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Kubernetes v1.18.8 - Startup Probes missing - Pod is missing attributes #84
I managed to get the audit event for the modification by the webhook:
Event: { "kind": "Event", "apiVersion": "audit.k8s.io/v1", "level": "RequestResponse", "auditID": "6df7d8da-1ebd-494b-a155-e5df8440001e", "stage": "ResponseComplete", "requestURI": "/api/v1/namespaces/dev/pods", "verb": "create", "user": { "username": "system:serviceaccount:kube-system:replicaset-controller", "uid": "0f7d7dbc-a47d-11e9-a50f-02ba487cec36", "groups": [ "system:serviceaccounts", "system:serviceaccounts:kube-system", "system:authenticated" ] }, "sourceIPs": [ "" ], "userAgent": "kube-controller-manager/v1.18.8 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/7c9bda5/system:serviceaccount:kube-system:replicaset-controller", "objectRef": { "resource": "pods", "namespace": "dev", "apiVersion": "v1" }, "responseStatus": { "metadata": {}, "code": 201 }, "requestObject": { "kind": "Pod", "apiVersion": "v1", "metadata": { "generateName": "experiment-bug-chaser-7c8fff648c-", "creationTimestamp": null, "labels": { "app": "experiment-bug-chaser-pod", "pod-template-hash": "7c8fff648c" }, "ownerReferences": [ { "apiVersion": "apps/v1", "kind": "ReplicaSet", "name": "experiment-bug-chaser-7c8fff648c", "uid": "c8ced562-8446-4f26-bb8f-55df36be99d8", "controller": true, "blockOwnerDeletion": true } ] }, "spec": { "containers": [ { "name": "app-container", "image": "brndnmtthws/nginx-echo-headers:latest", "resources": {}, "livenessProbe": { "httpGet": { "path": "/", "port": 8080, "scheme": "HTTP" }, "timeoutSeconds": 1, "periodSeconds": 10, "successThreshold": 1, "failureThreshold": 3 }, "readinessProbe": { "httpGet": { "path": "/", "port": 8080, "scheme": "HTTP" }, "timeoutSeconds": 1, "periodSeconds": 10, "successThreshold": 1, "failureThreshold": 3 }, "startupProbe": { "httpGet": { "path": "/", "port": 8080, "scheme": "HTTP" }, "timeoutSeconds": 1, "periodSeconds": 5, "successThreshold": 1, "failureThreshold": 10 }, "terminationMessagePath": "/dev/termination-log", "terminationMessagePolicy": "File", "imagePullPolicy": "Always" } ], "restartPolicy": "Always", "terminationGracePeriodSeconds": 30, "dnsPolicy": "ClusterFirst", "serviceAccountName": "experiment-service-account", "serviceAccount": "experiment-service-account", "securityContext": {}, "schedulerName": "default-scheduler", "enableServiceLinks": true }, "status": {} }, "responseObject": { "kind": "Pod", "apiVersion": "v1", "metadata": { "name": "experiment-bug-chaser-7c8fff648c-zh7s7", "generateName": "experiment-bug-chaser-7c8fff648c-", "namespace": "dev", "selfLink": "/api/v1/namespaces/dev/pods/experiment-bug-chaser-7c8fff648c-zh7s7", "uid": "56966970-c3bc-4bd0-aa77-f8ee54b03d4e", "resourceVersion": "168927993", "creationTimestamp": "2020-10-16T13:24:47Z", "labels": { "app": "experiment-bug-chaser-pod", "pod-template-hash": "7c8fff648c" }, "annotations": { "kubernetes.io/psp": "eks.privileged" }, "ownerReferences": [ { "apiVersion": "apps/v1", "kind": "ReplicaSet", "name": "experiment-bug-chaser-7c8fff648c", "uid": "c8ced562-8446-4f26-bb8f-55df36be99d8", "controller": true, "blockOwnerDeletion": true } ], "managedFields": [ { "manager": "kube-controller-manager", "operation": "Update", "apiVersion": "v1", "time": "2020-10-16T13:24:47Z", "fieldsType": "FieldsV1", "fieldsV1": { "f:metadata": { "f:generateName": {}, "f:labels": { ".": {}, "f:app": {}, "f:pod-template-hash": {} }, "f:ownerReferences": { ".": {}, "k:{"uid":"c8ced562-8446-4f26-bb8f-55df36be99d8"}": { ".": {}, "f:apiVersion": {}, "f:blockOwnerDeletion": {}, "f:controller": {}, "f:kind": {}, "f:name": {}, "f:uid": {} } } }, "f:spec": { "f:containers": { "k:{"name":"app-container"}": { ".": {}, "f:image": {}, "f:imagePullPolicy": {}, "f:livenessProbe": { ".": {}, "f:failureThreshold": {}, "f:httpGet": { ".": {}, "f:path": {}, "f:port": {}, "f:scheme": {} }, "f:periodSeconds": {}, "f:successThreshold": {}, "f:timeoutSeconds": {} }, "f:name": {}, "f:readinessProbe": { ".": {}, "f:failureThreshold": {}, "f:httpGet": { ".": {}, "f:path": {}, "f:port": {}, "f:scheme": {} }, "f:periodSeconds": {}, "f:successThreshold": {}, "f:timeoutSeconds": {} }, "f:resources": {}, "f:startupProbe": { ".": {}, "f:failureThreshold": {}, "f:httpGet": { ".": {}, "f:path": {}, "f:port": {}, "f:scheme": {} }, "f:periodSeconds": {}, "f:successThreshold": {}, "f:timeoutSeconds": {} }, "f:terminationMessagePath": {}, "f:terminationMessagePolicy": {} } }, "f:dnsPolicy": {}, "f:enableServiceLinks": {}, "f:restartPolicy": {}, "f:schedulerName": {}, "f:securityContext": {}, "f:serviceAccount": {}, "f:serviceAccountName": {}, "f:terminationGracePeriodSeconds": {} } } } ] }, "spec": { "volumes": [ { "name": "aws-iam-token", "projected": { "sources": [ { "serviceAccountToken": { "audience": "sts.amazonaws.com", "expirationSeconds": 86400, "path": "token" } } ], "defaultMode": 420 } }, { "name": "experiment-service-account-token-zggqp", "secret": { "secretName": "experiment-service-account-token-zggqp", "defaultMode": 420 } } ], "containers": [ { "name": "app-container", "image": "brndnmtthws/nginx-echo-headers:latest", "env": [ { "name": "AWS_DEFAULT_REGION", "value": "eu-central-1" }, { "name": "AWS_REGION", "value": "eu-central-1" }, { "name": "AWS_ROLE_ARN", "value": "Redacted" }, { "name": "AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_FILE", "value": "/var/run/secrets/eks.amazonaws.com/serviceaccount/token" } ], "resources": {}, "volumeMounts": [ { "name": "experiment-service-account-token-zggqp", "readOnly": true, "mountPath": "/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount" }, { "name": "aws-iam-token", "readOnly": true, "mountPath": "/var/run/secrets/eks.amazonaws.com/serviceaccount" } ], "livenessProbe": { "httpGet": { "path": "/", "port": 8080, "scheme": "HTTP" }, "timeoutSeconds": 1, "periodSeconds": 10, "successThreshold": 1, "failureThreshold": 3 }, "readinessProbe": { "httpGet": { "path": "/", "port": 8080, "scheme": "HTTP" }, "timeoutSeconds": 1, "periodSeconds": 10, "successThreshold": 1, "failureThreshold": 3 }, "terminationMessagePath": "/dev/termination-log", "terminationMessagePolicy": "File", "imagePullPolicy": "Always" } ], "restartPolicy": "Always", "terminationGracePeriodSeconds": 30, "dnsPolicy": "ClusterFirst", "serviceAccountName": "experiment-service-account", "serviceAccount": "experiment-service-account", "securityContext": {}, "schedulerName": "default-scheduler", "tolerations": [ { "key": "node.kubernetes.io/not-ready", "operator": "Exists", "effect": "NoExecute", "tolerationSeconds": 300 }, { "key": "node.kubernetes.io/unreachable", "operator": "Exists", "effect": "NoExecute", "tolerationSeconds": 300 } ], "priorityClassName": "default", "priority": 0, "enableServiceLinks": true }, "status": { "phase": "Pending", "qosClass": "BestEffort" } }, "requestReceivedTimestamp": "2020-10-16T13:24:47.047669Z", "stageTimestamp": "2020-10-16T13:24:47.069906Z", "annotations": { "authorization.k8s.io/decision": "allow", "authorization.k8s.io/reason": "RBAC: allowed by ClusterRoleBinding "system:controller:replicaset-controller" of ClusterRole "system:controller:replicaset-controller" to ServiceAccount "replicaset-controller/kube-system"", "mutation.webhook.admission.k8s.io/round_0_index_0": "{"configuration":"pod-identity-webhook","webhook":"iam-for-pods.amazonaws.com","mutated":true}", "mutation.webhook.admission.k8s.io/round_0_index_1": "{"configuration":"vpc-resource-mutating-webhook","webhook":"mpod.vpc.k8s.aws","mutated":false}", "patch.webhook.admission.k8s.io/round_0_index_0": "{"configuration":"pod-identity-webhook","webhook":"iam-for-pods.amazonaws.com","patch":[{"op":"add","path":"/spec/volumes/0","value":{"name":"aws-iam-token","projected":{"sources":[{"serviceAccountToken":{"audience":"sts.amazonaws.com","expirationSeconds":86400,"path":"token"}}]}}},{"op":"add","path":"/spec/containers","value":[{"name":"app-container","image":"brndnmtthws/nginx-echo-headers:latest","env":[{"name":"AWS_DEFAULT_REGION","value":"eu-central-1"},{"name":"AWS_REGION","value":"eu-central-1"},{"name":"AWS_ROLE_ARN","value":"Redacted"},{"name":"AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_FILE","value":"/var/run/secrets/eks.amazonaws.com/serviceaccount/token"}],"resources":{},"volumeMounts":[{"name":"experiment-service-account-token-zggqp","readOnly":true,"mountPath":"/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount"},{"name":"aws-iam-token","readOnly":true,"mountPath":"/var/run/secrets/eks.amazonaws.com/serviceaccount"}],"livenessProbe":{"httpGet":{"path":"/","port":8080,"scheme":"HTTP"},"timeoutSeconds":1,"periodSeconds":10,"successThreshold":1,"failureThreshold":3},"readinessProbe":{"httpGet":{"path":"/","port":8080,"scheme":"HTTP"},"timeoutSeconds":1,"periodSeconds":10,"successThreshold":1,"failureThreshold":3},"terminationMessagePath":"/dev/termination-log","terminationMessagePolicy":"File","imagePullPolicy":"Always"}]}],"patchType":"JSONPatch"}", "podsecuritypolicy.policy.k8s.io/admit-policy": "eks.privileged", "podsecuritypolicy.policy.k8s.io/validate-policy": "eks.privileged" } } In the annotations you can see the Modifications:
so basically the whole container gets replaced but without the startup probe. |
I think this is due to the old version of k8s.io/api being used in the webhook. The API for the startup probe was added more recently. Updating the k8s packages should fix this |
The version "v0.0.0-20190606204050-af9c91bd2759" that is being used in go.mod.[1] doesn't contain startup probe in "core/v1" package. [2] The latest package contains it.[3] Upgrading it will fix the issue. References:[1] https://github.com/aws/amazon-eks-pod-identity-webhook/blob/master/go.mod#L21 |
Interesting bug. Not sure if doing a three way merge would help here. |
As per the doc https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/extensible-admission-controllers/#response, only JSONPatch seems to be supported by Admission API. The source code confirms it - https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/staging/src/k8s.io/api/admission/v1/types.go#L135. |
Encounted problem in our production cluster today related to this, after setting serviceAccountName to Deployments, all created Pods lost startupProbe thus it kept failing on livenessProbe and readinessProbe and got killed, hopefully AWS can have a fix soon. |
I think the api update here #92 should have fixed the issue |
any plans on releasing this fix? |
Every commit is a release, check for the latest here https://hub.docker.com/r/amazon/amazon-eks-pod-identity-webhook/tags?page=1&ordering=last_updated |
@mcristina422 nice, how can i change the docker version on eks? |
That's up to however you deployed the webhook onto your EKS cluster. You probably just need to rerun this with the |
I'm pretty sure the webhook runs on the AWS provided EKS API Server. Isn't that something AWS has to do with a Platform update? |
That is the case, the pod isn't managed by me, it is provided by the EKS cluster... |
😕 I wasn't aware EKS considered this a managed service. The docs do not make that apparent, the only thing I could really find is this. Our EKS cluster we had to install it manually, I'm not sure what the process is for getting it enabled or updated in the Platform. A maintainer like @josselin-c will need to speak to that |
We merged a change to update client-go version to 1.18 which should support startupProbe. We will be releasing a new version of the eks-pod-identity webhook with this fix in 1.19 and to all existing clusters in the coming months. Patches are usually released to the latest EKS supported k8s version first. Customers are suggested to upgrade to the latest EKS supported k8s version if they want to get unblocked sooner. |
@jqmichael can we expect with existing cluster, when changes are applied, just redeploying our deployments will simply work, right? As with re-deploy, new webhook version can properly inject correct attributes to pod? |
Is there any progress on this issue? |
I don't think a redeploy is necessary actually: |
hello @jqmichael ! Thanks for your update ! How will we know when this fix is made available in existing clusters ? |
Fix seems to be available in the EKS 1.19 update which was released today. |
Yes, I'll close this ticket. |
Basic Questions answered here:
kubernetes/kubernetes#95604 (comment)
I think the webhook might be the issue.
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: