiskId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("securityGroupIds", "SecurityGroupIds", (properties.SecurityGroupIds != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.SecurityGroupIds) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("securityGroups", "SecurityGroups", (properties.SecurityGroups != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.SecurityGroups) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("sourceDestCheck", "SourceDestCheck", (properties.SourceDestCheck != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.SourceDestCheck) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ssmAssociations", "SsmAssociations", (properties.SsmAssociations != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnInstanceSsmAssociationPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.SsmAssociations) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("subnetId", "SubnetId", (properties.SubnetId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SubnetId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tenancy", "Tenancy", (properties.Tenancy != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Tenancy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("userData", "UserData", (properties.UserData != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.UserData) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("volumes", "Volumes", (properties.Volumes != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnInstanceVolumePropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.Volumes) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Allocates an internet gateway for use with a VPC. + * + * After creating the Internet gateway, you then attach it to a VPC. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-internetgateway.html + */ +export class CfnInternetGateway extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::InternetGateway"; + + /** + * Build a CfnInternetGateway from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnInternetGateway { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnInternetGatewayPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnInternetGateway(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The ID of the internet gateway. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute InternetGatewayId + */ + public readonly attrInternetGatewayId: string; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * Any tags to assign to the internet gateway. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnInternetGatewayProps = {}) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnInternetGateway.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + this.attrInternetGatewayId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("InternetGatewayId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::EC2::InternetGateway", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "tags": this.tags.renderTags() + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnInternetGateway.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnInternetGatewayPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnInternetGateway\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-internetgateway.html + */ +export interface CfnInternetGatewayProps { + /** + * Any tags to assign to the internet gateway. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-internetgateway.html#cfn-ec2-internetgateway-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnInternetGatewayProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnInternetGatewayProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnInternetGatewayPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnInternetGatewayProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnInternetGatewayPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnInternetGatewayPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnInternetGatewayPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * IPAM is a VPC feature that you can use to automate your IP address management workflows including assigning, tracking, troubleshooting, and auditing IP addresses across AWS Regions and accounts throughout your AWS Organization. + * + * For more information, see [What is IPAM?](https://docs.aws.amazon.com//vpc/latest/ipam/what-is-it-ipam.html) in the *Amazon VPC IPAM User Guide* . + * + * There are AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions required to fully manage an IPAM in CloudFormation. For more information, see [Example policy](https://docs.aws.amazon.com//vpc/latest/ipam/iam-ipam-policy-examples.html) in the *Amazon VPC IPAM User Guide* . + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ipam.html + */ +export class CfnIPAM extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::IPAM"; + + /** + * Build a CfnIPAM from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnIPAM { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnIPAMPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnIPAM(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The ARN of the IPAM. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute Arn + */ + public readonly attrArn: string; + + /** + * The ID of the IPAM. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute IpamId + */ + public readonly attrIpamId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the default private scope. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute PrivateDefaultScopeId + */ + public readonly attrPrivateDefaultScopeId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the default public scope. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute PublicDefaultScopeId + */ + public readonly attrPublicDefaultScopeId: string; + + /** + * The number of resource discovery associations. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute ResourceDiscoveryAssociationCount + */ + public readonly attrResourceDiscoveryAssociationCount: number; + + /** + * The number of scopes. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute ScopeCount + */ + public readonly attrScopeCount: number; + + /** + * The IPAM's default resource discovery association ID. + */ + public defaultResourceDiscoveryAssociationId?: string; + + /** + * The IPAM's default resource discovery ID. + */ + public defaultResourceDiscoveryId?: string; + + /** + * The description for the IPAM. + */ + public description?: string; + + /** + * The operating Regions for an IPAM. + */ + public operatingRegions?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * The key/value combination of a tag assigned to the resource. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnIPAMProps = {}) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnIPAM.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + this.attrArn = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Arn", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrIpamId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("IpamId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrPrivateDefaultScopeId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("PrivateDefaultScopeId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrPublicDefaultScopeId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("PublicDefaultScopeId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrResourceDiscoveryAssociationCount = cdk.Token.asNumber(this.getAtt("ResourceDiscoveryAssociationCount", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.NUMBER)); + this.attrScopeCount = cdk.Token.asNumber(this.getAtt("ScopeCount", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.NUMBER)); + this.defaultResourceDiscoveryAssociationId = props.defaultResourceDiscoveryAssociationId; + this.defaultResourceDiscoveryId = props.defaultResourceDiscoveryId; + this.description = props.description; + this.operatingRegions = props.operatingRegions; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::EC2::IPAM", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "defaultResourceDiscoveryAssociationId": this.defaultResourceDiscoveryAssociationId, + "defaultResourceDiscoveryId": this.defaultResourceDiscoveryId, + "description": this.description, + "operatingRegions": this.operatingRegions, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags() + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnIPAM.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnIPAMPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +export namespace CfnIPAM { + /** + * The operating Regions for an IPAM. + * + * Operating Regions are AWS Regions where the IPAM is allowed to manage IP address CIDRs. IPAM only discovers and monitors resources in the AWS Regions you select as operating Regions. + * + * For more information about operating Regions, see [Create an IPAM](https://docs.aws.amazon.com//vpc/latest/ipam/create-ipam.html) in the *Amazon VPC IPAM User Guide* . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ipam-ipamoperatingregion.html + */ + export interface IpamOperatingRegionProperty { + /** + * The name of the operating Region. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ipam-ipamoperatingregion.html#cfn-ec2-ipam-ipamoperatingregion-regionname + */ + readonly regionName: string; + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnIPAM\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ipam.html + */ +export interface CfnIPAMProps { + /** + * The IPAM's default resource discovery association ID. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ipam.html#cfn-ec2-ipam-defaultresourcediscoveryassociationid + */ + readonly defaultResourceDiscoveryAssociationId?: string; + + /** + * The IPAM's default resource discovery ID. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ipam.html#cfn-ec2-ipam-defaultresourcediscoveryid + */ + readonly defaultResourceDiscoveryId?: string; + + /** + * The description for the IPAM. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ipam.html#cfn-ec2-ipam-description + */ + readonly description?: string; + + /** + * The operating Regions for an IPAM. + * + * Operating Regions are AWS Regions where the IPAM is allowed to manage IP address CIDRs. IPAM only discovers and monitors resources in the AWS Regions you select as operating Regions. + * + * For more information about operating Regions, see [Create an IPAM](https://docs.aws.amazon.com//vpc/latest/ipam/create-ipam.html) in the *Amazon VPC IPAM User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ipam.html#cfn-ec2-ipam-operatingregions + */ + readonly operatingRegions?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The key/value combination of a tag assigned to the resource. + * + * Use the tag key in the filter name and the tag value as the filter value. For example, to find all resources that have a tag with the key \`Owner\` and the value \`TeamA\` , specify \`tag:Owner\` for the filter name and \`TeamA\` for the filter value. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ipam.html#cfn-ec2-ipam-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`IpamOperatingRegionProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`IpamOperatingRegionProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnIPAMIpamOperatingRegionPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("regionName", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.regionName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("regionName", cdk.validateString)(properties.regionName)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"IpamOperatingRegionProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnIPAMIpamOperatingRegionPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnIPAMIpamOperatingRegionPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "RegionName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.regionName) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnIPAMIpamOperatingRegionPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("regionName", "RegionName", (properties.RegionName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.RegionName) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnIPAMProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnIPAMProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnIPAMPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("defaultResourceDiscoveryAssociationId", cdk.validateString)(properties.defaultResourceDiscoveryAssociationId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("defaultResourceDiscoveryId", cdk.validateString)(properties.defaultResourceDiscoveryId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("description", cdk.validateString)(properties.description)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("operatingRegions", cdk.listValidator(CfnIPAMIpamOperatingRegionPropertyValidator))(properties.operatingRegions)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnIPAMProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnIPAMPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnIPAMPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "DefaultResourceDiscoveryAssociationId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.defaultResourceDiscoveryAssociationId), + "DefaultResourceDiscoveryId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.defaultResourceDiscoveryId), + "Description": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.description), + "OperatingRegions": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnIPAMIpamOperatingRegionPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.operatingRegions), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnIPAMPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("defaultResourceDiscoveryAssociationId", "DefaultResourceDiscoveryAssociationId", (properties.DefaultResourceDiscoveryAssociationId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DefaultResourceDiscoveryAssociationId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("defaultResourceDiscoveryId", "DefaultResourceDiscoveryId", (properties.DefaultResourceDiscoveryId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DefaultResourceDiscoveryId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("description", "Description", (properties.Description != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Description) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("operatingRegions", "OperatingRegions", (properties.OperatingRegions != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnIPAMIpamOperatingRegionPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.OperatingRegions) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * In IPAM, an allocation is a CIDR assignment from an IPAM pool to another IPAM pool or to a resource. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ipamallocation.html + */ +export class CfnIPAMAllocation extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::IPAMAllocation"; + + /** + * Build a CfnIPAMAllocation from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnIPAMAllocation { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnIPAMAllocationPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnIPAMAllocation(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The ID of an allocation. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute IpamPoolAllocationId + */ + public readonly attrIpamPoolAllocationId: string; + + /** + * The CIDR you would like to allocate from the IPAM pool. Note the following:. + */ + public cidr?: string; + + /** + * A description for the allocation. + */ + public description?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the IPAM pool from which you would like to allocate a CIDR. + */ + public ipamPoolId: string; + + /** + * The netmask length of the CIDR you would like to allocate from the IPAM pool. Note the following:. + */ + public netmaskLength?: number; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnIPAMAllocationProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnIPAMAllocation.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "ipamPoolId", this); + + this.attrIpamPoolAllocationId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("IpamPoolAllocationId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.cidr = props.cidr; + this.description = props.description; + this.ipamPoolId = props.ipamPoolId; + this.netmaskLength = props.netmaskLength; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "cidr": this.cidr, + "description": this.description, + "ipamPoolId": this.ipamPoolId, + "netmaskLength": this.netmaskLength + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnIPAMAllocation.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnIPAMAllocationPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnIPAMAllocation\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ipamallocation.html + */ +export interface CfnIPAMAllocationProps { + /** + * The CIDR you would like to allocate from the IPAM pool. Note the following:. + * + * - If there is no DefaultNetmaskLength allocation rule set on the pool, you must specify either the NetmaskLength or the CIDR. + * - If the DefaultNetmaskLength allocation rule is set on the pool, you can specify either the NetmaskLength or the CIDR and the DefaultNetmaskLength allocation rule will be ignored. + * + * Possible values: Any available IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ipamallocation.html#cfn-ec2-ipamallocation-cidr + */ + readonly cidr?: string; + + /** + * A description for the allocation. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ipamallocation.html#cfn-ec2-ipamallocation-description + */ + readonly description?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the IPAM pool from which you would like to allocate a CIDR. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ipamallocation.html#cfn-ec2-ipamallocation-ipampoolid + */ + readonly ipamPoolId: string; + + /** + * The netmask length of the CIDR you would like to allocate from the IPAM pool. Note the following:. + * + * - If there is no DefaultNetmaskLength allocation rule set on the pool, you must specify either the NetmaskLength or the CIDR. + * - If the DefaultNetmaskLength allocation rule is set on the pool, you can specify either the NetmaskLength or the CIDR and the DefaultNetmaskLength allocation rule will be ignored. + * + * Possible netmask lengths for IPv4 addresses are 0 - 32. Possible netmask lengths for IPv6 addresses are 0 - 128. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ipamallocation.html#cfn-ec2-ipamallocation-netmasklength + */ + readonly netmaskLength?: number; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnIPAMAllocationProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnIPAMAllocationProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnIPAMAllocationPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("cidr", cdk.validateString)(properties.cidr)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("description", cdk.validateString)(properties.description)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipamPoolId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.ipamPoolId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipamPoolId", cdk.validateString)(properties.ipamPoolId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("netmaskLength", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.netmaskLength)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnIPAMAllocationProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnIPAMAllocationPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnIPAMAllocationPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Cidr": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.cidr), + "Description": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.description), + "IpamPoolId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.ipamPoolId), + "NetmaskLength": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.netmaskLength) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnIPAMAllocationPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("cidr", "Cidr", (properties.Cidr != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Cidr) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("description", "Description", (properties.Description != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Description) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ipamPoolId", "IpamPoolId", (properties.IpamPoolId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.IpamPoolId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("netmaskLength", "NetmaskLength", (properties.NetmaskLength != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.NetmaskLength) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * In IPAM, a pool is a collection of contiguous IP addresses CIDRs. + * + * Pools enable you to organize your IP addresses according to your routing and security needs. For example, if you have separate routing and security needs for development and production applications, you can create a pool for each. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ipampool.html + */ +export class CfnIPAMPool extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::IPAMPool"; + + /** + * Build a CfnIPAMPool from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnIPAMPool { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnIPAMPoolPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnIPAMPool(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The ARN of the IPAM pool. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute Arn + */ + public readonly attrArn: string; + + /** + * The ARN of the IPAM. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute IpamArn + */ + public readonly attrIpamArn: string; + + /** + * The ID of the IPAM pool. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute IpamPoolId + */ + public readonly attrIpamPoolId: string; + + /** + * The ARN of the scope of the IPAM pool. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute IpamScopeArn + */ + public readonly attrIpamScopeArn: string; + + /** + * The scope of the IPAM. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute IpamScopeType + */ + public readonly attrIpamScopeType: string; + + /** + * The depth of pools in your IPAM pool. The pool depth quota is 10. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute PoolDepth + */ + public readonly attrPoolDepth: number; + + /** + * The state of the IPAM pool. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute State + */ + public readonly attrState: string; + + /** + * A message related to the failed creation of an IPAM pool. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute StateMessage + */ + public readonly attrStateMessage: string; + + /** + * The address family of the pool. + */ + public addressFamily: string; + + /** + * The default netmask length for allocations added to this pool. + */ + public allocationDefaultNetmaskLength?: number; + + /** + * The maximum netmask length possible for CIDR allocations in this IPAM pool to be compliant. + */ + public allocationMaxNetmaskLength?: number; + + /** + * The minimum netmask length required for CIDR allocations in this IPAM pool to be compliant. + */ + public allocationMinNetmaskLength?: number; + + /** + * Tags that are required for resources that use CIDRs from this IPAM pool. + */ + public allocationResourceTags?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * If selected, IPAM will continuously look for resources within the CIDR range of this pool and automatically import them as allocations into your IPAM. + */ + public autoImport?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Limits which service in AWS that the pool can be used in. + */ + public awsService?: string; + + /** + * The description of the IPAM pool. + */ + public description?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the scope in which you would like to create the IPAM pool. + */ + public ipamScopeId: string; + + /** + * The locale of the IPAM pool. + */ + public locale?: string; + + /** + * Information about the CIDRs provisioned to an IPAM pool. + */ + public provisionedCidrs?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The IP address source for pools in the public scope. + */ + public publicIpSource?: string; + + /** + * Determines if a pool is publicly advertisable. + */ + public publiclyAdvertisable?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The ID of the source IPAM pool. + */ + public sourceIpamPoolId?: string; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * The key/value combination of a tag assigned to the resource. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnIPAMPoolProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnIPAMPool.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "addressFamily", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "ipamScopeId", this); + + this.attrArn = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Arn", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrIpamArn = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("IpamArn", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrIpamPoolId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("IpamPoolId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrIpamScopeArn = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("IpamScopeArn", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrIpamScopeType = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("IpamScopeType", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrPoolDepth = cdk.Token.asNumber(this.getAtt("PoolDepth", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.NUMBER)); + this.attrState = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("State", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrStateMessage = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("StateMessage", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.addressFamily = props.addressFamily; + this.allocationDefaultNetmaskLength = props.allocationDefaultNetmaskLength; + this.allocationMaxNetmaskLength = props.allocationMaxNetmaskLength; + this.allocationMinNetmaskLength = props.allocationMinNetmaskLength; + this.allocationResourceTags = props.allocationResourceTags; + this.autoImport = props.autoImport; + this.awsService = props.awsService; + this.description = props.description; + this.ipamScopeId = props.ipamScopeId; + this.locale = props.locale; + this.provisionedCidrs = props.provisionedCidrs; + this.publicIpSource = props.publicIpSource; + this.publiclyAdvertisable = props.publiclyAdvertisable; + this.sourceIpamPoolId = props.sourceIpamPoolId; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::EC2::IPAMPool", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "addressFamily": this.addressFamily, + "allocationDefaultNetmaskLength": this.allocationDefaultNetmaskLength, + "allocationMaxNetmaskLength": this.allocationMaxNetmaskLength, + "allocationMinNetmaskLength": this.allocationMinNetmaskLength, + "allocationResourceTags": this.allocationResourceTags, + "autoImport": this.autoImport, + "awsService": this.awsService, + "description": this.description, + "ipamScopeId": this.ipamScopeId, + "locale": this.locale, + "provisionedCidrs": this.provisionedCidrs, + "publicIpSource": this.publicIpSource, + "publiclyAdvertisable": this.publiclyAdvertisable, + "sourceIpamPoolId": this.sourceIpamPoolId, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags() + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnIPAMPool.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnIPAMPoolPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +export namespace CfnIPAMPool { + /** + * The CIDR provisioned to the IPAM pool. + * + * A CIDR is a representation of an IP address and its associated network mask (or netmask) and refers to a range of IP addresses. An IPv4 CIDR example is \`\` . An IPv6 CIDR example is \`2001:DB8::/32\` . + * + * > This resource type does not allow you to provision a CIDR using the netmask length. To provision a CIDR using netmask length, use [AWS::EC2::IPAMPoolCidr](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ipampoolcidr.html) . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ipampool-provisionedcidr.html + */ + export interface ProvisionedCidrProperty { + /** + * The CIDR provisioned to the IPAM pool. + * + * A CIDR is a representation of an IP address and its associated network mask (or netmask) and refers to a range of IP addresses. An IPv4 CIDR example is \`\` . An IPv6 CIDR example is \`2001:DB8::/32\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ipampool-provisionedcidr.html#cfn-ec2-ipampool-provisionedcidr-cidr + */ + readonly cidr: string; + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnIPAMPool\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ipampool.html + */ +export interface CfnIPAMPoolProps { + /** + * The address family of the pool. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ipampool.html#cfn-ec2-ipampool-addressfamily + */ + readonly addressFamily: string; + + /** + * The default netmask length for allocations added to this pool. + * + * If, for example, the CIDR assigned to this pool is and you enter 16 here, new allocations will default to + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ipampool.html#cfn-ec2-ipampool-allocationdefaultnetmasklength + */ + readonly allocationDefaultNetmaskLength?: number; + + /** + * The maximum netmask length possible for CIDR allocations in this IPAM pool to be compliant. + * + * The maximum netmask length must be greater than the minimum netmask length. Possible netmask lengths for IPv4 addresses are 0 - 32. Possible netmask lengths for IPv6 addresses are 0 - 128. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ipampool.html#cfn-ec2-ipampool-allocationmaxnetmasklength + */ + readonly allocationMaxNetmaskLength?: number; + + /** + * The minimum netmask length required for CIDR allocations in this IPAM pool to be compliant. + * + * The minimum netmask length must be less than the maximum netmask length. Possible netmask lengths for IPv4 addresses are 0 - 32. Possible netmask lengths for IPv6 addresses are 0 - 128. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ipampool.html#cfn-ec2-ipampool-allocationminnetmasklength + */ + readonly allocationMinNetmaskLength?: number; + + /** + * Tags that are required for resources that use CIDRs from this IPAM pool. + * + * Resources that do not have these tags will not be allowed to allocate space from the pool. If the resources have their tags changed after they have allocated space or if the allocation tagging requirements are changed on the pool, the resource may be marked as noncompliant. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ipampool.html#cfn-ec2-ipampool-allocationresourcetags + */ + readonly allocationResourceTags?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * If selected, IPAM will continuously look for resources within the CIDR range of this pool and automatically import them as allocations into your IPAM. + * + * The CIDRs that will be allocated for these resources must not already be allocated to other resources in order for the import to succeed. IPAM will import a CIDR regardless of its compliance with the pool's allocation rules, so a resource might be imported and subsequently marked as noncompliant. If IPAM discovers multiple CIDRs that overlap, IPAM will import the largest CIDR only. If IPAM discovers multiple CIDRs with matching CIDRs, IPAM will randomly import one of them only. + * + * A locale must be set on the pool for this feature to work. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ipampool.html#cfn-ec2-ipampool-autoimport + */ + readonly autoImport?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Limits which service in AWS that the pool can be used in. + * + * "ec2", for example, allows users to use space for Elastic IP addresses and VPCs. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ipampool.html#cfn-ec2-ipampool-awsservice + */ + readonly awsService?: string; + + /** + * The description of the IPAM pool. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ipampool.html#cfn-ec2-ipampool-description + */ + readonly description?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the scope in which you would like to create the IPAM pool. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ipampool.html#cfn-ec2-ipampool-ipamscopeid + */ + readonly ipamScopeId: string; + + /** + * The locale of the IPAM pool. + * + * In IPAM, the locale is the AWS Region where you want to make an IPAM pool available for allocations. Only resources in the same Region as the locale of the pool can get IP address allocations from the pool. You can only allocate a CIDR for a VPC, for example, from an IPAM pool that shares a locale with the VPC’s Region. Note that once you choose a Locale for a pool, you cannot modify it. If you choose an AWS Region for locale that has not been configured as an operating Region for the IPAM, you'll get an error. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ipampool.html#cfn-ec2-ipampool-locale + */ + readonly locale?: string; + + /** + * Information about the CIDRs provisioned to an IPAM pool. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ipampool.html#cfn-ec2-ipampool-provisionedcidrs + */ + readonly provisionedCidrs?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The IP address source for pools in the public scope. + * + * Only used for provisioning IP address CIDRs to pools in the public scope. Default is \`BYOIP\` . For more information, see [Create IPv6 pools](https://docs.aws.amazon.com//vpc/latest/ipam/intro-create-ipv6-pools.html) in the *Amazon VPC IPAM User Guide* . By default, you can add only one Amazon-provided IPv6 CIDR block to a top-level IPv6 pool. For information on increasing the default limit, see [Quotas for your IPAM](https://docs.aws.amazon.com//vpc/latest/ipam/quotas-ipam.html) in the *Amazon VPC IPAM User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ipampool.html#cfn-ec2-ipampool-publicipsource + */ + readonly publicIpSource?: string; + + /** + * Determines if a pool is publicly advertisable. + * + * This option is not available for pools with AddressFamily set to \`ipv4\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ipampool.html#cfn-ec2-ipampool-publiclyadvertisable + */ + readonly publiclyAdvertisable?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The ID of the source IPAM pool. + * + * You can use this option to create an IPAM pool within an existing source pool. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ipampool.html#cfn-ec2-ipampool-sourceipampoolid + */ + readonly sourceIpamPoolId?: string; + + /** + * The key/value combination of a tag assigned to the resource. + * + * Use the tag key in the filter name and the tag value as the filter value. For example, to find all resources that have a tag with the key \`Owner\` and the value \`TeamA\` , specify \`tag:Owner\` for the filter name and \`TeamA\` for the filter value. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ipampool.html#cfn-ec2-ipampool-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`ProvisionedCidrProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`ProvisionedCidrProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnIPAMPoolProvisionedCidrPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("cidr", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.cidr)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("cidr", cdk.validateString)(properties.cidr)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"ProvisionedCidrProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnIPAMPoolProvisionedCidrPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnIPAMPoolProvisionedCidrPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Cidr": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.cidr) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnIPAMPoolProvisionedCidrPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("cidr", "Cidr", (properties.Cidr != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Cidr) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnIPAMPoolProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnIPAMPoolProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnIPAMPoolPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("addressFamily", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.addressFamily)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("addressFamily", cdk.validateString)(properties.addressFamily)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("allocationDefaultNetmaskLength", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.allocationDefaultNetmaskLength)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("allocationMaxNetmaskLength", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.allocationMaxNetmaskLength)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("allocationMinNetmaskLength", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.allocationMinNetmaskLength)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("allocationResourceTags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.allocationResourceTags)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("autoImport", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.autoImport)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("awsService", cdk.validateString)(properties.awsService)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("description", cdk.validateString)(properties.description)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipamScopeId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.ipamScopeId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipamScopeId", cdk.validateString)(properties.ipamScopeId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("locale", cdk.validateString)(properties.locale)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("provisionedCidrs", cdk.listValidator(CfnIPAMPoolProvisionedCidrPropertyValidator))(properties.provisionedCidrs)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("publicIpSource", cdk.validateString)(properties.publicIpSource)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("publiclyAdvertisable", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.publiclyAdvertisable)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sourceIpamPoolId", cdk.validateString)(properties.sourceIpamPoolId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnIPAMPoolProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnIPAMPoolPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnIPAMPoolPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AddressFamily": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.addressFamily), + "AllocationDefaultNetmaskLength": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.allocationDefaultNetmaskLength), + "AllocationMaxNetmaskLength": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.allocationMaxNetmaskLength), + "AllocationMinNetmaskLength": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.allocationMinNetmaskLength), + "AllocationResourceTags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.allocationResourceTags), + "AutoImport": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.autoImport), + "AwsService": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.awsService), + "Description": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.description), + "IpamScopeId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.ipamScopeId), + "Locale": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.locale), + "ProvisionedCidrs": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnIPAMPoolProvisionedCidrPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.provisionedCidrs), + "PublicIpSource": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.publicIpSource), + "PubliclyAdvertisable": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.publiclyAdvertisable), + "SourceIpamPoolId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.sourceIpamPoolId), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnIPAMPoolPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("addressFamily", "AddressFamily", (properties.AddressFamily != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.AddressFamily) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("allocationDefaultNetmaskLength", "AllocationDefaultNetmaskLength", (properties.AllocationDefaultNetmaskLength != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.AllocationDefaultNetmaskLength) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("allocationMaxNetmaskLength", "AllocationMaxNetmaskLength", (properties.AllocationMaxNetmaskLength != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.AllocationMaxNetmaskLength) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("allocationMinNetmaskLength", "AllocationMinNetmaskLength", (properties.AllocationMinNetmaskLength != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.AllocationMinNetmaskLength) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("allocationResourceTags", "AllocationResourceTags", (properties.AllocationResourceTags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.AllocationResourceTags) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("autoImport", "AutoImport", (properties.AutoImport != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.AutoImport) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("awsService", "AwsService", (properties.AwsService != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.AwsService) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("description", "Description", (properties.Description != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Description) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ipamScopeId", "IpamScopeId", (properties.IpamScopeId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.IpamScopeId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("locale", "Locale", (properties.Locale != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Locale) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("provisionedCidrs", "ProvisionedCidrs", (properties.ProvisionedCidrs != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnIPAMPoolProvisionedCidrPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.ProvisionedCidrs) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("publicIpSource", "PublicIpSource", (properties.PublicIpSource != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.PublicIpSource) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("publiclyAdvertisable", "PubliclyAdvertisable", (properties.PubliclyAdvertisable != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.PubliclyAdvertisable) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("sourceIpamPoolId", "SourceIpamPoolId", (properties.SourceIpamPoolId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SourceIpamPoolId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * A CIDR provisioned to an IPAM pool. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ipampoolcidr.html + */ +export class CfnIPAMPoolCidr extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::IPAMPoolCidr"; + + /** + * Build a CfnIPAMPoolCidr from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnIPAMPoolCidr { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnIPAMPoolCidrPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnIPAMPoolCidr(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The IPAM pool CIDR ID. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute IpamPoolCidrId + */ + public readonly attrIpamPoolCidrId: string; + + /** + * The state of the CIDR. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute State + */ + public readonly attrState: string; + + /** + * The CIDR provisioned to the IPAM pool. + */ + public cidr?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the IPAM pool. + */ + public ipamPoolId: string; + + /** + * The netmask length of the CIDR you'd like to provision to a pool. + */ + public netmaskLength?: number; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnIPAMPoolCidrProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnIPAMPoolCidr.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "ipamPoolId", this); + + this.attrIpamPoolCidrId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("IpamPoolCidrId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrState = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("State", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.cidr = props.cidr; + this.ipamPoolId = props.ipamPoolId; + this.netmaskLength = props.netmaskLength; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "cidr": this.cidr, + "ipamPoolId": this.ipamPoolId, + "netmaskLength": this.netmaskLength + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnIPAMPoolCidr.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnIPAMPoolCidrPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnIPAMPoolCidr\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ipampoolcidr.html + */ +export interface CfnIPAMPoolCidrProps { + /** + * The CIDR provisioned to the IPAM pool. + * + * A CIDR is a representation of an IP address and its associated network mask (or netmask) and refers to a range of IP addresses. An IPv4 CIDR example is \`\` . An IPv6 CIDR example is \`2001:DB8::/32\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ipampoolcidr.html#cfn-ec2-ipampoolcidr-cidr + */ + readonly cidr?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the IPAM pool. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ipampoolcidr.html#cfn-ec2-ipampoolcidr-ipampoolid + */ + readonly ipamPoolId: string; + + /** + * The netmask length of the CIDR you'd like to provision to a pool. + * + * Can be used for provisioning Amazon-provided IPv6 CIDRs to top-level pools and for provisioning CIDRs to pools with source pools. Cannot be used to provision BYOIP CIDRs to top-level pools. "NetmaskLength" or "Cidr" is required. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ipampoolcidr.html#cfn-ec2-ipampoolcidr-netmasklength + */ + readonly netmaskLength?: number; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnIPAMPoolCidrProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnIPAMPoolCidrProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnIPAMPoolCidrPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("cidr", cdk.validateString)(properties.cidr)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipamPoolId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.ipamPoolId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipamPoolId", cdk.validateString)(properties.ipamPoolId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("netmaskLength", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.netmaskLength)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnIPAMPoolCidrProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnIPAMPoolCidrPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnIPAMPoolCidrPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Cidr": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.cidr), + "IpamPoolId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.ipamPoolId), + "NetmaskLength": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.netmaskLength) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnIPAMPoolCidrPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("cidr", "Cidr", (properties.Cidr != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Cidr) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ipamPoolId", "IpamPoolId", (properties.IpamPoolId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.IpamPoolId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("netmaskLength", "NetmaskLength", (properties.NetmaskLength != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.NetmaskLength) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * A resource discovery is an IPAM component that enables IPAM to manage and monitor resources that belong to the owning account. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ipamresourcediscovery.html + */ +export class CfnIPAMResourceDiscovery extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::IPAMResourceDiscovery"; + + /** + * Build a CfnIPAMResourceDiscovery from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnIPAMResourceDiscovery { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnIPAMResourceDiscoveryPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnIPAMResourceDiscovery(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The resource discovery ARN. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute IpamResourceDiscoveryArn + */ + public readonly attrIpamResourceDiscoveryArn: string; + + /** + * The resource discovery ID. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute IpamResourceDiscoveryId + */ + public readonly attrIpamResourceDiscoveryId: string; + + /** + * The resource discovery Region. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute IpamResourceDiscoveryRegion + */ + public readonly attrIpamResourceDiscoveryRegion: string; + + /** + * Defines if the resource discovery is the default. The default resource discovery is the resource discovery automatically created when you create an IPAM. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute IsDefault + */ + public readonly attrIsDefault: cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The owner ID. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute OwnerId + */ + public readonly attrOwnerId: string; + + /** + * The resource discovery's state. + * + * - \`create-in-progress\` - Resource discovery is being created. + * - \`create-complete\` - Resource discovery creation is complete. + * - \`create-failed\` - Resource discovery creation has failed. + * - \`modify-in-progress\` - Resource discovery is being modified. + * - \`modify-complete\` - Resource discovery modification is complete. + * - \`modify-failed\` - Resource discovery modification has failed. + * - \`delete-in-progress\` - Resource discovery is being deleted. + * - \`delete-complete\` - Resource discovery deletion is complete. + * - \`delete-failed\` - Resource discovery deletion has failed. + * - \`isolate-in-progress\` - AWS account that created the resource discovery has been removed and the resource discovery is being isolated. + * - \`isolate-complete\` - Resource discovery isolation is complete. + * - \`restore-in-progress\` - AWS account that created the resource discovery and was isolated has been restored. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute State + */ + public readonly attrState: string; + + /** + * The resource discovery description. + */ + public description?: string; + + /** + * The operating Regions for the resource discovery. + */ + public operatingRegions?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * A tag is a label that you assign to an AWS resource. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnIPAMResourceDiscoveryProps = {}) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnIPAMResourceDiscovery.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + this.attrIpamResourceDiscoveryArn = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("IpamResourceDiscoveryArn", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrIpamResourceDiscoveryId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("IpamResourceDiscoveryId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrIpamResourceDiscoveryRegion = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("IpamResourceDiscoveryRegion", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrIsDefault = this.getAtt("IsDefault"); + this.attrOwnerId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("OwnerId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrState = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("State", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.description = props.description; + this.operatingRegions = props.operatingRegions; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::EC2::IPAMResourceDiscovery", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "description": this.description, + "operatingRegions": this.operatingRegions, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags() + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnIPAMResourceDiscovery.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnIPAMResourceDiscoveryPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +export namespace CfnIPAMResourceDiscovery { + /** + * The operating Regions for an IPAM. + * + * Operating Regions are AWS Regions where the IPAM is allowed to manage IP address CIDRs. IPAM only discovers and monitors resources in the AWS Regions you select as operating Regions. + * + * For more information about operating Regions, see [Create an IPAM](https://docs.aws.amazon.com//vpc/latest/ipam/create-ipam.html) in the *Amazon VPC IPAM User Guide* . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ipamresourcediscovery-ipamoperatingregion.html + */ + export interface IpamOperatingRegionProperty { + /** + * The name of the operating Region. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ipamresourcediscovery-ipamoperatingregion.html#cfn-ec2-ipamresourcediscovery-ipamoperatingregion-regionname + */ + readonly regionName: string; + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnIPAMResourceDiscovery\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ipamresourcediscovery.html + */ +export interface CfnIPAMResourceDiscoveryProps { + /** + * The resource discovery description. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ipamresourcediscovery.html#cfn-ec2-ipamresourcediscovery-description + */ + readonly description?: string; + + /** + * The operating Regions for the resource discovery. + * + * Operating Regions are AWS Regions where the IPAM is allowed to manage IP address CIDRs. IPAM only discovers and monitors resources in the AWS Regions you select as operating Regions. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ipamresourcediscovery.html#cfn-ec2-ipamresourcediscovery-operatingregions + */ + readonly operatingRegions?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * A tag is a label that you assign to an AWS resource. + * + * Each tag consists of a key and an optional value. You can use tags to search and filter your resources or track your AWS costs. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ipamresourcediscovery.html#cfn-ec2-ipamresourcediscovery-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`IpamOperatingRegionProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`IpamOperatingRegionProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnIPAMResourceDiscoveryIpamOperatingRegionPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("regionName", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.regionName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("regionName", cdk.validateString)(properties.regionName)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"IpamOperatingRegionProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnIPAMResourceDiscoveryIpamOperatingRegionPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnIPAMResourceDiscoveryIpamOperatingRegionPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "RegionName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.regionName) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnIPAMResourceDiscoveryIpamOperatingRegionPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("regionName", "RegionName", (properties.RegionName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.RegionName) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnIPAMResourceDiscoveryProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnIPAMResourceDiscoveryProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnIPAMResourceDiscoveryPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("description", cdk.validateString)(properties.description)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("operatingRegions", cdk.listValidator(CfnIPAMResourceDiscoveryIpamOperatingRegionPropertyValidator))(properties.operatingRegions)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnIPAMResourceDiscoveryProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnIPAMResourceDiscoveryPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnIPAMResourceDiscoveryPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Description": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.description), + "OperatingRegions": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnIPAMResourceDiscoveryIpamOperatingRegionPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.operatingRegions), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnIPAMResourceDiscoveryPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("description", "Description", (properties.Description != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Description) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("operatingRegions", "OperatingRegions", (properties.OperatingRegions != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnIPAMResourceDiscoveryIpamOperatingRegionPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.OperatingRegions) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * An IPAM resource discovery association. + * + * An associated resource discovery is a resource discovery that has been associated with an IPAM. IPAM aggregates the resource CIDRs discovered by the associated resource discovery. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ipamresourcediscoveryassociation.html + */ +export class CfnIPAMResourceDiscoveryAssociation extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::IPAMResourceDiscoveryAssociation"; + + /** + * Build a CfnIPAMResourceDiscoveryAssociation from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnIPAMResourceDiscoveryAssociation { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnIPAMResourceDiscoveryAssociationPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnIPAMResourceDiscoveryAssociation(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The IPAM ARN. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute IpamArn + */ + public readonly attrIpamArn: string; + + /** + * The IPAM home Region. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute IpamRegion + */ + public readonly attrIpamRegion: string; + + /** + * The resource discovery association ARN. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute IpamResourceDiscoveryAssociationArn + */ + public readonly attrIpamResourceDiscoveryAssociationArn: string; + + /** + * The resource discovery association ID. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute IpamResourceDiscoveryAssociationId + */ + public readonly attrIpamResourceDiscoveryAssociationId: string; + + /** + * Defines if the resource discovery is the default. When you create an IPAM, a default resource discovery is created for your IPAM and it's associated with your IPAM. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute IsDefault + */ + public readonly attrIsDefault: cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The owner ID. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute OwnerId + */ + public readonly attrOwnerId: string; + + /** + * The resource discovery status. + * + * - \`active\` - Connection or permissions required to read the results of the resource discovery are intact. + * - \`not-found\` - Connection or permissions required to read the results of the resource discovery are broken. This may happen if the owner of the resource discovery stopped sharing it or deleted the resource discovery. Verify the resource discovery still exists and the AWS RAM resource share is still intact. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute ResourceDiscoveryStatus + */ + public readonly attrResourceDiscoveryStatus: string; + + /** + * The lifecycle state of the association when you associate or disassociate a resource discovery. + * + * - \`associate-in-progress\` - Resource discovery is being associated. + * - \`associate-complete\` - Resource discovery association is complete. + * - \`associate-failed\` - Resource discovery association has failed. + * - \`disassociate-in-progress\` - Resource discovery is being disassociated. + * - \`disassociate-complete\` - Resource discovery disassociation is complete. + * - \`disassociate-failed\` - Resource discovery disassociation has failed. + * - \`isolate-in-progress\` - AWS account that created the resource discovery association has been removed and the resource discovery associatation is being isolated. + * - \`isolate-complete\` - Resource discovery isolation is complete.. + * - \`restore-in-progress\` - Resource discovery is being restored. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute State + */ + public readonly attrState: string; + + /** + * The IPAM ID. + */ + public ipamId: string; + + /** + * The resource discovery ID. + */ + public ipamResourceDiscoveryId: string; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * A tag is a label that you assign to an AWS resource. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnIPAMResourceDiscoveryAssociationProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnIPAMResourceDiscoveryAssociation.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "ipamId", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "ipamResourceDiscoveryId", this); + + this.attrIpamArn = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("IpamArn", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrIpamRegion = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("IpamRegion", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrIpamResourceDiscoveryAssociationArn = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("IpamResourceDiscoveryAssociationArn", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrIpamResourceDiscoveryAssociationId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("IpamResourceDiscoveryAssociationId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrIsDefault = this.getAtt("IsDefault"); + this.attrOwnerId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("OwnerId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrResourceDiscoveryStatus = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("ResourceDiscoveryStatus", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrState = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("State", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.ipamId = props.ipamId; + this.ipamResourceDiscoveryId = props.ipamResourceDiscoveryId; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::EC2::IPAMResourceDiscoveryAssociation", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "ipamId": this.ipamId, + "ipamResourceDiscoveryId": this.ipamResourceDiscoveryId, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags() + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnIPAMResourceDiscoveryAssociation.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnIPAMResourceDiscoveryAssociationPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnIPAMResourceDiscoveryAssociation\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ipamresourcediscoveryassociation.html + */ +export interface CfnIPAMResourceDiscoveryAssociationProps { + /** + * The IPAM ID. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ipamresourcediscoveryassociation.html#cfn-ec2-ipamresourcediscoveryassociation-ipamid + */ + readonly ipamId: string; + + /** + * The resource discovery ID. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ipamresourcediscoveryassociation.html#cfn-ec2-ipamresourcediscoveryassociation-ipamresourcediscoveryid + */ + readonly ipamResourceDiscoveryId: string; + + /** + * A tag is a label that you assign to an AWS resource. + * + * Each tag consists of a key and an optional value. You can use tags to search and filter your resources or track your AWS costs. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ipamresourcediscoveryassociation.html#cfn-ec2-ipamresourcediscoveryassociation-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnIPAMResourceDiscoveryAssociationProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnIPAMResourceDiscoveryAssociationProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnIPAMResourceDiscoveryAssociationPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipamId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.ipamId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipamId", cdk.validateString)(properties.ipamId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipamResourceDiscoveryId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.ipamResourceDiscoveryId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipamResourceDiscoveryId", cdk.validateString)(properties.ipamResourceDiscoveryId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnIPAMResourceDiscoveryAssociationProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnIPAMResourceDiscoveryAssociationPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnIPAMResourceDiscoveryAssociationPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "IpamId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.ipamId), + "IpamResourceDiscoveryId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.ipamResourceDiscoveryId), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnIPAMResourceDiscoveryAssociationPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("ipamId", "IpamId", (properties.IpamId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.IpamId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ipamResourceDiscoveryId", "IpamResourceDiscoveryId", (properties.IpamResourceDiscoveryId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.IpamResourceDiscoveryId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * In IPAM, a scope is the highest-level container within IPAM. + * + * An IPAM contains two default scopes. Each scope represents the IP space for a single network. The private scope is intended for all private IP address space. The public scope is intended for all public IP address space. Scopes enable you to reuse IP addresses across multiple unconnected networks without causing IP address overlap or conflict. + * + * For more information, see [How IPAM works](https://docs.aws.amazon.com//vpc/latest/ipam/how-it-works-ipam.html) in the *Amazon VPC IPAM User Guide* . + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ipamscope.html + */ +export class CfnIPAMScope extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::IPAMScope"; + + /** + * Build a CfnIPAMScope from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnIPAMScope { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnIPAMScopePropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnIPAMScope(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The ARN of the scope. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute Arn + */ + public readonly attrArn: string; + + /** + * The ARN of an IPAM. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute IpamArn + */ + public readonly attrIpamArn: string; + + /** + * The ID of an IPAM scope. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute IpamScopeId + */ + public readonly attrIpamScopeId: string; + + /** + * The type of the scope. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute IpamScopeType + */ + public readonly attrIpamScopeType: string; + + /** + * Defines if the scope is the default scope or not. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute IsDefault + */ + public readonly attrIsDefault: cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The number of pools in a scope. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute PoolCount + */ + public readonly attrPoolCount: number; + + /** + * The description of the scope. + */ + public description?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the IPAM for which you're creating this scope. + */ + public ipamId: string; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * The key/value combination of a tag assigned to the resource. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnIPAMScopeProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnIPAMScope.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "ipamId", this); + + this.attrArn = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Arn", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrIpamArn = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("IpamArn", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrIpamScopeId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("IpamScopeId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrIpamScopeType = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("IpamScopeType", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrIsDefault = this.getAtt("IsDefault"); + this.attrPoolCount = cdk.Token.asNumber(this.getAtt("PoolCount", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.NUMBER)); + this.description = props.description; + this.ipamId = props.ipamId; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::EC2::IPAMScope", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "description": this.description, + "ipamId": this.ipamId, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags() + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnIPAMScope.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnIPAMScopePropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnIPAMScope\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ipamscope.html + */ +export interface CfnIPAMScopeProps { + /** + * The description of the scope. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ipamscope.html#cfn-ec2-ipamscope-description + */ + readonly description?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the IPAM for which you're creating this scope. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ipamscope.html#cfn-ec2-ipamscope-ipamid + */ + readonly ipamId: string; + + /** + * The key/value combination of a tag assigned to the resource. + * + * Use the tag key in the filter name and the tag value as the filter value. For example, to find all resources that have a tag with the key \`Owner\` and the value \`TeamA\` , specify \`tag:Owner\` for the filter name and \`TeamA\` for the filter value. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-ipamscope.html#cfn-ec2-ipamscope-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnIPAMScopeProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnIPAMScopeProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnIPAMScopePropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("description", cdk.validateString)(properties.description)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipamId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.ipamId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipamId", cdk.validateString)(properties.ipamId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnIPAMScopeProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnIPAMScopePropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnIPAMScopePropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Description": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.description), + "IpamId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.ipamId), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnIPAMScopePropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("description", "Description", (properties.Description != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Description) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ipamId", "IpamId", (properties.IpamId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.IpamId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Specifies a key pair for use with an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud instance as follows:. + * + * - To import an existing key pair, include the \`PublicKeyMaterial\` property. + * - To create a new key pair, omit the \`PublicKeyMaterial\` property. + * + * When you import an existing key pair, you specify the public key material for the key. We assume that you have the private key material for the key. AWS CloudFormation does not create or return the private key material when you import a key pair. + * + * When you create a new key pair, the private key is saved to AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store, using a parameter with the following name: \`/ec2/keypair/{key_pair_id}\` . For more information about retrieving private key, and the required permissions, see [Create a key pair using AWS CloudFormation](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/create-key-pairs.html#create-key-pair-cloudformation) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * When AWS CloudFormation deletes a key pair that was created or imported by a stack, it also deletes the parameter that was used to store the private key material in Parameter Store. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-keypair.html + */ +export class CfnKeyPair extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::KeyPair"; + + /** + * Build a CfnKeyPair from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnKeyPair { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnKeyPairPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnKeyPair(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * If you created the key pair using Amazon EC2: + * + * - For RSA key pairs, the key fingerprint is the SHA-1 digest of the DER encoded private key. + * - For ED25519 key pairs, the key fingerprint is the base64-encoded SHA-256 digest, which is the default for OpenSSH, starting with [OpenSSH 6.8](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/http://www.openssh.com/txt/release-6.8) . + * + * If you imported the key pair to Amazon EC2: + * + * - For RSA key pairs, the key fingerprint is the MD5 public key fingerprint as specified in section 4 of RFC 4716. + * - For ED25519 key pairs, the key fingerprint is the base64-encoded SHA-256 digest, which is the default for OpenSSH, starting with [OpenSSH 6.8](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/http://www.openssh.com/txt/release-6.8) . + * + * @cloudformationAttribute KeyFingerprint + */ + public readonly attrKeyFingerprint: string; + + /** + * The ID of the key pair. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute KeyPairId + */ + public readonly attrKeyPairId: string; + + /** + * A unique name for the key pair. + */ + public keyName: string; + + /** + * The type of key pair. Note that ED25519 keys are not supported for Windows instances. + */ + public keyType?: string; + + /** + * The public key material. + */ + public publicKeyMaterial?: string; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * The tags to apply to the key pair. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnKeyPairProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnKeyPair.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "keyName", this); + + this.attrKeyFingerprint = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("KeyFingerprint", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrKeyPairId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("KeyPairId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.keyName = props.keyName; + this.keyType = props.keyType; + this.publicKeyMaterial = props.publicKeyMaterial; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::EC2::KeyPair", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "keyName": this.keyName, + "keyType": this.keyType, + "publicKeyMaterial": this.publicKeyMaterial, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags() + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnKeyPair.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnKeyPairPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnKeyPair\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-keypair.html + */ +export interface CfnKeyPairProps { + /** + * A unique name for the key pair. + * + * Constraints: Up to 255 ASCII characters + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-keypair.html#cfn-ec2-keypair-keyname + */ + readonly keyName: string; + + /** + * The type of key pair. Note that ED25519 keys are not supported for Windows instances. + * + * If the \`PublicKeyMaterial\` property is specified, the \`KeyType\` property is ignored, and the key type is inferred from the \`PublicKeyMaterial\` value. + * + * Default: \`rsa\` + * + * @default - "rsa" + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-keypair.html#cfn-ec2-keypair-keytype + */ + readonly keyType?: string; + + /** + * The public key material. + * + * The \`PublicKeyMaterial\` property is used to import a key pair. If this property is not specified, then a new key pair will be created. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-keypair.html#cfn-ec2-keypair-publickeymaterial + */ + readonly publicKeyMaterial?: string; + + /** + * The tags to apply to the key pair. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-keypair.html#cfn-ec2-keypair-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnKeyPairProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnKeyPairProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnKeyPairPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("keyName", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.keyName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("keyName", cdk.validateString)(properties.keyName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("keyType", cdk.validateString)(properties.keyType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("publicKeyMaterial", cdk.validateString)(properties.publicKeyMaterial)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnKeyPairProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnKeyPairPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnKeyPairPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "KeyName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.keyName), + "KeyType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.keyType), + "PublicKeyMaterial": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.publicKeyMaterial), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnKeyPairPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("keyName", "KeyName", (properties.KeyName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.KeyName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("keyType", "KeyType", (properties.KeyType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.KeyType) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("publicKeyMaterial", "PublicKeyMaterial", (properties.PublicKeyMaterial != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.PublicKeyMaterial) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Specifies the properties for creating a launch template. + * + * The minimum required properties for specifying a launch template are as follows: + * + * - You must specify at least one property for the launch template data. + * - You do not need to specify a name for the launch template. If you do not specify a name, AWS CloudFormation creates the name for you. + * + * A launch template can contain some or all of the configuration information to launch an instance. When you launch an instance using a launch template, instance properties that are not specified in the launch template use default values, except the \`ImageId\` property, which has no default value. If you do not specify an AMI ID for the launch template \`ImageId\` property, you must specify an AMI ID for the instance \`ImageId\` property. + * + * For more information, see [Launch an instance from a launch template](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-launch-templates.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-launchtemplate.html + */ +export class CfnLaunchTemplate extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate"; + + /** + * Build a CfnLaunchTemplate from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnLaunchTemplate { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnLaunchTemplatePropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnLaunchTemplate(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The default version of the launch template, such as 2. + * + * The default version of a launch template cannot be specified in AWS CloudFormation . The default version can be set in the Amazon EC2 console or by using the \`modify-launch-template\` AWS CLI command. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute DefaultVersionNumber + */ + public readonly attrDefaultVersionNumber: string; + + /** + * @cloudformationAttribute Id + */ + public readonly attrId: string; + + /** + * The latest version of the launch template, such as \`5\` . + * + * @cloudformationAttribute LatestVersionNumber + */ + public readonly attrLatestVersionNumber: string; + + /** + * The information for the launch template. + */ + public launchTemplateData: cdk.IResolvable | CfnLaunchTemplate.LaunchTemplateDataProperty; + + /** + * A name for the launch template. + */ + public launchTemplateName?: string; + + /** + * The tags to apply to the launch template on creation. + */ + public tagSpecifications?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * A description for the first version of the launch template. + */ + public versionDescription?: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnLaunchTemplateProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnLaunchTemplate.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "launchTemplateData", this); + + this.attrDefaultVersionNumber = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("DefaultVersionNumber", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Id", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrLatestVersionNumber = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("LatestVersionNumber", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.launchTemplateData = props.launchTemplateData; + this.launchTemplateName = props.launchTemplateName; + this.tagSpecifications = props.tagSpecifications; + this.versionDescription = props.versionDescription; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "launchTemplateData": this.launchTemplateData, + "launchTemplateName": this.launchTemplateName, + "tagSpecifications": this.tagSpecifications, + "versionDescription": this.versionDescription + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnLaunchTemplate.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnLaunchTemplatePropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +export namespace CfnLaunchTemplate { + /** + * The information to include in the launch template. + * + * > You must specify at least one parameter for the launch template data. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata.html + */ + export interface LaunchTemplateDataProperty { + /** + * The block device mapping. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-blockdevicemappings + */ + readonly blockDeviceMappings?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The Capacity Reservation targeting option. + * + * If you do not specify this parameter, the instance's Capacity Reservation preference defaults to \`open\` , which enables it to run in any open Capacity Reservation that has matching attributes (instance type, platform, Availability Zone). + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-capacityreservationspecification + */ + readonly capacityReservationSpecification?: CfnLaunchTemplate.CapacityReservationSpecificationProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The CPU options for the instance. + * + * For more information, see [Optimizing CPU Options](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/instance-optimize-cpu.html) in the *Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-cpuoptions + */ + readonly cpuOptions?: CfnLaunchTemplate.CpuOptionsProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The credit option for CPU usage of the instance. + * + * Valid only for T instances. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-creditspecification + */ + readonly creditSpecification?: CfnLaunchTemplate.CreditSpecificationProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Indicates whether to enable the instance for stop protection. + * + * For more information, see [Stop protection](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/Stop_Start.html#Using_StopProtection) in the *Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-disableapistop + */ + readonly disableApiStop?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * If you set this parameter to \`true\` , you can't terminate the instance using the Amazon EC2 console, CLI, or API; + * + * otherwise, you can. To change this attribute after launch, use [ModifyInstanceAttribute](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_ModifyInstanceAttribute.html) . Alternatively, if you set \`InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior\` to \`terminate\` , you can terminate the instance by running the shutdown command from the instance. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-disableapitermination + */ + readonly disableApiTermination?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Indicates whether the instance is optimized for Amazon EBS I/O. + * + * This optimization provides dedicated throughput to Amazon EBS and an optimized configuration stack to provide optimal Amazon EBS I/O performance. This optimization isn't available with all instance types. Additional usage charges apply when using an EBS-optimized instance. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-ebsoptimized + */ + readonly ebsOptimized?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * An elastic GPU to associate with the instance. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-elasticgpuspecifications + */ + readonly elasticGpuSpecifications?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The elastic inference accelerator for the instance. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-elasticinferenceaccelerators + */ + readonly elasticInferenceAccelerators?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Indicates whether the instance is enabled for AWS Nitro Enclaves. + * + * For more information, see [What is AWS Nitro Enclaves?](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/enclaves/latest/user/nitro-enclave.html) in the *AWS Nitro Enclaves User Guide* . + * + * You can't enable AWS Nitro Enclaves and hibernation on the same instance. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-enclaveoptions + */ + readonly enclaveOptions?: CfnLaunchTemplate.EnclaveOptionsProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Indicates whether an instance is enabled for hibernation. + * + * This parameter is valid only if the instance meets the [hibernation prerequisites](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/hibernating-prerequisites.html) . For more information, see [Hibernate your instance](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/Hibernate.html) in the *Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-hibernationoptions + */ + readonly hibernationOptions?: CfnLaunchTemplate.HibernationOptionsProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The name or Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an IAM instance profile. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-iaminstanceprofile + */ + readonly iamInstanceProfile?: CfnLaunchTemplate.IamInstanceProfileProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The ID of the AMI. + * + * Alternatively, you can specify a Systems Manager parameter, which will resolve to an AMI ID on launch. + * + * Valid formats: + * + * - \`ami-17characters00000\` + * - \`resolve:ssm:parameter-name\` + * - \`resolve:ssm:parameter-name:version-number\` + * - \`resolve:ssm:parameter-name:label\` + * + * For more information, see [Use a Systems Manager parameter to find an AMI](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/finding-an-ami.html#using-systems-manager-parameter-to-find-AMI) in the *Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-imageid + */ + readonly imageId?: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether an instance stops or terminates when you initiate shutdown from the instance (using the operating system command for system shutdown). + * + * Default: \`stop\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-instanceinitiatedshutdownbehavior + */ + readonly instanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior?: string; + + /** + * The market (purchasing) option for the instances. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-instancemarketoptions + */ + readonly instanceMarketOptions?: CfnLaunchTemplate.InstanceMarketOptionsProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The attributes for the instance types. + * + * When you specify instance attributes, Amazon EC2 will identify instance types with these attributes. + * + * If you specify \`InstanceRequirements\` , you can't specify \`InstanceType\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-instancerequirements + */ + readonly instanceRequirements?: CfnLaunchTemplate.InstanceRequirementsProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The instance type. For more information, see [Instance types](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/instance-types.html) in the *Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide* . + * + * If you specify \`InstanceType\` , you can't specify \`InstanceRequirements\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-instancetype + */ + readonly instanceType?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the kernel. + * + * We recommend that you use PV-GRUB instead of kernels and RAM disks. For more information, see [User Provided Kernels](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/UserProvidedkernels.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-kernelid + */ + readonly kernelId?: string; + + /** + * The name of the key pair. You can create a key pair using [CreateKeyPair](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_CreateKeyPair.html) or [ImportKeyPair](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_ImportKeyPair.html) . + * + * > If you do not specify a key pair, you can't connect to the instance unless you choose an AMI that is configured to allow users another way to log in. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-keyname + */ + readonly keyName?: string; + + /** + * The license configurations. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-licensespecifications + */ + readonly licenseSpecifications?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The maintenance options of your instance. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-maintenanceoptions + */ + readonly maintenanceOptions?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnLaunchTemplate.MaintenanceOptionsProperty; + + /** + * The metadata options for the instance. + * + * For more information, see [Instance metadata and user data](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-instance-metadata.html) in the *Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-metadataoptions + */ + readonly metadataOptions?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnLaunchTemplate.MetadataOptionsProperty; + + /** + * The monitoring for the instance. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-monitoring + */ + readonly monitoring?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnLaunchTemplate.MonitoringProperty; + + /** + * One or more network interfaces. + * + * If you specify a network interface, you must specify any security groups and subnets as part of the network interface. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-networkinterfaces + */ + readonly networkInterfaces?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The placement for the instance. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-placement + */ + readonly placement?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnLaunchTemplate.PlacementProperty; + + /** + * The hostname type for EC2 instances launched into this subnet and how DNS A and AAAA record queries should be handled. + * + * For more information, see [Amazon EC2 instance hostname types](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-instance-naming.html) in the *Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-privatednsnameoptions + */ + readonly privateDnsNameOptions?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnLaunchTemplate.PrivateDnsNameOptionsProperty; + + /** + * The ID of the RAM disk. + * + * > We recommend that you use PV-GRUB instead of kernels and RAM disks. For more information, see [User provided kernels](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/UserProvidedkernels.html) in the *Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-ramdiskid + */ + readonly ramDiskId?: string; + + /** + * The IDs of the security groups. + * + * You can specify the IDs of existing security groups and references to resources created by the stack template. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-securitygroupids + */ + readonly securityGroupIds?: Array; + + /** + * One or more security group names. + * + * For a nondefault VPC, you must use security group IDs instead. You cannot specify both a security group ID and security name in the same request. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-securitygroups + */ + readonly securityGroups?: Array; + + /** + * The tags to apply to the resources that are created during instance launch. + * + * You can specify tags for the following resources only: + * + * - Instances + * - Volumes + * - Elastic graphics + * - Spot Instance requests + * - Network interfaces + * + * To tag a resource after it has been created, see [CreateTags](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_CreateTags.html) . + * + * > To tag the launch template itself, you must use the [TagSpecification](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_CreateLaunchTemplate.html) parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-tagspecifications + */ + readonly tagSpecifications?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The user data to make available to the instance. + * + * You must provide base64-encoded text. User data is limited to 16 KB. For more information, see [Run commands on your Linux instance at launch](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/user-data.html) (Linux) or [Work with instance user data](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/WindowsGuide/instancedata-add-user-data.html) (Windows) in the *Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide* . + * + * If you are creating the launch template for use with AWS Batch , the user data must be provided in the [MIME multi-part archive format](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/format.html#mime-multi-part-archive) . For more information, see [Amazon EC2 user data in launch templates](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/batch/latest/userguide/launch-templates.html) in the *AWS Batch User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-userdata + */ + readonly userData?: string; + } + + /** + * Specifies the tags to apply to a resource when the resource is created for the launch template. + * + * \`TagSpecification\` is a property type of [\`TagSpecifications\`](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-tagspecifications) . [\`TagSpecifications\`](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-tagspecifications) is a property of [AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate LaunchTemplateData](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata.html) . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-tagspecification.html + */ + export interface TagSpecificationProperty { + /** + * The type of resource to tag. + * + * The \`Valid Values\` are all the resource types that can be tagged. However, when creating a launch template, you can specify tags for the following resource types only: \`instance\` | \`volume\` | \`elastic-gpu\` | \`network-interface\` | \`spot-instances-request\` + * + * To tag a resource after it has been created, see [CreateTags](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_CreateTags.html) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-tagspecification.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-tagspecification-resourcetype + */ + readonly resourceType?: string; + + /** + * The tags to apply to the resource. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-tagspecification.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-tagspecification-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; + } + + /** + * Information about a block device mapping for an Amazon EC2 launch template. + * + * \`BlockDeviceMapping\` is a property of [AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate LaunchTemplateData](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata.html) . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-blockdevicemapping.html + */ + export interface BlockDeviceMappingProperty { + /** + * The device name (for example, /dev/sdh or xvdh). + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-blockdevicemapping.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-blockdevicemapping-devicename + */ + readonly deviceName?: string; + + /** + * Parameters used to automatically set up EBS volumes when the instance is launched. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-blockdevicemapping.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-blockdevicemapping-ebs + */ + readonly ebs?: CfnLaunchTemplate.EbsProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * To omit the device from the block device mapping, specify an empty string. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-blockdevicemapping.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-blockdevicemapping-nodevice + */ + readonly noDevice?: string; + + /** + * The virtual device name (ephemeralN). + * + * Instance store volumes are numbered starting from 0. An instance type with 2 available instance store volumes can specify mappings for ephemeral0 and ephemeral1. The number of available instance store volumes depends on the instance type. After you connect to the instance, you must mount the volume. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-blockdevicemapping.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-blockdevicemapping-virtualname + */ + readonly virtualName?: string; + } + + /** + * Parameters for a block device for an EBS volume in an Amazon EC2 launch template. + * + * \`Ebs\` is a property of [AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate BlockDeviceMapping](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-blockdevicemapping.html) . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-ebs.html + */ + export interface EbsProperty { + /** + * Indicates whether the EBS volume is deleted on instance termination. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-ebs.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-ebs-deleteontermination + */ + readonly deleteOnTermination?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Indicates whether the EBS volume is encrypted. + * + * Encrypted volumes can only be attached to instances that support Amazon EBS encryption. If you are creating a volume from a snapshot, you can't specify an encryption value. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-ebs.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-ebs-encrypted + */ + readonly encrypted?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS). + * + * For \`gp3\` , \`io1\` , and \`io2\` volumes, this represents the number of IOPS that are provisioned for the volume. For \`gp2\` volumes, this represents the baseline performance of the volume and the rate at which the volume accumulates I/O credits for bursting. + * + * The following are the supported values for each volume type: + * + * - \`gp3\` : 3,000-16,000 IOPS + * - \`io1\` : 100-64,000 IOPS + * - \`io2\` : 100-64,000 IOPS + * + * For \`io1\` and \`io2\` volumes, we guarantee 64,000 IOPS only for [Instances built on the Nitro System](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/instance-types.html#ec2-nitro-instances) . Other instance families guarantee performance up to 32,000 IOPS. + * + * This parameter is supported for \`io1\` , \`io2\` , and \`gp3\` volumes only. This parameter is not supported for \`gp2\` , \`st1\` , \`sc1\` , or \`standard\` volumes. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-ebs.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-ebs-iops + */ + readonly iops?: number; + + /** + * The ARN of the symmetric AWS Key Management Service ( AWS KMS ) CMK used for encryption. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-ebs.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-ebs-kmskeyid + */ + readonly kmsKeyId?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the snapshot. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-ebs.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-ebs-snapshotid + */ + readonly snapshotId?: string; + + /** + * The throughput to provision for a \`gp3\` volume, with a maximum of 1,000 MiB/s. + * + * Valid Range: Minimum value of 125. Maximum value of 1000. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-ebs.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-ebs-throughput + */ + readonly throughput?: number; + + /** + * The size of the volume, in GiBs. + * + * You must specify either a snapshot ID or a volume size. The following are the supported volumes sizes for each volume type: + * + * - \`gp2\` and \`gp3\` : 1-16,384 + * - \`io1\` and \`io2\` : 4-16,384 + * - \`st1\` and \`sc1\` : 125-16,384 + * - \`standard\` : 1-1,024 + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-ebs.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-ebs-volumesize + */ + readonly volumeSize?: number; + + /** + * The volume type. + * + * For more information, see [Amazon EBS volume types](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/EBSVolumeTypes.html) in the *Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-ebs.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-ebs-volumetype + */ + readonly volumeType?: string; + } + + /** + * The maintenance options of your instance. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-maintenanceoptions.html + */ + export interface MaintenanceOptionsProperty { + /** + * Disables the automatic recovery behavior of your instance or sets it to default. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-maintenanceoptions.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-maintenanceoptions-autorecovery + */ + readonly autoRecovery?: string; + } + + /** + * Specifies an IAM instance profile, which is a container for an IAM role for your instance. + * + * You can use an IAM role to distribute your AWS credentials to your instances. + * + * If you are creating the launch template for use with an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling group, you can specify either the name or the ARN of the instance profile, but not both. + * + * \`IamInstanceProfile\` is a property of [AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate LaunchTemplateData](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata.html) . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-iaminstanceprofile.html + */ + export interface IamInstanceProfileProperty { + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance profile. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-iaminstanceprofile.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-iaminstanceprofile-arn + */ + readonly arn?: string; + + /** + * The name of the instance profile. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-iaminstanceprofile.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-iaminstanceprofile-name + */ + readonly name?: string; + } + + /** + * Specifies a specification for an Elastic GPU for an Amazon EC2 launch template. + * + * \`ElasticGpuSpecification\` is a property of [AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate LaunchTemplateData](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata.html) . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-elasticgpuspecification.html + */ + export interface ElasticGpuSpecificationProperty { + /** + * The type of Elastic Graphics accelerator. + * + * For more information about the values to specify for \`Type\` , see [Elastic Graphics Basics](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/WindowsGuide/elastic-graphics.html#elastic-graphics-basics) , specifically the Elastic Graphics accelerator column, in the *Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide for Windows Instances* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-elasticgpuspecification.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-elasticgpuspecification-type + */ + readonly type?: string; + } + + /** + * Specifies an elastic inference accelerator. + * + * \`LaunchTemplateElasticInferenceAccelerator\` is a property of [AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate LaunchTemplateData](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata.html) . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplateelasticinferenceaccelerator.html + */ + export interface LaunchTemplateElasticInferenceAcceleratorProperty { + /** + * The number of elastic inference accelerators to attach to the instance. + * + * Default: 1 + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplateelasticinferenceaccelerator.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplateelasticinferenceaccelerator-count + */ + readonly count?: number; + + /** + * The type of elastic inference accelerator. + * + * The possible values are eia1.medium, eia1.large, and eia1.xlarge. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplateelasticinferenceaccelerator.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplateelasticinferenceaccelerator-type + */ + readonly type?: string; + } + + /** + * Specifies the placement of an instance. + * + * \`Placement\` is a property of [AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate LaunchTemplateData](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata.html) . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-placement.html + */ + export interface PlacementProperty { + /** + * The affinity setting for an instance on a Dedicated Host. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-placement.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-placement-affinity + */ + readonly affinity?: string; + + /** + * The Availability Zone for the instance. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-placement.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-placement-availabilityzone + */ + readonly availabilityZone?: string; + + /** + * The Group Id of a placement group. + * + * You must specify the Placement Group *Group Id* to launch an instance in a shared placement group. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-placement.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-placement-groupid + */ + readonly groupId?: string; + + /** + * The name of the placement group for the instance. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-placement.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-placement-groupname + */ + readonly groupName?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the Dedicated Host for the instance. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-placement.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-placement-hostid + */ + readonly hostId?: string; + + /** + * The ARN of the host resource group in which to launch the instances. + * + * If you specify a host resource group ARN, omit the *Tenancy* parameter or set it to \`host\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-placement.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-placement-hostresourcegrouparn + */ + readonly hostResourceGroupArn?: string; + + /** + * The number of the partition the instance should launch in. + * + * Valid only if the placement group strategy is set to \`partition\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-placement.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-placement-partitionnumber + */ + readonly partitionNumber?: number; + + /** + * Reserved for future use. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-placement.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-placement-spreaddomain + */ + readonly spreadDomain?: string; + + /** + * The tenancy of the instance. + * + * An instance with a tenancy of dedicated runs on single-tenant hardware. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-placement.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-placement-tenancy + */ + readonly tenancy?: string; + } + + /** + * Specifies the parameters for a network interface. + * + * \`NetworkInterface\` is a property of [AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate LaunchTemplateData](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata.html) . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-networkinterface.html + */ + export interface NetworkInterfaceProperty { + /** + * Indicates whether to associate a Carrier IP address with eth0 for a new network interface. + * + * Use this option when you launch an instance in a Wavelength Zone and want to associate a Carrier IP address with the network interface. For more information about Carrier IP addresses, see [Carrier IP addresses](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/wavelength/latest/developerguide/how-wavelengths-work.html#provider-owned-ip) in the *AWS Wavelength Developer Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-networkinterface.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-networkinterface-associatecarrieripaddress + */ + readonly associateCarrierIpAddress?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Associates a public IPv4 address with eth0 for a new network interface. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-networkinterface.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-networkinterface-associatepublicipaddress + */ + readonly associatePublicIpAddress?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Indicates whether the network interface is deleted when the instance is terminated. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-networkinterface.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-networkinterface-deleteontermination + */ + readonly deleteOnTermination?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * A description for the network interface. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-networkinterface.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-networkinterface-description + */ + readonly description?: string; + + /** + * The device index for the network interface attachment. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-networkinterface.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-networkinterface-deviceindex + */ + readonly deviceIndex?: number; + + /** + * The IDs of one or more security groups. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-networkinterface.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-networkinterface-groups + */ + readonly groups?: Array; + + /** + * The type of network interface. + * + * To create an Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA), specify \`efa\` . For more information, see [Elastic Fabric Adapter](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/efa.html) in the *Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide* . + * + * If you are not creating an EFA, specify \`interface\` or omit this parameter. + * + * Valid values: \`interface\` | \`efa\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-networkinterface.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-networkinterface-interfacetype + */ + readonly interfaceType?: string; + + /** + * The number of IPv4 prefixes to be automatically assigned to the network interface. + * + * You cannot use this option if you use the \`Ipv4Prefix\` option. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-networkinterface.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-networkinterface-ipv4prefixcount + */ + readonly ipv4PrefixCount?: number; + + /** + * One or more IPv4 prefixes to be assigned to the network interface. + * + * You cannot use this option if you use the \`Ipv4PrefixCount\` option. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-networkinterface.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-networkinterface-ipv4prefixes + */ + readonly ipv4Prefixes?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The number of IPv6 addresses to assign to a network interface. + * + * Amazon EC2 automatically selects the IPv6 addresses from the subnet range. You can't use this option if specifying specific IPv6 addresses. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-networkinterface.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-networkinterface-ipv6addresscount + */ + readonly ipv6AddressCount?: number; + + /** + * One or more specific IPv6 addresses from the IPv6 CIDR block range of your subnet. + * + * You can't use this option if you're specifying a number of IPv6 addresses. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-networkinterface.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-networkinterface-ipv6addresses + */ + readonly ipv6Addresses?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The number of IPv6 prefixes to be automatically assigned to the network interface. + * + * You cannot use this option if you use the \`Ipv6Prefix\` option. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-networkinterface.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-networkinterface-ipv6prefixcount + */ + readonly ipv6PrefixCount?: number; + + /** + * One or more IPv6 prefixes to be assigned to the network interface. + * + * You cannot use this option if you use the \`Ipv6PrefixCount\` option. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-networkinterface.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-networkinterface-ipv6prefixes + */ + readonly ipv6Prefixes?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The index of the network card. + * + * Some instance types support multiple network cards. The primary network interface must be assigned to network card index 0. The default is network card index 0. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-networkinterface.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-networkinterface-networkcardindex + */ + readonly networkCardIndex?: number; + + /** + * The ID of the network interface. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-networkinterface.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-networkinterface-networkinterfaceid + */ + readonly networkInterfaceId?: string; + + /** + * The primary private IPv4 address of the network interface. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-networkinterface.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-networkinterface-privateipaddress + */ + readonly privateIpAddress?: string; + + /** + * One or more private IPv4 addresses. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-networkinterface.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-networkinterface-privateipaddresses + */ + readonly privateIpAddresses?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The number of secondary private IPv4 addresses to assign to a network interface. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-networkinterface.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-networkinterface-secondaryprivateipaddresscount + */ + readonly secondaryPrivateIpAddressCount?: number; + + /** + * The ID of the subnet for the network interface. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-networkinterface.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-networkinterface-subnetid + */ + readonly subnetId?: string; + } + + /** + * Specifies a secondary private IPv4 address for a network interface. + * + * \`PrivateIpAdd\` is a property of [AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate NetworkInterface](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-networkinterface.html) . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-privateipadd.html + */ + export interface PrivateIpAddProperty { + /** + * Indicates whether the private IPv4 address is the primary private IPv4 address. + * + * Only one IPv4 address can be designated as primary. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-privateipadd.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-privateipadd-primary + */ + readonly primary?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The private IPv4 address. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-privateipadd.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-privateipadd-privateipaddress + */ + readonly privateIpAddress?: string; + } + + /** + * Specifies an IPv4 prefix for a network interface. + * + * \`Ipv4PrefixSpecification\` is a property of [AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate NetworkInterface](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-networkinterface.html) . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-ipv4prefixspecification.html + */ + export interface Ipv4PrefixSpecificationProperty { + /** + * The IPv4 prefix. + * + * For information, see [Assigning prefixes to Amazon EC2 network interfaces](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-prefix-eni.html) in the *Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-ipv4prefixspecification.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-ipv4prefixspecification-ipv4prefix + */ + readonly ipv4Prefix?: string; + } + + /** + * Specifies an IPv6 prefix for a network interface. + * + * \`Ipv6PrefixSpecification\` is a property of [AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate NetworkInterface](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-networkinterface.html) . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-ipv6prefixspecification.html + */ + export interface Ipv6PrefixSpecificationProperty { + /** + * The IPv6 prefix. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-ipv6prefixspecification.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-ipv6prefixspecification-ipv6prefix + */ + readonly ipv6Prefix?: string; + } + + /** + * Specifies an IPv6 address in an Amazon EC2 launch template. + * + * \`Ipv6Add\` is a property of [AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate NetworkInterface](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-networkinterface.html) . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-ipv6add.html + */ + export interface Ipv6AddProperty { + /** + * One or more specific IPv6 addresses from the IPv6 CIDR block range of your subnet. + * + * You can't use this option if you're specifying a number of IPv6 addresses. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-ipv6add.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-ipv6add-ipv6address + */ + readonly ipv6Address?: string; + } + + /** + * Indicates whether the instance is enabled for AWS Nitro Enclaves. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-enclaveoptions.html + */ + export interface EnclaveOptionsProperty { + /** + * If this parameter is set to \`true\` , the instance is enabled for AWS Nitro Enclaves; + * + * otherwise, it is not enabled for AWS Nitro Enclaves. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-enclaveoptions.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-enclaveoptions-enabled + */ + readonly enabled?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * Specifies whether detailed monitoring is enabled for an instance. + * + * For more information about detailed monitoring, see [Enable or turn off detailed monitoring for your instances](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/using-cloudwatch-new.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * \`Monitoring\` is a property of [AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate LaunchTemplateData](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata.html) . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-monitoring.html + */ + export interface MonitoringProperty { + /** + * Specify \`true\` to enable detailed monitoring. + * + * Otherwise, basic monitoring is enabled. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-monitoring.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-monitoring-enabled + */ + readonly enabled?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * Specifies whether your instance is configured for hibernation. + * + * This parameter is valid only if the instance meets the [hibernation prerequisites](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/Hibernate.html#hibernating-prerequisites) . For more information, see [Hibernate Your Instance](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/Hibernate.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * \`HibernationOptions\` is a property of [AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate LaunchTemplateData](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata.html) . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-hibernationoptions.html + */ + export interface HibernationOptionsProperty { + /** + * If you set this parameter to \`true\` , the instance is enabled for hibernation. + * + * Default: \`false\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-hibernationoptions.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-hibernationoptions-configured + */ + readonly configured?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * The metadata options for the instance. + * + * For more information, see [Instance metadata and user data](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-instance-metadata.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * \`MetadataOptions\` is a property of [AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate LaunchTemplateData](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata.html) . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-metadataoptions.html + */ + export interface MetadataOptionsProperty { + /** + * Enables or disables the HTTP metadata endpoint on your instances. + * + * If the parameter is not specified, the default state is \`enabled\` . + * + * > If you specify a value of \`disabled\` , you will not be able to access your instance metadata. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-metadataoptions.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-metadataoptions-httpendpoint + */ + readonly httpEndpoint?: string; + + /** + * Enables or disables the IPv6 endpoint for the instance metadata service. + * + * Default: \`disabled\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-metadataoptions.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-metadataoptions-httpprotocolipv6 + */ + readonly httpProtocolIpv6?: string; + + /** + * The desired HTTP PUT response hop limit for instance metadata requests. + * + * The larger the number, the further instance metadata requests can travel. + * + * Default: \`1\` + * + * Possible values: Integers from 1 to 64 + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-metadataoptions.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-metadataoptions-httpputresponsehoplimit + */ + readonly httpPutResponseHopLimit?: number; + + /** + * IMDSv2 uses token-backed sessions. + * + * Set the use of HTTP tokens to \`optional\` (in other words, set the use of IMDSv2 to \`optional\` ) or \`required\` (in other words, set the use of IMDSv2 to \`required\` ). + * + * - \`optional\` - When IMDSv2 is optional, you can choose to retrieve instance metadata with or without a session token in your request. If you retrieve the IAM role credentials without a token, the IMDSv1 role credentials are returned. If you retrieve the IAM role credentials using a valid session token, the IMDSv2 role credentials are returned. + * - \`required\` - When IMDSv2 is required, you must send a session token with any instance metadata retrieval requests. In this state, retrieving the IAM role credentials always returns IMDSv2 credentials; IMDSv1 credentials are not available. + * + * Default: \`optional\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-metadataoptions.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-metadataoptions-httptokens + */ + readonly httpTokens?: string; + + /** + * Set to \`enabled\` to allow access to instance tags from the instance metadata. + * + * Set to \`disabled\` to turn off access to instance tags from the instance metadata. For more information, see [Work with instance tags using the instance metadata](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/Using_Tags.html#work-with-tags-in-IMDS) . + * + * Default: \`disabled\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-metadataoptions.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-metadataoptions-instancemetadatatags + */ + readonly instanceMetadataTags?: string; + } + + /** + * Specifies a license configuration for an instance. + * + * \`LicenseSpecification\` is a property of [AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate LaunchTemplateData](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata.html) . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-licensespecification.html + */ + export interface LicenseSpecificationProperty { + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the license configuration. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-licensespecification.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-licensespecification-licenseconfigurationarn + */ + readonly licenseConfigurationArn?: string; + } + + /** + * Specifies the CPU options for an instance. + * + * For more information, see [Optimize CPU options](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/instance-optimize-cpu.html) in the *Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide* . + * + * \`CpuOptions\` is a property of [AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate LaunchTemplateData](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata.html) . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-cpuoptions.html + */ + export interface CpuOptionsProperty { + /** + * Indicates whether to enable the instance for AMD SEV-SNP. + * + * AMD SEV-SNP is supported with M6a, R6a, and C6a instance types only. For more information, see [AMD SEV-SNP](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/sev-snp.html) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-cpuoptions.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-cpuoptions-amdsevsnp + */ + readonly amdSevSnp?: string; + + /** + * The number of CPU cores for the instance. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-cpuoptions.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-cpuoptions-corecount + */ + readonly coreCount?: number; + + /** + * The number of threads per CPU core. + * + * To disable multithreading for the instance, specify a value of \`1\` . Otherwise, specify the default value of \`2\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-cpuoptions.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-cpuoptions-threadspercore + */ + readonly threadsPerCore?: number; + } + + /** + * The hostname type for EC2 instances launched into this subnet and how DNS A and AAAA record queries should be handled. + * + * For more information, see [Amazon EC2 instance hostname types](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-instance-naming.html) in the *Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide* . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-privatednsnameoptions.html + */ + export interface PrivateDnsNameOptionsProperty { + /** + * Indicates whether to respond to DNS queries for instance hostnames with DNS AAAA records. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-privatednsnameoptions.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-privatednsnameoptions-enableresourcenamednsaaaarecord + */ + readonly enableResourceNameDnsAaaaRecord?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Indicates whether to respond to DNS queries for instance hostnames with DNS A records. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-privatednsnameoptions.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-privatednsnameoptions-enableresourcenamednsarecord + */ + readonly enableResourceNameDnsARecord?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The type of hostname for EC2 instances. + * + * For IPv4 only subnets, an instance DNS name must be based on the instance IPv4 address. For IPv6 only subnets, an instance DNS name must be based on the instance ID. For dual-stack subnets, you can specify whether DNS names use the instance IPv4 address or the instance ID. For more information, see [Amazon EC2 instance hostname types](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-instance-naming.html) in the *Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-privatednsnameoptions.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-privatednsnameoptions-hostnametype + */ + readonly hostnameType?: string; + } + + /** + * Specifies the market (purchasing) option for an instance. + * + * \`InstanceMarketOptions\` is a property of the [AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate LaunchTemplateData](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata.html) . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-instancemarketoptions.html + */ + export interface InstanceMarketOptionsProperty { + /** + * The market type. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-instancemarketoptions.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-instancemarketoptions-markettype + */ + readonly marketType?: string; + + /** + * The options for Spot Instances. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-instancemarketoptions.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-instancemarketoptions-spotoptions + */ + readonly spotOptions?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnLaunchTemplate.SpotOptionsProperty; + } + + /** + * Specifies options for Spot Instances. + * + * \`SpotOptions\` is a property of [AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate InstanceMarketOptions](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata-instancemarketoptions.html) . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-spotoptions.html + */ + export interface SpotOptionsProperty { + /** + * Deprecated. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-spotoptions.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-spotoptions-blockdurationminutes + */ + readonly blockDurationMinutes?: number; + + /** + * The behavior when a Spot Instance is interrupted. + * + * The default is \`terminate\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-spotoptions.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-spotoptions-instanceinterruptionbehavior + */ + readonly instanceInterruptionBehavior?: string; + + /** + * The maximum hourly price you're willing to pay for the Spot Instances. + * + * We do not recommend using this parameter because it can lead to increased interruptions. If you do not specify this parameter, you will pay the current Spot price. + * + * > If you specify a maximum price, your Spot Instances will be interrupted more frequently than if you do not specify this parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-spotoptions.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-spotoptions-maxprice + */ + readonly maxPrice?: string; + + /** + * The Spot Instance request type. + * + * If you are using Spot Instances with an Auto Scaling group, use \`one-time\` requests, as the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling service handles requesting new Spot Instances whenever the group is below its desired capacity. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-spotoptions.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-spotoptions-spotinstancetype + */ + readonly spotInstanceType?: string; + + /** + * The end date of the request, in UTC format ( *YYYY-MM-DD* T *HH:MM:SS* Z). Supported only for persistent requests. + * + * - For a persistent request, the request remains active until the \`ValidUntil\` date and time is reached. Otherwise, the request remains active until you cancel it. + * - For a one-time request, \`ValidUntil\` is not supported. The request remains active until all instances launch or you cancel the request. + * + * Default: 7 days from the current date + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-spotoptions.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-spotoptions-validuntil + */ + readonly validUntil?: string; + } + + /** + * The attributes for the instance types. + * + * When you specify instance attributes, Amazon EC2 will identify instance types with these attributes. + * + * When you specify multiple attributes, you get instance types that satisfy all of the specified attributes. If you specify multiple values for an attribute, you get instance types that satisfy any of the specified values. + * + * To limit the list of instance types from which Amazon EC2 can identify matching instance types, you can use one of the following parameters, but not both in the same request: + * + * - \`AllowedInstanceTypes\` - The instance types to include in the list. All other instance types are ignored, even if they match your specified attributes. + * - \`ExcludedInstanceTypes\` - The instance types to exclude from the list, even if they match your specified attributes. + * + * > You must specify \`VCpuCount\` and \`MemoryMiB\` . All other attributes are optional. Any unspecified optional attribute is set to its default. + * + * For more information, see [Attribute-based instance type selection for EC2 Fleet](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-fleet-attribute-based-instance-type-selection.html) , [Attribute-based instance type selection for Spot Fleet](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/spot-fleet-attribute-based-instance-type-selection.html) , and [Spot placement score](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/spot-placement-score.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-instancerequirements.html + */ + export interface InstanceRequirementsProperty { + /** + * The minimum and maximum number of accelerators (GPUs, FPGAs, or AWS Inferentia chips) on an instance. + * + * To exclude accelerator-enabled instance types, set \`Max\` to \`0\` . + * + * Default: No minimum or maximum limits + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-instancerequirements.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-instancerequirements-acceleratorcount + */ + readonly acceleratorCount?: CfnLaunchTemplate.AcceleratorCountProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Indicates whether instance types must have accelerators by specific manufacturers. + * + * - For instance types with NVIDIA devices, specify \`nvidia\` . + * - For instance types with AMD devices, specify \`amd\` . + * - For instance types with AWS devices, specify \`amazon-web-services\` . + * - For instance types with Xilinx devices, specify \`xilinx\` . + * + * Default: Any manufacturer + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-instancerequirements.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-instancerequirements-acceleratormanufacturers + */ + readonly acceleratorManufacturers?: Array; + + /** + * The accelerators that must be on the instance type. + * + * - For instance types with NVIDIA A100 GPUs, specify \`a100\` . + * - For instance types with NVIDIA V100 GPUs, specify \`v100\` . + * - For instance types with NVIDIA K80 GPUs, specify \`k80\` . + * - For instance types with NVIDIA T4 GPUs, specify \`t4\` . + * - For instance types with NVIDIA M60 GPUs, specify \`m60\` . + * - For instance types with AMD Radeon Pro V520 GPUs, specify \`radeon-pro-v520\` . + * - For instance types with Xilinx VU9P FPGAs, specify \`vu9p\` . + * - For instance types with AWS Inferentia chips, specify \`inferentia\` . + * - For instance types with NVIDIA GRID K520 GPUs, specify \`k520\` . + * + * Default: Any accelerator + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-instancerequirements.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-instancerequirements-acceleratornames + */ + readonly acceleratorNames?: Array; + + /** + * The minimum and maximum amount of total accelerator memory, in MiB. + * + * Default: No minimum or maximum limits + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-instancerequirements.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-instancerequirements-acceleratortotalmemorymib + */ + readonly acceleratorTotalMemoryMiB?: CfnLaunchTemplate.AcceleratorTotalMemoryMiBProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The accelerator types that must be on the instance type. + * + * - For instance types with GPU accelerators, specify \`gpu\` . + * - For instance types with FPGA accelerators, specify \`fpga\` . + * - For instance types with inference accelerators, specify \`inference\` . + * + * Default: Any accelerator type + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-instancerequirements.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-instancerequirements-acceleratortypes + */ + readonly acceleratorTypes?: Array; + + /** + * The instance types to apply your specified attributes against. + * + * All other instance types are ignored, even if they match your specified attributes. + * + * You can use strings with one or more wild cards, represented by an asterisk ( \`*\` ), to allow an instance type, size, or generation. The following are examples: \`m5.8xlarge\` , \`c5*.*\` , \`m5a.*\` , \`r*\` , \`*3*\` . + * + * For example, if you specify \`c5*\` ,Amazon EC2 will allow the entire C5 instance family, which includes all C5a and C5n instance types. If you specify \`m5a.*\` , Amazon EC2 will allow all the M5a instance types, but not the M5n instance types. + * + * > If you specify \`AllowedInstanceTypes\` , you can't specify \`ExcludedInstanceTypes\` . + * + * Default: All instance types + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-instancerequirements.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-instancerequirements-allowedinstancetypes + */ + readonly allowedInstanceTypes?: Array; + + /** + * Indicates whether bare metal instance types must be included, excluded, or required. + * + * - To include bare metal instance types, specify \`included\` . + * - To require only bare metal instance types, specify \`required\` . + * - To exclude bare metal instance types, specify \`excluded\` . + * + * Default: \`excluded\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-instancerequirements.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-instancerequirements-baremetal + */ + readonly bareMetal?: string; + + /** + * The minimum and maximum baseline bandwidth to Amazon EBS, in Mbps. + * + * For more information, see [Amazon EBS–optimized instances](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ebs-optimized.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * Default: No minimum or maximum limits + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-instancerequirements.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-instancerequirements-baselineebsbandwidthmbps + */ + readonly baselineEbsBandwidthMbps?: CfnLaunchTemplate.BaselineEbsBandwidthMbpsProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Indicates whether burstable performance T instance types are included, excluded, or required. + * + * For more information, see [Burstable performance instances](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/burstable-performance-instances.html) . + * + * - To include burstable performance instance types, specify \`included\` . + * - To require only burstable performance instance types, specify \`required\` . + * - To exclude burstable performance instance types, specify \`excluded\` . + * + * Default: \`excluded\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-instancerequirements.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-instancerequirements-burstableperformance + */ + readonly burstablePerformance?: string; + + /** + * The CPU manufacturers to include. + * + * - For instance types with Intel CPUs, specify \`intel\` . + * - For instance types with AMD CPUs, specify \`amd\` . + * - For instance types with AWS CPUs, specify \`amazon-web-services\` . + * + * > Don't confuse the CPU manufacturer with the CPU architecture. Instances will be launched with a compatible CPU architecture based on the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) that you specify in your launch template. + * + * Default: Any manufacturer + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-instancerequirements.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-instancerequirements-cpumanufacturers + */ + readonly cpuManufacturers?: Array; + + /** + * The instance types to exclude. + * + * You can use strings with one or more wild cards, represented by an asterisk ( \`*\` ), to exclude an instance type, size, or generation. The following are examples: \`m5.8xlarge\` , \`c5*.*\` , \`m5a.*\` , \`r*\` , \`*3*\` . + * + * For example, if you specify \`c5*\` ,Amazon EC2 will exclude the entire C5 instance family, which includes all C5a and C5n instance types. If you specify \`m5a.*\` , Amazon EC2 will exclude all the M5a instance types, but not the M5n instance types. + * + * > If you specify \`ExcludedInstanceTypes\` , you can't specify \`AllowedInstanceTypes\` . + * + * Default: No excluded instance types + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-instancerequirements.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-instancerequirements-excludedinstancetypes + */ + readonly excludedInstanceTypes?: Array; + + /** + * Indicates whether current or previous generation instance types are included. + * + * The current generation instance types are recommended for use. Current generation instance types are typically the latest two to three generations in each instance family. For more information, see [Instance types](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/instance-types.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * For current generation instance types, specify \`current\` . + * + * For previous generation instance types, specify \`previous\` . + * + * Default: Current and previous generation instance types + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-instancerequirements.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-instancerequirements-instancegenerations + */ + readonly instanceGenerations?: Array; + + /** + * Indicates whether instance types with instance store volumes are included, excluded, or required. + * + * For more information, [Amazon EC2 instance store](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/InstanceStorage.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * - To include instance types with instance store volumes, specify \`included\` . + * - To require only instance types with instance store volumes, specify \`required\` . + * - To exclude instance types with instance store volumes, specify \`excluded\` . + * + * Default: \`included\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-instancerequirements.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-instancerequirements-localstorage + */ + readonly localStorage?: string; + + /** + * The type of local storage that is required. + * + * - For instance types with hard disk drive (HDD) storage, specify \`hdd\` . + * - For instance types with solid state drive (SSD) storage, specify \`ssd\` . + * + * Default: \`hdd\` and \`ssd\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-instancerequirements.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-instancerequirements-localstoragetypes + */ + readonly localStorageTypes?: Array; + + /** + * The minimum and maximum amount of memory per vCPU, in GiB. + * + * Default: No minimum or maximum limits + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-instancerequirements.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-instancerequirements-memorygibpervcpu + */ + readonly memoryGiBPerVCpu?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnLaunchTemplate.MemoryGiBPerVCpuProperty; + + /** + * The minimum and maximum amount of memory, in MiB. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-instancerequirements.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-instancerequirements-memorymib + */ + readonly memoryMiB?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnLaunchTemplate.MemoryMiBProperty; + + /** + * The minimum and maximum amount of network bandwidth, in gigabits per second (Gbps). + * + * Default: No minimum or maximum limits + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-instancerequirements.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-instancerequirements-networkbandwidthgbps + */ + readonly networkBandwidthGbps?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnLaunchTemplate.NetworkBandwidthGbpsProperty; + + /** + * The minimum and maximum number of network interfaces. + * + * Default: No minimum or maximum limits + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-instancerequirements.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-instancerequirements-networkinterfacecount + */ + readonly networkInterfaceCount?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnLaunchTemplate.NetworkInterfaceCountProperty; + + /** + * The price protection threshold for On-Demand Instances. + * + * This is the maximum you’ll pay for an On-Demand Instance, expressed as a percentage above the least expensive current generation M, C, or R instance type with your specified attributes. When Amazon EC2 selects instance types with your attributes, it excludes instance types priced above your threshold. + * + * The parameter accepts an integer, which Amazon EC2 interprets as a percentage. + * + * To turn off price protection, specify a high value, such as \`999999\` . + * + * This parameter is not supported for [GetSpotPlacementScores](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_GetSpotPlacementScores.html) and [GetInstanceTypesFromInstanceRequirements](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_GetInstanceTypesFromInstanceRequirements.html) . + * + * > If you set \`TargetCapacityUnitType\` to \`vcpu\` or \`memory-mib\` , the price protection threshold is applied based on the per-vCPU or per-memory price instead of the per-instance price. + * + * Default: \`20\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-instancerequirements.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-instancerequirements-ondemandmaxpricepercentageoverlowestprice + */ + readonly onDemandMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice?: number; + + /** + * Indicates whether instance types must support hibernation for On-Demand Instances. + * + * This parameter is not supported for [GetSpotPlacementScores](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_GetSpotPlacementScores.html) . + * + * Default: \`false\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-instancerequirements.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-instancerequirements-requirehibernatesupport + */ + readonly requireHibernateSupport?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The price protection threshold for Spot Instances. + * + * This is the maximum you’ll pay for a Spot Instance, expressed as a percentage above the least expensive current generation M, C, or R instance type with your specified attributes. When Amazon EC2 selects instance types with your attributes, it excludes instance types priced above your threshold. + * + * The parameter accepts an integer, which Amazon EC2 interprets as a percentage. + * + * To turn off price protection, specify a high value, such as \`999999\` . + * + * This parameter is not supported for [GetSpotPlacementScores](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_GetSpotPlacementScores.html) and [GetInstanceTypesFromInstanceRequirements](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_GetInstanceTypesFromInstanceRequirements.html) . + * + * > If you set \`TargetCapacityUnitType\` to \`vcpu\` or \`memory-mib\` , the price protection threshold is applied based on the per-vCPU or per-memory price instead of the per-instance price. + * + * Default: \`100\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-instancerequirements.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-instancerequirements-spotmaxpricepercentageoverlowestprice + */ + readonly spotMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice?: number; + + /** + * The minimum and maximum amount of total local storage, in GB. + * + * Default: No minimum or maximum limits + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-instancerequirements.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-instancerequirements-totallocalstoragegb + */ + readonly totalLocalStorageGb?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnLaunchTemplate.TotalLocalStorageGBProperty; + + /** + * The minimum and maximum number of vCPUs. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-instancerequirements.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-instancerequirements-vcpucount + */ + readonly vCpuCount?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnLaunchTemplate.VCpuCountProperty; + } + + /** + * The minimum and maximum number of network interfaces. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-networkinterfacecount.html + */ + export interface NetworkInterfaceCountProperty { + /** + * The maximum number of network interfaces. + * + * To specify no maximum limit, omit this parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-networkinterfacecount.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-networkinterfacecount-max + */ + readonly max?: number; + + /** + * The minimum number of network interfaces. + * + * To specify no minimum limit, omit this parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-networkinterfacecount.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-networkinterfacecount-min + */ + readonly min?: number; + } + + /** + * The minimum and maximum amount of memory per vCPU, in GiB. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-memorygibpervcpu.html + */ + export interface MemoryGiBPerVCpuProperty { + /** + * The maximum amount of memory per vCPU, in GiB. + * + * To specify no maximum limit, omit this parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-memorygibpervcpu.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-memorygibpervcpu-max + */ + readonly max?: number; + + /** + * The minimum amount of memory per vCPU, in GiB. + * + * To specify no minimum limit, omit this parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-memorygibpervcpu.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-memorygibpervcpu-min + */ + readonly min?: number; + } + + /** + * The minimum and maximum number of vCPUs. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-vcpucount.html + */ + export interface VCpuCountProperty { + /** + * The maximum number of vCPUs. + * + * To specify no maximum limit, omit this parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-vcpucount.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-vcpucount-max + */ + readonly max?: number; + + /** + * The minimum number of vCPUs. + * + * To specify no minimum limit, specify \`0\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-vcpucount.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-vcpucount-min + */ + readonly min?: number; + } + + /** + * The minimum and maximum number of accelerators (GPUs, FPGAs, or AWS Inferentia chips) on an instance. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-acceleratorcount.html + */ + export interface AcceleratorCountProperty { + /** + * The maximum number of accelerators. + * + * To specify no maximum limit, omit this parameter. To exclude accelerator-enabled instance types, set \`Max\` to \`0\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-acceleratorcount.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-acceleratorcount-max + */ + readonly max?: number; + + /** + * The minimum number of accelerators. + * + * To specify no minimum limit, omit this parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-acceleratorcount.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-acceleratorcount-min + */ + readonly min?: number; + } + + /** + * The minimum and maximum amount of network bandwidth, in gigabits per second (Gbps). + * + * > Setting the minimum bandwidth does not guarantee that your instance will achieve the minimum bandwidth. Amazon EC2 will identify instance types that support the specified minimum bandwidth, but the actual bandwidth of your instance might go below the specified minimum at times. For more information, see [Available instance bandwidth](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-instance-network-bandwidth.html#available-instance-bandwidth) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-networkbandwidthgbps.html + */ + export interface NetworkBandwidthGbpsProperty { + /** + * The maximum amount of network bandwidth, in Gbps. + * + * To specify no maximum limit, omit this parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-networkbandwidthgbps.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-networkbandwidthgbps-max + */ + readonly max?: number; + + /** + * The minimum amount of network bandwidth, in Gbps. + * + * If this parameter is not specified, there is no minimum limit. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-networkbandwidthgbps.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-networkbandwidthgbps-min + */ + readonly min?: number; + } + + /** + * The minimum and maximum baseline bandwidth to Amazon EBS, in Mbps. + * + * For more information, see [Amazon EBS–optimized instances](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ebs-optimized.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-baselineebsbandwidthmbps.html + */ + export interface BaselineEbsBandwidthMbpsProperty { + /** + * The maximum baseline bandwidth, in Mbps. + * + * To specify no maximum limit, omit this parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-baselineebsbandwidthmbps.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-baselineebsbandwidthmbps-max + */ + readonly max?: number; + + /** + * The minimum baseline bandwidth, in Mbps. + * + * To specify no minimum limit, omit this parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-baselineebsbandwidthmbps.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-baselineebsbandwidthmbps-min + */ + readonly min?: number; + } + + /** + * The minimum and maximum amount of total accelerator memory, in MiB. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-acceleratortotalmemorymib.html + */ + export interface AcceleratorTotalMemoryMiBProperty { + /** + * The maximum amount of accelerator memory, in MiB. + * + * To specify no maximum limit, omit this parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-acceleratortotalmemorymib.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-acceleratortotalmemorymib-max + */ + readonly max?: number; + + /** + * The minimum amount of accelerator memory, in MiB. + * + * To specify no minimum limit, omit this parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-acceleratortotalmemorymib.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-acceleratortotalmemorymib-min + */ + readonly min?: number; + } + + /** + * The minimum and maximum amount of memory, in MiB. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-memorymib.html + */ + export interface MemoryMiBProperty { + /** + * The maximum amount of memory, in MiB. + * + * To specify no maximum limit, omit this parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-memorymib.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-memorymib-max + */ + readonly max?: number; + + /** + * The minimum amount of memory, in MiB. + * + * To specify no minimum limit, specify \`0\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-memorymib.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-memorymib-min + */ + readonly min?: number; + } + + /** + * The minimum and maximum amount of total local storage, in GB. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-totallocalstoragegb.html + */ + export interface TotalLocalStorageGBProperty { + /** + * The maximum amount of total local storage, in GB. + * + * To specify no maximum limit, omit this parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-totallocalstoragegb.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-totallocalstoragegb-max + */ + readonly max?: number; + + /** + * The minimum amount of total local storage, in GB. + * + * To specify no minimum limit, omit this parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-totallocalstoragegb.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-totallocalstoragegb-min + */ + readonly min?: number; + } + + /** + * Specifies an instance's Capacity Reservation targeting option. You can specify only one option at a time. + * + * \`CapacityReservationSpecification\` is a property of [AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate LaunchTemplateData](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata.html) . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-capacityreservationspecification.html + */ + export interface CapacityReservationSpecificationProperty { + /** + * Indicates the instance's Capacity Reservation preferences. Possible preferences include:. + * + * - \`open\` - The instance can run in any \`open\` Capacity Reservation that has matching attributes (instance type, platform, Availability Zone). + * - \`none\` - The instance avoids running in a Capacity Reservation even if one is available. The instance runs in On-Demand capacity. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-capacityreservationspecification.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-capacityreservationspecification-capacityreservationpreference + */ + readonly capacityReservationPreference?: string; + + /** + * Information about the target Capacity Reservation or Capacity Reservation group. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-capacityreservationspecification.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-capacityreservationspecification-capacityreservationtarget + */ + readonly capacityReservationTarget?: CfnLaunchTemplate.CapacityReservationTargetProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * Specifies a target Capacity Reservation. + * + * \`CapacityReservationTarget\` is a property of the [Amazon EC2 LaunchTemplate LaunchTemplateData](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata.html) property type. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-capacityreservationtarget.html + */ + export interface CapacityReservationTargetProperty { + /** + * The ID of the Capacity Reservation in which to run the instance. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-capacityreservationtarget.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-capacityreservationtarget-capacityreservationid + */ + readonly capacityReservationId?: string; + + /** + * The ARN of the Capacity Reservation resource group in which to run the instance. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-capacityreservationtarget.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-capacityreservationtarget-capacityreservationresourcegrouparn + */ + readonly capacityReservationResourceGroupArn?: string; + } + + /** + * Specifies the credit option for CPU usage of a T2, T3, or T3a instance. + * + * \`CreditSpecification\` is a property of [AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate LaunchTemplateData](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata.html) . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-creditspecification.html + */ + export interface CreditSpecificationProperty { + /** + * The credit option for CPU usage of a T instance. + * + * Valid values: \`standard\` | \`unlimited\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-creditspecification.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-creditspecification-cpucredits + */ + readonly cpuCredits?: string; + } + + /** + * Specifies the tags to apply to the launch template during creation. + * + * \`LaunchTemplateTagSpecification\` is a property of [AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-launchtemplate.html) . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatetagspecification.html + */ + export interface LaunchTemplateTagSpecificationProperty { + /** + * The type of resource. + * + * To tag the launch template, \`ResourceType\` must be \`launch-template\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatetagspecification.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatetagspecification-resourcetype + */ + readonly resourceType?: string; + + /** + * The tags for the resource. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatetagspecification.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatetagspecification-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnLaunchTemplate\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-launchtemplate.html + */ +export interface CfnLaunchTemplateProps { + /** + * The information for the launch template. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-launchtemplate.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatedata + */ + readonly launchTemplateData: cdk.IResolvable | CfnLaunchTemplate.LaunchTemplateDataProperty; + + /** + * A name for the launch template. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-launchtemplate.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-launchtemplatename + */ + readonly launchTemplateName?: string; + + /** + * The tags to apply to the launch template on creation. + * + * To tag the launch template, the resource type must be \`launch-template\` . + * + * > To specify the tags for the resources that are created when an instance is launched, you must use the \`TagSpecifications\` parameter in the [launch template data](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_RequestLaunchTemplateData.html) structure. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-launchtemplate.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-tagspecifications + */ + readonly tagSpecifications?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * A description for the first version of the launch template. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-launchtemplate.html#cfn-ec2-launchtemplate-versiondescription + */ + readonly versionDescription?: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`TagSpecificationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`TagSpecificationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateTagSpecificationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("resourceType", cdk.validateString)(properties.resourceType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"TagSpecificationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnLaunchTemplateTagSpecificationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnLaunchTemplateTagSpecificationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ResourceType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.resourceType), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateTagSpecificationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("resourceType", "ResourceType", (properties.ResourceType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ResourceType) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`EbsProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`EbsProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateEbsPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("deleteOnTermination", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.deleteOnTermination)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("encrypted", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.encrypted)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("iops", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.iops)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("kmsKeyId", cdk.validateString)(properties.kmsKeyId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("snapshotId", cdk.validateString)(properties.snapshotId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("throughput", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.throughput)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("volumeSize", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.volumeSize)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("volumeType", cdk.validateString)(properties.volumeType)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"EbsProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnLaunchTemplateEbsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnLaunchTemplateEbsPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "DeleteOnTermination": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.deleteOnTermination), + "Encrypted": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.encrypted), + "Iops": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.iops), + "KmsKeyId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.kmsKeyId), + "SnapshotId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.snapshotId), + "Throughput": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.throughput), + "VolumeSize": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.volumeSize), + "VolumeType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.volumeType) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateEbsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("deleteOnTermination", "DeleteOnTermination", (properties.DeleteOnTermination != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.DeleteOnTermination) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("encrypted", "Encrypted", (properties.Encrypted != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.Encrypted) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("iops", "Iops", (properties.Iops != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Iops) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("kmsKeyId", "KmsKeyId", (properties.KmsKeyId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.KmsKeyId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("snapshotId", "SnapshotId", (properties.SnapshotId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SnapshotId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("throughput", "Throughput", (properties.Throughput != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Throughput) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("volumeSize", "VolumeSize", (properties.VolumeSize != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.VolumeSize) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("volumeType", "VolumeType", (properties.VolumeType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.VolumeType) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`BlockDeviceMappingProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`BlockDeviceMappingProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateBlockDeviceMappingPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("deviceName", cdk.validateString)(properties.deviceName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ebs", CfnLaunchTemplateEbsPropertyValidator)(properties.ebs)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("noDevice", cdk.validateString)(properties.noDevice)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("virtualName", cdk.validateString)(properties.virtualName)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"BlockDeviceMappingProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnLaunchTemplateBlockDeviceMappingPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnLaunchTemplateBlockDeviceMappingPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "DeviceName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.deviceName), + "Ebs": convertCfnLaunchTemplateEbsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.ebs), + "NoDevice": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.noDevice), + "VirtualName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.virtualName) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateBlockDeviceMappingPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("deviceName", "DeviceName", (properties.DeviceName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DeviceName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ebs", "Ebs", (properties.Ebs != null ? CfnLaunchTemplateEbsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.Ebs) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("noDevice", "NoDevice", (properties.NoDevice != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.NoDevice) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("virtualName", "VirtualName", (properties.VirtualName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.VirtualName) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`MaintenanceOptionsProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`MaintenanceOptionsProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateMaintenanceOptionsPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("autoRecovery", cdk.validateString)(properties.autoRecovery)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"MaintenanceOptionsProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnLaunchTemplateMaintenanceOptionsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnLaunchTemplateMaintenanceOptionsPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AutoRecovery": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.autoRecovery) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateMaintenanceOptionsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("autoRecovery", "AutoRecovery", (properties.AutoRecovery != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.AutoRecovery) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`IamInstanceProfileProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`IamInstanceProfileProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateIamInstanceProfilePropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("arn", cdk.validateString)(properties.arn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("name", cdk.validateString)(properties.name)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"IamInstanceProfileProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnLaunchTemplateIamInstanceProfilePropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnLaunchTemplateIamInstanceProfilePropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Arn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.arn), + "Name": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.name) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateIamInstanceProfilePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("arn", "Arn", (properties.Arn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Arn) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("name", "Name", (properties.Name != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Name) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`ElasticGpuSpecificationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`ElasticGpuSpecificationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateElasticGpuSpecificationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("type", cdk.validateString)(properties.type)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"ElasticGpuSpecificationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnLaunchTemplateElasticGpuSpecificationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnLaunchTemplateElasticGpuSpecificationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Type": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.type) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateElasticGpuSpecificationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("type", "Type", (properties.Type != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Type) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`LaunchTemplateElasticInferenceAcceleratorProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`LaunchTemplateElasticInferenceAcceleratorProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateLaunchTemplateElasticInferenceAcceleratorPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("count", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.count)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("type", cdk.validateString)(properties.type)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"LaunchTemplateElasticInferenceAcceleratorProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnLaunchTemplateLaunchTemplateElasticInferenceAcceleratorPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnLaunchTemplateLaunchTemplateElasticInferenceAcceleratorPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Count": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.count), + "Type": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.type) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateLaunchTemplateElasticInferenceAcceleratorPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("count", "Count", (properties.Count != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Count) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("type", "Type", (properties.Type != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Type) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`PlacementProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`PlacementProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplatePlacementPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("affinity", cdk.validateString)(properties.affinity)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("availabilityZone", cdk.validateString)(properties.availabilityZone)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("groupId", cdk.validateString)(properties.groupId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("groupName", cdk.validateString)(properties.groupName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("hostId", cdk.validateString)(properties.hostId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("hostResourceGroupArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.hostResourceGroupArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("partitionNumber", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.partitionNumber)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("spreadDomain", cdk.validateString)(properties.spreadDomain)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tenancy", cdk.validateString)(properties.tenancy)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"PlacementProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnLaunchTemplatePlacementPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnLaunchTemplatePlacementPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Affinity": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.affinity), + "AvailabilityZone": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.availabilityZone), + "GroupId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.groupId), + "GroupName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.groupName), + "HostId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.hostId), + "HostResourceGroupArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.hostResourceGroupArn), + "PartitionNumber": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.partitionNumber), + "SpreadDomain": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.spreadDomain), + "Tenancy": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.tenancy) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplatePlacementPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("affinity", "Affinity", (properties.Affinity != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Affinity) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("availabilityZone", "AvailabilityZone", (properties.AvailabilityZone != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.AvailabilityZone) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("groupId", "GroupId", (properties.GroupId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.GroupId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("groupName", "GroupName", (properties.GroupName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.GroupName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("hostId", "HostId", (properties.HostId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.HostId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("hostResourceGroupArn", "HostResourceGroupArn", (properties.HostResourceGroupArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.HostResourceGroupArn) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("partitionNumber", "PartitionNumber", (properties.PartitionNumber != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.PartitionNumber) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("spreadDomain", "SpreadDomain", (properties.SpreadDomain != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SpreadDomain) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tenancy", "Tenancy", (properties.Tenancy != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Tenancy) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`PrivateIpAddProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`PrivateIpAddProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplatePrivateIpAddPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("primary", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.primary)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("privateIpAddress", cdk.validateString)(properties.privateIpAddress)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"PrivateIpAddProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnLaunchTemplatePrivateIpAddPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnLaunchTemplatePrivateIpAddPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Primary": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.primary), + "PrivateIpAddress": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.privateIpAddress) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplatePrivateIpAddPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("primary", "Primary", (properties.Primary != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.Primary) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("privateIpAddress", "PrivateIpAddress", (properties.PrivateIpAddress != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.PrivateIpAddress) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`Ipv4PrefixSpecificationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`Ipv4PrefixSpecificationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateIpv4PrefixSpecificationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipv4Prefix", cdk.validateString)(properties.ipv4Prefix)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"Ipv4PrefixSpecificationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnLaunchTemplateIpv4PrefixSpecificationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnLaunchTemplateIpv4PrefixSpecificationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Ipv4Prefix": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.ipv4Prefix) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateIpv4PrefixSpecificationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("ipv4Prefix", "Ipv4Prefix", (properties.Ipv4Prefix != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Ipv4Prefix) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`Ipv6PrefixSpecificationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`Ipv6PrefixSpecificationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateIpv6PrefixSpecificationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipv6Prefix", cdk.validateString)(properties.ipv6Prefix)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"Ipv6PrefixSpecificationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnLaunchTemplateIpv6PrefixSpecificationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnLaunchTemplateIpv6PrefixSpecificationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Ipv6Prefix": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.ipv6Prefix) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateIpv6PrefixSpecificationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("ipv6Prefix", "Ipv6Prefix", (properties.Ipv6Prefix != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Ipv6Prefix) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`Ipv6AddProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`Ipv6AddProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateIpv6AddPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipv6Address", cdk.validateString)(properties.ipv6Address)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"Ipv6AddProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnLaunchTemplateIpv6AddPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnLaunchTemplateIpv6AddPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Ipv6Address": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.ipv6Address) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateIpv6AddPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("ipv6Address", "Ipv6Address", (properties.Ipv6Address != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Ipv6Address) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`NetworkInterfaceProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`NetworkInterfaceProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateNetworkInterfacePropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("associateCarrierIpAddress", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.associateCarrierIpAddress)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("associatePublicIpAddress", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.associatePublicIpAddress)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("deleteOnTermination", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.deleteOnTermination)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("description", cdk.validateString)(properties.description)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("deviceIndex", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.deviceIndex)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("groups", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.groups)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("interfaceType", cdk.validateString)(properties.interfaceType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipv4PrefixCount", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.ipv4PrefixCount)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipv4Prefixes", cdk.listValidator(CfnLaunchTemplateIpv4PrefixSpecificationPropertyValidator))(properties.ipv4Prefixes)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipv6AddressCount", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.ipv6AddressCount)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipv6Addresses", cdk.listValidator(CfnLaunchTemplateIpv6AddPropertyValidator))(properties.ipv6Addresses)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipv6PrefixCount", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.ipv6PrefixCount)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipv6Prefixes", cdk.listValidator(CfnLaunchTemplateIpv6PrefixSpecificationPropertyValidator))(properties.ipv6Prefixes)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("networkCardIndex", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.networkCardIndex)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("networkInterfaceId", cdk.validateString)(properties.networkInterfaceId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("privateIpAddress", cdk.validateString)(properties.privateIpAddress)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("privateIpAddresses", cdk.listValidator(CfnLaunchTemplatePrivateIpAddPropertyValidator))(properties.privateIpAddresses)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("secondaryPrivateIpAddressCount", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.secondaryPrivateIpAddressCount)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("subnetId", cdk.validateString)(properties.subnetId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"NetworkInterfaceProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnLaunchTemplateNetworkInterfacePropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnLaunchTemplateNetworkInterfacePropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AssociateCarrierIpAddress": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.associateCarrierIpAddress), + "AssociatePublicIpAddress": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.associatePublicIpAddress), + "DeleteOnTermination": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.deleteOnTermination), + "Description": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.description), + "DeviceIndex": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.deviceIndex), + "Groups": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.groups), + "InterfaceType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.interfaceType), + "Ipv4PrefixCount": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.ipv4PrefixCount), + "Ipv4Prefixes": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnLaunchTemplateIpv4PrefixSpecificationPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.ipv4Prefixes), + "Ipv6AddressCount": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.ipv6AddressCount), + "Ipv6Addresses": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnLaunchTemplateIpv6AddPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.ipv6Addresses), + "Ipv6PrefixCount": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.ipv6PrefixCount), + "Ipv6Prefixes": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnLaunchTemplateIpv6PrefixSpecificationPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.ipv6Prefixes), + "NetworkCardIndex": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.networkCardIndex), + "NetworkInterfaceId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.networkInterfaceId), + "PrivateIpAddress": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.privateIpAddress), + "PrivateIpAddresses": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnLaunchTemplatePrivateIpAddPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.privateIpAddresses), + "SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.secondaryPrivateIpAddressCount), + "SubnetId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.subnetId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateNetworkInterfacePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("associateCarrierIpAddress", "AssociateCarrierIpAddress", (properties.AssociateCarrierIpAddress != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.AssociateCarrierIpAddress) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("associatePublicIpAddress", "AssociatePublicIpAddress", (properties.AssociatePublicIpAddress != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.AssociatePublicIpAddress) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("deleteOnTermination", "DeleteOnTermination", (properties.DeleteOnTermination != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.DeleteOnTermination) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("description", "Description", (properties.Description != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Description) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("deviceIndex", "DeviceIndex", (properties.DeviceIndex != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.DeviceIndex) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("groups", "Groups", (properties.Groups != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.Groups) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("interfaceType", "InterfaceType", (properties.InterfaceType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.InterfaceType) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ipv4PrefixCount", "Ipv4PrefixCount", (properties.Ipv4PrefixCount != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Ipv4PrefixCount) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ipv4Prefixes", "Ipv4Prefixes", (properties.Ipv4Prefixes != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnLaunchTemplateIpv4PrefixSpecificationPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.Ipv4Prefixes) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ipv6AddressCount", "Ipv6AddressCount", (properties.Ipv6AddressCount != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Ipv6AddressCount) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ipv6Addresses", "Ipv6Addresses", (properties.Ipv6Addresses != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnLaunchTemplateIpv6AddPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.Ipv6Addresses) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ipv6PrefixCount", "Ipv6PrefixCount", (properties.Ipv6PrefixCount != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Ipv6PrefixCount) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ipv6Prefixes", "Ipv6Prefixes", (properties.Ipv6Prefixes != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnLaunchTemplateIpv6PrefixSpecificationPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.Ipv6Prefixes) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("networkCardIndex", "NetworkCardIndex", (properties.NetworkCardIndex != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.NetworkCardIndex) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("networkInterfaceId", "NetworkInterfaceId", (properties.NetworkInterfaceId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.NetworkInterfaceId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("privateIpAddress", "PrivateIpAddress", (properties.PrivateIpAddress != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.PrivateIpAddress) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("privateIpAddresses", "PrivateIpAddresses", (properties.PrivateIpAddresses != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnLaunchTemplatePrivateIpAddPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.PrivateIpAddresses) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("secondaryPrivateIpAddressCount", "SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount", (properties.SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("subnetId", "SubnetId", (properties.SubnetId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SubnetId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`EnclaveOptionsProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`EnclaveOptionsProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateEnclaveOptionsPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("enabled", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.enabled)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"EnclaveOptionsProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnLaunchTemplateEnclaveOptionsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnLaunchTemplateEnclaveOptionsPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Enabled": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.enabled) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateEnclaveOptionsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("enabled", "Enabled", (properties.Enabled != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.Enabled) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`MonitoringProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`MonitoringProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateMonitoringPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("enabled", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.enabled)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"MonitoringProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnLaunchTemplateMonitoringPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnLaunchTemplateMonitoringPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Enabled": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.enabled) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateMonitoringPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("enabled", "Enabled", (properties.Enabled != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.Enabled) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`HibernationOptionsProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`HibernationOptionsProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateHibernationOptionsPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("configured", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.configured)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"HibernationOptionsProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnLaunchTemplateHibernationOptionsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnLaunchTemplateHibernationOptionsPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Configured": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.configured) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateHibernationOptionsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("configured", "Configured", (properties.Configured != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.Configured) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`MetadataOptionsProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`MetadataOptionsProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateMetadataOptionsPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("httpEndpoint", cdk.validateString)(properties.httpEndpoint)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("httpProtocolIpv6", cdk.validateString)(properties.httpProtocolIpv6)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("httpPutResponseHopLimit", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.httpPutResponseHopLimit)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("httpTokens", cdk.validateString)(properties.httpTokens)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("instanceMetadataTags", cdk.validateString)(properties.instanceMetadataTags)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"MetadataOptionsProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnLaunchTemplateMetadataOptionsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnLaunchTemplateMetadataOptionsPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "HttpEndpoint": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.httpEndpoint), + "HttpProtocolIpv6": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.httpProtocolIpv6), + "HttpPutResponseHopLimit": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.httpPutResponseHopLimit), + "HttpTokens": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.httpTokens), + "InstanceMetadataTags": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.instanceMetadataTags) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateMetadataOptionsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("httpEndpoint", "HttpEndpoint", (properties.HttpEndpoint != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.HttpEndpoint) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("httpProtocolIpv6", "HttpProtocolIpv6", (properties.HttpProtocolIpv6 != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.HttpProtocolIpv6) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("httpPutResponseHopLimit", "HttpPutResponseHopLimit", (properties.HttpPutResponseHopLimit != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.HttpPutResponseHopLimit) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("httpTokens", "HttpTokens", (properties.HttpTokens != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.HttpTokens) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("instanceMetadataTags", "InstanceMetadataTags", (properties.InstanceMetadataTags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.InstanceMetadataTags) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`LicenseSpecificationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`LicenseSpecificationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateLicenseSpecificationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("licenseConfigurationArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.licenseConfigurationArn)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"LicenseSpecificationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnLaunchTemplateLicenseSpecificationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnLaunchTemplateLicenseSpecificationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "LicenseConfigurationArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.licenseConfigurationArn) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateLicenseSpecificationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("licenseConfigurationArn", "LicenseConfigurationArn", (properties.LicenseConfigurationArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.LicenseConfigurationArn) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CpuOptionsProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CpuOptionsProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateCpuOptionsPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("amdSevSnp", cdk.validateString)(properties.amdSevSnp)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("coreCount", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.coreCount)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("threadsPerCore", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.threadsPerCore)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CpuOptionsProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnLaunchTemplateCpuOptionsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnLaunchTemplateCpuOptionsPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AmdSevSnp": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.amdSevSnp), + "CoreCount": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.coreCount), + "ThreadsPerCore": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.threadsPerCore) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateCpuOptionsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("amdSevSnp", "AmdSevSnp", (properties.AmdSevSnp != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.AmdSevSnp) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("coreCount", "CoreCount", (properties.CoreCount != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.CoreCount) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("threadsPerCore", "ThreadsPerCore", (properties.ThreadsPerCore != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.ThreadsPerCore) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`PrivateDnsNameOptionsProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`PrivateDnsNameOptionsProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplatePrivateDnsNameOptionsPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("enableResourceNameDnsAaaaRecord", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.enableResourceNameDnsAaaaRecord)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("enableResourceNameDnsARecord", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.enableResourceNameDnsARecord)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("hostnameType", cdk.validateString)(properties.hostnameType)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"PrivateDnsNameOptionsProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnLaunchTemplatePrivateDnsNameOptionsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnLaunchTemplatePrivateDnsNameOptionsPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "EnableResourceNameDnsAAAARecord": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.enableResourceNameDnsAaaaRecord), + "EnableResourceNameDnsARecord": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.enableResourceNameDnsARecord), + "HostnameType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.hostnameType) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplatePrivateDnsNameOptionsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("enableResourceNameDnsAaaaRecord", "EnableResourceNameDnsAAAARecord", (properties.EnableResourceNameDnsAAAARecord != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.EnableResourceNameDnsAAAARecord) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("enableResourceNameDnsARecord", "EnableResourceNameDnsARecord", (properties.EnableResourceNameDnsARecord != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.EnableResourceNameDnsARecord) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("hostnameType", "HostnameType", (properties.HostnameType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.HostnameType) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`SpotOptionsProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`SpotOptionsProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateSpotOptionsPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("blockDurationMinutes", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.blockDurationMinutes)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("instanceInterruptionBehavior", cdk.validateString)(properties.instanceInterruptionBehavior)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("maxPrice", cdk.validateString)(properties.maxPrice)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("spotInstanceType", cdk.validateString)(properties.spotInstanceType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("validUntil", cdk.validateString)(properties.validUntil)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"SpotOptionsProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnLaunchTemplateSpotOptionsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnLaunchTemplateSpotOptionsPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "BlockDurationMinutes": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.blockDurationMinutes), + "InstanceInterruptionBehavior": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.instanceInterruptionBehavior), + "MaxPrice": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.maxPrice), + "SpotInstanceType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.spotInstanceType), + "ValidUntil": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.validUntil) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateSpotOptionsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("blockDurationMinutes", "BlockDurationMinutes", (properties.BlockDurationMinutes != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.BlockDurationMinutes) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("instanceInterruptionBehavior", "InstanceInterruptionBehavior", (properties.InstanceInterruptionBehavior != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.InstanceInterruptionBehavior) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("maxPrice", "MaxPrice", (properties.MaxPrice != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.MaxPrice) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("spotInstanceType", "SpotInstanceType", (properties.SpotInstanceType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SpotInstanceType) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("validUntil", "ValidUntil", (properties.ValidUntil != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ValidUntil) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`InstanceMarketOptionsProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`InstanceMarketOptionsProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateInstanceMarketOptionsPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("marketType", cdk.validateString)(properties.marketType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("spotOptions", CfnLaunchTemplateSpotOptionsPropertyValidator)(properties.spotOptions)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"InstanceMarketOptionsProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnLaunchTemplateInstanceMarketOptionsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnLaunchTemplateInstanceMarketOptionsPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "MarketType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.marketType), + "SpotOptions": convertCfnLaunchTemplateSpotOptionsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.spotOptions) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateInstanceMarketOptionsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("marketType", "MarketType", (properties.MarketType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.MarketType) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("spotOptions", "SpotOptions", (properties.SpotOptions != null ? CfnLaunchTemplateSpotOptionsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.SpotOptions) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`NetworkInterfaceCountProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`NetworkInterfaceCountProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateNetworkInterfaceCountPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("max", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.max)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("min", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.min)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"NetworkInterfaceCountProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnLaunchTemplateNetworkInterfaceCountPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnLaunchTemplateNetworkInterfaceCountPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Max": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.max), + "Min": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.min) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateNetworkInterfaceCountPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("max", "Max", (properties.Max != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Max) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("min", "Min", (properties.Min != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Min) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`MemoryGiBPerVCpuProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`MemoryGiBPerVCpuProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateMemoryGiBPerVCpuPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("max", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.max)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("min", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.min)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"MemoryGiBPerVCpuProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnLaunchTemplateMemoryGiBPerVCpuPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnLaunchTemplateMemoryGiBPerVCpuPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Max": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.max), + "Min": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.min) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateMemoryGiBPerVCpuPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("max", "Max", (properties.Max != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Max) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("min", "Min", (properties.Min != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Min) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`VCpuCountProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`VCpuCountProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateVCpuCountPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("max", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.max)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("min", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.min)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"VCpuCountProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnLaunchTemplateVCpuCountPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnLaunchTemplateVCpuCountPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Max": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.max), + "Min": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.min) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateVCpuCountPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("max", "Max", (properties.Max != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Max) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("min", "Min", (properties.Min != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Min) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`AcceleratorCountProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`AcceleratorCountProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateAcceleratorCountPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("max", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.max)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("min", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.min)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"AcceleratorCountProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnLaunchTemplateAcceleratorCountPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnLaunchTemplateAcceleratorCountPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Max": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.max), + "Min": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.min) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateAcceleratorCountPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("max", "Max", (properties.Max != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Max) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("min", "Min", (properties.Min != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Min) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`NetworkBandwidthGbpsProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`NetworkBandwidthGbpsProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateNetworkBandwidthGbpsPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("max", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.max)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("min", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.min)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"NetworkBandwidthGbpsProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnLaunchTemplateNetworkBandwidthGbpsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnLaunchTemplateNetworkBandwidthGbpsPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Max": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.max), + "Min": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.min) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateNetworkBandwidthGbpsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("max", "Max", (properties.Max != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Max) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("min", "Min", (properties.Min != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Min) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`BaselineEbsBandwidthMbpsProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`BaselineEbsBandwidthMbpsProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateBaselineEbsBandwidthMbpsPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("max", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.max)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("min", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.min)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"BaselineEbsBandwidthMbpsProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnLaunchTemplateBaselineEbsBandwidthMbpsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnLaunchTemplateBaselineEbsBandwidthMbpsPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Max": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.max), + "Min": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.min) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateBaselineEbsBandwidthMbpsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("max", "Max", (properties.Max != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Max) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("min", "Min", (properties.Min != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Min) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`AcceleratorTotalMemoryMiBProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`AcceleratorTotalMemoryMiBProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateAcceleratorTotalMemoryMiBPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("max", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.max)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("min", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.min)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"AcceleratorTotalMemoryMiBProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnLaunchTemplateAcceleratorTotalMemoryMiBPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnLaunchTemplateAcceleratorTotalMemoryMiBPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Max": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.max), + "Min": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.min) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateAcceleratorTotalMemoryMiBPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("max", "Max", (properties.Max != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Max) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("min", "Min", (properties.Min != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Min) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`MemoryMiBProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`MemoryMiBProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateMemoryMiBPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("max", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.max)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("min", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.min)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"MemoryMiBProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnLaunchTemplateMemoryMiBPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnLaunchTemplateMemoryMiBPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Max": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.max), + "Min": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.min) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateMemoryMiBPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("max", "Max", (properties.Max != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Max) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("min", "Min", (properties.Min != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Min) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`TotalLocalStorageGBProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`TotalLocalStorageGBProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateTotalLocalStorageGBPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("max", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.max)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("min", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.min)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"TotalLocalStorageGBProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnLaunchTemplateTotalLocalStorageGBPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnLaunchTemplateTotalLocalStorageGBPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Max": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.max), + "Min": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.min) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateTotalLocalStorageGBPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("max", "Max", (properties.Max != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Max) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("min", "Min", (properties.Min != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Min) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`InstanceRequirementsProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`InstanceRequirementsProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateInstanceRequirementsPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("acceleratorCount", CfnLaunchTemplateAcceleratorCountPropertyValidator)(properties.acceleratorCount)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("acceleratorManufacturers", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.acceleratorManufacturers)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("acceleratorNames", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.acceleratorNames)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("acceleratorTotalMemoryMiB", CfnLaunchTemplateAcceleratorTotalMemoryMiBPropertyValidator)(properties.acceleratorTotalMemoryMiB)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("acceleratorTypes", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.acceleratorTypes)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("allowedInstanceTypes", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.allowedInstanceTypes)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("bareMetal", cdk.validateString)(properties.bareMetal)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("baselineEbsBandwidthMbps", CfnLaunchTemplateBaselineEbsBandwidthMbpsPropertyValidator)(properties.baselineEbsBandwidthMbps)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("burstablePerformance", cdk.validateString)(properties.burstablePerformance)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("cpuManufacturers", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.cpuManufacturers)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("excludedInstanceTypes", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.excludedInstanceTypes)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("instanceGenerations", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.instanceGenerations)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("localStorage", cdk.validateString)(properties.localStorage)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("localStorageTypes", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.localStorageTypes)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("memoryGiBPerVCpu", CfnLaunchTemplateMemoryGiBPerVCpuPropertyValidator)(properties.memoryGiBPerVCpu)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("memoryMiB", CfnLaunchTemplateMemoryMiBPropertyValidator)(properties.memoryMiB)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("networkBandwidthGbps", CfnLaunchTemplateNetworkBandwidthGbpsPropertyValidator)(properties.networkBandwidthGbps)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("networkInterfaceCount", CfnLaunchTemplateNetworkInterfaceCountPropertyValidator)(properties.networkInterfaceCount)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("onDemandMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.onDemandMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("requireHibernateSupport", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.requireHibernateSupport)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("spotMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.spotMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("totalLocalStorageGb", CfnLaunchTemplateTotalLocalStorageGBPropertyValidator)(properties.totalLocalStorageGb)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vCpuCount", CfnLaunchTemplateVCpuCountPropertyValidator)(properties.vCpuCount)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"InstanceRequirementsProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnLaunchTemplateInstanceRequirementsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnLaunchTemplateInstanceRequirementsPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AcceleratorCount": convertCfnLaunchTemplateAcceleratorCountPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.acceleratorCount), + "AcceleratorManufacturers": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.acceleratorManufacturers), + "AcceleratorNames": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.acceleratorNames), + "AcceleratorTotalMemoryMiB": convertCfnLaunchTemplateAcceleratorTotalMemoryMiBPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.acceleratorTotalMemoryMiB), + "AcceleratorTypes": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.acceleratorTypes), + "AllowedInstanceTypes": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.allowedInstanceTypes), + "BareMetal": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.bareMetal), + "BaselineEbsBandwidthMbps": convertCfnLaunchTemplateBaselineEbsBandwidthMbpsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.baselineEbsBandwidthMbps), + "BurstablePerformance": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.burstablePerformance), + "CpuManufacturers": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.cpuManufacturers), + "ExcludedInstanceTypes": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.excludedInstanceTypes), + "InstanceGenerations": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.instanceGenerations), + "LocalStorage": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.localStorage), + "LocalStorageTypes": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.localStorageTypes), + "MemoryGiBPerVCpu": convertCfnLaunchTemplateMemoryGiBPerVCpuPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.memoryGiBPerVCpu), + "MemoryMiB": convertCfnLaunchTemplateMemoryMiBPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.memoryMiB), + "NetworkBandwidthGbps": convertCfnLaunchTemplateNetworkBandwidthGbpsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.networkBandwidthGbps), + "NetworkInterfaceCount": convertCfnLaunchTemplateNetworkInterfaceCountPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.networkInterfaceCount), + "OnDemandMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.onDemandMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice), + "RequireHibernateSupport": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.requireHibernateSupport), + "SpotMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.spotMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice), + "TotalLocalStorageGB": convertCfnLaunchTemplateTotalLocalStorageGBPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.totalLocalStorageGb), + "VCpuCount": convertCfnLaunchTemplateVCpuCountPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.vCpuCount) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateInstanceRequirementsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("acceleratorCount", "AcceleratorCount", (properties.AcceleratorCount != null ? CfnLaunchTemplateAcceleratorCountPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.AcceleratorCount) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("acceleratorManufacturers", "AcceleratorManufacturers", (properties.AcceleratorManufacturers != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.AcceleratorManufacturers) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("acceleratorNames", "AcceleratorNames", (properties.AcceleratorNames != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.AcceleratorNames) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("acceleratorTotalMemoryMiB", "AcceleratorTotalMemoryMiB", (properties.AcceleratorTotalMemoryMiB != null ? CfnLaunchTemplateAcceleratorTotalMemoryMiBPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.AcceleratorTotalMemoryMiB) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("acceleratorTypes", "AcceleratorTypes", (properties.AcceleratorTypes != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.AcceleratorTypes) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("allowedInstanceTypes", "AllowedInstanceTypes", (properties.AllowedInstanceTypes != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.AllowedInstanceTypes) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("bareMetal", "BareMetal", (properties.BareMetal != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.BareMetal) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("baselineEbsBandwidthMbps", "BaselineEbsBandwidthMbps", (properties.BaselineEbsBandwidthMbps != null ? CfnLaunchTemplateBaselineEbsBandwidthMbpsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.BaselineEbsBandwidthMbps) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("burstablePerformance", "BurstablePerformance", (properties.BurstablePerformance != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.BurstablePerformance) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("cpuManufacturers", "CpuManufacturers", (properties.CpuManufacturers != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.CpuManufacturers) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("excludedInstanceTypes", "ExcludedInstanceTypes", (properties.ExcludedInstanceTypes != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.ExcludedInstanceTypes) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("instanceGenerations", "InstanceGenerations", (properties.InstanceGenerations != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.InstanceGenerations) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("localStorage", "LocalStorage", (properties.LocalStorage != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.LocalStorage) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("localStorageTypes", "LocalStorageTypes", (properties.LocalStorageTypes != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.LocalStorageTypes) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("memoryGiBPerVCpu", "MemoryGiBPerVCpu", (properties.MemoryGiBPerVCpu != null ? CfnLaunchTemplateMemoryGiBPerVCpuPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.MemoryGiBPerVCpu) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("memoryMiB", "MemoryMiB", (properties.MemoryMiB != null ? CfnLaunchTemplateMemoryMiBPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.MemoryMiB) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("networkBandwidthGbps", "NetworkBandwidthGbps", (properties.NetworkBandwidthGbps != null ? CfnLaunchTemplateNetworkBandwidthGbpsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.NetworkBandwidthGbps) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("networkInterfaceCount", "NetworkInterfaceCount", (properties.NetworkInterfaceCount != null ? CfnLaunchTemplateNetworkInterfaceCountPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.NetworkInterfaceCount) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("onDemandMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice", "OnDemandMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice", (properties.OnDemandMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.OnDemandMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("requireHibernateSupport", "RequireHibernateSupport", (properties.RequireHibernateSupport != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.RequireHibernateSupport) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("spotMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice", "SpotMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice", (properties.SpotMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.SpotMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("totalLocalStorageGb", "TotalLocalStorageGB", (properties.TotalLocalStorageGB != null ? CfnLaunchTemplateTotalLocalStorageGBPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.TotalLocalStorageGB) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("vCpuCount", "VCpuCount", (properties.VCpuCount != null ? CfnLaunchTemplateVCpuCountPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.VCpuCount) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CapacityReservationTargetProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CapacityReservationTargetProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateCapacityReservationTargetPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("capacityReservationId", cdk.validateString)(properties.capacityReservationId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("capacityReservationResourceGroupArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.capacityReservationResourceGroupArn)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CapacityReservationTargetProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnLaunchTemplateCapacityReservationTargetPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnLaunchTemplateCapacityReservationTargetPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "CapacityReservationId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.capacityReservationId), + "CapacityReservationResourceGroupArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.capacityReservationResourceGroupArn) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateCapacityReservationTargetPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("capacityReservationId", "CapacityReservationId", (properties.CapacityReservationId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.CapacityReservationId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("capacityReservationResourceGroupArn", "CapacityReservationResourceGroupArn", (properties.CapacityReservationResourceGroupArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.CapacityReservationResourceGroupArn) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CapacityReservationSpecificationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CapacityReservationSpecificationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateCapacityReservationSpecificationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("capacityReservationPreference", cdk.validateString)(properties.capacityReservationPreference)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("capacityReservationTarget", CfnLaunchTemplateCapacityReservationTargetPropertyValidator)(properties.capacityReservationTarget)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CapacityReservationSpecificationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnLaunchTemplateCapacityReservationSpecificationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnLaunchTemplateCapacityReservationSpecificationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "CapacityReservationPreference": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.capacityReservationPreference), + "CapacityReservationTarget": convertCfnLaunchTemplateCapacityReservationTargetPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.capacityReservationTarget) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateCapacityReservationSpecificationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("capacityReservationPreference", "CapacityReservationPreference", (properties.CapacityReservationPreference != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.CapacityReservationPreference) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("capacityReservationTarget", "CapacityReservationTarget", (properties.CapacityReservationTarget != null ? CfnLaunchTemplateCapacityReservationTargetPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.CapacityReservationTarget) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CreditSpecificationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CreditSpecificationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateCreditSpecificationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("cpuCredits", cdk.validateString)(properties.cpuCredits)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CreditSpecificationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnLaunchTemplateCreditSpecificationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnLaunchTemplateCreditSpecificationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "CpuCredits": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.cpuCredits) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateCreditSpecificationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("cpuCredits", "CpuCredits", (properties.CpuCredits != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.CpuCredits) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`LaunchTemplateDataProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`LaunchTemplateDataProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateLaunchTemplateDataPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("blockDeviceMappings", cdk.listValidator(CfnLaunchTemplateBlockDeviceMappingPropertyValidator))(properties.blockDeviceMappings)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("capacityReservationSpecification", CfnLaunchTemplateCapacityReservationSpecificationPropertyValidator)(properties.capacityReservationSpecification)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("cpuOptions", CfnLaunchTemplateCpuOptionsPropertyValidator)(properties.cpuOptions)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("creditSpecification", CfnLaunchTemplateCreditSpecificationPropertyValidator)(properties.creditSpecification)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("disableApiStop", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.disableApiStop)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("disableApiTermination", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.disableApiTermination)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ebsOptimized", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.ebsOptimized)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("elasticGpuSpecifications", cdk.listValidator(CfnLaunchTemplateElasticGpuSpecificationPropertyValidator))(properties.elasticGpuSpecifications)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("elasticInferenceAccelerators", cdk.listValidator(CfnLaunchTemplateLaunchTemplateElasticInferenceAcceleratorPropertyValidator))(properties.elasticInferenceAccelerators)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("enclaveOptions", CfnLaunchTemplateEnclaveOptionsPropertyValidator)(properties.enclaveOptions)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("hibernationOptions", CfnLaunchTemplateHibernationOptionsPropertyValidator)(properties.hibernationOptions)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("iamInstanceProfile", CfnLaunchTemplateIamInstanceProfilePropertyValidator)(properties.iamInstanceProfile)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("imageId", cdk.validateString)(properties.imageId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("instanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior", cdk.validateString)(properties.instanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("instanceMarketOptions", CfnLaunchTemplateInstanceMarketOptionsPropertyValidator)(properties.instanceMarketOptions)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("instanceRequirements", CfnLaunchTemplateInstanceRequirementsPropertyValidator)(properties.instanceRequirements)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("instanceType", cdk.validateString)(properties.instanceType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("kernelId", cdk.validateString)(properties.kernelId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("keyName", cdk.validateString)(properties.keyName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("licenseSpecifications", cdk.listValidator(CfnLaunchTemplateLicenseSpecificationPropertyValidator))(properties.licenseSpecifications)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("maintenanceOptions", CfnLaunchTemplateMaintenanceOptionsPropertyValidator)(properties.maintenanceOptions)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("metadataOptions", CfnLaunchTemplateMetadataOptionsPropertyValidator)(properties.metadataOptions)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("monitoring", CfnLaunchTemplateMonitoringPropertyValidator)(properties.monitoring)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("networkInterfaces", cdk.listValidator(CfnLaunchTemplateNetworkInterfacePropertyValidator))(properties.networkInterfaces)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("placement", CfnLaunchTemplatePlacementPropertyValidator)(properties.placement)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("privateDnsNameOptions", CfnLaunchTemplatePrivateDnsNameOptionsPropertyValidator)(properties.privateDnsNameOptions)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ramDiskId", cdk.validateString)(properties.ramDiskId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("securityGroupIds", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.securityGroupIds)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("securityGroups", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.securityGroups)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tagSpecifications", cdk.listValidator(CfnLaunchTemplateTagSpecificationPropertyValidator))(properties.tagSpecifications)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("userData", cdk.validateString)(properties.userData)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"LaunchTemplateDataProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnLaunchTemplateLaunchTemplateDataPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnLaunchTemplateLaunchTemplateDataPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "BlockDeviceMappings": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnLaunchTemplateBlockDeviceMappingPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.blockDeviceMappings), + "CapacityReservationSpecification": convertCfnLaunchTemplateCapacityReservationSpecificationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.capacityReservationSpecification), + "CpuOptions": convertCfnLaunchTemplateCpuOptionsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.cpuOptions), + "CreditSpecification": convertCfnLaunchTemplateCreditSpecificationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.creditSpecification), + "DisableApiStop": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.disableApiStop), + "DisableApiTermination": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.disableApiTermination), + "EbsOptimized": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.ebsOptimized), + "ElasticGpuSpecifications": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnLaunchTemplateElasticGpuSpecificationPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.elasticGpuSpecifications), + "ElasticInferenceAccelerators": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnLaunchTemplateLaunchTemplateElasticInferenceAcceleratorPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.elasticInferenceAccelerators), + "EnclaveOptions": convertCfnLaunchTemplateEnclaveOptionsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.enclaveOptions), + "HibernationOptions": convertCfnLaunchTemplateHibernationOptionsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.hibernationOptions), + "IamInstanceProfile": convertCfnLaunchTemplateIamInstanceProfilePropertyToCloudFormation(properties.iamInstanceProfile), + "ImageId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.imageId), + "InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.instanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior), + "InstanceMarketOptions": convertCfnLaunchTemplateInstanceMarketOptionsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.instanceMarketOptions), + "InstanceRequirements": convertCfnLaunchTemplateInstanceRequirementsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.instanceRequirements), + "InstanceType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.instanceType), + "KernelId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.kernelId), + "KeyName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.keyName), + "LicenseSpecifications": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnLaunchTemplateLicenseSpecificationPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.licenseSpecifications), + "MaintenanceOptions": convertCfnLaunchTemplateMaintenanceOptionsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.maintenanceOptions), + "MetadataOptions": convertCfnLaunchTemplateMetadataOptionsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.metadataOptions), + "Monitoring": convertCfnLaunchTemplateMonitoringPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.monitoring), + "NetworkInterfaces": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnLaunchTemplateNetworkInterfacePropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.networkInterfaces), + "Placement": convertCfnLaunchTemplatePlacementPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.placement), + "PrivateDnsNameOptions": convertCfnLaunchTemplatePrivateDnsNameOptionsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.privateDnsNameOptions), + "RamDiskId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.ramDiskId), + "SecurityGroupIds": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.securityGroupIds), + "SecurityGroups": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.securityGroups), + "TagSpecifications": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnLaunchTemplateTagSpecificationPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.tagSpecifications), + "UserData": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.userData) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateLaunchTemplateDataPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("blockDeviceMappings", "BlockDeviceMappings", (properties.BlockDeviceMappings != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnLaunchTemplateBlockDeviceMappingPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.BlockDeviceMappings) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("capacityReservationSpecification", "CapacityReservationSpecification", (properties.CapacityReservationSpecification != null ? CfnLaunchTemplateCapacityReservationSpecificationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.CapacityReservationSpecification) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("cpuOptions", "CpuOptions", (properties.CpuOptions != null ? CfnLaunchTemplateCpuOptionsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.CpuOptions) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("creditSpecification", "CreditSpecification", (properties.CreditSpecification != null ? CfnLaunchTemplateCreditSpecificationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.CreditSpecification) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("disableApiStop", "DisableApiStop", (properties.DisableApiStop != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.DisableApiStop) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("disableApiTermination", "DisableApiTermination", (properties.DisableApiTermination != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.DisableApiTermination) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ebsOptimized", "EbsOptimized", (properties.EbsOptimized != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.EbsOptimized) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("elasticGpuSpecifications", "ElasticGpuSpecifications", (properties.ElasticGpuSpecifications != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnLaunchTemplateElasticGpuSpecificationPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.ElasticGpuSpecifications) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("elasticInferenceAccelerators", "ElasticInferenceAccelerators", (properties.ElasticInferenceAccelerators != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnLaunchTemplateLaunchTemplateElasticInferenceAcceleratorPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.ElasticInferenceAccelerators) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("enclaveOptions", "EnclaveOptions", (properties.EnclaveOptions != null ? CfnLaunchTemplateEnclaveOptionsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.EnclaveOptions) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("hibernationOptions", "HibernationOptions", (properties.HibernationOptions != null ? CfnLaunchTemplateHibernationOptionsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.HibernationOptions) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("iamInstanceProfile", "IamInstanceProfile", (properties.IamInstanceProfile != null ? CfnLaunchTemplateIamInstanceProfilePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.IamInstanceProfile) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("imageId", "ImageId", (properties.ImageId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ImageId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("instanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior", "InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior", (properties.InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("instanceMarketOptions", "InstanceMarketOptions", (properties.InstanceMarketOptions != null ? CfnLaunchTemplateInstanceMarketOptionsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.InstanceMarketOptions) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("instanceRequirements", "InstanceRequirements", (properties.InstanceRequirements != null ? CfnLaunchTemplateInstanceRequirementsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.InstanceRequirements) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("instanceType", "InstanceType", (properties.InstanceType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.InstanceType) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("kernelId", "KernelId", (properties.KernelId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.KernelId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("keyName", "KeyName", (properties.KeyName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.KeyName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("licenseSpecifications", "LicenseSpecifications", (properties.LicenseSpecifications != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnLaunchTemplateLicenseSpecificationPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.LicenseSpecifications) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("maintenanceOptions", "MaintenanceOptions", (properties.MaintenanceOptions != null ? CfnLaunchTemplateMaintenanceOptionsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.MaintenanceOptions) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("metadataOptions", "MetadataOptions", (properties.MetadataOptions != null ? CfnLaunchTemplateMetadataOptionsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.MetadataOptions) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("monitoring", "Monitoring", (properties.Monitoring != null ? CfnLaunchTemplateMonitoringPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.Monitoring) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("networkInterfaces", "NetworkInterfaces", (properties.NetworkInterfaces != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnLaunchTemplateNetworkInterfacePropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.NetworkInterfaces) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("placement", "Placement", (properties.Placement != null ? CfnLaunchTemplatePlacementPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.Placement) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("privateDnsNameOptions", "PrivateDnsNameOptions", (properties.PrivateDnsNameOptions != null ? CfnLaunchTemplatePrivateDnsNameOptionsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.PrivateDnsNameOptions) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ramDiskId", "RamDiskId", (properties.RamDiskId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.RamDiskId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("securityGroupIds", "SecurityGroupIds", (properties.SecurityGroupIds != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.SecurityGroupIds) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("securityGroups", "SecurityGroups", (properties.SecurityGroups != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.SecurityGroups) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tagSpecifications", "TagSpecifications", (properties.TagSpecifications != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnLaunchTemplateTagSpecificationPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.TagSpecifications) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("userData", "UserData", (properties.UserData != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.UserData) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`LaunchTemplateTagSpecificationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`LaunchTemplateTagSpecificationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateLaunchTemplateTagSpecificationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("resourceType", cdk.validateString)(properties.resourceType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"LaunchTemplateTagSpecificationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnLaunchTemplateLaunchTemplateTagSpecificationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnLaunchTemplateLaunchTemplateTagSpecificationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ResourceType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.resourceType), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplateLaunchTemplateTagSpecificationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("resourceType", "ResourceType", (properties.ResourceType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ResourceType) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnLaunchTemplateProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnLaunchTemplateProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplatePropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("launchTemplateData", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.launchTemplateData)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("launchTemplateData", CfnLaunchTemplateLaunchTemplateDataPropertyValidator)(properties.launchTemplateData)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("launchTemplateName", cdk.validateString)(properties.launchTemplateName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tagSpecifications", cdk.listValidator(CfnLaunchTemplateLaunchTemplateTagSpecificationPropertyValidator))(properties.tagSpecifications)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("versionDescription", cdk.validateString)(properties.versionDescription)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnLaunchTemplateProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnLaunchTemplatePropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnLaunchTemplatePropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "LaunchTemplateData": convertCfnLaunchTemplateLaunchTemplateDataPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.launchTemplateData), + "LaunchTemplateName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.launchTemplateName), + "TagSpecifications": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnLaunchTemplateLaunchTemplateTagSpecificationPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.tagSpecifications), + "VersionDescription": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.versionDescription) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLaunchTemplatePropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("launchTemplateData", "LaunchTemplateData", (properties.LaunchTemplateData != null ? CfnLaunchTemplateLaunchTemplateDataPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.LaunchTemplateData) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("launchTemplateName", "LaunchTemplateName", (properties.LaunchTemplateName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.LaunchTemplateName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tagSpecifications", "TagSpecifications", (properties.TagSpecifications != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnLaunchTemplateLaunchTemplateTagSpecificationPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.TagSpecifications) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("versionDescription", "VersionDescription", (properties.VersionDescription != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.VersionDescription) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Creates a static route for the specified local gateway route table. You must specify one of the following targets:. + * + * - \`LocalGatewayVirtualInterfaceGroupId\` + * - \`NetworkInterfaceId\` + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-localgatewayroute.html + */ +export class CfnLocalGatewayRoute extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::LocalGatewayRoute"; + + /** + * Build a CfnLocalGatewayRoute from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnLocalGatewayRoute { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnLocalGatewayRoutePropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnLocalGatewayRoute(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The state of the local gateway route table. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute State + */ + public readonly attrState: string; + + /** + * The type of local gateway route. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute Type + */ + public readonly attrType: string; + + /** + * The CIDR block used for destination matches. + */ + public destinationCidrBlock: string; + + /** + * The ID of the local gateway route table. + */ + public localGatewayRouteTableId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the virtual interface group. + */ + public localGatewayVirtualInterfaceGroupId?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the network interface. + */ + public networkInterfaceId?: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnLocalGatewayRouteProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnLocalGatewayRoute.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "destinationCidrBlock", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "localGatewayRouteTableId", this); + + this.attrState = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("State", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrType = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Type", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.destinationCidrBlock = props.destinationCidrBlock; + this.localGatewayRouteTableId = props.localGatewayRouteTableId; + this.localGatewayVirtualInterfaceGroupId = props.localGatewayVirtualInterfaceGroupId; + this.networkInterfaceId = props.networkInterfaceId; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "destinationCidrBlock": this.destinationCidrBlock, + "localGatewayRouteTableId": this.localGatewayRouteTableId, + "localGatewayVirtualInterfaceGroupId": this.localGatewayVirtualInterfaceGroupId, + "networkInterfaceId": this.networkInterfaceId + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnLocalGatewayRoute.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnLocalGatewayRoutePropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnLocalGatewayRoute\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-localgatewayroute.html + */ +export interface CfnLocalGatewayRouteProps { + /** + * The CIDR block used for destination matches. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-localgatewayroute.html#cfn-ec2-localgatewayroute-destinationcidrblock + */ + readonly destinationCidrBlock: string; + + /** + * The ID of the local gateway route table. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-localgatewayroute.html#cfn-ec2-localgatewayroute-localgatewayroutetableid + */ + readonly localGatewayRouteTableId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the virtual interface group. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-localgatewayroute.html#cfn-ec2-localgatewayroute-localgatewayvirtualinterfacegroupid + */ + readonly localGatewayVirtualInterfaceGroupId?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the network interface. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-localgatewayroute.html#cfn-ec2-localgatewayroute-networkinterfaceid + */ + readonly networkInterfaceId?: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnLocalGatewayRouteProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnLocalGatewayRouteProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLocalGatewayRoutePropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("destinationCidrBlock", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.destinationCidrBlock)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("destinationCidrBlock", cdk.validateString)(properties.destinationCidrBlock)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("localGatewayRouteTableId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.localGatewayRouteTableId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("localGatewayRouteTableId", cdk.validateString)(properties.localGatewayRouteTableId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("localGatewayVirtualInterfaceGroupId", cdk.validateString)(properties.localGatewayVirtualInterfaceGroupId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("networkInterfaceId", cdk.validateString)(properties.networkInterfaceId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnLocalGatewayRouteProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnLocalGatewayRoutePropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnLocalGatewayRoutePropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "DestinationCidrBlock": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.destinationCidrBlock), + "LocalGatewayRouteTableId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.localGatewayRouteTableId), + "LocalGatewayVirtualInterfaceGroupId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.localGatewayVirtualInterfaceGroupId), + "NetworkInterfaceId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.networkInterfaceId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLocalGatewayRoutePropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("destinationCidrBlock", "DestinationCidrBlock", (properties.DestinationCidrBlock != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DestinationCidrBlock) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("localGatewayRouteTableId", "LocalGatewayRouteTableId", (properties.LocalGatewayRouteTableId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.LocalGatewayRouteTableId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("localGatewayVirtualInterfaceGroupId", "LocalGatewayVirtualInterfaceGroupId", (properties.LocalGatewayVirtualInterfaceGroupId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.LocalGatewayVirtualInterfaceGroupId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("networkInterfaceId", "NetworkInterfaceId", (properties.NetworkInterfaceId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.NetworkInterfaceId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Describes a local gateway route table. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-localgatewayroutetable.html + */ +export class CfnLocalGatewayRouteTable extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::LocalGatewayRouteTable"; + + /** + * Build a CfnLocalGatewayRouteTable from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnLocalGatewayRouteTable { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnLocalGatewayRouteTablePropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnLocalGatewayRouteTable(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the local gateway route table. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute LocalGatewayRouteTableArn + */ + public readonly attrLocalGatewayRouteTableArn: string; + + /** + * The ID of the local gateway route table. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute LocalGatewayRouteTableId + */ + public readonly attrLocalGatewayRouteTableId: string; + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Outpost. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute OutpostArn + */ + public readonly attrOutpostArn: string; + + /** + * The ID of the AWS account that owns the local gateway route table. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute OwnerId + */ + public readonly attrOwnerId: string; + + /** + * The state of the local gateway route table. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute State + */ + public readonly attrState: string; + + /** + * The ID of the local gateway. + */ + public localGatewayId: string; + + /** + * The mode of the local gateway route table. + */ + public mode?: string; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * The tags assigned to the local gateway route table. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnLocalGatewayRouteTableProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnLocalGatewayRouteTable.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "localGatewayId", this); + + this.attrLocalGatewayRouteTableArn = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("LocalGatewayRouteTableArn", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrLocalGatewayRouteTableId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("LocalGatewayRouteTableId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrOutpostArn = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("OutpostArn", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrOwnerId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("OwnerId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrState = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("State", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.localGatewayId = props.localGatewayId; + this.mode = props.mode; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::EC2::LocalGatewayRouteTable", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "localGatewayId": this.localGatewayId, + "mode": this.mode, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags() + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnLocalGatewayRouteTable.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnLocalGatewayRouteTablePropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnLocalGatewayRouteTable\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-localgatewayroutetable.html + */ +export interface CfnLocalGatewayRouteTableProps { + /** + * The ID of the local gateway. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-localgatewayroutetable.html#cfn-ec2-localgatewayroutetable-localgatewayid + */ + readonly localGatewayId: string; + + /** + * The mode of the local gateway route table. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-localgatewayroutetable.html#cfn-ec2-localgatewayroutetable-mode + */ + readonly mode?: string; + + /** + * The tags assigned to the local gateway route table. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-localgatewayroutetable.html#cfn-ec2-localgatewayroutetable-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnLocalGatewayRouteTableProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnLocalGatewayRouteTableProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLocalGatewayRouteTablePropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("localGatewayId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.localGatewayId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("localGatewayId", cdk.validateString)(properties.localGatewayId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("mode", cdk.validateString)(properties.mode)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnLocalGatewayRouteTableProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnLocalGatewayRouteTablePropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnLocalGatewayRouteTablePropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "LocalGatewayId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.localGatewayId), + "Mode": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.mode), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLocalGatewayRouteTablePropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("localGatewayId", "LocalGatewayId", (properties.LocalGatewayId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.LocalGatewayId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("mode", "Mode", (properties.Mode != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Mode) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Describes an association between a local gateway route table and a virtual interface group. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-localgatewayroutetablevirtualinterfacegroupassociation.html + */ +export class CfnLocalGatewayRouteTableVirtualInterfaceGroupAssociation extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::LocalGatewayRouteTableVirtualInterfaceGroupAssociation"; + + /** + * Build a CfnLocalGatewayRouteTableVirtualInterfaceGroupAssociation from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnLocalGatewayRouteTableVirtualInterfaceGroupAssociation { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnLocalGatewayRouteTableVirtualInterfaceGroupAssociationPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnLocalGatewayRouteTableVirtualInterfaceGroupAssociation(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The ID of the local gateway. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute LocalGatewayId + */ + public readonly attrLocalGatewayId: string; + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the local gateway route table for the virtual interface group. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute LocalGatewayRouteTableArn + */ + public readonly attrLocalGatewayRouteTableArn: string; + + /** + * The ID of the association. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute LocalGatewayRouteTableVirtualInterfaceGroupAssociationId + */ + public readonly attrLocalGatewayRouteTableVirtualInterfaceGroupAssociationId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the AWS account that owns the local gateway virtual interface group association. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute OwnerId + */ + public readonly attrOwnerId: string; + + /** + * The state of the association. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute State + */ + public readonly attrState: string; + + /** + * The ID of the local gateway route table. + */ + public localGatewayRouteTableId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the virtual interface group. + */ + public localGatewayVirtualInterfaceGroupId: string; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * The tags assigned to the association. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnLocalGatewayRouteTableVirtualInterfaceGroupAssociationProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnLocalGatewayRouteTableVirtualInterfaceGroupAssociation.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "localGatewayRouteTableId", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "localGatewayVirtualInterfaceGroupId", this); + + this.attrLocalGatewayId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("LocalGatewayId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrLocalGatewayRouteTableArn = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("LocalGatewayRouteTableArn", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrLocalGatewayRouteTableVirtualInterfaceGroupAssociationId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("LocalGatewayRouteTableVirtualInterfaceGroupAssociationId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrOwnerId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("OwnerId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrState = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("State", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.localGatewayRouteTableId = props.localGatewayRouteTableId; + this.localGatewayVirtualInterfaceGroupId = props.localGatewayVirtualInterfaceGroupId; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::EC2::LocalGatewayRouteTableVirtualInterfaceGroupAssociation", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "localGatewayRouteTableId": this.localGatewayRouteTableId, + "localGatewayVirtualInterfaceGroupId": this.localGatewayVirtualInterfaceGroupId, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags() + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnLocalGatewayRouteTableVirtualInterfaceGroupAssociation.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnLocalGatewayRouteTableVirtualInterfaceGroupAssociationPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnLocalGatewayRouteTableVirtualInterfaceGroupAssociation\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-localgatewayroutetablevirtualinterfacegroupassociation.html + */ +export interface CfnLocalGatewayRouteTableVirtualInterfaceGroupAssociationProps { + /** + * The ID of the local gateway route table. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-localgatewayroutetablevirtualinterfacegroupassociation.html#cfn-ec2-localgatewayroutetablevirtualinterfacegroupassociation-localgatewayroutetableid + */ + readonly localGatewayRouteTableId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the virtual interface group. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-localgatewayroutetablevirtualinterfacegroupassociation.html#cfn-ec2-localgatewayroutetablevirtualinterfacegroupassociation-localgatewayvirtualinterfacegroupid + */ + readonly localGatewayVirtualInterfaceGroupId: string; + + /** + * The tags assigned to the association. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-localgatewayroutetablevirtualinterfacegroupassociation.html#cfn-ec2-localgatewayroutetablevirtualinterfacegroupassociation-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnLocalGatewayRouteTableVirtualInterfaceGroupAssociationProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnLocalGatewayRouteTableVirtualInterfaceGroupAssociationProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLocalGatewayRouteTableVirtualInterfaceGroupAssociationPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("localGatewayRouteTableId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.localGatewayRouteTableId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("localGatewayRouteTableId", cdk.validateString)(properties.localGatewayRouteTableId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("localGatewayVirtualInterfaceGroupId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.localGatewayVirtualInterfaceGroupId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("localGatewayVirtualInterfaceGroupId", cdk.validateString)(properties.localGatewayVirtualInterfaceGroupId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnLocalGatewayRouteTableVirtualInterfaceGroupAssociationProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnLocalGatewayRouteTableVirtualInterfaceGroupAssociationPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnLocalGatewayRouteTableVirtualInterfaceGroupAssociationPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "LocalGatewayRouteTableId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.localGatewayRouteTableId), + "LocalGatewayVirtualInterfaceGroupId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.localGatewayVirtualInterfaceGroupId), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLocalGatewayRouteTableVirtualInterfaceGroupAssociationPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("localGatewayRouteTableId", "LocalGatewayRouteTableId", (properties.LocalGatewayRouteTableId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.LocalGatewayRouteTableId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("localGatewayVirtualInterfaceGroupId", "LocalGatewayVirtualInterfaceGroupId", (properties.LocalGatewayVirtualInterfaceGroupId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.LocalGatewayVirtualInterfaceGroupId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Associates the specified VPC with the specified local gateway route table. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-localgatewayroutetablevpcassociation.html + */ +export class CfnLocalGatewayRouteTableVPCAssociation extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::LocalGatewayRouteTableVPCAssociation"; + + /** + * Build a CfnLocalGatewayRouteTableVPCAssociation from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnLocalGatewayRouteTableVPCAssociation { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnLocalGatewayRouteTableVPCAssociationPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnLocalGatewayRouteTableVPCAssociation(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The ID of the local gateway. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute LocalGatewayId + */ + public readonly attrLocalGatewayId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the association. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute LocalGatewayRouteTableVpcAssociationId + */ + public readonly attrLocalGatewayRouteTableVpcAssociationId: string; + + /** + * The state of the association. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute State + */ + public readonly attrState: string; + + /** + * The ID of the local gateway route table. + */ + public localGatewayRouteTableId: string; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * The tags assigned to the association. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * The ID of the VPC. + */ + public vpcId: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnLocalGatewayRouteTableVPCAssociationProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnLocalGatewayRouteTableVPCAssociation.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "localGatewayRouteTableId", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "vpcId", this); + + this.attrLocalGatewayId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("LocalGatewayId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrLocalGatewayRouteTableVpcAssociationId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("LocalGatewayRouteTableVpcAssociationId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrState = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("State", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.localGatewayRouteTableId = props.localGatewayRouteTableId; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::EC2::LocalGatewayRouteTableVPCAssociation", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + this.vpcId = props.vpcId; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "localGatewayRouteTableId": this.localGatewayRouteTableId, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags(), + "vpcId": this.vpcId + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnLocalGatewayRouteTableVPCAssociation.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnLocalGatewayRouteTableVPCAssociationPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnLocalGatewayRouteTableVPCAssociation\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-localgatewayroutetablevpcassociation.html + */ +export interface CfnLocalGatewayRouteTableVPCAssociationProps { + /** + * The ID of the local gateway route table. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-localgatewayroutetablevpcassociation.html#cfn-ec2-localgatewayroutetablevpcassociation-localgatewayroutetableid + */ + readonly localGatewayRouteTableId: string; + + /** + * The tags assigned to the association. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-localgatewayroutetablevpcassociation.html#cfn-ec2-localgatewayroutetablevpcassociation-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; + + /** + * The ID of the VPC. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-localgatewayroutetablevpcassociation.html#cfn-ec2-localgatewayroutetablevpcassociation-vpcid + */ + readonly vpcId: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnLocalGatewayRouteTableVPCAssociationProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnLocalGatewayRouteTableVPCAssociationProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLocalGatewayRouteTableVPCAssociationPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("localGatewayRouteTableId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.localGatewayRouteTableId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("localGatewayRouteTableId", cdk.validateString)(properties.localGatewayRouteTableId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vpcId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.vpcId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vpcId", cdk.validateString)(properties.vpcId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnLocalGatewayRouteTableVPCAssociationProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnLocalGatewayRouteTableVPCAssociationPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnLocalGatewayRouteTableVPCAssociationPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "LocalGatewayRouteTableId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.localGatewayRouteTableId), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags), + "VpcId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.vpcId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLocalGatewayRouteTableVPCAssociationPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("localGatewayRouteTableId", "LocalGatewayRouteTableId", (properties.LocalGatewayRouteTableId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.LocalGatewayRouteTableId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("vpcId", "VpcId", (properties.VpcId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.VpcId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Specifies a network address translation (NAT) gateway in the specified subnet. + * + * You can create either a public NAT gateway or a private NAT gateway. The default is a public NAT gateway. If you create a public NAT gateway, you must specify an elastic IP address. + * + * With a NAT gateway, instances in a private subnet can connect to the internet, other AWS services, or an on-premises network using the IP address of the NAT gateway. + * + * If you add a default route ( \`AWS::EC2::Route\` resource) that points to a NAT gateway, specify the NAT gateway ID for the route's \`NatGatewayId\` property. + * + * For more information, see [NAT Gateways](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/userguide/vpc-nat-gateway.html) in the *Amazon VPC User Guide* . + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-natgateway.html + */ +export class CfnNatGateway extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::NatGateway"; + + /** + * Build a CfnNatGateway from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnNatGateway { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnNatGatewayPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnNatGateway(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The ID of the NAT gateway. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute NatGatewayId + */ + public readonly attrNatGatewayId: string; + + /** + * [Public NAT gateway only] The allocation ID of the Elastic IP address that's associated with the NAT gateway. + */ + public allocationId?: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether the NAT gateway supports public or private connectivity. + */ + public connectivityType?: string; + + /** + * The maximum amount of time to wait (in seconds) before forcibly releasing the IP addresses if connections are still in progress. + */ + public maxDrainDurationSeconds?: number; + + /** + * The private IPv4 address to assign to the NAT gateway. + */ + public privateIpAddress?: string; + + /** + * Secondary EIP allocation IDs. + */ + public secondaryAllocationIds?: Array; + + /** + * [Private NAT gateway only] The number of secondary private IPv4 addresses you want to assign to the NAT gateway. + */ + public secondaryPrivateIpAddressCount?: number; + + /** + * Secondary private IPv4 addresses. + */ + public secondaryPrivateIpAddresses?: Array; + + /** + * The ID of the subnet in which the NAT gateway is located. + */ + public subnetId: string; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * The tags for the NAT gateway. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnNatGatewayProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnNatGateway.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "subnetId", this); + + this.attrNatGatewayId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("NatGatewayId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.allocationId = props.allocationId; + this.connectivityType = props.connectivityType; + this.maxDrainDurationSeconds = props.maxDrainDurationSeconds; + this.privateIpAddress = props.privateIpAddress; + this.secondaryAllocationIds = props.secondaryAllocationIds; + this.secondaryPrivateIpAddressCount = props.secondaryPrivateIpAddressCount; + this.secondaryPrivateIpAddresses = props.secondaryPrivateIpAddresses; + this.subnetId = props.subnetId; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::EC2::NatGateway", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "allocationId": this.allocationId, + "connectivityType": this.connectivityType, + "maxDrainDurationSeconds": this.maxDrainDurationSeconds, + "privateIpAddress": this.privateIpAddress, + "secondaryAllocationIds": this.secondaryAllocationIds, + "secondaryPrivateIpAddressCount": this.secondaryPrivateIpAddressCount, + "secondaryPrivateIpAddresses": this.secondaryPrivateIpAddresses, + "subnetId": this.subnetId, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags() + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnNatGateway.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnNatGatewayPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnNatGateway\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-natgateway.html + */ +export interface CfnNatGatewayProps { + /** + * [Public NAT gateway only] The allocation ID of the Elastic IP address that's associated with the NAT gateway. + * + * This property is required for a public NAT gateway and cannot be specified with a private NAT gateway. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-natgateway.html#cfn-ec2-natgateway-allocationid + */ + readonly allocationId?: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether the NAT gateway supports public or private connectivity. + * + * The default is public connectivity. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-natgateway.html#cfn-ec2-natgateway-connectivitytype + */ + readonly connectivityType?: string; + + /** + * The maximum amount of time to wait (in seconds) before forcibly releasing the IP addresses if connections are still in progress. + * + * Default value is 350 seconds. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-natgateway.html#cfn-ec2-natgateway-maxdraindurationseconds + */ + readonly maxDrainDurationSeconds?: number; + + /** + * The private IPv4 address to assign to the NAT gateway. + * + * If you don't provide an address, a private IPv4 address will be automatically assigned. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-natgateway.html#cfn-ec2-natgateway-privateipaddress + */ + readonly privateIpAddress?: string; + + /** + * Secondary EIP allocation IDs. + * + * For more information, see [Create a NAT gateway](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/userguide/vpc-nat-gateway.html#nat-gateway-creating) in the *Amazon VPC User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-natgateway.html#cfn-ec2-natgateway-secondaryallocationids + */ + readonly secondaryAllocationIds?: Array; + + /** + * [Private NAT gateway only] The number of secondary private IPv4 addresses you want to assign to the NAT gateway. + * + * For more information about secondary addresses, see [Create a NAT gateway](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/userguide/vpc-nat-gateway.html#nat-gateway-creating) in the *Amazon Virtual Private Cloud User Guide* . + * + * > \`SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount\` and \`SecondaryPrivateIpAddresses\` cannot be set at the same time. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-natgateway.html#cfn-ec2-natgateway-secondaryprivateipaddresscount + */ + readonly secondaryPrivateIpAddressCount?: number; + + /** + * Secondary private IPv4 addresses. + * + * For more information about secondary addresses, see [Create a NAT gateway](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/userguide/vpc-nat-gateway.html#nat-gateway-creating) in the *Amazon Virtual Private Cloud User Guide* . + * + * > \`SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount\` and \`SecondaryPrivateIpAddresses\` cannot be set at the same time. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-natgateway.html#cfn-ec2-natgateway-secondaryprivateipaddresses + */ + readonly secondaryPrivateIpAddresses?: Array; + + /** + * The ID of the subnet in which the NAT gateway is located. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-natgateway.html#cfn-ec2-natgateway-subnetid + */ + readonly subnetId: string; + + /** + * The tags for the NAT gateway. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-natgateway.html#cfn-ec2-natgateway-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnNatGatewayProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnNatGatewayProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNatGatewayPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("allocationId", cdk.validateString)(properties.allocationId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("connectivityType", cdk.validateString)(properties.connectivityType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("maxDrainDurationSeconds", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.maxDrainDurationSeconds)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("privateIpAddress", cdk.validateString)(properties.privateIpAddress)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("secondaryAllocationIds", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.secondaryAllocationIds)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("secondaryPrivateIpAddressCount", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.secondaryPrivateIpAddressCount)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("secondaryPrivateIpAddresses", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.secondaryPrivateIpAddresses)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("subnetId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.subnetId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("subnetId", cdk.validateString)(properties.subnetId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnNatGatewayProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnNatGatewayPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnNatGatewayPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AllocationId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.allocationId), + "ConnectivityType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.connectivityType), + "MaxDrainDurationSeconds": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.maxDrainDurationSeconds), + "PrivateIpAddress": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.privateIpAddress), + "SecondaryAllocationIds": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.secondaryAllocationIds), + "SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.secondaryPrivateIpAddressCount), + "SecondaryPrivateIpAddresses": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.secondaryPrivateIpAddresses), + "SubnetId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.subnetId), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNatGatewayPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("allocationId", "AllocationId", (properties.AllocationId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.AllocationId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("connectivityType", "ConnectivityType", (properties.ConnectivityType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ConnectivityType) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("maxDrainDurationSeconds", "MaxDrainDurationSeconds", (properties.MaxDrainDurationSeconds != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.MaxDrainDurationSeconds) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("privateIpAddress", "PrivateIpAddress", (properties.PrivateIpAddress != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.PrivateIpAddress) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("secondaryAllocationIds", "SecondaryAllocationIds", (properties.SecondaryAllocationIds != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.SecondaryAllocationIds) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("secondaryPrivateIpAddressCount", "SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount", (properties.SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("secondaryPrivateIpAddresses", "SecondaryPrivateIpAddresses", (properties.SecondaryPrivateIpAddresses != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.SecondaryPrivateIpAddresses) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("subnetId", "SubnetId", (properties.SubnetId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SubnetId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Specifies a network ACL for your VPC. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkacl.html + */ +export class CfnNetworkAcl extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::NetworkAcl"; + + /** + * Build a CfnNetworkAcl from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnNetworkAcl { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnNetworkAclPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnNetworkAcl(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The ID of the network ACL. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute Id + */ + public readonly attrId: string; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * The tags for the network ACL. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * The ID of the VPC for the network ACL. + */ + public vpcId: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnNetworkAclProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnNetworkAcl.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "vpcId", this); + + this.attrId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Id", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::EC2::NetworkAcl", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + this.vpcId = props.vpcId; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "tags": this.tags.renderTags(), + "vpcId": this.vpcId + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnNetworkAcl.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnNetworkAclPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnNetworkAcl\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkacl.html + */ +export interface CfnNetworkAclProps { + /** + * The tags for the network ACL. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkacl.html#cfn-ec2-networkacl-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; + + /** + * The ID of the VPC for the network ACL. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkacl.html#cfn-ec2-networkacl-vpcid + */ + readonly vpcId: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnNetworkAclProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnNetworkAclProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkAclPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vpcId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.vpcId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vpcId", cdk.validateString)(properties.vpcId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnNetworkAclProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnNetworkAclPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnNetworkAclPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags), + "VpcId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.vpcId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkAclPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("vpcId", "VpcId", (properties.VpcId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.VpcId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Specifies an entry, known as a rule, in a network ACL with a rule number you specify. + * + * Each network ACL has a set of numbered ingress rules and a separate set of numbered egress rules. + * + * For information about the protocol value, see [Protocol Numbers](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/https://www.iana.org/assignments/protocol-numbers/protocol-numbers.xhtml) on the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) website. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkaclentry.html + */ +export class CfnNetworkAclEntry extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::NetworkAclEntry"; + + /** + * Build a CfnNetworkAclEntry from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnNetworkAclEntry { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnNetworkAclEntryPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnNetworkAclEntry(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * @cloudformationAttribute Id + */ + public readonly attrId: string; + + /** + * The IPv4 CIDR range to allow or deny, in CIDR notation (for example, Requirement is conditional: You must specify the \`CidrBlock\` or \`Ipv6CidrBlock\` property. + */ + public cidrBlock?: string; + + /** + * Whether this rule applies to egress traffic from the subnet ( \`true\` ) or ingress traffic to the subnet ( \`false\` ). + */ + public egress?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) code and type. + */ + public icmp?: CfnNetworkAclEntry.IcmpProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The IPv6 network range to allow or deny, in CIDR notation. + */ + public ipv6CidrBlock?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the ACL for the entry. + */ + public networkAclId: string; + + /** + * The range of port numbers for the UDP/TCP protocol. + */ + public portRange?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnNetworkAclEntry.PortRangeProperty; + + /** + * The IP protocol that the rule applies to. + */ + public protocol: number; + + /** + * Whether to allow or deny traffic that matches the rule; + */ + public ruleAction: string; + + /** + * Rule number to assign to the entry, such as 100. + */ + public ruleNumber: number; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnNetworkAclEntryProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnNetworkAclEntry.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "networkAclId", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "protocol", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "ruleAction", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "ruleNumber", this); + + this.attrId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Id", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.cidrBlock = props.cidrBlock; + this.egress = props.egress; + this.icmp = props.icmp; + this.ipv6CidrBlock = props.ipv6CidrBlock; + this.networkAclId = props.networkAclId; + this.portRange = props.portRange; + this.protocol = props.protocol; + this.ruleAction = props.ruleAction; + this.ruleNumber = props.ruleNumber; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "cidrBlock": this.cidrBlock, + "egress": this.egress, + "icmp": this.icmp, + "ipv6CidrBlock": this.ipv6CidrBlock, + "networkAclId": this.networkAclId, + "portRange": this.portRange, + "protocol": this.protocol, + "ruleAction": this.ruleAction, + "ruleNumber": this.ruleNumber + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnNetworkAclEntry.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnNetworkAclEntryPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +export namespace CfnNetworkAclEntry { + /** + * Describes a range of ports. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkaclentry-portrange.html + */ + export interface PortRangeProperty { + /** + * The first port in the range. + * + * Required if you specify 6 (TCP) or 17 (UDP) for the protocol parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkaclentry-portrange.html#cfn-ec2-networkaclentry-portrange-from + */ + readonly from?: number; + + /** + * The last port in the range. + * + * Required if you specify 6 (TCP) or 17 (UDP) for the protocol parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkaclentry-portrange.html#cfn-ec2-networkaclentry-portrange-to + */ + readonly to?: number; + } + + /** + * Describes the ICMP type and code. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkaclentry-icmp.html + */ + export interface IcmpProperty { + /** + * The Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) code. + * + * You can use -1 to specify all ICMP codes for the given ICMP type. Requirement is conditional: Required if you specify 1 (ICMP) for the protocol parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkaclentry-icmp.html#cfn-ec2-networkaclentry-icmp-code + */ + readonly code?: number; + + /** + * The Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) type. + * + * You can use -1 to specify all ICMP types. Conditional requirement: Required if you specify 1 (ICMP) for the \`CreateNetworkAclEntry\` protocol parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkaclentry-icmp.html#cfn-ec2-networkaclentry-icmp-type + */ + readonly type?: number; + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnNetworkAclEntry\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkaclentry.html + */ +export interface CfnNetworkAclEntryProps { + /** + * The IPv4 CIDR range to allow or deny, in CIDR notation (for example, Requirement is conditional: You must specify the \`CidrBlock\` or \`Ipv6CidrBlock\` property. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkaclentry.html#cfn-ec2-networkaclentry-cidrblock + */ + readonly cidrBlock?: string; + + /** + * Whether this rule applies to egress traffic from the subnet ( \`true\` ) or ingress traffic to the subnet ( \`false\` ). + * + * By default, AWS CloudFormation specifies \`false\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkaclentry.html#cfn-ec2-networkaclentry-egress + */ + readonly egress?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) code and type. + * + * Requirement is conditional: Required if specifying 1 (ICMP) for the protocol parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkaclentry.html#cfn-ec2-networkaclentry-icmp + */ + readonly icmp?: CfnNetworkAclEntry.IcmpProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The IPv6 network range to allow or deny, in CIDR notation. + * + * Requirement is conditional: You must specify the \`CidrBlock\` or \`Ipv6CidrBlock\` property. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkaclentry.html#cfn-ec2-networkaclentry-ipv6cidrblock + */ + readonly ipv6CidrBlock?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the ACL for the entry. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkaclentry.html#cfn-ec2-networkaclentry-networkaclid + */ + readonly networkAclId: string; + + /** + * The range of port numbers for the UDP/TCP protocol. + * + * Conditional required if specifying 6 (TCP) or 17 (UDP) for the protocol parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkaclentry.html#cfn-ec2-networkaclentry-portrange + */ + readonly portRange?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnNetworkAclEntry.PortRangeProperty; + + /** + * The IP protocol that the rule applies to. + * + * You must specify -1 or a protocol number. You can specify -1 for all protocols. + * + * > If you specify -1, all ports are opened and the \`PortRange\` property is ignored. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkaclentry.html#cfn-ec2-networkaclentry-protocol + */ + readonly protocol: number; + + /** + * Whether to allow or deny traffic that matches the rule; + * + * valid values are "allow" or "deny". + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkaclentry.html#cfn-ec2-networkaclentry-ruleaction + */ + readonly ruleAction: string; + + /** + * Rule number to assign to the entry, such as 100. + * + * ACL entries are processed in ascending order by rule number. Entries can't use the same rule number unless one is an egress rule and the other is an ingress rule. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkaclentry.html#cfn-ec2-networkaclentry-rulenumber + */ + readonly ruleNumber: number; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`PortRangeProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`PortRangeProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkAclEntryPortRangePropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("from", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.from)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("to", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.to)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"PortRangeProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnNetworkAclEntryPortRangePropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnNetworkAclEntryPortRangePropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "From": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.from), + "To": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.to) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkAclEntryPortRangePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("from", "From", (properties.From != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.From) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("to", "To", (properties.To != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.To) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`IcmpProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`IcmpProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkAclEntryIcmpPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("code", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.code)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("type", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.type)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"IcmpProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnNetworkAclEntryIcmpPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnNetworkAclEntryIcmpPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Code": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.code), + "Type": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.type) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkAclEntryIcmpPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("code", "Code", (properties.Code != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Code) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("type", "Type", (properties.Type != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Type) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnNetworkAclEntryProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnNetworkAclEntryProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkAclEntryPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("cidrBlock", cdk.validateString)(properties.cidrBlock)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("egress", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.egress)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("icmp", CfnNetworkAclEntryIcmpPropertyValidator)(properties.icmp)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipv6CidrBlock", cdk.validateString)(properties.ipv6CidrBlock)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("networkAclId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.networkAclId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("networkAclId", cdk.validateString)(properties.networkAclId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("portRange", CfnNetworkAclEntryPortRangePropertyValidator)(properties.portRange)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("protocol", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.protocol)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("protocol", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.protocol)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ruleAction", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.ruleAction)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ruleAction", cdk.validateString)(properties.ruleAction)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ruleNumber", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.ruleNumber)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ruleNumber", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.ruleNumber)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnNetworkAclEntryProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnNetworkAclEntryPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnNetworkAclEntryPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "CidrBlock": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.cidrBlock), + "Egress": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.egress), + "Icmp": convertCfnNetworkAclEntryIcmpPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.icmp), + "Ipv6CidrBlock": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.ipv6CidrBlock), + "NetworkAclId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.networkAclId), + "PortRange": convertCfnNetworkAclEntryPortRangePropertyToCloudFormation(properties.portRange), + "Protocol": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.protocol), + "RuleAction": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.ruleAction), + "RuleNumber": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.ruleNumber) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkAclEntryPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("cidrBlock", "CidrBlock", (properties.CidrBlock != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.CidrBlock) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("egress", "Egress", (properties.Egress != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.Egress) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("icmp", "Icmp", (properties.Icmp != null ? CfnNetworkAclEntryIcmpPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.Icmp) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ipv6CidrBlock", "Ipv6CidrBlock", (properties.Ipv6CidrBlock != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Ipv6CidrBlock) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("networkAclId", "NetworkAclId", (properties.NetworkAclId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.NetworkAclId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("portRange", "PortRange", (properties.PortRange != null ? CfnNetworkAclEntryPortRangePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.PortRange) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("protocol", "Protocol", (properties.Protocol != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Protocol) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ruleAction", "RuleAction", (properties.RuleAction != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.RuleAction) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ruleNumber", "RuleNumber", (properties.RuleNumber != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.RuleNumber) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Describes a Network Access Scope. + * + * A Network Access Scope defines outbound (egress) and inbound (ingress) traffic patterns, including sources, destinations, paths, and traffic types. + * + * Network Access Analyzer identifies unintended network access to your resources on AWS . When you start an analysis on a Network Access Scope, Network Access Analyzer produces findings. For more information, see the [Network Access Analyzer User Guide](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/network-access-analyzer/) . + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkinsightsaccessscope.html + */ +export class CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScope extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::NetworkInsightsAccessScope"; + + /** + * Build a CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScope from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScope { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopePropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScope(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The creation date. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute CreatedDate + */ + public readonly attrCreatedDate: string; + + /** + * The ARN of the Network Access Scope. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute NetworkInsightsAccessScopeArn + */ + public readonly attrNetworkInsightsAccessScopeArn: string; + + /** + * The ID of the Network Access Scope. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute NetworkInsightsAccessScopeId + */ + public readonly attrNetworkInsightsAccessScopeId: string; + + /** + * The last updated date. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute UpdatedDate + */ + public readonly attrUpdatedDate: string; + + /** + * The paths to exclude. + */ + public excludePaths?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The paths to match. + */ + public matchPaths?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * The tags. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopeProps = {}) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScope.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + this.attrCreatedDate = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("CreatedDate", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrNetworkInsightsAccessScopeArn = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("NetworkInsightsAccessScopeArn", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrNetworkInsightsAccessScopeId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("NetworkInsightsAccessScopeId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrUpdatedDate = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("UpdatedDate", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.excludePaths = props.excludePaths; + this.matchPaths = props.matchPaths; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::EC2::NetworkInsightsAccessScope", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "excludePaths": this.excludePaths, + "matchPaths": this.matchPaths, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags() + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScope.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopePropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +export namespace CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScope { + /** + * Describes a path. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsaccessscope-accessscopepathrequest.html + */ + export interface AccessScopePathRequestProperty { + /** + * The destination. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsaccessscope-accessscopepathrequest.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsaccessscope-accessscopepathrequest-destination + */ + readonly destination?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScope.PathStatementRequestProperty; + + /** + * The source. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsaccessscope-accessscopepathrequest.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsaccessscope-accessscopepathrequest-source + */ + readonly source?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScope.PathStatementRequestProperty; + + /** + * The through resources. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsaccessscope-accessscopepathrequest.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsaccessscope-accessscopepathrequest-throughresources + */ + readonly throughResources?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * Describes a path statement. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsaccessscope-pathstatementrequest.html + */ + export interface PathStatementRequestProperty { + /** + * The packet header statement. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsaccessscope-pathstatementrequest.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsaccessscope-pathstatementrequest-packetheaderstatement + */ + readonly packetHeaderStatement?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScope.PacketHeaderStatementRequestProperty; + + /** + * The resource statement. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsaccessscope-pathstatementrequest.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsaccessscope-pathstatementrequest-resourcestatement + */ + readonly resourceStatement?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScope.ResourceStatementRequestProperty; + } + + /** + * Describes a packet header statement. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsaccessscope-packetheaderstatementrequest.html + */ + export interface PacketHeaderStatementRequestProperty { + /** + * The destination addresses. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsaccessscope-packetheaderstatementrequest.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsaccessscope-packetheaderstatementrequest-destinationaddresses + */ + readonly destinationAddresses?: Array; + + /** + * The destination ports. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsaccessscope-packetheaderstatementrequest.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsaccessscope-packetheaderstatementrequest-destinationports + */ + readonly destinationPorts?: Array; + + /** + * The destination prefix lists. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsaccessscope-packetheaderstatementrequest.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsaccessscope-packetheaderstatementrequest-destinationprefixlists + */ + readonly destinationPrefixLists?: Array; + + /** + * The protocols. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsaccessscope-packetheaderstatementrequest.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsaccessscope-packetheaderstatementrequest-protocols + */ + readonly protocols?: Array; + + /** + * The source addresses. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsaccessscope-packetheaderstatementrequest.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsaccessscope-packetheaderstatementrequest-sourceaddresses + */ + readonly sourceAddresses?: Array; + + /** + * The source ports. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsaccessscope-packetheaderstatementrequest.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsaccessscope-packetheaderstatementrequest-sourceports + */ + readonly sourcePorts?: Array; + + /** + * The source prefix lists. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsaccessscope-packetheaderstatementrequest.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsaccessscope-packetheaderstatementrequest-sourceprefixlists + */ + readonly sourcePrefixLists?: Array; + } + + /** + * Describes a resource statement. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsaccessscope-resourcestatementrequest.html + */ + export interface ResourceStatementRequestProperty { + /** + * The resources. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsaccessscope-resourcestatementrequest.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsaccessscope-resourcestatementrequest-resources + */ + readonly resources?: Array; + + /** + * The resource types. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsaccessscope-resourcestatementrequest.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsaccessscope-resourcestatementrequest-resourcetypes + */ + readonly resourceTypes?: Array; + } + + /** + * Describes a through resource statement. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsaccessscope-throughresourcesstatementrequest.html + */ + export interface ThroughResourcesStatementRequestProperty { + /** + * The resource statement. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsaccessscope-throughresourcesstatementrequest.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsaccessscope-throughresourcesstatementrequest-resourcestatement + */ + readonly resourceStatement?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScope.ResourceStatementRequestProperty; + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScope\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkinsightsaccessscope.html + */ +export interface CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopeProps { + /** + * The paths to exclude. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkinsightsaccessscope.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsaccessscope-excludepaths + */ + readonly excludePaths?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The paths to match. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkinsightsaccessscope.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsaccessscope-matchpaths + */ + readonly matchPaths?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The tags. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkinsightsaccessscope.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsaccessscope-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`PacketHeaderStatementRequestProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`PacketHeaderStatementRequestProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopePacketHeaderStatementRequestPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("destinationAddresses", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.destinationAddresses)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("destinationPorts", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.destinationPorts)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("destinationPrefixLists", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.destinationPrefixLists)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("protocols", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.protocols)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sourceAddresses", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.sourceAddresses)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sourcePorts", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.sourcePorts)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sourcePrefixLists", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.sourcePrefixLists)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"PacketHeaderStatementRequestProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopePacketHeaderStatementRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopePacketHeaderStatementRequestPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "DestinationAddresses": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.destinationAddresses), + "DestinationPorts": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.destinationPorts), + "DestinationPrefixLists": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.destinationPrefixLists), + "Protocols": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.protocols), + "SourceAddresses": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.sourceAddresses), + "SourcePorts": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.sourcePorts), + "SourcePrefixLists": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.sourcePrefixLists) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopePacketHeaderStatementRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("destinationAddresses", "DestinationAddresses", (properties.DestinationAddresses != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.DestinationAddresses) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("destinationPorts", "DestinationPorts", (properties.DestinationPorts != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.DestinationPorts) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("destinationPrefixLists", "DestinationPrefixLists", (properties.DestinationPrefixLists != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.DestinationPrefixLists) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("protocols", "Protocols", (properties.Protocols != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.Protocols) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("sourceAddresses", "SourceAddresses", (properties.SourceAddresses != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.SourceAddresses) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("sourcePorts", "SourcePorts", (properties.SourcePorts != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.SourcePorts) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("sourcePrefixLists", "SourcePrefixLists", (properties.SourcePrefixLists != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.SourcePrefixLists) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`ResourceStatementRequestProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`ResourceStatementRequestProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopeResourceStatementRequestPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("resourceTypes", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.resourceTypes)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("resources", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.resources)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"ResourceStatementRequestProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopeResourceStatementRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopeResourceStatementRequestPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ResourceTypes": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.resourceTypes), + "Resources": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.resources) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopeResourceStatementRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("resources", "Resources", (properties.Resources != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.Resources) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("resourceTypes", "ResourceTypes", (properties.ResourceTypes != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.ResourceTypes) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`PathStatementRequestProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`PathStatementRequestProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopePathStatementRequestPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("packetHeaderStatement", CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopePacketHeaderStatementRequestPropertyValidator)(properties.packetHeaderStatement)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("resourceStatement", CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopeResourceStatementRequestPropertyValidator)(properties.resourceStatement)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"PathStatementRequestProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopePathStatementRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopePathStatementRequestPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "PacketHeaderStatement": convertCfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopePacketHeaderStatementRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.packetHeaderStatement), + "ResourceStatement": convertCfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopeResourceStatementRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.resourceStatement) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopePathStatementRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("packetHeaderStatement", "PacketHeaderStatement", (properties.PacketHeaderStatement != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopePacketHeaderStatementRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.PacketHeaderStatement) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("resourceStatement", "ResourceStatement", (properties.ResourceStatement != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopeResourceStatementRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.ResourceStatement) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`ThroughResourcesStatementRequestProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`ThroughResourcesStatementRequestProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopeThroughResourcesStatementRequestPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("resourceStatement", CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopeResourceStatementRequestPropertyValidator)(properties.resourceStatement)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"ThroughResourcesStatementRequestProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopeThroughResourcesStatementRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopeThroughResourcesStatementRequestPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ResourceStatement": convertCfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopeResourceStatementRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.resourceStatement) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopeThroughResourcesStatementRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("resourceStatement", "ResourceStatement", (properties.ResourceStatement != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopeResourceStatementRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.ResourceStatement) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`AccessScopePathRequestProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`AccessScopePathRequestProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopeAccessScopePathRequestPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("destination", CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopePathStatementRequestPropertyValidator)(properties.destination)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("source", CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopePathStatementRequestPropertyValidator)(properties.source)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("throughResources", cdk.listValidator(CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopeThroughResourcesStatementRequestPropertyValidator))(properties.throughResources)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"AccessScopePathRequestProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopeAccessScopePathRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopeAccessScopePathRequestPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Destination": convertCfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopePathStatementRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.destination), + "Source": convertCfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopePathStatementRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.source), + "ThroughResources": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopeThroughResourcesStatementRequestPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.throughResources) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopeAccessScopePathRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("destination", "Destination", (properties.Destination != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopePathStatementRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.Destination) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("source", "Source", (properties.Source != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopePathStatementRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.Source) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("throughResources", "ThroughResources", (properties.ThroughResources != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopeThroughResourcesStatementRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.ThroughResources) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopeProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopeProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopePropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("excludePaths", cdk.listValidator(CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopeAccessScopePathRequestPropertyValidator))(properties.excludePaths)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("matchPaths", cdk.listValidator(CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopeAccessScopePathRequestPropertyValidator))(properties.matchPaths)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopeProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopePropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopePropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ExcludePaths": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopeAccessScopePathRequestPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.excludePaths), + "MatchPaths": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopeAccessScopePathRequestPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.matchPaths), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopePropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("excludePaths", "ExcludePaths", (properties.ExcludePaths != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopeAccessScopePathRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.ExcludePaths) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("matchPaths", "MatchPaths", (properties.MatchPaths != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopeAccessScopePathRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.MatchPaths) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Describes a Network Access Scope analysis. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkinsightsaccessscopeanalysis.html + */ +export class CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopeAnalysis extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::NetworkInsightsAccessScopeAnalysis"; + + /** + * Build a CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopeAnalysis from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopeAnalysis { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopeAnalysisPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopeAnalysis(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The number of network interfaces analyzed. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute AnalyzedEniCount + */ + public readonly attrAnalyzedEniCount: number; + + /** + * The end date of the analysis. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute EndDate + */ + public readonly attrEndDate: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether there are findings (true | false | unknown). + * + * @cloudformationAttribute FindingsFound + */ + public readonly attrFindingsFound: string; + + /** + * The ARN of the Network Access Scope analysis. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute NetworkInsightsAccessScopeAnalysisArn + */ + public readonly attrNetworkInsightsAccessScopeAnalysisArn: string; + + /** + * The ID of the Network Access Scope analysis. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute NetworkInsightsAccessScopeAnalysisId + */ + public readonly attrNetworkInsightsAccessScopeAnalysisId: string; + + /** + * The start date of the analysis. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute StartDate + */ + public readonly attrStartDate: string; + + /** + * The status of the analysis (running | succeeded | failed). + * + * @cloudformationAttribute Status + */ + public readonly attrStatus: string; + + /** + * The status message. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute StatusMessage + */ + public readonly attrStatusMessage: string; + + /** + * The ID of the Network Access Scope. + */ + public networkInsightsAccessScopeId: string; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * The tags. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopeAnalysisProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopeAnalysis.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "networkInsightsAccessScopeId", this); + + this.attrAnalyzedEniCount = cdk.Token.asNumber(this.getAtt("AnalyzedEniCount", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.NUMBER)); + this.attrEndDate = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("EndDate", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrFindingsFound = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("FindingsFound", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrNetworkInsightsAccessScopeAnalysisArn = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("NetworkInsightsAccessScopeAnalysisArn", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrNetworkInsightsAccessScopeAnalysisId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("NetworkInsightsAccessScopeAnalysisId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrStartDate = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("StartDate", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrStatus = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Status", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrStatusMessage = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("StatusMessage", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.networkInsightsAccessScopeId = props.networkInsightsAccessScopeId; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::EC2::NetworkInsightsAccessScopeAnalysis", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "networkInsightsAccessScopeId": this.networkInsightsAccessScopeId, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags() + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopeAnalysis.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopeAnalysisPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopeAnalysis\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkinsightsaccessscopeanalysis.html + */ +export interface CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopeAnalysisProps { + /** + * The ID of the Network Access Scope. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkinsightsaccessscopeanalysis.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsaccessscopeanalysis-networkinsightsaccessscopeid + */ + readonly networkInsightsAccessScopeId: string; + + /** + * The tags. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkinsightsaccessscopeanalysis.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsaccessscopeanalysis-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopeAnalysisProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopeAnalysisProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopeAnalysisPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("networkInsightsAccessScopeId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.networkInsightsAccessScopeId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("networkInsightsAccessScopeId", cdk.validateString)(properties.networkInsightsAccessScopeId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopeAnalysisProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopeAnalysisPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopeAnalysisPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "NetworkInsightsAccessScopeId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.networkInsightsAccessScopeId), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopeAnalysisPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("networkInsightsAccessScopeId", "NetworkInsightsAccessScopeId", (properties.NetworkInsightsAccessScopeId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.NetworkInsightsAccessScopeId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Specifies a network insights analysis. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis.html + */ +export class CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::NetworkInsightsAnalysis"; + + /** + * Build a CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * Potential intermediate components. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute AlternatePathHints + */ + public readonly attrAlternatePathHints: cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The explanations. For more information, see [Reachability Analyzer explanation codes](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/reachability/explanation-codes.html) . + * + * @cloudformationAttribute Explanations + */ + public readonly attrExplanations: cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The components in the path from source to destination. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute ForwardPathComponents + */ + public readonly attrForwardPathComponents: cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the network insights analysis. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute NetworkInsightsAnalysisArn + */ + public readonly attrNetworkInsightsAnalysisArn: string; + + /** + * The ID of the network insights analysis. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute NetworkInsightsAnalysisId + */ + public readonly attrNetworkInsightsAnalysisId: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether the destination is reachable from the source. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute NetworkPathFound + */ + public readonly attrNetworkPathFound: cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The components in the path from destination to source. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute ReturnPathComponents + */ + public readonly attrReturnPathComponents: cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The time the analysis started. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute StartDate + */ + public readonly attrStartDate: string; + + /** + * The status of the network insights analysis. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute Status + */ + public readonly attrStatus: string; + + /** + * The status message, if the status is \`failed\` . + * + * @cloudformationAttribute StatusMessage + */ + public readonly attrStatusMessage: string; + + /** + * The IDs of potential intermediate accounts. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute SuggestedAccounts + */ + public readonly attrSuggestedAccounts: Array; + + /** + * The member accounts that contain resources that the path can traverse. + */ + public additionalAccounts?: Array; + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Names (ARN) of the resources that the path must traverse. + */ + public filterInArns?: Array; + + /** + * The ID of the path. + */ + public networkInsightsPathId: string; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * The tags to apply. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "networkInsightsPathId", this); + + this.attrAlternatePathHints = this.getAtt("AlternatePathHints"); + this.attrExplanations = this.getAtt("Explanations"); + this.attrForwardPathComponents = this.getAtt("ForwardPathComponents"); + this.attrNetworkInsightsAnalysisArn = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("NetworkInsightsAnalysisArn", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrNetworkInsightsAnalysisId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("NetworkInsightsAnalysisId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrNetworkPathFound = this.getAtt("NetworkPathFound"); + this.attrReturnPathComponents = this.getAtt("ReturnPathComponents"); + this.attrStartDate = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("StartDate", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrStatus = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Status", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrStatusMessage = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("StatusMessage", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrSuggestedAccounts = cdk.Token.asList(this.getAtt("SuggestedAccounts", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING_LIST)); + this.additionalAccounts = props.additionalAccounts; + this.filterInArns = props.filterInArns; + this.networkInsightsPathId = props.networkInsightsPathId; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::EC2::NetworkInsightsAnalysis", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "additionalAccounts": this.additionalAccounts, + "filterInArns": this.filterInArns, + "networkInsightsPathId": this.networkInsightsPathId, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags() + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +export namespace CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis { + /** + * Describes a path component. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-pathcomponent.html + */ + export interface PathComponentProperty { + /** + * The network ACL rule. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-pathcomponent.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-pathcomponent-aclrule + */ + readonly aclRule?: CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis.AnalysisAclRuleProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The additional details. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-pathcomponent.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-pathcomponent-additionaldetails + */ + readonly additionalDetails?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The component. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-pathcomponent.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-pathcomponent-component + */ + readonly component?: CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis.AnalysisComponentProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The destination VPC. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-pathcomponent.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-pathcomponent-destinationvpc + */ + readonly destinationVpc?: CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis.AnalysisComponentProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The load balancer listener. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-pathcomponent.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-pathcomponent-elasticloadbalancerlistener + */ + readonly elasticLoadBalancerListener?: CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis.AnalysisComponentProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The explanation codes. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-pathcomponent.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-pathcomponent-explanations + */ + readonly explanations?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The inbound header. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-pathcomponent.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-pathcomponent-inboundheader + */ + readonly inboundHeader?: CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis.AnalysisPacketHeaderProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The outbound header. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-pathcomponent.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-pathcomponent-outboundheader + */ + readonly outboundHeader?: CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis.AnalysisPacketHeaderProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The route table route. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-pathcomponent.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-pathcomponent-routetableroute + */ + readonly routeTableRoute?: CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis.AnalysisRouteTableRouteProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The security group rule. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-pathcomponent.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-pathcomponent-securitygrouprule + */ + readonly securityGroupRule?: CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis.AnalysisSecurityGroupRuleProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The sequence number. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-pathcomponent.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-pathcomponent-sequencenumber + */ + readonly sequenceNumber?: number; + + /** + * The name of the VPC endpoint service. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-pathcomponent.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-pathcomponent-servicename + */ + readonly serviceName?: string; + + /** + * The source VPC. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-pathcomponent.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-pathcomponent-sourcevpc + */ + readonly sourceVpc?: CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis.AnalysisComponentProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The subnet. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-pathcomponent.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-pathcomponent-subnet + */ + readonly subnet?: CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis.AnalysisComponentProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The transit gateway. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-pathcomponent.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-pathcomponent-transitgateway + */ + readonly transitGateway?: CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis.AnalysisComponentProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The route in a transit gateway route table. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-pathcomponent.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-pathcomponent-transitgatewayroutetableroute + */ + readonly transitGatewayRouteTableRoute?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis.TransitGatewayRouteTableRouteProperty; + + /** + * The component VPC. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-pathcomponent.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-pathcomponent-vpc + */ + readonly vpc?: CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis.AnalysisComponentProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * Describes an additional detail for a path analysis. + * + * For more information, see [Reachability Analyzer additional detail codes](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/reachability/additional-detail-codes.html) . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-additionaldetail.html + */ + export interface AdditionalDetailProperty { + /** + * The additional detail code. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-additionaldetail.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-additionaldetail-additionaldetailtype + */ + readonly additionalDetailType?: string; + + /** + * The path component. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-additionaldetail.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-additionaldetail-component + */ + readonly component?: CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis.AnalysisComponentProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The load balancers. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-additionaldetail.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-additionaldetail-loadbalancers + */ + readonly loadBalancers?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The name of the VPC endpoint service. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-additionaldetail.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-additionaldetail-servicename + */ + readonly serviceName?: string; + } + + /** + * Describes a path component. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysiscomponent.html + */ + export interface AnalysisComponentProperty { + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the component. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysiscomponent.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysiscomponent-arn + */ + readonly arn?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the component. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysiscomponent.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysiscomponent-id + */ + readonly id?: string; + } + + /** + * Describes a header. + * + * Reflects any changes made by a component as traffic passes through. The fields of an inbound header are null except for the first component of a path. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysispacketheader.html + */ + export interface AnalysisPacketHeaderProperty { + /** + * The destination addresses. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysispacketheader.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysispacketheader-destinationaddresses + */ + readonly destinationAddresses?: Array; + + /** + * The destination port ranges. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysispacketheader.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysispacketheader-destinationportranges + */ + readonly destinationPortRanges?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The protocol. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysispacketheader.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysispacketheader-protocol + */ + readonly protocol?: string; + + /** + * The source addresses. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysispacketheader.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysispacketheader-sourceaddresses + */ + readonly sourceAddresses?: Array; + + /** + * The source port ranges. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysispacketheader.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysispacketheader-sourceportranges + */ + readonly sourcePortRanges?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * Describes a range of ports. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-portrange.html + */ + export interface PortRangeProperty { + /** + * The first port in the range. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-portrange.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-portrange-from + */ + readonly from?: number; + + /** + * The last port in the range. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-portrange.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-portrange-to + */ + readonly to?: number; + } + + /** + * Describes a security group rule. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysissecuritygrouprule.html + */ + export interface AnalysisSecurityGroupRuleProperty { + /** + * The IPv4 address range, in CIDR notation. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysissecuritygrouprule.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysissecuritygrouprule-cidr + */ + readonly cidr?: string; + + /** + * The direction. The following are the possible values:. + * + * - egress + * - ingress + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysissecuritygrouprule.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysissecuritygrouprule-direction + */ + readonly direction?: string; + + /** + * The port range. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysissecuritygrouprule.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysissecuritygrouprule-portrange + */ + readonly portRange?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis.PortRangeProperty; + + /** + * The prefix list ID. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysissecuritygrouprule.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysissecuritygrouprule-prefixlistid + */ + readonly prefixListId?: string; + + /** + * The protocol name. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysissecuritygrouprule.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysissecuritygrouprule-protocol + */ + readonly protocol?: string; + + /** + * The security group ID. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysissecuritygrouprule.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysissecuritygrouprule-securitygroupid + */ + readonly securityGroupId?: string; + } + + /** + * Describes an explanation code for an unreachable path. + * + * For more information, see [Reachability Analyzer explanation codes](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/reachability/explanation-codes.html) . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation.html + */ + export interface ExplanationProperty { + /** + * The network ACL. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation-acl + */ + readonly acl?: CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis.AnalysisComponentProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The network ACL rule. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation-aclrule + */ + readonly aclRule?: CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis.AnalysisAclRuleProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The IPv4 address, in CIDR notation. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation-address + */ + readonly address?: string; + + /** + * The IPv4 addresses, in CIDR notation. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation-addresses + */ + readonly addresses?: Array; + + /** + * The resource to which the component is attached. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation-attachedto + */ + readonly attachedTo?: CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis.AnalysisComponentProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The Availability Zones. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation-availabilityzones + */ + readonly availabilityZones?: Array; + + /** + * The CIDR ranges. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation-cidrs + */ + readonly cidrs?: Array; + + /** + * The listener for a Classic Load Balancer. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation-classicloadbalancerlistener + */ + readonly classicLoadBalancerListener?: CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis.AnalysisLoadBalancerListenerProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The component. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation-component + */ + readonly component?: CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis.AnalysisComponentProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The AWS account for the component. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation-componentaccount + */ + readonly componentAccount?: string; + + /** + * The Region for the component. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation-componentregion + */ + readonly componentRegion?: string; + + /** + * The customer gateway. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation-customergateway + */ + readonly customerGateway?: CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis.AnalysisComponentProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The destination. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation-destination + */ + readonly destination?: CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis.AnalysisComponentProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The destination VPC. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation-destinationvpc + */ + readonly destinationVpc?: CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis.AnalysisComponentProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The direction. The following are the possible values:. + * + * - egress + * - ingress + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation-direction + */ + readonly direction?: string; + + /** + * The load balancer listener. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation-elasticloadbalancerlistener + */ + readonly elasticLoadBalancerListener?: CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis.AnalysisComponentProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The explanation code. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation-explanationcode + */ + readonly explanationCode?: string; + + /** + * The route table. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation-ingressroutetable + */ + readonly ingressRouteTable?: CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis.AnalysisComponentProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The internet gateway. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation-internetgateway + */ + readonly internetGateway?: CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis.AnalysisComponentProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the load balancer. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation-loadbalancerarn + */ + readonly loadBalancerArn?: string; + + /** + * The listener port of the load balancer. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation-loadbalancerlistenerport + */ + readonly loadBalancerListenerPort?: number; + + /** + * The target. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation-loadbalancertarget + */ + readonly loadBalancerTarget?: CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis.AnalysisLoadBalancerTargetProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The target group. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation-loadbalancertargetgroup + */ + readonly loadBalancerTargetGroup?: CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis.AnalysisComponentProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The target groups. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation-loadbalancertargetgroups + */ + readonly loadBalancerTargetGroups?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The target port. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation-loadbalancertargetport + */ + readonly loadBalancerTargetPort?: number; + + /** + * The missing component. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation-missingcomponent + */ + readonly missingComponent?: string; + + /** + * The NAT gateway. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation-natgateway + */ + readonly natGateway?: CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis.AnalysisComponentProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The network interface. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation-networkinterface + */ + readonly networkInterface?: CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis.AnalysisComponentProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The packet field. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation-packetfield + */ + readonly packetField?: string; + + /** + * The port. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation-port + */ + readonly port?: number; + + /** + * The port ranges. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation-portranges + */ + readonly portRanges?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The prefix list. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation-prefixlist + */ + readonly prefixList?: CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis.AnalysisComponentProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The protocols. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation-protocols + */ + readonly protocols?: Array; + + /** + * The route table. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation-routetable + */ + readonly routeTable?: CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis.AnalysisComponentProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The route table route. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation-routetableroute + */ + readonly routeTableRoute?: CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis.AnalysisRouteTableRouteProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The security group. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation-securitygroup + */ + readonly securityGroup?: CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis.AnalysisComponentProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The security group rule. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation-securitygrouprule + */ + readonly securityGroupRule?: CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis.AnalysisSecurityGroupRuleProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The security groups. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation-securitygroups + */ + readonly securityGroups?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The source VPC. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation-sourcevpc + */ + readonly sourceVpc?: CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis.AnalysisComponentProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The state. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation-state + */ + readonly state?: string; + + /** + * The subnet. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation-subnet + */ + readonly subnet?: CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis.AnalysisComponentProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The route table for the subnet. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation-subnetroutetable + */ + readonly subnetRouteTable?: CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis.AnalysisComponentProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The transit gateway. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation-transitgateway + */ + readonly transitGateway?: CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis.AnalysisComponentProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The transit gateway attachment. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation-transitgatewayattachment + */ + readonly transitGatewayAttachment?: CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis.AnalysisComponentProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The transit gateway route table. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation-transitgatewayroutetable + */ + readonly transitGatewayRouteTable?: CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis.AnalysisComponentProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The transit gateway route table route. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation-transitgatewayroutetableroute + */ + readonly transitGatewayRouteTableRoute?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis.TransitGatewayRouteTableRouteProperty; + + /** + * The component VPC. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation-vpc + */ + readonly vpc?: CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis.AnalysisComponentProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The VPC endpoint. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation-vpcendpoint + */ + readonly vpcEndpoint?: CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis.AnalysisComponentProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The VPC peering connection. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation-vpcpeeringconnection + */ + readonly vpcPeeringConnection?: CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis.AnalysisComponentProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The VPN connection. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation-vpnconnection + */ + readonly vpnConnection?: CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis.AnalysisComponentProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The VPN gateway. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-explanation-vpngateway + */ + readonly vpnGateway?: CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis.AnalysisComponentProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * Describes a load balancer listener. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysisloadbalancerlistener.html + */ + export interface AnalysisLoadBalancerListenerProperty { + /** + * [Classic Load Balancers] The back-end port for the listener. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysisloadbalancerlistener.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysisloadbalancerlistener-instanceport + */ + readonly instancePort?: number; + + /** + * The port on which the load balancer is listening. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysisloadbalancerlistener.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysisloadbalancerlistener-loadbalancerport + */ + readonly loadBalancerPort?: number; + } + + /** + * Describes a route in a transit gateway route table. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-transitgatewayroutetableroute.html + */ + export interface TransitGatewayRouteTableRouteProperty { + /** + * The ID of the route attachment. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-transitgatewayroutetableroute.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-transitgatewayroutetableroute-attachmentid + */ + readonly attachmentId?: string; + + /** + * The CIDR block used for destination matches. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-transitgatewayroutetableroute.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-transitgatewayroutetableroute-destinationcidr + */ + readonly destinationCidr?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the prefix list. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-transitgatewayroutetableroute.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-transitgatewayroutetableroute-prefixlistid + */ + readonly prefixListId?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the resource for the route attachment. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-transitgatewayroutetableroute.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-transitgatewayroutetableroute-resourceid + */ + readonly resourceId?: string; + + /** + * The resource type for the route attachment. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-transitgatewayroutetableroute.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-transitgatewayroutetableroute-resourcetype + */ + readonly resourceType?: string; + + /** + * The route origin. The following are the possible values:. + * + * - static + * - propagated + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-transitgatewayroutetableroute.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-transitgatewayroutetableroute-routeorigin + */ + readonly routeOrigin?: string; + + /** + * The state of the route. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-transitgatewayroutetableroute.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-transitgatewayroutetableroute-state + */ + readonly state?: string; + } + + /** + * Describes a load balancer target. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysisloadbalancertarget.html + */ + export interface AnalysisLoadBalancerTargetProperty { + /** + * The IP address. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysisloadbalancertarget.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysisloadbalancertarget-address + */ + readonly address?: string; + + /** + * The Availability Zone. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysisloadbalancertarget.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysisloadbalancertarget-availabilityzone + */ + readonly availabilityZone?: string; + + /** + * Information about the instance. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysisloadbalancertarget.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysisloadbalancertarget-instance + */ + readonly instance?: CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis.AnalysisComponentProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The port on which the target is listening. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysisloadbalancertarget.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysisloadbalancertarget-port + */ + readonly port?: number; + } + + /** + * Describes a route table route. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysisroutetableroute.html + */ + export interface AnalysisRouteTableRouteProperty { + /** + * The destination IPv4 address, in CIDR notation. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysisroutetableroute.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysisroutetableroute-destinationcidr + */ + readonly destinationCidr?: string; + + /** + * The prefix of the AWS service . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysisroutetableroute.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysisroutetableroute-destinationprefixlistid + */ + readonly destinationPrefixListId?: string; + + /** + * The ID of an egress-only internet gateway. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysisroutetableroute.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysisroutetableroute-egressonlyinternetgatewayid + */ + readonly egressOnlyInternetGatewayId?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the gateway, such as an internet gateway or virtual private gateway. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysisroutetableroute.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysisroutetableroute-gatewayid + */ + readonly gatewayId?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the instance, such as a NAT instance. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysisroutetableroute.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysisroutetableroute-instanceid + */ + readonly instanceId?: string; + + /** + * The ID of a NAT gateway. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysisroutetableroute.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysisroutetableroute-natgatewayid + */ + readonly natGatewayId?: string; + + /** + * The ID of a network interface. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysisroutetableroute.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysisroutetableroute-networkinterfaceid + */ + readonly networkInterfaceId?: string; + + /** + * Describes how the route was created. The following are the possible values:. + * + * - CreateRouteTable - The route was automatically created when the route table was created. + * - CreateRoute - The route was manually added to the route table. + * - EnableVgwRoutePropagation - The route was propagated by route propagation. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysisroutetableroute.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysisroutetableroute-origin + */ + readonly origin?: string; + + /** + * The state. The following are the possible values:. + * + * - active + * - blackhole + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysisroutetableroute.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysisroutetableroute-state + */ + readonly state?: string; + + /** + * The ID of a transit gateway. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysisroutetableroute.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysisroutetableroute-transitgatewayid + */ + readonly transitGatewayId?: string; + + /** + * The ID of a VPC peering connection. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysisroutetableroute.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysisroutetableroute-vpcpeeringconnectionid + */ + readonly vpcPeeringConnectionId?: string; + } + + /** + * Describes a network access control (ACL) rule. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysisaclrule.html + */ + export interface AnalysisAclRuleProperty { + /** + * The IPv4 address range, in CIDR notation. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysisaclrule.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysisaclrule-cidr + */ + readonly cidr?: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether the rule is an outbound rule. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysisaclrule.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysisaclrule-egress + */ + readonly egress?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The range of ports. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysisaclrule.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysisaclrule-portrange + */ + readonly portRange?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis.PortRangeProperty; + + /** + * The protocol. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysisaclrule.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysisaclrule-protocol + */ + readonly protocol?: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether to allow or deny traffic that matches the rule. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysisaclrule.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysisaclrule-ruleaction + */ + readonly ruleAction?: string; + + /** + * The rule number. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysisaclrule.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-analysisaclrule-rulenumber + */ + readonly ruleNumber?: number; + } + + /** + * Describes an potential intermediate component of a feasible path. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-alternatepathhint.html + */ + export interface AlternatePathHintProperty { + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the component. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-alternatepathhint.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-alternatepathhint-componentarn + */ + readonly componentArn?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the component. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-alternatepathhint.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-alternatepathhint-componentid + */ + readonly componentId?: string; + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis.html + */ +export interface CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisProps { + /** + * The member accounts that contain resources that the path can traverse. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-additionalaccounts + */ + readonly additionalAccounts?: Array; + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Names (ARN) of the resources that the path must traverse. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-filterinarns + */ + readonly filterInArns?: Array; + + /** + * The ID of the path. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-networkinsightspathid + */ + readonly networkInsightsPathId: string; + + /** + * The tags to apply. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightsanalysis-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`AnalysisComponentProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`AnalysisComponentProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("arn", cdk.validateString)(properties.arn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("id", cdk.validateString)(properties.id)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"AnalysisComponentProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Arn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.arn), + "Id": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.id) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("arn", "Arn", (properties.Arn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Arn) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("id", "Id", (properties.Id != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Id) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`AdditionalDetailProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`AdditionalDetailProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAdditionalDetailPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("additionalDetailType", cdk.validateString)(properties.additionalDetailType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("component", CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyValidator)(properties.component)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("loadBalancers", cdk.listValidator(CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyValidator))(properties.loadBalancers)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("serviceName", cdk.validateString)(properties.serviceName)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"AdditionalDetailProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAdditionalDetailPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAdditionalDetailPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AdditionalDetailType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.additionalDetailType), + "Component": convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.component), + "LoadBalancers": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.loadBalancers), + "ServiceName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.serviceName) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAdditionalDetailPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("additionalDetailType", "AdditionalDetailType", (properties.AdditionalDetailType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.AdditionalDetailType) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("component", "Component", (properties.Component != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.Component) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("loadBalancers", "LoadBalancers", (properties.LoadBalancers != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.LoadBalancers) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("serviceName", "ServiceName", (properties.ServiceName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ServiceName) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`PortRangeProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`PortRangeProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisPortRangePropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("from", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.from)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("to", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.to)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"PortRangeProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisPortRangePropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisPortRangePropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "From": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.from), + "To": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.to) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisPortRangePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("from", "From", (properties.From != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.From) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("to", "To", (properties.To != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.To) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`AnalysisPacketHeaderProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`AnalysisPacketHeaderProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisPacketHeaderPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("destinationAddresses", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.destinationAddresses)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("destinationPortRanges", cdk.listValidator(CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisPortRangePropertyValidator))(properties.destinationPortRanges)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("protocol", cdk.validateString)(properties.protocol)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sourceAddresses", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.sourceAddresses)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sourcePortRanges", cdk.listValidator(CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisPortRangePropertyValidator))(properties.sourcePortRanges)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"AnalysisPacketHeaderProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisPacketHeaderPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisPacketHeaderPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "DestinationAddresses": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.destinationAddresses), + "DestinationPortRanges": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisPortRangePropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.destinationPortRanges), + "Protocol": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.protocol), + "SourceAddresses": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.sourceAddresses), + "SourcePortRanges": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisPortRangePropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.sourcePortRanges) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisPacketHeaderPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("destinationAddresses", "DestinationAddresses", (properties.DestinationAddresses != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.DestinationAddresses) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("destinationPortRanges", "DestinationPortRanges", (properties.DestinationPortRanges != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisPortRangePropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.DestinationPortRanges) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("protocol", "Protocol", (properties.Protocol != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Protocol) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("sourceAddresses", "SourceAddresses", (properties.SourceAddresses != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.SourceAddresses) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("sourcePortRanges", "SourcePortRanges", (properties.SourcePortRanges != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisPortRangePropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.SourcePortRanges) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`AnalysisSecurityGroupRuleProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`AnalysisSecurityGroupRuleProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisSecurityGroupRulePropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("cidr", cdk.validateString)(properties.cidr)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("direction", cdk.validateString)(properties.direction)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("portRange", CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisPortRangePropertyValidator)(properties.portRange)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("prefixListId", cdk.validateString)(properties.prefixListId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("protocol", cdk.validateString)(properties.protocol)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("securityGroupId", cdk.validateString)(properties.securityGroupId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"AnalysisSecurityGroupRuleProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisSecurityGroupRulePropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisSecurityGroupRulePropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Cidr": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.cidr), + "Direction": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.direction), + "PortRange": convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisPortRangePropertyToCloudFormation(properties.portRange), + "PrefixListId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.prefixListId), + "Protocol": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.protocol), + "SecurityGroupId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.securityGroupId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisSecurityGroupRulePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("cidr", "Cidr", (properties.Cidr != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Cidr) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("direction", "Direction", (properties.Direction != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Direction) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("portRange", "PortRange", (properties.PortRange != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisPortRangePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.PortRange) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("prefixListId", "PrefixListId", (properties.PrefixListId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.PrefixListId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("protocol", "Protocol", (properties.Protocol != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Protocol) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("securityGroupId", "SecurityGroupId", (properties.SecurityGroupId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SecurityGroupId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`AnalysisLoadBalancerListenerProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`AnalysisLoadBalancerListenerProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisLoadBalancerListenerPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("instancePort", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.instancePort)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("loadBalancerPort", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.loadBalancerPort)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"AnalysisLoadBalancerListenerProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisLoadBalancerListenerPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisLoadBalancerListenerPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "InstancePort": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.instancePort), + "LoadBalancerPort": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.loadBalancerPort) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisLoadBalancerListenerPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("instancePort", "InstancePort", (properties.InstancePort != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.InstancePort) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("loadBalancerPort", "LoadBalancerPort", (properties.LoadBalancerPort != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.LoadBalancerPort) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`TransitGatewayRouteTableRouteProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`TransitGatewayRouteTableRouteProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisTransitGatewayRouteTableRoutePropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("attachmentId", cdk.validateString)(properties.attachmentId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("destinationCidr", cdk.validateString)(properties.destinationCidr)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("prefixListId", cdk.validateString)(properties.prefixListId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("resourceId", cdk.validateString)(properties.resourceId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("resourceType", cdk.validateString)(properties.resourceType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("routeOrigin", cdk.validateString)(properties.routeOrigin)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("state", cdk.validateString)(properties.state)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"TransitGatewayRouteTableRouteProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisTransitGatewayRouteTableRoutePropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisTransitGatewayRouteTableRoutePropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AttachmentId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.attachmentId), + "DestinationCidr": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.destinationCidr), + "PrefixListId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.prefixListId), + "ResourceId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.resourceId), + "ResourceType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.resourceType), + "RouteOrigin": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.routeOrigin), + "State": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.state) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisTransitGatewayRouteTableRoutePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("attachmentId", "AttachmentId", (properties.AttachmentId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.AttachmentId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("destinationCidr", "DestinationCidr", (properties.DestinationCidr != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DestinationCidr) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("prefixListId", "PrefixListId", (properties.PrefixListId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.PrefixListId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("resourceId", "ResourceId", (properties.ResourceId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ResourceId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("resourceType", "ResourceType", (properties.ResourceType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ResourceType) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("routeOrigin", "RouteOrigin", (properties.RouteOrigin != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.RouteOrigin) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("state", "State", (properties.State != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.State) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`AnalysisLoadBalancerTargetProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`AnalysisLoadBalancerTargetProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisLoadBalancerTargetPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("address", cdk.validateString)(properties.address)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("availabilityZone", cdk.validateString)(properties.availabilityZone)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("instance", CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyValidator)(properties.instance)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("port", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.port)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"AnalysisLoadBalancerTargetProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisLoadBalancerTargetPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisLoadBalancerTargetPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Address": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.address), + "AvailabilityZone": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.availabilityZone), + "Instance": convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.instance), + "Port": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.port) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisLoadBalancerTargetPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("address", "Address", (properties.Address != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Address) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("availabilityZone", "AvailabilityZone", (properties.AvailabilityZone != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.AvailabilityZone) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("instance", "Instance", (properties.Instance != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.Instance) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("port", "Port", (properties.Port != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Port) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`AnalysisRouteTableRouteProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`AnalysisRouteTableRouteProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisRouteTableRoutePropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("natGatewayId", cdk.validateString)(properties.natGatewayId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("networkInterfaceId", cdk.validateString)(properties.networkInterfaceId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("origin", cdk.validateString)(properties.origin)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("state", cdk.validateString)(properties.state)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("transitGatewayId", cdk.validateString)(properties.transitGatewayId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vpcPeeringConnectionId", cdk.validateString)(properties.vpcPeeringConnectionId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("destinationCidr", cdk.validateString)(properties.destinationCidr)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("destinationPrefixListId", cdk.validateString)(properties.destinationPrefixListId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("egressOnlyInternetGatewayId", cdk.validateString)(properties.egressOnlyInternetGatewayId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("gatewayId", cdk.validateString)(properties.gatewayId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("instanceId", cdk.validateString)(properties.instanceId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"AnalysisRouteTableRouteProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisRouteTableRoutePropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisRouteTableRoutePropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "NatGatewayId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.natGatewayId), + "NetworkInterfaceId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.networkInterfaceId), + "Origin": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.origin), + "State": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.state), + "TransitGatewayId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.transitGatewayId), + "VpcPeeringConnectionId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.vpcPeeringConnectionId), + "destinationCidr": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.destinationCidr), + "destinationPrefixListId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.destinationPrefixListId), + "egressOnlyInternetGatewayId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.egressOnlyInternetGatewayId), + "gatewayId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.gatewayId), + "instanceId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.instanceId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisRouteTableRoutePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("destinationCidr", "destinationCidr", (properties.destinationCidr != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.destinationCidr) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("destinationPrefixListId", "destinationPrefixListId", (properties.destinationPrefixListId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.destinationPrefixListId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("egressOnlyInternetGatewayId", "egressOnlyInternetGatewayId", (properties.egressOnlyInternetGatewayId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.egressOnlyInternetGatewayId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("gatewayId", "gatewayId", (properties.gatewayId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.gatewayId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("instanceId", "instanceId", (properties.instanceId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.instanceId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("natGatewayId", "NatGatewayId", (properties.NatGatewayId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.NatGatewayId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("networkInterfaceId", "NetworkInterfaceId", (properties.NetworkInterfaceId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.NetworkInterfaceId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("origin", "Origin", (properties.Origin != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Origin) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("state", "State", (properties.State != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.State) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("transitGatewayId", "TransitGatewayId", (properties.TransitGatewayId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.TransitGatewayId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("vpcPeeringConnectionId", "VpcPeeringConnectionId", (properties.VpcPeeringConnectionId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.VpcPeeringConnectionId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`AnalysisAclRuleProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`AnalysisAclRuleProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisAclRulePropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("cidr", cdk.validateString)(properties.cidr)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("egress", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.egress)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("portRange", CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisPortRangePropertyValidator)(properties.portRange)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("protocol", cdk.validateString)(properties.protocol)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ruleAction", cdk.validateString)(properties.ruleAction)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ruleNumber", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.ruleNumber)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"AnalysisAclRuleProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisAclRulePropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisAclRulePropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Cidr": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.cidr), + "Egress": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.egress), + "PortRange": convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisPortRangePropertyToCloudFormation(properties.portRange), + "Protocol": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.protocol), + "RuleAction": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.ruleAction), + "RuleNumber": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.ruleNumber) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisAclRulePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("cidr", "Cidr", (properties.Cidr != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Cidr) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("egress", "Egress", (properties.Egress != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.Egress) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("portRange", "PortRange", (properties.PortRange != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisPortRangePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.PortRange) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("protocol", "Protocol", (properties.Protocol != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Protocol) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ruleAction", "RuleAction", (properties.RuleAction != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.RuleAction) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ruleNumber", "RuleNumber", (properties.RuleNumber != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.RuleNumber) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`ExplanationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`ExplanationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("acl", CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyValidator)(properties.acl)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("aclRule", CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisAclRulePropertyValidator)(properties.aclRule)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("address", cdk.validateString)(properties.address)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("addresses", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.addresses)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("attachedTo", CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyValidator)(properties.attachedTo)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("availabilityZones", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.availabilityZones)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("cidrs", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.cidrs)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("classicLoadBalancerListener", CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisLoadBalancerListenerPropertyValidator)(properties.classicLoadBalancerListener)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("component", CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyValidator)(properties.component)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("componentAccount", cdk.validateString)(properties.componentAccount)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("componentRegion", cdk.validateString)(properties.componentRegion)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("customerGateway", CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyValidator)(properties.customerGateway)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("destination", CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyValidator)(properties.destination)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("destinationVpc", CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyValidator)(properties.destinationVpc)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("direction", cdk.validateString)(properties.direction)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("elasticLoadBalancerListener", CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyValidator)(properties.elasticLoadBalancerListener)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("explanationCode", cdk.validateString)(properties.explanationCode)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ingressRouteTable", CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyValidator)(properties.ingressRouteTable)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("internetGateway", CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyValidator)(properties.internetGateway)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("loadBalancerArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.loadBalancerArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("loadBalancerListenerPort", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.loadBalancerListenerPort)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("loadBalancerTarget", CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisLoadBalancerTargetPropertyValidator)(properties.loadBalancerTarget)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("loadBalancerTargetGroup", CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyValidator)(properties.loadBalancerTargetGroup)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("loadBalancerTargetGroups", cdk.listValidator(CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyValidator))(properties.loadBalancerTargetGroups)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("loadBalancerTargetPort", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.loadBalancerTargetPort)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("missingComponent", cdk.validateString)(properties.missingComponent)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("natGateway", CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyValidator)(properties.natGateway)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("networkInterface", CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyValidator)(properties.networkInterface)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("packetField", cdk.validateString)(properties.packetField)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("port", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.port)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("portRanges", cdk.listValidator(CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisPortRangePropertyValidator))(properties.portRanges)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("prefixList", CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyValidator)(properties.prefixList)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("protocols", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.protocols)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("routeTable", CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyValidator)(properties.routeTable)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("routeTableRoute", CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisRouteTableRoutePropertyValidator)(properties.routeTableRoute)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("securityGroup", CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyValidator)(properties.securityGroup)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("securityGroupRule", CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisSecurityGroupRulePropertyValidator)(properties.securityGroupRule)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("securityGroups", cdk.listValidator(CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyValidator))(properties.securityGroups)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sourceVpc", CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyValidator)(properties.sourceVpc)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("state", cdk.validateString)(properties.state)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("subnet", CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyValidator)(properties.subnet)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("subnetRouteTable", CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyValidator)(properties.subnetRouteTable)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("transitGateway", CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyValidator)(properties.transitGateway)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("transitGatewayAttachment", CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyValidator)(properties.transitGatewayAttachment)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("transitGatewayRouteTable", CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyValidator)(properties.transitGatewayRouteTable)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("transitGatewayRouteTableRoute", CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisTransitGatewayRouteTableRoutePropertyValidator)(properties.transitGatewayRouteTableRoute)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vpc", CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyValidator)(properties.vpc)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vpcPeeringConnection", CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyValidator)(properties.vpcPeeringConnection)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vpnConnection", CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyValidator)(properties.vpnConnection)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vpnGateway", CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyValidator)(properties.vpnGateway)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vpcEndpoint", CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyValidator)(properties.vpcEndpoint)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"ExplanationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Acl": convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.acl), + "AclRule": convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisAclRulePropertyToCloudFormation(properties.aclRule), + "Address": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.address), + "Addresses": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.addresses), + "AttachedTo": convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.attachedTo), + "AvailabilityZones": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.availabilityZones), + "Cidrs": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.cidrs), + "ClassicLoadBalancerListener": convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisLoadBalancerListenerPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.classicLoadBalancerListener), + "Component": convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.component), + "ComponentAccount": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.componentAccount), + "ComponentRegion": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.componentRegion), + "CustomerGateway": convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.customerGateway), + "Destination": convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.destination), + "DestinationVpc": convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.destinationVpc), + "Direction": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.direction), + "ElasticLoadBalancerListener": convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.elasticLoadBalancerListener), + "ExplanationCode": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.explanationCode), + "IngressRouteTable": convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.ingressRouteTable), + "InternetGateway": convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.internetGateway), + "LoadBalancerArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.loadBalancerArn), + "LoadBalancerListenerPort": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.loadBalancerListenerPort), + "LoadBalancerTarget": convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisLoadBalancerTargetPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.loadBalancerTarget), + "LoadBalancerTargetGroup": convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.loadBalancerTargetGroup), + "LoadBalancerTargetGroups": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.loadBalancerTargetGroups), + "LoadBalancerTargetPort": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.loadBalancerTargetPort), + "MissingComponent": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.missingComponent), + "NatGateway": convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.natGateway), + "NetworkInterface": convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.networkInterface), + "PacketField": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.packetField), + "Port": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.port), + "PortRanges": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisPortRangePropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.portRanges), + "PrefixList": convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.prefixList), + "Protocols": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.protocols), + "RouteTable": convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.routeTable), + "RouteTableRoute": convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisRouteTableRoutePropertyToCloudFormation(properties.routeTableRoute), + "SecurityGroup": convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.securityGroup), + "SecurityGroupRule": convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisSecurityGroupRulePropertyToCloudFormation(properties.securityGroupRule), + "SecurityGroups": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.securityGroups), + "SourceVpc": convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.sourceVpc), + "State": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.state), + "Subnet": convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.subnet), + "SubnetRouteTable": convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.subnetRouteTable), + "TransitGateway": convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.transitGateway), + "TransitGatewayAttachment": convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.transitGatewayAttachment), + "TransitGatewayRouteTable": convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.transitGatewayRouteTable), + "TransitGatewayRouteTableRoute": convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisTransitGatewayRouteTableRoutePropertyToCloudFormation(properties.transitGatewayRouteTableRoute), + "Vpc": convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.vpc), + "VpcPeeringConnection": convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.vpcPeeringConnection), + "VpnConnection": convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.vpnConnection), + "VpnGateway": convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.vpnGateway), + "vpcEndpoint": convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.vpcEndpoint) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("acl", "Acl", (properties.Acl != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.Acl) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("aclRule", "AclRule", (properties.AclRule != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisAclRulePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.AclRule) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("address", "Address", (properties.Address != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Address) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("addresses", "Addresses", (properties.Addresses != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.Addresses) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("attachedTo", "AttachedTo", (properties.AttachedTo != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.AttachedTo) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("availabilityZones", "AvailabilityZones", (properties.AvailabilityZones != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.AvailabilityZones) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("cidrs", "Cidrs", (properties.Cidrs != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.Cidrs) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("classicLoadBalancerListener", "ClassicLoadBalancerListener", (properties.ClassicLoadBalancerListener != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisLoadBalancerListenerPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.ClassicLoadBalancerListener) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("component", "Component", (properties.Component != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.Component) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("componentAccount", "ComponentAccount", (properties.ComponentAccount != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ComponentAccount) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("componentRegion", "ComponentRegion", (properties.ComponentRegion != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ComponentRegion) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("customerGateway", "CustomerGateway", (properties.CustomerGateway != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.CustomerGateway) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("destination", "Destination", (properties.Destination != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.Destination) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("destinationVpc", "DestinationVpc", (properties.DestinationVpc != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.DestinationVpc) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("direction", "Direction", (properties.Direction != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Direction) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("elasticLoadBalancerListener", "ElasticLoadBalancerListener", (properties.ElasticLoadBalancerListener != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.ElasticLoadBalancerListener) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("explanationCode", "ExplanationCode", (properties.ExplanationCode != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ExplanationCode) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ingressRouteTable", "IngressRouteTable", (properties.IngressRouteTable != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.IngressRouteTable) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("internetGateway", "InternetGateway", (properties.InternetGateway != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.InternetGateway) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("loadBalancerArn", "LoadBalancerArn", (properties.LoadBalancerArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.LoadBalancerArn) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("loadBalancerListenerPort", "LoadBalancerListenerPort", (properties.LoadBalancerListenerPort != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.LoadBalancerListenerPort) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("loadBalancerTarget", "LoadBalancerTarget", (properties.LoadBalancerTarget != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisLoadBalancerTargetPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.LoadBalancerTarget) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("loadBalancerTargetGroup", "LoadBalancerTargetGroup", (properties.LoadBalancerTargetGroup != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.LoadBalancerTargetGroup) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("loadBalancerTargetGroups", "LoadBalancerTargetGroups", (properties.LoadBalancerTargetGroups != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.LoadBalancerTargetGroups) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("loadBalancerTargetPort", "LoadBalancerTargetPort", (properties.LoadBalancerTargetPort != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.LoadBalancerTargetPort) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("missingComponent", "MissingComponent", (properties.MissingComponent != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.MissingComponent) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("natGateway", "NatGateway", (properties.NatGateway != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.NatGateway) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("networkInterface", "NetworkInterface", (properties.NetworkInterface != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.NetworkInterface) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("packetField", "PacketField", (properties.PacketField != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.PacketField) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("port", "Port", (properties.Port != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Port) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("portRanges", "PortRanges", (properties.PortRanges != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisPortRangePropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.PortRanges) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("prefixList", "PrefixList", (properties.PrefixList != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.PrefixList) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("protocols", "Protocols", (properties.Protocols != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.Protocols) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("routeTable", "RouteTable", (properties.RouteTable != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.RouteTable) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("routeTableRoute", "RouteTableRoute", (properties.RouteTableRoute != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisRouteTableRoutePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.RouteTableRoute) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("securityGroup", "SecurityGroup", (properties.SecurityGroup != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.SecurityGroup) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("securityGroupRule", "SecurityGroupRule", (properties.SecurityGroupRule != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisSecurityGroupRulePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.SecurityGroupRule) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("securityGroups", "SecurityGroups", (properties.SecurityGroups != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.SecurityGroups) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("sourceVpc", "SourceVpc", (properties.SourceVpc != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.SourceVpc) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("state", "State", (properties.State != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.State) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("subnet", "Subnet", (properties.Subnet != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.Subnet) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("subnetRouteTable", "SubnetRouteTable", (properties.SubnetRouteTable != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.SubnetRouteTable) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("transitGateway", "TransitGateway", (properties.TransitGateway != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.TransitGateway) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("transitGatewayAttachment", "TransitGatewayAttachment", (properties.TransitGatewayAttachment != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.TransitGatewayAttachment) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("transitGatewayRouteTable", "TransitGatewayRouteTable", (properties.TransitGatewayRouteTable != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.TransitGatewayRouteTable) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("transitGatewayRouteTableRoute", "TransitGatewayRouteTableRoute", (properties.TransitGatewayRouteTableRoute != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisTransitGatewayRouteTableRoutePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.TransitGatewayRouteTableRoute) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("vpc", "Vpc", (properties.Vpc != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.Vpc) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("vpcEndpoint", "vpcEndpoint", (properties.vpcEndpoint != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.vpcEndpoint) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("vpcPeeringConnection", "VpcPeeringConnection", (properties.VpcPeeringConnection != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.VpcPeeringConnection) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("vpnConnection", "VpnConnection", (properties.VpnConnection != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.VpnConnection) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("vpnGateway", "VpnGateway", (properties.VpnGateway != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.VpnGateway) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`PathComponentProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`PathComponentProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisPathComponentPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("aclRule", CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisAclRulePropertyValidator)(properties.aclRule)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("additionalDetails", cdk.listValidator(CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAdditionalDetailPropertyValidator))(properties.additionalDetails)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("component", CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyValidator)(properties.component)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("destinationVpc", CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyValidator)(properties.destinationVpc)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("elasticLoadBalancerListener", CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyValidator)(properties.elasticLoadBalancerListener)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("explanations", cdk.listValidator(CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationPropertyValidator))(properties.explanations)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("inboundHeader", CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisPacketHeaderPropertyValidator)(properties.inboundHeader)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("outboundHeader", CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisPacketHeaderPropertyValidator)(properties.outboundHeader)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("routeTableRoute", CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisRouteTableRoutePropertyValidator)(properties.routeTableRoute)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("securityGroupRule", CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisSecurityGroupRulePropertyValidator)(properties.securityGroupRule)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sequenceNumber", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.sequenceNumber)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("serviceName", cdk.validateString)(properties.serviceName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sourceVpc", CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyValidator)(properties.sourceVpc)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("subnet", CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyValidator)(properties.subnet)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("transitGateway", CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyValidator)(properties.transitGateway)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("transitGatewayRouteTableRoute", CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisTransitGatewayRouteTableRoutePropertyValidator)(properties.transitGatewayRouteTableRoute)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vpc", CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyValidator)(properties.vpc)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"PathComponentProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisPathComponentPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisPathComponentPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AclRule": convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisAclRulePropertyToCloudFormation(properties.aclRule), + "AdditionalDetails": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAdditionalDetailPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.additionalDetails), + "Component": convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.component), + "DestinationVpc": convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.destinationVpc), + "ElasticLoadBalancerListener": convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.elasticLoadBalancerListener), + "Explanations": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.explanations), + "InboundHeader": convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisPacketHeaderPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.inboundHeader), + "OutboundHeader": convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisPacketHeaderPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.outboundHeader), + "RouteTableRoute": convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisRouteTableRoutePropertyToCloudFormation(properties.routeTableRoute), + "SecurityGroupRule": convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisSecurityGroupRulePropertyToCloudFormation(properties.securityGroupRule), + "SequenceNumber": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.sequenceNumber), + "ServiceName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.serviceName), + "SourceVpc": convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.sourceVpc), + "Subnet": convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.subnet), + "TransitGateway": convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.transitGateway), + "TransitGatewayRouteTableRoute": convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisTransitGatewayRouteTableRoutePropertyToCloudFormation(properties.transitGatewayRouteTableRoute), + "Vpc": convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.vpc) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisPathComponentPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("aclRule", "AclRule", (properties.AclRule != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisAclRulePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.AclRule) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("additionalDetails", "AdditionalDetails", (properties.AdditionalDetails != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAdditionalDetailPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.AdditionalDetails) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("component", "Component", (properties.Component != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.Component) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("destinationVpc", "DestinationVpc", (properties.DestinationVpc != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.DestinationVpc) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("elasticLoadBalancerListener", "ElasticLoadBalancerListener", (properties.ElasticLoadBalancerListener != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.ElasticLoadBalancerListener) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("explanations", "Explanations", (properties.Explanations != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.Explanations) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("inboundHeader", "InboundHeader", (properties.InboundHeader != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisPacketHeaderPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.InboundHeader) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("outboundHeader", "OutboundHeader", (properties.OutboundHeader != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisPacketHeaderPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.OutboundHeader) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("routeTableRoute", "RouteTableRoute", (properties.RouteTableRoute != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisRouteTableRoutePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.RouteTableRoute) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("securityGroupRule", "SecurityGroupRule", (properties.SecurityGroupRule != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisSecurityGroupRulePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.SecurityGroupRule) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("sequenceNumber", "SequenceNumber", (properties.SequenceNumber != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.SequenceNumber) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("serviceName", "ServiceName", (properties.ServiceName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ServiceName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("sourceVpc", "SourceVpc", (properties.SourceVpc != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.SourceVpc) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("subnet", "Subnet", (properties.Subnet != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.Subnet) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("transitGateway", "TransitGateway", (properties.TransitGateway != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.TransitGateway) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("transitGatewayRouteTableRoute", "TransitGatewayRouteTableRoute", (properties.TransitGatewayRouteTableRoute != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisTransitGatewayRouteTableRoutePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.TransitGatewayRouteTableRoute) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("vpc", "Vpc", (properties.Vpc != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAnalysisComponentPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.Vpc) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`AlternatePathHintProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`AlternatePathHintProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAlternatePathHintPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("componentArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.componentArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("componentId", cdk.validateString)(properties.componentId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"AlternatePathHintProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAlternatePathHintPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAlternatePathHintPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ComponentArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.componentArn), + "ComponentId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.componentId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisAlternatePathHintPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("componentArn", "ComponentArn", (properties.ComponentArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ComponentArn) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("componentId", "ComponentId", (properties.ComponentId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ComponentId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("additionalAccounts", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.additionalAccounts)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("filterInArns", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.filterInArns)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("networkInsightsPathId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.networkInsightsPathId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("networkInsightsPathId", cdk.validateString)(properties.networkInsightsPathId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AdditionalAccounts": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.additionalAccounts), + "FilterInArns": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.filterInArns), + "NetworkInsightsPathId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.networkInsightsPathId), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("additionalAccounts", "AdditionalAccounts", (properties.AdditionalAccounts != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.AdditionalAccounts) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("filterInArns", "FilterInArns", (properties.FilterInArns != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.FilterInArns) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("networkInsightsPathId", "NetworkInsightsPathId", (properties.NetworkInsightsPathId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.NetworkInsightsPathId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Specifies a path to analyze for reachability. + * + * VPC Reachability Analyzer enables you to analyze and debug network reachability between two resources in your virtual private cloud (VPC). For more information, see the [Reachability Analyzer User Guide](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/reachability/what-is-reachability-analyzer.html) . + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkinsightspath.html + */ +export class CfnNetworkInsightsPath extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::NetworkInsightsPath"; + + /** + * Build a CfnNetworkInsightsPath from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnNetworkInsightsPath { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnNetworkInsightsPathPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnNetworkInsightsPath(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The time stamp when the path was created. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute CreatedDate + */ + public readonly attrCreatedDate: string; + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the destination. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute DestinationArn + */ + public readonly attrDestinationArn: string; + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the path. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute NetworkInsightsPathArn + */ + public readonly attrNetworkInsightsPathArn: string; + + /** + * The ID of the path. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute NetworkInsightsPathId + */ + public readonly attrNetworkInsightsPathId: string; + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the source. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute SourceArn + */ + public readonly attrSourceArn: string; + + /** + * The ID or ARN of the destination. + */ + public destination?: string; + + /** + * The IP address of the destination. + */ + public destinationIp?: string; + + /** + * The destination port. + */ + public destinationPort?: number; + + /** + * Scopes the analysis to network paths that match specific filters at the destination. + */ + public filterAtDestination?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnNetworkInsightsPath.PathFilterProperty; + + /** + * Scopes the analysis to network paths that match specific filters at the source. + */ + public filterAtSource?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnNetworkInsightsPath.PathFilterProperty; + + /** + * The protocol. + */ + public protocol: string; + + /** + * The ID or ARN of the source. + */ + public source: string; + + /** + * The IP address of the source. + */ + public sourceIp?: string; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * The tags to add to the path. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnNetworkInsightsPathProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnNetworkInsightsPath.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "protocol", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "source", this); + + this.attrCreatedDate = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("CreatedDate", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrDestinationArn = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("DestinationArn", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrNetworkInsightsPathArn = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("NetworkInsightsPathArn", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrNetworkInsightsPathId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("NetworkInsightsPathId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrSourceArn = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("SourceArn", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.destination = props.destination; + this.destinationIp = props.destinationIp; + this.destinationPort = props.destinationPort; + this.filterAtDestination = props.filterAtDestination; + this.filterAtSource = props.filterAtSource; + this.protocol = props.protocol; + this.source = props.source; + this.sourceIp = props.sourceIp; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::EC2::NetworkInsightsPath", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "destination": this.destination, + "destinationIp": this.destinationIp, + "destinationPort": this.destinationPort, + "filterAtDestination": this.filterAtDestination, + "filterAtSource": this.filterAtSource, + "protocol": this.protocol, + "source": this.source, + "sourceIp": this.sourceIp, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags() + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnNetworkInsightsPath.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnNetworkInsightsPathPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +export namespace CfnNetworkInsightsPath { + /** + * Describes a set of filters for a path analysis. + * + * Use path filters to scope the analysis when there can be multiple resulting paths. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightspath-pathfilter.html + */ + export interface PathFilterProperty { + /** + * The destination IPv4 address. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightspath-pathfilter.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightspath-pathfilter-destinationaddress + */ + readonly destinationAddress?: string; + + /** + * The destination port range. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightspath-pathfilter.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightspath-pathfilter-destinationportrange + */ + readonly destinationPortRange?: CfnNetworkInsightsPath.FilterPortRangeProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The source IPv4 address. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightspath-pathfilter.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightspath-pathfilter-sourceaddress + */ + readonly sourceAddress?: string; + + /** + * The source port range. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightspath-pathfilter.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightspath-pathfilter-sourceportrange + */ + readonly sourcePortRange?: CfnNetworkInsightsPath.FilterPortRangeProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * Describes a port range. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightspath-filterportrange.html + */ + export interface FilterPortRangeProperty { + /** + * The first port in the range. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightspath-filterportrange.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightspath-filterportrange-fromport + */ + readonly fromPort?: number; + + /** + * The last port in the range. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinsightspath-filterportrange.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightspath-filterportrange-toport + */ + readonly toPort?: number; + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnNetworkInsightsPath\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkinsightspath.html + */ +export interface CfnNetworkInsightsPathProps { + /** + * The ID or ARN of the destination. + * + * If the resource is in another account, you must specify an ARN. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkinsightspath.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightspath-destination + */ + readonly destination?: string; + + /** + * The IP address of the destination. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkinsightspath.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightspath-destinationip + */ + readonly destinationIp?: string; + + /** + * The destination port. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkinsightspath.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightspath-destinationport + */ + readonly destinationPort?: number; + + /** + * Scopes the analysis to network paths that match specific filters at the destination. + * + * If you specify this parameter, you can't specify the parameter for the destination IP address. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkinsightspath.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightspath-filteratdestination + */ + readonly filterAtDestination?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnNetworkInsightsPath.PathFilterProperty; + + /** + * Scopes the analysis to network paths that match specific filters at the source. + * + * If you specify this parameter, you can't specify the parameters for the source IP address or the destination port. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkinsightspath.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightspath-filteratsource + */ + readonly filterAtSource?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnNetworkInsightsPath.PathFilterProperty; + + /** + * The protocol. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkinsightspath.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightspath-protocol + */ + readonly protocol: string; + + /** + * The ID or ARN of the source. + * + * If the resource is in another account, you must specify an ARN. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkinsightspath.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightspath-source + */ + readonly source: string; + + /** + * The IP address of the source. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkinsightspath.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightspath-sourceip + */ + readonly sourceIp?: string; + + /** + * The tags to add to the path. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkinsightspath.html#cfn-ec2-networkinsightspath-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`FilterPortRangeProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`FilterPortRangeProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInsightsPathFilterPortRangePropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("fromPort", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.fromPort)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("toPort", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.toPort)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"FilterPortRangeProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnNetworkInsightsPathFilterPortRangePropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnNetworkInsightsPathFilterPortRangePropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "FromPort": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.fromPort), + "ToPort": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.toPort) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInsightsPathFilterPortRangePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("fromPort", "FromPort", (properties.FromPort != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.FromPort) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("toPort", "ToPort", (properties.ToPort != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.ToPort) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`PathFilterProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`PathFilterProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInsightsPathPathFilterPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("destinationAddress", cdk.validateString)(properties.destinationAddress)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("destinationPortRange", CfnNetworkInsightsPathFilterPortRangePropertyValidator)(properties.destinationPortRange)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sourceAddress", cdk.validateString)(properties.sourceAddress)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sourcePortRange", CfnNetworkInsightsPathFilterPortRangePropertyValidator)(properties.sourcePortRange)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"PathFilterProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnNetworkInsightsPathPathFilterPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnNetworkInsightsPathPathFilterPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "DestinationAddress": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.destinationAddress), + "DestinationPortRange": convertCfnNetworkInsightsPathFilterPortRangePropertyToCloudFormation(properties.destinationPortRange), + "SourceAddress": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.sourceAddress), + "SourcePortRange": convertCfnNetworkInsightsPathFilterPortRangePropertyToCloudFormation(properties.sourcePortRange) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInsightsPathPathFilterPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("destinationAddress", "DestinationAddress", (properties.DestinationAddress != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DestinationAddress) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("destinationPortRange", "DestinationPortRange", (properties.DestinationPortRange != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsPathFilterPortRangePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.DestinationPortRange) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("sourceAddress", "SourceAddress", (properties.SourceAddress != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SourceAddress) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("sourcePortRange", "SourcePortRange", (properties.SourcePortRange != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsPathFilterPortRangePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.SourcePortRange) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnNetworkInsightsPathProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnNetworkInsightsPathProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInsightsPathPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("destination", cdk.validateString)(properties.destination)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("destinationIp", cdk.validateString)(properties.destinationIp)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("destinationPort", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.destinationPort)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("filterAtDestination", CfnNetworkInsightsPathPathFilterPropertyValidator)(properties.filterAtDestination)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("filterAtSource", CfnNetworkInsightsPathPathFilterPropertyValidator)(properties.filterAtSource)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("protocol", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.protocol)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("protocol", cdk.validateString)(properties.protocol)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("source", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.source)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("source", cdk.validateString)(properties.source)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sourceIp", cdk.validateString)(properties.sourceIp)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnNetworkInsightsPathProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnNetworkInsightsPathPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnNetworkInsightsPathPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Destination": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.destination), + "DestinationIp": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.destinationIp), + "DestinationPort": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.destinationPort), + "FilterAtDestination": convertCfnNetworkInsightsPathPathFilterPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.filterAtDestination), + "FilterAtSource": convertCfnNetworkInsightsPathPathFilterPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.filterAtSource), + "Protocol": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.protocol), + "Source": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.source), + "SourceIp": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.sourceIp), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInsightsPathPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("destination", "Destination", (properties.Destination != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Destination) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("destinationIp", "DestinationIp", (properties.DestinationIp != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DestinationIp) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("destinationPort", "DestinationPort", (properties.DestinationPort != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.DestinationPort) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("filterAtDestination", "FilterAtDestination", (properties.FilterAtDestination != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsPathPathFilterPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.FilterAtDestination) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("filterAtSource", "FilterAtSource", (properties.FilterAtSource != null ? CfnNetworkInsightsPathPathFilterPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.FilterAtSource) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("protocol", "Protocol", (properties.Protocol != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Protocol) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("source", "Source", (properties.Source != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Source) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("sourceIp", "SourceIp", (properties.SourceIp != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SourceIp) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Describes a network interface in an Amazon EC2 instance for AWS CloudFormation . + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkinterface.html + */ +export class CfnNetworkInterface extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::NetworkInterface"; + + /** + * Build a CfnNetworkInterface from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnNetworkInterface { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnNetworkInterfacePropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnNetworkInterface(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The ID of the network interface. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute Id + */ + public readonly attrId: string; + + /** + * The primary private IP address of the network interface. For example, \`\` . + * + * @cloudformationAttribute PrimaryPrivateIpAddress + */ + public readonly attrPrimaryPrivateIpAddress: string; + + /** + * The secondary private IP addresses of the network interface. For example, \`["", "", ""]\` . + * + * @cloudformationAttribute SecondaryPrivateIpAddresses + */ + public readonly attrSecondaryPrivateIpAddresses: Array; + + /** + * A description for the network interface. + */ + public description?: string; + + /** + * If you have instances or ENIs that rely on the IPv6 address not changing, to avoid disrupting traffic to instances or ENIs, you can enable a primary IPv6 address. + */ + public enablePrimaryIpv6?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The security group IDs associated with this network interface. + */ + public groupSet?: Array; + + /** + * The type of network interface. + */ + public interfaceType?: string; + + /** + * The number of IPv6 addresses to assign to a network interface. + */ + public ipv6AddressCount?: number; + + /** + * One or more specific IPv6 addresses from the IPv6 CIDR block range of your subnet to associate with the network interface. + */ + public ipv6Addresses?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Assigns a single private IP address to the network interface, which is used as the primary private IP address. + */ + public privateIpAddress?: string; + + /** + * Assigns private IP addresses to the network interface. + */ + public privateIpAddresses?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The number of secondary private IPv4 addresses to assign to a network interface. + */ + public secondaryPrivateIpAddressCount?: number; + + /** + * Enable or disable source/destination checks, which ensure that the instance is either the source or the destination of any traffic that it receives. + */ + public sourceDestCheck?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The ID of the subnet to associate with the network interface. + */ + public subnetId: string; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * An arbitrary set of tags (key-value pairs) for this network interface. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnNetworkInterfaceProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnNetworkInterface.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "subnetId", this); + + this.attrId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Id", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrPrimaryPrivateIpAddress = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("PrimaryPrivateIpAddress", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrSecondaryPrivateIpAddresses = cdk.Token.asList(this.getAtt("SecondaryPrivateIpAddresses", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING_LIST)); + this.description = props.description; + this.enablePrimaryIpv6 = props.enablePrimaryIpv6; + this.groupSet = props.groupSet; + this.interfaceType = props.interfaceType; + this.ipv6AddressCount = props.ipv6AddressCount; + this.ipv6Addresses = props.ipv6Addresses; + this.privateIpAddress = props.privateIpAddress; + this.privateIpAddresses = props.privateIpAddresses; + this.secondaryPrivateIpAddressCount = props.secondaryPrivateIpAddressCount; + this.sourceDestCheck = props.sourceDestCheck; + this.subnetId = props.subnetId; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::EC2::NetworkInterface", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "description": this.description, + "enablePrimaryIpv6": this.enablePrimaryIpv6, + "groupSet": this.groupSet, + "interfaceType": this.interfaceType, + "ipv6AddressCount": this.ipv6AddressCount, + "ipv6Addresses": this.ipv6Addresses, + "privateIpAddress": this.privateIpAddress, + "privateIpAddresses": this.privateIpAddresses, + "secondaryPrivateIpAddressCount": this.secondaryPrivateIpAddressCount, + "sourceDestCheck": this.sourceDestCheck, + "subnetId": this.subnetId, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags() + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnNetworkInterface.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnNetworkInterfacePropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +export namespace CfnNetworkInterface { + /** + * Describes a secondary private IPv4 address for a network interface. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinterface-privateipaddressspecification.html + */ + export interface PrivateIpAddressSpecificationProperty { + /** + * Sets the private IP address as the primary private address. + * + * You can set only one primary private IP address. If you don't specify a primary private IP address, Amazon EC2 automatically assigns a primary private IP address. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinterface-privateipaddressspecification.html#cfn-ec2-networkinterface-privateipaddressspecification-primary + */ + readonly primary: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The private IP address of the network interface. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinterface-privateipaddressspecification.html#cfn-ec2-networkinterface-privateipaddressspecification-privateipaddress + */ + readonly privateIpAddress: string; + } + + /** + * Describes the IPv6 addresses to associate with the network interface. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinterface-instanceipv6address.html + */ + export interface InstanceIpv6AddressProperty { + /** + * An IPv6 address to associate with the network interface. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-networkinterface-instanceipv6address.html#cfn-ec2-networkinterface-instanceipv6address-ipv6address + */ + readonly ipv6Address: string; + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnNetworkInterface\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkinterface.html + */ +export interface CfnNetworkInterfaceProps { + /** + * A description for the network interface. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkinterface.html#cfn-ec2-networkinterface-description + */ + readonly description?: string; + + /** + * If you have instances or ENIs that rely on the IPv6 address not changing, to avoid disrupting traffic to instances or ENIs, you can enable a primary IPv6 address. + * + * Enable this option to automatically assign an IPv6 associated with the ENI attached to your instance to be the primary IPv6 address. When you enable an IPv6 address to be a primary IPv6, you cannot disable it. Traffic will be routed to the primary IPv6 address until the instance is terminated or the ENI is detached. If you have multiple IPv6 addresses associated with an ENI and you enable a primary IPv6 address, the first IPv6 address associated with the ENI becomes the primary IPv6 address. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkinterface.html#cfn-ec2-networkinterface-enableprimaryipv6 + */ + readonly enablePrimaryIpv6?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The security group IDs associated with this network interface. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkinterface.html#cfn-ec2-networkinterface-groupset + */ + readonly groupSet?: Array; + + /** + * The type of network interface. + * + * The default is \`interface\` . The supported values are \`efa\` and \`trunk\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkinterface.html#cfn-ec2-networkinterface-interfacetype + */ + readonly interfaceType?: string; + + /** + * The number of IPv6 addresses to assign to a network interface. + * + * Amazon EC2 automatically selects the IPv6 addresses from the subnet range. To specify specific IPv6 addresses, use the \`Ipv6Addresses\` property and don't specify this property. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkinterface.html#cfn-ec2-networkinterface-ipv6addresscount + */ + readonly ipv6AddressCount?: number; + + /** + * One or more specific IPv6 addresses from the IPv6 CIDR block range of your subnet to associate with the network interface. + * + * If you're specifying a number of IPv6 addresses, use the \`Ipv6AddressCount\` property and don't specify this property. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkinterface.html#cfn-ec2-networkinterface-ipv6addresses + */ + readonly ipv6Addresses?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Assigns a single private IP address to the network interface, which is used as the primary private IP address. + * + * If you want to specify multiple private IP address, use the \`PrivateIpAddresses\` property. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkinterface.html#cfn-ec2-networkinterface-privateipaddress + */ + readonly privateIpAddress?: string; + + /** + * Assigns private IP addresses to the network interface. + * + * You can specify a primary private IP address by setting the value of the \`Primary\` property to \`true\` in the \`PrivateIpAddressSpecification\` property. If you want EC2 to automatically assign private IP addresses, use the \`SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount\` property and do not specify this property. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkinterface.html#cfn-ec2-networkinterface-privateipaddresses + */ + readonly privateIpAddresses?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The number of secondary private IPv4 addresses to assign to a network interface. + * + * When you specify a number of secondary IPv4 addresses, Amazon EC2 selects these IP addresses within the subnet's IPv4 CIDR range. You can't specify this option and specify more than one private IP address using \`privateIpAddresses\` . + * + * You can't specify a count of private IPv4 addresses if you've specified one of the following: specific private IPv4 addresses, specific IPv4 prefixes, or a count of IPv4 prefixes. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkinterface.html#cfn-ec2-networkinterface-secondaryprivateipaddresscount + */ + readonly secondaryPrivateIpAddressCount?: number; + + /** + * Enable or disable source/destination checks, which ensure that the instance is either the source or the destination of any traffic that it receives. + * + * If the value is \`true\` , source/destination checks are enabled; otherwise, they are disabled. The default value is \`true\` . You must disable source/destination checks if the instance runs services such as network address translation, routing, or firewalls. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkinterface.html#cfn-ec2-networkinterface-sourcedestcheck + */ + readonly sourceDestCheck?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The ID of the subnet to associate with the network interface. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkinterface.html#cfn-ec2-networkinterface-subnetid + */ + readonly subnetId: string; + + /** + * An arbitrary set of tags (key-value pairs) for this network interface. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkinterface.html#cfn-ec2-networkinterface-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`PrivateIpAddressSpecificationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`PrivateIpAddressSpecificationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInterfacePrivateIpAddressSpecificationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("primary", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.primary)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("primary", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.primary)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("privateIpAddress", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.privateIpAddress)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("privateIpAddress", cdk.validateString)(properties.privateIpAddress)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"PrivateIpAddressSpecificationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnNetworkInterfacePrivateIpAddressSpecificationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnNetworkInterfacePrivateIpAddressSpecificationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Primary": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.primary), + "PrivateIpAddress": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.privateIpAddress) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInterfacePrivateIpAddressSpecificationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("primary", "Primary", (properties.Primary != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.Primary) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("privateIpAddress", "PrivateIpAddress", (properties.PrivateIpAddress != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.PrivateIpAddress) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`InstanceIpv6AddressProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`InstanceIpv6AddressProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInterfaceInstanceIpv6AddressPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipv6Address", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.ipv6Address)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipv6Address", cdk.validateString)(properties.ipv6Address)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"InstanceIpv6AddressProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnNetworkInterfaceInstanceIpv6AddressPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnNetworkInterfaceInstanceIpv6AddressPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Ipv6Address": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.ipv6Address) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInterfaceInstanceIpv6AddressPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("ipv6Address", "Ipv6Address", (properties.Ipv6Address != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Ipv6Address) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnNetworkInterfaceProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnNetworkInterfaceProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInterfacePropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("description", cdk.validateString)(properties.description)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("enablePrimaryIpv6", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.enablePrimaryIpv6)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("groupSet", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.groupSet)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("interfaceType", cdk.validateString)(properties.interfaceType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipv6AddressCount", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.ipv6AddressCount)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipv6Addresses", cdk.listValidator(CfnNetworkInterfaceInstanceIpv6AddressPropertyValidator))(properties.ipv6Addresses)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("privateIpAddress", cdk.validateString)(properties.privateIpAddress)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("privateIpAddresses", cdk.listValidator(CfnNetworkInterfacePrivateIpAddressSpecificationPropertyValidator))(properties.privateIpAddresses)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("secondaryPrivateIpAddressCount", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.secondaryPrivateIpAddressCount)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sourceDestCheck", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.sourceDestCheck)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("subnetId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.subnetId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("subnetId", cdk.validateString)(properties.subnetId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnNetworkInterfaceProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnNetworkInterfacePropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnNetworkInterfacePropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Description": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.description), + "EnablePrimaryIpv6": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.enablePrimaryIpv6), + "GroupSet": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.groupSet), + "InterfaceType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.interfaceType), + "Ipv6AddressCount": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.ipv6AddressCount), + "Ipv6Addresses": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnNetworkInterfaceInstanceIpv6AddressPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.ipv6Addresses), + "PrivateIpAddress": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.privateIpAddress), + "PrivateIpAddresses": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnNetworkInterfacePrivateIpAddressSpecificationPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.privateIpAddresses), + "SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.secondaryPrivateIpAddressCount), + "SourceDestCheck": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.sourceDestCheck), + "SubnetId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.subnetId), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInterfacePropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("description", "Description", (properties.Description != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Description) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("enablePrimaryIpv6", "EnablePrimaryIpv6", (properties.EnablePrimaryIpv6 != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.EnablePrimaryIpv6) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("groupSet", "GroupSet", (properties.GroupSet != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.GroupSet) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("interfaceType", "InterfaceType", (properties.InterfaceType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.InterfaceType) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ipv6AddressCount", "Ipv6AddressCount", (properties.Ipv6AddressCount != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Ipv6AddressCount) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ipv6Addresses", "Ipv6Addresses", (properties.Ipv6Addresses != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnNetworkInterfaceInstanceIpv6AddressPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.Ipv6Addresses) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("privateIpAddress", "PrivateIpAddress", (properties.PrivateIpAddress != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.PrivateIpAddress) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("privateIpAddresses", "PrivateIpAddresses", (properties.PrivateIpAddresses != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnNetworkInterfacePrivateIpAddressSpecificationPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.PrivateIpAddresses) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("secondaryPrivateIpAddressCount", "SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount", (properties.SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("sourceDestCheck", "SourceDestCheck", (properties.SourceDestCheck != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.SourceDestCheck) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("subnetId", "SubnetId", (properties.SubnetId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SubnetId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Attaches an elastic network interface (ENI) to an Amazon EC2 instance. + * + * You can use this resource type to attach additional network interfaces to an instance without interruption. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkinterfaceattachment.html + */ +export class CfnNetworkInterfaceAttachment extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::NetworkInterfaceAttachment"; + + /** + * Build a CfnNetworkInterfaceAttachment from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnNetworkInterfaceAttachment { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnNetworkInterfaceAttachmentPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnNetworkInterfaceAttachment(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * @cloudformationAttribute Id + */ + public readonly attrId: string; + + /** + * Whether to delete the network interface when the instance terminates. + */ + public deleteOnTermination?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The network interface's position in the attachment order. + */ + public deviceIndex: string; + + /** + * The ID of the instance to which you will attach the ENI. + */ + public instanceId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the ENI that you want to attach. + */ + public networkInterfaceId: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnNetworkInterfaceAttachmentProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnNetworkInterfaceAttachment.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "deviceIndex", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "instanceId", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "networkInterfaceId", this); + + this.attrId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Id", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.deleteOnTermination = props.deleteOnTermination; + this.deviceIndex = props.deviceIndex; + this.instanceId = props.instanceId; + this.networkInterfaceId = props.networkInterfaceId; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "deleteOnTermination": this.deleteOnTermination, + "deviceIndex": this.deviceIndex, + "instanceId": this.instanceId, + "networkInterfaceId": this.networkInterfaceId + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnNetworkInterfaceAttachment.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnNetworkInterfaceAttachmentPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnNetworkInterfaceAttachment\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkinterfaceattachment.html + */ +export interface CfnNetworkInterfaceAttachmentProps { + /** + * Whether to delete the network interface when the instance terminates. + * + * By default, this value is set to \`true\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkinterfaceattachment.html#cfn-ec2-networkinterfaceattachment-deleteontermination + */ + readonly deleteOnTermination?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The network interface's position in the attachment order. + * + * For example, the first attached network interface has a \`DeviceIndex\` of 0. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkinterfaceattachment.html#cfn-ec2-networkinterfaceattachment-deviceindex + */ + readonly deviceIndex: string; + + /** + * The ID of the instance to which you will attach the ENI. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkinterfaceattachment.html#cfn-ec2-networkinterfaceattachment-instanceid + */ + readonly instanceId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the ENI that you want to attach. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkinterfaceattachment.html#cfn-ec2-networkinterfaceattachment-networkinterfaceid + */ + readonly networkInterfaceId: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnNetworkInterfaceAttachmentProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnNetworkInterfaceAttachmentProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInterfaceAttachmentPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("deleteOnTermination", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.deleteOnTermination)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("deviceIndex", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.deviceIndex)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("deviceIndex", cdk.validateString)(properties.deviceIndex)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("instanceId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.instanceId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("instanceId", cdk.validateString)(properties.instanceId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("networkInterfaceId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.networkInterfaceId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("networkInterfaceId", cdk.validateString)(properties.networkInterfaceId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnNetworkInterfaceAttachmentProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnNetworkInterfaceAttachmentPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnNetworkInterfaceAttachmentPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "DeleteOnTermination": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.deleteOnTermination), + "DeviceIndex": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.deviceIndex), + "InstanceId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.instanceId), + "NetworkInterfaceId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.networkInterfaceId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInterfaceAttachmentPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("deleteOnTermination", "DeleteOnTermination", (properties.DeleteOnTermination != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.DeleteOnTermination) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("deviceIndex", "DeviceIndex", (properties.DeviceIndex != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DeviceIndex) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("instanceId", "InstanceId", (properties.InstanceId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.InstanceId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("networkInterfaceId", "NetworkInterfaceId", (properties.NetworkInterfaceId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.NetworkInterfaceId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Specifies a permission for an Amazon EC2 network interface. + * + * For example, you can grant an AWS authorized partner account permission to attach the specified network interface to an instance in their account. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkinterfacepermission.html + */ +export class CfnNetworkInterfacePermission extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::NetworkInterfacePermission"; + + /** + * Build a CfnNetworkInterfacePermission from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnNetworkInterfacePermission { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnNetworkInterfacePermissionPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnNetworkInterfacePermission(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * @cloudformationAttribute Id + */ + public readonly attrId: string; + + /** + * The AWS account ID. + */ + public awsAccountId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the network interface. + */ + public networkInterfaceId: string; + + /** + * The type of permission to grant: \`INSTANCE-ATTACH\` or \`EIP-ASSOCIATE\` . + */ + public permission: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnNetworkInterfacePermissionProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnNetworkInterfacePermission.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "awsAccountId", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "networkInterfaceId", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "permission", this); + + this.attrId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Id", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.awsAccountId = props.awsAccountId; + this.networkInterfaceId = props.networkInterfaceId; + this.permission = props.permission; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "awsAccountId": this.awsAccountId, + "networkInterfaceId": this.networkInterfaceId, + "permission": this.permission + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnNetworkInterfacePermission.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnNetworkInterfacePermissionPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnNetworkInterfacePermission\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkinterfacepermission.html + */ +export interface CfnNetworkInterfacePermissionProps { + /** + * The AWS account ID. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkinterfacepermission.html#cfn-ec2-networkinterfacepermission-awsaccountid + */ + readonly awsAccountId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the network interface. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkinterfacepermission.html#cfn-ec2-networkinterfacepermission-networkinterfaceid + */ + readonly networkInterfaceId: string; + + /** + * The type of permission to grant: \`INSTANCE-ATTACH\` or \`EIP-ASSOCIATE\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkinterfacepermission.html#cfn-ec2-networkinterfacepermission-permission + */ + readonly permission: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnNetworkInterfacePermissionProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnNetworkInterfacePermissionProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInterfacePermissionPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("awsAccountId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.awsAccountId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("awsAccountId", cdk.validateString)(properties.awsAccountId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("networkInterfaceId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.networkInterfaceId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("networkInterfaceId", cdk.validateString)(properties.networkInterfaceId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("permission", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.permission)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("permission", cdk.validateString)(properties.permission)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnNetworkInterfacePermissionProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnNetworkInterfacePermissionPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnNetworkInterfacePermissionPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AwsAccountId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.awsAccountId), + "NetworkInterfaceId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.networkInterfaceId), + "Permission": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.permission) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkInterfacePermissionPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("awsAccountId", "AwsAccountId", (properties.AwsAccountId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.AwsAccountId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("networkInterfaceId", "NetworkInterfaceId", (properties.NetworkInterfaceId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.NetworkInterfaceId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("permission", "Permission", (properties.Permission != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Permission) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Describes Infrastructure Performance subscriptions. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkperformancemetricsubscription.html + */ +export class CfnNetworkPerformanceMetricSubscription extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::NetworkPerformanceMetricSubscription"; + + /** + * Build a CfnNetworkPerformanceMetricSubscription from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnNetworkPerformanceMetricSubscription { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnNetworkPerformanceMetricSubscriptionPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnNetworkPerformanceMetricSubscription(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The Region or Availability Zone that's the target for the subscription. + */ + public destination: string; + + /** + * The metric used for the subscription. + */ + public metric: string; + + /** + * The Region or Availability Zone that's the source for the subscription. + */ + public source: string; + + /** + * The statistic used for the subscription. + */ + public statistic: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnNetworkPerformanceMetricSubscriptionProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnNetworkPerformanceMetricSubscription.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "destination", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "metric", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "source", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "statistic", this); + + this.destination = props.destination; + this.metric = props.metric; + this.source = props.source; + this.statistic = props.statistic; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "destination": this.destination, + "metric": this.metric, + "source": this.source, + "statistic": this.statistic + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnNetworkPerformanceMetricSubscription.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnNetworkPerformanceMetricSubscriptionPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnNetworkPerformanceMetricSubscription\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkperformancemetricsubscription.html + */ +export interface CfnNetworkPerformanceMetricSubscriptionProps { + /** + * The Region or Availability Zone that's the target for the subscription. + * + * For example, \`eu-west-1\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkperformancemetricsubscription.html#cfn-ec2-networkperformancemetricsubscription-destination + */ + readonly destination: string; + + /** + * The metric used for the subscription. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkperformancemetricsubscription.html#cfn-ec2-networkperformancemetricsubscription-metric + */ + readonly metric: string; + + /** + * The Region or Availability Zone that's the source for the subscription. + * + * For example, \`us-east-1\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkperformancemetricsubscription.html#cfn-ec2-networkperformancemetricsubscription-source + */ + readonly source: string; + + /** + * The statistic used for the subscription. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-networkperformancemetricsubscription.html#cfn-ec2-networkperformancemetricsubscription-statistic + */ + readonly statistic: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnNetworkPerformanceMetricSubscriptionProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnNetworkPerformanceMetricSubscriptionProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkPerformanceMetricSubscriptionPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("destination", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.destination)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("destination", cdk.validateString)(properties.destination)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("metric", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.metric)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("metric", cdk.validateString)(properties.metric)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("source", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.source)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("source", cdk.validateString)(properties.source)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("statistic", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.statistic)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("statistic", cdk.validateString)(properties.statistic)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnNetworkPerformanceMetricSubscriptionProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnNetworkPerformanceMetricSubscriptionPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnNetworkPerformanceMetricSubscriptionPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Destination": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.destination), + "Metric": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.metric), + "Source": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.source), + "Statistic": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.statistic) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnNetworkPerformanceMetricSubscriptionPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("destination", "Destination", (properties.Destination != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Destination) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("metric", "Metric", (properties.Metric != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Metric) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("source", "Source", (properties.Source != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Source) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("statistic", "Statistic", (properties.Statistic != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Statistic) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Specifies a placement group in which to launch instances. + * + * The strategy of the placement group determines how the instances are organized within the group. + * + * A \`cluster\` placement group is a logical grouping of instances within a single Availability Zone that benefit from low network latency, high network throughput. A \`spread\` placement group places instances on distinct hardware. A \`partition\` placement group places groups of instances in different partitions, where instances in one partition do not share the same hardware with instances in another partition. + * + * For more information, see [Placement Groups](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/placement-groups.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-placementgroup.html + */ +export class CfnPlacementGroup extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::PlacementGroup"; + + /** + * Build a CfnPlacementGroup from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnPlacementGroup { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnPlacementGroupPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnPlacementGroup(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The name of the placement group. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute GroupName + */ + public readonly attrGroupName: string; + + /** + * The number of partitions. + */ + public partitionCount?: number; + + /** + * Determines how placement groups spread instances. + */ + public spreadLevel?: string; + + /** + * The placement strategy. + */ + public strategy?: string; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * The tags to apply to the new placement group. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnPlacementGroupProps = {}) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnPlacementGroup.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + this.attrGroupName = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("GroupName", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.partitionCount = props.partitionCount; + this.spreadLevel = props.spreadLevel; + this.strategy = props.strategy; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::EC2::PlacementGroup", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "partitionCount": this.partitionCount, + "spreadLevel": this.spreadLevel, + "strategy": this.strategy, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags() + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnPlacementGroup.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnPlacementGroupPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnPlacementGroup\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-placementgroup.html + */ +export interface CfnPlacementGroupProps { + /** + * The number of partitions. + * + * Valid only when *Strategy* is set to \`partition\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-placementgroup.html#cfn-ec2-placementgroup-partitioncount + */ + readonly partitionCount?: number; + + /** + * Determines how placement groups spread instances. + * + * - Host – You can use \`host\` only with Outpost placement groups. + * - Rack – No usage restrictions. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-placementgroup.html#cfn-ec2-placementgroup-spreadlevel + */ + readonly spreadLevel?: string; + + /** + * The placement strategy. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-placementgroup.html#cfn-ec2-placementgroup-strategy + */ + readonly strategy?: string; + + /** + * The tags to apply to the new placement group. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-placementgroup.html#cfn-ec2-placementgroup-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnPlacementGroupProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnPlacementGroupProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnPlacementGroupPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("partitionCount", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.partitionCount)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("spreadLevel", cdk.validateString)(properties.spreadLevel)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("strategy", cdk.validateString)(properties.strategy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnPlacementGroupProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnPlacementGroupPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnPlacementGroupPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "PartitionCount": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.partitionCount), + "SpreadLevel": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.spreadLevel), + "Strategy": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.strategy), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnPlacementGroupPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("partitionCount", "PartitionCount", (properties.PartitionCount != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.PartitionCount) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("spreadLevel", "SpreadLevel", (properties.SpreadLevel != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SpreadLevel) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("strategy", "Strategy", (properties.Strategy != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Strategy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Specifies a managed prefix list. + * + * You can add one or more entries to the prefix list. Each entry consists of a CIDR block and an optional description. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-prefixlist.html + */ +export class CfnPrefixList extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::PrefixList"; + + /** + * Build a CfnPrefixList from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnPrefixList { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnPrefixListPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnPrefixList(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The ARN of the prefix list. For example, \`arn:aws:ec2:us-east-1:123456789012:prefix-list/pl-0123123123123abcd\` . + * + * @cloudformationAttribute Arn + */ + public readonly attrArn: string; + + /** + * The ID of the owner of the prefix list. For example, \`123456789012\` . + * + * @cloudformationAttribute OwnerId + */ + public readonly attrOwnerId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the prefix list. For example, \`pl-0123123123123abcd\` . + * + * @cloudformationAttribute PrefixListId + */ + public readonly attrPrefixListId: string; + + /** + * The version of the prefix list. For example, \`1\` . + * + * @cloudformationAttribute Version + */ + public readonly attrVersion: number; + + /** + * The IP address type. + */ + public addressFamily: string; + + /** + * One or more entries for the prefix list. + */ + public entries?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The maximum number of entries for the prefix list. + */ + public maxEntries: number; + + /** + * A name for the prefix list. + */ + public prefixListName: string; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * The tags for the prefix list. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnPrefixListProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnPrefixList.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "addressFamily", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "maxEntries", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "prefixListName", this); + + this.attrArn = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Arn", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrOwnerId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("OwnerId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrPrefixListId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("PrefixListId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrVersion = cdk.Token.asNumber(this.getAtt("Version", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.NUMBER)); + this.addressFamily = props.addressFamily; + this.entries = props.entries; + this.maxEntries = props.maxEntries; + this.prefixListName = props.prefixListName; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::EC2::PrefixList", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "addressFamily": this.addressFamily, + "entries": this.entries, + "maxEntries": this.maxEntries, + "prefixListName": this.prefixListName, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags() + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnPrefixList.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnPrefixListPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +export namespace CfnPrefixList { + /** + * An entry for a prefix list. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-prefixlist-entry.html + */ + export interface EntryProperty { + /** + * The CIDR block. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-prefixlist-entry.html#cfn-ec2-prefixlist-entry-cidr + */ + readonly cidr: string; + + /** + * A description for the entry. + * + * Constraints: Up to 255 characters in length. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-prefixlist-entry.html#cfn-ec2-prefixlist-entry-description + */ + readonly description?: string; + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnPrefixList\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-prefixlist.html + */ +export interface CfnPrefixListProps { + /** + * The IP address type. + * + * Valid Values: \`IPv4\` | \`IPv6\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-prefixlist.html#cfn-ec2-prefixlist-addressfamily + */ + readonly addressFamily: string; + + /** + * One or more entries for the prefix list. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-prefixlist.html#cfn-ec2-prefixlist-entries + */ + readonly entries?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The maximum number of entries for the prefix list. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-prefixlist.html#cfn-ec2-prefixlist-maxentries + */ + readonly maxEntries: number; + + /** + * A name for the prefix list. + * + * Constraints: Up to 255 characters in length. The name cannot start with \`com.amazonaws\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-prefixlist.html#cfn-ec2-prefixlist-prefixlistname + */ + readonly prefixListName: string; + + /** + * The tags for the prefix list. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-prefixlist.html#cfn-ec2-prefixlist-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`EntryProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`EntryProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnPrefixListEntryPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("cidr", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.cidr)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("cidr", cdk.validateString)(properties.cidr)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("description", cdk.validateString)(properties.description)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"EntryProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnPrefixListEntryPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnPrefixListEntryPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Cidr": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.cidr), + "Description": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.description) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnPrefixListEntryPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("cidr", "Cidr", (properties.Cidr != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Cidr) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("description", "Description", (properties.Description != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Description) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnPrefixListProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnPrefixListProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnPrefixListPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("addressFamily", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.addressFamily)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("addressFamily", cdk.validateString)(properties.addressFamily)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("entries", cdk.listValidator(CfnPrefixListEntryPropertyValidator))(properties.entries)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("maxEntries", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.maxEntries)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("maxEntries", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.maxEntries)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("prefixListName", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.prefixListName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("prefixListName", cdk.validateString)(properties.prefixListName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnPrefixListProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnPrefixListPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnPrefixListPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AddressFamily": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.addressFamily), + "Entries": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnPrefixListEntryPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.entries), + "MaxEntries": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.maxEntries), + "PrefixListName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.prefixListName), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnPrefixListPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("addressFamily", "AddressFamily", (properties.AddressFamily != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.AddressFamily) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("entries", "Entries", (properties.Entries != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnPrefixListEntryPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.Entries) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("maxEntries", "MaxEntries", (properties.MaxEntries != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.MaxEntries) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("prefixListName", "PrefixListName", (properties.PrefixListName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.PrefixListName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Specifies a route in a route table. + * + * You must specify either \`DestinationCidrBlock\` or \`DestinationIpv6CidrBlock\` , plus the ID of one of the target resources. + * + * If you create a route that references a transit gateway in the same template where you create the transit gateway, you must declare a dependency on the transit gateway attachment. The route table cannot use the transit gateway until it has successfully attached to the VPC. Add a [DependsOn Attribute](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-attribute-dependson.html) in the \`AWS::EC2::Route\` resource to explicitly declare a dependency on the \`AWS::EC2::TransitGatewayAttachment\` resource. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-route.html + */ +export class CfnRoute extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::Route"; + + /** + * Build a CfnRoute from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnRoute { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnRoutePropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnRoute(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * @cloudformationAttribute Id + */ + public readonly attrId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the carrier gateway. + */ + public carrierGatewayId?: string; + + /** + * The IPv4 CIDR address block used for the destination match. + */ + public destinationCidrBlock?: string; + + /** + * The IPv6 CIDR block used for the destination match. + */ + public destinationIpv6CidrBlock?: string; + + /** + * [IPv6 traffic only] The ID of an egress-only internet gateway. + */ + public egressOnlyInternetGatewayId?: string; + + /** + * The ID of an internet gateway or virtual private gateway attached to your VPC. + */ + public gatewayId?: string; + + /** + * The ID of a NAT instance in your VPC. + */ + public instanceId?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the local gateway. + */ + public localGatewayId?: string; + + /** + * [IPv4 traffic only] The ID of a NAT gateway. + */ + public natGatewayId?: string; + + /** + * The ID of a network interface. + */ + public networkInterfaceId?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the route table for the route. + */ + public routeTableId: string; + + /** + * The ID of a transit gateway. + */ + public transitGatewayId?: string; + + /** + * The ID of a VPC endpoint. + */ + public vpcEndpointId?: string; + + /** + * The ID of a VPC peering connection. + */ + public vpcPeeringConnectionId?: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnRouteProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnRoute.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "routeTableId", this); + + this.attrId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Id", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.carrierGatewayId = props.carrierGatewayId; + this.destinationCidrBlock = props.destinationCidrBlock; + this.destinationIpv6CidrBlock = props.destinationIpv6CidrBlock; + this.egressOnlyInternetGatewayId = props.egressOnlyInternetGatewayId; + this.gatewayId = props.gatewayId; + this.instanceId = props.instanceId; + this.localGatewayId = props.localGatewayId; + this.natGatewayId = props.natGatewayId; + this.networkInterfaceId = props.networkInterfaceId; + this.routeTableId = props.routeTableId; + this.transitGatewayId = props.transitGatewayId; + this.vpcEndpointId = props.vpcEndpointId; + this.vpcPeeringConnectionId = props.vpcPeeringConnectionId; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "carrierGatewayId": this.carrierGatewayId, + "destinationCidrBlock": this.destinationCidrBlock, + "destinationIpv6CidrBlock": this.destinationIpv6CidrBlock, + "egressOnlyInternetGatewayId": this.egressOnlyInternetGatewayId, + "gatewayId": this.gatewayId, + "instanceId": this.instanceId, + "localGatewayId": this.localGatewayId, + "natGatewayId": this.natGatewayId, + "networkInterfaceId": this.networkInterfaceId, + "routeTableId": this.routeTableId, + "transitGatewayId": this.transitGatewayId, + "vpcEndpointId": this.vpcEndpointId, + "vpcPeeringConnectionId": this.vpcPeeringConnectionId + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnRoute.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnRoutePropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnRoute\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-route.html + */ +export interface CfnRouteProps { + /** + * The ID of the carrier gateway. + * + * You can only use this option when the VPC contains a subnet which is associated with a Wavelength Zone. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-route.html#cfn-ec2-route-carriergatewayid + */ + readonly carrierGatewayId?: string; + + /** + * The IPv4 CIDR address block used for the destination match. + * + * Routing decisions are based on the most specific match. We modify the specified CIDR block to its canonical form; for example, if you specify \`\` , we modify it to \`\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-route.html#cfn-ec2-route-destinationcidrblock + */ + readonly destinationCidrBlock?: string; + + /** + * The IPv6 CIDR block used for the destination match. + * + * Routing decisions are based on the most specific match. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-route.html#cfn-ec2-route-destinationipv6cidrblock + */ + readonly destinationIpv6CidrBlock?: string; + + /** + * [IPv6 traffic only] The ID of an egress-only internet gateway. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-route.html#cfn-ec2-route-egressonlyinternetgatewayid + */ + readonly egressOnlyInternetGatewayId?: string; + + /** + * The ID of an internet gateway or virtual private gateway attached to your VPC. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-route.html#cfn-ec2-route-gatewayid + */ + readonly gatewayId?: string; + + /** + * The ID of a NAT instance in your VPC. + * + * The operation fails if you specify an instance ID unless exactly one network interface is attached. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-route.html#cfn-ec2-route-instanceid + */ + readonly instanceId?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the local gateway. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-route.html#cfn-ec2-route-localgatewayid + */ + readonly localGatewayId?: string; + + /** + * [IPv4 traffic only] The ID of a NAT gateway. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-route.html#cfn-ec2-route-natgatewayid + */ + readonly natGatewayId?: string; + + /** + * The ID of a network interface. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-route.html#cfn-ec2-route-networkinterfaceid + */ + readonly networkInterfaceId?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the route table for the route. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-route.html#cfn-ec2-route-routetableid + */ + readonly routeTableId: string; + + /** + * The ID of a transit gateway. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-route.html#cfn-ec2-route-transitgatewayid + */ + readonly transitGatewayId?: string; + + /** + * The ID of a VPC endpoint. + * + * Supported for Gateway Load Balancer endpoints only. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-route.html#cfn-ec2-route-vpcendpointid + */ + readonly vpcEndpointId?: string; + + /** + * The ID of a VPC peering connection. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-route.html#cfn-ec2-route-vpcpeeringconnectionid + */ + readonly vpcPeeringConnectionId?: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnRouteProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnRouteProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnRoutePropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("carrierGatewayId", cdk.validateString)(properties.carrierGatewayId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("destinationCidrBlock", cdk.validateString)(properties.destinationCidrBlock)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("destinationIpv6CidrBlock", cdk.validateString)(properties.destinationIpv6CidrBlock)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("egressOnlyInternetGatewayId", cdk.validateString)(properties.egressOnlyInternetGatewayId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("gatewayId", cdk.validateString)(properties.gatewayId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("instanceId", cdk.validateString)(properties.instanceId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("localGatewayId", cdk.validateString)(properties.localGatewayId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("natGatewayId", cdk.validateString)(properties.natGatewayId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("networkInterfaceId", cdk.validateString)(properties.networkInterfaceId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("routeTableId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.routeTableId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("routeTableId", cdk.validateString)(properties.routeTableId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("transitGatewayId", cdk.validateString)(properties.transitGatewayId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vpcEndpointId", cdk.validateString)(properties.vpcEndpointId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vpcPeeringConnectionId", cdk.validateString)(properties.vpcPeeringConnectionId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnRouteProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnRoutePropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnRoutePropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "CarrierGatewayId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.carrierGatewayId), + "DestinationCidrBlock": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.destinationCidrBlock), + "DestinationIpv6CidrBlock": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.destinationIpv6CidrBlock), + "EgressOnlyInternetGatewayId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.egressOnlyInternetGatewayId), + "GatewayId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.gatewayId), + "InstanceId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.instanceId), + "LocalGatewayId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.localGatewayId), + "NatGatewayId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.natGatewayId), + "NetworkInterfaceId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.networkInterfaceId), + "RouteTableId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.routeTableId), + "TransitGatewayId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.transitGatewayId), + "VpcEndpointId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.vpcEndpointId), + "VpcPeeringConnectionId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.vpcPeeringConnectionId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnRoutePropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("carrierGatewayId", "CarrierGatewayId", (properties.CarrierGatewayId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.CarrierGatewayId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("destinationCidrBlock", "DestinationCidrBlock", (properties.DestinationCidrBlock != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DestinationCidrBlock) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("destinationIpv6CidrBlock", "DestinationIpv6CidrBlock", (properties.DestinationIpv6CidrBlock != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DestinationIpv6CidrBlock) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("egressOnlyInternetGatewayId", "EgressOnlyInternetGatewayId", (properties.EgressOnlyInternetGatewayId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.EgressOnlyInternetGatewayId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("gatewayId", "GatewayId", (properties.GatewayId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.GatewayId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("instanceId", "InstanceId", (properties.InstanceId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.InstanceId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("localGatewayId", "LocalGatewayId", (properties.LocalGatewayId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.LocalGatewayId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("natGatewayId", "NatGatewayId", (properties.NatGatewayId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.NatGatewayId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("networkInterfaceId", "NetworkInterfaceId", (properties.NetworkInterfaceId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.NetworkInterfaceId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("routeTableId", "RouteTableId", (properties.RouteTableId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.RouteTableId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("transitGatewayId", "TransitGatewayId", (properties.TransitGatewayId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.TransitGatewayId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("vpcEndpointId", "VpcEndpointId", (properties.VpcEndpointId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.VpcEndpointId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("vpcPeeringConnectionId", "VpcPeeringConnectionId", (properties.VpcPeeringConnectionId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.VpcPeeringConnectionId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Specifies a route table for the specified VPC. + * + * After you create a route table, you can add routes and associate the table with a subnet. + * + * For more information, see [Route Tables](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonVPC/latest/UserGuide/VPC_Route_Tables.html) in the *Amazon VPC User Guide* . + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-routetable.html + */ +export class CfnRouteTable extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::RouteTable"; + + /** + * Build a CfnRouteTable from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnRouteTable { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnRouteTablePropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnRouteTable(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The ID of the route table. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute RouteTableId + */ + public readonly attrRouteTableId: string; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * Any tags assigned to the route table. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * The ID of the VPC. + */ + public vpcId: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnRouteTableProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnRouteTable.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "vpcId", this); + + this.attrRouteTableId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("RouteTableId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::EC2::RouteTable", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + this.vpcId = props.vpcId; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "tags": this.tags.renderTags(), + "vpcId": this.vpcId + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnRouteTable.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnRouteTablePropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnRouteTable\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-routetable.html + */ +export interface CfnRouteTableProps { + /** + * Any tags assigned to the route table. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-routetable.html#cfn-ec2-routetable-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; + + /** + * The ID of the VPC. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-routetable.html#cfn-ec2-routetable-vpcid + */ + readonly vpcId: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnRouteTableProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnRouteTableProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnRouteTablePropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vpcId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.vpcId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vpcId", cdk.validateString)(properties.vpcId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnRouteTableProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnRouteTablePropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnRouteTablePropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags), + "VpcId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.vpcId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnRouteTablePropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("vpcId", "VpcId", (properties.VpcId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.VpcId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Specifies a security group. + * + * To create a security group, use the [VpcId](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-security-group.html#cfn-ec2-securitygroup-vpcid) property to specify the VPC for which to create the security group. + * + * If you do not specify an egress rule, we add egress rules that allow IPv4 and IPv6 traffic on all ports and protocols to any destination. We do not add these rules if you specify your own egress rules. If you later remove your egress rules, we restore the default egress rules. + * + * This type supports updates. For more information about updating stacks, see [AWS CloudFormation Stacks Updates](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/using-cfn-updating-stacks.html) . + * + * > To cross-reference two security groups in the ingress and egress rules of those security groups, use the [AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupEgress](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-security-group-egress.html) and [AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-security-group-ingress.html) resources to define your rules. Do not use the embedded ingress and egress rules in the \`AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup\` . Doing so creates a circular dependency, which AWS CloudFormation doesn't allow. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-securitygroup.html + */ +export class CfnSecurityGroup extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup"; + + /** + * Build a CfnSecurityGroup from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnSecurityGroup { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnSecurityGroupPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnSecurityGroup(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The group ID of the specified security group, such as \`sg-94b3a1f6\` . + * + * @cloudformationAttribute GroupId + */ + public readonly attrGroupId: string; + + /** + * @cloudformationAttribute Id + */ + public readonly attrId: string; + + /** + * The physical ID of the VPC. You can obtain the physical ID by using a reference to an [AWS::EC2::VPC](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpc.html) , such as: \`{ "Ref" : "myVPC" }\` . + * + * @cloudformationAttribute VpcId + */ + public readonly attrVpcId: string; + + /** + * A description for the security group. + */ + public groupDescription: string; + + /** + * The name of the security group. + */ + public groupName?: string; + + /** + * The outbound rules associated with the security group. + */ + public securityGroupEgress?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The inbound rules associated with the security group. + */ + public securityGroupIngress?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * Any tags assigned to the security group. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * The ID of the VPC for the security group. + */ + public vpcId?: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnSecurityGroupProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnSecurityGroup.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "groupDescription", this); + + this.attrGroupId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("GroupId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Id", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrVpcId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("VpcId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.groupDescription = props.groupDescription; + this.groupName = props.groupName; + this.securityGroupEgress = props.securityGroupEgress; + this.securityGroupIngress = props.securityGroupIngress; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + this.vpcId = props.vpcId; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "groupDescription": this.groupDescription, + "groupName": this.groupName, + "securityGroupEgress": this.securityGroupEgress, + "securityGroupIngress": this.securityGroupIngress, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags(), + "vpcId": this.vpcId + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnSecurityGroup.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnSecurityGroupPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +export namespace CfnSecurityGroup { + /** + * Adds an inbound rule to a security group. + * + * An inbound rule permits instances to receive traffic from the specified IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR address range, or from the instances associated with the specified security group. + * + * You must specify only one of the following properties: \`CidrIp\` , \`CidrIpv6\` , \`SourcePrefixListId\` , \`SourceSecurityGroupId\` , or \`SourceSecurityGroupName\` . + * + * You specify a protocol for each rule (for example, TCP). For TCP and UDP, you must also specify a port or port range. For ICMP/ICMPv6, you must also specify the ICMP/ICMPv6 type and code. You can use -1 to mean all types or all codes. + * + * You must specify a source security group ( \`SourcePrefixListId\` , \`SourceSecurityGroupId\` , or \`SourceSecurityGroupName\` ) or a CIDR range ( \`CidrIp\` or \`CidrIpv6\` ). If you do not specify one of these parameters, the stack will launch successfully but the rule will not be added to the security group. + * + * Rule changes are propagated to instances within the security group as quickly as possible. However, a small delay might occur. + * + * The EC2 Security Group Rule is an embedded property of the \`AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup\` type. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-securitygroup-ingress.html + */ + export interface IngressProperty { + /** + * The IPv4 address range, in CIDR format. + * + * You must specify a source security group ( \`SourcePrefixListId\` or \`SourceSecurityGroupId\` ) or a CIDR range ( \`CidrIp\` or \`CidrIpv6\` ). + * + * For examples of rules that you can add to security groups for specific access scenarios, see [Security group rules for different use cases](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/security-group-rules-reference.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-securitygroup-ingress.html#cfn-ec2-securitygroup-ingress-cidrip + */ + readonly cidrIp?: string; + + /** + * The IPv6 address range, in CIDR format. + * + * You must specify a source security group ( \`SourcePrefixListId\` or \`SourceSecurityGroupId\` ) or a CIDR range ( \`CidrIp\` or \`CidrIpv6\` ). + * + * For examples of rules that you can add to security groups for specific access scenarios, see [Security group rules for different use cases](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/security-group-rules-reference.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-securitygroup-ingress.html#cfn-ec2-securitygroup-ingress-cidripv6 + */ + readonly cidrIpv6?: string; + + /** + * Updates the description of an ingress (inbound) security group rule. + * + * You can replace an existing description, or add a description to a rule that did not have one previously. + * + * Constraints: Up to 255 characters in length. Allowed characters are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, spaces, and ._-:/()#,@[]+=;{}!$* + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-securitygroup-ingress.html#cfn-ec2-securitygroup-ingress-description + */ + readonly description?: string; + + /** + * If the protocol is TCP or UDP, this is the start of the port range. + * + * If the protocol is ICMP or ICMPv6, this is the type number. A value of -1 indicates all ICMP/ICMPv6 types. If you specify all ICMP/ICMPv6 types, you must specify all ICMP/ICMPv6 codes. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-securitygroup-ingress.html#cfn-ec2-securitygroup-ingress-fromport + */ + readonly fromPort?: number; + + /** + * The IP protocol name ( \`tcp\` , \`udp\` , \`icmp\` , \`icmpv6\` ) or number (see [Protocol Numbers](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/http://www.iana.org/assignments/protocol-numbers/protocol-numbers.xhtml) ). + * + * Use \`-1\` to specify all protocols. When authorizing security group rules, specifying \`-1\` or a protocol number other than \`tcp\` , \`udp\` , \`icmp\` , or \`icmpv6\` allows traffic on all ports, regardless of any port range you specify. For \`tcp\` , \`udp\` , and \`icmp\` , you must specify a port range. For \`icmpv6\` , the port range is optional; if you omit the port range, traffic for all types and codes is allowed. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-securitygroup-ingress.html#cfn-ec2-securitygroup-ingress-ipprotocol + */ + readonly ipProtocol: string; + + /** + * The ID of a prefix list. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-securitygroup-ingress.html#cfn-ec2-securitygroup-ingress-sourceprefixlistid + */ + readonly sourcePrefixListId?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the security group. + * + * You must specify either the security group ID or the security group name in the request. For security groups in a nondefault VPC, you must specify the security group ID. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-securitygroup-ingress.html#cfn-ec2-securitygroup-ingress-sourcesecuritygroupid + */ + readonly sourceSecurityGroupId?: string; + + /** + * [Default VPC] The name of the source security group. + * + * You must specify either the security group ID or the security group name. You can't specify the group name in combination with an IP address range. Creates rules that grant full ICMP, UDP, and TCP access. + * + * For security groups in a nondefault VPC, you must specify the group ID. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-securitygroup-ingress.html#cfn-ec2-securitygroup-ingress-sourcesecuritygroupname + */ + readonly sourceSecurityGroupName?: string; + + /** + * [nondefault VPC] The AWS account ID for the source security group, if the source security group is in a different account. + * + * You can't specify this property with an IP address range. Creates rules that grant full ICMP, UDP, and TCP access. + * + * If you specify \`SourceSecurityGroupName\` or \`SourceSecurityGroupId\` and that security group is owned by a different account than the account creating the stack, you must specify the \`SourceSecurityGroupOwnerId\` ; otherwise, this property is optional. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-securitygroup-ingress.html#cfn-ec2-securitygroup-ingress-sourcesecuritygroupownerid + */ + readonly sourceSecurityGroupOwnerId?: string; + + /** + * If the protocol is TCP or UDP, this is the end of the port range. + * + * If the protocol is ICMP or ICMPv6, this is the code. A value of -1 indicates all ICMP/ICMPv6 codes. If you specify all ICMP/ICMPv6 types, you must specify all ICMP/ICMPv6 codes. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-securitygroup-ingress.html#cfn-ec2-securitygroup-ingress-toport + */ + readonly toPort?: number; + } + + /** + * Adds the specified egress rules to a security group for use with a VPC. + * + * An outbound rule permits instances to send traffic to the specified destination IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR address ranges, or to the specified destination security groups for the same VPC. + * + * You specify a protocol for each rule (for example, TCP). For the TCP and UDP protocols, you must also specify the destination port or port range. For the ICMP protocol, you must also specify the ICMP type and code. You can use -1 for the type or code to mean all types or all codes. + * + * You must specify only one of the following properties: \`CidrIp\` , \`CidrIpv6\` , \`DestinationPrefixListId\` , or \`DestinationSecurityGroupId\` . + * + * You must specify a destination security group ( \`DestinationPrefixListId\` or \`DestinationSecurityGroupId\` ) or a CIDR range ( \`CidrIp\` or \`CidrIpv6\` ). If you do not specify one of these parameters, the stack will launch successfully but the rule will not be added to the security group. + * + * Rule changes are propagated to affected instances as quickly as possible. However, a small delay might occur. + * + * For more information about VPC security group limits, see [Amazon VPC Limits](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/userguide/amazon-vpc-limits.html) . + * + * Use \`SecurityGroup.Ingress\` and \`SecurityGroup.Egress\` only when necessary, typically to allow security groups to reference each other in ingress and egress rules. Otherwise, use the embedded ingress and egress rules of the security group. For more information, see [Amazon EC2 Security Groups](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/using-network-security.html) . + * + * The EC2 Security Group Rule is an embedded property of the \`AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup\` type. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-securitygroup-egress.html + */ + export interface EgressProperty { + /** + * The IPv4 address range, in CIDR format. + * + * You must specify a destination security group ( \`DestinationPrefixListId\` or \`DestinationSecurityGroupId\` ) or a CIDR range ( \`CidrIp\` or \`CidrIpv6\` ). + * + * For examples of rules that you can add to security groups for specific access scenarios, see [Security group rules for different use cases](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/security-group-rules-reference.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-securitygroup-egress.html#cfn-ec2-securitygroup-egress-cidrip + */ + readonly cidrIp?: string; + + /** + * The IPv6 address range, in CIDR format. + * + * You must specify a destination security group ( \`DestinationPrefixListId\` or \`DestinationSecurityGroupId\` ) or a CIDR range ( \`CidrIp\` or \`CidrIpv6\` ). + * + * For examples of rules that you can add to security groups for specific access scenarios, see [Security group rules for different use cases](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/security-group-rules-reference.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-securitygroup-egress.html#cfn-ec2-securitygroup-egress-cidripv6 + */ + readonly cidrIpv6?: string; + + /** + * A description for the security group rule. + * + * Constraints: Up to 255 characters in length. Allowed characters are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, spaces, and ._-:/()#,@[]+=;{}!$* + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-securitygroup-egress.html#cfn-ec2-securitygroup-egress-description + */ + readonly description?: string; + + /** + * The prefix list IDs for the destination AWS service. + * + * This is the AWS service that you want to access through a VPC endpoint from instances associated with the security group. + * + * You must specify a destination security group ( \`DestinationPrefixListId\` or \`DestinationSecurityGroupId\` ) or a CIDR range ( \`CidrIp\` or \`CidrIpv6\` ). + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-securitygroup-egress.html#cfn-ec2-securitygroup-egress-destinationprefixlistid + */ + readonly destinationPrefixListId?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the destination VPC security group. + * + * You must specify a destination security group ( \`DestinationPrefixListId\` or \`DestinationSecurityGroupId\` ) or a CIDR range ( \`CidrIp\` or \`CidrIpv6\` ). + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-securitygroup-egress.html#cfn-ec2-securitygroup-egress-destinationsecuritygroupid + */ + readonly destinationSecurityGroupId?: string; + + /** + * If the protocol is TCP or UDP, this is the start of the port range. + * + * If the protocol is ICMP or ICMPv6, this is the type number. A value of -1 indicates all ICMP/ICMPv6 types. If you specify all ICMP/ICMPv6 types, you must specify all ICMP/ICMPv6 codes. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-securitygroup-egress.html#cfn-ec2-securitygroup-egress-fromport + */ + readonly fromPort?: number; + + /** + * The IP protocol name ( \`tcp\` , \`udp\` , \`icmp\` , \`icmpv6\` ) or number (see [Protocol Numbers](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/http://www.iana.org/assignments/protocol-numbers/protocol-numbers.xhtml) ). + * + * Use \`-1\` to specify all protocols. When authorizing security group rules, specifying \`-1\` or a protocol number other than \`tcp\` , \`udp\` , \`icmp\` , or \`icmpv6\` allows traffic on all ports, regardless of any port range you specify. For \`tcp\` , \`udp\` , and \`icmp\` , you must specify a port range. For \`icmpv6\` , the port range is optional; if you omit the port range, traffic for all types and codes is allowed. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-securitygroup-egress.html#cfn-ec2-securitygroup-egress-ipprotocol + */ + readonly ipProtocol: string; + + /** + * If the protocol is TCP or UDP, this is the end of the port range. + * + * If the protocol is ICMP or ICMPv6, this is the code. A value of -1 indicates all ICMP/ICMPv6 codes. If you specify all ICMP/ICMPv6 types, you must specify all ICMP/ICMPv6 codes. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-securitygroup-egress.html#cfn-ec2-securitygroup-egress-toport + */ + readonly toPort?: number; + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnSecurityGroup\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-securitygroup.html + */ +export interface CfnSecurityGroupProps { + /** + * A description for the security group. + * + * Constraints: Up to 255 characters in length + * + * Valid characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, spaces, and ._-:/()#,@[]+=&;{}!$* + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-securitygroup.html#cfn-ec2-securitygroup-groupdescription + */ + readonly groupDescription: string; + + /** + * The name of the security group. + * + * Constraints: Up to 255 characters in length. Cannot start with \`sg-\` . + * + * Valid characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, spaces, and ._-:/()#,@[]+=&;{}!$* + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-securitygroup.html#cfn-ec2-securitygroup-groupname + */ + readonly groupName?: string; + + /** + * The outbound rules associated with the security group. + * + * There is a short interruption during which you cannot connect to the security group. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-securitygroup.html#cfn-ec2-securitygroup-securitygroupegress + */ + readonly securityGroupEgress?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The inbound rules associated with the security group. + * + * There is a short interruption during which you cannot connect to the security group. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-securitygroup.html#cfn-ec2-securitygroup-securitygroupingress + */ + readonly securityGroupIngress?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Any tags assigned to the security group. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-securitygroup.html#cfn-ec2-securitygroup-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; + + /** + * The ID of the VPC for the security group. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-securitygroup.html#cfn-ec2-securitygroup-vpcid + */ + readonly vpcId?: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`IngressProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`IngressProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSecurityGroupIngressPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("cidrIp", cdk.validateString)(properties.cidrIp)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("cidrIpv6", cdk.validateString)(properties.cidrIpv6)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("description", cdk.validateString)(properties.description)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("fromPort", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.fromPort)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipProtocol", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.ipProtocol)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipProtocol", cdk.validateString)(properties.ipProtocol)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sourcePrefixListId", cdk.validateString)(properties.sourcePrefixListId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sourceSecurityGroupId", cdk.validateString)(properties.sourceSecurityGroupId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sourceSecurityGroupName", cdk.validateString)(properties.sourceSecurityGroupName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sourceSecurityGroupOwnerId", cdk.validateString)(properties.sourceSecurityGroupOwnerId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("toPort", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.toPort)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"IngressProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSecurityGroupIngressPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSecurityGroupIngressPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "CidrIp": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.cidrIp), + "CidrIpv6": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.cidrIpv6), + "Description": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.description), + "FromPort": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.fromPort), + "IpProtocol": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.ipProtocol), + "SourcePrefixListId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.sourcePrefixListId), + "SourceSecurityGroupId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.sourceSecurityGroupId), + "SourceSecurityGroupName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.sourceSecurityGroupName), + "SourceSecurityGroupOwnerId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.sourceSecurityGroupOwnerId), + "ToPort": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.toPort) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSecurityGroupIngressPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("cidrIp", "CidrIp", (properties.CidrIp != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.CidrIp) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("cidrIpv6", "CidrIpv6", (properties.CidrIpv6 != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.CidrIpv6) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("description", "Description", (properties.Description != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Description) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("fromPort", "FromPort", (properties.FromPort != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.FromPort) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ipProtocol", "IpProtocol", (properties.IpProtocol != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.IpProtocol) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("sourcePrefixListId", "SourcePrefixListId", (properties.SourcePrefixListId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SourcePrefixListId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("sourceSecurityGroupId", "SourceSecurityGroupId", (properties.SourceSecurityGroupId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SourceSecurityGroupId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("sourceSecurityGroupName", "SourceSecurityGroupName", (properties.SourceSecurityGroupName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SourceSecurityGroupName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("sourceSecurityGroupOwnerId", "SourceSecurityGroupOwnerId", (properties.SourceSecurityGroupOwnerId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SourceSecurityGroupOwnerId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("toPort", "ToPort", (properties.ToPort != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.ToPort) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`EgressProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`EgressProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSecurityGroupEgressPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("cidrIp", cdk.validateString)(properties.cidrIp)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("cidrIpv6", cdk.validateString)(properties.cidrIpv6)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("description", cdk.validateString)(properties.description)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("destinationPrefixListId", cdk.validateString)(properties.destinationPrefixListId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("destinationSecurityGroupId", cdk.validateString)(properties.destinationSecurityGroupId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("fromPort", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.fromPort)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipProtocol", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.ipProtocol)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipProtocol", cdk.validateString)(properties.ipProtocol)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("toPort", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.toPort)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"EgressProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSecurityGroupEgressPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSecurityGroupEgressPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "CidrIp": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.cidrIp), + "CidrIpv6": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.cidrIpv6), + "Description": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.description), + "DestinationPrefixListId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.destinationPrefixListId), + "DestinationSecurityGroupId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.destinationSecurityGroupId), + "FromPort": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.fromPort), + "IpProtocol": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.ipProtocol), + "ToPort": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.toPort) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSecurityGroupEgressPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("cidrIp", "CidrIp", (properties.CidrIp != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.CidrIp) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("cidrIpv6", "CidrIpv6", (properties.CidrIpv6 != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.CidrIpv6) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("description", "Description", (properties.Description != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Description) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("destinationPrefixListId", "DestinationPrefixListId", (properties.DestinationPrefixListId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DestinationPrefixListId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("destinationSecurityGroupId", "DestinationSecurityGroupId", (properties.DestinationSecurityGroupId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DestinationSecurityGroupId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("fromPort", "FromPort", (properties.FromPort != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.FromPort) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ipProtocol", "IpProtocol", (properties.IpProtocol != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.IpProtocol) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("toPort", "ToPort", (properties.ToPort != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.ToPort) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnSecurityGroupProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnSecurityGroupProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSecurityGroupPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("groupDescription", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.groupDescription)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("groupDescription", cdk.validateString)(properties.groupDescription)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("groupName", cdk.validateString)(properties.groupName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("securityGroupEgress", cdk.listValidator(CfnSecurityGroupEgressPropertyValidator))(properties.securityGroupEgress)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("securityGroupIngress", cdk.listValidator(CfnSecurityGroupIngressPropertyValidator))(properties.securityGroupIngress)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vpcId", cdk.validateString)(properties.vpcId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnSecurityGroupProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSecurityGroupPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSecurityGroupPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "GroupDescription": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.groupDescription), + "GroupName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.groupName), + "SecurityGroupEgress": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnSecurityGroupEgressPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.securityGroupEgress), + "SecurityGroupIngress": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnSecurityGroupIngressPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.securityGroupIngress), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags), + "VpcId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.vpcId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSecurityGroupPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("groupDescription", "GroupDescription", (properties.GroupDescription != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.GroupDescription) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("groupName", "GroupName", (properties.GroupName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.GroupName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("securityGroupEgress", "SecurityGroupEgress", (properties.SecurityGroupEgress != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnSecurityGroupEgressPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.SecurityGroupEgress) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("securityGroupIngress", "SecurityGroupIngress", (properties.SecurityGroupIngress != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnSecurityGroupIngressPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.SecurityGroupIngress) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("vpcId", "VpcId", (properties.VpcId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.VpcId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Adds the specified egress rules to a security group. + * + * An outbound rule permits instances to send traffic to the specified destination IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR address ranges, or to the specified destination security groups for the same VPC. + * + * You specify a protocol for each rule (for example, TCP). For the TCP and UDP protocols, you must also specify the destination port or port range. For the ICMP protocol, you must also specify the ICMP type and code. You can use -1 for the type or code to mean all types or all codes. + * + * You must specify only one of the following properties: \`CidrIp\` , \`CidrIpv6\` , \`DestinationPrefixListId\` , or \`DestinationSecurityGroupId\` . + * + * You must specify a destination security group ( \`DestinationPrefixListId\` or \`DestinationSecurityGroupId\` ) or a CIDR range ( \`CidrIp\` or \`CidrIpv6\` ). If you do not specify one of these parameters, the stack will launch successfully but the rule will not be added to the security group. + * + * Rule changes are propagated to affected instances as quickly as possible. However, a small delay might occur. + * + * For more information about VPC security group limits, see [Amazon VPC Limits](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/userguide/amazon-vpc-limits.html) . + * + * Use \`AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress\` and \`AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupEgress\` only when necessary, typically to allow security groups to reference each other in ingress and egress rules. Otherwise, use the embedded ingress and egress rules of the security group. For more information, see [Amazon EC2 Security Groups](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/using-network-security.html) . + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-securitygroupegress.html + */ +export class CfnSecurityGroupEgress extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupEgress"; + + /** + * Build a CfnSecurityGroupEgress from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnSecurityGroupEgress { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnSecurityGroupEgressPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnSecurityGroupEgress(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * @cloudformationAttribute Id + */ + public readonly attrId: string; + + /** + * The IPv4 address range, in CIDR format. + */ + public cidrIp?: string; + + /** + * The IPv6 address range, in CIDR format. + */ + public cidrIpv6?: string; + + /** + * The description of an egress (outbound) security group rule. + */ + public description?: string; + + /** + * The prefix list IDs for an AWS service. + */ + public destinationPrefixListId?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the security group. + */ + public destinationSecurityGroupId?: string; + + /** + * If the protocol is TCP or UDP, this is the start of the port range. + */ + public fromPort?: number; + + /** + * The ID of the security group. + */ + public groupId: string; + + /** + * The IP protocol name ( \`tcp\` , \`udp\` , \`icmp\` , \`icmpv6\` ) or number (see [Protocol Numbers](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/http://www.iana.org/assignments/protocol-numbers/protocol-numbers.xhtml) ). + */ + public ipProtocol: string; + + /** + * If the protocol is TCP or UDP, this is the end of the port range. + */ + public toPort?: number; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnSecurityGroupEgressProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnSecurityGroupEgress.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "groupId", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "ipProtocol", this); + + this.attrId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Id", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.cidrIp = props.cidrIp; + this.cidrIpv6 = props.cidrIpv6; + this.description = props.description; + this.destinationPrefixListId = props.destinationPrefixListId; + this.destinationSecurityGroupId = props.destinationSecurityGroupId; + this.fromPort = props.fromPort; + this.groupId = props.groupId; + this.ipProtocol = props.ipProtocol; + this.toPort = props.toPort; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "cidrIp": this.cidrIp, + "cidrIpv6": this.cidrIpv6, + "description": this.description, + "destinationPrefixListId": this.destinationPrefixListId, + "destinationSecurityGroupId": this.destinationSecurityGroupId, + "fromPort": this.fromPort, + "groupId": this.groupId, + "ipProtocol": this.ipProtocol, + "toPort": this.toPort + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnSecurityGroupEgress.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnSecurityGroupEgressPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnSecurityGroupEgress\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-securitygroupegress.html + */ +export interface CfnSecurityGroupEgressProps { + /** + * The IPv4 address range, in CIDR format. + * + * You must specify a destination security group ( \`DestinationPrefixListId\` or \`DestinationSecurityGroupId\` ) or a CIDR range ( \`CidrIp\` or \`CidrIpv6\` ). + * + * For examples of rules that you can add to security groups for specific access scenarios, see [Security group rules for different use cases](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/security-group-rules-reference.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-securitygroupegress.html#cfn-ec2-securitygroupegress-cidrip + */ + readonly cidrIp?: string; + + /** + * The IPv6 address range, in CIDR format. + * + * You must specify a destination security group ( \`DestinationPrefixListId\` or \`DestinationSecurityGroupId\` ) or a CIDR range ( \`CidrIp\` or \`CidrIpv6\` ). + * + * For examples of rules that you can add to security groups for specific access scenarios, see [Security group rules for different use cases](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/security-group-rules-reference.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-securitygroupegress.html#cfn-ec2-securitygroupegress-cidripv6 + */ + readonly cidrIpv6?: string; + + /** + * The description of an egress (outbound) security group rule. + * + * Constraints: Up to 255 characters in length. Allowed characters are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, spaces, and ._-:/()#,@[]+=;{}!$* + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-securitygroupegress.html#cfn-ec2-securitygroupegress-description + */ + readonly description?: string; + + /** + * The prefix list IDs for an AWS service. + * + * This is the AWS service that you want to access through a VPC endpoint from instances associated with the security group. + * + * You must specify a destination security group ( \`DestinationPrefixListId\` or \`DestinationSecurityGroupId\` ) or a CIDR range ( \`CidrIp\` or \`CidrIpv6\` ). + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-securitygroupegress.html#cfn-ec2-securitygroupegress-destinationprefixlistid + */ + readonly destinationPrefixListId?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the security group. + * + * You must specify a destination security group ( \`DestinationPrefixListId\` or \`DestinationSecurityGroupId\` ) or a CIDR range ( \`CidrIp\` or \`CidrIpv6\` ). + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-securitygroupegress.html#cfn-ec2-securitygroupegress-destinationsecuritygroupid + */ + readonly destinationSecurityGroupId?: string; + + /** + * If the protocol is TCP or UDP, this is the start of the port range. + * + * If the protocol is ICMP or ICMPv6, this is the type number. A value of -1 indicates all ICMP/ICMPv6 types. If you specify all ICMP/ICMPv6 types, you must specify all ICMP/ICMPv6 codes. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-securitygroupegress.html#cfn-ec2-securitygroupegress-fromport + */ + readonly fromPort?: number; + + /** + * The ID of the security group. + * + * You must specify either the security group ID or the security group name in the request. For security groups in a nondefault VPC, you must specify the security group ID. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-securitygroupegress.html#cfn-ec2-securitygroupegress-groupid + */ + readonly groupId: string; + + /** + * The IP protocol name ( \`tcp\` , \`udp\` , \`icmp\` , \`icmpv6\` ) or number (see [Protocol Numbers](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/http://www.iana.org/assignments/protocol-numbers/protocol-numbers.xhtml) ). + * + * Use \`-1\` to specify all protocols. When authorizing security group rules, specifying \`-1\` or a protocol number other than \`tcp\` , \`udp\` , \`icmp\` , or \`icmpv6\` allows traffic on all ports, regardless of any port range you specify. For \`tcp\` , \`udp\` , and \`icmp\` , you must specify a port range. For \`icmpv6\` , the port range is optional; if you omit the port range, traffic for all types and codes is allowed. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-securitygroupegress.html#cfn-ec2-securitygroupegress-ipprotocol + */ + readonly ipProtocol: string; + + /** + * If the protocol is TCP or UDP, this is the end of the port range. + * + * If the protocol is ICMP or ICMPv6, this is the code. A value of -1 indicates all ICMP/ICMPv6 codes. If you specify all ICMP/ICMPv6 types, you must specify all ICMP/ICMPv6 codes. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-securitygroupegress.html#cfn-ec2-securitygroupegress-toport + */ + readonly toPort?: number; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnSecurityGroupEgressProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnSecurityGroupEgressProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSecurityGroupEgressPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("cidrIp", cdk.validateString)(properties.cidrIp)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("cidrIpv6", cdk.validateString)(properties.cidrIpv6)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("description", cdk.validateString)(properties.description)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("destinationPrefixListId", cdk.validateString)(properties.destinationPrefixListId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("destinationSecurityGroupId", cdk.validateString)(properties.destinationSecurityGroupId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("fromPort", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.fromPort)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("groupId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.groupId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("groupId", cdk.validateString)(properties.groupId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipProtocol", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.ipProtocol)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipProtocol", cdk.validateString)(properties.ipProtocol)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("toPort", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.toPort)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnSecurityGroupEgressProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSecurityGroupEgressPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSecurityGroupEgressPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "CidrIp": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.cidrIp), + "CidrIpv6": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.cidrIpv6), + "Description": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.description), + "DestinationPrefixListId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.destinationPrefixListId), + "DestinationSecurityGroupId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.destinationSecurityGroupId), + "FromPort": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.fromPort), + "GroupId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.groupId), + "IpProtocol": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.ipProtocol), + "ToPort": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.toPort) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSecurityGroupEgressPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("cidrIp", "CidrIp", (properties.CidrIp != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.CidrIp) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("cidrIpv6", "CidrIpv6", (properties.CidrIpv6 != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.CidrIpv6) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("description", "Description", (properties.Description != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Description) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("destinationPrefixListId", "DestinationPrefixListId", (properties.DestinationPrefixListId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DestinationPrefixListId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("destinationSecurityGroupId", "DestinationSecurityGroupId", (properties.DestinationSecurityGroupId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DestinationSecurityGroupId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("fromPort", "FromPort", (properties.FromPort != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.FromPort) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("groupId", "GroupId", (properties.GroupId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.GroupId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ipProtocol", "IpProtocol", (properties.IpProtocol != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.IpProtocol) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("toPort", "ToPort", (properties.ToPort != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.ToPort) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Adds an inbound rule to a security group. + * + * An inbound rule permits instances to receive traffic from the specified IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR address range, or from the instances associated with the specified security group. + * + * You must specify only one of the following properties: \`CidrIp\` , \`CidrIpv6\` , \`SourcePrefixListId\` , \`SourceSecurityGroupId\` , or \`SourceSecurityGroupName\` . + * + * You specify a protocol for each rule (for example, TCP). For TCP and UDP, you must also specify a port or port range. For ICMP/ICMPv6, you must also specify the ICMP/ICMPv6 type and code. You can use -1 to mean all types or all codes. + * + * You must specify a source security group ( \`SourcePrefixListId\` , \`SourceSecurityGroupId\` , or \`SourceSecurityGroupName\` ) or a CIDR range ( \`CidrIp\` or \`CidrIpv6\` ). If you do not specify one of these parameters, the stack will launch successfully but the rule will not be added to the security group. + * + * Rule changes are propagated to instances within the security group as quickly as possible. However, a small delay might occur. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-securitygroupingress.html + */ +export class CfnSecurityGroupIngress extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress"; + + /** + * Build a CfnSecurityGroupIngress from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnSecurityGroupIngress { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnSecurityGroupIngressPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnSecurityGroupIngress(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * @cloudformationAttribute Id + */ + public readonly attrId: string; + + /** + * The IPv4 address range, in CIDR format. + */ + public cidrIp?: string; + + /** + * The IPv6 address range, in CIDR format. + */ + public cidrIpv6?: string; + + /** + * Updates the description of an ingress (inbound) security group rule. + */ + public description?: string; + + /** + * The start of port range for the TCP and UDP protocols, or an ICMP/ICMPv6 type number. + */ + public fromPort?: number; + + /** + * The ID of the security group. + */ + public groupId?: string; + + /** + * The name of the security group. + */ + public groupName?: string; + + /** + * The IP protocol name ( \`tcp\` , \`udp\` , \`icmp\` , \`icmpv6\` ) or number (see [Protocol Numbers](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/http://www.iana.org/assignments/protocol-numbers/protocol-numbers.xhtml) ). + */ + public ipProtocol: string; + + /** + * The ID of a prefix list. + */ + public sourcePrefixListId?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the security group. + */ + public sourceSecurityGroupId?: string; + + /** + * [Default VPC] The name of the source security group. + */ + public sourceSecurityGroupName?: string; + + /** + * [nondefault VPC] The AWS account ID for the source security group, if the source security group is in a different account. + */ + public sourceSecurityGroupOwnerId?: string; + + /** + * The end of port range for the TCP and UDP protocols, or an ICMP/ICMPv6 code. + */ + public toPort?: number; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnSecurityGroupIngressProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnSecurityGroupIngress.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "ipProtocol", this); + + this.attrId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Id", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.cidrIp = props.cidrIp; + this.cidrIpv6 = props.cidrIpv6; + this.description = props.description; + this.fromPort = props.fromPort; + this.groupId = props.groupId; + this.groupName = props.groupName; + this.ipProtocol = props.ipProtocol; + this.sourcePrefixListId = props.sourcePrefixListId; + this.sourceSecurityGroupId = props.sourceSecurityGroupId; + this.sourceSecurityGroupName = props.sourceSecurityGroupName; + this.sourceSecurityGroupOwnerId = props.sourceSecurityGroupOwnerId; + this.toPort = props.toPort; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "cidrIp": this.cidrIp, + "cidrIpv6": this.cidrIpv6, + "description": this.description, + "fromPort": this.fromPort, + "groupId": this.groupId, + "groupName": this.groupName, + "ipProtocol": this.ipProtocol, + "sourcePrefixListId": this.sourcePrefixListId, + "sourceSecurityGroupId": this.sourceSecurityGroupId, + "sourceSecurityGroupName": this.sourceSecurityGroupName, + "sourceSecurityGroupOwnerId": this.sourceSecurityGroupOwnerId, + "toPort": this.toPort + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnSecurityGroupIngress.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnSecurityGroupIngressPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnSecurityGroupIngress\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-securitygroupingress.html + */ +export interface CfnSecurityGroupIngressProps { + /** + * The IPv4 address range, in CIDR format. + * + * You must specify a source security group ( \`SourcePrefixListId\` or \`SourceSecurityGroupId\` ) or a CIDR range ( \`CidrIp\` or \`CidrIpv6\` ). + * + * For examples of rules that you can add to security groups for specific access scenarios, see [Security group rules for different use cases](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/security-group-rules-reference.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-securitygroupingress.html#cfn-ec2-securitygroupingress-cidrip + */ + readonly cidrIp?: string; + + /** + * The IPv6 address range, in CIDR format. + * + * You must specify a source security group ( \`SourcePrefixListId\` or \`SourceSecurityGroupId\` ) or a CIDR range ( \`CidrIp\` or \`CidrIpv6\` ). + * + * For examples of rules that you can add to security groups for specific access scenarios, see [Security group rules for different use cases](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/security-group-rules-reference.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-securitygroupingress.html#cfn-ec2-securitygroupingress-cidripv6 + */ + readonly cidrIpv6?: string; + + /** + * Updates the description of an ingress (inbound) security group rule. + * + * You can replace an existing description, or add a description to a rule that did not have one previously. + * + * Constraints: Up to 255 characters in length. Allowed characters are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, spaces, and ._-:/()#,@[]+=;{}!$* + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-securitygroupingress.html#cfn-ec2-securitygroupingress-description + */ + readonly description?: string; + + /** + * The start of port range for the TCP and UDP protocols, or an ICMP/ICMPv6 type number. + * + * A value of \`-1\` indicates all ICMP/ICMPv6 types. If you specify all ICMP/ICMPv6 types, you must specify all codes. + * + * Use this for ICMP and any protocol that uses ports. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-securitygroupingress.html#cfn-ec2-securitygroupingress-fromport + */ + readonly fromPort?: number; + + /** + * The ID of the security group. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-securitygroupingress.html#cfn-ec2-securitygroupingress-groupid + */ + readonly groupId?: string; + + /** + * The name of the security group. + * + * Constraints: Up to 255 characters in length. Cannot start with \`sg-\` . + * + * Valid characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, spaces, and ._-:/()#,@[]+=&;{}!$* + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-securitygroupingress.html#cfn-ec2-securitygroupingress-groupname + */ + readonly groupName?: string; + + /** + * The IP protocol name ( \`tcp\` , \`udp\` , \`icmp\` , \`icmpv6\` ) or number (see [Protocol Numbers](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/http://www.iana.org/assignments/protocol-numbers/protocol-numbers.xhtml) ). + * + * Use \`-1\` to specify all protocols. When authorizing security group rules, specifying \`-1\` or a protocol number other than \`tcp\` , \`udp\` , \`icmp\` , or \`icmpv6\` allows traffic on all ports, regardless of any port range you specify. For \`tcp\` , \`udp\` , and \`icmp\` , you must specify a port range. For \`icmpv6\` , the port range is optional; if you omit the port range, traffic for all types and codes is allowed. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-securitygroupingress.html#cfn-ec2-securitygroupingress-ipprotocol + */ + readonly ipProtocol: string; + + /** + * The ID of a prefix list. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-securitygroupingress.html#cfn-ec2-securitygroupingress-sourceprefixlistid + */ + readonly sourcePrefixListId?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the security group. + * + * You must specify either the security group ID or the security group name. For security groups in a nondefault VPC, you must specify the security group ID. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-securitygroupingress.html#cfn-ec2-securitygroupingress-sourcesecuritygroupid + */ + readonly sourceSecurityGroupId?: string; + + /** + * [Default VPC] The name of the source security group. + * + * You must specify either the security group ID or the security group name. You can't specify the group name in combination with an IP address range. Creates rules that grant full ICMP, UDP, and TCP access. + * + * For security groups in a nondefault VPC, you must specify the group ID. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-securitygroupingress.html#cfn-ec2-securitygroupingress-sourcesecuritygroupname + */ + readonly sourceSecurityGroupName?: string; + + /** + * [nondefault VPC] The AWS account ID for the source security group, if the source security group is in a different account. + * + * You can't specify this property with an IP address range. Creates rules that grant full ICMP, UDP, and TCP access. + * + * If you specify \`SourceSecurityGroupName\` or \`SourceSecurityGroupId\` and that security group is owned by a different account than the account creating the stack, you must specify \`SourceSecurityGroupOwnerId\` ; otherwise, this property is optional. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-securitygroupingress.html#cfn-ec2-securitygroupingress-sourcesecuritygroupownerid + */ + readonly sourceSecurityGroupOwnerId?: string; + + /** + * The end of port range for the TCP and UDP protocols, or an ICMP/ICMPv6 code. + * + * A value of \`-1\` indicates all ICMP/ICMPv6 codes for the specified ICMP type. If you specify all ICMP/ICMPv6 types, you must specify all codes. + * + * Use this for ICMP and any protocol that uses ports. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-securitygroupingress.html#cfn-ec2-securitygroupingress-toport + */ + readonly toPort?: number; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnSecurityGroupIngressProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnSecurityGroupIngressProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSecurityGroupIngressPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("cidrIp", cdk.validateString)(properties.cidrIp)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("cidrIpv6", cdk.validateString)(properties.cidrIpv6)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("description", cdk.validateString)(properties.description)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("fromPort", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.fromPort)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("groupId", cdk.validateString)(properties.groupId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("groupName", cdk.validateString)(properties.groupName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipProtocol", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.ipProtocol)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipProtocol", cdk.validateString)(properties.ipProtocol)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sourcePrefixListId", cdk.validateString)(properties.sourcePrefixListId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sourceSecurityGroupId", cdk.validateString)(properties.sourceSecurityGroupId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sourceSecurityGroupName", cdk.validateString)(properties.sourceSecurityGroupName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sourceSecurityGroupOwnerId", cdk.validateString)(properties.sourceSecurityGroupOwnerId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("toPort", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.toPort)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnSecurityGroupIngressProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSecurityGroupIngressPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSecurityGroupIngressPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "CidrIp": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.cidrIp), + "CidrIpv6": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.cidrIpv6), + "Description": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.description), + "FromPort": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.fromPort), + "GroupId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.groupId), + "GroupName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.groupName), + "IpProtocol": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.ipProtocol), + "SourcePrefixListId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.sourcePrefixListId), + "SourceSecurityGroupId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.sourceSecurityGroupId), + "SourceSecurityGroupName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.sourceSecurityGroupName), + "SourceSecurityGroupOwnerId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.sourceSecurityGroupOwnerId), + "ToPort": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.toPort) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSecurityGroupIngressPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("cidrIp", "CidrIp", (properties.CidrIp != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.CidrIp) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("cidrIpv6", "CidrIpv6", (properties.CidrIpv6 != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.CidrIpv6) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("description", "Description", (properties.Description != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Description) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("fromPort", "FromPort", (properties.FromPort != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.FromPort) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("groupId", "GroupId", (properties.GroupId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.GroupId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("groupName", "GroupName", (properties.GroupName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.GroupName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ipProtocol", "IpProtocol", (properties.IpProtocol != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.IpProtocol) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("sourcePrefixListId", "SourcePrefixListId", (properties.SourcePrefixListId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SourcePrefixListId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("sourceSecurityGroupId", "SourceSecurityGroupId", (properties.SourceSecurityGroupId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SourceSecurityGroupId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("sourceSecurityGroupName", "SourceSecurityGroupName", (properties.SourceSecurityGroupName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SourceSecurityGroupName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("sourceSecurityGroupOwnerId", "SourceSecurityGroupOwnerId", (properties.SourceSecurityGroupOwnerId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SourceSecurityGroupOwnerId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("toPort", "ToPort", (properties.ToPort != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.ToPort) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Specifies a Spot Fleet request. + * + * The Spot Fleet request specifies the total target capacity and the On-Demand target capacity. Amazon EC2 calculates the difference between the total capacity and On-Demand capacity, and launches the difference as Spot capacity. + * + * You can submit a single request that includes multiple launch specifications that vary by instance type, AMI, Availability Zone, or subnet. + * + * By default, the Spot Fleet requests Spot Instances in the Spot Instance pool where the price per unit is the lowest. Each launch specification can include its own instance weighting that reflects the value of the instance type to your application workload. + * + * Alternatively, you can specify that the Spot Fleet distribute the target capacity across the Spot pools included in its launch specifications. By ensuring that the Spot Instances in your Spot Fleet are in different Spot pools, you can improve the availability of your fleet. + * + * You can specify tags for the Spot Fleet request and instances launched by the fleet. You cannot tag other resource types in a Spot Fleet request because only the \`spot-fleet-request\` and \`instance\` resource types are supported. + * + * For more information, see [Spot Fleet](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/spot-fleet.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances* . + * + * > We strongly discourage using the RequestSpotFleet API because it is a legacy API with no planned investment. For options for requesting Spot Instances, see [Which is the best Spot request method to use?](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/spot-best-practices.html#which-spot-request-method-to-use) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances* . + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-spotfleet.html + */ +export class CfnSpotFleet extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::SpotFleet"; + + /** + * Build a CfnSpotFleet from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnSpotFleet { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnSpotFleetPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnSpotFleet(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The ID of the Spot Fleet. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute Id + */ + public readonly attrId: string; + + /** + * Describes the configuration of a Spot Fleet request. + */ + public spotFleetRequestConfigData: cdk.IResolvable | CfnSpotFleet.SpotFleetRequestConfigDataProperty; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnSpotFleetProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnSpotFleet.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "spotFleetRequestConfigData", this); + + this.attrId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Id", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.spotFleetRequestConfigData = props.spotFleetRequestConfigData; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "spotFleetRequestConfigData": this.spotFleetRequestConfigData + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnSpotFleet.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnSpotFleetPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +export namespace CfnSpotFleet { + /** + * Specifies the configuration of a Spot Fleet request. + * + * For more information, see [Spot Fleet](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/spot-fleet.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * You must specify either \`LaunchSpecifications\` or \`LaunchTemplateConfigs\` . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetrequestconfigdata.html + */ + export interface SpotFleetRequestConfigDataProperty { + /** + * The strategy that determines how to allocate the target Spot Instance capacity across the Spot Instance pools specified by the Spot Fleet launch configuration. + * + * For more information, see [Allocation strategies for Spot Instances](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/spot-fleet-allocation-strategy.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * - **priceCapacityOptimized (recommended)** - Spot Fleet identifies the pools with the highest capacity availability for the number of instances that are launching. This means that we will request Spot Instances from the pools that we believe have the lowest chance of interruption in the near term. Spot Fleet then requests Spot Instances from the lowest priced of these pools. + * - **capacityOptimized** - Spot Fleet identifies the pools with the highest capacity availability for the number of instances that are launching. This means that we will request Spot Instances from the pools that we believe have the lowest chance of interruption in the near term. To give certain instance types a higher chance of launching first, use \`capacityOptimizedPrioritized\` . Set a priority for each instance type by using the \`Priority\` parameter for \`LaunchTemplateOverrides\` . You can assign the same priority to different \`LaunchTemplateOverrides\` . EC2 implements the priorities on a best-effort basis, but optimizes for capacity first. \`capacityOptimizedPrioritized\` is supported only if your Spot Fleet uses a launch template. Note that if the \`OnDemandAllocationStrategy\` is set to \`prioritized\` , the same priority is applied when fulfilling On-Demand capacity. + * - **diversified** - Spot Fleet requests instances from all of the Spot Instance pools that you specify. + * - **lowestPrice** - Spot Fleet requests instances from the lowest priced Spot Instance pool that has available capacity. If the lowest priced pool doesn't have available capacity, the Spot Instances come from the next lowest priced pool that has available capacity. If a pool runs out of capacity before fulfilling your desired capacity, Spot Fleet will continue to fulfill your request by drawing from the next lowest priced pool. To ensure that your desired capacity is met, you might receive Spot Instances from several pools. Because this strategy only considers instance price and not capacity availability, it might lead to high interruption rates. + * + * Default: \`lowestPrice\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetrequestconfigdata.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetrequestconfigdata-allocationstrategy + */ + readonly allocationStrategy?: string; + + /** + * Reserved. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetrequestconfigdata.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetrequestconfigdata-context + */ + readonly context?: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether running Spot Instances should be terminated if you decrease the target capacity of the Spot Fleet request below the current size of the Spot Fleet. + * + * Supported only for fleets of type \`maintain\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetrequestconfigdata.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetrequestconfigdata-excesscapacityterminationpolicy + */ + readonly excessCapacityTerminationPolicy?: string; + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that grants the Spot Fleet the permission to request, launch, terminate, and tag instances on your behalf. + * + * For more information, see [Spot Fleet Prerequisites](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/spot-fleet-requests.html#spot-fleet-prerequisites) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances* . Spot Fleet can terminate Spot Instances on your behalf when you cancel its Spot Fleet request or when the Spot Fleet request expires, if you set \`TerminateInstancesWithExpiration\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetrequestconfigdata.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetrequestconfigdata-iamfleetrole + */ + readonly iamFleetRole: string; + + /** + * The behavior when a Spot Instance is interrupted. + * + * The default is \`terminate\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetrequestconfigdata.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetrequestconfigdata-instanceinterruptionbehavior + */ + readonly instanceInterruptionBehavior?: string; + + /** + * The number of Spot pools across which to allocate your target Spot capacity. + * + * Valid only when Spot *AllocationStrategy* is set to \`lowest-price\` . Spot Fleet selects the cheapest Spot pools and evenly allocates your target Spot capacity across the number of Spot pools that you specify. + * + * Note that Spot Fleet attempts to draw Spot Instances from the number of pools that you specify on a best effort basis. If a pool runs out of Spot capacity before fulfilling your target capacity, Spot Fleet will continue to fulfill your request by drawing from the next cheapest pool. To ensure that your target capacity is met, you might receive Spot Instances from more than the number of pools that you specified. Similarly, if most of the pools have no Spot capacity, you might receive your full target capacity from fewer than the number of pools that you specified. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetrequestconfigdata.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetrequestconfigdata-instancepoolstousecount + */ + readonly instancePoolsToUseCount?: number; + + /** + * The launch specifications for the Spot Fleet request. + * + * If you specify \`LaunchSpecifications\` , you can't specify \`LaunchTemplateConfigs\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetrequestconfigdata.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetrequestconfigdata-launchspecifications + */ + readonly launchSpecifications?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The launch template and overrides. + * + * If you specify \`LaunchTemplateConfigs\` , you can't specify \`LaunchSpecifications\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetrequestconfigdata.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetrequestconfigdata-launchtemplateconfigs + */ + readonly launchTemplateConfigs?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * One or more Classic Load Balancers and target groups to attach to the Spot Fleet request. + * + * Spot Fleet registers the running Spot Instances with the specified Classic Load Balancers and target groups. + * + * With Network Load Balancers, Spot Fleet cannot register instances that have the following instance types: C1, CC1, CC2, CG1, CG2, CR1, CS1, G1, G2, HI1, HS1, M1, M2, M3, and T1. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetrequestconfigdata.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetrequestconfigdata-loadbalancersconfig + */ + readonly loadBalancersConfig?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnSpotFleet.LoadBalancersConfigProperty; + + /** + * The order of the launch template overrides to use in fulfilling On-Demand capacity. + * + * If you specify \`lowestPrice\` , Spot Fleet uses price to determine the order, launching the lowest price first. If you specify \`prioritized\` , Spot Fleet uses the priority that you assign to each Spot Fleet launch template override, launching the highest priority first. If you do not specify a value, Spot Fleet defaults to \`lowestPrice\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetrequestconfigdata.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetrequestconfigdata-ondemandallocationstrategy + */ + readonly onDemandAllocationStrategy?: string; + + /** + * The maximum amount per hour for On-Demand Instances that you're willing to pay. + * + * You can use the \`onDemandMaxTotalPrice\` parameter, the \`spotMaxTotalPrice\` parameter, or both parameters to ensure that your fleet cost does not exceed your budget. If you set a maximum price per hour for the On-Demand Instances and Spot Instances in your request, Spot Fleet will launch instances until it reaches the maximum amount you're willing to pay. When the maximum amount you're willing to pay is reached, the fleet stops launching instances even if it hasn’t met the target capacity. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetrequestconfigdata.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetrequestconfigdata-ondemandmaxtotalprice + */ + readonly onDemandMaxTotalPrice?: string; + + /** + * The number of On-Demand units to request. + * + * You can choose to set the target capacity in terms of instances or a performance characteristic that is important to your application workload, such as vCPUs, memory, or I/O. If the request type is \`maintain\` , you can specify a target capacity of 0 and add capacity later. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetrequestconfigdata.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetrequestconfigdata-ondemandtargetcapacity + */ + readonly onDemandTargetCapacity?: number; + + /** + * Indicates whether Spot Fleet should replace unhealthy instances. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetrequestconfigdata.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetrequestconfigdata-replaceunhealthyinstances + */ + readonly replaceUnhealthyInstances?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The strategies for managing your Spot Instances that are at an elevated risk of being interrupted. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetrequestconfigdata.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetrequestconfigdata-spotmaintenancestrategies + */ + readonly spotMaintenanceStrategies?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnSpotFleet.SpotMaintenanceStrategiesProperty; + + /** + * The maximum amount per hour for Spot Instances that you're willing to pay. + * + * You can use the \`spotdMaxTotalPrice\` parameter, the \`onDemandMaxTotalPrice\` parameter, or both parameters to ensure that your fleet cost does not exceed your budget. If you set a maximum price per hour for the On-Demand Instances and Spot Instances in your request, Spot Fleet will launch instances until it reaches the maximum amount you're willing to pay. When the maximum amount you're willing to pay is reached, the fleet stops launching instances even if it hasn’t met the target capacity. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetrequestconfigdata.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetrequestconfigdata-spotmaxtotalprice + */ + readonly spotMaxTotalPrice?: string; + + /** + * The maximum price per unit hour that you are willing to pay for a Spot Instance. + * + * We do not recommend using this parameter because it can lead to increased interruptions. If you do not specify this parameter, you will pay the current Spot price. + * + * > If you specify a maximum price, your instances will be interrupted more frequently than if you do not specify this parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetrequestconfigdata.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetrequestconfigdata-spotprice + */ + readonly spotPrice?: string; + + /** + * The key-value pair for tagging the Spot Fleet request on creation. + * + * The value for \`ResourceType\` must be \`spot-fleet-request\` , otherwise the Spot Fleet request fails. To tag instances at launch, specify the tags in the [launch template](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-launch-templates.html#create-launch-template) (valid only if you use \`LaunchTemplateConfigs\` ) or in the \`[SpotFleetTagSpecification](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_SpotFleetTagSpecification.html)\` (valid only if you use \`LaunchSpecifications\` ). For information about tagging after launch, see [Tagging Your Resources](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/Using_Tags.html#tag-resources) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetrequestconfigdata.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetrequestconfigdata-tagspecifications + */ + readonly tagSpecifications?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The number of units to request for the Spot Fleet. + * + * You can choose to set the target capacity in terms of instances or a performance characteristic that is important to your application workload, such as vCPUs, memory, or I/O. If the request type is \`maintain\` , you can specify a target capacity of 0 and add capacity later. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetrequestconfigdata.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetrequestconfigdata-targetcapacity + */ + readonly targetCapacity: number; + + /** + * The unit for the target capacity. \`TargetCapacityUnitType\` can only be specified when \`InstanceRequirements\` is specified. + * + * Default: \`units\` (translates to number of instances) + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetrequestconfigdata.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetrequestconfigdata-targetcapacityunittype + */ + readonly targetCapacityUnitType?: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether running Spot Instances are terminated when the Spot Fleet request expires. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetrequestconfigdata.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetrequestconfigdata-terminateinstanceswithexpiration + */ + readonly terminateInstancesWithExpiration?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The type of request. + * + * Indicates whether the Spot Fleet only requests the target capacity or also attempts to maintain it. When this value is \`request\` , the Spot Fleet only places the required requests. It does not attempt to replenish Spot Instances if capacity is diminished, nor does it submit requests in alternative Spot pools if capacity is not available. When this value is \`maintain\` , the Spot Fleet maintains the target capacity. The Spot Fleet places the required requests to meet capacity and automatically replenishes any interrupted instances. Default: \`maintain\` . \`instant\` is listed but is not used by Spot Fleet. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetrequestconfigdata.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetrequestconfigdata-type + */ + readonly type?: string; + + /** + * The start date and time of the request, in UTC format ( *YYYY* - *MM* - *DD* T *HH* : *MM* : *SS* Z). + * + * By default, Amazon EC2 starts fulfilling the request immediately. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetrequestconfigdata.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetrequestconfigdata-validfrom + */ + readonly validFrom?: string; + + /** + * The end date and time of the request, in UTC format ( *YYYY* - *MM* - *DD* T *HH* : *MM* : *SS* Z). + * + * After the end date and time, no new Spot Instance requests are placed or able to fulfill the request. If no value is specified, the Spot Fleet request remains until you cancel it. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetrequestconfigdata.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetrequestconfigdata-validuntil + */ + readonly validUntil?: string; + } + + /** + * Specifies the launch specification for one or more Spot Instances. + * + * If you include On-Demand capacity in your fleet request, you can't use \`SpotFleetLaunchSpecification\` ; you must use [LaunchTemplateConfig](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-launchtemplateconfig.html) . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetlaunchspecification.html + */ + export interface SpotFleetLaunchSpecificationProperty { + /** + * One or more block devices that are mapped to the Spot Instances. + * + * You can't specify both a snapshot ID and an encryption value. This is because only blank volumes can be encrypted on creation. If a snapshot is the basis for a volume, it is not blank and its encryption status is used for the volume encryption status. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetlaunchspecification.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetlaunchspecification-blockdevicemappings + */ + readonly blockDeviceMappings?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Indicates whether the instances are optimized for EBS I/O. + * + * This optimization provides dedicated throughput to Amazon EBS and an optimized configuration stack to provide optimal EBS I/O performance. This optimization isn't available with all instance types. Additional usage charges apply when using an EBS Optimized instance. + * + * Default: \`false\` + * + * @default - false + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetlaunchspecification.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetlaunchspecification-ebsoptimized + */ + readonly ebsOptimized?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The IAM instance profile. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetlaunchspecification.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetlaunchspecification-iaminstanceprofile + */ + readonly iamInstanceProfile?: CfnSpotFleet.IamInstanceProfileSpecificationProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The ID of the AMI. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetlaunchspecification.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetlaunchspecification-imageid + */ + readonly imageId: string; + + /** + * The attributes for the instance types. + * + * When you specify instance attributes, Amazon EC2 will identify instance types with those attributes. + * + * > If you specify \`InstanceRequirements\` , you can't specify \`InstanceType\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetlaunchspecification.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetlaunchspecification-instancerequirements + */ + readonly instanceRequirements?: CfnSpotFleet.InstanceRequirementsRequestProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The instance type. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetlaunchspecification.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetlaunchspecification-instancetype + */ + readonly instanceType?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the kernel. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetlaunchspecification.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetlaunchspecification-kernelid + */ + readonly kernelId?: string; + + /** + * The name of the key pair. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetlaunchspecification.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetlaunchspecification-keyname + */ + readonly keyName?: string; + + /** + * Enable or disable monitoring for the instances. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetlaunchspecification.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetlaunchspecification-monitoring + */ + readonly monitoring?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnSpotFleet.SpotFleetMonitoringProperty; + + /** + * One or more network interfaces. + * + * If you specify a network interface, you must specify subnet IDs and security group IDs using the network interface. + * + * > \`SpotFleetLaunchSpecification\` currently does not support Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA). To specify an EFA, you must use [LaunchTemplateConfig](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_LaunchTemplateConfig.html) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetlaunchspecification.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetlaunchspecification-networkinterfaces + */ + readonly networkInterfaces?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The placement information. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetlaunchspecification.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetlaunchspecification-placement + */ + readonly placement?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnSpotFleet.SpotPlacementProperty; + + /** + * The ID of the RAM disk. + * + * Some kernels require additional drivers at launch. Check the kernel requirements for information about whether you need to specify a RAM disk. To find kernel requirements, refer to the AWS Resource Center and search for the kernel ID. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetlaunchspecification.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetlaunchspecification-ramdiskid + */ + readonly ramdiskId?: string; + + /** + * The security groups. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetlaunchspecification.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetlaunchspecification-securitygroups + */ + readonly securityGroups?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The maximum price per unit hour that you are willing to pay for a Spot Instance. + * + * We do not recommend using this parameter because it can lead to increased interruptions. If you do not specify this parameter, you will pay the current Spot price. + * + * > If you specify a maximum price, your instances will be interrupted more frequently than if you do not specify this parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetlaunchspecification.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetlaunchspecification-spotprice + */ + readonly spotPrice?: string; + + /** + * The IDs of the subnets in which to launch the instances. + * + * To specify multiple subnets, separate them using commas; for example, "subnet-1234abcdeexample1, subnet-0987cdef6example2". + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetlaunchspecification.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetlaunchspecification-subnetid + */ + readonly subnetId?: string; + + /** + * The tags to apply during creation. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetlaunchspecification.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetlaunchspecification-tagspecifications + */ + readonly tagSpecifications?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The base64-encoded user data that instances use when starting up. + * + * User data is limited to 16 KB. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetlaunchspecification.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetlaunchspecification-userdata + */ + readonly userData?: string; + + /** + * The number of units provided by the specified instance type. + * + * These are the same units that you chose to set the target capacity in terms of instances, or a performance characteristic such as vCPUs, memory, or I/O. + * + * If the target capacity divided by this value is not a whole number, Amazon EC2 rounds the number of instances to the next whole number. If this value is not specified, the default is 1. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetlaunchspecification.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetlaunchspecification-weightedcapacity + */ + readonly weightedCapacity?: number; + } + + /** + * Specifies a block device mapping. + * + * You can specify \`Ebs\` or \`VirtualName\` , but not both. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-blockdevicemapping.html + */ + export interface BlockDeviceMappingProperty { + /** + * The device name (for example, \`/dev/sdh\` or \`xvdh\` ). + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-blockdevicemapping.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-blockdevicemapping-devicename + */ + readonly deviceName: string; + + /** + * Parameters used to automatically set up EBS volumes when the instance is launched. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-blockdevicemapping.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-blockdevicemapping-ebs + */ + readonly ebs?: CfnSpotFleet.EbsBlockDeviceProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * To omit the device from the block device mapping, specify an empty string. + * + * When this property is specified, the device is removed from the block device mapping regardless of the assigned value. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-blockdevicemapping.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-blockdevicemapping-nodevice + */ + readonly noDevice?: string; + + /** + * The virtual device name ( \`ephemeral\` N). + * + * Instance store volumes are numbered starting from 0. An instance type with 2 available instance store volumes can specify mappings for \`ephemeral0\` and \`ephemeral1\` . The number of available instance store volumes depends on the instance type. After you connect to the instance, you must mount the volume. + * + * NVMe instance store volumes are automatically enumerated and assigned a device name. Including them in your block device mapping has no effect. + * + * Constraints: For M3 instances, you must specify instance store volumes in the block device mapping for the instance. When you launch an M3 instance, we ignore any instance store volumes specified in the block device mapping for the AMI. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-blockdevicemapping.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-blockdevicemapping-virtualname + */ + readonly virtualName?: string; + } + + /** + * Describes a block device for an EBS volume. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-ebsblockdevice.html + */ + export interface EbsBlockDeviceProperty { + /** + * Indicates whether the EBS volume is deleted on instance termination. + * + * For more information, see [Preserving Amazon EBS volumes on instance termination](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/terminating-instances.html#preserving-volumes-on-termination) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-ebsblockdevice.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-ebsblockdevice-deleteontermination + */ + readonly deleteOnTermination?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Indicates whether the encryption state of an EBS volume is changed while being restored from a backing snapshot. + * + * The effect of setting the encryption state to \`true\` depends on the volume origin (new or from a snapshot), starting encryption state, ownership, and whether encryption by default is enabled. For more information, see [Amazon EBS Encryption](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/EBSEncryption.html#encryption-parameters) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * In no case can you remove encryption from an encrypted volume. + * + * Encrypted volumes can only be attached to instances that support Amazon EBS encryption. For more information, see [Supported Instance Types](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/EBSEncryption.html#EBSEncryption_supported_instances) . + * + * This parameter is not returned by [DescribeImageAttribute](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_DescribeImageAttribute.html) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-ebsblockdevice.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-ebsblockdevice-encrypted + */ + readonly encrypted?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS). + * + * For \`gp3\` , \`io1\` , and \`io2\` volumes, this represents the number of IOPS that are provisioned for the volume. For \`gp2\` volumes, this represents the baseline performance of the volume and the rate at which the volume accumulates I/O credits for bursting. + * + * The following are the supported values for each volume type: + * + * - \`gp3\` : 3,000-16,000 IOPS + * - \`io1\` : 100-64,000 IOPS + * - \`io2\` : 100-64,000 IOPS + * + * For \`io1\` and \`io2\` volumes, we guarantee 64,000 IOPS only for [Instances built on the Nitro System](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/instance-types.html#ec2-nitro-instances) . Other instance families guarantee performance up to 32,000 IOPS. + * + * This parameter is required for \`io1\` and \`io2\` volumes. The default for \`gp3\` volumes is 3,000 IOPS. This parameter is not supported for \`gp2\` , \`st1\` , \`sc1\` , or \`standard\` volumes. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-ebsblockdevice.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-ebsblockdevice-iops + */ + readonly iops?: number; + + /** + * The ID of the snapshot. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-ebsblockdevice.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-ebsblockdevice-snapshotid + */ + readonly snapshotId?: string; + + /** + * The size of the volume, in GiBs. + * + * You must specify either a snapshot ID or a volume size. If you specify a snapshot, the default is the snapshot size. You can specify a volume size that is equal to or larger than the snapshot size. + * + * The following are the supported volumes sizes for each volume type: + * + * - \`gp2\` and \`gp3\` :1-16,384 + * - \`io1\` and \`io2\` : 4-16,384 + * - \`st1\` and \`sc1\` : 125-16,384 + * - \`standard\` : 1-1,024 + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-ebsblockdevice.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-ebsblockdevice-volumesize + */ + readonly volumeSize?: number; + + /** + * The volume type. + * + * For more information, see [Amazon EBS volume types](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/EBSVolumeTypes.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . If the volume type is \`io1\` or \`io2\` , you must specify the IOPS that the volume supports. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-ebsblockdevice.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-ebsblockdevice-volumetype + */ + readonly volumeType?: string; + } + + /** + * Describes an IAM instance profile. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-iaminstanceprofilespecification.html + */ + export interface IamInstanceProfileSpecificationProperty { + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance profile. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-iaminstanceprofilespecification.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-iaminstanceprofilespecification-arn + */ + readonly arn?: string; + } + + /** + * Describes whether monitoring is enabled. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetmonitoring.html + */ + export interface SpotFleetMonitoringProperty { + /** + * Enables monitoring for the instance. + * + * Default: \`false\` + * + * @default - false + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetmonitoring.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetmonitoring-enabled + */ + readonly enabled?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * Describes a network interface. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-instancenetworkinterfacespecification.html + */ + export interface InstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecificationProperty { + /** + * Indicates whether to assign a public IPv4 address to an instance you launch in a VPC. + * + * The public IP address can only be assigned to a network interface for eth0, and can only be assigned to a new network interface, not an existing one. You cannot specify more than one network interface in the request. If launching into a default subnet, the default value is \`true\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-instancenetworkinterfacespecification.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-instancenetworkinterfacespecification-associatepublicipaddress + */ + readonly associatePublicIpAddress?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Indicates whether the network interface is deleted when the instance is terminated. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-instancenetworkinterfacespecification.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-instancenetworkinterfacespecification-deleteontermination + */ + readonly deleteOnTermination?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The description of the network interface. + * + * Applies only if creating a network interface when launching an instance. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-instancenetworkinterfacespecification.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-instancenetworkinterfacespecification-description + */ + readonly description?: string; + + /** + * The position of the network interface in the attachment order. + * + * A primary network interface has a device index of 0. + * + * If you specify a network interface when launching an instance, you must specify the device index. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-instancenetworkinterfacespecification.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-instancenetworkinterfacespecification-deviceindex + */ + readonly deviceIndex?: number; + + /** + * The IDs of the security groups for the network interface. + * + * Applies only if creating a network interface when launching an instance. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-instancenetworkinterfacespecification.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-instancenetworkinterfacespecification-groups + */ + readonly groups?: Array; + + /** + * A number of IPv6 addresses to assign to the network interface. + * + * Amazon EC2 chooses the IPv6 addresses from the range of the subnet. You cannot specify this option and the option to assign specific IPv6 addresses in the same request. You can specify this option if you've specified a minimum number of instances to launch. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-instancenetworkinterfacespecification.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-instancenetworkinterfacespecification-ipv6addresscount + */ + readonly ipv6AddressCount?: number; + + /** + * The IPv6 addresses to assign to the network interface. + * + * You cannot specify this option and the option to assign a number of IPv6 addresses in the same request. You cannot specify this option if you've specified a minimum number of instances to launch. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-instancenetworkinterfacespecification.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-instancenetworkinterfacespecification-ipv6addresses + */ + readonly ipv6Addresses?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The ID of the network interface. + * + * If you are creating a Spot Fleet, omit this parameter because you can’t specify a network interface ID in a launch specification. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-instancenetworkinterfacespecification.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-instancenetworkinterfacespecification-networkinterfaceid + */ + readonly networkInterfaceId?: string; + + /** + * The private IPv4 addresses to assign to the network interface. + * + * Only one private IPv4 address can be designated as primary. You cannot specify this option if you're launching more than one instance in a [RunInstances](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_RunInstances.html) request. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-instancenetworkinterfacespecification.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-instancenetworkinterfacespecification-privateipaddresses + */ + readonly privateIpAddresses?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The number of secondary private IPv4 addresses. + * + * You can't specify this option and specify more than one private IP address using the private IP addresses option. You cannot specify this option if you're launching more than one instance in a [RunInstances](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_RunInstances.html) request. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-instancenetworkinterfacespecification.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-instancenetworkinterfacespecification-secondaryprivateipaddresscount + */ + readonly secondaryPrivateIpAddressCount?: number; + + /** + * The ID of the subnet associated with the network interface. + * + * Applies only if creating a network interface when launching an instance. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-instancenetworkinterfacespecification.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-instancenetworkinterfacespecification-subnetid + */ + readonly subnetId?: string; + } + + /** + * Describes an IPv6 address. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-instanceipv6address.html + */ + export interface InstanceIpv6AddressProperty { + /** + * The IPv6 address. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-instanceipv6address.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-instanceipv6address-ipv6address + */ + readonly ipv6Address: string; + } + + /** + * Describes a secondary private IPv4 address for a network interface. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-privateipaddressspecification.html + */ + export interface PrivateIpAddressSpecificationProperty { + /** + * Indicates whether the private IPv4 address is the primary private IPv4 address. + * + * Only one IPv4 address can be designated as primary. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-privateipaddressspecification.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-privateipaddressspecification-primary + */ + readonly primary?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The private IPv4 address. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-privateipaddressspecification.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-privateipaddressspecification-privateipaddress + */ + readonly privateIpAddress: string; + } + + /** + * Describes Spot Instance placement. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotplacement.html + */ + export interface SpotPlacementProperty { + /** + * The Availability Zone. + * + * To specify multiple Availability Zones, separate them using commas; for example, "us-west-2a, us-west-2b". + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotplacement.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-spotplacement-availabilityzone + */ + readonly availabilityZone?: string; + + /** + * The name of the placement group. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotplacement.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-spotplacement-groupname + */ + readonly groupName?: string; + + /** + * The tenancy of the instance (if the instance is running in a VPC). + * + * An instance with a tenancy of \`dedicated\` runs on single-tenant hardware. The \`host\` tenancy is not supported for Spot Instances. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotplacement.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-spotplacement-tenancy + */ + readonly tenancy?: string; + } + + /** + * Describes a security group. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-groupidentifier.html + */ + export interface GroupIdentifierProperty { + /** + * The ID of the security group. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-groupidentifier.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-groupidentifier-groupid + */ + readonly groupId: string; + } + + /** + * The tags for a Spot Fleet resource. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleettagspecification.html + */ + export interface SpotFleetTagSpecificationProperty { + /** + * The type of resource. + * + * Currently, the only resource type that is supported is \`instance\` . To tag the Spot Fleet request on creation, use the \`TagSpecifications\` parameter in \`[SpotFleetRequestConfigData](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_SpotFleetRequestConfigData.html)\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleettagspecification.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleettagspecification-resourcetype + */ + readonly resourceType?: string; + + /** + * The tags. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleettagspecification.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleettagspecification-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; + } + + /** + * The attributes for the instance types. + * + * When you specify instance attributes, Amazon EC2 will identify instance types with these attributes. + * + * When you specify multiple attributes, you get instance types that satisfy all of the specified attributes. If you specify multiple values for an attribute, you get instance types that satisfy any of the specified values. + * + * To limit the list of instance types from which Amazon EC2 can identify matching instance types, you can use one of the following parameters, but not both in the same request: + * + * - \`AllowedInstanceTypes\` - The instance types to include in the list. All other instance types are ignored, even if they match your specified attributes. + * - \`ExcludedInstanceTypes\` - The instance types to exclude from the list, even if they match your specified attributes. + * + * > You must specify \`VCpuCount\` and \`MemoryMiB\` . All other attributes are optional. Any unspecified optional attribute is set to its default. + * + * For more information, see [Attribute-based instance type selection for EC2 Fleet](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-fleet-attribute-based-instance-type-selection.html) , [Attribute-based instance type selection for Spot Fleet](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/spot-fleet-attribute-based-instance-type-selection.html) , and [Spot placement score](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/spot-placement-score.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-instancerequirementsrequest.html + */ + export interface InstanceRequirementsRequestProperty { + /** + * The minimum and maximum number of accelerators (GPUs, FPGAs, or AWS Inferentia chips) on an instance. + * + * To exclude accelerator-enabled instance types, set \`Max\` to \`0\` . + * + * Default: No minimum or maximum limits + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-instancerequirementsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-instancerequirementsrequest-acceleratorcount + */ + readonly acceleratorCount?: CfnSpotFleet.AcceleratorCountRequestProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Indicates whether instance types must have accelerators by specific manufacturers. + * + * - For instance types with NVIDIA devices, specify \`nvidia\` . + * - For instance types with AMD devices, specify \`amd\` . + * - For instance types with AWS devices, specify \`amazon-web-services\` . + * - For instance types with Xilinx devices, specify \`xilinx\` . + * + * Default: Any manufacturer + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-instancerequirementsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-instancerequirementsrequest-acceleratormanufacturers + */ + readonly acceleratorManufacturers?: Array; + + /** + * The accelerators that must be on the instance type. + * + * - For instance types with NVIDIA A100 GPUs, specify \`a100\` . + * - For instance types with NVIDIA V100 GPUs, specify \`v100\` . + * - For instance types with NVIDIA K80 GPUs, specify \`k80\` . + * - For instance types with NVIDIA T4 GPUs, specify \`t4\` . + * - For instance types with NVIDIA M60 GPUs, specify \`m60\` . + * - For instance types with AMD Radeon Pro V520 GPUs, specify \`radeon-pro-v520\` . + * - For instance types with Xilinx VU9P FPGAs, specify \`vu9p\` . + * - For instance types with AWS Inferentia chips, specify \`inferentia\` . + * - For instance types with NVIDIA GRID K520 GPUs, specify \`k520\` . + * + * Default: Any accelerator + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-instancerequirementsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-instancerequirementsrequest-acceleratornames + */ + readonly acceleratorNames?: Array; + + /** + * The minimum and maximum amount of total accelerator memory, in MiB. + * + * Default: No minimum or maximum limits + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-instancerequirementsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-instancerequirementsrequest-acceleratortotalmemorymib + */ + readonly acceleratorTotalMemoryMiB?: CfnSpotFleet.AcceleratorTotalMemoryMiBRequestProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The accelerator types that must be on the instance type. + * + * - To include instance types with GPU hardware, specify \`gpu\` . + * - To include instance types with FPGA hardware, specify \`fpga\` . + * - To include instance types with inference hardware, specify \`inference\` . + * + * Default: Any accelerator type + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-instancerequirementsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-instancerequirementsrequest-acceleratortypes + */ + readonly acceleratorTypes?: Array; + + /** + * The instance types to apply your specified attributes against. + * + * All other instance types are ignored, even if they match your specified attributes. + * + * You can use strings with one or more wild cards, represented by an asterisk ( \`*\` ), to allow an instance type, size, or generation. The following are examples: \`m5.8xlarge\` , \`c5*.*\` , \`m5a.*\` , \`r*\` , \`*3*\` . + * + * For example, if you specify \`c5*\` ,Amazon EC2 will allow the entire C5 instance family, which includes all C5a and C5n instance types. If you specify \`m5a.*\` , Amazon EC2 will allow all the M5a instance types, but not the M5n instance types. + * + * > If you specify \`AllowedInstanceTypes\` , you can't specify \`ExcludedInstanceTypes\` . + * + * Default: All instance types + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-instancerequirementsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-instancerequirementsrequest-allowedinstancetypes + */ + readonly allowedInstanceTypes?: Array; + + /** + * Indicates whether bare metal instance types must be included, excluded, or required. + * + * - To include bare metal instance types, specify \`included\` . + * - To require only bare metal instance types, specify \`required\` . + * - To exclude bare metal instance types, specify \`excluded\` . + * + * Default: \`excluded\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-instancerequirementsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-instancerequirementsrequest-baremetal + */ + readonly bareMetal?: string; + + /** + * The minimum and maximum baseline bandwidth to Amazon EBS, in Mbps. + * + * For more information, see [Amazon EBS–optimized instances](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ebs-optimized.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * Default: No minimum or maximum limits + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-instancerequirementsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-instancerequirementsrequest-baselineebsbandwidthmbps + */ + readonly baselineEbsBandwidthMbps?: CfnSpotFleet.BaselineEbsBandwidthMbpsRequestProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Indicates whether burstable performance T instance types are included, excluded, or required. + * + * For more information, see [Burstable performance instances](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/burstable-performance-instances.html) . + * + * - To include burstable performance instance types, specify \`included\` . + * - To require only burstable performance instance types, specify \`required\` . + * - To exclude burstable performance instance types, specify \`excluded\` . + * + * Default: \`excluded\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-instancerequirementsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-instancerequirementsrequest-burstableperformance + */ + readonly burstablePerformance?: string; + + /** + * The CPU manufacturers to include. + * + * - For instance types with Intel CPUs, specify \`intel\` . + * - For instance types with AMD CPUs, specify \`amd\` . + * - For instance types with AWS CPUs, specify \`amazon-web-services\` . + * + * > Don't confuse the CPU manufacturer with the CPU architecture. Instances will be launched with a compatible CPU architecture based on the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) that you specify in your launch template. + * + * Default: Any manufacturer + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-instancerequirementsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-instancerequirementsrequest-cpumanufacturers + */ + readonly cpuManufacturers?: Array; + + /** + * The instance types to exclude. + * + * You can use strings with one or more wild cards, represented by an asterisk ( \`*\` ), to exclude an instance family, type, size, or generation. The following are examples: \`m5.8xlarge\` , \`c5*.*\` , \`m5a.*\` , \`r*\` , \`*3*\` . + * + * For example, if you specify \`c5*\` ,Amazon EC2 will exclude the entire C5 instance family, which includes all C5a and C5n instance types. If you specify \`m5a.*\` , Amazon EC2 will exclude all the M5a instance types, but not the M5n instance types. + * + * > If you specify \`ExcludedInstanceTypes\` , you can't specify \`AllowedInstanceTypes\` . + * + * Default: No excluded instance types + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-instancerequirementsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-instancerequirementsrequest-excludedinstancetypes + */ + readonly excludedInstanceTypes?: Array; + + /** + * Indicates whether current or previous generation instance types are included. + * + * The current generation instance types are recommended for use. Current generation instance types are typically the latest two to three generations in each instance family. For more information, see [Instance types](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/instance-types.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * For current generation instance types, specify \`current\` . + * + * For previous generation instance types, specify \`previous\` . + * + * Default: Current and previous generation instance types + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-instancerequirementsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-instancerequirementsrequest-instancegenerations + */ + readonly instanceGenerations?: Array; + + /** + * Indicates whether instance types with instance store volumes are included, excluded, or required. + * + * For more information, [Amazon EC2 instance store](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/InstanceStorage.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * - To include instance types with instance store volumes, specify \`included\` . + * - To require only instance types with instance store volumes, specify \`required\` . + * - To exclude instance types with instance store volumes, specify \`excluded\` . + * + * Default: \`included\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-instancerequirementsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-instancerequirementsrequest-localstorage + */ + readonly localStorage?: string; + + /** + * The type of local storage that is required. + * + * - For instance types with hard disk drive (HDD) storage, specify \`hdd\` . + * - For instance types with solid state drive (SSD) storage, specify \`ssd\` . + * + * Default: \`hdd\` and \`ssd\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-instancerequirementsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-instancerequirementsrequest-localstoragetypes + */ + readonly localStorageTypes?: Array; + + /** + * The minimum and maximum amount of memory per vCPU, in GiB. + * + * Default: No minimum or maximum limits + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-instancerequirementsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-instancerequirementsrequest-memorygibpervcpu + */ + readonly memoryGiBPerVCpu?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnSpotFleet.MemoryGiBPerVCpuRequestProperty; + + /** + * The minimum and maximum amount of memory, in MiB. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-instancerequirementsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-instancerequirementsrequest-memorymib + */ + readonly memoryMiB?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnSpotFleet.MemoryMiBRequestProperty; + + /** + * The minimum and maximum amount of network bandwidth, in gigabits per second (Gbps). + * + * Default: No minimum or maximum limits + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-instancerequirementsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-instancerequirementsrequest-networkbandwidthgbps + */ + readonly networkBandwidthGbps?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnSpotFleet.NetworkBandwidthGbpsRequestProperty; + + /** + * The minimum and maximum number of network interfaces. + * + * Default: No minimum or maximum limits + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-instancerequirementsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-instancerequirementsrequest-networkinterfacecount + */ + readonly networkInterfaceCount?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnSpotFleet.NetworkInterfaceCountRequestProperty; + + /** + * The price protection threshold for On-Demand Instances. + * + * This is the maximum you’ll pay for an On-Demand Instance, expressed as a percentage above the least expensive current generation M, C, or R instance type with your specified attributes. When Amazon EC2 selects instance types with your attributes, it excludes instance types priced above your threshold. + * + * The parameter accepts an integer, which Amazon EC2 interprets as a percentage. + * + * To turn off price protection, specify a high value, such as \`999999\` . + * + * This parameter is not supported for [GetSpotPlacementScores](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_GetSpotPlacementScores.html) and [GetInstanceTypesFromInstanceRequirements](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_GetInstanceTypesFromInstanceRequirements.html) . + * + * > If you set \`TargetCapacityUnitType\` to \`vcpu\` or \`memory-mib\` , the price protection threshold is applied based on the per-vCPU or per-memory price instead of the per-instance price. + * + * Default: \`20\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-instancerequirementsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-instancerequirementsrequest-ondemandmaxpricepercentageoverlowestprice + */ + readonly onDemandMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice?: number; + + /** + * Indicates whether instance types must support hibernation for On-Demand Instances. + * + * This parameter is not supported for [GetSpotPlacementScores](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_GetSpotPlacementScores.html) . + * + * Default: \`false\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-instancerequirementsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-instancerequirementsrequest-requirehibernatesupport + */ + readonly requireHibernateSupport?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The price protection threshold for Spot Instance. + * + * This is the maximum you’ll pay for an Spot Instance, expressed as a percentage above the least expensive current generation M, C, or R instance type with your specified attributes. When Amazon EC2 selects instance types with your attributes, it excludes instance types priced above your threshold. + * + * The parameter accepts an integer, which Amazon EC2 interprets as a percentage. + * + * To turn off price protection, specify a high value, such as \`999999\` . + * + * This parameter is not supported for [GetSpotPlacementScores](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_GetSpotPlacementScores.html) and [GetInstanceTypesFromInstanceRequirements](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_GetInstanceTypesFromInstanceRequirements.html) . + * + * > If you set \`TargetCapacityUnitType\` to \`vcpu\` or \`memory-mib\` , the price protection threshold is applied based on the per-vCPU or per-memory price instead of the per-instance price. + * + * Default: \`100\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-instancerequirementsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-instancerequirementsrequest-spotmaxpricepercentageoverlowestprice + */ + readonly spotMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice?: number; + + /** + * The minimum and maximum amount of total local storage, in GB. + * + * Default: No minimum or maximum limits + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-instancerequirementsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-instancerequirementsrequest-totallocalstoragegb + */ + readonly totalLocalStorageGb?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnSpotFleet.TotalLocalStorageGBRequestProperty; + + /** + * The minimum and maximum number of vCPUs. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-instancerequirementsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-instancerequirementsrequest-vcpucount + */ + readonly vCpuCount?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnSpotFleet.VCpuCountRangeRequestProperty; + } + + /** + * The minimum and maximum number of vCPUs. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-vcpucountrangerequest.html + */ + export interface VCpuCountRangeRequestProperty { + /** + * The maximum number of vCPUs. + * + * To specify no maximum limit, omit this parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-vcpucountrangerequest.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-vcpucountrangerequest-max + */ + readonly max?: number; + + /** + * The minimum number of vCPUs. + * + * To specify no minimum limit, specify \`0\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-vcpucountrangerequest.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-vcpucountrangerequest-min + */ + readonly min?: number; + } + + /** + * The minimum and maximum amount of memory, in MiB. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-memorymibrequest.html + */ + export interface MemoryMiBRequestProperty { + /** + * The maximum amount of memory, in MiB. + * + * To specify no maximum limit, omit this parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-memorymibrequest.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-memorymibrequest-max + */ + readonly max?: number; + + /** + * The minimum amount of memory, in MiB. + * + * To specify no minimum limit, specify \`0\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-memorymibrequest.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-memorymibrequest-min + */ + readonly min?: number; + } + + /** + * The minimum and maximum amount of memory per vCPU, in GiB. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-memorygibpervcpurequest.html + */ + export interface MemoryGiBPerVCpuRequestProperty { + /** + * The maximum amount of memory per vCPU, in GiB. + * + * To specify no maximum limit, omit this parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-memorygibpervcpurequest.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-memorygibpervcpurequest-max + */ + readonly max?: number; + + /** + * The minimum amount of memory per vCPU, in GiB. + * + * To specify no minimum limit, omit this parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-memorygibpervcpurequest.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-memorygibpervcpurequest-min + */ + readonly min?: number; + } + + /** + * The minimum and maximum amount of network bandwidth, in gigabits per second (Gbps). + * + * Default: No minimum or maximum limits + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-networkbandwidthgbpsrequest.html + */ + export interface NetworkBandwidthGbpsRequestProperty { + /** + * The maximum amount of network bandwidth, in Gbps. + * + * To specify no maximum limit, omit this parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-networkbandwidthgbpsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-networkbandwidthgbpsrequest-max + */ + readonly max?: number; + + /** + * The minimum amount of network bandwidth, in Gbps. + * + * To specify no minimum limit, omit this parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-networkbandwidthgbpsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-networkbandwidthgbpsrequest-min + */ + readonly min?: number; + } + + /** + * The minimum and maximum number of network interfaces. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-networkinterfacecountrequest.html + */ + export interface NetworkInterfaceCountRequestProperty { + /** + * The maximum number of network interfaces. + * + * To specify no maximum limit, omit this parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-networkinterfacecountrequest.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-networkinterfacecountrequest-max + */ + readonly max?: number; + + /** + * The minimum number of network interfaces. + * + * To specify no minimum limit, omit this parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-networkinterfacecountrequest.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-networkinterfacecountrequest-min + */ + readonly min?: number; + } + + /** + * The minimum and maximum amount of total local storage, in GB. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-totallocalstoragegbrequest.html + */ + export interface TotalLocalStorageGBRequestProperty { + /** + * The maximum amount of total local storage, in GB. + * + * To specify no maximum limit, omit this parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-totallocalstoragegbrequest.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-totallocalstoragegbrequest-max + */ + readonly max?: number; + + /** + * The minimum amount of total local storage, in GB. + * + * To specify no minimum limit, omit this parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-totallocalstoragegbrequest.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-totallocalstoragegbrequest-min + */ + readonly min?: number; + } + + /** + * The minimum and maximum baseline bandwidth to Amazon EBS, in Mbps. + * + * For more information, see [Amazon EBS–optimized instances](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ebs-optimized.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-baselineebsbandwidthmbpsrequest.html + */ + export interface BaselineEbsBandwidthMbpsRequestProperty { + /** + * The maximum baseline bandwidth, in Mbps. + * + * To specify no maximum limit, omit this parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-baselineebsbandwidthmbpsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-baselineebsbandwidthmbpsrequest-max + */ + readonly max?: number; + + /** + * The minimum baseline bandwidth, in Mbps. + * + * To specify no minimum limit, omit this parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-baselineebsbandwidthmbpsrequest.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-baselineebsbandwidthmbpsrequest-min + */ + readonly min?: number; + } + + /** + * The minimum and maximum number of accelerators (GPUs, FPGAs, or AWS Inferentia chips) on an instance. + * + * To exclude accelerator-enabled instance types, set \`Max\` to \`0\` . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-acceleratorcountrequest.html + */ + export interface AcceleratorCountRequestProperty { + /** + * The maximum number of accelerators. + * + * To specify no maximum limit, omit this parameter. To exclude accelerator-enabled instance types, set \`Max\` to \`0\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-acceleratorcountrequest.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-acceleratorcountrequest-max + */ + readonly max?: number; + + /** + * The minimum number of accelerators. + * + * To specify no minimum limit, omit this parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-acceleratorcountrequest.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-acceleratorcountrequest-min + */ + readonly min?: number; + } + + /** + * The minimum and maximum amount of total accelerator memory, in MiB. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-acceleratortotalmemorymibrequest.html + */ + export interface AcceleratorTotalMemoryMiBRequestProperty { + /** + * The maximum amount of accelerator memory, in MiB. + * + * To specify no maximum limit, omit this parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-acceleratortotalmemorymibrequest.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-acceleratortotalmemorymibrequest-max + */ + readonly max?: number; + + /** + * The minimum amount of accelerator memory, in MiB. + * + * To specify no minimum limit, omit this parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-acceleratortotalmemorymibrequest.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-acceleratortotalmemorymibrequest-min + */ + readonly min?: number; + } + + /** + * Specifies a launch template and overrides. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-launchtemplateconfig.html + */ + export interface LaunchTemplateConfigProperty { + /** + * The launch template to use. + * + * Make sure that the launch template does not contain the \`NetworkInterfaceId\` parameter because you can't specify a network interface ID in a Spot Fleet. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-launchtemplateconfig.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-launchtemplateconfig-launchtemplatespecification + */ + readonly launchTemplateSpecification?: CfnSpotFleet.FleetLaunchTemplateSpecificationProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Any parameters that you specify override the same parameters in the launch template. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-launchtemplateconfig.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-launchtemplateconfig-overrides + */ + readonly overrides?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * Specifies the launch template to be used by the Spot Fleet request for configuring Amazon EC2 instances. + * + * You must specify the following: + * + * - The ID or the name of the launch template, but not both. + * - The version of the launch template. + * + * \`FleetLaunchTemplateSpecification\` is a property of the [AWS::EC2::SpotFleet](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-spotfleet.html) resource. + * + * For information about creating a launch template, see [AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-launchtemplate.html) and [Create a launch template](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-launch-templates.html#create-launch-template) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide* . + * + * For examples of launch templates, see [Examples](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-launchtemplate.html#aws-resource-ec2-launchtemplate--examples) . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-fleetlaunchtemplatespecification.html + */ + export interface FleetLaunchTemplateSpecificationProperty { + /** + * The ID of the launch template. + * + * You must specify the \`LaunchTemplateId\` or the \`LaunchTemplateName\` , but not both. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-fleetlaunchtemplatespecification.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-fleetlaunchtemplatespecification-launchtemplateid + */ + readonly launchTemplateId?: string; + + /** + * The name of the launch template. + * + * You must specify the \`LaunchTemplateName\` or the \`LaunchTemplateId\` , but not both. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-fleetlaunchtemplatespecification.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-fleetlaunchtemplatespecification-launchtemplatename + */ + readonly launchTemplateName?: string; + + /** + * The version number of the launch template. + * + * Specifying \`$Latest\` or \`$Default\` for the template version number is not supported. However, you can specify \`LatestVersionNumber\` or \`DefaultVersionNumber\` using the \`Fn::GetAtt\` intrinsic function. For more information, see [Fn::GetAtt](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-launchtemplate.html#aws-resource-ec2-launchtemplate-return-values-fn--getatt) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-fleetlaunchtemplatespecification.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-fleetlaunchtemplatespecification-version + */ + readonly version: string; + } + + /** + * Specifies overrides for a launch template. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-launchtemplateoverrides.html + */ + export interface LaunchTemplateOverridesProperty { + /** + * The Availability Zone in which to launch the instances. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-launchtemplateoverrides.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-launchtemplateoverrides-availabilityzone + */ + readonly availabilityZone?: string; + + /** + * The instance requirements. + * + * When you specify instance requirements, Amazon EC2 will identify instance types with the provided requirements, and then use your On-Demand and Spot allocation strategies to launch instances from these instance types, in the same way as when you specify a list of instance types. + * + * > If you specify \`InstanceRequirements\` , you can't specify \`InstanceType\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-launchtemplateoverrides.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-launchtemplateoverrides-instancerequirements + */ + readonly instanceRequirements?: CfnSpotFleet.InstanceRequirementsRequestProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The instance type. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-launchtemplateoverrides.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-launchtemplateoverrides-instancetype + */ + readonly instanceType?: string; + + /** + * The priority for the launch template override. The highest priority is launched first. + * + * If \`OnDemandAllocationStrategy\` is set to \`prioritized\` , Spot Fleet uses priority to determine which launch template override to use first in fulfilling On-Demand capacity. + * + * If the Spot \`AllocationStrategy\` is set to \`capacityOptimizedPrioritized\` , Spot Fleet uses priority on a best-effort basis to determine which launch template override to use in fulfilling Spot capacity, but optimizes for capacity first. + * + * Valid values are whole numbers starting at \`0\` . The lower the number, the higher the priority. If no number is set, the launch template override has the lowest priority. You can set the same priority for different launch template overrides. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-launchtemplateoverrides.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-launchtemplateoverrides-priority + */ + readonly priority?: number; + + /** + * The maximum price per unit hour that you are willing to pay for a Spot Instance. + * + * We do not recommend using this parameter because it can lead to increased interruptions. If you do not specify this parameter, you will pay the current Spot price. + * + * > If you specify a maximum price, your instances will be interrupted more frequently than if you do not specify this parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-launchtemplateoverrides.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-launchtemplateoverrides-spotprice + */ + readonly spotPrice?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the subnet in which to launch the instances. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-launchtemplateoverrides.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-launchtemplateoverrides-subnetid + */ + readonly subnetId?: string; + + /** + * The number of units provided by the specified instance type. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-launchtemplateoverrides.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-launchtemplateoverrides-weightedcapacity + */ + readonly weightedCapacity?: number; + } + + /** + * Specifies the Classic Load Balancers and target groups to attach to a Spot Fleet request. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-loadbalancersconfig.html + */ + export interface LoadBalancersConfigProperty { + /** + * The Classic Load Balancers. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-loadbalancersconfig.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-loadbalancersconfig-classicloadbalancersconfig + */ + readonly classicLoadBalancersConfig?: CfnSpotFleet.ClassicLoadBalancersConfigProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The target groups. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-loadbalancersconfig.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-loadbalancersconfig-targetgroupsconfig + */ + readonly targetGroupsConfig?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnSpotFleet.TargetGroupsConfigProperty; + } + + /** + * Specifies the Classic Load Balancers to attach to a Spot Fleet. + * + * Spot Fleet registers the running Spot Instances with these Classic Load Balancers. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-classicloadbalancersconfig.html + */ + export interface ClassicLoadBalancersConfigProperty { + /** + * One or more Classic Load Balancers. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-classicloadbalancersconfig.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-classicloadbalancersconfig-classicloadbalancers + */ + readonly classicLoadBalancers: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * Specifies a Classic Load Balancer. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-classicloadbalancer.html + */ + export interface ClassicLoadBalancerProperty { + /** + * The name of the load balancer. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-classicloadbalancer.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-classicloadbalancer-name + */ + readonly name: string; + } + + /** + * Describes the target groups to attach to a Spot Fleet. + * + * Spot Fleet registers the running Spot Instances with these target groups. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-targetgroupsconfig.html + */ + export interface TargetGroupsConfigProperty { + /** + * One or more target groups. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-targetgroupsconfig.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-targetgroupsconfig-targetgroups + */ + readonly targetGroups: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * Describes a load balancer target group. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-targetgroup.html + */ + export interface TargetGroupProperty { + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the target group. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-targetgroup.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-targetgroup-arn + */ + readonly arn: string; + } + + /** + * The strategies for managing your Spot Instances that are at an elevated risk of being interrupted. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotmaintenancestrategies.html + */ + export interface SpotMaintenanceStrategiesProperty { + /** + * The Spot Instance replacement strategy to use when Amazon EC2 emits a signal that your Spot Instance is at an elevated risk of being interrupted. + * + * For more information, see [Capacity rebalancing](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/spot-fleet-capacity-rebalance.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotmaintenancestrategies.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-spotmaintenancestrategies-capacityrebalance + */ + readonly capacityRebalance?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnSpotFleet.SpotCapacityRebalanceProperty; + } + + /** + * The Spot Instance replacement strategy to use when Amazon EC2 emits a signal that your Spot Instance is at an elevated risk of being interrupted. + * + * For more information, see [Capacity rebalancing](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/spot-fleet-capacity-rebalance.html) in the *Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances* . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotcapacityrebalance.html + */ + export interface SpotCapacityRebalanceProperty { + /** + * The replacement strategy to use. Only available for fleets of type \`maintain\` . + * + * \`launch\` - Spot Fleet launches a new replacement Spot Instance when a rebalance notification is emitted for an existing Spot Instance in the fleet. Spot Fleet does not terminate the instances that receive a rebalance notification. You can terminate the old instances, or you can leave them running. You are charged for all instances while they are running. + * + * \`launch-before-terminate\` - Spot Fleet launches a new replacement Spot Instance when a rebalance notification is emitted for an existing Spot Instance in the fleet, and then, after a delay that you specify (in \`TerminationDelay\` ), terminates the instances that received a rebalance notification. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotcapacityrebalance.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-spotcapacityrebalance-replacementstrategy + */ + readonly replacementStrategy?: string; + + /** + * The amount of time (in seconds) that Amazon EC2 waits before terminating the old Spot Instance after launching a new replacement Spot Instance. + * + * Required when \`ReplacementStrategy\` is set to \`launch-before-terminate\` . + * + * Not valid when \`ReplacementStrategy\` is set to \`launch\` . + * + * Valid values: Minimum value of \`120\` seconds. Maximum value of \`7200\` seconds. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-spotfleet-spotcapacityrebalance.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-spotcapacityrebalance-terminationdelay + */ + readonly terminationDelay?: number; + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnSpotFleet\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-spotfleet.html + */ +export interface CfnSpotFleetProps { + /** + * Describes the configuration of a Spot Fleet request. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-spotfleet.html#cfn-ec2-spotfleet-spotfleetrequestconfigdata + */ + readonly spotFleetRequestConfigData: cdk.IResolvable | CfnSpotFleet.SpotFleetRequestConfigDataProperty; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`EbsBlockDeviceProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`EbsBlockDeviceProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetEbsBlockDevicePropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("deleteOnTermination", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.deleteOnTermination)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("encrypted", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.encrypted)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("iops", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.iops)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("snapshotId", cdk.validateString)(properties.snapshotId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("volumeSize", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.volumeSize)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("volumeType", cdk.validateString)(properties.volumeType)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"EbsBlockDeviceProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSpotFleetEbsBlockDevicePropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSpotFleetEbsBlockDevicePropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "DeleteOnTermination": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.deleteOnTermination), + "Encrypted": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.encrypted), + "Iops": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.iops), + "SnapshotId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.snapshotId), + "VolumeSize": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.volumeSize), + "VolumeType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.volumeType) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetEbsBlockDevicePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("deleteOnTermination", "DeleteOnTermination", (properties.DeleteOnTermination != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.DeleteOnTermination) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("encrypted", "Encrypted", (properties.Encrypted != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.Encrypted) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("iops", "Iops", (properties.Iops != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Iops) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("snapshotId", "SnapshotId", (properties.SnapshotId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SnapshotId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("volumeSize", "VolumeSize", (properties.VolumeSize != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.VolumeSize) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("volumeType", "VolumeType", (properties.VolumeType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.VolumeType) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`BlockDeviceMappingProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`BlockDeviceMappingProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetBlockDeviceMappingPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("deviceName", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.deviceName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("deviceName", cdk.validateString)(properties.deviceName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ebs", CfnSpotFleetEbsBlockDevicePropertyValidator)(properties.ebs)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("noDevice", cdk.validateString)(properties.noDevice)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("virtualName", cdk.validateString)(properties.virtualName)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"BlockDeviceMappingProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSpotFleetBlockDeviceMappingPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSpotFleetBlockDeviceMappingPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "DeviceName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.deviceName), + "Ebs": convertCfnSpotFleetEbsBlockDevicePropertyToCloudFormation(properties.ebs), + "NoDevice": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.noDevice), + "VirtualName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.virtualName) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetBlockDeviceMappingPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("deviceName", "DeviceName", (properties.DeviceName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DeviceName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ebs", "Ebs", (properties.Ebs != null ? CfnSpotFleetEbsBlockDevicePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.Ebs) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("noDevice", "NoDevice", (properties.NoDevice != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.NoDevice) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("virtualName", "VirtualName", (properties.VirtualName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.VirtualName) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`IamInstanceProfileSpecificationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`IamInstanceProfileSpecificationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetIamInstanceProfileSpecificationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("arn", cdk.validateString)(properties.arn)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"IamInstanceProfileSpecificationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSpotFleetIamInstanceProfileSpecificationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSpotFleetIamInstanceProfileSpecificationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Arn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.arn) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetIamInstanceProfileSpecificationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("arn", "Arn", (properties.Arn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Arn) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`SpotFleetMonitoringProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`SpotFleetMonitoringProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetSpotFleetMonitoringPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("enabled", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.enabled)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"SpotFleetMonitoringProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSpotFleetSpotFleetMonitoringPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSpotFleetSpotFleetMonitoringPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Enabled": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.enabled) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetSpotFleetMonitoringPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("enabled", "Enabled", (properties.Enabled != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.Enabled) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`InstanceIpv6AddressProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`InstanceIpv6AddressProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetInstanceIpv6AddressPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipv6Address", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.ipv6Address)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipv6Address", cdk.validateString)(properties.ipv6Address)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"InstanceIpv6AddressProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSpotFleetInstanceIpv6AddressPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSpotFleetInstanceIpv6AddressPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Ipv6Address": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.ipv6Address) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetInstanceIpv6AddressPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("ipv6Address", "Ipv6Address", (properties.Ipv6Address != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Ipv6Address) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`PrivateIpAddressSpecificationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`PrivateIpAddressSpecificationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetPrivateIpAddressSpecificationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("primary", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.primary)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("privateIpAddress", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.privateIpAddress)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("privateIpAddress", cdk.validateString)(properties.privateIpAddress)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"PrivateIpAddressSpecificationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSpotFleetPrivateIpAddressSpecificationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSpotFleetPrivateIpAddressSpecificationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Primary": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.primary), + "PrivateIpAddress": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.privateIpAddress) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetPrivateIpAddressSpecificationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("primary", "Primary", (properties.Primary != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.Primary) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("privateIpAddress", "PrivateIpAddress", (properties.PrivateIpAddress != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.PrivateIpAddress) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`InstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecificationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`InstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecificationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetInstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecificationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("associatePublicIpAddress", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.associatePublicIpAddress)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("deleteOnTermination", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.deleteOnTermination)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("description", cdk.validateString)(properties.description)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("deviceIndex", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.deviceIndex)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("groups", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.groups)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipv6AddressCount", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.ipv6AddressCount)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipv6Addresses", cdk.listValidator(CfnSpotFleetInstanceIpv6AddressPropertyValidator))(properties.ipv6Addresses)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("networkInterfaceId", cdk.validateString)(properties.networkInterfaceId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("privateIpAddresses", cdk.listValidator(CfnSpotFleetPrivateIpAddressSpecificationPropertyValidator))(properties.privateIpAddresses)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("secondaryPrivateIpAddressCount", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.secondaryPrivateIpAddressCount)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("subnetId", cdk.validateString)(properties.subnetId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"InstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecificationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSpotFleetInstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecificationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSpotFleetInstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecificationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AssociatePublicIpAddress": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.associatePublicIpAddress), + "DeleteOnTermination": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.deleteOnTermination), + "Description": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.description), + "DeviceIndex": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.deviceIndex), + "Groups": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.groups), + "Ipv6AddressCount": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.ipv6AddressCount), + "Ipv6Addresses": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnSpotFleetInstanceIpv6AddressPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.ipv6Addresses), + "NetworkInterfaceId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.networkInterfaceId), + "PrivateIpAddresses": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnSpotFleetPrivateIpAddressSpecificationPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.privateIpAddresses), + "SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.secondaryPrivateIpAddressCount), + "SubnetId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.subnetId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetInstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecificationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("associatePublicIpAddress", "AssociatePublicIpAddress", (properties.AssociatePublicIpAddress != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.AssociatePublicIpAddress) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("deleteOnTermination", "DeleteOnTermination", (properties.DeleteOnTermination != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.DeleteOnTermination) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("description", "Description", (properties.Description != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Description) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("deviceIndex", "DeviceIndex", (properties.DeviceIndex != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.DeviceIndex) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("groups", "Groups", (properties.Groups != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.Groups) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ipv6AddressCount", "Ipv6AddressCount", (properties.Ipv6AddressCount != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Ipv6AddressCount) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ipv6Addresses", "Ipv6Addresses", (properties.Ipv6Addresses != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnSpotFleetInstanceIpv6AddressPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.Ipv6Addresses) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("networkInterfaceId", "NetworkInterfaceId", (properties.NetworkInterfaceId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.NetworkInterfaceId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("privateIpAddresses", "PrivateIpAddresses", (properties.PrivateIpAddresses != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnSpotFleetPrivateIpAddressSpecificationPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.PrivateIpAddresses) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("secondaryPrivateIpAddressCount", "SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount", (properties.SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("subnetId", "SubnetId", (properties.SubnetId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SubnetId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`SpotPlacementProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`SpotPlacementProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetSpotPlacementPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("availabilityZone", cdk.validateString)(properties.availabilityZone)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("groupName", cdk.validateString)(properties.groupName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tenancy", cdk.validateString)(properties.tenancy)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"SpotPlacementProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSpotFleetSpotPlacementPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSpotFleetSpotPlacementPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AvailabilityZone": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.availabilityZone), + "GroupName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.groupName), + "Tenancy": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.tenancy) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetSpotPlacementPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("availabilityZone", "AvailabilityZone", (properties.AvailabilityZone != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.AvailabilityZone) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("groupName", "GroupName", (properties.GroupName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.GroupName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tenancy", "Tenancy", (properties.Tenancy != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Tenancy) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`GroupIdentifierProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`GroupIdentifierProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetGroupIdentifierPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("groupId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.groupId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("groupId", cdk.validateString)(properties.groupId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"GroupIdentifierProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSpotFleetGroupIdentifierPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSpotFleetGroupIdentifierPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "GroupId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.groupId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetGroupIdentifierPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("groupId", "GroupId", (properties.GroupId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.GroupId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`SpotFleetTagSpecificationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`SpotFleetTagSpecificationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetSpotFleetTagSpecificationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("resourceType", cdk.validateString)(properties.resourceType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"SpotFleetTagSpecificationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSpotFleetSpotFleetTagSpecificationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSpotFleetSpotFleetTagSpecificationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ResourceType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.resourceType), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetSpotFleetTagSpecificationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("resourceType", "ResourceType", (properties.ResourceType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ResourceType) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`VCpuCountRangeRequestProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`VCpuCountRangeRequestProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetVCpuCountRangeRequestPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("max", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.max)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("min", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.min)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"VCpuCountRangeRequestProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSpotFleetVCpuCountRangeRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSpotFleetVCpuCountRangeRequestPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Max": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.max), + "Min": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.min) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetVCpuCountRangeRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("max", "Max", (properties.Max != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Max) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("min", "Min", (properties.Min != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Min) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`MemoryMiBRequestProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`MemoryMiBRequestProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetMemoryMiBRequestPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("max", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.max)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("min", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.min)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"MemoryMiBRequestProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSpotFleetMemoryMiBRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSpotFleetMemoryMiBRequestPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Max": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.max), + "Min": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.min) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetMemoryMiBRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("max", "Max", (properties.Max != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Max) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("min", "Min", (properties.Min != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Min) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`MemoryGiBPerVCpuRequestProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`MemoryGiBPerVCpuRequestProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetMemoryGiBPerVCpuRequestPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("max", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.max)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("min", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.min)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"MemoryGiBPerVCpuRequestProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSpotFleetMemoryGiBPerVCpuRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSpotFleetMemoryGiBPerVCpuRequestPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Max": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.max), + "Min": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.min) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetMemoryGiBPerVCpuRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("max", "Max", (properties.Max != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Max) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("min", "Min", (properties.Min != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Min) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`NetworkBandwidthGbpsRequestProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`NetworkBandwidthGbpsRequestProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetNetworkBandwidthGbpsRequestPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("max", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.max)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("min", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.min)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"NetworkBandwidthGbpsRequestProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSpotFleetNetworkBandwidthGbpsRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSpotFleetNetworkBandwidthGbpsRequestPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Max": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.max), + "Min": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.min) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetNetworkBandwidthGbpsRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("max", "Max", (properties.Max != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Max) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("min", "Min", (properties.Min != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Min) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`NetworkInterfaceCountRequestProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`NetworkInterfaceCountRequestProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetNetworkInterfaceCountRequestPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("max", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.max)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("min", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.min)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"NetworkInterfaceCountRequestProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSpotFleetNetworkInterfaceCountRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSpotFleetNetworkInterfaceCountRequestPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Max": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.max), + "Min": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.min) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetNetworkInterfaceCountRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("max", "Max", (properties.Max != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Max) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("min", "Min", (properties.Min != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Min) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`TotalLocalStorageGBRequestProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`TotalLocalStorageGBRequestProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetTotalLocalStorageGBRequestPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("max", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.max)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("min", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.min)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"TotalLocalStorageGBRequestProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSpotFleetTotalLocalStorageGBRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSpotFleetTotalLocalStorageGBRequestPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Max": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.max), + "Min": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.min) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetTotalLocalStorageGBRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("max", "Max", (properties.Max != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Max) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("min", "Min", (properties.Min != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Min) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`BaselineEbsBandwidthMbpsRequestProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`BaselineEbsBandwidthMbpsRequestProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetBaselineEbsBandwidthMbpsRequestPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("max", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.max)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("min", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.min)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"BaselineEbsBandwidthMbpsRequestProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSpotFleetBaselineEbsBandwidthMbpsRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSpotFleetBaselineEbsBandwidthMbpsRequestPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Max": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.max), + "Min": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.min) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetBaselineEbsBandwidthMbpsRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("max", "Max", (properties.Max != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Max) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("min", "Min", (properties.Min != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Min) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`AcceleratorCountRequestProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`AcceleratorCountRequestProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetAcceleratorCountRequestPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("max", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.max)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("min", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.min)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"AcceleratorCountRequestProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSpotFleetAcceleratorCountRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSpotFleetAcceleratorCountRequestPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Max": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.max), + "Min": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.min) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetAcceleratorCountRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("max", "Max", (properties.Max != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Max) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("min", "Min", (properties.Min != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Min) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`AcceleratorTotalMemoryMiBRequestProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`AcceleratorTotalMemoryMiBRequestProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetAcceleratorTotalMemoryMiBRequestPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("max", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.max)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("min", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.min)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"AcceleratorTotalMemoryMiBRequestProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSpotFleetAcceleratorTotalMemoryMiBRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSpotFleetAcceleratorTotalMemoryMiBRequestPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Max": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.max), + "Min": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.min) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetAcceleratorTotalMemoryMiBRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("max", "Max", (properties.Max != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Max) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("min", "Min", (properties.Min != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Min) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`InstanceRequirementsRequestProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`InstanceRequirementsRequestProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetInstanceRequirementsRequestPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("acceleratorCount", CfnSpotFleetAcceleratorCountRequestPropertyValidator)(properties.acceleratorCount)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("acceleratorManufacturers", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.acceleratorManufacturers)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("acceleratorNames", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.acceleratorNames)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("acceleratorTotalMemoryMiB", CfnSpotFleetAcceleratorTotalMemoryMiBRequestPropertyValidator)(properties.acceleratorTotalMemoryMiB)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("acceleratorTypes", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.acceleratorTypes)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("allowedInstanceTypes", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.allowedInstanceTypes)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("bareMetal", cdk.validateString)(properties.bareMetal)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("baselineEbsBandwidthMbps", CfnSpotFleetBaselineEbsBandwidthMbpsRequestPropertyValidator)(properties.baselineEbsBandwidthMbps)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("burstablePerformance", cdk.validateString)(properties.burstablePerformance)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("cpuManufacturers", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.cpuManufacturers)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("excludedInstanceTypes", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.excludedInstanceTypes)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("instanceGenerations", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.instanceGenerations)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("localStorage", cdk.validateString)(properties.localStorage)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("localStorageTypes", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.localStorageTypes)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("memoryGiBPerVCpu", CfnSpotFleetMemoryGiBPerVCpuRequestPropertyValidator)(properties.memoryGiBPerVCpu)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("memoryMiB", CfnSpotFleetMemoryMiBRequestPropertyValidator)(properties.memoryMiB)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("networkBandwidthGbps", CfnSpotFleetNetworkBandwidthGbpsRequestPropertyValidator)(properties.networkBandwidthGbps)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("networkInterfaceCount", CfnSpotFleetNetworkInterfaceCountRequestPropertyValidator)(properties.networkInterfaceCount)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("onDemandMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.onDemandMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("requireHibernateSupport", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.requireHibernateSupport)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("spotMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.spotMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("totalLocalStorageGb", CfnSpotFleetTotalLocalStorageGBRequestPropertyValidator)(properties.totalLocalStorageGb)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vCpuCount", CfnSpotFleetVCpuCountRangeRequestPropertyValidator)(properties.vCpuCount)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"InstanceRequirementsRequestProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSpotFleetInstanceRequirementsRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSpotFleetInstanceRequirementsRequestPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AcceleratorCount": convertCfnSpotFleetAcceleratorCountRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.acceleratorCount), + "AcceleratorManufacturers": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.acceleratorManufacturers), + "AcceleratorNames": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.acceleratorNames), + "AcceleratorTotalMemoryMiB": convertCfnSpotFleetAcceleratorTotalMemoryMiBRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.acceleratorTotalMemoryMiB), + "AcceleratorTypes": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.acceleratorTypes), + "AllowedInstanceTypes": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.allowedInstanceTypes), + "BareMetal": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.bareMetal), + "BaselineEbsBandwidthMbps": convertCfnSpotFleetBaselineEbsBandwidthMbpsRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.baselineEbsBandwidthMbps), + "BurstablePerformance": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.burstablePerformance), + "CpuManufacturers": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.cpuManufacturers), + "ExcludedInstanceTypes": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.excludedInstanceTypes), + "InstanceGenerations": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.instanceGenerations), + "LocalStorage": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.localStorage), + "LocalStorageTypes": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.localStorageTypes), + "MemoryGiBPerVCpu": convertCfnSpotFleetMemoryGiBPerVCpuRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.memoryGiBPerVCpu), + "MemoryMiB": convertCfnSpotFleetMemoryMiBRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.memoryMiB), + "NetworkBandwidthGbps": convertCfnSpotFleetNetworkBandwidthGbpsRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.networkBandwidthGbps), + "NetworkInterfaceCount": convertCfnSpotFleetNetworkInterfaceCountRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.networkInterfaceCount), + "OnDemandMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.onDemandMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice), + "RequireHibernateSupport": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.requireHibernateSupport), + "SpotMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.spotMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice), + "TotalLocalStorageGB": convertCfnSpotFleetTotalLocalStorageGBRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.totalLocalStorageGb), + "VCpuCount": convertCfnSpotFleetVCpuCountRangeRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.vCpuCount) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetInstanceRequirementsRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("acceleratorCount", "AcceleratorCount", (properties.AcceleratorCount != null ? CfnSpotFleetAcceleratorCountRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.AcceleratorCount) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("acceleratorManufacturers", "AcceleratorManufacturers", (properties.AcceleratorManufacturers != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.AcceleratorManufacturers) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("acceleratorNames", "AcceleratorNames", (properties.AcceleratorNames != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.AcceleratorNames) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("acceleratorTotalMemoryMiB", "AcceleratorTotalMemoryMiB", (properties.AcceleratorTotalMemoryMiB != null ? CfnSpotFleetAcceleratorTotalMemoryMiBRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.AcceleratorTotalMemoryMiB) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("acceleratorTypes", "AcceleratorTypes", (properties.AcceleratorTypes != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.AcceleratorTypes) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("allowedInstanceTypes", "AllowedInstanceTypes", (properties.AllowedInstanceTypes != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.AllowedInstanceTypes) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("bareMetal", "BareMetal", (properties.BareMetal != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.BareMetal) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("baselineEbsBandwidthMbps", "BaselineEbsBandwidthMbps", (properties.BaselineEbsBandwidthMbps != null ? CfnSpotFleetBaselineEbsBandwidthMbpsRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.BaselineEbsBandwidthMbps) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("burstablePerformance", "BurstablePerformance", (properties.BurstablePerformance != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.BurstablePerformance) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("cpuManufacturers", "CpuManufacturers", (properties.CpuManufacturers != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.CpuManufacturers) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("excludedInstanceTypes", "ExcludedInstanceTypes", (properties.ExcludedInstanceTypes != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.ExcludedInstanceTypes) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("instanceGenerations", "InstanceGenerations", (properties.InstanceGenerations != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.InstanceGenerations) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("localStorage", "LocalStorage", (properties.LocalStorage != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.LocalStorage) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("localStorageTypes", "LocalStorageTypes", (properties.LocalStorageTypes != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.LocalStorageTypes) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("memoryGiBPerVCpu", "MemoryGiBPerVCpu", (properties.MemoryGiBPerVCpu != null ? CfnSpotFleetMemoryGiBPerVCpuRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.MemoryGiBPerVCpu) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("memoryMiB", "MemoryMiB", (properties.MemoryMiB != null ? CfnSpotFleetMemoryMiBRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.MemoryMiB) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("networkBandwidthGbps", "NetworkBandwidthGbps", (properties.NetworkBandwidthGbps != null ? CfnSpotFleetNetworkBandwidthGbpsRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.NetworkBandwidthGbps) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("networkInterfaceCount", "NetworkInterfaceCount", (properties.NetworkInterfaceCount != null ? CfnSpotFleetNetworkInterfaceCountRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.NetworkInterfaceCount) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("onDemandMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice", "OnDemandMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice", (properties.OnDemandMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.OnDemandMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("requireHibernateSupport", "RequireHibernateSupport", (properties.RequireHibernateSupport != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.RequireHibernateSupport) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("spotMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice", "SpotMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice", (properties.SpotMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.SpotMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("totalLocalStorageGb", "TotalLocalStorageGB", (properties.TotalLocalStorageGB != null ? CfnSpotFleetTotalLocalStorageGBRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.TotalLocalStorageGB) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("vCpuCount", "VCpuCount", (properties.VCpuCount != null ? CfnSpotFleetVCpuCountRangeRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.VCpuCount) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`SpotFleetLaunchSpecificationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`SpotFleetLaunchSpecificationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetSpotFleetLaunchSpecificationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("blockDeviceMappings", cdk.listValidator(CfnSpotFleetBlockDeviceMappingPropertyValidator))(properties.blockDeviceMappings)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ebsOptimized", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.ebsOptimized)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("iamInstanceProfile", CfnSpotFleetIamInstanceProfileSpecificationPropertyValidator)(properties.iamInstanceProfile)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("imageId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.imageId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("imageId", cdk.validateString)(properties.imageId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("instanceRequirements", CfnSpotFleetInstanceRequirementsRequestPropertyValidator)(properties.instanceRequirements)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("instanceType", cdk.validateString)(properties.instanceType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("kernelId", cdk.validateString)(properties.kernelId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("keyName", cdk.validateString)(properties.keyName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("monitoring", CfnSpotFleetSpotFleetMonitoringPropertyValidator)(properties.monitoring)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("networkInterfaces", cdk.listValidator(CfnSpotFleetInstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecificationPropertyValidator))(properties.networkInterfaces)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("placement", CfnSpotFleetSpotPlacementPropertyValidator)(properties.placement)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ramdiskId", cdk.validateString)(properties.ramdiskId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("securityGroups", cdk.listValidator(CfnSpotFleetGroupIdentifierPropertyValidator))(properties.securityGroups)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("spotPrice", cdk.validateString)(properties.spotPrice)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("subnetId", cdk.validateString)(properties.subnetId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tagSpecifications", cdk.listValidator(CfnSpotFleetSpotFleetTagSpecificationPropertyValidator))(properties.tagSpecifications)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("userData", cdk.validateString)(properties.userData)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("weightedCapacity", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.weightedCapacity)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"SpotFleetLaunchSpecificationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSpotFleetSpotFleetLaunchSpecificationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSpotFleetSpotFleetLaunchSpecificationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "BlockDeviceMappings": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnSpotFleetBlockDeviceMappingPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.blockDeviceMappings), + "EbsOptimized": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.ebsOptimized), + "IamInstanceProfile": convertCfnSpotFleetIamInstanceProfileSpecificationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.iamInstanceProfile), + "ImageId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.imageId), + "InstanceRequirements": convertCfnSpotFleetInstanceRequirementsRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.instanceRequirements), + "InstanceType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.instanceType), + "KernelId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.kernelId), + "KeyName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.keyName), + "Monitoring": convertCfnSpotFleetSpotFleetMonitoringPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.monitoring), + "NetworkInterfaces": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnSpotFleetInstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecificationPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.networkInterfaces), + "Placement": convertCfnSpotFleetSpotPlacementPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.placement), + "RamdiskId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.ramdiskId), + "SecurityGroups": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnSpotFleetGroupIdentifierPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.securityGroups), + "SpotPrice": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.spotPrice), + "SubnetId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.subnetId), + "TagSpecifications": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnSpotFleetSpotFleetTagSpecificationPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.tagSpecifications), + "UserData": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.userData), + "WeightedCapacity": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.weightedCapacity) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetSpotFleetLaunchSpecificationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("blockDeviceMappings", "BlockDeviceMappings", (properties.BlockDeviceMappings != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnSpotFleetBlockDeviceMappingPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.BlockDeviceMappings) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ebsOptimized", "EbsOptimized", (properties.EbsOptimized != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.EbsOptimized) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("iamInstanceProfile", "IamInstanceProfile", (properties.IamInstanceProfile != null ? CfnSpotFleetIamInstanceProfileSpecificationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.IamInstanceProfile) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("imageId", "ImageId", (properties.ImageId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ImageId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("instanceRequirements", "InstanceRequirements", (properties.InstanceRequirements != null ? CfnSpotFleetInstanceRequirementsRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.InstanceRequirements) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("instanceType", "InstanceType", (properties.InstanceType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.InstanceType) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("kernelId", "KernelId", (properties.KernelId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.KernelId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("keyName", "KeyName", (properties.KeyName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.KeyName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("monitoring", "Monitoring", (properties.Monitoring != null ? CfnSpotFleetSpotFleetMonitoringPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.Monitoring) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("networkInterfaces", "NetworkInterfaces", (properties.NetworkInterfaces != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnSpotFleetInstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecificationPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.NetworkInterfaces) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("placement", "Placement", (properties.Placement != null ? CfnSpotFleetSpotPlacementPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.Placement) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ramdiskId", "RamdiskId", (properties.RamdiskId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.RamdiskId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("securityGroups", "SecurityGroups", (properties.SecurityGroups != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnSpotFleetGroupIdentifierPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.SecurityGroups) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("spotPrice", "SpotPrice", (properties.SpotPrice != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SpotPrice) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("subnetId", "SubnetId", (properties.SubnetId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SubnetId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tagSpecifications", "TagSpecifications", (properties.TagSpecifications != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnSpotFleetSpotFleetTagSpecificationPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.TagSpecifications) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("userData", "UserData", (properties.UserData != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.UserData) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("weightedCapacity", "WeightedCapacity", (properties.WeightedCapacity != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.WeightedCapacity) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`FleetLaunchTemplateSpecificationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`FleetLaunchTemplateSpecificationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetFleetLaunchTemplateSpecificationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("launchTemplateId", cdk.validateString)(properties.launchTemplateId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("launchTemplateName", cdk.validateString)(properties.launchTemplateName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("version", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.version)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("version", cdk.validateString)(properties.version)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"FleetLaunchTemplateSpecificationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSpotFleetFleetLaunchTemplateSpecificationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSpotFleetFleetLaunchTemplateSpecificationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "LaunchTemplateId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.launchTemplateId), + "LaunchTemplateName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.launchTemplateName), + "Version": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.version) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetFleetLaunchTemplateSpecificationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("launchTemplateId", "LaunchTemplateId", (properties.LaunchTemplateId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.LaunchTemplateId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("launchTemplateName", "LaunchTemplateName", (properties.LaunchTemplateName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.LaunchTemplateName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("version", "Version", (properties.Version != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Version) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`LaunchTemplateOverridesProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`LaunchTemplateOverridesProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetLaunchTemplateOverridesPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("availabilityZone", cdk.validateString)(properties.availabilityZone)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("instanceRequirements", CfnSpotFleetInstanceRequirementsRequestPropertyValidator)(properties.instanceRequirements)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("instanceType", cdk.validateString)(properties.instanceType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("priority", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.priority)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("spotPrice", cdk.validateString)(properties.spotPrice)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("subnetId", cdk.validateString)(properties.subnetId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("weightedCapacity", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.weightedCapacity)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"LaunchTemplateOverridesProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSpotFleetLaunchTemplateOverridesPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSpotFleetLaunchTemplateOverridesPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AvailabilityZone": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.availabilityZone), + "InstanceRequirements": convertCfnSpotFleetInstanceRequirementsRequestPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.instanceRequirements), + "InstanceType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.instanceType), + "Priority": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.priority), + "SpotPrice": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.spotPrice), + "SubnetId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.subnetId), + "WeightedCapacity": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.weightedCapacity) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetLaunchTemplateOverridesPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("availabilityZone", "AvailabilityZone", (properties.AvailabilityZone != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.AvailabilityZone) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("instanceRequirements", "InstanceRequirements", (properties.InstanceRequirements != null ? CfnSpotFleetInstanceRequirementsRequestPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.InstanceRequirements) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("instanceType", "InstanceType", (properties.InstanceType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.InstanceType) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("priority", "Priority", (properties.Priority != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Priority) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("spotPrice", "SpotPrice", (properties.SpotPrice != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SpotPrice) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("subnetId", "SubnetId", (properties.SubnetId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SubnetId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("weightedCapacity", "WeightedCapacity", (properties.WeightedCapacity != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.WeightedCapacity) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`LaunchTemplateConfigProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`LaunchTemplateConfigProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetLaunchTemplateConfigPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("launchTemplateSpecification", CfnSpotFleetFleetLaunchTemplateSpecificationPropertyValidator)(properties.launchTemplateSpecification)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("overrides", cdk.listValidator(CfnSpotFleetLaunchTemplateOverridesPropertyValidator))(properties.overrides)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"LaunchTemplateConfigProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSpotFleetLaunchTemplateConfigPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSpotFleetLaunchTemplateConfigPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "LaunchTemplateSpecification": convertCfnSpotFleetFleetLaunchTemplateSpecificationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.launchTemplateSpecification), + "Overrides": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnSpotFleetLaunchTemplateOverridesPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.overrides) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetLaunchTemplateConfigPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("launchTemplateSpecification", "LaunchTemplateSpecification", (properties.LaunchTemplateSpecification != null ? CfnSpotFleetFleetLaunchTemplateSpecificationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.LaunchTemplateSpecification) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("overrides", "Overrides", (properties.Overrides != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnSpotFleetLaunchTemplateOverridesPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.Overrides) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`ClassicLoadBalancerProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`ClassicLoadBalancerProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetClassicLoadBalancerPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("name", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.name)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("name", cdk.validateString)(properties.name)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"ClassicLoadBalancerProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSpotFleetClassicLoadBalancerPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSpotFleetClassicLoadBalancerPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Name": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.name) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetClassicLoadBalancerPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("name", "Name", (properties.Name != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Name) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`ClassicLoadBalancersConfigProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`ClassicLoadBalancersConfigProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetClassicLoadBalancersConfigPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("classicLoadBalancers", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.classicLoadBalancers)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("classicLoadBalancers", cdk.listValidator(CfnSpotFleetClassicLoadBalancerPropertyValidator))(properties.classicLoadBalancers)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"ClassicLoadBalancersConfigProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSpotFleetClassicLoadBalancersConfigPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSpotFleetClassicLoadBalancersConfigPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ClassicLoadBalancers": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnSpotFleetClassicLoadBalancerPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.classicLoadBalancers) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetClassicLoadBalancersConfigPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("classicLoadBalancers", "ClassicLoadBalancers", (properties.ClassicLoadBalancers != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnSpotFleetClassicLoadBalancerPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.ClassicLoadBalancers) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`TargetGroupProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`TargetGroupProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetTargetGroupPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("arn", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.arn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("arn", cdk.validateString)(properties.arn)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"TargetGroupProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSpotFleetTargetGroupPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSpotFleetTargetGroupPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Arn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.arn) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetTargetGroupPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("arn", "Arn", (properties.Arn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Arn) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`TargetGroupsConfigProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`TargetGroupsConfigProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetTargetGroupsConfigPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("targetGroups", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.targetGroups)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("targetGroups", cdk.listValidator(CfnSpotFleetTargetGroupPropertyValidator))(properties.targetGroups)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"TargetGroupsConfigProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSpotFleetTargetGroupsConfigPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSpotFleetTargetGroupsConfigPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "TargetGroups": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnSpotFleetTargetGroupPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.targetGroups) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetTargetGroupsConfigPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("targetGroups", "TargetGroups", (properties.TargetGroups != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnSpotFleetTargetGroupPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.TargetGroups) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`LoadBalancersConfigProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`LoadBalancersConfigProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetLoadBalancersConfigPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("classicLoadBalancersConfig", CfnSpotFleetClassicLoadBalancersConfigPropertyValidator)(properties.classicLoadBalancersConfig)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("targetGroupsConfig", CfnSpotFleetTargetGroupsConfigPropertyValidator)(properties.targetGroupsConfig)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"LoadBalancersConfigProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSpotFleetLoadBalancersConfigPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSpotFleetLoadBalancersConfigPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ClassicLoadBalancersConfig": convertCfnSpotFleetClassicLoadBalancersConfigPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.classicLoadBalancersConfig), + "TargetGroupsConfig": convertCfnSpotFleetTargetGroupsConfigPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.targetGroupsConfig) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetLoadBalancersConfigPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("classicLoadBalancersConfig", "ClassicLoadBalancersConfig", (properties.ClassicLoadBalancersConfig != null ? CfnSpotFleetClassicLoadBalancersConfigPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.ClassicLoadBalancersConfig) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("targetGroupsConfig", "TargetGroupsConfig", (properties.TargetGroupsConfig != null ? CfnSpotFleetTargetGroupsConfigPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.TargetGroupsConfig) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`SpotCapacityRebalanceProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`SpotCapacityRebalanceProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetSpotCapacityRebalancePropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("replacementStrategy", cdk.validateString)(properties.replacementStrategy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("terminationDelay", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.terminationDelay)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"SpotCapacityRebalanceProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSpotFleetSpotCapacityRebalancePropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSpotFleetSpotCapacityRebalancePropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ReplacementStrategy": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.replacementStrategy), + "TerminationDelay": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.terminationDelay) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetSpotCapacityRebalancePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("replacementStrategy", "ReplacementStrategy", (properties.ReplacementStrategy != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ReplacementStrategy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("terminationDelay", "TerminationDelay", (properties.TerminationDelay != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.TerminationDelay) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`SpotMaintenanceStrategiesProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`SpotMaintenanceStrategiesProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetSpotMaintenanceStrategiesPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("capacityRebalance", CfnSpotFleetSpotCapacityRebalancePropertyValidator)(properties.capacityRebalance)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"SpotMaintenanceStrategiesProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSpotFleetSpotMaintenanceStrategiesPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSpotFleetSpotMaintenanceStrategiesPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "CapacityRebalance": convertCfnSpotFleetSpotCapacityRebalancePropertyToCloudFormation(properties.capacityRebalance) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetSpotMaintenanceStrategiesPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("capacityRebalance", "CapacityRebalance", (properties.CapacityRebalance != null ? CfnSpotFleetSpotCapacityRebalancePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.CapacityRebalance) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`SpotFleetRequestConfigDataProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`SpotFleetRequestConfigDataProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("allocationStrategy", cdk.validateString)(properties.allocationStrategy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("context", cdk.validateString)(properties.context)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("excessCapacityTerminationPolicy", cdk.validateString)(properties.excessCapacityTerminationPolicy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("iamFleetRole", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.iamFleetRole)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("iamFleetRole", cdk.validateString)(properties.iamFleetRole)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("instanceInterruptionBehavior", cdk.validateString)(properties.instanceInterruptionBehavior)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("instancePoolsToUseCount", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.instancePoolsToUseCount)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("launchSpecifications", cdk.listValidator(CfnSpotFleetSpotFleetLaunchSpecificationPropertyValidator))(properties.launchSpecifications)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("launchTemplateConfigs", cdk.listValidator(CfnSpotFleetLaunchTemplateConfigPropertyValidator))(properties.launchTemplateConfigs)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("loadBalancersConfig", CfnSpotFleetLoadBalancersConfigPropertyValidator)(properties.loadBalancersConfig)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("onDemandAllocationStrategy", cdk.validateString)(properties.onDemandAllocationStrategy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("onDemandMaxTotalPrice", cdk.validateString)(properties.onDemandMaxTotalPrice)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("onDemandTargetCapacity", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.onDemandTargetCapacity)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("replaceUnhealthyInstances", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.replaceUnhealthyInstances)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("spotMaintenanceStrategies", CfnSpotFleetSpotMaintenanceStrategiesPropertyValidator)(properties.spotMaintenanceStrategies)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("spotMaxTotalPrice", cdk.validateString)(properties.spotMaxTotalPrice)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("spotPrice", cdk.validateString)(properties.spotPrice)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tagSpecifications", cdk.listValidator(CfnSpotFleetSpotFleetTagSpecificationPropertyValidator))(properties.tagSpecifications)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("targetCapacity", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.targetCapacity)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("targetCapacity", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.targetCapacity)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("targetCapacityUnitType", cdk.validateString)(properties.targetCapacityUnitType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("terminateInstancesWithExpiration", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.terminateInstancesWithExpiration)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("type", cdk.validateString)(properties.type)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("validFrom", cdk.validateString)(properties.validFrom)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("validUntil", cdk.validateString)(properties.validUntil)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"SpotFleetRequestConfigDataProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AllocationStrategy": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.allocationStrategy), + "Context": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.context), + "ExcessCapacityTerminationPolicy": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.excessCapacityTerminationPolicy), + "IamFleetRole": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.iamFleetRole), + "InstanceInterruptionBehavior": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.instanceInterruptionBehavior), + "InstancePoolsToUseCount": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.instancePoolsToUseCount), + "LaunchSpecifications": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnSpotFleetSpotFleetLaunchSpecificationPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.launchSpecifications), + "LaunchTemplateConfigs": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnSpotFleetLaunchTemplateConfigPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.launchTemplateConfigs), + "LoadBalancersConfig": convertCfnSpotFleetLoadBalancersConfigPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.loadBalancersConfig), + "OnDemandAllocationStrategy": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.onDemandAllocationStrategy), + "OnDemandMaxTotalPrice": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.onDemandMaxTotalPrice), + "OnDemandTargetCapacity": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.onDemandTargetCapacity), + "ReplaceUnhealthyInstances": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.replaceUnhealthyInstances), + "SpotMaintenanceStrategies": convertCfnSpotFleetSpotMaintenanceStrategiesPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.spotMaintenanceStrategies), + "SpotMaxTotalPrice": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.spotMaxTotalPrice), + "SpotPrice": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.spotPrice), + "TagSpecifications": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnSpotFleetSpotFleetTagSpecificationPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.tagSpecifications), + "TargetCapacity": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.targetCapacity), + "TargetCapacityUnitType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.targetCapacityUnitType), + "TerminateInstancesWithExpiration": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.terminateInstancesWithExpiration), + "Type": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.type), + "ValidFrom": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.validFrom), + "ValidUntil": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.validUntil) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("allocationStrategy", "AllocationStrategy", (properties.AllocationStrategy != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.AllocationStrategy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("context", "Context", (properties.Context != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Context) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("excessCapacityTerminationPolicy", "ExcessCapacityTerminationPolicy", (properties.ExcessCapacityTerminationPolicy != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ExcessCapacityTerminationPolicy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("iamFleetRole", "IamFleetRole", (properties.IamFleetRole != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.IamFleetRole) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("instanceInterruptionBehavior", "InstanceInterruptionBehavior", (properties.InstanceInterruptionBehavior != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.InstanceInterruptionBehavior) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("instancePoolsToUseCount", "InstancePoolsToUseCount", (properties.InstancePoolsToUseCount != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.InstancePoolsToUseCount) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("launchSpecifications", "LaunchSpecifications", (properties.LaunchSpecifications != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnSpotFleetSpotFleetLaunchSpecificationPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.LaunchSpecifications) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("launchTemplateConfigs", "LaunchTemplateConfigs", (properties.LaunchTemplateConfigs != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnSpotFleetLaunchTemplateConfigPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.LaunchTemplateConfigs) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("loadBalancersConfig", "LoadBalancersConfig", (properties.LoadBalancersConfig != null ? CfnSpotFleetLoadBalancersConfigPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.LoadBalancersConfig) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("onDemandAllocationStrategy", "OnDemandAllocationStrategy", (properties.OnDemandAllocationStrategy != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.OnDemandAllocationStrategy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("onDemandMaxTotalPrice", "OnDemandMaxTotalPrice", (properties.OnDemandMaxTotalPrice != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.OnDemandMaxTotalPrice) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("onDemandTargetCapacity", "OnDemandTargetCapacity", (properties.OnDemandTargetCapacity != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.OnDemandTargetCapacity) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("replaceUnhealthyInstances", "ReplaceUnhealthyInstances", (properties.ReplaceUnhealthyInstances != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.ReplaceUnhealthyInstances) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("spotMaintenanceStrategies", "SpotMaintenanceStrategies", (properties.SpotMaintenanceStrategies != null ? CfnSpotFleetSpotMaintenanceStrategiesPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.SpotMaintenanceStrategies) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("spotMaxTotalPrice", "SpotMaxTotalPrice", (properties.SpotMaxTotalPrice != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SpotMaxTotalPrice) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("spotPrice", "SpotPrice", (properties.SpotPrice != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SpotPrice) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tagSpecifications", "TagSpecifications", (properties.TagSpecifications != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnSpotFleetSpotFleetTagSpecificationPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.TagSpecifications) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("targetCapacity", "TargetCapacity", (properties.TargetCapacity != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.TargetCapacity) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("targetCapacityUnitType", "TargetCapacityUnitType", (properties.TargetCapacityUnitType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.TargetCapacityUnitType) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("terminateInstancesWithExpiration", "TerminateInstancesWithExpiration", (properties.TerminateInstancesWithExpiration != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.TerminateInstancesWithExpiration) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("type", "Type", (properties.Type != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Type) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("validFrom", "ValidFrom", (properties.ValidFrom != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ValidFrom) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("validUntil", "ValidUntil", (properties.ValidUntil != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ValidUntil) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnSpotFleetProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnSpotFleetProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("spotFleetRequestConfigData", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.spotFleetRequestConfigData)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("spotFleetRequestConfigData", CfnSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataPropertyValidator)(properties.spotFleetRequestConfigData)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnSpotFleetProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSpotFleetPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSpotFleetPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "SpotFleetRequestConfigData": convertCfnSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.spotFleetRequestConfigData) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSpotFleetPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("spotFleetRequestConfigData", "SpotFleetRequestConfigData", (properties.SpotFleetRequestConfigData != null ? CfnSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.SpotFleetRequestConfigData) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Specifies a subnet for the specified VPC. + * + * For an IPv4 only subnet, specify an IPv4 CIDR block. If the VPC has an IPv6 CIDR block, you can create an IPv6 only subnet or a dual stack subnet instead. For an IPv6 only subnet, specify an IPv6 CIDR block. For a dual stack subnet, specify both an IPv4 CIDR block and an IPv6 CIDR block. + * + * For more information, see [Subnets for your VPC](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/userguide/configure-subnets.html) in the *Amazon VPC User Guide* . + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-subnet.html + */ +export class CfnSubnet extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::Subnet"; + + /** + * Build a CfnSubnet from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnSubnet { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnSubnetPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnSubnet(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The Availability Zone of this subnet. For example: + * + * \`{ "Fn::GetAtt" : [ "mySubnet", "AvailabilityZone" ] }\` + * + * @cloudformationAttribute AvailabilityZone + */ + public readonly attrAvailabilityZone: string; + + /** + * The IPv6 CIDR blocks that are associated with the subnet, such as \`[ 2001:db8:1234:1a00::/64 ]\` . + * + * @cloudformationAttribute Ipv6CidrBlocks + */ + public readonly attrIpv6CidrBlocks: Array; + + /** + * The ID of the network ACL that is associated with the subnet's VPC, such as \`acl-5fb85d36\` . + * + * @cloudformationAttribute NetworkAclAssociationId + */ + public readonly attrNetworkAclAssociationId: string; + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Outpost. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute OutpostArn + */ + public readonly attrOutpostArn: string; + + /** + * The ID of the subnet. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute SubnetId + */ + public readonly attrSubnetId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the subnet's VPC, such as \`vpc-11ad4878\` . + * + * @cloudformationAttribute VpcId + */ + public readonly attrVpcId: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether a network interface created in this subnet receives an IPv6 address. The default value is \`false\` . + */ + public assignIpv6AddressOnCreation?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The Availability Zone of the subnet. + */ + public availabilityZone?: string; + + /** + * The AZ ID of the subnet. + */ + public availabilityZoneId?: string; + + /** + * The IPv4 CIDR block assigned to the subnet. + */ + public cidrBlock?: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether DNS queries made to the Amazon-provided DNS Resolver in this subnet should return synthetic IPv6 addresses for IPv4-only destinations. + */ + public enableDns64?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The IPv6 CIDR block. + */ + public ipv6CidrBlock?: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether this is an IPv6 only subnet. + */ + public ipv6Native?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Indicates whether instances launched in this subnet receive a public IPv4 address. + */ + public mapPublicIpOnLaunch?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Outpost. + */ + public outpostArn?: string; + + /** + * The hostname type for EC2 instances launched into this subnet and how DNS A and AAAA record queries to the instances should be handled. + */ + public privateDnsNameOptionsOnLaunch?: any | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * Any tags assigned to the subnet. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * The ID of the VPC the subnet is in. + */ + public vpcId: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnSubnetProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnSubnet.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "vpcId", this); + + this.attrAvailabilityZone = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("AvailabilityZone", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrIpv6CidrBlocks = cdk.Token.asList(this.getAtt("Ipv6CidrBlocks", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING_LIST)); + this.attrNetworkAclAssociationId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("NetworkAclAssociationId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrOutpostArn = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("OutpostArn", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrSubnetId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("SubnetId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrVpcId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("VpcId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.assignIpv6AddressOnCreation = props.assignIpv6AddressOnCreation; + this.availabilityZone = props.availabilityZone; + this.availabilityZoneId = props.availabilityZoneId; + this.cidrBlock = props.cidrBlock; + this.enableDns64 = props.enableDns64; + this.ipv6CidrBlock = props.ipv6CidrBlock; + this.ipv6Native = props.ipv6Native; + this.mapPublicIpOnLaunch = props.mapPublicIpOnLaunch; + this.outpostArn = props.outpostArn; + this.privateDnsNameOptionsOnLaunch = props.privateDnsNameOptionsOnLaunch; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::EC2::Subnet", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + this.vpcId = props.vpcId; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "assignIpv6AddressOnCreation": this.assignIpv6AddressOnCreation, + "availabilityZone": this.availabilityZone, + "availabilityZoneId": this.availabilityZoneId, + "cidrBlock": this.cidrBlock, + "enableDns64": this.enableDns64, + "ipv6CidrBlock": this.ipv6CidrBlock, + "ipv6Native": this.ipv6Native, + "mapPublicIpOnLaunch": this.mapPublicIpOnLaunch, + "outpostArn": this.outpostArn, + "privateDnsNameOptionsOnLaunch": this.privateDnsNameOptionsOnLaunch, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags(), + "vpcId": this.vpcId + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnSubnet.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnSubnetPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +export namespace CfnSubnet { + /** + * Describes the options for instance hostnames. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-subnet-privatednsnameoptionsonlaunch.html + */ + export interface PrivateDnsNameOptionsOnLaunchProperty { + /** + * Indicates whether to respond to DNS queries for instance hostname with DNS AAAA records. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-subnet-privatednsnameoptionsonlaunch.html#cfn-ec2-subnet-privatednsnameoptionsonlaunch-enableresourcenamednsaaaarecord + */ + readonly enableResourceNameDnsAaaaRecord?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Indicates whether to respond to DNS queries for instance hostnames with DNS A records. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-subnet-privatednsnameoptionsonlaunch.html#cfn-ec2-subnet-privatednsnameoptionsonlaunch-enableresourcenamednsarecord + */ + readonly enableResourceNameDnsARecord?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The type of hostname for EC2 instances. + * + * For IPv4 only subnets, an instance DNS name must be based on the instance IPv4 address. For IPv6 only subnets, an instance DNS name must be based on the instance ID. For dual-stack subnets, you can specify whether DNS names use the instance IPv4 address or the instance ID. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-subnet-privatednsnameoptionsonlaunch.html#cfn-ec2-subnet-privatednsnameoptionsonlaunch-hostnametype + */ + readonly hostnameType?: string; + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnSubnet\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-subnet.html + */ +export interface CfnSubnetProps { + /** + * Indicates whether a network interface created in this subnet receives an IPv6 address. The default value is \`false\` . + * + * If you specify \`AssignIpv6AddressOnCreation\` , you must also specify \`Ipv6CidrBlock\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-subnet.html#cfn-ec2-subnet-assignipv6addressoncreation + */ + readonly assignIpv6AddressOnCreation?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The Availability Zone of the subnet. + * + * If you update this property, you must also update the \`CidrBlock\` property. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-subnet.html#cfn-ec2-subnet-availabilityzone + */ + readonly availabilityZone?: string; + + /** + * The AZ ID of the subnet. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-subnet.html#cfn-ec2-subnet-availabilityzoneid + */ + readonly availabilityZoneId?: string; + + /** + * The IPv4 CIDR block assigned to the subnet. + * + * If you update this property, we create a new subnet, and then delete the existing one. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-subnet.html#cfn-ec2-subnet-cidrblock + */ + readonly cidrBlock?: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether DNS queries made to the Amazon-provided DNS Resolver in this subnet should return synthetic IPv6 addresses for IPv4-only destinations. + * + * For more information, see [DNS64 and NAT64](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/userguide/vpc-nat-gateway.html#nat-gateway-nat64-dns64) in the *Amazon Virtual Private Cloud User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-subnet.html#cfn-ec2-subnet-enabledns64 + */ + readonly enableDns64?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The IPv6 CIDR block. + * + * If you specify \`AssignIpv6AddressOnCreation\` , you must also specify \`Ipv6CidrBlock\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-subnet.html#cfn-ec2-subnet-ipv6cidrblock + */ + readonly ipv6CidrBlock?: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether this is an IPv6 only subnet. + * + * For more information, see [Subnet basics](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/userguide/VPC_Subnets.html#subnet-basics) in the *Amazon Virtual Private Cloud User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-subnet.html#cfn-ec2-subnet-ipv6native + */ + readonly ipv6Native?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Indicates whether instances launched in this subnet receive a public IPv4 address. + * + * The default value is \`false\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-subnet.html#cfn-ec2-subnet-mappubliciponlaunch + */ + readonly mapPublicIpOnLaunch?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Outpost. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-subnet.html#cfn-ec2-subnet-outpostarn + */ + readonly outpostArn?: string; + + /** + * The hostname type for EC2 instances launched into this subnet and how DNS A and AAAA record queries to the instances should be handled. + * + * For more information, see [Amazon EC2 instance hostname types](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-instance-naming.html) in the *Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide* . + * + * Available options: + * + * - EnableResourceNameDnsAAAARecord (true | false) + * - EnableResourceNameDnsARecord (true | false) + * - HostnameType (ip-name | resource-name) + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-subnet.html#cfn-ec2-subnet-privatednsnameoptionsonlaunch + */ + readonly privateDnsNameOptionsOnLaunch?: any | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Any tags assigned to the subnet. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-subnet.html#cfn-ec2-subnet-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; + + /** + * The ID of the VPC the subnet is in. + * + * If you update this property, you must also update the \`CidrBlock\` property. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-subnet.html#cfn-ec2-subnet-vpcid + */ + readonly vpcId: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`PrivateDnsNameOptionsOnLaunchProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`PrivateDnsNameOptionsOnLaunchProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSubnetPrivateDnsNameOptionsOnLaunchPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("enableResourceNameDnsAaaaRecord", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.enableResourceNameDnsAaaaRecord)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("enableResourceNameDnsARecord", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.enableResourceNameDnsARecord)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("hostnameType", cdk.validateString)(properties.hostnameType)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"PrivateDnsNameOptionsOnLaunchProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSubnetPrivateDnsNameOptionsOnLaunchPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSubnetPrivateDnsNameOptionsOnLaunchPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "EnableResourceNameDnsAAAARecord": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.enableResourceNameDnsAaaaRecord), + "EnableResourceNameDnsARecord": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.enableResourceNameDnsARecord), + "HostnameType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.hostnameType) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSubnetPrivateDnsNameOptionsOnLaunchPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("enableResourceNameDnsAaaaRecord", "EnableResourceNameDnsAAAARecord", (properties.EnableResourceNameDnsAAAARecord != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.EnableResourceNameDnsAAAARecord) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("enableResourceNameDnsARecord", "EnableResourceNameDnsARecord", (properties.EnableResourceNameDnsARecord != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.EnableResourceNameDnsARecord) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("hostnameType", "HostnameType", (properties.HostnameType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.HostnameType) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnSubnetProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnSubnetProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSubnetPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("assignIpv6AddressOnCreation", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.assignIpv6AddressOnCreation)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("availabilityZone", cdk.validateString)(properties.availabilityZone)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("availabilityZoneId", cdk.validateString)(properties.availabilityZoneId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("cidrBlock", cdk.validateString)(properties.cidrBlock)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("enableDns64", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.enableDns64)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipv6CidrBlock", cdk.validateString)(properties.ipv6CidrBlock)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipv6Native", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.ipv6Native)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("mapPublicIpOnLaunch", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.mapPublicIpOnLaunch)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("outpostArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.outpostArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("privateDnsNameOptionsOnLaunch", cdk.validateObject)(properties.privateDnsNameOptionsOnLaunch)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vpcId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.vpcId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vpcId", cdk.validateString)(properties.vpcId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnSubnetProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSubnetPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSubnetPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AssignIpv6AddressOnCreation": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.assignIpv6AddressOnCreation), + "AvailabilityZone": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.availabilityZone), + "AvailabilityZoneId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.availabilityZoneId), + "CidrBlock": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.cidrBlock), + "EnableDns64": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.enableDns64), + "Ipv6CidrBlock": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.ipv6CidrBlock), + "Ipv6Native": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.ipv6Native), + "MapPublicIpOnLaunch": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.mapPublicIpOnLaunch), + "OutpostArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.outpostArn), + "PrivateDnsNameOptionsOnLaunch": cdk.objectToCloudFormation(properties.privateDnsNameOptionsOnLaunch), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags), + "VpcId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.vpcId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSubnetPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("assignIpv6AddressOnCreation", "AssignIpv6AddressOnCreation", (properties.AssignIpv6AddressOnCreation != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.AssignIpv6AddressOnCreation) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("availabilityZone", "AvailabilityZone", (properties.AvailabilityZone != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.AvailabilityZone) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("availabilityZoneId", "AvailabilityZoneId", (properties.AvailabilityZoneId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.AvailabilityZoneId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("cidrBlock", "CidrBlock", (properties.CidrBlock != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.CidrBlock) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("enableDns64", "EnableDns64", (properties.EnableDns64 != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.EnableDns64) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ipv6CidrBlock", "Ipv6CidrBlock", (properties.Ipv6CidrBlock != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Ipv6CidrBlock) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ipv6Native", "Ipv6Native", (properties.Ipv6Native != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.Ipv6Native) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("mapPublicIpOnLaunch", "MapPublicIpOnLaunch", (properties.MapPublicIpOnLaunch != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.MapPublicIpOnLaunch) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("outpostArn", "OutpostArn", (properties.OutpostArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.OutpostArn) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("privateDnsNameOptionsOnLaunch", "PrivateDnsNameOptionsOnLaunch", (properties.PrivateDnsNameOptionsOnLaunch != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getAny(properties.PrivateDnsNameOptionsOnLaunch) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("vpcId", "VpcId", (properties.VpcId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.VpcId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Associates a CIDR block with your subnet. + * + * You can associate a single IPv6 CIDR block with your subnet. An IPv6 CIDR block must have a prefix length of /64. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-subnetcidrblock.html + */ +export class CfnSubnetCidrBlock extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::SubnetCidrBlock"; + + /** + * Build a CfnSubnetCidrBlock from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnSubnetCidrBlock { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnSubnetCidrBlockPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnSubnetCidrBlock(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The ID of the association. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute Id + */ + public readonly attrId: string; + + /** + * The IPv6 network range for the subnet, in CIDR notation. The subnet size must use a /64 prefix length. + */ + public ipv6CidrBlock: string; + + /** + * The ID of the subnet. + */ + public subnetId: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnSubnetCidrBlockProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnSubnetCidrBlock.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "ipv6CidrBlock", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "subnetId", this); + + this.attrId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Id", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.ipv6CidrBlock = props.ipv6CidrBlock; + this.subnetId = props.subnetId; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "ipv6CidrBlock": this.ipv6CidrBlock, + "subnetId": this.subnetId + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnSubnetCidrBlock.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnSubnetCidrBlockPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnSubnetCidrBlock\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-subnetcidrblock.html + */ +export interface CfnSubnetCidrBlockProps { + /** + * The IPv6 network range for the subnet, in CIDR notation. The subnet size must use a /64 prefix length. + * + * This parameter is required for an IPv6 only subnet. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-subnetcidrblock.html#cfn-ec2-subnetcidrblock-ipv6cidrblock + */ + readonly ipv6CidrBlock: string; + + /** + * The ID of the subnet. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-subnetcidrblock.html#cfn-ec2-subnetcidrblock-subnetid + */ + readonly subnetId: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnSubnetCidrBlockProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnSubnetCidrBlockProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSubnetCidrBlockPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipv6CidrBlock", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.ipv6CidrBlock)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipv6CidrBlock", cdk.validateString)(properties.ipv6CidrBlock)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("subnetId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.subnetId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("subnetId", cdk.validateString)(properties.subnetId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnSubnetCidrBlockProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSubnetCidrBlockPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSubnetCidrBlockPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Ipv6CidrBlock": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.ipv6CidrBlock), + "SubnetId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.subnetId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSubnetCidrBlockPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("ipv6CidrBlock", "Ipv6CidrBlock", (properties.Ipv6CidrBlock != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Ipv6CidrBlock) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("subnetId", "SubnetId", (properties.SubnetId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SubnetId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Associates a subnet with a network ACL. For more information, see [ReplaceNetworkAclAssociation](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/ApiReference-query-ReplaceNetworkAclAssociation.html) in the *Amazon EC2 API Reference* . + * + * When \`AWS::EC2::SubnetNetworkAclAssociation\` resources are created during create or update operations, AWS CloudFormation adopts existing resources that share the same key properties (the properties that contribute to uniquely identify the resource). However, if the operation fails and rolls back, AWS CloudFormation deletes the previously out-of-band resources. You can protect against this behavior by using \`Retain\` deletion policies. For more information, see [DeletionPolicy Attribute](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-attribute-deletionpolicy.html) . + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-subnetnetworkaclassociation.html + */ +export class CfnSubnetNetworkAclAssociation extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::SubnetNetworkAclAssociation"; + + /** + * Build a CfnSubnetNetworkAclAssociation from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnSubnetNetworkAclAssociation { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnSubnetNetworkAclAssociationPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnSubnetNetworkAclAssociation(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * Returns the value of this object's AssociationId property. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute AssociationId + */ + public readonly attrAssociationId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the network ACL. + */ + public networkAclId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the subnet. + */ + public subnetId: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnSubnetNetworkAclAssociationProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnSubnetNetworkAclAssociation.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "networkAclId", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "subnetId", this); + + this.attrAssociationId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("AssociationId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.networkAclId = props.networkAclId; + this.subnetId = props.subnetId; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "networkAclId": this.networkAclId, + "subnetId": this.subnetId + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnSubnetNetworkAclAssociation.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnSubnetNetworkAclAssociationPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnSubnetNetworkAclAssociation\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-subnetnetworkaclassociation.html + */ +export interface CfnSubnetNetworkAclAssociationProps { + /** + * The ID of the network ACL. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-subnetnetworkaclassociation.html#cfn-ec2-subnetnetworkaclassociation-networkaclid + */ + readonly networkAclId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the subnet. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-subnetnetworkaclassociation.html#cfn-ec2-subnetnetworkaclassociation-subnetid + */ + readonly subnetId: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnSubnetNetworkAclAssociationProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnSubnetNetworkAclAssociationProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSubnetNetworkAclAssociationPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("networkAclId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.networkAclId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("networkAclId", cdk.validateString)(properties.networkAclId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("subnetId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.subnetId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("subnetId", cdk.validateString)(properties.subnetId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnSubnetNetworkAclAssociationProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSubnetNetworkAclAssociationPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSubnetNetworkAclAssociationPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "NetworkAclId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.networkAclId), + "SubnetId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.subnetId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSubnetNetworkAclAssociationPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("networkAclId", "NetworkAclId", (properties.NetworkAclId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.NetworkAclId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("subnetId", "SubnetId", (properties.SubnetId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SubnetId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Associates a subnet with a route table. + * + * The subnet and route table must be in the same VPC. This association causes traffic originating from the subnet to be routed according to the routes in the route table. A route table can be associated with multiple subnets. To create a route table, see [AWS::EC2::RouteTable](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-routetable.html) . + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-subnetroutetableassociation.html + */ +export class CfnSubnetRouteTableAssociation extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation"; + + /** + * Build a CfnSubnetRouteTableAssociation from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnSubnetRouteTableAssociation { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnSubnetRouteTableAssociationPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnSubnetRouteTableAssociation(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The ID of the subnet route table association. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute Id + */ + public readonly attrId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the route table. + */ + public routeTableId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the subnet. + */ + public subnetId: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnSubnetRouteTableAssociationProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnSubnetRouteTableAssociation.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "routeTableId", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "subnetId", this); + + this.attrId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Id", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.routeTableId = props.routeTableId; + this.subnetId = props.subnetId; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "routeTableId": this.routeTableId, + "subnetId": this.subnetId + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnSubnetRouteTableAssociation.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnSubnetRouteTableAssociationPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnSubnetRouteTableAssociation\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-subnetroutetableassociation.html + */ +export interface CfnSubnetRouteTableAssociationProps { + /** + * The ID of the route table. + * + * The physical ID changes when the route table ID is changed. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-subnetroutetableassociation.html#cfn-ec2-subnetroutetableassociation-routetableid + */ + readonly routeTableId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the subnet. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-subnetroutetableassociation.html#cfn-ec2-subnetroutetableassociation-subnetid + */ + readonly subnetId: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnSubnetRouteTableAssociationProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnSubnetRouteTableAssociationProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSubnetRouteTableAssociationPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("routeTableId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.routeTableId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("routeTableId", cdk.validateString)(properties.routeTableId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("subnetId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.subnetId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("subnetId", cdk.validateString)(properties.subnetId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnSubnetRouteTableAssociationProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSubnetRouteTableAssociationPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSubnetRouteTableAssociationPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "RouteTableId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.routeTableId), + "SubnetId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.subnetId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSubnetRouteTableAssociationPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("routeTableId", "RouteTableId", (properties.RouteTableId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.RouteTableId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("subnetId", "SubnetId", (properties.SubnetId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SubnetId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Specifies a Traffic Mirror filter. + * + * A Traffic Mirror filter is a set of rules that defines the traffic to mirror. + * + * By default, no traffic is mirrored. To mirror traffic, use [AWS::EC2::TrafficMirrorFilterRule](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-trafficmirrorfilterrule.html) to add Traffic Mirror rules to the filter. The rules you add define what traffic gets mirrored. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-trafficmirrorfilter.html + */ +export class CfnTrafficMirrorFilter extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::TrafficMirrorFilter"; + + /** + * Build a CfnTrafficMirrorFilter from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnTrafficMirrorFilter { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnTrafficMirrorFilterPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnTrafficMirrorFilter(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * @cloudformationAttribute Id + */ + public readonly attrId: string; + + /** + * The description of the Traffic Mirror filter. + */ + public description?: string; + + /** + * The network service traffic that is associated with the Traffic Mirror filter. + */ + public networkServices?: Array; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * The tags to assign to a Traffic Mirror filter. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnTrafficMirrorFilterProps = {}) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnTrafficMirrorFilter.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + this.attrId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Id", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.description = props.description; + this.networkServices = props.networkServices; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::EC2::TrafficMirrorFilter", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "description": this.description, + "networkServices": this.networkServices, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags() + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnTrafficMirrorFilter.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnTrafficMirrorFilterPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnTrafficMirrorFilter\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-trafficmirrorfilter.html + */ +export interface CfnTrafficMirrorFilterProps { + /** + * The description of the Traffic Mirror filter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-trafficmirrorfilter.html#cfn-ec2-trafficmirrorfilter-description + */ + readonly description?: string; + + /** + * The network service traffic that is associated with the Traffic Mirror filter. + * + * Valid values are \`amazon-dns\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-trafficmirrorfilter.html#cfn-ec2-trafficmirrorfilter-networkservices + */ + readonly networkServices?: Array; + + /** + * The tags to assign to a Traffic Mirror filter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-trafficmirrorfilter.html#cfn-ec2-trafficmirrorfilter-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnTrafficMirrorFilterProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnTrafficMirrorFilterProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnTrafficMirrorFilterPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("description", cdk.validateString)(properties.description)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("networkServices", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.networkServices)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnTrafficMirrorFilterProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnTrafficMirrorFilterPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnTrafficMirrorFilterPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Description": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.description), + "NetworkServices": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.networkServices), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnTrafficMirrorFilterPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("description", "Description", (properties.Description != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Description) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("networkServices", "NetworkServices", (properties.NetworkServices != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.NetworkServices) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Creates a Traffic Mirror filter rule. + * + * A Traffic Mirror rule defines the Traffic Mirror source traffic to mirror. + * + * You need the Traffic Mirror filter ID when you create the rule. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-trafficmirrorfilterrule.html + */ +export class CfnTrafficMirrorFilterRule extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::TrafficMirrorFilterRule"; + + /** + * Build a CfnTrafficMirrorFilterRule from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnTrafficMirrorFilterRule { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnTrafficMirrorFilterRulePropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnTrafficMirrorFilterRule(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * @cloudformationAttribute Id + */ + public readonly attrId: string; + + /** + * The description of the Traffic Mirror rule. + */ + public description?: string; + + /** + * The destination CIDR block to assign to the Traffic Mirror rule. + */ + public destinationCidrBlock: string; + + /** + * The destination port range. + */ + public destinationPortRange?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnTrafficMirrorFilterRule.TrafficMirrorPortRangeProperty; + + /** + * The protocol, for example UDP, to assign to the Traffic Mirror rule. + */ + public protocol?: number; + + /** + * The action to take on the filtered traffic. + */ + public ruleAction: string; + + /** + * The number of the Traffic Mirror rule. + */ + public ruleNumber: number; + + /** + * The source CIDR block to assign to the Traffic Mirror rule. + */ + public sourceCidrBlock: string; + + /** + * The source port range. + */ + public sourcePortRange?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnTrafficMirrorFilterRule.TrafficMirrorPortRangeProperty; + + /** + * The type of traffic. + */ + public trafficDirection: string; + + /** + * The ID of the filter that this rule is associated with. + */ + public trafficMirrorFilterId: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnTrafficMirrorFilterRuleProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnTrafficMirrorFilterRule.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "destinationCidrBlock", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "ruleAction", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "ruleNumber", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "sourceCidrBlock", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "trafficDirection", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "trafficMirrorFilterId", this); + + this.attrId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Id", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.description = props.description; + this.destinationCidrBlock = props.destinationCidrBlock; + this.destinationPortRange = props.destinationPortRange; + this.protocol = props.protocol; + this.ruleAction = props.ruleAction; + this.ruleNumber = props.ruleNumber; + this.sourceCidrBlock = props.sourceCidrBlock; + this.sourcePortRange = props.sourcePortRange; + this.trafficDirection = props.trafficDirection; + this.trafficMirrorFilterId = props.trafficMirrorFilterId; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "description": this.description, + "destinationCidrBlock": this.destinationCidrBlock, + "destinationPortRange": this.destinationPortRange, + "protocol": this.protocol, + "ruleAction": this.ruleAction, + "ruleNumber": this.ruleNumber, + "sourceCidrBlock": this.sourceCidrBlock, + "sourcePortRange": this.sourcePortRange, + "trafficDirection": this.trafficDirection, + "trafficMirrorFilterId": this.trafficMirrorFilterId + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnTrafficMirrorFilterRule.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnTrafficMirrorFilterRulePropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +export namespace CfnTrafficMirrorFilterRule { + /** + * Describes the Traffic Mirror port range. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-trafficmirrorfilterrule-trafficmirrorportrange.html + */ + export interface TrafficMirrorPortRangeProperty { + /** + * The start of the Traffic Mirror port range. + * + * This applies to the TCP and UDP protocols. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-trafficmirrorfilterrule-trafficmirrorportrange.html#cfn-ec2-trafficmirrorfilterrule-trafficmirrorportrange-fromport + */ + readonly fromPort: number; + + /** + * The end of the Traffic Mirror port range. + * + * This applies to the TCP and UDP protocols. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-trafficmirrorfilterrule-trafficmirrorportrange.html#cfn-ec2-trafficmirrorfilterrule-trafficmirrorportrange-toport + */ + readonly toPort: number; + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnTrafficMirrorFilterRule\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-trafficmirrorfilterrule.html + */ +export interface CfnTrafficMirrorFilterRuleProps { + /** + * The description of the Traffic Mirror rule. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-trafficmirrorfilterrule.html#cfn-ec2-trafficmirrorfilterrule-description + */ + readonly description?: string; + + /** + * The destination CIDR block to assign to the Traffic Mirror rule. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-trafficmirrorfilterrule.html#cfn-ec2-trafficmirrorfilterrule-destinationcidrblock + */ + readonly destinationCidrBlock: string; + + /** + * The destination port range. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-trafficmirrorfilterrule.html#cfn-ec2-trafficmirrorfilterrule-destinationportrange + */ + readonly destinationPortRange?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnTrafficMirrorFilterRule.TrafficMirrorPortRangeProperty; + + /** + * The protocol, for example UDP, to assign to the Traffic Mirror rule. + * + * For information about the protocol value, see [Protocol Numbers](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/https://www.iana.org/assignments/protocol-numbers/protocol-numbers.xhtml) on the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) website. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-trafficmirrorfilterrule.html#cfn-ec2-trafficmirrorfilterrule-protocol + */ + readonly protocol?: number; + + /** + * The action to take on the filtered traffic. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-trafficmirrorfilterrule.html#cfn-ec2-trafficmirrorfilterrule-ruleaction + */ + readonly ruleAction: string; + + /** + * The number of the Traffic Mirror rule. + * + * This number must be unique for each Traffic Mirror rule in a given direction. The rules are processed in ascending order by rule number. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-trafficmirrorfilterrule.html#cfn-ec2-trafficmirrorfilterrule-rulenumber + */ + readonly ruleNumber: number; + + /** + * The source CIDR block to assign to the Traffic Mirror rule. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-trafficmirrorfilterrule.html#cfn-ec2-trafficmirrorfilterrule-sourcecidrblock + */ + readonly sourceCidrBlock: string; + + /** + * The source port range. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-trafficmirrorfilterrule.html#cfn-ec2-trafficmirrorfilterrule-sourceportrange + */ + readonly sourcePortRange?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnTrafficMirrorFilterRule.TrafficMirrorPortRangeProperty; + + /** + * The type of traffic. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-trafficmirrorfilterrule.html#cfn-ec2-trafficmirrorfilterrule-trafficdirection + */ + readonly trafficDirection: string; + + /** + * The ID of the filter that this rule is associated with. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-trafficmirrorfilterrule.html#cfn-ec2-trafficmirrorfilterrule-trafficmirrorfilterid + */ + readonly trafficMirrorFilterId: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`TrafficMirrorPortRangeProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`TrafficMirrorPortRangeProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnTrafficMirrorFilterRuleTrafficMirrorPortRangePropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("fromPort", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.fromPort)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("fromPort", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.fromPort)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("toPort", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.toPort)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("toPort", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.toPort)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"TrafficMirrorPortRangeProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnTrafficMirrorFilterRuleTrafficMirrorPortRangePropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnTrafficMirrorFilterRuleTrafficMirrorPortRangePropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "FromPort": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.fromPort), + "ToPort": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.toPort) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnTrafficMirrorFilterRuleTrafficMirrorPortRangePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("fromPort", "FromPort", (properties.FromPort != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.FromPort) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("toPort", "ToPort", (properties.ToPort != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.ToPort) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnTrafficMirrorFilterRuleProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnTrafficMirrorFilterRuleProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnTrafficMirrorFilterRulePropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("description", cdk.validateString)(properties.description)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("destinationCidrBlock", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.destinationCidrBlock)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("destinationCidrBlock", cdk.validateString)(properties.destinationCidrBlock)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("destinationPortRange", CfnTrafficMirrorFilterRuleTrafficMirrorPortRangePropertyValidator)(properties.destinationPortRange)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("protocol", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.protocol)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ruleAction", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.ruleAction)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ruleAction", cdk.validateString)(properties.ruleAction)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ruleNumber", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.ruleNumber)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ruleNumber", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.ruleNumber)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sourceCidrBlock", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.sourceCidrBlock)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sourceCidrBlock", cdk.validateString)(properties.sourceCidrBlock)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sourcePortRange", CfnTrafficMirrorFilterRuleTrafficMirrorPortRangePropertyValidator)(properties.sourcePortRange)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("trafficDirection", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.trafficDirection)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("trafficDirection", cdk.validateString)(properties.trafficDirection)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("trafficMirrorFilterId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.trafficMirrorFilterId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("trafficMirrorFilterId", cdk.validateString)(properties.trafficMirrorFilterId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnTrafficMirrorFilterRuleProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnTrafficMirrorFilterRulePropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnTrafficMirrorFilterRulePropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Description": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.description), + "DestinationCidrBlock": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.destinationCidrBlock), + "DestinationPortRange": convertCfnTrafficMirrorFilterRuleTrafficMirrorPortRangePropertyToCloudFormation(properties.destinationPortRange), + "Protocol": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.protocol), + "RuleAction": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.ruleAction), + "RuleNumber": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.ruleNumber), + "SourceCidrBlock": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.sourceCidrBlock), + "SourcePortRange": convertCfnTrafficMirrorFilterRuleTrafficMirrorPortRangePropertyToCloudFormation(properties.sourcePortRange), + "TrafficDirection": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.trafficDirection), + "TrafficMirrorFilterId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.trafficMirrorFilterId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnTrafficMirrorFilterRulePropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("description", "Description", (properties.Description != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Description) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("destinationCidrBlock", "DestinationCidrBlock", (properties.DestinationCidrBlock != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DestinationCidrBlock) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("destinationPortRange", "DestinationPortRange", (properties.DestinationPortRange != null ? CfnTrafficMirrorFilterRuleTrafficMirrorPortRangePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.DestinationPortRange) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("protocol", "Protocol", (properties.Protocol != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Protocol) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ruleAction", "RuleAction", (properties.RuleAction != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.RuleAction) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ruleNumber", "RuleNumber", (properties.RuleNumber != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.RuleNumber) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("sourceCidrBlock", "SourceCidrBlock", (properties.SourceCidrBlock != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SourceCidrBlock) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("sourcePortRange", "SourcePortRange", (properties.SourcePortRange != null ? CfnTrafficMirrorFilterRuleTrafficMirrorPortRangePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.SourcePortRange) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("trafficDirection", "TrafficDirection", (properties.TrafficDirection != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.TrafficDirection) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("trafficMirrorFilterId", "TrafficMirrorFilterId", (properties.TrafficMirrorFilterId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.TrafficMirrorFilterId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Creates a Traffic Mirror session. + * + * A Traffic Mirror session actively copies packets from a Traffic Mirror source to a Traffic Mirror target. Create a filter, and then assign it to the session to define a subset of the traffic to mirror, for example all TCP traffic. + * + * The Traffic Mirror source and the Traffic Mirror target (monitoring appliances) can be in the same VPC, or in a different VPC connected via VPC peering or a transit gateway. + * + * By default, no traffic is mirrored. Use [AWS::EC2::TrafficMirrorFilterRule](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-trafficmirrorfilterrule.html) to specify filter rules that specify the traffic to mirror. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-trafficmirrorsession.html + */ +export class CfnTrafficMirrorSession extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::TrafficMirrorSession"; + + /** + * Build a CfnTrafficMirrorSession from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnTrafficMirrorSession { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnTrafficMirrorSessionPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnTrafficMirrorSession(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * @cloudformationAttribute Id + */ + public readonly attrId: string; + + /** + * The description of the Traffic Mirror session. + */ + public description?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the source network interface. + */ + public networkInterfaceId: string; + + /** + * The number of bytes in each packet to mirror. + */ + public packetLength?: number; + + /** + * The session number determines the order in which sessions are evaluated when an interface is used by multiple sessions. + */ + public sessionNumber: number; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * The tags to assign to a Traffic Mirror session. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * The ID of the Traffic Mirror filter. + */ + public trafficMirrorFilterId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the Traffic Mirror target. + */ + public trafficMirrorTargetId: string; + + /** + * The VXLAN ID for the Traffic Mirror session. + */ + public virtualNetworkId?: number; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnTrafficMirrorSessionProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnTrafficMirrorSession.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "networkInterfaceId", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "sessionNumber", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "trafficMirrorFilterId", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "trafficMirrorTargetId", this); + + this.attrId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Id", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.description = props.description; + this.networkInterfaceId = props.networkInterfaceId; + this.packetLength = props.packetLength; + this.sessionNumber = props.sessionNumber; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::EC2::TrafficMirrorSession", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + this.trafficMirrorFilterId = props.trafficMirrorFilterId; + this.trafficMirrorTargetId = props.trafficMirrorTargetId; + this.virtualNetworkId = props.virtualNetworkId; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "description": this.description, + "networkInterfaceId": this.networkInterfaceId, + "packetLength": this.packetLength, + "sessionNumber": this.sessionNumber, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags(), + "trafficMirrorFilterId": this.trafficMirrorFilterId, + "trafficMirrorTargetId": this.trafficMirrorTargetId, + "virtualNetworkId": this.virtualNetworkId + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnTrafficMirrorSession.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnTrafficMirrorSessionPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnTrafficMirrorSession\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-trafficmirrorsession.html + */ +export interface CfnTrafficMirrorSessionProps { + /** + * The description of the Traffic Mirror session. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-trafficmirrorsession.html#cfn-ec2-trafficmirrorsession-description + */ + readonly description?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the source network interface. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-trafficmirrorsession.html#cfn-ec2-trafficmirrorsession-networkinterfaceid + */ + readonly networkInterfaceId: string; + + /** + * The number of bytes in each packet to mirror. + * + * These are bytes after the VXLAN header. Do not specify this parameter when you want to mirror the entire packet. To mirror a subset of the packet, set this to the length (in bytes) that you want to mirror. For example, if you set this value to 100, then the first 100 bytes that meet the filter criteria are copied to the target. + * + * If you do not want to mirror the entire packet, use the \`PacketLength\` parameter to specify the number of bytes in each packet to mirror. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-trafficmirrorsession.html#cfn-ec2-trafficmirrorsession-packetlength + */ + readonly packetLength?: number; + + /** + * The session number determines the order in which sessions are evaluated when an interface is used by multiple sessions. + * + * The first session with a matching filter is the one that mirrors the packets. + * + * Valid values are 1-32766. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-trafficmirrorsession.html#cfn-ec2-trafficmirrorsession-sessionnumber + */ + readonly sessionNumber: number; + + /** + * The tags to assign to a Traffic Mirror session. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-trafficmirrorsession.html#cfn-ec2-trafficmirrorsession-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; + + /** + * The ID of the Traffic Mirror filter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-trafficmirrorsession.html#cfn-ec2-trafficmirrorsession-trafficmirrorfilterid + */ + readonly trafficMirrorFilterId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the Traffic Mirror target. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-trafficmirrorsession.html#cfn-ec2-trafficmirrorsession-trafficmirrortargetid + */ + readonly trafficMirrorTargetId: string; + + /** + * The VXLAN ID for the Traffic Mirror session. + * + * For more information about the VXLAN protocol, see [RFC 7348](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7348) . If you do not specify a \`VirtualNetworkId\` , an account-wide unique id is chosen at random. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-trafficmirrorsession.html#cfn-ec2-trafficmirrorsession-virtualnetworkid + */ + readonly virtualNetworkId?: number; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnTrafficMirrorSessionProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnTrafficMirrorSessionProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnTrafficMirrorSessionPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("description", cdk.validateString)(properties.description)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("networkInterfaceId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.networkInterfaceId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("networkInterfaceId", cdk.validateString)(properties.networkInterfaceId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("packetLength", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.packetLength)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sessionNumber", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.sessionNumber)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sessionNumber", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.sessionNumber)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("trafficMirrorFilterId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.trafficMirrorFilterId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("trafficMirrorFilterId", cdk.validateString)(properties.trafficMirrorFilterId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("trafficMirrorTargetId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.trafficMirrorTargetId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("trafficMirrorTargetId", cdk.validateString)(properties.trafficMirrorTargetId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("virtualNetworkId", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.virtualNetworkId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnTrafficMirrorSessionProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnTrafficMirrorSessionPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnTrafficMirrorSessionPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Description": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.description), + "NetworkInterfaceId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.networkInterfaceId), + "PacketLength": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.packetLength), + "SessionNumber": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.sessionNumber), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags), + "TrafficMirrorFilterId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.trafficMirrorFilterId), + "TrafficMirrorTargetId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.trafficMirrorTargetId), + "VirtualNetworkId": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.virtualNetworkId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnTrafficMirrorSessionPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("description", "Description", (properties.Description != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Description) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("networkInterfaceId", "NetworkInterfaceId", (properties.NetworkInterfaceId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.NetworkInterfaceId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("packetLength", "PacketLength", (properties.PacketLength != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.PacketLength) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("sessionNumber", "SessionNumber", (properties.SessionNumber != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.SessionNumber) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("trafficMirrorFilterId", "TrafficMirrorFilterId", (properties.TrafficMirrorFilterId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.TrafficMirrorFilterId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("trafficMirrorTargetId", "TrafficMirrorTargetId", (properties.TrafficMirrorTargetId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.TrafficMirrorTargetId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("virtualNetworkId", "VirtualNetworkId", (properties.VirtualNetworkId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.VirtualNetworkId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Specifies a target for your Traffic Mirror session. + * + * A Traffic Mirror target is the destination for mirrored traffic. The Traffic Mirror source and the Traffic Mirror target (monitoring appliances) can be in the same VPC, or in different VPCs connected via VPC peering or a transit gateway. + * + * A Traffic Mirror target can be a network interface, a Network Load Balancer, or a Gateway Load Balancer endpoint. + * + * To use the target in a Traffic Mirror session, use [AWS::EC2::TrafficMirrorSession](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-trafficmirrorsession.html) . + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-trafficmirrortarget.html + */ +export class CfnTrafficMirrorTarget extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::TrafficMirrorTarget"; + + /** + * Build a CfnTrafficMirrorTarget from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnTrafficMirrorTarget { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnTrafficMirrorTargetPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnTrafficMirrorTarget(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * @cloudformationAttribute Id + */ + public readonly attrId: string; + + /** + * The description of the Traffic Mirror target. + */ + public description?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the Gateway Load Balancer endpoint. + */ + public gatewayLoadBalancerEndpointId?: string; + + /** + * The network interface ID that is associated with the target. + */ + public networkInterfaceId?: string; + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Network Load Balancer that is associated with the target. + */ + public networkLoadBalancerArn?: string; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * The tags to assign to the Traffic Mirror target. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnTrafficMirrorTargetProps = {}) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnTrafficMirrorTarget.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + this.attrId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Id", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.description = props.description; + this.gatewayLoadBalancerEndpointId = props.gatewayLoadBalancerEndpointId; + this.networkInterfaceId = props.networkInterfaceId; + this.networkLoadBalancerArn = props.networkLoadBalancerArn; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::EC2::TrafficMirrorTarget", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "description": this.description, + "gatewayLoadBalancerEndpointId": this.gatewayLoadBalancerEndpointId, + "networkInterfaceId": this.networkInterfaceId, + "networkLoadBalancerArn": this.networkLoadBalancerArn, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags() + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnTrafficMirrorTarget.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnTrafficMirrorTargetPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnTrafficMirrorTarget\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-trafficmirrortarget.html + */ +export interface CfnTrafficMirrorTargetProps { + /** + * The description of the Traffic Mirror target. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-trafficmirrortarget.html#cfn-ec2-trafficmirrortarget-description + */ + readonly description?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the Gateway Load Balancer endpoint. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-trafficmirrortarget.html#cfn-ec2-trafficmirrortarget-gatewayloadbalancerendpointid + */ + readonly gatewayLoadBalancerEndpointId?: string; + + /** + * The network interface ID that is associated with the target. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-trafficmirrortarget.html#cfn-ec2-trafficmirrortarget-networkinterfaceid + */ + readonly networkInterfaceId?: string; + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Network Load Balancer that is associated with the target. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-trafficmirrortarget.html#cfn-ec2-trafficmirrortarget-networkloadbalancerarn + */ + readonly networkLoadBalancerArn?: string; + + /** + * The tags to assign to the Traffic Mirror target. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-trafficmirrortarget.html#cfn-ec2-trafficmirrortarget-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnTrafficMirrorTargetProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnTrafficMirrorTargetProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnTrafficMirrorTargetPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("description", cdk.validateString)(properties.description)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("gatewayLoadBalancerEndpointId", cdk.validateString)(properties.gatewayLoadBalancerEndpointId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("networkInterfaceId", cdk.validateString)(properties.networkInterfaceId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("networkLoadBalancerArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.networkLoadBalancerArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnTrafficMirrorTargetProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnTrafficMirrorTargetPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnTrafficMirrorTargetPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Description": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.description), + "GatewayLoadBalancerEndpointId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.gatewayLoadBalancerEndpointId), + "NetworkInterfaceId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.networkInterfaceId), + "NetworkLoadBalancerArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.networkLoadBalancerArn), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnTrafficMirrorTargetPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("description", "Description", (properties.Description != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Description) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("gatewayLoadBalancerEndpointId", "GatewayLoadBalancerEndpointId", (properties.GatewayLoadBalancerEndpointId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.GatewayLoadBalancerEndpointId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("networkInterfaceId", "NetworkInterfaceId", (properties.NetworkInterfaceId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.NetworkInterfaceId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("networkLoadBalancerArn", "NetworkLoadBalancerArn", (properties.NetworkLoadBalancerArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.NetworkLoadBalancerArn) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Specifies a transit gateway. + * + * You can use a transit gateway to interconnect your virtual private clouds (VPC) and on-premises networks. After the transit gateway enters the \`available\` state, you can attach your VPCs and VPN connections to the transit gateway. + * + * To attach your VPCs, use [AWS::EC2::TransitGatewayAttachment](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewayattachment.html) . + * + * To attach a VPN connection, use [AWS::EC2::CustomerGateway](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-customer-gateway.html) to create a customer gateway and specify the ID of the customer gateway and the ID of the transit gateway in a call to [AWS::EC2::VPNConnection](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpn-connection.html) . + * + * When you create a transit gateway, we create a default transit gateway route table and use it as the default association route table and the default propagation route table. You can use [AWS::EC2::TransitGatewayRouteTable](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewayroutetable.html) to create additional transit gateway route tables. If you disable automatic route propagation, we do not create a default transit gateway route table. You can use [AWS::EC2::TransitGatewayRouteTablePropagation](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewayroutetablepropagation.html) to propagate routes from a resource attachment to a transit gateway route table. If you disable automatic associations, you can use [AWS::EC2::TransitGatewayRouteTableAssociation](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewayroutetableassociation.html) to associate a resource attachment with a transit gateway route table. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgateway.html + */ +export class CfnTransitGateway extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::TransitGateway"; + + /** + * Build a CfnTransitGateway from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnTransitGateway { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnTransitGatewayPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnTransitGateway(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The ID of the transit gateway. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute Id + */ + public readonly attrId: string; + + /** + * A private Autonomous System Number (ASN) for the Amazon side of a BGP session. + */ + public amazonSideAsn?: number; + + /** + * The ID of the default association route table. + */ + public associationDefaultRouteTableId?: string; + + /** + * Enable or disable automatic acceptance of attachment requests. + */ + public autoAcceptSharedAttachments?: string; + + /** + * Enable or disable automatic association with the default association route table. + */ + public defaultRouteTableAssociation?: string; + + /** + * Enable or disable automatic propagation of routes to the default propagation route table. + */ + public defaultRouteTablePropagation?: string; + + /** + * The description of the transit gateway. + */ + public description?: string; + + /** + * Enable or disable DNS support. + */ + public dnsSupport?: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether multicast is enabled on the transit gateway. + */ + public multicastSupport?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the default propagation route table. + */ + public propagationDefaultRouteTableId?: string; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * The tags for the transit gateway. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * The transit gateway CIDR blocks. + */ + public transitGatewayCidrBlocks?: Array; + + /** + * Enable or disable Equal Cost Multipath Protocol support. + */ + public vpnEcmpSupport?: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnTransitGatewayProps = {}) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnTransitGateway.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + this.attrId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Id", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.amazonSideAsn = props.amazonSideAsn; + this.associationDefaultRouteTableId = props.associationDefaultRouteTableId; + this.autoAcceptSharedAttachments = props.autoAcceptSharedAttachments; + this.defaultRouteTableAssociation = props.defaultRouteTableAssociation; + this.defaultRouteTablePropagation = props.defaultRouteTablePropagation; + this.description = props.description; + this.dnsSupport = props.dnsSupport; + this.multicastSupport = props.multicastSupport; + this.propagationDefaultRouteTableId = props.propagationDefaultRouteTableId; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::EC2::TransitGateway", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + this.transitGatewayCidrBlocks = props.transitGatewayCidrBlocks; + this.vpnEcmpSupport = props.vpnEcmpSupport; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "amazonSideAsn": this.amazonSideAsn, + "associationDefaultRouteTableId": this.associationDefaultRouteTableId, + "autoAcceptSharedAttachments": this.autoAcceptSharedAttachments, + "defaultRouteTableAssociation": this.defaultRouteTableAssociation, + "defaultRouteTablePropagation": this.defaultRouteTablePropagation, + "description": this.description, + "dnsSupport": this.dnsSupport, + "multicastSupport": this.multicastSupport, + "propagationDefaultRouteTableId": this.propagationDefaultRouteTableId, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags(), + "transitGatewayCidrBlocks": this.transitGatewayCidrBlocks, + "vpnEcmpSupport": this.vpnEcmpSupport + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnTransitGateway.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnTransitGatewayPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnTransitGateway\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgateway.html + */ +export interface CfnTransitGatewayProps { + /** + * A private Autonomous System Number (ASN) for the Amazon side of a BGP session. + * + * The range is 64512 to 65534 for 16-bit ASNs. The default is 64512. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgateway.html#cfn-ec2-transitgateway-amazonsideasn + */ + readonly amazonSideAsn?: number; + + /** + * The ID of the default association route table. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgateway.html#cfn-ec2-transitgateway-associationdefaultroutetableid + */ + readonly associationDefaultRouteTableId?: string; + + /** + * Enable or disable automatic acceptance of attachment requests. + * + * Disabled by default. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgateway.html#cfn-ec2-transitgateway-autoacceptsharedattachments + */ + readonly autoAcceptSharedAttachments?: string; + + /** + * Enable or disable automatic association with the default association route table. + * + * Enabled by default. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgateway.html#cfn-ec2-transitgateway-defaultroutetableassociation + */ + readonly defaultRouteTableAssociation?: string; + + /** + * Enable or disable automatic propagation of routes to the default propagation route table. + * + * Enabled by default. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgateway.html#cfn-ec2-transitgateway-defaultroutetablepropagation + */ + readonly defaultRouteTablePropagation?: string; + + /** + * The description of the transit gateway. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgateway.html#cfn-ec2-transitgateway-description + */ + readonly description?: string; + + /** + * Enable or disable DNS support. + * + * Enabled by default. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgateway.html#cfn-ec2-transitgateway-dnssupport + */ + readonly dnsSupport?: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether multicast is enabled on the transit gateway. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgateway.html#cfn-ec2-transitgateway-multicastsupport + */ + readonly multicastSupport?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the default propagation route table. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgateway.html#cfn-ec2-transitgateway-propagationdefaultroutetableid + */ + readonly propagationDefaultRouteTableId?: string; + + /** + * The tags for the transit gateway. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgateway.html#cfn-ec2-transitgateway-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; + + /** + * The transit gateway CIDR blocks. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgateway.html#cfn-ec2-transitgateway-transitgatewaycidrblocks + */ + readonly transitGatewayCidrBlocks?: Array; + + /** + * Enable or disable Equal Cost Multipath Protocol support. + * + * Enabled by default. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgateway.html#cfn-ec2-transitgateway-vpnecmpsupport + */ + readonly vpnEcmpSupport?: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnTransitGatewayProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnTransitGatewayProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnTransitGatewayPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("amazonSideAsn", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.amazonSideAsn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("associationDefaultRouteTableId", cdk.validateString)(properties.associationDefaultRouteTableId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("autoAcceptSharedAttachments", cdk.validateString)(properties.autoAcceptSharedAttachments)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("defaultRouteTableAssociation", cdk.validateString)(properties.defaultRouteTableAssociation)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("defaultRouteTablePropagation", cdk.validateString)(properties.defaultRouteTablePropagation)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("description", cdk.validateString)(properties.description)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("dnsSupport", cdk.validateString)(properties.dnsSupport)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("multicastSupport", cdk.validateString)(properties.multicastSupport)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("propagationDefaultRouteTableId", cdk.validateString)(properties.propagationDefaultRouteTableId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("transitGatewayCidrBlocks", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.transitGatewayCidrBlocks)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vpnEcmpSupport", cdk.validateString)(properties.vpnEcmpSupport)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnTransitGatewayProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnTransitGatewayPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnTransitGatewayPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AmazonSideAsn": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.amazonSideAsn), + "AssociationDefaultRouteTableId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.associationDefaultRouteTableId), + "AutoAcceptSharedAttachments": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.autoAcceptSharedAttachments), + "DefaultRouteTableAssociation": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.defaultRouteTableAssociation), + "DefaultRouteTablePropagation": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.defaultRouteTablePropagation), + "Description": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.description), + "DnsSupport": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.dnsSupport), + "MulticastSupport": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.multicastSupport), + "PropagationDefaultRouteTableId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.propagationDefaultRouteTableId), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags), + "TransitGatewayCidrBlocks": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.transitGatewayCidrBlocks), + "VpnEcmpSupport": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.vpnEcmpSupport) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnTransitGatewayPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("amazonSideAsn", "AmazonSideAsn", (properties.AmazonSideAsn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.AmazonSideAsn) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("associationDefaultRouteTableId", "AssociationDefaultRouteTableId", (properties.AssociationDefaultRouteTableId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.AssociationDefaultRouteTableId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("autoAcceptSharedAttachments", "AutoAcceptSharedAttachments", (properties.AutoAcceptSharedAttachments != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.AutoAcceptSharedAttachments) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("defaultRouteTableAssociation", "DefaultRouteTableAssociation", (properties.DefaultRouteTableAssociation != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DefaultRouteTableAssociation) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("defaultRouteTablePropagation", "DefaultRouteTablePropagation", (properties.DefaultRouteTablePropagation != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DefaultRouteTablePropagation) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("description", "Description", (properties.Description != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Description) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("dnsSupport", "DnsSupport", (properties.DnsSupport != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DnsSupport) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("multicastSupport", "MulticastSupport", (properties.MulticastSupport != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.MulticastSupport) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("propagationDefaultRouteTableId", "PropagationDefaultRouteTableId", (properties.PropagationDefaultRouteTableId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.PropagationDefaultRouteTableId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("transitGatewayCidrBlocks", "TransitGatewayCidrBlocks", (properties.TransitGatewayCidrBlocks != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.TransitGatewayCidrBlocks) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("vpnEcmpSupport", "VpnEcmpSupport", (properties.VpnEcmpSupport != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.VpnEcmpSupport) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Attaches a VPC to a transit gateway. + * + * If you attach a VPC with a CIDR range that overlaps the CIDR range of a VPC that is already attached, the new VPC CIDR range is not propagated to the default propagation route table. + * + * To send VPC traffic to an attached transit gateway, add a route to the VPC route table using [AWS::EC2::Route](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-route.html) . + * + * To update tags for a VPC attachment after creation without replacing the attachment, use [AWS::EC2::TransitGatewayVpcAttachment](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewayvpcattachment.html) instead. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewayattachment.html + */ +export class CfnTransitGatewayAttachment extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::TransitGatewayAttachment"; + + /** + * Build a CfnTransitGatewayAttachment from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnTransitGatewayAttachment { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnTransitGatewayAttachmentPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnTransitGatewayAttachment(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The ID of the attachment. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute Id + */ + public readonly attrId: string; + + /** + * The VPC attachment options, in JSON or YAML. + */ + public options?: any | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The IDs of one or more subnets. + */ + public subnetIds: Array; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * The tags for the attachment. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * The ID of the transit gateway. + */ + public transitGatewayId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the VPC. + */ + public vpcId: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnTransitGatewayAttachmentProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnTransitGatewayAttachment.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "subnetIds", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "transitGatewayId", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "vpcId", this); + + this.attrId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Id", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.options = props.options; + this.subnetIds = props.subnetIds; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::EC2::TransitGatewayAttachment", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + this.transitGatewayId = props.transitGatewayId; + this.vpcId = props.vpcId; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "options": this.options, + "subnetIds": this.subnetIds, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags(), + "transitGatewayId": this.transitGatewayId, + "vpcId": this.vpcId + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnTransitGatewayAttachment.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnTransitGatewayAttachmentPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +export namespace CfnTransitGatewayAttachment { + /** + * Describes the VPC attachment options. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-transitgatewayattachment-options.html + */ + export interface OptionsProperty { + /** + * Indicates whether appliance mode support is enabled. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-transitgatewayattachment-options.html#cfn-ec2-transitgatewayattachment-options-appliancemodesupport + */ + readonly applianceModeSupport?: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether DNS support is enabled. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-transitgatewayattachment-options.html#cfn-ec2-transitgatewayattachment-options-dnssupport + */ + readonly dnsSupport?: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether IPv6 support is disabled. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-transitgatewayattachment-options.html#cfn-ec2-transitgatewayattachment-options-ipv6support + */ + readonly ipv6Support?: string; + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnTransitGatewayAttachment\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewayattachment.html + */ +export interface CfnTransitGatewayAttachmentProps { + /** + * The VPC attachment options, in JSON or YAML. + * + * - \`ApplianceModeSupport\` - Set to \`enable\` or \`disable\` . The default is \`disable\` . + * - \`DnsSupport\` - Set to \`enable\` or \`disable\` . The default is \`enable\` . + * - \`Ipv6Support\` - Set to \`enable\` or \`disable\` . The default is \`disable\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewayattachment.html#cfn-ec2-transitgatewayattachment-options + */ + readonly options?: any | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The IDs of one or more subnets. + * + * You can specify only one subnet per Availability Zone. You must specify at least one subnet, but we recommend that you specify two subnets for better availability. The transit gateway uses one IP address from each specified subnet. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewayattachment.html#cfn-ec2-transitgatewayattachment-subnetids + */ + readonly subnetIds: Array; + + /** + * The tags for the attachment. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewayattachment.html#cfn-ec2-transitgatewayattachment-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; + + /** + * The ID of the transit gateway. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewayattachment.html#cfn-ec2-transitgatewayattachment-transitgatewayid + */ + readonly transitGatewayId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the VPC. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewayattachment.html#cfn-ec2-transitgatewayattachment-vpcid + */ + readonly vpcId: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`OptionsProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`OptionsProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnTransitGatewayAttachmentOptionsPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("applianceModeSupport", cdk.validateString)(properties.applianceModeSupport)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("dnsSupport", cdk.validateString)(properties.dnsSupport)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipv6Support", cdk.validateString)(properties.ipv6Support)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"OptionsProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnTransitGatewayAttachmentOptionsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnTransitGatewayAttachmentOptionsPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ApplianceModeSupport": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.applianceModeSupport), + "DnsSupport": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.dnsSupport), + "Ipv6Support": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.ipv6Support) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnTransitGatewayAttachmentOptionsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("applianceModeSupport", "ApplianceModeSupport", (properties.ApplianceModeSupport != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ApplianceModeSupport) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("dnsSupport", "DnsSupport", (properties.DnsSupport != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DnsSupport) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ipv6Support", "Ipv6Support", (properties.Ipv6Support != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Ipv6Support) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnTransitGatewayAttachmentProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnTransitGatewayAttachmentProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnTransitGatewayAttachmentPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("options", cdk.validateObject)(properties.options)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("subnetIds", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.subnetIds)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("subnetIds", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.subnetIds)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("transitGatewayId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.transitGatewayId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("transitGatewayId", cdk.validateString)(properties.transitGatewayId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vpcId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.vpcId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vpcId", cdk.validateString)(properties.vpcId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnTransitGatewayAttachmentProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnTransitGatewayAttachmentPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnTransitGatewayAttachmentPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Options": cdk.objectToCloudFormation(properties.options), + "SubnetIds": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.subnetIds), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags), + "TransitGatewayId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.transitGatewayId), + "VpcId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.vpcId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnTransitGatewayAttachmentPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("options", "Options", (properties.Options != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getAny(properties.Options) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("subnetIds", "SubnetIds", (properties.SubnetIds != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.SubnetIds) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("transitGatewayId", "TransitGatewayId", (properties.TransitGatewayId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.TransitGatewayId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("vpcId", "VpcId", (properties.VpcId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.VpcId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Creates a Connect attachment from a specified transit gateway attachment. + * + * A Connect attachment is a GRE-based tunnel attachment that you can use to establish a connection between a transit gateway and an appliance. + * + * A Connect attachment uses an existing VPC or AWS Direct Connect attachment as the underlying transport mechanism. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewayconnect.html + */ +export class CfnTransitGatewayConnect extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::TransitGatewayConnect"; + + /** + * Build a CfnTransitGatewayConnect from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnTransitGatewayConnect { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnTransitGatewayConnectPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnTransitGatewayConnect(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The creation time. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute CreationTime + */ + public readonly attrCreationTime: string; + + /** + * The state of the attachment. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute State + */ + public readonly attrState: string; + + /** + * The ID of the transit gateway attachment. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute TransitGatewayAttachmentId + */ + public readonly attrTransitGatewayAttachmentId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the transit gateway. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute TransitGatewayId + */ + public readonly attrTransitGatewayId: string; + + /** + * The Connect attachment options. + */ + public options: cdk.IResolvable | CfnTransitGatewayConnect.TransitGatewayConnectOptionsProperty; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * The tags for the attachment. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * The ID of the attachment from which the Connect attachment was created. + */ + public transportTransitGatewayAttachmentId: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnTransitGatewayConnectProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnTransitGatewayConnect.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "options", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "transportTransitGatewayAttachmentId", this); + + this.attrCreationTime = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("CreationTime", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrState = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("State", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrTransitGatewayAttachmentId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("TransitGatewayAttachmentId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrTransitGatewayId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("TransitGatewayId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.options = props.options; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::EC2::TransitGatewayConnect", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + this.transportTransitGatewayAttachmentId = props.transportTransitGatewayAttachmentId; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "options": this.options, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags(), + "transportTransitGatewayAttachmentId": this.transportTransitGatewayAttachmentId + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnTransitGatewayConnect.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnTransitGatewayConnectPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +export namespace CfnTransitGatewayConnect { + /** + * Describes the Connect attachment options. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-transitgatewayconnect-transitgatewayconnectoptions.html + */ + export interface TransitGatewayConnectOptionsProperty { + /** + * The tunnel protocol. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-transitgatewayconnect-transitgatewayconnectoptions.html#cfn-ec2-transitgatewayconnect-transitgatewayconnectoptions-protocol + */ + readonly protocol?: string; + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnTransitGatewayConnect\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewayconnect.html + */ +export interface CfnTransitGatewayConnectProps { + /** + * The Connect attachment options. + * + * - protocol (gre) + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewayconnect.html#cfn-ec2-transitgatewayconnect-options + */ + readonly options: cdk.IResolvable | CfnTransitGatewayConnect.TransitGatewayConnectOptionsProperty; + + /** + * The tags for the attachment. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewayconnect.html#cfn-ec2-transitgatewayconnect-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; + + /** + * The ID of the attachment from which the Connect attachment was created. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewayconnect.html#cfn-ec2-transitgatewayconnect-transporttransitgatewayattachmentid + */ + readonly transportTransitGatewayAttachmentId: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`TransitGatewayConnectOptionsProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`TransitGatewayConnectOptionsProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnTransitGatewayConnectTransitGatewayConnectOptionsPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("protocol", cdk.validateString)(properties.protocol)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"TransitGatewayConnectOptionsProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnTransitGatewayConnectTransitGatewayConnectOptionsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnTransitGatewayConnectTransitGatewayConnectOptionsPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Protocol": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.protocol) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnTransitGatewayConnectTransitGatewayConnectOptionsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("protocol", "Protocol", (properties.Protocol != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Protocol) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnTransitGatewayConnectProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnTransitGatewayConnectProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnTransitGatewayConnectPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("options", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.options)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("options", CfnTransitGatewayConnectTransitGatewayConnectOptionsPropertyValidator)(properties.options)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("transportTransitGatewayAttachmentId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.transportTransitGatewayAttachmentId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("transportTransitGatewayAttachmentId", cdk.validateString)(properties.transportTransitGatewayAttachmentId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnTransitGatewayConnectProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnTransitGatewayConnectPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnTransitGatewayConnectPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Options": convertCfnTransitGatewayConnectTransitGatewayConnectOptionsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.options), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags), + "TransportTransitGatewayAttachmentId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.transportTransitGatewayAttachmentId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnTransitGatewayConnectPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("options", "Options", (properties.Options != null ? CfnTransitGatewayConnectTransitGatewayConnectOptionsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.Options) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("transportTransitGatewayAttachmentId", "TransportTransitGatewayAttachmentId", (properties.TransportTransitGatewayAttachmentId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.TransportTransitGatewayAttachmentId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Creates a multicast domain using the specified transit gateway. + * + * The transit gateway must be in the available state before you create a domain. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewaymulticastdomain.html + */ +export class CfnTransitGatewayMulticastDomain extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::TransitGatewayMulticastDomain"; + + /** + * Build a CfnTransitGatewayMulticastDomain from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnTransitGatewayMulticastDomain { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnTransitGatewayMulticastDomainPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnTransitGatewayMulticastDomain(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The time the multicast domain was created. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute CreationTime + */ + public readonly attrCreationTime: string; + + /** + * The state of the multicast domain. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute State + */ + public readonly attrState: string; + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the multicast domain. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute TransitGatewayMulticastDomainArn + */ + public readonly attrTransitGatewayMulticastDomainArn: string; + + /** + * The ID of the multicast domain. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute TransitGatewayMulticastDomainId + */ + public readonly attrTransitGatewayMulticastDomainId: string; + + /** + * The options for the transit gateway multicast domain. + */ + public options?: any | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * The tags for the transit gateway multicast domain. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * The ID of the transit gateway. + */ + public transitGatewayId: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnTransitGatewayMulticastDomainProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnTransitGatewayMulticastDomain.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "transitGatewayId", this); + + this.attrCreationTime = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("CreationTime", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrState = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("State", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrTransitGatewayMulticastDomainArn = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("TransitGatewayMulticastDomainArn", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrTransitGatewayMulticastDomainId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("TransitGatewayMulticastDomainId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.options = props.options; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::EC2::TransitGatewayMulticastDomain", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + this.transitGatewayId = props.transitGatewayId; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "options": this.options, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags(), + "transitGatewayId": this.transitGatewayId + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnTransitGatewayMulticastDomain.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnTransitGatewayMulticastDomainPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +export namespace CfnTransitGatewayMulticastDomain { + /** + * The options for the transit gateway multicast domain. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-transitgatewaymulticastdomain-options.html + */ + export interface OptionsProperty { + /** + * Indicates whether to automatically accept cross-account subnet associations that are associated with the transit gateway multicast domain. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-transitgatewaymulticastdomain-options.html#cfn-ec2-transitgatewaymulticastdomain-options-autoacceptsharedassociations + */ + readonly autoAcceptSharedAssociations?: string; + + /** + * Specify whether to enable Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) version 2 for the transit gateway multicast domain. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-transitgatewaymulticastdomain-options.html#cfn-ec2-transitgatewaymulticastdomain-options-igmpv2support + */ + readonly igmpv2Support?: string; + + /** + * Specify whether to enable support for statically configuring multicast group sources for a domain. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-transitgatewaymulticastdomain-options.html#cfn-ec2-transitgatewaymulticastdomain-options-staticsourcessupport + */ + readonly staticSourcesSupport?: string; + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnTransitGatewayMulticastDomain\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewaymulticastdomain.html + */ +export interface CfnTransitGatewayMulticastDomainProps { + /** + * The options for the transit gateway multicast domain. + * + * - AutoAcceptSharedAssociations (enable | disable) + * - Igmpv2Support (enable | disable) + * - StaticSourcesSupport (enable | disable) + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewaymulticastdomain.html#cfn-ec2-transitgatewaymulticastdomain-options + */ + readonly options?: any | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The tags for the transit gateway multicast domain. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewaymulticastdomain.html#cfn-ec2-transitgatewaymulticastdomain-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; + + /** + * The ID of the transit gateway. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewaymulticastdomain.html#cfn-ec2-transitgatewaymulticastdomain-transitgatewayid + */ + readonly transitGatewayId: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`OptionsProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`OptionsProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnTransitGatewayMulticastDomainOptionsPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("autoAcceptSharedAssociations", cdk.validateString)(properties.autoAcceptSharedAssociations)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("igmpv2Support", cdk.validateString)(properties.igmpv2Support)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("staticSourcesSupport", cdk.validateString)(properties.staticSourcesSupport)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"OptionsProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnTransitGatewayMulticastDomainOptionsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnTransitGatewayMulticastDomainOptionsPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AutoAcceptSharedAssociations": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.autoAcceptSharedAssociations), + "Igmpv2Support": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.igmpv2Support), + "StaticSourcesSupport": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.staticSourcesSupport) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnTransitGatewayMulticastDomainOptionsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("autoAcceptSharedAssociations", "AutoAcceptSharedAssociations", (properties.AutoAcceptSharedAssociations != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.AutoAcceptSharedAssociations) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("igmpv2Support", "Igmpv2Support", (properties.Igmpv2Support != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Igmpv2Support) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("staticSourcesSupport", "StaticSourcesSupport", (properties.StaticSourcesSupport != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.StaticSourcesSupport) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnTransitGatewayMulticastDomainProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnTransitGatewayMulticastDomainProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnTransitGatewayMulticastDomainPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("options", cdk.validateObject)(properties.options)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("transitGatewayId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.transitGatewayId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("transitGatewayId", cdk.validateString)(properties.transitGatewayId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnTransitGatewayMulticastDomainProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnTransitGatewayMulticastDomainPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnTransitGatewayMulticastDomainPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Options": cdk.objectToCloudFormation(properties.options), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags), + "TransitGatewayId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.transitGatewayId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnTransitGatewayMulticastDomainPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("options", "Options", (properties.Options != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getAny(properties.Options) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("transitGatewayId", "TransitGatewayId", (properties.TransitGatewayId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.TransitGatewayId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Associates the specified subnets and transit gateway attachments with the specified transit gateway multicast domain. + * + * The transit gateway attachment must be in the available state before you can add a resource. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewaymulticastdomainassociation.html + */ +export class CfnTransitGatewayMulticastDomainAssociation extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::TransitGatewayMulticastDomainAssociation"; + + /** + * Build a CfnTransitGatewayMulticastDomainAssociation from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnTransitGatewayMulticastDomainAssociation { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnTransitGatewayMulticastDomainAssociationPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnTransitGatewayMulticastDomainAssociation(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The ID of the resource. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute ResourceId + */ + public readonly attrResourceId: string; + + /** + * The type of resource, for example a VPC attachment. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute ResourceType + */ + public readonly attrResourceType: string; + + /** + * The state of the resource. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute State + */ + public readonly attrState: string; + + /** + * The IDs of the subnets to associate with the transit gateway multicast domain. + */ + public subnetId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the transit gateway attachment. + */ + public transitGatewayAttachmentId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the transit gateway multicast domain. + */ + public transitGatewayMulticastDomainId: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnTransitGatewayMulticastDomainAssociationProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnTransitGatewayMulticastDomainAssociation.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "subnetId", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "transitGatewayAttachmentId", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "transitGatewayMulticastDomainId", this); + + this.attrResourceId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("ResourceId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrResourceType = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("ResourceType", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrState = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("State", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.subnetId = props.subnetId; + this.transitGatewayAttachmentId = props.transitGatewayAttachmentId; + this.transitGatewayMulticastDomainId = props.transitGatewayMulticastDomainId; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "subnetId": this.subnetId, + "transitGatewayAttachmentId": this.transitGatewayAttachmentId, + "transitGatewayMulticastDomainId": this.transitGatewayMulticastDomainId + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnTransitGatewayMulticastDomainAssociation.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnTransitGatewayMulticastDomainAssociationPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnTransitGatewayMulticastDomainAssociation\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewaymulticastdomainassociation.html + */ +export interface CfnTransitGatewayMulticastDomainAssociationProps { + /** + * The IDs of the subnets to associate with the transit gateway multicast domain. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewaymulticastdomainassociation.html#cfn-ec2-transitgatewaymulticastdomainassociation-subnetid + */ + readonly subnetId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the transit gateway attachment. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewaymulticastdomainassociation.html#cfn-ec2-transitgatewaymulticastdomainassociation-transitgatewayattachmentid + */ + readonly transitGatewayAttachmentId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the transit gateway multicast domain. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewaymulticastdomainassociation.html#cfn-ec2-transitgatewaymulticastdomainassociation-transitgatewaymulticastdomainid + */ + readonly transitGatewayMulticastDomainId: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnTransitGatewayMulticastDomainAssociationProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnTransitGatewayMulticastDomainAssociationProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnTransitGatewayMulticastDomainAssociationPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("subnetId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.subnetId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("subnetId", cdk.validateString)(properties.subnetId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("transitGatewayAttachmentId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.transitGatewayAttachmentId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("transitGatewayAttachmentId", cdk.validateString)(properties.transitGatewayAttachmentId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("transitGatewayMulticastDomainId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.transitGatewayMulticastDomainId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("transitGatewayMulticastDomainId", cdk.validateString)(properties.transitGatewayMulticastDomainId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnTransitGatewayMulticastDomainAssociationProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnTransitGatewayMulticastDomainAssociationPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnTransitGatewayMulticastDomainAssociationPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "SubnetId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.subnetId), + "TransitGatewayAttachmentId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.transitGatewayAttachmentId), + "TransitGatewayMulticastDomainId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.transitGatewayMulticastDomainId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnTransitGatewayMulticastDomainAssociationPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("subnetId", "SubnetId", (properties.SubnetId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SubnetId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("transitGatewayAttachmentId", "TransitGatewayAttachmentId", (properties.TransitGatewayAttachmentId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.TransitGatewayAttachmentId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("transitGatewayMulticastDomainId", "TransitGatewayMulticastDomainId", (properties.TransitGatewayMulticastDomainId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.TransitGatewayMulticastDomainId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Registers members (network interfaces) with the transit gateway multicast group. + * + * A member is a network interface associated with a supported EC2 instance that receives multicast traffic. For information about supported instances, see [Multicast Consideration](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/tgw/transit-gateway-limits.html#multicast-limits) in *Amazon VPC Transit Gateways* . + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewaymulticastgroupmember.html + */ +export class CfnTransitGatewayMulticastGroupMember extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::TransitGatewayMulticastGroupMember"; + + /** + * Build a CfnTransitGatewayMulticastGroupMember from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnTransitGatewayMulticastGroupMember { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnTransitGatewayMulticastGroupMemberPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnTransitGatewayMulticastGroupMember(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * Information about the registered transit gateway multicast domain group members. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute GroupMember + */ + public readonly attrGroupMember: cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Indicates that the resource is a transit gateway multicast domain group member. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute GroupSource + */ + public readonly attrGroupSource: cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The type of group member, for example static. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute MemberType + */ + public readonly attrMemberType: string; + + /** + * The ID of the resource. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute ResourceId + */ + public readonly attrResourceId: string; + + /** + * The type of resource, for example a VPC attachment. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute ResourceType + */ + public readonly attrResourceType: string; + + /** + * The type of source. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute SourceType + */ + public readonly attrSourceType: string; + + /** + * The ID of the subnet. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute SubnetId + */ + public readonly attrSubnetId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the transit gateway attachment. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute TransitGatewayAttachmentId + */ + public readonly attrTransitGatewayAttachmentId: string; + + /** + * The IP address assigned to the transit gateway multicast group. + */ + public groupIpAddress: string; + + /** + * The group members' network interface IDs to register with the transit gateway multicast group. + */ + public networkInterfaceId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the transit gateway multicast domain. + */ + public transitGatewayMulticastDomainId: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnTransitGatewayMulticastGroupMemberProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnTransitGatewayMulticastGroupMember.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "groupIpAddress", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "networkInterfaceId", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "transitGatewayMulticastDomainId", this); + + this.attrGroupMember = this.getAtt("GroupMember"); + this.attrGroupSource = this.getAtt("GroupSource"); + this.attrMemberType = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("MemberType", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrResourceId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("ResourceId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrResourceType = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("ResourceType", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrSourceType = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("SourceType", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrSubnetId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("SubnetId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrTransitGatewayAttachmentId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("TransitGatewayAttachmentId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.groupIpAddress = props.groupIpAddress; + this.networkInterfaceId = props.networkInterfaceId; + this.transitGatewayMulticastDomainId = props.transitGatewayMulticastDomainId; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "groupIpAddress": this.groupIpAddress, + "networkInterfaceId": this.networkInterfaceId, + "transitGatewayMulticastDomainId": this.transitGatewayMulticastDomainId + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnTransitGatewayMulticastGroupMember.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnTransitGatewayMulticastGroupMemberPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnTransitGatewayMulticastGroupMember\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewaymulticastgroupmember.html + */ +export interface CfnTransitGatewayMulticastGroupMemberProps { + /** + * The IP address assigned to the transit gateway multicast group. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewaymulticastgroupmember.html#cfn-ec2-transitgatewaymulticastgroupmember-groupipaddress + */ + readonly groupIpAddress: string; + + /** + * The group members' network interface IDs to register with the transit gateway multicast group. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewaymulticastgroupmember.html#cfn-ec2-transitgatewaymulticastgroupmember-networkinterfaceid + */ + readonly networkInterfaceId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the transit gateway multicast domain. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewaymulticastgroupmember.html#cfn-ec2-transitgatewaymulticastgroupmember-transitgatewaymulticastdomainid + */ + readonly transitGatewayMulticastDomainId: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnTransitGatewayMulticastGroupMemberProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnTransitGatewayMulticastGroupMemberProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnTransitGatewayMulticastGroupMemberPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("groupIpAddress", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.groupIpAddress)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("groupIpAddress", cdk.validateString)(properties.groupIpAddress)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("networkInterfaceId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.networkInterfaceId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("networkInterfaceId", cdk.validateString)(properties.networkInterfaceId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("transitGatewayMulticastDomainId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.transitGatewayMulticastDomainId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("transitGatewayMulticastDomainId", cdk.validateString)(properties.transitGatewayMulticastDomainId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnTransitGatewayMulticastGroupMemberProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnTransitGatewayMulticastGroupMemberPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnTransitGatewayMulticastGroupMemberPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "GroupIpAddress": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.groupIpAddress), + "NetworkInterfaceId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.networkInterfaceId), + "TransitGatewayMulticastDomainId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.transitGatewayMulticastDomainId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnTransitGatewayMulticastGroupMemberPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("groupIpAddress", "GroupIpAddress", (properties.GroupIpAddress != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.GroupIpAddress) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("networkInterfaceId", "NetworkInterfaceId", (properties.NetworkInterfaceId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.NetworkInterfaceId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("transitGatewayMulticastDomainId", "TransitGatewayMulticastDomainId", (properties.TransitGatewayMulticastDomainId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.TransitGatewayMulticastDomainId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Registers sources (network interfaces) with the specified transit gateway multicast domain. + * + * A multicast source is a network interface attached to a supported instance that sends multicast traffic. For information about supported instances, see [Multicast Considerations](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/tgw/transit-gateway-limits.html#multicast-limits) in *Amazon VPC Transit Gateways* . + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewaymulticastgroupsource.html + */ +export class CfnTransitGatewayMulticastGroupSource extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::TransitGatewayMulticastGroupSource"; + + /** + * Build a CfnTransitGatewayMulticastGroupSource from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnTransitGatewayMulticastGroupSource { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnTransitGatewayMulticastGroupSourcePropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnTransitGatewayMulticastGroupSource(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * Information about the registered transit gateway multicast domain group members. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute GroupMember + */ + public readonly attrGroupMember: cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Indicates that the resource is a transit gateway group member. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute GroupSource + */ + public readonly attrGroupSource: cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The type of group member, for example static. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute MemberType + */ + public readonly attrMemberType: string; + + /** + * The ID of the resource. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute ResourceId + */ + public readonly attrResourceId: string; + + /** + * The type of resource, for example a VPC attachment. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute ResourceType + */ + public readonly attrResourceType: string; + + /** + * The type of source. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute SourceType + */ + public readonly attrSourceType: string; + + /** + * The ID of the subnet. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute SubnetId + */ + public readonly attrSubnetId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the transit gateway attachment. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute TransitGatewayAttachmentId + */ + public readonly attrTransitGatewayAttachmentId: string; + + /** + * The IP address assigned to the transit gateway multicast group. + */ + public groupIpAddress: string; + + /** + * The group sources' network interface IDs to register with the transit gateway multicast group. + */ + public networkInterfaceId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the transit gateway multicast domain. + */ + public transitGatewayMulticastDomainId: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnTransitGatewayMulticastGroupSourceProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnTransitGatewayMulticastGroupSource.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "groupIpAddress", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "networkInterfaceId", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "transitGatewayMulticastDomainId", this); + + this.attrGroupMember = this.getAtt("GroupMember"); + this.attrGroupSource = this.getAtt("GroupSource"); + this.attrMemberType = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("MemberType", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrResourceId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("ResourceId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrResourceType = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("ResourceType", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrSourceType = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("SourceType", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrSubnetId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("SubnetId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrTransitGatewayAttachmentId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("TransitGatewayAttachmentId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.groupIpAddress = props.groupIpAddress; + this.networkInterfaceId = props.networkInterfaceId; + this.transitGatewayMulticastDomainId = props.transitGatewayMulticastDomainId; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "groupIpAddress": this.groupIpAddress, + "networkInterfaceId": this.networkInterfaceId, + "transitGatewayMulticastDomainId": this.transitGatewayMulticastDomainId + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnTransitGatewayMulticastGroupSource.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnTransitGatewayMulticastGroupSourcePropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnTransitGatewayMulticastGroupSource\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewaymulticastgroupsource.html + */ +export interface CfnTransitGatewayMulticastGroupSourceProps { + /** + * The IP address assigned to the transit gateway multicast group. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewaymulticastgroupsource.html#cfn-ec2-transitgatewaymulticastgroupsource-groupipaddress + */ + readonly groupIpAddress: string; + + /** + * The group sources' network interface IDs to register with the transit gateway multicast group. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewaymulticastgroupsource.html#cfn-ec2-transitgatewaymulticastgroupsource-networkinterfaceid + */ + readonly networkInterfaceId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the transit gateway multicast domain. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewaymulticastgroupsource.html#cfn-ec2-transitgatewaymulticastgroupsource-transitgatewaymulticastdomainid + */ + readonly transitGatewayMulticastDomainId: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnTransitGatewayMulticastGroupSourceProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnTransitGatewayMulticastGroupSourceProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnTransitGatewayMulticastGroupSourcePropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("groupIpAddress", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.groupIpAddress)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("groupIpAddress", cdk.validateString)(properties.groupIpAddress)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("networkInterfaceId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.networkInterfaceId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("networkInterfaceId", cdk.validateString)(properties.networkInterfaceId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("transitGatewayMulticastDomainId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.transitGatewayMulticastDomainId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("transitGatewayMulticastDomainId", cdk.validateString)(properties.transitGatewayMulticastDomainId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnTransitGatewayMulticastGroupSourceProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnTransitGatewayMulticastGroupSourcePropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnTransitGatewayMulticastGroupSourcePropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "GroupIpAddress": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.groupIpAddress), + "NetworkInterfaceId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.networkInterfaceId), + "TransitGatewayMulticastDomainId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.transitGatewayMulticastDomainId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnTransitGatewayMulticastGroupSourcePropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("groupIpAddress", "GroupIpAddress", (properties.GroupIpAddress != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.GroupIpAddress) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("networkInterfaceId", "NetworkInterfaceId", (properties.NetworkInterfaceId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.NetworkInterfaceId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("transitGatewayMulticastDomainId", "TransitGatewayMulticastDomainId", (properties.TransitGatewayMulticastDomainId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.TransitGatewayMulticastDomainId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Requests a transit gateway peering attachment between the specified transit gateway (requester) and a peer transit gateway (accepter). + * + * The peer transit gateway can be in your account or a different AWS account . + * + * After you create the peering attachment, the owner of the accepter transit gateway must accept the attachment request. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewaypeeringattachment.html + */ +export class CfnTransitGatewayPeeringAttachment extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::TransitGatewayPeeringAttachment"; + + /** + * Build a CfnTransitGatewayPeeringAttachment from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnTransitGatewayPeeringAttachment { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnTransitGatewayPeeringAttachmentPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnTransitGatewayPeeringAttachment(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The time the transit gateway peering attachment was created. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute CreationTime + */ + public readonly attrCreationTime: string; + + /** + * The state of the transit gateway peering attachment. Note that the \`initiating\` state has been deprecated. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute State + */ + public readonly attrState: string; + + /** + * The status of the transit gateway peering attachment. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute Status + */ + public readonly attrStatus: cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The status code. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute Status.Code + */ + public readonly attrStatusCode: string; + + /** + * The status message. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute Status.Message + */ + public readonly attrStatusMessage: string; + + /** + * The ID of the transit gateway peering attachment. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute TransitGatewayAttachmentId + */ + public readonly attrTransitGatewayAttachmentId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the AWS account that owns the transit gateway. + */ + public peerAccountId: string; + + /** + * The Region of the transit gateway. + */ + public peerRegion: string; + + /** + * The ID of the transit gateway. + */ + public peerTransitGatewayId: string; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * The tags for the transit gateway peering attachment. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * The ID of the transit gateway peering attachment. + */ + public transitGatewayId: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnTransitGatewayPeeringAttachmentProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnTransitGatewayPeeringAttachment.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "peerAccountId", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "peerRegion", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "peerTransitGatewayId", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "transitGatewayId", this); + + this.attrCreationTime = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("CreationTime", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrState = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("State", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrStatus = this.getAtt("Status"); + this.attrStatusCode = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Status.Code", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrStatusMessage = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Status.Message", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrTransitGatewayAttachmentId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("TransitGatewayAttachmentId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.peerAccountId = props.peerAccountId; + this.peerRegion = props.peerRegion; + this.peerTransitGatewayId = props.peerTransitGatewayId; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::EC2::TransitGatewayPeeringAttachment", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + this.transitGatewayId = props.transitGatewayId; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "peerAccountId": this.peerAccountId, + "peerRegion": this.peerRegion, + "peerTransitGatewayId": this.peerTransitGatewayId, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags(), + "transitGatewayId": this.transitGatewayId + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnTransitGatewayPeeringAttachment.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnTransitGatewayPeeringAttachmentPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +export namespace CfnTransitGatewayPeeringAttachment { + /** + * The status of the transit gateway peering attachment. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-transitgatewaypeeringattachment-peeringattachmentstatus.html + */ + export interface PeeringAttachmentStatusProperty { + /** + * The status code. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-transitgatewaypeeringattachment-peeringattachmentstatus.html#cfn-ec2-transitgatewaypeeringattachment-peeringattachmentstatus-code + */ + readonly code?: string; + + /** + * The status message, if applicable. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-transitgatewaypeeringattachment-peeringattachmentstatus.html#cfn-ec2-transitgatewaypeeringattachment-peeringattachmentstatus-message + */ + readonly message?: string; + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnTransitGatewayPeeringAttachment\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewaypeeringattachment.html + */ +export interface CfnTransitGatewayPeeringAttachmentProps { + /** + * The ID of the AWS account that owns the transit gateway. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewaypeeringattachment.html#cfn-ec2-transitgatewaypeeringattachment-peeraccountid + */ + readonly peerAccountId: string; + + /** + * The Region of the transit gateway. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewaypeeringattachment.html#cfn-ec2-transitgatewaypeeringattachment-peerregion + */ + readonly peerRegion: string; + + /** + * The ID of the transit gateway. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewaypeeringattachment.html#cfn-ec2-transitgatewaypeeringattachment-peertransitgatewayid + */ + readonly peerTransitGatewayId: string; + + /** + * The tags for the transit gateway peering attachment. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewaypeeringattachment.html#cfn-ec2-transitgatewaypeeringattachment-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; + + /** + * The ID of the transit gateway peering attachment. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewaypeeringattachment.html#cfn-ec2-transitgatewaypeeringattachment-transitgatewayid + */ + readonly transitGatewayId: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`PeeringAttachmentStatusProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`PeeringAttachmentStatusProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnTransitGatewayPeeringAttachmentPeeringAttachmentStatusPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("code", cdk.validateString)(properties.code)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("message", cdk.validateString)(properties.message)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"PeeringAttachmentStatusProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnTransitGatewayPeeringAttachmentPeeringAttachmentStatusPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnTransitGatewayPeeringAttachmentPeeringAttachmentStatusPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Code": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.code), + "Message": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.message) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnTransitGatewayPeeringAttachmentPeeringAttachmentStatusPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("code", "Code", (properties.Code != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Code) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("message", "Message", (properties.Message != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Message) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnTransitGatewayPeeringAttachmentProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnTransitGatewayPeeringAttachmentProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnTransitGatewayPeeringAttachmentPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("peerAccountId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.peerAccountId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("peerAccountId", cdk.validateString)(properties.peerAccountId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("peerRegion", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.peerRegion)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("peerRegion", cdk.validateString)(properties.peerRegion)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("peerTransitGatewayId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.peerTransitGatewayId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("peerTransitGatewayId", cdk.validateString)(properties.peerTransitGatewayId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("transitGatewayId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.transitGatewayId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("transitGatewayId", cdk.validateString)(properties.transitGatewayId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnTransitGatewayPeeringAttachmentProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnTransitGatewayPeeringAttachmentPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnTransitGatewayPeeringAttachmentPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "PeerAccountId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.peerAccountId), + "PeerRegion": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.peerRegion), + "PeerTransitGatewayId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.peerTransitGatewayId), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags), + "TransitGatewayId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.transitGatewayId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnTransitGatewayPeeringAttachmentPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("peerAccountId", "PeerAccountId", (properties.PeerAccountId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.PeerAccountId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("peerRegion", "PeerRegion", (properties.PeerRegion != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.PeerRegion) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("peerTransitGatewayId", "PeerTransitGatewayId", (properties.PeerTransitGatewayId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.PeerTransitGatewayId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("transitGatewayId", "TransitGatewayId", (properties.TransitGatewayId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.TransitGatewayId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Specifies a static route for a transit gateway route table. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewayroute.html + */ +export class CfnTransitGatewayRoute extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::TransitGatewayRoute"; + + /** + * Build a CfnTransitGatewayRoute from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnTransitGatewayRoute { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnTransitGatewayRoutePropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnTransitGatewayRoute(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * @cloudformationAttribute Id + */ + public readonly attrId: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether to drop traffic that matches this route. + */ + public blackhole?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The CIDR block used for destination matches. + */ + public destinationCidrBlock?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the attachment. + */ + public transitGatewayAttachmentId?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the transit gateway route table. + */ + public transitGatewayRouteTableId: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnTransitGatewayRouteProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnTransitGatewayRoute.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "transitGatewayRouteTableId", this); + + this.attrId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Id", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.blackhole = props.blackhole; + this.destinationCidrBlock = props.destinationCidrBlock; + this.transitGatewayAttachmentId = props.transitGatewayAttachmentId; + this.transitGatewayRouteTableId = props.transitGatewayRouteTableId; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "blackhole": this.blackhole, + "destinationCidrBlock": this.destinationCidrBlock, + "transitGatewayAttachmentId": this.transitGatewayAttachmentId, + "transitGatewayRouteTableId": this.transitGatewayRouteTableId + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnTransitGatewayRoute.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnTransitGatewayRoutePropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnTransitGatewayRoute\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewayroute.html + */ +export interface CfnTransitGatewayRouteProps { + /** + * Indicates whether to drop traffic that matches this route. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewayroute.html#cfn-ec2-transitgatewayroute-blackhole + */ + readonly blackhole?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The CIDR block used for destination matches. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewayroute.html#cfn-ec2-transitgatewayroute-destinationcidrblock + */ + readonly destinationCidrBlock?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the attachment. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewayroute.html#cfn-ec2-transitgatewayroute-transitgatewayattachmentid + */ + readonly transitGatewayAttachmentId?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the transit gateway route table. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewayroute.html#cfn-ec2-transitgatewayroute-transitgatewayroutetableid + */ + readonly transitGatewayRouteTableId: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnTransitGatewayRouteProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnTransitGatewayRouteProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnTransitGatewayRoutePropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("blackhole", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.blackhole)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("destinationCidrBlock", cdk.validateString)(properties.destinationCidrBlock)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("transitGatewayAttachmentId", cdk.validateString)(properties.transitGatewayAttachmentId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("transitGatewayRouteTableId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.transitGatewayRouteTableId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("transitGatewayRouteTableId", cdk.validateString)(properties.transitGatewayRouteTableId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnTransitGatewayRouteProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnTransitGatewayRoutePropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnTransitGatewayRoutePropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Blackhole": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.blackhole), + "DestinationCidrBlock": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.destinationCidrBlock), + "TransitGatewayAttachmentId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.transitGatewayAttachmentId), + "TransitGatewayRouteTableId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.transitGatewayRouteTableId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnTransitGatewayRoutePropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("blackhole", "Blackhole", (properties.Blackhole != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.Blackhole) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("destinationCidrBlock", "DestinationCidrBlock", (properties.DestinationCidrBlock != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DestinationCidrBlock) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("transitGatewayAttachmentId", "TransitGatewayAttachmentId", (properties.TransitGatewayAttachmentId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.TransitGatewayAttachmentId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("transitGatewayRouteTableId", "TransitGatewayRouteTableId", (properties.TransitGatewayRouteTableId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.TransitGatewayRouteTableId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Specifies a route table for a transit gateway. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewayroutetable.html + */ +export class CfnTransitGatewayRouteTable extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::TransitGatewayRouteTable"; + + /** + * Build a CfnTransitGatewayRouteTable from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnTransitGatewayRouteTable { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnTransitGatewayRouteTablePropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnTransitGatewayRouteTable(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * @cloudformationAttribute Id + */ + public readonly attrId: string; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * Any tags assigned to the route table. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * The ID of the transit gateway. + */ + public transitGatewayId: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnTransitGatewayRouteTableProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnTransitGatewayRouteTable.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "transitGatewayId", this); + + this.attrId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Id", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::EC2::TransitGatewayRouteTable", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + this.transitGatewayId = props.transitGatewayId; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "tags": this.tags.renderTags(), + "transitGatewayId": this.transitGatewayId + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnTransitGatewayRouteTable.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnTransitGatewayRouteTablePropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnTransitGatewayRouteTable\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewayroutetable.html + */ +export interface CfnTransitGatewayRouteTableProps { + /** + * Any tags assigned to the route table. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewayroutetable.html#cfn-ec2-transitgatewayroutetable-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; + + /** + * The ID of the transit gateway. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewayroutetable.html#cfn-ec2-transitgatewayroutetable-transitgatewayid + */ + readonly transitGatewayId: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnTransitGatewayRouteTableProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnTransitGatewayRouteTableProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnTransitGatewayRouteTablePropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("transitGatewayId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.transitGatewayId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("transitGatewayId", cdk.validateString)(properties.transitGatewayId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnTransitGatewayRouteTableProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnTransitGatewayRouteTablePropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnTransitGatewayRouteTablePropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags), + "TransitGatewayId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.transitGatewayId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnTransitGatewayRouteTablePropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("transitGatewayId", "TransitGatewayId", (properties.TransitGatewayId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.TransitGatewayId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Associates the specified attachment with the specified transit gateway route table. + * + * You can associate one route table with an attachment. + * + * Before you can update the route table associated with an attachment, you must disassociate the transit gateway route table that is currently associated with the attachment. First update the stack to remove the associated transit gateway route table, and then update the stack with the ID of the new transit gateway route table to associate. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewayroutetableassociation.html + */ +export class CfnTransitGatewayRouteTableAssociation extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::TransitGatewayRouteTableAssociation"; + + /** + * Build a CfnTransitGatewayRouteTableAssociation from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnTransitGatewayRouteTableAssociation { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnTransitGatewayRouteTableAssociationPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnTransitGatewayRouteTableAssociation(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * @cloudformationAttribute Id + */ + public readonly attrId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the attachment. + */ + public transitGatewayAttachmentId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the route table for the transit gateway. + */ + public transitGatewayRouteTableId: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnTransitGatewayRouteTableAssociationProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnTransitGatewayRouteTableAssociation.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "transitGatewayAttachmentId", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "transitGatewayRouteTableId", this); + + this.attrId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Id", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.transitGatewayAttachmentId = props.transitGatewayAttachmentId; + this.transitGatewayRouteTableId = props.transitGatewayRouteTableId; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "transitGatewayAttachmentId": this.transitGatewayAttachmentId, + "transitGatewayRouteTableId": this.transitGatewayRouteTableId + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnTransitGatewayRouteTableAssociation.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnTransitGatewayRouteTableAssociationPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnTransitGatewayRouteTableAssociation\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewayroutetableassociation.html + */ +export interface CfnTransitGatewayRouteTableAssociationProps { + /** + * The ID of the attachment. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewayroutetableassociation.html#cfn-ec2-transitgatewayroutetableassociation-transitgatewayattachmentid + */ + readonly transitGatewayAttachmentId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the route table for the transit gateway. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewayroutetableassociation.html#cfn-ec2-transitgatewayroutetableassociation-transitgatewayroutetableid + */ + readonly transitGatewayRouteTableId: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnTransitGatewayRouteTableAssociationProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnTransitGatewayRouteTableAssociationProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnTransitGatewayRouteTableAssociationPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("transitGatewayAttachmentId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.transitGatewayAttachmentId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("transitGatewayAttachmentId", cdk.validateString)(properties.transitGatewayAttachmentId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("transitGatewayRouteTableId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.transitGatewayRouteTableId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("transitGatewayRouteTableId", cdk.validateString)(properties.transitGatewayRouteTableId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnTransitGatewayRouteTableAssociationProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnTransitGatewayRouteTableAssociationPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnTransitGatewayRouteTableAssociationPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "TransitGatewayAttachmentId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.transitGatewayAttachmentId), + "TransitGatewayRouteTableId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.transitGatewayRouteTableId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnTransitGatewayRouteTableAssociationPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("transitGatewayAttachmentId", "TransitGatewayAttachmentId", (properties.TransitGatewayAttachmentId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.TransitGatewayAttachmentId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("transitGatewayRouteTableId", "TransitGatewayRouteTableId", (properties.TransitGatewayRouteTableId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.TransitGatewayRouteTableId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Enables the specified attachment to propagate routes to the specified propagation route table. + * + * For more information about enabling transit gateway route propagation, see [EnableTransitGatewayRouteTablePropagation](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_EnableTransitGatewayRouteTablePropagation.html) in the *Amazon EC2 API Reference* . + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewayroutetablepropagation.html + */ +export class CfnTransitGatewayRouteTablePropagation extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::TransitGatewayRouteTablePropagation"; + + /** + * Build a CfnTransitGatewayRouteTablePropagation from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnTransitGatewayRouteTablePropagation { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnTransitGatewayRouteTablePropagationPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnTransitGatewayRouteTablePropagation(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * @cloudformationAttribute Id + */ + public readonly attrId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the attachment. + */ + public transitGatewayAttachmentId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the propagation route table. + */ + public transitGatewayRouteTableId: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnTransitGatewayRouteTablePropagationProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnTransitGatewayRouteTablePropagation.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "transitGatewayAttachmentId", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "transitGatewayRouteTableId", this); + + this.attrId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Id", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.transitGatewayAttachmentId = props.transitGatewayAttachmentId; + this.transitGatewayRouteTableId = props.transitGatewayRouteTableId; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "transitGatewayAttachmentId": this.transitGatewayAttachmentId, + "transitGatewayRouteTableId": this.transitGatewayRouteTableId + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnTransitGatewayRouteTablePropagation.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnTransitGatewayRouteTablePropagationPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnTransitGatewayRouteTablePropagation\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewayroutetablepropagation.html + */ +export interface CfnTransitGatewayRouteTablePropagationProps { + /** + * The ID of the attachment. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewayroutetablepropagation.html#cfn-ec2-transitgatewayroutetablepropagation-transitgatewayattachmentid + */ + readonly transitGatewayAttachmentId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the propagation route table. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewayroutetablepropagation.html#cfn-ec2-transitgatewayroutetablepropagation-transitgatewayroutetableid + */ + readonly transitGatewayRouteTableId: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnTransitGatewayRouteTablePropagationProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnTransitGatewayRouteTablePropagationProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnTransitGatewayRouteTablePropagationPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("transitGatewayAttachmentId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.transitGatewayAttachmentId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("transitGatewayAttachmentId", cdk.validateString)(properties.transitGatewayAttachmentId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("transitGatewayRouteTableId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.transitGatewayRouteTableId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("transitGatewayRouteTableId", cdk.validateString)(properties.transitGatewayRouteTableId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnTransitGatewayRouteTablePropagationProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnTransitGatewayRouteTablePropagationPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnTransitGatewayRouteTablePropagationPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "TransitGatewayAttachmentId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.transitGatewayAttachmentId), + "TransitGatewayRouteTableId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.transitGatewayRouteTableId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnTransitGatewayRouteTablePropagationPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("transitGatewayAttachmentId", "TransitGatewayAttachmentId", (properties.TransitGatewayAttachmentId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.TransitGatewayAttachmentId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("transitGatewayRouteTableId", "TransitGatewayRouteTableId", (properties.TransitGatewayRouteTableId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.TransitGatewayRouteTableId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Specifies a VPC attachment. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewayvpcattachment.html + */ +export class CfnTransitGatewayVpcAttachment extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::TransitGatewayVpcAttachment"; + + /** + * Build a CfnTransitGatewayVpcAttachment from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnTransitGatewayVpcAttachment { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnTransitGatewayVpcAttachmentPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnTransitGatewayVpcAttachment(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The ID of the attachment. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute Id + */ + public readonly attrId: string; + + /** + * The IDs of one or more subnets to add. + */ + public addSubnetIds?: Array; + + /** + * The VPC attachment options, in JSON or YAML. + */ + public options?: any | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The IDs of one or more subnets to remove. + */ + public removeSubnetIds?: Array; + + /** + * The IDs of the subnets. + */ + public subnetIds: Array; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * The tags for the VPC attachment. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * The ID of the transit gateway. + */ + public transitGatewayId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the VPC. + */ + public vpcId: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnTransitGatewayVpcAttachmentProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnTransitGatewayVpcAttachment.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "subnetIds", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "transitGatewayId", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "vpcId", this); + + this.attrId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Id", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.addSubnetIds = props.addSubnetIds; + this.options = props.options; + this.removeSubnetIds = props.removeSubnetIds; + this.subnetIds = props.subnetIds; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::EC2::TransitGatewayVpcAttachment", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + this.transitGatewayId = props.transitGatewayId; + this.vpcId = props.vpcId; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "addSubnetIds": this.addSubnetIds, + "options": this.options, + "removeSubnetIds": this.removeSubnetIds, + "subnetIds": this.subnetIds, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags(), + "transitGatewayId": this.transitGatewayId, + "vpcId": this.vpcId + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnTransitGatewayVpcAttachment.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnTransitGatewayVpcAttachmentPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +export namespace CfnTransitGatewayVpcAttachment { + /** + * Describes the VPC attachment options. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-transitgatewayvpcattachment-options.html + */ + export interface OptionsProperty { + /** + * Indicates whether appliance mode support is enabled. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-transitgatewayvpcattachment-options.html#cfn-ec2-transitgatewayvpcattachment-options-appliancemodesupport + */ + readonly applianceModeSupport?: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether DNS support is enabled. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-transitgatewayvpcattachment-options.html#cfn-ec2-transitgatewayvpcattachment-options-dnssupport + */ + readonly dnsSupport?: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether IPv6 support is disabled. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-transitgatewayvpcattachment-options.html#cfn-ec2-transitgatewayvpcattachment-options-ipv6support + */ + readonly ipv6Support?: string; + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnTransitGatewayVpcAttachment\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewayvpcattachment.html + */ +export interface CfnTransitGatewayVpcAttachmentProps { + /** + * The IDs of one or more subnets to add. + * + * You can specify at most one subnet per Availability Zone. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewayvpcattachment.html#cfn-ec2-transitgatewayvpcattachment-addsubnetids + */ + readonly addSubnetIds?: Array; + + /** + * The VPC attachment options, in JSON or YAML. + * + * - \`ApplianceModeSupport\` - Set to \`enable\` or \`disable\` . The default is \`disable\` . + * - \`DnsSupport\` - Set to \`enable\` or \`disable\` . The default is \`enable\` . + * - \`Ipv6Support\` - Set to \`enable\` or \`disable\` . The default is \`disable\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewayvpcattachment.html#cfn-ec2-transitgatewayvpcattachment-options + */ + readonly options?: any | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The IDs of one or more subnets to remove. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewayvpcattachment.html#cfn-ec2-transitgatewayvpcattachment-removesubnetids + */ + readonly removeSubnetIds?: Array; + + /** + * The IDs of the subnets. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewayvpcattachment.html#cfn-ec2-transitgatewayvpcattachment-subnetids + */ + readonly subnetIds: Array; + + /** + * The tags for the VPC attachment. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewayvpcattachment.html#cfn-ec2-transitgatewayvpcattachment-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; + + /** + * The ID of the transit gateway. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewayvpcattachment.html#cfn-ec2-transitgatewayvpcattachment-transitgatewayid + */ + readonly transitGatewayId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the VPC. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-transitgatewayvpcattachment.html#cfn-ec2-transitgatewayvpcattachment-vpcid + */ + readonly vpcId: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`OptionsProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`OptionsProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnTransitGatewayVpcAttachmentOptionsPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("applianceModeSupport", cdk.validateString)(properties.applianceModeSupport)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("dnsSupport", cdk.validateString)(properties.dnsSupport)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipv6Support", cdk.validateString)(properties.ipv6Support)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"OptionsProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnTransitGatewayVpcAttachmentOptionsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnTransitGatewayVpcAttachmentOptionsPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ApplianceModeSupport": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.applianceModeSupport), + "DnsSupport": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.dnsSupport), + "Ipv6Support": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.ipv6Support) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnTransitGatewayVpcAttachmentOptionsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("applianceModeSupport", "ApplianceModeSupport", (properties.ApplianceModeSupport != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ApplianceModeSupport) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("dnsSupport", "DnsSupport", (properties.DnsSupport != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DnsSupport) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ipv6Support", "Ipv6Support", (properties.Ipv6Support != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Ipv6Support) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnTransitGatewayVpcAttachmentProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnTransitGatewayVpcAttachmentProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnTransitGatewayVpcAttachmentPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("addSubnetIds", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.addSubnetIds)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("options", cdk.validateObject)(properties.options)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("removeSubnetIds", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.removeSubnetIds)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("subnetIds", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.subnetIds)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("subnetIds", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.subnetIds)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("transitGatewayId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.transitGatewayId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("transitGatewayId", cdk.validateString)(properties.transitGatewayId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vpcId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.vpcId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vpcId", cdk.validateString)(properties.vpcId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnTransitGatewayVpcAttachmentProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnTransitGatewayVpcAttachmentPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnTransitGatewayVpcAttachmentPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AddSubnetIds": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.addSubnetIds), + "Options": cdk.objectToCloudFormation(properties.options), + "RemoveSubnetIds": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.removeSubnetIds), + "SubnetIds": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.subnetIds), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags), + "TransitGatewayId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.transitGatewayId), + "VpcId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.vpcId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnTransitGatewayVpcAttachmentPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("addSubnetIds", "AddSubnetIds", (properties.AddSubnetIds != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.AddSubnetIds) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("options", "Options", (properties.Options != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getAny(properties.Options) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("removeSubnetIds", "RemoveSubnetIds", (properties.RemoveSubnetIds != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.RemoveSubnetIds) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("subnetIds", "SubnetIds", (properties.SubnetIds != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.SubnetIds) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("transitGatewayId", "TransitGatewayId", (properties.TransitGatewayId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.TransitGatewayId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("vpcId", "VpcId", (properties.VpcId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.VpcId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * An AWS Verified Access endpoint specifies the application that AWS Verified Access provides access to. + * + * It must be attached to an AWS Verified Access group. An AWS Verified Access endpoint must also have an attached access policy before you attached it to a group. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-verifiedaccessendpoint.html + */ +export class CfnVerifiedAccessEndpoint extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::VerifiedAccessEndpoint"; + + /** + * Build a CfnVerifiedAccessEndpoint from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnVerifiedAccessEndpoint { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnVerifiedAccessEndpointPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnVerifiedAccessEndpoint(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The creation time. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute CreationTime + */ + public readonly attrCreationTime: string; + + /** + * Use this to construct the redirect URI to add to your OIDC provider's allow list. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute DeviceValidationDomain + */ + public readonly attrDeviceValidationDomain: string; + + /** + * The DNS name generated for the endpoint. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute EndpointDomain + */ + public readonly attrEndpointDomain: string; + + /** + * The last updated time. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute LastUpdatedTime + */ + public readonly attrLastUpdatedTime: string; + + /** + * The endpoint status. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute Status + */ + public readonly attrStatus: string; + + /** + * The ID of the Verified Access endpoint. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute VerifiedAccessEndpointId + */ + public readonly attrVerifiedAccessEndpointId: string; + + /** + * The instance identifier. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute VerifiedAccessInstanceId + */ + public readonly attrVerifiedAccessInstanceId: string; + + /** + * The DNS name for users to reach your application. + */ + public applicationDomain: string; + + /** + * The type of attachment used to provide connectivity between the AWS Verified Access endpoint and the application. + */ + public attachmentType: string; + + /** + * A description for the AWS Verified Access endpoint. + */ + public description?: string; + + /** + * The ARN of a public TLS/SSL certificate imported into or created with ACM. + */ + public domainCertificateArn: string; + + /** + * A custom identifier that is prepended to the DNS name that is generated for the endpoint. + */ + public endpointDomainPrefix: string; + + /** + * The type of AWS Verified Access endpoint. + */ + public endpointType: string; + + /** + * The load balancer details if creating the AWS Verified Access endpoint as \`load-balancer\` type. + */ + public loadBalancerOptions?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnVerifiedAccessEndpoint.LoadBalancerOptionsProperty; + + /** + * The options for network-interface type endpoint. + */ + public networkInterfaceOptions?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnVerifiedAccessEndpoint.NetworkInterfaceOptionsProperty; + + /** + * The Verified Access policy document. + */ + public policyDocument?: string; + + /** + * The status of the Verified Access policy. + */ + public policyEnabled?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The IDs of the security groups for the endpoint. + */ + public securityGroupIds?: Array; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * The tags. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * The ID of the AWS Verified Access group. + */ + public verifiedAccessGroupId: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnVerifiedAccessEndpointProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnVerifiedAccessEndpoint.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "applicationDomain", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "attachmentType", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "domainCertificateArn", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "endpointDomainPrefix", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "endpointType", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "verifiedAccessGroupId", this); + + this.attrCreationTime = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("CreationTime", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrDeviceValidationDomain = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("DeviceValidationDomain", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrEndpointDomain = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("EndpointDomain", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrLastUpdatedTime = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("LastUpdatedTime", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrStatus = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Status", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrVerifiedAccessEndpointId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("VerifiedAccessEndpointId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrVerifiedAccessInstanceId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("VerifiedAccessInstanceId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.applicationDomain = props.applicationDomain; + this.attachmentType = props.attachmentType; + this.description = props.description; + this.domainCertificateArn = props.domainCertificateArn; + this.endpointDomainPrefix = props.endpointDomainPrefix; + this.endpointType = props.endpointType; + this.loadBalancerOptions = props.loadBalancerOptions; + this.networkInterfaceOptions = props.networkInterfaceOptions; + this.policyDocument = props.policyDocument; + this.policyEnabled = props.policyEnabled; + this.securityGroupIds = props.securityGroupIds; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::EC2::VerifiedAccessEndpoint", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + this.verifiedAccessGroupId = props.verifiedAccessGroupId; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "applicationDomain": this.applicationDomain, + "attachmentType": this.attachmentType, + "description": this.description, + "domainCertificateArn": this.domainCertificateArn, + "endpointDomainPrefix": this.endpointDomainPrefix, + "endpointType": this.endpointType, + "loadBalancerOptions": this.loadBalancerOptions, + "networkInterfaceOptions": this.networkInterfaceOptions, + "policyDocument": this.policyDocument, + "policyEnabled": this.policyEnabled, + "securityGroupIds": this.securityGroupIds, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags(), + "verifiedAccessGroupId": this.verifiedAccessGroupId + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnVerifiedAccessEndpoint.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnVerifiedAccessEndpointPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +export namespace CfnVerifiedAccessEndpoint { + /** + * Describes the network interface options when creating an AWS Verified Access endpoint using the \`network-interface\` type. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-verifiedaccessendpoint-networkinterfaceoptions.html + */ + export interface NetworkInterfaceOptionsProperty { + /** + * The ID of the network interface. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-verifiedaccessendpoint-networkinterfaceoptions.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccessendpoint-networkinterfaceoptions-networkinterfaceid + */ + readonly networkInterfaceId?: string; + + /** + * The IP port number. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-verifiedaccessendpoint-networkinterfaceoptions.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccessendpoint-networkinterfaceoptions-port + */ + readonly port?: number; + + /** + * The IP protocol. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-verifiedaccessendpoint-networkinterfaceoptions.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccessendpoint-networkinterfaceoptions-protocol + */ + readonly protocol?: string; + } + + /** + * Describes the load balancer options when creating an AWS Verified Access endpoint using the \`load-balancer\` type. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-verifiedaccessendpoint-loadbalanceroptions.html + */ + export interface LoadBalancerOptionsProperty { + /** + * The ARN of the load balancer. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-verifiedaccessendpoint-loadbalanceroptions.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccessendpoint-loadbalanceroptions-loadbalancerarn + */ + readonly loadBalancerArn?: string; + + /** + * The IP port number. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-verifiedaccessendpoint-loadbalanceroptions.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccessendpoint-loadbalanceroptions-port + */ + readonly port?: number; + + /** + * The IP protocol. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-verifiedaccessendpoint-loadbalanceroptions.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccessendpoint-loadbalanceroptions-protocol + */ + readonly protocol?: string; + + /** + * The IDs of the subnets. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-verifiedaccessendpoint-loadbalanceroptions.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccessendpoint-loadbalanceroptions-subnetids + */ + readonly subnetIds?: Array; + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnVerifiedAccessEndpoint\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-verifiedaccessendpoint.html + */ +export interface CfnVerifiedAccessEndpointProps { + /** + * The DNS name for users to reach your application. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-verifiedaccessendpoint.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccessendpoint-applicationdomain + */ + readonly applicationDomain: string; + + /** + * The type of attachment used to provide connectivity between the AWS Verified Access endpoint and the application. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-verifiedaccessendpoint.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccessendpoint-attachmenttype + */ + readonly attachmentType: string; + + /** + * A description for the AWS Verified Access endpoint. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-verifiedaccessendpoint.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccessendpoint-description + */ + readonly description?: string; + + /** + * The ARN of a public TLS/SSL certificate imported into or created with ACM. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-verifiedaccessendpoint.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccessendpoint-domaincertificatearn + */ + readonly domainCertificateArn: string; + + /** + * A custom identifier that is prepended to the DNS name that is generated for the endpoint. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-verifiedaccessendpoint.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccessendpoint-endpointdomainprefix + */ + readonly endpointDomainPrefix: string; + + /** + * The type of AWS Verified Access endpoint. + * + * Incoming application requests will be sent to an IP address, load balancer or a network interface depending on the endpoint type specified. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-verifiedaccessendpoint.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccessendpoint-endpointtype + */ + readonly endpointType: string; + + /** + * The load balancer details if creating the AWS Verified Access endpoint as \`load-balancer\` type. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-verifiedaccessendpoint.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccessendpoint-loadbalanceroptions + */ + readonly loadBalancerOptions?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnVerifiedAccessEndpoint.LoadBalancerOptionsProperty; + + /** + * The options for network-interface type endpoint. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-verifiedaccessendpoint.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccessendpoint-networkinterfaceoptions + */ + readonly networkInterfaceOptions?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnVerifiedAccessEndpoint.NetworkInterfaceOptionsProperty; + + /** + * The Verified Access policy document. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-verifiedaccessendpoint.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccessendpoint-policydocument + */ + readonly policyDocument?: string; + + /** + * The status of the Verified Access policy. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-verifiedaccessendpoint.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccessendpoint-policyenabled + */ + readonly policyEnabled?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The IDs of the security groups for the endpoint. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-verifiedaccessendpoint.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccessendpoint-securitygroupids + */ + readonly securityGroupIds?: Array; + + /** + * The tags. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-verifiedaccessendpoint.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccessendpoint-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; + + /** + * The ID of the AWS Verified Access group. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-verifiedaccessendpoint.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccessendpoint-verifiedaccessgroupid + */ + readonly verifiedAccessGroupId: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`NetworkInterfaceOptionsProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`NetworkInterfaceOptionsProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVerifiedAccessEndpointNetworkInterfaceOptionsPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("networkInterfaceId", cdk.validateString)(properties.networkInterfaceId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("port", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.port)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("protocol", cdk.validateString)(properties.protocol)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"NetworkInterfaceOptionsProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnVerifiedAccessEndpointNetworkInterfaceOptionsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnVerifiedAccessEndpointNetworkInterfaceOptionsPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "NetworkInterfaceId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.networkInterfaceId), + "Port": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.port), + "Protocol": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.protocol) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVerifiedAccessEndpointNetworkInterfaceOptionsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("networkInterfaceId", "NetworkInterfaceId", (properties.NetworkInterfaceId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.NetworkInterfaceId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("port", "Port", (properties.Port != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Port) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("protocol", "Protocol", (properties.Protocol != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Protocol) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`LoadBalancerOptionsProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`LoadBalancerOptionsProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVerifiedAccessEndpointLoadBalancerOptionsPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("loadBalancerArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.loadBalancerArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("port", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.port)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("protocol", cdk.validateString)(properties.protocol)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("subnetIds", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.subnetIds)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"LoadBalancerOptionsProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnVerifiedAccessEndpointLoadBalancerOptionsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnVerifiedAccessEndpointLoadBalancerOptionsPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "LoadBalancerArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.loadBalancerArn), + "Port": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.port), + "Protocol": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.protocol), + "SubnetIds": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.subnetIds) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVerifiedAccessEndpointLoadBalancerOptionsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("loadBalancerArn", "LoadBalancerArn", (properties.LoadBalancerArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.LoadBalancerArn) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("port", "Port", (properties.Port != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Port) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("protocol", "Protocol", (properties.Protocol != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Protocol) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("subnetIds", "SubnetIds", (properties.SubnetIds != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.SubnetIds) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnVerifiedAccessEndpointProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnVerifiedAccessEndpointProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVerifiedAccessEndpointPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("applicationDomain", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.applicationDomain)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("applicationDomain", cdk.validateString)(properties.applicationDomain)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("attachmentType", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.attachmentType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("attachmentType", cdk.validateString)(properties.attachmentType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("description", cdk.validateString)(properties.description)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("domainCertificateArn", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.domainCertificateArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("domainCertificateArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.domainCertificateArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("endpointDomainPrefix", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.endpointDomainPrefix)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("endpointDomainPrefix", cdk.validateString)(properties.endpointDomainPrefix)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("endpointType", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.endpointType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("endpointType", cdk.validateString)(properties.endpointType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("loadBalancerOptions", CfnVerifiedAccessEndpointLoadBalancerOptionsPropertyValidator)(properties.loadBalancerOptions)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("networkInterfaceOptions", CfnVerifiedAccessEndpointNetworkInterfaceOptionsPropertyValidator)(properties.networkInterfaceOptions)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("policyDocument", cdk.validateString)(properties.policyDocument)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("policyEnabled", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.policyEnabled)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("securityGroupIds", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.securityGroupIds)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("verifiedAccessGroupId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.verifiedAccessGroupId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("verifiedAccessGroupId", cdk.validateString)(properties.verifiedAccessGroupId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnVerifiedAccessEndpointProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnVerifiedAccessEndpointPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnVerifiedAccessEndpointPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ApplicationDomain": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.applicationDomain), + "AttachmentType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.attachmentType), + "Description": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.description), + "DomainCertificateArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.domainCertificateArn), + "EndpointDomainPrefix": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.endpointDomainPrefix), + "EndpointType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.endpointType), + "LoadBalancerOptions": convertCfnVerifiedAccessEndpointLoadBalancerOptionsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.loadBalancerOptions), + "NetworkInterfaceOptions": convertCfnVerifiedAccessEndpointNetworkInterfaceOptionsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.networkInterfaceOptions), + "PolicyDocument": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.policyDocument), + "PolicyEnabled": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.policyEnabled), + "SecurityGroupIds": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.securityGroupIds), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags), + "VerifiedAccessGroupId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.verifiedAccessGroupId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVerifiedAccessEndpointPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("applicationDomain", "ApplicationDomain", (properties.ApplicationDomain != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ApplicationDomain) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("attachmentType", "AttachmentType", (properties.AttachmentType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.AttachmentType) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("description", "Description", (properties.Description != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Description) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("domainCertificateArn", "DomainCertificateArn", (properties.DomainCertificateArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DomainCertificateArn) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("endpointDomainPrefix", "EndpointDomainPrefix", (properties.EndpointDomainPrefix != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.EndpointDomainPrefix) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("endpointType", "EndpointType", (properties.EndpointType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.EndpointType) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("loadBalancerOptions", "LoadBalancerOptions", (properties.LoadBalancerOptions != null ? CfnVerifiedAccessEndpointLoadBalancerOptionsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.LoadBalancerOptions) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("networkInterfaceOptions", "NetworkInterfaceOptions", (properties.NetworkInterfaceOptions != null ? CfnVerifiedAccessEndpointNetworkInterfaceOptionsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.NetworkInterfaceOptions) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("policyDocument", "PolicyDocument", (properties.PolicyDocument != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.PolicyDocument) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("policyEnabled", "PolicyEnabled", (properties.PolicyEnabled != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.PolicyEnabled) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("securityGroupIds", "SecurityGroupIds", (properties.SecurityGroupIds != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.SecurityGroupIds) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("verifiedAccessGroupId", "VerifiedAccessGroupId", (properties.VerifiedAccessGroupId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.VerifiedAccessGroupId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Describes a Verified Access group. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-verifiedaccessgroup.html + */ +export class CfnVerifiedAccessGroup extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::VerifiedAccessGroup"; + + /** + * Build a CfnVerifiedAccessGroup from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnVerifiedAccessGroup { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnVerifiedAccessGroupPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnVerifiedAccessGroup(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The creation time. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute CreationTime + */ + public readonly attrCreationTime: string; + + /** + * The last updated time. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute LastUpdatedTime + */ + public readonly attrLastUpdatedTime: string; + + /** + * The ID of the AWS account that owns the group. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute Owner + */ + public readonly attrOwner: string; + + /** + * The ARN of the Verified Access group. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute VerifiedAccessGroupArn + */ + public readonly attrVerifiedAccessGroupArn: string; + + /** + * The ID of the Verified Access group. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute VerifiedAccessGroupId + */ + public readonly attrVerifiedAccessGroupId: string; + + /** + * A description for the AWS Verified Access group. + */ + public description?: string; + + /** + * The Verified Access policy document. + */ + public policyDocument?: string; + + /** + * The status of the Verified Access policy. + */ + public policyEnabled?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * The tags. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * The ID of the AWS Verified Access instance. + */ + public verifiedAccessInstanceId: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnVerifiedAccessGroupProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnVerifiedAccessGroup.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "verifiedAccessInstanceId", this); + + this.attrCreationTime = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("CreationTime", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrLastUpdatedTime = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("LastUpdatedTime", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrOwner = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Owner", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrVerifiedAccessGroupArn = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("VerifiedAccessGroupArn", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrVerifiedAccessGroupId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("VerifiedAccessGroupId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.description = props.description; + this.policyDocument = props.policyDocument; + this.policyEnabled = props.policyEnabled; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::EC2::VerifiedAccessGroup", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + this.verifiedAccessInstanceId = props.verifiedAccessInstanceId; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "description": this.description, + "policyDocument": this.policyDocument, + "policyEnabled": this.policyEnabled, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags(), + "verifiedAccessInstanceId": this.verifiedAccessInstanceId + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnVerifiedAccessGroup.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnVerifiedAccessGroupPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnVerifiedAccessGroup\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-verifiedaccessgroup.html + */ +export interface CfnVerifiedAccessGroupProps { + /** + * A description for the AWS Verified Access group. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-verifiedaccessgroup.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccessgroup-description + */ + readonly description?: string; + + /** + * The Verified Access policy document. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-verifiedaccessgroup.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccessgroup-policydocument + */ + readonly policyDocument?: string; + + /** + * The status of the Verified Access policy. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-verifiedaccessgroup.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccessgroup-policyenabled + */ + readonly policyEnabled?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The tags. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-verifiedaccessgroup.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccessgroup-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; + + /** + * The ID of the AWS Verified Access instance. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-verifiedaccessgroup.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccessgroup-verifiedaccessinstanceid + */ + readonly verifiedAccessInstanceId: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnVerifiedAccessGroupProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnVerifiedAccessGroupProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVerifiedAccessGroupPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("description", cdk.validateString)(properties.description)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("policyDocument", cdk.validateString)(properties.policyDocument)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("policyEnabled", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.policyEnabled)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("verifiedAccessInstanceId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.verifiedAccessInstanceId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("verifiedAccessInstanceId", cdk.validateString)(properties.verifiedAccessInstanceId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnVerifiedAccessGroupProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnVerifiedAccessGroupPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnVerifiedAccessGroupPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Description": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.description), + "PolicyDocument": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.policyDocument), + "PolicyEnabled": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.policyEnabled), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags), + "VerifiedAccessInstanceId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.verifiedAccessInstanceId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVerifiedAccessGroupPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("description", "Description", (properties.Description != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Description) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("policyDocument", "PolicyDocument", (properties.PolicyDocument != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.PolicyDocument) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("policyEnabled", "PolicyEnabled", (properties.PolicyEnabled != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.PolicyEnabled) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("verifiedAccessInstanceId", "VerifiedAccessInstanceId", (properties.VerifiedAccessInstanceId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.VerifiedAccessInstanceId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Describes a Verified Access instance. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-verifiedaccessinstance.html + */ +export class CfnVerifiedAccessInstance extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::VerifiedAccessInstance"; + + /** + * Build a CfnVerifiedAccessInstance from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnVerifiedAccessInstance { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnVerifiedAccessInstancePropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnVerifiedAccessInstance(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The creation time. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute CreationTime + */ + public readonly attrCreationTime: string; + + /** + * The last updated time. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute LastUpdatedTime + */ + public readonly attrLastUpdatedTime: string; + + /** + * The ID of the Verified Access instance. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute VerifiedAccessInstanceId + */ + public readonly attrVerifiedAccessInstanceId: string; + + /** + * A description for the AWS Verified Access instance. + */ + public description?: string; + + /** + * The current logging configuration for the Verified Access instances. + */ + public loggingConfigurations?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnVerifiedAccessInstance.VerifiedAccessLogsProperty; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * The tags. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * The IDs of the AWS Verified Access trust providers. + */ + public verifiedAccessTrustProviderIds?: Array; + + /** + * The IDs of the AWS Verified Access trust providers. + */ + public verifiedAccessTrustProviders?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnVerifiedAccessInstanceProps = {}) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnVerifiedAccessInstance.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + this.attrCreationTime = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("CreationTime", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrLastUpdatedTime = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("LastUpdatedTime", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrVerifiedAccessInstanceId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("VerifiedAccessInstanceId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.description = props.description; + this.loggingConfigurations = props.loggingConfigurations; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::EC2::VerifiedAccessInstance", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + this.verifiedAccessTrustProviderIds = props.verifiedAccessTrustProviderIds; + this.verifiedAccessTrustProviders = props.verifiedAccessTrustProviders; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "description": this.description, + "loggingConfigurations": this.loggingConfigurations, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags(), + "verifiedAccessTrustProviderIds": this.verifiedAccessTrustProviderIds, + "verifiedAccessTrustProviders": this.verifiedAccessTrustProviders + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnVerifiedAccessInstance.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnVerifiedAccessInstancePropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +export namespace CfnVerifiedAccessInstance { + /** + * Describes a Verified Access trust provider. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-verifiedaccessinstance-verifiedaccesstrustprovider.html + */ + export interface VerifiedAccessTrustProviderProperty { + /** + * A description for the AWS Verified Access trust provider. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-verifiedaccessinstance-verifiedaccesstrustprovider.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccessinstance-verifiedaccesstrustprovider-description + */ + readonly description?: string; + + /** + * The type of device-based trust provider. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-verifiedaccessinstance-verifiedaccesstrustprovider.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccessinstance-verifiedaccesstrustprovider-devicetrustprovidertype + */ + readonly deviceTrustProviderType?: string; + + /** + * The type of Verified Access trust provider. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-verifiedaccessinstance-verifiedaccesstrustprovider.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccessinstance-verifiedaccesstrustprovider-trustprovidertype + */ + readonly trustProviderType?: string; + + /** + * The type of user-based trust provider. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-verifiedaccessinstance-verifiedaccesstrustprovider.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccessinstance-verifiedaccesstrustprovider-usertrustprovidertype + */ + readonly userTrustProviderType?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the AWS Verified Access trust provider. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-verifiedaccessinstance-verifiedaccesstrustprovider.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccessinstance-verifiedaccesstrustprovider-verifiedaccesstrustproviderid + */ + readonly verifiedAccessTrustProviderId?: string; + } + + /** + * Describes the options for Verified Access logs. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-verifiedaccessinstance-verifiedaccesslogs.html + */ + export interface VerifiedAccessLogsProperty { + /** + * CloudWatch Logs logging destination. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-verifiedaccessinstance-verifiedaccesslogs.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccessinstance-verifiedaccesslogs-cloudwatchlogs + */ + readonly cloudWatchLogs?: CfnVerifiedAccessInstance.CloudWatchLogsProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Include claims from trust providers in Verified Access logs. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-verifiedaccessinstance-verifiedaccesslogs.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccessinstance-verifiedaccesslogs-includetrustcontext + */ + readonly includeTrustContext?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Kinesis logging destination. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-verifiedaccessinstance-verifiedaccesslogs.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccessinstance-verifiedaccesslogs-kinesisdatafirehose + */ + readonly kinesisDataFirehose?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnVerifiedAccessInstance.KinesisDataFirehoseProperty; + + /** + * Select log version for Verified Access logs. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-verifiedaccessinstance-verifiedaccesslogs.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccessinstance-verifiedaccesslogs-logversion + */ + readonly logVersion?: string; + + /** + * Amazon S3 logging options. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-verifiedaccessinstance-verifiedaccesslogs.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccessinstance-verifiedaccesslogs-s3 + */ + readonly s3?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnVerifiedAccessInstance.S3Property; + } + + /** + * Options for CloudWatch Logs as a logging destination. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-verifiedaccessinstance-cloudwatchlogs.html + */ + export interface CloudWatchLogsProperty { + /** + * Indicates whether logging is enabled. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-verifiedaccessinstance-cloudwatchlogs.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccessinstance-cloudwatchlogs-enabled + */ + readonly enabled?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The ID of the CloudWatch Logs log group. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-verifiedaccessinstance-cloudwatchlogs.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccessinstance-cloudwatchlogs-loggroup + */ + readonly logGroup?: string; + } + + /** + * Options for Kinesis as a logging destination. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-verifiedaccessinstance-kinesisdatafirehose.html + */ + export interface KinesisDataFirehoseProperty { + /** + * The ID of the delivery stream. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-verifiedaccessinstance-kinesisdatafirehose.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccessinstance-kinesisdatafirehose-deliverystream + */ + readonly deliveryStream?: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether logging is enabled. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-verifiedaccessinstance-kinesisdatafirehose.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccessinstance-kinesisdatafirehose-enabled + */ + readonly enabled?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * Options for Amazon S3 as a logging destination. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-verifiedaccessinstance-s3.html + */ + export interface S3Property { + /** + * The bucket name. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-verifiedaccessinstance-s3.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccessinstance-s3-bucketname + */ + readonly bucketName?: string; + + /** + * The AWS account number that owns the bucket. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-verifiedaccessinstance-s3.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccessinstance-s3-bucketowner + */ + readonly bucketOwner?: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether logging is enabled. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-verifiedaccessinstance-s3.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccessinstance-s3-enabled + */ + readonly enabled?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The bucket prefix. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-verifiedaccessinstance-s3.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccessinstance-s3-prefix + */ + readonly prefix?: string; + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnVerifiedAccessInstance\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-verifiedaccessinstance.html + */ +export interface CfnVerifiedAccessInstanceProps { + /** + * A description for the AWS Verified Access instance. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-verifiedaccessinstance.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccessinstance-description + */ + readonly description?: string; + + /** + * The current logging configuration for the Verified Access instances. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-verifiedaccessinstance.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccessinstance-loggingconfigurations + */ + readonly loggingConfigurations?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnVerifiedAccessInstance.VerifiedAccessLogsProperty; + + /** + * The tags. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-verifiedaccessinstance.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccessinstance-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; + + /** + * The IDs of the AWS Verified Access trust providers. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-verifiedaccessinstance.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccessinstance-verifiedaccesstrustproviderids + */ + readonly verifiedAccessTrustProviderIds?: Array; + + /** + * The IDs of the AWS Verified Access trust providers. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-verifiedaccessinstance.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccessinstance-verifiedaccesstrustproviders + */ + readonly verifiedAccessTrustProviders?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`VerifiedAccessTrustProviderProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`VerifiedAccessTrustProviderProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVerifiedAccessInstanceVerifiedAccessTrustProviderPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("description", cdk.validateString)(properties.description)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("deviceTrustProviderType", cdk.validateString)(properties.deviceTrustProviderType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("trustProviderType", cdk.validateString)(properties.trustProviderType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("userTrustProviderType", cdk.validateString)(properties.userTrustProviderType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("verifiedAccessTrustProviderId", cdk.validateString)(properties.verifiedAccessTrustProviderId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"VerifiedAccessTrustProviderProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnVerifiedAccessInstanceVerifiedAccessTrustProviderPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnVerifiedAccessInstanceVerifiedAccessTrustProviderPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Description": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.description), + "DeviceTrustProviderType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.deviceTrustProviderType), + "TrustProviderType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.trustProviderType), + "UserTrustProviderType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.userTrustProviderType), + "VerifiedAccessTrustProviderId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.verifiedAccessTrustProviderId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVerifiedAccessInstanceVerifiedAccessTrustProviderPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("description", "Description", (properties.Description != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Description) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("deviceTrustProviderType", "DeviceTrustProviderType", (properties.DeviceTrustProviderType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DeviceTrustProviderType) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("trustProviderType", "TrustProviderType", (properties.TrustProviderType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.TrustProviderType) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("userTrustProviderType", "UserTrustProviderType", (properties.UserTrustProviderType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.UserTrustProviderType) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("verifiedAccessTrustProviderId", "VerifiedAccessTrustProviderId", (properties.VerifiedAccessTrustProviderId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.VerifiedAccessTrustProviderId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CloudWatchLogsProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CloudWatchLogsProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVerifiedAccessInstanceCloudWatchLogsPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("enabled", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.enabled)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("logGroup", cdk.validateString)(properties.logGroup)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CloudWatchLogsProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnVerifiedAccessInstanceCloudWatchLogsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnVerifiedAccessInstanceCloudWatchLogsPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Enabled": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.enabled), + "LogGroup": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.logGroup) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVerifiedAccessInstanceCloudWatchLogsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("enabled", "Enabled", (properties.Enabled != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.Enabled) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("logGroup", "LogGroup", (properties.LogGroup != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.LogGroup) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`KinesisDataFirehoseProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`KinesisDataFirehoseProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVerifiedAccessInstanceKinesisDataFirehosePropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("deliveryStream", cdk.validateString)(properties.deliveryStream)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("enabled", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.enabled)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"KinesisDataFirehoseProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnVerifiedAccessInstanceKinesisDataFirehosePropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnVerifiedAccessInstanceKinesisDataFirehosePropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "DeliveryStream": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.deliveryStream), + "Enabled": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.enabled) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVerifiedAccessInstanceKinesisDataFirehosePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("deliveryStream", "DeliveryStream", (properties.DeliveryStream != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DeliveryStream) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("enabled", "Enabled", (properties.Enabled != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.Enabled) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`S3Property\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`S3Property\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVerifiedAccessInstanceS3PropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("bucketName", cdk.validateString)(properties.bucketName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("bucketOwner", cdk.validateString)(properties.bucketOwner)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("enabled", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.enabled)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("prefix", cdk.validateString)(properties.prefix)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"S3Property\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnVerifiedAccessInstanceS3PropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnVerifiedAccessInstanceS3PropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "BucketName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.bucketName), + "BucketOwner": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.bucketOwner), + "Enabled": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.enabled), + "Prefix": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.prefix) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVerifiedAccessInstanceS3PropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("bucketName", "BucketName", (properties.BucketName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.BucketName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("bucketOwner", "BucketOwner", (properties.BucketOwner != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.BucketOwner) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("enabled", "Enabled", (properties.Enabled != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.Enabled) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("prefix", "Prefix", (properties.Prefix != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Prefix) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`VerifiedAccessLogsProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`VerifiedAccessLogsProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVerifiedAccessInstanceVerifiedAccessLogsPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("cloudWatchLogs", CfnVerifiedAccessInstanceCloudWatchLogsPropertyValidator)(properties.cloudWatchLogs)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("includeTrustContext", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.includeTrustContext)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("kinesisDataFirehose", CfnVerifiedAccessInstanceKinesisDataFirehosePropertyValidator)(properties.kinesisDataFirehose)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("logVersion", cdk.validateString)(properties.logVersion)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("s3", CfnVerifiedAccessInstanceS3PropertyValidator)(properties.s3)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"VerifiedAccessLogsProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnVerifiedAccessInstanceVerifiedAccessLogsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnVerifiedAccessInstanceVerifiedAccessLogsPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "CloudWatchLogs": convertCfnVerifiedAccessInstanceCloudWatchLogsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.cloudWatchLogs), + "IncludeTrustContext": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.includeTrustContext), + "KinesisDataFirehose": convertCfnVerifiedAccessInstanceKinesisDataFirehosePropertyToCloudFormation(properties.kinesisDataFirehose), + "LogVersion": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.logVersion), + "S3": convertCfnVerifiedAccessInstanceS3PropertyToCloudFormation(properties.s3) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVerifiedAccessInstanceVerifiedAccessLogsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("cloudWatchLogs", "CloudWatchLogs", (properties.CloudWatchLogs != null ? CfnVerifiedAccessInstanceCloudWatchLogsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.CloudWatchLogs) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("includeTrustContext", "IncludeTrustContext", (properties.IncludeTrustContext != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.IncludeTrustContext) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("kinesisDataFirehose", "KinesisDataFirehose", (properties.KinesisDataFirehose != null ? CfnVerifiedAccessInstanceKinesisDataFirehosePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.KinesisDataFirehose) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("logVersion", "LogVersion", (properties.LogVersion != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.LogVersion) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("s3", "S3", (properties.S3 != null ? CfnVerifiedAccessInstanceS3PropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.S3) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnVerifiedAccessInstanceProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnVerifiedAccessInstanceProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVerifiedAccessInstancePropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("description", cdk.validateString)(properties.description)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("loggingConfigurations", CfnVerifiedAccessInstanceVerifiedAccessLogsPropertyValidator)(properties.loggingConfigurations)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("verifiedAccessTrustProviderIds", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.verifiedAccessTrustProviderIds)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("verifiedAccessTrustProviders", cdk.listValidator(CfnVerifiedAccessInstanceVerifiedAccessTrustProviderPropertyValidator))(properties.verifiedAccessTrustProviders)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnVerifiedAccessInstanceProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnVerifiedAccessInstancePropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnVerifiedAccessInstancePropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Description": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.description), + "LoggingConfigurations": convertCfnVerifiedAccessInstanceVerifiedAccessLogsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.loggingConfigurations), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags), + "VerifiedAccessTrustProviderIds": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.verifiedAccessTrustProviderIds), + "VerifiedAccessTrustProviders": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnVerifiedAccessInstanceVerifiedAccessTrustProviderPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.verifiedAccessTrustProviders) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVerifiedAccessInstancePropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("description", "Description", (properties.Description != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Description) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("loggingConfigurations", "LoggingConfigurations", (properties.LoggingConfigurations != null ? CfnVerifiedAccessInstanceVerifiedAccessLogsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.LoggingConfigurations) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("verifiedAccessTrustProviderIds", "VerifiedAccessTrustProviderIds", (properties.VerifiedAccessTrustProviderIds != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.VerifiedAccessTrustProviderIds) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("verifiedAccessTrustProviders", "VerifiedAccessTrustProviders", (properties.VerifiedAccessTrustProviders != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnVerifiedAccessInstanceVerifiedAccessTrustProviderPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.VerifiedAccessTrustProviders) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Describes a Verified Access trust provider. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-verifiedaccesstrustprovider.html + */ +export class CfnVerifiedAccessTrustProvider extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::VerifiedAccessTrustProvider"; + + /** + * Build a CfnVerifiedAccessTrustProvider from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnVerifiedAccessTrustProvider { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnVerifiedAccessTrustProviderPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnVerifiedAccessTrustProvider(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The creation time. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute CreationTime + */ + public readonly attrCreationTime: string; + + /** + * The last updated time. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute LastUpdatedTime + */ + public readonly attrLastUpdatedTime: string; + + /** + * The ID of the Verified Access trust provider. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute VerifiedAccessTrustProviderId + */ + public readonly attrVerifiedAccessTrustProviderId: string; + + /** + * A description for the AWS Verified Access trust provider. + */ + public description?: string; + + /** + * The options for device-identity trust provider. + */ + public deviceOptions?: CfnVerifiedAccessTrustProvider.DeviceOptionsProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The type of device-based trust provider. + */ + public deviceTrustProviderType?: string; + + /** + * The options for an OpenID Connect-compatible user-identity trust provider. + */ + public oidcOptions?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnVerifiedAccessTrustProvider.OidcOptionsProperty; + + /** + * The identifier to be used when working with policy rules. + */ + public policyReferenceName: string; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * The tags. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * The type of Verified Access trust provider. + */ + public trustProviderType: string; + + /** + * The type of user-based trust provider. + */ + public userTrustProviderType?: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnVerifiedAccessTrustProviderProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnVerifiedAccessTrustProvider.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "policyReferenceName", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "trustProviderType", this); + + this.attrCreationTime = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("CreationTime", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrLastUpdatedTime = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("LastUpdatedTime", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrVerifiedAccessTrustProviderId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("VerifiedAccessTrustProviderId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.description = props.description; + this.deviceOptions = props.deviceOptions; + this.deviceTrustProviderType = props.deviceTrustProviderType; + this.oidcOptions = props.oidcOptions; + this.policyReferenceName = props.policyReferenceName; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::EC2::VerifiedAccessTrustProvider", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + this.trustProviderType = props.trustProviderType; + this.userTrustProviderType = props.userTrustProviderType; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "description": this.description, + "deviceOptions": this.deviceOptions, + "deviceTrustProviderType": this.deviceTrustProviderType, + "oidcOptions": this.oidcOptions, + "policyReferenceName": this.policyReferenceName, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags(), + "trustProviderType": this.trustProviderType, + "userTrustProviderType": this.userTrustProviderType + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnVerifiedAccessTrustProvider.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnVerifiedAccessTrustProviderPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +export namespace CfnVerifiedAccessTrustProvider { + /** + * Describes the options for an OpenID Connect-compatible user-identity trust provider. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-verifiedaccesstrustprovider-oidcoptions.html + */ + export interface OidcOptionsProperty { + /** + * The OIDC authorization endpoint. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-verifiedaccesstrustprovider-oidcoptions.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccesstrustprovider-oidcoptions-authorizationendpoint + */ + readonly authorizationEndpoint?: string; + + /** + * The client identifier. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-verifiedaccesstrustprovider-oidcoptions.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccesstrustprovider-oidcoptions-clientid + */ + readonly clientId?: string; + + /** + * The client secret. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-verifiedaccesstrustprovider-oidcoptions.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccesstrustprovider-oidcoptions-clientsecret + */ + readonly clientSecret?: string; + + /** + * The OIDC issuer. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-verifiedaccesstrustprovider-oidcoptions.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccesstrustprovider-oidcoptions-issuer + */ + readonly issuer?: string; + + /** + * The OpenID Connect (OIDC) scope specified. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-verifiedaccesstrustprovider-oidcoptions.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccesstrustprovider-oidcoptions-scope + */ + readonly scope?: string; + + /** + * The OIDC token endpoint. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-verifiedaccesstrustprovider-oidcoptions.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccesstrustprovider-oidcoptions-tokenendpoint + */ + readonly tokenEndpoint?: string; + + /** + * The OIDC user info endpoint. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-verifiedaccesstrustprovider-oidcoptions.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccesstrustprovider-oidcoptions-userinfoendpoint + */ + readonly userInfoEndpoint?: string; + } + + /** + * Describes the options for an AWS Verified Access device-identity based trust provider. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-verifiedaccesstrustprovider-deviceoptions.html + */ + export interface DeviceOptionsProperty { + /** + * The ID of the tenant application with the device-identity provider. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-verifiedaccesstrustprovider-deviceoptions.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccesstrustprovider-deviceoptions-tenantid + */ + readonly tenantId?: string; + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnVerifiedAccessTrustProvider\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-verifiedaccesstrustprovider.html + */ +export interface CfnVerifiedAccessTrustProviderProps { + /** + * A description for the AWS Verified Access trust provider. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-verifiedaccesstrustprovider.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccesstrustprovider-description + */ + readonly description?: string; + + /** + * The options for device-identity trust provider. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-verifiedaccesstrustprovider.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccesstrustprovider-deviceoptions + */ + readonly deviceOptions?: CfnVerifiedAccessTrustProvider.DeviceOptionsProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The type of device-based trust provider. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-verifiedaccesstrustprovider.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccesstrustprovider-devicetrustprovidertype + */ + readonly deviceTrustProviderType?: string; + + /** + * The options for an OpenID Connect-compatible user-identity trust provider. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-verifiedaccesstrustprovider.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccesstrustprovider-oidcoptions + */ + readonly oidcOptions?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnVerifiedAccessTrustProvider.OidcOptionsProperty; + + /** + * The identifier to be used when working with policy rules. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-verifiedaccesstrustprovider.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccesstrustprovider-policyreferencename + */ + readonly policyReferenceName: string; + + /** + * The tags. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-verifiedaccesstrustprovider.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccesstrustprovider-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; + + /** + * The type of Verified Access trust provider. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-verifiedaccesstrustprovider.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccesstrustprovider-trustprovidertype + */ + readonly trustProviderType: string; + + /** + * The type of user-based trust provider. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-verifiedaccesstrustprovider.html#cfn-ec2-verifiedaccesstrustprovider-usertrustprovidertype + */ + readonly userTrustProviderType?: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`OidcOptionsProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`OidcOptionsProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVerifiedAccessTrustProviderOidcOptionsPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("authorizationEndpoint", cdk.validateString)(properties.authorizationEndpoint)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("clientId", cdk.validateString)(properties.clientId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("clientSecret", cdk.validateString)(properties.clientSecret)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("issuer", cdk.validateString)(properties.issuer)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("scope", cdk.validateString)(properties.scope)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tokenEndpoint", cdk.validateString)(properties.tokenEndpoint)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("userInfoEndpoint", cdk.validateString)(properties.userInfoEndpoint)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"OidcOptionsProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnVerifiedAccessTrustProviderOidcOptionsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnVerifiedAccessTrustProviderOidcOptionsPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AuthorizationEndpoint": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.authorizationEndpoint), + "ClientId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.clientId), + "ClientSecret": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.clientSecret), + "Issuer": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.issuer), + "Scope": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.scope), + "TokenEndpoint": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.tokenEndpoint), + "UserInfoEndpoint": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.userInfoEndpoint) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVerifiedAccessTrustProviderOidcOptionsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("authorizationEndpoint", "AuthorizationEndpoint", (properties.AuthorizationEndpoint != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.AuthorizationEndpoint) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("clientId", "ClientId", (properties.ClientId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ClientId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("clientSecret", "ClientSecret", (properties.ClientSecret != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ClientSecret) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("issuer", "Issuer", (properties.Issuer != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Issuer) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("scope", "Scope", (properties.Scope != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Scope) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tokenEndpoint", "TokenEndpoint", (properties.TokenEndpoint != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.TokenEndpoint) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("userInfoEndpoint", "UserInfoEndpoint", (properties.UserInfoEndpoint != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.UserInfoEndpoint) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`DeviceOptionsProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`DeviceOptionsProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVerifiedAccessTrustProviderDeviceOptionsPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tenantId", cdk.validateString)(properties.tenantId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"DeviceOptionsProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnVerifiedAccessTrustProviderDeviceOptionsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnVerifiedAccessTrustProviderDeviceOptionsPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "TenantId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.tenantId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVerifiedAccessTrustProviderDeviceOptionsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("tenantId", "TenantId", (properties.TenantId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.TenantId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnVerifiedAccessTrustProviderProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnVerifiedAccessTrustProviderProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVerifiedAccessTrustProviderPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("description", cdk.validateString)(properties.description)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("deviceOptions", CfnVerifiedAccessTrustProviderDeviceOptionsPropertyValidator)(properties.deviceOptions)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("deviceTrustProviderType", cdk.validateString)(properties.deviceTrustProviderType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("oidcOptions", CfnVerifiedAccessTrustProviderOidcOptionsPropertyValidator)(properties.oidcOptions)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("policyReferenceName", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.policyReferenceName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("policyReferenceName", cdk.validateString)(properties.policyReferenceName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("trustProviderType", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.trustProviderType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("trustProviderType", cdk.validateString)(properties.trustProviderType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("userTrustProviderType", cdk.validateString)(properties.userTrustProviderType)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnVerifiedAccessTrustProviderProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnVerifiedAccessTrustProviderPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnVerifiedAccessTrustProviderPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Description": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.description), + "DeviceOptions": convertCfnVerifiedAccessTrustProviderDeviceOptionsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.deviceOptions), + "DeviceTrustProviderType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.deviceTrustProviderType), + "OidcOptions": convertCfnVerifiedAccessTrustProviderOidcOptionsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.oidcOptions), + "PolicyReferenceName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.policyReferenceName), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags), + "TrustProviderType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.trustProviderType), + "UserTrustProviderType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.userTrustProviderType) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVerifiedAccessTrustProviderPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("description", "Description", (properties.Description != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Description) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("deviceOptions", "DeviceOptions", (properties.DeviceOptions != null ? CfnVerifiedAccessTrustProviderDeviceOptionsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.DeviceOptions) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("deviceTrustProviderType", "DeviceTrustProviderType", (properties.DeviceTrustProviderType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DeviceTrustProviderType) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("oidcOptions", "OidcOptions", (properties.OidcOptions != null ? CfnVerifiedAccessTrustProviderOidcOptionsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.OidcOptions) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("policyReferenceName", "PolicyReferenceName", (properties.PolicyReferenceName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.PolicyReferenceName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("trustProviderType", "TrustProviderType", (properties.TrustProviderType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.TrustProviderType) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("userTrustProviderType", "UserTrustProviderType", (properties.UserTrustProviderType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.UserTrustProviderType) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Specifies an Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volume. + * + * You can attach the volume to an instance in the same Availability Zone using [AWS::EC2::VolumeAttachment](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ebs-volumeattachment.html) . + * + * When you use AWS CloudFormation to update an Amazon EBS volume that modifies \`Iops\` , \`Size\` , or \`VolumeType\` , there is a cooldown period before another operation can occur. This can cause your stack to report being in \`UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS\` or \`UPDATE_ROLLBACK_IN_PROGRESS\` for long periods of time. + * + * Amazon EBS does not support sizing down an Amazon EBS volume. AWS CloudFormation does not attempt to modify an Amazon EBS volume to a smaller size on rollback. + * + * Some common scenarios when you might encounter a cooldown period for Amazon EBS include: + * + * - You successfully update an Amazon EBS volume and the update succeeds. When you attempt another update within the cooldown window, that update will be subject to a cooldown period. + * - You successfully update an Amazon EBS volume and the update succeeds but another change in your \`update-stack\` call fails. The rollback will be subject to a cooldown period. + * + * For more information on the cooldown period, see [Requirements when modifying volumes](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/modify-volume-requirements.html) . + * + * *DeletionPolicy attribute* + * + * To control how AWS CloudFormation handles the volume when the stack is deleted, set a deletion policy for your volume. You can choose to retain the volume, to delete the volume, or to create a snapshot of the volume. For more information, see [DeletionPolicy attribute](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-attribute-deletionpolicy.html) . + * + * > If you set a deletion policy that creates a snapshot, all tags on the volume are included in the snapshot. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-volume.html + */ +export class CfnVolume extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::Volume"; + + /** + * Build a CfnVolume from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnVolume { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnVolumePropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnVolume(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The ID of the volume. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute VolumeId + */ + public readonly attrVolumeId: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether the volume is auto-enabled for I/O operations. + */ + public autoEnableIo?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The ID of the Availability Zone in which to create the volume. + */ + public availabilityZone: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether the volume should be encrypted. + */ + public encrypted?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS). + */ + public iops?: number; + + /** + * The identifier of the AWS KMS key to use for Amazon EBS encryption. + */ + public kmsKeyId?: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether Amazon EBS Multi-Attach is enabled. + */ + public multiAttachEnabled?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Outpost. + */ + public outpostArn?: string; + + /** + * The size of the volume, in GiBs. + */ + public size?: number; + + /** + * The snapshot from which to create the volume. + */ + public snapshotId?: string; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * The tags to apply to the volume during creation. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * The throughput to provision for a volume, with a maximum of 1,000 MiB/s. + */ + public throughput?: number; + + /** + * The volume type. This parameter can be one of the following values:. + */ + public volumeType?: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnVolumeProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnVolume.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "availabilityZone", this); + + this.attrVolumeId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("VolumeId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.autoEnableIo = props.autoEnableIo; + this.availabilityZone = props.availabilityZone; + this.encrypted = props.encrypted; + this.iops = props.iops; + this.kmsKeyId = props.kmsKeyId; + this.multiAttachEnabled = props.multiAttachEnabled; + this.outpostArn = props.outpostArn; + this.size = props.size; + this.snapshotId = props.snapshotId; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::EC2::Volume", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + this.throughput = props.throughput; + this.volumeType = props.volumeType; + if ((this.node.scope != null && cdk.Resource.isResource(this.node.scope))) { + this.node.addValidation({ + "validate": () => ((this.cfnOptions.deletionPolicy === undefined) ? ["'AWS::EC2::Volume' is a stateful resource type, and you must specify a Removal Policy for it. Call 'resource.applyRemovalPolicy()'."] : []) + }); + } + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "autoEnableIo": this.autoEnableIo, + "availabilityZone": this.availabilityZone, + "encrypted": this.encrypted, + "iops": this.iops, + "kmsKeyId": this.kmsKeyId, + "multiAttachEnabled": this.multiAttachEnabled, + "outpostArn": this.outpostArn, + "size": this.size, + "snapshotId": this.snapshotId, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags(), + "throughput": this.throughput, + "volumeType": this.volumeType + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnVolume.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnVolumePropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnVolume\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-volume.html + */ +export interface CfnVolumeProps { + /** + * Indicates whether the volume is auto-enabled for I/O operations. + * + * By default, Amazon EBS disables I/O to the volume from attached EC2 instances when it determines that a volume's data is potentially inconsistent. If the consistency of the volume is not a concern, and you prefer that the volume be made available immediately if it's impaired, you can configure the volume to automatically enable I/O. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-volume.html#cfn-ec2-volume-autoenableio + */ + readonly autoEnableIo?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The ID of the Availability Zone in which to create the volume. + * + * For example, \`us-east-1a\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-volume.html#cfn-ec2-volume-availabilityzone + */ + readonly availabilityZone: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether the volume should be encrypted. + * + * The effect of setting the encryption state to \`true\` depends on the volume origin (new or from a snapshot), starting encryption state, ownership, and whether encryption by default is enabled. For more information, see [Encryption by default](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/EBSEncryption.html#encryption-by-default) in the *Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide* . + * + * Encrypted Amazon EBS volumes must be attached to instances that support Amazon EBS encryption. For more information, see [Supported instance types](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/EBSEncryption.html#EBSEncryption_supported_instances) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-volume.html#cfn-ec2-volume-encrypted + */ + readonly encrypted?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS). + * + * For \`gp3\` , \`io1\` , and \`io2\` volumes, this represents the number of IOPS that are provisioned for the volume. For \`gp2\` volumes, this represents the baseline performance of the volume and the rate at which the volume accumulates I/O credits for bursting. + * + * The following are the supported values for each volume type: + * + * - \`gp3\` : 3,000-16,000 IOPS + * - \`io1\` : 100-64,000 IOPS + * - \`io2\` : 100-64,000 IOPS + * + * \`io1\` and \`io2\` volumes support up to 64,000 IOPS only on [Instances built on the Nitro System](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/instance-types.html#ec2-nitro-instances) . Other instance families support performance up to 32,000 IOPS. + * + * This parameter is required for \`io1\` and \`io2\` volumes. The default for \`gp3\` volumes is 3,000 IOPS. This parameter is not supported for \`gp2\` , \`st1\` , \`sc1\` , or \`standard\` volumes. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-volume.html#cfn-ec2-volume-iops + */ + readonly iops?: number; + + /** + * The identifier of the AWS KMS key to use for Amazon EBS encryption. + * + * If \`KmsKeyId\` is specified, the encrypted state must be \`true\` . + * + * If you omit this property and your account is enabled for encryption by default, or *Encrypted* is set to \`true\` , then the volume is encrypted using the default key specified for your account. If your account does not have a default key, then the volume is encrypted using the AWS managed key . + * + * Alternatively, if you want to specify a different key, you can specify one of the following: + * + * - Key ID. For example, 1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab. + * - Key alias. Specify the alias for the key, prefixed with \`alias/\` . For example, for a key with the alias \`my_cmk\` , use \`alias/my_cmk\` . Or to specify the AWS managed key , use \`alias/aws/ebs\` . + * - Key ARN. For example, arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:012345678910:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab. + * - Alias ARN. For example, arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:012345678910:alias/ExampleAlias. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-volume.html#cfn-ec2-volume-kmskeyid + */ + readonly kmsKeyId?: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether Amazon EBS Multi-Attach is enabled. + * + * AWS CloudFormation does not currently support updating a single-attach volume to be multi-attach enabled, updating a multi-attach enabled volume to be single-attach, or updating the size or number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) of a multi-attach enabled volume. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-volume.html#cfn-ec2-volume-multiattachenabled + */ + readonly multiAttachEnabled?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Outpost. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-volume.html#cfn-ec2-volume-outpostarn + */ + readonly outpostArn?: string; + + /** + * The size of the volume, in GiBs. + * + * You must specify either a snapshot ID or a volume size. If you specify a snapshot, the default is the snapshot size. You can specify a volume size that is equal to or larger than the snapshot size. + * + * The following are the supported volumes sizes for each volume type: + * + * - \`gp2\` and \`gp3\` : 1-16,384 + * - \`io1\` and \`io2\` : 4-16,384 + * - \`st1\` and \`sc1\` : 125-16,384 + * - \`standard\` : 1-1,024 + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-volume.html#cfn-ec2-volume-size + */ + readonly size?: number; + + /** + * The snapshot from which to create the volume. + * + * You must specify either a snapshot ID or a volume size. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-volume.html#cfn-ec2-volume-snapshotid + */ + readonly snapshotId?: string; + + /** + * The tags to apply to the volume during creation. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-volume.html#cfn-ec2-volume-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; + + /** + * The throughput to provision for a volume, with a maximum of 1,000 MiB/s. + * + * This parameter is valid only for \`gp3\` volumes. The default value is 125. + * + * Valid Range: Minimum value of 125. Maximum value of 1000. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-volume.html#cfn-ec2-volume-throughput + */ + readonly throughput?: number; + + /** + * The volume type. This parameter can be one of the following values:. + * + * - General Purpose SSD: \`gp2\` | \`gp3\` + * - Provisioned IOPS SSD: \`io1\` | \`io2\` + * - Throughput Optimized HDD: \`st1\` + * - Cold HDD: \`sc1\` + * - Magnetic: \`standard\` + * + * For more information, see [Amazon EBS volume types](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/EBSVolumeTypes.html) in the *Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide* . + * + * Default: \`gp2\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-volume.html#cfn-ec2-volume-volumetype + */ + readonly volumeType?: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnVolumeProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnVolumeProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVolumePropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("autoEnableIo", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.autoEnableIo)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("availabilityZone", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.availabilityZone)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("availabilityZone", cdk.validateString)(properties.availabilityZone)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("encrypted", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.encrypted)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("iops", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.iops)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("kmsKeyId", cdk.validateString)(properties.kmsKeyId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("multiAttachEnabled", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.multiAttachEnabled)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("outpostArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.outpostArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("size", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.size)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("snapshotId", cdk.validateString)(properties.snapshotId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("throughput", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.throughput)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("volumeType", cdk.validateString)(properties.volumeType)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnVolumeProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnVolumePropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnVolumePropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AutoEnableIO": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.autoEnableIo), + "AvailabilityZone": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.availabilityZone), + "Encrypted": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.encrypted), + "Iops": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.iops), + "KmsKeyId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.kmsKeyId), + "MultiAttachEnabled": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.multiAttachEnabled), + "OutpostArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.outpostArn), + "Size": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.size), + "SnapshotId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.snapshotId), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags), + "Throughput": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.throughput), + "VolumeType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.volumeType) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVolumePropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("autoEnableIo", "AutoEnableIO", (properties.AutoEnableIO != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.AutoEnableIO) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("availabilityZone", "AvailabilityZone", (properties.AvailabilityZone != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.AvailabilityZone) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("encrypted", "Encrypted", (properties.Encrypted != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.Encrypted) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("iops", "Iops", (properties.Iops != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Iops) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("kmsKeyId", "KmsKeyId", (properties.KmsKeyId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.KmsKeyId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("multiAttachEnabled", "MultiAttachEnabled", (properties.MultiAttachEnabled != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.MultiAttachEnabled) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("outpostArn", "OutpostArn", (properties.OutpostArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.OutpostArn) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("size", "Size", (properties.Size != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Size) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("snapshotId", "SnapshotId", (properties.SnapshotId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SnapshotId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("throughput", "Throughput", (properties.Throughput != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Throughput) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("volumeType", "VolumeType", (properties.VolumeType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.VolumeType) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Attaches an Amazon EBS volume to a running instance and exposes it to the instance with the specified device name. + * + * Before this resource can be deleted (and therefore the volume detached), you must first unmount the volume in the instance. Failure to do so results in the volume being stuck in the busy state while it is trying to detach, which could possibly damage the file system or the data it contains. + * + * If an Amazon EBS volume is the root device of an instance, it cannot be detached while the instance is in the "running" state. To detach the root volume, stop the instance first. + * + * If the root volume is detached from an instance with an AWS Marketplace product code, then the product codes from that volume are no longer associated with the instance. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-volumeattachment.html + */ +export class CfnVolumeAttachment extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::VolumeAttachment"; + + /** + * Build a CfnVolumeAttachment from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnVolumeAttachment { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnVolumeAttachmentPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnVolumeAttachment(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The device name (for example, \`/dev/sdh\` or \`xvdh\` ). + */ + public device?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the instance to which the volume attaches. + */ + public instanceId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the Amazon EBS volume. + */ + public volumeId: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnVolumeAttachmentProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnVolumeAttachment.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "instanceId", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "volumeId", this); + + this.device = props.device; + this.instanceId = props.instanceId; + this.volumeId = props.volumeId; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "device": this.device, + "instanceId": this.instanceId, + "volumeId": this.volumeId + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnVolumeAttachment.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnVolumeAttachmentPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnVolumeAttachment\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-volumeattachment.html + */ +export interface CfnVolumeAttachmentProps { + /** + * The device name (for example, \`/dev/sdh\` or \`xvdh\` ). + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-volumeattachment.html#cfn-ec2-volumeattachment-device + */ + readonly device?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the instance to which the volume attaches. + * + * This value can be a reference to an [\`AWS::EC2::Instance\`](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-instance.html) resource, or it can be the physical ID of an existing EC2 instance. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-volumeattachment.html#cfn-ec2-volumeattachment-instanceid + */ + readonly instanceId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the Amazon EBS volume. + * + * The volume and instance must be within the same Availability Zone. This value can be a reference to an [\`AWS::EC2::Volume\`](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-ebs-volume.html) resource, or it can be the volume ID of an existing Amazon EBS volume. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-volumeattachment.html#cfn-ec2-volumeattachment-volumeid + */ + readonly volumeId: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnVolumeAttachmentProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnVolumeAttachmentProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVolumeAttachmentPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("device", cdk.validateString)(properties.device)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("instanceId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.instanceId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("instanceId", cdk.validateString)(properties.instanceId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("volumeId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.volumeId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("volumeId", cdk.validateString)(properties.volumeId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnVolumeAttachmentProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnVolumeAttachmentPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnVolumeAttachmentPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Device": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.device), + "InstanceId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.instanceId), + "VolumeId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.volumeId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVolumeAttachmentPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("device", "Device", (properties.Device != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Device) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("instanceId", "InstanceId", (properties.InstanceId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.InstanceId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("volumeId", "VolumeId", (properties.VolumeId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.VolumeId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Specifies a virtual private cloud (VPC). + * + * You can optionally request an IPv6 CIDR block for the VPC. You can request an Amazon-provided IPv6 CIDR block from Amazon's pool of IPv6 addresses, or an IPv6 CIDR block from an IPv6 address pool that you provisioned through bring your own IP addresses (BYOIP). + * + * For more information, see [Virtual private clouds (VPC)](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonVPC/latest/UserGuide/configure-your-vpc.html) in the *Amazon VPC User Guide* . + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpc.html + */ +export class CfnVPC extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::VPC"; + + /** + * Build a CfnVPC from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnVPC { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnVPCPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnVPC(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The primary IPv4 CIDR block for the VPC. For example, + * + * @cloudformationAttribute CidrBlock + */ + public readonly attrCidrBlock: string; + + /** + * The association IDs of the IPv4 CIDR blocks for the VPC. For example, [ vpc-cidr-assoc-0280ab6b ]. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute CidrBlockAssociations + */ + public readonly attrCidrBlockAssociations: Array; + + /** + * The ID of the default network ACL for the VPC. For example, acl-814dafe3. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute DefaultNetworkAcl + */ + public readonly attrDefaultNetworkAcl: string; + + /** + * The ID of the default security group for the VPC. For example, sg-b178e0d3. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute DefaultSecurityGroup + */ + public readonly attrDefaultSecurityGroup: string; + + /** + * The IPv6 CIDR blocks for the VPC. For example, [ 2001:db8:1234:1a00::/56 ]. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute Ipv6CidrBlocks + */ + public readonly attrIpv6CidrBlocks: Array; + + /** + * The ID of the VPC. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute VpcId + */ + public readonly attrVpcId: string; + + /** + * The IPv4 network range for the VPC, in CIDR notation. + */ + public cidrBlock?: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether the instances launched in the VPC get DNS hostnames. + */ + public enableDnsHostnames?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Indicates whether the DNS resolution is supported for the VPC. + */ + public enableDnsSupport?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The allowed tenancy of instances launched into the VPC. + */ + public instanceTenancy?: string; + + /** + * The ID of an IPv4 IPAM pool you want to use for allocating this VPC's CIDR. + */ + public ipv4IpamPoolId?: string; + + /** + * The netmask length of the IPv4 CIDR you want to allocate to this VPC from an Amazon VPC IP Address Manager (IPAM) pool. + */ + public ipv4NetmaskLength?: number; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * The tags for the VPC. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnVPCProps = {}) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnVPC.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + this.attrCidrBlock = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("CidrBlock", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrCidrBlockAssociations = cdk.Token.asList(this.getAtt("CidrBlockAssociations", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING_LIST)); + this.attrDefaultNetworkAcl = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("DefaultNetworkAcl", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrDefaultSecurityGroup = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("DefaultSecurityGroup", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrIpv6CidrBlocks = cdk.Token.asList(this.getAtt("Ipv6CidrBlocks", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING_LIST)); + this.attrVpcId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("VpcId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.cidrBlock = props.cidrBlock; + this.enableDnsHostnames = props.enableDnsHostnames; + this.enableDnsSupport = props.enableDnsSupport; + this.instanceTenancy = props.instanceTenancy; + this.ipv4IpamPoolId = props.ipv4IpamPoolId; + this.ipv4NetmaskLength = props.ipv4NetmaskLength; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::EC2::VPC", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "cidrBlock": this.cidrBlock, + "enableDnsHostnames": this.enableDnsHostnames, + "enableDnsSupport": this.enableDnsSupport, + "instanceTenancy": this.instanceTenancy, + "ipv4IpamPoolId": this.ipv4IpamPoolId, + "ipv4NetmaskLength": this.ipv4NetmaskLength, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags() + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnVPC.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnVPCPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnVPC\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpc.html + */ +export interface CfnVPCProps { + /** + * The IPv4 network range for the VPC, in CIDR notation. + * + * For example, \`\` . We modify the specified CIDR block to its canonical form; for example, if you specify \`\` , we modify it to \`\` . + * + * You must specify either \`CidrBlock\` or \`Ipv4IpamPoolId\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpc.html#cfn-ec2-vpc-cidrblock + */ + readonly cidrBlock?: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether the instances launched in the VPC get DNS hostnames. + * + * If enabled, instances in the VPC get DNS hostnames; otherwise, they do not. Disabled by default for nondefault VPCs. For more information, see [DNS attributes in your VPC](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/userguide/vpc-dns.html#vpc-dns-support) . + * + * You can only enable DNS hostnames if you've enabled DNS support. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpc.html#cfn-ec2-vpc-enablednshostnames + */ + readonly enableDnsHostnames?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Indicates whether the DNS resolution is supported for the VPC. + * + * If enabled, queries to the Amazon provided DNS server at the IP address, or the reserved IP address at the base of the VPC network range "plus two" succeed. If disabled, the Amazon provided DNS service in the VPC that resolves public DNS hostnames to IP addresses is not enabled. Enabled by default. For more information, see [DNS attributes in your VPC](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/userguide/vpc-dns.html#vpc-dns-support) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpc.html#cfn-ec2-vpc-enablednssupport + */ + readonly enableDnsSupport?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The allowed tenancy of instances launched into the VPC. + * + * - \`default\` : An instance launched into the VPC runs on shared hardware by default, unless you explicitly specify a different tenancy during instance launch. + * - \`dedicated\` : An instance launched into the VPC runs on dedicated hardware by default, unless you explicitly specify a tenancy of \`host\` during instance launch. You cannot specify a tenancy of \`default\` during instance launch. + * + * Updating \`InstanceTenancy\` requires no replacement only if you are updating its value from \`dedicated\` to \`default\` . Updating \`InstanceTenancy\` from \`default\` to \`dedicated\` requires replacement. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpc.html#cfn-ec2-vpc-instancetenancy + */ + readonly instanceTenancy?: string; + + /** + * The ID of an IPv4 IPAM pool you want to use for allocating this VPC's CIDR. + * + * For more information, see [What is IPAM?](https://docs.aws.amazon.com//vpc/latest/ipam/what-is-it-ipam.html) in the *Amazon VPC IPAM User Guide* . + * + * You must specify either \`CidrBlock\` or \`Ipv4IpamPoolId\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpc.html#cfn-ec2-vpc-ipv4ipampoolid + */ + readonly ipv4IpamPoolId?: string; + + /** + * The netmask length of the IPv4 CIDR you want to allocate to this VPC from an Amazon VPC IP Address Manager (IPAM) pool. + * + * For more information about IPAM, see [What is IPAM?](https://docs.aws.amazon.com//vpc/latest/ipam/what-is-it-ipam.html) in the *Amazon VPC IPAM User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpc.html#cfn-ec2-vpc-ipv4netmasklength + */ + readonly ipv4NetmaskLength?: number; + + /** + * The tags for the VPC. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpc.html#cfn-ec2-vpc-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnVPCProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnVPCProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVPCPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("cidrBlock", cdk.validateString)(properties.cidrBlock)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("enableDnsHostnames", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.enableDnsHostnames)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("enableDnsSupport", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.enableDnsSupport)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("instanceTenancy", cdk.validateString)(properties.instanceTenancy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipv4IpamPoolId", cdk.validateString)(properties.ipv4IpamPoolId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipv4NetmaskLength", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.ipv4NetmaskLength)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnVPCProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnVPCPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnVPCPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "CidrBlock": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.cidrBlock), + "EnableDnsHostnames": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.enableDnsHostnames), + "EnableDnsSupport": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.enableDnsSupport), + "InstanceTenancy": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.instanceTenancy), + "Ipv4IpamPoolId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.ipv4IpamPoolId), + "Ipv4NetmaskLength": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.ipv4NetmaskLength), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVPCPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("cidrBlock", "CidrBlock", (properties.CidrBlock != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.CidrBlock) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("enableDnsHostnames", "EnableDnsHostnames", (properties.EnableDnsHostnames != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.EnableDnsHostnames) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("enableDnsSupport", "EnableDnsSupport", (properties.EnableDnsSupport != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.EnableDnsSupport) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("instanceTenancy", "InstanceTenancy", (properties.InstanceTenancy != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.InstanceTenancy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ipv4IpamPoolId", "Ipv4IpamPoolId", (properties.Ipv4IpamPoolId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Ipv4IpamPoolId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ipv4NetmaskLength", "Ipv4NetmaskLength", (properties.Ipv4NetmaskLength != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Ipv4NetmaskLength) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Associates a CIDR block with your VPC. + * + * You can only associate a single IPv6 CIDR block with your VPC. The IPv6 CIDR block size is fixed at /56. + * + * For more information about associating CIDR blocks with your VPC and applicable restrictions, see [VPC and Subnet Sizing](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/userguide/VPC_Subnets.html#VPC_Sizing) in the *Amazon VPC User Guide* . + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpccidrblock.html + */ +export class CfnVPCCidrBlock extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::VPCCidrBlock"; + + /** + * Build a CfnVPCCidrBlock from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnVPCCidrBlock { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnVPCCidrBlockPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnVPCCidrBlock(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * @cloudformationAttribute Id + */ + public readonly attrId: string; + + /** + * Requests an Amazon-provided IPv6 CIDR block with a /56 prefix length for the VPC. + */ + public amazonProvidedIpv6CidrBlock?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * An IPv4 CIDR block to associate with the VPC. + */ + public cidrBlock?: string; + + /** + * Associate a CIDR allocated from an IPv4 IPAM pool to a VPC. + */ + public ipv4IpamPoolId?: string; + + /** + * The netmask length of the IPv4 CIDR you would like to associate from an Amazon VPC IP Address Manager (IPAM) pool. + */ + public ipv4NetmaskLength?: number; + + /** + * An IPv6 CIDR block from the IPv6 address pool. You must also specify \`Ipv6Pool\` in the request. + */ + public ipv6CidrBlock?: string; + + /** + * Associates a CIDR allocated from an IPv6 IPAM pool to a VPC. + */ + public ipv6IpamPoolId?: string; + + /** + * The netmask length of the IPv6 CIDR you would like to associate from an Amazon VPC IP Address Manager (IPAM) pool. + */ + public ipv6NetmaskLength?: number; + + /** + * The ID of an IPv6 address pool from which to allocate the IPv6 CIDR block. + */ + public ipv6Pool?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the VPC. + */ + public vpcId: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnVPCCidrBlockProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnVPCCidrBlock.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "vpcId", this); + + this.attrId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Id", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.amazonProvidedIpv6CidrBlock = props.amazonProvidedIpv6CidrBlock; + this.cidrBlock = props.cidrBlock; + this.ipv4IpamPoolId = props.ipv4IpamPoolId; + this.ipv4NetmaskLength = props.ipv4NetmaskLength; + this.ipv6CidrBlock = props.ipv6CidrBlock; + this.ipv6IpamPoolId = props.ipv6IpamPoolId; + this.ipv6NetmaskLength = props.ipv6NetmaskLength; + this.ipv6Pool = props.ipv6Pool; + this.vpcId = props.vpcId; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "amazonProvidedIpv6CidrBlock": this.amazonProvidedIpv6CidrBlock, + "cidrBlock": this.cidrBlock, + "ipv4IpamPoolId": this.ipv4IpamPoolId, + "ipv4NetmaskLength": this.ipv4NetmaskLength, + "ipv6CidrBlock": this.ipv6CidrBlock, + "ipv6IpamPoolId": this.ipv6IpamPoolId, + "ipv6NetmaskLength": this.ipv6NetmaskLength, + "ipv6Pool": this.ipv6Pool, + "vpcId": this.vpcId + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnVPCCidrBlock.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnVPCCidrBlockPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnVPCCidrBlock\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpccidrblock.html + */ +export interface CfnVPCCidrBlockProps { + /** + * Requests an Amazon-provided IPv6 CIDR block with a /56 prefix length for the VPC. + * + * You cannot specify the range of IPv6 addresses, or the size of the CIDR block. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpccidrblock.html#cfn-ec2-vpccidrblock-amazonprovidedipv6cidrblock + */ + readonly amazonProvidedIpv6CidrBlock?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * An IPv4 CIDR block to associate with the VPC. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpccidrblock.html#cfn-ec2-vpccidrblock-cidrblock + */ + readonly cidrBlock?: string; + + /** + * Associate a CIDR allocated from an IPv4 IPAM pool to a VPC. + * + * For more information about Amazon VPC IP Address Manager (IPAM), see [What is IPAM?](https://docs.aws.amazon.com//vpc/latest/ipam/what-is-it-ipam.html) in the *Amazon VPC IPAM User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpccidrblock.html#cfn-ec2-vpccidrblock-ipv4ipampoolid + */ + readonly ipv4IpamPoolId?: string; + + /** + * The netmask length of the IPv4 CIDR you would like to associate from an Amazon VPC IP Address Manager (IPAM) pool. + * + * For more information about IPAM, see [What is IPAM?](https://docs.aws.amazon.com//vpc/latest/ipam/what-is-it-ipam.html) in the *Amazon VPC IPAM User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpccidrblock.html#cfn-ec2-vpccidrblock-ipv4netmasklength + */ + readonly ipv4NetmaskLength?: number; + + /** + * An IPv6 CIDR block from the IPv6 address pool. You must also specify \`Ipv6Pool\` in the request. + * + * To let Amazon choose the IPv6 CIDR block for you, omit this parameter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpccidrblock.html#cfn-ec2-vpccidrblock-ipv6cidrblock + */ + readonly ipv6CidrBlock?: string; + + /** + * Associates a CIDR allocated from an IPv6 IPAM pool to a VPC. + * + * For more information about Amazon VPC IP Address Manager (IPAM), see [What is IPAM?](https://docs.aws.amazon.com//vpc/latest/ipam/what-is-it-ipam.html) in the *Amazon VPC IPAM User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpccidrblock.html#cfn-ec2-vpccidrblock-ipv6ipampoolid + */ + readonly ipv6IpamPoolId?: string; + + /** + * The netmask length of the IPv6 CIDR you would like to associate from an Amazon VPC IP Address Manager (IPAM) pool. + * + * For more information about IPAM, see [What is IPAM?](https://docs.aws.amazon.com//vpc/latest/ipam/what-is-it-ipam.html) in the *Amazon VPC IPAM User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpccidrblock.html#cfn-ec2-vpccidrblock-ipv6netmasklength + */ + readonly ipv6NetmaskLength?: number; + + /** + * The ID of an IPv6 address pool from which to allocate the IPv6 CIDR block. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpccidrblock.html#cfn-ec2-vpccidrblock-ipv6pool + */ + readonly ipv6Pool?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the VPC. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpccidrblock.html#cfn-ec2-vpccidrblock-vpcid + */ + readonly vpcId: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnVPCCidrBlockProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnVPCCidrBlockProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVPCCidrBlockPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("amazonProvidedIpv6CidrBlock", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.amazonProvidedIpv6CidrBlock)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("cidrBlock", cdk.validateString)(properties.cidrBlock)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipv4IpamPoolId", cdk.validateString)(properties.ipv4IpamPoolId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipv4NetmaskLength", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.ipv4NetmaskLength)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipv6CidrBlock", cdk.validateString)(properties.ipv6CidrBlock)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipv6IpamPoolId", cdk.validateString)(properties.ipv6IpamPoolId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipv6NetmaskLength", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.ipv6NetmaskLength)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipv6Pool", cdk.validateString)(properties.ipv6Pool)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vpcId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.vpcId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vpcId", cdk.validateString)(properties.vpcId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnVPCCidrBlockProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnVPCCidrBlockPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnVPCCidrBlockPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AmazonProvidedIpv6CidrBlock": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.amazonProvidedIpv6CidrBlock), + "CidrBlock": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.cidrBlock), + "Ipv4IpamPoolId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.ipv4IpamPoolId), + "Ipv4NetmaskLength": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.ipv4NetmaskLength), + "Ipv6CidrBlock": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.ipv6CidrBlock), + "Ipv6IpamPoolId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.ipv6IpamPoolId), + "Ipv6NetmaskLength": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.ipv6NetmaskLength), + "Ipv6Pool": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.ipv6Pool), + "VpcId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.vpcId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVPCCidrBlockPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("amazonProvidedIpv6CidrBlock", "AmazonProvidedIpv6CidrBlock", (properties.AmazonProvidedIpv6CidrBlock != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.AmazonProvidedIpv6CidrBlock) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("cidrBlock", "CidrBlock", (properties.CidrBlock != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.CidrBlock) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ipv4IpamPoolId", "Ipv4IpamPoolId", (properties.Ipv4IpamPoolId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Ipv4IpamPoolId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ipv4NetmaskLength", "Ipv4NetmaskLength", (properties.Ipv4NetmaskLength != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Ipv4NetmaskLength) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ipv6CidrBlock", "Ipv6CidrBlock", (properties.Ipv6CidrBlock != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Ipv6CidrBlock) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ipv6IpamPoolId", "Ipv6IpamPoolId", (properties.Ipv6IpamPoolId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Ipv6IpamPoolId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ipv6NetmaskLength", "Ipv6NetmaskLength", (properties.Ipv6NetmaskLength != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Ipv6NetmaskLength) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ipv6Pool", "Ipv6Pool", (properties.Ipv6Pool != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Ipv6Pool) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("vpcId", "VpcId", (properties.VpcId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.VpcId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Associates a set of DHCP options with a VPC, or associates no DHCP options with the VPC. + * + * After you associate the options with the VPC, any existing instances and all new instances that you launch in that VPC use the options. You don't need to restart or relaunch the instances. They automatically pick up the changes within a few hours, depending on how frequently the instance renews its DHCP lease. You can explicitly renew the lease using the operating system on the instance. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpcdhcpoptionsassociation.html + */ +export class CfnVPCDHCPOptionsAssociation extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::VPCDHCPOptionsAssociation"; + + /** + * Build a CfnVPCDHCPOptionsAssociation from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnVPCDHCPOptionsAssociation { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnVPCDHCPOptionsAssociationPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnVPCDHCPOptionsAssociation(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The ID of the DHCP options set, or \`default\` to associate no DHCP options with the VPC. + */ + public dhcpOptionsId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the VPC. + */ + public vpcId: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnVPCDHCPOptionsAssociationProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnVPCDHCPOptionsAssociation.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "dhcpOptionsId", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "vpcId", this); + + this.dhcpOptionsId = props.dhcpOptionsId; + this.vpcId = props.vpcId; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "dhcpOptionsId": this.dhcpOptionsId, + "vpcId": this.vpcId + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnVPCDHCPOptionsAssociation.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnVPCDHCPOptionsAssociationPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnVPCDHCPOptionsAssociation\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpcdhcpoptionsassociation.html + */ +export interface CfnVPCDHCPOptionsAssociationProps { + /** + * The ID of the DHCP options set, or \`default\` to associate no DHCP options with the VPC. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpcdhcpoptionsassociation.html#cfn-ec2-vpcdhcpoptionsassociation-dhcpoptionsid + */ + readonly dhcpOptionsId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the VPC. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpcdhcpoptionsassociation.html#cfn-ec2-vpcdhcpoptionsassociation-vpcid + */ + readonly vpcId: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnVPCDHCPOptionsAssociationProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnVPCDHCPOptionsAssociationProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVPCDHCPOptionsAssociationPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("dhcpOptionsId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.dhcpOptionsId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("dhcpOptionsId", cdk.validateString)(properties.dhcpOptionsId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vpcId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.vpcId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vpcId", cdk.validateString)(properties.vpcId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnVPCDHCPOptionsAssociationProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnVPCDHCPOptionsAssociationPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnVPCDHCPOptionsAssociationPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "DhcpOptionsId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.dhcpOptionsId), + "VpcId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.vpcId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVPCDHCPOptionsAssociationPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("dhcpOptionsId", "DhcpOptionsId", (properties.DhcpOptionsId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DhcpOptionsId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("vpcId", "VpcId", (properties.VpcId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.VpcId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Specifies a VPC endpoint. + * + * A VPC endpoint provides a private connection between your VPC and an endpoint service. You can use an endpoint service provided by AWS , an AWS Marketplace Partner, or another AWS accounts in your organization. For more information, see the [AWS PrivateLink User Guide](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/privatelink/) . + * + * An endpoint of type \`Interface\` establishes connections between the subnets in your VPC and an AWS service , your own service, or a service hosted by another AWS account . With an interface VPC endpoint, you specify the subnets in which to create the endpoint and the security groups to associate with the endpoint network interfaces. + * + * An endpoint of type \`gateway\` serves as a target for a route in your route table for traffic destined for Amazon S3 or DynamoDB . You can specify an endpoint policy for the endpoint, which controls access to the service from your VPC. You can also specify the VPC route tables that use the endpoint. For more information about connectivity to Amazon S3 , see [Why can't I connect to an S3 bucket using a gateway VPC endpoint?](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/connect-s3-vpc-endpoint) + * + * An endpoint of type \`GatewayLoadBalancer\` provides private connectivity between your VPC and virtual appliances from a service provider. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpcendpoint.html + */ +export class CfnVPCEndpoint extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::VPCEndpoint"; + + /** + * Build a CfnVPCEndpoint from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnVPCEndpoint { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnVPCEndpointPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnVPCEndpoint(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The date and time the VPC endpoint was created. For example: \`Fri Sep 28 23:34:36 UTC 2018.\` + * + * @cloudformationAttribute CreationTimestamp + */ + public readonly attrCreationTimestamp: string; + + /** + * (Interface endpoints) The DNS entries for the endpoint. Each entry is a combination of the hosted zone ID and the DNS name. The entries are ordered as follows: regional public DNS, zonal public DNS, private DNS, and wildcard DNS. This order is not enforced for AWS Marketplace services. + * + * The following is an example. In the first entry, the hosted zone ID is Z1HUB23UULQXV and the DNS name is vpce-01abc23456de78f9g-12abccd3.ec2.us-east-1.vpce.amazonaws.com. + * + * ["Z1HUB23UULQXV:vpce-01abc23456de78f9g-12abccd3.ec2.us-east-1.vpce.amazonaws.com", "Z1HUB23UULQXV:vpce-01abc23456de78f9g-12abccd3-us-east-1a.ec2.us-east-1.vpce.amazonaws.com", "Z1C12344VYDITB0:ec2.us-east-1.amazonaws.com"] + * + * If you update the \`PrivateDnsEnabled\` or \`SubnetIds\` properties, the DNS entries in the list will change. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute DnsEntries + */ + public readonly attrDnsEntries: Array; + + /** + * The ID of the VPC endpoint. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute Id + */ + public readonly attrId: string; + + /** + * (Interface endpoints) The network interface IDs. If you update the \`PrivateDnsEnabled\` or \`SubnetIds\` properties, the items in this list might change. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute NetworkInterfaceIds + */ + public readonly attrNetworkInterfaceIds: Array; + + /** + * An endpoint policy, which controls access to the service from the VPC. + */ + public policyDocument?: any | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Indicate whether to associate a private hosted zone with the specified VPC. + */ + public privateDnsEnabled?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The IDs of the route tables. + */ + public routeTableIds?: Array; + + /** + * The IDs of the security groups to associate with the endpoint network interfaces. + */ + public securityGroupIds?: Array; + + /** + * The name of the endpoint service. + */ + public serviceName: string; + + /** + * The IDs of the subnets in which to create endpoint network interfaces. + */ + public subnetIds?: Array; + + /** + * The type of endpoint. + */ + public vpcEndpointType?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the VPC. + */ + public vpcId: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnVPCEndpointProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnVPCEndpoint.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "serviceName", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "vpcId", this); + + this.attrCreationTimestamp = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("CreationTimestamp", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrDnsEntries = cdk.Token.asList(this.getAtt("DnsEntries", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING_LIST)); + this.attrId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Id", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrNetworkInterfaceIds = cdk.Token.asList(this.getAtt("NetworkInterfaceIds", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING_LIST)); + this.policyDocument = props.policyDocument; + this.privateDnsEnabled = props.privateDnsEnabled; + this.routeTableIds = props.routeTableIds; + this.securityGroupIds = props.securityGroupIds; + this.serviceName = props.serviceName; + this.subnetIds = props.subnetIds; + this.vpcEndpointType = props.vpcEndpointType; + this.vpcId = props.vpcId; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "policyDocument": this.policyDocument, + "privateDnsEnabled": this.privateDnsEnabled, + "routeTableIds": this.routeTableIds, + "securityGroupIds": this.securityGroupIds, + "serviceName": this.serviceName, + "subnetIds": this.subnetIds, + "vpcEndpointType": this.vpcEndpointType, + "vpcId": this.vpcId + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnVPCEndpoint.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnVPCEndpointPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnVPCEndpoint\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpcendpoint.html + */ +export interface CfnVPCEndpointProps { + /** + * An endpoint policy, which controls access to the service from the VPC. + * + * The default endpoint policy allows full access to the service. Endpoint policies are supported only for gateway and interface endpoints. + * + * For CloudFormation templates in YAML, you can provide the policy in JSON or YAML format. AWS CloudFormation converts YAML policies to JSON format before calling the API to create or modify the VPC endpoint. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpcendpoint.html#cfn-ec2-vpcendpoint-policydocument + */ + readonly policyDocument?: any | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Indicate whether to associate a private hosted zone with the specified VPC. + * + * The private hosted zone contains a record set for the default public DNS name for the service for the Region (for example, \`kinesis.us-east-1.amazonaws.com\` ), which resolves to the private IP addresses of the endpoint network interfaces in the VPC. This enables you to make requests to the default public DNS name for the service instead of the public DNS names that are automatically generated by the VPC endpoint service. + * + * To use a private hosted zone, you must set the following VPC attributes to \`true\` : \`enableDnsHostnames\` and \`enableDnsSupport\` . + * + * This property is supported only for interface endpoints. + * + * Default: \`false\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpcendpoint.html#cfn-ec2-vpcendpoint-privatednsenabled + */ + readonly privateDnsEnabled?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The IDs of the route tables. + * + * Routing is supported only for gateway endpoints. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpcendpoint.html#cfn-ec2-vpcendpoint-routetableids + */ + readonly routeTableIds?: Array; + + /** + * The IDs of the security groups to associate with the endpoint network interfaces. + * + * If this parameter is not specified, we use the default security group for the VPC. Security groups are supported only for interface endpoints. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpcendpoint.html#cfn-ec2-vpcendpoint-securitygroupids + */ + readonly securityGroupIds?: Array; + + /** + * The name of the endpoint service. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpcendpoint.html#cfn-ec2-vpcendpoint-servicename + */ + readonly serviceName: string; + + /** + * The IDs of the subnets in which to create endpoint network interfaces. + * + * You must specify this property for an interface endpoint or a Gateway Load Balancer endpoint. You can't specify this property for a gateway endpoint. For a Gateway Load Balancer endpoint, you can specify only one subnet. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpcendpoint.html#cfn-ec2-vpcendpoint-subnetids + */ + readonly subnetIds?: Array; + + /** + * The type of endpoint. + * + * Default: Gateway + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpcendpoint.html#cfn-ec2-vpcendpoint-vpcendpointtype + */ + readonly vpcEndpointType?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the VPC. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpcendpoint.html#cfn-ec2-vpcendpoint-vpcid + */ + readonly vpcId: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnVPCEndpointProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnVPCEndpointProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVPCEndpointPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("policyDocument", cdk.validateObject)(properties.policyDocument)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("privateDnsEnabled", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.privateDnsEnabled)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("routeTableIds", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.routeTableIds)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("securityGroupIds", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.securityGroupIds)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("serviceName", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.serviceName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("serviceName", cdk.validateString)(properties.serviceName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("subnetIds", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.subnetIds)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vpcEndpointType", cdk.validateString)(properties.vpcEndpointType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vpcId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.vpcId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vpcId", cdk.validateString)(properties.vpcId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnVPCEndpointProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnVPCEndpointPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnVPCEndpointPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "PolicyDocument": cdk.objectToCloudFormation(properties.policyDocument), + "PrivateDnsEnabled": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.privateDnsEnabled), + "RouteTableIds": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.routeTableIds), + "SecurityGroupIds": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.securityGroupIds), + "ServiceName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.serviceName), + "SubnetIds": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.subnetIds), + "VpcEndpointType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.vpcEndpointType), + "VpcId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.vpcId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVPCEndpointPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("policyDocument", "PolicyDocument", (properties.PolicyDocument != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getAny(properties.PolicyDocument) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("privateDnsEnabled", "PrivateDnsEnabled", (properties.PrivateDnsEnabled != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.PrivateDnsEnabled) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("routeTableIds", "RouteTableIds", (properties.RouteTableIds != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.RouteTableIds) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("securityGroupIds", "SecurityGroupIds", (properties.SecurityGroupIds != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.SecurityGroupIds) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("serviceName", "ServiceName", (properties.ServiceName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ServiceName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("subnetIds", "SubnetIds", (properties.SubnetIds != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.SubnetIds) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("vpcEndpointType", "VpcEndpointType", (properties.VpcEndpointType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.VpcEndpointType) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("vpcId", "VpcId", (properties.VpcId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.VpcId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Specifies a connection notification for a VPC endpoint or VPC endpoint service. + * + * A connection notification notifies you of specific endpoint events. You must create an SNS topic to receive notifications. For more information, see [Create a Topic](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sns/latest/dg/CreateTopic.html) in the *Amazon Simple Notification Service Developer Guide* . + * + * You can create a connection notification for interface endpoints only. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpcendpointconnectionnotification.html + */ +export class CfnVPCEndpointConnectionNotification extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::VPCEndpointConnectionNotification"; + + /** + * Build a CfnVPCEndpointConnectionNotification from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnVPCEndpointConnectionNotification { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnVPCEndpointConnectionNotificationPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnVPCEndpointConnectionNotification(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * @cloudformationAttribute Id + */ + public readonly attrId: string; + + /** + * The endpoint events for which to receive notifications. + */ + public connectionEvents: Array; + + /** + * The ARN of the SNS topic for the notifications. + */ + public connectionNotificationArn: string; + + /** + * The ID of the endpoint service. + */ + public serviceId?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the endpoint. + */ + public vpcEndpointId?: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnVPCEndpointConnectionNotificationProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnVPCEndpointConnectionNotification.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "connectionEvents", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "connectionNotificationArn", this); + + this.attrId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Id", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.connectionEvents = props.connectionEvents; + this.connectionNotificationArn = props.connectionNotificationArn; + this.serviceId = props.serviceId; + this.vpcEndpointId = props.vpcEndpointId; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "connectionEvents": this.connectionEvents, + "connectionNotificationArn": this.connectionNotificationArn, + "serviceId": this.serviceId, + "vpcEndpointId": this.vpcEndpointId + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnVPCEndpointConnectionNotification.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnVPCEndpointConnectionNotificationPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnVPCEndpointConnectionNotification\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpcendpointconnectionnotification.html + */ +export interface CfnVPCEndpointConnectionNotificationProps { + /** + * The endpoint events for which to receive notifications. + * + * Valid values are \`Accept\` , \`Connect\` , \`Delete\` , and \`Reject\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpcendpointconnectionnotification.html#cfn-ec2-vpcendpointconnectionnotification-connectionevents + */ + readonly connectionEvents: Array; + + /** + * The ARN of the SNS topic for the notifications. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpcendpointconnectionnotification.html#cfn-ec2-vpcendpointconnectionnotification-connectionnotificationarn + */ + readonly connectionNotificationArn: string; + + /** + * The ID of the endpoint service. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpcendpointconnectionnotification.html#cfn-ec2-vpcendpointconnectionnotification-serviceid + */ + readonly serviceId?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the endpoint. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpcendpointconnectionnotification.html#cfn-ec2-vpcendpointconnectionnotification-vpcendpointid + */ + readonly vpcEndpointId?: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnVPCEndpointConnectionNotificationProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnVPCEndpointConnectionNotificationProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVPCEndpointConnectionNotificationPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("connectionEvents", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.connectionEvents)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("connectionEvents", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.connectionEvents)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("connectionNotificationArn", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.connectionNotificationArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("connectionNotificationArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.connectionNotificationArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("serviceId", cdk.validateString)(properties.serviceId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vpcEndpointId", cdk.validateString)(properties.vpcEndpointId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnVPCEndpointConnectionNotificationProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnVPCEndpointConnectionNotificationPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnVPCEndpointConnectionNotificationPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ConnectionEvents": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.connectionEvents), + "ConnectionNotificationArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.connectionNotificationArn), + "ServiceId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.serviceId), + "VPCEndpointId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.vpcEndpointId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVPCEndpointConnectionNotificationPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("connectionEvents", "ConnectionEvents", (properties.ConnectionEvents != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.ConnectionEvents) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("connectionNotificationArn", "ConnectionNotificationArn", (properties.ConnectionNotificationArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ConnectionNotificationArn) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("serviceId", "ServiceId", (properties.ServiceId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ServiceId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("vpcEndpointId", "VPCEndpointId", (properties.VPCEndpointId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.VPCEndpointId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Creates a VPC endpoint service configuration to which service consumers ( AWS accounts, users, and IAM roles) can connect. + * + * To create an endpoint service configuration, you must first create one of the following for your service: + * + * - A [Network Load Balancer](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticloadbalancing/latest/network/introduction.html) . Service consumers connect to your service using an interface endpoint. + * - A [Gateway Load Balancer](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticloadbalancing/latest/gateway/introduction.html) . Service consumers connect to your service using a Gateway Load Balancer endpoint. + * + * For more information, see the [AWS PrivateLink User Guide](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/privatelink/) . + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpcendpointservice.html + */ +export class CfnVPCEndpointService extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::VPCEndpointService"; + + /** + * Build a CfnVPCEndpointService from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnVPCEndpointService { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnVPCEndpointServicePropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnVPCEndpointService(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The ID of the endpoint service. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute ServiceId + */ + public readonly attrServiceId: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether requests from service consumers to create an endpoint to your service must be accepted. + */ + public acceptanceRequired?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Indicates whether to enable the built-in Contributor Insights rules provided by AWS PrivateLink . + */ + public contributorInsightsEnabled?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of the Gateway Load Balancers. + */ + public gatewayLoadBalancerArns?: Array; + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of the Network Load Balancers. + */ + public networkLoadBalancerArns?: Array; + + /** + * The entity that is responsible for the endpoint costs. + */ + public payerResponsibility?: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnVPCEndpointServiceProps = {}) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnVPCEndpointService.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + this.attrServiceId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("ServiceId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.acceptanceRequired = props.acceptanceRequired; + this.contributorInsightsEnabled = props.contributorInsightsEnabled; + this.gatewayLoadBalancerArns = props.gatewayLoadBalancerArns; + this.networkLoadBalancerArns = props.networkLoadBalancerArns; + this.payerResponsibility = props.payerResponsibility; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "acceptanceRequired": this.acceptanceRequired, + "contributorInsightsEnabled": this.contributorInsightsEnabled, + "gatewayLoadBalancerArns": this.gatewayLoadBalancerArns, + "networkLoadBalancerArns": this.networkLoadBalancerArns, + "payerResponsibility": this.payerResponsibility + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnVPCEndpointService.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnVPCEndpointServicePropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnVPCEndpointService\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpcendpointservice.html + */ +export interface CfnVPCEndpointServiceProps { + /** + * Indicates whether requests from service consumers to create an endpoint to your service must be accepted. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpcendpointservice.html#cfn-ec2-vpcendpointservice-acceptancerequired + */ + readonly acceptanceRequired?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Indicates whether to enable the built-in Contributor Insights rules provided by AWS PrivateLink . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpcendpointservice.html#cfn-ec2-vpcendpointservice-contributorinsightsenabled + */ + readonly contributorInsightsEnabled?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of the Gateway Load Balancers. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpcendpointservice.html#cfn-ec2-vpcendpointservice-gatewayloadbalancerarns + */ + readonly gatewayLoadBalancerArns?: Array; + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of the Network Load Balancers. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpcendpointservice.html#cfn-ec2-vpcendpointservice-networkloadbalancerarns + */ + readonly networkLoadBalancerArns?: Array; + + /** + * The entity that is responsible for the endpoint costs. + * + * The default is the endpoint owner. If you set the payer responsibility to the service owner, you cannot set it back to the endpoint owner. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpcendpointservice.html#cfn-ec2-vpcendpointservice-payerresponsibility + */ + readonly payerResponsibility?: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnVPCEndpointServiceProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnVPCEndpointServiceProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVPCEndpointServicePropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("acceptanceRequired", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.acceptanceRequired)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("contributorInsightsEnabled", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.contributorInsightsEnabled)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("gatewayLoadBalancerArns", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.gatewayLoadBalancerArns)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("networkLoadBalancerArns", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.networkLoadBalancerArns)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("payerResponsibility", cdk.validateString)(properties.payerResponsibility)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnVPCEndpointServiceProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnVPCEndpointServicePropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnVPCEndpointServicePropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AcceptanceRequired": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.acceptanceRequired), + "ContributorInsightsEnabled": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.contributorInsightsEnabled), + "GatewayLoadBalancerArns": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.gatewayLoadBalancerArns), + "NetworkLoadBalancerArns": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.networkLoadBalancerArns), + "PayerResponsibility": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.payerResponsibility) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVPCEndpointServicePropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("acceptanceRequired", "AcceptanceRequired", (properties.AcceptanceRequired != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.AcceptanceRequired) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("contributorInsightsEnabled", "ContributorInsightsEnabled", (properties.ContributorInsightsEnabled != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.ContributorInsightsEnabled) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("gatewayLoadBalancerArns", "GatewayLoadBalancerArns", (properties.GatewayLoadBalancerArns != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.GatewayLoadBalancerArns) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("networkLoadBalancerArns", "NetworkLoadBalancerArns", (properties.NetworkLoadBalancerArns != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.NetworkLoadBalancerArns) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("payerResponsibility", "PayerResponsibility", (properties.PayerResponsibility != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.PayerResponsibility) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Grant or revoke permissions for service consumers (users, IAM roles, and AWS accounts) to connect to a VPC endpoint service. + * + * If you grant permissions to all principals, the service is public. Any users who know the name of a public service can send a request to attach an endpoint. If the service does not require manual approval, attachments are automatically approved. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpcendpointservicepermissions.html + */ +export class CfnVPCEndpointServicePermissions extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::VPCEndpointServicePermissions"; + + /** + * Build a CfnVPCEndpointServicePermissions from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnVPCEndpointServicePermissions { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnVPCEndpointServicePermissionsPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnVPCEndpointServicePermissions(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Names (ARN) of one or more principals (for example, users, IAM roles, and AWS accounts ). + */ + public allowedPrincipals?: Array; + + /** + * The ID of the service. + */ + public serviceId: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnVPCEndpointServicePermissionsProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnVPCEndpointServicePermissions.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "serviceId", this); + + this.allowedPrincipals = props.allowedPrincipals; + this.serviceId = props.serviceId; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "allowedPrincipals": this.allowedPrincipals, + "serviceId": this.serviceId + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnVPCEndpointServicePermissions.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnVPCEndpointServicePermissionsPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnVPCEndpointServicePermissions\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpcendpointservicepermissions.html + */ +export interface CfnVPCEndpointServicePermissionsProps { + /** + * The Amazon Resource Names (ARN) of one or more principals (for example, users, IAM roles, and AWS accounts ). + * + * Permissions are granted to the principals in this list. To grant permissions to all principals, specify an asterisk (*). Permissions are revoked for principals not in this list. If the list is empty, then all permissions are revoked. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpcendpointservicepermissions.html#cfn-ec2-vpcendpointservicepermissions-allowedprincipals + */ + readonly allowedPrincipals?: Array; + + /** + * The ID of the service. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpcendpointservicepermissions.html#cfn-ec2-vpcendpointservicepermissions-serviceid + */ + readonly serviceId: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnVPCEndpointServicePermissionsProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnVPCEndpointServicePermissionsProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVPCEndpointServicePermissionsPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("allowedPrincipals", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.allowedPrincipals)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("serviceId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.serviceId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("serviceId", cdk.validateString)(properties.serviceId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnVPCEndpointServicePermissionsProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnVPCEndpointServicePermissionsPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnVPCEndpointServicePermissionsPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AllowedPrincipals": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.allowedPrincipals), + "ServiceId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.serviceId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVPCEndpointServicePermissionsPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("allowedPrincipals", "AllowedPrincipals", (properties.AllowedPrincipals != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.AllowedPrincipals) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("serviceId", "ServiceId", (properties.ServiceId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ServiceId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Attaches an internet gateway, or a virtual private gateway to a VPC, enabling connectivity between the internet and the VPC. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpcgatewayattachment.html + */ +export class CfnVPCGatewayAttachment extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::VPCGatewayAttachment"; + + /** + * Build a CfnVPCGatewayAttachment from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnVPCGatewayAttachment { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnVPCGatewayAttachmentPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnVPCGatewayAttachment(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * @cloudformationAttribute Id + */ + public readonly attrId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the internet gateway. + */ + public internetGatewayId?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the VPC. + */ + public vpcId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the virtual private gateway. + */ + public vpnGatewayId?: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnVPCGatewayAttachmentProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnVPCGatewayAttachment.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "vpcId", this); + + this.attrId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Id", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.internetGatewayId = props.internetGatewayId; + this.vpcId = props.vpcId; + this.vpnGatewayId = props.vpnGatewayId; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "internetGatewayId": this.internetGatewayId, + "vpcId": this.vpcId, + "vpnGatewayId": this.vpnGatewayId + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnVPCGatewayAttachment.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnVPCGatewayAttachmentPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnVPCGatewayAttachment\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpcgatewayattachment.html + */ +export interface CfnVPCGatewayAttachmentProps { + /** + * The ID of the internet gateway. + * + * You must specify either \`InternetGatewayId\` or \`VpnGatewayId\` , but not both. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpcgatewayattachment.html#cfn-ec2-vpcgatewayattachment-internetgatewayid + */ + readonly internetGatewayId?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the VPC. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpcgatewayattachment.html#cfn-ec2-vpcgatewayattachment-vpcid + */ + readonly vpcId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the virtual private gateway. + * + * You must specify either \`InternetGatewayId\` or \`VpnGatewayId\` , but not both. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpcgatewayattachment.html#cfn-ec2-vpcgatewayattachment-vpngatewayid + */ + readonly vpnGatewayId?: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnVPCGatewayAttachmentProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnVPCGatewayAttachmentProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVPCGatewayAttachmentPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("internetGatewayId", cdk.validateString)(properties.internetGatewayId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vpcId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.vpcId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vpcId", cdk.validateString)(properties.vpcId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vpnGatewayId", cdk.validateString)(properties.vpnGatewayId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnVPCGatewayAttachmentProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnVPCGatewayAttachmentPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnVPCGatewayAttachmentPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "InternetGatewayId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.internetGatewayId), + "VpcId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.vpcId), + "VpnGatewayId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.vpnGatewayId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVPCGatewayAttachmentPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("internetGatewayId", "InternetGatewayId", (properties.InternetGatewayId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.InternetGatewayId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("vpcId", "VpcId", (properties.VpcId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.VpcId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("vpnGatewayId", "VpnGatewayId", (properties.VpnGatewayId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.VpnGatewayId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Requests a VPC peering connection between two VPCs: a requester VPC that you own and an accepter VPC with which to create the connection. + * + * The accepter VPC can belong to a different AWS account and can be in a different Region than the requester VPC. + * + * The requester VPC and accepter VPC cannot have overlapping CIDR blocks. If you create a VPC peering connection request between VPCs with overlapping CIDR blocks, the VPC peering connection has a status of \`failed\` . + * + * If the VPCs belong to different accounts, the acceptor account must have a role that allows the requester account to accept the VPC peering connection. For more information, see [Walkthough: Peer with a VPC in another AWS account](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/peer-with-vpc-in-another-account.html) . + * + * If the requester and acceptor VPCs are in the same account, the peering request is accepted without a peering role. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpcpeeringconnection.html + */ +export class CfnVPCPeeringConnection extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::VPCPeeringConnection"; + + /** + * Build a CfnVPCPeeringConnection from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnVPCPeeringConnection { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnVPCPeeringConnectionPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnVPCPeeringConnection(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The ID of the peering connection. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute Id + */ + public readonly attrId: string; + + /** + * The AWS account ID of the owner of the accepter VPC. + */ + public peerOwnerId?: string; + + /** + * The Region code for the accepter VPC, if the accepter VPC is located in a Region other than the Region in which you make the request. + */ + public peerRegion?: string; + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the VPC peer role for the peering connection in another AWS account. + */ + public peerRoleArn?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the VPC with which you are creating the VPC peering connection. + */ + public peerVpcId: string; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * Any tags assigned to the resource. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * The ID of the VPC. + */ + public vpcId: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnVPCPeeringConnectionProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnVPCPeeringConnection.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "peerVpcId", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "vpcId", this); + + this.attrId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Id", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.peerOwnerId = props.peerOwnerId; + this.peerRegion = props.peerRegion; + this.peerRoleArn = props.peerRoleArn; + this.peerVpcId = props.peerVpcId; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::EC2::VPCPeeringConnection", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + this.vpcId = props.vpcId; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "peerOwnerId": this.peerOwnerId, + "peerRegion": this.peerRegion, + "peerRoleArn": this.peerRoleArn, + "peerVpcId": this.peerVpcId, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags(), + "vpcId": this.vpcId + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnVPCPeeringConnection.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnVPCPeeringConnectionPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnVPCPeeringConnection\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpcpeeringconnection.html + */ +export interface CfnVPCPeeringConnectionProps { + /** + * The AWS account ID of the owner of the accepter VPC. + * + * Default: Your AWS account ID + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpcpeeringconnection.html#cfn-ec2-vpcpeeringconnection-peerownerid + */ + readonly peerOwnerId?: string; + + /** + * The Region code for the accepter VPC, if the accepter VPC is located in a Region other than the Region in which you make the request. + * + * Default: The Region in which you make the request. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpcpeeringconnection.html#cfn-ec2-vpcpeeringconnection-peerregion + */ + readonly peerRegion?: string; + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the VPC peer role for the peering connection in another AWS account. + * + * This is required when you are peering a VPC in a different AWS account. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpcpeeringconnection.html#cfn-ec2-vpcpeeringconnection-peerrolearn + */ + readonly peerRoleArn?: string; + + /** + * The ID of the VPC with which you are creating the VPC peering connection. + * + * You must specify this parameter in the request. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpcpeeringconnection.html#cfn-ec2-vpcpeeringconnection-peervpcid + */ + readonly peerVpcId: string; + + /** + * Any tags assigned to the resource. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpcpeeringconnection.html#cfn-ec2-vpcpeeringconnection-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; + + /** + * The ID of the VPC. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpcpeeringconnection.html#cfn-ec2-vpcpeeringconnection-vpcid + */ + readonly vpcId: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnVPCPeeringConnectionProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnVPCPeeringConnectionProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVPCPeeringConnectionPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("peerOwnerId", cdk.validateString)(properties.peerOwnerId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("peerRegion", cdk.validateString)(properties.peerRegion)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("peerRoleArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.peerRoleArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("peerVpcId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.peerVpcId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("peerVpcId", cdk.validateString)(properties.peerVpcId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vpcId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.vpcId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vpcId", cdk.validateString)(properties.vpcId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnVPCPeeringConnectionProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnVPCPeeringConnectionPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnVPCPeeringConnectionPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "PeerOwnerId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.peerOwnerId), + "PeerRegion": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.peerRegion), + "PeerRoleArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.peerRoleArn), + "PeerVpcId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.peerVpcId), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags), + "VpcId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.vpcId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVPCPeeringConnectionPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("peerOwnerId", "PeerOwnerId", (properties.PeerOwnerId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.PeerOwnerId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("peerRegion", "PeerRegion", (properties.PeerRegion != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.PeerRegion) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("peerRoleArn", "PeerRoleArn", (properties.PeerRoleArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.PeerRoleArn) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("peerVpcId", "PeerVpcId", (properties.PeerVpcId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.PeerVpcId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("vpcId", "VpcId", (properties.VpcId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.VpcId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Specifies a VPN connection between a virtual private gateway and a VPN customer gateway or a transit gateway and a VPN customer gateway. + * + * To specify a VPN connection between a transit gateway and customer gateway, use the \`TransitGatewayId\` and \`CustomerGatewayId\` properties. + * + * To specify a VPN connection between a virtual private gateway and customer gateway, use the \`VpnGatewayId\` and \`CustomerGatewayId\` properties. + * + * For more information, see [AWS Site-to-Site VPN](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpn/latest/s2svpn/VPC_VPN.html) in the *AWS Site-to-Site VPN User Guide* . + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpnconnection.html + */ +export class CfnVPNConnection extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::VPNConnection"; + + /** + * Build a CfnVPNConnection from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnVPNConnection { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnVPNConnectionPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnVPNConnection(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The ID of the VPN connection. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute VpnConnectionId + */ + public readonly attrVpnConnectionId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the customer gateway at your end of the VPN connection. + */ + public customerGatewayId: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether the VPN connection uses static routes only. + */ + public staticRoutesOnly?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * Any tags assigned to the VPN connection. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * The ID of the transit gateway associated with the VPN connection. + */ + public transitGatewayId?: string; + + /** + * The type of VPN connection. + */ + public type: string; + + /** + * The ID of the virtual private gateway at the AWS side of the VPN connection. + */ + public vpnGatewayId?: string; + + /** + * The tunnel options for the VPN connection. + */ + public vpnTunnelOptionsSpecifications?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnVPNConnectionProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnVPNConnection.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "customerGatewayId", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "type", this); + + this.attrVpnConnectionId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("VpnConnectionId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.customerGatewayId = props.customerGatewayId; + this.staticRoutesOnly = props.staticRoutesOnly; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::EC2::VPNConnection", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + this.transitGatewayId = props.transitGatewayId; + this.type = props.type; + this.vpnGatewayId = props.vpnGatewayId; + this.vpnTunnelOptionsSpecifications = props.vpnTunnelOptionsSpecifications; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "customerGatewayId": this.customerGatewayId, + "staticRoutesOnly": this.staticRoutesOnly, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags(), + "transitGatewayId": this.transitGatewayId, + "type": this.type, + "vpnGatewayId": this.vpnGatewayId, + "vpnTunnelOptionsSpecifications": this.vpnTunnelOptionsSpecifications + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnVPNConnection.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnVPNConnectionPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +export namespace CfnVPNConnection { + /** + * The tunnel options for a single VPN tunnel. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-vpnconnection-vpntunneloptionsspecification.html + */ + export interface VpnTunnelOptionsSpecificationProperty { + /** + * The pre-shared key (PSK) to establish initial authentication between the virtual private gateway and customer gateway. + * + * Constraints: Allowed characters are alphanumeric characters, periods (.), and underscores (_). Must be between 8 and 64 characters in length and cannot start with zero (0). + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-vpnconnection-vpntunneloptionsspecification.html#cfn-ec2-vpnconnection-vpntunneloptionsspecification-presharedkey + */ + readonly preSharedKey?: string; + + /** + * The range of inside IP addresses for the tunnel. + * + * Any specified CIDR blocks must be unique across all VPN connections that use the same virtual private gateway. + * + * Constraints: A size /30 CIDR block from the \`\` range. The following CIDR blocks are reserved and cannot be used: + * + * - \`\` + * - \`\` + * - \`\` + * - \`\` + * - \`\` + * - \`\` + * - \`\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-vpnconnection-vpntunneloptionsspecification.html#cfn-ec2-vpnconnection-vpntunneloptionsspecification-tunnelinsidecidr + */ + readonly tunnelInsideCidr?: string; + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnVPNConnection\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpnconnection.html + */ +export interface CfnVPNConnectionProps { + /** + * The ID of the customer gateway at your end of the VPN connection. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpnconnection.html#cfn-ec2-vpnconnection-customergatewayid + */ + readonly customerGatewayId: string; + + /** + * Indicates whether the VPN connection uses static routes only. + * + * Static routes must be used for devices that don't support BGP. + * + * If you are creating a VPN connection for a device that does not support Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), you must specify \`true\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpnconnection.html#cfn-ec2-vpnconnection-staticroutesonly + */ + readonly staticRoutesOnly?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Any tags assigned to the VPN connection. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpnconnection.html#cfn-ec2-vpnconnection-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; + + /** + * The ID of the transit gateway associated with the VPN connection. + * + * You must specify either \`TransitGatewayId\` or \`VpnGatewayId\` , but not both. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpnconnection.html#cfn-ec2-vpnconnection-transitgatewayid + */ + readonly transitGatewayId?: string; + + /** + * The type of VPN connection. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpnconnection.html#cfn-ec2-vpnconnection-type + */ + readonly type: string; + + /** + * The ID of the virtual private gateway at the AWS side of the VPN connection. + * + * You must specify either \`TransitGatewayId\` or \`VpnGatewayId\` , but not both. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpnconnection.html#cfn-ec2-vpnconnection-vpngatewayid + */ + readonly vpnGatewayId?: string; + + /** + * The tunnel options for the VPN connection. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpnconnection.html#cfn-ec2-vpnconnection-vpntunneloptionsspecifications + */ + readonly vpnTunnelOptionsSpecifications?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`VpnTunnelOptionsSpecificationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`VpnTunnelOptionsSpecificationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVPNConnectionVpnTunnelOptionsSpecificationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("preSharedKey", cdk.validateString)(properties.preSharedKey)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tunnelInsideCidr", cdk.validateString)(properties.tunnelInsideCidr)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"VpnTunnelOptionsSpecificationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnVPNConnectionVpnTunnelOptionsSpecificationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnVPNConnectionVpnTunnelOptionsSpecificationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "PreSharedKey": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.preSharedKey), + "TunnelInsideCidr": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.tunnelInsideCidr) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVPNConnectionVpnTunnelOptionsSpecificationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("preSharedKey", "PreSharedKey", (properties.PreSharedKey != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.PreSharedKey) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tunnelInsideCidr", "TunnelInsideCidr", (properties.TunnelInsideCidr != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.TunnelInsideCidr) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnVPNConnectionProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnVPNConnectionProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVPNConnectionPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("customerGatewayId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.customerGatewayId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("customerGatewayId", cdk.validateString)(properties.customerGatewayId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("staticRoutesOnly", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.staticRoutesOnly)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("transitGatewayId", cdk.validateString)(properties.transitGatewayId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("type", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.type)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("type", cdk.validateString)(properties.type)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vpnGatewayId", cdk.validateString)(properties.vpnGatewayId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vpnTunnelOptionsSpecifications", cdk.listValidator(CfnVPNConnectionVpnTunnelOptionsSpecificationPropertyValidator))(properties.vpnTunnelOptionsSpecifications)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnVPNConnectionProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnVPNConnectionPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnVPNConnectionPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "CustomerGatewayId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.customerGatewayId), + "StaticRoutesOnly": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.staticRoutesOnly), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags), + "TransitGatewayId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.transitGatewayId), + "Type": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.type), + "VpnGatewayId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.vpnGatewayId), + "VpnTunnelOptionsSpecifications": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnVPNConnectionVpnTunnelOptionsSpecificationPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.vpnTunnelOptionsSpecifications) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVPNConnectionPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("customerGatewayId", "CustomerGatewayId", (properties.CustomerGatewayId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.CustomerGatewayId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("staticRoutesOnly", "StaticRoutesOnly", (properties.StaticRoutesOnly != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.StaticRoutesOnly) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("transitGatewayId", "TransitGatewayId", (properties.TransitGatewayId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.TransitGatewayId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("type", "Type", (properties.Type != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Type) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("vpnGatewayId", "VpnGatewayId", (properties.VpnGatewayId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.VpnGatewayId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("vpnTunnelOptionsSpecifications", "VpnTunnelOptionsSpecifications", (properties.VpnTunnelOptionsSpecifications != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnVPNConnectionVpnTunnelOptionsSpecificationPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.VpnTunnelOptionsSpecifications) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Specifies a static route for a VPN connection between an existing virtual private gateway and a VPN customer gateway. + * + * The static route allows traffic to be routed from the virtual private gateway to the VPN customer gateway. + * + * For more information, see [AWS Site-to-Site VPN](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpn/latest/s2svpn/VPC_VPN.html) in the *AWS Site-to-Site VPN User Guide* . + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpnconnectionroute.html + */ +export class CfnVPNConnectionRoute extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::VPNConnectionRoute"; + + /** + * Build a CfnVPNConnectionRoute from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnVPNConnectionRoute { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnVPNConnectionRoutePropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnVPNConnectionRoute(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The CIDR block associated with the local subnet of the customer network. + */ + public destinationCidrBlock: string; + + /** + * The ID of the VPN connection. + */ + public vpnConnectionId: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnVPNConnectionRouteProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnVPNConnectionRoute.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "destinationCidrBlock", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "vpnConnectionId", this); + + this.destinationCidrBlock = props.destinationCidrBlock; + this.vpnConnectionId = props.vpnConnectionId; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "destinationCidrBlock": this.destinationCidrBlock, + "vpnConnectionId": this.vpnConnectionId + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnVPNConnectionRoute.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnVPNConnectionRoutePropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnVPNConnectionRoute\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpnconnectionroute.html + */ +export interface CfnVPNConnectionRouteProps { + /** + * The CIDR block associated with the local subnet of the customer network. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpnconnectionroute.html#cfn-ec2-vpnconnectionroute-destinationcidrblock + */ + readonly destinationCidrBlock: string; + + /** + * The ID of the VPN connection. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpnconnectionroute.html#cfn-ec2-vpnconnectionroute-vpnconnectionid + */ + readonly vpnConnectionId: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnVPNConnectionRouteProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnVPNConnectionRouteProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVPNConnectionRoutePropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("destinationCidrBlock", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.destinationCidrBlock)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("destinationCidrBlock", cdk.validateString)(properties.destinationCidrBlock)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vpnConnectionId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.vpnConnectionId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vpnConnectionId", cdk.validateString)(properties.vpnConnectionId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnVPNConnectionRouteProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnVPNConnectionRoutePropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnVPNConnectionRoutePropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "DestinationCidrBlock": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.destinationCidrBlock), + "VpnConnectionId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.vpnConnectionId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVPNConnectionRoutePropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("destinationCidrBlock", "DestinationCidrBlock", (properties.DestinationCidrBlock != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DestinationCidrBlock) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("vpnConnectionId", "VpnConnectionId", (properties.VpnConnectionId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.VpnConnectionId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Specifies a virtual private gateway. + * + * A virtual private gateway is the endpoint on the VPC side of your VPN connection. You can create a virtual private gateway before creating the VPC itself. + * + * For more information, see [AWS Site-to-Site VPN](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpn/latest/s2svpn/VPC_VPN.html) in the *AWS Site-to-Site VPN User Guide* . + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpngateway.html + */ +export class CfnVPNGateway extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::VPNGateway"; + + /** + * Build a CfnVPNGateway from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnVPNGateway { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnVPNGatewayPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnVPNGateway(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The ID of the VPN gateway. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute VPNGatewayId + */ + public readonly attrVpnGatewayId: string; + + /** + * The private Autonomous System Number (ASN) for the Amazon side of a BGP session. + */ + public amazonSideAsn?: number; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * Any tags assigned to the virtual private gateway. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * The type of VPN connection the virtual private gateway supports. + */ + public type: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnVPNGatewayProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnVPNGateway.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "type", this); + + this.attrVpnGatewayId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("VPNGatewayId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.amazonSideAsn = props.amazonSideAsn; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::EC2::VPNGateway", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + this.type = props.type; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "amazonSideAsn": this.amazonSideAsn, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags(), + "type": this.type + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnVPNGateway.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnVPNGatewayPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnVPNGateway\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpngateway.html + */ +export interface CfnVPNGatewayProps { + /** + * The private Autonomous System Number (ASN) for the Amazon side of a BGP session. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpngateway.html#cfn-ec2-vpngateway-amazonsideasn + */ + readonly amazonSideAsn?: number; + + /** + * Any tags assigned to the virtual private gateway. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpngateway.html#cfn-ec2-vpngateway-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; + + /** + * The type of VPN connection the virtual private gateway supports. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpngateway.html#cfn-ec2-vpngateway-type + */ + readonly type: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnVPNGatewayProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnVPNGatewayProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVPNGatewayPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("amazonSideAsn", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.amazonSideAsn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("type", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.type)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("type", cdk.validateString)(properties.type)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnVPNGatewayProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnVPNGatewayPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnVPNGatewayPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AmazonSideAsn": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.amazonSideAsn), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags), + "Type": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.type) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVPNGatewayPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("amazonSideAsn", "AmazonSideAsn", (properties.AmazonSideAsn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.AmazonSideAsn) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("type", "Type", (properties.Type != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Type) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Enables a virtual private gateway (VGW) to propagate routes to the specified route table of a VPC. + * + * If you reference a VPN gateway that is in the same template as your VPN gateway route propagation, you must explicitly declare a dependency on the VPN gateway attachment. The \`AWS::EC2::VPNGatewayRoutePropagation\` resource cannot use the VPN gateway until it has successfully attached to the VPC. Add a [DependsOn Attribute](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-attribute-dependson.html) in the \`AWS::EC2::VPNGatewayRoutePropagation\` resource to explicitly declare a dependency on the VPN gateway attachment. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpngatewayroutepropagation.html + */ +export class CfnVPNGatewayRoutePropagation extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::EC2::VPNGatewayRoutePropagation"; + + /** + * Build a CfnVPNGatewayRoutePropagation from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnVPNGatewayRoutePropagation { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnVPNGatewayRoutePropagationPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnVPNGatewayRoutePropagation(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * @cloudformationAttribute Id + */ + public readonly attrId: string; + + /** + * The ID of the route table. + */ + public routeTableIds: Array; + + /** + * The ID of the virtual private gateway that is attached to a VPC. + */ + public vpnGatewayId: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnVPNGatewayRoutePropagationProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnVPNGatewayRoutePropagation.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "routeTableIds", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "vpnGatewayId", this); + + this.attrId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Id", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.routeTableIds = props.routeTableIds; + this.vpnGatewayId = props.vpnGatewayId; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "routeTableIds": this.routeTableIds, + "vpnGatewayId": this.vpnGatewayId + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnVPNGatewayRoutePropagation.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnVPNGatewayRoutePropagationPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnVPNGatewayRoutePropagation\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpngatewayroutepropagation.html + */ +export interface CfnVPNGatewayRoutePropagationProps { + /** + * The ID of the route table. + * + * The routing table must be associated with the same VPC that the virtual private gateway is attached to. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpngatewayroutepropagation.html#cfn-ec2-vpngatewayroutepropagation-routetableids + */ + readonly routeTableIds: Array; + + /** + * The ID of the virtual private gateway that is attached to a VPC. + * + * The virtual private gateway must be attached to the same VPC that the routing tables are associated with. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-ec2-vpngatewayroutepropagation.html#cfn-ec2-vpngatewayroutepropagation-vpngatewayid + */ + readonly vpnGatewayId: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnVPNGatewayRoutePropagationProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnVPNGatewayRoutePropagationProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVPNGatewayRoutePropagationPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("routeTableIds", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.routeTableIds)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("routeTableIds", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.routeTableIds)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vpnGatewayId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.vpnGatewayId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vpnGatewayId", cdk.validateString)(properties.vpnGatewayId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnVPNGatewayRoutePropagationProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnVPNGatewayRoutePropagationPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnVPNGatewayRoutePropagationPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "RouteTableIds": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.routeTableIds), + "VpnGatewayId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.vpnGatewayId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVPNGatewayRoutePropagationPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("routeTableIds", "RouteTableIds", (properties.RouteTableIds != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.RouteTableIds) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("vpnGatewayId", "VpnGatewayId", (properties.VpnGatewayId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.VpnGatewayId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +}", +} +`; + +exports[`aws-omics 1`] = ` +{ + "augmentations": undefined, + "metrics": undefined, + "module": "/* eslint-disable prettier/prettier,max-len */ +import * as cdk from "aws-cdk-lib"; +import * as constructs from "constructs"; +import * as cfn_parse from "aws-cdk-lib/core/lib/helpers-internal"; + +/** + * Creates an annotation store. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-omics-annotationstore.html + */ +export class CfnAnnotationStore extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::Omics::AnnotationStore"; + + /** + * Build a CfnAnnotationStore from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnAnnotationStore { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnAnnotationStorePropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnAnnotationStore(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * When the store was created. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute CreationTime + */ + public readonly attrCreationTime: string; + + /** + * The store's ID. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute Id + */ + public readonly attrId: string; + + /** + * The store's status. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute Status + */ + public readonly attrStatus: string; + + /** + * The store's status message. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute StatusMessage + */ + public readonly attrStatusMessage: string; + + /** + * The store's ARN. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute StoreArn + */ + public readonly attrStoreArn: string; + + /** + * The store's size in bytes. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute StoreSizeBytes + */ + public readonly attrStoreSizeBytes: cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * When the store was updated. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute UpdateTime + */ + public readonly attrUpdateTime: string; + + /** + * A description for the store. + */ + public description?: string; + + /** + * The name of the Annotation Store. + */ + public name: string; + + /** + * The genome reference for the store's annotations. + */ + public reference?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnAnnotationStore.ReferenceItemProperty; + + /** + * The store's server-side encryption (SSE) settings. + */ + public sseConfig?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnAnnotationStore.SseConfigProperty; + + /** + * The annotation file format of the store. + */ + public storeFormat: string; + + /** + * File parsing options for the annotation store. + */ + public storeOptions?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnAnnotationStore.StoreOptionsProperty; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * Tags for the store. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Record; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnAnnotationStoreProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnAnnotationStore.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "name", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "storeFormat", this); + + this.attrCreationTime = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("CreationTime", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Id", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrStatus = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Status", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrStatusMessage = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("StatusMessage", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrStoreArn = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("StoreArn", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrStoreSizeBytes = this.getAtt("StoreSizeBytes", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.NUMBER); + this.attrUpdateTime = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("UpdateTime", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.description = props.description; + this.name = props.name; + this.reference = props.reference; + this.sseConfig = props.sseConfig; + this.storeFormat = props.storeFormat; + this.storeOptions = props.storeOptions; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.MAP, "AWS::Omics::AnnotationStore", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "description": this.description, + "name": this.name, + "reference": this.reference, + "sseConfig": this.sseConfig, + "storeFormat": this.storeFormat, + "storeOptions": this.storeOptions, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags() + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnAnnotationStore.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnAnnotationStorePropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +export namespace CfnAnnotationStore { + /** + * A genome reference. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-omics-annotationstore-referenceitem.html + */ + export interface ReferenceItemProperty { + /** + * The reference's ARN. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-omics-annotationstore-referenceitem.html#cfn-omics-annotationstore-referenceitem-referencearn + */ + readonly referenceArn: string; + } + + /** + * Server-side encryption (SSE) settings for a store. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-omics-annotationstore-sseconfig.html + */ + export interface SseConfigProperty { + /** + * An encryption key ARN. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-omics-annotationstore-sseconfig.html#cfn-omics-annotationstore-sseconfig-keyarn + */ + readonly keyArn?: string; + + /** + * The encryption type. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-omics-annotationstore-sseconfig.html#cfn-omics-annotationstore-sseconfig-type + */ + readonly type: string; + } + + /** + * The store's file parsing options. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-omics-annotationstore-storeoptions.html + */ + export interface StoreOptionsProperty { + /** + * Formatting options for a TSV file. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-omics-annotationstore-storeoptions.html#cfn-omics-annotationstore-storeoptions-tsvstoreoptions + */ + readonly tsvStoreOptions: cdk.IResolvable | CfnAnnotationStore.TsvStoreOptionsProperty; + } + + /** + * The store's parsing options. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-omics-annotationstore-tsvstoreoptions.html + */ + export interface TsvStoreOptionsProperty { + /** + * The store's annotation type. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-omics-annotationstore-tsvstoreoptions.html#cfn-omics-annotationstore-tsvstoreoptions-annotationtype + */ + readonly annotationType?: string; + + /** + * The store's header key to column name mapping. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-omics-annotationstore-tsvstoreoptions.html#cfn-omics-annotationstore-tsvstoreoptions-formattoheader + */ + readonly formatToHeader?: cdk.IResolvable | Record; + + /** + * The schema of an annotation store. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-omics-annotationstore-tsvstoreoptions.html#cfn-omics-annotationstore-tsvstoreoptions-schema + */ + readonly schema?: any | cdk.IResolvable; + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnAnnotationStore\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-omics-annotationstore.html + */ +export interface CfnAnnotationStoreProps { + /** + * A description for the store. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-omics-annotationstore.html#cfn-omics-annotationstore-description + */ + readonly description?: string; + + /** + * The name of the Annotation Store. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-omics-annotationstore.html#cfn-omics-annotationstore-name + */ + readonly name: string; + + /** + * The genome reference for the store's annotations. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-omics-annotationstore.html#cfn-omics-annotationstore-reference + */ + readonly reference?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnAnnotationStore.ReferenceItemProperty; + + /** + * The store's server-side encryption (SSE) settings. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-omics-annotationstore.html#cfn-omics-annotationstore-sseconfig + */ + readonly sseConfig?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnAnnotationStore.SseConfigProperty; + + /** + * The annotation file format of the store. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-omics-annotationstore.html#cfn-omics-annotationstore-storeformat + */ + readonly storeFormat: string; + + /** + * File parsing options for the annotation store. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-omics-annotationstore.html#cfn-omics-annotationstore-storeoptions + */ + readonly storeOptions?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnAnnotationStore.StoreOptionsProperty; + + /** + * Tags for the store. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-omics-annotationstore.html#cfn-omics-annotationstore-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Record; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`ReferenceItemProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`ReferenceItemProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnAnnotationStoreReferenceItemPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("referenceArn", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.referenceArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("referenceArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.referenceArn)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"ReferenceItemProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnAnnotationStoreReferenceItemPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnAnnotationStoreReferenceItemPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ReferenceArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.referenceArn) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnAnnotationStoreReferenceItemPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("referenceArn", "ReferenceArn", (properties.ReferenceArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ReferenceArn) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`SseConfigProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`SseConfigProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnAnnotationStoreSseConfigPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("keyArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.keyArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("type", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.type)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("type", cdk.validateString)(properties.type)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"SseConfigProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnAnnotationStoreSseConfigPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnAnnotationStoreSseConfigPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "KeyArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.keyArn), + "Type": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.type) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnAnnotationStoreSseConfigPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("keyArn", "KeyArn", (properties.KeyArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.KeyArn) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("type", "Type", (properties.Type != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Type) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`TsvStoreOptionsProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`TsvStoreOptionsProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnAnnotationStoreTsvStoreOptionsPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("annotationType", cdk.validateString)(properties.annotationType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("formatToHeader", cdk.hashValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.formatToHeader)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("schema", cdk.validateObject)(properties.schema)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"TsvStoreOptionsProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnAnnotationStoreTsvStoreOptionsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnAnnotationStoreTsvStoreOptionsPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AnnotationType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.annotationType), + "FormatToHeader": cdk.hashMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.formatToHeader), + "Schema": cdk.objectToCloudFormation(properties.schema) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnAnnotationStoreTsvStoreOptionsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("annotationType", "AnnotationType", (properties.AnnotationType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.AnnotationType) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("formatToHeader", "FormatToHeader", (properties.FormatToHeader != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getMap(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.FormatToHeader) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("schema", "Schema", (properties.Schema != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getAny(properties.Schema) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`StoreOptionsProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`StoreOptionsProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnAnnotationStoreStoreOptionsPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tsvStoreOptions", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.tsvStoreOptions)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tsvStoreOptions", CfnAnnotationStoreTsvStoreOptionsPropertyValidator)(properties.tsvStoreOptions)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"StoreOptionsProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnAnnotationStoreStoreOptionsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnAnnotationStoreStoreOptionsPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "TsvStoreOptions": convertCfnAnnotationStoreTsvStoreOptionsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.tsvStoreOptions) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnAnnotationStoreStoreOptionsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("tsvStoreOptions", "TsvStoreOptions", (properties.TsvStoreOptions != null ? CfnAnnotationStoreTsvStoreOptionsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.TsvStoreOptions) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnAnnotationStoreProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnAnnotationStoreProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnAnnotationStorePropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("description", cdk.validateString)(properties.description)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("name", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.name)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("name", cdk.validateString)(properties.name)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("reference", CfnAnnotationStoreReferenceItemPropertyValidator)(properties.reference)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sseConfig", CfnAnnotationStoreSseConfigPropertyValidator)(properties.sseConfig)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("storeFormat", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.storeFormat)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("storeFormat", cdk.validateString)(properties.storeFormat)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("storeOptions", CfnAnnotationStoreStoreOptionsPropertyValidator)(properties.storeOptions)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.hashValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.tags)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnAnnotationStoreProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnAnnotationStorePropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnAnnotationStorePropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Description": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.description), + "Name": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.name), + "Reference": convertCfnAnnotationStoreReferenceItemPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.reference), + "SseConfig": convertCfnAnnotationStoreSseConfigPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.sseConfig), + "StoreFormat": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.storeFormat), + "StoreOptions": convertCfnAnnotationStoreStoreOptionsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.storeOptions), + "Tags": cdk.hashMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.tags) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnAnnotationStorePropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("description", "Description", (properties.Description != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Description) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("name", "Name", (properties.Name != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Name) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("reference", "Reference", (properties.Reference != null ? CfnAnnotationStoreReferenceItemPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.Reference) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("sseConfig", "SseConfig", (properties.SseConfig != null ? CfnAnnotationStoreSseConfigPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.SseConfig) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("storeFormat", "StoreFormat", (properties.StoreFormat != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.StoreFormat) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("storeOptions", "StoreOptions", (properties.StoreOptions != null ? CfnAnnotationStoreStoreOptionsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.StoreOptions) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getMap(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Creates a reference store. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-omics-referencestore.html + */ +export class CfnReferenceStore extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::Omics::ReferenceStore"; + + /** + * Build a CfnReferenceStore from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnReferenceStore { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnReferenceStorePropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnReferenceStore(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The store's ARN. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute Arn + */ + public readonly attrArn: string; + + /** + * When the store was created. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute CreationTime + */ + public readonly attrCreationTime: string; + + /** + * The store's ID. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute ReferenceStoreId + */ + public readonly attrReferenceStoreId: string; + + /** + * A description for the store. + */ + public description?: string; + + /** + * A name for the store. + */ + public name: string; + + /** + * Server-side encryption (SSE) settings for the store. + */ + public sseConfig?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnReferenceStore.SseConfigProperty; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * Tags for the store. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Record; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnReferenceStoreProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnReferenceStore.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "name", this); + + this.attrArn = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Arn", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrCreationTime = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("CreationTime", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrReferenceStoreId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("ReferenceStoreId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.description = props.description; + this.name = props.name; + this.sseConfig = props.sseConfig; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.MAP, "AWS::Omics::ReferenceStore", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "description": this.description, + "name": this.name, + "sseConfig": this.sseConfig, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags() + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnReferenceStore.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnReferenceStorePropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +export namespace CfnReferenceStore { + /** + * Server-side encryption (SSE) settings for a store. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-omics-referencestore-sseconfig.html + */ + export interface SseConfigProperty { + /** + * An encryption key ARN. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-omics-referencestore-sseconfig.html#cfn-omics-referencestore-sseconfig-keyarn + */ + readonly keyArn?: string; + + /** + * The encryption type. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-omics-referencestore-sseconfig.html#cfn-omics-referencestore-sseconfig-type + */ + readonly type: string; + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnReferenceStore\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-omics-referencestore.html + */ +export interface CfnReferenceStoreProps { + /** + * A description for the store. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-omics-referencestore.html#cfn-omics-referencestore-description + */ + readonly description?: string; + + /** + * A name for the store. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-omics-referencestore.html#cfn-omics-referencestore-name + */ + readonly name: string; + + /** + * Server-side encryption (SSE) settings for the store. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-omics-referencestore.html#cfn-omics-referencestore-sseconfig + */ + readonly sseConfig?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnReferenceStore.SseConfigProperty; + + /** + * Tags for the store. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-omics-referencestore.html#cfn-omics-referencestore-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Record; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`SseConfigProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`SseConfigProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnReferenceStoreSseConfigPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("keyArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.keyArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("type", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.type)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("type", cdk.validateString)(properties.type)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"SseConfigProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnReferenceStoreSseConfigPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnReferenceStoreSseConfigPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "KeyArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.keyArn), + "Type": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.type) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnReferenceStoreSseConfigPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("keyArn", "KeyArn", (properties.KeyArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.KeyArn) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("type", "Type", (properties.Type != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Type) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnReferenceStoreProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnReferenceStoreProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnReferenceStorePropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("description", cdk.validateString)(properties.description)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("name", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.name)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("name", cdk.validateString)(properties.name)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sseConfig", CfnReferenceStoreSseConfigPropertyValidator)(properties.sseConfig)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.hashValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.tags)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnReferenceStoreProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnReferenceStorePropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnReferenceStorePropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Description": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.description), + "Name": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.name), + "SseConfig": convertCfnReferenceStoreSseConfigPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.sseConfig), + "Tags": cdk.hashMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.tags) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnReferenceStorePropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("description", "Description", (properties.Description != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Description) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("name", "Name", (properties.Name != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Name) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("sseConfig", "SseConfig", (properties.SseConfig != null ? CfnReferenceStoreSseConfigPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.SseConfig) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getMap(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Creates a run group. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-omics-rungroup.html + */ +export class CfnRunGroup extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::Omics::RunGroup"; + + /** + * Build a CfnRunGroup from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnRunGroup { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnRunGroupPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnRunGroup(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The run group's ARN. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute Arn + */ + public readonly attrArn: string; + + /** + * When the run group was created. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute CreationTime + */ + public readonly attrCreationTime: string; + + /** + * The run group's ID. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute Id + */ + public readonly attrId: string; + + /** + * The group's maximum CPU count setting. + */ + public maxCpus?: number; + + /** + * The group's maximum duration setting in minutes. + */ + public maxDuration?: number; + + /** + * The group's maximum concurrent run setting. + */ + public maxRuns?: number; + + /** + * The group's name. + */ + public name?: string; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * Tags for the group. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Record; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnRunGroupProps = {}) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnRunGroup.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + this.attrArn = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Arn", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrCreationTime = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("CreationTime", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Id", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.maxCpus = props.maxCpus; + this.maxDuration = props.maxDuration; + this.maxRuns = props.maxRuns; + this.name = props.name; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.MAP, "AWS::Omics::RunGroup", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "maxCpus": this.maxCpus, + "maxDuration": this.maxDuration, + "maxRuns": this.maxRuns, + "name": this.name, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags() + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnRunGroup.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnRunGroupPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnRunGroup\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-omics-rungroup.html + */ +export interface CfnRunGroupProps { + /** + * The group's maximum CPU count setting. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-omics-rungroup.html#cfn-omics-rungroup-maxcpus + */ + readonly maxCpus?: number; + + /** + * The group's maximum duration setting in minutes. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-omics-rungroup.html#cfn-omics-rungroup-maxduration + */ + readonly maxDuration?: number; + + /** + * The group's maximum concurrent run setting. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-omics-rungroup.html#cfn-omics-rungroup-maxruns + */ + readonly maxRuns?: number; + + /** + * The group's name. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-omics-rungroup.html#cfn-omics-rungroup-name + */ + readonly name?: string; + + /** + * Tags for the group. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-omics-rungroup.html#cfn-omics-rungroup-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Record; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnRunGroupProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnRunGroupProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnRunGroupPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("maxCpus", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.maxCpus)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("maxDuration", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.maxDuration)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("maxRuns", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.maxRuns)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("name", cdk.validateString)(properties.name)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.hashValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.tags)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnRunGroupProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnRunGroupPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnRunGroupPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "MaxCpus": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.maxCpus), + "MaxDuration": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.maxDuration), + "MaxRuns": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.maxRuns), + "Name": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.name), + "Tags": cdk.hashMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.tags) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnRunGroupPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("maxCpus", "MaxCpus", (properties.MaxCpus != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.MaxCpus) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("maxDuration", "MaxDuration", (properties.MaxDuration != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.MaxDuration) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("maxRuns", "MaxRuns", (properties.MaxRuns != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.MaxRuns) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("name", "Name", (properties.Name != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Name) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getMap(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Creates a sequence store. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-omics-sequencestore.html + */ +export class CfnSequenceStore extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::Omics::SequenceStore"; + + /** + * Build a CfnSequenceStore from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnSequenceStore { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnSequenceStorePropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnSequenceStore(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The store's ARN. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute Arn + */ + public readonly attrArn: string; + + /** + * When the store was created. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute CreationTime + */ + public readonly attrCreationTime: string; + + /** + * The store's ID. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute SequenceStoreId + */ + public readonly attrSequenceStoreId: string; + + /** + * A description for the store. + */ + public description?: string; + + /** + * An S3 URI representing the bucket and folder to store failed read set uploads. + */ + public fallbackLocation?: string; + + /** + * A name for the store. + */ + public name: string; + + /** + * Server-side encryption (SSE) settings for the store. + */ + public sseConfig?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnSequenceStore.SseConfigProperty; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * Tags for the store. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Record; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnSequenceStoreProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnSequenceStore.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "name", this); + + this.attrArn = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Arn", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrCreationTime = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("CreationTime", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrSequenceStoreId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("SequenceStoreId", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.description = props.description; + this.fallbackLocation = props.fallbackLocation; + this.name = props.name; + this.sseConfig = props.sseConfig; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.MAP, "AWS::Omics::SequenceStore", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "description": this.description, + "fallbackLocation": this.fallbackLocation, + "name": this.name, + "sseConfig": this.sseConfig, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags() + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnSequenceStore.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnSequenceStorePropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +export namespace CfnSequenceStore { + /** + * Server-side encryption (SSE) settings for a store. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-omics-sequencestore-sseconfig.html + */ + export interface SseConfigProperty { + /** + * An encryption key ARN. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-omics-sequencestore-sseconfig.html#cfn-omics-sequencestore-sseconfig-keyarn + */ + readonly keyArn?: string; + + /** + * The encryption type. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-omics-sequencestore-sseconfig.html#cfn-omics-sequencestore-sseconfig-type + */ + readonly type: string; + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnSequenceStore\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-omics-sequencestore.html + */ +export interface CfnSequenceStoreProps { + /** + * A description for the store. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-omics-sequencestore.html#cfn-omics-sequencestore-description + */ + readonly description?: string; + + /** + * An S3 URI representing the bucket and folder to store failed read set uploads. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-omics-sequencestore.html#cfn-omics-sequencestore-fallbacklocation + */ + readonly fallbackLocation?: string; + + /** + * A name for the store. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-omics-sequencestore.html#cfn-omics-sequencestore-name + */ + readonly name: string; + + /** + * Server-side encryption (SSE) settings for the store. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-omics-sequencestore.html#cfn-omics-sequencestore-sseconfig + */ + readonly sseConfig?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnSequenceStore.SseConfigProperty; + + /** + * Tags for the store. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-omics-sequencestore.html#cfn-omics-sequencestore-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Record; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`SseConfigProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`SseConfigProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSequenceStoreSseConfigPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("keyArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.keyArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("type", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.type)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("type", cdk.validateString)(properties.type)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"SseConfigProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSequenceStoreSseConfigPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSequenceStoreSseConfigPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "KeyArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.keyArn), + "Type": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.type) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSequenceStoreSseConfigPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("keyArn", "KeyArn", (properties.KeyArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.KeyArn) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("type", "Type", (properties.Type != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Type) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnSequenceStoreProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnSequenceStoreProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSequenceStorePropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("description", cdk.validateString)(properties.description)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("fallbackLocation", cdk.validateString)(properties.fallbackLocation)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("name", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.name)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("name", cdk.validateString)(properties.name)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sseConfig", CfnSequenceStoreSseConfigPropertyValidator)(properties.sseConfig)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.hashValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.tags)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnSequenceStoreProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSequenceStorePropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSequenceStorePropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Description": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.description), + "FallbackLocation": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.fallbackLocation), + "Name": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.name), + "SseConfig": convertCfnSequenceStoreSseConfigPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.sseConfig), + "Tags": cdk.hashMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.tags) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSequenceStorePropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("description", "Description", (properties.Description != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Description) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("fallbackLocation", "FallbackLocation", (properties.FallbackLocation != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.FallbackLocation) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("name", "Name", (properties.Name != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Name) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("sseConfig", "SseConfig", (properties.SseConfig != null ? CfnSequenceStoreSseConfigPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.SseConfig) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getMap(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Create a store for variant data. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-omics-variantstore.html + */ +export class CfnVariantStore extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::Omics::VariantStore"; + + /** + * Build a CfnVariantStore from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnVariantStore { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnVariantStorePropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnVariantStore(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * When the store was created. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute CreationTime + */ + public readonly attrCreationTime: string; + + /** + * The store's ID. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute Id + */ + public readonly attrId: string; + + /** + * The store's status. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute Status + */ + public readonly attrStatus: string; + + /** + * The store's status message. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute StatusMessage + */ + public readonly attrStatusMessage: string; + + /** + * The store's ARN. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute StoreArn + */ + public readonly attrStoreArn: string; + + /** + * The store's size in bytes. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute StoreSizeBytes + */ + public readonly attrStoreSizeBytes: cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * When the store was updated. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute UpdateTime + */ + public readonly attrUpdateTime: string; + + /** + * A description for the store. + */ + public description?: string; + + /** + * A name for the store. + */ + public name: string; + + /** + * The genome reference for the store's variants. + */ + public reference: cdk.IResolvable | CfnVariantStore.ReferenceItemProperty; + + /** + * Server-side encryption (SSE) settings for the store. + */ + public sseConfig?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnVariantStore.SseConfigProperty; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * Tags for the store. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Record; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnVariantStoreProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnVariantStore.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "name", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "reference", this); + + this.attrCreationTime = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("CreationTime", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Id", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrStatus = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Status", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrStatusMessage = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("StatusMessage", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrStoreArn = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("StoreArn", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrStoreSizeBytes = this.getAtt("StoreSizeBytes", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.NUMBER); + this.attrUpdateTime = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("UpdateTime", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.description = props.description; + this.name = props.name; + this.reference = props.reference; + this.sseConfig = props.sseConfig; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.MAP, "AWS::Omics::VariantStore", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "description": this.description, + "name": this.name, + "reference": this.reference, + "sseConfig": this.sseConfig, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags() + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnVariantStore.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnVariantStorePropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +export namespace CfnVariantStore { + /** + * The read set's genome reference ARN. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-omics-variantstore-referenceitem.html + */ + export interface ReferenceItemProperty { + /** + * The reference's ARN. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-omics-variantstore-referenceitem.html#cfn-omics-variantstore-referenceitem-referencearn + */ + readonly referenceArn: string; + } + + /** + * Server-side encryption (SSE) settings for a store. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-omics-variantstore-sseconfig.html + */ + export interface SseConfigProperty { + /** + * An encryption key ARN. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-omics-variantstore-sseconfig.html#cfn-omics-variantstore-sseconfig-keyarn + */ + readonly keyArn?: string; + + /** + * The encryption type. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-omics-variantstore-sseconfig.html#cfn-omics-variantstore-sseconfig-type + */ + readonly type: string; + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnVariantStore\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-omics-variantstore.html + */ +export interface CfnVariantStoreProps { + /** + * A description for the store. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-omics-variantstore.html#cfn-omics-variantstore-description + */ + readonly description?: string; + + /** + * A name for the store. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-omics-variantstore.html#cfn-omics-variantstore-name + */ + readonly name: string; + + /** + * The genome reference for the store's variants. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-omics-variantstore.html#cfn-omics-variantstore-reference + */ + readonly reference: cdk.IResolvable | CfnVariantStore.ReferenceItemProperty; + + /** + * Server-side encryption (SSE) settings for the store. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-omics-variantstore.html#cfn-omics-variantstore-sseconfig + */ + readonly sseConfig?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnVariantStore.SseConfigProperty; + + /** + * Tags for the store. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-omics-variantstore.html#cfn-omics-variantstore-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Record; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`ReferenceItemProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`ReferenceItemProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVariantStoreReferenceItemPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("referenceArn", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.referenceArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("referenceArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.referenceArn)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"ReferenceItemProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnVariantStoreReferenceItemPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnVariantStoreReferenceItemPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ReferenceArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.referenceArn) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVariantStoreReferenceItemPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("referenceArn", "ReferenceArn", (properties.ReferenceArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ReferenceArn) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`SseConfigProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`SseConfigProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVariantStoreSseConfigPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("keyArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.keyArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("type", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.type)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("type", cdk.validateString)(properties.type)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"SseConfigProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnVariantStoreSseConfigPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnVariantStoreSseConfigPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "KeyArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.keyArn), + "Type": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.type) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVariantStoreSseConfigPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("keyArn", "KeyArn", (properties.KeyArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.KeyArn) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("type", "Type", (properties.Type != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Type) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnVariantStoreProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnVariantStoreProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVariantStorePropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("description", cdk.validateString)(properties.description)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("name", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.name)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("name", cdk.validateString)(properties.name)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("reference", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.reference)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("reference", CfnVariantStoreReferenceItemPropertyValidator)(properties.reference)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sseConfig", CfnVariantStoreSseConfigPropertyValidator)(properties.sseConfig)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.hashValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.tags)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnVariantStoreProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnVariantStorePropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnVariantStorePropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Description": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.description), + "Name": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.name), + "Reference": convertCfnVariantStoreReferenceItemPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.reference), + "SseConfig": convertCfnVariantStoreSseConfigPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.sseConfig), + "Tags": cdk.hashMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.tags) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnVariantStorePropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("description", "Description", (properties.Description != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Description) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("name", "Name", (properties.Name != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Name) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("reference", "Reference", (properties.Reference != null ? CfnVariantStoreReferenceItemPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.Reference) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("sseConfig", "SseConfig", (properties.SseConfig != null ? CfnVariantStoreSseConfigPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.SseConfig) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getMap(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Creates a workflow. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-omics-workflow.html + */ +export class CfnWorkflow extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::Omics::Workflow"; + + /** + * Build a CfnWorkflow from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnWorkflow { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnWorkflowPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnWorkflow(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The ARN for the workflow. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute Arn + */ + public readonly attrArn: string; + + /** + * When the workflow was created. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute CreationTime + */ + public readonly attrCreationTime: string; + + /** + * The workflow's ID. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute Id + */ + public readonly attrId: string; + + /** + * The workflow's status. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute Status + */ + public readonly attrStatus: string; + + /** + * The workflow's type. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute Type + */ + public readonly attrType: string; + + /** + * The URI of a definition for the workflow. + */ + public definitionUri?: string; + + /** + * The parameter's description. + */ + public description?: string; + + /** + * An engine for the workflow. + */ + public engine?: string; + + /** + * The path of the main definition file for the workflow. + */ + public main?: string; + + /** + * The workflow's name. + */ + public name?: string; + + /** + * The workflow's parameter template. + */ + public parameterTemplate?: cdk.IResolvable | Record; + + /** + * A storage capacity for the workflow in gigabytes. + */ + public storageCapacity?: number; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * Tags for the workflow. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Record; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnWorkflowProps = {}) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnWorkflow.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + this.attrArn = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Arn", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrCreationTime = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("CreationTime", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Id", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrStatus = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Status", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrType = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Type", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.definitionUri = props.definitionUri; + this.description = props.description; + this.engine = props.engine; + this.main = props.main; + this.name = props.name; + this.parameterTemplate = props.parameterTemplate; + this.storageCapacity = props.storageCapacity; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.MAP, "AWS::Omics::Workflow", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "definitionUri": this.definitionUri, + "description": this.description, + "engine": this.engine, + "main": this.main, + "name": this.name, + "parameterTemplate": this.parameterTemplate, + "storageCapacity": this.storageCapacity, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags() + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnWorkflow.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnWorkflowPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +export namespace CfnWorkflow { + /** + * A workflow parameter. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-omics-workflow-workflowparameter.html + */ + export interface WorkflowParameterProperty { + /** + * The parameter's description. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-omics-workflow-workflowparameter.html#cfn-omics-workflow-workflowparameter-description + */ + readonly description?: string; + + /** + * Whether the parameter is optional. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-omics-workflow-workflowparameter.html#cfn-omics-workflow-workflowparameter-optional + */ + readonly optional?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnWorkflow\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-omics-workflow.html + */ +export interface CfnWorkflowProps { + /** + * The URI of a definition for the workflow. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-omics-workflow.html#cfn-omics-workflow-definitionuri + */ + readonly definitionUri?: string; + + /** + * The parameter's description. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-omics-workflow.html#cfn-omics-workflow-description + */ + readonly description?: string; + + /** + * An engine for the workflow. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-omics-workflow.html#cfn-omics-workflow-engine + */ + readonly engine?: string; + + /** + * The path of the main definition file for the workflow. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-omics-workflow.html#cfn-omics-workflow-main + */ + readonly main?: string; + + /** + * The workflow's name. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-omics-workflow.html#cfn-omics-workflow-name + */ + readonly name?: string; + + /** + * The workflow's parameter template. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-omics-workflow.html#cfn-omics-workflow-parametertemplate + */ + readonly parameterTemplate?: cdk.IResolvable | Record; + + /** + * A storage capacity for the workflow in gigabytes. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-omics-workflow.html#cfn-omics-workflow-storagecapacity + */ + readonly storageCapacity?: number; + + /** + * Tags for the workflow. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-omics-workflow.html#cfn-omics-workflow-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Record; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`WorkflowParameterProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`WorkflowParameterProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnWorkflowWorkflowParameterPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("description", cdk.validateString)(properties.description)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("optional", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.optional)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"WorkflowParameterProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnWorkflowWorkflowParameterPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnWorkflowWorkflowParameterPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Description": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.description), + "Optional": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.optional) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnWorkflowWorkflowParameterPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("description", "Description", (properties.Description != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Description) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("optional", "Optional", (properties.Optional != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.Optional) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnWorkflowProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnWorkflowProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnWorkflowPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("definitionUri", cdk.validateString)(properties.definitionUri)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("description", cdk.validateString)(properties.description)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("engine", cdk.validateString)(properties.engine)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("main", cdk.validateString)(properties.main)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("name", cdk.validateString)(properties.name)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("parameterTemplate", cdk.hashValidator(CfnWorkflowWorkflowParameterPropertyValidator))(properties.parameterTemplate)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("storageCapacity", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.storageCapacity)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.hashValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.tags)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnWorkflowProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnWorkflowPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnWorkflowPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "DefinitionUri": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.definitionUri), + "Description": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.description), + "Engine": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.engine), + "Main": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.main), + "Name": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.name), + "ParameterTemplate": cdk.hashMapper(convertCfnWorkflowWorkflowParameterPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.parameterTemplate), + "StorageCapacity": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.storageCapacity), + "Tags": cdk.hashMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.tags) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnWorkflowPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("definitionUri", "DefinitionUri", (properties.DefinitionUri != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DefinitionUri) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("description", "Description", (properties.Description != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Description) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("engine", "Engine", (properties.Engine != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Engine) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("main", "Main", (properties.Main != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Main) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("name", "Name", (properties.Name != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Name) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("parameterTemplate", "ParameterTemplate", (properties.ParameterTemplate != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getMap(CfnWorkflowWorkflowParameterPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.ParameterTemplate) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("storageCapacity", "StorageCapacity", (properties.StorageCapacity != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.StorageCapacity) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getMap(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +}", +} +`; + +exports[`aws-sam 1`] = ` +{ + "augmentations": undefined, + "metrics": undefined, + "module": "/* eslint-disable prettier/prettier,max-len */ +import * as cdk from "aws-cdk-lib"; +import * as constructs from "constructs"; +import * as cfn_parse from "aws-cdk-lib/core/lib/helpers-internal"; + +/** + * Definition of AWS::Serverless::Api. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-api.html + */ +export class CfnApi extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::Serverless::Api"; + + /** + * The \`Transform\` a template must use in order to use this resource + */ + public static readonly REQUIRED_TRANSFORM: string = "AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31"; + + /** + * Build a CfnApi from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnApi { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnApiPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnApi(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + public accessLogSetting?: CfnApi.AccessLogSettingProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + public auth?: CfnApi.AuthProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + public binaryMediaTypes?: Array; + + public cacheClusterEnabled?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + public cacheClusterSize?: string; + + public canarySetting?: CfnApi.CanarySettingProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + public cors?: CfnApi.CorsConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable | string; + + public definitionBody?: any | cdk.IResolvable; + + public definitionUri?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnApi.S3LocationProperty | string; + + public description?: string; + + public disableExecuteApiEndpoint?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + public domain?: CfnApi.DomainConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + public endpointConfiguration?: CfnApi.EndpointConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable | string; + + public gatewayResponses?: any | cdk.IResolvable; + + public methodSettings?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + public minimumCompressionSize?: number; + + public models?: any | cdk.IResolvable; + + public name?: string; + + public openApiVersion?: string; + + public stageName: string; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + public tagsRaw?: Record; + + public tracingEnabled?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + public variables?: cdk.IResolvable | Record; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnApiProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnApi.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "stageName", this); + + // Automatically add the required transform + this.stack.addTransform(CfnApi.REQUIRED_TRANSFORM); + + this.accessLogSetting = props.accessLogSetting; + this.auth = props.auth; + this.binaryMediaTypes = props.binaryMediaTypes; + this.cacheClusterEnabled = props.cacheClusterEnabled; + this.cacheClusterSize = props.cacheClusterSize; + this.canarySetting = props.canarySetting; + this.cors = props.cors; + this.definitionBody = props.definitionBody; + this.definitionUri = props.definitionUri; + this.description = props.description; + this.disableExecuteApiEndpoint = props.disableExecuteApiEndpoint; + this.domain = props.domain; + this.endpointConfiguration = props.endpointConfiguration; + this.gatewayResponses = props.gatewayResponses; + this.methodSettings = props.methodSettings; + this.minimumCompressionSize = props.minimumCompressionSize; + this.models = props.models; + this.name = props.name; + this.openApiVersion = props.openApiVersion; + this.stageName = props.stageName; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.MAP, "AWS::Serverless::Api", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + this.tracingEnabled = props.tracingEnabled; + this.variables = props.variables; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "accessLogSetting": this.accessLogSetting, + "auth": this.auth, + "binaryMediaTypes": this.binaryMediaTypes, + "cacheClusterEnabled": this.cacheClusterEnabled, + "cacheClusterSize": this.cacheClusterSize, + "canarySetting": this.canarySetting, + "cors": this.cors, + "definitionBody": this.definitionBody, + "definitionUri": this.definitionUri, + "description": this.description, + "disableExecuteApiEndpoint": this.disableExecuteApiEndpoint, + "domain": this.domain, + "endpointConfiguration": this.endpointConfiguration, + "gatewayResponses": this.gatewayResponses, + "methodSettings": this.methodSettings, + "minimumCompressionSize": this.minimumCompressionSize, + "models": this.models, + "name": this.name, + "openApiVersion": this.openApiVersion, + "stageName": this.stageName, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags(), + "tracingEnabled": this.tracingEnabled, + "variables": this.variables + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnApi.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnApiPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +export namespace CfnApi { + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-api-accesslogsetting.html + */ + export interface AccessLogSettingProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-api-accesslogsetting.html#cfn-serverless-api-accesslogsetting-destinationarn + */ + readonly destinationArn?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-api-accesslogsetting.html#cfn-serverless-api-accesslogsetting-format + */ + readonly format?: string; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-api-auth.html + */ + export interface AuthProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-api-auth.html#cfn-serverless-api-auth-adddefaultauthorizertocorspreflight + */ + readonly addDefaultAuthorizerToCorsPreflight?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-api-auth.html#cfn-serverless-api-auth-authorizers + */ + readonly authorizers?: any | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-api-auth.html#cfn-serverless-api-auth-defaultauthorizer + */ + readonly defaultAuthorizer?: string; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-api-canarysetting.html + */ + export interface CanarySettingProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-api-canarysetting.html#cfn-serverless-api-canarysetting-deploymentid + */ + readonly deploymentId?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-api-canarysetting.html#cfn-serverless-api-canarysetting-percenttraffic + */ + readonly percentTraffic?: number; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-api-canarysetting.html#cfn-serverless-api-canarysetting-stagevariableoverrides + */ + readonly stageVariableOverrides?: cdk.IResolvable | Record; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-api-canarysetting.html#cfn-serverless-api-canarysetting-usestagecache + */ + readonly useStageCache?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-api-corsconfiguration.html + */ + export interface CorsConfigurationProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-api-corsconfiguration.html#cfn-serverless-api-corsconfiguration-allowcredentials + */ + readonly allowCredentials?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-api-corsconfiguration.html#cfn-serverless-api-corsconfiguration-allowheaders + */ + readonly allowHeaders?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-api-corsconfiguration.html#cfn-serverless-api-corsconfiguration-allowmethods + */ + readonly allowMethods?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-api-corsconfiguration.html#cfn-serverless-api-corsconfiguration-alloworigin + */ + readonly allowOrigin: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-api-corsconfiguration.html#cfn-serverless-api-corsconfiguration-maxage + */ + readonly maxAge?: string; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-api-s3location.html + */ + export interface S3LocationProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-api-s3location.html#cfn-serverless-api-s3location-bucket + */ + readonly bucket: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-api-s3location.html#cfn-serverless-api-s3location-key + */ + readonly key: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-api-s3location.html#cfn-serverless-api-s3location-version + */ + readonly version: number; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-api-domainconfiguration.html + */ + export interface DomainConfigurationProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-api-domainconfiguration.html#cfn-serverless-api-domainconfiguration-basepath + */ + readonly basePath?: Array; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-api-domainconfiguration.html#cfn-serverless-api-domainconfiguration-certificatearn + */ + readonly certificateArn: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-api-domainconfiguration.html#cfn-serverless-api-domainconfiguration-domainname + */ + readonly domainName: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-api-domainconfiguration.html#cfn-serverless-api-domainconfiguration-endpointconfiguration + */ + readonly endpointConfiguration?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-api-domainconfiguration.html#cfn-serverless-api-domainconfiguration-mutualtlsauthentication + */ + readonly mutualTlsAuthentication?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnApi.MutualTlsAuthenticationProperty; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-api-domainconfiguration.html#cfn-serverless-api-domainconfiguration-ownershipverificationcertificatearn + */ + readonly ownershipVerificationCertificateArn?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-api-domainconfiguration.html#cfn-serverless-api-domainconfiguration-route53 + */ + readonly route53?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnApi.Route53ConfigurationProperty; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-api-domainconfiguration.html#cfn-serverless-api-domainconfiguration-securitypolicy + */ + readonly securityPolicy?: string; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-api-mutualtlsauthentication.html + */ + export interface MutualTlsAuthenticationProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-api-mutualtlsauthentication.html#cfn-serverless-api-mutualtlsauthentication-truststoreuri + */ + readonly truststoreUri?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-api-mutualtlsauthentication.html#cfn-serverless-api-mutualtlsauthentication-truststoreversion + */ + readonly truststoreVersion?: string; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-api-route53configuration.html + */ + export interface Route53ConfigurationProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-api-route53configuration.html#cfn-serverless-api-route53configuration-distributeddomainname + */ + readonly distributedDomainName?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-api-route53configuration.html#cfn-serverless-api-route53configuration-evaluatetargethealth + */ + readonly evaluateTargetHealth?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-api-route53configuration.html#cfn-serverless-api-route53configuration-hostedzoneid + */ + readonly hostedZoneId?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-api-route53configuration.html#cfn-serverless-api-route53configuration-hostedzonename + */ + readonly hostedZoneName?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-api-route53configuration.html#cfn-serverless-api-route53configuration-ipv6 + */ + readonly ipV6?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-api-endpointconfiguration.html + */ + export interface EndpointConfigurationProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-api-endpointconfiguration.html#cfn-serverless-api-endpointconfiguration-type + */ + readonly type?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-api-endpointconfiguration.html#cfn-serverless-api-endpointconfiguration-vpcendpointids + */ + readonly vpcEndpointIds?: Array; + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnApi\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-api.html + */ +export interface CfnApiProps { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-api.html#cfn-serverless-api-accesslogsetting + */ + readonly accessLogSetting?: CfnApi.AccessLogSettingProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-api.html#cfn-serverless-api-auth + */ + readonly auth?: CfnApi.AuthProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-api.html#cfn-serverless-api-binarymediatypes + */ + readonly binaryMediaTypes?: Array; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-api.html#cfn-serverless-api-cacheclusterenabled + */ + readonly cacheClusterEnabled?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-api.html#cfn-serverless-api-cacheclustersize + */ + readonly cacheClusterSize?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-api.html#cfn-serverless-api-canarysetting + */ + readonly canarySetting?: CfnApi.CanarySettingProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-api.html#cfn-serverless-api-cors + */ + readonly cors?: CfnApi.CorsConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable | string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-api.html#cfn-serverless-api-definitionbody + */ + readonly definitionBody?: any | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-api.html#cfn-serverless-api-definitionuri + */ + readonly definitionUri?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnApi.S3LocationProperty | string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-api.html#cfn-serverless-api-description + */ + readonly description?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-api.html#cfn-serverless-api-disableexecuteapiendpoint + */ + readonly disableExecuteApiEndpoint?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-api.html#cfn-serverless-api-domain + */ + readonly domain?: CfnApi.DomainConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-api.html#cfn-serverless-api-endpointconfiguration + */ + readonly endpointConfiguration?: CfnApi.EndpointConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable | string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-api.html#cfn-serverless-api-gatewayresponses + */ + readonly gatewayResponses?: any | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-api.html#cfn-serverless-api-methodsettings + */ + readonly methodSettings?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-api.html#cfn-serverless-api-minimumcompressionsize + */ + readonly minimumCompressionSize?: number; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-api.html#cfn-serverless-api-models + */ + readonly models?: any | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-api.html#cfn-serverless-api-name + */ + readonly name?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-api.html#cfn-serverless-api-openapiversion + */ + readonly openApiVersion?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-api.html#cfn-serverless-api-stagename + */ + readonly stageName: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-api.html#cfn-serverless-api-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Record; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-api.html#cfn-serverless-api-tracingenabled + */ + readonly tracingEnabled?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-api.html#cfn-serverless-api-variables + */ + readonly variables?: cdk.IResolvable | Record; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`AccessLogSettingProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`AccessLogSettingProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApiAccessLogSettingPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("destinationArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.destinationArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("format", cdk.validateString)(properties.format)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"AccessLogSettingProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApiAccessLogSettingPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApiAccessLogSettingPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "DestinationArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.destinationArn), + "Format": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.format) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApiAccessLogSettingPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("destinationArn", "DestinationArn", (properties.DestinationArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DestinationArn) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("format", "Format", (properties.Format != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Format) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`AuthProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`AuthProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApiAuthPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("addDefaultAuthorizerToCorsPreflight", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.addDefaultAuthorizerToCorsPreflight)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("authorizers", cdk.validateObject)(properties.authorizers)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("defaultAuthorizer", cdk.validateString)(properties.defaultAuthorizer)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"AuthProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApiAuthPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApiAuthPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AddDefaultAuthorizerToCorsPreflight": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.addDefaultAuthorizerToCorsPreflight), + "Authorizers": cdk.objectToCloudFormation(properties.authorizers), + "DefaultAuthorizer": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.defaultAuthorizer) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApiAuthPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("addDefaultAuthorizerToCorsPreflight", "AddDefaultAuthorizerToCorsPreflight", (properties.AddDefaultAuthorizerToCorsPreflight != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.AddDefaultAuthorizerToCorsPreflight) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("authorizers", "Authorizers", (properties.Authorizers != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getAny(properties.Authorizers) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("defaultAuthorizer", "DefaultAuthorizer", (properties.DefaultAuthorizer != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DefaultAuthorizer) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CanarySettingProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CanarySettingProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApiCanarySettingPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("deploymentId", cdk.validateString)(properties.deploymentId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("percentTraffic", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.percentTraffic)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("stageVariableOverrides", cdk.hashValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.stageVariableOverrides)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("useStageCache", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.useStageCache)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CanarySettingProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApiCanarySettingPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApiCanarySettingPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "DeploymentId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.deploymentId), + "PercentTraffic": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.percentTraffic), + "StageVariableOverrides": cdk.hashMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.stageVariableOverrides), + "UseStageCache": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.useStageCache) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApiCanarySettingPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("deploymentId", "DeploymentId", (properties.DeploymentId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DeploymentId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("percentTraffic", "PercentTraffic", (properties.PercentTraffic != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.PercentTraffic) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("stageVariableOverrides", "StageVariableOverrides", (properties.StageVariableOverrides != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getMap(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.StageVariableOverrides) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("useStageCache", "UseStageCache", (properties.UseStageCache != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.UseStageCache) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CorsConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CorsConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApiCorsConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("allowCredentials", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.allowCredentials)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("allowHeaders", cdk.validateString)(properties.allowHeaders)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("allowMethods", cdk.validateString)(properties.allowMethods)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("allowOrigin", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.allowOrigin)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("allowOrigin", cdk.validateString)(properties.allowOrigin)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("maxAge", cdk.validateString)(properties.maxAge)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CorsConfigurationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApiCorsConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApiCorsConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AllowCredentials": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.allowCredentials), + "AllowHeaders": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.allowHeaders), + "AllowMethods": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.allowMethods), + "AllowOrigin": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.allowOrigin), + "MaxAge": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.maxAge) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApiCorsConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("allowCredentials", "AllowCredentials", (properties.AllowCredentials != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.AllowCredentials) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("allowHeaders", "AllowHeaders", (properties.AllowHeaders != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.AllowHeaders) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("allowMethods", "AllowMethods", (properties.AllowMethods != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.AllowMethods) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("allowOrigin", "AllowOrigin", (properties.AllowOrigin != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.AllowOrigin) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("maxAge", "MaxAge", (properties.MaxAge != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.MaxAge) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`S3LocationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`S3LocationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApiS3LocationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("bucket", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.bucket)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("bucket", cdk.validateString)(properties.bucket)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("key", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.key)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("key", cdk.validateString)(properties.key)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("version", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.version)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("version", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.version)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"S3LocationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApiS3LocationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApiS3LocationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Bucket": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.bucket), + "Key": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.key), + "Version": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.version) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApiS3LocationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("bucket", "Bucket", (properties.Bucket != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Bucket) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("key", "Key", (properties.Key != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Key) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("version", "Version", (properties.Version != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Version) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`MutualTlsAuthenticationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`MutualTlsAuthenticationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApiMutualTlsAuthenticationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("truststoreUri", cdk.validateString)(properties.truststoreUri)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("truststoreVersion", cdk.validateString)(properties.truststoreVersion)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"MutualTlsAuthenticationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApiMutualTlsAuthenticationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApiMutualTlsAuthenticationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "TruststoreUri": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.truststoreUri), + "TruststoreVersion": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.truststoreVersion) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApiMutualTlsAuthenticationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("truststoreUri", "TruststoreUri", (properties.TruststoreUri != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.TruststoreUri) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("truststoreVersion", "TruststoreVersion", (properties.TruststoreVersion != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.TruststoreVersion) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`Route53ConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`Route53ConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApiRoute53ConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("distributedDomainName", cdk.validateString)(properties.distributedDomainName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("evaluateTargetHealth", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.evaluateTargetHealth)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("hostedZoneId", cdk.validateString)(properties.hostedZoneId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("hostedZoneName", cdk.validateString)(properties.hostedZoneName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipV6", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.ipV6)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"Route53ConfigurationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApiRoute53ConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApiRoute53ConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "DistributedDomainName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.distributedDomainName), + "EvaluateTargetHealth": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.evaluateTargetHealth), + "HostedZoneId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.hostedZoneId), + "HostedZoneName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.hostedZoneName), + "IpV6": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.ipV6) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApiRoute53ConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("distributedDomainName", "DistributedDomainName", (properties.DistributedDomainName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DistributedDomainName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("evaluateTargetHealth", "EvaluateTargetHealth", (properties.EvaluateTargetHealth != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.EvaluateTargetHealth) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("hostedZoneId", "HostedZoneId", (properties.HostedZoneId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.HostedZoneId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("hostedZoneName", "HostedZoneName", (properties.HostedZoneName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.HostedZoneName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ipV6", "IpV6", (properties.IpV6 != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.IpV6) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`DomainConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`DomainConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApiDomainConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("basePath", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.basePath)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("certificateArn", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.certificateArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("certificateArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.certificateArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("domainName", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.domainName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("domainName", cdk.validateString)(properties.domainName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("endpointConfiguration", cdk.validateString)(properties.endpointConfiguration)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("mutualTlsAuthentication", CfnApiMutualTlsAuthenticationPropertyValidator)(properties.mutualTlsAuthentication)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ownershipVerificationCertificateArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.ownershipVerificationCertificateArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("route53", CfnApiRoute53ConfigurationPropertyValidator)(properties.route53)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("securityPolicy", cdk.validateString)(properties.securityPolicy)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"DomainConfigurationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApiDomainConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApiDomainConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "BasePath": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.basePath), + "CertificateArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.certificateArn), + "DomainName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.domainName), + "EndpointConfiguration": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.endpointConfiguration), + "MutualTlsAuthentication": convertCfnApiMutualTlsAuthenticationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.mutualTlsAuthentication), + "OwnershipVerificationCertificateArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.ownershipVerificationCertificateArn), + "Route53": convertCfnApiRoute53ConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.route53), + "SecurityPolicy": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.securityPolicy) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApiDomainConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("basePath", "BasePath", (properties.BasePath != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.BasePath) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("certificateArn", "CertificateArn", (properties.CertificateArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.CertificateArn) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("domainName", "DomainName", (properties.DomainName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DomainName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("endpointConfiguration", "EndpointConfiguration", (properties.EndpointConfiguration != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.EndpointConfiguration) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("mutualTlsAuthentication", "MutualTlsAuthentication", (properties.MutualTlsAuthentication != null ? CfnApiMutualTlsAuthenticationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.MutualTlsAuthentication) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ownershipVerificationCertificateArn", "OwnershipVerificationCertificateArn", (properties.OwnershipVerificationCertificateArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.OwnershipVerificationCertificateArn) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("route53", "Route53", (properties.Route53 != null ? CfnApiRoute53ConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.Route53) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("securityPolicy", "SecurityPolicy", (properties.SecurityPolicy != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SecurityPolicy) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`EndpointConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`EndpointConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApiEndpointConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("type", cdk.validateString)(properties.type)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vpcEndpointIds", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.vpcEndpointIds)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"EndpointConfigurationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApiEndpointConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApiEndpointConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Type": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.type), + "VpcEndpointIds": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.vpcEndpointIds) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApiEndpointConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("type", "Type", (properties.Type != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Type) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("vpcEndpointIds", "VpcEndpointIds", (properties.VpcEndpointIds != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.VpcEndpointIds) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnApiProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnApiProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApiPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("accessLogSetting", CfnApiAccessLogSettingPropertyValidator)(properties.accessLogSetting)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("auth", CfnApiAuthPropertyValidator)(properties.auth)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("binaryMediaTypes", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.binaryMediaTypes)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("cacheClusterEnabled", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.cacheClusterEnabled)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("cacheClusterSize", cdk.validateString)(properties.cacheClusterSize)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("canarySetting", CfnApiCanarySettingPropertyValidator)(properties.canarySetting)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("cors", cdk.unionValidator(CfnApiCorsConfigurationPropertyValidator, cdk.validateString))(properties.cors)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("definitionBody", cdk.validateObject)(properties.definitionBody)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("definitionUri", cdk.unionValidator(CfnApiS3LocationPropertyValidator, cdk.validateString))(properties.definitionUri)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("description", cdk.validateString)(properties.description)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("disableExecuteApiEndpoint", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.disableExecuteApiEndpoint)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("domain", CfnApiDomainConfigurationPropertyValidator)(properties.domain)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("endpointConfiguration", cdk.unionValidator(CfnApiEndpointConfigurationPropertyValidator, cdk.validateString))(properties.endpointConfiguration)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("gatewayResponses", cdk.validateObject)(properties.gatewayResponses)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("methodSettings", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateObject))(properties.methodSettings)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("minimumCompressionSize", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.minimumCompressionSize)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("models", cdk.validateObject)(properties.models)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("name", cdk.validateString)(properties.name)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("openApiVersion", cdk.validateString)(properties.openApiVersion)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("stageName", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.stageName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("stageName", cdk.validateString)(properties.stageName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.hashValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.tags)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tracingEnabled", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.tracingEnabled)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("variables", cdk.hashValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.variables)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnApiProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApiPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApiPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AccessLogSetting": convertCfnApiAccessLogSettingPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.accessLogSetting), + "Auth": convertCfnApiAuthPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.auth), + "BinaryMediaTypes": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.binaryMediaTypes), + "CacheClusterEnabled": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.cacheClusterEnabled), + "CacheClusterSize": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.cacheClusterSize), + "CanarySetting": convertCfnApiCanarySettingPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.canarySetting), + "Cors": cdk.unionMapper([CfnApiCorsConfigurationPropertyValidator, cdk.validateString], [convertCfnApiCorsConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation, cdk.stringToCloudFormation])(properties.cors), + "DefinitionBody": cdk.objectToCloudFormation(properties.definitionBody), + "DefinitionUri": cdk.unionMapper([CfnApiS3LocationPropertyValidator, cdk.validateString], [convertCfnApiS3LocationPropertyToCloudFormation, cdk.stringToCloudFormation])(properties.definitionUri), + "Description": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.description), + "DisableExecuteApiEndpoint": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.disableExecuteApiEndpoint), + "Domain": convertCfnApiDomainConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.domain), + "EndpointConfiguration": cdk.unionMapper([CfnApiEndpointConfigurationPropertyValidator, cdk.validateString], [convertCfnApiEndpointConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation, cdk.stringToCloudFormation])(properties.endpointConfiguration), + "GatewayResponses": cdk.objectToCloudFormation(properties.gatewayResponses), + "MethodSettings": cdk.listMapper(cdk.objectToCloudFormation)(properties.methodSettings), + "MinimumCompressionSize": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.minimumCompressionSize), + "Models": cdk.objectToCloudFormation(properties.models), + "Name": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.name), + "OpenApiVersion": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.openApiVersion), + "StageName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.stageName), + "Tags": cdk.hashMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.tags), + "TracingEnabled": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.tracingEnabled), + "Variables": cdk.hashMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.variables) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApiPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("accessLogSetting", "AccessLogSetting", (properties.AccessLogSetting != null ? CfnApiAccessLogSettingPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.AccessLogSetting) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("auth", "Auth", (properties.Auth != null ? CfnApiAuthPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.Auth) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("binaryMediaTypes", "BinaryMediaTypes", (properties.BinaryMediaTypes != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.BinaryMediaTypes) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("cacheClusterEnabled", "CacheClusterEnabled", (properties.CacheClusterEnabled != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.CacheClusterEnabled) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("cacheClusterSize", "CacheClusterSize", (properties.CacheClusterSize != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.CacheClusterSize) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("canarySetting", "CanarySetting", (properties.CanarySetting != null ? CfnApiCanarySettingPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.CanarySetting) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("cors", "Cors", (properties.Cors != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getTypeUnion([CfnApiCorsConfigurationPropertyValidator, cdk.validateString], [CfnApiCorsConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation, cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString])(properties.Cors) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("definitionBody", "DefinitionBody", (properties.DefinitionBody != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getAny(properties.DefinitionBody) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("definitionUri", "DefinitionUri", (properties.DefinitionUri != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getTypeUnion([CfnApiS3LocationPropertyValidator, cdk.validateString], [CfnApiS3LocationPropertyFromCloudFormation, cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString])(properties.DefinitionUri) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("description", "Description", (properties.Description != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Description) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("disableExecuteApiEndpoint", "DisableExecuteApiEndpoint", (properties.DisableExecuteApiEndpoint != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.DisableExecuteApiEndpoint) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("domain", "Domain", (properties.Domain != null ? CfnApiDomainConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.Domain) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("endpointConfiguration", "EndpointConfiguration", (properties.EndpointConfiguration != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getTypeUnion([CfnApiEndpointConfigurationPropertyValidator, cdk.validateString], [CfnApiEndpointConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation, cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString])(properties.EndpointConfiguration) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("gatewayResponses", "GatewayResponses", (properties.GatewayResponses != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getAny(properties.GatewayResponses) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("methodSettings", "MethodSettings", (properties.MethodSettings != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getAny)(properties.MethodSettings) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("minimumCompressionSize", "MinimumCompressionSize", (properties.MinimumCompressionSize != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.MinimumCompressionSize) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("models", "Models", (properties.Models != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getAny(properties.Models) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("name", "Name", (properties.Name != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Name) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("openApiVersion", "OpenApiVersion", (properties.OpenApiVersion != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.OpenApiVersion) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("stageName", "StageName", (properties.StageName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.StageName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getMap(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tracingEnabled", "TracingEnabled", (properties.TracingEnabled != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.TracingEnabled) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("variables", "Variables", (properties.Variables != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getMap(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.Variables) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Definition of AWS::Serverless::Application. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-application.html + */ +export class CfnApplication extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::Serverless::Application"; + + /** + * The \`Transform\` a template must use in order to use this resource + */ + public static readonly REQUIRED_TRANSFORM: string = "AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31"; + + /** + * Build a CfnApplication from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnApplication { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnApplicationPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnApplication(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + public location: CfnApplication.ApplicationLocationProperty | cdk.IResolvable | string; + + public notificationArns?: Array; + + public parameters?: cdk.IResolvable | Record; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + public tagsRaw?: Record; + + public timeoutInMinutes?: number; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnApplicationProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnApplication.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "location", this); + + // Automatically add the required transform + this.stack.addTransform(CfnApplication.REQUIRED_TRANSFORM); + + this.location = props.location; + this.notificationArns = props.notificationArns; + this.parameters = props.parameters; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.MAP, "AWS::Serverless::Application", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + this.timeoutInMinutes = props.timeoutInMinutes; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "location": this.location, + "notificationArns": this.notificationArns, + "parameters": this.parameters, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags(), + "timeoutInMinutes": this.timeoutInMinutes + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnApplication.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnApplicationPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +export namespace CfnApplication { + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-application-applicationlocation.html + */ + export interface ApplicationLocationProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-application-applicationlocation.html#cfn-serverless-application-applicationlocation-applicationid + */ + readonly applicationId: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-application-applicationlocation.html#cfn-serverless-application-applicationlocation-semanticversion + */ + readonly semanticVersion: string; + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnApplication\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-application.html + */ +export interface CfnApplicationProps { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-application.html#cfn-serverless-application-location + */ + readonly location: CfnApplication.ApplicationLocationProperty | cdk.IResolvable | string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-application.html#cfn-serverless-application-notificationarns + */ + readonly notificationArns?: Array; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-application.html#cfn-serverless-application-parameters + */ + readonly parameters?: cdk.IResolvable | Record; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-application.html#cfn-serverless-application-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Record; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-application.html#cfn-serverless-application-timeoutinminutes + */ + readonly timeoutInMinutes?: number; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`ApplicationLocationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`ApplicationLocationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationApplicationLocationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("applicationId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.applicationId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("applicationId", cdk.validateString)(properties.applicationId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("semanticVersion", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.semanticVersion)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("semanticVersion", cdk.validateString)(properties.semanticVersion)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"ApplicationLocationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationApplicationLocationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationApplicationLocationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ApplicationId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.applicationId), + "SemanticVersion": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.semanticVersion) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationApplicationLocationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("applicationId", "ApplicationId", (properties.ApplicationId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ApplicationId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("semanticVersion", "SemanticVersion", (properties.SemanticVersion != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SemanticVersion) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnApplicationProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnApplicationProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("location", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.location)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("location", cdk.unionValidator(CfnApplicationApplicationLocationPropertyValidator, cdk.validateString))(properties.location)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("notificationArns", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.notificationArns)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("parameters", cdk.hashValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.parameters)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.hashValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.tags)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("timeoutInMinutes", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.timeoutInMinutes)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnApplicationProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Location": cdk.unionMapper([CfnApplicationApplicationLocationPropertyValidator, cdk.validateString], [convertCfnApplicationApplicationLocationPropertyToCloudFormation, cdk.stringToCloudFormation])(properties.location), + "NotificationArns": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.notificationArns), + "Parameters": cdk.hashMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.parameters), + "Tags": cdk.hashMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.tags), + "TimeoutInMinutes": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.timeoutInMinutes) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("location", "Location", (properties.Location != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getTypeUnion([CfnApplicationApplicationLocationPropertyValidator, cdk.validateString], [CfnApplicationApplicationLocationPropertyFromCloudFormation, cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString])(properties.Location) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("notificationArns", "NotificationArns", (properties.NotificationArns != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.NotificationArns) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("parameters", "Parameters", (properties.Parameters != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getMap(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.Parameters) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getMap(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("timeoutInMinutes", "TimeoutInMinutes", (properties.TimeoutInMinutes != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.TimeoutInMinutes) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Definition of AWS::Serverless::Function. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-function.html + */ +export class CfnFunction extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::Serverless::Function"; + + /** + * The \`Transform\` a template must use in order to use this resource + */ + public static readonly REQUIRED_TRANSFORM: string = "AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31"; + + /** + * Build a CfnFunction from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnFunction { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnFunctionPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnFunction(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + public architectures?: Array; + + public assumeRolePolicyDocument?: any | cdk.IResolvable; + + public autoPublishAlias?: string; + + public autoPublishCodeSha256?: string; + + public codeSigningConfigArn?: string; + + public codeUri?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnFunction.S3LocationProperty | string; + + public deadLetterQueue?: CfnFunction.DeadLetterQueueProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + public deploymentPreference?: CfnFunction.DeploymentPreferenceProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + public description?: string; + + public environment?: CfnFunction.FunctionEnvironmentProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + public eventInvokeConfig?: CfnFunction.EventInvokeConfigProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + public events?: cdk.IResolvable | Record; + + public fileSystemConfigs?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + public functionName?: string; + + public handler?: string; + + public imageConfig?: CfnFunction.ImageConfigProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + public imageUri?: string; + + public inlineCode?: string; + + public kmsKeyArn?: string; + + public layers?: Array; + + public memorySize?: number; + + public packageType?: string; + + public permissionsBoundary?: string; + + public policies?: Array | CfnFunction.IAMPolicyDocumentProperty | cdk.IResolvable | string; + + public provisionedConcurrencyConfig?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnFunction.ProvisionedConcurrencyConfigProperty; + + public reservedConcurrentExecutions?: number; + + public role?: string; + + public runtime?: string; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + public tagsRaw?: Record; + + public timeout?: number; + + public tracing?: string; + + public versionDescription?: string; + + public vpcConfig?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnFunction.VpcConfigProperty; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnFunctionProps = {}) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnFunction.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + // Automatically add the required transform + this.stack.addTransform(CfnFunction.REQUIRED_TRANSFORM); + + this.architectures = props.architectures; + this.assumeRolePolicyDocument = props.assumeRolePolicyDocument; + this.autoPublishAlias = props.autoPublishAlias; + this.autoPublishCodeSha256 = props.autoPublishCodeSha256; + this.codeSigningConfigArn = props.codeSigningConfigArn; + this.codeUri = props.codeUri; + this.deadLetterQueue = props.deadLetterQueue; + this.deploymentPreference = props.deploymentPreference; + this.description = props.description; + this.environment = props.environment; + this.eventInvokeConfig = props.eventInvokeConfig; + this.events = props.events; + this.fileSystemConfigs = props.fileSystemConfigs; + this.functionName = props.functionName; + this.handler = props.handler; + this.imageConfig = props.imageConfig; + this.imageUri = props.imageUri; + this.inlineCode = props.inlineCode; + this.kmsKeyArn = props.kmsKeyArn; + this.layers = props.layers; + this.memorySize = props.memorySize; + this.packageType = props.packageType; + this.permissionsBoundary = props.permissionsBoundary; + this.policies = props.policies; + this.provisionedConcurrencyConfig = props.provisionedConcurrencyConfig; + this.reservedConcurrentExecutions = props.reservedConcurrentExecutions; + this.role = props.role; + this.runtime = props.runtime; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.MAP, "AWS::Serverless::Function", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + this.timeout = props.timeout; + this.tracing = props.tracing; + this.versionDescription = props.versionDescription; + this.vpcConfig = props.vpcConfig; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "architectures": this.architectures, + "assumeRolePolicyDocument": this.assumeRolePolicyDocument, + "autoPublishAlias": this.autoPublishAlias, + "autoPublishCodeSha256": this.autoPublishCodeSha256, + "codeSigningConfigArn": this.codeSigningConfigArn, + "codeUri": this.codeUri, + "deadLetterQueue": this.deadLetterQueue, + "deploymentPreference": this.deploymentPreference, + "description": this.description, + "environment": this.environment, + "eventInvokeConfig": this.eventInvokeConfig, + "events": this.events, + "fileSystemConfigs": this.fileSystemConfigs, + "functionName": this.functionName, + "handler": this.handler, + "imageConfig": this.imageConfig, + "imageUri": this.imageUri, + "inlineCode": this.inlineCode, + "kmsKeyArn": this.kmsKeyArn, + "layers": this.layers, + "memorySize": this.memorySize, + "packageType": this.packageType, + "permissionsBoundary": this.permissionsBoundary, + "policies": this.policies, + "provisionedConcurrencyConfig": this.provisionedConcurrencyConfig, + "reservedConcurrentExecutions": this.reservedConcurrentExecutions, + "role": this.role, + "runtime": this.runtime, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags(), + "timeout": this.timeout, + "tracing": this.tracing, + "versionDescription": this.versionDescription, + "vpcConfig": this.vpcConfig + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnFunction.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnFunctionPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +export namespace CfnFunction { + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-s3location.html + */ + export interface S3LocationProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-s3location.html#cfn-serverless-function-s3location-bucket + */ + readonly bucket: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-s3location.html#cfn-serverless-function-s3location-key + */ + readonly key: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-s3location.html#cfn-serverless-function-s3location-version + */ + readonly version?: number; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-deadletterqueue.html + */ + export interface DeadLetterQueueProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-deadletterqueue.html#cfn-serverless-function-deadletterqueue-targetarn + */ + readonly targetArn: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-deadletterqueue.html#cfn-serverless-function-deadletterqueue-type + */ + readonly type: string; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-deploymentpreference.html + */ + export interface DeploymentPreferenceProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-deploymentpreference.html#cfn-serverless-function-deploymentpreference-alarms + */ + readonly alarms?: Array; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-deploymentpreference.html#cfn-serverless-function-deploymentpreference-enabled + */ + readonly enabled?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-deploymentpreference.html#cfn-serverless-function-deploymentpreference-hooks + */ + readonly hooks?: CfnFunction.HooksProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-deploymentpreference.html#cfn-serverless-function-deploymentpreference-role + */ + readonly role?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-deploymentpreference.html#cfn-serverless-function-deploymentpreference-type + */ + readonly type?: string; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-hooks.html + */ + export interface HooksProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-hooks.html#cfn-serverless-function-hooks-posttraffic + */ + readonly postTraffic?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-hooks.html#cfn-serverless-function-hooks-pretraffic + */ + readonly preTraffic?: string; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-functionenvironment.html + */ + export interface FunctionEnvironmentProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-functionenvironment.html#cfn-serverless-function-functionenvironment-variables + */ + readonly variables: cdk.IResolvable | Record; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-eventinvokeconfig.html + */ + export interface EventInvokeConfigProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-eventinvokeconfig.html#cfn-serverless-function-eventinvokeconfig-destinationconfig + */ + readonly destinationConfig?: CfnFunction.EventInvokeDestinationConfigProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-eventinvokeconfig.html#cfn-serverless-function-eventinvokeconfig-maximumeventageinseconds + */ + readonly maximumEventAgeInSeconds?: number; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-eventinvokeconfig.html#cfn-serverless-function-eventinvokeconfig-maximumretryattempts + */ + readonly maximumRetryAttempts?: number; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-eventinvokedestinationconfig.html + */ + export interface EventInvokeDestinationConfigProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-eventinvokedestinationconfig.html#cfn-serverless-function-eventinvokedestinationconfig-onfailure + */ + readonly onFailure: CfnFunction.DestinationProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-eventinvokedestinationconfig.html#cfn-serverless-function-eventinvokedestinationconfig-onsuccess + */ + readonly onSuccess: CfnFunction.DestinationProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-destination.html + */ + export interface DestinationProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-destination.html#cfn-serverless-function-destination-destination + */ + readonly destination: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-destination.html#cfn-serverless-function-destination-type + */ + readonly type?: string; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-eventsource.html + */ + export interface EventSourceProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-eventsource.html#cfn-serverless-function-eventsource-properties + */ + readonly properties: CfnFunction.AlexaSkillEventProperty | CfnFunction.ApiEventProperty | CfnFunction.CloudWatchEventEventProperty | CfnFunction.CloudWatchLogsEventProperty | CfnFunction.CognitoEventProperty | CfnFunction.DynamoDBEventProperty | CfnFunction.EventBridgeRuleEventProperty | CfnFunction.HttpApiEventProperty | CfnFunction.IoTRuleEventProperty | cdk.IResolvable | CfnFunction.KinesisEventProperty | CfnFunction.S3EventProperty | CfnFunction.ScheduleEventProperty | CfnFunction.SNSEventProperty | CfnFunction.SQSEventProperty; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-eventsource.html#cfn-serverless-function-eventsource-type + */ + readonly type: string; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-s3event.html + */ + export interface S3EventProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-s3event.html#cfn-serverless-function-s3event-bucket + */ + readonly bucket: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-s3event.html#cfn-serverless-function-s3event-events + */ + readonly events: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-s3event.html#cfn-serverless-function-s3event-filter + */ + readonly filter?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnFunction.S3NotificationFilterProperty; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-s3notificationfilter.html + */ + export interface S3NotificationFilterProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-s3notificationfilter.html#cfn-serverless-function-s3notificationfilter-s3key + */ + readonly s3Key: cdk.IResolvable | CfnFunction.S3KeyFilterProperty; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-s3keyfilter.html + */ + export interface S3KeyFilterProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-s3keyfilter.html#cfn-serverless-function-s3keyfilter-rules + */ + readonly rules: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-s3keyfilterrule.html + */ + export interface S3KeyFilterRuleProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-s3keyfilterrule.html#cfn-serverless-function-s3keyfilterrule-name + */ + readonly name: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-s3keyfilterrule.html#cfn-serverless-function-s3keyfilterrule-value + */ + readonly value: string; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-snsevent.html + */ + export interface SNSEventProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-snsevent.html#cfn-serverless-function-snsevent-topic + */ + readonly topic: string; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-sqsevent.html + */ + export interface SQSEventProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-sqsevent.html#cfn-serverless-function-sqsevent-batchsize + */ + readonly batchSize?: number; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-sqsevent.html#cfn-serverless-function-sqsevent-enabled + */ + readonly enabled?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-sqsevent.html#cfn-serverless-function-sqsevent-queue + */ + readonly queue: string; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-kinesisevent.html + */ + export interface KinesisEventProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-kinesisevent.html#cfn-serverless-function-kinesisevent-batchsize + */ + readonly batchSize?: number; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-kinesisevent.html#cfn-serverless-function-kinesisevent-enabled + */ + readonly enabled?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-kinesisevent.html#cfn-serverless-function-kinesisevent-functionresponsetypes + */ + readonly functionResponseTypes?: Array; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-kinesisevent.html#cfn-serverless-function-kinesisevent-startingposition + */ + readonly startingPosition: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-kinesisevent.html#cfn-serverless-function-kinesisevent-stream + */ + readonly stream: string; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-dynamodbevent.html + */ + export interface DynamoDBEventProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-dynamodbevent.html#cfn-serverless-function-dynamodbevent-batchsize + */ + readonly batchSize?: number; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-dynamodbevent.html#cfn-serverless-function-dynamodbevent-bisectbatchonfunctionerror + */ + readonly bisectBatchOnFunctionError?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-dynamodbevent.html#cfn-serverless-function-dynamodbevent-destinationconfig + */ + readonly destinationConfig?: CfnFunction.DestinationConfigProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-dynamodbevent.html#cfn-serverless-function-dynamodbevent-enabled + */ + readonly enabled?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-dynamodbevent.html#cfn-serverless-function-dynamodbevent-maximumbatchingwindowinseconds + */ + readonly maximumBatchingWindowInSeconds?: number; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-dynamodbevent.html#cfn-serverless-function-dynamodbevent-maximumrecordageinseconds + */ + readonly maximumRecordAgeInSeconds?: number; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-dynamodbevent.html#cfn-serverless-function-dynamodbevent-maximumretryattempts + */ + readonly maximumRetryAttempts?: number; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-dynamodbevent.html#cfn-serverless-function-dynamodbevent-parallelizationfactor + */ + readonly parallelizationFactor?: number; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-dynamodbevent.html#cfn-serverless-function-dynamodbevent-startingposition + */ + readonly startingPosition: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-dynamodbevent.html#cfn-serverless-function-dynamodbevent-stream + */ + readonly stream: string; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-destinationconfig.html + */ + export interface DestinationConfigProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-destinationconfig.html#cfn-serverless-function-destinationconfig-onfailure + */ + readonly onFailure: CfnFunction.DestinationProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-apievent.html + */ + export interface ApiEventProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-apievent.html#cfn-serverless-function-apievent-auth + */ + readonly auth?: CfnFunction.AuthProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-apievent.html#cfn-serverless-function-apievent-method + */ + readonly method: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-apievent.html#cfn-serverless-function-apievent-path + */ + readonly path: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-apievent.html#cfn-serverless-function-apievent-requestmodel + */ + readonly requestModel?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnFunction.RequestModelProperty; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-apievent.html#cfn-serverless-function-apievent-requestparameters + */ + readonly requestParameters?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-apievent.html#cfn-serverless-function-apievent-restapiid + */ + readonly restApiId?: string; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-auth.html + */ + export interface AuthProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-auth.html#cfn-serverless-function-auth-apikeyrequired + */ + readonly apiKeyRequired?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-auth.html#cfn-serverless-function-auth-authorizationscopes + */ + readonly authorizationScopes?: Array; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-auth.html#cfn-serverless-function-auth-authorizer + */ + readonly authorizer?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-auth.html#cfn-serverless-function-auth-resourcepolicy + */ + readonly resourcePolicy?: CfnFunction.AuthResourcePolicyProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-authresourcepolicy.html + */ + export interface AuthResourcePolicyProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-authresourcepolicy.html#cfn-serverless-function-authresourcepolicy-awsaccountblacklist + */ + readonly awsAccountBlacklist?: Array; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-authresourcepolicy.html#cfn-serverless-function-authresourcepolicy-awsaccountwhitelist + */ + readonly awsAccountWhitelist?: Array; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-authresourcepolicy.html#cfn-serverless-function-authresourcepolicy-customstatements + */ + readonly customStatements?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-authresourcepolicy.html#cfn-serverless-function-authresourcepolicy-intrinsicvpcblacklist + */ + readonly intrinsicVpcBlacklist?: Array; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-authresourcepolicy.html#cfn-serverless-function-authresourcepolicy-intrinsicvpceblacklist + */ + readonly intrinsicVpceBlacklist?: Array; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-authresourcepolicy.html#cfn-serverless-function-authresourcepolicy-intrinsicvpcewhitelist + */ + readonly intrinsicVpceWhitelist?: Array; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-authresourcepolicy.html#cfn-serverless-function-authresourcepolicy-intrinsicvpcwhitelist + */ + readonly intrinsicVpcWhitelist?: Array; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-authresourcepolicy.html#cfn-serverless-function-authresourcepolicy-iprangeblacklist + */ + readonly ipRangeBlacklist?: Array; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-authresourcepolicy.html#cfn-serverless-function-authresourcepolicy-iprangewhitelist + */ + readonly ipRangeWhitelist?: Array; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-authresourcepolicy.html#cfn-serverless-function-authresourcepolicy-sourcevpcblacklist + */ + readonly sourceVpcBlacklist?: Array; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-authresourcepolicy.html#cfn-serverless-function-authresourcepolicy-sourcevpcwhitelist + */ + readonly sourceVpcWhitelist?: Array; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-requestmodel.html + */ + export interface RequestModelProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-requestmodel.html#cfn-serverless-function-requestmodel-model + */ + readonly model: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-requestmodel.html#cfn-serverless-function-requestmodel-required + */ + readonly required?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-requestmodel.html#cfn-serverless-function-requestmodel-validatebody + */ + readonly validateBody?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-requestmodel.html#cfn-serverless-function-requestmodel-validateparameters + */ + readonly validateParameters?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-requestparameter.html + */ + export interface RequestParameterProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-requestparameter.html#cfn-serverless-function-requestparameter-caching + */ + readonly caching?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-requestparameter.html#cfn-serverless-function-requestparameter-required + */ + readonly required?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-scheduleevent.html + */ + export interface ScheduleEventProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-scheduleevent.html#cfn-serverless-function-scheduleevent-description + */ + readonly description?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-scheduleevent.html#cfn-serverless-function-scheduleevent-enabled + */ + readonly enabled?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-scheduleevent.html#cfn-serverless-function-scheduleevent-input + */ + readonly input?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-scheduleevent.html#cfn-serverless-function-scheduleevent-name + */ + readonly name?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-scheduleevent.html#cfn-serverless-function-scheduleevent-schedule + */ + readonly schedule: string; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-cloudwatcheventevent.html + */ + export interface CloudWatchEventEventProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-cloudwatcheventevent.html#cfn-serverless-function-cloudwatcheventevent-input + */ + readonly input?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-cloudwatcheventevent.html#cfn-serverless-function-cloudwatcheventevent-inputpath + */ + readonly inputPath?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-cloudwatcheventevent.html#cfn-serverless-function-cloudwatcheventevent-pattern + */ + readonly pattern: any | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-cloudwatchlogsevent.html + */ + export interface CloudWatchLogsEventProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-cloudwatchlogsevent.html#cfn-serverless-function-cloudwatchlogsevent-filterpattern + */ + readonly filterPattern: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-cloudwatchlogsevent.html#cfn-serverless-function-cloudwatchlogsevent-loggroupname + */ + readonly logGroupName: string; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-iotruleevent.html + */ + export interface IoTRuleEventProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-iotruleevent.html#cfn-serverless-function-iotruleevent-awsiotsqlversion + */ + readonly awsIotSqlVersion?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-iotruleevent.html#cfn-serverless-function-iotruleevent-sql + */ + readonly sql: string; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-alexaskillevent.html + */ + export interface AlexaSkillEventProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-alexaskillevent.html#cfn-serverless-function-alexaskillevent-variables + */ + readonly variables?: cdk.IResolvable | Record; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-eventbridgeruleevent.html + */ + export interface EventBridgeRuleEventProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-eventbridgeruleevent.html#cfn-serverless-function-eventbridgeruleevent-eventbusname + */ + readonly eventBusName?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-eventbridgeruleevent.html#cfn-serverless-function-eventbridgeruleevent-input + */ + readonly input?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-eventbridgeruleevent.html#cfn-serverless-function-eventbridgeruleevent-inputpath + */ + readonly inputPath?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-eventbridgeruleevent.html#cfn-serverless-function-eventbridgeruleevent-pattern + */ + readonly pattern: any | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-httpapievent.html + */ + export interface HttpApiEventProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-httpapievent.html#cfn-serverless-function-httpapievent-apiid + */ + readonly apiId?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-httpapievent.html#cfn-serverless-function-httpapievent-auth + */ + readonly auth?: CfnFunction.HttpApiFunctionAuthProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-httpapievent.html#cfn-serverless-function-httpapievent-method + */ + readonly method?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-httpapievent.html#cfn-serverless-function-httpapievent-path + */ + readonly path?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-httpapievent.html#cfn-serverless-function-httpapievent-payloadformatversion + */ + readonly payloadFormatVersion?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-httpapievent.html#cfn-serverless-function-httpapievent-routesettings + */ + readonly routeSettings?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnFunction.RouteSettingsProperty; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-httpapievent.html#cfn-serverless-function-httpapievent-timeoutinmillis + */ + readonly timeoutInMillis?: number; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-httpapifunctionauth.html + */ + export interface HttpApiFunctionAuthProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-httpapifunctionauth.html#cfn-serverless-function-httpapifunctionauth-authorizationscopes + */ + readonly authorizationScopes?: Array; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-httpapifunctionauth.html#cfn-serverless-function-httpapifunctionauth-authorizer + */ + readonly authorizer?: string; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-routesettings.html + */ + export interface RouteSettingsProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-routesettings.html#cfn-serverless-function-routesettings-datatraceenabled + */ + readonly dataTraceEnabled?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-routesettings.html#cfn-serverless-function-routesettings-detailedmetricsenabled + */ + readonly detailedMetricsEnabled?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-routesettings.html#cfn-serverless-function-routesettings-logginglevel + */ + readonly loggingLevel?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-routesettings.html#cfn-serverless-function-routesettings-throttlingburstlimit + */ + readonly throttlingBurstLimit?: number; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-routesettings.html#cfn-serverless-function-routesettings-throttlingratelimit + */ + readonly throttlingRateLimit?: number; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-cognitoevent.html + */ + export interface CognitoEventProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-cognitoevent.html#cfn-serverless-function-cognitoevent-trigger + */ + readonly trigger: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-cognitoevent.html#cfn-serverless-function-cognitoevent-userpool + */ + readonly userPool: string; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-filesystemconfig.html + */ + export interface FileSystemConfigProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-filesystemconfig.html#cfn-serverless-function-filesystemconfig-arn + */ + readonly arn?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-filesystemconfig.html#cfn-serverless-function-filesystemconfig-localmountpath + */ + readonly localMountPath?: string; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-imageconfig.html + */ + export interface ImageConfigProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-imageconfig.html#cfn-serverless-function-imageconfig-command + */ + readonly command?: Array; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-imageconfig.html#cfn-serverless-function-imageconfig-entrypoint + */ + readonly entryPoint?: Array; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-imageconfig.html#cfn-serverless-function-imageconfig-workingdirectory + */ + readonly workingDirectory?: string; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-iampolicydocument.html + */ + export interface IAMPolicyDocumentProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-iampolicydocument.html#cfn-serverless-function-iampolicydocument-statement + */ + readonly statement: any | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-iampolicydocument.html#cfn-serverless-function-iampolicydocument-version + */ + readonly version?: string; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate.html + */ + export interface SAMPolicyTemplateProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate.html#cfn-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate-amidescribepolicy + */ + readonly amiDescribePolicy?: CfnFunction.EmptySAMPTProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate.html#cfn-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate-awssecretsmanagergetsecretvaluepolicy + */ + readonly awsSecretsManagerGetSecretValuePolicy?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnFunction.SecretArnSAMPTProperty; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate.html#cfn-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate-cloudformationdescribestackspolicy + */ + readonly cloudFormationDescribeStacksPolicy?: CfnFunction.EmptySAMPTProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate.html#cfn-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate-cloudwatchputmetricpolicy + */ + readonly cloudWatchPutMetricPolicy?: CfnFunction.EmptySAMPTProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate.html#cfn-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate-dynamodbcrudpolicy + */ + readonly dynamoDbCrudPolicy?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnFunction.TableSAMPTProperty; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate.html#cfn-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate-dynamodbreadpolicy + */ + readonly dynamoDbReadPolicy?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnFunction.TableSAMPTProperty; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate.html#cfn-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate-dynamodbstreamreadpolicy + */ + readonly dynamoDbStreamReadPolicy?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnFunction.TableStreamSAMPTProperty; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate.html#cfn-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate-dynamodbwritepolicy + */ + readonly dynamoDbWritePolicy?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnFunction.TableSAMPTProperty; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate.html#cfn-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate-ec2describepolicy + */ + readonly ec2DescribePolicy?: CfnFunction.EmptySAMPTProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate.html#cfn-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate-elasticsearchhttppostpolicy + */ + readonly elasticsearchHttpPostPolicy?: CfnFunction.DomainSAMPTProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate.html#cfn-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate-filterlogeventspolicy + */ + readonly filterLogEventsPolicy?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnFunction.LogGroupSAMPTProperty; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate.html#cfn-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate-kinesiscrudpolicy + */ + readonly kinesisCrudPolicy?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnFunction.StreamSAMPTProperty; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate.html#cfn-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate-kinesisstreamreadpolicy + */ + readonly kinesisStreamReadPolicy?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnFunction.StreamSAMPTProperty; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate.html#cfn-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate-kmsdecryptpolicy + */ + readonly kmsDecryptPolicy?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnFunction.KeySAMPTProperty; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate.html#cfn-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate-lambdainvokepolicy + */ + readonly lambdaInvokePolicy?: CfnFunction.FunctionSAMPTProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate.html#cfn-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate-rekognitiondetectonlypolicy + */ + readonly rekognitionDetectOnlyPolicy?: CfnFunction.EmptySAMPTProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate.html#cfn-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate-rekognitionlabelspolicy + */ + readonly rekognitionLabelsPolicy?: CfnFunction.EmptySAMPTProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate.html#cfn-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate-rekognitionnodataaccesspolicy + */ + readonly rekognitionNoDataAccessPolicy?: CfnFunction.CollectionSAMPTProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate.html#cfn-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate-rekognitionreadpolicy + */ + readonly rekognitionReadPolicy?: CfnFunction.CollectionSAMPTProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate.html#cfn-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate-rekognitionwriteonlyaccesspolicy + */ + readonly rekognitionWriteOnlyAccessPolicy?: CfnFunction.CollectionSAMPTProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate.html#cfn-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate-s3crudpolicy + */ + readonly s3CrudPolicy?: CfnFunction.BucketSAMPTProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate.html#cfn-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate-s3readpolicy + */ + readonly s3ReadPolicy?: CfnFunction.BucketSAMPTProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate.html#cfn-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate-s3writepolicy + */ + readonly s3WritePolicy?: CfnFunction.BucketSAMPTProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate.html#cfn-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate-sesbulktemplatedcrudpolicy + */ + readonly sesBulkTemplatedCrudPolicy?: CfnFunction.IdentitySAMPTProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate.html#cfn-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate-sescrudpolicy + */ + readonly sesCrudPolicy?: CfnFunction.IdentitySAMPTProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate.html#cfn-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate-sesemailtemplatecrudpolicy + */ + readonly sesEmailTemplateCrudPolicy?: CfnFunction.EmptySAMPTProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate.html#cfn-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate-sessendbouncepolicy + */ + readonly sesSendBouncePolicy?: CfnFunction.IdentitySAMPTProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate.html#cfn-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate-snscrudpolicy + */ + readonly snsCrudPolicy?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnFunction.TopicSAMPTProperty; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate.html#cfn-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate-snspublishmessagepolicy + */ + readonly snsPublishMessagePolicy?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnFunction.TopicSAMPTProperty; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate.html#cfn-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate-sqspollerpolicy + */ + readonly sqsPollerPolicy?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnFunction.QueueSAMPTProperty; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate.html#cfn-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate-sqssendmessagepolicy + */ + readonly sqsSendMessagePolicy?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnFunction.QueueSAMPTProperty; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate.html#cfn-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate-ssmparameterreadpolicy + */ + readonly ssmParameterReadPolicy?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnFunction.ParameterNameSAMPTProperty; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate.html#cfn-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate-stepfunctionsexecutionpolicy + */ + readonly stepFunctionsExecutionPolicy?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnFunction.StateMachineSAMPTProperty; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate.html#cfn-serverless-function-sampolicytemplate-vpcaccesspolicy + */ + readonly vpcAccessPolicy?: CfnFunction.EmptySAMPTProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-emptysampt.html + */ + export interface EmptySAMPTProperty { + + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-secretarnsampt.html + */ + export interface SecretArnSAMPTProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-secretarnsampt.html#cfn-serverless-function-secretarnsampt-secretarn + */ + readonly secretArn: string; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-tablesampt.html + */ + export interface TableSAMPTProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-tablesampt.html#cfn-serverless-function-tablesampt-tablename + */ + readonly tableName: string; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-tablestreamsampt.html + */ + export interface TableStreamSAMPTProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-tablestreamsampt.html#cfn-serverless-function-tablestreamsampt-streamname + */ + readonly streamName: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-tablestreamsampt.html#cfn-serverless-function-tablestreamsampt-tablename + */ + readonly tableName: string; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-domainsampt.html + */ + export interface DomainSAMPTProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-domainsampt.html#cfn-serverless-function-domainsampt-domainname + */ + readonly domainName: string; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-loggroupsampt.html + */ + export interface LogGroupSAMPTProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-loggroupsampt.html#cfn-serverless-function-loggroupsampt-loggroupname + */ + readonly logGroupName: string; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-keysampt.html + */ + export interface KeySAMPTProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-keysampt.html#cfn-serverless-function-keysampt-keyid + */ + readonly keyId: string; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-streamsampt.html + */ + export interface StreamSAMPTProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-streamsampt.html#cfn-serverless-function-streamsampt-streamname + */ + readonly streamName: string; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-functionsampt.html + */ + export interface FunctionSAMPTProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-functionsampt.html#cfn-serverless-function-functionsampt-functionname + */ + readonly functionName: string; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-collectionsampt.html + */ + export interface CollectionSAMPTProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-collectionsampt.html#cfn-serverless-function-collectionsampt-collectionid + */ + readonly collectionId: string; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-bucketsampt.html + */ + export interface BucketSAMPTProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-bucketsampt.html#cfn-serverless-function-bucketsampt-bucketname + */ + readonly bucketName: string; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-identitysampt.html + */ + export interface IdentitySAMPTProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-identitysampt.html#cfn-serverless-function-identitysampt-identityname + */ + readonly identityName: string; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-topicsampt.html + */ + export interface TopicSAMPTProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-topicsampt.html#cfn-serverless-function-topicsampt-topicname + */ + readonly topicName: string; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-queuesampt.html + */ + export interface QueueSAMPTProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-queuesampt.html#cfn-serverless-function-queuesampt-queuename + */ + readonly queueName: string; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-parameternamesampt.html + */ + export interface ParameterNameSAMPTProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-parameternamesampt.html#cfn-serverless-function-parameternamesampt-parametername + */ + readonly parameterName: string; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-statemachinesampt.html + */ + export interface StateMachineSAMPTProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-statemachinesampt.html#cfn-serverless-function-statemachinesampt-statemachinename + */ + readonly stateMachineName: string; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-provisionedconcurrencyconfig.html + */ + export interface ProvisionedConcurrencyConfigProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-provisionedconcurrencyconfig.html#cfn-serverless-function-provisionedconcurrencyconfig-provisionedconcurrentexecutions + */ + readonly provisionedConcurrentExecutions: string; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-vpcconfig.html + */ + export interface VpcConfigProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-vpcconfig.html#cfn-serverless-function-vpcconfig-securitygroupids + */ + readonly securityGroupIds: Array; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-function-vpcconfig.html#cfn-serverless-function-vpcconfig-subnetids + */ + readonly subnetIds: Array; + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnFunction\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-function.html + */ +export interface CfnFunctionProps { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-function.html#cfn-serverless-function-architectures + */ + readonly architectures?: Array; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-function.html#cfn-serverless-function-assumerolepolicydocument + */ + readonly assumeRolePolicyDocument?: any | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-function.html#cfn-serverless-function-autopublishalias + */ + readonly autoPublishAlias?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-function.html#cfn-serverless-function-autopublishcodesha256 + */ + readonly autoPublishCodeSha256?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-function.html#cfn-serverless-function-codesigningconfigarn + */ + readonly codeSigningConfigArn?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-function.html#cfn-serverless-function-codeuri + */ + readonly codeUri?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnFunction.S3LocationProperty | string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-function.html#cfn-serverless-function-deadletterqueue + */ + readonly deadLetterQueue?: CfnFunction.DeadLetterQueueProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-function.html#cfn-serverless-function-deploymentpreference + */ + readonly deploymentPreference?: CfnFunction.DeploymentPreferenceProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-function.html#cfn-serverless-function-description + */ + readonly description?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-function.html#cfn-serverless-function-environment + */ + readonly environment?: CfnFunction.FunctionEnvironmentProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-function.html#cfn-serverless-function-eventinvokeconfig + */ + readonly eventInvokeConfig?: CfnFunction.EventInvokeConfigProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-function.html#cfn-serverless-function-events + */ + readonly events?: cdk.IResolvable | Record; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-function.html#cfn-serverless-function-filesystemconfigs + */ + readonly fileSystemConfigs?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-function.html#cfn-serverless-function-functionname + */ + readonly functionName?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-function.html#cfn-serverless-function-handler + */ + readonly handler?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-function.html#cfn-serverless-function-imageconfig + */ + readonly imageConfig?: CfnFunction.ImageConfigProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-function.html#cfn-serverless-function-imageuri + */ + readonly imageUri?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-function.html#cfn-serverless-function-inlinecode + */ + readonly inlineCode?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-function.html#cfn-serverless-function-kmskeyarn + */ + readonly kmsKeyArn?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-function.html#cfn-serverless-function-layers + */ + readonly layers?: Array; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-function.html#cfn-serverless-function-memorysize + */ + readonly memorySize?: number; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-function.html#cfn-serverless-function-packagetype + */ + readonly packageType?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-function.html#cfn-serverless-function-permissionsboundary + */ + readonly permissionsBoundary?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-function.html#cfn-serverless-function-policies + */ + readonly policies?: Array | CfnFunction.IAMPolicyDocumentProperty | cdk.IResolvable | string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-function.html#cfn-serverless-function-provisionedconcurrencyconfig + */ + readonly provisionedConcurrencyConfig?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnFunction.ProvisionedConcurrencyConfigProperty; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-function.html#cfn-serverless-function-reservedconcurrentexecutions + */ + readonly reservedConcurrentExecutions?: number; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-function.html#cfn-serverless-function-role + */ + readonly role?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-function.html#cfn-serverless-function-runtime + */ + readonly runtime?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-function.html#cfn-serverless-function-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Record; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-function.html#cfn-serverless-function-timeout + */ + readonly timeout?: number; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-function.html#cfn-serverless-function-tracing + */ + readonly tracing?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-function.html#cfn-serverless-function-versiondescription + */ + readonly versionDescription?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-function.html#cfn-serverless-function-vpcconfig + */ + readonly vpcConfig?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnFunction.VpcConfigProperty; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`S3LocationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`S3LocationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionS3LocationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("bucket", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.bucket)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("bucket", cdk.validateString)(properties.bucket)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("key", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.key)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("key", cdk.validateString)(properties.key)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("version", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.version)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"S3LocationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionS3LocationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionS3LocationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Bucket": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.bucket), + "Key": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.key), + "Version": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.version) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionS3LocationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("bucket", "Bucket", (properties.Bucket != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Bucket) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("key", "Key", (properties.Key != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Key) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("version", "Version", (properties.Version != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Version) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`DeadLetterQueueProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`DeadLetterQueueProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionDeadLetterQueuePropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("targetArn", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.targetArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("targetArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.targetArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("type", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.type)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("type", cdk.validateString)(properties.type)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"DeadLetterQueueProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionDeadLetterQueuePropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionDeadLetterQueuePropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "TargetArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.targetArn), + "Type": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.type) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionDeadLetterQueuePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("targetArn", "TargetArn", (properties.TargetArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.TargetArn) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("type", "Type", (properties.Type != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Type) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`HooksProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`HooksProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionHooksPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("postTraffic", cdk.validateString)(properties.postTraffic)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("preTraffic", cdk.validateString)(properties.preTraffic)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"HooksProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionHooksPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionHooksPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "PostTraffic": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.postTraffic), + "PreTraffic": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.preTraffic) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionHooksPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("postTraffic", "PostTraffic", (properties.PostTraffic != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.PostTraffic) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("preTraffic", "PreTraffic", (properties.PreTraffic != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.PreTraffic) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`DeploymentPreferenceProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`DeploymentPreferenceProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionDeploymentPreferencePropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("alarms", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.alarms)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("enabled", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.enabled)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("hooks", CfnFunctionHooksPropertyValidator)(properties.hooks)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("role", cdk.validateString)(properties.role)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("type", cdk.validateString)(properties.type)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"DeploymentPreferenceProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionDeploymentPreferencePropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionDeploymentPreferencePropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Alarms": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.alarms), + "Enabled": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.enabled), + "Hooks": convertCfnFunctionHooksPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.hooks), + "Role": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.role), + "Type": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.type) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionDeploymentPreferencePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("alarms", "Alarms", (properties.Alarms != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.Alarms) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("enabled", "Enabled", (properties.Enabled != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.Enabled) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("hooks", "Hooks", (properties.Hooks != null ? CfnFunctionHooksPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.Hooks) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("role", "Role", (properties.Role != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Role) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("type", "Type", (properties.Type != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Type) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`FunctionEnvironmentProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`FunctionEnvironmentProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionFunctionEnvironmentPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("variables", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.variables)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("variables", cdk.hashValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.variables)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"FunctionEnvironmentProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionFunctionEnvironmentPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionFunctionEnvironmentPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Variables": cdk.hashMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.variables) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionFunctionEnvironmentPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("variables", "Variables", (properties.Variables != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getMap(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.Variables) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`DestinationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`DestinationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionDestinationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("destination", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.destination)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("destination", cdk.validateString)(properties.destination)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("type", cdk.validateString)(properties.type)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"DestinationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionDestinationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionDestinationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Destination": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.destination), + "Type": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.type) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionDestinationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("destination", "Destination", (properties.Destination != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Destination) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("type", "Type", (properties.Type != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Type) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`EventInvokeDestinationConfigProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`EventInvokeDestinationConfigProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionEventInvokeDestinationConfigPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("onFailure", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.onFailure)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("onFailure", CfnFunctionDestinationPropertyValidator)(properties.onFailure)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("onSuccess", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.onSuccess)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("onSuccess", CfnFunctionDestinationPropertyValidator)(properties.onSuccess)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"EventInvokeDestinationConfigProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionEventInvokeDestinationConfigPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionEventInvokeDestinationConfigPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "OnFailure": convertCfnFunctionDestinationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.onFailure), + "OnSuccess": convertCfnFunctionDestinationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.onSuccess) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionEventInvokeDestinationConfigPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("onFailure", "OnFailure", (properties.OnFailure != null ? CfnFunctionDestinationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.OnFailure) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("onSuccess", "OnSuccess", (properties.OnSuccess != null ? CfnFunctionDestinationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.OnSuccess) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`EventInvokeConfigProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`EventInvokeConfigProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionEventInvokeConfigPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("destinationConfig", CfnFunctionEventInvokeDestinationConfigPropertyValidator)(properties.destinationConfig)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("maximumEventAgeInSeconds", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.maximumEventAgeInSeconds)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("maximumRetryAttempts", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.maximumRetryAttempts)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"EventInvokeConfigProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionEventInvokeConfigPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionEventInvokeConfigPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "DestinationConfig": convertCfnFunctionEventInvokeDestinationConfigPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.destinationConfig), + "MaximumEventAgeInSeconds": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.maximumEventAgeInSeconds), + "MaximumRetryAttempts": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.maximumRetryAttempts) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionEventInvokeConfigPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("destinationConfig", "DestinationConfig", (properties.DestinationConfig != null ? CfnFunctionEventInvokeDestinationConfigPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.DestinationConfig) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("maximumEventAgeInSeconds", "MaximumEventAgeInSeconds", (properties.MaximumEventAgeInSeconds != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.MaximumEventAgeInSeconds) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("maximumRetryAttempts", "MaximumRetryAttempts", (properties.MaximumRetryAttempts != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.MaximumRetryAttempts) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`S3KeyFilterRuleProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`S3KeyFilterRuleProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionS3KeyFilterRulePropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("name", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.name)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("name", cdk.validateString)(properties.name)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("value", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.value)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("value", cdk.validateString)(properties.value)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"S3KeyFilterRuleProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionS3KeyFilterRulePropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionS3KeyFilterRulePropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Name": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.name), + "Value": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.value) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionS3KeyFilterRulePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("name", "Name", (properties.Name != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Name) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("value", "Value", (properties.Value != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Value) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`S3KeyFilterProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`S3KeyFilterProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionS3KeyFilterPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("rules", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.rules)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("rules", cdk.listValidator(CfnFunctionS3KeyFilterRulePropertyValidator))(properties.rules)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"S3KeyFilterProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionS3KeyFilterPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionS3KeyFilterPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Rules": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnFunctionS3KeyFilterRulePropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.rules) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionS3KeyFilterPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("rules", "Rules", (properties.Rules != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnFunctionS3KeyFilterRulePropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.Rules) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`S3NotificationFilterProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`S3NotificationFilterProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionS3NotificationFilterPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("s3Key", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.s3Key)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("s3Key", CfnFunctionS3KeyFilterPropertyValidator)(properties.s3Key)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"S3NotificationFilterProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionS3NotificationFilterPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionS3NotificationFilterPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "S3Key": convertCfnFunctionS3KeyFilterPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.s3Key) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionS3NotificationFilterPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("s3Key", "S3Key", (properties.S3Key != null ? CfnFunctionS3KeyFilterPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.S3Key) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`S3EventProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`S3EventProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionS3EventPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("bucket", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.bucket)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("bucket", cdk.validateString)(properties.bucket)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("events", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.events)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("events", cdk.validateString)(properties.events)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("filter", CfnFunctionS3NotificationFilterPropertyValidator)(properties.filter)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"S3EventProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionS3EventPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionS3EventPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Bucket": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.bucket), + "Events": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.events), + "Filter": convertCfnFunctionS3NotificationFilterPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.filter) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionS3EventPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("bucket", "Bucket", (properties.Bucket != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Bucket) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("events", "Events", (properties.Events != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Events) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("filter", "Filter", (properties.Filter != null ? CfnFunctionS3NotificationFilterPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.Filter) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`SNSEventProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`SNSEventProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionSNSEventPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("topic", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.topic)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("topic", cdk.validateString)(properties.topic)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"SNSEventProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionSNSEventPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionSNSEventPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Topic": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.topic) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionSNSEventPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("topic", "Topic", (properties.Topic != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Topic) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`SQSEventProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`SQSEventProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionSQSEventPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("batchSize", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.batchSize)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("enabled", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.enabled)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("queue", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.queue)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("queue", cdk.validateString)(properties.queue)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"SQSEventProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionSQSEventPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionSQSEventPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "BatchSize": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.batchSize), + "Enabled": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.enabled), + "Queue": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.queue) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionSQSEventPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("batchSize", "BatchSize", (properties.BatchSize != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.BatchSize) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("enabled", "Enabled", (properties.Enabled != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.Enabled) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("queue", "Queue", (properties.Queue != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Queue) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`KinesisEventProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`KinesisEventProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionKinesisEventPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("batchSize", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.batchSize)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("enabled", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.enabled)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("functionResponseTypes", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.functionResponseTypes)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("startingPosition", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.startingPosition)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("startingPosition", cdk.validateString)(properties.startingPosition)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("stream", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.stream)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("stream", cdk.validateString)(properties.stream)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"KinesisEventProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionKinesisEventPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionKinesisEventPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "BatchSize": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.batchSize), + "Enabled": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.enabled), + "FunctionResponseTypes": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.functionResponseTypes), + "StartingPosition": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.startingPosition), + "Stream": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.stream) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionKinesisEventPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("batchSize", "BatchSize", (properties.BatchSize != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.BatchSize) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("enabled", "Enabled", (properties.Enabled != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.Enabled) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("functionResponseTypes", "FunctionResponseTypes", (properties.FunctionResponseTypes != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.FunctionResponseTypes) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("startingPosition", "StartingPosition", (properties.StartingPosition != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.StartingPosition) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("stream", "Stream", (properties.Stream != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Stream) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`DestinationConfigProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`DestinationConfigProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionDestinationConfigPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("onFailure", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.onFailure)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("onFailure", CfnFunctionDestinationPropertyValidator)(properties.onFailure)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"DestinationConfigProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionDestinationConfigPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionDestinationConfigPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "OnFailure": convertCfnFunctionDestinationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.onFailure) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionDestinationConfigPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("onFailure", "OnFailure", (properties.OnFailure != null ? CfnFunctionDestinationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.OnFailure) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`DynamoDBEventProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`DynamoDBEventProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionDynamoDBEventPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("batchSize", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.batchSize)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("bisectBatchOnFunctionError", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.bisectBatchOnFunctionError)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("destinationConfig", CfnFunctionDestinationConfigPropertyValidator)(properties.destinationConfig)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("enabled", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.enabled)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("maximumBatchingWindowInSeconds", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.maximumBatchingWindowInSeconds)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("maximumRecordAgeInSeconds", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.maximumRecordAgeInSeconds)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("maximumRetryAttempts", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.maximumRetryAttempts)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("parallelizationFactor", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.parallelizationFactor)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("startingPosition", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.startingPosition)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("startingPosition", cdk.validateString)(properties.startingPosition)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("stream", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.stream)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("stream", cdk.validateString)(properties.stream)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"DynamoDBEventProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionDynamoDBEventPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionDynamoDBEventPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "BatchSize": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.batchSize), + "BisectBatchOnFunctionError": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.bisectBatchOnFunctionError), + "DestinationConfig": convertCfnFunctionDestinationConfigPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.destinationConfig), + "Enabled": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.enabled), + "MaximumBatchingWindowInSeconds": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.maximumBatchingWindowInSeconds), + "MaximumRecordAgeInSeconds": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.maximumRecordAgeInSeconds), + "MaximumRetryAttempts": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.maximumRetryAttempts), + "ParallelizationFactor": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.parallelizationFactor), + "StartingPosition": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.startingPosition), + "Stream": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.stream) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionDynamoDBEventPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("batchSize", "BatchSize", (properties.BatchSize != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.BatchSize) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("bisectBatchOnFunctionError", "BisectBatchOnFunctionError", (properties.BisectBatchOnFunctionError != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.BisectBatchOnFunctionError) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("destinationConfig", "DestinationConfig", (properties.DestinationConfig != null ? CfnFunctionDestinationConfigPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.DestinationConfig) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("enabled", "Enabled", (properties.Enabled != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.Enabled) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("maximumBatchingWindowInSeconds", "MaximumBatchingWindowInSeconds", (properties.MaximumBatchingWindowInSeconds != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.MaximumBatchingWindowInSeconds) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("maximumRecordAgeInSeconds", "MaximumRecordAgeInSeconds", (properties.MaximumRecordAgeInSeconds != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.MaximumRecordAgeInSeconds) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("maximumRetryAttempts", "MaximumRetryAttempts", (properties.MaximumRetryAttempts != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.MaximumRetryAttempts) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("parallelizationFactor", "ParallelizationFactor", (properties.ParallelizationFactor != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.ParallelizationFactor) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("startingPosition", "StartingPosition", (properties.StartingPosition != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.StartingPosition) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("stream", "Stream", (properties.Stream != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Stream) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`AuthResourcePolicyProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`AuthResourcePolicyProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionAuthResourcePolicyPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("awsAccountBlacklist", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.awsAccountBlacklist)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("awsAccountWhitelist", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.awsAccountWhitelist)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("customStatements", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateObject))(properties.customStatements)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("intrinsicVpcBlacklist", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.intrinsicVpcBlacklist)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("intrinsicVpcWhitelist", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.intrinsicVpcWhitelist)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("intrinsicVpceBlacklist", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.intrinsicVpceBlacklist)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("intrinsicVpceWhitelist", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.intrinsicVpceWhitelist)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipRangeBlacklist", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.ipRangeBlacklist)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipRangeWhitelist", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.ipRangeWhitelist)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sourceVpcBlacklist", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.sourceVpcBlacklist)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sourceVpcWhitelist", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.sourceVpcWhitelist)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"AuthResourcePolicyProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionAuthResourcePolicyPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionAuthResourcePolicyPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AwsAccountBlacklist": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.awsAccountBlacklist), + "AwsAccountWhitelist": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.awsAccountWhitelist), + "CustomStatements": cdk.listMapper(cdk.objectToCloudFormation)(properties.customStatements), + "IntrinsicVpcBlacklist": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.intrinsicVpcBlacklist), + "IntrinsicVpcWhitelist": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.intrinsicVpcWhitelist), + "IntrinsicVpceBlacklist": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.intrinsicVpceBlacklist), + "IntrinsicVpceWhitelist": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.intrinsicVpceWhitelist), + "IpRangeBlacklist": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.ipRangeBlacklist), + "IpRangeWhitelist": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.ipRangeWhitelist), + "SourceVpcBlacklist": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.sourceVpcBlacklist), + "SourceVpcWhitelist": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.sourceVpcWhitelist) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionAuthResourcePolicyPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("awsAccountBlacklist", "AwsAccountBlacklist", (properties.AwsAccountBlacklist != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.AwsAccountBlacklist) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("awsAccountWhitelist", "AwsAccountWhitelist", (properties.AwsAccountWhitelist != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.AwsAccountWhitelist) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("customStatements", "CustomStatements", (properties.CustomStatements != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getAny)(properties.CustomStatements) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("intrinsicVpcBlacklist", "IntrinsicVpcBlacklist", (properties.IntrinsicVpcBlacklist != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.IntrinsicVpcBlacklist) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("intrinsicVpceBlacklist", "IntrinsicVpceBlacklist", (properties.IntrinsicVpceBlacklist != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.IntrinsicVpceBlacklist) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("intrinsicVpceWhitelist", "IntrinsicVpceWhitelist", (properties.IntrinsicVpceWhitelist != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.IntrinsicVpceWhitelist) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("intrinsicVpcWhitelist", "IntrinsicVpcWhitelist", (properties.IntrinsicVpcWhitelist != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.IntrinsicVpcWhitelist) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ipRangeBlacklist", "IpRangeBlacklist", (properties.IpRangeBlacklist != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.IpRangeBlacklist) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ipRangeWhitelist", "IpRangeWhitelist", (properties.IpRangeWhitelist != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.IpRangeWhitelist) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("sourceVpcBlacklist", "SourceVpcBlacklist", (properties.SourceVpcBlacklist != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.SourceVpcBlacklist) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("sourceVpcWhitelist", "SourceVpcWhitelist", (properties.SourceVpcWhitelist != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.SourceVpcWhitelist) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`AuthProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`AuthProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionAuthPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("apiKeyRequired", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.apiKeyRequired)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("authorizationScopes", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.authorizationScopes)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("authorizer", cdk.validateString)(properties.authorizer)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("resourcePolicy", CfnFunctionAuthResourcePolicyPropertyValidator)(properties.resourcePolicy)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"AuthProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionAuthPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionAuthPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ApiKeyRequired": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.apiKeyRequired), + "AuthorizationScopes": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.authorizationScopes), + "Authorizer": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.authorizer), + "ResourcePolicy": convertCfnFunctionAuthResourcePolicyPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.resourcePolicy) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionAuthPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("apiKeyRequired", "ApiKeyRequired", (properties.ApiKeyRequired != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.ApiKeyRequired) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("authorizationScopes", "AuthorizationScopes", (properties.AuthorizationScopes != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.AuthorizationScopes) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("authorizer", "Authorizer", (properties.Authorizer != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Authorizer) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("resourcePolicy", "ResourcePolicy", (properties.ResourcePolicy != null ? CfnFunctionAuthResourcePolicyPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.ResourcePolicy) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`RequestModelProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`RequestModelProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionRequestModelPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("model", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.model)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("model", cdk.validateString)(properties.model)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("required", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.required)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("validateBody", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.validateBody)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("validateParameters", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.validateParameters)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"RequestModelProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionRequestModelPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionRequestModelPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Model": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.model), + "Required": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.required), + "ValidateBody": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.validateBody), + "ValidateParameters": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.validateParameters) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionRequestModelPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("model", "Model", (properties.Model != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Model) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("required", "Required", (properties.Required != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.Required) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("validateBody", "ValidateBody", (properties.ValidateBody != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.ValidateBody) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("validateParameters", "ValidateParameters", (properties.ValidateParameters != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.ValidateParameters) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`RequestParameterProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`RequestParameterProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionRequestParameterPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("caching", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.caching)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("required", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.required)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"RequestParameterProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionRequestParameterPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionRequestParameterPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Caching": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.caching), + "Required": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.required) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionRequestParameterPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("caching", "Caching", (properties.Caching != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.Caching) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("required", "Required", (properties.Required != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.Required) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`ApiEventProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`ApiEventProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionApiEventPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("auth", CfnFunctionAuthPropertyValidator)(properties.auth)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("method", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.method)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("method", cdk.validateString)(properties.method)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("path", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.path)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("path", cdk.validateString)(properties.path)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("requestModel", CfnFunctionRequestModelPropertyValidator)(properties.requestModel)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("requestParameters", cdk.listValidator(cdk.unionValidator(CfnFunctionRequestParameterPropertyValidator, cdk.validateString)))(properties.requestParameters)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("restApiId", cdk.validateString)(properties.restApiId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"ApiEventProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionApiEventPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionApiEventPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Auth": convertCfnFunctionAuthPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.auth), + "Method": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.method), + "Path": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.path), + "RequestModel": convertCfnFunctionRequestModelPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.requestModel), + "RequestParameters": cdk.listMapper(cdk.unionMapper([CfnFunctionRequestParameterPropertyValidator, cdk.validateString], [convertCfnFunctionRequestParameterPropertyToCloudFormation, cdk.stringToCloudFormation]))(properties.requestParameters), + "RestApiId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.restApiId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionApiEventPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("auth", "Auth", (properties.Auth != null ? CfnFunctionAuthPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.Auth) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("method", "Method", (properties.Method != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Method) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("path", "Path", (properties.Path != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Path) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("requestModel", "RequestModel", (properties.RequestModel != null ? CfnFunctionRequestModelPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.RequestModel) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("requestParameters", "RequestParameters", (properties.RequestParameters != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getTypeUnion([CfnFunctionRequestParameterPropertyValidator, cdk.validateString], [CfnFunctionRequestParameterPropertyFromCloudFormation, cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString]))(properties.RequestParameters) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("restApiId", "RestApiId", (properties.RestApiId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.RestApiId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`ScheduleEventProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`ScheduleEventProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionScheduleEventPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("description", cdk.validateString)(properties.description)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("enabled", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.enabled)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("input", cdk.validateString)(properties.input)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("name", cdk.validateString)(properties.name)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("schedule", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.schedule)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("schedule", cdk.validateString)(properties.schedule)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"ScheduleEventProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionScheduleEventPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionScheduleEventPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Description": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.description), + "Enabled": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.enabled), + "Input": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.input), + "Name": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.name), + "Schedule": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.schedule) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionScheduleEventPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("description", "Description", (properties.Description != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Description) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("enabled", "Enabled", (properties.Enabled != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.Enabled) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("input", "Input", (properties.Input != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Input) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("name", "Name", (properties.Name != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Name) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("schedule", "Schedule", (properties.Schedule != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Schedule) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CloudWatchEventEventProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CloudWatchEventEventProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionCloudWatchEventEventPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("input", cdk.validateString)(properties.input)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("inputPath", cdk.validateString)(properties.inputPath)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("pattern", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.pattern)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("pattern", cdk.validateObject)(properties.pattern)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CloudWatchEventEventProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionCloudWatchEventEventPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionCloudWatchEventEventPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Input": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.input), + "InputPath": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.inputPath), + "Pattern": cdk.objectToCloudFormation(properties.pattern) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionCloudWatchEventEventPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("input", "Input", (properties.Input != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Input) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("inputPath", "InputPath", (properties.InputPath != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.InputPath) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("pattern", "Pattern", (properties.Pattern != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getAny(properties.Pattern) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CloudWatchLogsEventProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CloudWatchLogsEventProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionCloudWatchLogsEventPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("filterPattern", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.filterPattern)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("filterPattern", cdk.validateString)(properties.filterPattern)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("logGroupName", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.logGroupName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("logGroupName", cdk.validateString)(properties.logGroupName)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CloudWatchLogsEventProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionCloudWatchLogsEventPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionCloudWatchLogsEventPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "FilterPattern": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.filterPattern), + "LogGroupName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.logGroupName) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionCloudWatchLogsEventPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("filterPattern", "FilterPattern", (properties.FilterPattern != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.FilterPattern) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("logGroupName", "LogGroupName", (properties.LogGroupName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.LogGroupName) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`IoTRuleEventProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`IoTRuleEventProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionIoTRuleEventPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("awsIotSqlVersion", cdk.validateString)(properties.awsIotSqlVersion)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sql", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.sql)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sql", cdk.validateString)(properties.sql)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"IoTRuleEventProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionIoTRuleEventPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionIoTRuleEventPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AwsIotSqlVersion": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.awsIotSqlVersion), + "Sql": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.sql) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionIoTRuleEventPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("awsIotSqlVersion", "AwsIotSqlVersion", (properties.AwsIotSqlVersion != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.AwsIotSqlVersion) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("sql", "Sql", (properties.Sql != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Sql) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`AlexaSkillEventProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`AlexaSkillEventProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionAlexaSkillEventPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("variables", cdk.hashValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.variables)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"AlexaSkillEventProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionAlexaSkillEventPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionAlexaSkillEventPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Variables": cdk.hashMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.variables) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionAlexaSkillEventPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("variables", "Variables", (properties.Variables != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getMap(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.Variables) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`EventBridgeRuleEventProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`EventBridgeRuleEventProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionEventBridgeRuleEventPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("eventBusName", cdk.validateString)(properties.eventBusName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("input", cdk.validateString)(properties.input)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("inputPath", cdk.validateString)(properties.inputPath)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("pattern", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.pattern)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("pattern", cdk.validateObject)(properties.pattern)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"EventBridgeRuleEventProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionEventBridgeRuleEventPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionEventBridgeRuleEventPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "EventBusName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.eventBusName), + "Input": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.input), + "InputPath": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.inputPath), + "Pattern": cdk.objectToCloudFormation(properties.pattern) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionEventBridgeRuleEventPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("eventBusName", "EventBusName", (properties.EventBusName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.EventBusName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("input", "Input", (properties.Input != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Input) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("inputPath", "InputPath", (properties.InputPath != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.InputPath) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("pattern", "Pattern", (properties.Pattern != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getAny(properties.Pattern) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`HttpApiFunctionAuthProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`HttpApiFunctionAuthProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionHttpApiFunctionAuthPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("authorizationScopes", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.authorizationScopes)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("authorizer", cdk.validateString)(properties.authorizer)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"HttpApiFunctionAuthProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionHttpApiFunctionAuthPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionHttpApiFunctionAuthPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AuthorizationScopes": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.authorizationScopes), + "Authorizer": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.authorizer) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionHttpApiFunctionAuthPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("authorizationScopes", "AuthorizationScopes", (properties.AuthorizationScopes != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.AuthorizationScopes) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("authorizer", "Authorizer", (properties.Authorizer != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Authorizer) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`RouteSettingsProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`RouteSettingsProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionRouteSettingsPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("dataTraceEnabled", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.dataTraceEnabled)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("detailedMetricsEnabled", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.detailedMetricsEnabled)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("loggingLevel", cdk.validateString)(properties.loggingLevel)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("throttlingBurstLimit", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.throttlingBurstLimit)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("throttlingRateLimit", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.throttlingRateLimit)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"RouteSettingsProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionRouteSettingsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionRouteSettingsPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "DataTraceEnabled": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.dataTraceEnabled), + "DetailedMetricsEnabled": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.detailedMetricsEnabled), + "LoggingLevel": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.loggingLevel), + "ThrottlingBurstLimit": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.throttlingBurstLimit), + "ThrottlingRateLimit": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.throttlingRateLimit) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionRouteSettingsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("dataTraceEnabled", "DataTraceEnabled", (properties.DataTraceEnabled != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.DataTraceEnabled) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("detailedMetricsEnabled", "DetailedMetricsEnabled", (properties.DetailedMetricsEnabled != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.DetailedMetricsEnabled) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("loggingLevel", "LoggingLevel", (properties.LoggingLevel != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.LoggingLevel) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("throttlingBurstLimit", "ThrottlingBurstLimit", (properties.ThrottlingBurstLimit != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.ThrottlingBurstLimit) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("throttlingRateLimit", "ThrottlingRateLimit", (properties.ThrottlingRateLimit != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.ThrottlingRateLimit) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`HttpApiEventProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`HttpApiEventProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionHttpApiEventPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("apiId", cdk.validateString)(properties.apiId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("auth", CfnFunctionHttpApiFunctionAuthPropertyValidator)(properties.auth)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("method", cdk.validateString)(properties.method)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("path", cdk.validateString)(properties.path)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("payloadFormatVersion", cdk.validateString)(properties.payloadFormatVersion)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("routeSettings", CfnFunctionRouteSettingsPropertyValidator)(properties.routeSettings)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("timeoutInMillis", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.timeoutInMillis)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"HttpApiEventProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionHttpApiEventPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionHttpApiEventPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ApiId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.apiId), + "Auth": convertCfnFunctionHttpApiFunctionAuthPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.auth), + "Method": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.method), + "Path": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.path), + "PayloadFormatVersion": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.payloadFormatVersion), + "RouteSettings": convertCfnFunctionRouteSettingsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.routeSettings), + "TimeoutInMillis": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.timeoutInMillis) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionHttpApiEventPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("apiId", "ApiId", (properties.ApiId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ApiId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("auth", "Auth", (properties.Auth != null ? CfnFunctionHttpApiFunctionAuthPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.Auth) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("method", "Method", (properties.Method != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Method) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("path", "Path", (properties.Path != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Path) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("payloadFormatVersion", "PayloadFormatVersion", (properties.PayloadFormatVersion != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.PayloadFormatVersion) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("routeSettings", "RouteSettings", (properties.RouteSettings != null ? CfnFunctionRouteSettingsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.RouteSettings) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("timeoutInMillis", "TimeoutInMillis", (properties.TimeoutInMillis != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.TimeoutInMillis) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CognitoEventProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CognitoEventProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionCognitoEventPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("trigger", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.trigger)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("trigger", cdk.validateString)(properties.trigger)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("userPool", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.userPool)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("userPool", cdk.validateString)(properties.userPool)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CognitoEventProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionCognitoEventPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionCognitoEventPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Trigger": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.trigger), + "UserPool": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.userPool) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionCognitoEventPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("trigger", "Trigger", (properties.Trigger != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Trigger) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("userPool", "UserPool", (properties.UserPool != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.UserPool) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`EventSourceProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`EventSourceProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionEventSourcePropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("properties", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.properties)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("properties", cdk.unionValidator(CfnFunctionAlexaSkillEventPropertyValidator, CfnFunctionApiEventPropertyValidator, CfnFunctionCloudWatchEventEventPropertyValidator, CfnFunctionCloudWatchLogsEventPropertyValidator, CfnFunctionCognitoEventPropertyValidator, CfnFunctionDynamoDBEventPropertyValidator, CfnFunctionEventBridgeRuleEventPropertyValidator, CfnFunctionHttpApiEventPropertyValidator, CfnFunctionIoTRuleEventPropertyValidator, CfnFunctionKinesisEventPropertyValidator, CfnFunctionS3EventPropertyValidator, CfnFunctionScheduleEventPropertyValidator, CfnFunctionSNSEventPropertyValidator, CfnFunctionSQSEventPropertyValidator))(properties.properties)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("type", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.type)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("type", cdk.validateString)(properties.type)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"EventSourceProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionEventSourcePropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionEventSourcePropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Properties": cdk.unionMapper([CfnFunctionAlexaSkillEventPropertyValidator, CfnFunctionApiEventPropertyValidator, CfnFunctionCloudWatchEventEventPropertyValidator, CfnFunctionCloudWatchLogsEventPropertyValidator, CfnFunctionCognitoEventPropertyValidator, CfnFunctionDynamoDBEventPropertyValidator, CfnFunctionEventBridgeRuleEventPropertyValidator, CfnFunctionHttpApiEventPropertyValidator, CfnFunctionIoTRuleEventPropertyValidator, CfnFunctionKinesisEventPropertyValidator, CfnFunctionS3EventPropertyValidator, CfnFunctionScheduleEventPropertyValidator, CfnFunctionSNSEventPropertyValidator, CfnFunctionSQSEventPropertyValidator], [convertCfnFunctionAlexaSkillEventPropertyToCloudFormation, convertCfnFunctionApiEventPropertyToCloudFormation, convertCfnFunctionCloudWatchEventEventPropertyToCloudFormation, convertCfnFunctionCloudWatchLogsEventPropertyToCloudFormation, convertCfnFunctionCognitoEventPropertyToCloudFormation, convertCfnFunctionDynamoDBEventPropertyToCloudFormation, convertCfnFunctionEventBridgeRuleEventPropertyToCloudFormation, convertCfnFunctionHttpApiEventPropertyToCloudFormation, convertCfnFunctionIoTRuleEventPropertyToCloudFormation, convertCfnFunctionKinesisEventPropertyToCloudFormation, convertCfnFunctionS3EventPropertyToCloudFormation, convertCfnFunctionScheduleEventPropertyToCloudFormation, convertCfnFunctionSNSEventPropertyToCloudFormation, convertCfnFunctionSQSEventPropertyToCloudFormation])(properties.properties), + "Type": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.type) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionEventSourcePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("properties", "Properties", (properties.Properties != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getTypeUnion([CfnFunctionAlexaSkillEventPropertyValidator, CfnFunctionApiEventPropertyValidator, CfnFunctionCloudWatchEventEventPropertyValidator, CfnFunctionCloudWatchLogsEventPropertyValidator, CfnFunctionCognitoEventPropertyValidator, CfnFunctionDynamoDBEventPropertyValidator, CfnFunctionEventBridgeRuleEventPropertyValidator, CfnFunctionHttpApiEventPropertyValidator, CfnFunctionIoTRuleEventPropertyValidator, CfnFunctionKinesisEventPropertyValidator, CfnFunctionS3EventPropertyValidator, CfnFunctionScheduleEventPropertyValidator, CfnFunctionSNSEventPropertyValidator, CfnFunctionSQSEventPropertyValidator], [CfnFunctionAlexaSkillEventPropertyFromCloudFormation, CfnFunctionApiEventPropertyFromCloudFormation, CfnFunctionCloudWatchEventEventPropertyFromCloudFormation, CfnFunctionCloudWatchLogsEventPropertyFromCloudFormation, CfnFunctionCognitoEventPropertyFromCloudFormation, CfnFunctionDynamoDBEventPropertyFromCloudFormation, CfnFunctionEventBridgeRuleEventPropertyFromCloudFormation, CfnFunctionHttpApiEventPropertyFromCloudFormation, CfnFunctionIoTRuleEventPropertyFromCloudFormation, CfnFunctionKinesisEventPropertyFromCloudFormation, CfnFunctionS3EventPropertyFromCloudFormation, CfnFunctionScheduleEventPropertyFromCloudFormation, CfnFunctionSNSEventPropertyFromCloudFormation, CfnFunctionSQSEventPropertyFromCloudFormation])(properties.Properties) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("type", "Type", (properties.Type != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Type) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`FileSystemConfigProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`FileSystemConfigProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionFileSystemConfigPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("arn", cdk.validateString)(properties.arn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("localMountPath", cdk.validateString)(properties.localMountPath)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"FileSystemConfigProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionFileSystemConfigPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionFileSystemConfigPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Arn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.arn), + "LocalMountPath": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.localMountPath) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionFileSystemConfigPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("arn", "Arn", (properties.Arn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Arn) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("localMountPath", "LocalMountPath", (properties.LocalMountPath != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.LocalMountPath) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`ImageConfigProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`ImageConfigProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionImageConfigPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("command", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.command)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("entryPoint", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.entryPoint)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("workingDirectory", cdk.validateString)(properties.workingDirectory)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"ImageConfigProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionImageConfigPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionImageConfigPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Command": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.command), + "EntryPoint": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.entryPoint), + "WorkingDirectory": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.workingDirectory) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionImageConfigPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("command", "Command", (properties.Command != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.Command) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("entryPoint", "EntryPoint", (properties.EntryPoint != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.EntryPoint) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("workingDirectory", "WorkingDirectory", (properties.WorkingDirectory != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.WorkingDirectory) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`IAMPolicyDocumentProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`IAMPolicyDocumentProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionIAMPolicyDocumentPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("statement", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.statement)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("statement", cdk.validateObject)(properties.statement)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("version", cdk.validateString)(properties.version)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"IAMPolicyDocumentProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionIAMPolicyDocumentPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionIAMPolicyDocumentPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Statement": cdk.objectToCloudFormation(properties.statement), + "Version": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.version) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionIAMPolicyDocumentPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("statement", "Statement", (properties.Statement != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getAny(properties.Statement) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("version", "Version", (properties.Version != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Version) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`EmptySAMPTProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`EmptySAMPTProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionEmptySAMPTPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"EmptySAMPTProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionEmptySAMPTPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionEmptySAMPTPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return {}; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionEmptySAMPTPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`SecretArnSAMPTProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`SecretArnSAMPTProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionSecretArnSAMPTPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("secretArn", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.secretArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("secretArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.secretArn)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"SecretArnSAMPTProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionSecretArnSAMPTPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionSecretArnSAMPTPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "SecretArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.secretArn) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionSecretArnSAMPTPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("secretArn", "SecretArn", (properties.SecretArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SecretArn) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`TableSAMPTProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`TableSAMPTProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionTableSAMPTPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tableName", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.tableName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tableName", cdk.validateString)(properties.tableName)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"TableSAMPTProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionTableSAMPTPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionTableSAMPTPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "TableName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.tableName) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionTableSAMPTPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("tableName", "TableName", (properties.TableName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.TableName) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`TableStreamSAMPTProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`TableStreamSAMPTProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionTableStreamSAMPTPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("streamName", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.streamName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("streamName", cdk.validateString)(properties.streamName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tableName", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.tableName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tableName", cdk.validateString)(properties.tableName)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"TableStreamSAMPTProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionTableStreamSAMPTPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionTableStreamSAMPTPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "StreamName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.streamName), + "TableName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.tableName) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionTableStreamSAMPTPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("streamName", "StreamName", (properties.StreamName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.StreamName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tableName", "TableName", (properties.TableName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.TableName) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`DomainSAMPTProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`DomainSAMPTProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionDomainSAMPTPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("domainName", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.domainName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("domainName", cdk.validateString)(properties.domainName)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"DomainSAMPTProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionDomainSAMPTPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionDomainSAMPTPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "DomainName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.domainName) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionDomainSAMPTPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("domainName", "DomainName", (properties.DomainName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DomainName) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`LogGroupSAMPTProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`LogGroupSAMPTProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionLogGroupSAMPTPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("logGroupName", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.logGroupName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("logGroupName", cdk.validateString)(properties.logGroupName)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"LogGroupSAMPTProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionLogGroupSAMPTPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionLogGroupSAMPTPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "LogGroupName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.logGroupName) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionLogGroupSAMPTPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("logGroupName", "LogGroupName", (properties.LogGroupName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.LogGroupName) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`KeySAMPTProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`KeySAMPTProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionKeySAMPTPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("keyId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.keyId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("keyId", cdk.validateString)(properties.keyId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"KeySAMPTProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionKeySAMPTPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionKeySAMPTPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "KeyId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.keyId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionKeySAMPTPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("keyId", "KeyId", (properties.KeyId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.KeyId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`StreamSAMPTProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`StreamSAMPTProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionStreamSAMPTPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("streamName", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.streamName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("streamName", cdk.validateString)(properties.streamName)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"StreamSAMPTProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionStreamSAMPTPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionStreamSAMPTPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "StreamName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.streamName) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionStreamSAMPTPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("streamName", "StreamName", (properties.StreamName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.StreamName) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`FunctionSAMPTProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`FunctionSAMPTProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionFunctionSAMPTPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("functionName", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.functionName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("functionName", cdk.validateString)(properties.functionName)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"FunctionSAMPTProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionFunctionSAMPTPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionFunctionSAMPTPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "FunctionName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.functionName) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionFunctionSAMPTPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("functionName", "FunctionName", (properties.FunctionName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.FunctionName) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CollectionSAMPTProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CollectionSAMPTProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionCollectionSAMPTPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("collectionId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.collectionId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("collectionId", cdk.validateString)(properties.collectionId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CollectionSAMPTProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionCollectionSAMPTPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionCollectionSAMPTPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "CollectionId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.collectionId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionCollectionSAMPTPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("collectionId", "CollectionId", (properties.CollectionId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.CollectionId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`BucketSAMPTProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`BucketSAMPTProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionBucketSAMPTPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("bucketName", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.bucketName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("bucketName", cdk.validateString)(properties.bucketName)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"BucketSAMPTProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionBucketSAMPTPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionBucketSAMPTPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "BucketName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.bucketName) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionBucketSAMPTPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("bucketName", "BucketName", (properties.BucketName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.BucketName) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`IdentitySAMPTProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`IdentitySAMPTProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionIdentitySAMPTPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("identityName", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.identityName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("identityName", cdk.validateString)(properties.identityName)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"IdentitySAMPTProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionIdentitySAMPTPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionIdentitySAMPTPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "IdentityName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.identityName) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionIdentitySAMPTPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("identityName", "IdentityName", (properties.IdentityName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.IdentityName) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`TopicSAMPTProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`TopicSAMPTProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionTopicSAMPTPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("topicName", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.topicName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("topicName", cdk.validateString)(properties.topicName)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"TopicSAMPTProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionTopicSAMPTPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionTopicSAMPTPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "TopicName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.topicName) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionTopicSAMPTPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("topicName", "TopicName", (properties.TopicName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.TopicName) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`QueueSAMPTProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`QueueSAMPTProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionQueueSAMPTPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("queueName", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.queueName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("queueName", cdk.validateString)(properties.queueName)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"QueueSAMPTProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionQueueSAMPTPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionQueueSAMPTPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "QueueName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.queueName) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionQueueSAMPTPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("queueName", "QueueName", (properties.QueueName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.QueueName) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`ParameterNameSAMPTProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`ParameterNameSAMPTProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionParameterNameSAMPTPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("parameterName", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.parameterName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("parameterName", cdk.validateString)(properties.parameterName)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"ParameterNameSAMPTProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionParameterNameSAMPTPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionParameterNameSAMPTPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ParameterName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.parameterName) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionParameterNameSAMPTPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("parameterName", "ParameterName", (properties.ParameterName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ParameterName) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`StateMachineSAMPTProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`StateMachineSAMPTProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionStateMachineSAMPTPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("stateMachineName", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.stateMachineName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("stateMachineName", cdk.validateString)(properties.stateMachineName)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"StateMachineSAMPTProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionStateMachineSAMPTPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionStateMachineSAMPTPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "StateMachineName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.stateMachineName) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionStateMachineSAMPTPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("stateMachineName", "StateMachineName", (properties.StateMachineName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.StateMachineName) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`SAMPolicyTemplateProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`SAMPolicyTemplateProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionSAMPolicyTemplatePropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("amiDescribePolicy", CfnFunctionEmptySAMPTPropertyValidator)(properties.amiDescribePolicy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("awsSecretsManagerGetSecretValuePolicy", CfnFunctionSecretArnSAMPTPropertyValidator)(properties.awsSecretsManagerGetSecretValuePolicy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("cloudFormationDescribeStacksPolicy", CfnFunctionEmptySAMPTPropertyValidator)(properties.cloudFormationDescribeStacksPolicy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("cloudWatchPutMetricPolicy", CfnFunctionEmptySAMPTPropertyValidator)(properties.cloudWatchPutMetricPolicy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("dynamoDbCrudPolicy", CfnFunctionTableSAMPTPropertyValidator)(properties.dynamoDbCrudPolicy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("dynamoDbReadPolicy", CfnFunctionTableSAMPTPropertyValidator)(properties.dynamoDbReadPolicy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("dynamoDbStreamReadPolicy", CfnFunctionTableStreamSAMPTPropertyValidator)(properties.dynamoDbStreamReadPolicy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("dynamoDbWritePolicy", CfnFunctionTableSAMPTPropertyValidator)(properties.dynamoDbWritePolicy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ec2DescribePolicy", CfnFunctionEmptySAMPTPropertyValidator)(properties.ec2DescribePolicy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("elasticsearchHttpPostPolicy", CfnFunctionDomainSAMPTPropertyValidator)(properties.elasticsearchHttpPostPolicy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("filterLogEventsPolicy", CfnFunctionLogGroupSAMPTPropertyValidator)(properties.filterLogEventsPolicy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("kmsDecryptPolicy", CfnFunctionKeySAMPTPropertyValidator)(properties.kmsDecryptPolicy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("kinesisCrudPolicy", CfnFunctionStreamSAMPTPropertyValidator)(properties.kinesisCrudPolicy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("kinesisStreamReadPolicy", CfnFunctionStreamSAMPTPropertyValidator)(properties.kinesisStreamReadPolicy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("lambdaInvokePolicy", CfnFunctionFunctionSAMPTPropertyValidator)(properties.lambdaInvokePolicy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("rekognitionDetectOnlyPolicy", CfnFunctionEmptySAMPTPropertyValidator)(properties.rekognitionDetectOnlyPolicy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("rekognitionLabelsPolicy", CfnFunctionEmptySAMPTPropertyValidator)(properties.rekognitionLabelsPolicy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("rekognitionNoDataAccessPolicy", CfnFunctionCollectionSAMPTPropertyValidator)(properties.rekognitionNoDataAccessPolicy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("rekognitionReadPolicy", CfnFunctionCollectionSAMPTPropertyValidator)(properties.rekognitionReadPolicy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("rekognitionWriteOnlyAccessPolicy", CfnFunctionCollectionSAMPTPropertyValidator)(properties.rekognitionWriteOnlyAccessPolicy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("s3CrudPolicy", CfnFunctionBucketSAMPTPropertyValidator)(properties.s3CrudPolicy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("s3ReadPolicy", CfnFunctionBucketSAMPTPropertyValidator)(properties.s3ReadPolicy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("s3WritePolicy", CfnFunctionBucketSAMPTPropertyValidator)(properties.s3WritePolicy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sesBulkTemplatedCrudPolicy", CfnFunctionIdentitySAMPTPropertyValidator)(properties.sesBulkTemplatedCrudPolicy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sesCrudPolicy", CfnFunctionIdentitySAMPTPropertyValidator)(properties.sesCrudPolicy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sesEmailTemplateCrudPolicy", CfnFunctionEmptySAMPTPropertyValidator)(properties.sesEmailTemplateCrudPolicy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sesSendBouncePolicy", CfnFunctionIdentitySAMPTPropertyValidator)(properties.sesSendBouncePolicy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("snsCrudPolicy", CfnFunctionTopicSAMPTPropertyValidator)(properties.snsCrudPolicy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("snsPublishMessagePolicy", CfnFunctionTopicSAMPTPropertyValidator)(properties.snsPublishMessagePolicy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sqsPollerPolicy", CfnFunctionQueueSAMPTPropertyValidator)(properties.sqsPollerPolicy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sqsSendMessagePolicy", CfnFunctionQueueSAMPTPropertyValidator)(properties.sqsSendMessagePolicy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ssmParameterReadPolicy", CfnFunctionParameterNameSAMPTPropertyValidator)(properties.ssmParameterReadPolicy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("stepFunctionsExecutionPolicy", CfnFunctionStateMachineSAMPTPropertyValidator)(properties.stepFunctionsExecutionPolicy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vpcAccessPolicy", CfnFunctionEmptySAMPTPropertyValidator)(properties.vpcAccessPolicy)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"SAMPolicyTemplateProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionSAMPolicyTemplatePropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionSAMPolicyTemplatePropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AMIDescribePolicy": convertCfnFunctionEmptySAMPTPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.amiDescribePolicy), + "AWSSecretsManagerGetSecretValuePolicy": convertCfnFunctionSecretArnSAMPTPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.awsSecretsManagerGetSecretValuePolicy), + "CloudFormationDescribeStacksPolicy": convertCfnFunctionEmptySAMPTPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.cloudFormationDescribeStacksPolicy), + "CloudWatchPutMetricPolicy": convertCfnFunctionEmptySAMPTPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.cloudWatchPutMetricPolicy), + "DynamoDBCrudPolicy": convertCfnFunctionTableSAMPTPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.dynamoDbCrudPolicy), + "DynamoDBReadPolicy": convertCfnFunctionTableSAMPTPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.dynamoDbReadPolicy), + "DynamoDBStreamReadPolicy": convertCfnFunctionTableStreamSAMPTPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.dynamoDbStreamReadPolicy), + "DynamoDBWritePolicy": convertCfnFunctionTableSAMPTPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.dynamoDbWritePolicy), + "EC2DescribePolicy": convertCfnFunctionEmptySAMPTPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.ec2DescribePolicy), + "ElasticsearchHttpPostPolicy": convertCfnFunctionDomainSAMPTPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.elasticsearchHttpPostPolicy), + "FilterLogEventsPolicy": convertCfnFunctionLogGroupSAMPTPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.filterLogEventsPolicy), + "KMSDecryptPolicy": convertCfnFunctionKeySAMPTPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.kmsDecryptPolicy), + "KinesisCrudPolicy": convertCfnFunctionStreamSAMPTPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.kinesisCrudPolicy), + "KinesisStreamReadPolicy": convertCfnFunctionStreamSAMPTPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.kinesisStreamReadPolicy), + "LambdaInvokePolicy": convertCfnFunctionFunctionSAMPTPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.lambdaInvokePolicy), + "RekognitionDetectOnlyPolicy": convertCfnFunctionEmptySAMPTPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.rekognitionDetectOnlyPolicy), + "RekognitionLabelsPolicy": convertCfnFunctionEmptySAMPTPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.rekognitionLabelsPolicy), + "RekognitionNoDataAccessPolicy": convertCfnFunctionCollectionSAMPTPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.rekognitionNoDataAccessPolicy), + "RekognitionReadPolicy": convertCfnFunctionCollectionSAMPTPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.rekognitionReadPolicy), + "RekognitionWriteOnlyAccessPolicy": convertCfnFunctionCollectionSAMPTPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.rekognitionWriteOnlyAccessPolicy), + "S3CrudPolicy": convertCfnFunctionBucketSAMPTPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.s3CrudPolicy), + "S3ReadPolicy": convertCfnFunctionBucketSAMPTPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.s3ReadPolicy), + "S3WritePolicy": convertCfnFunctionBucketSAMPTPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.s3WritePolicy), + "SESBulkTemplatedCrudPolicy": convertCfnFunctionIdentitySAMPTPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.sesBulkTemplatedCrudPolicy), + "SESCrudPolicy": convertCfnFunctionIdentitySAMPTPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.sesCrudPolicy), + "SESEmailTemplateCrudPolicy": convertCfnFunctionEmptySAMPTPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.sesEmailTemplateCrudPolicy), + "SESSendBouncePolicy": convertCfnFunctionIdentitySAMPTPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.sesSendBouncePolicy), + "SNSCrudPolicy": convertCfnFunctionTopicSAMPTPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.snsCrudPolicy), + "SNSPublishMessagePolicy": convertCfnFunctionTopicSAMPTPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.snsPublishMessagePolicy), + "SQSPollerPolicy": convertCfnFunctionQueueSAMPTPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.sqsPollerPolicy), + "SQSSendMessagePolicy": convertCfnFunctionQueueSAMPTPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.sqsSendMessagePolicy), + "SSMParameterReadPolicy": convertCfnFunctionParameterNameSAMPTPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.ssmParameterReadPolicy), + "StepFunctionsExecutionPolicy": convertCfnFunctionStateMachineSAMPTPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.stepFunctionsExecutionPolicy), + "VPCAccessPolicy": convertCfnFunctionEmptySAMPTPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.vpcAccessPolicy) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionSAMPolicyTemplatePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("amiDescribePolicy", "AMIDescribePolicy", (properties.AMIDescribePolicy != null ? CfnFunctionEmptySAMPTPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.AMIDescribePolicy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("awsSecretsManagerGetSecretValuePolicy", "AWSSecretsManagerGetSecretValuePolicy", (properties.AWSSecretsManagerGetSecretValuePolicy != null ? CfnFunctionSecretArnSAMPTPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.AWSSecretsManagerGetSecretValuePolicy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("cloudFormationDescribeStacksPolicy", "CloudFormationDescribeStacksPolicy", (properties.CloudFormationDescribeStacksPolicy != null ? CfnFunctionEmptySAMPTPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.CloudFormationDescribeStacksPolicy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("cloudWatchPutMetricPolicy", "CloudWatchPutMetricPolicy", (properties.CloudWatchPutMetricPolicy != null ? CfnFunctionEmptySAMPTPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.CloudWatchPutMetricPolicy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("dynamoDbCrudPolicy", "DynamoDBCrudPolicy", (properties.DynamoDBCrudPolicy != null ? CfnFunctionTableSAMPTPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.DynamoDBCrudPolicy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("dynamoDbReadPolicy", "DynamoDBReadPolicy", (properties.DynamoDBReadPolicy != null ? CfnFunctionTableSAMPTPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.DynamoDBReadPolicy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("dynamoDbStreamReadPolicy", "DynamoDBStreamReadPolicy", (properties.DynamoDBStreamReadPolicy != null ? CfnFunctionTableStreamSAMPTPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.DynamoDBStreamReadPolicy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("dynamoDbWritePolicy", "DynamoDBWritePolicy", (properties.DynamoDBWritePolicy != null ? CfnFunctionTableSAMPTPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.DynamoDBWritePolicy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ec2DescribePolicy", "EC2DescribePolicy", (properties.EC2DescribePolicy != null ? CfnFunctionEmptySAMPTPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.EC2DescribePolicy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("elasticsearchHttpPostPolicy", "ElasticsearchHttpPostPolicy", (properties.ElasticsearchHttpPostPolicy != null ? CfnFunctionDomainSAMPTPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.ElasticsearchHttpPostPolicy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("filterLogEventsPolicy", "FilterLogEventsPolicy", (properties.FilterLogEventsPolicy != null ? CfnFunctionLogGroupSAMPTPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.FilterLogEventsPolicy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("kinesisCrudPolicy", "KinesisCrudPolicy", (properties.KinesisCrudPolicy != null ? CfnFunctionStreamSAMPTPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.KinesisCrudPolicy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("kinesisStreamReadPolicy", "KinesisStreamReadPolicy", (properties.KinesisStreamReadPolicy != null ? CfnFunctionStreamSAMPTPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.KinesisStreamReadPolicy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("kmsDecryptPolicy", "KMSDecryptPolicy", (properties.KMSDecryptPolicy != null ? CfnFunctionKeySAMPTPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.KMSDecryptPolicy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("lambdaInvokePolicy", "LambdaInvokePolicy", (properties.LambdaInvokePolicy != null ? CfnFunctionFunctionSAMPTPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.LambdaInvokePolicy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("rekognitionDetectOnlyPolicy", "RekognitionDetectOnlyPolicy", (properties.RekognitionDetectOnlyPolicy != null ? CfnFunctionEmptySAMPTPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.RekognitionDetectOnlyPolicy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("rekognitionLabelsPolicy", "RekognitionLabelsPolicy", (properties.RekognitionLabelsPolicy != null ? CfnFunctionEmptySAMPTPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.RekognitionLabelsPolicy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("rekognitionNoDataAccessPolicy", "RekognitionNoDataAccessPolicy", (properties.RekognitionNoDataAccessPolicy != null ? CfnFunctionCollectionSAMPTPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.RekognitionNoDataAccessPolicy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("rekognitionReadPolicy", "RekognitionReadPolicy", (properties.RekognitionReadPolicy != null ? CfnFunctionCollectionSAMPTPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.RekognitionReadPolicy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("rekognitionWriteOnlyAccessPolicy", "RekognitionWriteOnlyAccessPolicy", (properties.RekognitionWriteOnlyAccessPolicy != null ? CfnFunctionCollectionSAMPTPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.RekognitionWriteOnlyAccessPolicy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("s3CrudPolicy", "S3CrudPolicy", (properties.S3CrudPolicy != null ? CfnFunctionBucketSAMPTPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.S3CrudPolicy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("s3ReadPolicy", "S3ReadPolicy", (properties.S3ReadPolicy != null ? CfnFunctionBucketSAMPTPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.S3ReadPolicy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("s3WritePolicy", "S3WritePolicy", (properties.S3WritePolicy != null ? CfnFunctionBucketSAMPTPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.S3WritePolicy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("sesBulkTemplatedCrudPolicy", "SESBulkTemplatedCrudPolicy", (properties.SESBulkTemplatedCrudPolicy != null ? CfnFunctionIdentitySAMPTPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.SESBulkTemplatedCrudPolicy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("sesCrudPolicy", "SESCrudPolicy", (properties.SESCrudPolicy != null ? CfnFunctionIdentitySAMPTPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.SESCrudPolicy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("sesEmailTemplateCrudPolicy", "SESEmailTemplateCrudPolicy", (properties.SESEmailTemplateCrudPolicy != null ? CfnFunctionEmptySAMPTPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.SESEmailTemplateCrudPolicy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("sesSendBouncePolicy", "SESSendBouncePolicy", (properties.SESSendBouncePolicy != null ? CfnFunctionIdentitySAMPTPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.SESSendBouncePolicy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("snsCrudPolicy", "SNSCrudPolicy", (properties.SNSCrudPolicy != null ? CfnFunctionTopicSAMPTPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.SNSCrudPolicy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("snsPublishMessagePolicy", "SNSPublishMessagePolicy", (properties.SNSPublishMessagePolicy != null ? CfnFunctionTopicSAMPTPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.SNSPublishMessagePolicy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("sqsPollerPolicy", "SQSPollerPolicy", (properties.SQSPollerPolicy != null ? CfnFunctionQueueSAMPTPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.SQSPollerPolicy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("sqsSendMessagePolicy", "SQSSendMessagePolicy", (properties.SQSSendMessagePolicy != null ? CfnFunctionQueueSAMPTPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.SQSSendMessagePolicy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ssmParameterReadPolicy", "SSMParameterReadPolicy", (properties.SSMParameterReadPolicy != null ? CfnFunctionParameterNameSAMPTPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.SSMParameterReadPolicy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("stepFunctionsExecutionPolicy", "StepFunctionsExecutionPolicy", (properties.StepFunctionsExecutionPolicy != null ? CfnFunctionStateMachineSAMPTPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.StepFunctionsExecutionPolicy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("vpcAccessPolicy", "VPCAccessPolicy", (properties.VPCAccessPolicy != null ? CfnFunctionEmptySAMPTPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.VPCAccessPolicy) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`ProvisionedConcurrencyConfigProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`ProvisionedConcurrencyConfigProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionProvisionedConcurrencyConfigPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("provisionedConcurrentExecutions", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.provisionedConcurrentExecutions)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("provisionedConcurrentExecutions", cdk.validateString)(properties.provisionedConcurrentExecutions)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"ProvisionedConcurrencyConfigProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionProvisionedConcurrencyConfigPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionProvisionedConcurrencyConfigPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ProvisionedConcurrentExecutions": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.provisionedConcurrentExecutions) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionProvisionedConcurrencyConfigPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("provisionedConcurrentExecutions", "ProvisionedConcurrentExecutions", (properties.ProvisionedConcurrentExecutions != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ProvisionedConcurrentExecutions) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`VpcConfigProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`VpcConfigProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionVpcConfigPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("securityGroupIds", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.securityGroupIds)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("securityGroupIds", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.securityGroupIds)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("subnetIds", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.subnetIds)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("subnetIds", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.subnetIds)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"VpcConfigProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionVpcConfigPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionVpcConfigPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "SecurityGroupIds": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.securityGroupIds), + "SubnetIds": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.subnetIds) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionVpcConfigPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("securityGroupIds", "SecurityGroupIds", (properties.SecurityGroupIds != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.SecurityGroupIds) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("subnetIds", "SubnetIds", (properties.SubnetIds != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.SubnetIds) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnFunctionProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnFunctionProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("architectures", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.architectures)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("assumeRolePolicyDocument", cdk.validateObject)(properties.assumeRolePolicyDocument)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("autoPublishAlias", cdk.validateString)(properties.autoPublishAlias)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("autoPublishCodeSha256", cdk.validateString)(properties.autoPublishCodeSha256)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("codeSigningConfigArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.codeSigningConfigArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("codeUri", cdk.unionValidator(CfnFunctionS3LocationPropertyValidator, cdk.validateString))(properties.codeUri)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("deadLetterQueue", CfnFunctionDeadLetterQueuePropertyValidator)(properties.deadLetterQueue)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("deploymentPreference", CfnFunctionDeploymentPreferencePropertyValidator)(properties.deploymentPreference)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("description", cdk.validateString)(properties.description)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("environment", CfnFunctionFunctionEnvironmentPropertyValidator)(properties.environment)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("eventInvokeConfig", CfnFunctionEventInvokeConfigPropertyValidator)(properties.eventInvokeConfig)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("events", cdk.hashValidator(CfnFunctionEventSourcePropertyValidator))(properties.events)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("fileSystemConfigs", cdk.listValidator(CfnFunctionFileSystemConfigPropertyValidator))(properties.fileSystemConfigs)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("functionName", cdk.validateString)(properties.functionName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("handler", cdk.validateString)(properties.handler)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("imageConfig", CfnFunctionImageConfigPropertyValidator)(properties.imageConfig)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("imageUri", cdk.validateString)(properties.imageUri)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("inlineCode", cdk.validateString)(properties.inlineCode)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("kmsKeyArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.kmsKeyArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("layers", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.layers)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("memorySize", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.memorySize)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("packageType", cdk.validateString)(properties.packageType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("permissionsBoundary", cdk.validateString)(properties.permissionsBoundary)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("policies", cdk.unionValidator(cdk.listValidator(cdk.unionValidator(CfnFunctionIAMPolicyDocumentPropertyValidator, CfnFunctionSAMPolicyTemplatePropertyValidator, cdk.validateString)), CfnFunctionIAMPolicyDocumentPropertyValidator, cdk.validateString))(properties.policies)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("provisionedConcurrencyConfig", CfnFunctionProvisionedConcurrencyConfigPropertyValidator)(properties.provisionedConcurrencyConfig)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("reservedConcurrentExecutions", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.reservedConcurrentExecutions)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("role", cdk.validateString)(properties.role)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("runtime", cdk.validateString)(properties.runtime)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.hashValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.tags)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("timeout", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.timeout)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tracing", cdk.validateString)(properties.tracing)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("versionDescription", cdk.validateString)(properties.versionDescription)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vpcConfig", CfnFunctionVpcConfigPropertyValidator)(properties.vpcConfig)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnFunctionProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnFunctionPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnFunctionPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Architectures": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.architectures), + "AssumeRolePolicyDocument": cdk.objectToCloudFormation(properties.assumeRolePolicyDocument), + "AutoPublishAlias": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.autoPublishAlias), + "AutoPublishCodeSha256": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.autoPublishCodeSha256), + "CodeSigningConfigArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.codeSigningConfigArn), + "CodeUri": cdk.unionMapper([CfnFunctionS3LocationPropertyValidator, cdk.validateString], [convertCfnFunctionS3LocationPropertyToCloudFormation, cdk.stringToCloudFormation])(properties.codeUri), + "DeadLetterQueue": convertCfnFunctionDeadLetterQueuePropertyToCloudFormation(properties.deadLetterQueue), + "DeploymentPreference": convertCfnFunctionDeploymentPreferencePropertyToCloudFormation(properties.deploymentPreference), + "Description": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.description), + "Environment": convertCfnFunctionFunctionEnvironmentPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.environment), + "EventInvokeConfig": convertCfnFunctionEventInvokeConfigPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.eventInvokeConfig), + "Events": cdk.hashMapper(convertCfnFunctionEventSourcePropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.events), + "FileSystemConfigs": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnFunctionFileSystemConfigPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.fileSystemConfigs), + "FunctionName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.functionName), + "Handler": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.handler), + "ImageConfig": convertCfnFunctionImageConfigPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.imageConfig), + "ImageUri": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.imageUri), + "InlineCode": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.inlineCode), + "KmsKeyArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.kmsKeyArn), + "Layers": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.layers), + "MemorySize": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.memorySize), + "PackageType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.packageType), + "PermissionsBoundary": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.permissionsBoundary), + "Policies": cdk.unionMapper([cdk.listValidator(cdk.unionValidator(CfnFunctionIAMPolicyDocumentPropertyValidator, CfnFunctionSAMPolicyTemplatePropertyValidator, cdk.validateString)), CfnFunctionIAMPolicyDocumentPropertyValidator, cdk.validateString], [cdk.listMapper(cdk.unionMapper([CfnFunctionIAMPolicyDocumentPropertyValidator, CfnFunctionSAMPolicyTemplatePropertyValidator, cdk.validateString], [convertCfnFunctionIAMPolicyDocumentPropertyToCloudFormation, convertCfnFunctionSAMPolicyTemplatePropertyToCloudFormation, cdk.stringToCloudFormation])), convertCfnFunctionIAMPolicyDocumentPropertyToCloudFormation, cdk.stringToCloudFormation])(properties.policies), + "ProvisionedConcurrencyConfig": convertCfnFunctionProvisionedConcurrencyConfigPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.provisionedConcurrencyConfig), + "ReservedConcurrentExecutions": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.reservedConcurrentExecutions), + "Role": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.role), + "Runtime": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.runtime), + "Tags": cdk.hashMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.tags), + "Timeout": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.timeout), + "Tracing": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.tracing), + "VersionDescription": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.versionDescription), + "VpcConfig": convertCfnFunctionVpcConfigPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.vpcConfig) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnFunctionPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("architectures", "Architectures", (properties.Architectures != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.Architectures) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("assumeRolePolicyDocument", "AssumeRolePolicyDocument", (properties.AssumeRolePolicyDocument != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getAny(properties.AssumeRolePolicyDocument) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("autoPublishAlias", "AutoPublishAlias", (properties.AutoPublishAlias != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.AutoPublishAlias) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("autoPublishCodeSha256", "AutoPublishCodeSha256", (properties.AutoPublishCodeSha256 != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.AutoPublishCodeSha256) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("codeSigningConfigArn", "CodeSigningConfigArn", (properties.CodeSigningConfigArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.CodeSigningConfigArn) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("codeUri", "CodeUri", (properties.CodeUri != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getTypeUnion([CfnFunctionS3LocationPropertyValidator, cdk.validateString], [CfnFunctionS3LocationPropertyFromCloudFormation, cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString])(properties.CodeUri) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("deadLetterQueue", "DeadLetterQueue", (properties.DeadLetterQueue != null ? CfnFunctionDeadLetterQueuePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.DeadLetterQueue) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("deploymentPreference", "DeploymentPreference", (properties.DeploymentPreference != null ? CfnFunctionDeploymentPreferencePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.DeploymentPreference) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("description", "Description", (properties.Description != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Description) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("environment", "Environment", (properties.Environment != null ? CfnFunctionFunctionEnvironmentPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.Environment) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("eventInvokeConfig", "EventInvokeConfig", (properties.EventInvokeConfig != null ? CfnFunctionEventInvokeConfigPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.EventInvokeConfig) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("events", "Events", (properties.Events != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getMap(CfnFunctionEventSourcePropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.Events) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("fileSystemConfigs", "FileSystemConfigs", (properties.FileSystemConfigs != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnFunctionFileSystemConfigPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.FileSystemConfigs) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("functionName", "FunctionName", (properties.FunctionName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.FunctionName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("handler", "Handler", (properties.Handler != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Handler) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("imageConfig", "ImageConfig", (properties.ImageConfig != null ? CfnFunctionImageConfigPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.ImageConfig) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("imageUri", "ImageUri", (properties.ImageUri != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ImageUri) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("inlineCode", "InlineCode", (properties.InlineCode != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.InlineCode) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("kmsKeyArn", "KmsKeyArn", (properties.KmsKeyArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.KmsKeyArn) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("layers", "Layers", (properties.Layers != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.Layers) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("memorySize", "MemorySize", (properties.MemorySize != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.MemorySize) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("packageType", "PackageType", (properties.PackageType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.PackageType) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("permissionsBoundary", "PermissionsBoundary", (properties.PermissionsBoundary != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.PermissionsBoundary) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("policies", "Policies", (properties.Policies != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getTypeUnion([cdk.listValidator(cdk.unionValidator(CfnFunctionIAMPolicyDocumentPropertyValidator, CfnFunctionSAMPolicyTemplatePropertyValidator, cdk.validateString)), CfnFunctionIAMPolicyDocumentPropertyValidator, cdk.validateString], [cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getTypeUnion([CfnFunctionIAMPolicyDocumentPropertyValidator, CfnFunctionSAMPolicyTemplatePropertyValidator, cdk.validateString], [CfnFunctionIAMPolicyDocumentPropertyFromCloudFormation, CfnFunctionSAMPolicyTemplatePropertyFromCloudFormation, cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString])), CfnFunctionIAMPolicyDocumentPropertyFromCloudFormation, cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString])(properties.Policies) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("provisionedConcurrencyConfig", "ProvisionedConcurrencyConfig", (properties.ProvisionedConcurrencyConfig != null ? CfnFunctionProvisionedConcurrencyConfigPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.ProvisionedConcurrencyConfig) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("reservedConcurrentExecutions", "ReservedConcurrentExecutions", (properties.ReservedConcurrentExecutions != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.ReservedConcurrentExecutions) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("role", "Role", (properties.Role != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Role) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("runtime", "Runtime", (properties.Runtime != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Runtime) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getMap(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("timeout", "Timeout", (properties.Timeout != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Timeout) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tracing", "Tracing", (properties.Tracing != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Tracing) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("versionDescription", "VersionDescription", (properties.VersionDescription != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.VersionDescription) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("vpcConfig", "VpcConfig", (properties.VpcConfig != null ? CfnFunctionVpcConfigPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.VpcConfig) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Definition of AWS::Serverless::HttpApi. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-httpapi.html + */ +export class CfnHttpApi extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::Serverless::HttpApi"; + + /** + * The \`Transform\` a template must use in order to use this resource + */ + public static readonly REQUIRED_TRANSFORM: string = "AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31"; + + /** + * Build a CfnHttpApi from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnHttpApi { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnHttpApiPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnHttpApi(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + public accessLogSetting?: CfnHttpApi.AccessLogSettingProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + public auth?: CfnHttpApi.HttpApiAuthProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + public corsConfiguration?: boolean | CfnHttpApi.CorsConfigurationObjectProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + public defaultRouteSettings?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnHttpApi.RouteSettingsProperty; + + public definitionBody?: any | cdk.IResolvable; + + public definitionUri?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnHttpApi.S3LocationProperty | string; + + public description?: string; + + public disableExecuteApiEndpoint?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + public domain?: CfnHttpApi.HttpApiDomainConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + public failOnWarnings?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + public routeSettings?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnHttpApi.RouteSettingsProperty; + + public stageName?: string; + + public stageVariables?: cdk.IResolvable | Record; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + public tagsRaw?: Record; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnHttpApiProps = {}) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnHttpApi.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + // Automatically add the required transform + this.stack.addTransform(CfnHttpApi.REQUIRED_TRANSFORM); + + this.accessLogSetting = props.accessLogSetting; + this.auth = props.auth; + this.corsConfiguration = props.corsConfiguration; + this.defaultRouteSettings = props.defaultRouteSettings; + this.definitionBody = props.definitionBody; + this.definitionUri = props.definitionUri; + this.description = props.description; + this.disableExecuteApiEndpoint = props.disableExecuteApiEndpoint; + this.domain = props.domain; + this.failOnWarnings = props.failOnWarnings; + this.routeSettings = props.routeSettings; + this.stageName = props.stageName; + this.stageVariables = props.stageVariables; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.MAP, "AWS::Serverless::HttpApi", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "accessLogSetting": this.accessLogSetting, + "auth": this.auth, + "corsConfiguration": this.corsConfiguration, + "defaultRouteSettings": this.defaultRouteSettings, + "definitionBody": this.definitionBody, + "definitionUri": this.definitionUri, + "description": this.description, + "disableExecuteApiEndpoint": this.disableExecuteApiEndpoint, + "domain": this.domain, + "failOnWarnings": this.failOnWarnings, + "routeSettings": this.routeSettings, + "stageName": this.stageName, + "stageVariables": this.stageVariables, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags() + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnHttpApi.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnHttpApiPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +export namespace CfnHttpApi { + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-httpapi-accesslogsetting.html + */ + export interface AccessLogSettingProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-httpapi-accesslogsetting.html#cfn-serverless-httpapi-accesslogsetting-destinationarn + */ + readonly destinationArn?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-httpapi-accesslogsetting.html#cfn-serverless-httpapi-accesslogsetting-format + */ + readonly format?: string; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-httpapi-httpapiauth.html + */ + export interface HttpApiAuthProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-httpapi-httpapiauth.html#cfn-serverless-httpapi-httpapiauth-authorizers + */ + readonly authorizers?: any | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-httpapi-httpapiauth.html#cfn-serverless-httpapi-httpapiauth-defaultauthorizer + */ + readonly defaultAuthorizer?: string; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-httpapi-corsconfigurationobject.html + */ + export interface CorsConfigurationObjectProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-httpapi-corsconfigurationobject.html#cfn-serverless-httpapi-corsconfigurationobject-allowcredentials + */ + readonly allowCredentials?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-httpapi-corsconfigurationobject.html#cfn-serverless-httpapi-corsconfigurationobject-allowheaders + */ + readonly allowHeaders?: Array; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-httpapi-corsconfigurationobject.html#cfn-serverless-httpapi-corsconfigurationobject-allowmethods + */ + readonly allowMethods?: Array; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-httpapi-corsconfigurationobject.html#cfn-serverless-httpapi-corsconfigurationobject-alloworigins + */ + readonly allowOrigins?: Array; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-httpapi-corsconfigurationobject.html#cfn-serverless-httpapi-corsconfigurationobject-exposeheaders + */ + readonly exposeHeaders?: Array; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-httpapi-corsconfigurationobject.html#cfn-serverless-httpapi-corsconfigurationobject-maxage + */ + readonly maxAge?: number; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-httpapi-routesettings.html + */ + export interface RouteSettingsProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-httpapi-routesettings.html#cfn-serverless-httpapi-routesettings-datatraceenabled + */ + readonly dataTraceEnabled?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-httpapi-routesettings.html#cfn-serverless-httpapi-routesettings-detailedmetricsenabled + */ + readonly detailedMetricsEnabled?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-httpapi-routesettings.html#cfn-serverless-httpapi-routesettings-logginglevel + */ + readonly loggingLevel?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-httpapi-routesettings.html#cfn-serverless-httpapi-routesettings-throttlingburstlimit + */ + readonly throttlingBurstLimit?: number; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-httpapi-routesettings.html#cfn-serverless-httpapi-routesettings-throttlingratelimit + */ + readonly throttlingRateLimit?: number; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-httpapi-s3location.html + */ + export interface S3LocationProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-httpapi-s3location.html#cfn-serverless-httpapi-s3location-bucket + */ + readonly bucket: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-httpapi-s3location.html#cfn-serverless-httpapi-s3location-key + */ + readonly key: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-httpapi-s3location.html#cfn-serverless-httpapi-s3location-version + */ + readonly version: number; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-httpapi-httpapidomainconfiguration.html + */ + export interface HttpApiDomainConfigurationProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-httpapi-httpapidomainconfiguration.html#cfn-serverless-httpapi-httpapidomainconfiguration-basepath + */ + readonly basePath?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-httpapi-httpapidomainconfiguration.html#cfn-serverless-httpapi-httpapidomainconfiguration-certificatearn + */ + readonly certificateArn: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-httpapi-httpapidomainconfiguration.html#cfn-serverless-httpapi-httpapidomainconfiguration-domainname + */ + readonly domainName: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-httpapi-httpapidomainconfiguration.html#cfn-serverless-httpapi-httpapidomainconfiguration-endpointconfiguration + */ + readonly endpointConfiguration?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-httpapi-httpapidomainconfiguration.html#cfn-serverless-httpapi-httpapidomainconfiguration-mutualtlsauthentication + */ + readonly mutualTlsAuthentication?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnHttpApi.MutualTlsAuthenticationProperty; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-httpapi-httpapidomainconfiguration.html#cfn-serverless-httpapi-httpapidomainconfiguration-route53 + */ + readonly route53?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnHttpApi.Route53ConfigurationProperty; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-httpapi-httpapidomainconfiguration.html#cfn-serverless-httpapi-httpapidomainconfiguration-securitypolicy + */ + readonly securityPolicy?: string; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-httpapi-mutualtlsauthentication.html + */ + export interface MutualTlsAuthenticationProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-httpapi-mutualtlsauthentication.html#cfn-serverless-httpapi-mutualtlsauthentication-truststoreuri + */ + readonly truststoreUri?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-httpapi-mutualtlsauthentication.html#cfn-serverless-httpapi-mutualtlsauthentication-truststoreversion + */ + readonly truststoreVersion?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-httpapi-route53configuration.html + */ + export interface Route53ConfigurationProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-httpapi-route53configuration.html#cfn-serverless-httpapi-route53configuration-distributeddomainname + */ + readonly distributedDomainName?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-httpapi-route53configuration.html#cfn-serverless-httpapi-route53configuration-evaluatetargethealth + */ + readonly evaluateTargetHealth?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-httpapi-route53configuration.html#cfn-serverless-httpapi-route53configuration-hostedzoneid + */ + readonly hostedZoneId?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-httpapi-route53configuration.html#cfn-serverless-httpapi-route53configuration-hostedzonename + */ + readonly hostedZoneName?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-httpapi-route53configuration.html#cfn-serverless-httpapi-route53configuration-ipv6 + */ + readonly ipV6?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnHttpApi\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-httpapi.html + */ +export interface CfnHttpApiProps { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-httpapi.html#cfn-serverless-httpapi-accesslogsetting + */ + readonly accessLogSetting?: CfnHttpApi.AccessLogSettingProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-httpapi.html#cfn-serverless-httpapi-auth + */ + readonly auth?: CfnHttpApi.HttpApiAuthProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-httpapi.html#cfn-serverless-httpapi-corsconfiguration + */ + readonly corsConfiguration?: boolean | CfnHttpApi.CorsConfigurationObjectProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-httpapi.html#cfn-serverless-httpapi-defaultroutesettings + */ + readonly defaultRouteSettings?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnHttpApi.RouteSettingsProperty; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-httpapi.html#cfn-serverless-httpapi-definitionbody + */ + readonly definitionBody?: any | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-httpapi.html#cfn-serverless-httpapi-definitionuri + */ + readonly definitionUri?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnHttpApi.S3LocationProperty | string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-httpapi.html#cfn-serverless-httpapi-description + */ + readonly description?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-httpapi.html#cfn-serverless-httpapi-disableexecuteapiendpoint + */ + readonly disableExecuteApiEndpoint?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-httpapi.html#cfn-serverless-httpapi-domain + */ + readonly domain?: CfnHttpApi.HttpApiDomainConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-httpapi.html#cfn-serverless-httpapi-failonwarnings + */ + readonly failOnWarnings?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-httpapi.html#cfn-serverless-httpapi-routesettings + */ + readonly routeSettings?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnHttpApi.RouteSettingsProperty; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-httpapi.html#cfn-serverless-httpapi-stagename + */ + readonly stageName?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-httpapi.html#cfn-serverless-httpapi-stagevariables + */ + readonly stageVariables?: cdk.IResolvable | Record; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-httpapi.html#cfn-serverless-httpapi-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Record; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`AccessLogSettingProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`AccessLogSettingProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnHttpApiAccessLogSettingPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("destinationArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.destinationArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("format", cdk.validateString)(properties.format)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"AccessLogSettingProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnHttpApiAccessLogSettingPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnHttpApiAccessLogSettingPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "DestinationArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.destinationArn), + "Format": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.format) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnHttpApiAccessLogSettingPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("destinationArn", "DestinationArn", (properties.DestinationArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DestinationArn) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("format", "Format", (properties.Format != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Format) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`HttpApiAuthProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`HttpApiAuthProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnHttpApiHttpApiAuthPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("authorizers", cdk.validateObject)(properties.authorizers)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("defaultAuthorizer", cdk.validateString)(properties.defaultAuthorizer)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"HttpApiAuthProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnHttpApiHttpApiAuthPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnHttpApiHttpApiAuthPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Authorizers": cdk.objectToCloudFormation(properties.authorizers), + "DefaultAuthorizer": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.defaultAuthorizer) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnHttpApiHttpApiAuthPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("authorizers", "Authorizers", (properties.Authorizers != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getAny(properties.Authorizers) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("defaultAuthorizer", "DefaultAuthorizer", (properties.DefaultAuthorizer != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DefaultAuthorizer) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CorsConfigurationObjectProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CorsConfigurationObjectProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnHttpApiCorsConfigurationObjectPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("allowCredentials", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.allowCredentials)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("allowHeaders", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.allowHeaders)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("allowMethods", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.allowMethods)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("allowOrigins", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.allowOrigins)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("exposeHeaders", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.exposeHeaders)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("maxAge", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.maxAge)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CorsConfigurationObjectProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnHttpApiCorsConfigurationObjectPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnHttpApiCorsConfigurationObjectPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AllowCredentials": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.allowCredentials), + "AllowHeaders": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.allowHeaders), + "AllowMethods": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.allowMethods), + "AllowOrigins": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.allowOrigins), + "ExposeHeaders": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.exposeHeaders), + "MaxAge": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.maxAge) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnHttpApiCorsConfigurationObjectPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("allowCredentials", "AllowCredentials", (properties.AllowCredentials != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.AllowCredentials) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("allowHeaders", "AllowHeaders", (properties.AllowHeaders != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.AllowHeaders) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("allowMethods", "AllowMethods", (properties.AllowMethods != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.AllowMethods) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("allowOrigins", "AllowOrigins", (properties.AllowOrigins != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.AllowOrigins) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("exposeHeaders", "ExposeHeaders", (properties.ExposeHeaders != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.ExposeHeaders) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("maxAge", "MaxAge", (properties.MaxAge != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.MaxAge) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`RouteSettingsProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`RouteSettingsProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnHttpApiRouteSettingsPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("dataTraceEnabled", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.dataTraceEnabled)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("detailedMetricsEnabled", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.detailedMetricsEnabled)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("loggingLevel", cdk.validateString)(properties.loggingLevel)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("throttlingBurstLimit", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.throttlingBurstLimit)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("throttlingRateLimit", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.throttlingRateLimit)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"RouteSettingsProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnHttpApiRouteSettingsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnHttpApiRouteSettingsPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "DataTraceEnabled": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.dataTraceEnabled), + "DetailedMetricsEnabled": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.detailedMetricsEnabled), + "LoggingLevel": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.loggingLevel), + "ThrottlingBurstLimit": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.throttlingBurstLimit), + "ThrottlingRateLimit": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.throttlingRateLimit) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnHttpApiRouteSettingsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("dataTraceEnabled", "DataTraceEnabled", (properties.DataTraceEnabled != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.DataTraceEnabled) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("detailedMetricsEnabled", "DetailedMetricsEnabled", (properties.DetailedMetricsEnabled != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.DetailedMetricsEnabled) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("loggingLevel", "LoggingLevel", (properties.LoggingLevel != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.LoggingLevel) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("throttlingBurstLimit", "ThrottlingBurstLimit", (properties.ThrottlingBurstLimit != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.ThrottlingBurstLimit) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("throttlingRateLimit", "ThrottlingRateLimit", (properties.ThrottlingRateLimit != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.ThrottlingRateLimit) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`S3LocationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`S3LocationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnHttpApiS3LocationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("bucket", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.bucket)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("bucket", cdk.validateString)(properties.bucket)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("key", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.key)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("key", cdk.validateString)(properties.key)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("version", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.version)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("version", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.version)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"S3LocationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnHttpApiS3LocationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnHttpApiS3LocationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Bucket": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.bucket), + "Key": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.key), + "Version": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.version) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnHttpApiS3LocationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("bucket", "Bucket", (properties.Bucket != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Bucket) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("key", "Key", (properties.Key != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Key) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("version", "Version", (properties.Version != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Version) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`MutualTlsAuthenticationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`MutualTlsAuthenticationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnHttpApiMutualTlsAuthenticationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("truststoreUri", cdk.validateString)(properties.truststoreUri)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("truststoreVersion", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.truststoreVersion)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"MutualTlsAuthenticationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnHttpApiMutualTlsAuthenticationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnHttpApiMutualTlsAuthenticationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "TruststoreUri": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.truststoreUri), + "TruststoreVersion": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.truststoreVersion) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnHttpApiMutualTlsAuthenticationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("truststoreUri", "TruststoreUri", (properties.TruststoreUri != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.TruststoreUri) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("truststoreVersion", "TruststoreVersion", (properties.TruststoreVersion != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.TruststoreVersion) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`Route53ConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`Route53ConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnHttpApiRoute53ConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("distributedDomainName", cdk.validateString)(properties.distributedDomainName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("evaluateTargetHealth", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.evaluateTargetHealth)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("hostedZoneId", cdk.validateString)(properties.hostedZoneId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("hostedZoneName", cdk.validateString)(properties.hostedZoneName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ipV6", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.ipV6)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"Route53ConfigurationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnHttpApiRoute53ConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnHttpApiRoute53ConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "DistributedDomainName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.distributedDomainName), + "EvaluateTargetHealth": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.evaluateTargetHealth), + "HostedZoneId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.hostedZoneId), + "HostedZoneName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.hostedZoneName), + "IpV6": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.ipV6) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnHttpApiRoute53ConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("distributedDomainName", "DistributedDomainName", (properties.DistributedDomainName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DistributedDomainName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("evaluateTargetHealth", "EvaluateTargetHealth", (properties.EvaluateTargetHealth != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.EvaluateTargetHealth) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("hostedZoneId", "HostedZoneId", (properties.HostedZoneId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.HostedZoneId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("hostedZoneName", "HostedZoneName", (properties.HostedZoneName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.HostedZoneName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ipV6", "IpV6", (properties.IpV6 != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.IpV6) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`HttpApiDomainConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`HttpApiDomainConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnHttpApiHttpApiDomainConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("basePath", cdk.validateString)(properties.basePath)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("certificateArn", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.certificateArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("certificateArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.certificateArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("domainName", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.domainName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("domainName", cdk.validateString)(properties.domainName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("endpointConfiguration", cdk.validateString)(properties.endpointConfiguration)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("mutualTlsAuthentication", CfnHttpApiMutualTlsAuthenticationPropertyValidator)(properties.mutualTlsAuthentication)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("route53", CfnHttpApiRoute53ConfigurationPropertyValidator)(properties.route53)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("securityPolicy", cdk.validateString)(properties.securityPolicy)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"HttpApiDomainConfigurationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnHttpApiHttpApiDomainConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnHttpApiHttpApiDomainConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "BasePath": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.basePath), + "CertificateArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.certificateArn), + "DomainName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.domainName), + "EndpointConfiguration": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.endpointConfiguration), + "MutualTlsAuthentication": convertCfnHttpApiMutualTlsAuthenticationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.mutualTlsAuthentication), + "Route53": convertCfnHttpApiRoute53ConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.route53), + "SecurityPolicy": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.securityPolicy) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnHttpApiHttpApiDomainConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("basePath", "BasePath", (properties.BasePath != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.BasePath) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("certificateArn", "CertificateArn", (properties.CertificateArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.CertificateArn) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("domainName", "DomainName", (properties.DomainName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DomainName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("endpointConfiguration", "EndpointConfiguration", (properties.EndpointConfiguration != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.EndpointConfiguration) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("mutualTlsAuthentication", "MutualTlsAuthentication", (properties.MutualTlsAuthentication != null ? CfnHttpApiMutualTlsAuthenticationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.MutualTlsAuthentication) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("route53", "Route53", (properties.Route53 != null ? CfnHttpApiRoute53ConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.Route53) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("securityPolicy", "SecurityPolicy", (properties.SecurityPolicy != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SecurityPolicy) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnHttpApiProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnHttpApiProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnHttpApiPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("accessLogSetting", CfnHttpApiAccessLogSettingPropertyValidator)(properties.accessLogSetting)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("auth", CfnHttpApiHttpApiAuthPropertyValidator)(properties.auth)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("corsConfiguration", cdk.unionValidator(cdk.validateBoolean, CfnHttpApiCorsConfigurationObjectPropertyValidator))(properties.corsConfiguration)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("defaultRouteSettings", CfnHttpApiRouteSettingsPropertyValidator)(properties.defaultRouteSettings)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("definitionBody", cdk.validateObject)(properties.definitionBody)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("definitionUri", cdk.unionValidator(CfnHttpApiS3LocationPropertyValidator, cdk.validateString))(properties.definitionUri)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("description", cdk.validateString)(properties.description)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("disableExecuteApiEndpoint", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.disableExecuteApiEndpoint)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("domain", CfnHttpApiHttpApiDomainConfigurationPropertyValidator)(properties.domain)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("failOnWarnings", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.failOnWarnings)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("routeSettings", CfnHttpApiRouteSettingsPropertyValidator)(properties.routeSettings)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("stageName", cdk.validateString)(properties.stageName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("stageVariables", cdk.hashValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.stageVariables)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.hashValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.tags)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnHttpApiProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnHttpApiPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnHttpApiPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AccessLogSetting": convertCfnHttpApiAccessLogSettingPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.accessLogSetting), + "Auth": convertCfnHttpApiHttpApiAuthPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.auth), + "CorsConfiguration": cdk.unionMapper([cdk.validateBoolean, CfnHttpApiCorsConfigurationObjectPropertyValidator], [cdk.booleanToCloudFormation, convertCfnHttpApiCorsConfigurationObjectPropertyToCloudFormation])(properties.corsConfiguration), + "DefaultRouteSettings": convertCfnHttpApiRouteSettingsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.defaultRouteSettings), + "DefinitionBody": cdk.objectToCloudFormation(properties.definitionBody), + "DefinitionUri": cdk.unionMapper([CfnHttpApiS3LocationPropertyValidator, cdk.validateString], [convertCfnHttpApiS3LocationPropertyToCloudFormation, cdk.stringToCloudFormation])(properties.definitionUri), + "Description": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.description), + "DisableExecuteApiEndpoint": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.disableExecuteApiEndpoint), + "Domain": convertCfnHttpApiHttpApiDomainConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.domain), + "FailOnWarnings": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.failOnWarnings), + "RouteSettings": convertCfnHttpApiRouteSettingsPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.routeSettings), + "StageName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.stageName), + "StageVariables": cdk.hashMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.stageVariables), + "Tags": cdk.hashMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.tags) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnHttpApiPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("accessLogSetting", "AccessLogSetting", (properties.AccessLogSetting != null ? CfnHttpApiAccessLogSettingPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.AccessLogSetting) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("auth", "Auth", (properties.Auth != null ? CfnHttpApiHttpApiAuthPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.Auth) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("corsConfiguration", "CorsConfiguration", (properties.CorsConfiguration != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getTypeUnion([cdk.validateBoolean, CfnHttpApiCorsConfigurationObjectPropertyValidator], [cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean, CfnHttpApiCorsConfigurationObjectPropertyFromCloudFormation])(properties.CorsConfiguration) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("defaultRouteSettings", "DefaultRouteSettings", (properties.DefaultRouteSettings != null ? CfnHttpApiRouteSettingsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.DefaultRouteSettings) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("definitionBody", "DefinitionBody", (properties.DefinitionBody != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getAny(properties.DefinitionBody) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("definitionUri", "DefinitionUri", (properties.DefinitionUri != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getTypeUnion([CfnHttpApiS3LocationPropertyValidator, cdk.validateString], [CfnHttpApiS3LocationPropertyFromCloudFormation, cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString])(properties.DefinitionUri) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("description", "Description", (properties.Description != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Description) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("disableExecuteApiEndpoint", "DisableExecuteApiEndpoint", (properties.DisableExecuteApiEndpoint != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.DisableExecuteApiEndpoint) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("domain", "Domain", (properties.Domain != null ? CfnHttpApiHttpApiDomainConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.Domain) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("failOnWarnings", "FailOnWarnings", (properties.FailOnWarnings != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.FailOnWarnings) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("routeSettings", "RouteSettings", (properties.RouteSettings != null ? CfnHttpApiRouteSettingsPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.RouteSettings) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("stageName", "StageName", (properties.StageName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.StageName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("stageVariables", "StageVariables", (properties.StageVariables != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getMap(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.StageVariables) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getMap(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Definition of AWS::Serverless::LayerVersion. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-layerversion.html + */ +export class CfnLayerVersion extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::Serverless::LayerVersion"; + + /** + * The \`Transform\` a template must use in order to use this resource + */ + public static readonly REQUIRED_TRANSFORM: string = "AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31"; + + /** + * Build a CfnLayerVersion from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnLayerVersion { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnLayerVersionPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnLayerVersion(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + public compatibleRuntimes?: Array; + + public contentUri?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnLayerVersion.S3LocationProperty | string; + + public description?: string; + + public layerName?: string; + + public licenseInfo?: string; + + public retentionPolicy?: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnLayerVersionProps = {}) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnLayerVersion.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + // Automatically add the required transform + this.stack.addTransform(CfnLayerVersion.REQUIRED_TRANSFORM); + + this.compatibleRuntimes = props.compatibleRuntimes; + this.contentUri = props.contentUri; + this.description = props.description; + this.layerName = props.layerName; + this.licenseInfo = props.licenseInfo; + this.retentionPolicy = props.retentionPolicy; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "compatibleRuntimes": this.compatibleRuntimes, + "contentUri": this.contentUri, + "description": this.description, + "layerName": this.layerName, + "licenseInfo": this.licenseInfo, + "retentionPolicy": this.retentionPolicy + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnLayerVersion.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnLayerVersionPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +export namespace CfnLayerVersion { + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-layerversion-s3location.html + */ + export interface S3LocationProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-layerversion-s3location.html#cfn-serverless-layerversion-s3location-bucket + */ + readonly bucket: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-layerversion-s3location.html#cfn-serverless-layerversion-s3location-key + */ + readonly key: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-layerversion-s3location.html#cfn-serverless-layerversion-s3location-version + */ + readonly version?: number; + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnLayerVersion\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-layerversion.html + */ +export interface CfnLayerVersionProps { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-layerversion.html#cfn-serverless-layerversion-compatibleruntimes + */ + readonly compatibleRuntimes?: Array; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-layerversion.html#cfn-serverless-layerversion-contenturi + */ + readonly contentUri?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnLayerVersion.S3LocationProperty | string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-layerversion.html#cfn-serverless-layerversion-description + */ + readonly description?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-layerversion.html#cfn-serverless-layerversion-layername + */ + readonly layerName?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-layerversion.html#cfn-serverless-layerversion-licenseinfo + */ + readonly licenseInfo?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-layerversion.html#cfn-serverless-layerversion-retentionpolicy + */ + readonly retentionPolicy?: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`S3LocationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`S3LocationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLayerVersionS3LocationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("bucket", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.bucket)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("bucket", cdk.validateString)(properties.bucket)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("key", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.key)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("key", cdk.validateString)(properties.key)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("version", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.version)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"S3LocationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnLayerVersionS3LocationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnLayerVersionS3LocationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Bucket": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.bucket), + "Key": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.key), + "Version": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.version) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLayerVersionS3LocationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("bucket", "Bucket", (properties.Bucket != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Bucket) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("key", "Key", (properties.Key != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Key) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("version", "Version", (properties.Version != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Version) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnLayerVersionProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnLayerVersionProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLayerVersionPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("compatibleRuntimes", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.compatibleRuntimes)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("contentUri", cdk.unionValidator(CfnLayerVersionS3LocationPropertyValidator, cdk.validateString))(properties.contentUri)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("description", cdk.validateString)(properties.description)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("layerName", cdk.validateString)(properties.layerName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("licenseInfo", cdk.validateString)(properties.licenseInfo)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("retentionPolicy", cdk.validateString)(properties.retentionPolicy)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnLayerVersionProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnLayerVersionPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnLayerVersionPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "CompatibleRuntimes": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.compatibleRuntimes), + "ContentUri": cdk.unionMapper([CfnLayerVersionS3LocationPropertyValidator, cdk.validateString], [convertCfnLayerVersionS3LocationPropertyToCloudFormation, cdk.stringToCloudFormation])(properties.contentUri), + "Description": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.description), + "LayerName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.layerName), + "LicenseInfo": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.licenseInfo), + "RetentionPolicy": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.retentionPolicy) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnLayerVersionPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("compatibleRuntimes", "CompatibleRuntimes", (properties.CompatibleRuntimes != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.CompatibleRuntimes) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("contentUri", "ContentUri", (properties.ContentUri != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getTypeUnion([CfnLayerVersionS3LocationPropertyValidator, cdk.validateString], [CfnLayerVersionS3LocationPropertyFromCloudFormation, cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString])(properties.ContentUri) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("description", "Description", (properties.Description != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Description) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("layerName", "LayerName", (properties.LayerName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.LayerName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("licenseInfo", "LicenseInfo", (properties.LicenseInfo != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.LicenseInfo) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("retentionPolicy", "RetentionPolicy", (properties.RetentionPolicy != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.RetentionPolicy) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Definition of AWS::Serverless::SimpleTable. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-simpletable.html + */ +export class CfnSimpleTable extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::Serverless::SimpleTable"; + + /** + * The \`Transform\` a template must use in order to use this resource + */ + public static readonly REQUIRED_TRANSFORM: string = "AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31"; + + /** + * Build a CfnSimpleTable from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnSimpleTable { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnSimpleTablePropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnSimpleTable(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + public primaryKey?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnSimpleTable.PrimaryKeyProperty; + + public provisionedThroughput?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnSimpleTable.ProvisionedThroughputProperty; + + public sseSpecification?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnSimpleTable.SSESpecificationProperty; + + public tableName?: string; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + public tagsRaw?: Record; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnSimpleTableProps = {}) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnSimpleTable.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + // Automatically add the required transform + this.stack.addTransform(CfnSimpleTable.REQUIRED_TRANSFORM); + + this.primaryKey = props.primaryKey; + this.provisionedThroughput = props.provisionedThroughput; + this.sseSpecification = props.sseSpecification; + this.tableName = props.tableName; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.MAP, "AWS::Serverless::SimpleTable", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "primaryKey": this.primaryKey, + "provisionedThroughput": this.provisionedThroughput, + "sseSpecification": this.sseSpecification, + "tableName": this.tableName, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags() + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnSimpleTable.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnSimpleTablePropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +export namespace CfnSimpleTable { + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-simpletable-primarykey.html + */ + export interface PrimaryKeyProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-simpletable-primarykey.html#cfn-serverless-simpletable-primarykey-name + */ + readonly name?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-simpletable-primarykey.html#cfn-serverless-simpletable-primarykey-type + */ + readonly type: string; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-simpletable-provisionedthroughput.html + */ + export interface ProvisionedThroughputProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-simpletable-provisionedthroughput.html#cfn-serverless-simpletable-provisionedthroughput-readcapacityunits + */ + readonly readCapacityUnits?: number; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-simpletable-provisionedthroughput.html#cfn-serverless-simpletable-provisionedthroughput-writecapacityunits + */ + readonly writeCapacityUnits: number; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-simpletable-ssespecification.html + */ + export interface SSESpecificationProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-simpletable-ssespecification.html#cfn-serverless-simpletable-ssespecification-sseenabled + */ + readonly sseEnabled?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnSimpleTable\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-simpletable.html + */ +export interface CfnSimpleTableProps { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-simpletable.html#cfn-serverless-simpletable-primarykey + */ + readonly primaryKey?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnSimpleTable.PrimaryKeyProperty; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-simpletable.html#cfn-serverless-simpletable-provisionedthroughput + */ + readonly provisionedThroughput?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnSimpleTable.ProvisionedThroughputProperty; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-simpletable.html#cfn-serverless-simpletable-ssespecification + */ + readonly sseSpecification?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnSimpleTable.SSESpecificationProperty; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-simpletable.html#cfn-serverless-simpletable-tablename + */ + readonly tableName?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-simpletable.html#cfn-serverless-simpletable-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Record; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`PrimaryKeyProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`PrimaryKeyProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSimpleTablePrimaryKeyPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("name", cdk.validateString)(properties.name)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("type", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.type)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("type", cdk.validateString)(properties.type)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"PrimaryKeyProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSimpleTablePrimaryKeyPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSimpleTablePrimaryKeyPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Name": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.name), + "Type": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.type) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSimpleTablePrimaryKeyPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("name", "Name", (properties.Name != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Name) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("type", "Type", (properties.Type != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Type) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`ProvisionedThroughputProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`ProvisionedThroughputProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSimpleTableProvisionedThroughputPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("readCapacityUnits", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.readCapacityUnits)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("writeCapacityUnits", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.writeCapacityUnits)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("writeCapacityUnits", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.writeCapacityUnits)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"ProvisionedThroughputProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSimpleTableProvisionedThroughputPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSimpleTableProvisionedThroughputPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ReadCapacityUnits": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.readCapacityUnits), + "WriteCapacityUnits": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.writeCapacityUnits) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSimpleTableProvisionedThroughputPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("readCapacityUnits", "ReadCapacityUnits", (properties.ReadCapacityUnits != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.ReadCapacityUnits) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("writeCapacityUnits", "WriteCapacityUnits", (properties.WriteCapacityUnits != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.WriteCapacityUnits) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`SSESpecificationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`SSESpecificationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSimpleTableSSESpecificationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sseEnabled", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.sseEnabled)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"SSESpecificationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSimpleTableSSESpecificationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSimpleTableSSESpecificationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "SSEEnabled": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.sseEnabled) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSimpleTableSSESpecificationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("sseEnabled", "SSEEnabled", (properties.SSEEnabled != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.SSEEnabled) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnSimpleTableProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnSimpleTableProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSimpleTablePropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("primaryKey", CfnSimpleTablePrimaryKeyPropertyValidator)(properties.primaryKey)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("provisionedThroughput", CfnSimpleTableProvisionedThroughputPropertyValidator)(properties.provisionedThroughput)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sseSpecification", CfnSimpleTableSSESpecificationPropertyValidator)(properties.sseSpecification)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tableName", cdk.validateString)(properties.tableName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.hashValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.tags)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnSimpleTableProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSimpleTablePropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSimpleTablePropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "PrimaryKey": convertCfnSimpleTablePrimaryKeyPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.primaryKey), + "ProvisionedThroughput": convertCfnSimpleTableProvisionedThroughputPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.provisionedThroughput), + "SSESpecification": convertCfnSimpleTableSSESpecificationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.sseSpecification), + "TableName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.tableName), + "Tags": cdk.hashMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.tags) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSimpleTablePropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("primaryKey", "PrimaryKey", (properties.PrimaryKey != null ? CfnSimpleTablePrimaryKeyPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.PrimaryKey) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("provisionedThroughput", "ProvisionedThroughput", (properties.ProvisionedThroughput != null ? CfnSimpleTableProvisionedThroughputPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.ProvisionedThroughput) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("sseSpecification", "SSESpecification", (properties.SSESpecification != null ? CfnSimpleTableSSESpecificationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.SSESpecification) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tableName", "TableName", (properties.TableName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.TableName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getMap(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Definition of AWS::Serverless::StateMachine. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-statemachine.html + */ +export class CfnStateMachine extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::Serverless::StateMachine"; + + /** + * The \`Transform\` a template must use in order to use this resource + */ + public static readonly REQUIRED_TRANSFORM: string = "AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31"; + + /** + * Build a CfnStateMachine from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnStateMachine { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnStateMachinePropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnStateMachine(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + public definition?: any | cdk.IResolvable; + + public definitionSubstitutions?: cdk.IResolvable | Record; + + public definitionUri?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnStateMachine.S3LocationProperty | string; + + public events?: cdk.IResolvable | Record; + + public logging?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnStateMachine.LoggingConfigurationProperty; + + public name?: string; + + public permissionsBoundaries?: string; + + public policies?: Array | CfnStateMachine.IAMPolicyDocumentProperty | cdk.IResolvable | string; + + public role?: string; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + public tagsRaw?: Record; + + public tracing?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnStateMachine.TracingConfigurationProperty; + + public type?: string; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnStateMachineProps = {}) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnStateMachine.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + // Automatically add the required transform + this.stack.addTransform(CfnStateMachine.REQUIRED_TRANSFORM); + + this.definition = props.definition; + this.definitionSubstitutions = props.definitionSubstitutions; + this.definitionUri = props.definitionUri; + this.events = props.events; + this.logging = props.logging; + this.name = props.name; + this.permissionsBoundaries = props.permissionsBoundaries; + this.policies = props.policies; + this.role = props.role; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.MAP, "AWS::Serverless::StateMachine", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + this.tracing = props.tracing; + this.type = props.type; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "definition": this.definition, + "definitionSubstitutions": this.definitionSubstitutions, + "definitionUri": this.definitionUri, + "events": this.events, + "logging": this.logging, + "name": this.name, + "permissionsBoundaries": this.permissionsBoundaries, + "policies": this.policies, + "role": this.role, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags(), + "tracing": this.tracing, + "type": this.type + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnStateMachine.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnStateMachinePropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +export namespace CfnStateMachine { + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-statemachine-s3location.html + */ + export interface S3LocationProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-statemachine-s3location.html#cfn-serverless-statemachine-s3location-bucket + */ + readonly bucket: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-statemachine-s3location.html#cfn-serverless-statemachine-s3location-key + */ + readonly key: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-statemachine-s3location.html#cfn-serverless-statemachine-s3location-version + */ + readonly version?: number; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-statemachine-eventsource.html + */ + export interface EventSourceProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-statemachine-eventsource.html#cfn-serverless-statemachine-eventsource-properties + */ + readonly properties: CfnStateMachine.ApiEventProperty | CfnStateMachine.CloudWatchEventEventProperty | CfnStateMachine.EventBridgeRuleEventProperty | cdk.IResolvable | CfnStateMachine.ScheduleEventProperty; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-statemachine-eventsource.html#cfn-serverless-statemachine-eventsource-type + */ + readonly type: string; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-statemachine-cloudwatcheventevent.html + */ + export interface CloudWatchEventEventProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-statemachine-cloudwatcheventevent.html#cfn-serverless-statemachine-cloudwatcheventevent-eventbusname + */ + readonly eventBusName?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-statemachine-cloudwatcheventevent.html#cfn-serverless-statemachine-cloudwatcheventevent-input + */ + readonly input?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-statemachine-cloudwatcheventevent.html#cfn-serverless-statemachine-cloudwatcheventevent-inputpath + */ + readonly inputPath?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-statemachine-cloudwatcheventevent.html#cfn-serverless-statemachine-cloudwatcheventevent-pattern + */ + readonly pattern: any | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-statemachine-eventbridgeruleevent.html + */ + export interface EventBridgeRuleEventProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-statemachine-eventbridgeruleevent.html#cfn-serverless-statemachine-eventbridgeruleevent-eventbusname + */ + readonly eventBusName?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-statemachine-eventbridgeruleevent.html#cfn-serverless-statemachine-eventbridgeruleevent-input + */ + readonly input?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-statemachine-eventbridgeruleevent.html#cfn-serverless-statemachine-eventbridgeruleevent-inputpath + */ + readonly inputPath?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-statemachine-eventbridgeruleevent.html#cfn-serverless-statemachine-eventbridgeruleevent-pattern + */ + readonly pattern: any | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-statemachine-scheduleevent.html + */ + export interface ScheduleEventProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-statemachine-scheduleevent.html#cfn-serverless-statemachine-scheduleevent-input + */ + readonly input?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-statemachine-scheduleevent.html#cfn-serverless-statemachine-scheduleevent-schedule + */ + readonly schedule: string; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-statemachine-apievent.html + */ + export interface ApiEventProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-statemachine-apievent.html#cfn-serverless-statemachine-apievent-method + */ + readonly method: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-statemachine-apievent.html#cfn-serverless-statemachine-apievent-path + */ + readonly path: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-statemachine-apievent.html#cfn-serverless-statemachine-apievent-restapiid + */ + readonly restApiId?: string; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-statemachine-loggingconfiguration.html + */ + export interface LoggingConfigurationProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-statemachine-loggingconfiguration.html#cfn-serverless-statemachine-loggingconfiguration-destinations + */ + readonly destinations: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-statemachine-loggingconfiguration.html#cfn-serverless-statemachine-loggingconfiguration-includeexecutiondata + */ + readonly includeExecutionData: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-statemachine-loggingconfiguration.html#cfn-serverless-statemachine-loggingconfiguration-level + */ + readonly level: string; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-statemachine-logdestination.html + */ + export interface LogDestinationProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-statemachine-logdestination.html#cfn-serverless-statemachine-logdestination-cloudwatchlogsloggroup + */ + readonly cloudWatchLogsLogGroup: CfnStateMachine.CloudWatchLogsLogGroupProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-statemachine-cloudwatchlogsloggroup.html + */ + export interface CloudWatchLogsLogGroupProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-statemachine-cloudwatchlogsloggroup.html#cfn-serverless-statemachine-cloudwatchlogsloggroup-loggrouparn + */ + readonly logGroupArn: string; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-statemachine-iampolicydocument.html + */ + export interface IAMPolicyDocumentProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-statemachine-iampolicydocument.html#cfn-serverless-statemachine-iampolicydocument-statement + */ + readonly statement: any | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-statemachine-iampolicydocument.html#cfn-serverless-statemachine-iampolicydocument-version + */ + readonly version: string; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-statemachine-sampolicytemplate.html + */ + export interface SAMPolicyTemplateProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-statemachine-sampolicytemplate.html#cfn-serverless-statemachine-sampolicytemplate-lambdainvokepolicy + */ + readonly lambdaInvokePolicy?: CfnStateMachine.FunctionSAMPTProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-statemachine-sampolicytemplate.html#cfn-serverless-statemachine-sampolicytemplate-stepfunctionsexecutionpolicy + */ + readonly stepFunctionsExecutionPolicy?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnStateMachine.StateMachineSAMPTProperty; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-statemachine-functionsampt.html + */ + export interface FunctionSAMPTProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-statemachine-functionsampt.html#cfn-serverless-statemachine-functionsampt-functionname + */ + readonly functionName: string; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-statemachine-statemachinesampt.html + */ + export interface StateMachineSAMPTProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-statemachine-statemachinesampt.html#cfn-serverless-statemachine-statemachinesampt-statemachinename + */ + readonly stateMachineName: string; + } + + /** + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-statemachine-tracingconfiguration.html + */ + export interface TracingConfigurationProperty { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-serverless-statemachine-tracingconfiguration.html#cfn-serverless-statemachine-tracingconfiguration-enabled + */ + readonly enabled?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnStateMachine\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-statemachine.html + */ +export interface CfnStateMachineProps { + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-statemachine.html#cfn-serverless-statemachine-definition + */ + readonly definition?: any | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-statemachine.html#cfn-serverless-statemachine-definitionsubstitutions + */ + readonly definitionSubstitutions?: cdk.IResolvable | Record; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-statemachine.html#cfn-serverless-statemachine-definitionuri + */ + readonly definitionUri?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnStateMachine.S3LocationProperty | string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-statemachine.html#cfn-serverless-statemachine-events + */ + readonly events?: cdk.IResolvable | Record; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-statemachine.html#cfn-serverless-statemachine-logging + */ + readonly logging?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnStateMachine.LoggingConfigurationProperty; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-statemachine.html#cfn-serverless-statemachine-name + */ + readonly name?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-statemachine.html#cfn-serverless-statemachine-permissionsboundaries + */ + readonly permissionsBoundaries?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-statemachine.html#cfn-serverless-statemachine-policies + */ + readonly policies?: Array | CfnStateMachine.IAMPolicyDocumentProperty | cdk.IResolvable | string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-statemachine.html#cfn-serverless-statemachine-role + */ + readonly role?: string; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-statemachine.html#cfn-serverless-statemachine-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Record; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-statemachine.html#cfn-serverless-statemachine-tracing + */ + readonly tracing?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnStateMachine.TracingConfigurationProperty; + + /** + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-serverless-statemachine.html#cfn-serverless-statemachine-type + */ + readonly type?: string; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`S3LocationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`S3LocationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnStateMachineS3LocationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("bucket", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.bucket)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("bucket", cdk.validateString)(properties.bucket)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("key", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.key)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("key", cdk.validateString)(properties.key)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("version", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.version)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"S3LocationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnStateMachineS3LocationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnStateMachineS3LocationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Bucket": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.bucket), + "Key": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.key), + "Version": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.version) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnStateMachineS3LocationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("bucket", "Bucket", (properties.Bucket != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Bucket) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("key", "Key", (properties.Key != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Key) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("version", "Version", (properties.Version != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Version) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CloudWatchEventEventProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CloudWatchEventEventProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnStateMachineCloudWatchEventEventPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("eventBusName", cdk.validateString)(properties.eventBusName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("input", cdk.validateString)(properties.input)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("inputPath", cdk.validateString)(properties.inputPath)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("pattern", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.pattern)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("pattern", cdk.validateObject)(properties.pattern)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CloudWatchEventEventProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnStateMachineCloudWatchEventEventPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnStateMachineCloudWatchEventEventPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "EventBusName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.eventBusName), + "Input": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.input), + "InputPath": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.inputPath), + "Pattern": cdk.objectToCloudFormation(properties.pattern) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnStateMachineCloudWatchEventEventPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("eventBusName", "EventBusName", (properties.EventBusName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.EventBusName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("input", "Input", (properties.Input != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Input) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("inputPath", "InputPath", (properties.InputPath != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.InputPath) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("pattern", "Pattern", (properties.Pattern != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getAny(properties.Pattern) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`EventBridgeRuleEventProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`EventBridgeRuleEventProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnStateMachineEventBridgeRuleEventPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("eventBusName", cdk.validateString)(properties.eventBusName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("input", cdk.validateString)(properties.input)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("inputPath", cdk.validateString)(properties.inputPath)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("pattern", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.pattern)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("pattern", cdk.validateObject)(properties.pattern)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"EventBridgeRuleEventProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnStateMachineEventBridgeRuleEventPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnStateMachineEventBridgeRuleEventPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "EventBusName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.eventBusName), + "Input": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.input), + "InputPath": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.inputPath), + "Pattern": cdk.objectToCloudFormation(properties.pattern) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnStateMachineEventBridgeRuleEventPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("eventBusName", "EventBusName", (properties.EventBusName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.EventBusName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("input", "Input", (properties.Input != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Input) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("inputPath", "InputPath", (properties.InputPath != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.InputPath) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("pattern", "Pattern", (properties.Pattern != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getAny(properties.Pattern) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`ScheduleEventProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`ScheduleEventProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnStateMachineScheduleEventPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("input", cdk.validateString)(properties.input)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("schedule", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.schedule)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("schedule", cdk.validateString)(properties.schedule)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"ScheduleEventProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnStateMachineScheduleEventPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnStateMachineScheduleEventPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Input": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.input), + "Schedule": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.schedule) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnStateMachineScheduleEventPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("input", "Input", (properties.Input != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Input) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("schedule", "Schedule", (properties.Schedule != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Schedule) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`ApiEventProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`ApiEventProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnStateMachineApiEventPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("method", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.method)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("method", cdk.validateString)(properties.method)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("path", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.path)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("path", cdk.validateString)(properties.path)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("restApiId", cdk.validateString)(properties.restApiId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"ApiEventProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnStateMachineApiEventPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnStateMachineApiEventPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Method": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.method), + "Path": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.path), + "RestApiId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.restApiId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnStateMachineApiEventPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("method", "Method", (properties.Method != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Method) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("path", "Path", (properties.Path != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Path) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("restApiId", "RestApiId", (properties.RestApiId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.RestApiId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`EventSourceProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`EventSourceProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnStateMachineEventSourcePropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("properties", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.properties)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("properties", cdk.unionValidator(CfnStateMachineApiEventPropertyValidator, CfnStateMachineCloudWatchEventEventPropertyValidator, CfnStateMachineEventBridgeRuleEventPropertyValidator, CfnStateMachineScheduleEventPropertyValidator))(properties.properties)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("type", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.type)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("type", cdk.validateString)(properties.type)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"EventSourceProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnStateMachineEventSourcePropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnStateMachineEventSourcePropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Properties": cdk.unionMapper([CfnStateMachineApiEventPropertyValidator, CfnStateMachineCloudWatchEventEventPropertyValidator, CfnStateMachineEventBridgeRuleEventPropertyValidator, CfnStateMachineScheduleEventPropertyValidator], [convertCfnStateMachineApiEventPropertyToCloudFormation, convertCfnStateMachineCloudWatchEventEventPropertyToCloudFormation, convertCfnStateMachineEventBridgeRuleEventPropertyToCloudFormation, convertCfnStateMachineScheduleEventPropertyToCloudFormation])(properties.properties), + "Type": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.type) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnStateMachineEventSourcePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("properties", "Properties", (properties.Properties != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getTypeUnion([CfnStateMachineApiEventPropertyValidator, CfnStateMachineCloudWatchEventEventPropertyValidator, CfnStateMachineEventBridgeRuleEventPropertyValidator, CfnStateMachineScheduleEventPropertyValidator], [CfnStateMachineApiEventPropertyFromCloudFormation, CfnStateMachineCloudWatchEventEventPropertyFromCloudFormation, CfnStateMachineEventBridgeRuleEventPropertyFromCloudFormation, CfnStateMachineScheduleEventPropertyFromCloudFormation])(properties.Properties) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("type", "Type", (properties.Type != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Type) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CloudWatchLogsLogGroupProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CloudWatchLogsLogGroupProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnStateMachineCloudWatchLogsLogGroupPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("logGroupArn", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.logGroupArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("logGroupArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.logGroupArn)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CloudWatchLogsLogGroupProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnStateMachineCloudWatchLogsLogGroupPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnStateMachineCloudWatchLogsLogGroupPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "LogGroupArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.logGroupArn) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnStateMachineCloudWatchLogsLogGroupPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("logGroupArn", "LogGroupArn", (properties.LogGroupArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.LogGroupArn) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`LogDestinationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`LogDestinationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnStateMachineLogDestinationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("cloudWatchLogsLogGroup", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.cloudWatchLogsLogGroup)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("cloudWatchLogsLogGroup", CfnStateMachineCloudWatchLogsLogGroupPropertyValidator)(properties.cloudWatchLogsLogGroup)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"LogDestinationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnStateMachineLogDestinationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnStateMachineLogDestinationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "CloudWatchLogsLogGroup": convertCfnStateMachineCloudWatchLogsLogGroupPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.cloudWatchLogsLogGroup) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnStateMachineLogDestinationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("cloudWatchLogsLogGroup", "CloudWatchLogsLogGroup", (properties.CloudWatchLogsLogGroup != null ? CfnStateMachineCloudWatchLogsLogGroupPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.CloudWatchLogsLogGroup) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`LoggingConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`LoggingConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnStateMachineLoggingConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("destinations", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.destinations)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("destinations", cdk.listValidator(CfnStateMachineLogDestinationPropertyValidator))(properties.destinations)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("includeExecutionData", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.includeExecutionData)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("includeExecutionData", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.includeExecutionData)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("level", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.level)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("level", cdk.validateString)(properties.level)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"LoggingConfigurationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnStateMachineLoggingConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnStateMachineLoggingConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Destinations": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnStateMachineLogDestinationPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.destinations), + "IncludeExecutionData": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.includeExecutionData), + "Level": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.level) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnStateMachineLoggingConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("destinations", "Destinations", (properties.Destinations != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnStateMachineLogDestinationPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.Destinations) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("includeExecutionData", "IncludeExecutionData", (properties.IncludeExecutionData != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.IncludeExecutionData) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("level", "Level", (properties.Level != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Level) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`IAMPolicyDocumentProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`IAMPolicyDocumentProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnStateMachineIAMPolicyDocumentPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("statement", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.statement)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("statement", cdk.validateObject)(properties.statement)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("version", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.version)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("version", cdk.validateString)(properties.version)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"IAMPolicyDocumentProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnStateMachineIAMPolicyDocumentPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnStateMachineIAMPolicyDocumentPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Statement": cdk.objectToCloudFormation(properties.statement), + "Version": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.version) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnStateMachineIAMPolicyDocumentPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("statement", "Statement", (properties.Statement != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getAny(properties.Statement) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("version", "Version", (properties.Version != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Version) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`FunctionSAMPTProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`FunctionSAMPTProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnStateMachineFunctionSAMPTPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("functionName", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.functionName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("functionName", cdk.validateString)(properties.functionName)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"FunctionSAMPTProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnStateMachineFunctionSAMPTPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnStateMachineFunctionSAMPTPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "FunctionName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.functionName) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnStateMachineFunctionSAMPTPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("functionName", "FunctionName", (properties.FunctionName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.FunctionName) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`StateMachineSAMPTProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`StateMachineSAMPTProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnStateMachineStateMachineSAMPTPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("stateMachineName", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.stateMachineName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("stateMachineName", cdk.validateString)(properties.stateMachineName)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"StateMachineSAMPTProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnStateMachineStateMachineSAMPTPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnStateMachineStateMachineSAMPTPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "StateMachineName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.stateMachineName) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnStateMachineStateMachineSAMPTPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("stateMachineName", "StateMachineName", (properties.StateMachineName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.StateMachineName) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`SAMPolicyTemplateProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`SAMPolicyTemplateProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnStateMachineSAMPolicyTemplatePropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("lambdaInvokePolicy", CfnStateMachineFunctionSAMPTPropertyValidator)(properties.lambdaInvokePolicy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("stepFunctionsExecutionPolicy", CfnStateMachineStateMachineSAMPTPropertyValidator)(properties.stepFunctionsExecutionPolicy)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"SAMPolicyTemplateProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnStateMachineSAMPolicyTemplatePropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnStateMachineSAMPolicyTemplatePropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "LambdaInvokePolicy": convertCfnStateMachineFunctionSAMPTPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.lambdaInvokePolicy), + "StepFunctionsExecutionPolicy": convertCfnStateMachineStateMachineSAMPTPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.stepFunctionsExecutionPolicy) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnStateMachineSAMPolicyTemplatePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("lambdaInvokePolicy", "LambdaInvokePolicy", (properties.LambdaInvokePolicy != null ? CfnStateMachineFunctionSAMPTPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.LambdaInvokePolicy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("stepFunctionsExecutionPolicy", "StepFunctionsExecutionPolicy", (properties.StepFunctionsExecutionPolicy != null ? CfnStateMachineStateMachineSAMPTPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.StepFunctionsExecutionPolicy) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`TracingConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`TracingConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnStateMachineTracingConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("enabled", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.enabled)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"TracingConfigurationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnStateMachineTracingConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnStateMachineTracingConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Enabled": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.enabled) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnStateMachineTracingConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("enabled", "Enabled", (properties.Enabled != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.Enabled) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnStateMachineProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnStateMachineProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnStateMachinePropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("definition", cdk.validateObject)(properties.definition)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("definitionSubstitutions", cdk.hashValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.definitionSubstitutions)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("definitionUri", cdk.unionValidator(CfnStateMachineS3LocationPropertyValidator, cdk.validateString))(properties.definitionUri)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("events", cdk.hashValidator(CfnStateMachineEventSourcePropertyValidator))(properties.events)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("logging", CfnStateMachineLoggingConfigurationPropertyValidator)(properties.logging)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("name", cdk.validateString)(properties.name)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("permissionsBoundaries", cdk.validateString)(properties.permissionsBoundaries)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("policies", cdk.unionValidator(cdk.listValidator(cdk.unionValidator(CfnStateMachineIAMPolicyDocumentPropertyValidator, CfnStateMachineSAMPolicyTemplatePropertyValidator, cdk.validateString)), CfnStateMachineIAMPolicyDocumentPropertyValidator, cdk.validateString))(properties.policies)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("role", cdk.validateString)(properties.role)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.hashValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.tags)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tracing", CfnStateMachineTracingConfigurationPropertyValidator)(properties.tracing)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("type", cdk.validateString)(properties.type)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnStateMachineProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnStateMachinePropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnStateMachinePropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Definition": cdk.objectToCloudFormation(properties.definition), + "DefinitionSubstitutions": cdk.hashMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.definitionSubstitutions), + "DefinitionUri": cdk.unionMapper([CfnStateMachineS3LocationPropertyValidator, cdk.validateString], [convertCfnStateMachineS3LocationPropertyToCloudFormation, cdk.stringToCloudFormation])(properties.definitionUri), + "Events": cdk.hashMapper(convertCfnStateMachineEventSourcePropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.events), + "Logging": convertCfnStateMachineLoggingConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.logging), + "Name": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.name), + "PermissionsBoundaries": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.permissionsBoundaries), + "Policies": cdk.unionMapper([cdk.listValidator(cdk.unionValidator(CfnStateMachineIAMPolicyDocumentPropertyValidator, CfnStateMachineSAMPolicyTemplatePropertyValidator, cdk.validateString)), CfnStateMachineIAMPolicyDocumentPropertyValidator, cdk.validateString], [cdk.listMapper(cdk.unionMapper([CfnStateMachineIAMPolicyDocumentPropertyValidator, CfnStateMachineSAMPolicyTemplatePropertyValidator, cdk.validateString], [convertCfnStateMachineIAMPolicyDocumentPropertyToCloudFormation, convertCfnStateMachineSAMPolicyTemplatePropertyToCloudFormation, cdk.stringToCloudFormation])), convertCfnStateMachineIAMPolicyDocumentPropertyToCloudFormation, cdk.stringToCloudFormation])(properties.policies), + "Role": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.role), + "Tags": cdk.hashMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.tags), + "Tracing": convertCfnStateMachineTracingConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.tracing), + "Type": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.type) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnStateMachinePropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("definition", "Definition", (properties.Definition != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getAny(properties.Definition) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("definitionSubstitutions", "DefinitionSubstitutions", (properties.DefinitionSubstitutions != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getMap(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.DefinitionSubstitutions) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("definitionUri", "DefinitionUri", (properties.DefinitionUri != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getTypeUnion([CfnStateMachineS3LocationPropertyValidator, cdk.validateString], [CfnStateMachineS3LocationPropertyFromCloudFormation, cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString])(properties.DefinitionUri) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("events", "Events", (properties.Events != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getMap(CfnStateMachineEventSourcePropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.Events) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("logging", "Logging", (properties.Logging != null ? CfnStateMachineLoggingConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.Logging) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("name", "Name", (properties.Name != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Name) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("permissionsBoundaries", "PermissionsBoundaries", (properties.PermissionsBoundaries != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.PermissionsBoundaries) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("policies", "Policies", (properties.Policies != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getTypeUnion([cdk.listValidator(cdk.unionValidator(CfnStateMachineIAMPolicyDocumentPropertyValidator, CfnStateMachineSAMPolicyTemplatePropertyValidator, cdk.validateString)), CfnStateMachineIAMPolicyDocumentPropertyValidator, cdk.validateString], [cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getTypeUnion([CfnStateMachineIAMPolicyDocumentPropertyValidator, CfnStateMachineSAMPolicyTemplatePropertyValidator, cdk.validateString], [CfnStateMachineIAMPolicyDocumentPropertyFromCloudFormation, CfnStateMachineSAMPolicyTemplatePropertyFromCloudFormation, cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString])), CfnStateMachineIAMPolicyDocumentPropertyFromCloudFormation, cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString])(properties.Policies) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("role", "Role", (properties.Role != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Role) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getMap(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tracing", "Tracing", (properties.Tracing != null ? CfnStateMachineTracingConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.Tracing) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("type", "Type", (properties.Type != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Type) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +}", +} +`; + +exports[`aws-scheduler 1`] = ` +{ + "augmentations": undefined, + "metrics": undefined, + "module": "/* eslint-disable prettier/prettier,max-len */ +import * as cdk from "aws-cdk-lib"; +import * as constructs from "constructs"; +import * as cfn_parse from "aws-cdk-lib/core/lib/helpers-internal"; + +/** + * A *schedule* is the main resource you create, configure, and manage using Amazon EventBridge Scheduler. + * + * Every schedule has a *schedule expression* that determines when, and with what frequency, the schedule runs. EventBridge Scheduler supports three types of schedules: rate, cron, and one-time schedules. For more information about different schedule types, see [Schedule types](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/scheduler/latest/UserGuide/schedule-types.html) in the *EventBridge Scheduler User Guide* . + * + * When you create a schedule, you configure a target for the schedule to invoke. A target is an API operation that EventBridge Scheduler calls on your behalf every time your schedule runs. EventBridge Scheduler supports two types of targets: *templated* targets invoke common API operations across a core groups of services, and customizeable *universal* targets that you can use to call more than 6,000 operations across over 270 services. For more information about configuring targets, see [Managing targets](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/scheduler/latest/UserGuide/managing-targets.html) in the *EventBridge Scheduler User Guide* . + * + * For more information about managing schedules, changing the schedule state, setting up flexible time windows, and configuring a dead-letter queue for a schedule, see [Managing a schedule](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/scheduler/latest/UserGuide/managing-schedule.html) in the *EventBridge Scheduler User Guide* . + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-scheduler-schedule.html + */ +export class CfnSchedule extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::Scheduler::Schedule"; + + /** + * Build a CfnSchedule from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnSchedule { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnSchedulePropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnSchedule(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the Amazon EventBridge Scheduler schedule. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute Arn + */ + public readonly attrArn: string; + + /** + * The description you specify for the schedule. + */ + public description?: string; + + /** + * The date, in UTC, before which the schedule can invoke its target. + */ + public endDate?: string; + + /** + * Allows you to configure a time window during which EventBridge Scheduler invokes the schedule. + */ + public flexibleTimeWindow: CfnSchedule.FlexibleTimeWindowProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The name of the schedule group associated with this schedule. + */ + public groupName?: string; + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the customer managed KMS key that EventBridge Scheduler will use to encrypt and decrypt your data. + */ + public kmsKeyArn?: string; + + /** + * The name of the schedule. + */ + public name?: string; + + /** + * The expression that defines when the schedule runs. The following formats are supported. + */ + public scheduleExpression: string; + + /** + * The timezone in which the scheduling expression is evaluated. + */ + public scheduleExpressionTimezone?: string; + + /** + * The date, in UTC, after which the schedule can begin invoking its target. + */ + public startDate?: string; + + /** + * Specifies whether the schedule is enabled or disabled. + */ + public state?: string; + + /** + * The schedule's target details. + */ + public target: cdk.IResolvable | CfnSchedule.TargetProperty; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnScheduleProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnSchedule.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "flexibleTimeWindow", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "scheduleExpression", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "target", this); + + this.attrArn = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Arn", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.description = props.description; + this.endDate = props.endDate; + this.flexibleTimeWindow = props.flexibleTimeWindow; + this.groupName = props.groupName; + this.kmsKeyArn = props.kmsKeyArn; + this.name = props.name; + this.scheduleExpression = props.scheduleExpression; + this.scheduleExpressionTimezone = props.scheduleExpressionTimezone; + this.startDate = props.startDate; + this.state = props.state; + this.target = props.target; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "description": this.description, + "endDate": this.endDate, + "flexibleTimeWindow": this.flexibleTimeWindow, + "groupName": this.groupName, + "kmsKeyArn": this.kmsKeyArn, + "name": this.name, + "scheduleExpression": this.scheduleExpression, + "scheduleExpressionTimezone": this.scheduleExpressionTimezone, + "startDate": this.startDate, + "state": this.state, + "target": this.target + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnSchedule.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnSchedulePropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +export namespace CfnSchedule { + /** + * Allows you to configure a time window during which EventBridge Scheduler invokes the schedule. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-flexibletimewindow.html + */ + export interface FlexibleTimeWindowProperty { + /** + * The maximum time window during which a schedule can be invoked. + * + * *Minimum* : \`1\` + * + * *Maximum* : \`1440\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-flexibletimewindow.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-flexibletimewindow-maximumwindowinminutes + */ + readonly maximumWindowInMinutes?: number; + + /** + * Determines whether the schedule is invoked within a flexible time window. + * + * *Allowed Values* : \`OFF\` | \`FLEXIBLE\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-flexibletimewindow.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-flexibletimewindow-mode + */ + readonly mode: string; + } + + /** + * The schedule's target. + * + * EventBridge Scheduler supports templated target that invoke common API operations, as well as universal targets that you can customize to invoke over 6,000 API operations across more than 270 services. You can only specify one templated or universal target for a schedule. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-target.html + */ + export interface TargetProperty { + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the target. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-target.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-target-arn + */ + readonly arn: string; + + /** + * An object that contains information about an Amazon SQS queue that EventBridge Scheduler uses as a dead-letter queue for your schedule. + * + * If specified, EventBridge Scheduler delivers failed events that could not be successfully delivered to a target to the queue. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-target.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-target-deadletterconfig + */ + readonly deadLetterConfig?: CfnSchedule.DeadLetterConfigProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The templated target type for the Amazon ECS [\`RunTask\`](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/APIReference/API_RunTask.html) API operation. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-target.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-target-ecsparameters + */ + readonly ecsParameters?: CfnSchedule.EcsParametersProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The templated target type for the EventBridge [\`PutEvents\`](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/latest/APIReference/API_PutEvents.html) API operation. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-target.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-target-eventbridgeparameters + */ + readonly eventBridgeParameters?: CfnSchedule.EventBridgeParametersProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The text, or well-formed JSON, passed to the target. + * + * If you are configuring a templated Lambda , AWS Step Functions , or Amazon EventBridge target, the input must be a well-formed JSON. For all other target types, a JSON is not required. If you do not specify anything for this field, Amazon EventBridge Scheduler delivers a default notification to the target. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-target.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-target-input + */ + readonly input?: string; + + /** + * The templated target type for the Amazon Kinesis [\`PutRecord\`](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesis/latest/APIReference/API_PutRecord.html) API operation. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-target.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-target-kinesisparameters + */ + readonly kinesisParameters?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnSchedule.KinesisParametersProperty; + + /** + * A \`RetryPolicy\` object that includes information about the retry policy settings, including the maximum age of an event, and the maximum number of times EventBridge Scheduler will try to deliver the event to a target. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-target.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-target-retrypolicy + */ + readonly retryPolicy?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnSchedule.RetryPolicyProperty; + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that EventBridge Scheduler will use for this target when the schedule is invoked. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-target.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-target-rolearn + */ + readonly roleArn: string; + + /** + * The templated target type for the Amazon SageMaker [\`StartPipelineExecution\`](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sagemaker/latest/APIReference/API_StartPipelineExecution.html) API operation. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-target.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-target-sagemakerpipelineparameters + */ + readonly sageMakerPipelineParameters?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnSchedule.SageMakerPipelineParametersProperty; + + /** + * The templated target type for the Amazon SQS [\`SendMessage\`](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/APIReference/API_SendMessage.html) API operation. Contains the message group ID to use when the target is a FIFO queue. If you specify an Amazon SQS FIFO queue as a target, the queue must have content-based deduplication enabled. For more information, see [Using the Amazon SQS message deduplication ID](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/SQSDeveloperGuide/using-messagededuplicationid-property.html) in the *Amazon SQS Developer Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-target.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-target-sqsparameters + */ + readonly sqsParameters?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnSchedule.SqsParametersProperty; + } + + /** + * An object that contains information about an Amazon SQS queue that EventBridge Scheduler uses as a dead-letter queue for your schedule. + * + * If specified, EventBridge Scheduler delivers failed events that could not be successfully delivered to a target to the queue. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-deadletterconfig.html + */ + export interface DeadLetterConfigProperty { + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the SQS queue specified as the destination for the dead-letter queue. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-deadletterconfig.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-deadletterconfig-arn + */ + readonly arn?: string; + } + + /** + * A \`RetryPolicy\` object that includes information about the retry policy settings, including the maximum age of an event, and the maximum number of times EventBridge Scheduler will try to deliver the event to a target. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-retrypolicy.html + */ + export interface RetryPolicyProperty { + /** + * The maximum amount of time, in seconds, to continue to make retry attempts. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-retrypolicy.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-retrypolicy-maximumeventageinseconds + */ + readonly maximumEventAgeInSeconds?: number; + + /** + * The maximum number of retry attempts to make before the request fails. + * + * Retry attempts with exponential backoff continue until either the maximum number of attempts is made or until the duration of the \`MaximumEventAgeInSeconds\` is reached. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-retrypolicy.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-retrypolicy-maximumretryattempts + */ + readonly maximumRetryAttempts?: number; + } + + /** + * The templated target type for the Amazon ECS [\`RunTask\`](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/APIReference/API_RunTask.html) API operation. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-ecsparameters.html + */ + export interface EcsParametersProperty { + /** + * The capacity provider strategy to use for the task. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-ecsparameters.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-ecsparameters-capacityproviderstrategy + */ + readonly capacityProviderStrategy?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Specifies whether to enable Amazon ECS managed tags for the task. + * + * For more information, see [Tagging Your Amazon ECS Resources](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/ecs-using-tags.html) in the *Amazon ECS Developer Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-ecsparameters.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-ecsparameters-enableecsmanagedtags + */ + readonly enableEcsManagedTags?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Whether or not to enable the execute command functionality for the containers in this task. + * + * If true, this enables execute command functionality on all containers in the task. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-ecsparameters.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-ecsparameters-enableexecutecommand + */ + readonly enableExecuteCommand?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Specifies an Amazon ECS task group for the task. + * + * The maximum length is 255 characters. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-ecsparameters.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-ecsparameters-group + */ + readonly group?: string; + + /** + * Specifies the launch type on which your task is running. + * + * The launch type that you specify here must match one of the launch type (compatibilities) of the target task. The \`FARGATE\` value is supported only in the Regions where Fargate with Amazon ECS is supported. For more information, see [AWS Fargate on Amazon ECS](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/AWS_Fargate.html) in the *Amazon ECS Developer Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-ecsparameters.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-ecsparameters-launchtype + */ + readonly launchType?: string; + + /** + * This structure specifies the network configuration for an ECS task. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-ecsparameters.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-ecsparameters-networkconfiguration + */ + readonly networkConfiguration?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnSchedule.NetworkConfigurationProperty; + + /** + * An array of placement constraint objects to use for the task. + * + * You can specify up to 10 constraints per task (including constraints in the task definition and those specified at runtime). + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-ecsparameters.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-ecsparameters-placementconstraints + */ + readonly placementConstraints?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The task placement strategy for a task or service. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-ecsparameters.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-ecsparameters-placementstrategy + */ + readonly placementStrategy?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Specifies the platform version for the task. + * + * Specify only the numeric portion of the platform version, such as \`1.1.0\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-ecsparameters.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-ecsparameters-platformversion + */ + readonly platformVersion?: string; + + /** + * Specifies whether to propagate the tags from the task definition to the task. + * + * If no value is specified, the tags are not propagated. Tags can only be propagated to the task during task creation. To add tags to a task after task creation, use the Amazon ECS [\`TagResource\`](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/APIReference/API_TagResource.html) API action. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-ecsparameters.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-ecsparameters-propagatetags + */ + readonly propagateTags?: string; + + /** + * The reference ID to use for the task. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-ecsparameters.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-ecsparameters-referenceid + */ + readonly referenceId?: string; + + /** + * The metadata that you apply to the task to help you categorize and organize them. + * + * Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define. For more information, see [\`RunTask\`](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/APIReference/API_RunTask.html) in the *Amazon ECS API Reference* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-ecsparameters.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-ecsparameters-tags + */ + readonly tags?: any; + + /** + * The number of tasks to create based on \`TaskDefinition\` . + * + * The default is \`1\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-ecsparameters.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-ecsparameters-taskcount + */ + readonly taskCount?: number; + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the task definition to use if the event target is an Amazon ECS task. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-ecsparameters.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-ecsparameters-taskdefinitionarn + */ + readonly taskDefinitionArn: string; + } + + /** + * Specifies the network configuration for an ECS task. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-networkconfiguration.html + */ + export interface NetworkConfigurationProperty { + /** + * Specifies the Amazon VPC subnets and security groups for the task, and whether a public IP address is to be used. + * + * This structure is relevant only for ECS tasks that use the awsvpc network mode. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-networkconfiguration.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-networkconfiguration-awsvpcconfiguration + */ + readonly awsvpcConfiguration?: CfnSchedule.AwsVpcConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * This structure specifies the VPC subnets and security groups for the task, and whether a public IP address is to be used. + * + * This structure is relevant only for ECS tasks that use the awsvpc network mode. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-awsvpcconfiguration.html + */ + export interface AwsVpcConfigurationProperty { + /** + * Specifies whether the task's elastic network interface receives a public IP address. + * + * You can specify \`ENABLED\` only when \`LaunchType\` in \`EcsParameters\` is set to \`FARGATE\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-awsvpcconfiguration.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-awsvpcconfiguration-assignpublicip + */ + readonly assignPublicIp?: string; + + /** + * Specifies the security groups associated with the task. + * + * These security groups must all be in the same VPC. You can specify as many as five security groups. If you do not specify a security group, the default security group for the VPC is used. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-awsvpcconfiguration.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-awsvpcconfiguration-securitygroups + */ + readonly securityGroups?: Array; + + /** + * Specifies the subnets associated with the task. + * + * These subnets must all be in the same VPC. You can specify as many as 16 subnets. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-awsvpcconfiguration.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-awsvpcconfiguration-subnets + */ + readonly subnets: Array; + } + + /** + * The details of a capacity provider strategy. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-capacityproviderstrategyitem.html + */ + export interface CapacityProviderStrategyItemProperty { + /** + * The base value designates how many tasks, at a minimum, to run on the specified capacity provider. + * + * Only one capacity provider in a capacity provider strategy can have a base defined. If no value is specified, the default value of \`0\` is used. + * + * @default - 0 + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-capacityproviderstrategyitem.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-capacityproviderstrategyitem-base + */ + readonly base?: number; + + /** + * The short name of the capacity provider. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-capacityproviderstrategyitem.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-capacityproviderstrategyitem-capacityprovider + */ + readonly capacityProvider: string; + + /** + * The weight value designates the relative percentage of the total number of tasks launched that should use the specified capacity provider. + * + * The weight value is taken into consideration after the base value, if defined, is satisfied. + * + * @default - 0 + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-capacityproviderstrategyitem.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-capacityproviderstrategyitem-weight + */ + readonly weight?: number; + } + + /** + * An object representing a constraint on task placement. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-placementconstraint.html + */ + export interface PlacementConstraintProperty { + /** + * A cluster query language expression to apply to the constraint. + * + * You cannot specify an expression if the constraint type is \`distinctInstance\` . For more information, see [Cluster query language](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/latest/developerguide/cluster-query-language.html) in the *Amazon ECS Developer Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-placementconstraint.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-placementconstraint-expression + */ + readonly expression?: string; + + /** + * The type of constraint. + * + * Use \`distinctInstance\` to ensure that each task in a particular group is running on a different container instance. Use \`memberOf\` to restrict the selection to a group of valid candidates. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-placementconstraint.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-placementconstraint-type + */ + readonly type?: string; + } + + /** + * The task placement strategy for a task or service. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-placementstrategy.html + */ + export interface PlacementStrategyProperty { + /** + * The field to apply the placement strategy against. + * + * For the spread placement strategy, valid values are \`instanceId\` (or \`instanceId\` , which has the same effect), or any platform or custom attribute that is applied to a container instance, such as \`attribute:ecs.availability-zone\` . For the binpack placement strategy, valid values are \`cpu\` and \`memory\` . For the random placement strategy, this field is not used. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-placementstrategy.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-placementstrategy-field + */ + readonly field?: string; + + /** + * The type of placement strategy. + * + * The random placement strategy randomly places tasks on available candidates. The spread placement strategy spreads placement across available candidates evenly based on the field parameter. The binpack strategy places tasks on available candidates that have the least available amount of the resource that is specified with the field parameter. For example, if you binpack on memory, a task is placed on the instance with the least amount of remaining memory (but still enough to run the task). + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-placementstrategy.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-placementstrategy-type + */ + readonly type?: string; + } + + /** + * The templated target type for the EventBridge [\`PutEvents\`](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/latest/APIReference/API_PutEvents.html) API operation. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-eventbridgeparameters.html + */ + export interface EventBridgeParametersProperty { + /** + * A free-form string, with a maximum of 128 characters, used to decide what fields to expect in the event detail. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-eventbridgeparameters.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-eventbridgeparameters-detailtype + */ + readonly detailType: string; + + /** + * The source of the event. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-eventbridgeparameters.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-eventbridgeparameters-source + */ + readonly source: string; + } + + /** + * The templated target type for the Amazon Kinesis [\`PutRecord\`](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesis/latest/APIReference/API_PutRecord.html) API operation. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-kinesisparameters.html + */ + export interface KinesisParametersProperty { + /** + * Specifies the shard to which EventBridge Scheduler sends the event. + * + * For more information, see [Amazon Kinesis Data Streams terminology and concepts](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/streams/latest/dev/key-concepts.html) in the *Amazon Kinesis Streams Developer Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-kinesisparameters.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-kinesisparameters-partitionkey + */ + readonly partitionKey: string; + } + + /** + * The templated target type for the Amazon SageMaker [\`StartPipelineExecution\`](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sagemaker/latest/APIReference/API_StartPipelineExecution.html) API operation. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-sagemakerpipelineparameters.html + */ + export interface SageMakerPipelineParametersProperty { + /** + * List of parameter names and values to use when executing the SageMaker Model Building Pipeline. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-sagemakerpipelineparameters.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-sagemakerpipelineparameters-pipelineparameterlist + */ + readonly pipelineParameterList?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * The name and value pair of a parameter to use to start execution of a SageMaker Model Building Pipeline. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-sagemakerpipelineparameter.html + */ + export interface SageMakerPipelineParameterProperty { + /** + * Name of parameter to start execution of a SageMaker Model Building Pipeline. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-sagemakerpipelineparameter.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-sagemakerpipelineparameter-name + */ + readonly name: string; + + /** + * Value of parameter to start execution of a SageMaker Model Building Pipeline. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-sagemakerpipelineparameter.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-sagemakerpipelineparameter-value + */ + readonly value: string; + } + + /** + * The templated target type for the Amazon SQS [\`SendMessage\`](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/APIReference/API_SendMessage.html) API operation. Contains the message group ID to use when the target is a FIFO queue. If you specify an Amazon SQS FIFO queue as a target, the queue must have content-based deduplication enabled. For more information, see [Using the Amazon SQS message deduplication ID](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/SQSDeveloperGuide/using-messagededuplicationid-property.html) in the *Amazon SQS Developer Guide* . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-sqsparameters.html + */ + export interface SqsParametersProperty { + /** + * The FIFO message group ID to use as the target. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-scheduler-schedule-sqsparameters.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-sqsparameters-messagegroupid + */ + readonly messageGroupId?: string; + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnSchedule\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-scheduler-schedule.html + */ +export interface CfnScheduleProps { + /** + * The description you specify for the schedule. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-scheduler-schedule.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-description + */ + readonly description?: string; + + /** + * The date, in UTC, before which the schedule can invoke its target. + * + * Depending on the schedule's recurrence expression, invocations might stop on, or before, the \`EndDate\` you specify. + * EventBridge Scheduler ignores \`EndDate\` for one-time schedules. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-scheduler-schedule.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-enddate + */ + readonly endDate?: string; + + /** + * Allows you to configure a time window during which EventBridge Scheduler invokes the schedule. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-scheduler-schedule.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-flexibletimewindow + */ + readonly flexibleTimeWindow: CfnSchedule.FlexibleTimeWindowProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The name of the schedule group associated with this schedule. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-scheduler-schedule.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-groupname + */ + readonly groupName?: string; + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the customer managed KMS key that EventBridge Scheduler will use to encrypt and decrypt your data. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-scheduler-schedule.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-kmskeyarn + */ + readonly kmsKeyArn?: string; + + /** + * The name of the schedule. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-scheduler-schedule.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-name + */ + readonly name?: string; + + /** + * The expression that defines when the schedule runs. The following formats are supported. + * + * - \`at\` expression - \`at(yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss)\` + * - \`rate\` expression - \`rate(value unit)\` + * - \`cron\` expression - \`cron(fields)\` + * + * You can use \`at\` expressions to create one-time schedules that invoke a target once, at the time and in the time zone, that you specify. You can use \`rate\` and \`cron\` expressions to create recurring schedules. Rate-based schedules are useful when you want to invoke a target at regular intervals, such as every 15 minutes or every five days. Cron-based schedules are useful when you want to invoke a target periodically at a specific time, such as at 8:00 am (UTC+0) every 1st day of the month. + * + * A \`cron\` expression consists of six fields separated by white spaces: \`(minutes hours day_of_month month day_of_week year)\` . + * + * A \`rate\` expression consists of a *value* as a positive integer, and a *unit* with the following options: \`minute\` | \`minutes\` | \`hour\` | \`hours\` | \`day\` | \`days\` + * + * For more information and examples, see [Schedule types on EventBridge Scheduler](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/scheduler/latest/UserGuide/schedule-types.html) in the *EventBridge Scheduler User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-scheduler-schedule.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-scheduleexpression + */ + readonly scheduleExpression: string; + + /** + * The timezone in which the scheduling expression is evaluated. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-scheduler-schedule.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-scheduleexpressiontimezone + */ + readonly scheduleExpressionTimezone?: string; + + /** + * The date, in UTC, after which the schedule can begin invoking its target. + * + * Depending on the schedule's recurrence expression, invocations might occur on, or after, the \`StartDate\` you specify. + * EventBridge Scheduler ignores \`StartDate\` for one-time schedules. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-scheduler-schedule.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-startdate + */ + readonly startDate?: string; + + /** + * Specifies whether the schedule is enabled or disabled. + * + * *Allowed Values* : \`ENABLED\` | \`DISABLED\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-scheduler-schedule.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-state + */ + readonly state?: string; + + /** + * The schedule's target details. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-scheduler-schedule.html#cfn-scheduler-schedule-target + */ + readonly target: cdk.IResolvable | CfnSchedule.TargetProperty; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`FlexibleTimeWindowProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`FlexibleTimeWindowProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnScheduleFlexibleTimeWindowPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("maximumWindowInMinutes", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.maximumWindowInMinutes)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("mode", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.mode)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("mode", cdk.validateString)(properties.mode)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"FlexibleTimeWindowProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnScheduleFlexibleTimeWindowPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnScheduleFlexibleTimeWindowPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "MaximumWindowInMinutes": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.maximumWindowInMinutes), + "Mode": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.mode) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnScheduleFlexibleTimeWindowPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("maximumWindowInMinutes", "MaximumWindowInMinutes", (properties.MaximumWindowInMinutes != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.MaximumWindowInMinutes) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("mode", "Mode", (properties.Mode != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Mode) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`DeadLetterConfigProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`DeadLetterConfigProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnScheduleDeadLetterConfigPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("arn", cdk.validateString)(properties.arn)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"DeadLetterConfigProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnScheduleDeadLetterConfigPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnScheduleDeadLetterConfigPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Arn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.arn) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnScheduleDeadLetterConfigPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("arn", "Arn", (properties.Arn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Arn) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`RetryPolicyProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`RetryPolicyProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnScheduleRetryPolicyPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("maximumEventAgeInSeconds", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.maximumEventAgeInSeconds)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("maximumRetryAttempts", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.maximumRetryAttempts)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"RetryPolicyProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnScheduleRetryPolicyPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnScheduleRetryPolicyPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "MaximumEventAgeInSeconds": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.maximumEventAgeInSeconds), + "MaximumRetryAttempts": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.maximumRetryAttempts) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnScheduleRetryPolicyPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("maximumEventAgeInSeconds", "MaximumEventAgeInSeconds", (properties.MaximumEventAgeInSeconds != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.MaximumEventAgeInSeconds) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("maximumRetryAttempts", "MaximumRetryAttempts", (properties.MaximumRetryAttempts != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.MaximumRetryAttempts) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`AwsVpcConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`AwsVpcConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnScheduleAwsVpcConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("assignPublicIp", cdk.validateString)(properties.assignPublicIp)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("securityGroups", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.securityGroups)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("subnets", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.subnets)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("subnets", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.subnets)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"AwsVpcConfigurationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnScheduleAwsVpcConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnScheduleAwsVpcConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AssignPublicIp": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.assignPublicIp), + "SecurityGroups": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.securityGroups), + "Subnets": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.subnets) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnScheduleAwsVpcConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("assignPublicIp", "AssignPublicIp", (properties.AssignPublicIp != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.AssignPublicIp) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("securityGroups", "SecurityGroups", (properties.SecurityGroups != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.SecurityGroups) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("subnets", "Subnets", (properties.Subnets != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.Subnets) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`NetworkConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`NetworkConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnScheduleNetworkConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("awsvpcConfiguration", CfnScheduleAwsVpcConfigurationPropertyValidator)(properties.awsvpcConfiguration)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"NetworkConfigurationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnScheduleNetworkConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnScheduleNetworkConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AwsvpcConfiguration": convertCfnScheduleAwsVpcConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.awsvpcConfiguration) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnScheduleNetworkConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("awsvpcConfiguration", "AwsvpcConfiguration", (properties.AwsvpcConfiguration != null ? CfnScheduleAwsVpcConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.AwsvpcConfiguration) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CapacityProviderStrategyItemProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CapacityProviderStrategyItemProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnScheduleCapacityProviderStrategyItemPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("base", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.base)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("capacityProvider", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.capacityProvider)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("capacityProvider", cdk.validateString)(properties.capacityProvider)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("weight", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.weight)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CapacityProviderStrategyItemProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnScheduleCapacityProviderStrategyItemPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnScheduleCapacityProviderStrategyItemPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Base": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.base), + "CapacityProvider": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.capacityProvider), + "Weight": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.weight) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnScheduleCapacityProviderStrategyItemPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("base", "Base", (properties.Base != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Base) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("capacityProvider", "CapacityProvider", (properties.CapacityProvider != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.CapacityProvider) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("weight", "Weight", (properties.Weight != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Weight) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`PlacementConstraintProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`PlacementConstraintProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSchedulePlacementConstraintPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("expression", cdk.validateString)(properties.expression)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("type", cdk.validateString)(properties.type)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"PlacementConstraintProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSchedulePlacementConstraintPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSchedulePlacementConstraintPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Expression": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.expression), + "Type": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.type) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSchedulePlacementConstraintPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("expression", "Expression", (properties.Expression != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Expression) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("type", "Type", (properties.Type != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Type) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`PlacementStrategyProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`PlacementStrategyProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSchedulePlacementStrategyPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("field", cdk.validateString)(properties.field)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("type", cdk.validateString)(properties.type)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"PlacementStrategyProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSchedulePlacementStrategyPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSchedulePlacementStrategyPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Field": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.field), + "Type": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.type) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSchedulePlacementStrategyPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("field", "Field", (properties.Field != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Field) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("type", "Type", (properties.Type != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Type) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`EcsParametersProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`EcsParametersProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnScheduleEcsParametersPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("capacityProviderStrategy", cdk.listValidator(CfnScheduleCapacityProviderStrategyItemPropertyValidator))(properties.capacityProviderStrategy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("enableEcsManagedTags", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.enableEcsManagedTags)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("enableExecuteCommand", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.enableExecuteCommand)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("group", cdk.validateString)(properties.group)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("launchType", cdk.validateString)(properties.launchType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("networkConfiguration", CfnScheduleNetworkConfigurationPropertyValidator)(properties.networkConfiguration)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("placementConstraints", cdk.listValidator(CfnSchedulePlacementConstraintPropertyValidator))(properties.placementConstraints)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("placementStrategy", cdk.listValidator(CfnSchedulePlacementStrategyPropertyValidator))(properties.placementStrategy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("platformVersion", cdk.validateString)(properties.platformVersion)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("propagateTags", cdk.validateString)(properties.propagateTags)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("referenceId", cdk.validateString)(properties.referenceId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.validateObject)(properties.tags)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("taskCount", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.taskCount)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("taskDefinitionArn", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.taskDefinitionArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("taskDefinitionArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.taskDefinitionArn)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"EcsParametersProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnScheduleEcsParametersPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnScheduleEcsParametersPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "CapacityProviderStrategy": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnScheduleCapacityProviderStrategyItemPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.capacityProviderStrategy), + "EnableECSManagedTags": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.enableEcsManagedTags), + "EnableExecuteCommand": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.enableExecuteCommand), + "Group": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.group), + "LaunchType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.launchType), + "NetworkConfiguration": convertCfnScheduleNetworkConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.networkConfiguration), + "PlacementConstraints": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnSchedulePlacementConstraintPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.placementConstraints), + "PlacementStrategy": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnSchedulePlacementStrategyPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.placementStrategy), + "PlatformVersion": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.platformVersion), + "PropagateTags": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.propagateTags), + "ReferenceId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.referenceId), + "Tags": cdk.objectToCloudFormation(properties.tags), + "TaskCount": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.taskCount), + "TaskDefinitionArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.taskDefinitionArn) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnScheduleEcsParametersPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("capacityProviderStrategy", "CapacityProviderStrategy", (properties.CapacityProviderStrategy != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnScheduleCapacityProviderStrategyItemPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.CapacityProviderStrategy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("enableEcsManagedTags", "EnableECSManagedTags", (properties.EnableECSManagedTags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.EnableECSManagedTags) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("enableExecuteCommand", "EnableExecuteCommand", (properties.EnableExecuteCommand != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.EnableExecuteCommand) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("group", "Group", (properties.Group != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Group) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("launchType", "LaunchType", (properties.LaunchType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.LaunchType) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("networkConfiguration", "NetworkConfiguration", (properties.NetworkConfiguration != null ? CfnScheduleNetworkConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.NetworkConfiguration) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("placementConstraints", "PlacementConstraints", (properties.PlacementConstraints != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnSchedulePlacementConstraintPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.PlacementConstraints) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("placementStrategy", "PlacementStrategy", (properties.PlacementStrategy != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnSchedulePlacementStrategyPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.PlacementStrategy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("platformVersion", "PlatformVersion", (properties.PlatformVersion != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.PlatformVersion) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("propagateTags", "PropagateTags", (properties.PropagateTags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.PropagateTags) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("referenceId", "ReferenceId", (properties.ReferenceId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ReferenceId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getAny(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("taskCount", "TaskCount", (properties.TaskCount != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.TaskCount) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("taskDefinitionArn", "TaskDefinitionArn", (properties.TaskDefinitionArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.TaskDefinitionArn) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`EventBridgeParametersProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`EventBridgeParametersProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnScheduleEventBridgeParametersPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("detailType", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.detailType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("detailType", cdk.validateString)(properties.detailType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("source", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.source)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("source", cdk.validateString)(properties.source)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"EventBridgeParametersProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnScheduleEventBridgeParametersPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnScheduleEventBridgeParametersPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "DetailType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.detailType), + "Source": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.source) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnScheduleEventBridgeParametersPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("detailType", "DetailType", (properties.DetailType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DetailType) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("source", "Source", (properties.Source != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Source) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`KinesisParametersProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`KinesisParametersProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnScheduleKinesisParametersPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("partitionKey", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.partitionKey)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("partitionKey", cdk.validateString)(properties.partitionKey)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"KinesisParametersProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnScheduleKinesisParametersPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnScheduleKinesisParametersPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "PartitionKey": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.partitionKey) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnScheduleKinesisParametersPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("partitionKey", "PartitionKey", (properties.PartitionKey != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.PartitionKey) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`SageMakerPipelineParameterProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`SageMakerPipelineParameterProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnScheduleSageMakerPipelineParameterPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("name", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.name)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("name", cdk.validateString)(properties.name)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("value", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.value)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("value", cdk.validateString)(properties.value)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"SageMakerPipelineParameterProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnScheduleSageMakerPipelineParameterPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnScheduleSageMakerPipelineParameterPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Name": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.name), + "Value": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.value) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnScheduleSageMakerPipelineParameterPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("name", "Name", (properties.Name != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Name) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("value", "Value", (properties.Value != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Value) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`SageMakerPipelineParametersProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`SageMakerPipelineParametersProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnScheduleSageMakerPipelineParametersPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("pipelineParameterList", cdk.listValidator(CfnScheduleSageMakerPipelineParameterPropertyValidator))(properties.pipelineParameterList)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"SageMakerPipelineParametersProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnScheduleSageMakerPipelineParametersPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnScheduleSageMakerPipelineParametersPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "PipelineParameterList": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnScheduleSageMakerPipelineParameterPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.pipelineParameterList) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnScheduleSageMakerPipelineParametersPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("pipelineParameterList", "PipelineParameterList", (properties.PipelineParameterList != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnScheduleSageMakerPipelineParameterPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.PipelineParameterList) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`SqsParametersProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`SqsParametersProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnScheduleSqsParametersPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("messageGroupId", cdk.validateString)(properties.messageGroupId)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"SqsParametersProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnScheduleSqsParametersPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnScheduleSqsParametersPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "MessageGroupId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.messageGroupId) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnScheduleSqsParametersPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("messageGroupId", "MessageGroupId", (properties.MessageGroupId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.MessageGroupId) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`TargetProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`TargetProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnScheduleTargetPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("arn", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.arn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("arn", cdk.validateString)(properties.arn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("deadLetterConfig", CfnScheduleDeadLetterConfigPropertyValidator)(properties.deadLetterConfig)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("ecsParameters", CfnScheduleEcsParametersPropertyValidator)(properties.ecsParameters)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("eventBridgeParameters", CfnScheduleEventBridgeParametersPropertyValidator)(properties.eventBridgeParameters)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("input", cdk.validateString)(properties.input)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("kinesisParameters", CfnScheduleKinesisParametersPropertyValidator)(properties.kinesisParameters)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("retryPolicy", CfnScheduleRetryPolicyPropertyValidator)(properties.retryPolicy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("roleArn", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.roleArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("roleArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.roleArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sageMakerPipelineParameters", CfnScheduleSageMakerPipelineParametersPropertyValidator)(properties.sageMakerPipelineParameters)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sqsParameters", CfnScheduleSqsParametersPropertyValidator)(properties.sqsParameters)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"TargetProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnScheduleTargetPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnScheduleTargetPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Arn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.arn), + "DeadLetterConfig": convertCfnScheduleDeadLetterConfigPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.deadLetterConfig), + "EcsParameters": convertCfnScheduleEcsParametersPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.ecsParameters), + "EventBridgeParameters": convertCfnScheduleEventBridgeParametersPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.eventBridgeParameters), + "Input": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.input), + "KinesisParameters": convertCfnScheduleKinesisParametersPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.kinesisParameters), + "RetryPolicy": convertCfnScheduleRetryPolicyPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.retryPolicy), + "RoleArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.roleArn), + "SageMakerPipelineParameters": convertCfnScheduleSageMakerPipelineParametersPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.sageMakerPipelineParameters), + "SqsParameters": convertCfnScheduleSqsParametersPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.sqsParameters) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnScheduleTargetPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("arn", "Arn", (properties.Arn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Arn) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("deadLetterConfig", "DeadLetterConfig", (properties.DeadLetterConfig != null ? CfnScheduleDeadLetterConfigPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.DeadLetterConfig) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("ecsParameters", "EcsParameters", (properties.EcsParameters != null ? CfnScheduleEcsParametersPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.EcsParameters) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("eventBridgeParameters", "EventBridgeParameters", (properties.EventBridgeParameters != null ? CfnScheduleEventBridgeParametersPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.EventBridgeParameters) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("input", "Input", (properties.Input != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Input) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("kinesisParameters", "KinesisParameters", (properties.KinesisParameters != null ? CfnScheduleKinesisParametersPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.KinesisParameters) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("retryPolicy", "RetryPolicy", (properties.RetryPolicy != null ? CfnScheduleRetryPolicyPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.RetryPolicy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("roleArn", "RoleArn", (properties.RoleArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.RoleArn) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("sageMakerPipelineParameters", "SageMakerPipelineParameters", (properties.SageMakerPipelineParameters != null ? CfnScheduleSageMakerPipelineParametersPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.SageMakerPipelineParameters) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("sqsParameters", "SqsParameters", (properties.SqsParameters != null ? CfnScheduleSqsParametersPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.SqsParameters) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnScheduleProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnScheduleProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSchedulePropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("description", cdk.validateString)(properties.description)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("endDate", cdk.validateString)(properties.endDate)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("flexibleTimeWindow", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.flexibleTimeWindow)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("flexibleTimeWindow", CfnScheduleFlexibleTimeWindowPropertyValidator)(properties.flexibleTimeWindow)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("groupName", cdk.validateString)(properties.groupName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("kmsKeyArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.kmsKeyArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("name", cdk.validateString)(properties.name)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("scheduleExpression", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.scheduleExpression)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("scheduleExpression", cdk.validateString)(properties.scheduleExpression)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("scheduleExpressionTimezone", cdk.validateString)(properties.scheduleExpressionTimezone)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("startDate", cdk.validateString)(properties.startDate)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("state", cdk.validateString)(properties.state)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("target", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.target)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("target", CfnScheduleTargetPropertyValidator)(properties.target)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnScheduleProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnSchedulePropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnSchedulePropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Description": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.description), + "EndDate": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.endDate), + "FlexibleTimeWindow": convertCfnScheduleFlexibleTimeWindowPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.flexibleTimeWindow), + "GroupName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.groupName), + "KmsKeyArn": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.kmsKeyArn), + "Name": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.name), + "ScheduleExpression": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.scheduleExpression), + "ScheduleExpressionTimezone": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.scheduleExpressionTimezone), + "StartDate": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.startDate), + "State": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.state), + "Target": convertCfnScheduleTargetPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.target) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnSchedulePropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("description", "Description", (properties.Description != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Description) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("endDate", "EndDate", (properties.EndDate != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.EndDate) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("flexibleTimeWindow", "FlexibleTimeWindow", (properties.FlexibleTimeWindow != null ? CfnScheduleFlexibleTimeWindowPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.FlexibleTimeWindow) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("groupName", "GroupName", (properties.GroupName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.GroupName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("kmsKeyArn", "KmsKeyArn", (properties.KmsKeyArn != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.KmsKeyArn) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("name", "Name", (properties.Name != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Name) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("scheduleExpression", "ScheduleExpression", (properties.ScheduleExpression != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ScheduleExpression) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("scheduleExpressionTimezone", "ScheduleExpressionTimezone", (properties.ScheduleExpressionTimezone != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ScheduleExpressionTimezone) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("startDate", "StartDate", (properties.StartDate != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.StartDate) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("state", "State", (properties.State != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.State) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("target", "Target", (properties.Target != null ? CfnScheduleTargetPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.Target) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * A *schedule group* is an Amazon EventBridge Scheduler resource you use to organize your schedules. + * + * Your AWS account comes with a \`default\` scheduler group. You associate a new schedule with the \`default\` group or with schedule groups that you create and manage. You can create up to [500 schedule groups](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/scheduler/latest/UserGuide/scheduler-quotas.html) in your AWS account. With EventBridge Scheduler, you apply [tags](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws_tagging.html) to schedule groups, not to individual schedules to organize your resources. + * + * For more information about managing schedule groups, see [Managing a schedule group](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/scheduler/latest/UserGuide/managing-schedule-group.html) in the *EventBridge Scheduler User Guide* . + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-scheduler-schedulegroup.html + */ +export class CfnScheduleGroup extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::Scheduler::ScheduleGroup"; + + /** + * Build a CfnScheduleGroup from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnScheduleGroup { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnScheduleGroupPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnScheduleGroup(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the schedule group. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute Arn + */ + public readonly attrArn: string; + + /** + * The date and time at which the schedule group was created. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute CreationDate + */ + public readonly attrCreationDate: string; + + /** + * The time at which the schedule group was last modified. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute LastModificationDate + */ + public readonly attrLastModificationDate: string; + + /** + * Specifies the state of the schedule group. + * + * *Allowed Values* : \`ACTIVE\` | \`DELETING\` + * + * @cloudformationAttribute State + */ + public readonly attrState: string; + + /** + * The name of the schedule group. + */ + public name?: string; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * An array of key-value pairs to apply to this resource. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnScheduleGroupProps = {}) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnScheduleGroup.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + this.attrArn = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Arn", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrCreationDate = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("CreationDate", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrLastModificationDate = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("LastModificationDate", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrState = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("State", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.name = props.name; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::Scheduler::ScheduleGroup", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "name": this.name, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags() + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnScheduleGroup.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnScheduleGroupPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnScheduleGroup\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-scheduler-schedulegroup.html + */ +export interface CfnScheduleGroupProps { + /** + * The name of the schedule group. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-scheduler-schedulegroup.html#cfn-scheduler-schedulegroup-name + */ + readonly name?: string; + + /** + * An array of key-value pairs to apply to this resource. + * + * For more information, see [Tag](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-resource-tags.html) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-scheduler-schedulegroup.html#cfn-scheduler-schedulegroup-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnScheduleGroupProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnScheduleGroupProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnScheduleGroupPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("name", cdk.validateString)(properties.name)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnScheduleGroupProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnScheduleGroupPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnScheduleGroupPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Name": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.name), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnScheduleGroupPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("name", "Name", (properties.Name != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Name) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +}", +} +`; + +exports[`aws-sqs 1`] = ` +{ + "augmentations": "// Copyright 2012-2023 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. +/* eslint-disable prettier/prettier,max-len */ +import * as cw from "aws-cdk-lib/aws-cloudwatch"; +import { QueueBase } from "./queue-base"; + +declare module "./queue-base" { + interface IQueue { + /** + * Return the given named metric for this Queue + */ + metric(metricName: string, props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The approximate age of the oldest non-deleted message in the queue. + * + * Maximum over 5 minutes + */ + metricApproximateAgeOfOldestMessage(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The number of messages in the queue that are delayed and not available for reading immediately. + * + * Maximum over 5 minutes + */ + metricApproximateNumberOfMessagesDelayed(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The number of messages that are in flight. + * + * Maximum over 5 minutes + */ + metricApproximateNumberOfMessagesNotVisible(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The number of messages available for retrieval from the queue. + * + * Maximum over 5 minutes + */ + metricApproximateNumberOfMessagesVisible(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The number of ReceiveMessage API calls that did not return a message. + * + * Sum over 5 minutes + */ + metricNumberOfEmptyReceives(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The number of messages deleted from the queue. + * + * Sum over 5 minutes + */ + metricNumberOfMessagesDeleted(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The number of messages returned by calls to the ReceiveMessage action. + * + * Sum over 5 minutes + */ + metricNumberOfMessagesReceived(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The number of messages added to a queue. + * + * Sum over 5 minutes + */ + metricNumberOfMessagesSent(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The size of messages added to a queue. + * + * Average over 5 minutes + */ + metricSentMessageSize(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + } +} + + + +declare module "./queue-base" { + interface QueueBase { + /** + * Return the given named metric for this Queue + */ + metric(metricName: string, props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The approximate age of the oldest non-deleted message in the queue. + * + * Maximum over 5 minutes + */ + metricApproximateAgeOfOldestMessage(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The number of messages in the queue that are delayed and not available for reading immediately. + * + * Maximum over 5 minutes + */ + metricApproximateNumberOfMessagesDelayed(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The number of messages that are in flight. + * + * Maximum over 5 minutes + */ + metricApproximateNumberOfMessagesNotVisible(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The number of messages available for retrieval from the queue. + * + * Maximum over 5 minutes + */ + metricApproximateNumberOfMessagesVisible(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The number of ReceiveMessage API calls that did not return a message. + * + * Sum over 5 minutes + */ + metricNumberOfEmptyReceives(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The number of messages deleted from the queue. + * + * Sum over 5 minutes + */ + metricNumberOfMessagesDeleted(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The number of messages returned by calls to the ReceiveMessage action. + * + * Sum over 5 minutes + */ + metricNumberOfMessagesReceived(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The number of messages added to a queue. + * + * Sum over 5 minutes + */ + metricNumberOfMessagesSent(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + + /** + * The size of messages added to a queue. + * + * Average over 5 minutes + */ + metricSentMessageSize(props?: cw.MetricOptions): cw.Metric; + } +} + +QueueBase.prototype.metric = function(metricName: string, props?: cw.MetricOptions) { + return new cw.Metric({ + "namespace": "AWS/SQS", + "metricName": metricName, + "dimensionsMap": { + "QueueName": this.queueName + }, + ...props + }).attachTo(this); +}; +QueueBase.prototype.metricApproximateAgeOfOldestMessage = function(props?: cw.MetricOptions) { + return this.metric("ApproximateAgeOfOldestMessage", { + "statistic": "Maximum", + ...props + }); +}; +QueueBase.prototype.metricApproximateNumberOfMessagesDelayed = function(props?: cw.MetricOptions) { + return this.metric("ApproximateNumberOfMessagesDelayed", { + "statistic": "Maximum", + ...props + }); +}; +QueueBase.prototype.metricApproximateNumberOfMessagesNotVisible = function(props?: cw.MetricOptions) { + return this.metric("ApproximateNumberOfMessagesNotVisible", { + "statistic": "Maximum", + ...props + }); +}; +QueueBase.prototype.metricApproximateNumberOfMessagesVisible = function(props?: cw.MetricOptions) { + return this.metric("ApproximateNumberOfMessagesVisible", { + "statistic": "Maximum", + ...props + }); +}; +QueueBase.prototype.metricNumberOfEmptyReceives = function(props?: cw.MetricOptions) { + return this.metric("NumberOfEmptyReceives", { + "statistic": "Sum", + ...props + }); +}; +QueueBase.prototype.metricNumberOfMessagesDeleted = function(props?: cw.MetricOptions) { + return this.metric("NumberOfMessagesDeleted", { + "statistic": "Sum", + ...props + }); +}; +QueueBase.prototype.metricNumberOfMessagesReceived = function(props?: cw.MetricOptions) { + return this.metric("NumberOfMessagesReceived", { + "statistic": "Sum", + ...props + }); +}; +QueueBase.prototype.metricNumberOfMessagesSent = function(props?: cw.MetricOptions) { + return this.metric("NumberOfMessagesSent", { + "statistic": "Sum", + ...props + }); +}; +QueueBase.prototype.metricSentMessageSize = function(props?: cw.MetricOptions) { + return this.metric("SentMessageSize", { + "statistic": "Average", + ...props + }); +};", + "metrics": "/* eslint-disable prettier/prettier,max-len */ +export interface MetricWithDims { + readonly namespace: string; + + readonly metricName: string; + + readonly statistic: string; + + readonly dimensionsMap: D; +} + +export class SQSMetrics { + public static numberOfMessagesSentAverage(dimensions: { QueueName: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ QueueName: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/SQS", + "metricName": "NumberOfMessagesSent", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static approximateNumberOfMessagesDelayedAverage(dimensions: { QueueName: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ QueueName: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/SQS", + "metricName": "ApproximateNumberOfMessagesDelayed", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static numberOfMessagesReceivedAverage(dimensions: { QueueName: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ QueueName: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/SQS", + "metricName": "NumberOfMessagesReceived", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static numberOfMessagesDeletedAverage(dimensions: { QueueName: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ QueueName: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/SQS", + "metricName": "NumberOfMessagesDeleted", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static approximateNumberOfMessagesNotVisibleAverage(dimensions: { QueueName: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ QueueName: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/SQS", + "metricName": "ApproximateNumberOfMessagesNotVisible", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static approximateNumberOfMessagesVisibleAverage(dimensions: { QueueName: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ QueueName: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/SQS", + "metricName": "ApproximateNumberOfMessagesVisible", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static approximateAgeOfOldestMessageAverage(dimensions: { QueueName: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ QueueName: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/SQS", + "metricName": "ApproximateAgeOfOldestMessage", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static numberOfEmptyReceivesAverage(dimensions: { QueueName: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ QueueName: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/SQS", + "metricName": "NumberOfEmptyReceives", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } + + public static sentMessageSizeAverage(dimensions: { QueueName: string; }): MetricWithDims<{ QueueName: string; }> { + return { + "namespace": "AWS/SQS", + "metricName": "SentMessageSize", + "dimensionsMap": dimensions, + "statistic": "Average" + }; + } +}", + "module": "/* eslint-disable prettier/prettier,max-len */ +import * as cdk from "aws-cdk-lib"; +import * as constructs from "constructs"; +import * as cfn_parse from "aws-cdk-lib/core/lib/helpers-internal"; + +/** + * The \`AWS::SQS::Queue\` resource creates an Amazon SQS standard or FIFO queue. + * + * Keep the following caveats in mind: + * + * - If you don't specify the \`FifoQueue\` property, Amazon SQS creates a standard queue. + * + * > You can't change the queue type after you create it and you can't convert an existing standard queue into a FIFO queue. You must either create a new FIFO queue for your application or delete your existing standard queue and recreate it as a FIFO queue. For more information, see [Moving from a standard queue to a FIFO queue](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/SQSDeveloperGuide/FIFO-queues-moving.html) in the *Amazon SQS Developer Guide* . + * - If you don't provide a value for a property, the queue is created with the default value for the property. + * - If you delete a queue, you must wait at least 60 seconds before creating a queue with the same name. + * - To successfully create a new queue, you must provide a queue name that adheres to the [limits related to queues](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/SQSDeveloperGuide/limits-queues.html) and is unique within the scope of your queues. + * + * For more information about creating FIFO (first-in-first-out) queues, see [Creating an Amazon SQS queue ( AWS CloudFormation )](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/SQSDeveloperGuide/screate-queue-cloudformation.html) in the *Amazon SQS Developer Guide* . + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-sqs-queue.html + */ +export class CfnQueue extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::SQS::Queue"; + + /** + * Build a CfnQueue from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnQueue { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnQueuePropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnQueue(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * Returns the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the queue. For example: \`arn:aws:sqs:us-east-2:123456789012:mystack-myqueue-15PG5C2FC1CW8\` . + * + * @cloudformationAttribute Arn + */ + public readonly attrArn: string; + + /** + * Returns the queue name. For example: \`mystack-myqueue-1VF9BKQH5BJVI\` . + * + * @cloudformationAttribute QueueName + */ + public readonly attrQueueName: string; + + /** + * Returns the URLs of the queues from the policy. + * + * @cloudformationAttribute QueueUrl + */ + public readonly attrQueueUrl: string; + + /** + * For first-in-first-out (FIFO) queues, specifies whether to enable content-based deduplication. + */ + public contentBasedDeduplication?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * For high throughput for FIFO queues, specifies whether message deduplication occurs at the message group or queue level. + */ + public deduplicationScope?: string; + + /** + * The time in seconds for which the delivery of all messages in the queue is delayed. + */ + public delaySeconds?: number; + + /** + * If set to true, creates a FIFO queue. + */ + public fifoQueue?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * For high throughput for FIFO queues, specifies whether the FIFO queue throughput quota applies to the entire queue or per message group. + */ + public fifoThroughputLimit?: string; + + /** + * The length of time in seconds for which Amazon SQS can reuse a data key to encrypt or decrypt messages before calling AWS KMS again. + */ + public kmsDataKeyReusePeriodSeconds?: number; + + /** + * The ID of an AWS Key Management Service (KMS) for Amazon SQS , or a custom KMS. + */ + public kmsMasterKeyId?: string; + + /** + * The limit of how many bytes that a message can contain before Amazon SQS rejects it. + */ + public maximumMessageSize?: number; + + /** + * The number of seconds that Amazon SQS retains a message. + */ + public messageRetentionPeriod?: number; + + /** + * A name for the queue. + */ + public queueName?: string; + + /** + * Specifies the duration, in seconds, that the ReceiveMessage action call waits until a message is in the queue in order to include it in the response, rather than returning an empty response if a message isn't yet available. + */ + public receiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds?: number; + + /** + * The string that includes the parameters for the permissions for the dead-letter queue redrive permission and which source queues can specify dead-letter queues as a JSON object. + */ + public redriveAllowPolicy?: any | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The string that includes the parameters for the dead-letter queue functionality of the source queue as a JSON object. + */ + public redrivePolicy?: any | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Enables server-side queue encryption using SQS owned encryption keys. + */ + public sqsManagedSseEnabled?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * The tags that you attach to this queue. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * The length of time during which a message will be unavailable after a message is delivered from the queue. + */ + public visibilityTimeout?: number; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnQueueProps = {}) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnQueue.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + this.attrArn = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Arn", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrQueueName = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("QueueName", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.attrQueueUrl = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("QueueUrl", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.contentBasedDeduplication = props.contentBasedDeduplication; + this.deduplicationScope = props.deduplicationScope; + this.delaySeconds = props.delaySeconds; + this.fifoQueue = props.fifoQueue; + this.fifoThroughputLimit = props.fifoThroughputLimit; + this.kmsDataKeyReusePeriodSeconds = props.kmsDataKeyReusePeriodSeconds; + this.kmsMasterKeyId = props.kmsMasterKeyId; + this.maximumMessageSize = props.maximumMessageSize; + this.messageRetentionPeriod = props.messageRetentionPeriod; + this.queueName = props.queueName; + this.receiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds = props.receiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds; + this.redriveAllowPolicy = props.redriveAllowPolicy; + this.redrivePolicy = props.redrivePolicy; + this.sqsManagedSseEnabled = props.sqsManagedSseEnabled; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::SQS::Queue", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + this.visibilityTimeout = props.visibilityTimeout; + if ((this.node.scope != null && cdk.Resource.isResource(this.node.scope))) { + this.node.addValidation({ + "validate": () => ((this.cfnOptions.deletionPolicy === undefined) ? ["'AWS::SQS::Queue' is a stateful resource type, and you must specify a Removal Policy for it. Call 'resource.applyRemovalPolicy()'."] : []) + }); + } + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "contentBasedDeduplication": this.contentBasedDeduplication, + "deduplicationScope": this.deduplicationScope, + "delaySeconds": this.delaySeconds, + "fifoQueue": this.fifoQueue, + "fifoThroughputLimit": this.fifoThroughputLimit, + "kmsDataKeyReusePeriodSeconds": this.kmsDataKeyReusePeriodSeconds, + "kmsMasterKeyId": this.kmsMasterKeyId, + "maximumMessageSize": this.maximumMessageSize, + "messageRetentionPeriod": this.messageRetentionPeriod, + "queueName": this.queueName, + "receiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds": this.receiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds, + "redriveAllowPolicy": this.redriveAllowPolicy, + "redrivePolicy": this.redrivePolicy, + "sqsManagedSseEnabled": this.sqsManagedSseEnabled, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags(), + "visibilityTimeout": this.visibilityTimeout + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnQueue.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnQueuePropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnQueue\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-sqs-queue.html + */ +export interface CfnQueueProps { + /** + * For first-in-first-out (FIFO) queues, specifies whether to enable content-based deduplication. + * + * During the deduplication interval, Amazon SQS treats messages that are sent with identical content as duplicates and delivers only one copy of the message. For more information, see the \`ContentBasedDeduplication\` attribute for the \`[CreateQueue](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/APIReference/API_CreateQueue.html)\` action in the *Amazon SQS API Reference* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-sqs-queue.html#cfn-sqs-queue-contentbaseddeduplication + */ + readonly contentBasedDeduplication?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * For high throughput for FIFO queues, specifies whether message deduplication occurs at the message group or queue level. + * + * Valid values are \`messageGroup\` and \`queue\` . + * + * To enable high throughput for a FIFO queue, set this attribute to \`messageGroup\` *and* set the \`FifoThroughputLimit\` attribute to \`perMessageGroupId\` . If you set these attributes to anything other than these values, normal throughput is in effect and deduplication occurs as specified. For more information, see [High throughput for FIFO queues](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/SQSDeveloperGuide/high-throughput-fifo.html) and [Quotas related to messages](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/SQSDeveloperGuide/quotas-messages.html) in the *Amazon SQS Developer Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-sqs-queue.html#cfn-sqs-queue-deduplicationscope + */ + readonly deduplicationScope?: string; + + /** + * The time in seconds for which the delivery of all messages in the queue is delayed. + * + * You can specify an integer value of \`0\` to \`900\` (15 minutes). The default value is \`0\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-sqs-queue.html#cfn-sqs-queue-delayseconds + */ + readonly delaySeconds?: number; + + /** + * If set to true, creates a FIFO queue. + * + * If you don't specify this property, Amazon SQS creates a standard queue. For more information, see [FIFO queues](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/SQSDeveloperGuide/FIFO-queues.html) in the *Amazon SQS Developer Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-sqs-queue.html#cfn-sqs-queue-fifoqueue + */ + readonly fifoQueue?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * For high throughput for FIFO queues, specifies whether the FIFO queue throughput quota applies to the entire queue or per message group. + * + * Valid values are \`perQueue\` and \`perMessageGroupId\` . + * + * To enable high throughput for a FIFO queue, set this attribute to \`perMessageGroupId\` *and* set the \`DeduplicationScope\` attribute to \`messageGroup\` . If you set these attributes to anything other than these values, normal throughput is in effect and deduplication occurs as specified. For more information, see [High throughput for FIFO queues](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/SQSDeveloperGuide/high-throughput-fifo.html) and [Quotas related to messages](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/SQSDeveloperGuide/quotas-messages.html) in the *Amazon SQS Developer Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-sqs-queue.html#cfn-sqs-queue-fifothroughputlimit + */ + readonly fifoThroughputLimit?: string; + + /** + * The length of time in seconds for which Amazon SQS can reuse a data key to encrypt or decrypt messages before calling AWS KMS again. + * + * The value must be an integer between 60 (1 minute) and 86,400 (24 hours). The default is 300 (5 minutes). + * + * > A shorter time period provides better security, but results in more calls to AWS KMS , which might incur charges after Free Tier. For more information, see [Encryption at rest](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/SQSDeveloperGuide/sqs-server-side-encryption.html#sqs-how-does-the-data-key-reuse-period-work) in the *Amazon SQS Developer Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-sqs-queue.html#cfn-sqs-queue-kmsdatakeyreuseperiodseconds + */ + readonly kmsDataKeyReusePeriodSeconds?: number; + + /** + * The ID of an AWS Key Management Service (KMS) for Amazon SQS , or a custom KMS. + * + * To use the AWS managed KMS for Amazon SQS , specify a (default) alias ARN, alias name (e.g. \`alias/aws/sqs\` ), key ARN, or key ID. For more information, see the following: + * + * - [Encryption at rest](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/SQSDeveloperGuide/sqs-server-side-encryption.html) in the *Amazon SQS Developer Guide* + * - [CreateQueue](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/APIReference/API_CreateQueue.html) in the *Amazon SQS API Reference* + * - [Request Parameters](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kms/latest/APIReference/API_DescribeKey.html#API_DescribeKey_RequestParameters) in the *AWS Key Management Service API Reference* + * - The Key Management Service (KMS) section of the [AWS Key Management Service Best Practices](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/https://d0.awsstatic.com/whitepapers/aws-kms-best-practices.pdf) whitepaper + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-sqs-queue.html#cfn-sqs-queue-kmsmasterkeyid + */ + readonly kmsMasterKeyId?: string; + + /** + * The limit of how many bytes that a message can contain before Amazon SQS rejects it. + * + * You can specify an integer value from \`1,024\` bytes (1 KiB) to \`262,144\` bytes (256 KiB). The default value is \`262,144\` (256 KiB). + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-sqs-queue.html#cfn-sqs-queue-maximummessagesize + */ + readonly maximumMessageSize?: number; + + /** + * The number of seconds that Amazon SQS retains a message. + * + * You can specify an integer value from \`60\` seconds (1 minute) to \`1,209,600\` seconds (14 days). The default value is \`345,600\` seconds (4 days). + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-sqs-queue.html#cfn-sqs-queue-messageretentionperiod + */ + readonly messageRetentionPeriod?: number; + + /** + * A name for the queue. + * + * To create a FIFO queue, the name of your FIFO queue must end with the \`.fifo\` suffix. For more information, see [FIFO queues](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/SQSDeveloperGuide/FIFO-queues.html) in the *Amazon SQS Developer Guide* . + * + * If you don't specify a name, AWS CloudFormation generates a unique physical ID and uses that ID for the queue name. For more information, see [Name type](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-name.html) in the *AWS CloudFormation User Guide* . + * + * > If you specify a name, you can't perform updates that require replacement of this resource. You can perform updates that require no or some interruption. If you must replace the resource, specify a new name. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-sqs-queue.html#cfn-sqs-queue-queuename + */ + readonly queueName?: string; + + /** + * Specifies the duration, in seconds, that the ReceiveMessage action call waits until a message is in the queue in order to include it in the response, rather than returning an empty response if a message isn't yet available. + * + * You can specify an integer from 1 to 20. Short polling is used as the default or when you specify 0 for this property. For more information, see [Consuming messages using long polling](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/SQSDeveloperGuide/sqs-short-and-long-polling.html#sqs-long-polling) in the *Amazon SQS Developer Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-sqs-queue.html#cfn-sqs-queue-receivemessagewaittimeseconds + */ + readonly receiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds?: number; + + /** + * The string that includes the parameters for the permissions for the dead-letter queue redrive permission and which source queues can specify dead-letter queues as a JSON object. + * + * The parameters are as follows: + * + * - \`redrivePermission\` : The permission type that defines which source queues can specify the current queue as the dead-letter queue. Valid values are: + * + * - \`allowAll\` : (Default) Any source queues in this AWS account in the same Region can specify this queue as the dead-letter queue. + * - \`denyAll\` : No source queues can specify this queue as the dead-letter queue. + * - \`byQueue\` : Only queues specified by the \`sourceQueueArns\` parameter can specify this queue as the dead-letter queue. + * - \`sourceQueueArns\` : The Amazon Resource Names (ARN)s of the source queues that can specify this queue as the dead-letter queue and redrive messages. You can specify this parameter only when the \`redrivePermission\` parameter is set to \`byQueue\` . You can specify up to 10 source queue ARNs. To allow more than 10 source queues to specify dead-letter queues, set the \`redrivePermission\` parameter to \`allowAll\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-sqs-queue.html#cfn-sqs-queue-redriveallowpolicy + */ + readonly redriveAllowPolicy?: any | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The string that includes the parameters for the dead-letter queue functionality of the source queue as a JSON object. + * + * The parameters are as follows: + * + * - \`deadLetterTargetArn\` : The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dead-letter queue to which Amazon SQS moves messages after the value of \`maxReceiveCount\` is exceeded. + * - \`maxReceiveCount\` : The number of times a message is delivered to the source queue before being moved to the dead-letter queue. When the \`ReceiveCount\` for a message exceeds the \`maxReceiveCount\` for a queue, Amazon SQS moves the message to the dead-letter-queue. + * + * > The dead-letter queue of a FIFO queue must also be a FIFO queue. Similarly, the dead-letter queue of a standard queue must also be a standard queue. + * + * *JSON* + * + * \`{ "deadLetterTargetArn" : *String* , "maxReceiveCount" : *Integer* }\` + * + * *YAML* + * + * \`deadLetterTargetArn : *String*\` + * + * \`maxReceiveCount : *Integer*\` + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-sqs-queue.html#cfn-sqs-queue-redrivepolicy + */ + readonly redrivePolicy?: any | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Enables server-side queue encryption using SQS owned encryption keys. + * + * Only one server-side encryption option is supported per queue (for example, [SSE-KMS](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/SQSDeveloperGuide/sqs-configure-sse-existing-queue.html) or [SSE-SQS](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/SQSDeveloperGuide/sqs-configure-sqs-sse-queue.html) ). + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-sqs-queue.html#cfn-sqs-queue-sqsmanagedsseenabled + */ + readonly sqsManagedSseEnabled?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The tags that you attach to this queue. + * + * For more information, see [Resource tag](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-resource-tags.html) in the *AWS CloudFormation User Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-sqs-queue.html#cfn-sqs-queue-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; + + /** + * The length of time during which a message will be unavailable after a message is delivered from the queue. + * + * This blocks other components from receiving the same message and gives the initial component time to process and delete the message from the queue. + * + * Values must be from 0 to 43,200 seconds (12 hours). If you don't specify a value, AWS CloudFormation uses the default value of 30 seconds. + * + * For more information about Amazon SQS queue visibility timeouts, see [Visibility timeout](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/SQSDeveloperGuide/sqs-visibility-timeout.html) in the *Amazon SQS Developer Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-sqs-queue.html#cfn-sqs-queue-visibilitytimeout + */ + readonly visibilityTimeout?: number; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnQueueProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnQueueProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnQueuePropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("contentBasedDeduplication", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.contentBasedDeduplication)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("deduplicationScope", cdk.validateString)(properties.deduplicationScope)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("delaySeconds", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.delaySeconds)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("fifoQueue", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.fifoQueue)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("fifoThroughputLimit", cdk.validateString)(properties.fifoThroughputLimit)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("kmsDataKeyReusePeriodSeconds", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.kmsDataKeyReusePeriodSeconds)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("kmsMasterKeyId", cdk.validateString)(properties.kmsMasterKeyId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("maximumMessageSize", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.maximumMessageSize)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("messageRetentionPeriod", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.messageRetentionPeriod)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("queueName", cdk.validateString)(properties.queueName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("receiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.receiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("redriveAllowPolicy", cdk.validateObject)(properties.redriveAllowPolicy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("redrivePolicy", cdk.validateObject)(properties.redrivePolicy)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sqsManagedSseEnabled", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.sqsManagedSseEnabled)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("visibilityTimeout", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.visibilityTimeout)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnQueueProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnQueuePropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnQueuePropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ContentBasedDeduplication": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.contentBasedDeduplication), + "DeduplicationScope": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.deduplicationScope), + "DelaySeconds": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.delaySeconds), + "FifoQueue": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.fifoQueue), + "FifoThroughputLimit": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.fifoThroughputLimit), + "KmsDataKeyReusePeriodSeconds": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.kmsDataKeyReusePeriodSeconds), + "KmsMasterKeyId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.kmsMasterKeyId), + "MaximumMessageSize": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.maximumMessageSize), + "MessageRetentionPeriod": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.messageRetentionPeriod), + "QueueName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.queueName), + "ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.receiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds), + "RedriveAllowPolicy": cdk.objectToCloudFormation(properties.redriveAllowPolicy), + "RedrivePolicy": cdk.objectToCloudFormation(properties.redrivePolicy), + "SqsManagedSseEnabled": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.sqsManagedSseEnabled), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags), + "VisibilityTimeout": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.visibilityTimeout) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnQueuePropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("contentBasedDeduplication", "ContentBasedDeduplication", (properties.ContentBasedDeduplication != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.ContentBasedDeduplication) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("deduplicationScope", "DeduplicationScope", (properties.DeduplicationScope != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DeduplicationScope) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("delaySeconds", "DelaySeconds", (properties.DelaySeconds != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.DelaySeconds) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("fifoQueue", "FifoQueue", (properties.FifoQueue != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.FifoQueue) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("fifoThroughputLimit", "FifoThroughputLimit", (properties.FifoThroughputLimit != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.FifoThroughputLimit) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("kmsDataKeyReusePeriodSeconds", "KmsDataKeyReusePeriodSeconds", (properties.KmsDataKeyReusePeriodSeconds != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.KmsDataKeyReusePeriodSeconds) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("kmsMasterKeyId", "KmsMasterKeyId", (properties.KmsMasterKeyId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.KmsMasterKeyId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("maximumMessageSize", "MaximumMessageSize", (properties.MaximumMessageSize != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.MaximumMessageSize) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("messageRetentionPeriod", "MessageRetentionPeriod", (properties.MessageRetentionPeriod != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.MessageRetentionPeriod) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("queueName", "QueueName", (properties.QueueName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.QueueName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("receiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds", "ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds", (properties.ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("redriveAllowPolicy", "RedriveAllowPolicy", (properties.RedriveAllowPolicy != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getAny(properties.RedriveAllowPolicy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("redrivePolicy", "RedrivePolicy", (properties.RedrivePolicy != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getAny(properties.RedrivePolicy) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("sqsManagedSseEnabled", "SqsManagedSseEnabled", (properties.SqsManagedSseEnabled != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.SqsManagedSseEnabled) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("visibilityTimeout", "VisibilityTimeout", (properties.VisibilityTimeout != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.VisibilityTimeout) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * The \`AWS::SQS::QueuePolicy\` type applies a policy to Amazon SQS queues. + * + * For an example snippet, see [Declaring an Amazon SQS policy](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/quickref-iam.html#scenario-sqs-policy) in the *AWS CloudFormation User Guide* . + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-sqs-queuepolicy.html + */ +export class CfnQueuePolicy extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::SQS::QueuePolicy"; + + /** + * Build a CfnQueuePolicy from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnQueuePolicy { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnQueuePolicyPropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnQueuePolicy(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * @cloudformationAttribute Id + */ + public readonly attrId: string; + + /** + * A policy document that contains the permissions for the specified Amazon SQS queues. + */ + public policyDocument: any | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The URLs of the queues to which you want to add the policy. + */ + public queues: Array; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnQueuePolicyProps) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnQueuePolicy.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "policyDocument", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "queues", this); + + this.attrId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Id", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.policyDocument = props.policyDocument; + this.queues = props.queues; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "policyDocument": this.policyDocument, + "queues": this.queues + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnQueuePolicy.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnQueuePolicyPropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnQueuePolicy\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-sqs-queuepolicy.html + */ +export interface CfnQueuePolicyProps { + /** + * A policy document that contains the permissions for the specified Amazon SQS queues. + * + * For more information about Amazon SQS policies, see [Using custom policies with the Amazon SQS access policy language](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/SQSDeveloperGuide/sqs-creating-custom-policies.html) in the *Amazon SQS Developer Guide* . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-sqs-queuepolicy.html#cfn-sqs-queuepolicy-policydocument + */ + readonly policyDocument: any | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The URLs of the queues to which you want to add the policy. + * + * You can use the \`[Ref](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/intrinsic-function-reference-ref.html)\` function to specify an \`[AWS::SQS::Queue](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-sqs-queues.html)\` resource. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-sqs-queuepolicy.html#cfn-sqs-queuepolicy-queues + */ + readonly queues: Array; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnQueuePolicyProps\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnQueuePolicyProps\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnQueuePolicyPropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("policyDocument", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.policyDocument)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("policyDocument", cdk.validateObject)(properties.policyDocument)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("queues", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.queues)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("queues", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.queues)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnQueuePolicyProps\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnQueuePolicyPropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnQueuePolicyPropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "PolicyDocument": cdk.objectToCloudFormation(properties.policyDocument), + "Queues": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.queues) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnQueuePolicyPropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("policyDocument", "PolicyDocument", (properties.PolicyDocument != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getAny(properties.PolicyDocument) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("queues", "Queues", (properties.Queues != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.Queues) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +}", +} +`; + +exports[`can codegen service with arbitrary suffix 1`] = ` +"/* eslint-disable prettier/prettier,max-len */ +import * as cdk from "aws-cdk-lib"; +import * as constructs from "constructs"; +import * as cfn_parse from "aws-cdk-lib/core/lib/helpers-internal"; + +/** + * Creates an Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics application. + * + * For information about creating a Kinesis Data Analytics application, see [Creating an Application](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/java/getting-started.html) . + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-kinesisanalyticsv2-application.html + */ +export class CfnApplicationV2 extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable, cdk.ITaggable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::KinesisAnalyticsV2::Application"; + + /** + * Build a CfnApplicationV2 from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnApplicationV2 { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnApplicationV2PropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnApplicationV2(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * Use this parameter to configure the application. + */ + public applicationConfiguration?: CfnApplicationV2.ApplicationConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The description of the application. + */ + public applicationDescription?: string; + + /** + * Describes the maintenance configuration for the application. + */ + public applicationMaintenanceConfiguration?: CfnApplicationV2.ApplicationMaintenanceConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * To create a Kinesis Data Analytics Studio notebook, you must set the mode to \`INTERACTIVE\` . + */ + public applicationMode?: string; + + /** + * The name of the application. + */ + public applicationName?: string; + + /** + * Identifies the run configuration (start parameters) of a Kinesis Data Analytics application. + */ + public runConfiguration?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnApplicationV2.RunConfigurationProperty; + + /** + * The runtime environment for the application. + */ + public runtimeEnvironment: string; + + /** + * Specifies the IAM role that the application uses to access external resources. + */ + public serviceExecutionRole: string; + + /** + * Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource + */ + public readonly tags: cdk.TagManager; + + /** + * A list of one or more tags to assign to the application. + */ + public tagsRaw?: Array; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnApplicationV2Props) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnApplicationV2.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "runtimeEnvironment", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "serviceExecutionRole", this); + + this.applicationConfiguration = props.applicationConfiguration; + this.applicationDescription = props.applicationDescription; + this.applicationMaintenanceConfiguration = props.applicationMaintenanceConfiguration; + this.applicationMode = props.applicationMode; + this.applicationName = props.applicationName; + this.runConfiguration = props.runConfiguration; + this.runtimeEnvironment = props.runtimeEnvironment; + this.serviceExecutionRole = props.serviceExecutionRole; + this.tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.STANDARD, "AWS::KinesisAnalyticsV2::Application", props.tags, { + "tagPropertyName": "tags" + }); + this.tagsRaw = props.tags; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "applicationConfiguration": this.applicationConfiguration, + "applicationDescription": this.applicationDescription, + "applicationMaintenanceConfiguration": this.applicationMaintenanceConfiguration, + "applicationMode": this.applicationMode, + "applicationName": this.applicationName, + "runConfiguration": this.runConfiguration, + "runtimeEnvironment": this.runtimeEnvironment, + "serviceExecutionRole": this.serviceExecutionRole, + "tags": this.tags.renderTags() + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnApplicationV2.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnApplicationV2PropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +export namespace CfnApplicationV2 { + /** + * Specifies the creation parameters for a Kinesis Data Analytics application. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-applicationconfiguration.html + */ + export interface ApplicationConfigurationProperty { + /** + * The code location and type parameters for a Flink-based Kinesis Data Analytics application. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-applicationconfiguration.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-applicationconfiguration-applicationcodeconfiguration + */ + readonly applicationCodeConfiguration?: CfnApplicationV2.ApplicationCodeConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Describes whether snapshots are enabled for a Flink-based Kinesis Data Analytics application. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-applicationconfiguration.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-applicationconfiguration-applicationsnapshotconfiguration + */ + readonly applicationSnapshotConfiguration?: CfnApplicationV2.ApplicationSnapshotConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Describes execution properties for a Flink-based Kinesis Data Analytics application. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-applicationconfiguration.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-applicationconfiguration-environmentproperties + */ + readonly environmentProperties?: CfnApplicationV2.EnvironmentPropertiesProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The creation and update parameters for a Flink-based Kinesis Data Analytics application. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-applicationconfiguration.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-applicationconfiguration-flinkapplicationconfiguration + */ + readonly flinkApplicationConfiguration?: CfnApplicationV2.FlinkApplicationConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The creation and update parameters for a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-applicationconfiguration.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-applicationconfiguration-sqlapplicationconfiguration + */ + readonly sqlApplicationConfiguration?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnApplicationV2.SqlApplicationConfigurationProperty; + + /** + * The array of descriptions of VPC configurations available to the application. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-applicationconfiguration.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-applicationconfiguration-vpcconfigurations + */ + readonly vpcConfigurations?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The configuration parameters for a Kinesis Data Analytics Studio notebook. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-applicationconfiguration.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-applicationconfiguration-zeppelinapplicationconfiguration + */ + readonly zeppelinApplicationConfiguration?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnApplicationV2.ZeppelinApplicationConfigurationProperty; + } + + /** + * Describes code configuration for an application. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-applicationcodeconfiguration.html + */ + export interface ApplicationCodeConfigurationProperty { + /** + * The location and type of the application code. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-applicationcodeconfiguration.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-applicationcodeconfiguration-codecontent + */ + readonly codeContent: CfnApplicationV2.CodeContentProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Specifies whether the code content is in text or zip format. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-applicationcodeconfiguration.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-applicationcodeconfiguration-codecontenttype + */ + readonly codeContentType: string; + } + + /** + * Specifies either the application code, or the location of the application code, for a Flink-based Kinesis Data Analytics application. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-codecontent.html + */ + export interface CodeContentProperty { + /** + * Information about the Amazon S3 bucket that contains the application code. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-codecontent.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-codecontent-s3contentlocation + */ + readonly s3ContentLocation?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnApplicationV2.S3ContentLocationProperty; + + /** + * The text-format code for a Flink-based Kinesis Data Analytics application. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-codecontent.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-codecontent-textcontent + */ + readonly textContent?: string; + + /** + * The zip-format code for a Flink-based Kinesis Data Analytics application. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-codecontent.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-codecontent-zipfilecontent + */ + readonly zipFileContent?: string; + } + + /** + * The location of an application or a custom artifact. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-s3contentlocation.html + */ + export interface S3ContentLocationProperty { + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the S3 bucket containing the application code. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-s3contentlocation.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-s3contentlocation-bucketarn + */ + readonly bucketArn: string; + + /** + * The file key for the object containing the application code. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-s3contentlocation.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-s3contentlocation-filekey + */ + readonly fileKey: string; + + /** + * The version of the object containing the application code. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-s3contentlocation.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-s3contentlocation-objectversion + */ + readonly objectVersion?: string; + } + + /** + * Describes whether snapshots are enabled for a Flink-based Kinesis Data Analytics application. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-applicationsnapshotconfiguration.html + */ + export interface ApplicationSnapshotConfigurationProperty { + /** + * Describes whether snapshots are enabled for a Flink-based Kinesis Data Analytics application. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-applicationsnapshotconfiguration.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-applicationsnapshotconfiguration-snapshotsenabled + */ + readonly snapshotsEnabled: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * Describes execution properties for a Flink-based Kinesis Data Analytics application. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-environmentproperties.html + */ + export interface EnvironmentPropertiesProperty { + /** + * Describes the execution property groups. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-environmentproperties.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-environmentproperties-propertygroups + */ + readonly propertyGroups?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * Property key-value pairs passed into an application. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-propertygroup.html + */ + export interface PropertyGroupProperty { + /** + * Describes the key of an application execution property key-value pair. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-propertygroup.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-propertygroup-propertygroupid + */ + readonly propertyGroupId?: string; + + /** + * Describes the value of an application execution property key-value pair. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-propertygroup.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-propertygroup-propertymap + */ + readonly propertyMap?: cdk.IResolvable | Record; + } + + /** + * Describes configuration parameters for a Flink-based Kinesis Data Analytics application or a Studio notebook. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-flinkapplicationconfiguration.html + */ + export interface FlinkApplicationConfigurationProperty { + /** + * Describes an application's checkpointing configuration. + * + * Checkpointing is the process of persisting application state for fault tolerance. For more information, see [Checkpoints for Fault Tolerance](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.8/concepts/programming-model.html#checkpoints-for-fault-tolerance) in the [Apache Flink Documentation](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.8/) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-flinkapplicationconfiguration.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-flinkapplicationconfiguration-checkpointconfiguration + */ + readonly checkpointConfiguration?: CfnApplicationV2.CheckpointConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Describes configuration parameters for Amazon CloudWatch logging for an application. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-flinkapplicationconfiguration.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-flinkapplicationconfiguration-monitoringconfiguration + */ + readonly monitoringConfiguration?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnApplicationV2.MonitoringConfigurationProperty; + + /** + * Describes parameters for how an application executes multiple tasks simultaneously. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-flinkapplicationconfiguration.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-flinkapplicationconfiguration-parallelismconfiguration + */ + readonly parallelismConfiguration?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnApplicationV2.ParallelismConfigurationProperty; + } + + /** + * Describes an application's checkpointing configuration. + * + * Checkpointing is the process of persisting application state for fault tolerance. For more information, see [Checkpoints for Fault Tolerance](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.8/concepts/programming-model.html#checkpoints-for-fault-tolerance) in the [Apache Flink Documentation](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.8/) . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-checkpointconfiguration.html + */ + export interface CheckpointConfigurationProperty { + /** + * Describes whether checkpointing is enabled for a Flink-based Kinesis Data Analytics application. + * + * > If \`CheckpointConfiguration.ConfigurationType\` is \`DEFAULT\` , the application will use a \`CheckpointingEnabled\` value of \`true\` , even if this value is set to another value using this API or in application code. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-checkpointconfiguration.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-checkpointconfiguration-checkpointingenabled + */ + readonly checkpointingEnabled?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Describes the interval in milliseconds between checkpoint operations. + * + * > If \`CheckpointConfiguration.ConfigurationType\` is \`DEFAULT\` , the application will use a \`CheckpointInterval\` value of 60000, even if this value is set to another value using this API or in application code. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-checkpointconfiguration.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-checkpointconfiguration-checkpointinterval + */ + readonly checkpointInterval?: number; + + /** + * Describes whether the application uses Kinesis Data Analytics' default checkpointing behavior. + * + * You must set this property to \`CUSTOM\` in order to set the \`CheckpointingEnabled\` , \`CheckpointInterval\` , or \`MinPauseBetweenCheckpoints\` parameters. + * + * > If this value is set to \`DEFAULT\` , the application will use the following values, even if they are set to other values using APIs or application code: + * > + * > - *CheckpointingEnabled:* true + * > - *CheckpointInterval:* 60000 + * > - *MinPauseBetweenCheckpoints:* 5000 + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-checkpointconfiguration.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-checkpointconfiguration-configurationtype + */ + readonly configurationType: string; + + /** + * Describes the minimum time in milliseconds after a checkpoint operation completes that a new checkpoint operation can start. + * + * If a checkpoint operation takes longer than the \`CheckpointInterval\` , the application otherwise performs continual checkpoint operations. For more information, see [Tuning Checkpointing](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.8/ops/state/large_state_tuning.html#tuning-checkpointing) in the [Apache Flink Documentation](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.8/) . + * + * > If \`CheckpointConfiguration.ConfigurationType\` is \`DEFAULT\` , the application will use a \`MinPauseBetweenCheckpoints\` value of 5000, even if this value is set using this API or in application code. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-checkpointconfiguration.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-checkpointconfiguration-minpausebetweencheckpoints + */ + readonly minPauseBetweenCheckpoints?: number; + } + + /** + * Describes configuration parameters for Amazon CloudWatch logging for a Java-based Kinesis Data Analytics application. + * + * For more information about CloudWatch logging, see [Monitoring](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/java/monitoring-overview) . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-monitoringconfiguration.html + */ + export interface MonitoringConfigurationProperty { + /** + * Describes whether to use the default CloudWatch logging configuration for an application. + * + * You must set this property to \`CUSTOM\` in order to set the \`LogLevel\` or \`MetricsLevel\` parameters. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-monitoringconfiguration.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-monitoringconfiguration-configurationtype + */ + readonly configurationType: string; + + /** + * Describes the verbosity of the CloudWatch Logs for an application. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-monitoringconfiguration.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-monitoringconfiguration-loglevel + */ + readonly logLevel?: string; + + /** + * Describes the granularity of the CloudWatch Logs for an application. + * + * The \`Parallelism\` level is not recommended for applications with a Parallelism over 64 due to excessive costs. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-monitoringconfiguration.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-monitoringconfiguration-metricslevel + */ + readonly metricsLevel?: string; + } + + /** + * Describes parameters for how a Flink-based Kinesis Data Analytics application executes multiple tasks simultaneously. + * + * For more information about parallelism, see [Parallel Execution](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.8/dev/parallel.html) in the [Apache Flink Documentation](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.8/) . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-parallelismconfiguration.html + */ + export interface ParallelismConfigurationProperty { + /** + * Describes whether the Kinesis Data Analytics service can increase the parallelism of the application in response to increased throughput. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-parallelismconfiguration.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-parallelismconfiguration-autoscalingenabled + */ + readonly autoScalingEnabled?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Describes whether the application uses the default parallelism for the Kinesis Data Analytics service. + * + * You must set this property to \`CUSTOM\` in order to change your application's \`AutoScalingEnabled\` , \`Parallelism\` , or \`ParallelismPerKPU\` properties. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-parallelismconfiguration.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-parallelismconfiguration-configurationtype + */ + readonly configurationType: string; + + /** + * Describes the initial number of parallel tasks that a Java-based Kinesis Data Analytics application can perform. + * + * The Kinesis Data Analytics service can increase this number automatically if [ParallelismConfiguration:AutoScalingEnabled](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/apiv2/API_ParallelismConfiguration.html#kinesisanalytics-Type-ParallelismConfiguration-AutoScalingEnabled.html) is set to \`true\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-parallelismconfiguration.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-parallelismconfiguration-parallelism + */ + readonly parallelism?: number; + + /** + * Describes the number of parallel tasks that a Java-based Kinesis Data Analytics application can perform per Kinesis Processing Unit (KPU) used by the application. + * + * For more information about KPUs, see [Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics Pricing](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesis/data-analytics/pricing/) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-parallelismconfiguration.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-parallelismconfiguration-parallelismperkpu + */ + readonly parallelismPerKpu?: number; + } + + /** + * Describes the inputs, outputs, and reference data sources for a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-sqlapplicationconfiguration.html + */ + export interface SqlApplicationConfigurationProperty { + /** + * The array of [Input](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/apiv2/API_Input.html) objects describing the input streams used by the application. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-sqlapplicationconfiguration.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-sqlapplicationconfiguration-inputs + */ + readonly inputs?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * When you configure the application input for a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, you specify the streaming source, the in-application stream name that is created, and the mapping between the two. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-input.html + */ + export interface InputProperty { + /** + * Describes the number of in-application streams to create. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-input.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-input-inputparallelism + */ + readonly inputParallelism?: CfnApplicationV2.InputParallelismProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The [InputProcessingConfiguration](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/apiv2/API_InputProcessingConfiguration.html) for the input. An input processor transforms records as they are received from the stream, before the application's SQL code executes. Currently, the only input processing configuration available is [InputLambdaProcessor](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/apiv2/API_InputLambdaProcessor.html) . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-input.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-input-inputprocessingconfiguration + */ + readonly inputProcessingConfiguration?: CfnApplicationV2.InputProcessingConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Describes the format of the data in the streaming source, and how each data element maps to corresponding columns in the in-application stream that is being created. + * + * Also used to describe the format of the reference data source. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-input.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-input-inputschema + */ + readonly inputSchema: CfnApplicationV2.InputSchemaProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * If the streaming source is an Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream, identifies the delivery stream's ARN. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-input.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-input-kinesisfirehoseinput + */ + readonly kinesisFirehoseInput?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnApplicationV2.KinesisFirehoseInputProperty; + + /** + * If the streaming source is an Amazon Kinesis data stream, identifies the stream's Amazon Resource Name (ARN). + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-input.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-input-kinesisstreamsinput + */ + readonly kinesisStreamsInput?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnApplicationV2.KinesisStreamsInputProperty; + + /** + * The name prefix to use when creating an in-application stream. + * + * Suppose that you specify a prefix " \`MyInApplicationStream\` ." Kinesis Data Analytics then creates one or more (as per the \`InputParallelism\` count you specified) in-application streams with the names " \`MyInApplicationStream_001\` ," " \`MyInApplicationStream_002\` ," and so on. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-input.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-input-nameprefix + */ + readonly namePrefix: string; + } + + /** + * For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, describes the format of the data in the streaming source, and how each data element maps to corresponding columns created in the in-application stream. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-inputschema.html + */ + export interface InputSchemaProperty { + /** + * A list of \`RecordColumn\` objects. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-inputschema.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-inputschema-recordcolumns + */ + readonly recordColumns: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Specifies the encoding of the records in the streaming source. + * + * For example, UTF-8. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-inputschema.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-inputschema-recordencoding + */ + readonly recordEncoding?: string; + + /** + * Specifies the format of the records on the streaming source. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-inputschema.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-inputschema-recordformat + */ + readonly recordFormat: cdk.IResolvable | CfnApplicationV2.RecordFormatProperty; + } + + /** + * For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, describes the mapping of each data element in the streaming source to the corresponding column in the in-application stream. + * + * Also used to describe the format of the reference data source. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-recordcolumn.html + */ + export interface RecordColumnProperty { + /** + * A reference to the data element in the streaming input or the reference data source. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-recordcolumn.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-recordcolumn-mapping + */ + readonly mapping?: string; + + /** + * The name of the column that is created in the in-application input stream or reference table. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-recordcolumn.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-recordcolumn-name + */ + readonly name: string; + + /** + * The type of column created in the in-application input stream or reference table. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-recordcolumn.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-recordcolumn-sqltype + */ + readonly sqlType: string; + } + + /** + * For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, describes the record format and relevant mapping information that should be applied to schematize the records on the stream. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-recordformat.html + */ + export interface RecordFormatProperty { + /** + * When you configure application input at the time of creating or updating an application, provides additional mapping information specific to the record format (such as JSON, CSV, or record fields delimited by some delimiter) on the streaming source. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-recordformat.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-recordformat-mappingparameters + */ + readonly mappingParameters?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnApplicationV2.MappingParametersProperty; + + /** + * The type of record format. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-recordformat.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-recordformat-recordformattype + */ + readonly recordFormatType: string; + } + + /** + * When you configure a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application's input at the time of creating or updating an application, provides additional mapping information specific to the record format (such as JSON, CSV, or record fields delimited by some delimiter) on the streaming source. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-mappingparameters.html + */ + export interface MappingParametersProperty { + /** + * Provides additional mapping information when the record format uses delimiters (for example, CSV). + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-mappingparameters.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-mappingparameters-csvmappingparameters + */ + readonly csvMappingParameters?: CfnApplicationV2.CSVMappingParametersProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Provides additional mapping information when JSON is the record format on the streaming source. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-mappingparameters.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-mappingparameters-jsonmappingparameters + */ + readonly jsonMappingParameters?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnApplicationV2.JSONMappingParametersProperty; + } + + /** + * For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, provides additional mapping information when the record format uses delimiters, such as CSV. + * + * For example, the following sample records use CSV format, where the records use the *'\\n'* as the row delimiter and a comma (",") as the column delimiter: + * + * \`"name1", "address1"\` + * + * \`"name2", "address2"\` + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-csvmappingparameters.html + */ + export interface CSVMappingParametersProperty { + /** + * The column delimiter. + * + * For example, in a CSV format, a comma (",") is the typical column delimiter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-csvmappingparameters.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-csvmappingparameters-recordcolumndelimiter + */ + readonly recordColumnDelimiter: string; + + /** + * The row delimiter. + * + * For example, in a CSV format, *'\\n'* is the typical row delimiter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-csvmappingparameters.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-csvmappingparameters-recordrowdelimiter + */ + readonly recordRowDelimiter: string; + } + + /** + * For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, provides additional mapping information when JSON is the record format on the streaming source. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-jsonmappingparameters.html + */ + export interface JSONMappingParametersProperty { + /** + * The path to the top-level parent that contains the records. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-jsonmappingparameters.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-jsonmappingparameters-recordrowpath + */ + readonly recordRowPath: string; + } + + /** + * Identifies a Kinesis data stream as the streaming source. + * + * You provide the stream's Amazon Resource Name (ARN). + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-kinesisstreamsinput.html + */ + export interface KinesisStreamsInputProperty { + /** + * The ARN of the input Kinesis data stream to read. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-kinesisstreamsinput.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-kinesisstreamsinput-resourcearn + */ + readonly resourceArn: string; + } + + /** + * For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, identifies a Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream as the streaming source. + * + * You provide the delivery stream's Amazon Resource Name (ARN). + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-kinesisfirehoseinput.html + */ + export interface KinesisFirehoseInputProperty { + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the delivery stream. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-kinesisfirehoseinput.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-kinesisfirehoseinput-resourcearn + */ + readonly resourceArn: string; + } + + /** + * For an SQL-based Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics application, describes a processor that is used to preprocess the records in the stream before being processed by your application code. + * + * Currently, the only input processor available is [Amazon Lambda](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/) . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-inputprocessingconfiguration.html + */ + export interface InputProcessingConfigurationProperty { + /** + * The [InputLambdaProcessor](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/apiv2/API_InputLambdaProcessor.html) that is used to preprocess the records in the stream before being processed by your application code. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-inputprocessingconfiguration.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-inputprocessingconfiguration-inputlambdaprocessor + */ + readonly inputLambdaProcessor?: CfnApplicationV2.InputLambdaProcessorProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * An object that contains the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Lambda function that is used to preprocess records in the stream in a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-inputlambdaprocessor.html + */ + export interface InputLambdaProcessorProperty { + /** + * The ARN of the Amazon Lambda function that operates on records in the stream. + * + * > To specify an earlier version of the Lambda function than the latest, include the Lambda function version in the Lambda function ARN. For more information about Lambda ARNs, see [Example ARNs: Amazon Lambda](https://docs.aws.amazon.com//general/latest/gr/aws-arns-and-namespaces.html#arn-syntax-lambda) + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-inputlambdaprocessor.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-inputlambdaprocessor-resourcearn + */ + readonly resourceArn: string; + } + + /** + * For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, describes the number of in-application streams to create for a given streaming source. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-inputparallelism.html + */ + export interface InputParallelismProperty { + /** + * The number of in-application streams to create. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-inputparallelism.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-inputparallelism-count + */ + readonly count?: number; + } + + /** + * The configuration of a Kinesis Data Analytics Studio notebook. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-zeppelinapplicationconfiguration.html + */ + export interface ZeppelinApplicationConfigurationProperty { + /** + * The Amazon Glue Data Catalog that you use in queries in a Kinesis Data Analytics Studio notebook. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-zeppelinapplicationconfiguration.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-zeppelinapplicationconfiguration-catalogconfiguration + */ + readonly catalogConfiguration?: CfnApplicationV2.CatalogConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * A list of \`CustomArtifactConfiguration\` objects. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-zeppelinapplicationconfiguration.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-zeppelinapplicationconfiguration-customartifactsconfiguration + */ + readonly customArtifactsConfiguration?: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The information required to deploy a Kinesis Data Analytics Studio notebook as an application with durable state. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-zeppelinapplicationconfiguration.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-zeppelinapplicationconfiguration-deployasapplicationconfiguration + */ + readonly deployAsApplicationConfiguration?: CfnApplicationV2.DeployAsApplicationConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The monitoring configuration of a Kinesis Data Analytics Studio notebook. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-zeppelinapplicationconfiguration.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-zeppelinapplicationconfiguration-monitoringconfiguration + */ + readonly monitoringConfiguration?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnApplicationV2.ZeppelinMonitoringConfigurationProperty; + } + + /** + * The configuration parameters for the default Amazon Glue database. + * + * You use this database for SQL queries that you write in a Kinesis Data Analytics Studio notebook. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-catalogconfiguration.html + */ + export interface CatalogConfigurationProperty { + /** + * The configuration parameters for the default Amazon Glue database. + * + * You use this database for Apache Flink SQL queries and table API transforms that you write in a Kinesis Data Analytics Studio notebook. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-catalogconfiguration.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-catalogconfiguration-gluedatacatalogconfiguration + */ + readonly glueDataCatalogConfiguration?: CfnApplicationV2.GlueDataCatalogConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * The configuration of the Glue Data Catalog that you use for Apache Flink SQL queries and table API transforms that you write in an application. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-gluedatacatalogconfiguration.html + */ + export interface GlueDataCatalogConfigurationProperty { + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the database. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-gluedatacatalogconfiguration.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-gluedatacatalogconfiguration-databasearn + */ + readonly databaseArn?: string; + } + + /** + * Describes configuration parameters for Amazon CloudWatch logging for a Kinesis Data Analytics Studio notebook. + * + * For more information about CloudWatch logging, see [Monitoring](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/java/monitoring-overview.html) . + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-zeppelinmonitoringconfiguration.html + */ + export interface ZeppelinMonitoringConfigurationProperty { + /** + * The verbosity of the CloudWatch Logs for an application. + * + * You can set it to \`INFO\` , \`WARN\` , \`ERROR\` , or \`DEBUG\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-zeppelinmonitoringconfiguration.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-zeppelinmonitoringconfiguration-loglevel + */ + readonly logLevel?: string; + } + + /** + * The information required to deploy a Kinesis Data Analytics Studio notebook as an application with durable state. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-deployasapplicationconfiguration.html + */ + export interface DeployAsApplicationConfigurationProperty { + /** + * The description of an Amazon S3 object that contains the Amazon Data Analytics application, including the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the S3 bucket, the name of the Amazon S3 object that contains the data, and the version number of the Amazon S3 object that contains the data. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-deployasapplicationconfiguration.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-deployasapplicationconfiguration-s3contentlocation + */ + readonly s3ContentLocation: cdk.IResolvable | CfnApplicationV2.S3ContentBaseLocationProperty; + } + + /** + * The base location of the Amazon Data Analytics application. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-s3contentbaselocation.html + */ + export interface S3ContentBaseLocationProperty { + /** + * The base path for the S3 bucket. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-s3contentbaselocation.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-s3contentbaselocation-basepath + */ + readonly basePath?: string; + + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the S3 bucket. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-s3contentbaselocation.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-s3contentbaselocation-bucketarn + */ + readonly bucketArn: string; + } + + /** + * The configuration of connectors and user-defined functions. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-customartifactconfiguration.html + */ + export interface CustomArtifactConfigurationProperty { + /** + * Set this to either \`UDF\` or \`DEPENDENCY_JAR\` . + * + * \`UDF\` stands for user-defined functions. This type of artifact must be in an S3 bucket. A \`DEPENDENCY_JAR\` can be in either Maven or an S3 bucket. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-customartifactconfiguration.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-customartifactconfiguration-artifacttype + */ + readonly artifactType: string; + + /** + * The parameters required to fully specify a Maven reference. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-customartifactconfiguration.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-customartifactconfiguration-mavenreference + */ + readonly mavenReference?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnApplicationV2.MavenReferenceProperty; + + /** + * The location of the custom artifacts. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-customartifactconfiguration.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-customartifactconfiguration-s3contentlocation + */ + readonly s3ContentLocation?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnApplicationV2.S3ContentLocationProperty; + } + + /** + * The information required to specify a Maven reference. + * + * You can use Maven references to specify dependency JAR files. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-mavenreference.html + */ + export interface MavenReferenceProperty { + /** + * The artifact ID of the Maven reference. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-mavenreference.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-mavenreference-artifactid + */ + readonly artifactId: string; + + /** + * The group ID of the Maven reference. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-mavenreference.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-mavenreference-groupid + */ + readonly groupId: string; + + /** + * The version of the Maven reference. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-mavenreference.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-mavenreference-version + */ + readonly version: string; + } + + /** + * Describes the parameters of a VPC used by the application. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-vpcconfiguration.html + */ + export interface VpcConfigurationProperty { + /** + * The array of [SecurityGroup](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_SecurityGroup.html) IDs used by the VPC configuration. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-vpcconfiguration.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-vpcconfiguration-securitygroupids + */ + readonly securityGroupIds: Array; + + /** + * The array of [Subnet](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_Subnet.html) IDs used by the VPC configuration. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-vpcconfiguration.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-vpcconfiguration-subnetids + */ + readonly subnetIds: Array; + } + + /** + * Describes the starting parameters for an Kinesis Data Analytics application. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-runconfiguration.html + */ + export interface RunConfigurationProperty { + /** + * Describes the restore behavior of a restarting application. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-runconfiguration.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-runconfiguration-applicationrestoreconfiguration + */ + readonly applicationRestoreConfiguration?: CfnApplicationV2.ApplicationRestoreConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Describes the starting parameters for a Flink-based Kinesis Data Analytics application. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-runconfiguration.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-runconfiguration-flinkrunconfiguration + */ + readonly flinkRunConfiguration?: CfnApplicationV2.FlinkRunConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * Specifies the method and snapshot to use when restarting an application using previously saved application state. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-applicationrestoreconfiguration.html + */ + export interface ApplicationRestoreConfigurationProperty { + /** + * Specifies how the application should be restored. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-applicationrestoreconfiguration.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-applicationrestoreconfiguration-applicationrestoretype + */ + readonly applicationRestoreType: string; + + /** + * The identifier of an existing snapshot of application state to use to restart an application. + * + * The application uses this value if \`RESTORE_FROM_CUSTOM_SNAPSHOT\` is specified for the \`ApplicationRestoreType\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-applicationrestoreconfiguration.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-applicationrestoreconfiguration-snapshotname + */ + readonly snapshotName?: string; + } + + /** + * Describes the starting parameters for a Flink-based Kinesis Data Analytics application. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-flinkrunconfiguration.html + */ + export interface FlinkRunConfigurationProperty { + /** + * When restoring from a snapshot, specifies whether the runtime is allowed to skip a state that cannot be mapped to the new program. + * + * This will happen if the program is updated between snapshots to remove stateful parameters, and state data in the snapshot no longer corresponds to valid application data. For more information, see [Allowing Non-Restored State](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.8/ops/state/savepoints.html#allowing-non-restored-state) in the [Apache Flink documentation](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.8/) . + * + * > This value defaults to \`false\` . If you update your application without specifying this parameter, \`AllowNonRestoredState\` will be set to \`false\` , even if it was previously set to \`true\` . + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-flinkrunconfiguration.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-flinkrunconfiguration-allownonrestoredstate + */ + readonly allowNonRestoredState?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable; + } + + /** + * Specifies the maintence window parameters for a Kinesis Data Analytics application. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-applicationmaintenanceconfiguration.html + */ + export interface ApplicationMaintenanceConfigurationProperty { + /** + * Specifies the start time of the maintence window. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-applicationmaintenanceconfiguration.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-applicationmaintenanceconfiguration-applicationmaintenancewindowstarttime + */ + readonly applicationMaintenanceWindowStartTime: string; + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnApplication\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-kinesisanalyticsv2-application.html + */ +export interface CfnApplicationV2Props { + /** + * Use this parameter to configure the application. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-kinesisanalyticsv2-application.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-applicationconfiguration + */ + readonly applicationConfiguration?: CfnApplicationV2.ApplicationConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * The description of the application. + * + * @default - "" + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-kinesisanalyticsv2-application.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-applicationdescription + */ + readonly applicationDescription?: string; + + /** + * Describes the maintenance configuration for the application. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-kinesisanalyticsv2-application.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-applicationmaintenanceconfiguration + */ + readonly applicationMaintenanceConfiguration?: CfnApplicationV2.ApplicationMaintenanceConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * To create a Kinesis Data Analytics Studio notebook, you must set the mode to \`INTERACTIVE\` . + * + * However, for a Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink application, the mode is optional. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-kinesisanalyticsv2-application.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-applicationmode + */ + readonly applicationMode?: string; + + /** + * The name of the application. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-kinesisanalyticsv2-application.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-applicationname + */ + readonly applicationName?: string; + + /** + * Identifies the run configuration (start parameters) of a Kinesis Data Analytics application. + * + * This section is evaluated only on stack updates for applications in running RUNNING state and has no effect during manual application start. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-kinesisanalyticsv2-application.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-runconfiguration + */ + readonly runConfiguration?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnApplicationV2.RunConfigurationProperty; + + /** + * The runtime environment for the application. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-kinesisanalyticsv2-application.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-runtimeenvironment + */ + readonly runtimeEnvironment: string; + + /** + * Specifies the IAM role that the application uses to access external resources. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-kinesisanalyticsv2-application.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-serviceexecutionrole + */ + readonly serviceExecutionRole: string; + + /** + * A list of one or more tags to assign to the application. + * + * A tag is a key-value pair that identifies an application. Note that the maximum number of application tags includes system tags. The maximum number of user-defined application tags is 50. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-kinesisanalyticsv2-application.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-application-tags + */ + readonly tags?: Array; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`S3ContentLocationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`S3ContentLocationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2S3ContentLocationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("bucketArn", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.bucketArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("bucketArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.bucketArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("fileKey", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.fileKey)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("fileKey", cdk.validateString)(properties.fileKey)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("objectVersion", cdk.validateString)(properties.objectVersion)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"S3ContentLocationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationV2S3ContentLocationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationV2S3ContentLocationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "BucketARN": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.bucketArn), + "FileKey": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.fileKey), + "ObjectVersion": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.objectVersion) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2S3ContentLocationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("bucketArn", "BucketARN", (properties.BucketARN != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.BucketARN) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("fileKey", "FileKey", (properties.FileKey != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.FileKey) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("objectVersion", "ObjectVersion", (properties.ObjectVersion != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ObjectVersion) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CodeContentProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CodeContentProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2CodeContentPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("s3ContentLocation", CfnApplicationV2S3ContentLocationPropertyValidator)(properties.s3ContentLocation)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("textContent", cdk.validateString)(properties.textContent)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("zipFileContent", cdk.validateString)(properties.zipFileContent)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CodeContentProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationV2CodeContentPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationV2CodeContentPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "S3ContentLocation": convertCfnApplicationV2S3ContentLocationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.s3ContentLocation), + "TextContent": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.textContent), + "ZipFileContent": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.zipFileContent) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2CodeContentPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("s3ContentLocation", "S3ContentLocation", (properties.S3ContentLocation != null ? CfnApplicationV2S3ContentLocationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.S3ContentLocation) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("textContent", "TextContent", (properties.TextContent != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.TextContent) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("zipFileContent", "ZipFileContent", (properties.ZipFileContent != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ZipFileContent) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`ApplicationCodeConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`ApplicationCodeConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2ApplicationCodeConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("codeContent", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.codeContent)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("codeContent", CfnApplicationV2CodeContentPropertyValidator)(properties.codeContent)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("codeContentType", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.codeContentType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("codeContentType", cdk.validateString)(properties.codeContentType)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"ApplicationCodeConfigurationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationV2ApplicationCodeConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationV2ApplicationCodeConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "CodeContent": convertCfnApplicationV2CodeContentPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.codeContent), + "CodeContentType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.codeContentType) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2ApplicationCodeConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("codeContent", "CodeContent", (properties.CodeContent != null ? CfnApplicationV2CodeContentPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.CodeContent) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("codeContentType", "CodeContentType", (properties.CodeContentType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.CodeContentType) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`ApplicationSnapshotConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`ApplicationSnapshotConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2ApplicationSnapshotConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("snapshotsEnabled", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.snapshotsEnabled)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("snapshotsEnabled", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.snapshotsEnabled)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"ApplicationSnapshotConfigurationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationV2ApplicationSnapshotConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationV2ApplicationSnapshotConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "SnapshotsEnabled": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.snapshotsEnabled) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2ApplicationSnapshotConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("snapshotsEnabled", "SnapshotsEnabled", (properties.SnapshotsEnabled != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.SnapshotsEnabled) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`PropertyGroupProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`PropertyGroupProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2PropertyGroupPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("propertyGroupId", cdk.validateString)(properties.propertyGroupId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("propertyMap", cdk.hashValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.propertyMap)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"PropertyGroupProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationV2PropertyGroupPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationV2PropertyGroupPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "PropertyGroupId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.propertyGroupId), + "PropertyMap": cdk.hashMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.propertyMap) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2PropertyGroupPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("propertyGroupId", "PropertyGroupId", (properties.PropertyGroupId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.PropertyGroupId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("propertyMap", "PropertyMap", (properties.PropertyMap != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getMap(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.PropertyMap) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`EnvironmentPropertiesProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`EnvironmentPropertiesProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2EnvironmentPropertiesPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("propertyGroups", cdk.listValidator(CfnApplicationV2PropertyGroupPropertyValidator))(properties.propertyGroups)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"EnvironmentPropertiesProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationV2EnvironmentPropertiesPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationV2EnvironmentPropertiesPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "PropertyGroups": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnApplicationV2PropertyGroupPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.propertyGroups) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2EnvironmentPropertiesPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("propertyGroups", "PropertyGroups", (properties.PropertyGroups != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnApplicationV2PropertyGroupPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.PropertyGroups) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CheckpointConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CheckpointConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2CheckpointConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("checkpointInterval", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.checkpointInterval)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("checkpointingEnabled", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.checkpointingEnabled)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("configurationType", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.configurationType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("configurationType", cdk.validateString)(properties.configurationType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("minPauseBetweenCheckpoints", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.minPauseBetweenCheckpoints)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CheckpointConfigurationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationV2CheckpointConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationV2CheckpointConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "CheckpointInterval": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.checkpointInterval), + "CheckpointingEnabled": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.checkpointingEnabled), + "ConfigurationType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.configurationType), + "MinPauseBetweenCheckpoints": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.minPauseBetweenCheckpoints) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2CheckpointConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("checkpointingEnabled", "CheckpointingEnabled", (properties.CheckpointingEnabled != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.CheckpointingEnabled) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("checkpointInterval", "CheckpointInterval", (properties.CheckpointInterval != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.CheckpointInterval) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("configurationType", "ConfigurationType", (properties.ConfigurationType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ConfigurationType) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("minPauseBetweenCheckpoints", "MinPauseBetweenCheckpoints", (properties.MinPauseBetweenCheckpoints != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.MinPauseBetweenCheckpoints) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`MonitoringConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`MonitoringConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2MonitoringConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("configurationType", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.configurationType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("configurationType", cdk.validateString)(properties.configurationType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("logLevel", cdk.validateString)(properties.logLevel)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("metricsLevel", cdk.validateString)(properties.metricsLevel)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"MonitoringConfigurationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationV2MonitoringConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationV2MonitoringConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ConfigurationType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.configurationType), + "LogLevel": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.logLevel), + "MetricsLevel": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.metricsLevel) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2MonitoringConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("configurationType", "ConfigurationType", (properties.ConfigurationType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ConfigurationType) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("logLevel", "LogLevel", (properties.LogLevel != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.LogLevel) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("metricsLevel", "MetricsLevel", (properties.MetricsLevel != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.MetricsLevel) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`ParallelismConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`ParallelismConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2ParallelismConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("autoScalingEnabled", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.autoScalingEnabled)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("configurationType", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.configurationType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("configurationType", cdk.validateString)(properties.configurationType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("parallelism", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.parallelism)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("parallelismPerKpu", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.parallelismPerKpu)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"ParallelismConfigurationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationV2ParallelismConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationV2ParallelismConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AutoScalingEnabled": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.autoScalingEnabled), + "ConfigurationType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.configurationType), + "Parallelism": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.parallelism), + "ParallelismPerKPU": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.parallelismPerKpu) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2ParallelismConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("autoScalingEnabled", "AutoScalingEnabled", (properties.AutoScalingEnabled != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.AutoScalingEnabled) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("configurationType", "ConfigurationType", (properties.ConfigurationType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ConfigurationType) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("parallelism", "Parallelism", (properties.Parallelism != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Parallelism) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("parallelismPerKpu", "ParallelismPerKPU", (properties.ParallelismPerKPU != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.ParallelismPerKPU) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`FlinkApplicationConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`FlinkApplicationConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2FlinkApplicationConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("checkpointConfiguration", CfnApplicationV2CheckpointConfigurationPropertyValidator)(properties.checkpointConfiguration)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("monitoringConfiguration", CfnApplicationV2MonitoringConfigurationPropertyValidator)(properties.monitoringConfiguration)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("parallelismConfiguration", CfnApplicationV2ParallelismConfigurationPropertyValidator)(properties.parallelismConfiguration)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"FlinkApplicationConfigurationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationV2FlinkApplicationConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationV2FlinkApplicationConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "CheckpointConfiguration": convertCfnApplicationV2CheckpointConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.checkpointConfiguration), + "MonitoringConfiguration": convertCfnApplicationV2MonitoringConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.monitoringConfiguration), + "ParallelismConfiguration": convertCfnApplicationV2ParallelismConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.parallelismConfiguration) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2FlinkApplicationConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("checkpointConfiguration", "CheckpointConfiguration", (properties.CheckpointConfiguration != null ? CfnApplicationV2CheckpointConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.CheckpointConfiguration) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("monitoringConfiguration", "MonitoringConfiguration", (properties.MonitoringConfiguration != null ? CfnApplicationV2MonitoringConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.MonitoringConfiguration) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("parallelismConfiguration", "ParallelismConfiguration", (properties.ParallelismConfiguration != null ? CfnApplicationV2ParallelismConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.ParallelismConfiguration) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`RecordColumnProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`RecordColumnProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2RecordColumnPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("mapping", cdk.validateString)(properties.mapping)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("name", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.name)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("name", cdk.validateString)(properties.name)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sqlType", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.sqlType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sqlType", cdk.validateString)(properties.sqlType)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"RecordColumnProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationV2RecordColumnPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationV2RecordColumnPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Mapping": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.mapping), + "Name": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.name), + "SqlType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.sqlType) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2RecordColumnPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("mapping", "Mapping", (properties.Mapping != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Mapping) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("name", "Name", (properties.Name != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Name) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("sqlType", "SqlType", (properties.SqlType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SqlType) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CSVMappingParametersProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CSVMappingParametersProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2CSVMappingParametersPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("recordColumnDelimiter", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.recordColumnDelimiter)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("recordColumnDelimiter", cdk.validateString)(properties.recordColumnDelimiter)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("recordRowDelimiter", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.recordRowDelimiter)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("recordRowDelimiter", cdk.validateString)(properties.recordRowDelimiter)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CSVMappingParametersProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationV2CSVMappingParametersPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationV2CSVMappingParametersPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "RecordColumnDelimiter": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.recordColumnDelimiter), + "RecordRowDelimiter": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.recordRowDelimiter) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2CSVMappingParametersPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("recordColumnDelimiter", "RecordColumnDelimiter", (properties.RecordColumnDelimiter != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.RecordColumnDelimiter) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("recordRowDelimiter", "RecordRowDelimiter", (properties.RecordRowDelimiter != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.RecordRowDelimiter) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`JSONMappingParametersProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`JSONMappingParametersProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2JSONMappingParametersPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("recordRowPath", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.recordRowPath)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("recordRowPath", cdk.validateString)(properties.recordRowPath)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"JSONMappingParametersProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationV2JSONMappingParametersPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationV2JSONMappingParametersPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "RecordRowPath": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.recordRowPath) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2JSONMappingParametersPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("recordRowPath", "RecordRowPath", (properties.RecordRowPath != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.RecordRowPath) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`MappingParametersProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`MappingParametersProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2MappingParametersPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("csvMappingParameters", CfnApplicationV2CSVMappingParametersPropertyValidator)(properties.csvMappingParameters)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("jsonMappingParameters", CfnApplicationV2JSONMappingParametersPropertyValidator)(properties.jsonMappingParameters)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"MappingParametersProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationV2MappingParametersPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationV2MappingParametersPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "CSVMappingParameters": convertCfnApplicationV2CSVMappingParametersPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.csvMappingParameters), + "JSONMappingParameters": convertCfnApplicationV2JSONMappingParametersPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.jsonMappingParameters) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2MappingParametersPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("csvMappingParameters", "CSVMappingParameters", (properties.CSVMappingParameters != null ? CfnApplicationV2CSVMappingParametersPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.CSVMappingParameters) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("jsonMappingParameters", "JSONMappingParameters", (properties.JSONMappingParameters != null ? CfnApplicationV2JSONMappingParametersPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.JSONMappingParameters) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`RecordFormatProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`RecordFormatProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2RecordFormatPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("mappingParameters", CfnApplicationV2MappingParametersPropertyValidator)(properties.mappingParameters)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("recordFormatType", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.recordFormatType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("recordFormatType", cdk.validateString)(properties.recordFormatType)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"RecordFormatProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationV2RecordFormatPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationV2RecordFormatPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "MappingParameters": convertCfnApplicationV2MappingParametersPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.mappingParameters), + "RecordFormatType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.recordFormatType) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2RecordFormatPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("mappingParameters", "MappingParameters", (properties.MappingParameters != null ? CfnApplicationV2MappingParametersPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.MappingParameters) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("recordFormatType", "RecordFormatType", (properties.RecordFormatType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.RecordFormatType) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`InputSchemaProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`InputSchemaProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2InputSchemaPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("recordColumns", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.recordColumns)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("recordColumns", cdk.listValidator(CfnApplicationV2RecordColumnPropertyValidator))(properties.recordColumns)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("recordEncoding", cdk.validateString)(properties.recordEncoding)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("recordFormat", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.recordFormat)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("recordFormat", CfnApplicationV2RecordFormatPropertyValidator)(properties.recordFormat)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"InputSchemaProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationV2InputSchemaPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationV2InputSchemaPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "RecordColumns": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnApplicationV2RecordColumnPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.recordColumns), + "RecordEncoding": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.recordEncoding), + "RecordFormat": convertCfnApplicationV2RecordFormatPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.recordFormat) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2InputSchemaPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("recordColumns", "RecordColumns", (properties.RecordColumns != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnApplicationV2RecordColumnPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.RecordColumns) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("recordEncoding", "RecordEncoding", (properties.RecordEncoding != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.RecordEncoding) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("recordFormat", "RecordFormat", (properties.RecordFormat != null ? CfnApplicationV2RecordFormatPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.RecordFormat) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`KinesisStreamsInputProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`KinesisStreamsInputProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2KinesisStreamsInputPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("resourceArn", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.resourceArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("resourceArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.resourceArn)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"KinesisStreamsInputProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationV2KinesisStreamsInputPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationV2KinesisStreamsInputPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ResourceARN": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.resourceArn) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2KinesisStreamsInputPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("resourceArn", "ResourceARN", (properties.ResourceARN != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ResourceARN) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`KinesisFirehoseInputProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`KinesisFirehoseInputProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2KinesisFirehoseInputPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("resourceArn", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.resourceArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("resourceArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.resourceArn)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"KinesisFirehoseInputProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationV2KinesisFirehoseInputPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationV2KinesisFirehoseInputPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ResourceARN": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.resourceArn) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2KinesisFirehoseInputPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("resourceArn", "ResourceARN", (properties.ResourceARN != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ResourceARN) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`InputLambdaProcessorProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`InputLambdaProcessorProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2InputLambdaProcessorPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("resourceArn", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.resourceArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("resourceArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.resourceArn)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"InputLambdaProcessorProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationV2InputLambdaProcessorPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationV2InputLambdaProcessorPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ResourceARN": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.resourceArn) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2InputLambdaProcessorPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("resourceArn", "ResourceARN", (properties.ResourceARN != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ResourceARN) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`InputProcessingConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`InputProcessingConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2InputProcessingConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("inputLambdaProcessor", CfnApplicationV2InputLambdaProcessorPropertyValidator)(properties.inputLambdaProcessor)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"InputProcessingConfigurationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationV2InputProcessingConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationV2InputProcessingConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "InputLambdaProcessor": convertCfnApplicationV2InputLambdaProcessorPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.inputLambdaProcessor) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2InputProcessingConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("inputLambdaProcessor", "InputLambdaProcessor", (properties.InputLambdaProcessor != null ? CfnApplicationV2InputLambdaProcessorPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.InputLambdaProcessor) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`InputParallelismProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`InputParallelismProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2InputParallelismPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("count", cdk.validateNumber)(properties.count)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"InputParallelismProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationV2InputParallelismPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationV2InputParallelismPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Count": cdk.numberToCloudFormation(properties.count) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2InputParallelismPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("count", "Count", (properties.Count != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getNumber(properties.Count) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`InputProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`InputProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2InputPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("inputParallelism", CfnApplicationV2InputParallelismPropertyValidator)(properties.inputParallelism)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("inputProcessingConfiguration", CfnApplicationV2InputProcessingConfigurationPropertyValidator)(properties.inputProcessingConfiguration)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("inputSchema", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.inputSchema)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("inputSchema", CfnApplicationV2InputSchemaPropertyValidator)(properties.inputSchema)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("kinesisFirehoseInput", CfnApplicationV2KinesisFirehoseInputPropertyValidator)(properties.kinesisFirehoseInput)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("kinesisStreamsInput", CfnApplicationV2KinesisStreamsInputPropertyValidator)(properties.kinesisStreamsInput)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("namePrefix", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.namePrefix)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("namePrefix", cdk.validateString)(properties.namePrefix)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"InputProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationV2InputPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationV2InputPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "InputParallelism": convertCfnApplicationV2InputParallelismPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.inputParallelism), + "InputProcessingConfiguration": convertCfnApplicationV2InputProcessingConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.inputProcessingConfiguration), + "InputSchema": convertCfnApplicationV2InputSchemaPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.inputSchema), + "KinesisFirehoseInput": convertCfnApplicationV2KinesisFirehoseInputPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.kinesisFirehoseInput), + "KinesisStreamsInput": convertCfnApplicationV2KinesisStreamsInputPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.kinesisStreamsInput), + "NamePrefix": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.namePrefix) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2InputPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("inputParallelism", "InputParallelism", (properties.InputParallelism != null ? CfnApplicationV2InputParallelismPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.InputParallelism) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("inputProcessingConfiguration", "InputProcessingConfiguration", (properties.InputProcessingConfiguration != null ? CfnApplicationV2InputProcessingConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.InputProcessingConfiguration) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("inputSchema", "InputSchema", (properties.InputSchema != null ? CfnApplicationV2InputSchemaPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.InputSchema) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("kinesisFirehoseInput", "KinesisFirehoseInput", (properties.KinesisFirehoseInput != null ? CfnApplicationV2KinesisFirehoseInputPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.KinesisFirehoseInput) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("kinesisStreamsInput", "KinesisStreamsInput", (properties.KinesisStreamsInput != null ? CfnApplicationV2KinesisStreamsInputPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.KinesisStreamsInput) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("namePrefix", "NamePrefix", (properties.NamePrefix != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.NamePrefix) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`SqlApplicationConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`SqlApplicationConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2SqlApplicationConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("inputs", cdk.listValidator(CfnApplicationV2InputPropertyValidator))(properties.inputs)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"SqlApplicationConfigurationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationV2SqlApplicationConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationV2SqlApplicationConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Inputs": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnApplicationV2InputPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.inputs) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2SqlApplicationConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("inputs", "Inputs", (properties.Inputs != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnApplicationV2InputPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.Inputs) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`GlueDataCatalogConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`GlueDataCatalogConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2GlueDataCatalogConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("databaseArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.databaseArn)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"GlueDataCatalogConfigurationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationV2GlueDataCatalogConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationV2GlueDataCatalogConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "DatabaseARN": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.databaseArn) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2GlueDataCatalogConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("databaseArn", "DatabaseARN", (properties.DatabaseARN != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.DatabaseARN) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CatalogConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CatalogConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2CatalogConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("glueDataCatalogConfiguration", CfnApplicationV2GlueDataCatalogConfigurationPropertyValidator)(properties.glueDataCatalogConfiguration)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CatalogConfigurationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationV2CatalogConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationV2CatalogConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "GlueDataCatalogConfiguration": convertCfnApplicationV2GlueDataCatalogConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.glueDataCatalogConfiguration) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2CatalogConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("glueDataCatalogConfiguration", "GlueDataCatalogConfiguration", (properties.GlueDataCatalogConfiguration != null ? CfnApplicationV2GlueDataCatalogConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.GlueDataCatalogConfiguration) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`ZeppelinMonitoringConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`ZeppelinMonitoringConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2ZeppelinMonitoringConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("logLevel", cdk.validateString)(properties.logLevel)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"ZeppelinMonitoringConfigurationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationV2ZeppelinMonitoringConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationV2ZeppelinMonitoringConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "LogLevel": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.logLevel) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2ZeppelinMonitoringConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("logLevel", "LogLevel", (properties.LogLevel != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.LogLevel) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`S3ContentBaseLocationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`S3ContentBaseLocationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2S3ContentBaseLocationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("basePath", cdk.validateString)(properties.basePath)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("bucketArn", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.bucketArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("bucketArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.bucketArn)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"S3ContentBaseLocationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationV2S3ContentBaseLocationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationV2S3ContentBaseLocationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "BasePath": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.basePath), + "BucketARN": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.bucketArn) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2S3ContentBaseLocationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("basePath", "BasePath", (properties.BasePath != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.BasePath) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("bucketArn", "BucketARN", (properties.BucketARN != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.BucketARN) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`DeployAsApplicationConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`DeployAsApplicationConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2DeployAsApplicationConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("s3ContentLocation", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.s3ContentLocation)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("s3ContentLocation", CfnApplicationV2S3ContentBaseLocationPropertyValidator)(properties.s3ContentLocation)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"DeployAsApplicationConfigurationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationV2DeployAsApplicationConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationV2DeployAsApplicationConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "S3ContentLocation": convertCfnApplicationV2S3ContentBaseLocationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.s3ContentLocation) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2DeployAsApplicationConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("s3ContentLocation", "S3ContentLocation", (properties.S3ContentLocation != null ? CfnApplicationV2S3ContentBaseLocationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.S3ContentLocation) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`MavenReferenceProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`MavenReferenceProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2MavenReferencePropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("artifactId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.artifactId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("artifactId", cdk.validateString)(properties.artifactId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("groupId", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.groupId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("groupId", cdk.validateString)(properties.groupId)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("version", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.version)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("version", cdk.validateString)(properties.version)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"MavenReferenceProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationV2MavenReferencePropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationV2MavenReferencePropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ArtifactId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.artifactId), + "GroupId": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.groupId), + "Version": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.version) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2MavenReferencePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("artifactId", "ArtifactId", (properties.ArtifactId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ArtifactId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("groupId", "GroupId", (properties.GroupId != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.GroupId) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("version", "Version", (properties.Version != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Version) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CustomArtifactConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CustomArtifactConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2CustomArtifactConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("artifactType", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.artifactType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("artifactType", cdk.validateString)(properties.artifactType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("mavenReference", CfnApplicationV2MavenReferencePropertyValidator)(properties.mavenReference)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("s3ContentLocation", CfnApplicationV2S3ContentLocationPropertyValidator)(properties.s3ContentLocation)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CustomArtifactConfigurationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationV2CustomArtifactConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationV2CustomArtifactConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ArtifactType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.artifactType), + "MavenReference": convertCfnApplicationV2MavenReferencePropertyToCloudFormation(properties.mavenReference), + "S3ContentLocation": convertCfnApplicationV2S3ContentLocationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.s3ContentLocation) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2CustomArtifactConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("artifactType", "ArtifactType", (properties.ArtifactType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ArtifactType) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("mavenReference", "MavenReference", (properties.MavenReference != null ? CfnApplicationV2MavenReferencePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.MavenReference) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("s3ContentLocation", "S3ContentLocation", (properties.S3ContentLocation != null ? CfnApplicationV2S3ContentLocationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.S3ContentLocation) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`ZeppelinApplicationConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`ZeppelinApplicationConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2ZeppelinApplicationConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("catalogConfiguration", CfnApplicationV2CatalogConfigurationPropertyValidator)(properties.catalogConfiguration)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("customArtifactsConfiguration", cdk.listValidator(CfnApplicationV2CustomArtifactConfigurationPropertyValidator))(properties.customArtifactsConfiguration)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("deployAsApplicationConfiguration", CfnApplicationV2DeployAsApplicationConfigurationPropertyValidator)(properties.deployAsApplicationConfiguration)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("monitoringConfiguration", CfnApplicationV2ZeppelinMonitoringConfigurationPropertyValidator)(properties.monitoringConfiguration)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"ZeppelinApplicationConfigurationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationV2ZeppelinApplicationConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationV2ZeppelinApplicationConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "CatalogConfiguration": convertCfnApplicationV2CatalogConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.catalogConfiguration), + "CustomArtifactsConfiguration": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnApplicationV2CustomArtifactConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.customArtifactsConfiguration), + "DeployAsApplicationConfiguration": convertCfnApplicationV2DeployAsApplicationConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.deployAsApplicationConfiguration), + "MonitoringConfiguration": convertCfnApplicationV2ZeppelinMonitoringConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.monitoringConfiguration) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2ZeppelinApplicationConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("catalogConfiguration", "CatalogConfiguration", (properties.CatalogConfiguration != null ? CfnApplicationV2CatalogConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.CatalogConfiguration) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("customArtifactsConfiguration", "CustomArtifactsConfiguration", (properties.CustomArtifactsConfiguration != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnApplicationV2CustomArtifactConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.CustomArtifactsConfiguration) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("deployAsApplicationConfiguration", "DeployAsApplicationConfiguration", (properties.DeployAsApplicationConfiguration != null ? CfnApplicationV2DeployAsApplicationConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.DeployAsApplicationConfiguration) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("monitoringConfiguration", "MonitoringConfiguration", (properties.MonitoringConfiguration != null ? CfnApplicationV2ZeppelinMonitoringConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.MonitoringConfiguration) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`VpcConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`VpcConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2VpcConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("securityGroupIds", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.securityGroupIds)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("securityGroupIds", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.securityGroupIds)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("subnetIds", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.subnetIds)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("subnetIds", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateString))(properties.subnetIds)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"VpcConfigurationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationV2VpcConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationV2VpcConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "SecurityGroupIds": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.securityGroupIds), + "SubnetIds": cdk.listMapper(cdk.stringToCloudFormation)(properties.subnetIds) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2VpcConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("securityGroupIds", "SecurityGroupIds", (properties.SecurityGroupIds != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.SecurityGroupIds) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("subnetIds", "SubnetIds", (properties.SubnetIds != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString)(properties.SubnetIds) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`ApplicationConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`ApplicationConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2ApplicationConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("applicationCodeConfiguration", CfnApplicationV2ApplicationCodeConfigurationPropertyValidator)(properties.applicationCodeConfiguration)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("applicationSnapshotConfiguration", CfnApplicationV2ApplicationSnapshotConfigurationPropertyValidator)(properties.applicationSnapshotConfiguration)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("environmentProperties", CfnApplicationV2EnvironmentPropertiesPropertyValidator)(properties.environmentProperties)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("flinkApplicationConfiguration", CfnApplicationV2FlinkApplicationConfigurationPropertyValidator)(properties.flinkApplicationConfiguration)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sqlApplicationConfiguration", CfnApplicationV2SqlApplicationConfigurationPropertyValidator)(properties.sqlApplicationConfiguration)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("vpcConfigurations", cdk.listValidator(CfnApplicationV2VpcConfigurationPropertyValidator))(properties.vpcConfigurations)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("zeppelinApplicationConfiguration", CfnApplicationV2ZeppelinApplicationConfigurationPropertyValidator)(properties.zeppelinApplicationConfiguration)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"ApplicationConfigurationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationV2ApplicationConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationV2ApplicationConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ApplicationCodeConfiguration": convertCfnApplicationV2ApplicationCodeConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.applicationCodeConfiguration), + "ApplicationSnapshotConfiguration": convertCfnApplicationV2ApplicationSnapshotConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.applicationSnapshotConfiguration), + "EnvironmentProperties": convertCfnApplicationV2EnvironmentPropertiesPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.environmentProperties), + "FlinkApplicationConfiguration": convertCfnApplicationV2FlinkApplicationConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.flinkApplicationConfiguration), + "SqlApplicationConfiguration": convertCfnApplicationV2SqlApplicationConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.sqlApplicationConfiguration), + "VpcConfigurations": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnApplicationV2VpcConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.vpcConfigurations), + "ZeppelinApplicationConfiguration": convertCfnApplicationV2ZeppelinApplicationConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.zeppelinApplicationConfiguration) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2ApplicationConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("applicationCodeConfiguration", "ApplicationCodeConfiguration", (properties.ApplicationCodeConfiguration != null ? CfnApplicationV2ApplicationCodeConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.ApplicationCodeConfiguration) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("applicationSnapshotConfiguration", "ApplicationSnapshotConfiguration", (properties.ApplicationSnapshotConfiguration != null ? CfnApplicationV2ApplicationSnapshotConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.ApplicationSnapshotConfiguration) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("environmentProperties", "EnvironmentProperties", (properties.EnvironmentProperties != null ? CfnApplicationV2EnvironmentPropertiesPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.EnvironmentProperties) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("flinkApplicationConfiguration", "FlinkApplicationConfiguration", (properties.FlinkApplicationConfiguration != null ? CfnApplicationV2FlinkApplicationConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.FlinkApplicationConfiguration) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("sqlApplicationConfiguration", "SqlApplicationConfiguration", (properties.SqlApplicationConfiguration != null ? CfnApplicationV2SqlApplicationConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.SqlApplicationConfiguration) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("vpcConfigurations", "VpcConfigurations", (properties.VpcConfigurations != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnApplicationV2VpcConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.VpcConfigurations) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("zeppelinApplicationConfiguration", "ZeppelinApplicationConfiguration", (properties.ZeppelinApplicationConfiguration != null ? CfnApplicationV2ZeppelinApplicationConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.ZeppelinApplicationConfiguration) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`ApplicationRestoreConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`ApplicationRestoreConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2ApplicationRestoreConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("applicationRestoreType", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.applicationRestoreType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("applicationRestoreType", cdk.validateString)(properties.applicationRestoreType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("snapshotName", cdk.validateString)(properties.snapshotName)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"ApplicationRestoreConfigurationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationV2ApplicationRestoreConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationV2ApplicationRestoreConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ApplicationRestoreType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.applicationRestoreType), + "SnapshotName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.snapshotName) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2ApplicationRestoreConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("applicationRestoreType", "ApplicationRestoreType", (properties.ApplicationRestoreType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ApplicationRestoreType) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("snapshotName", "SnapshotName", (properties.SnapshotName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SnapshotName) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`FlinkRunConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`FlinkRunConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2FlinkRunConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("allowNonRestoredState", cdk.validateBoolean)(properties.allowNonRestoredState)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"FlinkRunConfigurationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationV2FlinkRunConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationV2FlinkRunConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "AllowNonRestoredState": cdk.booleanToCloudFormation(properties.allowNonRestoredState) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2FlinkRunConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("allowNonRestoredState", "AllowNonRestoredState", (properties.AllowNonRestoredState != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getBoolean(properties.AllowNonRestoredState) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`RunConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`RunConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2RunConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("applicationRestoreConfiguration", CfnApplicationV2ApplicationRestoreConfigurationPropertyValidator)(properties.applicationRestoreConfiguration)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("flinkRunConfiguration", CfnApplicationV2FlinkRunConfigurationPropertyValidator)(properties.flinkRunConfiguration)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"RunConfigurationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationV2RunConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationV2RunConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ApplicationRestoreConfiguration": convertCfnApplicationV2ApplicationRestoreConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.applicationRestoreConfiguration), + "FlinkRunConfiguration": convertCfnApplicationV2FlinkRunConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.flinkRunConfiguration) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2RunConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("applicationRestoreConfiguration", "ApplicationRestoreConfiguration", (properties.ApplicationRestoreConfiguration != null ? CfnApplicationV2ApplicationRestoreConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.ApplicationRestoreConfiguration) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("flinkRunConfiguration", "FlinkRunConfiguration", (properties.FlinkRunConfiguration != null ? CfnApplicationV2FlinkRunConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.FlinkRunConfiguration) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`ApplicationMaintenanceConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`ApplicationMaintenanceConfigurationProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2ApplicationMaintenanceConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("applicationMaintenanceWindowStartTime", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.applicationMaintenanceWindowStartTime)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("applicationMaintenanceWindowStartTime", cdk.validateString)(properties.applicationMaintenanceWindowStartTime)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"ApplicationMaintenanceConfigurationProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationV2ApplicationMaintenanceConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationV2ApplicationMaintenanceConfigurationPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ApplicationMaintenanceWindowStartTime": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.applicationMaintenanceWindowStartTime) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2ApplicationMaintenanceConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("applicationMaintenanceWindowStartTime", "ApplicationMaintenanceWindowStartTime", (properties.ApplicationMaintenanceWindowStartTime != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ApplicationMaintenanceWindowStartTime) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnApplicationV2Props\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnApplicationV2Props\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2PropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("applicationConfiguration", CfnApplicationV2ApplicationConfigurationPropertyValidator)(properties.applicationConfiguration)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("applicationDescription", cdk.validateString)(properties.applicationDescription)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("applicationMaintenanceConfiguration", CfnApplicationV2ApplicationMaintenanceConfigurationPropertyValidator)(properties.applicationMaintenanceConfiguration)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("applicationMode", cdk.validateString)(properties.applicationMode)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("applicationName", cdk.validateString)(properties.applicationName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("runConfiguration", CfnApplicationV2RunConfigurationPropertyValidator)(properties.runConfiguration)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("runtimeEnvironment", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.runtimeEnvironment)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("runtimeEnvironment", cdk.validateString)(properties.runtimeEnvironment)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("serviceExecutionRole", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.serviceExecutionRole)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("serviceExecutionRole", cdk.validateString)(properties.serviceExecutionRole)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tags", cdk.listValidator(cdk.validateCfnTag))(properties.tags)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnApplicationV2Props\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationV2PropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationV2PropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ApplicationConfiguration": convertCfnApplicationV2ApplicationConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.applicationConfiguration), + "ApplicationDescription": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.applicationDescription), + "ApplicationMaintenanceConfiguration": convertCfnApplicationV2ApplicationMaintenanceConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.applicationMaintenanceConfiguration), + "ApplicationMode": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.applicationMode), + "ApplicationName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.applicationName), + "RunConfiguration": convertCfnApplicationV2RunConfigurationPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.runConfiguration), + "RuntimeEnvironment": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.runtimeEnvironment), + "ServiceExecutionRole": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.serviceExecutionRole), + "Tags": cdk.listMapper(cdk.cfnTagToCloudFormation)(properties.tags) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationV2PropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("applicationConfiguration", "ApplicationConfiguration", (properties.ApplicationConfiguration != null ? CfnApplicationV2ApplicationConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.ApplicationConfiguration) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("applicationDescription", "ApplicationDescription", (properties.ApplicationDescription != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ApplicationDescription) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("applicationMaintenanceConfiguration", "ApplicationMaintenanceConfiguration", (properties.ApplicationMaintenanceConfiguration != null ? CfnApplicationV2ApplicationMaintenanceConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.ApplicationMaintenanceConfiguration) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("applicationMode", "ApplicationMode", (properties.ApplicationMode != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ApplicationMode) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("applicationName", "ApplicationName", (properties.ApplicationName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ApplicationName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("runConfiguration", "RunConfiguration", (properties.RunConfiguration != null ? CfnApplicationV2RunConfigurationPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.RunConfiguration) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("runtimeEnvironment", "RuntimeEnvironment", (properties.RuntimeEnvironment != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.RuntimeEnvironment) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("serviceExecutionRole", "ServiceExecutionRole", (properties.ServiceExecutionRole != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ServiceExecutionRole) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tags", "Tags", (properties.Tags != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getCfnTag)(properties.Tags) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Adds an Amazon CloudWatch log stream to monitor application configuration errors. + * + * > Only one *ApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOption* resource can be attached per application. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationcloudwatchloggingoption.html + */ +export class CfnApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionV2 extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::KinesisAnalyticsV2::ApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOption"; + + /** + * Build a CfnApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionV2 from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionV2 { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionV2PropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionV2(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * @cloudformationAttribute Id + */ + public readonly attrId: string; + + /** + * The name of the application. + */ + public applicationName: string; + + /** + * Provides a description of Amazon CloudWatch logging options, including the log stream Amazon Resource Name (ARN). + */ + public cloudWatchLoggingOption: CfnApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionV2.CloudWatchLoggingOptionProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionV2Props) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionV2.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "applicationName", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "cloudWatchLoggingOption", this); + + this.attrId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Id", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.applicationName = props.applicationName; + this.cloudWatchLoggingOption = props.cloudWatchLoggingOption; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "applicationName": this.applicationName, + "cloudWatchLoggingOption": this.cloudWatchLoggingOption + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionV2.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionV2PropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +export namespace CfnApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionV2 { + /** + * Provides a description of Amazon CloudWatch logging options, including the log stream Amazon Resource Name (ARN). + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationcloudwatchloggingoption-cloudwatchloggingoption.html + */ + export interface CloudWatchLoggingOptionProperty { + /** + * The ARN of the CloudWatch log to receive application messages. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationcloudwatchloggingoption-cloudwatchloggingoption.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationcloudwatchloggingoption-cloudwatchloggingoption-logstreamarn + */ + readonly logStreamArn: string; + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOption\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationcloudwatchloggingoption.html + */ +export interface CfnApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionV2Props { + /** + * The name of the application. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationcloudwatchloggingoption.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationcloudwatchloggingoption-applicationname + */ + readonly applicationName: string; + + /** + * Provides a description of Amazon CloudWatch logging options, including the log stream Amazon Resource Name (ARN). + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationcloudwatchloggingoption.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationcloudwatchloggingoption-cloudwatchloggingoption + */ + readonly cloudWatchLoggingOption: CfnApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionV2.CloudWatchLoggingOptionProperty | cdk.IResolvable; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CloudWatchLoggingOptionProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CloudWatchLoggingOptionProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionV2CloudWatchLoggingOptionPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("logStreamArn", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.logStreamArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("logStreamArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.logStreamArn)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CloudWatchLoggingOptionProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionV2CloudWatchLoggingOptionPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionV2CloudWatchLoggingOptionPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "LogStreamARN": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.logStreamArn) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionV2CloudWatchLoggingOptionPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("logStreamArn", "LogStreamARN", (properties.LogStreamARN != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.LogStreamARN) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionV2Props\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionV2Props\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionV2PropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("applicationName", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.applicationName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("applicationName", cdk.validateString)(properties.applicationName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("cloudWatchLoggingOption", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.cloudWatchLoggingOption)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("cloudWatchLoggingOption", CfnApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionV2CloudWatchLoggingOptionPropertyValidator)(properties.cloudWatchLoggingOption)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionV2Props\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionV2PropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionV2PropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ApplicationName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.applicationName), + "CloudWatchLoggingOption": convertCfnApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionV2CloudWatchLoggingOptionPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.cloudWatchLoggingOption) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionV2PropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("applicationName", "ApplicationName", (properties.ApplicationName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ApplicationName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("cloudWatchLoggingOption", "CloudWatchLoggingOption", (properties.CloudWatchLoggingOption != null ? CfnApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionV2CloudWatchLoggingOptionPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.CloudWatchLoggingOption) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Adds an external destination to your SQL-based Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics application. + * + * If you want Kinesis Data Analytics to deliver data from an in-application stream within your application to an external destination (such as an Kinesis data stream, a Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream, or an Amazon Lambda function), you add the relevant configuration to your application using this operation. You can configure one or more outputs for your application. Each output configuration maps an in-application stream and an external destination. + * + * You can use one of the output configurations to deliver data from your in-application error stream to an external destination so that you can analyze the errors. + * + * Any configuration update, including adding a streaming source using this operation, results in a new version of the application. You can use the [DescribeApplication](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/apiv2/API_DescribeApplication.html) operation to find the current application version. + * + * > Creation of multiple outputs should be sequential (use of DependsOn) to avoid a problem with a stale application version ( *ConcurrentModificationException* ). + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationoutput.html + */ +export class CfnApplicationOutputV2 extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::KinesisAnalyticsV2::ApplicationOutput"; + + /** + * Build a CfnApplicationOutputV2 from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnApplicationOutputV2 { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnApplicationOutputV2PropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnApplicationOutputV2(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * @cloudformationAttribute Id + */ + public readonly attrId: string; + + /** + * The name of the application. + */ + public applicationName: string; + + /** + * Describes a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application's output configuration, in which you identify an in-application stream and a destination where you want the in-application stream data to be written. + */ + public output: cdk.IResolvable | CfnApplicationOutputV2.OutputProperty; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnApplicationOutputV2Props) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnApplicationOutputV2.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "applicationName", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "output", this); + + this.attrId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Id", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.applicationName = props.applicationName; + this.output = props.output; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "applicationName": this.applicationName, + "output": this.output + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnApplicationOutputV2.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnApplicationOutputV2PropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +export namespace CfnApplicationOutputV2 { + /** + * Describes a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application's output configuration, in which you identify an in-application stream and a destination where you want the in-application stream data to be written. + * + * The destination can be a Kinesis data stream or a Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationoutput-output.html + */ + export interface OutputProperty { + /** + * Describes the data format when records are written to the destination. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationoutput-output.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationoutput-output-destinationschema + */ + readonly destinationSchema: CfnApplicationOutputV2.DestinationSchemaProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Identifies a Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream as the destination. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationoutput-output.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationoutput-output-kinesisfirehoseoutput + */ + readonly kinesisFirehoseOutput?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnApplicationOutputV2.KinesisFirehoseOutputProperty; + + /** + * Identifies a Kinesis data stream as the destination. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationoutput-output.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationoutput-output-kinesisstreamsoutput + */ + readonly kinesisStreamsOutput?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnApplicationOutputV2.KinesisStreamsOutputProperty; + + /** + * Identifies an Amazon Lambda function as the destination. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationoutput-output.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationoutput-output-lambdaoutput + */ + readonly lambdaOutput?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnApplicationOutputV2.LambdaOutputProperty; + + /** + * The name of the in-application stream. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationoutput-output.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationoutput-output-name + */ + readonly name?: string; + } + + /** + * Describes the data format when records are written to the destination in a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationoutput-destinationschema.html + */ + export interface DestinationSchemaProperty { + /** + * Specifies the format of the records on the output stream. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationoutput-destinationschema.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationoutput-destinationschema-recordformattype + */ + readonly recordFormatType?: string; + } + + /** + * When you configure a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application's output, identifies an Amazon Lambda function as the destination. + * + * You provide the function Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Lambda function. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationoutput-lambdaoutput.html + */ + export interface LambdaOutputProperty { + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the destination Lambda function to write to. + * + * > To specify an earlier version of the Lambda function than the latest, include the Lambda function version in the Lambda function ARN. For more information about Lambda ARNs, see [Example ARNs: Amazon Lambda](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-arns-and-namespaces.html#arn-syntax-lambda) + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationoutput-lambdaoutput.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationoutput-lambdaoutput-resourcearn + */ + readonly resourceArn: string; + } + + /** + * For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, when configuring application output, identifies a Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream as the destination. + * + * You provide the stream Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the delivery stream. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationoutput-kinesisfirehoseoutput.html + */ + export interface KinesisFirehoseOutputProperty { + /** + * The ARN of the destination delivery stream to write to. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationoutput-kinesisfirehoseoutput.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationoutput-kinesisfirehoseoutput-resourcearn + */ + readonly resourceArn: string; + } + + /** + * When you configure a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application's output, identifies a Kinesis data stream as the destination. + * + * You provide the stream Amazon Resource Name (ARN). + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationoutput-kinesisstreamsoutput.html + */ + export interface KinesisStreamsOutputProperty { + /** + * The ARN of the destination Kinesis data stream to write to. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationoutput-kinesisstreamsoutput.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationoutput-kinesisstreamsoutput-resourcearn + */ + readonly resourceArn: string; + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnApplicationOutput\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationoutput.html + */ +export interface CfnApplicationOutputV2Props { + /** + * The name of the application. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationoutput.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationoutput-applicationname + */ + readonly applicationName: string; + + /** + * Describes a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application's output configuration, in which you identify an in-application stream and a destination where you want the in-application stream data to be written. + * + * The destination can be a Kinesis data stream or a Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationoutput.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationoutput-output + */ + readonly output: cdk.IResolvable | CfnApplicationOutputV2.OutputProperty; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`DestinationSchemaProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`DestinationSchemaProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationOutputV2DestinationSchemaPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("recordFormatType", cdk.validateString)(properties.recordFormatType)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"DestinationSchemaProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationOutputV2DestinationSchemaPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationOutputV2DestinationSchemaPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "RecordFormatType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.recordFormatType) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationOutputV2DestinationSchemaPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("recordFormatType", "RecordFormatType", (properties.RecordFormatType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.RecordFormatType) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`LambdaOutputProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`LambdaOutputProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationOutputV2LambdaOutputPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("resourceArn", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.resourceArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("resourceArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.resourceArn)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"LambdaOutputProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationOutputV2LambdaOutputPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationOutputV2LambdaOutputPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ResourceARN": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.resourceArn) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationOutputV2LambdaOutputPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("resourceArn", "ResourceARN", (properties.ResourceARN != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ResourceARN) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`KinesisFirehoseOutputProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`KinesisFirehoseOutputProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationOutputV2KinesisFirehoseOutputPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("resourceArn", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.resourceArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("resourceArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.resourceArn)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"KinesisFirehoseOutputProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationOutputV2KinesisFirehoseOutputPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationOutputV2KinesisFirehoseOutputPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ResourceARN": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.resourceArn) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationOutputV2KinesisFirehoseOutputPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("resourceArn", "ResourceARN", (properties.ResourceARN != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ResourceARN) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`KinesisStreamsOutputProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`KinesisStreamsOutputProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationOutputV2KinesisStreamsOutputPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("resourceArn", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.resourceArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("resourceArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.resourceArn)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"KinesisStreamsOutputProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationOutputV2KinesisStreamsOutputPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationOutputV2KinesisStreamsOutputPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ResourceARN": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.resourceArn) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationOutputV2KinesisStreamsOutputPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("resourceArn", "ResourceARN", (properties.ResourceARN != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ResourceARN) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`OutputProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`OutputProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationOutputV2OutputPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("destinationSchema", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.destinationSchema)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("destinationSchema", CfnApplicationOutputV2DestinationSchemaPropertyValidator)(properties.destinationSchema)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("kinesisFirehoseOutput", CfnApplicationOutputV2KinesisFirehoseOutputPropertyValidator)(properties.kinesisFirehoseOutput)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("kinesisStreamsOutput", CfnApplicationOutputV2KinesisStreamsOutputPropertyValidator)(properties.kinesisStreamsOutput)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("lambdaOutput", CfnApplicationOutputV2LambdaOutputPropertyValidator)(properties.lambdaOutput)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("name", cdk.validateString)(properties.name)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"OutputProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationOutputV2OutputPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationOutputV2OutputPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "DestinationSchema": convertCfnApplicationOutputV2DestinationSchemaPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.destinationSchema), + "KinesisFirehoseOutput": convertCfnApplicationOutputV2KinesisFirehoseOutputPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.kinesisFirehoseOutput), + "KinesisStreamsOutput": convertCfnApplicationOutputV2KinesisStreamsOutputPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.kinesisStreamsOutput), + "LambdaOutput": convertCfnApplicationOutputV2LambdaOutputPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.lambdaOutput), + "Name": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.name) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationOutputV2OutputPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("destinationSchema", "DestinationSchema", (properties.DestinationSchema != null ? CfnApplicationOutputV2DestinationSchemaPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.DestinationSchema) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("kinesisFirehoseOutput", "KinesisFirehoseOutput", (properties.KinesisFirehoseOutput != null ? CfnApplicationOutputV2KinesisFirehoseOutputPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.KinesisFirehoseOutput) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("kinesisStreamsOutput", "KinesisStreamsOutput", (properties.KinesisStreamsOutput != null ? CfnApplicationOutputV2KinesisStreamsOutputPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.KinesisStreamsOutput) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("lambdaOutput", "LambdaOutput", (properties.LambdaOutput != null ? CfnApplicationOutputV2LambdaOutputPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.LambdaOutput) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("name", "Name", (properties.Name != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Name) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnApplicationOutputV2Props\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnApplicationOutputV2Props\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationOutputV2PropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("applicationName", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.applicationName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("applicationName", cdk.validateString)(properties.applicationName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("output", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.output)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("output", CfnApplicationOutputV2OutputPropertyValidator)(properties.output)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnApplicationOutputV2Props\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationOutputV2PropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationOutputV2PropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ApplicationName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.applicationName), + "Output": convertCfnApplicationOutputV2OutputPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.output) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationOutputV2PropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("applicationName", "ApplicationName", (properties.ApplicationName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ApplicationName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("output", "Output", (properties.Output != null ? CfnApplicationOutputV2OutputPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.Output) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Adds a reference data source to an existing SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application. + * + * Kinesis Data Analytics reads reference data (that is, an Amazon S3 object) and creates an in-application table within your application. In the request, you provide the source (S3 bucket name and object key name), name of the in-application table to create, and the necessary mapping information that describes how data in an Amazon S3 object maps to columns in the resulting in-application table. + * + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationreferencedatasource.html + */ +export class CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2 extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable { + /** + * The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. + */ + public static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string = "AWS::KinesisAnalyticsV2::ApplicationReferenceDataSource"; + + /** + * Build a CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2 from CloudFormation properties + * + * A factory method that creates a new instance of this class from an object + * containing the CloudFormation properties of this resource. + * Used in the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module. + * + * @internal + */ + public static _fromCloudFormation(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, resourceAttributes: any, options: cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationOptions): CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2 { + resourceAttributes = resourceAttributes || {}; + const resourceProperties = options.parser.parseValue(resourceAttributes.Properties); + const propsResult = CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2PropsFromCloudFormation(resourceProperties); + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(propsResult.value)) { + throw new Error("Unexpected IResolvable"); + } + const ret = new CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2(scope, id, propsResult.value); + for (const [propKey, propVal] of Object.entries(propsResult.extraProperties)) { + ret.addPropertyOverride(propKey, propVal); + } + options.parser.handleAttributes(ret, resourceAttributes, id); + return ret; + } + + /** + * @cloudformationAttribute Id + */ + public readonly attrId: string; + + /** + * The name of the application. + */ + public applicationName: string; + + /** + * For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, describes the reference data source by providing the source information (Amazon S3 bucket name and object key name), the resulting in-application table name that is created, and the necessary schema to map the data elements in the Amazon S3 object to the in-application table. + */ + public referenceDataSource: cdk.IResolvable | CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2.ReferenceDataSourceProperty; + + /** + * @param scope Scope in which this resource is defined + * @param id Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope) + * @param props Resource properties + */ + public constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string, props: CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2Props) { + super(scope, id, { + "type": CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME, + "properties": props + }); + + cdk.requireProperty(props, "applicationName", this); + cdk.requireProperty(props, "referenceDataSource", this); + + this.attrId = cdk.Token.asString(this.getAtt("Id", cdk.ResolutionTypeHint.STRING)); + this.applicationName = props.applicationName; + this.referenceDataSource = props.referenceDataSource; + } + + protected get cfnProperties(): Record { + return { + "applicationName": this.applicationName, + "referenceDataSource": this.referenceDataSource + }; + } + + /** + * Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes + * + * @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes + */ + public inspect(inspector: cdk.TreeInspector): void { + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:type", CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2.CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME); + inspector.addAttribute("aws:cdk:cloudformation:props", this.cfnProperties); + } + + protected renderProperties(props: Record): Record { + return convertCfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2PropsToCloudFormation(props); + } +} + +export namespace CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2 { + /** + * For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, describes the reference data source by providing the source information (Amazon S3 bucket name and object key name), the resulting in-application table name that is created, and the necessary schema to map the data elements in the Amazon S3 object to the in-application table. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationreferencedatasource-referencedatasource.html + */ + export interface ReferenceDataSourceProperty { + /** + * Describes the format of the data in the streaming source, and how each data element maps to corresponding columns created in the in-application stream. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationreferencedatasource-referencedatasource.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationreferencedatasource-referencedatasource-referenceschema + */ + readonly referenceSchema: cdk.IResolvable | CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2.ReferenceSchemaProperty; + + /** + * Identifies the S3 bucket and object that contains the reference data. + * + * A Kinesis Data Analytics application loads reference data only once. If the data changes, you call the [UpdateApplication](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/apiv2/API_UpdateApplication.html) operation to trigger reloading of data into your application. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationreferencedatasource-referencedatasource.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationreferencedatasource-referencedatasource-s3referencedatasource + */ + readonly s3ReferenceDataSource?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2.S3ReferenceDataSourceProperty; + + /** + * The name of the in-application table to create. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationreferencedatasource-referencedatasource.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationreferencedatasource-referencedatasource-tablename + */ + readonly tableName?: string; + } + + /** + * For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, describes the format of the data in the streaming source, and how each data element maps to corresponding columns created in the in-application stream. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationreferencedatasource-referenceschema.html + */ + export interface ReferenceSchemaProperty { + /** + * A list of \`RecordColumn\` objects. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationreferencedatasource-referenceschema.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationreferencedatasource-referenceschema-recordcolumns + */ + readonly recordColumns: Array | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Specifies the encoding of the records in the streaming source. + * + * For example, UTF-8. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationreferencedatasource-referenceschema.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationreferencedatasource-referenceschema-recordencoding + */ + readonly recordEncoding?: string; + + /** + * Specifies the format of the records on the streaming source. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationreferencedatasource-referenceschema.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationreferencedatasource-referenceschema-recordformat + */ + readonly recordFormat: cdk.IResolvable | CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2.RecordFormatProperty; + } + + /** + * For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, describes the mapping of each data element in the streaming source to the corresponding column in the in-application stream. + * + * Also used to describe the format of the reference data source. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationreferencedatasource-recordcolumn.html + */ + export interface RecordColumnProperty { + /** + * A reference to the data element in the streaming input or the reference data source. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationreferencedatasource-recordcolumn.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationreferencedatasource-recordcolumn-mapping + */ + readonly mapping?: string; + + /** + * The name of the column that is created in the in-application input stream or reference table. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationreferencedatasource-recordcolumn.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationreferencedatasource-recordcolumn-name + */ + readonly name: string; + + /** + * The type of column created in the in-application input stream or reference table. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationreferencedatasource-recordcolumn.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationreferencedatasource-recordcolumn-sqltype + */ + readonly sqlType: string; + } + + /** + * For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, describes the record format and relevant mapping information that should be applied to schematize the records on the stream. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationreferencedatasource-recordformat.html + */ + export interface RecordFormatProperty { + /** + * When you configure application input at the time of creating or updating an application, provides additional mapping information specific to the record format (such as JSON, CSV, or record fields delimited by some delimiter) on the streaming source. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationreferencedatasource-recordformat.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationreferencedatasource-recordformat-mappingparameters + */ + readonly mappingParameters?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2.MappingParametersProperty; + + /** + * The type of record format. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationreferencedatasource-recordformat.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationreferencedatasource-recordformat-recordformattype + */ + readonly recordFormatType: string; + } + + /** + * When you configure a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application's input at the time of creating or updating an application, provides additional mapping information specific to the record format (such as JSON, CSV, or record fields delimited by some delimiter) on the streaming source. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationreferencedatasource-mappingparameters.html + */ + export interface MappingParametersProperty { + /** + * Provides additional mapping information when the record format uses delimiters (for example, CSV). + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationreferencedatasource-mappingparameters.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationreferencedatasource-mappingparameters-csvmappingparameters + */ + readonly csvMappingParameters?: CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2.CSVMappingParametersProperty | cdk.IResolvable; + + /** + * Provides additional mapping information when JSON is the record format on the streaming source. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationreferencedatasource-mappingparameters.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationreferencedatasource-mappingparameters-jsonmappingparameters + */ + readonly jsonMappingParameters?: cdk.IResolvable | CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2.JSONMappingParametersProperty; + } + + /** + * For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, provides additional mapping information when JSON is the record format on the streaming source. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationreferencedatasource-jsonmappingparameters.html + */ + export interface JSONMappingParametersProperty { + /** + * The path to the top-level parent that contains the records. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationreferencedatasource-jsonmappingparameters.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationreferencedatasource-jsonmappingparameters-recordrowpath + */ + readonly recordRowPath: string; + } + + /** + * For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, provides additional mapping information when the record format uses delimiters, such as CSV. + * + * For example, the following sample records use CSV format, where the records use the *'\\n'* as the row delimiter and a comma (",") as the column delimiter: + * + * \`"name1", "address1"\` + * + * \`"name2", "address2"\` + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationreferencedatasource-csvmappingparameters.html + */ + export interface CSVMappingParametersProperty { + /** + * The column delimiter. + * + * For example, in a CSV format, a comma (",") is the typical column delimiter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationreferencedatasource-csvmappingparameters.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationreferencedatasource-csvmappingparameters-recordcolumndelimiter + */ + readonly recordColumnDelimiter: string; + + /** + * The row delimiter. + * + * For example, in a CSV format, *'\\n'* is the typical row delimiter. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationreferencedatasource-csvmappingparameters.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationreferencedatasource-csvmappingparameters-recordrowdelimiter + */ + readonly recordRowDelimiter: string; + } + + /** + * For an SQL-based Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics application, identifies the Amazon S3 bucket and object that contains the reference data. + * + * A Kinesis Data Analytics application loads reference data only once. If the data changes, you call the [UpdateApplication](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/apiv2/API_UpdateApplication.html) operation to trigger reloading of data into your application. + * + * @struct + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationreferencedatasource-s3referencedatasource.html + */ + export interface S3ReferenceDataSourceProperty { + /** + * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the S3 bucket. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationreferencedatasource-s3referencedatasource.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationreferencedatasource-s3referencedatasource-bucketarn + */ + readonly bucketArn: string; + + /** + * The object key name containing the reference data. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationreferencedatasource-s3referencedatasource.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationreferencedatasource-s3referencedatasource-filekey + */ + readonly fileKey: string; + } +} + +/** + * Properties for defining a \`CfnApplicationReferenceDataSource\` + * + * @struct + * @stability external + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationreferencedatasource.html + */ +export interface CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2Props { + /** + * The name of the application. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationreferencedatasource.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationreferencedatasource-applicationname + */ + readonly applicationName: string; + + /** + * For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, describes the reference data source by providing the source information (Amazon S3 bucket name and object key name), the resulting in-application table name that is created, and the necessary schema to map the data elements in the Amazon S3 object to the in-application table. + * + * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationreferencedatasource.html#cfn-kinesisanalyticsv2-applicationreferencedatasource-referencedatasource + */ + readonly referenceDataSource: cdk.IResolvable | CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2.ReferenceDataSourceProperty; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`RecordColumnProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`RecordColumnProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2RecordColumnPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("mapping", cdk.validateString)(properties.mapping)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("name", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.name)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("name", cdk.validateString)(properties.name)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sqlType", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.sqlType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("sqlType", cdk.validateString)(properties.sqlType)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"RecordColumnProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2RecordColumnPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2RecordColumnPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "Mapping": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.mapping), + "Name": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.name), + "SqlType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.sqlType) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2RecordColumnPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("mapping", "Mapping", (properties.Mapping != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Mapping) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("name", "Name", (properties.Name != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.Name) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("sqlType", "SqlType", (properties.SqlType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.SqlType) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`JSONMappingParametersProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`JSONMappingParametersProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2JSONMappingParametersPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("recordRowPath", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.recordRowPath)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("recordRowPath", cdk.validateString)(properties.recordRowPath)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"JSONMappingParametersProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2JSONMappingParametersPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2JSONMappingParametersPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "RecordRowPath": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.recordRowPath) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2JSONMappingParametersPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("recordRowPath", "RecordRowPath", (properties.RecordRowPath != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.RecordRowPath) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CSVMappingParametersProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CSVMappingParametersProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2CSVMappingParametersPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("recordColumnDelimiter", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.recordColumnDelimiter)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("recordColumnDelimiter", cdk.validateString)(properties.recordColumnDelimiter)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("recordRowDelimiter", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.recordRowDelimiter)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("recordRowDelimiter", cdk.validateString)(properties.recordRowDelimiter)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CSVMappingParametersProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2CSVMappingParametersPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2CSVMappingParametersPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "RecordColumnDelimiter": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.recordColumnDelimiter), + "RecordRowDelimiter": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.recordRowDelimiter) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2CSVMappingParametersPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("recordColumnDelimiter", "RecordColumnDelimiter", (properties.RecordColumnDelimiter != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.RecordColumnDelimiter) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("recordRowDelimiter", "RecordRowDelimiter", (properties.RecordRowDelimiter != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.RecordRowDelimiter) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`MappingParametersProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`MappingParametersProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2MappingParametersPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("csvMappingParameters", CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2CSVMappingParametersPropertyValidator)(properties.csvMappingParameters)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("jsonMappingParameters", CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2JSONMappingParametersPropertyValidator)(properties.jsonMappingParameters)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"MappingParametersProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2MappingParametersPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2MappingParametersPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "CSVMappingParameters": convertCfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2CSVMappingParametersPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.csvMappingParameters), + "JSONMappingParameters": convertCfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2JSONMappingParametersPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.jsonMappingParameters) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2MappingParametersPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("csvMappingParameters", "CSVMappingParameters", (properties.CSVMappingParameters != null ? CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2CSVMappingParametersPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.CSVMappingParameters) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("jsonMappingParameters", "JSONMappingParameters", (properties.JSONMappingParameters != null ? CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2JSONMappingParametersPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.JSONMappingParameters) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`RecordFormatProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`RecordFormatProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2RecordFormatPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("mappingParameters", CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2MappingParametersPropertyValidator)(properties.mappingParameters)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("recordFormatType", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.recordFormatType)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("recordFormatType", cdk.validateString)(properties.recordFormatType)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"RecordFormatProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2RecordFormatPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2RecordFormatPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "MappingParameters": convertCfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2MappingParametersPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.mappingParameters), + "RecordFormatType": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.recordFormatType) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2RecordFormatPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("mappingParameters", "MappingParameters", (properties.MappingParameters != null ? CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2MappingParametersPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.MappingParameters) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("recordFormatType", "RecordFormatType", (properties.RecordFormatType != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.RecordFormatType) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`ReferenceSchemaProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`ReferenceSchemaProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2ReferenceSchemaPropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("recordColumns", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.recordColumns)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("recordColumns", cdk.listValidator(CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2RecordColumnPropertyValidator))(properties.recordColumns)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("recordEncoding", cdk.validateString)(properties.recordEncoding)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("recordFormat", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.recordFormat)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("recordFormat", CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2RecordFormatPropertyValidator)(properties.recordFormat)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"ReferenceSchemaProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2ReferenceSchemaPropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2ReferenceSchemaPropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "RecordColumns": cdk.listMapper(convertCfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2RecordColumnPropertyToCloudFormation)(properties.recordColumns), + "RecordEncoding": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.recordEncoding), + "RecordFormat": convertCfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2RecordFormatPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.recordFormat) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2ReferenceSchemaPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("recordColumns", "RecordColumns", (properties.RecordColumns != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getArray(CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2RecordColumnPropertyFromCloudFormation)(properties.RecordColumns) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("recordEncoding", "RecordEncoding", (properties.RecordEncoding != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.RecordEncoding) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("recordFormat", "RecordFormat", (properties.RecordFormat != null ? CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2RecordFormatPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.RecordFormat) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`S3ReferenceDataSourceProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`S3ReferenceDataSourceProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2S3ReferenceDataSourcePropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("bucketArn", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.bucketArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("bucketArn", cdk.validateString)(properties.bucketArn)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("fileKey", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.fileKey)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("fileKey", cdk.validateString)(properties.fileKey)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"S3ReferenceDataSourceProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2S3ReferenceDataSourcePropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2S3ReferenceDataSourcePropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "BucketARN": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.bucketArn), + "FileKey": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.fileKey) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2S3ReferenceDataSourcePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("bucketArn", "BucketARN", (properties.BucketARN != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.BucketARN) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("fileKey", "FileKey", (properties.FileKey != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.FileKey) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`ReferenceDataSourceProperty\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`ReferenceDataSourceProperty\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2ReferenceDataSourcePropertyValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("referenceSchema", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.referenceSchema)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("referenceSchema", CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2ReferenceSchemaPropertyValidator)(properties.referenceSchema)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("s3ReferenceDataSource", CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2S3ReferenceDataSourcePropertyValidator)(properties.s3ReferenceDataSource)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("tableName", cdk.validateString)(properties.tableName)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"ReferenceDataSourceProperty\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2ReferenceDataSourcePropertyToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2ReferenceDataSourcePropertyValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ReferenceSchema": convertCfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2ReferenceSchemaPropertyToCloudFormation(properties.referenceSchema), + "S3ReferenceDataSource": convertCfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2S3ReferenceDataSourcePropertyToCloudFormation(properties.s3ReferenceDataSource), + "TableName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.tableName) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2ReferenceDataSourcePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("referenceSchema", "ReferenceSchema", (properties.ReferenceSchema != null ? CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2ReferenceSchemaPropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.ReferenceSchema) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("s3ReferenceDataSource", "S3ReferenceDataSource", (properties.S3ReferenceDataSource != null ? CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2S3ReferenceDataSourcePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.S3ReferenceDataSource) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("tableName", "TableName", (properties.TableName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.TableName) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +} + +/** + * Determine whether the given properties match those of a \`CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2Props\` + * + * @param properties - the TypeScript properties of a \`CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2Props\` + * + * @returns the result of the validation. + */ +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2PropsValidator(properties: any): cdk.ValidationResult { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return cdk.VALIDATION_SUCCESS; + const errors = new cdk.ValidationResults(); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + errors.collect(new cdk.ValidationResult("Expected an object, but received: " + JSON.stringify(properties))); + } + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("applicationName", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.applicationName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("applicationName", cdk.validateString)(properties.applicationName)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("referenceDataSource", cdk.requiredValidator)(properties.referenceDataSource)); + errors.collect(cdk.propertyValidator("referenceDataSource", CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2ReferenceDataSourcePropertyValidator)(properties.referenceDataSource)); + return errors.wrap("supplied properties not correct for \\"CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2Props\\""); +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function convertCfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2PropsToCloudFormation(properties: any): any { + if (!cdk.canInspect(properties)) return properties; + CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2PropsValidator(properties).assertSuccess(); + return { + "ApplicationName": cdk.stringToCloudFormation(properties.applicationName), + "ReferenceDataSource": convertCfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2ReferenceDataSourcePropertyToCloudFormation(properties.referenceDataSource) + }; +} + +// @ts-ignore TS6133 +function CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2PropsFromCloudFormation(properties: any): cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult { + if (cdk.isResolvableObject(properties)) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + properties = ((properties == null) ? {} : properties); + if (!(properties && typeof properties == 'object' && !Array.isArray(properties))) { + return new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationResult(properties); + } + const ret = new cfn_parse.FromCloudFormationPropertyObject(); + ret.addPropertyResult("applicationName", "ApplicationName", (properties.ApplicationName != null ? cfn_parse.FromCloudFormation.getString(properties.ApplicationName) : undefined)); + ret.addPropertyResult("referenceDataSource", "ReferenceDataSource", (properties.ReferenceDataSource != null ? CfnApplicationReferenceDataSourceV2ReferenceDataSourcePropertyFromCloudFormation(properties.ReferenceDataSource) : undefined)); + ret.addUnrecognizedPropertiesAsExtra(properties); + return ret; +}" +`; diff --git a/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/test/history.test.ts b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/test/history.test.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..9bc4ee0f3fab9 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/test/history.test.ts @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +import { loadAwsServiceSpec } from '@aws-cdk/aws-service-spec'; +import { SpecDatabase } from '@aws-cdk/service-spec-types'; +import { IScope } from '@cdklabs/typewriter'; +import { AstBuilder } from '../lib/cdk/ast'; + +let db: SpecDatabase; + +beforeAll(async () => { + db = await loadAwsServiceSpec(); +}); + +// In the old cfn2ts implementation we render all types into the spec +// To ensure backwards compatibility we will render previous types +test('Previous types are rendered', () => { + const resource = db.lookup('resource', 'cloudFormationType', 'equals', 'AWS::CloudFormation::StackSet')[0]; + const ast = AstBuilder.forResource(resource, { db }); + const stackSet = ast.module?.tryFindType('@aws-cdk/cloudformation/stackset-l1.CfnStackSet') as unknown as IScope; + + expect(stackSet.tryFindType('@aws-cdk/cloudformation/stackset-l1.CfnStackSet.ManagedExecutionProperty')).toBeTruthy(); +}); diff --git a/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/test/resources.test.ts b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/test/resources.test.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..db7944412b02e --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/test/resources.test.ts @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +import { loadAwsServiceSpec } from '@aws-cdk/aws-service-spec'; +import { SpecDatabase } from '@aws-cdk/service-spec-types'; +import { TypeScriptRenderer } from '@cdklabs/typewriter'; +import { AstBuilder } from '../lib/cdk/ast'; + +const renderer = new TypeScriptRenderer(); +let db: SpecDatabase; + +beforeAll(async () => { + db = await loadAwsServiceSpec(); +}); + +test.each([ + 'Alexa::ASK::Skill', + 'AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi', + 'AWS::IAM::Role', + 'AWS::Lambda::Function', + 'AWS::S3::Bucket', + 'AWS::SQS::Queue', + 'AWS::RDS::DBCluster', +])('%s', (cloudFormationType) => { + const resource = db.lookup('resource', 'cloudFormationType', 'equals', cloudFormationType)[0]; + + const ast = AstBuilder.forResource(resource, { db }); + + const rendered = { + module: renderer.render(ast.module), + augmentations: ast.augmentations?.hasAugmentations ? renderer.render(ast.augmentations) : undefined, + metrics: ast.cannedMetrics?.hasCannedMetrics ? renderer.render(ast.cannedMetrics) : undefined, + }; + + expect(rendered).toMatchSnapshot(); +}); diff --git a/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/test/services.test.ts b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/test/services.test.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..3484b715becd3 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/test/services.test.ts @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +import { loadAwsServiceSpec } from '@aws-cdk/aws-service-spec'; +import { SpecDatabase } from '@aws-cdk/service-spec-types'; +import { TypeScriptRenderer } from '@cdklabs/typewriter'; +import { AstBuilder } from '../lib/cdk/ast'; + +const renderer = new TypeScriptRenderer(); +let db: SpecDatabase; + +beforeAll(async () => { + db = await loadAwsServiceSpec(); +}); + +const SNAPSHOT_SERVICES = ['alexa-ask', 'aws-chatbot', 'aws-scheduler', 'aws-sqs', 'aws-sam', 'aws-ec2', 'aws-omics']; + +test.each(SNAPSHOT_SERVICES)('%s', (serviceName) => { + const service = db.lookup('service', 'name', 'equals', serviceName).only(); + + const ast = AstBuilder.forService(service, { db }); + + const rendered = { + module: renderer.render(ast.module), + augmentations: ast.augmentations?.hasAugmentations ? renderer.render(ast.augmentations) : undefined, + metrics: ast.cannedMetrics?.hasCannedMetrics ? renderer.render(ast.cannedMetrics) : undefined, + }; + + expect(rendered).toMatchSnapshot(); +}); + +test('can codegen service with arbitrary suffix', () => { + const service = db.lookup('service', 'name', 'equals', 'aws-kinesisanalyticsv2').only(); + + const ast = AstBuilder.forService(service, { db, nameSuffix: 'V2' }); + + const rendered = renderer.render(ast.module); + + expect(rendered).toMatchSnapshot(); + expect(rendered).toContain('class CfnApplicationV2'); + expect(rendered).toContain('namespace CfnApplicationV2'); + expect(rendered).toContain('interface CfnApplicationV2Props'); + expect(rendered).toContain('function convertCfnApplicationV2PropsToCloudFormation'); + expect(rendered).toContain('function CfnApplicationV2ApplicationCodeConfigurationPropertyValidator'); +}); diff --git a/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/tsconfig.json b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/tsconfig.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..f3a04a6b09fca --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/@aws-cdk/spec2cdk/tsconfig.json @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +{ + "compilerOptions": { + "target": "ES2020", + "module": "commonjs", + "lib": ["es2020", "dom"], + "strict": true, + "alwaysStrict": true, + "declaration": true, + "inlineSourceMap": true, + "inlineSources": true, + "noUnusedLocals": true, + "noUnusedParameters": true, + "noImplicitReturns": true, + "noFallthroughCasesInSwitch": true, + "resolveJsonModule": true, + "composite": true, + "incremental": true + }, + "include": ["**/*.ts"] +} diff --git a/yarn.lock b/yarn.lock index 0a6fa88cf8398..9b12e8df8f4ac 100644 --- a/yarn.lock +++ b/yarn.lock @@ -50,11 +50,26 @@ resolved "https://registry.npmjs.org/@aws-cdk/asset-node-proxy-agent-v5/-/asset-node-proxy-agent-v5-2.0.165.tgz#c169599d83beceea7e638082ef9833997f04c85d" integrity sha512-bsyLQD/vqXQcc9RDmlM1XqiFNO/yewgVFXmkMcQkndJbmE/jgYkzewwYGrBlfL725hGLQipXq19+jwWwdsXQqg== +"@aws-cdk/aws-service-spec@^0.0.0": + version "0.0.0" + resolved "https://registry.npmjs.org/@aws-cdk/aws-service-spec/-/aws-service-spec-0.0.0.tgz#30e96d039a00e55f777408d72f688e6d10ea6310" + integrity sha512-DFb77tb9oxBO2W3IIOXzsCuyAT7+XqVxRYgyDzYNTXOj23EfXC4GUrP2ppqcBdxIDWS+aXB9O52MdQBZYpvTKw== + dependencies: + 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