L2 CDK construct to provision AWS IoT Fleetwise
npm install cdk-aws-iotfleetwise
pip install cdk-aws-iotfleetwise
# Example automatically generated from non-compiling source. May contain errors.
from cdk_aws_iotfleetwise import SignalCatalog, VehicleModel, Vehicle, Campaign, CanVehicleInterface, CanVehicleSignal, SignalCatalogBranch, TimeBasedCollectionScheme
signal_catalog = SignalCatalog(stack, "SignalCatalog",
model_a = VehicleModel(stack, "ModelA",
description="Model A vehicle",
vin100 = Vehicle(stack, "vin100",
Campaign(stack, "Campaign",
To deploy a simple end-to-end example you can use the following commands
yarn install
npx projen && npx projen compile
# Define Amazon Timestream as fleetwise storage destination
npx cdk -a lib/integ.full.js deploy -c key_name=mykey
# Define Amazon S3 as fleetwise storage destination
npx cdk -a lib/integ.full.js deploy -c key_name=mykey -c use_s3=true
Where mykey
is an existing keypair name present in your account.
The deploy takes about 15 mins mostly due to compilation of the IoT FleetWise agent in the
EC2 instance that simulate the vehicle. Once deploy is finshed, data will start to show up in your Timestream table.
Warning: this construct should be considered at alpha stage and is not feature complete.
- Implement updates for all the custom resources
- Conditional campaigns
See CONTRIBUTING for more information.
This code is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.
import cdk_aws_iotfleetwise
scope: Construct,
id: str,
collection_scheme: CollectionScheme,
data_destination_configs: typing.List[DataDestinationConfig],
name: str,
signals: typing.List[CampaignSignal],
target: Vehicle,
auto_approve: bool = None
Name | Type | Description |
scope |
constructs.Construct |
No description. |
id |
str |
No description. |
collection_scheme |
CollectionScheme |
No description. |
data_destination_configs |
typing.List[DataDestinationConfig] |
No description. |
name |
str |
No description. |
signals |
typing.List[CampaignSignal] |
No description. |
target |
Vehicle |
No description. |
auto_approve |
bool |
No description. |
- Type: constructs.Construct
- Type: str
- Type: CollectionScheme
- Type: typing.List[DataDestinationConfig]
- Type: str
- Type: typing.List[CampaignSignal]
- Type: Vehicle
- Type: bool
Name | Description |
to_string |
Returns a string representation of this construct. |
def to_string() -> str
Returns a string representation of this construct.
Name | Description |
is_construct |
Checks if x is a construct. |
import cdk_aws_iotfleetwise
x: typing.Any
Checks if x
is a construct.
- Type: typing.Any
Any object.
Name | Type | Description |
node |
constructs.Node |
The tree node. |
arn |
str |
No description. |
name |
str |
No description. |
target |
Vehicle |
No description. |
node: Node
- Type: constructs.Node
The tree node.
arn: str
- Type: str
name: str
- Type: str
target: Vehicle
- Type: Vehicle
The fleet of vehicles.
import cdk_aws_iotfleetwise
scope: Construct,
id: str,
fleet_id: str,
signal_catalog: SignalCatalog,
description: str = None,
vehicles: typing.List[Vehicle] = None
Name | Type | Description |
scope |
constructs.Construct |
No description. |
id |
str |
No description. |
fleet_id |
str |
No description. |
signal_catalog |
SignalCatalog |
No description. |
description |
str |
No description. |
vehicles |
typing.List[Vehicle] |
No description. |
- Type: constructs.Construct
- Type: str
- Type: str
- Type: SignalCatalog
- Type: str
- Type: typing.List[Vehicle]
Name | Description |
to_string |
Returns a string representation of this construct. |
def to_string() -> str
Returns a string representation of this construct.
Name | Description |
is_construct |
Checks if x is a construct. |
import cdk_aws_iotfleetwise
x: typing.Any
Checks if x
is a construct.
- Type: typing.Any
Any object.
Name | Type | Description |
node |
constructs.Node |
The tree node. |
arn |
str |
No description. |
fleet_id |
str |
No description. |
signal_catalog |
SignalCatalog |
No description. |
vehicles |
typing.List[Vehicle] |
No description. |
node: Node
- Type: constructs.Node
The tree node.
arn: str
- Type: str
fleet_id: str
- Type: str
signal_catalog: SignalCatalog
- Type: SignalCatalog
vehicles: typing.List[Vehicle]
- Type: typing.List[Vehicle]
Configures FleetWise logging to CloudWatch logs.
If enabled, this will ensure the log group is accessible, or create a new one if it is not.
import cdk_aws_iotfleetwise
scope: Construct,
id: str,
enable_logging: str,
log_group_name: str,
keep_log_group: bool = None
Name | Type | Description |
scope |
constructs.Construct |
No description. |
id |
str |
No description. |
enable_logging |
str |
No description. |
log_group_name |
str |
Name of log group to configure. |
keep_log_group |
bool |
No description. |
- Type: constructs.Construct
- Type: str
- Type: str
- Type: str
Name of log group to configure.
This can be either single name
such as AWSIoTFleetWiseLogs
or a fully pathed entry such as:
- Type: bool
Name | Description |
to_string |
Returns a string representation of this construct. |
def to_string() -> str
Returns a string representation of this construct.
Name | Description |
is_construct |
Checks if x is a construct. |
import cdk_aws_iotfleetwise
x: typing.Any
Checks if x
is a construct.
- Type: typing.Any
Any object.
Name | Type | Description |
node |
constructs.Node |
The tree node. |
node: Node
- Type: constructs.Node
The tree node.
The Signal Catalog represents the list of all signals that you want to collect from all the vehicles.
The AWS IoT Fleetwise preview can only support a single Signal Catalog per account.
import cdk_aws_iotfleetwise
scope: Construct,
id: str,
deregister: bool = None,
description: str = None,
name: str = None,
nodes: typing.List[SignalCatalogNode] = None,
vss_file: str = None,
vss_generate_prefix_branch: bool = None,
vss_prefix: str = None
Name | Type | Description |
scope |
constructs.Construct |
No description. |
id |
str |
No description. |
deregister |
bool |
Deregister FleetWise on stack deletion. |
description |
str |
Description of the Signal Catalog. |
name |
str |
Name of the Signal Catalog. |
nodes |
typing.List[SignalCatalogNode] |
An array of signal nodes. |
vss_file |
str |
A YAML file that conforms to the Vehicle Signal Specification format and contains a list of signals. If provided, the contents of the file, along with the prefix property will be appended after any SignalCatalogNode objects provided. |
vss_generate_prefix_branch |
bool |
If set to true, this will parse the vssPrefix into branch nodes. |
vss_prefix |
str |
A prefix to prepend to the fully qualified names found in the VSS file. |
- Type: constructs.Construct
- Type: str
- Type: bool
- Default: false
Deregister FleetWise on stack deletion.
If set to 'true', FleetWise will be deregistered from the Timestream destination.
- Type: str
- Default: None
Description of the Signal Catalog.
If not provided no description is set.
- Type: str
- Default: default
Name of the Signal Catalog.
If not provided, default value is used.
- Type: typing.List[SignalCatalogNode]
- Default: []
An array of signal nodes.
Nodes are a general abstraction of a signal.
A node can be specified as an actuator, attribute, branch, or sensor. See SignalCatalogBranch
, SignalCatalogActuator
, or SignalCatalogAttribute
for creating nodes.
- Type: str
- Default: None
A YAML file that conforms to the Vehicle Signal Specification format and contains a list of signals. If provided, the contents of the file, along with the prefix
property will be appended after any SignalCatalogNode
objects provided.
- Type: bool
- Default: true
If set to true, this will parse the vssPrefix into branch nodes.
For instance if OBD.MyData
provided, the OBD.MyData
will be parsed into branch nodes of OBD
and OBD.MyData
. By default
this is set to true. If you define branches in another way such as via SignalCatalogNode
, set this
to false to suppress creation of branch nodes.
- Type: str
- Default: None
A prefix to prepend to the fully qualified names found in the VSS file.
The format of the prefix is in dotted notation, and will be the prepended to all signal names.
For instance, with the prefix of OBD.MyData
and signal names of PidA
and PidB
will be combined
to create OBD.MyData.PidA
and OBD.MyData.PidB
Name | Description |
to_string |
Returns a string representation of this construct. |
def to_string() -> str
Returns a string representation of this construct.
Name | Description |
is_construct |
Checks if x is a construct. |
import cdk_aws_iotfleetwise
x: typing.Any
Checks if x
is a construct.
- Type: typing.Any
Any object.
Name | Type | Description |
node |
constructs.Node |
The tree node. |
arn |
str |
No description. |
description |
str |
No description. |
name |
str |
The name of the signal catalog. |
node: Node
- Type: constructs.Node
The tree node.
arn: str
- Type: str
description: str
- Type: str
name: str
- Type: str
The name of the signal catalog.
The vehicle of a specific type from which IoT FleetWise collect signals.
import cdk_aws_iotfleetwise
scope: Construct,
id: str,
create_iot_thing: bool,
vehicle_model: VehicleModel,
vehicle_name: str,
attributes: typing.Mapping[str] = None
Name | Type | Description |
scope |
constructs.Construct |
No description. |
id |
str |
No description. |
create_iot_thing |
bool |
No description. |
vehicle_model |
VehicleModel |
No description. |
vehicle_name |
str |
No description. |
attributes |
typing.Mapping[str] |
No description. |
- Type: constructs.Construct
- Type: str
- Type: bool
- Type: VehicleModel
- Type: str
- Type: typing.Mapping[str]
Name | Description |
to_string |
Returns a string representation of this construct. |
def to_string() -> str
Returns a string representation of this construct.
Name | Description |
is_construct |
Checks if x is a construct. |
import cdk_aws_iotfleetwise
x: typing.Any
Checks if x
is a construct.
- Type: typing.Any
Any object.
Name | Type | Description |
node |
constructs.Node |
The tree node. |
arn |
str |
No description. |
vehicle_model |
VehicleModel |
No description. |
vehicle_name |
str |
No description. |
certificate_arn |
str |
No description. |
certificate_id |
str |
No description. |
certificate_pem |
str |
No description. |
endpoint_address |
str |
No description. |
private_key |
str |
No description. |
node: Node
- Type: constructs.Node
The tree node.
arn: str
- Type: str
vehicle_model: VehicleModel
- Type: VehicleModel
vehicle_name: str
- Type: str
certificate_arn: str
- Type: str
certificate_id: str
- Type: str
certificate_pem: str
- Type: str
endpoint_address: str
- Type: str
private_key: str
- Type: str
import cdk_aws_iotfleetwise
scope: Construct,
id: str,
name: str,
network_interfaces: typing.List[VehicleInterface],
signal_catalog: SignalCatalog,
description: str = None,
network_file_definitions: typing.List[NetworkFileDefinition] = None,
signals: typing.List[VehicleSignal] = None
Name | Type | Description |
scope |
constructs.Construct |
No description. |
id |
str |
No description. |
name |
str |
No description. |
network_interfaces |
typing.List[VehicleInterface] |
No description. |
signal_catalog |
SignalCatalog |
No description. |
description |
str |
No description. |
network_file_definitions |
typing.List[NetworkFileDefinition] |
No description. |
signals |
typing.List[VehicleSignal] |
No description. |
- Type: constructs.Construct
- Type: str
- Type: str
- Type: typing.List[VehicleInterface]
- Type: SignalCatalog
- Type: str
- Type: typing.List[NetworkFileDefinition]
- Type: typing.List[VehicleSignal]
Name | Description |
to_string |
Returns a string representation of this construct. |
def to_string() -> str
Returns a string representation of this construct.
Name | Description |
is_construct |
Checks if x is a construct. |
import cdk_aws_iotfleetwise
x: typing.Any
Checks if x
is a construct.
- Type: typing.Any
Any object.
Name | Type | Description |
node |
constructs.Node |
The tree node. |
name |
str |
No description. |
signal_catalog |
SignalCatalog |
No description. |
node: Node
- Type: constructs.Node
The tree node.
name: str
- Type: str
signal_catalog: SignalCatalog
- Type: SignalCatalog
Attribute Signal - needed when creating a vehicle with attributes.
import cdk_aws_iotfleetwise
fully_qualified_name: str
Name | Type | Description |
fully_qualified_name |
str |
No description. |
fully_qualified_name: str
- Type: str
import cdk_aws_iotfleetwise
collection_scheme: CollectionScheme,
data_destination_configs: typing.List[DataDestinationConfig],
name: str,
signals: typing.List[CampaignSignal],
target: Vehicle,
auto_approve: bool = None
Name | Type | Description |
collection_scheme |
CollectionScheme |
No description. |
data_destination_configs |
typing.List[DataDestinationConfig] |
No description. |
name |
str |
No description. |
signals |
typing.List[CampaignSignal] |
No description. |
target |
Vehicle |
No description. |
auto_approve |
bool |
No description. |
collection_scheme: CollectionScheme
- Type: CollectionScheme
data_destination_configs: typing.List[DataDestinationConfig]
- Type: typing.List[DataDestinationConfig]
name: str
- Type: str
signals: typing.List[CampaignSignal]
- Type: typing.List[CampaignSignal]
target: Vehicle
- Type: Vehicle
auto_approve: bool
- Type: bool
import cdk_aws_iotfleetwise
interface_id: str,
name: str,
protocol_name: str = None,
protocol_version: str = None
Name | Type | Description |
interface_id |
str |
No description. |
name |
str |
No description. |
protocol_name |
str |
No description. |
protocol_version |
str |
No description. |
interface_id: str
- Type: str
name: str
- Type: str
protocol_name: str
- Type: str
protocol_version: str
- Type: str
import cdk_aws_iotfleetwise
factor: typing.Union[int, float],
fully_qualified_name: str,
interface_id: str,
is_big_endian: bool,
is_signed: bool,
length: typing.Union[int, float],
message_id: typing.Union[int, float],
offset: typing.Union[int, float],
start_bit: typing.Union[int, float],
name: str = None
Name | Type | Description |
factor |
typing.Union[int, float] |
No description. |
fully_qualified_name |
str |
No description. |
interface_id |
str |
No description. |
is_big_endian |
bool |
No description. |
is_signed |
bool |
No description. |
length |
typing.Union[int, float] |
No description. |
message_id |
typing.Union[int, float] |
No description. |
offset |
typing.Union[int, float] |
No description. |
start_bit |
typing.Union[int, float] |
No description. |
name |
str |
No description. |
factor: typing.Union[int, float]
- Type: typing.Union[int, float]
fully_qualified_name: str
- Type: str
interface_id: str
- Type: str
is_big_endian: bool
- Type: bool
is_signed: bool
- Type: bool
length: typing.Union[int, float]
- Type: typing.Union[int, float]
message_id: typing.Union[int, float]
- Type: typing.Union[int, float]
offset: typing.Union[int, float]
- Type: typing.Union[int, float]
start_bit: typing.Union[int, float]
- Type: typing.Union[int, float]
name: str
- Type: str
import cdk_aws_iotfleetwise
fleet_id: str,
signal_catalog: SignalCatalog,
description: str = None,
vehicles: typing.List[Vehicle] = None
Name | Type | Description |
fleet_id |
str |
No description. |
signal_catalog |
SignalCatalog |
No description. |
description |
str |
No description. |
vehicles |
typing.List[Vehicle] |
No description. |
fleet_id: str
- Type: str
signal_catalog: SignalCatalog
- Type: SignalCatalog
description: str
- Type: str
vehicles: typing.List[Vehicle]
- Type: typing.List[Vehicle]
FleetWise Logging Properties.
import cdk_aws_iotfleetwise
enable_logging: str,
log_group_name: str,
keep_log_group: bool = None
Name | Type | Description |
enable_logging |
str |
No description. |
log_group_name |
str |
Name of log group to configure. |
keep_log_group |
bool |
No description. |
enable_logging: str
- Type: str
log_group_name: str
- Type: str
Name of log group to configure.
This can be either single name
such as AWSIoTFleetWiseLogs
or a fully pathed entry such as:
keep_log_group: bool
- Type: bool
import cdk_aws_iotfleetwise
data_type: str,
fully_qualified_name: str,
allowed_values: typing.List[str] = None,
assigned_value: str = None,
description: str = None,
max: typing.Union[int, float] = None,
min: typing.Union[int, float] = None,
unit: str = None
Name | Type | Description |
data_type |
str |
No description. |
fully_qualified_name |
str |
No description. |
allowed_values |
typing.List[str] |
No description. |
assigned_value |
str |
No description. |
description |
str |
No description. |
max |
typing.Union[int, float] |
No description. |
min |
typing.Union[int, float] |
No description. |
unit |
str |
No description. |
data_type: str
- Type: str
fully_qualified_name: str
- Type: str
allowed_values: typing.List[str]
- Type: typing.List[str]
assigned_value: str
- Type: str
description: str
- Type: str
max: typing.Union[int, float]
- Type: typing.Union[int, float]
min: typing.Union[int, float]
- Type: typing.Union[int, float]
unit: str
- Type: str
import cdk_aws_iotfleetwise
data_type: str,
fully_qualified_name: str,
allowed_values: typing.List[str] = None,
assigned_value: str = None,
default_value: str = None,
description: str = None,
max: typing.Union[int, float] = None,
min: typing.Union[int, float] = None,
unit: str = None
Name | Type | Description |
data_type |
str |
No description. |
fully_qualified_name |
str |
No description. |
allowed_values |
typing.List[str] |
No description. |
assigned_value |
str |
No description. |
default_value |
str |
No description. |
description |
str |
No description. |
max |
typing.Union[int, float] |
No description. |
min |
typing.Union[int, float] |
No description. |
unit |
str |
No description. |
data_type: str
- Type: str
fully_qualified_name: str
- Type: str
allowed_values: typing.List[str]
- Type: typing.List[str]
assigned_value: str
- Type: str
default_value: str
- Type: str
description: str
- Type: str
max: typing.Union[int, float]
- Type: typing.Union[int, float]
min: typing.Union[int, float]
- Type: typing.Union[int, float]
unit: str
- Type: str
import cdk_aws_iotfleetwise
fully_qualified_name: str,
description: str = None
Name | Type | Description |
fully_qualified_name |
str |
No description. |
description |
str |
No description. |
fully_qualified_name: str
- Type: str
description: str
- Type: str
import cdk_aws_iotfleetwise
deregister: bool = None,
description: str = None,
name: str = None,
nodes: typing.List[SignalCatalogNode] = None,
vss_file: str = None,
vss_generate_prefix_branch: bool = None,
vss_prefix: str = None
Name | Type | Description |
deregister |
bool |
Deregister FleetWise on stack deletion. |
description |
str |
Description of the Signal Catalog. |
name |
str |
Name of the Signal Catalog. |
nodes |
typing.List[SignalCatalogNode] |
An array of signal nodes. |
vss_file |
str |
A YAML file that conforms to the Vehicle Signal Specification format and contains a list of signals. If provided, the contents of the file, along with the prefix property will be appended after any SignalCatalogNode objects provided. |
vss_generate_prefix_branch |
bool |
If set to true, this will parse the vssPrefix into branch nodes. |
vss_prefix |
str |
A prefix to prepend to the fully qualified names found in the VSS file. |
deregister: bool
- Type: bool
- Default: false
Deregister FleetWise on stack deletion.
If set to 'true', FleetWise will be deregistered from the Timestream destination.
description: str
- Type: str
- Default: None
Description of the Signal Catalog.
If not provided no description is set.
name: str
- Type: str
- Default: default
Name of the Signal Catalog.
If not provided, default value is used.
nodes: typing.List[SignalCatalogNode]
- Type: typing.List[SignalCatalogNode]
- Default: []
An array of signal nodes.
Nodes are a general abstraction of a signal.
A node can be specified as an actuator, attribute, branch, or sensor. See SignalCatalogBranch
, SignalCatalogActuator
, or SignalCatalogAttribute
for creating nodes.
vss_file: str
- Type: str
- Default: None
A YAML file that conforms to the Vehicle Signal Specification format and contains a list of signals. If provided, the contents of the file, along with the prefix
property will be appended after any SignalCatalogNode
objects provided.
vss_generate_prefix_branch: bool
- Type: bool
- Default: true
If set to true, this will parse the vssPrefix into branch nodes.
For instance if OBD.MyData
provided, the OBD.MyData
will be parsed into branch nodes of OBD
and OBD.MyData
. By default
this is set to true. If you define branches in another way such as via SignalCatalogNode
, set this
to false to suppress creation of branch nodes.
vss_prefix: str
- Type: str
- Default: None
A prefix to prepend to the fully qualified names found in the VSS file.
The format of the prefix is in dotted notation, and will be the prepended to all signal names.
For instance, with the prefix of OBD.MyData
and signal names of PidA
and PidB
will be combined
to create OBD.MyData.PidA
and OBD.MyData.PidB
import cdk_aws_iotfleetwise
data_type: str,
fully_qualified_name: str,
allowed_values: typing.List[str] = None,
description: str = None,
max: typing.Union[int, float] = None,
min: typing.Union[int, float] = None,
unit: str = None
Name | Type | Description |
data_type |
str |
No description. |
fully_qualified_name |
str |
No description. |
allowed_values |
typing.List[str] |
No description. |
description |
str |
No description. |
max |
typing.Union[int, float] |
No description. |
min |
typing.Union[int, float] |
No description. |
unit |
str |
No description. |
data_type: str
- Type: str
fully_qualified_name: str
- Type: str
allowed_values: typing.List[str]
- Type: typing.List[str]
description: str
- Type: str
max: typing.Union[int, float]
- Type: typing.Union[int, float]
min: typing.Union[int, float]
- Type: typing.Union[int, float]
unit: str
- Type: str
import cdk_aws_iotfleetwise
name: str,
network_interfaces: typing.List[VehicleInterface],
signal_catalog: SignalCatalog,
description: str = None,
network_file_definitions: typing.List[NetworkFileDefinition] = None,
signals: typing.List[VehicleSignal] = None
Name | Type | Description |
name |
str |
No description. |
network_interfaces |
typing.List[VehicleInterface] |
No description. |
signal_catalog |
SignalCatalog |
No description. |
description |
str |
No description. |
network_file_definitions |
typing.List[NetworkFileDefinition] |
No description. |
signals |
typing.List[VehicleSignal] |
No description. |
name: str
- Type: str
network_interfaces: typing.List[VehicleInterface]
- Type: typing.List[VehicleInterface]
signal_catalog: SignalCatalog
- Type: SignalCatalog
description: str
- Type: str
network_file_definitions: typing.List[NetworkFileDefinition]
- Type: typing.List[NetworkFileDefinition]
signals: typing.List[VehicleSignal]
- Type: typing.List[VehicleSignal]
import cdk_aws_iotfleetwise
create_iot_thing: bool,
vehicle_model: VehicleModel,
vehicle_name: str,
attributes: typing.Mapping[str] = None
Name | Type | Description |
create_iot_thing |
bool |
No description. |
vehicle_model |
VehicleModel |
No description. |
vehicle_name |
str |
No description. |
attributes |
typing.Mapping[str] |
No description. |
create_iot_thing: bool
- Type: bool
vehicle_model: VehicleModel
- Type: VehicleModel
vehicle_name: str
- Type: str
attributes: typing.Mapping[str]
- Type: typing.Mapping[str]
import cdk_aws_iotfleetwise
fully_qualified_name: str
Name | Type | Description |
fully_qualified_name |
str |
No description. |
- Type: str
Name | Description |
to_object |
No description. |
def to_object() -> any
import cdk_aws_iotfleetwise
name: str,
max_sample_count: typing.Union[int, float] = None,
minimum_sampling_interval: Duration = None
Name | Type | Description |
name |
str |
No description. |
max_sample_count |
typing.Union[int, float] |
No description. |
minimum_sampling_interval |
aws_cdk.Duration |
No description. |
- Type: str
- Type: typing.Union[int, float]
- Type: aws_cdk.Duration
Name | Description |
to_object |
No description. |
def to_object() -> any
import cdk_aws_iotfleetwise
network_interface: str,
signals_map: typing.Mapping[str],
can_dbc_files: typing.List[str]
Name | Type | Description |
network_interface |
str |
No description. |
signals_map |
typing.Mapping[str] |
No description. |
can_dbc_files |
typing.List[str] |
No description. |
- Type: str
- Type: typing.Mapping[str]
- Type: typing.List[str]
Name | Description |
to_object |
No description. |
def to_object() -> any
import cdk_aws_iotfleetwise
interface_id: str,
name: str,
protocol_name: str = None,
protocol_version: str = None
Name | Type | Description |
interface_id |
str |
No description. |
name |
str |
No description. |
protocol_name |
str |
No description. |
protocol_version |
str |
No description. |
- Type: str
- Type: str
- Type: str
- Type: str
Name | Description |
to_object |
No description. |
def to_object() -> any
import cdk_aws_iotfleetwise
factor: typing.Union[int, float],
fully_qualified_name: str,
interface_id: str,
is_big_endian: bool,
is_signed: bool,
length: typing.Union[int, float],
message_id: typing.Union[int, float],
offset: typing.Union[int, float],
start_bit: typing.Union[int, float],
name: str = None
Name | Type | Description |
factor |
typing.Union[int, float] |
No description. |
fully_qualified_name |
str |
No description. |
interface_id |
str |
No description. |
is_big_endian |
bool |
No description. |
is_signed |
bool |
No description. |
length |
typing.Union[int, float] |
No description. |
message_id |
typing.Union[int, float] |
No description. |
offset |
typing.Union[int, float] |
No description. |
start_bit |
typing.Union[int, float] |
No description. |
name |
str |
No description. |
- Type: typing.Union[int, float]
- Type: str
- Type: str
- Type: bool
- Type: bool
- Type: typing.Union[int, float]
- Type: typing.Union[int, float]
- Type: typing.Union[int, float]
- Type: typing.Union[int, float]
- Type: str
Name | Description |
to_object |
No description. |
def to_object() -> any
import cdk_aws_iotfleetwise
Name | Type | Description |
Name | Description |
to_object |
No description. |
def to_object() -> any
import cdk_aws_iotfleetwise
Name | Type | Description |
Name | Description |
to_object |
No description. |
def to_object() -> any
import cdk_aws_iotfleetwise
Name | Type | Description |
Name | Description |
to_object |
No description. |
def to_object() -> any
import cdk_aws_iotfleetwise
bucket_arn: str,
data_format: str = None,
prefix: str = None,
storage_compression_format: str = None
Name | Type | Description |
bucket_arn |
str |
No description. |
data_format |
str |
No description. |
prefix |
str |
No description. |
storage_compression_format |
str |
No description. |
- Type: str
- Type: str
- Type: str
- Type: str
Name | Description |
to_object |
No description. |
def to_object() -> any
import cdk_aws_iotfleetwise
data_type: str,
fully_qualified_name: str,
allowed_values: typing.List[str] = None,
assigned_value: str = None,
description: str = None,
max: typing.Union[int, float] = None,
min: typing.Union[int, float] = None,
unit: str = None
Name | Type | Description |
data_type |
str |
No description. |
fully_qualified_name |
str |
No description. |
allowed_values |
typing.List[str] |
No description. |
assigned_value |
str |
No description. |
description |
str |
No description. |
max |
typing.Union[int, float] |
No description. |
min |
typing.Union[int, float] |
No description. |
unit |
str |
No description. |
- Type: str
- Type: str
- Type: typing.List[str]
- Type: str
- Type: str
- Type: typing.Union[int, float]
- Type: typing.Union[int, float]
- Type: str
Name | Description |
to_object |
No description. |
def to_object() -> any
import cdk_aws_iotfleetwise
data_type: str,
fully_qualified_name: str,
allowed_values: typing.List[str] = None,
assigned_value: str = None,
default_value: str = None,
description: str = None,
max: typing.Union[int, float] = None,
min: typing.Union[int, float] = None,
unit: str = None
Name | Type | Description |
data_type |
str |
No description. |
fully_qualified_name |
str |
No description. |
allowed_values |
typing.List[str] |
No description. |
assigned_value |
str |
No description. |
default_value |
str |
No description. |
description |
str |
No description. |
max |
typing.Union[int, float] |
No description. |
min |
typing.Union[int, float] |
No description. |
unit |
str |
No description. |
- Type: str
- Type: str
- Type: typing.List[str]
- Type: str
- Type: str
- Type: str
- Type: typing.Union[int, float]
- Type: typing.Union[int, float]
- Type: str
Name | Description |
to_object |
No description. |
def to_object() -> any
import cdk_aws_iotfleetwise
fully_qualified_name: str,
description: str = None
Name | Type | Description |
fully_qualified_name |
str |
No description. |
description |
str |
No description. |
- Type: str
- Type: str
Name | Description |
to_object |
No description. |
def to_object() -> any
import cdk_aws_iotfleetwise
Name | Type | Description |
Name | Description |
to_object |
No description. |
def to_object() -> any
import cdk_aws_iotfleetwise
data_type: str,
fully_qualified_name: str,
allowed_values: typing.List[str] = None,
description: str = None,
max: typing.Union[int, float] = None,
min: typing.Union[int, float] = None,
unit: str = None
Name | Type | Description |
data_type |
str |
No description. |
fully_qualified_name |
str |
No description. |
allowed_values |
typing.List[str] |
No description. |
description |
str |
No description. |
max |
typing.Union[int, float] |
No description. |
min |
typing.Union[int, float] |
No description. |
unit |
str |
No description. |
- Type: str
- Type: str
- Type: typing.List[str]
- Type: str
- Type: typing.Union[int, float]
- Type: typing.Union[int, float]
- Type: str
Name | Description |
to_object |
No description. |
def to_object() -> any
import cdk_aws_iotfleetwise
period: Duration
Name | Type | Description |
period |
aws_cdk.Duration |
No description. |
- Type: aws_cdk.Duration
Name | Description |
to_object |
No description. |
def to_object() -> any
import cdk_aws_iotfleetwise
execution_role_arn: str,
timestream_table_arn: str
Name | Type | Description |
execution_role_arn |
str |
No description. |
timestream_table_arn |
str |
No description. |
- Type: str
- Type: str
Name | Description |
to_object |
No description. |
def to_object() -> any
import cdk_aws_iotfleetwise
Name | Type | Description |
Name | Description |
to_object |
No description. |
def to_object() -> any
import cdk_aws_iotfleetwise
Name | Type | Description |
Name | Description |
to_object |
No description. |
def to_object() -> any