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These instructions are only for the Amazon-internal preview of the |cdk|.

Getting Started

This topic provides information for those getting started with the |cdk-long| (|cdk|), including information about how to install and set up the |cdk|.


To run the |cdk|, you must have the following software installed on your system:

Installing the |CDK|

These instructions describe how to install the following |cdk| components on your system:

  • The |cdk| shared libraries
  • The |cdk| Toolkit - the cdk command-line interface

By default these are installed in:

  • ~/.cdk on Linux or MacOS
  • %USERPROFILE% on Windows

The various installers also add the bin directory within the installation directory to your PATH environment variable.

Installing the AWS CDK for JavaScript/TypeScript Development

To install the |cdk| for TypeScript/JavaScript development, use the following command.

npm install -g aws-cdk-tools

To update the |cdk| after you have installed it, use the following command.

npm update -g aws-cdk-tools

Installing the AWS CDK for Java Development

To use the public beta release of the |cdk| for Java development, declare the following in your pom.xml file.


Installing the AWS CDK for .NET Development

To install the |cdk| for .NET development, use the following command.

nuget install aws-cdk

To update the |cdk| after you have installed it, use the following command.

nuget update aws-cdk

Verifying your CDK Installation

To verify the |cdk| is installed on your system, open a terminal/PowerShell console and run:

cdk --version

This displays the current version of the |cdk|, which is |cdk-version|.

AWS Credentials and Region

Use the AWS Command Line Interface aws configure command to specify your default credentials and region.

You can also set environment variables for your default credentials and region. Environment variables take precedence over settings in the credentials or config file.

  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID specifies your access key
  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY specifies your secret access key
  • AWS_DEFAULT_REGION specifies your default region

See the Environment Variables topic in the CLI User Guide for details.

Hello, CDK!

Enough about installing, let's see some code!

Let's use the |cdk| to create an |CFN| template that creates an |SQS| queue, |SNS| topic, a subscription between the topic and the queue, and an |IAM| policy document that enables the topic to send messages to the queue.

Create Your Project Structure

Use cdk init to create a skeleton for your CDK project. Currently only TypeScript is supported.

mkdir hello-cdk
cd hello-cdk
cdk init typescript

cdk init creates a skeleton |cdk| program for you to work with and displays some useful commands to help you get started.

Replace the contents of the file index.ts with the following code to create a class that extends Stack, and include some construction logic.

import { App, Stack, StackProps } from "@aws-cdk/core";
import { Topic } from '@aws-cdk/sns';
import { Queue } from '@aws-cdk/sqs';

class HelloStack extends Stack {
    constructor(parent: App, name: string, props?: StackProps) {
        super(parent, name, props);

        const topic = new Topic(this, 'MyTopic');
        const queue = new Queue(this, 'MyQueue');

        topic.subscribeQueue('TopicToQueue', queue);

const app = new App(process.argv);
new HelloStack(app, 'hello-cdk');

Compiling the App

Use the following command to compile the TypeScript app index.ts into the JavaScript code index.js. You must compile your app from TypeScript to JavaScript every time you change it.

npm run prepare

You can have npm watch for source changes and automatically re-compile those changes using the watch option. Do not run the command in the background (Linux or MacOS).

npm run watch


You can use an IDE, such as Microsoft Visual Code, Sublime Text with the Sublime TypeScript plugin, or Atom with the Atom TypeScript plugin, to get auto-completion in your Typescript code.

Synthesizing a CloudFormation Template

Use the cdk synth command to synthesize a CloudFormation template for a stack in your app.

cdk synth

You should see output similar to the following:

        Type: 'AWS::SNS::Topic'
        Type: 'AWS::SNS::Subscription'
                    - MyQueueE6CA6235
                    - Arn
            Protocol: sqs
                Ref: MyTopic86869434
        Type: 'AWS::SQS::Queue'
        Type: 'AWS::SQS::QueuePolicy'
                        Action: 'sqs:SendMessage'
                                    Ref: MyTopic86869434
                        Effect: Allow
                                - MyQueueE6CA6235
                                - Arn
                Version: '2012-10-17'
                    Ref: MyQueueE6CA6235

As you can see, the call to :py:meth:`_aws-cdk_sns.TopicRef.subscribeQueue` on the :py:class:`_aws-cdk_sns.Topic` resulted in:

  1. Creating an AWS::SNS::Subscription associated with the queue and the topic.
  2. Adding a statement to the AWS::SQS::QueuePolicy, which allows the topic to send messages to the queue.

Deploying your Stack

Use cdk deploy to deploy the stack. As cdk deploy executes you should see information messages, such as feedback from CloudFormation logs.

cdk deploy

Making changes

Let's change the visibility timeout of the queue from 300 to 500.

const queue = new Queue(this, 'MyQueue', {
    visibilityTimeoutSec: 500

Run the following command to see the difference between the deployed stack and your CDK project:

cdk diff

You should see something like the following.

[~] 🛠 Updating MyQueueE6CA6235 (type: AWS::SQS::Queue)
└─ [+] .VisibilityTimeout:
    └─ New value: 300

If the changes area acceptable, use cdk deploy to update your infrastructure.